#and wake up in a cozy warm bed with soft kisses and cuddles
iamawolfstarsimp · 4 months
Sup bitches im back
and today I come before you once again with a new wolfstar fic cause I am currently obsessing over them
now I haven't had the beat luck with fic ideas and such but please if anyone has any headcanons/requests/prompts for me I will gladly take them (as long as they are in my fandoms ofc)
but anywayy enjoy!
"Sirius, will you come here?" Remus' voice rang out from their shared dorm room.
Sirius was currently sitting downstairs and watching James and Peter play exploding snap while he sat on the armchair next to them, chatting with them. He excused himself and ran up the stairs to the dorm to find Remus sitting on the floor in front of the foot of his bed, books and papers scattered around him.
"Woah," Sirius mumbled looking at the mess. "Did your work explode or..?"
"No, I'm just studying." Remus looked around but shook his head, returning his attention to Sirius. "Will you help me study? I've been practicing and I want to test my knowledge."
"Do I have to?" Sirius asked but was already sitting down in front of Remus, reaching for the question and answer sheet.
"No, but I knew you'd say yes." Remus grinned.
"Fine but if I'm helping you study then I'm making it fun." Sirius replied, a slight grin on his face.
Remus gave him a questioning look. "How so?"
"Everytime you get an answer wrong, you have to endure a punishment."
Remus paused. "What's the catch?" He knew Sirius too well for there not to be a catch.
"I get to pick the punishment." Sirius grinned.
"Hell no."
"Remus, please!"
"No, you're gonna pick something awful!"
"I guess you're not getting any help with your studying then."
"I'll just ask James to help me." Remus folded his arms.
Sirius eyerolled. "You know what, fine! I promise not to make it anything really bad."
Remus paused again in thought. "Fine."
"Yes!" Sirius pumped his fist in triumph.
"What's the punishment then?"
"You'll find out." Sirius answered. "Oh stop complaining, just don't get it wrong and you'll be fine!" Sirius said after Remus groaned again.
"Alright then, first question. What does the spell 'reparifarge' do?"
"Undo transfigurations." Remus answered.
"Good job." Sirius replied. "What is a group of bowtruckles called?"
"A branch." Remus said.
They went through a few more questions, with Remus easily answering them without a sweat.
"What property do you have to account for in transfiguration?"
Sirius looked up when Remus didn't answer to find Remus thinking hard while looking at the floorboards.
"You gonna answer?" Sirius grinned.
"It has something to do with their body or something." Remus finally answered.
"Wrong!" Sirius laughed and tackled Remus into a bear hug.
"What?!" Remus yelled. "What are you doing? Sihihirius, h-hey!"
While Remus was distracted Sirius had already begun his punishment. He wiggled fingers against Remus' ribs, using the hug to trap his arms so all he could do was squirm.
"Nohoho, not thihis!!" Remus fought to try and free his arms.
"For every time you get a question wrong I get to tickle you for 30 seconds to a minute, depending on how much you put up a resistance. The more resistance, the more time you get tickled." Sirius said.
"This is sohoho unfair!" Remus rolled onto his back, letting Sirius straddle him with his legs.
"You'll be fine, you're almost done." Sirius snuck his hands under Remus' shirt and lightly wiggled his fingers on his belly and sides, enjoying the giggles that resulted.
He soon hopped off Remus and let him catch his breath while he picked a new question.
"The answer to the last question was the target's weight."
"How is that not having to do with the body!" Remus shouted.
"You guessed, you didn't know the answer!" Sirius shouted back. "Now shush, I'm giving you your next question." Remus eyerolled but complied.
"How many stair-cases are in hogwarts?" Sirius grinned.
"You just put that in there, that's not one of my questions!" Remus said, curling up to defend himself from any oncoming attacks.
"So you give up?" Sirius said, leaning forward with wiggling fingers.
"142!! Sirius don't, tha-haha-that's the right answer." Remus rushed, grabbing Sirius' hands before they could touch him.
"Alright, I'll let that one slide." Sirius sat back.
"When was the werewolf code of conduct made?"
"Remus, you should know this!"
"I don't know!? I can't think cause I know you're gonna tickle- nohoho!!"
Sirius fluttered his fingers against the sides of Remus' neck before he could finish, eliciting sweet giggles from the poor boy.
Remus scrunched his neck and squirmed to the best the his abilities but Sirius only scolded him and went for worse spots (his hips).
After what felt like an eternity Sirius finally climbed off him.
"This one's easy, name a magical plant whose roots can be used in many potions."
"Va-Valerian." Remus panted from where he was laying on the floor from Sirius' previous attack.
They went on for a while like that going back and forth between tickling and getting the answers correct.
"Okay, last one and we're finished." Sirius said.
"Thank Merlin." Remus sighed, earning him a few rib pokes.
"What potion is most effective against banshees?"
"The laughing potion." Remus eyerolled but was smiling all the same.
"That's right!" Sirius leaned over and kissed Remus on the cheek then the lips, sneaking in a side ticke once they pulled apart.
"You did better than I thought you would." Sirius confessed as he began helping Remus pick up all the quills, papers, and books still scattered around.
"I still think you snuck in some questions that I didn't actually put on there." Remus smirked.
"Who me? I would never" Sirius scoffed.
Remus laughed and forgot about it for the time being but got his revenge later. And even if Sirius was slightly annoying in the moment Remus passed the tests he took thanks to Sirius, and still look back fondly at the memory and thought of it often when he was particularly missing Sirius.
Hope you liked!
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k0juki · 21 days
pls some joost fluff (cuddling n maybe some making out??) headcanons bitte bitte🙏
🥴 danke danke for request!
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! More posts here.
A/n: I wrote it a bit different, hope you won't mind much!🙏
Warnings: bit suggestive and making out, so be aware!
Wc: 736
Okay, so Lazy Mornings would probably look like this.
Joost loves to sleep in on any day, but what he loves more is when he wakes up to find you still cuddled up beside him, he wouldn't have it any other way.
He'd pull you even closer, wrapping his arms around you protectively, and nuzzle his face into your hair, content to stay tangled up in bed with you for as long as possible.
"Good morning to you too, Joost." You said with a small smile and felt him tighten his hold on you from behind.
"Morning." He whispered and kissed your neck. "I didn't want to wake you up."
"It's alright. I have to get up anyway." You answered and turned in his hold.
"Not possible, you're staying here, with me." He spoke and as he was about to kiss you, you turned your head to the side and said. "No, no, no, I will give you a kiss after we brush teeth."
Post-Eurovision Comfort would be absolutely necessary and nobody can tell me otherwise.
After a particularly tough last few days at Eurovision, Joost would come home exhausted.
You'd meet him at the door with a warm hug, leading him to the couch where you'd lay his head in your lap and gently massage his shoulders and back.
"It's gonna be alright Joost, it will be alright." You would softly whisper to him.
He'd close his eyes, letting out a contented sigh as he relaxes into your touch, grateful for your soothing presence.
"Thank you love."
Movie Nights are a must.
You and Joost have a tradition of having cozy movie nights at home. He'd make a big bowl of popcorn, and you'd snuggle up together under a blanket on the couch.
As the movie plays, Joost would absentmindedly run his fingers through your hair, occasionally pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"I know what you're trying to do Joost. It won't work." You warned him, clearly knowing what he was up to.
"I'm not doing anything love, you're just paranoid." He chuckled and threw himself at you, pinning you down on the couch.
He started kissing you as you put your hands on his shoulders and then to his hair, lightly tugging on it. Joost moaned to your mouth.
He suddenly pulled away and said. "If you're going to tease me like this, then it's not my fault. It's yours."
"No, it was you who started kissing me. It's your fault." You moaned, feeling him kiss your jaw and then neck.
"That sounds fair."
Unexpected Cuddles are like:
Whether you're cooking dinner together or just lounging around the house, Joost loves to surprise you with sudden cuddle attacks.
He'd sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, pressing his chest against your back as he peppers your neck with gentle kisses, making you giggle and squirm.
"It tickles!" You gasped and then you started to laugh, trying to pull away, but he didn't budge.
Now, that he was fully pressed against your back, he turned you around, so you were face to face. He bent down and took your thighs and pulled you up at the counter as you wrapped your arms around his neck for support.
"You realize I'm cooking, right?" You asked him, feeling all hot from sudden friction. Looking into his eyes, you see the hunger behind them.
You bit your lips and pulled him closer to yours lips kissing him with passion, but still soft enough.
"Who's the clingy one now." He laughed against your lips, kissing them again.
"Shut up."
"Make me."
Rainy Day Cuddles:
When it's pouring rain outside, Joost would suggest building a blanket fort in the living room.
And guess what? You agreed, because it is fucking good idea.
You'd gather up all the blankets and pillows you could find, creating a cozy nest for the two of you to hide away from the storm.
"It's cozy here." You whispered to him as you laid on his chest. He had his arm around you and his other was in your hair, gently playing with it.
"Yeah, it is." He quietly said and kissed the top of your head.
Inside the fort, you'd cuddle up together, listening to the sound of the rain on the roof and he was sharing stories with you until you both fell asleep in each other's arms.
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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belovedcloud · 2 months
A Kiss Goodnight | Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
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Fluff for Leon since he's a cutie. I picture RE2 (after Raccoon City) or RE4 Leon in this but you can choose which ever one you like more.
WC: 1.1K
CW: Leon being a sweetheart? Pet names, kisses (duh), angst/fluff. Mentions of Leon's struggles after RC.
Working for the government was hard, especially after just getting dragged into it without a choice. Life was hard for Leon ever since that fateful night where he believed he shouldn't have lived. Luck was too kind to him, but the consequences of luck is always regret. Mission after mission, bioweapon after bioweapon Leon was tired. All he could think about was getting back to you. You were his saving grace, his only way to escape the pain. Even if it was only for a second, a minute, a hour, a day. You helped in a way where he was indebted to you for the rest of his life. Driving home, all he could think about was you. How you warmed him up after a hard time shooting and murdering anything that was diseased. He was yours, and you were his.
Leon shortly arrived home, sluggish in his movements as he took off his work boots and coat. His bag thrown into the corner of the doorway as he sighed heavily. Finally, his body could relax. Tense movements slowly turned into tired movements as he brought himself to the bathroom. Seeing a new cut on his face and blood and mud splatted on him. It never really was a nice sight. The house was silent, you were asleep. Something that wasn't unusual as the clock ticked to 3 AM. You never really knew if Leon would come back from his mission, that sense of worry hung low over you. Causing distress as every call you received could be Hunnigan's voice. Informing you of Leon's death, but you were lucky enough to not have that, not yet at least. As you slept peacefully, Leon showered and cleansed himself from his own sin. His murderous intent and sorrow washing down along with the dirt covering his body. The towel gently wrapping around his waist, he walked into your shared bedroom. Where you laid asleep, seeming to be cuddling a pillow in hopes of getting the same satisfaction of Leon having you in his arms.
Leon couldn't help but smile looking at you as he walked past the bed to his dresser, getting a pair of boxers and sweatpants. Quickly changing to soon sink himself to his side of the bed. Soft. Everything was soft around him. The pillow his head laid on, the new sheets and most importantly you. Getting under the covers he felt your bare skin touch his. Your shorts and t-shirt hugging you in a cozy way. Without thought, he wrapped his arms around your body. Nuzzling his face into your neck, there was no intention of waking you up... But it was bound to happen as he gripped you tightly. Giving you no chance to escape you whined as you woke up.
"Sorry baby... You just looked so warm." He mumbled into your neck as he gave a sweet kiss on your skin. Wriggling yourself to at least turn around to face him, you notice the fresh cut on his face. "What happened?" You whispered, still in a half sleepy state. It always worried you seeing him hurt, but Leon always reassured you he was okay. "Just a cut from the mission, nothing to worry about." He softly smiled, you couldn't help but replicate the smile. A gentle kiss on the nose is what Leon felt from your smooth lips. "You okay?" You asked as your hands wandered down his chest, carefully wrapping your arms around him. Ensuring you weren't going to hurt him in the process. "Everything is okay when I'm with you..." He murmured, slowly enveloping you in a sweet kiss. "God.. I missed you so much, you smell so good" He whispered to you in a gentle tone. Much different to the aggression towards the bioweapons he previously fought only hours before.
"I missed you too.. so much." You whispered back, a giggle following short afterwards as you felt him playing with your hair. "I love you." Was all Leon could say as he admired you in his arms, admiring his lover was his favourite thing to do in this situation. "I love you more." You poked at his cheek as you kissed him again. Soft kisses with him were heavenly, otherworldly. The clock ticked 3:30 AM, it really was time to sleep. Mellowed breathing was soon shared between you two as you held each other. Enjoying the comfort of one another as you were glad he returned home. He was glad for everything. Glad to live in a lifetime with you in it - he would protect you no matter the cost.
"Can't sleep?" You slowly opened your eyes, still feeling him stare at you. "No, kinda hard to." He muttered, relapsing the past mission in his mind. "Wanna talk about it?" Rubbing his arm always calmed him down, made him feel safe for once. Safe from the horrors of this world that he swore in his heart nobody else should face or see. That he would be the one to protect people, to save people. Even if that meant him deteriorating his own mental stability. At least others would be saved. But he didn't need to be the hero with you. He could just be Leon. A man who was lost in his own train of thought, still a young boy in his heart yearning for answers to why he was chosen to face dread at every moment of his life. Sadly, beggars can't be choosers. Although he had one choice in his life, and that was you. He would always choose you. Always. "Not right now.. Just wanna have you in my arms." You felt a peck on your forehead, a grin spreading across your face. "Okay. Well I'm always here for you Leon." Reassurance was vital for you and Leon. The slightest amount of praise to Leon was all he needed to crumble into your arms. He could be himself with you. "Thank you Y/N, I really appreciate you. So much." His voice cracked, tears slowly gathering in his eyes. What did he do in his last life to deserve you? Gentle hands caressed his face as he wept, your kisses taking away the pain.
Minutes passed, Leon's cries slowly disappeared as he cuddled you. Staring into each others eyes, you felt yourself slowly slip into a sleepy state. Same with Leon, he couldn't hold his eyes open much longer. Not when you gave him a warm feeling like no-one else did. "I have one request." He hushed out as he rubbed your back with his calloused hands. "Mm?" You murmured out, melting into his touch.
"One more kiss goodnight?"
Someone tell this man everything is gonna be okay.
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norrisleclercf1 · 20 days
Would love to see a fic where Carlos wakes up before everyone else does, gets himself an espresso before sitting back on the bed to watch his two loves snuggled together and still asleep while reminiscing about their wedding the night before. And he can’t help but feel so lucky that he got to marry her and Lando
Love you and your writing 🥰
A/N: BRb going to go cry from this cuteness
Carlos was always an early riser, he doesn't know when it started maybe it was the way he sometimes craved the silence of the morning air, or just from racing all over the world and his body not sure what time zone it was in.
Waking up this morning, he knew exactly where he was. Lying in bed, feeling slightly groggy, his brain fogged up, but his body wide awake. Sliding out of the bed he smiles at the coast of Spain, somewhere in southern Spain, loving the smell of the ocean drifting through the open balcony doors.
He loved his little condo, it was small yet big and cozy and it was the perfect place. Padding into the kitchen, he loves the way the sun warms his back as he makes his espresso. The smell of the coffee has his brain waking up, like it was stretching and blinking it's eyes open.
Turning, he takes a deep breath, the salty air burning his lungs, the coffee finally has his brain kick started as his eye sight grows sharper and his memory of last night causing him to blush.
With a beep, Carlos takes the little cup into his hand and makes his way silently into the bedroom looking at the naked bodies, of his two greatest loves. Lando, on his stomach, curls wild and tanned back with muscles ripped through him. And you, so soft and gorgeous curled into Lando's side, the space Carlos left now no longer there.
Lando and you both have matching bite and hand marks, Lando's hips bruised with hand prints and your ass and neck matching. Carlos chuckles at the wedding dress just thrown on the floor and the two suits matching, but he loves the way your and Lando's rings gleam in the Spanish sun.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he smiles at the way you two were glowing, so happy and healthy and to have your close friends and family around, seeing the love you three have for one another.
Carlos sips his fancy espresso as Lando groans and slowly opens his eyes, rolling onto his back. Licking his lips, Carlos's eyes trace the love bites littering his chest and his stomach, even down to his hips, Carlos can't help but stare at the little happy trail.
Scolding himself he takes deep breaths trying to calm himself. Lando sits up and blinks slowly, eyes tired but thriving. "Morning," Carlos shivers, at Lando's morning voice and the ring sparkling as Lando runs his hand through his hair. You whine, seeking warmth in your sleep.
"Come back to bed," Lando whispers, and Carlos could never say no, all you and Lando had to do was smile and stands. "Naked," Lando points to the boxers and Carlos chuckles and tips his espresso cup back and finishing off the rest. Sliding out of his boxers, Carlos is quick to slide between you and Lando.
You sigh in your sleep and cuddle closer, mouth pressed right against Carlos's neck. Lando moves cuddling closer and places a soft kiss on Carlos's shoulder. "Wake me up with a blowjob later?" Lando yawns and Carlos chuckles, nodding his head. "Of course, baby," Lando smiles lazily and slips off to sleep. Carlos could get used to married life.
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qatarsprint2023 · 2 months
Birthday morning— OP81
Waking up early isn't Oscar's thing, especially not on his birthday, but he's always, always up for cuddles — Oscar Piastri x f!reader, sleepy Oscar, no use of y/n, implied nsfw content word count: 1.6k a/n: Please ignore that I didn't actually post this on his birthday because I kinda forgot I wrote this in the first place
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A soft groan slips past your lips as you slowly wake up, the sun tickling your face. You try to stretch your body but find yourself trapped in Oscar's arms. His embrace is nice and cozy, his bare chest warm against your skin.
Your eyelids flutter a little as you try to get used to the light filtering into the hotel room through the small space by the window you must've forgotten to cover with the curtain last night after you and Oscar got back from the track.
Instinctively your hand reaches for your phone and you squint as the screen lights up, displaying that one picture of you and Oscar his mum took when you were in Australia over Christmas. It was very weird celebrating Christmas in the middle of summer at first. Well, for you at least.
Your eyes flick up to the time. 7:12
With a sigh you let your head fall back onto the soft pillow. Oscar's got you trapped in a hug and you can't even get up to close the curtain in order to darken the room, so going back to sleep is going to be impossible. Great.
You turn in Oscar's embrace so you're facing his chest that rises and falls gently with every soft breath he takes. His hair is a little tousled and his face squished against the pillow. He looks so beautiful with the light from outside gently illuminating his skin in a soft morning light.
Your eyes travel over his features that look so gentle and innocent as he sleeps— he's got a bit of acne like so many people your age, the freckles that adorn his cheeks aren't that visible yet, but as soon as summer comes around and he sees some sun they'll be more noticeable. His skin is smooth, the stubble he was trying out now gone after you convinced him to shave it.
You let your eyes travel down to his arms as you lazily trace your index finger along one, noticing the firm muscles that tense and relax under your touch until you reach his hand. Your hand reaches for his and you absentmindedly start playing with his fingers, admiring how nice his hand looks.
A quiet groan escapes you as your eyes land on the window again. Sleep isn't on the table anymore. Once the sun is up, that option is out the window.
Your finger trails up Oscar's left arm once more, gently grazing his skin with your nail as you do so. He stirs a bit, a quiet grumble making it's way past his lips.
"Happy birthday," you greet him softly as a smile spreads across your face, careful not to startle him. Your boyfriend however only lets out a soft hum of acknowledgement and keeps his eyes closed as he pulls you in closer and buries his face in your neck.
"Come on," you giggle a bit and brush some of Oscar's hair away from his forehead, a soft smile making its way onto his features at the tender touch. "It's your birthday."
"No..." his voice is drowsy, a bit of a lazy whine as his lips curve up slightly into an almost pouty expression.
The sheets rustle a bit as he shifts in bed, trying to get closer to you. His body is so warm, his skin so soft, and you can't help but smile as you wrap your arms around him, stroking his hair with one hand.
"Yes, it is," you chuckle in reply and place a soft kiss against his temple. "And I'm not gonna let you have a boring birthday morning before Qualifying."
"Can it be boring if I'm just with you?" he mumbles, his words muffled and barely understandable with his face pressed against your neck.
Oscar lets out a soft happy sound and his hand squeezes yours, pulling it towards him. "Mh... comfy..." he mutters and moves his head out of the crook of your neck a bit, only one eye open. "What time is it even?"
His words are laced with sleep, his voice raspy, coated thickly in his accent. It always comes out more when he's just woken up.
"Like, 7:15?" you reply and shrug, not bothering to actually check. "Come on, Osc.. Be excited or something."
"I don't wanna..." his words trail off as he mutters something else from under the blanket he's got pulled up over his chin. "It's too early... And you're comfy." In a smooth motion, he runs his hand up your torso to give your waist a gentle squeeze and feel your soft, warm skin against his.
"And you're being boring," you sigh and let your head drop against his. "What if I had something planned, mh?"
A lazy chuckle leaves Oscar's lips as he snuggles in closer to you. "What if I just wanna stay here with you?" he hums a little and lets his body sinks into yours.
"What would you even plan that's better than sleep?" he queries, his voice still a bit raspy and his face scrunched up as the light shines into his face through the window.
"I'm sure I could come up with something," you shrug and nuzzle your face against his hair, pressing a soft kiss there. Oscar's body begins to relax more, melting into your embrace as he holds you close to his chest.
"Does it involve having to leave this bed before I have to head to work?" he asks with a sigh as you start to gently scratch his scalp. "If so, my answer's no. I'd say I'm rather content here."
"Come on, birthday boy," you let out a chuckle and tilt his face towards you, your lips brushing against his. "Cheer up. You're 23!"
"I know... don't remind me," your boyfriend grumbles, but can't help the hint of a smile that tugs at his lips when yours brush against them.
"But it can't get better than this... It's warm here.. and comfortable.. and you smell nice.. what else do I need?" His voice trails off into silence as he relaxes in your arms, sighing contently.
"Aw, so sweet," you chuckle teasingly, nose lightly bumping against Oscar's as you lean forward, causing him to scrunch up his face.
"Mmhh... don't laugh," Oscar grumbles and lets out a soft whine as his lips curl into a pout. He reaches up and his hand finds your cheek, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb. "I'm still tired, and you're being mean."
"How am I being mean?" you laugh and prop yourself up on your arm to get a better view of his face.
"You're literally laughing," he huffs but you know he's not being serious. "I just wanna sleep in a bit with you..." His thumb continues to gently rub soft circles on your cheek as he lets the other hand come to rest on your hip, his arm and hand curling around you to pull you against him so you can get a bit more comfortable.
"Alright, alright," you say defensively and scrunch up your face when he leans down and his hair tickles your face. "If that's what you want."
"Exactly. It's my birthday and choose staying in bed," his voice is still a bit raspy, but he's obviously no longer on the verge of falling asleep again. He doesn't seem to want to talk that much, he's content with just holding you in his arms, cuddling.
Oscar nuzzles his face against you again, taking a deep breath. "You smell nice," he tells you again as his hand pulls your hip a bit closer, his eyes closing as he leans his head a little more into you. "Like... lilac."
"I should hope so. I paid some good money for this perfume," you reply with a smile and lean in to give Oscar's lips a gentle kiss. They're soft and the way his hand lands behind your neck almost instinctively makes you feel safe.
Your boyfriend lets out a soft hum of agreement, his lips pressing against yours a little harder, taking the kiss in as he leans his forehead against yours. His grip tightens around you, holding you close as his hand finds your hip and squeezes ever so slightly, his fingers gently tracing the soft dip of your waistline.
You twist in his embrace to grab your phone once more and check the time, which allows Oscar's arms to snake around your waist from behind.
"Almost eight," you mutter with a sigh and rest your head on the soft mattress once more before shifting out from underneath the covers, finally stretching your arms.
"Hey, hey, where're you going?" Oscar inquiries and blinks a little in confusion, his hand reaching out to grab yours as you sit up.
"I gotta shower, baby," you sigh and swing your legs off the bed. "I still have to get ready and we need to go down for breakfast and you have to be at the track by ten."
The smile on Oscar's face falls slightly as you slip away from his embrace, his fingers wrapping around your own as you make your way out of the bed.
"But I just like being in bed with you," he complains somewhat half-jokingly, his other hand reaching out to you as he tries to stop you from escaping.
"Come on, just a bit longer," he whines and lets his head fall back onto the pillow where he lets his body sink into the mattress once more.
"You can come with me if you want," you suggest with a small smile and the most subtle of winks before turning to leave the bedroom in the direction of the bathroom.
At the mention of joining you, Oscar is wide awake, sitting up in bed with an excited smile as he watches you leave the room, his gaze following your figure before he rolls out of bed himself.
You feel a smile tugging at your lips as you take notice of the footsteps behind you and feel his strong arms wrap around your waist, his lips finding their way to your neck, knowing you did manage to make his birthday morning not so boring in the end.
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etherealyoungk · 3 months
new beginnings - jeon wonwoo
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summary: in which a certain someone starts getting extra clingy to you, leading you to find out you're pregnant.
pairing: husband!wonwoo x fem!reader
themes: established relationship, terms of endearment, pregnancy, fluffy, comfort
warnings: reader is pregnant, mentions of nausea, throwing up, anxiety, vague mentions of intimate relations, cats
wordcount: 2.1 k
a/n: just a random idea i had and thought might be cute
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you come home a bit later than usual, the smell of something delicious wafting in the air, welcoming you as you step inside your cozy home. you walk in and spot wonwoo in the kitchen, busy stirring something in a pot as you discard your bag on the couch, spotting oreo, wonwoo's cat curled up on the other end in a peaceful slumber.
you slowly make your way towards wonwoo. "hey", you say, as you stand next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. "hi love", he responds immediatily as he presses a soft kiss to your temple as you nod. "long day?", he asks, taking in your tired expression as you nod your head.
"you're home early", you point out, as you hook your arm around his, watching him stir the pot of soup carefully so that the ingredients wouldn't stick to the bottom and burn.
"yeah, i wanted to surprise you", he says, looking at you. you smile at his words and he smiles back at you. you let go of his arm and busy yourself with setting up the table. you and wonwoo had sweet love story and were now living a happy married life, and you couldn't ask for anyone else to spend it with. wonwoo was just your person and you were his.
but wonwoo's cat on the other hand was another story. you could say that she didn't really have a thing for you. oreo had never bonded with you, and you were only allowed to give her the occasional pet before she'd walk off, uninterested in you. orea never got cuddly with you like she did with wonwoo. you were bummed at first but you decided that maybe she'd grow into you later it. but it looked like you were just going to be a side character to her.
wonwoo asks you about your day as you both eat, but he's also acutely aware of how little food you've served yourself and how you've barely touched the soup he made. "not hungry?", he prompts after a while. "i am, i'm just a little tired", you tell, feeling a bit bad because wonwoo had made your favorite soup and you barely felt like eating it. you force yourself to have at least a few spoonfuls of the spoon and finish up your rice.
it's two am and you wake up feeling nauseous so you sit up, hoping that would ease the feeling but it didn't. it was like wonwoo was so in tune with you that he could always tell when you're awake and you heard him stir beside you. "are you okay love?", he asks, his voice laced with sleep.
"just a little nauseous", you tell softly, feeling umcomfortable.
"should i make you some peppermint tea?", he asks, now sitting up beside you. he doesn't wait for your answer as he heads to the kitchen to make it for you regardless. he comes up and places the steaming mug of peppermint tea on your bedside table, as he sits down next to you. his hand finds yours as he laces his fingers in your hand, looking at you, worried. after a few sips of the tea, you feel slightly better and you're now cuddled in wonwoo's arms as you lay your head on his chest, his hands holding you safe from the world.
you feel the bed dip again as oreo, wonwoo's cat jumps on the bed, walking towards you both. you look at her, ready for her to go towards wonwoo but instead, she comes up to you and settles next to you. "baby are you seeing this", you tell, shocked. "looks like she's finally warming up to you", he jokes and it was like oreo understood and she meows as she looks at you before curling up beside you.
you fall asleep only to wake up an hour late as you rush into the bathroom and throw up, feeling horrible and absolutely terrible. you feel wonwoo's hand on your back a few moments later as he rubs it gently to help you. he then helps you up and you clean yourself up before he helps you back in bed.
that whole week, you battle with nausea, throwing up either in the morning or night, and feeling tired and fatigued all of a sudden. you try to brush it off, blaming it on the stress or just the flu, but wonwoo insists on going to the doctor to figure out what is going on.
you take a sick leave the next day and you're sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone when oreo comes up to you again, sitting on your stomach, giving you a little meow as she closes her eyes and goes into her meditation. you smile, feeling like you were being blessed by her presence lately. she'd started to get cuddly with you the past week and you were surprised but happy because otherwise you were going to think she was going to hate you forever.
you're aimlessly scrolling through your phone when you come across a video of a cat sitting on a lady, much like how oreo was sitting on you and as the video goes on, the lady explains how she found out she was pregnant because her cat started to get extra cuddly with her. your brain pauses and you glance at oreo, who's in a peaceful slumber on your stomach. you quickly open google, typing in if cats can tell if a person is pregnant and you gulp as you read articles and information that shows up and things slowly start adding up in your mind. this would explain all the nausea, the weird mood swings you've been having and the fatigue you've been experiencing the past two weeks. oh my god.
you gently move oreo off you, apologising to her as you grab a coat and slip on your shoes, heading to the nearest pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. you buy two to give yourself the benefit of the doubt and now you're in your bathroom as you wait for the results of pregnancy tests. you stand a few steps back, nervous to see the results.
sure, you and wonwoo had talked about having kids of your own and it was something you both did want. you both had also taken care and been careful whenever you were intimate with each other. but now as you stand in the bathroom all alone, a feeling of dread engulfs you and pools in your stomach. you move towards the countertop and look at yourself in the mirror. it was going to be okay you thought ou close your eyes and take a deep breath and you finally find the courage to look down at the pregnancy tests laid out in front of you. you blink down as you see two lines on them bioth and let out a shaky breath as you try to ground yourself.
you didn't tell wonwoo that evening, still trying to take everything in but mostly because you didn't know how to. you were unsure and scared. but when he comes home tonight, you can't seem to hold onto this secret anymore as it seems to be eating you alive. when he comes home later that evening, you're quick to greet him as he shrugs off his blazer, his eyes lighting up when he sees you. you give him a kiss as you ask him about his day. he walks into the bedroom to change and you follow him. "what's going on in that pretty little mind of yours", he asks as he loosens his tie and takes off his watch. "how do you know something is going on?", you ask. "because you only follow me around when you have something you want to get off your chest", he tells, coming towards you. you find it sweet that he's picked up on his piece of information and observed, he knew you too well.
"okay fine, i do have something to tell you", you say finally as you move closer to wonwoo. you look up at him and he patiently waits for you to speak. but as you're looking at him and trying to find the right words and how to get them out, you find yourself getting overwhelmed with emotion all of a sudden and you're tearing up. your gaze flickers to the side of the room and down before you look back up but wonwoo is keen to pick up on his.
"what's wrong sweetheart?", he asks as you try with all your might to hold the tears in, trying to blink back your tears, but you can't and they flow down your cheeks and before you know it you're crying. wonwoo pulls you into his arms, his hand running up and down your back softly in an attempt to soothe you. "did something happen?", he asks, worried as his gaze softens.
you sniffle as you look at him, still in his arms. "no- i-i- don't know why i'm crying god i feel like an idiot", you tell as wonwoo cups your face, gently wiping away your tears with his thumb. "you're not", he assures you and he holds your gaze as he looks at you sweetly, not forcing you to say anything.
he gently moves you to the bedside and sits you down looking at you deeply, a hit of worry laced in his gaze. you'd been off this entire week and he was worried.
"are you okay?", he asks again, gently as he looks at you, his hand intertwined in yours.
"i-im pregnant", you finally tell softly and in the quiet room it was like your words echoed in the air. wonwoo blinks at you and you can see the wave of emotion he goes through.
"i took a pregnancy test, two in fact and they both came back positive", you add, looking at wonwoo to see his reaction.
"you're pregnant", he repeats like he was testing how the words would sound on his lips. "we're pregnant", he says again and you nod.
"i'm pregnant", you tell, tearing up again. "we're pregnant", you say again.
you find yourself tearing up again and wonwoo cups your cheek. "but what if i'm not ready, i'm scared", you add softly and wonwoo is quick to embrace you in another hug.
"i think, no i know that you're going to be a great mother love", he tells. "and remember, you're not alone in this, i'm right here and i'll be here with you every step of the way", he adds as he hugs you tighter.
you pull away, looking at him and you smile. "i love you", you say. " i love you more", he says, making you smile.
"i can't believe we're going to be parents", he says in a soft excitement as he kisses your forehead.
"you know, oreo was the first one to know", you say and he furrows his brows in confusion.
"what do you mean?", he asks, his hands resting on waist. "that's why she's been so clingy and cuddly to me these last two weeks. she knew i was pregnant, cats can sense it", you explain and his interest is piqued by this piece of information. "should we make a bet on if oreo's going to befriend our kid or not", he says and you snort, chuckling at his suggestion. god how you loved him and his silly antics. "i'm gonna bet she will befriend him, she already has technically", you add before leaning in wonwoo's chest again.
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-bonus scene-
you're laying on the couch, now six months along your pregnancy and your bump is growing healthily. wonwoo's been so sweet and supportive throughout it all, from helping you when you were puking your guts out from morning sickness to getting you all your pregnancy cravings even if they were weird.
you hear the door open, wonwoo walking in with takeaway from your favourite cafe because you were craving a red velvet cake. he triumphantly lifts the bag as he walks in, putting it down on the table as he sees oreo perched on your belly.
"i think out kid is going to be a cat lover", wonwoo says. "imagine if they're not", you add as wonwoo hands you the cake box and you take it, the sweet smell already filling the air. you take a bit and sigh, content and offer wonwoo a bite.
just then you feel the baby kick and oreo looks alert, wondering where the little movement came from as she looks around and looks at you with a questioning look. "baby, did you see that?", you ask. the baby kicks again and oreo looks around again and glances at your belly before meowing at you and you chuckle. "aww she felt the kick", you tell. wonwoo smiles as he looks at you, his heart overflowing with love as he thinks about how lucky he is and how grateful he is
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taglist: @biboramp3 @naaaaafla @slytherinshua @weird-bookworm @icyminghao @blue-jisungs @wootify @idubiluv @n4mj00nvq @joshuaahong @itsveronicaxxx @fallingforshua29 @frankenstein852 @lvlystars @mirxzii drop an ask if you want to be added to my permanant taglist!
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k2ntoss · 2 months
hihi, it me, back again with more jason brain rot, this time brought to you by this random Instagram reel i saw while having dinner lol
anyway, just imagine this with Jay?? like, warm cozy domestic hugs and kisses in the middle of the kitchen?? simple domestic bliss?? absolute dreammmmmm 😭😭
ps. hope you're doing well lovely, miss you <3
i crave and need fluff bc i love me a little sweet jason !!!!!!!!!!! (i'm single and i want a nice relationship) i can't see the reel now BUUUUUT i'm gonna do my magic and be a simp and this could be a second fluffy part to that drabble with subby jason having to skip patrol after getting good head from his gf hehehe you can read thar here
sometimes having your girlfriend to call sick for you so you can take a rest earns you three well deserved days to sleep late and have comforting hours without having to worry about patching wounds or chasing after criminals.
so after a night of being completely unable to move from bed because of how dizzy his head was, he's clumsily going out of the bedroom looking for you, rubbing his eyes to try and push his tiredness away because he didn't liked the feeling of waking up after you, when you had already left the bed and he isn't able to pull you closer and kiss you right away.
it's funny to see him like that, while you wait on the living room drinking a cup of coffee for him to wake up you're able to see him walk out of the room still half asleep but he looks just too cute. jason is a 6ft tall guy, big as a wall and rough but there he was, dragging his feet, his hair all fluffy and the black hoodie he wore to sleep looking messy; you can see him walk to the kitchen and he grunts softly when he sees nobody there but as soon as he turns around he spots you.
you know what jason is about to trap you under his body but damned be his long legs because you're not able to properly set your cup aside when jason is letting his weight fall over you like a tired cat "wait, baby... the coffee" you say between giggles but it's too late when your boyfriend is cuddling himself into your arms, hugging your waist and nuzzling his face against your neck "good morning, jay"
"g' morning, princess..." he mutters, voice is still hoarse but sweet as he greets you "why were you out of bed?" jason asks, kissing softly a small trail in your neck as you wrap one of your legs around his waist.
"were you looking for me, love? i thought about making breakfast for you before you woke up..." you say softly, trying to move and lean a bit to leave your cup on the table but failing when he just cuddles more into your chest making you chuckle softly "you looked so pretty sleeping i couldn't wake you up... are you still tired, red?" and that nickname makes him grin goofily, he loves the way it sounds when you call him that and even more as you keep babying him with soft pecks on his forehead.
"i feel like i could sleep for a month... but only if you're there with me" jason's voice is a low rumble, his words sending shivers through her spine and that mixed with how sweet it was knowing that he wanted you by his side even when his last months as the red hood had been so tiring.
"want to make breakfast with me and then we go eat on bed? we could watch a movie, does that sound good?" you ask him, reaching to cup jason's face between your hands and pressing a soft kiss on his lips which he gladly accepts with a soft purr leaving his throat.
he nods and you can swear he's never looked so calm before, so well rested and it was just what he needed more than anything. jason was sure he had done a lot of harm and there would be days when he didn't feel like deserving you but right now, having his sweet girlfriend to look at him like he hung up the moon and stars makes him feel worthy of love and care, even the big bad red hood deserved to be babied after all.
"then let's go, big guy" you say, starting to squirm in a failed attempt to slide from under jason's body and he chuckles at it before moving with you on his arms, picking your body up and walking to the kitchen as he lets soft kisses fall to your cheeks and neck before putting you back down.
and the morning goes like that, jason wishes he could get more of this. the way you walk around the kitchen as he tries to help, pouting softly when you don't let him do everything because he has to rest, he loves the warmth he feels on his chest as you walk past him and he pulls you back to steal a kiss from your lips before you try to walk away only to end up with him clinging to your back, kissing the top of your head as you cook.
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daisies-daydreams · 3 months
Imagine you waking up in your shared king-sized bed, his beefy large arms wrapped around your waist, leaving small kisses on your neck..😋
Buenos Días (Dadbod!Miguel x F!Reader)
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Pairing: Dadbod!Miguel x F!Reader Category: Fluff Tags: Kissing, Morning Cuddles, Teasing, Suggestive Content, Babies, Not Proofread, Domestic Fluff Word Count: 790 A/N: AHH I love Dadbod!Miguel with my whole heart 🥹 Idk if you wanted to request something but my neurons activated and I HAD to write 🤧 I hope you enjoy!
You slowly blinked your eyes open as the sound of your alarm blared through the bedroom. You groaned and slapped your hand over your phone, silencing the screeching beast. A small smile spread across your exhausted features when you felt two burly arms wrap around your waist.
"Buenos Días, hermoso," you giggled as your husband groggily kissed the tip of your ear [Good morning, handsome]. You sighed and rested in his tender hold - his hairy, plush tummy rubbing against your back as he trailed his lips down the shell of your ear.
"Buenos Días, mi vida," Miguel whispered, the feeling of his warm breath against your skin making you shudder [Good morning, my life]. You chuckled softly as he began to press his plump, soft lips behind your ear while his hands wandered across the expanse of your belly.
"Miguel," you breathed as he traced his thick fingers over the stretchmarks left behind from bringing new life into this world. You squealed and curled against him as he dug his fingers into your sides. "M-Miguel!" you wheezed. Your husband smirked against your skin as he peppered your neck with small, quick pecks.
"What? I'm just enjoying some time with mi conejita," he cooed before slipping his hands further down [my bunny]. You sighed as he smoothed his palms over your hips, his body pressed flush against yours as he continued to bombarded your neck with kisses. You slowly closed your eyes as you melted into his gentle touch: the warmth of his body tempting you to slip back into a deep, peaceful sleep.
You relished in every slow movement of his lips, every curve and dip of his stomach, chest and burly arms as he lavished you with affection. Your eyes widened when he suddenly rolled you on top of him, your thighs straddling his waist as your front pressed against the pudge of his stomach.
You smiled and leaned into his touch as he gently cupped your cheek. Miguel’s lips parted slightly as he stared up at you with stars in his eyes.
“Mi amor….” he breathed softly as he brushed his thumb over your cheek [my love]. You grinned as you splayed yourself on top of his larger form, your hands wandering the expanse of his hairy chest as you tilted your head.
You nearly jumped when Gabi began to wail in the room right across from yours. You frowned as you released a heavy sigh.
Your brows shot up when your husband suddenly squeezed your hips as you began to slide off of him.
“Stay here, bebé. I’ll take care of it,” he said with a sweet smile. Your eyes softened as you leaned down and pecked his lips.
“Gracias, mi gran oso,” you murmured against him. [Thank you, my big bear]. A low rumble rose from Miguel’s chest as his pet name fell from your sweet lips. You squealed when his large hands traveled down and gave your bum a playful squeeze.
“Traviesa, you know that-“ another harsh cry caught your attention [Naughty]. You both exchanged weary glances before Miguel let his hands fall back to his sides. You slipped back to your side of the cozy, king-sized bed as your love stepped onto the cold floor. Your giant of a husband paused in the doorway before turning towards you with a slight smirk.
“Stay right there: we’re only getting started,” he said with a playful wink. You giggled and shifted beneath the covers as your beloved turned around and went into the nursery.
“¿Gabi, Qué te pasa, mija?” Miguel cooed and scooped Gabi into his burly arms [Gabi, what’s wrong, my daughter?]. You smiled softly as you watched your husband tend to your little one, his eyes glowing warmly as he kissed her tiny forehead. You found yourself slowly sinking into the mattress, your heart feeling fuller than ever as your eyelids began to droop.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, conejita. I-“ Miguel froze when he laid eyes on your small form nestled beneath the thick comforter. He chuckled quietly as a small snore filtered through the room. Your lips parted to allow a trail of drool to stain your pillow; your hair tossed this way and that as you yawned.
Had you seen a picture of yourself, you would tell him that you looked like a complete mess. But to Miguel…you were (and always would be) an angel.
His angel.
Your husband grunted as he climbed beneath the covers, his eyes flicking over to see that it was still early enough to get at least another half-hour of rest.
Miguel sighed softly before gently pecking your cheek and pulling the covers over your chest.
”Que descanses, mi ángel,” he whispered [Sleep well, my angel].
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @fordo-wifey @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthashadowriley @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobbsessed @8xbygirl @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @lyrasdrawer @rinverse
Want to be a part of my taglist? Comment down below! (MUST BE 18 OR OLDER)
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slvt4felix · 5 months
I Could Never Hate You (Part ||)
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Pairing -> ninth member!reader x Lee Minho WC -> ~2,700 words Includes -> lots of fluff, a little bit of angst, swearing, one small sexual innuendo, some Lee know tissue violence, arguing, Jeongin appearance, reader has anxiety but it's not mentioned as much in this part Summary -> Due to the late night revelations, you nearly forget all about your argument with Hyunjin. Will you be able to forgive him? Author's note -> I tried to make this one a little lighter to hopefully end this story on a much happier note. So don’t mind my dreadful attempt of comedy. Let me know if you want part 3! I hope you have a happy new year!
♡ Masterlist // Previous // Next ♡
You gently begin to wake up feeling something soft move beneath your head. You groan lightly, not quite wanting to wake up just yet. This has to be some of the best sleep you have ever had in your life. It's warm and cozy, and you somehow feel thoroughly rested, which is often hard to come by when on tour in a different country. Some may say the day before had exhausted you, or maybe the hotel room was just really nice, but as soon as you manage to blink your eyes open, you know the true reason. You have finally found your way back home.
You shift slightly, the sun, peaking between the curtains and painting the room a beautiful golden color, was unfortunately shining right in your eyes. Now facing away from the window, you glance up at Minho, still clad in his basic white tee and sweatpants. Neither of you had even bothered to pull the blankets back up, rather seeking warmth from just each other. The blankets are still ruffled at the end of the bed from whatever Minho had been doing before you had entered the room yesterday, unbeknownst to the life-changing events that were about to occur. You slept all night laying on his chest with his arm wrapped tenderly around you, holding you close. This is definitely the reason you slept so well the night before. Who knew cuddling with your enemy could have such a positive effect?
Minho starts to grumble a bit underneath you and you begin to panic, not wanting him to wake up yet. You just want to cherish this sweet moment for as long as possible, too afraid of how his brain will react when he wakes up. There's always the chance he will regret it all, or maybe he was just joking, or maybe he was drunk. Okay, that last one might not make too much sense but you can't help but worry through all the possibilities. Your thoughts begin to race, forgetting the most important what if. That maybe, just maybe, he really did feel the same about you and everything he said last night was entirely true.
A hand caresses your cheek, breaking you from your destructive chain of thoughts. Your eyes fall upon Minho with his eyes cracked open and a gentle smile gracing his features. He must have woken up at some point while you were too lost in thought to notice.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" he asks, his eyes searching yours as if he could find all the answers to the universe within your gaze. You simply hum, not particularly fond of telling him the insecurities that were just previously running through your head. Although you love the man dearly, you are going to need a bit of time to learn to trust him again, but that's okay. Relationships need time, communication, and work to make them last.
You lean in to press a kiss to Minho’s cheek, his fluffy morning hair and groggy voice making your heart flutter. The two of you stare at each other, absorbing the moment. Despite the rough night four out of nine members had, there was still a lot of work to be done. In the life of an idol, there was no time for rest. But for now, you were going to appreciate the peaceful moment shared between the two of you. They hadn’t released a set time to leave yesterday, but neither of you worried. Chan will come around knocking on the door eventually letting everyone know when to be ready by. It’s the same routine that has happened at every stop this tour. The only difference now being you and Minho holding each other while waiting for the eventual interruption to come.
Just as expected, a hesitant knocking sounds through the room. Minho instantly groans and closes his eyes again. You sigh exaggeratedly, realizing you're actually going to have to depart from the warm bed. As you pull away from Minho, he frowns and makes grabby hands towards you, as if he wasn't well aware of the reason you were leaving. You swat at his hands, letting a small giggle escape as you approach the door. You swing it open without bothering to look in the peephole, assuming it was simply Chan on the other side to let you know the schedule for the day. Instead you open the door to Hyunjin, who appears very surprised as if he had almost expected you to not answer at all. Honestly, you probably wouldn't have answered if it wasn't for you believing whole-heartedly that it was Chan. Surprisingly, the fight from last night with Hyunjin hadn't been the first thing on your mind when waking up this morning.
However, as you stare at the nervous boy in front of you, you're reminded of all the cruel, harsh words he said to you just the night before. The look of annoyance was now seared into your brain. How could your best friend do that to you? Your heart starts to ache as you think about all your favorite moments with him trying to decipher how it could have lead up to this.
He brings his eyes up from where they shot to the floor when you first came out. Upon making eye contact, it's clear just how nervous he really is. There is deep regret painted across his face and sincerity within his gaze. He looks like he came with something to say, his mouth opening and closing again as he tries to get the simple words out.
"Why are you here?" you ask him, not too unkindly. You simply want to give him a way into a conversation; he looks scared half to death that your just gonna slam the door in his face.
"I wanted to apologize, I am so so sorry," he says, emphasizing the last part heavily. Just hearing those words is almost enough to make you cave and forgive him again. He is your best friend after all. You're pretty sure he didn't mean any of it, especially after the reassurances provided by Minho the night before, but it doesn’t take away all the harsh words that were spoken.
"Why would you say that to me?" you ask, hurt audible in your tone. "You know how insecure I am about that stuff."
"I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just really frustrated.”
“Well you did and it seems like you don’t even care how you made me feel.”
“Of course I care,” he says, offended at your accusation.
“Well it sure as hell seemed like you couldn’t give two shits last night.”
He simply stares back at you, regret running deep in his eyes. There’s a slight sparkle to them, enough to tell that he’s starting to tear up. He brings his hand up, scrunching the area between his eyes with his fingers. You almost remind him not to, telling him that it’ll bring wrinkles to his perfect face, but you hold yourself back remembering the unfortunate situation. Things aren’t okay between the two of you. It’s a weird felling considering it’s something that hasn’t really happened before.
Since the start of the band it’s really been you and Hyunjin. You were one of the favorite friendships for the fans to obsess over, and you loved it just as much as they did. You were two peas in a pod, never leaving each other's side.
You would’ve never expected for something like this to happen. Hyunjin wouldn’t do that to you.
But you have to think rationally if you want to keep the friendship. You can’t just throw all the years down the drain. He’s human, and he makes mistakes.
You hear Hyunjin inhale sharply from where he stands in front of you. You can tell he’s desperately trying to hold his sobs in, not wanting to make this about himself.
“Fucking idiot,” he whispers under his breath sending a pang through your chest. “Could we sit down and talk about it? I really want to make it up to you,” he says, regaining his composure. He straightens his back, his hands sliding into the pockets of his sweatpants. He nervously rocks forward a bit on his feet awaiting your answer.
As much as you want to talk it through, you’re not exactly comfortable with him right now. The idea of sitting down with him and being alone is definitely not on your to-do list. You need some time to process before you can get to that point. You’re sure that if you were to try to talk it out, it would probably turn into another argument, which is something you are desperately trying to avoid.
You glance back into the room, feeling Hyunjin’s eyes analyzing your movement. Minho is still in there, and it’s not really the time or place to dig deep into what happened. Time may be the main healer in this situation. He’s just going to have to regain your trust.
“Listen, now’s not really the best time. I’m not really ready to forgive you yet, but I’m not mad at you, okay?” He nods slowly, taking in your words. You can tell he’s disappointed, but he’s aware he’s not in the position to argue.
His eyes suddenly widen, a realization occurring. His eyes shift back to the room behind you.
“Is Minho in there? How did it go?” he asks, a sneaky smile growing on his face, completely amused at the situation.
"It went fine," you say shortly, trying to get Hyunjin to take a hint. Instead, he gently pushes past you into the hotel room. You would've shut the door on him had it not been suspicious. You spin around as Hyunjin struts into the room. You stare at him, confused considering you had just told him you weren't willing to talk right now.
You simply watch in wonder as he looks around, stepping back slightly when he notices an intimidating Minho, staring back at him from one of the beds. You may agree to be civil with Hyunjin while he attempts to make up for everything, but that doesn't mean Minho will. You're sure his typically empty threats will finally start to hold true.
Minho is still laying on the bed right where you had left him. His phone is in his hand, as if he had been trying to distract himself from listening to your conversation. However, it seems like the phone was neglected upon Hyunjin abruptly entering the room. His eyebrows are raised in a slightly annoyed manner. He hadn't been expecting Hyunjin to actually come into the room. His eyes shift from Hyunjin to you, and you quickly look away, embarrassed to be caught staring.
Although you would never admit it to his face, damn did he look hot while he was annoyed.
"You two slept in the same bed," Hyunjin says matter of factly, bringing you out of your thoughts. Your mouth opens in shock, not understanding how he could've possibly figured that out. Minho, however, doesn't take the moment of pause.
He instantly fires back, "Yah, don't start making accusations." He sits up a bit on the bed, prepared to chase after Hyunjin, like their fights usually result in.
"So, you're telling me you two did not sleep in the same bed?" he asks with his eyebrows raised in challenge. He glances between both of you as you try to figure out what to say. You don't want to lie to your best friend, but also based off what happened last night, he doesn't really deserve to know.
Minho beats you to it answering, "That's none of your business." He says it casually followed by a shrug of his shoulders. You nearly face palm, already knowing Hyunjin's reaction.
He instantly lights up, believing his theory to now be confirmed. He makes eye contact with both you and Minho, before he makes a run for it. He spins around and rushes for the door.
"Guys I won. I won the bet!" he begins to yell as he makes it to the hallway. Luckily, this was one of the few hotels you have stayed at where you had a whole floor to yourselves. There was a close encounter with fans at your last hotel, and they wanted to be extra cautious.
Hyunjin takes advantage of this, although you're not quite sure if it's purposeful or if he's just too excited to care. He goes to yell again, wanting to let the rest of the boys know the exciting news, but he is instantly cut off with a hand to his mouth. He recognizes it as Minho's, remembering the taste of dry tissues all too well.
Hyunjin nearly stumbles as he is dragged back into the room by the shorter man. Minho isn't too rough though, completely aware of his limits. He doesn't want to hurt him, maybe just restrain him.
Minho pushes him into the desk chair standing behind it. Hyunjin spits out the tissues, frustrated at being the victim of Minho's crimes yet again. He goes to stand up, eager to spill about your relationship to everyone, but he is kept seated by firm hand on his shoulder.
“Might as well tie him up while you’re at it” you say, giggling at Minho's antics.
“How’d you know I was into that?” Hyunjin retorts, a shit eating grin plastered on his face. In contrast, behind him Minho's face contorts into one of pure disgust. You can’t help but laugh at the craziness of the scene in front of you. The silliness is refreshing after the dramatic night before.
“Y/n, hand me more tissues,” Minho says, a look of determination growing on his face.
“I don’t know if that’s necessary…”
“He’s asking for it at this point,” he argues back, stretching his arm out obnoxiously. You shrug, unable to disagree with his point, emptying the last of the tissue box into his hand.
Panic fills Hyunjin’s eyes as he stares at you with deep betrayal. You simply laugh, aware that he's not actually upset.
Suddenly, all three of your heads snap towards the cracked open door as it's pushed open the rest of the way. It had been left slightly open after Minho dragged Hyunjin back in. You're nervous to see who it is, scared for the teasing to come if they find out. It's not that you don't want them to know about you and Minho, you just don't want to give them the satisfaction of being right. They've been trying to get you guys to interact again for years, so they are definitely going to give you a rough teasing over it. Plus, it doesn't sound like a bad idea to keep Minho to yourself for a little bit longer.
The door lightly hits the wall and the person is revealed. Jeongin is staring at the scene before him with wide eyes. The room is a little trashed due to Hyunjin knocking over a few things in the process of the kidnapping, and he looks terrified as Minho is holding tissues. It's definitely not the most welcoming thing he's ever seen.
He had come running out of his room after hearing Hyunjin yell, unsure as to what he had said. He was staying in the room next to you two and had simply wanted to check on Hyunjin or maybe join in on the fun.
However, this was not something he wanted to be included in this early in the morning. Hyunjin gives him pleading eyes, practically begging Jeongin to stay. The maknae doesn't listen, rather breaking eye contact and leaving for his room, too scared to be on the recieving end of Minho's wrath. He hadn't even said anything, his simple observance enough to make him leave.
That wouldn't be the end of it though, he knows he'll learn all about what happened eventually. He leaves with a small smirk, wondering if they had finally managed to finally get you and Minho to make up.
Next part out now!
Taglist: @armystay89 @thisisnotjacinta @silentreadersthings @seungminsapuppy
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lessi-lover · 6 months
my best girls II a.russo & l.williamson ~
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so this is my first throuple fic... tell me if you enjoyed, because i personally enjoyed writing this.
★ a.russo & l. williamson
as the morning broke, a gentle sunshine steamed through your curtains, gently waking you from your slumber. as an early riser and a self-aware overachiever, you couldn't help but feel the urge to get up and make the most of your off day. that, or you had been restless all night, your mind unable to give a single moment of peace.
the sheets rustled loudly, as you tried to slip out of the coziness of your bed, you cursed yourself as you tried to leave without alerting the sleeping blondes.
stretching your arms and yawning quietly, you carefully attempted to remove your body from their warm embrace. leah always alert, however, tightened her arms around your waist, pulling you back against her sleep-warmed body. she let out a soft, sleepy murmur and nuzzled her head into the crook of your neck.
"where do you think you're going, love?" a familiar voice spoke from beside you. leah grinned, her breath tickling your ear.
you turned your head slightly to see your other girlfriend, still half-asleep, shifting closer and draping her long legs over yours, preventing you from leaving. "yeah, it's our day off. you don't need to be doing anything else, but cuddling me." she said stubbornly, voice thick with drowsiness, moving her arms to wrap around your chest.
your limbs were absolutely exhausted, your legs almost falling off when you crashed into bed last night, but now you were determined to make the most of your day off from football. "i just thought I'd make us all breakfast or something…" you let your head fall against your pillow, sighing dramatically. both the blondes chuckled at you, a small glare sent their way, at their blatant ignoring of your words.
leah pressed a lazy kiss to your shoulder. "breakfast can wait. right now, we want you here with us." she told you dismissively.
alessia mumbled in agreement, both their limbs tightening around you. huffing, you blew a strand of hair out of your face, as you tried to focus on anything but the intense boredom you were feeling.
feeling torn between your desire to seize the waiting day and the undeniable pull of their warm embrace, you decided to give it another try, the worst that could happen was that you were to stay bored.
this time, you carefully shifted your weight and managed to slip one leg out from under the covers. but before you could make it any further, leah's hand found its way to your waist, and she gently pulled you to her chest, preventing your escape. alessia, now more awake, did the same with your thighs, holding you securely in place.
"no stay! you promised cuddles," leah ordered sternly, her lips grazing the front of your sternum. alessia joined in, placing a soft kiss onto your hair. "we finally get you to ourselves, baby, no leaving," her usually soft voice raspy with sleep.
they really were the most infuriating women you had ever met.
trapped between their loving hold and your desire to do something other than be still, you let out a defeated sigh. it seemed that the desperation of their affection had won, and you surrendered to the comfort of their embrace.
as you settled back into their arms, leah and alessia exchanged contented smiles, their fingers tracing aimlessly patterns on your skin. leah found your hair and began to gently card her fingers through it, eliciting a pleased hum from you, although secretly you were trying anything to ease your boredom. alessia's lips found yours once more, this time in a slow and tender kiss.
outside the window, the world was waking up, and the distant sounds of the busy city began to filter into your room. but here, in your soft envelope of blankets, time seemed to stand still. with each passing minute, your desire to be productive subsided, instead replaced by an overwhelming sense of contentment.
leah's voice, soft and filled with affection, broke the comfortable silence. "We love you so much, you know." her hands rubbing up and down at your sides.
"more than anything," alessia chimed in, placing more sweet kisses to your shoulder blades, the both of them engulfing your body between their own.
you felt your heart swell with love and gratitude. "i know," you quipped, cheekily, a sarcastic smile plastered proudly on your face. "hey!" alessia grunted, her teeth sinking harshly into your shoulder, biting your skin. "ow!" you yelped, grabbing your red skin, now with indented teeth marks. alessia hummed shamelessly at you, pleased with herself.
"try again, missy." leah spoke scoldingly, the both of them ganging up on you. "fine," you said reluctantly, although both blondes knew this wasn't the end of your little 'acting out'. "but i don't have a lot of love left to share, i've got quite a hefty list of well-paying clients, y'know."
this time, you were rewarded with a slap on your thigh. Rolling your eyes at your girlfriends, you were met with a not-so-friendly slap. that was your last warning, you needed to stop now.
"stop being cheeky, it won't get you anywhere," the older blonde spoke, offering you a pointed look. "sorry loves, I love you very much." You spoke sincerely. your lips molding perfectly, yet so uniquely with them both. "you take such good care of me, my best girls." there was so much love threaded in your words, as you wrapped your arms around both their necks, settling your body on top of them.
their smiles widened, and you were wrapped in a tight, loving hug as if they were trying to convey their love for you through touch alone.
and so, you stayed there, cocooned between their warm bodies, in a state of true bliss. the day's plans and need for productivity faded away, and you realized that sometimes, the most special moments in life were the simplest ones, the ones that allowed you to stay within the embrace of the girls who you loved the most.
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starsinthesky5 · 14 days
you are in love pt 2 || joe burrow x reader
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description: you and joe navigate life once you move in together. everyday feels like a dream with him
a/n: requested part 2 to my first fic :) this was super fun to write!! i am so sorry for how long this is LMAO. i just couldn’t stop writing this one and it felt good to write all this because of my first ever fic. writing has been so much fun and thank you all so much for the love and support <3
also, i can say with a fact that joe is joe-ing right now and im so-
no thoughts head empty 😁
part 1 
warnings: smutttt, language, y’all are horny horny…
word count: 12.3 k (again, i am so sorry HAHA)
The sounds of rumbling thunder woke you up fairly early Saturday morning. Your eyes fluttered open as you looked over at the clock, it was 8 am, a little too early for your liking. You felt a pile of weight on you and looked down to be met with your adorable boyfriend wrapped around your torso. His head was lying on your chest and his arms were loosely wrapped around your waist, and he was fast asleep. Joe usually wasn’t a clingy sleeper, you were, so this was a little peculiar for him. Sure, you guys would cuddle all the time, but you would usually stay like that throughout the night, or you would end up on his chest. But last night it seemed he had moved onto your chest, and you weren’t complaining because you felt so warm and cozy. 
You raked your fingers through his dirty blonde hair, which he had been growing out, so pulling on the strands was even more fun than it usually was. You looked around the room, taking in your surroundings. You were in Joe’s bed, which was now yours, and were in his room, which was also now yours. You looked over to the TV table in front of you, which was decorated with numerous photos of you and Joe from over the past year that he had filled his room with. Some photos from your adventures together, some photos of you both before his football games, and some photos that only the two of you had seen from special moments in your relationship. When you first saw all the pictures he had in his room, your heart soared. You didn’t think he was such a softie but he loved to display your relationship anywhere and everywhere he could. There were a few boxes scattered throughout the big room. You were in the process of moving your stuff into Joe’s house, so there were a lot of things around the room at the moment. 
“This is the life,” you whisper to yourself as you press a light kiss to his forehead, which ends up waking him. He moved around a little before opening his eyes and you immediately shut yours so he wouldn’t notice that you’re the reason why he woke up. You stayed incredibly still as he lifted his head from your chest, pressing soft kisses around the exposed skin of your collarbone because of your tank top before moving up and pressing a few soft kisses to your lips.
“Morning, Baby,” he says, pressing another kiss to your soft lips. His raspy morning voice and bedhead look always made you spiral. There was no reason for him to be this hot this early in the morning. 
You opened one of your eyes to take a peek at him, then both. “How did you know I was awake?”.
“I’ve been awake for the past 20 minutes,” he laughed. “I just didn’t feel like getting up and waking you up. But it seems like you’re awake,”.
“That I am,” you say, giving him a lazy smile.
“Ready for another day of moving into Casa Burrow?” He says as he gets up and moves next to you, pulling you into his chest. 
“Is that what we’re calling it now?” You say while patting his chest as he begins to play with your soft hair.
“Unless you can come up with a better name, then yes,”.
“Casa Burrow it is,” you smile as you press a kiss to his neck. 
He lets out a sigh before pulling you closer so that you are on top of him, just like how he was on you earlier. 
“What’s with the sigh?” You ask. 
“I don’t wanna get up,” he groans. “The rainy day vibes and this comfy bed are making it really hard to want to be productive today,”. 
“Just be glad we’re doing this after the season’s over and not trying to do it during the season, shit would be so chaotic,”. Although Joe had mentioned you living with him in December, you had slowly moved your stuff in but had been officially living with him since the end of January. You wanted to wait till the season was over so that it wouldn’t be too much for him to handle. 
“That is true,” he says. 
“Well, we have to be productive today if we wanna get rid of all these boxes,” you giggle while looking up at Joe. His icy blue eyes met yours and instantly set off fireworks in your belly. He looks absolutely sexy right now and you needed him, which gave you an idea. 
You moved your legs so that they were straddling his hips and sat up. His hands naturally navigated around your waist. “Butttt, we don’t have to be productive until a little later,” you tease while moving your hands across his bare chest. 
“Oh yeah?” He smirks. “What are you suggesting we do in the meantime?” He asks while slipping his fingers into the bottom of your tank top.
“Hmm, maybe a rep of our favorite workout,” you say as you press a slow and sensual kiss on his lips. 
“Sounds good to me,” he whispers as he peels off your tank top. A few minutes later, both of your clothes are on the floor and you’re caught up in a messy heated kiss. 
Your wetness was seeping onto his impressive erection as he moved your hips so that you were grinding down on him. 
“Mmph, Joe,” you whimpered into the kiss. His hand navigated to the back of your head, pushing you deeper into the kiss. You moved your hand so that you were cupping his face and started to suck on his bottom lip, making Joe moan into the kiss. A few seconds later, you pulled away and sat up. 
“You ready?” You smiled. 
“Always,” he said as he patted the sides of your hips.
You lined yourself up with his cock, your core was slick with arousal which made it easy for him to slide inside. You let out a loud moan as he moved deeper and deeper into your core, eventually reaching the hilt. “Joey,” you moaned. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he grunted. 
You pressed your palms against his chest and started to move your hips, getting straight to business. At first, you moved slowly but eventually picked up the pace. Sounds of skin-hitting skin filled the room as you started to ride him faster and harder. 
“Y/N, you feel so good,” he moaned as he dug his head back into the pillow. He was having the time of his life right now. The love of his life was fucking him into oblivion and looked absolutely gorgeous while doing so. Your hair was disheveled but flawless. Your ample breasts were bouncing with each movement, giving him the perfect opportunity to play with them. He moved his hand to your right breast, giving it a soft squeeze before running his thumb across your sensitive bud. 
“Fuck,” you moaned as you threw your head back. You leaned back, placed your hands on the sides of his legs, and began to slide up and down his length, causing another moan to come from his lips. 
“You like that?” You teased, knowing exactly what you were doing by saying that. His eyes widened at your question. That was often something Joe would say during sex, and it always drove you crazy because of how hot he sounded while saying it. Now it was your turn to make him go crazy. 
He immediately sat up and reached out for you, grabbing your waist and flipping you over so he was on top. He was still inside you and started to thrust into your wet heat.
“Hey,” you said breathlessly. “It was my turn,”.
“Nope. I wanna make you feel good and that’s my thing,” he said, referring to your teasing while pushing his face into the crook of your neck and sucking on the soft skin. You felt as if you were floating on a cloud of ecstasy. Every caress, every touch, every kiss sent shivers down your spine and made you moan with delight.
You didn’t have the energy to argue with him so you just laid back and let him go at it. You moved your hands into his hair, pulling at the strands so he would move his head from your neck and back to your lips. You pulled him in for a short kiss before you let out another moan. You could feel the pleasure building inside of you, begging to be released.
“Fuck, I’m close,” you whimpered. Joe began pounding into your core, harder and harder with each well-placed thrust. Your breath came out in short gasps as he pushed you deeper into the bed with each strong thrust. You looked down to where you two were connected, watching as Joe’s impressive length left an imprint on your lower belly each time he thrusts into you. 
“Just like that,” you moan and your eyes roll to the back of your head. Every thrust caused a wet squelching sound to fill your bedroom along with both your breathy moans. 
“You’re so good,” he moaned as he began to slow his thrusts, allowing you to take control once again. You mustered enough energy, grabbed both his upper arms, and pushed him to the side so you were back on top. 
“Holy Shit,” he moaned as you started bouncing on his cock. “Fuck, I love you,”.
A smile crept up your face, “I love you,” you moaned as your hands went back to his chest. He began to thrust up into your pussy as you felt your walls begin to tighten around his cock. 
“You’re doing so good my love,” He whimpered as his grip on your hips tightened. You leaned down and continued to move your hips, your pace getting faster and faster until you felt the rubber band in your belly snap. “Cum for me baby,” he says, feeling your walls clench around his cock. Your head dropped down to his neck while he continued to thrust into you as you reached your high, his arms wrapping around your back, holding you so incredibly close. 
“Joe, F- Fuck,” you whimpered into his ear, feeling your high just as he was about to reach his. 
A few rough thrusts later, you felt him shoot his load inside of you, “Fuck, Y/N,” he cried out. You pressed kisses around his collarbone as you lifted your head from the crook of his neck and moved a few of his messy curls out of his eyes. You press a few more kisses around his face before finding his lips and pulling him in for a soft kiss. Both of you spend a few minutes catching your breaths and whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears. “You are unreal,” he says, giving you a lethargic smile. 
“I don’t think I can walk,” you whisper as you drop your head into the crook of his neck. 
“That’s always a positive sign that the workout worked,” he laughs.
“Look at us being productive,” you giggled.
“I thought the whole point of this was to not be productive,” He said as his hand slid up and down your back.
“Well, it was. But with us, procrastinating is pretty much impossible. We’re workhorses in our own right. Star QB and multi-award-winning singer-songwriter? Yeah, procrastination is not in our dictionary,” You smile before getting up and carefully moving off of him. He lets out a soft groan as you leave him bare and cold on the bed. 
“Mmm, Come back,” he says, making adorable grabby hands towards you.
“Ah ah ah,” you shake your head. “Time to be productive for real, we got a lot to do today,” you say as you throw a towel toward him before grabbing your own. 
“Is this an invitation to shower with you?” He hopes.
“Nope,” you laugh. “Give me 15 minutes and then you can go. No funny business for right now,” you wink as you grab some clothes and walk into the bathroom. You shut the door, smiling softly at what your new life was looking like. 
Sure you’d miss LA and New York, but it wasn’t goodbye forever. You just needed somewhere grounded where you could spend the majority of your time, and both of those places were definitely not it. You loved those places and everything the cities had to offer, especially for your career, but it just got too suffocating for you. Meeting Joe was like a breath of fresh air you so desperately needed. And now being with him, spending every day with him, felt like a dream. 
Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Joe was staring up at the ceiling. Normally he would do this when he was bored, but this time he wasn’t bored; his thoughts kept him occupied. Thoughts about you, specifically. Now that you had moved in with him, he was giddy at the thought of getting to wake up to your beautiful face every morning and kiss you goodnight every night. He was so excited to be able to have you with him all the time now, getting countless ideas of what you guys could do together around the city and Ohio. 
A little later, you come out from the steamy bathroom, drying your wet hair with a towel. Joe was sitting up on the bed, looking through one of your songbooks. He looks up and immediately closes the book as if he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“No no, go ahead,” you giggle as you take a seat on the fluffy ottoman next to the bed, which happens to be one of your many new additions to his home. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” he says.
“You’re not prying, Joe. Besides, if I remember the book correctly, that one is filled with shit about you,” you say as you grab the book and open it up.
“Really?” He says as his face turns red.
“Mhm,” you smile as you flip through the pages.
“So is this where you write your songs?” He asks.
“Mmm, kind of? I consider this as an anything book honestly. There are some pages filled with full verses and songs, but some pages with just 2 lyrics on them and some thoughts,”.  
“Ohhh, cool cool,” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair.
“Here, let me show you,” you say as you get off the ottoman and back onto the bed next to him, opening the book to a few pages. 
3rd album–
song title: slut!
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
08/03: he just knows exactly how to calm me down when those anxiety inducing thoughts fill my head. he never complains when I shut down, instead he comforts me and tells me it’ll be alright, nobody has ever done that for me. he’s the sweetest boy gentleman I have ever met. 
3rd album–
song title: daylight
And I can still see it all (In my mind) All of you, all of me (Intertwined) I once believed love would be (Black and white) But it's golden (Golden) And I can still see it all (In my head) Back and forth from New York (Sneaking in your bed) I once believed love would be (Burning red) But it's golden
12/14: he told me he loved me. and i said it back. everything he touches turns to gold, including me and our love. it’s golden.
3rd album–
song title: I can see you
Chorus: 'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me And I could see you up against the wall with me And what would you do, baby, if you only knew? That I can see you
Bridge: I could see you in your suit and your necktie Passed me a note saying, "Meet me tonight" Then we kiss, and you know I won't ever tell, yeah And I could see you being my addiction You can see me as a secret mission Hide away and I will start behaving myself
07/05: i met a guy last night.
“Damn, that last one was pretty short and simple,” he laughs. 
“That’s because those feelings didn’t need to be described in depth. The song pretty much sums up the things that filled my head that night,” You laugh as you close the book and place it back on the nightstand. 
“I can see that,” he says, a little shy after reading the things you had said about him. “Someone was a little worked up,” he laughed.
“You mean feeling like I wanted to jump your bones right then and there? Well when I spend the entire party next to this gorgeous, sexy, and hilarious quarterback, that’s a given,”. 
You look over at him and see that he’s trying to hold back a huge smile, “Awww, is someone feeling shy?” you tease. 
He turns his head to meet your soft eyes, “The way you write about me, about us,” his hand cupping your cheek. “You’re so talented. I mean, I’ve never seen anything like this before,”. 
Your heart flutters at his praise as you run your fingers over his thigh. “I love you,” you say. 
“I love you so much,” he says before leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss on your slightly swollen lips. 
“So all of those were for the new album?” He asks as he gets off the bed, wandering into the closet to pick out some clothes. He opts for his usual black sweatpants and a white Nike tee. 
“Yup,” You say as you get up and walk over to the stack of boxes titled ‘room’. You pulled out a few more picture frames that had photos of you and Joe. You turned around and saw that he already had tons of photos of you both around the room so you weren’t sure where to put yours. 
“We can probably put those in the living room if that’s cool with you?” He asks as he walks back out to the bedroom.
“Fair enough, I completely forgot how many photos you had already,” you chuckled. 
“Can’t help it, we’re too photogenic and our photos always come out amazing. It just fits. Anyways, back to the album. So should I expect my comment section to be filled with ‘Oh my god is this song about you’ in a few months?” He smiles. 
“Probably. It’s been a great 8 months of kinda hiding from the public but I think it’ll be blatantly obvious that we’re together together once I fully pop out at these games and start posting from here,” you giggle. 
You and Joe had a pretty private relationship. There was no real confirmation that you two were dating, however, there were rumors and speculation which was a given considering who he was and who you were. You had shown up at the games in January and people did notice, but nobody knew what was going on for sure. Now that you had moved in together, it would become pretty clear to everyone that you both were in a serious and committed relationship and it wasn’t just a momentary fling.
“We’ve hid long enough, besides it’ll be great to actually have you next to me at all the events and stuff from now on. I can’t with the randos trying to flirt with me, they gotta know I’m already spoken for,” he smiles.
“I’ve been looking forward to marking my territory,” you tease. “Anyways, go shower,” you say, lightly pushing his chest. 
“Trynna get rid of me?” He teases.
“Mmm not really. Just wanna get the smell of sex off of you,” you laugh.
“Well I’ll be smelling like sex again later,” he says, staring deep into your eyes once again.
“Then we’ll shower again. I’m gonna head downstairs and make some breakfast. You good with smoothies?” you ask as you walk backward to the door. 
“Yes ma’am,” he says.
“Perfect,” you smile back. 
“Have funnn,” he sing songs before heading into the bathroom. 
An hour later, You and Joe are sitting at the kitchen island together, drinking your delicious fruit smoothies, and talking about some more house stuff. The sounds of thunder and heavy rain fill the house as you talk. 
“Mmm, this smoothie is so good,” Joe groans. “Your smoothies are always the best,”. 
“Thank you,” you say, taking another sip of the fruity beverage.
“So with the house, since I just moved in a month ago, I wanna do some renovations and since we’re living together, I want your input too,” he says, putting his smoothie down. 
“Okay, what do you have in mind?”. 
“I was thinking we re-do the backyard area in time for summer, maybe add a pool-house and re-do some of the landscaping,”.
“Ooo,” you say. An idea fills your head as you think about the backyard, “Can I plant a garden in the spring?” You ask eagerly.
“Anything you want. It’s your house too,” he smiles.
“Yay! What else do you have in mind?”.
“I was thinking about redoing our bathroom too, just to make it more up to our liking. The same with the basement. I was thinking we could make it into a game room/hangout zone,”.
“That sounds amazing,” you say, finishing up your smoothie. “We can put a bunch of football stuff from over the years down there, put a bunch of cool stuff on the walls, all the game equipment can go down there too,” you say. “Full-on man cave,”. You get up and place your smoothie cup in the sink before walking back over to him, taking a seat on the counter, your legs dangling.
He shakes his head before saying, “Nah, not a man cave. I want you to have your stuff down there too. We can put a bunch of ‘you’ related stuff on the walls too if we’re gonna make a football wall. I was thinking since the basement is absolutely massive, we could build a little home studio for you down there,”. 
Your stomach fills with butterflies as your eyes soften. “Really?”.
“100%. Like I said, this is your place too,” he says while getting up and putting his cup in the sink. 
“You’re amazing, you know that right?” You said, making grabby hands towards him. He walks over to you as you spread your legs open. He moved in between them as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. His warm body acting has a cozy blanket for you. 
“You’ve told me that many times, so yes, but I don’t mind hearing it again,” he laughs. You two are wrapped up in a warm hug, when suddenly a loud bang fills the house, causing you both to jump. 
“Mmm, I just love the rain,” you say. It was true though, you loved rainstorms. Something about the pitter-patter of the rain against the windows made you so incredibly relaxed. The gloomy weather was tranquilizing. 
“And I love you,” he says, pressing a kiss to your cheek before moving out of your embrace. “Now let’s go unpack,” he says, putting out his hand to help you off the counter. 
You spend the rest of the morning unpacking the last few boxes you had lying around in the living room. A lot of decor and personal additions to the house were left, so you were carefully placing them around the house. The majority of the unpacking of the important things already happened so now you were just finishing up. 
“What’s in this box?” Joe asks, tapping the top of it. 
“Those might be all my music-related awards and stuff,”. 
He grabs the box and walks over to the shelf around the corner without saying anything. You let go of the box you were holding and follow him to see what he was up to. 
“What are you doing?” You ask.
You watch as he puts the box on the floor, opens it up, and pulls out a few of your awards.
“Putting them on the special display shelf, obviously,” he laughs.
“But this is yours?” You say looking over at the shelf. This was where Joe displayed all his football accolades. A few football awards from high school, and a bunch from college, including the natty and his ring. Under those was his AFC championship trophy and his Comeback Player of the Year award, the spot next to it was specifically reserved for the Lombardi he’d be looking to add in the next year. A few various awards from other football-related things were also around the case. 
“It’s ours,” he corrects, placing your Grammy for Album of the Year on the shelf. 
“Right, ours,” you smile. Joe always made sure that you knew that this was all yours just as much as it was his. You were a little hesitant around the house just because you felt that it was his and you were mooching off of him, but he made sure to correct you every time. 
You let him decorate the shelf with your various accolades, stepping back and watching him work his magic. 
“And I think that should be it,” He said, looking into the box to see if he missed anything. You walked back over to him and hugged him from behind, “It looks great, Joey. Thank You,”. 
“You’re welcome, Babe. How many more boxes do we have left?” He asks, walking over to the living room, you still holding on to him and moving with him. 
“Mmmm, I think maybe 3 more? The boxes upstairs in your-”.
“Our,” Joe interrupts. 
“Sorry, Our Room shouldn’t take that long to unpack since there’s like 4 more boxes with just clothes and some other random things. We can probably do those tonight,”. 
“Sounds good. And it looks like we’re almost done over here too,” He says, looking over at the 2 boxes left.
“Yup,” you say while letting go of him. “There’s like 3 more in the basement that we can do after,”.
“If we’re down there, we should play a round of ping pong,” he says, opening up the last two boxes which had a mix of kitchen stuff and living room decorations.
“You’re on, Burrow,” you giggle as you reach over to empty the boxes.
He grabs your hand and softly pushes it away, “I got these. You should find a spot for our sexy photos that we couldn’t fit in our room,” he smiles.
“Sexy? You’re funny,” you laugh as you walk over to the couch to pick up the photos. There were 3 photos you had to find places for. 
“But it’s true,” he says while carefully placing a few wall accents around the room. “We’re both hot therefore the pictures are sexy,” he says looking back at you. The first one was a photo of you two from your brother’s Wedding, you both were sitting at the table together hand in hand, a huge grin on your faces from the many cocktails you had, but also because of the pure happiness you felt with each other.
The second photo was taken by your Mom, a sweet and innocent one. You had brought Joe to your family’s house for the first time, a few weeks before the start of the season, and fell asleep in each other’s arms while watching a movie together. Your family had come home to the two of you in your own world, and you remembered a special conversation between you and your Mom about you and Joe. 
Flashback to last September
You sat down on the porch chair next to your Mom with a glass of your Mom’s freshly squeezed lemonade, taking a sip of the bitter yet sweet drink. You had been looking forward to some 1 on 1 time with your Mom since Joe had gone out with your Dad and Brother to get stuff for the family get-together party you were having tomorrow night. 
“Mmm, just like how I remembered it,” you groan. 
“Glad you like it, sweetie,” she smiles, taking a sip of her lemonade. 
“It feels good to be home,” you say. 
“It’s good to have you home. And it’s great to have Joe here as well. You both looked cozy today,” she smiles.
“Dang, straight to it,” you giggled.
“Well, when I come home to my daughter asleep and cuddling her boyfriend on the couch, looking absolutely lost in their own world, yes I’ll get straight to the point,” she says, patting your thigh. 
“And your point is?” You say, taking another sip of your lemonade. 
“You look happy. Truly satisfied,” your Mom says, her eyes filled with joy. “The happiest I’ve seen you in a long time,”. 
You look down at your hands, fidgeting with the bracelet Joe had given you with both your birthstones on it. “Yeah,” you smile. “I am,”. 
“He’s a really nice boy,” she adds. “Very kind, respectful, caring, natural, handsome. You seem so relaxed around him too,”.
“Momm,” you say while covering your face with your hands. 
She laughs as she watches you struggle to hide your blush and smile, “But most importantly, he adores you. The way he looks at you reminds me of how your father looked at me when we first started dating. The look of pure & young love,” she says. 
“He is great isn’t he?” You say, falling back into your chair and staring up at the blue sky. “He’s like a breath of fresh air on a stuffy humid day. He just gets me on a level no one ever has before and he treats me like I’m the only girl in the world,”. 
“I can’t wait to show him around town and do the things I used to do out here with him,” you add. 
Your mom stays silent for a few seconds, prompting you to turn your head to face her. “What?” You laugh. “What’s with the stare?”. 
“You’re in love,” your Mom teases, giving you a sincere smile. 
Your eyes widened as she continued to stare at you. “Mom, we just started dating,” You told her.
“And? What have I told you, Y/N? When you know, you know. We all know and it’s about time you realized it too,” she laughs. 
“You just met him this week,” you said, slightly surprised that she was saying all this to you. 
“I know but I’ve never seen you this way about a boy before, this time around it’s different. I see the way you look at him and the way he acts around you. It’s extraordinary. None of your previous relationships have had this effect on you. Also, might be my personal bias since we’re a football family, but Joe is my favorite,”. 
You stopped to think about what she was saying and she was right about it all. You really haven’t been this way about a boy before. He made you feel things you’ve never felt before and in the short time you’ve been together, he’s made this better than any of your previous relationships. It was a different effect this time, and it was all because of him. 
End of flashback 
The third photo was from a vacation you took last August to the Florida Keys after you saw your family, you’re both in a hammock on the beach, you are sprawled out on Joe’s large body as his left arm is looped around your bare stomach and his right arm is holding up the vintage camera to take a photo of you both. He’s pressing a kiss onto your cheek as your hands are reaching up to grab the camera. He captured the perfect photo, both of you in your most natural state as you were caught mid-laugh and his lips were pressed against your skin with a smile.
Flashback to the end of October – Bengals bye week
“I needed this,” you sigh as you lean against Joe’s bare chest. You both were curled up together on a hammock on the beach in front of the house Joe had rented for the week. You spent the afternoon in the water together and took a little break before preparing for dinner. 
“It was nice that we could do this during the bye. I can’t remember the last time I spent a bye week somewhere other than the couch,” he says, sliding his hand up and down your upper thigh. 
“Which, by the way, will change,” you say while looking up at him. 
“Well, that’s good. I need more downtime, especially with my favorite person,” he says, pressing kisses to your bare shoulder.
“Joe,” you laugh, throwing your head to the side.
“What?” He says, still pressing kisses along your shoulder and now neck. His arm loops around your waist and moves his fingers around the soft skin of your abdomen.
“That tickles,” you giggle. He begins to move around in the hammock, causing it to swing back and forth. “Joe, we’re going to fall,” you scream.
“I got you,” he assures as he holds you tighter. He reaches down onto the sand to grab the Vintage Camera you’d been using to take pictures during the trip and brings it up to him. 
“What’re you doing?” You ask, still laughing because his soft fingers were still moving around your sensitive stomach and that was where you were most ticklish. 
“Taking a picture obviously,” he states, turning the camera on with his free hand and turning it to face you.
“Absolutely not! I look like I got hit by a bus,” you say while you try to reach up for the camera but he pulls it away further from you. Of course, he had long arms. 
“You look hot,” he says, pressing more kisses along your skin, a huge smile on his face. “This bikini is really making it hard for me to not keep you in bed all day," He couldn’t be happier right now. He was lying on the beach with his adorable, smart, talented, and gorgeous girlfriend. He couldn’t believe that this was real, that you were real. The night you first met, he thought you were a figment of his imagination but that turned out to be false as you were 100% real and 100% stole his heart. 
“Lies,” you say while making grabby hands at the camera. He manages to snap a few photos while you’re actively trying to grab the camera out of his hands, but you eventually accept defeat and smile for the camera. 
He lowers the camera after a few moments to take a look at the photos, his hand now sliding up and down your belly.  He swiped through the first few photos and grinned. “These are perfect,”. 
You lifted your head a little higher to get a glimpse of the photos and smiled at the funny yet adorable picture. His lips pressed to your skin, you caught mid-laugh, and an invisible cloud showering you both with love. The photo captured you both in your most natural state and it was beautiful. “Hm, I guess I don’t look that disheveled,”. 
“Not at all, but you will later once we’re back in that gigantic bed and under those covers,” he whispers in your ear, sending chills down your spine. 
“Oh really?” you ask, turning around in his arms so that your stomach is pressed against his. 
“Mhm,” he says as his hand navigates to your ass, giving it a soft squeeze. 
“Well, we have a little more time till dinner. Why don’t you make me look disheveled so that I can get presentable, and then make me look disheveled again after dinner?” you tease, ending your sentence with a slow and needy kiss. You feel his arms snake around your waist while he moves to get off the hammock. Laughter fills the air as your legs wrap around his body as he gets up off the hammock and carries you inside, your cheek pressed against his shoulder as you soak in the moment. 
End of flashback 
“Hey, you alright?” Joe asks as he rubs your shoulder from behind you; he snapped you out of your daze which you didn’t know how long you were in. 
“Yeah, I was just caught up looking at our sexy photos,” You smile. 
“See I told you,” he said, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck.
“Now I just gotta find somewhere to put these,” you say, looking around the room to find a spot. 
“Here, let me,” he says, grabbing the photos from your hand. You watch as he places one on the TV table, then one in the kitchen, and places the last one on the table by the door. 
“That wasn’t so hard,” you said as you sat on the couch to take a breather. 
“Not at all,” he smiles as he takes a seat next to you. He places his arm behind you and his hand rests on your shoulder, running his thumb up and down the side. You drop your head into his chest and snuggle a little closer to him, making his hand move down to your waist. 
“You okay?” He asks at the sudden closeness. 
You crane your head up, “Mhm, I just wanna be close to you,” you smile as you press a few kisses to his clothed chest. 
“Fine by me,” he says softly. “So, you enjoying this so far?”. 
“Enjoying what?”.
“Living with me? I hope it’s everything you wanted,” he says. 
“It’s everything and even more,” you say, running your fingers across his chest. “I needed somewhere less suffocating and loud, and this is it,”. You lift your leg up and move so you’re in his lap, his hands letting you do what you want before returning to your waist. “I needed somewhere that felt like home and well, home is where the heart is. And my heart is with you,” you say. 
He looks at you for a few moments, his heart racing and his smile growing bigger by the second. Joe was so happy that you felt this way with him and was relieved that you didn’t regret your decision. He needed you by his side and you needed him as well. 
You had never lived with any of your previous boyfriends, but this time around something was different. It was more promising than your past relationships. Living with him was like putting on the “big girl pants” for real and felt serious. You already knew you both were serious about each other, but this doubled down on that. 
He pulls you in for a hug, wrapping his big hands around your waist and pushing your head into the crook of his neck. 
“I love you,” he mumbles as he presses a kiss to your head.
“Love you too,” you laugh. 
You stay wrapped up in each other's arms for a few minutes, discussing what you should do for dinner tonight and eventually deciding on cooking together. 
“Now let's finish unpacking so we can be free,” you say, moving out of his embrace but still around his hips.
“Orrr, we could stay here? Maybe lose a few clothes while we’re at it,” he smirks.
“Laterrrr. We have a little more to do and then I promise you can do whatever you want,” you say, moving to get off of him. 
You watch as Joe throws his head back into the couch cushion and lets out a dramatic sigh.
“Someone’s horny today,” you tease as you walk backward to the basement door. 
Joe turns his head to you, seeing you walk away, gets off of the couch, and slowly follows you,  “Well when I have this gorgeous, enchanting, kind, adorable, and incredibly sexy girl in my house, it’s kind of hard not to be,”. 
You raise your eyebrows as you walk closer to the door, “Damn. Where is she? Must have missed her,” You question as you grab the door handle. 
“Right in front of me,” Joe laughs, moving closer. You quickly open the door and run down the stairs, Joe closely running behind you. 
“Joe,” you laugh as you run through the basement and try to escape him, but his fast reflexes make it difficult. You make it to the couch in the basement and turn around to see where he is, but bump into his large body in front of you. His hands wrap around your waist and his lips crash down on yours, you melt into the kiss. You always turned into putty when you were in his arms, so this wasn’t new. 
His hand travels to your neck, pulling you deeper into the rough yet passionate kiss. You let out a soft whimper when you feel his other hand travel down to the waistband of your shorts, prompting you to pull away. 
“Joe, we have a few more boxes,” you pant, breathless from the kiss. You stare at his glossy lips covered in cherry lip gloss, wanting to press your lips against his again but knowing you have things to do.
“10 minutes, please,” he pleads. 
You stare at him for a few seconds, watching how impatient he is and feeling a little bad that you made him like this. “Fine, we have all the time in the world for the boxes,” you replied and Joe wrapped his arms around you as soon as you finished talking, launching you both onto the soft couch. 
“Joe,” you laughed as he threw the pillows onto the floor. “I don’t know what we’re doing in 10 minutes but have at it I guess,” you giggle.
“10 minutes to make you feel good, obviously,” he scoffs. 
“Anddd what about you?” You smile as Joe pulls your shorts down, pressing kisses to your inner thighs.
“Later,” he says as he begins to suck on the plush skin of your upper thigh. You let out a soft moan as you feel his lips on your skin and his hand moving up to cup your breast through your shirt. 
He lifts his lips from your thigh and begins to pull your panties down, which happens to be extremely damp. “Damn, wonder what made you so wet?” He smirks.
“He’s sitting right in front of me,” you say as you move up on your elbows, watching him closely. 
He flashes you a smile and starts to peel your panties off, taking his sweet time. You fall back against the couch pillows and feel Joe’s hands spread you open a little more. A few seconds later, you feel his tongue lick a long stripe from your entrance to your clit, sending shivers down your spine. You let out a quiet moan as you push your hand into his hair, pulling on the soft strands. His tongue flicked against your clit in slow, deliberate strokes. You let out a moan as waves of pleasure washed over you, your fingers tangling in his hair as he worked his magic on you.
“Please don’t ever stop,” you moan as Joe’s free hand moves under your shirt to cup your breast. He looked up as he continued to use his skillful tongue to send you to heaven, and saw you struggling to keep your eyes open. He moves back down to your folds and all you can hear are wet slurping sounds from below and your breathy moans. 
“J- Joe,” you struggled to moan as you were seeing stars. 
His hand moves back down to your thigh and down to your leg which he throws over his shoulder. He spends a few minutes fully attacking your soaking folds with kisses and delicate nips, before moving back up to your clit and sucking roughly on the sensitive bud. The movement of his tongue was sending you over the edge.
“Mpmh, Joee,” you moan as your back starts to arch. Joe softly pushes you back down and then you feel one of his fingers enter your core, sending you into overdrive. You feel him pump his finger in and out of your slick core as you continue to moan his name. 
“F- Fuck, Y- You’re so good,” you smile as you start to feel the pleasure building in your belly. He looked back up as he continued to please you and saw your content smile. Only he could make you feel like this, and the thought of only him being able to do this to you forever made him even more ravenous. He sucked on your clit even harder and added another finger into your core. You pulled harder on the strands of his hair, earning a grunt from him that sent vibrations throughout your body. Your free hand gripped the couch as you felt like you were floating on a cloud of euphoria.
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned. Joe’s hand moved back up to you, searching for your hand. You let go of the couch and grabbed his hand, his fingers entwined with yours. 
Your head filled with thoughts of pleasure and the fact that you were the only girl who could make Joe act so lustfully and passionately. He was all yours and you were all his. 
And then, with a final flick of his tongue and pump of his fingers, you shattered into a million pieces, your orgasm crashing over you in a wave of ecstasy. You cried out his name over and over as you rode the waves of pleasure, your body trembling with the force of it all.
“Joe, Fuck I- I can’t,” you moaned as your legs shook, not being able to finish the sentence or think about anything. 
Joe didn't stop until he had milked every last drop of pleasure from you, his mouth and fingers relentless as they drove you wild with desire. He stayed down for a few more minutes, lapping up the mess you had made, and when he finally pulled away, a satisfied smirk on his face. 
You spend a few minutes catching your breath and you recover from your orgasm. Joe went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel to help clean you up, and after that helped you put your shorts back on. He was lying on your chest right now, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, and you were twirling his hair with your fingers. 
“That was-” you say.
“Intense?” Joe laughs.
“I think intense is too small of a word to describe that,” you snicker. 
“Well, whatever it was, it tasted and felt like heaven,” he smiled, pressing a few kisses onto your chest. 
“Glad you enjoyed it as well. But I think it’s time to do what we actually came down here for,” you say as you slowly move back up on the couch. 
“I think I agree with you this time. We still have to play that round of ping pong,” he says as he gets off of you. 
“I hope you’re ready to get your ass kicked, Burrow,” you tease as you start to stand up, feeling the aftermath of both what happened this morning and what happened just now. You started to walk towards the boxes, an evident limp in each step, and Joe noticed and walked over to you immediately. 
“Hey, Hey, take it easy. I can unpack the boxes, you go sit on the couch,” he says as he rubs your arm. 
“Are you sure?” you ask.
“Absolutely. Just direct me to where you want everything and relax,” he smiles. 
You walk back over to the couch, grab a throw blanket, and get comfy as you watch him open the boxes. 
“I was thinking that those two walls over there can be the personal accomplishment type walls we were talking about earlier,” you point out.
“Ooo, I like that. Both are facing each other so it’s perfect,” Joe says as he puts your Nintendo Switch right next to his on the game console table. 
“I can work on that later. But I was thinking for yours, we hang up each of your 4 Jerseys, Athens, OSU, LSU, and the Bengals, and put stuff from each era on a little table underneath the jerseys. Maybe even hang up a few photos,” you say as Joe continues to unpack the boxes. 
“Interior designer also on your resume?” He says, looking up at you with a smile. 
“Maybeee,” you grin. 
Joe continues to unpack the rest of the boxes, and you direct him to where you think the various pieces of decor and knick-knacks should go. He leaves 1 box alone as it has a lot of your awards, music memorabilia from over the years, and other career-related items. He said that he would use this to build your little wall of accomplishments, insisting that you two do each others. 
“Is it finally time for Ping Pong?” You smile as you look over and see Joe grabbing the paddles and the balls. 
“Hell yeah,” he smiles. You get up from the couch and make your way over to the table. “You’re on,” you say, getting your game face ready. 
A few minutes later, you and Joe are caught up in an intense game of ping pong. You started off pretty calm and relaxed, softly hitting the ball back and forth. Until Joe decided to trash talk and try a trick shot on you, sending the ball on the side you weren’t standing on, allowing him to score. 
“I am not about to lose,” you said as you slammed the ball back onto Joe’s side of the table, but he still managed to get to it and bounce it back. 
“I never lose,” he shrugs as he launches it back to you. 
Joe's reflexes were too much for you to beat as he always managed to hit the ball and make you miss. But you resorted to certain tactics that caused him to miss occasionally, a teasing glance or occasional trash talk that got him worked up. Joe was very good at ping pong, no doubt about that. But ever since you met, he managed to teach you all the ins and outs of the fun game and made you a better player than you were before. Whenever you two would hang out, whether it was in LA, New York, or Cincy, you managed to end up at a ping pong table, playing your favorite game. 
“Ya know, for a man that usually wants to be the best at everything he does, you’re not trying hard enough to be best at this it seems,” you tease, hitting the ball back to him. Your trash talk causes him to look at you and miss the ball completely. 
“Fuck,” he whispers, picking up the ball off the floor. 
The score was neck and neck a few minutes later and you were still going at it and no sign of stopping in sight. 
“Just give up, Y/N” he smiles. “We’re going to be here all evening,” he says, hitting the ball back over. 
“Fine by me. I’m not losing, I told you,” you say hitting it back over the net. 
By the time the final round of the game rolls around, you’re fully locked in and determined to beat him. You attempt to recreate Joe’s trick shot, and you succeed, causing Joe to be slightly taken aback. The ball flies at his side of the table hard and fast, completely missing Joe and his paddle, and you get the final score. 
You throw your paddle down onto the table and jump up and down, “I told youuuuuuu,” you yell. “Guess you do lose,” you tease, pointing at him and laughing. 
Joe drops his head in defeat and softly laughs. “Damn, using my own move against me,” he says.
“You did teach me everything I needed to know to be good at ping pong,” you shrug. “You created your own competition,”. 
“That I did,” he sighs. 
A little later 
After your game of ping pong, you head back upstairs, the storm from this morning still raging outside, even harder than before, causing darkness to flood through your home. 
“Damn, it’s dark as hell up here,” you say, walking over to the patio door to take a peek at the storm. 
“Looks like it’ll be storming all night,” Joe says as he checks the weather on his phone. 
“We should probably get to making dinner then, just in case the power decides to go out,” you say, turning around and walking to the kitchen. 
“Good idea,” he says, following you into the kitchen. 
You switch on a few of the lights and get to work. You had decided on making Chicken Parmesan with garlic bread. Joe wasn’t much of a cook, but he would try to help you whenever you decided to make something. For tonight, you left him in charge of marinating the chicken and grilling them on the stove while you made the sauce and boiled the pasta. He walked over to his phone, connected it to the speaker, and played some music to lighten the mood while you were cooking. 
A half-hour later, the chicken is grilled and the sauce is made. All that was left was the pasta to be done boiling and the garlic bread you just popped into the oven to be ready. 
You walked over to the pot of pasta, stirring it around as you heard the song change to “Real Love Baby”, one of your favorite love songs in the entire world. Joe looked up from the chicken that he was putting the finishing touches on, realizing that one of your favorite songs was playing, and walked over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder. You smile as you feel his warm body pressed against yours. 
“Our hearts are free, so tell me what’s wrong with the feeling,” he says in your ear. 
“I’m a flower, you’re my bee,” he says, swaying you back and forth. 
“What’re you doing,” you laugh as you turn around in his arms. 
“Singing, duh,” he deadpans. “You’re not the only one with the vocals,” he says while grabbing your hand and leading you to the open area by the dining table. 
“Dance with me,” he says. 
You raise your eyebrow at him, slightly confused since he rarely slow dances with you. “Are you sure?” You asked. 
“100%,” he says, pulling you into him and resting his hands on your lower back while you're wrapped around his neck. 
“I want real love baby, oooh don’t leave me waiting,” he sings, swaying you back and forth. Your heart feels like it’s about to explode as you hear him singing a song that is so special to you.
“I’ve got real love maybe, wait until you taste me, I want real love baby,” you sing back, staring lovingly into his soft eyes. 
“There’s a world inside me, got the preacher's music, just it for a minute and gone,” he sings back, taking your hand and giving you a little twirl. You felt at ease in the moment. It was just you and your boyfriend dancing around in your home, away from prying eyes and interlopers’ glances. A special memory just for the two of you to forever remember. 
You sway around to the song for a few more moments, laughing at the scene and softly pressing kisses on each other's lips. “I’m in love, I’m alive, I belong to the stars and sky,” you say, singing one of the last lines of the song before pressing another kiss to his lips. 
As the song ended, you wrapped your arms around his neck a little tighter and stuffed your head into the crook of his neck. “Thank you,” you mumbled. 
“For what?” He asked, rubbing your back slowly. 
“Dancing with me. That was romantic and sweet,” you smile against his neck. 
“I should do that more often then,” he smiles. 
You lift your head out of his neck and press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re romantic enough, trust me. It’s just nice to have these spontaneous moments of intimacy. Keeps me on my toes,” you giggle, walking over to take the garlic bread out of the oven and turning the stove off. 
“Well, another spontaneous moment is on its way. Why don’t we eat dinner at a candlelit table? I have some candles in the cabinet I can set up,” he says as he goes over to the drawer to take out a few candles.
You shake your head, heart fluttering at his sweet gestures and ideas, and shoot him a grin. “Sounds perfect,”. 
Joe was always doing little things like this throughout your relationship and you adored it. Whether it would be random flower deliveries to your house or thoughtfully planned dates, he always managed to go above and beyond for you whether it was random or well-planned gestures. He wasn’t like any other guys you dated. The tough shell he had on the outside was not at all like who he was deep down, and you were lucky enough to see it all the time. 
You plate dinner as Joe gets the table ready, lighting a few candles around the table and turning the lights off when you sit down. The warm glow of the candle made a cocoon around you two, protecting you from the darkness that flooded your surroundings. 
“You’re too far away,” Joe says as he looks at you from across the table.  He takes his chair and scooches it around so that he is sitting next to you, rather than across. 
“That’s better,” you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you pick up your fork and dig into the delicious food.
“Mmm, you did so good with this chicken,” you point out. “Can’t cook my ass,” you laugh as you take a sip of your water. 
“I learned a thing or two from you,” he says, taking another bite of the pasta. 
“Mm, well whatever you learned paid off because damn, this is good,” you say, chewing on the well-seasoned and cooked meat. You grab your glass of water, take a sip of the cool beverage, and remember something you wanted to talk to Joe about. 
“So this is my first official official off-season with you,” you say, putting down your water and looking up at him.
“Yes it is,” he says, putting his fork down and looking at you. 
“So how does this work? Since usually I’m not with you for the entirety of the time you have off”.
“Usually I have some training during the early months and some events to go to each month. OTA’s are in May, but we have time before that and camp,” he replied. 
“Ah, right right,” you nod.
“Since you’re with me now, you’re definitely coming to the events with me,”.
“I’d love to. Someone has to keep you company,” you say, grabbing his hand and rubbing the soft skin. 
“For real. I hate going to like half the events I need to go to because I don’t like talking to randos for hours on end. If you’re there, I can just stick with you for the entire event,” Joe laughs. 
“I’ll have to come up with an escape route for each occasion,” you joke. 
He lets out a soft laugh before continuing the conversation, “We’ll be taking obvious trips to LA and New York so you can do your thing and I also have training in LA so it works out. As for vacations, we should prob get on planning those out,” he adds. “I was thinking of a trip to the Keys like we did last year, while we’re in LA we can rent a house in Malibu for a little, and I was thinking we go to Italy in April for a week and maybe Greece if you’re down,”. 
You stay quiet for a few moments, still processing how he’s already thought everything out. Joe didn’t really go out of the country for vacations, and you’d learned that about him pretty early on. So him suggesting these vacations to you took you by surprise, but it was a pleasant surprise. 
He notices your wandering facial expression and your quietness. “You alright?” He asks, sitting up in his chair. 
“I’m amazing and this all sounds like a dream,” you smile. “You’ve really thought everything out, especially with these trips. I didn’t think you’d wanna go somewhere so far,”. 
He pauses for a few seconds to collect his thoughts, “Now that you’re in my life, I want everything to be well thought out and serious. I love you a lot and I want you to be as happy as humanly possible,” he says, his body language telling you everything you needed to know. “You like traveling and I don’t want you to give that up for me. Maybe I just needed the right person to go with to enjoy it, and who better than my favorite person,”.
Your heart felt like it was going to explode into a pile of pink dust at the thought of how much he cared about what you wanted. “I think if I was happier than I already am, I would actually explode,” you joke. “But seriously, this is perfect,” you say looking around the room. “This house, this dinner, these vacations, and you,”. 
“I’m glad you feel that way,” he says. His eyes are filled with joy and adoration. Joe was truly happy with you and you with him. None of his previous relationships had made him feel so complete and comfortable. Something about you made him see what forever could look like, and he loved what it looked like. 
After a few more minutes of talking about off-season plans, you both wrap up your dinner, you blow out the candles and Joe clears the table. You put the leftovers in the fridge as Joe loads the dishwasher. After you’re done, you’re standing in the kitchen, the look on your faces mirroring the tension that was building in the room.  
“Soooo, whatcha wanna do now?” Joe asks as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. 
“Hmm, I know it’s night time but people workout at night right?” You innocently tease.
“You wanna hit the gym? Right now?” He asks, very confused. 
“Not that kinda gym silly,” you say as you walk closer to him. “I think we should go to the gym upstairs, ya know the one with the comfy bed? I think we need to do another rep of our favorite workout,” you tease as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Ohhhh,” he realizes as a smirk appears on his face. “I think you’re right. I’d hate to miss a workout. It’s not good to break routine,” he says as his hands move down to cup your ass. 
“Well then, let’s get to it,” you say as Joe hoists you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist. 
Joe’s soft lips meet yours in a fiery and sloppy kiss as he starts to lead you to the stairs, but you pull away so he can see them and not fall because you were kissing him. You move down to his neck and start to suck on the soft skin, marking him up and leaving a few pretty purple spots that’ll be visible in a few hours. 
You’re so caught up in pressing kisses on his neck that you don’t even notice that you’ve made it into the bedroom. “Wait, I didn’t change the sheets from this morning,” you say, moving back into his view. Your fingers find themselves in his hair again, softly scratching his scalp. 
“Already ahead of you,” He laughed. “I changed them after I showered,”.
“Could you be more perfect,” you ask, pulling him into another heated kiss, one you both grin into. He lowers you down onto the soft sheets before pulling away to take his shirt and sweats off. “Damn, straight to it?” you question. 
“I need you so yes, straight to it,” he says, giving you a heated look. He threw his clothes to the side and kneeled on the bed so that he was hovering over you. You let out a squeal as Joe quickly pulled your shorts and panties down, throwing them to the side along with your shirt which you had been in the process of removing.
He leaned down and started pressing kisses along your collarbone, cupping your breast through your bra at the same time. “Mmm, Joe,” you moan, your eyelashes fluttering as you struggle to compose yourself. 
His hand navigates further down as he ghosts his fingers over your soaking folds, teasing your clit while he continued to kiss your collarbone. “Joe, I need you so bad,” you whispered, squirming in your bed in an attempt to find pleasure. 
He lifts his head from your neck and gets off of you, leaving you cold and bare. “Take it off,” he nods, referring to your bra. 
You quickly reach for the clasp and unhook it, slipping off the straps and throwing it to the side. You feel his intense and lustful eyes looking you up and down, the only thought in his head was that you were the hottest and most angelic girl he had ever seen. 
“You are so beautiful,” he whispers. You immediately reach back out for him and cup his face, pulling him back down so he is once again on top of you. Your mouths moved at a relentless pace, kissing each other hungrily as his hand cupped your breast again. “Joe,” you moaned as you threw your head back into the pillow, breaking away from the kiss. 
He moved down, pressing wet open-mouthed kisses in between your breasts and all around your belly, which as he knows, is where you’re most ticklish.
“Joe,” you laughed as he continued to press kisses all along your stomach. “Something wrong?” He asked in between kisses. All you could respond with was continuous laughter and squeals, making him oh so incredibly happy. 
After he finished attacking your stomach with kisses, he moved back up to your lips, pressing his against yours again. He sucked on your top lip and you could feel his erection poking at your thigh. 
“Mmm,” you moaned into the kiss. You could feel the cold air of the room against your core, which was soaking with your arousal, just begging to be attended to. His hand gripped your waist tightly, almost as if he was never going to let go. 
He could feel your impatience by the way you were kissing him and squirming underneath his hold, and it was driving him crazy. He pulled away from the kiss and looked you in your soft eyes before moving back down to your neck, this time sucking the spot under your ear that drove you mad.
“Shit,” you whimpered. He moved to gently nip your earlobe before moving up and whispering, “You might not be able to walk after this,” into your ear. 
You bit your lip as he went back to kissing the spot under your ear. He was driving you insane with every kiss, every touch, every word that came out of his mouth. 
“I look better and feel better when I’m well-fucked anyways,” you boldly replied, causing him to immediately come out from your neck. 
“Oh really?” He says as you stare at his swollen red lips. 
“Mhm, something about the endorphins, oxytocin, and post-sex afterglow I get just works for me,” you smirk. 
“The afterglow part for sure,” he says as he presses a kiss to your cheek. “Not sure about the hormone part since that part should be in you,”. 
“You know what else should be in me?” you smirk as you brush his unruly curls out of his eyes. 
“You,” you say, pressing a sweet kiss to his nose. 
He lets out a chuckle, “She knows what she wants,”.
“Damn right, she does,” you say, moving your arm to the side to dim the lamp a little. 
Joe slowly lines himself up with your slick core, one hand guiding himself and the other on your waist. You feel a little pressure down below as he starts to slide in. You were still a little sore from this morning and from earlier, so a little pain was still present. He noticed you wince a little and immediately stopped. 
“No, No, keep going,” you moaned. 
“If it hurts at all, just tell me to stop. I don’t want to hurt you,” he coos. 
“I’m fine,” you smile as you lift your legs to wrap around his waist, pushing him in closer. 
He gives you a nod as he continues to slide into you until he reaches your hilt. “Joe,” you moaned as you turned your head to the side, closing your eyes because of the slight sting.  
Joe snapped his hips forward, causing you to turn your head back to face him. The first thrust being so hard took you by surprise. He set a relentless pace early on as he pounded into your core, countless whimpers and moans leaving both your lips. 
“Fuck, Joe,” you screamed as he continued to fuck you senselessly. The pain you felt for a few seconds turned into pleasure, all because of him.
“Baby, you feel so good,” he groaned as each thrust shook your body. Sounds of skin hitting skin filled the room and you two felt yourselves getting lost in each other. With every thrust, he moved deeper and deeper into your core, his cock slamming against your cervix, making you moan with delight. 
“Right there,” you smile, closing your eyes and letting him work his magic.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groaned as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. You started to buck your hips against him, matching the pace of his rough thrusts. Your bodies moved together in perfect harmony, your fingers scratching his back which was surely leaving red marks. One of his hands cupped your breast, his thumb rubbing circles around your nipple.
“J- Joe,” you whimpered. “I love you,” you moaned as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. His grip on your waist became tighter as his other hand moved to the other side, now gripping you fully. He lowered his head, capturing your lips in a soft kiss, but he breaks away when he feels you clench around his cock, signaling you were close.  
“God, you are unreal,” he moans. 
“I’m so- I’m so close,” you struggled to say. Your legs started to burn as he continued to thrust into you, sweat dripping from both of your foreheads. 
“Cum for me, Baby,” he says as he ruthlessly slams into your core, your entire body moving against the bed as he took control. At this point, there was not a single thought in your head and you were quite literally being fucked stupid by your boyfriend. A few seconds later, you felt the band in your belly snap as you clenched around his cock. You tugged at the strands of his hair as you came around him as he was still pumping into you.
“Joe!” you screamed into his neck as you rode out your high. A few more breathless moans escaped your lips as you felt the aftershocks of your orgasm. He kept pumping into you, reaching his climax a few moments later. He gripped your thigh with his right hand, his left still on your waist, as he filled you with hot spurts of his cum.
“Y/N..” he whimpered, stuffing his face into your neck. Your hands rubbed his lower back as he slowed his thrusts, pumping every last bit of cum into you before collapsing next to your tired body. His arm layed across your belly, holding you close, as you spent a few seconds catching your breaths. You stared up at the bedroom ceiling, a content smile on your face as you realized that you were in your shared bedroom right now, in your shared home, and with the love of your life wrapped around you. This really was your life, and it was better than you could have ever imagined. 
“I love you so much,” he panted, breaking the silence. 
You turned your head to meet his tired yet still filled with love eyes, “I love you even more,”.  
An hour later, you both are wrapped up together in the bathtub, soaking up the warm and soothing water.
“This feels soooo good,” you say as you lean back against his chest. “I seriously don’t think I can walk so you might have to carry me out of here like you carried me in,”. 
“Sorryyy,” he laughs, pressing kisses to the back of your shoulder. "At least the post-sex afterglow is doing its thing,".
"All thanks to you," you smile.
"Still, Sorry," he says, taking his hand and threading it through his hair.
“It’s okay, I know you always live up to your word, and you did say I wouldn’t be able to walk after that sooo,” you shrug.
“Live up to my word?” he questions.
“Mhm,” you reply, looking up at him. “You told me when we met that this was going to be different, and it is. This is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, and you lived up to your word by making sure that we were different than the other relationships we both had,”.
“Go on,” he says, rubbing your arm. 
“You told me that we would do this on our own terms, and we have. The public barely knows about us and you built a wall that shields us from everyone’s unwanted opinions, you lived up to your word,”. 
“Y/N-,” he started to say. Joe was melting at your words. Nobody had ever made him feel the way you did and the way you spoke about him assured him that you felt exactly as he did. He truly loved you more than anything.
“And then you told me you loved me, and you’ve shown me that every single day I have spent with you. And now I get to feel that and see that every day. You lived up to your word,” you finished. 
Suddenly, you felt his arms wrap around your waist and flipping you around so your legs were settled around him. He pulls your head into his neck and presses delicate kisses to your forehead. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he says with each kiss. 
“I love you too,” you giggle. “I can’t wait for more days like this with you. This is everything I’ve ever wanted and more,”.
“I’m glad I could give it to you,” he says. 
You fall into his chest as his arms settle around your waist, holding you close to him. You spend a few minutes in that position, hearing each other’s heartbeats and pressing delicate kisses to each other’s skin.
“You’re the best boyfriend in the entire world,” you say.
“It’s easy to be the best boyfriend when I have the best girlfriend in the world,” he smiles.
There was no place you’d rather be right now than here. You were happy, you felt at home, and you were in love. And you would get to feel the same thing the next day, and every day after that.
–The End–
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dcllzai · 2 months
"You got me a puppy?!"
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Nakahara Chuuya x gn!reader. SFW. Fluff / Your boyfriend Chuuya has been begging you for a puppy for years now, one day you decide to cave and while he's asleep you adopt a fluffy golden retriever and place it on his sleeping body for him to wake up to a fluffy surprise. CHUUYA LOVES DOGS OKAY?
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For years, Chuuya had been the master of puppy-eyed begs, his pleas for a furry companion echoing through your shared home like a broken record. Whether over breakfast or during cozy movie nights, especially if the movie was about puppies, Chuuya never missed an opportunity to remind you of his dream of having a puppy. His arguments ranged from the practical "They make great companions, you know!" to the downright adorable "Just imagine us taking long walks together in the park!"Despite your love for Chuuya and his undeniable charm, you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt every time you had to gently decline his requests, citing reasons like busy schedules or lack of space. But deep down, you knew that one day, you'd find a way to make his puppy dreams come true. As the morning sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, illuminating the room with a soft glow, you carefully carried the fluffy golden retriever into the bedroom. With a mischievous grin, you gently placed the puppy on the bed next to Chuuya, still deep in slumber. The puppy, sensing the new environment, sniffed around curiously before settling down beside Chuuya, its warm breath creating small puffs of air against his cheek. You couldn't help but smile as you watched Chuuya sleep peacefully, unaware of the furry surprise awaiting him. With a quiet chuckle, you tiptoed out of the room, eagerly anticipating his reaction when he woke up. Several minutes later, you heard a soft stir from the bedroom followed by a yawn. Slowly, Chuuya blinked his eyes open, greeted by the sight of the adorable golden retriever nestled beside him. His eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of confusion and delight dancing in their depths. As Chuuya's gaze met the golden retriever's warm, trusting eyes, a wave of disbelief washed over him. Was this real? Had his persistent pleas finally paid off? He couldn't believe his luck as he reached out to gently stroke the puppy's soft fur, feeling the warmth of its little body against his own.
"Surprise!" you exclaimed, poking your head back into the room, unable to contain your excitement.
Chuuya's heart swelled with emotion at the sight of you standing there, a beaming smile lighting up your face. It was a moment he'd dreamed of for years, and now it was finally here.
With a joyful laugh, he pulled you into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead before turning his attention back to the puppy. "You got me a puppy?! I..I don't know what to say..."
"You don't have to say anything," you replied, your own eyes shimmering with happiness. "Just enjoy this moment."
And so, as the morning unfolded with laughter, cuddles, and endless puppy kisses, Chuuya couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. In the soft light of dawn, surrounded by love and warmth, he knew that this was the start of a beautiful new chapter—one filled with wagging tails, sloppy kisses, and a lifetime of unforgettable memories.
As he looked down at the golden retriever snuggled against him, Chuuya made a silent promise to cherish this precious gift and the one who had given it to him, for the rest of his days.
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7ndipity · 5 months
Holidays With Yoongi Headcanons
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: What spending the Christmas season with Yoongi would be like.
Warnings: swearing, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!
Holidays with Yoongi would be soo cozy, I feel like he would lowkey go all out to embrace the season and try to share as many experiences with you as possible, even a few of the more cliche tropes and traditions.
If you live somewhere with snow, I think he’d want to do the whole “walk in the first snow of the season for good luck”, partly because it’s romantic, and partly bc it’s a great excuse for cuddles to warm each other up afterwards.
Picking out a tree together tho is a surprisingly serious mission for him. He’s checking the height, the fullness from each side, shaking the limbs to see how many needles fall, etc.
“Doesn’t it look a little lopsided tho?” “Who cares, I can’t feel my toes, Min!”
(This would only happen for your first year together tho, unless you’re really set on ‘real’ trees. The next year he’d decide it would be better/easier to just invest in a pre-lit, artificial tree)
Decorating together would be so fun tho, especially if you have some older ornaments from over the years or from your family, so you can share stories about holidays from when you were younger.
“Raccoons with soup-can phones? How is that Christmas-y?” “Idk, but they were one of my dad’s favorites!”
I don’t know that he would necessarily wear matching sweaters or anything like that, unless you bring it up first(and then he’d end up kinda loving it, but won’t admit it), but I think he’d get a little soft about having something like stockings or mugs with your names on them.
Catching him under the mistletoe every single chance you get, because you’ll be damned if you pass up any opportunity to kiss him, and turning him into a blushy mess is way too much fun!
Man would be lowkey stressed about what kind of gift to get you, even tho you’d probably be happy with a pack of gum if it came from him. He worries about being too basic or cliche with something like jewelry(even tho he already bought you smth months ago and has been trying to figure out to give it to you)
He would likely get something that seems super random to anyone else, but has some sort of meaning for the two of you, like a pair of sneakers and some waterproofing spray, cause you spilled coffee on your shoes on your first date, or dvds of all your favorite movies from when you were a kid.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
Christmas mornings would be the softest tho, both of you still sleepy and not wanting to leave the bed, snuggled down in the blankets, and him just sitting a little velvet box on your lap that has a special necklace(or maybe a ring) inside.
Almost falling asleep together before midnight on new years. I imagine him waking up with like two minutes to spare, and going to wake you quickly until he sees the way you’re sleeping on his shoulder/chest and just melting and realizing how happy/content he is. He ends up waking you gently and gives you the softest, sleepy kiss. “Happy new year, Babe.”
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bucky-barnes-diaries · 6 months
Day 1 — First Snow
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 900
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, Mild Smut — mild explicit language, mention of sex.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Advent Calendar Masterlist
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You wake up in Bucky’s embrace, feeling warm and content, snuggling further into his comforting heat and skin. Your eyes flutter open and lock onto his peaceful sleeping form, his calming features illuminated by the soft morning light. His gentle snores provide a soothing soundtrack to your serene moment. You can’t help but admire the beauty of his peaceful slumber, your finger tracing mindless patterns on his bare chest, memorizing and cherishing every imperfection that makes him unique.
Your moment of peace is abruptly interrupted as you catch sight of white flakes cascading outside the window.
You gasp and startle awake, causing Bucky to jolt into alertness, ready to defend you against a potential intruder. His hand reaches for the bedside drawer, retrieving his knife, but you roll over him, knocking the wind out of him.
“Bucky! Bucky, look!” You exclaim with childlike enthusiasm as you hop out of bed and rush to the window. Pressing your hands against the glass, you watch the fluffy snowflakes transform the world into a magical winter wonderland. “It’s snowing! It’s so beautiful! We have to go outside and explore!”
Your excitement halts when a pair of solid arms envelop you and gently pulls you back to the warmth of the bed, softly tossing you down on the covers. Bucky wraps all his limbs around your body, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“Bucky, come on,” you giggle, wiggling in his embrace. “It’s snowing, and I want to go outside and explore with you.”
“But I want to cuddle,” he playfully whines. “You’re so warm and soft, doll, and it’s cold outside. Let’s snuggle in bed all day and kiss and fuck,” he adds with a soft groan, peppering your skin with light kisses.
You manage to turn in his tight embrace, coming face to face with him. “Hmm, I want that too,” you purr, nuzzling his nose and giving him a sweet kiss. “But I also want to enjoy the snow. Please,” you pout, giving him your best puppy eyes, which makes him shake his head and smile in surrender. “I can’t resist when you’re being so cute, and the snow does sound like fun.”
“And I promise we can cuddle, kiss and fuck all night long in front of the fireplace.”
“Deal,” he mutters, attacking your face with warm kisses.
After a few more minutes of cuddling and sharing sweet kisses, you and Bucky get out of bed, ready to embrace the magical winter wonderland. Dressed in cozy winter attire, complete with coats, boots, scarves, hats, and mittens, you and Bucky prepare to face the cold climate.
Bucky takes special care to ensure your hat and scarf are snugly in place, protecting you from negative temperatures. “We don’t want you getting sick, doll. Even though I love caring for you, I know how much you hate being sick.”
Standing on your tiptoes, you cup Bucky’s face with your fluffy mittens and give him a sweet kiss. “Thank you for always looking out for me.”
“Always. Now, let’s go out and enjoy ourselves.”
Hand in hand, you ventured into the streets, relishing the sight of fresh snow covering the world like a soft white blanket. The sound of snow crunching underneath your boots is a satisfying soundtrack, and the bustling crowds of people are a pleasant sight. Some were in a rush, trying to get from A to B as quickly as possible, their annoyance about the snow and cold evident on their faces.
Couples, like you two, were out enjoying the winter wonderland, hand in hand, radiating love and contentment, unbothered by the snow and cold, but instead embracing it.
Children seem to have the most fun, playing in the snow, building snowmen, making snow angels, and engaging in epic snowball battles.
With a content sigh, you leaned your head against Bucky’s shoulder, wrapping your other hand around his bicep as you walked. “I love this, Bucky. Winter and snow. I know most people dislike it, but for me, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year.”
He smiles against your knitted hat before lingering a warm kiss on your icy cheek. “Me too, doll,” he murmurs against your skin, stopping you both in your tracks. He pulls you flush against his body, his gloved hands framing your face, providing warmth against the cold. His blue eyes gaze deeply into yours, warming you from the inside, his words making your heart race. “But for me, you are the one who makes it the most wonderful and magical time of the year.”
You release a shaky breath as he leans down to kiss you with passion and determination, sealing those heartfelt words into your soul and lips. You wrap your arms around his waist, clinging to him, and the cold could never compare to the shivers he sends down your spine.
“Please, take me home and make love to me,” you purr, pulling away from the heated kiss. Your desire for him shadows the previous allure of snow and exploration.
“Already?” he smirks, nuzzling your cold nose. “I thought you were eager to explore the first snow of December?”
“We’ve seen enough for now. Besides, there will be plenty of snow this month, but right now, all I want is to feel your warm, naked body against mine as we fuck in front of the fireplace.”
He takes your hand and turns you around, heading back home. “Then let’s do just that, doll.”
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Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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hyunjins-dimples · 3 months
slow mornings
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x gn reader
w/c: ~500 words
genre: romance, fluff
warnings: none
You can’t tell what it was that woke you up. Maybe it was your sleep schedule that’s been a little off lately. Maybe it was that the soft snoring next to you had stopped. It always woke you up when a constant noise that surrounded you while sleeping suddenly stopped. Without fail, you’d always wake up when someone turned off the movie you fell asleep to. Something about the low background noise being comforting. Maybe what woke you up today was the fact that your foot was absolutely freezing, you must’ve stuck it out from under the blanket in your sleep.
Not really surprising, sharing a blanket with your boyfriend meant sleeping next to a human furnace. Which was not without its perks. With a small noise of content, you tugged your foot under the blanket and shuffled a bit to turn around, facing Hyunjin. Every thought of sticking your cold foot to his warm leg left your mind when you were met with his sleepy face.
“Good morning, love,” he smiled at you.
You couldn’t hide a little smile as you chuckled “Hmm.”
“I like your morning voice.” It was deeper than his normal voice, and a little rumbly. You could listen to him like this all day if it were up to you.
“Ah, is that it?” He snuggled up to you, pulling you closer by your waist and brought his lips closer to your ear. “You like it when my voice is deep like this?”
You leaned your head against his and hummed in agreement. That was all he needed to hear. He pressed a kiss to the side of your face and rolled back to his previous position. Not at all what you wanted. “Hey!” you protested.
Face half hidden by the pillow, Hyunjin gives you a sleepy look. “Not done cuddling yet?”
You shake your head. “I woke up with a cold foot and now my boyfriend is taking all his warmth away too, it’s not fair.” A small pout should make your statement extra convincing.
“Mhh, we can’t have that, of course.”
“Yes, and I think you could profit from cuddles too...”
The blanket rustled with his chuckle and he asked, “Okay okay, do you want to be the big spoon or the little spoon?”
“Little spoon please!”
“Got it.”
Again, he shuffled closer to you and snaked one of his arms under your waist, but this time he pulled you flush to his body and rearranged the blanket so it would cover both of you nicely. Getting cozy, you pulled your end of the blanket closer to your face, snuggling up to the soft fabric. With Hyunjin’s warmth covering your back, you began to relax again.
“This is nice.”
Instead of getting a reply, you could feel Hyunjin’s fingers slowly moving through your hair. Soft, slow motions that threatened to lull you back to sleep. Letting yourself enjoy the quiet moment between the two of you, you closed your eyes and focused on the feeling of his soft lips planting a kiss on your neck.
How could you ever want to leave your bed if it was this warm and cozy to just stay and cuddle?
author's note: idk what this is or if this even is anything. my writing's gotten really rusty but I just needed to get this out of my brain. maybe someone finds this and likes it, who knows.
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strongheartneteyam · 6 months
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Late night fun.
pairing: human!neteyam x female!reader
cw: fluff, established relationship, oral sex (female & male receiving), dirty talk, netflix and chill (lol), grinding, snuggling for warmth "trope", use of "babygirl" and "princess", hair pulling, dominant neteyam/sub reader, use of "daddy", use of "slut", possessive neteyam, slight degradation, praising kink, slut-for-neteyam-reader
Synopsis: It was supposed to be just a cozy winter night where you would chill in bed with your boyfriend while watching TV... but when it came to you and Neteyam alone in a room for too long, it was never just cuddles. The magnetic force that was the attraction that burned between the both of you was far too strong.
I've been wanting to write something for human neteyam for ages and I guess this is my first attempt lol hope my dear readers like it <3
Not proofread. The heat is cooking my brain 🧠 🔥 sorry babies, mama promises to do it soon lol
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The night was cold and there was a sitcom playing on the big TV on Neteyam's bedroom. You snuggled closer to your boyfriend's chest, trying to get some warmth out of his soft black hoodie and his own body heat.
Neteyam chuckled at your smaller body holding onto his - he was 6'1, so, it was not hard for a girl to look short compared to his tall, broad body - and said "You cold, babygirl?" His voice was a bit hoarse and you had always found it to be the sexiest thing ever, even before you two started dating. Neteyam wrapped his strong, long arm around you, pulling you even closer.
"Mmhmm... You're so warm and comfy. I love it." your words were tender and needy. You let out a relaxed sigh.
"You're cute, baby." He pressed his lips softly on your forehead, making you feel protected.
After cuddling with Neteyam for a while, you started feeling a big bulge under his jeans.
"Teyam, you're hard?" A mischievous chuckle left your lips
"Don't blame me. It's impossible not to get turned on with these delicious fleshy thighs wrapped around my hips." He tried to defend himself and you could only keep laughing, though you tried to keep your voice down not to wake his family up. God knows Jake was a strict ex marine dad and Neytiri was short tempered. They were the best parents in law to you, despite that.
"Want me to help you out with that?" Your dirty suggestion comes with a pair of lustful eyes directed at Neteyam's gorgeous face. His sharp jaw looked sexier than ever that night. Or maybe you were just turned on by the feeling of his hard cock against your soft thigh.
Neteyam answered you by swiftly placing you on top of him. You were now straddling his large lap and you couldn't help but grind against his erection.
"Keep doing that and I'll use your little mouth to make me cum before I fuck your tight pussy." Neteyam warned, his voice husky. Your teasing ways always drove him crazy with desire.
You smiled at him.
"You know I don't mind if you do that." Your lips kissed his warm neck and you were drowning in the natural, cozy scent of Neteyam's skin.
Before you could notice, Neteyam grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head back, forcing you to look at him.
"Adress me right, then." Your breath was slightly labored and at this point your panties were utterly soaked.
"Daddy?" You tried
"That's right" Neteyam grinned, cocky. He loved it when you were good for him. "My obedient little slut."
"All yours, Daddy. Just yours." You mewled, eager to suck his cock already. It was just like you could taste him already.
"Only mine." He reinforced your previous statement "Get off me for a while, princess." You immediately obeyed. You loved being his fucktoy.
Neteyam got on his knees and took his hoodie off, followed by his white shirt and then his light blue jeans. His clothes were now on the floor and your mouth almost watered at the sight of his large, girthy cock out to see. God, why was his cock so big and so pretty? Is that weird to think a guy's cock is pretty? Not that you actually cared about that at that moment. The only thing you truly cared about was tasting that little bead of pre cum on the slit of his swollen tip.
"Come." Neteyam ordered and you did as he said.
You got closer to him and he rapidly took your black buttoned up shirt off, revealing part of your body to him.
"You're so fucking hot. So fucking perfect for me." Neteyam praised you, winning a shy but joyful smile from your rosy lips."Now, wrap these pretty lips around Daddy's cock."
You lowered yourself, face right next to his hard member, your ass up in the air. Neteyam roughly grabbed one of your butt cheeks, squeezing the soft flesh hard, getting a somehow sadistic delight from that action.
Your mouth was now filled with his cock, his girth making it hard to fit it all in but you did your best to please him. Neteyam breathed in with pleasure while he looked down at you with half lidded eyes.
"Feels good" he murmured, captivated by the way your soft, warm tongue felt on his length. Your head made up and down movements swiftly and you looked up at him, eyes full of submission and devotion.
Neteyam grabbed the back of your head and gently pushed you away from his cock. You licked your lips, his strong taste lingering in your tastebuds. You kissed his toned but soft torso, licking his skin too. You wanted all of him, you needed all of him.
"Put your tongue out for Daddy." Not a second later, your tongue was already out as you waited for what was to come.
Neteyam grabbed his cock and put his girthy, swollen tip on your wet tongue, making tapping motions over and over again at a rapid pace, making you feel like a dirty slut but you loved to feel like that for him and only for him. Tasting his salty, musky pre cum on your mouth made you feel something so unique and you were just utterly addicted to it.
He watched you, full of himself, seeing how much you loved tasting his juices.
"Now it's my turn to taste you." Neteyam stated
"But I'm not done yet..." You protested with a whiny face
"I love how greedy you are for my cock, princess, but I wanna make you feel good too, hmm?" Neteyam buried his long fingers on your soft hair, holding your head in a slight move of soft but effective dominance
"'Kay..." You looked a bit defeated
Your response was followed by a chuckle coming from Neteyam.
"Don't act like you don't like it. Don't be a little brat."
"That's not it. You know I love it when you eat me out, Daddy." You gave him a lewd smile
"Then open these legs for me." Neteyam's large hand touched your inner thigh, caressing the sensitive skin slowly.
Now you wanted to feel his tongue on your core more than anything in the world. You laid back at the comfortable mattress, in the sheets that smelled just like Neteyam and watched as he slid your white panties down your legs.
Neteyam hiked up your skirt, leaving your pussy out to see. He opened your legs and stared at your glistening folds, coated with your juices. Your boyfriend was now licking your pussy from the bottom until your clit. When his warm tongue reached your sensitive nub, you let out a cry of pleasure.
"Just don't be too loud so we don't wake my family up, okay, babygirl?" He smiled at you, lips shining with your juices all over them. That was so dirty and so fucking sexy.
You moved your head back and fourth, telling him you understood, desperate for him to continue what he was doing before.
Neteyam started suckling on your clit and your mouth fell open with the wave of pleasure that came over you. Your hips started moving while you pushed your wet cunt against his mouth. You could feel his nose rubbing against your clitoris now, as he was licking you deep, gathering your juices with his tongue and swallowing them, savoring his babygirl's taste. You tasted like Heaven to Neteyam.
You held onto his thin, silky braids while Neteyam feasted on your sticky cunt, eating you out so eagerly you felt like the hottest girl alive. He looked up to you, his hazel eyes so enticing, almost like he was trying to tell you through his piercing gaze how much he loved eating your pussy. Neteyam sneaked one of his hands under your bra, cupping one of your boobs while he kept licking you. All the things he was doing to you were so good that you had to put both your hands over your mouth to try and muffle the way you were moaning intensely. Your legs were starting to tremble now.
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