#anyway lololol
iamawolfstarsimp · 4 months
Sup bitches im back
and today I come before you once again with a new wolfstar fic cause I am currently obsessing over them
now I haven't had the beat luck with fic ideas and such but please if anyone has any headcanons/requests/prompts for me I will gladly take them (as long as they are in my fandoms ofc)
but anywayy enjoy!
"Sirius, will you come here?" Remus' voice rang out from their shared dorm room.
Sirius was currently sitting downstairs and watching James and Peter play exploding snap while he sat on the armchair next to them, chatting with them. He excused himself and ran up the stairs to the dorm to find Remus sitting on the floor in front of the foot of his bed, books and papers scattered around him.
"Woah," Sirius mumbled looking at the mess. "Did your work explode or..?"
"No, I'm just studying." Remus looked around but shook his head, returning his attention to Sirius. "Will you help me study? I've been practicing and I want to test my knowledge."
"Do I have to?" Sirius asked but was already sitting down in front of Remus, reaching for the question and answer sheet.
"No, but I knew you'd say yes." Remus grinned.
"Fine but if I'm helping you study then I'm making it fun." Sirius replied, a slight grin on his face.
Remus gave him a questioning look. "How so?"
"Everytime you get an answer wrong, you have to endure a punishment."
Remus paused. "What's the catch?" He knew Sirius too well for there not to be a catch.
"I get to pick the punishment." Sirius grinned.
"Hell no."
"Remus, please!"
"No, you're gonna pick something awful!"
"I guess you're not getting any help with your studying then."
"I'll just ask James to help me." Remus folded his arms.
Sirius eyerolled. "You know what, fine! I promise not to make it anything really bad."
Remus paused again in thought. "Fine."
"Yes!" Sirius pumped his fist in triumph.
"What's the punishment then?"
"You'll find out." Sirius answered. "Oh stop complaining, just don't get it wrong and you'll be fine!" Sirius said after Remus groaned again.
"Alright then, first question. What does the spell 'reparifarge' do?"
"Undo transfigurations." Remus answered.
"Good job." Sirius replied. "What is a group of bowtruckles called?"
"A branch." Remus said.
They went through a few more questions, with Remus easily answering them without a sweat.
"What property do you have to account for in transfiguration?"
Sirius looked up when Remus didn't answer to find Remus thinking hard while looking at the floorboards.
"You gonna answer?" Sirius grinned.
"It has something to do with their body or something." Remus finally answered.
"Wrong!" Sirius laughed and tackled Remus into a bear hug.
"What?!" Remus yelled. "What are you doing? Sihihirius, h-hey!"
While Remus was distracted Sirius had already begun his punishment. He wiggled fingers against Remus' ribs, using the hug to trap his arms so all he could do was squirm.
"Nohoho, not thihis!!" Remus fought to try and free his arms.
"For every time you get a question wrong I get to tickle you for 30 seconds to a minute, depending on how much you put up a resistance. The more resistance, the more time you get tickled." Sirius said.
"This is sohoho unfair!" Remus rolled onto his back, letting Sirius straddle him with his legs.
"You'll be fine, you're almost done." Sirius snuck his hands under Remus' shirt and lightly wiggled his fingers on his belly and sides, enjoying the giggles that resulted.
He soon hopped off Remus and let him catch his breath while he picked a new question.
"The answer to the last question was the target's weight."
"How is that not having to do with the body!" Remus shouted.
"You guessed, you didn't know the answer!" Sirius shouted back. "Now shush, I'm giving you your next question." Remus eyerolled but complied.
"How many stair-cases are in hogwarts?" Sirius grinned.
"You just put that in there, that's not one of my questions!" Remus said, curling up to defend himself from any oncoming attacks.
"So you give up?" Sirius said, leaning forward with wiggling fingers.
"142!! Sirius don't, tha-haha-that's the right answer." Remus rushed, grabbing Sirius' hands before they could touch him.
"Alright, I'll let that one slide." Sirius sat back.
"When was the werewolf code of conduct made?"
"Remus, you should know this!"
"I don't know!? I can't think cause I know you're gonna tickle- nohoho!!"
Sirius fluttered his fingers against the sides of Remus' neck before he could finish, eliciting sweet giggles from the poor boy.
Remus scrunched his neck and squirmed to the best the his abilities but Sirius only scolded him and went for worse spots (his hips).
After what felt like an eternity Sirius finally climbed off him.
"This one's easy, name a magical plant whose roots can be used in many potions."
"Va-Valerian." Remus panted from where he was laying on the floor from Sirius' previous attack.
They went on for a while like that going back and forth between tickling and getting the answers correct.
"Okay, last one and we're finished." Sirius said.
"Thank Merlin." Remus sighed, earning him a few rib pokes.
"What potion is most effective against banshees?"
"The laughing potion." Remus eyerolled but was smiling all the same.
"That's right!" Sirius leaned over and kissed Remus on the cheek then the lips, sneaking in a side ticke once they pulled apart.
"You did better than I thought you would." Sirius confessed as he began helping Remus pick up all the quills, papers, and books still scattered around.
"I still think you snuck in some questions that I didn't actually put on there." Remus smirked.
"Who me? I would never" Sirius scoffed.
Remus laughed and forgot about it for the time being but got his revenge later. And even if Sirius was slightly annoying in the moment Remus passed the tests he took thanks to Sirius, and still look back fondly at the memory and thought of it often when he was particularly missing Sirius.
Hope you liked!
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sensitiveheartless · 9 months
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(The rest is under the readmore!)
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(Next part) ->
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ship-it-sideways · 27 days
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grumbo at the cost of several hours of struggling to draw
i hate anatomy and i hate perspective and i HATE anatomy in perspective !!! It's ok theyre cute :3
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asexualbookbird · 1 year
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Nonbinary Stellars Jay my beloved <3
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kittysauce · 3 months
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i lost a bet
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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Sure he does.
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namelessgakusei · 5 months
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Your honor, I love him
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justgallifreyanthings · 6 months
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The sharpness of the tongue defeats the sharpness of the warrior
Because I’m a petty asshole, I took an hour and pulled together my own version of the proverb on the new Sonic Screwdriver. Let me know if any of y’all want this as a sticker or something, and I’ll digitize it when I have a chance.
ETA: now available as a sticker! Links are shared on my blog :)
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dadrielle · 9 months
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"What happened to the two, the wizard and the monk?""Probably dead." "Just like you."
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heathcliff: i killed cathy...... im a horrible person in every timeline. my revenge killed her. my remorse literally broke through timelines.
catherine who got back at heathcliff by stealing a house to remodel into the Magic Cocaine Labyrinth after draining the financial assets of england's least tragically ill victorian man, making carmen contact her copyright lawyers by sealing her ambiguously dead body into a glass tank while her brain powers a building, and potentially hiring the Mueseumafia of Modern Art because if she pays them with cash she doesnt have to report her Green-Energy-Human-Tank Powered Hydrogen Bomb Basement Factory's earnings to the IRS or whatever the city uses: 'tis what you get for trying to boyfail without your girlboss, methinks 😇😇😇😇😇
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slavhew · 14 days
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hes happy trust me
ref under cut
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appeypie · 1 year
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Bow to your new king!
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politemagic · 3 months
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everyone say congratulations to the first time homeowners!
edit: i may or may not have been inspired to write some headcanons based on this, if you're interested
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sensitiveheartless · 2 months
Teleporting nonsense? 👀 (where are they going)
Oh gosh, this one is almost aggressively goofy — Chuuya gets hit with an ability which keeps teleporting him to Dazai every single time that Chuuya thinks about him. Which, according to the laws of "trying not to think of a pink elephant", immediately becomes nearly impossible for Chuuya to avoid (also they are Weird about each other which doesn't help askdfjskdjf)
Here's a snippet from towards the beginning:
Suddenly, without warning, Dazai heard an odd popping noise, and something—or rather, someone—materialized out of thin air, dropping on top of Dazai with a yelp.
…Of course, since Dazai was in the midst of tipping his chair back, he had no chance to brace himself, and he and the newcomer both went tumbling down backwards onto the floor, the chair producing a loud crash that echoed throughout the agency.
“Dazai!” Kunikida exclaimed, jumping to his feet and reaching for his notebook, prepared to fight the intruder. “Are you alright?!”
Atsushi jolted up as well, backing away from the chaotic jumble of limbs beside his chair. “Wait,” he said, squinting. “Isn’t that…?”
The newcomer struggled up from Dazai’s chest, his cheeks flaring redder than his disheveled hair, opening and closing his mouth wordlessly with an expression of utter fury.
Dazai wheezed, dazed from being so abruptly crushed, and propped himself up on his elbows. “Chibi is so heavy,” he complained automatically, peering up at his old partner. “…Chuuya? How did you get here?”
Chuuya flushed somehow even darker than before, the red spreading to the tips of his ears and down his neck beneath his choker. Before anyone could say another word, however, he jumped up from Dazai’s lap to storm over to the nearest window and wrench it open. “Stupid—fucking—ability user!” he shrieked as he launched himself over the sill. “Forget this ever happened!”
Then he glowed dark crimson with his ability and leapt away into the sky, vanishing over the rooftops of Yokohama.
In the aftermath, Dazai cautiously picked himself up from the floor, dusting off his waistcoat with an expression of disdain. “Such a messy slug, leaving without so much as an explanation,” he sniffed, and wrangled his chair back upright so he could sit once again. Before long, a sly look crossed his face. “Say, Kunikida-kun, since I’ve just been injured in an altercation with the Port Mafia, surely I don’t have to work anymore today—?”
“You’re perfectly fine!” Kunikida snapped, though not before checking over Dazai’s condition carefully. “…Still, that was peculiar. What do you suppose happened to him?”
Dazai shrugged, kicking his feet back up onto the desk once more. “Who knows?” he sighed. “The Port Mafia comes across all sorts of abilities in the course of their dealings. I expect the slug found himself up against some manner of teleportation-type gifted, that’s all. Though why he would wind up teleporting here specifically, I don’t kn—”
Before Dazai could finish his sentence, they heard another loud POP, and Chuuya once more appeared out of nowhere to drop straight down onto Dazai’s lap. This time, though still caught off guard, Dazai managed to remain upright in his chair by grabbing hold of Chuuya’s waist to steady him.
The pair stared at each other for a long, stunned moment, both equally nonplussed.
Chuuya broke out of it first and buried his face in his hands, letting out a low hiss of frustration. “Are you fucking serious,” he said into his palms, slightly muffled. “Every single time?”
Dazai grinned, sensing blood in the water. “Gotten yourself into a fix, have you hatrack?” he said innocently.
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yookoota · 4 months
I managed to leave for a while and now there's 7 Dazai and Chuuya? What?
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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They beat each other up so punishment is this for an hour
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