#and this isn't them changing their minds over time
ivesambrose · 3 days
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1. 2. 3.
Kept it short and sweet
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Picture 1
A substantial focus is on yourself, your physical body and your health. You'll be wanting to take life slowly. It is likely you've been feeling energetically depleted and feeling sleepy more than usual or being around or engaging with certain people or activities isn't making you feel as good. On a positive note, this will allow you to bring your attention and energy back to yourself which in turn will make you realize certain aspects of your health you may have overlooked. Y ou might be switching up or prioritising a skincare and wellness routine, opt for slower workouts or dancing, anything that makes you feel beautiful and good from within instead of amping up your stress or cortisol levels. Some of you might be quitting smoking or drinking this month too. You might also be focusing on holistic healthcare or healing yourself via the food you eat. You will be moving more, just you won't be in a hurry. Infact, there's no need to rush anything. let the money and love come to you as you stay open to receive. Your worldview might also change or you might end up influencing others via your perspectives. You might engage in creating something artsy, whatever that may be. The more you do things for yourself instead of catering to what's trending or what others keep demanding of you, the more you'll bloom.
Stay loyal to your goals, remain stubborn about them, no matter what. Also, try getting a haircut or new color sometime this month.
Picture 2
Just let it happen. You've been wanting that drastic change but you couldn't do that for yourself or you've tried to do it for yourself but you didn't know how so you just gave up. The emotions piled up regardless. So simply let this happen, it will, inevitably. It might be the most unexpected thing ever, it may not even be as smooth at first, you might as well be that gif of Rebel Wilson screaming, 'Enough!" Any form of upheaval you face this month even if it's a mental or emotional one, know that it's necessary to bring back order into your life. Chaos and order do go hand in hand, right?
By the end of this month you'l be feeling more powerful if anything. You're no one's charity case and you're certainly not meant to remain frozen in this particular mindset you've been carrying. It's keeping you stuck in ways that's doing you more harm than good. You'l also be able to weed out people who are a part of your life as pretense and only want to take from you. You'll also be able to see the ones who look over you rather silently. There's a gift of discernment and intuition you're being blessed with here. write down every idea or thought or dream as strange it might seem this month It doesn't matter how you're going to make it come true or how it connects to anything else, it will make sense later, perhaps by Virgo or Libra season?
Again, time isn't important. But your dominant thoughts, certainly are. Befriend your mind and don't look back.
Picture 3
You're loved and desired extensively and you don't even realize that. For most of you I'm seeing you romanticize your life in whatever way you see it, maybe even switching up things in your room or beautifying your surroundings nd yourself. You'll feel closer to your loved ones this month or just have a lot of gratitude towards them. Yes, even if you prefer being alone. The focus is on relationships and partnerships and being extremely choosy with the ones you associate yourself with. There are quite a few people who want to know you and get closer to you even pursue you romantically. A good month for your personal business and finances or even manifesting a creative or desired opportunity through the right people and the right time. Don't shy away from your own potential. Some of you might also be engaging in proper manifestion rituals or even praying for something big. A lot of you have truly, sincerely decided to lock in and that determination in itself ill get you what you seek. By the end of this month I see movement. Physical travel as well.
For some of you, there's this manifestion you consider 'big' again, it's something personal to you, it might be something small to someone else, but what matters is how important it is to you, it'll come through in Leo season mostly or for some during Sagittarius season. Either way, just know what you want, is already yours.
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somber-sapphic · 2 days
Hi! I have a request for a WandaNat x Reader fic. The reader is on a mission with Tony and Steve that quickly goes south. Additionally, the reader comes down with the flu. Steve and Tony have been arguing over how best to care for the reader. Wanda and Nat are sent for extraction to pick up the three of them, but they are unaware that the reader is sick. When they finally arrive, they rush back to the compound to get the reader into the Med Bay and ultimately nurse them back to health.
In Good Hands
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〖Summary: Natasha and Wanda comfort you while you're stuck in the MedBay〗
〖Word Count: 900〗
〖Pairing: WandaNat x Sick R〗
〖Notes: This isn't super focused on Tony and Steve (I don't write men) but I hope you like it!〗
You coughed and turned your head, the crinkling of the MedBay pillow case ringing throughout the all too quiet room. Natasha had gone to change into something more comfortable and Wanda was chewing out Tony and Steve in the hallway. 
You could see her standing there, one hand on her hip and the other waving in the air, tendrils of magic trailing her fingers. The look on their faces was enough for you to know that she was digging into them, you didn’t need to hear her words to assume how angry she was. 
Another cough sprung from your lips, this one harsher than the last. You were pretty out of it from whatever drugs they had given you, something for the pain something else for the fever, and whatever they put in the tea they made you drink. It was presumably some sort of flu medicine, you couldn’t think of what else it might be, but it wasn’t a big deal to you. Not much was a big deal now that you were safe. 
The mission had been rough. It wasn't supposed to be. Part of it was your fault but most of it was the guy's macho attitudes. You’d tried to convince them that confrontation was a stupid idea, you were there to collect intel not to start a fight, but they hadn’t listened. Even worse was while they weren’t listening to you they were also arguing with each other about the best approach. 
A big part of why you didn’t want to engage came from how you were feeling. You’d picked up a bug in New York, something you thought would pass in time, but it didn't. Of course, it didn’t. You had tried to shake it, getting extra sleep, drinking a ton of orange juice, and you’d even broken down and taken cold medicine.
The medicine had worked well enough and since it was supposed to be an easy mission you had decided to go after promising Natasha and Wanda that you would be safe. They still had been reluctant to let you go but they also knew that there was nothing they could do to change your mind. 
“Idiots, both of them,” Wanda growled stomping into the room. Her eyes were flickering red in frustration. Her anger visibly dissipated when she returned to your side and rested a hand on your shoulder, shaking her head slightly. Your wrist was in a plaster cast and you had a bandage on your leg to cover the graze of a bullet. Considering how bad it had gotten you were lucky to have only come out with that much. 
“Mhm. Men are stupid.” You agreed, tilting your head to rest on her hand. She laughed quietly and kissed your forehead, holding you close for a few seconds. Every time you went on a mission you missed your girlfriends so much, it was nice to be near them even if it meant you were stuck in the MedBay. 
“When’s Nat comin’ back?” You asked, pulling back to look into her now brown eyes. The door creaked open and you glanced over, smiling when you saw the other woman walk into the room. 
“Somebody talking about me?” She came to your other side and gave you a big hug, being careful not to jostle you. She’d seen the bruises when you came in and it had broken her heart. There were so many times that she wished you and Wanda weren’t Avengers, she wanted so badly to keep you both safe but it seemed that would never be possible. 
“I talked to Fury, he says you’re off duty until that arm is healed. Probably going to be six weeks. On the bright side though we can take you back to our room as soon as this IV is done.” She had taken the words right out of your mouth, sometimes it was like she was the mind-reading witch and not Wanda. 
The assassin climbed into the small hospital bed, laying on her side so that you had enough room but she could still hold you. It wasn’t abnormal for Natasha to show extra physical affection after the three of you had been apart for a long time, she was better at showing how she felt rather than telling. Emotions were not her strong suit. 
“How are you feeling love?” Wanda asked, taking a seat in the uncomfortable plastic chair that could be found in every hospital room. You reached out for her hand, wanting to be touching both of them. Natasha had her arm wrapped around your waist and nestled her head into your shoulder. 
“M’okay. Sleepy, stuffy.” You sniffled to prove your point further and blinked slowly at Wanda, trying to stay awake. She was pretty. Your girlfriends were so pretty. Natasha was warm, you wished you were in your real bed instead of the hard hospital bed but it was better with them. 
“Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. Close your eyes, we’ll be here when you wake up.” Nat murmured, kissing behind your ear. You nodded and sneezed into your blanket, grumbling slightly. The pain meds were helping but the sudden jerk of the sneeze had hurt. 
“I’m not going on any missions with them ever again.” 
“Agreed.” They said in unison, making you smile. You snuggled into bed, careful not to bump your IV and shut your eyes. You fell asleep to the sound of a heartbeat monitor and your girlfriends talking quietly to each other. You caught a few words before slipping into unconsciousness, most of them about keeping you safe. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗 @asiangmrchk13 , @kljksong , @cheekysnake , @canvascoloredin , @iliketozoneout , @ash26424 , @fxckmiup , @lots-of-pockets , @bloomingflowersthings , @lovelyy-moonlight , @scrambled-brain-eggs , @juststuckhereforever , @chairhere
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blorbocedes · 3 days
let me take you guys on a journey. one that will help you understand how annoyingly obsessive and hung up my brain can get......
so here is where our wild goose chase starts. I was going through a 2012 f1 blog's nico tag. it's actually pretty rare for early 2010s blogs to have comprehensive tagging systems so whenever I find one I try to go thru it all. and I come across this v cute nico image (cropped for posterity. payoff will be worth it promise)
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here we have a picture, from 2012, and in classic 2012 fashion there is meme text on it. OP of the original pic deactivated. so I want to find the version without the meme text. pretty easy, just reverse google search right?
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google reverse search is functionally dead and defunct and absolutely dogshit.
ok back to square one. I'm trying to sus out from whatever information I have.
the other meme watermark of f1humour.tumblr.com? deactivated.
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okay 37 notes. maybe I can do something with this.
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tumblr kind of breaks (?) with very old posts. so even if someone tagged it, I can't see it. ok but 14 people liked it!
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of the 14 accounts only 7 actually show, including mine. so what I do is I go through 6 of those blogs, and their public archives because those accounts are all inactive for several YEARS now. and I check their blogs for April 2012.
no luck.
back to the drawing board.
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the meme has a MOTORSPORT.COM watermark.
here's all the information I have: this was posted on April 24th, 2012, which means that's my upper limit on the date this could be taken. Nico got in Mercedes in 2010. So from anywhere between 2010-2012 motorsport images couldve taken this pic.
so, because I was born with excessive intelligence, I think hmmm... let me search the archives of Motorsport Images dot com. surely that is where Motorsport dot com would keep their Images.
two years of a racing driver's pictures means thousands of pictures. okay. let's start from April 2012. unfortch for keen eyed listening, April 2012 was also the Chinese Grand Prix aka Nico's first f1 win.
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why is that relevant? because it means every photographer and their MOTHER took a picture of nico for his first win. over 900+ images.
while I am exhibiting extremely unemployed levels of behavior here, I don't actually have the time and brain capacity to sift through 900 images.
I go back to the original tumblr post. this time I go to the empty reblogs. there's lots!
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but because there's no tags it can't help me. still I go through every one of them because you can see the blog I found the pic from @the-fastest-waffle is listed in the other reblogs even though they clearly had tags!
and I find my silver lining. from @fuckyeahf1drivers's tags
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just this simple. #bahrain #lol
if this picture is from bahrain 2012 it changes everything, as in it narrows my search a shit tonne.
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375 images. This means 1-15 pages and I know the exact picture I'm looking for. I feel like I'm SO close. I can't give up now. gambler mentality 💎
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so I guess what. I go through all 15 goddamn pages. and I DONT FIND IT!!!!!!!!! SCREEEEEECH
now I've lost hope. if it's not from bahrain 2012 then it can be from anywhere from 2010-2012 taken by motorsport.com which is just too big a search. there isn't anything I can narrow it down with. my search is futile.
but I have one tiny little thought bugging my mind. how come motorsport images don't have the motorsport.com watermark... so I consult a fellow archivist @vegasgrandprix on the matter.
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finally. finally
I go on motorsport.com
which is actually kind of not super user friendly interface finding their pics if you have excessive intelligence like I do. I go into this knowing if the bahrain 2012 long shot is actually NOT when that picture is from, I'm fucked.
I filter and say a prayer.
and lo and behold.
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one person's singular tag of 'bahrain 2012 lol' led me down this spiral, where if it wasn't for that bit of information this would be lost forever because finding the version of the pic without the meme text is otherwise near impossible. google reverse search is no help, and f1 drivers simply get photographed way too much. reblogs + tags with context literally are a holy grail. this is what I imagine archaeologists feel like. so if you ever want someone 12 years after you've posted something to go down finding out, tag your posts accordingly (assuming tumblr survives the next decade)
so why did I do it? why did I spend hours of my life on this? cause it's fun. it's like a mystery and it itches at my skin. many times I'm not successful which is why the times I am feels so rewarding because it feels almost like detective work, finding and refinding something, overturning evidence. and I have a brain that just functions Like This.
and now for the fruit of my labour, if you guys still want to see. the picture I spent hours to find the original version of. sitting proudly at the time of posting at 9 notes 😌😌 here's what goes behind actually finding and archiving 2010s retired f1 drivers online. click below!
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yallllllllllllll if you want this to be a series pls lmk and alsooo should she forgive them and not write songs about them or should she??/
I just sat there.  Listening to them but i wasn't gonna bitch out and change my set, my set was awesome my 3 grammys tell me that 
Stage time
The crowd is filled with famous faces im more nervous about the team then the other celebs im surrounded me as i walk on stage they give a kind clap i decide to shake the team a little bit as i remember they have no idea i heard them 
‘’ ahh guys im so grateful to be here ’ as you guys know i made the song what was i made for, for the barbie movie which was amazing and i can talk about it for hours  
but i will try and make this quick i don’t wanna have you guys fall asleep mid song.’’
The team is in my direct eye of sight i see each and every one of their faces drop especially spencers 
The instrumental starts playing
I used to float, now I just fall down
I used to know but I'm not sure now
What I was made for
What was I made for?  
I take a short  pause during that pause i look at the team who still looks uneasy after my comment
Takin' a drive, I was an ideal
Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real
Just something you paid for
What was I made for?
I think in my head “the songs almost over three more songs and you'll never have to see those assholes again.’’
Think I forgot how to be happy
Something I'm not, but something I can be
Something I wait for
Something I'm made for
Something I'm made for.
The audience claps, genuine claps the faces of happy celebs that enjoyed my performance buried the insecurity that my songs, my career wasn't good enough the team also claps i assume its because they don’t wanna look bitter.
“Today has been such a blessing thank you guys so much.’’
I leave the stage leaving to my dressing room
I knew Spencer would try to come and find me but i didn't think he'd bring the team too.
‘’Hey.’’ spencer says his team practically hiding behind him
“ hey’’ i say back what else can i say my mind i all over the place
‘’ you were outstanding out there everyone loved you, im proud’’
Hm. proud.
‘’Proud? Proud of me? Or your team for not falling asleep mid song.”
The room was so quiet you could hear a strand of hair drop.
‘’I would say it isn't what it sounded like but that wouldn't be true.”
His team is looking at each other figuring out if they should say something
The peppy girl garcia says something first, well she tries to
“ we owe you such-”
“No?” she says voice shaky
“You didn't say anything wrong matter of fact you were the only one who defended me, not even he did” I say as I point a finger at Spencer who just looks down in shame and guilt.
“Listen y/n you gotta understand we just want  what's best for reid-”
“Exactly’’ jj chimes in “it's nothing personal were just overprotective” she says with a nervous giggle
“Obviously we were immature and went way too far to attack your profession’’ emily says breaking her silence
Now, i'm a sensitive person i can’t help but choke up while trying to stick up for myself against 5 people 
“i..’ ‘ you can hear me about to cry i look down so i don’t have to see their pity faces 
Where did my confidence go why can’t i talk without crying
“I just wanted to impress you guys with this performance you guys were so cool and nice in my eyes”
They all look so guilty when they can literally hear the cry in my throat.
‘’And you” i say while looking at spencer ‘’ you made me feel like you understood me, understood my music, why i make music.’’ 
“I do!” spencer tries to defend 
‘’ no, or else you would have DEFENDED me instead of bitching out and agreeing with your friends’’
I have never been in a room this quiet
“Anyway i wanna get home and shower its been a long day’’
I get up to walk away and spencer tries to stop me but i pull away and grab my stuff and leave
Prove them right. Make a song about them.
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How would the Tokyo revenger characters react if their s/o says “ wait I can open the door for you” when they are in the car and their s/o gets out of the car and climbs on top of the car and falls down to the other side and opens the door
Lmao ok here's how I think each of them would react to that!
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Takemichi- He shouts from the shock of it, like "HUHHH!??" Is immediately scrambling to get out of the car to check on you but ends up also falling over.
Mikey- Thinks that looks like fun so tries to do it himself and ends up nearly falling on top of you.
Draken- He's very confused as to why you just did that but brushes those thoughts aside as he picks you up off the floor. Asks you what you were thinking.
Baji- Laughs at you as he helps you up, he thinks it was very funny.
Chifuyu- Shouts your name in a panic, he's very concerned about you and checks you over to make sure you're ok. He thinks it was cool of you to try that though.
Mitsuya- Rushes over to you and kneels beside you, asking you if you're ok. Once he figures that you are he asks you why you tried to do that.
Pah- "Hah!??" Jumps out and checks on you, asks if you need an ambulance
Peh- Laughs but then realises you could be hurt so rushes to see if you're ok. Laughs more once he realises you're fine.
Smiley- You end up falling on top of him as he tried to rush to open your door instead. As you both groan he says you should let him open the doors from now on.
Angry- Frantically hovers over you and grabs the first aid kit he keeps in the car for you. You spend the rest of the day with him taking care of you.
Mucho- Stares at you climbing out for a moment before sighing and getting out himself. Manages to catch you so you don't hit the floor.
Sanzu- Blinks in surprise at you climbing out and once again when you fall. He helps you up and makes you spend the rest of the day in bed, just in case. No amount of whining will change his mind.
Kisaki- "what the hell" he's mainly confused.
Hanma- Cackles, clutching his stomach and wiping a tear from his eye. He thinks it's hilarious and asks if you can do it again so he can record it this time.
Kazutora- His eyes widen as he scrambles out the car to check on you. Later on he laughs about it a bit but in the moment he's just concerned.
Inui- Immediately becomes shocked and asks if you're okay. He questions a lot after, asking if you saw someone do that in a movie or something.
Koko- "Wait!! I'm supposed to open your door!" He's a romantic at heart so wants to open your door instead, tries to get there before you but you end up falling on top of him. He grunts but is at least glad you must not be hurt since he broke your fall.
Taiju- "eh where you going?" If it was anyone else he would've immediately laughed but he's more perplexed by it being you. Picks you up and warns you to not do it again in case something worse happens.
Izana- Tries to act calmly but ends up freaking out, he just doesn't want you to be hurt. Sure he appreciates people opening his door but not you! Especially if you just get hurt.
Kakucho- Rushes out of the car to check on you, he calls your name a bunch of times and tries to help you climb over. Half catches you so you both end up tumbling to the floor.
Ran- "huh?" He isn't sure if he's amused or concerned, a strange mix of both. He's going to bring this incident up everytime the two of you are in the car together though.
Rindou- Eyes widen and he looks around nervously, he's very quick to check on you after you fall and insists you don't try to do that again.
Shion- He wants to try doing it too so climbs onto the roof at the same time as you and yoy both fall onto opposite sides.
Mochi- Yells at you to wait because that's dangerous! Groans after he sees you fall and rushes to check on you, asks if you're still alive.
South- After he's checked on you, he wants to try himself so decides to show you how it's done. He breaks one of the windows but aside from that he succeeded.
Wakasa- Just watches you, he thinks you might pull it off and wants to see. Cradles you closely after you fall, trying to comfort you.
Benkei- Thinks you're joking at first so laughs a lot until he sees you fall. Then he's very serious in checking you over.
Shinichiro- Very dramatic about it, holding you and frantically asking if you're ok. No matter how many times you say you are he still thinks you might be hurt.
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rosetterer · 3 days
such a perfect day (sequel to mornings are sweeter with you)
Summary: ”Hey,” Tommy tells him, ”Looks like you already ordered.” "I did," Buck says, smiling right back at him and rubbing his palms against the fabric of his pants once more. "I hope I got your order correct." Tommy sits down, still smiling brightly, and takes the cup in his hands, "Looks about right. I did order a cup with a rainbow on it. I even specified that I wanted it drawn on by a very, very cute man who looks fantastic in that blue shirt."
Read on AO3: such a perfect day - rosetterer - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Or continue reading here:
By the time Buck gets to work, his coffee is cold and he's forty minutes late. He can't exactly blame it all on traffic though. He's been sitting in his car for the past ten minutes, staring at the cup with Tommy's number on it.
He can’t bring himself to pick it up. He also doesn’t want to leave it in the car. He doesn’t know exactly what he’s worried about. That this morning’s little meeting with the hottest man he’s ever seen launched some kind of sexual awakening in him and now if he touches that cup it’ll all be real and not just some odd dream he’s having? That if he walks in there with his cup with a man’s phone number on it, they’ll all know?
”This is ridiculous,” he mumbles to himself and takes the to-go cup in his hand, and what a surprise, it doesn’t cause a rainbow to appear around him or Westboro Baptist Church members to surround him with signs that say: God Hates Fa-
He finally gets out of the car when it gets difficult to breathe. He takes in deep breaths, thinks about cute puppies and yes, maybe the cute wrinkles in the outer corners of Tommy’s eyes, to calm his mind again, and walks in as if nothing has changed.
Because nothing has changed… Right?
He sees the disapproving frown on Bobby's face when he steps in and beelines toward his locker but it doesn't really register. He sees that Chimney is too busy eating to even notice him, that Eddie is looking at him with a look that screams confusion and a hint of worry while Hen just seems outright worried.
He places the cup in his locker, staring at Tommy's number for a moment before turning the cup around so that it isn't visible to anyone who might walk past him. He changes his clothes fast, goes over to Bobby, and mumbles a genuine apology, which is met with a confused 'it's okay', which means that he's worried now too.
”You know, if you were going to be late because you just had to stop at Starbucks, you might as well have brought us coffee too,” Chimney, who apparently did notice him coming in and carrying a coffee cup, chimes in.
Buck tries to plaster on a smile, ”Y- Yeah, I should’ve. What’s for breakfast?”
Chimney eyes him up and down, ”Breakfast burritos. Bobby brought them in.”
”Great,” Buck mumbles simply and grabs one from the stack.
It’s only when Hen places a hand on his shoulder that he realizes about ten minutes later, that he’s done nothing to unwrap the burrito, let alone eat it. Chimney’s no longer next to him and Buck finds him standing with the rest of the team, who are now looking away from him as if they weren’t just staring at him.
”Buck, are you okay?” Hen asks, her voice low and her hand rubbing his shoulder. ”Did something happen on your way to work?”
Once again, Buck imagines an imaginary rainbow and some glitter for the dramatic effect circling his head as Hen looks at him, his mind screaming: she knows, she knows, she knows.
”N- Nothing,” he ends up mumbling out.
”Are you sure?” She asks, now sitting down next to him. ”Because it’s… Not like you to be this late.”
"I had to stop at Starbucks," he replies and thinks about the nightmares he had the previous night. He immediately decides to use them as an excuse. "I just… I haven't really slept well since the whole… lightning situation. I'll just take a nap when I can. I promise you that I'm fine."
Hen nods, seemingly accepting his little lie.
”You could talk to Bobby, you know that he would have no issue giving you a day off,” she continues, her hand now leaving his shoulder.
”It’s all good, I promise,” Buck tells her and tries to put on a smile that looks more authentic.
She obviously doesn’t buy it but leaves him alone, joining the rest of the team and whispering some kind of simple explanation to them.
Buck unwraps the burrito, which genuinely smells heavenly and his stomach rumbles at it, and just when he’s about to take a bite, the alarms go off.
The fire is spreading up the mountain and because they are firefighters, they are climbing up it as well. There are at least twenty hikers stuck at the top but Buck isn’t anywhere near them, so even though his mind is screaming at him to go and help, he has to try and remember that that isn’t his job right now.
They are digging a fireline on the other side of the mountain where the fire hasn’t spread yet and if they manage to do their job fast and well enough, it hopefully won’t spread from that point on. They are nearing the top of the lower slope of the mountain.
”Where do we go from here?!” Hen calls out, basically screaming because everything that is going on around them is filling the area with noise pollution.
Buck glances around and makes a quick decision, ”We have to go down the other side!”
”But the fire’s so much closer back there!” Hen replied, walking faster to make her way over to him.
”We have to, there are houses down there,” Buck tells her, nodding behind them. He leans forward, letting himself catch his breath for a couple of seconds, ”We have to keep going.”
”Damn Bobby for letting you take the lead,” Hen says, shaking her head but smiling, ”Yeah, let’s keep going.”
”I’m gonna go ahead! Hen, you come with me,” Buck says to her and then speaks into the radio, ”Hen and I are going ahead. We’re going to continue down the other side. Chim, Eddie, you keep digging from where we stopped.”
After getting a reply, they continue climbing the mountain even though Buck’s legs are screaming at him to stop. When they make it and Buck draws a quick line to where they are going to start digging, yet another loud sound takes over the top of the mountain.
He looks up at the sky, which now has a faint orange sheen to it, and notices two helicopters hovering around the mountain, one much lower than the other.
”They’re getting the people,” Hen tells him, sounding hopeful.
Buck only nods and keeps his eyes on the helicopters as he begins to dig. The helicopter that is near the ground takes its sweet time and eventually lands on it surprisingly smoothly. The other helicopter moves further away and just as Buck begins to wonder why it’s doing that, two people step out of the helicopter on the ground. One, who has a very, very familiar face.
”Shit,” he finds himself mumbling and hurries down the slope again, flopping down on his stomach.
Hen immediately rushes to him, ”Buck, you okay?”
”I’m fine,” he mumbles. ”Just… Just… Maybe we should’ve started digging down the slope first.”
Hen looks puzzled, ”What do you mean?
He has no freaking idea what he means. At this point he’s just throwing out words, hoping that something makes him sound like he knows what he’s doing. Which he does, but… Why does the universe hate him? Why did it have to make the guy, who awakened something within him that he didn't know was there, be some kind of a badass firefighter pilot? And why does he have to be here right now?
”Buck, get up,” Hen hisses at him then. ”What the hell is wrong with you?”
Instead of replying to her, Buck leans his head down before speaking into the radio, ”Eddie, switch places with me.”
Eddie is furthest down the mountain and he’s not one to really ask questions in a situation like this. He’s his only hope right now.
”Copy that. Coming up, Buckley,” comes a reply.
”I’m going down,” Buck announces to Hen as he gets up, making sure to stand so that if Tommy turns around to face them, he will only see his back.
”We’re talking about this later,” Hen tells him and continues to dig.
Great. Buck can’t wait.
It takes a good amount of time for Eddie to climb up but when he finally gets to them, he pats Buck on the shoulder, almost as if he’s asking if he’s okay and Buck replies with a simple nod before making his way down the mountain.
”Getting hot up there?” Chimney asks when Buck passes him.
"You have no idea," he grumbles.
By the time the fire is contained, they are exhausted. They all shower and change into clean clothes when they get back to the station and Buck takes a few extra minutes in the shower, letting the cool water soak his body. He scrubs all the dirt and smoke off of his skin and wishes that he could do the same thing to his brain.
He’s used to having thoughts constantly rolling around his mind like a storm that can’t be stopped but now all of his thoughts have to do with that man. That beautiful, muscular man with the cutest smile, who also happens to be a firefighter, who can fly helicopters… All that makes something inside of him spark in the same way that it did when he was a teenager and he kissed a girl for the first time. And that freaks him out just a little.
Just a little.
When he finally steps out of the shower and is dressed again, everyone else is already sitting around the table, eating, except him and Hen. She's standing far off to the side, far enough away from the others to make sure that they can't hear them and Buck decides to be a grown-up. He straightens his posture and makes his way over to Hen, who seems to have some kind of speech ready to go but Buck doesn't give her a chance to speak.
”Listen, I’m an ally,” he begins, keeping his voice hushed but sure-sounding. ”And sure, I’ve checked out hot guys’ asses before but… I’ve never felt like this.”
Hen blinks at him, slowly, as if her brain is struggling with the information it has been given. Buck doesn’t blame it. Doesn’t blame her.
”And what is… this exactly?” She asks.
Buck lets out a loud sigh, "A man asked me out today, and I… I kind of can't stop thinking about him."
A soft smile spreads on Hen’s face as she places a hand on his shoulder in a very similar way she did before. She gives it a little squeeze and leans closer.
”You’re coming over tonight. The kids are going to Maddie and Chim’s.”
By 1 A.M, they are drunk. And by them, Buck means him and Hen. Karen, who only had one drink with them (boo!) is making them grilled cheese because they asked for it (yay!). Buck focuses on pouring out two more shots as Hen keeps on rambling next to him.
”You have to call him. I’m telling this to you as a lesbian: What’s there not to like?” She says. ”According to you, he’s very handsome, muscular, tall, has pretty eyes and a smile-”
”And nice hands,” Karen adds.
"And nice hands. Thanks, babe," Hen says with a big grin. "And you said he's kind, funny, and very, very charming and- and-"
”And he’s a firefighter,” Buck mumbles and downs yet another shot. ”A pilot firefighter.”
”So he’s also very smart,” Hen says. ”What’s the problem here?”
"I didn't know I'm gay," he tells them for what seems like the hundredth time that night.
”You’re not gay!” Hen and Karen say at the same time.
"How do you know?" Buck whines and slams his forehead against the table a little harder than he meant to and whines even more. "Ow."
”Buck, Buckaroo,” Hen tells him, taking his face in her hands, ”Sweetie, do you think women are hot?”
Buck looks her deeply in the eyes and nods. Karen lets out a very agreeing, celebratory woop at his answer.
”If a hot, nice girl came up to you and asked you to go on a date with her, would you go?”
”Yeah,” he says immediately.
”Would you be able to fall in love with her? Marry her?” She asks.
”Getting kind of serious real fast,” he mumbles.
”Answer the question,” she says, pinching the skin at his jawline.
”Yeah, yeah, I could,” Buck tells her and shoves her away.
”Could you do all that with a guy?” Karen asks, turning to face them.
Buck sighs, ”I- I didn’t… I didn’t think I could.”
”But could you?” Hen asks.
”… I mean, yeah,” he says then and finds it to be true. He groans, ”God, I always thought I was just a really good ally.”
Hen laughs, downing her own shot, "Baby, I had a feeling there was something there. No straight guy posts a rainbow flag on Instagram every Pride Month. Or knows what Bears and Otters are. Outside of the animal kingdom anyway."
”God, I am so stupid,” he mumbles.
"Listen," Karen says as she makes her way over to the table and places plates in front of them. The grilled cheese looks like the most delicious thing Buck has ever seen in his life but that might just be the alcohol talking. "You are not stupid. This world isn't made for people like us. That can make it really difficult to understand who you are, especially if you are also attracted to the sex that everyone will assume you are going to be attracted to from the moment you are born. You're okay, Buck."
Buck lets out a shuddering breath and blames the tears burning in his eyes on the alcohol, "I always knew that there was something… Something missing."
”It feels great, doesn’t it?” Karen says, walking over and wrapping her arms around him. ”When it all just clicks into place.”
Buck nods, leaning into her for the comfort he desperately needs.
”I’m bisexual,” he whispers, mostly to himself.
Hen shrieks in excitement and pours them their last shots of the night. She gets up, almost falling over in the process, and comes to wrap her arm around them as well. She places a kiss on the top of Buck's head before handing him the shot.
”Welcome to the club, baby!”
A wide grin makes its way to his lips and there’s no fighting it. It feels like somebody has lifted all the weight from his shoulders.
”And Chim owes me twenty bucks,” Hen mumbles into his hair as she cuddles closer.
Buck turns around, wide-eyed, ”What?”
”Nothing, baby,” Hen whispers and begins to stroke his hair. ”Just enjoy this moment.”
Buck downs his shot, letting the liquid burn as it goes down his throat, and lets himself be held as he thinks about the to-go cup, waiting for him in his locker for the day that he goes back to work.
It's two days later and everyone knows. They are chanting 'Call him' as they surround Buck, who is sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand and the to-go cup in front of him on the coffee table. Part of him wishes that the alarm would go off.
But a way bigger part of him just wants to hear Tommy’s voice again.
”I’m not doing it if you’re all staring at me,” Buck tells them and it’s Hen who eventually manages to force them all into the kitchen to wait.
She gives his shoulder one last squeeze before joining the others.
He’s typed the number on his phone already and checked it at least five times to make sure that it’s correct. He counts to three in his mind and presses the green button on his screen. Then, with a loud gulp, he brings the phone to his ear.
The time he has to wait for Tommy to pick up seems like a very painful eternity but when his low voice says 'Tommy' on the other end of the line, it feels like time has never existed at all.
”It’s- It’s Evan,” he says, remembering that that is the only name he knows him by. ”From the… Starbucks?”
”Oh, Evan,” Tommy’s voice immediately turns brighter. ”I was worried you wouldn’t call.”
Buck chuckles, the tension in his chest easing up slightly, ”Sorry, I… I had quite a day at work the day that we met and well-”
”It’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself to me,” Tommy tells him with a soft chuckle. ”I’m just really glad you called, Evan.”
The way he says his name feels just as good as it did the first time. It sends shivers down his spine in the most wonderful way and Buck has to fight back a visible shudder.
”So…” Tommy continues. ”How are you?”
”At work right now, actually,” Buck says, very quickly realizing that that doesn’t answer the question. ”A little tired but doing good. You?”
”I have a few days off,” Tommy replies. ”So I’m doing quite good. I’ve been watching movies all day.”
”What kind of movies?” Buck finds himself asking, going completely off the script he’d prepared for himself in his mind.
”Now don’t laugh at me, Evan,” Tommy says, chuckling himself.
”Promise I won’t.”
”Love Actually is kind of my favorite and I’ve had it on repeat for a while,” Tommy confesses.
”Oh,” Buck mumbles, finding his cheeks a little warm when he thinks about how freaking cute the man he’s talking to is. ”I’ve never seen it.”
”Well, we definitely have to fix that,” Tommy tells him, sounding both amused and serious. ”Speaking of future dates, I’m still interested in your offer for a coffee at that place you like. Are you free this Saturday?”
Buck gulps. Future dates.
”Y- Yeah, I- I am free,” Buck manages to stutter out and glances over at the others, only to find Hen giving him a thumbs up. ”I’m free.”
”Great,” Tommy says and Buck can hear the smile in his voice. ”What time does the place open?”
”I think around eight,” he replies. ”In the morning.”
”Would be surprised if it was in the evening,” Tommy chuckles and Buck is pretty sure he can hear him writing something down. ”What time works for you?”
”Uh,” Buck thinks about it for a moment. He’s going to want to sleep in on Saturday and then he’ll have to think of what to wear. Oh God, what does one wear to a date with a man? Do they find the same things attractive as women do? Do they-
”S- Sorry, I just,” Buck chuckles a little. ”I’m a little nervous.”
Tommy hums on the other end of the line, ”That’s adorable, Evan. How about around 1 P.M?”
”That- That works,” Buck tells him, a smile making its way onto his lips. ”I can’t wait to see you again.”
”I can’t wait to see you again either,” Tommy says right back. ”Remember that I was promised a rainbow on my cup. I’ll be very disappointed if I don’t get one.”
”I think I can make that happen,” Buck says, leaning against the back of the couch now. He really doesn’t want the phone call to end but can feel it in his bones that they are nearing that point in the conversation, ”I will try my best anyway. I’m not exactly an artist.”
”That’s more than enough for me,” Tommy says. Buck bets he’s grinning now. Or at least he likes to imagine that he is. ”I’ve got a thing I have to get to but… It was nice to hear your voice again. Is it okay if I save your number? Maybe even text you later?”
”That’s… Perfect,” Buck replies and feels blood rushing to his cheeks again. ”I mean, I’d really- really like that.”
”Great,” Tommy tells him, laughing once more. ”I’ll see you Saturday, Evan. Don’t forget the rainbow.”
”Saturday,” Buck whispers. ”I won’t forget.”
”Lovely,” Tommy says. ”Okay. Bye, Evan.”
The moment he sets his phone down on the couch next to him, the team rushes over to him, even Bobby, who is lazily walking behind them as if he doesn’t care but definitely cares just as much as the others.
”Well?” Hen asks.
”I’ve got a date on Saturday,” Buck tells them, smiling and it’s Bobby who comes up behind him and places his hands on his shoulders.
”Good job, kid. Now get back in the kitchen,” he says, smiling down at him proudly, ”I need some help with the soup.”
And Buck goes, and he feels light.
Two hours before the date, he facetimes Maddie.
”What do men like?” He asks.
”Hello to you too,” Maddie tells him, sitting on the couch with a sleeping Jee in her lap. ”I’m guessing you’re going on that date today?”
”Yeah. I thought Chimney told you that,” Buck mumbles, throwing more shirts onto his bed. ”Like he told you everything else.”
”He’s still very sorry about that,” Maddie tells him. ”You know how he is with secrets.”
”I know, I know,” Buck mumbles and points the camera to the pile of shirts. ”Whatever. Just help me.”
”I think you should wear something blue. Brings out your eyes,” Maddie says, squinting at all the clothes. ”What pants are you wearing?”
"Those high-waisted ones you like," he tells her.
”Ooh, good choice,” she praises him. ”Get rid of every other color but blue.”
He sets his phone down for a moment and pushes aside all the shirts that aren’t some shade of blue, as well as the dark blue ones because he already knows that Maddie is going to tell him to get rid of them as well.
”Okay, here we go,” he says.
”Get that hoodie out of there,” she says.
He throws it off to the side, agreeing that it’s not exactly date attire.
”Where are you guys going anyway?” She asks.
”There’s this coffee place I really like,” he explains. ”I promised I’d take him there. It’s a pretty… relaxed place.”
"Hmm," she hums as she eyes the pile of clothes again. "Let's get rid of all the long-sleeved ones because it's really warm outside and we don't want you sweating. I know you're going to sweat for other reas-"
”I meant because you’re so nervous to be on a date with the hot pilot,” she teases. ”Now do as I said.”
For the next ten minutes, they keep cutting down on the shirts that he owns. Eventually, they are left with two shirts. One, a very clean and very expensive T-shirt that probably shouldn't have been as expensive as it was and the other, a simple, striped polo shirt.
”Which one would you feel more comfortable in?”
”I have been wearing a lot of polos these days,” Buck tells her. ”And it does look a little more like I’ve actually put some thought into my outfit.”
”So go with the polo.”
Buck strips off the shirt he has on right now and throws it off to the side. He puts on the polo and looks at himself in the small rectangle in the corner of his phone screen.
”What do you think?” He asks.
”Looks great,” she tells him. ”Are you in a rush?”
Buck shrugs, ”I’ve still got some time.”
”Good. Sit down.”
Buck does, already hating himself for making his bedroom such a mess.
”Now,” she continues. ”Tell me more about the hot pilot.”
Buck laughs, the comfortable warmth in his chest spreading.
”Well,” he starts. ”He’s got the greatest smile-”
His heart is already pounding by the time he makes his way to the counter. The person standing on the other side of it looks a lot less stressed than the baristas at Starbucks had been and that alone makes Buck feel more at ease.
”Hello. What can I get you?” The woman asks, smiling at him politely.
He rambles out his own order first and includes two chocolate cupcakes in it because they just look too good on the shelf they are presented on.
”Okay. Anything else?”
”A flat white with two sugars,” he says, remembering Tommy’s order. ”Large, please.”
"Gotcha," she says. "Would you like them to go?"
”No, thank you, my- my date will be here soon,” Buck says, a smile appearing on his lips the moment the word ’date’ leaves his mouth.
”Wonderful,” she says and names the price.
Buck pays with his card and taps on the counter a couple of times, trying to ease his nerves.
”I’ll bring them over to you when they’re ready,” she says, still smiling but looking at Buck just slightly concerned.
”Thank you,” Buck replies and spots the cups she has taken from the shelf behind her. ”Uh, one more thing.”
”Could I get one of the drinks in a to-go cup?” He asks.
”I thought you said that you’d be having the coffee and cupcakes here?” She asks, now sounding confused.
”I- I did but it’s…” He doesn’t know how to explain it, so he decides not to. ”It’s a really long story and I doubt you care, so… Please?”
"Alright," she says, putting back one of the cups and grabbing a to-go cup instead. She shows it to Buck for approval and Buck nods, blushing a little from embarrassment. "Anything else?"
Buck notices a small table and chairs in the corner of the coffee shop that he swears weren’t there the last time he came here. Right next to the small table is a box with printed coloring pictures in it.
The barista follows his gaze.
”Do you have crayons or something?” He asks.
Her eyes brighten a little bit, ”We do. Do you have a kid with you?”
”No, no,” Buck replies.
The look on her face grows concerned.
”I just…” Buck lets out a small sigh. ”It’s a really, really long story.”
”… Okay,” she replies and begins to prepare the coffee.
Buck goes to sit in front of one of the big windows, showing the street outside in all its glory. He taps the table and tries to think of relaxing things until the barista comes back to him with two coffees, one in a to-go cup, two cupcakes, and a small box of crayons.
Buck’s not sure if he can ever come here again, ”Thank you.”
”No problem.”
And she leaves.
He has to google the order of the colors of a rainbow, which makes his brain remind him that he's a bad ally, while he has to remind his brain that he's more than an ally now. Then, he picks up each color crayon one at a time and draws a rainbow on the to-go cup, just as he promised he would.
But it looks a little boring and he’s bored, so he adds some hearts and sparkles until the whole cup is covered in his little sketches.
Not exactly keen to go back to the barista to return the crayons, he gets up and places them on the small kids’ table before making his way back to his table.
He rubs his palms against his thighs when he feels them getting a little sweaty. He just happens to look in the direction of the door when Tommy walks in. He’s wearing something a little similar to what he wore when they first met: a simple pair of jeans and a black shirt, and he has no right to look so good.
When Tommy spots him, he smiles so big that his nose crinkles and Buck is pretty sure that his heart skips a beat at the sight. He thinks about getting up when Tommy walks closer but eventually decides against it, mostly because it would be weird now. Too many seconds passed.
”Hey,” Tommy tells him, ”Looks like you already ordered.”
"I did," Buck says, smiling right back at him and rubbing his palms against the fabric of his pants once more. "I hope I got your order correct."
Tommy sits down, still smiling brightly, and takes the cup in his hands, "Looks about right. I did order a cup with a rainbow on it. I even specified that I wanted it drawn on by a very, very cute man who looks fantastic in that blue shirt."
His breath catches in his throat and he can’t help but look down in his lap to get himself under control.
”You,” Buck starts after clearing his throat. ”Look really good too.”
"Thank you," Tommy says, glancing down at the shirt he's wearing and only then Buck notices that one of the buttons right at the top is undone and showing just a slice of his chest. How did he not notice it until now?
He couldn’t look away.
”You really seem to like it,” Tommy tells him, making Buck look him in the eye.
”Sorry,” Buck mumbles immediately, feeling like an absolute idiot. ”I didn’t mean-”
”It’s good that you’re enjoying yourself,” Tommy interrupts him, smiling still. ”I appreciate it, Evan.”
Buck smiles a shaky smile at him and glances over at the cupcakes, ”Uh, I- I got us some chocolate cupcakes. They looked really good and I couldn’t help myself. I hope you like chocolate.”
"Who doesn't?" Tommy asks and brings one of the cupcakes closer to him. "I used to bake a lot when I was younger. When I had the time. Cupcakes were actually my favorite thing to make. I was kind of renowned for them."
”Really?” Buck asks, raising an eyebrow at him.
”Yeah,” Tommy chuckles. ”I know, I don’t exactly look like a guy who bakes for fun. I wish I had more time for it though.”
Buck knows exactly why he's busy. Being a firefighter means everything to him and he wouldn't have it any other way but sometimes the lack of free time does get to him. They obviously have days off but at least one of them is always spent sleeping or otherwise getting back the energy you lose during a 24-hour shift.
”Evan? Everything okay?” Tommy asks then, his voice softening in a way that does something to Buck’s heart.
”Sorry, I… I’m a little tired,” he explains. ”There’s uh… Something you should probably know.”
Tommy looks concerned and curious now and he tilts his head a little as he waits for Buck to continue.
”I know that you’re a firefighter. A pilot. Both,” he rambles. ”I was on that wildfire call too and I saw you land the helicopter and I’m sorry, I’m trying not to be weird or anything, I just thought that you should know before-”
”Evan,” Tommy’s voice interrupts him and his hand comes to rest on top of Buck’s.
His whole body freezes into place.
”Oh, I’m sorry-”
”No, no,” Buck says when Tommy begins to move his hand away. ”I- I don’t mind.”
Tommy’s hand settles back on top of his, heavy and warm.
”You’re a firefighter?” Tommy asks then.
”Yeah,” Buck replies and lets out a small chuckle. ”Turns out we uh… Have more in common than we thought. Not that we really know each other at all or anything, I just-”
Tommy shoots him an amused look.
”Well, you’re certainly learning something about me right now,” Buck tells him with an awkward laugh and takes a sip of his coffee. ”I talk a lot. Good luck.”
”I’d love to learn everything about you,” Tommy says.
Buck has to take a moment to just breathe. There’s a part of him that feels like he’s known Tommy forever. Despite his awkwardness and rambling, it feels so easy to open up to him. Then there’s another, very big part of him, that is telling him to quiet down. To not show the way that he really is because it will make Tommy run away.
”Are you sure?” The question slips out of his mouth before he can think through it.
Tommy chuckles a little, ”Evan… I wouldn’t have given you my number if I didn’t want to get to know you. Are you still feeling nervous?”
Buck gives him a small nod.
”That’s okay. I get it,” Tommy says with a nod. He takes his hand away from Buck’s, immediately leaving him feeling a little cold, ”Here. Why don’t you have some of the cupcake? Chocolate makes everything better.”
He takes the liner of the cupcake off for him before placing it in front of Buck.
Buck takes a small bite of it and lets the chocolate melt in his mouth. It certainly makes his brain very happy and he ends up grinning up at Tommy to show him that he's okay.
When Tommy reaches out to him and wipes some chocolate off of the corner of his mouth with his thumb, he can’t help but smile even brighter.
”Thanks,” he mumbles. ”I am uh… A little nervous because I’m not… Well, I am bisexual.”
Smooth, Buckley. Smooth.
Tommy smiles that mischievous, boyish smile again as he leans forward, ”And do bisexuals often feel nervous because of their sexuality?”
Buck lets out a breathy laugh, ”I wouldn’t know. I just… Came out.”
Tommy raises his eyebrows at him, ”Really?”
”Yeah.” Buck smiles. ”It took me a moment to figure myself out after I met you and-”
”Wait,” Tommy stops him. ”You weren’t out of the closet when I met you?”
Buck can’t help but chuckle, ”I didn’t even know I was in a closet.”
Tommy looks a little bewildered at his answer and for a moment, Buck thinks that he’s finally managed to screw it up. He did last, what? Ten, maybe fifteen minutes before doing that. It’s a world record!
”Now it makes sense why you’re so nervous,” Tommy says then and places his hand back on top of Buck’s. ”Evan, you could’ve told me this earlier and we could’ve picked a place that’s not so… public or-”
”No!” Buck says, a little too loud and the barista from before shoots him a look. ”I mean… I really wanted to bring you here. That’s what I promised you.”
Tommy nods, "… You are aware that you were full-on flirting with me at the Starbucks?"
”I- I am now,” Buck mumbles.
”Have you done that with a lot of guys without realizing or…?” Tommy asks, and then quickly adds, ”You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
”It’s okay,” Buck says. ”Um, I don’t think I have? Well…”
”Well?” Tommy asks.
”There was this one time I asked another firefighter to hang out if he was ever in LA and he told me that he already had a boyfriend so… Maybe I was flirting a little? Without knowing?” Buck says and can’t help but laugh at himself.
He really should give TK a call.
Tommy laughs as well and it sounds kind, ”Well, lucky for me, you didn’t end up on a date with him.”
Buck breathes out, ”Yeah… Lucky.”
Tommy's hand stays on top of his as they move from subject to subject over the hour that they sit there. They talk and listen, taking turns like it's the most natural thing to do in the world, and sometimes when Buck rambles, he sees the way that Tommy looks at him, not a hint of annoyance in his eyes.
Nothing but blue softness.
He thanks the barista when they leave and feels the way Tommy’s hand touches his waist when they step out of the coffee house.
”You don’t have to keep that,” Buck tells him then, nodding toward the cup still in Tommy’s hand.
”What am I gonna do, throw it away? This is art, Evan,” Tommy tells him, glancing down at his watch.
Buck’s eyes linger on it as well, ”D- Do you have somewhere to be?”
Tommy looks up at him, ”What? Oh, no, I was just checking. Why? Did you have something in mind?”
"Well, I was wondering if…" Buck starts. "I had to park my car in the parking lot behind that park. We could take a walk through it and- and you could walk me to my car when we're ready to go."
Tommy gives him a gentle nod, ”Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I parked my car there as well.”
”Really?” Buck asks.
”Yeah,” Tommy tells him as they begin making their way toward the park. ”The parking here is an absolute nightmare.”
”Tell me about it,” Buck says. ”It was pure luck that I got a parking spot that morning we met.”
”Luck seems to be on our side,” Tommy tells him, smiling.
They walk under a metal arch that leads into the park.
”It’s usually not on my side,” Buck chuckles. ”But maybe you’ll turn it around.”
”Maybe I will,” Tommy replies, a small smirk on his lips.
Buck notices that their knuckles are brushing against each other as they walk and he has to glench his hand into a fist to keep himself from lacing their fingers together.
Silence takes hold of the two of them as they keep strolling through the park and with every step, Buck wishes that the parking lot was further away. He doesn’t understand how just existing with another person can feel so easy when they’ve only known each other for hours. But it does.
It just does.
And still, no matter how comfortable he is feeling, Buck can’t let the silence just be.
”Did you know that I was struck by lightning?” He blurts out, causing Tommy to stop dead in his tracks.
He pauses as well.
”That was you?”
Buck smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck, feeling small beads of sweat there, ”One more thing to know about me, I guess?”
"Christ, kid," Tommy says, huffing out a chuckle. He makes his way over to him, wraps an arm around his shoulders, and gets them to start walking again, "Do I have to keep an eye on you? Are you one of those people who could just, I don't know, fall over a little bump on this path right now and break a bone?"
”I’m pretty good at getting hurt,” Buck tells him and lets out a small breath, ”So maybe you should k- keep holding onto me.”
A smile that is part smirk takes over Tommy’s lips and God, Buck wants to kiss them. The hold on his shoulders gets a little tighter as Tommy pulls him against his side and Buck’s brain fills up with all the happy hormones there are in a person just from the little bit of contact.
”You know, Evan,” Tommy speaks up when the parking lot starts getting awfully close. ”Now that I know that this is all… very new to you, I’d just like you to know that there’s no pressure.”
”W- What do you mean?” Buck asks.
”I know this was our first date and I would say it went well. Don’t you think?”
Buck nods. He definitely agrees with that. He can’t remember the last time he had a first date go so well.
"I mean," Tommy mumbles and this is the first time Buck's seen him struggle with his words, and damn it, it's just as cute and hot as his confidence is. "I remember what it was like to come out and start dating men for the first time. It was exciting but nervewracking and I just want you to know that we can go at your pace."
If they were going at his pace, they would be kissing against the tree to their left right about now.
Buck nods, "I- I appreciate that. I don't… I don't know what I'm ready for, but I am ready for something and I know that this is brand new and we still have so much to learn about one another but I- I like being with you, it- it feels good and right, and I can't wait for another date with you, Tommy, and-"
Tommy’s looking at him with such fondness that Buck stops speaking without even noticing.
"… And?" Tommy asks, his voice even lower now.
”And I want to see where this could go,” Buck finishes, his eyes flickering to Tommy’s lips again.
Tommy nods, smiling, ”I’d like that too, Evan.”
They look at each other for a moment, which seems to stretch on for an eternity and Buck doesn’t mind it. The way the sun flickers through the trees surrounding them makes parts of Tommy’s skin look like gold and he feels so happy that he could… Well, not die, but he feels like he’s truly living.
When they finally make it to the parking lot, where there is nothing but shadows, Tommy finishes his story about his grandma, who still lives in Italy and who he spent summers with when he was a child.
”I’ve always said that I’m going to go back,” he says as Buck leans against his jeep. ”With her being so old now, I better do it sooner than later but you know how it is with our line of work.”
”Yeah,” Buck replies. ”I’ve always wanted to go to Italy. It’s the one place I’ve never been.”
”Really?” Tommy asks.
”Really,” Buck replies.
They smile at each other in silence, the thought of going there together passing through their minds but neither of them says it.
Buck gathers all his courage as he reaches out and takes Tommy’s hand in his. Tommy shoots him a surprised but genuine smile and gives his hand a gentle squeeze.
”I know I’m new at this but I’m someone who knows what they want,” Buck tells him. ”I don’t draw rainbows on just anyone’s to-go cup.”
Tommy chuckles, "Oh, so that is a Tommy Kinard-only kind of luxury?"
”Maybe it is,” Buck replies, smirking and pulling Tommy a little closer. ”Kinard, huh?”
”Yes, that’s my last name.”
”Good to know,” Buck says. ”Now I know what name to look for during our calls, just in case you happen to be there.”
Tommy nods, stepping even closer and Buck’s back hits against the side of his jeep. Their faces are so close now and Buck feels his whole body tingle in a way he hasn’t felt in a long, long time.
”And what name should I look out for?” Tommy asks.
”B- Buckley,” he says.
”Buckley,” Tommy echoes his name back to him and somehow, it sounds good coming from Tommy but at the same time, it feels wrong.
He only wants to be Evan to him.
”Evan,” Tommy says then as if he read his mind. His hand slips away from Buck’s and comes to gently rest against his cheek, his thumb barely brushing against the corner of his lips. ”Is this okay?”
Buck’s heart begins to beat faster. His breathing stills as he focuses on the blues of Tommy’s eyes, knowing that the color is reflected in his own, and he nods.
Tommy’s lips are soft as they press against his and Buck sighs into the kiss, relaxing his whole body against the other man. Tommy’s other hand comes to rest at his hip, squeezing ever so slightly, and Buck is pretty sure that nothing will ever beat this feeling.
He brings a hand to rest against Tommy's shoulder, rubs up and down, feeling the soft fabric there, and wishes that it wasn't there so that he could feel his skin. He deepens the kiss, tilting his head ever so slightly and he tries to make himself remember every detail of this moment. The way Tommy's hand feels on his cheek, big and warm. The way that his lips feel against his, sweet and sure. The way that he feels so free, truly and completely.
When Tommy pulls away, barely, Buck can’t even bring himself to be disappointed. He’s on a high that he can’t explain.
”You alright?” Tommy whispers, their noses gently touching.
”T- That,” Buck stammers, his voice barely above a whisper. ”That was better than iced coffee with oat milk.”
Tommy chuckles, resting their foreheads together for the shortest of moments, ”I think everything is better than iced coffee with oat milk.”
Buck lets out the smallest of laughs and leans closer. He places his chin on Tommy's shoulder and to his relief, feels Tommy wrap his arms around him. They stand there until Buck feels his heartbeat match Tommy's.
”You should text me when you get home,” Tommy whispers into his ear as he pulls away.
”I will,” Buck promises. ”Y- You should text me too. Whenever you want.”
Tommy smiles, ”I will, Evan.”
They share some more words, different ways of saying bye for now, before touching each other's hands one more time until they let go again. Buck watches Tommy walk away. Watches him get in his car and drive away.
And he breathes.
Tagging people here: @theotherbuckley @aringofsalt
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almostwisegalaxy · 3 days
I looking for you
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(After prison Reid)
It was a day like any other. Another case in the hands of the FBI. So why did everything go wrong? They had to break up a pimping ring, but they were walking on eggshells because big money personalities were involved. The whole team was on edge. If they didn't succeed, it would be the end of them and their careers.
Tonight's big "auction" is their only chance. These perverts will all be brought together to spend their money for the chance to walk away with the jackpot. You. Your virginity at last. The team was overwhelmed, especially Spencer. What can I say, he was furious to see them acting like they were betting on sports. But he had to stay calm for your sake and the smooth running of the operation.
Everything was going according to plan. They'd arrested everyone involved in the trafficking, and all the victims had been rescued. So why couldn't they find you? You couldn't just disappear. Spencer had searched for you for hours. But he was forced to catch the next plane to Quantico with his colleagues.
Even in Virginia, miles away, Spencer kept looking for you. You were never far from his mind, wondering how you were, what condition you were in after the traumas you'd endured. It became an obsession. One night, one of his contacts informed him that he'd spotted you on the sidewalk near the junkies' corner. He wasted no time in gathering his belongings from his desk, drawing the attention of his friends. It had become customary for him to act this way whenever he had news about you. Emily became concerned and came over to talk to him.
"Spencer, you can't keep doing this." He didn't listen.
"We did everything we could that night, you need to stop risking your sanity for one victim," Emily's words stopped him.
"One victim? Of course, for you it's just another victim on the list, isn't it? She might be dead or in hell by now, and neither her family nor the local police have tried to look for her, And I'm the only person who still cares about her right now, so let me do what I do best, which is save lives".
Within twenty minutes, he was in that alley looking for you. He saw you struggling for help as two obviously drunk men tried to drag you away. Of course he intervened, but after he had subdued them, he noticed that you were unconscious on the ground. He then took you home, changed your clothes, and laid you on his bed. The more he watched you sleep, the more the feeling grew in his heart, wondering if it was love or obsession .Whatever it was, he decided he wouldn't let you go - the outside world was too dangerous for you. He'll keep you here and take care of you. He'll let you rest in his room and wait for you to wake up.
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drvirgus · 3 days
Protecting (my heart)
Idol! Minji X bodyguard! Reader
Description: getting a new job as NewJeans bodyguard isn't really something Y/n thought would happen to her. What exactly happens when she suddenly felt attracted to one of the NewJeans members? Can Y/n stay professional or are her feelings for Minji too much to handle?
Warnings: stalking; harassment; kys jokes; suggestive language; death threats; mention of abuse; mention of murder; Smut; g!p reader
Chapter: First Time (Fully written)
Sighing, I leaned against the ropes of the boxing ring. My body was bent forward as I closed my eyes for a few seconds. Minji was in the locker room changing, while I had already picked her up, dressed and ready. My eyes remained closed as I took several deep breaths.
The stalker looked familiar. Very familiar. But from where?
My jaw tensed as I racked my brain over the whole situation. Naturally, I was worried that the stalker, having already made contact with Minji once, might repeat it. The fear that the stalker might snap and harm Minji had kept me up all night.
“What are you thinking about?”
My eyes opened, and I immediately saw the taller woman a few meters below me, as she hadn’t climbed into the ring yet. A small smile appeared on my face as I shook my head slightly. “Nothing special. Come on up,” I said, extending my hand to her, which she took without hesitation.
I pulled my ex-girlfriend up and helped her through the ropes until she was fully in the ring. Minji sighed softly, smiling at me. My eyes, however, fell on her outfit, and a lump formed in my throat that wouldn’t go away despite repeated swallowing.
She was wearing a tight black tank top and white wide-leg sporty pants. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail, drawing my eyes to her neck.
I swallowed again, feeling my heartbeat quicken. I quickly turned my head to the side, trying to banish every single thought from my mind. A clearing of the throat interrupted my flow of thoughts, and my jaw tensed again as I automatically became more serious.
“How strong are you?” I asked, causing Minji to look at me in confusion. “Do you mean how much I can lift? Like… around-” she began, but I cut her off immediately. A smile on my face as I stepped closer to her. I positioned her in the middle of the ring and stood facing her.
“I’ll show you some moves from Judo, Krav Maga, and Jiu-Jitsu. You can decide which ones you like, and we’ll refine your technique,” I said, and Minji nodded. Her eyes were fixed on me. I got into position. “Attack me. The first move is called O-goshi,” I said with a small grin, waiting for Minji to make her move.
Minji’s eyes widened as she suddenly landed on her back on the ground. Confused, she sat up and looked at me. Smiling, I offered her my hand, which she took without hesitation. I pulled my ex-girlfriend to her feet and couldn’t help but laugh at her bewildered expression.
“You grab the opponent by the collar and the sleeve, turn your back to them, pull them close to your hip, and throw them over your hip onto the ground,” I explained with a small smile, showing her the key points on her body and the opponent's body that she needed to grab.
“Come on. Give it a try. Don’t be afraid to hurt me... I probably deserve it,” I murmured quietly, causing Minji to look at me with a furrowed brow. Her jaw tightened as she began to breathe incredulously. She immediately grabbed me at the key points and tried to throw me to the ground, but it didn’t go as smoothly as she hoped.
Minji’s eyes narrowed as she hissed loudly, trying repeatedly. My smile faded, and I gently removed my arm from her grip. “You… seem tense,” I said softly, noticing the tears forming in her eyes, but she quickly looked away to avoid my gaze.
“Hey,” I whispered as I placed my hand on her upper arm. “I’m sorry.”
Minji turned her head back to me, her eyes shimmering with tears she was determined to hold back. Her lips pressed together as she took another deep breath. “Why… did you really break up with me?” she asked softly. My eyes widened, and I withdrew my hand from her arm, but she immediately grabbed my wrist.
“Don’t avoid me, Y/n. I’m not stupid,” she said, looking at me with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. My mouth opened slightly as I first looked at her hand, still gripping my wrist, and then into her eyes. “You don’t… have to be afraid anymore,” I began quietly, causing her eyebrows to twitch and lift. “I’m close…”
Minji’s eyes narrowed, and her grip on my wrist tightened. “Close?” she asked, looking at me questioningly. A sigh escaped my throat. “I’m close to catching the stalker,” I confessed, newfound confidence in my voice. I lifted my head to look her straight in the face.
I swallowed as Minji released my wrist. “We should continue,” I said, stepping back a few steps from the taller woman. My jaw tensed slightly. “You need to learn to defend yourself,” I added more seriously, and Minji sighed before nodding in understanding.
Minji nodded, determination replacing the earlier sadness in her eyes. She adjusted her stance, signaling her readiness to continue. I took a deep breath, refocusing on the task at hand.
"Alright," I said, my voice steady. "Let's try another move. This one's called 'Ippon Seoi Nage.' It's another judo throw. Watch closely."
I demonstrated the move slowly, explaining each step. "Grab your opponent's collar and sleeve, turn your back to them, drop your hips, and throw them over your shoulder." I executed the move fluidly, and Minji watched intently.
"Okay, your turn," I said, stepping back and getting into position. Minji approached, hesitating for a moment before grabbing my collar and sleeve. She followed my instructions, her movements a bit tentative but precise.
Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted off the ground and thrown over Minji's shoulder. I landed on the mat with a thud, a mixture of surprise and pride flooding through me. Minji looked down at me, her eyes wide with shock and a hint of a smile playing on her lips.
"You did it," I said, getting back to my feet. "That was perfect."
Minji's smile grew, the earlier tension in her shoulders easing. "Thanks, Y/n. I wasn't sure I could do it."
I nodded, a smile tugging at my own lips. "You did great. Let's keep going. The more you practice, the more confident you'll become."
We continued training, going through various moves and techniques. Minji's determination was evident, and she picked up each new skill quickly. As we worked, the atmosphere between us grew lighter, the earlier tension slowly dissipating.
After a while, we took a break. Minji leaned against the ropes, breathing heavily but smiling. "This is actually kind of fun," she admitted.
I chuckled, leaning next to her. "Yeah, it can be. And it's important. You need to be able to protect yourself."
Minji nodded, her expression growing serious again. "I know. Thank you for helping me, Y/n."
I looked at her, our eyes meeting. "Of course, Minji. I'll always be here for you."
For a moment, we just stood there, the unspoken words hanging in the air. The bond between us was still strong, despite everything that had happened. And as long as we were together, we could face anything.
"Ready to go again?" I asked, breaking the silence.
Minji grinned, pushing herself off the ropes. "Yeah, let's do it."
We resumed our training, and with each move, each throw, I could see Minji growing more confident and strong. It wasn't just about learning to defend herself—it was about reclaiming her sense of security and power.
Breathing heavily, I threw the taller person onto the mat once more, but suddenly she pulled me down with her. My eyes widened as I felt her legs automatically wrap around my waist and her hands grasp my collar. I stared down at my ex-girlfriend, Minji, whose wide eyes locked onto mine.
The time we spent together—every single second, every emotion, argument, and even the moments of silence—flashed through my mind. My left hand pressed against the mat to create some distance between our bodies, while my right hand rested on her leg.
Minji was also drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Her eyes were larger than usual as she simply gazed into mine. Suddenly, she lifted her head from the mat and placed her lips on mine. My breath caught, and my eyes widened even more as I felt her soft lips press firmly against mine.
My body visibly relaxed, and I immediately kissed her back. My eyes closed as I poured every single feeling I had into this one kiss—every bit of longing, love, worry, and fear of losing her. Naturally, I also felt a deep sense of regret.
I had hurt the person I loved...
"Minji," I murmured as I broke the kiss, my eyes slightly narrowed as I looked at the beautiful woman beneath me. "We shouldn't—"
"Shut up."
With that interruption, her lips were back on mine. Her hands slid under my top and pulled it off. Shortly after, she grabbed the nape of my neck and pulled me closer, our lips locking once again in a kiss that was now wilder, more desperate, and filled with a burning desire.
My eyes opened during the kiss as I felt Minji trying to pull down my sweatpants. Her hands tugged at the fabric, hoping it would come off on its own. A smile crept across my face as I slowly pulled away from her lips, glancing down at myself.
The bulge in my pants, thanks to the heated kiss, was clearly visible. I licked my lips before looking into her eyes. "Are you... sure?" I asked, my right hand grasping her wrist to stop her from tugging further.
"Yes. I'm sure," she replied, her voice filled with certainty.
My heart pounded in my chest as Minji's confident words resonated in my ears. The gravity of the moment settled over us, and I knew I needed to make this experience perfect for her. This was Minji's first time, and I wanted to ensure it was something she would cherish forever.
"Okay," I whispered, my voice gentle as I looked into her eyes. "We'll take it slow."
Minji nodded, her gaze unwavering. I leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss, conveying my love and reassurance through the connection. My hands gently roamed her body, exploring her curves with a soft touch, making sure she felt every bit of my adoration.
Slowly, I broke the kiss and trailed my lips down her neck, placing delicate kisses along her skin. Minji's breath hitched, and I could feel her body responding to my touch. I moved my hand down, brushing my fingers lightly over her chest, eliciting a soft moan from her.
"You're so beautiful, Minji," I murmured against her skin, continuing my journey downwards. I took my time, wanting to build up the anticipation and make every moment count. My hands caressed her hips, slipping beneath the waistband of her pants and gently easing them off.
Minji's eyes fluttered closed, and she let out a soft sigh as I helped her out of her remaining clothes. She lay there, exposed and vulnerable, but there was no hesitation in her gaze—only trust and desire.
"So beautiful," I breathed, not moving a single muscle as I stared at the stunning body of my ex-girlfriend. My eyes captured every curve, every imperfection, every muscle. My fingers began to trace her stomach, causing the woman beneath me to shiver.
"So damn pretty," I continued to whisper. My lips parted as I stroked the muscles on her abdomen. I bit my lip automatically to quell the urge to just plunge into her. Taking a deep breath, I bent over her once more to connect our lips.
This time, my lips traveled to her neck. I gently bit her there, while my hands roamed over every bump and curve of the beautiful woman. "Minji," I whispered softly as I moved further down. My eyes looked up to catch every little reaction on her face.
Her eyes were glassy, her lips parted and caught between her teeth. A hum escaped my lips as I took in the already hardened nipple of her left breast. Once more, I licked my lips before gently brushing my tongue over the stiff bud.
Minji's body jerked and a gasp escaped her lips, but she quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. Her face flushed deeply as she looked aside in embarrassment. "What's wrong?" I asked, raising my head to look directly into the idol's face beneath me.
Minji turned her head back to me. "I... I make weird noises," she confessed, looking at me helplessly. A smile spread across my face as I gently moved her hand away from her mouth. "Good. I want to hear every single sound," I whispered softly. "Don't hold back. Just enjoy it."
After a rather hesitant nod from her, I enveloped the hard nipple with my lips, pressing my tongue against it before gently starting to suck. My eyes remained fixed on her, watching for every single reaction or any sign of discomfort.
My hand grasped her other breast, massaging it. A smile spread across my lips as I felt Minji starting to move beneath me. Her body quivered and sounds came much more frequently from her beautiful mouth. My teeth gently nipped at the skin of her left breast before I gave a firm suck.
No one would see a hickey here...
My kisses traveled under her breast and along her stomach as I kissed, sucked, or even licked every little spot. My hand on her breast slid down her side before resting on her thigh. I chuckled softly as I looked up once more. Minji watched me with wide eyes as I showered her stomach with love. "Are you ready?" I asked once more, and received only a quick, eager nod from her.
"Words, baby. I need words."
"Y-Yes. I'm ready."
A smile spread across my face as I slid down further. I ensured her left leg was bent and began by caressing her inner thigh. My breath came in ragged gasps, finding it increasingly difficult to focus on anything. Minji's pleasure, however, was paramount...
With one last look into her eyes, I buried my head between her legs. My tongue parted her folds, savoring her intoxicating taste. My eyes closed as a moan escaped my lips. My lips quickly found her clit, and I sucked on it almost immediately.
My fingers dug into the bent legs of the beautiful woman. Minji's moans grew louder, and she writhed. "Y/n. Fuck, Y/n," my ex-girlfriend gasped out. Her eyes were half-open as she looked at me, her lips parted as she struggled to breathe normally, failing to do so as she would have liked.
A grin formed on my face as I ran my tongue through her folds once more. I teased her entrance and slipped the moist muscle inside her before pulling it out again and focusing entirely on her clit.
Minji's breath quickened, and her hips lifted off the mat. Her hips instinctively rolled into my face, causing me to suck even harder. A moaning scream escaped her throat as her eyes widened, and she arched her back off the mat.
Somehow, Minji managed to sit up, grabbing my head with her hands and pulling me closer. My right hand also ventured into her warm and wet core. My fingers collected every drop of her wetness before I traced one finger around her entrance, gently pushing the tip inside before withdrawing it again.
"Y-Yes," Minji moaned loudly, sending shivers down my spine. I had always loved Minji's voice, but now? So full of lust and desire? That raw edge? If I wasn't careful, I might reach orgasm just from the sound of her voice alone.
Minji's hips began to tremble as I inserted my finger into her, moving it slowly and gently in and out. My lips focused entirely on her clit. I could feel Minji, who had her hands in my hair, starting to pull at it. Her body leaned forward, and I whispered, "Relax," but Minji only responded with a moan.
Amused, I let out a breath and slipped a second finger inside her. My fingers moved slowly in a scissoring motion to spread and prepare her entrance. Minji threw her head back, "Shit. I'm coming," the younger woman moaned as her hands dug deeper into my hair. She arched her back, lifting her hips off the mat.
I withdrew my fingers from her and opened my mouth wider, determined to lap up every drop. My tongue danced over her clit, while my fingers spread her open, preparing her for what was to come. Her taste was intoxicating, and I wanted to make sure her first time was perfect.
Minji's moans grew louder, filling the room. Her body quivered as she reached her peak, her hips bucking against my face. I held her steady, not missing a beat, ensuring she rode out her orgasm fully.
When her body finally relaxed, I looked up at her, a smile on my face. "So beautiful," I murmured, moving back up to kiss her deeply, letting her taste herself on my lips. Minji's breath was still heavy, her body trembling slightly from the aftershocks of her climax.
I kissed her softly, my fingers trailing over her sensitive skin. "Are you ready for more?" I asked, my voice low and gentle, wanting to ensure she was completely comfortable.
Minji nodded, her eyes filled with trust and desire. "Yes, Y/n," she whispered, her voice trembling with anticipation.
I positioned myself carefully, my length brushing against her entrance. "This might hurt a little at first," I said, wanting to prepare her. Minji nodded again, biting her lip as she looked into my eyes.
Slowly, I began to push inside her, feeling her warmth envelop me. I moved inch by inch, giving her time to adjust to my size. Minji gasped, her fingers digging into my shoulders as I filled her completely.
"You're doing great," I whispered, kissing her neck softly. I started to move, slow and steady, allowing her to get used to the sensation. Minji's moans became louder, her body responding to mine as we found a rhythm together.
Each thrust was deliberate, aiming to bring her as much pleasure as possible. My hands caressed her body, my lips finding hers in a passionate kiss. The connection between us was intense, and I wanted to make sure Minji felt loved and cherished.
As our pace quickened, I could feel her walls tightening around me, signaling that she was close again. "Let go for me, Minji," I murmured against her lips, my thumb circling her clit to bring her over the edge once more. With a final cry, Minji reached her climax, her body convulsing around me.
My mouth opened as my body began to tremble. My breathing accelerated rapidly as I felt myself on the verge of orgasm. "Shit," I panted, suddenly remembering that we weren't using a condom. My eyes widened as Minji held me by the neck.
"Fuck," I moaned again, ensuring that Minji would finally release me. With a swift movement, I pulled out of her and started stroking my full length before coming on her beautiful stomach. I watched as the white, creamy semen landed on her perfect belly, exhaling in relief.
Relieved that I had managed to hold back just long enough.
My eyes immediately turned to the stunning woman beneath me. "Everything... okay?" I asked, slightly concerned, my brow furrowing automatically. Minji gasped for air, a smile forming on her lips. "More—more than good," she replied, still breathing heavily.
A smile spread across my face. "Good," I whispered, connecting my lips with those of my ex-girlfriend once more.
The kiss was tender and lingering, filled with the emotions and passion of the moment. As our lips moved together, I could feel the remnants of tension easing from both of us, leaving only a sense of deep connection and satisfaction.
Gently, I pulled back and looked into Minji's eyes, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You were amazing," I murmured, my thumb caressing her cheek. Minji's smile widened, her eyes softening with affection.
"You too," she whispered back, her fingers tracing patterns on my chest.
We stayed like that for a while, basking in the afterglow and the intimacy we had just shared. Eventually, I got up to fetch a warm towel, returning to clean her up carefully. Every touch was gentle, filled with care and tenderness.
Once she was clean, I lay down beside her, pulling her into my arms. Minji snuggled against me, her head resting on my chest. The room was quiet, save for the sound of our breathing and the steady rhythm of our hearts.
"I've missed you," Minji admitted softly, her fingers playing with mine. "I've missed us."
I kissed the top of her head, holding her closer. "I've missed you too, Minji. More than you know."
Taglist: @itzzyyyyyyydaaaa@acegaydar@alexxeey @sixflame438 @pandamiswifey
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666writingcafe · 11 hours
An Overgrown Puppy
It's really lonely down here.
I understand that most people are scared of a giant dog with three heads, especially when it's as loud as I am, but I don't mean them any harm. I can't help that I get excited easily.
Of course, when they start calling me names, that makes me angry. I suppose that's why I'm in this cavern in the first place: too much destruction on my part.
Still, it would be nice to have someone that wasn't afraid of me.
"Look, there's flowers bloomin' all over the place!"
As much as I want to begin jumping for joy, I must remain calm. The last set of people that came down here wanted to hurt me. I ended up with a couple meals out of the ordeal, but I wouldn't want to go through that experience again. For one, they tasted rather vile. It took me ages to get that out of my mouth, and even with that I can still taste them sometimes when I burp. It's rather annoying.
"Look how pretty we are..."
Oh no. Not the flowers.
Instinctively, I close all six of my eyes. If I can't see them, they can't tempt me, and my mind can remain clear.
Oh for fuck's sake!
That's not my voice. It doesn't belong to the other two heads, either. No, this belongs to someone else entirely.
This was meant to be a solo venture, but nooo. The brothers just HAD to tag along and make this more difficult for me. As it is, I doubt this creature is going to submit to me, anyway. I don't have anything it wants, but somehow Barbatos is convinced that I do.
Barbatos? They know him?
I like him. Unfortunately, he's too busy to take care of me properly, but he at least seemed sad to have to lock me away like this. Still, orders are orders; while the prince is a lot kinder than the king, he still has to worry about the fate of his people, and I've done too much damage to justify me continuing to walk free unsupervised.
The flowers are still murmuring, so it's not safe for me to open my eyes and see who it is.
Oh. It's you. Hello, Cerberus.
Why are they acting like they know me?
They smell familiar.
Don't be ridiculous. We've never even met them before.
Listen, I know my scents, and I'm telling you, I recognize this one.
Here we go again. My left and right head arguing again. It doesn't help that one can see into the past while the other one into the future. Makes for way too many philosophical conversations that frankly give me a headache.
Then again, they do make sense sometimes. Like right now.
Let him sniff them.
Thankfully, the flowers shut up at this point, so I can finally open my eyes and see this person for myself. They're rather small. Maybe they would make a good appetizer, but chances are, they wouldn't fill me up, so there's no point in even trying.
The being before me extends their hand out towards me, and I lean down low enough so that my right head can sniff it.
MC! I knew it was you!
What's a person from the future doing here? Don't they know that their presence is going to change the timeline completely? They won't be able to return to the same place that they left.
That's a risk I was willing to take.
They can hear us?
I'm a little surprised myself. I thought our connection would be nonexistent here, but I guess you still know who I am. At least, part of you does.
I most certainly do! You give some of the BEST belly rubs and treats ever! Plus, you always come and soothe me whenever I can't sleep. I've missed you SO much, MC. It just isn't the same without you.
Please tell me they don't end up abandoning us. The idea of a good belly rub does sound nice.
No, no, nothing like that. In the timeline that I come from, you're primarily someone else's. I just help take care of you whenever I swing by to visit.
Oh, PLEASE! You're more than a mere caretaker. You're like my adoptive parent at this point. If I knew I wouldn't scare people up in the human world, I'm SURE we'd spend more time together, but as of right now, that simply isn't possible.
I can sort of follow along with the idea this MC being a human and yet appearing like a demon in this moment, but what I don't understand is this: if they don't end up being my owner, then who does?
This guy.
I totally didn't see him walk in. He's rather imposing with his wings spread out like that.
It's short for Lucifer.
"Zephyr, what exactly is going on?" Lucifer asks, frustration evident in his voice. "Why are all of you down here in the first place? This isn't a safe place for you to be in. At all."
"Well, I came under Barbatos' instructions. Can't say the same about your brothers."
"You are more then welcome to talk to Barbatos yourself if you don't believe me, but I'm telling you the truth."
"Then why didn't you tell them to go home?"
"Because Mammon wanted to do something that would cause the other demons to finally shut up. He's tired of you all being treated like shit simply because you used to be angels." Lucifer slowly blinks in shock. "Believe me, I had every intention of sending them away, but I also wasn't about to argue with Mammon when he's that passionate about wanting to improve your situation here in the Devildom."
Six more demons appear, but they hover around the entrance, too afraid to step inside. Lucifer turns his head and looks straight at me, appearing deep in thought. It's clear that he's not the same person that my right head recognizes. Not because of his appearance, but rather his personality. He seems way too cold and rigid to love an animal.
Then again, I've heard that sometimes, those that appear that way end up being the ones that care about others the most. Maybe he's just putting up a emotional barrier at the moment, and he'll open up eventually.
"I suppose there's not room for him at your place, is there?" Lucifer finally sighs, maintaining eye contact with me.
"Unfortunately, no," MC/Zephyr answers. "And I don't want him wandering the woods by himself. He could get hurt." Lucifer pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I really don't want to do this, but he seems rather attached to you, and it would be cruel to leave him here without knowing if and when he can see you again." He pauses. "He can stay at the House of Lamentation with us, but he's your responsibility, Zephyr. I don't want to hear you complain about having to take care of him, and you're certainly not going to push him onto one of us. If you can't manage that and still complete your duties as our attendant, then I'll have no choice but to put him back in here." MC/Zephyr nods their head.
"Understood." There's a slight glint in their eye, but either Lucifer doesn't notice it or is simply choosing not to comment on it.
It doesn't really matter in any case, because I'm about to be free of this cave! Oh, to breathe fresh air again!
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr
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sleeplesssmoll · 2 days
May I request some suitcase family headcannons summer addition?
ill start
1. vertin is definitely rocking a button up pineapple shirt and those long a** dad shorts (Because she's our androgynous king 👑) with a straw hat to top it off
2 if they go to the beach instead of a lake in the suitcase there will be girls thinking vertin is a guy and trying to flirt with her
Confession: I don't like the beach so I didn't think about this at first, but now the brain is WORKING! Also, I love your ideas! You have me thinking about an entire scenario. Although, my mind focuses on Vertin the most lol so these probably won't be that interesting. This is more like a drabble than single HCs. The team heads to the beach because of a mission but they turn it into a vacation. Also, instead of a pineapple shirt, Vertin got this as a gift from the kids:
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Suits and Ducks
Vertin tried to go to the beach with her suit. Desert Flannel and Blonney argued with her for a while saying how hot it'd be and so on. Vertin reminds them she crossed a desert in a suit and survived a shipwreck in her signature suit. She'll be perfectly fine going to the beach in her suit. It was the kids who actually managed to get her to change. Sotheby and the others gifted a silly shirt with little yellow ducks on it. They knew she wouldn't wear a bathing suit but they wanted her to join them! Since it was a gift from her crew, Vertin treasures it and proudly wears it in public at the beach. Outfit complete with bermuda shorts and a boater hat with a ribbon around it. Desert Flannel and Blonney tease her at first but they prefer this casual outfit instead of the stiff suit. Vertin looks like a dork but she's a cute and happy dork so they're secretly happy too. However, they're not the only ones to think that. Instead of deterring attention, Vertin catches the eye of a few beach goers since the shirt is a conversation starter. You know how it goes after that, our charismatic Timekeeper has a way of pulling people in once she starts talking to them. Also, she's pretty. Even if she's being silly, people seem to like Vertin's face. However, they give up on her once they see her crew, which happens to be full of beautiful people (Sonetto, Blonney, Desert Flannel, Druvis, Bun Bun, etc). The bar is high lol.
Eye of the Storm, Center of Attention
Sonetto was shy about wearing a bathing suit since she isn't used to showing so much skin. Desert and Blonney helped her find a modest one-piece and cover up that she felt comfortable in. She turned quite a few heads at the beach. She doesn't like being the center of attention, but she didn't mind the familiar weight of Storm gray eyes on her back while she splashed around with Regulus and the others. She made eye contact with Vertin on the shore. Vertin immediately tilted her hat over her eyes and turned her attention back to the bucket of seashells she and Eagle collected together. Later, the crew painted these shells together and decorated the gardens in the Wilderness with them.
Inner tubes and Ice Cream
Regulus is the captain of a giant floating inner tube. However, the others swarmed her “ship” and stole it. The pirate captain was thrown into the sea! When she went to complain to Vertin, she couldn't find her best friend. Her first thought was the one time Vertin mentioned she's not a great swimmer. Did the ocean claim her when she wasn't looking!? Then again, she survived being thrown into the sea while wearing a suit of all things–
Vertin spawned behind her with popsicles and ice cream. On one hand, Regulus was relieved but on the other, Vertin went to the store without her! The betrayal. They usually buy goodies together so the pirate can show her all the good snacks! Regulus forgave her when she realized Vertin bought frozen treats for all of them, including her. Vertin didn't want to interrupt her fun so she and Lilya went together instead. Lilya wanted to buy more alcohol anyway.
Regulus enjoyed her “rock n roll rocky road”, moved that Vertin remembered her favorite flavor. However their friendship nearly ended when she watched Vertin BITE into her Creamsicle (orange and cream pop). Vertin doesn’t feel pain or sensitivity so she always eats them like that…
Sonetto attempted to eat her blue-raspberry popsicle the same way after watching Vertin and immediately regretted it.
Bunny Bunny’s BBQ smelled so good, other beach goers brought some of their ingredients over and offered to work together, kinda like a potluck where everyone brings something and the food is shared.
Night Fishing
Vertin doesn’t sleep at night because she naps during the day. She decided to try her hand at night fishing on the pier. She slipped out quietly so as not to wake her tuckered out teammates. Sonetto noticed she was gone because she hears everything that goes on in the Suitcase. She freaked out like usual until she found Vertin peacefully fishing on the pier. She sat with Vertin, using the Timekeeper's jacket as a blanket since she was still in her nightgown. Vertin tried to shoo her back inside since was clearly exhausted but she refused to budge. She ended up falling back asleep against Vertin's shoulder. However, Sonetto wondered if she dreamed the whole thing since she woke up in her bed the next morning. She didn't, Vertin carried her back the same way she does for the others. If Vertin is around, she sleeps like a log but if Vertin isn't around, she sleeps more lightly.
Vertin didn't catch much, but Satsuki prepared a Japanese style breakfast with it for her the next day. That breakfast ended up being “sampled” by so many other crew members that Vertin ended up nibbling on leftover BBQ to compensate.
She didn't let anyone touch her tea though. She'll share everything else but Satsuki's tea.
Of course, this beach trip wasn't really a holiday. They were supposed to be investigating sightings of a sea monster. They almost forgot about it until Druvis and Lilya mentioned it in passing. Apparently the sea monster interrupted them while they were flying together on Lilya's broom over the water.
They managed to scare it off, but they need to take care of it since it's still a danger to others. The Timekeeper sets out with her crew to fight the beast.
The Kraken Calamari (Pavia's idea) they made hit different. Vertin made sure to save a portion for Madam Z and Tooth Fairy to try.
When it was time to go home, Vertin decided it'd be nice to have a beach section in the Wilderness for the Summer. While she can't control the weather in her Suitcase, she can reshape the land. The others loved this idea. The Wilderness had other plans and it snowed on the first day of adding the beach. Imagine all these arcanists in summer clothes freezing outside (well, except the SPDM soldiers). They came inside and enjoyed hot chocolate instead lol.
They expected Vertin to get sunburn like some of the other arcanists, but she was fine. The Foundation's temperature training teaches them how to protect themselves from the elements with arcanum, which is why she crossed the desert and stuff without issue. Sonetto can do it too (she's really good at it), but she used sunscreen as a precaution.
Ms. Moissan made the children wear it too and used Sonetto as an example.
This means it was the young adults who suffered the most sunburn. Jessica was not happy about it. She didn't get sunburn, but Blonney did so she couldn't hug as much as she wanted.
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Tw: Parent trauma stuff, a vent post because damn my mommy and daddy issues are flaring up during my exams
Yves will talk to your parents for you.
As much as he wants to have you solely rely on him for your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs, he isn't selfish enough to deprive you of the experience of having a healthy and loving relationship with your family. Or at least, have a successful reconciliation with them and move on from the hurt.
He knows that people with good bonds between their initial caregivers would go on to live longer, happier, and have an overall peaceful mind; something that Yves wants you to receive. And it's something he could afford for you, why wouldn't he let the love of his life have something wonderful like this?
Yves already knew your history, the fights, the tears, the anger you held for your parents, and their refusal to admit their wrongs. But he wants you to confide in him organically, he doesn't want to force such a change in you. So he waited, stayed by your side, and observed, allowing you to slowly warm up to the idea of using him as a diary.
He would listen with no judgment, engulf you in a cushion of comfort and solace as you cry in anguish over the painful feelings you harbored for your parents. Yves would stay silent, cuddling you if that is what you needed and pressing soft kisses on your head whenever you're overwhelmed with your emotions. Only when you've calmed down, will he gently pry.
He has to dig through layers of resentment and agony, ignoring the red herrings and false wants. No, you do not truly want your parents to die a horrific death for what they did or didn't do for you, that's not your ultimate desire; try again. It doesn't matter how difficult it gets, Yves already knew the answer but you don't. He's trying to get you to realize what you actually need.
And you just wanted to feel loved, heard, seen, and protected for once by the adults who were supposed to teach you how the world works. You don't even give a damn if they gave you a sincere apology or not, all you needed was their acknowledgment that they were imperfect, you wanted their willingness to change, and them to be there for you while there is still time left. You wanted them to look at the mirror and see all the ugly parts they've been pretending not to notice, just like how they've been holding up a mirror against you all your life and nitpicking on all your flaws no matter how inconsequential.
You wanted to move on. Not alone, but with them. But they're stuck in the past, prickly and resistant to improvement. And it appeared to be a herculean task for you to do alone, an impossible mission, even.
Yves will absorb all of it with a sympathetic gaze, stroking your hair as you lay against him, completely drained of energy yet free from the burden plaguing you for years. Perhaps even decades. He will thank you for exploring this topic with him, it has taken a toll on you. But to heal, is to feel.
He will review all the information he has gathered on you, your family, and their dynamic, past and present. He will assess if this bond is salvageable or mangled beyond repair; Yves isn't going to blindly play family counselor, he knows there are just some relationships that aren't worth saving or not feasible to exist. If it's the latter, he will focus more on enriching your life to dull the pain of the past; it will no doubt always be there, but it will shrink with the joy he nourishes you with. At the same time, Yves would be cursing your family with a taste of his wrath, making the option of death appear to be a more merciful one. You wouldn't know what he did, but all you needed to know is that they're absolutely out of your life.
However, if the relationship is still viable, just severely damaged, Yves would do anything in his power to mend it. Just like how he would sew up holes in your clothes or fix any of your items that are broken with his excellent craftmanship, he would execute a plan to rebuild the bridge they charred.
They still cared for you, but they chose the wrong way to show it. Or they had their own demons to deal with which unfortunately roped you into a hell that you shouldn't have been in. Or that's just how they were taught by their own caregivers and they didn't know anything outside of it. As long as there is that weak pulse of genuine parental care and love for you, Yves will do anything to resuscitate it.
With his vast wealth, he could easily eradicate issues stemming from financial pressure. With his near infinite contacts, your parents have no problem getting the means to survive another day with their disease- they could even receive a cure for it. With his influence, their perpetrators could finally be brought to justice. With his shrewdness, Yves would orchestrate occurrences daily to teach them valuable lessons and correct their viewpoints. He would only make himself known if it's necessary, otherwise, your parents may think they're on a lucky streak or finally maturing as adults. Or if they're superstitious, a sign from a higher power to reach out to you and talk.
However, Yves wouldn't let them open the conversation with you just yet. They have to prove themselves, that they could pass his discrete battery of tests. Even if they did well, Yves would enact one last checkpoint: he would personally pay them a visit and talk.
The atmosphere must be calm, but not too lax to the point your parents feel comfortable disrespecting Yves. It has to be polite, warm, and cordial, but not too much lest they fail to subconsciously perceive what a threat Yves could be. There must be discipline, on both sides, no exceptions.
Yves have already taken their hunger, thirst, and sleep levels into consideration. The temperature, the smells, the humidity, the lighting, and the hormones present in their bloodstream on that day as the smallest variable could throw his entire plan off. As a failsafe, he would prepare cups of their favorite hot beverages and tea-time snacks laced with drugs that would allow him to control the situation better. It will have no adverse effects on their health, it will only serve to influence their mind however Yves sees fit. But he really didn't have to go this far, they trusted him to the fullest as Yves always had their best interest in mind. They're quite fond of him too, so it would be a difficult feat to shake him off their good graces.
It started off with a light-hearted conversation about general topics, just to ease your parents further and to fully prime them for the transition to heavier ones. Some discomfort was expected, maybe they tried to change the subject or divert his attention to something else, but Yves is unwavering. He would be gentle, yet firm. Using his body language and even minuscule actions such as picking his cup up without drinking from it to manipulate the situation. Implicitly reminding them who is in charge of the entire scene. It's almost like a spell, they couldn't bring themselves to leave even if they had a history of running away at the first sign of discomfort.
Yves will hear what they have to say. It's nothing he hasn't heard or seen before, this is only to give the illusion of a fair playing field. But his intention was never to take anyone's side, but to give you what you wanted out of your parents.
Once they're done, Yves would take a sip out of his tea. He would then lay out your deepest feelings toward them, the rage, the sorrow, the push, and the pull. Perhaps they were neglectful without intending to, money was tight and they had to put food on the table. Maybe they went through worse and resented you for having a better childhood than they did. They dismissed your hardships as something trivial, and sent a message that you just weren't that important.
You felt like you were never good enough under their outrageous expectations, you felt like their love was conditional and your worth was tied to what you could do for them. You felt betrayed because they broke your trust by telling your relatives your secrets, you felt like they only had you because everyone else was having babies and they succumbed to peer pressure. You felt discarded when they both divorced, or they remarried and had children outside. You felt less important than their booze bottle. Your views don't matter, only the opinions of others do. You were forced to be another parent for your siblings: children you never asked for. You felt unloved, you felt unwanted, you felt abandoned.
He made sure to speak in a language, pace, and tone they understood. It will be absolutely direct, with no room for misunderstandings and Yves would be happy to clear up anything over and over again.
It's difficult. It's frustrating but achievable. He has to keep a poker face as they try to deflect, defend, and twist. And for each attempt for them to escape these strong revelations, Yves would have something to counter it and ground them back to Earth. No one can leave until Yves thinks the outcome is satisfactory. Let the room flood with tears, let their voice go hoarse from yelling, it doesn't matter to Yves, he has his eyes constantly on the prize.
Eventually, he gets what he wants out of this meeting. Your parents would be as exhausted as you when you first vented to Yves about your relationships. They're finally accepting that they're also human with the most hideous of faults. And also accepting that they have the capacity to change for the better before it's too late.
They passed. His final test, they passed.
He would end the discussion, scheduling another meeting but with you this time. The dates he chose are very strategic, as a confrontation too soon or too late will render their 'training' ineffective.
Yves wouldn't be in the room, at least not visibly. He still has eyes and ears to watch over you, but his conceivable presence will affect the process. It has to happen without his obvious coaching, but Yves has the ultimate control.
You will be tense and they will be on edge, so he ensured that both sides are sufficiently groomed (with or without knowledge) before commencing.
It could take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks for you and your parents to get on the same page, going through most, if not, all five stages of grief. It is a death of the past, and the birth of the present, after all.
His green eyes will be staring at the screen intensely, having his ears carefully listening to every single detail. Yves would be working tirelessly to puppet the stage, nothing is done unintentionally; not even that one green leaf that blew past the mildly smudged window. Everything happens for a reason, and that reason was Yves's puppetry.
In the end, he would succeed. You and your parents would break down crying, holding each other and promising to do better while they could still feel what it's like to breathe. Due to the tremendous emotional toll it has on each other, Yves expected that you will experience aches on your body. You would receive nightly massages from him.
Slowly but surely, things will change. Yves encourages you to call them as much as you can, likewise, he would encourage them to contact you too. Dinners, lunch, and brunch with everyone would be frequent. You would have the family that you deserved, but never gotten.
And Yves would smile, joining in pictures and conversations between you and your parents. Enjoying the quality time he gets to spend with you.
Your father would sling an arm around his shoulder, while he gracefully crouches down to his level. Your mother would grin and have her hand holding you by your arm as the entire family looks into the camera lens.
Yves is also happy to receive the blessing to experience the domesticity of a nurturing family he never had.
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khunyuki · 1 day
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
a. You will always have a special place in my heart
Synopsis: Having the infamous Vice-Captain of the Third Division of the Defense Force as your fiance isn't easy especially when the rest of the force expects you to be strong enough to be worthy to be by his side along with your family demanding you to finally get married and give them an heir. The continuous onslaught of expectations and demands from all sides keeps you up at night when you think about how you don't really have a good relationship with him. Or at least that's what you thought... Her: I've loved you ever since I first saw you Him: I've loved you even before I met you
Pairing/s: Soshiro Hoshina x Fiancee!OC
Notes: I am posting this first because I thought it would be better to show their good relationship first than the planned main story. Soshiro is down bad for his fiancee.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Childhood Sweethearts, School Romance
Masterlist: TOC
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One of the happiest days in Uzui Kagami's life was the day, she and Soshiro became engaged as children. During her earliest memories, she absolutely adored her parents' relationship and dreams to have the same once she got older. To her surprise, a visit to some place other than her house changed the trajectory of her life! Why? Because her dream has finally come true! At least half of it did.
From that moment onwards, she would often visit the Hoshina estate to train with them and be with her fiance. Poor Kagami was so shy that despite this being what she wanted, she couldn't even bring herself to come near him, satisfied with just watching him from afar.
Kagami would hide behind a pillar or a wall and watch the Hoshina brothers train, with her eyes on Soshiro and Soshiro only. She would admire his skills, his looks, his growth, and his persistence. Not that she could tell him that, she couldn't even be in the same room as him without clamming up.
For the first few weeks of introduction, she would gaze at him from afar until his older brother could no longer handle it. Soichiro-niisan dragged her out of her hiding spot like a wet kitten and placed her on the sidelines to observe closely. She tried to run away but ultimately failed from his tight grip.
"Kagami-chan, you don't have to peek from afar when you could just watch here"
Soichiro-niisan tried to smile softly in order to calm the girl he just dragged over. But all it did was to make her cower and fidget uncomfortable while looking down.
"Don't bully her, nii-san"
Soshiro, with his two bamboo swords, hit his brother with their swordstyle mercilessly.
"Ouch! Wait! Soshiro! I'm sorry so please stop already!"
Having been caught off guard with no weapons, Soichiro would've accept his hits if it didn't hurt so much. It was rare to see this side of his brother, after all.
Once he stopped, only then did Soshiro turn to look at Kagami. She had long since stopped cowering and was now admiring him. Was he her prince charming or her knight in shining armor? Maybe both, cause him saving her made her like him even more.
"You can just stay here and watch"
He said so coolly with much composure and returned to his training. Kagami could only blush, trying to hide how giddy she was feeling.
As a child, Hoshina Soshiro didn't bother to understand what his family were talking about if it wasn't related to training or kaijus. He would attempt, yes, but his young brain still isn't able to comprehend it well.
They said something about an engagement between him and someone he will meet that day. He doesn't mind if it's something his parents decide for him. Arranged marriages are common like his older brother who already has a fiancee too.
It truly dawned on him from the moment his eyes laid on a particular shy girl that just entered the room. She was hiding behind her father but would peek out several times. He could only catch glimpses of her but he could already feel the pounding of his heart.
It was weird. He never experienced such having his heart beating so fast when resting. Was it because she reminds him of a squirrel, so cute and fidgety? He didn't know but when their eyes met, it felt like arrow shot through his heart.
It was love at first sight.
Soshiro was blushing madly for the very first time and his older brother doesn't help at all with all his teasing. Maybe it was the commotion that his brother was making that set their engagement in stone.
Cause when Kagami looked up from her bow, he was already avoiding her eyes. Especially once he saw her hopeful face and sparkly eyes. It struck a critical hit to his heart.
From that moment onwards, he would see her around the estate. She would sometimes be training on the dojo or watch him and his brother train from afar. Whenever she's watching, he couldn't help but take glimpses of her causing him to be distracted and lose cue his older brother's teasing.
As much as he wanted to look cool, he couldn't really do it after losing to his brother, can he? The saving grace for him would be when his brother picked her up and put her down next to him. It annoyed him when he did so cause how could his brother touch his fiancee like that. Soshiro was able to look cool by 'defending' her from his brother.
Be that as it may, it was truly bad for his young heart to have her around him like this. How could he remain calm when she's been staring at him the whole time. If he did talk to her while looking at her face, he can't guarantee not stuttering in front of her.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~AGE 5~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
It didn't take long for the two of them to be close enough to feel comfortable with each other's presence. They could just sit on the porch without talking and they're already content with it. Occasionally, they would spar until it became a bonding moment just for the two of them.
Most of their progress was all thanks to Soichiro-niisan who decided that it was his duty to be as meddlesome as possible in his brother's lovelife. He, not only would egg on his little brother by calling him weak, but also tease him in front of his crush. It contributed to the explosive growth of Soshiro when his task is to keep his older brother's mouth shut tightly from embarrassment.
Soshiro would continue to lose over and over again but demands to have a rematch even if it meant having tantrums in front of Kagami. He knew he was losing face by doing so but he atleast wanted to look cool yet his brother kept denying him of that.
Much to Soichiro-niisan's surprise and pleasure, his taunts did not only work on his little brother but also his little sister-in-law. As clueless she may be, she could tell if the words being said were an insult to her fiancee. Kagami would bring out her meanest look and glare at her big brother-in-law.
During those times, Kagami would scold him for bullying his little brother and say that Soshiro is the best swordsman in the world despite being so young and he could beat him because he's always been working hard and putting in effort more than anyone else. It would only be at the end that she realizes that it was all a bait from the smirk on his face as he leave the two blushing figures alone.
It still took a while for them to be close enough to make eye contact with being a mess. But atleast they got to talk to each other as a result.
To Hoshina Soshiro, it was the beginning of something new.
To Uzui Kagami, it was the start of her dream come true.
It was the age of innocence where seeds have been planted, not knowing what kind of fruit it will bear.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~AGE 7~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Two years after their engagement, they were now a bit more mature yet still childish. They understand that they have duties to perform and live up to expectations of the adults. Such burdens, when introduced to children was a lot of pressure to say the least.
Soshiro acknowledging to himself that he is a reject compared to his perfect brother. Only his persistence to wield the sword was his salvation.
Kagami having to face countless trials not knowing that it might never end in the pursuit of perfection. In hopes of being acknowledged by her family despite her grief.
Just last year, Kagami's mother died along with her unborn baby brother. It was an unfortunate incident where a kaiju appeared near the hospital on the day of her checkup and they got caught in the aftermath. Ever since then, her father became a different person along with her other clan members.
The shift in the atmosphere was so obvious that even Kagami, as dense as she is, could feel it. She was restricted from visiting the Hoshina estate in order to prepare herself as the sole heir to the head of the clan. Many times she wished to run away but she couldn't do so because whenever she got caught, more punishment would just await her.
Her solace was when the Hoshinas would come to visit. They would dress her up and tell her to smile and act like nothing happened to not disgrace her family any further. In which, she does so without question cause just meeting her fiancee was enough for her.
Soshiro felt a pleasant surprise with how Kagami welcomed him to her home with much excitement but maybe that was just him missing her as it has been a long time since they last met each other.
As they were given the time to be alone, he knew that it was an act shown to the people around them. Only with him does she show her real face, as does he. Their comfort is with each other, comrades in their struggles at their young age.
In the place where Hoshina Soshiro believes that he is a reject, to Uzui Kagami he is perfect just the way he is.
In the place where Uzui Kagami has to be perfect in every way, to Hoshina Soshiro her imperfections are part of her charms.
The seeds have been nurtured and sprouted, taking root into the deepest pits of their hearts.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~AGE 13~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Middle school is the place where young teens start to experience such things called hormones. Spring is the moment of encounters but it is also the season of love.
Kagami doesn't think that being in middle school would change anything as it is just a small part of her life. She didn't think it was as important as her life back at home. That's what she try to tell herself because it's been over a year and she never had any friends yet.
It doesn't matter does it, she thought. But in reality, she blames her shy personality and being an introvert for making her lose out on things. Her pessimistic attitude doesn't help as it only makes things worse.
Hormones were the worst thing ever as it developed her body in the most uncomfortable ways like the sudden growth of her chest and the hellish pain of losing blood on a monthly basis. It also messes up her mind by giving her complicated thoughts and the sudden influx of emotions was enough to make her crazy as she has to act like nothing is happening.
There was one thing she believes in though. Love. It was something she already experienced herself and will continue to do so in the future. This age only gives her fantasies of what she wants their relationship to be like if she gets the courage to make a move.
"What are you thinking to make you smile like that?"
Soshiro asked as he long put down his book in order to observe her. Since when? She didn't know but being caught in the act itself was enough to make her feel embarrassed.
"I-It's nothing!"
While she tried to cover her face with the book on her hands, Soshiro pretended to think by placing his thumb and index finger on his chin before he revealed a mischievous grin.
"Were you... Thinking about me? Even though I'm right in front of you?"
Hoshina Soshiro struck a homerun! If only the ground could swallow her whole so that she could hide, but there is no hole to hide inside the library. She had to settle with pressing the book closer to her face as that's the only way she could hide.
"You're so cute~"
Soshiro chuckled with his eyes open as she fidgets around and didn't know what to do. Can a human being possibly melt? Cause she's combusting so much she could melt.
"Please stop teasing me"
She let go of her book and buried her face in her arms on the table to hide her burning face. It was a futile attempt as she was already caught but she still did it anyways. At least let her keep her dignity!
She could hear him getting up from his seat and sitting beside her. His fingers brushing her hair and tucking it behind her burning ears.
"It's true though"
He paused and she couldn't help but take a peek at the rustling beside her. He was in the same position as hers yet peeking at her with his eyes open, showing that soft and sweet smile that is exclusively for her eyes only. Maintaining eye contact to show the seriousness of his words.
"For me, you're the prettiest girl in the entire world"
Uzui Kagami.exe has stopped working.
Hoshina Soshiro.exe has also stopped working.
Thank goodness it was only the two of them in the library at this hour, otherwise, it would be the listeners who dies at second-hand embarrassment from their flirting.
The buds of youth quivers at its desire to bloom.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~AGE 15~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Hoshina Soshiro has made it a habit to tease his fiancee whenever possible. He couldn't help it when her reactions are so cute and amusing. He feels proud to being the only one with the right to see her like that.
He often smirks and act smug in front of his classmates and the other boys in their school, those he clearly knew has a blatant crush on his fiancee. Sometimes he wishes that she knows just how popular she is so she could feel confident in herself but at the same time he's glad she doesn't know.
It was always clear as day that she favors him more than any other, to him and to the people around them. To others, she would grace a polite smile and only answer their questions professionally. With him, she would laugh at his jokes and engage in conversations. Showing off that sweet smile that captivates anyone who sees it, including Soshiro.
Soshiro didn't know how many times he had to control himself from glomping at her and keeping her by his side, somewhere only he can see. The same smile that critically hit his heart on the first day they met continues to do so every single day, each time getting more powerful.
When he reminisces on their first meeting to now, he could see the improvement on their relationship for they had grown closer than before. If in the future, they continue to be together while working and get married then have kids---.
Stop! He's getting ahead of himself when they hadn't even hold hands yet... Wait... They haven't hold hands yet?
"Soshiro? Soshiro! Are you okay? You suddenly slapped yourself"
Asked Kagami with eyes filled with concern at his unexpected actions, not knowing she was the cause of it.
"It was nothing"
"Eh? Are you sure? That looks painful though"
She lifted her arm so her hand could touch the growing bruise on his cheeks. The feeling of her fingers gingerly touching his cheeks like it was something fragile and precious felt like static so he winced.
"It is painful! Come on, let's go to the infirmary to dress it okay?"
She immediately held his hand like it was a natural thing to do and dragged him to the infirmary. Soshiro felt stupid at his earlier thought. Who said they haven't hold hands yet? They were doing it now, weren't they?
Still, he hopes she doesn't turn around to look at him so she wouldn't see just how red his face is.
Since then, Soshiro keeps making excuses to touch her hand. He doesn't need to since she'll gladly let him do so anytime.
You must give it sufficient nutrients in order to bloom.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~AGE 18~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Ever since they were children, they've been training hard to join the defense force as their ultimate goal. To slay kaijus, serve their country, and make their family proud.
<Defense Force Screening Exam Part 2 Venue>
After passing the written exams, Uzui Kagami and Hoshina Soshiro are confident in their abilities to pass the second part of the exams as well.
"Are you nervous?"
Soshiro asked the girl beside him as they stand in front of the venue, squeezing her hand in comfort.
"Just a little bit"
Kagami placed her free hand on her chest, not only was she nervous of the exams but also the thought of encountering new people.
"Me too. But we've been working hard for this for a very long time, haven't we?"
Soshiro despite being nervous himself cheered her up. In doing so, cleared both his and her worries.
"You're right"
Giving one last squeeze on each other's hands, they walked inside and took the test.
The two of them settled inside a cafe as they revealed the envelopes that will change their lives.
"Somehow, i'm getting nervous that my hands are shaking"
Kagami said as she attempted to stop her shaking, the tension was making her hands clammy and sweaty.
"Do you want to open it now?"
Soshiro was calm, seeing her this fussy once more felt like his nervousness was transferred to her instead of him. He felt guilty but still thinks she was cute like this.
"No matter the outcome, i'll still be proud of you"
He tried to comfort her with his words though it somehow only deepened her frown.
"I can't have that. We have to pass together"
With deep concentration, she took her envelope in her hands and opened it. Though struck by her resolve, he could only smile and shake his head, copying her actions.
Uzui Kagami/Hoshina Soshiro, as a result of you satisfactory performance, you have PASSED the exam.
A moment of silence before...
"We did it! We passed!"
With a rare outburst of joy, Kagami hurriedly moved out her seat to his and tackled him with a hug. Soshiro was expecting them to both pass but it truly does bring him joy when she expresses her happiness so well.
It was one of the rare instances that he sees of her initiating things. And he was indulging in it.
"Let's celebrate this occasion with some Mont Blanc and coffee"
Kagami called for the waiter and gave their orders. At the same time, she went back to her seat after recovering from her high. It felt like they could hear each other's thoughts as they both bowed to each other.
"Let's continue to work together from now on. Please take care of me"
Rewarding their hard work and efforts, the flower finally bloomed.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~Early 20's~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Kagami and Soshiro joined the same division and stayed there together, having only each other's backs. It wasn't without struggle for them as they both specialize in sword slaying. Kagami was more flexible of the two as her precision and accuracy was better in long distance range so she could easily pick up a gun, but still she prefers to use swords if she could.
On one particular day, she heard her fellow officers making fun of her and her fiancee. It would've been fine if they were insulting her only but they also had to insult him. She was usually calm and quiet, preferring to keep to herself but she would never let anyone who insults Soshiro continue to yap their mouths.
"Please take that back! Soshiro-san has been working hard this entire time and putting in double the effort more than anyone else! If you give him a chance, you will understand that he can shine even brighter when he uses his swordsmanship!"
Hoshina Soshiro wonders why there was a crowd forming just outside the training room, until he heard a familiar voice inside of it. That voice, usually so calm and quiet to the point of whisper, was loud enough to pique the attentions of passersby. It wasn't only her uncharacteristic outburst that was eye-catching but also the words she's saying were. For it was filled with praises for him.
Once Soshiro realized that he was the topic of the conversation, he felt shy but he wanted to stop her even more. He doesn't want her to fight their fellow officers nor does he want her to get scolded by their superiors.
After wrestling his way through the crowd, he finally dragged her away, offering apologies on her behalf. Even if they did deserve the scolding they received from her, and doesn't really want to apologize to them, he had to do so out of courtesy.
Once he got her away to somewhere private, she was still quite upset, eyes glistening with unshed tears. She refused to look at his face and look down.
"I appreciate you defending me, Kagami. However, it's not like you to be that angry"
Soshiro urges her to look at him, to stare at his eyes by placing his hands on her cheeks. Once she look up, he could see the sad expression on her face. She was sad for him.
"They went too far. They don't know how great of a person you are. You're the best when it comes to close combat and slaying small kaijus, you could eliminate more than any of them could yet they still..."
"Thank you"
He wanted her to say more but her current state wouldn't let her. She was a bawling mess in his hands as he wipes away her tears. It was her first time crying in front of him yet he felt happy. All because she was thinking of him, all of it was for his sake and never yours.
The truth is, he was so incredibly touched by his fiancee's actions. It almost moved him to tears himself. Everyone wanted him to stop, his superiors and his family, yet she hopes that he could keep going. She pushes him to do what he loves despite people saying otherwise.
If they weren't at work right now, or if they were somewhere more private than the place he chose, he would've kissed her on the lips. He just settled for the forehead instead then he hugs her while patting her head. He whispered once again.
"Thank you"
The little flower happily showers in the rain filled with love.
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valley-of-headcanons · 17 hours
I have a request because I’m curious. I’d love to see your headcannons on the bachelors finding out that their lovely farmer that they adore was previously in an abusive relationship and that why they really fled the city. Maybe a little added bonus on how they’d react bumping into said person 
bachelors with an abused partner || headcanons
your past isn't something to be ashamed of, and these lovely bachelors make you feel right at home <3
warnings: heavy topics today! abusive relationship mentions + interactions with the abuser. farmer is triggered by their partner's actions (yelling, joking shove, etc.), resulting in a panic attack. comfort fic :)
requested by: anon! hi, thank you so much for the request! i love comfort fics, so i hope that this provides you comfort as well! if anyone reading is going through this situation, please reach out to the people around you and get tf out, no one deserves such a thing :( anyway! hope you enjoy <3
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• When the time came around to tell Alex about your past relationships, you made sure to sit him down. You wanted him to truly understand how serious this was. So, you started to explain everything, detail for detail ... this led to a lot of emotions being brought back. Of course, you were emotional, but Alex seemed even more emotional.
• Alex was pissed. He was livid about how that person treated you. How dare someone even go that far? You're such a lovely person, he just cannot wrap his head around it ... but eventually, he realizes that he needs to put his emotions aside so that he can show you the love you need right now. He wraps stands and wraps his arms around you, kissing your cheek.
• “You're gonna be okay ... I'm gonna keep you safe, not matter what, 'kay? You're not gonna be in any of those situations, none of those words will ever be said in your direction as long as I'm around. Want to go lay down? You look like you're about to fall out ...” he says in the softest voice he can.
• Alex would try his best to respect your triggers as much as he can, but everyone makes mistakes sometimes. When in a simple disagreement, he ends up raising his voice. This sends shivers down your spine. When he notices you start to shake, tears pricking your eyes, he stops what he's doing immediately. It might take him a moment to realize, but he doesn't want to put you in harm's way what-so-ever.
• “Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry ... listen, I'm not them. I promise you, I'm not him. I didn't mean to raise my voice, and I promise it's not that serious ... I'm not gonna hurt you. I wouldn't do anything on purpose ... you're safe here, I promise. We're just tired and wiped out. We need rest, and we'll bring all this up again later, yeah? Okay ... I love you.”
• If you two were to run into your abuser, Alex would immediately come to your aid. He would block you from the abuser's view, trying his hardest to protect you. He would hold a conversation with you, attempting to keep your mind off of the triggering presence. Eventually, if you need to get out of there, he takes you by the hand and leads you away. He makes sure to keep an eye out for everything that could possibly hurt you, and he does a fantastic job at it.
• When the time came to tell Elliott about your past relationships, you tried to warn him that this is going to be a heavy topic. After seeing your demeanor change, he started to worry. He inquired more, to which you provided. You explained every detail that you could, which was definitely emotional. But Elliott ... his emotions were written all over his face. God, he was devastated.
• Elliott looked absolutely defeated. He couldn't fathom how anyone could hurt you in such a harsh way. All he wanted to do was protect you with every bit of himself, but he walked into your life a bit too late. So, he needed to do what he could now that he was here. He kneeled down in front of you, taking your hands in his. He pressed a soft kiss onto your knuckles.
• “Love ... I don't know what to say. I have been rendered speechless by an idiotic hoodlum who has forsaken you. You will never be hurt again in my care, and I will promise you that. Live your life with no worry, and I will be at your side. Let me accompany, protect, and adore every aspect of you. You will be okay, my dearest, and I love you.”
• Eliott would rather die than make you uncomfortable. He tried his hardest to avoid any triggers, respect your boundaries, and love you with as much caution as he needed to. However, he accidentally messed up once. He said a phrase that was triggering to you, but he didn't know. You hadn't mentioned it, you had actually blocked that out. But when he said it, memories came flooding back, causing you to have a panic attack. He immediately came to your side, attempting to calm you down as you stuttered out your explanation.
• “My dearest, I am so very sorry. I didn't realize that would upset you. I promise, whatever intention that was used back then is not mine. I apologize as deeply as I can, and I vow to make it up to you. What can I do? ... let's go take a walk, okay? That way we can get our minds off of things. The beach would be a nice place, the sound of the waves can drown out the horrible memories. Is that okay with you? ... then let's go, my love.”
• If you two were to run into your abuser, Elliott would immediately wrap a protective arm around you. He would carry on, keeping an eye on both you and the abuser. If they were to approach you two, he would say something out of character, insulting the deepest darkest parts of their soul. Words that would never leave Elliott's mouth would fly out on this rare occasion. He would then take you home and make you some tea, calming you down as much as he could. He would make you feel as safe as he could.
• When the time came to tell Harvey about your past relationships, he could read the anxiety on face. It was fairly evident. So, he rested his hand on your back as you began to speak. As you opened up about all of the details you could think of, he softly rubbed your back. It was comforting, but not enough to keep you from being emotional. Harvey tried to keep a calm demeanor the whole time, acting as a stable rock for you.
• He tried to keep you calm by rubbing your back. After realizing this wasn't working, he pulled you into his arms carefully. He was more worried about keeping you calm and happy now, and he wanted to help you cope with everything later on down the line. What happened, happened. He has accepted that. It's a horrendous thing, but with the amount of people he's seen in his office, it happens. So, he focused as much as he could on making you feel better.
• “I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Thank you for sharing all of this with me, I'll certainly keep it in mind. What can I do moving forward that can help you? As your boyfriend, I will try my hardest to keep you safe and sound. I promise. I ... I am baffled that someone could do such a thing to you. You're safe now, sweetheart.”
• Harvey does his best to avoid triggering topics. He does mental gymnastics around these topics, and he sincerely tries his best. But, when you catch him humming a song that your abuser would hum ... you couldn't help but have a panic attack. Of course, after he figured out what was wrong, he would immediately stop and help.
• “Please love, take deep breaths. In ... hold ... out ... keep repeating that for me, alright sweetheart? Okay ... I'm so sorry, I didn't realize. I will keep this in mind from now on, but please tell me what else I can do. I know you forgot and that's not your fault. Keep taking those deep breaths for me ... you're doing okay, I promise. Nothing's going to hurt you here.”
• If you two were to run into your abuser, Harvey would sweep you away as soon as possible. If he even caught a glimpse of the person who hurt you, he would take your hand in his and lead you away as fast as he could. Leading you back to the house, he would sit with you close and make sure to keep an eye on the door. He was insistent on keeping you safe and out of sight. Harvey didn't know what he would do if the abuser was around you, but he knew it wouldn't be good. He loved you too much to put you in harm's way.
• When the time came around to tell Sam about your past relationships, he didn't really expect anything. Okay, you were in a relationship, so what? He didn't expect anything bad, why would anyone do anything bad to you? You're so lovely, bad relationships shouldn't happen to you. But as you told him about everything that had happened to you ... Sam was baffled.
• He was so confused, how could this happen to you? Sam always treated you with respect and kindness and so, so much love! People are horrible, and Sam wasn't expecting this in the slightest. He made that clear to you, resting his hands on your cheeks. He pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead before wiping your tears with his thumb.
• “I never would've guessed that would've happened to you! If I see that fucker, promise you'll let me at 'em? You don't deserve that- you don't deserve anything of the sort! I just ... I love you so much, please don't forget that ... I wouldn't do anything to put you in harm's way, I would rather die, actually. Come here,” he said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close.
• Sam was pretty cautious about what you said triggered you, but sometimes things happen. He forgot that sudden loud noises made you upset, so when he was practicing on the drum set with no warning ... oops. He noticed how upset you looked, covering your ears. He stopped, cocking his head to the side and asking what was wrong. When you explained, he felt so bad.
• “Oh my God- I am so sorry. I forgot, I didn't realize- fuck ... please, let me make it up to you. Don't cry ... please? I-I promise, I didn't mean to. I was just practicing, but I'll make sure I'll warn you next time or use a mute. I love you, I am so sorry ... you're okay, you're not the one who needs to be apologizing. I love ya, hon. I'll make it up to you, I promise.”
• If you two were to run into your abuser, Sam wouldn't be able to hold back. He would send you off to hang out with Sebastian while he let loose on this fucker. He would beat the absolute shit of out of them (if they are male. If they were female, he would use his words because his mom brought him up right. He would fuck them up with his words though, I promise you that.) He would return to you beaten and bruised, but he would laugh it off. As long as you were safe and nothing was going to harm you, he was perfectly fine.
• When the time came to tell Sebastian about your past relationships, he wasn't really worried. He loved you and was curious about your past, but he didn't expect anything necessarily bad. So, you sat him down on the couch. He didn't think it would be too serious, so he laid down against the arm, listening to you intently. But, as you started explaining everything in detail ... he sat straight up.
• Sebastian had always tried his hardest to keep his emotions subdued, he didn't like dealing with them. But things like this ... they made him emotional. Tears were in his eyes, which he tried to blink back. He really loved you, and he couldn't believe anyone could do such a thing to you. He needed to make sure you were okay, so he took your hand.
• “I ... I'm sorry, I'm just kinda speechless ... I promise, I love you, and that's not going to happen again. On my life, nothing will ever happen like that with me. I will ... I will work as hard as I can to keep you safe. Let me know what I can do to help ... you're precious to me. I wouldn't let you in harm's way.”
• He tried his hardest to keep your triggers in mind whenever he could, but we all forget sometimes. While you two were playing video games, he jokingly shoved you a little bit too hard. Of course, this brought back memories which sent you spiralling ... uh oh. Sebastian knew that he had messed up. He needed to bring you back to Earth somehow. He got on his knees in front of you and took your hands in his.
• “Hey, I'm sorry ... I didn't mean it like that. I won't do that anymore, it's just reflexes after hanging out with Sam for so long. I love you, and I would never hurt you on purpose. I won't put my hands on you like that again, okay? ... let me know what I can do to help, I would do anything and everything for you. I'd bend the Earth if I could ... yeah, we can lay down. Wanna pick a movie? ... I'll start some popcorn, go find something and I'll be in there shortly. I love you.”
• If you two were to run into your abuser, Sebastian would make sure to keep you safe. He'd have an arm around you at all times, watching over you while doing daily tasks. If the person were to come up to you, he would shoot a rude comment their way while calculating a way to get you out of this situation safely. The back and forth banter would last a while, but Sebastian wouldn't fight them. He'd make them want to fight him, but he wouldn't dare shoot the first punch. He's mature enough to avoid that situation.
• When the time came around to tell Shane about your past relationships, Shane just shrugged when you brought it up. The past is the past, what's the issue? He soon found out that there were actually a lot of issues. When you slowly went through everything you could, letting all the details slip, Shane just stared daggers into the ground. Holy shit.
• Shane is a damaged person, yes. But knowing that you're damaged, just like him? It made his heart break. You didn't deserve that, that treatment wasn't meant for people like you. He shook his head, his elbows on his knees. He couldn't believe someone would do shit like that, they have some fucking nerve.
• “Fuck 'em. They're not here anymore, and I'll make sure they stay the hell away. Your feelings are valid, and I understand. If you ever need to talk about anythin', let me know ... I'm not the best with emotions, but I promise that I'm always here for ya. Just ... anythin' you need, I guess.”
• Shane tried his hardest to step around your triggers, but when you're a bit tipsy, mistakes are easy to make. You two were having a small disagreement when he accidentally dropped his glass. As the glass shattered, shockwaves were sent through your body. He saw your eyes widen in fear before they began to prick with tears. You didn't think he did it on purpose, did you? He walked closer to you with his hands out, trying to show that he wasn't going to hurt you. He just wanted to comfort you.
• “I promise that wasn't on purpose, hon- the glass just slipped. I wouldn't throw a glass or any shit like that ... has that happened before ...? Fuck- I am so sorry. I love you, I promise, and I wouldn't ever throw shit at you. Let me make it up to you, yeah? I'll hold you for the rest of the night, make you feel all safe ... I am really, really sorry ...”
• If the two of you were to run into your abuser, Shane would certainly have some choice words. He would yell at them from afar, nothing up close, and simply walk away with you by his side. He didn't want to create too much drama, but he wanted that fucker to know that weren't welcome in this town. They weren't welcome around you. All Shane cared about was you, and it was evident.
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Hello again, love. I finally thought of something (sub bangchan x top male reader). The reader is a member of the group
So basically, the reader had just gotten the dorms after practicing a dance and is sweaty but isn't tried
When he walked into the dorms, he tried to get in quietly, thinking everyone was asleep but behold, there's channie sitting on the couch watching a movie (or working) but didn't notice the reader just got home so he quietly sneaks behind him and leans down and is like "why are you up" and channie say he was waiting for him and yeah
Mind is blank after that
(Soft dom reader, aftercare, clingy chan,)
And chan clawing reader back just cause it 🤭
Late Nights - Bang Chan x Male Reader
Warnings: smut, swearing, bad writing.
A/N: First time writing smut. This is gonna be mid (and that's me being generous). Also, the tenses are all over the place. (I'm a science major, forgive me.) Hope you enjoy, darling.
The doors always sound so loud at night, but Mn was used to sneaking in and out, so he gets in quietly. Being the perfectionist he was, it took him a little longer to be somewhat satisfied with his performance. He's been at the studio for hours and the caffeinated energy drinks he drank certainly isn't helping him get to bed. He wasn't expecting Chan to still be awake, but honestly, he should have. The older man was probably making some final changes to their new title track, and Mn couldn't help but stare at him. There's no denying that the leader was adorable. He walked in and poked Chan's head. "Why are you up, hyung?" Chan was a bit startled, and he let out a sigh when he saw that it was just Mn. "Just...making sure everything's perfect, I guess." He looked tired as hell, immediately pulling Mn down to the couch and clinging to him. Mn wrapped his arms around Chan's body, kissing the top of his head. "You need sleep, hyung." "Says you." Mn rolled his eyes. Of course Chan would say that. His fingers carded affectionately through the leader's hair, silky locks which were dyed blond. Chan buried his face into Mn's neck, letting out a soft whine. It's not like Mn didn't notice the bulge in the older's pants, he just didn't mention it. "Mnie.." "Hm?" "I need help with...something. I- oh god, I shouldn't be asking this-" "Just tell me, Channie." The nickname and that firm tone just made everything worse (or better) for Chan. "Just...fuck me. Please." Maybe it was the tiredness, could be the horniness, but Mn had never seen Chan so...bold. "If you want to, that is." Ah, there it is, Chan being Chan. Mn smiled, laying Chan down onto the couch on his back. "You sure about this, Channie?" The question was met with desperate nods from the older male lying on his back, his eyes needy and his hands clutching Mn's shirt, pulling him closer. "Please..." Mn brings his lips closer to Chan's, pressing them together in a gentle kiss which was deepened by a desperate Chan who let Mn's tongue in within seconds, just wanting to be taken care of for once.
It wasn't soon before the clothes came off, sounds of pleasure echoing through the room. They were both going to get scolded by the makeup artists for the hickeys they littered over each other's skin, but it was worth it. Chan's moans got louder and more desperate as Mn pushed deeper into him, filling him completely. "O-Oh Mn...ugh..f-fuck please move.." "You're so pretty, Channie" Mn's hips were slapping against Chan's ass, and the older male's back arched as he felt Mn deep inside him. Chan was a beautifully disheveled mess. A sight that Mn wanted tattooed in his memory. Chan's hips bucked up, trying to meet Mn's thrusts. Mn's big hands rested on Chan's hips, gripping them tight. He let out a low groan when he felt Chan claw at his back, probably leaving marks which he would have to explain to his makeup artists at the photoshoot the next day. But did he care? Absolutely not.
Chan's eyes rolled back in pleasure, one of his hands gripping Mn's bicep while the other continued to claw at his back. Mn continued to rock his hips, Chan's moans only adding fuel to the fire that was Mn's desire. His hand wrapped around Chan's cock and began to jerk him off while continuing his movements. "You're doing so well, sweetheart." "T-Thank you, Mnie.." "So pretty.." Chan choked out a groan, arching his back and throwing his head back against the couch. He whimpered at the sight of Mn above him, eyes wide as he stared at the handsome man.
"Oh..god...f-fuck..Mn.." Mn threw his head back, keeping his fast yet quite gentle pace. His eyes roamed over Chan's hard-earned, breathtaking body, taking in the sight of his broad chest, his arms and of course, his washboard abs.
A moan escaped Mn's throat as he felt Chan clench around him. "Mnie...I'm close.." "Let go, darling..." Mn's gentle voice was enough for Chan to let himself release, spilling over Mn's hand and his stomach. Mn's hand was quickly brought to his own mouth, him licking off Chan's cum. With a few more thrusts, Mn could feel himself getting closer. As he began to pull out, Chan's hands grabbed onto his waist and pulled him back in. "Fill me up.." Mn's lips curved into a smirk as he kissed Chan passionately, his cum filling Chan with warmth. They both slump back into the couch, Mn pulling out and quickly wiping everything off with tissues that were on the desk. Chan had closed his eyes, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps, as he tried to come back down from the overwhelming pleasure. he was a completely blissed out mess, his mind completely melted
Mn cupped Chan's face in his hands, kissing both his cheeks. "Everything alright, hyung-ah?" "Mhm...you...you're good at this." Mn just chuckled, pressing a kiss to Chan's nose before scooping him up in his arms. "Let's go shower, yeah?" "That'd be great.." And they cuddled happily ever after (till the morning).
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swiftiewillwrite · 2 days
bruises (morning and night)
jason todd x reader
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pairing - jason todd x reader
warnings - blood, scars (you dress ur vigilante boyfriends wounds)
a/n - hey! wrote and published this on ao3 a year ago, didn't change anything so hope its good!
It had been a normal Friday night. You had come home from work at the normal time, spent the normal amount of hours watching TV and showering. Ordered in for dinner, messed around on your phone. Nothing out of the ordinary. You had gone to bad feeling completely fulfilled and normal.
You had forgotten that normal is completely untrustworthy, especially when you're dating a vigilante.
Because hours after you had fallen asleep, you were awakened by the sound of a window being thrown open in your apartment. A gust of Gotham wind blew inside your home, intensely for just a second before it closed. As if to punctuate this, you heard a thump on your living room floor. Guard up, you slowly made your way to the noise, ready to fight whatever intruder had entered your home as you entered the living room. What you weren't expecting to see was your boyfriend, Jason Todd, sitting on your floor, blood clumping pieces of his hair together. You could see large scratches in his armor. You sped over, sitting on your knees next to him, placing a hand on his cheek. He put his hand over yours.
“Jason?” Your tone was alert, voice raised what you felt was an octave higher than normal.
“Heya, sweetheart. You mind helping me out?”
“Jesus, Jay! Yes, just- get your suit off and meet me in the bathroom, okay?” You look at him. “Are you sure this isn't something you should have Alfred do?” The curly-haired boy on your floor just smirked and replied;
“You’re a way better nurse,”
“You bet I am, asshole,” Your free hand moves to poke him in his side, carefully avoiding any visible wounds. “Now go get out of your gear so I can take care of you,” You stand, but he just looks at you from his place. “What?”
“Can you help me up?” He asks, almost pathetically (but you love him too much to ever tell him that). You roll your eyes, unmistakable annoyance in them. You reach out your hand for him to take. The weight of Jason's muscular frame almost started to weigh you down, but he was upright before he could pull you down with him. Jason placed a kiss to your cheek. “Thanks, babe,”
You watch him walk down the hallway to your room, every so often hearing a soft clang from one piece of metal hitting another as he undresses. You walk down the same hall, pulling a huge first aid kit out from under your bathroom sink and sitting down on the side of the bathtub. Jason joins you, clad only in a pair of boxers that he had left at your place during his last visit. Seeing him with his shirt off, you could tell that just from tonight many scars would be added to the almost full canvas of his chest. You patted the side of the tub. “Sit.”
Jason complied, wincing when a bruise on his thigh pressed against the hard porcelain. You turn on your detachable shower head, letting the water run through his messy curls and shampooing them until the water that once had run red with blood was clear again. You pass him a towel, admiring the way he dried his hair, letting his tousled curls fall back into place perfectly, no product needed. When he’s done drying himself, you take out an alcohol pad from the first aid kit. “Okay, this might sting,”
“Please, I’ll be fine- shit!” Jason hisses when the pad makes contact with his skin, fingers gripping the side of the tub.
“Will you?”
“Shut up. Just because you're pretty doesn't mean I can let just anything slide,”
“Same goes to you, Jay,” you flicked the space in between his eyebrows with your index finger. “Don't be a dick,”
The glare he gave you alone could have killed whoever it was that fought him on the street tonight. You smirk, wrapping up the first cut and pulling out another cleaning pad for the next. You clean, wrap, clean, wrap, for what feels like (and probably was) hours. You did this until every major and minor wound was taken care of, from his calves to his forehead. You stood when you were finished, admiring your handiwork.
“Alright Jaybird, we're done. C’mon, let's get you to bed, huh?” You put out a hand for him to take, once again pulling him up. Sun was just starting to stream through the small window in your bathroom.
“Only if you come with,” Jason winked at you.
Once again, your eyes roll. You had lost count of the times just tonight. “Obviously. I'm not letting you have my bed all to yourself, tame your ego,”
Jason scoffs, opening both the bathroom and bedroom doors for you to walk through. “Ladies first,”
“Assholes go second?” You turn your head to look at him, making sure he sees the teasing way your eyebrows raise at him.
His only response is leaning forward to kiss you, a slight metallic taste from the blood still lingering on his lips. You could taste it on your tongue, but you didn't mind. It just felt more… real that way. You pull back just to close the bedroom blinds, holding the sunrise back for just an hour more to let you and your asshole pretty boy get a little more rest. When you turned back to look at the bed, he was already cuddled in, blankets bunched against his chest. He left a side of the bed free for you to take your place. You did, claiming back some blankets for yourself. His eyes were still open, and you placed your head on the pillow, laying on your side to face him. There were about three inches separating the two of you, like the breath one exhaled became what the other inhaled. Voice soft, Jason broke the silence.
“Thank you for tonight,”
Your smile was soft, but not so small that it was hidden. “Of course, Jaybird. If you need me, I'm here. I know it's hard for you to be vulnerable after… everything, but really-” you put your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb back and forth, “-I listen, and I’ll take care of you.”
“Promise?” Jason's signature smirk re-entered his face.
“Yes, I promise,”
Jason held eye contact, looking at you expectantly.
“Y’know, I think you need to seal it with a kiss,”
“God, I hate you,” you scoffed, smiling and using the hand already on his face to pull him into a kiss. You let it deepen, but tried to hold back from not getting any sleep the rest of the morning. You put your hand on his chest and pushed back.
“I love you too, babe,”
“That's not what I said, Jason,”
He hummed, tapping his chin with his finger. “Y’know, I think it actually is,”
You laughed again. “God, I'm in love with an overgrown teenager. What did I do wrong?”
Next to you, Jason snorts. “Nothing, you're just lucky,”
You smiled. “Yeah, real lucky. Now please, let me get the sleep you made me lose,”
“Not till you admit it.”
“Admit what?”
“You do love me,”
The mischievous look in his eyes was almost scary, but during moments like this, his hard, intimidating features just turned soft.
“I guess I might love you just a little bit,” A smile made his bright face even more beautiful, and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Now get some sleep, please,”
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the-l00ker · 3 days
(to clarify I mean this from a writing perspective. Like I don't think the writers necessarily, originally intended for Stolas to be racist and when you break it down I think they were going for him being more classist but at face value he seems racist.
Put together, and at face value he's racist. Breaking it down and from a narrative point, it seems he was supposed to be classist. WHICH IS STILL A BAD not defending the man in that front
Genuinely don't think they intend for Stolas to be a completely racist person/didn't intend for old (season 1) Stolas to be racist, but when you look at it all put together he's definitely got SOME racist energy.
But they definitely doubled down in season 2 on "old Stolas was racist bc of the people he grew up with"
But I'm just breaking down why I DON'T THINK THEY ORIGINALLY WANTED IT TO BE THAT WAY and it wasn't really an error, it was more of a one-track mind approach)
Someone on twitter said that Stolas is racist
(from a writing perspective/break down perspective)
He has been conditioned into being classist. Stella's the racist one-
When lil Stolas was meeting Blitzo for the first time, and he bows to him, paimon says something along the lines of "don't bow, he bows to us idiot" before smacking him over the head
Paimon implies ( and outright says) that he should bow to him because he's not worth it, because they're better then them. Richer. Power. Just "better"
However Stolas, continues to treat them like equals even when they're playing. He doesn't look down on Blitzo for being an Imp. But Stolas doesn't acknowledge that they have different lives because Stolas is rich.
He just assumes Blitzo could read, has a education and wants to learn but changes his tune when Blitzo awkwardly stares at him and suggest something else.
In the future right after the whole "omg you slept with someone" happens to Stella.
Stella says "You slept with an Imp in our fucking bed!" now today isn't a discussion of how much of a narcissistic bitch Stella is so we'll leave it out there to chill
(and if you don't see it, imagine saying "I can't believe you slept with a person of colour!" that's basically what Stella said)
Stolas doesn't even acknowledge it, saying he didn't have enough time to get a Motel. Stolas doesn't say anything about Blitzo being "just an Imp" he just talks like he's sleeping with anyone.
You could literally change Blitzo name for anyone else and I'd still work.
But here's the thing, Blitzo is one that see Stolas as a bit of a racist because he thinks Stolas was the one who bought him for a day or so.
Like he thinks Stolas bought him. But it wasn't Stolas. It was Paimon, he bought him so that he won't have to deal with Stolas being upset. Stolas didn't even have a choice in the matter so it wasn't his fault.
But here's how he's UNINTENTIONALLY classist.
Literally the entire relationship and dynamics-
Stolas technically bought the IMP services TWICE, once in the trailer/pilot and another in the Loo-Loo Land episode.
Stolas rented Blitzo team out for the day, because Stolas was paying him to do so. He practically bought Blitzo's time.
He looked down on Millie and Moxxie because he really only intented to buy out Blitzo time and not there's. He didn't need protection as we can see at the episodes end, he just bought Blitzo's time for entertainment. FOR ENTERTAINMENT
Stolas initially thought that he was entitled to Blitzo's time because he bought out THE WHOLE BUSINESS SERVICE FOR ONE DAY.
And at the beginning of the Stolas literally says "We're rich and we're hot, people want our money and our bodies" HE'S IMPLIES THAT HE'S SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE IMPS OR HELL-BORN DEMONS
And in the Harvest Moon episode Blitzo defends Stolas because Stolas is literally the secondary breadwinner with in his business. If Stolas dies then Octiva gets the book and then Blitzo doesn't have it, so they can't make money anymore.
Stolas again is in someway shovelling money to stay in someone's life, taking advantage of the fact that Blitzo NEEDS HIM.
But in the episode Truth Speaker, that's when Stolas changes his mindset (all be it, off screen) he realizes when Blitzo is endangered but he can't just throw money at problems and actually has to do something to keep him safe.
This is the first time that he is not thrown money at a problem and it worked.
Moving on in the story Stolas has some on screen and off screen character development, in which the power dynamics and throwing money as every single problem isn't right anymore and it was never right.
Because before then he'd been practically throwing money in the face a not-so-successful-at-the-time Blitzo just for his company.
That was some level of autonomy in that relationship but it was mostly him just throwing money and buying him out and buying his time.
It Highlights the absolute wealth difference between the two characters.
Before the episode Truth Seeker, Stolas was indeed a classist character it may have not been as obvious as some other characters but he was a bit classist at the least.
Before the episode Truth Seekers, Stolas saw Blitzo as somewhat below him, because he could just afford to buy him out. But after realising that he was indeed a person and could be hurt, I believe after that episode is when he actually begun to care.
Ozzie's was the eventual big push for him to get better. It was obvious that Stolas WAS embarrassed to be with Blitzo. And not because he was an Imp like Ozzie implied because Stolas could have just clapped back with "AND TF ABT U BITCH?? HUH?"
No, it's because Ozzie made the Association that since he was with an Imp, then that equals poor, which equals embarrassment, which equates to him asking why did you throw away your marriage for someone who is poor?
Because I don't think Ozzie would have been racist, on stage, infront of other Imps and his Imp boyfriend.
After this episode we can see that he has a change of heart and a change in which he views things. After this episode he realizes that Blitzo's feelings could no longer be bought because he'd made him genuinely upset and there was no amount of money you could throw on that 🔥dumpster fire 🔥to make it okay
By that point the business was already successful so it was no longer a matter of money.
After this Stolas has some off screen development it seems. Better himself as a person and truly beginning to see equals but as a consequence he had to acknowledge over pain and the sheer power he had in the relationship.
That's when in the episode Oops, Stolas decides to get Big Boss Ozzie-mozzie Crystal to try and end this constant power dynamic and classism that was in their relationship.
I'm in the episode we can Stolas helping out his "equal" when it came down to Fizz. He didn't just turn around and go "well he's an Imp, icky not helping him. I'll come back later"
He sat there through the entire thing helping Ozzie out, not out of obligation. He literally could have left but didn't because he didn't see Fizz as Ozzie's problem, he now saw Fizz as a genuine person.
And the set up to this was great because Ozzie would have had to sign away alot of money to get Fizz out of trouble, and its a nod back at when old him would have probably just threw money at this problem but instead of that he advises his "equal" to NOT throw money at the problem and instead read the entire contract to make sure that everything goes well.
this act alone not only let Fizz and Blitzo work shit out but also showed the viewer that he had changed for the better, and he was going through character development to not be a dick
And now we're at Full Moon and at this rate Stolas has already had all the necessary character development off-screen to no longer be as classist as he was before, and it's a bit disappointed that this was in highlighted a bit before but you gotta read through the line sometimes
Stolas now sees them as equals. But he hadn't shown Blitzo that. Blitzo is still scared of Stolas and his influence and status and money, last Blitzo check he'd had to spend time looking for Stolas daughter so that he won't be as mad and he won't banned him from the book.
An honestly if he had it his way Blitzo probably never would have went to the human realm to help look for his daughter.
But at that rate it was out of sheer obligation-
And as much as the episode tries to play it off as a gag, Blitzo still has to drop everything to help him out, YES because he does care but also out of fear of losing his only source of income.
So for Stolas to rock up in Full Moon and be like, "I see you as an equal and I love you" WOULD HAVE FUCKED BLITZO SHIT UP
He'd only been inadvertently put down by Stolas not because that was Stolas intention but because that's what is actions gave off in terms of vibes.
And that's why in the Helluva universe Stolas is unintentionally a classist character, to which he didn't know about it UNTIL IT WAS TOO FUCKING LATE-
No I will not be taking question. Yes this took me 30 minutes to write because of my inability to spell. Shush!
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