#and then later everything else came out and yup
handfulofmuses · 3 months
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Seriously though, I am so happy that Timon is no longer a taboo topic around the rpc. While I understand it, to me it was always saddening that such a great character became such a no go topic around the rpc just because of one person who did...well, all that.
Timon is a great character. I absolutely loved the third movie. I loved Timon no matter where he appeared. He is SUCH an important character to the franchise to me so I am thankful that someone broke the ice.
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softspiderling · 10 days
illicit affairs - part four | r.c
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“All done?” You asked, stretching your hand a little to make sure the bandage wasn’t restricting anything.
“Yup,” Rafe replied, shutting the kit. “Or is there anything else?”
“I thought you were going to kiss it better,” you said teasingly.
OR; You reminisce about the day you realized you had fallen in love with your best friend
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: mention of blood (small cut!)
word count: 2,9k
author's note: a little later than usual, but i hope you don't mind! new precious + rafe lore unlocked. this part explores rafe's and precious' friendship more and is slightly angsty (what a 180 from the last part lmaoo). pls pls pls let me know what you thought. happy reading!!! <3
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pt. four: "you taught me a secret language"
Throughout your life, Rafe had always been your best friend. Granted, the title became longer the older you got: Rafe, your best friend in the whole world; Rafe your best friend who you had a crush on; Rafe your best friend who you were undoubtedly in love with; and now? Rafe, your best friend who you had sex with.
You sometimes wished you could turn back the time to before you were in love with Rafe.
Or rather, before you admitted you were in love with him.
Deep inside, you knew that there was never a before. You’d always been in love with Rafe. You just refused to admit it, even to yourself, until it pretty much stared you right in the face.
It was right around the time of your senior year at the academy, which admittedly, you didn’t like looking back at all that much since it was probably the most stressful times of your life, with all the exams, finals and college apps you were doing; it didn’t help that your parents were on your ass most of the times, despite you doing fairly well in school. However it all came to a boiling point around the end of the first term of your senior year. You had just come home from studying at the library with the boys - with Rafe just bumming around because he had graduated two years earlier - when your mother greeted you at the door with a letter in her hand, her face red.
“What’s this?”
You sighed internally, turning around to shut the door behind you slowly, using that time to exhale deeply. It had been a long day and the last thing you needed was your mother screaming at you as soon as you stepped over the threshold.
“I don’t know ma,” you replied, squinting your eyes at the letter. Your vision was a little blurry from all the studying you’ve done, but you recognized the crest of the academy on the left corner. “The invitation for the graduation ceremony?”
Your mother scoffed. “Try again. It’s a letter from the principal. You failed a math test.”
You snatched the letter out of your mother’s hands scanning the content before sighing, dropping your hands.
“Mom, I didn’t fail the test, I got a 82.”
“That’s basically a fail,” you mother huffed, shaking her head. “How do you want to keep your 4.0 GPA up with grades like this?”
“It’s a test.”
“Stop with the attitude young lady, this is your future we’re talking about?”
“Mom, I know! But it’s just a test, it’s not like it’s gonna affect my grades that much.”
Your mother made a noise of disapproval, throwing her hands up in frustration. “Just a test? Everything counts, you know that! Especially in your senior year, where every single grade you get can decide between an acceptance or being waitlisted.”
“Oh my god,” you groaned, running your hand through your hair. “I can’t listen to this right now. I’ve been in the library the whole day and the second I get back you’re on my ass about a fucking 82.”
You shoved your backpack on the counter and turned right back around, opening the door forcefully. Your mother was right behind you, appalled at your tone.
“This conversation isn’t over! Where are you going?!”
You slammed the door behind you, rushing to your car and tossing your backpack on the passenger seat as you drove off. Brimming with anger, you didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now, so you headed straight to the beach, to the one spot you knew you would be left alone.
In less than five minutes after parking, you had put on your bathing suit and unstrapped your surf board from the trunk and were in the water. After catching your first wave, you were still fuming. After the fourth, you started to feel the sun on your face, and the anger slowly seeping away. You lost yourself in the water, becoming one with the ocean, starting to get bold and one tiny misstep on your board made you lose your balance, falling into the wave you were trying to catch. The brute strength of it knocked you around underwater like a rag doll, arm getting caught on some reef, and you were gasping for air as you finally resurfaced, clinging onto your board. With a groan, you heaved yourself back on top of the board, trying to catch your breath as the water lapped around you in smal waves.
“Shit,” you muttered, lifting your wrist to inspect the cut on your wrist, squinting your eyes against the sun. You let out a hiss as the salt water dripped from your fingers onto the cut.
“You tryna kill yourself?”
You jumped, not having expected anyone out there with you. Shaking out your wrist, you lifted your head to see Rafe paddling towards you, a frown on his face.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?”
His hair was still dry, board shorts clinging to his legs when he came to a stop next to you, waves softly lapping against his board.
“I swung by your place. Wanted to see if you wanted to get pizza and instead I find your mom all pissed, said you stormed off,” he explained, “and since I didn’t run into on my way to your house, I figured you’d be out here.”
You let out a sigh, staring out at the sea, ignoring how Rafe was holding his hand out, undoubtedly to get a look at your wrist. With an eye roll, you stretched out your wrist in his direction, and he curled his fingers around it, pulling you closer. Your cheeks heated as your leg pressed against his, added with the feeling of his hot breath on your skin, you breathed out softly.
“Y’know this could’ve ended real badly, precious,” Rafe muttered, brushing his thumb over your skin, before he looked up at you, his eyebrows creased.
“I’m fine.”
“Clearly, you’re not,” Rafe scoffed. “What happened?”
“My mom got all over me because of a “failed math test””, you said, air-quoting. “I’m just sick of it. It’s not like I’ve slacking off or anything, I’m working my ass off and they’re never happy with whatever I do, because in their eyes, I always have room to grow.” You let out a frustrated sigh, glancing at Rafe when you noticed he was sporting a look on his face that told you he understood exactly what you meant.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Rafe chuckled, shaking his head. “Our parents should be doing better than setting expectations for their kids instead of loving them despite their achievements.”
You gave him a wry smile and he only let out a small huff, squeezing your wrist gently. “Are you all done or do you want to keep trying to drown yourself some more?”
Huffing out a laugh, you rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m done.”
The two of you paddled back to the beach, drying off and while Rafe helped you securing your board to your trunk, he glanced over at you, hair falling into his eyes.
“Let me get your cut cleaned off first before we leave. I have a first aid kit in my truck.”
You took a seat at the edge of his trunk, while Rafe went to fetch the first aid kit from the glove compartment. The sun was starting to set, and with that, the temperature was sinking, your damp hair laying cold on your back. The car door shut, before Rafe turned around the corner of the truck, first aid kit in his hand and sweater slung around his shoulder.
“Put this on,” he said absentmindedly, dropping the sweater in your lap and the first aid kit in the trunk. Rolling your eyes, you slipped into the sweater and it was oddly comforting to be surrounded by his scent, but you didn’t let yourself dwell on that, because it was such a weird thing to think, right? Instead, you watched as Rafe rummaged through the first aid kit, picking out some bandages, gauze and a disinfectant spray.
“Roll up your sleeve.”
“Yes, nurse Cameron.”
Rafe gave you a look, but you only snickered as you rolled up the sleeve, before holding out your wrist to him. He muttered something under his breath as he cleaned your cut and dressed it, without much complaints from your side, even though the disinfectant stung a little. Rafe taped the end of the bandage snugly to your wrist, tossing the rest of the material back into the kit.
“All done?” You asked, stretching your hand a little to make sure the bandage wasn’t restricting anything.
“Yup,” Rafe replied, shutting the kit. “Or is there anything else?”
“I thought you were going to kiss it better,” you said teasingly. Rafe raised an eyebrow at you, before he reached for your hand, lifting it to his mouth to place a kiss on the bandage. You flushed, not expecting him to actually do it.
“You’re an idiot,” you said hotly, shoving him away but he only laughed, running his hand through his hair. The grin on his face was infectious, and you couldn’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes at him.
“There she is,” Rafe said, cupping your chin to lift it, forcing you to look into his eyes. Suddenly, your hands grew clammy and swallowed nervously as he smiled at you, blue eyes sparkling. For a split second, you thought he was gonna kiss you and for some reason, you weren’t opposed. Actually, you kind of really wished he’d kiss you.
Wait, what?
That was not a normal thing to want from your best friend. Suddenly, your heart started racing and you let out a deep breath, hoping it would calm yourself down.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just my mom,” you lied, wringing your hands in your lap. “I just stormed off. She’s gonna be super pissed and I’ll probably be grounded until I’m thirty.”
“Nah, come on. I bet she completely forgot about it already.”
You gave him a look and Rafe winced. “Okay, maybe not. But if we give her some time, we can hope for the best? Come on.”
He tugged you off of the trunk, closing up the front panel.
“Let’s go get some pizza. My treat.”
“I don’t know,” you whinged, “Maybe I should just go home. Get it over with.”
You weren’t sure if it was the best idea to spend more time with Rafe right now considering how weird you were feeling. Worst case, you’d do blurt something out and make things weird between the two of you, that was the last thing you needed. But Rafe wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Trust me, whether you go home now or in three hours won’t change anything. If anything, it’ll give you an even clearer head after having some food, huh?”
As if on cue, your stomach grumbled loudly and Rafe raised an eyebrow at you, the corners of his mouth twitching up.
“Fine,” you relented, rolling your eyes at him. “Gino’s?”
“Yup, meet you there.”
While Rafe got into his truck, you got into your jeep, rubbing your hand over your face, frustrated.
“Fuck,” you muttered with a small sigh. You couldn’t actually like Rafe more than a friend, right? That’d be crazy. You’d known each other for so long, had been friends for so long, there was no way. It was probably just a crush. There was no denying that Rafe was attractive, and it was normal to want to kiss attractive people, right?
I’m just emotional because of the fight with mom, you thought to yourself, rolling your shoulders, forcing yourself to calm down. I am not in love with Rafe. He’s my best friend. With a deep exhale, you put your key in the ignition, pulling out of the parking spot and driving towards Gino’s.
When you got there, Rafe was already entering the restaurant, the door swinging shut behind him. You turned your car off, and got out, grabbing a blanket from your backseat and opening the front panel of the trunk of Rafe’s truck, laying down the blanket. By the time you had made yourself yourself comfortable, Rafe returned with two pizza cartons, balancing two cans of soda on top. You reached for the cans, setting them down next to you so Rafe could settle down across from you, laying down the pizza cartons. Wordlessly, Rafe opened both of them, waiting for you to reach for a slice before he got one himself, biting into it.
Silence settled over you as you ate, with you handing Rafe his soda when he finished his slice, knowing he liked to wash his crust down with a drink, and him handing you a napkin. You and Rafe had never needed words to communicate before, understanding each other without having to say anything and as you sat there, glancing at Rafe as you chewed on your pizza, you came to the terrifying realization that you loved him
You were in love with him.
Suddenly, your mind was racing, coming up with 10 thousand different scenarios where you’d ruin your friendship because you had fallen in love with your best friend, as you started to think back to the past, realizing how obvious it was that you had feelings for him. Had it always been like this?
Lost in thought, you didn’t even notice that all that was left of the pizzas were crumbs, as Rafe shut the cartons, stacking them together. Drinking the rest of your soda, you crushed the can in your hand like it was your feelings, bringing the empty cans and cartons to the nearest trashcan as Rafe cleaned up the trunk. You let yourself stare at the back of his head for a while, inhaling deeply before you cleared your throat. He glanced back over his shoulder, attention on you.
“Thanks,” you said, trying not to be awkward as you fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater. Rafe gave you a look.
Despite the fact that you were sitting in silence as you ate, his presence had comforted, brought your nerves down and made your anger disappear the way no one really could. Rafe wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned into him, head on his chest. You didn’t revel in his arms for too long, as the two of you separated as Rafe closed his trunk. He dusted his hands off before turning around, his attention wholly on you.
“Do you want me to come home with you? Create a buffer for your mom?”
“No,” you replied, crossing your arms. “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
Rafe eyed you sceptically for a second before he nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “A’ight then. Text me if you need anything, okay?”
You smiled at him, giving a quick nod before you got into your car, waving at him as you drove off, a pit in your stomach. The drive home didn’t take long, but the sun had already set as you pulled up on your estate. The house was illuminated in the headlights of your car, quickly returning to darkness as you turned your engine off. There were no lights on as you entered the house; you were hoping that it meant that your parents had gone out, and you’d avoid another confrontation with your mother.
Picking up your bookbag from the floor, you paused as you saw your mother sit in the living room, a book in her lap. The two of you looked at each other for a second, neither saying a word.
“Hey mom,” you greeted her, breaking the silence. Your mother took off her reading glasses, shutting the book.
“Where were you?”
Your mother slid the book on the table, setting the glasses on top. “Did you eat?”
“Yeah,” you replied, shifting on your feet. “I got some pizza with Rafe.”
She nodded slowly, easing into the cushions behind her. You waited, wondering if she was gonna apologize but your mother didn’t say anything; maybe she was waiting for you to apologize.
“… I’ll be upstairs.”
Your mother didn’t stop you as you retreated upstairs into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. Setting the book bag on your desk, you laid down on your bed with a sigh, reaching for your phone.
Rafe [03/21/19: 7:44 pm]: everything good?
Precious [03/21/19: 7:49 pm]: as well as expected
Precious [03/21/19: 7:49 pm]: thanks for being there for me
Rafe [03/21/19: 7:51 pm]: always, precious
Ever since that day, you knew you loved Rafe, and sometimes, you indulged yourself and let yourself imagine what it would be like to be more than Rafe’s best friend. But as he was lying in the bed next to you, his chest slowly rising and falling while you were unable to sleep, you never would have expected that it would be like this.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author's note: thoughts???👀
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ateotd-izzy · 5 months
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it’s nice to have a friend - stiles stilinski x fem!reader
“you been stressed out lately, yeah, me too”
summary: you didn’t have many friends in middle school, not until you met a boy one afternoon. it was nice to have a friend. especially one that lasted as long as stiles did.
“something gave you the nerve to touch my hand”
notes: friends to lovers (obv), it’s just very sweet and fluffy, i just love him sm :3
“it’s nice to have a friend”
the first time you met stiles stilinski was on a cold winter afternoon back in the seventh grade.
snow in beacon hills wasn’t common at all, so you weren’t exactly prepared for the freezing weather.
and to top it all off, while you were in school, you had lost your gloves at some point during the day.
so now you were walking home with the fear that you were going to lose your hands to frostbite.
as you walked, you noticed the boy walking on the sidewalk next to you looking at you while you rubbed your hands together.
“you could borrow one of mine if you’d like.” he suddenly spoke and you turned to look at him.
“what?” 13-year-olds didn’t exactly always have the best manners.
he pulled one of his gloves off of his hand and held it out to you. “you don’t wanna get hypothermia. i did a science report on it, like, two years ago. it’s not cool.”
“who are you?” you asked as you took the glove and slipped it onto your hand.
“oh, right, i’m stiles.” he held out his bare hand to you.
“y/n.” you smiled, shaking his hand with your own non-gloved hand. “sheriff stilinski’s your dad, right?”
“yup.” stiles nodded with a smile. “are you doing anything this afternoon?”
“no… why?”
“wanna hang out?”
this strange and very sweet boy who you had just met was asking to hang out with you.
“what would we do?” you asked curiously as the two of you walked.
“i have a bunch of video games.”
you smiled. “yeah, sounds like fun.”
so stiles walked you to his house where the two of you hung out playing video games in his living room until his dad got home.
by then you had lost track of time and had to go home.
“see you tomorrow, y/n.” stiles smiled from the door as you walked down onto the sidewalk.
“see ya, stiles.”
the next day wasn’t as cold. the snow had all melted and it was warm enough to not have to wear too many layers.
at school, stiles sat at the desk next to yours first period and discreetly passed you a note when the teacher wasn’t looking.
you carefully unfolded it to see his messy handwriting across the lines on the paper.
wanna hang out with me and scott today?
it’s nice to have a friend
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five years later you sat beside stiles on the hood of his jeep.
he had parked on the cliff side so the two of you could watch the sunset.
the sky before you was a soft, light pink as the sun had begun sinking behind the horizon.
this night was one where the two of you were free of the troubles of werewolves, banshees, dread doctors and theo raeken, who had recently been sent to hell.
you’d had a crush on the boy sitting beside you, your best friend, for the last two years at least. around the time where all the werewolf troubles began back in your sophomore year.
and this night in particular, you didn’t have a curfew. your parents thought you were staying at stiles’ house for the night, which wasn’t exactly a lie.
most nights you would sneak out when it came to supernatural stuff, but this time it was just you and stiles hanging out.
“wanna play 20 questions?” you asked as the sky began to grow darker, but the pink and orange stayed.
“why? we practically know everything about each other.” stiles chuckled and you shrugged.
“we haven’t been able to just hang out like this lately.” you pointed out. “there’s always been something else.”
so stiles agreed to the game and the two of you played. most of the questions were silly, stuff about movies and games that you already knew the answers to.
but some of the questions were more real. about school and college, or scott’s lycanthropy.
then stiles told you, unprovoked, about how stressed out he had been lately. with theo, donovan, the dread doctors, scott, and the overwhelming fear that everyone was going to leave him behind.
“yeah, i get it. i absolutely get it.” you bumped his shoulder with your own. “but you don’t need to worry. you’ll always have me.”
stiles smiled as he looked at you beside him, while you looked back at the sunset.
he looked down at your hand, which was sitting on the hood of his jeep in between the two of you.
and slowly, despite his nerves jittering, he moved his hand from his leg and sat it beside yours, your fingers brushing against his.
stiles didn’t know that small touch sent what felt like a jolt of electricity through your body and butterflies into your stomach.
then, while looking forward, stiles moved his hand even closer and sat his on top of yours.
your lips fought back the smile that was growing on your face, and stiles saw it from his peripheral vision as he laced your fingers together.
he held your hand tightly in his and you put your head on his shoulder as the sun disappeared from sight.
“i like you, stiles.” you spoke softly and stiles didn’t answer. for a moment you thought you had messed something up, so you lifted your head off his shoulder.
then stiles said the same thing. “i like you, too.”
and then he kissed you.
it’s nice to have a friend
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“stiles, put me down!” you exclaimed, your arms wrapped around his neck tightly in fear that he would drop you.
he laughed but slowly helped you stand on the porch.
your hands trailed up his body until they were sitting on his shoulders before you kissed him.
his hands moved to hold your hips and yours drifted up to the sides of his face.
you pulled back and smiled.
“come on, mrs. stilinski, into the house we go.” stiles pulled the keys from his pocket and unlocked the front door.
you and stiles had gotten married just a month ago, not long after you had finished college and he started in the fbi.
as the two of you walked into your house, you took stiles’ hand in yours and intertwined your fingers.
you had moved out of beacon hills and now lived somewhere where it snowed a lot more frequently. that made you happy, because snow always reminded you of the day you first met stiles.
you watched the snow fall outside through the kitchen window while you started to make dinner.
“babe,” you called for stiles from the kitchen and he was before you in a flash.
“you wanna watch a movie while we eat?” you asked and his face lit up the same way it would back when you were teenagers.
“star wars?” he asked, quirking his eyebrows and pressing his lips together, his own little pleading face.
“sure.” you chuckled and turned to grab something from the fridge.
stiles’ arms wrapped their way around your middle from behind and his chin sat on your shoulder. kissing your cheek, stiles smiled as he hugged you tightly.
“you want help with dinner?” he mumbled against your neck.
“yeah.” you lifted one of your hands back to brush through his hair. “you want to help?”
“of course.” he pressed a few slow kisses to your neck before slowly letting go of you and moving to the counter. “what are we making?”
it’s nice to have a friend
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tags: @brvceyamada
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Puppy Love 2
Find my CoD masterlist
We continue with this adorable mess. Nobody can resist the puppies. Price has a soft side.
Warnings: Cuteness overload. 
Word count: 1.3k
Eventual John Price x f!reader
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Two weeks later, Gaz once again made his way to Price's office. 
This time, Price saw the keys and huffed. "Puppies again?" 
"Yup. Four weeks old now, their eyes are open." Gaz couldn't contain his grin if he wanted to. Fortunately he didn't want to. 
Price chuffed. "Alright, let's go," he agreed, getting to his feet. 
Gaz couldn't stop grinning all the way out to the car. 
"And where are you two off to?" Soap shouted after them. 
"Puppies!" Gaz yelled back before hopping in the car. Price just sighed and muttered something about children. 
Gaz waited until they were most of the way there to make his move. He had eyes, he’d seen how Price had looked at her last time. “Didn’t see another car at her place.”
Price grunted, leveling a suspicious look at Gaz. “And?” 
Gaz shrugged, carefully avoiding looking at his Captain. “Just seemed like she liked talking to you, ‘s all.” He parked the car and hopped out. That was all he’d wanted to do - plant the seed. 
Now to see if it took. 
Sasha started barking as soon as someone knocked on the door, and you huffed. You had her locked in your office again (you still didn’t know how she’d jumped the damn fence) so at least you didn’t have to worry about one dog. 
“Coming!” You struggled for a moment to step over the baby gate you’d set up to keep the pups contained before walking quickly to the door. Kyle and John stood on the step once again, both men looking eager. “Hi! Come on in. You’ve got good timing, the puppies are awake.”
“They driving you mental yet?” Kyle asked as he stepped past you.
“Not yet, but it won’t be long,” you agreed with a little laugh, shutting the door after John. “Watch your step going in, I can open the gate if you want. I usually just step over.” You demonstrated, carefully wiggling your foot around on the other side of the gate to find unoccupied floor space. The puppies were not fast at four weeks old, but they were rolling around and investigating everything.
Especially feet. Just in case toes were tasty.
“No, little one,” you scolded a puppy, bending over to scoop her up into your arms. “Toes are not for nibbling on.” 
Taking pity on the two men eyeing the floor as if it were covered in land mines, you took a moment to scoop up a couple more puppies. “Better hurry, I can’t hold them forever,” you said, taking a couple steps back to give them room.
Kyle was the first to take you up, stepping over the gate and finding a spot out of the way to sit on the floor. The puppies immediately started over to him, curious about this new person. John was a bit slower but he came over as well. Although he stood next to you rather than join Kyle on the floor. 
“What will happen to the last puppy? Unless someone’s claimed it by now?” John asked quietly. 
“Oh, I’ll keep it. Sometimes someone wants a puppy a little older, 12 or 16 weeks, which is fine. Or if nobody wants it, I’ll either keep it or find it a home with people in my breeder circle.” You shrugged. “The puppy will be loved and taken care of no matter what.” 
John nodded slowly, watching you carefully. There was something soft about the set of his mouth, something almost sad in his eyes. “Lucky puppy.”
You smiled gently. “Everyone deserves a bit of softness,” you murmured, looking down at the puppies. The stubborn girl had come back to nibble your toes again, and you sighed with reluctant amusement. “Even little menaces.” You stooped and scooped her up again, holding her up to eye level. “Chew on someone else for a while, you little brat.” 
And then you handed the puppy off to John. 
John looked a bit panicked at first before he held the puppy close to his chest, cradling her carefully. She started sniffing around his neck before she laid fully against him and closed her eyes with a little whuffle. 
“Atta girl,” he murmured gently, barely daring to move. “Good pup. Nap time, is it? Much better than chewing on me.” 
And you? You melted. He was too damn cute holding the puppy like that, voice soft and rich. Oh this was dangerous. This was very dangerous. 
(Unknown to the both of you, Gaz was sneaking pictures of more than just the puppies and planning.)
“She wore herself out,” you murmured, looking down to check on the rest of the puppies. Three of them had flopped over near Kyle, also worn out, while one was attempting to climb into his lap. The last two had gone back to Lola for a nice snack. 
“I can see why these guys are popular.” John’s voice was soft still. You made the mistake of looking at him and found him smiling softly down at the puppy still cradled against his chest. Your own heart clenched at the sight. “Awful cute.”
“That’s their saving grace,” you quipped. “Otherwise they’d never survive to adulthood.”
He chuckled, low and rumbling. “That so?”
“Oh yes. Puppies are menaces. The cutest menaces, but still menaces.” You huffed. “I still have scars from Sasha.”
His gaze fixed on you, more intent now. “Did she chew on you?”
“Told you she was a mouthy puppy.” You shrugged. She’d gotten over it and was a mostly good girl now. 
John nodded once and then looked at Kyle, who was busy cooing nonsense to the puppy in his arms. “Yours better behave,” he grumbled, though even you could see it was just grumbling. 
“Don’t look at me, Cap,” Kyle said, flashing a grin. “I’m gonna train him up right.” 
“You can also get puppy safe chews and toys,” you added, though you did file away the form of address to puzzle over later. “That works pretty well to keep ‘em from chewing through your things, at least.”
“You have recommendations?” Kyle looked at you with a hopeful smile, and you chuckled. 
“I’ll text them to you.” 
“Cheers.” He went back to petting the now fast asleep puppy. 
These two men were far too cute with the pups. Honestly, it was making your heart ache, reminding you of just how alone you sometimes felt. But you hid it behind an easy smile, giving the two men time to just relax and bond with the puppies. 
Eventually, though, Kyle stood. All the puppies were sound asleep now in a pile. 
“When do I get to pick mine?” he asked you quietly. 
“Six weeks. Seven at the latest, although that’s pushing it a bit. By six weeks, you’ll be able to see more personality.” You smiled. “And then you can take yours home at eight weeks, no sooner.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kyle grinned at you. “Guess I’ll be back in two weeks, then.”
“Good. Looking forward to it.” You smiled, glancing at John. You weren’t quite brave (or pushy) enough to ask if he would be there, too. Instead you just walked them to the door. 
And if your gaze lingered on Price as he got into the car, well… Nobody needed to know. 
Gaz sent the picture he’d sneakily taken earlier to Soap, because someone else needed to see this shit too. 
Who is Cap looking at like that???
The dog breeder. She’s right cute. They’ve been talking.
Gaz laughed to himself as he leaned back in his bunk to text the saga so far to Soap. He’d known he wasn’t wrong.
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charlesswife · 1 year
Una Noche En Mónaco iii
Mateo con Una T - part ii
unem masterlist
pairing: charles leclerc x latina! reader
summary: after a one night stand between you and charles, he continues on with his formula one career. until two months later, you come back claiming to be pregnant with his child.
warning: charles is an asshole, likeeeeeee proceed with caution. angstttt (i tried my best lmao)
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This is the last piece of flashback you guys need to know, everything else you will find out as the story continues 🤭🤭
May 2018
“Charles Leclerc is a fucking asshole and I never wanna see him again,” I said as I got into the car. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears. 
“Why? What happened?” Steph asked, “Are you okay? What did he do? Do we kill him?” 
I looked at her and told her what happened. 
He told me to talk in the living room to talk. He was pretty chill. 
“So…” I started, “Um… I’m just gonna be straightforward with you,” I see him nod, I took a deep breath and said, “I’m pregnant.” 
He started at me for a second and said, “Really? Congrats! I didn’t know you were with someone already! You could’ve just told me this on the phone,” he laughed, “You didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that. Good for you!” 
“No, Charles. I’m pregnant… with your child.” His smile slowly faded away. 
“Nope, I don’t think so.” 
“What? What do you mean ‘you don’t think so’?” I asked him. 
He got up from his sofa and started pacing around the room, “Question. Do you know who I am?” 
“Charles… Leclerc?” 
“And do you know what I do?” 
“You… race?” 
He stopped pacing and said, “Yup. Not mine.” 
“But it is!” I told him. 
“No,” He said again, this time more aggressive, “And do you know how I know this? Because why else would you come here to tell me this four days before the race? Either someone put you up for this, to mess me up or you are a con artist. So which one is it?” 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” I shamed my head. 
“I don’t? Please, you are not the first one that has tried this trick on me. I don’t even remember your name!” he yelled, “And even if it’s true, what do you want me to do? You want me to love you? To marry you? I would never marry someone like you! How even old are you?” 
“I’m eighteen…” I murmured. 
“HA!” he laughed, “You probably got knocked up by some random dude and now you wanna blame it on me! The famous Formula One driver! What do you want from me? Is it money? Is that what you want?” He really knows how to hurt people with words. 
My eyes started to burn, “I don’t need money from you,” I told him. Tears started to roll down my cheek, “I just want you to be there… for us.” My voice broke. 
“Oh please, don’t do this, with your crocodile tears” He rubbed his face with his hands, “Besides, you don’t even look pregnant at all!”
I lifted my hoodie, showing my baby bump, and his eyes widen a bit. “We had sex on March, you would be at least two months along” 
“Eleven weeks,” I corrected him. 
“Eleven weeks, right? You look bigger than eleven weeks. You probably got pregnant before me and you’re trying to baby-trap me!” He yelled. But he was right, I’ve seen pictures online of women being eleven weeks pregnant, and I am bigger than them. 
“No, that’s not true at all! Charles, you were my first time!”
“Wow,” he said in a sarcastic way, “Lucky me. Do you think I’m going to believe any of this? Do you think I’m that stupid?” 
“So this asshole basically called you a baby-trapper, manipulator, gold digger, whore?” Steph was mad, and she had every right to be. 
I stayed quiet for a second, technically he did, but he didn't use those exact words. 
“Steph, let’s just go home” 
April 2023
“Mateo come here so I can put sunscreen on you!” My kid dropped his little toy and came to me, “We’re going to go to the bookstore and then get some ice cream. Does that sound good, Mati?” 
“Yummy!” he yelled. 
After I was done applying sunscreen he started to jump around the apartment yelling “Ice cream! Ice cream.” 
“Okay Mateo Alexander, let’s go” 
The car rides with Mateo are always fun. He points at all the cars he sees or sings whatever is on the radio — he doesn’t know the songs but he likes to pretend he does. 
Once we got to the bookstore, I got him out of the child seat and walked into the store with him in my arms. I approached the register and greeted Steph. 
“Pascale is here,” she said. “She finally came with her two sons, I didn’t see their faces though.” 
I rolled my eyes, “I’m going to check the store, keep an eye on Mateo, and don’t give him candy,” I warned her, she put her hands up in defense, “We’re getting ice cream later and you know how he gets if he has too much sugar in his system.” 
Mateo yelled, “Ice cream!” 
I laughed a bit as I was leaving. As I walked around the store, I helped a few customers here and there. 
I was organizing a shelf when I heard my name. “Y/n?” My heart dropped to the floor. I turned around but I saw no one. Am I hallucinating or did I hear the voice of Charles Leclerc in my store, calling my name? “Oh sorry, I thought you were someone I know.” The voice came from the other side of the bookshelf. 
I speed walked to another section of the store as I was texting Steph “Code Red, you know who is here. Get Mateo.” As I hit send, my body collided with someone else’s. The person grabbed me by the arms so I wouldn’t fall back. 
“Wow!” The male voice said. “What’s the rush? Are you okay?” The first thing that I noticed was his blue eyes and then his thin lips. 
“I’m so sorry,” I apologized. “I would’ve seen where I was going,” 
“It’s all good,” he said. “More than good.” He let go of me. 
We stayed quiet for a quick second, “I’m sorry to be so straightforward but you are very beautiful, like breathtaking beautiful.”
“I’m Arthur, by the way,” he extended his hand towards me. I took it. 
“Y/n,” I introduced myself. 
“Y/n,” he repeated. “Do you work here, Y/n? So I know if I should come back again,” he laughed. 
“I own this store,” I told him. “I’m usually here on the weekends,” As I said that, my phone beeped
Steph - I can’t find Mateo. 
“Umm… It was nice to meet you Arthur but I have some stuff to take care of,” I said as I walked away. 
“Wait! Can I get your number?” He yelled a bit. 
“Come back next week and we should see!” I waved goodbye. What’s wrong with me? I need to find Mateo and get out of here before He sees him. 
Charles POV
“It’s so nice to spend the day with my two boys, you guys are always so busy” 
“Yeah, too bad Enzo couldn’t be here,” Arthur said. 
“It’s fine, he’ll come next time,” Maman said. 
Maman decided to take Arthur and me to her new favorite bookstore because “we needed to go there” I opened the door for her. 
“What a gentleman, thank you, Charles,” She said. 
“Yeah, thank you Charles” Arthur mimicked her. 
The bookstore had a whole different vibe from the inside, it was like stepping into a new world. We were greeted by a Taylor Swift song that surprisingly I recognized. I Knew You Were Trouble. 
“You guys go walk around, I’m going to the café,” Maman said, as Arthur and I were walking away, she spoke again. “soy Charles, don’t go too far. You have to meet this girl, she’s so sweet and she has this kid who is a literal angel. He reminds me of you actually. A lot.” With that, she walked away. I looked at Arthur, who only shrugged. 
As I walked around the shelves I saw a very familiar figure. 
Is that…? “Y/n?” The lady turned around. It was someone else. Something in my heart wanted to be Y/n. “Oh sorry,” I apologized. “I thought you were someone I know” 
The lady left and soon after a small kid walked by, he was looking from side to side. 
“Are you lost?” I asked him. He stopped walking and turned around. I held my breath for a second. 
“No,” he said. “My mommy works here.” He turned around and was about to leave, but I didn’t want him to leave. 
“What’s your name?” I asked him. 
“I’m Mateo with one T,” he put one finger up. “What’s- umm” he took a long pause for a second. “You?”
I laughed a bit. “I’m Charles.” 
A big beep sounded and then the music at the store stopped. 
“Mati come to the front please.” 
“That’s me,” the kid said and then he left running. He stopped for a second and came back walking. “Goodbye.” He gave me a tiny wave and left walking again. 
I felt my phone vibrate and when I took it out I saw a new message from Arthur 
King Arthur: I think I just met the love of my life 🥴❤️
Me: 🤣🤣 in what? five minutes? 
King Arthur: Sometimes you look at someone and you just know, brother. 
Me: I know you are crazy 🤣🤣 
👀👀👀🫣 I APOLOGIZE FOR MY LATE POST AHHHHH but how good was this?! I wanna hear your thought and theories!! What do you guys think is going to happen next? 👀👀
I’ll edit it properly later on after work, but here’s the chapter!!
I can only tag 50 people :( so the taglist for Una Noche En Monaco is closed 😭 I’m sorry 😭😭
@mac-daddy-210 @infinite-wanders @rbrsavage @itsyogurlkel @bbygrlllllll  @nerdreader @imnotcryingyouare1 @killerangel88 @obx-mylove-things-blog @triorion @daniellarogers @insssanemind @bosinclairsgf @rb-danny @shyshva @booksobsess @ogfangirl @ravenqueen27 @masonspulisic @yunnie-f1 @simxican @ushygushybaby @graceverstappen11 @maximoff-xmen @severenswife @ferraribabe @pjofics @harrysdimple05 @mloyer @teti-menchon0604 @imagineadream @reidsworld @scentedskydreamer @christianpulisic10 @formulas-bitch @topguncultleader @hc-dutch @moonclaine @miureiz @tall-tanned-tattoo @madisontaxarn @bisexualbith @diasnohibng187 @im-just-here-toread @tyskills @rafaaoli @heavengirls111 @lighttsoutlewis @leclerc13 @c4ssi4-luv @livsans @ynbutbetter @marigoldgasly @vita-di-moda @sbrn0905 @yesshewrites1 @amsofftrack @fandomxs1 @ludmisorella @japanesekel @leclercsbae @padfootsiriusorionblackthethird @celestialams @dreamcarsound @bhiees @empathypostsf1
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vorrentis · 9 months
Jihyo x Mina - Much Needed (1/2)
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This is a quick and short smut shot so l'm sorry if it's not as story driven.
A deleted FxF fic I had before and now brought back, still working on Jeongyeon's fic btw.
Tags: FF, shower, oral, scissoring, fingering, 69
Words: 19,733
Today was going to be a fun day for Twice, some more than others, but a fun day nevertheless.
Today Twice were shooting commercials for the new Nintendo Switch (yeah, yeah, I know it's been out for a while, but go with it).
They were each to split up into three different groups: The maknae line, a four-member group of Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, and Momo, and a duo of Jihyo with Mina.
Each group had a different game to perform and setting to showcase how portable the switch can be and the games it had.
The maknae line had a set of a living room playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate, the four-member group were stationed in a car playing Animal Crossing, and the duo of Mina and Jihyo was exercising with the newly released Ring Fit Adventure with the new Ring Fit accessory.
And today, Mina and Jihyo were the first ones to start their commercial.
It wasn't really a commerical shooting like the other two, it was more of a record yourself passing a few levels and enjoying it.
There wasn't a crew involved for these two, but the other seven had a set for them and even had to travel a bit for their site.
For Jihyo and Mina, it was their studio at JYP and there were two Nintendo staff members that guided them on how to start the game and such. 
After that, they left the two alone in the room for them to enjoy.
When finished, Jihyo and Mina would tell them and the workers would collect the cameras and film in them.
That's it.
Easy enough the girls thought.
And they were enjoying it.
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It was quite a workout and the two were surprised that it generated quite a sweat for a game.
It was also fun too and the two thought about getting this for them back home with the other girls to enjoy as well.
"And, there you go." Jihyo smiled as Mina clapped at her side.
"Good job Jihyo." Jihyo turned and beamed at Mina. "You think that's good for the film," she pointed at the camera at the corner as Mina nodded.
"Oh yeah, that was twenty minutes of footage, more than enough, unless they plan on having us play for a while."
"Hehe, that I wouldn't mind, this is a nice workout...alright, it's you turn." Jihyo directed as Mina stood up and was handed the Ring as Jihyo went to sit behind Mina as Mina started her level.
"Good luck Mina.!"
"Yup." Mina said as she started to jog in place.
Mina was on a roll as she was doing the activities the game was offering.
She was enjoying it very much as she posed and did everything the figure in the game did as well.
Jihyo was enjoying Mina's happiness and smiles as well as she sat behind Mina, watching her.
(AN: Imagine this, but Jihyo is a bit further behind Mina)
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Jihyo wasn't paying attention to the game as much as her eyes wandered somewhere else.
It's too bad for Jihyo that Mina decided to wear some very nice tights today like herself and while Jihyo wore a skirt, Mina forgoes that and decided to wear a shirt that barely reached a bit over her waist and it really showed off Mina's well fit body...okay, Jihyo meant Mina's butt.
Out of all the girls, Mina was the top when it came to taking care of her body and Jihyo observed that it was worth it as she saw how defined Mina's ass was.
And it certainly didn't help that the game made Mina jump, jog, twist, and turn and it made Mina's butt pop out even more than Jihyo found that way more interesting than the game itself...and no, this wasn't the first time she did some sightseeing on Mina.
Yup, Jihyo, the leader of Twice, was into girls.
A lesbian.
She didn't know exactly when, but she can say around her middle school years that she found girls to be more attractive and easier to be around than guys.
And it was the day she asked another girl to the last year of middle school's dance event and got her day ruined when she responded...
'that's weird and you're weird' 
...and walked away.
Poor Jihyo felt her heart split in two upon hearing those words and ran home with tears.
After seeing her depressed state coming home, her mom asked what's wrong and with no thought about how different it was to like girls more, Jihyo told her what happened and that's when her parents had a talk about her sexuality.
It was quite a discussion that Jihyo can recall each and every meaningful word. 
They even supported her after hearing those words and Jihyo thought she was weird too, but her parents told her to never call herself that.
It was who she was.
And since that day, Jihy didn't let that go to her head and kept her head up high, but she did keep her sexuality hidden from her friends of course.
She didn't know how they would take it, even though her mom told her that it was okay to tell them, just be careful about how they reacted, so Jihyo didn't tell them.
And as time went on, neither her trainers nor new friends with Nayeon and Jeongyeon and it was easy to hide...ahem 'was'.
As the training went by, Jihyo tried to keep herself in check but being surrounded by cute and beautiful girls, it was difficult since Jihyo couldn't quite keep her eyes to herself.
But she did her best to focus on her training until a certain J-line member came through those practice doors.
9 months before Sixteen started
Both trainee Jihyo and trainee Yoo Jeongyeon posed for the mirror as the music died down until their breaths were the only sounds in the room as they dropped their arms to their sides and returned to regular stance.
They were actually training until they started to fool around with the last song to blow some steam off.
"That was great," Jeongyeon stated as she rose her hand and Jihyo did the same to give a high five to another.
"Even our actual practice, I think it's our best ones yet."
Jihyo shook her head.
"No, I messed up on the second song, I turned the wrong way during the second verse." Jeongyeon shook her head.
"Oh come on Jihyo, we've been dancing for an hour and you point out one misstep. No one is going to be complaining about that. You were perfect."
"Perfect is a hundred percent that was ninety-nine percent." Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.
"You got to stop being so critical about yourself Jihyo," Jeongyeon walked towards the corner of the room, "you're already the best here. Now sit down."
Jihyo took it and sat on the floor of the dance room. She felt the sweat pouring down her nose and her feet were a bit burned by the amount of time.
Perfecting a dance for what seemed like hours would do that.
"Here." She managed to look upwards to spot her fellow trainee Jeongyeon with two water bottles and two clothes out with both hands as Jihyo reached up sluggishly.
"Gamsa..." Jihyo accepted one of each and opened the cap of water as Jeongyeon sat down with her and mirrored with the water.
After taking a gulp of refreshing water, Jihyo lowered the bottle and took a breath in and out.
"Thank you for practicing with me Jeong, you didn't have to."
Jeongyeon shook her head while applying the cold cloth to her forehead.
"I wanted to, I have to train too you know. We're not all the best." She joked as Jihyo chuckled and Jeongyeon smiled. "Well, while we're resting, you heard the news around Jeongyeon said as Jihyo shook her head. "A new trainee is joining JYPE today."
Jihyo got curious.
Jeongyeon nodded.
"And she's from Japan as well. Like Sana and Momo. Jeongyeon explained as Jihyo nodded.
"This place is getting more and more new girls. Well, when or if she gets here, we'll greet her with warm welcomes." Jihyo said as Jeongyeon nodded.
'Oh god, this place is getting more and more new girls. She's gonna be another pretty one like Sana and Momo...! can't even keep my eyes off them...'
Jihyo kept her smile, but she was gyrating herself in her mind that many cute and pretty girls were in this agency already, and since keeping her sexuality a secret...it was damn difficult.
"Yeah. Its rumors but I heard that she was an amazing ballet dancer. Been at it for ten years."
Jihyo nodded, taking in that information.
"Ten years huh, anything else?" She asked as Jeongyeon shook her head.
"Nothing besides that. Think we should give her a warning about Sana?" Jeongyeon grinned as Jihyo chuckled.
"Hehe, I'm sure she'll be fine. Sana will keep her hands to herself."
'Not that I'm complaining when she does it to me'
"You're talking about the impossible."
Jeongyeon furthered as they both gave a small laugh. "So, anything new with you?" She asked Jihyo.
"Nothing, the only new thing is my dad had-"
Jihyo stopped as the door opened and a head popped out of the opening.
"And this is-oh, ohiyo Jihyo, Jeongyeon!" Sana's smile lit up the room as she gave a head bow towards both Jeongyeon and Jihyo waved at her.
"Ohiyo Sana," "Ohiyo," both girls replied.
"Uhm, I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" Sana asked while not entering the room yet as Jihyo shook her head.
"No, what's up?" She asked Sana as Sana looked behind her and then to Jihyo and Jeongyeon.
'I'm showing a new girl around."
Both Jihyo and Jeongyeon heard and turned themselves to Sana.
"The new girl's there?" Jeongyeon asked as Sana nodded. "Do you mind if we say hi?"
"Of course," Sana turned her head, "There's a couple of my friends here that I want to introduce, is that okay?" Sana spoke in Japanese as both Jihyo and Jeongyeon couldn't understand what she said. "Great."
Sana opened the door more and as she walks inside, Jihyo noticed the newcomer trailing behind her...and her breath hitched.
I'm using present Mina, feel free to use any photo
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Jihyo's eyes fall on a startlingly beautiful woman, and she can't seem to tear her eyes away from her. Her chestnut-colored hair flowed down like a waterfall falling just past her shoulders and the perfect amount of makeup that emphasized her visuals.
She's dressed casually, in a pair of skinny blue jeans and a dark short sleeve top that hugs her slight curves in all of the right ways.
Her eyes are surveying the room and for a moment Jihyo got lost in their beauty.
Astonishingly dark eyes; kind but looking a little timid as she looks around.
"Jihyo? Jihyo?" Jihyo jerked, turning back to the sound of Jeongyeon's voice who was standing. All three, including this goddess that walked in, were staring down at her and Jihyo felt her face flush, and her heart starts to pound.
"H-Huh?" Jihyo muttered, clearing her suddenly dry throat. "O-oh ahem, s-sorry..."
Jihyo quickly rose to her feet.
Jeongyeon quirks an eyebrow and shakes her head.
"Jihyo, Jeongyeon, this is Myoui Mina." She turned to the new girl and Mina nodded back as her eyes went to Jihyo's and Jihyo was hypnotized as she saw Mina's faint smile.
'Myoui Mina...'Her name echoed in Jihyo's mind and she found it flowing ever so soothing and beautiful like her and her heart raced with heat that it felt like fire.
"Ohiyo Mina." Jeongyeon welcomed her, knowing just a tiny bit of Japanese with both Japanese girls of Sana and another: Hirai Momo.
"Ohiyo..." Mina's voice was soft and gentle and Jihyo's first impressions of the girl kept rising.
"Hehe~" Sana turned to Jihyo, "she's starting today here with us," she continued, 'I'm showing her around until Momo arrives so she can hang with us to feel more relax." Sana then turned to Mina, "Mina, these are two of my friends: Jeongyeon," Sana talked in Japanese as she pointed at Jeongyeon who bowed to her and Mina returned the action,
"and this is Jihyo." Sana pointed at Jihyo as Mina turned to her and Jihyo gulped as Mina sent shivers down her spine.
Jihyo raised her arm and weakly waved.
Both girls stared at one another as Sana and Jeongyeon alternated looks between the two.
"Anyway..." Sana voiced as Mina looked down and Jihyo turned to Sana, "Imma continue showing Mina around. She turned to Mina, "shall we go?" In Japanese to Mina as she looked at Sana and nodded. "Great!
Then I shall leave you two to your training."
Jeongyeon nodded as Jihyo side-eyed Mina as she was looking around the room, "come on Mina, baibai you two~"
Sana walked back towards the door as Mina took a look at Jeongyeon and bowed and turned to Jihyo and bowed as well, but Jihyo swore she took a second longer staring...at least that's what she thought as Mina turned and followed Sana out the room and Jihyo felt the gravity lessened in the room as she took a silent, yet deep breath.
"You alright? You looked kind of lost there." Jeongyeon asked as Jihyo turned to her and nodded quickly, maybe too quickly.
"'Yeah, maybe I'm a bit tired after all..."
"You tired? Never thought I heard those words from you." Jeongyeon grinned as Jihyo gave a faint smile at her remark, "well, at least we got to meet her. I think she'll fit in fine soon enough, she looks like a singer as well. Wonder how long she'll be here as a trainee?"
"Who knows." 'Hopefully for a long while.'
"Hmm, well with those three together, maybe a Japanese trio is being planned. Although we are in Korea...ah well, we'll see what happens.
So what now?"
"Uhm...c-can we just sit for a minute?" Jihyo needed to calm down and Jeongyeon stifled a chuckle.
"Hehe, sure we can."
"Well what you thought?" Sana asked as they turned from the door they left down the hall on the right.
"They seem nice." Mina said as Sana nodded.
"They really are. Everyone here is pretty great."
Sana noted as Mina nodded.
"So.. they're trainees like me?" Mina asked as
Sana took the moment to stop.
"Mph-hm, they both are very wonderful singers and dancers, but Jihyo is the best around."
"That girl?" Mina asked as Sana nodded.
"Jihyois the complete idol package: her singing is pure talent and amazing and she can pick up on choreography pretty quick, she has a very positive personality and is super friendly with everyone. It's sad really that she's been here for so long. Ten years now."
Mina's eyes widened and looked back as if Jihyo was there.
"Ten years?" She repeated, "..why isn't she an idol already?" Mina asked as Sana sighed and shrugged.
"Sometimes things don't go your way but Jihyo is patient enough to wait for her shot.
But that's why Jihyo is an inspiration to me I know it sounds weird and sudden that you just met, but trust me, she works harder than anyone here. No matter where she's either practicing her singing or dancing in that room." Sana pointed to her, "and I have not once heard her complain when we train together, only compliments and encouragement and assistance to me when I thought it was tough."
Mina saw the smile on her face enlarged.
"Even when we first met, I hardly understood the language, but Jihyo learned some phrases for me like good mornings and training and eating. I was very appreciative of her for that and wanted to be friends with her right then and there. She's really amazing to know and I know that you'll become good friends with her too...if that's what you want that is." Sana smiled as Mina looked back for the third time.
Mina looked back at Sana and nodded.
"Great, then I'll ask if we can get lunch with her and Jeongyeon with another friend. Be right back~"
Sana walked back to the door as Mina took a breath.
'Jihyo. She does sound amazing. She was really pretty too.' Mina gave a small smile and a tint of red from embarrassment.
She shook her head just a bit to relax. 'Dang, day one and I'm already thinking of '
"Alright~ " Mina swiftly turned to Sana walking towards her, "it's settled, we're having a group lunch with them. Hopefully, more of our friends arrive as well."
Mina nodded slowly and dropped her current thoughts.
She didn't expect her first day to be going so well, she was terrified at first, but being with a fellow Japanese friend in Sana and having more friends soon who all seem to be nice made Mina feel at ease greatly.
Course there was the training to be done with but Mina was willing to put everything she had into this.
"Arigato Sana for helping me today. I appreciate it." Mina bowed slightly as Sana hummed
"Hmm~ Of course Mina, every person here goes through their days scared." Mina got into a regular stance, "I was a wreck on my first day, but as I said, meeting Jihyo and her friends made it all easy and we'll help you with anything no matter what."
Mina smiled as Sana walked forward as Mina followed her.
"I meant what I said about Jihyo, you can learn a lot from her. I do hope she gets her chance soon. Nine years isn't easy to wait out, but Jihyo is strong. She'd be one of the best idols out there easily right now. As a solo or in a group too. If she does join a group, she'd be one amazing leader too. I'd choose her to be one if we were together."
Mina found Sana's admiration for Jihyo to be impressive.
'I should get to know Jihyo a bit more.'
Mina smiled at the thought.
Jihyo breathed in and out.
Today was the first training session of Mina since she arrived and she and Momo were to start with her.
What was shocking was that Mina actually asked Jihyo personally if she could be there with Momo...well, Sana did.
Sana had training but Nayeon and Jeongyeon and in the afternoon so she wasn't able to attend, but Momo volunteered to go with her.
Jihyo accepted quickly, maybe too quickly, but the smile on Mina's face evavorated any doubts and Jihyo was excited but nervous.
Sana explained afterward that Mina asked her to ask Jihyo.
Of course, she was the first to arrive, early than usual...like always, but today, Jihyo was excited yet nervous.
This was the first time she and Mina were going to practice together after a week since she arrived.
They've been chatting mostly for lunches, but Mina hasn't actually done anything but getting a foothold of the place and spending most of the time being around Mom and Sana due to the language and them being the same nationality, but Jihyo understood completely and was happy that she was fitting in just fine.
She was suprised that she spoke Korean much better than Sana and Momo when they first came, but she wasn't as fluent which is understandable, but she was more impressive than Jihyo thought she would be so it was normal to communicate with her.
But Jihyo smiled and took every moment to find out more about Mina, even though she felt anxious around her still.
Jihyo felt strange.
The same kind of strange that she had for a few girls over the years.
But this was different.
It was a whole new kind of strange.
She barely knew the girl at all, yet she was so cativated by her looks, the simpliest motions, the way she speaks, her smile, ugh, her smile, that god Jihyo going for miles.
It was an entirely new feeling that Jihyo couldn't get over like she did with her prior crushes, Sana being the most recent one, but she got over it as she found Sana to be more of a sister than a girlfriend.
But Mina, man Mina was on her mind 23/7 ...what? Even Jihyo had to think about other things too.
The door opened as Jihyo smiled.....but started to freak out the moment her eyes laid on Mina entering.
She was wearing white shoes, grey sweats with a black graphic tee and Jihyo couldn't help but be stunned.
Just a simple workout outfit and Jihyo found her beauty tenfold.
"Uh, ohiyo Jihyo." Mina waved as Jihyo had to get her thoughts back and waved back as normal.
"O-ohiyo Mina." Mina approached Jihyo as she gulped and stood ready. "You ready?"
Mina nodded.
"Where's Momo?" She asked as Jihyo shook her head.
"She's always late, don't worry." Jihyo answered as Mina nodded. "Nervous?"
Mina nodded once more as Jihyo knew how she was feeling as well.
"I've been there too. Don't worry about anything, you'll be fine. here you can make every mistake and I'lI be there to help you." Jihyo wanted Mina to get as comfortable as Mina gathered a new surge through her upon hearing Jihyo.
"Hai...arigato." Mina smiled and Jihyo relished that, but she turned away without staring too long.
"Ah, so should we wait for Momo or."
"Jihyo?" Jihyo looked back at her. "Can...can we talk about something?"
That was unexpected.
"Uh, sure, you okay?" She asked as Mina nodded.
"Hai, it's just, well, I wanted to thank you for being here." Mina held her right forearm with her left hand in an embarrassed manner that Jihyo found undeniably cute
"Oh, heh, it's no problem at all Mina. We're all here to help each other." Mina nodded and Jihyo had a question for her, "but may I ask why did ask me to be here as well?"
Mina looked down at Jihyo's shoes.
"Well... Sana and Momo explained that you're the best. So I thought...if I should learn, it'd be better with you...gomen...I know I'm a rookie, but I just wanted to thank you for your time to train me." Mina did a small bow as Jihyo was speechless and after a few seconds, she smiled awkwardly at the thought that Mina wanted to learn from her and even let out a chuckle.
"Hehe...uh, well, god l'm flattered Mina, but please don't say I'm the best." Mina got back into regular stance, "I appreciate Sana and Mom's words, but I don't want anyone to think that I'm the best, I still have lots to learn. And don't think that just because you're a rookie doesn't mean I'll say no to you wanting help. We're all here as trainees and we should all   each other no matter what. Even out of JYPE." Jihyo stated and she didn't feel any worry about saying it because it was true. 
She would be there for any of the trainees as they were all going for one goal: debuting.
And there was no competition with any of them, so Jihyo saw no point in not helping out the others.
Mina heard this and instantly her body felt elevated and a new view of Jihyo was seen through her as she admired her words.
'Sana was right, she really is a leader...kind hearted too.'
With that Mina...
"Then...do you mind if, uh, we train more together after?" Mina asked and Jihyo's heart raced at Mina asking her to train more. To hear that Mina wanted to train with her more had Jihyo jumping on the inside.
"Mina, I would be happy to train with you."
Mina smiled instantly.
"Really?" Jihyo nodded.
"Of course Mina, anytime you want."
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Jihyo saw Mina's eyes lit up and her smile instantly appeared.
'Oh god, how can someone be so damn beautiful and undeniably cute at the same time...thank you Sana and Momo.'
"Hai, arigato Jihyo."
"No problem Mina...so should we wait for Momo, or start?" Jihyo asked.
Jihyo nodded as she headed to the music station as Mina watched her back, smiling at how amazing and friendly everyone was here...a certain someone more than others.
Oct 19, 2015
It was a grand momentous day for the nine women who have formed some months ago.
TWICE's debut song was released on YouTube and it was racking in numbers.
They watched it multiple times and it still got them as their feelings skyrocketed from their first song.
Every girl cried with happiness.
All their hard work, sweat, and patience finally paid off, and while every girl was happy with themselves as they were now full-fledged idols.
So much so that a celebration was spent in their dorm with their song being repeated all night with dancing, food, and drinks (alcohol-free) and goofing off until one by one, each girl dropped as sleep and fatigue took them as they headed to their rooms...except for one.
It was past midnight and the leader of Twice, Jihyo was basking in the barely lit room, watching the MV still on the TV.
An idol...Jihyo finally achieved her dream.
Ten years.
A decade it took her, but she got it.
She was now an idol, now part of a group and even the leader as well.
She pass through Sixteen and now she was here.
But she wasn't done, not by a longshot.
Her new members are looking up to her and Jihyo promised to be not just the best damn idol, but the best damn group and also the best damn leader in the world-
"Still up?" Jihyo flinched as she leaned forward and stared to her right and her heart swelled over Mina standing there in pajama pants and a pink no sleeve top. "Gomen, I didn't mean to scare you." She walked to her as Jihyo leaned back on the couch.
"Oh, it's fine. No, I can't sleep. Still too excited."
Mina settled down on the couch as Jihyo told herself to relax. Mina looked at the screen of Dahyun and Chaeyoung's rap portion but looked to Jihyo.
"So am I. I still can't believe it, I mean we've filmed for weeks for it, but to see it right there on Youtube for everyone to watch. Our first song." Mina smiled as Jihyo's heart raced. "I never thought I would debut so soon either.
Or the fact that people wanted me to be on Twice." Mina stared at her lap. "I know it's been months since we've formed, but it still feels incredible that I have fans you know." Mina turned to Jihyo as Jihyo shook her head.
"I don't think it's surprising, people loved watching you, Mina. Every performance you were in was always great and, well, you're pretty amazing to watch and listen to as well."
Jihyo blushed but the faint light made it impossible to see as Mina showed her angelic smile, but if you look closely, she was in the same state as Jihyo.
"A-arigato Jihyo. You're pretty incredible to watch and listen to as well." Jihyo felt warm in her stomach. "But I can't take all that credit...Jihyo, I want to thank you. It's because of vou l'm here."
"Please, I've been meaning to thank you for a while, but now it's best now that we're alone.
When I first arrived, I've only listened to songs and karaoke and that's it, so when I first arrived through those main doors, I started to think, what if I didn't have what it takes to be anything in this line of entertainment." Jihyo was about to intervene, "I was so stressed and nervous, yet, I didn't want to turn and leave thinking what could have been. I came here to try my best and whatever happens, happens."
Jihyo thought those thoughts too.
"But then I met the most wonderful friends that I could have to ask for in you eight along my journey here, from trainee to Sixteen and now our filming and MV release, it's been amazing to experience with you eight."
Jihyo smiled warmly, but Mina looked down at her lap as she brought a hand up to her hair and pushed it behind her ear.
"But...it's because of you that I kept on going Jihyo."
Mina nodded and looked right at Jihyo and it caused her to have small heart attacks.
"After I first met you in the studio, Sana told me about you, about how you were here for almost ten years. I couldn't believe that you went that long, but Sana explained that you never gave up, you kept on going no matter how long it took for you to debut and kept training and working hard on everything you possibly could do."
Jihyo nodded just slightly.
"And I'll admit, after Sana told me about you, I didn't think she was telling the truth, but you told me yourself that lunch, and I was amazed, yet scared. Scared about how long it would have taken me to train, scared that you and Jeongyeon and Nayeon and Sana had so much experience, surely you girls wouldn't want to waste time with me, a first-day trainee, but I was wrong."
Mina reached out and placed her hand over Jihyo's as Jihyo's heart was on fire.
"But after our first training session together, you all have been there for me, but you Jihyo, you've been there day one and held nothing back to aid me in anything and everything whether it was in the agency or out of it. Not only that, you gave me the courage and strength to keep on going each day. And we trained each and every day, I felt that I wasn't going anywhere or wouldn't be able to do this, but you were there to make me feel otherwise. Sure there was the others, but it wasn't as close as you and I were Jihyo."
"And eventually when we were picked to be part of Sixteen, I was stressed that we would fend for each other, but no...you kept helping me whenever you could and not just in our group performances, but even in our rooms, you were there to talk and comfort me when everything felt so down."
Mina took a deep breath.
"There were days where I wanted to give up...but you wouldn't let me, not by forcing me to stay, but by being you and being my friend. And because of you Jihyo, I'm here. I'm here as an idol, here in a group with our first single, with amazing friends, and with an incredible leader whom I'm glad to be with."
Jihyo felt her emotions going high.
"And it's all because of you Jihyo. I am who I am now because of you...arigato Jihyo."
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"Thank you for everything you've done for me in the past nine months. I promise that I'll be the best I can be and more to return what you've done for the rest of our time."
 Mina ended with a small gratifying smile to her leader and it made Jihyo feel every happy emotion in her system. 
So much so that Jihyo couldn't take it and brought Mina into a hug as Mina hugged her back.
"Mina...thank you. I promise to be the best leader I can be too and to be there for you for anything you need still okay? No matter what...I'm glad you're with me, Mina." Jihyo whispered as Mina hummed.
"And I promise the same to you. And I'm glad you're here with me too."
Okay, that feeling that Jihyo had before... yeah, it evolved.
One year later
Since that night, Jihyo and Mina became close, very close.
Not as close as Jihyo would have wanted, but she'll take it regardless.
Whenever it was something to do outside or inside, both would seek the other out to be paired up.
Both would hang in their rooms, doing anything the other wanted.
And Jihyo was with Mina every step of the way of their songs, concerts, photoshoots, and Mina was very appreciative of her.
No complaints.
No worries.
No stress.
That is until today...
'You can do it Jihyo, two words...two words...'
Jihyo sat there alone in her room, a million thoughts going through her mind at once; she honestly don't know what to think anymore.
She's tired of living a lie, but yet, the lie has made her life what it is today, but yet, wouldn't she be happier?
Wouldn't she be happy that she could finally be comfortable with herself and can finally stop worrying?
...Well, it's never that perfect, nothing ever goes down well with subjects like this.
'Everyone will be mad at me because l've been lying to them this entire time."
The nine of them have been through so much together and Jihyo didn't want to tarnish anything moving forward.
What would they think of her after telling them that she liked girls?
She sighed softly, what was she really afraid of?
Maybe it's just the different lifestyle, it's not easy being gay, society spits on you, they take away your rights, probably become an ex-idol for fans that are that much uncomfortable.
It's just not the life for her, but it's not like Jihyo had a choice.
She didn't choose to play for the other team, she was born with these damn feelings towards other women, and sometimes she hated it!
She hated that she can't be herself.
She hated lying to her friends.
And Jihyo was only human.
She's ever-changing and slowly, she's growing.
She could build an image and try to maintain it for as long as she could but she wouldn't be able to keep it up forever.
And every moment she spent with Mina, she realized that the facade would end sooner.
Mina was different, and Jihyo meant that in every sense of the word.
She was unlike any person she's met before.
She was unlike any girl she's met before.
She was always moving.
She's never met anyone quite as quiet as Mina who walks instead of runs and a choice of few words instead of talks, but Jihyo found that pleasant.
Her first impression of Mina was still the base of her impression now: beautiful, talented, dedicated, diligent but Mina was determined to prove that she could do better.
What Jihyo lacked intact, she made up for in perseverance.
Oh, how she had loads of it. 
When Jihyo was not being swept up by her training, Mina was hauling her along sometimes literally, but it impressed Jihyo for Mina to train this hard as her.
No one else made her smile quite as much as Mina did. 
And no one else put in as much effort too.
Only Mina.
And Mina did that only for Jihyo.
She was unique that way.
Mina was different.
Falling for Mina was different.
It was not only different but also inevitable.
She hated that she has these kept feelings for Mina hidden for SO LONG and she can't do anything about it.
It's horrible and Jihyo felt horrible.
But she can't come out.
She just can't do it,
Jihyo was terrified.
She didn't want to be hated by everyone, especially her sisters because she's been lying to them, besides her parents, she's never told anyone she's gay, never.
There have been so many times Jihyo thought and even tried coming out, but she failed every time.
The three reasons above were what made her want to confess but then she gets scared and yeah, it doesn't turn out well.
But Jihyo couldn't take it, she wanted to tell her sisters, she wanted to tell Mina that she was into girls; into her.
Even if Mina didn't swing that way, Jihyo couldn't hide these feelings any longer.
And today, today was the day...or so she thought.
She tried to muster to tell at least Naveon or Jeongyeon first, but fear got to her and it was too much to bear.
Today she wasn't all there and so quiet that even her members asked what was wrong and all she could do is lie and say 'everything is fine, just tired'
Just tired.
What a sad lie.
In fact, she just left dinner after not being able to eat even a spoonful of rice.
She excused herself and came into her room.
Jihyo groaned at how sad that must of looked and closed her eyes.
"All because I can't tell them who I am...all because I can't tell Mina how I feel...how pathetic..."
Jihyo heard a soft knock at her door, "yeah?" she said mildly as the door slightly opens the love of her life slowly slips in.
"Hey Jihyo," she says softly, walking over to Jihyo's bed and sits down next to her, "you okay? You left dinner early and you've been in here all day, we're worried about you."
Whenever Mina knows there's something wrong, she won't stop until she finds out what it is and has done all she can do to help as Jihyo has done for her, one of the infinite reasons why Jihyo loves her.
"I'm fine Mina; I just have a lot on my mind that's all," Jihyo says softly.
"Well, what's on your mind?" Mina asks, "Is there anything I can help you with, you know I'm always here to listen." Jihyo smiles a little, Mina always wants to help everyone and she absolutely hates it when she can't; she also hates it when anyone won't let her help them.
Even just meeting a few weeks after she got into JYPE Mina has been around Jihyo with Sana or Momo to help translate as they hanged or trained, honestly more training as guided her.
And through Sixteen, whenever they were together or in the Minor or Major rooms, Mina helped Jihyo through it, she didn't stop until she made me smile, and not once did that smile not made Jihyo's heart beat, and never failed to put a smile on her face.
And a reason why Jihyo kept her secret, she didn't know what Mina will think.
"Jihyo?" Mina says slightly worried, her voice pulls Jihyo out of her thought.
"...nothing you need to worry about," Jihyo says, "just some things about family, nothing bad, that's all."
She lied.
She lied again.
"Hmm, so what's the real problem?" Mina asks not buying her answer.
Jihyo gulps, she planned on doing this, she could just tell her now, tell her everything,
She could come clean, and it would be off her chest.
All she has to do is tell her, just two words.
Jihyo turns to her and she looks into her eyes,
Even with an apprehensive feel, they're so beautiful, so dark, so full of care and so filled with love.
"...Mina...I-" Jihyo can't even start her sentence, her voice fails her, her heart's beating faster in her chest.
She waits patiently, her eyes growing full of concern.
Jihyo can't do it.
She can't tell her, but she has to, she has to do it!
She couldn't keep living this lie!
She didn't want to keep living this lie!
She couldn't handle it anymore!
Mina grew more worried as Jihyo's breathing increase.
"Jihyo, what's wrong?" she asks leaning forward and placed a hand on Jihyo's right arm and her body shuddered.
With a breath, Jihyo let her eyes give away everything she was feeling and she started to tear up, causing Mina to part her lips.
"I-I'm scared..."
Mina has only ever seen Jihyo cry three times: winning Twice, after their first concert, and their first award.
But to hear her idol being scared to tears pained and haunted her.
"H-hey, it's okay Jihyo, I'm here, I'm here for you."
Jihyo sniffed and gulped and took a couple of failed attempts of breathings.
"There you go, easy okay, I want to help you Jihyo, tell me what's wrong?"
"I-It would ruin everything if I did..." Jihyo spoke.
Now Mina was scared herself.
"You have no idea how much it could ruin things. I've been lying about it for too long now to just come out and tell the truth! It would ruin my friendships with you eight, especially you Mina!" Jihyo look down at her hands scratching into her thighs as Mina was trying to lower the tension as best as she could.
"Jihyo, no matter what, nothing will ruin anything with us nine. We're family." She notes softly. "No matter what it is, it won't change anything. I will still be at your side and you will still be one of my best friends, I care about you more than anything. I'll always be here, no matter what, I promise."
She whispered.
It was a line that was used a lot by people who often didn't really mean it. 
But Jihyo knew that Mina meant it.
She truly felt safe with her.
But how was she supposed to even bring such a subiect up? It seemed impossible to her.
There's only one way the conversation could go unless she felt the same as her.
She honestly doubted she would.
She summoned up as much courage as she could, taking a breath and steeling herself.
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"...I like girls. And I mean it sexually..."
Mina's lips parted as Jihyo didn't dare look at her.
There were a few moments of silence as Mina processed Jihyo's statement.
Jihyo figured as much, her taking in this information. At least she didn't get yelled at, but then again, Mina never raises her voice.
Jihyo let out a shaky sigh as a few more tears fell down her face.
"...r-really?" Jihyo nodded. "Y-you?"
Jihyo merely nodded.
"I-I can't believe it..."
"I'm so sorry for keeping it from you girls, I understand if you're upset."
Jihyo's eyes lowered, not ready to take the heat from Mina.
The leader of Twice closed her eyes, shame enveloped her being, but she had to be ready to hear all the negative comments and insults from her love.
It'll break her heart, but Jihyo wanted to-
Jihyo stopped thinking as she felt her right hand being covered on her thigh.
"Y-you have no idea how happy I am."
Jihyo slowly turned upon hearing those words.
Did...did she hear that right?
Jihyo expression changed to a wild one as Mina...
"Heh, I'm also into girls."
Jihyo gulped, taking that information down her system like her saliva.
"...Y-you're joking..."
Mina shook her head.
"I'm not joking, I'm gay as well. Since middle school." Mina pressed a hand to her chest.
Now this time it was Jihyo's turn to turn forward at the shower of thoughts.
Not only did she came out, but to hear that Mina, her crush, was also into girls!
Then...then it could be possible!
Just maybe!
"I-I can't believe that I'm not the only one, and it's you as well." Jihyo turned to Mina smiling ever so beautifully at her as Jihyo's heart was doing somersaults.
"I-I can't either," Jihyo muttered. "Mina don't joke with me."
"Jihyo, I promise you, l'm not. A-are you joking-"
"No...oh wow..."
Both gave an awkward smile to another.
'Should I tell her? I have to tell her right?! I mean...I have to!'
Mina turned forward and closed her eyes, releasing a sigh of relief as Jihyo pondered.
"Wow, I guess you know it feels so good to get that off our chest huh? I was so nervous to let you and the others know about my orientation since being a trainee."
She wanted Mina to tell Mina her feelings so bad.
She didn't want to live in a "what if" question anymore.
If Mina accepted, fantastic.
If she didn't, oh well.
"I have to! I got this far and to hear her say she's like me has to be a sign!'
Jihyo wasn't going to hold back this time.
"This is crazy, so crazy but so relieving and-"
"Mina." Mina turned to her and again, she saw Jihyo look so nervous once more, "..there's more."
Mina was visibly confused.
'What more can there be...unless...Jihyo likes someone...someone else...'
"There's more, the reason why I wanted to come out...not because I wanted to finally let you all know but I-I wanted to let you know the most because I was tired of hiding who I am, but more importantly, I was tired of hiding my feelings...for you."
Being shock was an understatement for Mina as she leaned back from Jihyo.
"I care so much about you Mina. So, so much that I-I have massive feelings for you..." Jihyo already said it so there was no hesitation to repeat it. "and I can't hide it anymore Mina," Jihyo got out. "You are so amazing and words can't describe how much you mean to me. Everything from our trainee days to our debut to now...you mean the world to me Mina...you're everything I could want in a girl: caring, talented, beautiful..."
"...and that's why I was afraid because I didn't want to ruin what we have.... understand if you don't share the feelings, but I couldn't hold it in any longer...I-I just wanted to tell you how I feel about you.
This was it.
Jihyo could feel herself trying to step over the edge, her entire soul prying on this moment.
The time came to a standstill as Jihyo drew what seemed like a never-ending breath.
She watched Mina's eyes widen...out of shock?
Out of disgust?
Out of excitement?
It was impossible to tell until Jihyo felt her cheeks being grabbed and forced to turn to Mina.
But it was a flash as her eyes widened, her body stiffen as Mina lunged forward and smashed her lips onto hers.
Mina was kissing Jihyo.
The J-line member kept pressing forward for a few seconds before releasing her lips from Jihyo's, her hands on her cheeks still as Jihyo was only able to stare at her smile.
"I-I feel the same to you Jihyo."
Jihyo felt a dam breaking in her heart.
Raging rivers of warmth, joy, excitement, arousal, and multiple other euphoric emotions flooded every inch of her body.
She felt her mouth turn upward into what she could only imagine was the dopiest, love-sick grin as Mina cracked a similar, but much more beautiful, smile.
"You mean a lot to me too Jihyo...you mean so much to me as well hehe...." she murmured over her shoulder added with a light chuckle.
Jihyo was so, so happy.
Mina reciprocated her feelings just as strongly as Jihyo felt them, and she could tell Mina was relieved too by the way her arms shook slightly around her.
Jihyo finally snapped herself out of her trance and returned the embrace, gently at first before daring to squeeze her tighter. It felt good, probably the best feeling Jihyo had ever experienced so far, even more than being on Twice...okay maybe just as much.
But that tight embrace was soon topped by an even better sensation when Mina pressed her lips against hers.
Jihyo closed her eyes, holding onto her partner's shoulders as she returned the kiss, thankful that her brain had registered it properly and she hadn't jerked away in surprise. 
She loved Mina so much, and she wanted to convey it through the contact.
The kiss was sweet and yet so telling, quenching a thirst they had both lived too many months dehydrating from.
Mina's insides stood tall and excited, swiveling in delight as she felt Jihyo kiss back, still amazed she had brought herself to initiate the contact. 
Her heart was still throbbing, but being pressed up against Jihyo like this so warmly for support, her pulse felt more elated than anything.
At last, they broke apart, panting slightly as Mina rested her forehead against hers.
"Wow.." Jihyo breathed. "Wow, hehe! D-Does this mean-"
"It certainly does," Mina smiled. "And it means we have tons to talk about, but it means that I want you too Jihyo, so much."
Jihyo's lips quivered as there was a moment of silence as they both let everything sink in. Three minutes ago they were just Twice members, but now they were-
"Girlfriends?" Jihyo babbled. "We're girlfriends now aren't we?"
"Maybe after a date or two, but that's right." Mina was too happy to keep distance between them, so she stepped in and hugged Jihyo again in a silent attempt to display her joy.
Jihyo eagerly returned the contact, willing to hold her like this for the rest of eternity if need be.
Moments passed as they reflected on the events that had just transpired, still a little shocked, but more than anything content and excited and oh so warm.
"Wow..." Jihyo breathed again. "w-we're...oh wow."
"You were making me so nervous today," Mina admitted. "But I'm happier than words can express, Jihyo. I don't know what to say either."
"Then let's not say anything," Jihyo murmured, tucking a lock of soft onyx hair behind Mina's ear before pressing another, gentler kiss to her lips.
Mina was so happy she felt she might cry, and in the end, a few tears did slip down her cheeks. 
Jihyo pulled back to brush them away with soft fingers. 
"My Mina," she mused to herself, "all mine."
"And my Jihyo, mine as well." Mina mirrored as they both leaned forward to-
"Mina, is everything-gasp"
Both Jihyo and Mina jumped in their place as they heard the door being opened and Sana was standing there, eyes widened and mouth opened.
Both Mina and Jihyo were beyond embarrassed by being caught both by kissing and now that thev're lesbian.
What's to happen now, they didn't know, but now by being together, that lightened the ordeal, but even so, they weren't prepared for this...okay they should have been more careful, but everything was getting too much.
"W-were you two just-...are you two..." Sana pointed at both of them as she walked in closer, closing the door behind her.
Mina was beyond the color red of embarrassment so Jihyo took charge.
With Mina's returned feelings, it was a hell of a lot of stress taken off her, but still, with letting the others know, she was scared of their reaction too.
Jihyo took a deep breath and nodded, but was filled with anxiety about how fast this was going.
"Yes, Sana. Mina and I...we're gay...and we're together."
Saying that was a godsend to Jihyo's and Mina's feelings as Mina looked towards Jihyo.
Sana stopped in place.
Jihyo nodded.
"I know Sana, I'm deeply sorry, but we'll explain every."
"Ahh! It's about time!"
"...eh" "...eh"
"Do you know how long we were waiting for this to happen!?" Sana outstretched her arms
...y-you knew?" Jihyo asked as Sana nodded.
"Well of course I knew! We all knew! We live together pabos! For god sake, we sleep in the same room!" Sana waved her hands around, "obviously Nayeon and I caught you checking each other out loads of time!"
Both girls were frozen in time.
"Ah I'm so happy for you two!" Sana looked like she was going to cry as well, "and before you ask, yes we're okay with you two, we always have been okay with it if anything happened between you two." Sana explained and that made Mina's and Jihyo's anxiety drop.
"Y-you are?"
"Yes, Jihyo we all are. We don't care about what you are or who you like, we love you both no matter what. You're still our leader and our penguin no matter what." Sana smiled and assured them and that hit Jihyo and Mina hard. "Just maybe don't tell manager-unnie yet though or anyone for that mat-ah Mina.
Jihyo turned to Mina and that did it, tears dropping down her cheeks like rivers and after seeing her new girlfriend cry, got Jihyo to start tearing up as well again.
Both were from happiness and relief.
In a span of no less than five minutes, both Jihyo and Mina lives went up for the best and every negative thought they had gone away instant after instant.
Before Jihyo could do anything, Sana came forward and hugged Mina in a flash.
"Don't cry, Mina. Please." She soothed as Mina burrowed her head into Sana's shoulder.
"Ahe...g-gomen sniff...l-I'm just so happyyyehe.." And Mina started to cry into Sana's shoulder as Sana patted her back.
Jihyo felt her hand being squeezed as Mina's interaction brought Jihyo into the hug as well as she joined near Mina's head and gave her a kiss on the side.
"I'm happy too Mina. So happy..." Jihyo let her tears drop as well as the three shared this hug together.
With their newfound relationship and with Sana's confession of the other members happy for them, Jihyo and Mina couldn't be anymore ecstatic to live in the open now and with each other for the next six years like this.
Jihyo's eyes shot up to Mina's turned head.
"We're not gonna have any film if you keep staring at me like that."
"But it's the best thing to watch~" Jihyo grew a large smile as Mina rolled her eyes.
"We're shooting a commercial, remember work first." Mina pointed at the camera in the corner, "now I have to delete it and start again."
"I know, gomen...but you can't blame me due to those sweats of yours." Jihyo pouted as she heard Mina laugh.
"I needed to wear something to work out in.
Just sit in front of me then." Mina didn't turn as she was focusing on the camera.
"Aww...well, I do need a small convincing to do so~"
Mina turned to Jihyo as she stood up and walked towards Mina.
"Jihyo, sigh fine, but then we work okay." Mina pointed at her as Jihyo nodded.
"Then we work, now come here~"
Mina smiled as Jihyo got up to Mina, grabbed her by the neck, and kissed her girlfriend full one.
If the kiss wasn't obvious enough, Mina and Jihyo are still a couple.
Apart from their own group, no one else knows about them, not even their manager still.
It was even arranged that Jihyo and Mina would switch bedrooms with Momo and Jeongyeon to leave the room for them to have their private time together...and no, it wasn't ALWAYS that kind of 'private times'
It was merely for them to be together without disturbing or being interrupted by Nayeon and Sana.
Plus it worked for them as well with Sana and Momo along with Nayeon and Jeongyeon being closer to one another.
Their manager took notice but disregarded thinking Jeongyeon and Momo were happier with the two.
Ever since then, the two have been inseparable, even during out in public, but they wouldn't showcase any couple acts out, merely being close to each other.
So much so, that their shipping name rose to the very top of the Twice ships, but all the members laughed it out though.
And so here we are.
Jihyo went towards her, and she stood to greet Mina.
It's a romantic novel cliche, to say they melted into each other's arms, but they did. 
It was as if their bodies wanted to meet, each wanting to accommodate the other so that they fitted together perfectly in a tight embrace.
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 7 months
Boston Bears: Off-Limits - Rugby Player!Chris x Reader (Part 2)
Summary: After an unforgettable night, Chris finds out more about you
Word Count: 6.4k
Warnings: Angst! SMUT! 18+ ONLY! Male Masturbation! MINORS DNI!
Rugby Explained
Dividers by Me!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 2
You heaved out a long sigh as you put the last of your clothes away, walking out of the closet towards your bed only to completely collapse on your bed in exhaustion. The bed springs creaked as you bounced slightly, the noise bringing you straight back to last night when they were creaking for a completely different reason. 
You nibbled at your lower lip as the memory of last night replayed in your mind, the way Chris took you to heaven multiple times. The thought of it alone had you crossing one leg over the other as pressure built between your legs. When your phone vibrated in your jeans pocket a small involuntary gasp escaped your lips. 
A smile then grew on your face when you saw it was Chris replying to your text asking how his post-match recovery was going. Like promised Chris had texted you this morning and you two had been texting ever since.
Chris: good, just warming back up after an icebath before watching the Chicago Knights game later, playing them next weekend and wanna know where they’re at
Y/N: oh very good, getting yourself in the coach’s good books?
Chris: just trying to be a good captain, although it never hurts to stay in his good books
You let out a snort since you knew that was definitely the case, you’re dad was pretty chill in most aspects but when it came to Rugby he was pretty strict. Speaking of the devil, you put your phone away when he knocks on your bedroom door with an open bottle of beer. 
“All done in here?” he asks walking over and passing you the beer.
You accept it, sitting up to take a long sip “Yup, don’t ever let me say I don’t have enough clothes” you tell him.
Your father snorts “If only your teenage self could see you now” he says with a shake of his head “kitchen is all unpacked, but feel free to reorganise everything because I did it wrong” he offers. 
“Thanks Dad, you didn’t grab yourself a beer?” you ask nodding down to the beer bottle in your hands. 
“No need to keep my mind clear got games to study when I get home,” your dad says with a shake of his head. 
“Well take one for later once you’re done studying, did you even celebrate the win yesterday?” you say with a knowing look. 
Your dad sighs and rolls his eyes “The team all went out to celebrate” 
“I didn’t ask about the team I asked about you” you point out standing up from your bed and walking out towards your kitchen. 
“Fine, I got takeout while watching the game back” your dad relents with a long sigh. 
“See, today is supposed to be your day off so just take a beer and go relax for a bit, you deserve it considering you helped me unpack,” you say opening up your fridge and grabbing him a beer. 
“Fine but I’m still watching the Knights match tonight and that counts because I enjoy watching rugby” your dad argues as he accepts the bottle of beer. 
You chuckle shaking your head at him “I wouldn't expect anything else, thanks for today Dad”
Your dad smiles warmly over at you, walking over to sling his arm around your shoulders “It’s nothing, I’m just happy to have my little girl back on the east coast”
“Me too Dad” you smile.
You had enjoyed your time in LA, you had met some friends for life there. But you missed New England so much, especially the sweater weather. When you walked off the plane it was like a breath of fresh air, you felt good about returning home and getting your fresh start after everything with Bryce. 
“I better get going and let you settle and reorganise,” your dad says grabbing his jacket. 
“Thanks Dad, don’t forget to relax,” you say pointing over to him.
“I won’t see you tomorrow for your first day, don’t be late” your dad smiles pointing a finger right back at you. 
“Don’t worry I know how to make a good impression” you wink as you close the door. 
Once he was gone you made your way into the kitchen, sipping your beer as you went. You inspected the unpacking your dad had done and where he had put everything. Like he suspected you would have to move things around and re-organise because where he put a few things just didn’t make sense to you. 
But that would be a job for another day. You were far too tired from unpacking to even think about re-organising the kitchen, if you attempted it now you would probably only make it worse. 
So instead you made your way back to your living room and collapsed on the couch. Looking at the time you had a lot of time left in the day, for a second you considered texting Chris and inviting him over to fulfil that reward he teased but you stopped yourself. Doing that would just open yourself up to getting attached, you couldn’t make the same mistake again. But Chris was so different to Bryce already, it was what made you comfortable to give him your number. 
Letting out a long sigh you shook your head trying to get Chris out of your head. It was a one-night stand, nothing more. To carry it on would only make things complicated, even if it was the best sex of your life. Sex that every time you thought about it made your core ache and wish to seek out the toy he used last night. 
To distract yourself you grabbed your laptop and decided to do some work. Your dad had already given you the lowdown on the team’s list of injuries so you wouldn’t go into it blind. But you also knew players tried to hide any injuries and niggles they had so you wanted to rewatch yesterday's match to see if you could spot any. You had already noticed a couple but you suspected there was more. 
You also planned to watch the Knights game too to do the same thing, knowing what your opposition's injuries are can be a great help. You know which players could be slow to turn or not at full speed and easy to run past.
You were halfway through making some notes on yesterday’s match when your phone buzzed. You instantly jumped to grab it to see who it was, scolding yourself when you realised you were disappointed that it wasn’t Chris. Instead, it was your best friend back in LA, Tommi. 
Tommi: Hey how’s unpacking going?
Y/N: Done, free to videochat?
Tommi: Yes! I need to vent!
You chuckle as you close the tab playing yesterday's match on your laptop and start video calling Tommi. She picks up almost immediately, her hair dishevelled, tied up in a messy bun, a glass of wine in her hands. 
It was a sight that you knew very well, like you, Tommi grew up on the East Coast but down in New York instead of New England. The two of you had met at college when you ended up being roommates, the rest was pretty much history. You became fast friends and incredibly close you couldn’t believe you had gotten through life before her. She had moved to LA a couple of years before you and you were both so excited when you got the job at LA Lions. 
“Do I need wine or will beer do?” you ask holding up your bottle. 
“Beer will do” She nods taking a large sip of her wine. 
“What’s up wedding planning again?” you ask tilting your head sympathetically. 
Tommi lets out a long sigh “Yeah…”
“Didn’t you guys get a wedding planner to help with it all?” you ask with a small shake of your head. 
“We did and she’s great but it’s hard to make any decisions when Dan isn’t there to make the decisions with me, we were supposed to go cake tasting today but he had a work emergency” she pouts, her shoulder slumping. 
“That’s annoying, are you able to reschedule?” you ask with a sympathetic look. 
“Yeah but not for another couple of months! This bakery is so popular that it was near impossible to get the tasting appointment in the first place!” Tommi vents before taking another large sip of her wine. 
“Is there anything else you can get sorted sooner so you feel like you’re making progress?” you suggest.
Tommi sits back and tilts her head as she thinks “No not really” she sighs “Weddings suck, don’t ever do it” she adds making you laugh.
You knew she was joking, despite how much stress the planning was causing she was actually really excited. Tommi and Dan were the definition of love, you didn’t think you could find anyone more in love than the two of them. When you first met Dan you had been pretty sceptical, nobody could be good enough for your bestie, but Dan really was and it made you crave that sort of love.
Before you knew it you started picturing it, startling when you realised that you were picturing Chris. That was not a good idea at all. You needed a bucket of ice water stat.
“What’s that look on your face?” Tommi asks frowning at you, pulling you completely from your thoughts.
“Oh um, nothing” you say waving her off “Just trying to think of a solution for you” you lie.
Tommi’s eyes narrow as she leans in closer to her screen before gasping dramatically “You had sex!” she exclaims.
“What! No! No, I didn’t!” you stutter shaking your head, knowing Tommi would not approve of you jumping into someone’s bed so soon. Well, Chris did jump into your bed but you didn’t think she would accept that loophole. 
“Yes! Yes, you did! I can see that glow! It’s faded a bit but it’s there! Who! How!” she exclaims. 
“It was nothing just a one-night stand” you relent “I met him at the bar last night”
“The rugby bar?” Tommi questions her brow pinching together slightly “Was it a fan?”
Your silence as you tried to work out how best to answer the question gave her the answer she was after “Y/N” she said with a long sigh “Please tell me it was one of the opposition players”
You pause for a moment “It was one of the opposition players” you lie.
Tommi saw straight through you “Y/N… I love you… but…” she says drifting off at the end as she tries to work out how to kindly reprimand you. 
You knew exactly what she was thinking. You got yourself into the mess with Bryce because you slept with him. Who’s to say you won’t end up in the exact same mess again with Chris? There was a reason people say don’t shit where you eat. 
“I know, I know” you sigh “but he just- he seemed different, I felt safe in his company and he was nothing like Bryce” 
“He’s a rugby player, they’re all the same. Player is literally in the title” Tommi argues “What’s his name? I need to see if he gives off player vibes” 
You wanted to argue that they’re not but gave her Chris’ name anyway. You’ve met and worked with plenty of rugby players and not all of them were bad, there were some really sweet guys. Chris seemed to be one of the sweet ones. 
“Okay he’s hot I’ll give you that, and he seems nice but there’s that player look in his eyes, one that says he’s sexy and he knows it” Tommi says as she scrolls through photos of Chris on her phone.
“I needed to get back on the horse though, I don’t want what happened with Bryce to stop me from doing what I want” you argue. 
Tommi lets out another long sigh, you could understand her hesitance, she has never been the type of person who could do one-night stands. She just didn’t get them, she needed that emotional connection, whereas you could make do with just physical. She never judged you though and never criticised the fact that your list was much longer than hers. 
“Okay, I just worry about you that’s all, what Bryce did and what you went through was properly shitty and I don’t want you to go through that again especially now you’re thousands of miles away” She eventually sighs. 
You smirk “Don’t act like you wouldn’t jump on the first flight over” you say knowingly.
“I would, but the only reason I want to visit you is for happy reasons” she retorts. 
“Okay, that’s fair” you chuckle “But don’t worry it’s fine, it was just a one-time thing,” you say trying to sound convincing. 
Once again her eyes narrow “Why did that sound wrong? Like you were trying to convince yourself”
You let out a groan, you could never hide anything from Tommi. She had crazy mindreading and people-reading skills, which you guess helped her in her career in PR, but it was annoying when she put those skills to use on you. 
“Fine, I’m just struggling to get him out of my head because fuck the sex was so good, like best I’ve ever had, like the sex you talk about in those books you read” You relent. 
Tommi’s eyebrows rise slightly “That kind of sex doesn’t exist” she says. 
“It does trust me and it’s addicting and my brain is saying it's a one-time thing only but my body is just begging for more” you huff slumping back against the couch “like if Chris walked in right now I would jump his bones it was that good” 
Tommi sighs pursing her lips “I’m happy for you, everyone deserves good sex but listen to your head, you’re playing with fire if you sleep with him again. Right now you’re just remembering good sex, whose to say the next time with him won’t be shit. If you end it now you won’t have ruined it”
You nod your head slowly, what she said made sense, why risk tainting a good memory? While you weren’t drunk last night, there was definitely alcohol in your system, maybe you were more drunk than you realised and it was the alcohol making the sex seem better than it was. 
“Yeah you’re right, thanks Tommi” you sigh. 
“It’s nothing I’m glad I can still provide sound advice miles away” Tommi smiles warmly. 
“Me too and don’t worry about your wedding planning, if you need me to give Dan a kick up the ass I will, I’m sure it comes under maid of honour duties” you smirk making her laugh. 
“Thank you, the wedding is still ages away so we have time, i’m just stressing over nothing” Tommi sighs.
You nod in agreement “I think we’ve had a good vent session if I do say so myself” you smirk.
“Hear hear” Tommi cheers holding up her glass before drinking the rest of her wine, you laugh following her example by downing the rest of your beer. 
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Chris let out a quiet groan as he climbed out of his car, his calf twinging in pain as he stood. He’d hoped that the recovery he had done yesterday would have been enough but he clearly overexerted himself on Saturday. 
A smile tugs at his lips when he thinks back to Saturday. He hadn’t expected his night to go like that but he doesn’t regret it at all, in fact, he could barely stop thinking about it. He was no stranger to hookups but none had been like that, none had lingered in his mind. 
He wondered if you felt the same way, he guessed so considering the text conversation the two of you had yesterday. That was until you just stopped replying halfway through the afternoon. He guessed, hoped that it was just because you were busy not because you decided to ghost him. 
Pulling out his phone he quickly checked it to see if he had just missed you texting him back but there was nothing. He considered shooting you another text but before he had the chance he heard someone shouting out his name. 
Glancing up he spotted Jensen walking across the parking lot towards him, quickly pocketing his phone, Chris locked his car and walked over towards Jake. 
“Hey man, get up to anything fun yesterday?” Chris greets him with a forearm handshake. 
“Downloaded this new game so was just playing that all day, what about you?” Jensen asks as the two of them walk towards the training centre. 
“Just watched back our game and watched the Knights game see what they’re playing like” Chris shrugs as he opens the door. 
“Man, do you ever take a day off?” Jensen exclaims shaking his head as he steps inside. 
“I can take a day off when we win the championship” Chris retorts knowing there was no way Jensen could argue with that. 
“Fair enough” Jensen shrugs “At least you came out with us on Saturday whereabouts did you get to anyway? No one saw you leave” he then asks.
Chris for a second considers saying he went home with someone but decides against it. It wasn't his team's business what he did and who he did. Chris liked his privacy, what he did in the bedroom stayed in the bedroom. 
“Just went home, sorry I didn’t say but I knew Storm would try and convince me to stay out,” Chris says nodding to the winger who looked like he was recovering from a 2-day hangover. 
Jensen snorts as he claps Chris on the shoulder “I don’t blame you” he chuckles as they join the rest of the team in the video playback room. 
Chris nods in agreement as he sits down. Looking around at the team he was glad it seemed to be only Johnny who was still suffering from a hangover, sat in the darkest corner of the room with his hoodie pulled up over his head. Everyone looked a little tired but it was a Monday so Chris couldn’t blame them. 
Finally, Coach Y/L/N and the rest of the coaching team walked, including Andy the assistant coach. Chris always felt a little pang of sympathy when he watched Andy coach, he’d been at the high of his career until a knee injury forced him to retire far earlier than any player wants to. 
“Right, how many of you have had a chance to review the game?” Coach Y/L/N asks as he plugs in his laptop. 
Almost all of the players in the room raise their hands, earning an approving hum from the coach. 
“And did any of you catch the knight's game?” he follows up, every hand going up this time, even Johnny who looked like the movement made the room spin. 
“They were awful, got an easy match next week” Ari smirks as he leans back in his chair. 
“Or they’ll attack harder next week” Andy warns “Never go into a match thinking it’ll be easy, you’ll get complacent and that's when the worse happens” the rest of the team hums in response taking his warning on board. 
“Barber is right, but before we jump into the game analysis there’s a couple of announcements” Coach Y/L/N says glancing at his watch with a sigh “She said she wouldn’t be late but… I'll get started anyway” he continues rolling his eyes “we have a new medic joining the team-”
At that exact moment the door to the video playback room opens, light streaming in which made Johnny hiss as it hit him directly in the eyes. When Chris’ eyes adjusted to the change in light they widened when he saw it was you standing in the door. What the hell were you doing here?
“Sorry, got a little lost” you apologise as you shut the door behind you and move towards Coach Y/L/N.
“So much for a good impression,” Coach Y/L/N smirks at you, earning a roll of the eyes, before he turns back towards the team “As I was saying we have a new medic, meet Y/N, she’s the best in the business even if I am a little biased”
Chris felt like his brain was short-circuiting, he wouldn't be surprised if sparks were flying from his head as his brain went into meltdown. Why were you here? Why did the coach talk to you like he was very familiar with you already?
“I’m sure you all will be very welcoming, but it’s my duty as a father to tell you all to keep it professional, Y/N is off-limits, that means no dating Storm” Coach Y/L/N warns pointing over to Johnny the known player on the team. 
Duty as a father? No way is Coach Y/L/N your dad, no way did Chris already break the off-limits rule.
“Dad” you complain quietly, glaring daggers at him, your face flushing. 
Chris was dead. He was dead. He will never see his team lift that championship trophy because he was about to be killed by his coach. 
His gaze shifted to you to see you were completely avoiding his gaze. He let out a small scoff as he crossed his arms and looked down. You knew. You knew who he was and how your father would react and you said nothing. You invited him back to your apartment knowing it would paint a target on his back. 
Chris was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice you leave until the door shut behind you. Even with your departure, Chris couldn’t focus, he just sat there the entire session stewing, kicking himself for being so stupid. He barely participated, many of the insights he noticed during his re-watches went unsaid. All he could think about was getting out of here, tracking you down and asking WHAT THE FUCK!
He had to bide his time though as straight after the analysis session was a gym session. Chris hoped that maybe some exercise would help him work through some of his anger at the situation but he was not so lucky because you were observing the session alongside Andy. 
Chris watched you as he did bicep curls, his teeth gritted not just in exertion but in frustration. You were barely paying him any attention, you were instead focussing on Johnny who was doing some weighted run across the gym. You were acting like he didn’t exist and it pissed him off. But not as much as when Andy said something to make you laugh, your hand landing on his arm as you threw your head back laughing. 
He finally got your attention when he dropped his weights back on the floor, the sound of them hitting the ground reverberating around the gym. Your brows furrowed slightly as you studied him for a second, only to turn your attention back to Andy. 
That pissed Chris off even more so even though he knew his leg still hurt he decided to join Johnny and do some weighted runs. That definitely got your attention, he could feel your eyes on his back as he strapped the trolley around his waist and prepared for his first sprint. When he turned back around he saw you watching him intensely, your brows furrowed slightly. 
Chris ignored you though, gave you a taste of your own medicine, and began his first run. He instantly felt the twinge of pain in his calf but he pushed through, he just needed the loosen the muscle up that's all. When he was done he pushed the trolley back to the start ready to start again. 
He went a few more times before his leg completely went forcing him to hop and come to a stop. You were instantly over to him kneeling down as he sat down on the floor to massage his poor calf. 
“You okay?” you ask tilting your head.
“Fine, just cramp” Chris huffs standing back up before you could do anything “Already gone” he states as he turns around and walks off to go back to biceps curls. 
He tried to just focus on his workout and not you nor the pain in his leg but he did catch you watching him a bit more intensely now. A flash of satisfaction shoots through him knowing that but he quickly pushes that down. 
When the session came to an end Chris was making his way out but Andy stepped in his way “Hey your leg doesn’t look good, go down to the medic and get it strapped and properly stretched out” he told him.
“It's fine” Chris huffs.
“That wasn’t a request” Andy states, his gaze turning hard. 
Chris huffs before suddenly realising this was his opportunity to confront you and find out exactly what had gone down. He gives Andy a quick knock before making his way to the medical room making his arrival known with a short sharp knock.
“Come in” he heard you call out from inside. 
Walking in Chris saw you crouched down by one of the cupboards sorting through some of the supplies. You glanced over to see who it was, eyes widening slightly when you saw it was him. 
“Here for the leg?” you ask standing up and brushing off your hands. 
“Amongst other things” Chris states crossing his arms across his chest. 
You arch a brow at him and gesture towards the bed “Sit down and let me take a look” you tell him.
Chris lets out another huff but does as you tell him moving over to the bed and jumping up. 
“So what does it feel like?” you ask pulling on some gloves and moving over towards him. 
“Tight” Chris huffs.
You furrow your brows at him as if you were confused as to why he was pissed “Right well it doesn’t feel like you’ve done any serious damage” you say as you feel his calf muscle “Just need to do some stretches and maybe skip leg day” you add with a knowing look. 
“Fine” Chris mutters as he pushes himself up from the bed, brushing past you. 
“Hey, what’s up? You’re acting like a bit of a dick” you huff turning around to face him. 
“What’s up?” Chris scoffs “You know damn well what’s up”
“No I don’t!” you exclaim looking at him in disbelief and confusion. 
“You knew exactly who I was and didn’t feel the need to tell me who you were! Your dad is going to kill me if he finds out what we did!” Chris whispers harshly, not wanting to raise his voice and bring attention to this conversation. 
“What? I didn’t hide anything” you exclaim, your brows nearly disappearing into your hairline. 
“Yes, you did you hid who you were from me” Chris hisses.
You look at him bewildered “Well I’m sorry I didn’t announce who my dad was but it was pretty fucking obvious, I told you I was a medic and came from a rugby family, you would have known the Bears were looking for a new medic” you argue gesturing wildly with your arms “it takes two to tango”
“I wouldn’t have tango’ed if I’d known” Chris growls stepping closer and cornering you back against the wall. 
“Oh come on you’re being ridiculous!” you complain “We’re grown-ass adults! I don’t need Daddy’s permission to sleep with someone”  Chris’ nostrils flare as he tries to think of a response “If you wanna feel better about it my dad said no dating, I don’t know about you but I don’t consider sex to be a full-blown relationship” you point out “casual sex or… friends with benefits is still on the table” you continue your head tilting slightly as your gaze changed from irritated to turned on. 
That seems to snap Chris out of his stupor “No, this…” he says gesturing between the two of you “is over”
“What just because coach said so?” you huff before taking a deep breath “Look,” you say holding your hands up “Saturday night was the most… fun, I’ve had in a while and I feel pretty confident to say you found it fun too”
Chris’ jaw clenches as tries to deny it but can’t, only this morning he was considering calling you to schedule round two. But knowing who your dad was changed everything, yeah he shouldn’t let his coach stop him from doing what he wanted to do but he had the championship to worry about.
“So if you change your mind, you know where to find me” you say standing up tall “Don’t forget your stretches” you add patting his chest as you brushed passed him and walked out of the medical room. 
Chris blinked a couple of times as he watched you go, completely bewildered at the change in tone. He was still pissed but when he put his hands on his hips and looked down he saw the evidence of the other emotion he was feeling being so close to you. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to quickly readjust himself.
“Behave” he grumbled to himself as he walked back out of the room
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Chris was so rilled up from training and his encounter with you that he felt close to bursting and needing a release. Exercising hadn’t helped, he couldn’t talk to his teammates about it. He considered talking to his mom about it but decided he needed someone with a bit more discretion. Frankly, he didn’t really want to talk about it either, he didn’t see how it would help, he just needed a distraction.
Hence why he was now standing outside his brother’s apartment building, repeatedly pressing the buzzer to get Scott’s attention.
“Alright, alright calm down” His brother’s voice finally came through over the intercom “Who is it?”
“It’s me” Chris huffs. 
“Sorry, I don’t know anyone named me” Scott replies making Chris groan in irritation, Scott knew exactly who he was and Chris wasn’t in the mood for games.
“Scott not now” Chris states his tone sharp.
“God what put you in a bad mood” Scott huffs, still not letting Chris into the building. 
“Right now, you” Chris grumbles “Now are you gonna let me in or not?” 
“What’s the magic word?” Scott asks in a singsongy tone.
“Scott” Chris growls in warning.
“Nope, incorrect,” Scott says. 
“Scott c’mon open up I’m not in the mood” Chris groans, hitting the buzzer again when he’s met with only silence “Scott!”
“What’s the magic word?” Scott asks again. 
Chris lets out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose “Please?” he’s met with silence again, silence that drags out long enough that Chris considers just giving up before he finally hears the sound of the door unlocking. 
“Finally” he mutters to himself as he pushes the door open and makes his way inside. 
When he reaches Scott’s floor, Scott is already standing waiting for him with his arms crossed “Bad training session?” he asks as Chris walks over.
“Something like that” Chris grumbles as they walk inside Scott’s apartment. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Scott asks as he closes the door behind them, Chris considers it for a moment before shaking his head “Right Beer and MarioKart it is then” Scott decides before walking towards the fridge. 
“Thanks” Chris says letting out a long sigh as he sits down on the couch and stretches out. 
For the next hour or so the Evans Brothers played race after race. It was pretty even who was winning which just made it get even more competitive, to the point where they decided to play Rainbow Road, the track neither of them were good at to crown the winner. 
It had been a good distraction up until that point, but every time Chris’ character fell off the track his mind would wander until it was near impossible not to talk about it.
“I slept with the Coach’s daughter” he finally announces. 
It catches Scott off guard so much so that he spits out his beer, and his character plummets from the track. Scott turns to face Chris, the race now completely forgotten. 
“You did what?” he blinks. 
“In my defence, I didn’t know who she was and she didn’t tell me either” Chris reasons.
“Damn, does the coach know?” Scott asks as he wipes the rest of the beer from his face. 
“No, but when he introduced her to the team he gave a pretty clear warning to stay away” Chris explains.
Scott’s brows furrow in confusion, his head tilting “Why would he introduce her? Isn’t that just asking for trouble?” he asks.
“Because she’s the new medic” Chris explains.
Scott’s lips form a small ‘o’ in understanding before a smirk grows on his lips “You still like her, don’t you? You want the forbidden fruit”
“No” Chris grumbled but even he could hear how unconvincing he sounded. 
“Okay, if she wasn’t the coach’s daughter would you want to sleep with her again?” Scott asks with a knowing look. 
“I mean yeah” Chris admits with a shrug of his shoulders “but she is so I can’t”
“What does she think about all this?” Scott then asks. 
“She doesn’t care, says he can’t stop her from doing what she wants” Chris answers shaking his head “And she pointing out that he said no dating, he didn’t say no hook-ups or anything casual”
“I mean she’s got a point, you’re both adults if you wanna sleep with her and she wants to sleep with you there’s no problem” Scott shrugs. 
Chris looks at his brother in disbelief, he thought Scott would be on his side “The problem is that we have a championship to win, I can’t let a girl mess with that by getting in my head” Chris argues.
“Sounds like she’s already in there” Scott mutters as he takes a sip of his beer. 
“Not anymore, me and her are over” Chris states “It was a mistake that I’m never repeating again no matter how good it was”
Scott quietly snorts shaking his head “Yeah you tell yourself that” 
That evening when Chris got home, despite talking to Scott and making the decision that he’d never sleep with you again, he still felt restless. He’d taken Dodger for a long walk to see if that helped, it didn’t. He actually managed to wear the poor pup out which was a feat. 
No matter what he tried he just couldn’t get you off his mind. What really didn’t help was doing the stretches he needed to do to get rid of the tightness in his leg. If he could he would just ignore the direction and let his leg heal on its own but he had to get himself match ready. 
When he was finally done he decided to go have a shower to cool off, he needed to get you off his mind. If he couldn't get you out of his head before the next game he would be screwed. He couldn’t be distracted, he needed to be at the top of his game and not make any mistakes. 
Stepping inside his shower he almost instantly turned the temperature down. He knew he should be using hot water to help his muscles relax but cold water felt much better right about now. 
Except for the fact, it wasn’t really working and when he glanced down he groaned when he saw his cock standing proud. He tried to ignore it and just focus on what he needed to do but it was growing impossible with every second. 
He just needed a release that’s all. It had absolutely nothing to do with you it was just a release. As long as he didn’t think about you it would be completely fine. 
He repeated that to himself as he wrapped his hand around his erection and started working his hand up and down. His eyes fluttered shut as a groan escaped his lips. Yes, this was exactly what he needed. 
As he continued to work himself his mind began to wander, picturing your hand around his cock instead. As soon as he realised what he was doing he stopped himself, shaking his head trying to rid that image from his mind but it only got stronger.
Before he knew it he was picturing you down on your knees, your lips wrapped around his cock. He let out a long moan bracing himself against the wall as he pictured you taking him down your throat, your hand cupping his balls. 
“Fuck” Chris groaned as he started pumping himself faster. 
His daydreams about you only got more vivid, all of his senses betraying him. He could have sworn he could feel your nails digging into the back of his thighs, the feel of your hair in his hands as he guided you. He could smell the scent of your arousal that just made him want to turn your around and fuck you from behind. He could hear your moans and feel the vibrations of them around his cock. 
“Ah shit” he curses as he finally came, his spend hitting the shower wall. 
His chest heaved as he came down from his high, his eyes screwed shut and presses his forehead against the cool tile. The image of you was still flashing in his mind, the way you’d lick up every last drop he gave you, the way you’d look up at him through your lashes with a playful smirk that guaranteed he’d be hard again in no time at all. 
Eventually, the image of you faded and Chris opened his eyes, finding him still alone in the shower. The ice-cold water stung his back. He let out a long sigh as he quickly cleaned himself up and stepped out of the shower. 
He caught sight of himself in the mirror as he wrapped a towel around his face. Even he could see the distracted look on his face. He’d found a release but he wasn’t ready to admit it wasn’t the one he’d been craving. It had taken the edge off but something was still lingering. 
He just prayed it would be enough and soon enough the craving would go entirely. 
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readerthatreadsss · 11 months
Sweet Fantasy | Dean Winchester
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GIF by born-to-be-his-baby88
(gave myself an actual pat on the fucking back for finding this gif like y'all are gonna see how perfect it is in a second!)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem! reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: Dean won't eat his vegetables...until you offer to cash in on a very recent fantasy of his, that is.
Warnings [18+ MINORS DNI]: P*rn w/ some solid plot action actually, a bit of domestic fluff sprinkled in, reader and Dean are married (don't know if that's a warning but you should know?), reader dresses up in a sexy Zorro costume with the hat and mask included, handcuffs (Dean receiving), mentions of a safeword but not used, fingering/masturbation (reader receiving), oral sex (brief Dean receiving), a whole lotta teasing (Dean receiving), p in v sex (cowgirl, missionary), unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you fuck her silly!), dirty talk, switch! Dean, switch! reader, very vocal Dean, brief choking (Dean receiving), creampie.
A/n: Hey! Sorry for disappearing for 3 months again...So classes finished almost 2 months ago and I've been wracking my brain about what to post. I tried finishing some of my drafts and it just wasn't working for me idk. Then, like any normal person, I was randomly watching some SPN bloopers this morning and it got to a scene where Dean said sometimes he wants to get spanked during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask and my brain ran with that shit IMMEDIATELY. Now, I'm so sorry I couldn't actually write him actually getting spanked without it sounding corny and just wrong to me? But I did write all of this in 7 hours without stopping so I'm honestly proud of it regardless.
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It was a Sunday evening in the bunker, meaning you were responsible for dinner. With that task came the additional task of getting Dean to eat whatever vegetables you cooked without complaining and engaging in a rant that would end with him calling himself the “meat man”.
It’s not that you were concerned about Dean's weight or appearance, after 7 years of marriage you were confident that there was nothing in the world that could make you love Dean Winchester any less. But having a steady diet of beer, beef, and pie was a surefire way to kill any man of Dean’s age faster than any monster or demon.
And God knows you’d do anything to ensure he didn’t die before his time.
Hell, you have before.
Which is why you made Dean agree to eat a side of only vegetables with whatever meat he wanted at least once a week. This week it was string beans and sautéed mushrooms, aka his least favorite vegetable.
But you didn’t have the time to make the 45-minute drive to the grocery store earlier that day so he would have to deal.
Or you wish he would deal…
“Mushrooms? Baby come on,” he complained when you placed his plate before him.
“Hey, it’s all that was left in the fridge. Eat up,” you shrugged, placing a kiss on the crown of his head.
“You know, we could always do no vegetables,” Dean offered with a wide grin.
You chuckled and used a finger to squish his stubbled cheek. “You wish, Winchester.”
He sighed in defeat and turned to pick up his fork.
You looked to make sure Sam was out of earshot before leaning down to where your lips grazed Dean’s ear. “Tell you what, if you eat those vegetables I’ll do that thing you told me about…later” you whispered.
Dean’s eyes lit up immediately, “The thing?” he harshly whispered.
You nodded with a smile.
“Costume and everything?” He made a gesture with his hands.
“Yup, I’ve been hiding the costume for weeks.”
“I’m game” Dean agreed, digging into the mushrooms first.
You turned away to share your own plate with a smile.
“I’m gonna go grocery shopping later,” Sam announced as he sat beside Dean with his plate. He met your eyes, “Anything else you forgot to put on the list?”
“Yeah stop at the liquor store and grab me a bottle of red? I ran out,” you answered sitting across from the boys with your plate.
Sam grabbed a pen and a piece of folded paper from his pocket and added it to his list, “Yeah, no problem. What brand again?”
You swallowed a piece of your chicken with a smirk. “I’m sure you already know seeing as you’re the one who emptied the bottle to the very last drop,” you addressed Sam.
His pen slipped from his grip, his green eyes widening to meet your narrowed ones.
“You drink red wine?” Dean pointed at Sam in disbelief as a laugh rumbled in his chest.
“How did you know?” He asked you, ignoring Dean’s quip.
“I saw you passed out in the library clutching the bottle the other night.”
“Listen Dean finished all the beer and it was the first thing I saw,” he defended himself.
“Oh, you’re getting more creative with your excuses. I'm impressed!” You gushed, sarcasm evident in your tone, “What was it again last week? ‘Oh Eileen wanted to taste some’ " you mimicked his gruff tone causing him to roll his eyes and Dean’s laughter to grow louder. “-when we all know that Eileen is a white wine type of gal.”
"I-" Sam tried to come up with a retort but eventually gave up. “Whatever.”
“Yeah pick up 3 bottles this time in case Eileen wants a taste,” you replied with a grin.
“Three bottles?!” He exclaimed.
“You aren’t the one paying for it, genius,” you reminded him, referring to the unlimited card Charlie hacked for you all those years ago.
“Yeah but I’m gonna have to lug it up here,” Sam mumbled as he stuck his fork into his chicken.
Dinner continued mostly in silence with Sam thinking about the two lousy trips he’d have to make between his car and the kitchen once he returns with the groceries, Dean thinking about the reward he’ll be getting for the vegetables he’s actually grown used to eating, and y/n thinking about all the ways she’s gonna make Dean squirm later.
~ ~ ~
Hours had passed since dinner and Sam was now on his way to the grocery store leaving just you and Dean in the bunker.
To say he was excited would be an understatement.
Dean first told you about this fantasy of his after a case you had months ago required you to take a trip to an adult costume shop to question the owner. It took mere seconds for the image of you in the very specific costume to cross his mind after laying eyes on the packaging.
You laughed at the idea when he told you and silently decided you would try and find the costume.
Of course, he didn’t believe you would actually indulge him but you were actually excited too. Costumes and toys weren’t new territory for you and Dean but they were few and far between with your unpredictable hunting schedules.
Dean now sat at the edge of your shared bed wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt waiting for you to return like you had promised.
But it had been almost 20 minutes since you left to get changed and his patience was wearing thin. He was seconds away from getting up and coming to see if you needed help or if you were even hurt.
Which you predicted would be the case.
So you had been standing out of sight by the doorway for less than a minute now waiting for him to try and leave.
“Damnit,” Dean eventually gave in to his worries and began to make his way to the door.
You smirked once you heard his determined steps drawing closer.
Dean’s eyes widened once you spun from your hiding spot against the wall to stand before him. “Looking for me?”
You watched his throat bob and his pupils dilate as he took in your full look.
Atop your head and face rested a sexy black Zorro mask and matching hat. You were also wearing a black sleeveless leather top that stopped in your midriff region and had strings tied between your breasts that allowed a whole lot of cleavage to be on display. The leather skirt that accompanied was low-waisted and stopped at your upper thigh, matching the black thong you were wearing beneath.
You had stretched the thin straps of the thong along your hips above the skirt for added flair.
In your right hand, you held a fake silver sword similar to the one Zorro held in the movies, and hanging from the left side of your skirt were two handcuffs ready and waiting to be used.
You were sex on knee-length boot-covered legs.
Dean felt himself growing hard already.
You bit your bottom lip at the way your husband’s eyes roamed your body, hoping the dark red lipstick covering it was as transfer and waterproof as the box advertised.
“You look...stunning,” Dean marveled. The model on the packaging of the costume didn’t come close to how it looked on your body.
Your heart swelled at the compliment before remembering the persona you had practiced for the night ahead. “Oh I know,” you took a step closer and leaned against the doorway. You pointed the sword in Dean’s direction. “Why are you still dressed, Dean?” you asked with furrowed brows and a smile.
A chuckle almost left your lips at the sight of Dean fumbling with his pant strings and tripping over his own legs to send the pajama bottoms flying over to a random corner while throwing off his t-shirt with record speed.
He stood before you in only his boxers, his enjoyment of your costume evident by the bulge in the center.
“Get on the bed.” You told him, your tone not excessively commanding but sexy enough to make him obey immediately.
“Yes ma’am,” he smirked, quickly sitting and sliding up to the headboard of the bed.
You walked further into the room and placed your sword down before climbing onto the bed and slowly crawling to where Dean sat. His green eyes followed your every move as you moved to straddle him, but not fully.
You then grabbed the two pairs of handcuffs attached to your hips and twirled them around your fingers. “How you feeling Dean?” you checked in, your hips hovering above his thighs, making sure to not touch his erection just yet.
“Oh, I feel great. Real great. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this great,” he nodded eagerly as you cuffed each of his hands to each bedpost, getting a face full of your boobs in the process.
"You sound nervous," you teased him, "Am I making you nervous baby?"
"Me? Nervous? Pfft!"
You scoffed, not believing him one bit. "What's our safe word?" you asked him gently.
Dean leaned forward as much as his restraints would allow to press a sweet kiss against your stomach. " 'Oklahoma', baby," he grinned.
You then let your clothed ass sink down on his covered erection. Dean groaned and tried to reach for your hips instinctively only to meet the restriction of the handcuffs. “I hope they aren’t too tight 'cause they’re gonna be on there for a while,” you nearly bust out laughing at the look Dean gave you.
“A while?” he repeated, dreading not being able to touch you at a time like this.
You shrugged, “If you behave I might change my mind.”
Before he could argue further, you leaned forward and connected your lips in a searing kiss. His breath was hot against your face as your lips drifted to his neck while your hands found themselves in his hair.
A breathy groan slipped past his lips when you nipped a specific spot beneath his ear lobe. “You’re so loud. Maybe I should’ve bought a muzzle,” you whispered in his ear teasingly, feeling his dick jump beneath you at your words. “I'll remember that next time,” you replied to his body's response.
“Baby, do you have any idea how amazing you look? ” Dean gushed, struggling against his restraints as you began to grind your hips against his covered cock.
You smiled and met his lips in a kiss once again. He slipped his tongue between your welcoming lips, allowing his taste to flood your mouth. You pulled away seconds later, nipping his bottom lip, and removed yourself from his lap.
He watched nervously, awaiting your next move while you scooted farther away from him along the bed. You slowly slipped off your boots, your confidence unwavering as you held Dean’s hungry stare.
He watched you use a hand to hold yourself upright before spreading your legs open to reveal the lace thong covering your already-drenched pussy. “Are you about to..." he trailed off, jaw clenched as he spoke.
"Hmm mhm. And there is not a damn thing you can do about it...except watch," you slowly removed your thong and threw it at Dean’s lap. He immediately became hyperaware of the feeling of the wet lace draped over his dick.
You slowly brought two fingers up to your lips and sucked them even slower to coat them in your saliva and give Dean a show before bringing them down to where you needed them the most. You began slow ministrations against your aching clit, pulling moans from yourself that made Dean impossibly harder.
He took a deep breath at the sight, imagining his own fingers parting your folds and rubbing at your swollen clit.
“You are a menace,” Dean laughed in obvious distress, licking his dried lips. He couldn’t handle watching you touch yourself without being able to touch you any longer so he looked away, swallowing harshly at the sound of your wetness against your fingers.
“Look at me Dean,” you mewled, continuing to rub your pussy in small quick circles. He turned reluctantly, watching as you slowly pushed two fingers inside your dripping hole. “See this, baby? It’s all for you,” you said, melting into a moan when your fingers grazed a spot inside you that drew your orgasm closer.
“I gotta taste you, baby,” Dean pleaded, “Open these and let me taste you, please,” he rattled the handcuffs against the bedposts.
The pure agony in his voice had your fingers and breathing speeding up and soon your climax was approaching. Dean’s breathing picked up in response. “Fuck, Dean I’m gonna cum,” you moaned, pressing a thumb to your clit while your fingers kept working inside of you to bring you to the edge.
A thin layer of sweat appeared on Dean’s forehead as he watched you keenly. He bit his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, his self-control draining by the second.
Your eyes remained open and locked onto his, your moans growing louder and borderline pornographic. You were putting on a show and he was losing his mind.
“I’m cumming, fuck-“ you panted as your first orgasm of the night slammed into you and caused you to make a small mess on the sheets beneath you. Your body shook sporadically with aftershocks of your own work
Dean’s head hung low. “Jesus baby,” he huffed, his own voice strangled, “you’re trying to give me a heart attack aren’t you?”
You smiled as you crawled back up to sit on Dean’s lap, taking your thong and throwing them somewhere unseen. “Ehh maybe,” you replied coyly, straightening your hat and mask. “And since you behaved so well,” you reached a hand down to touch his clothed cock, “I think you deserve a reward,” you pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
Dean allowed you to pull his boxers off his body, watching you wrap a hand around his painfully erect cock. “Fuck,” he groaned at the feeling of your hand wrapped around him.
You slid down to where you could lay flat on your stomach between his legs and leaned down to briefly swirl your tongue around where precum was gathered at the tip.
“Take the hat off and look at me pretty girl,” Dean said.
You complied, throwing the hat off to the edge of the bed before diving down and licking his tip once again, but this time keeping your eyes locked onto his.
“Holy shit,” Dean groaned, his hips twitching upwards. You then opened your mouth and wrapped it around his length, slowly sliding down until your nose was nuzzled at the base, staying there for a few seconds before coming back up for air. “Hell yes, baby that's perfect,” he panted as you began sucking faster along his length, a few lone tears flowing from beneath the mask from the familiar stretch of his cock in your throat.
Your head continued to bob up and down Dean’s length for some time, drawing shallow moans of your name and grunts from him before you finally let up and pressed one last kiss against the side of his cock.
Dean’s chest heaved as you licked your lips and used a hand to wipe your face clean. “Goddamnit," he whined at your sudden stop, feeling his impending orgasm return to its hiding place.
You grabbed your previously discarded Zorro hat and placed it back on your head before hiking your skirt up to allow you more room to move your legs around Dean’s lap. “Can’t have you cumming before I’m done with you sweetheart,” you replied while untying the strings of your top and removing it.
The keys to the handcuffs dropped onto Dean’s lap from where you previously hid them in your top. You had honestly forgotten you put them there but it just presented yet another opportunity to get Dean all whiny and desperate, which was a rarity that you rather enjoyed.
“Oops would you look at that,” you exclaimed playfully, taking them up and dangling them in front of Dean’s eyes.
"Alright baby you broke me. Come on, just let me go, and trust me, I will make it worth your while,” Dean bargained with you.
"As enticing as that sounds," you paused and brought your hand up to caress Dean’s cheek before pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. You pulled away with a grin. “I love hearing you beg, so no,” you whispered against his lips.
Dean loudly groaned watching you gently place the keys down on the closest nightstand. “Shit,” he shut his eyes.
But they shortly shot open once you used a hand to grip his length and bring it between your dripping folds.
A pleased hum left your lips once the tip glazed your clit causing Dean to swallow harshly. “Aren’t you sick of teasing me,” he hissed.
Fuck no.
You used a free hand to grip the back of his hair. “Take a deep breath for me, Dean,” you told him, feeling his chest rise against yours soon after. And as it fell, you slipped his cock inside your entrance.
You slowly sank down onto his length until it was fully buried inside you, groaning at the welcomed stretch.
“I love those sounds you make for me,” Dean whispered against your lips.
“Oh you’re gonna be making some of those sounds too,” you smirked, clenching around him causing a sharp grunt to reach your ears.
You guided your hips up and down Dean’s length, riding him at a quickening pace. He jerked his hips upward to match your cadence drawing a gasp from your lips when his cock hit that spot inside you that had you seeing stars. “There you go baby,” Dean groaned, “you look so fucking good riding my cock.”
The hat and mask from your costume managed to stay in place as you slammed down on Dean’s cock repeatedly. And it was an image that he would never forget.
Your hand released Dean’s hair and instead found itself wrapped around Dean’s neck as you rode him faster. A whine that shot straight to your cunt escaped his lips when your fingers slightly tightened their grip around his throat.
You suddenly slowed down and instead began to grind your hips against his, moaning loudly when your clit grazed his pelvis. “I’m gonna cum again shit!” You threw your head back in obscene pleasure, releasing Dean's throat and holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself.
“Fuck yes. Use my cock to get off, sweetheart,” Dean urged you on before leaning forward to suck one of your nipples as best as he could.
This soon pushed you over the edge, your climax tearing a scream from within you as your hips faltered around Dean’s cock, your hat flying off your head once more. Dean relished in the way your cunt pulsed around him from your orgasm as well as the look of sheer pleasure that crossed your face at that moment. “You’re so beautiful,” he smiled up at you, meaning every word.
You kissed his forehead with a smile and reached for the handcuff keys. “I think I’ve tortured you enough,” you freed his right hand first, pressing a kiss against his wrist, then did the same to his left, “This is supposed to be a reward after all.”
Dean’s lips curved into a smirk at his newfound freedom. “Yes it is, sweetheart.”
A surprised yelp left your lips when Dean gripped your hips and flipped you onto your back. He grabbed your hat and placed it on his own head before sending you a wink. “And I’m not feeling rewarded just yet.”
You nearly came just from the sight of Dean hovering above you in only that hat. “We’re gonna have to talk about my sexy cowboy fantasy when we’re done here,” you raised a brow.
A low chuckle echoed from Dean’s chest. He reached up and tipped his hat in your direction, “yes ma’am.” He replied with a deep southern drawl.
Your pussy clenched instantly.
“That was hot as fuck,” you breathed.
“Thank you darlin’ “ he replied in the same accent with a wink.
You giggled before pulling him down for a kiss. He pulled away and touched the mask still wrapped around your eyes. “And thank you for doing this for me, baby,” he smiled down at you, “It was so so much better than I imagined.”
“It was definitely my pleasure,” you nodded happily, feeling his hands glide down your sides.
“Was?” He protested playfully. “The night is still young, sweetheart!” He threw your legs over his shoulder causing you to exclaim at the sudden move. He placed a kiss on each of your thighs and lined himself up with your entrance before entering you once again.
“FUCK” you cried out at the sudden intrusion, feeling your eyes well up with tears of pleasure in record time.
Dean pulled out and slammed into you once again, his grip on your legs tightening as he eased into a quick pace.
“YES-Dean holy shit,” you moaned, eyes quickly rolling to the back of your head and back arching up and off the bed as he fucked you with reckless abandon.
“How’s it feeling baby?” Dean said, bringing a hand down to play with your clit.
“So good, Dean, so fucking good,” you rambled, your skin buzzing with pleasure, “Harder, please, I'm almost there,” you found yourself begging.
“You gonna cum for me already pretty girl?” He sped up his slaughter on your cunt, "Maybe I should make you beg for it?" his voice was low and demeaning but only spurred you on more.
You shook your head adamantly while your hands fumbled around Dean's waist for a solid grip. So he simply released your legs and grabbed your hands before holding them down above your head, driving his cock into you even harder at this new angle.
“Dean!" you broke off into a strangled moan.
Dean’s lips attacked your open neck. “I wish we had neighbors so they could hear you screaming my fucking name,” he all but growled as the sounds of your moans and skin against skin plagued the air.
You came with a yell seconds later, your release coating Dean’s cock and the sheets. “That’s my girl. There you go baby,” he released your hands and held your face, guiding you down from your high.
Your hands gripped Dean’s hair harshly as you kissed his lips and his hips stuttered, his cum coating your insides soon after. You swallowed his grunts as his cock continued to leak and twitch inside you.
Broken pants befell both your lips in between sloppy kisses while your orgasms passed and your shared spend flowed between your legs. You eventually released his lips for air, “That was-“
“-Incredible,” he mirrored your thoughts, removing your hat from his head. Dean used a hand to remove your mask and brush a few strands of hair behind your ears once he moved to lie down beside you.
“Hi,” you grinned in awe of the man you called your husband. “Hey sweetness,” he grinned back, adoration evident in his deep green eyes.
Your cheeks flushed as he pressed a kiss against your forehead. He quickly grabbed his previously discarded t-shirt and used it to clean up the mess between your legs before throwing it in the laundry basket nearby.
You snuggled into his side once he returned to the bed.
“So uhh what was it you were saying about your cowboy kink?” Dean smugly asked after a few seconds.
“Goddamnit Dean,” you shamefully groaned into his side, gaining a chuckle from him.
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Hope it wasn't too bad seeing as I gave up on editing it like 75% through it.
Tbh I highly doubt more than 20 people are gonna see this because I have no idea how strong the Supernatural fandom's presence is on here, which also means that I don't know if anyone has used a plot like this one before so don't be afraid to let me know if that is the case and I will make changes as I see fit!
(Also let me know if you want a sequel one shot with sexycowboy! Dean and reader. Or feel free to make any other requests)
Reblogs, likes, and comments are ALWAYS appreciated :)
divider creds : @cafekitsune
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storiesofsvu · 5 months
Solace in Solitude Ch 7
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Eventual Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol, nicotine and weed consumption, mentions of trauma/death, nightmares & anxiety. Yup!! She is back y'all!! Let's just say I got very bored of writing for bingo, things are not very Christmasey around here so I decided to try and finish this entire thing by New Year's. Now, i doubt that'll happen, but i'm still aiming for a chapter per day meaning 4-5 more chapters by NYE which honestly is just under what I have planned for this series. I wanted this one to be better, I can't lie, but in the new year we will move on to a new series and it will be wonderful! Happy Holidays!!
Emily kept her braids in until the next time her hair needed to be washed, if you had said anything she would say it was purely out of convenience and nothing else. But she knew that she actually liked it, she felt as if a new style was something that would help her move on to a new phase of life, not to mention you were a wizard when it came to braiding her slowly growing bangs into the braids and keeping them off her face. A new, different look was her way of leaning into Valerie, making herself more comfortable with the idea of everything and sticking around Paris while she waited for it to all come to an end.
She finally had enough energy to get out of the apartment, making it down the block to the corner store to pick up a few things. You’d been working later and longer hours, mentioning something about picking up a new research project in passing one day (that or you were hiding at the hospital, she wasn’t entirely sure). Thanks to that, things around the apartment had started to get a little on the lacking side when it came to chores. Emily didn’t mind, she spent most of the time in her room anyway and she could always get food delivered. But she did feel a bit bad if she wasn’t contributing at all, especially considering the last time she washed her hair you wordlessly braided it without her even having to ask.
So she’d began using her daily out of the house walks to not only get some more energy and strength back, but to pick up a few things for the apartment. Some days it was food, others coffee and she’d taken up the habit of replacing the flowers in the living room whenever they started to wilt. It was another small change in her routine that was helping her feel more human once again and she was finally starting to get comfortable being outside and not being completely on edge the entire time. She used the time to start upping her profiling skills again, the city streets of Paris the perfect place to grab a cup of coffee and people watch. She didn’t really care if she was correct with her hypothesises, it got her brain working again and she felt bad whenever she caught herself profiling you at home.
That didn’t mean she couldn’t tell that you were getting more tired with each day that went by, mentally drained by living the life you hadn’t chosen. She knew that one all too well at this point. So she did her best to keep the apartment in order without overworking herself and keeping out of your way, which in the long run was benefitting her too.
Currently Emily was out on the balcony, her usual home for the time in the evenings when you overlapped and her second favourite place to people watch from. The sun had already began its decent, the sky painted with colours of teal and purple when she heard the door open and shut inside the apartment. Her eyes flicked to the cigarette in her hand, wondering if she should stub it out before you saw it but figured she was already ratted out by the scent wafting through the air, not to mention the half pack of butts in the ash tray. She took another drag of it, watching a family of three on the street below her, the girl in between her parents, a hand holding each of them as she skipped her way down the sidewalk and her lips curved up into a brief grin. The thought of setting out on a nice family adventure on a Friday night, her imagination took hold, ideas flowing through her brain about the multitude of places they could be headed.
She was broken out of the daydream by the sound of you quite literally kicking off your shoes and throwing your bag into your room. The tell tale sign of what she first thought was the fridge opening, the sound of ice cubes being dumped into a glass proving her wrong, that you’d gone for the freezer instead, the glug of the high end bourbon you’d stashed in the pantry flowing into her ears next. She thought the next sound would be the closing of your bedroom door as you disappeared for the night and nearly jumped when you stepped out onto the balcony beside her, swiping the back of cigarettes from the small table. It happened so fast she couldn’t even let out a noise of objection before you spoke, snagging the lit cigarette from practically between her lips.
“Give me that.” You muttered.
“I- hey!” She groaned, her brow furrowing when she looked up at you to find you using her smoke to light your own, the pack already back on the table.
Before she could fully process what was going on her cigarette was back between her fingers and you were dropping into the empty chair, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you sunk even deeper into it. She let silence overtake the balcony so you could use the time to decompress, shift from your doctor self into your home self and no doubt relax a little bit. She finished her smoke, stubbing it out in the ash tray not long after you’d lit yours. She debated going back inside but felt like her skin was still itching, desperate for more nicotine so without even glancing in your direction she picked up the pack, pulling the lighter from her pocket to light a second one while she prepared for the nagging she was about to receive. Instead you simply took another drag, shoulders sagging as smoke slipped from your lips into the cooling night air.
“Nothing, really?” She couldn’t help herself, nearly laughing as she pocketed the lighter, “I thought you of all people would be coming out here to lecture me about the dangers of smoking.”
You let out a scoff of a laugh, “it’s fucking France, everyone smokes.” Your eyes flicked down to the ash tray and your lips curved into a frown, “I won’t lecture you but you might wanna slow down on how many you have per day.”
“Not exactly like I have much else to do.”
“Yeah well, find a hobby or something.” You took another drag, “there’s a bakery two streets over with the best stuff in the city. You could make your walks longer.”
“Hmm.” Emily replied, the acknowledgement that she had been leaving the house and helping out was all either of you needed to discuss on the matter. You weren’t in the mood to be the rule maker right now, that was very clear.
Silence took over the balcony once more and as much as she didn’t mean to, Emily’s eyes flickered over to you, examining your body language, her profiler gears turning. You looked even more mentally tired than you had the last time she’d seen you, not that there were bags under your eyes, but the look of utmost defeat within them. You sunk down so deep into the chair, pulling your legs up into it, curling around yourself as if to protect yourself from the outside world. Your gaze lingered on the skyline, not daring to dart down to the street where people occasionally milled below and every drag of the cigarette between your fingers was long, deep, like someone who desperately needed a more intense vice they hadn’t indulged in in years.
“Rough day?” She finally asked, her voice soft, quiet enough you could ignore it if you wanted to.
“Yeah.” You replied, flicking the ash off your smoke while you glanced down, sighing heavily. “Lost a patient.” Emily watched as your staring contest with the sky ended and your eyes flitted through the street beneath you, “little girl, couldn’t have been more than eight. Came in ‘cause she fell off her bike, complaining of arm pain, admitting doctor said she was wearing a helmet and the initial exam was clear. She was alert, talkative, just the cutest fucking thing, reminded me a lot of my sister at that age. We figured it was a broken arm and were waiting for the x-ray line up to clear up to confirm.” You took a heavy breath, a long drag of your smoke and Emily knew the twist was coming, “turned out the Dad was lying to Mom about the helmet, he didn’t want to get in trouble for not enforcing the rules, thought it didn’t matter that the poor girl bonked her head. We didn’t catch the brain bleed in time…” You trailed off, your eyes glassy as they returned to the sky.
“I’m so sorry…” Emily whispered and you shook your head,
“A family doesn’t come back from that. Guilt’ll eat you alive, Mom’ll likely never forgive Dad, he’ll go insane trying to right a wrong he can’t fix.”
“Can only hope he takes it out on himself and not someone else.” She muttered, shaking her own head and she instantly felt your eyes on her.
“You see a lot of that in your line of work?”
“Unfortunately, yeah.” She sighed, “something like today would be a stressor, it builds up higher and higher, fucks with your brain until you can’t take it anymore and it just sparks an explosion. He’s never gonna be able to look at another little girl on a bike again. He’ll see parents who let their kids ride without helmets as unfit, villains, could start lashing out towards them, likely verbally at first before a trigger hits. Could be divorce papers, could be the family ostracizing him, one month, six month, one year anniversary of her death, then he loses it…”
“Mmm.” In any other situation you would have been impressed by the way her brain worked, but right now all you were consumed by was grief, a weak laugh escaping through your lips as you should your head, “god we’re depressing.”
“At least you don’t have to sleep during the day.” She muttered and you let out a small laugh.
“We can adjust your meds again.” You replied before you glanced down to your smoke, your head titling before you looked up at Emily, “though there is something else we haven’t tried…. I mean, we’re already smoking.”
It took a moment for the realization to wash over her, her eyes widening when she realized what you were talking about, “is that legal here?” She whipped her phone out, hastily typing before she nearly shot you a glare, “no! It is not.”
“Oh don’t be a fucking narc,” you rolled your eyes, your voice quieting to not be overheard, “you’re not a fucking fed right now, and it’s fine if it’s medical.”
“That’s gotta be some kind of illegal abuse of your medical licence.”
“Yeah well… I wasn’t the one who shot some guy’s ear off for a threat.” You deadpanned and Emily choked on her words, grimacing as she settled back in her chair instead of trying to stop you as you stood, “a couple of puffs now, we’ll eat a late dinner, finish the joint and go to bed. If it helps you sleep, I’ll get you a prescription.”
“Fine.” She grumbled, willing to try anything at this point to get her back to a normal schedule, knowing that one day she was going to have to work through the day and sleep through the night again. She couldn’t keep this up forever.
You’d been the first to tap out, the exhaustion of a full work day on top of the glass of bourbon and weed, once your stomach was full, you were down for the count, saying goodnight and quickly heading to your bedroom. Emily felt fine, a little cloudy but relaxed, comforted almost and she knew it was probably not the greatest idea but she sipped on a glass of wine after you went to bed, feeling the night sink into the city. She thought nothing of it as she went through her normal nighttime routine, even though it was hours earlier, her eyes were drooping, it was at least time for a nap. She locked the balcony door behind her, washed the couple of dishes in the sink, filled up a glass of water and made sure the alarm was set. She washed her face, brushed her teeth and took whatever meds she normally did before bed and curled up under the blankets, letting out a soft sigh as she did so, sleep taking over much quicker than normal.
The major conflict being that Emily’s body was used to the new sleep schedule she’d implemented, the one that started at dawn and went ‘til dusk. Meaning it had been roughly twelve hours, not twenty four since she’d last taken her meds and even with the added weed, she’d only been awake four hours by the time you got home, there was no way it was actually bedtime for her. She could practically feel herself tossing and turning, her mind racing as images began to plague her dreams.
Though this time it wasn’t just Ian, they were at the villa, there was a weird haze over the entire thing but she was playing with Declan, wide smile on her face as he laughed while she chased him around. At first she looked like Lauren; Declan was as small as she remembered until Ian showed up and a darkness enveloped the room. She could feel her heart pounding, a gasp escaping her lips as she frantically looked around for the boy who was suddenly nowhere to be seen. Unlike the last nightmare this time it was as if she was having an out of body experience, watching the entire thing like it was a movie. She watched the fear spread across her own face as her hair darkened, became straighter, bruises started to purple up on her skin as Ian laughed at her.
“You’ll never find him. You’ll never be able to protect him.” He jeered, “he’s my boy after all. You gave up that chance, didn’t you?”
Blood started to stain her shirt, forming a circle on her lower abdomen before she let out a groan, hands shooting to the wound, trying to hold it together as red streaks began to drip down her clothing. She couldn’t help but collapse to her knees, choking on her own breath as she tried to speak, desperate to find the boy before he did.
“Declan….” She cried out.
Instead of his perfect blue eyes popping up from behind the couch, Ian’s hand wrapped around her throat, forcing her face up to his.
“He is my son.” He spat, “and nothing, not even you, will keep me from him.”
“Em!” A voice rang out, a hand closed around her shoulder and she could see it, the bodyless limb in her nightmare as she continued to sob. She felt like she was going to throw up, “Emily!” It repeated, this time louder, “hey! Wake up!” Her vision began to spin, blurring as the scene in front of her slowly vanished and suddenly she was jolted into her Parisian bedroom, the nightstand light on, casting a glow though the room and she realized it was your voice that was soothing her. “Hey… I’m here.. it’s okay.” You assured her, watching the way she slowly blinked to life, her chest heaving as her eyes darted around the room and she instantly shot up, shuffling back on the bed as if she was about to be hit.
“I-“ she struggled to find the words, her eyes flicking from each spot of the room that was a little too dark for comfort to the window, making sure it was shut before she felt your hand on hers, your thumb soothing across the back of it.
“You’re okay.” You repeated, “he doesn’t know where you are. You’re safe, I promise.”
She took a moment, calming her heavy breaths, not even bothering to wipe the tears away as she fought against every instinct in her to run out of the room right then. Grounding herself by the warmth of your hand on hers, the weight of your body next to her on the bed, knowing that this was reality, not the scene in her head moments prior. Once you could tell she was back on earth your free hand reached out to the nightstand, flicking through her pill bottles until you found the anti anxiety, twisting it open to hand her one.
“Here.” She took it from you, popping it under her tongue and waiting for it to dissolve. “You’ll feel better in a bit, get some rest.” You began to shift from the bed, knowing how much she hated when you even attempted to coddle her and she let out an uncharacteristic whimper, her hand instantly tightening in yours.
“Wait!” You were halfway standing when you turned back to her, frowning at the tears blurring in her eyes, “stay… please? Just for now.”
“Okay.” You shot her a weak smile, shifting back onto the bed, your heart sinking at the way the tears were still leaking over her cheeks, the way her body would occasionally shake in fear. Whatever tonight’s nightmare had been about was clearly affecting her more than the last one. You adjusted the blankets, making sure they were wrapped around her, and covering you enough you wouldn’t get cold and you were taken aback at the way she nearly collapsed against you, holding onto you as if you were the only thing keeping her from slipping back into another nightmare. “Hey…” you squeezed at her softly, “talk to me… please.”
“Thought you weren’t a shrink.” She bit back and you let out a huff.
“I know the basics, and you need to talk. You need someone right now and I’m the one that’s here, so let me be what you need, even if you hate it.” You felt the vibration of her grumble against you, your free hand soothing up and down her back, “wanna maybe start with who Declan is?”
Emily tensed in your arms, unaware that you’d heard that much, wondering just how much she was willing to share tonight before she let out a shuddering breath, “Doyle’s son.”
“Just… his…?” You asked cautiously and she let out another wavery huff.
“Yes.” Her hand reached up to wipe away a stray tear, “my job was to seduce him, but I mean, I was careful. I even slept with him and I don’t do that.”
“Well even I know sleeping with an international terrorist isn’t likely a good idea.” You muttered back.
“I meant men.” She replied and you almost stiffened beside her.
Silence filled the room once again as she continued to try to calm her thudding heart, the medicine you’d given her slowly coursing through her veins.
“My job was to keep Declan safe, even afterwards. That’s why I moved to D.C, not because of the BAU, but because it was close to him. I thought I was safe for so long after Doyle was arrested, that things were fine, that he’d never find us again but I was wrong. If he managed to break out of prison, find me and completely destroy me… again… what’s stopping him now?” She took a shuddering breath and your arms tightened around her.
“He thinks you’re dead.” You whispered softly, “even if he hacks into Boston hospital records, that’s what he’ll find.”
“I just want to feel safe.” She sniffled again and you held back the instinct to wipe the new tear away, not wanting to end this chapter of her feeling comfortable talking to you, feeling vulnerable with you. “I knew he wanted to kill me, that he wanted me dead and I had the upper hand and didn’t take it. I died.  I actually died in the ambulance and all I felt was… cold.. and darkness… that can’t be it.” Her hand clutched at your shirt again, “that can’t be the end…”
“It wasn’t.” You assured her softy, your hand slowly rubbing up and down her back, “and it won’t be. You deserve so much more than that, okay?”
“I just want to forget him.”
“I know.”
@daddy-heather-dunbar @mandy-asimp @leftoverenvy @dextur @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @its-soph-xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @scorpsik @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @theclassicgaycousin @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @niyizh @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @romanoffsho @ratsnestinmyhair @assgardangod @originalbrunettecharacter @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @nachofriess @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx
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lostinwoso · 1 year
The Challenge (Merle Frohms x Reader)
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request - 1k words
“I thought we could go out next week? We can watch the new movie you were waiting for and then grab some dinner?”, Merle asks you as she takes a seat on the table while you are still fixing some of the tape you just used on one of her teammates. 
You are one of the physios for Wolfsburg and grew rather quickly close to the goalkeeper after her return to Wolfsburg at the beginning of the season. In fact, it only took the German player only 2 months before she decided to ask you out.
From that moment on more and more dates followed whenever you both could find some time in her busy schedule as a professional football player. 
“Hmm, I don’t know.”, you reply, shrugging your shoulders as you place the tape roll back into the drawer it belongs. Turning around, you can see an annoyed expression on her face, making you smirk.
She knows what's about to happen, you sometimes like the idea of challenging her for a date, the entire hard to get act is one of your favorite things to annoy her with. But so far, Merle managed to beat every single one you sent her way, and she can’t deny that those dates that followed always felt a bit better than all the other ones. So she is keen on once again mastering whatever you send her way.
“Alright, what's the condition this time?”.
You think about it for a moment before a thought appears in your head, “You know I love the club, so I would kind of enjoy it if we make it through the semis next week and into the Champions League Final, and then you can get your date after Eindhoven.”, you casually reply, leaning back into your seat.
“What? All the other challenges were built on little things, and now you want me to get us to the final, so I can get that date?”, the goalie asks you in complete disbelief.
You notice the look on Merle's face, it’s the same one she always has on when she is in deep thought about something. You decide to give her a moment to think about your words.
“Okay?”, you were surprised by her simple reply, having thought that the goalie would protest some more about your words, you knew that the challenge isn’t necessarily fair because it’s not as if Merle can do everything alone on the field to decide the game, but apparently she doesn’t seem to mind that much. 
“Yes, but I expect it to be one of the best dates we could ever have after that.”, she answers, making her way past you to get out on the field to training.
“If we win this game, I will make sure that it’s going to be THE best date ever.”, you say to her, sending her one last wink before she disappears out of your sight. 
The next few training sessions you could tell how concentrated the goalie was, making endless safes in training as if it’s the final already. Your challenge clearly has lit up some fire in her to make sure she would be as ready as possible for the game.
But as already feared, the game would be everything else but easy for your team. The anxiety you feel from watching from your seat on the bench is almost unbearable. Arsenal pretty much started where they left off in the first leg game and that is visible after they already managed to score a goal in the 11th minute. Every minute with Arsenal staying ahead made your stomach hurt a little more, so safe to say that the relief you felt when Jill scored was very welcomed. Although you couldn’t help the chuckle leaving your lips as Jill once again scores against her former club in a Champions League game. 
And when Popp herself scores an amazing header you almost feel on top of the world, but the game wasn’t over yet and that harsh realization came when Arsenal managed to tie the score, thanks to Beattie. So when the final whistle blows, announcing that it would go into overtime, you weren’t sure if you could handle the anxiety much longer.
As just 7 minutes later, Arsenal got the opportunity to go in lead served on a golden plate, you were sure that this could be it, but thanks to the badly placed shot and Merle her quick reaction, everything was still open for either team. Also, saving a quick reminder to yourself to praise the goalie for that safe after the game. 
Checking the watch, you notice that the overtime will be done soon, meaning that the game would most likely go into penalties. That thought quickly flies out of your head though as Jule suddenly wins the ball back and passes it perfectly into Bremers run, scoring the deciding goal of the night. “JAAAAAAAAAA”, you and the entire team jumped up and started to yell in excitement. 
When the final whistle is finally blown, you all make your way onto the field to celebrate together. You, though, make your way immediately over to the goal where Merle was shrugging her gloves off, “You did it!”, you yell out as you pull her into a tight hug. 
Merle laughs at your excitement but returns your hug just as tight, “Well I couldn’t pass up the Chance to go on the best date ever, now could I?”.
“I guess not.”, you chuckle before starting to praise her for the safe from Hurtig her shot on goal. You and Merle are in your own little bubble having a small recap about the game until Lena comes over to tell you that it’s time to go over to the fans.
“Go over there.”, you tell Merle when you notice her being a little hesitant.
“But I want to spend some more time with you.”.
“We can still spend enough time together later, I promise.”, you promise her, pushing her lightly away from you and towards the direction of her teammates.
“I hold you to that!”, she yells as she jogs over to where they are. 
You simply send her a thumbs up as your mind already wanders off to planning that date she once again managed to win. 
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Poe Dameron x gn!reader
A/N: I'm not dead y'all, I was just inactive on tumblr. :)
Summary: At a party in the Resistance base, Poe had more drinks than planned and soon, in his drunk state, confessed his feelings towards you.
Warnings: None.
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The recent victory over the First Order was the reason for the Resistance to throw a party at a remote planet.
You just stepped out of the Corvette, already hearing the loud music in the distance, so you made your way to it.
On your way you walked past some already passed out or nearly passed out Resistance members who were seemingly enjoying themselfes a bit too much.
Upon entering the big cantina, the place was filled with people, some playing dejarik, some passed out on tables or simply enjoying their drinks without paying attention to their surroundings. You spotted Finn with C-3PO sitting at a table in a rather quiet corner and made your way towards them, since you had no plan what else you can do other than drink your brains out.
"Hey guys, enjoying the party?" You greeted the two with a warm smile. Finn and 3PO looked at you, Finn giving you a smile in return, "Yeah, well, the drinks are good, can't complain." he shrugged.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" C-3PO chimed in as you sat down infront of the two.
"Gotta say I was expecting everyone here but not you, 3PO." You chuckled.
"3PO was lonely, so I decided to bring him with me." Finn nudged the Golden Droid's shoulder.
"I was not lonely, I was waiting for R2." 3PO defended himself, almost acting offended, making you suppress the smile threatening to form on your lips.
"He's lying." Finn grinned.
"Alright guys, before things get steamy, I'll get myself a drink." You got up and made your way to the bartender, ordering yourself a drink.
Minutes later you were back at Finn and C-3PO, "Damn, took you long enough for one drink." Finn chuckled, sipping on his drink.
"Pff, make your way through all those people and then we can talk." you sat down and took a sip from the drink. "So, where is the rest of the team?" You asked curiously.
"R2 is...somewhere...Poe must be enjoying his, uh, time and BB-8 is most probably near him, Chewie is most likely inside the Falcon and playing dejarik with others." Finn shrugged, making you laugh, "Wow, that's nice to hear."
After minutes of enjoying your drinks, Finn cleared his throat, "Hey wanna go see Chewie and maybe play some with him?" he suggested.
"Sure, let's go." you nodded and following Finn out of the cantina, heading towards Chewbacca in the Millenium Falcon. But halfway in, you heard a beeping and something nudged Finn's leg, making you both look down to see BB-8 there
"Hey bud, what's up everything alright?" Finn knelt down and patting the droid's head. BB-8 beeped, you couldn't understand him, so you asked Finn what he said, "What did he say?"
"Well, our flyboy Poe needs a place to sleep, oh and I have to come get him. Wanna help me carry him?" He chuckled.
BB-8 started leading the way to where Poe is, the droid lead you through a setlement more away from the actual party, more deeper into the planet's forest area.
"Damn, judging how far away we are from the party...this looks like exactly the place you'd expect a Poe Dameron to be...whatever he was doing here." you mumbled while Finn laughed, "That's our Poe."
The sticks and leafs crunched with every step you took, but eventually you came across a table with some chairs around, and Poe sitting on one of them, with his arms and face on the flat surface beside the numerous empty glasses.
"There he is, you had a pretty wild time, yeah?" Finn went beside Poe, while he looked up and to Finn, "Yeah, had some company."
Finn's hands went under Poe's arms, helping him stand up.
"Pretty wild company if you ask me." You remarked. Poe looked at you as he wrapped his arm around Finn's shoulders for balance
"Oh hi there. Are you enjoying yourself?" Poe grinned.
"Yup. And you too right?" You decided to help Finn and went to the other side of Poe, he instantly wrapped his other arm around your shoulders aswell, "Mh-mm. But now with you two it got even better." Poe chuckled, squeezing Finn and you, making you stumble into him while walking, "Don't trip, we don't want your pretty face getting all dirty."
Finn laughed, "He's done, let's get him into the Falcon where he can sleep."
While Finn and you walked Poe towards the Falcon, BB-8 zipped past you, rolling up the ramp leading into it. "Oh no, don't tell me you want to fly." Poe slured.
"No buddy, we want you to rest." Finn chuckled as the three of you went inside the Falcon. Inside the Falcon, you saw Chewie playing dejarik with some Resistance members, not minding the drunk Poe.
Finn lead you to a small spare room with a bed and set Poe down, laying him to the side and placing his head on the pillow. "Alright, we better let him sleep now, his head might hurt like he wrestled with a Rancor tomorrow but atleast he's safe." Finn turned and was about to leave when he decided to stop and turn back to you, "Thanks for helping me with him, he is heavier than he looks." Finn teased, making Poe open his eyes and point a finger at him, "Hey, it's all muscles, don't forget that, Finn."
Finn laughed, "But try not to make a mess or Chewie will get angry. The last thing you want is a Wookie being angry at you." Finn nodded at you and then made his way out of the Falcon. You were about too but just as you stepped out, Poe spoke up "Hey, hey, please stay with me. Please." You turned around, seeing Poe looking at you with a pouty face. You couldn't say no to his brown puppy eyes and the almost comically pout on his face, so you walked over to him, stopping infront of the bed, "Need something?" you asked.
"C'mere." Poe murmured, reaching out grabbing your wrist gently and pulling you towards him. You were surprised that given his drunk state he was somewhat still good in control of his actions. Poe sat up and made you sit in his lap, "I like you, you know that right?"
"You like me?" Your body suddenly began to heat up, you knew Poe can be bold if he wanted to, but now that he's drunk he's kinda even more bold than he already is.
"Yeah I like you. Remember when you fixed my arm when we were on that one Mission on Tatooine? The medic back at the base said if you didn't fixed my arm up it ended up even worse." Poe chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close and leaning his chin on your shoulder.
You remembered the mission, it was a small recon mission on Tatooine. You, Poe and two others had to make out the layout of a local First Order base, but while at it, some pirates attacked your group and Poe got stabbed in his arm. You cleaned and wrapped a bandage around the wound until Poe visited the medic.
"Poe you're drunk." You joked.
"Yeah, and you know drunk people always tell the truth, and it is the truth, honey." Poe gave you a peck on your cheek, surprising you.
"Listen, I don't wanna be alone in here, in this cold, lonely room. Wanna stay and keep me company? I promise I'll be good." He nuzzled your neck.
"You sure you want me to stay?" you asked, feeling him grin against your skin, "Yup, I want you to stay. Let's get sober together and once we feel better we can talk about what happened, sound good?"
"Alright, you won. I'll stay with you." You chuckled.
Poe then laid down, pulling you with him, spooning you from behind, making sure you stay warm.
"Poe, you're like a big baby when you're drunk." you nudged him, making him smile.
"I'll show you 'big baby' when we get sober again." Poe gently bit your shoulder then buried his face into your neck, almost falling asleep instantly.
You follwed him, closing your eyes and slowly falling asleep to the soft snores of a drunk Poe Dameron.
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Amy Santiago x reader - keep the place clean
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Could I please request Amy Santiago x reader, where Amy discovers that reader (for whatever reason is completely up to you) stays late and cleans the precinct while no-one is there. No matter how messy the precinct is, it will always be clean in the morning. Everyone thinks that it's Marge, but Amy (being the detective that she is) suspects otherwise. - Anon💜
Yawning a little, you padded over to your desk, setting your cup and bag down as you wiggled your mouse to turn the screen on.
“Up late?” Charles asked.
Glancing at him, you nodded your head.
“Yeah, just the normal thing really, you know what a Sargents life is like.”
“If you’re a Sargent why’re you always on this floor?” Jake asked.
You laughed a little at him, glancing over.
“My office is right upstairs, but I don’t really use it unless I have a meeting, but I also need to speak to Holt so.”
“You just miss us.” Jake grinned.
“You? No. Everybody else? Absolutely.”
“Come on!” Jake whined.
Grinning a little at him, you scribbled something down on a post-it note and put it on the screen of the computer before picking your stuff up.
“Later Peralta, Charles.”
You left the bullpen and Amy watched you go.
You were organised, meticulous in everything you did.
You always had everything well thought of, everything always in place and ready to go.
You were single handedly the most organised person in the entirety of the NYPD.
So the fact that the usually messy precinct was nearly spotless to her was suspicious but nobody else noticed.
They all assumed it was Marge, but Amy knew better. Marge wouldn’t clean the precinct like this, not to this extent, it was even a slim chance she came in time to take the trash out or clean after a mess.
She had a plan to catch whoever it was, and she just hoped that it was going to work as she waited for the end of the day to come around.
As it did, she quietly left, going to find somewhere to hide before waiting.
She had put her all into this and she really hoped it was going to pay off.
Humming to yourself, you left your office and headed back to the floor below, unlocking one of the draws in your desk to pull out some cleaning supplies.
With headphones on you quickly got to work, humming to yourself as you cleaned the area.
Amy looked up from her paperwork to the laptop screen to see you going around cleaning, and quickly she put everything away to go and confront you.
While you were clearing some of the desks, you saw movement out the corner of your eye.
Setting everything down, you took your headphones off.
“Shouldn’t you be at home now?”
“Shouldn’t you?”
You smiled a little.
“I will.”
“Are you the one who keeps this place spotless?”
“Yup, someone has to do it, this places is a state and I used to be able to smell it from my office.”
Amy looked mortified.
“It was that bad?”
“You have no idea, but I like it it’s kind of calming actually.”
Amy nodded, walking over she grabbed some of the cleaning wipes and walked to a different desk to help as you both carried on talking
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cookiegirlsstuff · 3 months
The Hobi cheer up (pt. 1)
AN: This is part 1 of a series that will consist of 7 parts.I hope you like it!
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Lee: Jungkook
Ler: J-hope
The door slammed shut with a loud bang and an angry-looking Jungkook stormed into the house.
He didn't even give his hyungs a glance before settling down on the couch.
"Jungkookie are you alright?" Jin asked worriedly as he watched the youngest drink a glass of water in a hurry.
"Yes, of course. I'm completely fine," Jungkook mumbled, although everyone could see that the opposite was the case.
"Bad day?" Yoongi asked, but Jungkook decided to just ignore him.
"Jungkook, if you're not feeling well, you can talk to us," Taehyung assured him.
"I'm fine, why don't you understand that? The training was just a bit exhausting, that's all and now leave me alone!" Jungkook shouted before getting up and disappearing into his own room.
"Yup… he definitely isn't well," Jimin commented.
"But what can we do to help him? He's not really going to let anyone get close to him right now," Namjoon said.
"I think I have a plan," J-hope smirked before quietly whispering his idea to the others.
In the meantime, Jungkook had practically fled to his room and was now lying exhausted on his bed. Lately, everything had become more and more exhausting and he felt like he was letting down everyone else.
Suddenly there was a knock on his locked door and he heard a familiar voice: "Jungkook, it's J-hope. Can you please open the door?"
Sighing, the younger boy shuffled to the door and pushed down the handle. He wasn't really in the mood to talk to the others, but he didn't want to upset his hyung either.
"What do you want?" he asked, his voice sounding more annoyed than intended.
"Jungkookie, that's not very nice. How do you talk to your lovely hyung?" the older one asked playfully.
Slowly, Jungkook was really fed up with Hoseoks childish behaviour and started to get really irritated.
"Shut up," he mumbled. He actually thought that his hyung hadn't heard him, but he was wrong.
"Did you just tell me to shut up?" shouted J-hope in fake disbelief.
Jungkook swallowed.
"I understand that you're in a bad mood today, but with this mood you really need a Hobi cheer up," said his bandmate smiling.
"What's that?" Jungkook asked in confusion, but he didn't have time to think about it because a few seconds later, J-hope was on his hip and had pinned Jungkook's hands above his head.
"Where do I start here?" Hoseok chuckled before lifting up Jungkook's hoodie and running his finger over Jungkook's tummy.
"No hobi hyung…pleahahase don't," Jungkook giggled and tried to free himself.
"Aww such a little baby. And you were just about to tell me to shut up?" J-hope laughed teasingly.
Meanwhile, he had started to trace all his fingers up and down Jungkook's sides and Jungkook was a just a cute and laughing mess.
"I'm sahaharry…..reahally," Jungkook laughed desperately while still trying to get free.
"That won't help you now. And apart from that, you really needed a cheer up my dear Mr Grumpy cat," said Hobi.
"Nahaha", Jungkook yelled or more....he tried.
“Oh but I strongly feel like you needed this,” Hoseok countered, now moving his hands under the younger’s arms. The maknae let out an undignified shriek and burst into even more loud laughter.
“You really are ticklish, Kookie,” he hums. “I didn’t think it was possible to be so ticklish.”
Jungkook immediately turned a pretty shade of pink, darkening every time his hyung teased him like that.
But then came the worst part: J-hope started to move his fingers along Jungkook's tummy in a spinning motion again. But he kept moving it near to Jungkook's belly button…his absolute worst spot!
Until he finally dipped it in. Jungkook's laughter went up another octave, if that was even possible. It was really embarassing but at the same time he could really feel how his stress melted away more and more with every touch of pure affection.
"And…cheerful again?" he asked after a while and finally finished his "cheer up".
"Yes, thank you hyung. I didn't realise how much I needed that myself.
"You are welcome", Hoseok replied before they both set off to the others in the living room.
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What do you think? I know it's a little bit short but I tried my best! Which member should get a "hobi cheer up" next? .💜✌
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dgtn · 1 year
Hey all! So I wanted to take a few to introduce myself. Another blogger did this a few days back and I was just like omg I need to do that too!
So my name is Diane and I am at midlife now in terms of age. I have been married for over 20 years and have 2 amazing kids, a young man and a daughter.
We live in Tennessee. I love so many different genres of music - my playlist has everything from BTS to Carrie Underwood, Troye Sivan, Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Aretha Franklin…you name it…it’s probably on my list!
Outside of BTS and Jikook I love spending time with my family, health, fitness, and making jewelry, and yes that includes BTS themed jewelry of course 😏
My favorite shows to watch are crime dramas and anything sci fi. I’m a huge Star Wars fan (I still remember going to see A New Hope when it came out!)
I have 5 fur babies- 4 dogs and a cat. We also have a gecko.
I am a cancer survivor, coming up on 8 years now. I've also had brain surgery - crazy crazy!
So now that that’s out of the way….let’s talk BTS.
I’ve always heard the saying: you don’t find BTS, BTS finds you when you need them. This is true for me too (more on that later ).
I discovered BTS when I heard Butter for the first time back in 2021. I thought it was a catchy song and wanted to know more about the band behind the song. And so it began. I looked up BTS on the internet and the first member I came across? Jimin of course. My first thoughts were my god he is gorgeous. And his voice - are you kidding me! I’ve been around a long time and I have never heard a voice like that! So of course I needed to know more. Next came Jungkook. Uh….wow! That man is beautiful too! And his voice! I mean come on!!!! I had never heard of kpop before BTS so I had no idea about the world of kpop or any of its inner workings.
So into the world of BTS I dove. I went on line and started watching their music videos and started listening to more of their music and really really liking it. I slowly discovered the world of BTS online; Bangtan Bombs, In The Soop, Lives, Run Episodes, etc. Of course, watching all of these...I started to wonder, what's up with Jimin and Jungkook? Definitely caught a different vibe from them. So.....started watching jikook videos. Then, I discovered GCFT - and that sealed the deal for me. No looking back from that point. I remember the first time I watched it (yup, like yourself Ive watched it way more than once!!!) I was blown away and my reaction was "these 2 are in love with each other".
I absolutely love love love Jimin and Jungkook (as I’m sure you can tell from my blog!). I love them as individuals and I love them as a couple. They have something SO very special together and I just get so much joy out of seeing their relationship now and how it has grown over the years. They went from seriously crushing on each other in the early days of BTS to being in a long term fully committed monogomous relationship. I do believe that they are in this for life and have committed to each other for life. What that exactly looks like I'm not sure as they are still "In the Closet". My hope for them is that one day they will be able to show us their love for each freely and openly.
So getting back to BTS and how they found me when I needed them. I am officially mid life, in my 50's. I have always been a stay at home mom. My son is high functioning autistic. Throughout his schooling we really struggled with finding the right fit for him academically. When we moved to TN we eventually decided to home school him which became a huge priority of mine. Homeschooling was not easy. When he graduated high school it was such an accomplishment. I will admit that it also left me very emotionally drained. Being a mom in general is really hard (best job in the world!!!). We always put our children first before everything else; it's just what we do.
As my children have grown and continued to become more independent I actually started thinking about what I want to do for me. It's a foreign concept because as a mom I've never really thought that way. That was right about the time I discovered BTS (see where I'm going with this?). Their message of love yourself, take care of yourself, was something that really resonated with me. I know it might sound crazy but that "glow up" that some people have experienced through BTS happened to me too. I have found the time to "love myself" as BTS says. I am really putting myself first for the first time in my life. I am still here for my family 100% but I am also finding the time to take care of myself :) I am on that journey to find balance in my life and BTS has most definitely played a big role in that!
I absolutely love BTS as a band and as individuals. I have really enjoyed getting to know them and I look forward to sharing my love of BTS and jikook with all y'all for years to come :) I have met some wonderful people through Tumblr; some of whom I have become very close to and consider dear friends; and I feel so grateful and blessed to have these peeps in my life. I am really excited to see what the future holds for these 7 incredibly talented young men who came into our lives.
One thing for sure, The Best is Yet To Come.
Xoxo 😘
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howlingday · 2 months
Prompt - Ruby meets the Cookie Monster.
Ruby was down in the dumps. She hardly ate, and when she did eat, it was late at night and alone. She'd then go straight to bed, then wake up earlier than everyone else to go through the day the same as she did before. Nobody knew what was going on, because even when they did ask, she'd answer back, "It's nothing," every time.
Yang, big sister that she was, obviously took notice and decided to do something nice for her sister. She baked a fresh batch of chocolate chips, just like the ones mom made, and invited her sister over. Ruby saw the cookies, had one, then left. Clearly, things had to be taken to the next level. This brings us to...
"Oh, Ruby~!" Yang called. "There's somebody here to meet you~!"
Ruby walked into the room, finding her sister waiting with a smile on her face. On the other side of the room was a box, and on top of this box was another box with curtains. Yang gestured to the seat in front of the boxes. With a roll of the eyes and a sigh from her lips, she sat down.
"Cookie~?" Yang offered.
"No, I don't want a cookie, Yang." Ruby refused.
"DID SOMEBODY SAY COOKIE~?!" The curtains pulled apart and revealed a blue puppet with one eye that always jiggled. His blue pelt and wide mouth brought back memories of a distant childhood for the young, red reaper. "I WOULD LIKE A COOKIE~!"
"Really, Yang?" Ruby sighed, standing to face her sister. "I'm not a baby. I don't even watch that show anymore."
"You no want Cookie Monster?" The puppet asked.
"No, I don't want Cookie Monster!" She whirled around, glaring at the blue thing. "So just go back to wherever you came from!"
"Me come from Sesame Street! Me don't know how to get to Sesame Street!"
"Not my problem." She turned away, about to walk out the door.
"Why you so angry?"
Ruby stopped.
"I'm... I'm not angry."
"You sound like you angry."
"I'm not angry." She said with a bit of a growl.
"Who you angry at?"
"I'm..." She could have left. She could have just walked out the door, end the show, and be done with all of it. Cookie Monster would be gone, Yang would bother her later, and her life be back on track to being the only person who could stop the ever-growing danger that was Salem and the Grimm. Everything was all on her. And nobody else. "Everyone. Okay?"
"Why you angry at everyone?"
"Okay, let me put it in a way you'd understand, "Cookie Monster"." She said, saying his name with as much spite as she could pull off. She walked over to the boxes. "Let's say you're in charge of a bakery."
"Is there cookies?"
"Yup! All the cookies in the world and you have to make them!"
"That don't sound so bad."
"Yeah, right? But you can't have ANY of the cookies! No, you have to make them for all of your friends and your friends' friends and even your sister and your sister's girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever and even the people you don't think of as friends, but you get NOTHING in return! How does that sound?!"
The room was quiet. Yang stared at her sister, who was in the face of her childhood favorite, while covering her own mouth with one hand. Cookie Monster looked around, twisting his head this way and that. He made a humming sound before nodding.
"Yes, yes." He shook his head. "No. Cookie Monster can't answer that..."
"That's what I thought." Ruby turned away again.
"Without COOKIE~!"
"Oh, for the love of- HERE!" Ruby tossed one of her mom's cookies with deadly accuracy into Cookie Monster's mouth. He made a coughing sound before hacking up a cookie into his hand.
"YAY~! COOKIE~! OMNOMNOMNOM!" Ruby rolled her eyes at the blue thing smashing a cookie against his "face". He then smacked his lips and said "Mm~! These good cookies~! Did you make cookies?"
"No, my sister did." Ruby huffed.
"Your sister make cookies for herself?"
"...No, she..." Ruby picked up another cookie. "She made them for me."
"You have good sister who makes you cookies!"
"Yeah, she... She's the best."
"She always make cookies? Since babies?"
"No, she learned from my mom. Our mom."
"You mom make cookies?"
"...Not anymore."
"That sad."
"You know what me do when me really, really, REALLY sad?"
"Eat cookies?"
"But cookies don't solve the problem, though. There's still Grimm out there, and people hurting other people, and there's even an evil monster lady who wants to destroy Remnant! Cookies don't stop things like that!"
"No, but cookies make me a happy cookie monster! And if me a happy cookie monster, then me do anything!"
Ruby thought on what she was being told. She looked down at the cookies on the plate to her side. Some had been taken, now in the hands and belly of one Yang Xiao Long. Caught red- or yellow-handed, her sister smiles at her. Ruby smiled back, taking two. One for her and one for Cookie Monster.
"Yeah. That does make sense." She then thought. "Hey, uh, this conversation was kinda... sad, so how about we eat cookies and sing something to make ourselves feel happier."
"That good idea!" Cookie Monster agreed. "And me know just song to sing!"
Ruby screeched like a fangirl at a rock concert. Yang had to cover her ears, while Cookie monster covered the sides of his eyes. Ruby then began to weep, sniffling into her cape and blowing her nose while muttering words like, "Iz coogie munzter" and "His here~!"
Yang patted her sister on her back. "That's right, Ruby. Cookie Monster is here to cheer you up." Was it kinda pathetic that her little sister was getting all weepy and sniffly because of a puppet she watched all the time when she was barely old enough to walk on her own? Maybe a little, but it was also something Yang missed before Ruby got into her rebellious phase. They used to sit around, watching Cookie Monster on TV, singing songs and playing bakery, with Ruby dressed in her Cookie Monster outfit that sadly didn't survive Yang's semblance. That was probably when Ruby started her rebellious phase. "Do you wanna sing with Cookie Monster?"
"Uh-" She hiccupped. "Uh huh!"
"Okay, we'll sing with Cookie Monster." She then nodded to Cookie Monster, who pressed a button to begin what would be the next six hours of their lives. Jaune better be getting paid double for this.
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Fuck all this gushy angst bs
Give me your most sloppiest and sweetest fluff fic of Apoclypse yuu x music club members
Yuus pronouns are he/him, so lady's for the love of God, just keep scrolling
Characters: kalim, lilia, cater, grim, you
Warnings: no real warning but there are a few lines about post-apocalyptic poverty and one line with some intrusive thoughts soooo...do with that as you please
Damn shawty these blankets are SOFT
About a week ago, lilia had approached you with a piece of paper with a room number on it, saying how you should stop by sometime after school.
He said nothing when you asked what it was for, making an exaggerated turn on his heel that looks more like a playful twirl, and left to wherever he came.
You hadn't had much of a reaction at the time. Only blinking in a confusion and putting the paper in your pocket, saying you'd deal with it later.
Later turned out to be earlier this morning, as that's when you finally remembered the exchange happening after putting your hands in your coat pockets and feeling something there.
You knew the way to the room, the school had signs all over the place for how to get to which hall or which office or whatever room you'd be looking for. So you could get there just fine.
That wasn't the problem.
The problem is, do you want to go. What would happen if you do go.
The thought if this potentially ending in blood only crossed your mind for a brief minute before you quickly dismissed it.
Over the past- was it seven months now? You had come to trust lilia the most.
He would never hurt you.
And you believed that with every fiber of your being.
So, with a leap of faith, and a bit if tuna to convince grim, the two of you found yourselves walking down the hall, reading the panels beside each door, trying to locate the right room number.
The door is unlocked when you find it, the lights however are off.
You hesitated. Could you still go in? Lilia gave you the right room number right?
You checked the paper and the panel again. Yup. The numbers matched.
You slowly put your hand on the door handle and took a deep breath. Lilia gave you the paper. He invited you here. You can go in if the lights are off.
The door creaked open and you stuck you head inside, you could vaguely make out a drum set and some microphone stands from the light in the hallways, but nothing beyond that.
Grim was standing right behind you, saying how maybe you should turn around and head back.
You ignored him.
It was just a room. A music room too, it looked like.
You smiled.
There was never any real music in the tunnles. Only a light humming here and there, and the ever so rare old funeral song.
Nothing like this.
You had only gotten to enjoy people singing their hearts out and banging on drums and pouring out their very souls when you got transported here.
And you loved it. You were atrocious at making it, but by God, you loved it.
So instead if listening to Grims words of caution, you stepped into the room, the opened door letting more light in.
There was no reason to be afraid right now.
You were so done with being afraid.
With the extra light, you could see some guitars hanging on the back wall, and some other smaller instruments here and there, but what really caught your attention was what was in the middle of the room.
An array of soft pillows, fluffy looking blankets, and plush cushions were all place together in one big, messy pile.
It looked...comfortable.
Apparently, Grim thought so too, as he ran toward it and flopped down without hesitation.
And if you, albeit a little less dramatic, did the same? Well.
That was really no one else's business, now was it?
Now, from the door? The blankets looked comfortable. From up close? Everything looked so warm and so, so inviting.
But from here? Buried under a good four and half blankets with differently shaped pillows and cushions all around you?
Oh my God.
I mean really, this was getting a little ridiculous, don't you think? To just have this many, obviously expensive, items just...lying here, in the middle of a music room.
You moved a hand to feel underneath you. Ah, there was a giant, padded cushion (?) thing under the pile of heaven.
And it was warm.
Luxury. This was luxury. You could tell. Even if it turns out not to be for the regular students, it definitely was for you.
To go from spending your days in a cold, mold ridden, leaky, death bringing tunnle, to this?
You thanked your lucky God damn stars, that's for damn sure.
You could only pray that the others find themselves in a simular situation. Maybe to this world, or the next, but even if it has just some semblance of peace, you hoped they could find a life worth living there.
(....but why you? Really, you didn't deser-)
You shook your head. If you were going to have those thoughts again, you'll have them later.
Now was not the time.
Grim decided it was definitely not the time, as his snores and sleep talking, mostly about food, started to fill the previously silent room, muffled slightly from the pillow he had stuffed his face in.
You smiled. You were...you weren't exactly happy. That you could tell. There was no childish sense of glee that you lived your life in.
But you were content.
So, so content.
And so, so warm.
You could vaguely here the door creaked open and a completely unsurprised "oho?", but you paid it no mind.
You were tired.
So, with once last smile, you closed your eyes, and drifted off into a well deserved sleep, you know, from all the bullshit you put up with from ADeuce.
When you woke up, it was to the blankets being shifted, and something warm laying right beside you, something way too big to be grim.
Your eyes shot open, and you could feel the beginnings of an adrenaline rush that was way too familiar.
Only for it to calm down immediately after you caught a glimpse of brown skin that contrasted with stark white hair, which was...in a beanie?
Your shoulders dropped, although you confusion rised. When did Kalim get here? And where was his turban thing? Did he lose it.
Also, how long was he there for? Must have been long, because he was currently knocked out and rolled up into what Trey had once described as a "blanket burrito".
It looked comfortable. You wanted to do that.
Also.... who turned on the lights?
You slowly emerged from your own little blanket cocoon like the world's most confused butterfly. You blinked. Once, twice, thrice.
Cater was on the couch (since when was there a couch in here?) eating what looked like were some kind of chips, while talking to lilia in a voice just barely above a whisper. And lilia...
Lilia looking a little different these days huh.
Looking a Lilia Vanrouge, the first words that should pop into someone's head should be "Victorian, Vintage, Regal, hell maybe even Elegant", they should not be "early 2000's punk-pop emo garage band".
You can't say you meant to let that little sound out, but you think it conveyed your absolute confusion better than any proper conversation ever could.
Caters head snapped towards you while Lilia calmly turned and smiled, like he wasn't surprised in the least that you had come back to the world of the living.
Ok then.
You brought the closest blanket to you up to your shoulders in a pathetic effort to regain the comforting warmth that you'd been engulfed in just moments earlier. It worked just enough to get you to not do much else about it.
Cater slowly got up from the couch and started making his way to a large, see through tub, which you could see bags of the same chip brand that he was munching on earlier.
Cater looked back to you, and with a soft voice, probably to not wake up kalim, he asked, "Hey yuu, what kind of snacks do you want? We have chips but I can get you candy if you want something sweeter".
Cater was considerate like that, when it came to food at least. Probably steming from his own hatred of sweet things.
("Hatred..is a bit of a strong word yuu...", cater had said with a sheepish expression, holding his phone barely beneath his eye and looking off to the side.
"Ok, but is it the right word?"
He didn't say anything. You knew his answer either way.)
You let out a little smile and quietly told him your preferred snack, which he tossed you with the accuracy of someone who had who had to grow up with two sisters who liked to throw absolutely everything.
You know this because he liked to complain about those two a lot. Although, you get the feeling that something else is going on that he's not telling you. Weird.
Your mind flashed to a little girl that you used to feed and play with after her father died. She never had a mother.
...She would have loved this.
"Hm? What are you thinking about?"
You jumped and whirled around to face the old ass fae that you had opened up to all those months ago, who was floating upside down like it was the most normal thing to do on a Friday evening.
Despite being the only one who you trusted with your life, Lilia loved scaring the shit out of you.
You guess it wouldn't be the same if he hadn't. You honestly don't think you would've made it this far if he started treating you like you were something breakable after that. You could only be grateful that that's not what happened after all.
Lilia let out a mischievous little giggle like the gremlin he was, and gently lowered his head down on a cushion before dramatic flopping down on the mountain of blankets. Which somehow seemed to have gotten bigger.
You looked around.
Yeah no, they definitely got bigger. You could barely make out a small lump around the same spot where grim was.
Damn, must be nice.
You heard a small shuffle next to you. Ah, Kalim must be waking up.
Looking back at the boy you woke up next to, you saw him with his face stuffed into a pillow, with his limbs going in every which way and sticking out in some areas like a particularly confused spider, making a noise that sounded like someone desperately gasping for air. Still knocked out cold despite everything.
...or not.
Uh...he won't mind if you just...
You nudge his face a bit to the side, no doubt making preparations for a massive crick in the neck, but hey, at least he's getting proper air flow now.
Cater let out a snort, which had you looking up and cater trying to cover up with the fakest cough you've ever heard in your life.
Aww. He's embarrassed. Loser.
Lilia rolled around from his spot on the floor, sitting up and scooting closer to you. You raised a brow. Did he need somethi- oh.
You swatted his hand away from your food. Now, usually you'd just let him take whatever he wanted, you let all your friends have some of your food if they wanted it. Except ace. He would just snatch the whole bag and run with it.
But you could clearly see the five, very much empty chip and candy bags on his side of the couch when you woke up, so you decided that he could chill a little.
He still pouted, which probably would've made you give in if said pout wasn't so obviously fake.
To make a point, you took out one of the bigger chips and gave it to Cater, who had made his way to the blanket fortress and was now sitting right behind a sleeping Kalim.
Cater happily took the chips and Lilia looked the most offended you'd ever seen thus far.
You just shot an innocent smile in his direction, knowing that everybody here knew you knew what you did.
The start of what woould have been a playful argument was cutoff, however, when Kalim made a sound that could only be described as something out of a rejected layer of hell.
Three heads snapped to his direction. All wondering what the fuck he was made out of to be able to produce a sound like that.
You have never heard a man sound so much like a rapid squirl trying desperately to devour a full size walnut.
Lord help him.
A crunch came from right behind you.
You kept your head trained on the sleeping gremlin, slowly growing a larger amount if pity for Jamil by the second, knowing that if you even took a glance towards lilia and his snack stealing ass, he would win. He would win the non-existent competition that youve just established in your head!
And you couldn't have that now could you?
So here you were. Staring at a now drooling Kalim that looked like he could go into both cardiac arrest and a really good drug-trip at the same time.
A truly disturbing sight.
You could feel Caters gaze burn between the two of you, you didn't dare look, less you be greeting with a dead stare that somehow still had enough life in it for you to recognized that, ah yes, this is the face that people make when they see a white van full of candy.
Kailm. Kalim what the fuck.
You looked down, maybe you should readjust him, or wake him up or somethi- WHAT ARE HIS EYES OPEN?!
Kalim Al-Asims eyes were glossed over, letting you know that he was still asleep. You could hear what sounded like psychopathic giggling behind you, letting you know that Lilia was loosing his shit.
Cater shooted up towards you, phone in hand, being held out in front of him like the world's most dangerous weapon.
Quietly, while putting as much space between his club-mate and him as possible, while his phone was right the fuck up there, Cater pressed record.
You could only imagine what kind of emotions that video would invoke. Kalim Al-Asim, house warden, heir to a big ass legacy and bigger asset company, everyone's resident little ray of sunshine, looking into a camera with a dead stare, drooling, and making sounds that you'd image came out of the devil, while hearing the giggles manic giggles of a widely feared fae in the background.
Cater pressed stop and didn't dare rewatch it. Only scrolling to what you just knew would be Jamils phone number.
Oh. Bless him.
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