#and that“s....basically not stopped over the last two and a half hours
marmotsomsierost · 6 months
This cough is such fucking BULLSHIT, i am goddamn tired of it BEYOND TIRED in fact.
I have coughed so hard that i have fully - FULLY - dislodged my menstrual cup.
Four times.
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atlabeth · 2 months
too sweet
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: a night out makes hotch realize a few too many things.
a/n: me??? writing for criminal minds again out of nowhere??? what is going on. and i do not have an answer i was just in a hotch mood bc he's fine asf and i finally have the confidence to write for him here we are lol. hope u enjoy this short lil thing
wc: 2.4k
warning(s): alcohol consumption, a sexual joke or two, written in one go so might be a mess! aaron is all in his head but this is basically all fluff
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Hotch can’t focus. 
Mostly because he can’t stop glancing over at you. Normally it’s not a problem—he’d lost count of how many times he’d distracted himself from mounds of paperwork by meeting your eyes through his office window, often accompanied by a smile that made even his heart beat a little faster—and especially now, it shouldn’t be a problem. 
You and Derek have had some kind of bet going on during the past few nights out—you didn’t believe he was as charming and suave as he claimed, and Morgan was all too happy to prove you wrong.
You bet that he couldn’t get at least five numbers every night, and come last Thursday, Morgan took the win at the end of the evening with a smile on his face. As punishment, the first round of their next night out was on you. 
And that’s nice, sure. Hotch is always thankful that his team can still joke around and have fun with each other despite everything they have to deal with each day. He hopes they keep the light in their eyes as long as possible, especially the younger ones. He’s fine with being the stick in the mud, the one who never smiles, the iron willed chief that scares local uniforms.
Hotch is not so fine with the way he feels right now. 
It’s a busy night at the bar, which is understandable. Hotch is sure half the precinct is out alongside them, celebrating the BAU finally solving the case that had torn them to shreds over the past week. You, Reid, and Garcia put the threads together an hour into scouring through evidence, and the unsub was cuffed before noon. 
Certainly something to celebrate—there’s a reason the whole team agreed to go out tonight and leave tomorrow. Even Rossi decided to join when he learned you would be buying, but he’s already abandoned them in favor of catching up with some old friends. Hotch even thinks they might have another round in their future because of their solve, courtesy of the local chief. They had a long night ahead of them. 
But you haven’t gotten the drinks yet, and Hotch wonders how long it’ll take even after you do. Because some officer is trying to talk you up, and you’re smiling and laughing along and giving him every bit of your attention. 
Hotch recognized him the moment he set eyes upon him, even in plain clothes. He’s some joke of an officer from the station, and he’s been trying to get your number—or even just get your attention—throughout their whole visit. Always sidling up to you during debriefs, specifically giving you any information or evidence he finds—Hotch has overheard him asking for your number more than once. 
Hotch has been so focused on the case he’s not even sure if you’ve rejected him or not, and the mere thought is enough to annoy him. If he wasn’t equally as sure of your ability to defend yourself and afraid of overstepping with you, he would have stepped in. 
But it makes sense. The officer is young and handsome, you’re young and pretty—not to mention you have a way of lighting up any room you step into. Hotch spent the whole first month of your employment wondering why you would want to do a job like this. He’s spent the rest of it thankful that you did. 
You’re sharp as a whip, naturally, but you’ve also done wonders for the team atmosphere. It’s hard to feel down with a smile like yours beaming his way. The job weighs you down like it does everyone, but you still manage to lift everyone’s spirits on the jet ride back before they jump into the next case. It’s impressive. 
It’s also trouble. You’ve been part of the BAU for almost two years now, and Hotch has spent just as much time tearing his eyes away from you as he has working. It’s wrong, and it’s wholly inappropriate in terms of your working relationship—he’s your boss, for god’s sake. 
But sometimes, Hotch will be beating himself up over one thing or another on a case, and you’ll plant yourself in his vicinity and refuse to leave until you’ve helped him work through it. If you ever tire of the FBI, he thinks you have a second calling as an elementary school teacher. 
Sometimes the hotel they’re staying at will have truly shitty coffee, worse than they’re used to at the BAU, and you’ll already be in the lobby with a tray full of the team’s orders. Hotch never recalls telling you his order—you just figured it out, and you remembered it. 
Sometimes his gaze will drift your way, and he’ll find you already staring at him. You look away just as quickly as he does, and it makes him wonder. 
Hotch has made a living off of studying the behavior of others. More often than not, he finds himself profiling his co-workers just out of instinct. His job is to know what others are thinking. 
But god. When it comes to you, Hotch doesn’t think he’s ever felt more unsure in his life. Especially when you look at him the same way he wants to for weeks, then act nothing but proper another day; when you fall asleep against his shoulder on the jet one night and entertain some desk jockey another night. 
It makes him feel like a highschooler again, trying to figure out if Haley really liked him or if she was just playing around, and it’s more embarrassing than it should be. Especially when he’s still dealing with the lingering emotions from the divorce. 
“Hotch.” JJ’s voice is enough to break him out of his trance, and he blinks as he turns to her. At least someone paid him the mercy to dispel his thoughts, even if only for a temporary time. 
“Did you hear a single word I said?” she asks, a slight smile curving on her lips. 
“Of course,” he responds. “The chief’s over there talking with the commissioner. He’s the same guy who made your life difficult the last time we were in Milwaukee.” 
JJ’s eyebrows shoot up, and she nods. “I didn’t think you were listening.” 
“I think he just got lucky,” Morgan cuts in, his gaze darting over to you momentarily. “I think you were too focused on our drinks.” 
Reid frowns. “I don’t think he was focused on the drinks. He’s—” 
“Just making sure they’re still coming,” Hotch interrupts, and he straightens his tie. Today really has been a long one—usually, he’s better at covering these things up. “And I wasn’t lucky. I was listening.” 
“Trust me,” Morgan says with a laugh, “I’m watchin’ her until I’ve got a glass in my hand. She’s not getting out of this after the way she bragged this whole month.” 
“The stupidest thing to make a bet on,” Prentiss remarks, “especially with you.” 
“She said she just wanted to prove you wrong,” Reid contributes. “She thinks you’re too cocky.” 
Morgan grins. “It’s not cocky if you can back it up.” 
Hotch’s attention goes back to you, and you’ve finally gotten their drinks. You’re loading them onto a tray like you’re the bartender yourself, and his brows crease. Maybe he should have gone up with you. 
“Do you think she needs help?” he asks. How obvious is too obvious? Why does it feel like his brain only works at half power whenever it comes to you? 
“She’ll be fine,” Prentiss says. “And if she needs it, that guy talking her up can help.” 
“Jason Rodriguez,” Reid remarks. “He hung around her the whole time we were trying to pinpoint a location, and he wasn’t any help, which makes sense because he's practically desk-bound at the precinct. I’m surprised she got any work done.” 
JJ chuckles. “I’m surprised he hasn’t given up yet. He’s been following her around all week, like some lost puppy.” 
Morgan shrugs. “I dunno. She seems pretty into him.” 
“I don’t think ex-frat boys are her type,” Prentiss says wryly. Hotch doesn’t think so either, but he doesn’t say anything. Contributing to this kind of conversation is certainly too obvious.  
“I doubt we’ll be back here for a while. She might as well.” Morgan smiled. “She probably needs a win after such an embarrassing loss.” 
Thankfully, before Hotch has to keep pretending not to care about this topic, you walk over carrying a tray of cocktails—and you’re alone. The subject of their previous conversation seems lost in the crowd, and he feels a dangerous amount of relief. 
“Are you all talking about me?” you drawl. 
“You know we are, sweetheart. Thought you were never gonna get here.” Morgan sits up, smiling at you. “What’d my win get us?” 
“Long Island Iced Teas,” you muse as you set the tray down. “Enjoy it, because I’m gonna be working some overtime to make up for all these.” 
Morgan grins as he takes his drink. “You should’ve never doubted my skills.” 
“I’m surprised you didn’t need any help,” Prentiss says. “You’ve done this before, huh?” 
“Bartended my way through college.” You slide into the booth next to Hotch, just a bit too close for a bit too long, and he hopes that no one can see his chest still for a moment. It’s impressive that he still hasn’t figured out how to lessen the effect you have on him. “I’ve probably got better hands than you, Morgan.” 
“Do we need to make another bet?” he asks. “Because I’d love to clean out your wallet.” 
“Maybe wait another month before you prey on any more poor, defenseless agents,” you croon, and Morgan laughs. 
He pivots the conversation away from you when you pick up your drink and take a sip, and you look at Hotch. Whenever your gaze is on him, you make him feel like he’s the only person in the room. He’s sure you never look at anyone else that way, but Hotch wonders how much of that is his mind trying to justify his imagination. 
“I’m surprised you agreed with this,” you say, mercifully interrupting his thoughts. “I thought you’d want us to go back tonight.” 
“You all earned a night out after the work you did,” Hotch says. He thinks about taking a drink, but he decides against it, at least for now. He can barely trust his sober mind. 
“You’ve earned it too,” you say. “We wouldn’t be anywhere without you, Hotch. You keep us all together.” 
He shakes his head. “I don’t think I ever would’ve connected the dots like you and Reid can with Garcia. I hate unsubs with secret codes.” 
“I’ve always liked puzzles,” you muse. “There’s nothin’ like it when it all finally clicks.” 
Hotch hums, and for a moment, he’s silent. Your gaze remains fully on him, and that might be why he has trouble thinking. It’s too easy to get lost in your eyes. 
“What did that guy say?” Hotch finally manages to ask, because he honestly can’t help it. Morgan’s points actually worried him a bit, and he wonders what that says about him. Ex-frat boy certainly isn’t your type, but someone forgettable for a one night stand isn’t the most absurd thing in the world. 
Your brows knit together as you drink some more. “What guy?”
“The officer you were talking with,” he says. “He seemed to like you.” 
He’d been flirting with you since the moment you stepped into the precinct, actually, desperate for your attention, but Hotch didn’t really want to say that. He’s sure you noticed either way, if the rest of the team did. 
“Oh. Him.” You shrug. “He’s nice, I guess. Definitely a looker. But he’s got nothing beneath that hair.” 
“Morgan’s surprised you didn’t bring him back,” Hotch says. He wonders if he’s pushing too much, and again, he feels like a highschooler testing the waters. Do you know what you do to him? What you reduce him to? 
You shrug as you take a sip. “If he knows what’s good for him, he knows he doesn’t have a chance. My attention’s on someone else.” 
Prentiss calls your name and you get drawn back into the middle of the team’s conversation, and thankfully, Hotch has a chance to digest your words—and the stunner of a smile you flash at him before you get pulled into their talk. 
His decision to not drink seems even wiser, now. Hotch has to loosen his tie, and he ignores Reid watching him. It’s futile trying to hide anything from Spencer Reid—the kid already knows everything. 
Again, it's dangerous how much satisfaction he gets from it—from knowing you never really paid that officer a second thought. You didn’t smile at him the way you smile at Hotch. You don’t smile at anyone the way you smile at Hotch. He thought he was imagining it at first, or that he was just a bit too stuck up, but it was the honest truth. You paid him special attention, and he couldn’t blame the warmth in his chest from the thought on any alcohol. 
He tunes back into the conversation just to hear Morgan demand you pay for his next drink. 
“You’re lucky I’m feeling generous,” you say. 
He puts a hand to his chest. “Generous? You’re just paying what you owe me.” 
You laugh and shake your head. “Pick your poison, pretty boy.” 
“How do you feel about tequila?” 
You make a noise of disgust and shake your head. “As long as I don’t have to drink it.” 
“You’re just paying, sweetheart.” Morgan’s eyes dart to Hotch, and he nods as he grins. “One for me and our fearless leader.” 
Hotch shakes his head. “Someone has to get us back to the hotel.” 
“That’s what cabs are for!” Prentiss exclaims. “Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Hotchner. You deserve to let a little loose.” 
“It takes most people an hour to process a drink,” Reid contributes, “so you’ll be fine before we leave if you want to drive.” 
“Come on, Hotch,” you say, and you nudge his shoulder. “You might as well—I’m paying.” 
“...Fine,” he says, and the whole team cheers. Even Reid smiles. 
“Y’know, you can smile tonight, Hotch,” you say with one of your own before you down the rest of your drink and stand up.
And one actually tugs at his lips. It feels a lot hotter in this bar with your eyes sparkling and you beaming right at him, and he fights the need to shed his jacket. Your grin somehow grows. 
“That’s what I came out to see,” you remark as you pick your wallet back up from the table. “I expect another when I get back, Hotch. There’s a lot to celebrate tonight.” 
Yeah, he thinks as he watches you go. There just might be. 
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bambikisss · 5 months
11:30 P.M :: J.Jaehyun
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⚠ :: Unprotected sex (always wrap it), oral (f receiving), smut with no plot, oral from behind (f receiving)
Bambi's note: This is basically Jaehyun brain rot lol. This is my first fanfic in about two months and the first writing of 2024, so here you go. Here's a small writing for those going through the "Bambikisss drought." Love ya <3
"Fuck, Jaehyun," You gripped the pillow for some sort of anchor, your cheek resting against the pillow. You could no longer feel anything but the pleasure you were given. You had been at this for hours with your boyfriend; you both went out to this new club downtown a couple of hours ago then returned to the apartment. He didn't even give you the opportunity to take off your heels, he already had his lips and hands on you.
"It was so hot seeing how you move your hips to that song, baby. Fuck, you almost made me drag you into the bathroom and drop to my knees and make you ride my face"
You moaned into the pillow at his words, his lips now dragging along the globe of your ass before returning his tongue to your pussy, moaning when your juices coat his tongue.
You closed your eyes, moaning as your legs shook from being eaten out for hours, your 7th orgsam approaching fast. You began to plead out loud into the room for him to not stop, your hands moving up to grip the headboard as you came, his only response being to grip the flesh of your ass to spread you more open so that he could push his tongue deeper into you, curling it just how he knew you liked. Because he knew you. He knew how to get you on the bed on your hands and knees just like this, half out of your mind from the many orgsams, shaking yet begging for more. He loved getting you to that point, even sometimes making it a competition within himself to see how long it could take him to get you to that part. He pulled back to look at the digital clock you had on your dresser as you sunk slowly back into the bed, sighing out in pleasure at the feeling of the cool sheets against your warm body.
11:30 P.M. An hour better than last time.
You closed your eyes against the pillow, ready to drift to sleep when you felt Jaehyun' s lips slowly kiss their way up your back, his hard cock sitting heavy at your entrance.
"Did you think we were done, Y/N, baby? Oh baby," Jaehyun voice was teasing as he slowly pushed into you, tsk-ing you as you moaned loudly at his intrusion. He leaned down to press a kiss to your shoulder before whispering into your ear "Just lay there, baby, and take this cock, that's all you have to do. Just take this cock and let me fill you up with my cum, that's all"
You weakly looked over your shoulder, watching Jaehyun as he spoke to you, his eyes not even on your face, but on the way his cock looked moving in and out of your wet pussy; the cum ring around the bottom of his cock, the way you purr when he hits a certain spot- it was all too much for Jaehyun, especially since he had been grinding down into the bed while eating you out, providing his cock some pleasure.
Jaehyun leaned over your back, his lips meeting yours as he picked up speed, his hands moving to grip the headboard. He grunted softly into the kiss before pulling back, one of his hands moving to grip the back of your neck before pressing your face down into the pillow, drilling his cock into you.
Jaehyun didn't skip out on the curse words as he drilled his cock deep into you as much as he could, tossing his head back as he felt his cock twitch. He leaned down to bite your shoulder before letting go of your neck for your hair, tugging you back against his chest as he pounded up into you, making you bounce on his lap until he slammed you down onto his cock, his cum filling you.
You rested back against his chest, closing your eyes as he pressed kisses to your neck and shoulder, rubbing your body softly. "Tired?" Jaehyun, smirking against your shoulder before letting you fall forward onto the bed before pulling, grabbing a rag to clean you off before laying next to you.
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Can we finally call a Truce? ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Hades!Reader Synopsis: Percy takes you on a roadtrip to his favorite place ever, Montauk !! Warning(s): some swearing Word Count: 1978
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The semester at college for Half-Bloods was now coming to a close. Students were allowed to go home and visit family, or go where ever they wanted really, and have fun before the beginning of the next learning period.
Sadly for you, your mom was kinda not taking visitors. In other words, she died when you were young. While you stayed at camp you were a year-round camper, and now you were a year-round college student. Except for this year, now you had a boyfriend who invited you to stay with him for the next two weeks before the semester started up again.
"Soo Percy, are you ever gonna tell me what we're doing?" You asked Percy as he laid on your chest, between your tits.
"I can't telll youuu" he snuggled in closer.
"Oh my godsssss pleaseeee" you begged as you rolled the two of you over, with you now sitting on his lap. Percy didn't answer you as he just sat there and stared. "Take a picture it'll last longer."
And without missing a beat, he took out his phone and took a picture of you. You just groaned louder and slapped the phone out of his hand. "PERCY."
"Yes Y/NN" its hard to concentrate when he talks in that tired voice, dragging out his words. But you pull through. Gods your so strong, you deserve a medal.
"I need to know so I know what clothes to pack, we literally leave tomorrow " your now gripping his shirt, pulling him back and forth.
"As little clothes as possible" you just started shaking him harder for a real answer before he grabbed your wrist, making you stop. "Alright alright. Just pack.. beach clothes. Shorts, bathing suits, you know."
"Now was that so hard?"
"Extremely, but honestly why pack? With a body like yours, who needs clothes?"
"HAHA." You shouted and put on a straight face. Trying to keep your straight face just made you want to laugh even more. You just leaned down and kissed him before running pack to your dorm and packing.
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StyxGirl • 12 min
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Liked by BeaurengardOnTop and others... @StyxGirl: guys my boyfriends kidnapping me for the next two weeks send help @seaweedbrain View comments...
@seaweedbrain: why are you acting like you weren't so overjoyed and agreed instantly →@StyxGirl: @seaweedbrain idk what ur talking about →@deathboynicoo: @StyxGirl she's lying !! can confirm she did !! I was in fact there !! →@StyxGirl: @deathboynicoo oh ok. →@seaweedbrain: @deathboynicoo omgomgomg are u standing up for me rn❤️❤️ →@deathboynicoo: @seaweedbrain don't get used to it💔💔
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Today was the today Percy was kidnapping you and taking you to this undisclosed location. Just kidding, that's extreme. As you both got into the car Percy finally told you where the two of you will be going.
"So finally, is it the time you'll be telling me where your taking me?"
"FINEE. We're going to this cabin up in Montauk. I used to go there all the time when I was younger."
"Gods I feel like I haven't left that college in literally forever." you groaned out.
"And you'd think you at least get a little smarter, but your still the same airhead you were when I first met you" Percy snickered.
"Oh ok" you turned your knees away from Percy, he just laughed at your pettiness.
"This is basically you saying you want to stay here and give the classes a better shot." You slowly turned just your head and glared at Percy. He was giving you that stupid grin you've grown to love, and you turned back around while Percy put his free hand on your thigh.
"That's my girl" he leaned over and gave you a peck on the lips before starting to drive off.
The drive to Montauk was about a 2-4 hour drive, you were one to get a little carsick but Percy kept you too entertained to notice it. He decided to start playing music and switched to his playlist. And the first to song to play? You wouldn't have guessed it. 'California Gurls' by Katy Perry.
"Oh my gods Percy there's no wa-"
"I" Percy cut you off. "Know a place!" You just sat there laughing your ass off as Percy obliterated the song. "Where the grass is really greener."
You couldn't help but join in. "Warm, wet, and WILDD" you both harmonized horrifically.
"There must be somethin' in the water Sippin' gin and juice Layin' underneath the palm trees"
Gods don't let them become singers.
"You could travel the world but nothing comes close to the golden coast Once you party with us You'll be fallin' in love Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh"
You couldn't even continue, you were laughing to hard at Percy. He was truly resonating and becoming one with Katy Perry. He become one with me first Katy.
[6:54] PM
Thankfully after about one more hour, you finally arrived at the cabin. Before you walked in, you both sat on the hood of Percy's car and finished watching the sunset in piece. Percy was laid back while you laid in his chest with his arm around you. As the both of you sat together in silence, you had the same thoughts. Three words you wanted to say to each other.
"I love you."
You both raised your eyebrows and turned to each other, wondering if you both really said it at the same time. When it clicked that that's what happened all you could do was just lean in and kiss him deeply.
After you both pulled away Percy grabbed the both of your bags and headed over to the cabin. You walked inside you started to look around. It was so.. warm. It really felt like this was where a family would live. It's something you ever really experienced, so this was nice.
"I could only imagine the parties you've probably thrown when nobody was home." You said as you leaned on a counter in the open kitchen.
"Parties? I've never brought anyone here before."
"What? Really?"
"Yeah, this is a really important place to me and my mom, so I've never brought anyone here."
"Wow, are you saying im special or something?" You started fluttering your eyelashes, on the cusp of laughing.
"Very, I don't know. When I'm with you, it's like I'm home. So why not bring home home." Percy just beamed at you. He looks at you like you were the only girl in the world for him. Who was better for him than you anyways?
"Wow it almost sounds like your in love with me."
"I think because I am, I don't know though I could be wrong."
"Perchance." You can't just say perchance😭
"Anyways.. get your swimsuit. Third times the charm I'm winning this hippocampi race."
"Yeah yeah, in your dreams fish brain."
You guys ran the ocean together. This water felt different, like it was more fresh or something you didn't know. Maybe everything just felt better when Percy was around. It was like he wielded heart-shaped glasses on your face and you saw the whole world in a shade of pink. The hippocampi finally swung by prompting you guys to hop on. And weirdly enough. You won again. How Percy loses races in his own domain? You'll never know. Was he letting you win? Big chance. You thought him letting you win was cute so you didn't mention it. Plus you just liked winning.
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@seaweedbrain • 10 min
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You and Percy would cuddled up on the bed in his room. His head was in on your chest while you ran your fingers through his hair. His hair smelled like the beach, he always smelled like the beach. It was a musk that came off at all times. It was so calming. Being in Percy's arms, you felt protected. Slowly, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep.
[9:43] AM
Next morning you woke up to Percy still asleep in your arms. You decided that'd you sneak off and make him some breakfast. As you got up, you tip-toed your way into the kitchen and say that there were ingredients to make pancakes. You weren't a cook, but those were your specialty. Twenty minutes pass ad your just about finished with the batter when you hear the door open. You turn and see a bed-haired Percy walking up behind you.
"Aww is this for meee" he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Of course, your not the only chef around here you know."
"Debatable, if you only really have one dish on your menu, how much of a chef are you really?" You just rolled your eyes.
"I'm an amazing chef thank you."
"Yeah okay. You're still missing a crucially ingredient in the Jackson house." Percy walked to a cabinet, leaving you confused. Your questions were quickly answered as he pulled out a small bottle of blue food coloring. You giggled as you held out the bowl to Percy as he turned your batter a nice sea shade of blue.
"Okay now they're perfect. You can just sit and relax now, let mamas spoil you." He just laughed at the name you gave yourself, ultimately listening to you and just watching you do your thing. You looked so in your element, so focused. That's how you always looked when you did something you enjoyed. He wondered if you'd have the same smile on your face when you cooked for more people in the future. Wink wink.
"And.." You turned to face Percy with a giant plate of pancakes. "Bon appétit."
"Wow, it actually looks edible"
"Your so kind and loving."
"Thank you, it's some of my better qualities. Including my amazing jawline and bulging muscles."
You hummed in agreement before speaking up "Yes Percy, its good for us to dream I agree."
"You dream, I live in reality."
"Can you just enjoy my pancakes?"
"Yes ma'am" Percy saluted and continued to devour your food. After you finished Percy began to clean the plates. Relationships are 50-50 of course. You went to put some clothes in the closet when you found little cans of paint sitting on the bottom. It was body paint, who gasped as you grabbed it and ran out to Percy.
"PERCY PERCY PERCY" you were jumping up and down waiting for him to face you.
"What's got you so excited?" He finally turned around.
"You had body paint sitting in your closet look" you held up the cans in his face. "Can we pleaseeeee?"
"Yo tat me up. Make me look exquisite if you will." And of course you did. You were a secret little artist.
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StyxGirl • 23 min
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Liked by wisegirl and others... @StyxGirl: bro who let me be such an artisttt😭👋 @seaweedbrain View comments...
@wisegirl: no bc who let herrr😭😭👋👋 →@StyxGirl: @wisegirl bro someone stop mee😭👋👋 →@wisegirl: @StyxGirl no she's literally cursseeddddd😭 →@BearuengardOnTop: @StyxGirl a titans curse one would say😭 →@StyxGirl: @BearuengardOnTop: ONE WOULD SAYYY
@deathboynicoo: can you stfu I was sleeping →@StyxGirl: @deathboynicoo I forgot ur fanboy ass has my post notis onnn😭😭👋 →@deathboynicoo: @StyxGirl stfu bc u know dam well u turned them on and idk how to turn them off →@wisegirl: @StyxGirl yo his ass is not a wise guy😭
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"Can you stop squirming" you said as you sat on Percy's butt while painting his back.
"Gods forbid I'm a wee bit ticklish"
"A wee bit, no way the phrase a wee bit just left your mouth."
"Sorry I'm just one for words in a world where you tell me to 'GFY'." He used air quotes around 'GFY'.
"And I'm just a girl in world in which my only job is to marry rich."
"I regret showing you fucking Hamilton."
"I love you too."
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somber-sapphic · 10 months
hi!! how are you doing? is it ok to ask for a wandanat x reader with reader having a migraine and they basically help and take care of her? (i have a migraine it hurtsss :( )
Painful Whispers
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〖Notes: Hey anon! I hope you're feeling better! It's been a while, huh? Well, I'm sorry for the delay. I did my best with this one but I've never actually had a migraine so it required a lot of googling. I hope it's up to par <3〗
〖Summary: You get a migraine for the first time.〗
〖Word Count: 1.3k〗
〖Pairing: WandaNat x Reader〗
You whimpered softly and curled yourself into a ball, shivering even under the blankets. The pain was so intense that you could barely move, every twitch sending agony through your body. The pain you were experiencing was something you had never felt before, and it was the worst you had felt in a while.
The first few hours of your day had been okay; you ate your breakfast of strawberry yogurt hesitantly, noticing that something in your body was off yet unable to pinpoint it. The only difference you had managed to identify was the glimmer shining across your vision.
Your go-to solution was to drink water – it always was. Whenever you felt even the slightest bit off, you drank some water. In fact, you were constantly reminding the rest of your team to hydrate and had your water bottle with you almost everywhere. This had become a running joke that you happily went along with.
It was during your morning workout that the pain struck. It felt like someone had slammed you on the side of the head and was squeezing your skull in a vice. It was so bad that you had practically given up on your workout immediately and retreated to your bedroom, away from the bright lights and loud sounds.
You barely managed to change into comfortable clothes before collapsing into bed, pulling the covers over your head. The comforter blocked out the light, but it didn't stop the pain; it merely kept it from getting too much worse.
You had been in that state for roughly two hours now, ignoring the buzzing of your phone, which was most likely your concerned girlfriends. Eventually, you figured they would find you and fix it. You generally trusted that they could fix whatever was wrong.
It took about five minutes after that last thought for your girlfriends to burst into the room, both of them being far too loud.
"Y/n?" Natasha demanded, storming into your ensuite bathroom. "Are you in here?" She was yelling, and you had half a mind to start shouting back at her, but that would definitely hurt too much. All you could manage was a pathetic whine, hoping that Wanda, who hadn't started breaking things, heard you.
After a few seconds, you felt Wanda's hands on your back, probably sensing your pain.
"Natasha, quiet," she snapped, her voice quiet yet stern, successfully silencing the shorter woman. You could hear Natasha walking over to you and felt the bed dip as she sat down.
"Y/n, love, what are you doing under there?" The brunette murmured, gently pulling the covers down from your face. You didn't move, simply shut your eyes in case they turned the lights on and made a low sound in the back of your throat.
Wanda's brows furrowed, and she glanced at Natasha, who wore a similar concerned expression. The redhead reached over and touched your forehead, a bit surprised when she didn't feel a fever. Your face was pale, and your eyes were puffy from crying.
"Y/n?" The witch asked again, tucking a strand of damp hair behind your ear. You winced slightly, and Wanda made a decision. She didn't like using her magic, especially without permission, but you weren't speaking, and she needed to understand what had upset you so much.
She placed two fingers on your temple, and whisps of red magic surrounded your head. She didn't pry deeply into your mind, but it didn't take much.
Pain flared in Wanda’s head, and she pulled away, shock written on her face. This was only a fraction of what you were feeling, and it was enough to make her stomach churn.
"Migraine," the witch projected, not wanting to speak any further out loud so that you wouldn't have to deal with the sound. Natasha nodded, picking up on what she was doing. You heard her voice in your head, but it wasn't loud or painful; it was feather light and soothing.
"I'll go get her some meds. Cold compress too?"
"Please." Natasha pressed a kiss to your forehead and squeezed your shoulder in a show of support. Wanda also got up and secured the windows, ensuring that no light could get in.
After that, she turned on the AC, trying to remember what she had read about caring for someone with a migraine. It had come up with Tony once, but that hadn't really been her responsibility. Cool compresses, Excedrin (which thankfully they had), head and scalp massages, and quiet music.
That was all she could recall reading, and she was going to try everything. If none of that helped, then she would take on some of the pain herself.
"Okay, sweet girl, I'm going to put on some meditation music. If you want it off, squeeze my hand, alright?" You grunted quietly and allowed her to prop your head in her lap, the movement making the pain even worse. But Wanda had an idea.
She placed one hand on your forehead and let a bit of her magic flow into your skin, smiling a bit when you relaxed. All she had really done was make her skin a bit cooler, but it seemed to help. Unfortunately, the lowered body temperature wasn't something she could sustain for long; you would need the cool compress.
Natasha wasn't gone long, and based on the quick pace of her breathing, you guessed that she had run to get the supplies. Not only did she bring Excedrin and a damp cloth, but also a glass of your favorite juice and a lavender-scented sloth that had been warmed in the microwave.
"Alright, let's get these in you, yeah?" Natasha asked, with Wanda acting as a go-between so you could hear her voice. You blinked at her; even your eyelids hurt. With the help of your lovely witch, you managed to sit up, not really trusting your voice.
Nat crawled onto the bed beside you, balancing the juice carefully as she shifted so she was pressed up against you. She tapped two of the pills into your hand, and you swallowed them, followed by a large sip of juice. It wasn't until then that you realized how thirsty you were.
You ended up drinking the rest of the glass, and when you were finished, you gave the redhead a watery smile as you leaned against Wanda.
"Thanks," you whispered, your voice a weary rasp. Natasha leaned forward and kissed you softly, simultaneously pushing you back onto the pillows. She placed the cool cloth on your forehead and put the sloth on your stomach, giving your hand an extra pat.
"Lay with me?" You breathed, closing your eyes again. You knew it would be a while before the medicine kicked in, but for now, the combination of the pitch-black room, cloth on your head, and soft music was helping. The stuffed animal was a very nice touch.
"Where on earth would we go?" Wanda responded through the telepathic link, still not wanting to speak. You didn't need them to talk out loud; this was more than enough. The gesture would've made you tear up if not for the exhaustion caused by the pain.
Your girlfriends lay down on either side of you, Natasha sitting up a bit so your head rested on her chest. She began to run her short nails against your scalp, keeping her touch incredibly soft. Wanda had one arm wrapped around your waist, holding you in a protective gesture.
You let out a soft sigh and closed your eyes, deciding that though you probably couldn't sleep, just relaxing like that was enough. You had also come to one very distinct conclusion: migraines suck.
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @fxckmiup, @animealways, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @kljhsong, @juststuckhereforever, @fayhar, @chairhere, @canvascoloredin, @iliketozoneout, @ash26424, @goldenempyrean
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thesparklingwriter · 1 year
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𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 (part two)
~it’s not very often that you indulge yourself and cry, but on the one occasion that you do, someone catches you in the act.
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featuring: scaramouche, itto, albedo
tags: gn!reader, hurt comfort, fluff, established relationship, mentions of injury in Itto’s
word count: 1k
notes: part one did well and I take that to mean you guys enjoyed it so i wrote some more ^^ (albedo’s was heavily inspired by @/zhongrin 's current albedo obsession—oops sorry i mean the one that was always there my bad—) i'm totally not just out of ideas nope nope nope (also scara and albedo debut wow)
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Scaramouche was being nice. He’s so sure he was being nice. So why are you slobbering all over him like a newborn baby? All he’d said was that he was grateful that he had you around him. What about that has reduced you to such theatrics?
“I was being nice. Why are you crying?”
You look up at him through drenched eyelashes, still so beautiful despite being a wailing mess. “You never say things like that,” you sniff. “Sometimes I’m convinced you keep hanging out with me because I just happen to be around, not because you want me.”
That irritates him. But his irritation isn’t aimed at you. It’s at himself, for making you feel so unloved that even basic words of affirmation make you cry. How could have been that inattentive to your needs? So stubborn that he couldn’t bring himself to simply be nicer to you every now and then?
“I don’t just tolerate you,” he grumbles, pulling you into his arms. “I seek you out everywhere I go.” It’s kind of annoying, he thinks to himself. The way he scans every room for you the moment he walks in, always disappointed when he doesn’t catch your eyes in the crowd, delays him massively.
“Truly.” He says. He really doesn’t go for all this lovey-dovey stuff, but as long as you’re with him and tolerating all his moods and flaws, he’ll do his best to be better for you. It’s the very least you deserve.
You’re a klutz. The clumsiest being to ever grace the plains of Teyvat. And nothing—to reiterate, nothing—troubled you more than Inazuma’s cobblestone streets—the same streets that you and Itto are excitedly scurrying down to get some lunch. Upon noticing a crowd forming at your favourite lunch spot, Itto rushes ahead to reserve you both a table before you spend half an hour waiting. (Last time that happened, both you and Itto were so put off your food that you barely touched anything and walked home in stoic silence.)
It’s a good idea in theory, but if there’s one thing Itto is very good at, it's acting as your stabiliser. His built arms are perfect for grabbing onto should you lose your balance, and you’d become overly reliant on him in recent weeks. So of course, without him around, you manage to trip, a shooting pain consuming your ankle as you tumble to the ground.
Part of you is grateful that he’s not around; you can let your frustrated tears pour out as you massage your foot. You hate it when you cry in front of him. He always seems so desperate to make you stop crying and distraught at the sight of your tears. You hate worrying him.
You resolve to get it all out of your system, sobbing pitifully as you attempt to stand up, leaning on a nearby building for help. It’s at that moment that Itto notices you, running back with a smile. “Hey sunshine, I got us a table— Wait, what happened?”
You mutter something along the lines of you tripping, not wanting him to feel guilty for leaving you. He doesn’t seem convinced but wipes your tears away with a slight frown.
“Come on,” he says, turning around and crouching before you. “I’ll carry you to the restaurant. Someone there will help.”
“No, Itto, that's so embarrassing… Everyone will see I’m a stupid klutz that can barely walk without injuring themself.”
“No,” He counters, picking you up anyway. “They’ll see someone being carried by their boyfriend and think ‘How romantic, he’s such a great boyfriend. I’d love to have one like him! Such magnificent hair too!’”
You giggle at that, wrapping your arms around Itto’s neck and kissing his cheek gratefully. He really is the best.
Months and months ago, Albedo asked you to sit for one of his paintings. At first, you’d said no, concerned about the fact that sitting still for hours on end would be torture, but then you’d noted how disappointed he’d been in that answer, and changed your mind.
And then Albedo said that you weren’t to even look at the painting until it was done, and that had you backpedalling a little. What was so special about the painting that you wouldn't be allowed to see it? It was your face—you could look in a mirror and see it any time. But you nodded, too afraid to disappoint him again. After a few days, he said he didn’t need you to sit for him any longer and that he could do the rest himself. And after that, the painting wasn’t brought up again by either of you. That is, until today when he presents it to you with an uncharacteristically nervous smile.
“I thought it was time I stopped obsessing over every detail. It’s for you.”
You smile gratefully, turning the canvas to see the most beautiful piece of art you’ve seen in a long time. And that’s not only because it’s your face, but because it’s different to his other pieces. Usually, his art is calculated—a perfect example of the scientific mind behind his artistry. Every stoke, every shade is calculated and evaluated before it hits the canvas.
But this? This is different. There’s emotion behind his strokes, and enthusiasm in his colours, and you can’t help but be surprised by the way he sees you. Looking at yourself in this portrait, you feel, in his eyes, like you’re the most beautiful being to exist. Why else would he have gone out of his way to make you look so…perfect?
Before you know it, you’re sobbing uncontrollably, holding the canvas away from you so that you don't dirty it with your tears.
“I’m going to assume those are tears of joy,” Albedo says as you pull him into a hug.
“Do you really see me like this?” you sniff.
Albedo hums to himself, pretending to think hard. “I don't think the painting does you justice.”
And you’re back to bawling again.
© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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taglist: @medusuu @aixaingela @thelonelyarchon
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Could you possibly write some nsfw for Marko (he’s my favorite) to where he comes to the fem!readers job and he starts to get handsy to the point where he’s fingering her on her break please. If not that’s totally okay! Have an amazing day.
i see, i see. hehe. basically, i chose waitress for the job because that seemed easy lol.
hope you enjoy!
Night Shift (Marko x Fem!Reader)
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warning(s): nsfw, fingering, minors dni
working at night was never a walk in the park. for starters, creeps usually come at night which isn’t comforting at all. they haven’t gotten out of hand, and let’s hope they don’t start to. second, by the end of the day the restaurant is usually a complete mess with trash and rotten food that had been left on the floor probably from some kid. of course, you get the fantastic job of cleaning the place up. amazing, isn’t it?
today was unfortunately one of those days. there was napkins and chewed up food all over the floor, and you were by no means excited for this task. you wanted to get this job over with, so you grabbed the broom and trash bin and got started.
it was half passed twelve, and you started to question why you even agreed to work these hours. the only good thing about it was there were never too many customers around this hour, so at least you wouldn’t get any interruptions, or so you thought.
most of the trash was under the tables. kids of course. so you had to bend down in order for the broom to reach all the trash on the floor. in doing so, you felt two hands grip onto your hips. you gasped and immediately stood up straight only to notice that the mirror in front of you didn’t show anyone behind you. therefore, you immediately knew who it was.
“did you miss me?” marko asked while planting open mouth kisses on the back of your neck.
you shivered slightly as a result of his ice cold lips. “not right now! i’m working!”
“so am i,” marko said into your ear as he gripped onto your hips.
“marko, you’re gonna get me fired,” you groaned and slapped marko’s hands away. you turned around to see that he had a big smirk on his face. his eyes were glued to your lips before they trailed down slowly until they stopped at the target he wished to engage at that very moment.
you put your index finger on his chest to push him back. “don’t do that. not here,” you said with a slight crack in your voice.
marko chuckled. “i can’t help it.” despite your orders he grabbed onto your hip with one hand and massaged it. “you don’t know what you do to me.”
you sighed. marko was so stubborn.
he used the hand that was massaging your hip to pull you closer to him. this time you didn’t pull away or reject him.
“you look overwhelmed. i’ll make you feel better.” the smirk on his face somehow got bigger.
you considered your options. if you got caught with marko you’d definitely lose your job as well as your sanity. although, you were feeling stressed and having a moment with marko couldn’t hurt.
“what am i going to say to my co-workers in the back?” you asked searching for possible interference.
“tell them you’re going out for a smoke.” marko brought his head down a bit to give you his puppy dog eyes. you were feeling more convinced the more you considered it. “come on,” he whined. “what do you say?”
you looked around the restaurant to see if there were any customers which there weren’t. with that you turned around quickly and gave marko a hard and sloppy kiss on his lips while slightly pulling the back of his hair. he responded immediately and wrapped his arms around your lower back. the kiss lasted about ten seconds before you pulled away and looked directly into his eyes. you gave him a small smile.
“i like that answer,” he said with a cocky grin which made you roll your eyes.
“i’ll be right back. don’t miss me too much.” you gave him a wink.
marko’s plan worked like a charm. you went into the kitchen and told the chef that you were going out for a smoke. he nodded not even looking your way. you didn’t have time to deal with his attitude. he was probably just as overwhelmed as you were. with his reply you quickly walked back to marko and pulled him into the break room. he shut and locked the door behind him, and then he eyed you like he did before.
“at last,” he uttered and put his hand on your jaw to give you a kiss on your lips. you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer, and his hands found a place on your hips. without breaking the kiss, marko backed you into the counter and grabbed onto the back of your thighs to put you onto the counter. he left your lips to attach his onto your neck. the long passionate kisses he left on your neck caused you to extend your head back.
with one hand, marko spread your legs and his fingertips found their way under your skirt. you felt him going further, and he dragged his index finger up your clothed pussy.
you squirmed in his grasp. “marko,” you whimpered. “my boss is going to hear.”
“well, you better be silent then,” marko whispered in your ear. he used both hands to pull your underwear off and let it hang on your ankles. he removed his face from your neck to give you one last kiss on your lips. you whined a little when he pulled away, but you knew what he was doing. that little shit loves to see your reactions as you become a moaning mess under his fingers.
marko rested one hand on your thigh and his other went to work. he started slowly by just barely rubbing against your wet pussy. then he used his fingers to open you up and let just the tip of his index finger enter you.
“come on, marko. hurry up,” you groaned as you tried to push yourself more onto his fingers.
marko chuckled. “needy.” he pushed another finger into you, but this time he went deeper. he started to pump his fingers into your pussy slowly. you closed your eyes and your breath started to get shaky. you gripped onto his shoulders and let out a soft moan when you felt his thumb on your clit.
“please, marko please,” you begged. he replied by barley pressing his lips on the edge of your lips. marko started to go a bit faster. his two fingers inside you were pumping at a faster pace, but what was really making you go crazy was his thumb circling your clit. your thighs started to shake up and down as you tried to suppress your moans which was getting harder and harder each second. marko dragged his thumb slowly down your clit which you let out an audible moan to. you buried your red face in his neck hoping to god no one heard you.
marko was enjoying every second of this. he curled the two fingers that were inside your pussy which made your thighs jump. you moaning against his neck was enough to make his cock harden, but this wasn’t about him. marko quickened the pace of his thumb, and circled it deep against your clit. by now you were biting your lip desperately trying to keep your moans at bay. it was nearly impossible as you started to feel yourself getting close to orgasm.
“marko, i’m close,” if it weren’t for his jacket your nails would be cutting the skin off his shoulders.
“you’re close?” marko teased. “just off of my fingers?” he wasn’t slowing the pace at all as he spoke.
“shu-shut up,” you softly uttered as a moan escaped you. your orgasm was there and you were ready for a release.
“go ahead, baby,” marko whispered in your ear which was all you needed. instead of letting everyone in the restaurant hear your loud moans he pulled your face away from his neck and kissed you as you came. swallowing all your noises.
there was a mess in between your thighs, but you didn’t care about it in the slightest. marko pulled his fingers out of you and put them in his mouth to lick them clean. as you were catching your breath, marko started to pet your hair. “how do you feel now?”
“like a million bucks,” you laughed which caused him to laugh too. marko lifted you off the counter and helped you put your underwear back on. it wasn’t a lie though. you’ve probably never felt so good at work before. marko gave you a few long kisses on your lips before smiling and walking away.
“where do you think you’re going?” you asked raising your eyebrows.
marko opened the door, but turned back towards you to flash you a smirk. “i’m hungry,” he said and winked at you before leaving the room. you scoffed but still smiled to yourself. that jerk.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
just thinking about eddie being totally insecure with everything in school because assholes like jason don’t understand when a joke isn’t funny anymore. when they don’t know when to stop.
the first few ‘pranks’ he could deal with. pretty cheerleaders coming up to him and asking about his niche interests, trying to stop their giggles when he started to talk about them in an exited animated manner. only to be slapped on the back by a jock and ridiculed for it.
after a while they just got boring. repetitive. there are only so many pranks they can pull with the pretty girls of hawkins high.
a little while after that is when they started to get painful. the jokes were obviously repetitive, boring, unbelievable, and yet they confined to pull them on eddie anyway.
well because he was the brunt of all their jokes. that’s why.
because these assholes think difference is gross and horrible and deserving of harassment. and to be honest, eddie wasn’t all that different when you thought about it. he was just a nerd who listened to metal. he was like them in the sense that he was a highschool guy, with a strong interest in a game that involved strategy (basketball/dnd), and had never made a girl cum in their lives. given, eddie had never really been given the chance too, where as jocks had more than enough chances, the just sucked.
then eventually, every so often they got smart with their pranks. through in a few he never would have suspected. like the last one, the fucking worst one yet. sara mcdonald, a totally sweet girl from his sophomore home economics class, came up and asked him on a date. he was a little shocked at first, he’d never been asked on a date before, but he’d kinda been interested in her his whole sophomore year so he couldn’t say no. it couldn’t have been a prank, he thought. she was quiet and kind and a little bit weird. pretty, but not in the way jocks liked.
he got wayne to help him get ready, dressed up real nice, did his hair. they had plans to meet at a diner for burgers and shakes. he rocked up perfectly on time, got a booth, and waited for half an hour. over time, more and more students from hawkins high came into the diner, and when the clock struck one hour past her estimated arrival time, jason walked up and asked how his date was going.
apparently they’d bribed her to ‘prank’ him by promising that the cheerleaders wouldn’t call her a munch anymore.
eddie was very hurt, and he was mad, but not at sara. she was saving her own ass and he totally got that. but it made him so deeply mistrusting and insecure that the first time he layed eyes on you, he expected that you’d be a total bitch and prank him too.
but maybe he’d indulge it, just for a little while. you were gorgeous after all.
on your first day you had rocked up in a very basic white tee and jeans, converse to match. and so eddie had no idea where you’d lie on the social hierarchy.
probably pretty high. you were breathtaking.
and on day two, when you walked into the cafeteria in ripped jeans and a slayer shirt, eddie knew he was about to get bullied hard.
he kept an eye on you as you sat to eat your food.
but you never came over.
he suspected you were playing the long game.
he wasn’t gonna let you win, whoever your were.
he was deep in conversation with gareth, standing on his chair with his arms out wide as the end of lunch was nearing. he did a little spin, making the guys at his table laugh. you walked by as he did, finished with your food.
you saw the back patch of his vest.
he made eye contact with you when he turned back around, and you stuck your hand up in the metal sign and nodded your head a few times, walking off. he noticed the leather cuff around your wrist and the chunky rings decorating your fingers.
so you were really playing the part. these jocks were crazy.
the next day at school, you were in a dio shirt and his brain almost short circuited. when you walked past his locker with your walkman on, head banging to your crapy pop music (so he suspected, which he was wrong of course), you pointed at his back patch, and then at your shirt and shot him with finger guns, running off for your class.
friday morning he stopped his tracks to see you dressed in yet ANOTHER metal band shirt, this one being metallica. and you were sitting on the hood of gareth’s car, a pair of drumsticks in your hands, tapping them between your legs whilst talking to his friends.
he needed to protect them before you and your jock squad brought them down too.
“oh, eddie! this is y/n.” gareth pointed at you.
“dio guy!” you smiled, holding your hand up for a high five, “respect, man.”
eddie left you hanging.
you nodded your head, spinning one of the drumsticks between your fingers before stuffing them back in gareth’s front pocket and hopping off the hood of his car.
“catch ya.” you nodded, saluted them ass you headed inside.
“bye.” gareth called back, waving at you.
“dude. are you crazy?” eddie asked.
“are you?” gareth asked back.
all day he was on the hunt for you, only catching glimpses between classes. you were driving him mad. he just wanted you to get this prank over and done with.
at lunch he got lucky.
you came up to his table, “yo, so… what’s with the matching shirts? are you in a club or is this like, a loser solidarity thing? if so, where do i get one?”
eddie folded his arms, sneered at you. trust you not to even be a good pranker and call him a loser.
“eddie makes them!” dustin answered excitedly, “and we’re in a club… but it’s kinda a loser solidarity thing.”
eddie didn’t like your laugh, it infuriated him. he needed you to shut up and be a cunt before he just broke and kiss- i mean kicked you or something.
“oh, sick.” you said, “what club?”
“hellfire.” mike answered, and these freshman were getting their characters killed tonight, “it’s a dnd club.”
“oh, fuckin cool!” you laughed, pulled up a seat at the table, “i’ve always wanted to learn. you reckon i can join?”
“no.” eddie said, thankful the prank was in motion, “im no idiot. i see right through you.”
you made a weird face at eddie, “what?”
“get fucked.” he said, shooing you away, “it’s not gonna work on me, no matter how much they try. go on, run along back to your possy and tell them it didn’t work.”
“i don’t know-“
“seriously get lost.” eddie said, looking away from you.
you looked at him for a moment. your head dropped and you pushed your chair back, grabbing your shit and running out of there without your lunch tray.
eddie didn’t know why he felt guilty.
it was probably just because everyone at hellfire was dumb, unlike him, and thought you were being genuine.
eddie thought about you all weekend.
monday he got to school late, as he usually did. he got there halfway through lunch.
he walked into the cafeteria to find a bunch of cheerleaders croweded together atop a table. screaming coming from everywhere. all eyes on them. he walked up to hellfire, standing on his chair to get a better view of the action.
there you were, on the floor under their table. he had no idea what you were doing.
you stood up, hands clasped together. you leered for the girls, opening your hands a little and they screamed, jumping back. you laughed and started on your way outside, turning to walk backwards to call.
“a thankyou would be nice, ladies!”
“fucking freak.” one of them called back.
“aww,” you pouted your lip, “you know exactly how to make me swoon.”
you ran outside.
“what happened?” eddie asked, sitting down.
“there was a spider under the cheer table.” lucas answered with a shrug.
eddie couldn’t get you out of his head.
math class was when he realised he might have been wrong about you. he overheard a couple of girls whispering about you to eachother, talking about how fucking weird you were.
the guilt kicked in.
eddie was going to avoid you for all eternity.
apparently you didn’t agree with that, because you came up to him after school. you pulled your headphones down to talk to him, dressed in motörhead shirt, your hair done all cool.
“hi.” he said, cheeks a little pink.
“hey.” you smiled, “look, i don’t know what your problem is with me- maybe you feel threatened that your not so special now your not the only metal head freak that likes a life drama or whatever, but uh… my dad and my uncle both got me a copy of the new anthrax album that came out yesterday, so… i mean, i don’t need two. figured you’d be the only other person to appreciate it, so-“ you shrugged, handed it to him, “consider it a peice offering… dude.”
you walked away.
“wait!” eddie called out, grabbing your wrist to pull you back to him.
“what?” you said.
“im sorry.” eddie looked at the ground, “im- im really sorry for being a dick.”
“hmm.” you crossed your arms and nodded.
“look, i just… everytime a new kid comes to school, the jocks recruit them to fuckin… prank me or whatver. they come up and ask me on a date, or ask me about dnd, or metal, and then they laugh at me. so…”
“i thought that’s what you were doing. i didn’t think-“ eddie took a deep breath, rubbed his neck, “didn’t think someone as hot as you would be a freak.”
you grinned, “oh, i see. you were intimidated by my hotness.”
eddie deadpanned you, “hey- no.”
you laughed, “look, im not gonna forgive your assholery, because that fuckin stung, dude. i was trying to make friends… i thought you were like, cool.”
eddie felt himself blush.
“but i can move on.” you shrugged, “im good to start again, if you are?”
“yeah.” eddie smiled, sticking his hand out to shake, “sounds good to me.”
you didn’t shake his hand.
eddie looked at you, blinked twice.
“you left me hanging man.”
eddie laughed, “touché, touché.”
you smiled at him, and eddie thought he could really really like you, now that he’d let himself.
“anyway, i better go. i got a long hike.” you reached for your walkman.
“uh, yeah.” eddie blushed, swallowed, “or… i could drop you home? we can listen to the new album? maybe stop for a milkshake on the way?”
you blushed too, and it was the prettiest thing eddie had ever seen, he couldn't wait to make you blush again, “i think i would be cool with that. but you have to pay, ya know, to make up for being a dick.”
eddie laughed, showed you to his van, “hey, im a gentleman, i would have paid anyway.”
“oh yeah? with your well earned weed money?” you smirked at him.
“you know about that?” eddie asked, red as a tomato.
“word travels fast in small towns.” you opened the door to his van and climbed in, “i don’t mind a bad boy though.”
eddie grinned, “well lucky for you im the baddest boy of all.” eddie winked, chucked the van in reverse, “i am skipping detention for you right now.”
“oh, you are bad.” you laughed, “i’ll let you in on a secret… im skipping detention for you too.”
eddie smiled, “so your telling me we could have had a detention date instead?”
“save it for next time?” you offered, kicking your feet up on the dash.
“next time?.” eddie smiled, looked out at the road, “definitely.”
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riewritten · 1 year
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there's me, just doing my business as usual then BOOM. kishibe musing about toys. two hours later a levi ackerman x fem!reader smut appeared from thin air. this wasn't proofread im sorry
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TAGS: explicit sexual content, masturbating, teasing, dirty talk, unprotected sex, soft levi
WORDS: 1.8k | AO3
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For all of his life, Levi was never in the mood to fuck around. But you were just so defiant from acquiescing at times. Not even when he intentionally ensures you'd be begging for him to do whatever he's holding back to do did you waver. Not even when your face is too tight, crunching with how frustrated you are not to give in, did you actually admit defeat.
He didn't move upon your entrance inside his room. Completely wrapped on his futon, he did nothing but snuggle further despite hearing your voice too.
"You seem to be waking up way too late recently," you sternly remarked, arms crossed. "You have to fix your sleeping schedule now. You're not getting any younger, Levi."
"Whose fault do you think this is?"
"Why? Is it my fault?"
And there he finally got up. When the futon uncovered his bare features, the matter you're about to bring up about his stuff diminished into thin air. Don't get yourself wrong; the sight of Levi's bare features is already normal to you—the bed hair clamped over his face, the intricacies of his collar bones down to his broad muscles—but something silly flustered you this time around.
Oh god. There goes the red nail marks around his shoulders up to his back, the love bites from his neck down his chest—basically every single remnant of the previous night. Levi knew you noticed it too so he just gave you a sly look, "You were so good for me last night. Don't act all surprised that I ended up like this." 
You were the one who got knocked out last night, "I don’t understand. I got up the bed just fine!" 
Levi then urged you to sit down on the space beside him by lazily tapping the bed. You should've known better, really, because he pushed you down the mattress and hovered on top as soon as you did. "If I do you way, way, way better than usual, would you finally understand?" 
Much to your endearing amusement, his half-opened eyes exuded both sleepiness and provocation. Such an ethereal being, you thought. The marks all over his body suddenly became a pride instead of embarrassment on your end.
It was your time to chuckle—lightly, endearingly, just as he loves. "No, you silly goof. Look how exhausted you are. We might as well—oh!"
He slid his fingers under your pants, "Might as well what?" then went to your ear. He peppered the lobe with kisses and alternated between nipping and licking from your neck down. "Hm? Might as well what?"
"Might as well sleep—"
"Sleep?" Levi's hands slid under your shirt and his silly fingers unclasped your bra with ease. He cupped your breasts but intentionally skipped your hardening peaks. "Wanna sleep? Sure?"
"Uh, y-yeah—oh wait, Levi, please touch my—"
"Your what? Your head and lure you towards sleep?" Feigning confusion and in search for further explanation, Levi mused mockingly. His touches persisted, though, and the jolts got stronger as moments passed by. Levi knew damn well what he was doing.
You pursed your lip tight in an attempt to hold back, so he brought the matter up in a hoarse whisper, "You always backtrack just right before you request for something. That's the reason why I went on last night until you blacked out. Wouldn't you tell me the reason why?"
You avoided his eyes and thought of changing the topic, "The stuff in your basement, there's this—" 
Unluckily for you, Levi wouldn't have your shit this time around. He flicked both of your nipples; his warm fingers reverberating the crippling hot feeling inside you. "So you're gonna stay this stubborn, huh?"
"Yes, you bet I would."
He stopped his movements, much to your dismay, and the eye contact went for a while until he clicked a sly but subtle sneer. What he did next kind of surprised you; he removed his underwear and let himself bare, though instead of doing the same for you he scooted his lower body nearer. He knelt, trapping your body side by side with his muscular legs. Your eyes then glued to his dick inches away from your mouth. His spare hand sought support to the bed frame while the other stroke his protuberance.
You raised your head up a bit to lick the base but he strangled your head down the pillows to keep you at your place. "You bet I would, huh? Watch me then."
As harsh as he went with stroking himself, the heat creeping inside you became more turbulent, more urgent, more desperate even. It tingled all towards your core. When precum leaked out, Levi intentionally tipped his voice. He started moaning so lowly; his breathing got louder ever so sultrily. You were too taken aback to utter anything. With his eyebrows creasing, he seemed to be taking too much pleasure in having his dick so near yet so off-limits to you. He was taking too much pleasure in your frustration. 
Because in hindsight, Levi wanted you to break.
His fingers reached your cheeks all the while continuing his strokes. "You know, ever since I was a kid, I keep on breaking things because I'm strong. T-that's why—hah—I wanted stuff that wouldn't break."
For some reason, his statement didn't get through your mind anymore. Your eyes remained so glued to his dick—twitching, throbbing, and surely begging for your mouth; only if its owner wasn't stubborn enough.
"Levi, please—"
He cut you off by grabbing your head so your eyes would be on him. He continued then, "But it seems different now. Do you have any idea how much I want you to break right now?"
And you sure are at this very moment. Levi can go hard, but his touches and demeanor were never this harsh. Your consciousness roared how you want to feel him, how you want to spurt out all the things you want him to do for you, and just how much you want to welcome his embrace without any shame and reluctance.
"How much would it take for you to break?" his strokes went faster and faster; he's about to cum. "I could get off all day with just you watching me. How about that? Are we doing it this way?"
"I'm cumming."
His announcement was your last straw.
"Inside," you breathed.
"You said something?"
"Put it inside."
"Why would I?"
Say it, say it, say it. "I want to feel you."
Luckily, his strokes halted. Despite the hiss out of his delayed orgasm, Levi sat in between your legs and raised it up so he'd see how wet you were.
"Levi, why—"
"Touch yourself."
His stares were more than enough to establish that it was a stern command. And Levi, when slipping into the mode of a captain, is not a man to mess with.
You rubbed two fingers on your core then a spare hand played on your breast. Luckily, he looked satisfied despite the lack of a smile. Only when your face got needier that he started to smirk. In hopes to rile him up further, you intentionally moaned with a plea in your eyes.
"What do you want me to do again?"
You don't want to repeat it. Oh god. You bit your lip and looked at him begging. When he started palming himself—establishing that he'd just go and cum outside of you after all—you acquiesced, "Please fuck me."
He took pity so he halted and instead, instructed the next one, "Fingers in." 
You quickly do so then, and the further wetness formed upon that action made him tick his eyebrows up even though his face stayed the same. Two fingers easily slipped inside and it went on until you asked him to work on you again. He shook his head with a sneer as he finally realized your moans were already genuine and uncontrollable. The way he looked at you just shows how aware he is of his success. You're breaking apart. You started begging already, even. You're seconds away from shattering, and he sure would shatter you beyond repair.
"Levi," you breathed out. "Please fill me up–" then his erection with a begging look again. "Fill me up now."
His smile was laced with nothing but endearment now. "Third finger in."
The sight made your head fuzzy. That smile was so ethereal, so sweet, he looked so good flashing that sweet look for you. To make up for it somehow, you just had it the way he does—spreading yourself open, curling up inside, scissoring around, pulling it out, and smashing it back in.
He seemed more impressed, hence hummed to encourage you more. Just more, you thought. He'll give in, he's about to give in, you just need to be the good lady that you are for him. You pulled your fingers out, clenched on nothing so he'd see, then slammed it back with a moan.
Your wetness dripped then and Levi got the last urge to ask, "What do you want me to do, love?"
"Hah, fuck—fuck me. Oh god. I'm sorry I held back. Please—"
Levi swatted your hand away to replace it with his cock then silenced your moans with his mouth. "There you go, finally telling me what you want. How long do you think you would last with me teasing the hell out of you?"
You whined, but of course, he was joking. Despite the unwavering control, he's not in the mood to tease you further. It might not be a lot for now, but your series of requests at this moment was such an improvement. You're such a good lady for him.
Levi spit on your nipples to rub them wetly with his fingers; you helped him do so. The noisy slick where both of you conjoint reverberated along with your moans.
"Fucking finally. Oh fuck, oh yes."
"Come on, cum now. We're going like this for the rest of the day. I'm gonna—gonna make you beg all day—uh, fuck—"
You lost. You were lost for good. Your moans and whispers were full of nothing but "yes" and "please." He chased for the high he delayed you as a reward—assured you with whispers that you'll get it this time, that his pretty girl would get everything he could ever give. Not long after, both of you were gone. Your walls snapped as you peaked, and he compensated by releasing inside with a loud moan.
When he removed himself and observed how messed up you are, Levi wasn't able to help himself but smile. Your legs were shaking, your mouth gaping open, and there was not a single thought behind your eyes. Even after your release, whispers of begging could still be heard.
What a pretty sight for him.
He'll break you more, indeed. He'll break all the walls you build for yourself for good and in return, take care of you for all his worth.
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🏷 @notgoodforlife | SUBSCRIBE HERE
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simmonsized · 1 month
Okay happy Friday it's midnight and the tense group mate saga has finally ended
Honestly I cannot even keep track of what I have and have not told everyone but basically last week recap:
- person who is the problem stopped entire experiment to log data and wasted everyone's time
- proceeded to say "I'll make the graphs in R but not tonight.... And not this weekend either"
- I can't even complain because I was literally fangirling all over Jess this past weekend like was so excited we didn't even remember to take selfies
Anyway so Wednesday night no one has heard from this person and our project is due Thursday
- other two group mates are like should we talk to professor???
- 11 pm Wednesday mr problem finally emails to say "hey can we talk presentation???"
- good group member number one is like "I sent the presentation link to everyone already do you want me to send again"
- no reply beyond oh okay I see it
- person continues not to even start graphs
- smashcut to this morning in our 8 hour lab, person is like oh I'll get the graphs going now
- okay fine sure fine whatever as long as you're doing something
- me and groupmates 1 and 2 are frantically getting powerpoint ready
- okay cool done before everyone comes back for presentation time
- get an honest to God text from groupmate 1 during the presentations of the other groups to say oh my god I just looked at the slides and problem child changed a bunch of things
- she literally started crying I found out later
- groupmate 2 is frantically trying to get the corrections in to send to teacher
- problem member hears that we're correcting it and storms out of the room during 5 minute break
- I finally end up sending the corrections myself since there were problems with the email
Turns out he literally deleted like all of groupmate 1's conclusion and had deleted (still do not know why) our alternate hypotheses leaving only the null, some of which we were able to fix before turn in
Just wild behavior honestly
Anyway never have to work together again goodbye but what a fucking nightmare
Also over half the class knows we are having Trouble
And apparently this same person is a thorn in the side of the other group they're a part of for my normal ecology lab too like???? Man.
What the fuck.
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bbgthoma · 2 years
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— RAIN chuuya nakahara x gn!reader
cw. unexpected kiss, cursing
pov. you were going to your friend’s house for a party, but getting there, they didn’t even allow you in. you then called chuuya to come pick you up. not only he received your message late due to his phone being dead, but there was a traffic. it took so long that it suddenly started raining.
a/n. this bc i love the rain and i wanted my first kiss to be like that. also, (y/n) and chuuya are not dating yet at the start.
“why are you taking so much time chuu…” you mumbled to yourself as you got up to go under a tree. it didn’t help out a lot, but you still decided to stay there. you suddenly saw a fancy red car coming up. you cross your finger hoping it’d be chuuya, but it was all a fake hope, the car didn’t stop.
you sighed and let out a groan out of annoyance. “fucking ginger” you grumbled pissed off. you kept cursing off chuuya and your friends in your head. you’ve been waiting for one hour and a half and he still hasn’t came yet. from what you remember, chuuya’s house isn’t that far from here.
you kicked the tree many times until your toes started hurting. suddenly, you hear the sound of a thunder. you slowly blink until realizing you’re under a tree. what if the thunder hit the tree and that it got set on fire? you couldn’t let that happen, chuuya couldn’t come pick up your dead body.
you run away from the tree and go sit on a bench. you tug yourself in and place your forehead on your knees. you bite your lower lip impatiently. suddenly, the rain stops falling on you and you hear the sound of raindrops on a material. you look up to see chuuya holding an umbrella on top of you. he was wearing a rain coat, so he didn’t need to worry about that.
“chuuya!” you said as you basically jumped off the bench to hug him. that made him drop the umbrella. he stands there still, slowly blinking, but then he ends up hugging you back. “sorry for taking some time” he says with a smile drawing up on his face. “it’s alright, i’m just glad you are here” you say smiling back at him.
you then back off to stare into his eyes. yes, you were cursing him off a few minutes ago because he was late, but now, all you could do is stare into his eyes. his bright blue eyes looking at you in confusion and worry. they were so pretty.
you then change your sight for his lips. you bite and lick your own lip and without any questioning or thinking, you press your lips on his. his eyes widen in shock but he does nothing. you cup his face on your hand to kiss him more passionately, but then with the fact that he wasn’t kissing back, you realized that you two were just friends.
your cheeks heat up as you quickly back away. you had just mistook your dream from last night to be real. in it, chuuya asked you out to be his and you said yes, but it’s just now that you remembered that this didn’t actually happen.
“s-sorry, that was wrong of me. forget i just did that, i was getting out of my-” you said, but, before you could finish your sentence, chuuya grabs you by the collar to pull you closer to himself and kiss you. your eyes widen in shock of what was happening, but after a big 30 seconds, you decided to kiss back.
you kept kissing for like 3 minutes and then pulled away both out of breathe. “i don’t wanna forget about it because i want it (y/n). (y/n), please, will you be mine?” the man asked staring into your eyes not even bothering to inhale a bit to catch up on his breathe. “yes” you answer without hesitation.
at this, the ginger smiles and leans over to grab the umbrella. he covers you with it saying “now come on, you’re gonna catch a cold. we can finish this in my bed” and then winks at you. your cheeks heat up at the last sentence and you simply nod following him to his car.
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enha-hype · 1 year
♪ song series ♪
hi! this is the second instalment in a series of oneshots i will be writing based on/inspired by a certain song. (note : in this particular fic there's another song featured) i recommend listening to the song(s) once before you read it <3
#2 summer love (song 1 | song 2)
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pairing : lee felix x gn reader (established relationship)
genre : songfic, angstttt, pining, fluff if you squint, not a happy ending i'm afraid
warnings : none that i can think of, it's just sad ig. but if there's something you'd like me to add, lmk <3
w.c. : 1.7k
disclaimer : this is purely a work of fiction made for entertainment purposes only!
← #1
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22 hours left
You watch Felix as he goes around the kitchen getting the ingredients for the batter ready. You try to etch it all into your memory - his little nose scrunches, the way the sunlight streaming in through the window highlights his beautiful freckles, the shape of his lips… Sigh. Pictures never do him justice. And even if they did, what would be the point? You have to leave tomorrow and nothing could change that, or the grief that’s bound to follow.
Ugh, screw all those stupid romcoms and their happy couples and unrealistic endings! You wish it were as easy as they made it out to be, where one of them just quits their job and leaves home and everyone and everything they know basically, to move halfway across the world and be with the love of their life like it’s no big deal, like it’s the most practical decision ever, and of course they’re all loaded enough to be able to afford it. Stupid. Ridiculous. Know what’s even more ridiculous? The fact that you two had fallen so hopelessly in love over the span of just two months, knowing full well this relationship could have no future. Stupid stupid stupid. If the universe was so intent on handing you the cliché fall in love on vacation trope, why not give you the romcom ending as well? Why torture you like this?
Felix meets your gaze and smiles, though there's something sad about it. “Don’t do that please,”
“Do what?” you feign ignorance and blink innocently, which earns a proper smile from him this time. It tugs at your heart.
“You know what. Watch me with that forlorn look in your eyes. It makes me wanna bear hug you and never let go,” he says as he walks over and does just that.
Your lips curve up into a smile. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lix. You’ll come up with any excuse to touch me,”
“Well if you don't like it–” he starts to pull away.
“Nooo I didn't say that,” you pull his arms back around you and you both laugh. Which is followed by a heavy silence that settles in the nooks and crannies of the room, somehow making the morning not so bright anymore. You're both joking around and dodging questions and being flippant because not doing that would mean having a serious conversation. Not doing that would mean confronting reality and having to say your goodbyes and you promised each other not to be all blue and gloomy on your last day together. You both know the other is also thinking about this, and how not talking about it is just making things weird.
Felix clears his throat, unwrapping his arms from around you. “I should get back to the pancakes. Don't wanna burn them like last time,”
“Right, haha,” you resist the urge to reach out and have him lock his arms around you again, trying to ignore how cold you suddenly feel.
You hate how painfully awkward you've become over the past few days – walking on eggshells and not being able to say what you're really thinking half the time, swallowing feelings and stopping mid-sentence.
Fifteen minutes later you're sitting at the table and Felix sets down a plate in front of you : chocolate chip pancakes with dark chocolate syrup, whipped cream and ice cream. You gape at him. He’s indulging your sweet tooth way too much.
“You're trying to make me diabetic!” you complain, but give him a peck on his cheek.
“Only for today,” he chuckles and then bites his lip, realising he probably should’ve worded that better.
Only for today. Right. Because from tomorrow he won't even be able to see you, much less make you your favourite breakfast. And you're just supposed to go back to your old life and move on after….all this. After Felix. Totally easy. Totally–
“Hey you wanna watch a movie after?” he interrupts, sensing you going down a spiral. “And then go to the beach?”
You smile at his mention of the beach – it was where you first met. Where it all started. Where you’d spent most of your days together over the past two months. Playing silly games, learning how to surf. Lazy afternoons and late nights. Early morning walks along the shoreline to catch the sunrise. The first kiss you shared on one such walk. It all seems to have gone by in a blur.
17 hours left
You ended up not going to the beach.
You had put on a comedy movie but neither of you laughed much - not because the movie wasn’t funny, but because you just couldn’t bring yourselves to focus. Felix ended up dozing off halfway through, his head nuzzled on your shoulder. You watched the rest of the movie on mute, careful not to move or make a noise so you wouldn’t wake him. He woke up cursing about half an hour later, mad at himself for falling asleep and wasting what little time you have left together. You assured him it was fine, that you were happy just having him by your side. He complained that he wasn’t happy about having spent the half hour unconscious, especially when you were right next to him.
“You’re so cute when you’re sulky,” you’d said, smothering him with kisses. Then he started kissing you back, and uh, let’s just say that the two of you got a little carried away.
12 hours left
Felix sits you down in the living room saying he has a surprise for you.
“Don’t open your eyes until it’s time!”
“How will I know it’s time if I can’t see?”
“You’ll knoww.”
You frown. For a few seconds, there’s only silence. Then you hear a chair being pulled back a few feet away. You hear him clear his throat. You gasp when you hear the piano, your eyes snapping open. A lump forms in your throat as he flashes you a smile and starts singing the first line.
“I know, you know, we know
We weren't meant for each other and it's fine
But if the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
You'd come over and you'd stay the night
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All our fears would be irrelevant
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
The sky'd be falling and I'd hold you tight
And there wouldn't be a reason why
We would even have to say goodbye
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
There’s something about the way he whisper-sings that last ‘right?’ because suddenly it’s impossible to hold the tears back any longer or pretend nothing's wrong. You run into his arms, clutching him so tight and wonder how the hell that single word could be packed with so much hope and despair and joy and sorrow at the same time because it honestly shattered you.
You suppose it's kind of funny in a sad way, because he's hastily wiping at your cheeks asking you to please not cry but he's crying too, and maybe one day you'll both be able to look back and laugh about this, but right now dear God, you swear you could physically feel your heart break into a million little pieces.
10 hours left
You’re both lying on the couch now, secretly grateful for the cramped space that makes being so squeezed up next to each other necessary. Neither of you suggests moving to the bedroom. You feel his body rise and fall with every breath and you try to focus only on that and not think about anything else. The sun has set and a soft summer breeze blows in through the open window. You watch him absentmindedly fiddle with your intertwined fingers.
“So much for not talking about it,” you snort.
“Well who asked you to start crying and ruin it?”
You elbow him. “Who asked you to choose that stupid song?”
“Hey don’t blame the song!”
“Oh no I’m blaming you, Lee Felix,”
He jabs you in the side playfully and then kisses your cheek. You tilt your head to look at him. His eyes are puffy and the tip of his nose red. Your heart aches at the sight, although your own face is probably no better at the moment. With your free hand, you push back the hair from his forehead. He closes his eyes as you trace lines along his freckles like they’re constellations. “Please don't come to drop me off tomorrow,” you say quietly.
His eyes snap open. He opens his mouth like he's about to protest, then thinks better of it and purses his lips. He nods once, solemnly. He wouldn’t be able to watch you walk away, either.
“Do you regret it?” he asks, after a few minutes of silence.
“This. Us. Meeting me.”
“You're a dumbass if you think I do,”
He smiles and the ache eases a little. “I don't either. You're worth the heartbreak,”
You try not to let the word heartbreak sink in. “I didn't know you were capable of being so cheesy,” you tease.
“It's all the excess cheese from the Tteokbokki you made for lunch,” he answers without missing a beat.
“Well you gave me diabetes, it's only fair that I give you high cholesterol,”
He laughs. “God, Y/n...”
You look over at him again and you know what he meant to say. And why he didn't say it.
10 minutes
You were hoping you could leave quietly before Felix woke up like you had originally planned, but to your dismay and a bit of irritating delight, he was up even before you were. He made coffee, which you both drank at the table wordlessly. He helped with last-minute packing. Then he sat in the living room as you got ready, his expression unreadable.
Your suitcase is by the door. The taxi is waiting outside. You’ve checked and rechecked that you have your passport and other important items. You’ve avoided meeting his eyes since you woke up this morning although you stole plenty of glances when he wasn’t looking because you don’t know if you can handle what you see in them. But you can’t any longer – there’s hardly 10 minutes left before you have to walk out the door. Taking a deep breath, you make your way to where he’s standing. You hesitantly take his hand in yours – they’re cold despite the warm weather. You look up at him and– oh God. What are you even supposed to say? You don’t know and you don’t want to know, you don’t want to say anything that will make this real, you want to pretend none of this is happening. And so you just stare at him helplessly until he cups your face and presses his lips to yours and the entire world melts away for a few minutes.
You had never said your ‘I love you’s. But when you pulled back from the kiss and he looked at you with that earnestness in his watery eyes, it was as clear as day. You knew. And as you make your way to the airport, you can only pray that he knows too.
(Actual clip of Felix singing the song for extra feels)
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aching-tummies · 8 months
Hunger Prompt
3rd or 4th night in a row where I've gone to bed with an achy, hungry tummy.
I'm in the process of applying for more post-secondary education. Application fees, deposits, paying for authorization of academic records and such--all of that is taking massive bites out of my humble bank account. At the same time I'm still juggling more than one job and still applying for "better" employment. Seeing what's out there, what could potentially make my hours more worth it (i.e. paying me more than my current places), jobs that'll give me more preferred hours, and all that jazz. On top of it all, family is dealing with some health stuff and some big home projects we're all pitching in for…so…time, money, and patience/stress stuff is all being stretched super thin.
My stomach's often been neglected over the last week or so. I work basically every day of the week, with maybe half of the week as 'little' shifts (takes me more time to commute than the amount of time I actually spend being paid). The little shifts are annoying because getting up and ready is the same regardless if I work a 4 hour or a 14 hour shift (not technically legal and I'm exaggerating a bit…I have had days where I've worked for 12.5 hours or so though). Anyway…with the little shifts it's super annoying because it means I get up and leave the house before anyone else is up--so cooking and making breakfast in a house that may include some light sleepers isn't recommended. That means I either gotta prep a breakfast the night before, or pick up breakfast at a fast-food place and I end up eating breakfast anywhere from 7:30AM-10AM depending on when my shift starts and whether I opt to eat at home, eat it while in transit/waiting for a bus, or eat at a fast-food place somewhere. Work stretches until somewhere between noon-3 depending on when I started…which means I worked through lunch and by the time I'm off it's too early for dinner. Family and/or housemates tell me of dinner plans so I have to commit to saving my appetite for dinner…which means I end up being extremely hungry until some time between 6-9PM--depending on when our house manages to get dinner on the table. I'm also an extremely slow eater because I find that eating at what's considered a "normal" pace often gives me a tummy ache really quickly--often mid-meal.
For the last 4 or so days…this has been the cycle. Breakfast before 9AM, 10 hours between a measly breakfast and a planned dinner…that has been cancelled the last 4 nights 'cuz one of the other members of the family/house has reneged on the "save your stomach for dinner"…so I end up having to throw together something after 8PM after housemates have stopped their flip-flopping…so…11 hours after a singular breakfast sandwich I'll maybe have a packet of instant noodles or half a cup of pasta mixed with oil and seasoning and some frozen veg. I think 2 nights out of those 4 (tonight included), I've actually been too tired to bother with finding/making breakfast. Housemates bicker over dinner and the person(s) that reneged on the "wait for dinner" rule…so then nobody gets any dinner/everyone fends for themselves…
I deal with a lot at home--between responding to and staying on top of post-secondary applications, job-applications, planning, budgeting, and doing my part of the home projects, I also have a few personal projects--handicraft stuff to replace stuff wearing out (i.e. new scarf 'cuz maybe old one is getting a bit too dirty or worn to be nice), sewing cosplay stuff for myself or friends, etc. While abiding by the often-challenged "save your appetite for dinner" rule, I've distracted myself with these things. That's what I did today too--having not eaten since 9AM…and when I finally felt too tired to continue my projects, I realized it's passed midnight, nobody's had the proper dinner that two members of the house were harping on, and my stomach is aching. Unfortunately, I can barely keep my eyes open and the idea of standing over the pot to cook instant noodles for 5 minutes + another 5 to wash everything + however long it takes me to eat…that just seems too daunting and I'd rather not doze off in a pot of boiling water.
Unfortunately, my neglected stomach isn't growling. It aches and I can tell that I'm hungry--but it's not audibly hungry.
I don't know if this is worth a "send your best responses" thing--but go for it if you want. Honestly, the fact that my stomach isn't even growling makes me think that that often-seen scenario where the other party with-holds food until they decide my stomach is truly hungry or whatever sounds kind of fun. My stomach remains mute so no matter how much I say that I'm hungry or that my stomach is aching with hunger, the partner teases by saying something like, "I want your tummy to tell me" or something. Basically, a partner that teasingly refuses to take my word for it and will only accept 'truth' from my stomach. Even if my stomach ever actually growls audibly, maybe it's not deemed loud enough 'cuz the partner hasn't had their fill…so I won't be getting mine.
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anxious-changeling · 2 years
Monster!Reader Enjoys Fall with Monster!Rohan, Johnny, and Joseph
I’m loving the cold nights rn 🙌 finally some cool air in Texas!
Dryad!Reader x Centaur!Rohan
Fall always made you giddy with delight at the lowered temperature and the way it reflected on your hair. Normally a steady green color your hair had been turning gold like your trees leaves. Even your partner Rohan liked to you with your golden strands more than usual, and he loved to style it for you with numerous accessories.
Most people thought Rohan would be the worst partner with his snarky personality. Honestly you’d thought that too when you first started dating, but you found out just how wrong you were! Thoughtful dates and gifts while also spoiling you with expensive gifts. He had basically bought you a new wardrobe that fit your aesthetic!
You weren’t all too surprised when he offered to take you on a day trip to the country, and he promised you’d like his surprise. After a hour or two by train he offered you a blind fold and a soft yet secretive smile. As he led you through town to a forest trail you couldn’t help but wonder what he had planned.
Finally he pulled you to a stop, lifted your blindfolded, and watched as surprise filled your expression. It’s your tree! He had lead you to your tree decked out with lights and a picnic spread! Squealing you leapt wrapping your arms around his human half embracing him with pure joy.
“I saw you felt a little under the weather and I knew you’d love to visit your home tree.” Rohan mused as he lead you to sit down on the picnic cloth. Taking his time to kneel down and grab the bags he had strapped to his flanks, and before you eyes emerged all kinds of foods. All of your favorite dishes and deserts, even your favorite drinks!
A romantic lunch beneath your ginkgo tree with Rohan was an item you’d had on the bucket list for a long time. No matter the wish Rohan always strives to make yours come true, and you couldn’t ask for a better partner. Afterwards you and Rohan playfully played under the tree even rolling in its crinkly leaves.
Years later Rohan would show you a drawing he’d made of that day. A day where joy shone in your eyes and your cheeks burned red with glee, and a day that Rohan fell even more in love with you. A day to celebrate and remember.
Dullahan!Reader x Siren!Johnny
You loved to scare your boyfriend. He always made this little funny shriek when something caught him off guard! So while he was away you made big plans for a scare that you knew would scare him senseless!
Johnny hadn’t expected to come home to a fully decorated haunted house, and watched as fog crept out of the door of your house. He briefly contemplated turning around to avoid the fright he knew you had planned. Your undead status gave you a distinct upper hand over living peoples pranks.
His superior hearing couldn’t even hear a breathe nor heartbeat, and the creepy music made his hairs stand up. Creeping inside he was met with the strange scene of your dinner table littered with silver food covers.
Letting out a relieved chuckle wheeled closer to the table calling out, “This is a little obvious for you hon” An ominous giggle rang out from the table and Johnnys instincts kicked into overdrive. One by one he lifted the domes but instead of your head he was met with mouthwatering dish after dish.
Finally he reached the last and largest one yet when he yanked off the cover a paper laid there that said, “look up.” As soon as his head cranes up he shrieked as your head came swinging down cackling with glee. His heart pounded and he pouted up at you playfully breathing, “god you’re such an ass.”
He always expected the scare to be obvious and then got the wits scared out of him at the end. You couldn’t help but laugh as Johnny clutched his heart before calling your body from the other room. Your fingers nimbly undoing the straps that allowed you to swing down, and you quickly made sure to snap your head back on.
On any living creature Johnnys voice would have a trance effect and his scream would’ve deafened you. Your undead status protected you from any effects cause by a sirens power therefore making scares fair game! Johnny loved the anticipation and you loved to see him startled by yet another prank you’d pulled off!
You both chuckled before taking a seat at the dinner table to enjoy the food Johnny had slowly uncovered. Making idle chatter Johnny listened as you explained the mechanics that went into the he prank. In turn Johnny told you how he’d accidentally charmed coworker Diego at the Steel Ball Ranch.
A happy Halloween for the both of you!
Familiar!Reader x Werewolf!Joseph
Your witch was honestly starting to piss you off a little bit. They knew your contract required you to have full moons off for very specific reasons! Who wanted to spend time with their boss when they could be with their very loving partner?!
If the witch held you any longer you’d honestly think about grabbing some cyanide for their evening tea. But noooo they had insisted on your assistance with some magic that’d be strongest on the full moon. Never again.
By the time you finally managed to escape your witch the moon sat heavily in the sky, nearing its apex. Racing home you pulled into the driveway only to be knocked down as soon as you hopped out. A large bristling figure growling menacingly above you that you didn’t hesitate to growl back at.
An excited whine greeted you as the figure started showering wet kisses down onto your face. Laughing you pushed them off and looked over to see your boyfriends transformed form play bowing happily. He always loved taking this form and playing with you, and honestly you loved it too.
With a grin you shifted into your true form the equally giant form of a hell hound. Returning his play bow you chased him around the yard, paws scorching the earth black where they touched. Bounding back and forth playing heartily as the moon made its journey across the sky.
Finally you laid panting against the ground feeling once more like the puppy you had been hundreds of years ago. Joseph snuffled your ear and nuzzled happily into your side as you watched the moon.
Soon her journey would end and she’d take your boyfriends true form with it. Once again you’d have to wait until the next full moon to play with him. Both of you ran abnormally hot so the chilled fall air didn’t bother you, even as he started to transform back.
A horrible and painful transformation that he always said your natural heat eased. So you wrapped yourself around him tightly and hoped his muscles would relax further and make it easier.
He laid there panting with exhaustion but he still gazed up at you with such loving eyes. So you chose to lay there with him and watch the sunrise. Basking in one another’s presence you’d never forget the hundreds of sunsets you’d watched with him.
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cas0214 · 2 years
The Strongest
Chapter 2
A yuji itadori x reader fic
The only thing you could feel where his hands. God. His hands were so nice down there. He had two fingers going in and out and in and out at a rapid pace inside my cunt. While his right hand was doing that his left hand was busy grouping my breasts making the pleasure unbearable My body was so hot, I was sweating so much that the bed sheets were starting to get damp. I started moaning even louder than before when he put his tongue right on my clit.
"I know love. I know." He whispered against my cunt making me start to writhe against his mouth. The coil in my stomach was so close to snapping.
"Shit baby you look so good like this, you're doing such a good job for me."  He basically whined against me. His tongue, warm breath, his fingers, his hands on my breasts, there was just too many things happening for me to process and the coil finally snapped. My hands gripped his hair so hard my fingers started to turn white. The upper half of my body arched so hard off the bed that it started to hurt my back. After I was done cumming, his tongue and fingers left as he leaned up and I could see that his mouth and chin where drenched in my cum. My hands went to his face and I-
I gasped as I flew up out of my bed into a sitting position. I looked at the clock on my nightstand.10:40 it read in big bright bold red letters. I swiftly pulled the blankets off myself muttering multiple curse words. 
"Y/NNNNN YOUR LATE."  I could hear the old geezer yell through my door. I yelled a response as I changed out of my sleep wear and into my school uniform. I turned to my bed and saw that there was a wet stain there. 
I looked down at myself and noticed how sweaty I was and how my pussy was basically throbbing. "Y/NNN" Man this dude is persistent. I quickly moved my blanket, so the stain wasn't noticeable and went to open the door.
"Yes Gojo?" I asked my voice cracking a bit.
He brought his wrist up against my face and tapped his finger on it multiple times indicating a fake watch. "Your like five hours late kid what the hell."
My face twitched from remembering all the times he was late. "Your over exaggerating dumbass." I said as I walked out and closed the door. I look to my left and see Gojo is already a few feet in front of me. 
"HEY WAIT UP ASSHOLE!!" I yell out as I run to catch up to him. "So, what are we even doing today, Gerald?" 
"One." He starts as he lifts up his finger in front of his blindfold. "Stop calling me dumb names. And two." Lifting up another finger. "We are going to meet the three other first years." After he was done explaining he put his thumb up against his covered eye and began to scratch it.
I scoffed as I slapped his arm to make him stop scratching his eye, it really upsets it. "Why do I have to meet them on a Saturday man." I started to whine.
"Hey, don't give me that kid this is very important." He said giving me his signature 'smile'. I knew that he's been through a lot when he took me in. His 'ex-boyfriend' was killed. That's all he would tell me anyway, and I won't ask any more questions.
"How is this important Grell, were just meeting new people?" I asked putting my hands behind my back.
"Because it is y/n there's nothing else to it. Oh, look at this were here." He spoke. His loud annoying voice caught the attention of the supposedly three first years and they halted their conversation to turn and look at us.
The first one to catch my eye was the female red head who had a pink haired man in a chokehold. There was another dude off to the side and he looked like he didn't want to be there.
"Hey, my name is Nobara Kugisaki, it's nice to know that there's another girl here." Nobara said while releasing the pink haired dude.
"HI, I'm Yuji Itadori. From Sendai." He said after getting some of his voice back. "It's nice to meet you."
Nobara elbowed the last first year in the ribs to get him to say anything. He looked me in the eyes and dreadfully said his name.
"Welp." Gojo started clapping his hands together. "Now that where all here, let's go get some food "
"YAY." Both Itadori and Nobara yelled at the same time.
"Sushi. I want sushi " Itadori said excitedly while getting up in Nobara's face.
"No idiot let's get steak. Steak." Nobara said back to him looking disgusted that he would suggest sushi
"If you don't mind." I started to say while putting my hand up. "I don't really care what we eat as long as we use up Georgie's card." I finished while giving Gojo a small smirk.
"Whose Georgie?" Itadori asked.
As we started to walk to an area where we can eat and Gojo was explaining that he was Georgie, I started to think about the dream.
Who was it
Why did I have it
Why did I....like it
"We're here."
Gojo's voice snapped me out of my little day dream.
"YAY. SUSHI!!" Yuji yelled. He was so happy it made me smile a little.
"NO I WANTED STEAK!!" Nobara also yelled but not out of happiness.
"This place serves everything." Megumi said.
"Thaaaaats right!!" Gojo said putting his hands on Megumi's shoulders. "Now let's eat!!"
As we went into the restaurant and found a booth Yuji started talking to me. Not really talking about anything in particular but he maintained the conversation the entire time.
The restaurant was nice, the only problem was that the booth wasn't big enough for five people so someone had to sit in someone else's lap.
"Not it." The teacher, and the other three students said at the same time while putting their index fingers to their noses.
"Oh come on guys, we just met."
"Not my fault you didn't say it." Nobara said sitting down In the booth, Megumi following after her.
Gojo went in on the other side of booth, looking at me with that stupid smug smile.
"You can sit in my lap y/n." Itadoris sweet voice reached my ears. I sadly went and sat down on his lap. I could hear Nobara's laughter and Megumi still looking like he didn't want to be there.
When the waiter came over, Nobara got a medium rare steak, Megumi got some butterfly shrimp, Gabriel got a lot of sweets, Itadori got some sushi and I got tortellini. Grant, Nobara, Yuji and barely Megumi were keeping the conversation going as I couldn't help but think about Yuji's arms around my waist. Every time he laughed, they would always tighten, and I wanted out. As I got up everyone's attention went on me.  
"Christ can I not go pee without everyone staring at me." I said walking to the bathroom.
"NOPE!" Grant yelled.
I flicked him off as now everyone in the restaurant has their eyes on us as I swiftly go to the one stall bathroom. Once I get in there and lock the door I turn to the sink, turn the faucet to my right to get cold water. I put my hands into a little cup and put them under the water. Once I gathered enough water, I lean over so my clothes don't get wet and splash my face. After I do those motions multiple times, I go over to the paper towel area and dry my face. When I go and open the door Yuji is standing there with his arm up and has his hand in a fist, like he was about to knock on the door. When we made eye contact, he blushes, like he wasn't expecting me to open it at the time. 
"S-Sorry. I just wanted to come and check on you. You were gone for a while." He finally said moving so he was scratching the back of his neck.
"Nah your good kid." I say waving my right hand back and forth while I started to walk back to the table, but a hand clamping onto my wrist stopped me. I turn to look back just when Yuji stated talking.
"Are you sure, you seemed really uncomfortable back there. We can leave them if you want." Nodding his head in the directions his friends were at. I quietly chuckled.
"Yeah man I'm fine. Now come one." I started to say moving my hand so that were both holding hands and started to speed walk back to the table. "Let's go eat all of Gage's sweets." I finish with the biggest smile on my face. When I look back to see Yuji's reaction, I see the sweetest smile on his face with a nice blush coating his cheeks. 
"YEP, let's go eat."
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xconflictx · 2 years
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{ cis-woman, she/her } ❝ but I've become what I can't be ❞ huh, who’s JERI RYAN? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually ANGELA BONES-AVERY. she is a 45 year old HALFBLOOD witch who is AUROR. she is a GRYFFINDOR alum and the child of AMELIA BONES + THOMAS AVERY. she is known for being SARCASTIC, MANIPULATIVE, UNPREDICTABLE, PERFECTIONIST, and OBSESSIVE but also CONFIDENT, PERSISTENT, COURAGEOUS, AMBITIOUS, and RESPECTFUL, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song STOP AND STARE BY ONEREPUBLIC and COMBAT BOOTS TRUDGING THOUGH THE MUD, THE SOUND OF A HEAVY DOWN POUR, COFFEE LEFT TO GO COLD, A CONFLICT RAGING WITHIN, BRUISED KNUCKLES. i hear she is aligned with the DEATH EATERS (SHE'S UNSURE OF HER TRUE ALLIANCE), so be sure to keep an eye on her. 
Basic Information
Full Name: Angela Lilith Bones-Avery
Nickname(s): Ang, Ange, Angel (husband only)
Age: 45
Date of Birth: September 20th 1984
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Biromantic and bisexual
Occupation: Auror
Marital Status: Married
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Beech Wood, Dragon Heartstring. 12 and a half inches.
Favourite Subject: Charms
Least Favourite Subject: Transfigurations
Patronus: Orangutan
Boggart: Being alone. Not in the sense of left alone in a room but more in the sense of losing everything and everyone she holds dear.
Positive Traits: Confident, Persistent, Courageous, Ambitious, Respectful
Negative Traits: Sarcastic, Manipulative, Unpredictable, Perfectionist, Obsessive
Quick fire facts! 
Has mummy issuesTM
Joined the death eaters more or less to spite her mother and is lowkey regretting it
Her ideals don’t align with the death eaters but those who she clings to for comfort do (her father, grandmother, husband) so she has blindly followed them. Now the death eaters are becoming more active again she is hesitant to be involved.
Has mega abandonment issues to go with those mummy issuesTM
Chose her profession to be closer to her mother and was surprised she enjoys it as much as she does. Undercover work is her speciality.
Knows how to get what she wants
Half finished bio! (wasn’t planning on writing one right away but here we are XD)
Thomas Avery was a charming man who worked along side the minister and Amelia Bones had recently been promoted to head of the department of magical law enforcement. They hit it off and instantly became the subject of water cooler gossip. Their relationship proved to be nothing more than a whirlwind (and rumours flew left and right about if there was any feelings between the pair or it was simply an attempt to gain more influence from one of them or both. Although both Thomas and Amelia would deny to comment) however even whirlwinds can occasionally leave lasting effects. Angela Lilith Bones-Avery was born 6 months after their relationship ended.
A halfblood born out of wedlock would have been a point of shame on the Avery family if Thomas hadn’t been instantly smitten with his daughter the moment she was placed in his arms. Most pureblood families would have turned their nose up at Angela, Thomas managed to convince his that her birth wasn’t a shameful thing but an opportunity. The Bones’ were an influential family in the Ministry and now they had one of their own. 
Angela grew up in two homes with clashing beliefs. Her mother, the strong, wise and just Amelia Bones had a very different look on things than Thomas did. Amelia taught her that being just and fair was important while Thomas taught her she should take what she wanted and never apologize. This clash would often confuse her and left her desperate to find a middle ground between her parents. 
As she grew older she spent more time with her father than her mother growing up, Amelia worked long hours and was often called into the office when things were rough or a court hearing went too long or she needed to read up on a sensitive case she was presiding over. This left little time to be looking after a child. Angela was often angry when her stays with her mother were cancelled due to “something coming up” 
By age 10 Agatha Avery became a stable figure in Angela’s life. Her grandmother had warmed up to Angela as she grew older and began to see the opportunity that her son had. 
Angela attended Hogwarts age 11 and was sorted into Gryffindor house. Coming from a long line of Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, Angela felt like a disappointment. She received congratulations from both sides of her family but it wasn’t hard to tell that only her mother’s had been genuine. 
The older she got the more desperate she became for the praise of her family and the attention of her parents. It seemed to her that only her father had time for her, her mother, often caught at work and after the appointment of Kingsley Shacklebolt she only seemed to be their even more.
This fuelled a quiet hatred for the newly appointed Minister that her father and grandmother happily stoked into a flame until she could barely look at him without a look of disgust on her face.
Angela married her husband at 21. A man from a sacred 28 family, her mother despised him (which only added to her want to marry him to annoy her) but she loved him with all her heart. 
(more bio coming soon!)
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