#and someone did the 'do you need a hand' joke and a little kid repeated it and he tried to kick out everyone under 15
bluethespiai · 4 months
i should go to the theatre more often
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foldingfittedsheets · 1 month
Back in the dawn of days I worked at Red Robin. It was my first real job after a brief stint at a dog kennel. Many people don’t know this but there’s a costume. A Red Robin mascot costume. I’d never seen it before I worked there.
He’s a violently red bird with empty eyes, a vacant grin, the most atrocious yellow leggings you’ve ever seen, and feet to make any Kingdom heart character swoon. His name was Red.
I was a host, and we were the only ones called upon to wear the costume. We’d don the bright yellow tights and corporate fursuit with someone leading us by the hand so we didn’t crash into everything.
The mesh screen in Red’s gaping mouth was supposed to let the wearer look out. Visibility was a joke. The restaurant was a dark gray haze of bustle from inside Red’s head. So every Tuesday and Thursday there’d be a two hour shift of a designated Bird Buddy leading the visually impaired sacrifice around.
After being forced to wear it during a heat wave and vomiting from the overwhelming temperature, I had vowed to never wear it again. But every new host always had a tiny secret longing to wear it when they first started. This desire never survived the full two hour shift.
So I was working a day shift with a newer host, Lauren, who had been openly enthusiastic to wear it. The manager hustled up to tell us that a little kid was here for his birthday and desperately wanted to see Red. We weren’t scheduled but impromptu requests could be accommodated when the restaurant was slow.
I said, “Great, Lauren can do it and I can be her buddy.”
I grabbed the hapless Lauren and dragged her to the dry goods storage where the suit was stored and where we changed. I closed the door and dragged the suit down. It had a particular greasy ground in smell to it.
Frying food, hot oil, and body odor had all permeated the faux fur with a unique reek. The management mouthed empty nothings that the suit was sent for monthly cleanings. It was common knowledge they were lying through their teeth. The smell of Red was eternal and unchanging.
“Okay, so take off your pants, put on the tights, then step into the body and I’ll zip you up. Then you get a vest and the head goes on last, got it?”
Lauren stared at me. I stared back. She made no move to change.
“Okay…” I repeated, “So you take off your pants and put on the tights?”
Lauren shifted nervously, silent. Not changing.
“Do you need me to turn around…?” It hadn’t occurred to me that she might be shy based on her personality, all the hosts were fairly blasé about changing in front of each other.
“I didn’t….” Her voice dwindled to a decimal only perceivable by bats.
“What’s that?”
Blushing vibrantly she raised her voice to the level of a tiny mouse to squeak, “I’m not wearing underwear….”
I stared at her harder. Our uniform pants were dark denim jeans. The thought of rubbing my bare pussy into denim for a whole shift was on par with dry humping a sheet of sandpaper. “You’re… you’re not wearing… anything?”
She shook her head miserably.
We both regarded the yellow tights worn by most of the host staff. We contemplated a lack of underwear being pressed into those communal tights, adding to the miasma of Red’s smells.
But I was sure as fuck not getting in that costume.
“Make sure to take the tights home and wash them.”
Her eyebrows went up. She met the bitter steel in my eyes and crumpled. I turned my back and she did what she had to, slipping naked as a babe into the neon spandex of Red’s tights. Lauren trustingly kept a grip on my hand as I navigated her through trays and tables to terrify the tiny birthday boy.
To the best of my knowledge, she never did wash the tights.
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cozage · 8 months
Hello, can I request for aged up characters x reader. Like them getting hit by a quirk that can age people up temporarily like them being in their 60's or something. Thank youuuuuu.
A/N: I FINALLY DID IT HERE U GO Characters: gn reader x Zoro, Usopp, Law, Ace Cw: Ace’s gets a little suggestive ;) Total word count: 1.2k
A Glimpse of the Future
When you entered the kitchen, you were startled to find an older man walking around so casually. An older man with a scarred eye and green hair you knew so well, now slightly streaked with gray. 
“Zoro?!” You asked cautiously, staring at the man. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he grumbled. His voice was deeper than you remembered, but it was the same voice. 
“What hap-”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He set his swords down and sat on the chair. After a heavy sigh, he finally spoke again. “Got hit by an ability that makes you old. Just a stupid prank from some kid.”
“Is it permanent?” you asked, grabbing the tea kettle off the stove. You had to admit, you liked this look on Zoro. But you were afraid of what it could mean. 
“Should be back to normal in a few hours.” He shook his head and sighed. “Everything aches, dammit. I hate this.”
“You always were an old man in soul,” you teased. You were relieved that he wouldn’t be this way forever, and now you could joke around with him.
“I’m not an old man!” he yelled. 
You had to turn around and pretend to work on your tea to stifle your laugh. He really was sensitive over this. Just like an old man would be.
“Calm down, now,” you soothed, walking over to him with a warm cup for the two of you to share. “Would you like some tea?”
He eyed it, and you could tell he wanted a drink, so you passed it off to him. 
“You don’t look bad, you know.” You ran your fingers through his hair, gently trailing over the new silver streaks. 
“Yeah, whatever,” he grumbled, taking a drink and humming in delight. “I’m not meant to be this old.”
“Darling, I disagree.” You paused to kiss his cheek. “You were made for your golden years.”
“Quick! Y/N! I need you!” An old man who looked shockingly like Usopp grabbed your hand. 
You scowled, pulling away from him. “Who the hell are you?!”
“I’m Usopp from the future!” He yelled, trying to usher you from the deck. “I’ve traveled through space and time just to reach you and give you a warning!”
“What warning?” you asked. You were still cautious, but he did act a lot like the Usopp you knew. The only big difference was the wrinkles and the streaks of gray in his long, tied-back hair. 
“Come with me immediately!” he said. “It’s been years since I’ve seen you! We don’t have much time!”
“Usopp, stop. You’re scaring me.” Why had he not seen you in years? Why did he have such little time with you? None of it made sense. 
Old Usopp grabbed your face, holding you close to him. “On this day, in twenty years…you’re going to disappear right from this very spot!”
“What?” you whispered, trying to hold back tears. “What do you mean?”
“He’s lying to you!” Nami yelled. “He got hit by an ability that makes him old and he’s making it everyone else’s problem!”
Your fear turned to anger, and you shoved Usopp away from you. “That wasn’t funny!” you shouted, wiping a tear from your eye. 
Usopp started cackling. “Oh man, you look terrified! I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“That wasn’t funny,” you repeated, still glaring at him. In hindsight, it was kind of humorous. You just wished the prank had been played on someone else. 
Usopp pulled you in for a hug, his soft, weathered lips kissing your temple. “Forgive me?”
“This time,” you giggled slightly from his stray hairs tickling your skin. “Just don’t do it again, okay?”
“Deal,” he said. “Now let's go trick someone else.”
An older man with Law’s exact outfit stormed into your room and rushed to the bathroom. 
“Don’t say anything,” he said. 
“Law?” You cautiously peered around the door frame. 
His expressions and stance were familiar, but he was older. Much older. 
“I don’t want to talk about it!”
You flinched at the sternness in his voice; it was much harsher when mixed with the gruffness of age.
He noticed you in the mirror, wearily standing back and watching him silently. His tone had been extreme, and he knew it. 
He gave a sigh and pulled himself away from the mirror to walk towards you. “I’m sorry, I’m just frustrated about all this.”
You reached up and ran your hand across his hair, the black locks now streaked with white. You smiled to yourself. Even in his old age, Law was still incredibly handsome. 
“You’re old,” you whispered out the sentence, grinning at him. 
Law’s eye twitched, but he said nothing in response. You could tell he was pouting.
“Is it permanent?” you asked, rubbing your finger across his softened skin, now decorated with wrinkles. 
“Should wear off by tomorrow morning,” he grumbled. 
You hummed pleasantly, still examining his weathered face. His sharp, golden eyes were so out of place on a face that old. 
“Well, Trafalgar Law,” you purred, running your hands through his hair and placing a kiss on his lips. “If this is what I have waiting in store for the future, I simply cannot wait.”
The door to your cabin opened, Ace’s silhouette blocking out the light behind him. You couldn’t see his face, but something felt…off. 
“Don’t freak out,” Ace’s voice was far more husky than you remembered it, and his words sent a jolt of panic through your bones. 
“Ace?” You sat up in the bed, squinting to get a better look. 
“It’s only temporary,” he said. 
“Ace, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?” You stood out of bed and walked to the door to greet him. 
Yes, something was definitely off. His body was bigger than you remembered, more stocky and muscular. His hair was longer. It was Ace, but it wasn’t the Ace you knew. 
“Something went wrong on the mission, but everyone’s okay. We’re just…”
You couldn't stand it anymore. You turned his body slightly so you could see it in the light. 
“Old!” you exclaimed, staring at him with wide eyes. “You’re old!”
You could see a slight flash of irritation dance across his face, and you giggled. He certainly was attractive, even irritated in his old age. The kind of old man who would yell at kids to stay away from his house one moment and then run to play with them the next.  
“You’re handsome, Portgas D. Ace.” You tucked his long hair behind his ear and ran your thumb across his cheek. 
“You think so?” He gave you a slightly cocky grin, but you could tell he was still self-conscious about it. 
Your eyes trailed down his body, sinful thoughts filling your head. “How long are you like this?”
He shrugged. “Few hours, I think. We can just sleep it off.”
You blushed, your fingers trailing down his chest. “Who says we have to sleep it off?”
Ace’s mouth fell open, and then quickly corrected into a devious grin. “You, my dear, have major daddy issues.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re one to talk.”
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1-800-zombify · 8 months
Jake’s Advice 💪
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Neteyam x Metkayina!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Neteyam being stupid & has a crush, Jake has ok dad advice, Neteyam not knowing Earth terms/phrases, Y/N is Ronal & Tonowari’s kid, Y/N isn’t actually in this - she’s just talked ab
Summary: Neteyam musters up confidence to ask his dad for advice on how to win over a girl after struggling and embarrassing himself.
NETEYAM PEERED INTO THE marui, his shadow casting over his father. He sat on the floor with his back towards his son, methodically cutting fruit. Jake’s ears twitched towards the sound of Neteyam’s footsteps. Jake didn’t bother to turn to him.
“What is it now?” Jake mumbled, laying the knife down, as Neteyam sat in front of him.
A beat passed.
“Dad, I need your help.”
Jake pressed his eyes closed. His lips pressed into a thin line when he sighed, “What happened? I told you to keep an eye on your brother —,”
Neteyam frantically shook his head, “No, Dad, he didn’t do anything.”
“… oh,” Jake blinked. “Well, that makes things a little easier. What is it?”
He rubbed the corner of his eye, fingers slowly traveling up to his temple. His ears flattened with embarrassment, as his eyes darted across the floor.
“I, uh…,” Neteyam paused with a sheepish smile. He propped his elbow on his thigh, as he leaned the side of his face into his palm.
Jake eyed his son suspiciously, observing the dazed far-off look on Neteyam’s face, the way his tail seemed to wag like a dog’s. He furrowed his brows, “Spit it out.”
“Well…,” Neteyam sat up straighter, hands now sitting on top of his knees. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” Jake replied bluntly.
“How did you make Mom like you?”
Jake scoffed, “She doesn’t. She just gave up trying to get rid of me.” Jake watched Neteyam awkwardly nod at his words.
He then realized where this was going, and his soul almost left his body.
The painful teenage conversation he prayed to avoid. Jake lightly hit his head, mumbling, “I’m joking.”
“Right,” Neteyam muttered. “Then… what did you do?”
“I went to the Tree of Voices.”
Neteyam winced, a disgusted expression creasing on his features, “No, Dad—,”
Jake raised his brows, blinking dumbly. Judging by that reaction — “Who told you about that?” Jake pressed, surprised.
Neteyam stuttered, “Uh — I, um,”
“Whatever, doesn’t matter,” Jake waved his hand dismissively. He mentally noted to hunt down all his teenagers later for a quick chat. He sighed, “Just tell me what this is all about.”
Neteyam swallowed, “I like someone?”
Jake couldn’t help flinching and immediately shutting his eyes at the inquisitive statement. His calloused fingers rubbed the top of his flat nose bridge, taking in a deep inhale, “Is that a question?”
“No?” Neteyam shook his head. He repeated the word more affirmably, “No.”
“…Who is it?” Jake uttered exasperatedly.
Neteyam flinched at the tiredness in his voice, his father’s yellow eyes boring into his. He nervously licked his lips, his gaze falling upon the floor, when he practically whispered, “Y/N.”
“Oh God.”
Neteyam looked at him, tilting his head, “Who?”
He ignored him, rubbing his eyelids. “Are you sure?” Jake inquired, repeating the name, “Y/N? Y/N, the chief’s kid?”
“Who else…?”
“That girl’s tough as nails,” he mumbled.
Neteyam blinked, “I don’t know what that means.”
“You — whatever, I’ll explain it later,” Jake paused. “You came here to ask me how to ask a girl out?”
He shrugged, “Yeah but…”
“But what?”
“I messed up.”
Jake’s eye twitched. It was more common to hear those words from his younger son, but it still stung nonetheless. “What do you mean ‘messed up’?” He asked carefully.
“Well… uh, I thought I could mimic the underwater dances Tsireya was showing us,” Neteyam awkwardly chuckled, nervously adjusting his armband. He looked up at his dad. Jake was amused to see his stoic son so flustered and worked up. “I didn’t do it… I didn’t do it right.”
Jake laughed, and Neteyam was bewildered.
“Dad —,”
The calloused pale blue pads of Jake’s hand pressed themself against the crown of Neteyam’s head, a meek attempt of fatherly comfort. Jake sighs lightheartedly, shaking Neteyam’s head, “I’m sure, if anything, she found it funny. You’re gonna have a harder time if you always take yourself seriously.”
“But she didn’t laugh,” Neteyam explained. There was a wave of sudden distress washing over his body. His striped tail slowly flickered from side to side, as he picked at his nails. “She just looked at me and did the finger-talk.”
“Neteyam, you’re fine,” Jake tossed the cut slices into a nearby wooden bowl. He picked up his small knife, resumed cutting the leftover fruit. “You know what she said?” He asked with a quick glance. Neteyam shook his head, and Jake continued, “You need to practice sign language more then.”
Neteyam rolled his eyes, “Dad,” he mumbled with slight irritation.
“What? You don’t know what she said, but you’re supposed to learn how to understand. Simple as that,” Jake shrugged. He wiped sweat off of his brow, the heat and humidity in the hut suddenly overbearing. “I don’t know what you want me to tell you, kid.”
“How do I make her like me?” Neteyam had asked it with the teenage theatrics Jake recalled from Kiri and Lo’ak. His son’s elbows were propped on his folded legs, his slender hands clasped together like he usually did in old clan meetings.
Jake raised his brows. His thin lips were evidently entertained by Neteyam’s anxiety, as they curved into teasing smile. Jake shrugged again, replying half-jokingly, “You’re the son of Toruk Makto and are an exceptional warrior, I’m sure she’s already very impressed.”
“It takes more than skill to win a girl over,” Neteyam groaned, finding the conversation hard to live through. He rubbed his eyelids til there were colorful spots in his vision.
“You telling me?” Jake laughed, raising his empty hand defensively. Once his laughter died down, he cleared his throat, his ears twitching at the top of his head, as Jake fell into thought. “Girls don’t just like brawn, you need to be smart too, son. Be compassionate, observant, witty — be more like your sisters.”
“You ask me for advice, and all I get is judgment. What do you want from me?” Jake scratched his head. He sighed through his nose, “Here’s what you’re gonna do: you need to make it clear that you like her. Give her compliments, make her gifts, whatever. Fight for her — okay, not actually fight, but you know what I’m saying?”
Neteyam nodded timidly. He listened closely on the little guidance his father offered, digging his nail into a scab. Jake resumed speaking, “Don’t be so easily discouraged, but don’t do what I did. You can be stupid, you can be head over heels in love, but don’t be annoying.”
Neteyam’s eyes narrowed with puzzlement. He spoke up, clearing his voice with a soft cough, “Isn’t it annoying when someone doesn’t give up though?”
“Oh, she’ll cave eventually. That’s one thing I can assure you, son.” He repeated wisely, “Eventually. If it worked for me, it’ll work for you, I’m sure.”
“And… if it doesn’t?”
“Don’t come home.”
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justjensenanddean · 15 days
Jensen Ackles | Purgatory Con, Düsseldorf, Germany, May 26, 2024, Panel Summary
Most creepy or annoying toy the kids ever had? Slime. It creeps him out. He has it all over his house now. He doesn’t like the texture or feel. But his kids love it. Creepiest? Danneel has an old antique doll. It is old cracked, has creepy eyes and is the devil. (x)
Demon Dean or Soldier Boy, who‘s more powerful? Demon Dean because SB has a traumatized little boy in him and demon Dean is just empty. He‘s more dangerous because he just doesn’t care. (x)
Funniest moment from set of The Boys? Someone yells Herogasm so Jensen says it was probably not the funniest moment but when he arrived on day 3 of the set, Jack Quaid asked if he‘s been on set yet and when it was a no, he said „whoo, good luck“ (x)
People kept mistaking the bottles of lube and the bottles of hand sanitizer. Jensen was not prepared for when filming started and everyone took their robes off. Jensen was not prepared. (x)
Jensen couldn’t not look. They called cut. Jensen was like „I‘m sorry, there’s 4 people over here doing a position I have never seen before.“ His shower was extra long that evening. „There may have been tears.“ (x)
“There’s four people over here in a position I have not seen before!!!” “My shower lasted extra long that evening. And there were tears.” Jensen retelling stories from Herogasm set on #TheBoys (x)
How long did it take him to learn the Arabic phrase for s14? Not long, he can parrot things quite easily. He just needs to hear it a few times, then he can repeat the sounds. It‘s how he learns accents. Tap dance worked like it too. If he can see or hear it, he can emulate it. (x)
Jensen: “I don’t think Cas’s confession is something that needs to be resolved. There is nothing to resolve. He said what he needed to say, it was a long time coming, it was heartfelt and beautiful. But there’s nothing to resolve.” (x) “Dean took it in and then lost one of his closest allies and friends. The accepting of that happened when Dean sat on the floor. He lost one of his brothers in arms and one of his closest people. When they come back, it’s just understood.” (x)
Are there situations where he accidentally or on purpose bring out Dean? Yes. Sometimes he thinks „it would be great to be Dean Winchester right now. He could have handled this.“ Dean is alive in him and comes out from time to time. (x)
Were there fake tears on SPN or did he ever cry? He wasn’t classically trained, so the emotion we see is real. He doesn’t know how to fake it. Compares it to a book or movie making you emotional. You know it’s not real, but it still gets you. (x)
After the s4 scene when Dean confesses to Sam about his 40 years and torturing in hell, he had to walk away because his body didn’t know it was fake. The barn scene was probably the most real, but for different reasons. He was saying goodbye to Dean, Jared, the crew. (x)
Crew members had to leave set because they were crying too. They were trying to dial it down, because it was too much emotion. (x)
When things get too serious? Laughter. It‘s his levee. When things get too heavy, he makes a joke to ease the situation. (x)
„Do you use Jared‘s conditioner?“ No he does not. That’s just what his hair does. (x)
Who inspires you? Jensen doesn’t idolize anyone, but he has a lot of respect for certain people and tries to absorb as much as he can when he meets them. Could be a brilliant scientist, an artist, an actor. (x)
Being cold on set? There was a scene with Bobby where they looked at a map over the hood of the car. Jensen told Bob Singer that it was ridiculous because they would look at the map in their car. But Bob wanted a specific job and told him to just get it done. (x) A few days after he got lasic surgery, he was supposed to wear sunglasses all the time. But he had to film in the sun with light shining in his face. Jensen was in so much pain that Serge covered the white surfaces in black. Didn’t help much. He took ibuprofen and powered through (x)
Dead in the Water when he had to hold the kid up and the diver pulled him under, it was the most eery feeling. He was terrified for the kid. But the kid actor had fun. / End of panel. (x)
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peachesofteal · 6 months
Soap on the escort mission with Cypher to her temporary base: they're both given rooms, but he tricks her into thinking they were only given one so they only have one shower and bed. He gets her into sleeping in the same bed, copping a feel and cuddling her so tight it feels like he's suffocating her
Oh my god yes but also this sent me off the deep end, sorry.
18+ mdni / soap x cypher (fem reader) / dark and twisty themes
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First of all, the entire trip is nauseating. You weren’t given much notice. You’ve never ridden in a helicopter before, and Sergeant MacTavish has to show you how to buckle the straps, knuckles brushing along the tops of your thighs as he clips you in. You’re way outside of your comfort zone. You’re so off kilter, more changes, adjustments to your routines, more strangers. When you get to the outpost, it’s even worse. The systems are rudimentary. You can work with anything, because you’re good, but harvesting the data that Laswell has tasked you with is going to take longer than you’d like. The group you’re with is… small, as well, just you, Sergeant MacTavish, and Sergeant Garrick, who confidently ignores you unless you speak directly to him.
All of this piles and piles on top of you until you’re practically having a nervous breakdown on the first day. Nothing goes right, no one at the outpost is kind, and they all stare at you as you work, like you’re some kind of freak. You’re pretty sure you even hear someone make a joke about you under their breath, something cruel, something that sounds like the things kids used to call you in school. Awful, isolating things, things that always made you feel more alone than you already did. It picks at you, picking and picking, and then you break.
You run into Sergeant MacTavish in the hall, who stops you, alarmed. You try to tell him you need to go to your room, that you need some time to decompress and sit in the dark, but you can't get the words right, they come out messy and mixed up, and you get stuck on a few, repeating them more than once, embarrassment simultaneously trying to melt you into the floor. You’re ripping at the skin on your fingers, digging into the cuticles, trying to keep a lid on yourself when he informs you that the outpost is over occupied, and you’ll be bunking with him.
After the initial shock, he herds you with efficiency to the room, firm hand on your shoulder blade, and you’re surprised at how well the touch grounds you, closing your eyes, sinking into it, listening to the sounds around you, his breathing, the scratch of a door handle, a lock clicking closed.
"Keep 'em closed." He coos, and the command relaxes you. You like the dark, it comforts you, and you think he knows, because the lights never flick on, even though the room is nearly pitch, only one little window in a concrete box, the standard issue. When you don't respond, he hums, pulling you back into the warmth of his body. "Do ye need a lay down?" He murmurs into your hair, petting over your skin, under the neck of your shirt-jacket combo, and you nod, fingers still picking at your skin until his hands overtake them, separating them by force. "Words, sweet Cy."
"Yes, sir." You croak, and he rewards you, in a way, with his arm across your chest, pressing you harder against his front, his chest, stomach and waist, the pressure working like a tea kettle that's boiling, letting off steam.
"Good. That's good, bonnie. Let's get ye comfortable then." He works your clothes, unbuttoning your jacket, your pants. He lays you on your back, eyes still closed, pulling your boots off, divesting you of everything but your underwear, folding your feet onto the mattress together so your knees are bent, and then laid to the side, outwards. You let him move you, shift you around like a doll, unable to protest. The words just won't come out, half afraid you'll earn yourself a punishment, and half afraid he'll stop whatever he's doing right now. You don't want this, do you? Don't you? A hot mouth washes over the inside of your thigh, thumb pulling your panties to the side to expose your cunt, and he clucks his tongue. "Ye need a shave, wee sweet." Oh my god. Oh my god? Your cheeks burn, entire body doused in gasoline and then lit on fire with shame. "Dinnae worry, we wonae be doin' it tonight." His mouth is closer now, you can feel it, the thorned silk of his stubbled cheek against your leg, nose nudging into the curls between your legs. Your heart thumps inside your chest at the first contact of his tongue to your clit, and even with your eyes closed, you think you can see the moon, the sun, the fucking stars.
"Fffuuck." You moan, unable to keep yourself quiet, and he brushes his calculated touch back and forth at the perfect rate and speed, pad of his thumb rubbing soft circles into the flesh of your thighs at the same time, pressing them wider and wider, giving him more and more access to your weeping pussy.
"My sweet Cy." He breathes into your body, flicking around your clit, across it, electrical pulses spreading up through your belly. "Ye jus' need someone to help ye. Take care of ye and this bonnie pussy, aye? Treat it nice." He's working you over so well, like an expert on your body, pushing and pulling you towards the cliff, and you writhe on the bed, the burn spreading, shoving your too busy brain and too busy thoughts slowing slipping away with every second.
"Yeah." You pant, dumb. What? What are you saying?
"Want ye to come for me, baby." His voice goes serious, mouth pulling away a fraction, and you whine a little, confused. "But ye need to be good, and ask. Ask yer Sergeant for permission."
"S-s-sir. Can- Can I-" You struggle with it, brain overloaded, floating away on a cloud, and he smacks his palm against the flesh of your ass, from the side.
"Try again."
"Sir. Please. Pleeease. Can I- I come?"
"Aye, wee genius. Come for me, let me see it." It only takes a few more seconds, long strokes of mouth and tongue against you and then you're bursting into stardust, wild and fast orgasm slamming into you, as he coos to you about how good ye are, how ye wonae need anyone else now, he'll take care of everything, anything, how sweet, and your brain glitches trying to piece together his meaning until you're turning to putty, sinking deeper into the mattress under the aftershocks.
Later, not long after, he folds you into bed fully, nestled under the covers in the dark. He slides in behind you, blazing heat of his body against yours, hard cock against your ass in his boxers, and you gasp, squirming, trying to shift away until he tightens his grip, smothering you still, arms locking around you too tightly, and soothing you with calm touch in all the right spots until you're drifting off into sleep.
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wintabite · 21 days
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5 reasons why i love you
GENRE! fluff, slight angst (#5)
NOTES! gn!reader, est relationship, mention of reader living in an apartment,
SYNPOSIS! 5 reasons why you love yang jungwon
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after jungwon showed up to your house 1 hour late, you felt relieved that he was okay, but also very confused and even a little hurt. you had made plans to hangout at 6pm, and now it was 7, and jungwon was stood at your apartment door, flowers in hand.
"wonnn? what took so long?" you frowned, still slightly holding onto the door.
"i'm so, so, so, so, so sorry my love. i was getting you flowers, then the flower lady took too long telling me about each kind and i kept telling her i had to go and she wouldn't let me leave and-" you listened to him explain his reason, his voice in a hurry to get it through to you so you'd have to worry no longer.
"you scared me!" you spoke a bit louder, taking his hand and dragging him inside of the apartment, shutting the door behind him and snatching the flowers from his hand. they were your favourite.
"i'll make it up to you, okay? it'll never happen again" he slid his shoes off, keeping his love-filled eyes on you.
"pinky promise?" you stuck out your pinky, just like always. it was a little tradition between you two, absolutely no breaking pinky promises. he smiled, intertwining his pinky with yours.
"pinky promise." he repeated, and after holding for a few seconds, he brought you in by the waist for an apologetic hug. now you were certain he'd never be that late for anything ever again.
jungwon loved inviting you over to his place because every time he did it meant you'd spend a lot of time with maeum. his two loves together was truly a sight for him to see. you never noticed, but he was constantly snapping candid photos of you doing anything with maeum. going on a walk? photo. scratching him in the perfect spot right behind the ears? photo. staring contest with maeum? photo. (you always won, of course).
"i should steal maeum from you" you suggested, holding his leash in your hand as the three of you strolled around a nice, peaceful area.
"whattt? steal me instead, y/n!"
"but i want maeum!"
"wowww so you like him more than me?" jungwon faked being upset, dramatically rolling his eyes, which made you laugh.
"well....." of course you were joking. maeum was like your child, and you loved him dearly, but how could anyone top your jungwon?
"im kidding, i know you love me" he said smugly, kissing your cheek. you were tempted to kiss his back, really, you were tempted to kiss his lips; but you two were in public, so it was best not to, even if there weren't too many people.
the three of you continued your walk, and eventually reached a beautiful cherry blossom tree. it was large and full of life, you walked towards it with maeum with the intention to snatch a petal or two, just for memories.
"wait, stand still, i need a photo!" jungwon took out his phone, opening his camera. you didn't mind him getting a photo of you as long as maeum was in it! after he got the photo, you rushed towards him to see it.
"my favourite love.. and my other love, i guess.." jungwon joked as he pointed to you two in the photo, but immediately felt bad, so kissed your cheek just like before. sometimes when he'd make those types of jokes, you acted mad just so he'd kiss you.
sometimes you wonder what you did to deserve someone so caring, loving, attractive, and amazing as yang jungwon. tonight was one of those nights. after a long day of being out and walking, you were exhausted. you had an off day and just wanted to spend it out of the house, but the shoes you wore probably weren't the best. you were exhausted, it was 10pm, and all you wanted to do was shower then sleep. unlocking the door to your apartment, you entered, and saw a lamp in your living room on and dinner on the table. you inched closer to the food, inspecting it suspiciously.
"yn! you didn't answer my texts i sent 20 minutes ago! are you hungry? and you okay? are you tired? come sit, sit!" he ran up to you, not even giving you a chance to answer any of his questions or even think. he pulled the chair for you, gesturing you to sit down. he sat down right next to you, putting food onto your plate for you. it was everything you loved, still nice and warm.
"how was your day? what did you do?" he asked, more excited to listen to your voice than to listen to what you actually did. you smiled brightly straight at him, he noticed in his peripheral vision and turned to face you.
"what?" he tilted his head. you brought him in by the neck, planting a loving kiss on his lips. as you pulled away, your bright grin seeped onto him too.
"i love you so much, jungwon. thank you." you had absolutely no regrets giving him the spare key. after late nights out, it was amazing to have homecooked food and cuddles from him.
anywhere. everywhere. any time. no matter what. he's a bit protective, and having your hand intertwined with his not only tells other guys to back off, but also makes him know you're safe. in a crowded place like downtown, where people are walking in every direction all the time, it's easy to lose one another, but not when you're holding his hand. especially when it's cold out, his hand provides warmth.
you especially appreciate when he does it while you're stressed. trying to navigate through the city can be hard, jungwon knows, so when you're frustrated because (according to you) the gps is useless and dumb, he stays silent. just holding your hand in a comforting manner. his thumb brushes over one of your fingers, subconsciously soothing you.
"okay.. i figured it out, we turn left" you finally understood the direction, which meant you two could continue walking to your destination.
"there you go!" he gave a faint, comforting smile to you, definitely helping you to calm down from the sudden wave of stress which didn't seem to leave for a while.
the way he reassures you when you're unsure. the way he's always there if you ever need to cry. how he'll always put you first and drop anything to help you. how he refuses to take off his matching bracelet because it shows his commitment to you. how he'll randomly see you out in public and his eyes immediately light up as they meet yours, then you two spend the rest of the day hanging out. or that one time he didn't see you for 5 days straight and when he was finally with you, he didn't leave your side for a split second.
it's such an amazing feeling knowing there will always be someone who you can love, who will never judge you, and who is so loyal, just as you are to him. no matter how far you are from him, for any reason, your love is always strong, always present.
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an: u guys have no idea how bad i wanted to write "skibidi toilet" for that last one. im childish as fuck and im proud about it. watch out for next april fools i swear
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huskersbooze · 3 months
Part 3 to Who's In Control?
Better Than This
Alastor x Reader
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3(here!) |
Summary : After the fight and spending time apart, you and Alastor finally come to realise your mutual feelings for one another, but before that, a more important matter needs to be discussed.. will Alastor finally tell the truth?
Warnings : This is where we go off track and not all of this is canon, swearing/cuss words, Angel jokes about sex(?)
Pairings : Alastor x F!Reader (M!Reader here)
Additional Tags : Lore, world building kinda, angst, fluff, Alastor learns to talk about feelings
Ib : Better Than This by Set It Off
Word count : 1.4k
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Wide awake on the couch, you stare up at the ceiling of the hotel.
“I’m closing for the night, kid. You gonna be alright?” Husk asks from the bar.
“I’ll manage. Goodnight, Husk.”
“Night, kid.” He heads towards the staircase, but just before leaving for good, he turns to face you one last time. “Take care. And don’t stay up too late.”
“Mhm. You too.”
After a while, it was quiet. Just an empty hotel with the dim hallway lights and nothing else.
You weren’t really sure why you were here. You could’ve gone back to your room after Husk left, or before, for that matter. Maybe your heart just has desires you couldn’t avoid.
“Shit, stop thinking about him! C’mon, brain! Stop it, now.” You aggressively started to blink, trying to find anything else to distract your mind, but everything seemed to be tied to his existence.
There was no denying you missed him.
“What the hell is happening.. I’m supposed to be mad and angry, not missing him..” You sigh.
Poor Alastor, though.. Maybe I should hear him out? No. Fuck, no! He lied to you! No way.
You groan and cover your eyes with the back of your hand. There was this uneasy churn in your stomach.
Am I.. am I in love with Alastor?
“Alastor, you can’t keep this up forever. You need to fix this.” Rosie sighs, walking Alastor back to the Hotel. 
“What use is there, dear, Rosie?” Alastor’s voice is audibly tired-out, though his smile still etched high and proud. “I was so close.”
“You need to tell the poor thing and let her fend for herself.”
“She wouldn’t listen.”
“Alastor, please. This is no longer about your silly little crush.” Rosie stops in her tracks, catching sight of the Hotel a few streets away. “It’s about her soul.”
“Crush?” Alastor asks, oblivious.
“A crush, someone you have feelings for and want to be with.”
“Ridiculous, Rosie. I don’t do.. Feelings.” It pains him to utter such word.
“Whatever ya’ say. Just.. think about what I said, alright?”
Alastor nods, parting ways with Rosie.
Feelings..? Did he have feelings? Feelings for you?
The door creeks, making you turn your head.
Who would be here this late at night? Was it a guest? No, why would a guest come in at 1am?
But then who would it be..?
You got off the couch and eyed the corner which led to the main entrance. A threat, perhaps.
You simply stayed put, saw a glimpse of a shadow, pounced and tackled whatever had made itself welcome in the hotel until the two of you tumbled onto the ground.
Prepared for the worst, you were surprised to hear.. Radio static?
“Alastor..?” You ask.
The Demon looks up at you, his neck wrapped tightly around your hand.
“Oh shit! Sorry, I thought you were an intruder.” You immediately let go and backed up, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
“Whatever gave you that idea, my dear?” He questions, sitting on the floor opposite of you.
“It's 1am.”
Alastor tilts his head.
“I wouldn't expect you to be out at 1am.”
“You know I don't sleep, dear.” He says, wincing at the fact he's repeated this multiple times in the past.
“Doesn’t mean you’d be out at 1am.” You mutter.
“Valid point.” He says, the tension in the air starting to grow thick.
“So.. uh.” You trail, “Why exactly are you out at 1am, exactly?”
“Ah, just simply visiting Rosie is all.”
“Oh, I see.”
Alastor looks away, his gaze glued to the hotel floors.
“And you, darling?”
“Why aren’t you asleep?”
“Oh. I was helping Husk with the bar.” You tell him, which, ultimately, was a lie. Husk was doing all the work while you were drinking away your feelings. But you weren’t about to admit that to Alastor.
“Yes, I see. How nice.”
“Yep.” Damn, this was so awkward.
You got up from the floor, turning your back, “Well, uh.. Goodnight, then.. Alastor.”
“Goodnight, my dear.”
You start hesitantly walking towards the staircase leading to the staff rooms, feeling Alastor watching your back as you left.
You stop in your tracks. Actually, no, you freeze. Though you made it evident you had no intention in facing him.
“We need to talk.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Alastor.”
“You don’t understand, dear. I fear I may regret keeping this from you any sooner in the future.”
“Uh huh..?”
“You’re aware of overlords, I assume?”
“Yes, but what does tha-” Before you could continue, you catch sight of Husk by the top of the stairs.
“Hey, you said you’d sleep, kid-” He tries to joke, but realises you’re not alone. “Oh. Hey, boss.”
“Husker.” He acknowledges. 
“Uh.. am I interruptin’ something?”
“Well, actually-”
“No, of course not.” Alastor cuts you off, passing by and giving you a small pat on the head.
God you missed those.
“We’ll discuss this another time, darling. You need your rest.” Alastor gives the small of your back a little push forward, urging you to go to bed. “I hope to see you tomorrow morning?”
“Y-Yeah.. Sure.” You reply, stepping forward, already missing the contact from Alastor’s hand. “Goodnight.”
“Indeed. Sleep well, my dear.”
You reach the top of the steps and Husk accompanies you back to your room, leaving Alastor still in the lobby by himself.
He returns to his broadcasting studios, a gut feeling in his chest telling him to just be honest with you about the contract. He hums a tune as he returns back.
He’ll fix this. He has to.
“Good morning, Al.” You reached the table where everyone was gathered, and was somewhat pleased to find Alastor already sitting in his normal seat.
“How was sleep, my dear?”
“Good. Did you have your daily dose of venison yet?”
“Not quite. You don’t seem to have your breakfast either.”
“Gotta have my priorities.” You shrug. “Shall we discuss this somewhere else?”
You leave alongside Alastor, and the rest of the crew can only stare at each other in shock.
“Did I miss something?” Charlie is first to speak up.
Husk smiles, Sir pentious shrugs, Vaggie asks the same thing.
“Who thinks they’re fuckin’?”
“Joking, jeez!”
“You wanted to say something?” You take a seat on the floor next to Alastor’s chair.
“By all means, you’re welcome to sit on the chair.”
“I’m good. Your broadcasting panel scares me. You sit.”
“If you insist.” He takes a seat, ruffling your hair. “You’re familiar with overlords, correct?”
“Have you ever heard of Azrael?”
“The Legend of the Dark Arts Overlord?”
“I’ve heard of it, yes.”
“Well, dear, he’s not a legend. He was the most powerful overlord of us all.”
You weren’t sure what reaction to be giving so you nodded along, waiting for him to continue.
“7 years ago, us overlords were experimenting with power and magic. Azrael formed an experiment, inheriting part of his magic to a human.” He says, meanwhile you still had no idea what this had to do with you.
“This human would be protected, and would only die when Azrael himself gets killed, thus sending the experiment to hell, whether they deserved it or not. 7 years ago, some of us overlords had ‘matters’ to attend to and Azrael had died in the process during the last 2 years.” Alastor proceeds to drop multiple history facts on you at 9 in the morning.
“2 years ago,” He states. “The human was sent to hell with locked up dark magic they weren’t aware of. The overlords are now gambling for this soul as whoever owns the soul owns the power and magic, but on one condition.”
“One condition?”
“Yes, my dear. You see, to own the soul is one thing, but to own the magic.. The soul has to be killed.”
“That’s terrible! And complete bullshit.”
“Exactly, darling. And I own this very soul.” He sighs. “As long as I can own her soul for long enough and find a backdoor, her soul won’t be gambled any longer by the current overlords. But you see, dear, I’m on a time limit here.”
“Is there anything I can do to help? Who’s soul is it?” You desperately question, completely forgetting you were supposed to be still mad at Alastor.
Alastor sighs, looking at you with compassionate eyes as a hand comes to cup your cheek.“2 years ago, this soul entered hell. 2 years ago, another soul that entered hell.. was you.”
———/ TBC. /———
Taglist : @musicalsundrop @for-hearthand-home @saeran-g @smoky000 @otherthoughtsofbu @letmebeagreekstatueyoumotherfuck @hudiexiaoying @prettyboychoso @thonethatflies620 @imaptiencepersistonthinstring @speaker15 @zq13 @starr11111 @fokrilove @aloraaaxcrystalzx @simps-for-to-many-people @siriuslyobsessedwithfiction @ohdarlingohdeer @sophiasrant @soyobi-wankenobi @karolinda007-blog @alastorsgirl48 @memymay @perrynina @john-kramer-0807 @preciousbabypeter @sugxryratz @polytheatrix @maksdust @96jnie @spirit-of-the-hollow @chirimeimei @itsukiestia @sky2lar @centuriantalevevo @cryptidabduction911 @bubblsteaa @sirens-and-moonflowers @readergirlstuff @capri-sun00 @simpingsohard @manicjk @wen01203 @hellkaisersangel @kitty-kei @spookieroz @bontensbabygirl @sakuraluna2468 @hunnybee11626 @chanty-loves-turtles @the-sharpened-pencil
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fanficsformyfaves · 3 months
All Too Well
Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader
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WARNING: ANGST, Struggles With Sexuality, Mentions of Underage Drinking (DO NOT DO IT), Jealousy, Alcohol Consumption, Confrontation
PREFACE: Rhea and Reader were childhood friends, but after a kiss they shared during a party, Reader cut contact and never spoke to her again. That was until their high school reunion came up and the two finally see each other years later
A/N: Flashbacks In Italics!
Liv Morgan is also Reader's best friend from a different school in this A/U!
Some surprise appearances by other WWE Stars!
Was feeling a little angsty, don't mind me
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"Are you sure it isn't too...showy?", I say,
Looking at Liv's reflection in the full-length mirror.
"Are you kidding? It's literally perfect"
I chuckle at her enthusiasm.
Within a week from now, we were set to attend our ten year high school reunion and to say I had knots in my stomach would be an understatement.
High school was fine, in fact, I often catch myself reminiscing on how simple life once was.
Not having to deal with adult responsibilities like work, bills or rent and just living life as I wanted...but there was one thing that made me wish time moved faster.
We grew up in the same neighborhood and were inseparable. Always sleeping over at each other's houses and hanging out every day after school. Wherever she was, I was. You wouldn't see me without her by my side and vice verse.
"Check this out", she says,
Smacking her wrist and causing the whipped cream she had on the back of her hand to catapult into her mouth.
"What the fuck? How?", I exclaimed.
She lets out a laugh, almost choking on the sweet foam.
"Saw someone do it on YouTube. Try it"
I shrugged, spraying some onto the back of my hand and repeating what she did. Only my attempt resulted in the cream to land on the side of my mouth. She lets out a roaring laugh, falling back against the couch.
"I've got you", she says,
Gently wiping it off my face and sucking it off her thumb. Her eyes never leaving mine, whilst doing so. I couldn't ignore the sudden rush of butterflies that irrupted in my stomach. What the hell was that?
I awkwardly clear my throat and sipped on some water. She eventually noticed my silence and squinted curiously.
"You alright, babe?"
Her nicknames have now become lethal to me. It's not like we haven't jokingly called each other things of that nature, but this time felt different.
"Okay", she replied unconvinced.
Just then the door bell, rang. Thank god.
"I'll get it. Must be the food", she says,
Gently placing a hand on my thigh, before sprinting off. I felt her touch linger even after she'd already left the room. My heart racing against the confinements of my chest.
As the day turned to night, we got ready for the party Sonya was throwing, when I couldn't get the zipper of my dress up.
"Women's clothing is a complete joke!", I struggled inside the bathroom,
"Need some help?", she asked through the door.
Why was I so nervous for her to see me half dressed? We've changed in front of each other dozens of times before.
Though I must admit, I had to look away as we did. Something about seeing her so intimately made my stomach drop to my feet. Like I would...like what I see.
But nonetheless, I reluctantly agreed.
"Could you?"
She steps inside and carefully tugs my zipper up and once she was done, I turn around, patting myself off. For a moment, she eyes me up and down with a smile she was clearly trying to hide.
"That bad?"
"Not even close. You look amazing", she says,
Taking my hand and playfully spinning me around. God damn it, there go the butterflies again. I pull back, smiling awkwardly.
"Shall we?"
"We shall", she says,
Stepping aside and letting me out of the bathroom.
The entire car ride was silent, except for the ambience of the engine running and the radio softly playing. It gave me more time to fully process what happened and what exactly I was feeling.
It was all so sudden, that my head spun trying to wrap itself around it. I was probably overthinking. Maybe, I'd just imagined the whole thing and was worried over nothing?
"You're awfully quiet", she disrupts the silence,
Pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Usually, we'd be screaming non-sensical lyrics over songs we put on, but you seem rather distracted", she interrogated behind the wheel,
"Um, probably the shots I took before we left"
"Well, I'm designated driver tonight, so, have all the fun you want, sweetheart"
Again with the nicknames.
We eventually got to Sonya's and made our way inside. The house was crowded with drunken kids from school, dancing terribly and talking way too loud. Tonight was guaranteed to be hectic.
"You made it!", Sonya yells over the music,
Before yanking me into a hug and making me chuckle at her excitement.
"I thought you'd ditch, since you weren't at school today"
"Nope, just decided to skip since it's the last day before spring break", I explained,
Pulling away.
She then pulls Rhea into a hug and plants a kiss on her cheek, making Rhea laugh.
I couldn't help but feel off about it.
But before I could even react, a hand turns me around by the shoulder and it was Liv, my friend from a different school.
"Hey!", I greeted,
As she squealed, jumping into my arms and wrapping her legs around my waist, like she usually does.
"Oh my god, I haven't seen you since last semester!"
"I know! I was swamped with extra-curriculars and tests", she said,
Hopping back down.
I look over and was met with Rhea's intense gaze.
"Rhea, this is my friend, Liv. She goes to the school down the road from us"
"It's really nice to meet you!"
"Pleasure", Rhea greeted,
Her tone dry and unwelcoming. I give her a look of confusion, to which she simply ignored me, before walking off.
Besides that slight hiccup, the night went on just as I expected. With me getting wasted and making a fool of myself with Liv in the sea of dancing people.
Every now and then, I'd catch glimpses of Rhea staring daggers into me and for some reason, I didn't really mind. As a matter of fact, I sort of enjoyed the attention more than I was willing to admit.
That was until Liv grabbed my hips from behind and began swaying them, which then caused Rhea to visibly scoff and disappear from view.
Even in my drunken haze, I could tell she was irritated, but I decided to let her cool off, before attempting to ask any questions.
I did eventually feel the drinks working their way down, so I pulled Liv in close.
"I'm going to the bathroom!"
"Kk!", she yelled back.
I began stumbling towards the bathroom and swung the door open, just to find Rhea sitting in the empty bathtub.
"Hey there, stranger. I haven't seen you all night", I slurred.
"Yeah, you noticed? I'm surprised with the spectacular company that's been entertaining you"
My eyes squint curiously.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She sighs through her nose, looking away.
It was now my turn to sigh, as I closed the door behind me and sat on the floor, beside the tub.
"Someone's jealous", I teased.
She didn't respond and merely scoffed once again.
"I saaaid someone's jealous-"
"And what if I was?", she interrupts.
In that very moment, any ounce of drunkness violently fled my body.
"What?", I chuckled nervously,
"What if...I was?", she repeated,
Sitting up and gripping the edge of the tub to bring herself closer to my face.
I was at a complete loss for words. Hit with so many emotions at once, that I froze in place, just staring blanky at her.
"What do you-"
Before I could complete my sentence, she cuts me off by crashing her lips onto mine. The strangest part of it all was the fact that I didn't pull away.
It felt...good.
I grab her face and pressed deeper into the kiss, whilst swiping my tongue over her bottom lip, tugging it slightly with my teeth.
Her own hands do the same and before I knew it, she pulls me into the tub, straddling her hips. I felt myself growing needier with each passing second, but before anything else could happen, she made her way down my neck, whispering.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting this"
That's when reality finally hit me. I was in love with my best friend this entire time and couldn't bring myself to admit it. I was in love with a girl. All the pieces of myself that I thought were broken were now starting to make sense and I just wasn't ready.
I hastily pull away, getting out of the tub.
"Where are you going?"
"We can't do this", I say,
Wiping the smudged lipstick off my cheek.
"I'm sorry, Rhea, I can't", I rushed,
As she stood up to follow me.
"(Y/N)-", she steps out of the tub,
"Please", I pleaded with teary eyes,
Catching off guard.
"Just...I can't", I choked back a sob.
I rush out of the bathroom and left the party entirely, but as I ran home with tears streaming down my face, my phone kept blowing up with messages and incoming calls.
Some being from Liv, looking for me and others from Rhea, begging me to come back so she could explain. I simply turned my phone off and finally arrive at the steps of my house.
I was consumed with more emotions than I could handle. Confusion, helplessness, fear, but most of all, grief. I was now meant to grieve the loss of my best friend and possibly the love of my life.
That night was the last time I'd ever spoken to her.
Rhea would continue to try and get a hold of me, but a few weeks go by and she eventually got the hint.
At school, I'd take different routes to try and avoid her and when we did cross paths in the hallway, I'd just speed-walk past her to get to my next class.
Losing someone like her has been and still is one of my biggest regrets.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Liv's hand waving at me.
"I asked if I should do an updo or have my hair down"
"Are you okay? You seem like a bajillion miles away right now", she questioned,
"I'm fine"
"Mhm", she crosses her arms,
"Nothing. If you say so", she shrugged,
Turning back to the mirror.
"Liv", I urged warningly,
"It's just, are you sure this isn't about...Rhea?"
"What? No"
She sighs, hopping on top of my vanity.
"What?", I repeated,
"How long have I known you?"
"Well...a while"
"And in that while, do you really think I can't tell when you're lying?"
It was now my turn to sigh, as my arms fold over my chest.
"What happened was...less than ideal, but don't let that ruin your night. You deserve to have fun", she says,
Getting back on her feet and making her way over to the bed, as I shrug, watching her take a seat next to me.
"Who knows, maybe she still feels the same way", she nudges,
"That's not funny"
"I'm being serious! Who you are isn't anyone else's business, but your own and if you do end up telling her the truth, that should be your choice", she emphasized,
"Look, (Y/N), you're a total babe. Anyone would be lucky to have someone as sweet and funny and pretty and smart and-"
"Okay, okay, enough with the flattery", I chuckle,
Nudging her back.
"Hey and if all else fails, we can still get wasted"
"See? This is why you're my friend", I say,
High-fiving her.
The days came and went in what felt like a flash and before we knew, it was the day of the reunion.
With each moment that passed of us being in the cab, my heart grew burdened by anxiety. What was I supposed to do if I saw her? What if she came up to me? Would she tell me off in front of everyone? Was I prepared for that to happen?
Worst of all...what if she brought a date?
"Stop doing that"
"Doing what?"
"I see the hamster wheels spinning"
I sigh, relaxing into the seat. Liv then pulls out a cannister and sneaks it under my purse.
"You're lucky I came prepared"
"You really did", I say,
Twisting off the cap and carefully taking a swig.
"But don't over do it. I actually wanna dance a little before we black out"
We arrive at the high school and I was immediately taken back. The grass, the steps, the doorway. It truly felt like a blast from the past.
"Just as ugly as I remember!", I squealed,
Throwing a hand over my mouth, as Liv snorts, leaning against me.
The gymnasium was packed with many familiar faces, two of which were a set of twins I used to know.
"Yo, no fucking way"
"Hey, Jey", I greeted with a beaming smile,
"If it ain't miss (Y/L/N). Man, you still look good"
I playfully roll my eyes, as he pulls me into a hug.
"I haven't seem your ass in a minute, ma"
"No! I saw you a few years ago, when I came to one of Liv's matches"
"Like I said, a hot minute"
I laugh, pulling away to greet everyone else.
The DJ starts playing a song from way back when and Liv gives a mischievous grin.
"Oh god"
"You know the drill, come on", she drags me onto the dance floor,
And all of our friends followed suit.
As we started to dance, the gym doors open, catching my attention. My face immediately drops upon realizing who it was.
"What?", Liv turns to see and her own eyes widen.
There she was.
Only, I almost didn't recognize her. From the new black hair slicked back, to the expensive three piece suit and tattoos, my heart nearly gave out.
She was nothing short of breathtaking.
Her eyes immediately fall upon mine and it felt like everyone else disappeared. Even with her new entourage behind her, being rowdy, all I could focus on was the dejected look on her face.
I had only myself to blame. Had I not been a coward sooner, none of this would've happened. We wouldn't have cut ties, grown apart and gone our separate ways. We might've even-
"You good, uce?", Jey snaps me back to reality,
"Yeah, I'm fine"
"I'm fine, Liv. Really", I reassured,
"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom", I let my friends now,
Before walking out of the gymnasium.
I knew this was all my own fault, but I couldn't help but tear up, thinking of all the things I could've done to change what happened. She deserved better than that. She deserved better than me.
I arrive at the bathroom and lock myself in the handicap stall.
With no one around to hear me, I finally let go of all the tears I'd been desperately fighting back. After allowing myself a good few minutes to cry, I grab some tissues to wipe off the makeup that was surely running down my face.
I recollect myself and exit the stall, but as I went to check on myself in the mirror, the door creaks open and it was none other than Rhea walking in.
There couldn't have been a worse possible time than now to run into each other.
"Sorry", she said with her head low,
Stepping back out.
"Wait, Rhea"
She simply ignored me and kept walking, to which I followed behind her.
"Rhea, could we please talk about this?"
"Talk about what?"
"Please", I begged,
She finally stops and turns to face me.
"I'm sorry"
"Rhea, please", I pleaded,
Taking a hold of her wrist and making her eyes pour into mine. Even being this close to her made my heart race against the inside of my chest.
I carefully let her go and she stuffs her hands into her pockets.
It was now or never. I could either just let her walk away and risk never seeing her again or make things right, so... I took a deep breath and began.
"I wanna start off by saying I understand that you're angry. You have every right to be and I don't blame you for it", I reassured.
Her eyes never leaving my face as I spoke.
"But before you go, I just need to tell you how sorry I am", I start to choke up,
"Nothing I say or do can ever make up for how I ended things...but I'm sorry"
Her gaze was still intense, but I could make out her eyes glossing over.
"I'm sorry for leaving you with no explanation. It was childish and stupid, but I promise, it had nothing to do with you. I was scared and I didn't know who I was back then, but I do now. I am a woman who likes other women", I wept,
As she takes a deep breath in.
"I am a woman...who was in love with her best friend", I admit.
The confession causing her face and shoulders to drop.
"She just wasn't ready to say it"
"(Y/N)", she exhales,
"But that doesn't excuse me just leaving you in the dark and for that, I am so so sorry", I cried.
"No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not someone like you. Someone so kind and so beautiful", I softly cup her cheek,
As she melted into my touch.
"I know I don't deserve it, but you'll have me, I promise I will never hurt you again"
She shakes her head with a tearful smile, taking my hands into hers.
"I am so proud of you", she says,
As tear rolls down her cheek and meets the tip of my fingers.
"You are?"
"That's all I've ever wanted to hear"
And for the first time in a long time, I felt...light. The years of shouldering this burden was gone and I could finally breathe again.
I was so caught up in what was going on, that I almost didn't notice the audience of our friends gathered behind me. Guess I just have to lay it all out there now.
"Guys", I start,
When I felt Rhea's hand grab mine to make me face her.
"(Y/N), you don't have to do this"
"I do"
If she was brave enough to come out all those years ago, it was now my turn to have that same courage. I turn back towards the small crowd and see Liv cheering me on with a nod.
"I love Rhea and I'm not hiding it anymore"
A fleeting moment of silence overtakes the hallways, before they all rush in to hug me.
"I'm proud so of you, kid!", Liv squeals,
Causing Rhea and I to laugh amidst the group hug.
"You're a g, (Y/N)", Jey joins in,
"You finally got the girl!", Dominik yells,
Making Priest playfully smack the back of his head.
They all pull away, allowing Rhea and I to face each other once more.
"Let's give them their space, guys", Liv say,
Ushering everyone back into the gymnasium.
Without wasting another precious moment, she pulls me in and kisses me with a newfound passion.
This was how it was meant to be.
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These kids get too comfortable with teasing, in Billy’s opinion. Just a tad bold for his taste.
He couldn’t give two shits if one of the boys picks on Max because she can hold her own — he taught her early on that if she has the chance to make someone cry, she should take it. And she does so fairly often. Especially when it comes to Henderson or Sinclair.
That’s not really where his main concern lies.
“Are you stupid or something?” Henderson snaps. “Did you seriously not pay attention in school or are you playing dumb right now? I honestly can’t tell.”
His tone is sharp. Loud for the small space that makes up the kitchen of Billy and Steve’s apartment.
Normally, Billy wouldn’t involve himself. The kids still act skittish around him if he so much as opens his mouth, so he tends to steer clear of them when they’re over. Which is a lot. But when he glances over at Steve and sees the smile fade from his face, he can’t help it.
He honest to god can’t.
“The fuck did you just say?”
Billy’s almost as taken aback by the words from his mouth as the kids are. Dustin’s face pales as he looks back and forth between him and Steve, like he’s looking for backup.
But Steve’s still swimming in his own head by the looks of it.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Billy repeats, slower this time. Even-toned and deadly.
Henderson opens his mouth, only for no words to come out. Billy takes a step forward but stops in his tracks when Steve sets a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Bill, it’s okay,” he urges quietly.
“Is it?”
“I just don’t know much about physics, or math, so…”
Steve gestures loosely, giving a half smile that looks a little sad. It dampens the blond’s rage for a split second. Makes him want to take up reading textbooks in his spare time if it means getting to fill his pretty boy’s head with newfound knowledge. If it means wiping that look of hopelessness off of his face. Then Henderson clears his throat.
“Yeah, it was just a joke,” he says. “No need to get so defensive.”
That reignites the flame.
“No.” Billy flares his nostrils and he swears he can feel steam puffing away from his skin as he points an accusatory finger at Dustin, who flinches at the movement despite still being a good five feet away. “I don’t care how you try to reason it, kid, you do not come into my house and call my boyfriend stupid. Am I clear?”
Dustin nods like his life depends on it. Billy stares him down for a few seconds for good measure, assuring that his soul looks sufficiently deflated before he finally tears his eyes away. Turns his gaze, now softened, towards Steve.
“And you don’t listen to that shit, okay? Jesus Christ himself could fly down in an alabaster carriage from the damn sky and call you stupid, but I’d sooner kick him square in the nuts than listen to his reasoning for it,” he tells him.
Scoops the brunet’s face into his hands when he snorts and presses a kiss to his nose.
Max groans at the PDA, but all Billy cares about is the way that Steve’s lips quirk up into a smile again.
“Square in the nuts, huh?”
“So hard that they’d become vestigial, babe. No hesitation.” Billy huffs amusedly when Steve raises an eyebrow. “Means useless,” he whispers.
Steve considers the new information for a brief moment before he chuckles and, god, Billy’s head feels like it fills with pink smoke at the sound. Makes him want to stuff Steve in a tiny jar and keep him in his pocket forever until the sun explodes.
That or get married. He’ll have to make up his mind on that some other time.
“Thanks,” Steve says.
“Anytime,” Billy lilts. Spends another wonderful moment soaking in the sight of his partner’s pretty little grin. “I guess I’ll let you get back to babysitting.”
“He’s not our babysitter,” Max huffs.
Billy doesn’t spare her a glance, too enveloped in all things Steve to care.
“Sorry,” Steve whispers. “It’s their nap time.”
They share a chuckle and, as is customary, there’s a groan when they kiss. It doesn’t matter that they aren’t super lovey dovey in front of the kids, it happens every time without fail.
Billy doesn’t mind it. He’s just glad that if they’re going to be assholes, it isn’t directed solely at Steve.
Joke or not.
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fiveredlights · 2 months
I saw you mentioned you liked kid fic and had bookmarks— do you have any reccs for maxiel kid fics?❤️❤️
do i ever!!!! one thing about me is that i will eat kid fics up, like i think i’ve read about all the tagged kid fics in the maxiel tag. i love seeing what names authors choose for their children and it just makes me happy. here's a couple and if you want more lmk!
listen to the slow parts by @nobrakesdown [T-7.2k]
Neither Max or Daniel are the one to find the baby. That honor belongs to Christian, and Christian alone.
a lil you, a lil me, a perfect being by 3_33 (@maxcuntstappen) [G-4.8k]
The three of them stand outside, looking at the entrance, August in the middle, clutching tightly onto Max and Daniel’s hands.
“Okay, I need you both to repeat after me.”
“Daniel, we already did this in the car. Can we please just go in?” Max asks, desperately, which only confirms to Daniel the need to remind all of them of the ground rules.
“Baby, please. We need to remember, okay? We are here to meet some new friends and play with them. It is okay if we don’t meet anybody we like. We can always come again. There is no need for us to be upset. Yeah?”
“Yes, Daddy,” August says and drops his hand to give Daniel a mock salute and Daniel really didn’t know he could love someone so much.
“Max,” Daniel implores, knowing that it is as important that his husband acknowledges the plan as much as their kid.
“Yes, yes, Daniel, okay,” Max rolls his eyes but nods in agreement.
“Okay, let’s do this,” Daniel says. The three of them walk in through the doors.
Or: Daniel and Max visit an animal shelter for their son, August's fourth birthday. Daniel is apprehensive. Max and August are vibrating out of their skin.
That's Where I Am by @flawlessassholes [E-47.8k-6/8]
“Her name is Emily,” Daniel says softly. Max’s eyes snap down to the baby, still sleeping on Daniel’s chest. It’s—she’s snoring a little. In that snuffly way that babies snore. “Short for Emilian.” His eyes snap back to Daniel’s face, so serious, and Max knows it’s a joke, of course, but he still opens his mouth to say— Then Daniel’s face breaks into that wide grin, the real one, the one Max hasn’t seen since. Well. In a while. It feels at once so familiar, and also like seeing something rise from the dead.
There’s a month between Melbourne and Baku. A month to convince Daniel to return to racing. A month to learn and relearn how to love. A month for everything to feel right amidst a season that has felt nothing but wrong. A month to create a family, and a month to maybe lose it all.
keep me in the open by Aurelia (Lily_Rizzy) (@lilyrizzy) [E-11.7k]
"Chrissy Baker sounds like a cunt,” Daniel says, then cringes at the pointed look his mum shoots him. “What? It’s not like they’re old enough to repeat that yet.”
Grace laughs, the sound audible now over Livia’s cries, which are quickly fading into miserable whimpers. Of course, she behaves for grandma, and not the dad who dotes on her endlessly, feeds her, cuddles her, and wipes her smelly ass.
“Three words, Daniel,” she says, eyebrows raised. “Cash, money, bitches.”
or, Daniel navigates bed times, bath times and jealousy, while Max races his last season in Formula One
summer sun after the rain by gentleau [T-11.7k]
“Papà? Is Max your friend?” “He used to be.”
then you came by beforemidnight [G-4.5k]
Daniel looks at Max swiftly but pointedly. Smiling, he looks back at the camera. “Marrying him was the easiest decision of my life.”
(don't let) the days go by citydreaming (@thewindowatkirkland) [M-11.3k]
“Hey” Daniel says “thanks for coming over.”
“Is now a good time? If you are busy I can come back later.”
“Now is fine, she’s already asleep so we should be able to talk without being interrupted.”
“Talk about how you have a daughter.”
Daniel bites his lip nervously “yeah, about that.”
OR: single dad daniel returns to the grid for one final year with red bull, max doesn’t plan on falling in love with him and his daughter, but somehow it happens anyway.
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wildsupernova · 4 months
roses, chocolates, and a heart shaped box.
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summary: valentine’s day had always felt like a joke to you. nobody had ever taken the time to do anything nice for you, but when the sickeningly romantic steve harrington falls in love with you, of course you’ll have the best valentine’s day ever.
pairing: steve harrington x f!reader
warnings: some suggestive language, nothing too crazy
word count: 2.4k
a/n: hey everyone! i know it’s been a while since i posted anything, but my second year of college has been kicking my ass and making it near impossible to get motivation to do anything. i figured what better way to get back in the swing of things than with a valentine’s day fic! i know it’s a day early, but i wanted to get this up before i got too busy and forgot about it. anyway, hope you guys enjoy, and happy valentine’s day!
masterlist | prompts list | ao3
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Valentine’s Day had never been something you looked forward to.
Even as a kid, you associated it with loneliness, watching on as all the little second grade boys gave their crushes a dandelion they picked fresh from the playground at recess. You detested it when they started selling candy-grams in middle school, because every year it seemed that you were the only one who never received one. You’d check your locker every day for the whole week hoping that maybe someone had slipped you a note only for nothing to fall out when you opened it, held your breath when they handed out the candy-grams only for your name to never be called, and dressed yourself up nice in the hopes that someone at the Valentine’s Day dance would ask you to dance with them only to end up with sore feet and running mascara by the end of the night. By the time high school came around, you gave up on the idea of Valentine’s Day altogether, never having a relationship last long enough to celebrate it. 
You’d turned into a stone hearted cynic, and just the mention of the words ‘Valentine’s Day’ had you rolling your eyes. 
That was, until you met Steve Harrington. 
You’d never met someone so…romantic. He was the kind of guy to show up to your house with flowers for no reason other than that he wanted to, or buy you a pair of fake diamond earrings (hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?) he saw at an antique shop because he saw them and immediately thought of you. He was the type to leave small little love letters in your locker between classes, and pick you up and spin you around and cover you in kisses because he missed you. 
But that didn’t change the fact that you hated Valentine’s Day. 
Steve had never been able to understand how someone could hate Valentine’s Day. ‘Come on!’ He’d say. ‘It's a whole day where people who love each other do something special together. What could be better than that?’ You’d always respond the same way; that to you, Valentine’s Day was nothing but a commodity and an excuse for boyfriends who did nothing for their girlfriends all year to make up for it with a fancy dinner and a box of chocolates. You don’t need a special day to show you love someone. If you really love someone, everyday is like that. 
It took him prying it out of you before you finally admitted the real reason you hated Valentine’s Day. 
“Nobody’s ever done anything nice for me on Valentine’s Day, okay?” The words come out with a bit more bite than you mean for them too, and Steve’s face scrunched a bit. 
“Nobody’s ever done anything for me for Valentine’s Day.” You repeat yourself. “I’ve never gotten…flowers, or chocolates, or a nice dinner or anything. It’s not a big deal, I’m used to it.”
“Nobody has ever done anything nice for you?”
“I mean, my parents always got me chocolate every year but…nobody ever really made the choice to do anything.” You picked at your nails and tried to make your voice sound like it didn’t bother you, but Steve could hear the disappointment. He tried to question you about it further, but you changed the subject before he could. “It’s not a big deal. Let’s just talk about something else, okay?”
For the next month, Steve took it as a personal challenge to give you the best Valentine’s Day you’d ever had. He even made a stupid little flow chart in one of his notebooks, chicken scratch and scribbles covering 3 whole pages while he tried to brainstorm the best way to make up for all of your shitty Valentine’s Days. He probably looked crazy, the way he was scribbling like a madman during class, but it would all be worth it in the end. 
The plan he came up with was simple, really.
Everyday for the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, he put a single red rose in your locker or left it on your bedroom windowsill. Never anything more, other than a note he’d sloppily tied to the stem of the flower with a pink ribbon, the words ‘I love you’ written in red ink. Every day you placed the new flower in a small glass of water you used as a makeshift vase and put the notes in an old jewelry box you didn’t use anymore. 
Everyday you’d tell Steve he didn’t have to do that, that you were content with not getting anything, but your smile that spread ear to ear told him more than your words did. 
By the time Valentine’s Day finally arrived, you had a full bouquet of seven red roses sitting on your bedside table, and a stack of sloppily written love notes sitting in a box on your dresser. It made you hold your head just a little bit higher, smile a bit brighter, and feel a little bit happier on a day that you always associated with something lonely. 
When you opened your locker that morning, you were met with another red rose and a note, except this time the note had been clumsily cut into the shape of a lopsided heart, the words ‘Be my valentine?’ written in glittery pink pen. Two arms wrapping around your waist had you clutching the flower tighter, leaning your back into Steve’s chest. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” He whispered the words against your ear as he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, a smile pressed against your skin. You turned in his arms and draped your own over his shoulders. 
“Where’d you get a pink glitter pen?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He shut up anymore questions with a kiss, and you giggled. A stupid, girly, lovesick giggle. Steve had a dopey smile on his face when you parted. “Got you something else too.”
He reached into your locker and pulled something out from behind the textbooks, a heart shaped box tied shut with two white ribbons. You went to untie them before he stopped you, placing a hand over your own. 
“Don’t open it til’ you get home, okay?” You gave him a skeptical look but nodded anyway. 
“Okay?” You slipped the box back into your locker and closed it, cradling your books and the rose in the crook of your arm. “Hey, I gotta get to class, but I’ll see you at lunch, okay?” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, and as you went to walk away, he grabbed your wrist lightly. 
“You never answered my question, you know.” Your smile grew impossibly wider. 
“Yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
When you got home that afternoon, you untied the note from the stem of the rose, clipped it, and placed it in the cup with the others, hand delicately adjusting the flowers until they fell just the right way. You pulled the box from your backpack and plopped down on the bed, untying the ribbon and pulling the lid off. 
Inside was an assortment of fancy chocolates, the kind you’d always eye at the grocery store as a kid but your parents told you were too expensive to buy. In a small empty space in the center sat a small black velvet box and another note, folded over in a rather well made origami heart. You picked it up and unfolded it, smiling at the words written inside. 
‘I’m picking you up at 7. Wear something nice. 
I love you.’
When you opened the velvet box, you almost cried. 
Inside the box sat a small promise ring, a silver band swirling in dainty, earthen patterns until they curled around a single pink gemstone fashioned in the shape of a rose. Underneath the lid was a matching pair of earrings, and when you picked up the ring, you noticed an engraving on the inside of the band. 
‘I’ll love you until the last rose on Earth dies.’
It all felt like too much. You’d gotten so used to being alone, so used to never getting any gifts at all, that it felt like you didn’t deserve all of these special things Steve was doing for you. It was almost overwhelming, to have someone choose to show you how much they love you, instead of it feeling like some sort of obligation. 
Someone chose to love you. 
And you really, really liked that. 
By the time the clock hit 7, you felt butterflies swimming in your stomach. You knew you had nothing to be nervous about, but that didn’t stop your heart from beating far too fast and your face from keeping a constant blush. It didn’t help that you felt out of place dressed the way you were. 
You hadn’t had a reason to dress particularly nice since middle school, nor had you really had a desire to. When you’d pulled the nicest dress you owned out of your closet-a tight black dress that went to just above your knees and made you feel more than a little self conscious-the hanger had been covered in a thin layer of dust, as had the heels you decided to wear it with. The makeup on your face felt heavy, something you’d had to ask your mom for help with, and you coughed as you sprayed perfume straight into your mouth. You slipped the promise ring onto your finger and watched as it sparkled in your bedroom light.
When a knock on the door echoed through your living room at exactly 7:01 pm, you tugged the bottom of your dress down and walked over to the door, swinging the door open slowly. On the other side stood Steve, far better dressed than you had ever seen him, white button down and suit pants pressed smooth without a single wrinkle. He had a few of the buttons on his shirt undone for the fabric to fall open, revealing just enough of his chest to have you blushing. His hair, perfectly quaffed as always, fell into his eyes a bit, and a lovesick smile hid behind a large bouquet of roses. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, beautiful.” You took the bouquet from him, letting out a soft laugh. 
“I think you’ve given me enough roses for one week.”
“Well, you said nobody had ever gotten you flowers for Valentine’s Day, so I figured I’d give you enough to make up for it.” You thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and left to put the new roses with the rest, and as you arranged them all to fit, you noticed that there were 18 roses, one for every Valentine’s Day you’d missed out on. You smiled.
After a quick goodbye to your parents, the two of you were on your way to wherever Steve planned to take you, heat on blast to try and counteract the bitter Indiana winter. When Steve pulled into the parking lot of Enzo’s, your heart sputtered.
“You said you’d never been, but you’d always wanted to go, so I figured I’d take you out to a nice dinner. You know, to make up for all the times nobody ever took you.” He seemed almost nervous, fidgeting in his seat while his hands tightened a bit on the gear shift as he put the car in park. A smile slowly found its way onto your face, and you leaned over the center console to press a kiss to his cheek. When you pulled away, you giggled at the lipstick mark now staining his skin, and he wiped it away with a blush on his cheeks. 
Dinner had been a bit of a culture shock. You weren’t used to anything this ‘high end’, the entire restaurant filled to capacity with couples dressed to the nines to celebrate the holiday. A few of them were around your age, but they ran in a social circle so far away from yours that you didn’t know any of their names. 
That night was how you found out you weren’t really one for ‘fine dining’, portions far too small for the outrageous prices listed on the menu. Regardless, you had enjoyed it, even though you much preferred the burgers at the fast food place a few minutes away from your house. It helped that Steve was great company, and by the end of the night you were wishing you didn’t have to go home. 
“You could always come stay the night with me.” Steve’s hand snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer, mere inches away from your front door. “My parents are gone for the week. Again.”
You swatted at his shoulder when his face morphed into a suggestive smirk. 
“You know my dad would kill me.”
“Just don’t tell him.” The words were a whisper against your ear as he pressed a series of kisses to your cheek. “Just sneak out. I’ll move my car down the street so they don’t see me and everything.”
“Do you want me to never be able to see you again?” You let out a small laugh, gently pushing his head away from your face and neck. “If they find out I snuck out I will literally never be allowed to talk to you again.”
Steve put on an exaggerated pout, earning him an elbow to the side.
“Don’t give me that look, I’m serious.” Despite your scolding tone, the smile hadn’t dropped from your face. Steve held his hands up in surrender. 
“Fine, fine. But next time your parents are gone for the weekend you’re staying the night.” You let out a laugh and pressed a kiss to his lips, Steve chasing after you when you pulled away. 
“Goodnight, Steve. Thank you, for everything you did for me tonight.” He gave you another soft kiss as he smiled against your lips. 
“Can’t have my girl thinkin’ I’d just let her wallow on Valentine’s Day. I had to show you what you were missing.” His tone was borderline smug, and all you could do was kiss the smirk off his face. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.” You’d said those words to him before, but somehow, this time, they held a little bit more weight to them. 
“I love you, too.” One more kiss. “You better go before your dad comes out here and chases me off.” Reluctantly, Steve began heading back to his car, flashing you a wave and a smile as you headed inside. 
Valentine’s Day was still overrated, but it was a bit more bearable when you had someone like Steve.
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yowyowyaoi · 10 months
Itachi’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Konan
Nobody eats until you come out and eat with us 😤
Thank you! You’re the only one who even noticed 💙
You need to do a better job of hiding that kitten lol  it pushed open your door and walked down the hallway again
Of course! You know where I keep it you don’t even have to ask 😊
I know I’ve spoken to Nagato about them he’ll handle it
You have GOT to come try this new massage chair I got it’s heaven 😌
From Deidara
Come on I was just kidding!!
Please call him off if he bites off my hand again Sasori said he won’t replace it 😔
Sharingan is not art it’s dirty cheating 
The counter is covered with plates of eggs, did you do that weird sleepwalking thing again?!
Me and Hidan and maybe Tobi. Come on take the stick out of your ass and just come with us!
I’ll paint them if you braid my hair first.
Why do you always blame me?? Hidan probably took it!
Omfg I SWEAR I meant that for Sasori!! 😳 Please please don’t show Kisame he’ll kill me 😫
From Zetsu
He’s just so emotional is that an Uchiha trait?
I can literally smell your exhaustion you need to go and rest
Yeah very cute. Be a shame if someone ate it 👀
He was doing fine. Got a lot taller. Looks a lot like you in the face.
No I’m glad you made him leave that dude freaked even ME out 😵‍💫
From “Tobi” aka Obito
Can I borrow your face cream? This mask makes my skin itch like crazy!
God stop it man are you TRYING to speed up going blind?!
Would he take your last name or would you take his? 🤔
No. Never. They think I’m a dumbass, remember?
Little more time in the sun would probably help 🤷🏻‍♂️
“Crushes” are for little kids. And anyway he hates me 😔
I thought about that yeah. Reminded me of your mom’s. She always made the best ones.
I’m not sure of anything kid. But we’re in it too far to back out.
Idk you just looked super pale
Ask Sasori to make you more, they’re helping a little 
Idc what Zetsu says. I can do a lotta shit but cannibalism isn’t one of them 🤢
You think I didn’t see you sneak in that pie? Either share or I’m telling Kisame.
From Nagato
Come and join Konan and I for tea. We’ve got a new blend we think you’ll like.
Permission granted. Just be back within three days, I’ll be sending you two on a mission then.
Thank you for the tips. My eyes feel much better now.
Take your time reading it. When you finish I’d love to discuss some of the themes with you.
I know you dislike meat but perhaps a bit more protein might help improve your stamina.
I don’t mind but do not let Kakuzu see it.
From Hidan
Movies with me and blondie?
Yeah but he’s half-animal right? Still counts, pervert.
PLEASE make the splinters in the ass joke PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU😭😭😭
If I didn’t take a piece you would have ate the whole fucking thing yourself and your stomach would burst. You’re welcome 😊
No that was definitely Deidara’s gay ass
Mask boy’s looking for you
Oh right like Kisame wouldn’t beat my ass for that 🙄 Nice try asshole
God damn it’s 3am when the FUCK do you sleep?!
We’re not “plotting” anything just come with ffs 🤦‍♂️
It was an accident and I didn’t even look that long don’t tell her she’ll slice me up with that sharp-ass paper 😖
From Kakuzu
You always being on time with your rent is most appreciated.
To be honest I don’t really know. But at this point I’m too far into my feelings for him so this is my life now. 
Getting enough sleep is important. Nagato agrees that a new mattress would be in your best interests. No arguments.
I’ve ripped off his leg and made it clear it won’t be returned until he returns your property to you.
I’ll consult with Sasori and get back to you.
Konan is insisting everyone text you to come down to eat. It’s my turn. Be advised that continued delay will result in one or more of us coming and retrieving you by force.
From Sasori
Please inform me right away if you notice any adverse side effects. I may need to change the medication or adjust the dosage.
Oh, thank you for reminding me. I wouldn’t want a repeat of last year. What sort of gift do you think I should give him?
You’re more than welcome to anytime. You know I don’t sleep.
Finding the correct body is the most difficult part. All that follows is merely routine.
He can be very sensitive. I’m still learning to decipher and appropriately react to his emotions.
May I borrow that book when you’ve finished it?
Heh. That’s actually very funny.
Try not to overdo it. Your chakra levels still haven’t recovered from the last time.
You may want to hurry back. Zetsu has been circling outside your door like an animal and trying to sniff under it. That lock may not hold.
From Kisame
You remembered your meds today right?
Did you eat?
Yeah? I bet I could work out that tension 😏
Cake is not acceptable for every meal, Itachi.
I got a new blanket, very soft. Come test it out with me 💙
I’ll talk to him about it don’t worry.
For God’s sake just TAKE A NAP!
Have fun but watch your back, I don’t trust those two.
Pretty warm out tonight. Midnight swim later? 😏
You left your necklace on my dresser
Leave it there. You’ve already got one illicit pet you don’t need a second.
I’m cooking, you’re eating. No objections.
My hands are craving being in your hair 😔
I did not eat him. Zetsu is a liar.
You got any more pics like that? Please? 👀
I 💙 you too
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Maybe I’m your soulmate. || Robin Arellano
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Summary- the week you move to Denver, is also the week robin gets suspended. what happens when Finney welcomes you with open arms and you two quickly become friends, bestfriends even (I'll give you a hint, robin isn't too happy.)
Tags- studying, enemies to ??? flirters?? , group project, best friends, fuckin moose, jealous robin, that's all i think
CWS- cursing ..? i think thats it
Notes- HIHI uhm idk if im gonna write a part 2 for this atm but if you guys want one i will! uhm also sorry for shitty grammar LMAO i suck at stuff like that
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Moving was never easy, especially not when you join a new school in the middle of the year.
Although you quickly got situated when you met Finney Blake, you and he had been friends for a little over a week & it was safe to say you considered him your best friend.
That Friday morning when you walked to school with Finney and Gwen like usual, the second you neared the school, chanting was heard
“FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” the group yelled while a taller, much paler boy spoke, “I will pound you like a nail you scrawny little shithead.”
“then do it, unless you’re scared.”
You looked at Finney, “Who the fuck has the balls to fight moose?”

“Robin Arellano.” Gwen answered, “Who? Am I supposed to know him?” You were bombarded with questions as a fight broke out.
You watched intently while listening to your answer, “Robin was Finney’s best friend until he got sent to his grandma's for a week because he got suspended, he’s also the toughest kid in school next to Pinball Vance Hopper.”
“Was Finney's best friend?” you repeated
“Yeah Robin could never call so we kinda just drifted, I was sad for a while but then you came into the picture,” Finney spoke up at last.
you were about to say something else until the actual fight broke out, Robin demolishing Moose, he probably broke his nose.
“Holy shit!” Gwen gasped, her mouth agape, “Let’s go guys.” Finney tugged at Gwen’s arm that wouldn’t budge. When the girl finally moved she was already yapping about it.
“What the hell!! That was Moose!” the brunette said agitatedly.
“I don’t care” The short-haired brunette rolled his eyes, looking to the side.
“He probably deserved it!” You laughed, “Moose is a giant asshole, Finn.”
He nearly responded but someone else did for him, “Hey Finn, what’s happening” You rose your brow at the nickname, a hand snaked around his shoulder.
“Robin, you just came back! You can’t be getting into fights already” Finney laughed, shrugging off his arm.
“Moose needed the beat down if you ask me, ain’t that right Gwen?” He leaned forward, turning his head towards Gwen and your direction.
When he saw you instead of Gwen his eyebrows furrowed in confusion; “Who’s this? Your girlfriend? ooh, Donna won’t be too happy to hear that you’re two-timing Finn” He joked.
You smiled, “Nah me and Finn are just friends. I try giving advice but uh you know how he is, stubborn and hardheaded." you gave Finney a nudge in his side, and he rolled his eyes in response.

"finn? yo i thought i was the only one who called you that? since I'M your bestfriend n all. is she a bully? i don't fight girls but i know people who do." the long haired brunette said intimidatingly.
"hey man chill, finney is allowed to have other friends! especially after you ditched him!" gwen defended.
"i didn't fucking ditch him! i was suspended and couldn't talk to anyone for like a week!" the bandanaed boy exclaimed, an offensive look on his face.
you and finney both opened your mouth to say something, but the bell rung, and students started filling to their classes. "gotta go. later finn, later gwen. Arellano" you nodded before walking off, making your way to your class. shuffling with the other students.
"alright class, as you know.. or not seeing as most of you cannot read," the teacher sighed, his monotone voice staying through out his lecture, "you will have two big projects, middle of the year and end of the year. today marks the OFFICAL start of the end of the school year, hold your applause. you will be working in pairs of two, on the classical big bang theory." the teacher huffed and began explaining the rest of the project.
youy groaned quietly, putting your head in your hands, what if you get paired up with braxton rose? he was the worst! he put gum in your hair before winter break, it took hours to get it out.
"now i will be announcing the pairs. boo who cry me a river ashley. you're not getting paired up with vance OR kamala." vance was the boyfriend, kamala was the bestie. if you couldnt tell.
"right so first we have.." the names ran through and through your ears until you heard your name at last. "Y/N and.. Robin. thats all class, now you can go. projects are due next week."  you gasped, robin was in this class? the fuck? you hadn't even noticed. i mean you could always ask mr green to switch partners, but his divorce was already stressing him out. being a middle school teacher is even worse, so nah not a chance.
begrudgingly, you pushed your self out of the plastic chair, stretching  your joints. you grabbed your stuff and turned to find robin, your eyes didnt have to strain themselves for long because he was right at your desk. "hey robin, meet up at the library, five? bring your shit. we'll start planning?" you asked assertively.
"uhm can't we do it right after school? maybe i've got plans. plus we have study hall, we can do it then?" he tried his best to reschedule.
you sighed, "do you have something to do at five exactly?"
robin smiled, shaking his head left to right, "Nah, sorry. I'll see you after school?"
"alright see ya," you groaned, mentally slapping yourself in the face, robin areallno? of all people. Braxton would be better than this.
the day finished swiftly. leaving you an hour and a half to get home, freshen up and get to the library on time.
Keep reading
you had barely made it on time. three minutes till the clock struck five, when you entered the deserted library, apart from a few nerds studying, robin was nowhere to be found. you scoffed, sitting down at a table in the back, pulling your books out, shaking your leg anxiously until he showed up.
it was about five-ten when he did. you had sat there looking like a loser! he walked in coolly, sliding into a seat next to you. "you're late."
"sorry I fell asleep anyways I'm ready to work now." he cheesed, opening up his notebook, and helping

you two had worked for about twenty minutes before you hit a gigantic boulder. a boulder that stopped your work entirely for half an hour. "this isn't gonna work. you're too overbearing." he ran a hand through his hair.
had it always been that pretty? maybe it just looked better now that there wasnt crimson colored liquid in it.
you shrugged the thought off, "would you be more comfy in more well know space? we could go to yours and work on it there?"

"fuck no! you could be a murderer for all i know." he tried his best to look intimidating but his eyes weren't completely objecting to the scenerio.
you smiled cheekily, looking him in his eyes for the first time in a while leaning up in your seat slightly to get closer to him, "maybe i'm your soulmate." you could see him get flustered. it was almost embarrassing for you.

just then the old timey grandfather clock rang, "ah thats me. see ya robin." grabbing your things and walking out.
robin sat there however, what the hell just happened? were you flirting? wasn't this a rivalry for the companionship of finney blake? yeah okay that was weird. however, what was weirder is the fact that he wasn't absolutely disgusted by the fact that you were flirting with him.

well shit
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tarttheart · 7 months
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summary: you finally tell someone.
word count: 1.1k
warnings: language, mention of pregnancy loss
chapter 1: my own worst enemy
It was a cold, wet spring morning in March. It was the annual day of grieving. You always took the day off work to give yourself time to sit at home and wallow. Thankfully, it fell on a weekend this year so you were free to be miserable all in your lonesome.
Or, at least you had planned to until the EPL fixtures messed up your plans.
Man City was coming down to London for a match. De Bryune was not playing. God forbid, not with his injury but he was more than happy to be around to provide some moral support. However, given he did not actually have a game to play, he found a nice gap in his schedule to catch up.
When he first told you, your mouth went instantly dry. He had been so excited, there was no way you could sour his mood by declining the invitation to hang out. But, you also knew your gig was up. You had managed to keep a somewhat neutral line of communication and not give anything away while you were away. There was no way you would be able to keep that up face-to-face. Especially not on the one day every year you had to be completely vulnerable with yourself.
You heard the buzzer and inhaled deeply, summoning whatever strength you had to at least keep up some facade for the next hour or so.
You opened the door to a beyond excited De Bryune. It was infectious and you could not help but smile back as he pulled you into the biggest hug, swinging you around. You squealed in response and laughed as he replaced you on the ground.
“Took you forever to find your way back. Did you get lost?” He joked, as he shrugged off his outerwear.
“Work was always busy,” you reasoned calmly. It was only a half lie. It had genuinely gotten hectic as you slowly climbed the corporate ladder. Too hectic for a trip back to England? Probably not. Afterall, you had managed multiple trips around Australia and Asia. But, it was as good an excuse as any.
“How is it being back? How have you been?”
“I’m fine,” you shrugged a response as you popped into your kitchen.
“Tea?” you offered, not really waiting for a response as you popped two mugs on the countertop and threw a teabag into each.
De Bryune looked at you funnily as he took a seat at your tiny dining table.
“Who sent you flowers?” Kevin asked conversationally upon spying the fresh bouquet in the corner of your kitchen.
“No one, I bought them,” you responded hesitantly.
“Oh, who are you giving them to?”
“N-no one.”
Kevin raised an eyebrow, “but you don’t buy flowers for yourself. You said before that it was sad and pathetic.”
Shoot, you forgot you had said that to him once. What he did not know was that you indulged in flowers once a year as a remembrance gift to Lemy.
You spun round, frown set firmly on your face as you replied a little defensively, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
Kevin laughed, raising his hands as if he was surrendering, “yes, yes, everyone changes. You’ve become prickly,” he commented and you looked up, a little put upon at being called out.
“Am I?” you asked, trying to cover over it before asking, “How is Michele? How is everything at home?”
“Good, good. She says hi. Everyone at home is wondering when you’ll come visit. Mason and Rome want to show you their new baby brother.”
“Mmhmmm,” you paled a little at the mention of his kids. You should have known there was no way this man would not mention his clan but the last thing you needed right now was any reminders of children. Or, specifically the baby you did not have.
You turned away, busying yourself with brewing the tea. De Bryune cocked his head at your odd behaviour and waited for you to join him at the table before continuing the conversation.
“So?” you repeated.
“How’s work been?”
You quietly sighed with relief that Kevin had moved onto what felt like a ‘safe’ topic, “good, good. Busy but good. There is so much to do now and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all. Like, I’m supposed to be making some of these decisions and I don’t want to.”
You laughed a little as did he, glad to see some life in you. There was a long lull and De Bryune was slightly unsettled by how little you had to say. The friend he had would have wanted to know what every player had been up to and how they were. The friend he had would have asked about the match today. The friend he had would have asked for a detailed rundown of everything the children had been up to but there was a tension in the air that was palpable and told him that none of these topics were safe for you.
“What’s going on?” He tried again as you fidgeted endlessly with your mug.
“Nothing,” you responded, furrowing your brows. You looked up at De Bryune, stubbornly trying to prove your point but it only proved his when he saw how dull your eyes were. You looked like a shell of your warm and vibrant self.
Oops. He might have said that last but out loud.
“You just look like a shell of yourself. What is going on?”
“Nothing,” you answered again, unconvincingly.
“Why do you keep lying to me?”
“I’m no—“ you started but De Bryune’s stern look stopped you mid-sentence.
“I’ve known you since you were 9. Why do you think I wouldn’t know? You sound like you’re lying to stay out of trouble but you’re not in trouble? Not with me, at least. You know, I’m always here for you, to help you. And if not me, you can also lean on Michele.”
You opened your mouth and then closed it again because you could not find the right words. So many years of running, so much time spent alienating them and here Kevin was treating you with such grace and love. You did not deserve this. You hung your head and you could hear him shuffle.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you but I’ll get out of your hair if that’s what you need right now.”
You felt your lower jaw slacken. It was not that you wanted to push him away, you just found it easier than talking. But if not now with Kevin, when would you ever be ready to talk?
“I was pregnant,” you mumbled quietly to yourself, more as practice at sounding the words out than anything else. The words felt weird coming from your mouth.
“What?” Kevin asked. Maybe he heard wrong.
You looked up, tears in your eyes as you repeated yourself. Your voice was shaky but the words were clear as day when you spoke, “I was pregnant.”
< prologue | master list | chapter 2 >
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𝖮𝗇 𝖲𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖲𝗎𝗇𝗇𝗒 𝖣𝖺𝗒 (𝖶𝖾’𝗅𝗅 𝖬𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝖠𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
Summary: In another reality, perhaps you and Bucky had a chance.
Warnings: Fluff ending in angst, major character death, non-happy endings, talks of death. Mentions of murder.
A/n: Highway to Hell is still being worked on, but the updates might be less frequent as I get ready for whumptober. (I intend to do all 31 days of the ai-less whumptober. All x-readers, with all the Avengers I have the motivation to write for. Mainly Bucky lmao.) I was inspired to write this, so here we are! Enjoy!
“Do you think,” you paused, gathering your thoughts, “in another life, it could’ve been different?”
“Different?” Bucky questioned, looking at you. It had been a fun day of helping fix Sam’s family boat. After the blip, or really, after Steve left, Bucky wasn’t ever really the same. It was good seeing him smile and joke and laugh like he did today. The two of you now stand together at the water's edge, watching the sun set.
Your love story, if you could even call it that, only really started after the battle at the German airport. Whenever Steve would go to Wakanda to see Bucky, you’d go with.
“For backup,” you’d reasoned. You were lucky that nobody ever questioned why he’d need back up to go to Wakanda, one of the safest places in the world. Still, Steve had let you tag along.
You and Bucky had bonded quickly. You were an easily trustable person, and you never asked inappropriate questions. When Bucky needed silence, just to process his thoughts, you didn’t try (and fail) to read his mind, like Steve did. When Bucky craved human interaction but was too scared to ask for it, you’d always be there, willing to try and explain to him that they did, in fact, make three The Hobbit movies. You’d waited a little while longer to tell him about the Lord of the Rings.
His steel blue eyes brought you back from your thoughts. “Different.” You repeated. “None of this…world-ending bullshit. Like…you know how the wizar—sorcerer guy just told us all that the multiverse was real?” You recalled the day. You also remembered Bucky complaining about Sam calling Strange a wizard.
“Yeah?” Bucky nodded, remembering it too.
“Do you think..in another life, we’re eating spaghetti together? And the biggest worry on our minds as we do so is who’s going to do the dishes?”
Bucky thinks about it for a minute. He’s making that one face he makes whenever he’s annoyed. You know him well enough to know that he’s not annoyed, but he’s considering what you’ve just said.
“Maybe.” He murmurs after a moment.
“We could be folding laundry right now. Or brushing our teeth together.”
“You want us to brush each other's teeth?” He questions, confused. He considers the idea, you can basically see the gears turning in his head.
“No—I mean—whatever.” You kick a pebble into the water, before you feel him press his right shoulder into your left one.
“I’m kidding.” He smiles softly. “I mean, I’m all for brushing your teeth if that’s what this day and age’s romance customs include.” He teases further.
“You know, you’re technically old enough to be my great grandpa." You mumble out, keeping your eyes focused on the setting sun.
"Are you kidding me?" It's like you can hear his eyes roll just from his voice.
You begin to laugh a little. "106 year old man. You weren't married or anything, right? No grandkids running around? Damn, that would be awkward. Imagine calling someone who's the same age as you 'grandma'."
Bucky grumbled something, and you tapped his shoulder with yours. "I love you. Even if in a couple years people will think I broke you out of the nursing home."
"I still age at a normal rate." Maybe even slower, you added in your mind. "I love you too." He slips his hand into yours.
"Maybe it's super sunny that day. In the other reality. And we're having a picnic."
"I'd love to have a picnic with you. We can do that in this reality, too, y'know." He reminded you.
"We've really got all the time in the world." You lean against him as he puts his arm over your shoulders.
"We do." He agrees.
Your eyes flutter open in the same familiar sequence. Every night, it's like you dream the same dream. And yet, every morning, it's the same nightmare.
You pull yourself out of bed, no matter how much you don't want to. The hallways of your apartment are cold, lonely now. The lights are almost always off. It's easier to not notice the pictures on the wall like this.
You pour a cup of coffee, sitting alone on your couch. Flicking on the TV, the first channel that pops up is the news.
"It's the official one year anniversary of the death of James Barnes, the former Winter Soldier. On December 20th, 2024, Mr. Barnes was found murdered in his Brooklyn apartment--" The man on the television screen begins. You immediately shut the damn thing off, sitting in silence for what seems like hours.
Nobody even knew what had happened. That was the worst part. The attacker was there, and then they were gone. Just like Bucky. He was there. Alive, breathing. Safe.
Then he was gone.
And with him, your heart was gone, too.
So much for that picnic.
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