#and i’ll probably combust on the spot
inkdrinkerworld · 3 months
penny for your thoughts on d. grayson w/ shy/timid/reserved!reader 🫣
Love your lil blurbs and thought pieces for dick grayson, I'm a tad bit obsessed I fear
He eats it up. Dick lives for the fact that you can’t look him in the eye for too long without getting puffy faced and having to shove his shoulder.
“Dick would you stop?”
He would- if you weren’t so damn cute. You get all warm and you get even softer when you speak to him and he’s just living for it.
“I would, but look at your pretty eyes baby. They’re glowing.”
They aren’t glowing, you’re not super powered. But they are simmering- with what? You’d rather not discuss that just yet, Dick Grayson can be somewhat of a pain with his teasing and if you name the ‘glow’ or give him chance to, you’d never recover from his teasing.
Not that you mind.
“I’m going back to the living room now,” you’d just come to the kitchen for your snacks, gummy fish that Dick swears tastes like wax but it’s somehow never out of stock, and pieces of honeycomb.
The team are watching movies tonight, and they’d just started looking at your favourite, Atlantis, a movie Kaldur has his own opinions on but you can’t deny yourself eye candy either way- Milo is just too cute.
“I’m right behind you angel face, plus I think you’re stuck with me for the rest of the movie- everyone else is coupled up.”
True to his word, everyone on the sofas are already coupled up and cozy where they are and there’s only two unoccupied spots left.
Yours and Dick’s relationship is still fresh, so you’d been sitting with Artemis before you left, now she’s sat with Wally, head on his shoulder as he whispers something to her to make her smile.
Your belly churns with nerves- sure you’ve shared a bed with Dick but being all cozied up in front of your friends seem far more intimate than you can manage without combusting.
“Opening credits are rolling, babe. C’mon,” Dick says, nudging you forward with his hip. He sits before you do, patting the spot next to him with a soft smile- knowing anything else will probably send your pulse into overdrive.
“I’ll keep my hands to myself,” he whispers, stealing a fish from your hand with a devilish grin. “Unless you ask me not to, then I’m at your mercy.” He chuckles softly at the way you grumble under your breath, clearly amused by how easy you are to fluster.
He hears something about, ‘so annoying’ and, ‘stupid pretty smile’ and he presses a quick kiss to your temple to keep from chuckling even more.
The night ends with your head in his lap, eyes shut as you start to drift off, not having the energy to stay up during Zatanna’s one hundredth rewatch of a thriller that you’ve seen too many times to be scared of.
“Want me to scratch your back, baby?” You know he’s buttering you up, laying on his sweet charm as you drift off when you’re too tired to be too concerned about the heat that floods you at his attention or find the energy to be too shy and scurry off to the bedroom and wait there for him.
“Please? And,” he cuts you off quietly.
“And put your water back on the bedside, I got you, baby. Close your eyes and sleep, sweet girl.” He swears there’s a smile on your lips as you drift off and maybe even a little heat to your cheeks.
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3minsover · 6 months
another modern steddie au
Eddie gets invited to prom.
Eddie, the freak.
Gets invited by the captain of the basketball team, Jason.
And Eddie’s over the fucking moon, because he never thought he’d get a date to prom, let alone such a hot, popular one.
Sure, it’d taken a little convincing at first, because duh. Town pariah, cutest boy in school - it’s not an obvious match. But Jason seems sincere.
There’d been a time Eddie thought maybe he’d go to prom with Steve - back when they were in the same class last year - but of course Steve never asked, and Eddie didn’t have the stones to do it himself. Always had to go for the popular guy, the unattainable one, did Eddie.
Once Steve graduated, Eddie had been surprised to actually strike up a friendship with Steve on his trips to the local coffee-shop-vintage-vinyl-store hybrid where Steve now worked. He’d even asked Steve, only a couple days before Jason casually leant against Eddie’s locker and popped the question - his excitement and shock had made him blind to the group of jocks loitering with smirk-stained mouths just down the hall - if he’d consider accompanying him to prom just so he didn’t have to go alone. Just as friends though, obviously (except that Eddie would have combusted on the spot if it wasn’t just as friends).
Steve’s rejection of the invite had come swift, though not harshly, and not for any reason other than that he had tickets to see the Hoosiers play the Wolverines at the Assembly Hall that night. Eddie spluttered out reassurance that-
“I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about little old me! Hey, I’ll have Rob and Nance there, huh, even if they’re going together. I’ll crash their date.” But the enthusiasm fell out of his voice as he spoke.
Steve had been surprised, but supportive, when Eddie broke the news about Jason. he’d not said anything for a long moment, but then his face split into a smile that seemed too big for his face, and he offered Eddie a high five.
And so the afternoon of prom comes.
Jason’s going to pick Eddie up at 7, and for the whole day, Eddie’s been all jitters. He showers, shaves, fusses with his hair, his tux (borrowed from Wayne), his rings and chains, and at 6:45, Eddie sits down opposite Wayne at the dining table.
And he waits.
And waits.
7pm comes, and then 7:15. 7:30.
“He probably just got caught up,” Eddie justifies, if only to break the thick silence hanging over the kitchen.
“I’m sure, kid.” Wayne’s voice is sincere, but it does nothing to ease the swirling of Eddie’s stomach. 8 o’clock crawls nearer, and Eddie’s still sitting at his kitchen table, elbows itching where he’s had his arms folded on the table in front of him for so long. Wayne excuses himself, comes back a couple minutes later, and Eddie hasn’t moved.
Acceptance tastes bitter in Eddie’s mouth.
“He’s not coming, is he.” Eddie doesn’t need to phrase it as a question. Of course Jason’s not coming. Why would he? Eddie feels so fucking stupid. For a moment there, he really thought.
“No, son. I… I don’t think he is.”
“I’m gonna go change,” Eddie announces, failing to keep the wetness out of his voice. He stands, the chair legs scraping overloud against the kitchen floor, and stalks towards his bedroom. He’s tugging at his tie and blinking away stinging tears when four sharp knocks come from the front door. Eddie’s nearest, and his heartbeat rockets. he races over, yanks at the handle flinging it open to find-
Steve Harrington is standing on his front porch, fidgeting with his tie. Because he’s wearing a tie. And a suit. His cheeks are flushed, his hair a little damp still, and he’s holding a single yellow dandelion between pinched fingers. He looks so fucking handsome Eddie could cry. Or kiss him. Or kiss him and then cry.
But Steve’s at the Hoosiers game. Or-
“Steve…? I don’t…”
“Wayne called me.” Steve dips his chin self-consciously, looking up through thick lashes.
“And you- But you’re- The game?” Eddie blinks furiously, blindsided by the sight of Steve Harrington in a tux offering him a flower for his goddamn buttonhole.
“There’ll be other games. I’m only gonna get one more chance to take you to prom.”
“One… more?”
“Yeah,” Steve sighs, “I missed it the first time. Almost missed it this time too.”
“But you didn’t.” Eddie takes a half step forward, allowing Steve to slip his fingers under the lapel of his jacket and push the stem of the dandelion through the little stitched opening. He inhales a little gasp at the heady scent of Steve’s cologne so close all of a sudden. Their eyes meet, and everything else softens around them, fading only to shades of violet and blue in the dark. Eddie can see the bob of Steve’s throat as he swallows, but he can’t tear his eyes away from the rich hazel of Steve’s own to focus on it.
Eddie knows he’s smiling like a fool.
“I’m glad you could make it, son.” Wayne’s voice pops the moment like a dishsoap bubble, soft in the way that fall leaves are. Steve looks up and over Eddie’s shoulder, nodding bashfully.
“I’m glad you called.”
“Me too, Wayne. Thank you. No, really. Though I’m not sure I entirely love the fact that my uncle can get me a date better than I can.” The three of them laugh, the sound rising smoky into the night.
“You two have fun - but not too much, y’know.” Wayne’s mouth is set firm but there’s a recognizable spark in his eyes that Eddie is so glad they share.
“I’ll have him home by midnight, sir.” Steve plays the ‘respectful, demure date’ role so well.
“Don’t I get a say in that?” Eddie exclaims, whipping his head to look between the two of them. “Alright, take me to the dance, Harrington.”
“It would be my pleasure.”
In the end, they don’t make it to prom. Instead Steve drives them out to the overlook at Lover’s Lake, just the two of them, and they talk until the twinkle of stars is replaced by the first peachy hints of day. And Eddie thinks maybe prom is overrated, after all.
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forget-me-maybe · 16 days
Rolan HC
So, I was sick last week and thought about how Rolan would react on my Tav being sick.
I think he'd be very caring, as he always is, but he's also so unproportionally scared of getting sick he'd be acting somewhat irrationally. Anyways, here's a short SFW drabble:
Throughout the history of Toril there’s one disease no cleric, druid or alchemist has been able to cure. 
The common cold. 
Faye had been snivelling all day, blaming it mostly on the cold weather the Gate experienced this winter. 
But then she sneezed. 
And she had never seen Rolan get out of the couch faster, stumbling and sweeping down a carafe from the table with his tail. 
“You’re sick” he said while he looked at her like she had just turned into a mindflayer. 
“I’m fine” Faye tried to reassure the wizard. “It’s probably just a cold” 
“Just a cold?” he snapped at her. “Just the most contagious disease known to this plane that bears no cure!” 
Faye was shocked and slightly amused by the exaggerated reaction. Rolan had never shown signs of being a germaphobe. He liked to keep things clean but never to an extreme extent. 
But this. This was new. 
Just as Faye was about to say something reassuring, the portal did the swooshy thing and Cal and Lia entered the tower. 
“I don’t feel well” Lia said, her voice hoarse and tired. 
“Me neither, I’ll see you tomorrow” Cal said in an equally tired voice. 
Rolan looked like he was about to combust. 
“I’m setting up quarantine” he said through gritted teeth. 
“You’re what?” Faye said, staring at him blankly. 
And that’s how she and the younger siblings ended up confined in their rooms. 
Rolan wasn’t an awful warden, in fact he would probably go down in history as one of the best. He made chicken soup that he teleported into the prisoners’ rooms, made sure they always had hot tea and made tonics for their sore throats. 
He wrote cute little notes that accompanied the daily rations. 
Eat. X 
Drink. X
Sleep. X 
Faye suspected Cal and Lia got similar notes except the Xs. 
But Faye was bored. Sure, she was unwell. Her body ached and her nose was clogged up but she’d much rather be getting at least something done than just laying in bed all day. 
She had been in solitary confinement for one and a half days when there was a knock on the door. Excited by the fact that anything at all happened she jumped from her spot in the bed to open. She opened the door just an inch to find Cal and Lia. 
“Quickly, let us in” Lia whispered and didn’t wait for an answer before she had pushed herself inside with Cal right behind. 
Faye carefully closed the door to not make a sound as it shut and gave the siblings a questioning look. 
“So, this is your first time getting a cold while living with Rolan” Lia said as she walked over to the bed. 
“Is he like this every time?” Faye asked. 
“More or less, he’s better now though” Cal said. “One time mum had to tell him off for trying to lock us up in the attic” 
“So, me and Cal always pretend it’s a fun sleepover situation instead” Lia chimes in. “If you’re up for it?” 
“Fuck yeah I am” Faye blurted out, unable to contain her excitement for just being able to talk to someone. 
So, the three pyjama-clad captives settled in bed, Lia in the middle and Cal and Faye on each side. 
They played cards, they chatted. Cal got a bit worse (men just can’t handle a simple cold) and fell asleep. Faye and Lia continued talking into the small hours of the night before they too were claimed by sleep. 
Faye woke up a bit worse for wear, but not as bad as the tall tiefling staring at the three of them from the door. She shot him a crooked and apologetic smile as she pondered on what new quarantine rules he’d set up now that they’ve been caught. 
But then Rolan snivelled. 
“I’ve succumbed to your illness” he muttered, approaching the bed with a face that can only be described as completely miserable. “Scoot” 
There was not much room to scoot, sure their bed was big, but not four-people-big. Lia got an accidental elbow to the ribs and Cal almost fell off the bed on the other side as Rolan squeezed himself into the small space that was available to him. 
The younger siblings quickly excused themselves and left the room, for all of their sakes. 
Faye wrapped her arms around Rolan, he was warmer than normally and still shivered. She wondered how long he waited until he admitted to himself that he too was unwell. 
“If I die –” 
“You’re not dying from a cold” Faye cut him off. 
“If I die, and since we’re not married yet, you have no claim to the tower” he said, ignoring her remark. 
“Not married yet?” 
“That’s not the point of what I’m trying to say” he dismissed her, completely ignoring the grin spread on her face. “Cal and Lia could in theory kick you out, don’t let them” 
“I really don’t think they would” she said firmly. Actually she was quite sure the only way she’d be kicked out of the tower was if she were to hurt Rolan and she’d most likely be taking a shortcut from the balcony if that were to happen. 
“I should put it down in writing” he blurted out, sitting up so quickly he almost fell out of the bed. “Get my business in order before…” 
“You’re not dying from a cold, you silly man!” 
She pulled him back into a lying position, smothering him with enough blankets to keep a bugbear down. She wiped some sweat beads from his forehead and the wizard’s face finally relaxed. Faye figured she could sleep a bit more now that she was next to him.
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On the Road
Rockstar!eddie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to sex. SFW. Use of Y/N
A/N: Please go easy on me for this. It’s been a very long time since i’ve written anything so excuse any poor writing or dodgy use of tense,  but i just had this thought one night and said fuck it, lets share it. Enjoy. Feedback is appreciated and so are likes and reblogs 🙂
The squeaking of the brakes and crunching of gravel was enough to slowly bring you out of your slumber. It had been a few hours since you’d passed out on the scratchy sofa of their tour bus, but it had seemed needed after the past week of late nights and long journeys that had robbed you of energy. The heavy hand that had been stroking across your shoulder, squeezed your upper arm, “We’re here sweetheart.” Eddie’s voice sounded, laced with tiredness. 
After years of blood, sweat and tears, Eddie had finally managed to make his childhood dreams real. He and the boy’s of corroded Coffin had made it to the big leagues, miles away from dingy bars and drunks that couldn’t care less who they were. They had been talent spotted and offered a small regional tour which, after completing last summer, had proven their name in the industry as one to look out for. Their success led them to now, their first leg of their national tour filled with multiple sold out shows. Eddie could have sworn he’d never felt more alive than he did when he got to perform to thousands of people every night, seeing how their music touched each and every one, much like he’d been affected by his own music heroes growing up. Getting to witness his dreams being fulfilled every night, had been a privilege, seeing new towns and cities that you probably would never have had the chance to before felt like the greatest gift you’d been given. You’d joined him on tour as support at first. He’d spent nights begging for you to join him. ‘Babe, please come! The boys all want you with us, plus i’ll miss you so much that i’ll combust if i have to spend too long away.’ He’d state each time you’d give a reason as to why it wouldn’t be possible. Eventually he’d pestered enough that you broke, agreeing to join him for the first 4 stops on the tour and then head back home, however that soon changed when you joined the guys selling merch and even creating items to sell,  leading to your position in the group being upgraded from supportive girlfriend to executive roadie. 
Blinking your eyes open, you were faced with Eddie's big brown eyes staring lovingly back into yours. They were now accompanied by dark undereye shadows, telling the story of a man who’d been working his ass off. “Morning sleepy girl.” He smiled. You reached up a hand to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “It’s morning?” You croaked. 
“Only just, It’s gone 2am.” Eddie clarified glancing to his watch. 
“Ugh, can i not just stay here?” You whined, tucking your face away and attempting to drift back to sleep.
Eddie chuckled softly, sliding his hand down your arm to grasp your hand, “Unfortunately not, we’ve got a nice big bed waiting for us and quite frankly i’d like to be in it right now.” 
Just the mention of a bed, had you moving to get up. Despite having spent a good month on the road and being treated to a fairly comfy tour bus with all the amenities the guys could need, stopping at hotels and getting to sleep in a bed that wasn’t continually being rattled by the vibrations of an engine or having disturbances by people shuffling around in the night was a god send. You and Eddie had been lucky when given bunk assignments, seeing as you were the only couple in the group, you had been designated the only actual bed on the bus, whilst the rest of the guys had to make do with a single bunk bed that could just about house a small grown adult. ‘You guys can have the bed but just don’t make too much noise if you’re gonna fuck. Don’t really need to hear ‘how eddie is rocking your world’ or ‘how good my princess takes me’ is.’ Gareth had warned you two on the first night on the road, very much to the embarrassment of you but the humor of Eddie. 
“Where are the guys?” You asked as you stretched out your muscles, hearing a satisfying click in your bones.
“They’ve already headed in. Jeff barely waited for the bus to come to a stop before he’d leapt off claiming he needed to pee.” 
You smiled in response watching as Eddie gathered up both his and your overnight bags to bring into the hotel. He took your hand in his free one, leading you out the bus and towards the hotel reception. You were met with the rest of the tour party standing with bleary eyes and no energy, all ready to finally get some rest. Eddie nudged you in the direction of Gareth and Jeff who were standing resting against the wall, struggling to stay awake, whilst he went to source your room key. 
“My eyes feel like they have papercuts.” Gareth grumbled. 
“I could sleep right here.” Jeff responded. You gave both the boys sympathetic smiles.
Throughout the tour you’d grown closer to them, becoming almost like a sister to them. They’d come to you with all sorts of issues, from wardrobe help to romantic advice. Like any man that had an entire world of women at their feet, Gareth and Jeff made the most of being single and having their pick, resulting in plenty of one night stands and the occasional double hit. 
“You seemed to have slept ok y/n, you were totally out.” Gareth remarked.
You sighed softly, “God I must have been shattered, I don't actually remember laying down.” 
“You didn’t, I laid you down in my lap cause your head was hanging off your neck.” Eddie responded as he walked back over to you, this time with keys in hand. He handed Jeff and Gareth their keys each before swinging his arm to rest over your shoulders. “Couldn’t have my love waking up in pain.” he said as he pressed a kiss to your hairline. 
Your heart swelled in your chest. Eddie had many ways of showing his affection for you, but his physical touch and care is the category he really shone in. From the gentle touches on the base of your back as he guided you through crowds of fans, to the all enclosing, full of love and affection, cuddles he’d provide whenever you wanted, the love eddie had for you couldn’t hide from his physical touch. The gesture of him adjusting your sleeping position on the bus purely to help you, was just another example of his love. 
Eddie slid his arm down from your shoulders to connect your hands as he gently led you towards your bedroom for the night. Stepping into the elevator, he reached over to press the floor number, he didn’t even wait for the doors to fully close before he was encasing you in an embrace and guiding your lips up to meet his. Although gentle, his kiss was full of love, speaking all the words he could ever say. 
He pulled back slightly, keeping your noses touching. “Thank you baby for coming with me. I know it isn’t easy, jesus, its fucking exhausting.”
You smiled in agreement, “It is. But it’s worth it.” You pushed back into him to connect your lips again. “I get to see my gorgeous rockstar boyfriend, singing and playing his heart out in front of screaming fans every night and know that at the end of the night, he’ll be in my bed, kissing my lips, giving his whole being to me.” 
Eddie brings his hands to hold your cheeks as he kisses you again, however just before he can deepen it, the elevator doors re-open. Quickly he takes your hand again and pulls you along as he heads towards your room. He swiftly slips the key into the door, and pushes it open, gesturing for you to enter before him, ever the gentleman. As you take in the room, which is a mark sight better than the cramped bedroom on the tour bus, the door behind you shuts as two thick arms slide around your waist, and the warm breath of your lover fans down your neck. 
“You are right.” He whispered as you tilted your neck to the side granting him space to pepper your skin with kisses. “Having a stunning woman, watching from the wings of the stage as I sing for her, knowing that I also get to be in her bed, kissing her and showing her pleasure that has her screaming my name every night is what makes this all worth it.” 
His words send shivers down your spine, making you turn to face him. All feelings of tiredness fade from your body and are replaced with desire. Looking up into his eyes, you see that he is sharing the feeling. “Then come and show me.” You whisper just as you reconnect with his lips and walk him towards the bed. 
He was right, touring is exhausting, but so were you. It’s all worth it for nights like these.
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slafkovskys · 7 months
Ok I know this is not within the hours but I have a brain like a sieve and I’ll forget so I’m so sorry!!!!
but imagine after all of older readers distaste over markings, Juraj comes back after the off season or a particularly long roadie and they have the most intense loving sweet hot sex ever. like a long multi round session, overwhelming, emotional, fierce, subby for both the lot.
and juraj is on cloud 10, he had THE best night of his life, fully love sick and goes to practice and forget the heel, and the wine glass, the lipstick, they spot severely obvious hickeys all up his jaw. older reader is still fast asleep in his bed so couldn’t warn and juraj is just so oblivious and probably didn’t even look into a mirror that whole morning
basically my point is, his emotions were already on fire after their night but just the realisation to him that YOU left marks on him after months of ‘you mark, you abstain’ and he fully self combusted. maybe got hard, maybe passed out, maybe cried, maybe threw up, probably all of the above and more. he could care less talking to any of the guys who were poking fun and chirping at him bc oh my god I mark her bc she mine now she mark me bc I’m hers and like it’s this whole sexy emotional validation love thing that has him beside himself
and he comes back to his apartment (where she’s been holed up the past couple of days since taking off of work to be with him after coming back from slovakia) and there she is, in his kitchen in one of his t-shirts. she has no pants on and he can just barely see the marks he left on her thighs peeking out from under the hem.
the marks she didn’t even scold him for making, no, she just begged for more and more and more and…
“juraj?” she calls out, looking at him concerned. he hadn’t even realized he had just been standing in the doorway watching her until she snaps him out of it, “are you okay?”
“i- yeah,” he clears his throat before dropping his keys on the counter and scooping her up. she laughs and it’s like music to his ears. there are words that he wants to say, but he holds them in, instead burying his face in her neck and inhaling the faint scent of her perfume that she had sprayed, even though he knew she hadn’t gotten off the couch all day. (he had the texts to prove it)
she takes a deep breath, scratching her nails lightly at the base of his neck, “i love you too.”
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igglemouse · 2 months
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Sunday brings another sunny day to Oasis Springs and my morning, as usual, starts with breakfast. This time chicken and waffles. Taking a syrupy bite of them reveals why these things have been sooo popular for my stand. I'm not sure if it's my own skill that's the result of the sweet and savory flavor combustion on my tongue or the waffle cooking thing I use but either way this dish is definitely a simoleons maker.
I do believe you always enjoy your own cooking or at least there is a good chance for it so I'm sure there is some bias in what I am about to say but I should probably consider raising the price of my dishes.
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So part of my big plan is to really lean more into variety. The staples of my stand will of course be waffles and pizza, just because they are easy to make on the spot and who doesn't love waffles or pizza? Could I combine the two and...ah, any way, while I could put out more chicken quesadillas I do have to realize that stocking my stand with that every day is going to make it feel less and less special, so today will be something new! Pan Con Tomate! It being unfamiliar around these parts will help its appeal as the curiosity will draw sims nearer which is the first step to making simoleons.
Food, at its best, is an experience. The first thing one experiences is how it looks so if it looks like garbage then one will hold their nose instinctively and not even want to smell it. If it looks tempting then people will linger a little closer to engage their sense of smell. These two, in my very humble opinion, is what gets someone to take a bite.
Of course the most important sense is taste but you won't get that far if you present garbage.
So, part of my presentation today will be something new and fresh. Along with pizza of course, since you really can never go wrong with pizza!
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Pizza takes a bit of time to make and just enough time to work on my hip movement. You might not know this about me but I'm a very good dancer! I think I could have even become a professional at it if I wanted as it is just something that comes to me naturally, especially with the right kind of music. If the tunes can't get my hips swaying then I have no time for it!
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My plan, which I'll reveal in a moment, has me brimming with confidence, so much so that I spend a little extra on self care. Slicing up lemons and limes and soaking in my cheap but tolerable tub to just enjoy the moment.
My budget is tight, probably far too restrictive to spend too much on bath bombs and other aromatherapy but like I've mentioned, I'm feeling really good about my stand today and I'm betting that I make my simoleons back...
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That's right, it was time to take my stand on the road, specifically, to the heart of the town, Oasis Springs park! Today, the heat is not too overpowering and so there are plenty of people just wandering around looking for something to do and hopefully something to eat. So the park becomes a perfect backdrop for my stand and really, so far at least, a launching pad for my reputation here in Oasis Springs.
I'm not here to just make a few simoleons, I'm also here to make my name. I'll be more than the 'Food Stand' girl.
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One great thing about being a chef is that you will never lack for food.
I plan on being here all day, I won't leave until the sun does, and that means for a moment I must retreat from work and take a break. I grab a plate of chicken and waffles and dig in, letting bigger plans and grand ideas settle in my mind.
Honestly, when I moved here, the idea of a humble life appealed to me. I wanted to make just enough to have a roof over my head and food in my belly, everything after that would be a bonus...but now that I've had a taste of success, I want more.
Why settle when more is on the table?
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The sun does make its leave and I take the more that is offered to me as I work a little into night and only close up when its clear that I've squeezed the park for every simoleon I could.
The result? Well over 800 simoleons, a massive day, far exceeding the measly 100 simoleon goal I've set for myself.
The park may be empty now but my pockets are full!
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I make it home with the success of my day fresh on my mind but not forgetting that I chose work over another day out with Pascal. I recall that after he had a big game he called me and shared the excitement of his victory and so I meant to do the same.
The problem? Well, maybe I've called a little too late but he doesn't sound too enthused at the sound of my voice? I tell him about how well I've sold and while he does congratulate me there is an undertone in his voice that I don't quite like, a hint of indifference that didn't match the sincere joy I shared with him the other day when he discussed his assist goal thingy.
I'm not sure what to think of it, perhaps nothing at all? Sometimes we overthink things, especially with men, you know how they can be? It is also pretty late, nearing ten, and he's an athlete so I'm sure he's tired.
Yes, I think I'm overthinking things, and with an ex-lover slipping back into my life the last thing I should do is complicate things...
Episode List - Episode 3 ‘Work It Out’
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kirans-wonderland · 1 year
hihi!! PICTURE THIS~~~
Leona and MC end up switching personalities :D :D probably alchemy class or smth smh
and the MC has a really kind and respectful personality so it’s like a complete 180?? I need some kind Leona and sassy MC in my life.
teehee just an idea :)))
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) omgjfhfhdjd my first ask!!! Hi anon~ <3 
I love this concept so much. Personality switching is gold. 
Honestly half the magic of this scenario is in Leona attending class in the first place. 
Leona & gn!reader (since it wasn’t specified) 
warnings: Nice Leona is scary 
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How the Tables have Turned Carnivore
Why can’t anything just go right in alchemy class. It’s almost like having wily teenagers handle combustible materials and volatile magic was a disaster waiting to happen. 
    A plume of colorful smoke enveloped a cauldron station, a coughing fit erupting from the center of the cloud drawing the attention of the surrounding student and professor. As the smoke cleared, the cauldrons attendees were revealed to be Leona Kingscholar and ____. Ace rushed over to their side laying a hand on ____’s shoulder. 
“ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! You’re not turning into a toad right!? 
His hand was quickly shoved off their shoulder with a scoff. “Get your hand off me herbivore, do I look like a toad to you?” They finished with a glare. The man was too stunned to speak. What was that? Before Ace could retaliate, he was interrupted by a Savanahclaw student, “Housewarden! You ok?” 
“Yes I’m alright, thank you. ____, are you sure you’re alright?” Leona asked, genuine concern lacing his voice. “Yeah, of course. Stop worrying about me stupid carnivore.”
    Now the room was silent. No one could understand what black magic they had just witnessed. Professed Crewel had approached their station by now with a stern gaze “What exactly just happened here whelps?” He barked with a crack of his baton on his hand. ____ was the first to respond to his question. 
“The carnivore over there’s tail knocked something extra into the mix.” 
“Yes, it was entirely my mistake, they did nothing wrong professor. I’m sorry, I’ll be more careful from now on.” Leona added. Yup. The students were convinced the world was ending. Crewel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose “I don’t get paid enough for this” he muttered under his breath. “It seems to be a benign personality switch potion, it should wear off by tomorrow. Just-“ he paused exasperatedly rubbing his temples “don’t cause too much trouble until then.” 
     Ace and Deuce were dumbfounded. Their normally sweet and kindhearted friend had been hurtling insults left and right. They brought the rest of Heartslaybul along as they watched ____ sleep in Leona’s prized spot in the botanical gardens. Cater took out his phone and pressed record “someone poke them.” “What!?” Was the resounding response from the group. “I said what I said” Cater stated pushing Deuce closer to the sleeping prefect. “What wait why me?!” “‘Cause you’re obvs their fav. Duh~” Cater mused. Deuce whimpered as he walked closer reaching out his hand and lightly poking their cheek. Their eyes snapped open meeting Deuce’s as they let out a low growl of warning. The boy quickly scampered back to group like a puppy that just got scolded. “T-they growled at me.” He was distraught. Trey ruffled his hair a bit. “Maybe” Ace teased, “you’re just not their favorite after all.” “Pleaseeeee~ if you had done that-” Cater started “Ace, they would have bitten you.” Trey finished. “For once it wouldn’t be me removing your head” Riddle chuckled. 
Leona was confusing just as many people with his active and attentive attendance and consistent smile. People were clearing the halls for him faster then they ever had before. Ruggie was surprised to bump into him in the cafeteria. 
“Oh hey Leona, what’d ya need me to get for you today.” 
“Don’t worry about it Ruggs, I already got something” he said holding up a sandwich “aaand~ I got one for you. My treat.” Leona smiled pulling out another sandwich from behind his back. *Ruggie.exe.is-buffering* The hyena snatched the sandwich then took a step back “uhhh are you ok Leona? Did you hit your head during practice or something?” 
“No I’m alright, thanks for asking! How are you doing today? 
“Nuh-uh I’m out this is too creepy” Ruggie left the cafeteria to find Jack to confirm that he wasn’t hallucinating this nice Leona.
“I don’t appreciate being punked Ruggie…” Jack grumbled as his upperclassmen dragged him around claiming Leona was ‘out of his mind’. 
“I’m not kidding Jack!! He bought ME a sandwich and called me ‘Ruggs’” he shivered just thinking about the nickname. He wouldn’t have minded if it was from someone else but Leona? No, that was nightmare inducing. The two finally found him in the courtyard. 
“Look there he is! LEONA!” Ruggie called out. He turned to look at them and waved 
“Hey Ruggie. Jack, good to see you. Great job in practice yesterday!” He exclaimed patting the wolf man on the back.” Ok… maybe Leona is just in a realllly good mood. Jack thought. 
“So… where you headed” Ruggie inquired. 
“To my room to do some homework” Leona replied nonchalantly.
“You mean to nap?” Jack prodded. 
“No? Why would I nap when there’s work to be done? It would mess with my sleep schedule anyways.” The boys felt like something shattered when Leona uttered those words. 
Ruggie tentatively cleared his throat  “uh Leona, how do you feel about your nephew?” 
Leona’s smile double in size “he’s only the most adorable thing ever.” 
“Y-yeah Jack?” 
“Right behind you buddy.” 
And run they did. Far away from a confused Leona. 
The next morning the two groups were waiting outside ____ and Leona’s dorms respectively. The Heartslaybul crew hid behind Deuce as he knocked the door to Ramshakle. They waited in anticipation as they heard shuffling and footsteps inside. The door opened with a creak to reveal the prefect still in their sleepwear. 
“Oh hey guys.. what do I owe the pleasure this early in the morning.” 
The group let out a resounding sigh of relief.
“I’m really your favorite right?”
“Deuce isn’t really your favorite right? 
Both boys said in unison only adding to ____’s confusion. 
“Guys what? I don’t think I’m awake enough for this yet-“ 
“We’re just glad you’re back to you being you babes~ We’ll let you wake up” Cater winked before grabbing the frosh and started to leave. 
“I’m glad the prefect is no longer so uncouth” Riddle stated as the group has exited ramshackle. The rest let out statements of agreement when Deuce felt his phone go off. 
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Meanwhile  Ruggie and Jack knocked on their dorm leaders door. With no answer, they pushed opened his door and his was still sleeping *silent cheering* this was a good sign. If Leona was back to normal, Ruggie would die for this but he swore anything was better than peppy Leona. Thus, he started shaking the Leona and telling him to wake up. 
“OI” Leona growled loudly and slashing with his claws “KNOCK IT OFF”
Ruggie just looked back at Leona and broke into laughter.
“I never though I’d be so happy to see your murderous glare” he collapsed on the floor. The lions now confused and angry gaze made it’s way over the Jack. The wolf man looked down at the floor clearing his throat, “uhm it’s good to have you back Housewarden…” with that he backed out of the room and ran down the hall. 
And so, all was well again at Night Raven… well, that was until the next inevitable mishap. 
I hope you liked it Anon!! I had to sneak in some Deuce love cause Deuce <3. This was a really fun request to write thank you! 
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timeagainreviews · 18 days
The Twist of a Stiletto
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Back in the ‘90s there was a very famous TV show. 120 Minutes, don’t act like you don’t know. But for those of you not in the know, “120 Minutes,” was a show on MTV hosted by Matt Pinfield. There were other hosts, but Matt was my guy. Being a showcase of music videos from artists MTV wouldn’t dare play during the day, it was relegated to a late Sunday evening timeslot. Growing up, I never really had a personal relationship with music. It was the stuff in the background of movies. My dad would play CDs of his faves. Kansas, Jethro Tull, Chicago, Led Zepplin, The Beatles. Music could be fun or cool, but I could take it or leave it. That is until April 14, 1996, when 120 Minutes aired Rage Against the Machine’s “Bulls on Parade,” and my 12-year-old brain erupted. A fire was lit inside me that day and Zach de la Rocha was more than happy to pour gasoline on it. I was suddenly, without any kind of warning, in love with music.
The spontaneous combustion of music hits us all differently, but I’m sure my story made you remember yours. How could it not? Music is a part of our lives. We wrap our memories in song. As such, some songs become painful. We then lock those songs in our past where they can’t hurt us, but a passing car with its windows down can bring us back. Music is personal. “The Devil’s Chord,” is a story about our relationship with music. How we hold music inside and when we let it out. It is a celebration of song as well as a lament. While the episode often achieves harmony, it also falls a bit flat. Are you picking up on a theme? Is this striking a chord with you? Ok I’ll stop. Probably.
I’ll get the obvious out of the way first. “The Devil’s Chord,” is precariously close to “The Giggle,” plot-wise. The TARDIS lands. The Doctor finds the world behaving oddly. He discovers it’s all to do with a magical gay American who chews scenery for breakfast. The American sends the Doctor through a themed gauntlet of insanity. The Doctor banishes the American using their own tricks against them. The American disappears with a warning about the next guy. Bish bash bosh. I’m getting that all out of the way ahead of time, because that would be a really boring article to read. But I will say this- if this is the Pantheon’s only gambit, I’ll be disappointed.
Ruby’s explanation of how she discovered the Beatles through her mum’s girlfriend’s vinyl collection was charming and didn’t make me feel old at all. Not to be all “kids these days only care about Tik Tok and Roblox,” but I was fairly certain most young people hate the Beatles. That is, if my Facebook feed is anything to go by. It really shows you just how on the pulse Russell T Davies is these days. Hello fellow kids. Have some trans inclusion while I court problematic people on social media. Kids like Deftones, Russell. Do a Deftones episode. Have the Doctor fight robot pigs with Chico Moreno. (Man, nü metal is having a moment in this article.) My point being, it’s weird to choose The Beatles now.
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I harp on a lot about how metatextual Doctor Who can be and how it’s the secret of its longevity. They need to replace their actor? Regeneration. They need to get the Doctor into a building? Psychic paper. But I think I’ve found the exception that proves the rule. Russell T Davies said in an interview “...The Beatles music is so expensive. Even on a Disney budget, we couldn’t afford that…And so I thought imagine you’re visiting The Beatles, and you couldn’t have The Beatles music. What would you do? And that’s the story. It kind of created itself”. In true Doctor Who fashion, Russell T Davies saw a limitation and folded it into the narrative. It’s a shame then, that it doesn’t work at all.
It started with their shots of Abbey Road and EMI Studios. The zebra crossing at Abbey Road isn’t that wide. I’ve been there. And since when did EMI Studios have a red brick entrance? Where are its classic Georgian-style box frame windows? It’s one of the most visited tourist spots in London, and you’re not going to actually go there? You can’t get the music. Ok. That’s sort of understandable. But they couldn’t film on location? What exactly is the Disney budget doing here? Remember when they flew the whole TARDIS crew to Utah? And then the next season to New York City? They managed to shoo tourists and locals away from Umpire Rock. You mean to tell me they couldn’t hold back traffic on Abbey Road for a few hours? Hell, just composite it. Shoot it on a soundstage. You don’t have to go “Angels Take Manhattan,” when you could go “Daleks Take Manhattan.”
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This may seem like a weird gripe from a person who said it would be boring to complain about how two episodes are similar, but it is the crux of the matter. Why use The Beatles in an episode about The Beatles if you do nothing with them? Why highlight edifice in a story about being vulnerable? Yes, the episode is predicated on the very idea of not having the rights to The Beatles music catalog, but this also denies the audience a payoff. Let me explain. Ruby and the Doctor get dressed to the nines to go back to 1963 and watch the Beatles record their first album. Great so far. They have a cute little moment with the tea lady while they sneak into EMI studios. Still great. However, as they roll record for the Fab Four, it’s immediately apparent that something is very wrong. The Beatles' music sounds awful. Like how I imagine my friends on Facebook think they sound all the time. And still, things are going great. What this does, however, is set up expectations for the moment when The Beatles' music is finally back in its full glory. I’ve seen the shot from the trailer of Ncuti in the recording studio full of smiling perfects. It’s gonna be high energy. What a payoff. Right?
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The Doctor and Ruby also pop in to listen to Cilla Black lay down a track. It’s the same crappy atonal music that only a trans woman with a collection of circuit-bent instruments could love. Something is amiss. The Doctor and Ruby do a bit of digging. It’s time to go talk to The Shitty Beatles. This time, it’s more than a clever name. With as much respect as I can muster, these have got to be some of the worst Beatle lookalikes I’ve ever seen. Except Paul who was spot on as the real Paul McCartney before he died and 1966 and was replaced with Faul. See my 9-11 Truther Anti-Vaxx Birds Aren’t Real grouphat for more information. The Doctor takes Paul and Ruby takes John. George and Ringo get zero lines, which tracks with history. They learn that both Paul and John don’t actually know why they play music. It feels silly, really. They should just pack it up. But something deep in them is still drawn to music, even if what comes out is a song about a dog that was only slightly better than “Rocky Raccoon.” But before they can slap them out of it like John with his first wife, they’re interrupted by visions of the Maestro.
Enter Jinkx Monsoon, who actually opens the episode but I’m using time travel to talk about things as they become relevant. Now, before they were cast in Doctor Who, I knew nothing about Jinkx Monsoon. I know she was on Drag Race, but I don’t watch that shit. No shade if you do. Ru Paul is totally not problematic and has never done anything weird. Everything I skimmed in Jinkx Monsoon’s Wikipedia page indicates they’re pretty cool. They relish in the role in a way that will make midwest dads shift in their chairs, and I’m here for it. They’ve got an oral fixation that’s impossible not to notice. When they eat the music from Timothy Drake’s soul, they let out a moan that sounds a lot like a climax, and not in the musical sense. Also, how sad is it for Tim Drake that he’ll never meet Batman? RIP Robin. 1925 was too early. Speaking of 1925, isn’t it interesting that the Maestro appears right around the same time as the Toymaker sold the Stooky Bill puppet to Charles Banerjee? Is there some significance with that year? Handily, no World Wars were happening at the time. The Scopes Monkey Trial occurred. Babe Ruth received surgery for an ulcer. They broke ground on defacing Mount Rushmore. But really, kind of tame considering the bookends of the era. The Lorcano treaty was doing a lot of the heavy lifting though.
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The Maestro’s whole deal is a sort of crazed sense of ownership over music. To hear them describe it, music belongs to them. They are music. In this way, I was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t song and dance people to death. It’s nice to be surprised. I rather liked their motivation. Monsoon doesn’t need to do a whole lot of acting. It’s all very panto. Very drag. It’s the kind of performance you hope you get. I’m not saying it’s a bad performance, just an elevated one. Both Jinkx and Ncuti get a chance to overact a bit in this story. Once again, I don’t mean overact in a bad way. David Tennant is the biggest overactor in Doctor Who save for Soldeed in “The Horns of Nimon,” and he’s consistently voted favourite among Doctor Who fans. Add “tendency to overact,” to the pile of personality traits I’m beginning to love about the Fifteenth Doctor. I love it when the Doctor really sells the energy of a scene, even if it requires him to speak forlornly into the middle distance.
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Attempting to get the world’s groove back, the Doctor has a piano hoisted to the roof of a building. This is, of course, a reference to The Beatles’ final public performance from the rooftop of Apple headquarters in Central London. Only instead of Billy Preston on the keys, it’s Ruby Sunday. As she plays a Ruby original, the inhabitants of neighbouring buildings begin to shake out of their fog as music descends on them like sunshine. It even inspires a granny played by Doctor Who legend Laura June Hudson to dust off her piano to play Debussy’s “Clair de Lune.” It’s a lovely moment which is about to get stomped on by the Maestro’s honking drag boots, but for a brief moment, music swells.
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I was glad to see them taking time to slow things down a little in this episode. The Doctor even talks a bit about himself and Susan over on Totter’s Lane. Couple that with Carole Ann Ford’s presence at the Doctor Who premiere last year, and it feels like it might be more than a reference. I’ve seen Whovians of weak faith construe this to mean Susan is dead, but in my experience, when a writer says something isn’t, it is. That’s just my two cents. Who knows if any of it means anything. It could just be that it would be weird for the Doctor to visit London in 1963 and not mention him living there with his granddaughter. Or it could be that Doctor Who is finally getting a better Doctor/Susan reunion than “The FIve Doctors.” Who could forget the moment when they’re reunited? 
First Doctor: "Oh, er, this is Susan."
Fifth Doctor: "Yes I know."
How could you not get choked up? What a reunion. I can’t imagine why people would want something more. The Doctor told her all those years ago “Someday I’ll come back,” and he did. It was brief and without any of that pesky emotional connection we usually get from television.
Ruby pulls the classic “But the world didn’t end in 1963, I exist,” so the Doctor shows Ruby what the world would look like without music and it’s grim. It was nice of them to show us a bombed-out London as many of us are still feeling the sting from Fallout: London’s delayed release. Thanks, Doccy Who. But the two are not alone as they’re interrupted by the Maestro and their Looney Tunes brand of scary sexy. As with their first interaction, the Doctor runs. I love that aspect because it’s very Davies Doctor Who. The Doctor runs from the Time Vortex. The Doctor runs from Gallifrey. The Ninth Doctor refers to himself as cowardly, but what it really is is he hasn’t anything to prove. He’ll live today to fight again tomorrow, and yesterday. Timey wimey.
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While the Maestro finds the Doctor both hot and timey wimey, they are still very much a threat to him and the Doctor knows this. You can’t fight the Pantheon. You have to abide by their rules. How do you fight someone who can control the TARDIS with music? The Doctor rips the TARDIS console a new one in order to flee back to 1963, where the world has yet to end. I found it cute the way he kisses the console to say sorry for the way he treated her. It not only suits the Doctor, but this Doctor with his brand of compassion. The TARDIS gets it, but you’ve gotta kiss a boo-boo or it won’t get better, everyone knows that.
The Doctor’s only plan with his limited resources is to somehow find the opposite of the Devil’s Chord, a sort of lost chord, if you will. Of course, this draws the Maestro to the Doctor like my cats to the sound of the tin opener. The Maestro captures Ruby, wrapping her up in sheet music. The Doctor stares down the Maestro as they allow him the opportunity to prove his musical genius. Can the Doctor find the lost chord? With each new note appearing above the piano, the Maestro writhes in twisted agony. But the Doctor hits a bum note and the Maestro is back on their feet ready to suffocate the Doctor in a drum and choke the life out of Ruby. But the song within Ruby’s soul from the Christmas Eve where she was left on that church stoop is stronger than anything the Maestro can muster. The Maestro may own music, but Ruby owns this song in that moment. Like before in “Space Babies,” the snow begins to fall indoors and the Maestro recoils in horror.
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This gives the Beatles enough time to discover the piano and play that final note. Alone, they may not be geniuses, but the combination of McCartney and Lennon is enough to find the lost chord and banish the Maestro. They could have also achieved this with Harrison alone. He wrote “Here Comes the Sun,” after all. With the lost chord now found, the Maestro gets sucked off back where they came. Was the note they found the same one from the end of “Day in the Life?” RTD said they used a single Beatles chord. Was that it? I don’t know enough about music to answer that. After a quick re-listen, I'm going to say yes.
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London is once again filled with music. Now, we’ll finally get the chance to see the Beatles play their actual music, right? They fixed music, right? God I wish. After cryptically looking into the camera and saying “There’s always a twist in the end,” the Doctor and Ruby are suddenly thrust into what I can only describe as the worst song possible. I’ve said in the past that I am not a huge fan of Murray Gold’s music. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just a bit safe for my tastes. But this song… I loathe it with every fibre of my being. It’s cloying, it’s corny, and it’s a repetitive ear worm you don’t want stuck in your head. I’ve said I was interested in Doctor Who doing a musical number, but this was god awful. I try to be as fair as possible when it comes to my reviews, so I think I’ve earned enough good faith to openly say this song is terrible. I would rather listen to the crappy dog song from earlier in the episode, and I don’t even own any circuit-bent instruments, and therein lies the problem.
How can you say the Doctor saved music when the way you present it is with a song that is simply not good? We need a good song in this moment, and that was not it. If ever there was a time to reach into the coffers and pay for a song, it was this. I mean, he said “There’s always a twist in the end,” and “Twist and Shout,” was right there. It wasn’t even written by the Beatles so it might have even been cheaper. They could even re-record it in the same Glee style in which they filmed the big song and dance routine. Hell, how expensive are Cilla Black songs? Do one of those. Instead, we get another fake Beatles song, in fake EMI studios, on fake Abbey Road to imply that we saved the future from a world of fake Beatles songs. By the time this insipid tune wears out its welcome, the Doctor and Ruby skip away across Abbey Road, lighting up the zebra crossing like piano keys. But instead of it being charming, it caused both my wife and I to say “Oh God, it’s still going.” 
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After the episode, I did a little bit of reading. I figured the two people dancing with the Doctor and Ruby were guest stars as they singled them out over the other background dancers. Evidently, they’re judges or competitors on Strictly. I dunno, I don’t watch that shit. So I really have no idea if that song was written to be in the style of something you would see on Strictly. But what I do know, is that it was brave of Murray Gold to show his face during that exquisite train wreck. I guess this episode really did pull a “Daleks in Manhattan,” à la “My Angel Put the Devil In Me.” In that respect, you can add contemporary music to the list of things Doctor Who should do well, but can’t seem to get right. It’s in good company with pirates and westerns. “The Gunfighters,” even fails at two out of three. Impressive!
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I do admire the hell out of RTD and company for throwing their whole ass into that ending. It takes real chutzpah to fail so spectacularly. And honestly, as harsh as I’ve been, I didn’t totally hate the scene. In some ways, it's a clever pastiche to '60s music. In that light, I could maybe come around to it, over time. They’re also trying new things. But I think we found the ceiling pretty fast. I can’t say I’d like to see that sort of thing a lot more in the future, but here and there? Sure. As it is, it feels unrestrained and masturbatory. And truthfully, I would have preferred an actual musical like Buffy’s “Once More, With Feeling,” or Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ “Subspace Rhapsody.” They somehow gave me what I wanted while simultaneously failing to deliver.
Now of course, the real question is- what was the twist at the end? Was it the appearance of the Maestro’s “son,” Henry “Harbinger,” Arbinger?  Or maybe it was a meta-reference to actress Susan Twist, the woman who once again has shown up in the background. I find it even more interesting that in every episode where she’s appeared, they give her a line to read. Or maybe it’s a Susan twist, as in the Doctor’s granddaughter. They mention Susan in the same episode with an actress named Susan Twist where they sing about twists while doing the twist. It’s like “Who’s on second?” or “The Doctor’s daughter who plays the Doctor’s daughter in ‘The Doctor’s Daughter,’ marries the Doctor.” 
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Despite the ending and the rehashed story, I rather liked this episode. Jinkx Monsoon and Ncuti Gatwa had great chemistry. The mysteries continue to unfold. Along with my hope for the Rani, I can now add hope for Susan into the mix, and as with the Rani, I won’t get my hopes up. In the same vein, I'm grateful that Maestro wasn't a code name for the Master. We've seen enough of him for a while, thanks. Ncuti and Millie continue to impress as the Doctor and Ruby. I also admired Ruby's restraint in not telling John Lennon to avoid chubby guys in glasses. I loved the Maestro and the fact that their laugh was vocal warm-up. So much fantastic attention to detail. But that ending is not my bag. It felt tacked on, poorly paced, and obnoxious. It reminded me of that line from Fight Club- “We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.” Emphasis on the crap.
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torreshalstead · 1 year
Her Source of Comfort
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Summary - A loud cry woke Tim up from a not particularly restful sleep. It took him a second to realise it was coming from the bed. It was coming from Lucy. His first and only priority right now was her comfort and if he could be that for her, that was all that mattered.
Notes - Feels like an age since I wrote for Chenford but I started a rewatch of season 5 and couldn’t resist the opportunity for an only one bed fic set in 5x01! I hope you enjoy! AO3 Link
The room service arrived, knocking on the door and breaking through the awkward air, the conversation having been stilted since Tim’s questioning. They sat in silence as they ate; a burger and fries for Tim and just fries for Lucy. Without asking he plucked the pickles off his burger and placed them on the side of her plate - they were her favourite after all. She smiled softly at him as she popped them in her mouth. He didn’t focus on the way her lips wrapped around her finger, ensuring all remaining pickle juice had been salvaged. He didn’t focus on the small moan of pleasure she let out. He didn’t. At least he tried not to.
The phone rang, pulling Tim’s attention from Lucy and giving him some respite from having to look at her in only a dressing gown, one that was not done up as tightly as she might have intended.
‘What?’ He said as he answered the call, his voice easily slipping into Jake’s drawl that he had perfected.
‘9am tomorrow. Be ready.’ The call disconnected before Time could say anything in response.
‘What?’ Lucy asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin and looking at him curiously.
‘It was Hajek. He just said be ready at 9am,’ Tim shrugged. ‘Guess we are spending the night after all.’
‘They didn’t bring our luggage up,’ Lucy said, her voice a little dejected. ‘It’s probably still on the plane.’ She sighed.
‘You need something?’ Tim asked, wondering why her mind had gone to their luggage. Sure wearing the same clothes tomorrow was a bit of a pain but they’d dealt with worse.
‘Nothing,’ Lucy muttered but Tim could see that her words were hiding something else. He knew her well enough by now to know when she was concealing things.
‘Lucy?’ He asked, his voice softening in a tone that he only reserved for her. He wasn’t sure when he started having a ‘Lucy voice’ but he knew he did. Angela gave him enough knowing looks for her to have clocked it as well.
‘I just have nothing to sleep in,’ she said bashfully, not raising her eyes to meet his. Which was a good thing as he was blushing right now. He hadn’t thought about that, figured he could just sleep in his t-shirt and boxers. She didn’t have that luxury, the tiny yellow top she had been wearing didn’t look particularly comfortable and he knew her underwear situation was even less so. Though he tried to push the thought of Lucy in a thong as far out of his mind as he could. He had almost self-combusted when she had announced it back at the station and now was not the time or place for that.
‘Oh,’ he said in realisation. ‘You can have my shirt if you want?’ He offered quickly. ‘I’ll be alright.’ He smiled warmly at her. It was a selfish act really, the image of Lucy in just his, or Jake’s, shirt, her legs bare underneath it, well that was an image he would love to see materialise into reality.
‘If you’re sure,’ she said, ‘thanks Tim.’ She added, her voice still timid but she looked up at him and matched his smile. He saw her eyes flick to the bed behind him and then across to the couch but before she could open her mouth to say anything he quickly jumped in.
‘I’ll take the couch, you can have the bed,’ and when she tried to argue he added, ‘don’t make me pull rank Boot.’ He winked at her and she tried to hide a grin at his old nickname for her.
‘Okay sir,’ she said, a sarcastic emphasis on the sir and he couldn’t hold back the laugh that he let out. At least she seemed more relaxed now, not only had he put her on the spot earlier, asking about their kisses. Plural. But the news that Rosalind had escaped had put them both on edge. He knew it would still be playing in the back of her mind, hell it was in his and he hadn’t been the one who had been attacked as a result of her insane mission.
‘We could find something to watch if you’re not tired yet,’ he said after neither of them had spoken for a moment.
‘I think I’ll just sleep if that’s okay,’ Lucy said, ‘I’ll just dry my hair quickly and then if I could… umm.. have your shirt?’ She asked, the colour rising in her cheeks.
‘Oh, of course,’ he said, realising how awkward this situation was about to be. He stood up, shrugged off his flannel and then tugged the cotton tee over his head. His view of Lucy disappeared for a fraction of a second as the fabric covered his eyes but when she came back into view, her eyes were focused south of his face and on his bare chest if he wasn’t mistaken. He concealed a smirk as he passed it over to her.
‘Umm, thanks,’ she said quietly before getting up and scurrying off to the bathroom. He couldn’t blame her - he stood awkwardly just in his jeans and he had almost stripped in front of her. But he couldn’t think of a better way to do it. He pushed that thought away and went searching for some additional bedding that he could use on the couch - he hoped it was comfortable because this situation was uncomfortable enough without adding to it.
By the time Lucy emerged from the bathroom, Tim had sourced a blanket and a pillow from the closet in the corner. He had already shuck his jeans and had gotten comfortable on the couch, well as comfortable as he could. He decided that whoever had designed it deserved to go to jail; it wasn’t long enough for him so his feet stuck out awkwardly over the edge, it was made out of the coarsest fabric he had ever felt, the blanket wasn’t much better and the cushions might as well have been stuffed with rocks for how hard they were. But still, he got under the blanket and tried not to consider the fact he was now dressed in just his boxers and his old rookie was going to be sleeping, dressed only in his shirt and a thong, less than 4 feet from him.
‘Are you sure you’re okay on the couch?’ Lucy asked, tugging the hem of his shirt down clearly in an attempt to conceal some modesty. Tim wished she wouldn’t though, not for his own benefit, but he wished she knew that even dressed in a scruffy shirt she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her toned legs, bronzed from the California sun, that he wished he could run his hands up and down but he shook himself out of that thought. She had just said a moment ago that their kisses had only been for the job, only a physical reaction. Nothing more.
‘Perfectly comfortable,’ he lied with a smile knowing that if he told the truth Lucy would insist that she take the couch.
‘Okay, umm.. thanks for the shirt,’ she said, making her way over to the bed, switching off the main light as she did, leaving just the lamp on the bedside table to illuminate her path.
‘Anytime,’ he said. And he meant it. Anytime she wanted to wear any of his clothes, he would happily oblige.
He tried not to look, not to creep, as she climbed into bed but when she sat up for a moment too long and looked like she was going to say something, he couldn’t help but send her a questioning look.
‘Nothing,’ she said, in answer to his unspoken question. ‘Goodnight Tim’, she reached over to switch off the light, plunging them into darkness.
‘Goodnight Lucy, sleep well,’ he said quietly into the blackness.
A loud cry woke Tim up from a not particularly restful sleep. He sat straight up, rubbing his eyes to try and figure out where the noise was coming from. It took him a second to realise it was coming from the bed. It was coming from Lucy.
She was thrashing about, wrapped in the bedsheets, still crying, her voice hoarse from the exertion. Tim scrambled off the couch and made his way to the side of the bed, flicking on the lamp and ignoring his own state of undress, the only thing on his mind was Lucy.
She was sobbing, her legs tangled in the sheets and she was kicking them around, clearly trying to free herself.
‘Lucy,’ Tim said softly, reaching out his hand to touch her shoulder hesitatingly. Waking someone from a nightmare this bad was always difficult and he didn’t want to add to her distress. ‘It’s me, it’s Tim. Wake up Luce,’ he said, shaking her a little in an attempt to bring her back to the present.
She woke up with a start, her breathing laboured, her eyes wide with terror but when she saw who had woken her up, instead of recoiling, she threw herself into Tim’s arms, her arms locking tightly around his chest.
Instinctively he wrapped his own arms around her, one hand burying itself in her hair and the other around her back. He could feel that the shirt she was wearing was damp against her skin. He wondered how long she had been stuck in whatever nightmare had overtaken her before her cry had woken him up.
‘Ssh, I’ve got you, it’s okay,’ he muttered, resting his cheek on top of her head, running his hand up and down her back in an attempt to comfort her from the unknown demon. He could still feel her trembling against him but her breathing was evening out a little more the longer they remained in the embrace.
‘You didn’t come,’ she whispered into his chest after a moment. ‘You didn’t come in time.’
Her words confused him, ‘I didn’t come when?’ He asked, loosening his hold on her slightly allowing her a chance to pull back.
‘With Caleb. I was in the barrel but you didn’t come. You couldn’t save me in time,’ she said, looking up at him, her eyes full of tears and her face red and blotchy as a result.
Tim swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat, ‘I’ll always save you Luce, I’ll always come for you,’ he whispered.
‘I know, but this time you didn’t,’ she said, smiling a sad smile. ‘Sorry for waking you,’ she added timidly.
‘Never be sorry,’ Tim said, his thumb reaching out to wipe a stray tear from her cheek, his hand coming to cradle her cheek, the tips of his fingers in her hair.
‘Will you stay?’ She asked, her gaze dropping to the floor.
‘Of course,’ he said, ‘as long as you want me,’ he added quietly as she made space for him to climb into the bed. It was a promise, more to himself than to her. He would be with her as long as she wanted, providing her as much comfort as she needed. That was something he was always willing to provide.
As he lay down, he held up his arm giving her permission, and an invitation, to curl into his side if she wanted. He didn’t want to push it, this wasn’t about him, but when she tucked herself into his side, her head coming to rest on his chest, one arm coming to wrap around his waist tightly, he knew it was the right decision. If she had noticed he was only dressed in his underwear, she said nothing. Her hand was warm against his skin, her fingers digging in as trying to prove that he was really there and she wasn’t stuck in that barrel.
He brought his arm around her, hesitating for a moment on whether to keep his hand on her arm or on her waist. But he remembered something, something he had noticed but had never asked her about. It was never a subject matter he wanted to breach, it always seemed too personal. He thought it might work however so he decided to try it.
Wrapping his arm around her, his palm came to rest on top of the shirt just beside her breast where he knew the ink that marked her skin still remained. He had seen her on numerous occasions reach for the spot herself, using it to ground herself or letting her hand fall to it almost subconsciously when anything reminded her of that fateful day. He heard her breath hitch and when her hand relinquished its hold on her side and pulled his hand off the spot he thought maybe he had crossed a line, pushed it too far and made her uncomfortable. That had been the last thing he had intended to do.
What happened next he could never have predicted. Lucy’s fingers laced with his own and she moved his hand down and under her shirt, pressing his palm flat against her bare skin. He could feel the slight difference in texture where the figures had been printed without her consent against the smoothness of her skin. He knew if he moved just an inch that his thumb would stroke the underside of her breast so he kept his hand as still as possible when her fingers let go and her hand resumed its position on his own waist.
‘Thank you,’ she muttered and he felt a tear splash down onto his skin. He tightened his hold on her just slightly.
‘I’ll always save you,’ he said in response, his voice quiet in the room. He knew he wasn’t going to sleep for the rest of the night. The job tomorrow was going to require energy but he had done a lot more on a lot less. Right now Lucy was the only thing on his mind and her comfort was his number one priority. And if she needed him to be her source of comfort well then everything else be damned.
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Hello hello hello!! I really like your writing and hcs!! Made sure to check the bio if requests are open or not,, I can't find the rules so if I requested something that's not allowed or anything you can decline this request! ^^
If it's ok, may I request separate hcs for the rottmnt turtle bois with maybe a dinosaur mutant s/o?? I'm starting to see alot of dinosaur yokai s/os and I am absolutely obsessed with them!! If it needs to be a specific kind it could be a t-rex or velociraptor (I am very basic help) I hope this is ok though!!
Hi! My rules are in my pinned post :3 once I figure out how to use links and such on tumblr, I’ll add it to my bio so it’s easier to find!
The rottmnt boys with a velociraptor yokai s/o!
Neon Leon
Thinks you’re amazing
Admires your feathers and if you give him one, keeps it on a necklace
So you’re always with him!
He’s so cheesy
If you’re a tall yokai, he absolutely asks if you could give him rides
Please let him live out his dreams of riding an actual dinosaur
If you do, he may end up getting excited to the point of dramatically ‘fainting’ on the couch
He breaks out a cowboy outfit
“Ready to saddle up!”
He’s holding an actual saddle
He’s just joking
All in good fun ofc
If you help the turtles out in battles, he does beg you to ride into battle just once
“Please! I’ll look so cool- we’ll look so cool! Just once!!”
You two do look very cool
Being a velociraptor- with some training, you’d be an amazing fighter
Razor sharp teeth and claws, plus being built for chases?
No villain is going to stand a chance.
He also admires your claws
“Hey, you know- you could probably slice a pizza with these- “
Leo no-
He’s sneaking the pizza closer.
They probably could though, just food for thought.
Don Tron
As a man of science-
He’s absolutely freaking out over you
Fanboying to the max
Not only are you an actual velociraptor (yokai)- you’re also his s/o????
He’s going to try the lottery again because apparently, he is the luckiest turtle in the world!
He’s going to be asking if he can run some tests on you,
“Can I take a quick DNA sample?? Ooo what about a test to see how many sheets of metal you can slice through! Oh wait- what about- “
Please be patient, he’s just really excited
You do have to remind him that technically, you’re not just a velociraptor- you’re a yokai
Which means your DNA is going to be a bit different from the standard dinosaur, and much more-
Thankfully, he’s much more open minded compared to how he used to be on “mystic-ness”
Meaning- guess what, he’s going to try to run tests and data points on that too
He’s trying.
When he’s not running a million tests, he’s standing nearby poking his fingers together nervously and asking if you could give him a ride
If you let him, he may just combust on the spot
Loves to gently run his fingers over your feathers
Loves how soft they feel
Whenever he’s anxious and needs to relax, he’ll ask if he can feel your feathers
One day, you give him a bracelet made of a few of your feathers so that way he could relax better even if you’re not around
He cries
Wears it all the time, and even builds a mini force field to keep it safe during battle.
Mystic Mike
He gasped loudly when he first meet you
“Oh my gosh!! You’re a real dinosaur!”
You two instantly hit it off
He may or may not slide down your back like a slide from time to time.
Loves your colors
He declares you his muse and immediately makes a painting of the two of you
You love it
He calls you his “chick-a-dee”
When asked why he responds, “Donnie told me velociraptors are the ‘ancestors of birds’- and chickens are birds!”
. . .
“Not that you’re a chicken-!! I just meant you’re adorable like one-!”
He’s so cute
He asks if he could paint you one day
If you agree, he paints all sorts of vivid colors on you- taking extra care with your feathers
You’re his masterpiece, muse and amazing s/o all at once!!
You two also color coordinate!
He’ll paint a few orange and yellow spots on you
Or paint some of your feathers orange
When he wants to match you, he paints his spots to match your colors!
If you go into battle with him, he trusts you so much that he asks you to throw him into battle
“Whip-o-rama baby!”
You use your tail to whip aside opponents with ease
He always cheers you on.
Big Red
He is in awe.
Especially if you’re larger than him
Not only are you this amazing velociraptor yokai-
You’re also his s/o??
He’s going to cry tears of joy.
He’s not as worried about accidentally hurting you with his spikes
Especially since you have razor sharp teeth and claws
Not to say that he’s not worried at all, he still takes care not to accidentally poke you
And you make sure to not accidentally scratch him
You two absolutely have a giant cuddle pile at least once a week
You usually have a pile of pillows with a blanket or two
But despite the pillow pile, you both mainly use each other as pillows
So adorable
His brothers have so many photos of you two cuddles up together
He loves to hold your face in his hands and press kisses to your snout
Loves when you let out loud, rumbling growls of joy
Thinks they’re the cutest sounds ever
In return, you wrap your tail around him and press kisses all over his face
He will let out loud churs
Which you think are the cutest sounds ever
You two ‘argue’ over who makes the cutest noises.
You’re ‘arguments’ are just you two going-
“No, you’re the cuter one!”
“No, you!!!”
In battle, he trusts you to hold your own and have his back if needed
And ofc he always has your back as well
Y’all’s plans usually consist of the two of you smashing through walls or smashing opponents
Between the two of you, no wall or villain stands a chance
Power couple
I hope you enjoyed!! Thank you for requesting!
Dino ‘purrs’ are my favorite thing right now afsgaha
Reblogs appreciated! :3
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1d1195 · 2 years
Made to be III
Part I Part II
Warnings: shitty boyfriend, toxic relationship, signs of abuse, lots of crying and anger
Of course, in a time when she should just be worried about herself, she was thinking about someone else--Harry at that. Harry wanted to scream into a pillow. He wanted to gather her in his arms and squeeze her until she begged for him to let her go. She needed to be protected at all costs. She was too much but in the sweetest most wonderful ways. “Kitten, I’ll set myself on fire for you.”
“Hey there,” he said as she entered through the gate. He smiled at her brightly holding a hot cup in each hand. “I got you hot chocolate,” he said. “Keeps the hands warm,” he told her. He looked like a model for a ski magazine. A warm pea coat, a beanie hat, a pair of gloves. She was glad it wasn’t snowing because if she even saw a flake in his hair she probably would have died—spontaneously combusted at the sight of his pretty eyelashes fluttering with snowflakes. Plus, she didn’t realize how cold it would be at the football game and she didn’t have enough layers.
“There’s a staff section,” he shrugged. “I...I usually find a spot down by the fence,” he explained tilting his head toward the fence. She grinned and nodded at him eagerly. She would much prefer to spend time with just him and chat while they watched their students.
Some kids stopped and interacted with them. They were excited to see the pair at an event together. Wondered if they could have an extension for a paper since everyone and their entire family was at this game—Harry said ask him again on Monday (when the paper was due, so they groaned), she was too gracious to say yes or no either way and just said “do your best to get it done on time, but I won’t hold you to it.”
One brave pair even asked them if they were on a date. Harry just rolled his eyes, but the sweet girl didn’t miss a beat. “You’re here with him, are you on a date?” She asked with a smirk. Harry chuckled and the poor girl’s cheeks burned bright red. Harry was nearly certain they were on a date and the teenage boy looked awkwardly at his teachers.
“Er...they’re about to start in the student section,” he said grabbing her by the upper arm.
“That was brutal,” Harry said softly to her with a low chuckle.
“Someone had to do it,” she shrugged but the mischief in her eye was adorable. Harry smirked as he leaned against the fence as the kickoff started. Harry leaned against the fence with one arm and smiled.
“I don’t even understand this sport, I just show up t’support the kids,” he explained.
She giggled as she sipped her hot chocolate. “Well, don’t worry. M’quite the football fan,” she said to him.
“It was either learn to love football or you couldn’t watch TV on Sundays at my dad’s house,” she explained.
Harry smirked. “S’not even real football.”
“Oh, shut up,” she rolled her eyes.
“Y’don’t even play with your foot!”
She shrugged. “Just...would you?” He was quiet for a few moments. Watching the high schoolers on field yell, tackle, and the students in the stands shouting like their life depended on it. After a couple plays, she listed off some of the more basic moves and strategies. She told him the goal and how some of their students were actually quite good. She had heard several were up for scholarships.
“Your boyfriend is a very lucky guy, kitten,” he said sweetly.
She felt her face burn of his assessment and she nodded. “My dad says the same thing,” she smirked and rolled her eyes. Harry thought she was too adorable. She looked so warm despite cold. Her nose was a bright pink from the chill in the air, her eyes glassy because they kept watering from the freezing breeze that skimmed over them every few minutes. It just made them shine more—practically magnified how beautiful they were, and Harry couldn’t look away. Her hair flowed around a headband that kept her ears warm and Harry wanted to take her to a ski resort and have hot chocolate in peace, and maybe--just maybe if she was up to it--find a way to keep each other warm.
They weren’t really near anyone. A few parents lined the fence as well chatting with one another and they simply enjoyed the game and each other’s company while they watched their students live their best lives. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and took a deep breath as she responded to a text. She put it back in her pocket for only a moment. Then she took it back out, slid her thumb across, and pressed it to her ear. “Hi,” she said. She stared straight ahead, sipped her hot chocolate. “School...School football game,” her voice was bordering on irritated. “Well, I texted you about it. And I promised the kids,” she said. “I don’t know...an hour? An hour and a half?” Her eyes were searching in front of her, and her eyebrows pinched together. “I didn’t know you were going to be home. You’re never home,” she reminded him. “Look, I’ll...I’ll be home in an hour and a half, okay? Okay...” she sighed. “M’sorry,” she whispered quietly. “I lov—” She blinked as she pulled the phone from her ear. Clearly it had ended, and she dropped it back into her pocket without a word.
Harry tried not to eavesdrop, but he would have killed someone for her to say she loved him. For him to not even let her finish her declaration of love—even if it was just the end of a phone call—was ridiculous. He wanted to say it to her right then and there. Wanted to profess how much he adored her, and he was writing poems upon poems about her in his free time at home in between grading student papers. He wanted to tell her he would make her happy and wouldn’t even let poor reception stop him from hearing her say the three most beautiful words he wanted to hear from her. “Everything okay, love?” He asked quietly.
She nodded. “Just peachy,” she answered softly. There was no bitterness in her voice.
Harry nodded in agreement. “Do you want another hot chocolate?” He asked.
She turned to face him. The phone call was already forgotten. The smile on her lips, the cold nose, the shiny eyes...Harry was so lucky he had self-control because he just wanted to kiss her and maybe never stop kissing her. He wished he knew her when he was a teenager so he could have been as love drunk as his students were about each other. He would have pretended there was nothing else in this world but her and her beautiful smile and even going off to college wouldn’t be a problem if she was around.
“I will never say no to hot chocolate.”
Harry was aching to see her. There was even less time than usual between the last time he saw her on Friday night and that Monday morning. Somehow it managed to feel worse than it usually did. Maybe it was a tease getting to see her outside of school (but not really) and getting her hot chocolate until her heart (and stomach) were content. It was only 50 some odd hours without her this time. But after the game he went the whole rest of the weekend without a single text from her. He sent her a couple: a picture of the food he made that she liked, the recipe to go with it, and one just telling her about the book he finished that he thought she’d like. Along with an email of the schedule for the week since there was an assembly planned and he wanted to know if she would be interested in having her students collaborate with his on an inter-disciplinary project.
So, when she replied to nothing all weekend, Harry felt a little frustrated—not at her...not really. He only felt frustrated because he adored her so much and wanted her attention. He was definitely not worried. However, that Monday morning, he didn’t see her in the parking lot, didn’t see her in the hall before first bell, nor the next bell. He was getting more and more anxious, and he didn’t know why. His pulse thrummed rapidly in his wrist, and he was tapping his shoe against the tile while he took attendance on screen at his computer during the third block still not a peep from the woman he adored across the hall.
“Mr. Styles,” it was the boy who ate the snacks in his room back in October. He didn’t have Harry as a teacher but that didn’t stop him from coming into his room. “Can...can you sign this pass for me?” He asked. Harry squinted at him in confusion and grabbed the piece of paper from him.
His eyes scanned it, his stomach dropping at the words.
Something’s wrong with her.
He had to play it cool, so he just blinked in surprise before scribbling on the pass for the student to get back to his class.
“Is... everything okay?” The teen wondered. Harry could tell he was worried. And he knew why: it was his favorite teacher after all. The only one that knew his secrets and made it better. She got him snacks every day he needed them and made sure he had food for the weekend. She promised him that everything would be okay, every single day. The teen was very preceptive to her mood. He could tell it crushed her when students were discouraged or sad. He yelled at his peers when they gave her a hard time and she seemed to be having a bad day. He hung to her every word—he never thought he would love school, but he loved being in her class. Knowing that everything she did was to help him. She was the best teacher he ever had. He felt strangely protective of her—not in a weird way. He wasn’t in love with her or anything, she was just a good person. She was too good to be a teacher. And he didn’t know why, but he could tell from her voice that she was lying about something. It felt like he had to do something. Even if it was nothing. He wanted to be sure. He also knew that Mr. Styles would know what to do for her.
“It will be,” he said definitively. The boy nodded, thanked him, and scurried off to class. He was relieved.
Harry glanced at his class working on their journal before he hurried across the hall. He just had to see her, just for a minute. He poked his head in and saw her staring at her computer screen. “Hey,” he said.
She turned before she could stop herself. She froze when she realized she did. Harry’s heart leapt to his throat and his blood boiled through every vein in his body. “Hey,” she said softly.
He swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Hadn’t seen you yet today...just...saying hi. I’ll...see you at lunch,” he said.
She nodded. She did a good job of hiding it. If it wasn’t for the note the boy gave him, he wouldn’t know to look, and she might have even gotten away with Harry not noticing. However, if she planned on avoiding him all day, that wasn’t going to happen. He would have noticed surely by the end of the day. He wondered what she was telling students because obviously someone noticed.
But even a Hollywood makeup artist couldn’t hide the black eye she was sporting.
The minute the bell rang he waited patiently for her to enter her classroom. It was the longest ninety seconds of his life. As her foot crossed the threshold, Harry shut his classroom door, pulled the shade over the window, and put a desk in front of the door leading to the next classroom. “Lemme see,” he said hurrying back to her side. He couldn’t stop himself. He cupped the sides of her face with both hands, letting his fingers brush her skin and he massaged small circles into her scalp just behind her ears. He brushed his thumb along her swollen cheek. She shivered involuntary at the feeling.
Harry pulled back a little, his fingers untangling from her hair. He dropped them to her shoulders, so his hands could lightly press massaging circles against the curve of her neck. She nearly gasped and whined when released her face. “M’sorry, did I press too hard?” He asked. His heart was aching at her injury. Never had he ever been so mad. Harry wanted to scream.
She shook her head. “No...” she closed her eyes, and her voice was shaking something awful when she spoke. “Feels nice...haven’t...” she swallowed. “Haven’t been touched like this in a while,” she said savoring the feel of Harry’s hands on her shoulders. She felt so delicate, and Harry was so gentle. It felt like heaven.
Harry felt shattered, his face crumpling. “Oh,” he said simply. She didn’t say anything for a moment. Harry’s hands resting on her shoulders. Her breathing slow. Her lips parted slightly. “Oh, kitten,” he said gently.
“I feel so safe with you, Harry,” she whispered. “When it happened...I just wanted to...” she shook her head not wanting to relive the weekend. “I wanted to call you, so bad,” she admitted. “That’s so not fair. I...I haven’t seen any friends because of him...I don’t...I feel like I don’t...it’s like there’s no one else but you. You’ve...you’ve changed my whole life in such a short time, and I feel like you’re... you’re just made to be in my life...but I’m too much. I just have all these problems and baggage and I can’t possibly put any of that on you—” She rambled so much in one minute it broke his heart over and over. Every word she said made his heart break.
“Fuck, kitten,” he pulled her toward him carefully, pressing her good cheek to his chest. He wound one arm around her waist, and he cupped the back of her head with his other hand. He was being gentle with her. He was terrified to hurt her even by accident. “I wish you did; I would have gotten you in a heartbeat,” he promised. “You’re not too much...you are...you’re everything, kitten.”
“I’m sorry.”
Harry winced as if she just slapped him. “Please, please, please, do not apologize,” he whispered. “Not about this...not ever,” he begged. “You...” he sighed deeply. “You are so important to me,” he whispered.
“...yeah?” She asked.
“Yes,” he nodded firmly. He wanted to say more. Maybe she knew that. Part of her wanted to say it to him but she couldn’t. Not like this, all battered and broken. “Very much so.”
Harry was helping her gather as much of the stuff as she possibly could that was hers. He made several trips to their two cars in the parking lot. Her hands were shaking as she watched the clock on the stove anxiously. Harry assumed that she knew he would be home soon. But Harry wanted to be out of here before they had the chance of running into him. He was certain he would kill him. Immediately. But even still, he would do anything to protect her. And there wasn’t a chance he would let him near her. He certainly wasn’t going to leave her alone in the next hour.
“Kitten,” he said softly. He tried to look at the apartment as a home. All her things that made it homey. But it was hard. Her stuff was there; it was easy to decipher which items belonged to her and which didn’t. The “woman’s touch” was evident in the room, and he wished with everything in him that this was theirs. He would never let her feel inadequate or worry. She was everything in his eyes and she made everything in life so beautiful and he had barely scratched the surface of having her in his life. So, when he looked at the apartment that was supposed to be home, the one place she was supposed to feel safe, he felt filled with rage, worry, and it made him feel sick. “M’not going to let him hurt you,” he said as her eyes darted back to the clock.
She swallowed nervously. Tears filled her eyes and threatened to spill over. “I... I don’t want you to get hurt,” she closed her eyes as a pair of tears rolled down her cheeks.
He shook his head and grimaced. He was glad her eyes were closed. Of course she was worried about that. Of course, in a time when she should just be worried about herself, she was thinking about someone else--Harry at that. Harry wanted to scream into a pillow. He wanted to gather her in his arms and squeeze her until she begged for him to let her go. She needed to be protected at all costs. She was too much but in the sweetest most wonderful ways. “Kitten, I’ll set myself on fire for you.”
She opened her eyes to look at him. Her eyes searched him, and her face just looked so broken, her eyebrows pinched together and her eyes, her beautiful eyes so sad but still so lovely. “I don’t deserve you,” she said simply.
“Oh, love. You...” he shook his head. “I adore you,” he reminded her.
He couldn’t take it. He couldn’t stop himself. He slid his hands around her waist, and he pulled her to him just like he did in the classroom today. It was getting easier to touch her. But she kept sighing with relief so evident in her body language. It crushed him. He knew she hadn’t been caressed like this in so long. She said as much, and it was clear the way she nearly melted into his touch. “Kitten,” he said above her head. “You can be scared, but I’ll do anything to protect you. I promise, you’re...”
“I’ve never needed to be protected before,” she interrupted softly She looked pained, and Harry wanted to smooth away the discomfort on her face with his thumbs, but he was still nervous to touch her face. “I... always took care of my sisters, my mom, my dad even. I take care of kids and I took care of my friends.”
“So just let me protect you. Just for today,” he whispered. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
It was silent for a moment. Then she spoke. “He never hit me before.”
They had been avoiding it out loud up until this point. She was quiet and waited for Harry to speak. “He’s never going to. Never again,” he said firmly.
“Harry...” she trailed off nervously.
“Kitten, respectfully. I’ll kill him,” it was a promise. It was simple. His voice was even. He didn’t even flinch. Her words died in her throat with a squeak. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and squeezed around her waist gently. “Let’s get your stuff and get out of here, angel. M’gonna keep you safe,” he promised.
In the least demanding way possible, Harry watched her submit her absence for the following day. He was insistent even though she didn’t want to. It took nearly an hour of convincing as she stared at the laptop writing in notes about lesson plans and she thought about just sucking it up and going. It would help her avoid anything she threatened to feel, but it was the only thing Harry felt he would demand of her.
He promised to keep an eye on her classes and make sure all the copies were done. Unfortunately, he would have to go in. It was a small price to pay knowing she was safe at his apartment. Harry was sure to block her location from his view and made sure he had no way to contact her. But heartbreakingly, she said he probably wouldn’t try to reach her anyway.
Once all of that was settled, she changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt. She looked so small and broken and he knew she was, but it made Harry’s chest ache anyway. They watched a doctor show, mindlessly, not really paying attention for a little bit. Her eyes kept drooping shut and Harry watched her from one end of the couch. There was so much space between them, he wanted to cry. When her head finally bobbed to one side, and she woke up with a start he smirked at her. She blushed shyly and shook her head with a small grin on her lips. “I... I think I should sleep,” she whispered.
Harry nodded and he got up to show her to the bedroom. Quiet as she was, he didn’t realize she wasn’t following. He shook his head returning to the living room where she was snuggled in the corner, tucked under a blanket that was previously thrown over the back of the sofa. “Kitten,” he admonished.
“What?” She asked innocently.
“Please sleep in the bed,” he begged.
“Harry,” she rolled her eyes at him.
She sighed looking too tired to argue but she didn’t know what else to say at this point. “Harry, I would feel more comfortable on the couch.”
“M’mum would shoot me if she found me in bed and a lady on the couch,” he told her. “I don’t—”
“Harry, I’m really overwhelmed, and I’d like to sleep on the couch,” she said closing her eyes nervously.
Harry swallowed the words on his lips. He nodded, of course she was. He should have known. He shouldn’t have pushed. “Course, kitten. Of course...I just want you to be comfortable,” he said.
“I know,” she shook her head. “I’m—I’m sor—”
He shook his head. “Don’t apologize,” he said gently. He meant it too. She never needed to apologize for what made her comfortable.
She looked physically pained to not say sorry. To not take his bed. He could see the sadness in her eyes. “I should just take the bed; it was so nice of you to offer,” she whispered. “M’just...”
He grimaced knowing she was trying to appease him. But he knew she would try to be overly-accommodating. He stilled her, one hand on her knee as she shifted to get up. He squeezed softly. “Whatever you want, angel.”
She thought for a few moments. “I’ll...just stay here,” she said.
He nodded. “Sure, love,” he busied himself setting up the couch properly and making sure she had everything she needed. “Are you comfortable?” He asked when she was standing in front of the couch. She looked anything but comfortable and Harry knew it. She nodded anyway. Harry nodded back once and then took to the bedroom to get a pillow, another blanket, and then to the kitchen.
“Harry?” She whispered.
“Yes, m’love,” he murmured getting her a glass of water. He put the remote and the book he finished over the weekend on the coffee table. Whatever she wanted to do, he wanted to make sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed. It was pretty early, even for a Monday. But she had to be exhausted emotionally. Harry was devastated for her. It saddened him he would have to go to school without her tomorrow, but some part of him was glad he would arrive home and she would be there.
“I might cry,” she whispered.
“I would expect nothing less, kitten,” he said. He bravely leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her forehead that lingered for a moment longer than he should have but it felt so right, and he could feel the tension leave her body as he did so. “M’down the hall. You are not a bother. Come shake me awake if you need anything. Even if you want to talk,” he told her.
She nodded but didn’t say anything. Harry turned the lights off and let her be alone. He kept his door cracked maybe a centimeter. He could hear her sniffle a few times and it made him want to throw up. His stomach knotted and he closed his eyes trying to breathe deeply through his nose. He wanted to march up to her apartment that he forced her to leave and pummel him until he couldn’t move. He laid there in near agony, dying to scream, listening to her cry while he tried to fall asleep.
Fortunately, it only lasted a few moments, “Harry,” she croaked.
Harry tossed the covers back and nearly flew out of bed and came back to the living room. He turned on the small table lamp rather than the overhead light. She was draped in a warm yellow glow thrown from the bulb. “What do you need, angel?” He asked and sat in front of her on the edge of the coffee table. He wanted to just pull her into his arms and hold her for the rest of their lives.
She had a teary face, but she looked like she was trying to hold back most of her emotions for Harry’s sake. “This is so horrible of me to ask you...but...”
Harry shook his head quickly. The way he looked at her made it seem like he was looking right into her soul. Her heart fluttered. “Kitten, you can ask me anything...I will do anything for you. I...” he swallowed before he said something ridiculous like he loved this poor girl who just lost her boyfriend, her apartment, and a good chunk of her dignity, he’s sure that was how she felt—even if it wasn’t true. “I adore you, sweetheart,” he said softly. “Y’said I was made t’be in your life... kitten, you were made t’be in mine,” he breathed.
She was so quiet, her face twisted in sadness. She looked down at her hands in her lap. Harry waited for what felt like hours but was only seconds. He could see her thinking over her question. “I...” she started and took a deep breath. It caught on a small shaky exhale that made his heart sink. “I haven’t been...touched so gently in so long...it...it makes me...” she shook her head and Harry had trouble making sense of her thought process, but she cleared it up immediately with her next question. “Could you hold me?” She asked so quietly. Her voice so small. Like he would ever be able to say no to her. Like he would ever deny her of being held like the most precious gemstone he had ever been lucky enough to find.
“Oh, angel. Yes.”
He took nearly no time at all to carefully wiggle himself into the corner of the couch behind her. He placed her between his legs and then scooted her up, so her head was against his chest. He wrapped his arm around her back and threw the blanket back over top of them. She sighed pressing her face right over his erratic heartbeat. Harry sighed as well. It was like she was made to fit in his arms like this. “Wow,” she whispered.
“Wow?” He repeated. “S’matter, kitten?”
She took a shaky breath in. “I dated him for seven years...” she said softly. “Never once felt like this...”
He frowned and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Good?” She nodded without a word. He was silent too, he let his fingers dance across the length of her arm. He felt so much more at ease having her in his embrace if it wasn’t such a sad reason, he would have told her it felt like she was made to lay with him like this. “Kitten,” he said softly.
“I will never hurt you. And I will never let anyone hurt y’like this ever again,” he promised into her hair. He kissed her silky locks and reached behind him for the table lamp, clothing them in darkness. She was still silent, but Harry could feel his shirt dampening beneath her eyes. He let her cry as long as she needed to.
It would be the last time she ever would while he was around.
The next morning was tough to get off that couch. It was a good thing he left his phone in the other room because without his alarm going off at 5AM he really wouldn’t have left the comfort of his couch with her in his arms. Even still, it was nearly even harder to leave his apartment with her staying on her own. He gave her the spare key, told her he would call her every chance he had and text in between all the chances he didn’t. “Should sleep some more,” he said quietly.
Despite being cramped together, it was easily one of her best night’s sleeps. She didn’t want to leave his arms, but she did when his alarm sounded, he had to move from behind her to shut it off. He showered quickly and she helped herself to making tea and coffee while he did. He was back in the kitchen before he knew it.
His heart softened as she poured the hot water into his mug with the tea bag. She looked so...perfect. Right at home in kitchen—he didn’t even tell her where the mugs were or where to find the tea. She just helped herself. Turning carefully with the hot beverage she presented it to him nervously. “Thank you,” she whispered.
He shook his head at her taking a sip of the warm drink. “Thank you,” he said. “Y’could’ve gone back t’sleep,” he reminded her.
She shrugged. “Maybe later.” She seemed a little more herself this morning. “I...I feel bad you’re going to work and I’m not.”
“Don’t think anything of it, love,” he said softly, he tilted her chin up with one finger. “Y’okay?”
It was too domestic in here. It was making her woozy. Harry going off to work. Her making tea even though the sun hadn’t even crossed the horizon yet. She nodded. “Much better,” she whispered.
“Can...” his eyes flicked to her lips, but he wasn’t ready for that yet. He didn’t think she was ready for that yet. “I should have asked last night to do this,” he shook his head quickly. “M’sorry I did it without asking,” he said nervously. And yeah, he had pecked her cheek twice before last night, but that was before he knew what happened after the football game it was different in a lot of ways and he wanted to be more gentle with her than ever. “Can...I kiss your cheek?” He asked his eyebrows furrowed together, hopeful look in his eyes. Her heart fluttered and she nodded. She didn’t trust her voice to say it was okay. No one had ever asked to kiss her cheek before. “Good,” he said quietly, a relieved breath escaped his lips. He gently turned her bad cheek away and he pressed a slow, warm kiss to her soft skin. He pressed another one a beside the first one, edging toward her nose, then he kissed the bridge of her nose, the tip of her nose and carefully with the touch of a feather, he kissed her still swollen cheek. He cleared his throat pulling away.
“You,” she said a bit breathlessly. “You don’t have to ask to kiss me,” she said looking at her feet. “Not...not like that,” she amended.
He smirked, grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips as well. “I’ll always ask, kitten.” he explained and let his lips drag across her knuckles and skimmed across the back of her hand.
She sighed dreamily as she watched his lips move over her skin. “I’m really glad I met you, Mr. Styles,” she murmured in a daze.
He chuckled not moving his eyes from her hand as he kissed the length of each finger. “Me too, love,” He repeated.
“Harry,” she whispered. She wondered if it was possible to pass out from a kiss on her finger. Somehow this felt more intimate than sex and she immediately shook her head to get that image out of her brain. She just left her boyfriend of seven years and she couldn’t stop thinking about Harry’s pink lips.
“Yes, kitten?”
“Thank you for saving me.”
His eyes looked up at her and she was already gazing to meet his eyes. His heart fluttered. “Kitten...I...I think y’saved me,” he whispered. “I’ve got t’get t’work,” he said. “Make yourself at home, go through m’cabinets, trash the place,” he smiled. She giggled at him, and he felt so relieved at her happiness.
Nodding, she said the sweetest words he thought he ever heard. “I’ll...be here,” she smiled.
And despite everything—despite how angry Harry was, how heartbroken he was. Despite how much he wanted to kill the man that hurt her and how much he didn’t want to go to work—he was really looking forward to coming home and seeing her in his apartment waiting for him.
“You okay?” He asked at lunch. He tried distracting her from her thoughts by telling her about her classes, her students said they hated the substitute and missed her. He checked over the notes so far from the sub to be sure nothing too crazy had happened. He was seated at his desk scribbling down a few notes to make sure everything was in order.
She nodded and then realized Harry couldn’t see her nodding. It was only a few short hours before he would be home. “I’m okay...Um...my mom is coming to see me...I hope that’s okay,” she said. “M’sorry. I should have—”
“Kitten, of course your mum wants t’see you. Of course, s’okay,” he said easily.
“Yeah?” She asked a breath of relief sighed from herself.
“Love, yes, it’s...m’sorry, I haven’t cleaned in a while—don’t even think about it,” he said knowingly. She giggled in response, and it made the relief from this morning continue. It was already getting easier and like before, but also better than before. “There’s...m’not sure what’s in the fridge. Need t’hit the grocery store soon,” he said. “I’ll stop on the way home. Jus’...can you text me when she gets there so m’not...freaking out if you are with her and don’t have time t’answer?” He asked. “Not in a possessive way!” He said quickly as soon as he thought about how it sounded. “Y’can do anything y’want...m’jus’... I’ll be—”
“I will text you when she gets here,” she whispered easily. “I promise. Thank you,” she said sweetly.
Harry sighed with relief. “You’re okay?”
“I’m very okay, Harry. Thank you,” she said. “You’re...a knight in shining armor.”
“Yeah?” He couldn’t help but grin. His cheeks felt warm, and he felt like an idiot, blushing like a lovesick fool on the phone during lunch talking to the girl of his dreams.
“The very best,” she promised.
And he felt he really was a lovesick fool.
Harry returned home about an hour after school let out hidden by a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store along with the other bags of groceries.
Harry, it’s so nice to see you again. Thank you, thank you, thank you, her mother was nearly crying when he entered the apartment and gave him a big hug. His sweet girl—and it felt so stupid to say his sweet girl in his head...she wasn’t even his—busied herself with finding a vase and Harry noted that she did clean...at least dusted or something. He quirked an eyebrow at her and ran his finger along the counter and then looked at her knowingly. She grinned.
“I couldn’t just sit here all day doing nothing.”
“She would’ve done it even if you told her not to,” her mum said her eyes bleary and a little red around the corners, as he expected. He pretended to not focus on the crying woman and noted that while her mum was a mess, her eyes lacked the same puffiness and redness—a good sign. But part of him imagined she didn’t want to cry in front of her mum and worry her more.
Rolling his eyes at her inability to sit still, he started to put the groceries away. “Do you want to come home with me?” Her mom asked. Harry didn’t pause putting the items away, but his heart nearly stopped thinking about being separated by a two hour car ride.
“That...wouldn’t really work for my work schedule, Mom,” she said softly.
“I know...but...you could...I don’t want to say quit, but if you can’t stay—”
“Uh...” Harry perked up quickly. “Y’can stay here,” he said quietly. “I’ll...m’happy t’have you,” he promised.
Her face looked so grateful, but she clearly wanted to say something about getting out of his hair. Fortunately, her mom stared at Harry for a long time and then turned to her daughter before she could protest. “I liked him more from the get.”
“Mom!” She covered her face with her hand. Harry chuckled with relief but couldn’t help the way his cheeks burned under her mom’s praise.
She glanced at Harry nervously and smiled sheepishly. “Thank you,” she whispered.
“Always, love,” he winked at her and continued with the groceries, the smile warming his face while he thought about how much he would love living with her and coming home to her every day.
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spicedeluxe · 2 years
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SUMMARY: You and Leon explore the area more thoroughly. Though you had thought it was abandoned, you two come across strange villagers who seem to have an issue with you. Something’s off, but neither of you can figure out what.
RINA’S NOTE: hello again! you’re back! a lot is happening in this chapter. it’s very fun! i hope to expand on some characters dynamics with you. also yes i gave leon a cat allergy. IM NOT SORRY!! spacers are also introduced in this chapter so it shows that a bit of time passes. it gives you guys a bit of a break as well so that it doesn’t run for too long. apologies if it looks weird on light mode cause it looks best on dark mode… i’ll try and fix it when i get some time. finally, plagas![name] is coming. you guys are not ready. this one’s gonna shake the table….
WARNINGS: More Canon Divergence, More Violence. More Bullshit being thrown at you. Leon’s testing the waters. Just trying to get a feel for you. not literally. yet.
¹ - “forasteros!!” (OUTSIDERS!!!🗣🗣) you have to yell for the full effect lmfao
² - “ellos estan por aqui! avisar a los de mas!” (there they are! warn the others!)
RESIDENT EVIL © CAPCOM (capcom what’s your favorite ramen noodle flavor??)
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You reload your gun with the measly two bullets Leon gave you. You should’ve asked for more, but it was probably too late by now. Your partner had already begun loading more bullets into his chamber.
Leon decided to lead, returning to the front of the house. “Follow me.”
His count was spot on. Three people were in front of the house, holding their weapons up. They sluggishly moved towards the two of you at first, but neither of you gave them the chance to advance further and become aggressive, shooting them at least once or twice.
Leon had enough gall to go up to the last one after shooting and kicked them right down. It certainly surprised you, to say the least!
“Didn’t know you were flexible.” You comment. “Or that you even knew how to fight!”
“I’m more interested in how flexible you are.” He counters, eyeing the magazine of his gun. “I mean in battle, of course. I know martial arts. What about you?”
You ponder over his sentence for a minute. He’s sick, pausing in the middle of his sentence like that. But for some reason, you weren’t entirely mad at it either.
The way he worded it made your face warm. Just for that, he doesn’t get an answer. Instead, you decide to deflect. “Do you try this with all the people you work with?”
“Maybe. But let’s save it for another time. I’ve got something I need to see.” It was a good thing he moved on because you were about to spontaneously combust. Seriously.
With Leon retaking the lead once more, you two continue your journey. He goes back the way you originally came, peeking over a cliff. “[Name], you might want to see this.” He says, shaking his head. “Careful. It’s slippery. I wouldn’t want you to fall.”
You approach him, taking your time so you don't fall off. “Is that…?”
Below you was the sound of water crashing against two vehicles. A truck and….the police car that had dropped you two off. “How’d that happen?”
“Must’ve been what we heard earlier. I looked outside and saw the truck driving past. I think it came from the right pathway.” He jabs a thumb behind him. “We’ll head back and see what else we can find.”
“We’ll have to tell Hunnigan, right? There’s no way to get anywhere else since the car is gone. Police officers might be down there too.” You say. Just to be sure, you lean a bit further. “HELLO! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!“
Your yells echo to no avail. No response at all.
“Guess no one’s home.” Leon shrugged. It was possible that the cops had escaped from the car and were just wandering elsewhere. “We should keep going. We might find them along the way. Worst case scenario, we find them dead. We can call Hunnigan later.”
“Okay.” You nod, carefully taking a few steps back from the ledge.
In little to no time, you two went back in the direction of the house, this time taking the pathway on the right. There was a shed right next to it, presumably to store tools.
But there are only boxes in here….and a typewriter? That’s strange. Out of everything in the room, the typewriter seemed to be the only intact thing in the room. You looked over it for a moment before gently tapping one of the keys. It clicked in response, the letter ‘H’ appearing on the paper.
Even stranger was the pack of ammunition conveniently placed next to it. Had someone been here before you, or was it just luck that had brought you here? For some reason, you felt comfortable and safe even if it was a bit exposed to the outside.
It just felt right.
Leon slashing open a box on a shelf interrupted your small moment of bliss (if you could even call it that). “Found some more money.” He says. “Looks like there’s a herb if we get hurt.”
“I, on the other hand,” You began, holding up your treasure. “…found ammunition.” You shake the box lightly. “Says there’s ten on the cover. What do you say we split it in the middle?”
Leon saved his hand. “Nah. Found some earlier. Thanks though.”
Well, that would would bring you back to....hm, around eleven or twelve. But if shooting at hostiles was anything like earlier, you’d be running low in no time.
Leon exits outside, immediately drawing his pistol and shooting two birds. The squawking sounds made you leave the shed, looking at him questionably.
“What’d you do that for??”
“They were holding something.” He jogs over and picks up not only MORE money but a hand grenade as well. “Knew it looked weird from here. Its feathers were all puffed up.”
You look at him and back down at the crow. “Wow…” That grenade must have been deliberately placed there, poor thing. Did someone want it to explode?? You come closer to an ominous wooden structure with dried blood on the decaying wood. Hanging from two branches that intersected were skulls, maggots crawling from the eyelids.
You couldn’t help but stare at it. For some reason, you just couldn’t look away. It was like the structure was whispering your name. The world seemed to slow down, deafening every noise you heard. The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat…
A pair of fingers in front of your face had begun to snap to get your attention before it retreats and instead shakes your shoulder. “Hey. Earth to [Name]?” You look at him curiously and he raises an eyebrow at you. “You zoned out there. I thought something was wrong. Didn’t you hear me call you?”
“Sorry.” You apologize. “I’m just thinking about some things.” The sounds of whimpering nearby made you look away. “What’s that?” It sounded like it must’ve been injured.
Right behind the structure was a wolf, whimpering from its leg being caught in a bear trap. The wound looked fresh, seeing as there was still blood pooling around the bottom. You jump into action, making your way over as fast as possible.
“We’ve gotta open this,” You say, kneeling. You place your hands around the cold metal, trying your best to pry it open to no avail. “…can you help me, Leon?”
He nods. Leon was a bit stronger than you, so he might have some luck opening it. You stand up and move out of his way so he can replace your spot. He kneels and slowly pries the bear trap open as you coax the wolf out.
“C’mon.” You coo, holding your hand out. “You can do it! Come on.”
The wolf slowly lifts its hind leg out of the trap, limping over to you. Unfortunately, you had no medical supplies at the moment, so you couldn’t wrap it up. Your frown turns into a smile as it licks your hand before shaking its coat out.
“You’re a dog person?”
The bear trap snapping shut startles you. Leon notices and smirks, but you quickly recompose yourself.
“I like cats and dogs.” You say. The wolf seemed grateful for both of its saviors, though it looked like it favored you over Leon. “I don’t necessarily like to pick.” You gave the wolf one last pet on its head before it barked at you and ran off. “I’m sure this was a wolf, but they come from the same family anyway.”
“Good to know. I’m more of a dog person myself.” Leon moves forward, prompting you to follow. “Cats just make me sneeze all the time.”
“So, you’re just allergic?” You ask, a small smile on your face.
“No, can’t be.” He says. “I just sneeze a lot around them. I have no clue why.”
Yeah right. You were 100% sure Leon was just allergic to cats. Whether he didn’t want to admit it or genuinely didn’t know was a mystery. It made you laugh a bit.
Leon holds out his arm in front of you, halting your laughter. “Tripwires. Watch it.”
Those tripwires seemed purposely attached to the trees that had a path going through them, wanting to catch anyone who wasn’t paying attention off guard. Instead, you two pass through the tall grass to get through.
On instinct, you take your gun out. Just ahead of you was an irate villager holding an axe. Perhaps he had gotten word of what happened not too long ago….
Either way, you point your gun at him and shoot twice. After the second shot, his head explodes, blood and other brain matter splattering over nearby rocks.
“Ugh, gross.” You mutter.
“Nice shot. Keep it up, and I’m sure you could get a promotion.” Leon compliments, patting your shoulder. “Must’ve hit some sort of pressure point with the way his head exploded.“
The fact he wasn’t affected at all by it still bewildered you. It was expected for you not to know much about him since all you’ve ever heard was how mysterious and hot.. he was, but it was a bit strange to listen to him brush things off as if it was nothing.
“Looks like there’s a bridge up next. Let’s cross.”
You just nod. Leon Kennedy was a strange individual, that’s for sure.
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By now, you and Leon have safely crossed the bridge and found yourselves near a denser village. You weren’t close enough to compromise your positions, but also not far enough to be unable to see.
The smell of smoke had filled your nostrils. Upon arriving in the area, there was a big fire in the center of the village.
Leon briefly lowers his binoculars, turning his head to check on you. Of course, you hadn’t noticed, only keeping watch behind you in case someone snuck up on you two.
Not like you’d go anywhere else anyway.
He turns back around, lifting them back up one last time. “A lot of people around here. I didn’t know nursing homes held bonfires.”
You turn to him questionably. “….Nursing home? What? Give me those binoculars. Let me see!“ He hands it over, and you lift it to look through them. While those people did look old, Leon was just being dramatic.
It looked like there was one of the officers on the fire..so much for wandering around. “Looks like there’s an officer in the fire…” You say.
Something else you noticed was how they moved. It was sluggish, just like the man you saw earlier. They were most definitely human, but there was something off with how they staggered around.
“Are we going to head over?” You ask, lowering the binoculars.
“We don’t have a choice. Come on.”
He was right. Looking through them more time, you see some villagers were holding shovels, pitchforks, and just about anything they could find. It gave you the idea that if you went in, you definitely wouldn’t be welcome. 
On the bright side, it seemed that some villagers were doing little things like collecting water or tending to cattle. So maybe they’d be less hostile?
There were haphazardly built fences all around you as you entered the vicinity. Leon was in front of you, taking out his gun and holding it close.
You hadn’t put your gun away quite yet as you were still on guard for hostiles. As you walked forward, a squawk coming from under you made you stop and look down.
You stepped on….a chicken??
“Woah, watch out.” You say, chuckling nervously. The chicken runs away, feathers falling off as it does so. “Chickens.”
Your partner stops and turns to look at you. “You should eat it.“
“Shut up.”
“Ellos estan por aqui! Avisar a los de mas!”² 
You and Leon turn around to see villagers ready to swarm you two. Wasting no time, you pull the trigger of your gun and begin to shoot.
One. Then two. Then three.
The more you shot, the more that kept showing up. You didn’t have enough ammo for this, and you only used fighting as a last resort. Leon took another approach, only kicking villagers once he stunned them with a bullet.
You should probably try that too. But, for now, you continue to shoot. One after another, people just kept showing up. “Leon! There’s too many of them!” You yell, backing up. “I’m running out of ammo!”
It was all getting a bit too much, so Leon glanced behind him for a split second before roughly grabbing your arm. “Come on.”
“Ow!” You whine. He drags you into a nearby house, almost throwing you inside first before slamming the door shut, nearly knocking it off its hinges.
Leon runs over to the window to look outside. You shake your arm off, his firm grip leaving your arm stinging. The sounds of revving outside capture both of your attention, with Leon groaning, “Great, chainsaw.”
“That’s what that was?!” You ask incredulously. Leon doesn’t answer you, pushing an empty bookcase in front of a boarded-up door. “Um, hey, Leon? I don’t think you’ve noticed, but we’re trapped here!”
The sound of shattering glass startled you, and Leon immediately sprang into action. “I’ll figure something out. Push that drawer in front of the door. I’ll be back.” He orders, rushing up the stairs.
He’s already gone. Your worried gaze turns over to where the bookcase was. The villagers were banging on it so hard that it was only a matter of time before it came crashing down.
“Fuck!“ You curse, rushing over to push the drawer. “Fucking—Shit!” Funnily enough, most of the villagers on the other side returned your colorful words, even if you had no clue what they were saying verbatim. 
All you knew was that they were angry. Very, very angry. But so were you, even if your fright took up most of that portion.
You’re not used to this. People actively trying to kill you weren’t a part of your missions. Sure, you’d get in altercations every so often, but THIS?
Oh, absolutely not.
Leon comes rushing downstairs, almost tripping on his footing. “[Name]! You alright?”
“What do you think?!”
“Take this!” In his haste, he throws a box of ammo at you and you catch it, frantically reloading your gun.
The bookcase was finally pushed down and completely collapsed onto the floor, allowing villagers to crawl in from the outside. Then, in a panic, you lift your gun, ready to shoot.
“I’ll throw a grenade.” He says. Leon could tell you were nervous. The shaky tone of your voice told him as much. “We’ll be fine. Just have your gun ready.”
You look at him with confusion. “What? Wouldn’t that take the whole house down..?”
“Nah. I don’t think this one’s strong enough.”
Before you could protest, Leon pulled the pin on the grenade and chucked it across the room. He backs up, taking you with him so your backs are literally against the wall.
The grenade explodes, knocking down most villagers coming into the house. Dust particles fly from the ceiling, making you cough into your arm. At least most of them were down!
Hell, one villager even tried to throw a pickaxe at you! With good precision, you shoot it, the bullet making a “CLANG” sound upon impact.
Leon didn’t let you do all the work by yourself, though. He had been shooting, but not with his pistol. Somehow, he had acquired a shotgun.
The sound of gunfire and Spanish filled the air. You had to raise your voice so Leon could hear you. “Where the hell’d you get that from?”
“Upstairs!” He replies.
Villagers just kept swarming in. The revving sound of a chainsaw starting up again had really shaken you up. No way he got in...
You had to get rid of him immediately! Without any second thoughts, you start to unload your clip onto him. Every time he got up, you’d keep shooting. You had to ensure he was dead before he had the chance to slice you and Leon up into pieces.
The sound of a ringing bell had made the villagers stop in their tracks, dropping their weapons and sluggishly heading over to the sound.
You and Leon find it strange, especially when they attacked you maliciously. The two of you rush outside to see them retreat to god knows where.
Leon looks around in confusion. “Where’s everyone going? Bingo?”
“Must be a big prize today…” You mutter. Just where could they be going? Could it have been where the bell was coming from? You were sure they weren’t just attending church….
The sound of the communicator made you look over towards Leon, who had brought it out to report back. “Hunnigan, we’ve got some bad news. We’ve confirmed the body of an officer. Something’s happened to the people here.”
“You two need to get out of there. Look for a tower. Try following a trail near it.” She orders.
“Got it.” He hangs up and turns to you. “You heard the lady. Let’s get moving.”
Truth be told, you wanted to sit down for a moment and take a breather. That ambush on the house really shook you up. But you couldn’t. Every minute wasted raised the possibility of Ashley’s endangerment.
You take a breath. “Okay.”
“Do you need to stop for a minute?” Leon suddenly had a change of heart, noticing you were literally shaking. “There’s no one here, so if you need to sit, we can find somewhere to go.”
“It would be nice, but we’ve gotta gotta keep going right?”
“I’ve got something to show you anyway. You can take a breather.” He reassured, taking out a wrinkled piece of paper from his coat pocket. “I’ll read it to you.”
Leon clears his throat before beginning.
“Recently, there has been information that The United States government has sent two agents to investigate the village. Do not let these agents get in contact with the prisoner. For those of you not yet informed, the prisoner is being held in an old house behind the farm. We will transfer the prisoner to a more secure location in the valley when we are ready. The prisoner is to stay there until further notice. Meanwhile, do not let the agents near the prisoner.…—“
Are they really holding Ashley in an old house beyond the farm? What farm…? There had to be one around here somewhere.
“—We do not know how the American government found out about our village, but we are investigating. However, I feel that this intrusion at this particular time is not just a coincidence. I sense a third party other than the United States government involved here. My fellow men, stay alert.” He finishes the note, his eyes trailing down to the end. “Then it’s signed off by the chief named Bitores Mendez.”
“That tells us all we need to know then. If we happen to find this Bitores Mendez on the way, we should question him. Maybe detain him if possible?” You suggest.
Perhaps getting Ashley back would be easier than you thought.
“Fine with me.” Leon comes over to you, setting a hand on your shoulder. “You did good, by the way. Don’t let it overwhelm you.”
You can’t help but smile. “Thanks. It was a little too much at once, but I guess I’ll have to experience that more often if I get that promotion, huh?”
“Sure will.”
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As you advanced through the forest, the sky just seemed to get darker and darker. Every time you looked up, it was like a storm brewing.
A storm that’d never come. Something you knew was inevitable, but had no idea when it would strike.
It was just misfortune after misfortune for you two. First, someone tried to run you over with a large boulder. Then, someone tried snipping your leg off in a bear trap. Someone even tried to take your head off with an axe! Throwing a pickaxe at you was one thing, but shit!
In your opinion, being flattened by a boulder would’ve been the worst of all. The villagers on top of the bridge had to pay for that. You didn’t even wait; you decided to shoot them from under the bridge they were located.
You realize it wasn’t going to rain, no. It looked like it had never rained around these parts. Everything was dying. 
Even the houses were dying. One wrong move, and the foundation seemed like it would crumble down on you. All you’ve done so far was investigate the area.
This place seemed like a farm. Well, what was left of it, at least. Dried bales of hay lay on the ground, with tiny bits of grass scattered around on the ground. Numerous cattle and other animals were around; some ran free, like the chickens and occasional rabbit.
There were villagers scattered around, but they were relatively easy to take down. None of them had weapons. It did take more than one shot to kill them though….
The last house to be investigated in the area had a lock on it. Because Leon had been so kind enough to move things around for you previously, you decide to do him a solid.
He watches you as you pull out a safety pin, kneeling to wiggle it into the lock. “There’s no way that’s gonna work.”
“Oh yeah? Wanna bet?”
“I’ll give you five bullets if you can get it open. You give me five if you can’t.” He wagers. 
That’s suitable. You’ve picked locks with inconspicuous items before. Hairpins, safety pins, and even a paper clip. You were a rookie, but you’ve trained long enough to retain some information. Some of those classes would pay off.
You wiggle it around, coming closer so you can hear better. The lock resists your attempt for a moment before you can hear a slight ‘click’ sound. 
Success! The lock falls onto the ground. You get up and dust yourself off, holding your hand out afterward. “Those bullets, sir?”
“Right…” Leon may have been impressed, but he was really betting that you couldn’t get it open. He reluctantly hands over five. 
“Thank you.” You reload the magazine happily. “Let’s keep going.” 
This house was even worse than the other ones you’ve been in. Instead of wood, the door was metal, leading you to believe there’s something important here. 
You suspected the important thing was Ashley, as this was the last house behind the farm. You couldn’t imagine being stuck in here yourself. The sight of the peeling walls made you shake your head in dismay. Just an all around health hazard.
There’s yet another typewriter on the table. It’s also in perfect condition like the other one. 
You couldn’t fight the urge to go over and type ‘Hello!’. It’s satisfying to see the letters pop up on the white paper and even though emails were more convenient, you enjoyed how vintage it was.
While the machine was entertaining you, Leon scoured the house, opening drawers and pushing things out of the way.
The sound of banging made you look up. “What is that?” It stops for a minute before it repeats louder than the first time.
Leon walks around idly for a moment, trying to listen. The sound only gets louder once he nears an empty shelf. It was undeniable something was behind it.
“Something’s behind here.” He says, shoulder pushing the shelf out of the way. Upon entering this not-so-hidden room, a closet was on the far left.
Not only was it something, but this also had to be someone. This had to be Ashley Graham! You approach the closet slowly, lifting the latch and throwing open the door.
A man fell out, wriggling and squirming. Leon points his gun at him, and he becomes frantic. You hold your hand out to stop your partner from going further and lean down so you can rip the tape off his mouth.
“Agh..a little rough, don’t you think? But, if that’s what you’re into, I don’t really mind.”
Leon flips him over harshly, untying his hands. His words gave you a chuckle. Maybe you were into that kind of stuff, he didn’t have to know!
“You two aren’t like them?” He questioned, his voice laced with uncertainty.
Leon shakes his head. “No. You?” 
After being freed from his restraints, the man rolls over, rubbing his wrists tentatively. He’s finally able to take a breath, one that sounds relieved. “Nope. But I have only one very important question. Any of you got a smoke?”
“No, sorry.” You apologize. “I don’t smoke.”
Leon pulls out a packet of mint gum. “….I’ve got gum.”
“And you didn’t even offer me any?” You roll your eyes. 
Two villager men holding weapons had suddenly entered the room. Behind them was a very tall man, his footsteps booming as he came forth.
“Perfect.” The man on the floor mutters. “The big cheese.” 
This so-called “big cheese” stares at you three with a hardened gaze. His eyes go from Leon, to the man on the floor, then right towards you. You stare back with unease.
Leon runs towards him, prepared to attack. He lifts his leg to try and kick him, but the big cheese catches it and launches him towards you and the man.
Once he had collided with you, all you saw was the ceiling. Black spots had splotched into your vision, but as you leaned your head back, you could see the man looming over you.
Your final exhale made you close your eyes, finally seeing nothing but black. 
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girlgerard · 2 years
ur right the differences between shrine/eu tour/us tour are INSANE? i’m going to see them in march as part of their aus/nz tour and i’m fearful bc the options are: they dial it up even MORE (i will fucking explode), they stay as batshit as this tour currently is (i will combust on the spot), or they dial it down a bit (i’ll probably still die)
god every time i think about the aus/nz run i get genuinely terrified like thats what. a three month break after the US leg. look what’s happened in only two like we’re fucked and no matter what happens we will remain fucked
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drrealityslenderverse · 11 months
your last one shot destroyed me emotionally (in the best way possible), can I ask for a Jay/Brian silly fluff one where Jay simps for Brian?
Brightest Star
(not sure if this is 'silly' but it's definitely got some tooth-rotting fluff!)
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The first time Jay had met Brian it was like he’d been blindsided by a supernova. The man’s charisma could’ve probably gotten the man anything he’d wanted—Jay certainly would’ve done anything asked of him. But then there was the aura of warmth that seemed to radiate off Brian like he was the sun itself. His smile and the little gap between his teeth made Jay lose his breath and when Brian laughed he all but melted on the spot from the sound of it. 
It was clear why Brian had gotten the leading role and it wasn’t just because Alex had a very limited amount of people to actually choose from. Although, that certainly had a part to play in it. The effect Brian had on Jay hadn’t gone over Alex’s head either and he constantly teased him with each unprompted favor or each spontaneous gift of Brian’s favorite coffee prior to filming. A simp, Alex called him. Jay never denied it. He’d never been good at hiding things and his crush was so obvious he might as well have written it out on a large sign—with Brian’s favorite sunshine yellow as a background color instead of the default white.
When Brian asked him out, Jay thought he’d died. Maybe he’d spontaneously combusted when he’d seen Brian give that award winning smile while walking directly towards him with a gleam of confidence in his eyes. Out of everyone he’d been asked on a date. Him, boring Jay who typically sat in the background on set and certainly didn’t possess even a sliver of the charm the star of the film possessed. But the way Brian looked at him… Jay could never say no. He’d never want to! If he could, he’d give the man anything his heart desired and more.
“Earth to Jay. You still there?” Alex’s voice cut through the hazy of thoughts. He rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Think Brian’s shorting out some circuits in your brain. What? You have another date tonight?” 
Jay blinked and looked at the other man before giving an embarrassed cough. He was so easy to see through. “Uh huh.” 
“Well can you focus on helping finish this scene first? I think I have it written out perfectly but I still thought I’d see what you…” 
Once again, Alex’s voice trailed off into the background as Jay’s mind wandered back to Brian and their date tonight. It was one of many now but each time he always felt as though it was the first time all over again. The idea of Brian, who could’ve gone out with any guy or girl he’d liked, choosing him again and again still sent him into a daze. 
“I should bring something for him… Nothing too over the top though. Something that isn’t too simple or cliche either.” He bit his lip, knowing even as he continued to do it that he was overthinking again. 
A drawn out sigh escaped Alex as he loudly flipped the script back to the first page. Jay was reminded how irritable the man was starting to get. “I think we’ll call it for the day. I might see what Amy thinks of it when she comes over this weekend.” 
Jay internally winced, hoping she’d go easy on Alex considering this really wasn’t the most original script… It wasn’t even the best of the cliches either, though considering there wasn’t any budget and Alex was still a student maybe it was to be expected. He’d never met Amy but from what little Alex had mentioned about her, she did speak her mind on things—maybe he would like her constructive criticism. 
“He doesn’t really enjoy Tim’s or Sarah’s.” Jay would admit that the two actors had a little more sass to their comments than necessary. 
“Right… sorry.” He apologized again and shoved his copy of the script into his bag. “I’ll see you.” 
“Have fun.” Alex didn’t look up from the paper until Jay was slinging his bag over his shoulder and about to walk over to his car. A rare look of amusement crossed the director’s face. “Don’t mark his neck up too bad, got it? I need him to be able to walk for his next shoot too.” 
The blood had never rushed to Jay’s face so quickly before when he caught what Alex was implying. The idea alone made his thoughts wander… But no, there really was no need for true concern for either of those jests becoming reality. The date was meant to be something lighthearted and easy, as Brian had mentioned being exhausted by his job.
Jay suddenly knew just what he’d give him. A smile broke out across his face as he pulled onto the road and headed for his place. 
“Mmmhh” Brian hummed beneath him, the sound reverberating against Jay’s hands. 
“Does… does it feel good?” Jay slowed and stopped massaging the area over Brian’s shoulder blades.
His boyfriend’s head tilted to the side, hazel eyes opening to look at him. “Yeah, why’d ya stop?” 
Well, at least that meant the hurried tutorial videos he’d watched while frantically trying to clean up and make dinner had paid off. Not that Brian had likely gotten a professional massage to compare this to. But hearing the praise definitely gave Jay more confidence.
Boldly, he leaned forward, giving Brian a kiss that lingered for a moment before he went back to working on the man’s shoulder muscles. He had to admit, this was actually rather nice despite being the one giving the massage rather than receiving it. Gradually, he worked his way down Brian’s back while checking in now and then to make sure he wasn’t accidentally hurting the other man. The soft look of relaxation on Brian’s face as he laid on the couch made Jay’s heart stutter. He’d managed to cause the brightest star in his world to somehow look even more heavenly. 
After being so worried about having Brian come to his place, which in his mind was barren and plain compared to Brian’s—even if he didn’t have much in terms of decor either. The meal he’d cooked wasn’t much either but compared to what he’d seen of Brian’s attempts… it was definitely better. Jay’s thoughts continued to drift through the night’s events so far as he nitpicked and pondered how it might continue to go. 
“Hey Blue Jay?” 
Brian shifted beneath him, turning to lie on his back as he looked up at Jay with an apologetic look. The expression on Brian’s face surprised him and Jay swallowed nervously even as his boyfriend’s arms wrapped reassuringly around his waist. 
“Sorry I wasn’t feelin’ up to going out. Feel kinda bad I made you do everything.” 
Oh. Was he really apologizing for that? Jay hadn’t known what to expect but having Brian say he felt bad wasn’t it. As many concerns as he’d had preparing for their date, he still enjoyed doing it. Jay enjoyed pampering, borderline worshiping, Brian actually. A small laugh escaped. “It’s okay Bri. I wouldn’t mind doing something like this again.”
He was shifted again as Brian sat up, keeping him in his lap. Jay’s breath was stolen from his lungs as lips pressed against his neck and trailed casually to his own mouth. Blood warmed his cheeks as hands tangled in his hair and he ran his own finger’s through Brian’s. 
“I’d like that a lot.” Brian pulled back though his hands continued to play with Jay’s hair as he studied the script supervisor like he was the most interesting person to ever exist. 
Jay felt like his heart would burst in the best way possible. He wouldn’t mind doing this for days, years even, into the future. As simple as the date was, there was a desire to stay in this moment forever.
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madeimpact · 2 years
9, 16, 18 :3c
Munday for multiple muses || @veiliisms || Accepting
9. Which of your muses would get along well with each other?
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Oh, Madoka and Lucas would easily befriend, like, most of my muses, and they themselves would be besties for sure. Shinji could totally use a friend like those two. Hop and Kazuya would also really get along on the basis of both being really big fans of battling and really having to push to be good at battling, not having the natural talent of the protag ( even tho Hop decides to pursue other things ). Kazuya and Red is an interesting idea, but I feel like if Kazuya met Red he’d just combust on the spot.
There’s just so many possible combinations with the number of muses I have, I feel like most of them would get along with each other. I should probably make an on-blog relationship chart. It’d be funny lmao
16. Do you have more OCs or more canon muses?
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Definitely more canons. OC havers are so powerful and I’ve got a handful myself, but my brain likes to pick a character from whatever media I’m obsessing over at any given moment and be like “THAT ONE. I’m adopting that one”
18. Is there a muse you’re considering making right now?
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Mmmm this feels like almost the same question as muses I’d like to write? But “making” implies OCs to me. I’ve thought about a Pokémon OC who treats ghosts like you’d probably expect someone to treat fairies. They’re like “aaa my little scrunglies 🥰” meanwhile there’s just. A Mismagius getting ready to steal your soul LMAO. But on the other hand that’s just Allister to a degree KDHFSLKJDGN
I guess I’m picturing more like, goblin goth child who acts cutesy and fawns over ghosts like they’re a Skitty or something. Definitely laughs like “huhu~!” Slightly different vibe. Maybe one day I’ll actually flesh out the concept more but for now it’s just a character I’ve thought about in passing.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Ok this hasn’t been asked abt BUT
I got OrangeJuiceVerse Stan on the brain (again)
Specifically in terms of his protectiveness.
In the last OJV ask I got I mentioned that he and Kyle have the most parental tendencies of the Star Seven, and boy oh boy do I have some thoughts on Stan’s knight in shining armor complex!
I won’t get into the Kyle part of that bc 1) I have talked wayyyy too much abt that on ao3 and here, and 2) that’s a whole separate long ass post and I would probably combust.
But!!! First focusing on the M5:
So growing up together they were all generally referred to as “Stan’s Gang”, which he was like wait why are they my gang but then he grew to love that bc they were his people. He loves them with all of his soul (ojverse Stan is a lover for sure) and he is EXTREMELY protective of everyone and kind of (smh this man) sees himself as the dad of the crew. Done with everyone’s bs, the “fun” parent. A lot of that comes from his resentment of Randy, his desire to keep everyone out of true danger and not be flaky despite his own problems. This is especially poignant with Kenny.
So Stan and Kyle VERY much see Kenny as “their egg” (yes I’m borrowing from the “Stan is a protective father” note of that episode) and they really look out for him growing up bc of his shitty home life. Really all of the M5 have a soft spot for Ken, but Stan and Kenny understand each other on a spiritual level. Though Stan doesn’t consciously know abt Kenny’s immortality and IS his Ride Or Die Disaster Bi in all things reckless, the second something goes wrong he’s there, swooping in and reminding him that “yeah you can be a crazy bastard, but don’t you dare die”. He’s less overbearing than Ky gets when Kenny gets hurt, but he’s there to be like “hey man you’re good, you gotta be careful tho”. He was the first to INSIST that he pay kenny in full for his art and commissions stuff regularly through their entire lives.
With Marj, it’s really, really complex. I mentioned before in my OJV Stan hcs (thank you to the wife for that ask btw) that he was the first person she went to when she realized she was a girl! Bc he’s always been pretty emotionally honest and accepting of everything, and she was dealing with her crush on Kenny too and Stan notoriously THINKS he’s slick in being a massive simp so two birds one stone lmao. He was pretty clueless at first but that protective instinct kicked in and he was like GIRL WE GONNA FIND YOU SOME RESOURCES! Also, I’ll do a post abt how NO ONE in the OJV Star Seven is neurotypical soon, but i briefly mentioned in The Wacky Adventures of Craig And Kyle that Marjorine has the ‘tism as well, and Stan is NOT the person to go to when you’re having a meltdown, but rest assured he WILL get you to someone who is. Like she can tell him “Stan I’m feelin a little…” and he will IMMEDIATELY find her Kenny or Kyle. Kyle’s obviously his go to when things are out of his emotional scope, and that extends to Craig later down the line.
So TWEEK!!! Oh god Tweek and Stan’s relationship in the OrangeJuiceVerse is so important to me. They’re the first encounter of the Broken Bottles Quartet, and that moment when Kyle figures out about Tweek’s problem, Stan was full man-with-the-plan mode about how to help him! Before he takes Tweek to AA, he’s at ye ol’ meetin’ hall talking to the old geezers in the local group and it’s like:
“Hey, Stanny Boy, good to see you back, how you healin up (smh I did break his ribs for good reason I promise) got anything to share?” “Actually yeah, I’m gonna bring someone with me in a few days, but you guys HAVE to give him space he gets really nervous.” And the longtime AA peeps who are prone to being overly friendly back off and let Tweek just listen that first time, and Stan is consistently checking in and with Stan’s support Tweek slowly gets more comfortable, and Stan is SO fucking proud of him and he’s his sponsor for a LONG ASS TIME before he officially is.
As for Cartman, once he moves away, Stan will call him up pretty frequently to check in, like “hey fatass how’s the wedding planning company coming?” “Fuck off, hippie did you get the-“ “YES I got the beef jerky club membership quit sending me that shit” “heh, sweet.” “Asshole, but seriously are you doing okay?” “Yes you photosynthesizing dildo. The Jew looks tired in his last facebook post check on him” “I got him, Cartman” “you guys are assholes” “we love you too” “gross” smh theyre so unserious.
But yeah that’s this episode of me not shutting tf up abt OrangeJuiceVerse
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