#and i have a couple of very cool ideas and i am excited to write the paper in that form
doll3tt33 · 2 days
Unnecessarily lengthy ramble abt losing interest and moving on with a new acc + last few bot/fic ideas I might post (feel free to ignore idkidk)
I’ve been having a hectic week regarding academic stuff so I have the worst brain fog rn, and I have a feeling I should unwind a couple more days before writing this but I honestly don’t care atp 😭😭
Basically, as you can see with the title, I’m losing interest in AHS, evan peters, his characters - all that. Besides Colin Zabel (he’s still my husband fr), creating content for everything else feels like a real chore now, whilst back then it was truly enjoyable and exciting.
Don’t get me wrong, I love writing and making bots, like this stuff is basically for life lol. But nowadays, it feels like I’m simply utilizing the evans as tools to write out the tropes I enjoy, rather than actually experiencing a desire to write FOR the characters like I used to ((which still can be gratifying in its own respective way… until a certain motivating factor begins to lack, if that makes sense??
It really sucks cuz I chalked it up to me being burned out, when in reality my attraction was clearly just plummeting as we speak 😔. What’s worse is that I’m really comfortable in this fandom - like I have super cool moots here, there’s no drama, there’s a bunch of evan characters for everybody 😂, and I gained over 500 followers, which is still crazy to me! I tried to “prolong” my interest for the sake of all this progress, but I think the inevitable has arrived and I can no longer keep up, my resolve is crumbling y’all 😭😭😭
I was hoping to wait until the Tron movie comes out in 2025, cuz maybe seeing Evan in there would reignite some of ✨la passion✨ within me, however I don’t feel like hanging around anymore, since I no longer relate to the fandom. I feel so out of place now, like a fRaUD 😩 ((I’ll still most likely watch it, but until then we’ll see
And to clarify, I will most likely NOT post and interact as frequently as I used to anymore. I’m not deleting this account, though I am going to make a new account to post The Boys content, as I want a fresh clean slate to start new.
Before I do go, I might drop a bot or two, maybe even a fic in the near future since they’re halfway done and I did NOT use all that effort for nothing 😭💀:
- corrupt cop!Colin Zabel ((most likely will make this next…. For personal reasons 😳
- a standard pre-cult Kai bot ((not brown hair pre-cult Kai, the recently dyed blue hair one iykwim. sorry
- as for fics, I’ll most likely post a very short smut when Kyle goes down on reader, cuz why not 😏
- might finish the older!grumpy neighbor!kit I talked about before since I’m halfway done
- not sure about this but I have a really random JPM fic where reader (accidentally but also not so accidentally) killed their spouse and they have no one to call but him for help ((heavily based off the tv show Fargo, the first season
No promises tho! I might occasionally come back to post if some random ideas for the evans come up, and ofc for Colin cuz he’s still the loml, no debate <3
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the---hermit · 26 days
just sent an email to my English lit professor to slightly change the topic of my paper and asking if he could confirm that's okay and I know he will propably not care and say it's fine but still that makes me anxious
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tkingfisher · 1 year
So I write all sorts of things (fiction, fanfic, screenplays) and my mind is cluttered garden of flowers and weeds and shiny ideas, and I'm wondering how to form a writing practice to clear it into tidy rows? Is it possible to shepherd untamed ideas into order?
How do you manage all your wonderful worlds, characters and inspiration and not feel haunted by the story bits and pieces in your head? Any practical tips beyond dark magic?
Thank you, you are such a constant inspiration for me, both prose and just your presence. <3
*laugh* Oh god, Nonny, if I ever find out, I’ll tell you! When you read books, you’re getting the Instagram-filtered view of a writer’s brain, all the flowers that grew out of the compost heap, carefully composed and shot in optimal lighting. The real inside of my skull is a magpie nest of Neat Shit I Read/Saw/Thought Up While Lying Awake At 2 AM. There are characters and ideas in there that I’ve been trying to get into a manuscript since I was twelve and typing on an Amiga 500.
But, that said…really, I think it’s okay. Creativity is inherently untidy. The compost heap can be corralled into a very pretty box made of sustainably harvested materials, hand-stained by traditional artisans being paid a living wage by an employee-owned company, but as soon as you lift the lid, it’s all worms and coffee grounds and old potting soil and cow shit and the vegetables you swore you were gonna eat this time before they went bad. That’s what compost is.
Nevertheless, having been in the business for…uh…fifteen years now? (@dduane is snickering at me, I can feel it) and having written nearly forty books, I can offer three bits of something less than advice. It’s what I do. It may not work for anyone else, but it’s what I do.
Un-Advice The First: If you get a shiny idea and you are super excited by it? Go ahead and chase it. Pull up a new page in Word or whatever and slap down a couple thousand words while it’s exciting. I know that this absolutely flies in the face of common wisdom, but quite frankly, my enthusiasm is a much rarer commodity than my time, so if I’m excited about something, I write it down until I’ve taken the edge off.
Then I usually save it into a big folder called “Fragments” and go back to work on whatever I’ve got a deadline on. (Usually. Sometimes the edge doesn’t wear off, and I wind up with another book. Which, y’know, darn.)
There are vast numbers of people who will tell you that a shiny idea is a sign that something is wrong with your current project and the solution is to knuckle down and work! through! it! And those people are probably right for them, and I trust they know how their own brains work. Me, though, I got ADHD like a bat has wings. My hard drive is a vast swamp of story beginnings, neat ideas, random scenes. And that’s okay because I still get books finished.
In fact, it’s better than okay. Not that long ago, my agent sent a novella to a publisher and they said “We’ll take that novella and three more novels. What’ve you got?” And I ended up plundering my hard drive and sending the editor a good dozen random beginnings until we found one that we both liked, and then I wrote the rest of that book. And then another one. If I hadn’t had all those fragments lying around, though, it would have been a miserable experience of writing book pitches and trying to think of stuff I could get excited about. (This may not be how some editors work, but it’s how my editor and I work, anyhow.)
Un-Advice The Second: Trust that everything will find a home eventually.
This one is easy to say and hard to do because sometimes you get that overload that if you’re writing the book about, say, werebear nuns, you aren’t writing the one about the alien crustaceans. Or worse, you feel guilty. If you don’t use that one cool thing, was all that time you spent on it wasted?
Breathe. Be easy. Every single cool thing does not need to go into a single book. There is no sell-by date on the neat character. You will probably write many books in your life and all those random characters will find a home. (Seriously, the werebear nuns were lurking for like a decade.)
For me, at least, when I find the spot where something fits, it often snaps into place like a Lego. Easton’s backstory as a soldier from a society where soldiers were a third sex had been kicking around in my head for a few years, derived from about three different sources, and then I wrote the opening to What Moves The Dead and all of a sudden Easton was there and alive and they had strong opinions about everything and I had ten thousand words practically before I turned around.
You can also stave off guilt by writing some of your ideas in as highly personal Easter Eggs. A couple of my books have references to a white deer woman, a heroic deed done by a saint and the ghost of a bird, and a woman with dozens of hummingbirds on tiny jeweled leashes. Those are all characters and stories I’ve had vague notions about, but haven’t managed to work in anywhere or learn much more about. Still, the passing reference is enough to make me feel like I haven’t abandoned them.
(The advantage to this is that once you DO write those in, the readers are all “oh my god, she foreshadowed this a decade ago, she must have planned this all out in advance!” Then you look really clever and well-organized and no one has to know that you have no idea what you’re doing.)
Un-Advice The Third: Write the kitchen sink book.
At one point, I had so many stray ideas that hadn’t gotten into a book yet—the tree of frogs, the dog-soldiers, the stained glass saint, the albatross and the shadow of the sun, and also I wanted to write something with Baba Yaga—that I hauled off and wrote a book where I just put in everything and the kitchen sink. It’s called Summer in Orcus. There are bits in there that I had been cooking in the mental compost heap for decades, but that weren’t enough on their own to sustain a whole book. The phrase “antelope women are not to be trusted” showed up in my head some time in college. It’s a fun little book and I’m proud of it, but it’s very much a patchwork quilt of weirdness. But it’s also written so that if later on, an antelope woman shows up in another book in another context, that just adds to their mythology, it doesn’t break canon or whatever.
(Pretty sure I’m not the only one who has done this, either. China Mieville has said that he wrote Perdido Street Station because what he really enjoyed was writing all the weird monsters.)
So yeah, that’s my advice, for what it’s worth. Some days I just tell all the fragments and ideas that I promise that I’ll get them a home eventually but I need to write this thing here now. Sometimes I throw down enough words to get the story stabilized and then I’m okay to move on. Sometimes I write multiple books simultaneously.
Any method you use to write the book, so long as it doesn’t hurt you or anyone else, is a perfectly valid method. If anyone tells you different, you send them to me.
(…god, I hope that was the question you were actually asking, Nonny, and that I didn’t go off on a completely different tangent when you just wanted to know how I keep track of a plot or something.)
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liliewrites · 8 days
Hi, I love the way you write. You express the characters very well, I can really hear Arlecchino's voice in your sentences.
You can do one with Arlecchino x femreader? Where Arlcchino and reader are married and take care of the children together (would be great seeing reader being maternal with Lyney, Lynnett and Freminet) After reader arrived in their lives, parties and family moments were common. One day at a gymkhana held with all the children, a traitorous Fatui was ordered by an Arlecchino's enemy to kill Arlecchino while she was distracted, but Reader noticed and got in front of her, taking the hit. Reader almost dies and Arlecchino, Lyney, Lynnett and Freminet want revenge.
(Sorry for bad english)
HELLOOO ANONN:)) lmaoo sorry i was brainrotting a lot about this ask and i didn't know how to write it and end it because it's such a good idea and has a lot of potential.. anyw here u go and eat uppp!!:) also forgive me if i understood the word "gymkhana" wrong.. i just searched up the definition on google since i am not familiar with the word hihi..
-warning/s ; a bit of violence at a certain part:) besides that, none!:)
(men dni utc please!)
it was a fun, festive day for the children at the house of the hearth.
arlecchino and you had decided to host a fun little event for the kids, as both of you agreed that it'd be beneficial to the children not just for improving their skills, but for their enjoyment as well.
as of the moment, you and arlecchino were sitting on the side, lyney and freminet were currently tasked with helping and assisting the younger children, while lynette had mostly insisted on staying with you and arlecchino while helping out with organizing the event. you and your wife didn't mind much as you knew she was more introverted and a couple more helping hands would help a lot.
"mother, i believe that we should start the flag race soon.. shall we get the horses and the players ready?" lynette asked, looking down at the clipboard in her hands. you couldn't help but smile, lynette has grown into such a fine, young dependable lady. you pat lynette's head, giving her ears a little rub as praise. "yes, my dear. i would appreciate it too if you assisted them with getting on as well, see to it that none of them get injured." you told her, and she nods at you, her tail slightly wagging as she walks away. you couldn't help but chuckle, knowing that your praise didn't go unnoticed by your daughter.
"mother! mother! look, look!"
"don't i look cool, mother?"
"mother! this is so fun!"
left and right, children were all calling for your attention, and your heart was bursting in joy as you got up from your chair to approach them. you could see the smiles on their little faces and you knew they were enjoying themselves. one child ran up to you, holding freminet's hand and a drawing in another. she brought it up and showed you, smiling widely. "mother, ah- look! big brother fremi drew me an octopus!" she boasted, making freminet look to the side shyly. you couldn't help but feel proud of freminet, whom was usually alone and reserved, was now trying his best to get along and help out with the younger children. "my, what a lovely drawing, hm? mother is very glad that both of you are having fun." you smile, the turning your head to look at lyney as they both walked away. he was currently busy entertaining the audience (who were also kids) with his little magic tricks as they waited for the flag race. little eyes looked at their older brother with admiration, watching him unfold each trick with excitement.
and of course, as all this happened in the background, your wife was currently sitting from where you had currently sat with her on the side. arms crossed as she leaned on her chair, eyes watching over you and the children intently, yet the intimidating look had gone away from her face. instead, a soft look could be seen from her eyes, and she was sitting in a rather relaxed manner as she smiled at the sight of you with the children. her heart swelled joyously, seeing you interact lovingly with them, your laughter along with theirs ringing pleasantly in her ears as she made sure to capture each pretty smile you had on your face.
funny, as her comrades and enemies alike told her that "your wife is your weakness, knave. you've gone soft." if it were the old her, the old her that were full of hatred, of revenge-- devoid of the compassion and acceptance that you've taught her, it would've been an insult but right now? it was a fact, she knows it herself. you were her weakness, but you were not her drawback nor her flaw, but the weakness to the lost, angry soul that she was without you. you were the guiding hand that gave her a reason to continue watching over the house of the hearth, a proper one, unlike a certain motherly figure she came to know.
amidst the festivities, lyney had told everyone to calm down as the flag race was about to start. a big smile on your face as you stood there, instead of going back to sit with arlecchino, as the kids wanted to be with you.
everyone had got into position, the kids were safely mounted on the horses. the audience was cheering, and lyney was holding party popper to use as a signal cue. all of you were filled with thrill and excitement, as lyney counted off to start the race.
"alright, on your marks, hold tight!"
"get ready, set, and-"
before he could even pull on the string and say go, another loud bang was heard- and it was not from the party popper that lyney was holding.
much to everyone's horror, you were clutching your sides. you felt like you were slowly falling the floor, eyesight getting hazy, you were losing your senses quickly- everything was becoming blurry.
the whole event was silent before high pitched, loud screams calling your name could be heard as they ran towards you. the older trained kids, however, were sure to hold them back to give you space.
arlecchino, the moment she saw you get shot, wasted no time in rushing towards you to catch you. ".. d-darling, darling. are you okay? i got you, beloved.. i.." her eyes widened in shock, but her face froze in horror as she held you. warm, thick and sticky liquid pouring onto her and her clothes, but she didn't care.
"d.. darling, you-"
she was blinded with rage. all she saw was red and black, you just got shot, the perpetrator shouldn't have gone far. "children, find who did this. now!"
the older kids had gone and scattered, lyney and freminet leading them as lynette ushered the youngers ones to evacuate. as they dispersed, arlecchino held your body with gentleness and care, you weakly held onto her. ".. b-beloved, don't.. don't get the kids into this.." you pleaded, but arlecchino shook her head. you were in a critical situation, and yet, you still thought of the kids?
"my love, they are trained for this. have faith in our children, now, hold on. i will take you inside."
arlecchino gently lifted you up, holding you closely to her chest as she possibly can without hurting you. "don't pass out on me, beloved." she gently coaxed you as she brought you inside, trying to keep you awake.
as she finally got you in the clinic, the kids whom were trained in medical aid had prepared to take care of you while they waited for a real doctor to come. she gently laid you down on the bed, sitting next to you and she held your hand. every time the children made contact with your wound, you couldn't help but groan and moan- this was all being done with anesthesia after all. the sight of you crying in pain made arlecchino's chest tight with anger and fear. it was the first time the children saw their father become eerily quiet with such an expression on her face.
"father! we've caught the culprit!"
lyney came running in the clinic, panting. arlecchino leaned in to kiss your forehead, you were dangling on the edge of consciousness and it made her feel bad to leave you, but she had to- lest her wrath consume her whole and that would not be good for all of you. "beloved, the children will take care of you while we wait for a doctor. i'll be back soon, i promise." she whispered, before joining with lyney. "lyney, is the man tied?" she asked, and lyney nodded. "yes father, shall we turn him in to the-"
"no, never mind that. i will take care of him on my own."
she dismissed lyney with her hand, making the boy silently nod at her father's command to not hand the criminal over to the authorities. however, he couldn't shrug off the creepy feeling coming from his father. arlecchino had a blank expression on her face, he couldn't decipher her feelings at all. he paid no mind to this, not wanting to be the outlet of whatever his father was feeling.
as soon as they walked into the room where the culprit was held captive, the room was filled with a chilling atmosphere. all of the kids within the room could feel it. the perpetrator however, his face was full with fear as he looked at the harbinger. he started talking, but his words were muffled as his mouth was tied and covered.
"children, i am proud of you all for catching this man. we've given your mother justice, but for now. you are all dismissed. tell lynette to come over."
at your words, the children silently obey and leave the room. now it was just the man and arlecchino. for the whole time, arlecchino had held herself back from showing any kind of murderous intent, as she knew you wouldn't appreciate having it shown to the kids.
but now? the look on her face was indescribable, her hand was trembling in pure wrath. she leaned down, grabbing the man by his collar and throwing him against the wall. "i will ask you questions, and for every wrong answer, i will cut off one finger. think wisely." she threatened the man, grabbing a chair and pulling it in front of him. "however, seeing as you've decided to hurt my wife in the first place, i can see that you lack a brain."
the man was silenced, and she carefully studied his features. he was a fatui, much to her annoyance. "a traitor, i see. now tell me, who was it that ordered you to do this?" he asked, tugging on the cloth on his mouth.
"p-please, my lord- it wasn't my intention to-"
the man was cut off by his own agonizing scream of pain, with arlecchino stepping on his leg, piercing his flesh with the tip of his heels. "let this serve as a warning, you buffoon. if you do not give me an answer, i will cut your finger off next."
"i-it was one of the rich men you offended last time, my lord! s-sir van duyn!"
arlecchino clicked her tongue, tsk, it was one of those greedy capitalists again. how childish they are, just because of a few true but harsh words, and they act pathetically like this? sending in someone to hurt the knave's wife as they spend a fun day for the children?
arlecchino walked out the door and lynette was already there. "clean up the mess, do not let anyone else know of this." she ordered and lynette silently nodded.
oh, now they've done it. with a snap of arlecchino's fingers, the man's curdling screams had echoed within the room, his flesh slowly being consumed with her flames and soon, the one behind all this would suffer a much more painful death.
it was already nightfall when you had woken with you in full grasp of your senses. you looked around you, the children sleeping, and you immediately felt bad. they must've been so tired to fall asleep this early.
"beloved, are you awake?"
you were startled, but you looked towards the door. your wife, she was there. there was blood on her. you immediately sat up, but she immediately brought a finger to her lips, a silent cue to be careful not to wake the kids up. she walked towards you and sat by your side.
"oh celestia, my beloved.."
you gasped, hand touching her cheek. blood was splattered against her pale skin, but you were able to deduce that it wasn't hers, seeing as there were no visible wounds on her body. arlecchino however, had leaned into your palm, her hand on top of yours as she closed her eyes. "careful, my love. i do not wish to dirty your hands.." she reminded you, but the blood was dry. your chest was spilling with worry and fear. "what happened, arlecchino? are you okay? are the kids okay? i-" she took your hand off her cheek, kissing your knuckle.
"i'm glad that you are back to your senses, beloved, but yes i am fine. the kids on the other hand, i told you to have faith in them remember? they are fine and unharmed." she assures you as she crawls into bed with you, gently pushing you down and collapsing onto your chest as she wraps her arms around you. "now please, i wish to hold what i've almost lost in my arms." she wishes with a pleading tone, so you decided not to press on further. knowing that it's been hard for arlecchino to see you like this, you sigh, moving your hand to run through her hair again. she closes her eyes, now was she only truly able to calm down, feeling your warmth invading her senses. "if it means being able to keep holding you like this.. i'll do anything- anything, my love, just to protect the warmth that you give.."
a little bonus hihi ;
you sighed, deciding to let this go for now. however, at bedtime, you refused to let arlecchino sleep next to you (for awhile) as you were upset that she had made the kids do something as dangerous as running after the culprit.. but the next morning, arlecchino smiled, seeing as you were sleeping soundly on her chest.
currently, you were having morning coffee with arlecchino while the kids were still asleep. you were skimming through the newspaper, and you couldn't help but gasp in shocking as you read a certain news. "oh, darling? do you remember sir cecil van duyn?" you asked. arlecchino hummed, placing her cup down. "yes, one of our investors? what is it, dear?" she asked, looking at you curiously. "he was found dead! i may have not seen him often, but what a shame.." you sighed, oblivious to the fact that it was your wife's doing. arlecchino looked away, bringing the cup to her lips again. "yes, indeed darling, what a shame.."
she would not tell you this but for you, if it meant keeping you well and alive-- yes, she'd kill for you any day. she could paint her whole arm with the blood of those that dare to even lay a finger on you and she'd wear it proudly, to instill the image of it in their minds, so that her enemies know that it could be their blood next splattering on her if they decide to do the same dumb mistake the others already have.
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theautisticwriter · 3 months
Love Letters: Yandere! Helluva Boss characters X G/N Reader
Characters- Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Stolas, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli
Show- Helluva Boss
Genre- romantic, yandere
Summary- Mini love letters from your not so secret stalkers admirers!
Warnings- swearing, pet names, yandere themes, mentions of planned kidnapping, stalking, delusional characters, unwanted attention
Word count- 1.5K
Extra notes- I have a Hazbin Hotel version of this uploaded as well!
key: f/l = first letter of your name, y/n = your name, n/n = your nickname
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By this point you know who it is y/n, I’m the only person COOL enough to send u romantic as fuck letters like the old people do
Sorry for eating the food u made last night, when i was raiding ur fridge it looked so fucking good (and it was, who knew u could cook :P). i left u a pony as a replacement, u can’t eat it but it’ll make u think of me ;) and that pony cost me a FUCK ton of money, collectors addition and shit. i know, bad fucking ass right??
the stupid shitty loud alarm u installed didn’t work when i came in, ud be much safer with me and loony. that’s the plan anyways babe, u have NO idea the fucking creeps that live down here, they’re all fucking animals and ur…not, a fucking asshole i guess.
i drew you smth (it’s the thing stuck on the back of the envelope with the glitter glu)
it’s me and u holding hands, like other couples do. we’re better than those corny fuckers tho, hence the crowns on our heads.
ignoring my texts, BLOCKING ME (still upset about this BY THE WAY) and then ignoring my very nice letters is kinda a dick move f/l, but it’s whatevs. everything is almost ready for ur move in. i cleaned up n everything :D
from the only bitch worth ur time,
&lt;3 (ignore that, moxxie threw a gun at me and my hand slipped, might fire him)
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Hiya sweet cheeks!!!
It’s Mills here, just checking in! Via letter! Ain’t that just the fanciest little thing? Mox said it’s the best way to show thought and care to someone, so here’s all my thoughts and care, just for you!
How’ve you been? Good I hope, I’ve been just peachy thanks for asking! My Ma and Pa are super excited to meet ya one day, they’ve even started planning the wedding! Now I told them to slow their horses down, and not the overwhelm ya, we’ll get to that don’t you worry darlin.
Im just so excited to write this letter for you! Ain’t it so romantic?? I’m practically squealing in delight at the thought of you opening this and swoonin’, that’s what you’re doing, right?
Now i’m writing this on my break, and my boss really needs me back in the game! I got employ of the month! Most amount of kills, with the best and bloodiest results baby!
Until next time sweetheart,
Your Mills! ♡
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Hi y/n,
It’s Moxxie here, I was a little nervous to send this letter to you, but I always try to follow my heart, and my heart was telling me to communicate with you in the most romantic way I know how due to our current circumstances of being so far away. It’s hard, for the both of us i’m sure, but we’ll be okay y/n.
As much as I don’t get along with my father, he has been helpful with my preparations for your arrival. It’s a big deal, moving in together. I’m sure your anxious, I am too, but in the best way possible. Love is pure, and can make somebody feel whole, it’s a wonderful feeling. I never want that to be taken away from me, and you are the source of all my love. That’s why we need to be together, being only half a demon isn’t good for the soul.
We can do lots of fun things together as well, like go to the opera, or to musicals, or I can show you my shooting skills. My boss says that I have a pretty good shot, which is the biggest compliment he’s ever given me. And we can do things you like too, marriage is equal of course. Obviously, this will all happen later done the line, you’ll need time to adjust, and I understand that. I understand you.
I’m running out of room on my page, but I will write to you again tomorrow. Please respond? Just once, y/n? It’d be nice, to hold something from you since I can’t hold you yet.
All my love,
Your Moxxie <3
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Uh, hi?
Wait, you don’t put ‘uh’ in letters do you? Or put wait whilst you think, fuck shit fuck
Sorry, I’m new to this. Normally I just send a text to people but, your phone is off at the moment I think? Or you lost it? Or you blocked me?
Either way, I’ll send you these stupid letter things until it’s back on. So, uh, what are you up to? Blitz has been up my ass about meeting you, heads up, when I come get you and bring you to our room he’s gonna go all psycho dad mode and integrate you, but he’ll back off after a while. He’s a dick sure, but he does want me to be happy. And your, likeable or whatever, so i’m sure you’ll get along.
Once you get comfortable at home with me, Blitz said you could work with me at I.M.P. You’ll be like the co-secretary or something. You won’t be put in danger, I won’t let that happen, you’ll just get to sit with me. We can watch things together, if you wanted.
I guess i’ll see you soon, how do you end these?
See you,
Love from,
Bye y/n,
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My dearest y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well. I yearn for your presence here, besides me. It’s quite lonely without you, I will admit my dear. It would be oh so wonderful if you could write back. I understand you may be preoccupied with your current activities, but I can’t help myself from desiring a response. I know, it’s selfish of me to expect you to reply to my letters when you’ll be here with me shortly, but I can’t keep my thoughts at bay at the moment.
Your face is a constant in my mind, night and day, asleep and awake, your voice in my mind calms me when I need it most, your smile brightens the bleariest of moments and so on. You can imagine the difficulties I’m facing with no response from you, but that’s alright. If you can’t write back to me dear, I won’t pressure you. Your time is precious, and we will have all the time in hell quite soon. Isn’t that exciting?
I can give you the life you deserve n/n, any luxuries or mundanities you wish for will be handed to you on a silver platter. Or a golden one, if that’s more to your liking? We can properly discuss the specifics once we are together. How thrilling, the though of you and I together at last.
We truly are written in the stars!
Yours until the end of the sky and then some,
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Hey there baby,
It’s been a while, huh? I’m sorry if you feel neglected babe, it’s so hard keeping in contact with you when you’re so far away hun. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you were here with me? Sure I’ve got a lot of meetings, being a sin and all, but I’d be at your beck and call n/n, you could even be my new excuse to leave those awful “business” discussions. They barely talk business with me, it’s just complete bullshit babe.
I know the lust ring can be intimidating, we have quite the reputation, but I assure you, love is not a foreign concept to me. Romance is one of my most favourite things! Though that’s a secret, let’s keep that between us, yeah? That side of me is reserved for you n/n.
It’s so boring over here without you, I feel like i’m just lounging around and last time I checked, I was the lust sin, not the sloth sin. We’d have so much fun together babe! Can’t you picture it? Even if you can’t yet, I can wait. Having you near me will be enough, you are enough just as you are.
Sincerely yours,
Asmodeus (Ozzie) xoxo
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Heya cutie!
Letters are a lot harder to write than I thought they’d be y’know? I’ve rewritten this like 16 times already, sheesh. It just feels so awkward, I can’t see your reaction to my words which means I can’t fix any mistakes I’ve made :(. I’m sure I haven’t made any though! Right? This letters going really well so far and is definitely wooing you, right, y/n?
Hah, I’m asking questions as if you can reply right away. Silly old me, I don’t know what i’m worrying about! We’re meant to be together. I know it’s super sappy, but we’re like soulmates. Soulmates are bound to be together! That’s why I’m bringing you home soon, I can’t wait! I’ve got sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many awesome tricks to show you!
And, the best news, I quit my job!! ༘⋆-ˋˏ ༘⋆-ˋˏ This means, we will have a LOT more time with each other, and you don’t have to worry about Mammon being possessive over me, because fuck him! I’m my own clown! Or, well, your clown.
I can’t wait to see you! This is going to be great for us, I pinky promise :P
Love from,
Fizzarolli !!!! ༘⋆!!,-!ˋˏ!!!
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maremartinelli · 10 days
Sírius Black X fem!reader
Summary: Lily and James get married. And in the middle of their waltz, Y/n has a great choreography idea for when she gets married. And of course Sirius wouldn't fail to make a wish later.
Words: 2.4K+
Warnings: Nothing that alarming. Just drunk Remus and couple's sweetness.
Author: English is not my first language, I apologize for any errors there may be throughout the story. Second, I'm addicted to writing imagines based on my wishes. Today, Y/n (I) want to dance You're the one that I want at my wedding🥹
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The long-awaited wedding of Lily Evans and James Potter had arrived. The biggest day of their lives.
They were both so excited for that day that they almost couldn't sleep close to the date. Rumor has it that James has been waiting for this day since his first year at Hogwarts, when he first laid eyes on the redhead.
The day was cool, but not cold. It was perfect for a country wedding. As Lily expected.
Lily and James had made a reservation at a farm hotel in the Muggle community. Where Lily always went when she was little. They rented the space for the wedding, the party and the rooms for some of their most special guests. Which was the case with Remus, Marlene, Sirius and Y/n.
Especially for these. Since they would be the couple's godparents and bridesmaids.
Y/n was in her shared room with Sirius getting ready and putting the finishing touches on her hair before heading to the ceremony.
Y/n had gotten ready with her fiancee. Lily made a point of doing this with Y/n, as the woman had been the redhead's best friend since their first year at Hogwarts.
Of course, Y/n can't refuse this beautiful request.
However, now after they were tidy, Y/n went back to the room and Lily went to take some photos.
Sirius was in the bathroom still finishing fixing his tie and Y/n was sitting on the bed putting on her heels.
"Baby, is it ending there? There are 40 minutes left before the ceremony starts and Lily wants the groomsmen there, in 10 minutes" Y/n says, soon standing up and looking once again in the mirror to fix her dress.
As the wedding was in the countryside, Lily chose a color palette that highlighted everyone who would be at the altar with her and James.
And each groomsman couple had a color. If the bridesmaid's dress was red/blue or another color, the best man's tie would be the same.
However, as Y/n and Sirius would not be godparents to the same person. They were different colors.
Lily said she had a fight because she wanted Y/n and Sirius as her godparents and James as well. And the only solution they had was to separate the couple and each have one. Which resulted in Sirius and Marlene being James' godparents. And Y/n and Remus are Lily's godparents.
"I am going!" Sirius exclaims as he exits the bathroom, still trying to tie his tie. "What a pain!! I spent my entire adolescence doing this and now I'm blank" he says and Y/n quickly looks at her boyfriend.
She lets out a smile as she approaches.
"Help me-- OH MY GOD. YOU LOOK DIVINE!!" Sirius' eyes widen when he sees his girlfriend wearing a navy blue silk dress.
It had a low back and straps, and on the right leg there was a not very large slit.
Y/n smiles shyly. Even hearing these types of compliments for more than six years.
"You look divine too, darling" Y/n approaches him and places a kiss. Sirius soon gets excited and delves deeper.
Y/n moves away and places her hands on her boyfriend's chest.
"Okay, as much as it hurts to say this. Enough!!" She laughs and Sirius smiles. "We have to fix your tie and marry Prongs and Lils"
Sirius just nods and Y/n fixes his dark green tie.
As he would be Marlene's date at the wedding, he had to buy the same color tie as his friend. Even though he hated it, because he said he was in Slytherin.
Marlene and Y/n almost hit him the day they went to buy it. Because he looked like a child having a bad time in the middle of the store.
After they both finished getting ready, they left the room they were staying in and walked around the place where the ceremony would take place.
"There are a lot of people here already, how many minutes left?" Sirius whispered to his girlfriend as they walked to where they would be positioned before entering the ceremony.
"I think there's half an hour left, or less" Y/n says quietly too, while looking around behind Remus or seeing someone she knows from school.
"Hello, good afternoon. Are you the groomsmen of the bride or groom. Right?" The officiant asks and Sirius and Y/n look at her at the same time.
"Hi, Yes!" Y/n smiles kindly.
"Okay. Are you godparents to the same person?"
"Oh! no. I'm the bride's godmother and the groom's Siri" Y/n explains.
"Okay. So Sir...what's your name?"
"Sirius Black. But you can just call him Sirius. I prefer it" he says and the officiant agrees.
"This way"
"Bye, my dear. I'll wait for you at the altar" Sirius places a kiss on Y/n's forehead.
Y/n laugh.
"Okay dear. But I'm not the bride, so you can wait for me at the altar" she smiles.
"But it will be someday" he winks and Y/n smiles, rolling her eyes.
She gets lost in her world looking at all the decorations, until she is awakened by Remus and Marlene arriving together.
"Hi, Y/n" Marlene says and she turns around. "Have you seen where Sirius is?"
Y/n smiles when she sees her friend. More precisely, your second best friend.
"Hi Marls. He's up front" Y/n informs and the shows him discreetly with his finger.
"I thought he would be late."
Y/n smile.
"That's not the case with me. Either you're late or you're left behind"
"It's good that you started dating him. Sirius was always late"
Y/n and Marlene laugh at Remus' comment.
"I remember. I almost had a fit when we were still just friends and I had school work to do with him. I was always late for the library" Y/n laughs along with the two.
"I'm going to go there, before Lily comes and kicks me there." Marlene says before leaving. "By the way, you look beautiful in that dress" Marlene looks her up and down. "Sirius is lucky"
Y/n widens her eyes and laughs. "Thanks"
"What the hell. I'll tell your girlfriend, Marls."
"Nothing" Marlene makes a gesture with her hand. "She said that day that we all went to try on the dresses together."
Remus and Y/n laugh.
"Bye Marls, see you soon." Y/n nods. "BY THE WAY, YOU CAN PINCH SIRIUS IF HE DOESN'T BEHAVE OR WANT TO TAKE OFF HIS TIE" Y/n says louder, when Marlene was already close to her friend's boyfriend.
"IT CAN LEAVE!!" Marlene smiles and makes a piece of jewelry with her finger.
"heyy," Sirius protested.
It doesn't take long, the ceremony begins. James enters, then the groomsmen and then the bride.
She was beautiful. The chosen dress fit Lily perfectly, as if it were made especially for her.
The ceremony wasn't that long, but it gave some people time to shed some emotional tears. Which was the case with Y/n and Marlene.
Which made Sirius look at his girlfriend with even more love. He couldn't wait any longer to live this moment with Y/n. It was everything he had ever dreamed of, ever since he asked her to be his girlfriend in his fifth year at Hogwarts. Under a flowering cherry tree in front of the lake.
As soon as the ceremony was over, the bride and groom asked everyone to go directly to the reserved room.
After they had the reception, they opened the dance floor, dancing to a slow and beautiful song to the sound of Abba.
"Look how beautiful" Y/n says, already at the table reserved for all the groomsmen.
Sirius, who had an arm around his girlfriend's waist, looks at her passionately and agrees.
"Yes, it's very beautiful" he says, still looking at her.
"But you know what..." she turns to her boyfriend, still saying quietly. So as not to disturb the moment. "I wouldn't choose to dance to a slow song to open the dance floor"
"No! I would choose something more lively"
"y/n!!" Sirius laughs.
"I'm serious... I know it's their wedding. But in mine--OUR" she pauses and looks at Sirius. He smiles from ear to ear. "...I would want to dance some crazy choreography made by us"
"Like those choreographies we did at communal parties?" Sirius smiles.
Sirius laughs.
"I don't know, some song like You're the one that I want..." Y/n says, and then realizes what she said. "AND THAT!!" She says loudly turning to Sirius, making some look at them, especially James and Lily who laugh. But Y/n doesn't even notice. "We can do a choreography for You're the one that I want. What do you think?" She says quietly again and then turns to see Lily and James finish the waltz.
"I would love!!" Sirius says smiling and then kisses Y/n's neck. Leaving a little bite before walking away.
"Aah" she complains, but smiles.
Hours had passed and the party was still going on. Most had already left, but the people from Lily and James' school days were still there and didn't intend to leave anytime soon.
They were enjoying themselves so much that they even got poor Remus drunk.
Y/n, who was sitting with Lily around a table, laughs when she watches James, Sirius and drunk Remus dancing.
"Poor Moony, look what they did to him" Lily comments, holding back a laugh.
Y/n laughs.
"My stomach hurts from laughing so much."
After the song ended and another one started that didn't catch Sirius' attention. He returns from the dance floor and approaches Y/n and Lily.
"What did you do to poor Moony?" Y/n asks and Sirius looks back and laughs seeing Remus.
"We didn't do anything. He went crazy alone"
The two women laugh.
"What a gift"
Sirius smiles and sits next to Y/n.
Y/n didn't notice, but he was a little distressed. He snapped his fingers and banged his finger on the table.
Lily looked at him and whispered quietly to him, while Y/n was talking loudly to James who was on the dance floor with Remus, Frank and Peter.
"Are you well?" Lily asks.
"More or less..." Sirius says and then discreetly opens the blase and shows a small velvet box.
Lily widens her eyes and puts her hand over her mouth discreetly.
"Marriage?" He moves his lips and shows it on his dress, in case he didn't understand.
Sirius shakes his head and smiles.
Lily looks emotional and tries not to express too much. Until Y/n turns around.
She looks at Sirius and smiles without showing her teeth, before taking another sip of her drink.
"I danced so much that I ran out of breath. Do you want to take a walk with me outside?" Sirius asks and looks at Y/n.
She shakes her head and asks for a minute with her finger, to finish drinking the liquid that was in her glass.
"I'm done. Let's go!" she says excitedly and Sirius laughs.
He stands up and extends his hand to Y/n. She takes it and smiles at Lily, who was sitting across from her.
"We'll be right back, Lils. Keep an eye on Moony" she says and Lily laughs.
"Leave it" she smiles and then looks away at Sirius, as Y/n bent down to button her heels again. "Good luck" Lily says excitedly and makes a jewel with her hand.
Sirius just blinks and smiles.
After Y/n put on her shoes, they left the room and went for a walk around the field that was lighting up with cute lights.
Some ceremonialists were still at the ceremony site, arranging and removing some chairs that were still there.
"Did you see how radiant James and Lily are after today?! I'm so happy for them." Y/n says, holding hands with her boyfriend, as they walked to a pergola that was in the center of a lit lake with some flowers scattered around.
"Oh, I didn't know about this place" Y/n says looking at everything, while walking on the bridge that connects to the pergola. "I thought it would be cool for Lily to decorate here, even though we couldn't see it from the hall or the ceremony location" She says, arriving at the place and looking at the water of the lake, which was dark because of account of the night.
"Actually...I asked for the decoration here" Sirius says and then Y/n turns and looks at him.
"Why?" She says suspiciously.
"I came to make a request" he kneels down and removes the black box from his suit and Y/n's eyes widen. "Since the day I laid eyes on you at Hogwarts, I've fantasized about you for a lifetime. And all the moments I've spent by your side, since the day we became friends, hookups and boyfriends, have been the best. And today , when we became engaged, it couldn't be any different. Y/n, you are my point of light in the midst of so much confusion that I went through, you are my support, my heart, my love, my life and my future wife. n Y/s, will you marry me and dance? You're the one that I want at our wedding??" Sirius asks and opens the box revealing a beautiful pair of silver rings.
Y/n laughs at the last sentence and wipes away her tears.
"How can I say no to you?? Of course I accept marrying you, and especially dancing You're the one that I want with you" Y/n laughs with a few tears falling.
Sirius smiles and then puts the ring on Y/n's finger.
"I love you so much, my heart" he stands up and kisses his bride passionately.
"I love you infinitely, my life" Y/n responds and then touches her forehead to his.
"SHE ACCEPTED?" They hear James' muffled voice in the woods.
They look back and can see James, Lily, Peter, Frank, Alice and Marlene who was holding Remus by the shoulder so he wouldn't fall into the lake.
"Yes, she accepted guys!!" Sirius shouts, still hugging Y/n on his side.
"What's going on?? Who accepted who?" They hear Remus' questioning drawl and they all laugh.
"We better go, we have to get our Moony back" Y/n says and Sirius throws his head back laughing.
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Author: I always forget to let you know, but I'm always open to requests. Just go to my question box and ask!!!
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chimaerakitten · 6 months
Malaria, Sickle-Cell, and Dragons in the Temeraire Universe
so I've been thinking about sickle cell all day because of the very cool real-life FDA crispr treatment approval news, and also I'm just about done rereading empire of ivory so thusly it is time to write the sickle cell/malaria/dragons/benefits of human-dragon mutualism breakdown I mentioned ages ago.
Standard disclaimer that I am not in fact anywhere near an expert on this, this is mostly recall from ANTH 102/215 classes I took five years ago, the info is very simplified and possibly somewhat out of date. I'm doing some quick checks and I write this but only enough to make this an appropriate fantasy novel fandom post, not enough to make it actually reliably informative. I do have a couple citations, but mostly for the parts I'm lifting straight out of a class assignment I wrote, and they're a short documentary hosted on YouTube and the textbook for the class. also none of my links are live because I want this fandom post to actually show up in the fandom tag lol.
second disclaimer is I'm starting at the basic obvious stuff because I genuinely have no idea how much most people know about this and better safe than confusing.
Intro and Background
So the first thing to know about any of this is that human genetics for the most part to not operate on mendelian inheritance. So the punnet squares in high school biology that did human hair or eye color as basic dominant/recessive one-gene traits were totally lying to you. Like they're a teaching tool for a very simple model that works well enough but they're not accurate. Most human phenotypes are way way more complicated genetically than that.
That said, there are exceptions. Mendelian traits (Characteristics that are influenced by alles at only one genetic locus) do exist in humans, a number of them being related to genetic diseases. The list in the ANTH 102 notes I just dug up was: Wet (dominant) or dry Earwax; Albinism; Brachydactyly (dominant); Blood type (ABO, not the positive/negative part); Hereditary breast-ovarian cancer syndrome (BRCA-1, BRCA-2, unknown genes); Huntington’s disease; Lactase persistence (dominant); and Sickle-cell disease (recessive).
So the sickle cell punnet square looks like this for two parents who both have one copy of the sickle cell gene:
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Sickle cell is a very painful and life threatening disease, (That's why the FDA approving a crispr treatment for it allowing patients to be their own bone marrow donors is very exciting.) and from an evolutionary perspective, one that very often prevents people from reproducing. It's also not strictly dominant/recessive, in that people heterozygous for sickle cell can have some symptoms like the possibility a sickle-cell crisis triggered in low-oxygen situations (high altitudes, intense exercise, etc).
So one might think that Sickle cell would be a vanishingly rare disease, since having it can be deadly and even having the trait can in some cases cause problems. Only it's not rare by genetically inherited disease standards, not at all.
And to make a long story very short, the reason is malaria.
People who are heterozygous (possessing one sickle cell gene and one normal gene) for sickle cell anemia are resistant to malaria. In areas of the world without a high incidence of malaria historically, there is a strong selection against the sickle cell gene, (Biointeractive Malaria and Sickle Cell Anemia, 9:33) but in areas with malaria, both having sickle cell disease (homozygous HbSS) and not having the trait at all (homozygous HbAA) are selected against. People with sickle cell were historically less likely to reproduce, and people who were not resistant to malaria were more likely to die of malaria and also not reproduce. Because being heterozygous with sickle cell is selected for, the gene persists in the population.
The implications of that are best summed up from this map that I just stole from Britannica.com:
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I dunno if the percentages on that second one are accurate tbh, other infographic maps I'm looking at give different ranges. but sill, you get the gist about how common it is in equatorial Africa. In the modern United States Black children are much much more likely to be born with sickle cell than white children—the genes don't just go away when the threat of malaria is removed. (And yeah, that's a historical consequence of the slave trade.)
There's some other stuff wrapped up in here too about bio-cultural evolution: There's indications that malaria was not a “significant problem until humans abandoned food foraging for farming” (Haviland, W. A., Prins, H. E., Walrath, D., & McBride, B.). Humans cleared away the forest, which had kept the soil absorbent. Without the vegetation, more water built up on the surface, forming stagnant puddles which were a perfect environment for malaria-causing mosquitoes to thrive, thus creating the conditions for sickle cell anemia to be advantageous. Farming creates caloric surplus which is great for humans, but it also changes the environment in ways that can be detrimental. Malaria is one way, creating the conditions for other epidemic diseases to thrive is another, etc. etc.
But if you've read this far you're probably going "Chi, you promised this would be a fandom post but so far this has been a serious and kind of sad post about disease. when are you going to get to the dragons?"
The Dragons
So the first time malaria comes up in the Temeraire books is in Throne of Jade, when a bunch of the sailors on the Allegiance come down with "malarial Fevers."
Jane, I must ask you to forgive the long gap in this Letter, and the few hasty Words that are all by which I can amend the same now. I have not had Leisure to take up my pen these three weeks—since we passed out of Banka Strait we have been much afflicted by malarial Fevers. I have escaped sickness myself, and most of my men, for which Keynes opines we must be grateful to Temeraire, believing that the heat of his body in some wise dispels the Miasmas which cause the ague, and our close association thus affords some protection. But we have been spared only to increase of Labor: Captain Riley has been confined to his bed since almost the very first, and Lord Purbeck falling ill, I have stood watch in turn with the ship’s third and fourth lieutenants, Franks and Beckett. Both are willing young men, and Franks does his best, but is by no means yet prepared for the Duty of overseeing so vast a Ship as the Allegiance, nor to maintain discipline among her Crew—stammers, I am sorry to say, which explains his seeming Rudeness at table, which I had earlier remarked upon.
I do not know enough about what people thought about malaria in the 19th century to be 100% sure that this is actually malaria, but I think Novik wouldn't want to confuse her readers by calling something malarial that isn't you know..malaria. So I'm going to assume thats what it is. Google is not giving me figures on malaria survival rates before modern medicines for it which is driving me kind of nuts and means I can't say how lucky Riley and Purbeck were to survive with apparently no complications, but that's not the point here anyway. The point is the comment about the aviators not getting sick.
And not only (mostly) not getting sick, but not getting sick even though they aren't actually always near Temeraire. Laurence for example has been working watch shifts near constantly because he's the only one left on the ship who knows what he's doing. That means probably less read & cuddle time than is normal for him and Temeraire, and yet—no malaria.
We modern readers (and Novik) know that malaria is not caused by "miasmas" but by parasites carried by mosquitos. And lo and behold when we get to Empire of Ivory we get:
Mosquitoes sang happily as dusk drew on, though they did not come very close to Temeraire; the flies were less judicious. The shapes of the trees were growing vague when Temeraire woke with a start and said, “Laurence, there is someone coming, there,” and the grass rustled on the opposite bank.
So yeah, the dragons are keeping the mosquitos away. I know fuck all about why—it's probably not heat since you know, mosquitos like warm blooded organisms, but maybe it's an oil or a chemical or some artifact of the way some of them can breathe fire that's present in all dragons or something, they're described as smelling weird a few times, so who knows. If it's a substance like an oil in their skin that could explain why the aviators don't get sick even when they're not nearby, since they could have some on them from contact, but that's just speculation. The point is not the mechanism, just that it's happening.
The Point
This whole post grew out of a throwaway comment I made about the benefits of mutualistic symbiosis with dragons from the human perspective in that one post about how the series has some interesting stuff obviously going on psychologically/biologically. The point of going in-depth on malaria and sickle cell is to show how this is really impressively solid worldbuilding in relation to the Tswana.
See, Empire of Ivory describes locations that seem like they're in modern day Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, regions which will have had long-term problems with malaria-causing mosquitos. That's not the densest area for sickle cell, but still definitely in the region where malaria would have exerted selective pressure.
Selective pressure which, in a universe where just being around a dragon is going to drastically reduce malaria rates, is going to leave dragon-friendly populations a lot healthier than dragon-unfriendly ones. A community that has a dragon stay every night and work alongside humans during the day is going to have a lot less malaria even without the sickle cell resistance than a community which has no dragon. And considering that malaria is bad enough that sickle cell genes persist despite it also having a high chance to cause a deadly disease, whereas a dragon that's a fully prosocial member of the community is not going to cause more death and instead will probably help with defense and create more caloric surplus (at the cost of consuming most of that surplus) a dragon is just obviously the better option. From there, it's extremely easy to see how the Tswana in the series could develop such a dragon-centric culture and have it be so wildly successful. The dragons provide fertilizer, the dragons allow for fully domesticated elephants, and the dragons render malaria—one of the deadliest diseases in history—nearly a nonissue. Of course they're family.
Biointeractive. (2014, August 26). Malaria and Sickle Cell Anemia - HHMI BioInteractive Video. Retrieved October 3, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsbhvl2nVNE
Haviland, W. A., Prins, H. E., Walrath, D., & McBride, B. (2017). Anthropology: The Human Challenge (15th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.
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zegrasdrysdale · 5 months
[ i’ll be home for christmas ] m. mctavish
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day ten of malia’s christmas fic marathon
paring : Mason McTavish x fem!reader
summary : Mason brings new girlfriend (Y/N) to dinner at his parents’ house for Christmas
warning(s) : none
author’s note : first time writing for mason so i hope it isn’t terrible
The idea of going to Canada with Mason was exciting.
Now it’s just terrifying now that it’s reality.
They’ve only been dating for a handful of months but he has been wanting to introduce (Y/N) to his parents since they made everything official. It was a four month talking phase slash situationship then in September when he came back to Anaheim for the season, things were made official.
That’s how she ended up in a town near Ottawa on Christmas Day.
She currently sits in front of Mason’s childhood home. It’s the house the McTavish family moved into when they moved to Canada from Switzerland when Mason was eight. Her eyes are on the house as Mason turns the car off.
“What if they don’t like me?” she questions as she turns to look at her boyfriend. “Do they even know about me?”
Mason looks over at her when she asks the second question. “Yeah, they know about you,” he replies. “My brother knows too. He’s the one that let it slip to our parents that I was bringing you home for Christmas. I can tell you that they’re excited to meet you.”
She isn’t convinced.
(Y/N) knows she isn’t like the other girls that Mason has brought home. She knows she isn’t even like the girls he has dated in the past. She isn’t even a blonde haired, blue eyed Instagram model. She doesn’t have some cool job and she lives in a shoebox apartment that had a very small closet for a bedroom.
His parents aren’t going to think she’s right for him. Hell, they might even think she’s trying to use him for money.
She didn’t go through a four month situationship just for money.
“I just don’t think they’ll like me, Mase,” she repeats. She decides to voice her concerns. “I barely have enough money to survive. I’m not as beautiful as the other girls you’ve probably brought to dinner to meet them. I doubt they’ll think I’m right for you. They’ll hate me.”
Mason shakes his head and leans on the center console. Their eyes meet and Mason’s are soft, sincere. “I know you know that I don’t care about how much you make as a bartender,” he tells her. “You know I don’t care what your job is. You’re more gorgeous than any other girl I’ve brought home. Once they see how happy you make me and how in love with you I am, they’ll think you’re perfect for me.”
A pout forms on her lips and Mason traces her bottom lip when he reaches across the console. “I still don’t believe that,” she admits.
“If you feel uncomfortable at all, then let me know,” he says. “We’ll leave and go back to my apartment, okay?”
She nods. “Okay.”
He smiles and kisses her pout. “Ready to meet my parents and brother?” he asks.
“No, but let’s go,” she replies. “Hopefully they drink wine because that’s the only gift I brought for them.”
Mason laughs, “I promise they like wine. They’ve always liked wine. It’s okay.”
Again, she isn’t convinced.
Ready or not, (Y/N) grabs the gift bag that contains the bottle of red wine that she bought for Mason’s parents and gets out of the car. She walks around the car and grabs her boyfriend’s hand with her free hand.
Together, they walk up to the front door. The cold wind hits her in the face and whips through her brown hair. It’s so cold and there’s snow on the ground. Two things that an Anaheim born girl is not used to. She’s very much out of her comfort zone right now.
Mason knocks a few times on the door before he opens it. He walks inside and pulls his girlfriend in behind him.
“Hello?” he calls out. “We’re here.”
Mason’s older brother comes running into the foyer from the living room as they take their coats off. “Oh my God,” he gasps. “She’s real. I didn’t think she was real.”
A couple comes into the foyer right after his brother says something. Definitely Mason’s parents. The four of them all look so similar. “Mason,” his mother says. “It’s about time we got to meet her. She’s beautiful.”
“Hi,” (Y/N) says. “I, um, have a gift for you. Mason told me you guys really like wine so here’s a bottle. I’m not sure what kind of wine but it’s I’m a red wine drinker so I got you guys my favorite.”
Mrs. McTavish smiles and takes the bag from her. “That is so sweet of you,” she says when the bag is in her hand. “Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
(Y/N) takes a step back and stands against Mason’s side. “It felt weird to not bring something,” she admits. “Hope you like it.”
“Come in,” Mr. McTavish says. “Get comfortable. I’ll pour us glasses of wine while dinner finishes up in the oven.”
Mason’s parents walk into the kitchen. His brother follows them while Mason guides (Y/N) into the living room.
They take a seat on the couch and Mason scoots closer to his girlfriend. He drapes an arm around her shoulders. She looks up at him and settles against his side. “Feel any better yet?” he asks.
“A little,” she sighs. “Ask me when we leave.”
Mason’s family walk into the living room. (Y/N) is handed a glass of wine, and so is Mason. She forgets that he only needs to be 18 to drink in Canada so his parents are okay with their 20-year-old son drinking a glass of wine in the house.
His brother sits with them on the couch while his parents sit adjacent to them on the loveseat. “So, how did you meet Mason?” Mrs. McTavish asks.
“His friends introduced us earlier this year at the end of the season,” she tells them. “We became friends then a few months ago when he came back to Anaheim for this season, he asked me to be his girlfriend and the rest is history.”
“So you’re from Anaheim then?” Mason’s dad questions.
She sips her wine and nods in response until she swallows the sip. “Born and raised,” she tells them. “I’ve lived there all 21 years I’ve been alive. Went to school at UCLA too. I’ve lived in California my whole life.”
His parents get into how Mason was born in Switzerland and how they moved back to Canada when he was eight. She pretends to listen because she heard all of this from Mason himself when they started talking in May. Mason even chimes in a couple of times.
Dinner is ready soon after, followed by dessert. (Y/N) tells them about her life and what she does for work at the moment. She tells them about her future plans to go into education one day and teach at a middle school or high school.
They seem very impressed.
“Glad to see you found a girl who knows what she wants, Mason,” his mother says to him. “Goals are a great thing to have. I hope you can go into education, (Y/N).”
She smiles and looks up at Mason.
Maybe she’s convinced now that his parents like her.
Her nerves got the best of her, and a past of dating multiple guys whose parents didn’t like her. She’s glad that Mason’s parents actually like her though. She sees Mason in her life until she dies.
She isn’t like the other girls Mason’s brought home, but that doesn’t mean that his parents wouldn’t like her. They absolutely do.
“Thank you both for coming,” Mr. McTavish says while (Y/N) and Mason gather their things to head back to his apartment a few miles away. “(Y/N), you’re welcome here any time.”
“Thank you for having me, Mr. and Mrs. McTavish,” she replies.
His mother pulls her into a hug. “That’s Dale and Christine to you,” she tells (Y/N) with a laugh. “Maybe we‘ll come see you and Mason down in Anaheim one day.”
“We’d really like that,” Mason says. “Maybe we’ll come by in the morning before we head back to California.”
“Of course,” Dale says. “See you both soon.”
They head back to Mason’s car and (Y/N) is giddy with happiness. Mason notices because he asks, “Good visit?”
She looks at him and wraps her arms around his shoulders. She might be slightly tipsy from the wine she has consumed over the last few hours. “Best visit,” she replies. “I love your family.”
“They love you too,” he tells her. “My mom was so happy to talk to you. My dad was so interested in how you became a hockey fan. They adore you, (Y/N). Just like I said they would.”
“Can we come home for Christmas every year?” she asks as she gets into the car. “I mean, your home. Canada.”
Mason smiles and says, “We can come home for Christmas every year.”
Home. Canada might be her second home at this point. She better get used to the snow and cold wind.
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galebrainrot2024 · 3 months
GalexTav Enemies to Lovers Pt. 26
Summary: Wyll and Karlach give Gale a pep-talk before he reveals the truth to Tav and a special guest shows up to camp. Gale reveals the truth to Tav about their time together at Blackstaff. WARNING: Extreme angst ahead. This made my heart hurt and was hard to write. Hope I did the event justice. Thanks @meglet1 for encouraging K to rough up Astarion a bit haha Word Ct: 15k
Part 25 | Master List | Read on Ao3
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Gale felt each pair of eyes hone in on him as he stepped from the coolness of his tent to the scorching light of day. He was hot, too hot and sweat pooled in unmentionable places. He rubbed his palms against his robes, “Let’s get this over with, shall we?” Gale said this to no one in particular - perhaps scratch, who wagged his tail merrily and none the wiser. 
Tav was on the other side of the encampment and Gale wondered if he had to tell her at all. Despite the intensity of Wyll and Halsin’s gaze, he felt nausea creep in his throat and hurried back into his tent. 
“How foolish you must look!” Gale seethed, pacing and biting the side of his finger before brushing it across his lips. He groaned and covered his face. “Get out with it, then, go out and face her - this is the cowards way, you know.” 
“You most certainly are right.” 
“That is no way to greet a friend.” Tara sat idly, swiping a paw over her ear before bringing it back to her mouth to run her sandpaper tongue across it. 
“Tara! What are you doing here? How long have you been here?” His voice rose with both excitement and frustration. “It is far too dangerous for you to be out here, of all places! How didd you surpass the shadowed curse?” 
“Never you mind all that,” she said sternly, “I came to see how you were fairing - your mother and I have been worried sick. You vanished, without so much as a magic mouth spell to speak of your whereabouts.” 
Gale barked a laugh and rose his brows, shaking his head. “Tara.” He knelt, groaning as his knees faltered and brought a hand beneath her chin to scratch. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you.” 
“Hm,” she let out a satisfied purr, leaning into Gale’s touch. “No one get’s the particulars quite like you, Mr. Dekarios.” She let out a pitiful yawn and whine as she stretched, extending her body in downward dog. “We have a great deal of catching up to do. Before we do, for the love of all that's dear, shave. Then you can fill me in on what I've missed.”
“The day I shave this beard, Tara, is the day I shave you,” he said, pointing a finger to her in jest. His heart swelled with gratitude for her, despite her nagging - she had been a loyal friend for countless years. He was glad to have her here, now, before he had to go through with this. “I am so very glad you’re here.” 
Gale snapped his neck, his eyes narrowing as errant sounds drifted from outside the tent. He rose to greet the frantic, inaudible whispering and opened the flap. Karlach and Wyll turned quickly, false grins plastered on their faces. “Oh, hey-ya!” Karlach said in a too-sing-songy voce. Gale sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Doing all right, Gale?” 
“Oh, you know, still alive and kicking despite being surrounded on all sides by an endless manifestation of darkness and decay, coupled with the severe anxiety of revealing the truth to Tav. I’m alright, I assure you.” 
Wyll snorted and shrugged. “I’m not sure who you’re trying to fool, it won’t be either of us Gale. I watched you try to come out of this tent a dozen times today to talk to her, and each time you snuck back in.” Gale flushed, embarrassed. 
“More observant than I gave you credit for.” Gale mumbled.  
“Can we come in? The rest are out getting firewood and supplies. We can even go on a walk if you’d like?” 
Gale sighed, and gestured for them both to come in. As Karlach stepped through the threshold her squeal sent Tara’s haunches bristling and she lowered her body to the ground like a pancake. “Easy, Tara.” Gale chuckled, brushing a hand over Tara’s head. “Karlach, Wyll, meet Tara.” 
“Oh, what a cute cat! I never had a cat as a kid!” At this, Tara hissed and Karlach held up her hands. “I meant no offense, sorry pretty kitty.” 
“I am not a cat.” Tara said through gritted teeth and hopped up onto Gale’s bed, rolling into a delicate ball. Tressyum’s typically weren’t afforded speech, but the vocal charm was simple enough. 
Gale smiled bashfully and rubbed the back of his neck, looking at Karlach, “She’s a Tressyum. I assume you’re not familiar with them, based on your reaction. Tara could manage to show you a bit more courtesy though..” Gale shot Tara a withering look and Tara yawned in response, stretching out a paw. 
“Perhaps if you had told your companions about me they wouldn’t have been confused, Mr. Dekarios.” Gale groaned and rolled his eyes. 
“Oh, it’s alright,” Karlach said, falling back into the chaise with her arms crossed behind her head. “Man, I forget how nice it is to spend time in here. So roomy and fancy, it makes me feel like a proper princess.” 
“Quite the set up you’ve mustered for yourself, Gale,” Wyll said, fingering the lace cloth that dawned the circular table. “I almost feel at home.” There was a reverence to his voice, a somberness Gale couldn’t place. He wondered if it made Wyll think of everything he had lost. 
Gale rested a hand on Wyll’s shoulder and gestured for him to sit. “Please, make yourself comfortable. I imagine you both have a bit to say. Can I offer either of you some coffee, tea?” 
Karlach snickered, “Almost have a proper bed and breakfast going!” She teased. “Hey!” She shot upright, “What if, after we get out of this, we open a B&B? Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, anywhere…” she sighed as she drifted into daydream. “Right, what were we talking about?” 
“Such… interesting companions.” Tara said, nestling deeper into the comforter. “What is all the fuss about, Mr. Dekarios?” 
Gale sighed, recounting the story to her. Tara needed little reminding of Gale and Tav’s shared past. “You mean to say the same girl from Blackstaff is the same person who pulled you from the portal? Mr. Dekarios, you must tell her.” 
“I know,” Gale hissed, rubbing his temples and sighed. “I know.” 
“You can do this, mate.” Karlach chimed in, and extended her hand for Tara to sniff. Tara looked at the hand with disinterest, giving one sniff before turning away. “It wasn’t right for Astarion to stir the pot - he has no idea what he’s talking about and, I hope you don’t mind, I roughed him up a bit to remind him it wasn’t his business.” 
“You what?” Gale felt the color drain from his face. This would certainly make things worse. 
“Not physically, I mean I gave him a little nudge that he complained about but when we were out earlier I pulled him aside and gave him a what for. Told him it was disrespectful and tactless what he did earlier, and if he wants to stir up drama he has no business being a part of, he can go hand out with Mizora and Zariel in the hells. Those two really have a knack for it.” Karlach smirked, pleased with herself. “It wasn’t his secret to share. No one messes with my mates. Even if you’re one of my mates that’s doing the messing.” Less threatening than he assumed. Perhaps Karlach improved his chances of success. 
“I told him I was going to keep my good eye on him.” Wyll said, grinning. “I don't know if our pale rogue has anything good in his heart, or even a scrap of it left for anyone. His heart seems cold as ice and it’s a shame he is trying to make you slip and get hurt. Perhaps I am judging him too harshly.” 
Gale snorted, “Unlikely.” 
“Hey now, it’s not our place to judge any book by its cover, or the first few pages.” Karlach insisted. “This isn’t about Astarion, not really. He just happens to be a well-placed pressure point. You were always going to need to tell her. Talk to her, Gale. And leave out hypotheticals.” 
“Talking. Right. I’m good at that.” Gale felt his body shake, trepidation and sickness coursing through every cell. Then, the sound of voices. 
“No time like the present,” Karlach said, slapping his back and stood, her and Wyll taking their leave. Gale followed. 
As soon as they stepped out, Gale felt his body seize and try to escape. He felt heat rise to his face and wanted to turn and retreat. He froze and Wyll gave him a gentle push forward. “You can do this, Gale.” Karlach nodded enthusiastically and pumped her fist. 
If only Gale believed it. The others began filtering back and he steadied himself, inhaling and rolled his shoulders back, his chest puffed. “You are a strong, capable wizard. You are sharing a truth, an ugly truth and a truth nonetheless.” 
He made his way towards the others and their idle chattered died as soon as he was within earshot. The walk was awkward to say the least, the eyes of his companions studying him as he kept his eyes locked on Tav. Her expression was enough to make him ill. 
“Can I have a word?” He said, extending a hand to Tav and ushering her to follow. 
Although she denied his hand, she nodded. “Lead the way.” 
They walked to the edge of Last Light, the rocky waters lapping against the dark shore. The air between them was suffocating. Agitation radiated from Gale like necrosis and he could almost taste Tav’s unease and confusion. “Well?” She managed, stopping and crossed her arms. “I think we’re far enough away. Out with it.” Despite her attempt to be formidable, her voice trembled. 
Gale bit the inside of his cheeks so hard he tasted blood and he shut his eyes. The sound of his heart drowned out thought, and he felt outside of time and space itself. When he spoke, his voice was strained: “I hardly know where to begin. I’ve spent countless hours imagining this very conversation and now that we’re here…” 
“Alright, alright.” He held up his hands and gazed at her. He memorized her expression, taking in how the light hit her features, how the fire tangled across her hair. Her eyes were full of tenderness, despite it all. He knew that wouldn’t be the case for long and the tidal wave of emotion broke upon his shores. “I… wanted to take a moment, to take you in.. I’m afraid I’m just about to remedy any fondness you might have of me.” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair and pulled. “Oh, I have played this conversation over a thousand times and I still feel woefully unprepared.” 
“Please,” her voice was a plea, her arms fell to her sides and she looked helpless. Gale wanted nothing more than to hold her, to brush his fingers across her skin and tell her how much he loved her. 
He swallowed and began, “You remember our final presentations at Blackstaff?” 
She nodded even though her brow furrowed. “What of them?” 
Gale felt his heart shatter as he held her gaze, trying to convey the magnitude of his regret and desperation for atonement. His breath came in uneven, ragged gulps. “I….” He cleared his throat, “I may have had something to do with how your presentation transpired.” Gale wished he hadn’t been looking at her now as he watched countless emotions pass over her face before settling into a furious disbelief. 
“What are you saying?” Her voice was more taut than freshly tuned lute string. 
“I’m saying that I…” there was a pregnant pause before the words quietly slipped from his lips, “sabotaged your presentation.” 
A strange hiccup escaped her. “That’s not possible…” Gale watched color drain from her face, her body crumpling in on itself. Her hand flew to her forehead and she leaned against the rocks. “What do you mean.. Gale, what did you do?” 
The words flew from his mouth in a flurry, projectiles of shame. “I am the reason no wizard in the realms would touch you. I… managed to get my hands on a sussur flower and I slipped it into your pack and the water I spilled on you… well… it was wizard’s bane. A… backup plan. I just… we had been so competitive, no one else was nearly as capable as you and I felt so… enamored and threatened at the same time. You garnered so much favor and acclaim, so much attention from Mystra and I… I was a jealous, selfish child who had no concept of consequences or the pain I could inflict. I didn’t think your entire presentation would crumble so horribly, I thought you’d have been clever enough to foil my plan, I thought...” The rest caught in his throat when he realized Tav’s face streaked with tears. He fell before her on his knees, trying to take her hands in his and she pulled them back viciously. “Tav, please, I only wanted to-“ 
“Don’t touch me,” she said, moving away from him. Gale felt his body seize, icing over as her expression darkened. She began to laugh abruptly, almost maniacally. “I should have known… I should have known better… this whole time…” she shook her head and glared at Gale, her tone laced with loathing. “Were you hoping to sleep with me first before you had to say anything? Humiliate me further?” 
“What? No! Of course not-“ Gale began, scrambling to stand and she pushed him back. The gesture startled him. “Please.. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, and I would never have done…” 
He was interrupted by her derisive laugh that snaked through his veins like wyvern toxin. “Forgive you?” Tav scoffed and her body shook. Gale was enveloped by the waves of derision undulating from her. “I hate you.” She hissed, pushing against his chest. “I fucking hate you.” 
“Tav, please…” His breath wouldn’t come, tears began to pool in his eyes and his chest was gripped with fear. He had imagined she would react poorly, but… it felt as if an anvil had been dropped on him, as if he were being suffocated by a pile of boulders. The emotions that swept through him were unbearable, unlike anything he remembered. It was worse than the looming threat of the orb, worse than Mystra’s disdain. 
Gale wasn’t prepared for her hatred. In all the scenarios he played in his mind, he avoided acknowledging the worst possible truth. He had hoped, perhaps naively, she would understand. That the fondness that brewed between them would be enough to soften the weight of betrayal. It was not so. She shook her head, and began to flee towards camp. “Wait!” He called despaired, tried to follow but she was too fast and he was woefully out of shape. 
He collapsed to the ground, vicious sobs crucifying him. The noises were guttural, feral - he was a dying animal, wounded beyond repair, determined to meet his dark fate alone. He couldn’t breathe. As he gasped for air, Gale clutched  his chest he tried to ground himself to no avail. He was drowning. 
It’s what you deserve…what did you expect to happen?  
His vision blurred and he drifted out of himself, feeling his mind slip away - a protective measure. He felt warm, stable hands grip him and lift him as if he were weightless. “Karlach?” He croaked, his throat dry and raspy and he clung to her like a child seeking refuge. 
“I’ve got you, soldier.” Her voice was kind, gentle. “Let’s get you back.” 
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bryce-bucher · 1 year
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.50 Caliber 3D Platformer Post #7
Finally, I've gotten around to making the environment art for the one level that I've got rn. I've been playing the system shock remake, and I really love how that game creates the illusion of grungy detail that reveals itself to be very low-resolution textures up-close. I knew I wanted the game to look like of grungy for a while now, but I didn't know exactly how I would go about achieving it. I toyed with the idea of layering photocopy textures over everything, but I eventually settled on using low resolution textures that are dithered with web colors. I'm quite happy with how it ended up looking. I think it has a source engineish vibe that reveals itself to be more colorful and strange up-close.
The Textures:
The process for making these is a lot simpler and less time consuming that how I usually make textures. This is mostly because I'm relying a lot more on the baked lighting to make things look good in this particular game, so the textures can get away with being less detailed. I'm mostly just grabbing stuff off of websites like textures.com and adjusting the contrast / coloration before shrinking them down and lowering the color depth. Here are some examples of how they look wowee wow:
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For this game I'm using baked lighting as opposed to vertex based or realtime. I really like how it looks, and it ends up saving me a lot of time. If you don't know how baked lighting works, basically I place lights around a scene in unity, and then I use anything but unity's built in lightbaker that is bad and sucks (I use bakery) to essentially turn the lighting into a texture map that is placed on the mesh. It turns lights into textures basically. It is a lot more performant than real-time lighting, and it usually looks a lot better as well. With this game's particular art style, everything really ends up coming together with the lighting, and it would look pretty trash without it.
Cameo Skinz:
I've always really liked putting cameos in my stuff from artists that I'm friends with and/or take a lot of inspiration from. In this game, I plan to include a lot of unlockable skins for the player character that are characters from games / animations / whatever that I like. So far I've made a couple to breakup my time working on environment art. Check um out:
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This one is Peter Shorts from an upcoming game called You Are Peter Shorts. I loved this dude at first sight and it was the first skin I ended up making. He was really fun to make because he has no body or hands, so I ended up making his head/torso one big thing that is attached to the head bone. You are Peter Shorts is made by the talented ondydev who I don't think I've actually asked permission to include this skin yet. If it doesn't end up in the final game pretend I didn't post about it lol. You should check out their previous game Tres-Bashers if you haven't.
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This one is Appy from Brawlers World! Brawlers World is one of those creative projects that is so great that it gives me envy. I'm honestly so excited to be able to have this little dude in my game, and I think he ended up fitting into the art style super well. Those are the only two skins I've made so far. I have a lot more planned including Nova from Anodyne 2, Frog from Jamphibian, Knight of Trye from Knight's Try, Orbo from Peeb Adventures & Orbo's Odyssey, and some characters from my own stuff. They aren't a high priority right now because I have to actually make the game first, but I'll probably make a few here and there to curb burnout, and I'll show them off whenever I do. I am v passionate about the cool shit my peers are making, and I hope other people are too.
idk it's like 8 am and I haven't slept. I've just been workin a lot while listening to the magnus archives. I guess I can turn this conclusion into me talking about the magnus archives. I'm on episode 197 while writing this so im almost done. It is p cool and I like how much it changes tonally overtime. It really feels like a big long journey, and I like media that can do that kinda thing. It is now a series that I will forever associate with the development of this game considering I listened to it all while working on it. It's kinda funny how that happens. Sometimes I'll be in a location in one of my games and it'll make me think about some video essay or w/e that I was watching while making it. Anyway, have a good day every1 pls tyty
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ineffabildaddy · 5 months
Hi sam! since the new year is approaching rapidly, i wanted to ask my favorite creators (that includes you! your fics and your posts delight me) how they look back on their 2023 tumblr year and which blogs made them happy to be here. i am very happy to follow you and hope you'll have a great 2024! 💘
hi!!! thank you so so much for this, a few months ago i couldn't even imagine being so active in the tumblr community again, let alone anyone's favourite anything!!!!
i've been very fortunate to receive the warmest of welcomes back to tumblr after a 7-year absence, and i've received so much support for my writing (and my shitposts lol) that this whole experience of finally joining the good omens fandom has genuinely given me a newfound confidence in my creative self, and in myself as a whole💙
in terms of the blogs that make me happy to be here... they are many!!! i shall put the rest of this post under the cut
@raining-stars-somewhere-else thank you for being my first go friend and now one of my closest buddies!!! i can't wait for us to finally write that fic together (lol) and for us to get up to some irl london shenanigans at some point✨ ur hilarious and kind and so correct about literally everything and i love u. literally everyone needs to read ur posts bc they're so well-thought out and unique. also your fics are really moving and human (even though they're about crowley and aziraphalekldfjgjl) and i adore them
@sad-chaos-goblin we literally just Get Each Other, same brain and all, and i absolutely love it!!! i couldn't ask for a better horny consultant bc after all it is Our Pornography™. you're also just an extremely understanding, open and lovely person, not to mention very fun and exciting to be friends with hehe. ur headcanons are so fucking interesting (and sometimes sad, how dare u do this to me) and i'm looking forward to hearing more when u eventually get round to writing all those fics you've got ideas for<3
@foolishlovers i'm really really happy we've got to know each other better over the past couple weeks!!!!! your xmas fic is one of my absolute favourite fics ever and i'm in awe with your skill and craft, i hope to write something as well-rounded and enjoyable as that someday<3 also you're one of my favourite posters, so fucking funny and u just make points left right and centre. i hope we can share our writing and our thoughts about life in general more in 2024!!!
@crowleyslvt i'm very happy i barged my way into your dms to be horny on main bc i definitely wouldn't've explored half the things i've explored in my writing if not for our discussions and your encouragement!!! i absolutely love talking writing and sexy headcanons with you, but above that i love that i'm now mates with such a talented, considerate, hilarious kiwi lad. i am honoured to be one of the little guys in ur phone who gets to hype up u as an exceedingly great porn writer but also as a legend in general
@voluptatiscausa no one understands my feralness for michael sheen like you do. i can go batshit insane in the dms over ms and dt with u and that space is important to me dlgkljdgldfjgl. i'm really glad i started reading ur writing this year bc it's very enjoyable, but it's also healing for me as a person who's [whispers] a traumatised and cripplingly shy person in terms of sex lmao. thank you for bestowing it upon ao3, and by extension, upon me!!!! also tho, you're a really nurturing and interesting friend to have, not to mention a Very Cool one so continue to be that pls and thanks
@bowtiepastabitch i've felt very honoured to hear about parts of your life as you share them with me - Knowing The Lore is so important to me and i'm humbled that you've trusted me with some of the stuff that's been happening in your world<3 on another note, your fanart may be quick but it's never shitty, it's always so expressive and fun and gets my brain Thinking Thoughts. i can't express how wonderful it was when you made a wee bit of fanart for one of my fics, and i hope i continue to see ur creativity shine✨
thank you to my favourite blogs for Existing Throughout 2023 (some of whom i know i can call friends, and the rest of whom i'd like to call friends in the future!!!) @sabotage-on-mercury @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @ineffableigh @celestialcrowley @queer-reader-07 @crowleyraejepsens @teddybearbutchh @crowleyholmes @ineffable-rohese @createserenity @quoththemaiden @procrastiel @sentientsky @genderqueer-hippie @beelzzzebub @lineffability @fellshish @greenthena @brainwormcity @opscuritas @tangerine-ginger @iammyownproblematicfave @crikey01 @crawley-fell @vroomvroomwee @bildads-shoes @shoemakerobstetrician @romansmartini @wraithee
i know i'll have forgotten people so i'll add em as i remember em hehehehe
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 2 months
It was at fifteen that Sirius felt something for someone for the first time.
He was just a silly boy who had kissed a couple of girls not because he wanted them but because they initiated it.
The summer when he met George, Sirius would call it the best of his life. The bloke was one of his Uncle's friends. He was way older. In his thirties. He was cool, handsome and easy going. He dressed like a Rockstar: cool leather jackets, tight jeans, piercings and leather boots. Plus he had the most angelical voice Sirius had ever heard.
They toured through different cities of Europe thanks to Alphard's money. George sang in every bar and club they could find. Alphard brought his nephews along, pretending they were more than eighteen and not minors with little experience of that world.
Regulus didn't enjoy his time much. He didn't enjoy the clubs and crowds and preferred to get lost in his books. Sirius was delighted with all that experience. With George and his Uncle, he learned to drink, to smoke, to listen to music, to flirt and to have fun.
Sirius thought Alphard's life was wonderful. Full of adventures, so different than what the rightful House of Black represented. During that summer, Sirius swore to be just like George when he was older.
But what George made him feel was intense and very different than what he had felt before. George was this amazing person that Sirius wanted to impress. He got nervous around him. And at the same time he felt so wild, like anything was possible around him.
Sirius couldn't stop looking at him, admiring every move, every smile, every word that came out of his mouth. His heart beat harder when George winked at him. He blushed when he rubbed his hair. And when he sang, Sirius was transported to another world.
Of course in Sirius’s fifteen year old mind, it was impossible to acknowledge these feelings as love. It was impossible for Alphard to be gay. It was impossible for him to be gay. So Sirius just saw all of this as admiration. Nothing more.
They were just bachelors having fun without compromise.
"George, Uncle has been looking for you"
George was at the hotel terrace, sitting at the edge of the roof, looking down at the street, feet tangling down. He held a cigarette between his lips. He had dark shades and wearing only a white tee he looked incredibly great. How could he manage that?
"Sirius, come here" George gestured for Sirius to come closer, smiling at him with his perfect white teeth.
Sirius couldn't avoid blushing as he approached.
"Look at this view, isn't gorgeous?"
Sirius saw the city of Paris in front of his eyes. Sunset was making the sky pink and yellow. The buildings had a certain glow in them. Everything looked as if it was made of gold. Paris was truly breathtaking. Eiffel Tower in the back. Sirius had been a few times, but he had never seen the city this beautiful.
"C'est trés jolie" Sirius commented as he took a seat besides George.
George laughed. His hair was also golden, shinning under the sun.
"At least I get you to talk to me in French, your Uncle doesn't want to"
Sirius was aware of his cheeks getting on fire.
"I bloody love Paris" George added "Might want to stay here forever"
"Me too" Sirius suddenly agreed looking at the landscape "I don't want summer to be over"
George raised an eyebrow.
"Come on, I'm sure you miss your friends" he said "Maybe a pretty girl you left behind?"
Sirius did miss his friends. The Marauders and their silly pranks. Although he didn't think about them every second of the day. Not when Sirius was having this much fun. He thought he should probably write to James. Then he felt nostalgic and got excited about the idea of telling him about of his adventures to him. He was surely going to love them.
"Maybe my friends, but no.. I don't have a girl" Sirius found himself nervously playing with his wristband as he said this.
"Oh yeah? A boy as handsome as you?"
Sirius now smiled at his own silliness and way of blushing so easily.
"I am like my Uncle. A free spirit. Do not want to waste time in just one girl"
He said it mainly to sound cooler. Like George as well. He flirted and talked with plenty of girls after his shows. But never actually stayed with one.
George looked away into the sunset with a sigh "Your Uncle, a free spirit, isn't he?" he took a drag of his cigarette, then realized he was supposed to offer it to Sirius.
Sirius grabbed it between his fingers. He had managed to not cough the other day. He wasn’t very keen of the smell and taste. But he wanted to look cool. And George looked so cool while he smoked.
Sirius managed to take a full drag and only coughed a little as he let the smoke out. George was amused. God, why did Sirius want to impress him so much? And why did he fail miserably?
"Are you angry with him?" Sirius asked as he passed the cig back "With my Uncle? I heard you discussing with him yesterday after your show"
If Sirius had been paying more attention he would have seen George go a bit frigid.
"It was just some bickering, Sirius. Do you bicker with your mates?"
Sirius shared a dorm with his best friends. Sometimes they fought about silly stuff.
"All the time" Sirius sneered.
George nodded with a smile.
"Your Uncle has an insufferable temper, I must tell you"
Sirius chuckled "He is alright"
"Have we met the same Alphard?"
Sirius found himself laughing and afterwards he couldn't stop smiling. It was a stupid thing.
'I like you' Sirius wanted to say. 'I'm glad you are my Uncle's friend. And I am glad I met you'
"Don't worry about it, mate"
But he didn't dare. The words were just stuck on his throat like a bloody syrup.
George kept smoking in silence. Sirius opened his mouth trying to find the right words. It was the nervousness that got him this silly.
"Each morning I wake up and die a little, can't barely stand on my feet..."
However his thoughts were interrupted when George began singing. He winked making Sirius blush. It was an acapella song without music, without warning, just because he felt like it. And Sirius smiled because he recognized this song.
"Take a look in the mirror and cryyy... Oh lord what you're doing to mee... I have spent all my years in believing you... Someday I'm gonna be free Looooord!"
Sirius couldn't get more fascinated by George's voice. He hadn't heard something so beautiful. He hadn't seen anyone so beautiful. In his mind it was that he wanted to be exactly like George. That cool, that amazing, that talented, that perfect.
"Find me somebody to Looove... Find me somebody to Looove" Sirius sang as well.
George smiled before continuing.
"Caaan anybody find mee...." George made a pause looking at the beautiful sky "Somebody toooo....... loooooooveeeee...."
The last part gave Sirius goosebumps. Not even Mercury had managed that. So Sirius was smiling just because. Cheeks pink, no wonder.
And George was smiling as well. Cheeky little smile below his shades.
Sirius wanted to smile at someone someday and provoke all the crazy things he was feeling now.
"George, don't encourage my nephew to sing. He has a terrible voice"
Alphard was right behind them. He had a soft smile on his face. But he looked tired. Maybe he just woke up.
"And don't you dare encourage him to smoke" Alphard added as he practically ripped the cigarette out of George's hand.
"He is a grown up boy, Alphard"
"I am a grown up boy, Uncle" Sirius smiled innocently. He actually couldn't wait to be a grown up adult like these two. Free from Orion and Walburga, free from all the stupid rules.
Alphard rolled his eyes as he took a drag.
"Your mother will kill me if she knew what you've been doing this summer"
Sirius buffed. He was embarrassed to be treated like a brag in front of George.
"Better not tell her, eh Alphard?"
"Why don't you go and fetch your brother?"
Alphard asked as he kept smoking "He's been reading the same bloody book in bed all day..."
Regulus was just fourteen. And he was already behaving like a bloody boomer.
"Look at that sight, let's go eat something outside"
Sirius rolled his eyes.
"I am not Reggie's babysitter"
Alphard patted him in the shoulder. "Come on, lad. I need to have a moment alone with George, yeah?"
Sirius noticed George haven't said a word. He kept looking forward. Sirius wished he would know what he was thinking.
"Yeah, of course" he said reluctantly as he stood up. Alphard gave him a sympathetic smile before Sirius left.
As he was walking inside, Sirius turned to see at his Uncle and George discuss. They were talking in low voices so Sirius couldn't hear. He couldn't tell by the shades but was he crying?
Then Alphard whispered something to make George give him his handsome smile. And something weird happened. Alphard touched his cheek delicately. Both men looked into each other's eyes.
Sirius found the gesture so intimate that he decided to leave.
Sirius was blind back then. He should have seen that as romantic. He should have known what his Uncle was. What George was. Now with everything that had happened with Remus, it all made more sense. Remus was not the first bloke he had fancied. Perhaps...
Something was certain. Alphard had been terrified to tell everyone the truth. And Sirius was terrified as well. He wished his Uncle was not dead so he could talk to him. He wished Alphard had trusted him. But he didn't. And Sirius missed him very much. Now he had to figure out all of these feelings on his own.
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luvring · 2 years
Hello friend are your requests open?? I saw your Cove in school hcs and would like to add: going to university w Cove 👀 if this is too similar to the school hcs feel free to ignore lol I am just having a Normal Amount of thoughts about this boy :')
(Imagine renting an apartment with him and basically living like a married couple tho........ him driving you to class when it rains so you don't have to walk........... lunch dates in the school cafeteria while you both complain about the shitty dining hall food..................)
Okay I'll stop here this is your writing blog lmao XD thank you in advance if you do take this request tho I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts!!
— cove university hcs
You Are So Real. as a uni student i feel sick to my stomach like WHY NOT ME? no cove for me? none for me????? sick sick sick sick
be real. cove asks "are you ready to go home?" and he smiles and it's especially the first few times that he blushes and grins at the thought of Having a Home With You.
^ very much jumped at the chance to live with you when you brought up the idea
cove had his schedule on his lock screen and yours on his home screen for a while. once the both of you figured out a routine and when you could find each other he switched it back to his usual photos (u r in them of course. how else is he going to motivate himself when he's studying)
he really really wishes he could have every single class with you which y'know,, unless you have the same major and same electives isn't going to happen. he gets much happier when you finally meet up after class
still, you guys definitely sat together and planned out your classes. both to try planning breaks together and also for general emotional support.
^ don't get me started on the morning of registration. the refreshing and tension for first year registration because you don't have a backup schedule? crazy.(also my uni website was Horrendously slow)
exam season is hell, obviously. cove checks on you periodically and asks how things are going. if you're prone to overworking his check-ins are how he gets you to take a break.
^ if you refuse he'll try to find a middle ground, but if he knows you need to rest cove Will get you to rest. he's frowning when he speaks. says a loving but firm "you won't be able to study well if you burn yourself out. can you take a break with me?"
exploring the campus with cove!! seeing the different buildings, finding different libraries, pretending you're different majors. you get it
^ the both of you walk around before the first day to figure out where your classes are. it's kind of tiring but you're prepared now so !
figures out what places you both eat at and will memorize your regular order so he can bring it to you
he talks to you whenever he feels homesick because who would understand better than you? you're his biggest source of comfort
the both of you watching those university student meal videos/tiktoks because dear god you can only handle campus food/restaurants for so long.
^ you also text your parents for their recipes and tips whenever you get particularly homesick
HIM DRIVING! gives you a Look when you say you can walk and it's raining or super cold. why would you even say that to him. if you can't drive, either he'll drive you or you walk together. there's no other options.
'sneaking' each other into the particularly big classes—especially the first year intro ones. i say 'sneaking' because it Isn't Difficult At All.
^ you end up just working on your own things, but the extra time together is always nice !!
thinking about cove forgetting his pencil (case) the day of an exam and asking you for one sheepishly. (said by girl who's done this twice.)
he'd love to tell you about what he learns from his major—i'd go ahead and assume it's in the realm of marine sciences. he'd tell you about something cool he learned or maybe already knew from his own research and get very excited !!
^ hopes you'll do the same with him. smth smth sharing is a love language smth smth
reading week and breaks. i just know this guy sighs as he looks at his study guides before saying "just a few more days," to himself. he needs you to remind him too because it's more comforting when he remembers he'll have time off with You
taking pictures together for yourselves and to update your families !!! teasingly taking photos of cove doing mundane things just because it's now at University. first lunch, first class, etc etc
cove totally supports you if you want to join a club or go to any events. he might not go to many, especially if they're bound to be crowded and loud, but he'll ask how it went and want to catch up
we all know there's a difference between high school morning classes and uni morning classes. but cove is a morning person and i can't imagine how many times i'd complain about a 10 am class while he woke up at 6 that morning
🏷 | @lordbugs @xfangirl-trashx @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @bakugosgrenade @vhenis @dreamtydraw
living together means it's that much easier for cuddle sessions after a long day (or any day.) cove is just as happy to come find you as he is to hold open his arms for you. whether you want to rant or have a distraction, he'll be there
**add on | COVE GETTING HIS ACCEPTANCE LETTER! you both opened it at the same time and the relief and excitement that washed over him was overwhelming.
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elvenbeard · 6 months
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by @chevvy-yates @katsigian @genocidalfetus @just-a-cybercroissant @therealnightcity @pinkyjulien and @ouroboros-hideout (by some of you forever ago, I'm just in the middle of catching up with all the recent tags a bit XD) And tagging you all right back and everyone else who's reading this right now >:3c
My biggest WIP at the moment is still apartment renovations! Fixing holes and painting walls, but there's now only one corner left, then I'm fucking done and it can't sublty stress me anymore xD
I am having a real good time with the whole process though like... I have no idea yet how long I'm gonna live here, but no matter if it's 3, 5, 10 years, I sure as hell want it to be a cool place for the time being.
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My kitty-approved Neo-Kitsch inspired Bedroom wall xD only that one wall, but I love it xD
Writing-wise, I've started the next chapter of "Love is Stored in the Olive Jar". I don't have much to share yet, but here's the opening lines:
V awoke coughing and choking, sputtering a red cloud across his pillow. He quickly sat up, his throat tight and scratchy, mouth like copper. His vision was blurry, he thought from sleep still at first, but no. Through visual glitches and blinding pain he could only just make out the dark red stains dripping from his nose and mouth onto the bedsheet. He gasped for air still, his chest hurting as if he had been stabbed.
Fun times :D
Art-wise I have been working on a secret gift for the cp2077 new year's exchange that I finished the other day :3 And I have some wips of the bois (TM) but I can only share one on tumblr for reasons:
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Very professional photo of my iPad screen XDD This is still rough and subject to change, but the idea was basically, V and Kerry, a bunch of years post-2077 (like... 5-10 or so), just very comfy and happy and healthy ;__;
VP-wise I still have a couple of pics on the backburner, some I still wanna edit, and maaan ;__; I also recently got to test some friends' mods that I'm super excited for and share the pics of!!! <3
Aaaand... that's it XD I hope in the new year I can dive back into modding, once the renovations are done, and also get started with more regular commissions and streaming again, cause I've been missing both but yeah... you see my list of projects above, there's only so much time in a day xD
Thank you all again for the tags <33
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imightgetbetter · 1 year
The Met Gala
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hiiiiiiiii. welcome to rory and matty's universe. i'm actually really obsessed with their dynamic and their story and this is just kind of a taste of what they're like together (a publicity nightmare) and how they interact but also how much they love each other. we'll start getting into it closer to the summer (i'm going to start writing the whole story this month!!!!) and i'm really excited to know what you think. please be nice! if you don't like it, that's fine! i will still be writing love it if we made it, so if you like reader insert, you have that too. i am very excited for this, though. i love rory. she's so cool. i hope you enjoy. as always, leave your feedback and tell me what you think!!! love you all!!!!
Under the lights of the hotel vanity, Rory’s eyes are glittering in a metallic golden shine, a complimentary look to the flecks of gold that are embedded and sewn into the sheer overlay that adorns her body, her skin a shade darker after her most recent visit to an island meant to be home away from the gloomy city she lives in, a place to write her next album that Dirty Hit and Jamie were most patiently (rather impatiently, she would argue) awaiting. On her six-week stint in Capri, Rory received a call from none other than Anna Wintour herself, inviting her to the Met Gala for her very first major appearance on a star-studded carpet. Rory never quite liked the idea of The Met; The Grammys, The Brits, The Arias, even, have all seen Rory in her very best, but there was something about celebrities celebrating awful people in designer gowns that rubbed her the wrong way.
Her attitude towards being a celebrity was similar to that of Matty’s, something the two of them bonded over many times, something they shared in their experience being a couple under a microscope of sorts. Her attitude towards this event, and many others, usually leads to a polite decline and nothing more of it but knowing that this call had been approved through her manager first, and therefore was more of a ‘you’re going to do this’ rather than a ‘would you like to do this’ question, her reply was nothing short of a, “I would be delighted! Thank you so much for the invitation. May I bring a guest?”
And that brings everyone to this very moment, where Rory and Matty are dragging themselves kicking and screaming to The Met Gala.
“Do you think if I just ignore every interviewer on the carpet, I won’t have to say anything to anyone?” Rory shouts to Matty from the stool in front of the only window in the hotel room.
“Can you sit still for five seconds?” Kiara grumbles, rolling her eyes as Rory squints her eyes and purposefully moves her head. “You’re so difficult, you know that?”
“You’ve been telling me for ages,” she smiles, pursing her lips and sitting upright, letting her add the finishing touches to the makeup without any further issues. Matty and Jamie are talking in the bathroom, something about behaving and keeping his mouth shut, letting her do all the talking. Rory knows Matty isn’t going to abide by that very well. He’s never been one to keep his opinions to himself. It’s one of the things that she’s most fond of. “Love, how much longer do we have?”
“You’ve got,” Matty shouts back, checking his phone and stepping out into the hallway, his eyes immediately softening at the sight of her, “you’ve got about fifteen minutes, darling. You look stunning. Holy shit. You’ve outdone yourself, Keeks.”
“All in a day’s work,” Kiara smiles, kissing his cheek and setting all of the tools in her kit that’s splayed across the table in the corner. “It’s time for you to get dressed. You have to be downstairs in twelve minutes. Matty is, for once in your career, ready before you, which is actually kind of sad.”
“Hey! I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone getting held up. Jamie will have my head if we’re late for the shuttle over. Not to mention, I need a drink. Quickly.”
“How considerate of you, Matthew.” Rory takes Matty’s outstretched hands and stands from the wooden stool, her tightly curled hair falling over her shoulders. “Out you two, I’m going to get dressed and then we can head downstairs.”
“I see you naked all the time, I should be allowed to stay.”
“Out!” Rory says sternly, pointing towards the door and giving an encouraging nod to her boyfriend whose eyebrows are quirked on his forehead and his mouth is turned down, less than impressed with the demand. “Matty, seriously.”
Matty rolls his eyes, “Fine.” Grabbing his phone and a room key, he and Jamie step outside, the neatly pressed navy-blue suit and textured tie sitting perfectly around his neck, the pearls adhered to the collar of the suit jacket making for the perfect accessory. His hair is neatly combed, and the single grey strand is falling in his face, a detail that Rory will fawn over when they’re alone.
Rory and Kiara tape her chest accordingly, the baby blue textured and tweed suit buttoned seamlessly at the center of her abdomen, the pants sitting at her waist, hugging her sides in the perfect manner. Mattias June, an up-and-coming fashion student from the institute in London, knew exactly what she would want, what would look best on her, and the execution was exactly what they had hoped for. Rory and Matty were on theme without praising or recreating looks, which was what they aspired for and spoke about.
The last thing that Rory wanted was for her attendance to be misconstrued for ignorance.
Grabbing her sunglasses and the designed handbag, Rory stepped out of the hotel room and locked eyes with Matty, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of her. He simply would never get used to it, knowing that she was all his. Many years of secret pining led him to this, a luxury of living.
“Do not make a scene, you two,” Jamie warns as they walk through the hallways and head downstairs, the crowd outside the hotel already beginning to scream and shout with the murmurs of their names being said for the paparazzi outside. “Courteous and professional. Please.”
“I always am, Jamie.”
“I’m not worried about you, Aurora.”
Rory laughs and takes a deep breath, moments like this will never not be surreal. Matty and Jamie talk for a moment longer, but she’s in her head, preparing herself for the interviews that she doesn’t want to give and the answers she’ll have to. Despite her feelings about this, Rory recognizes the privilege and the honor it is to be here, to be able to go, to give someone’s fashion a chance to shine on the carpet. Rory would remember this for a lifetime, a moment that her art is so widely recognized that she’s walking amongst celebrities she’s watched and listened to for years on the same carpet. A one of a kind ‘I Made It’ moment to last forever.
One moment to last forever, mainly because Rory knows that she will never do this again.
“Are you ready, love?” Matty wonders, grabbing her hand and nodding towards the sea of people waiting outside for their debut.
“I’m neither drunk nor high enough for this,” Rory says honestly, shoving the sunglasses into her hair and tilting her head down ever so slightly to whisper into his ear, “I need six shots to make it through this carpet with all these fake pretentious celebrities.”
Matty laughs, “I will get you a shot as soon as we make it off the carpet.”
“On my life.”
Rory accepts this compromise with a nod of her head, lacing their hands together and waving at Jamie (as he will be taking a separate car to the venue) and taking the first steps towards the walkway. Overwhelming amounts of flashing lights accompany their walk outside the hotel, screaming of their names as they walk to the bus and Matty lends out his hand to assist her inside (walking in heels is not her strong suit), the flashing subsiding when the door is shut behind them. Matty, Rory and the others inside the van make small talk, Rory holding the handbag facing her body to ensure that no one could directly read it right away. Mattias and Rory created what she felt would be a statement to make with this year’s theme, a statement that would surely keep her out of talks for returning events, but she didn’t really mind, as long as what she had to say was said.
Outside The Met, thousands of people are crowded around to see who’s outside, who’s wearing what, and who might come about. All Rory can think about is making it through the interviews, getting through the awkward part of the night and getting to the party, where she can sing and drink and talk with her favorite company. Matty holds out his hand for her when they step out of the van, making sure that she’s stable on her feet before they begin making their way towards the carpet. Calling cards are shouting out their names announcing their arrival, and the number of cameras that are flashing are enough to blind a person, Rory’s sure of it.
“I am too sober for this, right now,” Matty says through a tight-lipped smile, his hand wrapped around Rory’s waist, holding her close to him. He kisses her forehead, smiling at her as she agrees with him.
“Me too.”
Matty is tugged away for photos of himself, and Rory is whisked away to interviews with Vogue and Rolling Stone before she could properly prepare herself. Jamie opted Matty out of interviews – to save everyone the trouble – and Rory knew that she should be professional and diplomatic, but all she really wanted was to be honest.
“Hello! How are you? You look absolutely stunning,” the interviewer says warmly, and Rory can immediately feel the professionalism leave her body. “I love the handbag.”
“Thank you! Mattias June, who designed this whole look, he and I thought it would be a perfect touch,” Rory smiles, the sunglasses perched on her nose, only giving the slightest peak at the glittering makeup underneath. “I don’t really think we should be celebrating and honoring such horrible people, but what do I know? I’m not really a fashion trendsetter myself, you know? I’m doing this all for the plot. All for a good story.” Rory gestures down to the handbag held in front of her, the stitching on the side reading: STOP HONORING BAD PEOPLE.
Matty walks towards Rory, smiling brightly as she continues talking to the interview about what it means to be invited and how wonderful it is to be with the company of her friends at such a prestigious event. By the look on her face, Matty is sure that Rory said something that will get her in trouble tomorrow, but it’s something he admires about her, she’s never been short of determined to speak her mind. Rory steps off the platform and grabs Matty’s hand immediately, squeezing him as their fingers lace together and nodding towards the entrance of the building.
“Are you ready to get absolutely trashed with me? That’s the only way I’ll suffer through this intolerable event.”
“I thought you’d never ask, my darling.”
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waytooinvested · 2 months
fanfic writer questions
Thanks for the tag @sssammich! I haven't done one of these in years, I'm excited :D
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 11, but a couple are long ones (100,000+ words)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
406,700 and counting - one of those is a WIP that will have a lot more to add so I MAY make it to 500,000 in the coming months, if I write another couple of short ones on top.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now I'm just writing for Supergirl (and supercorp specifically). In the past I wrote a lot for Call the Midwife (Patsy x Delia, my beloveds), and I have written one small one for Strange the Dreamer, just because I had an idea that wouldn't leave me alone until I got it out.
I tend to be a bit all or nothing with fandom, so I am usually only in one at a time.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Hands I Used to Touch (Patsy/Delia - Call the Midwife) by a landslide. It also (briefly) had the most comments of any fic in the fandom which was very cool (it was the one I was writing for longest during the peak engagement era for the pairing, but still it is my crowning achievement as a fic writer haha)
After that Vengeance, Victory and Undying Love (Supercorp), Little Things Mean A Lot tied with A Paper Bag of Pick n Mix (both Patsy/Delia), and Storybooks and Siren Suits (also Patsy & Delia, but as children so not a romantic pairing)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Definitely! I try to respond to every comment, because they mean so much to get and I want the people taking the time to write them to know they are extremely appreciated. Also I have made some wonderful friends that way!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am allergic to angsty endings! Angsty beginnings? Almost inevitable. Angsty middles, sure. Angsty ENDINGS? Never. So angstiest: maybe "The Static of Distance" from my Paper Bag of Pick n Mix, because they are still half a world away from each other during a threat of nuclear war. But even so it's only an angsty ending if you squint really hard.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have pretty unambiguously happy endings honestly, I'm not sure I could pick between them!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think I've ever had hate as such. Some maybe less than whole heartedly positive responses, though most of that was when I was teasing an apparently dark character arc before a twist and making people worried about what I was up to. But see above re: all of my fics having absolutely unambiguously happy endings, so we got there eventually.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not so far - I think the closest I have come was my wife and I writing a silly crack fic together that involved smut, but it was not at all meant to be actually sexy and we never posted it anywhere, sooo...
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not typically, but there was A Misplaced Midwife, in which Barbara from Call the Midwife (a fairly sheltered young 1960s midwife played by Charlotte Ritchie) traded places with Hannah from Siblings (a modern day selfish, chaotic disaster human also played by Charlotte Ritchie) and how they got along in each other's lives. It was silly and crack-y but a lot of fun to write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, thankfully!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Alas, no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
The aforementioned crack fic with @cynicalrainbows but that was just for our own entertainment. She also contributed several lines/ideas to A Misplaced Midwife. I don't think I have apart from that.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
I only really have two that I've been invested enough to fic about it, and while my current all consuming obsession is Supercorp, I have only been in it for a couple of months compared to the years long love affair with Patsy/Delia that also led to me meeting my wife and many good friends. So for now, Patsy/Delia still reign supreme. We'll see if that is still the case in a few more months!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I try to always finish my fics, but I do have one unfinished wip on my conscience, and that's Storybooks and Siren Suits. I still open it and do battle with progress now and again just in the hopes that I will manage to drag it across the finish line and put it to bed once and for all, but so far nothing doing. It remains stuck on the same chapter it has been stuck on since 2021.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh no don't make me pay myself compliments... Angst with happy endings? That is not really so much a writing strength as just a description of the type of story I write, but shh. I guess I got a lot of compliments on characterization back in my Call the Midwife days. Whether that follows through to Supercorp remains to be seen. I like how I'm writing them, at least!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My dialogue transitions tend to be clunky, at least so I'm finding lately. Also I am a total feast or famine writer, so any kind of sensible process or schedule discipline is completely non existent.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I avoid it for the most part because I would certainly make a mess of it, though I have one or two very very brief bits here and there. I think the longest piece was a character recalling their own long distant school french, which contained deliberate mistakes the character was making that acted as excellent cover for the genuine mistakes I no doubt also made.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm trying to recall if I ever wrote anything as a young teenager for Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Willow/Tara, naturally), but I don't think I did, and if so it definitely stayed as tucked away in an old notebook never to see the light of day. The first proper/definite one was Call the Midwife, just after they decided it would be a good idea to hit Delia with a car and give her amnesia right at the moment she and Patsy were about to move in together.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Well right now it's Forgotten Not Forgiven for sure, because that's where my obsession is currently living.
Of all time though? Probably still The Hands I Used to Touch, because I poured everything into it at the time and it played such a big part in me finding my feet in the fandom world. No pressure to do this at all of course but tagging @cynicalrainbows @fabulousglitch, @shut-up-heather-d and @fazedlight as people I know write fic and may enjoy this if you haven't done it already. Anyone else interested feel free to claim me as your tagger, I would love to see your responses!
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