#and dont get me fucking started on the ONE female character in the show
kruxton · 6 months
there r rarely any astro originals w actual good writing and gamers mangkuk is a prime example
(the tags got.... Long. feel free to not read)
#HORRIBLE SHOW#if any msians see this just DONT#its about this group of friends tryna become pro gamers#but the script is making me want to throw up#the plot is so stupid#and these characters r so fucking annoying#need astro to stop with their slap stick comedy right NOW!!!!!!!#projek high council happened and they though they could just put amir ahnaf in anhthinf and its gonna be a success#FUCK OFF#his acting here cannot beat him in projek high council coz here he just looks dumb#and dont get me fucking started on the ONE female character in the show#GGGGGGAAAAAHHHH#why is it that every single fucking malay show theyjust HAVE to have the female character relive her trauma again#and every single fucking time its r@pe#EVEN WHEN THERES???? ABSOLUTELY NO POINT TO HAVE JT IN THE STORY??????#EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME#ok in their defense a lot of them are actual sad dramas or romance shows so i can see how the backstory ties in#but this doesnt make any FUCKING sense#theyre trying to be professional gamers#wheres the relation#u want each of the members to have a struggle theyre facing for drama sure#the guys have relatively normal issues#one has to get money bc him and his mum got evicted#another's got social anxiety so its hard for him to compete#another one has a (queer for comedic effect 🙄) older brother thats raising him alone bc their parents died#and despite his brother trying to persuade him to go to uni and get a good life so he doesnt end up like him#hes too fuckimg stubborn and wants to be. a professional gamer. fucking idiot#but like sure!!! those r valid ig#BUT WHAT DOES THW GIRL GEY?????#JFJDJDHJSJDK ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR
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vaugarde · 1 year
ok sorry for grace ranting again but like. no really did infinity train fans and i watch the same season because literally so much shit ppl claim about her is not true
#like ‘’ugh shes never held accountable for her actions shes forgiven immediately ’’ NOT AT ALL???#she watches the child she grew to love decide to abandon her because she enabled her friend to abuse her and she herself manipulated her#and alienated her and traumatized her and it is THE POINTTT that she was a bad person!!#the whole season is about her being forced to confront her lifestyle and behavior and grapple with the weight of her actions#and by god she CHOOSES to become a better person and shes not a karma houndini she watches her friend die for fucks sake#the show knows full well that she was bad and it never once tries to excuse her or handwave it and she comes to the conclusion that she has#to change on her own instead of being forced to#and dont get me started on the ppl who take glory in being like#‘’ugh shes awful because she told simon that bigger numbers were the goal! if it werent for her simon wouldve been fine!’’#like wow. i sure hope u share that vitriol with amelia and one one. bc theyre at fault for that in the big picture#like. grace did NOT have any guidance at all and she was a terrified child with an already screwed up home life#and seei my amelias robot was her ONLY clue. ffs she did not cackle and go ‘’ah yes i must be EVIL to win-#and i will TELL this RANDOM KID to raise his number because i KNOW im wrong mwahaha’’#like yes she absolutely bears responsibility because she did give him the idea and she did enable him so shes not blameless#but its not solely on her. they were all failed by the adults around them and thats the point. the train system is horrifying#echoed voice#anyways. yall beg for complex female characters and then bitch when you get them
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victimsofyaoipoll · 9 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
kairi is the third protagonist of the kingdom hearts series and the third member of the destiny trio, alongside fan favorites sora and riku. sora/riku shippers HATE kairi, and will go out of their way to discount her at every turn. the hate for her ranges from typical "she's a boring bitch" to fans of soriku making five-hour long video essays reassuring their fellow shippers that the big bad kairi won't show up in the next installment – to quote one video, "she's in a box. she's on the shelf. four walls, no door." kairi is the greatest bogeyman the soriku fandom has ever known, to the point where most of said video essays and fanon meta posts focus not on why sora and riku should get together, but rather on why they don't like kairi.
Literally has a 100+ page Google doc fan theory writing her out of the narrative and putting all of her (few) canonical accomplishments onto half of the popular m/m ship (soriku). Don't even get me started on how her memory was completely written out of the canon plot of re:coded. KH is a nightmare to explain so dude trust me she is THE victim of yaoi
She is so fundamental to the plot and themes and narratives of game and yet it is near impossible to find anything about her thats not ship bashing pre-mlm with the other two characters. I dont even care if she ends up with one of the main characters i just want fans to see her as a cool character to love or like, anything other than “annoying comphet girl.” You can write your mlm but pleaae stop inventing comphet where it doesnt exist. She does not even get to spend time with sora ever?? Why does everyone see her as a threat and a thing to destroy?? Let her have friends so help me
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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worflesbian · 6 months
RIGHT i've watched the first six episodes of enterprise (five if the two-part pilot only counts as one) and i have things to say. take all of them with a pinch of salt bc ive only just started it but i have a sneaking sense that it will continue in much the same fashion.
first of all the backswing from ds9 + voyager's first black captain and first female captain is TANGIBLE. to quote eleanour "girlboss" guthrie-blacksails so many goddamn (white) men here!!! too many goddamn (white) men here!!! not only are they white men, archer and trip specifically are Cowboys in the most "we clearly want to write a classic western" sense. if i closed my eyes and listened to a scene with just the two of them i wouldn't be able to distinguish it from firefly, a show where they purposefully put on cowboy voices because apparently space westerns were all the rage in 2001-2002.
t'pol is really the only woman i would call a main rather than supporting character and her role thus far seems to be emulating the nagging sitcom wife, in that she naysays everything, gets utterly disregarded, is proven right by the end of the episode, and then is immediately disregarded again next episode. i find the idea of vulcans intentionally curtailing human progress into space and humans rebelling against that really interesting, but i hate the way the casting and direction turns space travel into this gung-ho boys will be boys situation because even though t'pol is right, she's being Framed as a killjoy in such a gendered way.
back to the western thing - i watched a Lot of 50s' and 60s' westerns as a child and out of the five episodes of enterprise i've seen so far, three have used tropes or stock situations directly from westerns with the worst offender being s1e6 terra nova. i was fucking gobsmacked by that episode like it was BLATANT. the fact that most of their outdoor scenes are probably filmed in california which is where a lot of westerns are filmed by pure hollywood convenience probably doesn't help, but it's really evident in the writing as well. i remember reading that the original series wanted to take the western frontier into space and make a "wagon train to the stars" and it feels like enterprise decided to go all the way back to that concept and do it far, far less subtly.
of course the problem with this is that rather than engage with the politics of that genre and how they've influenced the formation of star trek (is the federation an imperialist entity? is starfleet a colonialist military? etc) it feels so far that enterprise is just having a great time playing uncritical cowboys and aliens, completely erasing indigenous people from the narrative of westward expansion or replacing them with the non-human which. fucking sucks!!
the fact that t'pol is constantly getting racially harassed and abused as the only vulcan aboard, the fact that hoshi is inexperienced with combat and space travel so its always the men doing the action scenes, the fact that travis is the youngest and least ranking officer on the bridge and the fact that enterprise was "rick berman's baby" are all adding up to a conscious agenda of putting white men at the forefront of trek again.
if i'm wrong about any of this i would love to hear from people who've watched further than me! i dont mind about spoilers i've already had loads
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hydrangea-mon-amor · 1 year
Female! Yandere OC x reader
Trigger warning! Yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, non con physical touch, one sided somnophilia. This work also includes the notion of rape. If you are not comfortable with that please do not read further. (Tell me if i need to add more!) DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
Side note — if you read the trigger warning and still were triggered by the content (or any that I’ve wrote) please message me ASAP and tell me about it. This goes for all of my works, but I do not mean harm writing these stories and the content of my blog are dark and heavy. I DO NOT condone this behavior and if any of you see yourself in a situation like this I urge you to seek help.
Summery! You have the perfect life, good grades, a group of friends and a good home life. In your school the popular girl, Valery Magnolia is the daughter of two famous doctors with a hospital in your city. Valery is trained in the arts of medicine and when you suffer from a serious fall you seem to catch the attention of miss popular.
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A/N: I think this is the longest fic I’ve wrote so far, anyways enjoy I’ve had a blast writing Valery’s character. Just to put it out there this pictures are not mine and I’ve found all of them on Pinterest. This is unedited as fuck so don’t be surprised if you see many errors. As time goes by I’ll be able to lick them out and fix them, so for now, just enjoy. ❤️
You sit with your friends at a lunch table while you eye miss popular chortle it out with her friends. Valery Magnolia, the highly praised daughter of two famous doctors and the owners of Magnolia Medical Center. Tch. People say she’ll become just as knowledgeable about medicine like her parents, maybe even start her own clinic. But for now, you and her are in high school in your junior year. And besides, it’s public knowledge that she’s dating the quarter back Jaydee B Hallaghar, brother to the famous runway model Dante T Hallaghar. You scoff to yourself, why do you even care? Matter of factly, why are you so fixed on looking at her? You’re being foolish, and you know it.
“I heard she’s killed some people.” You whip your head around at your friend Tylers vicious statement. He stabs a fork in his undercooked meat and the only thing he ate so far were the tatter tots. He seems to notice your bewildered gaze. “Y‘’know, like when she operated on some patients she kinda fucked it up and killed ‘em. Since her parents are rich and famous and a real big deal in our city they were able to cover it up, mostly.”
“Your crazy, she may be a prissy bitch but I don’t think she is a killer.”
“I bet her victims thought that too.”
“Whatever.” You stand up with your tray in hand and you look back to Tyler. “Come on, let’s go to the rooftop.” Tyler again picks at his meat, you don’t know why you know he won’t eat it.
“Won’t we get in trouble? Again?”
“Tyler, we always get in trouble going up there, what’s the difference now.” Tyler pushes his chair back and cocks his head to his rear.
“Like, what if we get suspended or something?”
“Then we’ll just get a break from this hellhole they call ‘school’.”
Your feet dangles of the edge. Your school is only three stories high so everything is fairly close. Even now, the people that are on the ground don’t look as small as some would say. But maybe that’s just because your not high enough. Your friends lays on his back a cigar in his mouth. You don’t tell him that the smell bothers you.
“Do you ever have wet dreams about anyone?” You look at him disgusted.
“You are genuinely such a gross person. Why is every thought you have so lewd?”
“Why isn’t your thoughts lewd enough?” He sits up in a crisscrossed position, throwing his cigar off the roof top he then turns to face you. “So, do you?” You avert your gaze from him.
“Once, but it was about my ex and they were a shit show so I don’t like to think about it.”
“Fair,” Tyler picks at his pocket pulling out another cigar. “I’ve had a few, most of them are about a certain Magnolia girl.” You actually wish to puke.
“No seriously, what’s your obsession with her? Wet dreams? You even know her whole ass schedule and not to mention all the theories you have on her.” Tyler thinks for a moment.
“It was in elementary. We had a school project and you know how I was in school, a total freak! No one wanted to be my partner, no one but Valery. She decided to be my partner when she could’ve just chosen one of her hundred friends. She sometimes smiles at me in the hallways. You think she remembers?”
“So a girl was nice to you once and now you have these intense yucky feelings?” You say nonchalantly.
“Pretty much.”
A few minutes later you hear the school bell and you say your god yes to Tyler because he always leaves first and because you have different classes. But also because you like the view here. The tees sway nice and the grass looks more lively. But when you lift yourself up to finally get to your locker and head to class you feel yourself slip.
Instead of rearing back into the rooftop you sway forth and you find yourself tumbling down. When you hit the floor you hear cracks, not a crack but many all at once at the same time. Blood pools from all parts of your body but you can’t find it in you to scream. Because you can’t. Your throat hurts too much and with every breath you take the more excruciating it is. You hear heels click on the floor rushing to you. It’s your guidance counselor. She screams for you to stay awake and to not sleep but you can’t hear her well, you can’t really see well either. Everything is blurry.
The last thing you feels is your body being shaken and the odd sound of muffled yelling and the beeping of a number being dialed.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You wake with a ache in your head, no it’s not there, it’s everywhere.
You try to sit up straight but the physical pain you feel is so raw you let out a gasp.
“Careful.” A stern voice states from your side. You turn your head to see that it’s none other than Jacob Magnolia, the father to Valery. “What were you thinking trying to commit suicide like that? Twenty of your bones have been fractured and two broken.”
“I didn’t—“
“Please, quiet. When your guidance counselor saw you on the ground do you know who she was with?” You shake your head. “Well, I guess that is to be expected. She was with my daughter. My little girl had to watch an almost dead body.”
“But sir that isn’t my fu—“ Dr. Jacob puts his finger to your mouth to silence you.
“Enough, I already have enough patients to deal with.” It was then that the door to your room creaked open and a girl tepidly stepped inside.
“Daddy? Are you in there? Um, are they alright?”
Well fuck.
Of course, it has to be Valery Magnolia barging into the room like this.
“They’ll be just fine darling. Do you mind watching over them for a bit? I have to check on some of my other patients.” Valery moves inside the room and sits by a chair close to your bed.
“Sure, I don’t mind.” Valery’s dad thanks her before stepping out of the room. It is now that she turns to look at you. “Are you alright?”
“Do I look alright? Twenty-two of my bones are fucking gone.” Your voice is dread-filled but funny enough it actually made Valery chuckle.
“They aren’t gone, they are just damaged. They’ll be fine in a couple of months. You can trust me on this.” She gives you a genuine smile.
“Lucky me.” Your voice is muffled but you didn’t really care.
“Do you want some water? I can get you it.”
“Trust me, the only way I’ll be able to have fluids circling my body is through feeding tubes. There is absolutely no way of my standing up, you can trust me on this, I’ve tried.” Again, you’ve managed to get Miss Popular to laugh.
“Well, I can tell you I’ll try my best to make you as comfortable as I am able. My name is Va—“
“Valery yes I know. And I guess this is where I tell that my name is Y/n.” She looks almost taken aback, almost.
“I didn’t know you already knew of me. Can I ask how? We’ve never met each other before.” For the first time meeting her, you wanted to slap her across the face.
“You literally saw my bleeding body on school grounds which should tell you that we are from the same school. Also, I have you in four different periods, and that's besides lunch. But I guess since you’re so popular and loved you don’t have time to notice the background of things. Am I right?” Valery’s lips creased into a thin line before she tried to force them into a lukewarm smile.
“I didn't know you felt so strongly about my reputation at school. But that doesn’t matter now, does it? You’re injured and I’ve already told you I’ll do anything to ensure your maximum comfort. And don’t be weary, I have quite an extensive knowledge of medicine and the human body. You’re in safe hands, I promise.”
“Are you sure about that?” Valery places a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to give comfort.
“Let’s not be so hasty to one another, besides it’s the first-way ticket to a sour relationship and I don’t feel in the mood to create an association like that. So please, for my sake and yours let’s be cordial with one another.” as she says this her hand is still in place.
“Will you agree to stop touching me if I agree to let you be my temporary ‘doctor.’” Valery nods her head enthusiastically.
“Fine. But only for a week and then I would like a certified doctor to care for me, for my peace of mind.”
“Of course.”
The first day Valery comes into your room, she comes with a feeding tube. You didn't expect her to take you so seriously but then again you weren't exaggerating so you don't mind.
“You said you needed these? Please be still while I attach this to you.”
“Won't I have to go under for that?” Valery simply gives a tight smile.
“No, not for this case. Anyways, won’t you be good and be still while I apply this to you?” You vehemently cringe internally. But you ultimately let her.
“Good.” She whispers. “I want to ask, how was your life like at school? I mean, since I am considered popular and student body president I had a lot of pressure and work to do. I wonder what it’s like for you, for someone so…average.” You seriously don’t think she’s talked to anyone that wasn’t obscenely rich.
“Well, uh, I guess it was normal? Um, I didn’t do anything. I mean I went to some after-school clubs but fewer than one-fourth of the school knew me. But I didn’t care about popularity I had my people and family and I was doing pretty good in class so I didn’t care. But my friends sure did care about you.”
“Really?” Valery’s ears perked. “What do they say, what do people say about me?”
“Well, most of them just gawk at the floor you walk on, I don’t think they're above licking your shoes for you.”
“Gross.” She states, you agree.
“Others…well others are indifferent. They don’t care about you nor do they want to. Did you hear about the rumor of you killing some of your patients from performing surgery on them?” Valery goes rigid.
“Really? Who said this about me?”
“Oh um, no one in particular, just something I heard while walking the hallway.” You lied.
“Well, what do you think of me?” You can almost feel her hold her breath as in waiting for your response to decide if she should continue or stop.
“Well, I guess a day ago I would say that you were just a snobbish prude.” You can see her visibly wince, “but after what happened yesterday I see you as a more humble person, I think. Um, I guess you're cool.” Valery breathes a sigh of relief.
“I’m glad.” She murmurs.
On the second day, Valery comes with a care package.
“Tada! All my friends have pitched in to make this for you.” You can’t move your body yet so you try as best as you can to see with your eyes. “Oh no no! Don’t push yourself Y/n, here just lay there and I’ll show you one by one what’s inside. When you are perfectly healthy you can take it for your own. Hm? Yeah?” You have no energy to decline so you just accept it. But instead of sitting in a chair, Valery decided to sit next to you on your bed.
“You’re pretty when you sleep.” She says absentmindedly but when she notices the concern in your eyes she elaborates. “Daddy had some tweezers here he needed and I opted to help, it was then that I saw you asleep. Not to sound creepy but you’re a nice sleeper.” She creeps into the care package and pulls out plushie after plushie and decorated them on your bed.
“There! Now, whenever you sleep a piece of me will always be there to take care of you, as a true doctor would.” You nod slowly, trying to follow whatever the hell she’s saying. But then you notice her looking glum.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure I guess.” She propositions herself so that she looks directly at you.
Her voice is unsure, “a-am I a whore?”
Well, you weren’t expecting that.
“It’s just, sometimes I hear from my friends that some of the kids at school think I’m a whore because I have a lot of guy friends. Hell, even my boyfriend is getting agitated by it.”
“Is he getting agitated at you or at what they're saying?” Her eyes widen as if no one has ever asked her that. “Because trust me, If your boyfriend decides to believe the rumors instead of you then he isn’t worth it. I mean, If you were my girlfriend I’d put you above all else. Don’t settle for what you know you don’t deserve.” She regards you for a moment. Like static electricity, never once blinking. If you weren’t too busy looking at the big blue teddy bear you may have gone a little spooked.
“And to answer your other question, I think we all are whores. It may not be for sex but it is for something. My friend is a whore for cigarettes and I am a whore for breaking the rules and seeing how far I can go without getting in too deep shit. I can’t exactly say what you are a whore for, but if it’s what your thinking then no. I don’t think you go after guys just for the sex they offer. Not anymore.” Valery grabs a fistful of the bed sheets and clenches them around her hands. She has to take deep and protracted breaths to prevent herself from crying tears of relief.
“Thank you Y/n, thank you so much.”
“It’s whatever.”
“No.” She reaches to take your arm in hers. “It means a lot to me, thank you.” She looks unsure of whether to say her next sentence or not, but when she looks at you and realizes how badly she wants this she can’t help herself.
“Can I hug you? Y/n, can I please hug you?”
“Valery do you still not realize I have twenty-two Broken bones, if you hug me no matter how light it was I think you would break a few more.”
“Two broken bones” she clarifies, “you have twenty fractured bones and two broken bones. Remember?”
“Yeah yeah same shit.” Valery can’t help but smile.
“Then can I stay here, for a few more minutes with you?” When she realizes she’s getting no response from you she looks at you worriedly only to have her tense muscles relax to see your sleeping face. She told you, you had a pretty face while sleeping. When she looks at you urges so raw bubbles in her stomach. But she holds herself back, no, now is not the time.
Valery is not stupid. She knows that the feelings she feels for you is far from normal, but she doesn’t care. She could care less when she has you to worry about. It’s officially been two weeks since you’ve been in the hospital and though it may be selfish to say but Valery has been enjoying every second of it. She appreciated the bond you’ve formed with her and she is delated in the process of taking care of you.
She almost wishes you were like this forever!
Now, Valery is standing at a porch, her hands knocking on a door. She’s knocked on this door many times before but today seems to be different. And she is giddy about it. The door creeks as orange heels step into the frame.
“Dante, I didn’t expect for you to have a shoot right now.”
“If you become as famous as me, you won’t have time to be free. Every hour there is a new shoot, and right here and now I’m wasting my time with you.” That’s Dante for you.
“I want to speak with Jaydee.” She gives Valery an odd look. “Is something wrong.” She shrugs.
“Is that all? Just Jaydee? What happened to: Scrumpie-pumpkin, Sugar-cakes, Snuggluffagus, Tubba Wubba or—“
“That is enough.” Again Valery is restraining everything in her to not lunge at Dante. “This is important.”
“Well you aren’t going to speak with him today, he’s helping this new kid tutoring.” Valery can feel her teeth clench. Yes that new kid, Jaydee’s friend Oscar made a bet with him to see how long he could get them to fall for him.
“Then do you mind telling him this?”
“Make it quick, I only have so much time to get to my shoot.”
“Im breaking up with him, I’ve found someone much better.” She can feel herself foaming at the mouth.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
She should feel ashamed.
Today is the day of your discharge. Your bones have finally healed but Valery doesn’t want this to end. She doesn’t want to stop doting on you. Which is why she asks you a proposition.
“Go on a date with me.” You almost choke on your coffee.
“Say what?”
“Go on a date with me.” When seeing your expression she immediately goes to try and justify it. “You know b-because we hung around each other these past few months. You don’t even have to see it as a date, just a um, parting gift?”
“Valery, I see you tomorrow at school. It’s not like I’m a vulture, I’m not going to disappear.”
“I-I know that! Just come to my house, oh uh, let’s go 7:30pm huh? We can watch a movie or something, your choice!” She gives you a beaming smile in a sly chance to waver your answer in her favor.
“Okay sure, fine.”
She feels a sigh of relief. Before you know it she’s tackling you in a hug, her face squished against your cheek. If you cared to notice, you would realize how closer her lips were to your mouth, and how tight her hold was on you.
“Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! I promise you won’t regret this!”
You did
When Valery told you she lived in an apartment down Boulevard Street you expected her to be living in one unit. But then again this is Boulevard Street, home to all the filthy rich people. So imagine your surprise when you realize that Valery lives in all the units! Like, each unit has a different purpose! It wasn’t until one of the guards that guarded the main entrance told you that the apartment complex is the Magnolia’s family personal estate. All of it.
What was the point of a humungous garage then?
It seemed the guard already knew of your relation to Valery, considering how ready he was to help you. He leads you up the stairs, which again, you don’t understand why you couldn’t just use the darn elevator.
“Right this way.” He leads you to the first door on the eleventh floor.
“Thank you.” You smile and knock on the door.
It was already open.
You don’t seem to mind or be concerned considering the number of guards and protection in this place. If you lived here you wouldn’t even feel the need to lock the door! You step inside and are taken aback at how beautiful and spacious and how wondrous everything is.
“Lady Magnolia is in her bedroom, to the left.” You point your gaze that way and you can definitely tell that it is Valery’s room. The handle is pink, which you learned is her favorite color, and there is a picture on her door. Before you approached it you merely thought it was a portrait of her friends altogether but upon closer inspection you’re horrified to see that it’s you. The picture is of you in the hospital bed, sleeping. On the paper, there is an outlined word in all caps: MINE.
You open the door without a second thought. Stepping inside you see that her wall(s) is covered in pictures of you! Some of the photos are photoshopped, indulging in the idea of you…dating her.
You feel bile creeping up your throat.
You then walk to her desk, that too is covered in pictures and pictures of you. This time you actually vomit a little when you notice some pictures of Valery fondling breasts/crotch. There is no way this could be legal.
It is now that you notice definite CDs on her bedroom floor. You notice a DVD drive on her bed, and her laptop there too. You rush gathering the CDs in your hand and hopping into the bed. You were no expert but if Valery showed this much infatuation with you then you don’t think it would be above her to alter her life completely and the pursuit of you. Which is why you typed your name as the password.
You cannot believe that this is happening to you.
Quickly you plug the CDs into the DVD drive and the. Into the computer. The videos ranged from Valery giving you kisses while you were unconscious to pleasuring herself with your old hospital gown. She came while saying your name at the top of her lungs, her eyes lidded and lips drooling.
Perhaps you were just too stunned because you couldn’t stop watching, from file to file you watched everything that Valery would do while you were unaware of everything taking place. You genuinely thought she could’ve been a friend to you.
You hear footsteps
It’s already too late to hide what you have been doing
“Y/N…” you’ve never turned your head faster in your life.
“I can e-explain!” You definitely want to see how that would play off.
“How are you going to justify fucking yourself on my hospital gown!” Valery is caught off guard, she didn’t expect you to see that. “You can’t explain it, can you? That’s why you’re so despondent.”
“No!” She hurriedly replied.
“Oh yeah? Then how do you explain the pictures? Huh! How do you explain every single one of your walls being covered in pictures of me! How do you explain that!”
“I had to!” She cries, cornering you into a wall. You can see tears prick her eyes. Her arms are on each side of you, barricading you. She stutters as she says, “You have no idea what it was like! I-I needed you with me—I still need you with me! Never, have I felt so genuinely cared for by another person before you! I n-never could have let you go even if I wanted to. P-please Y/N, try to understand my point of view. I-I love you.”
You slap her across the face.
“Bullshit!” You take a step closer to her, but she doesn’t budge, intent on keeping you enclosed like this. “I heard about the rumors of you and Jaydee breaking up,” you take anther look at the bedroom “but honestly I think your just using me to get over him—“
“That isn’t true! I was the one to break things off with him, and I did it because I wanted to be with you!” She withdrew her hands from the walls and went to cup your face. “I never felt so sure of something in my life before, but I knew, I just knew that you are the one for me. A-and in time I’m positive I’ll be the one for you! We can even operate on patients together—“
“Fuck no!” You push her off of you. “Why would I ever think of becoming lovers with you, especially now? You-you’ve done so many terrible things to me while I was asleep. You violated my body!”
“No I didn’t! I made love to you before we could do it consciously together! I couldn’t help myself, I needed you so badly and I wanted to make you feel good too so I guess I got a little carried away but I never violated you!”
“That is literally one of the ways you could violate someone! Using their body without their knowledge or consent! Have you gone crazy Valery?” It’s now that she breaks into harrowing smile.
“If it’s for you then yes.” You shake you head disgusted at her.
“I can’t believe you, I thought we were friends!”
“We are! We can continue to still be friends! And something’s more! I know you love me Y/N, you’re just too scared and timid to admit it. I know you are!”
“You are actually psycho!”
“No I’m not!” You shake your head, looking at the door you devise a plan. But Valery is already two steps ahead of you.
“Don’t you dare think about—“ you dash to the door as fast as you can but fall to your knees from a sharp pain. When looking back to Valery, you notice a rifle on her hands, how she got it you’ll never know.
You wake with a searing pain in your head. You realize you’re strapped onto a rather comfy cot with a body next to you huddling for warmth. It’s then do you realize it’s Valery. You try to scream but there is a gag in your mouth. You also realized that you’ve been completely changed of clothes.
Valery stirs from her supposed sleep.
“Your awake.” She murmurs, you glare. “You must still be mad at me…” she seems genuinely disheartened by it. “I know there isn’t much I could say to soothe you, but, Baby you know I would die without you right? So don't leave just yet.”
Well with you bound up like this you have no chance of ever going to!
“You must wonder where we are, it’s another unit in the Apartment complex that my parents use for extra patients. Actually there are several units for that but this one is specially for you.” She seems hesitant before pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead. She seems quite happy with herself.
“Ahh, I’ve waited ages to do that!” She snuggles closer to you. “Please understand this is all for you.” It seems to get harder and harder for you to believe that.
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clouds-by-me · 9 months
𝓘𝓶𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰
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Characters ;; Lyney, Lynette & Freminet Warnings ;; google translated words, words like beauty are used as a gn term AN | I dont know French y’all, but i wanted the name to be sound good, and I’m pretty sure Fontaine is based on France{pls tell me if I’m wrong} also pictures are not mine
You’re a very well known face all across Teyvat, not only for your beauty, and wits, but also your strength. You weren’t some divine being, nor are you anything above a mortal. Just a simple person who worked diligently in all the work they do.
This wasn’t your first time in Fontaine, and you were quite sure that it wont be you last. You’d been all across Teyvat so all the walking and fighting that came along with the trip was nothing you couldn’t handle. However, after traveling from Liyue all the way to Fontaine with little to no stops, you were decently tired, and wanted to get some rest.
As you walked the streets of fontaine, you kept your head held high and walked proud and with a purpose. The purpose; to find. Place to stay. You got many looks as you walked around, rather that be because you were very known or because you were basically glaring at everything in sight, you don’t know. You knew Fontaines layout, that’s for sure, but since you’d last been there, things have moved, and very well changed. Still searching for a place to stay you happened to hear some noise, yet you didn’t it any mind.
This place was full of over the top people, and all the dramatics, maybe if you were in Monstadt or Sumeru where things are much quieter and people stayed to theirselves more, then you might’ve cared to even glance. But this is Fontaine, a place known for dressing fancy, and all of its dramatics.
And because of this indifference you didn’t expect or notice a group of three walking to you. One of the three, a blond male wearing a top hat grabbed your arm and rather rudely pulled you toward an even larger group of people. “And for our next and final act of this time, a special guests, l'étoile(The star)!” The other two figures, both blond yet one a female also wearing a top hat, and the other a male who had a tank attached to his lower back, who once stood n front of you now separated revealing you to the crowed. And tough you were fairly confused, you made a quick recovery and rolled with whatever it was that was happening.
With your signature smile, you locked arms with who you know as Lyney and tilted your head toward him. “Hey!~”
And they went fucking feral.
Cheering and majority face turning a bright red hue. You glanced over at Lynette who gave you an apologetic look to which to nodded at, telling her that you very well understood what was happening. Being focused on his sister, you didn’t notice that Lyney had grabbed your chin with his finger and thumb and moved your face to look at his, with how close the two of you were together, you felt hot and nervous, but quickly recovering, you pulled him close.
“Just follow my lead.” He wordlessly mouthed to you, to which you smiled in return. The male grabbed your waist, first spinning, then stopping for a quick seconds to look at his siblings, who nodded at him. He looked you with a Prince Charming type smile, before throwing you up into the air, with a surprising amount of strength. While in the air you did a quick but elegant spin, and when you turned back to face the crowed, now starting to fall from gravity’s weight, purple flowers and pure white doves magically sprouted from your back, making the sense al the more magical.
And when you fell the siblings caught you in a cradle position, with Lyney behind you, holding your arms, and Lynette with Freminet across from her holding your legs, and back. They let you down, and all four of you bowed at the crowed, letting them know that the small show was now done.
As the crowed dispersed the three flocked around you. And you looked at them with hands on your hips and a browned raised, almost like a mother getting ready to scold her children. “It’s was Lyney’s idea.” Lynette said as Freminet nodded along with her. To which you looked at Lyney now, demanding answers.
He smiled sheepishly “Well, can you really blame me? I saw a beauty like you walking by and i new i just needed to have you in on the act.” You stayed silent after he finished. You weren’t surprised, this was very well in his personality. You shook your head.
“Your paying for my hotel room.”
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arkiwii · 3 months
i am here to cause violence and get you discourse'd. so questions 9, 10, and 13 for the violence ask game, let's start strong lol
Yippee, violence!!!
9. Worst part of canon
whatever the fuck Heart of Surging Flame was. I think I've never cringed so hard at an event. if I keep pretending that it doesn't exist, it will stop existing.
10. Worst part of fanon
reddit users
listen I don't know how to describe this. extremely horny people who will waifufy any female character and reduce her not even to a trait, but to just a walking pair of boobs. I don't mind people having waifus or doing self shipping, don't get me wrong! but I'm talking like. I've seriously seen comics or art of characters like Saria or Kal'tsit going full on tsundere waifu mode "i-it's not that I love you, b-baka dokutah..!!" like how can you fail a character at this point. thank god these people are absent from Tumblr but open Reddit for a bit and count to ten while scrolling, chances are you will end up on some mommy posting or horny art in the spawn of these ten seconds. AND I'm not even gonna talk about characters who are canonically minors because holy fuck
it's not something I consider really bad, like I can easily ignore it, but it emplifies the fact that Arknights is a gacha and really brings shame to me as a fan because I can't talk about how I like a gacha game without being mistaken with these people
13. Worst blorbification
imma ban this question i still dont understand it /j
ok with some comments and seeing other people reply to it I got to understand kinda what it means? so I'll say mmm Exusiai, perhaps. I'm not placed to be Exusiai's Strongest Warrior because honestly, I was in the same bag as the blorboficators until last week. but huge shout-out to @/annierosaart for making me realize how incredibly fucked up Exusiai is. the fanon (and me included for a huge part) shows Exusiai as quite a happy lived go lucky girl who thinks about party and apple pies. which is also pretty much what I understood of her character too when I followed the events she's in and looked at her files! so I can't blame them. but by the Law when you start reading between the lines and put more thoughts into it, her character is extremely sad. for exemple the fact that Everyone in Laterano seems to straight up hate her, that her school celebrated it when she was gone, that rumors about her are so wide spraid that even Archetto is scared of her?? what the fuck girl. to be considered a danger by LATERANO is an achievement that deserves duscussion and a therapist
and also the implication that if Mostima refuses to tell her about Andoian is not only because she's not allowed to, but also because Exusiai would be ready to go hunt this man to hell. and one extremely angry and full of revenge red haired girl is enough, let's not add another one
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gendrie · 4 months
curretly thinking how much Arya would have loved Arianne or Margaery, they would have really helped her be the person she wanted to be. Arya would have loved them so much and I'm sure if Arya had known them she would have wished they were her sister.
its a fun and interesting thing to consider on a lot of different levels (which i guess is why your ask inspired me to go off on some insane tangent)
margaery has quite a bit in common with arya: avid horseback riders, highly sociable, energetic, close with her brothers. its funny that sansa views one as her ideal sister while continuing to disparage her real sister's ghost as marg takes her on an active, outdoorsy date where they're hunting and riding (not unlike what arya wanted to do in sansa's 1st chapter) generally, arya was restricted from hunting type hobbies.......despite the fact it always been a common activity for highborn women.
which is a major flaw in grrm's early worldbuilding that marg and arianne (among MANY others) emphasize. in agot we get a glimpse into arya's upbringing and the expectation is an extremely narrow feminine ideal. sure, arya is given a lot of freedom to play but her (and sansa's) education is mostly left to an incompetent septa. they're clearly being molded for a mostly ornamental role and that is at odds with the rest of the text. ive complained about this before bc catelyn is not a vain character. she values practicality and duty. she was a teen bride and ran riverrun (+winterfell) from a young age. so why are her daughters being turned into dolls by an outsider? why werent practical skills prioritized?
for relevant context: in agot im fairly certain we get only one (1) adult northern born woman on page: maege mormont who is fierce, outspoken, and wields a weapon. (slightly ot note:) i hate the show as much as the next person but arya being a proficient archer from jump wasnt actually a half bad idea........precedent for that in canon too from rohanne webber to alysanne blackwood to ygritte. the wildlings are another notable example of northern women. so riddle me this: if 99% of the north's female characters break the feminine mold (lyanna, arya, wylla, the mormonts, the wildlings, meera, alys) why are they treated as the exception by the fandom? *syrio voice* i am wondering! (im not actually its bc tumblr dot com values the traditionally feminine ideal)
and i dont buy that its exclusively a north vs. south issue. when we meet the tyrell women we see that marg has been raised by olenna to be shrewd and capable. but catelyn is a deadbeat mother lol. neither arya or sansa think about her giving them guidance, advice, lessons, ect. arya was, apparently, just told to look pretty. catelyn's main memory of sansa is that she has nice hair. like.......ok. grrm is on record saying he regrets not developing the relationship between cat and her daughters, but unlike my next point this is something he never even tried to fix.
theres a real lack of female companions in general to start. now to grrms credit he clearly realized this oversight AND attempted to course correct with success imo. ie: arya's storyline in braavos features a lot of female characters (a trend i expect to only grow stronger in twow). as do most of the others.
arianne and her crew are an even more dramatic southron example. arya is treated like a freak for wanting basic autonomy; then we go to dorne and those girlies do whatever the hell they want for the most part: spears, studies, sex, ect. doran only draws the line at treason bc they were fucking up his own shit. but yeah needless to say arya wouldve flourished.
similarly, i love to think about arya being fostered on bear island or post series some of them joining arya's household. im genuinely desperate to see her interacting with the mormonts. i start shaking when i think about aly en route to braavos.
my point here is that i think the dynamic we're introduced to in winterfell, among the female characters, in agot looks very unusual in hindsight. and the worst part is that arya gets regarded by the fandom as a pariah who's only fate could be exile bc she doesnt meet an oppressive standard set by one annoying septa who made her feel bad about herself.
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suffarustuffaru · 7 months
 Not to be negative or a hater, but I personally don't find some of emilia's  seemingly "adorkble idiotic airhead" moments and related speeches "cute" or "funny" rather...cringe and baffling. it seems like tappei simply doesn't understand the difference between a naive person and someone with an extremely low IQ, maybe tappei tried to create some comedy with that way to show emilia's dorky charm but honestly it's SUCKS unfortunately that big troll seems to be very stubborn to portray emilia that way over and over and over again without finding it kinda problematic at all, and honestly it's starting to piss me off about him. I know that emilia actually has a lot of smart moments in the story, but for some reason I just can't get into characters like her despite her kindness and thoughtfulness as well as other wonderful qualities,sorry.
hi anon!! thanks for the ask, this is something that i think a lot, actually. the thing with rezero is that it has a few glaring major flaws and then all the smaller flaws stem from those things. and by major, it is major. its genuinely problematic. i dont use that word lightly. and emilia is one of those characters that suffers from it the most, especially when shes rezeros deuteragonist. but you wouldnt know that from the way tappei treats her sometimes.
also uh quick disclaimer i hope no one kills me for my opinions in this ask haah i promise ill explain.
i will preface this off by saying - yeah, emilias one of my favorite characters in all of rezero actually. shes one of my favorite characters of all time in general too.
tappei does do some things right with her - her base character is lovely, her backstory is complex and explains so much of the foundation of her character, her role in the story is fascinating, her arc 4 development is amazingly written imo, her kindness despite all the pain shes been through due to factors out of her control is very admirable... to me personally, shes someone i can relate to and a character that i love a lot. i see her and i understand why subaru wants to help and protect her so bad because she truly is a sweet person trying her best but she is continually fucked over. i want her to succeed!! i want her to struggle but eventually prove everyone whos ever been against her wrong!! i want her to find true happiness and grow and change as a person!!
but at the same time shes not just fucked over in universe. shes fucked over by the way tappei writes her, because he keeps dropping the ball when it comes to these things. so i really understand anon a lot for not being able to get into emilia, and i also really understand anon because i too am getting a little pissed off at tappeis writing sometimes hah. so in regards to not being able to get into emilia for some reason—yeah, i think theres a lot of reasons for this due to how tappei writes rezero.
for example. emilias “dorkiness” is sometimes good. and then sometimes its bad because tappei wants to keep making her “stupid” and “childish” in very insulting ways. having a low iq and being childish isnt bad. the way tappei treats it in his story is.
rezero in general is kind of weird in its treatment of women in that it has all these varied female characters with unique backstories, personalities, motivations, etc etc. there will almost always be a great foundation for all these characters, but tappei will continually do things to ruin it a bit down the line and waste potential. or there will be flaws from conception that get worse over time. its a huge mixed bag.
and its also really obvious again in media like this because if youre paying attention, its very easy to notice that male characters will always get more attention and more consistently higher quality writing compared to the female characters.
(warning ahead for more discussion of rezero's misogyny and tendency to sexualize children, by the way)
tappei's poor writing with women also kind of applies to children. because treatment of children and women in rezero are very intricately linked. im gonna explain this in a hopefully handy and useful and understandable list that goes through a lot of tappeis usual tropes regarding children and women in rezero:
tappei continually writing excerpts that go way too in depth about womens and young girls breasts and bodies in general in very objectifying ways. im gonna be entirely honest a good number of sentences in rezero belong on r/menwritingwomen. why do we need to keep hearing about their body parts like this? ESPECIALLY when it comes to the children. its frankly disgusting.
women/girls who are in love / involved with an older man in some capacity, likely highly dependent on him in some way, sometimes this will become their main motivation (examples of this include emilia (YEAH. EMILIA.), rem, petra, ram, frederica, liliana, yorna.............). like yeah i know guys in rezero arent exempt from (co)dependency or some form of obsession, but kind of telling that theyre still extremely fleshed out characters outside of it, right? (key examples include subaru, otto, and roswaal.)
^^ adding onto this. age gap romances. tappei did that thing where he shoehorned emilia being "mentally 14" or whatever, and also even if roswaal wasnt centuries old he still practically raised ram since she was a child (she literally helps dress him in the anime?? like shes seen taking his underwear to him???). clind also is an adult who knew frederica as a child and clind is. something else. also in a recent arc 8 madeline moment where she and balleroy have a romance-coded scene together and its like? even if shes not a child, SHE LOOKS LIKE ONE. BALLEROY IS A GROWN ASS MAN.
creepy men who are into kids but tappei justifies it in universe because theyre not actually into kids, but everything about their behavior would be creepy and wrong either way (clind and kiritaka come to mind)
female characters who are more submissive and soft hearted so clearly this means they need to be protected all the time and they cant make decisions on their own. lets talk over them a whole bunch and control them. and yeah this is a purposeful writing choice that leads to character development and narratively calling out this behavior (we see this with arc 3 emisuba conflict) but then tappei keeps doing it after the fact anyway without batting an eye. this is so so painfully clear with emilia especially. her whole character is about trying to break out of that mold but then tappei (and subaru, due to the nature of rbd + his own goals, and also puck, who hasnt been completely called out for being a shit dad yet) keeps shoving her back into it
^^ infantilizing female characters in general........ like realistically speaking emilias lack of sex education is extremely dangerous. its not funny. lack of sex ed in real life often leads to serious consequences. she nearly gets sold into slavery in frozen bonds, and iirc there are implications of what kind of slavery it is. and also her being mentally 14 makes no sense, is highly insulting, and its completely unnecessary. if tappei wants to hold off on emisuba romantic development, he already has the explanation of theyre too busy for that right now and also not mentally ready for it yet, but theyre still extremely close with each other.
^^ adding onto this there are several female characters in rezero that are airheaded. subarus mom, naoko. emilia. medium. shaula is another big example of this also. shes sexually harassed (at. at best iirc.) Multiple Times and it feels a little too brushed aside. on top of her repeatedly being sexualized with her design and her behavior, apparently, on top of being airheaded. there is a consistent pattern of infantilizing and sexualizing some of these characters and its Frustrating. having multiple characters with similar personalities isnt bad at all of course, but im putting this on the list because as anon said, tappei is problematic with this when it comes to female characters. yeah, subarus mom is well written. but emilia? shaula? its so painfully clear to see. he cant write a naive character without being a little gross about it.
sexualizing children in general. schult apparently helps priscilla get dressed iirc and also is. iirc. into priscilla's feet????? ....... and then you have typhon, whos skirt is so disturbingly see through that the anime fixed her design, and louis, who makes a few sexual comments in arc 6. also excerpts talking about petras chest. excerpts talking about anastasias body in a manner that feels both infantilizing and sexualized once again... weird comments in arc 8 regarding child subaru iirc, etc...
female characters who get overshadowed by others even when theyre supposed to be the focus. anastasia gets replaced by echidna for almost if not all of the entirety of arc 6. vollachia saga has been so hectic that priscilla hasnt really gotten much if at all major development. emilia for the entirety of rezero. crusch for the entirety of rezero AND her own centric ex novel. crusch will be in pain and severely injured and the narrative will focus more on how this affects anyone but her. and again, i know its a possibility that these characters may develop in the future. but stuff like ana getting replaced by her scarf for all of arc 6 + emilias entire existence as a character is sad imo T^T let them shine!! please!! i also know these characters also have side stories, especially anastasia and priscilla have great ones, and a lot of ss are required reading now but there needs to be more of them in main story content. im very glad that anastasias appeared again for arc 8.
rem and louis/spica getting "reset" in their development while other female characters are stagnant. they didnt actually grow and change, tappei just cheated by gluttonying rem and resetting louis's mind to a toddler. they went from Point A to Point B in an instant, there wasnt any actual development there. this might change in the future, but imo reading about rem and louis in arc 7-8 can genuinely be a bit of a slog because they didnt actual develop. we were cheated out of that. and of course tappei has to juggle multiple characters and characters will take turns having development, naturally, which such a big cast, but characters like emilia fall by a wayside far too often. she hasnt had major development since arc 4 even though she is. again. the deuteragonist. that was four arcs ago. certain female characters, i feel, have to deal with the cons of this character arc system more often.
male characters whos behavior isnt called out enough sometimes. roswaal’s relationship with ram. kiritaka. clind. puck still needs to be called out more in canon i think wjdnd. also al making comments about priscillas breasts or iirc creepy comments about schult being a shota and other things of that vein. honestly priscilla doesnt behead that guy Enough.
male counterparts with the same exact themes as their female characters will always have higher quality writing.
(of course theres exceptions to all of these—female characters like echidna are fascinating and well-written, theres several other female characters that are great too, etc, but theyre exceptions. theyre not the norm.)
ill also elaborate on that last point more here regarding male counterparts.
emilia and rem are big examples of this. we have very handy male counterparts for certain important aspects of emilia and rem's characters that are far better written because theyre guys and tappei cant write women at a consistent quality. of course emilia and rem both parallel subaru, but im gonna get more into what i think is their stronger Foils in certain aspects—
reinhard and otto.
im a fan of reinhard, otto, emilia, and rem. but the thing is, reinhard and otto have some very similar traits to emilia and rem respectively.
reinhard is guilt ridden, blamed for things out of his control, has some learned helplessness, deals with being controlled by others and trying not to crumble under the weight of the world’s expectations, has Intense Family Trauma also triggered by pandora (remember what happens to petelgeuse? remember the fortuna=sirius theory? remember elior forest?), and a deep seated trauma regarding Hurting Others. and also a generally soft demeanor and deep seated loneliness. its no coincidence that reinhard and emilia in pride if also parallel each other—emilia the half devil turned “hero”, and reinhard, the hero who falls from grace.
otto has less similarities with rem than reinhard does with emilia but to keep this short. otto and rems major motivations are being devoted to subaru. but the thing with reinhard and otto is that they dont have the pitfalls that emilia and rems characters do—the infantilizing and other problematic details, poorly written/choppy development, etc. with reinhard and otto it feels more consistent, like their time on screen is well-used and respectful to who they are as characters and it satisfies us enough to take a break from them until tappei brings them back into the spotlight again.
i cant say the same for emilia and rem.
tappei cant even write emilias naivete and stunted emotional growth (which is due to trauma and pucks poor parenting) without infantilizing her, while tappei effortlessly writes reinhard being emotionally stunted due to trauma, poor parenting, and his DPs. you dont see reinhard with cringeworthy dialogue T^T
its just kind of insulting how there is so much you could explore with characters like emilia lacking agency because others keep taking it away. her airheadedness, her naivete—shes been shaped by her environment and trauma too, those character traits stem from these things as well. how do you lead a camp and become king and grow as a person when youre in the shadow of a witch who nearly destroyed the world? when thats what people often see you as? how do you move forward when your family and people have been ruined by things you couldnt control? when your father figure has failed you in all sorts of ways? when even your closest friends talk over you and try to dictate you? when you and your loved ones keep getting in danger because of all these horrible people that keep pinning the blame on you? thats awful. i cant even blame emilia for being a little empty in the head after all that. i cant even blame her in general.
and then theres the horror of subarus rbd because emilia is his main motivation. like thatd be a nightmare come true for anyone—while subaru is good intentioned, he is yet another person stealing emilias agency. yeah, most of it in his case is understandable because emilia keeps being targeted from factors outside of her control, but its still awful. emilia quite literally has had very little will of her own for all of rezero but i have my doubts on whether tappei will actually explore it or not because he cant even write emilia dialogue right sometimes!!
its baffling to me. arc 3-4 were all about how emilia is her own person and she needs to leave the nest and grow but then tappei backpedals on it by the time we get to arc 8. again, it feels a bit insulting T^T which is why all the “dorky” emilia dialogue stings even more. its salt in the wound. i am getting a little annoyed after four arcs of seeing that pop up time and time again in between all the other well-written stuff, yeah. including other emilia moments because i did enjoy her more active moments in arcs 5+!!
tappei just needs to stop treating emilia like she cant do anything by herself T^T the core problem with his treatment of her is that he usually goes shes naive so basically shes a kind of useless child and so she cant understand anything or have any choices of her own without being scrutinized, peer reviewed, and micromanaged by all the men around her 👍
theres also this excerpt that i think a lot thats from the tsuchigumo side story (aka the three idiots set out!: earth spider episode side story) where one of rezero's female characters, a girl named marone lisbon, says -
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marone also appears for like two seconds in side stories that not everyones gonna read, so she didnt have enough time to get "ruined". so to speak.
but yeah. this dialogue reminds me of what couldve been. it has all these themes and all these feelings that apply to SO MANY female characters in rezero, especially emilia. it proves even further that tappei is more than capable of writing good female characters. and we already know that tappei is more than capable of writing well-written characters.
but ultimately i just dont trust his writing sometimes because he can never consistently keep the quality up with writing characters because either theres too much going on so things fall by the wayside sometimes, or theres sexism, or tappeis inability to be normal about kids sneaks in again!!!
however i love rezero a lot. its an important piece of media to me, and i dont intend to leave this fandom for a While atm. but i think its important to recognize when media gets things Wrong, and rezero has a good chunk of flaws. and rezeros english fandom being the way it is does make me hesitate to bring up rezeros flaws in the sense of. yeah its rooted in sexism. and weirdness about kids.
but ultimately im very very cautiously hopeful to see what happens to emilia from here. hopefully she does have more development soon? but all in all—yeah anon on this one is speaking facts and i agree a lot.
also sorry if i got a bit intense with this response akdndnd i just feel very passionately about this. tappei stop being weird about women and kids challenge please T^T anyway im gonna finish off this ask with a meme i made.
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yeah so thats why emilias writing is very iffy and also why a bunch of other female character writing in rezero is a bit iffy also 👍
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neverlearnedtoread · 5 months
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐; my favourite kind of fantasy - classic fairytale with a side of 'dont worry about the details' and 'you gotta believe in the heart of the cards!'
Oh?? 👌😉😏
a really sharp, quick-witted, and willful female protagonist going 'fuck it!' every few chapters or so and doing something crazy (crazy fun) to drive the plot forward, off a new exciting cliff
a soft magic system that really shows off in the best light what makes soft magic systems so valid. its all about the metaphors!! you have to measure the chocolate chips with your heart!!!
nature is so magical and beautiful and deadly. specifically if you treat trees bad they will form a sentient vengeful forest to raze your civilization to the ground and salt the earth with your bodies
kasia. i love an atomic blonde unkillable bad bitch with the strongest queerplatonic vibes with her best friend from birth
a CLASSIC grumpy 'beastly' male love interest. he seals himself away in a lonely tower, makes girls hang out with him for 10 years at a time, and unironically calls himself 'the Dragon'. he even has the audacity to be offended that everyone thinks he's creepy!!!!!!
No.. ❌🤢🤮
if you like having explanations for how magic works and any semblance of a hard magic system in your fantasy, put this book back. 'round here we operate on Vibes Only, babey!!
similarly, if your love language is words of affirmation and/or you think that fanfic-style romance plotlines should stay in fanfic, this romance is Not For You. this is not a judgment, only a warning
Summary: Agnieszka loves her home in her little village in the valley - you know, except for the evil forest simply known as the Wood that's been around as long as there have been people in the valley, with terrible creatures and sentient walking trees. And the century-old wizard known only as 'the Dragon' living in the tower overlooking their land, who takes a young woman every ten years to serve him. But what Agnieszka dreads the most is that her best friend, Kasia, will be chosen next, and that Agnieszka is helpless to save her. Until the day of the choosing, when the Dragon picks Agnieszka instead.
Concept: 💭💭💭💭 I've never gotten along that well with a book blurb, but this one does its damn job - gives me enough plot premise to get me interested without giving it all away, and doesn't make me feel like I've been lied to once I start the book! some stories really don't do what they say on the tin, or take ages to get there at all, but Uprooted starts off exactly at the spot the blurb said it would - with a girl, in a valley, scared of a terrible wizard, about to be whisked away to a tower.
Execution: 💥💥💥💥💥 This story is EXACTLY what it says it wants to be, down to the cadence of the prose - a Polish folklore-inspired fairytale. The rhythm of Novik's narration even fits right - one day I'll get the audiobook for this and get to hear it the way I read it in my head, like a grandmother's bedtime story with twists and eddies and crescendos at the all the right bits. I was in love with the aesthetic of every character, they fit perfectly into the backdrop of what this story was.
Personal Enjoyment: ❤❤❤❤❤ This book aligns to my tastes much the same way An Enchantment of Ravens does, and shares of lot of the same elements without ever feeling derivative - smart girl meets magic boy, causes all kinds of irreversible political upheaval, and lives happily ever after being just as they are - a Girl with The Audacity. its a tale as old as time, and i'll hear it told just as often
Favourite Moment: you know its a good book when you really can't choose a favourite moment - one that comes to mind is agniezska choosing to save sarkan from being grafted onto the heart-tree in the Wood instead of setting fire to it. the 'fuck it!' energy agniezska brings to her moments of crisis is SO good, plus the motif of her always reaching out to sarkan to cast magic together - 'hey real quick, cast a spell with me while you're being pulled into an evil magic tree trying to twist your magic and life force against us. couldn't hurt, eh?' and then it WORKS
Favourite Character: now yall know i love a sarkan-esque character - pathetic wet cat men who are so offended by their own squishy feelings are a great time! and kasia is SO bad bitch extraordinaire, her and agnieszka's love for each other literally makes the plot go - every time, every time without hesitation she puts herself as the last thing standing between agnieszka and the Wood. but agniezska herself is really Something. the way she uses magic, her connection with nature and her refusal to be anything else than what she is - a grubby young woman who wields kindness as her weapon against the world, who holds onto her humanity with both hands and teeth - she shapes this fairytale to be the story she wants it to be, one of connection and empathy. and im still thinking about her introducing the lord of the whole valley to her mother 🤣 power move!!
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bonebabbles · 8 months
Riverstar's Home Finished
It's a good book in the last 5 chapters. It's a bad book in the first 23.
It pumped the breaks BIG TIME on Clear Sky's ridiculous "redemption arc," giving him the space to be the fantastic, greedy villain he functions best as.
The dialogue is written very well. It's been pointed out to me that generally Kate Cary writes good dialogue, and it really shows. There are some excellent lines and quotes in this book.
This scene between Tall Shadow and River Ripple is superb.
Riverstar's arc is handled competently. It's a story about learning to balance peace and self-defense, and not lose what makes him special in the face of Clan pressure.
Night, Riverstar's deputy, is a woman who remains his platonic friend. This is a very low bar but it was cleared.
Arc is a positive portrayal of an adoptive parent, though it is only mentioned briefly. Riverstar thinks highly and lovingly of him.
Gray Wing being angry tutorial tips every time Riverstar died was funny.
Clan cats being able to create rafts and use willowbark as binding is now canon
The ending action is commendable. The struggle over the bridge was compelling, and excellently showcased both Riverstar as a unique perspective who handles conflict in his own way, and Skystar as a xenophobic dictator who uses his religion to justify his greed.
So many characters come out of nowhere, they are introduced endlessly.
Which especially sucks because those intros aren't terrible, but you don't get the chance to see their traits in action.
A lot of Riverstar's most interesting traits have been removed, or are not complimented by the story.
For example; in Chapter 19 he starts having an identity crisis about who he is and what makes him special; but because he's frustrated and lost about this for several chapters, you just get Grumpy Riverstar until he has his epiphany while fighting Slash.
MOST of this book is recap that destroys a MASSIVE draw of the character by making him less mysterious.
For example; Turns out he couldn't swim until the second book of DOTC, he hasn't been in this territory longer than the other cats, and he spent 6 months locked in a house doing nothing.
It's a real slog and PACKED with filler. God it's boring. The first 18 chapters have nothing to do with the last few and 5 more are dedicated to traveling.
They managed to brutally kill another female character (Flutter) in an arc already notorious for its misogyny, give her no speaking lines before that death, and forced blubbering romantic pining onto a character who was popular in large part because he didn't have that.
His new mate, Finch (later Finch Song), appears suddenly in chapter 24, three quarters of the way through the book, and they fall in love at breakneck pace. She's pregnant 4 chapters later.
Finch also ends up giving up everything she loved, her whole life, including her friends and family, to follow Riverstar home and give him biokittens so he can finally get over Flutter. (they dont even name a kid after her)
Final rating: 4/10 Should have been a novella
It's not as fucking awful as Onestar's Concussion or Leopardstar's Hernia. It is a readable enough book and does have a solid ending, but you could skip more than half of the book and miss nothing.
Fans of Riverstar will probably be disappointed by the pointless retcons, but will enjoy the last 10 or so chapters when he's true-to-form. The original content that's worth reading would have fit just fine into a novella.
If you want to read it but aren't interested in a DOTC recap, I would recommend just reading the Tall Shadow/River Ripple scene I linked above and then starting from Chapter 19 onward. I wouldn't buy this one unless you're a dedicated Riverstar fan, or don't plan to read DOTC and want to use this book as your only experience of the main arc.
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the way izzy was received by this fandom rlly is the worst combo of how fans responded to kylo ren and how fans responded to, like, tyler durden or walter white.
anything i could say comparing izzy fans and kylo fans was already said in this fucking incredible post by @chuplayswithfire. but basically: izzy is a huge cunt to everyone in this show but fans take him at his word when he talks about being hardworking and competent, they minimize and excuse his actions and act like he's an innocent traumatized baby, and they focus on him, a shitty white antagonist, instead of any of the other interesting characters of color they could be paying attention to
but imo the thing that rlly makes a difference between izzy and kylo, and the thing that makes me compare him to those other two white dudes i mentioned above, is that unlike the movies kylo ren is in, ofmd is actually well-written
the first movie in the star wars sequel trilogy was pitched, written, filmed, and literally released with no ending for the trilogy in mind. the writing for the next movies was adjusted based on fan reactions, and major plot points were decided by studio executives deciding which events would make the movie more profitable. i should not have to explain to you that this is a terrible way to write a movie series. or a television series. or literally any kind of fucking story in the world.
our flag means death, or what we have of it so far, is not that. there's fully developed characters with given realistic motivations, instead of one-dimensional props that are jerked around by a constant tug-of-war between writers, directors, and studio executives. there are narrative plot points that are woven expertly throughout the story, not hints of storylines that are completely forgotten about by the next franchise, or storylines that were finished that are getting dug up again. there's a central theme to ofmd, unlike the new star wars movies, where the theme seems to be "how can we milk this fucking franchise for all it's worth." there's no goddamn queerbaiting
i'll admit that i've never actually seen breaking bad, and everything i know about it i've learned via tumblr osmosis. but from what i can tell, it's actually a very well-written show, and the whole point of the show is that walter white is the epitome of entitled and abusive white man who thinks he's super tough and badass and that everyone should listen to him and do whatever he tells them to do (lmao, sound familiar?). he ruins his life and the lives of everyone around him and idk he might die in the end. anyway dont do drugs.
fight club i have seen, and i can confirm that this is a fantastic movie that features, you guessed it, an arrogant white guy who represents the classic violent male power fantasy. the narrator, deeply depressed because he's a beta male, watches jealously from the sidelines as tyler durden starts seeking violence, first from just meeting up with random guys for consensual beatdowns, but it escalates as more and more men start joining the fight club (wow! the title of the movie!) until the club morphs into a terrorist group. also if you haven't seen it there's a Big Plot Twist that i haven't mentioned and it's pretty good. love that movie.
anyway the point is that both of those men are very obviously. shitty fucking guys. classic macho men (even tho tyler durden's fashion sense is fantastically fruity, for some reason) who crave power over others and respect in the form of fear. the whole point of their fucking characters is that in any generic action movie, they would be the heroes
and so many fans just. completely fucking miss this. there are hoards of dudebro fan guys who relate to these characters and go "wow, he's just like me!" and absolutely do not get the point of the thing they're watching. it is fucking baffling to see
anyway that's izzy stans!! an truly groundbreaking combo of your classic female fans who woobify evil white men and classic male fans who miss the entire point of characters who are written to subvert the expectations of what kind of role a character like izzy hands, walter white, or tyler durden would be expected to play!!!!! izzy hands is written to be an antagonist and the personification of toxic masculinity that ed is trying to escape from, and yet people are acting like he's the show's third protagonist.
because izzy would be a protagonist, in a different and much shittier story. and even though we all watched the same show where he very clearly is not the protagonist, people are applying that role to izzy and not actually looking at what role he plays in this show.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
y'know, im usually against using screenshot of people doing bad stuff in the past to "prove" that they are bad people nowdays; for example, when they try to get some youtuber cancelled because he said a slur 6 years ago or something.
Because that just negates the fact that us humans commit a lot mistakes, sometimes we do mean stuff, but that doesnt make us terrible humans that are incapable of redeming themseves, most of us grow out of those ugly behaviours, and learn to be decent human beings.
However, with miss Vivziepop its a different story, i like the fact that that we are still finding screenshot of her doing heinous things in the past, for 3 important reasons:
First, The things she did are like, actually really bad.
Its not like most cases where its like "omg this dud said the n-word when he was 12 and didnt know what a slur was! We must cancell him!1!", no, the things Vivziepop did are always when she was a grown ass woman that know what she was doing, she was just being evil.
And then you have her fans insisting those arent "that bad", thats its "a nothing burger", etc. And like, yeah, they ARE bad, those things are really mean and people arent evil for pinting it out.
It is important for growing up to reconise that our past behaviours were not good, thats how we learn better.
Defending a stranger on the internet will just lead you to repeat those behaviours of your idol because you conviced yourself those arent "that bad", until you do them and then you get hit with reality because, thanks to those behaviours, people dont like you anymore and see you as a rude toxic person.
Second, she proved many times she NEVER changed.
She still shows those gross behaviours, unlike most people she never learned to be a better person.
For example: that catcalling comic was made years ago, so, i guess it doesnt represent her views anymore, right? She is no longer misogynist, right?
Well, the way she treats her female characters, plus how she gets mad at people pointing out how badly written they are, proves she never stoped having those mean ideas about women.
Or how about those aboit how she was shaming a fan for not paying her what she wanted and making them feel bad for it? Obviously she grew up and never did something so mean like that again...
Oh wait! No she didnt, every once in a while we see her throwing a fissy fit about people criticising her work and liking tweets of her fans saying people are EVIL for not loving her and giving her all the support in the world.
And about those abuse allegations... wait, those are not even old, most of them are from less than a year ago. You cant even "those were years ago" out of this one.
So fuck the "those were long time ago, she changed!", thats total bs.
And finally, every time she responded or "apologised" for these acusations, she keep proving that she didnt belive she did anything wrong and its just "the haters" being mean.
Anybody remember when she made a weird ass apology that started with "i would apologise for existing, but i know people would get mad at me still"? Her responses are always full of "actually, YOU are the mean one for calling me out, look how bad i feel? Dont you feel any shame?".
One day she will def make a shitty youtube apology video where she admits everything but with the classic "i was in a bad place", "i didnt know what i was doing", basically painting everything as "just a mistake" and not her being an evil asshole. Then half of the video will be her ranting about how this whole situation that SHE created is making HER sad, she will probably said something like "i just wanted to make cartoons and people are being mean :(((" to victimise herself.
Mark my words, we will have a Vivziepop ukelele apology in any day of 2024, im really sure.
All I can say is that after everything she's put people through, she'd better have a damn ukulele.
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Don’t fall in love with the moment / M.H
Matty Healy x female character
Word count: 1677
Warning: angst?, poor parental relationships, deceased parent. Occasional smut :)
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Chapter one:
I'm trying to hold back the tears that threaten to come out of my eyes as I remember what happened a few nights ago. I dropped out of college a some weeks ago and the moment my mom found out she freaked out on me. It's not like I don't understand her, I get why she's mad to a certain extent, I mean what mother wouldn't? But she knows I've been unhappy for way too long now, she should understand this is what's best for me.
I didn't know how to tell her, I knew she'd get mad, but as alway, she got ahead of me. The school sent me a letter to discuss the refund of my tuition and she read it. She told me she saw unintentionally, I know she was snooping around, she always does.
“Would you mind explain this to me Claire” I freeze, this sentence never leads to anything good “explain you what” i say, trying to sound calm, but it comes out more frightened than what i expected “Oh don't even try to sound clueless you lazy brat, you dropped out of school that i pay for and you weren't even bother to tell me” That shouldn't have taken me back as it did, she was gonna know eventually, i just didn't expect her to so soon “Mom how do you even know that, were you going through my things again?” I spit at her, trying to deflect the subject as fast as I could “Oh don't turn this on me. people that lie and hide things don't get any privacy, you know that damn well” and here she goes again, with her speeches of how irresponsible and ungrateful i am. Believe me, I know I'm very privileged and everything, but that doesnt mean I'm obliged to love everything about my life. Sadness and discontent and not something you have to earn, but stuff that's just part of the human experience, it's not any different than happiness or any other emotion and I don't get why it's treated differently.
“Mom i already told you, I'm unhappy, i don't like what my life has become, why can't you get that” My mom looks at me with disappointment and just tries to think of what to say. I know she doest like me, she has never told me but I can tell, anyone can, even my father knew, that's why he always made sure to show me as much love as he could. I always got along with my dad, he understood me, he was the only person that believed that I could do anything I wanted. So when he passed away, for the first time, I felt completely alone. The only person that understood me was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it.
The argument escalated quickly and after a few minutes, we were already screaming at eachother. She told me I'm delusional and I'm living in a parallel world, I told her she's old and doesn't understand that i dont wanna become her. For what seemed to be hours, we screamed at each other, but it wasn't until she brought up my dad that my anger started to turn into sadness “You know, your father would be so disappointed if he ever got to see what you've become” That was my last straw, i couldnt take it anymore, i had to leave this house, this town, this fucking county, there was nothing awaiting for me here anymore. So i didn't say anything, i just turned around and headed to my room to pack my bags “Don't ignore me Claire, i am your mother and you will listen to me” she tried to say to me, but i had already made my mind, i was leaving, and she couldn't stop me. While I packed my bags I started to think about destinations, what was the perfect place to start again?, i instantly new, England, well, london to be exact, i new somebody there that could take me in, but mostly i loved London, because my dad loved it as well, he always told me the crazy stories about him living with his friends in a tiny flat there, and i just knew that my life would be better there.
I bought a one way ticket to England and had no intentions of ever coming back to this place, so i just slept, well that until my 5.00am alarm woke me up, my mom didn't even tried to get in my room in the entire night so i slept like a baby for a good 7 hours, but now it was time to leave. My flight taked off at 7:30 so i had to be quick, i tried to do as little sound as i could, but as i was about to grab the doorknob her voice flooded my eardrums “you understand that if you step out of this house you're never coming back right” she said with a defeated tone “I really have to do this mom, i promise i'll be okay” i could swear i could see a glimpse of sadness in her eyes, but it was quickly brushed off with a look that screamed indifference “Don't come crying back after your little childish plans don't turn as you wanted them to” she spat harshly at me, and i just started at her for a while, trying to make peace with how things were turning out “Goodbye Mom” I managed to say, hoping I would not to break down in front of her, And i just left.
My friend received me at her flat the same day. I texted her last night about my emergency and she told me she'd love to take me, but I didn't want to abuse her kindness, so after I took a nap she started ro help me find a job. i applied to a million different places, but i ended up taking a job as a bartender in a pub next to my friends house, everythings seems to be working out, but I felt like i was missing something exciting, something that would turn my life inside out, and finally give that feeling of adrenaline I’ve longed for.
And that takes us to tonight. My shift ended an hour ago but I am still in the pub, just that now I was on the other side of the bar, drinking my sorrows away. I was lonely, I hated to admit it, but I used to have this feeling in my gut that all of my problems were going to disappear after I left home, but there I was, realizing that that’s not the case.
It started with an innocent drink, that lead to another, and another, and another and here I am, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to come out of my eyes as I remember what happened a few nights ago. Just when I was about to go home, a tall man approached me, he told me he wanted to buy me a drink, i politely declined, but he kept bugging me, he just wouldn't let it go “Oh come on love, it's just a drink, you don't have to act like its a full blown date” he would say. it was when i finally looked at him that i realized how attractive he was, with long black hair and beautiful brown eyes that were staring into my soul waiting for an answer, before i think about what i'm doing, im blurting out an “Ehm i, yes, i mean, yeah sure” Im pathetic.
“So, are you gonna tell me your name?” he says, with a cocky grin plastered across his face. “Claire”, i say “what about you” He looks at me with a confused expression but brushes it off quickly “Matty, i like your name” He says in the thickest british accent ever and i have to admit, he had me already.
We took off quick, we talked about a million things and time flew by. before we knew it, it was 2:30am and when he noticed he offered me another plan “Hey so its kinda getting late, what you say we continue this thing at my place” i paused for a second, was i really that desperate to have sex with the first guy that approached me and bought me drink? Technically, i was, i mean i was lonely and wanted to spice up my life, i wasn't gonna achieve it by rotting in my room and drowning in self pity. Suddenly the idea of going back to his place didn't seem as crazy as it did initially. So you know what, fuck it
When i came back to reality, i realized i still hadn't answered him “I mean, yeah, why not” i tried to say in the coolest way i could. He smiled at me and licked his lips, i was subconsciously drawn to his mouth, i coudnt help myself from staring at it, I was so heavily attracted to him it was embarrassing. “I guess we better get moving love”.
We got to his place about 15 min later. Surprisingly enough it was all clean and neat. I found myself looking around at his stuff, there was a whole lot of music equipment that didn’t just seem recreational. it occurred to me that I hadn’t asked him any proper questions about him. We just kinda talked about me. “So matty… what do you for a living?” I asked him. He looked at me and let out a little giggle “I’m uh, a musician” Amazing,, I was about to hookup with a 20 something year old looser “interesting” I say, a little more sassy than I intended. He just smiled at me and took a few steps closer until there was just a few inches separating us. We were facing each other. I could feel his eyes scanning my body and without further notice, he grabbed my face and kissed my lips hungrily, pinning my body to the wall
Hey everybodyy, so this is obviously my first time writing a whole chapter of something instead of just blurbs but I really hope y’all will like it and if you have ANY comments please let me know because I genuinely care a lot about what you guys think :))
Another thing. I know it’s very cliché that this is called the same as the blog but it fits the fanfic 😁 (laughs frantically)
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1800duckhotline · 1 month
hi! im not able to send you dms but i really want to know what you think about hazbin. i downed the entire thing in a day out of morbid fascination of seeing how that artstyle animates, but the quality of the script and handling of the structure of the show are so dogshit that the show has been lodged in my mind. and my friends who i can rely upon for their thoughtful analysis are not people who would watch it.
basically Hello Send Help
Honestly you summed up most of my plights within the show already, its just dogshit all around flaming and whatnot and i cannot believe there's 30 years old who eat this slop up. i can forgive teenagers for liking it (i am very self-aware as someone who read fucking homestuck when i was 13) but i cannot forgive fully grown adults for thinking this show has any sort of nuanced or well-written story
i finished watching the show feeling less aggravated by the designs and visual dev of the whole thing (though obviously its still really bad), and instead more by how insultingly and exhilaratingly bad the writing was.
i could literally take out my blocknote review of the whole show starting from ep 1 to ep 8 but i want to spare my friends who dgaf about hearing about this show. so ill just try to resume concisely my thoughts using my notes as crutches
this will be a very long one and again to spare people of pain ill put it under a readmore
vivienne medrano does not care about the female characters in her own show. idk about helluvaboss and i honestly dont want to watch it unless someone watches it with me, but from what i hear hazbin hotel was supposed to be the show "focused on the girls" while helluva boss was supposed to "focus on theboys". you'll never guess what happens in this show. the main 2 girls, who are supposed to be protagonist, are completely flat characters, that are given the slightest margin of spotlight THE LAST TWO EPISODES OF THE SEASON, and no 8 episodes isnt a justification for the dogshit writing they have. vaggie is the "angry mean militaristic lesbian of color who also coddles her white girlfriend" and charlie is "goody two shoes who doesn't use her powers as literal PRINCESS OF HELL because it's 'too mean' and who is babied and is also written like a baby that doesnt know how to act besides being 'positive and whimsical'". they are literally a ship trope shipped together because idk.
most of the development in the show is handed onto the guys, obviously, as they get the most songs, most exposure to their backstories, and most interactions that are somewhat written less one-dimensionally than the girls. (not to say the guys aren't also walking ship tropes for fanfic purposes). like you can't spin this in a way that doesn't sound bad, the men just get more spotlight and that's a fucking fact. so much for "focus on the girls". fucking SIR PENTIOUS GETS A SONG AFTER HIS DEATH, GUYS
none of the angel vs hell lore makes any fucking lick of sense, and i dont mean to say it needs to be biblically adjacent, it just doesnt make fucking sense even in the "original" lore it is constructing. how is hell supposed to be a threat to heaven when hell denizens dont have access to heaven?? this question alone makes anyone question what the hell the exterminations really are for. also, like, i really fucking hate adam, he's literally the most annoyingly written villain, like he's not even funny in a trashy way. if you want to make your main villain a hypocrite who's also a massive misogynist and sexist, writing him like a frat bro makes sense if your story is set in a college campus. this is HEAVEN AND HELL. all of his lines are just stupid and senseless for the context this all takes place in (also like lute being essentially a tradwife for him is literally such a stupid choice, if you want to make a meaningful commentary about misogyny among women this isnt how it works)
all of the sin and pure shit and repenting deal is like... literally awful. for a show that prides itself on owning the bigots who think gay sex and doing drugs and doing crimes is all inherently evil, the writing really does not do itself a favor of subverting this real-world bigoted way of thinking. as unintentional as it might be it kind of just reinforces it when the character they decide to 'repent' is fucking angel dust, a literal sex worker stuck in a cycle of abuse with an abusive rapist pimp and who does drugs as a way to cope in his life. because obviously sex work (and bdsm) is inherently sinful and disgusting and the only way to repent is to give up disgusting gay sex and sinful drugs and just stick it to the abuser that has you literally by the leash! i dont think this was intentional but it comes off as hilariously stupid and straight up tactless. (also we don't talk about how the storyboarded for the song poison apparently also drew rape comics of angel dust and valentino before as a kink thing)
oh on the topic of valentino, i dont fucking get people liking him. he is literally shown to be abusive and a rapist. people will see a thin man who's not straight and hump his legs like their life depends on it. at least he isnt white but i'd actually say this makes everything worse because vivienne medrano LOVES making the characters in her show of ambiguous ethnicities/backgrounds and ends up making most of the awful ones, of color. again dont think this is INTENTIONALLY done but it still comes across as horrid nonetheless. whew!!!
also i hate alastor in all types ways sauces and forms. he exists to attract fangirls and rabid fans who love tumblr sexymen. other than his design being tremendously aggravating, he's literally just fucking useless, and i hate that the show tries to shoehorn in halfway that he's supposed to be a "dad figure" to charlie when he literally never has done anything dadlike for her in the whole show (and yes i watched the pilot, i still dont think this counts). the only saving grace for alastor is his voice acting. everything else needs to go. there is no saving this one
and, on the topic of alastor, i'm not the first one to point this out but something about him owning husk's soul (the one character being voiced by a black VA, who coincidentally also has a design that is conveniently ambiguous with him being a fucking. winged cat furry demon ig) has like some really bad vibes about it that i can't quite put my finger on. i'm not entirely qualified to like dissect the issues this whole show has with like... the way certain implied characters of color act within it (i say implied because vivziepop is allergic to giving the main characters of her shows actual dark skin colors that arent grey, except maybe some one-off side characters) but it was just so jarring i had to mention it
i also hate lucifer because again, made for purely fanfic ship tropes and rabid fans who are obsessed with 'pathetic sopping wet cat men' with that signular character trait. his persnality is: Depression and Dad. I literally hated every fucking moment in this show where he was in a scene and was treated as "just some guy". same with charlie. Like the lack of authority they have for a supposed KING AND PRINCESS OF HELL is just... i dont know? stupid?
conclusion is that i hate the show, i will however bee seeing season 2 just because at this point im in it for the long run, its just like, other than the visuals being awful; it was legitimately the least aggravating part for me (THIS DOESNT MEAN I LIKE THEM, I DONT, I HATE THEM TOO) but the whole writing is just... wow. i just don't understand how they got a24 to back this up. like you cant make this shit up this bad even if you tried. and im sure there's a trillion other things other people have more eloquently explained in how and which ways they are bad; these are just some of my thoughts.
my concluding statement is that i also feel really bad for people who do entire rewrites of this thing as 'fans'. i dont get it. like i get doing redesigns because it can be an exercise and because lets be real, like, everyones design is bad, hardly anything is salvageable or makes sense. but rewriting... guys please just make your own stories from scratch. at the cost of being told "omg this is just like hazbin hotel!" you have to persevere and just write your own shit. because doing the redesigns means unpacking heaps of 'lore' that doesnt make any whatsoever sense...
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emleeeeeeeeee · 17 days
chaps 500-501 sorry im late guys
okay so first thing even though it might be obvious i feel like vin and taejin have had such a parallel life if that makes sense? like obviously taejin was bought up with everything and anything that he wanted (and taught that everything was his) and we did see at the start that he was decently kind(?) to vin as a child, but only bc he viewed vin as his property. we do see this like attitude start changing as he grows up tho, where he doesnt see the need to treat his 'property' aka other ppl well anymore (rip sujin) and really just takes what he wants from them. he also really just wants everything to be his at this point, as seen when he's like excited at his father's death bc it means that he has more power. so vin has obviously had like a very traumatic childhood, but somehow vin and taejins lives still seem very in parallel
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especially in that scene bc its like showing their attachment(idk how else to describe it) to cheonliang, but for starkly different reasons. wait more like how they're both fighting for cheonliang, but while vin(and the other ppl sry idk what theyre called) are fighting purely for the memory of sujin and seongji(rip), taejin is fighting so that he can claim it as his AS SEEN WHEN THE LITTLE BITCH SHOWS UP WHEN THEYRE DECIDING THE LEADER.
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OMG THE DISRESPECT I CANT. I WANT TO PUT HIM INTO A FUCKING MEAT GRINDER. (writing this i have to keep reminding myself that the way he acts is a result of his upbringing BUT STILL DOES NOT JUSTIFY HIS ACTIONS RIUGSDFHJKNXMCSDFJKX)
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okay ive literally never hated goo more than in this moment. like yes i knew he was a fucking psychopath that didnt care abt anyone other than himself but ykkkkkkk i was hoping it wouldnt apply to characters that i cared abt??(this is how im going to get into a toxic relationship and end up on a true crime podcast)
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behold the queen herself mary kim. also possibly the best female character ptj has written imo (maybe zoe as well)
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OMG THE TANGHULU BOUQUET ISTG ONE OF THESE DAYS I WILL MAKE TANGHULU THEN MAKE A BOUQUET AND GIVE SEONGJI A FUNERAL (help i think im getting too obsessed i have work to do and im here doing this)
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OUR FRESHLY GLOWED UP MC IS BACKKKK. i honestly cant tell if its his new or old body at this point someone pls tell me its not just me
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thats a bit interesting. i still think that goo is going to be the one to die (but im not as attached to him anymore cuz otherwise taejin would be dead IF NOT FOR HIM) but gun definitely looks kinda depressed in this frame after the whole yk chaps 479-480 soooo idk whats gonna happen. even tho chap 502 is out im just gonna finish my work first and get back to you guys. but cheonliang arc finally ended!!!! and now we hopefully get to see jake kims brother who is like fiiinnneeeee (and a cannibal but whatever im colourblind i dont see red flags)lmao i love how this post just started with like an essay opening and dissolved into shitposting. anyways love you guys prob gonna post again sooooonnnn <33333
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