#and boy do I have opinions on all that bs
starberry-cupcake · 2 years
Please do yourselves a favor a watch the amazing Jade Jones perform Home as Belle from the Olney production of Beauty and the Beast that I think was fantastic. 
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childofaura · 1 year
Ok I thought I was gonna be making one nitpicky rant about TLoU show deaths but
I guess I’m actually making two. Because I saw another death and while I find there was nothing broadly wrong with it, there was some cinematic choices that drove me bonkers that I just wanna stress over.
So the rest will be under the cut, but for starters, this is about Sarah and Tess
Ok so Sarah isn’t really the meat of this rant, but I do want to talk about her death scene in the show because several things about it had bugged me. And please, I’m not really here to talk about the race swap. Overall I think it’s a little sus, moreso because the actress is the daughter of one of the executives of the show; so it suspiciously indicates nepotism. But the actress herself actually managed to do a pretty great job for Sarah’s death so really I couldn’t give a shit. ANYWAYS, the show’s death. What bugged me about it was the fact that there were CUTS while Joel is trying to comfort her and struggling to pick her up. The beauty of the cinematic choice in the game, where it turns into one continuous shot the moment Joel crawls over to Sarah, is that it inherently puts us in that moment with Joel, and by panning the camera over instead of cutting each time, it really shows how Sarah is right at death’s door, like you can HEAR the exact moment that she cries her last little whimper and just... goes quiet, right when the camera pans towards Tommy’s face. The problem with having scene cuts is that it drags the scene out in such an awkward way. Plus, Sarah’s still actively crying while Joel is screaming for Tommy to help him, and then the moment it cuts to Tommy the audio just cuts out very clumsily. As it cuts back to Joel Sarah’s just already dead, and additionally it makes no sense for Tommy to call to Joel to have him realize Sarah’s dead when she was still screaming and crying right as the camera cut. And then additionally, I’m not fond of the addition of Tommy saying Joel’s name, it feels almost... cold and detached. Like the tone of that line is “Joel she’s dead, it’s too late”. Whereas in the game, he’s moving towards Joel and Sarah and he’s in so much shock because he’s watching his niece dying in a crying, bloody mess.
So long story short, nothing wrong with the scene itself (though I gotta say I don’t think I’m a fan of Pedro Pascal’s line deliveries while he’s trying to stop Sarah’s bleeding. That’s less of a “one’s better than the other” and more of “that’s just my opinion that the emotion of the line delivery in the game was better”). Scene stayed true to the game.
But ohhh, OHHHH, you wanna know which death REALLY ruffled my feathers? Tess. Tess’ death was done so damn dirty in the show compared to the game (and side note, I hate the change to Tess’s character design. I loved the short hair held up by the headband, and I loved the short sleeves that showed her arms). I think by changing the entire death in the show, you take away from the character herself, and let me explain how.
In the game, they get to the Firefly meeting place, the Fireflies have been wiped out, and we find out Tess has been bitten. The military shows up, and Tess tells Joel that she’ll buy them some time and convinces both him and Ellie to leave. And the IMPORTANCE of her line “I WILL NOT turn into one of those things!”, which I’ll talk about. Joel and Ellie leave, Tess composes herself and gets ready to fight the soldiers. As you leave, you hear gunshots and hear Tess scream, and you find out she took out two soldiers; there was six guys and Tess took down two of them. This death is a perfect encapsulation of Tess’ character: resilient, stubborn, tough-as-nails, takes matters into her own hands. That is a death that treats the character with respect and actually plays into the character’s personality. It FITS. Tess is a woman whose life, her choices, it’s all in her hands and she will do what SHE wants to do.
In the TV show, they get to the Firefly meeting place, the Fireflies were killed by infected, and everything still plays out the same with Tess’ infection reveal (and I gotta say I’m not a fan of the dialogue choices nor am I a fan of the fact they tried to heavy-handedly push how Joel and Tess are a couple with the cuddling scene, whereas in the game the ambiguity of their relationship plays better into that final scene. I like the “Look, there’s enough here that you have to feel some sort of obligation to me” way more). Joel hears the infected, Tess starts tipping over some gasoline and grenades, and Joel and Ellie leave. Tess is panicking and frightened as the infected approach and flood in while trying to light the lighter, and then the BULLSHIT. The FUCKING KISS from the infected. And no I don’t wanna hear any ‘bUT it’S NoT A kISS, iT’S INfeCTiNg HEr’ excuses. It’s a fucking kiss disguised under the thin veneer of being some cool new infected lore, and it changes the entire death from a defiant last stance to a creepy, voyeuristic scene that’s going for a cringe-out factor. Like... Sure, you COULD explore that method of infection, it COULD be a neat behavior that we haven’t seen before.
But you don’t do that for Tess. She’s the wrong character to explore that with, and the show better actually try to stay consistent and show that again if people are gonna use the excuse of that scene being necessary. And the reason why it bugs me so much is because Tess, despite her short time in the story, is such a poignant character. She’s Joel’s partner, she’s OUR first partner. Taking that power out of her hands, putting her in this freaky powerless position where it’s like she’s being taken advantage of, does not compliment the character, especially when the death is a very easy to pull off trick that only solely relied on the lighter not working for cheap tension. If you wanted to give us a tense action scene, they could have actually shown us the Tess gunfight scene from her perspective, maybe give her one or two more kills than she had in the game. But this death was really insulting to the character.
TL;DR I’m incredibly autistic about all this dumb shit and it really just boils down to a difference of opinion.
#The Last of Us#TLoU#The Last of Us HBO#spoilers#I don't know if I even need to be putting spoilers for a nine year old game lmao but let's do it anyways#And honestly it's all just a matter of getting my knickers in a twist; I know there's a lot of people who are fine with it#And I'm not knocking them; that's their opinion#But I swear if it turns out that they don't EVER show that mouth-to-mouth behavior from them again in the show I WILL be pissed and call BS#And this isn't me saying the show is BAD; I think it's fine and I think at least (besides Tess) they're doing a faithful#and relatively thoughtful adaptation#I guess to me this doesn't seem like one of those franchises that needed a show adaptation#If you ask me we should have gotten a TV adaptation of Death Stranding#Just cast everyone from the game and boom; you have the perfect show#But anyways post edit in this section of the tags: why am I so ass-blasted over how Tess was handled?#1) I may be a little gay for her lmao; she was just one of my favorite characters#2) As someone who is so deeply invested in the character of; well; character this one really rubbed me the wrong way#And now that I type this I'm actually very nervous over how they're gonna handle Henry and Sam#You leave my boys alone you monsters; those guys practically wrote themselves all y'all need to do is follow the game#And let them die as they did; no M. Night Shamylan (however it's spelt) twist where Henry's infected instead and Sam shoots him and himself
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mauvewalker · 1 year
You know one thing I’ve noticed being parroted around a lot are about how ‘sweet’ the strong boys are, just repeating what the protagonist Rhaenrya views her sons as she has stated it within the show herself. (Which is fine as people are entitled to their own opinions). I suppose it doesn’t help with the way the team black boys have been casted, younger actors & an actual teen matching the character’s age, looking all cherub/innocent like with the awkward hairstyles emphasises their youthful ages & the framing by show is heavily in the favour of the blacks.
Compare this to the team green boys Aemond and Aegon (both phenomenal actors perfectly cast to portray them) but considering Aemond is supposed to be a teen what 16 or 19? (the show-runners can’t seem to do basic maths, lol) however, as an audience member subconsciously Aemond is viewed as an adult & treated/judged as such with his actions. Again the negative framing by the show of him in manipulating the GA perceptions of the teams, I’m really surprised they didn’t play a villainous theme tune as like with Darth Vader every time he appeared on screen but I think that would have been a-bit too obvious, lmao. It’s not like the camera framework & Aemond’s get up in black, heavy smirking in the background isn’t already doing so.
Anyways having watched the show, I happen to be believe that they are not these sweet harmless little princes, in particular, Jace hides a much darker personality, imo. For instance, in the courtyard back at Kingslanding with Luke he says “it doesn’t matter what they think” so on the surface you could argue oh how sweet he is trying to comfort his brother but shows his self-entitlement in viewing the other lords/people as beneath them & we know Rhaenrya has told him “you are a Targaryen that’s all that matters” so it has been instilled in him this belief in the Targaryen exceptionalism being closer to gods than men because of their dragons. Also, that line mirrors young Rhaenrya with “their wants are of no consequence” about the small folk again showing self-entitlement & an attitude that would make them poor future leaders.
Jace having this belief instilled in him, I feel it would explain why they all picked on Aemond because whilst Aemond may be a legitimate true-born prince who was undeniably a Targaryen with the Valyrian looks, what didn’t he have? A dragon!! so Jace with his inferiority complex/issues & superiority complex combined, knowing he was a bastard targets/bullies Aemond unfairly for this (for being what he should have been if he was fathered by Laenor) to make Aemond feel bad, inferior & inadequate like him, which they were successful in.
As we saw this made Aemond risk his life attempting to claim a dragon with helaena saying “he did it again” (hinting that Aemond at 10-12 risked himself numerous times) and it was shown twice with his failed attempt with dreamfyre & his successful attempt with vhagar. As Rhaenyra has instilled in him being a Targaryen is the most important BS & the biggest symbolism of this is having a dragon. So, when Aemond finally claims a dragon, Jace is now unable to see or convince himself as better than or being more Targaryen than Aemond.
Hence, his anger when they all jumped him 4v1 beating him & when Aemond was managing to defend himself & calls them for what he is “a bastard” Jace’s rage comes out, not because he thought Aemond was going to kill Luke with a rock as he had lowered his hand holding it. It was Aemond saying “lord strong” which made him pull out the knife & slashing with the intent to kill him. Again Aemond managed to defend himself & the knife dropped on the floor, so obviously Aemond lifts the rock up again to use as a deterrent as there is now also a knife bought in the fight. The strong boys shared a glance & threw sand in his face blinding him & Luke slashed his eye.
We all know what happened after, they didn’t get punished for it, viserys sided with them reaffirming his favouritism & threatening to remove tongues for questioning their legitimacy. Rhaenyra didn’t care to discipline them for it, thus, reaffirming their self-entitlement that they are correct in their behaviours & did nothing wrong.
Another example of Jace self-entitlement, inferiority complex & bullying behaviour was during the toast speech. It was Aegon who pissed him off & some with an optimistic view would argue his toast was trying to bury the hatchet with “fond memories of our youth”, however, he was looking at Aemond with a slight smirk knowing full well it may have been fun for him it was not for Aemond- he was targeting him again when it was Aegon who bothered him & Aemond was minding his own business. The reason for this? Because he is comfortable to be looking down/belittling/bullying Aemond.
Again, with the dance with helaena, some would argue how chivalrous of Jace for feeling sorry for Heleana being alone but it was to piss off both Aegon & Aemond. Moving on, with the speech & then Luke laughing at the pig, Aemond loses his temper, rightly so. As all he was trying to do during the dinner was ignore them, both Jace & Luke have triggered him with the past, so he gives the infamous strong speech, to push back & give them a taste of their own medicine.
Jace is the one who then loses his temper & his first typical reaction when he does?? is to be physically violent & throws the first punch & which side does he purposely target?? Aemond’s blind/injured & vulnerable side of his face. The punch was laughable, Aemond didn’t even spill his drink & with one push was thrown down. Exactly like his younger behaviour showing no growth, he get back up & during this altercation, Luke had tried to join to gang up on Aemond again. So both brothers are unable to take the heat that they dish out & fight fairly 1 to 1, but, really what could’ve Luke have really done, lmao.
They should of known when they saw Aemond earlier that day in the courtyard training. At the time, it’s clear both strong boys didn’t know it was him (with the typical targaryen blonde hair they maybe could of mistaken him for Aegon) & were super impressed with his prowess/skill, before he turned around with the eyepatch & their faces said it all, like ‘oh shit’ & then soured that the person who they perceived weaker/beneath them during childhood is a skilled swordsman, unlike them. Another thing that Aemond has/is that the strong boys don’t to add to Jace’s list, alongside having both of a mix of a inferiority complex & superiority complex, a ‘sweet prince’ he is not.
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iloveoldermen-posts · 10 days
141 as teenagers :)
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Warnings: totally my opinion with no logic behind it just vibes, slight swearing, unsure about continuation of the one-shot, i have not proof read ୨୧
Simon 'Ghost' Riley He was definitely the quiet one that attracted the girls' attention, purely because he was mysterious, had manners and was super smart. He didn't really like interacting with many people except his few close friends so he mainly focused on his studies. Getting As ad A*s for everything.
'Captain' John Price He might not seem it, but I reckon he was that one golden retriever bad boy. He would do dumb shit and get away with it because all of the teachers liked his manners and couldn't say no to the puppy dog eyes. Despite his bad boy reputation, he got mostly As and a couple of Bs.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick The ladies' mannnn. EVERY girl wanted to be with him, even some of the lads. And it's safe to say it was well warranted and boosted his ego off the charts for the future. Even with being the main attraction, he did pretty well in school. Mostly Bs with an A here and there.
Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish He was definitely deemed as the class clown, always the one to crack a joke at the expense of having to sit a detention after school. Wasn't dumb but he wasn't the smartest when it came to tests or purely academic subjects - a split between Cs and Bs.
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
okay so, not entirely sure what the last anon was on about (and it very well could be a troll just trying to bait. they really should have at least brought up what they meant if they wanted to appear in good faith), but it may be in relation to "drink up" and how it attracted terf attention on twitter? (which I know you addressed btw, so I hope this doesn't come across as an attack or anything)
personally, I think the phrase "our only natural predator" might have appealed to terf rhetoric just a little (but that's my opinion - I very well could be 100% wrong). I have my own personal feelings on the use of "natural" in the phrase (men don't naturally prey on women like animal predators do their prey - if anything, it's unnatural, deliberately chosen behavior - and it reminds me of the excuse that "it's just naturally how men are," like "boys will be boys." HOWEVER, I see how that phrasing ties into the "lioness/women turning it around and preying on the predator" theme, so honestly it works well there), but aside from all that, I can also see why it might've attracted terfs: bc they very often view and frame trans women as male predators to cis women. I know that's definitely not how you intended it though!!
and this also isn't meant as a nitpick to your work, so my apologies if that's how it comes across. I really like your art and your writing (and "drink up" has a very cool theme)! it's just that I can see how terfs might've interpreted it a certain way. it's not your fault that they viewed it like that though, and you've made it very clear you're NOT down with trans exclusionary BS. so that's literally the only thing I could see anon complaining about tbh, assuming they're not just being a troll. also I'm sorry for the super long message (I have an issue w/ typing too much smh). I just thought I'd share my thoughts on it in case it's at all helpful, but also this might just be annoying to read instead, so honestly feel free to just discard it if you prefer!
It’s not annoying at all anon, and I appreciate you taking the time to send this in. The comic you’re talking about is one I think back on with a lot of regret. It was made in a furious haze after a big time female streamer revealed that she was being mentally abused for years by her husband, where he would waste her hard earned money, threaten her dogs and her livelihood and overall be a monster to the woman who was their primary breadwinner. The reaction online to this information by her largely male audience was so genuinely vile and violently misogynistic that I made the comic, without thinking broadly about the implications you’ve already pointed out. In reality, the comic was meant to talk about how all women (cis and trans) suffer under the patriarchy and how the label of womanhood can often be an open call for baseless derision, dehumanisation and entitlement at many levels.
TERFS quickly co-opted the comic, and I’ll always regret ever giving them an opportunity to feel empowered and validated by my art, but I’ve learned from the experience overall to do better by my trans siblings. Thank you for engaging in good faith - I hope my behaviour now and in the future can make up for past mis-steps.
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jewish-vents · 1 month
I can't with this anymore uhhhhhhggggg
"AITAH for creating a private doc to keep notes on what my racist teacher said"
I have this teacher who said a lot of shit (eg. "Ashkenazi people were Europeans forcefully converted by invading Jews", "the Torah mentions Jesus and Mohammed", "Judaism started in Ethiopia because it's the oldest religion and therefore must come from where all people do", "getting angry at Houthis for attacking Israel is like getting angry at a l*nched man for struggling on the noose", etc.). No one cared that she said these things besides a boy she kept deadnaming, a girl who she used as an example talking about slave r*pe, and a kid who she humiliated in front of the class a few times.
When I reported this shit to the dean he was concerned as fuck and 100000% on my side because he's really cool. And to report the stuff, I'd been using a private google doc to keep track of what she'd said. The principal though was overly optimistic and decided instead of talking to the teacher in private, she would hold a class discussion! Yaaaaaaayyyyyyy. I was less than pleased by this, and at the discussion most people took her side. I eventually decided to share the doc with the other three kids so I could get better firsthand accounts.
But then the doc started spreading.
One of the other kids shared it with this boy who she used to mock and throw under the bus, and he shared it with his friend. Who shared it with another friend. Things went like whisper-down-the-lane until someone, I don't know WHO, got a hold of it and shared it to the whole. Fucking. Class. Including the teacher. People started claiming the doc was Islamophobic and didn't elaborate why, and saying we were only "attacking" the teacher because she was Muslim. Or that we only reported this stuff to get drama and attention. The principal herself even said that this was happening because we have varying cultures, which is BS because I have plenty of Muslim friends who have never said ANY of the shit this lady has. That is waaaayyyy more Islamophobic of a statement and I felt offended on my friends' behalf with that one.
I feel bad for the teacher for seeing that doc, but then again, I myself am suffering because someone leaked all my personal opinions to the class. I'm a super conflict avoidant person because I have severe ADHD and OCD and mild autism (ASD1, to be specific), and I hate being involved. I want to sympathize for her. I really do. But when asked to apologize for what she said, she started defending herself and saying we were all closed-minded for not thinking what we previously thought was wrong. My mom wants to take me out of the class to do an independent study project so I can pass the required course without being in that classroom. Because nothing gets in the way of Jewish parents. Especially during Passover.
My classmates are saying she's a sweet lady and it was wrong of us to get upset at her, so are we the bad guys and/or am I overreacting to this scenario.
Anon I'm going to be very honest here. You are absolutely NTA here. And you're not overreacting at all. Your teacher is being very offensive, not to mention historically wrong.
And the doc? If she didn't want to have her offensive opinions called out in front of everyone, maybe she should stop being offensive.
I'm going to say, personally if she were my teacher the doc would be the least of her problems. She would not like me very much.
I hope you're safe tho, you and the other students she's hurt. You don't deserve to be treated like this
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anikab-31 · 9 months
I think one of the most annoying things is how Conrad kept telling everybody to grow up but the thing is they were but he wasn’t. Like I get it Conrad you have anxiety and you’re mom was dying but Jere was also going through it and he was literally there watching Susannah die. And there is this whole argument how Belly ruined Jeremiah and Conrad’s brotherhood but that wasn’t just Belly, both boys did it to themselves. Like they let Belly come between them, Conrad lied to Belly saying Jere was over her when in episode seven eight it is very much confirmed that Jere never got over her. And the communication was never there. Like I get the whole idea of how Belly and Conrad are just cute but like that doesn’t mean they are a healthy couple. They literally never communicated. Like who knows if Conrad was even trying to actually break up with Belly at prom but they don’t communicate so it all just fell to shit. Meanwhile Jeremiah and Belly talk things through. Like the car ride to cousins when they got the flat tire. Great example of them talking out their feelings and problems. And Conrad as the older brother overlooked Jeremiah as well, Jere always put on a smile but Conrad never noticed how hurt and how much pain Jere was really in. But Jere always tried to put Conrad’s feelings first. And the way Conrad told Belly on the beach that Jeremiah wouldn’t care that they got together because Jeremiah doesn’t take anything seriously like that’s bs. And I can get people liking Conrad as a character (sometimes, other times he’s a complete dick) but I will never understand how anybody could support Conrad and Belly as a couple. And it’s fine if you don’t like Belly and Jeremiah (which would be insane) as a couple but like how do you say Jeremiah is toxic but not Conrad. And people are making this big deal about how Conrad remembered her favorite candy and Jeremiah forgot, but you know what Jeremiah didn’t forget, everything else, he remembered Belly’s guidance counselor suggesting Finch as a school she could go to, he puts Belly first. Multiple times Jeremiah has been willing to or has given up his own happiness for others, like telling Conrad that if Belly chooses him he wouldn’t come in the way because he just wants Belly to be happy and his brother as well, and when Belly goes to tell Jeremiah who she picked Jere immediately thinks she chose Conrad so he tells her they can still be friends.
And I know I’m just going on a rant and this doesn’t completely go with what I was saying but anybody who thought the car ride back from Brown with Belly, Jeremiah and Conrad was just cute and funny and that Conrad was just being playful, are very much blind to the toxicity and blatantly disrespectfulness of the situation.
If you would like my opinions on other topics in the show or other shows (if I’ve seen them) let me know I love ranting about things.
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nikethestatue · 5 months
First, I love your page and all of your knowledge/theories when it comes to Elriel! Second, I wanted to get your thoughts on something if you are able to shed your opinion on it, but no pressure! :) I was chatting with a few friends who read the ACOTAR series, and I brought up the fact that I really don't think Sarah would tease a couple getting together in a bonus chapter. (AKA, if G*yn and Azriel were going to become a couple, then Sarah would've dropped hints in the actual books, and not just a bonus scene that not everyone knows about. If the bonus was that important, it wouldn't have been a bonus. It would've been in the book itself.)
However one of my friend's mentioned that Wings and Embers, a bonus scene, clearly set up the relationship between Nesta and Cassian before their book ever came out, and ever since hearing that I've began to have doubts. Do you have any thoughts on this? If Nesta and Cassian were actually set up in that bonus chapter before ACOWAR, ACOFAS, and ACOSF were published, then could it be possible that G*yn and Az might actually become a couple because of the ACOSF bonus scene?
I really hope not. Nothing about a secondary character (G) and a main character (Az) getting together is satisfying for me in any way, shape, or form. On top of that, it just doesn't make narrative sense.
Anyway, hope you have a nice day! :)
Thank so much!
So of course after 3 years of nonsensical Gwynriel bs, I think readers lost sight of what they actually saw in the bonus chapter.
And the question is--WHO actually was 'set up' in the bonus chapter? Elriel or Gwynriel?
Because, just like in Wings and Embers, the set up was with....a bat boy and an Archeron sister. Because the romantic part, which, btw, mirrors W&E very closely, is all with Elain and Azriel. What happens in both? Cassian and Nesta meet, in a semi-private setting. Azriel and Elain meet in a semi private setting. We are given confirmation that both are attracted to each other. Even further, mirroring W&E, we have Az struggling with a sense of self worth and confidence, just like Cassian! who circled the house once or twice, before even daring to step inside. Taking it even further--what happens? The ALMOST kiss. Both couples are going for it. And both times they are interrupted.
Let's take it even further--who interrupts the kiss? Those who eventually became the biggest obstacles to the romance.
NESTA. She knees Cassian in the balls. Who becomes the antagonist in ACOSF? Nesta. She is the one who needs to come full circle to accept love: give it and take it. She is the one who interrupted it initially, and she is the one who was the biggest 'problem' in the romance.
Who interrupts Elriel? Not Gwyn. Rhys. Rhys who is talking about Lucien. And who is NOT talking to Elain. What does Rhys symbolise? Power and duty (for Azriel). What does Lucien symbolise? Obligation (mate bond). What does the lack of Elain in that conversation symbolise? Lack of choice. She wasn't given a choice by Rhys, or even Azriel.
What does the interruption tell us? That the main obstacles to the romance will be duty, obligation and choice.
Not Gwyn. Gwyn has nothing to do with this, or with Elriel. She isn't an obstacle to their romance, because she isn't part of the equation. Her story is separate and her part of the chapter had nothing to do with romance--neither he nor she displayed even an iota of romantic inclination.
What DID we see? Silent music and shadows behaving weirdly (Lightsinger), and her squaring off with the ribbon like it was an opponent. Like Azriel, in some way, is an opponent.
Tell your friend not to worry! :)
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avianyuh · 1 month
heelllo i love your work btw, i want one also with nct127
i was thinking a MLT....
So imagine the boys having gf, they are in a very toxic relationship, but bc of work they start to spend a lot of time with a fellow artist ( they've always had a crush on her) so they hit it off right away, and have so much in common.
who's mlt break up with their current gf for their crush and why
Hmmm very interesting idea. Here's my list:
*btw, TY for the compliment. I've been kind of going through it with college lately, and writing on here is where I have fun and get to connect with all of you beautiful people. You guys make me smile and encourage my love of writing! Love all of you guys so much!*
NCT 127 MTL To Leave a Toxic Relationship and Move On Fast:
I'll be going from most likely to least likely.
This man doesn't strike me as the type to put up with someone's negative ass. I've always gotten the sense that Doyoung knows his worth, and knows that he deserves better. So, not only would I see him not sticking around in a toxic relationship, but I also see him as the type to go after what he wants. If what he wants is someone else, he would break things off with the other person. But if it's toxic, and he's not happy, I don't think he'd have a guilty conscience.
I've read a lot of NCT astrology, specifically all of the placements that involve romantic relationships. Whenever I read about Jaehyun, everyone writes that he would be very detached in a relationship. Especially if the relationship didn't mean much to him. So, not only do I think it'd be very unlikely for him to stay in a toxic relationship, mainly because I think he'd be like, "fuck this, I'm out of here", lmao, but also because he sort of strikes me as a non-commitment type and people like that leave very easily.
These assumptions about Jaehyun are mainly based off of stuff I read in astro readings so I and everyone else should take that opinion with a grain of salt.
Sassy. Like Doyoung, I think he doesn't put up with bs. I also see Haechan as the flirty type. I'm not sure why, but over the years I've seen him grow into a more confident guy and he's very unapologetic with a lot of things he says. That's why I appreciate him so much. But I think he'd be honest and sit the toxic partner down, explain why it won't work between them, and then happily move on with the other person.
He's kind of in the middle because though I see him as someone who knows his worth and knows he deserves better. I'm going to bring in some astrology again. Yuta is my scorpio king. Key word here; Scorpio. Scorpio's hate change. They also get attached very easily. And Yuta is a very obvious scorpio in my opinion lmao.
So though I think he knows he deserves better, and would have someone else in mind. I think having someone else in mind would make him feel like a cheater, or at the least, guilty.
So, I think inevitably, he'd cave and break it off. But I think he'd keep his distance from this new person even though he'd still be interested. I think he'd need some time to adjust.
Johnny strikes me as the type of guy to have everyone around him pleading for him to leave the shitty ass relationship, but he comes up with every excuse in the book.
"Oh she was having a bad day...", "She was just tired", "She had just gotten home", "She was hungry", blah,blah,blah.
Meanwhile everyone is collectively rolling their eyes lmao.
So yeah, I could see him developing a crush. But I think that it would take quite awhile for him to leave. And even longer to start over again.
Johnny gives me 'tough on the outside but softy on the inside' vibes. I think he'd need some time to adjust before starting with someone new, just like Yuta.
Old man. People pleaser. Too shy.
Oh god, I could see him sticking out the toxic relationship for quite awhile before leaving.
Type to try and o to couple's counseling lmao.
But I think if he had someone who he really liked lined up, I think he would finally break it off.
"Aye, uh, hah, so, yeah I just...uh...don't think we're good for each other dude. Um, are you gonna be okay? Shut don't cry. Ah, man I feel really bad about this but...I don't know. I met someone. NO, but I uh...Like, I'm not seeing anyone else but you. No...you know...infidelity, is that what they call it? I'm not trying to joke or anything. Oh man, how do I explain this. You know, there's probably a really good sing that would explain this situation really well, but uh, I don't remember it. Oh snap, do you? No? That's okay...I uh, just think we'd be better off as you know...um, what do they call it...oh! Friends hahaha"
*My interpretation of how this conversation would go if Mark had to break up with someone. I'd like to add that there'd be a lot of fleeting eye contact and him putting one of his hands either behind his neck, on top of his head, or snapping his fingers a lot every time he said "Um, Uh or Oh". Cue Party in the city where the heat is on. All night, on the beach till the break of dawn. Welcome to Miami. *
Mark would not only feel quilty, but would have a struggle breaking off the relationship. I think the above statement explains it.
Girl, I'm gonna be honest. Jungwoo is the 127 member I know the least about. Because of that, I have a hard to writing for him lmao. I don't know why, he gets promoted enough. I think it's because he's pretty private. Like, remember when it was announced that he has a famous actress sister. But that was a year or two ago. He's been in NCT since 2018 lmao and we just found out about his sister.
Here's the things I know about Jungwoo: 1. He's a great singer.
2.He likes to work out.
3.He's very soft spoken.
4.The man knows how to do halloween correctly.
5. He's a college boy with an engineering degree.
6.His sister acts.
Anyways...all I can really get out of Jungwoo is that he seems to be a little sensitive. Maybe that's because he comes across as quiet to me.
But because of that impression I get from him. I would say that he would be the type of guy to stick out the toxic relationship for as long as he could. Not because he's happy, but because toxic people take advantage of sensitive, kind people and convince them to stay.
Do I think he would eventually leave? Yeah. Not sure how long that would take though.
*Clears throat*
Baby don't like it, whiplash. Both are songs he had a part in writing. Both speak about submission, or in BDLI, cheating/emotional cheating/jealousy.
You would think that because of the songs he's writen he'd be higher up on the list, right? WRONG.
This man has shown that he's weak lmao.
Not only is TY the ultimate people pleaser, but he's also THE MOST sensitive. I'm pretty sure every NCTzen has seen TY cry at least once.
He doesn't want to be viewed as the bad guy. I'm not eern sure if he'd leave. And if he did, I'm not sure he'd be 100% ready to move on. I think guilt would play a huge part in almost all of the groups decisions to either leave, stay or move on.
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controversialhottakes · 3 months
Apparently these are unpopular opinions but I don't want Wilmon to be endgame and I don't want Wilhelm to abdicate. (I think the show might be heading down the Wilmon endgame + abdication route but I can't imagine them doing it in a way which would feel satisfying to me personally.)
All I could think about throughout the whole season was how unsuitable for each other these two are. They're so different, and I don't just mean their backgrounds, I mean every single thing about them. Their personalities (this one is huuuuge), their values, apparently even their interests since after 3 seasons I can't really name a single thing they both genuinely enjoy (maybe rowing? or was Simon there for a reason? can't remember), unless we count sex which... fair but a rather shaky framework if a long-term relationship is what you're after.
What do they even talk about? Other than Simon hating the system which Wilhelm is at the very centre of. Or the fact that they don't understand each other because Wilhelm is too privileged and Simon is too big a socialist. And while I hate the phrasing I do agree with the sentiment wholeheartedly because it's actually absolutely 100% true. What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a conflict of interest. Plain and simple.
One thing that was very clear from the very beginning is that Simon doesn't understand what a relationship with a crown prince entails and that he's really not the kind of person who'd want or should be in such a relationship. He cares too much about other people's opinions, which isn't necessarily bad in and of itself, but people are going to have a lot of opinions if you're dating someone in the public eye, especially the future king, and they're going to be nasty af. Because they can. It's just the reality, nothing you can do about it.
I know a lot of people say that he didn't get media training and so on and so forth. And it is very true and valid. However, a lot of this boils down to his personality. You don't need media training to know that reading comments is a bad idea, let alone replying to them. To me, it's just common sense, and I know he's only 16, but even though it's been a while, I do still remember being 16 and my mindset (on this subject) has not changed since then. Especially if you know you're going to take it to heart, you shouldn't even be looking at the bs people post online.
Simon doesn't fit into Wilhelm's world not because he's poor. He doesn't fit into Wilhelm's world because his personality and values simply don't work in this context. How do you even begin to solve a problem like this? You just can't.
Simon has a very strong personality and even stronger beliefs. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, it's admirable, but this creates so many problems that are virtually unsolvable. If you watch the series (not just the third season, it's been shown consistently), Simon needs Wilhelm to agree with him. And he wants Wilhelm to do it openly and preferably to feel about it as strongly as he does. Which simply isn't going to happen. In order for this to work, Simon would have to change his entire personality and that would be just awful.
Re: Wilhelm abdicating. You don't make a decision like that at the age of 17. Because this is literally life-changing and there's no going back. His brother just died. His mother is having a nervous breakdown. His father is absolutely helpless. You work through all of that first.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it's only been a couple of months since the accident. Oh and now Wilhelm finds out that his brother was human and not some perfect Disney prince. And he gets front row seats to his always-unnaturally-composed mother's descent into literal madness. Just imagine how terrifying it must feel. This boy is going through a lot, this is not the time to be making huge decisions.
I genuinely believe that Wilhelm would make a great king. Keep in mind that for 16 years, it never occured to him that he might have to do this. This was dropped on him like a bag of cement, together with the news that his older brother, whom he worshipped, was dead. All things considered, he's doing great. Come to think of it, Erik's death is the root of 99% of Wilhelm's current problems. Like he said, he never got to grieve and now on top of that he thinks that his brother was an arsehole and would have hated him for dating another boy. But I think Wilhelm finding out about what happened at the initiation is actually going to help him heal.
Wilhelm abidicating just feels too much like giving in, like he was running away from his problems which is a bit OOC. And it would feel like he was doing it for Simon which is such a bad idea on so many levels. I can't put into words how stupid it would be and, as impulsive as he can get at times, Wilhelm doesn't strike me as the kind of person to just completely fail to think of consequences of his actions when it comes to something this big. I can't for the life of me explain why, but he does come across as rather level-headed and sensible, specially for a 16/17-year-old going through what he's been going through. Certain... incidents... aside (the rifle... yeah, the hell were you thinking? you need to chill out and let it go). Season 2 was peak recklessness, he seems a bit more mellow and settled now. Although breaking up with Simon might turn out to be the final straw, yikes...
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kiestrokes · 8 months
Hey!!! Can you do Stray Kids MTL to prefer dating/hooking up with older women instead of younger?
Stray Kids Most to Least: Likely to Date an Older Woman | NSFW
Pairing: Stray Kids x Reader/You/Yn Rating: NSFW! Mature (18+) Minors DNI. Genre: MTL, headcanon, ranking, imagines. Warnings: implied age gaps, dating, intimate relationships.
Sexually Explicit Content: older woman x younger stray kids kink and all that comes within that, vague dom/sub/switch dynamics mentioned.
🗝️ Note: anonie…nearly all of them scream loving the idea of an older partner, but I got you 😘 sorry it's so late, I have been swamped at work and in my wips.
Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction; I do not own any of the idols depicted below.
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Han Jisung
Ummm Hanji just likes being babied. Period. In all forms, Hanji is THEE pillow princess. Han also needs an older partner, one who understands his anxiety and doesn't get embarrassed or annoyed by it. Someone with patience, and as someone who thought they were always patient...I am a thousand times more patient as I grow older.
Lee Felix
Lix is higher because he values maturity and deep conversations, but also loves to be doted on and babied. I can see him thriving, being your best subby boy and losing his mind when he gets to dom you. Lix is a switch, I will not be taking any arguments on this opinion.
Bang Chan
Chan is so high on the ranking because I don't think he cares about your age as long as you're older than 21. I cannot see Chan going for someone much younger than him, he craves maturity. In a different way than you might typically view maturity, because yes Chan is silly and playful. But he absolutely does not fuck around with boundaries and being a decent human. Which takes age and time imo. I can see Chan really loving being with an older partner for this reason and if that libra wants you, he's getting you.
In Jeongin
Jeongin isn't fond of all the cutesy aspects of dating a younger partner. He wants it to be cut and dry, affection in the bedroom and chill hangouts in public. Jeongin is also a switch, leaning dom. He will be your slightly bratty sub but also wreck your shit like you just did not expect from a sweet, dimpled face like his.
Seo Changbin
Similar to Lix, he loves being coddled but the thrill of wrecking you in the bedroom absolutely sets him off. How an older partner like you just melts under his massive biceps and thick thighs. Changbin also loves that you keep real food in the kitchen. Not the barren soju and preworkout diet most of his hookups keep stocked.
Kim Seungmin
Seungmin doesn't have the capacity to keep the facade up for bs drama that tends to come with younger partners. He wants something straightforward and easy. Which comes with an older partner, someone who has been through all the games, knows their boundaries and can respect his.
Hwang Hyunjin
Similar to Seungmin, Hyunjin is not here for the drama. He is also into heavier sexual themes and needs an expeiernced partner for these. So that no one ends up getting physically (or emotionally) hurt in the process. Hyunjin isn't a dom or a sub or a switch, he's a goddamn sexual menace to society.
Lee Minho
Alright for once, Lino is a little hard for me. He doesn't give me the vibe of necessarily seeking out an older partner, as we have seen how much he loves to dom the maknaes. I can see Lino with someone around Hanji's age. That is quiet and playful enough to toy with his stoic demeanor and old enough to explore things sexually.
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© COPYRIGHT 2023 by kiestrokes All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced without written permission from the author. This includes translations.
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thebunniesgrim · 8 months
I'm getting way too much enjoyment watching how some of Helluva Boss fandom is raving over the popular current theory that stolas is going to die in the series.  
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Because of the Oops episode and how the skull and cross bones in the smoke clock landed on Stolas and other stuff  
Having imp assasins in LooLoo Land 
His lullaby saying that when he’s gone Octavia will be ok and that today could be his last (I could go on a whole tangent about that lullaby it's so good)  
Western Energy  (that's it)
I'm not saying I want stolas to die but am I also saying it would be funny to watch the fandom go up in flames about it?  
Well call me Phineas and Ferb because
yes I am 
You can stop reading here if you want. Under the cut I'm just rambling justifying why I think what I think. there are some jokes and lighthearted critiques, but you know... you have the option to look and give your own opinions  :)
I mean I have my grievances with him like I've said in my other post (shameless plug Warning I'm very illiterate in case you haven't noticed) but like I don’t wish death upon him I still like Stolas believe it or not   
In fact I hope stolas doesn’t die and mostly I don’t think stolas is going to die at all frankly. I highly dout the writers/viv/whoever is going to actually kill off stolas mostly because like any time stolas is in danger its so underminded like- ok LooLoo land is mostly a joke (good joke too I like the end where Stolas turns the imp guy into stone good pay off), Stella played for laughs beacues shes making the hit right in front stolas and it doesn’t get paid off till the next season which is fine the seasons are short, Western Energy he was fine like an episode later.  
If home boy cant be hospitalized for more than one episode he isn't dying  
Granted I will allow some leeway as we don’t know how much time has passed since Western Energy to Oops but it- I don’t think stab wounds and broken arms heal that fast regardless of that :/ if I'm being honest especially if it was a holy weapon just saying.  
Even if he did die that brings up a lot of questions like what happens to demons when they die? Are all demons immortal and can only die due to physical damage? are Asmodeus and Beelzebub going to outlive Fizz and Vortex if imps and hellhounds/other demons aren't immortal. Were the 7 deathly sins ever babies like everyone else? If demons are immortal and can live forever and the Ars Goitias can only be killed by angelic weapons that are hard to get, I'm assuming, why do, they need to have children or heirs? Why even have children at all? If angelic weapons can kill demons do demonic weapons exist and can they kill angels or other holy beings?   
All this and more on You Can't Answer These Questions at 8 
but in all seriousness 
Here’s the real question  
If they did actually kill Stolas, will they bring him back?  
Riddle me this batman  
there's a very the very real outcome of them bringing stolas back through some magical demonic bs anyway so like it really won't matter. They're not going to have Stolas bite the dust permanently and if they are... respect honestly (the balls frankly).  
People will cry, I'll laugh because I'm heartless, he’ll be like resurrected or something, and everyone will be happy or mad idk.    
Like it's one thing for Millie to get hurt in the other episodes because there wasn’t a major plot point you know? (and she’s not important) There was no lingering scene on it with sad music. In when stolas got hurt it was this big thing and for him to just be like fine an episode later is like what? How are you going to have this big emotional climax with no emotional orgasm (sorry) afterwards. And like no I'm not letting this go what the heck? You had the whole fandom screeching about Blizto going to sloth just to do nothing with it and put a twist about Barbie and then also have stolas be perfectly fine and dandy the next episode afterwards. Are there no stakes in this show? Like I get that Helluva Boss wasn’t planned in the beginning but like come on... When Viv approves of the episodes does she look back at the other episodes? Is she even there? Is she ok? Is she and everyone else seeing a bigger picture that I'm not? Has she sat down and watched Helluva Boss from the very beginning and watched them from episode one to now? I mean really not just a once over to send it off to youtube I mean really took a good and hard look at the episodes? The way they mix episodic, and story is really messing with me I'm going to go back and watch all the episodes from the beginning just to make sure it’s not me.
I like how I said in my tangent about Hell fire (shameless plug part 2) I said I liked the new episode over all give or take some extremally small nitpicks yet here I am complaining :) guess I'm a liar   
soo yeah, I really don’t think they're going kill off their golden child, their best boy, their little botanist boo, their dopamine deficient dandy, their booboo bear, their uwu baby boi, their uke wukey cinnamon roll, their twinky little baby owl, their Boo thang, their stary eyed savant, their sad beige gay, their smoopy woopy do, their snoogum-boogums, their skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, their-  
I'm done  
I'm so sorry   
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 4 months
So: this week's episode was a big load of
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But, in the famous words of MCR: we all carry on~~
Jin saw Keng in the temple, right? We all remember that. But Phee did NOT (or so he claims). And that's not because Phee didn't know him, because he absolutely did. So what does that mean?
For once, I am a "there's a paranormal something going on in here" so Imma get right on and say that is a ghost. And they're being haunted. So why would the ghost not appear to Phee?
Well, we ALL (enphasizing this for the people claiming Non is a cheater and fundamentally misunderstanding power dynamics and minor abuse) know Keng gets to abuse Non because he's extremely vulnerable. Phee, by removing himself from the equation, and thus taking away the only voice of reason Non actually made an effort to try and listen to, he's making him all the more vulnerable. Hence, enabling Keng's abuse even further. So, seemingly, from what we know until now, Keng has no reason to dislike Phee.
On the other hand, Jin recorded him and Non (even if he did not publish it and it was Tee [as some speculate due to the accusation that Fluke makes back in the present] or someone else). That was an act against him. (and we can all hate him for it, after all, he was an asshole for doing it, but the truth is that boy was living in his BL bubble and his entire world fucking shattered in that moment and I can't think that must be easy)
If we take that, we can justify Jin's guilt in the present and how he's always going on about "being a coward" and "dead weight". But also possibly speculate about his guilt in the past.
If you did nothing to help when he was bullied and then recorded your friend (and crush) in that kind of situation, wouldn't you feel guilty?? And if you knew Non was dating Phee and they broke up because of that asshole Keng, wouldn't you be raging and boiling?? I would.
Honestly, I think we can consider murder here, tbh. So much cowardice is returned in bravery the day Jin loses his goddamn mind and kills Keng to try and defend Non. Obviously though, if that happened, we can assume it went wrong (they couldn't hide the body, Non was framed for the murder, Jin ran away and left him to take the blame, Non ended up killing himself because he was attached to his groomer whom he now saw as his lifeline, etc... idk, there's a number of possibilities). Point is: Keng is probably dead, in my opinion. And he's on the h(a)unt.
This would also explain the hand on Tee during ep.1: Keng is a known perv. He's fucking weird. Sure, he seems to be more of a pedo and all, but young adults (as they are in the present) are still considerably younger than he would be. Plus, they were his students and I feel like that matters to him as well (because again: fucking creep).
So what about Non?
Tbh, I don't know. He could be alive (as the killer or not), he could be institutionalized (as @fracturediron suggests in this post), he could be dead... Idk. We'll have to wait and see what this bs happening to him all leads to. Idk. I seriously don't know. It's a mystery to me and if y'all are more capable than me, pls go ahead and speculate, bc I can't.
Either way: great episode this week. Can't wait to see where this series is going.
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evilsystemm · 3 months
Evil system blog information
We're a DID system of (fluctuating) 15-20 alters. We're white british, AFAB and bodily 17.
Simply plural: evilsystemm
Diagnosed with:
Autism spectrum disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Sensory processing disorder
Oppositional defiance disorder
Major depressive disorder (currently being diagnosed)
Situational mutism
Self diagnosed:
Borderline personality disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder
Questioning bipolar 1, reluctant to say we have it
traits of other PDs
We will not be obligated to explain our self diagnoses to anyone.
Basic details on relevant alters
some may make their own introduction posts
[🌃] Liam | He/Him (#🌃)
[🎭] Aries | He/They (#🎭)
[💎] Luci | She/He (#💎🎩)
[🩷] Cel | She/Bun/Love (#🩷)
[💙] Nicole | She/Her (#💙)
[🌹] Emmeline | She/Zher/They
[🎉] Pixel | Xe/It (#🎉)
[🪼] Rae/Ava | She/Her
[🌈] Rumi | They/Bun/Zom (#🌈)
Not all pronouns listed here as some wouldn't fit.
General beliefs, alignments I guess
We are collectively anti-capitalist and most of us identify as Marxist and/or communist.
We're pro palestine, those who aren't are fine to interact as long as you DO NOT spread zionist ideology here.
We have differing opinions on endogenic systems depending on the alter, but most of us wish to see endogenic systems have their own space away from traumagenic systems whether they exist or not. If you identify as endogenic you are welcome to interact with us as long as you're respectful. We will ensure that alters who may be disrespectful towards you are not enacting this.
We're pro neo and xeno pronouns and some of us use them ourselves.
Anti comshipper but respectful and sympathetic towards underage comshippers. Avoid interacting if you're a comshipper as it's incredibly triggering for some of us. (Guys stop having " anti proship DNI " in your bio and then following and interacting with me. I AM ANTI PROSHIP leave me alone)
Anti radqueer and transID. Those of you who reblog my posts without actually having the disorders or traits of the disorders will be blocked, I don't appreciate my thoughts being used to uplift such things.
Generally dissaproving of nihilists, antinatalists and eco fascists HOWEVER I cannot speak for the entire system as some of us probably identify with those labels, and im understanding that those beliefs often result from trauma. Free to interact if you're in those categories but be aware your ideas may be subject to scrutiny.
If you romanticise or sexualise BPD, DNI!!
Narc abuse believers, you're welcome to interact but I will be making an effort to change your minds and if you upset any of our alters you will be blocked.
We don't believe singular alters can have PDs that the rest of the system does not, if you believe that, feel free to interact but I will be judging you. /hj /lh
Other cluster Bs please interact!!!! We have a special interest in PDs and would love to get to know the disorders better (esp. ASPD and HPD). Plus, we ruined all our relationships during a potential? manic episode so friends would be super cool.
there's probably more but I can't think of anything at current
Interests, fandoms
Most of the system has a special interest in fall out boy (the band) and can name almost every song, album etc. in chronological order (i'll take any excuse to brag about this).
As previously mentioned, special interest in personality disorders.
We take A level sociology which ties in really nicely with our politics special interest so we talk about that quite often.
We write essays from time to time about things we enjoy and/or feel strongly about.
Cel is " normal " about neon genesis evangelion (she is not).
Rumi likes Doctor Who.
Liam is a passive (feral. obsessed. insane.) enjoyer of Alice in Borderland, both the manga and the show.
Pixel likes My little pony and My chemical romance (best not to question it).
We have a special interest in typology (enneagram, MBTI, instinct stacking) with pixel being the most interested in it but knowledge spans across the system.
I think that's almost everything covered, I'll update this in future if I think of anything else. This was written by Liam.
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redheadloverr · 10 months
sub vs dom headcanons
basically just whether i think theyre the dom or sub! (entirely sfw)
gn!reader x anemo boys!
a dom but in possibly the worst - best way ever
he’s the type to brag to everyone that he is the dom but no one believes him, everyone thinks youre the dom but he gets his way every single time.
hes a bit stubborn so he takes things like this almost like a competition, he has to prove to you, and the world, that he is in fact a dom. it gets tiring at times but you laugh at it.
its an interesting dynamic, no one believes he’s the dom but as some would say “he has you wrapped around his fingers” and you honestly dont mind. hes sweet and compassionate when he needs to be, serious and stern when he needs to be as well.
although you are his special person; and trust me you are, sometimes he’ll do or say things that make you two seem like mere friends but you know he doesnt mean them that way. he looks out for you. he knows you dont need him to but hes happy to do it anyways.
at the end of the day, you know what type of partner you’re coming home to. he may be a bit overprotective and overbearing at times but thats what you love about him.
soft dom. 100%.
kazuha’s the type of dom to let you go around telling people you’re the dom and people would believe it because of how soft spoken he is and how easy he is to give in to your request.
kazuha practically created the “princess treatment”. he would never disrespect you, never raise his voice at you, never even touch you unless you told him it was okay / you wanted him to. he respects you and your personal space as well as your personal opinions, ideals, morals, so on and so fourth.
kazuha does have a downside tho, he never knows how to necessarily bring up his own emotions or opinions. kazuha is a closed book, his book hasnt been opened for years its practically full of dust. you try your best to mkae him open up and he does! you know him better than anyone else but even then he still keeps his secrets.
kazuha is absolutely terrified or harming you in any way shape or form. he goes out of his way to protect you from stuff you couldnt even possibly think of. you have his full attention and admiration, though you wish he’d pay attention to you when you’d tell him he needs to focus on himself and what he wants.
he typically says “dont worry about my feelings.” or “this isnt about my feelings.” on the rare occasions you two do have disagreements.
100% a sub. a bratty sub.
hes the type of sub to be such a brat at times you genuinely just want to throw them in the lake and leave them there. you don’t obviously but he gets on your nerves lol.
if people asked who wore the pants he’d say it was a mix of the two of you, though you know its all bs.
scara is like a little kid having a temper tantrum because he couldnt get ice cream for dinner. if he doesnt get his way hes pouty and moody until you somehow “make it up to him” with basically anything
hes moody and a lot of times has mood swings every five seconds, he really is like a kid. he’s fussy and whiny but you know at the end of the day you love him and he loves you, you two would never want your dynamic to be shared with someone else nor lose this dynamic.
venti is a bit of a wild card! he’s definitely a switch
i feel like venti is confident in certain aspects of the relationship and with other aspects he just lets you take control if youre more confident.
i feel like a relationship with venti would for sure be 50/50, probably the most balanced relationship but a bit of a hectic and chaotic one to be sure.
venti wouldnt necessarily know how to answer someone if they asked who wears the pants, hed probably say you just to throw them for a loop but you both know youre equals in this relationship.
definitely a sub but behind closed doors.
he pretends to be hard on the outside but really all he wants is to be the little spoon and be pampered with love and affection!
he secretly loves when you take the initiative; whether it be planning dates, holding hands out in public, showing PDA, ect.
he’s definitely the type to have acted like a “badass” or a “bully” in highschool but in reality he just wanted a hug and for someone to tell him theyre proud of him.
he has absolutely no mercy for anyone who even attempts to hurt you, however. youre the only one who has and is able to see his soft side.
he shows you off to his friends and worships the ground you walk on, it doesnt bother you one bit that he pretends to wear the pants in the relationship to his friends and fellow acquaintances.
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creganofhousestark · 1 year
(Screenshots because I’m one hundred percent sure i will be blocked for stating facts that go against the op’s headcanons if i were to reblog my opinions under their post and then will proceed to rant away about the eViL aRyA sTaNs whose crime is, well, reading the books, you know?)
So, i had the misfortune of coming across this one post by @agentrouka-blog when i was going through the main tags and, god! The amount of bs i have to wade through in the name of fandom experience is concerning at this point.
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Whenever did Sansa cover for Arya? When she was declaring her as a traitor to a bloodthirsty Cersei Lannister that it was her sister with the traitor’s blood and not her after her father’s imprisonment? Or when she threw Arya under the bus at Trident?
“She blames Sansa for things she never did” dude there was never one moment where Arya blamed Sansa for things she never did. Hell, Arya didn’t blame Sansa enough. Guess it’s time to reread AGoT lol. Sansa “it’s your butcher boy’s fault for dying because he attacked the prince” is blameless y’all *mic drop*
“Violently attacks her because that’s her opportunity to blow off steam after a traumatic 4 days” yes because your sister is basically accusing of treason when the reason behind her actions was purely defense. Apparently you must be level headed in the face of your your sister refusing to be honest in a moment when the outcome (which is Mycah living or dying) depends on her word. If Sansa’s really as smart and intelligent as stansas claim then Joffrey’s actions at the Trident should’ve opened her eyes. Ned was the Hand of the King, the King’s BFF. She was under no pressure to maintain diplomacy. Hell, Ned was right by her side, reassuring her and encouraging her to speak her truth. What would’ve happened if she were honest? The betrothal would’ve been called off? Ned would’ve lost his spot at worst? Big loss, the North would have minded it’s own business as usual….and Sansa’s southern dreams would have shattered. In that moment Sansa chose her dreams and fantasies over her sister and remain blind to the kind of a monster Joffrey was.
Moreover, being focused and worried about herself and her desires is not necessarily a flaw, Sansa’s just more human. She’s got five heroes to compete against, which is why she may appear more flawed than Arya. But honestly it’s all subjective. Arya’s character is simply rich and has a hell lot more depth, that’s all.
Mostly Ned’s favouritism BRO NED CHOSE TO GIVE UP THE HONOUR HE VALUED hell he chose a traitor’s death for her and, goddammit there’s not one moment where he favoured one over the other. Do not talk about the damned flowers scene in Sansa I, Ned would’ve grinned and thanked Sansa for the same bleeding flowers. Sansa was just pissed that Ned didn’t reprimand his child for behaving like a typical 9 year old child. Which, nobility or no, is quite common in that society. Hell, we have textual evidence of Catelyn playing with LF and Lysa making mud pies at 12. It’s almost as if Sansa can’t stand anything short of Sansa 2.0 from her sister.
Arya’s miles better. Just ask GRRM. He wrote the books.
Anyways, thanks agentrouka for reminding me how brilliant of a writer George Martin is. The man picked stereotypical heroes and gave their stories not-so-stereotypical twists as their arcs progressed. An exiled powerless princess who earned it all and more through her blood sweat and tears, a non conformist noblewoman who’s gone through an extraordinary number of trials, a powerful noble dwarf unwanted by his own blood, a disabled boy with unparalleled magical potential and a bastard from two powerful, magical families who was practically thrown aside.
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