#amygdala aesthetics
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“Blessèd we, with bread and bounty.
Blessèd we, with life and love.
Blessed before, today, tomorrow
With our all, and thus enough.”
-- a very Wroth Thanksgiving grace, “Big City, Little Magics”
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jjullianstuff · 1 year
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xkatsukizukux · 1 year
⚔️🐽Inosuke lockscreen inspo!🐽⚔️
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⚔️The homescreen took longer than I'm willing to admit but it's so cutee.
⚔️I got my inspiration from pinterest and the lockscreen art isn't mine!
⚔️Do you want to see my iPad bakudeku setup??? Also really cute!🖤🖤🖤🖤
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neouime · 3 months
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사랑의 다른 이름은 파란색
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monimoonie · 10 months
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august ☀️
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alonar · 8 months
And every day the future seems a little darker, but the past, with all the dirt that was there, shines brighter ~ __________&___________{ ilyymiii 爱 }__________ И с каждым днём будущее кажется чуть мрачнее, а вот прошлое, со всей грязью, что там была, - светится всё ярче ~
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brandstifter-sys · 3 months
Don't Drop Mr. Fuzzy
Word Count: 2405 (Ao3)
Characters: Virgil, Remus, Mr. Fuzzy
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, fear of abandonment, death mention, violence mention, s/h mention, post-break up reconciliation
After the gift exchange, Virgil couldn't stop thinking about Remus, about the slip in his bubbly facade. So naturally he went running to the Duke, and not a moment too soon. Remus needed some affection.
The gift exchange wasn't as much of a disaster as he thought. Sure he had a hiccup with his giftee doubting him, but Roman bitch slapped Janus. Patton was thrilled with his gift, but then there was his own present. 
Virgil sat on his bed and stared at Mr. Fuzzy. He could admit it was cute, for something Remus made, and if he had no idea what it was made of he could be grateful for it. In private. Who really kept gifts from their ex?
“Maybe if I sanitize you, you won't be as gross,” Virgil said and turned it in his covered hands. He had yet to set it down, partly because he didn't want to contaminate his room, and partly because he felt guilty for dropping it after Remus' little outburst. 
“Mr. Fuzzy doesn't like being dropped!” 
The way Remus said that punched him in the amygdala. The layered voice, that rigid posture, those wide eyes—to an outsider it was uncanny, unsettling, but not to those who knew him. Virgil knew him all too well.
“Alright,” Virgil sighed and got up, headed for his desk. He conjured a small tub of warm water and that blue barber shop comb cleaner and set Mr. Fuzzy inside. 
“I'll be back in ten, so just chill,” he said and stepped into the closet. There was no way he was wearing a sweater for the rest of the night! Maybe he could just go shirtless and play video games until bedtime, it was less work. But he still had to handle Mr. Fuzzy and hide it in the back of the closet somewhere. 
That idea made his stomach churn. He was so tired of hiding things just so they could come out in the open again. And Remus' words were echoing in his skull again. 
Mr. Fuzzy didn't like being dropped. Abandoned. Neither did Remus. And Virgil absolutely dropped and abandoned him. Virgil abandoned him and yet he still made him a gift with his own hands, a cute little blob that really fit his aesthetic. 
He couldn't ignore the dread filling him as he peeled off his sweater. Remus used that voice. It was the same as the one Virgil used when he was on the verge of a panic attack. It was a cry for help.
He knew Remus had his moments when his thoughts drove him crazy, when he legitimately feared that they would become reality. He knew how horrible the duke felt despite his smile and impishness. 
Why didn't he recognize it at the gift exchange? Was it his own anxiety about being stuck with Janus and Remus? Was it Janus' obvious discomfort with the situation, the discomfort that led him to drinking all that wine? It should have hit him much sooner than it did. 
And as he finished getting into his pajamas, Virgil realized that he couldn't just sit by. He still cared about Remus, more than he should.
He grabbed Mr. Fuzzy, willed it dry, and sank out. 
Remus wandered down the hallway towards his bedroom. He didn't trust himself to sink out and appear in his own room, not when his mind was screaming at him. Now that Janus was in bed and cozy, and the party was over, he didn't have any distractions.
He just wanted to have fun in the chaos a drunk Janus brought to the “family gathering” and maybe give and get presents outside of the secret Santa. But all he got was a throw away, thoughtless gift (he loved it but it felt impersonal and did not help his thoughts) and a shock from his brother slapping his bestie. In hindsight it was exactly the kind of response to the building tension he enjoyed, but at that moment it was gnawing at his brain.
Janus dying from a snapped neck, leaving him.
Roman stabbing him through the gut, blood splattering up to his mustache.
Worst of all, Virgil hated the gift he made for him. Yes, he scoured his shower drain for it—it’s called recycling! But he made sure to clean the hair if only so the glue would stick! It was cute and creepy! Just like Virgil! 
Virgil pushing him off a cliff into the void. 
Silence. Darkness. Solitude. Only his thoughts telling him how he could die
Remus didn't realize he was digging his thumbnail into his fingers, going from pointer to pinky and back, until he reached his door. He could smell the blood on his hands. He was ready to scream and cry. Maybe he could cuddle with his favorite teddy and hide under the covers—
Suffocating. Blood vessels in his wide eyes breaking. His face turning red.
—curl up on top of the covers. 
But his heart shattered when he opened the door. He couldn't even hold up his deranged smile. He had everything organized perfectly, clean, and nothing should have been out of place, but the unexpected hairball on his desk was staring at him. Mr. Fuzzy was back. Virgil didn't even want to keep it in his closet! 
Tears welled in his eyes as he staggered towards the desk, not bothering to look at the rest of his room. Virgil actually hated him! He really was gone— 
“Hey,” Virgil said softly. Remus whipped around and spotted his favorite edgelord perched on his bed. He was chewing his bottom lip and avoiding his eyes, but was he really there? 
Remus timidly reached out and brushed Virgil’s arm with his bleeding fingers. He was not hallucinating. 
“Can we talk?” Virgil asked and gently grabbed his hand. Remus nodded dumbly and sat down next to him. 
“What did you want to talk about?” 
“Are you doing alright? You kinda slipped back there,” Virgil said and scooted closer. He conjured some bandages and tended to his wounds. 
“No. I miss you. I put so much time and effort into your gift and you don't like it, you even dropped it!” Remus pouted. He didn't have to plaster a smile on his face or pretend he wasn't hurting now. He couldn't hide his fingers so why hide anything else?
“I hate you” Virgil glaring at him with so much disdain.
“I was startled when you said you got the supplies from JoAnn Fabrics,” Virgil admitted, “I was expecting a catch, you never make something simple. And I never know what you have in store. I thought it might bite.” 
“But you still don't like it. You were so unimpressed and unhappy. You said it was going to the back of your closet never to be seen again,” Remus shuddered as Virgil let go of his bandaged hands. 
Virgil shoving him in the back of his closet and forgetting him.
“I was in a really bad mood,” Virgil said and wrapped an arm around him, “You know how much I hate social situations like that, especially with Janus running his mouth. I'm not shoving Mr. Fuzzy in my closet. I like it. It's actually pretty cute.” 
Remus leaned into him and closed his eyes, not trying to fight the tears. This was too much and not enough. 
“Do you hate me now?” he finally asked and glanced at Virgil. He hated how sad those eyes were, how dark his eyeshadow was.
He hates you. He wants you to disappear 
“No, I don't hate you,” Virgil said and pulled him closer, “I don't have a lot of patience, and I get angrier than I used to. But I don't hate you.” 
He'll pretend you don't exist
You'll wither to a skeleton when Janus leaves like he did
Remus shivered and scooted onto his lap. He clung to Virgil’s shirt and sobbed. Why wouldn't his brain just stop? Virgil was telling the truth! Virgil went looking for him! Virgil was worried about him!
“It's okay, Remus, I got you,” Virgil said and hugged him, “Your bad thoughts aren't real.” 
“I don't want to be abandoned!” Remus sobbed and buried his face in Virgil’s shoulder, “I don't need anyone to like me! I just don't want to be alone! That's all I can think about!” 
“After all these images of pain have cut right through you, I will kiss every scar and weep, you are not alone,” Virgil muttered and gently rocked him. 
Remus tightened his grip and shook as a new wave of sobs wracked him. Virgil couldn't even see the claw marks on his arms, old crescent shaped scars from moments like these. 
He'll see them and run from a lost cause.
“Do you want me to stay overnight?” Virgil asked and kissed his head. Remus didn't answer him. He was too busy crying his heart out. 
Virgil hated seeing him like this. He knew Remus absolutely sobbed just as hard when he ended their relationship years ago. He knew that Remus unintentionally hurt himself when he was distressed. He knew that the duke needed someone to tell him he would be okay.
“Can you stay tonight?” Remus muttered once he calmed down, “I can sleep on the floor, just as long as you're here.” 
“I'll stay,” Virgil responded and stroked his hair. It was still as soft as ever, “And you don't have to sleep on the floor.” 
“But I get clingy and I might do something that makes you mad,” Remus pouted, “It's bad enough I want you back. I don't want you to leave me as a friend too.” 
“After all the hell I put you through,” Virgil sighed, “you shouldn't want me back. I don't deserve a second chance.” 
“Do you want one anyway?” Remus sniffled and dried his eyes. Virgil hugged him tighter and sighed. 
“Yeah. I want that.” 
“Did you want to get a clean shirt?” Remus asked and stared at the mess he made. He usually didn't mind snot but it stayed out of his bed. His bedroom was clean to fight his intrusive thoughts, his workshop was a hot stinky mess where he could go wild. That was one boundary he refused to cross. 
“I don't mind going shirtless, but yeah I'm not wearing this to sleep.” 
“You'd go shirtless in bed with me?” Remus gawked. 
“If it's cool with you, yeah,” Virgil shrugged and averted his eyes, “but if you aren't I can get a clean shirt. But I would have to leave for a couple minutes.” 
“I have your old A Day to Remember shirt if you want to wear that,” Remus muttered and scooted away from him. 
“You kept that?” 
“Yeah. It smells like you and it's comfy.” 
“Let's get you out of that sweater and in something more comfortable,” Virgil said and got up. He helped Remus to his feet and peeled that stupid Christmas sweater off. 
Remus shuddered as his bare skin met the air. It was soothing, no longer having any fabric smothering him. 
Virgil snickered and tossed the sweater in the hamper at the foot of the bed. 
“You might want to rename—” he said Mr. Fuzzy's eldritch name, “—at least in English.” 
“Why?” Remus pouted. He was startled when Virgil ran his hands over his chest. It was a gentle touch, with no hidden meaning. 
“Pretty sure you're the real Mr. Fuzzy,” Virgil teased, “You're still as soft and fluffy as ever.” 
“Your shirt is in the dresser in the second drawer, no cuddles until you're not a snot boy,” Remus grumbled and averted his gaze. He was feeling too many things at once and he did not need to add mushy to that list. 
“Who's fault is that?” Virgil scoffed playfully and shed his hoodie. He didn't wait for Remus to respond before going to the dresser and grabbing his old shirt. 
“Yours. You let me use you as a tissue,” Remus jeered without much enthusiasm and got out of his pants. At least he was throwing quips and stripping like he normally did. 
“You got me there,” Virgil said and changed shirts. He tossed the snotty one in the hamper and crept up behind Remus. The duke wasn't entirely present. 
Remus yelped as Virgil grabbed him from behind and dragged him onto the bed. He squirmed and tried to escape, but Virgil's hold was too strong. 
“You're cute when you try to fight me,” Virgil chuckled softly and kissed his cheek. 
Virgil letting go of him. Letting him fall— 
Remus flipped over and clung to him. 
“Stay,” he grumbled and squeezed Virgil as tightly as possible. 
“I'm staying. I'll only leave to use the bathroom,” Virgil said softly and rubbed his back. Remus stayed quiet, shivering from the touch. So he was starved for affection and Janus could only provide so much. 
“Did you like your present?” Virgil asked after a few moments. 
“Daddy didn't know what to get me so he got me something from a top ten list. I'll love it more when my thoughts quiet down,” Remus grumbled, “I'm just happy he got me something and didn't forget about me!” 
“It’s hard to forget about you,” Virgil said and kissed his hair, “You're too sweet.” 
“You mean that?” 
“Yeah. You made me a gift with your own hands, a unique little eldritch horror that's cool and cute. You went out of your way to make it.” 
“It's cute and cuddly and it eats stuff from the shower drain. It keeps things clean!” 
“It's alive?” Virgil asked, horrified. 
“Yeah. I didn't think that would be a big deal,” Remus wilted. 
“I stuck it in a tub of barbicide for ten minutes. Did I kill it?” Virgil panicked. 
A shrill chirp pulled him from his spiraling. He glanced over Remus' shoulder and saw the little hairball on the bed. 
“Mr. Fuzzy likes getting dangerous baths,” Remus giggled. Virgil immediately relaxed when he heard that beautiful sound. 
“Can it join in the cuddle pile? It doesn't like Remus being sad,” Virgil asked. Remus snuggled closer and nodded. He needed all the affection he could get. 
Almost immediately four long, hairy tentacles wrapped around Remus' torso. Virgil was surprised but not shocked. There was always a catch with Remus' creations. 
“Mr. Fuzzy doesn't like being dropped and he doesn't like letting go,” Virgil mused as a fifth tentacle curled around his arm. 
“How did you know that about it?” Remus grumbled. 
“I didn't. I was talking about a different Mr. Fuzzy,” Virgil replied and kissed the top of his head, “And I'm not dropping you again.” 
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rhadinesthes · 1 year
🐍About Me🐍
Got tagged by @n-brio, so let the fun begin~
Nickname: I've had several, but the most prominent are S_D (which I've used since I was twelve) and Snek. I like snakes. There's also the name people call me when they forget my name. Somehow it's always the same, so it must really suit me. XD
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Call Me Little Sunsign
Height: 5'5"
Last Google Search: I've been looking for a certain sausage cheese ball recipe, since I've lost the one I used last time.
Song Stuck In Your Head: Granite (Pendulum), since it's what's currently playing.
Followers: 2
Lucky Number: Killing Defiled Amygdala in only two tries was pretty lucky. That's gotta be my greatest Soulsborne moment.
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Dream Job: I'm trying to write a story/book, so if I finished that and people enjoyed it, that'd be swell.
Wearing: Jack-o-lantern/bat/rat/ivy print leggings, socks, flip-flops house shoes, my middle school orchestra shirt, and a big, cozy jacket. And to think I just ragged on Fred for wearing flip-flops with socks.
Favorite Songs: So many. I'll pick some from a variety of styles: Legion (VNV Nation) Im Guten Im Bösen (Eisbrecher) Theremin [Club Edit] (Covenant) Respite on the Spitalfields (Ghost) Planet Hell (Nightwish) Honeythief (Halou) Das Neue Fleisch (Sielwolf) Resurrection (Christopher Young)
Favorite Instrument: Harpsichord. I love the sound.
Aesthetic: Does goth count? I've been into goth shit since, like, middle school. Otherwise, it's a hodgepodge. Feel free to peruse my Aesthetic tag.
Favorite Author: Lovecraft. I feel the burn of the torches and the sting of the pitchforks already. Honorable mention goes to my two favorite books: A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines by Janna Levin and The Hot Zone by Richard Preston.
Favorite Color: I like blues and greens a lot. And black.
Favorite Animal Sounds: My grandma has this saying: Whistling girls and crowing hens always come to no good ends. So you know what? Shout out to all the crowing hens.
Last Song: Benzin (Rammstein) just finished playing.
Last Series: I've been watching The Last of Us with someone who's super into the games. I never played them. The last shows I was really into were Resident Alien and Snowpiercer.
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I don't have many people to tag, so... @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe, I tag you. Have fun~ :3 It'd be funny to tag @n-brio again and make it recursive. And anyone else who sees this, Kos has planted a tag inside your brain. Hail Mother Kos! Grant us tags!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
I know you struggle to talk about your biases Bpp, but can you please try? Maybe pair them up like namgi and namseok then sope. I love how you talk about Jimin who you don't bias and I'm curious how you feel about the rapline.
I won't be coherent. Fair warning. Also, note I'm speculating for most of this.
It's funny you asked me to write about the rapline in pairs, and listed Namgi first, because out of all the pairings in BTS, I suspect right now they're in conflict with each other. With nothing but a gut hunch, Joon missing one too many Yoongi events, and a few whispers, I feel it's possible they're in the middle of a feud and the other members are aware. I've got nothing concrete to support it so please don't ask, and I'm hoping I'm very wrong because a conflict between them could threaten the foundation of the group itself. The LA Times described Namjoon and Yoongi in BTS as John Lennon and Paul McCartney in the Beatles.
"Suga and RM are to BTS what Lennon and McCartney were to the Beatles….I think Suga is a bit more Lennon — more explicit in his antiestablishment sensibilities."
I recognize that yes Namgi in many ways influence the stability of the group, but I'm hoping they aren't like Lennon and McCartney in every way, because that really will be the end of BTS. Joon and Yoongi have both got massive egos, a strong sense of duty, and are both quite volatile. In my opinion. It's only a matter of time before they butt heads and honestly, these are all reasons I love them.
Conflict between Joon and Yoongi every now and then is almost guaranteed to happen because of the sort of men they are. I feel that conflict is healthy to their dynamic and that the conclusion of each conflict has only deepened their trust in each other. The flip side though is that with each new conflict, because of the deepened trust the stakes become higher each time. Given this is contract renewal season, they're all evaluating various life-changing options, and each of them will consider themselves first. This might mean conflict. And that's not necessarily bad. But even if it is, everyone will be fine. Whatever the outcome is, each of them will only choose what they feel is best for them, and that's good enough.
Another, possibly less controversial theory, is that Joon is experiencing a bad breakup. You know the kind. The sort that has you writing poems at 2 AM with a bowl of soggy cereal sitting forgotten on the kitchen counter. Either way, we'll be okay. :)
Taking it back to Namgi - one of the biggest reasons I fell in love with them was how they express themselves on a track.
Yoongi is an animal and doesn't pretend to be anything else. And Namjoon is a passionate, insane freak but is barely concealing it behind his carefully curated Tumblr-cottagecore-plant dad-art collector aesthetic. They're extremely problematic men those two, and I'm hoping to God they make it to 50 years without getting into real trouble.
I'm a sucker for their musicality. For all of it. All Day is a track that opens up the hair follicles in my head. I feel alive when I hear Joon's enunciating on Closer. HUH?! is the best drill track released by a Korean artist this year. The D-DAY tour is easily one of the best this decade hands down period. Amygdala exists. Like, the proficiency and excellence in their work just astounds me. Yoongi and Namjoon are professionals in every sense of the word. Artists who take the meaning of that word seriously. I love that they're a bit greedy too, and competitive. Hoseok is like that too, but he's got much better self-regulation.
Namgi could both benefit from being more tactful and weighing optics better, to list one negative, but I don't see this as a crippling flaw.
I've rambled a lot, but needless to say, I think Joon and Yoongi are hot as fuck.
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nextplayerup · 1 year
what I assume about you based on your favorite ghost and pals song
happy days, appetite of a people pleaser, hyperdontia, or chattering (2019): you're in middle school
novocaine or the distortionist: you most likely call them hot and you scare me. probably also in middle school tbh
candle queen: you're not really a ghost fan you just know this one song
honey i'm home: you're either genuinely a fan of the lyrics and themes or you just like charon and/or charon x norman
reckless battery burns: good taste this song is very well produced and the pv is cool BUT. I know you care more about tamari
aura: you like women.
star of the show: you like women. and you're the "me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic" meme as a person
the things I deserve: you ALSO like women and you're either really going through it or this song got you through it
amygdala's rag doll: you either know it from the animation memes or you're overcome with a boiling hot rage every time someone calls it trypophobia
rotary dial: you probably relate to henry unfortunately
black & white: you have bad taste (it's okay, me too I love this one) but you're genuinely so sweet tbh
housewife radio: you're correct and probably sympathize with nancy. also more than likely you can or have done a full analysis of every little detail in this song
colorbars: you're into glitchy and digital aesthetics and you much prefer this design over his broadcast illusion one. if you're a. certain way. you might simplify him down to Gay but cmon people we are past that it is 2023
anything from nothing perfect that's NOT perfect nothing: you chose the "i'm not like other girls" option but that's okay because it's an under appreciated ep
perfect nothing: you think you chose the "i'm not like other girls" option. banger song though
those who carried on or two of a kind: I am in love with you. dystopian stuff is your vibe and you're really curious about the pv wip characters/wish it wasn't left unfinished
spider on the wall (2018)(my fav): you scare me. objectively bad taste (affectionate)
spider on the wall (2022): you scare me worse. objectively bad taste (DEROGATORY)
in iolite or chelovek: do you exist (HI I LOVE YOU) if you do you love it when ghost does stuff that's actually different and cool
uncanny, adapertio, or I had to die to survive: you'll cling onto any oc or relationship ghost drops and you probably had theories about uncanny and adapertio when you saw the similarities
culpability or pierre janet's criminal defense: you stuck around during the slow period/hiatus and I will, for some reason, assume you're an older fan
entomologists (2019): I don't think you exist either but I love you. a lot. really into the "bug" part of industrial catholic bugcore
scapeg♾️at: you relate HARD to this song. want to see your abusers in the GROUND. probably a real petty person but I admire that
deathbody: nobody seems to really like this one for some reason? but if you DO I assume you're an older fan who related to foolish and/or ttid in your youth
end world normopathy: be honest you're here for tamari
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fareehaandspaniards · 9 months
Hi Fareeha! I was wondering, about your bloodborne ships what was your first impressions of them?
What intrigued you and what happen that made you like them that much now? Or did it just came naturally? ;)
I am sorry it took so long! It's 1 PM right now, I managed to GOT up somehow lol... Don't even remember how fell asleep yesterday. Also was occupied with fanfic, trying my best, etc... But to the topic:
Since my first ship was gehrmaria, I’ll start with it.
Romance, sadness, age difference... An old hunter grieving for his beloved who has passed away. All this reminded me of old european ballads that I was reading in my 16... A very beautiful story, unexpectedly romantic for Bloodborne (although it can be interpreted in different ways, not only romantically, but still it is fascinating). Let me add that they both look aesthetically stunning! They are classical, they are tragical, they are... perfection.
First impression for all other ships was: "How do you guys know anything about them?? There is nothing in game about them!!! How can you ship Caryll, mf is not even NPC?? Where do you get an information?? Who tf is Edgar? Oh, I killed him?..."
I swear I was shocked, when learned that fandom has CRAZY amount of ships. First Playtrough I barely got who is Laurence lmao, what IS Healing Church and so on... I can say sincerely - I started to Really understand, why is Valtr insane, why Laurence is VICAR, not bishop, why Annalise's hair are white and not brown, who tf can be siblings in a damned Research Hall and etc ONLY because of @katyahina timeline. My brain can't contain SO MANY info I swear, but I am trying, getting Insight every time I read this (in a good way ofc, I want to see Amygdalas in my sweet Yharnam-like city!)
So. Ships with Micolash. At first I brought him together with my hunter, Guillermo, and was pleased with myself - my story for them sounded convincing, thoughtful and hot xdd Guillermo - a madly in love hunter who, for seeing a drop of light in Micolash (in his past) and hearing Kos's whispers, is ready to die a hundred times, endure literally everything... Poor man! xD And Micolash who is insane enough to feel neverending cycle of NewGames, I mean, that he may even remember that he died already from hunter's hand, that hunter killed him 4 different ways, and I think Micolash would be frightened and lost? He genuinely thought that Nightmare is a perfect realm, HIS realm, but it turns out that someone else is good as Micolash himself to eat cords and ascend but succesfully. Oooof. I like that, Love and Despair, Love/Hate and etc. Oc x canon is really fine, when there are FEELINGS and TENSION between your char and canonical char.
After some time I got to know that silly guy with glasses on from a bridge is somehow really interesting deep character! xD And he's a cutie himself! (I mean look at him. My sweet accountant, my beloved nerd, and it's not a sarcasm!! He looks exquisite) I really like Edgar x Micolash for my beloved love/hate theme, slight toxicity and Edgar’s unspoken dependence on his enemy (Micolash is often made too “submissive” in their pairing. He may be and even must be bottom, but he is too much dominant as a person to be so naive and crying because Edgar-senpai is ignoring him). Edgar is a choir boy, soft, afraid of Micolash, is angry with him, but inside he cannot live without his attention. And Micolash - I think he liked Edgar as something unusual, fresh in his life (or death), something absolutely different from everything he had seen. Moreover, a spy. Moreover, he is so confident in the Church. But can change his opinion and most likely will. A perfect object of entertainment and moral debate. You can break him and win him over to your side. Nice pairing. I'm still in love.
Laurence x Micolash - kjdsflak;sdjfwernmfklaaaawoooooo!!!11!1! This ship is driving me crazy, I can't!! xD They look great together, they are similar, they are two brilliant minds seeking for knowledge, two scientists, two rivals, two assholes. But it seems to me that they would definitely have separated, because such similar people are unlikely to be together for a long time. I mean, they both need primacy too much. And it would destroy them. I also don't like Laurence, I can't help it. Maybe because I still don't fully understand his character?.. Maybe.
Damian x Micolash - amazing! I am now captivated by this pairing and am writing a story based on it. They are beautiful combination of an adult, serious Damian and an energetic, hot-tempered Micolash, as a couple they are divine. Damian... still waters run deep and all that. He is strong, thoughtful, cold, he can knock out any threat to his loved one. As a former Tomb Prospector and a Mensis Scholar, a byrgerkinght student, he must be really educated and smart, but also well-built and powerful, graceful and deadly. Micolash is his master and also a little boy. I headcanon that Damian is like 15 years older than him? And that's great. Wonderful, soft ship with a deep conflict of Damian's humanity and Micolash's curiosity and confidence.
Am I shipping anything else? With such passion - no. But in general, I like Laurence/Ludwig, Caryll/Rom, recently one nice person helped me realize the potential of Micolash/Adeline and I am kinda hmmmmm interested? XD I need more time to think of it. I met this pairing earlier but was like "pppft they couldn't even met!", don't blame me :'D
I respect all pairings, if they have something like plot in them. It’s especially nice to see when an artist or writer is truly devoted to his favorite couple and describes it with soul, it just makes you look at the couple from a different angle and start scrutiny.
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“Would you want to travel Europe with me?”
My whole being lights up at the thought. “Germany?”
“Predominantly. And maybe poke our heads into France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, it’s all right there. We can dive into a swamp of red tape and come up with three-month travel visas. Rent a place in a tiny German village, wander the woods and the countryside. Eat fresh pretzels, Wein Käse, and doner kebabs. You can talk to me all throughout the sun- and moonlit hours about how you see it all. And I can write it down. Make it shareable.”
I’d thought I was out of tears for the day, but one straggler leaks from my eye to my pillow. “That sounds a hundred kinds of perfect. Apart from the bit where there’ll be no convincing anyone at all that you’re not my boyfriend.”
Manchester laughs softly. “You and me, we are who we are. Regardless of what we do or what we’re called or whether anyone knows it. And we can always tattoo the words ‘queer platonic’ on our foreheads.”
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dorkygurl-89 · 6 days
pino. in the aesthetic
of amygdala's ragdoll
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cryiling · 1 year
what do we think about kpop idol au revalink where revali is from a big 3 company (i feel like he gives sm or yg but idk) and link is from a smaller company, but they get into a dating scandal because of dispatch's stupid dating dump at the end of the year or whatever
revali is appalled to have dating rumors with this little runt from a nugu group (he's lying, link is totally his type), meanwhile link is losing his shit bc it's his idol it's THE revali 🫣
im gonna use this ask as an excuse to talk about idols!link and revali bc I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS
first of all revali is def giving agust d vibes, that fuck capitalism and the government sorta songs, and he definitely writes his own music (he thinks that artists who don't write their own music aren't real artists). no wait like genuinely. have u guys seen the lyrics for all the songs on d-day?? and like the mv for amygdala?? totally breaking kpop industry norms and I can totally see revali doing that, like yes babes talk abt your mental health and traumatic experiences, pop off king !
I bet revali prefers doing hip hop style dances, like you're never gonna catch him doing those rlly simple trendy dances. nah he out here doing flips and bboying and stuff 😭 hmm like think back down or halazia level dances (bye not me finding a way to bring halazia into any conversation SJDHSJF)
also he definitely only sings live, no lip syncing for him. one day he gets sick and loses his voice but he still has a performance that day, and his manager is like PLS just lipsync to the track, literally no one will get mad I promise, and he's like bitch no and just has his fans sing the whole song (he goes viral for this, his fans bragging abt how revali would never stoop to the level of lip syncing while his antis are calling him lazy for having his fans do all the singing, then revali's fans clap back at those ppl and pull up the receipts of all the times their faves lip synced)
ok we need stage name and fandom for revali. hm tbh I feel like he would just keep his name as his stage name, like he probably thinks the idea of stage names is cringy 💀 help I need fandom name ideas. like, vale or something BYE. his company probably came up with a whole list of possible fandom names and he said no to all of them, atp his manager just picked one for him 😭
u mentioned revali is from a big 3 company, hmm yeah I'm getting sm vibes from him. how long do u think he trained for? probably a couple years, like 6? so he's very insistent that all his accomplishments are from his hard work
OK let's talk abt link! idk many small companies but ummm let's say like, gf or something (they have kingdom, slay!). do u guys know that one idol from loona I think? and she was a trainee for only one day? yeah that's link 😭 he auditioned for the company and they're like you're great! debut asap pls
link is just here to have a good time honestly, like he's going live at 3am to do drunk karaoke like jungkook fr 😭 he really has a passion for singing and performing, and at the end of the day he's just doing this for funsies, he doesn't let the stress get to his head too much, which, king behavior honestly
ik u said he's from a nugu group but honestly I'm seriously loving the soloist vibe from him, like if he was in a group he'd probably end up as the wonyoung of the group bc he just has that main character energy 😭
I can see link doing more upbeat/poppy songs, but he does the occasional ballad + contemporary dance combo that his fans go FERAL for. or,, omg. imagine him doing criminal by taeyang... 😊
his stage name.. L!NK bc he's quirky and not like other girls 😧 I bet his song titles are either in all caps or all lowercase too, he insists "it's for the aesthetic 🥺"
hm what sort of situation are they in where dispatch makes a dating scandal for them? OUHH MAYBE theyre both mcs for a music show (ignore that it's usually one guy and one girl) and they do one of those performances together and ppl are like 🤨⁉️ like imagine them doing the iconic dolphin dance together ✋ fans go CRAYZEEE the fancams hit like 20m views because their chemistry together really shines, even with such a simple song
their companies see how good they are for each other's publicities, so they really push for more of their schedules to be together.. which ofc comes at the cost of the dating scandal. they're hanging out together at some cafe idk, their managers told them to go hang out in the hopes that they would get some more publicity. what they WEREN'T expecting is for dispatch to declare that they're dating??? (that's a lie, link's manager (zelda) definitely knew smth like that would happen and she's the biggest revalink supporter 🤞)
when revali hears about this, he has a freaking meltdown to his manager teba, like 😭 lying facedown on the couch screaming into a pillow, "they think we're DATING?$:$;&2!;@/@ they really think a senior idol would go out with a rookie!!???!: SHUT UP TEBA HE IS NOT MY TYPE-"
meanwhile link has the BIGGEST celebrity crush on revali, like you know how jungkook is with namjoon? yeah 😭 so when the dating scandal comes out, link is just so flattered that people would think that he's worthy to be with revali- he's going around to anyone who will listen and is like "people think I'm with revali 😦🥰🥰" zelda is like girl calm down you're not actually together
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Kin headcanons (Bloodborne)
- There are roughly three types of Kin - celestial, marine and cursed.
- Celestial Kin are associated with lumenweed that reaches to the stars for salvation, you know, the flowers, the effect of Milkweed, etc. And with blue starry aesthetic, naturally. Prime examples are Living Failures, Celestial Emissaries and Ebrietas herself. Flora too, before she became more beastly.
- Celestial =/= cosmic, all Kin are connected to the cosmos! Cosmos is generally a higher plane of existence, whereas ‘stars’ is more specific affiliation. Ebrietas is daughter of the stars, not cosmos, either. A bit slightly lost in translation of boss names ( x ).
- Marine Kin are, naturally, connected to the ‘bottomless sea’. Kos and OoK are prime examples. Marine kin is also what Research Hall patients were initially aiming for, before they turned to the stars instead, to avoid horrors of the sea as it is full of human dregs. Brainsucker is a marine Kin too - this is what happens with a patient that became addicted to brain fluid to the no-return point but didn’t die. This is also why they stopped letting unsuccessful patients return to their homes - they just turn into Brainsuckers in the wild!
- Cursed Kin are affiliated with arachnid theme and ‘evil’ yellow eyes, examples are Amygdalas, Children of Rom and Gardens of Eyes! Interestingly, internal name for Gardens of Eyes are ‘cthulhu spider’. Gardens of Eyes were Research Hall patients that pursued cursed route instead of celestial one to be saved from the Sea, and were taken back in Byrgenwerth to live some semblance of life and recovery, since Choir had no interest in them.
- There are hybrid Kin! Fluorescent Flower is a hybrid between celestial and cursed Kin - note arachnid legs and body elongated in similar fashion as Amygdalas, but it does have glowing plantlife on its body! Milkweed reflects what would a celestial+marine hybrid be like. Rom is the only example of all three affiliations meeting - celestial (her glowing plants), marine (tentacley tails) and cursed (spider legs and bloated skull full of eyes).
- There are mutants - people who merely have their bodies change to adapt to affiliating with Great Ones better, without becoming their ‘family’! Nightmare Apostles like Patches are affiliated with cursed Kin, everyone in Fishing Hamlet is affiliated with marine Kin. Willem and Slime Scholars mutated to affiliate with celestial Kin better; even though slime scholars are ‘liquid’, don’t forget that Ebrietas and augur slugs are creepy and wet as well! Marine is less necessarily wet and more as in, marine creatures. Jellyfish, fish, squids, all that.
- Gravekeeper Scorpion is essentially a failed Fluorescent Flower, someone too far gone into being a zombie (or whatever happens with Pthumerians that have been pushing for immortality too far) to ascend. It used to happen often, too, as celestial and cursed affiliations oppose each other, like angels and demons - marine affiliation is value neutral.
- Winter Lanterns and Brain of Mensis are the closest thing to marine+cursed hybrid seen, notice them being full of evil eyes and seeming quite like jellyfish (Lantern’s head and Brain having many tentacles underneath). They are unique cases though - rather than it being one person mutating, they consist of many dead people (head of Wintern Lantern made of messengers and Brain of Mensis made of people - everyone else in Mensis Ritual room).
- Whereas Augurs of Ebrietas exist as their own entity, parasites like those found within Kos and phantasms used for Call Beyond are, indeed, parasites. Sea parasites nudge the host to crave Insight and brain fluid even more, which did not help Research Hall patients at all. Call Beyond, similarly, causes hunger if not addiction for being in touch with the ‘stars’ - notice how its glowing tendrills are similar to what ‘advanced’ celestial emissaries protrude from their skulls:
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- There is no cursed kind of parasitic phantasm from what we’ve seen in the game, however Vermin is the closest thing to such. It is born from human dregs, whereas Call Beyond is external cosmic parasite, and marine parasite is mix of a both human dregs and the divine.
- Needless to mention that Kos Parasite is not exclusive to her - variants found in dungeons are known as Uncanny and Lost parasites, without her name mentioned. It is entirely possible though that dungeons had experienced the flood of the great Sea long ago - dungeons are QUITE wet, and also, for example, this creature is found in both Fishing Hamlet and dungeons:
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
1/2 Completely random complaint, but you seem to be like someone who reads and enjoys books on occasion. I recently tried to figure out what books I should plan in for my reading this year, and Idk if I just never noticed, but there are so many Yet-to-be-released titles, who just have tens of 5-star reviews, where the review is literally just "We finally have a cover!" "We finally have a title!" It's very obnoxious when you actually look for actual info on a book. I'm not made of money, I don't
2/2 wanna waste my money on some book with a sparkling 5-star rating, only to find out that I wasted my money on an overpriced door-stopper, because all the 5-stars came from people gushing over the title and cover-art. : /
Honestly, as bad as this sounds, I don't preorder books and I don't usually pick up a book until a good month or so after it releases so I can wait for legitimate reviews to spring up.
Now, while that isn't great for fiscal numbers, I don't want to end up with another doorstop like Kill the Farm Boy.
I actually think the only book that I'm going to be ordering on Day 1 is The August Few: Amygdala and that's only because I've been able to actively follow the development of that series, I've been able to listen to excerpts from it, so reviews or not I know that the book will at least be enjoyable.
So, overall, I advise people to wait for book releases to settle, wait for the bloat comments about aesthetically-pleasing covers and NYT buzzwords to die down, and read the actual reviews that start building up.
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