#also these poses pushed me down the stairs if i have to look at one more stock wedding photo i am going to lose it
hinamie · 1 month
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been thinking a normal amount about just how Strong yuuji is
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s0me-rand0m-d0rk · 2 months
Ok. So, you know that TV show Ghost Adventures? Let's make it Danny phantom.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker are college age. Danny's studying astrophysics and astronomy. Tucker's studying engineering. And Sam's double majoring in occult studies and parapsychology. They're not in Amity Park, I don't know where they'd be but it would probably be a really haunted city/town. They need some extra money so they start a paranormal investigation group kinda like what Ghost Adventures is, but local. They post their findings on YouTube. They basically blow up overnight and get monetized after they get a few videos out there.
Danny is the "medium". (He's not a medium. He just has ghost powers.)
Tucker's the tech specialist.
Sam's the occult specialist.
But instead of provoking the ghosts and being rowdy and screaming all the time (don't get me wrong, the show is funny and I do enjoy watching it, but we all know they're not always respectful of the spirits.), they're actually trying to solve the problem the ghost is posing. They try to compromise with them and help them pass on.
Sam sends Danny into creepy basements by himself just like Zak does with Aaron. She also pulls the most obscure and random occult facts out of her ass. One time, she told the audience that it was possible to exorcise ghosts using music. She proceeded to play Riptide on a ukulele for the spirit of a pre-teen girl and it worked. After the episode is over, people go to look it up, and low and behold, there it is.
Tucker makes progressively more insane and less believable gadgets to contact and interact with ghosts. Their audience tunes in every week wonder what he'll have next. The last episode, it was some sort of ghostly etch-a-sketch. AND THE GHOSTS ACTUALLY USED IT. Did one of them draw a dick on it like a smart ass? Probably.
Sometimes Danny has full on conversations with no one on camera. He waves when there's no one else in the room. He scolded a poltergeist that tried to push him down the stairs. He consistently says that most ghosts just need a hug. Dark spirit? Hug it. Violent poltergeist? They need a hug. Ghostly child? HUG. The audience notices his eyes glowing in the dark. Is it special effects? No one knows.
No one can tell if they're serious or not. They had a literal gun that shoots ghosts. They play music for ghosts. They have ghostly etch-a-sketches. Unless you're from Amity Park, there's no way you're believing that.
But, people who have their properties investigated often say that the activity stops or de-intensifies or changes all together. People may have to change things, like hanging up a photo of the deceased, holding a memorial service, or stopping/changing renovations. But they make the ghost happy or even pass on. That way they stop throwing the good china out of the cabinets.
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xrenjunniesx · 3 months
BOYFRIEND HEADCANONS OF DREAMIES 🙏🙏🙏 it can be 0T7 or just chenle!! (maybe jeno). please make it delicious thanks wookie. i hope you're doing well with everything.
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nct dream boyfriend headcannons
a/n : Hii, I’m doing well other than the fact that school is after me. I’m sorry this took so long for me to do :( enjoy the silly little headcannons :D
there was snowman, sitting perfectly made and constructed on a ledge, and along with marks enthusiasm, created the perfect spot to take photos together. you and mark had just finished dinner and decided to go for a walk, just to enjoy each others company a little more in this cool environment and to talk about what’s been on your mind. the two of you start doing silly little poses for your camera, blowing snow at each other and getting amazing shots of the snow in action. it wasn’t until you tried to go up closer to the snowman that you realised - oh it’s slippery. very slippery. you fell over, kicking into mark by accident making him falling over as well. people walked past, laughing at the two of you as you both practically screamed out your own laughters. and oh? you accidentally recorded the whole thing? even better.

you loved going to the photo booths with your friends, so when your boyfriend wanted to take you to one during a day out you agreed in an instant. before it started you took a seat, looking into the camera and fixing your hair to fix it up. renjun watched you in awe, simply admiring you. when it started you led the way, telling him how to pose quickly before the photo was taken each time. you got the cute set of photos but renjun wanted another set, this time without any accessories. you agree, placing the accessories back and joining him in the photo booth. you are all over each other in the best possible way in this set of photos. hugs, loving stares, kisses, brightest and most genuine smiles. he loved you more than you could ever guess.
“it was just a joke” you scream, running down the road towards the playground. jeno was hot on your tail, having the time of his lip chasing after you as you fear for what he will do what he catches you - hug you to death? who knows. despite the playground clearly not being for people above the age of ten, you were running up those stairs and sprinting towards the slide. he was below the slide, simply waiting for you to slide down.
“Leave me alone you psycho”
“take it back and it’s all okay”
“okay…. um…”
“you can’t even be genuine” he cried out before making his way up the slide. you wanted to laugh at the silly action but you chose to run instead, giggling as you jumped off the playground. however, you failed to notice that jeno was already back on the ground.
he wraps his arms tightly around you, squeezing you against him as you giggle and push at him to get free.
“apologise.” “no.” he kisses your lips and then looks at your with a forced angry expression. “apologise now.” “another kiss and then maybe.”
you were exhausted at this point. It was 4 am and this trip was supposed to be a time to rest. but instead haechan had you at the karaoke room making you sing all the songs possible together. you weren’t expecting him to go on for this long, usually it was only a couple of songs before he got sick of the karaoke, but tonight he just kept making you both sing.
you were sure your voices were giving out, you were out of breath from the failed rap attempts and you had somehow made a choreography to a song that he sung twice in a row.
“babe, I need a break please.” you huffed out, placing a microphone down and breathing out heavily.
he sat down beside you, also breathing heavily. he looked at you for a full minute. just looking as you breathed and tried to ignore his stare. he then brought his hand up to your chin and turned your face to look at him, moving forward to place a gentle kiss on your lips and then pulling away.
“let’s go back and sleep, I’m exhausted.”
you laid in bed, unable to sleep from the pure excitement of what jaemin had planned for you tomorrow. he had booked a hotel in another city and brought the flight tickets. this was to the exact city you had wanted to visit for ages. you needed to wake up in a few hours for the airport, but you just couldn’t fall asleep. jaemin woke up due to your constant moving around.
“why are you awake?” “I’m too excited I can’t sleep..”
it brought a smile to his face, but he knew you would really need to sleep at least a little bit now.
he pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around you and bringing your face towards his neck. you inhaled his scent and tried to relax yourself. “try to sleep, you will regret it if you don’t.”
“I am trying.” you said trying to move back and look at him but he kept your head there, not letting you move. “go to sleep.” he said, half asleep himself. you did fall asleep shortly after, thanks to his comforting hold on you.
you wanted to be FREE. he was feeling like a menace. he was cuddled up to your arm, not letting go of it for the past hour. you tried to free yourself multiple times but it didn’t work. he kept finding excuses to bother you. it was all because he liked your reactions. you scoffed and laughed in annoyance at his behaviour and that was enough to make him laugh at you and continue. it wasn’t until you started actually trying to free yourself from his grip that you both ended literally wrestling each other.
you were sat on the couch, chenle clinging onto you with his arms wrapped around one of your arms and his leg placed on top of you. he laughed at your expression, not caring that you were annoyed.
“It’s not like you are doing anything important.” he claimed, and you just closed your eyes and leaned your head back.
“why are you doing this?”
“honest answer or the lie.” “honest.” you say with a sigh.
“haechan bet me that I wouldn’t be able to stick to you for one hour straight and I said I could do two hours.”
“lele… it’s been like almost three hours now.”
“he will triple the money if I make it to three hours baby please just 20 more minutes.”
“spilt the money and sure.”
“the money is all yours baby. I’m doing this to prove a point.”
you and Jisung were growing impatient with the food. It was in the oven, cooking away, but you wanted it now. you stood in the kitchen, tapping your feet on the ground and fingers on the counter, creating a beat by pure accident. Jisung noticed the beat and started dancing to it, not seriously of course but just a silly little dance move for pure entertainment. you giggled and stopped the beat and he whined at you.
“aye keep the beat going.”
“I’ll get the kitchen beat going hold on.”
the pots and pants and spoons all came out and before you knew it, you and jisung were a two person band creating the worst music alive with the goofiest dances possible BUT you were having fun. so much fun that time just went on and on until you realised oh shit the food will be ready and turns out you almost burnt the food. it’s just a little bit extra crispy.
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bigwishes · 2 years
Can I have a wish? I love stereotype transformations. Can you use your magic to make me the biggest parody of frat bro? The whole life of partying, beer drinking, working out and horrible manners. The only thing I request is to be DUMB. Like the definition of fucking idiot. Unable to think without someone commanding me like the dumb animal I am.
Well of course. So you wanna be a frat boi? well you'll need to join a frat to do that and I know some guys who are looking for new members, if you'd like to meet them?
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The three blokes standing right in front of you are Danny, Dan and Daniel. You were a little intimidated by the three hulking hunks but when they started talking they were a lot more welcoming than you thought.
"hey bro, looking to sign up to a frat?" "yeah bro, signing up can do awesome stuff like cut your fees down" "hu hu hu hu" "don't mind Daniel, he's errr" "Hungover!" "Yeah hungover!" "hu hu hu hu" "So wanna sign up?" "we'll even chuck in a free body transformation"
You took a moment to think but slashing fees down AND getting someone help get you into shape! That's a deal you were willing to take. You follow Danny through the crowd to the sign up station. You see Dan grab Daniel by the hand and drag him along too. You reached the sign up station and had a board pushed into your chest by Danny. You hesitated staring at Daniel stopped, slouching into Dan drooling all over his chest.
"Don't mind my boyfriend, he has messy hangovers" "mmmm lov yoouuuuuuu"
You were trying to read over the conditions of the sign up but couldn't focus over Danny yelling to bros walking by and the sounds of Dan dealing with his slurping slobbering boytoy. You just signed thinking if there were any issues you'd deal with them in the semester break. As you dotted your signature everything felt strange, the world spun and you fell forward into a wall of solid muscle.
"wo-ah bro, I got you" you felt thick fingers running through your hair as you passed out. ________________________________________
You came too in a dark basement, your first thought was those blokes stole your kidneys and plan to sell them. You body felt weird, a pain all over, tight. You had no idea what was going on until you stepped in front of a mirror. There you were, stripped down to your underwear but it wasn't you....but IT WAS YOU. You don't know what happened, or what came over you but you couldn't help but flex all this new found muscle mass in front of the mirror.
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"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BROOOOOOOOOOO" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? you had never yelled or spoken like that before. You tried to think of any other words but every time you spoke out loud some form of bro, bruh, or dude came out of your mouth. Moments later a door opened at the top of the stairs of the basement. Danny, Dan and Daniel were all standing looking down at you posing.
"Enjoying the new bod bro?" "hu hu hu" "Put some clothes on stud, we're goin partyin"
There was something about Danny, the way he was smirking, like he had more planned but fuck you couldn't resist taking this new body for a spin and you we're hoping your new 3 frat bros would help you pick up some guy to stick your new massive meat into.
At the party your body almost went on auto pilot, downing every kind of booze you could get your hands on, a master of beer pong and flexing for anyone who'd look at you. You were also acting like an absolute ass hole. One guy from another frat came up to ask you how much you bench and your first reaction to him was to burp in his face.
"More than you pipsqueak now fuck off I'm trying to get some hotties"
With how you were acting guys that were originally interested in you were now starting to turn away. You behaviour only got worse as you drank more. You began slurring your words and grabbing onto guys, blatantly asking them for ass, ab or dick picks for your spank bank. You'd never felt like this but it felt incredible. You lifted up your shirt loading it over your pecs and began to parade around demanding some bloke do shots off your abs.
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Eventually Danny came round to you and pulled you into a side room.
"woah there big fella, trying to give away all that prime beef?" "why do you care bro" "dude, all I'm sayin is a body like that aint for playing its for keeping with another hot stud"
Danny bit down on his lip and put a massive muscled hand on your chest.
"Dude! are ya just gonna stand there lookin, or ya gonna...buy a slab of beef?"
Next thing you knew your pants were around your ankles, Danny had slid a condom over your down 8inch meat and began giving you the best hand job of your life.
"Aw, bro, whats the point of a condom for a handy?" "Just wait and see bro"
You were in absolute heaven and it was getting better and better by the second. If this is what being a frat boy was, no if this is what being a fuck boy was you never want to go back. Before you knew it you were seconds away from blowing your load. "Bro take the condom off, I don't want this first load to be held back" "Will you be my boyfriend?" "HUH?!?!, BRO CAN WE DO THIS LATER" "Dude, don't be a fucking pussy and say yes, you'll get a reward" You were thinking if you said yes he'd let you finish on his big muscled chest and abs, the idea of seeing a big lad like Danny covered in your cum would be so fucking hot.
"Yes, yes, I'll be your boyfrieeeennndddd"
The moment you said it you blasted into the condom. It was disappointing, you missed the chance to cover the stud and make him beg for more but something was weird. Your dick was still pulsing like you were gonna blow another load, Your head began to pound, at first you thought it was the booze but it was worse than any drinking headache. You dug your hands into Danny's thick traps for support and he continued to jerk you before you shot another load. The best feeling orgasm of your life, you moaned in ecstasy. Looking down you noticed the clear condom was filled with a pink liquid.
"Wha- what the fuuuuuuuu-"
Your jaw fell open, slack, as your tongue slipped to the edge of your lips. A river of drool quickly ran down you chin and onto your pecs. You let go of Danny and stood there. Shoulder's hunched forward and drool running down your abs. Danny tied the condom off that was filled like a water balloon with the thick pink cream and bounced it in front of your blank eyes.
"Whaddup babe? cum your fucking brains out" "Hu hu hu, yeaaa" _________________________________________ A few months had gone buy and you did nothing more than lift weights, drink, suck Danny's dick and threaten to beat up any guy who hit on your new boyfriend. You'd become nothing more than a moronic fucking asshole frat boy obsessed with servicing his king's every need and today his need was a bodyguard. Danny could handle himself but him and Dan always loved to have you and Daniel close by, They loved the show when their two moron boy toys growl and grumble making every other frat on campus too scared to try and get guys away from their sign up table.
Danny had left you by the pool, to make sure everyone could see you and all your size. Whilst you were intimidating if people got too close to Danny on your own you were no threat. In fact people spent the whole afternoon walking by laughing at you as you'd had the same drink since you sat down but hadn't drunk so much as a mouthful and you couldn't workout how to get your mouth around the straw, let alone work out how to get the drink in your mouth if you ever got your lips around the straw.
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There you go mate, you have become a dumb horny frat himbo, programmed to party, work out and do anything your boyfriend commanded you too.
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mommys-puppy-tgirl · 2 months
Two blue screens
I wrote a lesbian robot puppy girl short story. Please enjoy :3 also the pov character is trans.
Pulling into the driveway, I stepped out of the car. Thebsweet smelling rain cascaded across my face, through my hair and soaking into my clothes on the brief stride to the front door. I fumble with the keys, sliding through three on my ring before finding the right one, all the while the water and wind sap my heat. I turn the key, open the door, and step inside, dripping water on the hardwood floors with a plop. I shut the door, remove my wet black sneakers and socks, hanging both on an empty coatrack.
From upstairs I hear my favorite thing. An excited “Woof” compressed and taken from Nintendo’s ds game “Nintendogs.” Following the sweet audio came a rumble of a heavy chassis across carpeting floor and then a “slump,” “bump” and “crash” as my beautiful girlfriend rolls down the stairs in an excited heap, her mechanical tail wagging. She quickly corrects her pose and rises to her feet to embrace me, squeezing tight enough to hinder my breathing.
Hal-E is my adorable robot girlfriend, her tummy and face each having a monitor like a Nintendo DS. The tummy screen currently has nintendogs open and all the necessary buttons to play of ones favorite Nintendo game on it. The bumpers are on her sides and the cartridge slot is hidden on her back. She wears a crop top and booty shorts so that heat can vent properly, and to cover more explicit ports. across her exposed metal are numerous stickers of bands, anime, cute animals, and flowers
I squeeze back, but stop saying. “Wait wait, I’m all wet. Down girl.”
A small green light flicks on when she hears the order. In an instant she gets on her knees, hands on her lap, and stairs up with the same dumb, cute, adorable smile she always has when I come home. I’m already colder without her natural heaters pressed against my body. So I’ll have to go quick so I can feel her again.
“Puppy, wait for me in our bedroom,” I said as I walked into the other room.
HAL-Es green light turned on and she said “I love you,” scampered up the stairs. She’s a robotic puppy girl all the way through. When we first got together she was just a robot girl, but she had fun exploring the internet and discovered puppy play. It was a recursive file in her memory banks. She pleaded with me to make a program that would help fulfill her dreams. As a programmer, I stayed up all night for a week and fulfilled her wishes and embedded it in that nintendogs cartridge. She can take it out any time she wants. But she loves it too much to ever stop being my good girl.
Now alone I removed my wet clothes and grabbed a towel from the linen closet. I ran the cotton across my skin and removed the water from it, but the cold remained. The rain left a lasting chill deep within me, and brought all the grime from that days work to the surface. Now I need my puppy to wash it all away. I walked upstairs to our shared room, opened rhe door and saw HAL-E sitting on the bed. She too was uncovered, revealing the stickers placed upon her breasts. It reads “if lost, please return to Marcy.” When I see that sticker I can’t help but bite my lip.
HAL-Es eyes widened as I entered the room, her mechanical tail wagging faster and faster, smacking against the pillows with a loud “whomp” over and over again. I could tell she wanted to jump out of bed and hug me, tackle me down and kiss me all over. She made sharp pushes against the bed, false starts as she contained her excitement. As I slowly approached the bed, I heard her cooling fans activate, pumping heat out from her head and torso to keep her from overheating. She whimpers, desperate to be played with, for someone to touch her controls and insert data into her.
“Look at how eager you are… so patient… so good…” I said, my voice shifting to a soft sultry tone. “Good girl. Do you want belly rubs?”
She let out another whimper, then a compressed yap. She rolled onto her back and looked up, her digital eyes filled with a burning heat and desire. Her vents pumped warm air all over my legs, a heat that threatened to drag me down onto her. I wanted to take it all, all her warmth and embrace her. But not yet, first we play the game.
“Good girl,” I said, rubbing my hands all over her chassis, my fingers touching the lower ds screen and sending signals into her brain. Several green lights flicked on and off as I touched her, telling me how much she enjoyed it. She was officially in “good girl mode” and now all pleasure and sensations are heightened. Just a tap of her screen sends waves of energy through her circuitry. if she wasn’t on her charging leash no doubt she would lose power.
I moved my position between her legs and told her to keep her head up. Laying down on her warm body was like a car running car in the winter, so warm it melted any ice still within my skin. I placed my thumbs on the buttons and +pad and my index fingers on her bumpers. She squirmed with each button press, the good feelings programmed into her mind. I didn’t have to play for long, for her it would feel like hours of pleasure.
Nintendogs is always a fun time, espreciallt when my girlfriend moans every time I press a buotton. Every time I play with a puppy I’m playing with her mind, and every treat given is a treat she feels. Her vents are pouring hot air, but when I check her power banks she is still charging. After 15 minutes, I pulled up her task manager, I saw how much her cpu and memory was full. All her processes were at their limit! “How about we turn some of these off…” I said.
“Ahh! Bark! W-what?” She struggled to make words after being a puppy for so long. But before she understood what was happening, I had limited her cognitive processes to 30% and boosted her pleasure centers to 120%. This was something she could turn back on if she wanted too, and was within our discussed limits. Messing with her mind, messing with her programming and messing with her wiring and attachments, she lived for it.
Now that she could only bark and whimper, reduced to my dumb, sweet, happy puppy, a puppy full of pleasure, I rose from between her legs and laid across her belly. My breasts pressed against hers, the sticker caught on my nipple, teasing me unintentionally and reminding me how much I love this woman. The warmth exuding from her chest was burning hot and nipples like fresh dripped candle wax. My eyes locked with hers, those digital girl eyes. I locked my lips with her synthetic lips just below her top screen.
Her silicon lips were warm and soft. What others see as fake, to me they were realer than any other. My tongue slid between them, and I felt the zap of her hidden mouth port. The tingle only made me want her more. I kissed and kissed, she squirmed and moaned into my mouth. It was delicious. Her hands were spazzing, fighting the urge to touch the port between her legs. She knew I’d get there later.
I shifted my weight, so that my knees were on her arms and my dick between her breasts. “Be a good puppy…” I said, my voice containing my eagerness, “and suck mommy’s cock.” Her hot lips on my skin almost made me explode, her sensation, her obedience, her eagerness. I own her, and she loves it, and I love it. The jolt of her energy through my body called me to thrust into her mouth, her synthetic tongue caressing the head. Now I had to hold myself back from explosion. I needed to hold off the building tension from below, calling me to unload inside my puppy’s mouth. “She would love it, mommy’s hot cum inside her,” I thought. The devil in me told me to do it, ruin her hot mouth, short circuit her brain with my love. But no. Not yet. I can’t.
My puppy’s eagerness brought her sensual blowjob from a savoring to devouring. Her dumb, sweet, gorgeous puppy programming needed her to get my cum. But I had to keep it from her, like waving a toy over a dogs head, beckoning it to jump for it, only to snatch the toy away before they can lock their jaws into it. I let her go fast, but now I needed to stop before I gave her the prize.
“Good girl, drop it.”
She immediately stopped, but her eyes were confused, begging me to let her keep going. She was hungry for it. She couldn’t even move her arms to bring me back in. She just had to wait, like a good puppy. The Denial fed her eagerness, she needed a release. She needed to fuck her mpmmy so bad, and I could tell.
“Let’s use the gba port.” The gameboy had an insane amount of device attachments to go with different games or products. The attachment we are going to use was not a commercially made device, but Etsy creators sold these for anyone who had a Nintendo DS branded robotic girlfriend who wanted to get kinky. With a little luck, I managed to get a hold of the attachment before they were shut down by a classic Nintendo cease and desist.
From the bedside table, I pulled out a Gameboy advanced dick attachment with vibration and cum functionality. I plugged in the cock to the gba port between HAL-E’s legs (it was placed there to mimic the ds’ original design and got past Nintendo censors). As soon as it connected, the cock hardened and throbbed. The temperature of the dick rose, using it as a heat sink. Her artificial cum leaked out like a doctor checking a syringe before inserting it and I was the patient. I poured lube all over her cock and stroked her twice to get it all over.
I laid on the bed, my legs in the air and my butt propped up against the pillows. My cock leaked across my front, and my asshole puckered. I put my hands on my cheeks and spread them, beckoning my sweet puppy closer. “Be good girl, Fuck mommy…”
Her desperate puppy eyes guided her as HAL-E moved forward and pressed her warm robot cock against my greedy asshole. She moaned and glitched moan, one that splintered and drowned out her screaming fans. Her cocks head pressed into my ass, spreading it and filling me up with her love. Unlike the doctor, she pushed her cock jn and out. “Arf” and “bark” came from her speakers with every thrust. Her eyes were locked on mine and our hands intwinned. Our love was one, her heat and mine, a building cycle. Her glitchy moans. She’s going to cum.
She’s speeding up. Im moaning, she’s barking, she’s such a good girl, such a good puppy. I’m going to reward her so good. “Good girl. Good puppy.” She speeds up again. Faster. Harder. Desperation rising. My cock tenses. I can feel her cock rubbing against my special spot. “Cum with mommy.”
She barks in response, my beautiful dumb puppy.
She speeds up, I’m losing control of my voice and moans.
She’s overheating, her fans on overtime, my body is so hot too, I love her so much.
Her cock is tensing, but she won’t cum until I say. She’s a good girl.
“Good girl… cum.”
We both cum, as she pins be down with her robot body. She locks her cock inside my Ass to make sure I feel her pulsating eruption within me. Such a good puppy. Her screens both turn blue as the pleasure and heat overloads her. It’s too much, her lips lock with mine as she reboots.
Meanwhile I erupt all over our tummies. First on mine, then hers as she leans over to reboot. With deep breaths I embrace her, I give my darling puppy robot girl all of my love. I kiss her lips, sticking my tongue in and moaning “HAL-E” with every thrust. “Good girl.”
I spent 2 minutes with her as she rebooted. It was quiet, broken by a few clicks as the systems worked through and reset to normal levels. With every moment I fell more and more in love with HAL-E, all over again. But every time I couldn’t help but get scared. She doesn’t always blue screen, but when she does I can’t help but worry. She’s told me 100 times that it’s harmless, but I still get nervous.
After those two minutes to calm down, she woke up. Her eyes bright, “hey cutie” she said. Those words made my heart melt. I kissed her again and again, and forever into the night.
(This was written in my notes app, sorry for any typos) :3
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niki-phoria · 1 year
Hi!!! I’m literally obsessed with your writing. Could you do like a fiction where Yeonjun is watching y/n dancing in one of the practice rooms and is kind of like admiring them. But like somehow y/n sees and teases him about it and it gets flirty or romantic somehow (I’m curious to see what you come up with!)
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pairing: idol!yeonjun x gn!trainee!reader genre: fluff word count: 611
a/n: thank you for requesting !! it means so much to me :)) also i feel like i ended this really weirdly
yeonjun sighs, stretching out his sore limbs as he turns off the music. his feet burn from hours of dancing. there aren’t many people in the building by now. he can’t hear the usual noise of other music, choreographers yelling out counts, the sound of shoes hitting the ground. 
he grabs his things, turning off the lights and closing the door behind him. he pushes a cap onto his head to hide his sweaty face, slowly walking through the hallways. once he reaches the second floor, he’s surprised to hear the faint echo of music coming from one of the rooms. curious, yeonjun pushes the door open slightly. your shirt clings uncomfortably to your back as you continue to dance. from his position against the doorframe he can see your muscles flex as you execute the moves. 
yeonjun usually doesn’t get caught up in admiring people. throughout his years of being an idol he’s grown conscious enough to realize when he’s staring at someone long enough to potentially cause a scandal. but there’s something about you that makes him pause and watch. your chest heaves as you stand in the center of the room, holding your ending pose for a few seconds. in the mirror, he sees you catch his eye.
yeonjun’s face burns when you look at him. “ah,” he bites back his embarrassment, fully entering the room. the door closes behind him as he bows. you quickly reciprocate, rushing over to turn off the music. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“it’s alright, i don’t mind cute boys staring at me.” something about your words throws him off. maybe it’s your tone, or the sound of your voice, or the fact that it’s you saying it, and he finds you attractive. his ears burn and he looks away with a slight chuckle. “are you heading home now?” 
“i was just about to, yeah,” he says. 
“do you mind if i join you?” 
“of course not.” you smile, unplugging your phone from the speakers. you quickly grab your own things before joining yeonjun in the corner. your shoulders brush together slightly as you turn off the lights, making your way down the stairs to the lobby and out of the entrance. 
“are you cold?” yeonjun asks. the winter air stings against your cheeks. you pull your shirt further around yourself, shivering a little. 
“a little,” when you breathe out, your breath is visible in the air. “i forgot my jacket at my dorm.” 
“you’re a trainee?” yeonjun turns to you. you nod, wrapping your arms further around yourself. 
“i moved from yg a few months ago.” yeonjun pulls you to stop, pulling his jacket off and wrapping it around your shoulders. “oh, you don’t need to-” 
“you’re shivering,” he interrupts. “we’re closer to my dorm than we are to yours.” with a grateful smile, you let him zip it up. 
“thank you.” you’re flustered. yeonjun can hear it in your voice. he smiles, nodding. “i’ll give it back to you tomorrow, i promise.”
“i have a rehearsal tomorrow. why don’t you meet me at a cafe? you can give it to me then.” you smile, nodding eagerly. “great, then it’s a date.” 
you chuckle, tucking his scarf so it’s a little tighter around his neck before turning to continue walking. yeonjun ignores the flurries of butterflies in his stomach, quick to join you. “you know, if i knew that staying late would get me a date with my celebrity crush, i would’ve started practicing overtime weeks ago.” 
“it’s a good thing i saw you, then. something to make the work worth it.” 
“i guess it is,” you smile. 
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let-spretend · 6 months
hey !! very self indulgent fanfic here, wanted to insert reader into the game itself so lots of dialogue is directly pulled from chp 15. armageddon !! could be platonic if you squint ‘cause it’s pretty vague. still open to requests and criticisms.
liu kang x reader !!
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"There is nowhere to run, Shang Tsung. Nowhere to hide." Liu Kang opens his arms, looking side to side. "We have banded together to rid all timelines of your evil. The threat you pose to them ends today." He points to the ground.
"Such certainty, Liu Kang. That this battle will end in your favor." Dark Shang Tsung only spits back with venom.
"It can end no other way. Because across all timelines, the arc of history bends toward justice."
"Does it? In this timeline, it bends toward me." Dark Shang Tsung's arms engulf into flames and he starts to swing his arms into a circular motion. Chanting, he shoots a beam of fire towards the sky. Slowly, a portal starts to rip open, lighting up the area. "Behold, Liu Kang, the hell I unleash upon you!" He motions his arm toward the portal and skulls start to pour out, creating a pathway. Dark versions of everyone start to come out, with Quan Chi leading the herd. Dark Shang Tsung and Liu Kang stare each other down, while Dark Shang Tsung's army starts to line up near him. He yells for them to charge, gesturing toward all of you. You start to run up the stairs, with the rest of Liu Kang's army also doing the same. You don't pay any attention to who you were fighting, just interacting with whoever decided to stand in your way. You push and kick your opponents into the green waste between the pyramid stairs.
"My godly might will strike you down." You turn your head to see a Li Mei in similar attire to Raiden. You get into a ready stance and are ready for anything she tries. You notice crackling occurring between her fingertips and you realize she was a version of someone's timeline's Raiden. You land the first punch, cornering her into a wall. Continuously you strike, pushing her down to the floor for enough time to escape. She falls with no intention of getting back up.
You sprint toward the stairs again, climbing up to one of the many platforms on the stairs. You see a flicker of green in the corner of your eye. Before you could act, a version of Syzoth punches you right in the face. You fall to the floor, clenching your cheek. You send a low kick, causing Reptile to meet you on the ground. You push yourself into the air and aim your feet toward Reptile's face. "How you like that, Syzoth?" You chuckle, imagining your timeline's Syzoth being defeated by your hands. Before she could respond, you lift her up from the ground and throw her across the platform. After this action, dozens of dark Shang Tsung's people come rushing towards you. You start to run, sucker punching a dark Kenshi along the way. You hear Sento clank to the ground as you turn the corner. You see an oncoming shadow but no people around. You clamor to the ground as a heavy weight jumps onto you. A person that appears to be Sub-Zero towers over you, ready to strike. You roll to your right and get up onto your knees. "So eager you had to jump onto me?" You banter. She sneers and sends icicles toward you. You crouch down and go for her feet. She acts quickly and jumps up, coming down with a kick. It lands on your stomach, you grunt in pain but punch her in the face as she lands. Blood paints her face as she attempts to wipe it off. Her stance now staggered, she summons an ice flail into her hands. She lunges toward you but you block, the flail breaking on impact. You suck in from the pain and cold it left. You slap her face and punch her in the stomach three times, sending her a couple feet in front of you. As she goes down with a thud, a Dark Sonya that has Kano's eye starts charging toward you. She kicks for your face and tries to slash your arm with her blade. You block all of her attempts and reply with a punch to her face. Her face swings back as her robotic eye releases a deadly beam. You hold her face away from yours and punch her with brute force. She cries in pain and falls.
"You get to be killed by a megastar." You turn around to be met with a Shao Kahn dressed in Johnny's attire. You can't help but let a loud laugh escape your lips. He charges at you and you go flying, landing next to the defeated Sonya. He walks over slowly and you jump up and kick his stomach to keep him from coming any closer. He groans and you keep at it. Punching in any place open and finishing with a kick to the balls. He yells out in pain and topples over. "Learned that on from you, ironically." You retort. You hear a mix of low growling and yelling above you. It was Goro. He jumps off of the roof and lands next to you, making you almost fall over from the impact. He hurls his hammer into your face. Your face burns with pain and you clutch it instinctively. You thought your whole face was taken with the hammer. Goro tries to hit you again with his hammers but is stopped by a punch. He falls onto the stairs but kicks your aid back. You look up to see a Ninja Mime Cage being caught by more Cages. Johnny taps him on the shoulder. He jumps back up quickly and turns his head to the right to see why Johnny tapped his shoulder. Janet also taps him and he faces her. Johnny shouts and "Ms. Cage" does the same. Probably to hype themselves up. Ninja Mime smiles at their antics and also yells silently. You chuckle at the mime's attempt at yelling. He notices your laughter and sends you a wink, but is quickly interrupted by Goro. He swings his hammers toward the three of them and they all dodge. Johnny back kicks Goro in the balls while Ninja Mime flips in the air and kicks his calf. While he winces, Janet kicks him in the face, leading him closer to the ledge. Johnny sends a green blast from his hand hurling toward Goro. You don't remember your timeline's Johnny having powers. Ninja Mime tries to land a finishing kick but Goro grabs his leg. He bends it in an unnatural way, a crackle left his leg. Despite that, he does not make a sound. Although his face contorts in pain and distress. He is tossed by Goro into the green abyss. The Cage's both kick him onto the ledge, pushing him off politely with a send off. Johnny sends you a thumbs up but Janet gives you two. You smile and pick yourself up. You hear yelling behind you but don't bother to turn as another Dark version of Johnny starts to approach.
"You've clearly no sense of self-preservation." You sigh again. "I don't have time for this." You say, in a deadpan voice. Janet scoffs. "Oh, you will." You run towards her and she braces for some sort of attack. But all you do is push her to the floor and take off. "Ugh! Come back here, Y/N!!" You ignore her and run up the never-ending stairs. Your breathing was starting to become shallow. You try to drink your spit to somehow calm yourself and also give you hydration. But it obviously didn't help. You try to look down while running to keep you from seeing the amount of stairs left, knowing the consequences. But you stop, hearing many footsteps ahead of you. You look up to see 4 people. You scan their faces and they all seem familiar but you couldn’t quite place it. Before you could attack, you’re surprised by a weaponized fan.
“Allow me.” Kitana declares.
You happily oblige and let her slay the four in front of you. She ruthlessly slices off limbs and heads. One head with sunglasses on, rolls down in front of you. Weirdly, it felt like a taunt. You try not to think so deeply about it. "Thank you, Princess Kitana. Or.. maybe not a princess?" You say, with uncertainty. It was hard to keep track of everything and everyone. Kitana only chuckles. "You are too cute. Kitana is just fine and you're welcome. Now hurry. There's no time to waste." You were about to reply to her before she was tackled by some person. You were caught by surprise and your first instinct was to help her. You figure she was able to defend herself, but mostly it was the fact that you were being approached once again.
"Reptiloids are apex predators." She calmly says. This time it was a Reptiloid Sindel. You sigh and get into a ready stance. You don't even bother with a quip. Before Sindel could even attack, the ground starts to crackle with red lightning. You look around your surroundings for anything and your eyes land on a chain hanging from a pillar. You kick the pillar to push yourself toward the hanging chain. Sindel screams in pain from the lightning and a figure that looks like Kung Lao, lands. You could see that stupid hat from a mile away. Sindel falls to the floor with severe burns but the figure pays no attention. He removes his hat and cleanly slices the chain you were dangling from, in half. You fall to the floor but get a glimpse of his face. It was Raiden's. "Ew!" You exclaim, not being able to fathom that 'that' exists. He practically flies into you and your stomach burns from his lightning. You dodge his attacks from his hat and begin to punch once he puts it back on. Getting a closer look at the Kung Lao-Raiden mashup, your eyebrows furrow. You push him toward a torch and his clothes catch on fire. He screams and tries to put it out but falls off the pyramid, not realizing where he stood. "That was an abomination.." You breathe out, as you watch him flail to his death.
You jog up the stairs, tired, before noticing two figures. You look up to see Dark Shang Tsung and Quan Chi up at the top, staring down at you attempting to run up the stairs. You see Shang Tsung talking to Quan Chi but can't make out what he says from all the yelling around you. You keep running up the stair trying to catch up. They face each other and start to create a bubble of magic, mixed with orange and green. They both raise it into the sky and throw it into your direction. "Shit!" You dive onto the next platform, as you watch it pass by you and hit many others toward the bottom. Your body aches from the fall and fatigue. "Ugh.." You slowly start to pick yourself up try to continue up the stairs.
But distant growling could be heard from around the corner. Just as you start to catch your breath, three dark clones of Mileena charge toward you with sai in their hands. The two in the back stay in a standby position, while the Mileena in red attire attacks. You grab her arms and make them cross, using her left hand with the sai to puncture her right shoulder. You twirl her to make her face her copies. You use her body to block their advances, also using her arms to attack them. You slice the neck of the Mileena in yellow. You stab the side of one in blue and stab her again but with both sai in the stomach. You kick the Mileena in your hands and take the sai out of hers. You stab her in the chest but have no time to take them back out, as another Mileena charges. You block, but she swipes you off the ground, flipping her sai to face your eyes. You catch her arms and use all your strength to keep her away. She tries to push harder with her body weight but you turn her arms inward, gouging her eyes out with the sai. Her blood flings onto your face as you push her off of you. You stood up quickly, looking at the scene. You were breathing heavily, scared of what could’ve happened. "Fuck..” You just stare at Mileena’s lifeless body. A little bit of payback for Kenshi's eyes.
"Hurry Y/N! You are almost there!" You look up to see a very ethereal-looking Shang Tsung cheering you on, with a version of Quan Chi by his side. But they are both blasted with a green force, which seemed to be sucking their souls out. You watched as their bodies were being ripped away from their skeletons, the flesh sploshing onto the floor.
Dark Shang Tsung was on his knee, supporting himself. You start to run up the pyramid stairs again, angry, but interrupted by a different Quan Chi body slamming you to the floor. You let out a grunt, landing on your arms. "I don't have time for all these distractions.." You state. You waste no time and punch his stomach. Blood sputters out of his mouth from the sudden blunt force. You take a small knife from his belt and decide it was now yours. You swipe for his neck and push in deep, and glide the knife across. Blood spews out and you are drenched in it. "Ugh.." You lightly push him and topples onto the floor. Now you have his and Mileena's blood on your face. You sigh as you start to run, trying to find the stairs again. You hold your new knife tightly, ready for any attack. But instead you find Liu Kang on the stairs, fighting off some foes. He kicks them off and notices you climbing up the stairs. He turns his body and attention towards you. "It's only a little further, Y/N. Follow me." He lingers a little, sort of assessing you. He slightly furrows his brows but gestures for you to follow, which you do.
You both reach the top where Dark Shang Tsung and Quan Chi seemed like they were waiting for you to arrive. You pocket your small knife and form your hands into fists. You looked over at Liu Kang to see him with barely any injuries and effortlessly vibrant. You try to cover up the fact that you were heaving from just climbing all those stairs and the fact that you were admiring him at a time like this.
"Your defenses have failed, Shang Tsung. This is over." Liu kang instructed, while tilting his head slightly.
"I do not think so." Shang Tsung delivers a simple, yet defying answer.
"Realize, sorcerer, that you've brought this on yourself. Avarice and ego have again proved your undoing. We have no choice but to eradicate you." You had to be completely honest, you have no idea what avarice meant but you only nodded in agreement with Liu Kang. You note in your head to start using that Word-A-Day calendar from Johnny...
"It is you who will be eradicated. You and your followers." Shang Tsung's eyes linger on you when he mentions Liu Kang's followers. "And once you are dead, all timelines will be mine." He starts to run toward you and you react the same. You throw a punch but he dodges and extends his claws out. He raises his arms and scratches your chest. You grimace in pain but don't stop for it. You aim a kick to his face and follow with another one. He blocks them all and pushes you and kicks you in the head. You get dizzy and fall to the floor. You try to get back up, knowing Liu Kang needs your assistance. But you couldn't. You slump to the floor, trying to fight the urge to close your eyes. You try and focus on the sounds of grunting and punches being exchanged. You hear Liu Kang's high pitched yells and fire leaving his hands. You cannot stay on the floor any longer. You ignore the gnawing pain in your head and shake it. Your eyes open right as Quan Chi releases a beam in the form of a snake attack Liu Kang. It entraps him and tangles him so he cannot move. Your face contorts that into a scared one, but you take a deep breath.
You try not to seem nervous to your enemies and hold your expression blank. You slowly start to approach the two. "Your position is precarious." Quan Chi states, with a bit of enthusiasm laced within it. "To survive, you must submit." He stops walking and forms his hand into a tight fist. Shang Tsung approaches you, slowly. "Yes. The question you must ask is: if Liu Kang couldn't finish us, how possibly could you?" You didn't say anything, only replying with a solemn facial expression.
Shang Tsung jumps up and tries to land a kick onto your face but you slide and make him miss. He swiftly turns back and punches you consecutively. Every blow hurt, but reminds you that you needed to win, not just for you, but also for Liu Kang and the Realms. You block and grab onto his arm. You throw him onto the ground and start to do the same. Just punch the shit out of him. He cries out in pain but uses his feet to kick you off of him. He extends his claws again and swings in whatever directions he could think of. "Two can play that game." You pull out your small knife and pierce his lower stomach area. He instinctively clutches his wound and you take that opportunity to bash his head onto the ground. He stops moving, but you could tell he was still breathing.
"And they called me the Chosen one." He looks down at your work but looks to you smiling. You were tired but still super happy Liu Kang complimented your efforts. "Thank you, Liu Kang. Should I..?" He places a hand on your shoulder. "You have done more than enough, Y/N. Please, permit me to end this." He lightly squeezes before letting go and again lingering to take a look at you. You look back with an honest face. He blinks and turns away. He begins to swing his arms and sand starts to fall out of his hands. Dark Shang Tsung and Quan Chi slowly start to fade away into sand, then blown by the wind.
"May that be last we see of you." Liu Kang sends the sand off, watching it fade away.
The ground beneath you starts to shake and soon cracks. Liu Kang looked equally as puzzled but you still ask him. "What's going on?" He looks over at you, then back to the few specks of sand. "The timeline! Without Shang Tsung to hold it together, it's falling apart!" His eyebrows furrow as looks at you but he shakes his head, looking at the ground. "You must return to your timeline before this one collapses." His arms engulf into flames and it surrounds you. "Thank you for your aid and presence, Y/N. May we one day meet again.." Before you could process his words, his warm flames start to hug you. "Wait, Liu Kang! I've got so many things to-!" Everything around you turns into white and you're scared for what's to come. Was he going to restart the timeline? Or did he only remove you out of there? You had so many questions and everything had moved by so fast. You could only hope that he would come see you again.
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hoffstrap-yuri · 3 months
For Billy - 4. Favorite line, 10. Best moment on screen, 19. Vices/bad habits, 31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like?, 43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
4. Favorite Line
"Hello Paul, you are a perfectly healthy, sane, middle class male. Yet last month you ran a straight razor across your wrist. Did you cut yourself because you... truly wanted to die, or did you just want some attention?" Iconic behavior billy. Had me dying of laughter the first time I watched Saw xD
10. Best Moment on Screen
I'm so glad you asked, you know it's the scene in Saw 3 while Jeff Denlon is walking between traps when he sees something on the ground. On the ground is Billy the puppet posed like the son that Jeff is still in mourning over that was hit by a car.
19. Vices/bad habits
Since I have an extensive hc that Billy basically just acts like a small child and is not just a doll, his vice is ice cream and his bad habit is just pushing Hoffman down the nearest flight of stairs whenever Hoffman denies him a trip to DQ/McDonald's/Other ice cream place.
When he asks the other apprentices if they also hate billy, Lawrence and Amanda just look at him like he's crazy.
"But he's so sweet." Amanda says
31. If they had a tumblr...
Let's be honest, billy's too cool for tumblr. But he would have an insta talking about how Amanda takes him to the mall, Lawrence and him play soccer at the park and then crossposts it to tumblr because that's the only social media that John uses. It's the only one that makes sense. To. Him.
43. 3 Favorite Foods/3 Dislikes
Ice Cream
Tacos, but only the ones that amanda makes for him with ground beef and a taco seasoning pack. Has gotten mad when Hoffman brought him a carne asada taco
Fudgy brownies
Green beans. Will try to scrape them off his plate and onto the floor but amanda won't let him get away with it. If Lawrence notices it, he'll slip them back on to Billy's plate and Billy thinks Lawrence is a magician because of it.
Pistachio ice cream. Why do they even bother to call it ice cream, Billy wonders. Queue the gif from Spongebob with the kid in the car crying about his pistachio ice cream and his dad asking "why did you order it?!". That was just footage of Billy and Hoffman
Raw tomatoes. It's a texture thing, but he loves ketchup and watching a tomato go splat on Hoffman's face.
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aemiron-main · 11 months
Massacre at HNL vs the S3 Hospital Fight
So, awhile ago I noticed that there's quite a few parallels and interesting connections between the Jancy hospital scene and the 1979 massacre. Like, Bruce has DIRECT Vecna shot parallel, and both Bruce and Vecna say "Nancy-" during that scene too.
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Setting that aside for now, though, the first thing I want to talk about it “Whatever you've done, it's not you. He’s making you do this.”
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Which is VERY interesting to me vs Brenner pushing 002 around like a chess piece & trying to get him to kill El & likely doing the same with Henward and the massacre.
Like, Brenner was clearly messing with them, and why did Nancy say that "he's" making Tom do this?
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And we also have “Whose blood is that” vs Henward’s changing massacre blood:
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Like, this is just one small snippet of how the blood on Henward's jumpsuit changes, so go read the full post I just linked for more, but there ARE multiple different versions of his jumpsuit with different blood stains.
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And the fact that the bodies not only move during the 1979 massacre NINA scenes, but also CHANGE into adults and completely different people- which would tie PERFECTLY into "who's blood is that?" if there's multiple different versions of the massacre/a timeloop/various timelines.
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And after that "he's making you do this/whose blood is that" scene, we get Jancy being paralleled to Henward and El when Jonathan grabs Nancy's hand vs Henward grabbing El's hand:
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And look at the scene of Jonathan and Nancy running on the stairs and then running down the hallway vs Henry and El on the stairs and in the hallway:
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And look at the bodies in the hallway- the body that's sitting up is in the EXACT same pose as the bottom right body during NINA and in a very similar pose to one of the orderlies in the hallway during NINA, and the body laying face down is very similarly posed compared to one of the kids' bodies during NINA. And as @henrysglock just pointed out here while I was writing this, the body of the lady on the floor is wearing HNL gown, and specifically, an HNL gown that looks like Terry's.
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It’s also VERY interesting to me that we see Bruce shatter the glass & reach inside to turn the knob- the EXACT same thing that happened with the Creel house door/window (and also very interesting that Steve is paralleled to Bruce here and Bruce being paralleled to Vecna considering what I talked about in this post regarding Steve and Edward/Henry and the 'you're not a child' line):
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And interestingly enough, that’s not the only time this sequence parallels a scene from the Creel house- Bruce parallels Victor when he’s looking at the wheelchair (which is especially interesting considering what I talked about in this post and this post about how the wheelchair in the Creel house is a reference to The Changeling, which is about two children swapping places and has a TON of Henward vibes):
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And like I mentioned in the beginnign, Bruce is also directly paralleled to Vecna:
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And nancy parallels herself running down the hallway alone.
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And speaking of Nancy's S4 lab scenes, Nancy literally swaps places with Henward during the tattoo scene, something I talked about here. And considering that she also has scenes during the S3 hospital sequence that are paralleled to Henward/in his place, which makes me wonder- was there more of the vision that involved her “swapping places” with Henward? Did Henry or Edward run out and already see the bodies in the hallway like Jonathan and Nancy did, and wasn't responsible for the deaths?
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And Bruce and Tom are both flayed, with those mindflayer veins, and like James I talked about here, we have that strange "eldritch thrumming" with Henward and his weirdly blue and bloodshot eyes that resemble Flayed Billy's eyes. And this shot of Flayed Bruce especially reminds me of henward, with his blonde hair and staring Nancy down:
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And we also have this rainbow cup that shows up during the hospital scene- versus the rainbow room in 1979.
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I just think it's interesting that there's so much talk of "this isn't you/you're not choosing to do this/whose blood is that" during a scene that's SO heavily paralleled to the 1979 massacre... I don't fully know what all of these parallels mean yet, but it's just another point on the "things are not what they seem with the massacre" board.
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thelazybard · 2 years
Instead I Pour the Milk [Alejandro Vagras x fem!Reader] Chapter 9: Girls’ Night
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ao3 saw it first
It was awkward seeing Alejandro that day after such a sexually charged dream about him the night before. You tried not to think about how he sounded grunting your name each time he spoke or looked at you as he sat in his normal spot at your counter.
"Are you okay, hermosa?"Alejandro asked you as you served him his breakfast.
You chuckled. "Y-yeah, I think I might have just had too much caffeine." You lied, having a chai latte at most that day.
David approached the counter. "Hey Scout, what's an English six letter word for a mask?"
You sighed dryly as you stirred peppermint syrup into a freshly made mocha latte. "Facade."
He shook his head. "Nope, that can't be it."
"Then veneer."
"Oh, I think you're right! Thanks."
"So my English Literature degree was good for something." You muttered as you set the freshly prepared drink in front of Alejandro. "Okay, try this one."
Alejandro picked up the cup and took a sip big enough to coat the flavor on all his tastebuds, then smiled. "It's good. Minty. What did you say this was again?"
"A peppermint mocha. Is it really good?"
"It is." He nodded.
You narrowed your eyes at him playfully. "Are you lying?"
He laughed. "No, hermosa! Why would I lie?"
You smiled and shrugged. "It's just that you've said every drink so far has been good. I expected at least one to be lousy."
Alejandro looked at the row of cups on the counter filled with samples of your holiday drinks. "Maybe you're just a really good barista." He shrugged.
"Well, you're a really good taste tester." You winked. He chuckled and looked away almost bashfully..
The truth was that Alejandro should have been the last person to be your taste tester. He was far too biased and thought everything crafted by you was delicious. You could have served him battery acid and he'd tell you it was great.
A week had passed since your one-sided scuffle with Roberta. David was working at the shop full time now, and was supposed to be working on making "Help Wanted" posters since you were finally in the position to pay employees. But he seemed too wrapped up in today's crossword, and it was beginning to piss you off.
He poked his head around the corner. "Hey Scout?"
You stopped him by holding a scolding finger up. "If you're not asking me how to spell "help" or "wanted" I don't wanna hear it."
"Oh come on! Just one more answer and I'll be done with this English crossword. Another word for a singular diamond that's also the name of a card game?" He said while offering an uneasy smile.
You shot him a dirty look then looked at the brown tabby that jumped onto the counter. "Oye! Momo, off the counter, we've talked about this."
Guillermo looked at you, remaining unimpressed while reaching out to push Alejandro's glass of water off the counter. He quickly grabbed his glass and moved it to the other side of him with an amused grin on his face.
"Bad kitty! You stop trying to bully Alejandro!" You commanded with your hands on your hips. Alejandro loved it when you struck that pose, though you typically did it when you were irritated.
Guillermo got the idea in her feline brain that she no longer liked Alejandro the more she saw him around. Even after he installed a cat door in your apartment's front door so she could come down to the café whenever she wanted. She constantly tried to test his patience and knock over whatever he was currently eating or drinking. Only him, too. She never bothered any of your other customers, aside rubbing against their legs when they'd beckon her over.
"Do you not like me anymore, Guillermo? Hm?" He asked sweetly, reaching out to let her smell his hand. She turned her nose up at him but quickly leapt off the counter when she heard you grab the spray bottle from under the counter. She trotted off past David in the direction of the loft stairs.
"I don't know what's gotten into her." You thought aloud.
"It's because Alejandro is taking all your attention from her. Now you see why I don't like cats. They're spoiled little brats." David said.
You turned the spray bottle on David, squirting him a few times right between the eyes, and he flinched and held up his hands. "Hey what the hell!?"
Alejandro whistled. "Nice shot, vaquero." He purred.
You attempted to ignore how that praise made you feel. "Solitaire." You stated.
"What?" David asked while wiping his face.
"Both a word for a singular diamond and a card game."
"Oh. Thanks." He turned to sit down and fill in the word in his puzzle.
Sighing, you wiped the counter down where Guillermo once sat and returned to your work. David eventually found the strength to make the help wanted posters and Alejandro had to leave soon after he finished his breakfast. As you rung him up, you presented a proposition that had been dancing in the back of your mind all day.
"Hey, I actually wanted to ask you something. So, with David working with me now I haven't been as busy and tired these days so I was thinking we maybe... Fulfill that date you asked me out on?"
Alejandro's face lit up with both suprise and joy. "Oh I'd love to, hermosa." He said genuinely, a toothly grin stretching across his face as he placed a hand on yours.
"How's tonight sound?" You asked eagerly, placing a hand over his and rubbing it affectionately.
Alejandro winced. "Oh, but not tonight. I have... previous plans." He explained, seeming dodgy about it. You didn't think too much of it, you hardly even noticed to begin with.
Instead, you nodded. "Okay, don't worry about it then. Are you free next Friday?"
"That I am."
"Friday then. But it's still your date you're taking me on, so you have to ask me." You said, poking his chest.
He chuckled. "Understood, hermosa."
You winked at him then handed him his receipt and turned around to start a new pot of coffee.
Later that day, maybe an hour after lunch time, Eva returned to the shop. Her and David's relationship was hard to read, so you didn't read into it at all. The important thing was they both seemed happy with whatever they had. She came to the apartment a few times since the Zoo trip, but her and David's visits typically took place at her own home since she lived alone and they weren't particularly... quiet.
"It's great to see you, Eva. How's work?" You asked.
"Fine, if not a little boring with David gone." She said, playfully sticking her tongue out at your cousin who was refilling a sugar container.
"You're lucky I'm on the clock, or else I'd give you a kiss." He threatened her.
"How dreadful that would be," Eva said sarcastically before turning back to you. "So how's work been for you, Scout? I heard about you and Roberta. That's insane! Did you press charges?"
You waved your hand. "Nah, it was handled fine without. Besides I haven't seen her since, I think Alé may have said something to her."
"Well of course he did, she assaulted his woman." Eva smirked.
You snorted. "Alright, let's not get crazy. Me and Alé are friends!"
"Friends that have kissed." David said loud enough for you and Eva to hear, plus maybe a few closeby customers.
Your head snapped to your cousin and grit your teeth. "David Ferdinand Brown, not so loud."
"Your middle name is Ferdinand?" Eva asked before stifling a giggle.
"Thanks, Scout. You look just like your mom when you do that by the way." He said with a glare.
You ignored him, as you often did then turned to his lover. "Did you want me to get you something, Eva?" You asked.
"No thanks, I actually wanted to know if you'd join me and my friends tonight. We made reservations for four at this really nice restaurant but one friend flaked last minute. We still have the spot available if you wanted to come with." Eva explained.
A girl's night? You haven't had one of those since you left your home town. David was looking at you like you should take the opportunity, and you agreed.
"When?" You asked.
"We plan to meet there at 8. I can pick you up." She offered.
You smiled. "That would be great Eva, I'd love to go out with you and meet your friends."
"Great! You'll love them and they'll love you. Wear something nice, it's a semi-fancy restaurant." She explained, picking her purse up from the counter to signal she was about to head out.
"I know just the dress. See you later!" You waved then turned to David. "Did you know she was going to ask me out with her and her girls?"
He shrugged. "She may have texted me asking if you'd be interested, so I told her to come by and ask you herself."
You were grateful he left it up to you rather than just volunteering you like he did with the Zoo, but you would have probably been happy to go out to dinner regardless. After work you raced upstairs with less than two hours to get ready. Your dress was black and just barely reached your mid thigh. You styled your hair and had just finished accessorizing when Eva texted you that she was downstairs. David came with you to her car to give her some overdue kisses before letting the two of you go.
Despite it being a girl's night, your mind couldn't help but wander back to Alejandro every now and then. You wondered what his previous plans were. If they were casual or for work, when he'd be done, if he'd text you at all tonight. All thoughts of him ceased when you reached the restaurant and met Eva's friends out front.
You were nervous at first. First impressions are important afterall, and you wanted Eva's friends to like you. Luckily, they seemed to think you were just fine. They complimented you on your hair and various parts of your outfit before you all went inside and sat down at your reserved table. After the waiter got you drink orders, he walked away and allowed you all to talk among each other.
"So you own that one coffee shop now, right? I've been meaning to go down there and check it out myself but it slips my mind." The woman you learned to be Renata said.
Renata and Camille were Eva's friends. Both seemed nice enough as the night progressed, nice enough to accept a stranger on one of their girls' nights. You didn't know if you would have done the same, but you were grateful that they did.
"She's got a nice little thing going on," Eva said, nudging you.
You smiled. "Thanks, Eva. I'm glad you think so."
"Oh, I know so! I dunno how you ran that shop alone before David started working there full-time. If it was me I would have probably fainted after more than like, three customers at once." Eva joked.
You shrugged. "It's easier than it looks. You just have to pace yourself and come up with a good routine. And wake up really early."
"With all due respect, hell no." Camille said, making the table erupt in laughter.
Later, after more idle talk about each other's work life and interests, your entree's were placed in front of you.
"So what's with you and Sergent Vargas?" Camille asked halfway through dinner. Ah, there it was.
Your face grew hot. It was only a matter of time before someone brought it up, you realized that, but with the recent developments in your relationship with the Sergent you found yourself more bashful about it than normal.
"Oh, me and him? He's a good friend of mine." You answered truthfully. If nothing else, he was a great friend. Even if you didn't know what else the two of you were just yet. You knew he liked you, but to what extent you weren't sure.
"Girl, don't lie. Everyone knows something is going on between you to. The women at my job hate you." Renata admitted.
You giggled at that reveal, not surprised one bit. "Okay, so maybe he's asked me out on a date and maybe we've... kissed."
Camille and Renata tried to contain their joy while within the building but it was clearly an exciting topic for them. "That's great honestly. You are honestly so much better for him than Valeria." Eva commented.
"Is she really that bad?" You wondered.
"Girl, yes. She did him dirty, but I'm sure he'll tell you all about that if he hasn't already." Renata said.
You blinked as you thought about it. "He's actually... Never mentioned her."
"No? I can't say I blame him. Their breakup was pretty explosive. It was the talk of the town until you showed up." Eva said.
The notion was in the back of your mind as you ate your dinner. Despite it being a restaurant you'd never been to, it had plenty of things you enjoyed to choose from on the menu, it was almost overwhelming because you didn't know what to try first but eventually decided on something not too expensive in case you hated it. Only, you loved it.
Halfway through your meal you felt a strange urge to look at the couple that walked by your booth and sat at a table within your peripheral vision. Of course it's impolite to stare and be nosey, even in public, so you ignored it at first. Why would you even look in the first place? Maybe it was the woman's dress or the man's symbol on his cufflink that beckoned for your attention.
The urge was beginning to become deafening until finally you glanced at them before taking a double take so hard the other women at the table noticed and looked in the direction you stared.
You easily recognized Alejandro, and would have been fawning at him in a suit more than you already were subconsciously if he wasn't sitting across from a woman you'd never seen before. Sister? Cousin? Friend?
Eva narrowed her eyes. "Is that–?"
Camille gasped. "Holy shit. He's with Valeria."
So that was Valeria.
She was beautiful. Positively stunning, you could understand why he'd be with her. But now? Why on Earth would he be with her now?
She laughed at something he said, and your stomach churned as bile rose into the back of your throat and your cheeks caught fire.
So this is why he couldn't come out tonight.
"Scout..." Eva said softly while resting a supportive hand on your shoulder.
Remaining calm, you reached into your purse and pulled out the cash needed to pay for your portion of the check as well as a tip. "I'm gonna catch a cab home. Thank you for having me, ladies." You said with a trembling voice.
They understood and didn't try to protest for you to stay. Anyone in your situation would want to be as far away from their offender as possible, right?
Unfortunately for you, you had to pass them to reach the nearest exit.
You couldn't leave through the entrance, that would be frowned upon at such a nice restaurant and despite your predicament you wanted to keep up with your appearance. You weren't just Scout anymore, you were the café lady, someone who people now came to when they needed their spirits lifted. How mortifying would it be to be seen storming out a restaurant in tears?
Standing up, you put your purse strap on your shoulder and tried your best to nonchalantly pass the couple by, doing everything in your power to not look.
Too late, you looked at her.
Sclera pink, you looked at Valeria as you walked past and now they were both aware of your existence in the establishment. She looked at you up and down before almost smirking and looking at Alejandro whose face was drained of all color at the sight of you.
You looked at the door exit when they were no longer in sight. Just a few more steps, you thought. Then you can let it out.
It was when you heard Alejandro's chair groan from him standing up that you dashed the last three feet out of the restaurant.
Your heels were pounding the sidewalk as you wiped hot droplets off your cheeks. The cold autumn air bit you where your tears fell, sending a shiver down your spine and provoking a sob out of you.
You covered your mouth as you reached the street and heard your name being called behind you seconds later. "Scout! Mi vida, wait!"
"Please don't follow me." You pleaded calmly as you searched the road for a free taxi.
Alejandro called you by your real name this time. "Don't go, just listen to me."
You turned around when you heard him getting too close for your liking. "Alejandro stop." You said sternly. Like the gentleman he was, he didn't try to continue after you told him not to. He stopped in his tracks, almost skidding.
He raised his hands. "Let me explain myse–"
To your delight, a taxi saw you waving it down and stopped for you. "I don't want to hear it, alright? I just need to be alone right now." You told Alejandro over your shoulder. Despite your anger, betrayal and grief, you were still as cordial as possible with him.
You climbed into the cab and slammed the door, Alejandro watching as it drove off with you and bringing his hand to his forehead before walking back in the direction of the restaurant.
Inside the cab was when you finally let loose after giving the driver your address. You leaned on your door and sobbed. Your phone was going off in your purse and you had half a mind to chuck it out the window, but instead you did your best to ignore it. The driver remained unfazed, you weren't the first person to sob in his car and you certainly wouldn't be the last. Instead he changed the radio to something a bit more calming and turned it up for you.
When you got home you took off your heels at the door and crept to your room where you sulked face first into your mattress. Guillermo got on the bed with you and put a paw on your back.
"You tried to warn me, Momo." You stated before crying into your pillow. She simply watched you before putting both paws on your back and kneading your skin.
An hour later David knocked at your door, completely unaware of your despair. "Hey'd did'ya bring any leftovers home? I burned dinner so I've been eating graham crackers." He said through the door.
He knocked again when you didn't answer the first time and you growled before shuffling to the door and ripping it open.
"I saw Alejandro at dinner with his ex." You stated. Your makeup was running and your hair was messy.
David's eyes widened before he shook his head. "Man fuck, I'm sorry. You wanna talk about it?"
You looked at your feet. "I'm gonna go to bed."
He rubbed your back before giving you space and walking away. "Goodnight Scout, we can talk about it later."
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dre6ming · 2 years
Just us two, even in a crowded room
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Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warnings: anxiety, difficulty breathing, smut <minors dni> so much smut, fingering, oral (fem receiving) cursing, dirty talk… hope that’s all
Plot: you are invited to the met gala and meet with an old costar, something lights up between the two of you and it starts the rest of your lives.
Disclaimer: I don’t know anything about Austin’s relationship w/ Kaia and I’m not making any assumptions, but in my fic they are a PR stunt
Word count: 3800+
!!this was a request, but I won’t tag the person who asked for this, just in case they don’t want that kind of exposure!!! ~ Thank you for your request
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It's ok, I'm fine, breathe... fuck what a lie I'm trying to sell to myself. I'm not fine! I can't breathe! I'm suffocating! Shit shit...fuck...
"You're out in a minute!" The driver shouts at me over the loud commotion happening outside, The Met Gala. It's not real, it can't be. "Ok just remember walk the carpet, you have to be on it for at least 15 minutes, I'll always be on the sideline the motion to you when to move!" Jenna, my publicists says. I nod my head and try to swallow to lump in my throat, but it doesn't work. My corset is too tight, it scratches my skin. The gold satin dress I'm wearing underneath makes me slip off my seat and all the pearls and chains that I have on my neck and torso weight probably 15 pounds, so as beautiful as they are, they only add to the resistance that's on my struggling lungs.
Suddenly I'm blinded by the lights as the door to the car opens. My publicist drags me out by the hand and I'm engulfed in a crowd of people applying finishing touches to my hair, make up, I think someone is also steaming my dress, cause there's steam around me. "Walk, smile, wave, look for me, I'll call you to interviewers. At the top, you pose and talk to some more interviewers." I'm pushed forward and I take a second to register everything.
My extremely high heels hurt my feet, I can barely walk in them. My whole body aches. I just want to cry. Drop to the ground and cry. Walking I smile for pictures. "(Y/n)! This way! Smile! More hip. To the left, no the other left!" People scream at me and I bet I look like one of those cactus toys that dances when you speak. I look for Jenna and as soon as her finger points ahead I move. Before I reach the steps she waves me over, so I balance on my feet going her way. I mic it shoved in my face.
"What inspired your look tonight?" I smile and giggle a little before I give my answer. "Well when working with Oscar De La Renta there's always pearls and crystals and you either go big or go home, se we came up with the idea to dress me up in as many crystals and pearls, gold accents and everything to resemble a treasure that you'd find in a king's possession" the concept had come to me after rewatching "Game of thrones" and the designers were head over heels with it, so they went as big as they could. 15 pounds of jewelry big. "And are you excited to see anyone tonight?" The next question comes. "Um you know I'm excited to meet Blake and Ryan, I can't wait to see my friends Gigi and Bella. You know it's a ballroom full of interesting people, so I'm excited to see everyone, really." My publicist pokes me in the ribs to sign that I have to move. "Thank you" I say and move along.
A thousand questions later, I can no longer feel anything from my neck down, just pain. I barely make it up the stairs and through the last interviews. "Good job. Now go in, socialize, take pictures for the instagram, have a good time!" Jenna says as I make my way through the doors. Inside there's lots of people, all of them familiar faces. "Hey (Y/n)!" Gigi says hugging me tight. "Gigi!" She so beautiful in her red outfit. "My god you look gorgeous!" She says and I blush. "Stop it, you must've walked by a mirror to see yourself, you're way more beautiful!" I complement her back. I try to take as many pictures for the social media and I interact with lots of people. I even met Blake and Ryan, such amazing people I have to say.
As my eyes scan the room they get locked into a pair of blue eyes. It takes me a minute to remember where I know those eyes, that smile and that hair. Austin fucking Butler himself, flashing a blinding smile my way. Suddenly the room is empty and I'm brought back in time, years ago, on the set of the movie we did together. We played a couple in the movie, back then he was dating Vanessa, but for the time that we filmed they took a break for some weeks, or that's what he told me for the duration of our fling. I can't call what we had anything else, we just hooked up a couple of times, though spoiler I had the best orgasms ever on his mouth. The thing lasted for the last month of filming and then he got back with Vanessa, we separated and never spoke again.
Now that mouth that brought me to ecstasy so many times, curls up in a smile that's sent my way. The tightness of my dress, becomes once again evident and I have to get some air. I make my way through the crowd out into one of the empty corridors. My breath is caught in my chest and I can't calm down. I think I'm going to faint, black dots cover my vision. Leaning back on one of the walls, I count. "One, two, three..." I don't even hear the footsteps approaching me. "(Y/n)?" I look up and through my lashes I see Austin. "Can't ... breathe..." it's all I say. "Oh ok, this way!" He take my hand and pulls me into one of the rooms, that I now find out is a bathroom. He locks the doors, as I steady myself on the counter, running my hands under cold water to try and cool off.
"What can I do?" He ask and out eyes meet in the mirror. The dress, I just need it of, but can I ask that? Should I ask that? "The dress, can you open the back?" He nods and steps closer, I can see on his face the confusion when he looks at the contraption that is my outfit m. "Up, there's a hook, unhook that and then you'll see the zipper" I say out of breath. He does as I say, Austin's warm fingers brush my back. It takes him about 5 minutes to finally open the top of the dress and I signal for him that's enough. "This thing is dangerous!" Austin says chuckling a bit at the situation. "Yeah, I told them it was too tight, but.."
I turn to look at him now that I can breathe and my vision is no longer blurry. "You look gorgeous by the way!" He says and I blush, not being able to keep the smile from my face. "Thank you, you look quite dashing yourself, mr Butler!" It's his turn to blush at my comment. Austin plays with the collar of his shirt and clears his throat. "So how have you been?" He ask. "Good, I've been good. Busy!" I say.
He nods his head, but he does that just so he can scan me head to toe. "Congratulations on your Marvel contract! Playing Captain Marvel, is huge, can't imagine." I laugh at his comment. "Speak for yourself, mr Presley!" As the sentence leaves my mouth I realize I might of used a tone that's a bit too flirty, since his jaw clenches and he coughs to hide his breath getting stuck. "You here alone?" He ask. "Yeah, you?" He looks at the door, playing with the material of his suit jacket in between his long fingers. "No, I'm here with my girlfriend." I look away trying to hide my disappointment. "Vanessa's here?" Apparently I said that out loud, but instead of nodding he shakes his head. "We broke up, I'm with Kaia, now!"
I swallow, playing with the pearls on my dress. "Oh" is all I say. "It's just PR, though!" He quickly adds. My eyes widen at his statement. "Oh" he comes closer, arms sneaking around my waist. The tips of his fingers brush my exposed skin on the back and I shiver. He drops his head down, bringing his mouth closer to mine, I close my eyes and I wait for his soft lips on mine. "You know, I called you, all those years ago. Texted you a couple of times too, not one reply!" Austin breath brushes my lips, my mouth goes dry. "I lost my phone, I had to change my number!" One of his hands goes up to the back of my pearl covered neck. "Too bad" his lips are finally crashing against mine. My hands fly to his hair, grabbing a fistful of it and pulling. The growl that escapes his mouth vibrates through my chest. I can feel the arousal gathering in my panties. I moan against his lips.
We break the kiss to catch our breath, I didn't think I'd ever see him again and if I did think about it it wasn't like this. "You look absolutely drop dead gorgeous princess, but I can't fuck you in this dress..." he says through gritted teeth. Underneath my dress I rub my thighs together, to get some much needed relief. "Ah please.." it's pathetic, the way the word comes out of my mouth but I'm desperate. He shakes his head and makes a tsk noise with his tongue. "Where are you staying while in New York?" He asks. "In my own apartment, I live here." He had no way of knowing that, cause for us it was sex and just sex, nothing more, hearing that he tried to text me after we parted ways puts questions in my mind. Did he want more? If so did he always want it or just after I left?
"Here put your number in, I'll text you tonight, you better answer, you give me the location for your apartment." I take the phone with trembling hands, putting my number in. "What name should I give it?" He said the relationship was just PR, but then again even years ago I had a feeling he was lying about being on a break with Vanessa. I'm not saying he's a cheater but he also doesn't seem very monogamous.
"Just put your name, it's fine, she won't care, just like I don't care she fucks other guys, it's PR" I nod my head and put my name down giving the phone back when I'm done. "I have to get back, my publicist will be looking for me, zip up my dress?" I turn around and wait. He comes behind me, his finger tips glide from my neck to my lower back, it leaves goosebumps and I stop breathing. Austin pulls the zipper up closing the dress. "You walk out of here first, I'll stay at the gala for another hour."
I breathe out, already noticing the tightness of my dress restricting it. I walk out without looking at him, going the find my publicist so I can tell her I'm going home. "Jenna, I'm leaving, pull up the car." She nods and quickly texts the driver to come around to the back exit. She gives me my bag and I'm on my way. First I have to stop, by Oscar de la Renta's atelier. It takes the stylists about 40 minutes to unglam me all. I now can finally breathe. The traffic is horrible right now due to it being redirected to smaller streets to avoid the gala. As I wait in the car my phone buzzes: "I'm in the car, tell me where" the text from the unknown number reads. I respond immediately and save the number to my phone as Austin.
When the car stops in front of my building I get out and enjoy a bit of the cold air. I appreciate that now my lungs can expand to their liking. I hear another car pull up, I don't pay any mind to it. That's of course until a set of arms hugs me from behind. I jump scared, but the arms only tighten around me. "Shh baby, it's me, Austin" I relax and lean back on his tall figure. "Come on lets go up"
He lets go of my waist and takes my hand in his. We walk hand in hand, we stay like that all through the elevator ride up to my floor. I can't stop my mind from racing, what I'm doing is something I stoped a long time ago, one night stands. We get in my apartment, but I don't remember unlocking the door, he must've taken the keys out of my hand and do it. "I need a shower" I say passing my hand through my greasy hair. "What a coincidence, I seem to be needing a shower too." He says chuckling. I shake my head smiling at him, as I lift on my tip toes and kiss him. Before Austin can pull me in to deepen the kiss I pull away.
Turning around I take my sweater over my head. I hear him moan when he sees I have no bra on, even if he can't see my breasts, just my bare back. I move my hands to my sweat pants and pull them off along with my underwear. "My god baby, that ass looks amazing!" He says. I shiver at his wards and he lets out a laugh. Walking to the bathroom without looking at him I hear him struggle to get his clothes off, he's still in the gala outfit. It's my turn to laugh as I hear him curse under his breath.
I turn the shower on and wait for the water to warm up. I start with my hair, putting shampoo in it and rinse it out. He comes into the shower, arms sticking me to his tones body. "God you're beautiful." He kisses my jaw, my neck, my shoulder, my breasts. "Austin..." he gets on his knees, I look down at him and the moment my (e/c) eyes meet his blue eye, pupils blown, I moan. "Baby, I'd fuck you in the shower but I can't without a condom. Instead I'll eat your pretty pussy then after you're done cuming, I'll take you to the bed and fuck you so good, you won't be able to walk for days." I moan louder, buckling my hips forward. He places a hand on my hip pushing me flush against the shower wall.
With his free hand he puts my leg on his shoulder. Using two long fingers to spread me for him, he growls seeing how wet I am. "My is this just for me?" I'm too blissed out to talk. He takes his hand away and before I can complain he slaps my pussy. "Speak!" I struggle in his grasp and because I don't answer fast enough, he slaps my pussy again. I throw my head back crying out in pleasure. "You, you. Fuck only you!" I look down at him. Fuck he looks so good, hair wet stuck to his head, eyes glimmering and shit eating grin on his lips. I grab my boobs in my hands playing with them. "Good girl" He chuckles.
"Please!" I beg for him to do something, anything. Austin listens to my pleas and his lips finally kiss my clit. He starts slow, but that ends soon. With an animalistic groan he goes to work. He moves up and down from my clit to my hole. Austin circles my hole with his tongue. "Austin-" I grab his hair with one hand and push him further into my pussy. He goes to suck on my clit, as he pushes two fingers in me. The stretch stings a bit but as soon as he curls the fingers up to pet that one spot inside, my knees buckle. He pushes himself against me harder to make sure I don't fall. He moans around me sending vibrations through me.
"God you're so tight, how long has it been baby?" As soon as he talks he goes back to my clit. I guess he was expecting an answer, cause his teeth graze my clit and with a loud cry I cum all over his face. "Too long...shit.." I say out of breath. My walls squeeze around his fingers as he helps me through my first orgasm. After he licks me clean he gets up, kissing me hungrily.
Turning the water off he takes a step back to watch me all fucked out. He shoves his fingers in my mouth. I lick them clean and let them go with a 'pop' sound. I look down and see his hard cock twitch. Has he gotten bigger? "Come on baby, let's go to the bed." I nod and get out. I dry myself quickly, then hand him the towel.
When we reach my bedroom, Austin slaps my butt and I let out a squeal. "Where do you keep the condoms honey?" I sit down on the bed, lean over to the night stand and take a condom out. When I look at him, he seems to have found my robe on the floor, cause he now plays with the silk tie from it. "Give me your hands" I put my hands together and hold the out for him as he ties them up. "Lay on your back!"
I do as he says, it's like every drop of my free will has been drained out of me, but god I love it. I turn my head to look at him, he's rolling the condom on giving himself as few pumps. I moan and squeeze my thighs together. Austin lifts his head up, when he sees me, he grins. "I'm coming baby!" He laughs and gets up on the bed. Using both hands to spread my legs he gets on top of me. I lift my hips up to meet his, but I'm pined to the bed by his strong hands. "Keep your hands above your head, sweat pea!" I do as he says and fight everything in me not to touch him.
As he aligns his dick, tip pushing against my hole, my hands fly over, hooking his head in between them and the bound. He lifts his hips away from me. "No..." I whine. "Hands up baby or I ain't fucking you." I sigh and lift my hands above my head.
He aligns himself again and slowly pushes in. Austin has to hide his head in the crook of my neck and bite the flesh there as he moans at my velvet walls hugging his dick. "Fuck honey, so tight for me, agh" he says, I try to move my hips moaning, but he doesn't allow it. "Fuck me, now!" I demand and he thankfully has no more teasing in him. He starts to drive his hips into mine, the slow pace kills me. "Faster" he nods and picks up the pace.
Not being able to touch him is torture. It's like he's read my mind, as he untied me. "Touch yourself baby!" My hand goes straight for my clit, as he lifts himself up on his arms, arching forward, this position gives him new leverage. His tip hits my crevix every time and I start to see stars. "I'm close.." I say breathy. "Me to baby, when I tell you, yeah? Like the old times." I nod and move my hand faster around my clit as he speeds up.
We keep this up for a little bit, but I can't hold on no more, my legs shake, my wall contract sound him. He's also very close, sweat now mixed with the water in his head, thrusts sloppier, moan louder. "Now baby!" He says in my ear and I obey his command. My pussy contracts around him and he fucks us through our orgasms.
A few minutes later he's still inside me, the both of us are panting hard trying to recover. As my mind slowly comes to the surface of the hazy pleasure I feel him pull out, the emptiness is unbearable. "Come back!" I say but slap myself in my mind immediately, this was a one time thing. Right? Yeah!
"I'm here baby, I had to throw the condom out." He says as he scoops me up in his embrace. I lay on his side, head on his chest, legs tangled with his, one hand under my head and the other playing with the hair on his chest. He as one hand supporting his head and the other draws circles on my back. "I'm supposed to stay with Kaia, until after the Oscars, but it doesn't mean that I can't be happy while doing that." I don't quite follow what he's saying so I stay quiet. "I want to take you out to diner, but I can't risk paparazzi seeing us, can I come over some time this week and cook for you? I know it’s not the same, but I-"
"Yes" I interrupt him lifting my head to kiss his lips. When I pull away we both laugh. "Did you really text me after we finished filming?" I ask, he lifts my head with one hand to forces me to look him in the eyes. "Yes, I wanted us to be more, but since you never answered I just went back to Vanessa and tried to forget, but I never really did." I smile and start laughing.
"What's so funny?" His lips are smiling, but his eyes show the confusion in his mind. "Now I'm really upset at myself for losing that phone." He laughs out loud pulling me close to kiss my forehead. "It's fine baby, we have time."
I snuggle close to him and he covers us with a blanket since I started shivering from the cold by now. "So I guess now Elvis got to meet Captain marvel, right?" He asks and I giggle. "Wrong universe baby, his was DC, I’m from marvel"
Holding my chin in between his thumb and pointer finger, he shakes his head at me, leaning down to kiss me. "Let me have my moment honey, I'd say I fucked you good enough to deserve it" he says lips glued to mine and I gasp in his kiss. We keep talking some more and eventually fall asleep.
From that night on he keeps his promise, we see each other between closed doors, have dates either at our places or in very remote locations. After months of sneaking around, award season is done, he now has an Oscar, some Emmys and other awards to his belt. He broke up with Kaia and we make our official debut as a couple at the premiere for "Avengers: end game"
We end up dating for around 3 years and then one night we upgrade from a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship to engaged and a year later to a married couple. It's weird how full circle life has come around for us, but we couldn't be happier. And when we bring home our twin girls everything in life seems settled and at peace.
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dreamingofyeo · 3 months
crescent: chapter 10 ☾⋆⁺₊✧
Ties of frailty
1095 words
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~ chapter warnings: brief mention of blood
~ ☆彡~ Tumblr's algorithm works from reblogs so if you like my work please consider It
And so it was settled. You and Hongjoong would officially join the elves in their quest to unite the magical forces and reclaim the lands igoras usurped. The questions brought about from the revelation of Hongjoong’s relations with this Seonghwa swirl around your mind like a rainstorm. The second you’re dismissed from Fraijia, the floodgates open.
“How do you know Seonghwa? You don’t appear to think of him fondly.” You delicately pose the question, just as lightly treading down the staircase to reach the forest floor.
Hongjoong tenses lightly and sends you a tight lipped smile, he shakes his head as if shaking off a memory of great discomfort.
“My dealings with Igoras go far beyond our first meeting Arla. It was 4 years ago, Darium- king of Igoras himself the bastard- came to us and offered our group full pardons in exchange for bringing Seonghwa to him. He’d exhausted all his best assassins trying already, we were his last option. If we couldn’t accomplish it, we’d be out of the picture anyway, he had nothing to lose in retrospect. Anyway, he didn’t count on one of our own already having ties to Seonghwa- the friend I told you about. Though he would have never agreed of course. His father- our leader- kept him completely in the dark. Seonghwa got lured to us and was completely oblivious, under the guise of our healer requiring some rare enchanted herb. They’d planned to immobilise him whilst he slept before taking his leave in the morning… When my friend caught wind of the true reason for his being there, he informed me thinking I also did not know. It’s one of my greatest regrets, as a friend and as a person… Needless to say, that perspective shift led to us tipping Seonghwa off. He fled of course, but not before raising our camp to the ground, some of us didn't make it through the night. I took the blame and was banished the same night.”
You’re taken aback to say the least, the thought of Hongjoong willingly going along with something like that stirs nausea in your gut.
“You said you left?” Is all you can muster.
“same difference, I would’ve left anyway after that. The point is, Fraija thinks he will now view it as him owing me and will therefore consider helping us.”
You nod in understanding. Now at the bottom of the stairs looking out into forest. The stag from your first day in Reynyr is just visible in the distance. 
“What was your friend’s name?”
Hongjoong meets your eyes and smiles, a mournful one containing years worth of happiness.
“San, Choi san.”
You return the smile and bask in the tranquility of the forest for only a moment, before being interrupted by Hongjoong’s favourite individual.
“As fascinating and revealing as your little backstory is Hong, if you two lovebirds are quite finished it’s time to get going.” Hyunjin swirls past you both in a flurry of sass and nonchalance- an infuriating combination for the newly named ‘Hong’.
“Hong?” the man himself questions, his head tilted in mild irritation.
“I- Where are we going?” You inquire, choosing to gloss over the later part of the elf’s nonsense. 
“You, dear humans, are going to the wolves. I, am going to find snacks to watch the looks on your faces to.” He sniggers as Felix jumps down from whatever tree he’d been perched in for the past five minutes. 
You gulp in anticipation, Felix stands behind you and Hongjoong, a hand on each of your outside shoulders before sticking his head between you both.
“It’ll be fine, they’re friends.” He chirps happily before lightly pushing you both forward to follow Hyunjin.
“Just don’t look the big one in the eye when he’s all big and scary, he won’t tolerate your face as easily as me.” Hyunjin laughs over his shoulder.
“Oi, Chan is lovely what are you on about?” Felix laughs back
Hongjoong huffs under his breath before muttering something about when he gets his (your) dagger back and you can’t help but laugh too.
After a while of walking through the forest, you all arrive at the clearing where the wolves first made their presence known to you. A shiver goes down your spine as you step carefully around a small puddle of blood on the ground. All other traces of the attack are gone, making the area all the more eerie. Felix gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze before offering his hand to aid you over some large rocks at the edge. The foliage on the other side is trampled, bracken leaves pressed into the forest floor haphazardly; large paw prints confirming this to be the spot the wolves had emerged from. You wonder what to expect, what form they would be in upon your official meeting, if there are any dos and don’ts depending on which. Hongjoong jumping down from the rock behind you spares you from further thoughts though, you all begin walking again. 
Not five minutes later you and Hongjoong pull yourselves up and freeze. A loud snap sounding to the left. Felix turns to you both.
“We’re nearly there. They always have a scout around their borders, today he’s here to escort us.” 
Upon finishing his sentence, the tall foliage to your left begins to part. One paw steps out, then a snout. More and more of the wolf emerges, you try harder and harder not to back away. He surveys you and Hongjoong carefully for a moment before walking past you until he’s situated in front of the elves- they all bow their heads respectfully and you and Hongjoong exchange a quick glance before following along.  Hyunjin breaks the formal silence with a step towards the wolf. 
“Hello Han.”
“Hyunjin, Felix. I see the time has come then.”
“Indeed it has.”
You’re stunned. He spoke? His mouth did not move? You look over at Hongjoong in shock, he looks back at you in confusion- yet it seems misplaced. In a hushed tone you ask him if he heard the wolf now known as ‘Han’ speak.
“No? You did?”
Felix chuckles lightly.
“You have elven blood in you, and more magic than anticipated apparently. You can hear any magical creatures words as well as I it would seem.”
“Wow…” you let out under your breath, now in awe.
Han looks at you directly then. 
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Arla.” 
His words raise questions that fill your mind for the remainder of the walk to the wolves’ camp. 
<-chapter 9 - chapter 11->
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@itsokaytobedumb00 @walkxthexmoon
6 notes · View notes
echantedtoon · 7 months
Love Doesn't Do Encores Ch22 Spikemuth Spiral P2
(Sorry for taking so long on this. Also VERY important question for my audience. If you have any ships or interactions between the characters within the story you'd like feel free to let me know. The songs used are more lyrics from The Pheonix by Fall Out Boys and Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's but I switched a bit of the lyrics of Hey There Delilah to match the pokemon narrative and Piers's accent a bit. Links to both songs are below. Yes. Piers can play a guitar and no one can convince me otherwise. Also f/hs stands for 'Favorite Hair Style just to be clear.
I got the info on speaker repairs on this video here cuz I have no idea how to really fix one. 
WARNING: If you do get any shoulders out of socket please seek proper help and not what's just described in the story. PLEASE.)
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With Gloria's battle won and the thunder now sounding much closer than before you all went back and sought shelter in the thankfully free hotel rooms you were all provided by courtesy of Piers's generosity of course. But you were tired after all you had been through the day and traveling for so long. Plus your shoulder REALLY hurt now from being pushed against so much behind the safety mesh with all the others. So you were REALLY looking forward to just resting and just having Hop's battle to worry about afterwards. If he could beat Piers tomorrow as soon as possible the sooner you all can get to a doctor and get your shoulder looked at. Not only did it hurt it felt strangely......lose for some reason. Although you were absolutely SURE it wasn't broken. The first small sprinkles of rain had started falling from the sky by the time you all reached the hotel two buildings down from the stadium and walked right into it. The dust and cobweb covered abandoned place was cold and creepy looking, but it'll do for a night or two. Beats trying to set up tents in the rain and worrying about all your things getting wet in the process. Although you were sure your drizzlie wouldn't have minded being a water pokemon. The three children were excitedly talking about the amazing performance Piers had put on display for you all during the battle and dicussing ideas for Hop to use during his battle between him and Piers tomorrow. Somehow while climbing the stairs you convinced the lot of them that it'd be a good idea to just rest as soon as you returned to your rooms as to be as rested as possible for the next day. As soon as you all split up to your seperate rooms for the night you gave out a sigh. It had been a while since you had a space all to yourself. It was peaceful. After bidding everyone good night, you slunk into your room. Your drizzlie slowly opened an eye upon hearing your entrance into the room but soon after closed it again noticing it was you unmoving from his spot just laying around on your bed for the night. 
"Nice to see you too," you said before going over to the bed and slowly sitting down next to him as he yawned and curled onto his side in a cat like pose. You had hissed when slowly sitting down as your shoulder shot more pain down your spine again as it was lightly moved upon you sitting. You turned your head and one look at your shoulder told you you wouldn't be able to lay down tonight unless you wanted to risk more pain or a worse injury for whatever happened to it. .....You sighed turning your head back over towards your drizzlie as he shifted to lean his head against your leg with the same closed eye expression. Even when asleep he looked bored and uninterested as always. You were sure of one thing. You weren't getting any sleep tonight. ...At least you wouldn't keep anyone else up if you had your own room. "....You know. If we're gonna stay together for at least the rest of the year, I need something to call you." Your drizzlie didn't respond but you continued lost in thought. I mean might as well name him. The room you were sat it didn't have any tvs or radios and you'd stay up for a while, gave you something to do. And it'd be a lot easier to call him something than 'My Pokemon', 'Drizzlie', 'Him', 'The Pokemon', etc. "....You know. I think I'll call you River."....He opened one eye at you. "..Mmm. Yeah. I guess that's a bit predictable for a water type name. Well let's see what's a water type move." You....couldn't remember a whole lot. But maybe giving him a name based off a type move would be more fitting. "Hydro pump. Whirlpool. Bubble Beam. Water Gun...." Yeah. None of those sounded nice either. You stared at his grey self for a little while longer. Small pitter patters of the rain finally coming down outside. Well the silver lining through the veil of clouds was that you were insi-...Wait a minute. Perking up, you looked back to the grey drizzlie. "Silver Veil!" He immediately opened his eyes and turned his head to you. "You like that Boy?" His answer was to give out a loud chirp and for once smile at you making you laughed. "Silver Veil it is then. Suits you pretty well huh?" He chirped again. 
The sound of the soft rain pouring down was matched with the soft snores of Silver as he had dozed off back to sleep the lazy muffin. It wasn't loud rain like you had been expecting either. It was definitely enough to drench you if you were out there for long enough and it was enough to make the windows all watered up too. But it didn't stop the loud music and faint calling of the famous musician's voice. Carrying just faintly over the rain enough to sound like someone from the next room over from yours was softly playing music against your wall. 
"Bring home the boys and scrap, scrap metal the tanks!~ Get Hitched!~ Make a career out of robbin' banks!~ Because the world's just a tella and we are wearin' black masks!~ You broke our spirits says the note we pass!~ MALAMAR USE PSYBEAM!!" 
You must've guessed he was battling Marnie by the sounds of it. Again the only reason you were probably able to hear him was thanks to that loud as all heck mic of his, which seemed to be carrying the sound over to you but clearly muffled by the rain and occasional thunder outside. Not that you minded a bit. Having nothing better to do, you let your mind go blank for a little while relaxing your body as best as you could from the pain in your shoulder to listen. And for a few blissful moments it was peace. The calming sounds of the rain. The faint sounds of the music and Piers's voice. 
"So we can take the world back from it's heart attack!~ One maniac at a time we will take it back!~ You know time crawls on when yer waitin' for the song to start!~ So dance alone ta the beat of your heart!~ HHHEEEYYY!!~ YOUNG BLOOD!! Doesn't it feel like our time is run-in' out?!~ DODGE IT!! PHSYCO WAVES!!" You wondered if he usually battled while singing or if it was just to show off from time to time or something briefly. "M' gonna change you like a remix!~ Then I'll raise you like a phoenix!~ Wearin' our vin-tage misery!~ NO!~ I think it looks betta on me!~ M' gonna change you like a remix!~ Then I'll raise you like a phoenix!~ PUT ON YOUR WAR PAINT!!" 
It was nice. Maybe a bit odd someone found rock and roll with rain music 'nice' but you found it relaxing to say the least. But soon all good things must come to an end. The rain continued as the battle faded out and so did the music and singing signalling that the battle had ended. Whether or not it was Piers or Marnie that actually one was unknown however, and for a brief moment you wondered if you would hear the footsteps of Marnie if she decided to use the hotel for the night as well. But no one came and no footsteps were heard. So Marnie wasn't coming in. Maybe she had skipped town after defeating her brother or was camping out somewhere else? Oh well. You didn't think the player would see her again until the finals anyways. So that meant it was highly unlikely you would see her again until the end of this year anyways, so you shouldn't worry about it too much as the game's story was still well on it's way and so far everything was falling into place.  So you shouldn't hopefully have to worry about her too much. The longer you sat there the more tired you became and at one point almost even falling onto the bed asleep...If it wasn't for the incredibly painful feel coursing through you from your left shoulder where snapping you back into the land of the awake and startling Silver Veil awake as he rapidly blinked at you tired and confused from your reaction and gently grabbing your shoulder. Yeah you were definately not sleeping anytime soon with this thing. ....Now that you thought about it. Exactly how long had you been awake now?? You couldn't exactly remember but it must've been a decent amount of time as besides the rain and Silver you didn't seem to have much company now. You sighed and slowly but painfully stood up. Silver giving a small noise of question watching you stand onto your feet with a hiss. Well...you figured you might as well find someway to entertain yourself because you were weren't getting any sleep tonight. ...Maybe this place had some old books or something you could read to pass the time with? It was worth checking out. If you couldn't find anything then at least you'd be doing something with your time besides sitting and staring out the win-.....dow. You paused. Staring blankly at the window with the water running down it from the rain outside as a faint light glowed from behind it's glass.
"Huh. That's weird. I don't have a flashlight or anything that'd reflect off the glass," you mumbled to yourself as you walked on over to the window and as you got closer you realized that the light was indeed coming from behind the glass and not reflecting anything. Confused you slowly leaned your forehead onto the glass with a hand and looked out the window. It was cold against your skin and everything outside was blurry from the water, but somehow you managed to tell that the light was coming a few houses away around where the gym was. "...That's weird. Marnie should've been done with her battle by now. What's going on out there?"
It WAS odd. Marnie should've been done by now. And with how late and rainy it was no one should've been out in these conditions. There was no music blasting or singing either that you could've heard like before. Which indicated Piers must've been done with his performances for the night as well. ....So who could've been at the gym this late? All the suspicions swimming around in your head were still there and you gave a suspicious look out towards it. Something was up. Stepping away from the window you turned and Silver gave a confused thrum after you as you walked over towards your door and stepped out into the hallway. And you were going to find out what was going on around here. The abandoned hotel was even MORE creepy when you were by yourself and with rain. The wood creaked and groaned under your feet as you marched onwards and by the time you got to the lobby floor and opened the door...You fully realized you were very unprepared as chilly wind blasted you in the face and the rain poured in buckets just an inch from you. With no umbrella and just the thin jacket you wore....Maybe you should've thought this better through...But never the less you only hesitated for a moment before stepping out rain immediately hitting your body as you closed the door behind you. The outside was much more different than the inside. Dark besides the occasional lights that still worked around these streets and the occasional lightning, the rain still coming down not hard but enough to where you started to get soaked as you walked, the noises of the thunder and rain, and the over all spooky feeling you had walking as fast as your shoulder allowed you too. Still getting wet and speed walking towards the bright lights of the building that was the gym you realized soon enough. So someone WAS at the gym?? But who?? The bright light shone through the darkness like some miracle lighthouse in a stormy sea and like a moth to a flame you sped walked right towards it. It was easy to walk into the gym considering there was a giant wall piece missing so the light poured across the street as light consumed your form, as you stepped within it's warm glow. You stood there in the pouring rain for a moment, what felt like hundreds of beads just bouncing on you body in a shower like way getting you more and more soaked the more you stood there standing at the absolutely empty Gym. Before you walked forward. Gawking and blinking wide eyed at the gym around you...... What the heck? The entire place was clean! ..Well as clean as a gym with a wide entrance to the elements could be. The concrete floors were obviously swept up. The stage Piers had been standing on was also swept and it looked shiny as if freshly polished and moped. The speakers that were on stage were gone, and anything else around was neatly stacked and packed away in a small corner behind the safety mesh. The only real thing that looked messy here was the spiderweb cracks on the wall above the staff where Piers's malamar was thrown against, and your watery footsteps and the water dripping off of your half soaked body as you stood there. Under all the lights of the stadium you noticed that there was completely no one. If the lights weren't on (and the place wasn't cleaned) you would've sworn this place was just as abandoned as the rest of the town. ...So why did someone leave the lights on? That was a waste of energy considering Galar was supposedly having a power shortage. ...Wait..What was that noise?
Your head perked up at the small little faint noises that sounded like....Guitar strings?! Your head whipped towards the source of the noise and followed it right over towards what looked like a plain closet door leading into the side of the gym's wall. It was a little open too letting the sounds faintly able to reach your ears. You KNEW that noise anywhere!! That was DEF someone playing the guitar! Or at least someone playing a guitar tune on a radio...But just a lone guitar. No other intruments or singing from what you could hear. Was someone still hear after all or did someone leave a radio on as well as the lights? Hesitating you slowly approached the source of the music wafting through the air. The gentle strumming of the guitar strings was, pun not intended, music to your ears although you were curious to one thing. Who could've been up this LATE playing a guitar? The rain and thunder outside beating against the stadium's roof help to cover some of the music, but as you stood in front of the door you could definitely tell it was coming from inside. Your good arm extended hesitantly reaching out to the door pausing for a moment. Should you really be trespassing like this? You could get in biiig trouble and Hop hasn't even had a chance to battle yet, but you were also REALLY curious to what was behind this door. Eventually curiosity won out and after grabbing the knob you slowly pushed in the door. Which opened with a soft creak. The other side of the door lead down a short hallway and you noticed on the other side was another seemingly large and lit up room. The music wafting from the very end of it. And slowly you ventured forward through the dark hallway. Only now there was a new key added to the eerie guitar. 
"Hey there, Delilah.~ What's it like in Wyndon City?~ I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty.~ Yes you do.~ The square can't shine as bright as you.~ I swear it's true.~" A voice. A VERY familiar voice. Was singing now. And you paused for a moment as you heard the deep british-like accented but extremely smooth voice of PIERS singing something other than rock wash over you like a hurricane as your eyes widened....That guy was seriously still singing at this hour? Wasn't his voice tired after literally singing through two battles today and even before you arrived in Spikemuth? Blinking you shook your head and continued walking as you listened to the music. "Hey there. Delilah.~ Don'cha worry 'bout the distance.~ M' right there if you get lonely.~ Give this song 'nother listen.~ Close your eyes.~ Listen to my voice.~ It's my disguise.~ I'm by your side.~" As you were approaching the end of the hall between the music, rain, thunder, and singing you heard footsteps. Not a lot but def enough to indicate that there was more than one person working around back there. Team Yell? What were they up to? More cleaning? "OH! It's what you do to me!~ Oh, It's what you do to me.~ OH!~ It's what ya do to me.~ Oh, it's what you do to me.~ What ya do to me.~"
At last you reached the end of the hallway and stood your soaked self right in the door frame. And your eyes widened at what you saw. It was a big room alright. Not as big as the stadium you had just come from but it was the size of at least three of your bedrooms back in your normal world. A bunch of chairs were stacked neatly away in one corner, a giant shelf with cleaning supplies against the opposite wall, and a whole BUNCH of speakers, instruments, and other music related items elsewhere. In the lights above they all shined and even by just looking at them you could tell they were very well taken care of. And you were right about there being a few people here. About four of them. Three members of Team Yell were currently working. One one sweeping one part of the back room floor with a broom while the other two had a speaker propped up on a table partially apart and surrounded by tools as they worked. You guessed they were either fixing it or tuning it up. And the fourth you whole heartedly recognized as Piers. You stared at him as he had his back to you. Sitting on one of the chairs, with a guitar in his hands and strumming away oblivious to your presence staring at him. But the other men noticed you and stopped what they were doing to give you a confused look at your soaked wide eyed self. 
And oblivious he kept singing tapping one of his feet to the rhythm. "Hey there, Delilah.~ I know that times are gettin' hard.~ But believe me girl one day I'll pay the bills with this guitar.~ We'll have it good.~ We'll have the life we knew we would.~ My word is good.~ Hey there, Delilah.~ I got so much left ta say.~ If every simple song I wrote to you would take your breath away I'd write it all.~ Even more in love with me you'd fall.~ We'd have it all.~ OH!~ It's what you do ta me.~ Oh, it's what you do to me.~" With a sigh escaping your lips you found yourself fully turning to him and shaking your head listening. What were you thinking? Piers being an evil bad guy? Did this sound evil to you? "OH!~ It's what you do to me.~ Oh, it's what you do to me.~" No it certainly did not! You wanted to facepalm yourself so hard. There WAS a big bad in he game but Piers it was NOT. He was just a softy who loved singing and his town. "A thousand miles seems pretty far but they've got planes and trains and cars.~ I'd walk to you if I had no other way.~ Our friends would make fun of us an' we'll just laugh 'cause we know that none of them have felt this way.~ Delilah I can promise ya that by the time that we get through the world will neva' ever be same and you're ta bla-a-a-ame!~" Was he singing a....love song?? You didn't think he was into anything else but rock. But either way you found yourself listening to his voice anyways. "Hey there, Delilah.~ You be good an' don'cha miss me.~ Two more years and you'll be done with school and I'll be makin' history like I do.~ You know it's all 'cause of you.~ We can do whatever we want ta do.~ Hey there, Delilah.~ 'Ere's ta you.~ This one's for you.~" You failed to notice the much bigger form of the thing walking down the hallway towards you as you listened. "OH! It's what ya do ta me.~ Oh, it's whatcha do ta me.~ OH! It's whatcha do to me.~ Oh, it's whatcha do to me.~ ....What'cha do ta me.~ O-O-OH!~ WO-O-OAH!!~ Oh!~" 
How was he able to hit those kinds of loud tones without a mic so easily? Yeah a few singers from your world could, but you never got to hear it up close and in person like this- Blackness pooled over you in the form of a shadow and your body froze. The sensation of something BIG looming over you and the wind against your neck as something sniffed you made goosebumps run over your body as you stood there. And slowly turned around as whatever was behind you gave a curious noise and gave a small curious tug on your hair. When your head fully turned to the thing ....you...blinked. And looked cross eyed as whatever it was decided to bump your nose with the end of it's snout in a tall form of something black and white at least a good two or three feet taller than you with eyes. ....You leaned your head back enough to look at it and noticed the HUGE thing was an obstagoon. ...Hhooooooo boy. This might not be goo- !? You blinked as the thing have a cross between a small gurgle and curious dog whine as one of it's hands...Paws?? Came up and grabbed a small strand of your bangs gazing at it's f/c coloring and toying with it as if inspecting a new toy. Almost like a curious puppy. CRAP CRAP CRAP!! Except this wasn't a small and cute puppy, this was a giant man badger pokemon thing!! Ok. Remain calm. It didn't seem to be agressive at all. Just curious. Wait. What did Gloria say about Ghost types?? Misunderstood and would rather be left alone?? Maybe it's the same case with Dark type pokemon. Just stay still and hopefully it wasn't territorial like that Onix back in the Wild Area. Behind you Piers started up some kind of other strum on the guitar but you still stared frozen as you not provoke the thing before you. Curiously the Obstagoon cocked it's head to the right and at your slumped shoulder. Before reaching a hand up and poking it. Immediately as soon as the pokemon jabbed the area of your (still very sore) skin with his sharp talon pain EXPLODED across your right half and you instantly reacted. You couldn't help it.
"OW!!," you cried out your good arm shoot up to clutch your shoulder in pain which only worsened the pain as you instinctively gripped it! Startled the pokemon gave off a garbled noise of surprise and reared his head back from you as you hissed between gritted teeth as you nursed the sore flesh softly.
Behind you piers had JUMPED from his chair and to his feet startled at the loud sound nearly dropping the hot magenta and black painted guitar in his hands. But once he whirled around obviously wide eyed and spooked from the shout....he blinked. At you. Clutching your shoulder nearly hunched over hissing with his Obstagoon in the doorway....What the- YOU!? What was the girl from the gym challenger's group doin' here?! In the middle of the night!? While it was pourin' literal buckets outside!? In fact who gave her authorization to be back here in the first place?! He quickly was able to relax back into his usually resting bored face as he realized the danger wasn't even a danger. 
"Oi. You," he said making you give a yelp of surprise and whip around to him blinking. Those f/c eyes making a strange feeling circle in his guts he couldn't place. He made no hurry to lift the guitar strap over his head and slowly place it down with a small thud into the chair he had previously been sitting in before looking back to you with a raised brow. "What are you doin' here? .....If it's for a fan greetin' the show's over." He leaned back to his full height almost and you blinked as his tone changed to a serious one. "An' I don't do encores."
Oh no. Looks like you were spotted. ...Oh well. With a sigh you fully turned to him still clutching your shoulder. "No. I'm not here for an autograph or for a show."
"Then what are ya 'ere for? No offense but it's kind of double standard you'd yell out 'bout my team sneakin' about and then do the same once ya get into Spikemuth."
You groaned. "I know, I know. But I didn't mean to intrude really." Your good hand gestured to the doorway the obstagoon was still standing in. "But I saw that the lights of your gym was still on and I was wondering what was going on. I didn't really think anyone would be up this late." You felt that guilty feeling swirling in your stomach and gave a sigh. "I'm sorry. I just...got a bit worried is all."
He didn't say anything fore a moment, looking your soaked body and guilty expression up and down with a raised brow. Before closing his eyes with a sigh. "...Nah. After everything you were put through cuz of my negligence to keep track of everything I was supposed to, it's not right of my to say you shouldn't have been worried about what ya saw." He opened his eyes to you. "But maybe next time wait to ask me in the mornin' and stay out of the bloody rain."
You nodded sheepishly rubbing your arm. After all you must've looked quite the sight dripping water everywhere and sneaking in here in the middle of the night. "Um...Y-Yeah. It won't happen again. I just....I shouldn't have just walked in here in the first place. It's not my gym."
Piers was going to say something back to you. He really was. But that was all dashed out the window when the Obstagoon looked at him and gave a loud enough noise to get his trainer's and yours attention. Unknown to everyone, he had been looking between the both of your shoulders during the entirety of yours and Piers's conversation. And narrowed his eyes at the way your right shoulder looked off from your left. Now having his master's (and yours attention with a bewildered brow-) attention, he made a non-threatening growl in the back of his throat. Turned his head back down to you as he raised his hand. And gave another soft poke to your shoulder.
"OW!!" Your reaction was immediate and Piers blinked wide eyed as you hopped away a good yard or two. The same pain from before spiking down your spine and you hissed tossing the taller pokemon a scowl. "Would you please STOP doing that!? It HURTS!!" You stressed to try and get your point across to the pokemon who gave off a garbled growl at your words.
Piers stared at you....Then to his obstagoon..Then back to you or more specifically the area the pokemon had touched. Black brows raising at the sight of your right shoulder slumped in a strange way. Curious he gazed between the both of your shoulders left and right quickly noticing the clear difference between the two of him and it dawned on the gym leader like lightning. 
"We all had to climb over that wall which was dangerous and I actually fell!!" You then gestured to your hurt shoulder that oddly slumped a bit pain still very present. "Falling and landing on my shoulder wasn't fun I can tell you that!" 
....Oh no. Oh Nonononono!! You-...You all had climbed over that stupid wall that he had FAILED to notice. And had gotten hurt because of it. Had gotten hurt..because of HIM!! An immediate pulsation of uneasy and pure guilt was suddenly dumped in the gym leader's stomach like he had swallowed a whole bucket of ice as he silently stared. This was...bad. REALLY REALLY BAD!! The gym stadium could get sued for damages and medical expenses. But that didn't concern him. How was he supposed to pass the stadium onto Marnie when if she didn't become champion!? What would the world think of her and the good people of Spikemuth if their gym leader failed to prevent a simple thing like this!? How was this woman not yelling at him that she'd sue him for this?!...Well he guessed she technically did before when they first met, but why wasn't she going to the nearest hospital right this second!? That looked so painful and serious! And the worse part was that he didn't even notice!! AGAIN!! WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HIM!? It took his pokemon seeing her to bloody figure it out for him!!
You blinked and looked over at the sound of approaching footsteps and gave a silent stare to the form of Piers slowly walking over you with some kind of emotion you couldn't place in his eyes. He stopped in front of you and after a moment raised a hand up looking...lost almost between your face and the obviously hurt shoulder you had. "Are..Are ya feelin' ok there? My obstagoon might've given ya a hard jab."
....You shook your head. "No. It wasn't his fault. I hurt my shoulder when I fell, but I'll be fine. We'll be heading back to Hammerlocke first thing after my other friend battles you and win, and I'm sure they have a doctor there."
At this Piers's bright blue eyes really widened in disbelief. "Ham-....Bloody Hammerlocke!?"
"Yyyyeessss?," you asked giving him a strange look, "Why?"
"I know that place almost as good as I know Spikemuth. And they haven't gotten any doctors! The closest Hospital is in Motostoke and that's a plenty days travel from 'ere and that goes for trains and flyin' taxies too!," he nearly panicked explained to you as if he couldn't even believe what he was hearing, "An' you was just gonna stay here until your friend won against me? How do you know that wouldn't take days? Did ya even think of that problem?!"
You opened your mouth but found yourself not saying a word.....Oh. Oh you uh..Hadn't thought of that possibility. While you never thought of Hop as a bad trainer it certainly might take him a bit to beat Piers. Were you just going to sleep deprive yourself until you left? And the trip even back to Hammerlocke would take days. Were you planning on sleep depriving yourself on the way there because of the pain as well??...Man. You..really hadn't thought this through at all.
Piers let out a long sigh at your silence turning his closed eyes up to the ceiling. Before with a snap of his fingers he pointed to the man who was sweeping earlier. "You. Get Francesca over here pronto. I don' care if she's asleep. Wake 'er up and get her here to fix this. NOW!"
You blinked and watched as the man dropped the broom with a clatter to the ground before running off to and out the doorway squeezing his way past the obstagoon who made a noise of protest as he did. Before raising a brow back to Piers's upset face. You hadn't really heard him use this kind of authoritative tone before. The sudden change was strange. "Francesca? Who's that?"
"Francesca Joy." He looked back to you with a stern frown. He HAD to make this right. Even if he gets in trouble. It was his responsibility as the Gym Leader to make sure you were tended to while in Spikemuth. "She was the Nurse from the center before everyone left but she stuck 'round. Glad she did too. She ought ta be able to fix ya up or at least help you before you can get proper treatment....I hope." Turning is eyes landed on the chair he was previously sitting in. You watched as with a few big strides he was there. Grabbing the guitar out of it in one hand and dragging the thing over towards you with a scraping noise with the other. "Here!" He said placing it down in front of you. "Sit down. You've got enough on yer plate as it is so rest til they get here."
You blinked between the both of them for the moment but seeing you were pretty tired from not being able to sleep yet you accepted his kind offer and slowly lowered yourself into the chair he offered you. "Uh...Thanks." He nodded pausing a second to look over your soaked clothes for a moment before snapping his fingers again and ordering one of the other two remaining grunts to go fetch you something warm to drink. You blinked holding up your good arm. "H-Hey. You don't gotta do that. I'm fine really. I mean I can probably just take a hot shower once I get back to the hotel anyways and change to warm up."
To your surprise with that same frown he shook his head no. "Nope. That's not how this is gonna work. You wanted me ta do something' about this? Well I am. Now we just wait for my team to get back with the goods. ....How are you feelin'?"
"Honestly?," you asked and he nodded. "Well I am kinda cold and my shoulder still hurts. And I'm pretty tired cuz I couldn't get any dumb sleep with it."
He hummed giving you another look over. Again landing on your confused face and that oddly familiar feeling returned. Now he didn't have the absolute best memory in the entire Galar Region, considering he was so wrapped up in the giant hole of a problem he was still digging his way out of and not noticing his own team doing things was proof of that. But there was a particular feeling that he had seen you somewhere before. Maybe you used to live in Spikemuth and he saw you around town?....Before almost everyone abandoned ship that is.
"Crikey!" A loud noise startled you and you both looked (Piers slower and calmer than you) over towards the remaining grunt who was growling at himself and hand thrown a tool back down onto the table. "This thing's bloody makin' me annoyed on purpose I swear!"
"What's the matter, R.J.?," Piers asked and you looked between the two of them. How could he tell them apart? The all looked the same to you. In fact you had forgotten there was even another person in the room other than Piers and his obstagoon for a good moment.
R.J. as Piers had called him deeply scowled at the speaker he was attempting to fix and flung a hand at it. "Oh it's this stupid box of nuts n' bolts, Boss! I tried everything from replacing some worn down parts to polishin' the insides but it still makes that stupid noise! At this point I think we'll have to replace it!"
......Piers looked down to you when you said a small huh under your breath. "That's R.J.." You looked at him again as he pointed. "He n' Benjamin are my crew's maintenance and repair boys. They keep everything around the gym up and runnin'."
"Yeah we'll this is one thing I can't fix! Worked on it for the past three days and nothin's changed. I don't get why! There's no wires loose and everything is cleaned and undamaged, but it keeps making this weird buzzing sound every time we try and use it!" You looked at the table for a moment. Brain taking in all the tools laid out on the table as the speaker laid partially open in front of the scowling man. "It's three hundred watts RMS woofer and it's supposed ta make bass not this-"
"Did you check the amp?" Both of the men turned to you and Piers rose a brow in surprise as you pointed. "The amp. Did you check it out?"
R.J. just nodded to you still frowned. "Tested it usin' a different speaker but there wasn't anything wrong with it, so I dunno what else could be wrong with it."
You hummed more looking at the speaker before you on the table in thought. Brain wracking for what you did know about these things. "....Is it possible..." You looked back up at him. "That the voice coil could just be rubbing against the metal or something?"
R.J. paused for a good moment his face drawing a blank as Piers's brows raised in surprise you would know what that was. Before R.J. looked back down to said speaker. ".....I didn't even think of that. But yeah! That could why I didn't find anything else wrong with it. The voice coil might just need to be fixed up." He hummed looking at the small mess on the table he made. "I can check it out tomorrow mornin' and see if that works!" He smiled. "Thanks!"
"No problem!" You smiled! You were happy to help even if your know how about how to fix speakers was limited.
After a bit of silence other than Piers telling R.J. to pack everything up and call it a night, and the clanking of tools as he packed up before leaving, you two sat there waiting for this Francesca and the warm drink that was promised. You sitting down in the chair and Piers took up leaning against the wall arms crossed, eyes closed, and looking bored as usual. Your drink was the first thing to arrive. Plain tea that didn't really have anything to sweeten it so it tasted bland, but it was food and warm. Plus you didn't want to seem rude to Piers's hospitality so you excepted it with a thank you before the grunt also left. Once again leaving just you with Piers and his Obstagoon. Silence making it awkward and uncomfortable except for the weather as you sat there and sipped the bland tea trying to pass the time by looking at all the instruments hanging on the wall. What looked like the makings of a drum set. A guitar or two. A keyboard. A keytar even. You hadn't seen many of those. One or two mic stands. A trumpet. Violin. And was that a tuba? With a couple working speakers all underneath them. Definitely a pretty impressive collection of musical items. ...Speaking of which. You silently raised a brow back over towards the guitar that Piers had been playing earlier which he had moved to leaning against the wall. You didn't know he played. He certainly didn't do that in the game or any media you knew about. It must've been because like everyone else, they had more to their lives and roles outside the game and media because this was a real world where they're from and not a video game from yours. Pretty neat if- ....!? You blinked and looked up when something bunched your hair up in a makeshift ponytail and toyed with it. 
"Obstagoon," Piers spoke opening a single eye towards his curious pokemon, "Don't do that. It's rude to touch 'nother person's hair without permission."
"No it's ok." You turned to him with a smiled as the larger pokemon made what sounded to you like an amused sound and pulled all your hair up in a sorta bad version of 'The Bride of Frankenstien''s hairdo. "I don't mind. And he's not hurting me. He's actually a lot like a puppy."
"....Puppy?," Piers asked confused. 
OH SHOOT!! That's right. Dogs weren't a real thing here! "I-I meant baby rockruff. He's just curious. Although I don't see why. Nothin' special about my hair."
"Ah. It must be cuz you have a f/hs while the rest of us don't. He gets curious 'bout new people a lot since not a whole bunch of people are around here anymore. M' sorry. I'll remove 'em if he's being too much of a bother."
You shook your head and the pokemon gave out choked noises that sounded like Obstagoon laughs as your hair waved in a strange way thanks to his hold on it. "Nah. It's alright. He may be big but he's not bothering me unless he decides to suddenly poke me again."
This made Piers pause. Opening both eyes to look at you now. "Really?'' You nodded. "...Ya don't find 'em scary?"
You gave a confused look in return. "Scary? Well yeah maybe at first but he hasn't really done anything to hurt me besides poke my shoulder, but I don't think he meant to actually hurt me. Why would I be scared of him?"
....He gave a half shrug. "Most people like to steer clear of Dark Types cuz of the bad rep they get for theivin' and being mischievous. They like the real pretty ones like Rapidash or the cool lookin' ones like gyarados. I heard charmanders have actually become pretty scarce in the wild cuz of their sudden popularity in the past few years."
"Well it just sounds just like ghost pokemon." 
"A friend told me. Ghost Type pokemon usually get a bad rep because a lot of people are afraid of them, but I think a lot of them are pretty cool looking. They wouldn't even hurt you if you don't provoke them most of the time. In fact I really think Frosslass and sableeye are pretty. It's not just Fairy Types or Water Types that can be pretty." By now Piers had lost the bored look and was staring at you wide eyed and black faced. ".....What?"
"....Nothin'." He said eventually face returning to normal. "I just don't meet a whole bunch of people who have that opinion. Some of my own team are spooked by ghost types so it's....not somethin' I hear too often." He seemed to pause for a moment studying your face before looking at his obstagoon who had taken to sniff your hair for a moment. "...Not that it's really any of my business...Whatcha think 'bout Dark Types?"
You lit up with a smile. "They're pretty cool just like any other pokemon types. But if I had to pick a favorite, I'd say Umbreon! But your team's pretty cool too. I didn't think skuntanks could really move as fast as yours can."
"Usually they can't," he explained looking away for a moment hand coming up to fiddle with his choker again as you blinked.
"Really? You must've raised it really well then. It's fast enough to catch up to a rabb- Uh..Raboot."
You rose a brow a brow as he didn't look at him for a moment before your eyes slowly turned over towards the lone guitar still leaned against the wall and his blue eyes looked up at the moment of your good arm pointing over at it in question. "You play?"
Blue eyes stared at it for a brief moment before turning to your form and Piers nodded. "From time to time actually. Yourself?"
You shook your head no. "I've had a few lessons...but I had to quite." You did have a few lessons back in highschool but you were forced to stop by your mother when she made you study more and take on your jobs to help pay bills instead of in her words 'waste money on useless things'. "To be honest I can't really sing or play much of any instruments. But I LOVE the topic of music!" You gave a genuine but bashful smile. "Kinda strange right? Can't sing or play instruments but music is still my most favorite things."
"....Nah. I don't," he seemed pretty interested now as he looked over you for a moment. "But if ya loved it so much why did you quite all of a sudden if ya don' mind me asking?"
At this you stopped staring wide eyed at Piers as he patiently stared back at you. ......Oooook. That actually wasn't a question you had really been expecting to be asked. Especially coming from someone who back in your own normal world wouldn't even really exist outside a video game. HECK!! As far as you knew the man standing before you, Piers, and everyone else still might not exist and this was some kind of fantasy/dream world your brain made up. And you were still expecting one of these days to wake up. Heck. For all you knew you could wake up right now at any second to your old still messy bedroom and your own mother nagging over you sleeping in late....Again. But it was still a question you weren't prepared to answer if anyone asked. Real or not. How were you supposed to answer that? Seeing no change to his silent face you sighed and slowly leaned your head back in your chair to look skyward and the obstagoon tilted his face above yours curiously. You didn't answer for a good and long silent moment which made Piers give a small hum to himself. Maybe that wasn't a good question to ask. He might've crossed a boundary he shouldn't have but-.....There was..something. Something about this woman sitting there that caught his attention and it wasn't leaving anytime soon. He was still internally shellshocked from the half scolding half flurry of compliments she threw at him during and after the battle. .....It was..too much too soon to take all in and he was still a jumbled mess trying to figure it all out-
"Where should I start?" He blinked back up when you raised your now half empty glass into the air. "Everything's just been so....Well I wouldn't call it wrong but it was certainly not the best. For all I know I'll wake up tomorrow and go back to dealing with the same thing I did when I left."
"....Well," You didn't move from your spot when he moved from his spot on the wall, hands still crossed and slowly walked over to stand next to your chair. "Normally I don't really bother other people, especially those who are jus' passin' through. But I have my own reasons for questionin' you." You finally looked at him confused. Questioning you? The heck did that mean? Did you get in trouble after all? This wasn't good. He held up a finger. "I got a suspicion 'bout you but I need to know the bloody truth first and foremost. Specially all things considerin'."
At this your eyes really did widen in worry. OH BOY!! You really were in trouble!...Well you probably did look suspicious. Coming into Spikemuth to shout a bit at him and then trespassing into his own gym probably wasn't the best image to have. He could probably have you arrested for trespassing charges or worse this could look bad on Hop and Gloria's gym challenger reputations for having a traveling partner who snooped around in the middle of the night like some thief. ......The only logical thing to do in this moment would probably be to appeal to Piers and convince him you weren't a threat.
So with a sigh you nodded and looked at him seriously. "Sure. What's eating you up about me?"
He paused for a moment not really expecting you to be this compliant but shrugged it off. The nagging feeling wouldn't go away unless he figured out where he'd seen you anyways. You mentioned you liked music. Perhaps you attended a past concert or something?? He cleared his throat before re-asking, "Well. Ya can start with answerin' my first question."
"You mean why I stopped trying to play the guitar?," you asked brow raised and he slowly nodded. And you groaned leaning your head back again. ".....Well. Long story short. My mom was a single parent and money was pretty tight all the time. We had to save as much as we could growing up so I had to stop taking lessons."
"What about your old man?"
You went silent. Eyes wide for a sec as you stared at the ceiling for a long moment...and Piers frown softened when you turned your head away suddenly in a scowl. "...I....I think that's a pretty personal question to be asking a total stranger. Don't you?"
"....You're right. An' I'm sorry about that....But I can't help but....need to ask."
"......." Da HECK was THAT supposed to mean?! You slowly looked back at him. Your face one of pure confusion and total disbelief he'd say something like that. ".....WHAT?"
..A hand fiddled with his choker again as he looked off to the side. "...It's just that...You look really familiar n' said a whole bunch of personal compliments. No offense but I don't find it a coincidence someone I don' know would come 'ere and say all that stuff from earlier unless I knew them or they knew me from somewhere. So...Do I know ya from somewhere?"
You just.....stared. Stared at him unblinking with the blankest look on your face. ......WHAT THE HUH!? Does he know you from somewhere? No. That'd be crazy! You never met him before earlier today when you arrived in Spikemuth. And you knowing him?....Well you guess that was technically true kinda. You did know him somewhat before you officially met you. But...only because he was a characters in a video game! And the fact he was the first ever all Dark Type Gym Leader in pokemon history. You guessed you also knew him from the music videos Gloria shared wth you as well, but you couldn't just say that you used to play a video game and he was actually a video game character where you were from. He'd think you were super crazy and that would just make more trouble for you in the long run. Plus even IF you said you recognized him from his online videos, how could he possibly recognize you from anywhere? Again. You two just physically met face to face THAT day. 
''Uh..." You rose a brow earlier staring at him for a long silent moment. "....I ....honestly dunno what to say about that, Dude. I've never even talked to ya before now." 
You stared at his blue eyes for a long moment going to shrug but stopped. Like someone hit the pause button on the TV for a moment and you froze solid as like a DVD you rewound to scenes way, way back when. Those eyes.....Those electric blue eyes...You'd never seen anyone else with those unique and one-and-only shade before on anyone else...Or had you? The  shade covering his upper face reminded you of something. Not that you could place it really. It was probably just a deja vu feeling from your time back on your world remembering him like when you remembered Gordie and Melony. So why did this feel- !? It was in that moment the moment struck you like a slap to the face and your brain pressed play on a memory long forgotten. A memory that at the moment wasn't important and was so unimportant you had completely forgotten about it. But now months later it was dug up again and now replaying in your head as clear as the day it happened. THE DAY OF THE ENTRANCE CEREMONY!!
"OW!" You flinched when someone's elbow rammed into your side hard and you snapped a scowl in their direction, one hand reaching up to rub your side that got hit. Unfortunately it was too loud for Victor to notice. He was a little busy setting up his camera to presumably take pictures of his twin when Gloria eventually took the stage. The one who hit you was none other than the man who was covered in those baggy clothes and scarf hiding his identity. When you shock a glare at him he froze for a moment before holding up his hands.
"Sorry 'bout that," the man apologized with that you could a brittish accent. From what you could make out the stranger had pale skin with bright ice blue eyes. "Some bugger shoved me inta you 's all. Hope I didn't cause too much harm." 
You stared at him a moment before sighing and shaking your head. "No. It's alright. There is a lot of people here isn't there?" 
"You're not wrong." His eyes crinkled in a way you knew in what must've been a frown as he looked back towards the stadium around you two. "Bloody show ponytas gallopin' 'round like it's a wrestling ring. There's usually no darn system to calmly get people seated anymore." 
You found yourself nodding in agreement. "Yeah. Where I'm from usually you'd have to buy a ticket to enter a stadium as big as this! Not just let everyone walk in." 
You didn't notice but the man looked back at you. "That sounds like a decent system and could raise funds! Nowadays it's like a bloody mob of beedrills swarmin' a honey farm!" 
You shrugged. "Well every place is different! And I guess it's not a bad thing they're not selling tickets! I don't think I could've afforded to buy one to come see this with my friends!" 
He blinked at your words. "Oh yeah? You friends with one of the challengers?" 
You nodded. "Two actually! They're from the same town! What about you?" 
He looked over you for a moment humming. "Two from the same town, eh? Strange." He shook his head. " I'm 'ere for my lil sister." 
"Oh!" You smiled. "You're little sister is competing?" 
He nodded. "Yeah. Real proud o' her too." He sighed. "She has some really good potential. I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they see her." 
Your smile widened a bit. "I think that's really sweet of you to come here and support her then!" 
His head tilted a little bit back to you as if a bit curious or surprised(you couldn't tell behind that hood and scarf) but he nodded. "Thanks. 'S real nice of ya to support your pals too."
Piers blinked suddenly when you all of a sudden in a moment of clarity pointed right at his face and nearly jumped from your seat as you recognized those eyes. That pale skin. Surrounded by a scarf and hoodie hiding his many recognizable features. "HOODIE GUY!!"
Piers....leaned back away from your good arm pointing at his face, blue eyes going crossed eyed for a moment before they traveled from your finger to your hand, down your arm, and to your narrowed eyes blankly. "......Wot?" 
"I swear I forget things so easily," you mumbled brining your hand still gripping the cup to your forehead and let off a groan as Piers brow rose even more. Hoodie ...Guy? Who the bloody heck was 'Hoodie Guy'?? Your hand pointed back to him and you wanted to facepalm yourself hard for forgetting that so easily. Well at least NOW you have more answers and wouldn't likely get in trouble for your answer. "I saw you at the Entrance Ceremony back in January. When the Gym Challenger officially started."
It was his turn to look confused as his nose scrunched up in a frown. "Noooo...No ya didn't. I didn't attend the ceremony this year-"
"YES! You DID," you frowned back not giving him time to finish. You weren't going to get in trouble because SOMEONE couldn't remember and you weren't talking about you this time. Piers flinched when you handed your cup into one of Obstagoon's curious hands, and the pokemon was delighted to help himself to the drink, as you pointed back at him. "I just didn't recognize you til not cuz you were in disguise." You felt satisfied watching the man freeze in surprise, blank slate replacing his face. Your hand met your cheek as you leaned into it staring at him. "Fyi maybe you should try using something to cover your eyes next time you go out in a scarf and hoodie. I don't think anyone else has your specific shade of blue eyes except for your sister so it's kind of a give away if someone pays attention close enough...Speaking of Marnie, that's why you were there right? You sat next to me in the stadium to cheer her on."
The black and white haired rockstar with those bright blue eyes stared at you for a long....LONG moment. Before slowly he finally moved. Arms slowly uncrossing and one going to his side as the other reached up to point at you. "That was...you?" You nodded and it seemed to dawn on him as well the more he stared at you.....THAT'S WHERE HE REMEMBERED SEEING YOU FROM!! "That was you!? The woman who went on 'bout havin' ta pay to enter a stadium?"
"And the one you rammed in the ribs."
"Bloody freakin' sakes!" He leaned his head back and closed his eyes with a deep groan. "M' pretty SURE I apologized to ya for that!"
You nodded. "You did don't worry. But that's probably why you recognized me. Who knew you'd end up apologizing to me twice in the same year?....And I meant that as a joke. You really don't have to apologize for anything."
"Then what was THAT back there?!" He insisted looking back to you slightly frowning. "Sayin' y-ya believed in me and ....and all that cheerin'! And...And-"
You rose a brow back. "Because it was a compliment?" You gestured your hand at him. "What? You never get compliments from your fans before?"
"Nah. I do. Just not so....." He looked you up and down for a moment trying to really described the waterfall of emotions that your words had caused. Not that he meant it in a bad way either. "....Specific and direct I guess. An' right after yellin' at me?"
"Because I felt BAD OK!?" You half yelled back at him scowling. "I was mad because of what Team Yell did and that I got hurt! I said stuff I shouldn't have said in the heat of the moment and you..." You paused for a moment before flopping your head back in your hand. Maybe it was the pain or the lack of sleep getting to you but you were both annoyed and mentally exhausted from this. "You looked and acted upset after I yelled at you. Especially after your battle against Gloria. So yeah! Maybe some of that WAS my fault throwing it back in your face....So I decided to apologize. Maybe overloading you with compliments wasn't the best choice right after I exploded at you but I meant what I said." You opened an eye over at his speechless form as he regarded you silently. "And I-....I-I'm sorry. Ok? I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry for making you feel bad. And I'm really, really sorry for trespassing into your gym. It..I-It wasn't right at all." A small silence followed and you started to feel a more guilty feeling swirl in your gut the more he regarded you with that bored expression you couldn't place. "If there-..If there really is anything that I can do to make it up to you I gladly will-"
"No." With a sigh through his nose he looked away. All the weird feelings about the day fizzling out at getting the answers. Of course that's why she apologized. She felt bad about yelling at him, rightfully so though. Piers you had to pull yourself together. At least he had gotten some of the things bugging him off his chest. "Don' apologize for what you said. You're right I have to pull myself together and take a better lead for my team and Gym."
"That doesn't make what you're dealing with less hard." You nodded back towards the doorway. "It must've been hard to manage things when they're in these conditions."
He huffed. "Oh you have no idea."
"Must be one heck of a job for one man to care for an entire town and keep an eye on over forty people AND a gym. No wonder you could've been so distracted. I know if I was in your shoes, I would've gone crazy by now." You said the last part in a small joking tone and it got a small hum out of him. "...Hey. Speaking of everyone, where are they?"
"I sent 'em all to reopen the city and take apart that wall they made after you all first left for the hotel," He explained, "They're probably all done and asleep somewhere now. Marn-marn's at home for the night too before she leaves again in the morning."
"Your sister's a strong trainer. I like her spirit. She's pretty blunt and to the point, but I like that about her. She knows what she wants and doesn't take anyone's hate. Marnie's a good kid."
This time you got a huff out of him and a half smile was turned your way. "Yeah. That's exactly how I would describe her." He sighed before turning back to you. "She'll make a great champion."
You nodded. "She would in her own right." You paused in thought as you hummed. "A Champion who's mysterious dark but kind personality would make for an interesting one. In fact Marnie would probably know how to handle big crowds real good since she has Team Yell and a famous brother. She'd know the ins and outs of how to take of herself in a big spotlight position. Plus her blunt and take-no-crap like personality would be pretty handy if she had to deal with some situations-....Uh." You trailed off finding him staring at you and you smiled back nervously. "S-Sorry. I'm probably boring you huh?"
"No. Not at all. 'Cause that's EXACTLY why she'd be such an amazing Champion!"
You blinked. "Wait. Really?!"
He nodded and sighed. "She has so potential. She'd make a great anythin' no matter what career she choses."..He smiled a bit more. "I'd like ta think she takes after me."
You snorted. "...You really are a unique trainer. I enjoyed watching you battle against my friend. It's amazing you're able to keep watch on the battle field and sing at the same time. You must be used to multitasking huh?"
He sighed shaking his head and crossing his arms again. "Multitaskin'...That's one way to put it I guess. Been doin' that forever."
"Well I'll tell you one thing. You have much more appeal to talk to than Raihan does..But maybe that's just my opinion."
At your words you once again caught Piers's attention as he hummed with interest. "Oh. So you met Hammerlocke's celeb huh?"
He was surprised when you gave a groan that ended in a dry huff. "Oh Yeah I met him alright." You rolled your eyes back to him. "He's like a rock type pokemon and you have to play dead." He rose a brow. "Y'know that one saying. You have to play dead or else they'll pounce on anything that moves."
"SNRK!!!" You blinked. Like in shock blinked eyes going wide as...As Piers. PIERS. The guy that had barely any expressions besides resting bored face....Snort..Wait. Did he snort for real? Are you sure it wasn't the Obstagoon who made that noise?...Piers as quick as his skuntank snapped his head to the side and you couldn't see his face thanks to his bangs covering him, but one of his hands shot up to cover his mouth. ..And...You...Y-You blinked again. As his body ever so slightly shook. If it wasn't for his hair and choker swaying a bit you couldn't tell was. "....P-pardon?" He asked and it sounded forced almost and just above a whisper. Like his throat was clenched and he had trouble saying it outloud. 
You rose a brow and frowned a bit at him. Did he think your interaction was funny!? "You heard me and you know it!" You accused pointing a hand at him. "I thought the guy was gonna try to make me a side dish for his next curry by how he looks at you!" Another snort and Piers quickly turned his full body away from you now. And you scowled! "Hey! Don't laugh at me! That guy's scarier than your obstagoon! Compared to him it makes your pokemon look like a teddy bear." Piers WHEEZED his other hand clutching his stomach trying to contain his laughter. Oh if only you knew the true reason! It only annoyed you more seeing his shoulders shaking. "Hey! It's not funny! I thought that guy was about to sink those pearly whites right into me like a whole free buffet! It was terrifying! Hopefully he'll be too busy taking selfies when we go back to go Y/n hunting."
That's it. That last line was the one that broke him. "PFFFT!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" You annoyed watched as Piers literally leaned over both arms clutching his stomach as a torrent of loud laughs bellowed out of his mouth and vibrated around the otherwise lonesome room. Mixing in with the sounds of the rain and you sat there. Your face slowly turning a red in embarrassment as he kept up his torment of laughs and wheezes. What was so funny!? "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! *G-A-S-P!!* AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NO!!" His hair shook as he shook his head and still chuckling shoulders shaking he shakily and slowly turned his body around to your. Your red faced burnt in annoyance next seeing him actually.....shakily smiling wide and blue eyes filled with amusement as one of his hands very shakily pointed at you. "OH! B-B-B-Loody heck! Hehehe.. I-It's too much o-o-o-of-f-f-f a coinc-cidence t-t-ta be true!!"
You nearly growled at him. "Too much of WHAT, Mr. Hot Pink!?"
He didn't seem to care about the name as he asked next still smiling like a look, "Hmhmhm. *GASP!!*...*cough cough* A-Are YOU the o-o-one w-w-who shut h-him down in H-H-Hammerl-l-l-lock-k-ke!?"
"You bet your darn gym badge I DID!! Ain't nobody got time for that!!"
"AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" What followed was another torment of laughs from Piers who had to grip his knees with his hands as he laughed. And you pouted cheeks out like a chipmunk and red faced at him. "I-.Hehehehehe!! I-I'm s-s-s-sorry!! Hahaha! OH!" He turned his head up still shaking from chuckled and held up a hand. "I-I-I'm n-not laughin' at ya! Hehe! It's just what Raihan t-t-told me that's-s-s s-so ic-conic!!"
"ICONIC?!," you demanded scowling, "What the heck are you on, Pal?...Wait." Your eyes narrowed at him. "What DID he say about me?"
You let him recover from his giggle fit ending in wheezes and many many coughs as he attempted to pull himself together. After a good five minutes of this Piers gave one last inhale and slowly pushed himself back up smile  still on his face as you looked at him. "He-...H-He didn't say anythin' bad I promise. Oh crikey." his hand reached up to rub his eyes. "If only I'd known who ya was sooner."
"WHY tho? He shouldn't be surprised if someone doesn't want to be flirted with."
He inhaled again before slowly exhaling to help calm himself from his laughing high. "Hehe. He...He didn't get surprised cuz ya weren't the first one ta turn him down." He gave a look and you thought he was gonna start laughing histarically again by how wide he smiled. "But it's the way you went 'bout it." He pointed at you. "T-T-The way you jus' bluntly told the guy ya weren't his type to his face n-n-not even two flirts outta his mouth! H-He's never been rejected so short-like and fast to his face! H-He wound up tryin' ta process what had happened for a whole week!"
At this your face dropped to blink. "Really?" Piers nodded. "Oh gee. I-....I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. I just wanted to stop his flirting in the politest..but fastest way possible. I admit he's not bad to look at and a lot of people find his personality and looks attractive." You half shrugged with your good shoulder. "He's just not my type. I'm sure he'll find a nice person soon tho."
Piers nearly went into another laughing fit but managed to contain it with just another snort. "N-Nah. Ya didn't hurt his feelings. Trust me. I knew when I saw him. I-It was just so...interestin' seein' him so confused and trying to wrap his head around being rejected just like that."
"Well I really didn't mean to," you insisted, "I just don't think I wanna be the 'princess' who gets kidnapped by the 'dragon' thank you very much! I prefer to keep away from the fire as much as possible." 
Piers chuckled smiling ..warmly at you know. "Well..I always knew it was kinda just a matter of time til someone was that straightforward with him, but Rai-Rai's over it and back to the same things now."
"Lucky me." You groaned and leaned your head back more. "And HE'S the one who they have to battle against next-....Wait." You glanced to him raising a brow. "Did you just call him Rai-Rai??"
He nodded not ashamed in the slightest. "Yeah. He n' I go way back as friends during the challenge when we 'ere younger." He sighed nodding. "Good times. Good times...." He chuckled again and gave you an amused look. "Tho I can't help but wonder what he's gonna do once he sees ya pretty face again."
Piers laughed again and neither of you two noticed the two people approaching. But Obstagoon did. His head perked up and he gave pause from licking the inside of your old tea cup he was holding to look his way back up the hallway. He made a noise and the both of you looked over as hurried footsteps approached. Not a second after two very soaked Team Yell grunts made their way out and into the room with the both of you two. You Blinked at them. Make up running down their faces as they panted and began either wiping their faces or shaking themselves out. You cringed back a bit as water droplets were sprayed your way. 
"S-Sorry it took so long, Boss," the man apologized wiping his face with one hand and smearing the already running make up and jabbing a thumb behind him to the woman who was attempting to wipe water off her jacket. "I-It a bit ta find her but I did."
Said woman behind him brushed her arms off for another moment before placing her hands on her hips and with a frown looked between you and Piers for a moment silently. ...Before pointing at you. "Is this the 'frantically hurt and in pain' woman? ...You're not 'crying out in pain like a dying snorlax'."
You rose a brow. You guessed that the guy who got her must've exaggerated your condition a bit. Piers shook his head behind you before nodding a head to your bad shoulder. "Nah. But she's definitely not right as rain either. How's 'bout it? Mind takin' a look at 'er shoulder there?"
The woman, who you guessed must've been Francesca Joy (a.k.a Spikemuth's Pokemon Center's Nurse Joy), rose a brow and eyed your shoulder for a moment seeing nothing wrong. Before leaning over and walking in a half circle to stand in front of you as you silently watched. Nurse Joy stood there for a moment looking between your shoulders and fixating on the one that slumped in a weird way compared to your other one. After a moment she pointed towards you and asked, "What happened?"
"She fell off climbin' over that blasted wall ya'll set up without me knowin'," Piers explained face giving a frown towards her. The male Team Yell grunt winced but Nurse Joy didn't look away from your shoulder and only hummed. "Said she landed on her shoulder and been havin' pain. I'm no expert but m' pretty sure it's not supposed to look like that."
"Well you'd be right about that." After another silent moment of staring at your shoulder she looked to your face. "When you fell did it feel like anything shattered or came apart?"
You shook your head. "I know what a broken bone feels like. I had a broken leg as a kid and it doesn't feel like that at all."
"I see." She took a few steps closer and reached an arm out. "Can you move it at all?"
"No. ...Not my shoulder at least. I can move my arm and hand a bit but whenever I move my shoulder or hit it, it really hurts."
"Hold still." Your eyes widened when all of a sudden she gently but kinda firmly grabbed your shoulder and you yelled out in pain against her. But she didn't pay attention to your protest examining you and looking at Piers who had widen his eyes at your yells. "She's going to be fine. The shoulder's just out of socket. I can fix it but she'll be pretty sore after for a while."
....Piers nodded. "Do it."
Your pleas fell on deaf ears. With Nurse blocking your view of what she was doing being so close to your head, you couldn't tell what she was up too. Only the burning sensation of pain and flashes of white dancing in your vision as she grabbed parts of your right si-?!
With a swift and hard moment the feeling of your shoulder being snapped back into it's rightful place. You cried out possibly the loudest you've ever been eyes slamming shut and mouth agap in a scream of pain. Piers paled at the ungodly sight and sounds- THUD!! Piers blinked and looked over seeing that the other man had literally fainted and fell to the floor with a thud sound. Nurse Joy simply just slowly let go and stepped back calmly as if your screaming and struggles did nothing to her. As soon as she stepped away both your shoulders tensed up and your hand grabbed your right shoulder in a deep hiss. A couple tears forming and leaving your eyes as pain throbbed from it. Sore and raw like the after burns of fire. 
"There. How do you feel?"
"I feel like sunshine and rainbows!! How the HECK do you think I feel!?"
"A lot better considering. Now." You poked an eye open and she pointed at you. "You'll be fine but your shoulder's going to be sore for a couple days at most. I suggest avoiding sleeping on your right side and lifting heavy objects for a while to give it time to settle down. But after that you should be all good to go back to your normal routine." She looked to Piers's paled face and he blinked. "And I advise YOU to go get some sleep. Those circles around your eyes have gotten worse. Were you up late singing again?"
........It took him a moment to respond but he blinked when he did and cleared his throat. "I-I mean-.." His hand immediately came up to fiddle with his choker looking away guilty being called out like that. "Jus' one song."
"Uh huh. We'll if you want my expert advice....GO. TO. BED." She looked at the man who fainted and sighed. "And I'll wake Benji up. Someone has to lug his butt back home."
You cut out the rest of what they said out of your head as you stood up rubbing your shoulder and hissing as you rubbed it. Firmly and stiffly back in it's proper place after a few hours of pain. You hadn't noticed your tired and sore self had instinctively stumbled up the hallway and back towards your bed when someone in the form of Piers had caught up to you noticing you leaving and stumbling along. When you leaned too far to one side a strong force grabbed you and easily pulled you back up along to your feet. Blinking tiredly and slowly you turned and met the worried face of Piers who gazed over your own face.
"Hey. Are ye alright?," he asked you slowly.
...You nodded with a groan hanging your head and rubbing your shoulder more. "This SUCKS!! And I'm tired. ...Thanks for the help and everything but I think I just want to go back to the hotel so I can dry off and go to bed....Besides Silver's waiting for me."
"...Silver?," he asked letting go of you when you nodded.
"My pokemon. T-The drizzlie. I left him back in my hotel room."
"Oh. Y'mean the shiny drizzlie. Those are pretty rare to come by."
".....Shiny?" You gave him a weird look. He nodded.
"Those are worth a lot in a lot o' places. Shiny hunters make a livin' by collectin' 'em and trading them off to the rich collectors and higher ups..." His brow raised. "Did you not realize he was a shiny?"
You frowned. "No but what difference does THAT make if he's a shiny, fancy, or whatever magical word they use to describe them." Now Piers paused. Really paused and looked you up and down like he couldn't believe what you were saying. And you frowned again. "....Oh what now? Do I have something on my face?"
He jumped before narrowing those blue eyes and pointed a hand at him. "Lemme get this straight. You ...Ya don't care 'bout your pokemon bein' a rare shiny?" You shook your head a look of confusion coming over his face. "...HOW could you NOT care 'bout that?"
"WHAT DOES IT MATTER!?," you asked him back making him pause as you crossed your arms. "What does it matter if he's a different color from the regular Drizzlie? He could be black, blue, fat, skinny, rainbowified, or hairier than a fur coat with big pink polka dots!!" Piers stared blankly. "I'd still love him because he's cute, helpful, and a whole bunch of other things! Geez! What's with these people and caring just about what color whichever pokemon is!? He's a whole person with feelings! Not a pretty flower you can just trade and give away whenever you please!" You huffed and turned from him. "I don't care if Silver's a shiny. He's my baby. And if anyone like Jesse and James tries taking him then they'll find out how much muscle I built walking for miles on end!"
".....James n' who?"
....You waved him off. "Never mind." You sighed. "...Look. Thanks again for the help. And for the tea. And sorry again for everything. But I really just want to get back to my friends."
.....He blinked and numbly held up a hand. "Y-You....*ahem* Ya want me to walk you back?"
You shook your head sighing and turning back to the still pouring rain and thunder outside. "No thank you. I know how to get back, and I don't want to bother you anymore." You looked back at him one last time over your shoulder and lifted your hand. "But really! You might've saved me from an expensive medical bills and lots of pain. Thank you Mr. Piers. Please have a nice night."
"Uh....R-Right. You too." He watched you go as you turned and with another annoyed sigh made your way off back into the rain on your way to the hotel getting more soaked along the ways. Leaving Piers standing there alone watching as your form was swallowed by darkness and rain disappearing. After a long moment of standing there in silence Piers reached a hand up to rub his head in confusion. "She....doesn't care about special reputations??....Strange lady."
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browzerhistory · 8 months
tips for beginning artists from someone who's been drawing since he could first pick up a crayon:
1. anything worth doing is worth doing poorly
scared the drawing you want to make will turn out ugly? nervous you won't do the angle/character/lighting/etc justice? do it anyway. do it scared. do it weird, do it anatomically incorrect, do it uncolored, but whatever you do, draw that thing. it's better to get the idea out on paper/canvas/etc than to leave it in your brain to eventually fade away. if you still really love the concept, you can come back to it later with better skills, and if you end up disliking it, well, now that you've drawn it you don't have to ever again!
2. get a little silly with it
experiment with your art. go to a color palette generator and make something with the first thing you get. make ocs with complicated designs and weird backstories. change things about your style just to see how they look. the more things you try out, the more things you'll find out you like (or dislike), and your art will start to really feel like yours. i'm not sure if the Youth of Today get as hung up over not having an art style as i used to, but if you do, there's only one way to get it: fuck around and find out.
3. always cheat
listen. there are many people who will tell you that tracing a reference or color picking from a photo or whatever is cheating. those people are lying to you. obviously there are limits (like don't trace/recolor art and post it without credit), but the vast majority of the time, tracing and taking inspiration from other people's art is how you get better.
(one way to stop yourself from plateauing is to trace a reference, then try drawing it by hand. you can also try breaking down a pose into basic shapes/lines; if this seems confusing, just pretend you're making hitboxes for it video game style.)
4. take a goddamn break
if drawing is starting to feel more like a chore than a hobby, or if you feel like you've run out of good ideas, stop for a couple days. pursue another hobby, eat good food, observe local flora and fauna. even if you love drawing with all your heart and think you'll never get enough of it, your brain needs a refresher every now and then to come up with new cool stuff to draw. trying to push past burnout will most likely just ruin the fun of it for you.
5. make a mary sue oc immediately
there's way too much hate on mary sue characters, especially when so many stories introduce protagonists by going "what if there was a guy. and he was the Specialest Guy Ever." having a character who's sexy and smart and powerful is not only fun, but good for the soul, and nobody gets hurt when you make one. plus, it's hard to overstate how good it is to have a character you love to draw in lots of different outfits, poses, and situations.
6. your art is good because you made it
now this one will probably be controversial, since a lot of artist memes are about feeling self conscious about or straight-up hating your own art. but you've gotta find pride in what you make. you've gotta look at your drawings and say, "this fucks actually and i did an amazing job." for me, even if i don't like how a drawing turned out, i try to find at least one thing i really like about it, like the shading or colors or emotion. making self-deprecating jokes stops being ironic the more you do it, and the same applies to jokingly tearing your own art apart.
7. keep your old art
a very good poster once said that throwing away/deleting your old art is like walking up a staircase and smashing every stair behind you. even if you're very high up, you won't see it because it looks like you're just on the first step.
personally, i have sketchbooks going back to early 2018, when i first started regularly using them, and i keep some of my first ever digital pieces in an archive on my tablet, but i get that that sort of record keeping isn't possible for a lot of people. the gist of this advice is just to have some reminder of where you've been, so you can look forward to where you're going.
8. make furry characters
beyond the obvious (you're probably a furry and it's nice to be able to draw your fursona), doing furry art is also a great way to find community in art. whether you do commissions, comics, or just draw yourself for fun, furry art is a wonderful method of self-expression that has the added bonus of being basically limitless. my main fursona is a bug, my secondary one is a gastropod. follow your dreams.
there may be more i add to this list later, but these are the main ones i can come up with. obligatory disclaimer that i'm just one guy with one experience; this advice might not work for everyone; etc etc. i've just tried to base this off of what i wish i knew when i started getting into art seriously.
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Warning : Slight Gore Prev Chap Next Chap First Chap ____________________________________________________________
Chapter 3 : Sick Muse Aidene Rayners
I smiled wistfully while staring outside the window. Every inch of the ground beyond our dorms was covered by pine trees, only night silhouettes at the moment. I took a deep breath, taking in the sweet resinous smell of the forest. A soft laugh escaped my throat. I pushed away and jumped onto my cot and threw my pillow at Natalie who was folding her clothes into the closet. I laughed at her surprised shriek.
“Stop moving around and unpack,” she started to chide me, “the first thing you did when you came here was find out who lived where in our hallway. Then you went about exploring the dorms, there is nothing interesting about it. I assure you that.” I pouted and got back to staring outside the window for a good ten minutes or more. I yelped as my pillow was thrown back at my head.
“Unpack stupid,” she huffed out.
“Yes ma’am,” I groaned out, finally starting to unpack my clothes. Stuffing them into my closet as neatly and quickly as possible.
“I have never gone to bed this early.”
“Well if it’s any comfort lights out is actually by ten and you can sleep off whenever.”
“What if we don’t turn them off by then?”
“The scouts.”
“So we get cookies. Do they have samoas?” I smiled as widely and innocently as possible. I could do with a cookie or two. I waited for Natalie to laugh, she didn’t. It was worth a try though, at least she was smiling. 
“No. They kinda like the police force of the school, monitors you could say. They come and check if everyone has turned their lights off at ten. If not, they report it to the warden.” 
My brain clicked to life at the sound of student monitors. My eyes narrowed and my fingers impatiently tapped my thigh. 
“Why would we ever possibly need scouts? Especially me, being the well-behaved rule-abiding Angel that I am.” I struck the sweetest pose I could think of, with my hands under my chin. That made Natalie laugh, she snorted and covered her mouth instantly. 
“How many of them are there and who?” 
“Well…I will try and explain this as simply as possible,” she settled down next to me, “Each house has six scouts. Three from the boys and three from girls. From them a male and female leader are picked. Those two leaders are part of the student council along with house captains, head boy and head girl. Each of the leader scouts are also given side responsibilities, such as a cultural incharge or health and hygiene incharge and so on.” My eyes narrowed in thought once again. I had a count but I still knew nothing about their patrol patterns. If I asked now Natalie would definitely be suspicious. 
My eyes landed on the lower bunk.
“Where is number three?” I pointed at the bed with my chin looking up at Natalie who was making her nest on the top bunk.
“She called in sick apparently, and will not be coming until much later.” I nodded absent mindedly. Natalie probably knew our roommate. She was an old student here and our roommate was most likely too. Someone shouted from outside our dorm room asking everybody to turn off the lights. I walked to the switch and turned the room dark.
“You still awake?” 
“It’s been two seconds, of course I am still awake,” Natalie replied through the darkness. I walked from the switch and towards the ladder of the bunk. I had a plan and one part of the plan was to know the locals. One of the best ways to know locals was to look into stories that they shared. Maybe something about a haunted pizzeria down the road. Or maybe something about a faulty rocket blowing up. A story they laughed about or one that everyone knew. 
“Can I come up?”
“Very suspicious, but fine.” I heard her shifting to sit up. I pulled myself up the stairs and placed myself beside her. I could feel her inquisitive eyes on me through the dark. 
“Do you have any stories, something nice, something unique?” I questioned dearly hoping I didn’t sound strange.
“There is one. It’s a myth that is passed around the people of this town, especially the students studying here. Different versions of it are there. Some made it a love story, others horror, you get the point.”
“Tell me.”
Natalie shifted once again, no doubt getting into a more comfortable position. She took in a long breath and began.
“Back when the town was new a man had come to live here. A very rich man, his name was William Greylight. His beloved wife and daughter were what remained of his family. He built his house at the very edge of town even after he was warned about the agitated spirits that inhabited the ground. Their new peaceful life didn’t last more than a year. Fights broke out between the couple. Their daughter was said to be the initiator of several scandals and problems. Then one day while William was away, there was a fire in his mansion, taking the lives of his wife and daughter. He rebuilt the place and continued to live there. But over time he became a recluse, he refused to talk to anyone and never came out. He withdrew every single piece of money he had from the bank and kept it with him. He started throwing out all sorts of things from his house, furniture, clothes, paintings and occasionally dead animals.”
“Okay, so he went mad. Continue.” A hand playfully slapped me in the darkness. I apologised for interrupting.
“A doctor was sent to his house and the next day the same doctor was seen stumbling out of the house covered in wounds and blood. Rumours started to spread that Greylight had been learning to use dark magic to try and bring his family back. The days in Ravenwood started to darken and  hundreds of crows had made their nest in the mansion.”
“What happened to Greylight?” 
Natalie clicked her tongue in annoyance, I mumbled another apology.
“The number of times he stepped out of his house lessened until he wasn’t seen outside for three years. Thieves broke into the mansion one day and then they say it. The corpse of William Greylight pinned on the wall above a fireplace, dried blood staining the wall. Gouged out eyes rolling on the floor.  The next day there was a fire in the house. It didn’t take the place down but it didn’t leave it undamaged either. It’s said he hid all his riches somewhere in this town and the clue to where it is, lies in this school.”
“How the hell did the story shift from his death to the treasure he hid? Also this school? A man died here?” I rambled on keeping my voice low. I could imagine seeing the corpse on William Greylight pinned to the school hallways. The stench of the rotting body reached my nose as if it layed in this very dorm. My stomach swirled, leaving me nauseous.
“Not here here. The dorms and the cafeteria are comparatively new, the main school building is the oldest. We don’t even know if Greylight was a real person. Now get your ass in bed!” I climbed down the ladder not wanting to get pushed off the bed. I lifted the blanket to my chin and waited for Natalie Vale to fall asleep. I had plans for tonight.
When I was sure Natalie had fallen deep into sleep, it was past one in the morning. I got off my bed, walking on my toes. I took out my lock picks, stuffed at the bottom of my bag. I pulled over my hoodie and opened the window. The night air flowed in. I climbed out of the window and stepped onto the ledge under it. A tree branch hung close a few metres off. I pushed myself against the wall and made my way towards it. I relied on the faint lights attached to the side of the building.
The stars were silver wishes in the sky and the moon sent shafts of light through the trees. I could make out Orion’s belt in the sky and then I started tracing out other stars, making senseless shapes. I shook my head forcing myself to concentrate. The branch was about three feet away from the ledge, I could make it. I jumped, landing on the branch and feeling it sway under my weight. 
I loved the way my body felt weightless. The cold rifling through my hair. The adrenaline made my heart drum against my chest. I loved it even though it terrified me every second. It made my mind race, the rush of it. I knew I was going to fall at the end but it didn’t matter. If I had a muse it would be this rush. 
I never lost my balance, I centred my weight and continued to take steady steps until I was closer to the trunk. From there I started to climb down. Pine needles dug into my skin and the tree bark scratched. When I was on the last branch I jumped off. 
I tilted my head at a small noise carried by the wind. I concentrated on it and it grew louder. I couldn’t tell if it was in my head or outside. A bodiless voice let out a cackle. It was harsh and brittle and it seemed to be aimed at me. A feeling inside me pushed me to forge ahead towards my destination, but that feeling was not mine. It was tugging and demanding. I whipped my head from one side to another, frantic but the voice was gone and so was the feeling. I shook my head, the forest was playing tricks on me. 
Dried leaves fractured under my weight. The smell of wildflowers and pine was mellow and intoxicating. The forest itself was ethereal and untethered from reality. The place was unsettling, it made me restless and sent  my heart racing. My skin had turned fragile and cold. I started running towards the Ignis house dorm rooms, the cold air streaming through my clothes. 
When I reached it I started counting. Anne’s room was 404. All the dorms ending with even numbers faced the forest. The numbers started from the left. I was lucky to find a pine right in front of the column of windows which belonged to dorms ending with the number four. I was even luckier to see the window on the fourth floor open. I wouldn’t have to use the lock picks after all. I started climbing it, a smile etched into my face.
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Hello! If you are still open for drabbles might I request the process of college!Bucky falling for you (bonus for frat!) - shown by him remembering all the small things you say/like - e.g. your fav coffee drink, ur holy grail skincare products, nervous habits, dreams and aspirations etc etc etc (I hope this isn’t too long for a drabble!) (also I love you dearly and you’re my favorite writer on this site)
Pairing: Frat!Bucky x Reader
Word count: 940
Warnings: None
a/n: I love writing college Bucky!! He is my fave <3
“Since when do you drink that crap, Barnes?” 
“Since now. Shut up.” 
Sam made a face as he walked along the cracked concrete, eyeing the coffee cup loaded with far too much whipped cream as it jostled in Bucky’s hands. He hadn’t been there when Bucky ordered it, but it was the first thing he noticed when he met up with him to walk to class. That, and the fact that his friend was practically jogging to get to physics. 
“Right… thought you were obsessed with those energy drinks?” Sam posed. He huffed as Bucky took another sharp right, effectively leaving him in the dust. “Man, will you slow the hell down? I’m saying words and you are ignoring them.” 
Bucky spared him a glance over his shoulder. “We have a midterm today. Gotta get to class.” 
“We’re ten minutes early and the building is literally right there.” 
“I know,” Bucky smirked, a smile etched into the corners of his eyes. “Still gotta get to class.” 
Sam scoffed and followed behind Bucky as he rolled his shoulders back and pushed into the lecture hall. In all honesty, Bucky was probably going to fail this midterm. He hated physics, and never really saw the point when it had nothing to do with his major. He had studied a little, but that had been with you, so really, he hadn’t studied much at all. 
And, in all honesty, Bucky didn’t really care if he failed this midterm. He only cared that you passed it—hence being ten minutes early to a class he didn’t like with a coffee he would never drink. 
He spotted you near the back just as Sam started going on about some fundraiser the frat was putting on this weekend. Bucky ignored him in favor of watching you pour over your laptop, your brows coming together in the way that always made him want to press his lips there to relive the tension. He felt his heart hammer in his chest when you took your lip between your teeth. He’d press his lips there, too, if you’d ever—
“Hey! Mr. Fundraising Chair, are you even listening?” Sam snapped, waving his hand in front of Bucky’s face. 
Bucky blinked, tearing his eyes from you for about three seconds. “Yeah… yeah, Wilson, I heard you. Post on the instagram and make the freshmen set up the day before. Got it.” 
“Okay, and what about the—” 
“Talk later.” 
Sam didn’t have time to protest, because Bucky was already ten stairs away from him and making impressive headway toward the back of the lecture hall. You looked up just in time to see his smile above you, the charm backlit by the horrible fluorescences in the room.
Bucky had to bite back an even larger smile when you squinted to see him better, the warmth in his chest making him feel impossibly light. He plopped into the seat next to you, and slid the coffee onto your table in greeting. 
“Well, hello to you too, Bucky,” you laughed, wrapping your fingers around the cup. “You got me coffee?” 
He tutted, leaning back into the small chair and throwing his arm around the back of yours. “I got you a seasonal drink. Big difference, since I’m pretty sure that’s hardly coffee.” 
“And yet, you had to go to a coffee shop to get it.” 
Bucky laughed, his head falling back when you side-eyed him over the whipped cream mess. He let his fingers brush your shoulder as his body shook, maybe on accident, maybe on purpose. Either way, he kept them there, his thumb circling a pattern into your sweater. 
“I guess I did,” he admitted. “One of the first times I’ve been in that place, actually.” 
You sat up a little straighter. “Oh yeah, you hate coffee. You decide to try it out this morning or something?” 
Bucky resisted the urge to brush the strand of hair by your cheek behind your ear as he smiled, leaned in, and said, “‘Course not. But after how hard you were studying last night, I figured you could use something for good luck before the test.” 
You let out a quick breath and scrambled back toward your computer, opening up a powerpoint Bucky was sure you already knew by heart. He watched as you scanned the words and the models and bounced your knee under the table, as if briefly speaking to him had made you forget everything you needed for this midterm. 
“Sorry, Bucky,” you mumbled, bringing your thumb up to bite the nail. “I just really need to get an A in this class.” 
God, you were so endearing. And nervous. His heart clenched in his chest as he reached up for your wrist, slowly pulling your hand down and setting it in his lap instead. If he couldn’t kiss you, he’d find another way to calm you down. 
“Y/n, you got this. I know you’re gonna kill this test and then you’re gonna get into all those PhD programs you told me about. Even the one with the crazy advisor that won’t answer your emails.” 
Your smile was slow and disbelieving as you took him in. “You remember all that?” 
“How could I forget? The prettiest girl I’ve ever met decides she wants to talk to me, of course I’m gonna listen.” 
You gave him a playful glare, one Bucky was pretty sure he had memorized by now. “You sure are a charmer, aren’t you, Barnes?” 
It was with honesty that he replied, “Only for you, sweetheart.” 
Two rows down, Sam was rolling his eyes. 
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