#also the flowers on the table matching her fit.......love
fadeintoyou1993 · 1 year
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Natalia Dyer at Brooklyn Museum's Artist Ball presented by Dior at Brooklyn Museum on April 25, 2023 in Brooklyn, New York.
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wileys-russo · 11 months
house wife II l.willamson x reader
for our charming LW6, yet another fixation of my blondie obsession.
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house wife II l.williamson x reader
if they said the way to someone's heart was through their stomach, one woman who would never disagree, was leah williamson. 
with no cooking ability of her own, life since living out of home had consisted of jumping from one team mates table to another when wanting a hot meal, or seemingly endless takeaway containers and microwave meals filling her yellow bins.
little did she know that was all to change, the day that leah met you.
for you, life growing up with three older brothers meant a childhood and early adolescence of rough housing, relentless teasing, and playing football with only boys. and as much as you were more than able to stand up for yourself physically when pushed around, all thanks to having three older brothers, you had always been a lover and not a fighter. 
choosing your words diplomatically and carefully even from a young age your brothers often teased that you were adopted or dropped off on the doorstep by the postman one morning, all of them preferring to settle things with fists than words. but as they soon found out just because you preferred to speak things out, you weren't above a swift kick to the groin or firm punch to the stomach at their teasings.
growing up around boys, playing football with boys, befriending boys, meant you craved feminine company and attention in other aspects of life. this lead to most of your free time on a weekend spent tucked away in the kitchen with your aunts, grandmother and mother, attentively watching and eagerly learning all of the little tips, tricks and secrets of cherished family recipes.
the older you got and the more serious your football career became, the more your passion for being in the kitchen grew, cooking becoming a somewhat therapeutic escape from the pressures of the pitch.
hosting dinner parties for loved ones, dropping off baked goods and flowers to friends on birthdays, your heart swelled to see people appreciate your laboured work. 
your favorite part about cooking being doing it for other people, your own little love language.
having grown up in the young lionesses playing alongside the likes of georgia stanway, alessia russo, ellie roebuck and ella toone, you had heard of leah in passing from your friends and team mates long before you actually met her. 
you should have met her during your senior call up for prep camp pre olympics, but unfortunately suffering a bad tackle in your early seasons playing for man city you'd missed out on your chance due to a knee reconstruction surgery. though an also injured alessia and yourself still made sure to watch every game together on the couch at home, screaming encouragement to your friends through the tv as if they could hear you. 
your confidence in your football ability took its first serious knock when you completed your post reconstruction rehab with flying colours and returned from injury, only to learn your man city contract was in fact not being renewed.
you admittedly shut down at the news, withdrawing into your shell and pushing away friends and family who attempted to console or support you .
you fell out of love with being in the kitchen, preferring instead to sit on the lounge and feel sorry for yourself as you spent time encompassed in all of the creature comforts you’d often forgo in order to be match fit and game day ready.
but all of this came to a screeching halt the day you got a call from your agent, well the day you answered a call from your agent. the older woman finishing telling you off for the days spent ignoring her, your stomach flipped as she then announced multiple clubs had been reaching out and showing interest in securing you before your man city contract was up within the week.
some of the figures and sums put forth to you that day had been more money than you ever knew.
you grew up mostly comfortable in a middle class family, but with four kids being raised by a single mum, times could be tight and often were full of over sized hand me downs and second hand boots.
there was one club offer however that peaked your interest far more than the others, which had absolutely nothing to do with money. it was the team you spent years secretly supporting behind closed doors, hiding jerseys and flags in a battered and beaten shoe box underneath your bed, lying about your whereabouts to sneak off to games.
your brothers all chelsea supporters you were sure you'd be disowned and thrown out on the streets had they discovered the arsenal merchandise squirreled away expertly all throughout your childhood bedroom.
but now all adults and very proud of you (and forever telling people they taught you all you know), you couldn't help but tease as all three of them proudly showed you the bright red shirts with your last name and number plastered across the back the day your signing with the club had been finally announced.
the sheer euphoria felt at this new opportunity meant you quickly readjusted back into life, calling and messaging friends and team mates you'd been icing out, offering sincere apologies and making plans to catch up. you returned to the kitchen, sending off cupcakes, cookies and brownies to your loved ones, cooking cosy home cooked meals for friends as they came over for dinner parties once again.
having been given a proper tour of the arsenal grounds and emirates stadium, and days spent full of media and interviews during the last of the off season, you didn't get a chance to meet your team mates until around a week and a half after news of your signing had gone public. though never being a particularly shy or outspoken individual, it didn't take long for you to get to know the team, and in turn for them to warm up to you. 
leah having been given a very stern warning from georgia to look after you, it was following a particularly brutal training session that the older girl properly sought you out, asking if you wanted to join her in the recovery pool.
only having encountered the defender briefly during your first few days you were quick to agree, relishing in the opportunity to get to know her a little better.
having been taken under the equally watchful as they were dangerous wings of katie mccabe, the irish woman had been whom you partnered up with for most drills and spent your off time hanging out with.
but needless to say after only a short twenty minutes speaking with you leah found herself absolutely enamored with your cheeky smile and quick wit, unknowingly setting into course the actions which would eventually flip her world upside down.
fast forward a few years and here you stood now as her girlfriend staring her down from the end of the lounge, having happily lived together in your shared flat for the past eighteen months.
"lee please!" you begged, stepping to the side to again block the tv with your body as the england captain tried to crane her neck to see past you, attention fixated on the arsenal mens match on the screen.
"babe they just scored and i missed it!" leah moaned in frustration as the crowd erupted behind you, the blonde dragging her hands slowly down her face. "they lost 4-2. you promised me you would do this while i'm recovering!" you now glared at her sternly as the blondes mouth formed a small o in shock. 
"and you said you didn't watch it without me!" leah huffed at the betrayal, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring right back at you, once again completely ignoring the rest of your sentence which had been your reason for interrupting her in the first place.
"leah." you warned as you continued to stare her down, free arm reaching to point away from the living room and into the kitchen, also known as your girlfriends least favorite room of the house. the blonde simply moaned louder at the silent request, throwing her head back and soppily sliding her body down the lounge like that of a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"or we could just order dinner?" she tried with a charming smile, holding up her phone and wiggling her eyebrows. "okay fine you win lee. i'll just continue to cook for us as always. but of course let me first just take my arm out of this sling and-" you began with a shrug, reaching out to undo the velcro strap hooked under your elbow, having dislocated your shoulder at last weeks game, nothing too serious but it meant needing to take a further 2 weeks off for rehab.
"don't you dare!" leahs eyes widened and she scrambled to grab at you, carefully tugging your free hand away from the sling and holding it firmly in her grip. "sling stays on." the defender commanded, determined both as your girlfriend and team mate for your recovery to be a smooth one so you could return to the pitch again as quickly as possible.
"then you cook dinner tonight." you retorted back in the same tone, staring her down stubbornly as the two of you stood locked eye to eye, neither wanting to be the first to back down. "kitchen, go!" you ordered firmly, pointing again in its direction as leah simply scoffed. "you know that sounded a bit sexist." the girl retorted as you raised your eyebrows in challenge.
"the other morning you quite literally woke up and the first words you said to me were 'well where's my breakfast then woman?'" you mocked your girlfriends MK accent, her unimpressed glare melting into an amused smile. "yeah that was a good one." she chuckled fondly to herself with a shake of her head, smile quickly dropping from her face when you continued to blankly stare her down.
"oh for fuck sakes fine!" leah gave in with a loud groan, dropping your hand as you smiled victoriously, leaning in to quickly press your lips to her own. "yeah yeah, just get on with it!" the blonde rolled her eyes moodily, pulling herself to her feet and trudging after you as you practically skipped off towards the kitchen.
for years you had happily cooked for and fed the english captain without any complaints, after all it was one of the main ways you showed your love.
but as time passed on you began to try to attempt to teach your girlfriend to fend for herself in the kitchen, but the defender would always insist she didn't need to know, and you were honestly worried that if anything should happen she would have no choice but to live her life off of 5p tesco ham sandwiches, with no mayo of course.
so as the weeks and months ticked on, determined no longer to let her be completely useless you began to request her help more and more frequently. knowing that with a bat of your eyelashes and a few sweet words you could get her chopping or prepping things for you, which though seemingly small was still a huge win in the long run.
now, with your arm needing to be in the sling for almost the entirety of your days, and very minimal things you could actually cook and prepare with only one good functioning arm, was your red hot chance to commence phase two of your master plan; teaching leah to actually cook something.
this of course was all heading up to the final hurdle. it was long overdue yours and leah's turn to host team game night, and with the hosting duties came the responsibility of feeding everyone. due to commitment clashes, family events, game days, early training's or just rotten luck, it had been rescheduled about 5 or 6 times now.
but it was locked in for the upcoming weekend, and as much as leah had begged you both reschedule and blame your injury, you were determined to avoid this at all costs. the backup option was of course to just order in some food, but following beth and vivs elaborate 3 course meal of the last game night, you figured the least you could do was teach leah to whip up an easy pasta and some garlic bread.
though this a seemingly simple task to you, it loomed over leah like her own personal everest. 
having talked her through the steps twice, and now supporting her to locate all necessary ingredients, you sat on a bar stool happily instructing from the island in the middle of the kitchen.
with your ongoing encouragement and praise at even the simplest of tasks, leahs competitive drive had kicked in and she found herself believing there was maybe a slim to slight chance she could pull this off.
"you know i don't like the look of this. i thought this was a pesto pasta!" things began to click for leah as she grabbed out the last of the things she needed from the freezer, peas. "i fink you'll find it is the same pasta i cook for you frequently babe, which you love." you replied, purposely mocking your girlfriends common tendency to replace her th's with f's.
"we agreed you would no longer mock my speech impediment." leah deadpanned at the comment, hands on hips as she glared toward you unimpressed. "you do not have a speech impediment, you're just from milton keynes." you continued to tease with a cheeky grin, loving nothing more than winding the older girl up when you had the chance, the shoe often on the other foot with her own relentlessly teasing of your habits and quirks.
"well the secret is now out. it is not a pesto pasta, the green sauce is made from blending peas, mint, olive oil, garlic and lemon juice. delicious!" you kissed the tips of your fingers before flicking them into the air, a look of bewilderment and disgust forming on leahs face as she registered the information. 
"but i hate peas." leah grimaced, glancing to the bag on the counter with utter contempt. "no, you think you hate peas. realistically, you've been enjoying them all along!" you smiled smugly, popping a strawberry segment into your mouth from the bowl on the counter, already having had leah cut them up for you as a refresher of her knife skills.
"right. so then our entire relationship is built on a foundation of lies!" leah yelled dramatically, throwing her hands into the air before smacking them back down on the counter and pointing a finger toward you threateningly. "what else have you been secretly feeding me then woman?" the girl asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion as your own practically rolled into the back of your head at her childish antics.
"those are secrets i will take to the grave williamson, you'll never know." you replied cryptically, popping another strawberry segment into your mouth before clapping and ordering her back to the task at hand. "so bossy." leah mumbled to herself, now her turn to roll her eyes as she busied herself prepping things, you ignoring her little comments about how she would never get over this pea related betrayal.
"ah! we're doing that from scratch." you tutted at her as she opened the freezer, reaching for a pack of pre made garlic bread. "what! need i reminder you i am a beginner." leah protested, crossing her arms over her chest with a pout. 
"oh i know, i don't think i've ever put anything as bland or unseasoned into my body as that sandwich you made me for lunch yesterday." you shook your head sadly, shuddering at the memory. "oi! how's that for gratitude then, should have just let you starve." leah huffed, shifting her concentration to dicing up the bacon she had just finished frying off.
"need i remind you again of the 'well where's my breakfast then woman?'" you cocked an eyebrow in her direction as her face again broke into a grin, the blonde once more chuckling to herself at the memory, never being someone afraid to laugh at her own jokes, especially if she was the only one laughing.
"i obviously meant to say where is my breakfast then my gorgeous, wonderful, lovely, lovely girl." the taller girl smiled charmingly, making her way around the island and slotting her body in between your legs as you spun around on your chair to face her. arms wrapping around you your back pressed against the edge of the cool granite countertop. "nice try." you hummed against her lips, pushing her away from you as her tongue ventured into your mouth.
"mmm not yet, littlee bit more." leah was careful of your injured arm and shoulder as she pressed you harder against the counter top and reconnecting your lips. quick to take advantage of a hitch in your breath as her cold hands wandered up the inside of your hoodie, which was technically her hoodie, easily dominating control of the kiss.
"no, you're cooking. focus!" you pulled your head from the cloud of pleasure it forever drifted to when consumed by leahs affections, once more shoving the taller girl away and smacking lightly at her chest as you panted, now slightly out of breath. "cock blocked by a bloody kitchen, typical." leah rolled her eyes, pushing herself off of the counter she had you trapped against and padding back towards the stove.
"i can't believe you won't just let me order pizza for the girls, they won't care!" leah whined as she stirred the sauce, glancing at you over her shoulder, bottom lip jutted out in a pout. "it's the principal of it baby. if only life was like ratatouille and i could sit on your shoulders, tugging on your hair and doing all the hard work for you." you pouted back at her, eyes twinkling as she shook her head, shoving her hair to the other side of her head with her spare hand, still stirring the rapidly thickening 'pesto'.
"well now my girl you know i would never say no to you practically sitting on my fac-" you cut off the girls cheeky remark before she could finish, calling out that her pasta water was over boiling, leah turning quickly and letting out a yelp of panic at the sight, looking to you with wide eyes for help.
talking her through what she needed to do to settle it again you watched on in amusement as she zoomed around the kitchen, focus heightened, multi tasking between watching the pasta and sauce both cooking on the stove and making sure not to burn the home made garlic bread baking away in the oven.
 and sure enough her focus paid off as a little while later she finished off the meal with a small sprinkle of grated parmesan into your serving, refusing to add the same into hers despite you pointing out you'd always done that for her anyway, another thing she hadn't picked up on.
"i'm so proud of you lee." you beamed, jaw almost hurting from the face splitting grin you sported as the two of you sat tucked up together on the lounge, bowls of pasta resting on your knees as leah browsed through the tv trying to find something to watch.
"yeah yeah, no biggie." the girl muttered dismissively, but you didn't miss the small smile of pride that flickered across her face at the praise, craning your head back to sweetly kiss her jaw. "oh no come on, leah!" you protested loudly as your girlfriend clicked in to watch a golf tournament repeat, full well knowing you absolutely detested the sport.
"ah ah ah. i cooked, i choose, isn't that right?" leah smirked down at you as she held the remote out of your reach, echoing back your own regular words as you huffed moodily, protests falling silent as you shoveled a mouthful of pasta into your mouth instead.
"good girl." leah whispered into your ear, kissing your cheek which had flushed bright red at her words, settling back into the lounge as the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound the clinking of your forks against your bowls and the droning on of the golf commentary on the tv.
"where you going?" leah asked a couple of hours later with a confused frown as you unwrapped her arms from around your mid section, carefully sliding your body out from where it laid between her legs.
“upstairs. it’s shower and movie time." you stretched your good arm, glaring down in annoyance at the one strapped to your chest, feeling pins and needles crawling around but unable to really do anything about it.
"where do you think you're going? you cooked, you clean. isn't that right?" you mocked her words from earlier as she stood to follow you, nodding to the small mountain of dirty cookware laying in the kitchen sink. "what!" leah spluttered out in shock, protesting that it wasn't fair.
"1, i can't help you clean even if i wanted to." you started, gesturing to your slinged up arm. "and 2, you never help me clean up after i cook unless your mums here to nag you about it!" you reminded with a shrug, turning back around and heading for the stairs, leah collapsing back onto the lounge with a loud and frustrated moan.
"better hurry babe, i think you forget i require your help to shower." you called downstairs, grinning as you heard leahs feet pound off into the kitchen, the obvious clanging of pots and pans signaling her frantic efforts to finish the task as quickly as possible.
game night.
"well, i personally think a big congratulations are in order!" katie announced, standing to her feet and clapping to gain everyone's attention. the rest of your team mates sprawled around your living room quietened down, bowls of pasta in their laps and a large board of garlic bread sitting on the coffee table in the middle of the room.
"this should be good." leah quietly murmured in your ear, a smirk crossing her features as she readied herself for the praise coming her way from the irish woman for the meal she had cooked, mostly on her own.
your arm now out of its sling you had assisted her with prep but refused to do much more than that, blaming your shoulder was paining you with a pout as leah had rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at your bum as you left her alone in the kitchen.
"to y/n - for making none other that leah williamson into the little domestic house wife none of us thought was possible!" katie shouted proudly, raising a glass of wine into the air in a silent cheers as you suddenly burst into a fit of laughter at the unexpected toast, leah yelling out shocked protests toward your team mates cheers of agreements to katies statement.
"nah that's a violation!" leah huffed angrily, head shaking firmly and eyebrows knitted into a deep frown as she stabbed aggressively at her pasta, lia reminding her to lighten up with a laugh and a light shove from beside her.
some more light teasing and a few heated rounds of mario kart later, leah had downed a few drinks and indeed lightened up. "you all laugh now but once her shoulder heals up she'll be right back into her old position. attending to my every need like the well practiced little house wife she is." leah grinned, right arm wrapped around your neck as you laid against her chest, most of your team having slowly filtered into ubers, only the two of you and a few select others left.
"i'd love to deny it but this was truly a one off fluke, without me she's useless!" you slurred drunkenly, katie reaching over to swipe your glass of wine as you reached for it, pouting up at her as the older woman shook her head, downing it herself and handing you back the now empty glass with a wink.
"mccabe!" you gasped, flipping her off as she returned the gesture, glancing at her phone and announcing the final uber of the night had arrived to take the last of your team mates home.
wishing them all goodbye and making brief drunken plans for brunch tomorrow which none of you would likely remember, they headed off down the driveway and leah closed your front door.
just before making quick work to press your smaller frame against it as soon as she had.
"hi." "well hello."
you grinned as your lips met and the usual fireworks exploded in your stomach at the sensation. fueled by red wine and a few too many rum and cokes, the kiss quickly turned sloppy as leahs hands groped at you anywhere they could, a quiet moan leaving your mouth as her attention quickly turned to your neck, knowing exactly how you to send your body into overdrive.
"no we can't, i'm still a cripple!" you cried out both dramatically and drunkenly, pushing her away and stumbling at the sudden action, leah quick to dart in and catch you before you fell over entirely.
“okay bed time it is." the older girl chuckled, though drunk she was not quite as bad as you, the taller girl tossing you over her shoulder and heading for the stairs.
"it feels demeaning you can do this so easily." you slurred out, smacking at her bum as the two of you ascended towards your shared bedroom. "you look after me, i look after you. that's how this whole relationship thing works." leah gently placed you down onto the bed, stealing a kiss and making quick work of changing into something more comfortable as you did the same, though with a little more struggle.
flicking off the lights and climbing into bed beside you, leah clicking into netflix the two of you were quick to intertwine your bodies, your girlfriend selecting the first thing she saw knowing it was more so going to be white noise than something either of you paid attention to, already fast fading toward a good nights sleep.
"you did really good tonight baby, my house wife in training." you mumbled quietly, blindly reaching up and patting at leahs cheek, feeling her body gently vibrate with laughter underneath you. "don't get used to it, you deserve far better than a mediocre pasta every now and then." leah smiled, running a hand through your hair and placing a soft kiss to your warm forehead.
"now i know you're capable of washing dishes best believe i'm never doing them again." you muttered into her elbow, burying your head into the crook of the defenders arm. "you're lucky you're cute." leah smiled tiredly, eyes fluttering closed as both your breathing evened out, drifting off into a dreamless sleep as the office played quietly in the background.
no longer one but now two happily domesticated house wives.
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nian-7 · 1 year
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Honkai Star Rail x gn!reader
✧what they get you for your birthday
✧fluff, platonically or romantically! (any of the minors on this post are strictly to be read platonically.)
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Stelle and Caelus love figuring out something to get you together. It comes with some bickering, yes, but! in the end, it'll be something unique they had gotten on one of their trailblazing adventures.
Dan Heng get's you something simple yet sweet. It's something he's sure that you will like and something that you will find use in. It's in your favorite color as well, how'd he know your favorite color? Well.. he may have asked someone just so you wouldn't suspect anything.
March most definitely gets you some sort of hair clip. She loves to see you wear it because it makes her super happy! She probably bought you and her matching ones so you both could wear them together as well.
Himeko, like March, gets you something you can wear. Possibly a necklace or a ring. It depends on what she thinks would suit you more. She takes your interests and dislikes into consideration and ends up picking out something that makes your eyes light up with joy.
You swear that Welt acts like he could care less that it's your birthday until you receive a sweet little card and a box in your room on the Astral Express from him. It's a short and sweet card, the box contains a simple golden colored bracelet. It's simple, yes. Yet, you can't help but smile widely whenever someone asks where you got your pretty bracelet from.
Arlan struggles a little to say the least. He really wants it to be perfect for you. He fears he may get something you dislike or not use. In the end, he settles for a simple note that tells you how much he appreciates you along with a cute keychain to match your phone case.
Asta thinks about it for days in advance. What are your hobbies? Interests? Dislikes? She has so many ideas but, doesn't want to jump on one and have you end up disliking it. She ends up giving you a handmade card, decorated with cute little drawings of things you like. (And Peppy's paw print <3)
Herta never gets to see you in person so she feels bad about how informal it may feel. Either way, she makes a small version of you and her as little dolls! She just wants you to be able to have something in your room that reminds you of her so what better way than to have some little dolls to sit on your nightstand!
(Platonic!) Hook and the moles get together and find something for you! They all go around together, trying to think of something to get you. It's always so sweet, you don't have the heart to turn down whatever gift they end up giving to you :((!
Natasha listens to you so well and yet she gets stumped on what to get you. She does settle on simple flowers for you and ends up seeing something in a store that she'll also buy for you. She enjoys walking into your home and seeing the little trinket she had gotten for you on your table.
Pela gets you a book or story that you'd enjoy. Even if you don't like reading, she tries really hard to find a book that you'll like and gets extremely picky about which book it'll be. You don't like suspenseful stories? Any book with too much suspense, she won't even spare a glance to.
Sampo gets you flowers. It's always a different type every time. You somehow wonder how he's not run out of flowers by now. Sometimes they're even fake so you can keep them around for as long as you want!
Serval buys you a cool piece of clothing! She picks out something that is a mix of something a bit out of your comfort zone yet, still comfortable with wearing. Sometimes, she'll even take you out shopping and let you pick whatever you want!
Bronya fits time into her schedule to go somewhere with you for your birthday. She isn't sure what to buy you so might as well just spend the day with you! She'll buy whatever you may want whether it be food or something you saw in the store window.
(Platonic!) Clara gets so nervous when picking out a birthday gift for you! She asks Svarog for help too. She ends up getting a jacket that matches hers for you but, it's in your favorite color. She hands it to you so sweetly and is pleading to herself that you'll like it.
Gepard is such a sweetheart. He buys you a vase for you to put flowers in and although he wishes he had made it handmade, Serval had advised against that and said he should buy one instead. (The poor guy looked like a dejected puppy for a bit afterwards)
Seele has absolutely no clue what to get you. It's always in the back of her mind that she has no clue what to get you for your birthday and so it ends up being a simple card telling you about her favorite memory with you from that year.
Qingque buys you a game for you to play! It's partly just for her to play with you but! she does try to think about some sort of game that you'd enjoy.
Sushang is super sweet and gets you a plushie for your birthday. A soft plushie of your favorite animal. Whether she made it or not depends on how much time she had before she actually realized how close your birthday was.
Tingyun can get you virtually anything that you want. She straight up asks you what you'd like for your birthday and it always surprises you that she ends up getting that exact thing for your birthday.
(Platonic!) Bailu... She makes you little 'coupons' for her healing services. It's very crudely made with just the simple writing of "Healing Service Coupon" on some poorly cut pieces of paper. Nonetheless, it's a sweet gestures because you can see on her face that she really wants you to take it. (On the back of each of them, theres a little heart she drew, she hopes you won't see it!)
Yanqing gets super excited around your birthday. He's heading to every shop trying to find something that you'll like. He settles on some little trinket he saw that reminded him of you and puts a little ribbon on it so you know it's a present.
Jing Yuan just knows somehow what you want without you ever even telling him. He calls you into his office just so he can bestow the gift upon you. He makes you feel all special too and makes sure it's got your name on the box along with "Happy Birthday" written on it.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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viiiiiiiiiin · 4 months
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What do you guys do on Valentine's Day !! (GN reader)
Includes: Nami , Robin , Sanji , Law , Kid , Ace , Sabo.
A / N: SORRY ITS SHORT !!@ Im writing this on a phone and with a headache. I hope you guys enjoy 😣
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Cat Burglar: Nami
If you guys just recently got into a relationship , she's very frugal with her money. Though , if you guys have been in a relationship for a while , she's more than willing to spoil you.
She probably started growing some flowers for you in the garden !
She's had this day planned out for a while , actually. She made the crew dock at an island and reserved a table at the fanciest restaurant she could find there.
Then , she would book (or bribe someone to book) a private room for you two. She would get you a rose (that she grew) before you even arrived.
She's over here wearing a beautiful dress , hair done and everything. She even bought you a beautiful suit / dress / fit to match with hers !
After the date , she takes you to a hotel and spends the entire night with you. You guys even go out on a shopping spree ! New clothes , jewlery , weapons , whatever you guys wanted ! All discounted , of course.
You guys end the night with a cuddle session in your room ! (Or a fun night. It depends)
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Devil's Child: Nico Robin
She's VERY romantic with you.
She's gotta have SOMETHING on you the entire day. Rather it be holding hands , kissing your cheek , hugging your waist , or rubbing your shoulders. She just loves making you flustered !
She takes this entire day spoiling you. She uses her devil fruit to massage you and make you relax.
You guys even take a rosey bath together ! She may even get hansy there too . .
She asks Sanji to cook you two something you both love so you can eat together while bathing or in the girls' room.
She also spends time reading with you ! She introduces you to her favorite love stories.
She ends the night with a cuddle session as well. She's probably the big spoon lol.
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Blackleg: Vinsmoke Sanji
The most romantic out of all of them !
Breakfast in bed (your favorite) , lunch is all of your favorites , and so is dinner ! He loves the little faces you make when eating the stuff you love.
He definitely put rose pedals in your room. He gave you so many gifts throughout the day that you didn't have enough room for them all ! Chocolate , flowers , etc.
He makes the entire day about the both of you. He hugs you and kisses you all day !
He even sets up a candle lit bath for the both of you. Roses around the tub , warm bubble bath , and some exotic sweets for the both of you.
He , like Robin , has to have his hands on you the entire time. He loves you so , so much.
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Surgeon of Death: Trafalgar D. Water Law
He didn't even remember that it was Valentine's Day until you gave him a gift.
He felt horrible for forgetting about it. He had been so , so busy with his studies. And what he was going to do about Kaido.
He makes it up to you by docking at the neatest island and taking you out to eat. Even though he doesn't like PDA or public affection.
He gives you a rose while his face is LIT UP with red. He's so embarrassed. Shh he's trying his best.
When you guys came back to the Polar Tang , he tries to finish his studies but allows you to be in there with him.
Once he's done , he bathes and goes to sleep with you. He's probably the little spoon . . .
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Eustass "Captain" Kid
He's . . Horrible . . At romantic stuff.
He gives you a little heart trinket while blushing madly.
He brings you out to eat (and almost burned the place down because of the way people looked at you).
He asks Killer for advice. He doesn't know what he's doing , at all. He tries to follow what he said to do , but he fails. He's trying , don't blame him.
He held you close the entire day and made sure everyone knew that he was your boyfriend.
Though he won't admit it , his heart is racing like crazy. If you point it out , he'll yell and deny it.
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Firefist: Portgas D. Ace
When you guys docked on the closest island , he took you on a picnic date ! He asked Thatch to make your favorites and his favorites.
He took one of your shared blankets and sat near the sea.
He never believed he could be loved , but you proved him wrong. That's why this day is so important to him.
He brought flowers ! A whole bouquet. He won't say it , but he used your money for it since he was out.
Anyways. He held you the entire time (when he wasn't asleep) , and you guys both had very heartfelt conversations.
You guys fell asleep together , counting the stars and talking about how each line of stars reminds you of something different.
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Fire Emperor: Sabo
He had been planning what he'd do for a while too.
He pretended like he forgot. Once you "reminded" him , he acted surprised.
Eventually , he surprised you with a romantic date at an expensive fancy restaurant.
Dragon gave him the funds for it ! He encouraged you both and smiled as he walked out.
He even made a tray of your favorite sweets ! Even though he's not the best baker , he tried his best.
He tries to make you smile the ENTIRE time. He just loves how you look ! Rather you have an upward smile , an upside down smile , a chubby face with a smile , or a skinny face with a smile , he loves it all. He loves YOU.
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keirawantstocry · 3 months
Hi hi, tis I, 💋anon, yet again back with another Thought. Your writing continues to be Fantastic AHHHHH. All the kisses for you.
I have no real premise for this other than p l e a s e but- someone mentioned when fit and pac were Cricling Tubbo and complimenting him. And then The Suit happened and I just- if they reacted that way to him changing a Shirt what would they do seeing him in a Suit (either the black or white one they were both Good mans is too attractive). Did they get him in the suit? did one of them? did someone else??? is there an event???
Hope you're having a good day (that you get un-sick soon, sounds like it fuckin sucks) :>
still sick but im chugging vitamin water and gatorade like its nobodys business :) also i have history in a fandom with 1800's and 1900's fashion so i leaned a bit into my past with TLH to come up with this outfit idea. i doubt many mcyters know it but google matthew fairchild and thats the inspo for the outfit!
Tubbo felt out of place to say the least. He wouldn't go as far to say he was uncomfortable but the suit on his body felt strange. It was the women’s idea. Niki was the one who decided to host the get-together, Bagi and Tina the ones who decided everyone had to dress up. The children loved the idea, absolutely loved it. Tubbo spent an hour with Sunny dressing her in the finest dress he could possibly get for her. She was a sight. Dressed in a beautiful moss green dress with golden detailing. Her hair was piled on top of her head with lovely golden flowers threading through her curls. “You look beautiful, poppet.” 
Sunny grinned at him before grabbing at his hands. She dragged him over to his closet and started digging through the suits. 
“Oh no, princess. I don’t want to wear something complicated.” 
She gave him a look that warranted absolutely no arguing and now here he was, dressed up. The undershirt was crisp white and the waistcoat on top a deep swirling green that matched Sunny’s dress, a simple black jacket topping it all. She had insisted. He would do anything for his princess and she damn well knew it. 
The party was beautiful. Fairy lights strung up all over the walls with tables of food in every corner of the large room. Mouse greeted them when they walked in. “Tubbo! Sunny! Hey, guys.” 
“Hey, Mouse,” Tubbo greeted back as Sunny waved happily. 
“Awww,” came Niki’s voice from behind them. “Sunny, you look absolutely gorgeous.” 
“Thank you!” she signed. 
Tubbo felt a strange type of pressure on him all of a sudden, like someone was watching him very closely. Peering around the room at all the guests he tried to figure out who it was. His answer came only a moment later as he saw Pac and Fit making a beeline for him. 
“Oi!” Pac said cheerily, his eyes glued on Tubbo’s suit. 
Tubbo had to resist the urge to squirm. “Hey, Pac.” 
Fit was utterly silent, eyeing him up and down as Pac smiled at Sunny. “Oi, Sunny, there’s uh a chocolate fountain over there.” He looked up pointedly at Niki who’s eyebrows shot up. “Niki, why don’t you show her the fountain?” 
Niki and Mouse quickly glanced between the three of them before at each other with knowing expressions. “Yeah, of course,” Mouse said, taking one of Sunny’s hands as Niki took the other. “Let’s get you some sweets, princess.” 
Tubbo rubbed his thumb repeatedly into the palm of his other hand in a nervous stim as he looked at the both of them. “Um, what’s up guys?” 
Neither of them were looking him in the eyes and every place their eyes dipped to felt like it was on fire. “You look really good,” Fit said in a low voice, finally looking him in the eye. His eyes were dark. “Really good.” 
Tubbo flushed. “Uh, thanks?” 
Pac nodded and nodded, absentmindedly before he took a step forward and grabbed Tubbo by the waist, running his hands over the expensive material of the waistcoat. His eyes got even wider as soon as he got his hands on the other man and Tubbo had to admit something in his chest was very pleased about this whole interaction. “So good,” he said softly. Pac's eyes were giving the impression he wanted to eat him alive and it made Tubbo shudder, suddenly feeling very warm in the suit. “You should uh come home with us later yeah?” 
Tubbo stared at him, jaw agape. “Uh, uh.” He glanced quickly over at Fit who was still blatantly checking him out. “Yeah? Yeah um sure.” 
“Good,” Pac said smoothly, running his hands down his sides once before finally pulling them away. He winked. “Meet us after the party.” 
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froggibus · 1 year
Valentine's Day HCs - Ashe, Brigitte, D.VA, Kiriko, Mercy, Widowmaker
Includes: Ashe, Brigitte, D.Va, Kiriko, Mercy and Widowmaker
Summary: what your OW gf would do for you for Valentine's day
CW: gn! reader, fluff, just some cutesy hcs of what your OW s/o would do for Valentine's, some allusion to the lore
pt2 of my valentine's day content for you guys! i was up til 3 trying to finish these but kinda gave up ngl and went to bed but i mostly finished up!
OW Men Ver. + Valentine's 2023 Masterlist
acts like she’s Too Cool™️ for Valentine’s Day 
but on the inside she’s secretly making a big deal of it cause all she really wants is to make you happy and show how much she loves you!!
definitely gets Bob’s help to get everything and set it all up
she’s so nonchalant about it that you’re shocked when she shows up at your place with a bouquet of flowers 
“get your jacket, I got somethin to show you.”
you reluctantly follow her out, pleasantly surprised that she came through for you
she takes you back to her place where her and Bob have practically completely redecorated 
there’s sweet smelling candles lining every flat surface, rose petals across the floor and hearts hanging from the ceiling
waiting for the two of you at the coffee table are dishes of all your favorite snacks
she definitely had Bob make you chocolate covered strawberries 
she feeds them to you too with this cute little blush across her cheeks and nose
also there’s champagne
fruity bubbly pink champagne that she seems to have endless bottles of 
and when you’re all warm and giggly and drunk, cuddled up in her arms, she lets her tough exterior drop 
“oh sweet pea, i think you’re gonna be the death of me”
she’s so nervous!!!
like she really wants this to go good and show you how much she appreciates you, but she doesn’t really know how
probably makes the mistake of asking her dad and Reinhardt for advice 
and after Reinhardt suggests “a really big hammer” she decides to go her own way with it
spends days tinkering in her workshop to make something for you
of course Mitzi is purring and rolling all over her tools while she’s trying to build 
accidentally ignored you because she’s so caught up in her work
she finishes it just in time for Valentine’s Day
you plan on surprising her for Valentines so you’re surprised when she shows up with a little box for you
she’s practically vibrating while she waits for you to open it 
when you do, you see it’s metal figurines of the two of you on your first date 
the sheer amount of detail in it makes you gasp
there’s a plaque on the front that says “The Moment I Knew I Loved You”
you look up at her with big teary eyes and throw your arms around her 
she hugs you super tightly 
“so you like it, right? Cause I was worried it was too much or not enough and I just—I really wanted this to go good for us.”
she’s such a dork she probably plans out this whole day for the two of you together 
she’s kinda nervous taking you out in case she gets mobbed by paparazzi 
but she really wants to show you a good time so she sets her fear aside
takes you to the shops downtown to get  cute matching pyjamas for your sleepover tonight 
you guys stop to get hotteoks for a snack too!! 
they’re one of her favorite snacks so you treat her to one 
then you guys head to the grocery store to pick up some snacks and drinks for the night 
queue Hana stocking up on Mountain Dew (but she gets the Spark kind to fit into the Valentine’s Day theme)
you guys get home and build a little pillow and blanket Fort on the floor with all your snacks and stuff
Hana turns on her console and the two of you end up playing games together 
definitely some sort of cutesy two player game where you guys can work as a team 
and even if you make mistakes, Hana just kisses your cheek and carries you through
“so, how was this for Valentine’s Day? Did I win?” 
she is definitely the type to want to do something for Valentine’s  
but gets so busy with work and crime fighting that she just forgets 
so she plans a date for the two of you at the last minute 
gets you a box of gourmet donuts from her favorite shop and heads over to your house on her bike
she was kinda nervous to ask you to be her Valentine cause she’s never really had one
plus she’s worried what she’s planned won’t be enough
but all of that melts away when she picks you up and sees your smile at the cute little fox donuts she gives you
she doesn’t let on what she has planned, but she has her bike waiting outside with an extra helmet for you
she actually takes you all the way across town to a karaoke/ramen bar!
they’re doing a Valentine’s Special for karaoke where its duets only, and it only takes a second of your girlfriend making puppy dog eyes at you to get you up on the stage
she surprises you by choosing one of your favorite duet songs and having near perfect choreography
her dancing and singing is just so fun and cute that it’s infectious and you start trying to dance with her
even if you stumble a bit she still thinks its adorable
also everyone in the restaurant loves you guys
after that, you guys have a few drinks and some yummy ramen before she surprises you with a promise ring
its just a simple silver band with a blue jewel (like the colour of her fox) engraved into it
“I know it’s not much…but I wanted you to always have a piece of me with you. I have the fox spirit to guide me, so I thought maybe you could have something to guide you.”
she’s a busy, busy woman, but she’ll fight to have time off so she can spend it with you 
very traditional as far as her dates go, but that doesn’t mean boring by any means
she’s super organized too, so she’ll plan everything ahead of time to make sure it all goes off without a hitch
definitely splurges and gets you a box of super yummy Swiss chocolates 
I feel like she would definitely get you some sort of jewellery too, like a necklace with wings or something 
she has a dinner reservation at a super romantic, intimate restaurant 
she leaves you a cute little gift bag on your bed for when you get home, and its just a super nice outfit for you to wear out
you’re super excited for what she has planned, and that only gets better when she comes to pick you up
she’s wearing a silky black slip dress and heals, dressed to the absolute nines
honestly she looks good enough to eat
you guys take a cab to the restaurant so you can thoroughly enjoy it and actually drink
Angela picks out a delicious red wine for the two of you to share over dinner
she definitely holds your hand across the table and runs her thumbs over them
the food is amazing and you guys have just a little too much wine over dinner
Angela holds her alcohol well though and manages to tough it out until you get home 
she wanted to surprise you with gifts, but didn’t want to do it in public so she could actually enjoy your reaction to them
probably the one night of the year she lets herself get a little more kinky in bed too lol
“How was it, darling? I wanted to give you a date you deserve.”
she hasn’t celebrated a single Valentine’s Day since before Gerard died 
he was the only person she ever had any desire to celebrate with, and because of what Talon did to her, she never had a chance again
until she meets you of course
she probably doesn’t celebrate it with you until you’ve been together for a while either
but when she’s ready, she wants to go all out 
she makes reservations at the best restaurant in France (and spares no expense)
she picks you up in a limo, the back filled with candy hearts and kisses, with a fridge stocked with rosé and champagne 
she pours you a glass when you get in, her eyes taking you in
“you look stunning, my love.”
by the time you get to the restaurant, you’re a little tipsy and completely flustered
she orders for you, getting you her favorite dish (and it’s quite possibly the most delicious thing you’ve had in your whole life)
she definitely splits dessert with you too
she feeds you little spoonfuls 
takes you back to her place for the night and shows you her favorite movie as a girl
“thank you for tonight, mon amour. you are the warmth of my life.”
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thepixelelf · 2 years
25¢ Magic
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Genres: fluff, romance, friends-to-lovers, mans-in-love-disease Pairing: Reader & Wonwoo (Seventeen) Words: 2.6k Warnings: other than some food mentions, none! all fluff 💕 Notes: yet another recasted fic sorry!! I reread the original last night and imagined it with wonwoo and liked it too much 😖 (i changed a couple things to be more inclusive since the original is a way older work! if there are any mistakes regarding inclusivity, please let me know!)
Wonwoo needed a little magical intervention. Definitely not for you. For his eyes. Yeah. His eyes.
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Magic 25¢
Through his glasses, Wonwoo eyed the sign above the tiny corner shop as he stood there, debating whether or not to enter. You'd recommended the place to him a few weeks ago, even though you'd never bought the so-called "magic" yourself. According to you, the sorceress inside fixed whatever problem she deemed fit, all for the low low price of practically nothing.
At first, Wonwoo had brushed off your suggestion, scoffing at the idea of a mythical being actually solving his life problems, but now, he wasn't so sure. He couldn't be certain what exactly brought him there, to the small store in the middle of the bustling city, though he had his suspicions.
Lately, you'd been occupying his thoughts in weird ways. He had no idea why, but one day -- and he couldn't tell you which one -- he started looking for you whenever he found something funny or saw something beautiful, or thinking he'd seen you in a busy crowd when really you were never there at all; things like that. It confused him more than he would care to admit. You were his friend, yes. Someone he cared about more than most, but recently you got yourself a position in Wonwoo's heart that no friend has ever touched before. It scared him. What were you doing?
So he'd come to the corner shop. desperate for some sort of relief. The tinted windows and seemingly decrepit interior almost made him change his mind, but the brain-racking problem that was you made him enter.
A pervasive scent wafted up to Wonwoo's nose when he opened the door, smelling like rosewater and oranges. The shop was brightly lit, with various plants and flowers either placed on every available surface or hanging from the ceiling. Gold accents came in the form of geometric wires in various shapes accompanying the flower pots or hanging above the windows. From what Wonwoo could see, the only spot not covered with greenery was a marble counter near the back, which housed a silver service bell.
Before he could ring the bell, a girl popped up from behind the counter, startling him enough to jump back at her sudden appearance. She wore a plain white t-shirt and light wash jeans, matching the shop's simple feel, but her bright pink hair covered her face, and she spent a few seconds just getting it out of the way.
"Hi!" she greeted cheerfully, blowing the last few strands of stray hair away from her face. "Do you have a quarter?"
"Are you... the sorceress?"
She chuckled, a light sort of laugh that you do in front of people you aren't close to. "Sure am! I'm not what you expected, huh?"
Wonwoo didn't want to admit that he expected a haggish old woman wearing torn black rags and looking half past death, so he kept his mouth shut. Instead, he took a quarter from his back pocket and slid it across the counter.
"I'm guessing you know the drill; you give the quarter and I fix whatever I think you need most." She took the quarter and placed it somewhere under the marble counter, then pointed at a little table in the opposite corner of the shop, right next to the windows. "Have a seat. I'll be right back with some tea."
When she returned with two steaming teas in fine china cups, she sat in front of Wonwoo and looked into his eyes. He pursed his lips, not knowing exactly what to say, but also not wanting to turn away.
"I've decided. I'm going to fix your eyesight."
Wonwoo's fingers unconsciously fixed his glasses, though they weren't skewed in the first place. "My... eyesight?"
"Yup!" Her smile was soft, nothing like what Wonwoo expected before he came in. "Right now, it's what you need more than anything else."
Well, who was he to argue with a sorceress? It wasn't like he was going to straight-up ask her to fix his you problem. He was too shy to just give himself away like that to a total stranger. Maybe this really was what he needed. Though, he actually started to like his glasses after you said they made him look like, quote, "boyfriend material".
"So, if you would just take off your glasses--" the girl said, taking a sip of her tea. "--then I can get started."
Hesitantly, Wonwoo pulled his glasses from his face, placing them down on the wooden tabletop. From a little metal box that Wonwoo hadn't noticed before, she procured a small glass bottle, filled halfway with a lilac-coloured dust that sparkled in the sunlight. It was only then that Wonwoo questioned the windows . They looked tinted from the outside, and... the shop looked empty through them, but now they were clear and letting in plenty of sunlight, and the shop was clearly anything but empty. Was this really magic?
His eyesight wasn't that bad, he thought, especially since he could tell what she was doing when she pulled out the cork and poured some of the dust into her palm. She struggled for a second to plug the cork back one-handed and stick it back in the box.
"Keep your eyes open, please."
Without a second warning, she blew onto her palm, raising the dust off her hand and straight into Wonwoo's eyes. He flinched, falling back in his chair as he coughed. Through squinted eyes, he watched her gulp down the rest of her tea and pack up, then stand from her chair and walk away towards the counter.
"That's all. It should take effect by tomorrow morning."
With another smile, she disappeared into some sort of back room, leaving Wonwoo to wonder why the hell he ever followed your advice in the first place.
Wonwoo couldn't deny that he was a little excited to not need his glasses anymore. Sure, he didn't mind wearing them at all, but updating prescriptions costs a lot of money, and keeping them clean was a whole other ordeal. So, when he got up to make breakfast, he left his room with upturned lips, his glasses still on his bedside table.
It was only partway into breakfast -- when he tried to look at the clock on his oven and couldn't tell time -- that he realized his eyesight wasn't fixed at all. Same blurry vision, same nearsightedness. What happened? Had he been ripped off? But who on earth would scam someone for 25 cents?
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his buzzer. He walked over to the door, pressing the camera button to see a pixelated version of you standing right in front of it, a big bag in your hands as you waved towards the camera.
He buzzed you in, not thinking much of it. You had a habit of showing up out of the blue.
"Wonwoo!" you greeted happily when he opened the door. "Are you ready?"
In the time you took to get up the stairs to his apartment, he'd found his glasses and put them on, as well as cleaned up breakfast. But ready? He wasn't ready.
As soon as he'd opened the door, you shined like you never had before, like a sunset glimmering off the ocean horizon. It very nearly blinded him. Your smile seemed so bright, and when you frowned at his lack of response (aside from wide eyes and a slack jaw) he had this surging feeling that he absolutely needed you to smile again.
Though, your pout put him in just as much awe in a different, alluring way.
"Don't tell me you forgot," you whined, bottom lip jutted out. "You promised we'd go to the carnival today."
He couldn't stop staring. Your eyes, your cheeks, your lips. All of you drew him in, and he couldn't say why.
Snapping out of his reverie, he blinked a few times to clear his vision, but nothing changed. You still looked...
He stammered, trying to get back to himself. The regular Wonwoo, not the one stumbling over the sight of you. "What... huh?"
You rolled your eyes, a move from you that Wonwoo always liked, and today was no exception. Except, this time, he almost lost himself again just with that one action.
"The carnival? C'mon, you promised, so get dressed. We're leaving in ten minutes." Grunting, you used all of your might to push Wonwoo through his small apartment into his room and closed the door between you.
Once you were out of sight, Wonwoo stumbled backwards into his room and practically fell onto his bed, head in his hands. What the hell was happening to him? You looked exactly the same as you always did. Your face was the same, your style of clothes, the way your eyes moved with each expression. So what changed?
Whatever. Wonwoo assured himself that all these weird feelings would fade soon enough. He was probably just tired.
"So," you started once he stepped out of his room. "I've made a one-hundred percent foolproof plan so we can go on every single ride and hit every stall I want. Plus, I've written down our choices of what to buy so we stay within budget."
You were already halfway out the door before he could respond, giant carnival map held in both hands.
Wonwoo had a hard time concentrating on the carnival with you right next to him. He'd started noticing little things he'd never picked up on before, like the way your smile grew half a centimetre wider after you scored a single point at a stall game, or the way your eyes screwed shut when you screamed on a rollercoaster. Normally, Wonwoo could barely handle keeping his own eyes open on rollercoasters, but this time he just couldn't keep them off you.
It was by the time you bought food that you noticed something was up.
"Are you okay? You've been quiet all morning," you asked him as you sat down with your lunch. (Not the healthiest thing in the world, but hey, that's what carnivals are for.)
The concern on your face reminded him of something. He didn't know what it was, exactly, but he knew he both liked it in a weird way and wanted you to never feel concern ever again. "I'm fine." He sat up straight. "Just... thinking about something."
"Oh? Like what?" You chewed on your food, leaning forward on your elbows and propping your chin in your palm. Why did he find every single thing you did endearing?
"It's nothing," he assured you, though he was mostly trying to convince himself that. He needed to switch up the subject -- far far away from his feelings -- otherwise he might just burst. "I heard you beat Seungcheol at Mario Kart yesterday."
Your face lifted as you sported a triumphant smile, launching into the riveting story of how you finally won a grand prix against Seungcheol for the first time. Wonwoo concentrated on your storytelling for only a few seconds before he got lost in your eyes and how they sparkled like a thousand, no, a million stars.
"And the, when he asked for a rematch, I stood up and went, 'I'm king now! Your words hold no power here!' so he chased me around his entire apartment, that brat!" You waved your hands around to illustrate your story. "It's okay though, 'cause guess what? I won a second time for our rematch! Gosh, it was so satisfying."
"Really? That's cool." Wonwoo tried to react instead of just staring at the way your skin looked today.
"Uh huh... and then he kicked me out of his house."
"Oh, nice." Your furrowed brows were so adorable.
"Yeah, and then David Bowie rose from his grave just to serenade me as I walked home."
"That's fun." You've got something on your lip; Wonwoo wouldn't mind helping--
You clapped your hands in front of his face. "Wonwoo!"
Jolting up, Wonwoo blinked a few times, but the beguiling you didn't disappear. "What-- what?!"
"You're spacing out on me! Are you okay? Do you have a cold or something? Why didn't you tell me?!" You reached out your hand to his forehead, brushing underneath his hair to feel his temperature. "Oh my god, you're burning up!"
Yes, he was feeling hot, but definitely not because of some fever.
"I'm taking you home. I can't believe you didn't tell me you were sick!" You grabbed his wrist and pulled him up, about to walk away and abandon your lunches.
Oh god. Oh no. If you took him home and started fawning over his "sickness", while looking this ethereal, Wonwoo would probably spontaneously combust.
"No, uh, no!" He wrenched himself from your grip. "I'm fine, really!"
Scrunching up your face, you mocked him, "'No, uh, no!' I think you mean: yes, uh, yes, because we're leaving. C'mon."
"No, we can do more. What about your foolproof plan? What about the rides? Let's keep going."
You crossed your arms and huffed. "I'm worried about you."
Were you trying to make him explode?
"I'm fine. Better than ever. I can do more."
"Are you sure?"
"One-hundred percent."
You sighed, uncrossing your arms. "Fine," you gave in. "We'll do one more ride. Just one."
"Great! What's next on your plan?"
Grabbing your paper map, you tried to read your own writing. You squinted at your plan. "Uh... next up is the Tunnel of Love."
Wonwoo choked on his own spit. "The what?!"
"The Tunnel of Love. I've heard it's really famous here."
"Why would we go in a Tunnel of Love?"
You crossed your arms again. "Because my friend told me it's really pretty on the inside. We could just go home, if that's what you want."
"No, no," Wonwoo said. "I'll go on it."
Your friend was right, it was really pretty on the inside. At least, you thought so. Wonwoo was too busy staring at you under the pink and red lights, oh and the reflection of the chandeliers and fairy lights in your eyes. Your smile was just as stunning as whatever the ride had to offer, in fact, he would argue that you were ten-- no a hundred times more stunning.
He liked the way you smiled and pointed at the things you thought were pretty. He liked the way you looked at him every time, just so you could see if he was enjoying himself, too. He liked the way your smile got wider when you saw his. He liked you.
He liked you.
"See, I knew you'd like it," you said cheekily. Your face looked so cheerful under the coloured lights. "Are you feeling any better?"
Wonwoo nodded. "I think I'm feeling..."
He always imagined falling in love to be something unexpected, like spilling coffee on someone in a cafe, or getting wrapped up in a dog leash with an attractive stranger, or meeting someone outside of a club who hated them as much as he did, but this was much better. Sure, seeing you in an entirely different way, in a whole new light than ever before was sudden. It was like falling into a pit trap with how quickly it happened, but unexpected? No. Wonwoo should've seen this coming.
I've decided. I'm going to fix your eyesight.
For the low, low price of practically nothing.
Without any warning, he leaned in and landed a sweet peck on your lips. "...much better."
"Oh, did you ever visit this place?" You gestured towards the Magic 25¢ sign. "I would, but I don't think I have any problems worth fixing right now." Peering through the dark windows, you furrowed your brows at the seemingly empty shop. "It looks closed..."
Wonwoo pulled his hand up, yours in tow with your fingers interlocked in his. He placed a quick kiss on the back of your hand, smiling. "Maybe, but I bet she works wonders."
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mlink64 · 6 months
Girl-Dad Hongjoong
Yes I know you can do this stuff with a baby boy too (and you bet your ass Joong would) but I'm dying at the thought of Hongjoong being an absolute simp for his little princess and hiudhsvubi
Now that that's out of the way...
Crying when she's born and he gets to hold her for the first time
His eyes swimming with all the memories he wants to make with this tiny human
Always having heart-eyes for his little girl...always
He could be changing a soiled diaper and still have heart eyes
Just staring at the baby for hours, completely in awe that he helped bring her into the world
But also getting super anxious as 'what if's swirl through his head
Channeling all his fears into incredibly heartfelt songs that he sings to her as lullabies
Sitting at a tiny little table wearing a toy crown and earrings while his baby girl serves him imaginary tea with the cutest little tea set ever (that Hongjoong totally personalized for her)
She would be the most well-dressed toddler istg
Always looks forward to their cute morning ritual of him picking her outfits from a big-ass closet (seriously, this man would LIVE for buying and customizing baby clothes)
But like, if she wants to wear bunny ears or smthin with whatever chic outfit Joong picks out she will and he'll let her
Probably even encourages her to pick out wacky, unique pieces to add some pizzazz to the fit
Daddy-Daughter dates!
Gives her flowers, takes her shopping or to see a movie or something, always getting ice cream on the way home
Mans is wrapped around her finger so tightly you have to force him to leave whenever y'all drop her off somewhere
He will 110% cry on her first day of school
He's like the classroom mom to end all classroom moms
Definitely the Dad that all the teachers and other Moms (and Dads) are in love with...every single one
Like, you know the scene in "The Game Plan" where the Rock's character is sitting in the dance studio and all the moms are like lusting after him? Yeah...every day
Then when she gets older it continues, only now her friends are crushing on her Dad too (DILF Hongjoong anyone?)
But ofc he doesn't even notice, too engrossed in watching his baby do her thing
Going all out for Daddy-Daughter Dances
Buys her a new dress and accessories, making sure he has pieces to match, giving her a cute little corsage that he probably made (or at least designed) Himself
Protective!Dad Hongjoong 24/7
It's not much of a problem when she's little, but when she gets older and boys (or girls) and crushes are a thing watch tf out
I feel like he would have like a sixth sense for judging peoples' characters and if someone gives him a weird vibe he'll keep a closer eye on them
Never says "I told you so" when she comes to him in tears when someone is actually a shit human
Just makes some tea and brings her blankets or plushies or something
He WILL hold a grudge against anyone who hurts his baby girl
Even if she forgives and forgets...he will not...
Tries not to spoil the shit out of her but honestly can't help it
Always buying pretty gifts for her, plushies, jewelry, clothes...the list goes on
Tries to foster a love for music and the arts from a young age
Piano lessons, dance classes, etc.
Always wants to do crafts with her and probably having a whole art room that's more often than not covered in glitter and ribbon
Hyping up everything she makes
Always wearing the things she makes for him
Literally styles outfits around pasta necklaces and decorated ties
Family trips to the nail salon to get matching manicures
Dancing with her standing on his feet
Gets more excited for dino nuggies than she does
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spidergutz-writes · 1 year
HI BESTIEEEEEE!!! soo i was wondering if you could do some hcs for me, specifically i was wondering if you could do which bnha characters would like a fem s/o (not female, just feminine) for me 🥺 like a s/o who likes do their makeup and hair and dress super girly or stuff like that
Now, I am a firm believer that Mirio would be absolutely head over heals for you. He loves how cute you always look, and he just thinks that pink goes so well with you!
10/10 he would spoil you with so many gifts. He’s always buying you Make-up. He also loves watching you do your Make-up
100% brags to others about you. Always showing you off, I mean, why wouldn’t he? He’s just so happy that your his!
”your just so pretty! How could I not stare at you?” feels like not staring at you is a crime.
shinsou is always enamored by your style. He thinks your an angel, sent from the heavens solely for him.
will find nice pink flowers to leave on your desk, or kitchen table.
Definitely calls you princess, no matter your gender. He just thinks it fits!
Sometimes, he’ll help you pick out your outfits, giving a small nod or grunt of approval when you show him your outfits
“you can’t like them all the same! I really need you to help me pick!”
“but they all look so nice on you, princess.. :(“
Toga would love you so much. She likes that you two can match!
definitely goes on shopping stealing sprees with you.
I think she’d try to get everyone else to join in on your guy’s style, but shiggy will very quickly shut it down. Jin might join in
When toga runs out of clothes, or ruins them she always steals from you, so expect to come home with her in your skirts and tank tops.
“your clothes are soooo much cuter than mine! It’s only fair that you share!”
Fatgum doesn’t understand how you can be so gosh darned CUTE?
Seriously, your going to give this poor man an aneurism. Yknow that moment when you think something’s so cute ya wanna squeeze it reaaaaalll hard? Yeah that’s how he feels. Always looking for a reason to complement you.
he loves how girly you are. It’s just so cute to him.
calls you cutie all the time. It’s basically your new name.
“Well, I think it’s only right that I give you a fitting nickname, my cutie 🥰 “
you can’t convince me that miruko wouldn’t love your style to an absolute.
she’s always complementing you, telling you how much she loves your style.
will pick you up randomly just to mumble how cute you look in your all pink outfit <3
she Carry’s you a lot, she doesn’t want your pretty outfit to get messed up! :(
definitely likes that you wear pink. She thinks it complements her hero costume colors.
will do your makeup for you <3 she has such a steady hand.
“my sweet bunny, I’d love to help with anything<3”
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
hi! how are you? ⋆˙⟡♡
i was wondering if i can request a romantic male atsv matchup please?
i’m a girl, 19, aries, enfp, my pronouns are she/her. i could be really shy sometimes due to my bad anxiety, but mostly i’m very sweet and bubbly person, i’m super affectionate with people who i love. i’m also very sensitive and emotional person too. 
my height is 5’5, i have a petite figure, have some boob, long brown hair and green eyes, 
i would describe my style as a hyperfeminine. i’m polyglot and i speak 6 languages, and i’m studying linguistics in uni. my other passions are makeup, cinematography and music ofc! i’m obsessed with rabbits and bunnies ₍⑅ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡ overall, i love cute things, such as clothes, accessories, makeup, stuffies and etc.
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. 
thank you and have a nice day <3
Hi there! :D I hope your day is even better!! <3 (and dw about your English, it’s flawless!!) Without further ado, I match you with:
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A handful of headcanons!
He loves how emotional and sensitive you can be
With your emotional-ness and his dark, brooding personality, you guys have a lot of deep talks
Life, death, dreams, disappointments—anything and everything that resides in the deeper parts of your minds
On that note, he appreciates that you’re a fellow intellectual
He loves to explore intellectual topics in discussion as well as emotional ones, so you’re a perfect fit; you can do both!
Conversations with you are the kindling to the warmth your relationship
As for your shyness, that’s not a problem for him
He’s not exactly a socialite himself, so he won’t be dragging you to parties or anything
But he’s not nervous around people like you are, so when you do go out in public, he takes the lead
Though he really doesn’t like socializing all that much, he’s more than glad to do it for you
He also loves taking care of you in general
He sees you as a delicate flower, small (in comparison to him, at least) and in need of guarding
He knows you’re the one when you return the favor :)
Being Spider-Man is hard work, and being able to come home to someone who’s soft and kind is the best thing in the world for him
He’s a pretty masculine guy, so he doesn’t take much interest in your more feminine side
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t support you!!
He’ll often surprise you with some new makeup or a bunny plush, just to see your face light up
His nicknames for you include “dear,” “my flower,” and “my love”
He loves to be called “dear,” “honey,” and “my hero”
A little drabble!
The window flew open, a cold drift blasting through the living room. Drops of rain dribbled onto the carpet, soon overshadowed by the moisture pouring off a black trench coat that slipped through the opening.
The window clicked shut again, and all was quiet save for the ragged breathing of the man in the coat.
You stood up from your reclined position on the couch, hurrying over to him.
“You’re back,” you smiled, opening your arms and wrapping them around his middle. You hardly noticed the icy rain he was drenched in as it began soaking through your clothes.
“Yes, my love,” he breathed, still regaining the wind in his lungs. “Tonight was hard.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” You pulled away, looking with sincere concern into his goggles.
He pulled off his mask, revealing a pained expression that just about split your heart in two.
“Oh, Peter…” you buried your face in his shoulder again, rubbing circles on his back.
You pulled away reluctantly after a moment. “Let me make you something warm to drink, then you can tell me all about it.”
The smallest of smiles curved his thin lips, and he leaned down to kiss you. “That sounds perfect. Let me change into something more suitable. Something that doesn’t leave you sopping wet, at least.” A little glimmer in his eye made you giggle as you finally let go, leaving him to change.
You positioned yourself on the couch with two mugs of tea resting on the coffee table. Peter sat on the ground in front of you, wrapping his arms around your hips and occasionally leaning his head against your thigh as he spoke. He didn’t need the tea; your sympathy was far more warming than a hot drink could ever be.
And… a song!
We Belong Together (Ritchie Valens)
You're mine
And we belong together
Yes, we belong together
For eternity
You're my, my baby
And you'll always be
I swear by everything I own
You'll always, always be mine
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I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for your support, lovely!!
(divider by saradika)
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i-fondued · 1 year
Ghost | Sinners in Secret - Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty Four - The Wedding Ceremony Incident Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Reader/Sister of Sin x Papa “Terzo” Emeritus III Rating: Explicit Warnings: Plot, smut, etc. See AO3 for full list of tags! A/N: we have FINALLY arrived at the wedding!! it has been a long, long road to get here and now that writers block has let go of me finally I think I'll be able to finish this story strong <3 thank you all for sticking this out with me, this story has been a full labor of love and I've loved everyone's support over the last few months so much.
As always, this chapter is has been reviewed by my beta, @lurancyvenom whom I love! However, as always I snuck this out only half edited because I’m a terror and you should all know how terrible I am!
“Prime Mover Elizabeth, these just arrived for you Ma’am.”
I jumped as someone suddenly spoke to me and I turned to find two of Terzo’s ghouls, whose names I was unfamiliar with, coming to place two massive bouquets on the table behind the sofa. 
“Oh, thank you.” I smiled as I took a deep breath; inhaling the intoxicating scent of gardenias, orange blossoms, and roses that made up the bouquets. “Does it say who they are from?”
“One from Papa Emeritus the Third and the other from Cardinal Copia, Ma’am.” 
Oh, of course they would send me the most extravagant flowers only hours before we’d be wed. 
It was finally here, the day I’d been longing for after all these weeks and months. A thrill went up my spine as I smiled, walking over to my flowers and brushing my thumb gently over the petals. I’d just finished getting buffed, waxed, polished and shined for the last time. The Sisters that had been part of my court and had been helping me all week had been filled with joy and laughter, but were also on the verge of tears as we parted after spending so much time together. We’d become close the four of us, despite everything that had happened, and I’d promised them I’d write to them once I was back at the Abbey at home. They had told me, tears brimming in their eyes as we all talked over each other, that they would be eagerly awaiting the announcement of the next member of the Emeritus brood. I blushed profusely as we parted and they left me alone with my thoughts, jitters and beautiful flowers as I waited for Sister Imperator to retrieve Swiss who would be my escort to the ceremony.
“Satan be good…” Sister Imperator’s voice caught my attention as she came back into the suite with Swiss only moments behind her. 
“Holy shit, Sunshine…” he cursed, finishing with a low whistle of approval. I blushed bright red, heart pounding in my chest. “You look…woah…”
“You like it?” I teased, turning back and forth slightly to show off the dress. “Sister Imperator, you did say to go big or go home…”
“Go big wasn’t a challenge, but my word, we really outdid ourselves with this one,” Imperator chuckled, crossing her arms and resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. “You look like an absolute vision my dear…”
My wedding dress had been the longest process to put together, both Imperator and I taking our time picking fabrics and designs together. It had taken a week for us to settle on a look, and it was the last garment to be delivered to my room only the morning of the ceremony. 
The dress was form fitting, looking almost painted on, until the smallest part of my waist where the skirt floated outwards in a 50s bustle silhouette. It was made entirely from a sheer golden beaded fabric, light and airy on its own, but extremely heavy when made into the gown I was wearing, with a matching golden silk under fabric. It had a sweeping portrait neckline with a sheer portion coming up over my chest and neck, which gave the illusion that I had a choker made of shimmering diamonds and golden stardust sprinkled over my chest and cleavage. We’d decided to add on sleeves made of the same fabric without the silk underlayer; they were skin tight all the way down my arms and came dramatically to a point over the tops of my hands. The skirts were long and had a mid-length train, but the crowning glory was the veil.
It was pinned slightly back from my hairline and made of the same sheer beaded and embellished fabric as my dress, and was royal length. It trailed behind me, much like every other veil I’d worn this week, and hidden in the center of the train was a little secret. Obscured from the unknowing eye, buried in the beading was our new familial crest. It had been designed by myself and Sister Imperator, as there hadn’t been a thruple in many decades, and it was all of our three personal crests wound together in an art deco style. I was giddy to be able to show it off to Terzo and Copia later, but right now I was just jittery with emotions and nerves. 
Because my dress had been so elaborate we’d kept my make up simple, just a natural look with light and airy eye make-up and a blush lipstick. My hair had been pulled back to a large bun at the nape of my neck, the front slicked back to hold my loose hairs in place. After the ceremony I already knew I’d be ushered away before the reception to change into yet another gown, something I could actually move around in and dance with other people with. 
“Alright, Prime Mover, let’s get you ready to go, we leave in five minutes,” Imperator said happily, clapping her hands as she started to leave the room, pausing to look back at me again with a wry smile. “Let me find your court, the ladies left to get dressed and should be back already.” 
Stepping to my side and taking my offered arm, Swiss cocked his head to the side with a peculiar look in his eyes. “You ready, Sunshine?” he asked quietly, his tone genuine but slightly teasing. “I can feel your heart pounding away, darlin’...”
“I’m fine, Swiss. Just nerves. A lot of important people are going to be there and it’s a big deal and I-” I rambled but there was a knock on the bedroom door and I paused as Sister Imperator peeked out and began tearing apart whoever was standing there. 
“-You cannot see Her Eminence right now, Cardinal, no matter how important the information is!” Ah, that caught my attention. I slipped away from Swiss, keeping myself to the side behind the door so he wouldn’t be able to see me. I bit my bottom lip as I eavesdropped on Copia’s growled part of the conversation. 
“Si, I cannot see her but I must speak with her…è molto importante!” His gritted, Italian parts coming out more like a growled command than a request. 
“I cannot even dare to risk the bad luck if you were to see her right now, I’m sorry Cardinal.” Imperator’s eyes drifted to me, narrowing as she began to say something else. I held my hand up and paused her before she could continue. 
“It’s alright Sister Imperator, we’ll speak like this. Why don’t you all head to where we’ll meet. Swiss can escort me after Cardinal Copia has left.” 
It was the first time I’d used what Swiss had dubbed as my ‘Highly Important Clergy Member’ voice and, much to my surprise, Sister nodded softly. 
“Your ghoul must stay here…you haven’t exactly been trustworthy in the past,” Imperator mumbled with an arched eyebrow, and I couldn’t help the blush on my cheeks.
“Of course, Sister Imperator.” 
With the sound of swishing fabrics and the soft clacking of shoes on the floor, Imperator swept out of the room with one last glare at Copia as she passed him. Once she was out of sight, Swiss was stationed to my left to block out the other side of the door just in case the other man tried to take a sneak-peek. 
“It’s just us, Copia…” I smiled, throat thick with unshed tears as I longed to rip open the door and leap into his arms. I ached for him, but kept reminding myself that in a few short hours we’d all be back together again. “What did you have to tell me? It must be pretty important if you risked a mauling from Sister Imperator.” 
“Amore…” He sighed, a soft thunk on the other side of the wood, and I knew deep down he had rested his head against the ornate carvings. Clearly he missed me too. “I…I may have put this off for too long, but I wanted to make sure you were well before I told you anything…”
“What is it?”
“I…Well…Lucifer brought more than just yourself back to this world the other day…”
“What do you mean?” My heart was racing, worry clear in my voice as I placed both hands on the door. What happened when I was recovering?
“He brought me…my ghoul,” he mumbled, so quietly I thought I’d misheard him at first.
“Your ghoul?” 
“Copia…you have a ghoul?” I was blown away for a moment as he mumbled another yes back to me. “This…this is wonderful news! Why didn’t you tell me sooner!?”
“You were so hurt, Amore. I did not want you to be worried or stressed out or overexert yourself.” Copia sighed, clearly exasperated but relieved to get this off his chest. I was somewhere between fuming and ecstatic. 
“Copia, I’m fine now. Why wouldn’t you want to share this with me? Because I’d been hurt? Swiss was worse off than I was.
“I did not want to make that day about me,” he said gruffly. “We were all thankful that you were okay.”
“Still Copia…you have a ghoul, your own ghoul, and I haven’t even met them yet!” 
“Don’t you Topolino me, I remember what Swiss was like when he first came earthside, he was like a lost puppy. Your ghoul must be beside himself…” I fumed, heels clacking against the stone floors as I stomped my foot like a child.
“Actually…” I could hear the amusement in his voice, which only made me even more angry. “He has been bound to me since I became a Cardinal, I just did not allow him to come to me at the time…” 
“Copia…” I started but I heard him sigh and he cut me off quickly, ending any rant I had incoming.
“What is done is done now, Amore. I was foolish but I understand now, si? I wanted to tell you about him so I would be able to introduce you before we leave tomorrow morning.” 
The Cardinal’s voice was clear that he thought the conversation was over. I was still ready for a fight, but the look in Swiss eyes told me Copia had already beat himself up over it enough that I didn’t have to keep it going. I sighed and tucked the anger to the side, remembering that today was our day, and all of us were staring down the finish line of a very emotionally changed week. 
“Fine…but I want to meet him before the reception or I will make a big scene like a bridezilla, okay?” I teased, his little chuckle on the other side of the door causing me to grin against my will. 
“Of course, Amore. Anything for you, si?”
There was a moment, a quiet pause and before I could even help myself the anxiety took over and I spoke in a small voice that surprised me. 
“Are you scared? About the ritual, our futures, the expectations…” 
“Terrorizzato, Amore.” He chuckled and I watched the familiar black leather gloved hand slip between the opening of the doors. “But we will do it together, yes? With Terzo too, naturalmente.”
I tentatively slipped my hand in his and my heart melted as he gave me a gentle squeeze. 
“Always. It will always be us,” I said, voice tight and watery as I fought the well of emotion that had bubbled up again. I cleared my throat as he let go of my hand and had to laugh to break the tension. “Speaking of Terzo, where the hell is he? I would have thought he would have been with you already.”
“He was still getting everything ready for the ritual, full of dramatics. When I left he was dressed in his shirt and socks, nothing else.”
I snorted back the laughter that sprung from my mouth at the image of Terzo and Swiss cleared his throat. 
“We need to head down to the chapel, Cardinal. You need to get ready as well.”
“Ah yes, yes. I am off.” Copia said, I could picture the little smirk on his face as he spoke. “I cannot wait to see you, Stellina.” 
“I can’t wait to see you too, beloved.” I blushed as I spoke, the nickname feeling foreign in my mouth. 
“Amati, eh?” He laughed, I could tell he was walking away from the door when he called back to me. “I could get used to a life being your amati, Sorella…”
“Swiss, your pacing is making me more anxious…”
Shortly after Copia had left us, my heart light from anxiety for the first time all day, Swiss and I had joined the others as we made our way down to the chapel for the last time. Just like the earlier rituals, there was much fanfare from the Siblings and ghouls who’d not been able to attend the actual ceremony. I felt like a goddess among men as we followed the path I knew deep down in my sleep; the way they all looked at me with reverent eyes and praying hands was both ego boosting, while also a solemn reminder of who I was to these people. My people. 
Suddenly the soothing classical music floating under the seam of the door changed into a more fitting and haunting melody, the organ clear as day in the space just beyond the doors. Swiss and I looked at each other and I couldn’t help the twinge of panic. Swiss instantly was in mother hen mode, clucking around me and making sure everything was perfectly in place. 
“You ready, Sunshine?” he smiled, the only sign of it behind the mask was the crinkle around his eyes. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be…but wher-?” I started, but before I could even finish my sentence the doors cracked open and the last person I’d have thought to see stepped through. “Secondo? Where is Primo?”
“I’m sorry, piccolo.” He sighed, looking down at me from his height with a grouchy expression. “My brother wanted to pass along that he wasn't feeling all that well and he didn’t trust his ‘old bones’ to make it down the aisle without hurting himself; so he sent me.”
“You?” I squeaked, but Secondo was glaring in the direction he just came from.
“Meddling old coot…” he mumbled under his breath as he moved to take my arm, and Swiss and I locked eyes. 
My ghoul shrugged, taking the bouquet from the side table and handing it to me. It was made up of flowers handpicked and selected by Primo and I. Almost unwieldy in its size; the bouquet was a long, cascading style made with all white roses, dahlias, peonies, and hydrangeas. Mixed in was lush greenery and baby’s breath, which made for the heaviest bouquet I’ve ever held, not that I had many in my hands. Wrapped around the stems was a grucifix in gold, a wedding day gift from the council. I had practically growled when I’d seen it but I was told it was apparently tradition to have them gift me a golden grucifix and I’d begrudgingly let it go.
I went to step forward as Swiss moved up to the doors, getting ready to open them, but paused as my companion didn’t move. 
“Secondo...?” I looked up at him curiously and he seemed to come back from the far off place that was lingering in his eyes.  
“Yes, Sist-excuse me…Prime Mover.” 
“What happened with Veritas was not your fault, Secondo.” I mumbled quietly, noting the way he looked at me like I was a fragile toy and he was a two year old left alone in the room. Like he was afraid I’d shatter if he held my gaze for too long. 
“I…I don’t feel that it is.” His eyes wouldn’t meet mine, looking away from my face and I had to resist the urge to place my hand on his cheek and tug him to look at me. 
“Do you think I’m stupid?” I quirked my eyebrow, unable to help the smirk that slipped onto my lips. 
“Then don’t treat me like I’m one of your brothers or your father. I can see it every time you look at me.” 
“Sorella…” he started, turning towards me but I held my hand up and cut him off. 
“Nope, I won’t hear it.” I couldn’t help the small smile on my lips at the petulant look on his face. “Look…It’s my wedding day, I just want you to know that I don’t blame you at all. What happened…the blame lies with Veritas and him alone. I have it on very good authority that he is currently getting what he deserves.” 
“...and what about his sister?” He spoke quietly, so softly I almost thought I’d imagined it until his eyes finally met mine and I saw the intense shame in them. 
My heart pounded sharply, thinking back to the look on her face as the events had unfolded down in the catacombs, and a chill ran down my spine. I could see Swiss out of the corner of my eye, stiffening at the mutual anxiety floating back and forth between us. 
“W-What about her?” I didn’t like how small my voice sounded in that moment even as I straightened my back and tried to look casual.
“They still haven’t been able to track her down in the catacombs, I’ve looked down there myself. We don’t quite know where she could have gone…”
The conversation was cut short when Sister Imperator cracked open the door herself, causing both Secondo and I to jump. 
“It's time.” She nodded at us, and slipped back behind the door. 
“We will speak of this again after, Sorella. For now, enjoy your day and your honeymoon. I’ve had my own ghouls watching over you and Copia, along with mi fratellino.” 
“O-Okay.” It was anything but okay, but I knew that he was right, today was going to be a happy day and a day not about the past but about the future. “When we get back to the Abbey, we’ll talk about it right?”
“Of course, Sis-Prime Mover.” He corrected himself last minute as he tucked my hand into the crook of his arm with a wry smile on his face. “You know, if the fates had been written differently it would have been myself at the other side of the door.”
“Good thing for you, Secondo, they weren’t, ‘cause I don’t think you could handle my attitude in the morning,” I teased, giving him a small and playful shove. “Besides, who else would have been able to teach me about all the rituals if it wasn’t for you?”
He chuckled then, kissing the top of my hand affectionately before putting his stoic mask back on as the doors opened in front of us. 
“You’ve been the best thing that has ever happened to Terzo, Sorella. I honestly don’t know what we would have done with him without you to balance him out, not to mention the Cardinal.”
“I love them both, equally. I don’t know what I’d do without them either.” 
The sound of the old wood doors opening pulled my attention from Secondo, who was about to say something, to the chapel in front of us. I felt my heart thundering as I took in the sight of the entire chapel turned to watch my entrance. A gentle blush spread over my cheeks and crossed the bridge of my nose as we started to make our way forward, with Swiss following stoically behind to make sure my dress, train and veil stayed perfect. The chapel was decorated beautifully, flowers arching over the eaves and candlelight glowing in the low candelabras casting a glow over the entire space. But that barely registered with me once I saw Copia and Terzo turn towards me from the altar, their jaws dropping at the sight of their bride coming up towards them. 
I couldn’t take my eyes off them however, the background of the space falling away as I took them in. This was the first time I’d ever seen either of them dressed in formalwear. They were in full white tie dress, the most formal they could be. They were in black tailcoats, white waistcoats and bowties, and the cut came snug at their waists. Both of them were also wearing the sinfully tight trousers of my dream that left nothing to the imagination while whispering the images of what was to come once the festivities were over, a slight blush staining my cheeks, However that was where the similarities ended.
Terzo was wearing his traditional Papal face paints, but his hair wasn’t quite slicked back. Instead it had been coiffed into a part with a few light strands dusting his forehead which reminded me of some of the covers of romance novels the Siblings back home would trade between each other. He wore a dangling grucifix earring like he had when we had gone to the club all that time ago, and the sight of it made my stomach flutter a little. I smiled at the almost familiar sight of his black shoes with white spats, which were bright white in comparison to his black tux. He winked at me and I blushed, eyes quickly scurrying away to look at my other groom. 
Copia had the softest look on his face, my heart leapt into my throat and I had to already fight back tears as he attempted to clear his throat. Copia, much like Terzo had his daily Clergy paints on his face, his hair was also slicked back in a slight coif. Instead of black shoes he wore red leather dress shoes with buckles, as a nod to his position and subtle way of pushing back against the white tie dress code. They were both wearing white silk gloves, twin hands starting to reach towards me as I approached the pair of them. 
My arms slipped from Secondo’s and I felt him chuckle at the almost star-struck look on my face as I reached out to my boys, my grooms, and I looked back at him with a sheepish smile. 
“I think I was meant to get you up the altar, Sorella,” he teased before he passed off my hand to Terzo, and Copia took my arm as my left hand held my bouquet. “But I think they’ll take it from here…”
“Thank you, Secondo,” I smiled, voice whispery as I smiled brightly and fought the tears that seemed to be permanently lodged in my throat. 
“Any time, Sorellina.” 
I saw Swiss from the corner of my eye and, like we’d practiced, he came to my right side and bowed deeply to me while I curtsied to him. Swiss then turned to my grooms and, almost militaristically, he saluted them and gave them each a curt bow. 
“I pass on my duty as sworn protector of the sposa sacra to you both, my watch has ended,” Swiss stated, repeating what Secondo had taught us, before he walked to sit with the other members of the Emeritus family and their own personal ghouls. 
“Amore?” Copia’s voice was soft, almost breathy, and I turned instantly to look at him. “Are you ready?”
“Of course, Copia.”
“You look stunning, Tesoro,” Terzo murmured in my ear as he helped me up to the altar where Nihil was waiting for us. 
The altar had what seemed like a whole other altar added, essentially giving us another level but also to make sure that everyone present could see us from where we were standing. A chill ran up my spine as I looked back at all the eyes on us. Copia was on my left, Terzo on my right, and I was in the middle like a half moon as we stood in front of Papa Nihil. As the organ music came to a close I heard the rustle of everyone sitting down, and I fought the urge to groan as Nihil launched into one of his well known and long winded sermons. 
While Nihil droned on about love, duty, and the call of the Old One, my mind focused on my grooms. Terzo had tucked my hand into the crook of his arm, his gloved thumb running back and forth over the top of my hand as he looked not at his father but at me. There was a warm look in his eye but not the heated one I was used to, no this one was a slow and simmering sort of adoration. My cheeks flushed and I smiled at him, winking as Nihil made a mention of continuing the line. He fought back a chuckle and my eyes slipped over to Copia, who looked a little more stressed than I would have thought at this point in the rituals, but when his eyes met mine the stress melted away and suddenly I was faced with a completely smitten gaze in his eyes. After what felt like an eternity, Nihil finally made it to the meat of the event. The ritual. 
“With this blade, slice your palms and hold them out for each other to take,” Nihil wheezed, one of the Siblings helping with the ritual took my bouquet and handed me the golden blade. 
I winced slightly as I quickly sliced both palms and took both Terzo and Copia’s hands in my two. They in turn took each other's free hands and we stood in a circle as two Siblings and Nihil himself one by one tied our hands together. 
“This circle signifies your relationship, no matter what you may go through, may this moment remind you that life is a never ending circle. Like the serpent attempting to swallow its own tail. May your life ebb and flow from each other, may you bring each other comfort when the others may struggle, may you support and lift the other ones to new heights. May Lucifer smile upon this union.”
As he finished speaking the last binding was done and we looked at each other with bright, massive smiles. 
“May the flock offer you tidings and wishes,” Papa Nihil bowed, moving back as he opened the pews to come and offer their good fortune and prayers. 
It was an odd tradition to continue to observe with us being a throuple and unable to face the approaching Siblings and Clergy members; but I just continued to smile at my men knowing this was one of the last steps before we’d be free to party the night away until we were expected to retire for the evening. I could feel as people passed by us, hear their mumbled prayers of our union and eventual continued lineage, and I could feel the ghosting of fingertips against my skirts as they pressed a kiss to the hem. Secondo had said that to kiss the hem of a bride was considered good luck but to kiss the hem of the Prime Mover while she was bound? There was no greater blessing for our flock. 
So I stood there as everyone filed up to offer up prayers and took luck in the form of my hem, and I let my eyes drift between my partners, until I felt both of them stiffen. 
“What?” I whispered, suddenly fear pounding through my veins. “Whats going on?”
“Amore…” Copia started, eyes focused on someone right behind me. “The Siblings have stopped moving.”
Ah, that could only mean one thing. 
“Blessed evening, my little lambs.” 
Lucifer’s voice was silky, like fingertips dancing across my bare skin, and I couldn’t help the lazy smile on my face as he came to stand next to me where I could see him. “Look at you three, finally bound as I’d been planning for quite a long time.”
“My Lord.” Both boys bowed, while their hands were still bound together, and launched into prayers. I rolled my eyes and looked at Lucifer with a wry smile. 
“It’s good to see you again, Your Holiness.” I nodded my head at him. “Come to rescue me from sore feet?”
“No, little lamb,” he laughed, a twinkling sort of sound as he slipped under where Terzo and I’s hands were tied together and stood in the middle of the circle the three of us made. “I was here to offer my blessings.”
“You honor us, my liege.” Terzo sounded so serious that I was a little shocked by his change in demeanor.
“Hush, Alesandro,” Lucifer smiled, a flirty look in his eyes. “I’ve known you since you were small, I’ve watched you grow into the man before me. I know who you truly are. The least I can do is offer my blessing.”
“Papa is right, my Lord, but I must thank you again for everything you have done for us. Bringing Sorella back…”
“We will speak no more of us, Cardinal,” Lucifer said, tone final as he cut off Copia. He turned to me with a wolfish smile. “What of you little lamb? Any words you wish to shower me with?”
“Nope. I know better, I’d like to just thank you for coming to see us.” 
“That's my girl.” He winked and I couldn’t help the blush that flushed over my cheeks. “For now I offer you a gift.”
As he spoke he pressed his hand against my lower stomach, a knowing look on his face as the realization dawned on me. I looked at him with a somewhat shocked expression, and he chuckled as he turned to look at my grooms.  
“When the time is right…you will receive my blessing, my lambs. For now enjoy your time together.”
Before any of us could say anything, the sound and mumbles of the hall came back to us and Lucifer was gone.
“D-did he do what I think he did?” Terzo asked, eyes suddenly wary as he looked around, like the devil was going to pop up again.
“Let’s just say he’s hoping to have a large pool of children to pick to take up the mantle, so to speak…”
After a long reception filled with dinner, drinks, dancing, and just all around merriment; I was exhausted. 
I had assumed incorrectly that I’d get to change into another dress at the reception, instead I had to wear the heavy dress and veil through speeches and people coming to wish us many blessings and for a happy marriage. I could feel the weight digging into my hip bones as I danced with every important member of the clergy more than once. I felt the slightly itchy scratch of the illusion neckline as I slouched down slightly as I rested between the festivities and courses of the meal. Finally I felt a warm hand on each shoulder, the Sisters from earlier had come back and they had knowing smiles on their faces. 
‘It's time to change, your eminence.” One said her head bowed slightly. 
I nodded as the pair of them guided me off to a secluded room off the main ballroom that had been set up as the main reception space, though the whole monastery had been prepped and decked out so every sibling and ghoul could celebrate. Together we took off the heavy dress, one that I’d been told would be preserved and held in the archives for who knows how long, like all the prime movers before me. 
The afterparty dress was made entirely of slinky black silk, the maternal feeling almost like water as it slid down my bare skin. I wore no bra and no underwear, feeling exposed but extremely turned on. I blushed as I felt my nipples harden at the thought of what my companions, no…my husbands, would say when they saw me. There were drooping straps that just dusted past my shoulders, the neckline scooping down almost to the point of indecency, and hugged me so tightly through the thigh I was surprised I could walk. The dress also had a small train and a small overskirt made of silk as well for a little extra dramatics. Over all of this was another intensely long veil, this time a spanish style with lace all along the edges and even over the blusher that covered my face. 
They left my hair and make up as it was and quickly I was ushered back to the room as the clock chimed 3 in the morning. 
Terzo and Copia were already by the door as I stepped through, their faces eager and mischievous as they reached out towards me. I smiled brightly as I took their hands, both bending to kiss my knuckles almost at the same time. 
“Come, Amore.” Terzo murmured against my skin, the deep rumbles of his voice causing me to shiver as they both stepped close to me. “We have a special surprise waiting for you back in our rooms.”
“Si, I think it will be something you would not expect.” Copia chuckled as they led me out of the space, the high ranking clergy members, such as Papa Nihil, Sister Imperator and the other Emeritus Brothers, followed us in the low light of the candlelit path we followed. 
“I’m just happy we get to sleep together again, all in one bed.” I mumbled, a small blush at the heat in their eyes. 
“Oh…Stelina…sleep is the last thing on our minds.” Copia’s eyes met Terzos before they both smirked at me, something smoldering in their gaze and I had to bite my bottom lip to hold back a whimper. 
When we finally made it to the door, the Emeritus brothers each took my hands kissing the knuckles and bowing they heads and wishing for a fruitful evening, as they had done for centuries. Papa Nihil was behind a few steps and I heard him grumble to Imperator, my face blushing bright red. 
“Back in my day, the clergy was to watch the consummation….”
“Hush, Papa…” Imperator cut him off sharply when she saw the look on Terzo’s face before they tugged me into our rooms and practically slammed the door in everyone's faces. 
Finally. After several weeks of planning, being forced to be separated due to the rituals, a near death experience, and a cock-blocking ghoul at every turn…we were alone. 
It took all of seconds before hands were pulling at clothes and lips were pressed to bare skin. 
Gods below...I had missed them.
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Warnings: swear words, implications of sex, implications of drugs, mentions of having children, commitment
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Summary: Life with Eddie Munson as the twin sister of Nancy Wheeler, best friend of Chrissy Cunningham, colleagues to Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington and her role as the cheerleading freak.
Wordcount: 2.5k
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Nobody ever saw you, Y/N Wheeler ever falling for someone like Eddie Munson
He was this freak who everyone seemed to fear and you were the perfect girl, following all the rules. 
You were on the cheerleading team and despite your dislike for most of them, you were friends with one.
Chrissy Cunningham.
Despite her dating the captain of the basketball team and being this scary mean girl to everyone else, they were all wrong. 
All she wanted was to live a peaceful life, she didn't even like cheerleading, her mum made her do it. 
You didn't like cheerleading all that much either but you weren't great at playing any instruments so you wanted to help out by being a cheerleader. 
You're also good friends with Robin - that's why you joined cheerleading, because she was in band - and when you weren't there you worked at the film store with her and Steve. 
Being part of the Wheeler family was tough because of the high expectations from your parents and the way people always looked at your family but the trauma was the hardest. 
Since you were close with your younger brother, you had gone through the whole upside down ordeal with him and the others. 
Some nights you'd wake up in a cold sweat, eyes wide as you looked around, reaching for one of the many guns you opened - this one happened to be hidden under your floorboard. 
You liked your twin sister and everything but you'd always clashed with ideas but despite all that you did care for her. 
The first time you noticed Eddie Munson was in the talent show when your best friend Chrissy had pointed out the band. 
She loved the heavy metal music that he was playing despite her parents' more neutral taste and they became slight friends. She never did fit in with the buzzed hair cut style of Eddie Munson and in high school the two stopped talking. 
The freak and the cheerleader would never work out. 
Then you remembered him as the boy who didn't graduate in 1984. 
And then 1985. 
So at that point you were in the same year as him despite him being a fully grown twenty year old man and you just an eighteen year old with no clue what you wanted to do in life. 
And God did you think he was hot. 
Like come on, the guy was ultra sexy to you and your best friend had realised this. Maybe it was the bad boy persona that drew you in but you were instantly attracted to him. 
Sure, he had seen you around and thought you were cute in your preppy skirts and flower white shirts that your friends joked made you look like a hippie but he never paid much attention to you. 
It was only when Mike joined that he began to notice you more. You would pick your brother and his friends up from the D&D club, making small talk with the boys as they'd pack up. 
You knocked on the door to the room, hearing a loud exclamation of annoyance as you opened the door.
The boys were huddled around a table and they looked up at you as you stood there, Eddie's eyes landing on yours.
"I'm here to pick up Mike, I am on time right?" You second guessed yourself before checking your watch and nodding, "It's nine o'clock now,"
"We're nearly finished Y/N, God, just wait a second," Mike said.
You sighed, leaning against the wall as the finished. When they were done, you ushered your brother out but not before taking one last look at Eddie.
And for a second Eddie would think that maybe you were cooler than he thought you would be. 
You weren't the preppy popular girl he had expected. You like Black Sabbath and had a dark sense of humour that matched perfectly with his. 
So yeah, maybe after that you caught his eye a lot more than before. 
He would never admit that you were the reason he would sneak into the back of the basketball games - because if anyone saw him there it would ruin his reputation - just because he wanted to see you. 
He would smile at you in the halls and occasionally help you if your locker got jammed - which it often did - and you assumed it was just because he was friends with your brother. 
It was around October of 1985, 3 months after the starcourt accident when you bumped into Eddie. 
You had been handing out flyers for the recent charity concert when some guy from the basketball team had knocked them out of your hands.
They weren't fond of you and despite being on the cheerleading squad and having guys gawk at you in your short dress you were still on the bottom of the proverbial totem pole. 
He had rushed over, helping you pick them up off of the ground as he cured the basketball players to hell. 
When he turned back to you your face was burning up, completely embarrassed that he had to help you. 
Your face had gone bright red as you scrambled on the floor for the paper. He had been so helpful and you couldn't help but blush as your fingers skimmed against his as you took the papers back.
"Thanks so much Eddie, gosh, I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have helped out," you said, pulling the papers against your chest as another gust of wind picked up, "What can I do to thank you,"
"Don't worry sweetheart, I don't mind helping," he said, flashing that toothy grin of his at you before he walked away.
You were giddy for the rest of the day, heart pounding as you realised the guy that you found to be the new Adonis had noticed you. 
And he was such a gentleman, nothing like they had said at school about him being a freak. 
You may not have approved of him selling drugs - since you came from a very conservative background - but you knew he seemed so nice and wouldn't force anything on you. 
So you made him cupcakes, driving all the way to the trailer park just to drop them off to him.
You knocked on the door, smiling as Wayne Munson opened it, "Hi, I'm a friend of Eddie's, I brought some stuff round for him," you said with a smile on your face.
The man smiled before turning around, "There's someone at the door for ya Ed," he called out and the boy walked by, a smile on his face as he saw you.
You held the tupperwere pot out to him and he smiled as he looked inside to see a row of cookies.
"You didn't have to sweetheart," he said and you blushed slightly at the nickname.
"Just wanted to thank you, nobody else would have stopped for me and I'd have been running around like a crazy person for hours," you chuckled.
You drove home all giddy, happy that his uncle had liked you and unsure how to feel about the rest of it. 
Your sister had seen the huge smile on your face that night, not mentioning that she knew about your secret rendezvous with Eddie Munson.  
You saw each other the next day at school and he thanked you for the cupcakes, bragging about how good they were. 
From then on it became a tradition for you to bring sweet treats to every single one of Eddie's campaigns. He loved them, thanking you every time with varying cute nicknames that would make you blush as you walked out. 
Mike would cringe, questioning as to when you and Eddie had become so close.
The boy would just smile and laugh it off, the image of you walking away in that shirt little cheerleader's dress still replaying in his mind. 
Your brother didn't like it when Eddie would ask about you just because you were his sweet older sister who never got into trouble. You didn't drink, you didn't smoke and he thought it seemed out of character. 
Eddie would find the chance to bring you up all the time, joking about how you should join the campaign or asking when you'd pick him up. 
The people you hang out with didn't like it either. They would laugh whenever Eddie would smile at you and every time he'd talk to you they would make jokes about him, making fun of his appearance or calling him a devil worshiper. 
You didn't believe any of that crap and knew it hurt him but he wouldn't let that show. 
You also knew that he didn't like you the way that you liked him and decided that being friends was good enough for you. 
There was also always the inkling that society wasn't going to accept the two of you if you ever decided to date and that was very off-putting. 
So when he first asked you on a date you just crumbled, heart melting.
He had been so nervous, probably having waited ages building up the courage to ask you. 
"So I was thinking, maybe, I could take you out to dinner tomorrow night, to celebrate your win," he said, referencing to the
He wasn't as cool about it as you thought and the nervous tone to his voice made you chuckle. You always did find him adorable.
"Sure, it's a date," you said, a grin on your face as you walked away, knowing his eyes were trained on the short cheerleading dress.
You went home and told your sister straight away, unable to keep the date a secret. 
She said that she always knew that he had feelings for you and that she could see it a mile away. 
You instantly planned an outfit, knowing that the next day you were going to be going to a cute local restaurant with Eddie. 
You knew he wasn't going to be able to afford keeping up that lifestyle of fancy restaurants but you liked the grand gesture (and didn't mind at all that he didn't come from as much wealth as you did)
The next day you were buzzing, your mum asking what was so important. 
You were hesitant to tell her but eventually you told her you had a date that night, not disclosing who it was with. 
Your mum was a cheerleader and your dad was on the football team so you knew they wouldn't approve of you not choosing some douche like Jason and instead choosing the local freak. 
That night you had waited at the end of your street, not wanting your parents to see him. 
He had picked you up, holding you a bouquet of slightly crumpled flowers but it was the sentiment that counted. 
You both laughed the whole night away, having the time of your lives and he asked you to be his girlfriend straight away. 
The next few months were amazing with Eddie. 
He was the most caring partner you could have ever asked for. He would invite you round for pizza, study with you (even if it would end with the two of you naked) and you'd call most nights. 
He had been your first everything - apart from kiss, your first kiss had been Patrick Mahoney in fourth grade - and you wouldn't have asked for anything else. 
You had never expected Eddie to be into cuddling but the first time that he held you in his arms as you lay on the sofa watching some awful movie he never wanted to leave your warm embrace. 
Robin and Steve constantly made fun of the two of you when you'd come into the video store together to get a film and he'd have his arm wrapped securely around your shoulders. 
The hardest part was telling your parents. 
When they began to wonder who this boy you were going on a date with, you decided to tell them the truth. 
Your mother wasn't too bothered, she didn't mind him but understood that he made you happier than ever before. 
Your father was furious. He wanted you to be with someone who could provide for you and make sure that you had the life that you deserved and he didn't think that was with Eddie. 
So when you invited him round for dinner with your parents it was awkward to say the least.
He already knew Mike and Nancy so that was fine and he got on with Holly so well that you were considering having a baby with him on the spot. 
The instant that he met her they just bonded, the six year old asking questions about his clothes and he'd answer to the best of his ability, crouching down to her height as she giggled at some stupid joke that she had made. 
You knew he fit into the family instantly.  
Your dad was the hardest hurdle to overcome as he kept asking Eddie questions and when Mike accidentally blurted out the idea that Eddie had taken your virginity, he was fuming. 
But Eddie had stood his ground, earning the respect of your father and the two became close over their love for American football - even though you were sure Eddie had never seen it before you knew his uncle was a fan. 
He fit in well with your best friend Robin and although Steve had some animosity with him, he warmed up to him eventually with their mutual love of certain films. 
Then your friends found out. Apparently someone had bought from Reefer Rick and he'd spilt the beans.
So the next day at school you walked in and when your friends ushered you over the first thing they asked was if you'd been fucking Eddie. 
And you just wanted to cry because it was a cold January day and yeah, you had spent time with him last night but there was no reason for them to know about it. 
They weren't your friends anyway, they were just people you were associated with. You had never fit in and the only person that ever made an effort to talk to you was Chrissy who obviously knew about you and Eddie. 
She stuck up for you but the rest didn't buy it, instantly jumping on the bandwagon that you would associate with what Jason called 'a devil worshiper'
But you managed to brush it off until you had to go to Eddie's that night for pizza and a movie and you just crumbled.
You sobbed in his arms as you explained everything that had happened that day and he had comforted you, promising that they didn't know what they were talking about. 
As soon as you fell in his arms you collapsed, "A-and they called you a freak and, God, they, they hate me Ed," you sobbed, holding onto his hellfire club shirt as you cried.
He comforted you, hand on your back as he shooshed you and held you until you calmed down.
"It doesn't matter what rhey think of you okay, I know you're amazing and your family love you and that's all that matters," he explained, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You'd had a tough day after waking up from a nightmare that you couldn't explain to Billy and then having to he bullied about the people you chose to love.
To everyone else in school he had this hard exterior but to you he was so affectionate. Sure, you didn't advertise your relationship in school but he would go out of his way to talk to you. He would stand by your locker and chat or cheer you on whenever you needed it and you would bring him your traditional sweet treats to the D&D campaigns. 
On the note of sweet treats, one thing you never expected Eddie to be able to do is cook. He couldn't bake for the life of him but he made simple meals take the best. 
One time he made you pasta and you could have just died there. His ego was overly inflated after that and he was sure he was going to be the best chef in the world. 
Eddie would go out of his way to make sure you had everything you wanted. He wasn't into PDA but if he even saw one of the boys - or the girls - look at you the wrong way he wouldn't hesitate to kiss you up against the lockers like some horny frat boy. 
He wants to be protective over you and even though he will, he'd rather run away with you then face whatever the problem was. He didn't like conflict and would rather cower with you in his arms. 
It was a trait that you did admire. He was loyal and sure of what he wanted and sure, he got scared sometimes but everyone does. 
He was so sure of his relationship with you that he got the two of you matching silver rings like promise rings that signified the bond between you and to say that you didn't cry at all when he gave it to you would be a lie.
By the time of season 4 the two of you had been in a healthy relationship for around five months. 
He sat through the pep rally that morning reluctantly seeing as it was mandatory. He really just wanted to see you. He supported everything that you did, just not the people that you did it with. 
He didn't come to the game and you didn't expect him to, although you had promised him that the next night you'd come over in the uniform that he loved so much.  
You brought him snacks before his campaign and he explained that he was dealing that night so you reluctantly let him go before leaving for your game. 
But not before a good luck kiss against the wall as he pinned you in, one hand on the wall beside your head and the on your waist. 
It took Mike pulling you two apart for you to finally get to the cheerleading game. 
They won and the next morning you woke up to calls from Dustin who said that it was 'an emergency' 
That was when your whole life changed, and definitely not for the better. 
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A/N - so I was thinking about making this into a series that starts with season 4 so this is sort of a prequel. Would anyone read that?
Series masterlist
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autumntouched · 1 year
Day 25 of Ode to Phoenix
Summary: Part of the Hannix Football Rivalry AU Series in which Jake is a Cowboys fan (lol like Glen) and Natasha is a 49ers fan (like Monica and me)
Jake and Natasha's Wedding, Pt. I - The Ceremony
Pairings: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Warnings: None for this part, just fluff
A/N: This fic got really long so I'm posting it in three parts. I'm sorry this took awhile, and I'm a little nervous about it but needed to stop rewriting and get on to your ACTUAL requests. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted song suggestions! As you'll see, I may have gotten a little carried away. Please don't judge my song picks too harshly. Okay, hope you enjoy!
I'm sharing the full Hannix Wedding Playlist here, but the key songs are also included when they appear in the fic.
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The Wedding | Pt. I - The Ceremony
Natasha wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to feel on her wedding day but the eye of a hurricane hadn’t been on her list. 
She sits quietly in a corner of the room off the beautifully decorated outdoor terrace that overlooks the mountains. As soon as Jake shyly told her that he wants to see her face from the moment he lays eyes on her as his bride, she chose a light veil that cascades down her back. Her dark hair is swept into a low side chignon with a few pieces left out to frame her face. For the ceremony, she wears Jake’s great-grandmother’s pearl comb in her hair, pearl drop earrings and their matching necklace.
Although it took some searching, Gabby helped her find the perfect wedding dress. The elegant, yet simple, sleeveless fitted bodice has a low square neck and open back that flows into a slightly flared skirt and train of floating layers of lace. A sash defines her waist. Her dahlia, peony, astilbe, and eucalyptus bouquet rests on a table beside her. Folded and tucked into the ribbon wound around the stems are her handwritten vows, although she’d memorized them weeks ago. Lightly, she drums her soft pink nails on her knees.
While the photographer flits around, the wedding planner and her mother try to herd the bridal and grooms parties together. Payback is doing his frantic best, with Amelia’s help, to keep the flower girls and ring bearer from wrinkling or tearing their clothes while protecting his dress whites from a game of tag.
Everyone else is so worried about today going perfectly but as long as Jake is standing there when she walks outside, Natasha couldn’t care less about the rest. 
“You ready, Captain?” her dad asks, voice brittle with emotion. Gabby was always “Princess” and from the day she told him she wanted to be a pilot, Natasha became “Captain.” He’s wearing a tailored black suit that flatters his stocky yet athletic figure and swarthy complexion. His hair and trimmed beard are more gray and white than they are black now, and his rugged face a little weathered from too much sun. But he still has the youthful energy of her childhood. 
She reaches for his hand. Even now, his grip suffuses her with a sense of safety and steadiness. “I’ve never been more sure of anything I’ve done,” she promises.
He kisses the top of her head. “You’ve always been sure of yourself.”
Natasha smooths her thumb over her engagement ring, now on her right hand. “This feels different though,” she admits hesitantly. “It’s the one thing I’ve ever been scared of doing.” 
That’s not entirely true. There are plenty of things she’s been scared of in her life. She’s a military aviator. But flying, her career–all the other things–they always feel like they are largely within her control, even when things don’t turn out as expected. If she works hard, prepares well, and plans accordingly, the rest falls into place. 
Loving Jake doesn’t come with control. Left up to her, a cocky, smart ass, antagonistic fellow aviator is not who she would have picked to fall for. Even falling in love had been a question mark on her life road map. But they were in too deep before they even realized they’d left the shore a long way back, everyone else well aware of the only three words left to say between them. Those three words, though they’ve been said many times since, still terrify her because they mean there’s another person at the controls of her heart. 
Her father tilts her chin up so she looks him in the eye. His gray eyes are soft yet pained. “Nasha, I promise that you aren’t your mother and me. We didn’t know each other or ourselves half so well as you and Jake do. And I’m proud of you for that.” 
She squeezes his hand as he clears his throat and swipes a tear from his cheek. “Thank you, Dad.” 
Mama comes over to them, practically floating in a midnight blue dress with lace sleeves. “Your gown’s going to get wrinkled sitting down, bumblebee,” she worries. Natasha gets to her feet to keep Mama calm and lets her fuss over the back of the gown. She meets her dad’s gaze and they suppress their smiles. This is how her mother deals with her nerves.  
“I’ve got it, Mama,” Gabby sighs. She’s stunning in her dark green bridesmaid gown with her hair flowing down her back in luscious brown waves, one side swept up with a gold, floral hairpiece. “Luca’s waiting for you.”
Natasha gives Mama a final hug and reluctantly watches her leave. Lise, the wedding planner, motions for the groom and bride’s parties to follow her out too. The room falls still and oddly hushed with only her sister and father left at her sides. 
Gabby picks up the bouquet and smiles at her almost shyly. Natasha’s heard horror stories of family members falling out while planning a wedding, but she’s never felt closer to her sister and isn’t sure she would be here without her. Had it been up to her with all of the planning and decisions that had gone into this day, she’d be marrying Jake in a courthouse with no one but them and a witness. “Jake’s going to lose it when he sees you,” Gabby says reassuringly. 
Natasha’s heart flutters with nerves for the first time. She hasn’t seen Jake since he kissed her goodbye early this morning when she left to get ready. It’s a little unfair. He opted for dress whites for the ceremony so she’s seen him in his wedding attire. But he’s never seen her like this. Silly as it is, because Jake wouldn’t care if he married her wearing jeans and a t-shirt, she hopes he likes the dress she picked. “He’ll kill me if he cries,” she laughs. Only because he’ll owe her money for betting she’ll cry more. He never learns, but she loves him for that too.
“He’s not going to be able to help it, Captain,” her dad warns while her sister looks her over with a wry twist to her mouth. 
“Yeah, he’s going to be a fast widower then because you’re stunning, Nasha,” Gabby adds, her face brightening with anticipation. “C’mon, let’s see if we can hear what’s happening.” She pulls Natasha to the door, and they’re like little kids again with their ears pressed to the wood trying to listen in while their parents talk. 
When the guitar instrumental of “Your Song” starts, Natasha grabs Gabby’s hand knowing that Jake’s entering the ceremony now. She imagines him walking down the aisle, tall and handsome while he struggles to look appropriately solemn instead of grinning from ear to ear. They’d agreed to let the other pick the song that they would walk down the aisle to, and she chose this one for him. Its sentiment is deceptively straightforward but there are profound depths within it, as there are in him and their life together. She also wants Jake to know how proud she is for everyone to know that he is the most important part of her life.  
Her stomach suddenly turns to a mess of butterflies. There’s a knock on the door, and Lise pops her head in. “We’re ready for you, Natasha.” Early on in their planning, Lise kept calling her “the bride,” but for some reason constantly being referred to by her marriage title annoyed Natasha and she’d insisted on her name. But she can no longer escape that today, that is what she is. 
Before panic can seize her, Gabby places the bouquet in her hands and kisses her cheek. “Just keep looking at Jake,” she whispers. Dad offers her his arm while Gabby moves behind her to adjust Natasha’s train and veil.
“Remember,” he tells her with a reassuring smile, placing his hand over the one she rests on his forearm, “today is about your life with Jake. The rest is all ceremony.”
That helps settle her nerves, and she’s further bolstered by the excitement of their friends and family as she walks past them to the end of the procession. Bob beams and waves at her and Rooster leans down to kiss her cheek. Nora pumps up her hands. 
Lise directs her to stand behind Alexis, her nieces Cora and Olivia, and cousin’s son, Charlie, who clutches the petal covered tray with the rings like his little life depends on it. The girls all wear dresses with floating white skirts and an oversized bow at their back. Alexis’s hair is braided in a thick, ribbon threaded crown around her head while Olivia and Cora have half their dark curls pulled back in bows. Charlie wears an adorable black three piece suit with a dark green tie that matches those of the civilian groomsmen. 
“So pretty,” Alexis sighs in awe, looking up at her through wide, round eyes. Today, with her hair up, she favors Nora more than Payback with her high cheekbones and square jaw. 
“You look like a princess,” Olivia agrees, brushing the front of Natasha’s dress with her fingers. Cora nods from where she hides in her older cousin’s side. 
“You all look like princesses too,” Natasha whispers back, making the girls smile. 
Gabby takes her place as Maid of Honor beside Jake’s Best Man, his cousin, Zach. Several years younger than Jake, he’d been the talk of the rehearsal dinner with his height, thick waves of dark hair that swoop to his shoulders, and full lips. He hands Gabby her bouquet and murmurs something that makes her lean into him with a giggle. Ahead in the line, Rooster looks over his shoulder at them.
One by one the pairs disappear through the gauzy curtains that sway with the late afternoon breeze. Then the children with their tray of rings and baskets. Cora insists on holding onto Olivia, so the two older girls help spread her petals. Natasha waits until she hears the first strums of “Every Breath You Take” and takes a deep breath. This is it. 
“The stalker song?” she’d asked when Jake suggested it, barely containing her laughter because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. 
He’d looked slightly sheepish and a little upset because he heard her judgment anyway. “We have only so many times to tell someone we love them, Nat. I just want you to know that no matter what happens to me, and even if you can’t see me, I’ll always be with you.” She’d had nothing to say to that, especially once she heard the instrumental version. 
The curtains part and the guests are asked to stand for the bride. All eyes turn toward her as she walks down the petal scattered aisle on her father’s arm. A breeze lifts and flutters her veil, skirt, and loose tendrils of hair and carries the guests’ gasps and murmurs past her ears. When she shivers, Natasha isn’t sure whether it’s because of the change in temperature or the change to her life waiting only feet ahead of her.
Taking Gabby’s suggestion, Natasha looks for Jake and finds him on the dais at the front. Their gazes lock, and his jaw goes momentarily slack at the sight of her. He clenches his teeth just in time to keep his mouth closed and his face relatively solemn. Although his lips are taut with the emotion that he’s trying to blink out of his eyes, he’s beaming hard enough to wash the whole terrace in his pride. 
She doesn’t bother to try to contain her smile as her heart soars beyond the height of the mountains behind him. Her father is right. Today is about the rest of her life with the man standing before her, looking at her like the universe moves at her command. Although she’s seen him in his uniform plenty of times, Jake’s never looked so dazzling and yet so vulnerable. It requires a significant amount of her restraint to proceed to the tempo of the music rather than run into his arms, so she takes the time to memorize every detail of the way he looks in this moment for forever. 
Her father pauses so Mama, who’s already clutching a wad of soaked tissues, can hold Natasha’s face and kiss each of her cheeks. “I’m so happy for you, sweetheart,” she tells her. 
“I love you, Mama.” Natasha is startled by the tears that rise to hers. Her sister-in-laws blow her kisses and wave her attention toward the front. 
When Natasha turns from her family, Jake has stepped down to meet her. He waits, hands folded in front of him. Up close, she can see that he’s somehow even more handsome than she imagined. Especially with his blond hair a little longer at the top so that it folds into a neat wave, the closest he’s ever worn it to regulation, and his uniform slightly strained across his chest and upper arms.
Dad escorts her the last few steps, and they stop before Jake. “I’m trusting you to take care of her,” her father says with a fervor that surprises her.
Jake nods solemnly through the glistening tracks of tears on his face. “I promise, sir. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second she will be the most important part of my life.” 
Natasha almost starts crying right then and there.
Her father looks down at her. “Are you ready?” She nods, not trusting herself to speak, and he takes the hand on his forearm and places it in Jake’s large, warm, sure one. Kissing her cheek one last time, he leaves them to go forward together.
Suddenly, it’s like the entire world shifts without anyone but them noticing. Her heart races as she stands on the verge of tying her life, her heart, her future to his. As if sensing her trepidation, Jake draws her to him. “Last chance to eject,” he whispers so that only she can hear. The smile around his eyes steadies her.
“Too late,” she promises, although her pulse threatens to drown out the words. “I’m not leaving without you.” He sways forward, gaze dropping to her lips. 
“After, dude,” interrupts Coyote from his spot in the line of groomsmen to their guests’ loud amusement. “You kiss her after you’re married now.” 
They chuckle, the last of her hesitation melting away, and Jake helps her onto the dais. 
It’s not until their vows that her nerves return. She’s not sure whether she’s glad Jake is going first to warm up the crowd or worried she’ll have to follow him. 
“Natasha.” He says her name with his usual mix of playfulness, adoration, and hint of cheek. His dimples are on full display, and she braces herself for the ride this could be. “You know it’s never enough that I think you’re the greatest, sweetheart. I expect everyone else to know it too. So it may not come as a surprise that I tried to crowdsource my vows in exchange for guaranteeing everyone a meal at the reception.
Several bursts of knowing laughter and groans among their parties and the guests tell her that isn’t a joke. She shakes her head at him in disbelief as he goes on. “I can’t tell if this hurt or helped our rsvps because I also told them they could only eat if I liked what they said. People took the assignment with varying degrees of seriousness. Some, like your wizzo, were clearly okay with starving for the night.
Natasha glances over at Bob who looks at her like you knew what you were getting into with this one. “There are children present so I can’t repeat exactly what he said in his response, but it was to the effect that he has more respect for you than he does for me. Which, if I’m honest, most of our guests, including too many members of my own family, seem to agree with. But if this were about me, we could have saved a lot of money not feeding everyone and had a much longer honeymoon. If the Navy could spare us for that long.
His eyes softening while everyone laughs at his compulsion to brag about them even in his vows is her only warning that he might have an emotional juggernaut up his uniform sleeve. “But today, and every day from here forward, is officially about you, Nat. And I say ‘officially’ because it’s actually been that way for a long time. From the day our paths first crossed in training, even before I took my head out of my as–behind, excuse me–to hopefully be the man you deserve, I’ve looked up to you for being the incredibly brilliant, competitive, and kind person that you are. I know you don’t put much stock in how beautiful you are on the outside, but what I see most is a reflection of how absolutely stunningly beautiful you are on the inside. Everything you touch, everything you join, everyone you know is better for having you as part of them. If you only knew the stories the people here shared about what you mean to their lives and what you have done for them, you wouldn’t be standing here about to put a ring on my finger. 
She looks to the sky to fight every urge to cry until she realizes that means missing all of the effort Jake has gone through to put his love into words. Natasha surrenders and lets her eyes fall back to his face, willing only that her own doesn’t crumple into a bawling disaster. Tenderly and careful of her makeup, he dabs a handkerchief to the tears along her already soaked cheeks and chin before he continues. “The only reason I am standing here, willing to let you do that, is because I can swear that I will live by the example you set to wake up every single day and learn from my mistakes to do better. I will cheer you on to be the best at anything you do but always be there to make sure you know you are everything and enough as you are. And I promise to remember that as hard as it can be to say “sorry,” it is harder to know you’re hurting because of me. I will do my best to make you smile when you’re too hard on yourself. I will believe in you on those rare occasions you doubt yourself. I will hold you when you’re afraid to cry or be scared. I swear to always be there to take care of you, in sickness and in health, so I don’t waste a moment of this life with you. Natasha, I trust, that like everything else with you in it, our marriage will be better because of you. But I promise, too, to make sure that even on the hardest days, it is always the best part of both our lives.”       
From the sound of sniffles and nose blowing, she’s not the only one who couldn’t keep her eyes dry during his vows. And crap. She has to follow that. Gabby offers her the folded square from her bouquet, but she motions for her to keep it. Natasha flexes each of her fingers then summons every bit of her composure to make her own promises to him. 
“Jake,” she starts with a smirk, imitating the veneer of humility he can slather ironically across any word. A smile of recognition tucks into the corner of his mouth. “I’d saved time on my calendar to write my vows but then one day you made me so angry that I figured it was as good a time as any to start them so I could remind myself why I agreed to go through with this before the next time you decided not to listen to me.” Their guests laugh nervously on his behalf. She flashes him a reassuring grin to let him know that’s as hard of a time as she’s going to give him for allowing a lactose intolerant Alexis to have a milkshake while he was on babysitting duty. “What I found is that on the other side of whatever it is that you did to make me mad is something that I love most about you.
Her insides melt at the quiet surprise that loosens the lines around his eyes and mouth. “Sometimes you’re so confident in your own ability to solve a problem that you don’t listen when someone tells you how. But from that also comes your open sense of adventure and fun, your willingness to try a different way of doing things, and your unwavering belief that there is no problem too big for us if we work through it together. Sometimes you jump into things before you’ve thought them through. But that’s because you know that life can be too short to have all the answers and all the plans figured out. And you are always there to catch me as fast as you are to jump. You may be able to push someone’s buttons, but you know the right buttons to push because you are, contrary to what you might want people to believe, one of the most sensitive, protective, and caring people I’ve ever met. You are my fiercest protector but also the first to let me soar. You never second guess yourself or hesitate when someone needs your protection, and although that has gotten you in trouble from time to time, it’s what allows me to live as fearlessly as you. Because you are also one of the most fearless people I’ve ever known, one of the most brave, and one of the most honorable. And only you would think you have to make any promises or be anything more than you are for me to want today and every day to be your wife, to have the privilege of loving you, caring for you, and building a life with you.
At this point, she knows Jake will win their bet because only a single tear arcs out the corner of his eye. But Natasha couldn’t care less because she can tell from the intensity with which he’s watching her that he’s engraving every phrase into his memory. And if someone were to ask him a year from now, without hesitation or review, he’ll remember what she said today word for word. “You are my d-head because I love you as much for the things about you that make me angry as I do for the things about you that make you the man of my dreams. Because all of it makes you the man of my dreams, even if I didn’t know what I was dreaming of until you were right in front of me. You are never hard to love, Jake, only impossible to resist loving. And I know our dreams for ourselves are big, our goals incredibly lofty, but I promise in this life and any other, if all I get to do is laundry and taxes with you, I will be happy.”  
Jake reaches for her hands to watch their ring warming ceremony while “Accidentally in Love” fills the late afternoon air. The tiny pouch of their wedding bands passes from guest to guest, each taking a moment to bless them, give them their well wishes, kiss them, cheer them. Everyone’s love poured into their own for today and the rest of their lives to come. 
The lively tune, an anthem to them finding themselves in love before they even knew they were falling for one another, keeps the rings moving quickly. Jake’s parents clasp the pouch together then lift their hands to their lips to kiss it. When the bands reach Maverick and Penny, he salutes them and she presses them to her heart. Amelia cups them and blows into her palms. Natasha’s aunt makes the sign of the cross with the pouch and presses it to her lips. At last the rings come to her mother, who holds them while the rest of her family stacks their hands over hers then raises them in a loud cheer. Unprompted, all of their guests stand and applaud as the warmed rings are returned to Zach. 
Carefully, he removes the band meant for Natasha and gives it to Jake. Everything goes quiet, still. So still that Natasha realizes she’s stopped breathing. She watches Jake’s face waver in its composure while he slides the delicate, twisted vine, diamond ring onto her finger. “Natasha, I give you this ring as a gift that lasts forever. Know that I am always with you, behind you, by your side, and I’ll ride in this life with you to the end.”
He wets his lips, cheeks and eyes pinched to hold back his tears. With her wedding band in place forever, he moves her engagement ring back to her left hand then caresses her knuckles with his thumb. “I love you, Nat,” he whispers, touching his forehead and nose to hers. In this moment, it’s only them bound in the love neither of them expected to find but won’t let go now they’ve found it. Finally, she exhales. 
It takes all of Natasha’s training to keep her hands steady when Gabby passes her the gold wedding band meant for Jake. Guiding it onto his finger, she promises, “Jake, I give you this ring as a gift that lasts forever. Know that I’m always with you, behind you, by your side, and I’ll ride in this life with you to the end.” 
A swell of elation sends the words deep into her soul, permanently shifting the axis of her heart to align with his. She loves the way his hand looks with the band on his finger, and she’s not sure she’ll ever get tired of looking at it there. Jake touches her cheek, stroking away a tear she doesn’t realize she sheds. 
“By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
The pronouncement is barely finished before he leans in to kiss her. The touch of his lips is light and tender at first, one arm wrapping firmly around her shoulders and the other her waist to hold her close. But as their groom and bride’s parties stamp their feet and whistle them on, he sweeps her lips apart with his tongue and kisses her knees out from under her. Natasha folds into him, grabbing onto his shoulders to keep herself afloat in the overwhelming rush of love he couldn’t put into words. 
When the civilian members of their parties and their guests have filed out to await them at the terrace entrance, Maverick, Bob, Rooster, Coyote, Payback, Fanboy, and Jake’s groomsmen from the Naval Academy, John and Derek, line up before them. At Maverick’s command they march down the aisle in two rows.
Natasha laces her fingers through Jake’s. “Pull me close, wrap me in your aching arms.” He raises their joined hands to his lips and kisses the newly added symbols of their marriage, then the knuckles on either side. “Ready?” she asks. 
“As long as you don’t let go,” he promises. When he helps her down from the dais, she wonders how it took them so long to realize that they could have all this together. She never wants to let him go.
The white uniformed lines of their friends stop and turn to face one another. They each march two steps back until there’s a passage between them for Jake and Natasha. Maverick calls the command to draw swords. As one, their friends pull their swords from their sheaths and cross them in the air, forming the Arch of Swords. Everyone applauds the fairytale-like salute, and Jake squeezes her hand as they begin their first walk as husband and wife.
When they reach Maverick and Fanboy, they lower their crossed swords, neither of them trying to conceal their grins. “The price of passage is a kiss!” Fanboy chants gleefully. 
Jake cradles her jaw and softly kisses her lips to their friends and family’s cheers. They’re allowed to proceed to Rooster and Payback’s lowered swords. Payback winks as Rooster announces, “The price of passage is a kiss!” 
This time Jake wraps an arm around her and pulls her into him. Natasha rises onto tiptoe, leaning into his chest, and letting her foot drift into the air. The applause grows louder. Rooster and Payback let them proceed to John and Derek. 
They don’t know her as well so their smiles are less suggestive than the Dagger Squad’s. “The price of passage is a kiss,” calls Derek. 
Jake slides a hand beneath her bun and with his thumb tilts her mouth up to his, sweeping his tongue across hers while several of their guests, her brothers among them she’s pretty sure, whistle loudly through their fingers. 
When they get to the last pair of crossed swords, Bob beams at them while Coyote smirks as if he’s seen this coming from the first moment he saw them together. One final time, Bob and Coyote together tell them, “The price of passage is a kiss.” 
Jake dips her, sending a firestorm through her veins with his last deep kiss. Their guests go wild clapping, cheering, and stamping their feet. He has to do all the work of setting her back on her feet, and she still stumbles to get her footing. They pass through the last set of raised swords, Bob and Coyote swatting each of them on the butt as they stumble forward into their new life.
Jake clutches her hand, not letting go.
Part II | Part III
Ode to Phoenix Masterlist
Hannix Football Rivalry Series AU
Tag List: @melodiousoblivionao3
54 notes · View notes
aelfheimerandrobots · 21 days
Sims Au: The Primehood, Downtown Crystal City, The Optimal Estate| Optimus Prime/Elita One & Rodimus Prime
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Welcome to the first home on our tour of the fabulous properties and homes of what's affectionately known as The Primehood! This prestigious district is said to have been home to the Original Thirteen Primes, and may even play host to their successors. Our first stop is at the lovely suburban cabin home of the infamous Optimus Prime, his lovely wife Elita One, and their college-aged son, Rodimus Prime! Starting at the street view we can see how welcoming the rustic charm is of this colonial style cabin with it's wrap-around porch and front-facing, second story deck. With plenty of old growth trees and lovely greenery this home is certainly a welcome sight to anyone looking for a safe place to kick-back.
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We continue our tour by taking a closer look at the lovely wrap-around porch and it's cozy, rustic charm. With plenty of plants and places to just sit and admire the neighborhood, there are plenty of chances to grab a bit of sun or to simply welcome in the neighbors.
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On the eastern side of the house we can see where Elita has made the space her own, filling it with places to garden, arrange flowers, and just sit to discuss the local goings-on with a friend while enjoying the outdoors.
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Mirroring Elita's space is a spot Optimus can call his own with places to tinker, plan the local scout meetings, and carve either wood or jack o'lanterns for Halloween. This space is open, rustic and full of sincere purpose and a love for the outdoors.
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Of course it's not a home fit for a prime if there's not space to grill and entertain. With a half-size basketball court, a built in grill area, and an in-ground pool there's plenty of activities to do here year-round. Particularly for a family who enjoys having people over and spending time outdoors.
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We busted out the drone to get a better shot of the entire backyard, revealing the cozy jacuzzi space, the charming gardening area, and the outdoor court in all their glory. With a diving space and plenty of room to swim together the fun never stops here.
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Entering from the back porch we come into the large, spacious, and charming kitchen that serves up plenty of block party meals with flare and classic rustic charm. The mix of stone and wood is a good grounding point for the blending of colors we can see in this space as Elita and Optimus' palettes blend and compliment one another.
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From this angle we can see the breakfast bar and pantry space, allowing for plenty of storage as well as dining options for guests during large dinner parties. The large family table is also kept pristine with flowers that are rotated to match the seasons.
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The dining room moves seamlessly into the entryway where two coat-cabinets frame the wide and welcoming front doors and allow for plenty of space for friends to gather without feeling crammed whether coming or going.
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Moving across the entryway we enter the ground floor living room and here we can meet our hosts, clearly getting ready for a Christmas get together. Or at least, Optimus and Elita are. Rodimus appears to be finishing up a tv binge watching session. *ahem* Regardless, the space is charming, welcoming, and screams of cozy charm that's sure to cling to you like a warm hug.
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The guest bathroom here on the ground floor features an antique bath and wooden shower stall which serve as a compliment to the wood sink and rustic decor.
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From the guest bathroom we enter the gaming room, which I'm told used to be a sun room. The space certainly has plenty of natural light as well as plenty of fun storage for all of the family's games to enjoy with one another.
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Heading downstairs first, into the basement we discover- Oh. Oh dear. Oh this is...clearly Rodimus' space isn't it? No. No I can tell. The uh, glowing bar sort of gives it away. Welp, abrupt departure in style aside the space does still exude a sort of welcoming air. Even if it fits a more, let's call it, college party spot style.
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Coming around the corner we can see that not all of the rustic charm has been lost in our descent downstairs. Merely buried beneath the more youthful additions. Regardless it's quite clear that Elita and Optimus have cared about their son and his friends and provided them a safe space to have fun and relax (under some supportive supervision of course).
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Heading down the hall we enter the door on the right and find the guest room. It might be small but the space has certainly ensured that plenty of wayward youths can crash safely without feeling claustrophobic.
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down the hall from the guest room is the laundry room. This space also serves as storage and utility space as it's home to the houses large waterheater and has plenty of space to store party supplies and family heirlooms lovingly cherished but currently without a place.
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Finally the basement tour comes to. Oh good lord. Rodimus' room. This boy clearly never outgrew his highschool phase. This is one hell of a disaster college boy's crash-pad.
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He's really confident about making it as an influencer/gaming streamer isn't he? Well he's certainly, I'm not sure dedicated is the word but something close to that.
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Moving into Rodimus' bathroom and, honestly I'm not sure what I expected but this space COULD have been worse. It's honestly pretty stylish with it's modern touches and open shower space.
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The wallpaper pattern in the water closet is certainly. A choice. I wouldn't call it bad. Just... a choice was made.
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And heading out of the bathroom we get a look at the corner jacuzzi tub where- is that a fried egg rug? Okay. That's it. We're going back upstairs to where the grown-ups live.
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See this? This is tasteful! It's charming, it's rustic, it has class and a sense of history and care given to it. Lovely.
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Heading to the left side of the hallway first we enter the master bedroom. This space has clearly been thoughtfully and lovingly put together to suit both Elita's elegant tastes and Optimus' more down-to-earth style. The mix has resulted in something that is truly charming and warm.
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The master bath has plenty of space as well as storage and charm to suit either of the couple. With touches of pink and blue melding charmingly. There might not be a double-sink but you'd hardly need it when the bathroom feels this well put-together.
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The water-closet features some bold wallpaper patterns but is still brought back down to earth by the antique style of the toilet and general accoutrements.
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Moving across the hall we enter Optimus and Elita's office space which also serves as something of a romantic escape for them both to relax and reconnect at the end of a busy day. To the right you can see Elita's classic charm and softer color palette reallly come to life in her personalized work space.
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And around the corner Optimus' workspace shows off his love for the traditional as well as his insatiable reading habit with plenty of storage space for his large book collection.
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Finally we come to the upstairs balcony from which our power-couple can look out at the neighborhood and surrounding area in peace. With a cozy and charming coffee bar and space to sit and eat together outside the space reveals their love for each other as well as their love for nature and their fellow man.
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But of course we end our tour here, in a spot ideal for the two of them to relax together and cuddle up while watching the sunset. We hope you've enjoyed this tour and will join us on our next adventure into The Primehood!
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fourtyfourcatss · 6 months
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[████████ 100%] — the talented @kamesama !
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⨳ HI KAME!! I’m also very excited to do this matchup trade with you. I’m not going to lie, it was hard. and on top of that, i’m also going to answer that ask game of yours. you remind me of the scent of morning dew, looking out white framed windows you can open and shut. maybe it’s early morning or late night, but the sky is dark and the air feels like it can condense into water. if i remind you of something, can you tell me too?
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without further ado, your match is…
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a clear whistle. frosted petals of a flower. smoothing the wrinkles of your brows. hands on your hips. fixing your clothes up. whether it be a long skirt or your collar. kissing your lips before heading to work. sharing a straw. rubbing circles onto your hands. a bright lamp, the sound of turning pages, placing books down, then, soft sheets. the scent of cinnamon. soft and bold smiles separated by tables. wiping the eyeshadow/liner from your eyes so tenderly it makes you beary. bringing you up humbly. you’re the only one for me.
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⨳ it’s perfect. your tenderness together is like the soft rain, easy to fall into a comfortable pace with one another. your traits just slot together so well. your levelhanded calmness and realistic sense of viewpoints looking at issues (but also how you dream too, idealistic and indulgent at times, your romanticism and creativity escaping from all outlets, and he loves seeing it happen) and then how you are just bursting with passion on the inside just intrigues and endears him. he knows he would love living with you from the way you organize yourself and your surroundings, a knack for placing things in order and balance. he definitely has a thing for girls like you who are a bit unhinged. one could definitely watch how his eyes soften as you exchange words, how he purposefully asks questions and diction to make you talk more. how he leans forward to hear you, how he’s looking into your eyes like he’s searching for your soul. he loves listening to your voice. and he finds himself feeling superbly special when he can receive bouts of physical affection from you, who loves her space. i cannot see him with someone irresponsible, and someone like you, upright in morality, stubborn in your nature, a force to behold — he needs someone like that.
⨳ the way your idiosyncrasies appear is something that hulls him deep into this ocean of love. you describe yourself harshly; jaded; humble, and you are so soft inside that he wishes to carry you from shore, held like a priceless pearl, elation and tiredness within the taut muscle of his neck and arms. he is a man who feels like he has lost a future, yet still moves on, heart tired and still besting within his chest. it’s from this from this that your progressiveness and perseverance unfogs something inside of him again. ah, the world isnt so dull when it’s languid after all.
⨳ nanami’s emotional capacity to understand is impeccable. when you are with him, there is no screaming, just soft talking. communication. articulating. its ok if you need time to feel comfortable speaking of your emotions. he’s tolerant and understanding of how you are internally, and he knows that misunderstandings occur as a result of your tendency to cut off your emotions sometimes. but nanami, oh it’s impossible for something like that. it will slip right out of you with his guidance, and he will make sure you feel guiltless and unembarrassed. because it’s ok to feel things. everything can be worked out neatly and efficiently, don’t worry. and you seem to have some regards about your humor as well. nanami would laugh though, he needs your exact kind of more harsh humor to break his shell to laugh. the ways your fingers fit together is addictive to feel. a dose of kame’s energy is needed everyday somehow.
⨳ the affirmations that wisps from his mouth connect into a string of words that makes you blush from the sincerity and rawness of it. his voice is absolutely supreme in baritone, and the noise is plucking a chord in your heart. your exterior is cold, but ice queen kind of cold. the kind that sends people running, away or towards you. the blush on your cheeks he loves running his fingers across, feeling the warmth of your skin underneath his touch. ??? i think you’d awaken something in this man. a lottt of fun together.
⨳ looking for excuses to just be together with you. he prepares some in his head, but when you don’t ask him why, they’re hidden there evermore. nanami is very indulgent. he’ll play horror games or watch movies with you, he’ll read your books even if they aren’t to his preference because he’s just curious. at home, after marriage, he loves kissing your hair and your temples. if it’s outside, maybe he will leave a dry kiss through your hijab. i think he’d want to leave some part of himself with you at all times, just like how he wants some part of you with him. that’s what the ring is for, i suppose.
— RUNNER UPS: GETO SUGURU, and very surprisingly, KASHIMO HAJIME popped up in my mind.
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inmywritingera · 3 months
Illicit Affairs: A Folklore Story
Part Two: Augustine
It was only supposed to be one time. That’s what Augustine told herself when the guilt began to eat her alive. Betty was her oldest, dearest friend. If she were to find out, years of friendship would go down the drain and she’d lose both of them. The very thought of it created a pit in her stomach. 
She knew she was wrong. She knew she was a terrible friend. But he was a drug. She couldn’t get enough of him. His touch was electric, his kisses frantic and desperate. She was never much of a believer in silly things like love, but after months of spending time with James through Betty, she realized why Betty was so crazy for him. She realized it when she started to feel gentle stirs of excitement whenever he entered the room and a soft sadness whenever he left. But James wasn’t hers to love, and so she pushed her growing feelings aside and refused to see him as anything other than a friend. She treated him as casually as she did all the other guys desperate for her attention.
That is, until prom night.
She wasn’t even going to go. That’s what she’d been telling Betty for weeks. She didn’t have a date despite multiple requests and didn’t want to be a third wheel. She held a general dislike for the majority of her classmates, dancing wasn’t really her style, and she hated dressing up. Yet, one day she found herself in a local boutique searching for vintage sweatshirts when bright red, satin fabric caught her eye. Curiosity got the best of her, so she pulled the dress off the rack and regarded it with mild interest. It certainly makes a statement, she thought. She figured she’d try it on just for the hell of it and when she turned to face her reflection she was pleasantly surprised to find that it fit as if it were made for her. The draped front delicately accentuated her bosom and the tight fabric with a slit up the thigh clung seductively to her curves. She looked like a stranger to herself. In that moment, she found herself dreaming up an image of James seeing her in this dress and what his reaction would be. He’s Betty’s boyfriend, she told herself sternly. Nevertheless, she left the boutique with a prettily wrapped bag containing red satin.
Augustine arrived before Betty and James, so she lingered at the drink table. She looked around the gym, which had been completely transformed into something like a garden, with a terrace of sorts acting as the dance floor. The walls were draped with dark fabric and a projector beamed stars around the room.
“Augustine!” She turned and her heart jumped softly when she saw Betty and James. Betty looked like she was in a fairytale, a pastel purple dress of layered chiffon that flowed gently from a boned bodice to the ground like a cloud. Her wild curls were tamed into place with shimmering pins of flowers. James was a heartthrob in his tux, his wavy hair also tamed neatly with gel. Augustine locked eyes with him for just a moment, not ignorant to the fact that he was staring at her in a way she had never seen before. Something flipped in her stomach and she approached them with a smile. Play it cool, she told herself.
“Girl, you look incredible,” Betty was saying, but Augustine barely heard her. James was still watching her. “No wonder you kept it a secret from me!” Well, I wasn’t even going to come until I saw this dress and thought your boyfriend would love it, she thought guiltily. “Come on,” Betty said eagerly, pulling Augustine towards the dancing crowd. “Let’s go dance!” And she was swept away with James trailing behind them. Augustine quickly glanced over her shoulder and met his eyes. She felt a flush of pleasure as he gazed at her approvingly before matching their pace and taking Betty’s hand to twirl her onto the dance floor. 
They’d been dancing for a while when Augustine noticed James making his way out of the crowd and across the gym to the hallway. She was about to follow him when the music changed and Betty excitedly shrieked “Oh, my God, James! It’s our song.” Betty turned towards Augustine. “Where’s James?” Augustine shrugged. 
“I’m gonna go take a break; my feet are killing me.” Augustine pulled her shoes off her feet and left the dance floor, pausing for a generous cup of water before making her way out to the hall. She didn’t know why she didn’t tell Betty she saw James leave. He probably just needed a break and was outside enjoying the cool evening breeze. She shouldered past a couple deeply entwined against the wall and headed out into the spring night. She looked, but didn’t see James. Hm. Weird.
Her phone buzzed. Tell Betty to enjoy the rest of the night with her new date. Augustine had no idea what he was talking about. She headed back inside and it made sense once she returned to the gym and saw Betty dancing and laughing with someone that wasn’t James. 
Come on, you know Betty isn’t like that. Did you leave?
Yes. I hate the crowds anyway.
Does she know you left?
Silence. Augustine put her phone back in her clutch and returned to the gym, where she found Betty now dancing with a group of girls from her drama class. 
“Hey, I think I’m going to head out,” Augustine shouted over the music. “I’ve seen enough!”
Betty laughed, knowing how much Augustine hated social events. “You were a real trooper!” she said breathlessly, still dancing. “See you tomorrow!” Augustine waved goodbye and left for the parking lot. Again, she didn’t know why she didn’t tell Betty James left. It would have been the right thing to do. But something in her wanted James to herself, to prove that she didn’t imagine his longing stare.
She was only a couple of blocks away from the school when she saw James walking home on the cobblestone sidewalk. His head was down, hands in his pockets. She pulled up next to him. His head jerked up in alarm and he sighed with relief when he saw it was her. She rolled the window down and called out to him.
“James, get in. Let’s drive.”
For a couple of years now, Augustine and Betty alternated hosting game night with their friends. Tonight was Augustine’s turn and her living room was loud with raucous laughter and crude jokes. The night outside was thick with humidity and rain battered the wide windows, the occasional flash of lighting making the lights flicker. Thunder crashed and her phone buzzed. A quick look told her it was James and she quickly looked around to ensure no one was paying attention to her. They were all so deeply engrossed in a game of charades that no one was even paying attention to her. 
What are you doing right now?
Game night. You?
Thinking about you. Her heart lurched. They’d had several drives together now and a secret agreement to keep it between themselves. Meet me behind the mall.
She looked around her and saw her friends all still engrossed in the game. No one even noticed when she quietly stood and left the room, eyes down. She snuck out the sliding door, pulling her hood over her head against the storm. I should stop, Augustine thought, but still found herself pulling out of the driveway with her headlights off to make sure no one saw her leave. This is a bad idea. She pulled into the mall parking lot. His car was parked away from the lights, behind a furniture store. You can always stop.
But she didn’t want to.
“Are you sure?” he whispered. Augustine gripped him tightly. She had never done this before, but she ached for him. In this moment, Betty and game night were far from her mind. The secrets and lies dissolved from her mind as James traced his lips across her collarbone. There was nothing else. Just his body against hers in a way that felt like two puzzle pieces about to fit perfectly together.
“I’m sure.”
Afterwards, Augustine returned to her friends, flushed and damp from the downpour.
“Where have you been?” Betty asked.”We thought you were in the bathroom!” Augustine felt a horrible feeling in her stomach then and tried to ignore it.
“Oh, just for a run.”
A Godforsaken Mess
She knows.
It was a simple, two-worded text from James that knocked the wind out of her. She knew it was bound to happen, but there was always a part of her that thought they were invincible and could go on with their illicit affair without hurting Betty. It was a dream of course, far removed from reality until that text lit up her phone. 
Ines. Damn Ines. She could never just keep her mouth shut. Augustine collapsed onto her bed and closed her eyes, knowing that she and James had just broken Betty. But there was a quiet, secret part of her that was relieved, because it meant that James was hers. I won. She hated herself for thinking it. But deceiving her best friend had been exhausting. When she was with James, Betty didn’t exist–but when she was alone she felt like the guilt would consume her. It was the worst when she was actually with Betty, the one who knew her best. She lived in fear that her secret would be revealed by a slip of the tongue or some other careless indication. She and James thought they were being discreet. She’d return from a passionate rendezvous flushed, always prepared with an excuse. They were careful to keep conversation light and platonic with Betty around, keeping their eyes away from each other so Betty wouldn’t see their stolen stares. Maybe they tried a little too hard to be discreet…
And in that moment, Augustine realized that Betty had to have suspected something for at least a little while. When Betty had noticed James’s sweatshirt on her bed, Augustine thought she had passed it off well enough–it was the truth that she had run into James and was cold. But what Betty didn’t know was that Augustine didn’t exactly run into James–he had asked her to meet him after work to take a walk on the beach. Guilt had crept up her throat, knowing that these walks belonged to James and Betty. But the next thing she knew, Augustine was staring at the rusted door of his house. She knew this had to mean something, to meet together somewhere other than the back of a car parked behind the furniture store in an empty mall parking lot. She had coolly walked through the door with him, fighting the urge to hold his hand. It’s not like that, she had told herself. It’s just a fling.
Augustine recalled all of the times she canceled plans with Betty when James called her for another clandestine meeting. She always had an excuse–a “thing” she had to do with her parents, going for a run, college essays. Yes, she definitely had to have suspected. Betty must have given so many signs that she knew, but Augustine had been oblivious to every single one. Once her phone buzzed with that text from James, though, she felt like a fool. Of course she would’ve found out, she scolded herself, knots in her stomach. She’s my best friend.
Right on cue, Augustine received the dreaded text from Betty. But when she opened the message, it was one of few words.
You can have him, but never speak to me again.
They slept in each other’s arms for the last month of summer, free at last. It seemed like James realized there was no turning back. He chose me. Betty kicked Augustine out of her life and it broke her heart, but James was there shortly after Betty texted her, picking up the pieces and holding them together until she was strong enough to carry the weight of what she had done. She knew it weighed on James, too, but his lips and hands were so hot and desperate over her body that she knew without a doubt that he didn’t regret it. She lost her best friend in exchange for James, and maybe it made her a terrible person, but that was enough for her.
Between James’s work at Schmoe’s  and Augustine’s SAT prep, they didn’t have much time together. But on James’s days off,  they would meet down at the beach. Augustine would watch him as he lay with his back beneath the sun, wishing she could write her name on it. She would ever so softly run her fingers across his back, tracing loops and lines that spelled out a secret Augustine. 
They were watching the sun set over the water when Augustine realized she loved James. She didn’t know when it actually happened, but she became aware of it when she was driving home from his house and found herself conjuring images of marriage, children, and an entire life together. She could see it all so clearly and she reveled in it. She wondered if James could tell she had fallen for him and she wondered if he had fallen for her, too. They didn’t speak of love to one another, but the way he looked at her told her he had to feel the same way for her. They would lay twisted in bedsheets, slick with the sweat of passionate exertion, and he would stroke her hair and softly hum to himself. Yes, there was no doubt. He loved her.
“I don’t think we can do this anymore,” James was saying, but Augustine didn’t hear him. Everything seemed muted and far away. “Augustine?” She looked up from staring at her hands and met his gaze. “Did you hear me?”
“I don’t understand,” she said stupidly. “What are you saying?”
James sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “I’m saying that this has to stop. I can’t keep doing this.” He paused, looking away. “I can’t stop thinking about her,” he said quietly.
Augustine’s heart seemed to stop. Betty. “I have to make things right, Augustine,” James continued, unaware of the shattering glass of her breaking heart. She felt delusional for believing he had an unspoken love for her. 
“So, what? This was all for nothing?” “Augustine. Baby–”
“Do not call me baby,” she growled through gritted teeth, seething anger burning hot across her skin. “Please try to understand, Augustine.”
“Understand what? That you used me? That I was just a replacement? What am I supposed to do now? I ruined everything for you!” And I’d do it again, a million times.
“I don’t want you to think I don’t care about you.” 
“But you don’t love me.” 
James paused. “I care for you very much,” he repeated softly. “But no, I don’t love you that way.”
Augustine felt the world slide away from under her feet as his words pierced her heart. Of course he doesn’t love you. He wants Betty. It’s always been Betty. Of course, part of her knew he didn’t feel the same for her as she did for him, but hearing it out loud tore her apart. She risked and lost everything for him and he just tolerated her love for him.
James took a step forward, taking her hands in his. “You mean so much to me, Augustine. That will never change. But you have to understand. I screwed up and I need to fix it. I love her more than anything.”
His words made Augustine want to throw up, knowing she was just Betty’s understudy. James pulled her into an embrace. “I’m sorry, Augustine. We had a lot of fun, didn’t we?”
Augustine jerked away, glaring at him. So that’s all it was. “We sure did.” He looked curiously back at her, waiting for her to say more. “You go make things right with Betty.” Her face was burning hot, angry tears welling in her eyes. “She deserves happiness and so do you.” And with that, she pecked him on the cheek and left him on the beach to listen to the waves alone. 
So that’s it. I was the fun. Betty is the one. Her tears spilled over and ran hot down her cheeks as she headed towards her car, ignoring the stares of beachgoers and tourists. So much for summer love, she thought bitterly, blindly pushing through the throngs of people. What a stupid, idiotic fool he had made her. She got into her car and slammed the door shut, burying her head in her arms over the steering wheel. Sobs wracked her body as she told herself over and over, he wasn’t mine to lose.
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