#also ima just talk about this in the tags
Part 2 on trying to babygirlify most of the Svs for fun and trying to give them sorta different aesthetics
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I really don't know what aesthetic I was going for for her
But I had fun!
Stay tuned for part 3!
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something about the way that “colorful teachers” comment/moment happened and then babs looked at the camera like that and then ava looked at her like that.. idk i feel like that should be added to the ava is queer column 🤷🏾‍♀️
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What do you think Jo is ugly and it pissed off people?
no my friend nono you got it all wrong. no its the opposite.
#snap chats#WE ONLY SAY RESPECTFUL THINGS IN THIS HOUSE I WOULD NEVER SAY THAT BOUT ANY CHARA#esp not one mo-capped off an actual guy 😭 a very lovely and funny and phenomenal actor of a guy 😭#get out of my tags everyone im explaining myself#IMA JUST LEAVE WITH those who remember my baddie baddies tier list know. they know the answer#😔#stop im telling the story about my friend playing y7 for the first time again since this is related#i JUST told the story X days ago but its relevant to this topic#because its still funny as hell we got to chapter two and during the car ride to me getting us lunch we were like#Seriously talking about the game and she was theorizing what would happen next and just talking about how she loved ichiban#after all that like. we just sat in silence for like a minute or two#i cant remember if she brought him up first but im 99% sure i was like 'so whatd you think of jo' or something#and she was just Snap. 👀#and then we spent the rest of the ride talking about him fjLKJELKAJ FUNNIEST THING EVER#no cause when i was doing my first playthrough of y7 and /i/ saw jo the first time i Also was just 👁️👁️#idk what it was bro was just doin accountant shit aAEJLKA😭☠️☠️☠️#and still i was like 😔hii 🥰😔 the rarest instance of me. in a sense. falling for a chara frame one ☠️☠️ very embarrassing ☠️#and then the rest of the game unfolded and now we're here SO NO anon i DIDNT find him unattractive#it was terminal literal frame one and the sniper outside is to make sure i dont say anything INSANE and lose the respect of everyone#whatever respect exists. there's like. a drop of it left and i will cling onto it for my life
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spirirsstuff · 1 year
ughhhh why can’t songs be good the entire way through
#randomrambles#all three of the ones i listened two had good parts but then also bad parts#like cut out the entirety of the key change at the end of the first one#cut out the first half of the chorus of the second one#and cut out the entire chorus of the last one#literally just make the song good the whole time#i think i would be better at writing music than the people who wrote these songs /hj#literally just make the pieces w o r k t o g e t h e r#like yeah i get that they technically work together but the shift isn’t natural feeling#shift better like in the good songs#literally the weird ass drum rhythms in the one to transition it works because it evens out later and actually does a decent job#the big energetic trumpet bridge in the one works well because it’s an energetic song#but really it’s not the background that doesn’t work as a transition. they work fine in the songs. it’s the vocals#(from here on i talk about the second two because the first is now irrelevant)#the vocals in the second song don’t make a lot of sense in the first half of the chorus and to top it off the rhythm doesn’t seem natural#in the second one the notes just don’t work that well together. they don’t sound great in the sequence they’re in#there are definitely better notes that could have worked really well there.#fuck it. tomorrow ima make the songs better because i don’t have anything better to do#anyways if you for some reason read this whole wall of tags im sorry#im just very passionate about ranting about music shit
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pigeontakeover · 1 year
Choking my girlfriend is so fun, love the way I can feel her trying to moan but the sound gets cut off
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romanarose · 3 months
If You Wanna be Wild: Chapter 7
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Co-written with @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction my beloved Fen, who I could not do this without. Thank you for being my emotional sounding board, my dear friend, my wonderful cowriter and helpful beta reader. I adore you.
Javier Peña x Latina!sex worker!informant!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Join my general tag list (Comment to join the tag list for this fic)
Triple Frontier Master List
Spotify Playlist
Series Masterlist : Read on AO3
Summary: Everything falls apart and evryone is alone.
Content and warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter unless something is added: Sex work, drug trade, some drug use/pressured used, sex workers and the mistreatment/stigma surrounding them specifically in the 70’s (my blog is sex worker positive) but ima put potential dub con depending how you look at it as a sex worker who works with dangerous men, some action surrounding reader and the guys and the drug trade, SMUT HEAVY, corruption kink (were corrupting santi here, he’s young, 25), no loss of virginity tho, threesomes, some slight m/m smut but that’s not the focus here, but as you know this blog is an lgbt blog so I’m always open to gay shit. Talk of war and some PTSD but I won't be going a whole lot into it. Covert/emotional incest in the past, Santi's mommy issues, m/m dynamics, internalized bi/homophobia
Reader speaks Spanish and has hair. I've decided Candy is just latina bc she's a sex worker in Colombia so this is what I'm doing. Reader also has curly hair and dark skin.
ADDITIONAL WARNINGS!:mentions of rape an violence, what happened to Helena, smut, repressed feelings, angst.
Almost everything was written by Fen <3
2.7k words
Support writers! Reblog and comment!
There was no making up. There was no Javi bringing Santi food as an apology, there was no talking. 
When Santi walked into the office on Monday, he saw the fucking desks rearranged, Javier’s and Santi’s on other sides of the room instead of pushed face to face. Santi quickly rushed to the bathroom where he panic vomited and had an anxiety attack, resulting in him being 45 minutes late. Javi didn’t say anything about it.
Where Santi couldn’t eat, Javi couldn’t stop eating, munching down food and taking frequent trips to the vending machine. His doctor was going to kill him. Santi could barely function, even coming in late or leaving early which was a cardinal sin in his book. Still, none of it stopped him from seeing Candy. Occasionally Candy asked about him because all month Javi hadn’t been to see her either. Santi couldn’t get much answer either.
They worked, but mostly separately. Javi had even been trying to find somewhere else to work, but there weren’t exactly free rooms in the precinct. They talked occasionally but only about Lorea… making Santi desperately lonely. He had his family and he loved his tias, but they weren’t Javi. It was the day of the rally for the beatification of Laura Montoya, which forced them to be in close proximity as they dressed in plain clothes and scouted the area for any sign of the Lorea family. Not wanting to look too much like officers on alert, Santi tried making conversation, none of which was working with Javi, only getting few word answers. 
The boy was going to drive him absolutely batshit insane if he didn’t stop talking. It was bad enough he kept asking. ‘Should we get food’ or ‘it’s nice out today’, but his voice mixed with the crowds and noise and music and chatter or the rally, people shouting about whoever it was they were here for, politicians trying to stop them and constantly flashbacks of that night of the ball… Then Santi had to go and say 
“She misses you.”
“You mentioned her name one more fucking time and I’ll-”
“You’ll fucking what?” Santi snapped, his nerves had twisted, hardened suddenly by rage. 
His anger took Javi by surprise, he’d never heard him speak like that to anyone let alone him. 
Santi took his pause as indignation. “I mentioned Candy once. Once. And that’s only because you haven’t seen her, or called her or anything!” He hissed. “She’s worried about you actually, she-”
It was Javi’s turn to snap. 
He grabbed the younger man by the back of his collar and pulled him into a side alley, using his own momentum against him and slamming him up against the brick wall. 
Sant let out a little huff of air as his back collided, gritting his jaw as pain raced along his back. 
The action had been forceful, but not enough to cause discomfort for most people. However, a rough, uneven lump of mortar had poked oddly against the scar at the nape of his neck, sending a tingle down his back.
Javi rammed the heel of his hand into the wall next to Santi’s head, using his height to his full advantage as he leaned over him like he was interrogating a suspect instead of a colleague. A friend. 
Santi breathed hard, his frown pinching his eyebrows together, and Javi would say he even looked cute if he wasn’t so bloody annoying, so obsessed with getting under his skin. Unable to let anything go, constantly digging at him in his self-righteous attitude, just needing to push, and push, and push, and…
Cute. The thought caught him off guard. When had he started to think of Santiago as cute?
“What the fuck are you doing Peña?” He growled, puffing his chest out, but not pushing back. 
Javi shook his head slightly, trying to break his racing mind, trying to get back to reality. “Candy, look, you can’t just-”
“She’s an adult Javi, I can-”
“You’re going to get her killed!” His voice raised at the end, louder and more desperate than he had intended, with just the slightest waver. He hoped Santi didn’t hear it, but he probably did. Nothing got past him. “Do you understand?” Santi glared at him, the muscles in his jaw flexing. Those stupid large doe eyes looking painfully dark and enticing. “You’re flaunting her. Taking her to the ball and, and-”
Santi scoffed. “That’s none of your business, I asked her, I-”
“You’re gonna get her gutted and dumped on the side of the road!” Javier screamed, haunting flashbacks to Helena’s beaten and raped body, wrapping his coat around her and having to carry her out, not sure if she was dying or not. “You know how easy it would be for Lorea to do something? This isn’t even a put two and two together situation, Pope, it’s you waving a four right in his fucking face! And what do you think is gonna happen when he takes her, huh? When he beats her and rapes her an tortures her to get information on YOU!” 
Santi swallows, his face still hard, but that little bob of his Adam’s apple draws Javier’s eye, but he doesn't respond. Javier lowers his voice, fist still gripping Santi’s jacket.
“She’s not gonna give you up, she’s not gonna help them hurt you. She’s gonna end up dead. You’re gonna…” He closed his eyes for a moment, took a small breath. It was easier not to look at him, not to have to stare at his soft eyes and plump lips. “You’re gonna end up dead too, Pope. I can’t… I’ve seen it, okay?”  
Javier screwed up his face, opening his eyes so that he could look at Santi man to man. Implore him to see reason. 
“I’m not telling you to stop seeing her, I’m just saying.... I’ve seen shit happen to girls in her line of work. To officers like you that are still wet behind the ears to this kind of thing-” The second it was out of his mouth, he knew he’d made a mistake. 
“I’m not a fucking child, Peña.” Santi hissed, pressing forward and getting up in Javier’s face. “I know that’s what everyone at the station seems to think and all their little Virgin Maria mierda. I don’t care. I don’t give a fuck if all they see is that.” He pushes firmly on Javier’s chest, almost smacking as he punctuates his sentence. “But I thought you’d know better! I was black ops special agent, I spend years of my life in almost every goddamn continent doing retcon, assassinations, covert operations and rescuing women and children and getting SHOT! I’m not-”
“I’m not saying you’re a child-”
“You are! You are!” Santiago growls, smacking Javi’s chest repeatedly. He doesn’t care that he does sound like a child in that moment, arguing relentlessly on semantics. His emotions are bubbling over and muddying his head. “You’re saying that you know best. That your word is law. Despite all you do to endanger Candy!”
“I do n-”
“You do! You think you’re above it all, you’re just as bad, you pretend to care but you-”
“Shut your fucking mouth, Garcia!”
“Make me!”
He doesn’t think. 
There’s always times he doesn’t think. When he gets too lost in whatever emotion he’s letting overwhelm him. Sometimes rage. Sometimes guilt. Usually negative either way. That’s where Santi is a good partner, keeping a cool and level head while Javi plays bad cop.
Usually ends up with him throwing a punch, not a kiss. 
Santi knew ‘make me’ was childish. Knew it was playground nonsense reserved for kids still in single digits. But if everyone was going to keep calling him that, keep pretending that he wasn’t the only actual goddamned adult in the room then-
Javier’s lips on his steal his breath away, rob him of every thought that has ever run through his mind. And, for once, it’s blissfully quiet. The anxieties pushed away for the peace of a lover's kiss.
Javi presses closer, pushing Santiago further into the wall and cupping his face with his warm hand as he kisses him, body to body, warmth to warmth. Darting out his tongue to just trace Santi’s bottom lip and groans when he parts them immediately, no hesitation, and lets him lick into his mouth. 
The angle’s a little awkward, Javier’s body trapping Santi’s hand between their chests. But Santiago’s fingers curl into his shirt, pulling him closer as his kisses leave him breathless and desperate for more.
Javier’s leg bumps into his and Santi moves a step, moaning softly and then whining as his thigh presses against his half hard cock, a sharp spike of pleasure running up his spine and- 
His thoughts all come crashing down. What the fuck, what the fuck  was he doing? His mother’s voice rang in his head, screaming his name. 
He could get arrested for this, thrown in jail, worse. He was going to burn in hell.
Santi pulled back quickly, disentangling himself from Javier so quickly that both men nearly fell. He turned, not giving the older man a second look, and ran out of the alley into the crowded street. 
He didn’t even hear Javier call his name. 
“Are you okay, baby?” You asked, your naked body covering Santiago while giving him tender kisses, scooting yourself up and down his cock. You loved to tease him, get him whimpering and watch as all those troublesome thoughts left his pretty little head. He was too pretty to be so worried all the time.
He’d been stressed on and off about Javi, occasionally bringing it up, but you think he stopped when he realized it upset you. You were really good at pretending to care when old professors droned on and on about academic works or when men talked about themselves or complained about their wives and mothers again and again and again. You could’ve faked not being upset when Santi, but you didn’t fake anything with him. Javi’s absence hurt your feelings. You were worried about him, and you were angry at him for abandoning you and hurting Santi. For continuing to hurt his feelings. Bitch.
But honestly… you just miss him. A lot. It would take more than a poster to patch this, he’d have to make things right with Santi too, but you’d forgive him. You just wanted him back, and you wanted Santi happy again. He was already thin enough, and as your body slid up and down the sweaty length of him, you could feel he’d lost weight. 
Santi moaned loudly, gripping onto your hips as you bounced on his length, his eyes rolling back in his head as your heat engulfs him over and over. Pulling him deeper and deeper. 
The fat tip of his cock presses deliriously, perfectly rubbing over your walls with every slick slide. Stretching you so wonderfully like he was made for you. He was, he really, really was. Something was bothering him today, and he was finding solace in you. You were happy to give it to him. Pushing all other thoughts out of your head. 
He whines, babbling nonsensically with his eyes closed, “please, please, please,” He rocks up against you, letting his body override his brain as you fuck him into the mattress. “Please, gonna come, please, need you so much,” he gasps, almost sobbing from pleasure. 
You stroke his cheek and pick up your pace, even if he hasn’t said you could tell how close he was. The way his stomach muscles tense, how his eyes are screwed shut and head thrown back into the pillow, “it’s okay, it’s okay, you can come, give it all to me.”
He shakes his head rapidly, “no, please,” he moans, “need you, need mommy to come, please.” 
His whines change in pitch, the little sounds getting higher and higher as he reaches the point of no return. His mouth hangs open, his skin flushed and sweaty, and heat floods to your core. 
You brace yourself with your left hand on his leg behind you as you ride him, leaning back ever so slightly to change the angle just enough that he continuously hits perfectly inside, stretching you to your limit. 
Santi sobs, the position change sending a buzz up his spine, pressing on the thick length of his cock to a surprisingly maddening degree. His whole body pulsed, stealing the air from his lungs.
He bucks up once, his eyes fluttering open in surprise as he comes, his length pulsating. He empties himself deep inside you, his orgasm stretching onwards and overtaking every possible thought. 
You smile as you watch him, happy to see him so blissed out. You ride him throughout his high, trying to prolong his sensations as long as possible. He deserved it.
He sighs, shivering with aftershocks as he comes back to himself and looks up at you. You open your mouth to speak, the words on the tip of your tongue.
Santi grabs you by the hips, urging you up and off him and pulling your aching pussy onto his face. He lets out a small groan at the mess he made, his cum leaking out of your folds before he runs the tip of his tongue through them. 
You bite back a moan, grabbing onto his hair for stability as his mustache brushes against your clit.
His mouth feels like heaven as he lick and swirls around your clit, his movements soft but certain, quickly pushing you towards your peak.
Instinctively you buck your hips, grinding down on his mouth to chase your high. He rocks you against him, urging you tp move and fuck his eager tongue. 
“Santi…” you whine as you come hard against him, pulling fiercely on his hair. 
He continues licking, moaning against you as he drinks down every drop of your release. 
You breathe heavily, boneless for a moment before slowly moving away to lay down next to him. 
He pouts a little as you settle. “I wasn’t finished.” He smiles cheekily, your cum shining all over the bottom half of his face,
You giggle, and gently swat his arm and cuddle up next to him. Santi didn’t need instruction, scooting his back to your chest. In your arms, where he belonged. You loved being like this with him, but somehow it always felt like something was missing. You loved when Javi used to hold you, protecting you with a strong arm around your body, but again, you felt like something was missing, in your arms this time instead of around you.
You kiss the scar on his spine. “Good boy, Santito.”
It happened so fast. Santi teanses and you barely have a second to register how he turns to you, his eyes widen in panic, his skin turning ashen before he’s up, out of bed and pulling on his clothes so fast that it shouldn’t have been possible. What the fuck? Did you do something wrong?
“Santi?” you start, trying to keep your voice soft but unable to hide the fear that has overcome your words.Why is he leaving? What did you do wrong? Did you mess up things with Santi too, the one good thing left? You barely sit up before he’s shoving a handful of dollars at you, practically just throwing them in your direction and the bed. 
“Here.” His voice is quiet, distant. Like he’s not really there. A stark comparison to his panicked, edgy movements. He doesn’t even bother tying his shoes, simply shoving his feet inside them and stumbling towards the door.
“Wait, Sant-”
He slams the door on his way out. 
Leaving your bed cold, and you alone.
It was supposed to be sex, talking. Build a nice repour. That was it. You were good at it too, making old ugly men think you were infatuated, but yourself detached from even the most charming and attractive. Something happened with Javi and Santi, a line that became blurred, friendship and genuine attraction and care. Now they were gone. 
You hate yourself for how hard you cry.
thank you so much to everyone whose stuck around while i sort my SHIT OUT (its never ending)
If you like me writing javi, i wrote a drable today too, and if you wanna see a totally insane version of santi, come to rooms on fire!
be sure to give @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction a follow, he's amazing and my everything. they are pumping out AMAZING works rn for the moon knight bingo.
I appriciate you all very very much, please let know your thoughts in the comment!!!
I know you've stuck around for this song, please drop a comment and say hiiiiii!!!!
follow @romana-updates for more!
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shygirl4991 · 6 months
SMG3 Sussy Notebook
ima tag smg3 sussy notebook spoilers and have the pics of the notebook under read more so you can pick if ya wanna see the notebook! These are highlights and not every page!
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now that we have the pw for club penguin we can all log in and get all the cool skins, honestly i feel if mario just guess the password it wouldnt take him long to get it xD be faster then stealing the notebook and all
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ah yes the start of the worlds longest slowburn its a super funny thought that right out the usb he gets his notebook and goes this bitch here ima make him my life rival
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oh shit shout out to these two that showed up in SMG3 Gauntlet of gloom
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suuuure buddy keep telling yourself that, seems even tho SMG3 marked him as his rival and hated him over what happen in college he still wanted to hang out with 4 and be friends but its not like he cares or anything...baka!
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lmao the censor on what happen in the igloo ah yes nothing but hugging happen there nothing to M rated xD im guessing the real book in universe might have it a bit more detail given the big deal it was for wotfi 2023
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we really dont talk about that hug
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did...did i call it in my fic that this man legit is crazy about beans and hot sauce im dying i guess when your the bad guy with low budget for food you get use to the good classic beans and hot sauce
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oh honey thats not how that works xD this man is smart but also oh so dumb i think he gets that from his avatar that and he is a few years fresh from the usb Update: @alianarepasa let me know its from a mad max episode i manage to miss it was a fun watch and now i understand what this means xD these peeps really went wild without internet poor toad
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pifft im guessing he has masters degree specialized in psychology? other wise idk how he is a psychologist and he seems to be a good one from what we have seen but who knows he could be bullshitting his way through how evil xD
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both our boys are ready to ride forklifts into the sunset someone draw this please xD
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im laughing i guess SMG3 isnt much a fan of boopkins but seems he really enjoys being with the crew he wont say it but im sure he is a happy bean to finally be with the cool kids after years of being jealous.
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he says but give this man eggdog or eggdog memes and he becomes Tari in a second
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hey lads we found the page from SMG4 We Dont Talk About What Happened in the Elevator
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he wants a castle but ended up with a sick lair in a coffee shop i think thats better!
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okay putting my shipping heart away this is so interesting to me like he starts off thinking 4 is a loser and makes him his rival then gets jealous he has these friends and he isnt apart of them. We know SMG3 is lonely and lost as he doesn't know his purpose before becoming lord of the graveyard now being apart of the crew and now knowing who is he, SMG3 is much happier and closer to the crew. But the way he writes this feels like he likes the close contact with 4 and while he doesnt want to admit it could it be he legit does have romantic feelings? idk i feel these past episodes and this part really gets me thinking they have something here to really make smg34 canon naturally and not have the way they act with each other be to different might go more into this later.
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this sparks joy thank you for including this and thats it for my ted talk thanks for reading again this is just my highlights i dont want to post the whole notebook here just stuff that gets my mind going!
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ashsostrange · 7 months
"averagegirlie" is just "xxoxobree", formerly known as "breeandhermunches" on a burner. newsflash, your "fav" miles writer isn't who you think she is!
ik a lot of us must be VERY confused so let me help you out. @/averagegirlie and @/xxoxobree are the same mfkn person! why did bree make this account? i assume that it's so she could fend for herself and keep the "unbothered" act up on her main page. that's why she deletes all her reblogs after arguing w someone then comes over to this account to start bsing. not to mention she can say extremely problematic things with no repercussions, because she doesn't have a following on that page + it's not tied to her.. at least it wasn't before! bree's a very messy liar. i peeped the truth so lemme share it w y'all.
bree if you're seeing this, go take a couple shots before you read. you should've kept it cute but you didn't, so let's get nasty mf.
i have receipts! let's start right here cz i find this the funniest:
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nobody but her spells "internet" like that... this is one of the many examples of the two accounts talking alike, even though bree said she wouldn't refer to "yao" as a friend when the whole rashad thing was going down. yesterday, i reminded yao of that. she said "i like bree, so what" but she deleted that and changed it to "when are y'all gonna catch on to the fact that we talk?" mhm.. bree's a lil confused, but next!
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y'all see "yao's" tag? telling alexa to play some bs... then y'all see bree?? NEXT!
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go look on miss average's page. she only comes online to defend and ride the hell out of bree's dick. remember ts w amani? why are you going so hard for someone who says they dk you like that LMFAO. not to mention, when the rashad shit was happening, bree said "this my girl and she never been wrong" but then she turns around and says "i wouldn't say we're friends" WHICH ONE IS IT MISS MUNCH??! 😭🤣🤣 next!
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why we praising tf out of bree's oc? ts was ai bro. we got a self supafan. next...
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look at this smart anon, putting tg the pieces and shit. "ash and dalia fight your battles every time" is literally.. a lie. what battles are we referring to? talia's never in drama as much as you're implying. and ima ride for my friends anyway, tf? but my entire blog will never be centered around ONE human being. it ain't that serious ever. "yao" and bree need hobbies cz writing obv ain't doing it for her. next.
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bree has also said she's messy lol. she likes drama. hm!
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look at how she came on her white horse when bree was battling the great war w anons over miles morales smut (which i don't fw, js to be clear.) who summoned her? BREE LMFAIOFHDGFKJAS... NEXT!!!
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here's miss xxoxo munches being ableist, much like her alter ego. bro went silent and blocked lia after this. now let's get into miss average again.
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look at this bs. ion even gotta say much.. this girl is black & not chinese!! y'all should know why this is weird. here's the "evidence" she gave me btw:
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here's me proving her wrong! she tried! next.
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y'all see the way they're tagging their posts w their usernames? mhm.. ik you do.
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these are both bree. i don't mean to bring up maye again, but i have to for context. what happened wasn't js "drama"... the things she said to dalia were racist + that post she was lyin' about lia in. she also liked the post.. dead giveaway you silly bitch! 🥱 nd she was also instigating in honey's inbox. i know her typing style and her emoji colors lol. it's common sense atp. it's not hard to tell when an anon is bree. and from what i'm seeing not even maye is fw her.. LMFAISAIDHSAY GIRL YOU'RE DONE! 😭 feel free to go thru their accs, you'll see ts too. she's funny asf for this, i'll give her that and that only. i've never laughed so much in under 24 hours. 💓
in conclusion, bree is messy, bored, insecure, ableist & miserable! she thought nobody would ever find out but here we are today. she fronts not gaf but then switches to this acc to let off some serious steam... as miss freeman once said: "Alexa, play yikes!"
but bless bree 💗 maybe if you change now, you'll still be able to collect your tokens like dalia says.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
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ima go ahead n answer both these at once if that's good w yall.
here's the referenced post for anyone who missed it.
I've posted a LOT about adoption before. feel free to search #adoption, #ethical adoption, #adoptee or #adopted, etc in my tags for those posts. if you can't find them bc Tumblr is shit at searching lmk and I will try to dig em up. I have a Google doc of organized/categorized Tumblr links because of the search function being such a joke
anyway that said. what I meant is that it is sooo obvious to most adoptees from a young age that it's a consumer industry and we are a product for sale. most of us who always knew we were adopted have that horrifying realization very very young, far too young to know how to deal with it. yes I am glad when other people figure this out too but it's a bit irritating for non adoptees to act like this is some mystical wisdom they alone could've uncovered when it's part of the trauma inherent to adoption to realize you were purchased 🤷
I'm not against adoption like some adoptees are, but I could write ESSAYS on my criticisms of the industry and how it SHOULD work. in fact, I have written essay length posts about it in the tags listed above. but ultimately nobody gives a fuck & NOBODY of any political orientation wants to hear that adoption perhaps isn't the utterly selfless flawless silver bullet solution to unwanted kids that everyone treats it as. yet statistically we KNOW most adoptees are extremely damaged by it, the research is there but nobody talks about it. nobody likes you if you talk about it. the walls go up real quick.
one of my favorite things is how adoption seems to be the ONE area that absolutely nobody respects lived material experience about. even loads of leftists/radfems who are always going on and on about the importance of listening to people's real, lived experiences will aggressively talk over us adoptees if we dare have the audacity to critique adoption/the adoption industry or acknowledge that it's fuckin traumatic even for an infant being yanked away from the only stimuli you knew for 9 months and put somewhere where you can't recognize yourself in anyone or anything for the next 18+ years. and that's best case scenario! scenario where they don't abuse you or spend your childhood guilt tripping you because they oh so selflessly took you in when nobody wanted you and now look how difficult you are, crying all the time n shit... just as 1 common experience I know many share from my own life and talking to other adoptees.
but nearly every time we try to talk about this, even if it has nothing to do with criticizing the adoption industry and we are JUST tryna get painful shit off our chest, some non adoptee or 8 is/are gonna jump down our throat (and often even say all the same shit our parents guilted us with as kids lmao)
it's also 1000% a feminist issue bc SO many mothers are forced into adopting out a kid they wanna keep, or adoption being available is used to justify forcing women to give birth instead of aborting an unwanted pregnancy when those women would otherwise choose the latter. not to mention the designer baby shit & the preference for white male babies... and the fact that it's human beings being literally sold as a good. Just because it's legal and isn't outright sex slavery or "forced labor" (tho adopted kids are so often viciously abused and often in those exact ways) doesn't make it right to buy or sell a human being, doesn't make it not human trafficking. & I say this as an adoptee who was ALSO trafficked as a teenager.
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yoonzinuhh · 7 months
last dance,last chance — minghao
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : minghao x reader
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 : fluff,angsty
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : talks about world ending
𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 : this is purely fiction. i’ve inspired this from my current favourite song ‘ima — even if the world ends tomorrow’ also happy hao day <3
standing in your balcony,eyes glistening as the cold breeze hits you,seeing the roads that were always filled with people now be empty.
a warm hand holds you close from behind. you smile leaning onto minghao as he pecks your cheeks.
“i want to do something..one last time.”
one last time. yes. the world apparently is ending tomorrow. as much as you want to laugh at this,it is. what once was a city filled with loud happiness,kids running around,night lights is now empty because of the fear of ending. and to you,what mattered the most was the guy behind you. you’ve been with minghao all your life. from your childhood neighbour to your first kiss to your now everything,he was always there. minghao was an optimistic person. trying to find the good in everything while you were someone who always had something or the other to worry about. and to be honest that made you both feel more made for each other. and to see the world end with your whole world,him,was what could make this thing a little better. because all the worries you had for future is now nothing.
“come with me” he leads you to the living room while turning on your favourite song. the song that has no slow dance melody but still made you both dance slow.
putting his hands onto your waist and your hands to his shoulder,pulling you little closer,close enough to feel his warmth.
letting your body move with the song
“even if the world ends tomorrow ” he chuckles
“i say this all the time but this time this is happening for real..wow” he breathes out as tears prickle in your eyes and starts flowing.
“y/n- i really can’t believe that it’s happening right now and wow- damn like if the world doesn’t actually end tomorrow please don’t tease me..okay” says with a laugh.
kissing your tears off your cheeks,resting his forehead on yours without breaking the eye contact he stays still now.
“all these years that i’ve spent with you,that’s technically my whole life but yeah. all these years you’ve been someone who i knew i had. you’ve seen me. you know me. and you had me. from the first time i knew this wasn’t a silly crush to now when i kiss you..you never stopped giving me butterflies. you’ve seen my worsts and bests and i’m so glad that i let you because..because if it weren’t you..i probably would’ve not been me..you know that. and i’m so glad that i fell in love with you y/n..i’m so glad that i get to spend our last moments together..i really mean this..you’re the love of my life. and i never will regret this.”
you weren’t amazing at showing your emotions or good with words while he was the polar opposite to you. he was never scared to show or tell how much he loved you,cry with you,laugh with you. he is the love of your life,too.
all these words from him made you lose it. you sob,making all sorts of noises as your knee feels weak you just lean onto him.
sobs and tears growing,you put your head onto his shoulder,hugging him with your trembling hands as he pulls you closer also crying against your head,pecking your hair.
5 minutes,10 minutes. god knows how long. you’ve been crying together with no words shared.
you slowly pull away brushing your lips and whispering a “i love you” against his lips. pulling him closer by his neck deepening the kiss. it was slow. love breaths,nose bumps,breaks to stare each other.
this moment. it feels so intimate. love filled the air,so did the sadness.
“even if the world ends tomorrow” he says again onto your lips.
you smile weakly nodding.
“even if it ends”
you end your night,cuddled up against each other. nothing but silence and your heart beats. the world does end tomorrow,but atleast with him.
tags : @aaniag
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
my thoughts have been everywhere and i love your stuff and writing so if its ok with you ima keep sending more asks/thoughtsss (its its not feel free to publicly shame me)
so i talked about bug azulito yesterday but what about small azulito? maybe theres a mishap in potions class or he mixes up his transformation potion in his dorm. anyways, maybe he turns is to a more normal sized octopus (so small, purple, and squishy). because the average octopus is 12-36 inches (1-3 ft) you can just walk around and hold this man like a plushie. it would be so funny if mc/reader is just chilling in his room with him waiting for the potion to wear off and he’s just climbing around their body. up their arms, down their back, on top of the head etc.
this could also apply to the tweels, just having 2 slimy little eels the size of a plush in your arms as you walk around school (those mfs would terrorise everyone)
(i always use this to sign off if you wanna give me and anon tag/emoji)
(i'll call you 💋 anon! mwah!)
I guess it would depend on what octopus we think Azul is most closely related to. I headcanon that Azul is a Giant Pacific octopus, which averages at an arm span of 14ft and weighs up to 33lbs. The largest they've found has gone up to 20ft and 110lbs respectively. You can look at this image for reference:
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So if Azul got turned into his animal counterpart, he'd most likely be pretty big, but maybe he'd get turned into a baby!!! A little baby octopus that is clingy as hellm his suckers wrapped around your arms. Others try to pull him off you so you can eat and use the restroom, but those arms are hella strong, and it's like yanking a child from their favorite stuffed animal.
You'll be covered in suckers at the end of the day, but you'll know the true love of an octopus, and can you really ask for more?
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larz-barz · 1 month
time to talk about Marius’ lore cause yes (also ima just copy and paste what i told @kimetsu-chan cause why not)
tagging: @bottlecapsandotherthings @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @haruharuna @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @slayfics @night-mince0 @frostburn-shoto
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
thinking about daigo’s substory in Y0 again and its like *shaking, crying screaming* Yes I’m Normal About This.
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romantichomicide95 · 11 months
hallo! 💕 (congratulations again! ;w;) could i please get #94 with eren and #100 with gojo? i desperately want to hate fuck kiss that man so bad :(
Chelle. ily and we obv talked about the gojo one. Ima tag you when I write it though! Also
Kiss prompt drabble 94: How about we ruin this friendship kiss.
Eren Yeager
No warnings just fluff
Underneath the canopy of twinkling stars, the night was calm and serene. Eren and you, best friends since childhood, sat side by side on the top of the wall, watching as the moon reflected on the city below.
As always, you two had found solace in each other's company. But tonight, there was a question burning in the air, an unasked proposition that was knawing at the back of Erens mind.
He looked over at you, watching as your face glowed under the moonlight. A moment of bravery, or maybe it was desperation, overtook him.
"Do you ever think," he began, his voice barely a whisper. He paused his eyes gazed at you, reflecting the fear and anticipation that battled within him. You could almost see them soften, showing traces of the vulnerable boy you once knew. You tensed, staring back at him. You’re heart racing. Every time he looked at you like that your mind went blurry.
You stare back in anticipation. His hand rises to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his teal eyes transfixed on yours. “Do you ever think…we could be more than friends?”
Under his gaze your mind started racing. Could it be? All those lingering looks. The warmth that pooled in your stomach when he was near. Was it possible those were signs of something more? You look back into his eyes and the way he’s staring has your heart pounding through your chest.
“You mean…” you start but your words are cut off, and before you can speak or react or even contemplate his words, his lips crash onto yours. They were soft, filled with warmth and urgency. It was a sweet kiss and it left you with a mix of shock and realization.
Eren pulled away, studying your face for any signs of rejection or discomfort. A second passed before you lunged at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck while your lips found his once more. Could this potentially ruin your friendship? You didn’t care. All you could think about was how good his lips tasted. His lips tasted sweet and tangy, fresh and intoxicating. You hadn’t known it until now but it was a taste you’d so desperately craved from a distance. All these years.
Drawing back, Eren carefully examined your face. The flushed cheeks, the starry-eyed look, the soft panting…it was all the reassurance he needed. The edge of his lips tugged into a soft smile, his eyes filled with relief.
Cradling your face in his hands, his lips merely brushed against yours. "So... more than friends, huh?" he murmured, a soft chuckle escaping him. You giggle “Yeah I guess so…more than friends.” And with one more kiss you plunge into new territory of a shared past and a promising future.
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kittygamer2888 · 8 months
•Introduction Post•
Actually, ima just start actually doing this post to get some stuff organized.
First off,
I'm making my interaction now because i didn't really think of one from the beginning.
But to just start off- i make drawings and some other stuff like animation, but i rarely ever do them at times.
At the current moment, i am obsessed with sonic and might draw sonic related stuff a lot, but i also draw my attention to other fandoms too like sonic.exe, possibly pokemon, mickey, fnf, Jsab, and some others and maybe my OCs and AUs, too (of course not in this specific order though).
I mostly use my phone and finger to draw, but there will be times where i draw on my tablet.
I'll probably be active a bit more, but there will be times that I'm not, I'm pretty sure that's obvious, but it's just to let ya'll know n' all. But i might draw on my phone on the weekdays, and in the weekends, I'll try to do a complete drawing on my tablet, because usually that sometimes takes days depending if i get distracted, (though, note there will be times i post some of my art from there since there's a lot of drawings that are kind of a few months old now, or somewhere in 2021 when i did them).
But yea, not too much to say about me, this is just an introduction post that I'll pin for any newcomers, that's all.
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((I might edit this once i get the hang of tumblr's way of putting text and underlines because I'm still new))
Since my profile sometimes focuses on Sonic content, here are some Amino links if you want to see more Sonic or Sonic.exe art I made:
Sonic.exe Amino community [new]
Sonic.exe Amino community [old]
And lastly, the Sonic Amino community
I joined both of those way before my Tumblr was made, so.. have fun with that👍
Some tags if you wanna check em out:
♧♠︎Art tag♠︎♧
My OC tag
My Sonic OC tag
My Sonic.exe OC tag
The Hunt For The Master Emerald [my Evil Sonic AU]
Ask the Evil Sonic AU cast tag!
◆animation tag◆
If you're curious about my Evil Sonic au, then I suggest you check out this tag-> THFTME for more lore related stuffs!
Some personal tags (made specifically for myself, but you can watch them if you want):
❤️Fanarts tag❤️
🎁Gifts tag🎁
If you want a peek at what the hecktigon has been going on in my head, then I suggest you check out the tag below if you want to hear my random thoughts said out loud :]
✨️Random thoughts tag✨️ <- watch as I descend into total madness
Little ramble tag if you want to hear me talk
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monstrouslyobsessed · 5 months
at this rate ima beat this jack frost all black and blue with how much trouble it is to write something im happy with. sighs. anyway, i got some asks to answer! some of them got a tad too long so its all under the cut!
tw / tags: heavy heavy beastfolk lore/worldbuilding talk, momster talks too fucking much, breeding mentions, implied noncon, multiple pregnancy mentions, long post, beastfolk / beastfolks characters mentioned: revius, zedrik, cerelos (brief), sea witch, adoxi, and velarius
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Beast folk idea I have! How about a male kangaroo that is of course some type of famous professional athlete (aside from boxing, he could be a martial artist, sprinter, etc.) that has been a play boy all his life (based off of how male kangaroos flex their muscles in real life to females). He never I guess had any “moment” in his life with any females, where he felt right actually wanting to be with them and love them whole heartedly (whether beastfolk of his own species or those not). So then one day someone he knows (close friend or maybe a work professional) takes him to an exclusive private party where the beastfolk have “rented” some humans to do it with. (I don’t know lore wise how legal this is, if at all, but it happened some how). I guess it’s so private because some of the guests there are secret human efers, those in denial, or just haven’t found the “right human” yet and would like some hands on sampling before purchasing them. And so, that’s how the kangaroo meets us his adorable darling. And I’d really like this to be very sweet and fluffy (before becoming mouth watering smutty of course), with kangaroo just having a “zing!” moment with us. We were the female he needed to feel complete in regards to love, and he plans to take GREAT care of us. (It’d also be funny to show how overprotective he is of reader from the start, by him unhesitatingly outbidding some of the other party guests who’ve also taken interest in reader). Of course it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, as reader has trust/abandonment/attachment issues. So finding out that her new kangaroo owner is (was) a MASSIVE play boy isn’t helping her fears. Now it’s up to kangaroo to do damage control, learn how to be a much better beast man, and show his sole love/devotion to reader. Making sure she’ll never question his love/loyalty to her ever again! He wants to make her the envy of his past flings, other beastmen, and just everybody really, since she’s the center of his universe. (Kangaroo also wants to really make her his permanently by getting her knocked up/wifey too). I don’t know if you’d like this idea/concept, but I thought it’d be very cute. I just love the trope of a Casanova finding their soul mate, and having to fix all the damage they’ve caused themselves by their own consequences. Cause it really is a self conflict, and great for character growth arcs. (I also just wanna be spoiled/doted on endlessly by a man who’s capable to throw hands literally and figuratively 24/7 to protect me). Thanks 🪭 —anonymous
hmmm, a bit -too- overdetailed for me to write this one since i like some breathing room to apply my own spins. tbf, it sounds like you already got it started! all you needed to do is to write it~if you write this one, link me! i wouldn't mind reading it and supporting fellow writers <3
while it is -my- au, i especially love seeing what it inspired in others and see their interpretations of it! while the worldbuilding remains mine (STILL chewing on starting a book/series on it someday, but the thought of publishing anything is scary af), it's literally just (semi-realistic) furries mingling with humans with extra history/political dramas included.
so, as long as you keep your worldbuilding somewhat different and source the inspiration to me, have at it. write your own beastfolk world!
anyway, on the finer details (for my AU anyway), as long as those humans are 'beastfolk-owned' and not green card/independent humans, they're essentially viewed as property to do whatever with albeit with responsibilities to ensure their well-being. as long as they're fed and have open access to water, have sufficient shelters, are clean, and their health is regularly checked, their owners can do whatever they want, really. the court won't interfere as long as the humans are safe and healthy—and mind you, the beastfolks are very slow on the uptake about the mental health, less so with their humans'.
that said, this can also depend greatly on what region they're in. some areas have far more human rights than others, being more liberal, while others may be more conservative and views humans as, well, livestock, essentially. humans in these places sometimes have the same rights as actual animals (if they're lucky). that said, the more rural it is, the fewer rights the human pets have.
of course, money DOES talk too.
so, you can just easily say that your characters are either in one of those conservative regions—or have shady connections and/or have an insane amount of money where the laws would just look the other way. just don't make it public and you're good to go, pretty much.
auctions would probably be a common sight in certain black markets, depending on where you are and when you are on the timeline. the zoo breakout to the early post zoo eras sees many of those events. on the most parts in the later era, those auctions are then transformed into whole new events entirely (aka, sports), which is the logical next step since they used to be the aftermath for when the bidding was ending in an outright war between several bidders and was used to solve the issue. instead of bidding, you'd complete for the human you wanted (i'm not clear at how the human would end up there yet since i don't feel any reputable shelter would align with those events for the 'adoption war' or that the adoption is the only way. still debating on this--in any case, the darling ends up there when there are more than two beastfolks fighting over them) and prove your worth while treating the unfortunate human like a rat bait (see: the maze headcanon i wrote a while ago—and am planning to write a whole piece of it to properly thank a very kind supporter when i'm able. some details had been changed since then, but it mostly still hold up).
in a lot of ways, the auctions were rather kinder to the humans as they wouldn't be put in outright danger right then. :/ the (new) spectator sports, such as the maze race, exploits multiple legal loopholes, since they involve no money (not outright anyway) as the auctions were (publicly) banned for "unregulated monetary transactions and the unpredictability of bid outcomes".
if anything, a good amount of these sports are...purely for "adult entertainment", if you get what i'm implying. ahem. the laws are actually pretty behind regarding the 'adult content/sports', especially with the open access of internet around then on that timeline. the large part of that had to do with encouraging the beastfolks to procreate with the humans though, so any form of sex between both races are simply not regulated outside the acceptable age range and limitations on physical violence/abuse and this includes the "entertainment" aspect.
it's fucked, but that's how they gets away with such things.. i'm rambling, but this can be a good alternative for you to think about too, to add on that extra drama flare and to further traumatize the human.
this is a super cute idea though and i sincerely hope you'll expand it yourself if you can! this is a very nice starting point too, if you're not used to writing. as for me, i'm not sure i can write all of this for you unfortunately, since i tend to go TOO long on just one scene and i have multiple ideas i wanna work on as well, aha. but you did give me room to talk the worldbuilding to help expand similar events like your idea so thank you for that. i can most definitely tell you that your poor fella is definitely not an isolated example.
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Apparently penguins kidnap other penguins’ children to try and raise as their own. Was watching nature utube vids on this and it’s so sad! The desire to be a parent is so intense for some couples that they’ll take away another couple’s baby! How’d this play into your beast verse? What measures would government and organizations take to help combat this extreme phenomenon? And think about being a human parent and having your Penguin spouse come back with a random baby 💀💀💀 Even worse is if you’re in a Penguin community and have to fight off other penguins casually when you have your baby. On the streets, home break ins, etc. —anonymous
ngl featheredfolk (penguins are flightless but they're still birds and have feathers still so they count as one) is a bunch of odd birds with cultures other beastfolks often struggle to understand, especially with the dramas that often follow. children theft in general with the featheredfolks is complicated and tends to only involves the similar peers to sort it out, because outsiders (humans included, if not one of 'theirs' via being the spouse or the child/ren) would just get frustrated with their fucked logic to the point of being angry about it.
so, no, penguins wouldn't be the only birds that deal with this mannerism, but is the most common one to do so.
that said, they tend to have big enough noggins not to involve anyone who isn't a featheredfolk (and to an extent, wingedfolk), because they're still mostly prey in nature. skittishness towards the predator kind is basically ingrained in their dna.
but that's not to say such incidents never happened though! usually, it only happens when the community is actually quite small, that they have to 'outsource' to another beastfolk. it's a very dangerous thing to do though, since beastfolks are naturally very overprotective of their youngs. in cases where they do succeed with the kidnapping and escapes unscathed, it normally doesn't take long before the one they took the child from to track them down due to using their superior senses.
it's 50/50 on how it may end though and the laws would still side with the victims regardless of the outcome. hopefully, someone else would call the laws first to deal with such matters though and to calm the angry parent/guardian.
that said, i do imagine that the government would get around this annoying instinct by advertising adoptions as another option from the featheredfolk's early age in their school. they'd push it so much that the featheredfolk tends to feel like they were being singled out for it too.
...honestly, i'm not even sure how to answer this one fully. i should treat this as a serious question with a serious answer, but i can't.
the featheredfolks are legit viewed as the clowns of the beastfolk world already because of how...simpleminded most of them can be (not a bad thing!) 😭and now this. the birdbrains....still, i hope this somewhat answers your question(s)...?
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Maybe I’m just blind and stupid, but did you touch up on beastfolk courtship rituals for some species? Ex- Birds may decorate, dance, or sing to court another. Hooved/fanged folk may literally fight each other to get rights to begin courtship with x. I’m just so curious to see what animal behaviors transfer to your universe! :) —anonymous
uhhhh, i don't think i really expand on those yet, no! the 'traditional' courtship rituals are more commonplace in the past than the 'modern' era, tbf, if between beastfolk and humans.
if it's just between two (or more) beastfolks, then yeah, 'traditional' courtship rituals are common.
in the present, it's a common understanding that the humans may not always understand their actions, so the beastfolk tends to adapt the best they could for 'the best of both worlds' kind of ritual—sometimes to the extreme mean though (lol).
for example, with the featheredfolks, for being a species with brittle bones, they're rather sturdy so they're often happy just living in a large treehouse and staying steady no matter the weather and season. it's more like an old cabin, with a lot of drafts. but, the thing is, neither (or more, i don't judge those in the poly relationships lol) would care, because the one doing the courting built it just for their love interest—and later built it better together for their upcoming new family members.
but for a featheredfolk genuinely interested in a human, would have to outright learn how to build a modern house—and that is far more complicated than just putting together a log cabin in the tree. they're very adaptive folks though and if they're sincere about the human, they'd go that far to at least attempt to build the foundation single-handedly. thankfully, the bird community is often tight-knit, so others would step in once the basic foundation is done and rally in.
(unlike our irl, everyone in that AU can at least afford some ways to build their own home and not be buried in the debts for the rest of their life. this is mainly because some specific beastfolks having an instinctive needs to build, that the common government would offer to offset some of the costs to abate those instincts from turning destructive.)
in their cases, even if the courting failed, the featheredfolk learned and can actually apply it to their lifeskill/career path/etc. for birdbrains, you'll see a lot of them in the engineering and architecture fields. (funny how that works!)
as you pointed out, yes, hoovedfolk and fangedfolk are more violent with their courting, but that's generally only in the cases where the love interest have more than one (alike) suitor vying for their affection. i'm not really sure how common that is in the more liberal areas tbf, but i do imagine it's a daily thing in the conservative/rural regions since those usually have a lot of, hm, predominant 'single-species' community? sorry, i'm not really sure how to word it.
since strength is what they consider their worth and humans rarely understand the point of physical violence, they'd probably show off what they're capable of instead—from lifting a car to carrying all the groceries at once for the human they're interested in. endurance too, so if the human is into, say, a sport or likes to run, they'd compete to show off just how good they are with either (though, i do like to think they'd carry their human on their back while running five more miles when the human gets tired--just to say, 'look at me! i'm not even tired yet and i'm carrying you!'). unlike the featheredfolks, fangedfolk and hoovedfolks are much milder about their courting.
whiskeredfolks are much more sly, but they like to show off how much they can provide (which is also something fangedfolk likes to do, but the former is often more subtle). usually involving money (and management) and ordering things their human hadn't realized they needed yet. things like that. they really likes to bring home food too, lol. since they can't exactly show off their hunting skills and bring home a bloodied deer carcass, providing is the next best thing with their human love interest.
there's more, but i'll stop here, but their courting rituals for their humans are basically 'modernized', with some species (obviously and hilariously so) trying harder than others.
tbf, parts of the birds' rituals were inspired by that tumblr meme on 'if men were like birds'. can't find that now though.
hope this answered you some?
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Question:Revius and Zedrik- What’s family life with them now if you were to have 2 children (1 from each)? Just wondering how dynamics would change, what the children’s personalities would be like, etc. Sea Witch (octo man)- Can we have babies with him? And if we did would it be a multiple pregnancy since female octopuses (I know we are a modified human) technically lay hundreds of eggs. And how would family life be from there out? —anonymous
hm, i can't comment on the childrens personalities (and any other details, really) since that's kinda something i leave to the readers to decide.
honestly, both revius and zedrik would fall deeper in 'love' with their darling for enduring both of those difficult pregnancies, that they're rather clingy to them more so than to each other. though, granted, both knew how capable each other would be so it's more on how 'frail' their darling really is in comparison. zedrik is more openly emotional than revius is though, but revius is certainly more of the nagging type like a strict, doting mom might be. personally, i feel they'd butt heads more often after their children are born, (but never to the point of separating [imo anyway, they'd been together for some times before they decided to...'pursue' the darling]), because of how different their parenting styles were.
let's just say that cerelos' darling has an easier time wrangling with the emperor than their darling did with those two.
otherwise, they're both pretty devoted as fathers. i do imagine their kids would've been confused by their upbringings a bit though due to, again, differing parenting styles. the darling does their best though! but it's kinda hard to raise children double, triple your size lol
as for the sea witch, that's implied! i wanted to let the reader to decide on their own if they're going to have kids with him or not, rather than outright branding 'breeding kink' on the piece. but, yes, there'd be oviposition going on, had you wanted to imagine that storyline.
not sure if i understood you about the multiple pregnancies though, so i'll refrain from answering that one. instead, yes, the darling would probably carry multiple eggs and, well, egg laying. i do imagine the sea witch would've found a way to make that not at all a painful process (probably quite the opposite, tbf).
as for the family life, i'm...not at all sure. i'll leave that for you and other readers to decide. i honestly see the sea witch just enjoying the pregnancy, because to him, his darling is now ruined and marked with his seed (or, eggs). afterward? not sure if he'd enjoy the fatherhood too much, especially with multiple 8-legged kids running about.
he might be an excellent father
or he might genuinely be a shitty one.
his personality is kind of confusing in that regard, so i'll just let yall to make that call and we'll go from there.
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I've really gotten into your beastfolk universe but I want to ask: Does adoxi exist within that universe or is he in a separate universe? —anonymous
nope! he's too human-looking to be a beastfolk--and is too healthy, pretty, and (mostly) sane to be a hybrid. thats why hes not in the beastfolk masterlist.
initially, he's from his own universe, where humans are living in ignorance of the existence of inhuman beings like adoxi, but i've been chewing on the possibly of him being a descendant of my other character, the cursed god. it'd explain why he's looking fairly human yet not (the 6 arms isn't genetically inheritable fyi, since the priest ripped them off from unfortunate souls to replace the ones he lost).
but that's only me chewing on it and isn't 'official' yet, since there are couple details that wouldn't make sense (but is workable). still thinking about it.
hope this answered!
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God I love how you write snakemen like Adoxi and Valerius. They act like bastards but good lord I would get on my knees for them so fast! —anonymous
hee~snakes are so fun to write, ngl. imagining being wrapped around in his coil is a guilty pleasure. glad you're enjoying my depictions! <3
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there's a few more, but they're requests i'm hoarding in my inbox for now lol but man who let me talk??? anyway, sorry that i took a minute to answer your asks hhhh life just keeps on happeningggg. sighs. anyway, hope yall are doing well and as always, my inbox is open for (mostly) anything. <3 love ya~and take care of yourself!
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