#also because this is the first ever chapter of a fanfic where i reached double digit. chapters i put in more eulalia x baldwin
rhaenyraslaena · 9 months
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Duty is the Death of Love Chapter X
Dreams of Summer
Available Here: ao3
“It is not your fault that these men choose to be vile nor do you have the power to put them into their places.”
There exists very little certainty in Eulalia for her ability to soothe over the depths of the guilt that are burrowed deep within Baldwin –merely a teen with the entirety of a kingdom on his shoulders and the threat of a fatal illness that shadows each and every step.
“Two years. Two years and then you are able to take full power.” Her whispers are of gentle reassurance pressing against his skin, her fingers ever lightly pulling through the pale gold of his hair and with particular fondness for the curls that tease the tops of his shoulders.
“It will be much better when we are wed next year.” A mutter of admittance just beneath his breath and his glimmering azure bright eyes fluttering closed with the comfort of the stroking of his hair – a moment none too complicated, with only the two of them widen the gardens . . . But a moment of paradise. “I can wait for the age of my majority. . . But our marriage cannot arrive soon enough.”
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redrosesartcabin · 11 months
9.Scenario: The Blow Job
A little nsfw sceanario I couldn’t keep out of my head.
Obvious warning: NSFW found below! This time gender is not specified in this NSFW scenario
(Edited) This chapter was new and is now also posted on ao3
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722532045498335232/8scenario-lemon-cake?source=share
Link to the first post:
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722642109442801664/10scenario-tell-me-of-the-nemesis
It had been one of those hot summer nights where you had slept with Megatron in the barn. You then always slept on his chassis right above the calming whir of his spark, a soft blanket below you as well as a thick pillow to give you more comfort and one very thin blanket on top of you.
This time you woke up to an unusual but more than welcoming sight. As your eyelids fluttered open you saw his spike freed from his panel and erect right in your field of vision. You turned your head around to his face to find out if he was still sleeping but noticed you couldn’t see it because of his chest being so ridiculously muscular, a fact which together with the erect cock now made you as horny as he seemed to be, though you tried to push those feelings away for now. Carefully, you crawled over the chassis until you could see his face. His optics were still dark, and he was breathing evenly, so that meant he was still asleep or ‘in stasis’ as it was called for Cybertronians.
“He must have a nice little dream, and it better be about me”, you whispered to yourself, crawling back and you tried to ignore this thing happening, but you just couldn’t. Instead, you felt your body, against your own nervous thoughts, now crawl towards his spike.
It was the first time you faced it without mass displacement and with both utter fear and fascination, you inspected it, your hand feeling the soft parts that were the proto-form as well as the metallic, blue ridges you’ve come to know, quite literally, inside and out. Without further thinking, your tongue travelled, licking over it, then you stood up carefully until you reached the tip, tasting some pre-cum. Only then you noticed you had never tasted his cum and you couldn’t possibly describe what it could be compared to. It was like nothing you’ve ever tasted, just like with your first and also every kiss after. It was neither good nor bad but you were electrified by it.
As you kept going, licking the tip like a huge ice cream cone, you suddenly heard a dark, familiar chuckle.
“Baby, baby, baby…what are we doing there, hm?”, Megatron asked, his voice still sounding a bit rusty.
“Seemed you needed a little assistance here”, you answered, your mouth on autopilot whilst your heart was making summer saults in your chest, “Sorry if-“
“No no”, Megatron interrupted you, a stupidly cocky grin adorning his faceplate, “Please, continue”
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neonghostcat · 2 years
I have come to the following conclusion:
I am not allowed to estimate the length of any of my LiuShen fanfics. I seem to be literally incapable of it.
Even my four seasons story (Hundred Winters Grove) almost became more than four chapters, because I could not help myself. It did become something like double the estimated word count. And this was after I had originally thought I might be able to contain it in a single longish oneshot.
I'm normally fairly good at estimating how long a story will be, did you know? Sure, there's a margin of error either way, but I usually have a fairly good guess a chapter or two in, and that margin of error shrinks with each chapter.
LiuShen? It does the opposite.
(Behind the cut I try to rant entertainingly about my current project.)
This is what it's been like for The Guardian Ghost and the Bookish Fairy so far.
Original thought: How about a 4+1 oneshot of a ghost Liu Qingge protecting Shen Qingqiu? Here is a list of the four times he can protect SQQ. Okay, no, 5. Because that'd be funny. Okay, a 5+1 longish oneshot for my fake birthday! Perfect! I'll just skate quickly across the scenes and focus on the funny, cute, or romantic moments and done. Gosh, having this list is going to make it so much easier!
Next: No, it's taken over 1.5k words to just for Liu Qingge's qi deviation scene. We're looking at a multi-chapter for sure. Three chapters, then? Friendly thoughts (since he knows it's not the original SQQ), then attraction, and then resolution? Okay, I'll just map out the chapters for that and... outline complete. Now I may resume writing.
Then: This chapter is running a little long. I'll break this one into two parts. So it'll be four chapters. That'll cover the entirety of August, which is great, TBH. I should have a good idea of where I am in Cultivate by the time the last chapter posts.
Yesterday: ...how is my outline now at six chapters? How. I am running out of ways to title the chapters since my previous systems have broken. FFS, whatever, as long as it's vaguely the right idea go for it. At this rate, I'm going to have to add the tag "slow burn" to my tags draft. I refuse to tag this 5+1 because that idea is dead by now. Everything is out of control. Characters who were basically meant to be walk-on roles have entire scenes now. Everything is on fire. Dogs and cats living together - MASS HYSTERIA.
...on the plus side, I'm enjoying the story.
It's not nearly as funny as intended (scenes originally intended to be less than 500 words to reach a punchline are now treated more seriously or altered to be more than a goof), but it has its moments.
And, as I said, characters meant to be walk-on roles the equivalent of Guard 3 now have scenes.
Luo Binghe now merits his own tag mentions (Gray Lotus Luò Bīnghé & No Vinegar - just to confirm that he's not a bitter love rival in this fic... though maybe 'No Vinegar' isn't entirely accurate, just it's not Binghe who suffers from it). Shang Qinghua has the biggest role in this fic than he has in any of my fics so far. Perhaps put together. He'll go in the characters list. Liu Mingyan may also merit being tagged in the characters list...
TBH, it's a much better fic for it, but I despair of myself. This is exactly why Cultivate will be a monster. (But probably a monster that will get me chapters to post all through November while I do NaNoWriMo for a different story.)
I'm not in as much pain so I've been able to spend more time at the keyboard, which is useful because the wordcount keeps growing and the deadline moves ever-closer. And I do hate posting fics where I haven't finished them first. I'm currently on-track to finish the story by the end of the month, but possibly only if I continue to write ~3.5k+ a day this weekend. (At least I still have a week between the end of the month and posting day, just in case.)
PS: The scene that justified the Grey Lotus Binghe tag? I'm rather sad readers have to wait for that one.
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lightdancer1 · 1 month
Now that I think about it:
It really is striking given everything with that one episode that there's no plotline where Tara accidentally kills off her love interest with that blindness spell early in Season 5 and Glory steamrolls everyone because the big gun went missing. It's basically one of this 'so this is how we done fucked up, don't do that shit' storylines that's seemingly begging to be written and.....nobody actually has. It'd be a perfect knife twist and it's not like the Scoobies would let Tara just leave with her obviously evil family even after that because they'd not want to lose someone ELSE after it.
So what does happen if they have to go through the Glory arc but there's no Willow (especially twistedly funny given later seasons if the Powers That Be cough her up again at the start of the equivalent of Season 6)? Would the butterfly effect mean she'd even brain-suck Tara, which was a pretty clear bit of her power boost that made her as formidable? If that never happens and they just use the hammer sooner, does anyone actually have to die?
I can also see if the PTB did decide 'oh wait, no, this one DOES have a destiny and she needs to get on with it' that a resurrected Willow after all that would be in the usual situation most of the 'Tara comes back' fics go of having entirely valid trust issues and having the 'wait HOW much time happened oh holy God WHAT is Glory and wow' reactions to a normal year on the Hellmouth.
Canon-wise Willow's an unkillable, fanfic exists precisely to do what canon wouldn't. And ultimately Tara was, after all, meant to be the replacement goldfish for Willow's old niche, so one can very easily see the Scoobies acting at a meta-level like that and creating something of the same dysfunction from a different route because she is very much NOT Willow in any of the ways that define her. She has a rigidly defined sense of ethics, she gets a backbone that has a more consistent sense of 'happens to me bad, happens to you because I'm traumatized nobody ever remembers it for the rest of anything ever'.
It would also be a suitably ironic knife twist given the 'big gun' thing that the very expectations here that set up the ultimate Dark Lord Rosenberg thing never happening lead to the Gang winning because Buffy beats the shit out of Glory with a magic hammer when she never gets her mitts on Tara because there's no Willow for her to argue with that one day and the butterfly effects are big, she never dies....and then the PTB have Willow turn right back up in the Magic shop alive, well, and utterly ocnfused at the end of the equivalent of that season going "What the Hell was that."
I would admittedly have the Dark Willow thing happen anyway as a result of overcompensating for realizing she was killed as result of relying on someone else's wisdom with magic and it's more Dark Lord Rosenberg, as I mentioned, rather than its canon aspect and Tara gets to be the replacement Willow and it does not spark joy while Willow in turn quite reasonably has major trust and communication issues and doubles and triples down on increasingly powerful magic sans magic crack analogy until she's full-scale Dark Phoenix and people belatedly have the 'oh shit we probably should have tried talking before now' reaction.
This may well end up the one other Buffyverse fic I write, though I'd basically breeze through the rest of Season 5 in the first chapter from Tara's POV and then at the tail end Willow comes back and the hilarity ensues.
Then again it's also equally possible for Willow to simply go 'nah, fuck magic, magic killed me, y'all already got a witch, computers it is' and then the Hellmouth Hellmouths and her destiny won't be denied and the paranoia of living on the place makes her take the same path while actually struggling against it when she gets a Monkey's Paw version of her own desire to be the big damn hero, but to be able to do that she has to be able to reach the power to do so and since she is who she is, it's impossible to have the power to abruptly start being capable of making reality do what you want without it going to her head.
And given that she did at least seem to be easily replaceable (with Willow and Tara equally unreliable narrators and the truth not quite matching up with what either of them think here and the two narrative POVs here) Dark Lord Rosenberg gets to be as much a case of venting that she in a sense was the replaceable sidekick on a television show and not a main character.
Almost every other canon possibility here has done this and having 'the person I love cannot see the demon for who she is' and then 'wait, she died, I didn't mean that' because the magic misfires a little harder in a laser-guided fashion and having Tara meet her intended niche a little harder than otherwise is....surprisingly under-used.
#willow rosenberg#tara maclay#buffyverse fanfic#ideas to be written#basically 'Tara does an oopsie and has to fill someone else's shoes and realizes how unpleasant that actually is'#Willow comes back at the start of Season 6 because the PTB need her to resurrect magic and she's golden until she does#this sparks even less joy as there WAS an intended resurrection spell and it failed because she was already alive#and thus everything turns into an equally glorious trainwreck from a completely opposite angle#meanwhile Tara's basically haunted with guilt as she was never a demon but boy did she FUBAR that one spell#also leads to an inversion of usual dynamics because she *really* doesn't do damage control well#and Willow might either be very interested or very indifferent or deciding to ring up Oz and fuck off from Sunnydale entirely#if she was an actual human instead of a character it'd be the third I think#but since she's a character in a story and indifference is more wounding than malice indifference it is#I freely admit that season 9 leaves me considering the irony that Willow gets to be the chosen one once#and utterly hates it and everything about it and this is where her arc actually ends up#why does she hate it when it actually gets to be her for a change?#LBR ol' girl didn't do well with substituting for being the person driving events#she would handle being the one that actually has to do it by repeatedly trying to skip out on destiny#the irony would not be lost on her in the bigger picture but at the time Buffy would probably be 'so what's the big deal here'
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blue-pastel-cat · 3 years
Xiaobedo Fanfic Recommendation
Welcome to my personal “if you are new to xiaobedo peeps please read these” list. As said before this is my personal list so please feel free to reblog/comment/hit me for not including any gem here. I might miss a lot of them because I am drunk or blind. (mostly have them on my to read and then forgot as I am being assault by real life shit).
I would like to say first that so far there are 150+ Xiaobedo fics on Ao3. I can’t review all of them but I can say that I have read a majority of them. Most of them are just pure love and I would like nothing more than a thousands thank you for all the fic writers who spent their free time writting these gems for us to read for free. But these...these takes the cake as it finds a special landing spot in my heart that I would just thrust them into someone’s hand if they say “I am new to this ship can you recommend me?”
1. Orange dust by bobamilkteas (Wes)
In which Xiao learns to open himself up to the world a little more after the collapse of Rex lapis's contracts but it was not always easy for a soul doomed to eternal damnation. Meanwhile, Albedo liked to tempt fate where the extraordinary are concerned.
If only the traveler's comrades are made of saner bunch.
Comment: Long ago when I like both Albedo and Xiao as a character, I was wondering hmmm....will anyone actually even write about them lmao they never met each other. I am surprise to see this one as the 3rd fic in the whole 3 Xiaobedo fic on Ao3 (yeah back when there’s literally only 3 fic for this couple). I was like I’ll read it for the curiosity, I’ll probably won’t ship them. And that people is how I put my clown make up on my face upon finishing reading it. This ONE fic alone convert me into a devotee of Xiaobedo. Please consider joining me in this circus if you want to know what is Xiaobedo. I would put this as the first of my “Big 3″
Orange Dust also come with its compliation of short stories over the course of the game and a big sequel to it. Please also consider reading ALL OF THEM.
2. Solar Wind by birdpriestess (Sparrow)
For the yaksha, his duty was his life, and his life was his duty. No human could ever hope to understand the eternal war he fought out of sight and in silence.
So why, then, did he feel that Albedo would understand?
Finding himself at death's door once more, Xiao is saved by a surprising person, setting off the unlikeliest of adventures.
Comment: Do you like crying? Do you like the feeling of getting your heart ripped into pieces as the author destroy your emotions over the end of each chapter as the story picked up the climax? Yeah, this one is for you masochists. The action, the characterisation, the drama THE EMOTIONS OH WOW. I kid you not that it was so good I read this while workinng when I am not suppose to me. Also, this fic has my favourite characterisation of Gold ever. I love that dramatic queen Mad Alchemist. AND DAIN. I LOVE DAIN IN THIS FIC. Our dearest Sparrow manage to toy with our feelings like how I bully ruin guard for big numbers lmao. This is the secound of “Big 3″ of my Xiaobedo list.
Again, just like Orange Dust, Solar Wind comes with its own compliation of short stories of what came after that. Please also consider reading ALL OF THEM.
3. Castle of Glass by AlchemicalStardust (Morgie) 
A black shadow rises over Huaguang Stone Forest. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Albedo flees the shaking ground and the crash of boulders tumbling form the sky. As the dust settles, Albedo finds a young man – an Adeptus – amidst the carnage. Despite the karmic agony ripping his body from the inside, Xiao’s only question is “How?” How did a human survive after witnessing his battle?
Comment: The last of the “Big 3″ of my Xiaobedo list. And it is still on going! Castle of Glass? More like I AM IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTIONS! Have you read a fic about 2 people yearning, longing, reaching out for each other so damn well that you just want to throw your phone in the air as they both had their impending doom coming down upon them? Yeah this is one of them. You will like want to be stuck in the moment they express how much they just yearn for each other’s love and care that you want to shake the author for what comes next. Like...everytime Morgie update I am expressing my gratitude at the end of the chapter by writing on Xiaobedo discord “MORGIE COME HERE AND LET ME BONK YOU WHY ARE YOU ENDING IT THERE”
trust me when you read you will def feel the same. With just Big 3 and their compliation alone that would give you like a LONG list of reading already LMAOOOOOOO
4. Find a place to call it home  by yamajiroo 
Our room, he said. Xiao’s brow twitches. Zhongli never said anything about this. But then again, perhaps he should anticipate this from the beginning...
Xiao looks over at Albedo, who is now tilting his head, his look as innocent as ever.
“Are you not okay with sharing a room?”
Comment: College AU for Xiaobedo! One thing that I love this is the slow burn and what made me LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic more is how cute Klee is in this fic. Their relationship in this one is very simple, but that simplicity highlight why their chemistry work. Xiao is someone who was just very gentle, who was largely misunderstood by his lonesome nature. Albedo was someone who like peace and quite in his introvert bubble. And how they respect that bubble that each other has actually made their relationship work. I love it when fic highlight this and this one captures it.
5. I Can't See Your Face From the Other Side of the Classroom by MissWeaver  
When Albedo and Xiao unexpectedly start eating lunch together, they begin to find that they have more in common than anyone would have realized. They both struggle in their own ways with blossoming feelings, too many assignments, and annoying classmates as they navigate a relationship for the first time.
Comment: I’ll be honest, I usually hate high school au just because its so cliche. I don’t even watch and drama/anime surrounds high school student anymore LMAOOO (unless it’s very good). So if there’s an high school AU that I actually keep come back and read after a couple of chapters, it means that the cliche that I hate wasn’t there or barely was there at all. The pinning in this fic makes me want to bang their head together sometimes LMAOOO The tag wasn’t kidding when they said both Xiao and Albedo are bad at feelings. Also that’s a lot of heart broken caused by these two idiots XD
6. new world, same me, same bullshit  by  bobamilkteas (Wes)
At the belly of Dragonspine, Albedo lost control to the festering corruption that permeated his senses and watched, from the recesses of his mind, as his devoured body turned his allies into enemies. Before his rampage reached its climax, he is sealed in a crystalized confinement by the last hand of Reindottir, where he then reawakens centuries after, in a rebooted Teyvat.
Comment: Yeah I know it was list in Orange Dust but here me out. This sets out in an entirely different universe. And if you like Polyamory, this one has Zhongli joining the duo and I love it because I also love ZhongXiao with my life. Time Travel is my biggest kink. Especially when I am the person who love it when people explore Archon War era/ Alatus!Xiao. So this one hits double of my kink. Of course it is still on going and I will bully Wes whenever I can to see that new chapter. Albedo is a total fucking badass in this story and I completely agree from using him in Abyss so often. Everyone should write badass Albedo.
7. misplaced heart of mine by  inkburn           
“If you are ill, then you should be resting at home. In Mondstadt.” He emphasized Mondstadt with a pointed look in his direction.
“I assure you I won’t be troublesome, Adeptus Xiao,” Albedo said, “You’ll find I’m a rather low-maintenance traveler.”
“Travel,” Xiao scoffed, “without airstep?”
Albedo looked him up and down. “Are your legs just for decoration?”
(albedo is sent to liyue on mandatory vacation. xiao is his unfortunate bodyguard.)
Comment: Most of the time you will see Albedo and Xiao starting their relationship with one of them taking interest in another. But this one took another approach, they starting off by make them hating each other’s guts LMAOOOO and I live for every second of it. There’s only 1 chapter so far but wow it was SOOO GOOD. I am really really excited for next chapter and is waiting patiently ;w;
8.  Blossom of Grace  by birdpriestess  
One day in Liyue Harbor, Albedo watches a street performance by an enigmatic dancer named Xiao. And he becomes completely obsessed.
Comment: Have you ever look at Xiao fight and thinking that he’s one of the most beautiful deadly thing ever? How it was like he was dancing around the battlefield? How about actual dancer Xiao being so absolutely beautiful and perfect and that slow burn of Albedo falling in love with that beauty with a touch of Modern AU and cute Ganyu as the Wing woman. Yes, Sparrow delivers yet again another beautiful slow burn and while it’s still ongoing it is worth the read.
9. i think we could make this work (could get used to this) by outspaced               
“Xiao? What are you doing out here?”
“It’s raining,” Albedo says, as if it isn’t obvious. “You could get struck by lightning.”
“What are you doing out here then?” Xiao does the only thing he knows how to do, he challenges Albedo. “It’s raining.”
Albedo just hums. “If I get struck by lightning, it’s for science.”
Comment: A short one-shot where I read the summary and went “This is it... this is their relationship.” I am sold immediately. Oh god Albedo why are you like this.
10. Ephemeral by criedprinz        
“It’s not for your investigation, is it?” Aether asked mildly.
Albedo traced a finger around the sketchbook, considering the question. “No,” he admitted finally. “I... I just want to see them again.”
He opened the sketchbook to reveal the drawing he’d just finished. Aether nodded, clearly recognizing the sharp golden eyes.
“Xiao,” he said. “You were rescued by an adeptus.”
When a visit to Dragonspine goes horribly wrong, Albedo is rescued by an unknown stranger, wielding powers he's never heard of. Led on a search to find out who it is, he finds himself in the middle of an unforgettable encounter..
Comment: A really really well written one-shot that I love. The yearning oh godddd the yearning from Albedo side is just so so much that I have to put it here. (I think you can see the trend here lmao. I am a sucker for yearning). And the moment they get to meet each other again is just chef kiss. MWHAA
11. Idle Yaksha, Brilliant Yaksha by Pit0fTheEarth
Alatus didn’t have a lot of responsibilities to keep. He spent most of his days dancing across the sky and eating away all nightmares that plagued a person’s sleep.
But one fortunate encounter led to too many unfortunate ones, taking his carefree existence and plunging it in darkness. His wings, stripped from him. His gentle touch, replaced by an unforgiving grip of destruction.
There was a lot of blood on his hands. With each passing moment, it became harder for Alatus to recall the last time someone gently held him.
Comment: This is one of the ongoing fic where I am very very much excited on the take of Naberius. And the way the author portray Xiao when he’s still the innocent Alatus is just *clench fist*. Baby ;w; Baby why do you have to lose all that innocence. Also the fic has long LONG flashback to Xiao past and his relationship with Naberius. We are unwielding more what happened to both of them and why perhaps does this have to do with Albedo.
That’s it for now, might add more later! Thank you <3
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bookofmirth · 3 years
You Are My Almanac - elucien 1
Elain Archeron finds herself stuck in an engagement that her mother had arranged before her untimely death. Elain is determined not to like the man and to create a solitary life leading her household the way she wants, but her fiancé has an annoying habit of making her like him.
AO3 | tags: arranged marriage, Regency-era inspired but not faithful. These two are wary of one another and I got a bit snarky when I wrote this first chapter because I want it to be fun, not super angsty. Oh also the title is from the song almanac by Purity Ring.
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Elain had perfected the art of staring out a carriage window without being jostled around like a dice in one of the cups her sisters used when playing one of the games played with guests after dinner. Their mother disapproved of the games, of course, but that hardly mattered when all it took to please her was an appropriately humble “yes ma’am” whenever it was required. And it took Elain quite an effort to remain upright and steady in the carriage as it traveled over the country roads, but it was suffer a sore back and look lovely as possible for her current rendezvous, or suffer the mortification. Elain would much rather maintain appearances. At least for now.
Because now, Elain could say “yes ma’am” or “please, maman”, until she was blue in the face, and it would be for nothing, since her dear mother had upheld her promise to see Elain engaged to a fine, wellbred young man with a suitable income, but then she had died before bothering to see what Elain thought of the man, or even introducing them.
For Elain was on her way to meet her betrothed. The word rolled off the tongue, betrothed, or it had, when she was still a child and had imagined that she would have any choice in the matter. When the word still held a sense of romance and promise.
And Elain Archeron had found herself betrothed, that was certain, though it had happened quite without any influence or input from herself.
She had a vague idea of the kind of man she wanted to marry. Kind and considerate, tall, a handsome rider, with extensive property and an income that would support her in at least the style to which she was currently accustomed, if not better. Elain was firm in her belief that she wasn’t asking for much. If he were political minded then that might suit her even better, as she had always imagined hosting important people at her dinners, not just the Beddors from down the lane.
Who were the Vanserras, anyway? Elain had never heard of the name, had never seen it when she flipped through the pages of Burke’s Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, not to mention that the family lived very far away!
Or that might have been a complaint Elain would have lodged to her sisters, had they not also found themselves engaged and then married to men who lived in that part of the country which Elain had heard described as “lovely, in the right light and at certain times of year”.
Elain’s knowledge of the rest of the country was limited, to be sure. But she didn’t much like the idea of being thrust into a new home, with a man she didn’t know, in a town where she hadn’t even established a proper seamstress. It was important to find one who wouldn’t give her that look when she came in with tattered, muddy skirt hems. Her cheeks heated at the idea of her future husband scolding her about the zeal with which she engaged in her hobbies.
When the carriage came to an abrupt halt, Elain realized that Feyre had been talking for the last minute or so and Elain hadn’t caught a word. She looked at her sister, younger and yet more worldly than Elain ever hoped to be. Where Elain knew people, Feyre understood the bigger picture of what it took to survive.
She gave her sister a small smile and Feyre reached across the carriage to pat Elain’s hand.
“I’m sure he will be perfectly nice, dearest. And if he isn’t, there are plenty of ways of ensuring that your husband stays out of your hair. Not that I would need them.” Feyre said this last part with a small, secret smile.
Elain fought the urge to roll her eyes. “If it comes to that, I’ll be sure to come to you, Feyre. You are one of the lucky ones though, you know.” The door to the carriage opened and Elain held out her hand without a glance at the footman. “Not everyone is so lucky as to marry for love.”
The sisters stepped from the carriage, the gravel of the drive crunching under their shoes. Elain held a hand up to her forehead to shield the sun from her eyes. She was unable to take in the manor in one glance, and turned in a full circle to take in as much of the property as she could before meeting her fiancé and going inside her future home. To her doom.
At least this man, Lucien Vanserra, had a man to keep his grounds meticulous. The shrubbery had been cleverly chosen and the flowers were full of pollinating bees, which would make for interesting experiments in cross-pollination, though perhaps she might do something about the grove of fruit trees - they were too far away from the water source to be effective. And Elain wondered at the status of the fruit, how much of it went to use in the house and how much went to the local residents. Hopefully - Elain grimaced at the thought - it didn’t fall to the ground and go to waste.
Elain felt a tug at her elbow and turned to find Feyre, waiting with her head inclined to the door. The front door, underneath a large, elaborately-carved portico, where the first footman stood at attention, waiting to usher the women into the home. And to his left, a tall man with fiery red hair, tied back with a black ribbon, stood waiting to greet her.
Elain’s breath caught to see him. He was younger than she had expected. She wouldn’t have put it past her mother to bridle her with a septuagenarian if he had offered the right price. So that this man, this Mr. Vanserra, was at most ten years older than her… Elain was disappointed to find herself pleased. And he certainly was well-acquainted with a proper clothier, if the fit of his vest and trousers were any indication.
Feyre stepped forward first. “Lucien! It is so good to see you.”
Mr. Vanserra lowered his head slightly. “Lady Chevalier, thank you for visiting my home today. I hope that Rhysand is doing well.”
“’Lady Chevalier’ my eye, call me Feyre, Lucien.” She took his hands into her own and it seemed that he might have reciprocated her familiarity had Elain not been there. His eyes flicked to her and then back to Feyre, seeming to already be wary of how he appeared to her.
“Lucien, this is my sister, Elain.”
The rest of the greeting hung in the air and Elain could have tasted the words. Elain, your fiancée. Elain, the woman you have never met but who will share your bed. She nearly reddened at the thought and forced herself to pay attention to the situation at hand.
Lucien turned away from Feyre and took a step closer to Elain.
Elain curtsied. “Mr. Vanserra. You have a lovely manor.” And hopefully, I won’t see much of you in it, she added silently to herself.
Lucien lifted Elain’s gloved hand to his lips, pressing so softly that she wasn’t sure when it was over, if he had actually made contact. Wouldn’t have known it had happened, really, if not for the slight warming of her skin.
“Miss Archeron,” he said, bending at the waist, “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Allow me to welcome you to my home.” His eyes alighted on hers as he said the words - my home - for it wasn’t their home yet. And they were both painfully aware that it would be.
Lucien extended his hand to gesture at the imposing double-doored entrance and stood upright.
Elain lowered her head slightly in deference. “Thank you for the welcome. The property really is lovely,” she couldn’t help adding. Lucien looked into her face with earnestness and she took note of the golden warmth of one eye, while the other was traversed by a brutal scar, one she wouldn’t have expected to see on a Lord of the peerage. “The grass is… very green.”
“Ah, yes,” Lucien responded. He took a step back and surveyed the lawn as if he hadn’t noticed its color before. “I had it specially grown. Just for its…. verdancy.”
Her hand fell to her side when Lucien let go of hers, and she momentarily forgot what to do with it. She glanced at Feyre, whose hands were clasped together in front of her waist, and Elain mirrored the posture.
“Well, ladies. I have had tea set out for us. I’m sure you could use some refreshment after your travels.”
Feyre made a small curtsy in response and Elain fell into line behind her.
The first footman hurried ahead of them and opened the front door. The interior of the home was a dark, yawning chasm.
And with that, Elain took a step forward, into the home of her future husband.
Thanks for reading! You may have noticed my tag list has disappeared. If you want to be on it again, even if months or years pass without an update, let me know! Sorry if you have requested in the past and intended to stay on it forever, I just figured that things change in the years since I started writing fanfic. 💕
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turtleedovee · 3 years
Life Has a Funny Way of Working Out
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Chapter 2
Word Count: 3,111
Warnings: Cursing, abuse, angst, small descriptions of blood and bruises, shouting, breaking things (that’s about it but if you guys have anything else i’ll gladly add it to the list)
A/N: this is my first bucky fic ahh! idk if i’ve ever posted any fanfics on this blog before which is crazy. i was thinking of making a side blog but whatever it works here. this is gonna be a series of sorts. maybe three chapters, 4? we’ll see. reader is a female and has powers oOoOoo. i’ll post this on AO3 as well so check out my account on there too! i’ll reblog this post with the ao3 link once i publish it on there if you wanna leave kudos or see my other work 👀but anyways i’m done talking, i hope you enjoy! (not my gif)
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
You sighed at your boyfriend’s anger and frustration, you didn’t blame him of course, you had just told him you wanted to break up.
“Please just calm down and let’s talk about this-” You tapped the table lightly, signaling him to just take a seat because he wouldn’t stop pacing back and forth.
“No, I’m not gonna sit down, what the hell? Why are you doing this to me?” He ran his hand down his face; you were really hoping this wouldn’t turn into some big thing but life has a funny way of working out.
“We talked about this. You are constantly complaining about me not being around enough because you just want to hang out with me, which is sweet of you, but after thinking about it, I am not what you need right now, I can’t be an attentive girlfriend right now and you know why.” You tried to reason with him but he was still standing up, all jittery. You really did think about this long and hard; he was always upset about you being away on missions constantly but you had warned him about that the first time you both went on a date.
“Yeah, yeah whatever you save the fucking world, then why did you decide to put me through this if you knew you weren’t gonna be around.” He accused you. 
“Wow.” You were starting to get upset, standing up you started defending yourself. “I told you what we were in for if we started dating, you told me you didn’t care and wanted to be with me either way. So you knew this was going to be difficult, now I’m giving you an out. You can go be with someone who will be there for you alright? I can’t be that for you and I’m sorry.” He scoffed and turned away from you, after a couple of seconds of silence he turned around and looked at you in shock.
“Oh my god.”
You shook your head confused. “What?”
“You’ve been cheating on me.”
“What!?” Now it was your turn to shout. You could not believe how and where he drew his conclusion.
“No yeah, yeah!” He shouted as if he was trying to convince himself of this. “You constantly hang around this boy’s clubs all the time and what? I’m supposed to believe you’re just going on missions?” He said stepping forward.
You scoffed, honestly amazed as to how he was trying to blame this on you. “Yes! I am away trying not to die constantly to save the world your ass is living in.” You shouted, you clenched your fist so angry as to how this was the same guy who brought you flowers after you came back from your first mission while you two were a couple.
“Oh so now this is my fault.” He waved his arms around, exasperated. “Honestly how am I supposed to believe you.”
“You’re supposed to believe me because I wouldn’t lie to you. Because we’re in a relationship, isn’t that what it’s all about? Trust? I can not believe we are having this conversation right now.” You stepped closer now, just tired of this whole evening. 
“Well if you didn’t want to have this conversation maybe you shouldn’t have decided to dump me.” He yelled and then did the most childish thing you could think of: he punched your wall and made a hole in the column right next to the kitchen.
Now you were angry, mainly because you were going to have to pay to have that fixed, or else your landlady would never let you hear the end of it, but also because he was acting like a child.  “I decided to end this relationship because I couldn’t be the girlfriend you wanted me to be. You are constantly bitching and moaning that I don’t give you enough attention while I’m out there busting my ass working tirelessly day and night trying to oh I don’t know, save the damn world you live in and you decide to just complain about how you don’t have anyone to watch a movie with you? Honestly dating you had been like having a second job, fuck you-” Suddenly he turned around and swung at you.
Not a slap, it was a punch. He hit you with his right hand and hit the left side of your face, you’ve always been told to expect punches and hits, hell, one of the first rules you learned was to always protect the face. But no training could ever prepare you for the person that you cared for most would decide to swing at you.
The impact was enough to turn you around and almost cause you to fall but the couch was on your right-hand side so as your body motioned to the right you instinctively reached out for the couch and balanced yourself. 
You reached out to touch the spot where he hit and realized he broke some skin. As you removed your hand from the side of your face you realized that there was a little bit of blood. You didn’t look at him, trying to compose yourself and not explode.
Just breathe. Just breathe.
You should’ve used your powers
You reacted too slowly
Your powers could’ve stopped him
You should’ve broken up with him in public 
He wouldn’t hit you in front of random strangers like he did now… right?
A million and one things ran through your head but finally, after an excruciating 5 seconds of silence, you spoke quietly. “Get out.”
He looked at you as if he was confused as to what you meant by that, but still, he did not move.
“I said get out. Now.” You turned to him, stared him dead in the eye, and pointed to the door. “We’re done. I want you to leave and never speak to me again.”
He shook his head and began to talk, “Babe, c’mon you know I didn’t mean it.” He started walking closer to you and reached out for your arm, but you were ready this time.
You lurched your arm forward and up, lifting the now terrified man in the air, he knew about your powers and what they could do, but you promised to never use them on him; now those promises meant nothing to you.
“I told you to leave. You refuse to listen so here is how this is going to go,” You tilted your head slightly to the right and lifted him up higher, he tried moving his arms but your powers kept them to the side of his body, “you are going to leave. I don’t ever want to see you again, don’t look for me, don’t talk to me, do not even breathe the same fucking air as me. And if I ever see you in my line of sight again, I will not hesitate to end you. Are we clear?” He just stayed there staring at you. “Oh, and I almost forgot.” Using your free hand you motioned it up and to the side, two keys coming out of his pocket and landing in your hand. It was the spare keys you gave him when you first moved to the apartment so that way he could wait for you until you got home. “I’ll be needing these back, thank you.” Putting them away safely in your pocket, now ensuring he won’t be able to get into your apartment complex again. “Now leave.” Once again using your free hand you waved and the door began to open inwards revealing the empty hall. You moved your hand that held him in place towards it and launched him forward, his back hitting the wall. The last thing you saw was him starting to get up but you didn’t give him much of a chance to do anything else until waved for the door to close. Finally letting out the breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in, you ran for the door and double-locked it; turning around and resting your back against the door breathing heavily, you stayed there trying to wrap your head around what just happened. 
This man was stubborn as hell and you hated him for that. He stayed at your door for god knows how long, occasionally weeping and saying he was sorry for what he did, begging you to let him back inside to talk it out, to bangs on the door and screams shouting things at you whether calling you a “slut” or saying that he straight-up hated you. You were starting to regret asking Fury to find you a complex that had no other tenants on the same floor because you knew by now someone would’ve heard and called to complain, but since the complex was four stories and you were in the building furthest from the staircase, no one could hear anything.
He checked his phone for the third time in the last 5 minutes
Sent 1 hour ago
He turned off his phone and threw his head back sighing. His partner now getting annoyed.
“Look man, don’t worry about it maybe she got just forgot or something,” Sam spoke, looking at Bucky who’s stare stayed unwavering at the ceiling.
“I don’t like it, Sam, she said she would text us once she finished breaking up with that douche bag.” Checking his phone once more, all that stared back was the 4 texts he had sent back to back constantly checking in. You had told him not to call but part of him itched to just hit the dial button and make sure you were okay.
“She’ll call us when she’s ready to talk, so just give her some space.” Sam tried to ease his nerves, but Bucky knew something was off, he felt it in his gut. It wasn’t like you to just not leave a message in case nothing happened.
“I’m gonna go check on her.” Bucky began to get up from the couch.
“Buck-” Sam warned.
“She said she was gonna text us once she finished dumping that guy, that was 3 hours ago and we haven’t heard anything from her. If it’s nothing then I’ll come back.” Bucky grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. Sam only shook his head knowing he couldn’t stop him now.
“Fine, but be careful alright. If this guy is still there by the time you come I don’t think he’ll be very happy to see you.” Sam chuckled a little.
But Bucky rolled his eyes and headed out.
He arrived at your apartment complex in a little under 15 minutes, trying really hard not to break any traffic laws. But it didn’t matter after what felt like forever he looked at the building now shrouded in darkness since the sun had set less than half an hour ago. He tried looking for your window to see any signs of people in there, not getting very far he decided to go up to your door and knock. 
This building was not the most secure in the world. The front gate that led to every tenant space was left open so getting in was a breeze. After climbing a few sets of stairs he finally reached your door. The first thing he noticed was the dent on the wall that wasn’t there the last time he came to visit. He tried looking under the door to see any movement but all he saw was something dark standing in front of the door. But didn’t hear anyone speaking; so he just decided to knock quietly hoping you would answer and explain how you were just fine and how everything had gone well.
Today couldn’t have been any worse
You heard another knock.
Dear fucking god can he not quit
It had been nearly 5 minutes since you heard the last knock and wanted to look to see if he was finally gone but something in your body told you not to move. You have never been this paralyzed in fear. You had gone through worse things before in your life as an Avenger but those guys were bad, they meant to do harm and had no reason to give you any false sense of security, but he did.
Knock knock knock
You couldn’t take it anymore. He had been at the door for over an hour and you just wanted to be left alone, so you got up created a ball of pure energy in your hand made solely out of anger, just ready to blast the ever-living shit out of him. 
You began to open the door and started to wind your hand back ready to launch the ball of energy in his face, “I thought I told you to leave me the fu-”
“Woah Woah Woah-!” You heard a voice say, and when you actually looked at who it was you realized it wasn’t your now ex.
“Bucky?” You asked in disbelief, still ready to launch your hand forward at any second. He held his gloved hands above him to cover his face from being blasted right off. “What’re you doing here?”
“I came to check up on you. You weren’t answering your messages so I got worried.” He said, slowly lowering his hands. 
You followed his movement lowering your own raised hand and dispelled the energy ball, fading away just like your anger.
You sighed in relief. “Oh,” you started realizing that he could probably see the mark on your face so you slowly rested the left side of your face on the door, slightly flinching at the contact, not expecting it to hurt as much, you hoped Bucky didn’t notice. “Well, uh, everything is fine.” You told him, giving a small smile.
He tried looking inside, “You sure?”
“Yes I am very sure, it all went smoothly.” You knew lying was going to get you nowhere with him, he was pretty perceptive.
“Okay, so you wouldn’t mind letting me in?” He pressed on, he knew he was getting nowhere standing outside the door, while you were inside desperately trying to hide something.
Your eyes widened ever so slightly, trying not to alert him of anything going wrong, but you knew if you told him he couldn’t come in he would suspect something and the last thing you wanted was for this to turn into something worse than it already was. 
“Of course, come on in.” You opened the door gesturing to come in, already regretting your decision.
“So, who were you trying to blast?” Bucky asked as you let him in, he examined the living room, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. Your beige couch was slightly slanted forward but other than that everything else seemed to be in place, he did notice however, you having your back towards him, not making eye contact.
“Hmm?” You asked slightly distracted. “Oh, uh my neighbor’s kids, you know they keep running up and down the stairs and hallway.” You said, hoping he believed you, though you wouldn’t even believe your own lie given how shaky your voice was getting,
You cleared your throat, “Want some tea? I’m gonna make some right now.” Hoping a distraction would get you through this.
“No thank you I’m good, so uh, what did he say when you decided to break it off with him?” Bucky asked.
You weren’t ready to discuss this now, but what choice did you have, you could tell he was getting suspicious about something, so you just had to convince him it was nothing.
“Oh you know, he was upset obviously, but what’re you going to do.” You tried sounding nonchalant about the whole thing, you talked all the while putting water in the kettle and put it on the stove to boil. “He was upset but understood why I did it, and then uh, left.” 
“Really? Just like that?”
“Mhmm.” You spoke, the kettle starting to scream a little, grabbing your mug.
“So, if he just up and left without any struggle… then who made this hole in the wall?” Bucky asked as he tapped the wall with his knuckle.
Your fingers slipped and you dropped your mug, first hitting the counter then smashing into pieces on the floor, the screams of the kettle now almost piercing.
“Shit.” You whispered, for dropping the mug and completely forgetting about the hole he made right before he hit you. 
“Woah, hey are you okay?” Bucky turned around and saw you on your knees trying to pick up the broken pieces of the mug you had just dropped.
You were at your tipping point. Everything felt like it was unraveling all at once, you tried picking up the broken pieces of the mug, hardly noticing your tears trickling down and hitting the floor.
Bucky turned off the stove to stop the screaming and went up to you, gently putting his hand on your back. “Hey don’t worry about it okay? It’s just a mug you didn’t mean to drop it.”
“No… no no no, I wasn’t careful enough, I should’ve been nicer and more careful, this is all my fault.” You muttered to yourself. 
Bucky was starting to think that you weren’t talking about your mug. “Hey, look at me.” He spoke softly and gently lifted your chin and that’s when he first noticed the little bit of dried up blood that was on your left cheek and saw a bruise forming. “Oh god-”
You hated how he stared at you: pity, it was written in his eyes, you really didn’t want anybody to find out, especially him. Most of all, you were embarrassed, embarrassed with everything that happened and how you handled it all.
“I’m sorry.” Was all you could say, trying really hard not to break down crying, but it got harder the longer you stayed there on the floor staring at the shattered mug.
“Hey it’s okay, come here.” He wrapped you in a tight hug and that was all it took to get you to release the fear, anger, and sadness that you’ve had bottled up for the last few hours.
And there you two were, sitting on the floor of your kitchen, silently crying into Bucky’s shoulder gently gripping his jacket to steady yourself. Bucky just stared at the shattered mug, a mixture of relief and sadness filling his head; glad he went to check up on you but angry and upset that you have been put through something that dick had caused, and he intended to make his sorry ass pay.
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thran-duils · 3 years
Nowhere to Run (P.2)
Title: Nowhere to Run (Part Two) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Stony. Reader was caught unknowingly stealing from the capitol harvest and is drug to the capitol for punishment. She is offered an option to go to trial or accept work in the main government building. Upon her tour, she ends up in trouble and catches eyes of two of the Master Council that decide she needs to be broken in by their hands. Words: 6,130 Warnings (for this chapter): Non-con, servitude, forced orgasms, verbal and emotional abuse, double penetration, unprotected sex Author’s Notes: Definitely biting Mother Gothel vibes when Tony says, “No? Oh...” Also, sorry that this got so long but also not sorry.
Part One || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
The courtyard between the villas was swathed in flowers and shrubbery. Despite how scared you were to be here, you came to a stop in the pathway, looking around in awe. This kind of garden was one you dreamed of to have and lay in, soaking up the sun. Your hands came up to your sheer hood of your robe to push it back — before leaving the Capitol you had been given a robe, a symbol of your assignment. It was white and embroidered with flowers and upon seeing the garden, you spotted the flower it was based off of. You had not seen it in any other part of the Capitol yet and surmised it was specifically here and therefore, the reason for the embroidery choice. It was deep blue, weaving in vines around the pillar. You reached out, rubbing one of the petals between your fingers gently.
Tsu snapped his fingers in your face, getting your attention once more.
“We don’t have a lot of time. The Masters are in a council meeting, and they’ll be expecting you to be settled in and starting your tasks by the time they return. Now I was told you will be assigned primarily to Master Rogers and Master Stark.” He leaned in close and hissed, “And please heed my warning: obey. They are not known to be forgiving.”
He looked serious and you nodded, “Noted.”
“I hope so. They won’t be lenient about back talk. Do not repeat what you did at the capitol building.”
Tsu turned on his heel and continued on, taking a path towards one of the villas. “This is Mr. Roger’s.”
It infuriated you that they all had such large houses just to themselves. Many around the country shared the houses with multiple families and they were nowhere near the size of these.
And being inside, you were even more upset seeing how lacking homeliness there was to the place. It was all marble flooring, minimalist, and cold, really. He gave you direction about the rooms, nodding in acknowledgment when you passed a couple of other servants. They nodded quickly back before moving on to continue their tasks. Your eyes lingered on the large, canopied bed in the master bedroom. Why someone needed that big of a bed just for themselves was beyond you. But the Capitol was greedy, and it was so because of the council members living above their actual needs.
Your mouth watered as you were led to the kitchen; dinner was being prepared and it smelled delicious. The cook himself was skinny and you wondered if he was ever rewarded with the fruits of his labor. You were to attend to the morning tasks specifically and the cook showed you where the coffee was — a delicacy that apparently Master Rogers enjoyed every morning — and where he would leave the prepped food for you to cook for breakfast. On top of preparing his outfit for the day to lay out and getting his toiletries ready for after his shower.
“Am I to do the same at Master Stark’s as well?” you asked Tsu, who nodded. “How can I be expected to be in two places at once? Who is first?”
��They will work that out amongst themselves and inform you. Come now, over to Master Stark’s. Apparently one of his maids has fallen… under the weather.” You furrowed your brow at the hesitance and Tsu leaned in, “We shan’t expect to see her for probably nine months.”
You felt bile swirling.
“It happens from time to time with the Master’s maids. Why, Master Wilson had one just last month.”
“Charming. I’m so glad that’s a common occurrence that no one bats an eye,” you muttered.
Tsu wagged his finger at you, “That’s that attitude I was talking about. I’m not going to be here to remind you to keep it reined in. You’re gonna have to do it yourself.”
Master Stark’s house was across the courtyard. His house was just as unwelcoming and darker in interior design. There were many sky lights, a huge one over his sunken living room. You stepped down, looking at the plush couch and the large flat screen mounted on the wall. Again, so much space for just one person. His bedroom was facing the forest with a bed as large as Master Roger’s and you walked along the windows, staring out as Tsu led you to show you the master bath. You stared at the shower, taking in the floating shower head above and the wooden bench along the wall. That must be relaxing.
“Servants quarters are downstairs. There’s some in every villa. I’m not sure which one you’ll be in but again, they’ll let you know.”
He was leading you back through the hall, pointing out an office and a library. You stuck your head inside the library curiously, your mouth falling open at the walls of books. Back home, you had the pleasure of a collection, but it was not even a quarter of this.
“Come on, Y/N. We don’t have a lot of—” he stopped hearing noise downstairs, the front door slamming it sounded like.
“Matilda!” A man bellowed.
“Shit. He’s back already,” Tsu hissed before grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the library.
Coming along the exposed hallway, you looked past the glass railing over the living room. A woman was in front of who you assumed was Master Stark. He was sneering at her already, “You forget yourself, Matilda. I told you to have my bath ran by the time I returned. Perhaps missing dinner will be in order for you.”
“I’m sorry, master,” she said looking nervous, her head bowed.
Master Stark was dark haired and handsome. He was dressed smartly in a fitted suit, you still able to make out the tautness of his body. The movement at the stairs caught his attention. He took his sunglasses off seeing the pair of you coming down the stairs.
“Master Stark,” Tsu greeted as you approached. He gave a curt bow, and you followed his lead.
Chestnut eyes followed your movement, and you did your best to avert your own gaze. You instead looked at the other woman, seeing the red in her cheeks at being berated.
“I was just showing Y/N around yours and Master Roger’s homes to get her acquainted.”
“Right. The new wench,” Master Stark remarked. You bristled at the term ‘wench’ and shot him an annoyed look. His lips twitched seeing your expression before you averted your gaze again, knowing you had let your temper get the better of you. “Leave us. I can take it from here.”
Tsu nodded and gave another bow. “Good day, Master Stark.”
He left without looking back and you suddenly felt vulnerable without him.
“Girl, come to me,” Master Stark said, snapping his fingers at you like you were a pet. To Matilda he ordered, “What are you still doing standing there, you idiot? Get upstairs and start my bath! Do you wish to miss breakfast as well?”
“No, sir,” she said shaking her head and turning to go up the stairs you had just come down hastily.
You closed the space between the two of you, standing a foot from him, your arms clasped in front of you.
“You were told you are to prepare my clothes and breakfast later in the morning than Steve’s?”
Steve must be Master Rogers.
“Yes, sort of,” you responded in a timid voice.
“Speak up. Muttering annoys the absolute fuck out of me.”
“Yes,” you rose your voice. “But I was unsure which house to be at first. Thank you for answering that for me. What time do you want me here, Master Stark?”
He sighed, “Steve is always up at the asscrack of dawn. Usually about five.” You held back at a grimace knowing you would need to be awake well before then yourself then. “I don’t usually get up until eight. That gives you a couple hours at least at his place beforehand. And you know, before this goes any further, let me see you. Strip.”
“Excuse me?” you asked mortified.
“Did I stutter?” Tony asked dryly. “Untie your dress.”
Tony’s eyebrows rose, “‘No’?” He looked sinister, “Oh…”
“No, I mean you didn’t stutter,” you said quickly, trying to correct your misstep.
Amusement was still evident; he did not believe your lie. “Well, get to it then. As I’m sure you heard, I have a bath running and I would like it to be hot.”
Heat creeped up your neck as you reached up and untied the fabric at the back of your neck. He circled slowly, his fingers brushing at your side. You flinched away instinctively, and his hand latched tightly.
“Did I give you permission to move?”
“No,” you whispered.
“What did I tell you about speaking up? Are you daft?”
“No,” you said louder.
“Good girl,” he said, his hand loosening.
It was one thing to have him examining you like cattle at auction but touching you on top of that was humiliating on a whole new level.
His lecherous examination continued, his fingers following his circle he walked on your skin. He traced down from the nape of your neck to the curve of your ass. His fingers fluttered down and gave a squeeze. You sucked in your cheeks, tensing, but you did not say anything like you had at the Capitol. He held, as if he was waiting. When you stayed still, he made a hum of approval before he moved on.
Fingers ghosted along your shoulder. He was so close; you could feel his breath on you. He was frightening, his presence ominous. You fought to keep your eyes forward and not meet him. You had a feeling that would result in punishment.
He stepped away from you, his hand thankfully gone.
“You’ll do,” he said dismissively.
‘You’ll do’? That was more hurtful than outright telling you that you were not up to his standards. Or was he playing mind games?
“Dress yourself. Before you head over to Steve’s, go and straighten up my library. I had young Master Parker over earlier and he has a terrible fucking habit of not putting things back. I like authors by their last name. Don’t fuck it up, do you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.”
You awoke at 4:30am and dragged yourself from your small cot. You took on the friendly advice given to you by the other servants to use the small glow stick like device to light your way without turning on the actual lights. There was no need to rouse Master Rogers from sleep before he awoke himself; that would piss him off.
Picking up your list that had been left by one of the head servants, you saw you were to pick out his outfit, sort his toiletries, mop the kitchen floor – where were those supplies? – prepare his coffee and breakfast, and lay out his newspaper for him. And wait for further instruction if there were to be any. The only order for his outfit was ‘casual’.
Master Rogers – Steve – was sleeping soundly still. You stared at his form for a few seconds, his muscular arms and chest that were exposed from his silk sheets. He was a large man, handsome too just like Master Stark, with a strong jaw. His blonde hair was splayed across his forehead from his tussling in the night. You were given little to no instruction for his clothing, and you went into his closet blind, holding up the small light you were holding. His room was shrouded in darkness from the curtains being pulled and you were grateful you had brought the light.
In his closet, you fetched a relaxed top and a soft cardigan with slacks. That was as casual as it was getting in his selection of clothes. You kept the hangers and brought them soundlessly out to his bathroom door, hanging them up. You went inside and began gathering the toiletries listed and separated them between the counter near the sink and his shower.
Down in the kitchen, you made first to find the mop and thankfully, it was in the pantry. It was fairly easy to mop the floor, that you were used to. But after that, you stared at the oven before clicking a button you thought was the correct one. It came to life. This was far more technological than you had dealt with, but you had to figure it out. You wished you had had more time with Tsu or the cook yesterday. It took you a moment to figure out where the skillets were, but you were able to get his bacon started and his eggs. His coffee was more difficult than you thought originally. He wanted a latte. You followed the instructions to make an espresso and then whisked the milk, pouring the espresso over it.
As if on cue, you placed the latte next to his plate on the counter as instructed next to his newspaper, and he walked in.
His eyes ran over you, and you gave him a curt bow as Tsu had done for Master Stark. “Good morning, Master Rogers.”
“We haven’t met,” he responded, coming over to his plate and grabbing his newspaper.
“Y/N, sir.”
“Hmm, right. I remember you.”
He remembered you from what?
“I’m to help you in the morning. I hope my outfit choice was appropriate.”
Steve looked down and shrugged half assedly. “It’s comfortable enough.”
Holding back your attitude, you asked, “Is there something I can do different in the future that will please you more?” His eyes flashed lasciviously, and you quickly added, “In regard to your outfit, I mean, sir. Just so I know what to choose.”
“I’m not sure I can teach a mountain girl anything about fashion on a whim. So, just watch the rest of the masters and the council members outfits. I don’t have the energy to try to explain it to you. I’m sure this long, halter gown is the fanciest thing you’ve worn and it’s merely a villa servant’s dress.”
How you wanted to knock him a good one for being so crass. It must have been evident in your expression because his eyes crinkled as he picked up a bite of his eggs, taking a bite.
“Did I strike a nerve?”
“No,” you blatantly lied. “How are your eggs, sir?”
“Fine, surprisingly. You made them quite fluffy.”
Steve’s hand moved in what seemed like a very deliberate movement, knocking his cup, and it fell to the floor. Ceramic shattered and his latte flooded around it.
You bit your cheeks to keep from screaming, staring at it. You had just cleaned the floor.
“Oops,” he said flatly, not sounding sorry at all. “Why did you place it so close to the edge?”
He was saying it like it was your fault. This pompous asshole. But you inhaled deeply.
“I’ll make you another one,” you told him calmly although you were screaming internally. He was not going to get a rise out of you that quickly and that easily. Tsu had warned you to obey and you were not going to risk being beaten or worse – time added to your sentence – over spilled coffee.
“Another one…?” He asked expectantly.
“Master Rogers,” you said stiffly.
You bent over and began picking up the shattered pieces first. Scooping them up you brought them over to the trash can and tossed them in.
Turning back around, you caught sight of him staring, his eyes focused on your hips before he met your gaze. He looked aroused and you knew he had been staring at your ass as you were bent over. Nonchalantly, he cleared his throat and looked back down at his newspaper.
You felt relief surprisingly when he said, “I’m sure Tony will be coming back from the land of the dead soon enough. You should hurry over there.”
You cracked Tony’s door open and quietly slipped in. You saw two figures in the bed as you crept by towards his closet. You used the natural light coming in from the windows to guide yourself through the closet. He had said dark grey for his color scheme, so you did your best, matching the jacket, vest, and slacks but a white dress shirt. The socks and tie you chose were burgundy, a contrast. He had not asked for that, but you would see how that worked.
Quietly, you came back out of the closet and stilled when you saw someone slipping out of the bed. You recognized her in the light… Matilda. She stopped only for a moment, locking eyes with you before snatching her dress off the ground and bringing it up and tying it around her neck. She sneaked out of the room, more than likely going to start her chores. So, he forced someone he verbally abused to his bed.
Gently you walked over to the bathroom and hung up the clothes on the outside of the door. You moved inside and got together the materials the same you had for Steve and put the appropriate ones in the shower and by the sink.
When you emerged, Tony was stirring, and you moved quicker to get out of the room before he was fully awake.
But to no luck.
“Morning, little vixen.”
You stopped in your movement and turned back to face him, clasping your hands. “Good morning, Master Stark. I’m sorry if I woke you.”
His lips up ticked into a closed smile, “I’m sure it is time for me to be awake if I find my bed cold. Night is over and consequently the fun.” He threw the covers back and got back out of bed unabashedly of his naked form. Your eyes widened at his brazen behavior, all of him on display. You turned your head, avoiding looking at him and he chuckled. “You’ll get used to seeing this.”
Tony moved towards the door and eyed the suit choice. He shot you a look and said, “Look at that slight boldness of color. It’s subtle against the neutral but it’s nice. Good choice.”
He winked at you before going into the bathroom. You took that as permission to leave to start his breakfast.
The whole first day you had put up with both of their antics. They were trying your patience and it was getting to you. You had never crossed two more pretentious men and they were so insulting to their staff. Steve had called you “pigheaded” for placing his newspaper on the right instead of the left of his plate this morning and you wanted to just tear it up in front of him.
You were currently in Tony’s office waiting instruction. There had been a task after breakfast to clean his office and before you started, you wanted more direction, so you did not make a mistake.
He walked in finding you still standing still, and he asked, “You know, to clean, you need to actually be moving?”
“My instructions said to dust but I was not sure what I should touch and not touch, Master Stark. I was waiting for you to give me direction so—”
He cut you off, “When it says dust, just dust. But, you know, I’m actually glad you waited so you’ll be in here longer.” He stalked over to his desk and opened one of his drawers, pulling out a box. He unwrapped it and you watched him pull out a pair of lace, barely there panties. Your heart clenched – he surely did not mean to give those to you? He placed a small device into the crotch of them and held them out to you.
“What’s that?” you asked slowly, not moving.
“I like some entertainment while I work,” Tony commented. “Put them on. They’ll be a snug fit, right up against what I’m sure is a beautiful pussy.” You stared back at him, and Tony returned a challenging look. “Are we going to have a problem?”
At loss for words, you stammered, “I… for what?”
“A problem ‘for what’? Yeah, that’s exactly what my question is. There should not be a problem when I tell you to do something directly. Come over here and fetch them and put them on,” Tony ordered you impatiently. “Before I lose my temper.”
As if you were moving against your own will, your legs moved forward, and you came to the desk. You reached up underneath your gown, his eyes raking over your exposed bare legs. Yanking down your underwear, you tossed them to the side by the desk and took the underwear from him. Hunger was swimming in his eyes, and you swallowed sharply. He was right; they were snug, the protruding part right up against your bud.
He clicked a button on the small remote and the underwear turned on. You grimaced your teeth as you felt the vibration, if only for a few moments.
Tony looked elated at the expression on your face. “Sweetheart, if you can dust everything here without coming, I’ll be so proud.” He leaned forward and winked, “But I’m going to make you work for it. Our work meetings are so boring, and I enjoy watching you women fighting against an orgasm.”
You hated this. You were to clean his office and he was going to be brushing your cunt with his toy.
He picked up the glass by his desk and opened the mini fridge, pulling out the ice cubes. He clunked some into his glass and poured some water over the top of it. Settling back into his chair he eyed you, waiting.
Swallowing your pride, you turned from him and began at the far end at the stacked bookcases. You shuddered as the panties worked at your clit, longer this time. He did not hit the button at regular intervals, so it caught you off guard every time. You would be holding a porcelain figurine and clench it, hoping to God you would not drop it. You were bound to break something the closer you got to coming undone. He was continuing on with his virtual meeting as if nothing untoward was happening to you. You bent to grab a book that had fallen off the shelf and he hit it again. You snapped back up and exhaled sharply, clenched as it vibrated relentlessly against you. You gave the book a quick brush over before placing it back on the shelf. You took a step and he hit it again.
Having had enough, you turned around and hissed, “You’re distracting me. How am I to work, Master Stark?”
He muted his microphone on his computer and blocked his camera before turning in his chair towards you. You saw the bulge in his pants and that only served to make you more upset with the situation. How much he was getting off on this was unbearable.
“That’s kind of the point of this. But, really, you’re distracting me, little vixen. With your hips and those soft sighs leaving your mouth every time I press the toy. It’s very beguiling,” Tony argued, relaxing back in his chair. You heard the ice clinking in his drink as he brought it to his lips. “And I’ll distract you however much I want to. Don’t you forget that. Get back to work. Now.”
He clicked his microphone and camera back on, resuming his meeting. His fingers were tapping the remote that was lying on the desk, teasingly. Pissed, you turned back.
It buzzed again only moments later, and you clenched, squeezing your thighs together as you brushed the bookcase.
“Ah ah. Naughty girl. Let me in,” Tony intoned, and you loosened. He took the opportunity and hit you again with stimulation.
You let out a frustrated noise and threw the duster onto the ground.
“Fuck this!” you exclaimed.
Tony hit the hide and mute on his computer quickly at your outburst, caught off guard. You got a small satisfaction out of that in the heat of the moment that you had thrown him off his game.
He turned towards you again, looking furious. That did nothing to throw water on your temper. You hastily tore the underwear off and threw them in his general direction. Tony’s eyes followed the descent of them to land at his black oxfords. “Send me back! I’ll take on an extra month — six even if I can just be back in the capitol building! This is torture!”
Tony drug his gaze from the panties back to you. His elbow was still resting on the arm of the chair.
Chest heaving, you watched him and slowly felt the dread creeping in. His eyes were hard, and you remembered who exactly you were dealing with. He had all the power in this relationship, and you had just lost your temper with him, outright disobeying something you had been ordered to do. And you may have embarrassed him in front of other Capitol council members in your outburst.
Tony stood from the chair and stalked over to you, peering down his nose at you. His voice was dangerously low when he said, “Go up to my bedroom and wait there for Steve and I. On the bed. Naked.”
Naked? You gulped.
Even you knew better than to argue with him with that scathing glare. You slunk away and you felt his glare burning into the back of your head as you closed the office door behind you.
Curled in on yourself, you waited. It seemed to drag on forever, the waiting. You just wanted them to come up and belt you and get it over with.
When the door opened, you dared to raise your gaze, finding the both of them coming in. Their jackets, vests, and ties were gone. The top buttons of their dress shirts were undone, apparently have relaxed before this. Tony must have called Steve to his office and relayed to him what had transpired between the two of you.
You were doing your best to try to keep your breasts hidden, your legs crossed to hide yourself as well.
Tony came to a stop in front of you and he held out two fingers, pulling your chin up to force you to look at him directly. His stare was cold.
“You really pissed me off earlier,” he informed you point blank.
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“I’m sure you are now. At the time, I know you meant every little ounce of venom you spat at me. And that I won’t abide. And neither will Steve. What goes on in one villa, goes on in the other. You will be well behaved in both.” When you did not say anything, his hand came to clench your jaw and you winced as he forced your mouth open as he mocked in a higher pitched voice, “’Yes, master. I understand’.”
“Yes, master, I understand,” you repeated, wincing against his tight grip.
“And we’ll make sure that sticks. We are in charge here,” Tony told you, letting go of your face and going to work on the rest of his buttons.
You had hardly noticed Steve had undressed himself to his briefs. You had been so focused on Tony’s imperious presence before you.
Steve was holding the panties you had thrown at Tony earlier. You felt sick as he told you, “Let me put these on you and don’t make it difficult.”
No. They were not going to beat you like you feared. They were going to do worse. Matilda came to mind being in Tony’s bed when you knew that was the last place she would have wanted to be and your eyes shot to the door before landing back on Steve who was coming close now.
Freeing himself from his boxers, Steve’s hand ran up and down his length. You cowered back, crawling back on the bed, tucking your feet to come onto your knees. You did not want to be in here. He smirked seeing your fight or flight kick in.
“Sweetpea, you know that’s not an option. Come back.” You tensed, shooting another quick look at the door. Steve’s expression melted from amusement to annoyance. “Now.”
You unfolded slowly, coming back to the end of the bed, your heart hammering. You had had sex before, but it had only been with the boy next door, the one you had thought once that you would marry before you had been brought here. Not like this. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you sat still as you could to let him slide them up and you allowed him to pull them all the way up. You spotted Tony still had the remote, a wicked grin on his face.
Steve was jutting out towards you, and you stared down at his length.
“Your hand,” Steve told you. “Wet it with your mouth.” You shakily did as he asked and he ordered, “More spit.” You did that as well. “Touch me.”
You felt humiliated but you did what he asked. He was thick and your hand slid up and down his length, wetting him with your spit. He moaned softly, his hips moving ever so slightly as you continued to stroke him off. The underwear vibrated and unlike before, they were not turning off. Tony was not giving you any reprieve. You tried to adjust so the movement was not directly on your bud but no matter what you tried, it was right there, and some angles made it worse, causing you to shiver at the direct contact. You caught Tony’s eyes and he was watching with heightened arousal, his erection evident in his slacks.
Steve was leaking precum in no time and you were short of breath with the stimulation on your cunt. You had shot a look at Tony finding him naked now, working himself up at the scene before him. You were getting the panties so wet and you wondered if that was going to affect the toy.
It reached a moment when Steve had had enough of just your hand. He stopped your movement and tossed your hand aside. You leaned back as he towered, his hands snatching at the sides of the panties and yanking them down your legs roughly, tossing them aside. You barely had time to react before he was picking you up in a fluid motion. You yelped at the airborne movement as he dragged you onto the bed with him. Steve laid down and pulled you in top of him, your hands planted by his head. His cock slid in with ease to your wet pussy, his lips sucking at your breasts.
The bed dipped with Tony’s added weight, and you heard him adjusting in between Steve’s legs, his hard cock brushing up against your tight ring. You realized fully what he was aiming for when his thumb met your ass and it was cold, covered in lube. You felt him squeeze some into you.
Having their way with you in your pussy was one thing but this was something else entirely, especially since Steve was already inside you. You had never had anal sex, let alone two men in you at once. This was their punishment.
Desperately, you begged, “Please don’t!”
Steve’s laugh was cruel. “‘Please don’t?’ Me? I’m not doing anything, darling. I’m just sitting here. Fully...seated... inside your tight cunt just enjoying it.”
You tried to look over your shoulder at Tony, “Master—"
But Steve grabbed your face and forced you to look back at him. “Relax…. Relax….” he breathed encouragingly. “You don’t want it to really hurt do you?”
There was no time for you to answer him as Tony started pressing in. It burned and you cried out. Steve was whispering in your ear to encourage you to relax, telling you to be a good girl. You choked on a cry, tears stinging as Tony continued to sink into your ass. You were so full.
“Aw, she’s crying, Tony.”
Tony sloppily kissed your temple, his hand tight on your throat. “Don’t cry, sweetheart. You’re doing so well! Taking it like the little whore we knew you are. Take your punishment… you’ll be loving it in no time.”
He pulled out slowly before pushing back in, keeping a slow steady pace. You breathed, trying to focus on the way it was subsiding to pleasure. You sniffled, hanging your head as he continued using you, Steve still waiting inside. You were sure their cocks were brushing each other in that thin membrane.
“Well-behaved now too. Just gotta fill her with cock to train her. Make her needy,” Steve rasped. “Tell us how much you like it, you little slut.”
It was an order. And you were just a rag doll between them right now; what other choice did you have but to comply?
You could not lie to yourself either, you were being stimulated to a whole new level.
“I love it,” you breathed shakily, a sharp whine escaping as you felt them both rocking in and out. They had a rhythm going, like they had done this before.
Steve continued with his dirty talk, “You want it? You wanna be fucked?”
“Yes, I want it. I wanna be fucked.”
Tony groaned at your declaration, slapping across your ass as you rocked between them. The reverberation sent a tremor through you, further stimulating you.
Steve bit roughly at your nipple and you yelped. His breath was hot as he growled, “You wanna be used like a perfect doll. Right? You wanna behave? Because if you don’t we won’t finish.”
Every nerve was on fire, and you were losing yourself to the feeling. No, they had to finish.
You nodded fervently, “I wanna behave. I wanna behave.”
“You know how lucky you are to be filled? What women would beg to be in your spot? You should be thanking us!”
“Thank you for filling me up,” you cried as Steve buried himself roughly. The shame of your pleading and groveling was overshadowed by every brush of their cocks inside you, pushing you towards the edge to come tumbling down.
They were working you like the doll Steve promised you were going to be. Your breath was short, and you were beginning to shake on your arms.
You heard Tony groan, “There you go, there you go. Fuck!”
“I got her Tony,” Steve grunted, holding you tight as broken cries left you. “I’ll hold you, sweetheart.” You trusted him in your delirious state and collapsed against him as your body gave way. You shouted, stuffing a fist into your mouth. Steve yanked your hand away and you cried out. “Let us hear what we’ve done to you, you naughty girl.”
Steve held you in place as Tony sped up, thrusting quick. You continued moaning with the heat tearing through you.
“You’re gonna take every fucking drop,” Tony husked. “Perfect little cumslut!”
He groaned animalistically, his cum emptying into your ass. You sighed relieved and buried your face into Steve’s collarbone. Tony slid out and you whined pathetically feeling him spill out onto your thighs.
“Almost done, doll. You’re taking your punishment perfectly, shaping up so well,” Steve kissed along the side of your face. “Tony, you did nothing to help me stalling myself with those hard thrusts of yours. Felt every rib of your dick, you bastard.” You heard Tony chuckling as Steve resumed his own thrusts. You whined, so sensitive but he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, and he was finishing soon, spilling his seed into your aching pussy. He gave a few more lazy thrusts before he picked you up and rolled over to drop you onto the bed.
You laid there exhausted, bare in the center of the bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to catch your breath.
Steve was pleased. “I love that gaped, cum filled look. Especially on her.”
They sounded a million miles away, you still drowning in what had just happened.
Tony came into your sights, and you turned your head towards him, exhaustion in your bones. “Gather yourself and then come join me in the shower. I’ll give you that before you come back out here and strip my bed to clean the sheets. Can’t keep you off your duties for too long, can we? I won’t be giving you special treatment no matter how well that perfect ass of yours just milked me.”
He turned before stopping and then he added, “By the way, I will not be sending you back to the Capitol building. If we have our say, you won’t be going home any time soon.”
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney @biiskuitx
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dreadlockholiday · 3 years
Stucky Fic Rec List #2
by @dreadlockholiday
Another Rec List, source: my bookmarks.
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📖 Next Chapter by NachoDiablo - [Explicit; 15k words]
[Modern AU; Actor!Steve x Writer!Bucky; Tumblr Meet-Cute; Identity Porn; Bottom!Bucky]
Bucky’s life is at a bit of a standstill these days as he commits to embracing his inner hermit, brewing the perfect pour-over, and writing popular fanfic for the Avengers movie franchise. When he strikes up a friendship with Steve, the snarky yet earnest fan of his latest fic, he finds himself opening up for the first time in years. Things get more complicated, however, when Bucky realizes that Steve’s more than just an everyday fan of the Avengers. As he and Steve grow closer, Bucky will have to decide whether or not he’s ready to start moving forward again.
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🥀 Just Like Before by romanticallyinept - [Explicit; 3,7k words]
[Canon Divergence; Dom!Steve x Sub!Bucky; Misunderstandings; Explicit Sexual Content; Angst with a Happy Ending]
It wasn’t ever something they talked about. Bucky never said, “I gotta let go sometimes,” and Steve never said he’d always be willing to take the reins. But they knew what worked for them, even without the conversations that Steve has read about, the ones that he knows, now, are so damn important.
He tries not to blame himself too much.
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✨ Whenever You're Ready by @maddiewritesstucky - [Explicit; 5k words]
[Modern AU; Exes to Lovers; Getting Back Together; Emotional Sex; Love Confessions; Angst With a Happy Ending]
It’s so soft, the sound Bucky makes. One tiny word, more breath than anything else, yet it somehow holds all the sentiment of 'of course' and 'how have I lived without this', and Steve is ruined for it.
He’s sixteen again, realising that want begins and ends with Bucky Barnes.
He is seventeen, discovering that the only thing better than getting his hands on Bucky, is getting his mouth on him.
He is eighteen, and nineteen, and twenty; bone-deep certain that for him, there will only ever be Bucky.
“Stevie,” Bucky sighs. He reaches gentle fingertips to brush the hair back off Steve’s forehead; traces the stretch of Steve’s lips around him with all the tender wonder of their youth.
...Steve is thirty-nine, and he will never come back from this.
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☀️ For the Summer by steebadore, CoraRochester, art by @fadefilter - [Explicit; 44,2k words]
[Modern AU; Rich!Bucky x Carpenter!Steve; Exes to Lovers; Getting Back Together; Bottom!Bucky; Angst With a Happy Ending]
Fifteen years ago, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes had been two teenagers in love, spending sweltering summers in Eagle Inlet, Steve's sleepy lakeside hometown way up in the Adirondacks. Sure, Bucky's rich family only came up in summertime, but they were off to college soon and they'd be together forever, right?
Not quite.
These days, Bucky's back in town for the summer and it turns out, some hurts—and firsts—are hard to get over.
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🏆 Inspecting my bruises (I got them trying to save the world) by Dancey96, art by @deisderium - [Explicit; 34,7k words]
[Modern AU; PR Agent!Bucky x Martial Artist!Steve; Enemies to Lovers; Queer Awakening; Bottom!Bucky; Happy Ending]
In the world of mixed martial arts, the Avengers Combat Tournament is the next level of competition where the athletes are the best of the best and the fighting style is almost superhuman. With hopes to succeed in the sport, Steve Rogers is struggling to garner the attention he needs from the press. Enter Bucky Barnes, a public relations agent with no interest in ACT whatsoever, but with a growing fascination for Steve.
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💌 14 Valentines by jehans - [Explicit; 18,9k words]
[Shrunkyclunks; Delivery Guy!Bucky; Amputee Bucky; PTSD; Valentine's Day; Love at First Sight; Sub!Bucky; Bottom!Bucky; Rough Sex]
Someone is trying to woo Steve.
Every day in February leading up to Valentine's Day, Steve is sent an expensive, if a bit impersonal, gift from a secret admirer. And while he's less than impressed by this covert attempt to win his heart, he's very impressed by the sweet, funny, and deeply attractive delivery driver who brings these gifts to his door every day.
Bucky is amazing, and Steve is falling for him hard and fast, but each day that goes by is another day closer to Valentine's Day, and the expected end of his secret admirer's gifts. Steve had better figure out soon if Bucky's clear flirtation with him is serious, or if he's just in it for the chase. Because if he's serious, there are Things Steve would like to do...
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🍁 On the nights you feel outnumbered, baby, I'll be out there somewhere by JJK - [Explicit; 12k words]
[Canon Divergence; Nomad!Steve x WW2!Bucky x Planet Hulk!Steve; Threesome M/M/M; Bottom!Bucky; Double Penetration]
“One of me’s not enough for you?” Rogers arched an eyebrow to match.
“Well, when there’s two on offer…” Bucky grinned.
or, a Nomad Steve / TFA Bucky / Planet Hulk Steve threesome fic
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🐺 The Heart of My Own (burn it down low) by @minka-g - [Mature; 16k words]
[Fantasy AU; Shapeshifters; Russian Mythology and Folklore; Mythical Creatures; Mild Horror; Soulmates; Happy Ending]
As a boy of seven, Bucky sat at his babushka’s feet, listening to her croaky old voice talk of fairy tales and prophesies while her lips curled around a lit Laika, the smoke trickling from her nostrils like a tsmok from one of her stories.
His babushka was horror, and she was memory; a lingering link between a world Bucky’s mother hated and one he saw as fantastical and magical. She was the storyteller, the soothsayer and the bringer of Bucky’s dreams.
She also heralded his nightmares.
In a deep, dark forest, a city-weary delivery man finds more than he bargained for.
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🌱 Into the Sky by Ellessey - [Teen; 3,9k words]
[Canon Divergence; Recovering!Bucky; Hurt/Comfort; Plants; Romantic Fluff]
"Maybe they were just duds," Steve says, his thumb moving gently over Bucky's hand. "We can get some more."
They were magic beans, that's what the package called them. They were supposed to sprout within a week. They were intended for ages five to ninety-five.
Maybe Bucky's just too goddamn old.
Bucky has precious little patience with himself (and even less for his horticultural endeavors), but Steve has more than enough to go around.
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+ Bonus Series
🔪 Kinktober 2020 by @wayward-lives - [Explicit; 80,2k words]
Prompts filled: Handjob; Eating Out; Thigh Riding; Choking/Spanking; Daddy Kink; Blinfolded; Blowjob; Voyeurism; Accidental Stimulation; Knife Kink; Restraints; Fingering; Public Sex; Sixty-Nine; Size Difference; Toys; Begging; In the Kitchen; Double Penetration; Edging; Phone Sex; In the Shower/Tub; First Time; BDSM/Rough Sex; Caught Masturbating; Overstimulation; Orgy; Praise Kink; Dirty Talk; Mutual Masturbation; Dressed Up.
144 notes · View notes
blackrose343 · 3 years
Hopeless - Chapter 5: The Consequences
Warnings: Angst, Language and PTSD
I am not a medical professional so I cannot say if this chapter accurately portrays PTSD. I did research it and compared it to what I have written. From what I saw, it looks like the reader is going through something along the lines of PTSD. So to be on the safe side, I decided to put PTSD in the warning.
Devil May Cry - V x Gender Neutral Reader
Fanfic summary:  You have been kidnapped by a Soul Snatcher clan that used to reside within Red Grave. They’re torturing you for more information about the one who helped you kill their leader. While being held captive you begin to think about how to escape, how this all started, and if someone will find you. Then again, what would happen if you escape?
Hopeless Masterlist
Sorry this took so long.
Part of the poem V reads is  Auguries of Innocence by William Blake.
Present Day
Vergil returned with you to Devil May Cry not too long after the others. Everyone gathered around, excited to finally meet you. (Although, they wished it was under better circumstances.) Nero covered Nico’s mouth, quieting her before she exclaimed her excitement about meeting you. Vergil reminded everyone you’ve been through a lot and needed rest. A lot of it. He also stressed the importance of giving you space once you regain consciousness. Vergil didn’t want you to become overwhelmed by everyone bombarding you at once. You would need time to readjust to your life; to relearn what you have forgotten.
“Try not to wake (Y/N).” Vergil left the room as V approached you. A big sigh of relief left him. You were okay just like Vergil promised you’d be. Lovingly, V stroked your hair. He got onto his knees, then placed a tender kiss on your forehead. A tiny smile graced your lips. To not disturb slumber, V took his leave.
Vergil was sitting outside enjoying the night’s cool breeze. No, he was still trying to figure out how to tell V the decision he made. Ever since he made the decision he has been trying to find the best way to tell V. Vergil knew V wouldn’t take it well. Especially since he didn't know if all or some of your memories were sealed.
It wasn’t hard for V to find Vergil. He recognized Vergil’s agitated sigh anywhere. V’s expression showed Vergil he wanted to know what happened. Vergil chose to explain to V what the healer explained to him. V’s grip on his cane was so tight his knuckles whitened. He was furious Vergil made the decision of you possibly forgetting him. But, he understood why. V expressed to Vergil he wanted you to be okay no matter what. And that’s what Vergil achieved. Before V said anything he shouldn’t, he left.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, then you observed your surroundings. You had no idea where you were. After further inspection, you realized you were in someone’s bedroom. The room more than likely belonged to the man next to you. You studied the sleeping man. A book with a “V” on the cover was on his face. Pale, slender, covered in tattoos and some bruises. You wondered who he was. That thought soon vanished. Silently, you freaked out when you saw a panther by his feet. Even more so when you saw the bird next to him. Does that bird have three pupils?!
“Hey Shakespeare, wake up! (Y/N) is awake.” The bird ruffled his feathers, then flew around the room. The panther lazily yawned then looked up at you. It would have pounced onto you but the man commanded it not to. His sultry voice soothed you yet you don’t know why. You’ve never met him. Or at least you didn't think you did.
Heartbreak filled V’s eyes when you told him you didn’t know who he was. You could tell he was restraining himself from approaching you. V wanted to hold you; to do whatever he could to make you remember him. To make him feel better you mentioned his voice was familiar to you. V’s saddened eyes lightened with hope. He knew you would remember him in due time.
To get an idea of how much has been sealed away, V convinced you to tell him about your life. You briefly babbled about your childhood. Nothing too unusual about it. You glossed over your demon hunting training. You didn't have many friends because of it. You slightly elaborated your demon hunting career. Honestly, you enjoyed it and would never leave it. When you reached recent events, nothing came to mind. All you could remember was meeting with a gentleman for a job. You couldn’t remember the conversation or what the job was.
V meticulously chose his words while explaining what happened to you and how you met him. He also kept some details to himself. You took it as him not wanting to offend you. V did not want to be the reason you regain your horrid memories so soon. He knew you would remember eventually yet he will try to prolong it for as long as possible.
Few Years Later
You were surrounded by darkness. The sound of your breathing was interrupted by an agonizing scream. A familiar scream. You couldn’t remember where you heard it from. But you knew it. You instinctively followed it. The scenery changed as you made your way to the scream. The scenes varied from a bar to chaotic parts of  Red Grave. It felt as if you were a part of each scene. As if you were reliving someone’s life. 
The screams were muffled when you spotted an out of place door. The same door you’ve been seeing for too many nights. You banged on the door. Its barrier forced you away once again. You stared at the door, cursing at it. Each time you approach the door, the same thing happens. You didn’t know why you let yourself repeat this scenario so many times: banging the door non-stop till your hands bleed and the screaming abruptly stops. You wanted to say it was because you wanted to save whoever was behind the door. For some reason curiosity was more of a reason. You were unsure if you were curious to see who was behind the door or what was happening. There was no doubt you would find out soon. The barrier was significantly weaker than when you first saw it.
The muffled screams were non-stop. Whoever was screaming seemed to be in more pain than before. Desperately, you kicked the door while reassuring whoever was on the other side you were there to help. Nothing seemed to be working. It made no sense. It was a simple door. Nothing special about it besides the barrier. It didn’t matter. You had to get through it. 
The door's final attempt to keep you away woke you. Your eyes shot open. Your mind felt hazy, then it was racing. Your heart was beating frantically. Sweat rolled down your body as you sat up. You growled from irritation when you realized you were in your room.
“(Y/N), are you alright? It seemed like you were having another nightmare.” V’s worried voice relaxed you. He softly caressed your face then kissed your forehead.
“The dream with the damned door...like almost every night now…” You were so frustrated with it. At first, you didn’t mind not opening it. You can’t always achieve something on the first attempt. After a couple weeks, well...It started to become frustrating. You tried to stop yourself from going near the door. The temptation of seeing what was behind it grew stronger with each attempt to open it. Not only did it create the most interesting scenarios the closer you got to opening it. It also seemed to be calling you to it. You were too close to give up on it now.
You yawned as you rubbed your temples. Lazily, you kissed V on the cheek then made your way to the bathroom. Whispered curses could be heard through the bathroom door. 
V’s eyes followed you until the door blocked his view. His worry for you grows each time you mention the door to him. Ever since you started to dream about that door, you slowly started to become different. When the door made its first appearance, you became more irritable. V thought the irritability was from difficulty sleeping. He read poetry to you before bed but it didn’t always work. 
The next thing V noticed was your interactions with everyone changed. Most of the time you would secretly observe them as if you were on a mission. Sometimes, you would barely talk to them or get lost during a conversation. V knew you were listening. It just seemed other stuff was on your mind. Other times you put up your guard when around a crowd of people.
Attempts to discuss your behavioral changes were made. Each time you yelled at V, confirming nothing was wrong. When you realized you were yelling at him, you automatically apologized. You explained to V you had no idea why you were acting the way you were. V would try to get some sort of explanation out of you. Eventually, you explained it was your dream with the door. The weaker the door got, the more realistic the dreams from it felt. 
V was certain the door in your dreams was the seal to your memories. V brought up his concerns for you with Vergil the first chance he got. Solemnly, Vergil explained to V once the seal was released it cannot be remade. V was furious but hid it well. Instead of dealing with his feelings about this, he focused on you. Whenever you needed him, he was there. Whenever you were feeling down or anxious, he would do everything he could to make you feel better and safe.
You and V were on a double date with Nero and Kyrie. Kyrie wanted to have dinner at a new restaurant on the other side of Red Grave. The subway ride there was like any other subway ride. Nothing exciting to see. All of you chatted with each other, trying to decide where else to go besides the restaurant. You were excited to see a whole new part of Red Grave. It took the government long enough to start rebuilding it after what happened. Yet for some reason an uneasy feeling started to consume you.
Kyrie and Nero got off the subway with V following behind them. They’re voices faded as they neared the exit. You sat in the subway, staring at the advertisement on the station’s wall. The advertisement seemed familiar to you in a way. Yes, you’ve seen this advertisement in many places but that wasn’t it. It was as if this specific advertisement contained something. You were convincing yourself it was nothing and to catch up with the others. You couldn’t think of any reason as to why you didn’t want to get off the subway. You forced yourself to get off when the last call was announced.
A flash from a faulty light took you to a destroyed version of the subway station. The advertisement you were looking at before was torn. Not from age but from claws. As you turned your head, you saw the subway was no longer on the tracks. It was stuck in the wall on the opposite side of the tracks. Chunks of the station were around you, along with corpses. Broken electrical wires and pipes were above you. You turned your head again. Your eyes focused on the claws about to strike you. Your instincts screamed at you to defend yourself. “Get away from me!”
“V, are you okay?!” Kyrie’s voice rang through your ears. Your eyes shot open. The station was intact. Not one thing was out of place. Nero was helping V get up. V reassured Nero he could get up on his own. You could see a bruise forming on his chest. You were petrified. Nothing could explain what just happened or why. I attacked V? No, that’s not right. I punched something else. I was being attacked.
“V, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” You examined V’s chest while apologizing to him over and over. V continued his reassurance. He didn’t want to ruin anyone’s mood, especially yours. He kept quiet about how much your punch hurt him. He gently wiped your guilt ridden tears. He kissed your hand, then led the way to the restaurant. You squeezed his hand, pouring your emotions into it. “I’m so sorry, my love.”
V kept himself composed the entire time. Within himself, V was more than worried. He felt your fear through your punch. Your eyes were filled with fear and yet they had determination. The last time he saw you like this was when you almost died. V had no doubt your memories will be freed soon. 
V and Nero froze as you and Kyrie crossed the street. Disbelief filled them. They couldn’t believe the shitty luck today was presenting. The restaurant was on the roof of the building you were held captive at. Nero was spitting out excuses for V to get you away from here. There was no way either of them could let you enter that building, let alone let you eat dinner exactly where you were almost murdered. Before either of them could get to you, they watched Kyrie pull you into the building. Nero muttered “fuck” as he and V made their way to the restaurant.
Nervously, you laughed as Kyrie pulled you to the building. The uneasy feeling from earlier strengthened the closer you got to it. The feeling continued to worsen as you reached the roof. Your stomach was in knots. Your breathing started to become shaky. Your mind screamed for you to get away. You couldn't understand what was going on with you. You noticed Nero and V were a bit hesitant about coming to this place too. So maybe it wasn’t just you freaking out over nothing. 
You wrapped a few ice cubes in napkins then placed it on V’s chest. You kept apologizing to him. You couldn’t understand why he wasn’t mad at you. All you saw was his concern for you. You wanted to explain to V what happened earlier. Just not with an audience. Everyone would think you lost your damn mind. 
You couldn't stop yourself from figuring out why the events from earlier happened. Your mind conjured up so many reasons. You tried to figure out which one was a plausible reason. You didn’t want V to hear it was because of your damned dreams again. You’ve been using them as an excuse for too long. You could only conclude work may be starting to become too much. Maybe you needed a vacation. Who knows? 
“(Y/N)”? You looked at Nero like a deer in headlights. Was he reading your mind? You weren’t sure. He was giving you a questioning look. Sheepishly, you apologized for not listening then asked him to repeat himself. You found out everyone was discussing the changes made when this part of town was rebuilt.
“What happened here? I know the Qliphoth was here. It just seems something else happened too.” Nero threw V into the spotlight. V’s explanation was vague. It barely gave you the answer you were looking for. You gave Kyrie a look, silently asking her if V was hiding something from you. Kyrie’s reply was a subtle shrug. She had no idea what was going on.
Dinner continued normally. It was as if everything from earlier never happened. Nero and Kyrie acting lovey dovey. You and V were trying not to tease them. It scared you how easily everyone was able to push something like that aside. 
V glanced at you, looking for any sign that you were well. Ever since you entered the restaurant he noticed you were shaking. He knew you were attempting to hide it. The shaking appeared so strong, everyone thought you were freezing. He noticed you barely touched your food even though you claimed you were starving earlier. V thought it was best if you and him went home after dinner.
You and everyone else walked along the edge of the roof to exit the restaurant. V used his cane to deviate your wandering eyes to him. He made absolutely sure you didn’t look below or beyond. He had to. He wanted to prevent you from feeling worse than you already are. He feared you would remember what happened here.
Kyrie managed to find enough room to take a couple of pictures. Nero tried to get out of it by saying he didn’t look decent enough. V attempted to convince Kyrie to wait since the restaurant was crowded. Kyrie asked what was the harm of taking a couple pictures. It’s been too long since Kyrie got to take group photos. Also, the sunset would be the perfect background. The guys sighed in defeat.
You and Kyrie gushed over the pictures as you continued to leave the restaurant. Nero pleaded with Kyrie to wait until she was out of the restaurant to look at them. Kyrie showed Nero the picture she was currently looking at. Nero made a quick comment, then placed his hands on her shoulders. You and V watched Nero guide Kyrie. It was entertaining, even impressive. Nero had Kyrie dodge everyone coming through the door.
Your laughter at Nero and Kyrie was abruptly interrupted. Someone forced their way between you and V causing you to slam into the railing. As you situated yourself, you caught a glimpse of a black haired figure below. For just a second, the figure looked like a beaten V. You knew V wasn’t down there, he was next to you. You couldn’t stop yourself from checking. You saw V, then someone strangely familiar looking at the table behind him. Briefly, you tried to remember how you knew him.
“Are you ok-tell me who killed Carmilla!” The calm voice evolved into an aggressive demand. You couldn’t figure out who was talking to you. The demand was repeated. You kept quiet. You had no idea who Carmilla was. You don’t remember any mission involving anyone with that name. The harshness of the demand escalated until it evolved into yelling in your ear. You covered your ears but it sounded like it was coming from all over. Even from right next to you.
“I’m not telling you shit. Give up.” The haughty voice was yours, but you didn’t move your lips. The sound of powerful strikes, along with your whimpers followed.  Frantically, you searched for help. Nothing. No one. It was just you and the one asking about Carmilla. You closed your eyes preparing for the next strike. You started to take deep breaths. It was the only thing you believed would put everything back into place.
Few people asked if V wanted them to call an ambulance. V persuaded everyone to leave you be. He reassured them you would be fine and needed to be left alone. He knew the best thing for you was to have as much space as possible. To have as much time as you need to gather yourself. He knew you needed him too, but there was no way to physically calm you without possibly making the situation worse.
You stood still, gripping the rail for dear life. V studied the rhythm of your deep breaths and heaving chest. It was obvious you were trying to calm yourself. Even more obvious you were currently reliving your time while held captive here. Nightmarish thoughts raced through V’s mind. Nothing he conjured could be compared to what you actually went through. He wanted to understand but couldn’t come close to. In hopes of helping you and calming himself, V recited poetry from his book. “To see a world in a  grain of sand…”
“WHO KILLED CARMILLA?! TELL ME! TELL...poor souls...dwell in night...does…” Softly, the harsh demands transformed into V’s poetic voice. You completely focused on V’s voice, hoping he wouldn’t stop. The man in front of you morphed into V. Tears cascaded your face as you tightened your closed eyes. You begged V to stay with you. You wanted nothing more than for this madness to end. 
Gingerly, you opened your tear ridden eyes. You were back at the restaurant. For the most part, everything was back to normal. It was darker and people were failing to not steal glances at you and V. V was still standing next to you. He gently closed his book, then turned to you. Concern and worry were radiating off of him. V pulled you into a hug as soon as he saw your tears. You gripped V’s hand for dear life as he led you out of the restaurant.
As soon as V opened the door, Griffon flew around the house. You headed to your bedroom with Shadow behind. You collapsed on the bed, burying your head in your pillow. You released the anxiety and fear you have been holding. You screams and cries could be heard throughout your home. To help calm yourself you cuddled with Shadow, letting her fur catch your tears. Shadow’s purring was the perfect lullaby to fall asleep to, especially after today.
“...H-HE-LP!...HELP!...He-help...” Those pleas were all the encouragement you needed to continue to get through the door. Nothing was going to stop you this time. You mustered your strength then delivered one final strike against the door. The barrier dissipated, as it pushed you away one last time. The door became ajar. 
Regret consumed you as soon as you stepped through the door. A blinding flash brought you to an abandoned building. Someone similar looking to the man from the restaurant was interrogating someone who looked like you. The person being interrogated was severely beaten. It was obvious the man was doing whatever he pleased. No one was around to stop him. It wouldn’t be long until the person was dead. In an attempt to stop him, you jumped on his back. He threw you across his back. Somehow you merged with the one you were trying to save.
The man deeply slashed your abdomen. He was merciless. It felt as if he was never going to stop until he got what he wanted. Not once did his sinister smile disappear. If anything, it grew with each of your screams, your pleas. You screamed for help but no one came.
The strike to your head was excruciating. You gripped your head, screaming, as your mind released every single memory that was sealed away. Meeting V at the grocery store. Tracking Carmilla. Working with V. Your fight with Carmilla. Your captivity. All of them. It was too much for your mind to process at once.
V raced to your bedroom as soon as he heard you scream. Quickly, he studied the room and determined nothing was amiss. V attempted to loosen the ironclad grip you had on your head. V winced from pain when you grabbed his hands. It was possible you may have sprained his finger or two. V didn’t care. He stayed with you, reminding you how strong you are and how you can get through this.
Once you were calm V asked if you were hurt. Hysterically, you described your nightmare. The torture, the pain. The rush of other dreams within it. It felt so real to you. As if it happened to you as you dreamt it. V tried to explain that even though you were attacked in your dream it doesn’t mean the attacks actually happened. You were having none of it. You described every attack explicitly while tracing each one on your body.
V tried his best to calm you. Nothing he did relieved you. Not one bit. Your mind was frantically processing the memories it released. You couldn’t think straight. V tried to hug you but you pushed him away. His hurt expression made you feel worse, but you had no choice. You needed to stay away from him. You weren’t sure if the one in front of you was V or a Soul Snatcher; friend or enemy.
“Who the fuck are you?” Shakily, you cocked your gun, indicating you weren’t playing around. Shadow immediately placed herself between you and V. Griffon babbled about you not recognizing V or them. You didn’t care. You just needed to know what was going on.
“(Y/N) put the gun down and I’ll answer all of your questions.” Your defensive aggressiveness from before your memories were sealed has returned. There was no way V could weasel his way to convince you nothing was going on. To V this situation felt like he was reliving his very first encounter with you.
Your eyes narrowed with suspicion. Would he attack once you lower your gun? Will he actually tell the truth? What if this was a Soul Snatcher? Too many questions raced through your mind. You had no idea what part of yourself to listen to. Fuck it. You needed answers. “Lie or attack, I’ll make you regret it.”
For your sake V had to prove he wasn’t a Soul Snatcher. He recalled when he gave you the ring you were wearing. Hearing your argument made V realize it was pointless to retell the time you spent together. He was determined to prove he wasn’t a Soul Snatcher. No matter what. The only thing he could think of that a Soul Snatcher couldn’t do was summon Nightmare. Doing so caused quite a scare for your neighbors.
Your neighbors panic soon turned into silence. Irritated tension was all either of you could feel. Both of you wanted to say something. Neither of you knew what to say or where to start. So you both stayed quiet, trying to figure out what to say. The silence was unbearable for Griffon but he managed to stay quiet. God knows what either of you would do if Griffon said anything.
You took one deep breath, then decided to tell V everything about your time in captivity. The torture, the Soul Snatchers involved, your thoughts. Everything. You turned yourself away from V when you started crying. V attempted to reach over to comfort you but you indicated for him to stay where he was. You didn’t want to be touched by anyone. 
V wanted to hold you. He wanted to do anything and everything he could to remind you you’re safe with him. But he fought himself from doing anything that would make you uncomfortable. He knew you would fulfill your promise if he did anything you saw as a threat.
If V had to be honest, he didn’t want to explain what happened when he found you. Besides the fact he was like you; not wanting to show weakness or vulnerability. He isn’t proud of how he reacted. That night was a tornado to him. It was fast and destructive yet it was a blur. Still. It was no excuse to not tell you. You told him everything. Now it was his turn. V sucked it up and reluctantly told you what happened.
You listened to V, unsure how to take it. At first, you were terrified to hear you almost died. (You remembered you made the choice but it was frightening to think about.) Soon fright turned into anger. You blamed V for having your memories sealed. Not long after, you questioned if being with V was the right thing for you. You even questioned if you would be with V after everything that happened. 
V sat across from you, waiting for you to say anything. He was aware you were angry. He knew you would need time to process everything. It could take a long time, but V was more than willing to do whatever he could to help you. Except for one thing.
“I-I...I don’t know how to take in all of this...I-I think I need to sp-spend some time away from y-you. To absorb everything I just remembered..a-and what we just talked about...I also have to think of what’s be-est for me.” V’s heart broke in two. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was at a loss for words. He was unable to argue with you.
“Don’t.” You froze. V’s hand was hovering above yours. Without touching you, he guided your hand to lower itself, then release the clothing you were holding. Was V going to convince you to stay with him? You couldn’t tell. You knew he was going to say something. He was close to you but stepped away. “You should stay here. I’ll leave.”
You couldn’t believe what you just heard. Why would he leave? You should be the one leaving. You whipped your head around to see if V was really leaving. He was. Already he grabbed his bag, then his book. It didn’t take long for him to gather the rest of what he needed. Once he was packed, he approached you. You anticipated him doing some gesture to say goodbye. Your heart broke when he did nothing except say his goodbye. With each step V took away from you, you felt more alone than ever before. When he was completely gone you believed you made the wrong choice.
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hyperpsychomaniac · 3 years
Who Says You Can't Go Home - Chapter 10
Darkwing Duck (90s series) fanfiction
Sequel to my recent fanfic The Other Side of Me
Summary: Down on his luck, the Negaverse Launchpad crashes at Launchpad’s parents looking for help. Launchpad, who has avoided visiting his family since he started working with Darkwing, returns in a panic to ensure his double isn’t causing trouble. And then it gets awkward.
Chapter 1
The Negaverse Launchpad stayed another two days, until Darkwing called to let them know Negaduck was safely put away, for now, and he was ready to help Launchpad find the portal to send him back to the Negaverse. As much as he didn’t want to leave so soon something torn up and long buried inside had tugged at him ever since he’d made his declaration to Negaduck, telling him it was time to return home to his true family. Not that this universe’s McQuacks had not been like family to him. And that’s what made saying goodbye so hard.
Though she had only known him a few days Loopey hugged him tightly. “Don’t forget to tell that sister of yours how awesome I am too.” She’d asked him many questions about his Loopey. It had been simply curiosity, but it had helped Launchpad dig up the good memories he had of his sister, the things he hadn’t messed up. It had given him hope that, once he returned to the Negaverse and found her, she just might not tear him to shreds.
Launchpad hugged him next. He held him for a long moment, crushing him against his chest. When he pushed him back his brow was furrowed. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright over there?”
The Negaverse Launchpad grinned and clapped his double on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, buddy. You’re not abandoning me. You didn’t the first time either. This time, I think I might just have a bit more of an idea what I’m doing. I’ll be fine.”
“I don’t know how easy those portal things are to find, or get going. But if you ever need help, me and DW are just one universe over.”
Birdie grasped the Negaverse Launchpad’s hands, and sniffed. “Be careful over there, baby. We’re going to miss you.”
“Aw, Mrs McQuack.” Launchpad wrapped his arms around her. “I’ll be alright. At least you know I’m not going to get all angry and pick stupid fights I don’t need to now. You guys, and your son, you taught me that.”
Birdie smiled up at him, her eyes watery. “You are literally going over there to join a resistance. Sounds like you’re picking a pretty big fight to me, but…” she said, as he opened his mouth to protest. “At least its for a good reason. You put that Negaduck in his place. Just be careful. Oh, and this is for you.” She reached into her pocket, pulled out a packet, and handed it to him.
Launchpad unfolded the enclosing flap with a frown. It was only when he pulled out the small stack of photographs that he realised what they were. Photographs were not non-existent in the Negaverse. Often you simply had other concerns, like survival, that took precedent over the taking and hoarding of sentimental keepsakes. “You want me to have these?” His voice caught over the lump that had risen to his throat.
“Most are just ones of the family I dug up and I thought you might like to remember us by. But…”
Launchpad carefully shuffled through them, and came to the two as Birdie spoke.
“… I did manage to snap a couple of you and Ripcord when you were working on that plane together. You were both so absorbed talking to each other and positively covered in grease, I couldn’t resist. I thought you’d like them.”
“Are you sure?”
Birdie winked. “I have more than enough photos of my husband covered in grease.”
Launchpad and Loopey both winced. “Mom!”
“You got doubles?” Ripcord asked his wife.
“Of course. And I always keep the film.”
Launchpad slipped the photos into his jacket, and turned to Ripcord. He and Mrs McQuack had done so much for him since he’d crashed onto their front lawn and he didn’t know what to say to the man who against what had to be all better judgment had taken him under his wing. Heck he’d actually cared about him enough to get riled up and confront Negaduck, no matter how reckless that had been. No one had ever done that for him, and it had never even occurred to Launchpad that someone should. He swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry and void of words.
But it didn’t matter, because Ripcord took him by the shoulders and all but dragged him around to face him. “Hey, look at me, son. I don’t care how anyone thinks they have a right to treat you like. You deserve to be respected, and loved, and if you ever can’t find that over in the Negaverse, even if you can’t make your way back to us, I want you to remember you will always have that here. You got that?”
Tears filled Launchpad’s eyes. He threw his arms around Ripcord’s neck, breath hitching in his throat. “You guys have just… thanks for being my Mom and Dad these past few months. I love you both.”
The Negaverse Launchpad climbed into the Thunderquack’s cockpit, where Gosalyn waited for him. He waved to the McQuack’s with her, then focused on starting up the powerful aeroplane. All had had to do was get the blasted thing up into the air and leave. He could do this. An ache tugged at his chest as the McQuack family swung out of view. He wiped hastily at the corner of his eyes as they pulled up into the air, and he did not look behind him.
“Hey,” Gosalyn squeezed his arm. “You okay? I mean, you’re not going to crash or something?”
Launchpad grinned. “Come on, kiddo. You know I never crash.”
Gosalyn threw out her arms. “You literally showed me the skid mark where you crashed when you go here!”
“Had a broken arm. Didn’t count.”
“Now, come on, we can’t waste time arguing like this. Your dad knows we’re leaving now, right? I reckon if I go full tilt we can get you home before he starts to worry, but still have plenty of time to get into some mischief. What do you want to do?”
A grin slowly spread across Gosalyn’s face.
The McQuack’s spent the next few days repairing their front hallway from the gashes Negaduck had hacked into it with his chainsaw. DIY was not beyond them, although they were all better at repairing aeroplanes, and the damage was quickly patched up. Birdie hadn’t quite trusted their skill with the kitchen however, and she and Ripcord had decided they would get it replaced professionally.
Now they were all in the living room, sorting through the photos Negaduck had knocked down. As the whole family was finally together, it was the perfect opportunity to see if they could dig up any different ones to put up. Some had been completely destroyed but, luckily, Birdie had many spares. She’d tugged out a number of large boxes from various cupboards around the house, and added them to the photos already there.
Launchpad sat next to his father on the sofa, his leg almost touching his. Ripcord had taken every opportunity to sit close to his son, sometimes almost awkwardly. It was kind of sweet, but also didn’t help Launchpad’s worry for his dad. He knew he hadn’t intended to put him in danger and had nothing to try make up for. All he could think of doing had been to give his father a quick squeeze around the shoulders, just to let him know he wasn’t uncomfortable with him being close to him like when he’d first arrived, and hope it would eventually sink in that his son was still there.
Birdie rushed past them, and opened another cupboard. Despite the half dozen boxes scattered around, she had insisted on continuing the search. Apparently she hadn’t found them all yet.
Ripcord sighed. “Honey, I think we’ve got plenty here to go through already.”
“I’m looking for something specific… yes!” She came back, not with a box, but a single photograph folder clutched to her chest. It was old, and yellowing, and far from pelting it onto the table like she had the other loose folders she’d found, she cradled it carefully.
Ripcord frowned. “They heck are those? Wedding photos or something?”
Birdie pressed the folder into her husband’s hands, but held on, stopping him from opening it right away. “We don’t have to put this up if seeing it upsets you. But, well, I had these stashed.” She sniffed. “I mean, you threw away the first prints, so…”
Ripcord gently took the folder from her and opened it.
Launchpad leaned over his father’s shoulder. “Dad, why’d you throw away photos?”
“I didn’t realise you knew I’d pitched them,” Ripcord said thickly.
“Of course I did, silly. This is why I always keep the film.”
Launchpad watched as his father shuffled through them, slowly, with a faint shake in his hands. At first, there seemed nothing remarkable about the photographs, save that they were quite old. Photos, many of Loopey of a baby, and of the family, and of him when he would have been about five. Ripcord stopped as he revealed one of him in the cockpit of a small plane that Launchpad couldn’t remember, on the ground, with one very excited five year old strapped to his lap.
Ripcord sniffed, putting a hand to his beak. Then he leaned over into Launchpad’s shoulder and held the photos where his son could easily see. Launchpad grabbed the photo’s edge, his hand touching his father’s. “Launchpad,” Ripcord said, his voice wavering, “You don’t remember this… but… this is the first time… I took you up in an aeroplane. That, that was the day…”
Launchpad put an arm around his father’s shoulders. “Dad, it’s okay. We already talked about this.”
Ripcord looked at his son and, with tears in his eyes, smiled. “That was the day you asked me to teach you to be a pilot.”
The Negaverse. One month later.
It was hard to appear non-threatening when you straight up waltzed into the secret headquarters of the resistance formed against your former boss. Especially when he had declared you dead.
A dozen weapons leaped out of jackets and holsters, muzzles tilted up to train upon their target. Launchpad towered over the ragtag group of fighters, and as he eyed them all slowly, the corner of his beak twitching up into a scowl. Man, Loopey was really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
When he’d been unable to immediately locate Gosalyn, Launchpad had started searching for his sister. He’d trailed the resistance’s attacks on Negaduck’s proprieties and equipment, but when he spoke with anyone who had seen Loopey’s operatives in action, or even helped them, none could tell him where her cell was. If they knew, they hadn’t been keen to share with someone who had worked for Negaduck. And no matter how nicely he’d asked, his lack of aggression only seemed to confuse people more.
Frustrated, he’d eventually caught one of the operatives. It had sent a thrill through him to find him wearing a Darkwing costume. He’d scared the hell out of the poor guy with how excited he’d got, and his catch had flat out clammed up when he’d asked about Gosalyn. Where Loopey’s headquarters were, however, he seemed less keen to put his life on the line to protect. Not that Launchpad had used anything he’d learned from Negaduck to weasel it out of him. The threat had been enough, and even then he hadn’t made any actual threats, just paced and muttered to himself about what he was going to do with his captured prey until he’d cracked.
One of the fighters edged forward. Quackerjack was still dressed in the Darkwing costume Launchpad had last seen him in, when he’d found him and the other three in the company of Gosalyn. “Alright, playtime’s over. Put him down, nice and slow.”
“Oh, right. Sorry.” Launchpad had completely forgotten he still clutched Megavolt by the collar, his feet swinging clear of the floor. He set him down, gently. “I didn’t hurt him,” he said, for whatever that was worth. His reputation was preceding him, and whilst that had been helpful prying information from Megavolt, it was not serving him well now.
Megavolt stayed at Launchpad’s feet, trembling.
“Get over here, you idiot,” Quackerjack muttered with a wave of his rifle.
Megavolt bolted over and hid behind him. “He took my hat!”
“I didn’t… you dropped it!” Launchpad closed his eyes briefly, then raised his empty hands slowly. “I don’t want any trouble. I’ve come to see the Pink Baroness.”
“Yeah?” said Quackerjack. “On who’s orders?”
“No ones. I’m done with Negaduck.”
The fighters all exchanged looks. Some of the weapons lowered.
“Alright. But keep those hands where I can see them. No funny business. And, guys, check him for weapons.”
It took nearly a full minute for anyone to work up the courage to approach him. After much whispering, it was decided the safest option was for everybody to, simultaneously, pat him down. This resulted in far more pawing than Launchpad was comfortable with. He rolled his eyes to the ceiling and kept his hands raised. If this had been before he’d left the Negaverse he would’ve snapped within seconds. As it was he could feel his jaw gritting tighter and tighter until, finally, someone declared: “I think he’s clean.”
“You’re sure?” asked Quackerjack.
“Pretty sure you’ve checked every crevice,” Launchpad growled.
Loopey’s fighters led him deeper into the warehouse. With every weapon trained upon him, which true to Negaverse standards included a fair number of rocket launchers, Launchpad really hoped a rat or something didn’t startle anyone.
Megavolt pushed open a door. A long table took up the middle of the room, a miniature Saint Canard set upon it. Some of it was actual scale models of buildings and vehicles, some simply tin cans and bits of rubbish pressed into service. A bright fluorescent light swung overhead, throwing shifting shadows across the half dozen resistance fighters crowded about the setup.
Bushroot leaned in and poked a leafy tendril at what Launchpad assumed was one of Saint Canard’s sad excuses for a park. “I know there’s not a lot of stuff still alive, but I should be able to coax the poor little fellas into helping us pull down Negaduck’s hanger.”
“Yeah, this is good. We’ll teach that selfish creep to close off ‘his’ airspace.” She still wore her worn and weathered pink jacket, torn off at the sleeves like her brothers, revealing bare arms. Her jeans were black, but the pink showed up again in her worn and greasy steel toed boots. Her hair was a cut in a mohawk, tipped in pink, and she’d never cared a damn that most folks thought pink a ‘weak’ colour. She’d soon set them straight.
“Loopey…” Her name slipped from Launchpad’s beak on a breath before he knew it.
His sister shielded her eyes as as she looked past the bright light. “Someone tell this joker I don’t go by that name any…” She stiffened, then took the cigar from her beak and snuffed it out in the ash tray beside her, never taking her eyes from her brother. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Launchpad gulped. “I’ve been looking for you. I’ve come to join your resistance.”
“You’re supposed to be dead. You selfish…” Loopey stomped towards him and her resistance fighters parted before her. Her fist flashed out like a snake and Launchpad barely registered the pink studded gloves, a new addition to her outfit, before they ripped across his beak. “… bastard. How dare you come here!”
Launchpad hissed and clapped his hands to his face. The blow stung; he could taste copper in the back of his throat. He drew in deep breaths, eyes squeezed tightly shut, until the pain lessened to a manageable level. When he looked up, Loopey had her fists raised. Her fighters’ weapons were again trained on him. Because no one in the Negaverse would let a cheap shot like that go without fighting back. Launchpad wiped his arm across his beak with a sniff, then let his hands drop to his sides and stared his sister down.
A frown creased Loopey’s beak. “You must think I’m an idiot. You realise how this looks, right? Negaduck says your dead. Then you rock up here, pretending you want to help? You were his right hand man.”
“I know,” he said thickly. “And I don’t know how to prove to you I’ve changed, but…”
“Launchpad!” Everyone jumped, which was rather concerning with so many weapons in play. A small something darted nimbly between the fighters, followed by a looping tendril of water.
“Now, just wait… you can’t… Gosalyn!” Liquidator gurgled. He wrapped watery arms around his charge just as she reached the front of the crowd, but she exploded through before he could nab her.
All that time searching, especially as he hadn’t been able to locate Gosalyn quickly, and without the support he’d had when he was staying with the McQuacks, had been taxing. Launchpad had questioned his resolve, his ability, and if he really could accomplish his mission without resorting to some of his old Negaverse ways. All he’d wanted was to find someone he knew, despite all his failures, would be there for him. His heart rose in his throat, his knees buckled and he dropped, arms flung open wide.
Gosalyn barreled into him with such force it knocked Launchpad back and he sat down hard on the concrete floor. “You’re alive!”
“Gos.” Launchpad buried his face in her hair. “Aw, kiddo. I’m so, so sorry for abandoning you. And not being there for you with Negaduck, and… I wish I’d been stronger for you.”
“Launchpad, none of that was your fault.”
Oh, how he’d missed that incorruptible little face. “I know. But I’m gonna make it up to you, promise.”
“Alright, wise guy, let our daughter go right now.” Megavolt had recovered from his kidnapping ordeal. He stood over them, electricity playing at his fingertips, alongside Bushroot, Quackerjack, and Liquidator. They loomed over him to form an impressive front of very, very angry guardians.
“Dads!” Gosalyn wrapped her arms around Launchpad’s neck. “It’s just Launchpad. He won’t hurt me.”
They backed down, but still hovered close. Damn. Darkwing had certainly picked the right carers for Gosalyn.
Gosalyn stayed protectively in front of him, but climbed off his lap so he could sit up. She put a hand to his cheek. “Are you okay? Wait, who hit you?”
Loopey hid her bloodied knuckles behind her back. “I thought you were dead. Why do you think I…” she swallowed hard and squared her shoulders. “Where have you been all this time?”
“In the other universe.”
“Wait, you saw Darkwing Duck?!” The four copy-cats exploded.
“Did he say anything about us?” Megavolt added, hopefully.
Launchpad slowly stood to his feet. Gosalyn stayed clamped to his arm. He wasn’t sure if she’d just missed him, or she was staying there to protect him. “Loopey, a lot went on over there. But long story short, I realised I don’t need Negaduck anymore.”
“Negaduck wasn’t very nice to him,” said Gosalyn. “I’m glad you left. He didn’t have any right to treat you the way he did.”
“I know, and he doesn't have any right to treat anyone in Saint Canard the same way. And I was a part of that.” Launchpad looked back to his sister. “That’s why I gotta make it right. I know I have to earn back your trust first. But I need to stand up to Negaduck, and I need your help for that, and… I just want us to be a family again, sis.” Tears filled his eyes, and you just didn’t break down in front of a heavily armed resistance and show that kind of weakness, but Launchpad no longer gave a damn. “Please, Loopey. I’ll do whatever you ask, just don’t put me out.”
Loopey stared at him for a long time. “Sure you can take orders from your little sister?”
“I’m good at taking orders.”
“Good. You can start by cleaning toilets. After a week or two of that we’ll see how trustworthy you are.”
There were a couple snickers from the fighters. As well as one ‘oh thank god’, presumably from the last poor sucker who’d had that job. It was still better than what Launchpad had expected, which was to get punched in the face a lot more than once.
“Come on, I’ll get you patched up. And lower those weapons! You’re all so jumpy, you’ll put someone’s eyes out. If he tries anything I’ll just punch him again, now move it.” Loopey waved her way through the fighters, dragging Launchpad behind her until she was clear. Then she turned to face him and squeezed both his hands. “Are you okay?”
“You didn’t hit me that hard. It’s alright. I’ll just spar you later, you know, only if you’re okay with that.”
Loopey frowned at him, then shook her head. “I did, and I’m sorry. I forgot I was wearing these.” She waved a hand. “But that’s not what I meant. Launchpad, what the hell happened to you over there? You’re different.”
“A lot. I don’t know where to start.”
“I’m glad your done with Negaduck. Gosalyn told me how he treated you and…” Loopey’s hands tightened in his. “I thought he’d killed you. Why the hell do you think I started all this? But now you’re back and you’re all…” She trailed off and gulped hard.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m still here. All I wanted was to find you and Gos. You’re my family, and there’s a bunch of stuff I have to tell you, but… you know, like Mom and Dad always said, we’ve got to protect each other. I know I failed at that, and I’m sorry for the way I treated you over the years. I’m going to do better.”
Loopey made sure none of her fighters were watching them, then she threw her arms around Launchpad and buried her face against his chest. “You had better be on the level with me, big brother.”
Launchpad sagged into her arms. He was home.
Author's Note:
Fun fact. When I was plotting the sequel to this, I originally intended Nega Launchpad to fall off the Audubon Bridge and drown (and LP to try and save him cause he’s a nice guy). Yeah, I’m glad I didn’t.
This turned out a bit hectic… somehow I ended up writing about abuse and that was… interesting. Negaduck is a jerk. And its weird editing something to try and make a particular character be just the right bit of nasty, whilst simultaneously wanting to throat punch them.
Ripcord got a bit more than he deserved, poor guy. I’d intended to have his and LPs backstory, and, yeah, that was going to be upsetting for him. And then have him lose it over Negaduck mistreating Nega LP and go after him with a shot gun and for that Not to Turn Out Well. But I didn’t realise that Launchpad was going to get in the way until I was writing that part and… yeah, having your adult kid nearly die after you’ve just dug up all those memories of, you know, nearly killing your kid when they were a kid and how this sent you into a depressive spiral. Flip, Ripcord, I’m sorry.
But I am really happy with Nega LPs character arc. Kind of proud of the dirtbag. And when I get back to writing some original fiction and characters (which this has completely distracted me from)… yeah, really hope I can do something as good.
Please leave me a review or comment if you’ve read this. I do enjoy feedback and will usually try to respond. Thanks for reading!
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myglogic · 3 years
Priceless | Bang Chan | 02
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Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pairing: rich kid! Bang Chan (Stray Kids) x female reader
Genre: Crime, enemies to friends to lovers, angst, fluff
Summary: You were ready to take Chan’s father down. Tonight is your night. Will you get away with it?
DISCLAIMER: Everything in this fanfic is fiction - that includes Chan’s fictional father who of course does not represent Chan’s real father! ♥
It wasn’t easy to find the right room, but you somehow managed to get upstairs without getting caught and that’s a miracle. You were right when you thought that no one would suspect a woman in a nice and expensive looking dress. But you still hid in corners when you heard noises and tried to be as quiet as possible.
You were still thinking about the dance you shared with Chan. You knew that he would suspect you immediately after finishing your plan but he could never find out who you really were. Never ever. During your research, you didn’t really read much about him. Some rich dads would go to public events a lot with their children to show off their successor.
But with Chan and his father, you had noticed that it was rather weird. They would go to public events together sometimes but Kevin never talked about stepping down or handing his real estate business to his son. You didn’t think that they were that close. But Chan was still asking questions and defending him. Maybe he didn’t know his father that well.
You shook off your thoughts and found yourself in front of the computer room, the room that was connected to the projector and the microphones. A scary-looking security guard was protecting the door and from the small window next to the door, you could see one man sitting inside.
Damn it. You didn’t think this through. Was this even a good idea? You were starting to doubt your plan, your hands were sweaty and you felt like you could pass out any minute. What the hell was happening with you?
Suddenly you realized that this plan was bigger than you anticipated. No, you knew how big this plan was but it dawned on you that your life could change forever if you get caught now. You were alone. Your mind was spinning.
“Sir! I think a woman passed out downstairs! You are the closest guard I could find!”, you heard a male voice sounding stressed. You recognized this voice immediately. Felix. Right after, you heard quick footsteps going downstairs.
You held your breath, hoping that the coast was clear. Then you heard another pair of footsteps walking in your direction. “Y/N? Are you here? I saw you going this way.”, Felix said quietly.
You then breathed out in relief, getting out of your hiding spot. “Felix!”, you said and hugged him tightly. “You saved my ass.”
Felix smiled at you. “I’m here for you, Y/N. You need to be more careful.”
You sighed. “I know. Thanks, really. I was starting to doubt my plan for a second.”
“Look, I’m going to get that tech dude out of the room. Then you need to lock the door and do your thing. I will try to keep them away from here okay?”, Felix told you about his plan.
You nodded, gaining more confidence thanks to Felix. “Okay. Thank you, I owe you!”
Felix quickly went into the computer room, telling the man inside that there was a major technical problem with the speaker boxes downstairs and that his immediate attention was needed. The man’s eyes widened as he hurried downstairs in panic.
He then gave you a hand sign that you can enter now. With that he went downstairs and closed the entrance to the second floor with some barriers. He just hoped that that would keep others from going upstairs. The young man was scared for your sake but he was sure that you knew what you were doing.
Right after Felix left, you went into the computer room, rapidly locking the door in panic. You quickly opened the PC that was connected to the projector and took out your stick to connect it with the computer. You seemed calm from the outside but inside you were literally dying. Your hands were shaking and you were sweating in places you never thought that you could sweat.
You looked at the sound booth and interrupted the music. The guests stopped dancing and looked around with confused and irritated expressions on their faces. From the window of the little computer room you could see the audience. You took a shaky breath and stood close to the microphone. After double checking if the microphone was on, you started talking.
“You don’t know me. But I know someone very well. You are all here because of Mr. Kevin Bang. The generous soul that everyone loves.”, you started your little speech. Then you projected some classified information about the orphanage and the hotel. “He is not as generous and kind-hearted as you think, he is the reason why the orphanage in the Daerim area of Seoul was demolished and removed. His official reason for that was that he wanted to make the area more approachable for the citizens of Seoul.”
You heard some gasps in the audience. Then a furious Kevin Bang stomped on the stage. “This is a lie!”, he shouted.
“Another example.” You switched to your next piece of evidence. “This man got a mother of five fired because she didn’t get his order right at a hotel he was staying at. Because quote ‘he had a bad day’. The woman was devastated.”, you said in a serious tone.
“STOP THIS! RIGHT NOW!”, Kevin Bang panicked as he called all the security over.
“Last one. Last one of the many incidents that happen to be connected to this man, Kevin Bang. The donations of this gala didn’t go to the charities. He only donates approximately 6 percent of the money each year. Some of the money goes to sketchy things like strip clubs or some illegal gambling in the U.S. Think it through. Do you really want to donate your money to this man?! He, Kevin Bang, is rude, unfriendly and uses everything to his own advantage!”, you shouted angrily, angry tears flowing from your eyes, especially if you think about your own family. You then quickly wiped the surfaces you touched to make sure there are no fingerprints left. You knew that there would be an active investigation. You then poured water on the electrics – making the lights go out in the building.
You noticed that the audiences where whispering and talking in shock. Panic was rising within them. You took your stick and took a deep breath. You saw a furious Kevin Bang through the window. Then you saw the security guards starting to hurry upstairs and searching every corner of the building. Just as you exited the computer room, you saw him again, in the corridor you were standing in. Your heart was beating fast in fear as you saw Chan standing right in front of you.
“So, this was your plan from the start. I should have known.”, Chan said, anger in his eyes and his tone dangerous. He took off his mask and looked you dead in the eyes.
You didn’t say anything and spotted a fire alarm. “Sorry.”, you said. You stared at his angry eyes, not even looking away. You were not apologizing for what you did but more for pressing the fire alarm next.
The guests started to scream and shout in panic. They probably thought that the gala was being attacked. A loud alarm came out of all speakers and the sprinklers on the ceiling started spraying water everywhere. Chaos broke out and everyone was running towards the closest fire exits. You then took your chance and ran away downstairs, but noticed that Chan was right behind you, trying to stop you from escaping. Good thing you still wore your sneakers before Chan could stop you. You mixed with the crowd before any security guard could see you. Everyone was wet and in panic and you used the chaotic situation to get out of that place immediately.
It was somehow a miracle that you got out of there without getting caught. Most of the guests were still there since the police wanted to question them. Because of the massive crowd, you managed to sneak away without anybody noticing. Felix texted you that he put your clothes in your car and you quickly changed into your old clothes (and wet them with a bottle of water), then went back to where the other reporters were.
“Y/N! There you are! I thought we lost you in all this chaos!”, your colleague said and sighed in relief. “And here I thought that nothing ever happens at these galas. Good thing we were here, right?!”, he said in excitement.
“Yeah. So much interesting stuff to write about.”, you said agreeing with him.
With the first exposure of Kevin Bang, you knew you could go to your boss and ask him to write the big article with every single proof you have on him. Because at least now he wouldn’t think you're crazy for wanting to write that.
The night was long but it was worth it. Your insane plan somehow worked and you were grateful that the world now saw what you saw. There was no damage control in this, because this couldn’t be covered up by anyone. For now, you finished the first step to achieving a better position at work and got a little justice for your family.
The moment you arrived home Jisung hugged you tightly. “That shit was crazy. The news talked about an attack on the gala. Are you okay?! I couldn’t reach you!”
You hugged him back and closed your eyes. “I’m fine, really… Jisung.”, you said and pushed him away lightly. “Let’s go sit down. Make me a hot chocolate.”
“Wow. Demanding much?”, he rolled his eyes but did it anyway, which you were thankful for.
After sitting down with the hot drinks, you took a deep breath. “Remember when I told you that I had something big planned for the gala?”
Jisung looked at you, confused. “Yeah…?”, he said but then it dawned on him. “No way… the news talked about some woman exposing the bad deeds of Kevin Bang.”
You just nodded. “I’m that woman.”
“Are you crazy?!”, he hissed. “That man will hunt you down! What about the cameras?!”
You smiled. “I was wearing a mask that was covering nearly my entire face. And the electrics went out. There were multiple women who wore the same type of dress as me. I also went there as a reporter. I don’t think that I will be a direct suspect.”
“Look, I know your family has a bad history with that dude but was it worth it to make you a criminal?”, Jisung said with a worried tone, putting an arm around you.
“It fucking was. You should have seen his face. Now he can’t hide his disgusting character.”, you said, content with yourself. You put your head on Jisung’s shoulder. “But thank you for worrying. Really.”
“Please be careful, Y/N. I can’t pay for the rent alone if you are in jail.”, he said, smirking.
You quickly pushed him away and started hitting him with the pillow next to you. “You asshole!”, you said and giggled.
Right at this moment you felt happy with yourself, even if something deep inside of you gave you an uneasy feeling.
The next day in the office was tense. And once again chaotic. Because every newspaper wanted to write about the mysterious woman that exposed Kevin Bang.
There were headlines like:
Who was behind the mask that wanted to introduce the REAL Kevin Bang to the world?
Kevin Bang: Hero or Villain?
These were just two examples of many other articles. You didn’t want to expose yourself as the woman who did all that to your boss. But you still had more information than any other journalists. So, you wanted to show him your work and convince him to write the frontpage article.
After telling your supervisor Hana about you planning to write the frontpage article, she burst out laughing. “Girl, we are the celebrity department. What makes you think that Mr. Park would let you, out of all people, write that article?”
You looked at her, sighing. “Because I have a lot of evidence and did a lot of research! Also, I was at the gala when everything happened!”
Hana rolled her eyes at your confidence. “But you are no Mr. Lee or Mrs. Wong! You know that you need more experience to write such an article.”
“Look, I made an appointment with Mr. Park. I wanted to ask about a promotion anyway, why not ask for an article as well?”, you said, pulling your black cardigan closer to your body.
“Good luck then, Y/N. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”, Hana said and went back to her desk.
You were nervous as hell. But it turned out that Hana was right. Your boss called you inexperienced and asked you to tell him one reason why he should let you write that article. You showed him some of your work but he just dismissed it and sent you out. You had to write that article somehow and you knew how. The first thing was that you needed someone higher up who had your back and the second thing is that you needed to completely finish writing the article, then send it to your boss.
Things were tough but you weren’t giving up.
The atmosphere was tense at the Bang villa. Chan’s father was on the phone 24/7. He shouted a lot, broke some things – he was angry. Very angry. Chan couldn’t stop thinking about the girl in the dress. The girl who caused all of this. Why would you go through all this shit just to expose his father? He asked himself if you had any connections to his father and what the reason was, why you would do that? Did his father do anything to you?
He couldn’t find an answer. His father was adored by the media. His reputation was perfect. Chan asked himself if he really knew his father for a second but shook that thought off quickly. Of course, he knows his father. If not for him then who? Okay, Chan spent most of his life in Australia because he was studying there but he was in Korea for the past three years because he wanted to attend university in Korea. But that didn’t mean that he doesn’t know his own father better than anyone else.
His father was still shouting at someone on his phone. The tabloids and newspapers were all talking about him. Some even revealing more things that happened. Chan even read something about how rude he is to everyone that is not the press. He didn’t know what to think of all that, but the house became stuffy and he needed to get out of that negative energy in the house to get some fresh air. He decided to take his Tesla out for a ride because it helped him calm down for a bit. He wanted to go visit his friend Changbin, maybe play a few rounds of Fifa or something. Just getting away from the house was all he needed right now.
He was driving around Seoul, even though he wanted to go visit Changbin, he drove around for a little bit, taking longer routes and thinking about the girl he danced with. It made him angry to think about you. You were the reason his father was one of the most hated men in Korea right now. He knew that his father would do some damage control. He would sneak his way out of it probably. You were snappy the whole time you danced with Chan, he should have seen it coming from the beginning. The cameras didn’t capture you leaving the building. It was a shitty situation, but if he ever saw you again, he would make sure that you would regret what you did.
Deep in thought, Chan didn’t notice that the traffic light turned red and before he could react, his car crashed into the car in front of him, making his airbags come out. “Fuck.”, he muttered as he got out of the car.
The car in front of him was an old, beat up car. As the driver got out, he immediately apologized. “I’m really sorry! I was distracted!”
You were the driver of that car and you walked to the back of the car to see the huge damage that Chan did. At first, you didn’t notice Chan and only agonized how to repair that. Your insurance wasn’t the best, you weren’t sure if they would cover all of the costs.
With anger boiling inside of you, you turned to the apologizing man. “What the hell, dude?!”, you said, furious. Then you noticed his expensive looking car and immediately recognized the man in front of you. Christopher Bang – the name the media uses. It was none other than Bang Chan, the son of the man you hated the most. There he stood with an apologetic expression in front of you after everything that happened. Just like that.
What the hell.
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that-good-trash · 4 years
I’m Not Okay- Chapter one Midoriya x Reader/Bakugou x Reader
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Izuku Midoriya x reader/ Katsuki Bakugou x reader
Summary: You have struggled with mental health your whole life so why can’t you seem to get it under control. Will you be able to keep the same mask even though two of your classmates have seen under it?
Warnings: Depression, Angst, Anxiety.
Words Count: 3,786
Comment: This isn’t my first time writing fanfic but it is my first time posting it. I hope you enjoy.
Had breathing always been this hard? Were you always this tired? When did your legs start refusing to move you any further? You knew the answers to these questions. Of course, you knew since you’d been dealing with these issues for so long. Your chest has been tight for years, the kind of suffocating one endures under immense pressure or while drowning; metaphorically and figuratively. Breathing shouldn’t be considered a chore and yet to you it was one of the hardest things to do, an inconvenience.  The exhaustion of your face didn’t even begin to show exactly how tired you were, physically and mentally. Did anyone notice the way your shoulders were no longer squared, like you had no fight left even though you were always ready to face any challenge before. Before what? What exactly had changed so much for you to feel this way.
You had always dealt with depression. The mental illness had been a part of your life since you were little. When you had first started to attend counseling, they tried to tell you that maybe you were stressed from school, maybe your parents didn’t love you enough, maybe you lacked friendship and isolation was causing this. No matter what the counselors said it never seemed to add up to you. Your family life wasn’t horrible, your schooling wasn’t so hard, and you had plenty of friends and yet you still felt like you shouldn’t exist. Your family had nothing to do with this but you could reference a few experiences where they proved that you meant little to them. The same could be said for your schooling. Now that you attended UA you weren’t bothered as much but prior to graduating middle school you had received your fair share of bullying.
Currently your friendships seemed strong. Your fellow classmates always invited you to join them for activities outside of school and during school you never lacked someone to talk to or hang out with. Yet, despite how included you were, there was a large gap between you and the rest of the class. You didn’t realize but you had separated yourself from them over the span of the last few months. They noticed your isolation but all took it in different ways. Some of your friends decided that you must need space and graciously gave it to you. Others were worried but didn’t know how to approach you. There was a sliver of people in class that hadn’t even noticed a change in your behavior since they were focused on their own issues and lives.
At the moment your legs had stopped moving. Your chest was tightening and you knew that you needed to grab onto something to prevent an episode. An unsteady shaking hand reaches frantically for anything to grab ahold of. Your luck would be grabbing onto the arm of the most difficult angry person you’d ever met. A gasp escapes your lips as your hand is viciously removed from none other than Katsuki Bakugou himself. His crimson eyes burn daggers into your sad and fearful (e/c) ones.
His words have nothing but anger and hatred to them. The yelled question was laced with disgust as his eyes went from glaring to disgusted, Bakugou’s lip twitching into a snarl. Had this happened a few weeks ago you would have yelled back. You would have defended yourself because that’s the person you were. A girl who didn’t let the world treat her like shit since you did a good enough job doing that all on you own. That previous version of you is gone in this moment. You can’t fight back right now. A slight choked sob breaks the tense silence between the two of you as Bakugou waited for a response. He was expecting you to yell back, for you to defend yourself but instead he sees something he had never wanted to witness in his life. Your eyes were glossy from the tears that threatened to fall, the fabric of your shirt rose and fell frantically with your breathing. Shaking, your body was shaking and you had lost the ability to speak. However, you did not lose the ability to run despite your legs wanting to give up.
You didn’t stand around to see what he would say next. Your legs thrusted you forward pushing passed his shoulder and down the empty corridor. The two of you should have been in class right now but you were late. Bakugou stared at the spot you had just been occupying, his mind racing trying to figure out what the hell just happened. He hadn’t realized that his face had gone from angry to shocked. His eyebrows were knit together with concern instead of malice. Had he acted faster he would have reached out to stop you. Never had he ever witnessed you react like that to his threats. Not once had it seemed to bother you when he threatened or insulted you. You always had that same dumb smile on your face or even giggled at his shitty behavior.
Bakugou clicked his tongue before his hands dipped into his pockets. He wasn’t going to run after you. He may have decided to let you go but that didn’t mean he wasn’t worried which pissed him off.
As Bakugou left to class you had kept running. Taking the stairs down two at a time you hoped to get away faster but instead tripped and fell. The pain of hitting the concrete steps jolted through your legs. The tears that had fallen before seemed to double as you were now in physical pain as well as mental. After positioning yourself into a sitting position on one of the steps you realize you’ve scrapped up your knee. Blood was already trickling down your reddened leg. The scrape stung and it was painful to walk when you finally attempted to leave again. Your hands had to hold into the railing in order to prevent more pressure on your injured appendage.
You had been trying to leave the building when your name was shouted from behind you. Someone clearly out of breath from the heavy sighs that came after your name was yelled. You had almost expected Bakugou and were slightly disappointed when it wasn’t. Instead Midoriya stood in front of you. His hands on his knees, leaned forward catching his breath. When he looks up, he sees the blood and instantly rushes forward again. His hands gently brush your knee as he squats down. A light blush crosses your cheek since he is at eye level with your skirt and his fingers are gently brushing the sides of the wound without touching it directly.
“What happened?! Kacchan came into class late, he didn’t do this to you did he!?”
Midoriya was frantically speaking, his words coming out slightly muttered. You understood what he had said and would have answered his question but you had a question of your own that needed to be answered. You rub your eyes looking down at the forest haired boy.
“What are you doing out of class?”
You knew it wasn’t right to answer his question with a question but his presence didn’t make any sense to you. Midoriya blinks up at you before he stands back up. He reaches his hand forward to brush a few stray tears. Your eyes closed on instinct when something came that close to your face. The touch was so light that you were convinced he hadn’t even touched you at all. Your eyes crack open when he speaks.
“I was concerned about you so I asked Mr. Aizawa if I could try to find you. He allowed me to check if you were still in the building. I’m glad I found you, though I wish it was under better circumstance. Now, Y/n are you going to answer my questions.”
You nod looking down at your feet out of embarrassment. You hadn’t meant to break down in front of Bakugou and now you had to figure out a way to explain your sorry state to the class baby. The nicest person in your class wanted to know what was bothering you and part of you wanted to break down and tell him about how you felt. To tell him how you lacked air and how the world was beginning to get heavier and you felt stuck under it. There was so much you wanted to tell him, yet nothing came up. Instead you let silent tears roll down your cheeks. Before you could reach your own hand up to wipe the tears Midoriya’s fingers brush them away. You look at him and expect judgment even though you know that’s not the kind of person he is. His eyes hold endearment and concern. He thinks of you as a close friend and cares so much about how you feel. Currently he is trying to figure how you have this much sadness in your expression and how he hadn’t realized it before. The both of you are stuck in this silence staring into the others eyes.
“Katsu- Bakugou didn’t do anything to me. Well, he did but it was my fault. I spaced out for a moment and touched him without permission. He, um got mad and started yelling at me but I deserved it.”
You had moved your hand up to your opposite arm and started nervously rubbing it, a slight chuckle breaks free from your quickly drying lips. You don’t want to cause drama with any of your classmates especially with all that they already had on their plates and you with your own crumbling mental state. You finally focus your attention from the ground to Midoriya who is biting his thumb nail and muttering to himself. His expression is serious but also holds the slightest bit of, anger? You must be reading to into his furrowed brow and narrowed eyes. Midoriya was always the one to find good in everything and find a way to be on both sides of an opposing conflict.
You tried to get his attention since standing here was starting to get uncomfortable and class would end eventually.
“Let me take you to recovery girls office. You skinned your knee pretty bad. I’ll leave you alone after that if you want me too.”
As much as you wanted to go back to your dorm and curl into yourself you knew Midoriya wouldn’t let this go and would keep pushing till you agreed. Though a slight part of you wasn’t opposed to having company other than the intrusive thoughts screaming in the background of your mind. You couldn’t trust yourself to speak again without breaking down with the newest wave of anxiety crashing down. Instead you slowly lifted your hand toward your classmate offering it to him. The relief and kindness that flashed across his eyes made your chest tighten. It was so opposite of how Bakugou reacted to your earlier but you were already aware of the differences in the two boys’ personalities and knew you couldn’t take Bakugou’s reaction to heart.
“Y/n… Please try to pay attention. I’d feel bad if you got hurt under my watch.” A slight chuckle escaped the green haired boy as he held your hand and lead you away from the exit. The doors leading to your freedom faded from site as the hero in training brought you back down the empty hallways. Your chest was tightening again and despite your cracking lips you felt like water was filling your lungs. Despite your quiet and closed off demeanor Midoriya continued to try and smile for you. He spoke when you couldn’t and his legs moving in front of you reminded you to move yours along. It was like a baby deer watching its mother before shaking legs stand up and it takes its leap of faith. Expect you weren’t a baby deer; you are a teenager wanting to be a hero and how were you going to do that when you couldn’t even save yourself from… yourself.
        The nurse’s office was quiet which is usually a good sign but right now it was agonizing silence. You sat on the edge of an empty bed while two pairs of eyes stared at you assessing, analyzing, waiting for you to say something. Your knee was no longer the subject, now it was the dark circles under your eyes and the way you avoided eye contact. You could feel judgement even if it wasn’t there. Recovery girl fixed physical wounds and internal damage but you weren’t bleeding anymore and the internal damage wouldn’t show up on an x-ray.
“L/n.” You looked up at the soft yet stern voice of Recovery Girl. “Are you having trouble sleeping? Are you eating properly and keeping yourself hydrated? Your eyes are sunken in which tells me you aren’t sleeping and are lacking the right amount of water. A hero in training needs to take care of their bodies. You should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep and drinking around 3 liters of water a day. If you can’t stomach eating right now, I can pull you out of physical training to prevent any harm to you.”
“NO!” You could lie about promising to get sleep and drink more water but you couldn’t get around a referral dismissing you from physical training. You already felt like you were falling behind the rest of your classmates. If you had to take a break now then you truly would be left alone with your thoughts and that would be even worse for your health than lacking proper nutrition and hydration.
“Please don’t worry about me. I’m just having a bad day. Everyone has bad days once in a while, right? I’ve been studying late so I haven’t been sleeping and I sometimes forget to drink water cause I’m a little ditzy.” You felt like you weren’t even lying but you were and it was so much easier than telling the truth even though the words you wanted to say were on your tongue waiting for their chance to slip out. Your lies were so believable that even yourself fell into their calming deceit. A smile appeared as you wet your lips with the cup of water you had been handed when you had first arrived. Your eye lashes tickled your checks when you blinked away any tears that might have wanted to join the party. A deep breath and you felt normal. Recovery Girl and Midoriya still stared with skepticism but you wore a stunning mask that prevented them from getting to you. “I promise that I’ll try and study earlier so I can sleep. I’ll drink water every chance I get and eat every meal. Just don’t make me stop, Please.”
“Well… I would have had trouble benching one of Mr. Aizawa’s prized students anyway. You have promised me that you will do these three essential things and I expect you to follow up with that promise. Which is why I shall be appointing Midoriya here to watch you.”
“Wha-No. That isn’t fair to him. You can’t just make someone baby sit me.” You felt bad when you stood up and swung your hand in Midoriya’s direction. He flinched slightly but not because he was afraid, you would hit him. He was slightly off put by your shouting in protest.  
“I can and I will. I am also going to give you a log where you will write every time you drink and eat so I can look it over next week to make sure I don’t have to follow up on my threat. If you are having trouble studying may I suggest a tutor.” Wow a suggesting after all the coercion. You had to do everything she said or face repercussion. You could have easily said you had done these things but with Midoriya watching you it was going to be hard to not follow through. There was no argument left in you. Defeated you let your shoulders sag and a tiny nod is sent in Recovery Girls direction.
“Okay.” With that you had been given your logs, a bottle of water, and Midoriya’s support. A pat of your back was the last thing you received before leaving the office. You had been suffering earlier and now you wanted to destroy the walls in front of you and scream until your throat bled. As you walked down the slightly crowed halls Midoriya followed like your faithful guard dog, or more like a baby sitter trying to prevent a baby from opening pill bottles. You had stopped and grunted when he ran into your back, the grip you had on your bag strap tighter than the bandaging on your leg. You could hear the green hair boy, whom an hour ago was your savior and now was your worst enemy with no fault other than your own, apologizing for running into you.
“I-I’m so sorry Y/n.”
“Leave me alone.” The words came out between gritted teeth. You hated the taste anger left in your mouth; it was worse than vomit. You were going to say something you’d regret so you had to escape him now to prevent that from happening. He meant well when he took you to the nurse’s office. He meant well and yet you were angry because you just wanted to go to your dorm and drown in tears and scream into the empty building while you had the chance. Now that classes were over you couldn’t do that and now you had to follow some stupid regiment.  
“I said LEAVE ME ALONE!” The words hadn’t meant to be yelled but they came out loud. Some people turned and looked in time to see the shock and hurt wash over Midoriya’s face and to watch the anger on your own dissipate into pain and regret before you ran. Midoriya couldn’t reach you this time. You had run away with no intention to be caught again. You ran faster even though your knee throbbed begging you to stop. The metaphoric water in your lungs was also trying to restrain you, trying to keep you from escaping. Hallways flew by along with familiar and unfamiliar faces. You looked insane as your hair wildly danced behind you and your skirt tried to fly up when you leaped from the top of the stairs. This was your ‘leap of faith’ but really it was a rush of cowardice. You landed with a hiss and stumble before rushing past the people watching with fear and curiosity. When the midafternoon sun kissed your skin, you knew you were almost free to breakdown. The throbbing faded with the increased adrenaline as you finally made in to the dorm building. You made sure not to look at anyone as you rushed inside and straight to the elevator. You could feel the eyes and hear the unspoken questions but didn’t want to look or hear. You just wanted to go to your room and sleep for the next millennium. Life had other plans for you. When the elevator door opened Bakugou walked out. Your felt ice in your veins despite the heat that spread across the rest of your body since you were embarrassed, he had to watch your pathetic display earlier. Your body went stiff and you looked directly at the floor before swiftly rushing into the waiting elevator. You were almost free but that’s when a hand pushed against the door causing it to retract. Bakugou’s piercing red eyes stared into your broken ones before slowly moving down to the bandaging on your knee which was now slightly pink from blood resurfacing after your running and jumping. You waited for some harsh comment about how you were an idiot or pathetic but the words never came. Instead his voice came out low and non-threatening.
“If you need that rebandaged later come by my room. I have some experience with bandaging.” He didn’t see the confusion on your face when he pulled his hand away allowing the door to close and take you to your floor. You sighed falling against the wall with your hand pushing into your chest willing it to stop hurting. Bakugou wasn’t a nice guy but you knew he had soft moments but never had you personally experienced one. You could only assume it was his own way of trying to ease regret from yelling at you. You didn’t have the energy to think about what Bakugou’s new behavior could mean. You were tired and finally in your own room. A safe place that no one could force you to leave, well no one has tried. With a heavy sigh you fall backward onto your bed finally letting everything out as a sob pushes your lips apart followed by more and more till the only sound that could be heard was your pained whimpers and chocked out screams. Your brain throbs against your cranium and you wish you could puncture a hole to relieve the pressure like they did in asylums in the past. This was how you lived most of your days and nights when it became to much. Sobbing and breaking down while the world moved around you. The words spoken as whispers in your ears telling you how useless and pathetic you are. How the world spins and your classmates still laugh and play regardless of your absence.
However, no matter what your thoughts told you. No matter what you own personal demons whisper, someone cared. Someone noticed. Midoriya entered the dorm building wishing you were curled up against Mina on the couch like you did on good days. He wanted you to be fine but he knew you weren’t and even if Recovery Girl hadn’t asked him, he would have still tried to help you because he wanted you to be better. He was going to help you. He wasn’t the only one. Bakugou leaned against the counters not listening to the conversations around him. Instead he thought about the pain you were in. He wondered how much you suffered alone and he was determined, despite his pride, to destroy that suffering. He knew your battle was one that lacked villains and instead had to be fought slowly and methodically with patience and words. He would be there for you or at least promised himself that he would try which to Bakugou held a lot of meaning.
These boys want to save you, the only thing is they haven’t quite figured out you need to be saved from yourself.
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bdamanlover4ever · 3 years
Okay but...BakuDeku fluffy fanfic idea, where Katsuki has always been struggling in school and Izuku one day picks up on it. 😶It would be told in parts because Izuku picks up on it over time, it’s probably set between the end of season 3 and start of season 4?
Part 1
“I hope you all are paying attention.” Mr. Aizawa stopped writing on the board. “I’m only going to say this once.” He tapped the chalk over the word: report. “Your midterm report should be over how your favorite hero operates and how you can learn from their actions to create your own rescue style.”
Izuku stopped tapping his pencil against his notebook. His brain slowly drifting back to reality—the classroom, his desk, his backpack. He had been already thinking of a way to prove his fighting style. Maybe if he rewatched a few of All Might’s old rescue scenes.
“Also I must stress this will be a book report.” Mr. Aizawa said.
The class erupted in a few groans and complaints.
“Don’t act like that. You’re all very capable of writing an four page report. If you’re not capable then you’ll wish you were by the time I finish calling home.”
Denki raised his hand. “Um, so...can the paper be double space?”
“Double spaced, 12 sized front.”
Izuku scribbled a few ideas down. He’d go by the library to check out some books. His pencil stopped moving to the sound of Katsuki cursing under his breath.
“Damn it.” Katsuki said.
Izuku couldn’t help but turn towards his direction. As always there were no notebooks or pencils on Katsuki’s desk. An empty space. Not even a textbook open to the correct page.
Lazy—as some people would call it.
But it wasn’t like Katsuki wasn’t smart. He somehow managed to understand everything without taking notes.
A part of Izuku admired that.
“I already turned off my recording.” Katsuki pulled his phone from his pocket and slipped it between his legs as if to hide it from the teacher.
“This is a very important report. It will be a midterm grade that will make or break some of you.” Mr. Aizawa placed down the chalk.
“Can we really call this hero work?” Mina asked.
“Everything is hero work. Even the books.”
Izuku found himself nodding. There were multiple things that went into being a good hero. Charging in blindly without a strategy might let you get lucky and save a few people due to a stroke of luck, but a good hero always has a way to save everyone. He wrote in big letters: PLANNING.
“What’s so interesting?” Katsuki asked.
Izuku blinked.
“Ya nodding your head over there so much.”
“I’m just brainstorming over my report.”
“Why do you keep glancing in my direction, then?”
“I ju-just zone out.” Izuku didn’t think that Kacchan ever noticed him in class. How long had Kacchan been watching him? He took an uneasy breath. Now that he knew Kacchan was watching, he could feel it. Just focus back on the teacher. Don’t worry about him. Don’t—
“Ignoring me?” Katsuki rolled his eyes. “What a joke.”
“Again some of you SHOULD be taking this seriously.” Mr. Aizawa glanced over in Izuku and Katsuki’s direction.
Izuku lowered his head and picked up his pencil to scribble down some more ideas. Plan? Execution? Dealing with a hostage situation. Those were good places to start.
Part 2
The library was old in comparison to the rest of the city. Sure, the old wooden and brass door had been replaced by automatic doors, and all the renovations had fixed up the inside, but the old smell never left. Maybe it was the smell of books? The books in this library dated back decades.
Izuku walked past the shelves, each one filled with knowledge and epic battles that transcended through time. The old walls were brightened with murals of heroes and stained glass windows give it an old-fashioned elegance. He hugged his book close to his chest, eyes focused on the backpack hanging off the back of the seat.
“Isn’t that like a 6th grade level book?”
“Shut up, man. No, it’s not.”
Izuku overheard two familiar voices whispering among themselves—Kirishima and Katsuki. He figured they must be trying to choose a book to write their report on as well. He sat down at the table, placing his newly discovered book next to two others and his notebook. He opened up the book to a chapter titled: How to Identify: High Priority Rescues in a Hostage situation.
The topic wasn’t one he particularly agreed with. He felt like everyone deserved to be saved, but if there was a high risk situation where not everyone could be…
“It is. Hey, isn’t that Izuku?”
Izuku looked up to see Kirishima waving at him. He waved back.
“Look at this.” Kirishima ripped a book from the shelf and pointed at it. He walked over to Izuku’s table.
“Don’t tell h—“ Katsuki got hushed by an angry passerby. He grit his teeth, his right hand clenched in a fist.
Izuku read the book title, The Adventures Of All Might And Friends.
“Check it. There are like pictures on almost every page.” Kirmisha flipped through the book. “Tell him there is no way he can write a good book report with this.”
“Shut your shitty mouth!” Katsuki snatched the book back and slammed it closed. “I do whatever the fuck I want and my grade is going to be good as fuck!” He tucked the book under his right arm as if to hide the childish cover.
The librarian looked at the three of them harshly.
“Sorry.” Izuku whispered.
“Mr. Aizawa said the report had to be 4 pages. I’m not trying to piss you off, just chill and listen for a second.” Kirishima lowered his voice. “Look at Izuku’s book. It is about 300 pages and—“
“Deku is the last person I want to look to for anything.” Katsuki put his hand on Izuku’s face to push him to the side. “I’ll never be that desperate.” He roughly bumped past Kirishima.
Izuku lifted his hand from holding his place in the book.
“You’re both doing All Might.” Kirishima must have noticed the books on his table. “You should get together and swap notes or something.”
Izuku sighed. It would be nice if he could collaborate with Kacchan. If Kacchan wasn’t always being…”It’s a nice thought I guess.” Even though it was true, Kacchan would get nowhere using a childish picture book. He wasn’t even sure anything in that book was researchable.
“You have his number, right?” Kirishima asked.
“No.” Izuku said. Why would he have Kacchan’s number? They might have been childhood friends but never had they once exchanged contact info.
“I’ll give it to you.” Kirishima pulled out his cellphone. “Text him. You always have this weird effect that pushes Katsuki to do his best.”
“I do?”
“Yeah. Ah, maybe I used the wrong word. It’s not weird. It’s a good thing actually. Katsuki always gets hyped up about you.”
“Hyped up or aggressive?” Izuku pulled out his phone. He didn’t think Kacchan thought that hard about their interactions.
“That’s just his way of respect.” Kirishima grinned.
Izuku would really like to believe that.
Part 3
The walls in the dorm were paper thin. Everyone could hear everything. Izuku could constantly hear the people above him and below him. Either they were goofing off or talking loudly, their voices carried. It was as the saying goes, the walls have ears.
Izuku didn’t try to overhear gossip, but it happened sometimes. Even now, when he was walking through the common area. He heard some yelling and shouting. It encouraged his feet to move a bit faster. Today had been a long day, he spent most of it trying to write the first two pages of his report. Not how he wanted to spend his Saturday. He turned the corner to reach his dorm room. The sound of footsteps closed in on him. Then a sharp pain forced his shoulders back as the weight on his back shifted. One second he was facing the door, the next he was staring into enraged red eyes.
“Kacchan?” Izuku croaked.
Everything had happened so suddenly, he thought a villain had broken in and attacked.
“They’re talking shit about me, aren’t they?” Katsuki shoved the paper in Izuku’s face.
“Eh?” Izuku jerked his head back.
“Answer the question, shitty nerd!”
“I wasn’t really focused on...on...hear them. Why are you asking me?”
“Because they were laughing at this. I’m not a fucking dumb ass, I can tell that’s a poorly drawn picture of me.” Katsuki pointed at the stick figure with explosions around them.
“Oh—oh…okay?” Izuku took the paper. He still didn’t understand what Katsuki wanted from him. Some kind of confirmation? The wrinkled paper had a stick figure and the words: Kiss Ass.
Katsuki wrinkled his brow. His mouth made a tutting sound as if dissatisfied, “You’re such a freaking, Deku.”
His eyes shifted, as if scanning over the paper. “This is all shitty hairs fault. He was so loud in that library everyone probably knows…”
Izuku held the paper out.
“Don’t give me that garbage back! What the hell am I going to do with it?”
“Report it.”
“So they did write some mean shit about me?” Katsuki created a few explosions in his palms. His already pissed expression seemed to darken. “I’m going to kill them!” He released his iron grip on Izuku’s shoulder and grabbed the paper.
Izuku felt his heart race as Katsuki turned his back on him. Had Kacchan come to him because he was the only person in their class dorms? No. He was sure he heard Denki in here. Did that mean…
“What?” Katsuki paused. He didn’t face Izuku or make eye contact. His one word response was blunt and straightforward.
It was so blunt it made Izuku feel a bit stupid.
He blinked twice. Why had he actually tried to say anything?
“I don’t like my time being wasted, nerd.”
“Then you could have just kept walking and ignored me, but you didn’t!” Izuku said.
Katsuki slowly turned his head to face him. “Guess I’m stupid for always making time for you.”
Izuku felt like he’d gotten punched in his chest. The oxygen fled his lungs and he couldn’t breathe for a few seconds.
“Be careful.” Katsuki said. It looked like a smug smirk tugged on the corner of his lips. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked forward. “About wasting my time on nonsense.”
Part 4
The bell for the end of the school day couldn’t have come sooner. Izuku closed his notebook and began to gather his things. He could hear the chatter among his classmates as they left out the door. Most of them were talking about the latest tv shows or gossip. It was a good change of pace compared to all the hectic things happening.
Uraraka’s skirt brushed against his desk, “Hey, Izuku. How’s your report doing?”
“It’s going.” Izuku began putting his stuff in his backpack. “How about you?”
“I’m doing mine over Mt Lady.” Uraraka fumbled with her backpack straps. “Hard to find many articles about her, rescue style though.”
“Yeah. I feel like Mr. Aizawa and the other teachers really wanted to give us a challenge. I went to the library a few days ago and got some books.”
“You’re doing All Might?”
“How’d you know?”
“As if you’d choose anyone else!” Uraraka laughed.
“Haha.” Izuku nervously tapped at his chin. Was he really that obvious? If so does that mean Kacchan had noticed? The more he considered what happened yesterday, the more he thought about what he really wanted to ask Kacchan about. He wanted to know how Kacchan’s report was going. He shifted his eyes over to see Katsuki. Katsuki had his book opened, eyes glued to the page with his brow furrowed.
“There’s a reason why they’re making it so difficult, ya know.” Uraraka leaned in closer to him and mouthed, “To weed out the posers.”
“A rumor started by Stain’s sympathizers?” Izuku raised a brow. Even though they fought Stain a year ago, his ideology hadn’t died out. There were still many people who seemed ready to follow his words from his grave.
“Actually it was more so around the sports festival when everyone was watching. But it came up again after the attack during our summer training.” Uraraka pulled out her phone and opened social media. She showed him a few angry posts and discussion boards all about U.A.
Someone or a group of people out to tarnish U.A’s good name? It sounded like a rumor started by villains. But then again there were some salty students who got rejected and had to choose a different school. Rumors were easy to grow and hard to stomp out.
“Don’t you think it’s weird that a person can score low on the written and multiple choice part of the entrance exam but still get into U.A?” Uraraka asked.
“Well I suppose that’s what makes it fair. A combination of fighting and knowledge.” Izuku never really thought about it. He had been too focused on meeting the requirements. That should be all that mattered. A passing grade no matter what.
“I suppose, but a bunch of other kids who got rejected were pretty pissed. I heard they started spreading rumors…” Uraraka dropped her voice, “Saying they sucked up to the teachers before time.”
Izuku didn’t know why but he suddenly got reminded of the note from yesterday. The poorly scribbled words written with malice and directed at… His eyes shifted back to a truffle of blond hair.
Katsuki was still sitting at his desk. A cheek in his palm and the book from the library resting next to his elbow. He hadn’t flipped from the same page he’d been staring at for minutes.
“If anything I don’t think it should matter, since if you can’t keep your grades up you get kicked out of school.” Uraraka said.
“Kicked out? U.A. does that?”
“It still operates like a regular high school.”
Is that why Katsuki was…? Izuku pulled out his phone. No. Texting him now would do no good. He walked past Katsuki’s desk, talking loudly. “I guess, whoever those people are will have to work really hard to prove them wrong!”
Katsuki lifted his head. His tired eyes met with Izuku’s. No words were said, but his blank expression was self-explanatory.
Part 5
Texting would be the true decision factor if Izuku’s guess was true. It would be a risk, sure. There was no guarantee that Katsuki would even respond or that he could respond.
Izuku rested his head against his pillow, the glow of his phone screen made his eyes water slightly as he typed away.
Izuku: Hi Kacchan (^*^)/ It’s Izuku
He double checked the time stamp. No read receipt just delivered.
Welp. Not like him and Kacchan have been close. Sure once upon time they were going to be the best...but now… Sometimes Izuku felt like there was a lot of animosity between them. A part of him wished, Katsuki would view him the same way he did when they were younger. Maybe that was the ignorantly blissful side that believed getting a quirk would let him earn Katsuki’s respect. Hmm... Kirishima was probably closer to Katsuki than he would probably ever be.
That fact made Izuku feel funny. It made his head hurt. It made his heart race. It made his stomach fill with butterflies.
He didn’t know how to act around Kacchan.
He didn’t know what to say around Kacchan.
After their team up on the final last year, things seemed good. Summer had come and gone. But not without leaving a few mental scars after their fight.
No wonder Katsuki was doing his report on All Might. His feelings. His way of taking responsibility for...
Maybe no response was for the best. He locked his phone and set it on his nightstand.
His phone?
Izuku grabbed his phone off the nightstand.
Kacchan: Who?
Kacchan: Oh wait.
Kacchan: Don’t text my phone with that Izuku crap, Deku.
Izuku: Deku is mah hero name
A response came quicker this time,
Kacchan: that’s the damn name I gave you don’t forget it.
For some reason, Izuku felt his face heat up.
Kacchan: How did you get my number?
Izuku: Kirishima
Kacchan: Damn him.
Izuku found it strange how proper Katsuki typed. He even added PERIODS. But if Katsuki could type, maybe his assumption had been…
Izuku: How ur report
Kacchan: That’s what he wanted you to ask me?
Izuku kind of wanted to say that he personally wanted to know. Kacchan seemed to withdraw himself from talking a lot about All Might after their fight.
Izuku: We r doing All Might! share ideas??????
Kacchan: Never figured you were a cheater.
He was a WHAT?
Kacchan: Delete my number.
Izuku had no clue what just happened. He shaky typed: We don’t need to fight, before he could press send another message came.
Kacchan: Didn’t I tell you not to pity me?
Izuku quickly back spaced his message. He wrote a new one: Sharing ideas is wat friends do
Kacchan: You think we’re friends?
Ouch. Izuku didn’t know how to respond.
Kacchan: I can’t be friends with you.
Izuku: WHY
Kacchan: You know.😈
That’s right…Kacchan probably hated him. He was dumb to think that fight was any type of heart to heart.
Izuku: srry
He shouldn’t tell how he was worried. Kacchan would hate the idea of that. Kacchan hated the idea of weakness.
Izuku: good night
He was surprised to see, Kacchan is typing…
Kacchan: Did I give you permission to sleep, nerd?
Kacchan: WAKE UP! I know there is a reason you texted me. You were looking at me strange.
Izuku: ……..?
Kacchan: Don’t make me walk over and pound on your door in the middle of the night.
Izuku: Huh?
Kacchan: You know I’m reckless enough to do it.
They were already on shaky terms with the teachers after their fight. The last thing Izuku wanted was more trouble.
Kacchan: Walking over.
Izuku: Wat do u wanna know?🥺🥺🥺
Kacchan: I should be asking you that.
A few minutes ticked by. No follow up question.
Izuku: How can you type?
A knock came at his room door.
“DEKU!!!!” Katsuki shouted.
Izuku jumped out of bed. Sometimes he questioned Kacchan’s sanity. He cracked open the room door, light spilled into his bedroom over his All Might figures and posters.
“You tell anyone, you’re fucking dead.” Katsuki hissed.
Izuku rubbed the tears forming in the corner of his eyes and yawned. What was Katsuki talking about?
“Are you going to play dumb?” Katsuki asked.
“I...uhh, did you see my text or—“
Katsuki pushed Izuku backwards into the dark room. He felt himself almost trip over his feet. A strong hand over his face forced him into submission as the sound of a click signalled the room door locking.
“Did...did...did you just lock me in my own room?” Izuku choked over his own words. He felt his stomach flip flop as the scent of Katsuki’s cologne filled his nostrils.
“Don’t play with me, Deku. You know not to fucking play with me.” Katsuki’s voice dipped into a growl.
Izuku felt Kastuki’s sweaty palms move from his face to comb through his curly green hair. He felt his breath hitch, “What are you so paranoid about?” He couldn’t see Katsuki’s face but he sensed his reaction—anger.
“You...do you have to be such a smartass all the time? You’re so damn smart! You look at me. You see me. You know me. You’ve known me longer than anyone so...Just! Just shut up about it!”
“I’m not talking about any—Mmm!”
Hot lips pressed against his own.
Was Kacchan kissing him?
Izuku’s lips moved to kiss Katsuki back. It was only for a few seconds, sharing the same breath with each other. He shifted upwards on his toes, as Katsuki held his head in place. So warm. So soft. Gentle? The kiss was so light.
Okay. Don’t freak out.
“You tell anyone my secret and I’ll tell yours.” Katsuki whispered.
Okay. Now freak out.
“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” Izuku shouted. He opened his mouth to say more but Katsuki’s finger pressed against his lips.
“I’ll tell everyone you’re my boyfriend.” Katsuki said.
“You’re the one who kissed me?” Izuku couldn’t speak above a whisper. Someone would hear. Someone would get suspicious. Someone…
“And I’ll do it again.” Katsuki didn’t say it like a threat. It was said like a promise. He lowered his hand from Izuku’s head. “I’ll kiss you stupid.”
Izuku was so thankful the lights were off. He could feel himself blushing. His heart felt ready to burst. Katsuki couldn’t be his friend but his boyfriend?! What exactly did Katsuki think he…
“Recordings. Picture books. Speech to text.” Katsuki unlocked his phone with a pattern. A comic book of All Might pulled up in a web browser. “I doubt this counts as a reliable source.”
Izuku’s eyes widened slightly. But that meant… How had Kacchan...just using those same tools?
“Simple repetition really helps. Plus the world is filled with shapes and pictures. Ramen shops usually have a sign with a bowl of noodles next to them. Bus stops are round signs and have a picture of a bus.” Katsuki tapped the search bar and automatically the microphone icon appeared. “I never had a need to seriously learn beyond writing my name for a while.”
“I’ve seen you write before.”
“I didn’t say I was dumb. I learn words from tv sometimes.”
Considering how Katsuki’s first choice of a hero name was Lord Explosion Murder, Izuku could believe half of Katsuki’s vocab came from tv.
“When texting, I have my phone programmed to read every message I receive from people outloud.”
Something about the tone Katsuki spoke in, made Izuku’s heart clench. The overconfidence was gone. An unrecognizable tone had replaced it. Not emptiness or disappointment, no sadness or regret. Katsuki stated everything as it was—fact.
“My mom yelled at my teachers to pass me along.” Katsuki sighed. “Because I’d be damned if I ever fell further behind you.”
Izuku noticed the book on his nightstand. A book filled of knowledge about rescues in high risk situations. In a way Kacchan was at high risk of failing. Poor Kacchan held hostage by his stubborn ideals. But Kacchan wasn’t so arrogant not to know—that he was behind him...FAR behind him.
“You want me to teach you?” Izuku knew he couldn’t save everyone. There were probably a bunch more people who’d been pushed along through school. But if he could just help Kacchan.
“I don’t want you to do anything. This isn’t a cry for help so don’t twist things up in the one track mind of yours.” Katsuki lowered his phone. “If you tell anyone I can’t read pass a 3rd grade level, you know.” He leaned in closer to Izuku till their lips brushed. “What everyone will learn.”
Izuku grabbed onto Katsuki’s shirt before he pulled back. “Is this why you can’t be friends with me?” He felt Katsuki try to yank away but he held tighter. “Cause you're embarrassed? I don’t care about that stuff.”
“No. I just can’t view you as a friend. Not after everything before and this. Getting kidnapped gave me time to rethink my life.”
“You’re blackmailing me out of your life?”
“Only if you can't keep your mouth shut.” Katsuki used his knuckles to tilt Izuku’s head up. He seemed to be inspecting those pink lips he kissed. “Think of it as a test of loyalty. It’s only fair I know a secret about you in exchange for one of mine.”
Izuku released his hold on Katsuki’s shirt. He didn’t try to know Kacchan’s secret! It was just a guess. Kacchan had stormed in his dorm room, kissed him, then twisted all the events to make it sound like a damn scandal.
“Not even Kirishma knows, count yourself lucky.” Katsuki walked over and unlocked the door. He slipped out into the hallway and closed the door back much quieter than how he had originally entered.
Izuku was left alone in the darkness. The only sound he could focus on was his heart as his fingers ran over his lips. Kacchan. Was it normal for people to trade secrets like that? Did a kiss seal the deal or...did he kiss him just to tease? He laid back on his bed, trying to ignore the confusion fluttering around in his stomach.
Just an idea.
Yes BONUS—Katsuki being stubborn about confessing his feelings so acts in the most annoying way to just get under Izuku’s skin. Izuku still tries to teach him how to read properly, while dealing with his newly discovered crush on Katsuki. Imagine how they could confess!?
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bookofmirth · 3 years
If you have the time/energy I would love to hear more of your thoughts about Az's persona! He's such an interesting character to me, and I feel like most of the theories I see about him centre around elain, and how his behaviour is mate behaviour (the double bond thing). Personally I think azriel has a lot of anger, isnt very open with his friends, and also feels like he has to be the one to fix everything (this comes out with elain but also all his relationships).
Can I just start this off by saying “what the fuck” at the double/true/created bond thing. I’ve seen some WILD shit out there in the fandom, wild. 
I have been writing and deleting and copy/pasting etc. this post forever and I can’t decide how to approach it, so I hope this makes sense! I didn’t pull out a ton of quotes because tbh it’s a lot of work and I’ve read these books???? So many times. And this is tumblr, not comprehensive exams.
I would agree with your characterization of Azriel! 
Anger - this comes out in really inappropriate times, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he turns his anger around on himself. We all know that Rhys described his “icy rage”, and later on his “cruel competitiveness”.
Lack of communication - yeah, when has he had a heart-to-heart with anyone in this series? When he does, it’s not about making himself feel better, or sharing his own feelings. It’s to be of service to someone else. All the IC have described trying to reach out to him in their own ways, and not being successful.
Needing to fix things - yes! I see this as his need to be of service. He’s always the first one to jump into work. It took Mor hundreds of years to get him to go to Rita’s, right? He’s a workaholic in a world with no labor laws. He always wants to be the one in charge of gathering intel, of finding people, or fixing problems. I think this is closely tied to two things: his lack of self-worth, and his anger. If he can stay busy enough and work hard enough, he can prove his worth to other people, if not to himself. This is why he loses it when Rhys or Feyre tell him that he can’t handle something. 
Funny thing, but people who have followed my blog since early 2017 know that I shipped moriel hardcore. I just loved it. I wrote so much meta and fanfic. A lot of the arguments that I see now remind me a lot of arguments people used to make about moriel - and it makes sense! Az’s behavior around both Mor and Elain are eerily similar. So I thought I’d compare his behavior towards them because that can tell us about his character!
To me, his treatment of Elain (and Mor) comes down to two things:
What his mother and Mor suffered (and he was unable to prevent), and
His lack of self-worth due to abuse 
Azriel and Mor didn’t know one another very long before she slept with Cassian and was left brutalized by her family. This happened when they were all in their late teens, which is not long after Azriel was tortured by his brothers, rarely let outside, and rarely got to see his mother. At the same time that Azriel sees his mother treated so poorly, he then feels intense guilt and rage at what happens to Mor. It’s enough to make him overreact in the future, any time that Mor (or another female) is in danger. So here are a bunch of examples of him being overprotective of Mor and Elain. But mostly Mor.
In acomaf, Azriel has the audacity to tell Mor no, that she can’t go to the human lands (chapter 41)
“I fought in the War, you will do well to remember-”
“No,” Azriel said again, refusing to break her stare. His shifting wings rasped against the back of his chair. “The would string you up and make an example of you.”
At the end of acomaf he is still highly protective of Mor
Azriel’s head lifted from where he was sprawled in his own blood, eyes full of rage and pain as he snarled at the king, “Don’t you touch her.”
Mor looked at Azriel - and there was real fear there. Fear - and something else. She didn’t stop moving until she again kneeled beside him and pressed a hand to his wound. Azriel hissed-but covered her bloody fingers with his own.
Then in acowar, of course, he explodes at the High Lord meeting after Eris says that Mor dresses like a slut:
Azriel stopped.
Eris gasped for air as those scarred hands loosened. As Azriel turned his face towards me-
The frozen rage there rooted me to the spot. 
But beneath it, I could almost see the image that haunted him: the hand Mor had yanked away, her weeping, distraught face as she had screamed at Rhys.
And now, behind us, Mor was shaking in her chair. Pale and shaking.
And of course in acowar Azriel goes with Feyre to rescue Elain. This ties together all of his issues with Mor and his mother. IMHO, Azriel sees Elain as a second chance. He saves Elain in a way he failed to save Mor, and so he begins to transfer his need to protect and serve onto her.
Azriel’s refusal to let Mor assist in dangerous situations is similar to how he says no, Elain cannot help.
Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.”
*Note that it’s an “outright sign of temper” - not an outright sign of protectiveness, or caring, or concern, or worry. 
If being protective of another character is “mate behavior” or sign of a mating bond, then Azriel and Mor would be mated. There is far more evidence of him being overprotective of her than of Elain. So while we know that mates are protective (naturally!), Azriel’s protective tendencies are coming from something else - a combination of his failures to protect his mother and Mor.
In acofas, what Cassian jokes is Az being a stickler for manners in forcing everyone to wait for Elain, Rhys explains as being related to Azriel’s mother - not Elain or Cassian.
Rhys took a bite, gesturing with his knife for me to eat. Let’s just say it hit a little close to home. At my beat of confusion, he added, There are some scars when it comes to how his mother was treated. Many scars.
Again, it seems all well and good that Az was thinking about being polite, but Rhys tells us that it’s because of Azriel’s mommy issues! Which are understandable and important, but a clear example of Azriel trying to make up for poor treatment in one woman by overreacting around another.
In the acosf POV, when Az questions why he wasn’t mated with Elain (and he can smell bonds so wouldn’t he smell his own?) it’s not so much about Elain as the fact that he feels he did everything right this time. He saved the damsel. He was of service. Elain is safe and healthy and she seems much more amenable than Mor ever has. So what did he do wrong? This is the source of his anger, combined with his loneliness and desire for a shiny lovely mating bond of his own. 
When we think about Azriel’s motivations, it comes down to service and self-worth. He sees his main value or purpose as saving others from harm, and when he was barely into adulthood he failed in that duty for the two most important women in his life. Hence his need to overcompensate around Mor, and now Elain.
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ghostinthebau · 5 years
Super Fanfic Rec List -- Iron Dad Edition (because I just wanna share the love)
I’ve had such a blast reading fanfic of the IronDad and SpiderSon variety over the last 6 months or so, and I thought I’d just make a rec list of some of my favorite stories.  Most of them are angsty, with whump and hurt/comfort because that’s what I live for.  
This is in no particular order or in any way complete because there’s just way too many amazing fics/authors in the Iron Dad fandom, but it will still be hella long, so....here goes! 
First off, @yellowdistress:
What We Are series - Bio-dad Tony series that goes all the way through Infinity War.  Endgame AU.
Someday I’ll Make it Out of Here series - Adoption AU!  It’s so good.
The Missing 92 Days - A take on HYDRA Peter that destroyed me emotionally.
Reviving Peter Parker - This about killed me.  Peter actually died during his fight with Toomes and SHIELD brings him back a la the TAHITI project like they did with Phil Coulson.  
A Sailor Went to Sea - Gut-wrenching Endgame fix it.  
Double, Double
Webcams and Webshooters series
I Never Lived ‘Til I Lived In Your Light series - !!! TISSUE WARNING !!! Peter dies, but there’s another one shot with a happier ending if you need it.
And You’ll Blow Us All Away - Adoption fic!  A lovely one at that.
5 Times Peter’s Mental Illness Made Him Stumble And The 1 Time He Refused To Falter - I really love a well-depicted take on mental illness, and losingmymindtonight delivered 100%.
If You Can’t Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest)
Cyanide? In My Shawarma?
The Guardian - Adoption AU with a lovely Loki and Peter friendship!
Radioactive - Peter endures the after effects of the spider bite, and scares bio-dad Tony to death.  Lovely, lovely, lovely.
The Good Fight - Peter gets hurt at the airport in Germany instead of Rhodey.  
ever in your favor - Hunger Games AU and an epic work of art!  
Lazarus, come forth - The Endgame fix it before Endgame.  Peter will break your heart.
dear mr. fantasy
this isn’t a game - Highly underrated fic based off the PS4 Spider-Man game.  I’ve never even played the game, and I loved this story.
what if there is no tomorrow? - This story actually made me kinda like Justin Hammer, if you can believe it.  
hydra’s not a home series - HYDRA Peter, and also bio-dad Tony and bio-mom Pepper!
i’ll find you in the drift - Pacific Rim AU, and I have never seen PR, but I adored this so much.
it’s okay, we’re okay [whumpvember 2018] series
Lights To Guide You Home series - Another adoption AU.  They are my weakness, and this is one of the best out there.  
... and when you can’t crawl ...
Damaged At Best (Like You’ve Already Figured Out)
No Life But This
come morning light (you and I’ll be safe and sound)
Burying Grounds - Eeeek!  Tony has to choose between saving Peter or Pepper and it hurts.
hold on, hold on
Something the Soul Needs
turn back the clock (and I’ll try again in the morning)
when my body won’t hold me anymore (where will I go)
They have so many other lovely looking fics--including an adoption au series (which I, of course, love), but I just haven’t gotten around to reading them yet.  I’m pretty sure anything they write is golden.  :)
It’s Always the Little Things
I’m sure their other fic, The Third Option, is fantastic and I really, really wanna read it but I’m trying so hard to wait until it’s complete!  It’s really difficult to wait, though, tbh....I may give in soon.  
Twelve Days Of Peter Parker - So cute and fluffy, and then it kills you at the end.
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud
5 Times Tony Didn’t Need To Worry About Peter
5 Times Peter Pretended To Be Tougher Than He Was
Between how it is and how it should be - This story made me love a Peter and Bucky friendship.
Identity Theft - This was one of the very first Iron Dad fics I read, and it was a doozy.  Full of whump, medical accuracy, and hurt/comfort!  The author is posting a sequel now, too: Identity Crisis.  :D
For Pete’s Sake!
Goner - A perfectly heartbreaking kidnapping fic, but heed the warnings!
Who Saves The Hero
Never Meet Your Heroes
i’m the satellite (and you’re the sky) - Tony is Peter’s bio-dad but Peter doesn’t know it.  I haven’t actually finished this yet, but it’s good.  So, so good.
built from scraps - YOU GUYS, this is one of the best fics I’ve read on AO3.  It’s a ‘Tony gets dusted instead of Peter’ AU, and it’s got such an amazing dynamic between Peter, Pepper, and Morgan.  It’ll also make you tear up a few times, at least.
Sins of the Fathers - So, I’ve only read the first 5 chapters of this epic length (303k words@) adoption AU so far, but I’m LOVING it so I wanted to add it here.  They also have an even longer bio-dad Tony with added Stony bonus series, Pieces of Echoes, that they’re posting the 3rd installment to right now.  I’ll definitely be checking it out!
let’s kick it
like a bridge over troubled water
it’ll be over (and I’ll still be asking when)
where the memories reside
Quieting the Void series - Peter kinda has an eating disorder due to the spider bite, so take care if you read!
Poison Apple - Loved how medically accurate this was, and Ned’s reaction to Peter’s condition was heartbreaking.
It Hurts to Become
Someday We’ll Know - This is a Walk to Remember AU, so there’s MCD.  I’ve gotten about halfway through, but I can only read it when I’m in the right mindset.  But it’s lovely and so well done.  
This author has so many fics that I’m sure are amazing, and they’re on my ‘to read’ list when I’m in the mood for beautiful Spideychelle stories.
The Primary Reason Tony Stark Would Throw Down With an Anti-Vaxxer in the Street - Hella scary depiction of Peter with tetanus, and it’s SO GOOD.
it all comes back to this
skeletons series
to build a home series - I love recovery fics, and this was a beautiful story of Peter dealing with the aftermath of being snapped and coming back.
lay your weary head to rest
Exploding Head Syndrome - Everyone comes back when the snap is reversed, but Peter is sort of catatonic--stuck between the living world and the soul stone where he’s with Gamora.  It’s such a lovely fic.
It’s a Little Bit We Do
Danger Pizza
oh, darling - Peter’s kidnapped and Tony frantically searches for him--one of my favorite things.  Peter uses his smarts to help him get out of the situation, too, which is also one of my favorite things.
don’t think about tomorrow. 
Broken Thoughts (I Remember Everything)
Leave Me to Dream
A Nightmare to Remember
Accepting the Tides - Here I am with another adoption AU.  Can you see a pattern yet?  I love them, and this one has danger and whump and comfort as well.  
they are standing in the garden - This hurt.  Several times the author had me tearing up and there’s a few lines that will stay with me forever.  It was just immensely lovely to read.
At the Start of the Universe - This was so much better than I was expecting! Peter is an Angel, and he knows Tony from the very beginning of the universe. It’s different, but absolutely gorgeous.
somewhere outside my life - I don’t wanna say too much, but just read this.  It’ll break you and you’ll love it.
too bad (but it’s the life you lead)
The Fire’s Out (But Still It Burns)  
Like A Strike of Lightning - I kinda took this as a demonic possession a la Supernatural, but I don’t think it actually was.  Either way, it was fantastic.
five, tops
The World Stopped
Into His Fold series - Where Thanos brings Peter back from the ashes to make him into his new son (a la Nebula and Gamora).
Doom and Gloom - A ‘Peter doesn’t get dusted’ AU, filled with whump and Iron Dad and an awesome Carol Danvers.  Angst!!!
Dust and Blood - Peter is hurt much worse when Toomes drops the building on him.  More angst!!!!  This author does angst very well.
You don’t have to hold your head up high - Peter can’t thermoregulate!  I love that trope.
All the Things We’ve Lost (And All the Things We’ve Gained) - This one gutted me, and then made it better.  But there’s pain to be had before the comfort!
They just posted the first chapter of a new WIP that looks AMAZING, too: Can’t Part the Sea, Can’t Reach the Shore.
foolish, fragile spine - Peter’s severely injured in his fight with Adrian Toomes and Tony finds him.  
god did not craft us as altars, but as dying gods - Okay, guys.  This one is heavy.  It deals with Skip coming back into Peter’s life, and it’s not pretty but it’s handled superbly.  It’s a tough read, but one I definitely recommend if you can handle it.  Take care of yourselves first and foremost, though.  <3
~ ~ ~ I’m not sure if the following authors have a tumblr, so I just linked their AO3 pages ~ ~ ~
Only for a Little While - This is a Titanic AU, and it’s AMAZING.  There’s several scenes that just took my breath away and brought me to tears (not an easy feat). They’re also working on a WWI sequel!!!!
the one who made it out - Short, simple in a gorgeous way, and poignant.  
And finally, I thought I’d humbly add my own little contribution to the fandom.  So far, I’ve only written the one fic, but I hope to write more in the future!
For Want of a Dad (in need of a son) - There’s a bit of blood, and a very distraught Tony at one point, so warning for angst and injury!
Again, this list is probably severely lacking, and if someone has a rec that’s not on here please please please reblog this and let me know!  I’m always in the mood for more fics.  
And I hope anyone reading this finds something they enjoy!  
I’m sure you will.  
ilu 3,000
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