#alright time to catch up on these đŸ˜€
a-strange-inkling · 1 year
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Day 17: Angels
New York, New York 1994
His littlest angel runs down the school hallway, looking like an actual cherub in her white robe and the feathery white wings tied to her back. The slightly crooked gold halo on top of her curls is the only indication of her true nature under all that heavenly beauty.
“You made it! You made it!” she cries happily, before tripping on her skirt and falling face forward, wiping out with a slide, her halo flying off and rolling down the tile.
“Oof, Maggie, you okay?” he quickens his pace, reaching down to help her up.
“I’m okay!” she raises her arm in assurance.
Chrissy and Olivia are hurrying behind her after seeing her fall.
He lifts her up at arms length to check her over, making sure she’s alright. Luckily it looks like she landed on her tummy rather than her chin or her head. He breathes a chuckle, hugging her close. “Little fall from grace there, huh?” He kisses the top of her hair as he fishes around for her halo on the ground.
“There we go,” he tells her, straightening it on top of her. “Don’t want the rest of the angel choir to know which department you really work for.”
“Thanks, Dad!” she fluffs her curls with a big toothy smile. “Do I look beautiful?”
“Absolutely beautiful.” he tells her.
They’re quite the contrast, the both of them, his little golden-haired, blue-eyed angel baby and his dark-haired, dark-eyed self, still in his stage get up. He was short on time and had to hush over right after the gig uptown to make it. Nothing too edgy, but he's still all in black. Black jeans with chains, heavy combat boots, and a tight black t-shirt with his tattoos and scars on display. Relatively tame, but maybe a bit much for an elementary school’s Christmas concert.
Chrissy reaches them with a relieved sigh. “Maggie, you know you shouldn’t be running.”
“I’m okay, Mom,” she tells her, glancing over her shoulder. “Are my wings straight?”
“A little lopsided, believe it or not.” She looks skyward as she adjusts the feathery extensions of her costume.
“Livvy, you look so beautiful,” Eddie gasps when his oldest springs forward to hug him around the waist. She’s wearing an identical costume to Maggie except she has a pair of golden wings. She smiles brightly and sways her skirt a little.
“Thanks, Daddy, I almost thought you weren’t going to make it.” she tells him.
“And miss your solo, are you kidding me!?” he exclaims, turning to find Chrissy smiling up at him in amusement.
“What?” he laughs. “Why are you looking at me?”
She snickers, leaning up and brushing her pointer finger under his eye, giving him a sudden flashback to the Middle School talent show. It’s kind of pathetic that she still makes his heart race and his palms sweaty. “You still have your eyeliner on.” she giggles.
“No way!” he smiles slowly, finding a security mirror to see that he indeed forgot to wash off his heavy stage makeup. “Oops... better go take care of that.”
Chrissy’s smile grows. “But I like it!”
“Oh, you do, do you?” he smirks crookedly, leaning down.
“Mmhmm.” she nods, meeting him half way with a quick kiss.
“Ew,” Maggie makes a gagging noise. “Don’t kiss him, Mom!”
“Ahem!” Ms. Foltz clears her throat loudly in the doorway of the auditorium, clapping her hands sharply. “Excuse me, little Miss Munsons, I need all my angels backstage immediately, let’s go, let’s goooo!”
“Alright, break a leg up there, girls!” Eddie says, setting Maggie down and giving them both a quick squeeze before they scurry inside. Foltz gives him a disapproving up and down stare, nose slightly in the air, her pencil thin eyebrow raised high.
“Hey there, Peggy,” he shoots her a wink, wrapping an arm around Chrissy.
“...Edward.” she sighs tiredly.
“You sure you don’t need me up there?” he asks with a wolfish grin. “I’ve got my amp in my trunk, I can round up the boys, get this place really rocking, what do you say?”
She humphs audibly with a shake of her head. “I told you that I don’t appreciate that snark of yours, Mr. Munson.” she replies dismissively, following after the girls with a swing of her silk scarf.
“Watch out sweetheart,” Eddie cackles as they go to settle into their seats. “I think she has a little bit of a thing for me.”
Chrissy gives him a nudge with her elbow. “How was your show?” she asks.
“It was really great
 up until Jimmy jumped out into the crowd.” he replies, nodding and smiling tightly at the other parents who are giving him the side eye.
“They didn’t bring him back?” Chrissy guesses as they sit down.
“They didn’t bring him back.” Eddie nods solemnly.
“He’s got to stop doing that.” she sighs.
“I told him he’s too pretty for that shit, one of these times he’s actually going to get kidnapped.” Eddie rolls his eyes as the lights begin to dim. “Gareth managed to fish him out.”
They quiet down as the curtain opens and about thirty little angels come shyly wandering out to serenade them with Christmas songs. It’s pretty damn adorable, Eddie has to admit.
They both get teary when Olivia steps up nervously on the little step and sings her solo line of Angels We Have Heard on High.
“Oh my God,” Eddie half whispers, half cries in amazement. “We made her!”
“I know!” Chrissy whispers back, placing a hand over chest.
Tiny Maggie spots him from where she is lined up with the other preschoolers on the stage and waves happily. He waves back, scrunching his nose at her. Her big blue eyes dart to where the shadowy figure of Ms. Foltz is standing backstage for a split second before she looks back at him mischievously, making a quick devil face.
Eddie’s mouth drops open with a shocked laugh as Chrissy gasps from beside him.
Pretty much everyone catches it and there is a muted snickering throughout the theater at seeing such a perfect little angel making such a devilish expression.
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wrongplacerighttime · 5 months
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agent!harry x agent!fmc
the one where grace and harry are agents on a case, and they have to go undercover to get closer to their suspect. however, tensions come to light when they’re undercover in a sex club, and harry just can’t take it anymore.
little bit of plot, mostly smut slcksxkskc but i LOVE IT ANYWAY. don’t come for me. đŸ˜€
wc: ~5k.
tw: MDNI 18+!!!, talks of murder, drinking, sex club, dom!harry, stubborn!oc
part two here // little bunny masterlist
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little bunny
The club Grace stood in front of was designed to be discreet to any unassuming passerby. Her coat was pulled tightly around her, hiding the expensive lingerie set she had bought specifically for the occasion. She had never been somewhere like this, and she felt out of place. The building sat flush with the rest on the block, the architecture of history’s past was accentuated with up to date brick and mortar, black metal accents adorning the doors and tinted windows. She was nervous, and walking into a somewhat dangerous situation. She stepped into the darkened club after showing her ID to the security guard in the foyer. She almost refuses to take away her only barrier between her dignity and indecency, reluctantly handing her coat over to the man standing by the coat closet, but she does, acknowledging to herself that she needed to play the part of a cheating wife here to find a man to satisfy her in a way her husband can’t.
She moves on light footsteps further into the building, the stench of sex diluted by cigarette smoke filtered into her lungs. She puts on a face of false confidence, taking all her strength to not hug her arms tightly around her body to hide her figure from the prying eyes in the room. There are men surrounding the bar, some of them sporting tan lines where wedding rings are missing, a detail often overlooked by most. They’re only here to get an easy, quick fuck while their wives are home not suspecting a thing. She wrinkles her nose before correcting her expression and runs a hand through her hair, looking around the area as she inhales and tries to shake the nerves away while pulling on the dreaded collar that her female coworker insisted she should wear to “help get into character”. “It’s just part of the costume,” she reminds herself while making her way to a bar stool.
“Weston, are you alright so far? We’re about to send Styles in.” She hears Aaron, her boss, in her earpiece, static interfering with their signal. She discreetly adjusts the position of it in her ear before answering.
“Yep. Just peachy.” She sarcastically answered under her breath, silently wishing she were anywhere else. She feels exposed and the fake wedding band is uncomfortable and feels tight, like it's holding her finger in a vice. She moves further into the club, making sure the ring is visible to any patrons that may be watching her.
She didn’t want to be here, but realistically, she knew she was the only chance they had to catch the suspect they’d been hunting for just over a week now. They have concluded that the suspect is a recently divorced man who is using surrogates for his murders, dumping them on the streets of Seattle and somehow hasn’t been caught yet. All of the victims were last seen at this club. They haven’t had any reason to arrest him yet, because otherwise he’s a perfect law abiding citizen, and unless they have proof beyond a reasonable doubt, they can’t get a search warrant issued. The only thing they’re going on is that the women he’s kidnapped from this club look eerily similar to his ex wife, and he takes a souvenir from them every time. Their wedding rings.
Grace lifts her gaze from her glass to look around the room, and her eyes briefly catch as the man beside her looks her up and down before turning back to his drink. She feels her cheeks redden slightly, thankful that she was wearing a decent amount of makeup to hide the stain of embarrassment. She would never be seen in something like this, even with her sexual partners. And she never wanted to admit but her sex life was pretty vanilla compared to this. She was dreading that Harry, of all people, was going to be seeing her like this. She only saw one of her coworkers before she had to go inside, and if she had a choice she wouldn’t have seen any of them. There was a knock on her hotel door that interrupted her just as she was putting on her coat to cover up. When she answered the door she expected it to be one of the other women she worked with checking on her, so she didn’t button up. To her dismay it was Sean, their tech guy. She needed to be hooked to an earpiece so she had to suffer through the breath catching in his throat and his endless stutters as he helped her hook with the new technology she was unfamiliar with. And of course, because it was Sean, it was more awkward than it needed to be.
“I’m inside.” She hears Harry’s voice through the speaker hidden in her ear behind her hair as she swallows down the martini she ordered, thankful that they were making an exception to the no alcohol on the job rule. She had a feeling she’d need a little bit of a buzz to deal with Harry tonight, and there was no telling how much time would pass before they got what they needed. Her boss told her to only accept drinks that she had watched be made, as if she didn’t already possess the common knowledge and she wasn’t a federal agent. Her eyes flitted around the room and she caught sight of Harry as he passed the bar and made his way to a location that wasn’t in her line of sight from where she was sitting.
The plan that she and Harry would be the ones undercover wasn’t her own. Harry had suggested it, and because it was his idea, it was the best one and it needed to be executed. Grace would be playing the part of the married woman here to cheat on her husband while he was at home not suspecting a thing. Harry just had to be the one she seduced and left with. They had no way of knowing for sure if the suspect would be there tonight, they were just betting on his timeline being the same as it has been for the past three murders. If he was there, there was no way to know if he would actually set his sights on her. As fucked up as it sounds, Grace hoped he would so she didn’t have to do this again, and she really wanted to be the one to cuff this scumbag. She glanced around the bar, hoping to see his face in the sea of sleazy men. She studies every single patron sitting within her line of sight, and finally, her eyes land on him. Jesse Baker. His dirty blonde hair was greasy on top of his head, and he was sipping on a glass of beer. She stares at him for a moment, willing him to look her way as if he could read her thoughts. After a beat, his eyes meet hers and she feels a shiver up her spine. She doesn’t react, she just makes sure her left hand is in view so he sees the gold ring adorning her finger. She knows he’s seen it when he scowls at her, and if looks could kill she’d already be dead.
“He’s spotted me.” Grace says quietly under her breath, looking away so he doesn’t see her mouth moving. “I’m on the move.”
“Did he see the wedding ring?” Aaron asks. Grace stands taking her glass with her and walking away from the bar.
“Yeah. He saw. Where are you, Styles?”
“Back corner.” His voice is low in her ear and she shivers again, this time for a different reason. There's always been some kind of tension between them, and Grace is no stranger to the way he looks at her when he thinks she doesn’t notice. But he’s never approached her that way, and all they do is bicker back and forth about the correct plan of action on every single case they work together. To him she’s always wrong and he’s always right, and when she is right he doesn’t even acknowledge it, just grumbles something about a ‘lucky guess’ and walks away. She saunters around the bar walking right past their suspect, spotting Harry in the far back of the club. A woman seems to be eyeing him from her table so Grace quickly makes her way to him before he’s stuck in a situation that would be counterintuitive to the reason they were here in the first place.
His eyes meet hers before trailing down to the black lace that covers her from her chest to the tops of her thighs, leaving little to imagination. And he has imagined it. Every time she juts her lip out in concentration, or everytime she gives him her endless attitude he so desperately wanted to put in its place. He shifts in his seat, biting the inside of his cheek before leaning forward and setting his glass down on the small table in front of him. She smiles nervously at him as she moves closer and when she’s within arms reach, he grabs her wrist and pulls her onto his lap.
“H-hey.” Grace stutters and catches herself on the back of the booth, caging his head between her arms. She tilts her head slightly and she wraps one arm around the back of his shoulders after she steadies herself. He lightly drags the tip of his nose up her neck before bumping it against her ear and she swallows a breath that she didn’t realize she was holding.
“Just playing the part, don’t want him to get suspicious.” He mutters and she nods, making herself comfortable, and while he was the one to pull her into his lap, he doesn’t touch her any further than that. Movement catches the corner of her eye and she notices Jesse moving closer to them. She watches him from her peripheral as he takes a seat at the booth behind them, facing them with his legs spread out and resting his drink on his knee while he holds the glass by the rim. She buries her nose in Harry’s hair, breathing in the delicious scent of whatever product he had in it and placing a kiss against his temple, her lips barely brushing over his skin.
“He’s behind us.” She mumbles, moving to straddle over his hips without thinking, just wanting to be able to keep her eye on Jesse. She hears him clear his throat, keeping his hands beside him on the seat and she’s sure they’re about to give away their guise because Harry is way too tense for someone who would’ve been expecting this. She brings her lips to his neck, taking his skin between her teeth before kissing over the spot. She hears him curse under his breath, clenching his hands into fists on the booth. “Do something with your hands, you need to make yourself a little more convincing.” She breathes against his ear and he nods once before placing his hands on her hips and squeezing lightly. Just as she was about to say something else, they’re interrupted by a woman dressed all too similarly to Grace. She’s tall, at least 6’ in her heels and she has long fiery-red hair cascading down her back, her neck adorned with a black leather collar.
“Look at you two getting all cozy.” Her eyes flick between Grace and Harry before narrowing. “There’s private rooms down that hallway over there,” she gestures with her hand, Harry’s gaze follows and he nods at her, flashing a wide smile her way.
“Thank you.” He croons and snakes his hand down from Grace’s hip to the swell of her ass, palming and gripping onto her as the woman’s eyes follow his touch.
“I’m not sure if we’ll need one tonight, I’m trying to teach her how to control and behave herself, she’s a bratty little bunny, aren’t you?” He turns his head and mutters the last few words against the skin between her breasts, his hot breath billowing outwards as he licks a stripe upwards to her collarbone. She whimpers and grinds against him purely out of habit from the pleasure building, and when she does she’s surprised to feel him hard under her. She nods shyly and his finger hooks under her collar, pulling lightly and tilting his head.
“Words, baby. Be polite.” He purrs at her, and it takes all of her mental strength to not widen her eyes at him.
“Y-yes sir.” Is all she can answer, her cheeks reddening slightly and she buries her face in his neck. He brings a hand up, trailing it down her spine with featherlight fingertips. He pushes her to stand, spinning her around before pulling her back down onto his lap, except she’s facing away from him now and he brings his hands over the expanse of her thighs before squeezing there, dimpling the skin. The nameless woman still standing and watching the interaction, clicks her tongue once and her eyes look back to where Jesse still sits. Grace watches her, noticing the way her eyes are narrowing at him and the way she shakes her head, like they’re communicating with each other telepathically. She turns her head back to Harry and Grace, plastering a fake smile on her face.
“Well. If you need anything, just let me know.” She eyes Grace up and down before turning and walking away. Grace waits until she’s out of hearing range before craning her neck to look at Harry over her shoulder. His eyes meet hers briefly before he looks away.
“Little warning would have been nice.” She grumbles as he scoffs.
“Yeah, how exactly did you expect me to do that?” He whispers with annoyance lacing his tone, bringing his mouth to her shoulder blade and kissing lightly. A burst of pleasure runs down her spine and she grinds against him, causing a hiss to fall from between his gritted teeth and he grips her hips tightly, moving her so the pressure isn’t against his cock straining in his pants. She chooses to ignore it for the time being.
“Did you notice her looking at him?” She mutters and he nods, keeping his hands tight on her hips. She doesn’t know how much longer she can do this, and she hates to admit that Harry looks extremely delectable tonight, his hair styled to perfection on top of his head, dressed in black dress pants with a white button up loosely fitting his torso
unbuttoned enough to give her just a hint of the butterfly tattooed on his abs. She catches herself thinking about how it would feel to trail her tongue over it before she forces the image away from her mind and focuses on the task at hand.
About a half an hour passes of them bantering back and forth, Jesse watching them the entire time while they exchange just enough physical contact to make it believable. Grace has been drinking and it’s coming to a head, feeling tipsy now and a little more brave. She tangles her hands in Harry’s hair, the fake ring is visible to their suspect as she does so, watching as he narrows his eyes at her and Harry. She feels her arousal pooling on the material of the lingerie as she pushes her center against him and he leans his head back and lets out a soft groan. She watches his eyes flutter closed as he moves her hips over his erection. When he opens them back up to see her smirking down at him, she notices something primal in his expression. He stands abruptly, pushing her off of him in the process and grabbing her hand, leading her down the hallway of private rooms.
“Harry, what are you doing?” She whisper-yells at him, her words running together from slight intoxication but he doesn’t answer. He finds a door cracked open, poking his head inside and making sure it's unoccupied. He pulls her inside, closing the door and locking it behind them before he spins her around and pushes her against it. Grace jumps when a voice speaks in her ear.
“What's going on?” Aaron asks both of them and Harry curses under his breath and drops his head to her shoulder, both of them forgetting about the earpieces up until that moment.
“Give us a minute, new information. Need to come up with a plan.” He lies as he stares directly into Grace’s eyes with dark, blown out pupils, licking his lower lip before pulling it between his teeth
“Styles, we need to know your location in the club at all times.” Aaron scolds him and he shakes his head.
“Do you trust us?” He asks and Aaron responds with a hesitant yes. “Okay. Then give us a minute.” He says before ripping out his earpiece. He does the same with Grace’s, and then his lips crash to hers. She moans into the kiss, opening her mouth and giving him access to her. His tongue darts in and he’s running his hands up to the hair at the nape of her neck, pulling hard enough for her to yelp and he attaches his lips to her pulse point.
“You play dirty.” He mutters against her skin before pulling back and she gives him a devilish grin.
“Didn’t know I needed to play fair.” She remarks, feigning innocence and he pulls her hair again as she hisses through her teeth.
“Think I don’t know what you’re doing?” He seethes and she smiles again. “Think you can just prance over to me in this slutty little outfit and not expect me to want to shove my cock inside you?” He asks, tilting his head slightly and her eyes flutter closed at his words, a switch inside him flipping almost instantaneously. He thinks he has her right where he wants her, but she’s not going to give him what he wants that easily.
While still fisting her hair, he pulls her away from the door and shoves her down onto the sofa in the middle of the room. He flips her over, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her ass up in the air. She squirms underneath him, and he runs his hand softly up the back of her exposed thigh. She shivers, goosebumps forming at his gentle touch. He gives no warning before he pushes the material keeping her wet center covered to the side. He drags a finger through her arousal before shoving it into her and she cries out. He hums with satisfaction, feeling the way she clenches on his fingers at the intrusion.
“You’re dripping. All for me, sweet girl?” He coos at her but she doesn’t answer, instead her jaw falling slack as he pumps his finger in and out of her. His eyes flare with lust, but he stops all together causing her to whimper. “Need you to use your words or I’ll stop.” He demands, the change in his tone giving her whiplash.
“Y-you wish.” She stutters, trying to sound confident, and he knows she’s trying to put up a front, and he doesn’t like her answer. He smacks her ass, hard. He clicks his tongue, gently rubbing the area quickly turning red with his handprint.
“Want to rethink that?” His voice is low. She tries to push her hips back against him, searching for any friction but he doesn’t let her.
“Look at you, such a needy little bunny. You knew what you were doing getting me all riled up.” He croons, bending over her body and nipping at her ear. The pet name he used earlier brings a heat swirling into her belly, a feeling that she craved.
“Wasn’t doing anything. Just playing the part like you told me to.” She lies through her teeth in a breathy tone.
“Hmm. S’that why you’re all wet, then?” He pushes two fingers into her and her eyes flutter closed as she bites her bottom lip. He pumps and curls, stretching her so deliciously it makes her toes curl. He goes deeper, all the way too the knuckle and she feels the tightening of the coil inside her belly. She’s close, so close. He pulls his fingers away from her and her chest heaves at the empty feeling, tearing her away from the edge just as she was about to tumble over. He sits on the couch beside her, pulling her onto his lap and she straddles his hips. He pulls the top of her outfit down, exposing her breasts to him. In the same second, he attaches his mouth to one of her nipples while pinching the other between his thumb and finger. She throws her head back and grinds her hips down over his cock still confined behind the zipper.
“I hate you.” She moans as he lightly bites and sucks on her nipple. She’s breathless as she says it, and he bucks his hips to meet hers.
“You have a funny way of showing it.” He mumbles against her skin, reaching a hand between their bodies and rubbing over her clit. She falls forward, her head falling against his shoulder as he rubs circles at a slow, torturous pace.
“You think you’re so great? You think every woman who looks your way wants you? Like you’re God’s gift to them?” She huffs, not realizing the irony of her words and the position she’s in due to the insatiable want clouding her mind.
“And yet here you are.” He mutters, the corner of his mouth pulling into a half smile and she rolls her eyes. He grabs her face, forcing her to look at him. His pupils are blown out and he tilts his head, studying her like he’s a predator hunting his prey, knowing she’s about to say something smart again and nipping it in the bud before it has the chance to escape her lips.
“Attitude.” He says pointedly, squeezing her cheeks and she can’t help the whine that builds in her throat and betrays her. “Be a good little bunny or I won’t let you cum.” He threatens and she swallows her words down without so much as a sigh.
Her hands fall from his chest and to his pants, fumbling with the button and unzipping them. He lifts his hips and pulls them down just enough and his cock springs free from where it was confined behind his zipper. Her eyes widen and her mouth waters, wanting nothing more than to drop to her knees and take him down her throat at the sight of him. He watches her for a beat before pulling her face back to him and kissing her, shoving his tongue into her mouth aggressively.
In an instant, he’s gripping the backs of her thighs and lifting her as he stands from the sofa without detaching his mouth from hers. Her hands grip his hair, pulling at the root and he groans into the kiss, her back meeting the cool surface of the wall across the room. She feels the head of his cock at her entrance, and she wiggles her hips against him in an attempt to push him into her, begging for more contact. He holds her steady, and she’s unsuccessful in her efforts as she whimpers into his mouth. He pulls away far enough to meet her eyes, her chest heaving and her eyes pleading for him.
“Beg me for it.” He demands, breathless. The look in her eyes shifts, and she narrows them at him.
“Fuck you.” She seethes, her usual personality fighting to stay dominant over the one she wants to slip into. He holds her up with one hand, bringing the other up to grab the collar still strapped around her throat. He pulls, bringing her forehead to his, the tips of their noses touching and she feels her air supply dwindling.
“Beg. Or I’ll leave you in here, your pretty little pussy all weepy and empty.” He grits through his teeth and she can’t deny she wants him like this always. He lets go and she sucks in a breath that she desperately needed. She’s stunned for a moment, this side of him still new to her. She’s itching to provoke him further, just to see how far he’ll go. But she also just really wants him to fuck her,
“Please.” She whispers and he laughs, shaking his head slightly
“You can do better than that, bunny.” His voice is low and gravely, and she can tell he’s holding himself back. She sighs, throwing her head back against the wall. He waits, and when she lifts her head to look at him again, she gives him a look that reads mischief.
“Please, oh please, give me your cock, sir, I need it, need it so bad. Plea—” Her fake, whiny voice is cut off by him slamming his cock into her and she feels the breath whoosh from her lungs. Tears prick the corner of her eyes at the sting of him stretching her, and it’s all she knows. All she feels. Her head falls forward against his shoulder and she cries out from pleasure sparking down her spine.
“God, you look so much better when you just shut up.” He grits with annoyance, breath heavy in his lungs as she squeezes him perfectly. He tosses his head back as he sets a slow, torturous pace. Her hands find his hair again, holding the back of his head and fisting his hair for something to grip as he pulls out to the tip before driving back into her. She’s a mess of moans and whines and she lifts her head from his shoulder and arches her back against the wall. His mouth finds her throat, lapping and sucking on her skin. She knows she won’t last, and he can sense it too, the way she’s clenching him and bucking into him. He brings one hand up between her thighs, pressing lightly on her clit with his thumb, rubbing small circles with light pressure and his name falls from her lips in breathy moans.
“That’s it
cum for me. Know you want to.” He encourages her, and the sparks dancing down her spine travel right to her center and turn to flames of pleasure
desire. He presses her clit once, and that’s it, all she needs. She comes completely undone, tipping over the edge and dropping her head to his shoulder once more, her pussy squeezing him and willing him to come inside her. He groans, a single bead of sweat dripping down his temple as he slams into her.
“Feel so fucking good cumming all over my cock, bunny. So good. Like you were made for me.” He’s breathless, his hips meeting hers one final time before he’s spilling into her, bringing his lips to hers in a sloppy kiss as he rides through it, moaning into her mouth, filling her until he slides out and he drips down her thighs.
Gently, he lowers her until her feet meet the floor. She stumbles, humming as he brings his hands to her face and wipes the mascara running down her cheeks with the back of his fingers. His eyebrows pull together as her eyes meet his. He makes sure she’s steady, pulling her lingerie back into place and tucking himself back into his pants and zipping them before walking away and finding their earpieces that he threw across the room.
“Now, you’re gonna leave this room with my cum dripping from that pretty little pussy. Let it run down your thighs. Gonna be a good little bunny and let them all see who you belong to, right?” Her head is fuzzy, and she nods without thinking. She can’t think straight, forgetting for a moment why they were even here in the first place. He checks his watch, and all of twenty minutes have passed feeling like hours. He situates the technology in her ear, then moves to his, clearing his throat before he speaks.
“Aaron. We have reason to believe he’s working with a partner. There’s a woman in here that he’s been communicating with, and I think she plays a part in luring the women to him.” He speaks clearly, as if he didn’t just have his cock buried inside Grace, wishing he had a little more time, and he realized he was going to be insatiable for her, already thinking about when he could have her next.
“We didn’t profile a partner?” Aaron sounds confused, and Harry’s eyes travel to Grace still leaning against the wall, trying to catch her breath without making it obvious to anyone listening.
“Grace and I went to a private room, Baker is going to assume he knows what we did in this room. He’s going to make a move, or his partner will. Need another body inside. Need more eyes on him.” Harry says, calm and collected. “It’s going to have to be a man, because I’m sure there’s no other women on our team dressed like Grace.” He mutters.
“Weston, are you there?” Aaron asks and his voice speaking directly to her snaps her back to reality quickly.
“Uh, yeah. Here. I’m here.” She makes her presence known.
“Alright. I’m coming in.” He says, and they both look at each other once before nodding. Grace feels the ache in her thighs as she walks towards the door, Harry behind her. He leans into her just as her hand reaches for the handle.
“Still hate me?” He whispers in her ear
“Always.” She mutters.
“Good. It’d be boring if you didn’t.” He smirks, his hand on her back as they exit the room. She knew she was ruined, already wanting more of him, more time with him.
But it’ll have to wait.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 3 months
Crush On Them
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Pairing: Nessian x Reader
Summary: When your small crush ends you up with you in their bed. MDNI
Warnings: Little smut with plot. A little fluff.
A/N: There isn't enough Nessian on this appđŸ˜€ also first time writing smut please forgive any mistakes and tell me your thoughts😁
You had always liked Cassian, from the moment the two of you met. Your crush was so obvious to everyone around you, it was like watching a lost puppy follow it's master. Everywhere Cassian went you were there, no matter where or what time. You would somehow always find yourself seeking Cassian's attention. You love having his eyes on you all the time, and you thought he did too.
But then Nesta came along.
She walked around with so much anger and hate towards everyone, you worried she would get in serious trouble because of her snappy mouth. Little did you know, she managed to pull off Cassian.
You were jealous as hell at the starting few months. But when they accepted their mating bond, the one you couldn't ever guess they had, all that jealousy and anger had dissolved in a pool of sadness.
You distant yourself after that.
Gave them the privacy they should have. After all who would want anyone lingering around them when their newly found mate was standing with them. It was very hard considering you lived in house of wind. The mating frenzy was disastrous. And the noises, gods, you would scratch out you ears if you could.
There were so many moments where you wondered if you wanted to be them, or be with them. Like the one morning while training, you and Azriel sparred while the newly mated took each other. In the small one minute you took to drink water, you nearly chocked to death, catching a glimpse of Cassian and Nesta.
The smooth and sweaty skin of Cassian not wearing any shirt, shining glitters thanks to the early morning rays, looked so good. Nesta, too, the fighting leathers hugged her body in all the right places. The slight smirk on both of their faces as they attacked and defenced each others moves with persistence. That was the first time you looked at Nesta, not with envy but admiration.
There were a lot of times where you thought maybe they want you too. Like the time you were shit drunk, coming back from Rita's.
You didn't realize how much you drank until you couldn't see straight. Cassian and Mor being the only ones there were to bring you back home but Mor having disappeared with someone, Cassian was left with the responsibility of taking you home.
"Where is Nesta, Cass?" The pout on your face seemed permanent for the night as he flyed to your house.
"Nesta's out with Gwen and Emerie for the night, remember?" His smile at your state seemed permanent too.
"Right! She told me about that!" You giggle to yourself. You were still babbling nonsense as he lands on the roof, walking to your bedroom with you still in his arms, not trusting yourself to walk without face planting on the floor.
"Alright, sweetheart. You should go to sleep now." He layes you down on the bed and gently removes you shoes and jewelry. Tucking you in, stilling smiling at you as you hum in comfort.
You don't remember much from the night but clearing remember his lips kissing you to sleep, lingering near your mouth as slumber pulls you in completly.
Or like the time you accidentally cut your finger while attempting to make dinner.
You hissed in pain, throwing down the knife to look at your first finger. You were so distracted by the smell from Nesta that reeked sex while walking into kitchen for a glass of water. She was at your side in a second, taking your hand with gentleness and aspecting the small cut that now bled red. Her lips thinned and eyes furrow just a little as she looked at you with a hint of worry.
She didn't say anything but take you finger in her mouth. Your breath hitched as her tounge swept over the injury, licking away the blood, all while keeping her eyes on yours. She pulled away when the cut healed, her lips curling at the sight of your flushed face, eyes on her lips and breathing heavily.
She pulled back and walked out of the kitchen, leaving you red faced and with a shocking realization of your crush on the female.
These along with all the other confusing interaction that happened with the couple left you speechless, having no idea what to take of them. Your small crush somehow growed into full on love feelings. You have no idea when it happened but you had realized it one day while readying (more like trying to read) a book that you loved them.
It killed you knowing they didn't share the feelings and having to see them together, loving each other, having to hear them together, everyday. It's not like you can go to all day missions like Azriel to get away. No. You had to say hear and endure it all without doing anything that raised questions.
Little did you knew, they knew about it all long before you knew yourself.
On their side, Cassian and Nesta were doing everything they could to talk to you, look at you, have your attention all to themselves. They loved playing with you and making you blush over the slightest of touches. They were working with each other from the start, trying to get to you confess your feelings to any one of them.
They loved watching you try to not look at them, try to control your blushing expressions, control your arousal around them. They found it funny whenever you stutter while talking when they eye your figure, found it annoying when someone else grabs your attention from them even for mere seconds.
Why do you think they are so loud at night? To have you listen to them. To only have them on your mind at nights, thinking of all the ways they would please and pleasure you.
They loved this game so damn much.
Which is why when you walk in on them in the exposing position, they smirk at you instead of scolding you away as you thought they would, they let you watch.
Watch how their naked bodies blend together. How Nesta's back to Cassian's chest plush against one another. On they're knees with his one arm holding her upright while the other rubbing her sweet botton and hers in his hair, clucking on for dear life as he slams himself into her again and again and again.
The sight waters your mouth.
Gods, you knew they had good bodies but your imagination does not do justice to the real thing. You knew he had a big cock but not could never guess the actual girth, and her body, the lipstick speared mouth, the peachy nipples begging to be sucked on, and her thighs...
You squeeze you thighs together as you look where they join, feeling yourself get so wet. The smell of sex heavy in the air and your hands form fists to keep from moving.
"Like watching us sweetheart?" Cassian's voice heard above the sweet little moans of Nesta. You nod once, not seeming to know what words are.
"Yeah? Wanna watch her cum for us?" You can hear the smirk in his voice. You nod again and he says,"Come here then, help me make her cum."
You swallow and move without thinking, kneeling in front of them on the bed, facing Nesta. Not knowing what to do, you look at him. "Come on, Y/N. Don't get shy on us now." His hips not stopping their blissful torture. You look into her eyes and lean forward, resting your hands on her waist and taking the pink bud of her breast into your mouth and suck.
Her moans coming out louder now, as Cassian grunts, enjoying the view of his girls. You take the other nipple between your fingers and pinch, and she cries out. Cassian letting go of her clit to hold her tighter for harder thrusts. Your other hand replacing his on her nub, moving in fast circles and you whisper, "Cum for us, Nesta."
She screams as her orgasm hits her, rocking her to her very core, harder then any she's had before. Cassian and you don't stop your movements, prolonging her pleasure. You only slow down when she whimpers, silently begging you to stop from overestimating her and Cassian pulls out of her heat.
Only deep heavy breaths sound in the room for a few seconds and she comes down from her high. You feel hard chest behind you at the same time Nesta grips your jaw, forcing your eyes on hers. Cassian's hands slid into your top, up to your breasts and Nesta orders.
"Now, your turn, sweetheart."
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princessbrunette · 5 months
Rafe is so the type of guy to start a casual yet mutually exclusive thing with his girl making a big a deal of emphasising “now baby I’ve got a lot of stuff going on in my life so I don’t have time for a relationship alright, this is just a bit of fun when we both need a little pick me up, you get that right sweetheart” and she’s all “of course Rafe 😊” but then he’d get all pissy when she doesn’t end up falling head over heels for him wkakajajaja. Like they’ve just finished five rounds and their last round was against his bedroom wall so she just kissed his cheek and says “good night Rafe â˜ș” before putting her clothes back in and seeing herself out of tannyhill whilst he’s stood there thinking “huh so she doesn’t wanna shower and spend the night with her head on my chest and beg me to wrap my arms around her as she sleeps, tf does she think she is, I’m Rafe motherfucking Cameron, girls ALWAYS cling to me hoping to spend the night in me bed” đŸ˜€. Another day and they’re at the country club and she’s chatting to her friends, Rafe chatting with his and he’s desperately trying to catch her eye the whole time. When he finally does she just smiles at him then gets back to talking with her girlies. And he’s pissed that she hasn’t walked over to him to climb like a tree and beg him to fuck her. Like he actually gets offended that she follows the rules he set out 😂 Clingly whiny pussy whipped Rafe simping for a nonchalant reader aksksjajaja he’d get so whiny and offended wwiajabwhq
i love this wierjfjdjsjs yeah he’s def the obsessed type whether or not he wants to “commit” or not bc he just wants to feel loved and will go to any length to reach that aw
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lily-174 · 2 years
prompt 41 with derek morgan please because i swear we don’t get enough ficsđŸ˜€ thank you :)
‘wait you’re being serious?’ derek morgan x reader
trigger warning: mentions of sex
you and derek had been seeing eachother for just under 6 months now, it had been a while and the two of you hadn’t had sex yet, you hadn’t even really done much. just a blow job here and there. you were busy people, derek working in the fbi and you being. firefighter. they were stressful and time consuming jobs. so the time you both did spend together the majority of the time you went on dates and did things together to make the most out of the time.
you had noticed derek getting a little bit riled up at smaller things recently, certain touches, you wearing something a little bit more revealing to bed, you could see he was getting wound up, and you thought maybe you should talk to him about it.
so when you got the message that he would be home when you finished your shift at the firehouse you were ecstatic. you couldn’t wait to see your handsome man. after all you hadn’t seen him in a week. you were counting down the minutes until you shift ended. thank god it was a slow day and you hadn’t got that many calls. so when a shift turned up you ran to the locker room to collect your stuff.
“hey y/l/n someone’s overly excited to get home today” walsh one of your colleagues laughed as you rushed putting your stuff in your bag.
“her mans home for once why do you think she’s so excited” brett her best friend winked and started laughing, the firehouse was your family you laughed at their jokes and rolled your eyes.
“see you guys in 48 hours” you said putting your bag over your shoulder and leaving, you walked outside getting in your car and drove home.
when you pulled up outside you saw dereks car outside and the lights on, you had a massive smile on your face as you walked in.
“babe i’m here” you said taking your shoes off at the door, he walked round the corner a smile matching yours on his face and you jumped into his arms.
“hey my pretty girl, did you miss me?” he smiled hugging you tightly.
you both made your way to the kitchen the both of you catching up and talking about your week, as you made dinner, rossi’s spaghetti. you both made your way over to the couch turning on the tv as you ate.
once you’d finished eating you cuddled up against derek on the couch under a nice warm blanket. dereks body heat always keeping you warm, your personal radiator. you had your head on his chest and your leg over him his arm was around you his hand laying on your ass. you were watching the tv when you felt something hard poking into your thigh. you giggled and looked up at him.
“sorry princess” he sighed, it wasn’t that he was embarrassed he just didn’t want you to feel pressured just because his body was thinking to far ahead.
“it’s alright der” you smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips, he smiled. he didn’t have a problem with the fact you hadn’t had sex, he just wanted to know why. maybe he was doing something wrong? or you didn’t feel comfortable with him?
“pretty girl, don’t take this the wrong way but i’d like to ask you something” he said sitting up slightly, you furrowed your eyebrows sitting up curious as to what he was going to say. even though you had a feeling you knew what he was going to ask.
“i don’t want this to come across as me pressuring you. because i have absolutely no problem in waiting, that’s not what this is at all. i’d just like to know if there’s a reason we haven’t gone all the way yet, just if i’m doing something wrong when we start getting intimate that makes you change your mind or if you just don’t feel safe with me yet? all we’ve done is you giving me head, it just doesn’t feel right to me, i want it to be about you. i want to make you feel good” he explained in the most polite way possible, it made your heart swell at the fact he wanted to make sure he wasn’t doing anything wrong, the fact he wants to make you feel good. derek was a god send. every woman deserves a man like him.
you didn’t really know how to respond though, suddenly the embarrassment from being an adult virgin made you feel beyond uncomfortable and anxious. you knew derek had a far bit of experience with woman and that kind of intimidated you. you sat consumed in your own thoughts until he spoke again.
“hey baby i’m right here, if something happened and that’s why. that’s okay you don’t have to explain it to me. or if you’re just not ready that’s okay. i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. i love you” he worried himself now, the way you froze up you didn’t even think how that would look, your boyfriend is a profiler your behaviour when it comes to talking about this probably worried him. a lot considering the things he’s seen.
“no no derek it’s not that. i’m um i’m a virgin” you blurted not wanting him to spend another second worrinf about you, he chuckled. you didn’t understand his response and just looked at him.
“wait, you’re being serious?” he stated, he was shocked how could a woman as beautiful as you not have had sex maybe you were waiting till marriage or you just hadn’t found the right guy yet. you nodded confirming the fact you were actually a virgin.
“are you waiting until marriage?” he asked with a shocked look on his face. it didn’t bother him, not at all he was just shocked.
“no i’m just waiting for the right guy.. and i think i’ve found him” you smiled moving to sit on his lap, his hands moved to your thighs.
“oh really? you found the right guy hmm? what’s his name?” derek teased as he gently caressed your thighs.
“derek morgan”
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justapossum · 4 months
Alright, first post on here so forgive me if it’s awful.
Let’s talk about my Warriors Rewrite (specifically the Three)
Who are their parents? Their biological parents are Mothwing and Leafpool. Their adoptive parent is Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight presents them to the Clan as her own kits, but they go unsired. The Clan respects this because it is a she-cat’s decision to reveal her kits’ lineage. (I am the biggest mothpool fan đŸ˜€)
Why do they have powers? StarClan has granted the power of the stars to the Three because they are Tiger Fire kin. This is their way of apologizing for/fixing their mistake of granting Tigerstar nine lives.
Jayfeather/wing: Jaykit wished to become a warrior, however his clanmates are concerned about how well he could defend his Clan. During the upcoming moons to his apprenticeship, Leafpool tells Mothwing about how ThunderClan is unsure whether to allow Jaykit to train as a warrior. Mothwing is taken back by this and decides to do something to persuade Firestar. She confronts Brightheart and Longtail at a Gathering and acts as a concerned medicine cat. She urges them to speak up for Jaykit and they agree (especially since Cloudtail is Jaykit’s first cousin). Brightheart and Longtail address their concerns to Firestar about how ThunderClan doesn’t see Jay as a capable independent cat. Firestar agrees and apologizes for how he was complicit in this mindset. Jaypaw trains as a warrior apprentice under both Longtail and Brightheart, honing his skills to become an excellent hunter and fighter. As a nod to Mothwing who convinced Brightheart and Longtail to speak up for Jay, Jaypaw is named Jaywing. When Longtail catches a nasty bout of greencough, Jaywing pleads for Leafpool to train him as a half medicine cat (half time med cat half time warrior). He wants to protect his mentor and realizes that maybe it’s not so bad to heal the cats he cares about.
Hollyleaf: Hollykit always longed to be a warrior. She upheld the warrior code more than any other cat in ThunderClan. She grew up hearing stories of Tigerstar’s tyranny from the elders and vowed to never misuse the code StarClan had so graciously provided the Clans. When ThunderClan was debating what to do with Jaykit, Hollykit begged Leafpool to make her a medicine cat apprentice instead. She would rather her brother live her dream of becoming a warrior than be stuck doing a job he never asked for. Leafpool is hesitant because she doesn’t want Hollykit stuck in a role she doesn’t want, but respects how determined she is to protect her brother (this reminds her of Squirrelflight) so she accepts. Hollypaw is really terrible at healing cats. She cannot comprehend any of the lessons Leafpool teaches her and almost comes to resent her decision to become a medicine cat. But she preserves for Jaykit until he’s finally made a warrior apprentice. During her training as a medicine cat, Squirrelflight trains Hollypaw as a warrior in their free time. Hollypaw asks Leafpool and Firestar for permission to train as a warrior. Both respect her strong desire to protect her brother and accept. When Firestar is about to dub her as a warrior, Hollypaw stops the ceremony to ask if she can be named Hollyleaf after Leafpool who never lost patience with her. (Leafpool nearly cries at this and so does Mothwing when she’s told).
Lionblaze: Lionkit was the biggest of the Three, leading to him taking a very protective role over his siblings. He and Hollykit were the first cats to speak up against how the Clan treated their brother unfairly. While Hollykit became a medicine cat apprentice to prevent Firestar from making Jaykit one, Lionkit flat out refused to be made into ANY apprentice. As long as Jaykit couldn’t become a warrior apprentice, Lionkit wouldn’t be one. This led to some of his clanmates seeing him as wasted potential and a disgrace to Fire Kin. Firestar would immediately shut that mindset down as soon as he heard it, but rumors would spread regardless. When Jaykit became an apprentice, Lionkit became one. They were both excited to train together and became as well known as Firepaw and Greypaw in their apprentice moons. Firestar names him Lionblaze after Whitestorm who sparked a blaze in Fire’s life. Everyone else just thinks he named Lionblaze after himself though. Lionblaze has a fierce sense of protection for his family. He would die for his family if his power allowed him. He is protective to a possessive point. He needs to know where his siblings are and who they're with at all times. This is probably the result of Tigerstar influencing him in the Dark Forest. He is highly defensive and this amps up his issues with Breezepelt because Breezepelt hates Firekin. Breezepelt would call them entitled and only half clan due to their kittypet roots. This leads to Lion lashing out physically out of rage, not realizing how strong he is compared to everyone. Despite his strength, Lionblaze is super caring of his Clan. He makes sure that his clanmates are eating and feel comfortable. He'll even help out the elders (despite it being considered an "apprentice's" job and causing some of his clanmates to snicker at him). He definitely inherited Firestar's caring nature (which could get him into trouble with his granddad like how Fire used to get into trouble with Bluestar).
Powers: Jaywing has the power to walk into cats’ dreams, Lionblaze has the power to be unharmed during battle, and Hollyleaf has the power to persuade cats to do as she says.
The tism has won. Hope you enjoyed this if you actually read it! This has been in my head for MONTHS. Literally clawing at the walls of my enclosure
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thegamingcatmom · 5 months
‘Tis I.. Mommy Ghost! đŸ‘‹đŸ» Here to stink up your ask box with my annoying lady stench once more! 😘
I hope that you are taking good care of yourself today 💖 and that Momma is giving you plenty of brain worms to inspire you. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say.. brain maggots. 😉đŸȘ±
I return to your ask box today with more of my nonsense, this time in the form of questions with regards to Momma’s delicious mouth. đŸ’‹đŸ„”
At the end of your most recent update of the shenanigans experienced by us, Momma’s little Drama Queen, you gave us the beginnings of an attempted kiss from Momma. And so, now seemed like the perfect time for me to hop into your inbox to broach your ideas and details of kissing our beloved Maggot Mommy. đŸ˜»đŸ˜˜
I am certain that any little maggot who is a slut for Momma must have at least considered what it would be like to kiss her.
I know damn well that we all took note of that tongue when Momma attacks poor Bridget. The exquisite length of it. The colour of it.. black as coal. The way that it was dripping with thick saliva. đŸ€€
Also the visually obvious fact that, for the majority of the film, Momma’s mouth is covered in a mixture of dried and congealed blood, and also frequently dripping with fresh blood from both her victims and her own wounds..đŸ˜»đŸ„”
With your version of Maggot Mommy, the body of Ellie being used as a vessel is strung somewhere between dead and alive.. undead, if you will. Yes? So, surely that must give the taste of her kisses a certain.. je ne sais quoi? 🙊😅
Also, despite our beloved Maggot Mommy being an unholy Goddess whom we absolutely adore.. I have a feeling that she isn’t exactly too concerned about her dental hygiene, even though her powerful mouth is used to rip and tear and consume flesh. And so that breath, and that tongue, and the potential remnants of slaughtered foes still stuck in those teeth.. it all must add up to a unique flavour? đŸ„Č
So, my dearest Cat.. what do you imagine our experience of kissing your Maggot Momma to be like? Tell me, what does Momma’s mouth taste like? đŸ€€
Spare NO details. I want to hear it ALL! đŸ˜»đŸ€€
~ Kisses from me x đŸ’‹đŸ–€
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Hey there, mommy! đŸ€—
You®re most welcome to stink up my askbox with your novels (my goodness 😅) whenever. 😘
Plenty of brain maggots these days, indeed. Still catching up on everything thatÂŽs been going on these past few months, but IÂŽm determined. đŸ’ȘđŸ˜€
"Most recent update" would be about...6 months ago, yes? With Momma sticking her tongue down holes that are absolutely not meant for tongues? 😅
Like that will stop her, puh-lease.
(Sweet Momma was legit making an effort though, with every sinister fibre of that rotten being. That®s all that matters! 😔✊)
So, first of all: Yes, when Momma opens that maw of hers, itÂŽs safe to say that it is not pleasant. (Depending on her most recent meal too, obv.) It smells as you would expect something thatÂŽs rotting to smell: rotten. As for the flavor-
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Excuse me.
You got the visuals down to a T here (donÂŽt get me started on that tongue, though-), so I think yall can imagine the absolute...interesting taste of that. You also very correctly stated the (very obvious) lack of dental hygiene...which, no, nope, absolutely not-
Like that will stop her, puh-lease.
IÂŽm not sure how yet, but we will find a way to handle this, handle Momma. Even if it means we gotta strap her down, pry those nasty-looking jaws open with a crowbar, and brush those knife-like teeth ourselves-
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And lose an arm or two in the process.
Listen, our Drama Queen will fight tooth and nail, ram yet another pair of scissors through that skull if she has to, hell sheÂŽd be willing to negotiate on that one, too.
...Negotiating as in: Our Drama Queen is not gonna jump out of the nearest window and to her certain death, if those stained lips land anywhere that isnÂŽt the mouth.
Well, thatÂŽs alright, Maggot MommaÂŽs more than happy moving those stained lips of hers further down-
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...BUT, I digress. You®re here for the actual taste. 😏
Okay so, if I had to describe the taste of that, IÂŽd say itÂŽs a combination of both spicy and salty, mixed with foul eggs, a metallic note, and a hint of something sickly sweet - a bit like cotton candy, actually. Then thereÂŽs the added bonus of getting to share bits and pieces of-
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All in all, itÂŽd be a rather sticky matter probably. đŸ« 
How can you say "No" to that face, though?
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Thanks a lot for that ask. ❀
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ironmansnips · 2 years
horror movies with Eddie Munson
watching horror movies with Eddie Munson would be a fucking experience dude
he'd be so psyched to watch them with you
he couldn't wait for you to be afraid so you'd cuddle into his side
finally the fisrt jumpscare was coming up
but...you didn't jump?
you weren't even phased
but it's alright maybe you just saw that one coming you'll totally react next time
you don't
he's getting a little frustrated lmao
he'd already seen them all and slasher movies just don't get to him all that much
but you're supposed to be scared out of your mind?
that's how it is in the movies wtf y/n
turns out you've seen it too
you fkn love horror movies and you didn't tell him?
once he figured it out tho he'll fall so much deeper in love with you lmao
but maybe sometimes just act a little scared please?
he just wants to feel needed and likes the idea of you running to him for comfort and protection đŸ„ș
sometimes he jumps too lmao
he plays it off tho
he can't look scared infront of you
you gotta think he's a cool badass đŸ˜€
nothing scares Eddie Munson
except spiders
and clowns
and the exorcist
and Robin
but other than those? phtt totally fearless
he seems the type to get bored mid movie and throw popcorn at you until you give him attention
he'll aim for different targets
like you ear
or if you have cleavage that's his main target lmao
or if you have a dick he'd definitely aim there
(i just thought of having a popcorn war with him and that lead to the thought of Eddie with a nerf gun 😭)
imagine him aiming for your head and suddenly turning and catching a piece in your mouth
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i imagine his reaction would be somewhat like thisđŸ”ș
he'd probably be a little on edge after watching a horror film so he'd be so easy to jumpscare
and obviously you take full advantage of that
i'm so easily startled man he'd make my life hell😭
if you're easy to scare he'd do it all the fucking time dude
obviously if you didn't like it or got annoyed he'd stop tho
also if anyone else purposely scared you?
it's fucking on bro
he's gonna do something about that shit
no one scares Eddie Munson's s/o and gets away with it motherfucker đŸ˜€
let's be honest the movie probably scared him more than you
so you're gonna have an Eddie in your lap
and clung to your side in bed
and maybe for the next couple of days until he forgets about it
and he's already clingy so hope your love language is touch cause you guys are gonna be joined at the hip lmao
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
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Day 18: Cold Hands
Chicago, Illinois 1988
It’s about ten-thirty when she finally finishes her assignment in the light of the glossy bulb above the sink and the warm psychedelic glow of their little Christmas tree. She sighs in tired satisfaction, that’s the last of her homework for the year with her holiday break starting at CSU next week.
Her bones ache when she stretches, piling her papers and textbook neatly together before returning them back to her shoulder bag.
Shutting off the kitchen light, she quietly creeps into their bedroom and checks on Olivia who is still sleeping soundly in her bassinet beside the bed, where Eddie is tucked up under the covers. Livvy will be up in about another hour to nurse, so she knows better catch some sleep now while she can.
She presses a gentle kiss to her daughter’s downy little head, breathing in her sweet scent, before carefully and quietly slipping under the covers beside Eddie. She doesn’t realize how cold she is until the heat beneath the blanket seeps pleasantly into her skin. The apartment is set at a pleasant 74F, but it doesn’t seem to matter, she always runs cold, even in the middle of summer. Small as she is, she has a hard time retaining heat.
Whereas her husband, he is an inferno, his body a slow burning furnace.
She hums contentedly as she snuggles up behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso, unable to help herself when she slips her hands under the fabric of his shirt.
“Ah! Jesus Christ!” he gasps roughly, shocked to consciousness at the feel of her tiny hands. “Christina Elizabeth!” he cries sas he rolls over to face her.
 Livvy is sleeping.” she scolds softly, teasingly, following after him as he scoots away from her touch. “Mmm you’re so warm.” she all but purrs, wanting to burrow back into him.
“Ack! Fucking hell! Sweetheart, your hands are like ice.” he hisses under his breath when she manages to slide her palms up his back. He’s like liquid sunshine. She reaches up higher.
“Woman, cut it out, you’re going
” All the air is sucked out of his lungs, when she moves her feet against his bare calves, up to his thighs, relishing this even hotter territory she’s discovered. “Chrissy!”
“I’m so cold.” she whispers innocently, nestling closer, not in the least bit sorry. He promised to always keep her warm when they left for Chicago after all.
“Yeah, no shit
 alright, fine, c’mere,” he sighs, wrapping an arm around her and tucking her beneath him.
She smiles contentedly up at him as she snuggles in. He looks so sleepy and handsome, giving her a tired, rueful smile. Pursing her lips coyly, she drags her fingers down the hemline of his shirt to steal more body heat. He chuckles as he cups her hands quickly bringing them up to his lips.
Blood rushes to her face as she watches him blow gently into the little shelter of his hand, rubbing her fingers between his palms in between puffs of the hot air from his breath. “No under the clothes till I thaw these out, you little frost fairy.”
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lovesick-feelings · 2 years
Hello! I wanted to know if you could do nightmare! Fredbear. Just some comfort/fluff. I hope this doesn't get eaten. Please and thank you :]
Thank you for requesting! (*^^*)♡ Sorry this took so long. At the time I was thinking of how I could possibly make fluff from a sadistic 15-foot nightmare. Then it all stuck me at the last minute! (Ž⊙ω⊙`)
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💛 After a long night of terrorizing kids, Nightmare Fredbear loves to wind down by terrorizing his sweet cuddle bear instead. Not that he straight-up tries to scare you; that's only for weeknights. If anything, it’s more like little things considered annoying. 
💛 Being Fredbear’s counterpart, he’s a very touchy bear. Either he has no concept of personal space or doesn't care about it. There isn't a time when his claws aren't on you. Not that he’s trying to be annoying, okay maybe a little but he enjoys teasing you for kicks and giggles. You can never escape his fiddling with your clothes or hair. In most cases, he'll lightly scratches your back or yanks you into a bone-crushing hug.
💛 Before every conversation, he grabs you and places you on his lap. There! Now he can properly converse with you. He can’t get enough of the flustered look you give him. In public (as in with the other Nightmares), Fredbear has you by his side, stroking your hair while discussing their plans for future victims. Meanwhile, the Nightmares are glaring at you, and you are staring right back at them. 
💛 When he’s feeling especially playful, he’ll nibble on your shoulder. He “accidentally” spilled some of your blood, oopsie daisy! đŸ€­ Oh, it's alright, he’ll put you back together. When you're hurt, N. Fredbear is quick to bandage you up. He wouldn't want his honey to have too many permanent scars. It’s best to take advantage of this, as this is when he's at his tenderest moment. Doting on you and asking questions about your condition. 
💛 The only time where he won’t tease is during these moments alone between the both of you. It’s when you initiate any affection or care for him that he strangely feels at peace. He’ll allow you to gently caress and kiss him as you lie against him, his arms wrapped around your figure while he nuzzles his muzzle against your neck. Bro is ascending to cloud 9.
💛 He constantly insists on cradling you before you go to bed. Isn't that what helps everyone fall asleep quicker? Before you go to bed he's tucking you in leaving pecks on your face. If you plead enough, maybe he’ll lull you with a tune.
💛 More often than not, he’ll return to check on you during his shift. Convincing himself that he only wants to make sure that you haven't been kidnapped or hurt by some intruder. However, It's become so often that Fredbear has forgotten to catch the victim after they slipped up! The Nightmares are so baffled by how much of a distraction you've become for their boss, they don't know what to do.
Y/N: “Can you pls sing to me before I sleep?” đŸ„ș
N. Fredbear: “Ʉâ‚ČⱧ ₣Ƃ₩Ɇ
” đŸ˜€
N. Fredbear: đŸŽ¶ â€œâ‚”â± Ă˜â‚ŽÉ† ÉŽĂ˜É„â±€ ɆɎɆ₮, ₎ⱧɄ₟ ÉŽĂ˜É„â±€ â‚„Ă˜É„â‚źâ±§, ĐⱀɆ₳₄ ₳ ĐⱀɆ₳₄, ₳₩Đ â‚ČɆ₼ Ʉ₮ ØɄ₼. ĐⱀɆ₳₄, ĐⱀɆ₳₄, ĐⱀɆ₳₄, ĐⱀɆ₳₄, ĐⱀɆ₳₄, ĐⱀɆ₳₄.” đŸŽ¶
The Nightmares: 🧍🧍🧍🧍
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296 notes · View notes
erisismywaifu25 · 1 year
Free Until Dawn
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Before we start, a few bullet point facts to get out of the way:
‱Jake and Bella are the same age (Bella is still older) and Seth and A.J. are a year younger than them
‱In this Twilight fanfic universe, vamps and wolves who were changed before they turned 18 continue to age until they reach 18 cause I said so
‱Jasper served in the Union
‱My idioms or comparisons may suck but sometimes the only way for me to get a point across is to be extremely descriptive
‱This story follows both the movies and books and may switch between the book’s timeline and the movies
‱Proofread but not perfect
Also this story is Seth Clearwater x OC (?) Cullen based on my friend who requested this slow-burn fic, cause there are almost no Seth fanfics (the disrespectđŸ˜€âœŠđŸ»). All chapters are named after Florence+the Machine songs cause me and my bestie love her stuff.
Word count: 9491
Without further ado
Chapter 4 of Shake It Out
     “You going to play fair this time?” Alice asked as she stretch her left arm across her chest while standing at second base.
     Emmett scoffed, twisting his back only a few away from Alice, “I always play fair.” The striped baseball cap was secured by him for emphasis.
     As it thundered around them, seven out of the eight vampires were currently preparing for a game of baseball patiently, on some parts, awaiting Bella and Edward’s arrival following the Cullen's official introduction to her. Lucky for Bella, she was about to witness a sacred tradition in the Cullen household that started years before A.J. was around. It was something each vastly different personality could enjoy and gave each of them a chance to use their physically enhanced abilities to their full capacity. 
     Nine days after A.J. joined the rest of her family in Forks, Edward decided a baseball game was just what A.J. needed. The idea for a baseball game to ease A.J. into the new family dynamic, came to Edward after he caught A.J. reminiscing about a game-saving catch from her human years. Later that day, he approached Carlisle and proposed a game the next time it stormed, and naturally, Carlisle and everyone else eagerly agreed. So on the ninth day, when the forecast called for a thunderstorm and delivered, the Cullens played a heated baseball game. 
     During A.J.’s first game of baseball with the Cullens, the newborn broke out from the remainder of the barrier she had built up after her transformation. Being a part of the winning team, with star pitcher Alice, definitely aided A.J. in feeling like her old self. Easily the last ‘strike’ of her barrier, especially since striving to win and typically doing so, had encapsulated her human years. Along with the fun on that day, Emmett saw an opportunity to ensure he would always be on the winning team and jumped on the bandwagon; claiming the title ‘A.J.’s Coach’ after witnessing her skilled third-basemen skills.  
     “Nu-uh,” Alice exclaimed and placed her hands on dark leggings, “You totally lied about that ‘foul ball’.”
     “I didn’t lie about the foul ball you hit.” the younger of the two Cullens smirked, “Ain’t nothing to be ashamed of, Alice. You’re just a crappy hitter.”
     Alice gasped and smacked his shoulder, “At least I can pitch without taking someone’s head out!” she defended herself.
     Emmett snickered before a smug smirk crept onto his alabaster skin, “Can’t help it, Wonderland. I’m jacked like Hercules!” he kissed both of his biceps after flexing underneath his navy blue tracksuit.
     “Alright, alright, alright,” Jasper called out as he strutted towards the bickering siblings, “No fraternizing with the enemy.” 
     The Texan placed a hand upon Alice’s narrow shoulders which dawned a white baseball vest, and gently guided her away from Emmett with a baseball bat in his other hand.
     By first base, a groan came from Rosalie that was bending down by the waist and holding her calves to stretch. The couple and Emmett, who were conglomerating near home base, turned their attention to her.
     “You’ve watched ‘Dazed and Confused’ too many times.” the tall blonde gracefully swung her torso up to stand straight.
     “No such thang’, Rosie.” A.J. quipped while flashing next to Rosalie with a moderately sized pink boom box in her sleeve-covered arms, “We Texans support each other.”
     A.J. met eyes with Jasper’s, a mischievous glint in both their eyes to match their smirks. A silent conversation transpired between the Texans, much to the others' despair before they both resumed what they had been doing.
      The youngest Hale gave Rosalie a friendly pat on the back and clicked her tongue before jogging off toward the right side of home plate where Esme and Carlisle were chatting. Her black backpack bounced off of her back as the wind pushed against the buttoned pinstripe shirt, which was similar to Carlisle’s, which was tucked into her black leggings. On her feet was a pair of hot pink socks that peeked out of the same dusty white sneakers she always wore when participating in any outdoor activity - provided an extra bounce to her step. 
     A ‘bleh’ left A.J. when Carlisle and Esme shared a sweet kiss just as she walked past them. 
     “I think I feel my teeth rottin’.” the girl swiped her tongue across her top set of teeth.
     The lovers parted with a chortle from each and turned their attention to their youngest child. 
     “You know, Angel,” Esme sang as A.J. set the boom box down after kneeling a few feet away from them, “You might find yourself falling for someone like your father and I have for each other.” 
     A.J. shook her head as four of her siblings snapped their attention to their conversation.
     “Absolutely not,” Emmett commented with a small frown.
     Alice rolled her eyes at the overprotective brute, “Dating is normal and healthy; especially for developing teenagers.” she spoke with her arms crossed.
     Rosalie stared at Alice, “She’s going to have to wait, regardless, Alice. There aren’t exactly sixteen-year-old vampires roaming around here, and we don’t need another reason for the Volturi to be on our backs.”
      The Cullens stilled. Faces dropping, bodies tensing, and minds swirling with guilt. The words Rosalie were the same as they always were; spitting out insults or malign words aimed towards Edward and Bella’s relationship. Though, this time, her words held a different meaning for the group. Reminding them all A.J. couldn’t have what they wanted her to; what they all wished she could.
     A normal life.
     Having been changed at the youngest age of fifteen in the Olympic Coven, she had even less time to have lived as a human. Too quickly was she thrown into this world; too quickly had she been forced out of the other. They all knew she loved her family dearly, and they shared the sentiment, but they were aware of her desire to ‘be’ a teenager again; to live a normal adolescence. They desired the same for her. Rosalie most of all. Despite a few apprehensions about A.J. dating, the choice being stripped from her makes it a bit harder to play the role of an ‘overprotective and gruff’ family member.
     A.J., having her back turned to the brooding vampires, knew what they were all thinking and could feel the tension in the atmosphere. She often thinks of the same thing - she craves it. Not necessarily romance, but at least the choice to.  More often than not, she chooses not to share her thoughts on it, except for a few times when Edward caught her thinking about it or her and Rosalie’s late-night talks. Unfortunately, ignoring them only made the thoughts and desires stronger. The fact of the underlying doom of immortality is that every choice you’d thought you’d gain - every decision you’d thought you’d get to make twice, gets ripped away from you in a few short moments.
     A.J. shook her shoulders as if a chill ran over her, and unzipped the small compartment on the front of her backpack once she set it in front of her. 
     “Listen,” she broke the silence as she pulled out a CD case with four men sitting around a table on the cover, “they’d have to be a very special person for me to consider datin’ - I mean, I’m hot
and got standards.”
     Her unspoken mission of raising the mood was a success as a plethora of smiles, and an eye roll or two made its way around.
     “Oh no! Guys, where’d the sky go?” Emmett feigned a look of fear as he peered up at the sky with a hand as a shield, “Oh, never mind, it’s just A.J.’s big-ass head.”
     A.J.’s mouth dropped at her brother's words just as she finished placing the CD in the correct compartment, and twisted her torso while in a squatted position.
     Rosalie sent a glare toward Emmett before saying, “There’s nothing wrong with confidence.” her eyes softened when she turned to A.J. from afar.
     “It’s hot on you, babe,” Emmett explained, his body language matching his whiny tone, “Not on A.J.”
     A.J. snorted, along with Alice, and the other Cullens gave Emmett a look of confusion at his choice of words.
     “I sure hope it’s not hot on me,” A.J. spoke with a flabbergasted tone as she fumbled with buttons on her boombox.
     Emmett physically faltered, “I-I-you guys know I didn’t mean it like that.”
     Jasper quirked an eyebrow up, “Oh, really, dearest brother? Then by all means, please elaborate your eloquent words.” he spoke with one hand still on Alice’s shoulder and the other twirling the metal bat.
     Emmett frowned, “I was trying to compliment my wife and insult A.J. at the same time, which proved to be more difficult than expected.”
     “Seems you really are only brawn.” Jasper teased further, an almost sinister smirk across his face.
     “Hey!” Rosalie barked out with a harsh expression, “I may be on your team, but I won’t hesitate to hurt you.”
     Emmett’s demeanor changed instantly to smugness at Rosalie coming to his defense. The smirk on Jasper’s face didn’t move, instead, it seemed to grow wider at Rosalie’s threat; as if he were daring her to touch him. He dropped his arm from Alice’s shoulders and dipped it into his pocket.
     “I’d like to see you try, yank.” the Texan leaned back as he pointed the baseball bat at her.
     At the sight of Rosalie beginning to stomp forward, Carlisle thought it best to speak up.
     “Rose,” the eldest vampire warned, arm tucked under his wife’s white jacket and around her waist.
     The irritated blonde’s head snapped toward Carlisle’s so fast it was a miracle it didn’t break.
     “What?” She spat, annoyed at Jasper and Carlisle.
     Carlisle gave her one of his hopeful smiles, “Let’s try to have a nice day.”
     “That goes for you too, Jasper,” Esme paused before switching her gaze to a smug Emmett, “And you.”
     “W-what-I,” Emmett fumbled over his words, “I’m a victim of defamation! I’m innocent here.”
     Jasper lowered the bat to the ground and settled his weight on it.
     “Yer’ ‘bout as innocent-,”
     A.J. drowned out the bickering behind her, engrossed in her boom box and getting it to work. The recurring problem, which she insisted was easily fixable and did not require a new one, was that the CD she put in would spin for a few seconds before coming to a stop. She grew more agitated as she repeated the process of taking the CD out, exhaling on it as she would on a cold window, gently wiping it off on her black leggings, then placing it back in the compartment, and pressing play - only to have to repeat the process. After another failed attempt, A.J. took an unsatisfying deep breath before forcefully exhaling through her nose. 
     “Shit.” A.J. huffed to herself, thankful no one could hear her over the bickering.
     “Ya know, ever since the fall of New Year’s Eve of ‘08, my boom box ain’t never played the same.” A.J. thought aloud to anyone who would listen.
     Rosalie was heading up the field and across to A.J.’s side instantaneously; always being willing to help her baby sister. It helped that she was the most skilled mechanic out of the Cullen Coven; her confidence in cars crossed over to most things technical
except t.v.s, though she was always looking to expand her knowledge. In her own time.
     “Did you put fresh batteries in?” Rosalie inquired once she reached A.J.
     A.J. observed Rosalie squatting down next to her, out of her peripheral vision.
     “Yes, I put fresh batteries in,” A.J. snarked out without thinking.
     The tone she used earned the young vampire a warning look from Rosalie, who stared her sister down. A.J. shut her eyes and turned away for a moment, before returning her gaze to Rosalie.
     “Sorry, that w’n’t directed at you,” she earnestly apologized, “This damn thang’ is pissin’ me off.” she gestured vigorously at the malfunctioning boombox with pinched brows.
     Rosalie ushered a ‘thank you’ in response before examining the portable stereo further.
Â Â Â Â ïżœïżœAs the two Hale girls inspected the boombox and the other Cullens chatted amongst themselves, a silver jeep pulled toward the wide-open field. Its wheels tracked through the soft ground, leaving a muddy trail behind it and on the black tires. 
     Esme and Alice both grinned excitedly at the arrival of the new couple and Carlisle smiled softly, not outwardly matching their level of excitement. Emmett and Jasper were too busy misconducting themselves to turn their attention to the car as it was pulled into park a bit away from the others. From beside her, A.J. felt Rosalie tense up. Well aware of Rosalie’s opinion on all of this, she knew her attitude could turn fast and possibly ruin what was supposed to be some family fun time. 
     Esme and Carlisle shared a look before both turning back to give Rosalie an encouraging smile. Rosalie, who held the look of distaste she always held when Bella was in mind, gave them nothing promising in return. With a cheesy grin and painfully raised eyebrows, A.J. shot her parents a double thumbs up. The couple chuckled at her behavior and returned her thumbs up and smile, at a lesser volume. 
     The eldest Hale sister turned her attention to A.J. after observing Carlisle and Esme’s reactions, to find her sister still in the over-the-top position. In a blink, the newborn now sat with a dramatized frown and slowly raised her left hand to rest on her no-longer beating heart. Her head shook in a defeated manner, in hope that her big sister would crack a smile at her ludicrous behavior. Fortunately for A.J., in a move so minuscule only the trained eye would notice, the right corner of Rosalie's lips raised ever so slightly. Victoriously, A.J. beamed; savoring the lightened presence and softened gaze of her bitter sister.
     During this transaction, Edward stepped out of the driver's side door and walked around the silver Jeep he arrived in. His gaunt hand opened the passenger-side door, and out stepped Bella in a rugged, brown jacket with her brown hair in a ponytail covered by a baseball cap that mimicked Emmett’s, only being worn the right way around. Her shoulders were hunched as she was within herself in a way that completely contradicted the way Edward delved into himself; usually. Today, however, Edward seemed more withdrawn than usual. Previous teasing didn’t aid in reducing his nerves at all, and the fact of the constant threat this brought to Bella and his family, well, it added up.
     The couple shared the same social awkwardness, but Bella carried herself in a way that lacked confidence and made her appear fragile. Whereas during most occasions for Edward, he exuded confidence, some even say arrogance; at least that’s what A.J. had heard from her sibling's school gossip and teasing. For the unusual pair, however, it seemed to work quite well for them.
    While A.J. observed her brother and his new girlfriend, Rosalie had found what she believed to be ‘the sweet spot’ on the pink boom box. With a loud ‘thump’ that nearly made A.J. jump out of her skin and attracted the others' attention, the CD in it began spinning fast. A.J. beamed at her sister, who she considered a hero at the moment, and flicked her head between the boom box and her at a lightning-fast speed. A.J. excitedly placed her index finger onto the ‘play’ atop the boom box and pressed it without hesitation. Music blared from the speakers, bass instantly filling the chests of the two vampires who sat in front of it.
     “WHOO!” A.J. cheered and fell back onto her butt.
     Emmett thrust his fist into the air, “HELL YEAH!” he yelled.
     “YEAH!” Jasper joined with a playfully stern face and copied Emmett’s action with the bat.
     From an awkward angle, the ecstatic newborn wrapped her strong arms around Rosalie’s midsection, nearly toppling the elder Hale over. 
     “Thank you!” the girl squealed while Rosalie gained her balance back.
     Rosalie smiled brightly as she hugged A.J. back, “No problem, just stop letting people touch your stuff.”
     “I tried to stop Emmett from recreating that scene from ‘Say Anything’.” Edward called out from the Jeep where he and Bella just finished a conversation.
     “Aw, come on,” Emmett whined with a smile, “It was Valentine's Day! I had to do something for my babe. After 72 years together, you gotta’ keep it fresh.”
     The burly Cullen winked at Rosalie, who didn’t spare a glance at her husband, leaving him dejected as she marched her way to Carlisle who was only a few feet away from her. Carlisle had retrieved the second baseball bat from a long white and blue that also contained extra gloves and umpire gear and was resting his weight upon it. He greeted Rosalie with a close-lipped smile and opened his mouth to ask her but was quickly stopped by her palm flying up in front of him as she stomped by.
     A.J. could feel the anger radiating off of her sister, even without a special power and her being across the field now. She knew it was a miracle for Rosalie to even be here, with her previous plan of leaving to avoid the game and Bella all together. Without a doubt, A.J. knew it would get better once the game started, the others thought so as well, especially since her demeanor was quite bright beforehand the new couple arrived.
     “So that’s how you’ve managed to keep her.” Edward teased Emmett as he and Bella reached home plate.
     Emmett flashed next to Edward, causing Bella to jump, and wrapped a thick arm around his brother’s shoulders, which were covered by a button-up baseball jersey.
    Edward gave the younger vampire a look, already knowing what he was about to say. 
     “Emmett, that’s revolting,” Edward grimaced and pulled himself from Emmett’s grip.
     “What?” Emmett furrowed his dark brows, “I was just gonna remind you that I’m not the one who thought sparkling was a dealbreaker.” he decided to keep his previous thought to himself.
     A few of the Cullen ‘children’ laughed at Emmett’s remark, despite it being at Edward’s expense. His joke, as expected, did not sit well with Edward who was glaring at his brother.
    A.J. glanced up at Jasper messing with a baseball bat, “Oo! That’s awkward.” 
     The girl sucked a breath through her bunny-like teeth while beginning to read through the tracklist on the back of her CD case.
     A half-hearted grin slowly spread its way onto Edward’s face and his right flew up to swipe his mouth.
     “You know, Emmett,” his arm was now around Emmett’s shoulders, “I think you're just scared of your team losing.”
     “Not unless you plan on throwing the game,” Emmett smirked with crossed arms.
     Edward’s shit-eating look was stolen by Emmett. His head snapped over to Esme, asking a silent question, but easily found the answer by using his gift.
     “Rosalie and Alice wanted to be on a team this time,” Esme explained nonetheless while grabbing umpire gear out of the baseball bag, “We’re team ‘Wonder Woman’!”
     Edward furrowed his brows, “Jasper’s on your team.” His inquiry was disguised as a statement.
     “It’s an honor to be on a team named after comics’  finest heroine,” Jasper answered for himself as he practiced his batting stance to the side of Carlisle and Rosalie.
     Edward looked to Emmett, “And we are
MVP?” a look of dissatisfaction was on his face.
     “I was vouchin’ fer the Cheetahs, personally,” A.J. spoke up, “You know, Wonder Woman’s nemesis and all.” she clicked the skip button at the top of the boom box.
     Esme smiled at her children’s banter and pushed her way toward Bella with a black baseball glove and chest protector. Bella met her gaze with a close-lipped smile and hesitantly took the glove when the Cullen matriarch extended it to her.
     “Glad you’re here,” Esme wrapped an arm around Bella, “We need an umpire,” she stated while leading the girl to home base.
     Emmett waltzed past them, “She thinks we cheat.” he continued heading down the field.
     “I know you cheat.” Esme taunted as Emmett tossed a baseball between his hands.
     A.J. tsked, “Y’all love to say that ‘cause our team happens to always win.” she goaded while placing her ‘Muse’ CD back into the small compartment of her backpack.
     “What about last time,” Rosalie asked with a sarcastic tone from her spot near second base.
     Bella glanced at the brooding woman, “What happened last time?” she switched her gaze to Esme as they parked themselves at home base. 
     “Here, slip your jacket off for a moment, sweetie,” Esme instructed kindly, “Last time we all played, which was
     “March 30,” Alice answered from the pitcher’s mound.
     Esme thanked Alice with a smile, “Thank you. Anyway, Carlisle continuously struck out during the first inning, resulting in team ‘VIP’ having five fewer runs than team ‘Great Batsy’.” 
     During her explanation, Esme slipped the black chest protector over Bella’s neck. 
     “Crying, Bella,” A.J. scooted her bottom to face Bella, “I was cryin’ and I don’t even have tears.”
     Carlisle smiled sheepishly, “In my defense, I had a lot on my mind.”
     A.J. didn’t miss the subtle embarrassment that showed on Edward’s face nor the looks her siblings gave him.
     “No excuse, sir,” A.J. threw a finger up, “We’re winners, and I expect ya ta act like it!” 
     Her behavior earned a chuckle from Carlisle and an exclamation of agreement from Emmett. 
     As this went on. Esme adjusted the chest guard causing Bella to blink at the sudden movement but eventually helped Esme settle it on her torso. Once it was resting on her shoulders, Edward snaked behind Bella and adjusted the straps across her upper back. Esme then stepped away to give the new lovers some space. Her pallid face held a warm expression at the sight of the ‘son’ she had grown most fond of, finally finding happiness in love. 
     The sweet moment was soon ruined as Bella was jerked back by the force Edward unconsciously used. A crease formed between Esme’s dark eyebrows as she frowned at the  uncomfortable scene in front of her. She sent a small smile; whether it was a warning to be mindful or encouragement was unknown; and stepped away from the couple to help the others in setting up.
     “Sorry,” Edward’s hands faltered on the straps, “Last time I did this was back when A.J. had first joined us.” he secured the chest guard on Bella’s back.
     Bella nodded, still holding her brown jacket on her arm. The sleeves of her white shirt twisted as Edward’s hand snaked around her to lift the brown jacket off of her right arm.
     “It’s okay,” she swallowed as Edward prepared her coat to assist it on, “How long ago was that?”
     “Why does it matter?” Rosalie snarked out with crossed arms and a hip popped out.
     Edward paused in helping Bella put her jacket back on to give a warning look to the blonde.
     Carlisle’s lips pressed into a straight line, “Rose,” he warned.
     Bella looked back at Edward before back at Rosalie.
     “It doesn’t, I was just curious.” Bella answered honestly.
     “And it’s a perfectly valid question,” A.J. spoke up.
     Rosalie’s eye roll could practically be heard by the others.
     A.J. briefly glanced back at those behind her, “If we’re goin’ off the day I actually moved here, then
,” she trailed off while calculating.
     “A.J.’s lived here since last August.” Carlisle answered for her.
     Bella nodded as she consecutively pushed her arms through the sleeves of her jacket as Edward finished helping her by hiking the coat up until it was entirely back on. 
     “It’s a little tight,” Bella stated with tight lips as she rolled her shoulders.
     The jacket she wore barely fit over the padding of the chest guard thrown onto her. Her arm movement was restricted, but she supposed it was better to have stiff arms than a shattered sternum. 
     Loud guitar suddenly blared from A.J.’s boombox, the owner of it now swaggering over to home plate. She snatched up a black glove lined with hot pink from the gear bag on her way over.
     “Sorry, Bella-rella,” A.J. approached the uncomfortable human, “It’s either have no protection ‘gainst my lethal pitches and get soaked down to your knickers, or have protection from such pitches buuut still get soaked - ‘cause-uh-do you smell that?”
     A.J. threw her arm around Bella’s padded shoulders and thoroughly inhaled with her nose pointed toward the sky. 
     “It’s gon’ rain.” A.J. rasped out while gradually lowering her head.
     Emmett grinned from over by third base, “It’s gon rain!” he repeated.
     “IT’S GON’ RAIN!” A.J. shouted before patting Bella on the back and jogging to the pitcher's mound.
     Esme chuckled next to Carlisle before turning to her husband.
     Her hands pressed his chest, “Alright, enough chitter-chatter, Bella didn’t come here to talk. Let’s play some baseball!” 
     Esme patted Carlisle’s chest, signaling him and the remaining Cullens not in place, to assume their positions on the field.
     A.J. eyed Alice as she approached the pitcher’s mound, “You’re gonna’ have to move.” A.J. jutted her left thumb toward home plate.
     Alice furrowed her brows, “And why is that?”
     Rosalie frowned as Carlisle her way, “Yeah, why is that? The team I’m on lost last time.”
     “We know,” Emmett stated, “We decided, however, that we wanna play the field first
 and so A.J. can pitch first.”
     Rosalie rolled her topaz eyes once again while Alice agreed to their decision and they both jogged back to home plate. The remaining two members of team ‘Wonder Woman’ had yet to move from their previous spots at home plate and waited for the others to get into position.
     “Keep an eye on Emmett, alright,” Edward spoke into Bella’s ear with a smile.
     Emmett frowned, “Hey, we’re on the same team!” 
     His fist slammed into his gloved left hand, clearly itching for the game to start.
     “That doesn’t change your track record.” Edward retorted after flashing over to second base as Carlisle jogged to first.
     With the baseball gripped tightly in her right hand, A.J. swung her arm toward Jasper at home plate, who was also preparing.
     “Careful, Eddie,” A.J. warned, “Might start ta’ think you're a snitch.”
     Edward chortled, “How can one be a snitch in baseball?”
     A.J. craned her neck to look at him, “Uh, I don’t know, mind reader.” she squinted suspiciously at him.
     Emmett glanced between before a look of realization spread across his pallid face.
      “Ohhh, yeah, I see what you’re gettin’ at, Aje,” Emmett smirked while eyeing Edward, “You’re gonna listen to our team's thoughts and then sabotage us.”
     Edward paused and blinked, words escaping him. One weakness he would never admit, even if he was being tortured, is the effect Emmett and A.J. have to completely and utterly bamboozle him. Once the shock of Emmett’s accusation wore off, Edward peeled his eyes open and met Bella’s brown ones. She held an amused expression, her eyes asking a question Edward couldn’t hear. He sent her a silent shrug as an answer whilst A.J. and Emmett continued their rant.
     “Alright,” Carlisle’s call silenced Emmett and A.J., “I’m sure Edward is not planning a betrayal, and even if he was-,”
     “Which I’m not.” Edward chimed in.
     “I know,” Carlisle spoke in his mind with an apologetic look, “Even if he was, I think we’d still manage to win. Even without Rose on our team.” 
     A smug smile spread across Carlisle’s lips, as a chorus of ‘Oo’s’ blended with the breeze that blew his striped scarf.
     “Let’s go then,” A.J. spun on her heel to face home plate, “Jasper.” she nodded.
     Jasper nodded back, preparing his stance.
     “Angel.” he smiled at her, eyes filled with determination.
     In an instant, A.J. propelled her right arm forward. The ball flew from her hand and headed straight to Jasper. The bat he held swung out and away from his shoulder, his torso and legs twisting to enhance the force he hit with. With a loud crack of thunder, the ball collided with the bat and launched high into the sky. Unfortunately for Jasper, the ball headed into the air directly above A.J., who leaped up what seemed like five-hundred feet to Bella, and caught the ball with ease in her gloved hand. A.J. landed on her feet with a thud, sufficiently stopping Jasper from running just as he dropped the bat.
     Bella glanced up at Esme from her squatted position a little ways behind Jasper as laughs or winces echoed through the air. The speed at which the Cullens play made it difficult for her to decipher anything, let alone the baseball knowledge she lacked. She briefly wished she would’ve paid more attention to her step-father’s career now. Answering her silent question, Esme nodded to her with a grimace.
     “Out.” Bella called.
     “Oh-ho-ho, Mr. Whitlock,” A.J. called in a nasally British accent, “How it seems your strategy has grown weak.” her smile grew at the sound of Emmett’s snicker.
     Alice watched as her husband tracked back to join her and Rosalie on the sidelines, frown on his face but posture still perfect. Jasper handed her the bat as he passed her and continued until he was next to Rosalie.
     “It’s okay, Jazzy,” Alice cooed, “It was only your first bat.” she gave him an assuring smile as she approached the plate.
     A.J. grinned at Alice as the older vampire settled into batting position. A strike of lightning in the distance lit the grey sky and was quickly followed by a deafening crack of thunder. Bella jumped in her skin at the unexpected volume which only heightened her stress levels. Having noticed the jump, Esme raised a hand that had been resting on her knee and placed it on Bella’s padded shoulder. She gave the girl a squeeze and a gentle smile as Bella craned her neck to meet Esme’s gaze.
     “Hey, batta’-batta’, hey, batta’-batta’, swang~,” A.J. mimicked exuberantly swinging an imaginary bat.
    A smile spread onto Alice’s face upon hearing the song, “I got ta just do my thang~.” she happily sang back.
     “Enough singing,” Emmett yelled, “Get on with the game!” he eagerly threw his fist into his gloved hand.
     A.J. frowned as she twisted her head back, “Let us enjoy ourselves!”
     “Clearly someone can’t dance.” Alice smirked teasingly still in her batting stance.
     Emmett’s hands paused with an almost offended look on his face. Those spectating were either watching thoroughly entertained, or less than amused and wanting to continue with this close game.
     “Oh, I can dance,” Emmett answered nonchalantly, “Tell ‘em, babe.”
     Thunder cracked around them as all eyes zoned in on Rosalie, awaiting an answer.  A smile slowly grew on her diamond-like jaw as if a pleasant memory was filling her mind.
     “Oh, he can dance,” her declaration rewarded her a wink from her doting husband.
     A.J. stuck her tongue out, “Bleh,” she faked a gag as her torso rag-dolled.
     Esme chuckled at her reaction from her hunched-over position behind Bella.
      “Alright, ‘nough talk, let’s get back to the game.” Esme clapped her hands together right as it thundered.
     Carlisle nodded at his wife, “Impeccable timing.” he smiled at her.
     She quirked a short eyebrow up at him with a smirk, “Thank you.” 
     Returning her attention back to the game, A.J. peered up at the sky as if she was waiting for something. Her eyes fluttered shut as she forcefully inhaled for an exaggerated amount of time. Bella furrowed her brows at A.J.’s action, briefly glancing up at Esme again. 
     “She’s waiting for the thunder,” Esme answered without taking her eyes off the scene in front of her.
     “She technically don’t have to,” Jasper chimed in, “As long as we’re playing during a storm, we don’t have to wait for a ‘loud sound’.”
     A.J. lowered her head, “I like the dramatics. Sue me!”
     Before Bella could blink, the ball was flying at Alice. With another loud crack of both thunder and the bat and ball colliding, Alice dropped the bat and dashed toward first base. The ball flew past A.J.’s left side and headed to Emmett who immediately jumped into action. He shot into the air, left arm extended above him, with the ball directed at him. As Alice reached first base, the ball grazed the top of Emmett’s gloved hand and continued into the forest behind them. 
     Edward darted back into the forest as Alice approached second base. His topaz eyes bounced rapidly around the trees and brush until he spotted the baseball. Edward then snatched the ball off the ground and threw it to Emmett through the trees, who was anticipating the throw. Emmett hurled his body to the left and roughly landed at third base when Alice stepped on it.
     A chorus of ‘whoos’ and hollers sounded from home plate as Alice bounced victoriously on third base. Emmett scoffed as he rolled onto his knees before hopping up while Edward came flashing back from the woods. 
     “Lucky shot,” Emmett commented as he stood next to Alice.
     Alice looked up at him with a smug look, “That was pure skill, Emmett.”
     “Damn right it was,” Jasper called out with his arms crossed.
     The Cullens continued an epic game of baseball, one that was far too fast for the human eye to properly view. Bella struggled to see anything but the aftermath chatter and positions after the end of a run. Thankfully for her sake, Esme or another member of team ‘Wonder Woman’ was there to help her with the calls; disregarding Rosalie. 
     The Cullens had made it to the third inning, in record time thanks to their enhanced abilities. Team ’MVP’ was currently three runs ahead of team ‘Wonder Woman’. Jasper had redeemed himself and hit a home run, Alice was currently at second base, Esme resided by Bella and awaited her turn, and Rosalie was currently up to bat. Team ‘MVP’ were positioned the same way as before and eager to continue.
     “You ready?” A.J. nodded at her sister as they both readied themselves.
     Rosalie crouched into position, “As ever.”
     A.J. drew back her right arm before swinging it forward and putting her weight on her front leg. The baseball flew toward Rosalie before another crack echoed through the field and throughout the surrounding forest. Rosalie dropped the bat, pushed off of home plate, and sprinted down the field. The baseball was heading between second and third base, where Edward and Emmett were positioned on either base. 
     Alice sprinted past Edward and Emmett who were distracted by the fast-approaching ball. As the pixie-like vampire passed by third base and Rosalie reached first, Emmett and Edward jumped simultaneously with their arms outstretched and ready to catch the ball. Unfortunately, the duo collided with each other in a loud ‘thwack’ and the two members of team ‘Wonder Woman’ managed to reach home plate. The women secured two more runs for their team and caused a total wipeout for the opposite team that resulted in Edward and Emmett splayed out on the grass and the baseball deep in the forest.
     Alice skidded to stop a few feet away from home plate and Rosalie followed by sliding across the grass and onto home plate. Amidst the cheers of the successful team, Jasper ran to Alice and picked her up into a spinning hug; squeals of laughter leaving the victorious woman. With a grin, Esme extended her arm down to Rosalie who grabbed it with a smirk and hopped up. 
     “That’s how we do it!” Esme high-fived Rosalie once she was standing.
     Bella nodded from her squatted position, “Yeah, that was a good play.” 
     Rosalie glared down at the girl, “You couldn’t even see it.” she spat.
     Esme’s smile turned to a frown, “Rose.” she warned.
     “What? It’s true.” Rosalie defended.
     “Well, I mean, she’s right,” Bella said, “I-I couldn’t see it, but-,”
     “Alright, how ‘bout we turn our attention to the real issue ‘ere,” A.J. interrupted the three, “Which is betrayal!”
     A.J. thrust her finger in the direction of a chuckling Emmett and Edward who had just stood up.
     Edward, having already heard what she was about to say, ceased his laughter.
     “A.J., are you really pushing this?” Edward groaned.
     A.J. fought back a smile, “Oh, yes, indeed I am pushin’ this, traitor!”
     Emmett stared at Edward, “Oh, yeah. It is a bit strange that the mind reader Edward didn’t read in my mind that I was gonna jump for the ball.” a smirk spread across his short jaw.
     “Exactly!” A.J. eagerly agreed with a stomp, “He sabotaged us so the loser team would have a chance!”
     Rosalie crossed her arms, “I think we have a chance regardless of Edward’s treachery.”
     “I’m-I am not a traitor. I did not even think of reading anyone’s mind, because I was focused on the game.” Edward let out a flabbergasted laugh.
     Emmett adjusted his stance and crossed his arms.
     “Exactly what a traitor would say,” Emmett stated.
     Edward’s tongue darted across his pristine white teeth as he grinned in annoyance, “I think the only one you should be accusing of ’treachery’ is Alice.”
     A smirk spread across Edward’s lips at his words. 
     “What!” Alice’s hands fell onto her hips.
     Her eyebrows knitted together underneath her navy blue cap at the sudden accusation. A crack of thunder sounded around them as if Alice herself conjured it up with her voice. The babbling duo, Emmett and A.J., observed Alice before staring at Edward and then meeting each other’s gaze. Skeptical looks were painted upon their pale faces as the wind picked up around them. The rest of the Cullens and Bella were left awaiting their next move, wondering if Edward’s distraction worked or not.
     The accusing pair busted out in chuckles and giggles, ripping Edward’s hopeful look off of his face. 
     Emmett turned his head to a dejected Edward.
     “Alice wouldn’t have the time to see our moves,” Emmett stated matter-of-factly.
     A.J. nodded, “Yeah, plus, she ain’t on our team.”
     Emmett and A.J. smirked at each other as if they just deduced the most abstruse mystery in history. A snort could be heard coming from Hale ‘twins’ by home plate, though that did nothing to deter the growing confidence of A.J. and Emmett.
     Edward chuckled out in confusion, eyes darting around those who stood throughout the field. His mouth opened and closed, struggling between the option of a logical defense or leaving the whole ordeal to rest. Staying silent seemed like the best option, considering logic fell upon deaf ears when it came to Emmett and A.J., but ultimately Edward decided to play the ‘call on the parent’ card.
     “Carlisle,” Edward pleaded to the man who was standing near first base.
     Edward motioned to his ‘attackers’, hoping the wise man’s words would bring some sense to the situation. Carlisle looked upon his son with tight lips and one hand over the other resting in front of his body. A glint of amusement shone in Carlisle’s golden eyes from the scene he silently observed, much to Edward’s dismay. 
     “Emmett, A.J.,” Carlisle spoke, “Edward isn’t a traitor-,”
     The wind picked up around them and quieted Carlisle as a fog emerged from the enclosing forest. A gasp fell from Alice’s lips while her arms fell from her hips to her sides. Her eyes had seemingly glazed over, hinting at the vision she was having. As if in slow motion, Edward stared at her before peering over at the forest behind them just as Alice’s vision ended. The rest of the Olympic Coven’s eyes turned toward the forest, whether it be from their own acute hearing or sensing the seriousness of Alice’s vision.
     “Stop!” Alice yelled desperately as it thundered around them.
     Edward was across the field and next to Bella at a moment's notice, the rest similarly hustling about. With her eyes still peering past the bare trees, A.J. felt an arm grip her left bicep tightly. Her eyes flicked over to see Emmett pulling her toward the rest of their family, Carlisle on her other side. Their eyes held a look of worry as they flashed over together.
     A.J. flickered her gaze between them as they joined the rest at home plate, to which Edward was pulling Bella toward the Jeep as Alice spoke quickly. A.J. stared at her family with knitted brows, clearly missing a vital piece of information, though she heard words of getting Bella out of here and nomadic vampires hearing their baseball game. 
    “Nomad vampires?”
     Panic fell upon A.J., concentrated in her chest, as memories filled her mind. She swore she could feel teeth tearing into her skin again, the excruciatingly slow loss of blood, her vision blurring, the taste of iron mixed with mud cutting off her breathing; choking her as water filled her lungs. Squeezing her eyes shut,  A.J. attempted to combat the rising terror with logical thoughts.
     “I’m a vampire now too.”
     “They can’t hurt me.”
     “I ain’t food anymore.”
     “They might be vegans like us.”
     “No, they ain’t. They’re the ‘predator’ on the news.”
     Unfortunately for her, the thoughts weren’t anything but a mere hindrance, to what she knew was illogical fear. 
     “It is illogical, right?” A.J. questioned herself amidst the chaos growing around her and the sudden absence of music.
     Before she could freak herself out more, a wave of peace washed over her and drowned out the fear in her chest. A moment after, two hands came to rest on her shoulders, which she deduced to be Jasper’s as everyone else was in her line of sight.
     Her head snapped up, the bottom of her messy braided pigtails bouncing with the movement. A.J. was met with an assuring smile from Jasper, who squeezed her strong shoulders.
     “Everythang’s gonna be alright.” Jasper reassured her as he guided her to stand in the back with Bella.
     A.J.’s pigtails bounced again as she nodded furiously, “Yeah, I know.”
     With another squeeze and a close-lipped smile, Jasper parted from his sister and hurried over to Emmett who stood waiting at the far right end of the line of vampires.
     “Get your hair down.” Edward ordered Bella with a pinched expression.
     Bella momentarily froze and stared at Edward with a bewildered look, before hesitantly pulling the hair tie from her mousy brown hair. 
     Rosalie turned around with a scowl, “Like that’ll help, I can smell her from across the field.”
     With one last look, Rosalie turned back to face the oncoming threat with the others. Carlisle moved to stand tall in the front as everyone else gathered around. They formed a ‘wall’ in front of Bella, her being the obvious vulnerable human here, and A.J. as she had been pushed to the back by Jasper. 
     “I shouldn’t have brought you here, I’m so sorry,” Edward shook his head as Bella pressed him for an answer, “Just be quiet and stand behind me.”
     Bella clung to Edward’s side as he stepped toward the others but stayed just behind them with Bella. The youngest Cullen moved to Bella’s other side, matching the body language of her family. Past the line her family created in front of the three, A.J.’s copper eyes fell upon three figures emerging from the woods. 
     In the front, passing through the growing fog, was a dark-skinned man with long locks, an orange leather jacket atop his bare torso, and a pair of dark, lined pants. To his right, was a woman with curly ginger hair and a long fur shawl that blew in the wind as they tracked forward; a confident smirk carved into her alabaster skin added to her alluring appearance. Lastly, the most menacing of them all was a man who stood to the left of them; his blonde hair was pulled into a low ponytail that enhanced his dark, hooded eyes. The one characteristic that united them was the piercing ruby color of their eyes, which reminded A.J. of her own a couple of months ago.
     The young vampire hurriedly untucked her pinstripe jersey from her leggings all the while keeping her eyes trained ahead. With her enhanced speed, she threw open the buttons of her shirt, leaving her with just a baby blue tank top adorning her torso.
     “Here,” A.J. spoke to Bella, snapping the girl out of her frozen state.
     The human turned her head to face the newborn vampire and her eyes followed consecutively. Her gaze fell upon A.J.’s worried face as the taller of the two threw her jersey around Bella and placed it on her shoulders. Bella briefly unlatched herself from Edward for the jersey to encase her shoulders and arms.
     A.J. adjusted the jersey on Bella, “It’s not much, but I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t wash it last time we played so it’s
oh shit.” 
     A.J.’s ramblings were cut short as the trio of vampires was now standing still a few feet away from the group. With her enhanced hearing, she heard Bella’s heartbeat pick up next to her and prayed that the oncoming threat wouldn’t notice amidst the storm.
      The frontman raised his right hand in a fluid motion, and in it was the homerun ball Rosalie hit. His pristine teeth contrasted against his dark skin as he flashed an inviting smile. A.J. couldn’t help but appreciate his good looks despite the tense situation. His shorter stature and medium build were carried casually, in a way that let you know he was confident and felt no need to compensate. The exposed torso revealed by his unbuttoned green-tinted vest and jacket showcased his toned upper body. He was undeniably tantalizing and attractive, though A.J. supposed that’s what made him dangerous.
     “I believe this belongs to you,” The vampire remarked before flicking his wrist and sending the ball toward Carlisle.
     Carlisle caught it with ease, an unreadable expression on his face. 
     “Thank you.” a friendly smile appeared on Carlisle’s face.
     A.J. shifted her weight before stepping over to stand next to Esme. Sensing her daughter moving next to her, Esme instinctively reached for the girl’s bicep before snaking her arm around A.J.’s. and pulling her close. Esme flicked her eyes to A.J.’s arm upon meeting bare skin, curious as to what happened to her jersey. In response, she received a simple smile and her daughter’s cold left hand on hers.
     “I am Laurant,” the stranger spoke again, “And this is Victoria and James.”
     A.J.’s gaze lingered on Victoria, her voluminous curls framing her soft features. Her presence intrigued the young vampire more and more as she studied her face and body language. It was almost feline, the way she moved, her minuscule movements were elegant and smooth. Once again, it was clear how her looks could be a weapon.
     James, however, did nothing but frighten A.J. Everything about the vampire screamed dangerous and to stay away. He, unlike his coven-mates, did possess the same alluring appearance or body language. The ways his eyes seemed to stare into your soul along with his tall stature reminded A.J. of the tales of Slender Man she’d heard some classmates talk about before she was turned. His weapon, without a doubt, was intimidation.
     “I’m Carlisle,” the Cullen patriarch gestured to the others standing beside him, “This is my family.”
     “I like your shawl,” A.J. spoke and nodded to the one draped around Victoria.
     Instantly, she felt all eyes on her and Esme pull her tighter to her side. The girl shrugged it off, thinking to herself that flattery is usually the best way to smooth things out. 
     Victoria eyed A.J., taking in her appearance having paid more attention to everyone else.
     “Thank you,” Victoria smiled, “I like your top. It’s a good color on you.” her words seemingly rolled off of her tongue.
     A.J. returned the smile, “I know, right.” she let out a stiff chuckle.
     Flattery certainly worked for herself as her apprehensive mood lessened from the compliment.
     “Yes, well, I’m afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us.” Carlisle brought the attention back to him.
     Laurant’s dark eyebrows raised as his ruby eyes widen ever so slightly.
     “Our apologies,” he spoke earnestly, “We did not realize the territory had been claimed.”
     His apology seemed almost empathetic according to A.J.’s ears. Regardless of whether or not she had been swayed by his being, she almost took his apology to heart if it had not been for the guard she desperately held onto.
     Carlisle nodded, “We maintain a permanent residence nearby.”
     Laurant twisted his neck to face James who was peering past Carlisle and Esme at Edward. A.J. unconsciously hardened her eyes in anticipation of what the nomad may do, having a hard time relaxing in his menacing presence. She feared what he may attempt to do to her family and wondered just how capable his coven could be against the Cullens.
     “Really?” Laurant’s smooth voice held a tone of disbelief, “Well we won’t be a problem anymore. We were just passing through” His gaze returned to Carlisle.
    “The humans were tracking us, but we led them east,” Victoria announced, “You should be safe,” she spoke the last part in a hushed tone as she leaned her head forward for emphasis.
     Carlisle nodded, “Excellent.”
     A.J. caught the reluctant smile on her father’s face. It was one she’d seen him use on a woman who had struck up a conversation with him on one of A.J.’s earlier excursions to ease her back into society. She recalled the woman’s tone being rather flirty as she rang them up at the register.
     Laurant glanced around at the Cullens.
     “So,” he pressed, “Could you use three extra players?”
     One by one the Cullen’s eyes fell upon Carlisle, awaiting his response. His gaze never left Laurant as he silently considered the best option.
     Laurant smiled, “Oh, come on, just one game.”
     Carlisle let out a quick sigh before smiling, “Sure, why not. A few of us were leaving - you can take their place.”
      A.J. crane her neck to glance back at Edward and Bella. Edward’s hardened gaze seemed almost frightened as he glared ahead at James. The fear on his face didn’t come from a fear of his own well-being but Bella’s. A.J. knew that was the only thing on his mind, getting Bella away from here and keeping her safe. 
     “Why didn’t you just flash her to the car? You had time.” A.J. thought to Edward who only briefly spared her a glance.
     Deciding to let it be, A.J.’s eyes moved to Bella who stood with her mouth slightly agape and still clung to Edward. The young vampire knew the human’s fear well and sympathized with her, especially since it was unknown how long Bella would be forced to endure this.
     “We’ll bat first.”
     A.J.’s turned around in time to see Carlisle toss the ball to Laurant, but Victoria flashed her pale hand up in time to catch it.
     “I’m the one with a wicked curve ball.” The smirk permanently edged into Victoria’s face grew wider.
     The atmosphere grew lighter at her remark as the Cullen's spirit slowly returned.
     “Oh, well I think we can handle that.” Jasper egged her on which earned a confident smirk from Emmett and A.J.
     Laurant sang out an ‘oh’ at the banter, body swaying with anticipation as he clapped.
     A.J. leaned her torso forward, “I’m a bit of’a star pitcher myself.” she eyed Victoria with a smile while Esme began to pull her toward the others as they retreated back.
     “We shall see,” Victoria spoke as both she and Laurant spun around to head down the field.
     Though his coven-mates were moving to prepare for the expected game, James stayed stationary with his animalistic gaze set on Edward and Bella. His head tilted to the side as he further inspected his ‘prey’, but Bella kept her gaze set on Edward. Her arm was wrapped around his as she waited for him to move though he stayed in an intimidation contest with James. Finally and with one last look, James turned on his heel and began to find his spot on the field. Bella let herself breathe as they were almost off the hook, but she relaxed too soon. Just as she and Edward began turning, the wind blew against their backs which pushed her scent straight toward James. 
     James’s neck twisted as he inhaled deeply, eyes fluttering shut as he faced the couple again.
     He exhaled and smiled, “You brought a snack.” 
     The predatory vampire lunged forward in a hunched manner, ready to pounce on his prey. Edward pushed Bella back and jumped to action as well, all but A.J. following suit, including James’s coven-mates. The young vampire swiped her jersey off of Bella’s shoulders and swiftly threw it on as she moved to stand in front of Bella. The girl’s copper eyes glared at the trio in front of them, her fear manifesting into courage. She and Bella suddenly stumbled back as Esme pushed A.J. farther away from danger. Perhaps that was where her courage came from; an unconscious understanding that her family wouldn’t allow any harm to come to her.
     “A human,” Laurant questioned as the tension grew.
    “The girl’s with us.” Carlisle stated with a calm voice, “I think it’s best if you leave.” his eyes stayed trained on James.
     Laurant nodded, “I can see the game is over. We’ll go now.” he held his palms open and facing the ground as he slowly backed away.
     Once again, James lingered, this time with Victoria by his side, who seemed eager to kill for him. Laurant glanced at James questioningly, his patience running thin for such antics.
     “James.” Laurant called out.
     With a growl and one last look, James’s posture straightened as he turned away from the Cullens. Victoria followed with a hiss and joined James to which they wrapped an arm around each other and stalked away. Laurant led them as he walked backward before gradually spinning around to walk straight.
     A.J. watched as Edward slowly raised from his hunched state, deep in thought
or what she assumed was James’s.
     “Get Bella out of here.” Carlisle ushered as he placed a hand on Edward’s shoulder, “Go.”
     The eldest Cullen then pushed Edward back toward where Bella and A.J. resided. A.J. quickly flashed to the side and gave her brother an encouraging smile to which she received a nod. As Edward rushed Bella to the jeep, the Cullens quickly gathered what they had come here  with.
      “W-wait, what ‘appens now?” A.J. asked as Carlisle wrapped an arm around her shoulder and placed his right hand protectively on her other.
     “We go home.” Carlisle answered and began to lead her away in the direction of home.
     A.J. stared at him as the others caught up with them, “Then what?”
     Carlisle looked down and gave his daughter a close-lipped smile as Esme flashed to her other side.
     “Let’s just get home first.” he told her.
     A.J. nodded and turned her gaze forward before stopping dead in her tracks and craning her neck to look around Carlisle.
     “Wait, my stuff!” she called out.
     “Don’t worry, we got it.” Rosalie answered as she slugged A.J.’s backpack around her shoulders and Emmett cradled the girl’s boom box.
     A.J. nodded again, “Thank you.” she let her gaze fall forward.
     The girl bit her tongue in anticipation of what was going to happen. The courage she had gained left her once she heard the wheels of the silver Jeep skid away in the mud. Dread replaced it as the primary emotion in most of the vampires present. Her thoughts were far too jumbled and rapid for her to calm herself down as Carlisle began to pick up speed. One thing that remained clear in her mind as she started to run, was her family staying safe. Though, she had no clue how she'd do it.
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writernopal · 6 months
OC vs. Cockroach
Alright I had to jump on this one stat LOL thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck see their post here!
Rules: Rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach
I'm going to do the casts of AASOAF and M.O.W for this one!
Mariel: 7/10 Mariel grew up on a farm so she's pretty used to seeing creepy crawlies around. That said she can't keep her cool around them like she can with rodents and other types of pests so she is definitely the sort to be startled by one, and call for help if there is someone nearby. Otherwise, our little lady is bucking up and dealing with it on her own.
Axtapor: 10/10 A big part of Lizardfolk diet is eating bugs including roaches. While they aren't his favorite, he's known to indulge from time to time because the wings have a nice crunch to them *chefs kiss*. So he just manhandles them whenever they're around and down the hatch they go!
Fay: 0/10 Fay grew up impoverished in the slums of a place called Saltend and on more than one occasion discovered roaches in her bed, clothes, food, hair, blankets you name it. Safe to say she was traumatized after being surrounded by them for so many years. She is definitely calling in for backup if she sees one.
Wilkes: 10/10 Even though he's a Lizardfolk, he doesn't eat roaches. Rather, he despises them because Fay hates them so he's become quite the exterminator on her behalf. He can hit one from across the room with a throwing knife and has done so on many occasions. I should add, that he also doesn't let his adoptive parents eat them either. The Sikthax-Seymour household is a roach-free zone đŸ˜€
Hartim and Lexlar: 20/10 So these two are from The Oasis Heartlands which is mostly jungle ergo, LOTS of bugs to eat. They hunt bugs for fun and roaches are no different but they are a little bit more sadistic with roaches than other creepy crawlies. Lexlar will catch a bunch, enough to fill a jar, and then set them loose in an enclosed area, like a room for example, and let Hartim just go nuts trying to catch and eat them lol. Then the same thing vice-versa, Hartim will catch a bunch and release them for Lexlar. They claim it's a speed trial but they're really just playing with their food lol.
Tagging (gently): @outpost51 @sparatus @teamdilf @commander-krios @void-botanist @silverslipstream @captain-kraken @moonluringfrost
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matchalilly · 7 months
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This gaming series has always had a special place in my heart for more reasons than one.
In middle school and high-school it was my shit played more co op than campaign in college cause I had a solid group of friends I'd hop on with.
But as a military brat I got the biggest crush on Mactavish when I was a tween, irritated the hell out of my bf at the time to the point he'd start snarky arguments about how I gush over a scottsman when his Irish ass is right there granted we'd laugh about it cause I'd point out how stupid it was that he's getting bent over a video game character, his ma would even join in saying just wait maybe an actual Scottish boy will swipe me from him.
As much as he gave me shit over Soap certain parts of the game hit him hard too.
We mutually broke up before high school, still hung out and gamed together but he decided he was going to join the army after graduating and didn't want me stuck worrying constantly, even though I expressed my interest in joining the marines like my dad.
That started up a whole new 'dig at each other' playfully of course both of us came from military families him strictly army me a mix of marine, army, and navy.
Dad was against his only baby girl joining the military and I just said alright ill just do some form of art than, ended up taking international culinary courses and cosplay ended up unironacally making military friends regardless.
You'd be surprised how many service men and women I've met in the cosplay community not to mention lawyers and doctors, even dentists it's wild honestly but it's neat, and some of them would play with me on CoD just to keep in touch. We'd joke and shit on each other and shit on the occasional teams that would be toxic in the lobby after losing the match to a team mixed with chicks and guys and would scream hacks.
Long and short of it this game is a staple in many special memories for me. It isn't just a game I play for the fun of it, I've made friends, connections and sometimes we all hop on just to chat in the lobby not even going into game. We would just sit cracking jokes and go back and forth if we wanted to hop in a match and go naaaaaaaaaah not tonight, got work or nah I have morning classes or mmm gotta be at base early or I would, ect you get the idea life stuff.
Now I'm back in it watching my friend that's never played a shooter in her life enjoying co op and the campaign and its the best thing to see.
She's a Konig girl and gets shitty that he's not in it much and me and my other pal just laugh and tell her he wasn't in the old games much either, nothing new better get used to relying on the simping fandom for her Konig material.
She even went and started a fanfiction and asks me all kinds of questions, although she had the audacity to call Ghost mean and I'm just like girl how dare đŸ˜€
Seriously don't know why people think he's mean, clearly they haven't heard his glorious dad jokes dudes just a hardened soldier.
But she adores Soap too so we chat often about him or she'll gush about Konig or send me mass GhostSoap pictures and I'm just like wow you found that side of the Fandom took you long enough 😆
Even my military hubby joins us cause he grew up playing the games too. Imagine his suprise one year when he came home from a deployment catching his wife playing CoD not knowing I even had an interest in the game.
That was a fun conversation our first year married.
Sat and watched him start the new campaign last night and I was so frustrated that he purposely would get Price killed just to rile me up (even detonated himself at one point) before restarting the mission and say 'imma do it again' only for me to tell him to leave the old man alone and actually do the damn mission.
Sorry not sorry felt like reminiscing, tis the season of recalling fond memories.
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grimalkinmessor · 7 months
For the Light with Hanahaki AU. Same anon here, hi! Your reply got me thinking 🙈.
So, Light does his own surgery. And L doesn't find out? But! I have a couple of points for why it's inevitably for L to find out. Along with a few assumptions lmao.
Statement: Light performs Hanahaki removal surgery on himself.
Assumption 1: Light gets Hanahaki pre tennis match. In that case, he would most likely lose the match or not play at all. Because he wouldn't have recovered from the surgery. The stitches could rip and tear. Has he recovered from the blood loss yet? Is he *okay* enough for vigorous exercise? L needs to look deeper on why Light refused the tennis match or, if they played, why Light walked away with a bloody shirt.
Assumption 2: Okay, so the Hanahaki is post tennis match but before confinement. He'd have removed the flowers a couple of times by now. By self done surgery. Then he gets prepared to go into confinement, he changes into new clothes and- what's with those suspicious looking scary scars on Light's chest? They look to have been made by cutting through the skin there again and again and again. Whyyyy was Light cutting himself open? This needs to be investigated. Plus L can't possibly put a not even recovered surgery patient in confinement (lie). Especially when it could be related to Kira.
In either case, L would probably know of the Hanahaki by the time Light goes into confinement. Depending on whether he puts Light through an X ray check or something, the flowers or roots can even show up on print.
He probably wouldn't know it's him that Light loves. Not unless L makes some very big leaps of logic. But it's certain it's not Misa that's the cause of the flowers lmao.
Of course L would inevitably find out!! He's L!! Anything else would be an insult to his intelligence đŸ˜€
However, to assume that Light has not already thought of a lot of the problems that he'll have from performing routine lung surgery on himself is an insult to his intelligence too.
BUT I'm actually really glad you brought this up because I forgot to address it in my last answer! It was getting too long ^^"
Light would eventually develop breathing problems that are separate from the Hanahaki. The first few times it's probably fine, Light can breathe easier afterward because his lungs are clear—but after enough times his lungs would weaken. It's harder for him to catch his breath. He develops a cough that persists even after he's "pruned" the foliage, if with less tearing and blood, though I imagine there's still some. And, yes, vigorous exercise would eventually become out of the question.
However, it only takes stitches about two weeks to heal—less even, if proper care is taken. And I maaay have overestimated the amount of times Light would need to perform the surgery, or at least overestimated how often he would need to. I'm imagining that the seeds of Light's Hanahaki were planted during that first broadcast, and that it grew at very slow rate until he met L in person. That glimpse of L during the exam would've probably been Light's first hint that he had Hanahaki, because it lurched forward in growth as soon as they made eye contact. (Again, omniscient Hanahaki, it has proximity buffs). It would slow again during the period between the exam and the entrance ceremony, which would give Light time to freak the fuck out, calm himself down, and go over what to do about it. He only performs surgery on himself whenever his Hanahaki gets to be obvious, which now that I've thought about it, would probably take a bit longer than I originally thought.
So the tennis match would depend on several factors! How far along is Light's Hanahaki? Has he even given himself his first surgery yet? If so, how long has it been since he did? How many times has he cut himself open? Is it enough for there to be long term effects yet?
The tennis match could be early enough that Light would be alright getting through it, if a little breathless at the end. If he still had stitches in I think he'd reschedule for a time when he didn't. Though that does pose the question of whether or not he'd be able to go for the win again 🧐 BUT there's also room there for a locker room discovery of Light's chest scar, so there's that option. L would be suspicious but he wouldn't have cause to test it, but it would make it more awkward if, in the future, the wound doesn't seem to have healed at all when L gets another glimpse of it 👀 For L to find out that early though, he'd have to personally see Light upchuck a petal or flower.
As for confinement—Light doesn't actually seem to change clothes between him asking L to confine him, and him giving up his memories. It's only a few days difference, and I don't imagine L was letting his top suspect out for daily showers when he didn't even let Misa out of her strait jacket once, even to ensure that her muscles didn't atrophy. By the time Light would be due for a shower in L's eyes (which would likely be only when the Task Force insisted) he would've already given up his memories and thus his Hanahaki would've receded. The scar (or wound, as I think Light would take the precaution of "cleaning house" before he submitted himself to confinement) would've still been there, but any tests L would run would just show a weakness in Light's lungs, maybe a few inner scars, but not any plant matter. Again, L's best bet would probably be to see Light physically coughing up petals before the confinement even started. Which, even if he DOES see it, it just brings up more questions later on 1) why Light was doing his own surgery (could be blamed on not wanting to burden his family), 2) why he was doing it repeatedly, and 3) why it would be gone by the time L had the cause and means to check.
BUT if L does somehow find out before confinement (with his super-sleuthing, great-at-finding-the-exact-wrong-time-to-show-up brain), things get more complicated >:3 If L finds out in front of Light, meaning Light knows L saw him cough up a flower, then L would question him there about it. Who is it, how long have you had it, have you considered your options, may I see the flower, what type is it—respectfully that's none of your business Ryuzaki etc. etc. It'd be a helluva mind game and Light would have to lie his ass off, but in this case things are still, mostly in Light's favor. Only L knows, and he can play the shy, tragic lover boy and ask L not to tell his father because he doesn't want anyone to know. He loves this mystery person too much to try and guilt them into loving him đŸ„ș (Light would play this as a way to lower his Kira percentage, and if L told anyone from there, it would only be more difficult to convince the Task Force that Light is Kira).
But if L finds out without Light aware that he knows, then he would be able to keep it close to his chest and wait to see how things played out. Light having Hanahaki would actually give L reason to doubt that Light was Kira, because he doesn't see Kira as a creature that loves. It would haunt L's brain....untiiil he saw the flowers :3 There's not many people that would grow those flowers inside themself as a symbol of the person they love, but if Kira loved anyone, then it would absolutely be someone so....unique, we'll say.
L finds out then, but he doesn't do anything about it until Light asks to be confined. L would use that as an excuse to 'request a medical check up' before Light goes in, just as a precaution and as an unasked for favor for Chief Yagami—it's his son after all, L just wants to make sure this will have no lasting ill affects on Light's health. He's heard that Light's had some trouble breathing recently and L certainly wouldn't want anything to happen to him 🙏 This, of course, would reveal Light's Hanahaki to the rest of the Task Force and Light's father. This puts far more pressure on Light to explain himself, and L doesn't even have to ask the question; the Task Force and, more importantly, Soichiro, are doing it for him. And Light is always going to be far more honest with his father (at least in this case) than he ever would be with L.
Now again, Light would never admit that it was for L. And the flowers would give the others pause. But ultimately Light has a plan he needs to stick to and he'd do his best to do so. Rem is still breathing down his neck, remember? But the one thing he wouldn't think of is everyone being exposed to his Hanahaki—and then it suddenly disappearing while he's in confinement. Light could've saved this by saying he simply fell out of love with his beau,,,,if he remembered that he had Hanahaki in the first place :) Oops ✹
Again, from there it's up to you and what you think L would do! The ball would be back in his court. Would he deduce that Light-as-Kira was in love, and that losing memories of being Kira made those feelings fade? Or would he come up with different explanations? Would he guess that it was him that Kira was in love with? What would he do with that information once (if) he had it? He's got two teenagers locked up on suspicion of being Kira, the second in love with the first and the first no longer in love with L, but—who had been, before?
The first option that comes to my mind is L trying to seduce Lobotomy!Light (yes I saw that name somewhere else and I stole it because I liked it MOVING ON), but he already knows that whatever Light liked about him is null and void when he doesn't remember being Kira. And L,,,legit does not know how to be seductive on purpose. He doesn't know how to seduce! He's never done it before! He's as confused as you are! And tbh, any seduction from L likely wouldn't work on Lobotomy!Light because again, different factors different detractors. He might eventually find L attractive, but I don't believe he'd ever give into it. Light is the King of denial, you think he can't smother a little lust until it doesn't exist anymore?? WRONG. Monks would be fucking in awe of this boy's restraint and self-denial!!
The fun part for this one is when Light gets his memories back :D Because as soon as his memories come back—as soon as his Hanahaki comes back—all the seduction L clumsily played on him during their cohabitation? It slams into him like a freight train ✹ It would speed up the growth of his Hanahaki, it would make Light angry and flustered and afraid.
Again, L has several options here—but so does Light. And L better hope he picks the one that means Light doesn't speed up his plans and kill L with his bare fucking hands because honestly? At that point it'd be a constant thought in his brain. L's playing Russian roulette at that point.
This is getting super duper long so I'll leave you with this—Light with Hanahaki is almost always going to end in tragedy. That's just who he is, what his character is made for. It'd take a truly brilliant plan of L's to make any ending a happy one, or hell, even just a not sad one.
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ethereal-engene · 2 years
What a Purr-fect Birthday Surprise
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pairing: bf!jun x gn!reader (established relationship)
genre: fluff + slice-of-life // warning(s): mentions of food
summary: You decide to take Jun to a cat-cafe for his birthday & more
word count: ~1.16k
note: it’s a sad thing that I’m allergic to cats but that doesn’t mean it can stop me from writing this fic đŸ˜€ wishing Jun a happy birthday again b/c it’s officially his birthday where I am. Enjoyyyyy
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Honestly speaking Jun would have been happy getting anything from you for his birthday
Or actually even if you got him nothing, he’d be content with it because he has you and to him, it’s more than enough
Anyhow, when you meet him at his door, he’s excited but confused
Last time y’all talked, it was agreed that you two would stay at home to celebrate his birthday. Soooo what were you all fancied up for?
Seeing his puzzled face, you tell him that you have a surprise & that he’ll like it a lot
So you usher him to go change while you set down a birthday card & flowers you got him
It was very hard to contain your excitement to say the least. Squirming every so often waiting for him to get changed
Until he’s finally done and it takes everything in you not to straight up tackle him into a hug because he looks so good
Moments later, you’re practically dragging him out of his apartment and into your car
Rushing as if the cafe will close if you get there late (it doesn’t btw your excitement is just 📈📈)
Once y’all are in the car, he does his best to calm you down because he doesn’t want you to drive if you’re too excited
Handing him the aux to choose the songs and you eventually tone down your giddiness and start driving
Listening to the music while simultaneously talking to him about how his day is going
Nodding every so often
Hearing all about their schedules made you glad that he had his birthday off because breaks are important too✹
Arriving to the cafe, you made him close his eyes until you told him to open them
And so he did just that. Holding your hand tightly and trailing behind you slowly, trying to be careful so that he doesn’t trip
It’s kind of surprising that none of the cats or kitties there made any noise but it made things way easier for you
“Alright, you can open your eyes now bub” you said and literally seeing his eyes glow along with his huge smile planted on his face
Before you could say anything next, you were pulled into a tight hug from him
Giving you a soft kiss & going to playing with the kittens
Jun couldn’t have asked for anything more. Unfortunately he couldn’t have a cat in his apartment so this was like heaven to him especially since he was here with you
You left him to be with the cats to get some coffee and treats for the cats
Coming back, you nudge him to give him the cat treats & he happily feeds them to the cats
Chuckling a little as the cat’s tongues tickle his hand
Also handing him the coffee & it gave you two some time to catch up and bask in both each other’s presence along with the cats
It was kind of hard to keep a conversation because the cats seemed to really like Jun & you so they kept coming up to y’all
Rubbing themselves against your legs and you two couldn’t help but just bend down to pet them while talking
It felt like a lot of the conversations weren’t full on conversations ahaha a bunch of laughter caught between the starts and the middle of a sentence
It was okay though because once y’all were at his apartment, conversations there would be more suitable
Besides, seeing Jun at his happiest made you feel great đŸ„ș
Now that you had him distracted, you checked in with the rest of the members to ensure that everything at his place was set up & they were nearly done which meant it was go time again ;)
After getting the last and final message confirming that they were done, you waited a bit until telling Jun that they should head back home
Right when you say that, his eyes tell you no but he nods
Waving, petting, and holding all the cats he possibly can before releasing them to hold your hand
And so surprise #2 will be met soon.. and surprise #3 too đŸ€­
Driving home (to his apartment), you hear him rambling about the cats and how much he truly loved this experience. Along with so many thank yous because he hasn’t had the chance to go to a cat cafe yet until now
So it’s very special and meaningful to him that you took him there & all of that jazz. (NAUR BECAUSE JUST SEEING JUN ALL SMILEY AND EVERYTHING MAKES ME SO SOFT 😭😭 he deserves it)
You respond to him with no problem and that’s you’re really really glad that he liked going there
Safely arriving to his apartment, he opens the door to seeing a decorated apartment with balloons and his members
You back up a bit because you already know that their energy and hugs for Jun is going to be through the roof
“Did you get them to do this for me, love??” Jun asks with curious eyes & raising eyebrows
“Noo no, nothing like that. They did this all by themselves, they really wanted to do it and so I helped them plan it in the slightest.” Kissing him on the cheek and greeting all of the members
Swear Jun has never felt this much love from you and his group ever, thinking about how he can updo you for your birthday
Little do you know that you have one more little big & last surprise for him
As some time goes by, you hear a knock from the door and drag Jun with you to open the door
Opening the door, he didn’t know how to react other than freeze
He couldn’t believe who you brought for his birthday party like how and where and what??!?
It was his mom & younger brother! Finally composing himself, he welcomed them in and brought them into a bear hug
It might not have been too long since he last saw them but it didn’t matter. Each and every time would be just as precious to him
You helped them get some food and feel comfortable before walking back to him with jazz hands
“Ta-dahhhhh! That’s all of the surprises and presents I have for you today but if you ask me, they’re some pretty good ones” bits of smug said with it
“I can’t say thank you anymore today because I feel like it’ll take away from how much I mean it but wow. I love you so much and thank you for continuing to show me how love is beautiful.” All said with a wide eyed smile and kiss to your forehead
And so the rest of the night was spent with lots of fun and food✹
Jun would never stop asking himself how in the world he could repay you for how loving & kind you were and are
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I’m not going to lie, I would have elaborated more about the cat cafe but wasn’t sure how
 anyhow I hope you liked this!! Thank you for reading it!
please do leave feedback, comments, or interact to let me know if you liked this or not. 
reblog it if you liked it. (NOT AN EMPTY REBLOG which is a reblog with no tags!!) this site doesn’t run on likes but reblogs <3
take care
signing off with love,
- ash
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
alright, gonna watch this again while no one is online because what is life if not procrastination persevering? so, in the words of archie andrews, "i was born alone. i'll die alone. i'll sing alone" so let's gooo:
oh god i forgot about the 5 mins of dialogue to catch the characters up on what the audience already knows
brb gonna go practice that level of face acting in the mirror, wanna see if i can bust into a teen show on the cw as my next career move
okay what is this filter thing going on? looking like a beauty youtuber in 2018, my guys
time traveler and angel aren't really that connected, jughead😭
tabitha, if you're gonna get mad at a feral jughead the first time you meet one, boy do i have news for you
gonna need to talk to polly about her ugly sweater and her weirdo vibes
they have gone past holding the audience's hand to explain this, they are now carrying them on their backs to a slideshow presentation
jason speaking is so uncomfortable to me after this long, ha
where are all the people who told me that riverdale always had the supernatural, we just didn't see it until now because everything is totally fine in the dale? because percival just painstakingly told me how riverdale got some and he disagrees with y'all
brb again, gonna go wash my feetsies so i can get rid of some genetics
narrator jughead dressing like that and wearing no rings? this is why we're suspicious, istgđŸ˜€
it's very weird he's supposed to be a replacement jughead but he clearly doesn't really act like vale or dale jughead
the time traveler, who is the only one who knows the winning scenarios, keeps having dialogue to remind us that she's unaware of what to do and doesn't use her powers to check on anything. solid writing, guys
ethel, girl, you don't have to go for his throat like thatđŸ˜©
didn't ethel poison dilton in 6x05? she said she's about to clean up some messes. jughead, watch your back
hilarious implication that betty and archie were supposed to die in the explosion in the dale right after deciding to date. talk about consequences for bad choices
the looney tunes-esque looking ass bomb for the train tracks is too much
narrator jughead's deal with the devil surely isn't going to come bite him in the ass, right? or percival's? definitely not
anyways, the point is that jughead would risk the universe to save betty and that's all i took away from this episode😌
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