#after a 20 month hiatus i am FINALLY BACK
zekesplayground · 5 months
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sleepy detective
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chounaifu · 9 months
Life Updates ✨️
I am about 85% sure that I've found the place I want to move into. It's 20 minutes from my office, and the property has a KOI POND!
After his return was delayed by two weeks, my current roommate is finally coming back from his overseas deployment. (He left back in April and my mental health tanked from the lack of socializing.) House is clean and banana bread awaits his return home. 🍌 🍞 We have a lot of catching up to do. The guy is like a brother to me; he has helped me recover from escaping my ex-boyfriend (he had a similar, messy divorce a month before I moved in), and with processing the death of my step-brother. We're very sad to part ways, but, he's ready to leave this shithole of a state, and I'm excited for him.
If I make a final decision on my rental this weekend, my full hiatus will change to a semi-hiatus. I'll pop onto dash for memes and such, but, the majority of my brain power is going to go into packing, preparing for the move, buying furniture, selling old belongings, and potentially preparing the paperwork required to make an out-of-state move legal.
Please note that, with my move, I will be leaving behind a lot of beloved people, so I am going to be emotional during the process. I can assure you though, I'm going to be alright. I'll be staying with my current job, but, of the four locations that I will be looking at this weekend, one of them actually pushes me over the state line. The OTHERS put me 20 minutes from ANOTHER state line. I feel fine about it, but, a lot of my family members who have-- literally never left their little country town are going to act like I've decided to pack up and relocate to another country LOL. So that's going to ALSO take up a lot of my spoons.
Lastly, with this move, I will officially be 100% no contact with the abuser in my family. She will not be receiving my new address, and I will be too far away for her to find me anyways. Good things are happening for me.
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saveraedae · 8 months
Wanted to be transparent with people since I know some are out there who've been waiting for the TMS merch store to come back for awhile. This will be a long post, so look at the red text for the key points in case you wanted to know something specific.
Q: Why did you take it down in the first place?
A: I was using Teespring (Which I'll refer to as Spring as that's what they rebranded to,) and it's quality, in my opinion, was BAD. I did not do research before choosing them as a POD service. I've had people who have ordered who told me their apparel DISINTEGRATED after barely any washes. I own a sample from them, and I can confirm. While their shirt and print quality is decent at first glance, after washing your apparel, the print will soon begin to disintegrate. I'm not sure a better way to illustrate this with text, but it reminds me of those Thanos Snap "I don't feel so good" memes from a couple years ago. Yeah, it looks like THAT after washing. Not to mention, their payment process is shady. I know 100% that some people placed orders, as they had shown proof, and it did not show up in the dashboard. I wasn't worried about making money off of it at the time, because I just wanted to provide people with merch of their favorite characters, but there was no excuse for this.
Q: Why don't you use a service like Redbubble or something else?
A: While it is true that there's lots of other options available for POD merch creation with built-in storefronts, I took the hiatus to do research, as well as included past experiences I've had with other services to support my decision— (which I'll state further down below—) and Redbubble's quality is also not good in my opinion. I've owned shirts from them before and they have a weird sticky feeling to the print that I don't like, it's not very appealing in my opinion. But this isn't only about Redbubble, other merch services I've come across don't have the quality as the issue, they have the PRICE as the issue. I am not about to make ANYONE pay $40 for a damn T-shirt even if it lasts longer than the other services. TLDR for this: It's always a mix of services having bad quality, too little options, or being way too pricy.
Q: So what are you going to do now? It looks like they all aren't for you.
A: I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to run my own store. No, I won't have all of the stock on me. There will be a few items that I'm responsible for packaging on my own, but the majority will not be shipped by me. I have to use POD services that do not have built in store fronts, which means that I have to import your order to them before they create it. This is unlike POD services with built-in storefronts, which handle everything themselves and (are supposed to) pay me after you receive your order. So this means going forward it will be more hands on for me. I've been working on building my own store for a few months now, and the pieces are finally falling into place, so I'm excited for what's to come. :)
However, there has been a bit of a roadblock.
I was really close to being able to do a soft-launch of the new TMS merch store, but unfortunately I'm unable to do so. Why? Because I went to create a Paypal business account specifically for TMS funding (to better keep track of funds that will get put back into the production and seperate everything from my personal expenses,) and when I created the account I got flagged as 'being under 18' when I'm 20 years old and my ID clearly indicated such. After repetitively getting put on hold by Paypal customer service I was told "It is just a generic email, YOU actually need to be 21 because you live in Mississippi." ...Which is ridiculous in all honesty. Through this Paypal adventure I learned that there are only 3 US states where the age of majority is not 18, and I just so happen to live in the state with the highest age of majority. ...Great. At the very least, I turn 21 in a few months, only then will I be able to link the account to the store.
As for a launch date, I do not have an exact date, but I have a rough, definitive one...
Expect the TMS merch store to re-launch sometime early 2024!
(Plushes will also move from Ko-Fi to the new site when it launches.)
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greatqueenanna · 1 year
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I'm Back!
After a ridiculously long Hiatus since November, I am finally back and ready to talk more Frozen! So, let's get this started and clean off all the dust and cobwebs haha. There's a lot to talk about!
Yes, I know - FROZEN 3!
First things first, the elephant in the room and the thing that people kept sending me messages about - last month Frozen 3 was officially announced! The fandom is happy, concerned, anxious, and excited all at once. I'm personally very happy that we'll finally be getting some new content. You can definitely expect that I will be covering Frozen 3 news and speculation, as well as throwing in my own thoughts here and there over the coming years.
Also, don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts and fears about the new sequel - I'd love to hear them.
Upcoming Analyses
Over my hiatus, I was able to complete two of my promised analyses. Fatherly Burdens - Is Agnarr Portrayed Negatively? Will be released tomorrow, 3/2/23. It's a bit of a controversial one, so be prepared! Polar Opposites - Comparing the Sister’s Personalities is coming the day after, 3/3/23. It's a tame one, so it should be a nice little read.
As for the others, I'm going to label below their release dates and if everything goes well, they should release on those dates with no problems.
Irredeemable Monster - Should Hans Make a Return 3/9/23
Stoic and Strong - Talking about HoneyMaren and Her Importance 3/23/23
I will also be reblogging old analyses that I think are some of my best. So be prepared for some oldies coming back into the spotlight over the next couple of months!
That Dang Frozen Canon Talk!
Now for Frozen Canon Talk! 4th Edition - I promised it, I pushed it back, and now I finally have a date for it - 4/20/23.
I will be talking about Canon again, but many of my initial thoughts have changed over the course of doing more research and having more discussions. This is why I have removed all earlier versions of the post, so people wouldn't get confused.
Arendelle Archives
As some of you probably have noticed, I have joined The Arendelle Archives - a fan group that is dedicated to writing about and chronicling important Frozen Franchise Information.
I want to give a shout-out to these great documents below, written by @saiten-gefroren and Winter Loves Summer. The first is the Annals of Frozen which summarizes what we know about both Arendelle and Northuldra. The second is The Frozenverse which contains all the published titles so far in the Frozen franchise, like media, books, comics, and spin-offs.
These are amazing reads, and the work and dedication here deserve more attention and credit.
Annals of Frozen by saiten-gefroren
The Frozenverse by Winter Loves Summer
GQA-Lite Redone
I'm re-creating my side blog to be Frozen-centric fandom side topics. I want this main blog to focus more on the analysis of the franchise itself, rather than on the fandom drama. Thus, the purpose of GQA-Lite is to cover more fandom-related topics. In my bio, you will see where my opinions are aligned, so from that, you should get an idea of what GQA-Lite will cover.
It will no longer delve into non-Frozen topics, but I will be creating a whole new blog later on where I don't talk about Frozen. Stay tuned if you're interested in that.
GQA-Lite link here and in Bio.
What's Next?
Now for the final update - a poll! As said, I am definitely taking advantage of this haha.
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lumau · 1 month
(fandom update and appreciation)
Hello, I'm back!
These past months daily life has taken over and lead me into a fandom hiatus. After the end of twitter as we knew it I kinda lost connection and tbh it has been refreshing. While I've always kept to my own corner and away from big drama, just being in fandom on social media these days has pulled me down and I probably burned myself out over it (again).
During my break I rediscovered that I can actually enjoy things casually (I'm still playing Pokémon and started watching Winter Begonia), and that I can both consume and create things just for myself to enjoy without the constant internal pressure of seeking engagement dopamine. 
But now I'm at a point where I'm starting to miss all the good fandom stuff (meaning YOU guys out there!). I miss seeing your Xie'er hcs, your Sleuth memes and the JGY protection squad, and I'm glad that fandom always perseveres and I can simply come back after a break and y'all are still doing what you're doing. ❤️
So, what's new? Well, after intentionally ignoring it for the past years, I'm getting sucked into TGCF right now. I watched the 2nd donghua season as it aired and wanted to know more, so I finally continued reading it. I'm also doing that very slowly and am currently in the middle of the 3rd book. 
I've been reading some fic, watching videos and I know myself enough by now to see the pattern of falling into a new thing. It's both enticing and scary to once more get into something with a big following. I really love the experience of being in small, committed fandoms, but there's also something really cool about the sense that there's an infinite amount of fan content out there waiting for you. Also, the specific danger of being tempted by MERCH I can buy in an actual STORE where I live!?! Haven't had that in over 20 years. (Yes, MDZS has merch here, too, but none that I care about 😅).
For now I'm still trying to be casual about it and avoid spoilers (I know the vague plot lines, that shit will only keep going downhill, and who's behind BWX - I guess that's hard not to learn by fandom osmosis- but I'm looking the other way whenever any details come up.) 
Maybe I'll start posting some reactions as I keep going through the novels, but I don't want to feel like I'm reading it for content. Probably I'll feel the urge to write fic in the future, and my prediction is that I'll find myself in the Junlian corner (Unhealthy, one-sided obsession with a power imbalance? When have I ever resisted that!).
I've also been doing some casual doodling, which has been fun. Here's a tiny little XL for anyone who read through all of this:
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Oh, and on the note of doing things very slowly - Yes, I still have plans to finish the Jia Kui/Wang Zhi/Ding Rong fic I started writing... ehm, a year ago? 🙃 I'm just beginning to feel motivated again, and it's almost done, so there's hope. 我还在!
All of that to say - old and future fandom friends, I appreciate you! Do come talk to me, here or on discord, about TGCF or Winter Begonia or any of my previous fandoms. I'm looking forward to seeing what all of y'all have been up to!
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tariah23 · 3 months
Thoughts on JJK lately? Especially with them running through nearly every character one by one? Got inspired after seeing the hydrogen bomb (Sukuna) vs Coughing baby (Babyboyblorboman)
*looks away*
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Gege……… he needs to take FOREVER OFF lmfao. I’m still enjoying the story because the characters are what’s keeping it entertaining for me but you can tell that Gege just wants to hurry up and be through with JJK, too. This is the final stretch!!! The protagonists are facing off with the big bad! It’s almost over! But at what cost………
I’ve talked about this in even greater lengths before but the quality of Gege’s pacing and story telling has been extremely noticeable over the span of the last two years of its serialization. Literally everything from the flow to the pacing and build up of major moments and plot points within the story had all been *chefs kiss* beginning from JJK 0 all the way up to the end of Shibuya. Gege was definitely feeling himself, especially after writing two of some of the best arcs that I’ve ever read in a shounen back to back? I was like
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All while reading the shit, I am so SERIOUS!!! Not even glazing JJK, the arcs were just that fantastic!
Unfortunately, shortly after this amazing run, Gege had started to take hiatus after hiatus (I felt so bad… the fans were being assholes about it of course because they’re entitled and ugly, but his health was more important so I was glad that he decided to take a month long break. Now, Gege goes on breaks all of the time and I’m happy for him but at this point, I just wished that JJK became a monthly release instead because Jesus Christ, JJK used to be written SO much better than what we’re getting now. If he had more time to work on his story, I feel like both his health and story would drastically improve for sure. The fans would just have to learn how to be patient. I hate that Gege is just rushing through JJK like water out of a faucet right now. Because as a long time reader, I know that it used to be written better than this.
The stakes are always so high… (I get it since they’re fighting Sukuna after all, but man), the characters don’t have a moment to even breath, and the cast of characters are being treated like background fodder instead of the amazing characters that they are. It’s all just… “my turn!” *dies horribly* “my turn!” *dies horribly* “my turn!” *dies horribly* “my turn!” *dies horribly* “my turn-“ over and over and over again. Like, what the fuck?
It sucks. There’s little to no exposition and development involved in the story and it’s characters anymore. Thank god that most of them already had their own character development arcs already because Gege doesn’t focus on that at all anymore. Everything’s just so fast paced and erratic. Things are just “happening,” now instead of building up to these big moments and a lot of the character deaths of the major players have just felt like they were written purely for shock value and or to simply, “get them out of the picture so that Gege could move on-“ *coughs* Gojo *choking up blood*
Even the whole thing with Gojo was… it’s like, I just didn’t enjoy how it all ENDED with him passing on and not ever being able to evolve on an emotional level? Him being able to get over being “the strongest,” would’ve been such an incredible breakthrough for his character. His trauma and complex of being essentially, this deified monster instead of the human being that was, and never being able to fully connect with anyone that understood that about him. That would’ve been GREAT. He deserved it! Even the people who loved and cared about him only really saw him as this all mighty thing instead of the person who he was deep down (it wasn’t their faults… and Gojo’s never made it any easier for others to get close enough to “get,” him anyway so 😭…)
I can see JJK ending in at least 20 more chapters or so. Maybe 30. I do remember back in December where vol. 25’s cover had first been revealed, that the seiyu’s for both Gojo and Sukuna, acted out some of the future content from the manga right before their big fight and how Gege had announced that JJK would be ending this year but that guy said the same shit last year/ or back in 2022 so lmfao.
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meimi-haneoka · 7 months
Thank you so much for everything. Yes, real life gets hectic and unfortunately, it will be more hectic for me for a while soon. ;-; Hope everything is going fine for you now. As for the chocomint post, hmm, I don't remember the exact chapter number (probably 60/61/62-ish?) but it had Lilie and Kaito in it and because I had never picked up Clear Card as I wanted to binge read/watch it, I was left very confused as to who these two were once I began coming across them in Tumblr. The reason I even came back into the CCS tags because I am actually taking a hiatus from Boruto (yeah, I will confess that I am one of the rare few who went straight from Naruto to Boruto and actually enjoys its sequel). Boruto right now is in a "let's torture the protagonist" phase ala Tsubasa style and it's actually becoming painful to read (actually good writing, it makes you squirm and feel pained for Boruto, he is shaping up to be one of my most favourite shonen protagonists). I am thinking of keeping my hands off it for a few months for binging purposes and thought why not check out my first preteen/nearly teen OTP. And yeah, I come back to find that it is nearly in its arc end. And then I search tags and of course, I find very confusing and disconnected things, especially with random chocomint references, and people being very critical about a lot of things. I totally understand the valid criticisms now that I have caught up but I admit that I did enjoy a lot of things in Clear Card as well and I am looking forward to watching season 2 on weekly basis just because of this. I wonder when that is going to be aired because I can't find any info regarding it beyond its production announcement.
And now I can proceed to reply to this ask of 20 days ago 💦 I'm sorry, but I reaaaaaaally wasn't in the mood to write anything, back then.
Thank you for explaining how you reconnected with the CCS franchise and how you found my blog! 😆 AH yes, our main chocomint sponsor Lilie 😂😂😂😂it makes me laugh so much everytime I think about it...
Now that the manga is ending, I can start working again on the long list of posts addressing many topics, and one of those (I think it'll actually be my next one in line, after the one I did of the literary references) will precisely be not only about the significance of chocomint inside the story, but actually all the food and all the handmade stuff. Yes, they're there to bring a very special message and not only to waste time in the plot. 🙂
And yes, we're all waiting for more info about the sequel of the Clear Card anime, because ever since the announcement on April 1st they haven't said anything else. I expect we'll hear something along with the release of the next chapter, the final one!!
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thevoidscreamer · 1 year
Word Count Update! And other things!
I have created a spreadsheet on google sheets to catalog and visualize my word count progress as I continue to strive toward 1,000,000 words.
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I set out on this journey on 5 June 2022. Today is 20 April 2023, and I want to take some time to reflect back on the past almost-year’s worth of life that has happened while I’ve been cataloging my word count progress. 
When I started this project, I was fresh out of a breakup, navigating polyamory and co-parenting with a broken heart. I had just bid my 7-year-long career farewell, and my future was uncertain. I was back in school after a year-long hiatus. I started this project on the heels of a lot of loss.
Since then, I’ve survived the despair-inducing end of a decade-long life partnership, read about four and a half dozen books, had the opportunity to practice forgiveness on my family and others who hurt me, celebrated finally publishing two more books, came out as nonbinary and aro-ace, navigated the unique experiences that come with being a parent to a Teenager (TM), and tied the knot. I also pushed through one of the most depressing cases of writer’s block I’ve ever experienced.
My writing, and indeed this project, was deeply entwined with that aforementioned now-ended decade-long queer-platonic life partnership. That person had become inextricably linked with my personal writing culture, and for the first time since they left town in 2020, I found myself having to write without them. Writing had been a bonding experience, a sacred and intimate act we did, together, for too long to remember. In this way, this person became synonymous with my first love (writing). To put words on paper without them in my life felt like sacrilege. 
So I had to learn to write again. And as I did, writing became my constant. It began with a desire to commune with the muse who had one been so tied to my former partner. Hours, days, weeks, months spent unable to even stare at the blank page without weeping. You could say I spent my time in prayer, lingering in a sort of probationary period in a religious order with whom I had fallen out of practice, out of favor. I was a neophyte once more, confined to a vow of silence.
And so I listened. And so I read. And so I studied. And soon enough, as if from an impossible primal well, the forms of words began to come. Trickling, at first... nonfiction about mostly nothings... struggling descriptions of my aching day-to-day perpetuity... bits and pieces of verse that, alone, amounted to... maybe something... and hours, days, weeks, spent between, just trying to replenish the well, to pull something forward that wasn’t the haunting emptiness of wordlessness.
As I write this, I am about to enter a new phase of my life, moving away from my home of 14 years to an entirely different state. I’m about to graduate college, shortly after I graduate to a new stage of parenthood: my kid is entering high school. I am about to become a first-time homeowner and spend much of my free time rehabilitating a house that was abandoned for almost three years.
The world around me has gotten more dangerous. And yet, I find myself excited to step outside in ways I haven’t felt since childhood. I feel the muse, her ebbs and flows, dancing with me as I go. I see her everywhere, her touch in the wind, her smile in the rain, her gaze in the migrating sunbeam where my cat takes a nap, her voice in the beating of my heart.
I have written over 470,000 words since last April, but the most important thing I have learned since then is... to be silent. To listen. To read. To study. I know now that, in the moments where I feel the muse has abandoned me, what I need is... silence. Between the moments of feverish typing and contemplative crafting, there is a necessary peacefulness.
I will take it as the blessing it is.
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kosmic-songbird · 1 year
Trigger warning: suicide, night terrors, death, #bad brain
Been going through shit since the death of a family member and I'm trying to figure some stuff out about night terrors. I started having them at 14 and they got the worst at 17-20 years old. They went away for a few months and then came back but less frequent and violent. I moved at 23 (almost 24). Turning 25 this month and I had an unusually bad night terrors episode where I had three or four a night for several nights. I'm not out of that stage yet. And I'm so fuckin pissed cause all the night terrors research is on children, young children. And that's just a fuckin punch in the gut for 17 year old me that was suicidal out of fear of living with severe night terrors (several times a week if not nearly every night) for the rest of my life. And it's a slap in the face to nearly 25 year old me that has nothing to go on and blank stares from my doctor's when I bring it up. I'm tired. I thought I was over this. And maybe I am. Maybe I'm having an episode due to all of the medication and lifestyle changes im facing rn. (I am finally, finally, finally over Effexor withdrawals-when your doctor says it will last for a few days or a week know that they are wrong. For myself and many others it's 4-6 weeks if not longer even following a tapered withdrawal plan. It was a month-ish of pure torture for me. Imagine feeling faint and having your ears ringing and the ground swaying while they pick up your grandmother's casket? I was so angry that I had to feel I'll from withdrawals on top of grief. And now that I'm over the withdrawals I'm still dealing with grief and stress from financial matters. Idk. But if I look up why I get so paranoid I can't even close my eyes to sleep and get directed to another article for parents of 6 year olds I'm going to scream. I'm so sick and fuckin tired of no one helping me get over this shit and I'm so fuckin sorry for anyone out there in the same sorry state I'm in. Sorry for disappearing, leaving a rant, and then probably vanishing for at least another few days but I'm so fucked in the head rn I can't function. Starting to wonder if it's all natural or if there's a supernatural element too. (My parents' house is haunted and my night terrors immediately improved after moving. I've not had super serious problems with the terrors until this week. And I visited my family after my grandmother's death for a week. Maybe the bad entity back home hitched a ride or left a stain? Idk. But tomorrow I'm cleansing the whole fucking house, I'm gonna clean it, redecorate the alters (I had to take them down, just in case my Christian conservative family drove me home since they said they would even tho they ended up not doing it), I'm gonna make fresh offerings to my gods, spirits, and ancestors and ask for protection, and I'm going to invoke Medusa for protection something I've only dabbled with but found helpful (she's a cool entity to study and I have some upg about her associations with other Greek figures that I'm planning on creating a researched post about. I'm hoping to dive deep into those aspects of my polytheistic worship soon, but I have to feel stable first so sorry for the wait but it's necessary.)
Again, apologies for the hiatus but I'll be coming back stronger. I just need this rough patch to pass and, from experience, I know it will. Stay safe witches 💙
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// *sticks one hand out of the grass covered dirt like a zombie rising from the grave* I’m back gang
I went on a SUPER long (like, a few months long) hiatus from running this blog but finally IM BACK.
It’s been a while and there are probably some asks I should get on but I’m probably going to update some things as I go along.
after running a different ask blog which gained a bit of traction (not much really I got a little over 20 followers) and it was honestly great fun!!! It motivated me to come back to this blog and also kind of made me realise why I abandoned it so quick oof. ☠️
I really did like running this blog and answering asks, but I realised it wasn’t really getting to the right audience and ended up straying from the original topic/ source material real fast so after learning from my mistakes I’m gonna change up a few things and hopefully this blog gets a little more love from the jjba part 5 agere community (if there even is one 😢)
also just a heads up, I am no longer using pictures of characters for every single ask I answer. I had to hunt for so many screencaps of these fools /j to answer every ask and it took up so much space in my photos.
anyways, this post is basically a sourdough starter for the sourdough that is this half dead ask blog with like 7 followers. To those 7 followers, you guys are cool as hell
Asks are open!! (Try not to bombard this too fast I’m still looking through the asks from like last year that have been fermenting in the inbox for far too long 😓)
obligatory /nf tagging: @dhampirdreamerz @baby-zakarii (you two are my elite employees for this blog tbh)
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astrojaxsaga · 6 months
A lot has been happening in the past few months! All good things. Unfortunately not weight loss-related, but that's secondary to life TBF.
I recently (like ~1.5 weeks ago) got back from a workshop/conference in Tenerife, which is an island in the Canary Islands in Spain (essentially the closest I have ever been to Africa). This is my final trip this year, and I am so excited to just stay home and relax and focus on myself for the holidays. I do not need any more added pressure.
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The workshop was amazing, the food: divine & cheap, and the experience unforgetable. One aspect of the trip was a day tour of the island where we stopped for lunch in Garanchinco (the most beautiful city in Spain™) and toured the Mt Tiede Observatory and did some observations. The rest of the week, the weather was of course not cold for Nov. Probably a low of ~20°C, and one day it was up to 30. It was smart of me to bring both shorts & jeans just in case. I traveled light, I packed efficiently, and I did nothing outside the conference because frankly, I just wanted to be there for the workshop and get back home.
I have done some amazing travel this year, after such a long hiatus during covid. Essentially 3 full years of virtual conferences and no ability to travel, which is like the main perk of being a grad student. Underpaid? Yes, but also compensated with cool experiences. I'm really lucky to have had these trips this year. Probably before the new year, I will have to write a little blurb about the 4 different countries I visited (:
Regardless, my routines have been taking a hit, and it felt like I couldn't start up a schedule to work out without it getting impeded by my travel plans. This year has been busy (and rewarding!). But I am finally taking care of myself.
Mainly, I have been investing in figuring out my ADHD (recently diagnosed, as an adult) and trying to avoid binge eating. I haven't been working out consistently until I could invest time into managing all other aspects of my life, now that I don't need to travel. Right now, I have been starting up some trial medications and tracking my progress at work/home. So far, it is night and day. I am feeling so much better, so much less stressed and I'm able to stay in the present so much better. I feel like, happier? More grateful for things? Less anxious? (Obvs more productive?) My thoughts aren't swarming me all the time with all the things I have to get done and on what timeframe and what else could I be forgetting and who do I need to consider and how am I going to get it all done and....it gets intense. I am feeling so much less overwhelmed. I feel like I keep saying to myself, "Is this what it's like to be normal all the time??"
There is a part of me that is sad that I went so long without knowing I had ADHD, because everything was so much harder for me and I thought it was my fault. But I know I'm not lazy. I know I'm not stupid. I just struggled for so long. Watching people pass by me (academically) when I know I work harder than them. I know now that I CAN do a PhD, my work is worthwhile, and I am constantly becoming a better version of myself. Most of this was me and me alone, but with a little recognition of my struggles and some additional support for the deficiency, I think I will finally be able to get there.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Follower Recs
Hi! First of all, thank you so much for running this blog, It's become one of three reasons why I haven't yet committed arson (I jest but the Feeling is true). [Hee, hee, hee.] I have a rec for you! It's called "wholesome life usurp immediately" by comfect on ao3 and it's. So good. It's unfinished but the author updates it literally every other day if not faster! It's a lovely fic, I hope you enjoy it. 🌻
Wholesome Life Usurp Immediately
by Comfect (T, 55k, yunmeng sibs, qingli, wangxian, WIP)
Summary: Wen Qing examines Jiang Yanli at Cloud Recesses and has a cure for her poor cultivation.
Now there are Three Prides of Yunmeng.
Everything kind of fixes itself from there.
hello mojo!! I would really like to recommend standing still (but we keep going) by lwjromantics!! it's really good!!
standing still (but we keep going)
by lwjromantics (justfantaestic) (T, 5k, wangxian)
Summary: Lan Wangji supposed that if having to take care of little A-Yuan and Mo Xuanyu and having to look at the reminders of Wei Ying in their habits and mannerisms was punishment for his actions, he would willingly take it and flay his own back open.
— There are children in the Burial Mounds.
hii mojo! I just read this cute fic and I loved it so I wanted to rec it :) 
Word Up, Talk the Talk
by Larryissocute (G, 2k, wangxian)
Summary:  It wouldn’t have been a problem (it really wouldn’t) if they weren’t best friends. Wei Wuxian doesn’t know what good deeds he did in his past life to be blessed with Lan Wangji as a friend nor does he know what evil things he did to be cursed with being only a friend to Lan Wangji.
Or the one where Wei Wuxian kisses Lan Wangji and then runs away.
Hey! Love your account — and proud of you for taking the hiatus you needed.  [Lol - it was really nice!]  Idk if you take fic recommendations, but I'd love to rec Roots by ardenrabbit. Fantastic characterization, I really love it!
by ardenrabbit (E, 46k, wangxian, WIP)
Summary:  After Wei Wuxian's duel with Jiang Cheng, he finds that stab wounds aren't so trivial when he doesn't have a core to heal them. He wakes to find Lan Zhan in the Burial Mounds with him, already beloved by the Wens and making himself at home. When Lan Zhan tells him that he wants to stay and offers more help than Wei Wuxian knows how to accept, he fears that it's only too good to be true.
Lan Wangji knows that Wei Ying is doing the right thing, and he couldn't live with himself if he let him do it alone. For everything Wei Ying has sacrificed, Lan Wangji is determined to give something back to him.
Hanguang-Jun has turned his back on the clans to join the Yiling Wens and their demonic cultivator leader, and every clan has a different opinion on the matter.
Hello! I wanted to rec a fic on ao3 called "Restoration" by jelenedra. It's complete, an alternate universe of the sunshot campaign told nonlinearly. It has strong fairy tale and fae elements, with a touch of mystery. Bit of a fix it. Some delightful one liners, and the final ending imagery is just LOVELY. The fic deserves much more love. There's also some YilingWei, wwx not raised by Jiang, and sentient Burial Mounds elements. Enchanting read that keeps you enthralled and curious and intrigued.
by jelenedra (M, 85k, wangxian)
Summary:  They say he was thrown into Luanzang Gang by the man who killed his parents; they say that he is an immortal cultivator who had been in a deep trance until the Wen sect disturbed his rest and incurred his wrath; they say that he is the fierce corpse of a cultivator who had somehow regained his mind and his spiritual powers.
When Lan Wangji sees him for the first time, he understands why people talk.
Meng Yao wants safety. Xue Yang wants vengeance. The Sunshot Campaign wants victory. Yiling Laozu provides, for a price.
I usually read all your recommendations. Thanks for gathering all good recs of wangxian. I am in love with every single story your recommend especially the favorites. [I’m so glad!]  I just wanted to suggest a fic i came across while searching for phoenix!wwx. Its a new story I think as author has published it today. The first chapter was very interesting that i thought ill recommend it you and know your opinion. The legendary phoenix and his dragon -Devipriya and Hidden Path to Love by ShadowTenshiV
Hidden Path to Love
by ShadowTenshiV (G, 78k, wangxian)
Summary:  Wei Ying is a servant working at the Gusu Lan castle. One day he enters through a secret passage way connected to the library where he meets a Lan for the first time. He may have left quite an impression, gaining the other´s attention and slowly becoming friends. They would like to become something more, but a servant can´t be with a prince, but maybe his secret can change that.
hello mojo! i was wondering if I could make a fic rec? it’s called “and the calm is deep where the quiet waters flow” by izanyas. it used to be on ao3 but the author has since moved it to eir own website and has started posting updates there. i was wondering if this could also act as a signal boost bc some old readers on ao3 might not have known that it is now on another website.   Author's been through a tough time so I think it deserves a lot more love.
For new readers, please mind the warnings in the prologue and the beginning of each chapter! it’s omegaverse and a very heavy read as it deals with (possible spoiler) off-screen rape that results in an unwanted pregnancy, as well as secondary gender oppression which runs deep, but for people who can bear it the writing, worldbuilding, and emotions are truly spectacular.
and the calm is deep where the quiet waters flow
by izanyas (E, 270k, wangxian, WIP, link is to WordPress rather than AO3)
Summary: Cangse Sanren was the first of her kind to become a cultivator. Talented, passionate, free-spirited, she bested everything that ever came her way until the very end.
Jiang Fengmian refuses to see her son deprived of that same freedom.
Hello Mojo! I dunno if this's been recced before, but here's another ficrec for you? It's complete, on ao3, "The Third Young Master of Qishan Wen" by KouriArashi. It's 'if wwx was raised by dafan wen, but gets recognized as 3rd heir due to his skill' scenario. Some really nice banter and characterization. Wwx and lz get together before the sunshot campaign. Story follows the live action but diverges into au, and does some cool callbacks to original canon. Love Meng Yao in this!  [Oh, I know KouriArashi from my last fandom, I love her works!]
❤️The Third Young Master of the Qishan Wen
by KouriArashi (T, 139k, wangxian, my post)
Summary:  The fic where Wei Wuxian is adopted by the Dafan Mountain Wens instead of the Yunmeng Jiang.
Hi Mojo! I can count the number of times I’ve spoken on Tumblr on one hand (I’m shy heh) but I found this fic that I think you and others would really like? I’m a sucker for emotional hurt/comfort and this was just too sweet for me not to share (did I go through 20 pages of bookmarks just to make sure you don’t already have it? Maybe …) [Aww, you can do a sidebar search in the bookmarks for the author’s name.  But I hope you found other good fics by carding through the whole catalog!]  It’s “Close Your Soft Eyes” by timetoboldlygo! I also wanna say thank you for all the hard work you put into this blog! It’s a treasure beyond compare. :D [Thank you so much!]
Close Your Soft Eyes
by timetoboldlygo (G, 12k, wangxian)
Summary:  When Lan Wangji woke, the first thing he noticed was the slip of paper, folded and tucked between his index and middle fingers, not Wei Wuxian’s absence. His fingers trembled as he unfurled the paper. A donkey with a little smile beamed down at him.
On the nights that Wei Wuxian was gone, Lan Wangji woke to gifts on his pillow.
Hey Mojo! I love your blog it is beyond awesome! [Thank you!]  I was wondering if you would consider reading JaenysBloodcourt series "A Bond to Takes us home"? The summary is weird but I like the fics and would love to hear your opinion on LWJ POV (it's part 2). Part one is Mingxian but part two (Wangxian) reads as a standalone for the most part. Anyways, thank you for all your hard work! <3 [I’ll put it on my list!]
A Bond to Take Us Home
by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 10k, mingxian - nmj/wwx, wangxian, series in progress)
Summary:  Wei Wuxian has two soulmarks. He has two soulmates that seem to be the opposite of him. During his first life he meets both of them, loves only one and longs for the other. In his second life, the one he loved first is dead, and the one he pined after is pining after him.
These are the many tales of his soulmates and the raucous they made across the cultivation world.
Some are dark, some are light. Beware.
I forgot to send this in for Mother's Day a few weeks ago, but have you read dragongirlG's "into the light of a dark black night"? It's a short canon divergence where Mama Lan escapes the Cloud Recesses after spending one last, heartbreaking night with her sons. It's so beautiful and bittersweet! [Oh, ouch.  I just read this author’s time travelling juniors au, but hadn’t seen this one.]
into the light of a dark black night
by dragongirlG (T, 3k, Madam Lan & sons)
Summary:  The night that Wu Yuhua, formerly known as Madam Lan, plans to escape from the Cloud Recesses, she runs into an unexpected complication.
That complication comes in the form of her younger son A-Zhan running up to her door and kneeling in front of it, hushed whimpers escaping from his throat.
Wu Yuhua knows it's not the full moon, knows that it's not the one day a month she's allowed to see her children—but like hell is she going to leave her six-year-old son out there trying to stifle sobs in the snow.
She opens the door. "A-Zhan," she says, bending down and reaching out a hand. "Come in, my sweet boy."
On a snowy night in the dead of winter, Wu Yuhua, formerly known as Madam Lan, unexpectedly spends one last night with her sons before escaping from the Cloud Recesses.
Hello queen I’d like to recommend for ur follower rec posts Avatar: The Untamed Waterbender by KouriArashi. Banger of an ATLA au, def the best one I’ve seen. It’s a WIP but the author updates pretty regularly and it’s all around an A+ fic [Oh, yes, I’ve been waiting for this one to finish before I jump in.]
Avatar: The Untamed Waterbender
by KouriArashi (T, 123k, wangxian, WIP)
Summary:  You know the drill. Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
100 years later, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli find Wei Wuxian sealed in an iceberg.
Featuring: avatar WWX, waterbending JC, firebending Wens, airbending Lans, earthbending Nies and Jins, Jiang Yanli in possession of the brain cell, et cetera.
[My ko-fi.]
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 20/?
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: Y/N - your name
***IMPORTANT*** The Criminal Psychology majors will be taking a temporary hiatus as I’m getting my second dose of the vaccine today<3 I don’t know when I’ll be coming back because I don’t want to burn myself out on this series just to give content while I’m gone, yknow
Warnings: Swearing, Forgetfulness, No beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
They danced and sung the night away at the Gala. It ended at around 2:00am and everyone went back to the Wayne Manor. 
Somehow it came out that they should play Uno of all things. Uno is known for being the “Friendship Ruiner” or the “Relationship Ruiner” of the world. So, of course, they played it. Why wouldn't they?
Y/N dealt the cards. She was not quick about it. At all. She really struggled to deal the cards to the entire group, but she still tried. It was the thought that counted. Or at least she thought it did.
But no one seemed to mind she was a little slower with her cards-dealing. Which was different to the up-beat, face-paced life all of them lead. One would have expected that they would want a crazy fast dealer, but no one cared.
They played well into the night, with Jason ending up tapping-out and laying in Y/N’s lap. She played with his hair and leaned down to show him the good cards she got, at least until he fell asleep. She spent the time bonding with his family. 
They had always liked her. From the first time they all met her, they knew she was going to be something real. They were even impressed that Jason and her hadn’t fought yet. They were both hot-headed when they wanted to be, so when it was obvious that they put the relationship ahead of their own prides, it was something else.
They knew of the first time they had one of these moments. Y/N was at a dance competition, but Jason had to dip because of “Family Issues”, she was upset. Of course, she wanted him there and it looked like they were going to get into a huge spat about it. But, when she won that competition, she got up there and she said,
“This one is for my family, my friends, the extension of my family,” she paused, “And my boyfriend, Jason.” She smiled, “He isn’t here right now because of family issues, but he told me to follow my dreams, and here I am,” she said while raising her medal slightly, “This one was for you, baby.”
And that’s when his family knew that pride was stupid to them. Relationships are growing, changing together. And while they both stayed hot-headed, they changed that slight detail in themselves to be better partners. It was admirable.
Y/N ended up winning the last game. Half of the Waynes were sleeping, either at the coffee table where they were playing or in their rooms. She glanced over to the clock, 6:00am. She knew her parents were getting up soon, so she texted her mom,
Hey mum! So do you still want Jay and I to come over for the barbeque? 
And she nudged him a little. Everyone else had left the room, so she was trying to wake him up. So they could go to his room. He groaned.
“Baby, do you want to sleep in your bed?” she whisper-asked him, leaning down to his ear and stroking his hair. He groaned and got up, started walking to his room. She followed suit. He was on his bed and passed out before she even got up there.
She laughed and walked over to him, fumbling with his suit jacket. He mumbled something about taking him on a date first, and she laughed again.
“C’mon, work with me here, you’re going to be uncomfortable if you sleep in your suit, my love.”
He groaned and took off his jacket before unbuttoning his shirt, while she got his belt undone.
“God, take me on a date first,” he mumbled.
“Shh,” she said, placing a finger over his lips, “Just go to bed, Jay.”
He sloppily kissed her neck before she cupped his face and used her position to straddle him to the bed. She kissed his forehead before getting off of him and going through his clothes. She needed something, a shirt, pants, anything she could wear.
She fumbled with getting her own dress and gloves off, ending up throwing the dress over his desk chair, hoping it would minimize wrinkling. She undid her corset and threw it on his desk. Her heels were sitting at his desk chair. The gloves on his desk.
She crawled into bed with him, being the big spoon, burying her face behind his neck. She pulled out her phone to look at her texts. One from Artemis,
Hey, dude. That dress, oh my God?
She laughed into Jason’s shoulder and sent back,  I know. I know. I know. I killed it. You can’t say I didn’t.
You’re literally so right because again, oh my God. You did NOT need to wipe the floor with the rest of the guests. I mean, Selina was there and you were on her level.
That’s impressive. Selina is stunning. But I’d argue I was just below every Wayne lady.
Well, eventually you’ll be a Wayne lady.
C’mon. It’s been 6 months. 
You say that like the thought hasn’t crossed your mind at least once.
Yeah, but I don’t talk to anyone about it. 
You should start talking about it. Most people think about their weddings.
Okay, anyway. Why are you up so early?
I was studying most of the night with Wally.
Ah, “Studying”. Nice.
I wish! No, we were actually studying. Not like you and Jay at your little Gala. Actually had to study.
I have to study too, but exams are like next week.
Wish I could relate. Mine are today. 
And you didn’t sleep? Dude.
Shh, you’re not my mom.
She laughed and fell asleep cuddling Jason. Her phone was opened, so it died. 
Jason woke up first. Looking at the time, it was 12:00pm. Y/N was sleeping behind him, still loosely holding him. He smiled. He hoped that the night before had fixed some of the issues between them. Well, he hoped there was no issues.
He didn’t want work to be more stressful than it already was. But, they were having issues. He thought it was because of finals, but he feared there was more to it. Maybe it was the fact that he’s famous. Maybe it was the fact that she couldn’t handle the fame. He hoped it wasn’t anything to do with the fame.
But the comment about the people with daggers at her throat obviously wasn't about anyone else. It was the press. He knew she had issues with the press. He always would. She always would.  He wouldn’t blame her if she walked away from him because of the press. Break up or a break, she was allowed to give up because of the press. He hoped she didn’t. He hoped she never would. He didn’t want to jinx them, but he really, really, hoped that this wouldn’t end in flames.
He looked at her. He remembered the first moment he knew he loved her. They were having dinner at this hole-in-the-wall restaurant that he had seen on patrol one night. She was scarfing down the food, and he wiped away the mess on her face with his thumb. He knew then. He knew in that moment that that was it. She was it. 
He was whipped and he knew it. But every time his siblings or dad brought it up, he mentioned current or past relationships they had. The only people who weren’t whipped in the Wayne household were the women.
Or maybe the all were, they were just good at hiding it. He turned around and cuddled her back He stroked her hair. He ran his fingers through her hair. 
She did it to him a lot. Physical affection was something that he was used to at this point. He still didn’t know how to feel about it, but he had ended up letting Dick hug him more often. He didn’t say it was because of her, because she didn’t outright run up to him expecting hugs, she was okay with hand holding and small touches of affection. It wasn’t because of her that he started letting people in.
But he did think she was a turning point for him. For his affection. His love style. She gave a damn about him and made it clear. It wasn’t like love he was used to, but it also opened his mind to people trying to love him.
She shifted around a bit. She ended up turning her back to Jason so he became the big spoon, and he buried his face in her hair. She groaned and tugged at the blanket on his bed, pulling it onto the two of them. He helped her get it on them. She groaned again.
“You up?” he whispered.
“No... I’m in deep sleep,” she said with a slur to her speech.
“My mistake, really.”
“It is.”
He pulled her closer, “Can you wake up?”
“That’s sad. I wanted to talk.”
“You can talk.”
“Okay so,” he said, “I realised something. Some people would say you’re changing me, that I’m becoming someone else because of you,” he paused, “I’d have to disagree. You’re not doing anything.”
“Uh huh.”
“You’re just inspiring me to do better. You influence me. You don’t intentionally go in and change me, I change because I love you.”
“That’s nice honey.”
“You could pretend you’re interested in what I have to say, my love.”
“I’m tired, Jay.”
“I danced you to Hell, I guess.”
She groaned, “I guess I can’t go back to bed, now,” she flexed her wrist, “You’ve interrupted my sleep.”
He cuddled in closer to her, “I am not sorry.”
“Of course you’re not, why would you be?” she said while she turned to face him, “You just want to see me.”
“Damn, you got me.”
She yawned, “We need to study eventually.”
“Don’t remind me.”
“I just did.”
“School’s annoying. It’s on every last never but also none of them. It’s stressful but I also met you from it. It’s something I excel at but also causes me pain.”
“I know, babe. I know,” she said as she searched for her phone, finding it, dead and under her leg. “Fuck, killed my phone.”
“Where did you even have that all night?”
“Dress has pockets. But I didn’t bring my charger,” she sighed. “I had texted my mum too.”
“Texted your mom about what?”
“She wants us to go to a family barbeque after exams.”
“That’s so suburban of your family.”
“Yet they live in a massive city. I guess you'll see my family? you like them, don't you?” she asked. 
He had met her family in January of that year. He got along with her mom and dad, in spite of the language barrier between him and her dad. There was difficulty understanding each other, but they got along in their love for rock music. It warmed Y/N’s heart.
Her mom liked him just because he made her happy. They didn’t really need to get along, but they did. They both cooked, and her mom had dragged him into helping her when Y/N was watching figure skating with her dad. Apparently they hit it off.
“I have literally no idea,” he said.
“How do you not know?”
“Your sister has something off about her.”
“You know, that’s fair. I don’t blame you for that one.”
“Yeah, have you noticed she’s very... obsessed with vigilantes?”
“And you thought I was obsessed,” she joked, “Yeah, she takes it a little too far. The whole, “I want to marry a vigilante to infiltrate and kill them” thing was obviously a joke, but I feel like there was some truth to it. That scares me.”
“Thank God I’m not the only one.”
“If you don’t like her, don’t worry about it. i don’t care if you like her.  We’ve had  a difficult relationship all or lives. If you can be civil, it’s a win.”
“Did you have an ex openly hate your sister?”
“Yep. And he’s an ex for a reason.”
“That’s fair. I would hate it if someone openly hated one of my siblings.”
“Unless it’s Dami.”
“Unless it’s Dami, that’s very true.”
“Still don’t know what you have against that kid, he’s very sweet.”
“That’s what he wants you to think.”
“Well, then its working.”
“What a master manipulator,” he laughed. “It’s the principle of the matter, Y/N.”
“It’s the principle of the matter, Y/N,” she mocked.
“Okay listen,” he laughed, “It is. He’s a menace.”
“But you love him.”
“It’s unfortunate. He's my brother, but he is also whatever. I don’t know. He’s amazing, he’s a genius, but who knows. Maybe one day we won’t fight all the time.”
“Imaging hoping you don’t fight with your sibling.”
“Family issues, amirite?”
She groaned and got over him, “Where are you going?” he asked.
“Fuck, I don’t know. Just need to get up, to be fair.”
“Eh, probably not.”
“That’s new.”
“You betcha. I don’t feel the affects of caffeine withdrawal yet.” She looked at her dress, it was wrinkled. Which was whatever. She knew it was going to happen. She went searching for all her stuff and put it on his desk. It was spread all out over his room, she didn’t know how it happened.
“How did your shit end up everywhere?” he asked.
“Probably the same way that all your shit ended up everywhere? I have no idea.”
“What, did we fuck?”
“No!” she laughed, “Do you not remember?”
“Days are blurring together, so.”
“Well that’s not... normal?”
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Invisible Chapter 8
Summary: YN YLN has always been third in Class 2-5, right behind Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin but with both of them having left Saebom Highschool, this is her time to shine. That is until Han Seosangnim asks her to tutor Han Seo Jun. A guy who doesn’t even know she existed.
Ship: Han Seo Jun x Female Reader.
Word Count: 1564 words. Surprise surprise I can write a kinda short chapter when I want to apparently.
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated with any reactions or whatever you want to say. Again I really don't know where I am going with this.
Taglist: @thealexalcala
Anyone interested in being added to the taglist, just let me know by sending an ask or replying to this post 😊.
True Beauty Masterlist
Chapter 7.
Tumblr media
Chapter 8:
Here you were standing with Seo Jun, in front of Han Ssaem. However, there were many differences between then and now. It’s been a few months since that confrontation with Hae Sung, though you did miss him very much. Your class, Si Woo and Cho Rong didn’t let you wallow in the sadness of being on hiatus with your best friend.
Now you could confidently call the people in your class your friends, Hyun Ji was still your best friend. But with Soo Ah and Ju Kyung, the four of you had grown quite close to each other. Before when Han Seo Jun scared the crap out of you.
Now, even his deadliest glares had others running away in fear. Made you laugh before you told him to carry on studying, you’d even been to his house, his mum and sister thinking the world of you. They were lovely, it was nice to have so many people there for you.
As the days had gone by and you’d gotten closer to your classmates and others. You realise just how isolating your friendship with Hae Sung had been. From others you were finding out that you weren’t the issue, people wanted to get to know you.
Hae Sung was the problem. While you were still sceptical about Hae Sung stopping others from being friends with you, it was still nice to know that people were interested in being your friend.
Suddenly you are pulled from your thoughts when Han Ssaem clears his throat and looks at you and Seo Jun, nervously without thinking you take Seo Jun’s hand in yours and squeeze it. Not paying attention to Seo Jun who looks at your hands clasped together and smiles at you. This would be the deciding time, would you still be Seo Jun’s tutor, had his grade improved or gotten worse. If you weren’t his tutor anymore, did you lose the friendships you’d made? Everything rested on finding out Seo Jun’s grades after the latest exams.
“Well done Seo Jun, you’ve improved, with the way your grade has gone up, with more help from YN, you might just make it into the top 20 of our class,” Han Ssaem said smiling. He knew picking you to tutor Han Seo Jun would work. Not just in helping Seo Jun but help you to connect with your class. Han Ssaem mentally patted his back; this had been one of his better ideas.
You and Seo Jun walked out of the Teachers Room. You were still processing what had happened. You were overjoyed, the minute you stepped out of the Teachers Room, you turned and hugged Seo Jun. At first, he stilled. Shocked that you were hugging him. Then slowly, put his arms around you and held onto you, pulling you closer to him if that was even possible. He whispered his thanks in your ear and you hugged him tighter in response.
“Ahem Ahem, mind telling the rest of us what happened,” Ju Kyung said cheekily. In the past few months, she had seen your relationship with Seo Jun flourish. Without a doubt, there were feelings there. From what Hyun Ji told her, you were most definitely in denial about your feelings for Seo Jun.
Han Seo Jun, on the other hand, refused to tell Ju Kyung or Cho Rong what his feelings for you were. Ju Kyung had a suspicion that Seo Jun had confided in Su Ho about his feelings for you. Sadly Su Ho refused to tell Ju Kyung about it. Something about promising Seo Jun that he wouldn't tell Ju Kyung and that Ju Kyung should just wait for Seo Jun to tell her himself.
However, with the way you two were hugging when they all came, Seo Jun may just be ready to admit his feelings for you. Which would be something to see, Ju Kyung was ready to help her best friend get a girlfriend. Especially someone like you, at times seeing Seo Jun and you together, Ju Kyung didn’t understand why you were denying your feelings, the chemistry was there to see. Go Won on more than one occasion had asked Ju Kyung if her brother and you were dating yet. Even Su Ho was waiting for Seo Jun and you to get together.
Hearing Ju Kyung’s voice, you pulled away from Seo Jun, smiling awkwardly at your friends. That hug had not been a smart idea. You were trying not to let this crush on Seo Jun became more than a small crush. Unfortunately, rather than the crush being crushed, it just grew with each studying session or time you spent with Seo Jun.
You vehemently denied your feelings to Hyun Ji and anyone else in your friend group or class. Yet in front of Mi Soo Unnie and Joon Oppa, all you did was gush about Seo Jun. To the point where Mi Soo Unnie and Joon Oppa were betting on when you’d finally confess and live happily ever after with Seo Jun. Wishful thinking on their part, there was no way Han Seo Jun liked you and for now, you were just happy being his tutor and friend.
“Han Ssaem was happy with Seo Jun’s result, he's improved and with more help thinks Seo Jun can get into the top 20 of our class rankings,” you tell them proudly. As scared as you had been with tutoring Seo Jun, it was an immensely proud feeling to know that all your and Seo Jun’s hard work for the last few months had shown. You were already planning to figure out what mistakes were made this time around. That you could help Seo Jun with that would lead to an even better result next time.
“Yah YLN YN, I don’t like that look on your face, we are taking a break from studying for the rest of the week and I don’t care what you say, I refuse to study,” Seo Jun said loudly, breaking you out of thinking about your plan.
“But you barely do your homework without me forcing you to do it and now without studying, I know you won’t do your homework and then we’ll be back to square one. Just think, these past few months, you haven’t been punished once for not doing homework, why to go back to that Seo Jun,” you say sadly, looking at Seo Jun, who seems to be avoiding making eye contact with you. Looking anywhere but at your face.
Seo Jun sighed annoyed, he knew you were looking at him, the minute he looked at you. He would give in. Then again, studying was just another excuse to spend time with you. Seo Jun knew that while you were serious about studying, he could get at least an hour or two of messing around with you.
Talking about anything and everything he could think of before you forced him to do his work. Seo Jun made eye contact with you, giving you a small smile. Nodding his head. Laughing when you nodded your head and excitedly started talking about the study plans you had been making in your head.
“As fascinating as your study plans are YN, let’s celebrate this by going out to get Ice Cream,” Hyun Ji said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement though you were shaking your head, trying to get out of it. Seo Jun looked at you and said please. That was all it took for you to crumble and agree.
Hae Sung watched you from where he was standing in the corridor. The past few months without you had been horrible. He missed you terribly. Seeing your friendship with those in your class, annoyed him to no end. They didn’t deserve to be surrounded by your light, you were better off without them, they did nothing but bring you down. Eventually, you would figure that out and come back to him, but he wasn’t patient enough for that. He couldn’t figure out, what to do to get back into your life again.
Although last month you had talked to him and he had apologised for what he did and said. Sure, he didn’t mean it, he was a good enough actor to get you to believe him. So thank God that you were willing to forgive him. Even then, you still didn’t want to get back to normal with him and he didn’t know how to make that happen. This wasn’t like with Gong Jae Yi where he could make him go abroad. Hae Sung very well couldn’t get rid of your whole class, and Song Si Woo and Kim Cho Rong as well, but he had to do something.
At this rate, you and Han Seo Jun would get together and Lee Hae Sung would rather go blind than see you with that imbecile being all romantic together. You and Gong Jae Yi together had been enough to scar him for lifetimes to come. No, that was his worst nightmare. He needed to do something, to get you talking to him again. Once you were talking again, all he had to do was separate you from your class. Like he used to do and sooner or later they would all get tired of Hae Sung answering for you and that would be the end of those fledgeling friendships.
Chapter 9.
124 notes · View notes
softforklave · 3 years
The Big Klave Fic Rec
Reginald Hargreeves does everything he can to learn about the Umbrella Academy’s powers, but Klaus is the one who finds out why they have their powers. No one expected the answer to be “we’re fallen angels” but here they all were. This is for my lovely @cemeteryklaus I hope you enjoy this! You will not run out of klave fics on my watch ;)
I have excessively been reading klave fics since s1 came out in February 2019, when there was only one page under the Klaus Hargreeves/Dave tag on ao3 (before our King shared his full name on Twitter). There are currently 2056 fics on ao3, and I can (un)fortunately say I have read almost all of them (what am I doing with my life?). Klave has been blessed with so many talented writers, so this is quite the list. Many of them have written more than one fic (some even over 50!), and since they are all amazing, it would take ages to list them all. Therefore, I have decided to recommend authors who have written two or more klave fics and linking to their the umbrella academy ao3 works page. Go read all of their works, and I can guarantee that every single fic is wonderful! And dont forget to leave kudos and comments, our writers deserve all the love and appreciation that we can give them! 
I also highly encourage people reblogging with their favourite fics, if you want to show the writers some more love or if I have forgotten your favourite fic (you can also dm me if you want me to add it on)! I have tried to @ the authors, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right blogs. Please let me know if I have tagged you wrong, forgotten to tag you or dont want me to tag you, I will remove the @ at once! I will try to update this as I continue to excessively consume klave content (though this is limited to ao3 and tumblr), so please come back to this list for more recommendations. Happy Reading! <3
Authors (2 or more klave fics)
A - B
a_nybodys /// accidentallyanoctopus /// actuallymaxie ///admirabletragedy @admirabletragedy /// aelisheva /// AliNear /// Allandnothing /// allthempickles /// Ama /// Anglophile_Rin @anglophile-rin /// aubrey_writes /// aye_of_newt @aye-of-newt /// bacondoughtnut @spookybeez /// Becca_Hay /// Bendy_CA @apocalypse-gang /// bennybentacles @bennybentacles /// blazeofglory /// Bluebacchus @bluebacchus /// bluetigerlillies @frogsarebxtches /// brionylarkin @brionylarkin 
C - E
CaptainAmericaoftheTardis /// CharryWotter /// covenofthearticulate @codenameseance /// CowgayKermit @cowgaykermit /// crisecardiac @thistlemoth /// Cyane /// Dancinbutterfly @dancinbutterfly /// dandelyre @dandelyre /// deargalileo/// deathishauntedbyhumans @deathishauntedbyhumans /// discohargreeves /// Doctor959 /// Dog_Bearing_Gifts @dogbearinggifts /// Drhair76 @handcoversheart-76  ///  dyllpickless @dyllpickless /// electric016 @electric016 /// Eternal_Peace_Is_Overrated @flowercrownsandbooks 
F - K
Faetality @faetxlity /// forestdivinity (ForestDivinity) @forestdivinity /// forthekidswhoaintgotnosoul @prime8svevo /// FrazzledSquidz G33kinthepink /// ghostbythesea @gay-poster-child  /// goldieknocks @goldieknocks  /// Hemitreunited @hermitreunited /// hippieklaus @hippieklaus /// hujwernoo /// iamnotalizard @lizard-overlord /// ilikeshipment @theseance1968 /// intheflowers /// Karturtle (karturtle) @karturtle /// Katplanet @katplanet /// KawaiiCommunism @kawaiic0mmunism /// KindaCool @kindasickkindacool /// klausmoon 
L - P
lastyoungrene-gay-de @lastyoungrene-gay-de /// livid /// LiviJoyann /// livtontea @zontiky /// loves_buckybarnes ///  Lyviel @justatiredghost /// Majure @fanthings /// Mars_and_Moon /// mieczyhale @mieczyhale /// momebie (katilara) @charmingpplincardigans /// noodlerdoodler ///  MusicLover19 ///  Nyctae /// obscurityofphylum /// ohmygodwhy @gaycinema /// Opal_Lakes /// @opal-lakes /// ophelibob_writes @a-human-pippin-took /// Papapaldi @wykart/// perceptuallydisorganizedwriter ///  PickledBeef  @pickledbeefwastaken ///  polarkai /// princejoopie @princejoopie /// punk_rock_yuppie
Q - S
queenbaskerville /// QueenOfAllCorgis /// rumbleroarsslumberingcubs /// Scalliwag @sscalliwag /// seancequeen @seancequeen /// sehn_sucht @sehn----sucht /// SerpaSas @queenbeyondthewalll  /// Shadowscast ///  Shamefulshameless @shameful-shameless /// Sharpworksamurai/// shipNslash /// Siriuspiggyback @cowboyklaus /// Smallswritesstuff @mychemicalxmen /// smile_it_will_get_better @smileitwillgetbetterbitches /// softforklave @softforklave (shameless self promo) ///spookyfbi @spookyfbi  /// stuckinmybook /// Squintern @chinchillinator ///  squishitude @squishitude /// sunriseseance @sunriseseance /// sunshineklaus
T - Y
tealeavesandtrash @carry-on-my-wayward-hobbit /// thefangirlingdead @thefangirlingdead /// TheMadHatterOfficial /// thetreasuerhunter @yeah-klave /// tjstar @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky /// TobiBooneTheSmallSpoone @tobiboonethesmallspoone/// TotallynotRemus @totallynotremus /// TwistedIllusions @courtneytarynofficial /// twosidedcoin /// VeteranKlaus @veteranklaus /// wildeism @knifecatklaus /// writer_inthe_dark /// yukiawison /// zweebie 
Fics (authors with currently only one klave fic)
Placeholder by Ace_Chey (mrs_sakuma) @cheydoesfandom
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A FIRST DRAFT WIP, EXPECT MISTAKES IN SPELLING, GRAMMAR, AND TIMELINES after NaNo I plan to edit and republish a cleaner, more complete version in 2021 ~~~
When Klaus sees the news that their father is dead, they’re feeding their seven-month-old daughter, Grace Kelly Katz, one year sober, and finally back on T (prescribed this time). Their siblings still haven't met Dave, let alone Gracie, and Klaus can't bear the thought of introducing them, not now, under these circumstances, so they go alone. But when the family reunion becomes complete with Five's sudden and bizarre arrival, not from 45 years in a wasteland, but directly from the lunch he ran away from 20 years ago, they realize things are going to get more complicated and they might not be able to put it off any longer.
Words: 58,217 Chapters: 36/? Status: Hiatus
Snapshots of a Life Well Lived by Ace_of_Spades_400
One week into Vietnam and the briefcase is broken. Klaus is never going home. He's just going to have to make the most of his life here, now.
Words: 13,960 Chapters: 3/3 Status: Complete
Run for miles just to get a taste by Agf
Dave comes back to 2019, and Klaus has some memories best exorcised with new ones.
Words: 1,666 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Not a Replacement, Never a Replacement by AndThenHeGotKnockedUp
Klaus hasn't piloted a Jaeger in years. He hasn't wanted to without Ben. He's spent all that time wandering far, far away from anything having to do with the Academy and kaiju.
Unfortunately for him, the world is ending, and Luther doesn't give him a choice.
(Pre-Klave! Will have a follow up in the future.)
Part 1 of the UA PacRim Fusion series
Words: 2,625 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
soldiered together by Anonymous 
"... I was foolish enough to follow him all the way to the front line."
Words: 2,993 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
know tenderness by applepandowdy
Klaus wished, more than anything, that they had just had a bit more time.
Words: 1,266 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
whatever words I say, i will always love you by ariya167 and bigembarrasingheart @ariya-167and @bigembarrassingheart
Dave kissed Klaus first, but Klaus kissed him back.
Words: 921 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
if i could choose anything in the world (id pick you every time) by aseriesofessays @macroglossus
"Would you have come back?"
He thinks about a farm.
Words: 588 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Boy and The Ghost by Astheroid 
“Look for me. Promise me Dave, promise you’ll look for me at the Umbrella Academy!”
Dave never knew what those words meant, the parting words of the man he loved, and they made absolutely no sense.
Until thirty-four years later when he found his purpose.
“Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
or story of ghost Dave finding thirteen year old Klaus and swearing to protect him from all evil.
Words: 4,494 Chapters: 2/? Status: WIP
new year, new me (things always turn out how they’re meant to be) by Astronomical_Aphrodite @aesthetic-antheia
When they travelled back through time, Klaus wasn’t expecting to be the only one who remembered. 
Part 1 of maybe by next January
Words: 80,770 Chapters: 18/20 Status: WIP
Five times Klaus dies in Vietnam and comes back, and One time Someone else does by BabyPom
Klaus can't seem to die, at least not permanently.
Words: 1,169 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
How The Hollyhocks Bloom by batcavemasquerade
In which Klaus Hargreeves, a retired pacifist, is dumped headfirst into the Vietnam War. Klaus never comes home and his brothers and sisters claw their way back to him, one by one, after the end of the world.
AKA: The siblings go back to the 1960s to regroup and to get a few measly moments of goddamned peace and quiet, and find Klaus serving in the Vietnam War, different and sober as can be.
Words: 24,035 Chapters: 16/20 Status: WIP - Chapter 16 is the new chapter 1. For the rewrite, read from 16 and upwards.
i hope you know you're my desire (i hope you know you're the one) by beezran
It must be fate when Dave puts his hand on Klaus’ cheek right as Klaus starts to ache for his kiss.
Kiss me.
His touch makes Klaus stand up straighter and edge closer to him.
“You’re beautiful, you know?” Dave says, and even with all that they’ve been drinking, Klaus knows it isn’t that what’s talking.
“Kiss me,” Klaus actually says it. He can’t take it back, and he doesn’t want to when Dave is looking at him like that.
Dave’s breath ghosts over his lips and Klaus keeps repeating it in his head like a prayer.
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.
Or he might have said it, he’s not sure when he’s so caught up in the feeling of Dave so close to him.
Words: 22,708  Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Arcane Incidents of Anoxia by Bellovebug
Klaus dies.
Klaus dies, and Dave can't breathe.
He forgets what it's like, the feeling of oxygen entering his lungs, the sensation of carbon dioxide exiting them.
He remembers, though, the stories Klaus used to tell. He remembers that joke he'd made about that briefcase he always carried around being a time machine. He remembers the tall tales of a family of superpowers, a less than stellar father. He remembers the stories he'd spun out of thin air, of time travel and a disappearing brother and a talking chimpanzee and a robot mother.
(He remembers the true story he'd told about seeing ghosts.)
He only learns once he opens that mysterious briefcase under Klaus's cot that all of the stories were true.
Every one of them.
Words: 22,075 Chapters: 4/? Status: WIP
life is full of pain, i'm cruisin' through my brain by bigembarrassingheart @bigembarrassingheart
Bullets whizzed past his ears, and he would have screamed but he already was. Klaus grabbed Dave’s face, stroked his cooling cheek, rested his head on his shoulder like he did when they had nights alone. There had to be some life left in his body. In any second he would feel the heave of his chest. He had to.
Klaus takes a pit stop before going back to the future.
Words: 1,188 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
found by burlesquecomposer
Klaus’s right hand is Dave’s favorite one to hold. As long as they embrace hello, Dave says, they’ll never have to say goodbye.
But war is a bitch, and Dave is the one who gave him an excuse to charge into it head-on.
Words: 2,628 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
You Drew Stars Around My Scars by caliibee
“Does it hurt?” Klaus asked softly, running his fingers over Dave’s face and down his neck. He trailed down his chest, mindful of the deep-set wound that always sent a shock through his heart no matter how many times he’d seen it. Dave caught his hands and brought them back up to cup his face.
“No, not anymore.”
Words: 792 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Umbrella Academy: Winter Soldier by chiquitasdave and ratsbaby (orphan_account)
Luther lands an uppercut to the jaw, sending the soldier flying, and Diego’s moving before he even lands. His grip on Klaus tightens and his mouth opens to say something, anything, to pull him back to the safety of the car they crouch behind, but Klaus beats him to the punch. He leans forward to better watch the action, to cheer his brother on (or clean up his remains, depending on how this goes), and stops cold as the soldier pushes himself to his feet again.
Klaus' first thought is that he’s beautiful. Klaus’ second thought is that he knows him.
The threat of danger is sensed and signals fire to tell the brain, no, not yet! We weren’t meant for this! He can’t take it now! The body reacts to stop him, but Klaus steps forward anyway. He ignores every impulse because he knows him, because love makes him stupid, because he has to.
Klaus takes another step forward.
‘Who the hell is Dave?’
Words: 13,120 Chapters: 3/10 Status: WIP 
I Could Not Be At Rest, I Could Not Be At Peace by CosmicJourney @cosmictapestry
With the apocalypse delayed, there's now ample opportunity for Klaus to open up to his siblings about his past. There's also ample opportunity to try and conjure Dave. Unfortunately, one of these has to take precedence over the other.
(Season 1 AU)
(Sequel to "I'll Find Sleep, I'll Find Peace")
Words: 52,274 Chapters: 10/10 Status: Complete
Sick Of Losing Soulmates by CrazyAngel
"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences."
Back in 2019, things are the same but also different. The Hargreeves have messed with the timeline way too much and some things clearly aren't the same — like giving the chance for Klaus to meet Dave again. Klaus knows nothing about reincarnation or if it was really he and his brothers fault for this, but he'll take the chance anyway. Even if this Dave is blind now.
Part 1 of the Right Back Where We Started (Again) series
Words: 26,417 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Admist the Chaos by crazynadine 
Ten months. Klaus spent ten months in Vietnam, fighting a war he didn't belong in, falling in love with a man he didn't deserve.
The long and convoluted tale about how a time traveling junkie and a disillusioned solider found love amidst the chaos of war....
Words: 87,700 Chapters: 10/10 Satus: Complete
The beginning of something by DoctorProfessorSong @doctorprofessorsong
The Hargreeves siblings find themselves in a future they barely recognize. Their father is alive. Their home is occupied by a mixture of strangers and familiar faces calling themselves The Sparrow Academy. None of them are friendly.
But it's all going to be okay. Five has a plan to restore the timeline. The rest of the siblings just need to sit tight and lay low. Just don't wander off. How hard can that be?
A continuation of the story from S2 because I am impatient for more. This one is gonna get real dark but I promise I am going to give the Hargreeves a happy ending.
Words: 52,548 Chapters: 18/18 Status: Complete
take me out, baby by downpours @fourhargreeves
For someone who spent a decade running from the debts he owed, Klaus spent an alarming amount of time trying to recompense Dave for loving him.
Words: 6,802 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Your Song by eithergayorgayer @yerbluues9
"And you can tell everybody, this is your song."
In which Klaus can play piano and sing and decides to serenate Dave who is watching from above.
Words: 3,578 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Hands by GoldenBones
Late at night after the disco when everyone else is asleep, Klaus kneels at Dave’s bunk and whispers a silent prayer into Dave’s hands. In a rare moment of peace against the harsh Vietnam winter, Klaus holds Dave’s hand against his face and tries to sleep.
Words: 1,640 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Ink and Dirt, Eggs and Orange Juice by HappySeaNinja
It’s a quick job on an overcast day, in and out, smooth like coffee, and the only hitch is in his voice when he says goodbye. There’s dirt under his fingernails, ink on his stomach, and a lingering shot of whisky on his tongue.
Really, it’s all that’s left.
Non-linear moments in Klaus and Dave's relationship across seasons 1 and 2. Please don't read unless you've watched all of season 2 as there are spoilers.
Words: 4,631 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
oh love, i'm there in memories by hellchoirs
"If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. And it never faded, and it never got stale. And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again."
Words: 1,536 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
To Have a Home by heterophobe
Dave Katz is a simple man. He values kindness, honesty and strength of character. As someone who is queer and homeless, he also has a fairly substantial distrust of law enforcement.
This is why—when a twig of a man, with kohl-lined eyes and a vibrant pair of purple tights, sprints across the alley-way he’s seated in, skids to a halt at the corner of a dumpster, and balls himself tightly out of view from the street—Dave doesn’t make a move to flag down confused-looking uniformed officers that follow him into the mouth of the alley.
It’s also why—when said officers approach him, and ask him if he’s seen anyone come by—he takes one look at the man’s pleading eyes and shakes his head mournfully. “No, sorry officers.”
As told through a series of non-linear snapshots, Dave and Klaus come to know one another.
Words: 3,346 Chapters: 2/15 Status: WIP
Dream A Little Dream of Me by idkpeachystuff
"Klaus, thinking back, had always thought that was a strange term. Making love. He wasn't actually certain why. Sex had always felt like...well, sex. Fucking. Nothing entirely special or intimate that he felt had the effect on his heart like nearly everyone had made it seem it should be. And despite how utterly and disgustingly cliché it sounded, that was of course until he met Dave."
Klaus wakes before Dave on their last morning together, on a weekend out in town that is, leaving him with one of his only options to remember everything that had happened the night before and realizing that he was deeply in love, and no matter what, he was never getting out
Words: 3,015 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
projected stars across the night sky by iheardarumor (sonicraptors)
The best nights he’d ever had in his life were spent at his side.
Words: 1,496 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Late Shift at The Umbrella Café by intravenusann @jeffgoldblumsmulletinthe90s
Klaus and Ben have the afternoon shift together almost every day. But not every day are the customers as nice — or as hot! — as this new Dave guy.
Or, in other words, a story where Klaus gets his life together enough to get a boyfriend.
Words: 45,563 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Need Some Advice by Jenni4
Niki wasn’t used to anyone asking her opinion, so she was surprised when Vina walked into work with an extra energy drink and slid it to her. “Need some advice.”
Niki raised an eyebrow and opened the can and took a big gulp. Vina had been sitting next to her at the call center for exactly two days now. “What makes you think I’m qualified to give anyone advice?”
Vina shrugged out of her jacket and took her seat. “You seem to have your shit together.”
Niki almost choked on her laughter at that one. “That’s so far from the truth but…”
Words: 5,192 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Farewell by JuliusQuasar @juliusquasar and LittleRit @littlerit
Day 20: Shipwrecked
Part 10 of the LittleRit's MerMay Fills 2021
Words: 100 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
a life so demanding by kaijugore @kaijugore
"He was still carrying the war in his heart, how was he supposed to talk about that?"
Ten months. 304 days. 7,300 hours. 438,000 minutes. It would never ever ever be enough time.
Part 1 of the i am (not) afraid to keep on living series
Words: 1,861 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
the sugar rush, the constant hush by kamisado 
The scars across his body mark a treasure map of mistakes. Tiny shrapnel scars and rosy-red roadrash, a lifetime of being thrown to the ground by Academy training and the real world. The ivory line tracing across his jaw, almost invisible. The tattoos and the traintracks, the pockmarked puncture wounds scattered like a horrifying constellation across his body.
He’s so tired.
[a klaus s1 character study]
Words: 3,801 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
By The Firelight by keatches @klauzoleum
They share a long look, their lips still tilted in small, secret smiles.
“I’m Dave.” He extends an open palm, skin callous but inviting. Klaus reciprocates with a clap of his own hand against his.
“Klaus.” He tilts forward as the bus jolts, trundling them away to disaster. The briefcase knocks against the heel of his boot, but Klaus absentmindedly nudges it aside.
The five significant times Klaus spoke to Dave. The one time he never will again.
Or, how they fell in love.
Words: 14,681 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
in midnights, in cups of coffee by klausgraves
Dave is just trying to keep his bookstore open, and the stoned hottie that keeps wandering in and talking at the air really, really isn't helping.
Words: 7,316 Chapters: 3/? Status: WIP 
Sehnsucht by KimbaSprite @pokemonmasterkimba
Day 26: Longing
What was supposed to be a casual night out takes a turn for the weird when Dave encounters a mysterious stranger stranded on the beach. His sister keeps telling him he needs to meet new people and make connections, so why not with Klaus? Even if he is so attractive that Dave feels he may get sick from nerves alone.
“Hey, my eyes are up here. Careful, or you may get lost in them.“ He looks into Klaus’s eyes as instructed and hmm. Yeah, wow.
Klaus bites his lip in a way that is definitely attractive, and Dave wonders if he realizes what he’s doing to him. Probably. Probably. Klaus seems like the kind of person who knows just how powerful they are.
All at once Dave finds himself sympathizing with old-timey sailors; he could see himself risk drowning just for the chance to exist in the same space as Klaus.
Words: 8,585 Chapter: 1/1 Status: Complete
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise) by LaceratedLullabies
But whatever apocalyptic future Dave found himself in couldn’t be worse than the present. His world had already ended. - On February 21st 1968, Klaus Hargreeves dies in Vietnam. A heartbroken Dave follows his last connection to the man he loves: a time-travelling briefcase. 50 years out of time, Dave has to deal with a changed world, his aborted grief and a tortured Klaus who doesn't know him yet. Oh, and the impending apocalypse.
Words: 13,851 Chapters:7/? Status: WIP
I Will Follow You by lostonthisisland @distilledspirit
After Dave's death on the front lines of the Vietnam War he's pulled through time to witness important points in Klaus' life.
Was going for a 5+1 format, but it's a bit looser than that. So, in other words, 5 times Dave sees Klaus and 1 time Klaus sees Dave.
Words: 6,693 Chapters: 2/2 Status: Complete
i get down on my knees and pretend to pray by marinersapptcomplex @wavesknowshoress
He was quiet, for once, standing silent and breathing in the air around him. There were tears in his eyes.
Words: 2,044 Chapters: 1/1  Status: Complete
Soulmates by Meilena
"Klaus was twelve, as high as a kite, and in fact, did know why his soulmark looked so thin and light."
Everyone has a soulmark, which is where the name of their soulmate resides on the skin of their left forearm. Klaus has one too, only his is a little different.
Words: 853 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
(Feels Like) Heaven by Melivian @melivian
When Klaus wakes up in the afterlife, he can't believe his luck.  Somehow, despite his checkered past and wobbly moral compass, he's made it into the Good Place, where he'll spend eternity with his dream soulmate in a dream neighbourhood.
Only there are two problems. The first is that he's pretty sure the architect of this neighbourhood has the wrong person. And if she catches on that Klaus doesn't belong with all the heroes and philanthropists here, he'll be sent to the Bad Place.
The second is that for the residents, this dream is starting to feel a lot like a nightmare...
Part 1 of the I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door series
Words: 23,496 Chapters: 5/28 Status: WIP
Hello, Goodbye by michaelfalls
His eyes stare where Klaus can’t see. His soul goes where Klaus can’t follow.
Words: 2438 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
come on, baby by myeyesarenotblue @myeyesarenotblue
“Dave, my sister has powers,” Klaus says, matter of factly, bobbing his head up and down, “She’s had powers this whole time but my asshole father decided she was too-” and he looks down at the notebook, does finger quotes with one hand, “- 'uncontrollable' and 'dangerous’ to use them.”  
“As in- superpowers? ”  
“Yeah,” Klaus says, and then- “I have to tell her," and then- "Wanna come with?"
Words: 5,081 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
your fingers weave quick minarets by nerdsandthelike @nerdsandthelike
According to Five, they have an apocalypse to stop in the future and here Klaus is fifty years too early trying to get in the pants of some probably straight GI who Ben keeps reminding him looks like Luther before the protein shakes. Because he’s not Allison, Klaus decides to put that particular observation waaaaaayyy to the side.
Words: 6,615 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
My Heart Is Playing Hide-And-Seek (Wait And Count To Four) by nessbess (orphan_account)
Klaus had spent what felt like a lifetime searching for Dave after he died in 1968. But Dave found him first, long before that. Klaus was five years old the first time he appeared.
Words: 11,908 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP 
Five and Dave's Life Changing (Life Saving) Field Trip by neuronary
The little boy, who Dave could now see was not as little as he’d first thought, shoved a tin mug at him. “Drink this.”
Dave drank. It tasted sickly sweet and slightly citrus-y. “Who are you?”
“Five.” The boy’s scowl deepened at Dave’s confusion. “Klaus’ brother.”
Or, Five saves Dave's life to stop Klaus from moping. From Dave's perspective, a very grouchy, sleep-deprived twelve-year-old kidnaps him and he finds it much more entertaining than he should.
Inspired by Lyviel's 'Fixes to the Timeline'
Words: 1,728 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
breathy on the bits by Nucci @maundering-marauder
“So Fivey, tired of the school boy chic?” Klaus asked with a manic grin, “Because do I have so many ideas for you.”
“As long as it’s warm, I don’t really care.”
“Warm, check” Klaus noted, miming checking a box with his finger, “Any other demands?”
“No sequins,” Five replied and blipped out of the room.
Or, Five’s tired of wearing the Academy uniform and Klaus offers to help. As is wont to do with the Hargreeves, emotions and miscommunication ensues.
Words: 8,702 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Collision of Your Kiss by orphan_account
Klaus spends ten months in Vietnam.
Dave is why.
Words: 4,505 Chapters: 1/1 Status: discontinued
pieces (skin to bone) by orphan_account
The first time Klaus dies, he is thirteen. He dies again at seventeen, eighteen, twenty-four. By his fifth death, he has resigned himself to the blackness that awaits him. Not that he much cares: anything would be better than this, even blissful oblivion, even floating in blackness until his mind decays, and, like Five, he starts seeing people where there aren’t there, falling in love with a mannequin or a fleck of dust in his eye.
Dave won't come to Klaus, so Klaus decides to go to him.
Words: 2,128 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
in the mountain of the crouching beast by patrocluus
Dave catches his eye later, when they’re sitting next to each other in the bumpy truck, men jostling into each other on all sides; the corner of his mouth quirks up a little, just enough to make Klaus’ heart jump in his chest. He doesn’t remember the last time someone looked at him like that: like they have a secret to share, and that secret is the most important thing in the world, even if that world seems to be ending around them.
Or: It's 1968, and deep in the A Shau Valley, Vietnam, Klaus meets a man who feels like home.
Words: 8,203 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
in the january rain by phcbosz
And all Klaus has left to prove that any of it happened and wasn’t just one fucked up dream is a pair of bloody dog tags, a tattoo on his arm, and the taste of ash sticking to the roof of his mouth.
Words: 5,226 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Dancing to the Rhythm of a Different Drum by PlaneJane
Klaus escapes from one terror, and finds himself in another: the A Shau Valley, Vietnam, 1968.
"They kissed at midnight, breath heavy with liquor, the first brush of Dave’s lips making Klaus weak at the knees. Giddy at the gentle way Dave took his face in his hands, like Klaus was something precious."
My Klaus and Dave backstory, because the show didn't give me enough.
Words: 1,498 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
His name was Dave by punkspiders
Klaus reflects back upon his time both in the Vietnam War, and with the man he loved more than himself.
Words: 1,654 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
How Not To Propose by RhubarbDuck
His life follows a monotonous routine: wake up, smoke, go to the same shitty grocery store, space out for eight hours and occasionally stock shelves, more drugs, rinse, and repeat.
His life was, at some point, a little more exciting (if exciting meant going on a week-long bender and waking up in a cell with the worst headache he ever experienced). After a couple weeks in jail and the threat of a rehab that he could never attend, he met Dave. Honestly, Klaus couldn’t remember his life before Dave. Dave was kind and understanding and way too put together to be with a fuck up like Klaus, but for whatever reason he seems to love Klaus- or at least he tells him so twice a day.
American Ultra AU
Words: 19,824 Chapters: 5/? Status: WIP
The Moments We Had by RosyPages @thesevenumbrellas
A series of moments between Dave and Klaus as they fall in love during the war.
Words: 2,044 Chapters: 3/8 Status: WIP
In the Dark by runrarebit
So they're back in the past, they're thirteen again, Ben is alive, Vanya doesn't remember, her siblings are suddenly treating her differently, better, and all of a sudden she and Klaus are bonding- Klaus who is still trying to be clean and sober- except things are never easy, are they? There’s their father to contend with, once more alive and at the height of his power over them, and there’s secrets, always secrets, always in danger of getting out, and after their father decides that a clean and sober Klaus is a Klaus that can resume his training Reginald Hargreeves just might not be the scariest man walking the halls of the Umbrella Academy- even if only one person can see him.
The thing about Klaus is that, even trapped, in the dark, he is never alone. Never alone. Never. And the past he's been running from ever since he was a small child might just now be something he can’t escape from.
Words: 61,243 Chapters: 18/18 Status: Hitaus
well, the clock says it's time to close now by rythyme (pugglemuggle)
The first time Klaus falls in love, it's in the middle of a war. Fate really does enjoy cruel irony.
Or, a series of vignettes from the ten months Klaus and Dave spent together in Vietnam.
Words: 3,788 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Fancy Seeing You Here by Saccha @sacchariwrites
Dave miraculously survives being shot in the chest, and is present when Klaus gets in a fight at that vets bar.
Written for EnKlave Fest.
Words: 1,891 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Valentine’s Day in Vietnam by salvador-daley @salvador-daley
A hungover Klaus awakes after a night in the arms of a young man from Dallas
Words: 1.7k Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
In the Dark of the Night by sassmaster_tiresias @i-will-fong-you
The flashlight is still on, peeking out between the folds in Dave’s comforter, and Dave remembers how frantic Klaus had been to turn it on.
He remembers how he couldn’t even really see Klaus when he’d first woken up, his beautiful face obscured by the darkness. Then, he remembers the Christmas lights in Klaus’ room—strung in a haphazard zig-zag up the wall beside his bed, the soft glow that was present every time Dave had been in that room.
“The lights,” he says.
Words: 2,437 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
War is Hell by sauropod @occult-criticality
Klaus' hands were still filthy with dried blood and muck as he fumbled at the clasps, the combination lock on the top. Desperate, blind hope had his heart going a mile a minute. The dial still read that seemingly random set of numbers it had the first time he opened it on the bus, what felt like a lifetime ago.
“Please.” Klaus choked. “Please work.” He opened the briefcase.
Words: 80,813 Chapters: 21/? Status: WIP
New and Familiar by Snabby
If you told Dave a year ago that he had a loving (if a bit crazy) boyfriend, in a relationship which he didn’t have to hide, he wouldn’t have believed you. Although that thought isn’t as crazy in comparison to being in the future and the fact that his boyfriend, can not only see ghosts but was raised in a crazy cult-like superhero family.
In Dave’s opinion, the oddest thing out of the whole family is Five
So he was a little shocked and confused when Five popped in front of him.
“I need you to get a decent fucking cup of coffee” shoving his little finger in Dave’s face
Or Klaus and Dave pretend to be Five's parents so the poor little dude can get coffee
Words: 1967 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
It's a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake by StardustInYourEyes
Prompt: Flour fight in the kitchen Klaus and Dave's attempt at making a cake
Words: 2,535 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
i just wish that you were here, now by sapphictomaz
Immediately after the Season One finale, Klaus finds himself back in 1968, and is forced to so some soul-searching while dealing with the rest of his siblings and the memories he has of Dave from the first time around.
Title from "Wish You Were Here" by Marianas Trench.
Words: 4,055 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
face to face (and a thousand miles apart) by shadowlancer_95 @shadowsofmoonracer
His strides were long, and shaky as he stumbled through the darkness, relying on the barest threads of memory to Allison’s house. The cut on his lip stung in the cold night air, his throbbing cheekbone a mere shadow of the agony in the hollow cavity where his heart used to be.
Klaus, after his second (and most disastrous) meeting with Dave.
Words: 1,799 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
i wore his jacket for the longest time by sharkhette
So, maybe Klaus wasn’t in his right frame of mind. Maybe he hadn’t been for a long time. But Dave was dead, and that meant Klaus should be able to conjure him, one way or another. The traditional method of cleaning up his act and sitting around to wait hadn’t worked, so it was time to get imaginative.
Klaus just wants to see Dave again, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen, no matter the cost. Includes conversations with Ben, Diego, God, a surly preacher, and gratuitous references to certain MCR songs.
Words: 7,252 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
His oxygen belongs to Death by Sophiethegeek
He can almost taste their bloodlust on his tongue, feel their rage heavy in his breastbone. They’re bad today, and it’s safe to say he’s having a very bad day as a result. Each swipe is sending icy pain across his skin, making him shiver. God, he’s cold.
He closes his eyes, pretending not to hear the faint roar of the snarling, crying, screeching mass around him. Why did he think sobriety was a good idea? Christ on a cracker, this fucking sucked.
Or: After hopping around time, and returning to the day of the apocalypse that never was, Klaus falls apart slowly, then all at once.
Words: 91,661 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP
Love You, Sugar by spaceysev
There’s a reason Klaus can’t listen to Total Eclipse of the Heart anymore, and it’s got everything to do with the only man who was ever allowed to call him Sugar.
Words: 3,828 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
musical preference by sourcheeks
“Of course you don’t like country.”
“I never said that,” Klaus replied diplomatically, even though it was true.
Words: 227 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Wings of Feathers and Wax by TerezFox8989
A look at the morning after their first time.
Hell, he always considered it a personal victory if he could put a name to a face after, which had suited him just fine. Sex had always had a means to an end, he used and was used; drugs, food, sleep, alcohol. But never this...not mornings after wrapped up in each other talking about family.
Words: 1,534 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
One Night in Saigon by terracotta_heartbreak
They're drunk, they're in a Saigon Hotel, and Klaus is smoking on the bed, but that's nothing new. But it's such an odd thing to be alone together, that doe-eyed strange man who never made sense here, and the soldier who'd fallen for him, for all those eccentricities. How are you meant to make sense of each other in the 60s, in that musky haze of war, drugs and the sounds of political blues rock?
Words: 2,011 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Just One in Thousands by TheArchaeologist @ancientstone
Take the idea that Five is followed by all his victims from his time at the Commission, and take the idea that Five is responsible for Dave’s death, and what do you get?
Pain is what you get.
Words: 1,351 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Dancing with a Ghost by TheBestofEverything
"Would you like to share this dance with me?" Dave asked quietly.
"I'd love to," Klaus smiled as he took Dave's hand in his.
(Klaus is finally sober, and he conjures Dave.)
Words: 664 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Bad Enough for You by thehoundisdead
Dave can be bad. He doesn’t want to be but he can. He wants to spoon Klaus; to gather him up tight enough against his chest to hold all of his pieces together, to let him relax for once. He wants to take a bath with him and shampoo his hair and make him breakfast in bed and wrap him up in his softest blanket. But that’s not what Klaus wants, at least not yet. Dave has a strong suspicion that Klaus has never been treated softly by a partner. So, bad boy.
based on the song bad enough for you by all time low
Words: 8,757 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Way Light Swallows Shadows by TheSevenUmbrellas (RosyPages) @thesevenumbrellas
Dave is a vampire hunter who has never hunted a vampire in his life. Klaus is a vampire made for a war that ended before he was even born. When ten years of peace are put at risk after the death of a hunter, they’re both faced with the possibility that maybe the war isn’t over after all. Separated from their respective sides, Dave and Klaus have no other option but to depend on each other to get home before a war can tear their lives apart.
Words: 5,932 Chapters: 2/24 Status: WIP
Tag, You're It by totallyevan @totallyevan
Dating in Vietnam was never easy. Klaus and Dave have to watch out for everything, but thankfully they know their way around the system. Things escalate quickly and the only witness is the moon.
Words: 11,116 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
something so magic about you (so tragic about you) by Tremble
Snippets of their live in Vietnam or Dave slowly finding out that Klaus is nowhere near ordinary. --- This was originally suppose to be a 5+1 thing, but uh that didn't happen. oops
Words: 6,625 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
21.02.1960 by Uglyfrogboi
It was funny how time worked, how it was both only a couple of weeks ago yet it was also exactly nine years in the future. Why is he mourning a day that hasn’t technically happened yet? It’s a simple answer really, that was the day he thinks he last felt anything other than that horrible, thick, smothering, emptiness that seems to follow him around. Today, nine years from now, is the day that his world ended.
How Klaus deals with being dropped in the past, ten days before the anniversary of Dave's death.
Words: 3494 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
you're getting on my (optic) nerves by untrustworthyglitch 
Klaus Hargreeves is many things. He's a former child superhero, an estranged brother, a drug addict, a frequent flyer at the local rehab facility. He can talk to the dead and never seems to die and loves a good thunderstorm.
He's also blind, but he wasn't always.
Part 1 of the blind!klaus (hazy, but hopeful) series
Words: 6,375 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Scarlet Song by UrsaCentum(phantomviola) @flecket
Klaus isn’t a big fan of Hell.
drabble written for TUA AUgust 2021 Day 25: Angel/Demon
Part 6 of the Ursa's AUgust Fills 2021 series
Words: 100 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
never felt so high (think i'm coming down) by wewhofightmonsters
“Dave,” he whispers, and he leans down to press a kiss, light as a summer breeze, to Dave’s forehead, “Dave, I’m a fucking idiot. I love you back. I love you back.” And as he says it, he knows it to be true, and that small, closed up part of him that has languished in the dark and the constant haze of drugs, unfurls and stretches out towards the light. “I love you back,” he says again, in wonder.
(Klaus and Dave, and second chances)
Words: 24,536 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP
Curl Conditioner by wormbcy @nastyworm
Klaus tidies up his supplies and puts it all back in the cabinet, and then hums to himself in thought.
"Hey Dave, space for another in there?"
Words: 6,524 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
would it be enough (if I could never give you peace) by ZJpotter
The Hargreeves' and their sixties love. 
Chapter 2: Klaus, bugs, and the definiton of home. 
Words: 2,909 Chapters: 2/2  Status: Complete
253 notes · View notes
dumdumsun · 3 years
Of Starlight
A/N: And finally, chapter 20. Thank you to everyone who has taken time to read this story. I am so very proud of it, as it was the first thing I wrote after an 8-month hiatus. It's my baby and I am so sad it's coming to a close. Luckily, I'm balls-deep into the sequel, so there is so much more to come. I know I thanked them in my IANOWT fic, but I will do it here as well. Thank you sm to my editor and very close friend, @sapphicsyn, who is the reason I even kept doing this. You're the best, beloved! ⚠️For info about the sequel, see the end of the chapter⚠️ Happy reading, babes ❤️
Warnings: mentions of blood, guns and violence
Word Count: 4136
Chapter 20: Far From Over
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(Y/N) felt a hand squeeze her shoulder behind her, prompting her to turn around in her seat. Allison stood there, eyes slightly puffy and red, no doubt from crying. (Y/N)’s eyebrows knitted together in concern and she began to stand up, but Allison shook her head. The girl went to ask what was wrong, but The Rumor turned her head in search of the missing member of the family. When her eyes settled back on (Y/N), she noticed her digging her fingernails into the knuckles on her opposite hand. “Uh… he’ll be back…” She murmured. Her (e/c) eyes travelled up to her sister to find a look of sympathy painted on her face. She wanted nothing more than to bury her panic and paranoia into the depths of her soul, just to save her from the embarrassment of watching her siblings’ faces contort to those pitiful glances. She knew Five could take care of himself, but that didn’t stop her mind from coming up with hundreds of ‘what if’s.
Her eyes followed Allison as the woman slowly walked over to the chair where she left her black leather jacket, pulling it back on and zipping it closed. (Y/N)’s senses focused on the zipper, the buttons, the collar, just about anything on Allison’s jacket to distract herself. In the back of her mind, she could hear the sounds of pins being knocked down and the squealing cheers of the bowling party beside them. Unbeknownst to her, the three in front of her had been trying to get her attention. But she was too lost in her spiral to even focus on their voices. It had been Luther’s voice that broke her out of her trance. “Alright, where’s Five?”
Her head perked up at the mention of the boy, and Diego met her stare before answering Luther, “He left.”
“Oh, for the love of… Where’d he go?”
“Didn’t tell us,” Diego’s foot gently nudged his sister’s. “But he might’ve told his girlfriend.”
“He said he had to take care of something. I have no idea where he went.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“Well, we’re not waiting around for him,” Luther stopped when his “little” sister’s eyes widened. “Sorry, (Y/N), but the concert is in thirty minutes.”
She sighed and turned forward in her seat as Klaus strolled over to her with a bag of popcorn. She politely turned him down when he offered some. “Then what’s the plan?” She huffed.
“Well, I think that, uh…,” Luther’s short pause voiced his clear uncertainty. “We go to the Icarus Theater.”
“That’s a location, not a plan.” Diego pointed out. “What? Is that all you got? Look, you wanna be Number One, fine, but you’re gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, we’re all over the place.”
“You’re right,” Luther admitted. “We need a plan.”
“Glad that’s established,” (Y/N) turned back to her siblings, her eyes widening at the sight behind them. “Shit! Get down!” She screamed. From the entrance of the bowling alley, men in what seemed to be gas masks, no doubt from the Commission, ran inside and began shooting up the building. Their targets were no secret. The Hargreeves all did as they were told as bullets rained throughout the bowling alley, the screams of the innocent bowlers clenching (Y/N)’s heart. Klaus pulled her under a counter with him and Allison before covering his ears. Luther and Diego were under the counter beside them.
“Who the hell are these guys?!” Diego shouted.
“Maybe they’re here for Kenny’s birthday!” Klaus widened his eyes. (Y/N) glared over at him.
“Pretty sure they’re not! I could be wrong, but I’m pretty damn sure they’re with the Commission!”
“Who?!” Diego frowned, the girl groaning at his forgetfulness.
“The people Five used to work for, Jesus Christ! We’re involved with him, so they’re here for us!”
Diego rolled his eyes at her before standing from his crouched position and launching his knife at one of the men. It lodged into his shoulder and he fell into the sound system behind him, triggering it to play Saturday Night by Bay City Rollers. With half of them momentarily distracted, Luther picked up the bowling balls stationed beside him and hurled them towards their opponents. With his heightened strength, they began dropping like flies. Diego was working beside his brother, using his knives to take out a few more. The Kraken turned to his sister with wide eyes. “(Y/N), use your clones!”
“It’s no use, they’ll die immediately!” She shot back. Beside her, Klaus turned and picked up a birthday cake that was on the counter. Cake in hand, he stood and threw it, successfully taking one of the men down. He brushed his hands together with a proud smile as he returned to his sisters’ side, the two having not noticed his act of heroism. Allison and (Y/N) had both been staring at the bowling lanes, thinking up the exact same plan. They quickly turned to each other to confirm that they were, in fact, thinking the same thing. “Guys! The lanes!” (Y/N) spoke for her sister.
“Let’s go!” Luther commanded, the five all standing together and charging towards the lanes, each occupying one. Bullets flew past (Y/N)’s feet and ears as she practically slid down her lane, her bowling shoes deeming useless for running. Once she reached the end of the lane, she forced the lower half of her body forward, landing on her rear and sliding into the pins, she and her siblings successfully escaping the attackers for the time being. Regrouping behind the lanes, they all ran towards the exit, Luther grabbing her by the hand and pulling her with him to catch up. He all but flung her out of the back door before him and exited right behind her, Klaus right on his heels as the last of the Hargreeves to leave.
The swelling music of the orchestra inside the auditorium echoed throughout the hall the five had just run into. Just as they were about to make their plan and head inside, Allison moved in front of Luther, holding up her notepad.
Diego and (Y/N) had been too caught up in their plan to notice everyone stopped behind them. They halted their stride and turned to their siblings. Luther stared at Allison with a look of regret. “Allison, I can’t let you do that, alright? She’s beyond reasoning.”
“You hear the music?” Diego cut in as Allison continued to argue. “It’s started.”
“Do you honestly think she's gonna listen?” Luther’s attention was focused on the woman in front of him, though. “After everything that’s happened?”
From behind him, Klaus sighed. “We don’t have time for this.”
“I agree, let’s go.” (Y/N) placed her hands on her hips. Luther’s eyes softened as he slowly nodded at Allison.
His acceptance took Allison aback, the woman glancing from Luther to (Y/N) in slight shock before turning around and heading into the auditorium. The four watched their sister go, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but think-
“You’re using her as a distraction, aren’t you?” Diego asked.
“It’ll be our best chance to incapacitate Vanya… She’ll thank us later.”
With that, Diego and (Y/N) hurried in front of their brothers, the latter faintly hearing Klaus being assigned as lookout. “Alright, here’s the plan,” Luther whispered once he caught up to them. “You two will take stage left and enter from the wings, I’ll take stage right. (Y/N), I need you to summon a clone to assist on my side.”
“On it.” She nodded before singing her tune, her clone appearing from her shadows on command. “Help Luther.” She turned the clone to said brother. Luther stared at the clone for a bit in unease before nodding.
“Good. Now, we’ll sneak in the wings and get close to the stage. On my go, we’ll run out and take her down. Is this all clear?”
“Well, it’s not the best plan-”
“But it’s the best we’ve got.” Diego and (Y/N) finished each other’s sentence. The four split up, the clone obediently following Luther, to their places in the wings. Once they were backstage, Diego stealthily crept towards the stage, (Y/N) right beside him, not having to crouch as low due to her height. On stage was the orchestra, Vanya the center of attention. She was dressed in a black suit, her brown waves of hair spilling over her shoulders. Her eyes, now glowing white, stayed trained on the music before her as she played her heart out on her violin. And even though she knew what her sister had caused, (Y/N) couldn’t help the pit of guilt in her stomach that formed at what she had to do.
Across the stage was Luther and the clone, in the same position as she and Diego. Luther’s eyes darted from Vanya, to his siblings, then back to Vanya. Readying himself, he and the clone ran out, (Y/N) and Diego following suit. Vanya wasted no time in rising from her seat, a rush of energy surrounding her before she swiped her bow through the air, that same energy sending the four back into the audience. (Y/N) landed on the ground, using her arms to prevent her head from smacking against it. The last thing she needed was to go unconscious. Frightened, the audience all fled out of the theater. In the sea of heels and dress shoes, (Y/N) spotted her clone, whose head had come into contact with the arm of one of the chairs. Blood trickled from its forehead and it lay motionless. She silently thanked the stars for her safe landing. Not a second later, she felt herself being lifted from the ground. Looking up, she saw it was Luther. Seeing that his sister was fine, his attention directed back to the stage.
Vanya had just used her powers to forcefully sit the orchestra back into their seats and continue with the song, the first chair standing at the front and furiously playing. Almost all of the audience had fled the auditorium when Vanya sent yet another rush of energy towards her siblings, but they dodged it before it could come into contact, the four ducking behind the seats. (Y/N) had been in a row by herself as she listened to her brothers and sister bicker about what to do next. She turned to see Allison using her hands to imitate the playing of a violin.
“No shit, Allison! Tell us something we don’t already know!” Diego sassed.
“No, idiot,” (Y/N) hissed as she risked a glance at her superpowered sister on stage. “She means the violin! It’s, like, the source somehow!” She watched her siblings peek out of their rows along with her.
“If we can take it from her and stop her from playing, we might have a shot!” Luther proposed. From the back, gunshots rang above the music, directed towards the siblings hiding behind the seats. (Y/N) cursed and hid herself further. The orchestra, no longer under Vanya’s spell, gathered their things and bolted off stage and out of the auditorium. Diego ducked further and looked towards (Y/N).
“What the hell happened to Klaus?! He’s supposed to be on lookout!”
“Yeah, you surprised?” Luther fired back.
“What’s with all the lollygagging?” Five’s voice rose above their own. At the sound, (Y/N) gasped and looked up to find him walking towards them, an open target for the gunmen. Her heart pounding violently, she stood and tackled Five into the row across the aisle from her previous spot, as Luther shouted for him to get down. Five let out an ‘oomph’ when she landed on top of him, squeezing him close. When she felt his hand on her back, she quickly backed off and pressed her back to the seats, her love doing the same.
“Thank god, you’re back.” She breathed and held his hand tightly.
“I had to get back to you.” He held their joined hands to his chest as he occasionally peeked over the seats.
“Hey, can you two make out later?” Diego fumed. “Five, you know these guys?”
“Yeah, I do.”
Five looked to his left, where he spotted more gunmen heading their way. “Well,” He wheezed, pulling (Y/N) by the waist and scooting back a bit to stay out of sight. “We’re screwed.”
From one of the exits, more gunmen filed in, but Diego took them down a second later with his knives. Across the auditorium, Klaus ran in, alerting his siblings of the incoming Cha-Cha, unaware of the threat right in front of him. “Klaus! Get down!” (Y/N) shouted, her brother quickly complying before the bullets could hit him. As the men crept closer to the young couple, Five let go of his love and blinked onto the back of the closest one, the man turning and accidentally shooting his own men. (Y/N) yelped when a bullet hit the chair she hid behind, causing her to fold into herself and cover her head.
A few seconds later, the sound of the gunshots was decreasing, replaced with yelling. She glanced up and was met with… Ben. He stood in front of Klaus, a hue of blue, and an adult just like them. Well, not exactly her. Nonetheless, the monster within him was released and grabbed hold of the gunmen, sending them to their doom. The siblings all stared in astonishment at the sight of their dead brother saving their asses. (Y/N) had always known Ben was there with Klaus, but actually seeing his face and watching him in action sent pride swelling in her heart and tears to the corners of her eyes. Five appeared behind her and helped her to stand, neither of their gazes leaving the sight before them. All of them had stood to their feet, not so much focused on the monster quite literally ripping the gunmen apart, but rather on Ben. “It’s him…” (Y/N) grinned as she felt Five place a hand on her shoulder.
Once the gunfire was silenced and the men were dead, both Ben and the monster disappeared, leaving Klaus a gasping mess. “Now who’s the lookout?” He breathed, quietly laughing at his awestruck siblings. Receiving no answer, he simply waved them off. (Y/N) turned her head to the stage to find Vanya, completely immersed in her music, her instrument fueling her power further as the white glow in her chest spread to her suit. Above them, the pillars and ceiling began to crack and cave in, the entire building shaking by now. The music roared in her ears as everyone gathered in a huddle, Diego joining from wherever he went.
“Oh, welcome back! Where were you?!” Luther immediately questioned.
“Honoring a memory,” He answered. “So, how do you wanna end this thing?!”
“We surround her! Alright? We come at her from all angles!”
“So it’s a suicide mission.” Klaus’s voice could barely be heard over the music.
“Yeah, but one of us could get through. It’s the only chance we’ve got.” Five looked at his brother.
“Are we all in? (Y/N)?” Luther turned to his sister, the girl nodding in answer. Receiving a nod from everyone else, he looked up at Allison, who shook her head as if it were obvious. Luther locked eyes with her as he directed Diego to stage left, and Klaus, Five and (Y/N) to the front while he took stage right. Everyone ran to their respective places. The team in the front hid behind the seats once again to keep out of Vanya’s line of vision. Five held (Y/N)’s hand in his before pulling her close, the two sharing a short kiss. It was all of the encouragement they needed, but also would’ve served as a goodbye just in case. They released each other and turned back to the stage.
Vanya looked to be the equivalent of a god. Her now white attire was complete with her same-colored violin and bow. She radiated energy all around her, the same energy that would be released upon the earth if not stopped.
“NOW!” Luther screamed. The five of them charged forwards, hopping on stage. As if she had planned for this, Vanya swiped her bow and sent yet another rush of energy forward. (Y/N) was the only one to dodge, the boys not so lucky. She stared up in horror at the sight of them suspended in air by what looked to be energy tentacles, connected by the glow in Vanya’s body. The girl’s head snapped to her sister, not wasting another second to lunge for her. Vanya caught sight quickly and reached her arm forward, her hand catching (Y/N)’s throat. She gasped and clawed at her wrist, eyes bulging.
Vanya’s piercing white stare bore into her sister's eyes, (Y/N) not sure exactly what emotion was behind it, but she could detect some sort of resentment. The girl choked around the hand squeezing her throat as tears fell down her cheeks. “Vanya,” She gasped. “I’m sorry… I’m s-s-so so-sorry… Ple-Please.”
But Vanya didn’t care for her apology. Instead, she threw her sister onto the stage, the back of her head colliding with the surface below her. She cried out in pain and tried to sit up, but Vanya swung her bow at her, the girl not reacting fast enough and being struck across the face. Terrified, she began scooting back. Vanya raised her bow again and struck (Y/N) over and over, not giving the girl even a moment to regain her strength. (Y/N) cried as her shaking limbs willed her to stand, her tears mixing in with the blood that leaked from her brand new wounds. “V-Vanya…” She whispered, turning to her sister. Before she could even register what happened, another blast of energy sent her flying back into the chairs of the orchestra. Her head smacked violently against one of the stands and that’s when she began to blink out of consciousness. Black spots clouded her vision before she let her eyelids droop closed.
“See? You’ve got it! Look at you!”
“I actually really like it!”
“This is now our official handshake, Vanya. Don’t teach it to anyone else.”
“(Y/N)! (Y/N), please wake up!” The girl felt a hand gently hitting her face. She hissed in pain when it came into contact with one of her fresh wounds. Creaking her eyes open, she was met with the most beautiful view. Five, while disheveled and worried out of his mind, hovered over her in all of his glory. She choked out a sob and reached up to his face, caressing his cheek in her hand. He sighed out and turned his face to kiss her palm. “I thought I lost you…”
“Can’t get rid of me that easy, bub.” She weakly grinned. Shaking his head, he carefully pulled her up to her feet, assisting her in walking to their siblings. They all perked up at the sight of (Y/N) and asked all at once if she was okay. She only nodded as her gaze glued itself to Vanya. She was unconscious in Allison’s arms, her clothes still white. She stiffened when her hand reached up and felt the cuts from Vanya’s bow.
“Is she okay?” Luther asked Allison once they brought their attention back to Vanya. Allison checked her pulse and whispered out a ‘yeah’. “She is? Yeah?” He nodded. With that confirmation, (Y/N) sighed out in relief and brought Five into a hug. He hugged back tightly, his hand reaching up to gently stroke the back of her head, careful of the wound.
“We did it. We saved the world.” Luther breathed. But the two teenagers weren’t focused on his words. They pulled apart just enough to bring each other into a loving kiss. Her hands ran through his hair as their lips moved in sync, tears spilling down her cheeks. There were too many close calls, too many ‘safe’s for her to not be clutching at the fabric of his jacket, for him to not be practically crushing her into him. Both were nearly killed just minutes ago, so there was no reason for them not to be desperate in their kiss. The rest would simply have to sit and be uncomfortable with it.
Their moment only lasted for about half a minute more, for Klaus’s uncertain voice grabbed their attention, “Uh… guys? You see that big moon rock coming towards us?” He asked. The two pulled apart and looked up at the opening created when Vanya blasted the glass out of the ceiling. There was, in fact, a fiery hunk of a moon rock barreling towards them.
“That’s not good.” Luther whispered.
“So this is it, huh? So much for… saving the world…”
“If only Sir Reginald could see us right now, huh?” Diego muttered. “The Umbrella Academy. A total failure.”
Michael… Jada… Those two names were all that swarmed (Y/N)’s thoughts as she tuned out everything around her. I have time. I-I can get to Mom’s and be with them. I can take Five, he can blink us there! We’ll all be together-
“This doesn’t have to be the end.” Five turned back to his siblings.
“What do you mean?” She joined his side.
“I think I have a way outta here. But you gotta trust me on this.”
Immediately, everyone refused and turned away, but (Y/N) was not so dismissive. “I don’t know about you idiots, but I’m not exactly looking forward to being vaporized by a moon rock! You know I trust you, Five.” She gripped his hand in hers. He could have kissed her again if only it’d been appropriate.
“What’s your idea, then?” Diego turned back to them.
“We use my ability to time travel. But this time, I’ll take you with me.”
“You can do that?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never tried it before. Well, I… not with a real person, at least.”
“What’s the worst that can happen?” Diego looked to everyone. (Y/N) snapped her fingers to get his attention before motioning between her and Five. Everyone seemed to get the answer and shrugged. “Oh, what the hell? I’m in.”
“Yeah, whatever. I’m in.”
“Me, too. Allison?”
The woman’s nod was answer enough. Luther looked towards Klaus. “What about Ben?” He asked. Klaus turned back from the empty space he was talking to.
“Great, yeah, he’s in.”
Five nodded and walked him and (Y/N) closer to Allison. “Okay, great. Luther, grab Vanya.” He commanded. Luther rushed over and picked up his sister in his arms.
“Wait, should we be taking her?” He asked as they all formed a circle. “I mean, if she’s the cause of the apocalypse. Isn’t that like taking the bomb with us?”
“The apocalypse will always happen and Vanya will always be the cause… unless we take her with us and fix her.”
With that, everyone grabbed hands, (Y/N) in between Diego and Five. They all stared skyward as Five summoned a portal. His face scrunched up in concentration as the same electricity crackled and a blue light shone above them. As the portal grew, Five let out a yell. The crackling increased as Luther shouted out how it was working.
“Hold on! This could get messy!” Five shouted. (Y/N) looked around and almost gasped at the sight of all of her siblings now in their thirteen-year-old bodies. Even Vanya. Though none seemed to notice, too focused on Five’s portal. His hold on her hand tightened just before they were teleported away.
(Y/N) couldn’t tell how long she’d been floating around, but to her it felt like seconds. Seconds before she felt the grips on her hands disappear. She felt the force that teleported her drop her from its grasp, sending her falling from the sky. Her back crashed against some sort of surface she didn’t have time to detect, for she bounced off of it and landed on the ground. Groaning in pain, she lifted herself to her feet and glanced up at the sky.
“Five! Allison!” She called out before the portal above her closed. From her peripheral, she saw some sort of flash, but she was focused on not spiraling into a panic attack. Turning all around, she noticed she was in a dark alleyway, and what she bounced off of was a dumpster. She gingerly rubbed her lower back before turning to the opening, her face dropping at the sight before her.
When the hell am I?
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @43sparrows @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @narikyuwu @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormsmelody @rev-enviadhell @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @simping-4-fictional-men @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @zerocanonlywriteshit @xxeiraxx
⚠️Anyone in the taglist will automatically be added to the sequel taglist. If you do NOT wanna be apart of it, lmk and I will remove you⚠️
Chapter one of the sequel, "And Dusk", will be out soon.
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