#abortion saves lives
weed-juice · 1 year
Found a Tumblr post irl
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thingsmk1120sayz · 1 year
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Pope Benedict XVI is going to love hell
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deargodsno · 1 year
Kentucky. The voters of Kentucky, in a 53-47 vote, told their Republican leaders to stuff it, they won’t let them put an extreme abortion ban into the state constitution. KENTUCKY.
That goes for Montana, too. The results aren’t yet final, but voters are rejecting a particularly cruel measure that would “require medical care to be provided for any infant born alive after an attempted abortion, induced labor, or other method.” That would mean that parents would be denied the chance to meet, hold, and say goodbye to a newborn that has no chance of survival outside of the womb. It would be whisked away and tortured with “life-saving care,” its only time on this earth marked by pain and chaos. Because forced birthers are fucking ghouls, and Montana voters reject them. So far, that one is failing 52-48.
Additionally, voters in California codified the right to an abortion AND the right to contraception, 65% to 35%. Voters in Vermont voted to put abortion and reproductive rights in the state constitution, that all individuals have a right to personal reproductive autonomy. That passed 76% to 24%. In Michigan, voters established in the Constitution the “individual right to reproductive freedom, defined as the right for individuals to make all decisions about pregnancy, including prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion, miscarriage management, and infertility.” That passed 57% to 43%.
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latenight-dnd · 2 years
I accidentally swallow the mardi gras baby. I show up to the hospital, actively choking on the plastic baby, but the hospital can’t take it out cus it’s already in there. It’s illegal to take it out now. You can’t abort the Mardi Gras baby. Life begins at swallow.
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Had to block a couple people, so just a PSA
If you are anti-choice, you are human scum. You are not welcome here. I am not interested in debating. Go fuck yourself, scumbag.
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yourladyindank · 2 years
Why abortion should be legal:
Bodily autonomy is a human right. No human being can use the body/tissues of another human being, dead or alive, without initial and ongoing consent.
Everything else is a lovely bonus and fallout. That is why it should be legal. It’s a human right. Full stop.
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j0die101 · 2 years
Discussion with a male colleague today after "outing" myself as pro-choice
C: but if it was my wife I want a word in that!
me: I'm sure she would listen to what you have to say, but the decision still needs to be hers and she needs to be able to make that decision in a save environment, which includes the procedure being legal.
C: but it's my kid too!
me: true, but you can have 20.000 more children, while she only has this ONE body!!!
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mycptsdstory · 4 months
Btw, I am Pro-Choice.
Anyone tells me otherwise, you DON'T want to protect children and you are AGAINST women's rights.
Abortion isn't political. Abortion saves lives.
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mental-mona · 1 year
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pinktwingirl · 2 years
One of the most common reasons I hear for people being against abortion is because “life is sacred.”
Really? Since when? When has life ever been sacred in this country?
If life is sacred, how come we don’t have universal healthcare?
If life is sacred, how come we don’t pass comprehensive gun laws so first graders don’t get gunned down in their classrooms?
If life is sacred, why don’t we offer paid maternal leave so mothers can actually take care of the babies that you are now forcing them to have?
If life is sacred, how come we don’t bat an eye when the police murder black kids?
If life is sacred, why do we have the highest maternal death rate in the developed world, which is only going to increase now that women are being forced to give birth?
If life is sacred, why is the death penalty even still a thing?
If life is sacred, why are we still encouraging violence against the LGBTQ+ community?
Life has literally never been sacred in this country. Maybe anti-choicers like to pretend that it is because it makes them feel righteous when in reality, they’re just misogynistic pieces of shit, but it’s not. And as long as psychotic, reactionary morons continue to steal power undemocratically and make decisions that the majority of us do not want, it never will be.
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thingsmk1120sayz · 2 years
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deargodsno · 2 years
This. They really don't believe their own bullshit:
Brandy Bottone was driving in the HOV car-pool lane on a Dallas expressway last month when she was stopped by a sheriff’s deputy at a checkpoint to see if there were at least two occupants in the vehicle as mandated by Texas law.
She recounted to The Washington Post that the deputy asked her, “Is it just you or is someone else riding with you.?”
“I said, ‘Oh, there’s two of us,’” Bottone said. “And he said, ‘Where?’”
Bottone, who was 34 weeks pregnant at the time, pointed to her stomach. Even though she said her “baby girl is right here,” Bottone said one of the deputies she encountered on June 29 told her it had to be “two bodies outside of the body.” While the state’s penal code recognizes a fetus as a person, the Texas Transportation Code does not.
“One officer kind of brushed me off when I mentioned this is a living child, according to everything that’s going on with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. ‘So I don’t know why you’re not seeing that,’ I said,” she explained to the Dallas Morning News, the first to report the story.
Bottone was issued a $215 ticket for driving alone in the two-or-more occupant lane — a citation she told local media she’d be challenging in court this month. ”I will be fighting it,” Bottone, 32, of Plano, Tex., said to The Post.
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milesworld96 · 5 months
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battleangel · 6 months
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
FACT: Banning abortion dramatically reduces the rate of abortion— and the number of women dying from abortion
Restrictive state-level abortion policies are associated with not having an abortion at all. Calculated to account for the rate of criminal/illegal abortions.
“Women who lived in a state where abortion access was low were more likely than women living in a state with greater access to use highly effective contraceptives rather than no method” Not only are abortion rates lower where abortions are illegal, but unwanted pregnancy rates too. People are more careful. (From the Guttmacher Institute, former statistics arm of Planned Parenthood.) https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2015/05/state-abortion-context-and-us-womens-contraceptive-choices-1995-2010
29% of Medicaid eligible pregnant women who would have an abortion with Medicaid coverage, instead give birth. Calculated to account for the rate of criminal/illegal abortions. https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12905-019-0775-5
Analysis of statewide data from the three States indicated that following restrictions on State funding of abortions, the proportion of reported pregnancies resulting in births, rather than in abortions, increased in all three States. Calculated to account for the rate of criminal/illegal abortions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1580169/pdf/pubhealthrep00193-0013.pdf
Approximately one-fourth of women who would have Medicaid-funded abortions instead give birth when this funding is unavailable … Studies have found little evidence that lack of Medicaid funding has resulted in illegal abortions. Calculated to account for the rate of criminal/illegal abortions.
We find that a 100-mile increase in distance to the nearest clinic is associated with 30.7 percent fewer abortions and 3.2 percent more births. Calculated to account for the rate of criminal/illegal abortions.
rate of abortion is found to be lower in states where access to providers is reduced and state policies are restrictive. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9099567/
A wait time as short as 72 hours is enough to start decreasing abortion rates. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1049386716300603
Abortion decreased after being restricted: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4050978/
Michigan banned Medicaid from paying for abortion. Abortion rates dropped. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8135922/
The farther away a woman is from an abortion facility, the less likely she is to get one: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2134397?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Some restrictions were enacted in Eastern Europe in the 80s and 90s. The rates of abortion AND pregnancy rates both decreased.
Fetal development information and required waiting periods lead to less abortion:
A study in Louisiana and Maryland found that laws against abortion were effective at stopping abortions
Countries with abortion bans also have dramatically lower maternal mortality compared to other countries in the region with dangerously permissive abortion laws.
“Contrary to the notion proposing a negative impact of restrictive abortion laws on maternal health, the abortion mortality ratio did not increase after the abortion ban in Chile. Rather, it decreased over 96 percent.”
Mexican states that ban and restrict abortion have better MMR than permissive states: “Over the 10-year period, states with less permissive abortion legislation exhibited lower Maternal Mortality Rates than more permissive states.”
Poland bans all abortion except LotM and has the world’s lowest MMR (2/100000). Malta bans almost all abortions and has MMR of 6/100000
It also works in reverse. Multiple countries have seen an increase in MMR after legalizing abortion.
Guyana legalized abortion and achieved the worst MMR on the continent. (Compare that to Chile, which has constitutional protections for the unborn and an MMR that dropped by over 96% AFTER abortion was banned.)
Ethiopia legalized abortion and it made MMR worse: “Although abortion was not legalised on demand, it was legalised on broad socio-economic grounds: the Center for Reproductive Rights place it in the same category as the UK and Finland which, while not strictly allowing abortion on demand, do allow something close to that in practice.” … “Over the period of legalisation, the proportion of women with septic shock more than doubled, with the same result for organ failure. The proportion admitted to intensive care nearly tripled. Between 2008 and 2014, the percentage of women receiving post-abortion care who have severe complications increased by over 50%, from 7% to 11%. During this time, the proportion of women presenting with organ failure quadrupled, the proportion with peritonitis quintupled, and the proportion with shock nearly doubled.”
Ireland’s once-stellar MMR also increased after legalizing abortion. (Compare to Poland and Malta with almost total bans and to the UK where abortion is essentially legal in demand up to the second trimester.)
The pattern repeats in Asia. Nepal, where there is no restriction on abortion, has one of the world’s highest maternal mortality rates. (The lowest in the region is Sri Lanka, with a rate fourteen times lower than Nepal and very good restrictions on abortion.)
In addition, less people are being lured into abortion under the false impression that it’s “safe and legal”. If any of them die of illegal abortion, it’s because they knowingly committed a crime. There will no longer be cases like 17-year-old Roselle Owens, Sarah Dunn, Tonya Reaves and Cree Erwin-Sheppard (to name a few) who were killed by abortion because they were lied to about the risks.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 years
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