#a wee bit of fluff
notyourramona · 7 months
Chapter 2 of Stages of Me
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Tensions increase as characters do not see eye to eye like they used to. Main character struggles to feel respected by her crewmates while some of them desperately just try to reconnect with MC.
Word count: 7,516
No Tags
18+(for future chapters)
Minor Crimson Fleet spoilers thus far.
Chapter one
            His boots were propped on the console and his hat tipped to cover a part of his face as the ship flew itself into the stars. Sam was trying his best to hush all the noise that was at the forefront of his thoughts in this moment and it was becoming extremely difficult. The new ship felt impersonable and cold but he knew it was because of his knee jerk hesitance to accept change at first. Still, he wasn’t fond of the new knowledge of how the ship was obtained and he was even less fond of how the last conversation he had tried to have with Ghoul turned into another argument. He knew what he was trying to say it was just the delivery, per usual, came out wrong. She didn’t have to subjugate her life to those dark impulses out of necessity any longer. It felt like he was a witness of how much of her soul was being drained from the perpetual motion of events she put herself through. If it wasn’t pushing her body through stars know what when she made physical contact with the Artifacts; it was the alcohol or drugs, even if she tried to deny the use of them, that deteriorated the real version of Ghoul he knew months ago. The version of her that pulled him in with such intensity as if they were two stars who were succumbing to a gravitational pull to come together as one. He could still taste her sweet lips on his tongue when he looked at her sometimes and it pained him that she never really acknowledged what happened between them. It wasn’t like Sam expected a commitment after one kiss but he knew deep down they had some chemistry. Some very real chemistry and that chemistry was slowly turning into tension that was repelling both of them as fast as they started colliding.
Chapter 2: Hemostasis pt. 2
            “Dad.” Corra’s voice interrupted his thoughts and honestly, he was relieved she did. He slowly sat his body back into a normal sitting position to give his daughter his full attention while also trying to ignore the stiffness in his joints.
            “Yeah kiddo?” He said fondly.
            “Do you miss the Frontier?” She asked and he was curious where this line of questioning was going to go. Corra was standing there hugging herself nervously and it then occurred to Sam that his little girl was having some goodbye blues.
            “Yeah. Yeah, I think I do. Come here, sweat pea.” He always made sure to be as honest with her as was appropriate. She may have had a birthday recently but she was always going to be his little girl. She approached him with a bit of a scuffle and when she got close enough, he stood and gave her an Ashta sized hug. “It has only been a couple hours but I do miss the coziness of the ship. It was our home away from home.”
            “I miss it a lot already too.” Corra looked up to him. “You looked sad, like you missed it too.” Now that last line surprised him and he started to stammer a bit.
            “Uh, well. I didn’t think I looked that sad now.” Sam always did his best to shield her from any of his woes and he was just grateful she thought it was because of the ship and not the real reason. That was a conversation if he could avoid forever, he would.
“But this new ship is really nice and I think it will grow on the both of us. Captain has some good taste but don’t tell her I said that. It might get to her head.” He pointed to his own head when he said that for emphasis and to get a small chuckle out of his daughter.
            Corra did respond to him with that little joyous laugh of hers and he could see that the small joke had eased a some of her distress from her mind. That was enough for Sam and one of the main reason’s he loved telling her his little silly jokes even when she would get embarrassed by him.
            “Thanks dad.” She squeezed her arms around him one more time before she let go. “I am almost done organizing all of my books! I have so much more room for new books now!”
            “Is that so?” He raised his eyebrow as his hands instinctively went to rest onto the belt that held his pants. It felt like a default position for him most times and occasionally brought him the most comfort for some reason. “Well, we will see how well you keep up with your area of the room and with your chores on the ship and maybe. And hear me when I say maybe, you will get a larger booker allowance.” Corra squealed a bit with delight and did a small twirl of excitement. Sam knew right then and there he was most definitely going to have to increase her book allowance anyway because once she had her mind on something she was going to find a way to get it.
            “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best Dad!” Corra hugged him one more time before skipping away and seemingly forgetting she was even upset about The Frontier. The conversation had distracted him as well and it was one of the many things, he appreciated about being a father. No matter how distraught things felt some days he knew that as long as Corra was set up with a better future that was all that mattered. In fact, it was the driving point for him to come clean with a lot of his older habits and for him to quit his binge days on Neon. He stood alone in the cockpit once more and a part of him had the urge to just start walking. Sam followed his feet through the hallways of the ship and in the distance, he heard faint whispering. It was then he realized his intent was to try to reconnect with Ghoul again even if it was to just for them both to hash it out until they were on the same page again. He hated seeing her so defensive and to watch her slowly push him away. Sam was hoping desperately there would be a point very soon that made her see that he truly cared about her enough to stop her from hurting herself and it wasn’t a ploy to control what she does. It reminded him of himself within the first weeks before he decided to come clean. The world felt like it was after him for simply just trying to live but in reality, he wasn’t living at all. His boots echoed within the hall and the whispering ahead soon stopped and he heard Andreja speak with confidence about something.
            Sam looked ahead and saw that Andreja was close to Ghoul even from where she stood and something about that closeness gave him a ping of jealousy. He knew they heard him come in when Andreja had looked at him in a skeptical gaze that she liked to give people. It was when her brows furrowed a fraction but her brown eyes looked as if they were daring you to challenge her.   
            “Wake me up when we arrive. Sarah ordered me to rest.” Ghoul spoke and that was when Sam noticed how annoyed Ghoul looked even with her eyes closed. In that moment Sam chickened out from his original plan of confronting her and walked over to the kitchenette to make a fresh cup of coffee. They only had about four cups to chose from and the closest one was a red coffee mug that said ‘I’m a House Va’ruun Spy’. Sam started to heat up the water in their electric kettle so he could at least have instant coffee and while he waited his fingers gently tapped the counter.
            “Do you want to me to watch the ship?” Andreja said softly as she stood next to Sam and it almost made him jump because he didn’t even hear her walk up. Her stealth skills always got the best of him when he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings. 
            “Uh.” It was that moment he had realized that while he was so lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t greeted either of them when he walked in. It wasn’t like he had to but he was trying extremely hard to play it cool even if his mind was all over the place. If he didn’t think Andreja could kick his ass with a few close-combat moves he would have liked to take a moment to try to interrogate her about what she was thinking when she agreed to encourage their captain to play cards on The Key. Andreja, out of all of them, was normally the strict personality with the least amount of morally grey qualities to her so it made even less sense that she was okay with being there any more than he would of.
“Yeah, if you are comfortable with it. I could use a bite to eat and a wink of sleep myself.” Andreja was now leaning back onto the other side of the counter they were both standing at and her arms were crossed as she watched him make the cup of coffee. He thought for a moment he saw a small smile appear on her face after she had read what the mug had said but he was also serious about needing a bit of sleep so he could have imagined it.
            “Piloting isn’t my expertise but considering it’s mostly going to be in autopilot from here out I think I can manage.” She said with a bit of humor in her voice. Andreja had taken a quick peek at Ghoul for a moment before she continued and the notion made Sam brace himself. Then she softly spoke to him. “I won’t pretend I do not know what is going on but I also know nothing I will say will make much of a difference.”
            “Then why say anything at all?” Sam said with a passiveness that slipped before he could stop himself. He took a sip of his coffee to try to ignore that happened.
            “Because you both happen to have grown on me very much and I am not enjoying how long this conflict is lasting. You need to let her learn on her own.”
            “Yeah, and how long will that be?”
            “As long as it takes.” Andreja shrugged as if it was an obvious answer. “You forget she didn’t have a someone lay a foundation for her when she was younger like some of us. We both may have not had the best of families but at least we had one.”
Sam thought about Jacob Coe for a moment and hated that he couldn’t disagree with her even if he didn’t really have fond memories of his father. He didn’t know the details about Andreja���s past but had an idea that she grew up like some of the LIST families do just outside of the Settled Systems, independent and all alone out there.
“There comes a time where you have to accept responsibility for your actions no matter what your past has been like.” He said with conviction. Sam could hear the harshness in his tone but he truly believed Ghoul was bigger than what she has been through. Hell, he had seen her recover from the worst with his own eyes and he was more than willing to be the anchor she needed to keep herself grounded. Andreja sighed at him and stopped leaning on the counter transforming her stance into something a bit more intimidating. Sam couldn’t tell if she was doing that subconsciously or purposely.
“I think you should consider being… softer with your approach. I know she may not always be in the right but I believe in her to make the right choices when it comes down to it.” Andreja’s accent was emphasizing her words and her eyes burned with a confidence in their Captain. Sam rarely saw that passion within her unless it was to slay their enemies so he knew in this moment she was talking from the heart. Sam was mulling over what Andreja had said for a moment. Ghoul did say some really fucked up shit to him earlier today but he also was the one who came off more judgmental than he intended. They both heard a small gasp and it made them both tense up as they turned to see Ghoul sitting awake and covered in sweat.
The feeling of falling overwhelmed Ghoul’s nervous system as she suddenly sat awake from her deep slumber. It was easier to blame the lack of sleep on a small ship with no room on it than to acknowledge the fact that some of her nightmares had slowly been coming back again. There was a time period in the beginning of her travels where she seemed to be free of the terrors her dreams brought her but lately it felt like her brain was trying to plague her all over again. Her skin felt sticky in sweat and she applied pressure to her face with her hands in an attempt to soothe herself for the moment, to feel she was real. Ghoul felt eyes on her and it distracted her enough from her nightmare.
“I’m fine.” Her hands muffled her voice but she didn’t bother to wait for them to ask. Their concern was written on their faces as if she was shot and bleeding out. The both of them could be overbearing when they worked together and it was something she both loved yet hated.
“That seems to be your new catchphrase.” Sam said sarcastically at her before he went on with whatever he was doing in the first place. Ghoul dropped her hands from her face just to roll her eyes at him. She enjoyed that they each had their own bed at this point but she thought about having bigger goals next time like for everyone to get their own rooms in the next upgrade. Andreja had yet to say anything to Ghoul and honestly, she appreciated it because Andreja was skilled with knowing when words were preferred or not. Ghoul pushed herself off her bed and tried to fix her bed hair and smooth out her clothing.
“Are we close to Cydonia? How long was I out?” Ghoul looked around the ship to see if there was a clock but she remembered the Constellation watch on her left wrist and it showed she had only been out for 25 minutes. That newfound knowledge made her want to scream. “Never mind.”
“I was heading to the cockpit to take over for Sam unless you wanted to operate the ship, Captain.” Andreja offered and that was when Ghoul realized none of them were attending the ship. Sam had heated up something and was sitting at the table, stuffing his face full of brown gravy and some kind of meat. Even if the sight of that goop made her want to gag, she couldn’t blame him because they didn’t have a lot of time to eat on the last planet. Ghoul couldn’t tell if Andreja either really didn’t want to man the new ship or she knew Ghoul would rather be distracted after waking up like that.
“Yeah, good idea.” Ghoul’s hand found itself tangled in her hair once again and then on the back of her neck subconsciously trying to release some of the tension. “I’ll go do that. You both should rest, you deserve it.” Her last line is what caught the attention of Sam before she finally walked her way to the cockpit as she snapped and clapped her hands. Her eyes felt heavy but she was going to do her best to be in a better mood than earlier.
The cockpit was dark but all of the controls and buttons were lit up in different shades of green, yellow, white, and red for their various categories. When Ghoul sat in the blue faux leather chair, she felt her body relax into it as if it was made for her. The captain’s chair on this ship was bigger and it was just another benefit this ship had to offer that gave her pride for being able to pull this big purchase off. Though there was a lot to marvel in front of her, her mind felt clouded and heavy as she sat there with the accumulation of all her thoughts. She regretted not grabbing herself a cup of coffee before manning the ship but she knew it was only a bit of time before her mind would clear again. 
She went to prop her feet on the dash and as she did, she accidentally kicked a switch that triggered a chain of events that abruptly caused the ship to lurch forward a bit and stop in place. Ghoul herself fell face forward onto the console with a rough smack and the sharp pain from impact made her hiss.
“Damnit.” She growled at herself and she looked out ahead into the stars to see if she could tell where they stopped. That was when she noticed this ship’s dash had the navigation center built in to the left of her and she was excited about the convenience of this. It indicated that there were just on the outskirts of the Sol system and that provided some relief. The feeling soon ended as she watched two Va’ruun ships warp into their field of vision. Ghoul was trying to think quickly on whether it was smarter to go in hot or cut the power to the engines and hope they didn’t pick them up.  
“What is that?” Ghoul heard Sam ask as Andreja, and Corra walked behind him into the room of the cockpit to see what exactly caused that minor malfunction of the ship. Ghoul was a bit embarrassed about knocking them out of warp in such a silly manner but she didn’t have time to be coy.
“Two House Va’ruun ships warped into the same space we just did and I accidentally kicked the ship out of autopilot.” Ghoul said with composure as she initiated the process to power down the ship to its minimum output levels. It felt like it was taking her longer than usual to perform this particular task because she had yet had an opportunity to go over the controls before she took her very short nap. She found herself looking for the reactor gauge for a moment and Sam silently pointed to it as if he read her mind. She gave him a grateful smile as she finished up the process. There were two passenger seats that sat one on each side of the captain’s chair and Andreja and Sam got in their positions without question or further context.
“Hey Kiddo, my mind would be at ease if I knew you were buckled up over there.” Ghoul said to Corra with a softness she only reserved for the tiny Coe. Corra didn’t say a word but immediately sat in one of the extra seats behind the three of them. Ghoul caught Sam giving her a smile of gratitude while he finished setting up his own buckles. She knew that Corra was less likely to ask questions if Ghoul said something from her captain’s chair because that kid knew when it she was giving orders from the chair it was go-time.
“Plan?” Andreja asked as she stared at the other ships with disgust. Ghoul knowing why she would make that face looked at Andreja with a subtle sympathy.
“I would prefer not to get a scratch on our new ship but if we are detected we are most likely going to have to blast them out of space.” Ghoul now went into command mode and it was a role she was felt comfortable in when they got into situations like these. “Sam please keep an eye on ship vitals and you have a better shot so I will switch missiles to your seat. Andreja ballistics will be your friend today and if I cannot get us to warp before being caught then I guess we are going to see how much mobility this ship really has today.” In a unison they both said ‘Aye, Captain’ and took over their positions while Ghoul slowly begun to move the ship forward.
“Corra, please grab the spacesuit above you and put it on while the ship is still stable. I am sure your father would rather us be safe than sorry.” Ghoul threw the command behind her before locking her eyes on the path ahead. The ship was larger than the Frontier had felt and she could feel how sensitive the throttle systems were. It was a delicate balance of not using too much power to be detected but still make some progress to get out of their scanner radius. Over the comms they could hear the enemy ships hail each other and it sounded like that were looking for something in particular.
“Easy now.” Sam whispered to Ghoul after her hand slipped and pushed the ship forward a little too fast. The enemy thankfully was still unaware of their presence and if she could help it, she would keep it that way till the very end. The three of them were feeling the immense pressure to not make a sound and be a hair trigger a way from engaging with hostile ships. The time seemed to be dragging out as they were getting closer to their targeted area to warp out. Ghoul could taste victory on the tip of her tongue.
“What’s that?! Get them!” They heard the voices of the Va’ruun ships come through the comms and Ghoul’s heart sank as she quickly begun to power up the Longsword. She was really hoping she wouldn’t have to fight in her new baby today but it looks like the universe had other plans for her, as per usual.
“Fuck” She cursed under her breath as she tried to control her initial reaction. The last thing Ghoul wanted to do was alarm Corra and she could see that Andreja and Sam were both doing their best to stay commposed. “Weapons ready?”
“Missiles.” Sam confirmed.
“Ballistics.” Andreja confirmed as well.
“Well let’s see how she flies.” Ghoul said as she heard the ship warm up to the new surge of power. She applied full force to the thrusters and they begun their path to the other two ships.
“Fuck now there are three of them!” The enemy ships yelled and that statement took the three crew members by surprise. Behind the two Va’ruun ships were two Crimson Fleet vessels and they didn’t appear to be the usual outfitted Crimson Fleet ships.
“Andreja please run a scan on those ships.” Ghoul commanded and her body tensed with anticipation till she saw the ship IDs within the scanner. Those identification numbers were eerily similar to ones she had been reading about earlier and then the realization hit her. It was Delgado and Naeva. She felt her heart sink.
“Sam, remember that conversation we had about those of us who are on a need-to-know bases?” Ghoul leaned into him and asked softly so Corra wouldn’t hear them. She knew even if the tiny Coe did, she most likely wouldn’t figure out what they were talking about. Sam caught the cue and even though he didn’t look extremely pleased he went ahead to unbuckle himself from position.
“Get us the hell out of here as quickly as you can.” Sam whispered back to her before he motioned for Corra to come with him.
“What? Why are we-.” Corra began to protest but Sam wasn’t allowing her any wiggle room for protesting in this moment.
“It’s the Captain’s order. We have to go now.” Ghoul saw in Sam’s eyes it pained him to be so abrupt with his daughter but they had both agreed under no circumstances should Corra know about Ghoul’s involvement with the Crimson Fleet. It was not only for his daughter’s safety, were anything happen, but because Ghoul also could not bring herself to share that side of the world with the child. Once the two of the Coe’s were out of the cockpit and for sure in the crew’s station of the back of the ship, Ghoul sighed heavily. There weren’t a lot of options and it looked like the battle had already begun.
“The missiles are now assigned to me but I would appreciate it if you kept an eye on ship vitals for me.” Ghoul said to Andreja who hadn’t said a word. She knew Andreja recognized what the scanner had inferred and understood the short conversation Ghoul had with Sam.
“Yes, Captain.” Andreja’s voice was controlled and calm. Her cool composure was the one thing that was helping Ghoul not unravel herself and she was supposed to be the leader. Ghoul directed the ship forward with max speed and as she swung it around the House Va’ruun ships there were lasers that hit one of the wings of the ship. Inside she cursed herself to hell but she kept her hands steady and Andreja without needing command already started to deliver the might of their new ballistic weapons system. The Crimson Fleet ships were originally shooting at all moving objects within their field of vision but they soon noticed that the Longsword wasn’t engaging with them. Once both of the House Va’ruun ships exploded into smithereens from the combined forces of the three ships was when Ghoul finally received a hail from Delgado and Naeva.
“Do we got ourselves a friend or a foe?” Naeva’s spunky voice came through laced with challenge. Ghoul took a deep breath trying her best to get herself into the headspace of the ruthless Rook they welcomed into the Fleet not so long ago.
“Could be either depending on how many fucking times your weapons make contact with my ship, Naeva!” Ghoul added a bit of cocky gravel to her voice that sounded almost out of body to her own ears. She even noticed a shift in Andreja’s body that noted that it sounded off to her as well.
“Oh, would you look at that Delgado? The Rook is alive and well. Looks like she has been dicking around instead of meeting with your contact.” Naeva completely ignored the threat Ghoul gave but that was the type of game she liked to play. Naeva was the first to smile in someone’s face then smash their skull on the closest blunt object. She wasn’t second in command to Delgado for nothing.
“I really hope you have a good explanation for this, Rook.” Delgado’s voice came through this time. His rough mannerism traveled through the comms as well giving Ghoul a shiver down her back.
“You can see the reason if you open your eyes, Delgado.” Ghoul quipped with the sound of disbelief as if the reason was so obvious it was offensive that they didn’t notice. It was like a knife’s edge when she spoke to the King of the Crimson Fleet. She couldn’t be seen as a weak individual but there was a pecking order that was to be adhered to or there would be consequences.
“Are you referring to that large trash heap you are piloting? You didn’t take me as someone who would pride themselves with trash.” Ghoul could hear the smile within his insult.
“Well, if you think so poorly of my new vessel. I guess that just confirms the man’s life I ended to retrieve it had nothing to lose after all.” She lied through her teeth as she laughed about her imaginary murder.
“Enough games, Rook.” Naeva commanded through the box, “We have some catching up to do and it’s clear you can’t get something done without a fucking tight leash.”
“Naeva, don’t.” Delgado warned his second in command. “You do owe us an explanation, Rook, for missing in action for over a week now and not even completing the task assigned to you. If I were to know any better, I would think you are trying to leave the Fleet.”
“And no one and I mean no one, leaves the Crimson Fleet.” Naeva threatened. This was slowly becoming a very complicated situation and Ghoul knew she couldn’t just follow them to the Key with Corra on board, Sam would never forgive her even if he stayed on ship with her.
“This can all be easily explained if you want me to lay out my entire schedule including when I have eaten, took a piss break, and slept.” She deflected to humor because it felt like the safest option without seeming suspicious. Ghoul’s humor was a mask for the fear that was creeping up inside her. It was normally very easy to persuade herself out of sticky situations but this time it was obvious she was backed into a corner and it was quite possible they had been out here looking for her.
“I’d be careful with who you are speaking to.” Naeva threatened Ghoul again.
“If it’s so easy to explain then there shouldn’t be an issue with you docking onto my ship and coming aboard to explain.” Delgado didn’t leave any room for her to refuse and she knew if she did, she’d be putting the other lives on her ship in danger.
“Fine, if that’s what it will take to get you both off my ass.” She let some of her genuine frustration come through with that statement. “Give me some time to dock and gather some of my loot on this ship. I’ll have someone retrieve the ship later so I expect you both to leave it unharmed.” Ghoul wasn’t in a place to be making demands since they were both already suspicious of her and her last whereabouts but she need to at least try to ensure everyone else’s safety.
“If it means so much to you, then fine. But if we suspect you are telling us anything other than the truth the ship will be blown to pieces and you will be floating along with it.” Those were Delgado’s last words before they ended communications and both ships waited for Ghoul in the black void to come on board. When Ghoul was sure their comms was no longer connected, she let out the biggest sigh of relief and sunk into the back of her chair. There were a lot of thoughts and emotions swimming violently in her head. It was a few moments later when she noticed the face of an extremely unhappy Andreja.
“Did you just agree to get onto Delgado’s ship, alone?” She asked and Ghoul knew it was a rhetorical question and more of a ‘what the hell were you thinking’ type question.
“What was the alternative?” Ghoul challenged her, not really wanting to hear any criticism about how she could have handled the delicate situation. It wasn’t really like they had given her a list of options or without it ending them being space dust.
“I am not sure but I don’t think going onto a Crimson Fleet ship with no backup was the right call.” Andreja protested some more and Ghoul just looked at the two ships ahead of them trying her best not to engage with the argument. Normally Andreja knew to just trust Ghoul but she could see the worry on her friend’s face.  
“Perhaps not, but you need to remember I am undercover. I have to be in these situations and I have to be able to keep you all safe while putting myself into these situations.”
“What situation?” Sam had come back to the cockpit alone thankfully, but it was horrible timing. Ghoul wasn’t ready to hear it from him as well.
“Delgado requests our Captain to get onto his ship and explain what she has been doing the past week instead of meeting with his contact. Alone!” Andreja beat Ghoul to the punch of giving him an explanation and Ghoul gave her an angry stare.
            “Excuse me?” Sam said in disbelief and Ghoul felt the room tense up further. The thoughts that swarmed her mind were getting to a point where she couldn’t really hear anything else that was going on and she felt on the edge of exploding.
            “Again, sorry for choosing the path that kept all of you alive. Next time I will just let our enemies blast us out the sky and if there is a next life you both can be angry with my decisions then!” She was feeling extremely defensive and annoyed with the two of them and decided instead of hearing anything else either of them had to say she would rather not be in the room. So, she got out of the chair and pushed past Sam in anger. Sam however was not about to let her run off so easily because he was livid himself. It wasn’t long before his heavy footsteps quickened their pace behind her and she felt herself get cornered into one of the storage rooms.
            “Hey! Stop!” He said with an irate vigor in his voice. Ghoul was staring at the shelved wall in the storage room acting as if she was trying to look for something. She had no interested in repeating the same conversation over and over. Last she checked she was their captain and they were supposed to trust her, even if it seemed like she was throwing herself to the wolves. Sam’s hand was on her arm as he twisted her around with a force she wasn’t expecting. It was a force she hadn’t felt from him since before they left New Atlantis.
            “Stop, stop pushing us out and listen.” He practically begged her and his eyes were burning into hers as both his hands held her into place in front of him. “I don’t know what has been going on in that pretty little head of yours lately but we need to talk, now.”
            “Talk to you about what? The same conversation? How you don’t agree with my actions? How neither of you seem to trust in my decision making when it matters?” Ghoul responded back as quick as a gunshot and her face was masked with anger but really, she was just tired of having these fights with Sam. She missed the silence they use to be able to share comfortably or when he would just know when she needed something to make her laugh. The tension was just so fucking overwhelming. “I’m undercover. Do I want to be? No! But it seems like everyone in this fucking universe needs something from me and I can only do so many fucking things right.”
            “Ghoul you-.” Sam looked as if he was ready to fire right back at her but he felt the sudden defeat in her body before he saw the tears that begun to swell in her yellow eyes. His posture and grip softened for a moment and he remembered the advice Andreja had given to him earlier. He found his right hand gently pressing her bright red hair out her face and he thought about the several colors she had changed it to in the past three months they had traveled together and something about that made him smile to himself. It was just something that was very her and he held on to that thought. “It’s just-. We do trust you-.”
            “You have a hell of a way to show it.” Ghoul interrupted him angrily and he saw how much effort she was putting in to not let any of her tears fall. The guards she was constantly putting up was painful for him to watch and he could only imagine the lengths she went through to keep them fortified.
            “I can’t stand to think about anything happening to you, okay? Especially if…especially if I could have done something about it and I didn’t stop you.” Sam stammered with his choice of words and he was trying his best to clearly communicate. It was not easy with how bad his heart was pounding from the whole situation. The thought of her just putting herself on line and walking right into that trap, it riled him up.
            “I can take care of myself.” Ghoul said softly and she gently nudged Sam to let go of her arms so he did. Her eyes looked past him and into a void of thought he wish he could hear so he knew what the right words were. It was obvious she was going to at least stand there for a few moments longer and he was going to do his damned best to get her to at least know how much he cared for her wellbeing. At the very least.  
            “No one is denying that, darling.” Her eyes snapped back to his as if calling her darling beckoned her back to him. “I need you to know that I…we have your back.”
            “Yeah?” She sounded skeptical and that was a tiny blow to his ego. Had he really been acting in such a way where she really thought he wasn’t in her corner anymore?
            “Yes, I promise. You made your decision and I know you chose it with everyone’s wellbeing in mind, even if it is not…well…just, I cannot thank you enough for the things you do to keep Corra safe. I am not sure I ever will be able to. But you have got to know that.” He found himself emphasizing the last line and practically begging for her to hear him, truly hear him.
“You are not alone and honestly you havent been at least not since the day I watched you convince a whole gang to just walk out of that Galbank and cut their losses. And yes, the universe has been stretching us to the ends of it all to figure out exactly what these Artifacts are for but Ghoul.” Their eyes were still locked as Sam tried to find the right words he wanted to use and he felt they were truly the only two on this entire ship. He wondered if she felt it too.
“Please…just…stay alive.” He leaned forward towards her. Connecting his forehead with hers, breaking their eye contact but he needed to be close with her. He felt the hitch in her breathing but she didn’t step back this time and instead leaned more into him as their eyes closed and they just felt each other’s physical connection. It was the first sliver of peace they had have between each other for weeks. Sam felt the gentleness of Ghoul’s hand on his beard and when he looked back at her there was now a slow flow of tears falling from her eyes.
“Of course, I will cowboy.” She sniffled softly and the crook of a small smile appeared on her lips. “I couldn’t just let them on this ship Sam not with Corra, not with them finding you or Andreja.” Sam absolutely hated the prospect of Ghoul giving herself up for his welling being yet again. The fears that he had when they were on Neon pained his chest but he held it in and chose not to argue. She was right they needed to trust her. Ghoul was wiping some of the tears off her face and Sam lent a finger to rub one off of her cheek.
“I’m going to be fine. It’s only going to be for a short period of time and I will be back before you can say, ‘are you sure you want to carry that?” She teased him and there was relief on her face that accompanied the smile that was in her eyes. He hesitated before deciding to step back from her and allow her some space. They both took an awkward moment to dust themselves off because they were normally not this physically close and even though there was a strong urge in him to touch her skin again, he held himself.
“Are you going to say goodbye to Corra? What are we going to tell her?” Sam asked directing the conversation away from the awkward silence that filled the storage room they were in. He would rather this awkwardness any day over the tension they had both were originally feeling.
“You, are going to tell her whatever you want because you are her father. I am going to go on Delgado’s ship and make them believe I am just another stupid Rook.” Ghoul said without pausing and Sam crossed his arms not entirely happy with the decision that it was up to him to pick the lie for his daughter. He was a bad liar and if Ghoul didn’t come back what was he going to tell Corra then? He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. But he knew it was a temporary and he also didn’t want Corra to stress over their captain. Ghoul’s hand was now on his shoulder and she gave him a confident smile.
“What is that thing Vladmir says? Catch a smile out there?” Ghoul gripped his shoulder and he laughed at her for trying to impersonate Vlad’s accent.
“Yes. Catch a smile out there.” Sam’s voice was nonchalant but the inside of his body was screaming to not let her go out there alone and onto a ship of wolves.
Ghoul had her pirate suit on and the airlock had finally finished stabilizing the air for her to walk through the door to Delgado’s ship. The process was long enough for her to rehearse in her head who she was to be now that she was going to be on Delgado’s ship. She was a Crimson Fleet pirate, she took what she wanted, she lived to fight against the UC and Freestar Rangers, and most of all she did not give a fuck about anything other than her own gains. The airlock door finally opened and there Delgado stood with two other armed men on each side of him. He had a foxy grin on his face as if he expected her to chicken out of this meeting.
“Ah, there she is.” Delgado crooned and he snapped his fingers ordering his guards to relax their position and allow her to walk nearby. “I am extremely interested in these excuses you have for not meeting with your contact as ordered. You are lucky you were the one who helped us find another clue to Kryx’s legacy or else you would be dust by now.”
“I didn’t realize you were being so kind, Del. Next time I will make sure to bring you a fucking bouquet of flowers to show my gratitude.” Ghoul wanted to make it clear that his threats, no matter what they were didn’t disarm her. Delgado looked her up and down and he seemed to be amused at her response. He snapped again but this time his men went to grab both of her arms to restrain her. Immediately Ghoul tried to fight them off because she knew if she just allowed herself to be captured it would be a sign of weak submission in the eyes of this pirate. She used her foot to trip one of the men and it loosened his grip enough for her to slip her arm out of his hold, and then push the back of his helmet into the other guard. The two men collided and before they had the chance to both turn back onto her, she had disarmed them of one of their guns and pointed it directly at them.
“Is this really necessary?” Ghoul hissed at Delgado and he watched her like a hawk ready to swoop in and pluck her eyes out at any moment.
“Perhaps not.” He waved them away and then looked back at his other crew. She wasn’t sure if she saw it correctly or not but he looked pleased with her response. “Undock from that piece of garbage and set coordinates for The Key. We have much to get to in the next few months.”
“Months?” Ghoul snapped suddenly and slightly out of her usual pirate character. Delgado had an eyebrow raised at her suspiciously from her response.
“Do you have somewhere else to be that’s more important than Kryx’s legacy?” He challenged her and the tone in his voice made it very clear this was a dangerous rhetorical question. Ghoul shook her head and tossed the gun to the side trying her best not to think about the fact that she had absolutely no way to communicate with the others about this development. She had left anything that tied her to Constellation on the ship. That included her watch given to her when she first joined that was her primary telecommunications device. What in the fuck was she going to do?  
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mouzeinsoup · 3 months
Why does Charlie's hair look like neapolitan ice cream?
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to this day i still do not know how his hair works
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
concept: Jeremy
Jeremy teaching you or giving you lessons on the entire process of juicing 😭 I feel like you’d both be in bed and he’d pull out an entire book of different juices and talk about the health benefits
18+ ish⚠️
omg like imagine you’re both in bed, about to call it a night. Both of you are doing your own respective things—you scrolling on your phone and him flipping through a book.
Eventually you get bored and put aside your phone and you take a few moments in contemplation before you smirk and lean over closer to Jeremy. You start peppering kisses all over his neck, your fingers moving up to play with his curls as you do so.
Jeremy however was too immersed in his book, completely ignoring your attempts at seducing him. “Look baby—I think we should try making this juice tomorrow for breakfast—”
You pull away your jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious right now J—im over here kissing you and you’re thinking about the damn juice you wanna drink tomorrow?!” you ask incredulously.
“Y/N—the process of juicing is actually very fascinating and they have a bunch of health benefits—”
You roll your eyes and lean back again. “Yeah well sorry I’d rather have sex with you than talk about juice,” you mumble.
Jeremy’s eyes widened and he tossed the book aside.
“Nope! You missed your chance,” you say quickly, shaking your head as you cross your arms.
“Oh c’monnnn,” he groaned, shifting so that he was now hovering above you, his lips practically ghosting over yours. “You know I just love my detox juices…” he mumbled against your lips. “But you know what juices I love more?” he questioned suggestively, a smirk growing on his face as he pressed a kiss to your lips.
Your brows furrowed in confusion before your eyes widened slightly. “Oh,” you breath out, watching as he shimmied his body down, taking pleasure between your thighs to make it up to you.
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moondirti · 9 months
Sometimes Miguel comes off as too much of a sweetheart while im writing and i have to take a step back like, awww. Scrap it
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 3 months
🎄Wrapped Up In Christmas Memories🎄
a Stephen Strange x Hope Collins fic
Chapter Two
genre: angst, catharsis, healing...and above all, love ❤️
characters: Stephen Strange, Hope Collins (OFC); established relationship
word count: 3.0k
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moodboard by @strangelock221b 💙🩵💜
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The weeks ticked down towards Christmas, and Stephen remained as occupied with his work as in any other month of the year. And still Hope held steadfast to her promise to ask nothing but his tolerance as she rang the season in. Every few days, when he emerged from attending to his Sanctum duties or his ongoing studies, or returned from a far-flung mission or from Kamar-Taj itself, he would find she had added some new decoration or holiday detail, making not only his quarters, but the main floor as well, ever more festive. Her Artist's eye insured that she kept everything tasteful and in accord with the surroundings. Hope's latest addition had been an evergreen garland for the fireplace on the main floor, lit with colorful fairy lights and frosted candle holders of varying heights bearing ivory or red candles, nested along the greenery.
Whenever he complimented her newest handiwork, Hope would give a modest little shrug as she thanked him, moving onto the next subject of conversation without so much as a pause--though Stephen could absolutely feel how pleased she was. Thus, their equilibrium continued, and despite his ambivalence about the holiday season, he found himself quietly looking forward to each new surprise.
One such surprise was Hope's newfound dedication to attending the weekly vigil service each Saturday evening of Advent at a small Roman Catholic parish in Brooklyn. In their occasional discussions of philosophy and faith, she had given Stephen the impression that although she was lapsed from organized religion, Hope still held a true belief in a higher power. Indeed, he always saw her as a living example of the biblical maxim 'do unto others...'. And of course, she had understood and respected the beliefs he had come to hold about soul & spirit, and good & evil, based on his experiences and encounters with mystic realities.
In response to his curiosity on the first Saturday she shared her plans, Hope fell back on a familiar explanation. "It's a tradition that does my heart good to honor," she told him frankly. "It connects me to my family even when we're apart. With those who've passed on...and with past generations." He didn't miss the flicker of grief in her eyes and in the set of her mouth at her reference to those who had passed on, though soon enough, her honest smile replaced the sorrow. "Besides which, I love the music...the lights on the tree...the aroma of the incense they save for the most sacred moments. That sense of being one with a community of like-minded souls is vital to my experience of the Christmas season." Stephen found none of this surprising, for such was her nature, and part of the reason she had conquered his heart with no effort at all.
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With a scant two weeks until Christmas Day, the Sanctum felt ripe with Hope's inimitable brand of holiday cheer. The sights, the scents, the flavors, and the very sounds that filled his rooms, became reminders of his own Christmases past, though Stephen refused to entertain those memories as he knew they'd only leave him morose.
Even the Sanctum kitchens had their own unique decorations, courtesy of some of Hope's grammar school-aged students; a couple dozen had given her handmade, crayon-colored Christmas cards and Tempera-painted winter scenes of snowmen and Santas, Angels and Christmas trees, or sledding and skating children, which found their way onto the walls and the refrigerators. She'd even fashioned a miniature tree as a tabletop centerpiece, festooned with a popcorn & cranberry garland and a tiny paper chain of red & green construction paper loops. In a surprising moment of clarity, Stephen remembered the several years when he still believed in Santa Claus and had helped his mother create the same sort of decorations for their tree, and how excited he'd been counting down the days until Christmas morn. Memories of a simple happiness that he'd quite forgotten had been his. Gazing at Hope's little tree brought a warmth to his chest he would like to share with her - but he stopped himself each time, knowing full well that if he let that recollection bubble forth, it might open the gates to other memories not as pleasant.
Most evenings now found Hope settled on the sofa wrapping presents or penning personal greetings in Christmas cards, while her favorite Christmas movies played on television, setting what she considered the ideal mood. Stephen eventually ended up joining her some evenings, and once he took his place beside her, she very willingly set aside her project in favor of cuddling on the couch with him. He ended up adopting the habit of fixing them hot chocolate, and in Hope's homey company, he discovered that he didn't even mind the movies he'd once found trite and too sentimental since his undergraduate days. Besides, they made Hope happy--and her happiness had become key to his own.
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On the 18th, Stephen was called to Kamar-Taj for an emergency meeting of all the Masters of the Sanctums and those in charge of the various disciplines. A rift in Earth's reality had opened inside the Kibo caldera of Mount Kilimanjaro, and whatever entities had worked that magic, it appeared they were trying to wake the dormant volcano into eruption. He only had time enough to fire off a cursory text to Hope, warning her he might be away for several days--and advising her not to worry. Then he was off to Tanzania, along with Wong and a dozen other Masters to beat back the incursion and seal the rift.
'Twas a grim Stephen that returned to the New York Sanctum just after midnight on December 21st. Hope was sound asleep, and he didn't have the heart to awaken her. He was sporting a split lip and multiple abrasions to his face, neck, and hands, and though he had been charm treated in the Kamar-Taj Infirmary, he still had a slight but nagging cough from smoke inhalation.
Yet he had gotten off more lightly than most of those who had to battle the dragonlike creatures that seemed to be ideally suited for a volcanic environment; that breathed fire and fought ferociously to maintain their foothold. Two Masters had fallen to their flames, and three more had suffered severe enough burns to be placed in magic induced comas while Healers worked around the clock to hasten the regeneration of new, healthy skin. Wong, who had suffered a broken wrist, bore the same sort of wounds as Strange and the other Masters did. Stephen was heartsick over the lost lives and the pain of his brothers & sisters, and his body ached all over.
Casting the Mirror Dimension on the master bath, he bundled up his rent robes and buried them deep in the hamper so Hope wouldn't see how badly they were damaged and bloodstained. Stephen had already repaired Cloak, and it had flitted off upon their return to the Sanctum to see to its own ablutions. He soaked in the tub of hot water and Epsom salt for nearly 90 minutes, trying to put the pictures frozen in his mind of the battle and the wounded behind him. Fearing that sleep would still elude him once he finally went to bed.
In the wee hours before sunrise, he slipped carefully and quietly between the sheets, and by some lovely instinct, Hope turned to him. She stirred a bit when he placed her hand above his heart--for he always found that soothing--and after a few moments she whispered, "Missed you, magic man. Is everything alright?"
Stephen sighed in the darkness, unwilling to disturb her peace with the truth, and murmured 'yes', and then, 'I missed you too'. What he wanted most was to forget everthing for a little while, and when she rested her head on his shoulder, he nuzzled the tender haven of her hair, focusing on Hope's softness until he was able to drift off the sleep.
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Stephen rarely indulged in the luxury of sleeping in, but this day it had been a necessity. Though he felt physically refreshed when he finally left his bedroom, his spirit was all too weary, and he remained disconsolate in his very bones. No matter the season, he would've felt this way following the outcome on Kilimanjaro--but somehow looking at Hope's cheery holiday trimmings made it even worse. When he found her in the kitchen baking cookies, the sweet sight of her, so incongruous with the miasma he was lost in, prompted him to issue her a fair but regretful warning.
She had just moved a batch of cookies onto a wire rack to cool, then turned to greet him--but her smile faltered the moment she saw the misery on his face. "It went badly, then." Stephen nodded, and then she was sliding her arms beneath his, holding him tight, murmuring against his neck. "I'm so sorry, Stephen. Do you...do you want to talk about it?"
He shook his head and simply held her close, grateful that she was his true and loving sanctuary. When they parted just a little, Stephen cleared his throat before speaking. "Hope...honey..." he began, cupping one hand against her cheek, "I really appreciate how patient you've been with me this past month. And I appreciate everything you've done to bring Christmas to our..." He paused when his voice cracked, taking a moment before continuing, "...to our home."
Empathetic as usual, Hope simply reached to cup his cheek in her hand, and he wished he could just let himself melt into the moment. "But I dunno if the miracle you're hoping for is gonna happen this year. The past few days were pretty rough and given that...and the ghosts of my Christmases past...well, I think it's best if you lower your expectations about the holiday. I don't want to disappoint you but...well...I'm not gonna be catching the Christmas spirit this year."
Hope sighed and turned her face enough to place a soft kiss on the base of his thumb. "It's alright, darling. I...I understand." She sighed and stood tall enough to kiss his mouth, then whispered against his lips, "Whatever you need, Stephen. However things go." She embraced him warmly, then moved enough so she could look him in the eyes. "I spent five Christmases wondering how things might have been if you had survived Thanos. I know what's most important to me now--so in the end, all I really want for Christmas is you."
Stephen managed a small but genuine smile. He had expected no less. Undaunted, Hope briskly changed the subject. "How about I fix you some lunch and you go unwind with some mindless television? I'll bring it right to you."
"Actually, there's a little something I want to take a look at in my study...if you don't mind too much..."
"Of course, of course," she answered gamely, then swatted him softly on his way, "Gourmet grilled cheese and tomato soup are the special today, and the only tip I require is a couple dozen kisses."
"You can add those to my tab, honey," Stephen chuckled, then headed down the hall to his study, grateful for the distraction which he knew awaited him on his desk. Getting lost for a little while in a recently discovered manuscript might be exactly what he needed to get through the day.
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If you enjoyed this little fic so far, you can read more about how Stephen & Hope met and fell in love in my stories 'Friday in the Park with Stephen' (meet-cute, flirtation & fluff), and 14,000,604 (hurt/comfort, angst, passion/smut, lovers reunited against impossible odds).
In addition, I've written a couple of one-shots/prompt fills as part of their ongoing series, The Wizard and the Artist
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tagging: @strangelock221b @mousedetective @icytrickster17 @ironstrange1991 @darsynia @ben-locked @hithertoundreamtof23 @aeterna-auroral-avenger @lorelei-lee @stewardofningishzida @thelostsmiles @mrs-cookie @paperclippedmime @groovyqueer @mckiwi @dragonqueen89 @strangeflashholmes221 @strangesunicornsparkle
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speckle-meow-meow · 11 months
hey, here's an idea. since it's my birthday today-though it'll probably be long past when you answer this lol-could i have headcanons for the welcome home doing something for it? i figure that headcanons would be easier for everyone. if you only want to do some of them, any three of wally, frank, sally, julie, or howdy is fine. thank you and have a good day!
Dude I am so sorry happy late birfday...
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Warning: wee bit of angst
It was your birthday
And everyone knew
So they decided to throw a surprise party!
It was 7 am when you woke up, you felt happier than usual because it was a very special day for you. It was your birthday!!!
Which ment....
BIRTHDAY PANCAKES (or whatever preferred breaky)
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After you finished your breakfast you got dressed, you decided to doll up a little and add a little spice to your clothing.
And a little bit of makeup (ik not everyone wears makeup but like... Please let me have this 🥺👉👈)
You looked fantastic!
After you sorted yourself out you left home and made your way to Howdys bug- I mean Bodega.
Everyone saw that you looked slightly different
More pep in your step and more dressy than usual
And they knew why
You stepped inside the Bodega sort of expecting a "HELLO Y/N happy birthday" but it never came.
In all honesty in made you a bit sad but, not everyone has to remember your birthday, especially when you don't remember most people's birthdays. (Not me calling myself out..)
"Hello howdy! How are you today?" You grinned towards your fuzzy tall four armed friend
"Oh hello y/n! I'm doing great! What about you?" He turned to face you
"I'm doing great! After all it is a very special day for me! Which means I'm going to buy a (dessert of choice)!" You giggled hoping that he would know what day it was
But he didn't
"Of course!" He grabbed some metal tongs and grabbed your dessert, putting it into a small box then putting it in your hands "alright there ya go! Enjoy!"
You smiled but it was a meek smile
It pained howdy when you didn't show your usual bright smile
He had to resist telling you happy birthday
After all he couldn't ruin the surprise right?
But oh boy was he wrong...
You passed everyone each hoping you'd have a great day and nothing else, not even Frank who seemed to remember everything said happy birthday
You suppressed the urge to cry until you reached your home. When you got there you threw the dessert you got from the Bodega into the trash. To you it would taste to bitter.
We're you being a bit petty? Or over reacting? Maybe.. But it was your birthday...
Once they saw you go into your house they all prepared poppy barn for your party
Poppy made the sweets
Julie and Sally were discussing activities
Wally was keeping watch just incase you were gonna show up
Frank was putting your presents on a table
Howdy was helping Eddie make decorations while handing/putting them around
Later Julie put a note in an envelope running to your house and putting it on your porch then running after knocking on your door.
You heard the knocks and checked seeing the envelope on the ground.
You picked it up and closed your door, then reading the contents
It was an invite
Deciding not to let your sadness get in the way you got dresses again making yourself presentable, and left.
You arrived at Poppy's and opened the doors
It was quiet, until you heard a loud
Everyone was there!
They did remember!
The night was fully of fun and laughter
You even forgot what your were sad about because you realized that they did remember.
{God's you don't know how much I had to restrain myself to not make it to angsty, anyways I hope you liked this anon and happy late birthday! As always hearts and reblogs are always welcomed along with questions, comments, and requests}
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2nd2ndalto · 9 months
Fall Down With You
Chapter 3
(previous chapter)
“And what’s the nectar dose for closed head wounds again? Will?”
Kayla turns from where she’s restocking gauze and rolls her eyes in the direction of her brother, who’s spent most of his shift glancing distractedly out the window.
“Will,” she says, tossing a roll of gauze at him. It bounces off the back of his head.
“What, sorry?” Will whips around looking guilty.
“Andrea asked you a question,” Kayla scolds him.
“Sorry, Angela. Andrea.” Will shakes his head, turning back to the new Apollo camper. “What did you want to know?”
“You’ll have to excuse him,” Kayla says to the younger girl, “his boyfriend has been gone for two months and he’s supposed to get back today.”
Will sputters. “He’s not - we’re not - it’s just -”
“Oh really?” Kayla asks, raising an eyebrow. “He’s not? You’re not?” She nods towards the window, where a boy clad all in black with a black sword at his side has just come into view, stumbling over the crest of Half-Blood Hill.
Will’s gaze flicks back to the window and he immediately stands up straighter. “Kayla, I -” he turns to his sister, a pleading look on his face.
“You’re pathetic,” Kayla tells him. “Fine, go.”
“Thank you, Kayla, I owe you one.” Will wraps his sister in a tight hug, lifting her off her feet. Kayla rolls her eyes, shooing him away. “Yeah, you do. Go find your honey.”
Will makes to protest again, but then clearly decides it’s not worth the wasted time and races out of the infirmary. Kayla sighs.
Will’s half-worried that the other boy will have disappeared by the time he gets outside, but Nico’s clearly walking slower than usual, looking exhausted and wobbly. Jason makes it to him a few seconds before Will does, and Will tries to ignore the stupid twist of jealousy in his stomach.
In his defense, it’s been sixty-one days. And yeah, Will has been busy. Camp is always busy. It’s not like he’s had much time to spend moping about his friend’s absence. But in sixty-one days they’ve only managed three Iris messages and a postcard, and Will’s missed the other boy enough that Nico might have taken one of Will’s arms along with him.
“Hey man, good to see you! You okay?” Jason wraps an arm around the smaller boy.
“Yeah, I’m good, Grace,” Nico says tiredly. “Just shadow-travelled a little too far, too fast.” He gives Will a half-smile as Will approaches, half-raising a hand in greeting. “Solace,” he says.
“Hey,” Will answers.
Nico’s unsteady gait sparks static across Will’s skin. “How far did you travel?” he asks, unable to help himself.
“Um… just over six thousand miles?” Nico stumbles against Jason a little, and Will quashes the urge to reach out and steady him.
Jason grimaces, tightening his grip on Nico. “All in one go?”
“Two jumps,” Nico says shortly. “Didn’t wanna end up in the ocean again.”
Again. Will swallows. Nico’s capacity for shadow-travel has increased a lot since he nearly faded out of existence, but six thousand miles is pushing it, in Will’s opinion.
It feels like a constant battle sometimes, caring about Nico, worrying about him, and then trying to be cool about it, trying not to let him know. It’s exhausting trying to maintain the balance, worried that no matter what he does, he’s going to push the other boy away.
“Are you injured?” Jason asks worriedly, clearly not harbouring the same concerns Will is. “Maybe you should make a pitstop at the infirmary.”
Will shoots Jason a grateful look as they approach the Hades cabin.
“No, ‘s’okay, ‘m just gonna rest,” Nico mumbles. “Besides, I got Solace.” He reaches out to grasp Will’s arm, shooting him a sleepy smile, and Will can’t help the way his heart swells.
Jason glances over Nico’s head at Will, the older boy’s gaze filled with something soft like understanding.
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it,” Jason tells the other two. “Yell if you need anything. We’ll catch up tomorrow, okay?” He claps Nico on the shoulder.
Will helps Nico up the few steps to his cabin. The shorter boy feels solid, at least, but his hands are icy, and he feels somehow lighter on Will’s arm than he did when he left.
“What did your dad have you doing six thousand miles away?” Will asks as Nico stows his sword and collapses on his bed.
“Tell you later,” Nico mumbles. “S’nothing important.”
Will sighs. “At least take your boots off. Idiot.” When the other boy doesn’t budge, Will moves to sit on the bed next to him, pulling off his boots for him.
“Thanks,” Nico says softly, more compliant than usual. It’s a little worrying. He curls up on his side.
“Are you injured?” Will asks.
“Nah, just tired,” Nico answers. “You can check if you want.” He holds out a hand to Will, who takes it in both of his. Nico feels… fine, overall. Mostly it’s just nice to feel Nico. His energy is familiar, comforting, and it has an immediate effect on Will’s own body. He can feel his breathing settle, his shoulders relax.
Nico’s definitely over-extended himself, but that’s nothing new. There’s still that worrying feeling that he’s less than when he left, but Will has come to accept that he’s not always the most objective judge when it comes to this particular boy’s health.
“You haven’t been eating properly,” Will guesses.
Nico’s eyes pop open and he looks a little guilty as he grabs his hand back. “You’re so nosy,” he complains half-heartedly. “Wasn’t much time for eating. I’ll let you take me out for pizza when I wake up.” He closes his eyes again, his lips twitching into the barest suggestion of a smile.
Will snorts. “Gee, thanks.”
Nico grins, eyes still closed. “No problem.”
Will watches the other boy for a moment. “You sure you don’t want to come get checked out in the infirmary?” he asks hopefully.
“Just wanna be in my own bed. ‘M fine, Solace. Promise,” Nico mumbles, blindly reaching out a hand to pat Will reassuringly. He misses, then gives up, letting his hand flop onto the bed.
Will briefly presses his hand to Nico’s. “Six thousand miles, hey?”
“Yeah, might not try that again,” Nico concedes. “But I didn’t wanna worry you.”
Will blinks. “You didn’t want to worry me?”
“Yeah. Cause I told you I’d be back today.”
Will feels a chill run through him. “You jumped six thousand miles in one day for my benefit?”
“Yeah, I guess.” Nico opens his eyes to gaze at Will. Will can’t quite interpret the look there. It might be defiance, but softer. Warmer.
“I’d rather you come back late and in one piece,” Will says quietly.
Nico doesn’t drop his gaze. “But you would have worried.”
“Well, yeah, but Nico, that doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to me.”
Will swallows. “Okay,” he says softly, “but next time - I don’t know. Iris-message me. Or just… come back late. Don’t worry about me.” This whole conversation is making Will feel off-balance and he’s not sure what to do with it.
Nico scoffs. “So you’re allowed to worry, but I’m not?”
Will stubbornly meets the other boy’s eyes. “That’s right. Glad we worked that out.”
Nico shakes his head. “Dork,” he murmurs, closing his eyes again.
Will sits in silence for a moment. “At least let me put you to bed properly,” he says finally, and he can feel a flush in his cheeks as the words hang in the air. Anyway, it’s nothing unreasonable, right? Nothing he wouldn’t do for any other camper. Nico’s already cold. He’s going to wake up freezing in a few hours.
“Sit up,” Will directs, and Nico does, with some assistance. Will eases his jacket off, then tucks the other boy against his shoulder with one arm as he yanks the blankets out from under him. Nico exhales softly against Will’s neck.
Will tries to ignore the want burning in him, telling him to crawl under the covers too, take the other boy in his arms, wrap around him until he’s warm again and then show him just how much he missed him with his hands and his mouth and the words he’s been too scared to say aloud. Nico might let him, he thinks. Might melt into him, hold him back just as tight, sigh against his skin and let Will press into him until the sixty-one days blur to nothing.
Instead, Will eases Nico back onto the bed, tucks the blankets around him. He grabs the blanket from the other bed and throws that over Nico too for good measure.
“You’re so nice to me,” Nico mumbles, snuggling down into the blankets so only his messy dark hair is visible.
Will huffs. “Damn right. Maybe you should take me out for pizza.”
“Yeah, probably,” comes the voice from under the blanket heap.
Will stands to survey his work. “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
Will turns to leave.
“Hey Solace?” comes a quiet voice from the bed.
“I missed you.”
Will stops in his tracks, smiling into the dark cabin. “I missed you too.”
He takes another step towards the door. “Nico?”
“What kind of pizza?”
There’s a long pause. “Something cheesy. Like me,” Nico mumbles, and Will laughs. His chest feels lighter than it has in sixty-one days.
“G’night,” Will says, reaching for the door handle.
“See you tomorrow.”
(next chapter)
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General Ideas around ☆Daycare Sekai AU☆
It takes place after 3rd anniversary.
The 2nd years (All of L/n, MinoHaru, all of VBS, EmuNene, Mizuki) are all deaged to 6 year old children and lost their memories.
While the 3rd years (ShizuAiri, RuiKasa, KanaMafuEna) are aged up to 27 year old adults yet retained their memories.
They all stay together inside Kanade's house and the Sekais out of fear of getting recognized in public then proceed to get into trouble.
When they do go outside, they create fake names (Rui helped make fake ID cards) and disguise themselves, except Mafuyu.
Mafuyu is Transmasc and he transed so hard nobody recognized him. (Fun fact : I showed his design to a few mutuals and nobody recognized that hes Mafuyu)
Unfortunately Mizuki, Kohane and Shiho (AMAB) will be referred as He/Him and Akito (AFAB) will be reffered as She/Her. However that is only used around the children or directly to them. The adults refer to them as normally as they would once in private.
Kohane, Shiho and Akito are given nicknames since the adults can't bring themselves to call them by their deadnames but also feels weird to call them by their current name.
The Sekais are revealed to eachother. Stage Sekai, Wonderland Sekai and Empty Sekai are revealed by their respective holders while Tsukasa figured out School Sekai and Street Sekai due to his suspicion of L/n and VBS having one too.
Some npcs eventually learns their current state like Ken, the Otori Siblings, Yuuki,.... (Old Hag™, Shinei and Harumichi not included)
The adults soon form somewhat a paternal/maternal bond towards the kids
This also carried on after all of them reverted back to their original bodies
"I once piggyback-rode both of you and broke my back." - Tsukasa "Old Man" Tenma to Saki Tenma and Toya Aoyagi-Tenma.
They usually have the kids play in Stage Sekai, Street Sekai and Wonderland Sekai.
As it tires the kids, they are put to naptime in School Sekai while the adults move to Empty Sekai and pass out.
13 fucking children are a pain, Kanade passed out once because she can't keep up with the energetic kids.
One time they got Ken babysit and all of the 3rd years passed out for one day.
Shizuku, Airi, Tsukasa and Rui still practices. Sometimes they decided to make it fun by performing a show for the kids to watch. Either on the stage in Stage Sekai or Wonderland Sekai.
The Kaitos, Meikos and Lukas are very off put with being younger than the 3rd years.
Meanwhile the Lens and Rins are very intrigued in finally being big siblings to the deaged 2nd years (Except for the Nightcord variant).
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thefatfemme · 12 days
I did not expect to be given the gift of finally doing my favorite 3/4" cut on a huge doodle that normally gets a 1" or longer cut but I'm literally so happy I could die
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Air Bubbles
Crash landing on a foreign planet filled with dangerous creatures could bring anyone to their knees.
Thankfully you have a large friend to keep you company, even if your first meeting was rather… unconventional.
Part 2 to Shallow Breathes
The sea was calm today, the soft creaking and groaning of metal resisting water pressure familiar noise as you awoke, stretching from the comfort of your bed.
In the dimness of the corridors, lit only by soft sub lighting and the ocean filtered sunlight through the windows, it was a bit difficult to completely awake, stumbling to the main common area to drink a glass of water and drink a protein pill. The air was slightly too warm for your taste, even if you were only clad in shorts and a T-shirt.
Within moments, wonderful energy broke through the fog, and your eyes focused on the water lock separating your “garage” dock from your living quarters.
You keyed it open, making a quick cup of hot sea tea, gazing grimly at the few remaining packets.
With a heavy sigh, you sat at the edge of the circle cut in the middle of your living room floor. Legs dipped down to enjoy the cool temperature.
For a few moments, you could enjoy relative piece and quiet, sipping your tea.
Your eyes closed, as you lay back against the metal floor.
Something brushed your leg-
And before you could react, something wet and rough wrapped your leg and pulled you out of your home with a smack into the water of the deep, a shriek escaping you as cold water hit you like a punch to your gut.
Your eyes briefly closed, opened in dismay and frustration as you quickly kicked back to the surface, sputtering and coughing, snorting water out of your nose.
“What the HELL Sans!”
You yelled out into the water, then felt the water vibrate with the sound of a deep chuckle.
A shadow came over the windows above your head, as you looked up to see the leviathan curve around your base, tentacles dragging with a screeching noise as his eye lights appeared below your feet as you treaded water.
You took a deep breath and dove back under, swimming down to fully take in the leviathan.
Sans was at least 20 feet long, his thick torso twice your size, as was about everything else. His bones were an oldish white, brown and black shadows highlighting scarred bone. He had a black streak over his eyes like a mask with soft blue speckles echoing those piercing eyes.
Beside his skull and ribs, his body went into a gradient of browns and blacks the further down your eyes traveled. Shoulder plates added armor along with back plating, a crest of blue membrane stretched along his forearms.
Long sweeping tentacles, a soft grey black with darker splotches, and an hypnotizing blend of blues, greens and purples under every single one.
His skull brushed along your back as he delicately nuzzled his way to press his chin into your neck, a soft purr coming from the giant creature.
You kicked back to the surface for air, Sans following as you climbed out to sit down, sopping wet. He lifted himself to rest his skull on your lap, arms circling your hips as he crooned an unknown melody.
“I missed you too,” you said softly, caressing the giant skull. You could never stay too upset with the surprisingly cuddly leviathan.
A pleased hum came from him, as he shifted to press you down upon the metal floor, head resting on your chest, his arms circling you in a protective shell of rough warmth.
“Sans, you can’t breathe up here,” you reminded him softly. It had been an odd thing to learn his name.
It was not long after your first true encounter with the leviathan, when an image, blurry and faint, yet an unmistakable face with two dark sockets, burning eye lights.
Among chirps and keens, and the sudden ringing in your ears, you heard distinct human words:
Want… keep…. safe…
The image blurred slightly. Chirps and clicks, a distorted word that ended in only a monosyllabic phrase.
The vision has faded, but that was far from his first attempt to communicate. His vocabulary hadn’t much improved, besides a soft rumble of some sort of impression of your name.
He did so now, grumpily retreating to the water as his eyes regarding you with something you feared to call affection.
His claws reached forward, but you darted out of the way.
“No, you don’t get anymore cuddles. I’m all wet thanks to you.”
His answer caused the floor to vibrate, a displeased hum as he began to rise from the water again.
You gave him a fierce look, standing your ground.
The leviathan blinked, then huffed, retreating back to the water to wait.
A soft smile came over your lips as you hurried back to your room, the swoosh of water telling you the leviathan was following your progress. He hated he didn’t have a way to see into your quarters, but you really didn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night to see him staring as you slept.
You changed into a wetsuit, pulling on the taut material as you grabbed your flippers and mask.
An excited chirrup greeted you as you hurried back to the living room, putting on your flippers as a pleased melody echoed from below.
You had barely dipped a toe in before he was upon you, twisting and nuzzling around you, whistling and chirruping.
Y/N… pretty… keep… safe..
A soft laugh curled from your throat as you strike out, swimming wit slow kicks further out from your base, not using your portable engine yet.
Sans easily kept pace, humming as he moved beneath you, his claws tracing the curves of your body outlined by the wetsuit.
He whistled, astonishingly similar to a wolf whistle as he admired you.
You pushed his hands away with mock anger, treading water as you scanned a list for the materials you needed.
Once you had determined your needs, your hands easily found Sans’ as you swam along. Air bubbles left a trail behind as he helped tug you along, assisting you in your quest to find materials.
Even if he didn’t know what those were for.
You’d tell him one day…
You now enjoyed your watery trips rather than fearing them.
Time and opportunity was given to admire the twisting spirals of kelp and rock structure, nearby leviathans darting away the moment they saw Sans.
Your hand tightened on Sans’ claw as he pulled you down, showing the beauty of his homeworld.
A shame you wouldn’t be here for much longer.
Why couldn’t the sea emperor leviathan live!?!
Have some fluff for Mermay, and have a wonderful day!
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estelle-skully · 19 days
Hey, whenever the procrastination demons have a hold of you, remember this:You can do this.
thx bro 💪💪
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It’s All About Perspective (Ray Toro x transmasc!reader)
Summary: After a day of difficult interactions that make (y/n) question the way he looks, Ray has some words of wisdom that he hopes will make him feel a little better. 
Word count: 571 (short n sweet xoxo) 
Warnings: talk of dysphoria and misgendering 
A/N: mmm my dysphoria is juicy today so excuse me for this being entirely self indulgent 
When Ray got back from the studio, enjoying the warm Monday evening, he hadn’t expected to find (y/n) sitting on the bathroom floor with a pair of scissors in his hands. He didn’t really seem to register the fact that Ray was even there until he joined him on the floor, gently prying the scissors from his fingers. 
“Hey. You wanna tell me what’s wrong?” 
(y/n) shrugged, a frown creasing his forehead. “I think I need to cut my hair.” 
“Okay. I can help, if you want me to.” The turmoil was visible in his boyfriend’s eyes, and Ray could tell that things weren’t as simple as they sounded. “What’s brought this on?” 
His gaze dropped, and he picked at the little floor tiles as he spoke. “Even when my hair’s up, I still look like a girl. Every single customer at work today called me ‘young lady’ or ‘miss’ when my pronouns are right fucking there on my name badge and I’m wearing the men’s version of the uniform.” He sniffed. “Even with my hair tucked under my hat, all they see is a woman, and I hate it.”
“Oh, man, people are stupid. I’m sorry that happened to you today, that must’ve been rough. Did you tell any of your coworkers?” Ray scooted over to hug him, and (y/n) shrugged again as he leant against his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“They didn’t seem to get why I was upset over it. I love my hair, I do, I just… maybe cutting it is the right thing. Maybe I’m supposed to.” 
“If you love it, then leave it as it is. What matters is that you’re comfortable with it, right?” 
“I guess. I... I don’t know.” 
“Hey. Loads of guys have longer hair, you know? I mean-” and he flicked his curls at (y/n), grinning as he scrunched his nose up. “my hair’s been long basically my whole life, and I love it when it’s like that. Doesn’t make me any less of a man. So why should you having long hair make you less of a man?” 
“I didn’t think of it like that before.” (y/n) looked a little brighter now, and Ray kissed the side of his head. 
“Look, I can’t begin to know how much it hurts when people are morons and don’t pay attention to what they’re looking at. I just can’t. But what I can tell you is this. You’re a gorgeous, wonderful man, and you’re my man. And anyone who tries to start shit while I’m around is getting a kick up the ass. If you really wanna cut your hair, then we’ll do it. But please don’t feel like you have to.” 
Thinking for a moment, (y/n) got off the floor and held his hand out. When Ray passed the scissors over, he put them back into the drawer and closed it firmly. 
“Fuck em. You’re right.” 
Smiling widely, Ray got to his feet and pinned (y/n) against the counter, tangling his hands in the shorter man’s hair and kissing him sweetly. When they broke apart, (y/n)’s cheeks were bright red, his eyes slightly glazed over. 
“You’re so good at that it’s almost scary.” 
Ray rested his chin on the top of his head, looking at their reflection with a proud smile. 
“That’s because I’m doing it for the man I love most in the world.” 
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nikmikaelsonswife · 2 years
boyfriend!eddie shaving your bikini line
warnings: 18+ content, a little smut, sexual themes, strong language, fluff
a/n: first eddie post!! something short and sweet. i fucking love this man. hope you enjoy <3.
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“dammit, eddie.”
“did i hurt you?” the cool blade of the razor pressed into your skin, stuck in place as he assessed your face for any sign of discomfort.
you quickly shook your head, but let out a small shriek when he moved his fingers.
“what is it, baby?” concern swirled around in his dark irises, “you gotta let me know. don’t wanna hurt you.”
“your rings,” you forced out through clenched teeth, “fuckin freezin’.”
it was a quarter after 2am. you had one foot on the top of the side of your bathtub, the other flat on the fuzzy baby pink rug covering your tiled bathroom floor. his shirt was rolled up beneath your breasts, your bottom half bare—as you normally slept in nothing else than one article of clothing, if anything at all—and on complete display for eddie, every nook, cranny and fold in his line of sight.
this was the most intimate you’d ever been with him. while it wasn’t the first time he’d been between your thighs, he’d never stared directly at your sex, not for longer than ten seconds.
when he first brought up the idea to you as a hesitant question, assuring you that his feelings wouldn’t be hurt if you weren’t comfortable with it, you’d admittedly felt a little insecure.
you weren’t the most confident in your body but you loved it all the same, but the thought of him seeing every little thing when you didn’t even stare at your own intimacy for that long, it was scary.
but it was eddie. your beautiful boyfriend of two years eddie who you trusted with everything and then some. who made you feel as comfortable as your childhood home. who never failed to show overwhelming adoration for every new part of you he discovered.
who, despite his control issues, was always gentle unless you requested otherwise.
so you let him, was more than happy to, probably more excited than he was. always excited to have his hands on you.
but you should’ve known he was gonna pull some shit like this.
he’d chuckled from his spot, on his knees in front of you, crows feet making a short appearance with his soft smile, entire face brightening and dark irises twinkling. it was like the whole world got happier when he smiled…everything got lighter and easier.
maybe it did, maybe eddie munson was the key to universal happiness. after all, he was the key to yours.
“thought you liked my rings, especially right,” he slid his index finger down the top of your pussy a little before pressing the cool metal of his ring right against your clit, “here.”
your hips jutted at the contact, an even louder yelp cracking from your throat as it sent sparks throughout your pelvis, the cold melting into a warmth that was the beginning of a throb in your core.
“eddie,” you moaned, gently rocking your hips against his finger, so gentle you didn’t even realize you were doing it, “you promised.”
“no funny business, right,” he repeated your words from earlier before he’d wrapped his pinky around yours and kissed it, nodding before he moved his hand away to your dismay.
you knew he was aware of what he was doing, aware of the tingle deep in your core. he did shit like this all the time—gave you taste then took it all away.
a sudden yawn cracked your mouth wide open, your fingers slipping through his soft, crimped bangs and onto his scalp. “mm,” he groaned quietly, eyelids fluttering a tad before he blinked, eyes zeroed in on his task.
then you gave his hair a rough tug from the root and he hissed, nearly cutting you as the razor quickly swiped upward, scratching your skin.
you both cursed, you ducking down to check your skin for cuts as eddie let out a loud, “ouchie!” then he started whining. “what was that for?”
“you started it!”
“did not!”
“did to.”
“did not!”
“did to!”
you huffed, acknowledging the fact that this man was even more stubborn and childish than you were. that’s what you got for falling for a toddler in a twenty year old’s body.
when you tried to snatch the razor out of his hand, he swiftly moved it away just in time. “no,” his tone stern but whiny, “my toy.”
“okayyyyuhhhh.” he could tell you were losing your patience from the way your thigh began to shake in his face and the uhhh. he most certainly believed you were way more of a child than he was.
he lightly smacked the thigh that was trembling with nerves, “still, baby.”
he ended up guiding your hand to his bare shoulder when he noticed how you began to sway a little, fingers ice cold against his warm skin, but he didn’t flinch. “tired?”
“mmmmhm,” another yawn followed, emphasizing just how close you were to passing out.
“almost done…” he trailed off, pink tongue flickering from between his teeth and across his lips, and you flipped his bang up to see if those focused forehead lines were there. you lazily grinned at the sight of them. you loved all his little wrinkles.
loved how concentrated he was. loved how attentive he was. loved how stupidly dorky he was in everything he did, even shaving your intimate areas. loved everything him. loved eddie.
suddenly, warm lips pressed against your lower abdomen, right underneath your bellybutton, rings chilly against your waist as he held you with both hands. his bangs tickled as they brushed against your skin, goosebumps pricking through the surface of your epidermis and pussy tingling at the gesture. and the fact that he was so close to yet so far from where you wanted his mouth the most.
“you’re so pretty, my baby.”
pussy tingling indeed. heart swelling and body swaying.
he then leaned over from his spot, lean body stretching as he picked up the handheld mirror from the toilet seat, flashing you the reflection of your own intimacy as if you couldn’t look down and see it, presenting his work as if he was a world renowned artist. energy electric and playful, sparking around him, with his brows high and boyish grin wide, as if the soft moment from not even minutes before had never happened.
you were used to it, the quick and dramatic changes in his behavior. you loved it, loved how he kept you on your toes.
“how’s that for failing art twice??”
he’d managed to shave it down enough to where it wouldn’t be seen above your bikini, and the hair that used to be in the area where your sex and thighs met was gone.
“it’s perfect.”
the shave job itself could’ve used some work, the edges of where your hair began a tad uneven, but you could tell eddie had tried his best.
“really?” he seemed almost…vulnerable.
“really.” you leaned down, pursing your lips in a wordless request. he pushed himself off the floor just enough to meet your lips in a short kiss. “this shit could beat picasso,” you joked against his mouth.
his chest shook with sexy laughter as he stood up to his full height, towering over you as he lightly grabbed your cheeks with edges of his palms. “thank you,” you whispered, dropping the hem of his shirt on your body to hold him by his sides, and it fell to cover just not enough, the bottom of your asscheeks out. you met his mouth in the middle once again, this kiss longer than the one before.
eddie moaned into your mouth, lips warm and pillow soft against your own, but before it could get any farther, you pulled away.
he whined, “y/nnnn.”
“it’s lateeee.”
“come backkk.”
you tried to step away but he took a hold of your forearm, pulling you close so that your chest bumped against his own.
“‘m tired.”
“i know, baby,” he kissed your lips again, “lemme put you to sleep.”
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beauleifu · 2 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Summary:
  Well, here you are. The life-sucking, mind-numbing restaurant you sold your soul to six months ago. Honestly, you'd rather not see the place unless you're on shift, scrubbing all the dishes in the world, but the spider demon you're taking care of is craving a little fresh air. You don't understand it, considering demons like Syntax live in caves and prefer the dark. He's just teasing you. Duh.   Too bad the visit to Panda Express escalated to a devastating encounter with a creepy entity known as The Mayor.   The stress of it will kill you soon, surely.
~ TW: Language, Syntax has a panic attack ~
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Ro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super Soldier reader!!!! What have you done to me. I was not having the best day and I read it and both Steve and Reader's reaction at the end, it made me cry. Why is Steve so perfect and understanding?!?!?! I literally miss him now. Miss Ro please please please think about making them a thing and writing about them more. Ah I'm in love with them already!
Screw it. I can't stop thinking about these two, so they will be one of my main pairings for Flufftober.
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Flufftober prompts and Challenge 2022! Can't promise I'll do all of them, but I can already think of little scenes for about a third of these subjects...
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