#a simple favor spoilers
bookwormstarwarsfan · 5 months
Aaand I'm already done with 2024's first film, just a few hours into the New Year.
It is A Simple Favour and I have no words and too many words at the same time.
Wtf, this is a masterpeice, like perfect from the first second until the last.
It starts as an unsettling thriller, then turns into full Agatha Christie x Skandinavian crime story mystery and you barely figure out what's going on, but it's already a psychological thriller-drama with very wild themes and when you think that's it, a dark drama, it becomes an absurd black comedy and surprises you until the last moment.
Blake serving perfection as always and Anna also going really hard, and the whole movie is aesthetically so pleasing, it was good to watch.
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mayasaura · 1 month
It really dawned on me watching episode 17, just how important this sequence of events is to Kabru and Laios' relationship, and how. Well. That's for a different post. I want to keep this one free of spoilers. (Certified Safe For Anime Only™)(There are spoilers for episode 17, tho. Obviously.)
Kabru's main concern has been, at least in part, revealed. He wants to figure out if Laios is capable of defeating the dungeon, and, if so, if Laios can be trusted with the power that might confer. The answer to his first question is simple. Yes. If anyone can defeat the dungeon, it's Laios.
The second question is where things get interesting. Can Laios be trusted with power?
In the aftermath of Laios' first fight with Toshiro, Kabru learns that while Laios has no particular respect for the law or conventional wisdom, he does have the humility to consider that his judgment might be flawed if he encounters conflict with someone he respects.
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That is the face of a man taking notes, and I think he's making a cautious mark in Laios' favor. Laios doesn't really understand Toshiro's opinion, but he's listening.
Then, in the fight with the Falin-Dragon chimera, Kabru voices dissent—disgust, even—with Laios and Marcille's priorities.
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You can practically see the Dragon Age style approval rating drop. Kabru disapproves. Minus fifteen hearts. If it had ended like this, I think Kabru would have lost all interest in Laios. Someone who would sacrifice a dozen lives out of sentiment can't be trusted.
Laios' response, and the way it builds on Kabru's earlier observation, is crucial.
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He listened. And even better, he didn't listen blindly. He applied critical thought to Kabru's argument. What Kabru hears from him isn't just "I'm sorry, you were right," but also, "I understand and respect your position and priorities, and here's a very good argument for why killing what I still consider to be my sister is not in our best interest."
He processed Kabru's criticism and came to his own conclusions, and he did it fast. Not only that, but he's right. Kabru hadn't considered the potential consequences of killing the chimera.
Laios proved in this one exchange that he 1) isn't blinded by either his pride or his prejudice, 2) has the strength of character to not just fall back and surrender to someone else's judgment when he's uncertain, and 3) is smart enough to tactically outhink Kabru.
This is why Kabru is so invested in Laios liking him that he forces himself to eat the harpy omlette. This is why Kabru takes Laios' hand and makes sure he knows he wants to see him again. He doesn't understand Laios, and he still has strong reservations about him. Laios' interest in monsters scares him. But Laios has proved to Kabru that he might be capable of being the person Kabru needs him to be.
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Top Ten Pictures Of The Moment He Won You Over (Taken Just Before Disaster).
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shoddynomenclature · 5 months
Companions Found Crying
Back on my hurt/comfort shit again. Here’s Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, Minthara, and Jaheira when they are caught crying by the reader.
There are spoilers for at least Act 2, but I don’t think there’s any for Act 3.
You find her late one night, just outside of camp on her knees, clutching the idol of Shar you gifted her from Grymforge. She is crying softly, but her sniffles are audible as you approach.
You ease yourself down behind her, laying a gentle hand on her back in an effort not to scare her.
You are caught by surprise as she all but sends you tumbling backwards with how hard she throws her head into your chest. The simple initiation of contact created an immediate need for more.
You stroke her hair gently. She’s taken it down for the evening, allowing you to gently run your fingers through it. She only cries harder, body nearly heaving with the force.
“What have I done?” She sobs. “What have I done?” She repeats over and over again, muffled only by your body.
“You did the right thing,” you say in response, looking down at her as she drops the idol in favor of grabbing your shirt with both hands.
“So… what, I’ve been doing the wrong thing for-for as long as I can remember?” She stammered. “I’ve dedicated my whole life to-to the wrong thing?”
You open your mouth to respond, but you can’t find the words. There was no way to answer her both honestly and helpfully.
“Was I the bad guy? Am I the bad guy?” She asks weakly. “I wanted to fight the evil… but I think the evil might be… me.”
“No,” you say, gently grabbing her wrists and looking into her teary green eyes. “You are not the villain. You never were.”
She picks up the statue on the ground and throws it in to the surrounding forest with a scream of relief. She did not believe your words. Perhaps she never would. But with you by her side, she was sure she would be would be on the right path from now on.
Lae’zel had dragged you away from supper earlier that evening to spar. You had both done this several times before, but something was off about tonight.
The way she swung her sword was entirely different. Her moves were frantic and lacked her typical calculation. It was the types of swings you’d expect to see from a strong but unskilled child.
On one swing in particular, she swung hard, but in the wrong direction, allowing you to parry the blow and throw her off balance. She stumbled in a nearby stone slab, using her hands to restabilize herself.
You approached her, stepping softly and reaching a hand out to lay on her shoulder. You could tell something was wrong, but you didn’t exactly know what.
Before you could reach her, she turned to make another swing. Even though she had the element of surprise, the strike was blind and unplanned. You easily side stepped her maneuver and she fell, dropping her sword and tumbling to her hands and knees.
“Lae’zel!” You shouted. “What’s going on?” You approached her again, more cautiously this time. She reached for her sword, but you kicked it away before she could reach it.
She looked up at you, defeated. Her war paint was smeared sloppily down her face. You tossed your own weapon aside and fell to ground in front of her.
“I feel frenzied,” she admits finally. “My feelings towards you. I feel- out of control. Like if I were to lose you… I don’t know what I would do. I do not think I could bear it.”
You take one of her hands into yours and reach out with the other to stroke her cheek. “Well then it’s a good thing you’re not gonna lose me.”
“But I cannot control it,” she explains frustratedly. “I cannot even control myself in the face of it.”
You smile a little bit, allowing her to press her face into your hand. “That’s love, my dear,” you explain softly. “It is unbridled happiness in the face of uncertainty. It is brilliant and it is terrifying. And we will do it together.”
She squeezes your hand, and covers your other hand with her own. Somehow, despite all the battles she charged into head first, loving you may be the bravest thing she’s ever done.
You find her curled up in a ball behind Dammon’s forge at the Last Light Inn. Her arms and tail are wrapped around her legs, and her teary eyes are barely visible above her knees.
“Karlach?” You call out, holding your lantern out to better illuminate her. She tucks her head into her chest to avoid your gaze.
You set down the lantern and sit down next to her. As big as she is, she feels so small and delicate as you reach out to touch her.
“Love, what’s wrong?” You ask. “You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”
“It’s not fair,” she cries, still not looking up at you. “It’s not fucking fair.”
You sigh. After Dammon’s news you had been waiting for Karlach to finally break. She had put on a strong face for the others. She was able to enjoy the most brilliant night with you, but her unrelenting optimism could only get her so far.
“I know love,” you say, resting your head on her shoulder. “I know.”
You both sit in silence for a moment before she finally lifts her head to look at you. “Can you at least promise me you’ll be there? I can’t bear the thought of… and doing it alone.”
The terrified look in her eyes and the way her bottom lip trembled made your heart break into a million pieces.
You kissed her on the forehead as tears threatened to fall from your own eyes. “Of course darling,” you promise. “I will be with you until the bitter end. There is nothing that could keep me from you.”
She adjusts her position and wraps her arms around you. Sobs violently tear through her body, and you felt tears pour down your cheeks.
“I don’t wanna leave. I want to be here with you forever,” she sobs. “I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love anything.”
“I love you too, darling,” you say, tucking her head under your chin. Her broken horn allowed for a perfect fit.
You didn’t know how you’d ever cope with her loss, but you knew that you’d be at her side until the end of her days.
Minthara kneels in front of an alter, hands clasped on top of the holy surface. Tears fall silently from her eyes. Until you saw their reflection under the moonlight, you couldn’t tell she was crying at all.
It has been a very long time since you’ve known to look for Minthara here. She has not much prayed since disavowing the Absolute. In fact, she seems rather repulsed by both her previous gods.
Her eyes were closed, and if she heard you approaching she made no indication of it. She knelt silently in the moonlight.
You sat on the ground behind her for a moment, waiting for her to finish and acknowledge your presence. You were certain she was aware of it despite the lack of acknowledgment.
In time, she fell back to sit on her feet, briefly swiping away the tears that escaped her eyes. Then she adjusted her position and laid back into you.
“I have not known you to pray in a very long time,” you point out, curiously but not judgmentally. It would not be disappointing if she had turned back to the gods, just surprising.
“There are certain things,” she explains, “I feel I must pray for. Even after I have stopped praying for anything else. Even after the gods stopped listening.”
You do not ask what she prayed about, she does not offer a follow up. She only twists the two of you around, allowing you to rest your back against the alter as she lays on your chest.
You attempt to wrap your arms around her, but she gently pushes them back to your side. Her gaze seems far away, but you do not dare ask what she is thinking about. She would tell you if she wanted you to know.
Tears start to roll down her cheeks again, but she does not sniffle or cough. Her body does not shake. She is silent. And you are silent.
You feel helpless, like nothing you could do would soothe her pain. Little do you know, your silent company is everything to her.
Jaheira has been alive for far too long to get embarrassed about something as trivial as crying. At least, that’s what she tells you. She has never cried in front of you or anyone else for a very long time.
So when you find her going through an old box of handwritten notes from her children that never reached her, you’re surprised by the tears that threaten to smear the ink on the pages.
When she hears you approaching she hastily wipes her face with her sleeve and pretends she was not crying. “Not embarrassed” your ass.
“What are you reading?” You ask, looking down at the sloppily written notes in her hands.
“It’s nothing… it’s just,” her hands shake as she hold the papers. “Notes from the children from when I was away. They… um… never reached me.” The note she was currently reading seemed to be from a much younger Rion.
“In all my dedication it’s easy to forget just how much got left behind,” she says, staring once again at the letter. “I don’t regret anything- it’s just- I gave up so much….” Tears pricked her eyes, threatening to fall again.
You rest your forehead against hers, holding her face in your hands. “You’re home now,” you whisper. “And as far as your children are concerned, they turned out to be wonderful little creatures even in your absence.”
There was a lot that could not be undone. There was a lot for Jaheira to grieve and be sorry for. But with Kethric Thorm now dead for good, the healing could commence.
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zhongrin · 1 year
the art of breathing normally
— or, the ways you make him breathless so effortlessly
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, childe, diluc, al haitham, wanderer, kaveh, kaeya
◇ tags ◇ fluff, angst, comfort, spoiler/hint of al haitham's character story 5
◇ a/n ◇ yes the title is taken from that one chapter title in “for better or worse” webtoon hehe i love dillon and cedric so much they’re cute
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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zhongli finds it hard to breathe (in a good way) when you wrap yourself around him in one way or another. you can drape your arms around his waist, nuzzle yourself against his side, or even jump up to koala-hug him (although he will still scold you lightly as he drops everything in his arms in favor to support you - he just doesn’t want you to get hurt.)
but his favorite has to be when you lace your fingers between his own (preferably gloveless) ones, before tightly squeezing, a pressure not enough to hurt but strong enough to leave tingles upon his skin, making the geo markings along his arms pulse and blink in happiness.
he just loves to be reminded and reassured that you’re here. you’re right here in front of him and you are here to stay. you’re here for him with your tender love and warm smile. and you’ll always be here, etched permanently in his heart, the most unyielding stone eroded in remembrance of your beautiful soul.
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it was a spontaneous decision on your part when you slip into bed with al haitham and offered to read his book for him out loud instead tonight. he ponders over it for a bit and decides to relent, wanting to know what is it that made you so hooked on hearing him read his books audibly on normal days. your voice fills his senses as he settles onto his pillow, and his lips tug on the corners as you stumble upon difficult terms you’ve never heard before. he decides to show you mercy by telling you the correct pronunciation, and you thank him before continuing, as cheerful as ever, unashamed of your lack of knowledge - it’s one of the things he adores about you, he thinks. this happens several times, and as he relaxes, your lover found his gaze magnetically straying towards you, examining your features as you read.
al haitham’s lungs seizes momentarily when your words falter as you sensed his stare, a patient smile full of such love and adoration blooming on your expression like the freshest bloom of the padisarahs in the garden. a memory lost to time resurfaces in his mind, and he feels himself reliving the hazy scene behind his closed eyelids. he can’t explain it but it feels familiar and nostalgic, yet it’s also foreign and different. when he feels your hand worriedly caressing the stray tear on his cheek, he could only smiles and thinks to himself -
ah. so this is what a peaceful life feels like.
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childe’s breath stutters when you kiss his nose or his eyelids. there’s something so adorable and intimate about those two specific places. like a forgotten childhood memory and the intricate vulnerability of allowing himself to be cherished and loved, to know that you won’t ever harm him despite him having his guard down. surprisingly, ajax doesn’t need a lavish display of love despite his repetitively showy endeavors in telling the whole world that you’re his. he’s already content with your soft giggles and tender touches, hidden behind doors and under the blankets in the cold starless sky of snezhnayan winters.
as the trained warrior that he is, he can last a good few minutes underwater, yet one simple kiss from you effectively diminishes his lung capacity, making him gasp and gulp for air, like a fish out of water. he can run for miles and keep his regular breathing pattern, yet a single notion of your well-being put in harm’s way makes his chest constrict and his breath fall into disarray. you’re the bane of his existence and the deity of salvation in his life.
you steal his breath away and with it, a piece of his cracked heart.
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as cliche and boring as it was, kaveh’s breath escapes from his lungs whenever you visibly express yourself near him. he’s an empath to the core and he absolutely adores receiving the waves of your emotions like he’s some sentient radio transceiver who’s so attuned to your channel.
you could smile and he would follow, his chest constricting with incomprehensible joy as he drinks the light of happiness like a withered plant that hasn't seen sunlight in days. he loves to listen to your cheerful voice, like your own devoted transcriber, ready to commit your words and etch them into his soft and overwhelmingly big heart.
you could cry and he would bawl with you while holding you close, his lungs seizing with thorny vines that wrap and threaten to crush them to mush with each pearl of tears falling down the puffiness of your eyes. somehow the sight hits him harder than when the realization of his father not coming back hit him, or that time his mother told him she was going to move to fontaine and remarry - oh, it’s so much worse, because he’s holding his entire world in his arms, and he resonates with your bleeding heart.
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kaeya would never admit to it but you would notice that his breath hitches whenever you yank his shirt to kiss him. he can try to deny it all he wants, but he finds your assertiveness hot - there’s just something about having you reaffirming how much you can affect him.
it used to irk him, actually - no one should have so much power over him. his life is already crumbling enough as it is, why would he want someone to shake it all up and potentially make it all crash down? and yet, throughout your relationship, he sees you fix the cracks, changes the rusted nails out, and solidifies his foundation. you’re so patient, your touch firm and gentle, and with each fissure healed he finds himself laughing breathlessly… and he lets go of his inhibitions. you can steal his marred heart away, and take his breaths too while you’re at it.
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diluc finds his breathing spectacularly failing when your finger brushes against his nape as you help him tie his hair into a high ponytail. he still does not understand why you prefer this hairstyle, but he understands fully that the lack of air in his voice when you worriedly ask if you’ve tugged on his hair too hard is, in actuality, caused by how he wishes he could spend the rest of his life with you. to be with you, just like this, tranquil mornings full of domesticity and love, a replica of the little bits of memories he remembers of his late parents when they thought he was still asleep.
he’s so in love with you, he burns brighter in your presence, and he doesn’t even care if it uses up all the oxygen in his lungs; for he is sure his love for you is an eternal flame not born from the borrowed power of the gods, but from the deepest part of his heart.
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wanderer has no need for these two specific atoms chemically bound to form an oxygen molecule that these weak humans seem to need lest they keel over and asphyxiate. and yet he still feels something compressing itself into an ever-consuming black hole within his hollow chest whenever you touch his white wooden skin with the most tender of touches as if he was something to be cherished. as if he was worthy of your presence. as if he was human. as if you truly love him.
ridiculous, he hisses and slaps your hand away every single time. his throat clogs and his lips purse, his vocal chord failing to enunciate how foolish you are, and the feeling got worse when he sees you merely chuckle at his ‘prickliness’.
you touch him again with the same hands five minutes later, and he struggles to squash the urge to smile.
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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m1d-45 · 10 months
second chances
summary: baizhu knows he isn’t your favorite, but he still finds himself hoping for the impossible. maybe, with enough prayer, he’ll get it.
word count: ~2k
-> warnings: major spoilers for baizhu story quest + lore + liyue archon quest, based on me and my experience (vaguely disliked baizhu at first due to partial information, immediately changed my mind w his quest and now adores him, doesn’t have kirara)
-> gn reader (you/yours) and unspecified traveller (they/them)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr
< masterlist >
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baizhu knows he isn’t the most favored.
from the first moment the traveller set foot in his office, he knew. he wasn’t met with anything special, no big flair from his god when you first saw him. it was to be expected, with how much time he spent praying—could gods have regulars?
it was simple. a quick ‘oh, the snake talks?’ thrown his way, a comment or two about his choice of outfit or the jade pendant hanging off his vision, and that was that. mostly, you seemed preoccupied with qiqi and the funeral parlor’s consultant, something to be expected. he was a quick stop on your journey, a note in the margins about the doctor you met at the pharmacy. it made sense, of course, that you’d be occupied with the death of rex lapis during the failed rite of descension, and the return of osial and beisht surely took priority over him. he offered little, only a dialogue or two actually shared between him and the traveller when you were present. he’d gathered as much of his energy, saved it for your arrival to make a good impression, so… it made sense you’d fret over qiqi, constantly forgetful as she was.
it made sense. he’d… made his peace. he had more to worry about, surely, what with orders to fulfill and his own condition to manage. maybe not more important—never, not maybe, what was he thinking?—but certainly more.
when your attention on qiqi flared, spurred by some unknown whim, he delighted a bit in being close to her, even if your thoughts on him weren’t entirely positive.
it was fair. you liked qiqi, and were concerned. it made sense you didn’t know every detail of teyvat, and since he’s never had the chance to come to you and spell out his story directly, it made sense you’d make some assumptions.
“i guess that makes sense, but still… qiqi deserves better.”
she probably did, in truth, but hearing it from you…
he’s had his vision for years by this point. he’s hd it for as long as he’d had changsheng, to be exact, and she was always able to remind him of exactly how long that had been.
“ssseven yearsss, four monthsss, thirteen daysss, and counting…”
“ah… thank you, changsheng.”
he knew he wasn’t special. out of the thousands of vision wielders across teyvat, only a handful have started having their constellations appear in the sky. just under a hundred, by his approximation, but he tried not to count. if he sought out the proper numbers, tried to pin down a percentage of those with a vision that had a chance to hold their god’s attention, then he’d start trying to find patterns. he was a doctor, patterns and rhythms were his literal job, but he knew that wouldn’t end well.
(a librarian, an alchemist, a lawyer: did you perhaps favor more studious types? a bartender, an exorcist, a detective: or those with a drive in their lives? a nobody, a traveller, a wandering samurai: or those seeking one out for themselves?)
there wasn’t a pattern. it was random. and part of him hated it.
baizhu had had his vision for seven years, eight months, and thirteen (was it fourteen? the sky was growing dark) days, and had never once seen his stars in the sky.
he had one. he had a constellation, something he knew was rare among vision wielders, but it didn’t guarantee him a spot in the sky any time soon. kirara had hers long before she had her chance in the heavens—they’d spoken about that, both hesitant to show the other their divine gift, but willing to speak of its existence.
and now kirara’s turn had passed. though her vision didn’t shine any brighter, he could see the pride in her smile when she dropped off another delivery at the pharmacy. sign here, check these, make sure this is what you ordered, goodbye have a good day, pretend like yours doesn’t weigh more after seeing hers.
it wasn’t as if he was unremarkable. a perfectly healthy man who had thrown himself into illness to find the cure for all of them? surely that was interesting, wasn’t it? but it wasn’t his time, he was being impatient, slipping back to the same mindset he condemned his patients for.
“patience. medicine doesn’t work in an instant, and you’ll need to be taking this for the next week at minimum.”
“but it’s so bitter!”
“then tell me, what tastes worse: bile, or this pill? if you want to stop being sick, you need to take it.”
qiqi was blessed with a place in the stars near instantly after she’d gotten her vision, but she was not the norm. perhaps his expectations were weighted, then? or maybe you disliked his work entirely? he didn’t like entertaining what ifs, but when various aches kept him up, there was little else he could do while he waited for his medication to take effect. patience, he tried to remind himself, counting his breaths. be patient. wait, be calm, don’t agitate yourself. count in, count out, are your breaths getting shorter? just stay calm, be patient…
the first time he saw you, he knew you were coming. he’d saved as much energy as he could, doing his best to make a good impression. but now, with changsheng nudging him awake urgently, pushing him into his shoes and putting his glasses on for him, the first thing he’d expected was the millelith, maybe, or perhaps the ministry of civil affairs. maybe he was needed urgently, maybe something had happened to qiqi, maybe he was late for his medication and he’d get terrible headaches if he wasn’t quick- oh, but then why would she bother to coil around his shoulders?
and yet, out of all those possibilities, none were correct.
“hey! who’s talking about me behind my back?”
“changsheng, qiqi meant that as a compliment. there’s no need to be upset.”
it had been so long since he’d felt your light, far longer since he’d been properly healthy. he’d forgotten how it felt to walk without the dull ache in his joints, and yet here he was. standing by gui and a familiar looking child, speaking with your traveller. it was easy to say words he didn’t choose, his throat not getting dry despite the lack of his morning tea.
the quest was long, and by the end he should have been exhausted. between taking on jialiang’s sickness to turning him into a zombie, he should have been out of commission for the next few days. as it was he had a nasty cough, his breath coming shorter than typical… but that was it. he took his regular medication at the dinner with your traveller, the linger of your aura on them still seeming to dull his pains. how curious, that you could cure ailments even he couldn’t name anymore…
“baizhu, are you alright?” idly, he wondered if the traveller noticed the change in their voice when they were speaking for you. it always sounded a bit lighter, a bit of your emotions bleeding through… a pity he’d never know why. “today must have been taxing for you…”
all eyes were on him now, even qiqi’s. “i’m doing fine,” he said simply, taking another sip of his tea. “better than normal, if anything, which i have to owe to our guest.”
paimon still seemed nervous. “but what about when we leave? what if everything hits you all at once? normally you stay at the pharmacy, and using your power so much…”
a fair assessment. while he was no stranger to combat, to be thrown in the middle of a pack of such vicious hilichurls was a shock. still, he had made it through—even if, privately, he doubted it would have been so clean without you there. “i will be fine. even if my condition declines, i am well equipped to handle flare ups.”
it seemed the whole group was hesitant to let him go. changsheng insisted he stay up until three hours had past since the traveller left, when his limbs again felt heavy and his head began to hurt. something odd was stirring in his chest, and he was eager to get to bed before it sparked into anything more. it was reasonable, he knew, but there were only so many prescriptions to prepare before he had nothing left to do. gui had long since went to bed, leaving just him in the lobby of the pharmacy, quietly double checking his stock of herbs.
eventually, he stood from his seat, returning the sweet flowers to their proper place. he held up an hand to let changsheng climb up his arm, closing up the pharmacy. she curled around his shoulders twice, a familiar weight. the night was cool, a slight breeze bumping the chain of his glasses against his cheek. it had been a long few days, and he was happy that everything was settled. he’d done all he could for jialiang, and he and his family hopefully wouldn’t be coming back for quite some time. back to routine…
he checked the lock with a quick tug, “yes? what is it?”
“the ssstarsss… they’re due, aren’t they?”
ah. the cycles of constellations, switching through the sky. if he thought about it.. yes, they were, weren’t they?
“by my memory, they are. why?”
her head was turned, looking off to the part of the sky not obscured by the roof of the pharmacy.
“it’s late.” his heart began to pick up, false hopes being raised. patience, he chided himself, but what follower did not wish for acknowledgment from their god? “we should go to sleep before we fall too far out of schedule.”
“baizhu! i know you have better sssenses than that.”
perhaps he did. his vision burned where it was clipped to his side, invisible vines creeping up toward his heart. “don’t be too hasty,” he said quietly, the words tasting as bitter as his pills.
don’t be too hasty. you could still be wrong. don’t get your hopes up. be patient.
one hand went to his hip, undoing the clasp of his vision, the other settling on the railing. a few clouds dotted the sky, but he lifted his vision anyway, searching for any stars tinted green.
everything happened at once. the terrace was replaced with an ocean of skies, the slight mumble of “i do have a guaranteed…” getting lost in the whirlwind around him. he was weightless, trapped in by an invisible box, only dimly aware of the fact that his pain had once again disappeared. he was floating, dressed in the attire he normally saved for formal events—dressed in what he’d put on when you’d first arrived—with no sight of the pharmacy below him. it was just him and changsheng, him and changsheng and the bright light that came from everywhere, lifting him from his unseen prison.
a laugh, a smile, a rush of power flooding through him, and when he next set foot in front of the pharmacy, he did so with a new gleam to his vision. he could hear a door open behind him—qiqi, if he had to guess, as why wouldn’t she be drawn to the power the adepti could only hope to imitate?—but couldn’t turn, breathless.
“welcome home, doc.. it’s good to see you.”
it had taken seven years, four months, and 25 days, but he was here. and it was more than he could have ever asked for.
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
Hello I saw you were taking request! If you want may you please write a x Virus! Reader who always hacks into the code for the character’s favor during missions or simple things like wanting something
I thought it would be a interesting idea and I hope everything is going well for you, remember to eat/ rest if needed!
Circus Crew with a Virus Reader
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TW: Mentions of their unstable minds. Lmk if there are any more.
Type: Headcanons
A/N: "Reader's code got messed up during their transition to the digital world, leaving them with the ability to somewhat hack into the digital circus' code in real time." Hi! You were so polite I'm going to do your request first! Thank you for your manners! This one includes Caine, too! As of writing, only the pilot episode has come out. Spoilers. You're the first request I'm answering! Requests open as of posting.
He treats you like Bubble sometimes to be honest ("you PARASITE!"). Like, he doesn't hate the humans, but nor does he understand them. And you'd be pretty upset if your worked-on projects and activities were wiped from the code without a care. You're probably his least favourite human for this alone.
Legit, he may just consider finding an exit for you. Again, no real "hatred" per se, but he does find your antics extremely annoying. You probably have to make up some lie about the group just working real hard to fix it so he doesn't abstract himself--if that's even possible. But Jax will always ruin it anyway.
She's just like "what?" the whole time. I mean, it's bad enough being the newbie in the digital circus, but then being reminded it's really reality for her and it can become unstable? No thank you. She doesn't quite avoid you or anything, but she isn't super keen on the idea that the world could fall apart.
Still, she tries to get you to help her find the exit. Maybe if you interacted with the computer you'd be able to hack into the whole game and get everyone out of the world. Or, maybe there's something you could do in the void that would help. Anything, really.
Otherwise, you're there to get the games finished so she can go and look for a way out herself. Don't get me wrong, she's nice to you and doesn't intend to just use you, but sometimes it might come off that way. Just give her time; she's desperate.
To be honest, I don't think Ragatha would be very keen on having you around. For your abilities, of course, not your personality. I mean, she's nice to Jax of all people, so she's not going to hate you. She just doesn't like it when you end the activities so quickly.
She holds onto the activities like a lifeline. Without them, she'd be left alone with her thoughts and would pretty quickly start to decline. They're also just kind of fun sometimes, too. There's not much to do in the digital world after years of being there.
She is still a little bit envious, though. I mean, Jax gets to almost teleport (seriously was that him running he was so fast), and you get to hack the freaking system. If only she could have those abilities and maybe she's be able to find an exit. Though, that would probably drive her to abstraction.
Jax is half annoyed, half ecstatic with your abilities. On one hand, having you mess things up for everyone's convenience is a pain. It stops him from being able to complete his pranks when things suddenly change. And if you do things to stop him from being a jerk, he'll be even more annoyed and will probably make it a challenge for himself to see how many times he can successfully target you.
On the other hand, if you're his ally and will help him in his bullying, he's very happy. I hate to say it, but you'd probably mess things up around Kinger at first so he has a bit of a reality crisis and doesn't know what's real. Though, he'd get used to it after a while and it may not work since he's already seen so much.
Still, you two are partners in crime. Since you're able to do almost whatever, it's easy to get away with what you want. Caine is able to stop you, but he still can't control your mind where you're abilities come from. So, he can't shut them off. And this just leads to more and more torment for Caine and the others.
To be honest I don't know how Kinger would react. I think he might just be too out of it to even care too much. That, or he's used to it because something similar has happened before. I mean, he's been there the longest; he would've seen some weird things. Maybe someone else with similar abilities came through only to abstract.
If so, he'd warn you a lot about it. Don't get too wrapped up in your "superpowers" of sorts, or else you might start thinking of yourself too highly. And don't become power-hungry, either, lest you want to go insane. He does care about his friends, guys.
Gangle is a bit scared, I imagine. When she's lost her comedy mask, anyway. She just wants a sense of stability and comfort in the uncertain and uncharted territory of the digital world. She's also really shy around you, as with anyone. She doesn't talk to you much out of a mixture of social anxiety and also general fear.
She does feel bad for you, though, and tries to check up on you. Her and Ragatha are the most caring out of the group, and knowing that your code has been corrupted must be very stressful. The trade-off of getting cool glitch powers comes at the cost of your protection and memory. You're much more prone to headaches (which you shouldn't have) and other ailments, and Gangle's always there to try and make you feel better.
Otherwise, it'd be very nice for her if you could get Jax to stop being a jerk somehow. Maybe prank him with some weird happenings so he's too scared to do anything? Or just mess with him (whether it be making him super small and punt-able, or making him super slow). She'd feel guilty about it, but she deserves a break.
Zooble's so relieved. They hate the activities and being able to get out of them is such a relief. She has more time to do whatever the hell he wants. If you're their friend, you'll walk off and hang out together doing whatever. Honestly, around them you probably just use your powers for convenience like dragging items towards you and whatnot. Nothing like what Jax does.
Zooble will literally be like "where are they" when you're not there to fix things up. In fact, he'll take it as an excuse to leave the activity and go look for you. Though, it'll probably turn into Ragatha coming with her and inviting Gangle to come along too. Jax will follow, then Kinger probably will, and soon the whole group is going anyway. Not exactly what they wanted; they'll probably tell them to leave and take care of whatever's at hand.
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crisiscutie · 3 months
Yandere Father Sephiroth Musings
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By merging all the timelines, your father Sephiroth has successfully conquered the multiverse. The sole focus of his dark heart now is you.
Content Warning: Emotional abuse. Yandere Sephiroth. Infantilization. Unhealthy and unsettling family dynamics. Rebirth spoilers.
Counterpart to Yandere Son Sephiroth musings here.
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༻❁༺ Conquering the multiverse wasn't enough for him after all. His thirst for power extended beyond it now. Reality itself will be his next ultimate conquest.
༻❁༺ With you, his precious princess at his side, anything was possible. But you weren't as eager for conquest as your father was. You loved him, but there was an empty void within you. You yearned for a greater purpose, beyond merely being his princess and partner in conquest.
༻❁༺ "Sweet girl" was his special name for you. Whenever those two simple yet powerful words left his lips, you couldn't help but feel weak in the knees and overwhelmed with devotion to him. A willingness to go above and beyond to please your father always possessed you, no matter what debate or reckless antic you were doing.
༻❁༺ During battles, he'd watch you kill off the lesser beings with a twisted joy, dousing you in praise. Most especially when you bring him special types of materia.
༻❁༺ He even played fetch with you sometimes, pretending to accidentally drop the materia just to see you, his sweet girl, retrieve it for him.
༻❁༺ But he didn't have direct control over you, despite having the ability to invade your thoughts. This always made him furious because there are times he wants needs to control you physically. But this lack of control also deepened his infatuation with you.
༻❁༺ If you sensed him poking around in your mind, you'd kick him out sometimes, wishing to be alone or just because you could. He never got angry at this. In fact, it amused him. These small, petty acts of defiance were no threat to him. Yet, this only nurtured the seeds of rebellion within you as time went on.
༻❁༺ Despite your ability to make your own decisions, he continued to treat you like a child. He desired to keep you at his side eternally. From what little you knew of his childhood, he told you he wanted the opposite for you - for you to be "free". Yet, both of you knew that your current reality was anything but free.
༻❁༺ Yet he genuinely doesn't realize that he's obsessive, overprotective and patronizing towards you. Why would he? He provided you with what you needed and granted your desires. It's clear that he is the only one for you. No one, be it a friend or a boyfriend, can love and appreciate you as deeply as your beloved father does.
༻❁༺ Even though you've already experienced and carried out such terrible deeds for him, he still obsesses over maintaining your purity, whatever that may entail. He took extreme steps, ensuring that nothing or no one can strip it away from you. If so, your purity will only be taken by him, should the moment ever come.
༻❁༺ He consistently lavished you with affection, usually wearing a gentle, affectionate smile around you. Headpats or stroking your cheek seemed to be his favored method of delivering this. But through his slit eyes, you sensed his twisted darkness, albeit mixed with genuine affection for you. His traditional, malicious smirk was usually saved for his enemies and other lesser beings.
༻❁༺ ...And for you, in the few rare times where you have crossed the line. If he even detected the slightest hint of doubt about your origins or you leaving his side, you'll be corrected quickly. He'd never, ever physically hurt you. But he'd drown you in a sea of remorse and shame. How could you question or disappoint your perfect father, sweet girl?
༻❁༺ It pained you greatly to even consider hurting your father or letting him down. However, as one of your past adversaries pointed out, you need to live for yourself. You need to discover your own purpose. Ever since your childhood, the regret of killing them has haunted you. They were the closest thing you had to a connection outside of Sephiroth. And you repaid them with betrayal and blood as your father urged you to eliminate them. Afterward, he told you there was nothing to be sad about. You were a princess of a legend and they were a worthless human parasite. You wanted to think like that too, but you couldn't...
༻❁༺ After the memory of your lost friend persisted in your thoughts longer than usual, you mustered the courage to ask him about your origins. You needed to do this. You don't even know who your mother is. He typically stonewalled whenever you bring this up, but this time, you stayed persistent.
༻❁༺ You refused to back down and ignored your growing fear. His familiar, malicious smirk emerged on his face as you continued to persist on this grating topic. A dark chuckle slipped from him as he finally revealed her name: JENOVA. ...His mother!? Who he is already one with???
༻❁༺ Without warning, he grabbed your chin with a firm grip. He made sure your eyes locked onto his slit eyes. He leaned in so close that you felt the warmth of his breath against your lips.
༻❁༺ "That's enough," his velvety voice turned to pure ice. Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you relented and apologized profusely to him. You made your precious father upset.
༻❁༺ But as you blinked, his typical gentle, affectionate smile had already reappeared. He cupped your cheeks, gently wiping away your tears.
༻❁༺ "Come, my sweet girl. Let's watch the stars together," he whispered. You nodded, resting your head against his chest. His arms embraced you as he flew you towards the destination.
༻❁༺ After that incident, you found other subtle ways to rebel. Any direct confrontations with your father won't work now. In your search for the truth, you discovered your father had a trophy room where he collected certain souvenirs. It turns out he hadn't utterly destroyed some worlds after all.
༻❁༺ This intrigued you, as you hoped to uncover clues about your origins. During your brief moments of free time, you'd explore the room, eager to read and learn as much as possible.
༻❁༺ Sephiroth knew exactly what you were up to. He went through this situation himself, a long, long time ago at the same age. He saw this as an opportunity to finally gain complete control over you.
༻❁༺ He orchestrated a path for you, leading you from one clue to another to foster the illusion that you're closing in on the truth, and indeed you are. But it'd be his truth that awaited you.
༻❁༺ He observed your journey closely, feigning ignorance of it as the two of you continued to conquer the omniverse, part of his overarching mission to conquer reality itself. You will be his sweet and obedient girl one day.
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Darling going on r/raisedbynarcissists to figure out what to do next in her journey 🤣
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thoughtspresso · 11 months
Oshi No Ko was about Arima Kana all along.
And I think there’s a real possibility she may die at the end.
Or be placed in the way of grave danger.
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I was reading some AquKane shippers say something about how they don’t understand AquaKana, and why the writers and directors keep clearly pushing Kana towards Aqua when they barely share any chemistry. Whereas, in their belief, his relationship with Akane is more honest, deeper, whatever. I’m not here to argue about that. But I get where they’re coming from. And the simple explanation is this:
It’s because this whole story was written for Arima Kana.
I’ve seen some Youtubers talk about how this whole story was meant to be fulfillment for Ruby/Sarina’s dream to become the next great Idol, something about Amaterasu favoring her.
And that’s near what I thought of it. But I really think if the God of Entertainment wanted to bless a child with cancer a second life as the world’s great idol, they’d also give her a great singing voice, y’know?
Spoilers for the manga, of course as we go along on this explanation. So anime onlies, get caught up before you start reading me ramble.
Here we go:
1. Arima Kana is the embodiment of Amaterasu, not Ruby.
Or at least, Amaterasu’s appointed representative, or her favorite daughter.
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To give you a run-down of some of the core Shinto/Japanese Mythology that is important for the story, the Creator God Izanaki had three children:
Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun.
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Tsukuyomi, the Moon.
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Susanoo, the Storm.
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The story goes that Amaterasu and Susanoo had a competition about who could create better gods. So Amaterasu took Susanoo’s Totsuka-no-Tsurugi* (longsword) and split it into three, from which she birthed the three Munakata goddesses.
And woncha knowit, there are three great actresses born in that year?
*A reminder that Kana plays the character Tsurugi, which literally just means Sword. And Akane’s character Saya-hime just literally means Sheath or Scabbard Princess.
In this bet, Amaterasu got clever with the rules and won on a technicality. Susanoo went on a rampage, destroyed Amaterasu’s ricefield, and flayed Amaterasu’s favorite divine horse*, and then threw its body at her loom.
*The name Arima is spelled with the Kanji of Horse & Exist/Live. 
Amaterasu, in her grief, flees into a cave, believed to be Amano Iwato cave, right in the town of Takachiho, Amamiya Gorou’s hometown, and the death place of  Tendouji Sarina.
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The being that draws Amaterasu out of there was the Goddess of the Dawn, known also as the Goddess of the Revelry & Arts, a being that Aqua says he knows well, and believes there’s a grain of truth to:
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And how does Ame-no-Uzume draw Amaterasu out of her grief?
By throwing an absolute rager, and dancing really wildly that it catches her attention and makes all the gods around them laugh so hard. Just like:
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Ame-no-Uzume will later on marry a diety who tried to block her passage before, Sarutohiko, who in Ise is worshipped as the god who illuminates the world.
That’s some divinity-level AquaKana shipping right there.
Just like how Aka Akasaka wrote the story of Kaguya-sama: Love Is War about two lovers who couldn’t be together just like in the myth of Kaguya, but having his characters overcome all odds to defy divine fate, I do believe that apart from the parallels to the mythology like he did in Kaguya-sama, there is very literal divine intervention this time in Oshi No Ko.
I think what’s happening is that the gods, particularly Amaterasu and Susanoo are quarelling again about who could create better gods, just like before, but now more of whose favored child will shine the brightest and be worshipped by the most humans. But just like last time, Susanoo may have been enraged, especially at the sexual assault of his chosen Hikaru Kamiki, that he possessed him with a corrupting force that urges him to destroy shining stars before they reach their peak, hence the murders of Himekawa Airi, Hoshino Ai**, and Katayose Yura.
Which by the way, the name Hikaru means Radiant Light!
And Hoshino means Field of Stars!
Whether it’s because Amaterasu is angry that every daughter she sends to earth is slaughtered by Susanoo’s chosen, or just because she wants to win their competition, she appoints Ame-no-Uzume to assist in safeguarding her new favored one from Kamiki’s clutches. Her new favored one being Arima Kana.
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And therefore, Ame-no-Uzume takes the souls of two motherless humans who had passed before they could shine and sent them to become Hoshino Ai’s twin children. It was all anyway happening in her territory of Takachiho at the most opportune time.
Ame-no-Uzume is also known as The Goddess of Dance, as well as The Great Pursuader. And wouldn’t you know, that’s exactly the gifts that the Hoshino Twins received.
An energetic performer who takes the stage with dance:
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And a deceptive, persuasive, extremely believable actor, who:
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fooled his own sister into believing she had been rejected from an audition
pretended to scout an idol from a competing agency to research them
get Director Gotanda to raise him and train him
make Akane not just date him, but follow him down a destructive path
convince Kana and Mem to join IchigoPro
impersonate Pieyon for several days straight
Anyway, I truly, truly believe that unbeknownst to Aqua, his true mission is just to keep drawing Kana out of her darkness until she shines the brightest. Which is what he keeps doing anyway:
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2. The Timing of the whole Oshi No Ko plot is aligned with Arima Kana’s rise to unprecedented stardom.
The story of Ai Hoshino’s pregnancy and meeting of Gorou Amamiya in a quaint hospital occurs at the beginning of Arima Kana’s life, just after she is born.
She meets Aqua Hoshino around age 4, already talented, and already extremely arrogant which could have easily been the demise of her career. But meeting Aqua and seeing his acting was a necessary wake-up call for her, that it brings her to tears. She never forgets this experience that she brought that lesson with her to her adulthood: that she can’t be satisfied and keep working harder, and to be a better communicator with her colleagues. At their first point of contact, Aqua already becomes the reason why Arima Kana’s acting career survives the slump.
They meet again in high school, when Arima Kana has one acting job in a lackluster production of Sweet Today. The ratings had plummeted, if not for the fact that Aqua came onto the set to draw out the best acting Arima Kana could deliver. After this, Arima receives much more respect and recognition from her colleagues in the industry beyond just being cast to bring some legitimacy to their production.
It’s because of Aqua and Ruby that Kana joins IchigoPro’s Idol Division, and her career is reborn anew. Such that, even after quitting B-Komachi, Arima states she never regretted the decision to join, because otherwise the career of Arima Kana would have been already over. 
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It’s because of Aqua’s presence that Arima trains to become better and better as an idol. Aqua kept drawing out the light from Kana’s eyes, to the point that it catches the attention of the crowd who previously had no interest in her.
It’s because of her experience as an idol that she regains the confidence and sense of greed necessary to grab the attention of the audience when on stage, such that even Akane recognizes this change in her when Arima takes the stage as Tsurugi for the 2.5 Adadptation of Tokyo Blade.
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And it’s because of all of these that she captures the attention of award-winning Director Masanori Shima, who lines up some roles for her when her acting schedule had dried up. It’s once again because of Kana’s dedication towards Aqua that Shima D finds her so interesting that he was most willing to promise her the best role possible.
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It was as if Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto appointed Aqua and Ruby to come draw Arima Kana out of her Cave, and bring the Sun out again, just like how the deity drew out Amaterasu.
If you think about the title of the show, Oshi No Ko, it literally means The Favorite Child. God’s favored child. Arima Kana had been born chosen by Amaterasu from the very beginning. And Ame-no-Uzume is sending Aqua and Ruby to aid on this quest.
Which explains why it seems like there had been a mission communicated to Aqua from the very beginning. And why Ai was never going to be reincarnated at all.
You would think that if The Crow Girl, which we assume is the divine guide Yatagarasu, was communicating with Aqua about his revenge plan or helping him find Kamiki, that Aqua would hold a more favorable relationship with The Crow whenever it appears to give advice, no?
But it’s exactly the opposite. Because The Crow is guiding him into something that is different from his personal goal that Aqua doesn’t understand.
And this is where I think Arima Kana could be put in danger.
3. Arima Kana is Hikaru Kamiki’s next target.
There were earlier theories that thought Kurokawa Akane was the one to die next, because of what people have now learned of Kamiki’s serial murderer profile targeting big celebrities before their peak, and because Akane had received a bouquet of white roses from him when she won an award.
The chapter when it was expected to happen was a fake-out from Aka Akasaka, and some people think it’s still possible that she’s the target. In fact, I keep seeing recent theory videos who discount Kana and say she’s “the safest”. Hah! If only!
The scenes with Shima D weren’t just a mere plot point to bring scandal to Arima’s name, and threaten her career and life enough that it pushes Aqua to reveal his mother’s secret in exchange. But it’s there because this is the upward path for Arima Kana. So far, the only people who have witnessed her dazzling star power have been fans of the Sweet Today manga, idol otakus, and people who attended Tokyo Blade. That’s not really masterpiece-of-the-century, performing-at-the-dome level. None of these gigs have placed her center stage in what could be Film of the Year, and a Best Actress spot. Now, the chance is here, and it’s real:
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I think, The 15-Year-Lie will attempt to draw out Hikaru Kamiki, or that Aqua intends to reveal himself in the movie looking like him, and reveal the identity of his father.
But I also think what would happen is that they would be unsuccessful at taking him down completely. Instead, from the movie, he would be interested in Arima Kana, and target her through the course of her Shima D movie, and plan to kill her before an important awards night.
Alternatively, now that Kana is changing her focus to film, she may consider moving agencies, and ask Frill Shiranui about her agent. And if we’re right, she is likely represented by Kamiki Productions.
Either way, Kamiki will pay attention to her and try to kill her just before she reaches her highest.
But I don’t think Arima Kana will die. I think instead of being saved by Aqua, it’ll be Kana who takes Kamiki down. Echoing back to her getting mad at Aqua for thinking that avoiding her was protecting her, and Aqua believing that Kana doesn’t need help since she’s strong enough to take care of herself.
And then maybe, it’s Arima Kana who draws Aqua out of the darkness too.
And, just like with Kaguya and Shirogane Miyuki, Aka Akasaka is once again writing a story about two people who will defy a fate of divine tragedy, and come out of it being more truthful with each other than they’ve been with themselves all along.
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just-wrting · 8 months
Just My Type
Title: Just My Type
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Reader
Summary: Itadori helps you get closer to a man who is just your type and your opposite.
Word Count: 2126
Master List
A/N: I'm so sorry! I got a really bad string of migraines and started to sink into a slump. But here is the next prompt! I'll try to keep up, but I won't finish during October I guess. Also, NO SPOILERS PLEASE! I haven't seen season 2.
You tilt your head and study the young boy in front of you. Unsure of the reason, you wonder what sort of reason would lead the more powerful Nanami to leave a teenager in your care.
“Remind me again why I’m in charge.”
“I’m needed elsewhere and can’t leave him alone. He is to be supervised at all times.”
You frown and look over your shoulder at Nanami. He looks as stoic as ever, even getting ready to head out as he talks.
“Well, for being the vessel of the king of curses, he’s awfully adorable. Are they so sure he poses a threat?” 
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I am not qualified to speak on that. Just don’t get him killed in the process of whatever you are doing today.”
“You’re being so cold today, Nanami. A thank you wouldn’t hurt, but since you’re my favorite I’ll do you this favor.”
The silence is overwhelming. You aren’t sure how to approach a conversation with Itadori.
“Despite your power level most likely being above mine, I’d like you to stay back when fighting curses today. I know you’d be fine, but if this whole thing with those special curses involves other sorcerers, you need to know more about them.”
It’s almost comical howhe tilts his head in response. “I need to know more about those sorcerers? We don’t even know who they are.”
You push down the urge to ruffle his hair like he’s a dog and shake your head. “You need to know more about other sorcerers in general. Cursed techniques vary between people even if they are similar. The more you see the better you’ll be able to pick up on things.”
You know that’s not one hundred percent true. Some sorcerers are good at keeping their technique hidden while others get benefits for telling their technique. Nanami is open about his technique and you often find yourself a bit jealous of it. The ability to create a weak point on your opponent is amazing.
“Then what’s your technique?”
You wave your hand, attempting to dismiss the question. “It’s nothing as cool as others. It’s not even that powerful.”
Despite you being dismissive, Itadori stares at you expectantly. He’s new to the world of curses, and seems to always be willing to learn a bit more about them. His willingness to put others first is also adorable, and you find it hard to tell him no.
“It’s easier to show than explain. If you want the simple answer, I can turn my cursed energy into flowers. Each does something different,” you say awkwardly. “If you want, there’s rumors about a curse near here. If there is one I’ll show you.”
“Let’s go! No point in waiting!”
You know as soon as you enter the open space that the curse is going to give you trouble. It’s not stronger than you in fact, it's a little weaker. The issue is that you’ve been hiding an injury. That’s what will make it difficult.
“Like I said Itadori, stay back unless I say so. I’ll be able to handle it, it just might take me a bit.”
He opens his mouth to protest, but chooses not to. You’re stubborn and would make sure that he listens even if he protests. Keeping him safe is better than letting him get hurt. The poor kid has already died.
You analyze the area, trying to figure out the best place to start. The curse is too strong to be easily put to sleep with a blanket of lavender, but it would still disorient it. The problem is that you aren’t sure if, as a human, Itadori would be knocked out.
The first step is easy. You reach into a little orange pouch and pull out a few seeds. After imbuing them with your cursed energy, you place them across your side. Within seconds, bright orange blossoms appear and the soothing effect begins.
“Woah, what are those?” Itadori asks and reaches his hand out.
“Calendula blossoms. They’re used in rash and burn treatments but my cursed energy allows them to ease all my pain.”
Thankfully your cursed energy also means that they’re easy to remove. There’s no pain during the removal, the pain from the original injury returns soon after though. It’s something that you’ve never used on another person, but it’s very effective on yourself for pain management.
“If you start to feel tired, back up. The area of effect is larger than I’d like for this space,” you warn before stepping forward.
You hold your hand out, having dozens of fuzzy seeds appear. Pulling a fan out of your satchel, you keep your eyes peeled for the curse. The soft light causes shadows to flicker, and you make sure to glance in each direction to carefully inspect even the smallest of movements.
From above drops a misshapen dark blob. It lands in front of you, and you shield the seeds from the burst of air. Once the air stills again, you blow the seeds towards the curse. Each starts to take root in the curse’s face. The rapid growth of your curse causes the seeds to bloom within a few seconds. Dozens of dandelions pop out of their shells.
The curse howls and tries to pull out one of the flowers. With a massive tug, it pulls out a root at least eight inches long. This leaves a bleeding hole in the curse. As it writhes in pain, the other dandelions close up to turn into the fluffy seeds. The movement will cause them to spread all over the curse, so you tuck away your fan.
You duck and twist through the tentacles of the blob. You’re doing your best to avoid getting smashed as it squirms in pain. There’s no sympathy from you as you leap over it and land on the other side. Taking seeds from a purple pouch, you toss them along the ground.
A blanket of lavender spreads along the ground, engulfing the grimy concrete. As each flower blooms, the soothing scent of lavender hangs in the air and the curse starts to move slower. It won’t be put to sleep by the flowers as weaker curses might, but it will slow it down and relax it. You aren’t fully immune to this yet, and you feel the smell start to relax your body.
This slower reaction time causes you to stumble when the curse swats at you. It sends you flying into the field of lavender. Blood drips down your side as your injury reopens. The pain takes longer to subside this time.
“I need to wrap this up,” you mumble under your breath. “I’m going to make a fool out of myself.”
You pull three seeds out of the red pouch and clutch them in your fist. You set it ablaze with cursed energy, ready to punch through the curse. As you sprint towards it, you try to ignore the growing spot of blood on your side.
You let your body drop into a slide, coming to a stop under the blob. Despite the lack of momentum, you’re able to punch up into its center. You open your hand and deposit the seeds. As they start to poke through, you scramble back.
Three rose bushes burst out of the curse and start to climb up its body. The reddish-orange roses bloom as the thorny vines meld together. It takes no more than a minute or two for the whole curse to be covered in roses. You extend your hand out and light the bushes on fire with cursed energy.
With the large bleeding holes from the pulled dandelions and the spiky web of roses, the curse is exorcized. As it disappears, you let all of the flowers wither. The petals fall from the air, but turn into nothing before hitting the ground. You feel woozy, but suck it up.
“That was surprisingly cool!” Itadori yells as he rushes towards you. “I didn’t think flowers could kill curses.”
You ruffle his hair. “Thanks, I like to think I have some surprises. Be sure to tell Nanami how cool I am. Just don’t tell him I fought while injured, I don’t want it to impact my chances of a promotion.”
“I’ll make sure he thinks you’re cool too!”
You’re staring at the displays in the shop window longfully. You’ve been good at limiting your spending, but the display of the stuffed animal cat is too cute to resist. It might be silly to see an adult fawning over how plush it looks, but you don’t really care.
As you make up your mind to head in, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You spin around and see Nanami. Itadori runs over to join the two of you.
“What are you doing here?” you ask.
“Gojo is coming back today and he agreed to meet in Tokyo! I wanted to look around so I got here early,” Itadori explains as he shows off a few shopping bags. “I think I see him over there!”
With the quickest goodbye you’ve ever heard, the boy rushes off. You’re not surprised by his actions since he acts lively all the time. It’s adorable how excited he is to visit the city.
“Isn’t he adorable? He’s like a puppy or a little brother,” you giggle. “It’s a good thing you’ve also taught him.”
“What makes you say that?”
You start to feel a little nervous. “Well, Gojo doesn’t have to worry about making rash decisions. He can practically fight however he wants with how strong he is. You and I have to make smart choices so we don’t die. Someone needs to teach him that he needs to make smart choices.”
“I suppose you’re correct. It would be a shame if you made a choice that led to your death,” he agrees.
“Not that Gojo can’t teach him important things. He has his own charms and abilities.”
Nanami gets a far-off look in his eyes. “Do you find Gojo charming?”
You’re taken aback. It never crossed your mind to talk about romance with your fellow sorcerers, for various reasons, let alone talk to someone as stoic as Nanami about it. Here he is, mentioning the topic to you.
“Not really. Sure I would complain about having a strong man loving me, but I wouldn’t classify Gojo as my type. If you’re considering me your friend now, I could indulge you by telling you my type,” you say with a cheeky grin. “I’m always down to talk about romance.”
Nanami sighs. “I suppose I can’t stop you.”
You giggle. “You could, but if I’m going to tell you my type, I want to hear yours. What could the type of such a secretive man be? It’s like a romantic mystery.”
He crosses his arms and gives a slight frown. Nothing is said, so you take it as an agreement to your condition.
“Well, my type of guy is someone who’s intelligent and calculating. Being strong isn’t a must, but it would be nice.” You press your lips together as you think. “As much as a man who is sweet would be amazing, I just want him to be nice to me at least, like a gentleman!”
As you list off traits, you realize that you’re describing the things you know about Nanami. However, you don’t share that fact. Why would a man who is so stoic and stern like someone who is emotional and soft?
“You wanted the cat in the window, correct?”
Nanami’s question catches you off guard. You don’t know when he turned to point at it, or how he figured out that you wanted the cat.
“Yeah, how did you know?” you sheepishly respond. “I can’t help but like cute things.”
His jaw is clenched, and you know he’s got something bothering him. Whatever it is, it doesn’t stop him from gently leading you into the shop.
“Since I can’t tell you my type right now, I’ll get you the cat. Consider it a sort of promise to tell you when I can. Besides, Itadori talked a lot about you, so I need to thank you for looking after him."
You feel your face heat up as he pulls one off the shelf. Trying to push the feeling in your chest down, you give him a big smile.
“Don’t worry! I’ll hold you to it,” you exclaim. “Besides, you know I wouldn’t judge you for what your type is. After all, I did sort of describe you.”
You’re too preoccupied with the other stuff in the store to notice that the composed look on Nanami’s face starts to slip.
For anyone curious, the roses are Warm Welcome Roses!
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noroamenial · 8 months
So this is another one of my beginning drabbles writing about Raphael and Haarlep. It feels a little OOC for me, but I was playing into the obsessive parts of it, not too much though.
Summary: Raphael storms boudoir to see wtf is going on with Haarlep, he is greeted with the pleasant surprise that Haarlep has gotten Tav's body out of a manipulated deal. Raphael is pleased abt it in more ways than one.
Spoilers for Raphael in Act 3 and the Tav is ambiguous but I wrote it with she/her pronouns
Cw: suggestive
“What were you doing?” Rahael stormed into the boudoir, much more composed than he was earlier, but a rage only the prince of the hells had was bubbling up from him.
Haarlep, the devil’s dearest body double, was sprawled out on the silk sheets of the room’s master bed. They were clad in the usual skimpy leather and had an expression—one Raphael could make but never did—on their face that of most fond yet affectionate amusement. 
“Oh, why only your newest contractee.” Haarlep shrugged, “That little thing, quite the darling. Her friends were so insistent on fighting me, but she…she was quite the little delegate.”
Raphael’s arms tensed as his hands balled into fists. 
“What did you tell her?”
“Nothing important,” they shrugged, “It’s more like what she told me.” There it was, his own signature smirk on Haarlep’s body, Raphael’s body. He reserved that smile, yet Haarlep gave it so easily. 
“What did she tell you?” Raphael’s voice wavered, the wrath behind his eyes sharp and clear.
Haarlep laughed, heartily like a flame.
“What didn’t she?” they stood, before lazily taking the few steps to reach Raphael. “For such a strong leader she’s awfully soft.” their hand trailed across Raphael’s chest, as Haarlep pranced around Raphael they disappeared from the devil’s gaze and reappeared from behind him as Tav. “She gave her body to me.”
Raphael’s heart was pounding in his chest. Haarlep in tav’s body stood before him. Tav’s body in a barely covering skimpy leather outfit, smiled up at him.
“I can feel her desires, Raphael.” Haarlep spoke with Tav’s voice. “Did you know…” 
Their hands trailed up the devil’s chest, and Raphael had to hold back an exhale. “...that even when I was fucking them—even when they knew it was me not you—they cried out for you.” 
Raphael’s hands hesitantly trailed up Tav—no—Haarlep maneuvering tav’s body. Her hips were soft. He knew that everything on Haarlep’s new glamoured body was precise and exact to what Tav looked like barely hours ago. Haarlep didn’t speak as Raphael carefully explored, though a smile tugged on their lips.
Raphael spent a few minutes looking over their body with a deep curiosity. He had a puppet now, carefully crafted. He didn't often let one of his victims become a body in the bed of his boudoir. He leaned into Haarlep, his face nuzzling into the new body’s nape.
“You are so smart,” he breathed in, enjoying the vanilla sandalwood that was Tav’s usual scent. “What did you trade for this?” he murmurs softly, surprisingly gentle.
“Barely anything important,” Haarlep responded, their own soft cadence reflected in Tav’s voice. “It was a simple trick to get this.” The incubus didn't want to ruin such a tender yet obsessive moment from the devil, so they led them both back to the silk sheets of the bed. Haarlep was here to serve, and in a fond comradic partnership they would extend this pleasantry to Raphael for now. After all, Haarlep knew Raphael’s desires, had felt them in full. 
Raphael brushed hair behind Haarlep’s ear. He kissed the soft skin along her neck. 
             “You know she will feel all this.” Haarlep mutters.
             “I know.” Raphael hums, “That is the point. Let her know I am fucking her form. Let her want me. She stole my orphic hammer and she stole my heart, the least I can do is repay the favor.” Raphael’s smug air returned as he dominated over Haarlep, kissing the cheek of the form of the lover he truly yearned for. “I will know every dip and span of her body, so when she comes to me wishing to break her body from your double, I will only do so in return for her.” 
Haarlep laughs, it is Tav’s laugh and it sends the most embarrassing flush to Raphael’s face. In the moment of hesitance he couldn’t decipher Haarlep from Tav and it had taken him back.
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historical-kitten · 2 months
Ancient Roman Poets on a Modern Date
Catullus (Gaius Valerius Catullus)
If you meet him before Lesbia, he will be charming, eloquent, and happy to go wherever you like, although his funds could be limited. Even so, he'll make sure you both enjoy yourselves. Theater or concert tickets in the plebian--nosebleed--section, for instance. If you meet him after Lesbia, there is a possibility he will spend the entire time trauma-dumping about his ex. If you also have one to complain about, this could be cathartic.
Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro)
He takes you out to his beehive dressed in full bee-keeping gear to introduce you to his bees and then goes inside, where you sample different varieties of honey drizzled over fruit. He is sweet, but does talk about fields and bees a lot.
Ovid (Gaius Valerius Catullus)
Let's be honest. This might be more of a Tinder or Grindr hookup than a date. However, it's possible you met at a theater, race track, parade, or seaside resort. If you are aro/ace, run away. If you aren't and you are interested in seeing if he truly is proficient as a teacher of love, stick around. Don't expect him to be faithful, however. And although his manners are perfect, remember that it's an art and a game to him, so guard your heart.
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
He'll take you out for a night of expensive dining and pay for it solely because the friend of a friend that owns the place owes him. He is charming company and can get you into any exclusive club or private experience you want to go to, but will expect reciprocated favors. Also, he turns on the charm, but absolutely expects to be complimented in return.
She plays hard to get initially, not wanting to be too obvious with her affection. The first date will be YOUR choice. Pick well and she'll follow that with a candlelit dinner and eternal devotion. She does have expensive taste, however, and she would absolutely report you to her scary uncle if you break her heart.
Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis)
He takes you on a picnic. Despite this being in the country, he'll opt for fine wine and gourmet food. He's easy to talk to, funny, and catty with his gossip. However, he'll also go on about his childhood in the country and how he went hunting and fishing and how he misses the simple country life. (All while sipping from an expensive goblet.)
Livy (Titus Livius)
He takes you to a museum and acts as your tour guide throughout the entire thing. Who knew that your date would double as a living and breathing audio tour? You're supposed to eat at the museum cafe, but you may not make it there before it closes... If you're a fan of history, you're in for a treat.
Iullus Antonius
Iullus is a huge romantic and just as charming as his famous father. He will show up with flowers and take you on a date in a small, undiscovered restaurant and to a lot of cute places that are off the beaten path. Whether you hit it off romantically or not, he's the kind of guy who could be your ride or die. (Spoiler alert, when he says he's your ride or die, he's extremely serious. 💀)
Albius Tibullus
When he falls, he falls hard. He takes you on a date in an orchard. This includes picking grapes and then tasting wines. If the date is before he was entranced with one of the lovers he wrote about, all is well. If not, he might get a little teary eyed about his past love(s). He is polite, sweet, attentive, and apologetic though.
Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)
He takes you to an expensive restaurant and makes it clear he is only paying for HIS meal. The entire time he criticizes everyone else in the restaurant for being posers and judges them based upon appearance, status, and gender. His date is not a safe place for anyone who doesn't fit his definition of traditional values. Definitely talks about kids these days and the degradation of society.
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imaginethezeldaverse · 10 months
The Desert's Moon (Ganondorf x Reader) (NSFW)
Welcome, welcome to the 100 follower fic I set all those polls for! You all chose and waited so patiently, so please allow me to give you the winner: a good fic with our big bad guy, Ganondorf (Tears of the Kingdom version). This will be nsfw, and just to be safe, be wary of any spoilers below the cut, okay? For this fic I'm running with an idea that was dropped in my inbox - initially I had planned to make it a simple headcanon post, but since he won, I'm writing it as a full blown fic instead. Thank you all for voting, it sincerely means a lot, I cannot believe even more of you have followed me since then. The comments and appreciation from you all truly makes my day. 🥹 As for the theme: you are inexperienced (we'll even say virginal) and Ganondorf here is going to be your first. Let's explore that together, shall we? Reader is gender neutral for all to enjoy. I sniped some fictional Gerudo language from here because I mean Ganondorf is a Gerudo man...he definitely should be able to speak the language.
Ganondorf is intimidating, this much is true. His demeanor exudes power in all things he does: fight, lead, and even fuck. He's had many a partner, his skills as a lover growing with each encounter of his past. He is not unfamiliar with experienced partners - and he will show you the patience and slowness you deserve.
The key is for you to be honest with him. Should you try to front as though you are experienced in sex, just know that he can see right through you. Ganondorf's read on body language is exceptional - so the slight shake in your body or the quiver in your voice is an immediate alert to him that you aren't what you're trying to portray yourself as. To your benefit however, he'll most likely find this cute. You attempting to be brave and take him head on is adorable, even though you have no idea what you'd be getting into (or really what would be getting into you). Being upfront however is not without its loss - you'd gain his respect and potentially a chance to call him an equal, he likes the idea of a long-term partner who can be honest with themselves as well as him.
For a man of his size and status, he's quite gentle. He offers to hold you first in your nudity, get you used to feeling his body against yours. Ganondorf will most likely seat you in his lap, with your legs splayed open over the length of his hips and thighs. Should you shy away or find yourself embarrassed by the less than polite way you're sat on him, he'll simply chuckle, reiterating that this is to acclimate you. His hands will find a place on your thighs, unmoving, but present. "Touch me anywhere you'd like," he offers, the rich amber of his eyes meeting your own. Setting the pace in your favor will help ease some of your apprehension. Your hands explore the planes of his body: his adept, powerful hands; the sizable, muscular curvatures of his forearms and biceps; over the thickened bands of his shoulders and down to the broad expanse of his chest. He's a mountainous man in size and that alone has you a tiny bit afraid, but you also can't deny that being able to trace your fingertips over the patterned tattoos that stretch across his muscles doesn't elate you.
When your hands finally cup the wide angles of his jaw, you find the pluck to once more lock eyes with the Gerudo chief. There's something unreadable swimming in them: whether it's tenderness or restraint you aren't wholly sure. His arm wraps around your lower back, bring you ever closer to him in a swift push. Your hands remain on his face, lips inching closer. Ganondorf doesn't kiss you. No, he wants you to be the one to take the honor of taking the first step. The world talks of his lust and greed for power, and make no mistake, the rumors are very much true. But this - intimacy with you - Ganondorf knows better than to rush. Taking you by force serves him little, and there is humanity in him still that bars him from wanting any harm to come to you. To feel your body yearn for him willingly only makes that much sweeter. Your breaths mingle momentarily, your heart pounding in your chest until you finally take the plunge and seal the gap. You're chaste in your kiss, timidity holding your tongue. No matter, the sensation of his thick digits roaming over the curve of your ass has you gasping enough against his mouth for him to coax you into a deeper kiss. Unbeknownst to you, your head tilts naturally, angling so that you can continue the kiss comfortably. You let go of his face, your fingers sliding into his long vermillion locks. There's a sound vibrating at the back of his throat that hits your ears so pleasantly - the simple soothing sensation of your hands in his hair delights him, so naturally he wants you to know it. The kiss builds heat, your body slowly beginning to want his hands to move beyond your backside. You lean into him, pressing your chest to his and linking your arms around his neck. The smile that curls his lips upward is something you can feel, and you almost smile back - but his hands that have now occupied a space on your hips are dragging your body over his lap. Ganondorf parts from your mouth, watching you bite your lip as he slowly grinds you over what you realize is his length beginning to grow rigid beneath you. Breaths slowly starting to come in shudders you snap your eyes shut, focusing on how his length slides teasingly over where you biologically know he's going to be soon enough.
"Do you feel me?" he purrs, dark tiger eyes trained on your flushed features, "Do you feel my want for you? My desire?" Your thighs are seeking one another to lock this feeling between them, but his hulking mass keeps them widely separated - your center at the mercy of his ministrations. Seeking purchase, your nails dig into his shoulders, earning a pleased rumble from the man. His lips find the hollow of your throat, easing pointed kisses and gentle bites to your sensitive flesh. Soft moans sound angelic to Ganondorf's ears; with ease he lifts you into his arms, your legs still very much wrapped as best as possible around his torso. Smooth, crimson silks caress your back as you're laid across the stretch of his bed. He doesn't stop kissing your body, only proceeds to move down it. Your collarbone, your nipples, the softness of your stomach: all places his lips tease and touch. He drinks your whines and whimpers in as though starving, an innate need to hear your voice call out to him ever growing. Still, he keeps slow. Rough finger pads glide down your body, stroking and fondling a pathway until he settles on his knees, with your legs splayed open by the sheer width of him. Those kisses that traveled now dot their way from your knee and inward. Your breath hitches, you know where he's going...you desperately want him there. As he reaches closer and closer, you shudder out, "P-Please...Gan..." Those initially amber slits, now ochre with hunger, slide up to see your face. Your cheeks are stained with reddish hues with your chest rising and falling faster than before.
"Is there something you need?" the timbre in his voice makes somewhere your stomach clench. How is it just his voice makes you feel this way? What kind of spell has he cast on you? Though your mind tries to wrack itself with answers, it always circles back to the lips that are nipping at your inner thighs. He places a kiss just close enough for you to feel his breath over your sex and you swallow thick with the gasp that tries to free itself.
"Your...mouth..." says you in a shaky whine, "Please..."
Like satin and fire, his chuckle is both suave but with the promise of something vile. A strong grip parts your legs further, holding you wide open. You try desperately not to look at how he drinks your nudeness in, fearing that you seeing the sheer lust flashing across his strong features will have you curl into yourself.
His mouth descends.
You gasp sharply.
Hot and wet is his tongue against your opening, circling your responsive flesh, his eyes never leaving your face. Ganondorf watches on as his silver tongue devours you, each lap and suck at you surging pleasure through your limbs. With one last scoop at your hole, he drew back. There was a question at your lips when you felt him retreat, but before you could even get a word out, you felt his finger carefully slide into you.
"A-Ah!" you mewled, then hissed. Given the size of him overall, even his fingers were substantial in filling you somewhat.
"Shhhhh," Ganondorf hushed your seizing frame. A hand came to your thigh, his thumb stroking in soothing circles the same time his opposite finger exited you, "Relax, my va'ina, you'll need to be much more open if you plan to take me." Your body shudders as you breathe, willing yourself to relax yourself in his ministrations. Having already gave you some slickness there, his finger meets less resistance than normal. His eyes roam your figure slowly, watching all of the small shivers and shakes that begin to build as his digit steadily works in and out of you. A spark of want pulses up your hips, with each coax of his finger you felt tiny rivulets of desire multiply inside you.
"Ganondorf..." came your gentle plea. This feeling was slowly starting to feel inadequate, your hips moving ever so slightly to try and chase the sensation of fullness. Chuckling at your urgency, the Gerudo chieftain withdraws his finger - adding another and sliding back into you. Eyelashes aflutter, you mewl at the sensation of being filled once more.
"There we are," he mused, smirking at the way you're snatching your bottom lip between your teeth. Gradually his fingers stretched you open, separating minutely as he fed your body each stroke. As soon as you had acclimated, you found yourself once again needing more. His hand, though making you feel good, was simply proving not to be enough. Ganondorf recognizes this as your features scrunch with some frustration. You need him, don't you? You need more than just two measly fingers to give you the passion that you seek.
"Your body seeks more than my current attentions I see," he says matter-of-factly, withdrawing his now very wet digits.
You turn your head away to blush, being read like an open book made your body burn with some embarrassment. Yet Ganondorf understood. He lifts your leg by your calf, pressing a kiss into the muscle there. "No worry, I'll give you everything you seek." He sits upright now, towering over your supine frame, a hand at each of your knees. You know what comes next, and though you tremble under him, there's a fire in those eyes of his that keeps you brave. Fingers descend upon his. He catches your gaze, doe-like and nervous, but no sign of withdrawal within them.
"You'll go slow, won't you?" you ask him, your heart mere seconds away from jumping out of your chest. There's an expectation for him to laugh at such an innocent, if not naïve question - but he surprises you when his hand takes your chin between two large fingers and keeps your eyes to his. Softness unlike you've ever seen in him stares back at you. "I wouldn't dream of bringing you harm, va'ina, you're safe with me." His words bring you comfort, allowing you shut your eyes in readied bliss. To reflect this, you spread your legs further apart, "Then I am yours, Ganondorf."
His lips find yours, hungry in its kiss. As his tongue melds against yours, he slips a hand down to grasp himself. You feel the slight shift of his body on yours, strong thighs flush to the backs of yours. He parts from the kiss, though his face remains close, "Ready?" Unable to trust your voice, you simply nod. His muscular frame surrounds your body, encasing you in his warmth. With your hands braced on his shoulders, you inhale sharply when he presses into you. Considerable length and girth stretch you far more than his fingers could even attempt. He's slow, methodical in his pace. So much so that he stops, just past the head of him, the second you tense in his arms.
"Breathe..." coaches Ganondorf, his voice showing the tiniest hint of strain. Though shaky, you try to follow his advice, and it calms your body enough for him to advance. Your mouth drops open from the pressure, hands gripping his shoulders for purchase as another inch fills you. The man above pecks loving kisses to your face as he sneaks a hand downward. He revels in the pleased gasp you let out when his fingers stroke your sex, "That's it...open up for me..." With him steadily plunging into your depths and the deliberate tease of his hand at your most sensitive area, you recognize that same spark from earlier.
Want. Need.
He slides in further still, about at halfway down the whole of him now. His hand doesn't relent on your flesh, easing over you with the intent to build the ecstasy he knows you're absentmindedly chasing. Ganondorf has every intention to bring you to rapture, but again - at your pace. There's a tremor in your thighs that shakes against his hips, he gives you more of him; but the noise you let out this time is a moan muffled only by the barrier of your bitten lip. He grins at this, supply your body with just a bit more. No reaction this time - you were getting used to him. His fingers stroke you for a few more counts, this being just enough for you to take him all the way to the hilt. You keen slightly, so impossibly full and almost dizzy from how overwhelmingly large he feels inside of you.
"Stay with me, love" he whispers, his opposite thumb stroking your cheek. The deep octave of his voice and the tender caress soothe you enough to lean into his touch. Ganondorf captures your lips once more, this kiss slower than the last. His hips remain still though his tongue ravages your mouth, and it pulls a licentious moan from you; the knowledge of him locked deep inside you as he kisses you so fervently has you yearning for what you know you want most. His mouth moves into your neck, and without hesitation your fingers bury into his fiery mane. There's a slight withdrawal of his hips, and you welcome the feeling now, the minor shift of friction feeding into a feeling at the most basic level of your instincts.
"More," your quivered voice speaks in his ear, "P-Please."
He's touched at your politeness, though it's unnecessary. You are a being to be worshipped in this regard, though you didn't realize it, you would never need to beg from him. Touching his forehead to your own, Ganondorf rumbles deep in his chest, pulling almost all of the way out of you before sliding all the way back in. "Nnngh, yes..." Ah, all he needed to hear. Adept hands place themselves at two points: a fist near your head for steadying, and a hand bracing underneath your back to keep you there. Leisurely, shallow thrusts easily evolved into deep, harder strokes. Your body would transform - blossom from tightly wound and tense to fully open and wanting.
The Gerudo male knows you're fully spellbound by your lovemaking when your nails begin to bite into the muscle of his shoulder blades - a most welcome pinch of pain. He's fully working you into you now, his hips immovable pistons to fuck you fully now. Your sweet and soft moans were climbing in crescendo, his name tumbling in slurred syllables off your honey covered tongue. Unable to stop himself now, Ganondorf growled into the junction of your neck and shoulder, pulling your body as flush to him as he could.
"Ah, ohh, mmf! Ahhhh G-Gan," you whined, clinging to him, "My body's on fire...I nghh I...!"
He feels you tightening around him, his pants are harsh as they dampen your skin, "Let it happen...let me have all of you." With only a few strokes of him you fall apart in a scream, your body winding up impossibly tight and then loosening entirely. The orgasmic pulse of your slickness around him milks him with an ungodly grip. He fucks you as fast as your body will allow, a few resounding claps against your flesh combining with the cries of your slight overstimulation that finally bring him to his own end. His strong fingers dig into you as he cums, hot and fast, in a wildly indecent roar. Your hands hold him in his place on your body, welcoming every drop of the licentious liquid that he spills inside of you. His hips begin to slow, still sliding in and out of your now sopping hole, and though you were already long finished, you moan at the sensation of his cock pulsing and feeding your body even now.
When he finally can take no more, he pulls from you entirely in a rough grunt. You feel the weeping of his seed from your entrance, but you are far too exhausted to care. Your body hums in pleasured bliss, but your limbs, so worn from a use you'd yet to experience until today, feel akin to lead. Never an issue, however, as Ganondorf carefully maneuvers you both so you can rest comfortably: with you at his side. His fingers traced the curves and lines of your body in silence, your hand and head rest at his chest.
"Gan...?" your voice barely above a whisper.
His eyes lazily move to you. Your heart flutters with candid bravery, "...I love you."
He smiles at this. Fitting words for a connection as deep as this. His hand covers your head, pressing you closer to his chest in a protective maneuver. Ganondorf is anything but vulnerable...but even a man as mighty as he isn't incapable of feeling.
"You have my heart, va'ina. You are mine as I am yours."
You hum contentedly, happy to fall asleep in the arms of the man who loved you.
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gothicknightz · 1 year
bloodline | ethan landry
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The two of them were laying on the couch, doing reruns of classic horror movies, with the current movie playing Beetlejuice.
"I don't get why they just move," Ethan muttered, wrapping an arm around her, "I mean, if some pervert with ugly green hair showed up in my house, I'd be the fuck out of there."
She started to laugh, "It's not that simple, Ethan." Sitting up, (y/n)'s eyes lined up with her boyfriend's, before going on about the reason why Beetlejuice was in their house, to begin with. "Besides," She smiled, "I think that green hair is sexy."
Ethan nearly choked on his own spit, before attempting to clear his throat as he sat up. "No way," His eyes widened in awe, "Please tell me you don't mean that because I am not dying my hair green."
"Aw," She pouted, before breaking into a fit of giggles, "Why not? It'll make your curls stand out."
"Hell. No."
"What are you two lovebirds arguing about now?" A voice had asked, coming over to the living room to talk to the pair, sitting down on a chair across from them.
"Richie," (y/n) paused, "Please tell your brother he'd look good with green hair."
Richie chuckled, "He would," He paused, "But that's not the point." Richie reached into his pocket and pulled out a magazine cut-out of a dark blue formal suit, "Would you really want Ethan to show up at his own wedding with neon green hair?"
(y/n) sat and thought for a moment before groaning, knowing that Richie had a fair point.
"I hate how you're right."
"You're the one marrying him, (y/n)."
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
Her head rested on his chest, the two of them laying in his bed together after a long night of proving their love to each other.
"I love you, Ethan." She muttered in response to his similar statement.
Not long after, Ethan's phone started ringing, and he groaned, wrapping an arm around (y/n) as he leaned over to his nightstand to pick it up and answer it.
"Hello?" He muttered, not knowing who called him, as he just picked it up without checking.
"Dad?" He pushed himself upwards, with (y/n) sitting beside him. "What's up? I got you on speaker, (y/n)'s with."
"Good. She should hear this." Ethan's dad voice sounded on edge, as if he was about to break down into tears.
"Dad. You're worrying us, what's going on?" Ethan glanced at (y/n) with a worried look on his face, her reaction returning the favor.
"It's Richie and Amber." He paused, taking a breath in, "They're dead."
Both Ethan and (y/n)'s eyes widened, as they heard the deaths of both of their siblings; of course, they knew that they would carry out the Ghostface killings and make it into a requel, but they didn't know they would end up dead.
(y/n) and Ethan both tightened their grip on each other, the news hitting them hard, "What?"
"It was that vixen, Samantha Carpenter. She killed Richie, and her sister, Tara, killed Amber."
(y/n) shifted in where she sat beside Ethan, "Does Quinn know?"
"I called her already, she knows." Ethan's dad sighed, "It was brutal, both of their deaths. You guys are going to have to call off the wedding for now."
But it wasn't the wedding that both (y/n) and Ethan cared about now, they just lost their siblings to a pair of sisters, and right now, they were going to grieve.
"Okay," Ethan muttered, the grip on his phone tightening, "Thanks for letting us know."
Soon after Ethan hung up, (y/n) let out all of the sobs she was keeping inside out, the tears running down her face rapidly as her breaths were shaky and inconsistent.
"Ethan," She cried, burying her head into his chest, "She's gone. She's really gone."
"I know..." He sighed, running his hand through her hair as he held her close, the thoughts of him losing his brother, one he idolized, consuming his thoughts, even the dark corners.
As (y/n) continued to cry into Ethan's chest, he stared blankly at his closet door while tears formed in his eyes, a dark glare overlapping them.
He wanted them back.
He wanted his brother back.
And he was going to find a plan.
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
(y/n) had found herself sitting in Richie's room, which had been untouched since the day he left to go to Woodsboro with Sam, scrolling through the text messages she had sent to her sister.
She also had found herself looking through pictures of her and Amber; the times when they had horror movie marathons, the pictures they had taken in their old house before moving, and the dark red dress she had tried on in a test run for bridesmaid dresses.
(y/n) had kept a picture of her sister's senior picture in her wallet, knowing that she would've gone somewhere had she not been killed by Tara and her sister, Sam.
She didn't even realize that she was crying until the tears started falling onto the wallet, a hand flying to her mouth instantly as she tried to keep herself quiet, not wanting Quinn or Ethan to walk in on her pity party.
"Ooooh, who's Ethan?" Amber teased as she grabbed her sister's phone out of her hand, asking the most random of questions.
"Amber." She had warned, attempting to snatch her phone back as she chased her sister around the house.
"So, have you two had sex yet?"
"Amber!" Her sister yelled as she grabbed the phone back, with Amber laughing in the background.
"Sorry about my sister, Ethan. She likes to invade my love life sometimes." (y/n) sighed, smiling as she sat atop a kitchen counter.
"She sounds interesting." Ethan chuckled over the phone before his brother walked into his room and threw a shirt at him.
"Hey, loverboy, stop obsessing over your girlfriend for five minutes and help me with my movie."
Ethan groaned and got up, "Okay, okay. I'll be there in like five minutes."
"Was that Richie?"
"Yeah. I have to go, gotta help him with his movie. I love you."
(y/n) didn't have time to respond before Amber snatched her phone again and made obnoxious kissing noises before hanging up.
"Amber Freeman!"
She was so caught in her own thoughts, that (y/n) didn't realize Ethan walked into the room and noticed her shaking and crying while clutching a picture of her sister in her wallet.
A frown was evident on his face as he knew the exact same pain she was going through, and he hated seeing her sad. While the loss dug deep into the skin, he needed to be strong for her and his brother. He wouldn't have wanted him to spend hours crying over his death. He would've wanted them to carry out the wedding without him.
"Ethan," She choked on her own tears as she looked up at him, with a sad and shocked look on her face, attempting to wipe the tears away, despite them continuing to fall.
"I can't take this anymore." She shook her head, still trying to wipe the tears away as Ethan sat beside her and held her close, "I can't take it anymore."
"It's going to be alright." He tried to comfort her before she cut him off, in a sad, desperate rage.
"No! I can't take it anymore! I can't stand the fact that Sam and Tara get to live as good girls while Richie and Amber are painted as villains!" She took a deep breath in before continuing her rant, "That they get to live normal lives while we're grieving!"
"That doesn't sound fair, doesn't it?" Another voice had spoken, causing the two of them to look up and see Ethan's dad.
"I want Sam and Tara dead." (y/n) muttered bitterly in between tears, wiping them away as she talked.
"I think I have a plan."
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em1e · 1 year
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˚༉ words | 1.3k ˚༉ warnings | valhalla spoilers (?) ˚༉ notes | baji my beloved
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「baji keisuke」 could always find the softest moments just by looking in your eyes. he thinks, when he is alone with you, that maybe, maybe even after kazutora went away, even after he had to face mikey apologetically, maybe this life was okay. it was worth living, as long as you were beside him. 
maybe you’d think the same. 
it was amazingly easy to be around you. always so simple to just be in your presence, doing things that kids do - playing video games, studying for classes. late, late nights filled with the sound of your laughter and shh’s wrapped around the idea that your parents would scold you for being so loud, and then scold you again for sneaking baji into the house after they’d expressed their distaste for him. 
you never seemed to care for their opinion, arguing in favor of him anytime they’d turn their nose to him or give him a nasty glare, and the idea that you cared so much about him that you’d fight your parents tooth and nail until they stopped pestering you about it made his chest want to burst. all of this, just for him? it was hard to accept on his own. 
“careful, baji-!” you all but scream in his ear as he swerves between cars down the road, grinning at how you tighten your arms around him and he knows he should slow down but you’re not really worried about that. your short giggles fill the air behind him as your forehead presses into his back. 
eventually, you step off of the bike after him, legs shaky with adrenaline and baji has to steady you (as he always does when you ride with him) while you get your bearings and shoot him the biggest smile. 
“so scary riding with you.” you mutter, but he knows there’s no real fear behind it. you enjoy the thrill, don’t you? especially with him. 
he finds himself flicking your forehead in response, earning a pout from you, “you could’ve just met me here if it’s so scary.” 
the way he teases you is light-hearted, with no real aggression following his words, and instead of arguing, you stick your tongue out at him and turn towards your destination: a playground. the dark sky tells you already that no sane child would be wandering on the equipment, giving free reign to every bit of plastic you desire. you find yourself climbing to the top of the tower, calling for baji to follow you with a giggle and baji would be damned if he’d never come to your beck and call, especially when his name leaves your lips so sweetly. 
when he makes his way up to the top with you, you’re laying on your back facing the sky. baji settles beside you, exhaling as the cool floor seeps its way through his clothes and leaves goosebumps in its wake. 
“it’s always so peaceful at night.” you hum, turning your head to look at baji. he turns his face you in return, scanning over your features in the dark and fuck if you’re not the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. . . and then you smile at him and he knows in that moment he’s a sucker that’s in too deep. 
he realizes your mouth is moving far quicker than he can process, lost in his own world when you laugh and sit up abruptly. 
“you’re not even listening to me!” 
“was so,” he argues, lying through his teeth and watching you while making no move to sit up as well. 
“what’d i say then?” your legs cross under you, now fully facing him with intent to maim him if he gives the wrong answer. he takes a second to reply, squinting at you as if you’ve asked the most ridiculous quest from him. 
“i don’t have to answer you.” he settles on finally, arms coming to rest behind his head to make himself comfortable on the very uncomfortable playground tower. you scoff, jabbing a finger into his side. 
he twitches at the contact, opening one eye to glare at you, “don’t do that.” 
you live for the challenge, quickly jabbing him a second time at the perfectly prompted opportunity. 
“or what?”
he closes his eye back and shrugs, “you’ll see.” 
he can sense the energy radiating off of you, eating the opposition out of the palm of his hand and feels you pull back to jab him again. he catches your wrist instead, one eye opening to stare. 
“you don’t listen, huh?”
you don’t reply, going to make another move with your other hand, but he’s far quicker than you, grabbing it effortlessly and you huff at the idea of being caught so easily by him while he finally sits up to get a better grip. you glare upon this realization, testing to see just how much of a hold he has by pulling your arms towards you. he doesn’t budge, snickering at the failed attempt. 
“i warned you-” he starts to say, triumphant in this affair and ready to call himself the victor - 
but you’re moving instead, setting yourself in his lap with both knees at his side and letting the hands he was still holding find place between the two of you.  
“warned me?” you continue for him, prompting him to actually look at you and he for once understands how hakkai can get so fucking shellshocked talking to women because fuck. he opens his mouth to reply, to say anything that doesn’t leave him looking like a fish gasping for air but no words leave his lips and the way you’re looking at him is not helping. 
your eyes scan over his face, head tilting slightly while you wait for a reply. 
“i . . .” he’s barely able to get out a sound, almost choking when one of your hands cups his face. when did you let go of his hand? how did he not feel it-
“you’re so pretty, baji.” your other hand meets his other cheek, and baji thinks surely he’s died and gone to heaven. in absolute, pure bliss at the smallest feeling of your touch. your breath hits his lips and he swallows hard at just how close you are to him. 
“what are you doing to me?” he whispers, words leaving his mouth faster than he can stop them. 
you glance down to his lips, thumbs rubbing his cheek bones and he thinks he could melt into your touch. you lean forward, and baji finds himself closing his eyes and leaning in too, ready to savor the taste of you -  
you press a kiss to his forehead instead, and baji’s fingers flex in his lap at the idea that maybe he’s been reading into this too much. with you sitting comfortable in his lap and his ass aching with no support from the floor, he thinks this is truly all to make him suffer. maybe for driving so recklessly, maybe for flicking you in the forehead, maybe for ruining whatever relationship you had with your parents. 
his hands find purchase on your waist, relishing in the small baji that falls off of your lips before he’s pressing his own to yours. it’s clumsy, the way he kisses you, lips barely missing your own and hitting your top lip, but he’s quick to correct himself. 
when he finally leans away, you chase him, hands attempting to keep him in place for more. your eyes open with a pout, desperate to continue.
“wasn’t done,” you mumble breathlessly, looking back down to his lips. he grins, licking his teeth. 
“like me that much, huh?” 
“just the way you kiss,” you dismiss, giving a quick peck to his nose before he has time to argue about what you say, “you’re okay, i guess.” 
the floor of the playground is cold against your back. 
at the top, where you sat in baji's lap and shared your first kiss. your first real moment showing him how you felt about him. at the top, where baji pulled you impossibly closer, until all you could breath was him, all you could taste was him. 
all you have now is his jacket. 
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lovclyboncs · 3 months
As a HOTD watcher who has not read the book, but has read spoilers about B&C, I’m not surprised to see it coming.
is it a horrible event? yes most definitely
I’ve seen the main argument being that Daemon should’ve gone after Aemond since he’s the one responsible for killing Lucerys.
I agree, wish Aemond would get what he deserves sooner rather than later, but I also understand where the idea of B&C comes from.
Just like Lucerys was a messenger for Queen Rhaenyra, Aemond was a messenger for King Aegon II.
Anything they did would be done in the name of their Queen/King.
Aemond killing Lucerys and then getting home just for Aegon to celebrate his death with a feast doesn’t help either.
(From what I’ve read/ heard happens in the books idk how it’s gonna play out in the show)
Adds to the idea of Aemond went to storms end in the name of Aegon, so Aemond is the “sword” but Aegon is the one who wields it.
So makes sense where the one that should pay is Aegon, the Queen lost a son technically in the name of the King, so gotta return the favor, “a son for a son”.
even though B&C is a horrible event and the children are not to blame for the mistakes of adults, I’m not surprised to see it coming.
This show isn’t black and white our main characters are all shades of grey/black. And when one goes low, the other will go lower.
It also makes sense imo in the name of revenge, death to Aemond or Aegon themselves would be too simple or the easy way out, let them feel the hurt and pain rhaenyra is feeling from losing her child. Let the revenge be felt and not just a quick death, gotta hit them where it hurts yk.
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mylove-iv · 2 months
❝fearless child, broken boy; tell me what it's like to burn.❞
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ʚ aged up, botw! link x fem! reader ɞ
synopsis: when the kingdom goes to war, the goddess's chosen Hero is desperate to keep you safe. in his attempts to give you everything, you gradually became nothing.
genres: angst, romance. | set pre-calamity.
content warnings: slight spoilers (slight canon divergence)
reader specifications: reader is detailed to be wearing a body hugging silk dress (i had vivienne westwood's 'grace' dress in mind while writing that specific scene!). no pronouns were used but was written with a female reader in mind.
word count: 2.66k words.
―originally posted on @mydarling-iv, sep. 6, 2023
ʚ part i ɞ | ʚ masterlist ɞ
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Two weeks, two cursed weeks that you lover was away in Gerudo, wasting the time away with the princess beside him and only when he does get home—to you—he is ripped away once more.
“A ball?” You inquire softly, having no energy of meeting Link’s eyes, exhaustion apparent with the ache embedded deeply in your bones.
“Come with me?” He blinks softly, his sky blue eyes reminding you of the times where he and you would nap beneath the shade a tree has to offer under a stunning cloudless sky.
Link sees your eyebrows furrow, “Are you sure? You wish to bring a common woman who’s a simple painter to a ball?”
A stab of hurt spreads throughout his chest and before he can answer your question, you speak. “With your achievements, Princess Zelda is more of a favorable person you should escort. 'Lest we want to sully your prestige, my love.” Your words drip with false indifference, hoping your lover will not notice.
He’s no fool, he sees the flurry of emotions pooling into your eyes and Link’s heart cracks. He’s endured war, massacring monsters and Hylians alike—stars, he even tolerates the unreasonable orders spewed from the king’s mouth and the princess’s unpleasant gaze and fleeting touches—just so he is worthy enough of you.
“No.” Link’s resolve strengthens itself as your eyes momentarily flicker to his, surprise oh so evident. “What kind of coward am I to settle for another when my heart belongs to you?” His words are firm, reassuring and you find your guard lowering.
You then melt against his sturdy body when he embraces you, and suddenly, you unfold like a love letter read in the dark, a secret that only moon and stars would know. “Promise?” Link allows his walls to drop momentarily for you.
“Promise,” His words are a whisper, pressed gently to the corner of your lip as Link looks into your eyes deeply. “I chose you and I’l choose you over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.”
Tear well in your eyes before they roll down your cheeks. Your hand cups Link’s face and you see his eyes soften before you’re enveloping him with your arms as he too, reciprocates the hug by holding onto you even tighter.
“I love you.” His promise is burned into your skin with his lips, yet why does your heartache never seem cease?
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Looking into the mirror, you see how the silk hugs your body and how the corset’s asymmetrical look enhances your shoulder and clavicle. The layered pearl necklace shines with a milky iridescence that creates a dreamy look.
But as you continue to stare at your in the mirror, you’re caught off guard by the woman who greets you. She held no twinkle in her eyes, they were dim and almost lifeless.
A knocks rasps you out of you reverie and you’re welcomed by the rare sight of Link’s smile and his eyes crinkling sweetly.
You smile softly, feeling a phantom ache in your heart as you take his hand, your mind drifting back to the tired woman in the mirror and before you know it, you’re off to the banquet hand in hand with the man you love.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
You don’t know how to feel when the music starts and a hushed silence falls over the crowd of nobles and royals alike. You see Princess Zelda in the middle, seeming to wait for someone.
Eyes clashing against blue ones, you see hesitation flash in them before Link is turning away from you and everything suddenly clicks in place.
Your lover takes her hand, placing a kiss on the back of it and you feel like you’re intruding on something intimate. It’s a cold and unsettling feeling.
It’s almost invasive as you continue to watch the Princess and Link—your lover—dance perfectly, almost as if they’re puzzle pieces destined to fit.
Numbness has set in as the music reaches a crescendo, Zelda’s dress fluttering prettily as Link keeps his eyes on her. It’s odd, to be haunted by someone that is still alive. You muse, heart aching.
The music softens into the diminuendo and the claps entering your ears snap you out of your thoughts. Your eyes refocus and despite the signal of the dance ending, Princess Zelda and Link stay rooted in the middle.
Silence befalls the massive ballroom and anxiety prickles at the bottom of your stomach as you notice the look in the princess’s eyes—it's the very same look you also hold for the man standing in front of her.
“Thank you, Link. For everything you’ve done for Hyrule.. and for me. I -um,” The princess of Hyrule trails off, a pinkish hue coloring the apples of her cheeks as she gently holds your lover’s hand.
Your heart drops, an overwhelming wave of anxiety and despair washing over you as you have a horrible feeling of what is to happen next.
“I want you to be happy,” Zelda hums cheerily, a pretty smile adorning her face.
“And I would love for it to be with me.” Despair pools in your stomach, your eyes quickly fly to our lover’s face. His eyes are unreadable and he’s stiff as a board but Zelda nor the nobles crowding around them don’t seem to notice.
There’s this overwhelming ache in your chest, a severe melancholy wrapping so tightly around your heart, it snaps abruptly as your eyes continue to linger on Princess Zelda and Link.
Your eyes meet Link’s momentarily and you’re taken back to the moment where you looked in the mirror earlier, you remember the woman—you—who looked so defeated in the mirror.
Another stab of pain hits your heart and your mind clears itself of thoughts but one. I love him, but stars, I want him to stay away from me. You curse mentally as the pain intensifies, borderline burning as unshed tears sear your eyes.
A choked cry tumbles from your lips, tears blurring your vision as you abruptly turn away. You turn your back on the man you loved, taking the battered woman he’s turned you into with you.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Link’s blood runs cold at the Princess’s words, but despite the people surrounding him, he tears his eyes from the princess in front of him and looks to where you once stood but you’re no longer there.
Desperation tugs at his entire being, his soul aching for you as the ring hanging from his neck burns against his skin.
But alas, he forces himself to push down the urge to chase after you because if he were to leave and follow his heart—the being who his heart yearns for—the kingdom would stop at no means of having your head on a spike.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Stars, you were a fool.
You stayed despite his silence, despite his distance, despite how he treated you.
You stayed.
And the wounds inflicted by Link, the man that supposedly loved you, left scorched marks burned into your heart.
The wind widely flies by your face as you urge your steed faster, faster to a safe place, to home, and away from him.
A field of white baby’s breath enters your vision and your breath hitches as the dam breaks, tears freely rolling down your cheeks as you sobbed.
“I was robbed of my life. I could have been happy—I could have been alive but he took my heart and murdered it.” You screamed to the stars, the fire consuming your heart intensifying the pain you feel.
She pops into your mind, the woman before the capital, the woman before being engulfed by the fires of love Link allowed to consume her, the woman—you—before all of the forsaken heartache burnt you whole.
“Am I supposed to be grateful to have survived this?” You cried, stumbling from your horse and into the small cabin surrounded by baby’s breath, the very cabin you and Link once called home before your loves' downfall.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Stars, he was a fool.
A fool for leaving you alone, a fool for choosing duty-
A fool for letting you go.
A complete and utter fool.
Link feels his frustrations rise, his skin burning as he worries where you are.
You were gone, not a single trace of you in the mansion. Almost as if you had left the place untouched.
He curses under his breath, tears welling in Link’s ultramarine eyes yet none fall.
He must be strong, for the kingdom, for him, for you.
A field of white enters his view and the morning dew twinkles at the sunlight peeking from the horizon.
Link’s breath catches in his throat at the sight before him.
It’s the cabin where you both originally stayed in, shaped it into home, and allowed your love to flourish.
His heart aches and there’s a deep yearning in his chest, a yearning of wanting to go back to how things were.
He dismounts his steed and races for the door hoping to see the fire lit and you home yet he’s met with darkness and the cabin being untouched.
His heart seizes as he recalls of what you had said before and Link realizes that you missed home, you miss how everything was once before.
He too shares the sentiments but he realizes it too late, “Stars, how was I so blind?” He whispers as he travels through the cabin, making his way to the back porch.
Link opens the door as dawn breaks and his breath hitches, his heart skips a beat.
He feels like a young boy once more as he sets his cobalt blue eyes on your figure sitting in the gazebo.
The sight of you and the effect you have on him reminds him of the day you both confessed your feelings, bathed in sunlight and absolutely breath taking.
You’re painted in a golden glow, the silk against your body shining softly forcing Link’s heart to tighten.
Oh stars, he’s missed you so much, the yearning to have you in his arms growing stronger as the ring burns even more against his skin.
He’s quick to make his way towards you, his footsteps on the grass and moss covered step stones softening his already quiet steps.
Link’s heart soars as he’s eager to get to you as soon as possible and yet, it’s short lived as your tired gaze pierces his eyes. His heart sinks slightly as panic rushes through his veins as he comes to an abrupt stop in front of you.
“Link,” Your sweet voice is hoarse, tired and run dry, which forces a slight pang of hurt across his heart.
His heart suddenly drops as you speak the words with a painful finality, “I can no longer do this.”
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
You’re leaving, you’re slipping through his grasp and it destroys him. Link looks up to you, your eyes unreadable and it forces him to impulsively move. He yanks the ring attached to the necklace hooked around his neck.
He sees your eyes widen as you glimpse the golden ring in his hand, confusion evident in your eyes. But the pain is overwhelming in Link’s heart.
Link falls to his knees before you, begging for forgiveness as would a sinner pleading to the Goddess. And like the sinner he is, you recoil, denying him of his retribution and sending his heart into despair.
“This was not how I wanted you to find out, but my love, please listen to me.” He croaks in between cries, hands grasping the silk of your dress as he buries his tear stricken face into the tops of your thighs.
“You will never lose me. I will always be right here beside you. I’m all yours my love.” He whimpered, hand shakily putting the ring on your finger and the golden ring burns against your skin.
You shake you head softly, “Yet it never felt that way, Link. You whispered sweet nothings in my ear and you told me you loved me. I found myself believing your lies when it all struck me at once, I haven’t felt loved by you.”
His heart aches at the shakiness of your tone and his arms wrapped around your waist tightens even further as he buries his face further into you naval, seeking refuge while hoping to make you stay.
“You no longer love me, Link. And I you.” A chill wracks his entire body, his eyes snapping to yours quickly in disbelief.
No no no. Link internally screams. “You love me, and—“
Your eyes hardens and Link’s resolve weakens even further. Stars, what has he done? “Loved. I loved you, Link.”
His breath hitches and you close your eyes as a choke gasp leaves your former lover’s lips. His hand gently squeeze your hips, a motion you once found reassuring, now burned your skin.
“Love, you love me.” Link croaks out weakly, his body trembling against yours.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
You stared at him, and no longer did your heart ache at the love you both held for each other, instead, your heart thumped slowly and numbly. Yet, you feel a spike of guilt as he had provided a roof over your head, food for you to eat and so much more.
As the last act of love you so generously bestow upon your former lover, you cup his face gently, his teary bluebell eyes meeting your tired ones. You don’t have the energy for feign a smile but your thumb is gentle against his cheeks, softly swiping away any stray tears of his.
You see how much love is in Link’s eyes, it’s practically overflowing, almost like an ocean capable of drowning you. Inhaling a shaky breath, you murmur, “The truth I learned here is, you had to leave because you’re you.”
“And the reason I loved you is because you’re you. And who you are is someone who leaves, Link. The Link I remember doesn’t exist here. He doesn’t exist in the courts, in our home, and in you.”
He’s speechless, his tongue feels heavy as lead as your emotions of sadness and vulnerability seep into your tone.
“But he did once exist and you left him with me. A presence to yearn for—a part of you who I so badly wished for to be beside me—who gradually became a ghost to haunt me.” Link sees a glimmer of regret in your eyes. “Despite it all, I loved him.”
You swallow thickly, a small yet feeble smile tugging at your lips weakly, and the coil of pain tied tightly around his heart tightens, leaving Link feeling weak and breathless.
“To this kingdom, to her, you’re someone who stays.” He feels fear creep in his heart, the blood in his veins turning ice cold as you gazed at him with a thousand yard stare completely devoid of the loving warmth you once held for him.
It all comes to him and shame envelopes his entire being. As he built his walls to protect himself —the Link he was once before entering the palace, the Link you once loved—he failed to realize that he also cast you out.
Even as he worked tirelessly to provide you what he convinced himself that would make you happy—prestige, wealth—he had turned a blind eye to how much he had neglected you.
In the process of wanting to make you safer—happier—Link ultimately traded your happiness for what he thought would be your happiness and as retribution, he himself brought the ruination of the love between you both.
He’s forced to come to the abrupt realization that he’s to be haunted for the rest of his life, haunted by what lived, died, and could’ve been between you and him.
The cord snaps and Link feels his heart burn, leaving marred and scorched scars embedded so deeply in his heart. Link looks to you, face a calm mien but his eyes are a dead giveaway of the despair he shamefully feels.
Link’s words are subdued and quiet almost as if he's mourning, “If I could have done it all over again, I would have loved you better. But I couldn’t have loved you anymore than I already do.”
Your eyes dimmed and Link dies inside, stars, he was supposed to protect the shine in your eyes—you—he was supposed to protect you but-
“Know that I loved you, Link, but know that it was not enough.”
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