#Y’all are cool and justified. This is a me problem
I get we’re not supposed to use “going nonverbal”, because it overshadows people who can’t speak 24/7, but selective mutism is a whole separate anxiety disorder and using that is just shifting the damage. So we can’t use that. So is there just. Not a word?
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Happier Than Ever | Rafe Cameron Headcannon ✧
Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish is what i imagine a toxic relationship between pogue!girlfriend and rafe cameron. hear me out..
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Note: This is my first time writing anything on Tumblr lol! Let me know how to improve, I really enjoy writing :333, also i was thinking of writing a blurb on this too so send me a message!
When I'm away from you, I'm happier than ever
Wish I could explain it better
I wish it wasn't true
I can imagine his girlfriend being care free with her friends but once she’s with rafe, she feels trapped and claustrophobic.
she doesn’t realize she’s in a toxic relationship though, she thinks that his aggressiveness and controlling nature is just the way he shows affection.
of course she still loves him unconditionally but she often wishes he’d be kinder.
i knew when i asked you to,
be cool about what i was telling you,
you’d do the opposite of what you’d said you’d do,
and id end up more afraid.
whenever she would hang out w the pogues, rafe would blow the situation out of proportion and start arguments. she argues back, telling him to calm down, but it only makes him angrier.
no matter if she’d let him know in advance, he’d always be pissed.
of course her friend would question why she would stay w him. sometimes she would avoid the pogues just so rafe wouldn’t get upset.
Don't say it isn't fair
You clearly weren't aware that you made me miserable
honorable mention.
You call me again, drunk in your Benz
Driving home under the influence
You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath
'Cause you only listen to your fucking friends
Rafe would totally call his girlfriend while high/drunk driving to make her feel worried for him just to have a laugh with his kook friends.
he’d do it just to show topper and kelce how he has her at his fingertips.
And I don't talk shit about you on the internet
Never told anyone anything bad
'Cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything
And all that you did was make me fucking sad
the internet reference would totally be the pogues. his girlfriend would defend his name whenever they would bring up how shitty he is.
time and time again, she would be proven wrong by his irrational behaviors.
You ruined everything good
Always said you were misunderstood.
rafe would be the type blame his aggressiveness on his daddy issues and constantly justify himself for being a dickhead.
he would rant to his girlfriend about his problems to make her feel guilty and make feel like she needed to stay.
the pogues definitely, eventually get tired of his bullshit.
currently cooking up fic ideas for this..
(can y’all tell i love this song?)
all credits to their owners!!
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buddiebitch · 29 days
the answer is that you've bought in to your buddie delusions so hard that you're making things up to justify turning tommy into a predator while you turn buck into a helpless baby character because the buddie manifesto at this point is just a bunch of homophobic and racist stereotypes scribbled in crayon
forgive me if I don't take the Superior Media Literacy of people who came up with the stupidity of lasagna theory seriously
here’s the post i assume you’re referring to.
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the one where i specifically said that i DO NOT think Tommy assaulted him and that he was obviously cool with it???
plus, coming at me for my media literacy? not the flex you think it is
not sure where homophobic or racist comes in at all since you offered no explanation. idk about lasagna theory either
you seem to have a lot of big feelings that you’re directing at me just because we disagree over a show, so, maybe deal with that on your own time idk
y’all get so mad like i’m attacking the characters or the story or something, i genuinely have no problem with the storyline/relationship playing out however it may, because it’s actually just a show and i’m okay if it doesn’t turn out the way i want it to.
i like to try and figure out what symbolism means in shows and why writers and directors made the choices they did, i’m really sorry if that offends you.
i hope you have a good day (maybe block me if that’ll make you feel better)
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clovermunson · 1 year
here’s a tamer one:
gimme all your unpopular stranger things opinions, pretty please!!
sav, bestie you know i love being controversial (sometimes) and i know that some of these may get me tumblr-cancelled or cause a fandom riot because most of them will be about billy (and by extension, max), but that’s not my problem.
billy and max genuinely cared about each other. i know, some of you are gonna look at that and say “how the fuck is that true??” but trust me. it is. both of them were forced into a shitty situation, and often took things out on each other because they were both misguided and trying to navigate things on their own. neil and susan obviously favored max, often neglecting billy and making him grow up on his own and way too fast. he was handling full-fledged adult responsibilities by the time he was sixteen, and he shouldn’t have been. now while i think susan may have tried to evenly delegate her attention to both kids, neil completely prohibited that under some false pretense such as “billy needs to grow up” or “he doesn’t need a mother anymore”. any time max screwed up, billy was left to deal with it instead of neil and susan handling it themselves, like parents should, not older siblings (though i believe had it not been for neil, susan would’ve taken care of max herself— i have some very complicated opinions on susan, but that’s another story). every time billy acted out in violence, it was a defense and survival mechanism for him; and he probably did it quite often to protect max because he cared for her, and for the fact that if he didn’t, he’d face neil’s wrath for the nth time (i.e.: the fight at byers’ home with steve— which, in billy’s defense, was totally justified from his point of view). anyway, max and billy cared about each other in their own weird little way.
more on the topic of billy, he wasn’t racist and he didn’t target or dislike lucas simply because he was black. that’s just a bullshit reason that 98% of the fandom uses to justify why they hate billy because they couldn’t read context clues and use some critical thinking skills. he disliked lucas because he witnessed lucas and max arguing in the school parking lot, and lucas was upsetting max— and billy knew that it would be his ass if neil found out about it.
i think the whole “girlboss” angle they’re trying to do with nancy kinda sucks and it’s ruining her character. she was definitely a stronger character in season 2 than any other season.
the series started with will, and it should end with will. i said what i said.
max stabbing billy with a needle and syringe with no idea what was in it is not the girlboss moment y’all think it is. what was in that syringe could’ve killed him for all anyone knew.
the sauna scene was genuinely billy begging for max to help him because he didn’t know what was going on, until it wasn’t, and max knew that was billy and not the mindflayer.
speaking of the whole mindflayer thing, y’all can’t tell me that max didn’t genuinely care about billy when she said “i really hope it’s not you” in reference to the party suspecting that billy was the host.
oh and in season two when billy’s “threatening” to run over the boys?? y’all are delusional for thinking he really would lmao he’s an older brother and older brothers mess with their sisters like that. and he’s a seventeen year old with a cool, fast car. there’s no way he was gonna willingly get himself a vehicular homicide charge in a bumfuck town in indiana. y’all are dumb as shit for thinking he would. and did y’all notice when max grabbed the wheel and made the car swerve to avoid hitting them? billy could’ve easily gone against her force and kept the car on course, but he didn’t.
stancy shippers are essentially romanticizing a toxic relationship between two people who very clearly want different things for themselves and could never actually work, from a logical and realistic viewpoint.
on that note, stancy should not happen in season five. or ever again for that matter. fight me about it.
karen wheeler’s actions in season three can’t be justified. i’m not even gonna argue on this one with anyone because y’all know what happened. sure she chose her family in the end, but she was really about to go hook up with a freshly-18 year old man while being in her 40s…absolutely not, ma’am. don’t even get me started on the other pool-lurking moms.
it’s game night, send one of these!
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gravyhoney · 5 months
Lore dump about your ninjago ocs to me
Ok so they’ve all got weird parental issues (I’m not projecting you are) in wildly different ways that affected them all differently.
So I’ve talked a shit ton about Toni, so y’all should know almost everything after S5? But I can talk abt their childhood and stuff. They had a lot of time where she was just like. Being an asshole to everyone they knew in a sad attempt to get attention from their parents, so knows his way around the city pretty well. He got nabbed by a restaurant owner who was like ‘STOP trying to get the cops called on yourself. Sweep my floors.’ And he did for a while, found her love for reporting, had a found family who actually cared for them and kinda finally realized that her parents weren’t really worth the effort anymore. Restaurant owner/stand in mom ended up dying during the Great Devourer incident. So uh. Yeah. Everything after that is just. Business as usual.
Charlie. Ohhhhhihhohihoohhoh boy. Her dad died when she was reaaaalllyyyy young, she was raised by her mom and grandmother who were super unwell in the brain. The Great Devourer incident happened when she was 13, her mother and grandmother both died (celebration time) and she spent days digging herself out of the rubble only to find out that everyone kind of. Gave up on her. And forgot about her. And idk I like to think they made some sort of memorial after that, and Charlie found her name on the memorial and was like ‘wow. Really cool /s. They think I’m dead. And didn’t bother looking for me. Awesome.’ And becomes bitter (justifiably) but decides that it’s going to be everyone else’s problem. She joined the Sons Of Garmadon, but kind of dipped out after Garmadon was actually resurrected, and just spends. All of her time trying to make people miserable. Because she sucks.
Kit is. Certainly something. Ran away from home (Geathal) as a teenager because of a fight with their parents, ended up trying to go back home as an adult (Geathal was destroyed it no longer exists) and ended up in Ninjago. Through a wild series of mishaps and misunderstandings, they had the element of light given to them and just having the WORST goddamn time dealing with that and the confusion of WHERE the fuck they are and HOW the fuck to leave. So Kit is just having. The worst ever time.
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This is the lineup of them. The ages are S8 relevant, I doooooo need to tweak Kit’s. They r older.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
One of the most annoying 'Snape was obsessed with Lily' assumptions is that he only likes potions to impress her, and that everything written in the Prince's book was in fact Lily's own innovation and he was obsessively looking at her brewing them and noted what she did. It's so stupid bc it assumes Snape was an idiot at potions and he was an obsessive incel. Immediate nope-out bc they like to strip him of ANY good traits he has because he cant possibly be intelligent. The only theory worse than that one is the 'James was the real HBP' that one hurts in its idiocy.
I’ve noticed that Snape antis constantly say that “Snape apologists only like Snape because of the reveal about him and Lily in the last book” and claim that we ignore what he’s done in the 6 previous books but then they go and make every single fucking thing he’s done about Lily. Even when she has nothing to do with it (Snape bullying Neville, for example).
Snape did this? Because of Lily. Snape said that? Because of Lily. *insert random fact about Snape*? Oh, because of Lily, Snivellus only *insert the most completely-made-up-random-ass—crazily-popular-bullshit-headcanon-ever-that-gets-treated-like-canon* because of Lily. It’s either that or “because *insert random-ass-motivation.*” LIKE CAN Y’ALL STOP WITH THAT?
His personality does NOT revolve around Lily or James. Stop trying to twist motivations and strip characters (ayo) of their canonical talents and abilities in order to glorify another. I’m certain Marauder stans would get angry if people started saying that “James only liked and played Quidditch just to impress Lily” and that he had no legitimate talent (or smth like that), and rightfully so.
But honestly, no matter how much that “James is actually the half-blood Prince” infuriates me, I just love how Marauder stans realise Snape’s creativity and skill and they can’t stand greasy meanie Snivellus being so talented to the point where they transfer his traits to James. Their lack of material is genuinely pitiable. Severus’s skill is canon, where did they even get the idea that he did it for Lily? Did they not hear Slughorn’s words in HBP?
Plus, there are two more problems with the situation:
James was most likely at best mediocre at Potions, if he was at least good—good, not extraordinarily talented—he 100% would’ve gotten invited to the Slug club; he was a wealthy, popular, pureblood Quidditch star. That would’ve been enough for Slughorn to invite him. If James was at least good at Potions, Slughorn would’ve invited him, but he didn’t. And Slughorn only ever brought Lily up when talking about Harry’s talent in Potions, never mentioned James.
They’re basically admitting that they’re alright with horrible things being done if it’s their faves doing it. The whole “James is the half blood Prince” theory is just stupid, but if he was the one who wrote all the notes into the book then he was the one who created Sectumsempra, Levicorpus and all the other spells. They eat Snape alive for creating Sectumsempra and Levicorpus but it’s totally fine and even cool for James to have done it. I’ve even seen some make excuses and say “Oh well James probably did it for a good reason” 1. Oh yeah? like he did with Levicorpus… aka the spell he used to sexually assault another teenager? 2. then why doesn’t that same logic apply to Snape? Why is it only your fave, and not my fave who *gasps* isn’t a sex offender?🫢 One of Marauder stans’ most common arguments to defend James’s actions in SWM is “well Snape created the spell (Levicorpus)!” (as if that justifies SA but that’s not the point), so if they’re saying James created the spell then….. 😗
They always find the weirdest ways to play themselves it’s actually so hilarious.
I’m sorry for ranting, anon, those two claims just really bother me.
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givelifetoaworld · 7 months
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i don’t wanna rb this post but i wanna say that everything this person said is valid and mostly true. the frustration and anger is justified and it sucks to have a website you love crumble and fall apart.
but i feel like talking about something that has been echoed by former staff members here - that this attitude is going to make it so you are never going to survive on another social media site.
we need a reality check here that like… websites and companies do not have morals. capitalism completely and absolutely controls all decisions made by a website, company, etc. to operate. since automatic is a tech company and tumblr is only a part of their product line, they have a very, very, very capitalist structure of what success and profit mean. we may all hold the belief that a website doesn’t need to be profitable, that a website just needs to be stable and reliable - but that is just a little bit too idealistic.
burn me at the stake, but tumblr live was not a bad idea. it could have been really fun and cool, but the problem was that we all quickly found out that tumblr live would require your data that tumblr has never required before. and so, it failed, because the userbase of this site tends to be more data cautious than facebook users. and i can promise you that a lot the staff working on this site probably knew that, but i’d like to see any of you on here pitch a major change or to insist a complement that you were just paid to work on for months is a complete failure to a CEO. see what happens to your income and livelihood.
transphobic moderation? yeah, that is a problem, and it sucks. but it has been acknowledged, and while some odd things have happened, a lot of the time it’s just shitty error and algorithms. which also happens on other websites daily. and yeah i’ve seen some staff members say some condescending and rude shit too, but damn, they are not some holy public figures, they are just some guy doing a job and y’all were harassing them and still harass them.
if any company or any website actually took into consideration user feedback, the internet would look like a different place. it might look something like it did 15 years ago. twitter may have not sold to elon musk. youtube wouldn’t do what it’s doing with ad blockers and content. reddit wouldn’t have fought back when users protested a couple months back. i could keep going! tumblr is not an exception to this and as someone who has been on this site for over a decade, i am not owed UI changes that i prefer. it’s a tech product and all tech products are inherently linked to and change only according to what might be appealing to capitalism.
and like… you can bitch and laugh about 600 people just trying to work and do their jobs to keep something like tumblr running far past it’s lifespan, but you need to understand that the vast majority of them weren’t “decision makers”. they were tasked with changes and plans created by someone who probably only knew of tumblr’s functionality rather than the culture of it (remember that Tumblr Is Gonna Be The Next PDF thing lol) and we’re expected to perform those tasks. you cannot just go “but i don’t like that/the users won’t like that so i won’t” when you’re told to do a task at a job, man. again especially not at a tech company. it won’t go over well for you and if you think the world works like that then well idk.
i knew all the way back in 2018 that tumblr wasn’t going to be around forever - a site doesn’t just lose over 50% of the userbase and bounces back to a state that even slightly resembles that peak of use. but they tried, and some things have been corny and some things have been just downright dumb, but you have to admit this site has been pretty creatively interactive even when it’s been “cringe” or ad based. there’s a reason you’re still here. there’s a reason you’re having these bittersweet and upset reactions to a staff you claimed to despise being reassigned, even though so many people have wanted them to “go away”. did you actually want them to go away, or did you just want them to appease to exactly what you wanted? you gotta be careful what you wish for man.
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mcsm-confessions · 20 days
(before i start, i would like to say that i am a female. i don’t think this gives me any real credibility for this context, but i’m mentioning it anyway so people aren’t as quick to write me off as an ignorant male)
i feel really bad for keeping this going, and i know the people getting mad at petra haters are not talking about me (im the person who said petra and lukas were boring), but i feel like i should say this:
yes, petra is a complex character. when you take into account everything that happened, yes, she is interesting. a character analysis on her would certainly return fruitful results and would make someone appreciate her more
but i still think she’s boring. a character can be complex and interesting on paper, but if they aren’t entertaining, i don’t think many people would care. my problem isn’t with petra’s personality or selfishness or whatever, it’s with the fact that she simply isn’t very fun to pay attention to
why do people enjoy romeo, even if he’s an incredibly bad person? he’s entertaining. why do people like cassie rose? she was fun to watch after being revealed to be the white pumpkin. even lukas was interesting to talk to during the witherstorm arc
of course, i’m not saying every petra hater only hates her because she’s boring. there’s certainly other reasons, justified or not. but for me personally, i just don’t find her whole background arc to be worth paying enough attention to to care about its climax in the cabin scene. especially not when more immediately cool things are happening, like the witherstorm or pama or the ice palace. and certainly not when other characters like lukas, ivor, jack, and radar have more interesting dialogue
though also, take this with a grain of salt since i haven’t rewatched the entirety of minecraft story mode since i first binged it months ago. ive rewatched most of the episodes once in different orders, only excluding the last 3 episodes of the witherstorm arc and 202
if it wasn’t obvious, i mean absolutely 0 hate to petra fans, y’all deserve to chill as hard as you do. i just wanted to say this for whoever might feel the same
also i’ve never seen anyone do this, but if people unironically defend romeo bro wtf are you on💀💀💀
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okay! can i ask what are some traits of my fs please? thank you
So right off the bat, your FS is scared of failure.
Definitely someone who’s caring and nurturing. Someone who can heal wounds and take people in their arms, and tell them it’ll be okay.
Someone who definitely had younger siblings to care for.
They’re calm, compassionate, and comforting
The type of person who’s always willing to lend an ear and a shoulder.
Definitely a curious soul. The type who goes down internet rabbit holes frequently
Probably the type of person who’ll mention the most random facts, like “Did you know coyote females adjust the amount of babies they have to have more if there’s not many coyotes in an area?” (Which is true), and if you let them they can go in like long rambles about those topics
A very chill, laid-back person
Definitely someone who needs mental stimulation. I’m getting they’re very smart.
They can be very restless
May have insomnia
The type who’s mind is always running
They’re someone who’s experienced a lot of loss and hurt. Someone who’s grieved a lot of things
Maybe someone who’s lost a lot of family
They’re someone who’s scared of disappointing others, and lowers their standards and hopes for fear of being disappointed themself
Someone who has a very sharp nine
Very quick-witted
Someone who has a lot of clarity in their mind, and someone who’s always coming up with new ideas
Definitely someone who is extremely intelligent and problem-solving
The type who comes up with new ideas near constantly
Theyre very compassionate
They need a sense of control though. They hate not being in control of their life because they’re used to being controlled
May have OCD
A very balanced person, but they also need everything around THEM to be balanced
(I relate to your FS on a spiritual level as someone with OCD who needs balance or I lose my shit. Granted it’s on the DL so no one really notices)
Someone who’s very good at managing finances
Someone frugal and financially secure who knows how to make a dollar stretch for a mile
This person is indecisive though
They don’t know how to make the hard choices in life and very often just end up in an inner stalemate
They see the pros and cons in everything and love playing devil’s advocate
Getting Libra placements, possibly a stellium here
Someone who’s judgemental unless they’re close with you
Then all of a sudden they could justify murder just because it’s you and they’d never judge you
Someone who self-reflects a lot and is constantly finding and awakening new parts of themself
So yeah that’s what I’m getting.
Me and your FS are basically the same person so I’ve know found the favorite FS I’ve done a reading for y’all! We have a winner!
Your FS is obviously my kindered spirit and/or long lost twin
In all seriousness (And in my very biased opinion bc I wasn’t remotely lying about us being basically the same person) your FS seems like a really cool person
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aug-archive-1 · 1 year
Transcript, Human-1, Human-22, and AUT-GOV-23
Day 146
>> This is not, in fact, an electronics report.
1: “Well, tough tits. Wanna know what I found or not?”
>> I’m at your workstation, am I not?
22: “Do y’all always talk to each other like this?”
1: “Sure, it’s affectionate.”
>> Mostly.
1: “Anyways - gather ‘round, kids, let’s do an autopsy.”
22: “I might be a little out of the loop, but what’re we looking for anyways? I saw the NOM reports about the scouts—they’re all missing data chips and some wires right? They’re broken.”
>> Correct. However, this is an odd situation to be in; data chips are in the core of these scouts, and would not be lost through natural physical erosion or damage. 
1: “And it gets even weirder, because the wires which are missing are specifically the sturdiest wires on the inside of the scout, as well as the batteries on the inside of the scout battery. The Scout wasn’t torn up—it looks like it was taken apart and put back together.”
22: “Like… someone messed up the scouts? There’s people in the city?”
>> We don’t know for sure. They weren’t found within the immediate city limits.
1: “They were well on their way to the coast, and there’s not a lot of things to sustain people in the areas they were found in.”
22: “Someone could’ve disposed of them there though. They could be in the city with our stuff!”
1: “If they are, they fought pretty hard for it.”
>> Fought?
1: “Blasters on nearly every scouting robot were used at least once—in the earlier scout bots, all of the blaster charge was used. Whoever took out the scouts wasn’t graceful about it, and they definitely weren’t Solaris citizens.”
22: “Coastal folk?”
>> That seems unlikely—it would take over a year of efficient traveling, assuming no stops and no inefficiency in resource management, for a caravan from the coast to reach here. Why not introduce themselves and be welcomed? We would give them aid.
1: “Could be the blasters. They don’t scream ‘welcome,’ you know.”
>> It’s standard procedure for surveying machinery, more essential considering the lack of data we have. It doesn’t take the lives of most biological creatures, merely stuns them. 
22: “Still, it would make sense for them to perceive being shot at as… rude.”
>> Perhaps, if none of them were familiar with the usage of blasters in surveying machinery.
22: “Well… even I know about that, so...”
>> Exactly.
22: “Are these fixable?”
1: “I mean, if we get a whole bunch of new datachips and wires… probably not. Not without risking the stuff I use to fix up the guys up and running nowadays. We don’t have a lot, and we don’t have a lot of manpower either.”
22: “Is anyone else a mechanic?”
>> Human 3 is registered and currently maintains all REACT units. A few others—16, 14, and 8 in particular—have the requisite skills to learn problem detection, tuneups, and basic reprogramming. 3 is in the process of teaching them.
1: “They’ve always been better with people than me.”
22: “Okay, cool.” 
1: “You know, NOM-7 showed us a bunch of places that haven’t gotten their electronics fully destroyed. We might be able to grab them.”
>> Some, perhaps. Likely not enough to justify the energy cost, as some electronics will be too delicate or too ingrained to be salvaged by scout units.
22: “So… bring people?”
>> No.
1: “...”
>> We’re not doing it again. I’m trained well enough to avoid guaranteed failures.
1: “...”
22: “Wait what… happened?”
1: “Let’s just say that there’s not a lot of pod members from my group for a reason, okay? You can look through the old files if you’re really curious.”
22: “I don’t know what’s happened, but if you send one person with the scouts, and keep them really close to the boundary, we’d come back with a lot of resources without as much risk.”
>> It’s not an acceptable risk. The closest area on NOM-7’s map with functional resources would take a day for an individual to travel to, at minimum.
22: “There’s gotta be some way to take precautions—”
>> I refuse to consider the matter. Especially when we can just change the mission parameters.
22: “That’s… not like you.”
1: “I don’t know about you, but it’s super on brand. Just… also not entirely unwarranted. Drop it, kid. We’ll grab some of those solar panels that got unwired from the power grid a few districts away or something. It’ll still help.”
22: “Alright.”
>> Squad 39 will then be informed of relevant spatial data and will be programmed over the next electricity-day, which will likely cost about 5 electricity days. I can draft up the notice with NOM-7 based on our simulated flight patterns and retrieval methods.
1: “Sounds good. But… Another thing?”
>> Yes?
1: “We should assign an augment to start accounting for the electricity.”
>> Why? Electricity usage is as forecasted.
1: “Well, if someone is stealing our parts, it’s not particularly a stretch to think they’re siphoning our electricity, isn’t it? And didn’t you have some trouble with the sheep?”
>> We do not know that it is a “someone” behind the issue.
1: “Humor me. I think it would help. You know what’s the weirdest part about Mission 38’s blasters going off?”
22: “What?”
1: “They didn’t detect any biological life before deciding to blast.”
>> A glitch?
1: “Who knows? That, or someone sneaky. Or… automatons.”
>> Unlikely: any automaton would be accompanied by other humans.
22: “Is there something wrong with their sensors?”
1: “The mission’s? Well I’d hope not—it’s the same sensor we use for everything.”
>> A fundamental error in our sensors would indicate that all the data we have been basing our actions on are fundamentally incorrect.
1: “You may need more than a hunch to conclude that.”
22: “I don’t know enough about this, I just wanted to ask.”
1: “I can test it out if you want.”
>> Let us know if there are relevant results.
1: “Sure thing. The data I’ve got here’s also in your inboxes”
>> Thank you for the meeting.
22: “Yeah, see you around.”
[End of Transmission]
Press enter to continue...
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katiestory · 1 year
Day 72: Science Fiction
“What if the world were miraculously strange but you forgot.”
I had reached the age where birthday parties were little more than an excuse to enjoy orange soda and pizza but all my friends were beyond that stage, so that Saturday I sat gnawing cheese off the end of a slice while three from my school cohort spoke in muted tones pretty much ignoring me. I guessed they’d come looking for beer, and for the moment the day was nice enough to justify hanging in the park. I wasn’t bothered by the lack of attention, much like I wasn’t bothered by the ever present prickly along my neck that said company even though no one visible was there. Pizza was enough.
As I set down my slice I half turned at the sound of someone rambling down the loose dirt trail and saw Troy there, looking genuinely pleased to see me. We were in the youth guard together.
“‘Ey thanks for coming,” I said around a mouthful of cheese and bread and oil. I wiped my hands off before wrapping him in a hug. He felt stiff and uneasy so I let him go and gave him a second, appraising look. He avoided my gaze and looked at the others, then back to the pizza, smiling.
“How long’d you have to save up for this spread?” he asked.
“One week’s rations deferred plus luxury tax. Now help me eat it, y’all aren’t pulling your weight!” I called at Lissa and Ray, but they were too involved in...conversation...to pay me mind. I passed Troy a slice.
“So what’s your problem?” I said as I stuffed the last part of crust into my mouth. He held his slice delicately.
I glanced at the others. It would have blown Troy’s cover if Lissa and Ray weren’t about to go in for a kiss.
“Sure.” I crumpled a greasy napkin in my hand and followed him along the path by the harbor. “You look a little freaked.”
“Really?” he folded the pizza and I eyed it uneasily until he took a bite. “It’s good.”
“It’s from that Soviet chain.”
“There’s a Soviet Pizza Hut?”
“I honestly don’t remember what it’s called. Anyway. What’s up?”
He stopped walking and we both turned to watch the waves crashing for a few moments. I felt my cares washing away. My spine continued to prickle with the sensation of being Watched, like a cool tickling breeze.
“I went to a meeting,” he said. I inclined my head, not following. “At an old church.”
My heart rate jumped. That was illegal. Illegal as hell. And Troy knew I was curious about the Watcher and its cult. “And?”
“They claim it can speak.”
“What?” I hissed under my breath.
“I’m not going to tell you more. At this rate I’m getting spiked from training. They’ll know. I tell you any more, you need to have a way out. You need to be ready to run.”
“Hell, Troy, do you have a plan?”
“I’m leaving tonight. That’s why I wanted to come here.”
“Leaving me high and dry, huh? And you think the guard isn’t going to ask me about that? What if I just get spiked in the fallout?”
“Do you want to be a guard or not?” he asked, and didn’t wait for an answer. “It was never right for me. I’m the rookie that gets shot on the first day, right? That’s no future. You, you’re good at what you do. Damn you’re good at anything you attempt. I’m not exaggerating. I just don’t have it.”
[Day 72]
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5-puthyyy · 2 years
My Thoughts on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (SPOILERS AHEAD)
No, seriously, there are heavy spoilers so don't read this if you haven't watched the movie yet.
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of death and brutal violence, mentions of suicide, mentions of depression and trauma, mentions of PTSD.
Look, these are just my very fresh thoughts 4 hours after watching the movie in the cinema. I will explain the good and the bad and I will try justify my opinions (despite the fact that no one needs to justify their opinions on movies lol but we all know how crazy some fans can be when it comes to their fav directors/actors/characters). Please, I don't need comments telling me 'hey, it's just a fictional character, fictional movie, blah blah.' Everything is subjective and this is content being made for us, so we are allowed to have opinions!!
Elizabeth Olsen absolutely NAILED this performance. It is by far the best thing about this movie. I can not fault it at all; her parts were the most interesting and engaging (and while it was heavily because of her performance, the directing was a big part of that too). Every line, every expression (physical or facial), everything Elizabeth did was perfection. She had me gripping my seat every single time she was on the screen. I was gasping, crying, filled with excitement and every emotion possible at different times. I was practically hypnotised by her acting and felt like I was being pulled into the screen. It’s all in the eyes, man. It’s the EYES and the amount of emotion she’s able to convey in them. She can turn from panicked to calculated to cocky to broken in seconds and all we need to do is look at her eyes and we’ll know. You know how people say ‘Heath carries’ in The Dark Knight? I felt this way here (TDK fans don't attack me). Elizabeth carries CRAZY. Perfection and she deserves all the attention and praise for this performance.
This did not feel like a Doctor Strange movie. Or a Stephen Strange one. Or both. Probably both. God, we’ve seen this all before and I’m getting so tired and bored of it. I adore his character and I was so excited to see some progression, some complexity, some more depth to his character. But nope. It’s the same ‘I am an arrogant man and so what? But wait, I fucked up? Okay, my bad, I’ll fix it and my actions will have no direct consequences on me.’ And it’ll be the same thing in his next movie, as it was in his first one. It’s Tony Stark all over again. And I hate it. Please, PLEASE, Marvel, come up with something different! Men are not all egotistical people who have one weak spot which happens to be their girl, the girl they can’t have but is always ‘almost there but not quite’ with them. It’s ‘man have ego, man realises ego bad, man fixes problem’ and then we see the SAME THING in the next movie. Where’s the character progression? Please. Please. Stop butchering your characters, especially the men.
Speaking of his character, why the fuck are we barely seeing his powers used? His best fight was the first one saving America. Dude was cuffed the whole Illuminati/Mordo fight and they save the use of his powers until he fights Evil Strange. And WTF was that fight? Look, I’m all for artistic freedom and whatever, but that was not it. They have so much power, so many abilities, and y’all are fighting with music notes? PLEASE LMFAO. Nope, not it. I did not like that scene, especially with how hyped everyone was when the trailer came out. They had us thinking Strange vs Strange would be on another level of insanely cool power, like the 'What If' episode. But nope. Pretty disappointed in that.
While there were a lot of variants of him, they barely had enough time on screen for me to give a shit about them. I’m sorry but what is up with these 5 minute appearances just to be killed off? Is this Marvel’s way to show off ‘hey, we have a multiverse now!’ like the way they fucked up Pietro/X-Men Peter’s appearance in WandaVision just to make a Boner joke. Gross. Please. The world doesn’t have to revolve around ‘our’ Marvel universe (which is 616...lol I'm not even going to address how ridiculous that is). I want to see more. Now that you’ve opened up the multiverse, why does it feel like you’ve closed it all in one movie? Especially with the way the Illuminati all got killed within a few minutes. Why? Just to show off Wanda’s new fighting skills? Or as a desperate attempt to solidify this ridiculous villain narrative you’ve given her? (I’ll get into that later). I wanted to see more, I wanted to see these new multiverse characters in the future projects at the very least. But with the way these very important, big, and powerful characters were killed off AND the way America Chavez is now being trained in the mystic arts…well, it looks like they’re closing off this multiverse concept and I’m not happy with it. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong, but for now that’s what it looks like to me.
DUDE. YOU BUTCHERED WANDA’S ARC. I’m sorry but did you seriously make her not only kill people (and be okay with killing a CHILD), but make her BRUTALLY kill them in ways that can only be described as horrific to the point where she’s enjoying it and playing with her powers and think we would just...accept it? Bruh…did they just…forget how broken she was over Lagos? How she broke down crying after realising she’s been giving the people of Westview her pain and grief? Villains don’t feel guilt. She’s an anti-hero, sure, but not a full blown villain. I get that it can be justified because of the Darkhold, but if it was corrupting her to this extent, then her motives would be more than just wanting to be with her kids again. That’s something WANDA wants and it’s not a ‘villain’ motive to be buried in so much trauma and grief that you just want to get back the people you lost. It’s different to Zemo turning the Avengers against each other because that was revenge. Vengeance, if you will. This is Loki wanting the throne and power to prove his worth to his father. And Loki is very much an anti-hero. Loki killed people, but we don’t see this level of brutality, we don’t see him cutting people in half, bursting their fucking heads. It’s just…so out of character for Wanda to be doing things like this. Although they were great scenes, visually and horror-wise. I loved it, and I loved Elizabeth. But it was just so out of character and I feel it was done only to justify killing her in the end. Because even if she didn’t sacrifice herself, they wouldn’t let her live on when she’s been seen on screen brutally killing heroes. Y’all just can’t have powerful characters, can you? I feel like Marvel just don’t know what to do with them because they’re so hard to work with. Trying to find a villain to use that’s big enough to be a challenge for these powerful heroic characters is difficult, which is also a reason why they nerfed Hulk, and nerfed Thor in Endgame. They do much better with these street heroes than the Godly powerful ones. And it’s just really disappointing.
Carrying on with that ending that I will never speak of again after this, I really think the message Marvel have been sending is dangerous. Before people start trolling with ‘they’re just comic book movies, they’re not realistic, blah blah blah I lack critical thinking skill and social awareness’, what Marvel give to their audience has an impact. It always has and it always will, and representation is important. That includes mental health and people who struggle with theirs. When you have Bruce Banner telling the Avengers he’s tried to off himself just to have the entire team brush it off and never speak of it again, when you have Thor’s trauma being turned into a joke, when you have Tony Stark’s PTSD turned into a sacrifice that apparently is the only way he can ‘rest’, it becomes problematic. And what really tips the iceberg in this movie? The fact that we have a character who has lost everyone, her parents, brother, her country, every home she’s ever had (Sokovia, Avengers compound, Westview house), her love (I’ve lost count of the amount of times she’s lost Vision at this point), AND her kids…and what do you do with that? What message do you send? Die. That’s the message. She just…sacrifices herself? Despite the fact that was all know Wanda is very capable of surviving that collapse, you still had her practically kill herself because she can’t handle being alone. Are you fucking serious? Time and time again Marvel have refused to take mental health seriously for these characters and there are REAL PEOPLE watching these movies, real people relating to these characters that comfort them in a way, real people that see their own trauma on the screen and think ‘wow, I get this. I feel this. I’m heard’. And time and time again, they’re not taken seriously, don’t get given the help they need, or they die in some sacrificial way. Tony, hell even Natasha was haunted by her past, and now Wanda. Just because you made her realise her wrongs doesn’t make it okay, it doesn’t make it a ‘for the better good’ situation, not when she’s had no problem exploding a man’s head earlier on in the movie. Butchered her arc, butchered her characterisation, and sent the worst message possible to the thousands, hell, millions of Wanda fans that resonate so much with her character to the point where some of them feel watching her saved their lives. Shame on you, Marvel.
Shame on you, Marvel, for introducing an LGBT couple just to have them killed off/sucked into some multiverse portal within seconds. Bro…you really needed that token representation so you can get your pat on the back? Come on. Do better. Other than that, America Chavez was great. I loved her character, and yes, it’s very ‘MCU formula’ with the whole troubled kid with powers they can’t control/don’t understand yet. They get taken under the wing of the parental figure (daddy strange lol) and eventually figure out the power/control/confidence was within them this whole time. It’s stereotypical, but it’s needed. I don’t think it’s that bad because we’re being introduced to new characters, new heroes, and they will have similarities with the old ones. They have to have the one thing that makes a hero, well, heroic. It’s overdone but I don’t think that makes it bad. Not everything has to be new and different. It’s okay, guys. She’s a kid. She’s supposed to be like this. I like it.
The visual effects, cinematography, CGI was great. Some CGI was a little off (like the third eye lol let us not talk about that) but overall it was a very visually appealing movie. My absolute favourite scene was when Professor X went into Wanda’s head. God, the white, the broken debris around, the horror, the hole, the RED, it was just so beautifully done. I need it as my new laptop wallpaper or something. I absolutely loved it. I’d go watch the movie just for those visuals again.
Okay…the directing…I’m sorry but it felt like Feige and Raimi were just competing with each other the whole time. The Raimi parts felt too Raimi and the Feige parts felt too Feige. It was very…contrasting, and it did not mix/balance well for me. Raimi had too many of his classic zooming in shots, and Feige had too much of your typical MCU funny formula. Although I did very much prefer Raimi’s takes. The horror is just done so well and executed amazingly. Again, it may also be Elizabeth’s acting for that lol but the directing is great for those. I loved the eerie vibe, the witchy vibe, the dark vibe. Which is why I’m just so disappointed it didn’t balance well. It felt like too many directors in there, too many takes, too many vibes. Very inconsistent.
Also, my love for the witchy-ness is also why I’m so disappointed with Wanda’s ending. Does this mean we won’t be seeing this sort of type of directing anymore? This vibe, this horror, this character? It feels like were just getting started and it just had so much potential. I would have loved to see Wanda as a consistent anti-hero or even with a better villain arc in the future. I love this witch mystic mythical shit so much and unless she’s going to be in the Agatha Harkness show, I’m worried she really is dead/gone from the MCU now. I don’t think I’m ready for that.
And Strange’s ending was very strange…He drops down and the third opens…okay, cool. So I guess we’ll see how the Darkhold corrupted him in the next movie? Wrong. He seems completely fine with having the third eye in the first post-credit. So another thing they opened just to resolve right away…this movie just felt like they were trying to resolve and close everything off and I don’t really like that. I prefer things being kept open, endless possibilities, a problem that still needs solving etc. It keeps it interesting. Again, another reason to hate the Wanda ending lol, like why couldn’t she have just hidden herself, teleported away after destroying the Darkhold. Or I’m just desperately clutching at straws or whatever the saying is lol I just can’t believe she’s actually just…dead. I refuse. Sorry.
So. It wasn’t horrible, it also wasn’t amazing. But it could have been if the directing was so inconsistent, if the characterisation of Wanda wasn’t so off, if Doctor Strange has some real character progression that isn’t overused with every egotistical man in like every comic book movie. It was fun to watch, it was beautiful to watch, and it’s definitely one of my favourites just because of the horror and visual effects. But Elizabeth carries HARD and I will forever stand by that statement.
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ask-the-prose · 2 years
Hey guys! It’s Pax, your local worldbuilding gremlin! Today, I want to tell y’all about the strategy that changed the way I create worlds for the better:
The Rule of Cool
What is it?
Why, it’s your excuse to have giant, unwieldy, anime-inspired swords in your high fantasy epic, a la The Way of Kings! The thing that gave us lightsabers and laser guns and the Force! That thing that inspired the Flow of the Interdependency, the Darkling of the Grishaverse, the Golds of Red Rising, and the dragons of Middle Earth!
It’s your best tool as a worldbuilder, the one that gives you creative freedom without weighing you down with gritty, sometimes thematically-reductive realism.
To paraphrase, the Rule of Cool is exactly what it sounds like: 
Make something that looks and sounds cool, and then build the world around it to justify its existence.
How do I do that, though?
The vague concept itself sounds simple, but one of the things we all love/hate about worldbuilding is that it’s just as complicated as we make it. So, to make it a bit less intimidating, let’s take a quick look at what the process might look like on a relatively small scale!
Let’s say we’re inspired by an image that we find and think is cool - in this case, it’s intricate knives that are, for all intents and purposes, pretty useless as far as knives go. We want a character in our fantasy world to use these as weapons, because that sounds awesome! But these knives are fragile, or unwieldy, or expensive, so… how can it make sense in context?
Let’s lean on a fantasy classic for at least one of those problems - magic weapons! They don’t abide by the laws of physics, because the weapon is enchanted, or the metal itself is strengthened by inherent magical properties.
Now the question becomes where is the magic coming from, and how did our character get a hold of them? (Another optional question: Are they expensive or particularly deadly because of the magic, or is it so mundane in-context that you will find people using them to prepare food?)
This is where the thread can start to fray. As every answered question gives rise to several more, if you’re not careful you can end up with entire encyclopedias worth of information for a thing that, right now, isn’t actually all that important to the story you’re trying to tell.
You can take this particular issue a few different ways, though the most common are to either stop following the chain of questions once it leaves the scope of your work, or change your story to follow that thread. Maybe your story isn’t about the knife, it’s about how they use it to topple a corrupt overlord, and all you really need is a couple throw away lines about it being deceptively dainty. Or, maybe, your story is about the knife, and how it was gifted to your protagonist by someone important to them, and it’s imbued with more power than they knew, and now they have to unveil that mystery, and–
What I’m trying to say is, well…
Only build as much as you need.
The one failing of the Rule of Cool is that, in an attempt to justify the incredible images and impossible physics of one scene in your mind, you can end up building so much more than will ever be used. It can become a test of self-restraint quite quickly - even writing out this post, I got carried away on tangents that will never see your dashboard.
So, unless you’re like me and perfectly fine with thrusting an entire universe to explore one story at a time on yourself, don’t be afraid to stop after those crucial few questions are answered! You don’t need to know every minuscule detail of your world to start experiencing it in whatever way you do. In fact, worldbuilding often comes up naturally as the story progresses (though that’s worthy of another post entirely).
Moral of the story: Do what’s cool first, and justify it later. Your readers/players will thank you for an epic world with that added bit of quasi-realistic depth, and it will only ever require as much effort as you want to give!
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musclesandhammering · 2 years
Supernatural Opinions That’ll Have Me Burned At The Stake Pt 1.
• John Winchester is more sympathetic than Dean.
• Literally every single angel in the series (except maybe Ishim) had 100% justifiable and understandable motives, and none of them were genuinely evil.
• The demons deserved 97% more sympathy than they got (yes, all of them) because they were literally tortured into being the way they are.
• The hunters on the show are the real villains. The supernatural creatures were just existing as they instinctually should have.
• There was absolutely no reason to bring Mary back at all, and they 100% only did it to provide Dean specifically with more personal Angst. Because everything’s about Dean.
• They did Bela so so dirty and there was no reason at all that 432 other boring ass characters got storyline after storyline and resurrection after resurrection when she didn’t even get mentioned post-death #1.
• Anything to do with Ben/Lisa/Dean was legit just the most boring thing I’ve ever seen, like I literally skipped past those parts cause I cared 0% about any of that.
• Claire was cool at first but they put everything into making her a mini-Dean and she ended up being a whiny annoying rude trying-too-hard-to-look-badass mess (surprise surprise).
• Alex was way more likeable and interesting than Claire, she should’ve gotten the lead storyline in that arc.
• The whole Claire/Kaia thing was nice from a representation standpoint I guess but there was zero chemistry and only like 2 scenes of lead-up and the entire time I was just thinking “what in the hell are they supposedly falling in love for, this feels so forced” lmao.
• Metatron was my fav even before his big redemptive scene, I stanned one petty weirdo full-stop all the way through his dicking around with Cas and everything, y’all simply do not have Taste.
• Same with Amara. Loved her even when she wanted to destroy the known universe. Stanned her. Supported her, even. And also she had an incredibly heartbreaking and sympathetic and dynamic storyline, but some of y’all couldn’t see the substance in her cause you were too busy being pissed that she flirted with your trash monster (Dean).
• I’m very sorry, but Charlie was annoying as all shit.
• Not only did Dean abuse Cas, but Dean abused Sam literally throughout the entire show, from the very first scene.
• Speaking of Sam, he’s probably the most caring, kind, empathetic, genuinely good person on the entire show. He’s an actual cinnamon roll, and every single person that holds him even 1% accountable for the leaving for college thing, or the demon blood thing, or the not looking for Dean in purgatory thing… y’all can eat my shorts.
• Cas was better friends with Sam than he ever was with Dean. They have more of a profound bond too. He was ordered to rescue Dean from Hell and had an army of other angels with him, but he chose to rescue Sam and went in completely alone. If that’s not more profound idk what is.
• I like Balthazar better than Gabriel, fight me on it.
• Hannah and Cas were actually hella cute together. And so were Cas and Meg.
• The Winchesters did not deserve Crowley. They also didn’t deserve Rowena.
• Sam and Dean aren’t actually heroes at all tbh because 75% of all the major apocalyptic problems that have happened on the show was literally their fault. And they almost never solved said problems themselves. They coerced supernatural beings into doing it for them.
• I liked the angels way better in season 4, when they were terrifying mythical beings of eldritch proportions that even the demons were scared of. Held more gravity, I think.
• After Bobby was killed off, the whole vibe of the show kinda fell apart. Like the team/family feeling was just never quite there after that, and it sorta killed it for me tbh.
• Chuck being a mega douche wasn’t the mind blowing plot twist they thought it was. Like that was predictable. It would’ve been more meta and more unsettling and more profound if, instead of being a raging narcissist, he had been portrayed as they described him in season 4/5- an actual father/creator that was jaded with his creation. He still could’ve been absent and all, just not a total heartless jerk.
• I didn’t even watch half of seasons 7-8 like wow that was not interesting in the slightest.
• Season 2 was also dull as hell, but it gets bonus points for the gritty midwestern horror aesthetic. 10/10 immaculate vibes.
• Anything past season 10 I just picked out the Cas episodes to watch and I didn’t even really love those :/.
• I don’t like how the storylines started getting too big for their britches around season 11 or so. Like purgatory and heaven and hell and the apocalypse, ok sure. But alternate dimensions? Heavenly extinction? God’s literal sister? Babe you’re just a cute lil country show from the CW go back to drunks killing vampires.
• This whole series actually started being trash less than halfway through, and the only reason it stayed on so long was because die-hard fans were invested enough to subject themselves to mental and emotional torture week after week just to stay loyal to their old favourite show.
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ptergwen · 3 years
stranger danger
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w/c: 1.7k
warnings: swearing and peter being a smartass
summary: you befriend a certain crawling creature while out on a late night walk
a/n: hello my loves! it’s been a minute since i’ve properly written anything so i’m pretty psyched to share this with y’all :,) this was a fun one and i hope you enjoy as always hehe
a cool breeze cascades over you as you saunter down the sidewalk. you push your earbuds deeper into your ears, walking with purpose towards your destination. the usual horns honking and sirens sounding are drowned out by the music that’s playing.
you’re the only occupant of this particular avenue, trekking through the night in solitude.
just how you like it.
you happily continue on your evening stroll until out of no where, a figure swoops off the fire escape up above. they land directly in front of you. you jump, a surprised squeal slipping past your lips.
the unexpected encounter leaves your heart racing.
your fear quickly turns to irritation, however. how could someone be so careless? they really should have watched where they were going, especially at this hour.
you remove your earbuds so you can give this dipshit a piece of your mind.
“yo, what the hell? what’s your problem?” you demand. the disturber of peace cocks their head to the side, and very animatedly so. “what’s yours?” they deadpan.
you’re hardly able to make out their face in the darkness, which is unsettling.
“um… i asked you first,” you challenge, arms crossing over your chest. “fair enough. you wanna bite?” the stranger wonders. rhetorically, because they answer their own question.
“it’s you.”
oh, the absolute audacity.
“i beg your pardon?” you seethe, much to their amusement. “yup,” they shrug their shoulders. “i’m just saying, my job would be way easier if you weren’t out wandering the streets so late.”
“it’s barely midnight,” you justify, then think better of it. “not that i have to explain myself to you.”
your eyes narrow at the mysterious specimen before you. they let out a low chuckle.
“what does this job of yours entail, anyway?” you have to inquire.
the stranger steps toward you, finally withdrawing from the shadows. you gasp upon the reveal of their identity.
“spider-man, at your service,” he introduces himself, saluting you with his gloved fingers. “well… friendly neighborhood spider-man, is my official title.”
you’ve been sassing freaking spider-man?
“you shouldn’t be out here all alone, you know,” spider-man chastises you. he casually leans against the ladder of the fire escape. “says who?” you scoff back.
since he’s giving you attitude, you’ll continue to do the same.
spider-man looks you up and down. you can tell because of the way the eyes of his mask shift.
“says me,” he clarifies. “a pretty young lady such as yourself is, like, bait for bad guys.”
ignoring the borderline misogynistic part where he referred to you as bait, that sounds an awful lot like flirting.
“suppose you were doing your so-called job instead of bugging me…” a smirk spreads across your features. “i wouldn’t have to worry about said bad guys, now would i?”
spider-man claps a hand over his heart in feigned offense.
“touché,” he compliments, the smug smile evident in his voice. “but, bugging isn’t the word i’d use. i’m an arachnid.”
not only is he a dipshit, but he’s also a sarcastic shit.
“whatever. clear the area, arachnid-boy,” you huff, swatting spider-man’s arm so he’ll move aside. alas, he stays put. “nah. i’m good right here,” he decides.
he’s blocking you from your route, body still rested against the fire escape.
“for real? don’t you have places to be?” you complain. spider-man hums thoughtfully. “nope. besides you, it’s been a pretty slow night. i’m gonna wrap up in…”
he glances down at his wrist, where one of his webshooters resides rather than the imaginary watch he’s checking.
“uh, now. i’m gonna wrap up now,” he informs you. “a perk of being your own boss is that you get to choose your own hours.”
that’s his first joke that earns a laugh from you. you shake your head at him, spider-man grinning under his mask.
you might be warming up to the guy.
might be.
“since you’re free, then,” you preface. “and, so adamant on me needing an escort home… how about it?”
spider-man likes what you’re suggesting.
“that’s where you’re headed, huh?” he implores, gesturing to the path ahead of you. you nod. “it’d be my honor to take you. we could both use the company,” spider-man concludes.
you embark once again on the journey to your apartment, this time with new york’s most infamous wall-climber following beside you.
he trades his usual transportation method of swinging for walking, wanting to chat with you a while longer.
“so, spider-man,” you prompt him. “how’d you come up with… spider-man?” the hero in question laughs softly. “crazy story, actually. i got my powers from a spider bite, and i’m a man.”
his explanation makes you giggle. spider-man beams, pink tinting his cheeks that you thankfully can’t see.
“a silly little spider bite gave you super strength and a sixth sense? that’s ridiculous,” you snort out. spider-man bumps his shoulder into yours. “it was radioactive, mind you.”
he’s far less cocky than he was when you initially met him, though he’s goofing around just as much. you’re into his humor sans the snark.
“tell me about you, though,” spider-man requests, inching closer to you. the two of you turn a corner. “personally, i’ve never been bitten by a radioactive spider… believe it or not,” you play coy. he breathes out another laugh.
“seriously. tell me something, anything,” he tries. “like… what’s your name, for starters?”
it hadn’t crossed your mind to share that, although you do owe it to him at this point. you owe him something for accompanying you the whole way home.
“it’s y/n,” you reply with a half smile. spider-man’s eyes widen as he processes this new information. “y/n,” he mumbles. “that has a nice ring to it… y/n.”
he instantly commits it to memory, which he’s normally terrible at.
“thanks. what’s yours?” you attempt to discover the name hidden behind his alias. “you already know it,” spider-man surprises you by saying. you clutch onto his arm. “wait, what? i do?”
“duh. first name spider, last name man,” he smoothly responds, not missing a beat. “keep up, y/n.”
you squeeze his bicep, a grin painting your lips.
“you’re kidding. i told you mine, tell me yours!” you almost whine. “i did,” spider-man sighs.
accepting your defeat, you release his arm and resume your shuffling down the pavement. he already misses your touch.
“ok, mr. man,” you concede. “could i get your initials, at the very least?”
there’s no harm in him revealing a couple letters to you, in your opinion.
“you sure can. SM,” spider-man cleverly retorts.
it seems he’s back to being cheeky. or, he simply isn’t comfortable disclosing that to you.
you forgot you two are new acquaintances because it feels like you’ve known each other forever.
“fine, fine. i get it,” you assure him. “it’s top secret, confidential and whatnot. i won’t press anymore.”
the pair of you then drift into silence. it leads to you scraping your shoes against the sidewalk to fill it, and spider-man nervously fiddling with his fingers.
he’s reconsidering.
“uh… PP,” he speaks up after a few minutes. you’re not sure you heard him correctly. “hm?” you murmur, spider-man letting out a rather shaky breath. “my initials. they’re PP,” he repeats, with more confidence.
it’s quickly shot when you bust out laughing.
“your name is pee pee? like, piss? urine?” you literally cackle, elbowing spider-man’s side as you double over. “no, that’s… no way. you gotta be fucking with me, dude.”
spider-man frowns.
“i’m not,” he quietly states. “and, technically, with my middle name… it’s PBP.”
gazing up at him, you find that spider-man isn’t messing around for a change. his shoulders slump shyly, head hanging.
you feel kind of bad for making fun of him.
he trusted you with part of his true identity, and now he’s probably regretting it.
“PBP is cool,” you correct yourself with a nudge at his arm. “yours has a nice ring to it, too.” spider-man’s tense body relaxes. “thanks, y/n,” he rasps, you flashing him a smile. “you’re welcome, PBP.”
you have the sudden urge to reach over and grab his hand, which is dangling between the two of you. as if he’s aware of this, spider-man holds out an open palm for you.
right, his sixth sense. his spider sense.
wordlessly, you slip your fingers through his suit clad ones. you’re honestly pretty geeked to be hand in hand with a real life superhero. spider-man chuckles, letting your intertwined hands fall back to your sides.
“you never told me what you were doing out here,” he mentions as you near your apartment.
you chew on your bottom lip, slowing down your pace. you’re not ready to say goodbye just yet.
“going for a walk. i do it most nights, whenever i need to clear my head,” you reveal. “it’s just me and my carefully curated playlists. it’s very… refreshing.”
“sounds refreshing,” spider-man agrees, locking your fingers tighter together. “maybe you could use a buddy, though.”
did PBP just invite himself to join you again?
you’re down, but you can’t let him win so easily.
“give me one reason why,” you muse.
spider-man didn’t realize you’d be putting him on the spot.
“i… you…” he stammers, snapping when he thinks of it. “you gotta have someone there to look out for you, right? that would be me.”
“aw, you’d protect me? from the bad guys?” you coo. “it is my job,” spider-man reminds you.
you sway your hands back and forth, peeking up at him.
“i can protect myself. because of your kind, i’ve had no choice but to learn how to,” you click your tongue, spider-man blinking curiously. “my kind?” he echoes. you exhale, “men… derogatory.”
spider-man snickers at your response. you two come to a stop, outside of what he assumes is your building.
“gimme another reason,” you command, turning to face him. spider-man mirrors your stance. “‘cuz, uh…”
he raises his free hand and wiggles his fingers, a signal for you to take it. you do so with the hint of a smile on your lips, spider-man bringing both your connected hands to his chest.
“i like you, y/n. i have a tingle you like me, too,” he admits. you furrow your eyebrows, smile growing wider. “a tingle? guess i can’t argue with that.”
you meet his big, cartoon-like eyes that desperately search for your own.
“i do like you, PBP. we should definitely do this again.”
as much as you cherish your solo walks, you’ve honestly enjoyed having him around. you could get used to it.
spider-man runs his thumbs along the back of either of your hands, so gently that the simple action gives you butterflies. he grins.
“i’ll pick you up, same time tomorrow.”
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angeloroki · 3 years
s/o who is tiktok famous with shoto;katsuki;izuku
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— character ; shoto todoroki x gn!reader ; katsuki bakugo x gn!reader ; izuku midoriya x gn!reader
— request ; « Hi love can I please request class 1a big 3 with a s/o that is TikTok famous because she has contact kind a like Nicole TV »
— summary ; you’re famous on tiktok, you’re crazy and your boyfriend doesn’t understand this app. a mess 
— a/n ; thank you anon for the request! i hope you’ll like it haha <3
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shoto didn't understand how tiktok worked, the trends, the dramas and everything; he was always behind on everything
but that's what makes him so charming 😚
he just knew that you had an account and that you had a lot of views and likes thanks to some contacts you had (a good friend of you who was also famous) but he didn't understand the extent of your popularity on the app
that's when mina explained to him one day HOW well known you were
he was quite blown away (and proud of his s/o) by the number of views you were getting, which was over a million for each video!
since then, he made sure to follow your content,
which was a mix of dancing, crackhead videos, and tiktoks with your boyfriend and friends
your subscribers lived for your madness
and you weren't ashamed to show off your boyfriend
he was handsome, perfect, and you were in love which your subscribers did not fail to point out in the comments every time
« honey, are you doing a tiktok ? »
you giggle before putting the timer
« come dance with me! »
raising his eyes to the sky, he comes and positions himself next to you and you start to dance if you can call it a dance
you saw him laughing slightly which warmed your heart, before the 60 seconds had passed you came to kiss him and he answered immediately
you posted the tiktok that was just a mess, and it went viral (a little more than the others)
bakugo was well aware of your tiktok account
indeed he had seen one of your videos that went viral on social networks
he was a bit jealous of your popularity because it meant that other people would have the chance to appreciate your beauty besides him
but he didn't want to tell you, you would have teased him for sure
however he didn't really understand the purpose of your videos which were a total mess
your account was the definition of crackhead energy
and that's an understatement
you never lacked energy in your videos, and your laughter always played an angelic sound in his ears
but the problem was that you took any opportunity to film a tiktok with him
because you were always amused by his temper tantrums
you totally ignored him, then you put the countdown
at 0, bakugo comes to take you in his arms before tickling you and carrying you in his arms, the head upside down
« y’all hear something?» he says, a smile on his face.
you gave him a blow in the family jewels while laughing
« you're sensitive, handsome »
he pushed you into the bed, his face red
« tch we'll see who has the last laugh »
then he tickled you everywhere, you begged him quickly to stop
you posted the tiktok anyway because it was funny although your boyfriend forbade you to do so
"LMAO he matches your energy perfectly y/n" " is he okay ????? 😭 "
deku was often in your tiktok
and the subscribers were often perplexed
do I need to justify myself?😩
because one, he was your boyfriend, and two, you were so different in the videos
he was shy and you were chaotic
but you were still having fun in your tiktoks, and that's COOL hehe
while you were there half twerking half dancing, he was there beside you, holding on awkwardly, cheeks red.
but you could see in some videos that deku was able to surprise you with the same crackhead energy
and you were always there to support by responding to that energy
and it was always those kind of videos where you were both crazy that went viral quickly
and when I say viral I mean millions of views and likes!
because yes, you were pretty well known on the app, becoming a reference as well on tiktok
sometimes you would do tiktoks in your room at night, and your friends could hear screams coming out of it
« deku babe, let’ do a tiktok »
« alright i’m ready this time, i improved my skills dance », he says serious
as the countdown reached 0, the music echoed through the room
you were trying to do the last trend which was a dance
you were able to follow well by exaggerating the movements while deku was quite stiff.
you explode with laughter when you see him on your screen
« you have to take dance lessons from mina honey »
the tiktok blow up in only a few hours obviously!
"the craziest couple we have on tiktok omggg" " DEKU KNOWS HOW TO MOVE SHEEESH"
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