#Wip WorldBuilding
inky-duchess · 8 months
The Lost Prince | The Perska Vadiya | WorldBuilding
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Through the thousand years of Imperial rule, the Perska Vadiya stood guard. Formed from the most elite in the Imperial army, the Perska Vadiya was the honour every soldier aspired to reach. It was a brotherhood of five hundred, a close-knit and secret society serving the royal family as guardsmen, soldiers, generals and confidants, safeguarding the royal person and their secrets. For a thousand years, the Perska Vadiya defended and enforced the Vasily family rule over Vastia - until the Revolution.
Two hundred Perska Vadiya died with Prince Andrik during the failed peace talks. Betrayal came from within their own ranks, one of their former brothers, General Dehn, switching his allegiance from the royalist cause and making his own bid for power with the rebel leaders. Dehn was instrumental into bringing down the capital and the royal family. Under the attack, the remaining hundred Perska Vadiya broke and ran in the face of the approaching rebel army leaving the remaining members of the royal family and Palace undefended. Many royalists set the blame on the new policy of recruiting from soldiers of the lower classes. But most agree that the fault lay in the choice of sending all the experienced Perska Vadiya away to other royal strongholds on the assumption that no rebel army could breach the capital - they had not accounted for treachery.
Currently the remnants, some fifty Perska Vadiya, serves the Crown Prince Mikhail in exile.
Current Active Members
Captain Olterburg
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The Commander of the Perska Vadiya, an old soldier serving the royal family for forty-six years. He gained command of the Perska Vadiya after the Revolution and has led it, past retirement age ever since. Gruff and proper, he's a welcome member of the Imperial set.
Lieutenant Zybrik
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Zybrik is the second in command, the last Perska Vadiya to be trained by the traitor Dehn. At 25, he's the youngest lieutenant to serve in the Perska Vadiya. Despite his mentor and common background, Zybrik is a staunch supporter and fierce defender of his Prince.
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Emil is third in command. He had been just inducted into the Perska Vadiya mere months before the Revolution broke out. Emil is the most empathetic Perska Vadiya, often chosen for more private and personal tasks.
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Vladimir is one of the older Perska Vadiya. After the Revolution, he was offered honourable discharge on account of an injury to his eye but he refused. He is often mistaken to be cold and aloof but according to his brothers in the Perska Vadiya - he's hilarious. Nobody has seen this in practise.
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Casimir had joined the Perska Vadiya after the Revolution, one of the raw recruits brought in to bulk up the empty ranks. Casimir had been chosen mainly on account of his father and two brothers who had perished in the service of Prince Andrik.
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The youngest of the remaining Perska Vadiya, two years older than Crown Prince Mikhail, which is why he tends to have trouble keeping His Imperial Highness in check. Generally considered to be the most amiable of the Perska Vadiya, he's nearly always calls on to attend the abrasive Grand Duke Sergei.
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Kyril also joined the Perska Vadiya post-Revolution. Kyril had been a common-born farm labourer before the Revolution but after brave action during the flight from Vastia, he was offered a place among the Perska Vadiya - mistakenly some say on account of his surname being mistaken for an aristocratic one. He was permitted to stay on due to his feverent monarchist loyalty and skill.
TLP Taglist
@reignnyx @writinglyra @pressedpapyrus @serpentarii @thevintagelover @seas-dubh @dameschnee123 @donutwithinadonut @giuliawritesanddoeskpop @sunaora @mayawritesbooks @veneritia @trapped-inadystopianovel @hysteriwah @mothertaemresa @rise-again-2001 @underwoodinc @seamaiden @writer-somewhat @lord-fallen @writingoflarka @ashen-crest @pen-and-inks @strawstories @nerdygoblin @ortolon @chigyowastaken @residentofthedisc @elysianluv @lividdreamz @ladywithoringes @imawriternotamathematician @writeblrfantasy @ginghampearlsnsweettea @spicysequoia @ethereal-puppet @carmensapientia @snapdragoncrown @thats-my-type-writer @intellectualintelligent @ezra-ezra-ezra  @rosemarys-for-remembrance @looking-for-the-stories   @asingledropofwinter @queengiuliettafirstlady @gwensparlour @miladydreams @iespeciallyme @princess-summershine
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Hellfallen story themes include: 💜💜💜
Event in history added to the influx of queer individuals. (Straight couples are literally weird for some and lesbian ones are feared but a change is in the works to undo those thoughts)
Sadly the concept of stealing ones freedom is quite a common punishment or way of thinking for early years or just straight up assholes. Not everywhere either.
Basic pale vs dark but instead this story has "dark coded races deemed as the official residents of this world rather than the petals who were allowed here". (This is mostly vague and unimportant compared to a certain lil race....
Historic event HEAVILY based off this topic (+ nearly recent in history too) and therefore a big part of the way the world works. But it wasn't always like that....
Societal and personal ones. Even those not so dark paths still suffer from racism, sexism and even queer topics (not all coming of age stories are happy).
DO NOT TRUST THESE FUCKERS and yes, basic fantasy race. But these are not cute. Two off shoot races attached and a DNA code common in fairy blood associated with birth defects...
-_-, I'm sorry, this made too much sense with an OC and plot and..... Honestly, this came outta left field for me but gore IS apart of the story at some points anyway.
No gods but The Three is a main one they give thanks too. Common for nature statures to be their guide. Rivers and lakes WIDELY respected in this world.
Non-human races
Fantasy bruh Plus, it's not the basic ones (elves exist but that's its own thing). AND HUMANS ISNT THE MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION.
Love wasn't originally the plan and throughout, it was hard to stick to one endgame oc. So multiple relationships (over time) occurs like natural dating. World not really "coded" for romance.
Floating islands, artificial sol, ocean not were ocean should be, underground society but not lava...
Mental illness
HUGE PART. Not extravagant illnesses but depression, anxiety, social/antisocial, vampirism...
Someone gets engaged to a tree, "cursed" to sing your emotions, almost a nude ritual clad in bone and jewels, crashing your ship into the sun, talking cats and teddy bears, convincing midgets to stop gatekeeping rain...
Magic and Knights exist and a magic school but I'm not gonna explore that avenue. Magic is a loose thing yet somehow much and is a social identity. Knights is a social and political standing (fight too).
Some sad and wholesome parts with these guys. Mostly perceived as possessed toys and are highly respected bunch. Seek companionship.
No dwarves didn't make them hidden for eons. Own upbringing and crafted themselves, later yearn for life thus most wander the world taking up arts and crafts to experience the world's beauty again. Kind beings that were once human.
Found family
TO THE MAX. History in different parts of the world has fucked up most senses of constant bloodlines. Thus certain bonds were made to stay together. Also reason why "romance" isn't top priority for most.
I think I've covered them all ⊙︿⊙
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treesandwords · 2 years
I finally got around to drawing an oc...
And I'm gonna use this occasion to talk about something I've been wanting to for a while: wedding traditions in my world! And also costumes, because I'm Obsessed.
(Yes I know the picture quality is crap. Sorry.)
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This is Bronwyn, the oldest sister of my main WIP's protagonist, and the first character to get married within the story (and she happens to be one of my favourites out of the side cast).
So the main characters in the story are of Dviric heritage, the Dviric people being the second cultural-ethnic group to inhabit the region they live in. This means most of their traditions are based on that culture even though there have been other migrations since then. Other cultural-ethnic groups have their own traditions.
It's important to note that Bronwyn gets married in winter, which is unusual. Normally there's a kind of handfasting ceremony held in autumn for a couple, and they then spend the winter as a courtship period. The official marriage ceremony then takes place in the spring.
In this drawing, Bronwyn wears a relatively plain dress, but with several pins and brooches adorning the outfit. The clasp on her outer dress is part of the wedding tradition; that, the bracelet on her left arm, and her ring, are all ornaments given from a husband to a wife during the ceremony. In her hands she's carrying a bundle of oak leaves and mistletoe, which the bride would traditionally give to a groom in turn. She's also wearing a crown of winter-associated foliage (holly, pine etc.) which normally would also include flowers.
The marks on her face are part of wedding tradition too; both parties are marked with smudges from four bowls; water, soil, soot, and dust. They are also marked with a streak of each other's blood across their forehead. I kind of really really want to include that thing where they each cut a palm and then bind the hands together, so I think that's where the blood comes from, lol.
Weddings are normally held outdoors, with one family standing on one side of the space and the other on the opposite. The two members of the marrying couple would stand with their respective families until the beginning of the ceremony, when they come together. In general, weddings of the upper classes are more solemn and traditional, with peasants having livelier and more casual ceremonies (generally the rich people just don't have as much fun). Green, yellow, grey, and white are all common colours for wedding clothes, though this character is wearing red for Reasons. (Or would be, if I'd coloured it in.)
That's all for today. Maybe more art will come another time, maybe not...we'll see.
taglist: @kaatiba
(let me know if you'd like to be added!)
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writers-hoarding · 2 years
wip aesthetics
the world of this story is very solarpunk, biopunk and plantcore so i picked some images off of pinterest that seem to fit the world!
This story is divided into three parts of the world but the world is expansive and heavily focused on the relationship between nature and technology.
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1 . 2 . 3 . 4
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thecatamaranlad · 10 months
have a modernish scifi wip setting too i guess
This one could basically start a few years from now. I started writing it in 2017? And shockingly haven't had to update any of the setting details except some stuff about campervans, because they became a lot more popular in the last few years haha.
It's set in the United States, which is... disintegrating, a bit. The country continues to be a polarized pile of anger and disagreements shambling along. There's a lot of climate-changed caused abandonment along the coasts and in deserts, places that just aren't financially worth inhabiting anymore -- except it's not a managed retreat, just a piecemeal withdrawal, and of course the young, the broke, the minorities, and the queers are some of the hardest hit.
What do you do when massive migration starts to happen away from the places that are safe and welcoming to you and people like you? Do you stay or go? Where do you go? What do you build and who do you build it with, if you dare to hope and build at all?
And how does this reality affect the American ideal of the open road, especially for those people who are generally not reflected in American dreams?
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tanaor · 2 months
Want to worldbuild like a pro??
(📖 Master tips and everything I know📖)
Hello writers! You don't know how to worldbuild? Don't know where to start explaining the world you have created? Don't worry, you are in the right place! I have been there myself, and after many research (and even more trial and error) I have put together a list of the best worldbuilding tips I have encountered, and also created some of my own. (I know the first one is kind of overheard, but trust me).
Don't start right away with worldbuilding. A long paragraph about how your world works and its history might overwhelm new readers. A lot of other writers suggest waiting and learning about the world at the same time the protagonist does, or if that doesn't work for your story, dropping bits of information while the story moves forward. However, if you want to give a sense of how your world works from the start...
Exposition through action. This is my favorite method, and it helps a lot if you don't want to pause your story to info dump about the world you have created. Instead, this method relies on explaining the world and its dynamics while you continue with the narrative, briefly. For example: "As always, you couldn't see any trees in the meadow. The king had ordered years ago to cut each one of them because of a prophecy that foretold that the last dragon egg would lay in an oak."
Use expressions that reference normality or routines. In the last point, we used "as always", but there are tons of expressions you could use in your writing. This helps the reader understand what is the norm in this new world and what things are common, to later detect something that is not within that norm (or sometimes just to understand the world and its traditions better).
Use flashbacks when necessary. If you need to explain a very specific or detailed topic, I suggest using a flashback scene, that will help the reader understand with the narration and dialogue, instead of just explaining it to them. It makes for a more dynamic learning experience. But, at the end...
Do whatever will intrigue you. Some readers even like info dumps, and there is not one correct way to show your world. If it would make you curious, go and do it, wether people say it's correct or not. There are a lot of successful books that randomly stop to explain something about the world, and there is nothing wrong with that if you like it.
Hope you find this list useful, and as always happy writing :)
Also, if you are interested in tips or more examples of a specific topic, you can always leave a question in my ask. I'd be glad to answer it!!
Other tips for writers: previous | next
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pinkiepig · 8 months
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Love it when brain gives off rare spontaneous bounces of will to actually draw backgrounds
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t34-mt · 2 months
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for an oc pmv/amv i'll prob never finish. Mri scans of maanul, with severed tahofahs / "olfactory lobe" in the second pic
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anonbeadraws · 6 months
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Confluence: Snapshots across the Coast Abandoned shrines of forgotten gods being cared for. A newcomer to the Colour dome, deeply nestled in the sea. A scientific research center balanced on floating rocks high above the farmland. The coast is so colourful in hue and experiences. Our Site! Join our newsletter and keep up to date!
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camillenrose · 11 months
I'd like to get more involved in the writeblr and artblr community, but am (sadly) a very shy individual. So please, if any of the following fits your wip's or your interests and you'd like to talk, interact with this post, so I can find you. <3
 • a diverse cast (poc, lgbtqia+, disabled and/or mentally ill mc's)
• a love for redemption and/or corruption arcs
• slowburn romances/friendships/dynamics (I love the disliked to I trust you completely pipeline that takes years and years)
• philosophical themes
• dark fantasy/sci-fi wip's, or contemporary/historical stories that deal with the problems individuals/societies face
• a love for world building, especially when it comes to magic systems, religions and cultures
• complicated relationship webs and group dynamics 
• morally ambiguous characters, character driven stories and/or character arcs that go deep into their psychology 
• Bonus points if you illustrate your work, I love you, you can do it!!! (lets suffer together)
Also, everyone in general who wants to talk about writing/reading, scream about their oc's or would like to do some reading challenges together! 🌻
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digital-chance · 10 months
i wanted to send people asks about their wips and ocs more often. not only to promote them but also because everyone makes really cool stories. the sheer amount of detail and work that people put into their projects is amazing but often gets untold. and i wanted to start learning about them and trying to promote it to the best of my ability.
i sent out a bunch of asks yesterday and i want to do more. i dont want to intrude or be weird though so i wanted to get a list of people who would like asks.
reblog this if you would like to recieve asks about your wips/ocs a couple times throughout the week.
or you can comment to be put on the list.
CLOSED AS OF 8/16 8:30AM. any more requests/reblogs will be appreciated but ignored.
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remembered @hehe-hoho-ohno's misfits au it's sooooo good and i love it. CHEERS AND APPLAUSE. YAY
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Hellfallen is a named after a very strange man. A strange man in a strange world. A strange world that takes refuge inside a novel.
This novel protects this little world from the darkest corners of nowhere and keeps the unknown at bay but not without help. Three strange entities sits above this little world, keeping all in this novel safe in their gaze. You could consider them gods. Or not.
The strange man doesn't believe in gods nor does he believe in these three. They have, in his eyes, given him proof that they are incapable of maintaining their basic responsibilities. And it shows within the novel.
The strange world ever so slowly, starts to tear and rip right through it's people and even their reality. The first to know was this strange man and thus he embarks on a selfish journey to teach these three a very important lesson.
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lyralit · 2 years
types of conflict - world building
person vs person - between two people - a hero and a villain - the mc's goal is obstructed by another person - Victor Hugo's les misérables
person vs technology - a person faces technology - between a person / group of people and an object of science - technology refers to science over magic - Mary Shelley's frankenstein
person vs nature - a person faces nature - the effects of nature on the human world - the mc's goal (long- or short-term) is obstructed by an element of nature / a natural force - John Green's a fault in our stars
person vs society - a person faces a collective group of people - a smaller group of people vs a large group of people - their goal is obstructed by this group of people - Suzanne Collins' the hunger games
person vs supernatural - a person faces a supernatural subject - this tends towards the magic, although similar to person vs. technology in a sense - fate, magic forces, otherworldly beings, religion, deities - Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson
person vs self - conflict between a person and their inner self - may be conflicted with their own feelings - can have two opposing goals - Fyodor Dostoevsky's crime and punishment
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stergeon · 5 months
spending some more time chewing on the concept of byleth and edelgard constantly writing each other letters—both while one of them is off traveling and also when they're both at home and seeing each other every day. there's one on the emperor's desk in her study; one in byleth's storage locker in the barracks; one left on a pillow or slipped into a pocket or tucked into a book the other is reading.
the emperor is interrupted during a big meeting by a page delivering a "most crucial missive from the commander." she unseals it in front of everyone and it's a crude drawing of a smiley face that says "hello i love you"
edelgard would write these excessively verbose things, very heavy on the poetry and flowery language. there are a couple paragraphs of updates and then page after page after page of "i love you"s and "i miss you"s communicated in ten thousand different and increasingly grandiloquent ways. byleth has learned to bring a dictionary along on her trips so she can decode all the sesquipedalian nightmare terms edelgard uses to tell her she's pretty. most letters start and end with an implied threat that if anyone other than byleth reads it or finds out how soft the emperor is, there will be hell to pay, but it doesn't stop her from proceeding to go ham on the romantic sappiness.
meanwhile byleth's letters are. pretty straight and to the point. she's keeping her posted about the weather, about this dog that she met, about a cool tree she saw, and transcribing direct quotes and best wishes from their friends. but she also includes little mementos she picked up or shiny things she found (she's like a crow with pretty rocks, shells, and baubles), and presses flowers that she thinks edelgard will like, and attempts to sketch things she wishes edelgard got to see with her. it's painfully obvious that byleth will never have an artistic career, but edelgard adores every single drawing all the same.
(hubert made a suggestion to have the emperor and her adviser use different seals or envelopes for their personal and official correspondence. this was accepted as reasonable. several months later, edelgard found out he made the suggestion after the third instance in which he'd been doing his secretarial duties and responding to the emperor's mail, only to find the message from the emperor's adviser did not, in fact, contain the woman's latest report on the situation in fhirdiad or fodlan's locket, but a rather lurid list of her intentions for the emperor upon returning home to enbarr. one contained a diagram. hubert did not examine it.)
edelgard, who hoards every paper she's ever had reason to touch and who has a (frankly, pathological) filing system for everything in her life, has a special container for byleth's letters that is under lock and key. byleth, who lived out of a rucksack for most of her life and constantly had to consider carry weight when vetting her few belongings, doesn't really know how to... have... things. she struggled with toting around all this paper for a while, but couldn't bear to toss out even the simplest "meet me at 4pm for the council meeting" message. she had to make peace with the concept of using a drawer for something like long-term storage and frequently checks to make sure they're all still there.
both of them keep their favorite ones in the back of their respective journals and act like they're not so extremely, terminally soft on each other.
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thecatamaranlad · 10 months
the world i built is flat. the universe isn't, tho!
(still too much of a coward to talk about ocs themselves on main yet but uh. here's the setting for some of them because i think the mechanic is neat maybe?)
So think of an enormous prism with an uncountably huge, functionally infinite number of faces. That's the universe. It's orbited by strings of suns and moons that are shared between the faces, which are each worlds in and of themselves. You can travel between the worlds, but you have to climb an enormous mountain range called the Rim in order to do so, and then you have to have somebody with magic push you over the edge into the next one. You may or may not see ghosts during this process. You may or may not arrive... the same... on the other side. Understandably, not all cultures are very well acquainted with the worlds next door.
Unfortunately, worlds can die. And when they do, they take their sun- and moon-strings with them -- and rob whatever other worlds share those strings of the shared satellites. This can cause a knock-on effect if a world loses its only sun, and dies too as a result.
Somewhere in the universe, there's a particular world that has been very isolated until now, but it just lost the second of its three suns, and it's starting to get fairly cold. Wars are breaking out for control over what warmth and greenery is left underneath the track of the remaining sun... (Uhhh please ask me questions about this if you want!? <3 I'd love to answer them.)
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