#While not the messiest drama I have seen but it's up there
smittenskitten · 1 year
Finally finished it. Ngl did have to fast forward a lot. Thank you @dangermousie for the rec
I am so used to seeing Yang Mi in costume that when she showed up in shorts I really did go who dat? LMAO! Even Feng Shao Feng looks so different!
Things I always look forward to in my transmigration dramas:
- Main lead becomes a god/fairy as soon as they land in new era
- start a runway and fashion trend
- makes rollerblades for a consort so the said consort can skate her way into the emperor's bed
- makes every single prince fall in love with the ml
- lot of comedy
- obvious distortion of history
- rollerblading consort getting random dude to knock her up so she can baby trap the emperor. Which honestly happens more than you might think
- random dude was also at one point in love with ml. No surprise there
- family drama
- forgetting how many wives/children you have. Again very normal in this kind of drama
- plot twist ml and her mil are from the future
- double plot twist: actually has a happy ending. Which was actually surprising. I don't remember the last drama where you transmigrate and get a happy ending 🤯
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fffrost · 8 months
OUGH OK VALID 👏😩 may i ask if you have any kung lao ships too? or just interactions! (honestly probably crackships) my personal cursed ships for him are either bi-han or kuai liang LMFAO bc kung lao is like remember when i rocked your shit to either of em and now it's 2x funnier if smoke and raiden are your pair. raiden and smoke having a lil picnic :) kung lao antagonizing the other 2 brothers with endless taunts
AHAHSHASH oh my god I haven't really thought about any for Kung Lao! I feel like him and Kuai Liang would have the most awkward little situation if they ever did anything together or if there was any sort of charge between them... then again I love it when guys are in a situation. So I think that in a situation where Raiden and Smoke are together, Kung Lao and Kuai Liang would constantly be put in close proximity to each other while third wheeling the happiest, most sweet and awkward couple they've ever seen. And then turn around and have the messiest situation-ship the world has ever seen! I'm talking Kung Lao crying to Raiden, Kuai knocking on his door late at night to talk things through, and divine intervention in order to sort things out. In the end they either remain good buddies (woo!) or they end up married as the most annoying power couple ever. I like both of these options! I am also 1000% open to more dynamic ideas for them (please tell me please) this is just my initial thoughts!
For Bi Han. and Kung Lao. .. all I can do is grimace. That would bring a whole new meaning to the word messy. I do love drama, though. My good buddy Donner (bless his soul) mentioned Kung Lao/Johnny/Kenshi as a pairing and I like it a lot! I feel like it would probably be the closest to healthy (whatever that may be) out of all that I've mentioned. I'm not partial to any ships with him! Though honestly I've seen him and Raiden paired, and while I do understand the appeal I do just see them as bros 4 life.
If you have any more thoughts please share omg I love hearing from y'all! I am very interested in what your opinion of Bi Han/Kung Lao would be like...
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littlebigmouse · 1 year
There's a confrontation I'd like to see in Arcane season 2 that would be incredibly dramatic to me AND that I'd be the most apprehensive about.
I think Ep 7 established a sort of "safe" combination of characters, that being Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko (and by extension the rest of the Firelights and Heimerdinger, but this isn't about him because he only cropped up later). They have practically the same goal and similar values, Caitlyn and Ekko especially are portrayed as the most morally upstanding and sympathetic characters of the show. The alliance they formed in Ep 7, while brief, was only broken up spatially, not ideologically. If Ekko gets a bigger role in s2 than he had in s1, it would feel like a sort of gang-up: As soon as the two teams wind up in the same location looking for Jinx, it's practically a simple confrontation between everyone and her. This could be complicated further by Vi and Cait disagreeing on how to handle Jinx going forward, but I think they'd be able to put aside their differences long enough to at least stop her (they've all done it before).
But I think to really ramp up the drama, they'd have to break that up.
There's, in my mind, two different ways to do this:
Avoidance: They simply won't put these three in the same room again. Both parties will have enough other stuff going on that they logistically cannot cooperate further. If they encounter Jinx, they'll do so seperately. For example, Ekko could get more involved in Heimerdinger's side of the plot (vs Singed, Viktors and Jayce's messy divorce), while Cait and Vi stay with the Jinx plot and whatever mess the Council will be in after that blow up of a S1 finale. Jayce and JInx are the biggest connecting pieces here, but the plot could very well be timed in such a way that Cait&Vi have interactions with Jayce while Jinx deals with Ekko and vice versa. There's also a whole Noxian war subplot brewing and whatever will happen with Vander/Warwick (although against my better wishes I doubt Ekko will be involved in either of those).
The ideological break up: And that's the one that hurts me the most, because the most (initially) obvious way to do this is to have Vi become an Enforcer and pit her against Ekko this way. I don't hope this happens, because I cannot see Arcane Vi as an Enforcer at all, and ironically Arcane Ekko is a lot more willing to work with the Enforcers than his LoL counterpart anyway. Of course further plot shenanigans could occur that would pit Vi and Ekko against each other - again, they could disagree on treatment of Jinx, or Warwick, or treatment of the undercity going forward, or maybe even on a more fundamental level (Ekko's commitment to non-lethal diffusion tactics and vandalism vs Vi's more violent tendencies). They could also have Caitlyn hardline more towards lethal violence against the Undercity due to the council attack, although I highly doubt this will happen (I'd rather see Caitlyn fight Jayce over this very conflict instead of betraying all her morals for vengeance, and I genuinely think the Arcane writers will do better than that anyway). Orr there is a yet unexplored third option that pits these three against each other.
Either way. Personally. I'd love to see Ekko and Vi seriously fight, because it would be a great dramatic escalation, they'd lose their only "other" undercity ally, and I'd love to explore their differences more while ramping up the angst to their continued isolation. But I am also apprehensive, because they'd need a really good reason to make these two fight each other while they have so many other issues to focus and join forces on.
And while we're talking about fights I'd love to see, we haven't had enough Piltover-folks beating the shit out of each other yet. Give me a fight between Jayce and Cait. Heimerdinger and Jayce. Mel and Jayce. I know we haven't seen 2/3s of these characters involved in a fight yet, but especially the Mel&Jayce&Vikor trio needs to have the messiest, most dramatic break ups possible, and if Mel doesn't get to at least slap someone, what is even the point.
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amethystina · 2 months
I love to see when you post and I get great drama recommendations from you. I recently watched Black Knight and the Ying-Yang Master thanks to your posts and loved them!
I find C-Dramas often give the best dynamics between male characters for BLs because there's so much chemistry and great dynamics even after censorship. It also means that the stories are often better and, for me at least, more interesting, as they often can't just explore the relationship between the characters and instead frame it with the plot. I'm not sure whether you've seen it yet or heard about it, but the new show 'The Spirealm' is great! I wanted to recommend it to you after all the shows you've spoken of. There are so many interesting aspects and details that you can find even after multiple watches that I think you'd enjoy.
I'm so happy to hear that! I'm somewhat famous amongst my friends for pushing recommendations onto them, or at least ranting about the things I've watched in painful detail. My poor wife definitely gets the shortest end of that stick, since she sees me pretty much every day. So she's had to listen to me talk about a lot of dramas and movies she's got absolutely no interest in x'D
She really liked The Yin-Yang Master, though! So it's not all bad. Man, I love that movie so, so much.
While it's terrible that CDramas have to be censored the way they are, I agree that it pushes the creators to explore relationships in a very interesting way. They have to build it into the story in a way that more straightforward BLs can just skip, because they can rely on the physical chemistry to convey the budding relationship.
That said, I admit that CDramas often feel a bit... stilted to me? They're too perfectly choreographed, never a hair or detail out of place, to the point where the characters don't always feel like people to me. Like, they're so obviously characters, not real people, if that makes sense?
That's not to say that I don't enjoy them! Heck, The Untamed is still one of the best dramas I've ever watched, Guardian is one of my favourite dumpster fires, and The Yin-Yang Master movie is one of my go-to's when I need something to completely immerse myself into. But, on the whole, they don't intrigue me the way other dramas or movies might, since they're always so polished. Which means I can't connect with them on the same level as I do with many other pieces of media. I can definitely appreciate the plot, story, characters, aesthetics and so on, but it rarely goes deeper than the surface level. It kind of feels like they're keeping me at arm's length, somehow?
But that's definitely a me problem, since I think it has to do with that thing of mine where I want to analyse every tiny detail. And it's not as fun in CDramas because they make it so obvious that every detail is there for a reason. I mean, it always is in all shows and movies — everything on set is knowingly placed there — but the CDramas don't try to hide it? They even go out of their way to make everything as flawless as possible if they can. And something flawless isn't fun for me to analyse. Like, I can tell that they're putting on a show and that just makes me less interested in trying to find the secrets behind it, I guess?
But, again, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy them! I often do, especially for the aesthetics and the sweeping, dramatic plotlines. But it tends to end up being pretty shallow in my case, since they rarely give me enough to really sink my teeth into. Like, I don't think it's a coincidence that the CDrama I've been the closest to writing fanfics for (Guardian) is also one of the messiest, production wise. I like it when things feel more relaxed and real. Not gritty or anything, just... real.
Anyhow! The Spirealm looks interesting so I'll definitely put it on my list of things to watch! Thank you for the recommendation! :D
And I hope I'll be able to spread even more joy in the future!
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Coming to this discussion 10 years after the fact but having rewatched MTV's Awkward. and reading/watching posts, tweets and video comments from way back to 2015 I find it so interesting that the general feeling was that Jenna didn't deserve Matty.
Like 10 years later we have shows like Never Have I Ever showing you not only that the popular boy/loser girl becoming a couple will innevitably NOT FIX the girl's insecurities but also in that show Devi doesn't make it one episode without having the epiphany that it's not worth it to be Paxton's secret fling. Contrasts that with Jenna lasting a whole entire season AND THEN she continues to keep it secret after break up for Matty's sake and his friendship with Jake.
And everyone understandibly criticizes Jenna for kissing another guy while dating Matty, but also, he was not as ideal. S4 explictly brings up the fact that he treated her as a booty call throughout S1. S2 has him trying to sabotage her relationship (and he never apologizes for Eva's behavior and his blindness to it ruining Jenna's pretty perfect relationship with Luke!)
Back to the subject of her insecurities, when she began to find herself in S3 he (her boyfriend!) called her new friends/interests pretentious or boring (pretty sure he does it AGAIN in S5). Its interesting to me that her S2 fantasy of "what-ifs" included Matty not allowing Sadie to bully her, and that she feels absolutely devastated from him saying he was embarassed of her in S1. S4 also shows that he always goes to her for emotional support, has jealousy for her seeing other people, but at the same time gets pissed if she intervenes too much in his life and is ready to cheat on his girl to kiss Jenna because he thinks the rules don't apply to them.
Even the S5 college clusterfuck is meh in terms of making her worse. The actors may be pushing 30 or whatever by at that stage Jenna is 19 and in her first ever internship after only one year of "finding herself as a freshman in college". Of course she won't know that a piece of her writing about her HS boyfriend will be twisted by editorial intervention for more clicks! And as Matty admits, HE was the inmature one in their college break-up , and very much an asshole about it. How was she to know he was devastatingly depressed over their break-up when he shouted he didn't want her love and that if she was against him transfering to her school then he would just walk out??
This is in no way hate to Matty. He's one of the dreamiest leading men I have ever seen in a teen drama. He is a good friend and great boyfriend most of the time ("making you happy makes me happy", seriously? SWOON), and boy do I love his honest yearning to be Jenna's hero.
I don't think they're toxic to the limit tbh. They're good friends to each other and never necessarily act in attempt to hurt or manipulate each other, they just really loved each other and had a real hard time letting go. Their will they won't they was messy enough to be interesting (most of the time anyways, even if S4-S5 weren't as good) without being the most toxic of that era of teen shows (seriously? Glee, Gossip Girl, 90210, etc had way worse Core Ships).
As Sadie points out, it's clear Matty remains obssessed with her (and selflessly encourages her to choose herself in the series finale and that's definetly growth on his character!) and Jenna overthinks shit a lot and is awkward but its obvious she struggles to know wether she should act as his friend or to act as a respectful ex and messes up because she's young and loves him. Like overall I think the idea that they became intimate friends was sold well enough to compensate their messiest momments.
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nettlewildfairy · 2 years
Writing my novel is fun because normally all of these characters would be in different stories. But I get to put them in one story where all of them have to deal with what it means when their genre's destructively colide
the main girl in a horror movie, crying in a pool of blood
we have the quirky best friend in a disney original series character who has major lesbian energy with her best friend
we have fantasy adventure novel protagonist
all go to school together and have the messiest homoerotic friendship breakup the world has ever seen that results in several deaths and an ouroboros of time travel chaos when they meet and befriend, romance, or make an enemy of:
a muscular no nonsense sci fi action movie heroine
a fairy princess who has trained her whole life in the art of the sword
the world's most golden retriever energy nerdy wizard boy
all while trying to solve a murder mystery where the corpse is still walking, there's a missing necromancer king stuck in a whistful tragic gay period drama, and everyone is trying to figure out what the hell is going on with this god eating cult and how did the grim reaper get light up sneakers, all while tiptoeing around the apocalypse
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serbaird · 1 year
i keep meaning to make a post about the state of fereldan politics at the point of when this blog is set but words are so hard and also i'm afraid i'd end up writing it like an academic essay. so anyway, here's some vague thoughts that may get written up into a proper post at some point, for anyone interested:
between the blight and the events of inquisition, ferelden's nobility is pretty clearly on its last legs.
queen anora (and to a lesser degree, prince balfour) are aware of this and are also keenly aware of the old nobility standing in the way of the reforms they deem necessary to improve the lot of all who live in ferelden.
so what are you gonna do? make more nobles, that's right!
gregor is also benefitted by this, as he is sent to act as a page to a knight (where he receives the education that a minor nobleman's child might) and is later knighted himself, thus placing him on the lowest rung of ferelden's noble hierarchy.
throughout the latter half of anora's reign, there are indeed a great number of reforms introduced that do improve the standard of living throughout ferelden & work towards making the country a more equal place.
given that origins highlighted just how thoroughly shit a lot of the nobility is in ferelden, a great number of them feel threatened by these reforms, especially where they lessen the power that these old, established families had.
i think as well, while there is a precedent for commoners having been given titles, that's usually been as a reward for heroism, and slightly different to what anora and balfour do after the events of inquisition. this also irritates a number of old families.
the couslands' monopoly on ferelden's teyrnirs and their place as the most powerful family in the country also sets the old nobility on edge. given that balfour is married to the queen and a vocal supporter of the reforms, it doesn't take much of a logical leap to connect the couslands to the struggles of ferelden's old nobility.
this leads to tensions within court, though they are largely bubbling under the surface until queen anora's death.
with anora and balfour's daughter, morwen, generally favoured by the newer nobility and a few of the older families, the landsmeet selects her as anora's successor. this is not, however, without argument from dissatisfied nobles who believe that what ferelden should do is in fact return the theirin line to the throne. morwen's succession is not as comfortable as her supporters would wish it to be.
early in morwen's reign, before she has had a proper chance to consolidate her power and fully settle into her rule, the tensions begin to boil over.
pro-theirin nobles are able to locate an illegitimate child of cailan's, and conspire to place him on the throne and unseat morwen, despite the landsmeet having crowned her already. she is too much of a mac tir, too much of a cousland, and clearly of a mind to follow the example set by her parents. prince balfour even remains, in his later years, as a close advisor to her.
there are now clearly two separate camps within ferelden's court, those for morwen and those for a return to the past, which they believe is signified by a theirin on the throne. the first signs are starting to show of things coming to a head, and the golden age of ferelden that was ushered in by queen anora is clearly coming to an abrupt end.
a lot of this needs fleshing out / some adjusting and i don't have a proper timeline yet. but this is the general vibe. i just think it's fun that ferelden's golden age is immediately followed by some of the messiest political drama the country has ever seen , okay, thank you.
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cryptonews256 · 1 year
All The Messiest Kardashian Scandals Of 2022
All The Messiest Kardashian Scandals Of 2022
2022 is coming to an end, and it’s been nothing short of drama for our favorite reality family. While the Kardashian/Jenners have seemingly tried edging away from the life of controversy, this year has seen the sisters caught up in tons of messy scandals — from “delusional” photoshop jobs, to entitled business “advice.” And so, I hereby present you with — in no particular order — the biggest…
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thunderrabby-blog · 1 year
All The Messiest Kardashian Scandals Of 2022
All The Messiest Kardashian Scandals Of 2022
2022 is coming to an end, and it’s been nothing short of drama for our favorite reality family. While the Kardashian/Jenners have seemingly tried edging away from the life of controversy, this year has seen the sisters caught up in tons of messy scandals — from “delusional” photoshop jobs, to entitled business “advice.” And so, I hereby present you with — in no particular order — the biggest…
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
what woman led podcasts are there that you like 👀
I got this last night but when I started to answer it on my phone it got too long oops
I'm sure you're aware of Wolf 359 by now lol, but others I really love:
Podcasts with female leads
ars PARADOXICA - one of my favorites ever that feels like it's a remarkably big name for how little people seem to talk about it. Sally Grissom, a scientist from 201X, accidentally invents time travel that throws her back in time to the 1940s. She has no way to get back. She gets snapped up by The Government to work on the New Time Travel Manhatten Project, and it spirals out from there to be an amazing story about spies, espionage, the Cold War, friendship, engineering, and some of the cleverest explorations of different ways to use time travel I've ever seen in a story. Also Sally Grissom is probably the character I've related most to ever.
The Pasithea Powder - man I need to catch up with this one. They just finished season 2 and it's getting intense. Two women used to be close friends, one now a war hero (Sophie) and one now a war criminal (Jane), get back in contact with each other after their planet loses a space war. But they get sucked into a plot to once again develop and use the mind-control substance that landed Jane in prison and led to the loss of the war when it was revealed - to fight a bigger, looming threat that has its eye on the two planets ravaged by war. The characters are amazing, deep and well-drawn and some of the messiest and best slow-burn f/f romance out there.
Arden - A fictional True Crime podcast. The first season is comedy/mystery, and the second season more drama/mystery. Both are season-long murder mysteries by two podcast hosts, Bea (who expects solving this cold case to be her ticket to audio-journalism stardom) and Brenda (a detective on the case who is still bothered by its lack of resolution). They bicker, they clash, they uncover clues and ruin lives and maybe even fall for each other in the process. Season 1 is mostly fun, but season 2 gets intense and imo is where the show gets brilliant.
Tides - Half survival story, half nature documentary, about a biologist stranded on an alien planet. She's enthralled by the strange new life there and describes it with a scientist's eye, while also having to figure out how to survive on this ocean planet (and communicate with the snaliens there???) until her crew can come back and rescue her. Slow and descriptive, but I love the main character and the planet.
Primordial Deep - a deep-sea exploration crew who went into the deep to find out why extinct sea creatures from the time of the dinosaurs seem to be showing up again. But as usual, Command is lying to them about what's really going on. A fun adventure/thriller/sort-of-horror.
Ensemble casts with a relatively equal ratio of important women:important men
Greater Boston - My current greatest podcast love, this show is SO GOOD and SO hard to describe. It's an ensemble, a mosaic of stories of people tied together by the Boston subway system seceding to become its own underground rail city, and all the political turmoil and intrigue that causes. Local politics, political interference, the importance of independent journalism, trains, ghosts, strained but loving sibling relationships, cheese robots, public policy, and the importance of everyone in a community - this show has got it all.
Honorable mention
The Last Show - I'm not sure if this counts as "female character-led" podcast because it was co-created by Clay McDermott and Danny Roa, playing characters named Clay McDermott and Danny Roa, broadcasting live as the last radio show left in post-apocalyptic deeply weird Boston. It's a lot of fun, the funniest podcast I've listened to, and it stays upbeat and fun and never gets dark or horror-y, despite the premise. Danny Roa was presenting as a woman at the time, and Danny-the-character is presented as a woman, but real-life Danny Roa now identifies as non-binary transmasculine, so I'm not totally sure if fictional!Danny should retroactively be treated as such too? However, it's a great podcast.
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animationadventures · 3 years
Since we’re at week nine, I figured I would rank the nine main covens (not counting the Emperor’s Coven).
9th Place - Healing. So far we haven’t really seen much from that coven. The most I’ve seen that I can remember is Viney healing the scratch Puddles got from the basilisk and Amity having a healing patch on her foot cast after Wing It Like Witches. The head witch of that coven is equally mysterious.
8th Place - Oracle. We’ve seen a bit more from the Oracle coven than Healing. We know that spirits can be summoned from crystal balls, and that oracles can not only predict the future of someone’s life, but can gauge stuff like business investments. The head witch seems ancient, and I’m convinced he’s the same species as Kikimora given the presence of fists in place of hair.
7th Place - Potions. Even though Eda and Lilith studied the track in school, we don’t see much variety of potions. I know there’s the elixir Eda takes for her curse, the fog brew from Luz’s first class, and the explosive ones used in Echoes of the Past. I’m actually pretty curious about the head witch since there’s something unsettling about his appearance, and I want to know if the box we briefly saw on his back during his cameo in Eda’s Requiem is a mobile potions lab.
6th Place - Construction. Prior to Matt and Bria showing their stuff in Through the Looking Glass, the Construction Coven had zero representation. Now we know it’s very versatile like the Plant and Illusion covens. However, its color scheme is the most boring of the nine, and the head witch looks the most average of them all.
5th Place - Beast-keeping. While this one has not had the most action, it has appealed to me a bit., and is the one I would love to see more in-depth. Viney and Gwen show how powerful this coven is when utilized right. Also, we all know that if Edric or Alador had to pick a secondary coven, they would join this one. Eberwolf has not really said anything, but I am all here for her feral energy.
4th Place - Abominations. Apparently the witch equivalent to robotics in our world, I can see how that would translate with stuff like home security and assistance. I applaud Dana for coming up with this one because it’s not something I have seen in fantasy settings before. As the series goes on, Amity and other users show its versatility much like Gus and Willow have shown for their covens. It’s the messiest of the bunch, and I get a laugh out of the irony with Darius (who I theorize is Gavin’s dad) being a neat freak.
3rd Place - Illusions. One of the most commonly seen covens in the show, we see all the uses this coven offers. From appearance modification, to distraction purposes, to showmanship, it has everything. Gus and the twins are the perfect examples of someone who represents the coven’s personality type. I am a bit bummed with how easily illusions can be broken though. Of all the head witches, the illusions one seems to have a lot of flair and I’m interested in learning about him.
2nd Place - Plants. I am not much of an outdoorsy person, but I can appreciate how versatile the Plants coven seems to be. I don’t know why Willow’s dads thought the Abominations coven would offer her more opportunities when it seems like she could do a lot with Plants. I’ve seen it theorized elsewhere that Willow and the Plants coven might be the keys to keeping the palistrom wood from going extinct, and I hope that’s what happens because I would love a little life buddy like a palisman. The head witch seems like an interesting lady, leaning into that gardener appearance but with a bunch of thorns.
1st Place - Bard. As a former drama club member, I am a bit biased when it comes to this one. Prior to Raine’s appearance in the show, we had not seen how exactly Bard magic works, but now that we have, I am in love with it. While it mostly seems musical, I feel it also leans into stuff like writing and literature. Without Eda and Raine’s showcase in Eda’s Requiem, this would have probably been in the middle of the rankings for me. I absolutely love Raine, and am praying that they will be okay in the end.
There is so much magic we have yet to see from The Owl House, but the opportunity to see it all is at risk.
Here’s how you can help save an important cartoon such as The Owl House:
Write a letter to Disney, not an email, asking them for more The Owl House, and tell them what you love about the show and how much it means to you. Here’s the address:
811 Sonora Avenue
Glendale, CA
91201, USA
The USA part is only for international fans, so if you live in the States, you don’t need that part for the address. When writing your letter, remember to be polite and not accusatory or rude, because they will perceive anything sounding accusatory or rude as hate mail and throw it out without consideration. Also make sure to watch The Owl House on Disney + if you have it because they are watching the viewership numbers on there too. Stream it again and again if you can.
Additionally, Rebecca Rose on Youtube found some addresses for some executives that might have the power to greenlight the renewal. Check out my post discussing Yesterday’s Lie for those.
On social media like Twitter, use #MoreTheOwlHouse and #SaveTheOwlHouse as often as you can without being obnoxious about it.
Go Hexside!
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dickspeightjrs · 4 years
Confessions of a Roommate in Love (college au / 3.1k words / roommates)
ao3 link
During college you’ll do anything to earn a bit of extra cash between classes. 
Ash does computer shit for people (Dean has learned not to ask about how legal it all his work is). Jo works in her mom, Ellen’s, bar. Benny hustles pool in said bar (while avoiding Ellen’s wrath).
But Dean and Castiel do something a little different. 
They enter trials and experiments posted around their university’s psychology and science departments. The psychology department, especially, knows them pretty well by now. It’s got to the point where they’ll just go straight to Dean and Castiel and ask if they’re interested. 
So that has what led Dean to racing into their apartment one Tuesday afternoon in their final year with a look of sheer childish glee on his face. 
Castiel is laying back on the sofa working on something but looks up from his laptop at the slam of the door and squints at Dean’s expression. He can never quite trust that Dean’s gleeful looks won’t end in tears eventually. But whatever Dean usually suggests Castiel will go along with because that’s what best friends do. 
“They’re doing another research project in the Psych department. Charlie emailed me the details.” Dean explains. 
Castiel’s interest is clearly piqued and he closes his laptop, moving to sit properly on the sofa to give Dean room to sit down next to him. 
“She said there’s a few stages to it. We’ve got to enter some video submission thing first to see if we’re the right fit and then they’ll invite us in for the real thing. Pretty much like the rest of them.” Dean shrugs, taking the offered seat next to Castiel. 
He pulls up the email on his phone and scrolls straight to the specific information for potential participants. They’ve done so many of these things that he tends to scroll right past most of the generic information. 
Castiel’s interested gaze stays on him. 
“Ah, here it is.” Dean quickly scans the text before reading it out. “So it’s a study about roommates and looks like we have to just answer a few questions about each other. Easy.” Dean grins. 
“What kind of questions do we have to answer?” Castiel asks. 
“Just basic ones about living together - who’s the messiest,” Dean snorts, “that’s you.” 
Castiel makes an offended noise and plucks Dean’s phone out of his hand. “I think you’ll find that’s you actually. I don’t think your socks have ever made it to the laundry basket.” 
Dean watches as Castiel scrolls through the rest of the questions. He lets out the occasional chuckle at some of the questions - even the tiniest of laughs lights up his face. 
Eventually, Castiel hands Dean back his phone. “They’re definitely easy questions. I’ll just pack my study stuff away and we can get started on the video. It’ll be better to submit it as soon as possible.” Castiel rises to his feet and collects his laptop in his arms. He’s about to walk down the hall to his bedroom when he turns back to face Dean. “I’m glad this one is about roommates. Given the amount of times we’ve had to pretend to be a couple for these things,” he chuckles and goes to his room, not waiting for a response from Dean.
Dean’s glad Castiel has left and can’t see his face fall from a fake smile. 
Castiel is right. There have been a few times when they’ve participated in research studies and posed as a couple. But what Castiel doesn’t know is that there was no faking on Dean’s part. 
Truthfully, Dean is hopelessly and completely in love with Castiel. 
It’s so unbelievably cliche that Dean can’t quite believe it’s actually true. But it is. 
Ever since they first met, there has been something about Castiel that seems to complete Dean in ways that he never knew he needed. 
Despite successfully pretending to be a couple, Dean has never told Castiel how he feels. Risking their friendship is too much. The chance that he could ruin everything between them is too big. 
So he stays quiet. Living in the hope that it will blow over one day and he’ll find someone who will love him back the way he wants to be loved. 
“Dean, are you listening?” 
Dean blinks back to reality and sees Castiel standing in front of him. “What?” 
“I asked if you wanted to use your phone or mine?” Castiel looks at him quizzically. “Unless you’re not feeling up to it right now? We can do it later.” 
God bless Castiel for being concerned for Dean all the time. 
“Nah, man.” Dean clears his throat and mentally shakes himself. “I’ll have the questions on my phone, so I guess we could use your phone to film it.” 
Castiel nods, though he still looks a little skeptical that Dean is actually okay. “I’ll go and get my tripod for my phone.” 
Dean smiles and waits for Castiel to be gone from the room before he takes a deep breath and casts any thoughts of his true feelings away. It’s not Castiel’s fault Dean feels this way, and Dean isn’t going to take it out on the guy by acting weird. 
Castiel returns and effortlessly sets up the camera to record. 
Having done submission videos like this before, Dean doesn’t feel self conscious about the feeling of having a camera on him anymore. 
Instead, he looks over the email again. 
Castiel drops himself down on the couch next to Dean and naturally lets their knees touch. Dean keeps his eyes focused on the phone in his hand. 
“So it says we have to answer these questions as quick as we can. Don’t think too much about the answers.” Dean explains. 
Castiel nods in understanding. 
“Right, let’s get started.” Dean says. “First question: Who makes the most noise?” 
“Yeah it is me.” Dean has to admit. “It’s the music. Gotta start the day with listening to some classic rock.” 
Castiel snorts. “Yes but you don’t only start the day with classic rock. You end with it too. And you play it when you study. And shower. And when you’re sad.” 
Dean blushes a little at the thought of Castiel knowing when Dean is sad and when he listens to music to cope with it. 
He clears his throat. “Okay, next question.”
*  *  * 
It’s another couple of days before an email pings itself into Dean’s inbox telling him that he and Castiel are through to the next stage of the study. 
Dean hasn’t thought about his feelings for Castiel since they filmed the video and he’s very happy to keep it that way. 
He’s sat in the living room watching the new episode of Dr Sexy when Castiel comes through the door after his last class of the day. He looks tired and completely adorable. 
“Hey, man. Got an email today, we’re through to the next stage. You free tomorrow afternoon?” 
Castiel doesn’t reply straight away. Instead he trudges over to the couch and flops down next to Dean. The dude must really be as tired as he looks because he sighs and rests his weary head on Dean’s shoulder. 
Dean resists the urge to rest his head on Castiel’s in return. “You okay there, Cas?” He asks, looking down at Castiel’s head of dark hair. 
“I’ve had a long day. That last final nearly killed me. I swear to god.” Castiel groans. 
As much as Dean loves Castiel, the dude can be a real drama queen when he wants to be. 
“Come on, man, you’ve aced all your finals and you know it. You’re the smartest guy I know.” 
Castiel abruptly lifts his head from Dean’s shoulder and looks his friend in the eyes. “Thank you, Dean,” he says, sincerity shining in his eyes. His eyes seem to flicker down to Dean’s momentarily but Dean is sure it must just have been the lights or something. 
Dean swallows and coughs before he does something stupid. “Anyway, you free tomorrow then?” 
Castiel clears his throat too and shifts away from Dean’s personal space a little. “Yes, I am free all day. I was just planning to sleep now that finals are over. But it’ll be nice to see what happens with Charlie’s research project.” 
Dean nods. “Awesome, I’ll text Charlie and tell her we’re free.” 
Text sent, Dean returns his attention to Dr Sexy, who is making out with yet another intern on screen. What Dean wouldn’t give to be one of those interns. 
He almost forgets that Castiel hasn’t actually left the living room until he feels a soft weight fall onto his shoulder again. He looks to see that Castiel has fallen asleep on the couch next to him. Now Castiel’s head has slipped down and rested itself against Dean’s arm. 
Any normal roommate would wake Castiel up and tell him to go to his room and get some sleep. But Dean just can’t bring himself to disturb Castiel’s peaceful slumber. Finals must have really knocked it out of him. 
And if Dean gets a little joy out of having Castiel this close to him, well that’s no one else’s business but his own. 
*  *  * 
“Okay I just need you guys to sign a few documents before we get started.” Charlie explains. “I know you’ve seen most of these before with the other studies but there’s a couple new ones in there so make sure you look at them carefully. Dean.” She raises an eyebrow at him. 
Dean looks up from where he’d been scanning the papers Charlie handed them when they walked into the classroom. His face is a picture of perfect innocence and offence of being accused of such things. 
“Don’t pull that face, Dean. Charlie is right, you can be rather lackadaisical with important documentation.” Castiel says, his eyes never leaving the papers he’s reading. 
Trust Castiel to know exactly how Dean would react without even looking at him. And lackadaisical? Who even says that? God, Castiel is such a fucking dork. 
Papers thoroughly read and signed, Charlie takes Dean and Castiel into a smaller room with two stools next to each other in the middle. A pretty simple set up compared to some of the things they’ve been part of. 
“Take a seat. It doesn’t matter which seat you take, just make sure you’re both facing me.” Charlie instructs. 
Both boys do as asked. 
“Okay, from now on neither of you can talk to the other. You can only talk to me. Understand?” 
Dean and Castiel give identical nods. 
“Good. This is the first stage. There is another one after and we will give you more information about that once this one is finished.” Charlie continues. “Much like your video submission, for this round you will be answering questions based on living together.” 
Dean tries to concentrate on what Charlie is saying but the stools really are close together and Castiel’s knee is knocking against his own. The small spot of warmth from the other man both relaxes and makes Dean anxious at the same time. But Dean daren’t move his leg away. Castiel would wonder why he’d moved away and probably get a little pouty frown on his face. The same as he did the night before when Dean had finally got up from the couch because he needed the bathroom. 
“And remember, the main rule of these questions is: what happens in this room stays in the room. Got it?”
Dean swallows and nods. He’d missed a bit of what Charlie had said but he’d probably figure it out. 
“Awesome. Let’s begin.” Charlie smiles. “First question: what do you like most about living together?” 
Dean knows what he’d like to answer but he’ll never confess. Instead, he goes for a more playful answer. “I like that Castiel gets free donuts from his job at the coffee shop.” 
From the corner of his eye he can see Castiel roll his eyes. “I like that Dean has a brother that I can have much more intellectually stimulating conversations with,” Castiel replies with a smug face. 
Dean would argue but he’s not allowed to speak directly to Castiel. (And to be honest, his brother may only be eighteen but he is freakishly clever.)
Charlie smirks and shakes her head as she writes down their answers. 
“Next: What do you hate most about living together?” 
This time Castiel gets his answer in first. “I hate that Dean leaves dirty socks around the apartment.” 
Now Dean rolls his eyes. Castiel is always nagging Dean about his socks. They didn’t need to come all the way down here for Castiel to get that off his chest. 
“I hate that you always put the empty milk carton back in the fridge. It’s gross dude.” 
Castiel levels Dean with a look that says ‘you do that too and you know it’. 
Dean just shrugs. 
After another few questions, the first round is over and Charlie allows them to have a break. Only they’re still not allowed to talk to each other so they go into the first room and sit at either ends. 
Dean is tempted to text Castiel from across the room but he knows Charlie would be hugely pissed if she found out he broke the rules. 
Soon enough, they’re called back into the question room. 
When they enter they’re met with the same two stools but this time there’s a solid white screen between them. 
As they take their seats again, Castiel disappears behind the partition and Dean suddenly realises why it’s probably there. It’s probably an attempt to be more honest with each other because they won’t see the other’s immediate reaction. 
“Okay,” Charlie begins again, “it’s the same rules as before. I’ll ask you some questions again. And remember: what happens in this room, stays in this room.” 
Dean takes a deep breath. He hates being reminded of that. As if Charlie knows he’s not telling the full truth. Which, of course, he isn’t. But they don’t know that. 
“First question: what has been the worst thing about living together?”
Dean internally rolls his eyes, how can he think of another bullshit jokey answer?
His thoughts are stopped by Castiel softly clearing his throat on the other side of the wall. Dean can do nothing but look at Charlie sitting opposite them. She seems to be sending Castiel a kind smile. 
“The worst thing,” Castiel begins, “was that you were hurting so much when your mom died and I couldn’t do anything to help take the pain away.” The end of the sentence comes out in almost a whisper. 
Dean is overwhelmed. He feels like he’s been punched in the gut. He doesn’t often talk about his mother’s death, not even with Castiel. That was one of the lowest moments of his life. But Castiel had been his rock. Cleaning up after him when he was in depressed moods, dragging him out of bars and shoving him in the shower to sober up. God, Dean would have flunked out of college by now if Castiel hadn’t saved him. 
“You did just by being there, man.” Dean whispers, tears coming to his eyes. He takes a small breath and sits in the silence for a few moments. “Dammit, you promise that whatever happens in here, stays in here?” He asks Charlie. 
“Well, from my point of view, yes. I will not discuss the details of your answers outside the parameters of the study, and your names will be anonymised when your data is used in the final report. However, it’s up to you two if it carries on with you outside these four walls. 
Dean takes a shaky breath, letting Charlie’s answer wash over him for a moment. 
“I would never judge you or be angry at you for anything, Dean.” Castiel’s kind voice rumbles through the partition. 
And if that ain’t Castiel summed up perfectly, Dean thinks. Castiel is the most thoughtful and selfless person Dean has ever met. And Dean loves him. 
Dean feels like he might just burst if he doesn’t finally put his feelings into physical words. 
Castiel would forgive Dean of anything. It’s that thought that pushes Dean to take a final, calming deep breath and jump. 
“Fuck it, you wanna know the worst thing about living with Cas?” Dean asks, rhetorically. “It’s that every day I look at him and see everything I could ever want but can never have.” Dean finally confesses. And once the floodgates are open, he finds that he just can’t stop. “It terrifies me that one day he’ll leave for someone better.” 
Dean thinks he can hear a soft noise coming from Castiel’s side but he’s not done. 
“And the thing I really hate the most having Cas as a roommate? It’s that my fucking heart breaks a little more every time he walks through the door because I know one day it’ll be the last.”
Dean can’t bring himself to look at Charlie so he looks down at his hands, nervously playing with them in his lap. 
No sound comes from Castiel’s side and Dean closes his eyes in defeat and sheer regret. He’s ruined everything for sure. He should have known Castiel wouldn’t feel the same. He should have just kept it to himself. 
As if to prove Dean right, he hears footsteps in the quiet room. Footsteps that he’d recognise anywhere. 
Great, Castiel has left which means Charlie’s research is probably ruined too. 
Fuck, shit. Can’t Dean get anything fucking right?
Only, when he listens more carefully, he notices the footsteps aren’t retreating. In fact, they sound like they’re coming closer and closer to Dean. 
Dean finally opens his eyes and lifts his head to see Castiel standing in front of him. The overhead light is positioned perfectly behind his head and creates a ring of pure light around him. 
Castiel silently lifts a hand to Dean’s chin, cupping it ever so slightly. Dean can’t help but fall for Castiel all over again, just looking into his eyes. 
“I know Charlie didn’t ask it yet but would you like to know what I love most about living with you, Dean?”
Dean nods, eyes never leaving Castiel’s. 
“It’s that I fall in love with you more and more every day, and I’m completely helpless to stop it.” 
Dean can’t believe what he’s hearing and assumes this must all be a dream. 
Dream or not, he’s not taking any chances and letting Castiel slip away. 
Dean pushes himself up from his seat to meet Castiel’s lips and bring him into a kiss. 
This definitely isn’t a dream, Dean thinks, he’s never felt something so intense in his life. 
They finally part once Charlie awkwardly clears her throat, reminding them that she’s still there. 
They still don’t turn their attention to her though. Instead, Castiel rests his head against Dean’s and whispers between them “This definitely isn’t staying in this room.” 
A/N: I quite liked writing this, I hope you enjoyed reading it! 
Please REBLOG if you liked it. 
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mayraki · 4 years
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“max and her crazy level of bitchiness”
NOTE: hellooo👀 I made a playlist and a pinterest board for this series a long time ago and I’d like to share it with you guys! let me know if you’re interested and if you want me to tag you when I post it! :)
summary: Max Belinsky and JJ Maybank are the two troublemakers of Outer Banks. Going to parties, getting into trouble, having an attitude and being the two people you don’t mess with are the perfect ways to describe them. What would happen when the two people who seem to have trouble follow them around meet? One thing is fore sure, they didn’t expect this outcome.
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Max loved the sound of the waves hitting the water. The way the sun would touch her skin and the wind blowing her face. But what she loved the most was when her friends where on time... wich never happened because Sam was the messiest person she ever met, and she had a little brother who would hide dirty underwear under his bed. Sam would always lose track of time and show up twenty minutes late, even if her best friend had told her to not be late because the waves were perfect on that time in the morning.
Max had a little break between work and having to go home and make lunch for Cody, so she would always catch some waves with her best friend. She was sitting down playing with the sand with her feet, while her board was next to her. That’s when she saw her blonde friend running towards her and waving with the hand that was not holding her surf board.
“Before you say anything, I love you and you’re the best friend I could ever ask for.” Sam said catching her breath. “And I’m sorry.”
“You should be! I’ve been waiting for almost half an hour.” Max said trying to be angry at her best friend, but she knew she could never be. “Where were you?”
“Hanging out.” She said quickly.
“Hanging out?” Max asked confused. “With who?”
“Are you seriously playing the jealous girlfriend right now?” Sam said before letting out a little laugh.
“Hell yeah I am, now tell me, with who are you cheating me with?” Max crossed her arms around her chest waiting for the answer.
“I was with Kie.” She said calmly and Max opened her mouth surprised.
“You’re cheating on me with Kie?!”
“What?!” Sam looked around when a couple of old people started to stare. “I’m not cheating.”
“Did you had fun with her?” Max at this point was joking around by playing the jealous girlfriend, she had to do something to her friend since she made her wait. “Does she gave you those little chocolates that you really like, huh? Does she know how much you like to talk at 1 am in the morning?” Sam rolled her eyes and was trying to not get much attention from the people on the beach but Max didn’t care, she was really enjoying it. She gasped really loudly that gained the looks of even more people. “Have you called her and not me?! You traitor!” Max touched her chest like it hurted and closed her eyes.
“Stop it!” Sam yelled. “Alright I’m sorry I didn’t call you to let you know I was going to be late, but please, stop with this games, people are staring.”
Max looked around to see that Sam was right, there was at least ten people staring at them both. “Show’s over! Go to catch some drama somewhere else.” She shoosh everyone with her hand and the people slowly started to spread around. “I’m not mad you idiot. You should’ve called, but I’m glad you are hanging out with Kie. She’s cool, but don’t you dare replace me with her-”
“Don’t worry about it, this is nothing like that.” Sam cut Max off.
“What do you mean?” Max asked confused.
“Uuuh, nothing.” Sam said quickly. “Let’s catch this waves!” She started to run towards the surface leaving Max with a bunch of questions on her mind.
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“Why are we doing this again?” Max asked JJ while they were waiting on a dock Max never saw before.
“We have to pick up the kegger for tonight, John B’s orders.” JJ saluted Max jokingly and she just sighed. She didn’t want to be there, specially when the sun was hitting her skin and making her sweat like a pig. “The guy should be here any minute now.” He said and Max started to look around. But when a familiar boy appeared on her sight, her mouth went slightly open for the surprise and she quickly turned around.
“Fuck. What is he doing here?” She said frustrated and JJ turned to her confused.
“My... ex-boyfriend is here.” Max said trying to hide her face and not be seen by the boy she hated the most, Johnathan Scott.
“Who is he?” JJ said as soon as the word ‘boyfriend’ came out of her mouth. He quickly turned his head towards the group of people he had in front of him walking around and started to look around like he would be able to know who Max’s ex-boyfriend was.
“Doesn’t matter. Is this guy going to take any longer?” Max asked crossing her arms around her chest.
“I-I don’t know.” JJ shook his head. He was still looking around, something clicked inside of him by the idea of Max having an ex-boyfriend. “He should be here soo- Is he the one?” JJ pointed at a blonde guy that had glasses on.
Max turned around and she shook her head. “No.” JJ deep down wanted it to be that guy, because it weirdly looked like him. He thought that it was unintentional, but he knew what he was thinking and he couldn’t help it. “It’s him.” JJ quickly looked to where Max’s finger was pointing and he slowly nodded when his eyes found the mysterious ex-boyfriend.
Max let out a little sigh when she looked at Johnathan again. He was talking to some guys she had never seen before. He had his dark hair that she used to love so much, she would always say that he looked like young Leonardo DiCaprio with that haircut, and with that busting his stupid ego. His huge arm tattoo that made Max bit her lip everytime she would see him without a shirt, and his dark jeans with his white shirt. He had the perfect ‘bad boy’ look Max loved almost two years ago, he would easily have every single girl behind him, with that stupid smile and freckles, those green eyes and confidence, every girl loved him and they were extremely jealous of Max, but she was too blind to see it all, he was a work of art with an ugly heart. And Max soon find that out in the worst way possible.
“JJ?” A guy said next to Max and they both turned to him. “Here’s the kegger, man.”
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“Finally!” Kie said when she saw Max and JJ get out of John B’s van with the kegger. “Where have you two been?”
“The guy showed up late.” JJ said and Max nodded before Kie started to talk about some thing with JJ, but Max wasn’t listening, she was too focus looking for her best friend.
“Max!” She heard Sam called her name and she smiled to herself. It was like they were connected and when they needed each other, the other one knew it. “You’ll never guess who I saw at beach today.”
“Johnathan?” Max said and Sam furrowed her eyebrows confused.
“Wow, you’re really good at this game.”
“No, I saw him when we picked the kegger.”
She shook her head disgusted and they both walked inside The Chateau. “Why did he came back?” She asked and Max shrugged her shoulders.
“Who came back?” Pope asked and Max noticed everyone was inside the living room.
“Max’s ex.” JJ said and everyone turned to him.
“You have an ex?” Kie asked. “You never told me.”
“Yeah, well... there’s not a lot of good things to say about him.” Max said and just shrugged her shoulders. She looked around and noticed everyone was confused and wanting to know more, but she added quickly. “Who’s ready for the kegger tonight?” She said with a big smile and everyone went back to what they were doing, but with a lot of questions on their minds.
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Max was enjoying the loud music with a red solo cup on one hand, while holding Sam’s hand with the other one while dancing. The night was the perfect one for a party and Max couldn’t feel better, she noticed her drink was empty so she let go of Sam’s hand and walked to where the kegger was.
“A refill for the pretty lady?” JJ said once he saw Max in front of him.
“Are you drunk?” She asked pretending to be concerned.
“Why? I can’t call you pretty lady now? You don’t like princess, pretty lady, how am I going to call you?”
“How about... Max?” She said like it was the discovery of the mouth and JJ gave her a face laugh.
“You’re too funny.” He said and Max nodded.
“I know.” She handed JJ her red solo cup with a smile wich he took with a smirk.
“I love parties!” Sam appeared next to Max and let her arm go around her shoulders.
“I don’t think I’m the one that’s drunk tonight.” JJ said with a smile while looking at Sam. Max took her cup from JJ’s hand and the three of them walked to where the rest of the Pogues were.
Sarah was sitting on top of John B’s lap while Pope and Kie were talking about something. Sam sat down next to Kie and she let her head rest of Kie’s shoulders. Max let out a little smile but then furrowed her eyebrows confused. The question ‘what are this two up to?’ appeared on her mind, but when she looked up and her ex-boyfriend walked inside the beach, all those thoughts went away and she rolled her eyes once she sat down between JJ and Pope.
“What’s up?” Pope asked and Max just shrugged her shoulders.
“My ex is here... Fuck! This was a nice party.” She complained.
“What is the deal with this guy?” John B asked while looking around for Max’s ex.
She noticed and then pointed at Johnathan, who was talking to a couple of girls with his friends. “I dated him for almost a year, and... well, I found out he was cheating on me. With multiple girls... at the same time.”
“Uh, that escalated quickly.” Sarah said.
“What an asshole.” That was all JJ could say. All he wanted to do right on that moment was walk to him and punch him on the throat. His jaw was clenched while looking his way.
“Please, tell me you did something to him. You know, the Max way.” Kie said and Pope nodded.
“Yeah, I don’t usually approve the whole revenge thing, but he totally deserves it.” He said. Max was about to talk but Sam talked for her.
“She couldn’t. Remember how you spent an entire week on your bed? And when she was alright, he moved to the main land leaving his family behind.” Her drunk friend said and Max slowly nodded, trying to not kill Sam for her words.
“Thank you... for that, Sam.” She slowly said.
“Well, is never too late.” JJ said and Max turned to him but he wasn’t looking at her, he was looking to the sand while playing with some tiny rock he had on his hand.
“Nah, it’s not worth it. Fuck him. Besides, I’m on my own thing right now and as long as he stays away from me, we’re fine.” Max said but when she took a sip from her beer, a familiar voice spoke behind her.
“It’s like the universe heard what I just said and it responded with, ‘hey... fuck you’.” She said softly so Johnathan couldn’t hear her. Pope and JJ who were next to her, heard her and let out little laughs. She turned around after getting up and a huge fake smile appeared on her face. “Johnathan!”
“How have you been?” He said with the biggest and most confident smile ever. He walked closer to hug her and she awkwardly pat his back.
“I’ve been doing great.” She said dryly with the huge fake smile still on her face.
“You look good.” He said and Max bit her lower lip, trying to not yell at him to go fuck himself, she wasn’t up for the confrontation this night.
“Thaaanks.” She said. She didn’t noticed that the Pogues got up from where they were and walked behind Johnathan. Sam was pretending to punch him while Kie was laughing. Max was trying to let out a loud laugh. “Why-Why are you back?”
“Decided to visit some old friends and family, to be honest, missed the parties too, they don’t have them like this in the main land.” He said. “The pretty girls are here.” He looked Max up and down expecting for her to fall for him, but all she wanted to do was punch him on the face.
“Yeah, well, the pretty girls are over there so I don’t know what the fuck are you doing here.” She quickly said while pointing at the other side of the beach.
“You know, sometimes I think about us.” As soon as those words a loud laugh came out of her mouth. “Good times.”
“Good times?” She asked before letting another loud laugh. “Sure! Good times, before I found out you were cheating on me with multiple girls, the same night we said ‘I love you’ for the first time, sure! Good times.” She let out the biggest fake smile and then patted his arm, before starting to walk away.
“You know, you don’t have to play the victim.” He said and Max never turned her body as quickly as that time.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Max heard Sam said with Kie grabbed her arm once she started to walk towards Johnathan.
“Maybe you should control your drunk friend.” Johnathan said.
“Oh, she’s not the friend she should stop.” JJ was now in front of Max and he was starting to get angry. Max grabbed his arm and pulled him back. This was not his fight, it was hers, and she wanted him to know.
“Why don’t you just go because you know how things can get around her.” Max said at Johnathan, but he just let out a smile.
“I missed this about you.” He said and Max rolled her eyes.
“And I didn’t even missed your tiny dick so why don’t you just walk away, huh?” She said. Pope and John B opened their mouth surprised. JJ let out a tiny laugh while the girls where high fiving each other.
“Go to hell.” He said with an arrogant smile.
“Baby, I dated you, I already been to hell.” Max said without hesitation. “Let’s go.” She said to JJ, who was very close to her. She grabbed his arm making him turn around, they were all ready to leave the boy behind, but he spoke again.
“I guess that didn’t change about you, running away from your problems and never taking responsibility for them.” He said and Max stopped walking. Her heart dropped to her stomach and she could felt her anger growing inside her.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Sam said turning around.
“What does he mean?” Max heard JJ ask.
She grabbed her friend by the arm and stopped her. “You know what.” Max got closer to Johnathan and a then looked down. “You have something on your foot.” She said with a smile and pointing at them.
“What?” As soon as he looked down, she quickly walked closer to him and her foot with her thick boot was already going to his bare foot. He screamed in pain, Sarah covered her mouth surprised while Sam was, again, high fiving Kie. The boys let out loud and surprise laughs.
“Pain!” Max yelled to him which made a lot of eyes go to her, but she didn’t care, she was already walking away from the beach.
She was quickly walking followed by her friends. “That was badass!” Sarah said with a huge smile.
“That’s my best friend!” Sam let her arm go around Kie’s arm while Pope and John B were making fun of Johnathan’s high peak scream.
JJ was absolutely surprised at Max’s actions. A proudness feeling was growing inside of him and he was finally understanding that Max Belinsky, could definitely take care of herself.
“Max!” JJ said getting closer to her. She quickly turned around and she saw his big proud smile. “That was fucking awesome, dude.”
“I know you’re going to say yes.” She said pointing at him with heavy breathing.
“What?” He asked confused.
“Alright!” The alter ego of Max that loved the rush and would often get her in trouble woke up right on that moment. She caught the attention of the rest of the Pogues and everyone turned to her. “Who’s up for the famous ‘Max Way’ right now?” She said and a huge smile on Sam appeared on her face.
“She’s back.”
“Because that, right there,” she pointed back at the beach “was only level two of my bitchiness.” She said. “The real bitch is coming tonight.”
“That was only level two?!” Pope asked shook.
JJ let out the biggest smile. “I like this girl.” She pointed at Max and turned his head to his friends.
“I don’t know what is this, but I like it.” John B said with an approval nod.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this.” Sarah said after letting out a big breath when she felt her heart beating faster and her nerves going up.
“Should I be worried?” Pope asked concerned while Sam walked passed next him.
“Yep.” She said and everyone started to follow Max.
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“Did you take the picture?” Max asked to Kie. She nodded and then handed her the phone. “Well, here folks, we have another ‘excuse’ if the police investigate us, people saw us at the party, we have this picture with the perfect time.”
“It’s like I’m watching how to get away with murderer.” Pope said shooked at Max’s words.
“Now what?” Sarah asked.
“Well...” Max said. “What’s the thing that boys appreciate the most?”
“Their dick?” Kie asked disgusted.
“Yeah. But I can’t cut his dick off-”
“That you know of.” Sam said and everyone turned to her surprised. Max just let out a little laugh and continued.
“Well, what’s the second thing some guys love the most...? Their cars. Jonathan left his old car at his parents once he left. It’s still there...”
“I love where this is going.” JJ said with a smile.
“Tell us what to do.” Sarah said excited and John B turned his head to her.
“Should I be worried that you’re so excited about this?” He asked but Sarah just left his side and walked closer to Max.
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The day was beautiful. There were no clouds and the sun was the main character that morning. Max felt her skin slightly burn while she was walking to the dock Pope said everyone to meet the night before. She had a smile on her face and when she saw her friends getting the HSM Pogue ready, her smile went even bigger.
“Top of the morning to ya’” JJ said while he watched Max her closer to them.
“Mornin’” Kie said with a smile to Max and she winked at her.
“I’m so ready to be out on the water.” Pope said excited. “I’ve worked non stop this week.”
“The Pogue life, my friend.” Max patted Pope’s shoulder.
Once everything was ready and the Pogues were inside the HSM Pogue, John B got the boat started and he slowly moved away from the dock. Max grabbed a beer and sat down next to Sam, she let her arm go around her friend’s shoulder and they both smiled to each other remembering the night before.
“Hey! Belinsky!” Max heard on dock with a megaphone. She furrowed her eyebrows confused and turned around to find Officer Presley next to Johnathan on the end of the dock. She tried to hold on a laughter when she saw how mad her ex-boyfriend was.
“What?!” She yelled so Presley could hear her. JJ got up and stood there next to her.
“Tell the fucking truth about my car!” Johnathan yell and Max looked at JJ pretending to be confused.
“What?! I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Max felt Pope getting nervous around her. Sam was calmly drinking her beer while Kie and Sarah were carefully listening to the conversation.
“I know you did it! You popped my tires!” He said angrily and Max quickly shook her head.
“Dude! I didn’t do anything. Besides, whoever did it maybe thinks that you’re an asshole and you totally deserve it! And I agree!” Max yell and she then turned her head to Presley. “How are you Jennifer? Having a good day?” She waved at her with a smile but Presley just sighed.
“Officer! Do something!” Johnathan said annoyed but Presley shook her head.
“There’s no proof that she did it, we have nothing on her. This is just a prank from some kids Mr. Scott.” Presley said.
“Huh? There’s no proof against me or my friends? Yeah, that’s what I though!” Max nodded with a smile while Presley turned around and started to walk away.
“You bitch!” Johnathan said angrily and Max touched her chest surprised.
“Aw! Thank you! That’s a huge compliment!” She gave him the biggest smile. “Have a nice day!” She said and John B drove the boat far away form the dock.
“I’ve never seen someone don’t get any nervous when they are interrogated by the police.” Pope said and Max nodded proud of herself.
“Oh, that was nothing. I’ve been in worst.”
“Hey! What about me?” JJ complained. “I’m pretty good at it too, dude!”
“Can’t believe you’re arguing over who is better with handleling the police.” Kie said before letting out a little laugh.
After talking some more about who was better, the conversation turned into who would be better at surviving a zombie apocalypse after Pope started to name the things he thought he wouldn’t survive.
Max sat down with a beer on her hand and seconds later she had JJ sitting next to her with his arm around her shoulders. “I’m so proud of you.” He said with the biggest smile.
“Well, thank you, thank you very much.”
“I have to say, we could learn a lot from each other.” He said and Max lifted her eyebrow. “You know, you can teach me how you do your stuff and I tell you how I do mine.”
“Please, tell me we’re talking about our plans.” Max said quickly with a disgust face.
“I mean” JJ shrugged his shoulders. “What do you want it to be?”
“Oh god.” She said. “You’re never going to change are you?”
“You’re the one who brought it up and thought I was talking about that!” He defended himself. “You’re the one with the dirty mind.”
“Yeah, sure.” Max said sarcastically before taking a sip from her beer. “I do know that you have to learn a lot from the master.”
“You’re the master?” JJ asked.
“After all, I won you that night at the Kook’s party.” She nodded and JJ let out a little sigh.
“I figured that was going to come back.”
“Oh, I’m never going to let it go. We’re going to be old dudes and I’m going to call you every Sunday to remind you. It’s decided.” Max nodded.
“I’ll be waiting for it, princess.”
“Punching bag.” She said trying to sound annoyed but a little smile escaped her mouth.
“Well, I’m really proud of my fake girlfriend. That’s all I wan-” JJ was saying but was cut off by John B and Pope screaming at the same time.
“Fake girlfriend?!”
“What?!” Sam asked confused.
“We-we need to talk about how that happend.” Kie said and Sarah nodded next to her before getting comfortable and waiting for Max and JJ to talk.
“I’m going to kill you JJ.” Max said.
“I don’t know.” JJ lifted his hand into the air. “All I know, is that Max... can’t take her hands off me.” He said and Sam almost spit the beer she had on the mouth.
“JJ!” Max slapped herself.
“Wha- how- I’m so confused.” Pope said trying to connect his thoughts.
“C’mon, we all knew that one day those two were going to end up doing something like that.” Sarah said and Max quickly looked at her.
“Huh?” She said. JJ turned to her with a smirk on his face and she wanted to punch him so bad on that moment.
“Well, you better tell the story or everyone is going to think that we had s-”
“It happened the day after Pope got hurt.” Max started to tell the story and rolled her eyes once JJ got closer to Max and a huge proud smile appeared on his face. “I hate you...”
“I know you deep down love me. But please, continue with the story. We all want to hear you tell it.” He said and Max rolled her eyes, before continuing with the story.
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naerysthelonesome · 3 years
Time spent together
Part 6:
The narrator returns
Apollo and Lit are very, very close to Artemis’ place now. Apollo looks splotchy and nervous. I don’t like it. Clashes too much with his outfit. Lit, on the other hand looks cool and calm. That’s weird. Probably a façade.
Apollo finally makes a turn, and pulls into a driveway in this really nice neighborhood. I’d consider living here, if I could… live, you know? He parks the car and just sits there, like an idiot. I’m sure Lit notices because he punches Apollo lightly in the arm, and steps out. Apollo follows soon after, and Lit moves to the backseat to get his bag, but the former flaps at his arms in impatience. Boi does he not look the epitome of grace today.
Lit shoots him a look, and shoulders his bag anyway.
They both make their way to the front door of the pretty, baby blue house. It looks quaint, and cozy, and not really someplace I’d imagine Apollo’s cool sister Artemis living, but maybe she’s into the whole cottagecore thing. I wouldn’t know. I’m supposed to keep focused on Apollo and Lit.
Speaking of, Apollo is trying to look collected and nonchalant as he knocks on the door, but it’s (incredibly) clear that he isn’t. Lit inches just a little bit closer, trying to offer his support, but of course Apollo doesn’t notice. At least not at first. Then Lit’s hand brushes against his own, and, I kid you not, his eyes spark. His breath hitches in his chest, and he goes completely still. Simp.
The door bangs open to reveal a silver woman. No seriously, she’s silvery all over. Her hair and eyebrows have been dyed a most mesmerizing silvery-white, her skin glows in places (silver highlighter methinks), and all the delicate silver jewelry over the lacy, dark green tank top and gray shorts makes her look ethereal and fairylike. DAMN she is really taking the Artemis thing seriously.
“Big brother!”
“We’re twins, and you’re unoriginal”, Apollo says resignedly. Like he’s had this exact conversation before. He probably has. Artemis simply smiles.
“Aw don’t be like that!”
She turns toward Lit, who’s been standing there awkwardly, and offers him her hand. Palm facing down, snowy white fingers curled, like she expects him to kiss it.
Lit looks like he’s visibly restraining himself from turning to Apollo in bewilderment.
“Aren’t you going to take my hand?” Artemis asks, with a fake pout.
Lit reaches out and takes it, completely unsure of what to do next. He just holds it like it’s an unwanted bug someone’s placed in his hand.
“Must all your dates be so rude, Apollo?” Artemis questions, with a huff.
“Must you always act like a twat that doesn’t know what century it is, Artemis?” he replies, turning to Lit. “She’s just playing with you”.
Artemis laughs, and walks away. It’s a normal laugh, no tinkling wind chimes, or tumbling rivers. I don’t even know if that’s humanly possible. Stephanie must have been on something.
“Something tells me it’s best if I play along”, Lit says, following Apollo through the door.
“Definitely. Oh, and leave your shoes here.”
Two of the girls Artemis lives with are insanely pretty. (But then, all humans look insanely pretty to me… oh to have a physical form). And they look like polar opposites. The bigger one is wearing a flowy summer dress that perfectly complements her wheatish skin, her pink and brown hair in a neatly curled high pony, winged eyeliner on point. The other one has her orange-red hair hanging about her face, some of it still fixed in the messiest messy bun I’ve ever seen. She stays seated on the sofa, in her dull grey sweats, and simply turns to wave at the boys when they walk in, eyes still on the tv.
“Hi! I’m Arson”, says they pink-haired one, “And that’s Claire. She’s normally the active one, but it’s shark week so she’ll just lie there like that all day, useless”. She (they?) swiftly catches they pillow that’s been chucked at them, and grins. “Oh and Thalia’ll be out in a sec”.
“Your name’s Arson?” Lit asks, politely trying not to sound shocked or confused.
“Heh yeah. Of all the non-binary names someone like me could have picked, right?” They say, with a short laugh. “It was a close call between this, and Twig.”
“Her pronouns are she and they, btw”, Apollo says walking up from where he’d been talking to his sister, to envelop Arson in a hug, “Hey Ari!”
“Ah jeez. The hugging still isn’t over?” A raven haired girl says, walking into the now slightly crowded living room. “Well I’m Thalia. Do no touch me”. That last part was spit at Apollo. Her tone is menacing, but her little smirk shows otherwise.
“Hey Thalia”, Apollo says, reaching over to pat the red-head, Claire, on the shoulder, and ruffle her already ruffled hair. Please somebody comb it already!
“This is Lit, Apollo’s newest fling”, Artemis says, gesturing to the boy who looks like he can’t decide whether he wants to live here, or run away. He gives the room a shy smile. (Aww)
“Great! Now that we all know each other,” Get out of Pridelands? Sorry sorry. Just couldn’t miss out the opportunity to quote Lion King: Simba’s Pride. Artemis simply continues on with something about lunch and rotisserie chicken.
It’s been quite an uneventful couple hours, but oh, how could that possibly last? In a room full of people, half with names with mythological roots, and the one named after a crime? There’s bound to be some drama. No, calm down, there isn’t going to be a fire. Unless it’s Lit’s heart flaming for Apollo, or vice versa. ANYWAY I’m going way off script.
“So Lit, how’d you guys meet?” Claire asks around a mouthful of veggies, feet nestled comfortably on Arson’s lap. I’m starting to think they might be more than friends, but what do I know?
“Oh we had to do a project together. Obviously, we’d seen each other around before then, but yeah… that’s the first time we really interacted”, Lit answered, awkwardly trailing off at end, as if he thought he’d said to much. Seriously Lit? That was barely anything.
“And how long ago was that?” Arson asked.
“About a month ago”, Apollo supplied, lacing his fingers through Lit’s, their hands clearly visible from the sofa they were seated on.
Lit’s adam’s apple bobbed, and he shifted slightly in his seat, but managed to keep calm, even lifting their conjoined hands into his lap.
“Huh. How long have you guys been together, then?” Thalia asked, staring to look interested.
“A couple weeks.” Apollo’s voice was calm, at startling odds with the red of his face.
“Oh?” Artemis said finally, her eyes moving from their linked hands, to Apollo’s face. “You move awfully fast brother.”
“Well, we both wanted it”, Lit tried to cut in. The sudden tension between the twins is so thick, even oblivious Lit notices.
Artemis ignores him and continues, “Don’t you remember what happened last time you moved this quickly?”
“Artemis, please”, Apollo says, starting to sound irritated, “You wanted me to stop fucking around, and I did. You seem to have a problem with everything I do.”
“Oh is that why you’re dating him? Because of me?” Oh shit… we’re getting awfully close to the truth now, huh?
“No. No, of course not”, Apollo lies quietly. Lit manages to discreetly untangle their fingers and pull away, looking a little hurt. “I like Lit”. So not all lies then? If only Lit knew that, then he’d stop looking like a kicked puppy.
“Just make sure he isn’t another Daphne”, Artemis says, a challenging look in her eyes.
“That was a mistake and you know it! When are you going to stop bringing it up?” Apollo spits angrily, before he gets up and walks out the front door.
Lit sits there in shock for a second, before deciding that an angry Apollo was easier to deal with that a room full of upset and curious people, and follows behind him. Damnit! I wanted to stay behind and listen to the gossip. Would you mind terribly if I did that?
Yea, I suppose you would.
Lit is leaning against the wall of the house, hands in his pockets, while Apollo leans over the porch railing, and stares at his car.
“So who’s Daphne?”
Apollo sighs in defeat, before saying, “My ex. One of my only two exes”. Then he turns around before almost hastily adding, “Exes being people I’ve actually dated, that is. Not just people I’ve slept with”.
“Of course. Of course you still care about your reputation as a fuckboy”, Lit says, sounding disappointed more than anything else. Look, I’m a sucker for drama, but what the hell is this?! I don’t like this.
“What? No”. Apollo sounds... scared? “No I’m just trying to be as clear as possible.”
Lit doesn’t say anything.
“Besides, why are you even mad? It’s not like we’re actually dating”.
“No.” Lit whispers, “We’re not”.
“Hey”, Apollo pleads, “I can’t handle you being mad at me too, Lit. I’m sorry you got dragged into this shit”.
Lit waves the apology away. “Why is Artemis so mad about Daphne?” If I were even a little less intuitive, I would’ve missed the hopeful tone of that question.
“Oh. Um- Daphne was one of Artemis’ best friends. That’s how we got close in the first place. Sometime last year, we started seeing each other, and eventually became official. We’d moved really quickly, and honestly didn’t have much in common except Artemis” And divinely good looks, if Apollo’s many flings are anything to go by. “But everything went great, nonetheless. Better than great, even. I started to think I loved her. Until it didn’t. Around the three month mark, things started to go sour. We’d disagree about pretty much everything, and we’d fight and argue all the time. Then it started to get monotonous and boring and we were just going through the motions. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I broke up with her, and…” That’s the one place he hesitates. “Left. I just left for college, and Artemis had to deal with Daphne, who apparently took it hard. I didn’t speak to her at all until just a few months ago.
We’re okay now, by the way. She says that I’m a better friend that boyfriend, and I can’t say I disagree. Lucky for you that we’re just faking it, right?” I notice the slight hitch in his voice, but Lit apparently doesn’t. He lets out a dry chuckle. “Artemis, on the other hand, is still obviously pissed. I don’t blame her. She said that Daphne only dated me at all because I seduced her. At first, I thought that was ridiculous, but if all the hoes on campus are anything to go by, it seems that was entirely possible”, he finishes bitterly. Well... that was quite a speech.
“I don’t know whether to be impressed or exasperated by your unwavering level of self-confidence”, Lit says tiredly, after a brief pause. “Well that wasn’t as bad as I expected”.
“Yea, Artemis has been known to overreact”.
“I think her reaction was warranted”. Lit himself looks surprised at having defended Artemis.
“Maybe it was”, Apollo amends, eager to get back on Lit’s good side, I suppose. “You’re not still mad, are you?”
“I’m not mad at you, no” comes the curt reply, suggesting that he is still mad at something. This whole situation, probably. This trip was supposed to be romantic for God’s sake!
“Good, because we have a little party to attend this evening”.
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d00medships · 4 years
#dabihawks do reality TV
back and at it again with another quarantine-induced AU idea that i don’t plan on writing with any finesse. regrettably, this was inspired by all the trash reality tv i watch.
Here’s the rundown --
Touya doesn’t die and Dabi isn’t a thing. Rather, after turning 18 and getting the hell up out of Enji’s house, Touya strikes out on his own with the only goal of never seeing his father again, yet somehow still remaining an over-grown thorn in his old man’s side. Unfortunately for Touya, the only Todoroki the public acknowledges are either Endeavor or his prodigious son Shouto, meaning that no one’s really interested in hearing from the eldest son they never knew about. In any other case, this wouldn’t bother Touya at all (as any chance to distance himself from his father is a win in his book), but damn, if Touya didn’t wish for things to be easy just once.
So, Touya goes somewhere between 4-5 years working odd jobs, probably taking a few courses at the community college here and there, a little bit lost but ultimately doing alright...and then he sees the ad on Instagram.
“Ready to party and got a penchant for drama? Calling all singles between 20 - 27! Big television network is now casting for a new, hot reality show to film during the summer. All genders, races, and quirks welcome.”
Now, Touya knows exactly what this is -- it screams nothing but summer beach house shenanigans and foolishness, like those American reality television shows he likes to drunkenly watch on weeknights but with an overseas twist; the kind of show that’s likely make even the messiest of participants a star while also bringing nothing but utter shame to your family name.
For Touya, it’s really a no-brainer as to if he should audition.
Predictably, once producers run their background check on Touya and see that Endeavor’s son is auditioning for their trash-tv reality show, a guaranteed future of dollar signs and high ratings has executives drooling, and contracts are signed with the utmost haste. 
Fast forward to the summer, when Touya -- all packed and ready to ruin his father’s reputation -- enters the house and lays eyes on his castmates. They’re certainly an eclectic bunch (Yu, a failed pro-hero turned desperate reality TV personality; Kazuho, a seemingly-shy pop-star with an absolutely scandalous album to promote; Tenko, a total misanthrope and gaming nerd), but when Touya lays eyes on Hawks and Miruko in this midst of this ragtag bunch, he knows this is about to be a motherfucking headache.
Miruko is not some much of a issue, outside of being a hero who is apparently just in need of a vacation (and if there’s one thing consistent about Touya from canon to this fanon is that he still HATES heroes), but Hawks is a whole ‘nother problem. 
Why? Because Hawks isn’t just Hawks, that’s Touya’s former childhood friend right there (emphasis on FORMER), who Touya last saw give-or-take 10 years ago, after a huge fight over being commission pet projects and what it means to be a hero that left the two of them with faces red from screaming.
Sure, Hawks might have escaped the hero system after four (official) years in the game -- rising up all the way to the No. 2 spot before suddenly giving up his own license, exposing all the HPSC’s higher-ups, and suddenly becoming the country’s most popular (yet unspoken) vigilante and hero activist -- but that doesn’t mean Touya is ready to see him. After all, Touya doesn’t know Hawks, he knows Keigo and who knows if Keigo even exists anymore.
Anyways, apparently Hawks is here on the same tip as Touya -- i.e. to continue to besmirch the HPSC’s name and live out his 20′s being a mess like everyone should -- and while it’s caught on camera that two at least recognize each other from somewhere, it’s clear that in that two seconds of eye contact, Touya and Keigo made a mutual agreement to pay their past no mind and avoid each other this summer as much as possible.
Too bad they’re stuck in a single house for two months straight, and all they really have the option to do this summer is party, party, party with copious amounts of alcohol and impaired decision-making.
Needless to say, it’s easy for Touya and Hawks to be drawn to each other like magnets, even if it’s somewhat antagonistically. Despite ten years of distance between them, they were still best friends at some point, and Hawks end up drawn to Touya’s flame no matter how hard he tries to resist. Whether it’s fighting over who is responsible for buying groceries that week (plot twist: it was Tenko’s turn) to how Hawks totally ruined Touya’s chances with some rando at the bar (which was questionably intentional on Hawks’ part), the two end up making quite the pair for reality TV and viewers EAT. IT. UP.
This all comes to a head one night coming home from the club when a drunk Hawks -- no, this...this is Keigo all the way -- just breaks down on a miraculously-sober Touya and asks where it all went wrong between the two of them. He reveals how Touya was the inspiration for his choice to escape from under the HPSC, how Touya made him rethink what it means to be a hero, how Touya has never left his damn mind in 10 years, and how he’s so sorry he couldn’t see Touya’s pain past his own ego all those years ago.
Touya just tells Keigo to shut up, that they were kids, and that he’s sorry too. The two of them hug it out, and suddenly the weight on both of their shoulders has been lifted.
And just like that, things change between Touya and Keigo overnight. Fighting soon becomes friendly banter which soon leads to confused flirtation. No longer is the goal to hook up with hot randos at the club, but instead to have fun and party together -- cutting up on the dance floor. Any drama in the house -- and boy, is there still drama, like the time Miruko stole both Yu and Tenko’s dates in ONE night -- but more often Touya and Hawks always end up taking each other’s side.
Some nights, they end up sharing the same bed, with some lame excuse that they’re too drunk/high/whatever to walk to their own. Other nights, they stare longingly at each other under the club lights when they think one of them isn’t looking. Most nights, they sneak off -- just the two of them -- to hang out and just...be together. 
The night Touya and Keigo finally break through their mutual sexual tension and have sex produces some of the highest ratings the network has seen in HISTORY. It’s the perfect Enemies to Friends to Lovers reality storyline played out on live TV. A technician even starts crying from sheer happiness while in the control room.
Their housemates seem perplexed but cool with things; the only one not shocked by the recent developments being Tenko, who ‘could see this shit a mile away.’ Ultimately, It doesn’t really change much, save for the fact that Hawks (who will always still be Hawks when a camera is on him, Keigo is just for Touya) now has someone who can hold him up as he does a drunken handstand on the bar.
In the end, Touya and Hawks spend their summer getting wasted, falling in love, and making utter fools on national TV. 
Endeavor sits home and watches every episode, absolutely LIVID as his son proudly claims to be TODOROKI Touya while getting a goddamn lapdance. Fuyumi can’t stand to even watch -- ew, who wants to see their brother do that -- but always seems to be around whenever Miruko pops up on the screen. Natsuo thinks this is the coolest thing ever, and Shouto just wonders how he’s gonna explain this all at school.
His job now done and his dad throughly embarrassed, Touya becomes a one-time reality star and slinks back out of the spotlight. Soon enough, posts with Touya begins to decrease from Hawks’ instagram (not that he really uploads anything to start with), and viewers start to bet that he and Hawks won’t last past one month after the show. 
When they both pop up at the reunion with a matching set of rings and tell-tale smiles, the internet breaks..again. 
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chemicalpink · 5 years
Too Good to be True Series ♡ Jungkook
Pairing: idol!Jungkook x fem!reader
Genre: PURE fluff
Summary: Jungkook has always secretly dreamt about having one of those chick flick moments, so when he saw you walk into the same cafe as him he couldn’t help but think that love at first sight was just too good to be true.
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: none :) (well it kinda is REALLY soft)
A/N: I hope you enjoy this really really soft series I’m working on for every member… I just needed some fluff in my life. Please let me know what you think! Also, I kinda got into the holiday season because … seasonal depression yayy
For some weird reason, waking up at six in the morning on a free day seemed like a great idea for Jungkook, he wasn’t feeling like himself after all the stress from tour and the upcoming performances, or maybe it was just him missing his family being this close to Christmas season and knowing he wouldn’t be able to spend it with them. It was times like this he would just feel alone while being surrounded by people he loved and loved him back, and boy did he wished to shake that feeling off, but he just couldn’t help himself. The first rays of sunshine peeped through his room’s window as he lazily sat at the edge of his bed, his bare feet barely touching the floor, only for him to feel immediately cold all over; he had promised himself the day before to go for a jog early in the morning so he had a chance to drop by his favourite dog cafe afterwards, in an attempt to feel better before it became too crowded and impossible for him to walk in by himself.
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Cold air hit him as soon as he walked inside the spacious cafe, a small white dog running towards him as he walked to the bar to order his usual iced coffee, he soon found his worries being washed away by the several fur balls greeting him and he couldn’t help but smile when a golden retriever knocked him over in an attempt of sniffing his cup.
“Hey, you’re so cute” he whispered to the dog as he scratched the back of his left ear, taking his coffee further up for the dog to be unable to reach it
“You must not be a regular, Bomi is a new one here. Sorry” upon hearing your voice, the dog ran happily towards you, making Jungkook look over to where you were now crouching to pet the animal. Jungkook was not exactly one to believe in love at first sight, at least not until now that he found himself completely dumbfounded, at that moment he could have sworn he was staring at an angel in flesh, the light coming from the huge windows reflecting on your face in the most beautiful way possible, your smile capturing his heart in just mere seconds. He felt his stomach twist, his pulse quicken and he couldn’t even form an intelligible sound as you looked up at him waiting for an answer.
“Yeah” was all he could get out, he was pretty sure he looked fucking stupid at that moment, his usual fashionable self nowhere to be seen as he was sitting on the floor in some joggers, a loose black shirt and his usual short and perfectly styled hair, now longer, falling over his eyes in the messiest way possible. He cleared his throat unable to know whether or not it had been a little too long for him to try and start a conversation, he wasn’t exactly one to talk to girls, least of all to try and swoon one while feeling and looking like a mess “he’s cute”
The dog approached him once again and you took the opportunity to sip at your beverage while stealing a glance at him and smiling quietly while you did so “He really is, I brought him a few weeks ago” your voice was so soft to his ears, he could feel his heart doing a flip every time you opened your mouth, he was absolutely smitten; and even though he had no idea of what to do or how to do it, he was sure he would never let you go. You suddenly rose to your feet, walked over to him and extended your hand for him as for helping him get up; the moment both of your hands touched he felt sparks going off, like something out of a movie, and he swore he could see a pink tint forming in your cheeks as you looked away from him nervously, was this how true love was supposed to feel like? “You know, you should probably get going if you don’t want to get mobbed by fans”
Sure enough, the cafe was starting to fill up and he was most probably going to get reprimanded when arriving at the unit for leaving without security but it was all worth it, you were worth it. He was halfway out the door when in a spark of confidence he turned around with a smile on his face “I didn’t catch your name though?” 
“Y/N” you smiled at him as he hurriedly left the store, absolutely smitten for him too. Not in a million years would you have imagined to meet THE Jeon Jungkook at one of your regular morning cafe runs, much less feeling as much as you felt in just a few minutes within being in his presence, it just didn’t seem real, it was pretty much a dream you definitely did not want to wake up from. The way he looked at you, the way he smiled, it all seemed like your mind was playing games on you, or as if you were being filmed and at any time a whole camera crew was going to storm out and tell you it had all been a joke. But none of those things happened.
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Days passed and each time you dropped by the café your heart raced a little in hopes of running into Jungkook one more time, only to feel a pit in your stomach as yet another day passed and not once had he walked through the door.
One Monday morning, a few months after meeting Jungkook, and a few weeks into wrapping your head around the idea that it was pure luck meeting him, and that you’ll most likely never meet him again, Bomi buried his face in your thighs asking for a scratch and you complied, not before the images from that morning came rushing by, the way he seemed so relaxed and happy by the –now almost fully grown– puppy knocking him over; you couldn’t help the smile forming as you quietly asked him “Where do you think Jungkook is, Bomi?”
“I would start by looking up” you jumped in surprise and embarrassment at the voice, but gladly give in with a small smile playing on your lips as you met the dark-haired guy’s eyes looking at you in the softest way possible, and you could swear you heard angels singing as he helped you up from your spot, just the way you did before for him. “I never got to say this but, thank you” you looked at him with a puzzled look “For that day a few months back, I just…” and just like that all his confidence was gone, he wasn’t sure what he had planned to tell you, something along the lines of ‘you’re really cute, please go out with me’ and oversharing his thoughts on how you meeting you was the most beautiful thing that could have happened to him at that moment. He looked down in embarrassment and you suddenly found yourself smiling at him, grabbing his hand in the spark of the moment, making him glance towards you
“I had been waiting for you” he looked puzzled as you said this, and couldn’t help but wonder if any of this was real. It just seemed too much like a drama, he could have sworn he heard some cheesy song blasting through the cafe’s speakers as both of you locked eyes and just stood there, probably looking like idiots to everyone around you; you were the first one to break eye contact as you blushed heavily and placed your eyes on the floor.
Jungkook took a step towards you, softly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, both of your faces too close to each other, you could have sworn you were getting redder by the second, his left hand still intertwined with yours by your side  “Can I at least get your number this time before I go?”
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