#Watching my friend compare herself to me in the mirror made me want to cry
olive-riggzey · 6 months
I just need to get something off my chest about getting "complimented" for my body
I hate it. It makes me so uncomfortable when people tell me that they wish they had my body. But if I ever dare complain about it, people think I'm fishing for compliments when I'm definitely NOT. And I know my problems aren't nearly as bad as the ones on the other side, but it makes me feel so awful because I feel like I'm somehow reinforcing the mindset that fuels fatphobia. It just makes me so upset that people use me as an "example" like that!!!
"You're so lucky you’re skinny." Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up. I do not CARE about being skinny. I literally couldn’t care less about how thin or fat my body is. This just happens to be my body's resting position. I am a small person. I celebrate when I gain weight because my ADD meds surpress my appetite, and it was such a struggle to eat EVEN WHEN I WANTED FOOD BECAUSE I WAS HUNGRY. I literally always eat food when I'm hungry because why wouldn’t I??? Why would you deprive your body of something it is literally begging you for????? Why do people have to think that one body shape is superior and that that shape is worth the deprivation??????
"Why do you eat so much bread? That’s so many carbs." Do you even know what carbs are for. Also I eat bread because it tastes good. Nothing anyone says will ever get me to stop living on bread and rice. "But you'll get fat!" SO WHAT???? What is so wrong about being fat???? NOTHING! Stop trying to make me feel bad about what I eat for absolutely no reason. I literally couldn’t care less what you think about me. I am mad that you had to be a 'phobe about it.
But seriously. I did ballroom dance for more than a decade. Competively. Every single costume that my studio used had the dresses made to make the girls look skinny and busty with hips to spare. "You were blessed, unlike the rest of us," my coach once told while she unstitched the padding from my dress. The lady that measured us thought it would be funny to tell everyone that my waist was the same size as the biggest guy on the team's thigh. I overheard one of the moms comment on a girl, whispering to my mom to ask if the girl was pregnant. She proceeded to tell my mom, "It’s too bad my daughter doesn’t have a body like your daughter's."
And they wonder why nearly every girl on the team ended up with an eating disorder????
After I came out as ace, I had someone tell me that my body is "wasted on someone that's not going to use it." Oh, so my worth is now being equated to how "sexy" you think my body is???? Are you even hearing yourself??????
It's not fair that people keeping putting up this invisible divide between me and those with bodies that they for some reason don’t like. I literally love fat people, and there have been way too many times that I've been used specifically by a 'phobe to make fat people feel inferior. Leave me out of it!!! I don’t care about your stupid diet culture or whatever!!! Stop trying to use me in your sick and disgusting ways of shaming people that are literally perfect!!!!
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witchersoldier · 2 years
Stars He Hung
azriel x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: He hung the stars for you. Then he made you cry them all.
WARNINGS: (+16) first person pov, angst, implied smut, insecure reader, reader comparing herself to others, unrequited love and like one swear word (let me know if I missed something).
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this fic is my take on the "star tear disease", similar to the "hanahaki disease". It's my first full length fic in like 8 years, so please be kind. Know that English is not my mother tongue and I didn't proof read any of this. Honestly I'm too excited about posting this to search for mistakes. If I get enough positive feedback, I might write part two or something <3
When I was younger I used to think that the apex of love would be seeing stars every time my one and only was near. I thought I’d be so lost in their eyes, drunken in the comforting undying love. I wasn’t wrong. Not completely, at least.
Because here I stood at the top of the stairs, watching the male I thought was the one and only for me. Watching as he gives her a shiny necklace. Their proximity was suffocating me, as if the closer they got the tighter my throat felt. When their lips were mere centimeters away from each other, I felt it: I felt lost because of the look on his eyes as he touched her unflawed porcelain skin. Everything I’ve ever wanted, ever hoped for, was fading to ash by the second their faces inched closer. She was taking all my dreams for herself, painfully ripping them away from me. The worst part was I couldn’t even be mad at her. Elain was the most captivating female I have ever met, and I doubt she could have evil in her heart, her soul, to willingly throw me off the path loving Azriel was. Now I only felt lost, with no place to go, no one to guide me through the endless night.
My hands were being pinched by pins and needles, my eyes and nose burning from the incoming tears, tired of holding them back. A blinding, golden shimmery light came in to my vision as I let the tears fall freely. Maybe I was going to pass out? I sure did feel lightheaded. But I couldn’t be more wrong about the source of the light. As my hands wiped away the waterfall coming out of my eyes I caught a glimpse of golden glittery liquid staining the back of my hands, but before I could give it any thought a gentle tap on my shoulder startled me. Turning around and facing the person, I could barely distinguish the High Lady and Lord in front of me, the glowing tears overflowing and making it hard for me to see. “Y/N? What is- are you okay?” Feyre calmly asked me, now holding my wet painted hands in her tattooed ones. “I-” my throat felt tighter than before, I was seconds away from breaking down into oceans. Nodding my head before mumbling a response. “Good night.” was the only thing I managed to get out before sprinting towards my own room.
It was the middle of the night when I finally calmed down. Although the golden liquid coming out of my eyes had seized, I still hurt profoundly. My chest was aching, my heart beating rapidly. I sat before my mirror, blinking and wiping the substance that came out of my burning, irritated eyes. Analyzing it.
If stars could melt, they’d for sure look like this, the warm, glittering gold tears I cried all night. Cried for him, because of him.
Azriel and I had a bizarre relationship, I never quite knew where we stood, where he thought we stood. Were we just friends? Were we lovers? Last night was the first time in the almost one year that we’ve really known each other that I could see the puzzle we were from his point of view. We were acquaintances. Acquaintances with benefits, I’d dare say. Cause not even the pain I was in could erase from my memory all those sleepless nights, tasting each other, tangled limbs and messy kisses. My mind couldn’t help but drift to the last actual interaction we had, almost two weeks ago.
I fell beside him on my bed; legs shaking, mind in a blissful haze. Five times in a row. Five times he took me to heaven and back again. Azriel made me see stars. I opened my eyes after a while, just to see his shiny golden irises looking right back at me. His eyes were so warm and comforting, just as his embrace was. Big wings draped over my naked sensitive body, relaxing my shaky muscles and keeping the cold winter breeze away. Tonight felt different, not just because of the sex, there was something else. Inside me. A fulfilling sentiment. “Fuck. You should- you should get yourself cleaned up, you’re-” Azriel stopped, clearing his throat. “Well, you’re leaking my seed. There’s no other way to say it.” He said calmly, and though my head was heavy with sleep, I could sense the smirk he had on his plump lips. “You made the mess, you should do something about it. Be a good boy and help a girl out, will you?” I muttered, small smile on my lips. I heard a breathy laugh and his footsteps distancing.
I was startled awake when the bed dipped beside me and a warm wet cloth rubbed against my inner thigh. I must have fallen asleep after he went to the bathroom. “Hey. I’ll get you cleaned up and then we can sleep, that okay?” Azriel’s voice was soft. Softer than I have ever heard him. ‘Then we can sleep’, that’s what he said. Not ‘you can sleep’. We. Us. It made my heart jump around in my chest, having him care for me. Were my tired mind misinterpreting things, maybe? I sure hoped that wouldn’t be the case. I begged The Cauldron it wasn’t the case. Hoped that maybe it was finally time for my undying love to be returned.
I didn’t realize he had finished cleaning me up until I missed his body warmth beside me. Blindly reaching out to him, I touched his scarred hand, grabbing his attention back to me. Whatever it was I wanted to tell him faded into sleepy incoherent mumbles. He leaned down to kiss my forehead, and through almost closed eyes I could swear I saw his lip tremble and tears form in his waterline. I muttered something before the warmest and brightest of feelings inside my chest lulled me into a deep sleep.
No matter how hard I tried to remember what it was that I said that night, I couldn’t recall anything. I would give all that I could to go back there and understand what I’ve done for things to change so drastically. After that night, Azriel grew cold and distant. I wanted nothing more than to be near him. I was left with only this inner desire, a tug inside my chest, pleading me to be with him. But I couldn’t.
Those past few days have been hell. Seeing him with Elain almost every second of the day made my heart slowly crack. I had no right to feel this jealous and betrayed. We never spoke about being exclusive, strictly each other’s, but never in a million years I could’ve foreseen him jumping to someone else as quickly as he did. But then again, Elain was the sweetest female I knew. Pretty and kindhearted, it was so easy to fall under her spell, even I could fall for it, too, weren’t it for my feelings for a certain winged male.
Maybe Azriel didn’t do it out of nowhere. I noticed how he looked at her before we got close. Noticed how he’d try to be close to her. Then he got so close to me. I wasn’t even half the female Elain was. Maybe that’s what he wanted? Something to help him get over the middle Archeron sister. Obviously that didn’t work out. I couldn’t be enough, I’d never be. No one compares to her.
How could I let myself open up to him? Let him in so deep to the point where I felt empty without him near. To the point where all the stars he made me see faded, seeped, poured through my very own eyes.
Because that’s what’s happening. All the stars he hung so effortlessly to the dark, empty night sky that was my soul, all those shiny little dots of happiness are melting down. What happens when the last dot fades? When the last liquid star runs down my cheeks? What then?
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chaikachi · 10 months
Hey radical spicy hot take but Trapdoor is 100% a ruby song. And. Trapdoor is 100% a oscar song. They are a mirror to each other. They are put on the same pedestal. They bear the same weight. They occupy the same space, simultaneously, impossibly. Do you see my vision?
anono... how does it feel to have such a big brain. all songs are rg songs if you try hard enough. 😤
Yes, Trapdoor is first and foremost a Ruby song, but her and Oscar are 100% mirrors living such similar character arcs. I could talk about all those parallels in a post all their own (one day), but for now a really good example is actually comparing Trapdoor to Sky is Falling (thank you @greenteaandtattoos for pointing it out first).
I'm gonna ramble a bit
Trapdoor is a song about the weight Ruby has been carrying. How she has tried so hard and how it's seemingly done more harm than good. It talks about how she doesn't feel seen or heard or needed, let alone wanted. How she's losing herself. How she feels like a trapdoor, part of the floorboards being walked on and unnoticeable. How one more step is all it might take for her to break and fall further into the depths below. And simultaneously like a trap that will lead all her friends to ruin.
And Sky is Falling (in my opinion) is a song about the weight Oscar has been carrying. How he's struggling with moving forward in light of everything he's been through and everything they've lost. The song itself is cited as referencing the original Henny Penny (aka Chicken Little) fairytale since it's a story that uses the song's title as a cry wolf for fearing the end of the world. But that feels a bit like a red herring to me. Or at least not like the whole picture.
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The original myth of Atlas and the weight of the world isn't actually about the god holding the world on his shoulders. It's about him holding up the sky. So whether you read it as Oscar struggling with what to do given Atlas is falling... or struggling with how to move after Ruby falls, (Ruby, who was holding Atlas on her shoulders. So when she fell, so to did the city in the sky) is up to interpretation.
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Some examples of how the songs mirror each other a bit tho:
Though I try to keep the hope alive
Sky is Falling
Lost all my hopes and dreams
Watch it all Unfold As I Cascade below Frozen In the darkest moment I can't bear the weight I hold
Sky is Falling
Starin' at the casket, hopin' to move past it Knowin' things will never be the same, and that's it Cold soaked as I'm standin' in rain Feelin' nothin' but pain until I see you again
Both of them struggling to hold onto hope. Both of them struggling with the cold of grief. The water imagery in "cascading" and "rain". The feeling of drowning. How to keep moving in the face of it all.
Also just on the topic of them being mirrors, it's interesting how many of these songs can so easily link back together. Trust Love's "open up your eyes" to Sky is Falling's "cover up your eyes". Then Sky is Falling's direct parallel, Touch the Sky. In my opinion, this song talks about both of them. The first verse is very Oscar "Little Prince" Pine, but especially this part:
I'm soarin' like I never have before Flying self-assured and free And I somehow feel I finally feel like me I looked in the mirror and I gotta say It's been a long, long time since I felt this way Right now, I'm just a bit surprised 'Cause I feel just fine and I might just touch the sky
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And then directly towards Ruby's ascension in the second verse:
Open doors and so much hope in front of me Full of confidence, every challenge crushed My heart's electric, racing endlessly Feeling like the stars have all aligned Illuminate the darkness that was blinding me Now I'm positive that it's my time to shineI will explode, you'll see me rise You may not even recognize I just can't wait for this reveal
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But also... very strong argument can be made that both verses apply to both of them. Finally feeling like themselves, the people they've wanted to be, the ones they're meant to be. These kids and their identity issues... But especially cause, um, Ruby isn't the only one that explodes.
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So to summarize, Oscar looked in the mirror - not the mirror that showed Oz's reflection, but the mirror he sees in Ruby - and he became more like himself. Influenced by the hope she inspires.
And Ruby, like Alice, fell through the looking glass. But in the Ever After the only Oscar that was there to stare back at her wasn't a reflection of hope, it was was one of fear.
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So she had no choice but to fall further and looked inward. Until she found the hope that was always inside her. The hope Oscar always knew was there because he sees her.
And the fact that Ruby's hope, her motivation, has always been "the people she hasn't lost yet". And how Oscar is the only living companion Neo 'kills' to hurt her. I'm getting so off track here but...
The Parallels. It's CINEMA.
They make me UNWELL.
Edit: I ended up just talking a bit about how they're mirrors through song and not so much Trapdoor from an Oscar lens. It is so strongly a Ruby song to me that it's hard to apply to him, even if it does fit him in some ways as well. All alone in crowded rooms and all that.
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klumsymaid · 8 months
I am EXTREMELY sorry if to dark but “you should have died instead of your sister.” A very much griefing Corrin snapped (not a corrin player)
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she was a tear-stricken mess. the words that lashed out in anger towards her made the maid's eyes widen as the overflow of tears just poured right out of her tear ducts.
she understood corrin was grieving the loss of her sister - but so was she. she was in the worst mental state since the return the group made from her homeland. did they not see her mental stability barely hanging on as her typical cheery self was nearly depleted?
❝.. do you not think i already wish for that already? ❞ she snapped back. they might have lost a friend but she had lost a sister. she had lost her family. she had lost her very twin. each day she stared at the mirror and just saw her sister's reflection looking right back at herself and from there she couldn't just stand her own image that she avoided the mirrors just to avoid the sight of her sister.
❝ compared to my sister i am nothing but a miserable excuse of a person - but, for her, i am trying! she was a crying mess now. every day i blame the gods for that man for taking her from me. every day i blame myself for not being a better sister for her to rely on me a little more! everyday i wish i could just disappear.. but no. i am here. being tormented over and over and over again from that day that i watched her burn to death!! ❞ she snapped. she felt her body tremble as she felt her knees tremble beneath her, daring themselves to buckle from right beneath her.
hearing now that her next closest thing to family wanted her to be gone for their lives also? should she just do it?
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Aaah ok Ive had this in my mind for a bit but can you do Klaus x reader where he rejects the reader and then gets with Caroline (no hate to her she just fits the story) so she leaves for a bit and Klaus realizes he misses the reader (u can pick the ending either angsty or fluffy) XD
Hey who asked for some angst
Warnings- Angst like alot nothing but angst,
A/N: Normally I love Caroline and Klaus together but I just wanted to do some angsty angst
You smooth out the dress you bought for the Mikaelson ball after being invited by both Elijah and Rebekah as they liked you a bit better than your sister Caroline. You had became close friends with Elijah and Rebekah as both were protective of you so when you told them you had feelings for Klaus they were surprised but supportive.
"Tonight is the night." You muttered to yourself looking a mirror seeing the dress you wore. It was a lovely navy that was strapless and how the dress hugged your curves perfectly as Rebekah always told that it only took a the perfect dress to feel like a princess and she was right.
You got to the ball seeing that Elena was here with Damon and Stefan which didn't surprise you. Elijah was by your side in a flash kissing your hand glaring at men that stared too long at you.
"Hi Eli. This is alot of people."
"Yes it seems Niklaus went overboard." Elijah says rubbing your back sensing your nervousness. With encouragement and a few drinks both Rebekah and Elijah sent you to confess to Klaus.
"Hey Klaus.....can we talk?"
"Yes, what is it love?" Klaus asked after leading you to his art studio and you took a deep breath. Your heart was beating loudly as your hands trembled ready to tell Klaus how much you loved him, how all you think was him.
"Klaus....I.....I am whole heartily in love with you. I find myself wondering how I could fall for you only to love you more and I really hope you feel the same."
You breath ready for a kiss or him feeling the same maybe rejection but you weren't ready for him to laugh. Klaus looked at you as you flushed with embarrassment.
"No offense love but you are just one of Rebekah's little friends, Elijah's little human. A thing to pass the time. I don't love you." Klaus tells you as hot tears fell down your face as Klaus watched you seemly unbothered by your tears.
Klaus thought you were just around because you were with Elijah but having you confess your feelings for him. Klaus wasn't going to be with you as he adored Caroline after all Elijah could just pick up the pieces of your heart like the older Original had always done when a girl confessed to the hybrid.
"I don't want my brothers sloppy seconds." Klaus says as the words hit you right in the heart as you turned around picking up your dress running out.
"Darling?" Elijah questioned seeing you leaving the ball tears in your eyes your face red with embarrassment.
"Thanks for the invite....I'll be leaving call you later." You said voice raw with emotion as an unreadable look fell on Elijah's face as he let you leave. Elijah looked seeing Klaus with Caroline who was giggling at his jokes enjoying herself.
Elijah marched over looking like a man on a mission grabbing Klaus and dragging him off to talk not caring that Caroline was calling out for him to stop.
"What is wrong with you!' Elijah growled glaring at Klaus as he threw his younger brother in a chair as both Rebekah and Kol entered the room wondering what was wrong.
"Talking to Caroline is wrong now?"
"No but tell me why, Y/N had left crying?" Elijah said as Rebekah glared at Klaus while the hybrid roll his eyes at Elijah's dramatics.
"It this what you are angry about? If she couldn't handle my rejection then she shouldn't have confessed to me."
"So you decide to break her heart?! Niklaus can be you be any more cruel?!" Elijah said glaring angry with his brother as Rebekah left quickly went to check up on you. Klaus sighed looking at Elijah seeing the rage on his older face.
"What would you have wanted me to do? Lie to her?"
"No but could have let her down gently Nik." Kol said having over heard the whole thing when he was being snoopy.
"Well it has been done now if you excuse me. I need to get back to Caroline."
Your heart felt shattered and you hadn't left your house for a month as Elijah and Rebekah had been coming to see you. You decided to leave unable to face Klaus seeing him with Caroline as you couldn't help but wish you were her.
While a part of you was happy that Klaus was happy but the other part of you wished you had white oak to kill him.
"Now darling, you have my and Rebekah's number. Call if you ever need help."
"I will Eli." You said giving him a weak smile feeling him kiss your head then Rebekah pulled you into her arms hugging you tightly.
"Elijah and I put some money in your account so buy a lot of things for me."
"Okay Beka." You tell her getting one last hug from the blonde and a head kiss from Elijah before getting in your car leaving.
It didn't take Klaus long to notice you were gone along with Caroline which made Klaus wonder where you had gone. Caroline was worried as you were her baby sister but after hounding Rebekah for answers the vampire was upset that you leave over something so petty.
"Where is your little human?" Klaus asked Elijah who was reading a book you recomend him to read.
"She left town. Needed space from you and Caroline." Elijah answered not looking up from the book but he could tell Klaus was frowning.
"She needed space?"
"She loved you and you tore her apart Niklaus. And before ask I have no idea where she nor what she is doing."
Seven months you had been gone and Klaus found hisself missing you. The hybrid hadn't realized before but he really missed your laugh and bright smile that would light up a room. Klaus could help but noticing all the little things you did for him like clean up his studio, bringing him macarons when you learned he loved them.
Klaus noticed how you always went out of you way to make him happy, how you always invited him to join your movie nights with Rebekah. Then Klaus came to realize that everything he loved about Caroline was nothing compared to you as not once did you judged his family for things they done unlike Caroline, not once did you throw his actions back at him like Caroline had done. You had loved him unconditionally unlike Caroline and now you were gone.
"Y/N!" Klaus heard Rebekah squeal making him rush to see you standing there with Rebekah. You were smiling, your hair cut short dressed in a sundress with a white shirt underneath. But the one thing that caught his eye the most was the male vampire with you.
"Beka. Meet Lorenzo St. John but everyone calls him Enzo, my fiancee." You tell her as Klaus felt the air leave his lungs. Elijah came out smiling at Enzo who wrapped an arm around.
"Fiancee? When did this happen?"
"A month ago." You gushed as you went into a story on how you both met as Klaus walked in. The hybrid never noticed before but now he missed the adoring look you had for him.
"Hey Klaus." You say smiling at him as it hit him it didn't hold the same warmth it once had for now you were giving them to Enzo.
"Hello love."
Klaus was angry when Elijah suggested to have your in the garden of the Mikaelson home because Klaus didn't want to watch you marry another. When it came to the day Klaus decided to try to win your heart.
"You look gorgeous love." You heard Klaus say as he stepped in the room seeing you in a slim wedding dress that was long sleeved and tastefully low cut. You had train of lace that was your veil and he couldn't help but feel like he should be marrying you.
"Thank you. How are you and Caroline?"
"We broke up two months ago. I want to apologize for what I said and I realized that I love you." Klaus tells you as you stared at him when you heard the words you wanted to always heard from Klaus. Now you could leave Enzo and be with Klaus but the words he told you when you confessed rang in your thoughts.
You smoothed out your dress walking up to Klaus cupping his cheek watching him leaned into your touch. You almost felt cruel for what you about to do but you remember the pain he caused.
"Sorry Klaus, I don't want my sister's sloppy seconds." You said lowly walking passed him as Klaus felt a lone tear roll down his face while you went off to marry another.
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Obnoxious Couple | Stiles Stilinski
✦ pairing — Stiles Stilinski x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.3k
✦ request — Obviously the reader(female preferably) would be plus sized. Maybe, she’s having a bad day concerning her weight and image. And she compares herself to Lydia and Allison. So she wants comfort from Stiles but he’s not there atm so she takes in of his hoodies, which doesn’t fit correctly,and she gets frustrated and stiles walks in and sees her distress and then comforts her. Maybe end it with a minor make out sesh. But nothing beyond that?
✦ warnings — angst, self-esteem issues, some vagueness in an attempt to not trigger anybody’s dysmorphia, light fluff.
Stiles found you crying at the foot of the bed, arms tangled in black fabric as sobs raked your body.
It wasn’t the first time he saw you cry, he knew it wouldn’t be the last either, but it didn’t hurt any less.
“Baby,” he softly spoke to get your attention.
You lifted your head, startled. Embarrassment washed over you, only making you sob harder.
He approached you slowly as though you were a hurt animal, frowning as he tried to figure out what you were wearing.
Crouching down, he hesitated as his hand trembled. He eventually placed it on your back.
You couldn’t stop crying — you didn’t know how you’d ever look at him in the eye and explain what was going on.
Your day started poorly, honestly. From the moment you made the mistake of looking at yourself in the mirror while attempting to get ready, you knew it would be one of those days.
It made you consider canceling plans with your friends which in hindsight you should have done.
But you didn’t. You sucked it up and met Allison and Lydia. You missed them, life often got in the way and you didn’t want to lose them just because you weren’t teenagers with free time anymore.
However, the moment you arrived at the meeting point, you knew how badly you had fucked up. They looked so pretty and so happy to see you — that should have been enough, and it was until you observed Allison was wearing her partner’s oversized t-shirt.
People weren’t supposed to feel like shit around their friends, even less when their friends had missed them and are glad to see them. So feeling like shit prompted you to feel guilty.
You knew it wasn’t completely rational, but you couldn’t help the way you felt.
You came up with an excuse to leave early. Allison and Lydia knew you were lying, but they let you be — you needed space.
You truly did, but you didn’t want to be alone. And when you felt like not being alone although it would be wiser, you always went to Stiles.
He wasn’t home. He didn’t tell you he’d be busy or what he’d do while you were out so everything you could do was wait.
Your shared bedroom felt too big without him and too small all at once.
Big. Big. Big. Big. Your brain wasn’t helping.
Comfort became a need as the minutes passed. You had always found Stiles’s scent comforting and seeing as he didn’t seem to be getting home soon, you took the liberty to pick a piece of clothing from his closet.
As you inhaled his scent, you remembered how good Allison looked in her partner’s clothes.
That was what lead you to cry on the bedroom floor, stuck in your boyfriend’s hoodie.
You knew the idea had been silly, he was smaller than you, but you had to try to fit in his clothes. You had always wanted to wear something of his.
“I just wish I could wear your clothes like my friends wear their partners’.” Admitting it was not only embarrassing but unbelievably sad.
You had never told him how you felt about sharing clothes so he wouldn’t get upset. What if he didn’t even want to wear yours?
“I know.” He rubbed your back in circles. “But their partners are bigger than me.”
“Well, your girlfriend is bigger than their girlfriends,” you bitterly answered. “And than you.”
He sighed heavily. “Did you expect me to change my body when I started dating you?”
“Well, I didn’t expect you to change yours either. I’m not an asshole.” He made a pause then admitted, “I mean, I am, but not like that and not towards you.”
You attempted to huff a laugh, but your clogged nose didn’t let you.
He wiped your tears. “Let’s get you out of this thing and clean your pretty face.”
You lifted your arms, avoiding his face as you waited for him to get you unstuck from his hoodie.
Stiles tugged on the fabric and pulled the hoodie off you. “Oooh, is this new?” he asked, referring to your blouse.
You nodded.
“It’s pretty. You look good.” He threw the hoodie onto the bed and stood up. “You need help?”
“No. I’ll wash my face in the bathroom.”
You looked down at the sink as you stood in the bathroom. You felt stupid for crying over a hoodie that didn’t fit; clothes hadn’t fit you before and it had never hurt like this.
Cold water hit your skin and you reminded yourself to avoid the mirror as you lifted your head to dab your face dry.
What would Stiles think of you now? Would this make him realize he wanted to be with somebody who fit in his clothes?
It took you some courage to go back to the bedroom.
“Come here, baby.” Stiles patted the other side of the bed.
He had already changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. As you approached him, you observed the tv control was on his lap.
You sat with your back against the headboard. “What are you watching?”
“Nothing yet.”
You hummed.
“Hey.” He placed his hand on your thigh so you’d look at him. When you did, he said, “You can always talk to me when you have a bad day.”
“I know.” In fact, you often told him how you were feeling and why, but this particular thing was different. “It’s kinda embarrassing, though... I mean, it’s not something I can suddenly change, is it?”
“No,” he admitted. “I just don’t want you to go through that all by yourself.”
“Yeah, but you’ll tell me there’s nothing wrong with me or whatever and—“ You interrupted yourself.
“And what?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to put it out there and manifest it or something.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, but it’s normal to feel bad sometimes.” He turned the TV off, shuffling on the bed to face you properly. “Look, I get insecure every time you hang out with your tall coworker, but you come home to me, so who cares?”
“Yeah, but come on! You fit in my clothes but I don’t fit in yours, it’s...”
You glared at him.
“I think it’s cute,” he assured you. “Besides, you smell better than I do.”
“I like the way you smell.”
“You can wear other things I own. A scarf? I think you’d look beautiful in my yellow scarf.”
“That’s a nice scarf,” you conceded.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “We can also wear matching jackets or something if you want.”
“You hate it when people wear matching clothes.”
“Maybe it’s time we become an obnoxious couple.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Resting your head on his shoulder, you told him, “I think we’re already obnoxious.”
“How dare you?” he feigned offense. “We’re perfect, baby.”
“Whatever you say.”
He wiggled his shoulder so you’d lift your head.
You did so and gazed at him. “What?”
“Give me a kiss.”
You gave his lips a peck. Stiles frowned and reached over to take you by the face. He brought you onto him and captured your lips with his.
Kissing him back, you shifted so you wouldn’t hurt him or yourself. Stiles prodded your mouth open and deepened the kiss, holding you tight.
Once you parted, you rested your forehead on his. He smiled at you. “You know I love you, right? Like a lot?”
“I know.” You inhaled and exhaled softly. “I love you too. So much.”
“Mmhmm. I like hearing it.”
It was your time to smile.
As the day came to an end, the room got darker and although you didn’t know what time it was exactly, you knew many hours had passed since you left your friends.
“I should probably text Lydia and Allison...”
“Yeah, you should.” Stiles allowed you to move as he sat up. “Can I choose what we watch?”
You nodded before leaving the bed in search for your cellphone.
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
Lips like sugar~
Pairing: Alpha! Toru Oikawa x Omega! Reader
Genre: NSFW. semi-fluff?
Request: Hey!! Can we get a sugar daddy alpha!oikawa; who's out with friends in public and sees his f!omega bby with some friends, but her group of friends decided to approach his group, and she tried her best to distance herself from him, and he was just having none of that, and became super annoyed and possessive in front of the group, later making it clear that he did have actual feelings for her? AAAA sorry if that doesn't make sense!!! I hope you're taking care of yourself <3
Summary: Toru Oikawa had no qualms about paying a pretty little thing to hang off his arm, but he expects you to be at his beck and call for the price tag you come with. And if you aren’t? He’ll put you back into your place real quick. 
Author’s Note: Holy f u c k I cannot explain how much I loved this request-- Please don’t make tiktoks on my work I might cry
Requests: Open!
NSFW Warnings: Fem! Reader, Uhm....It gets soft at the end tho- Mirror sex
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➵ You were so, so pretty. 
➵This was a fact that Oikawa knew. 
➵ While the price tag you came with wasn’t as pretty, he was willing to pay it. 
➵ He had the funds to do so, and though he wouldn’t admit it, you were always worth it.
➵ He would hope you saw him as more than a walking, talking bank account. Especially now that, not only were your friends, but his as well were all settling down.
➵ He could see himself settling with you, having at least two pups, big yard, white picket fence.
➵ “Shittykawa!” 
➵ Shaking his head, he caught up to his friends (Which were visiting him in Argentina), taking over and leading them around. 
➵ It had taken a lot of asking and begging to get them here in the first place and he was not going to let this opportunity go. Not one bit!
➵ He took them to the best street vendors and street stalls, encouraging them to enjoy the bright liveliness that South American culture had to offer. 
➵ Not to mention the girls and guys a like that were more than eye candy. They were more like a whole ass eye buffet. 
➵While Oikawa wouldn’t admit it, they all felt lackluster compared to you
➵ A nudge from Mattsun had him looking in another direction, his eyes widening as he saw you. 
➵ You were glammed out, tastefully of course, with jewels and gems that he either gifted you or gifted you the money to get so (He assumed); hair flowing and shining beautifully as your eyes glimmered.
➵ Iwaizumi was already talking to one of the girls you were hanging with, and Makki and Mattsun were quick to pick up the other two. Leaving you and him.
➵ He shot you one of his coy smirks, sauntering up to you, quickly wrapping an arm around your waist before you had a chance to react.
➵ Your hands rested on his chest, trying to discreetly push him away. 
➵ His grip only tightened as he leaned into your ear.
➵ “Come on, pretty thing, your fine with me everywhere else.”
➵ Truth be told, you had tried separating from Oikawa lately because unwanted-nor needed- feelings began arising.
➵ Stupid things like butterflies in your gut and your cheeks heating up whenever you thought about the brunet.
➵ Swallowing those thoughts, you plastered a smile on your face, leaning into him and acting the role you were payed to do so.
➵Oikawa seemed to appreciate it, as he played the role as your alpha as well.
➵It felt intimate in every way, meeting Oikawa’s friends, learning old memories and anecdotes of their highschool days. 
➵In a way, it made you yearn for more, but that was a strict rule you kept for yourself.
➵ The minute feelings were brought in, you stepped out. 
➵ You will admit you have kept Oikawa far longer than you should’ve, but you couldn’t bring yourself to let him go. 
➵ By the end of the day, you and your friends left with waves behind you, Oikawa dragging a finger along the bottom side of his chin. A wordless demand.
➵ ‘Tonight. My place.’
➵ You merely nodded, scampering along to prepare for the night to come. 
“Oikawa-” You yelped as a harsh smack was delivered to your ass, making you reel and your back arch. Slick gushed out of your cunt, drenching his and your thighs, but he was still relentless. 
“That’s not my name.” He snarled, nipping at your spine as he pulled your hips in time with his thrusts. The necklaces you wore that day were still on, glimmering in the limited light as it bounced with your breasts. The chain was  still cold against your skin, making your skin chill over with goosebumps. “Last names are past us, don’t you think, Y/N?”
You whined, withering as you tried falling onto your hands to take some stress off of your knees. The mirror in front of you was foggy at the edges as it reflected your own sopping cunt back at you. At this point, you couldn’t resist the thought of having this every night. Having Oi- Toru behind you, figuratively or literally, sounded like a dream come true-- and not because of the money, you honestly couldn’t care less at this point. 
Licking your lips, you bared your neck to the alpha, head falling back onto his shoulders as one of his hands snaked forward to circle your clit. Your hips bucked forward at the shot of pleasure but he stayed prevalent. “Toru-Fuck, please, I wanna cum so badly.”
“Cum for me pretty girl. Go on, gush all over your alpha’s cock.” His hand sped up as his eyes watched his dick slip in and out of you, slick trails following after it. It was erotic and breath-taking all in one. 
You obeyed his words, back arching as you reached back into Toru’s hair, yanking as you clutched around him. His knot was stuffed into your still pulsating cunt, making him groan as he emptied into the condom he had put on earlier. Nonetheless, you were stuck together for the next ten minutes, panting and coming down from you high. 
“At the risk of making the next ten minute awkward, I wanted to say I really like you.” Toru whispered into your back, holding you close with his arms looped around your abdomen. 
Licking your lips, you relaxed back onto him. “I think I like you too.” You paused before laughing. “And not your checkbook.”
“That’s good. Don’t think my poor heart could take it.” He himself laughed before continuing. “I have a courting gift in the drawer, but right now we’re a little...tied up.” 
A quick maneuver had you laying on his chest as he laid on his back, hands trailing up and down your sides. 
“All the money you gave me went into a trust fund, in case you were curious. If you want it back I’d be more than happy too-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there. That’s our money.”
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99liv3s · 3 years
A Quite Different Attraction
Anna stood beside her best friend, Amber, reading the sign in front of the building her friend had pulled her over to! The two of them were on vacation, and had seen lots of sights and done lots of things, but they were looking for something different, and Amber thought she had found such a unique and unheard of experience when she found this "attraction" the two of them were now standing in front of.
"Instant Pregnancies!"
"Experience the wonder and sensation of being pregnant and giving birth, all in the span of 20 minutes! One of our staff will assist in putting a baby inside you and monitoring you during the process! Additionally, you may choose weather or not to keep the baby afterward, or donate it to our New Life clinics!"
"Cost: $30 a person, no more than 3 persons at one time."
"Disclaimer: This procedure requires intimate access to your body - Experience at your own risk!"
Amber brushed her long black hair out of her face and looked at Anna, her brown eyes twinkling. "Let's do it," she said excitedly!! "It's something neither of us have done, and it'll be quite the experience!"
Anna ran her fingers through her short blonde hair, thinking. "I dunno, Amber," she said apprehensively, though she was also curious, "I mean, it sounds a little suspicious."
"Oh, come on, Anna, haven't you ever just wanted to be pregnant??" Amber asked, beaming.
Anna shook her head with a snort of laughter. "No, I'm not you!" She responded, though in her mind, she was just as intrigued as her friend, though maybe more cautious than her.
"It's only $30, and we don't even get stuck with a kid afterward," Amber pleaded. "What's the harm in trying it out?"
Anna looked at the sign again, her green eyes scanning the advertisement. She WAS curious about this, both the sensation of being pregnant and how this "attraction" would manage to pull off pregnancy and birth in 20 minutes, something that normally took months. "Ok, I'm in!" Anna said, nodding.
Amber practically cheered, and the two of them eagerly entered the building.
They were greeted by a young woman behind a counter, who smiled at them. "We're here for the instant pregnancies," Amber said to her. The woman nodded. "Excellent," she said. "Both of you are participating, I assume?" Amber nodded, and as the two of them paid and gave their names, Anna asked, "How does it work??" The woman continued to smile, as if this wasn't the first time she had been asked this. "Well, it works like you'd expect any pregnancy to work," she answered. "One of our staff will insert his sperm into you, and impregnate you, it all just happens at a faster pace is all." She smiled at the expressions of shock, confusion, and wonder on the girls' faces. "I know, you are wondering what makes it so fast," she continued. "Well, our staff have all undergone special fertility treatments, which are combined with a pill both of you lovely ladies will be required to take before I let you back." The woman placed two pills on the counter, one for each of them. Anna, now almost trembling with excitement despite her previous reluctance, grabbed her pill and swallowed it, followed by Amber a second later.
"Daniel will be the one assisting both of you this evening," the woman said, looking at her computer screen as the girls took their pills. "Now, head down the hall behind me to room C!" "Go in, and Daniel will be with you both shortly!"
The girls made their way to room C and entered it. It was a moderately sized room, with two chairs and two beds inside it, along with a mirror on the wall next to the door they had used to enter. Amber sat in one of the chairs as Anna positioned herself on the foot of one of the beds, looking around. Not even a minute had passed when a young, dark haired man entered the room, wearing a staff coat, which he immediately took off!
"Greetings, lovely ladies," he said to them, smiling warmly. "I'm Daniel, and I'll be your support staff member today!" "Who wishes to go first??"
Amber and Anna looked at each other, both silently asking each other if they wanted to go first. Amber was thinking that, since she was the one that convinced Anna to do this in the first place, it was only fair that Amber go first, but then Anna spoke up timidly...
"I... I will go first," she said in a soft voice. Daniel smiled brightly at her and started to undress. "Very well, Anna, I think your name was! Please take off your clothing!"
Anna did so, removing everything but her bra, as Daniel had finished getting completely naked and approached her. "I'm nervous," Anna squeaked out, not making eye contact with anyone. Daniel placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I will do everything I can to be gentle and make you as comfortable as possible!" Daniel said softly, and there was something reassuring to his voice. Anna nodded, as if giving approval, then Daniel entered her.
He really was gentle, and Anna found herself gasping as he bounced against her, once, twice, three times. She squeaked in surprise as she saw her belly start to swell instantly, as she felt Daniel release into her. Daniel didn't make a sound through the entire experience, and then a few minutes later, with Anna sporting a 9-month pregnant belly, Daniel pulled out of her, smiling.
"See?" Daniel said gently and warmly, patting Anna on the top of the head and ruffling her short blonde hair. "It wasn't so bad, was it??" Anna didn't respond, too busy looking down at her belly, admiring herself. She rubbed it, feeling the baby inside move around. "Oh wow!" Anna breathed. She looked up into Amber's eyes. "It feels great," Anna said to her. "You're going to love it!"
Amber immediately jumped up and said "Ok, do me now!!" She quickly undressed as Daniel laughed softly. Within minutes, Daniel was in her, thrusting softly. Anna watched them as she continued to rub her belly, smiling!! Happily, she thought, "I have a pregnant belly of my very own, and soon Amber will have one too!!"
Amber filled up just as quickly as Anna had done, and when Daniel pulled out, Amber was sporting a full term bump that rivaled Anna's, smiling happily and rubbing it. Daniel redressed as Amber started cooing and talking softly to her belly.
"My job is also to assist you with the births," Daniel said to them. "You'll have about 10 minutes to enjoy your pregnancy before labor begins." "I'm here to help any way I can, though some couples and even friends have found it a much more intimate and enjoyable experience to have only each other for support, and refuse the help of staff during labor." "If you would prefer that, then..."
"Yeah," Amber said, as Anna nodded. "We prefer to be alone during labor! Just us!!"
"Very well," Daniel said, smiling. "The room is all yours until the babies are born." "I will give you both some privacy!" "Make yourselves comfortable any way you can!" "When you are ready to leave, just press that button by the door and I or another staff member will assist you!" Daniel opened the door and said "Enjoy your pregnancies!" before closing it again, leaving the girls alone to admire themselves and each other.
It was the most glorious 10 minutes the two girls had ever experienced in their lives. They rubbed and felt each other's bellies, compared the sizes of them, (Anna's was slightly bigger), and talked about how much they enjoyed feeling pregnant, and wondering which of them would go into labor first.
Quite suddenly, Anna felt the baby drop into her hips and let out a cry of pain. "AAAHHH!!" "Amber, I think I'm in labor!!"
Amber responded with a loud moan of her own. "I...I am too!"
The two girls clutched their bellies, moaning and crying as the pain and pressure built. They decided to walk around the room, slowly waddling and whimpering as the contractions quickly worsened. Then, after a few minutes of this, Anna felt her water break, and a splash told her Amber's had too.
"AAAHHH, I NEED TO PUSH!!" Amber screamed out and immediately bore down, as Anna fell back onto one of the beds, panting!! "It hurts!!" She cried. "Amber, it hurts!"
"I know," Amber responded "But just push when you feel like you have toooooooo!!" Amber let out a long moan as the baby pushed through her birth canal. Using the mirror on the opposite wall, Amber could see the head already beginning to crown.
Anna was crying hysterically. She wailed when the baby pushed, and her legs trembled as a head began to poke out of her as well. Amber pushed hard, realizing that her friend needed her badly, to coach her. Amber tried to ignore the pain as she pushed the head out. "AAAAHHHHHH!!" she screamed as the head crowned and then popped out, just as Anna gave the most horrible scream yet. "I'm coming, Anna baby, I'm coming!" Amber said, panting, the head hanging between her legs.
Anna screamed and screamed as the baby began to emerge. Faintly, she heard a baby crying from Amber's corner of the room, and then her friend was there next to her, clutching her hand and trying to calm her. "It's ok, Anna, it's ok," Amber told her. "Oh, God, it hurts," Anna cried between heavy breaths. "Anna, you gotta push," Amber said to her, gently but firmly.
Anna pushed, and then let out a cry of agony as the baby crowned. "IT BURNS!!" Anna yelled. "AAAAHHHHH!!" Amber watched as the head emerged, realizing that this baby was bigger than the one she herself had birthed. Amber squeezed Anna's hand as the girl screamed and screamed, stretching her legs even wider to accommodate the large head. After another minute of this, the head finally popped out and Amber caught the baby as it slid from Anna's vagina.
Anna's baby was a 10 pound boy, Amber's a 6 pound girl. The friends found that whatever had accelerated their pregnancies and births also made them recover almost instantly. The two girls decided to send the babies to the New Life Clinic, where they would be adopted by families that wanted children but couldn't have them of their own. As the two girls left the attraction, chatting happily about the experience, they decided that they would one day come back and do it again, and maybe even bring friends!!
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jinx-jade · 3 years
Cries of a hummingbird part 3: Side effect
When Marinette first received her miraculous, she didn’t believe herself to be the best candidate to fight a villain wielding ancient magic jewelry. Yet when push came to shove, and Marinette was given no option to back out or walk away, she accepted the mantle.
As time went on she adjusted to the life of secrets. She couldn’t tell anyone that she was Ladybug. This meant that Marinette was constantly making up excuses for where she was, why she was late, why she didn’t show, any excuse to keep them away from her secret identity.
After all, keeping secrets is what you have to do to keep people safe.
‘It’s fine. Keeping secrets is just a side effect of being a vigilante’, Marinette thought to herself.
When Master Fu, Marinette’s only mentor, passed on his title of Grand Guardian to her, Marinette wanted to scream, cry, to do something. She wanted to be able to process her emotions, She wanted to be able to mourn the loss of her grandfather figure, her mentor, the person she was able to be open with and keep no secrets.
‘It’s fine. Not showing emotions is just a side effect of living in Paris.’ Marinette thought to herself.
“Mistress? Perhaps a…trip to somewhere… outside of Hawkmoths range is in order?” Kaalki suggested.
“Is that the best idea? What if an Akuma attacks while we’re gone?” Marinette questioned uncertainty shadowing her neutral tone of voice.
“I believe it would be a wise decision to release any built-up energy and emotions.” Wayzz states. The other kwamis joining in with their agreements, that a break would be a good idea.
Kaalki opened a portal that ended up taking Marinette to a dark gothic city. It was here, where she was safe from any possibility of Akumatization that she finally broke down.
Marinette’s emotions exhausted her more than she thought. The second she was home and lying down, Marinette fell fast asleep. It was a stark contrast to the previous sleepless nights she’s had since receiving a miraculi.
Marinette visited the gothic city fairly frequently to break down and be able to process her emotions. While She felt bad for using the miraculi in such a selfish way, the Kwamis encouraged Marinette to leave the toxic environment whenever she saw fit. 
After all, if Marinette were to be Akumatized, the world if not the universe would most likely end.
When Lila Rossi turned Marinette’s friends, teachers, classmates, and slowly, her parents against her by pointing out all of Marinette’s lies and excuses, all she could do was put on a mask of indifference.
‘It’s fine. I shouldn’t worry about some small school drama.’ Marinette thought to herself. A side effect of being the Grand Guardian is that it had made Marinette’s life problems seem like a leaf blowing in the wind, compared to the missing miraculi that is a tornado able to destroy cities, countries, and worlds.
When Marinette was all but legally disowned by the Dupain-Chengs, all she could do was stare at the two people she thought would never turn their backs on her. There was no emotion in Marinette’s stare. To her, it seemed like she was observing from behind a one-way window. 
All Marinette’s parents could see was a mirror reflecting the girl everyone believed Marinette to be based on the numerous true and false rumors floating around about the bluenette. Marinette on the other hand could only watch as if it was a show on a television instead of her actual life.
‘It’s fine. My parents… Tom and Sabine not trusting me must be a side effect from all the times I’ve had to lie to them.’ Marinette thought to herself.
When Chat Noir turned his back on Ladybug, willingly choosing to help the terrorist that had held all of Paris emotionally captive for the past four years, all she could do was sweep her feelings under a rug. She couldn’t deal with those feelings of betrayal and hurt till after this war was over and done with.
Ladybug snatched Chat Noir’s miraculi, revealing none other than Marinette’s former crush, Adrien Agreste. She wasn’t allowed to sit in her shock due to Hawkmoth, Mayura, and Adrien attacking her.
Seeing no other option, Ladybug merged the Ladybug and black cat miraculi. When she did, the world seemed to come to a stop.
It was simply moving too slow for the young vigilante’s brain to process the movements.
“What’s going on?” Ladybug questioned.
“You have merged the powers of creation and luck herself with the powers of destruction and ill fortune himself. What do you wish?” An ethereal voice spoke.
“I… I don’t have a wish. I just… I just didn’t know… know what else to do.” Ladybug stutters out feeling lost and confused.
“You have no wish?” The voice asked confused.
“No, I…” Ladybug paused realizing how she could end all of this.
“What if I wished for the kwamis to be set free, what would be the balancing act to set things back into balance?” Ladybug questioned.
“You wish to set the Kwamis free? You are aware that you humans would never be able to use the Kwami’s powers again, correct?” The voice informs her.
“Yes, I’m aware.” Ladybug answers.
“Then make your wish.” The voice states softly.
“I… I wish for the kwamis to be released from their bound jewels… To never be imprisoned against their will… To never be forgotten… To let them interact with all beings however they please. I wish for the kwamis to be set free.” Ladybug informs the voice of her wish.
In response, a soft glow appeared, fixing all the damage that had been done in the battle. Hawkmoth and Mayura de-transformed and became their civilians Gabrial Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur. However, before Ladybug’s transformation drops, a portal opens and brings Marinette back to her gothic haven.
“Here is where you’re meant to be Mistress.” The soft voice of Kaalki could be heard.
“Don’t worry about us pigtails. We’ll be keeping a close eye on ya,” Plagg claimed.
“Should you ever wish to speak with us, just send us your prayers. We are gods after all,” Wayzz states as wise as ever.
“We’ll talk soon. I just know it.” Tikki cheered.
The kwamis each gave their goodbyes. Once she was alone, Marinette finally broke down.
‘Was it over?’
‘Was she finally free?’
‘Did all this just because she opened a random box that had been on her desk?’
‘Was this all just the side effects of opening that box?’
‘Was this just the side effect of the miraculous?’
Question after question appearing in her head, but after a few more moments, Marinette fell asleep, giving into her emotionally exhausted state.
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coraskeeper · 3 years
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⇢ 𝗺𝗵𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝘀𝗵𝘆 𝗳𝗲𝗺! 𝘀/𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮 𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗻𝘆 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗸
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↳ 𝗳𝘁: 𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗶, 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮, 𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂, 𝗳𝗲𝗺! 𝗽𝗼𝗰 𝘀/𝗼
 ↳ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗻𝘀𝗳𝘄 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗺𝗵𝗮 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝘀 𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗯𝗱𝗲, 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳
↳ 𝘄𝗰: 𝟭.𝟱𝗸 𝘄𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗽𝘀
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𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐔𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚
being that she herself has a bunny quirk she instantly falls in love with you
will openly court you to let everyone else know that you’re hers
she's super open with skinship and unless you tell her you don’t like it she’ll do it no matter who’s around
intimate hugs, randomly groping you, kisses, pet names, etc.
she thinks you’re so small and cute compared to her
calls you cute nicknames like “ bunny “, “ carrot “, “ mommy’s good girl “
she likes giving you piggy back rides and likes it when you scratch her ears too
thinks its the cutest thing when you get embarrassed and you curl into yourself so innocently
just makes her want to ruin you more and more every time
loves feeding you and giving you presents bc she wants to see you well fed and happy
she rubs your ears a lot in tons of situation, if you're sad, uncomfortable, did a good job at something or even if you guys are just simply chilling doing nothing at all
when you guys first starting dating she wouldn’t touch your tail bc she didn't want to make you uncomfortable bc she knows how shy you are
now now now, the first time she found out her sensitive your tail was, oh lord
you just released the demon inside of this woman
buys you a pretty collar with rumi’s bunny written on it and a pretty bow on the back
“ you like it when mommy touches you here, don't cha carrot? “
this woman has a mommy kink, no other opinions are valid
loves loves loves giving you hickeys all over
rubs your ears after you come down from hard orgasms
loves to softly degrade you too
“ look at this slutty hole, dripping for me “  
“ look at you, spreading yourself for me waiting for me to breed you like the pretty slut you are “
breeding kink, i said what I said
rubs your tail when she pegs you from behind bc she knows how much you like it when she does
“ look at you taking my cock like the obedient little breeding bitch you are “
rumi calling you a breeding bitch i-  
her favorite is doggy style with your hands tied behind your back while she rails you from behind while she pulls on your collar
will s p a n k you and makes you count too
literally humps you like a bunny in heat
she won't require you to pleasure her back bc she just wants to take care of you but if you do she’ll praise you the whole time
let her roughly fuck your face while your in nothing but some skimpy white lingerie you can see your brown nipples through, a collar, and some thigh highs
has SO much stamina
also likes good ol missionary with your knees pressed into your chest while cry and drool for her
“ that’s right, cum for me bunny “
loves making you ride her face or 69ing with you on top, she knows your shy and your embarrassed and vulgar expressions make it soooo much more watching you writhe in pleasure for her
will make you ride her, and won't help you at all bc she's a big meanie and she loves to watch you struggle to impale yourself on her fake cock while you gush all over her thighs
if you try and ride her and she thinks you’re going to slow, she’ll fuck you with the powerful pretty ass legs and ruin you from under you
she’s so rough with you and leaves bruises everywhere but she’s never so rough to the point she hurts you
when you cum she rubs your ears and tells you how good you did
“ that’s my good girl “ ugh
will clean you up and carry you around everywhere, gives you her clothes to sleep in
if you fall asleep right after your bath, shell dress you, put on your bonnet for you, and make you something to eat while you rest
i will let this woman destroy me pls i got so carried away I-
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𝐉𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚
she literally adores your cute ass floppy ears
literally takes pictures of your ears and tails and face and shows everyone and adores it when you get embarrassed
she’s so sweet to you just buys you any and everything
writes you cute ass songs
bc you’re so shy she’s always going to ask before she touches you
consent consent consent
when you get uncomfortable around a large group of people and she sees your ears lay flat on top of your head, will subtly pull you aside to a quiet place
calls you things like “ my muse “ or “ darling “
she understands that you don’t like loud things bc of how sensitive your ears are being that she herself has sensitive ears too bc of her quirk
when you can’t sleep or have nightmares she’ll sing to you and gently scratch behind your ears
studies up on your anatomy bc she wants to know as much about you as possible
will teach you how to play her acoustic guitar bc she knows it won’t be too loud for your sensitive ears
she loves how your ears just sit perfectly in the middle of your curls you just look so pretty
she likes it when you wear bright colors that contrast her own wardrobe
she might seem like she’s pretty chill but in bed i believe that kyoka is a mean ass lazy dom
she makes you work for your orgasms and she will edge and punish you
“ go faster or you wont get to cum at all “
she likes watching you desperately grind your sweet cunt onto her thigh or against her own arousal
likes to eat you out from behind or play with your cunt in front of a mirror
she lovesssss playing with your brown nipples and if you’re insecure about them she will casually take time out of her day just to appreciate them
shower sex shower sex shower sexxxxx
likes seeing you all wet and the water falling off your body just turns her on
mirror sex with jirou ugh
she loves spreading you open in front of a mirror and lazily fingering you until your crying and dripping all over you, her, and the bedsheets from the overstim
“ don’t be a crybaby, you can take more can't you, darling? “
she tugging on your tail when you cum bc she knows how sensitive it is and she loves hearing you moan loud for her but will be so mean to you about it
“ shut your mouth “
will smack your cute ass while she ruthlessly grinds into you and calls you names
“ you want everyone to hear how loud you are don't you slut “
will edge you until you cry and won't let you cum until there are tears streaming down your face and your begging her for release
“ only good girls get to cum, not selfish sluts “
she will probably call you names when you cum too lol
after care is 10/10 tho
she makes it up to you for being mean and buys you ice cream after she bathes you
sings to you and gives you snacks and ear rubs
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𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐨
she is a very sociable person, she loves to interact with others and make friends while you on the other hand are super introverted and stays to yourself
everyone is surprised when you too start to go out bc you are polar opposites
will never shut up about you after that
“ yeah, that cute lil bunny over there.. that's my girlfriend “
calls you things like “ babe “, “ bun “, and “ love “
shows everyone cute pictures of you she took off guard and rubs your ears when you get mad at her for embarrassing you  
she wont do anything you dont like and will always ask what your comfortable with and is constantly asking if you're too overwhelmed when your out somewhere
she loves your quirk and she thinks its so cute
she will buy you cute skirts and cuts hole out of the back of them just to see your cute little tail pop out the back
will hold your hand no matter where you are so you don't get lost or feel too uncomfortable
she hates when your sad or feeling insecure and uncomfortable around others bc your ears droop on top of your head and she hates how lifeless they look
she likes buying you cute ribbons to tie around the base of your ears
matching pjs and disney movies anyone?
likes seeing you in frilly pink things and pretty chokers
she's a people pleaser so anything you want, if it's in her ability to give it to you trust me you’ll have it
she isn't mean to you as your dom bUT she is SO unashamedly vulgar
she will say the nastiest things to you with an innocent smile on her face while she wrecks you
“ look at how your pussy just clenches for me, how cute “  
likes to make you look when she plays with you
the biggest tease
“ don't be embarrassed love, i love when your pussy sucks my fingers and tongue in like that “
it is her mission to make you squirt every single time you have sex
likes to make you eat her out on your knees while you play with yourself under her
she is a BITER she loves to bite you everywhere
tugs on your ears when she fucks your face and calls you a good bunny when you make her cum
“ look at my good girl, you look so pretty with my cum all over your face, love “
please wear thigh highs and garters for her, she will worship you
loves the inside of your mouth, she’ll stick her fingers in your mouth and then make you talk to her while she fingers the hell out of you
“ aw bun, look at how stupid im fucking you “
toys toys toys!!
loves using all types of vibrators on you
she isn't as mean to where she'd edge you, she hates not giving you what you want but she will always overstim you
“ look love, you came so much the bed is soaking “
“ look at the mess your gushing cunt made “
she will embarrass you any chance she gets
she also likes mutual masturbation
watching you get off to watching her get off? i think tf yeah
sits you on her lap so she can fucking you with the vibrator on the highest setting while playing with your tail
will have a normal conversation with you like she’s not literally ruining your insides and will tease you when you cant respond to her without moaning and whimpering
“ what was that babe? I can't understand anything you're saying, speak up “ 
loves seeing your ears and nose twitch when you cum
cuddles you and runs a warm bath for you both
gives you soft massages bc she knows how sore you’ll be afterwards
puts on your matching bonnets and makes you breakfast the next morning
aftercare queen yess
613 notes · View notes
kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Could we please have an insecure!reader x Bokuto! (Also Todoroki x reader but separately if that’s okay?) where she starts to slowly starts to compare herself to all the fangirls and the girls that confess to them? So she slowly starts to distance herself, then meets up with then to break up. But when she says she wants to break up the boys are like “do you not love me anymore, what happened” then she basically goes on a spiel about how much better he would be with one the fangirls and just straight up says she looks like the trash but of course she still loves him. So then the boys reassure her that she’s the only one he wants and that she is perfect and blah blah blah and it’s just a nice happy ending basically :)
It’s Always Been You
Pairing: Bokuto x reader
Angst, Fluff
Word count: 3.1K
A/N: I’M BACK! I’m starting to get back into the groove of things while juggling my work but hopefully, I’ll be able to start that new series soon! Let me tell yall, when I finished plotting out and detailing everything I want to happen in this series, it was 11 pages long.... like what?
Anyway, I love love loved this prompt. It actually made me feel sad inside. I hope it wasn’t too rushed. Also, I just wanted to do Bokuto since I have a lot on my plate, writing wise so i hope that is okay! Thank you to whoever sent this in and I hope you are satisfied with this! Happy reading! (if you want to know more about my next series, DM me! I really want to talk about it LOL)
“Kotarou-kun!” you bellowed your boyfriend’s name from the stands. You would always go to Bokuto’s volleyball practice whenever you could. You had your own club activities so you couldn’t always be there to cheer him on. But when you would, Bokuto would be jumping with joy, trying new moves just to impress you. You were already impressed with the achievements he made this past year, one being the top 5 spikers in all of Japan. But he somehow still thinks that there’s more wow factor in him for you. When Bokuto hears his name fall from your lips, he automatically whips his head and gives you the widest smile.
“(y/n)!” he sings your name, waving both hands in the air. Bokuto was so distracted by you that he didn’t see that ball coming straight for him. Luckily, it missed him but just a hair. But now his team was upset that they just lost a point thanks to him. Thank god this was just practice and not an actual game. You’d never live that one down. You could see Bokuto rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed, as his team continued to scold him to pay attention.
Spike after spike after spike after spike, you were amazing at how many times Bokuto could spike the ball down without getting tired. If that was you, you would surely break both your ankles. You leaned on the railing, admiring how hardworking and how much effort he put in his sport. You’ve never met anyone more dedicated than the man who was dominating the court by just standing there.
“This one’s for…” Bokuto starts as he jumps in the air with exceptional form. You smile fondly because you know what’s about to happen. “(Y/N)!!!” he dedicates his spike to you, yelling with his whole chest and smacks the ball on the other side of the court. With the widest smile and a big thumbs up, Bokuto faces you after his great feat. His teammates clearly embarrassed with his antics. It’s practice, for crying out loud. But Bokuto didn’t care what anyone else thought. He was going to shower you with love and affection to show everyone just who captured his heart.
You giggle to yourself. You loved this side of Bokuto. In the beginning of your relationship, you admit that it was embarrassing. He was just so extra with his affection that you didn’t know how to take it. But day by day, you learned to accept and love all the things he does for you. His smile, his laugh, his iconic ‘hey, hey, hey’ line, and even when he dedicates certain moves to you. But you weren’t the only one to admired him. No, his fangirls were also in love with that. Speaking of fangirls…
When practice was over, you made your way down the bleachers and over to your boyfriend, but when the team came into sight, Bokuto was already surrounded by a herd of fangirls.
“Bokuto-san, you were super cool today!”
“Can you show me how to play?”
“Are you thirsty? Here, I bought you some water!”
“Do you need a towel?”
“Can we feel your muscles?”
Bokuto looked uncomfortable, to say the least. You stayed behind the crowd of girls, giving him some space with his fans. He sees you immediately and gives you an apologetic look. You shake your head, insinuating that it was okay. Because it honestly was. You can’t be mad at him for having adoring fans. It was natural if he was going to play professionally. And this is nothing if he was to really play on a pro volleyball team. So you could take it. Bokuto continues to interact with the girls while to watch them, waiting until he’s ready to leave.
You could see him trying to make his way through the crowd to get to you, but surprisingly, his fans were pretty strong. They refused to let him leave, no matter how many times he said he had to go. But again, you were willing to be patient.
“Look, ladies. I’d love to stay and talk, but I have someone waiting on me,” Bokuto tried one more time and pointed in your direction. All their heads whipped around to you, not looking too happy. Their stares burned at you, scaring you a bit at how vicious they could look. With them distracted, Bokuto was able to slip out of their circle and by your side.
“Shall we go?” he looked down at you, love back in his eyes. You nod and Bokuto automatically wraps his hand around your shoulders, leading you out of the court.
As you pass by the group of girls who were still staring daggers at you, you heard their whispers. You weren’t sure if they were saying it on purpose or if it was because it was the truth, but they were speaking loud enough for you to overhear.
“What does he see in her?”
“Do you see her bare face? Does she not care that she looks homeless?”
“It’s because her face is bumpy, so if she wore makeup it would look cakey.”
“No, even if she did wear makeup, it would look so bad because she doesn’t know how to put it on.”
“God, she’s so boring!”
“Her hair isn’t even done.”
“It’s like she purposely trying be a loser.”
“And do you see how her rolls are spilling out of her shirt? Embarrassing!”
You tightened your grip on your skirt. Were they really talking about you? The entire time Bokuto was walking you home, you were looking down and thought about all those comments that they made. Mean as they were, maybe they were right? You didn’t wear any jewelry. It would only get in the way. You don’t do your hair, but you didn’t think it was that messy. You liked it the way it was. No, you don’t wear makeup. Not only do you not have time in the morning, but you only use it for special occasions. Fat? Maybe you were putting on a few pounds, but you and Bokuto like to eat. It’s his fault that you look bigger than normal. Is this what people think about you? Is this was people say behind your back? You looked down at your stomach and held it shyly. Thinking about those comments just made you upset. But did Bokuto think that way? You look up at him and he’s all happy like normal. He hasn’t said that you should change anything, but maybe that’s just him being polite. But that was going to change.
After dropping you off, you went straight to your room and dug up everything you could find: makeup, clothes, jewelry, accessories, curling iron, straightener. You put everything on your counter and got to work. You were going to look pretty for once.
First, you applied your makeup. Dramatic or subtle? What do most of the girls wear at school? After a quick search, subtle it is. You admit, you weren’t the best at makeup, but it’s not like you’ve never put it on before. You just needed a little practice and this was a good opportunity. After maybe 30 minutes of applying what you thought looked like good makeup skills, you moved onto the hair. You tried something that you normally never do. Up or down? Curly or straight? Extensions or nah? God, so many options. So again, you looked at what the other girls were doing. Looking back in the mirror, you smiled at yourself. Not too bad, if you do say so yourself! You were going to wake up early tomorrow and do exactly this. Bokuto was in for a big surprise.
A big surprise, he was. Bokuto waited outside your house like he did every day. You were running a little late but he didn’t mind waiting.
“Sorry I’m late. I was doing something real quick!” you announced and presented yourself in front of your boyfriend. As soon as Bokuto laid eyes on you, he felt his heart fly out of his chest and then back again because he had to be alive to see how stunning you looked. His mouth flew open but he couldn’t form any words. His eyes grew as wide as saucers and looked up and down. He didn’t want this picture of you out of his mind.
As shocked as Bokuto was, you didn’t take his reaction the right way. Did he not like it? Why wasn’t he saying anything? You know that your look might be different than normal, but he acts like you’re a totally different person. The longer that he stared at you, the more ridiculous you looked. But what were you going to do now? It was too late to change and you were going to be late to school.
“Let’s go!” you urged, hooking your arms together and pulled him along to walk with you. You acted like his reaction didn’t affect you, but inside you were disappointed.
As the day went on, you couldn’t help but feel subconscious about your new look. Your friends said that they loved the new you, but Bokuto’s opinion mattered the most to you. Because you knew that he would tell you the truth no matter what.
In between classes, you look either go to the bathroom or look at your phone, wherever there was a mirror so that you could look at yourself. Your make up started melting and fading away, your hair wasn’t as kept like this morning. Slowly, your new look made you look like a clown. And the more you looked, the more you started to see your flaws. Now you could understand what those girls were saying. Fuck.
Tears welled in your eyes that you rubbed away the tears. But in the process of doing that, you wiped off the makeup that you forgot you had on, the makeup that took you so long to do. It all smeared across your eyes and that made you cry even more. Now you were forced to take your makeup off. You turned on the tap and rubbed all the foundation, the eye shadow, the blush, and the lipstick away. There, your ugly bare face was back.
Since you were doing that, might as well fix your hair. Pulling your hair all the way back, you put it into a bun. You stared at yourself in the mirror again. Homeless. Ugly. Bare faced. Fat. You could see it all. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks and you began to cry uncontrollably. God, you felt so embarrassed with yourself.
Bokuto immediately saw the difference in appearance when he saw you at the end of the day. Your shoulders were slouched over, your head was hung low, not to mention that your new look disappeared.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Bokuto said softly. “What happened to your new look?”
“Oh,” you jolted up. His concerned gaze made you feel uncomfortable and even more insecure about your looks. “It was bothering me, so I took it off.” You lied. And it was a good lie because he believed it without a second thought.
“If it bothers you, maybe you shouldn’t wear it to school,” Bokuto suggested. Oh, so he’s basically saying that you shouldn’t dress like that because he’s embarrassed by you. Your confidence levels just reached a new low.
“Yeah, I probably won’t,” you say discouraged and quickly walk away from him. Bokuto didn’t know what to say. Why did you look so sad?
The next day, you transitioned back into your normal outfit. You felt more comfortable but your body and the way you looked to other people was always in the back of your mind. You became so distracted by the idea that you began to distance yourself from the volleyball player.
You went to his practices but didn’t make yourself known anymore. Little by little each day, you let the fangirls take over. So he’ll spend most of his time with them instead of you. It was probably better like that anyway. The more you looked at them from afar, the more you could see the difference between you guys. You were just an ordinary student with an ordinary life with ordinary looks. There really wasn’t anything special about you. There wasn’t anything about you that stood out. Compared to these girls that were flocking all around your boyfriend? Beautiful girls. Their looks were out of this world. You could never compare to them. So why was Bokuto with you when he could have anyone he wanted? He was popular, athletic, goofy, strong. Every girl’s dream guy. It doesn’t make sense that you, a plain girl, was his girlfriend. A match that probably wasn’t meant to be.
Bokuto noticed that you were being distant. Eventually, you stopped going to his practices. Every day, he would look for you in the stands but you were never there. Whenever he has free time and wanted to spend it with you, you were also too busy or had some place to be. He never saw you anymore. You didn’t even want to walk to and from school together. He couldn’t fathom what he did wrong. He thought he treated you well. He thought that he did his best to show you that you mean so much to him. So what was going on?
Bokuto stopped by your house one day after practice because does not like how you were avoiding him. He was going to figure out what was wrong whether you continue to avoid him or not.
“Oh, is (y/n) home?” Bokuto asked your mother who opened the door instead of you. Strange, were you not home yet?
“Oh, Kotarou. No, she isn’t home yet. Would you like to wait inside? She should be home any minute now,” your mother informed, opening the door a little wider to let him in. He gladly accepted and stepped into your welcoming home. Your mother let Bokuto make himself at home and that is just what he did. He went to your room and waited for you there.
When you arrived home, you greeted your mother with a kiss on her cheek and headed for your room when your mom stopped you in your tracks.
“Oh, your boyfriend is waiting for you upstairs, dear,” your mother said. You completely froze. Your heart started to race and cold sweat ran down your back. Shit. What was he doing here? After all this time, you thought you were doing well by keeping your distance but now he shows up out of nowhere, catching you off guard. Reluctantly, you opened the door to your bedroom and sure enough, Bokuto was standing there not looking too happy.
“Kotarou,” you say but didn’t have a clue what to say after. What could you say?
“(y/n),” Bokuto sighs and walks to you. But you backup, making Bokuto frustrated. “What is going on with you? First, you don’t come to my practices. Then, you stop talking to me. You don’t even want to walk with me to school anymore. Did I do something wrong? Because if I did, just tell me so I can fix it.”
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you admit, but now Bokuto was confused.
“If I didn’t do anything, then why are you acting like towards me? Are you mad at me?”
“Did I say something that hurt your feelings?”
“No.” Question after question, you kept saying no. Everything that he thought he did, you answered no. You weren’t giving him any information to help him understand what was going on. All you did was stand by the door, head down and you fiddled with your fingers. Bokuto was beyond frustrated. He put his hands on his waist and let out a deep sigh.
You couldn’t see him but you could definitely hear him and feel the ambiance in the room. He was upset at you. He had every right to. But now his reaction made you feel even worse about yourself that you just wanted to cuddle up in bed and literally just forget about everything. Maybe today was the today.
“If you’re so frustrated, why don’t you just break up with me?” you opened your mouth to say. Silence.
All of Bokuto’s anger and frustration dissipated and was replaced with hurt and betrayal. The moment those words left your mouth, his stomach dropped and the pain in his heart hit him so deep that he had to take a step back.
“Baby, why are you saying that?” his voice softens in the most pained toned you’ve ever heard. Guilt starts to eat at you for saying that, but cat’s out of the bag now. You don’t answer him and continue to stare down at your feet. He gets closer and you allow him to take your hands in his.
“I’m just trying to understand. Why are avoiding me? Why are you saying that we should break up?” he asks, trying to look you in the eyes. You shrug your shoulders but don’t say anything. But that’s okay because Bokuto was going to give you all the time in the world that you need to answer back. And it took you a long while before you should say anything.
“It’s because… I think you can find someone better,” you mumble in a whisper.
“Why do you think that?” Bokuto matches your tone. You shrug again.
“I don’t know. I see all those girls around you. And they’re all so pretty and thin. I’m nothing compared to them. And then I started thinking, and… you’re way out of my league. You could do so much better if you were with someone like-”
“Do you love me?” Bokuto cuts you off.
“Yeah,” you answer anyway. “But I don’t think we look good as a couple.”
“I don’t care what other people think. I love you and only you. I picked you. Every practice, every game, I’m looking for you. Whenever I see you, my day brightens up. When I see you, I feel like I can play my best. You are my strength and my motivation. You are the only one that sticks out in a crowd full of people. You’re perfect and don’t let those other people tell you otherwise.” Bokuto lifts your chin up so that you could tell that he meant every word. Your lower lip forms a pout and silent tears streaked your cheeks. His face softens at you. Gosh, even when you’re crying and snot is coming out of your nose, you’re still so cute to him.
“You really mean it?” you cry.
“Yes, you cry baby. Now come here,” he scoops you up and lays you on the bed to cuddle. “So don’t you ever say that to me again, or I’ll quit volleyball.” He threatens. Upon hearing that, you freak out and convince that he shouldn’t. He’s laughing out loud and kisses you all over.
“Ah, I love you too much,” he says content and you cuddle for the rest of the evening.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Character: Shouto Todoroki
Long distance isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Your boyfriend, Shouto, goes overseas on a special mission in America. Back home, you try to take advantage of the distance with a couple of pictures.
Warnings: 18+, phone sex
Word count: 4k
Shouto watched with somber eyes as you packed the last remaining suitcase into the trunk of the car, back still turned against him so he couldn't see your tears. Bakugou and Izuku insisted on driving to the airport together, taking into consideration that they were all traveling overseas to the same destination. The night before, you were being a stubborn brat, not liking the idea of sending Shouto off at the crack of dawn. He showered you with affection afterward, his body never leaving your touch. Making love didn't cross both of your minds. It would've hurt in the after glow knowing the distance that'll be between you for the months to come. The two of you decided to just lay lifelessly in each other's arms, limbs interlocking, fingers carefully tracing skin, and hearts beating in unison. Moments like that is what truly captured the relationship as a whole.
With your back still turned, Shouto saunters over and wraps his arms around your torso, along with his head resting on top of yours. You hummed at his subtle touch. Eyes drawn to a close, you ruffled his split colored hair, already imagining the smile forming on his stern face. It was always a miracle when you manage to witness Shouto genuinely smile without forcing it.
You turned on your heel and reposition Shouto's hands on your hips. "Call me as soon as you touch down in America. Okay?" you didn't care at how needy you sounded, anything involving Shouto and hero work gave you anxiety.
The arm holding onto your hip soon reached the bottom of your chin, tilting it slightly so your eyes can formally meet. His dark irises became glossy as you stared harder, trying to capture every feature before he leaves in case within those months you forgot what he looks like. Even though you had a separate album on your phone filled to the brim with selfies and funny pictures of him, mostly taking up your storage space.
"I promise sweetheart. Remember, this will be the shortest 6 months you'll endure. I'll be home quicker than you can say All Might," he said, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. The action made you blush and giddy, referring back to the ways he'd make you feel during U.A.
Subconsciously, you both lean in against each other, waiting patiently for who's making the next move.  Your lips hovered over his, unsure if he wants to kiss goodbye or stay wrapped in your arms. A minute has gone by and you two stayed cemented in the same position. Fuck it, you thought. Who cares if it'll make you miss each other more. You harshly grabbed his face and leaned forward, preparing your lips to come into contact. But the loud beep emitting from the car made you both jump out of each other's grasp, knocking you backwards onto the cold surface.
Bakugou's head popped out comically from one of the windows, eyes gleaming with rage.
"Oi! Hurry up you dumbasses! We were supposed to leave 5 minutes ago!" he hollered, spit spraying out from this mouth.
You overheard Izuku, who was in the passengers seat, trying to calm down the explosive blonde. A pair of calloused hands slipped behind the back of your neck, crashing your lips to mount another. There's no hunger in the kiss. No teeth or tongue battling it out. Just pure passion burning within the languish kiss. Feeling satisfied, Shouto released himself from your mouth, leaving you breathlessly staring back at him in awe. With one last romantic gesture, your boyfriend rubbed the outer part of your cheek and pinched it between his fingers, smiling at your reddened reaction and shuffled towards the side door of the car.
"I love you y/n," was all he said before sliding the door shut.
You mumbled the exact sentiment as the car revved up and maneuvered out of your driveway. Shortly after wiping away some dried up tears, the car soon disappears from your line of vision, leaving you all alone on the driveway.
“All Might...” you whisper to no one in particular.
About 3 months into the trial of long distance, you were already experiencing the symptoms of postpartum-boyfriend-syndrome. Constantly crying yourself to sleep? Check. Going through his Instagram to make sure he didn’t delete any of your pictures together? Check. Texting him every hour on any given day to see how fast he’d respond? Check. Also, the inevitable weight gain from stress eating? Double check.
A couple of your friends noticed the sudden mood change when Shouto arrived in America that first initial month of separation. Momo for example, confronted you in the locker room at the agency one day, spewing about how you almost got yourself decapitated by a villain when your guard was down.
“I’m sorry Momo. My mind has been in the gutter lately. Shouto hasn’t texted me all day since this morning. I’m just worried this whole long distance thing is going to ruin our relationship,” you admitted , wincing at how incredibly clingy you sounded.
Momo began undressing herself, her lips caught between her teeth, clearly taking in what you said. Once she shimmied our from her hero costume, a devilish smirk rested upon her face.
“If you feel like your relationship is going grey, maybe try to spice things up a little. Ya know? Use the distance to your advantage.”
Your hands stopped themselves from unzipping your tight suit. “Hah? What do you mean by that?”
Momo chuckled, amused by how innocent you were acting.
“Come on, you know what I mean y/n,” she slipped on her everyday attire and closed the locker. “You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.” With that she gave you a wink and left the room.
A picture huh?
Across from you was a massive mirror. Each end reaching the edge of the room, everything being showcased, including you. Sometimes you’d walk in catching a few of the prohero girls taking selfies. They all had one thing in common, confidence. Something you had before Shouto’s departure. It felt as if someone used an ice pick to cut away the very little self esteem you had left, leaving you with barely anything to offer anymore. You couldn’t help to compare yourself to the proheros Shouto has been working alongside with since being in America. American girls were a different breed. Everyone over there looks exactly the same but different somehow. You tried not to think too much as you resumed on unzipping your hero costume. Today you wore a plain black bra set underneath. You hardly put on anything skimpy or sexy since you’re practically on patrol everyday, resorting to your trusty sport bras.
You caught a quick glimpse of yourself in the horizontal mirror, gaping at the added fat in your chest area. All thanks to the weight gain, your boobs looked delicious in the bra. The lower half of your body was nothing to ignore either. Your ass filled up the small undergarments, cheeks teasingly spilling out.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Momo’s words enticed you enough to grab your cellphone from the pocket of your duffel bag. Work hours was over for everyone in the building, so you weren’t worried about someone walking in on this compromising state.
You tried to mimic the poses you witnessed from the times you watched the girls do it. One hand on the hip, the other behind your head, along with angling your ass to the side. The pose was uncomfortable. How did they manage to hold this stance for longer than ten seconds? You took some pictures anyway, ignoring how awkward you presented yourself in the mirror.
Each picture you swiped through didn’t meet the criteria. Were these even good enough to send off to Shouto? He loves you no matter what, he reminded you everyday in fact, but your stomach dropped of the thought of him being revolted at these images. You quickly deleted all of the them and sighed in defeat. One more try.
Dropping down to your knees, you held the camera above your head, showing off every part of your body. You spread your legs a couple of inches, your cloth slit on full display. To add even more, you leaned forward a little bit to have your boobs almost spilling out from your tight bra. Through the camera lens, the top part of your nipples were visible. Surly Shouto wasn’t dense to not notice.
Your mouth was agape as you stared at the pictures you recently took. This person in the frame didn’t look anything like you. If you were to show this to Momo she’d be a proud mother.
Without hesitation, you sent a couple of the pictures to Shouto, leaving a cute little message at the bottom once they finally delivered.
Missing you extra today :) xoxo
You didn’t wait for his reply and started packing up everything in your area. Hopefully Shouto won’t be angry at your sudden bluntness, but he left you no choice. An acute noise came from your duffle bag. The blood rushing through your veins suddenly became very cold. It must be a message from Shoto, it has to be. You waited till you arrived safely home to check what he responded with. To your dismay, it was a reminder for next weeks meeting. You shuffled out from your car and headed straight to your shared apartment, a pout currently prominent on your face due to the failed mission.
On the other side, Shouto sat stoic in a plush chair listening attentively to one of the leaders reporting about the current mission. Next to him was a grouchy looking Bakugou, who was currently falling in and out of sleep in his seat. By no surprise Izuku was the only one in the group wide awake and full of energy. The trio has been traveling across the nation helping out with smaller hero agencies in hopes for there to be a stronger allegiance between the USA and Japan. So far it’s been excruciatingly draining on not just their bodies but minds as well. All Shoto wants is to feel the familiar warmth of your body pressed against his. His touch starving tendencies wandered into his personal life when Bakugou caught him snuggling the hotel pillows one night, mumbling your name over and over again. Pathetic as it is, he misses you so much. Although, he wouldn’t admit that out loud, he tried to keep you updated on everything that’s been happening. He has a hard time expressing his feelings, especially when it comes to you. So when he felt his bottom pocket vibrate, he half expected it to be a goodnight message from you, since you’re a couple of hours ahead of him. Nothing prepared him for the promiscuous photo you shared of yourself plastered on his screen, looking back at him with dilated eyes and flushed cheeks.
Blood rushed to the lower region of his pants as he pinched the screen to get a better inspection of you. He thought you looked absolutely beautiful in this vulnerable state, not to mention how your body perfectly clings to his favorite pair of underwear, every curve and beauty mark showcasing before him. Below the plethora of lewdness, a short message from you was attached.
Missing you a extra today :) xoxo
Stifling a groan, he began to type out a reply, stumbling on his words even in text. Before he could press send, someone slapped Shouto’s shoulder and dragged him to his feet.
“Come on half cold bastard the meeting is over. We’re free to go,” Bakugou grumbled as he pushes Shouto out of the cramped room, having Midoriya to follow suit. Bakugou shifted his gaze to Shouto’s phone, gazing at the gross nickname for you on the screen. Shouto angles his phone away from Bakugou’s peripheral vision, praying that he didn’t see your half naked body.
Shouto stuffed his cellular device into his back pocket again, awaiting for the right moment to text you back. Knowing the dynamic of the relationship, his silence is nothing out of the ordinary, so maybe you weren’t thinking too much into this.
Hours later and still no reply from Shouto. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, you figured he probably hasn’t seen it yet, but the “read at ___” has your heart twisting in a knot. You knew he was a couple of hours behind, but would it take for him to at least send a well thought out compliment. Maybe he’s in the midst of an intense battle? Or worse, hooking up with one of the American colleagues. No, Shoto isn’t like that. Being unfaithful is uncharacteristically unlike Shouto. You mentally slap yourself for painting your loyal boyfriend in a different light, all because of some stupid pictures.
Clearing your mind from anymore self sabotage, you did your nightly routine to get ready for bed. As you tucked yourself in, the bright light from your phone flashed, indicating a notification. Everyone in your contact list has already gone to sleep. Everyone excluding Shouto. Frantically, you reached over to grab the phone, swiping across the screen to view his message. The following text shot daggers through your chest.
Call me now
No mention of the photos you sent hours ago. It took him this long just to conjure up a cryptic message. Although, you were curious to see what he'll say to you once he picks up. You pressed the phone icon on his profile and waited, the ringing making you sweat with anticipation. He answered on the third ring.
There was an uncommon silence hanging in the air. On the other end of the call, you can hear the faint acute breathing coming from your boyfriend. You laid frozen in bed, cowardly holding in your breath to prevent any noise.
Shouto broke the silence and said, "I'm sorry for not texting you all day. There was an immediate emergency that lasted longer than we expected."
You nodded your head, but then caught yourself after realizing he can't see your movement over the phone, and let out a grunt instead.
"So?" It came out more aggressive than you wanted it to be, but the constant cat and mouse game of today set you over.
"Are you mad at me?" He asked.
No. Not in a million years could you ever be angry at him. Yes, sometimes there's things he did that you wish he'd do better, like expressing himself instead of sheltering back in his shell. Or the way how you envied the relationships your coworkers had, their partners showing them off like it was second nature. Not once did Shouto verbally express his sexual desires. As selfish as it is, you wanted to explore more with him than just regular mundane vanilla sex. Sadly you knew his response was probably going to be lackluster. But no, you weren't mad, just jealous.
"I'm not mad Shouto. Just...very disappointed in you."
In the background, the definite click of a lock from a door rattled your ears. He's in his hotel room, you thought.
"Is this about what happened earlier today?" he started, dragging his tired feet to the hotel bed. "You know, the pictures-"
"Right, the only pictures I put any effort into just for them to be completely ignored by my own boyfriend."
The line went silent again. Even though he isn't here, if he was, he'd be glaring at you with his intense stare, those bi-colored eyes never wavering away from yours.
"You really want to know how I truly felt about those pictures you sent?" His voice dropped a lower octave, sounding as though he dipped himself in pure molasses. Rich as it is, his sudden change of tone aroused you, sending an involuntary wave of pleasure through your body, tipping to the peak of your sex. The only time you heard him sound like this was either when he's livid to the core or about to completely wreck your shit. Both would coincide with each other on special occasions.
He didn't give you enough time to answer, figuring you were too stubborn to reply, and voiced his inner thoughts.
"The fact that you even think I didn't appreciate the photo's is quite silly sweetheart. In fact," you can hear the clanking of metal on the other end. "It makes me sad that I'm not there to worship every inch of that body. Was that your plan all along? To get me worked up by how much I miss your touch?" Shouto struggled removing his pants, the tent forming beneath them restricting him to smoothly slip them off.
You tried to keep your excitement down by squeezing your legs together, almost to the point where they crossed. Soon your breathing became sporadic. Just picturing Shouto touching himself while you both were on call gave you an adrenaline rush. Knowing you couldn't touch him but just yourself intensified your arousal even more. Slowly, you dragged a lazy finger from your sternum to the area around your belly button, tracing small circles on the skin.
"What would you have done to me if you caught me in that moment? Taking those pictures," your sultry tone boomed through his speakers, almost taken back by your approach.
Shouto raised his hips and shimmed out from his tight work pants and started palming himself through his briefs. "Sweetheart, id do nothing but ravish you. Taking my sweet time with you....fuck...I miss you so much," he couldn't hold back the whine he trapped in his throat as soon as his finger swiped over his clothed slit. The sound alone triggered a warm sensation spreading down below, already feeling the wetness coating your panties. By now, Shouto’s fingers would be disappearing inside of you, scissoring and messaging your velvety walls till you broke out screaming, but you had to make do and resort to playfully teasing yourself.
"Ngh...I miss you too...S-Shoto."
"Are you touching yourself love?"
Both of you were far too gone in arousal, there was no point in holding back your sexual pleas.
"Y-Yes, but I wish it was your fingers instead."
Hearing those words coming from your lips encouraged him to shove his entire hand down his boxers, gripping the base of his cock with ease. A small gasp left his lips feeling the crisp, cold air of the hotel room hit his exposed member. He shifted his hand vertically, giving light tugs to it before pumping it vigorously. The sensation strained him to close his eyes, seeing nothing but you doing the work for him. Late nights in the various hotel rooms consisted of him getting off to memories of all the intimate moments you two shared together. Of course it was lonely, but he never resorted to surfing the internet of lewd videos of random girls. They just weren't you. But tonight, he could finally relieve himself to the sweet ambiance of your moans. And he definitely wasn't going to regret it in the morning like usual.
"Listen to me, go faster for me baby," Shouto instructed, "Imagine it's me touching you."
Your cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, fully coaxing your face in heat. You followed through and dipped your fingers into your sex, feeling the warm texture of your walls petting them. All those months without any sexual relief built up so much tension that the tightness within you restricted from anymore movements. After a few strokes, you loosen and manage to reach in far enough to the peak of your knuckles.
Meanwhile, Shouto's hand never grew tired at the tedious strokes, pre cum dripping till it reached his inner thighs. Your name kept spewing out from his throat like a mantra, like you were the only thing he prayed for at night. Despite his lack of moaning, he grunted with each pump, the built up causing him to breathe heavy as well. Generously, he held the phone close enough for you to hear the continuous slapping of skin, along with the combination of wetness. You didn't restrain yourself from moaning though. Every whimper, moan, and groan reverberated across his empty hotel room.
"You wanna know something?" He tried to keep his breathing at a normal pace, but he hastily kept pumping at quick speed. "Everytime I go to one of those dull meetings, I can't help but to imagine you riding me in front of everyone...ngh!"
The confession elicited a moan from you, along with your legs shaking due to the stimulation. Your head flew back and hit the pile of pillows, mouth agape as you added in another finger.
"I miss the feeling of being inside you. So...fucking...bad,” he was beginning to lose his voice , sounding as though he was in constant pain. Poor boy.
"I never took you as being so up front Shouto, what happened?" You challenged him through the phone.
"I guess you really don't know me baby," Shouto shot up from the bed and bent over, not once removing his hand from his member. "Fuck fuck fuck...I can't wait till I come home, so I can finally taste you."
The coil within you was beginning to snap. Snaking your fingers underneath your shirt, you started flicking your thumb over one of your perked nipples, still immersed into the idea that he's actually the one touching you instead. Toes curling and arms bunching up the sheets, you knew you were about to climax. Just by hearing his speech pattern, you can conclude he was close as well.
"I'm about- I'm about to cum S-Shouto!" You pathetically whine.
"Cum with me baby. I've been holding off for you."
Even during intense moments like this, Shouto's gentleman persona didn't fade away over the course the relationship. With the knowledge you have now, knowing he's been on the verge of relief, you pumped your fingers in sheer brutality, never once missing the g-stop. Throwing his head back, Shouto was now on his knees pleading for mercy from the pleasurable pain shooting up through his member. He let out an exasperated whine.
"Now baby, cum for me."
Then you felt it, the knotted tension within you disappearing. Everything around you looked white, like someone snuck in and painted your room a different color. You can faintly hear Shouto orgasming on the other end of the phone as you calm down from yours. He's heard you climax many times before, but hearing your angelic screams over the speaker made him cum harder.
A few minutes later and you two were now recuperating from the intoxicating session, harsh breathing overlapping each other. It felt like years later when he detached his hand, now coated in his own fluids and cramped up. You loosened yourself and removed the two fingers finally. They glistened with your fluid as well, giving off the impression it was just sweat.
"Y/N? Are you still there?" Shouto's voice alerted you awake, almost forgetting you didn't manifest him to finish you off. You grab the phone after cleaning your drenched fingers and propped it on the pillow next to your shoulder.
"Wow that was-."
"Amazing?" He finishes.
"Took the words right out of my mouth."
He mischievously chuckled, "I know. I heard it loud and clear a minute ago."
You audibly groan loud enough for him to hear while snatching the nearest pillow to smother yourself with.
"So, are you planning on sending any more pictures like that during these last 3 months?"
His innocent inquiry made you break out into a grin that stretched from ear to ear. Those pictures sprouted a future of appraisal from your boyfriend, who you thought would never voice his inner thoughts till the day he dies. You two also found a secretive kink to phone sex as you continue to explore with him during these periods of loneliness. Once he arrives home, he assures none of that is just a “phase” as you two kept venturing beyond to sext each other during important events.
A picture really is worth a thousand words.
(Truthfully, honestly, this is possibly the worst thing I wrote but someone asked for a cute little passionate session with Shoto specifically. I hope you enjoyed (?)
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Outside the Box
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Request: It do be a sad day. So could i request a Spencer x Fem reader where she’s tall and heavier and she really likes Reid but he doesn’t know and she’s always comparing herself to JJ? And like one day she skips work for mental health day and he comes over and she tells him her insecurities and he’s all like “but I love that about you!” And they share their feelings? Thanks
A/N: Thanks for the request, @spencers-hoodrat​! I hope it don’t be a sad day any longer and this fic cheers you up ❤️ I hope this fic does justice for your request and you find comfort in it! (PSA to everyone you’re all beautiful angels and deserve the world) Happy reading!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content warning: None
Word count: 2.3k
You walked into the bureau early Monday morning feeling a sense of dread overwhelm you. Throughout the whole weekend, you had contemplated not going in on Monday. You felt off. Every time you passed a mirror you found yourself fixated on the image reflected at you.
“Hey, Y/N. How was your weekend?”
You turned around and saw Spencer walking towards you. You felt a sense of discomfort as you saw him. Did he feel as if you were disproportioned as much as you did? Being on the taller side was bad enough, but with the extra thigh fat and stomach weight made you feel almost undesirable.
You smiled at him. “It was fine.”
You could tell he didn’t believe your answer. It was hard being friends with profilers because they were always one step ahead of your lies. How do you tell someone you like your insecure about your height and weight comfortably? To tell him you felt disgusted with yourself and wished you were in a different body.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yeah. Enough about me though, how was your weekend?”
“It was pretty fun actually. I was apart of a chess tournament at the park on Saturday. Super intense gameplay,” he said.
You giggled as you both walked towards your respective desks. The one thing you admired about Spencer the most was he didn’t know how funny he could be at times. He just lived his truth and wasn’t phased by how it may come off or if it made sense to anyone else. You wished you could live your truth as well.
As the two of you continued small conversation as you both got settled for the day, your eyes couldn’t help but wonder to JJ. She had just walked in with her perfectly slim and petite body. You stared at her as she walked to her desk to unload her files for the day. You felt rude for not looking at Spencer while he talked, but you always fell into a deep abyss of wishing you were smaller.
JJ looked up at you with a smile and waved. You smiled back and waved as well to not seem weird for staring at her for so long. Spencer turned around to look at JJ as well to greet her a loving good morning. You watched them interact with each other. The way he looked at her with so much love in his eyes was ridiculous. You wished he looked at you like that, but you didn’t blame him for not looking at you that way.
You looked up to see a concerned Spencer and JJ looking at you. You had zoned out as they were talking, not even realizing they had included you in their conversation. You snapped out of your thoughts and put on a smile for them.
“Sorry, guys, I’m just a little tired. What were you saying?” You asked.
“We were just wagering bets on if we’re gonna get a case today or not,” JJ said.
“I hope we don’t. I wish the weekend had been longer,” you said.
“You and I both,” JJ said.
“I kind of hope we get to do something brain-stimulating today,” Spencer said.
“Spence, you think going through 20 case files in five minutes is a fun time,” she said.
You eventually zoned out their back and forth bickering as you once again found yourself thinking about if life would be better if you weren’t you. Maybe you’d get more compliments from people. Maybe you’d actually have a boyfriend. Maybe Spencer would give you the time of day the way he gave JJ.
It had always been hard for you to find the confidence to be yourself. You always felt out of place in your friend group. You felt physically overbearing. One time a guy asked if you were into football because you’d be an amazing quarterback. That was his idea of flirting with you. Little remarks like that stuck with you for years. It was hard to see yourself for more than just your physical attributes since no one bothered to look past them.
One night you and the BAU ladies went out for some drinks. No surprise every guy’s eyes were fixated on JJ until they saw that ring on her finger. No one looked your way, not even once. If random strangers didn’t give you the time of day, you felt as if no one in your everyday life would either.
You felt tears starting to form in your eyes. You had shot up from your seat to go towards the kitchen. You couldn’t let JJ and especially Spencer see you crying. They would inquire about your mental state and you weren’t ready to tell them about your disgust with yourself. You didn’t want to bother them with your negative feelings. You could barely handle them yourself.
You decided to take the day off on Tuesday. You hadn’t told anyone besides Hotch you needed a sick day. You told him how you believed you wouldn’t be any value in the office with your state and opted to work from home. Hotch agreed to let you do that but told you not to push yourself. Sometimes he had a real soft spot for his team.
You tried to get through as many case files as you could in the morning, but you felt mentally drained. You found yourself not focusing properly on any of the information you had to read. After you struggled to get through 10 case files, you decided to give your brain a rest. You told yourself you would only nap for two hours.
When you had opened your eyes, you saw through the window the sun was already setting. You turned over on your bed to reach for your phone on your side table. You checked the time and let out a deep sigh. It was nearly 6 p.m. You forced yourself out of bed and made your way towards the kitchen to see what leftovers were still good to eat.
You opened your fridge and saw a bowl of this pesto penne recipe you tried a few days ago. It was pretty good but you didn’t feel like filling yourself up with carbs. You decided it might be a better decision if you grabbed an apple and went to do some work. You had already wasted time laying down not being any use.
You closed the fridge and walked over to your counter to grab an apple from your fruit basket. Before you sank your teeth into it, a few light knocks came from your door. You groaned as you put the apple down. You guessed dinner had to wait a while longer.
You walked over to the door expecting to see a package delivery you had forgotten you ordered. Someone should really take away your access to online shopping. You only indulged in it so much because you hated going into stores to try on clothes. You felt so embarrassed and judged. At least if you ordered clothes online you could try it on in the safety of your house and ship it back if it didn’t fit.
As you opened the door you were surprised to see Spencer standing there in his usual brown corduroy jacket, purple scarf and tan satchel. He was tightly holding a paper bag in his right hand. It seemed as if he didn’t go home after work considering he hadn’t finished long ago. You looked at him confused as if he lost his way home.
“Hey, Spence. What’s up? What brings you to this part of town?” You asked.
“I noticed you weren’t at work today and I asked Hotch if you were okay. He told me you weren’t feeling good, so I decided I’d pay you a visit after work to give you some soup,” he said.
He held up the bag of soup for you to take. You smiled and soon found yourself letting out a little giggle as you accepted his soup. It was cute how he believed you were physically sick. It was better than him knowing why you actually took the day off.
“Thanks, Spence. I don’t wanna get you sick, so I’ll talk to you later,” you said.
“You’re not actually sick, are you, Y/N?” He asked.
“I am,” you assured him.
“Not physically. No stuffed nose, no cough, no sweating, no puffiness under your eyes, no-”
“Okay, Spencer. I’m not physically sick. I just needed today for myself, that’s all,” you explained.
The way he looked at you confirmed his profiler mindset was kicking in overtime. He wasn’t about to leave you without a solid answer. He was stubborn that way.
“Y/N, if you want to talk about whatever’s bothering you, we can talk,” he assured you.
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Can I at least keep you company for now until you decide to tell me the truth?”
You weren’t ready for him to say that. He had never been inside your place before. He had never even asked to before. You didn’t know he was invested in your wellbeing so much.
You sighed and stepped aside. You gestured for him to come in and he did. You locked the door and then turned around to see him with his hands in his pockets, looking at you with the same concern.
You smiled. “What’s wrong now? Don’t like my place?”
“No, your place is wonderful. I just don’t like seeing you so…defeated,” he said.
“Defeated? That’s an interesting word choice,” you said.
“I saw it in your eyes yesterday. You were in deep thought and it brought tears to your eyes. It looked as if you were reflecting on yourself.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You zoned out on JJ before you lost yourself in thought. I don’t really know why and I just want to know if everything’s okay with you mentally.”
You took a deep breath as you tried to avoid the tears stinging in your eyes from making an appearance. You hadn’t thought he noticed you at all yesterday since he was in deep conversation with JJ. He made you feel as if you weren’t invisible in his eyes.
“I’m okay. I just…”
“It’s okay, I’m here. You can tell me anything.”
When he said that you could feel the tears rush down your face. It was as if he knew the right words to say to you to break free of keeping everything in your mind. You saw as he watched you with patient eyes as you tried to gather the right thing to say.
“I-I…I never liked what I saw in the mirror,” you confessed.
“Why not?” He asked.
“I’m tall and on the heavier side. I look as if I play for the NFL. It’s embarrassing to even stand beside anyone smaller than me because I look like some sort of Goliath.”
“Y/N, I know it’s hard for you to believe this right now, but you’re not the size of a football player or Goliath. Comparing yourself to people smaller than you isn’t healthy.”
“I try not to compare, I really do. It’s just hard when you’re surrounded by beautiful, petite women everywhere you go and I’m just…”
“Just as beautiful.”
You calmed your sobbing as you looked at him confused. You didn’t know if you imagined him calling you beautiful or if he had actually said it. By the way his cheeks had turned a light shade of pink you assumed he had said it and meant it. You didn’t exactly know how to respond to that. You couldn’t even recall the last time a man complimented you without inserting comments about your stature.
“I admire you, Y/N. You’re an amazing person with amazing talents and you’re beautiful. You don’t fall into the box society tries to market to us as the “norm”, which I love that about you. I know it might feel as if this is coming out of the blue, but it’s my fault for not telling you how I felt towards you sooner,” he confessed.
“You…You like me? For real?” You asked.
He nodded. “For a while now. Morgan said if I didn’t tell you soon he was going to do it for me, but I just didn’t know how to express it perfectly. I also didn’t want to make things awkward if you didn’t feel the same way back.”
“I do,” you quickly replied.
He smiled. “That was easier than I anticipated it to be for all these months.”
You looked at him shocked. “Months?”
“Yeah, I’ve been admiring from afar for a while now. That’s not really important right now though. What’s important is that we sit down, have some soup and I can help bring some positivity to your day.”
You smiled as you walked up to him and embraced him in a big hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you tight. You hadn’t felt so comfortable with someone holding you like that in a while. You let go of him and held up your bag of soup.
“What type of soup is it?” You asked.
“Vegetable soup,” he replied.
“Huh, maybe you do like me after all.”
“I couldn’t imagine someone who doesn’t.”
You smiled widely at his sweet words as he wiped the tears away from your eyes. You looked at him and felt as if a warm aura was surrounding you. You couldn’t resist but to lean in and kiss him. He kissed you back as he held your waist and pulled you close to him. If this was the way he expressed love, you didn’t think there was anyone else in the world who could compare.
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jeontaehui · 3 years
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twice’s chaeyoung
her bestie !!!!! chaeyoung’s like her mark but like outside the group.
they support each other whenever the other wins an award, always giving wide smiles that are too hard to hide.
their hangouts are referred to as ‘dates’ by the fans, considering how romantic their dinners are and how chaeyoung captions her instagram posts after going on said ‘date’.
chaeyoung is very clingy when she sees her. she clings onto taehee like a koala :(
in award shows, taehee would tend to walk slower than the rest of the neos just to talk to chaeyoung.
chaeyoung was once caught playfully flirting with taehee during an award show, causing the latter to laugh as the camera pans to another group.
iconic moment (seoul music awards 2019) taehee took mirror selfies as she waited for chaeyoung to finish up in the bathroom. when chaeyoung found out, she later posted these on instagram with the caption, “the one who i love 😍❤️”.
stray kid’s han
her other bestie since predebut !!!!!!!!
both are so powerful in the rap industry already, stayzens are just waiting for a collab.
they met in a convenience store. jisung wanted her to go to jyp with him, only to find out she’s been training in sm already (cue pouting from the both of them).
both are in Love with each other’s music, with jisung having some of nct’s songs in his playlist and taehee knowing the lyrics and the choreo to skz’s songs.
their reactions to each other’s performances are adorable !!!!!! and even funny at times. attending the same award shows means very cute interactions fans’ lenses would capture <3
(seoul music awards 2019) before the two groups walked by each other, taehee slowed down her pace and let herself stay behind the group to greet the main rapper of stray kids. once jisung was within arm’s reach from her, she raised her hand for a high-five, to which jisung pulled her into a bro-hug instead. he whispered something to her first and ruffled her hair, making the older girl hit his shoulder softly, laughing as he left.
jisung introduced taehee to chan and felix and she now has two new aussie buddies that remind her of home too !!!!!
iconic moment (isac 2019) stayzens went batshit crazy when skz had to pass by nct during the sports competition. seeing this as a chance to be playful with his best friend, jisung jumped over the first row of seats and proceeded to whisper something to taehee (who was seated very near to where the other members of skz were by the way), before jumping over to the third row. jisung must have said something really funny to taehee since it made the female idol to turn away laughing as she covered her mouth. later on, we see the two talk, inviting a very excited chan and a shy mark lee to the conversation. 
red velvet’s yeri, april’s naeun, and weki meki’s doyeon
yeri and taehee were already close since trainee days (she’s close with the rest of red velvet too). taehee knew yeri was friends with naeun and she was Dying to meet her so yeri introduced them to each other, and since doyeon is friends with naeun, the latter later introduced all three of them to each other.
yeri and taehee always sat beside each other whenever nct is asked to share a table with red velvet. yeri would laugh a lot since taehee’s always so energetic when she dances to the other groups’ songs. she always hung out with red velvet during isac but would end up having yeri to herself anyways ,,, they teased each other a lot too.
taehee Loves naeun, literally. she’s always flirting with her and telling her how pretty and cute she is. naeun was flustered at first but now she’s used to it lol. taehee would literally just stare at naeun with a loving smile during pre-performance interviews in inkigayo ,, naeun does the same whenever it’s time for taehee to say her lines ^ ^ and whenever they would accidentally make eye contact, they crack up and try to hide their giggles.
taehee was kinda intimidated of doyeon at first ,,, but she thought she was a chill type of person. turns out doyeon had a lot of cute charms in her and taehee always finds herself calling her cute when she does so. they are literally a power duo. whenever the two are mentioned together, fans would gush about how good they would look in a photoshoot together.
iconic moment (yeri bang ep. 11-1) “doyeon’s and taehee’s styles are similar. right?” yeri asks as she picks out beads for the bracelet she’s putting together for taehee. “taehee would want something that goes well with her outfit. she mostly wears monotone or beige colors,” naeun points out.
“ahh naeun, you know me so well,” taehee cooes, and clearly, her eyes were in the shape of hearts. seeing as the she got ignored, yeri drops her mouth open feigning offense. “why didn’t you give me a reaction like that?” she whines, “i knew you before naeun!!!”
“she’s just really interested in naeun,” doyeon hums casually, making the other girls laugh as taehee stood up from her seat. “HEY!!! that’s making me sound like a bad friend and i’m not.”
“are you really?” yeri continues to tease her, causing the said girl to whine and hug her in embarrassment.
they’ve met and exchanged numbers in a music show early in their debuts.
she’s the closest with rosé and lisa since their age gap is quite smaller compared to jennie and jisoo.
there have been fancams of taehee watching blackpink perform and once jisoo was on the monitor, we’d see taehee mutter, “ahh she’s really pretty.”
taehee visits blackpink’s table once every award show, and jennie would be so attentive and welcoming of her — fixing her hair, being genuinely interested in what she’s saying, and laughing at her jokes. she was seen clinging onto taehee’s waist at some point, jennie adores taehee :(
taehee’s og aussie buddy is rosé !!!! they talk and eat together a lot, mostly about australia. taehee mentioned her in a radio show talking about the time they both cried in a public restaurant, “we were talking about home and then rosé unnie just started talking about her parents and suddenly i’m tearing up and then she’s tearing up and so we ended up crying while we ate pasta,” she laughed.
lisa thinks of taehee as her little brother. she’s just as energetic as her and taehee’s jokes are what lisa finds so funny. she would join in on a few of rosé and taehee’s hangouts and take lots and lots of pictures of them (and jokingly get mad if one of the girls don’t give her credit when they post on instagram).
iconic moment (200718 rosé instagram live) “you are so hot, rosé,” taehee reads from the comments, making it a sound a little sexy for the effect, the latter widening her eyes at the implication. “how ‘bout me? how ‘bout me?” lisa cuts in, “guys. how ‘bout me?”
“i’m the hottest okay? i’m the hottest,” she presses, rosé repeating what she said in breathy laughter. meanwhile, taehee was looking at lisa with the most sincere eyes she could muster just to tease her, “you are,” she emphasized, “the hottest.”
rosé laughs for the nth time that day as she clutches her stomach before questioning the youngest’s words, “ya, are you a two-timer?”
“no, i just have the prettiest girls beside me.”
ateez’s wooyoung and txt’s yeonjun
more of taehee’s ‘99 liner friends !!!!
taehee met wooyoung when she bumped into ateez in a convenience store near music bank. the leader of ateez greeted her first and a few of the members who were with him became acquainted with taehee, but wooyoung became the closest to her !!!!
(ateez boatta cover dance) “HEY JEON TAEHEE LOOK!!!!” wooyoung shouted before dancing ‘kick it’.
taehee covered ‘say my name’ and ‘answer’ in two of her dance vlives.
then wooyoung introduced yeonjun to taehee when the latter guested as an mc for inkigayo.
(191115 vlive) “oh i really like this song (run away by txt), i listen to this before going to bed sometimes. i’m actually friends with one of the members, yeonjun. ateez’s wooyoung introduced us while i mc’d as a special guest for inkigayo and we exchanged numbers. i really like their songs, especially the vibe.”
taehee is known to be very open with her friendships with other idols, so fans were quite okay with seeing her hang out with the two, her manager trailing a few feet behind them.
iconic moment (191115 vlive) taehee’s laugh trails off once she saw a notification pop-up on her phone. unlocking her phone, she snorts once she checked the message. she proceeds to show the meme to the camera while covering the top part of her phone, “ateez’s wooyoung sent this to our gc with txt’s yeonjun.”
“aha!! d’you guys know? when i send stuff to the gc, sometimes they leave me on read or reply ‘....’ just to tease me,” she rolls her eyes playfully, “but i’m glad we’re comfortable enough to tease each other.”
itzy’s yuna
taehee wanted to make friends to go out of her shell more, and she thought asking her manager to get yuna’s number was the first step.
taehee’s like Really fond of yuna ,,, and she’s glad they got along well real quick so she took her out to eat.
earlier in the year, when superm was touring, yuna sang a snippet of taehee’s solo song and tried to dance all the points of the choreo she could remember.
the fans have yet to see more interactions (or crumbs) from these two — noticing how their age gap is just a year longer than taehee’s and jisung’s, midzyzens would LOVE to see taehee baby yuna :(
iconic moment (200922 yuna instagram live) “nct’s taehee video called me awhile ago. we’re good friends,” yuna shyly giggles in front of the camera. “it’s been a long time since we last talked to each other so she called me, and then told me how much she loved our new album. she told me she really likes ‘not shy’, but she loves ‘be in love’ the most,” she explains further, adding how the nct member loved it because of her ‘killing me, killing me’ verse. 
“taehee unnie is very good to me,” she cutely smiles. “she’s very genuine with her words and she’s really supportive. i hope for us to eat again and become closer in the future.” 
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
A post with the moments Taichi and Sora were soft for/to/with each other in DA:2020 + Agumon and Piyomon being their mirrors
Hi and welcome to my 'Vote Taiora soulmates 2k21' series. This post is basically part 3 of that. I'm a mess, I know...
Part 1: Taiora being starstruck babies | Part 2: The platonic!Taiora connection in Kizuna
PERSONAL NOTE: Once again me here saying that yes this is Taiora and no that doesn't mean I'm trying to sell romantic!Taiora like it's some kind of truth. I just highly believe they are soulmates and soulmates don't have to be romantic AT ALL. Even better, your soulmate can be your platonic best friend while you're in a romantic relationship with someone completely else. Just saying.
And yes, I am a Taiora shipper and I do see and adore the romantic potential of these two. But that doesn't mean everyone has to see it. Platonic!Taiora is beautiful and precious and that's something I vouch for!
There has been floating so much negativity on the internet regarding the Digimon Adventure reboot and even though I'm not loving it either, there are some things I enjoy. I already once pointed out I really like the soundtrack, hell, I even made this little choreography on the theme song for @digiweek 2021 day 3 (prompt music). But that aside, in this post I want to spread some love for the Taiora portrayal in the series, because let's face it, they are super soft (and pretty much ride or die) for each other!
I could ramble and talk about things... OR I could just bomb you guys with the screencaps I gathered! I mean, those reboot 2020 kids don't talk and bicker as much as their original 1999 counterparts do, so why should I?
And you know what 2020!Taichi and 2020!Sora are really good at? Having the same (s o f t) facial expressions to each other, radiating the same energy, touching and physically supporting each other because they are soulmates~. See it for yourself :D
It starts with Taichi looking at his bestie Sora to check if she's safe on the DIY raft while listening to the sweet conversation about fighting together she just had with her newfound Digimon partner in episode 4.
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Look at that proud bestie grin. Such a cutie.
Then fast forward to how they are supportingly touchy together..! Two times, in episode 32 and 36. I mean, what's up with that??! Go hug each other already like true childhood bffs do nowadays.
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I sense proud mom and dad vibes, what about you? (Also note Piyomon and Agumon in the left one, such cuties <3)
Next up, in episode 37, is Sora being SUPER ride or die for Taichi literally jumping into the water true superhero style to safe the day.! And safe Taichi and Agumon from their stupidity (which is like super low key stupidity compared to OG!Taichi)
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This is my personal favorite, episode 40, Sora talking all fast and excited about the passion they share, football/soccer (<- this depends on where you live, I prefer to say football because you play that ball with your damn foot!!!), and how she just LOVES playing it with HIM.
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And Taichi is all like "Hell yeah girl, of course I can tell! Preach"
Then in the same episode we find these two pearls (among many other pearls, just go watch that episode yourself already)! Sora looking all soft and concerningly happy to have found her berry-fied bestie. And Sora being glinstering-eyes-happy (like, is she crying??) to see that said bestie back to his human self again!
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Okay. There is episode 50, the one with the music I liked and where Taichi resurrects/just resurrected for the big fight and the kiddos trapped in the black ball in the mouth of Milleniummon all scream his name for Taichi to resurrect ONCE AGAIN talking about suffering from portagonist-trope-disease huh?. There are three people Taichi hears screaming his name seperated from the rest and it's rival lover Yamato, baby sis Hikari and CHILDHOOD BESTIE SORA. And let me tell you, when I'd heard her screaming his name in the agonizing way she did, yes, I would have resurrected too if I were Taichi.
Then we of course have that whole Hououmon 'safety first' episode 52. See me ranting and screaming about it in my 'part 1' of this series.
And THEN it's time for the most recent episode, episode 62, where Taichi and Sora reunite and Sora gives Taichi THIS SOFT FACE after she says "The Chosen Ones aren't just here to fight, you know?"
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Sora, my baby!!! You can drag me away now, I'm done with this big ride or die softie <333
And you know what's the best part? After the fight with Shakkoumon, which isn't really a fight with Sora following her own words and instead of fighting the Mon talking herself into the heart of the Mon, Taichi REPEATS Sora's words by saying "The role of the Chosen Ones isn't just to fight, huh..." followed by Taichi giving Sora HIS SOFT FACE!!
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I'mma repeat myself, but find yourself a guy that looks at you the way Taichi looks at Sora. SO SOFT. OH MY GOD, TAICHI MARRY ME PLEASE. (No please don't, that's weird x'D) I swear, they even tilt their head in the same freaking angle!! This could be cheap animation suffering from 'same face syndrom', but I like to believe that Taichi has watched her, seen the expression she gave him and literally M I R R O R E D I T. This was the whole episode for me, best thing ever.
Also, in that same episode we see THIS:
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Even their digimon partners are super ride or die for each other..!! If I had to ship digimon with each other, it would definitely be Agumon and Piyomon (and Gomamon, I'll get to that in a bit). And yes, I know it's a big stretch to let Garudamon, a perfect level digimon, intercept the freaking attack from Wargreymon, an ultimate level digimon, that destroyed Milleniummon 12 episodes ago... It's a bit unbelievable, BUT a) Garudmon is a freaking badass, b) THAT'S WHAT BESTIES DO! And the fact Sora is pretty much ride or die for Taichi, means Piyomon/Garudamon is pretty much ride or die for Agumon/Wargreymon too, no matter the evolution level.
Also, let me point out this little scene under water in episode 35 where Piyomon teases Agumon. Really, I think that's so cute and vouches for the friendship they mirror from the friendship their human partners have!
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Actually, isn't it funny that the humans in the reboot hardly tease each other and bicker compared to the original cast and it's the digimon who took over the teasing?
Last but not least, there's one picture left, the end of episode 43. Piyomon and Agumon asleep leaning into each other for support (and Gomamon being cute joining this weird-ass digimon-OT3 I just love!) while on the very right of the frame we see Taichi and Sora laughing/talking together in a super cute way, probably talking about their profound friendship and how they will be football buddies and besties for life :') Also important: they are the only humans in this scene (and then I'm talking about the others not present in this frame too) that are 'seperated' from and not focusing on their digimon, instead they are focusing on each other.
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So there you have it. Okay, there might be more moments, but hey, I only get 10 pics per post. If you still don't believe in these two being soulmates in some kind of way... I have no idea how to convince you otherwise.
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amerrierworld · 4 years
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Carol (2015) fanfiction
for anon: “top Carol with bottom Therese” 
Summary: Therese is embarrassed by how many flirts approach her sometimes, and Carol doesn’t let her live it down.
Characters: Carol x Therese
Word Count: 1,543
Warnings: sex! mirror sex, dirty talk, mentioned voyeurism.
She could hardly stand it. The bashful smiles, tipping hats and complimentary drinks that always arrived in front of herself and Therese whenever the young brunette attracted an admirer from across the bar. 
Knowing she couldn’t do anything about it, couldn’t march up to the young, handsome gentleman and tell him straightforward that she was absolutely not on the market. 
Her finely manicured hands twitched with nerves as Therese made polite conversation with a young man in a ghastly suit who had approached. She told herself to keep her mouth shut. When out, the two are nothing more than a pair of friends, enjoying the cool New York evening air. 
That’s how it must be. Not how she wanted it to be.
“..Anywho, I’d love to take ya out to dinner sometime,” the man continued, clearly nervous and shy. A true gentleman, Carol would give him that, but she’d gladly kick him out of the bar if it meant he’d stay away from Therese.
“Oh, well, that’s lovely,” she replied, shuffling in her seat a bit, a kind dimpled smile on her face. “But, I’m afraid I’d have to decline.”
A breath of relief barely escaped Carol, and she took a sip of her martini. 
“I have.. someone, and it’s actually quite serious,” Therese gave a little shrug, nonchalantly, still not looking at Carol, who’s eyebrow quirked in interest. 
“Oh, my apologies then,” the gentleman hurried away quickly, leaving the brunette blushing and avoiding eye contact with Carol. 
“My, my, quite serious, you say?” the blonde drawled, catlike and seductive. “And whoever may this gentleman be, Miss Belivet?”
Therese shot her a glance and downed her martini. 
“Let’s go home, please,” she huffed.
Carol looked at her a little while, cheeks red and green eyes darting about, admiring her slim face and beautiful features. Love filled her heart, until an ugly feeling of jealousy and pain reared its head again at the prospect of never being allowed to openly love the woman in front of her.
“Home,” she repeated. 
Carol slid off her stool and paid for their drinks. Therese hurried ahead of her,  waving down a taxi on the sidewalk. The air was brisk and whipped Carol’s curls about, but it nicely sobered her up, and she felt a little calmer during the ride home.
“What are you thinking, angel?” Carol asked Therese as she came into the bedroom with a soothing cup of tea. Therese sat at the vanity, roughly brushing through her hair. 
“Nothing,” Therese snapped, somewhat indignantly. Carol’s eyebrow rose in surprise. She walked over to Therese and gently but firmly took the hairbrush from her. 
She proceeded to work through the tresses, until Therese’s tense shoulders finally slumped and she let out a shaky breath.
“Sorry,” she whispered. Carol said nothing but squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.
“It’s just... humiliating, sometimes. All these men... and I can’t even tell them upfront that I’m simply not interested because.. well, you know.”
“Do you find me humiliating, angel?”
“No!” Therese gasped, “no, not you. Never. Simply, the- the, circumstances. How we could be judged if- they found o-out.”
Carol was working her thumbs deeply into Therese’s shoulders and muscles, watching her eyes droop and her words stutter.
“Humiliating to be loved by me? To be touched by me?” She bent down to run her nose along the shell of Therese’s ear, and felt the brunette shudder. Therese frowned, trying to come up with coherent sentences but being successfully distracted. 
“Carol, how could you possibly think such a thing!” Therese breathed sharply through her nose as teeth nipped along her neck. 
Carol was enjoying herself immensely, teasing and smirking, loving how flustered and defensive her dear Therese was getting. 
“We’re just roommates after all, right?” Carol gently coaxed Therese out of the chair and pulled her back to her chest, hands wrapping around Therese’s waist. 
“What would you feel if men like that lovely sir from the bar saw us like this?” Carol’s hands trailed over Therese’s lower belly, feeling her squirm, and the delicate muscles flutter underneath her touch.
“Humiliated, perhaps? What could those men do, but watch, as they realize none of them could make you feel the way I do?”
“Carol!” Therese gasped, but made no effort to stop the blonde’s onslaught of dirty whispers.
“Or perhaps they would be the humiliated ones? Knowing the way I can make a woman feel will never compare to their excuse of love-making with those poor girlfriends and wives at home, touch deprived and horny.”
A deft hand hiked Therese’s skirt up and dug her nails into her inner thigh, making the brunette cry out. 
“Bed, angel,” Carol commanded, her other hand cradling Therese’s jaw possessively. 
“N-no, please, I want it like this- don’t stop, please,” Therese whimpered.
They were still facing the mirror, doused in soft yellow lights from the lamps, and Carol realized Therese was watching her in the reflection, green eyes blown. Her legs were trembling, close to giving out from underneath her, but her hand grasped Carol’s wandering fingers on her thigh and inched it closer to where she really wanted it. 
Carol grinned and licked her lips, one hand unbuttoning Therese’s shirt as the other dipped along the edge of her underwear. 
“You want to watch, darling? Want to watch as I make you come undone?” Therese nodded frantically, leaning her weight back into Carol to ease her weakening legs. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at how open and brashly she was asking for it, but the familiar sighs and pleads escaping her lips told Carol she was more than enjoying this.
Her grin was mischievous and cocky as she edged Therese’s legs further apart before her hand pushed past all fabric and found what they both needed. She gasped at how wet Therese was, easily coating the tips of her fingers. Carol dragged the wetness up to her clit and circled slowly but firmly, making Therese’s hips buck forward with a low whine. 
Therese’s shirt came off but was caught around her elbows, revealing her heaving torso, the lights defining her delicate shoulders and collarbones. Carol, overcome with desire, bit down on Therese’s right shoulder and watched the redness bloom across her pale skin. 
She moved her bra down far enough to take a hard nipple in her fingers and tug. Therese shouted in surprise, head tipping back onto Carol’s shoulder.
“Shh, angel, otherwise the neighbours may grow suspicious,” Carol teased. 
Her fingers moved to slip inside, feeling Therese clench around her. Carol groaned into her ear, mumbling praise, kissing all the skin she could reach.
She moved steadily in and out, making sure to curl her fingers inside and drag them along that sweet spot every time she moved. Therese was gasping like a fish out of water.
“Carol- C-Carol, I can’t h-hold it,” she was shaking, and Carol wrapped her arm around her tightly to keep her upright.
“Just a little more, angel, look at yourself, look in the mirror,” she told her. Therese opened her eyes, jaw slack as she looked at the two of them. Herself, half undressed, and on the edge of coming, and Carol, steady like a statue but with wild fire in her eyes. 
As soon as Therese was looking at their reflection, Carol picked up the pace and pressure just a bit more and held her gaze with the brunette in the mirror until her eyes involuntarily rolled to the back of her head and she cried out, shaking with a thundering orgasm. 
Her limbs convulsed and her muscles spasmed, so much so that Carol fell back into the chair, holding her lover closely to her body and gently slowing her movements. Therese bit her lip and gasped raggedly for air, legs spread and wetness pooling between them. Carol could feel it drip onto her robe from underneath her and she ran her hand up and down Therese’s abdomen to help her come down softly.
Therese’s face was red and sweaty from arousal and embarrassment, hair sticking to her forehead. Carol chuckled darkly in her ear,
“Look at yourself, angel. Look how beautiful you are, how gorgeous you look when you come.” A nose nudged along her jaw and Therese whined, keeping her eyes shut and shaking her head, not wanting to see how horny and scandalous she must look.
“No? Is my poor baby embarrassed at the sight of herself? Oh, but you simply must look, Miss Belivet,” Carol slipped her fingers out of her and kneaded comfortably at her sore legs. “I find it the most beautiful sight, anywhere.”
Complying, Therese opened her eyes a crack and saw herself sprawled across Carol’s lap, legs open and unashamed, hair mussed, shining with a layer of sweat. But what made her freeze was Carol’s stare, her pure, unadulterated stare of lust and want, digging straight through Therese’s own eyes into the depths of her. Something stirred deep inside her again and her legs squirmed once more.
“If only that lovely gentleman could see you now,” Carol whispered. Therese turned her head and Carol captured her lips hungrily, biting and sucking so much that Therese thought she really would fall off the edge of the earth this time. 
“I wish they could,” Therese whispered once she caught her breath, her cheekiness and confidence slowly coming back to her. “Stare at us, knowing they could never have what we have.”
Carol groaned into her mouth, and Therese took the distraction to turn and straddle the blonde fully, grasping Carol’s face and kissing her. 
“How humiliated they’d be,” she said, and Carol chuckled again, before Therese dropped to the floor on her knees. Carol watched her own lust staring back at her as soft kisses edged up her thighs until she couldn't focus anymore and shut her eyes in bliss.
A/N: I promise I’m not dead ! at least not physically 
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