spookybad · 11 months
Fengqing x Goddess of Death! Reader
Warning!!! Contains death! (it's gentle and unnamed characters, but still, be warned)
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I'm pretty sure tgcf doesn't have death gods (I haven't read the books yet, but I know most of the plot) but we'll ignore this fact
I added a name for the goddess, but it's literally just a nickname
The goddess of death was very elusive, many heavenly officials considering her a myth, only few having seen her a select few times.
So, perhaps it was inevitable that somebody would deem it necessary to track the goddess down, for paperwork that was never reported.
And who would be the one assigned such if not Xie Lian himself?
And who would be the tag-along's if not Hua Cheng, Mu Qing and Feng Xin?
In their disguises, of course.
So that's how they ended up making their way to a village that apparently housed a pair of senior-aged soulmates who had reincarnated together to share their love.
On the way they end up meeting a traveler woman, with silver hair and carrying a white cloth bundle in her arms.
"Ah, are you fellow travelers, perhaps?" she'd started with a curious tilt of her head.
"Yes," Xie Lian smiled, "we heard the town just up ahead has wonderful views, so we wanted to visit."
A peculiar, knowing glint entered the woman's eye, "Sure there are!" she leaned in closer, as though telling a secret, "They say, whatever you're looking for can be found in Yang village."
"And you're looking for something." Hua Cheng pointed out amicably.
The woman laughed, "Of course! As are you!"
The rest of their walk to the village was relatively quiet, even Feng Xin and Mu Qing not bickering much.
Instead, the two might be seen whispering among themselves, casting an occasional glance at the traveler woman accompanying them.
Upon reaching the Yang village the silver haired woman turned to them, smiled and bowed, "You'll find what you're looking for." and with that strange glint in her eye, she walked off.
Once alone, the quartet were left in a bout of silence.
"Where might we find the couple, gege?" Hua Cheng turned to Xie Lian with the same smile he always had for his gege.
"Ling Wen gave me their names, so let's just ask around, see if anyone knows."
And that's how they found their way to a regular village home with a yard and some trees.
In the yard of the senior couple, they found a woman with glittery silver hair, draped in a pristine white cloak, with an elegant black scythe held in her hands, sitting on a tree stump, looking into the home of the soulmate couple.
Upon their approach, the silver haired woman smiled, "Ah, it appears you have found what you were looking for, fellow travelers!"
Mu Qing's eyes narrowed, "Are you really the goddess of death?"
The goddess before them smiled in a sly, perhaps infuriating, way, "Perhaps, if you could guess my name~."
"Why do we need to guess your name?" Feng Xin's brows furrowed.
"Because," the goddess's smile seemed a permanent fixture, "you hadn't asked before."
"Most of heaven doesn't know your name." Mu Qing pointed out.
This time Hua Cheng butted in, "Of course they would not."
Mu Qing bristled at this "You-!"
"I think part of it is Yue," Xie Lian interrupted, "Because of your hair."
"The moon." The goddess confirmed, "I'll accept that and ask for no more then."
Yue stood up and walked toward the open door to the home, where they could see the soulmate couple having a mid-day nap, with their door to the yard open to let in the warm summer breeze.
The goddess of death approached the couple and kneeled beside them.
"It's time now, my dears." She said and reached out a gentle hand to brush the wispy hairs out of their faces.
Soon after, the couple's chests stopped moving.
The goddess stepped away from the home, ribbons of silver hair fluttering in the wind, making her look every bit the ethereal being she is.
There was only one thought allowed in that moment.
I've had fengqing x Goddess of Death on my mind for quite a while now, I had to write this
The "wow" was Feng Xin, btw
Also, Hua Cheng has met the goddess of death before, so he knew
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vera-deville · 1 year
Happily Ever After...Soon Enough, Anyways
05/31/2023 - 06/09/2023
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x Reader
Word Count: 964
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of!
Gender: AFAB
Tags: @rose-the-witch1, @pyroxeene, @moldy-cheeto
In which Malleus and Y/N are in the midst of planning their wedding and shenanigans arise.
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"Do we really have to do a full wedding? Can't we just elope?" Malleus Draconia asked his future wife.
"And where exactly did you learn about elopements?" A teasing voice called out from the room next door. A figure peaked her head through the doorway, amused by the utter exasperation littered in her beloved's voice.
"Lilia told me that some humans have a practice where they just skip all the actual wedding formalities. Apparently it is quite popular these days." Malleus said, fingers tracing the edges of his tea cup. "It'll be just us, and of course, my grandmother to officiate our marriage. Oh, and we can invite just Lilia as our one guest. We won't have to worry about pleasing the nobles, or the elders, or any one else."
Y/N felt that for her sake, Malleus didn't mention not wanting to deal with her self-proclaimed father, Crowley, and much less her actual adoptive father Crewel and her old friend, Vil Schoenheit. She could understand why Malleus simply wished to forgo any and all tradition and skip right to the part where they vow to be the ones for each other, forever and always (not that they hadn't already vowed that).
Setting down her own cup of tea, Y/N studied Malleus' features. Nothing much had really changed from their time in NRC, except his eyes seemed almost...older now. Perhaps it was the maturity of graduating school and becoming the king of an entire realm. Or perhaps it was because planning a wedding was simply too much work for him.
"But Darling, I thought that you were rather excited about planning a wedding with me?" Y/N asked.
"That was until you dragged Schoenheit into helping Dear." Chided the old (but young) fae. Y/N almost laughed, seeing the barely-there pout forming on his face.
"I didn't drag him into helping Mal, he did that himself."
"But you could have stopped him, I thought that we were doing just fine on our own."
"But you can't deny that he has an extremely good eye for these kinds of things. And this was something he genuinely wanted to do for me. Isn't that nice of him?"
"Not when he takes up all your time and runs me down with far too many choices, which, might I add, all look the same."
Ah. So that's what's got him so grumpy in the morning midday. Chuckling to herself, Y/N made her way to Malleus, sitting on his lap, and snaking her arms around his neck, pulling him down so that she could press a chaste kiss to the side of his cheek.
"Let's just run away together." Malleus suggested, eyes practically glowing at the idea.
"But what about the cake? And all the people who are coming to see us? And all the decorations we've already placed orders for?" Y/N asked. "And what about-" a peck to the forehead silenced her.
Looking up at the horned fae, Y/N asked in a gentle whisper, "Do you remember what you told me when you proposed to me?"
"How could I forget, my Beloved?" Malleus smiled as he remembered.
"Yes, oh my god, yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Y/N exclaimed, with her hands over her mouth. Malleus slid the ring (which he'd safeguarded in his hoarde) around Y/N's finger. He brought up her hand, admiring the shiny stone that now adorned it, and delicately kissed her knuckles.
Laughing in joy, Y/N threw her arms around Malleus, as he picked her up and spun her around, with the wind dancing along with them. "I'm going to need a much cheaper ring so that I can use it every day. This ring belongs in a safety deposit box." Joked Y/N.
"What's a safety deposit box?" Malleus asked, head tilted to the side.
"You didn't even know what a safety deposit box was back then~" Y/N teased, booping Malleus' nose. A breathy chuckle escaped Malleus's lips. Truth be told, it just seemed like an over-glorified dragon's hoarde, but Malleus didn't think to tell Y/N that just yet.
"If you really want to turn this into a elopement, I won't stop you. What matters most to me is what you want." Y/N said.
Malleus could feel his heart swell at how thoughtful his significant other was. He truly lucked out with this one. At that moment, a familiar tune began ringing. Y/N sprung up (much to Malleus' dismay) to attend to her phone.
He watched her eyes light up when she read the caller's ID. So definitely not Schoenheit or Leona for that matter. Maybe it was Ace and Deuce. He hadn't seen them in a while. Were they still up to their usual shenanigans from their time in school? Or maybe the caller is...
"WHAT!?" Y/N screamed with all her might. Malleus whipped his head to study her features. What could have possibly gotten her as angry as she was in a matter of seconds? The fae walked over to his beloved, keen on comforting her when the next words that came out of her mouth stopped him in his track.
"Please tell me someone has the rings?" Y/N begged, pinching her forehead. Malleus listened in on the conversation, trying to gain more information about the now (possibly) missing rings. In the mean time, Y/N inhaled a sharp breath, before cutting her call. Before the King of the Valley of Thorns could question his future wife about the news she'd received, said person slowly turned her head to him, now very much seething.
"I'm going to murder Grim." Y/N promised.
It seemed that Ace and Deuce (and Grim apparently) still hadn't let go of their shenanigans...
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Author's Note: Oh my goodness do I not like this fic. I started writing this fanfic feeling so confident about my idea and everything, but then as I was writing it, I just couldn't find myself in the usual headspace I'm in when I write my usual (and better) fics.
This is the first work for the @briarvalleyarchives that I've written. I missed the first month's prompt, and nearly missed this month's prompt (weddings) if it weren't for the lovely @pyroxeene giving us some more time to finish writing.
I honestly really liked the concept I had in mind when I started writing this fic (although it turned out very different), so I may very well end up rewriting this in the future!
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hidden-dreamland · 2 years
Content & warnings: Buried alive, mentions of maggots, implied character death, undead whumpee, fourth wall breaking
Chapter 1 - Meet the corpse.
This chapter can also be called “the one where you meet the author and learn a bit about his deceit” but that doesn’t make for a snappy title now, does it? I don’t think so.
Oh well. Snappy titles aside, I should begin now.
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I'll start off with an apology. Now you, reader, may be asking yourself just why in the world is that needed? Well. For my deceit.
Reader, I apologize for lying.
Oh wait. You don’t know what im lying about, do you?
You don’t. I haven’t told you. I haven’t told anyone. Not yet at least.
I mean I don’t have many people to tell this to right now…
I'll stop rambling.
Well dear reader, I guess it’s time I come clean. This story’s title is nothing more than a bold-faced lie. One that I did believe in life, sure, but a lie nonetheless. You see dear Reader, I'm dead. BUT WAIT, HOLD YOUR HORSES AND THE QUESTIONING AND THE COMMENTS CALLING ME CRAZY. I see those fingers of yours running to the reblog button to bombard me with curious intent and indignant questions and snarky comments and innocent thoughts of “oh what a fun writing style!”- save it. I’m not kidding. This isn’t a gimmick, Reader. I, the author, am very much dead. In fact, I'm six feet under as I write this.
Maybe less than six feet, given the bit of signal I managed to get...
Ah well.
By the time you read this, I may or may not be… attempting to dig myself out of here. It’s difficult. But I can try. I will try
I have to try.
I'm going fucking insane down here.
That is also why I'm writing. Just a little bit of creative work to keep the demons at bay.
Heaven knows I need it.
Ever been stuck in a coffin, reader? Or rather, ever been stuck in your own coffin?
I hope you haven't. I really hope you haven't.
As far as I'm aware, I don't exactly need to breathe, but that doesn't make the stuffy air around me any less unpleasant. You see, reader, I'm a corpse. I reek of fucking rot.
One could expect the scent of formaldehyde, of preserving agents, but it seems I've been buried in natura. Tacky, in my opinion. Way too last century. I'd much rather have the chemical smell than this damp disgusting stench of decomposing flesh.
Sigh. Did I even have a proper burial?
Maybe not.
I don't remember how I died, but i don't think it was an easy death given the bruising and the cuts and the sheer amount of wrong I feel inside me.
There's even something moving.
Why is there something moving
Wait whfgnlsz##√¢
Ok. Alright. Yeah. Dear reader, while I don't have to, I definitely can breatge
I can fucking hyperventilwee
And I have the lungs and the throat to scream it seems
i guess im in a much better state than previously thought. oh by the gods
Fuck, ok, yeah, reader, I'll have to leave for now
my 'get the fuck out of thid goddamn box' plan has been moved from merely Important to ABSOLUTELY URGENT
the Corpse shall be coming back soon :33
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Void here- i hope you guys enjoyed this little thingy that came to my brain in the middle of the night the other day. I plant to make it into a series because oh the ideas are flowing
if you'd like to be tagged or removed from the taglist, please say so!
taglist: @whumpshaped, @meowsikbox, @wormwriting
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aseplant · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
I was not tagged,,, but I felt like doing it anyway haha
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 12! I'm not sure when that happened, whoa.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 55,540.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Primarily the Ember Knight, and probably Hand Jumper once it comes off hiatus. I'll branch out if/when the urge strikes, I think.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the price of divinity - Genshin Impact, Jean & Venti (121 kudos)
walk these shorelines with me - The Ember Knight, Nagyunn & Najin (83 kudos)
Mind Games - The Ember Knight, Nagyunn & Zius (72 kudos)
heavenbound laughter, hellbound lies - the Ember Knight, Waron/Zius (57 kudos)
nagyunn’s treatise on scamming important people - the Ember Knight, ostensibly Nagyunn/Tyr; mostly, it's crack (55 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try my best to reply to every comment I get! It makes me really happy when authors take the time to respond, so I try to make an effort to reciprocate from the other end. Plus: I write primarily for obscure-ass fandoms, and I want it to feel like people can talk to me, not just consume from me, so.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I have been reliably informed that I am SHIT at gauging the angst levels in my own writing. Having said that, I'd vote for the price of divinity, since it's a combination of bittersweet ending + major character death + the cycle continues. (I like cycles, what can I say. That's probably how I ended up in the revenge cycle fandom.)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? morning dew is fluff all the way through!
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have not, probably because I inhabit my own cozy little corner of the internet. I'm glad the fandoms I'm in are so chill.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I used to write insane crack rpf smut fics of my friends in high school whenever they did something stupid (I distinctly recall writing something involving my friend climbing a ladder in heels in order to give another anal?? It was written in response to one of them going dumpster diving for an LED buttplug). I stopped doing this in college, but recently, I have met two idiots dear friends who have been eager to revive this old hobby of mine. Hence, blood red camellia. Among other things.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I do not. They've never really been my cup of tea, and also I'm lucky to have even one thought rattling around in my head at any given moment, never mind two.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of! It'd be extremely unlikely, all considered.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. I might translate some on my own at some point for practice, but that's far down the backlog for now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? If you know, you know.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I'm not that pressed about ships in general tbh. I just like dissecting characters, and if someone dies in the process, all the better <3
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Ember Knight high school AU... I actually have a pretty cohesive outline, but for various reasons it's been a difficult fic to write, and many of the main themes are no longer as dear to me as they once were. Still, I hold out hope that I'll get back around to it someday.
16. What are your writing strengths? I want to say characterization? And I guess grammar LOL. I had some stickler-ass teachers growing up, and this is probably the only thing I can thank them for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Hnrhg plot. Thank god I can write all the character studies I want when it comes to fandom, so I'm sure no one has noticed this tiny little weakness yet.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'd do it in a heartbeat if it was (1) in character and (2) I knew the language/had a friend who could translate for me, because there is nothing more embarrassing than having clearly machine-translated lines. But those conditions are so difficult to fulfill that it's never happened yet.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I wrote like... a chapter and a half of a Harry Potter fic when I was in, like, 4th grade? We don't talk about it. It's gone. I hope. I did not seriously try my hand at writing again until I got into Genshin Impact back in 2021, which is what I generally consider the first fandom I wrote for.
20. Favorite fic you've written? This one is hard... I think walk these shorelines with me is the best-executed, but I'm partial to Parallel Lines despite it not being executed quite as well as I would have liked.
It's late and I don't remember which of my mutuals write off the top of my head... I'm gonna tag @quiets-cradle, but if anyone else sees this and wants to join, feel free to! In fact, I am begging you to.
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all-seeing-ifer · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tysm to @spaghettisaurusrex for tagging me!!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 18
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 83,346
3. What fandoms do you write for? At the moment it's mostly Angel, with a bit of the Oklahoma revival as well! What a combo.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? From number five to number one:
A Series of Statements Regarding Sunnydale, California (btvs and tma crossover that I wrote the first four chapters of and then stopped updating over three years ago. sorry everyone),
looking up for heaven (vaguely angsty little women fic that I wrote in an afternoon bc I was In My Feelings about jo and laurie, but is honestly pretty good),
Those I Love, It Rends (really really angsty little women fic that I wrote in more than an afternoon bc I was In My Feelings about jo and laurie, and is also honestly pretty good),
Coming Home (little women fic about jo and laurie reconciling that's still a personal fave of mine),
sincere and honest conversation (tma fic about jon coming out to the archive team that I wrote in like a day for aspec archives week and it..... guys it sucks. it sucks so bad. can people please stop leaving kudos on this one i'm so sick of getting emails about it oh my god. not even linking this one fuck that
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to!! I'm always super excited to get comments and also have chronic won't-shut-the-fuck-up disease so I'll usually leave some kind of response, even if I have no idea how to respond to positive feedback half the time lol
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably triptych? feels like cheating since it's really just a character study of the actual ending to ok19, but surprsingly enough I don't actually have that much written that ends angstily
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? oooo I'm gonna say Coming Home - I probably have written fluffier fic but I find that one very cathartic and think the ending to it is just generally really strong
8. Do you get hate on fics? ehhhh I've had a couple of annoying comments in the past but nothing I'd call hate lol
9. Do you write smut? nope, and I probably never will! I wrote like. one vaguely suggestive scene for give them all that they can drink bc I kind of had to for story reasons and jesus it felt like pulling teeth. I simply do not enjoy it. anyway if like a year from now I've written myself into a corner where I have to do that again feel free to laugh at me
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I mean I'm currently in the process of trying to finish my Oklahoma/Magnus Archives crossover fic so I think there's your answer. Actually funnily enough all the crossover fics I've written have been something crossing over with tma. What can I say, I just really love the tma lore and enjoy applying it to other things!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not as far as I know!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! Closest I've come is Miles helping me out with editing to be a king of a ruined world and us bouncing off each other with our ok19 fic thoughts in general
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I'm with you on this one El - can't answer this question my ability to have an all time favourite is hindered by my brain jumping from interest to interest like some kind of fucked up flea. also I mostly write gen anyway so. eh.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? oh dear lord there's so many. Like every couple of weeks I contemplate going back to this wishverse au I wrote where buffy and angel survive the battle against the master and proceed to have a deeply fucked up relationship and ruin each others' lives. It was vaguely inspired by the silt verses and the wolf 359 minisode variations on a theme. It was kind of about aromanticism. It was mildly unhinged. And it will probably never be finished because I couldn't figure out a good direction to take it in. Pour one out.
16. What are your writing strengths? Imagery!! People always tell me my imagery is super vivid and memorable and you know what? They're right! I think I have a knack for coming up with imagery and metaphors and motifs and weaving them throughout my writing. Doesn't hurt that I edit my fics like they're academic essays so even if they're not interesting they at least always have strong throughlines
17. What are your writing weaknesses? hmmmm I feel like pacing is something I struggle with. Also while I think my imagery and metaphors are strong I also have a really hard time figuring out how like, subtle to make them? Like I just Do Not have an intuitive sense of what's too heavy-handed or what's too oblique, so I feel like it can end up leaning a bit on the obvious side. it's something I'm working on!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? It's not something I've ever really thought about, to be honest! Probably not something I'd do myself, but that's really just because I'd be likely to mess it up lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? Lost, which is truly something I can never live down. guys I really really like that one insanely underdeveloped ghost-talking guy
20. Favorite fic you've written? either give them all that they can drink or how ridiculous I was as a marionette. much as I clown on myself for writing not one but two ace cordy fics that were meant to be short and ended up being 9k, I can't act like I don't think they were both excellent. oh, and I'm also always very proud of what exists of to be a king of a ruined world, though I feel like I can't call it my favourite on the grounds that it's only like. a third done.
tagging @discocaptain @ramiroangel @beatriceeverytuesday and @jennycalendar
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dqhxx · 2 years
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CW; +18, very suggestive, threesome, bunny boys kazufuyu, mention of toys, gn reader. (if I'm forgetting to tag something tell me.)
AN: OOOH i love kazufuyu god so much, and i would love to see them more in bunny clothes.. Please if any word is wrong please let me know, I will try to correct it as soon as possible, English is not my first language
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there you were, at your job like every day.
The hours seemed to go by slowly, you just wish you could finally leave and go home and fall asleep with your boys
When it was finally time to leave, your phone starts to vibrate constantly, chifuyu was calling you, probably out of concern to know why you were taking so long.
"[name]? Where are you? It's gonna take a while?" Chifuyu said quickly, he was probably busy doing something else.
"I'll be a little longer, I just got off work" you said, your voice coming out a little weaker.
"oh I see, are you tired dear? Don't worry, me and kazutora have a surprise for you when you get home" chifuyu said, a teasing laugh was heard after he finished talking
Before you could ask or say anything about this surprise he hung up, how rude. But that wasn't the case, you were curious about the surprise, what could it be?
Chifuyu and Kazutora had so many ideas, you never knew what was going through their heads, every day was a new surprise, whether it was erotic clothes or toys.
Those boys would kill you one day.
Your anxiety was increasing along with your curiosity, you would definitely rush to see what your boys were up to
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When you got home you could hear footsteps behind you.
"welcome home dear" chifuyu's voice invaded your ears making you turn around, your eyes widened and your breath stopped for a few seconds when you saw that image.
Your two boys dressed as... Bunnies? Wow
You eyes up and down and god they looked magnificent in those clothes
They were really adorable, those little ears matched them, the black lingerie really highlighted their bodies
It was amazing how beautiful they looked in whatever outfit they wore.
"Oh? What happened? Don't tell me you're shy now? Come touch us" Chifuyu said with that teasing smile, that smile he gave whenever he tried to annoy you
"We know how tired you are, you're working so hard.. Let us help you relax ok?" Kazutora finally opened his mouth as he curled up on your arm.
You felt chifuyu behind you pushing you into the room while kazutora caressed your arm
You were already totally turned on just thinking about the things they had planned.
When you arrived in the room you heard chifuyu close the door while kazutora took you to bed
Your eyes fell on the toys, lubricants, collars beside the bed.
They really had everything organized.
"do whatever you want with us, we'll be good to you" chifuyu's voice breaking the silence bringing your attention to the boys sitting across from you, they were totally willing to make you feel better than ever.
And who were you to refuse such a cute request like that?
You were going to have a long night..
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I swear I don't know how to end this
Please do not repost, translate or share my work on other platforms. Likes, comments and reblogs will be highly appreciated!
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holycrimin · 3 years
It hurts to love.
Karl heisenberg x male!reader
Tags: Hanahaki and angst
(Note: In this au, none of the main events happen with ethan, as he is not in this story. Also SPOILER WARNING.)
(Warning: probably shitty plot, but i'm trying my best ok)
[Your pov]
It all started a year or two ago, when mother miranda had found me lurking around the village. As i was not a local, she deemed me suspicous. However, before she had the chance to kill me, She had a spark in her eye. As if she had an idea. And before i knew it she was using me as some sort of vessel for her daughter, Eva. Although i am a male, she had seen something special in me apparently. I had also found out that her daughter had passed away and she was determined to bring her back.
It failed.
The experiment... failed.
I was no longer deemed useful.
She had proposed me two options. become a servant or assistant to one of the lords, or die. A slow, and painful death.
Of course I chose to be an assistant.
She was kind enough to let me choose who to work for, thankfully.
Lady dimitrescu was very much intimidating. And from what I've heard, if you mess up even just a little while working for her, you will be sent to the dungeons. Never to be seen again. And she isnt really fond of men, so I wont be choosing her.
Next up was Donna Beneviento. She was nice, although her doll 'Angie' is a little... how do I say this... creepy. It doesnt help that i have a huge fear of mannequins and dolls, so I dont think i'll be choosing her anytime soon.
And then theres Salvatore Moreau, dont get me wrong he's a great guy but.. he might accidentally drown me. I might be overreacting, but the guy smells. Although, I feel bad that he's treated so poorly by the other Lords, but i think it's for the best if i stay away from him.
And.. i guess my only option left is Lord Heisenberg. I just hope that he wont be that much of a hassle, even if he IS kind of an asshole...
A day before i start working at the factory, Mother Miranda forced us to spend the day together. To 'get to know eachother' I assume.
Lord Heisenberg looked pissed off, he wasn't really fond of me. He was more pissed off at Mother miranda though. Most likely because he was forced to spend time with me. I quickly learned what he called the 'basics of him'. Basically, common facts. Such as, the fact that he can bend metal and his deep hatred for Mother Miranda. that was basically all that he told me.
The following day was my first day at the factory. As we were walking along the factory, he stopped in his tracks. "Listen pup, there's rules." He practically growled. "First of all, Don't touch my shit. Second of all, don't go around the factory without me knowing. And third of all, Don't try to get to know me, we're keeping a proffessional relationship, got it?" He said.
"Uh.. y-yes Lord Heisenberg." I very nervously stammered, lightly blushing at the nickname he gave me.
"Good, now let's get to work."
Present day
That was around a year or two ago, and while i have gotten closer to the other lords, i never managed to get to get close to Lord Heisenberg. And..
I'm an idiot who fell for him... And... I know he'll never feel the same way. I've tried getting his attention, impressing him, but... nothing's working. Every time i try to get close to him, wether it's emotionally or physically. I get pushed away, literally and figuratively.
It's my fault really. I fell inlove with a man who was emotionally closed off. His charisma, his voice, everything about him just makes me fall more and more inlove with him.
I know i wont have a chance, hell, i dont even know if he's into guys... Guess i really am an idiot, huh?
Later that day, Lord Heisenberg asked me to help him with something. I agreed of course, and during that time I tried to know him more. "Jesus christ, are you trying to get me to open up or something? Cause' that's not gonna happen, so give it up." He spat out, "a-ah... sorry Lord Heisenberg.." I stammered out.
A few minutes of silence pass. Suddenly, he grabbed my hands. "I- ugh.. Just- you're doing it wrong. Here, let me help." He said, while holding my hands 'teaching me how to do it right'.
Of course my face started heating up, the feeling of his slightly roughed up hands on mine... it feels nice. Although this is probably the only time i'll ever get close to him.
"Hey pet, you ok? Geez, you're practically as red as a tomato." He said, while still holding my hands. "Uh.. y-yeah..! Uhm... i.. i'm good.." i stuttered, feeling his breath on top of my head. He was bigger and taller than me after all.
"Well, whatever you say, pup." He shrugged as he continued his work. I got a little flustered on the nickname, i never got used to that..
After, he went and ordered me to get supplies fron the duke.
As i was walking along the pathway to the duke, a few lycans were following me. They didnt seem to be attacking, so i just left them alone. However when i reached the duke, the lycans were gone. How strange.
"Well well well, if it isn't Heisenbergs pet! What brings you here, young man?" He says, with a shit eating grin. "Ah.. well, i'm just here for some supplies is al-" i was then cut off with a series of coughs, "Oh my, are you alright?" said the duke, genuinely concerned. "O-oh i'm fine i ju-" i was then cut off by another series of coughs, but just when i stopped, a small white flower petal came out of my mouth.
"Oh dear, i hope this isn't what i think it is... Are you sure you are alright?" Asked the duke. "I.. i dont know," i pause and look at the small flower petal in my hand. "do you know what's happening..?" I questioned him, very much confused. "It may be something called the 'Hanahaki disease'. It was said to just be an urban legend. Where, if you were suffering from unrequited love, you would begin to cough up flower petals." He explained. "I didnt think it was real.." he muttered to himself.
"..." i was silent as i stared in shock and horror, I'm.. coughing up flowers..? Like actual, real flowers...?
From.. unrequited love.... i should've known, i... i should've known that he would never feel the same way.
How could i be so stupid, to think he would fall for a mere mortal like me. Or atleast.. i think i'm mortal. "Well," the duke spoke up, "luckily there are two ways you can get rid of the sickness." My eyes lit up, "the person you like, either loves you back," he continued "or, you can get surgery. Not only will it remove the flowers, it also removes all of your feelings for this particullar person permanently."
"Th-that's great! I can finally get this 'hanahaki' disease while also getting rid of my feelings for him-!"
"Him?" The duke asked as he cut me off, "do you mean Lord Heisenberg?"
"Uh-" as i think about him, i start coughing again. This time, blood was spilling over. And so were many petals. "Oh dear.. so just the mere thought of him triggers it..?" He said, concerned. "Uh... i'll just... take the supplies. Thank you though, duke."
"No problem, stay safe. But remember, the longer you wait around with the flowers still inside you, the worse your state will become." He informs me,
"I'll try to get the surgery as fast as possible duke." I said, waving him goodbye.
As soon as i walked out, those same lycans followed me all the way back to the factory. Strange isn't it? Anyway, when you finally arrived at the factory, supplies in hand, I hear Lord Heisenberg open up the door.
"Here, let me help you with those." He says as he starts taking some of the bags.
"...Why are you being so nice all of a su-sudden?" I stammer as i try to hold in a cough. "Would you rather not have me nice, pup?" he growled. As i opened my mouth to speak, i was interrupted but a fit of coughs. Blood spilt out as did the petals. Heisenberg didn't seem to notice as he was already far ahead.
I try to cover it up as much as i can as i try to catch up with him. "Jeez.. Finally, you caught up-" he cut himself off. "Why is there blood on your face?" He said, slightly concerned. I froze. "Uh.." that was all i could say. "Whatever.." he said as he wiped the blood away from my face. A faint blush spread accross my cheeks.
I excused myself to the bathroom as i felt another fit of coughs. More blood splattered out as well as more petals. God it hurts. I heard a knock on the door. "Hey pet, you've been there a while, you sure you're alright?" He said
"Uh- yeah, i-i'm fine..!" I said, trying to hold in my coughs. "Well just make it quick, we have work to do." "Yes sir..!" I reply back quickly, not wanting to upset him. I quickly cleaned myself up and walked out of the bathroom. "Took you long enough." He sighed, annoyed. He went ahead and grabbed his hammer, dragging it along the metal floors. It was loud enough for him to not hear you cough up more petals.
~later that week~
My condition kept getting worse and worse, to the point i was barely able to breath. I've consulted the duke, however nothing seemed to work. No matter how much medicine, herbs or other medicinal items i jammed into my body, it just won't go away.
I was asked to come over Lady Dimitrescus castle, i'm not exactly sure why. Maybe she heard of this 'hanahaki' disease?
As i make my way to the castle, lycans started to follow me. Even more than before, why was this happening?
I finally arrive at the castle, the lycans seem to be watching me very carefully. I hear the doors open, and out came a tall lady. "Ah, Y/N! I'm glad you came! Come in." She said, holding the door open for me.
I walked in and was immediately tackled with a hug. "Uncle Y/N! You came!" Exclamed Daniela, one of Lady Dimitrescus daughters. "Oh, uh... hello Daniela." I say, hugging back. I never imagined them to warm up to me. "Now now Daniela, me and your Uncle Y/N have something to discuss."
"Aww man... well, i'll see you around Uncle Y/N!" She waved goodbye to me. "I'll see you around, Daniela." I say as i wave back. As soon as her footsteps were no longer in range, i spoke up. "So.. what did you want to talk about..?" I carefully asked the tall woman, not wanting to be sliced to bits. "Well, as i said before, the duke has informed me of something related to your wellbeing."
"So... you've heard about this.. 'hanahaki' disease, i assume...?" I say as i tense up even more. "The duke told me about it, and when i asked why he was informing me about this, he simply stated it had something to do with you. So tell me, do you have it?" She asked me with a concerned expression.
"W-well.. I-.." i say, sighing. "Yes, as far as i know." I reply, not wanting to lie to her. "As much as i dislike that wretched man, Heisenberg, i must ask, is he the object of your affection?" I froze. "Well... uh-" i cut myself off as i break into a fit of coughs growing more and more violent than the last. "Oh dear- MAIDS!" She called out, panicking, as blood and petals fall out of my mouth. She patted my back as i continue to cough. "So... it is Heisenberg.. I am terribly sorry Y/N i did not know this would happen.." she said, apologetically.
"I-it's alright-" i break into another fit of coughs. But instead of petals, this time, there were fully grown flowers. "i.. i can't b-breath.." i say almost blacking out. The last thing i see and hear are the maids, Lady Dimitrescu shouting to get the duke, and the door opening to reveal... Lord Heisenberg..? "Goddammit, out of my way-!" Was the last thing i heard before blacking out.
I woke up to the duke. I sat upright, "what... happ-" i was then cut off by the duke. "You're awake! Honestly, i.. didnt know if you would wake up.." he said sadly. "Thankfully, i was able to patch you up just fine. And after days and hours of research, i finally found an alternative to your hanahaki!" The duke said, switching from a sad, to a cheerful mood.
My eyes light up, "W-wait, really!?" I said as a smile creeps up on my face. The duke gives me a small bottle, "Here, take this. Free of charge!" He said as he smiles brightly. "Now, you should drink it as soon as possible. Lord Heisenberg is waiting for you outside."
"I will, thank you duke!" I said as i waved him goodbye. As I walked to the gates, I take the small bottle and drink it. Within seconds, the flowers were gone. I could finally breath again!
Walking out with a small smile, I saw Lord Heisenberg. "Oh, hey-!.. uh.. i mean, hey. You're awake, lets... get back to the factory..." he stammered out.
Was it just me, or were there tears on his face..?
The walk to the factory was silent, but as we walk up to the factory gates, he stops dead in his tracks. "Before we go in, I just uh.. wanted to let you know that the duke let me know about how you really felt about me." He said. "And.. after a long time of thinking about it.." he cuts himself off as his cheeks turn red,
"...I like you too." He confesses.
I don't feel any different.
I don't have butterflies in my stomach.
I don't even feel my face heating up.
It was like...
I was never inlove with him in the first place.
"I... I'm sorry, Lord Heisenberg... but.. I dont feel the same way anymore. I think... it was that small bottle the duke gave me, but.. I am sorry, i don't feel the same way." "W-wait.. you're.. you're joking, right...?" I watch as his expression goes from flustered to heartbreak. "..." i grow silent.
"Let's... let's get inside... we'll catch a cold if we don't." I say, opening the doors to the factory, not wanting the situation to get more awkward. "...Y... yeah... just, gimme a minute.." he says as his voice was slightly shaking. "Alright.. just... please be quick, you'll get a cold." I said, walking in and closing the door on him.
[Heisenbergs pov]
"I... I'm sorry, Lord Heisenberg... but.. I dont feel the same way anymore. I think... it was that small bottle the duke gave me, but.. I am sorry, i don't feel the same way."
"W-wait.. you're.. you're joking, right...?" I say with my voice slightly shaking. Dammit.. god... fucking...
Just when i thought i finally found the love of my life, he's stripped away from me.
"..." he was silent.
I could feel the heartbreak slowly filling me up.
"Let's... let's get inside... we'll catch a cold if we don't."
"...Y... yeah... just, gimme a minute.." i stammer while i try not to break down infront of him.
"Alright.. just... please be quick, you'll get a cold." He says, as he walks in and shuts the door. Heh.. it's cute how he still worries about me when..
I need some time to thi-
My thoughts were interrupted when i started to violently cough. What i didn't expect though...
Was a flower petal.
"So this is what he felt." I said, as i look at the bloody flower petal in my hand.
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 1
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello’s masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite, who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310, @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria. Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 1806
Additional note: I'm afraid I'll disappoint some of you. No more newspapers... The articles defined the setting of the story. From now on, it'll be a regular fic.
Hope you enjoy it nevertheless 🙂
June 2021
Ivar yawns, rubbing his eyes, when he suddenly hears the front door open. The next moment, Ubbe shouts, "Hey baby bro, we're home!"
Slightly confused, Ivar looks at the time on his computer. Stunned, he blinks repeatedly, shakes his head and checks the time again, now looking at his watch. "Guess I lost track of time," he mumbles as he realizes it's really 5:30 pm. He clears his throat. "I'm coming!"
Yawning once more, he wheels to the kitchen. Hvitserk waves at him with one hand as Ubbe greets him with a grin and Sigurd... Well, Sigurd ignores him, as usual.
"Hello boys!" Lagertha smiles as she also enters the kitchen. "Did you go to the beach this afternoon?" It's a rethorical question, since sand can be seen on the tanned skin of his brothers, shirtless and wearing only swimming shorts.
When she looks down at him, her smile becomes softer. "Ivar, you seem tired. Did you work all day long?"
He nods, glad that for once she called him by his first name and not by one of those stupid nicknames that she likes but that make his skin crawl.
"Yep," he shrugs without smiling back, "I made good progress. The new version of your website is almost done. It could probably be online by the end of the week."
His stepmom flashes him a beaming smile. "Great, thanks!"
The conversation then moves on to the subject that everyone in Kattegat has been talking about for the last few days: the midsummer party thrown by their neighbor Harald Hårfager. Every June, it is Kattegat's not-to-be-missed event, to which every resident hopes to be invited.
Lagertha is invited every year, yet rarely attends; his brothers wouldn't miss it, not in a million years; Ivar never went.
He listens with half an ear as his brothers prattle on about the upcoming party, while taking a seat at the large, wooden kitchen table on which Lagertha has just put cakes and drinks.
"What are you going to wear?"
"Do you think Marit will attend this year?"
"Hopefully the music will be better than last year."
"Can't be as bad! What was the name of that reggae band?"
For a fleeting moment, Ivar entertains the thought of attending as well. Not that he's dying to, but… Sometimes, he feels a little bit like Cinderella in this house.
Don't get him wrong, it's not that bad.
First, his stepmom is not–
Wait, wait, wait, is Lagertha technically his stepmom? He's not sure. After all, she wasn't when his parents were alive, she was just his father's first wife. Anyway, she may be his guardian now, but he sees her as his stepmom and he honestly doesn’t give a shit if it's a little weird.
Where was he? Oh yes, Cinderella.
So obviously, Lagertha is not a wicked, haughty and abusive stepmom like this Lady Tremaine of the fairytale.
Actually, even if it pisses him off to admit it, she's pretty nice, patient and composed. Does he love her? Let's not exaggerate – he doesn't. She may love him though, which is a little bit uncanny, if he's being honest. He was the favorite son of her nemesis. Shouldn't she hate him? He would, if the situation was reversed.
The truth is, when he was younger, he tried, he really tried to hate her, blaming her for everything and anything. When too much pain prevented him from sleeping, he let his imagination run wild. There, bound to his bed of suffering, he could see Lagertha cutting the brakes on his mother's car, causing her crash, causing her death.
Of course, even then, he knew deep down that Lagertha had not killed his mother; that the story he told himself was just the product of his endless nights of insomnia. But what can he say? He needed this. Because blaming Lagertha rather than admitting that his beloved mother was at fault – by being distracted, or by falling asleep, he'll never know – was easier for the heartbroken boy he was.
Anyway... So yes, Lagertha is definitely not an evil stepmother like Cinderella's.
Also, he doesn't sleep on a sorry garret, on a wretched straw bed either.
Actually, he has a very large room on the main floor, with a king-size memory foam bed, a walk-in – well, a wheel-in for his case – closet and his own, huge bathroom, fully equipped for his special needs.
Sure, the bathroom and the dressing room were already there when his parents were alive; however, the memory foam mattress had been Lagertha's idea.
Anyway... So yes, he can't exactly complain about his sleeping conditions, unlike Cinderella.
And obviously, he's not forced into servitude.
Actually, one might think so, but no, he's not. Sure, sometimes he works for his stepmom, like today. But so do his brothers. When she had taken them in, she was a powerful businesswoman, working twelve to fourteen hours a day. Once she had become their guardian, she had rearranged her working time and learned to delegate; but even so, she had often run out of time. Therefore, it had seemed normal to them – yes, even to him – to help her out, each of them according to their skills and abilities.
So, while Hvitserk almost always does the grocery shopping, while Sigurd vacuums and does the laundry, while Ubbe mows the lawn and trim the bushes, he, Ivar, runs her company's website and sometimes even does the accounting. And since he loves computers and numbers, it's not exactly a problem.
Anyway... So yes, he's not a slave in this house. Unlike Cinderella.
So, yes, to sum it up, he can't really complain and he's by far not Cinderella. And he knows it.
But... Yes, there's a but...
Sometimes, he feels trapped, as poor Cinderella must have felt.
Sometimes he feels like a spectator of a life he doesn't belong to.
Sure, he doesn't have to be homeschooled – but gods, he's glad he is. The reasons for him to be continuously bullied by classmates are endless. The simplest ones being: he is a cripple, an orphan, the son of a dead mob boss, the smartest one in the whole damn school, let alone his class. Take your pick. It's no fun, no fun at all. Being home alone is preferable to that alternative.
Therefore, barely leaving the house except for medical appointments, he has no friends. He doesn't do sports either – obviously – and yeah, he lives a lonely life, filled with video games and Netflix series. And he's okay with that. Well, most of the time.
Sure, his brothers, or at least Ubbe and Hvitserk, always try to include him as much as possible. But the truth is that because of his legs, there are many, many things he just can't do.
And the other truth, the less pleasant one, is that he partially did that to himself. He cut himself off from a world that hurt him, yet he still misses this world sometimes. At times, he blames himself. Because his life, honestly, is hardly what you would call a life, is it? Not when you're sixteen.
That's why sometimes, like now, he feels this longing, almost a need, to live. To really, truly, fully live. And that's why, for a brief moment, lulled by the light chitchat of his brothers, he considers attending Harald's midsummer party.
But he knows better. This life is not for him, never has been, never will be.
And so, shaking his head, he chases the thought away and, placing his hands on his push rims, he's about to leave the kitchen while the incessant babbling of his brothers goes on.
"I can't wait."
"Don't tell me! As every year, the most beautiful girls of Kattegat will be there."
"Remember that burger food truck? Best burgers ever!"
"I've heard Y/N would be attending this year."
"There'll be booze and girls! Sounds like Valh–"
Wait. His mind goes blank.
What? Did he hear right?
As he replays his brother's words in his head, it's like there's an earthquake happening inside of him.
He stops breathing. Blinks, then clamps his eyes shut.
When he finally manages to draw air into his lungs, he swallows loudly before asking in a weird, high-pitched voice, his heart pounding in his chest, "What– What did you say, brother?"
Hvitserk turns his head toward him and shrugs. "I just said there'll be boo–"
"No, not you!" Ivar snaps at his brother, pointing his pointer finger at Ubbe. "You, what did you fucking say?" Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Lagertha frowning – 'no curse words in this house, boys'– and even if he barely contains an eye roll, he still mouths a quick 'sorry' at her before rewording his question, impatience coursing through him. "What did you say, dear brother? Who did you say would attend?"
Stunned, Ubbe looks at him with wide eyes. "Y/N? I said Y/N would come. That's what I heard anyway. She's Harald's niece. She was here once, right? Remember her, baby bro, huh?"
But Ivar is no longer listening, the blood draining from his face. Y/N... Y/N... Fuck. Finally. Fucking finally. After so long... He may see you again. Wow.
I'll go! I'll fucking go!
He barely contains the words, suddenly acutely aware of the deafening silence in the room, his brothers shamelessly staring at him.
With her brows furrowed and her lips turned downward in a slight frown, Lagertha takes two steps forwards before crouching down in front of him. "Are you all right, sweetie? You're a little pale."
He barely hears when Sigurd giggles, "A little pale? He's greener than an alien!"
Lagertha shoots Sigurd a dirty look and then gently cups Ivar's cheek. "Do you know her, Ivar? Do you know Y/N?"
Overwhelmed, self-conscious, freaked out, caught off-guard, he doesn't know how to respond. Should he tell the truth? Should he lie? His brothers will mock him, for sure. What is the point of telling the truth? What good would it do? On the other hand, he could really use some advice. Yeah. Sure. Advice from Sigurd. Just the thought of it is enough to make him sick. Fuck, what is he going to do?
Rushed words are out of his mouth before he can even gather his thoughts. "No. No. I don't. I mean, yes, I think I do but–" He's being pathetic and he hates it. So after a sharp intake of breath, he shakes his head and eventually replies in a flat, calm voice, the white lie rolling off his tongue. "I know her, but I thought Ubbe was talking about someone else. Sorry."
With these words, he hastily leaves the room, his eyes riveted on his knees, his heart still drumming in his chest.
Y/N. Fuck.
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings
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promenadewithme · 3 years
Heyy, congratulations on 50 followers! Could you write something for Finnick Odair (fluff with a little bit of angst?) based on the lyrics "How would you feel, if I told you I loved you? It's just something that I want to do, I'll be taking my time, spending my life, Falling deeper in love with you, So tell me that you love me too" from 'How would you feel' with a female reader. Please make whatever changes you want, absolutely adore all your writing :))
Ok so I loved this request because I love Finnick so much!! I really hope you like this! I'm sorry I took a bit longer to write this, I had a lot of uni work and studying to do this week.
requested by @boxofsilentwords
This is my first Finnick fic, so I'm nervous... Any and all feedback is more than welcome!
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Female! Reader
Song: How Would You Feel - Ed Sheeran
Warnings: Mentions of killing (nothing graphic), swearing, the hunger games, pining, fluff. Just before the 75th Hunger Games (Catching fire book/movie), but I changed the plot a bit so it would fit the story, Mags doesn’t go with Finnick, the reader does. 
Word Count: 1,2k
Divider made by me on @promenadewithme-graphics​
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How Would You Feel
There were soldiers surrounding all the victors as you got up on the platform. Your whole body was shaking. ‘Why is this happening? I already won! I’m not supposed to be here’. You looked to your right and saw your best friend, Finnick Odair, and 3 other male tributes. To your left was Annie Cresta and Mags, who was squeezing your hand.
“As always, ladies first!” said the district 4 escort with a wild grin. You don’t understand how they slept at night, sending people off to fight to their deaths every year, watching like it’s fiction. These were real people, who had families, lives, dreams. You had dreams. 
The escort grabbed one of the envelopes and walked back to the microphone.
“Let’s see...” he opened it and with glee he exclaimed “(y/n) (y/l/n)! Come on over, dear!” 
You looked at Finnick with desperation in your eyes before giving Mags’ hand one last squeeze and walking away. You felt like the world around you was shrinking, like there was no air to breathe. The escort’s voice was but a whisper until your heard what you dreaded more than your own death.
“Finnick Odair!” you looked at your best friend with fear in your eyes. Most would be happy to go into the arena with an ally, but this was Finn. This was your Finn. Well, you couldn’t exactly call him yours, you two were just friends. But you have always loved him. Despite his many lovers, you always stood by him, hoping he would see you. He never did.
“May the odds be ever in your favour.” 
‘And let the hunger games begin’ you thought, looking over at Finnick. He was looking back at you with a plain face, but you could see the pure terror in his eyes. ‘The arena messes with all of us, no matter how tough or brave you are. What happens when you go in twice?’
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“And those two are Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark from District 12, they won last year’s game.” depicted your escort. You and Finnick were staying at the tributes building. Fourth floor for district 4, as per usual. Over the past days you had come to terms with the fact that you were going back into the arena. That didn’t mean you weren’t scared shitless.
“What else do you know about them?” asked the man. You had watched the games last year. For the first time, you actually liked the victors. So you exposed what you knew.
“Katniss is a hunter, excellent with a bow and arrow, great survival instincts. Peeta is very strong and good at camouflage. The two of them are getting married. Well... at least they were before all this.” you frowned and Finnick scoffed.
“Do you seriously believe that they are in love? They must be jumping with joy that they get to call it off.” he shook his head.
“What do you mean? You saw the games last year, they are obviously in love. They were going to die together.” you refuted, turning to face him.
“Please! The two tributes that are chosen are actually secretly love each other to the point that they would die for one another, they both win the game and live happily ever after? This is the real world, (y/n). These things don’t happen.”
Your heart tightened, but he was right. The couple had given you hope that maybe Finnick would love you too, that even the worst situations could bring some sort of happiness. You now realised it wouldn’t happen. Your love was unrequited, the two of you were going to the arena, but only one of you would come out. If both of you weren’t killed, that is.
“You’re right, they don’t.” you frowned. Your escort continued to talk about the games and how to look good in the eyes of the public, but you didn’t care. It’s not like you’d make it out alive a second time. You barely did the first, in the 66th hunger games.
You went in a year after Finnick, you were so young and so was he. Maybe that's why the two of you bonded in the first place, having to be strong so early in life isn't something easy. Having to carry the weight of killing that young isn't either.
"Excuse me." you muttered before going to your room, Finnick following suit.
"What's wrong?" he demanded.
"What's wrong? Are you seriously asking me that? What's wrong?!" you exclaimed. "What's wrong is that we already went through this. What's wrong is that this happens every fucking year and no one does anything to stop it. What's wrong is that I am terrified that I'll die, or even worse, that you'll die. Because I don't think I can live without you." tears were streaming down your face as you continued, voice getting lower with each sentence "What's wrong is that I am head over heels in love with you, have been for years now by the way, and you never even noticed me."
You gasped and covered your mouth. What have I done? you thought as Finnick looked at you in shock.
"What?" he mumbled.
"Nothing, just please forget I ever said anything." you begged, going into the bathroom. Yet again, Finnick followed you.
"You love me?" he gawked.
"No?" you tried answering, but it came out sounding like a question. You wanted to dig a hole where you could hide, you were mortified. But when you looked at Finn, he was grinning.
"You love me!"
"Oh God." you hid your face in your hands "Please don't tease me about this."
You felt a pair of hands on yours, removing them from your face.
"Look at me." he whispered. You hesitated for a second, but did what he said. He was smiling softly at you.
"How would you feel if I told you I loved you?" he asked and it was your turn to be shocked.
"It's just something that I want to do. Well, I've been wanting to do it for a while now. I just didn't know you felt the same." he confided and you grinned, but it quickly turned into a frown.
"What do we do? The games- We..." tears were forming in your eyes again. He put his arms around you in a tight hug.
"I'll get us both out, I swear I will." he vowed.
"You can't promise me that, Finn. There can only be one victor."
"There was an exception last year, why can't we do it again? But that's no what I'm planning. There's- " he stopped for a second "I can't tell you right now what I know, but I promise we will get out. And after that," he smiled at you, caressing your face "I'll be taking my time, spending my life, falling deeper in love with you. So tell me that you love me too."
You wanted to argue with him, make him tell you, but you didn't want to ruin the moment. So, you put your head on his chest and let him hold you.
“I love you, Finnick.” you mumbled into his chest, wishing it could last forever. Wishing you didn't have to go back to the arena or at least that the odds would truly be in your favour.
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General tag list: @for-bebbanburg @power-of-words23 @elenapatricia99
The Hunger Games tag list:
Finnick Odair tag list:
tell me if you want to be added to my tag list!
302 notes · View notes
rainguk · 3 years
perfect pitch | ksj
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⁕ summary; your stand partner this year is, to put it simply, insufferable. with a rare sense of perfect pitch and a stunning face to boot, this boy's ego is absolutely off the charts... but you'd be lying if you said you didn't care about him anyway.
⁕ pairing; seokjin x reader
⁕ rating; pg-13
⁕ words; 3.9k
⁕ genre; crack, fluff - stand partners idiots to lovers (with a lil bit of enemies in there), high school au, orchestra au
⁕ warnings; swearing, threats but like nothing violent happens LOL, seokjin's sense of humor: there's like one mildly inappropriate joke (i'm sorry bach), super cliche rain scene i apologize
⁕ notes; this is based off of infuriatingly true events in my life because people with perfect pitch just LOVE flexing it like i'll drop my fork on the table and my friend's just like "oh wow that was a B flat" aaaaggghjsdjsdf anyways... i had a lot of fun writing this and i'm nearing the end of another longer fic i'm writing so please look forward to that :D hope you enjoy!!! + if you ever want me to tag you in my fics just let me know and i will <3 plus this is unedited and disgustingly cringy as it nears the end so read at your own risk
⁕ tags; @imdamconfused @sunghoonight-x @iminchaosnow
⁕ song; butter (bts)
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You’re teetering dangerously on the edge, a mere few seconds away from stabbing your stand partner in the eye with whatever you can use as a weapon.
“Hey, are you okay?” Seokjin cuts into your murderous thoughts, alarmed. “You look… truth be told, Y/N, you look like you want to kill someone.”
“If you don’t shut up about how flat my A is, that someone might just end up being you.”
“How romantic.”
Your bow slides off your violin with a cadence of squeaky notes. “Can you at least stop flirting with me while I’m trying to tune this thing?!”
He smiles, a bright, brilliant thing that shows off all his perfect teeth. You swallow, heart suddenly racing a thousand times faster; it’s no secret that Kim Seokjin is probably the biggest pain in the neck you’ve ever met, but it’s also true that he is insanely good-looking. And you’re not about to deny it.
“You like it, though.”
Well, shit.
“Not everyone’s head over heels in love with you,” you retort, trying desperately to throw him off your trail. You know what happens with popular kids like him; once it’s known that you have a soft spot for them, everyone pounces on you, bombarding you with questions and snide remarks and rumors.
Of course, it’s complicated — because how on earth could you want to rip off someone’s head and kiss them at the same time?
But you tell yourself that it’s only because he looks like that; not because he easily gets you to laugh like it’s nobody’s business, and certainly not because he looks out for you in the littlest ways; leaving his rosin out on the stand for you to use and lending you a pencil when you need one.
Kim Seokjin is an insufferable little shit, yes. But he’s a friendly insufferable little shit. And you would honestly be so down to hang out with him and get to know him better, save for one little thing that’s been getting in your way.
His perfect fucking pitch.
Being stand partners with someone naturally gifted with such a sense is both a blessing and a curse. Countless times, Seokjin has saved your ass from being questioned by Mrs. Choi by letting you know silently that you’re a little too sharp, or playing in the wrong key entirely. (That last one has happened before.) Sometimes you can’t hear Namjoon, the principal violinist, too well from where you’re seated, so you’ve relied on Seokjin on many occasions to tune your strings correctly.
However, it irks you equally as much when he uses it against you, stopping you mid-piece to let you know that your C# sounds more like a D to him. No one’s perfect, and certainly not you — but you try, and to be shot down every single time by someone who thinks it’s absolutely funny to watch you repeatedly attempt to fix your pitch issues is purely exhausting.
“Hey, Y/N—”
“What?” you demand, sighing as you turn to him.
“Wanna hear a joke?”
“Why did Bach have twenty children?”
Your eyes widen in horror. “Oh my god—”
He continues anyway, ignoring your plea with that mischievous grin, “Because he had no organ stops!”
Seokjin is trying his best not to laugh at his own joke, shoulders shaking at the punch line. You can’t help it yourself, a giggle bursting out of your own chest as you cover your mouth.
“That was horrendous,” you tell him once you catch your breath again. “Absolutely terrible.”
“Oh, worry not,” he proclaims, smiling widely, “I can do far better.”
“Wait, no—”
“What tone does a piano falling down a mineshaft make?”
You furrow your brows, thinking. “I don’t know,” you shake your head after a few seconds. “What is it?”
“A flat minor.”
Your jaw drops open as you process it, and Seokjin just watches you in amusement. “You should be banned from making these kinds of jokes,” you tell him. “Seriously.”
“Admit it, I’m hilarious,” he counters. “I made you laugh, didn’t I?”
He did, you’ve got to acknowledge. He always does, in some way, now that you think about it. Whenever you end up coming to rehearsal in a bad mood, it’s always because of Seokjin that you leave the auditorium with a smile on your face.
The realization startles you like nothing else — you hadn’t known before that he played such a role in your daily life.
“Oh, I nearly forgot,” he starts again, “We have a concert tonight.”
“Yeah…” You turn to him, eyebrow raised. “You forgot about the biggest performance of the year?”
Seokjin nods, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. “Yeah. My bad. You’re coming, right?”
“Duh,” you reply, fishing a block of rosin out of your case. “It’s almost half of my grade; no way I can skip. Besides, I like performing.”
“You do?”
“What are you so surprised for?” you ask him playfully. “I do enjoy it. I might not be good — not as good as you — but I like it. I like playing together with everyone, being able to hear every other part fit in with mine perfectly.” You frown. “Now if you asked me to play solo, I wouldn’t do it for anything in the world. Ensemble performances are far better.”
“You’re good,” Seokjin says quietly, looking at you — it’s like he’s taking you in, letting his eyes linger on you for a little while longer. “Don’t think that you’re not. You sound nice, Y/N.”
You hold his gaze for several breathless seconds before scoffing, turning away. “Don’t lie.”
“I’m not!”
“I don’t need empty compliments fr—”
Your bickering is cut short by Mrs. Choi walking onstage, a stack of sheet music in her hand which is promptly handed to Namjoon for him to distribute to the entire orchestra. You don’t offer your usual smile when he gives you two, and it’s with an impassive expression that you hand the extra to your stand partner.
“You’re welcome.”
Maybe you’ve made it more awkward between you two — but what else could have happened? Had you been hoping he’d magically fall in love with you and kiss you and you would have gone on dates?
No, of course not. This is Kim Seokjin you’re talking about; and besides, no matter how much you manage to soften up to him one moment, he’ll immediately make you want to murder him the next.
“Hey, Y/N… um — your D is just, you know, a little bit sharp—”
“Kim Seokjin, I’ll fucking kill you!”
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“You, my dear, are just overcomplicating this for yourself,” Taehyung declares after listening to you rant about your problematic stand partner over lunch. “What’s the issue? You like him — don’t you shake your head at me, Y/N, you’re as obvious as an open book — and he clearly likes you. Why don’t you just date him?”
“It’s not that simple,” you grumble, brutally stabbing another piece of chicken. “I can’t just walk up to him and ask him out, Tae. Plus, he doesn’t like me, he just likes flirting with everyone he lays his eyes on.”
“From what you’re telling me, it sure does sound like it.”
“Come on, you can’t possibly be that clueless, Y/N.”
“No,” you insist. “He’s a pain in the ass, and he enjoys getting a rise out of me, and he flexes that dumb pitch power of his whenever he can.”
“But you like him...”
“You’re not helping!”
This is where Jimin decides to intervene, tired of your back and forth arguing. “She has a point, Tae. But,” he says to you. “He’s also right. You need to take some kind of action.”
“Yeah, but what?”
Taehyung claps his hands, a telltale sign of a new idea. “Flirt back!”
“Okay, absolutely not—”
Jimin grabs you suddenly, shaking your shoulders. “Wait, think about it!” he exclaims, eyes wide. “It can work! That way you can see if he actually does like you, and you won’t publicly embarrass yourself by confessing to him, either!”
“On second thought, I’d have preferred to see the public embarrassment—”
“Shut up, Tae, you’re just making her feel worse!”
That makes you laugh; contrary to Jimin’s statement, your best friends certainly have succeeded in making you feel just a little bit better.
“Don’t worry, the feeling’s mutual,” you tease. “Maybe I owe him a dose, actually, because I’ve seen firsthand a particularly painful confession back in n—”
“Y/N! Don’t you dare bring that up!”
Amidst the chaos of Taehyung screeching while trying to attack you with a spoon and Jimin holding him back, someone taps on your shoulder lightly; a momentary distraction from this madness, if you will.
“Oh. You,” you respond when greeted with the gently smiling face of Kim Seokjin. “Did you need anything?”
“Nah,” he shrugs, instead showing you his closed fist. “Wanted to give you something.”
“If it’s another one of my strings that you’ve borrowed and also broken, then you can keep it, thanks.”
Seokjin shakes his head, chuckling. “Not that, Y/N. I always throw out the strings I break; don’t worry. I just thought you should have this.”
With that, he places a small wooden box on your lunch bag — at a closer look, you realize it’s a block of rosin. Brand new, too, by the looks of it — when you take off the bright blue lid, there are no scratches on the surface, no sign of wear and tear.
“For me?” You look at him, surprised to be met with a rather fond gaze you’re not used to. “Why?”
“Noticed the one you had was basically falling apart,” he says nonchalantly, attempting to mask the slight tremble in his voice and the blush on his cheeks. “I mean, come on — how are you gonna keep your bow in good shape with those tiny chunks of this stuff?”
“Oh,” is all you can reply, staring at the gleaming black cube in your hand. “I — thanks, I guess.”
“No problem.” He’s back to his bright, grinning self again, all self-confidence and smug smiles. “See you tomorrow,” he tells you, before waving to your friends. “Have a nice lunch, guys.”
It takes Jimin and Taehyung precisely fourteen seconds after Seokjin leaves for his own table to lose their shit.
“Was he looking out for you?”
“Did he actually just give you a new block of rosin?!”
“And you still don’t wanna date this guy?”
“You guys are violinists! Gifting each other supplies is basically your love language!”
You fidget with the rosin, smoothing your thumb over the lid. “No, that’s just how he is,” you defend. “He always lends me rosin when I need it.”
“And you always lend him extra strings,” Taehyung says, a teasing smile on his face. They’re kind of right, you realize when you think about it. Never has Seokjin actually given you a block to keep, and though you might be overestimating the significance of the gesture, it makes your heart flutter nonetheless.
“Okay, anyways,” Jimin changes the topic, “How are we feeling about tonight’s concert?”
“I think we’re in good shape,” you tell him. “We’ve got everything under control — Mrs. Choi was afraid the cellos would screw up their solo section, but they managed to pull it together today and they sounded great.”
“I’m afraid I can’t say the same,” Taehyung sighs. “Not when the tenors keep screwing up their long note—”
“That wasn’t me! That was Jeon Jungkook!”
“Yeah, sure—”
You groan, rolling your eyes. “Come on, we are not arguing about this right now. I’m sure you guys will sound fine, you always do. Plus, Jeon has a really sweet voice.”
“I guess so,” Taehyung shrugs. “But I think the highlight of tonight is going to be Y/N getting to see her guy all dressed up,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.
“No!” You exclaim a little too quickly, cheeks red. “Why would you say something like that?!”
“Because you’re whipped for him—”
“I am most certainly not—”
Jimin laughs out loud, almost toppling off of his chair. “You know, Y/N, we might have believed you if you weren’t redder than a fucking tomato right now—”
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As luck would have it, you’re a solid ten minutes late.
Call time was at six o’clock, and here you are; slamming the car door shut as you wave a hasty goodbye to your father and run to the main entrance, all the while trying not to get drenched in the rain.
(Your folder and the music inside it are probably already soaked, but that’s an issue for another time.)
You hurry down the stairs, pushing the double doors open with a quick apology to Mrs. Choi, who gives you a stern look but says nothing else. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding as you slide into your seat, already unlatching your case.
“You’re late.”
You twist your neck to give your stand partner a blank stare. “I’m aware.”
“You look really nice,” he blurts out next, blinking faster than usual.
“Thanks?” You try and laugh it off, fastening your shoulder rest to the back of your violin. You’re not wearing anything fancy, just a flowy black dress with your hair tied back, but his remark renders you speechless for a split second “So do you.”
You manage to compliment him nonchalantly, but your heart is beating twice as fast, eyes admiring his parted, fluffy hair, the white dress shirt impeccable on his figure. And his lips…
Shit. You really are down bad, but you don’t have time to dwell on it — Mrs. Choi is starting the last piece already, and you’re scrambling to have your instrument ready by the time the first violins start with their little intro.
Seokjin laughs at you quietly, but inhales sharply when you start to rosin your bow hair. “You kept it,” he says softly, nodding at the block in your hands.
“Yeah,” you swallow, suddenly self-conscious. “I did.”
“Didn’t think you would.”
“I’m not that ungrateful,” you wrinkle your nose at him. “Of course I kept it, Seokjin.”
“Jin,” he repeats, flicking a strand of chestnut hair away from his eyes. “That’s what my friends call me.”
“Since when am I your friend?”
“Would you rather not be?”
“Would you rather be?”
Seokjin — Jin, rather — frowns down at you. “Stop asking questions to my questions!”
“You did it first!” you exclaim, laughing. “Hypocrite! Answer mine, then!”
He looks at you for a long moment, like he’s taking his sweet time choosing the right words to say to you. “Since now,” he decides finally, firmly. “You are now. I want you to be mine. My friend,” he clarifies, turning deep red as he says it.
“I thought you hated me,” you muse. “And I was pretty sure you thought I was the lamest kid ever because I couldn’t play a single thing right.”
“Of course not,” Jin shakes his head vehemently. “You’re cool, Y/N. A little tone deaf, but cool.”
“Take that back!”
“I’m sorry, it’s the truth,” he laughs, eyes crinkling at the corners.
You send him your best glare, but contrary to your facial expression, it’s nice to laugh with him like this. You’ve been so caught up with telling yourself that you shouldn’t be feeling anything but annoyance when you’re around him that you ignored your blossoming feelings, and now they’ve fully bloomed, leaving no room for that initial irritation you so often experienced.
Friends. It’s not what you most want, but it’s something. You could get used to that.
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The concert goes smoothly, and the choir performances were absolutely delightful to watch — but your father is late, again, which means you’re stuck waiting for him out in the rain that hasn’t let up for hours.
You’re about to call him for the fifth time in ten minutes when you hear a set of heavy footsteps behind you, running up the stairway. “Y/N!”
“Jin?” you ask, surprised by the boy making his way toward you, brown hair completely soaked. “What are you doing out here?”
“I lied,” he says breathlessly, like he’s in a rush, and if he doesn’t tell you now, he might never be able to. “I’m sorry, I — I lied, Y/N. I don’t want you to be my friend — God, I don’t think I could live with that. I want you to be more.”
“I just,” he exhales forcefully, “I want to be able to take you out and hold your hand and hug you and kiss you—”
When your mind finally clears up, you don’t let him finish his sentence, instead grabbing his collar and yanking him down so you can press your lips to his in one swift motion. A quiet gasp leaves his mouth, but he quickly adjusts to the situation, hands dropping his violin so he can gently cradle your face, teeth tugging at your bottom lip. It’s all happening so fast that you barely even have time to think, to properly take it all in.
His lips are cold due to the nasty weather, and you’re both sopping wet — and this is most definitely the worst setting for this to have happened, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“That,” Jin breathes when you finally let him go, pupils dilated, “that was—”
“My first,” you finish. Your prior courage all gone, you’re a bit nervous now, too embarrassed by your bold move to even meet his eyes. What were you thinking? “I-I’m sorry...”
“Sorry?” Jin asks, confused. “Why are you sorry?”
“You know, because… of that.” You can barely speak up, cheeks burning. “I-I don’t know why I did that. Is this — is this a prank or something? Did you plan this? Was I just supposed to laugh it off and threaten to take your eye out with my bow instead?”
“No, no, no,” he shakes his head, laughing. “Can’t you tell, Y/N?” He lowers his voice to a gentle whisper. “I like you, you idiot. Ever since you waltzed into the auditorium sophomore year and nearly broke your violin falling down the stairs, I never stopped thinking about you.”
“You… you like me?” you ask incredulously, jabbing an accusatory finger at his chest. “Like, for real? You’re not just pulling my leg like you usually love to do?”
“I meant what I said, Y/N,” he tells you softly, fingers intertwined with yours. His voice is genuine, soothing. “I want to do all those things with you, if you’ll let me.”
It takes you a while to reply, but when you do, your heart is pounding so loudly in your chest that you can barely hear yourself. “A-And if I said yes?”
A wide grin breaks out onto Jin’s face as he pulls you into a hug, both your instruments forgotten on the pavement and your head resting on his chest as he holds you close. A few days ago, you would have thought yourself a fool for even thinking that a day like this would ever come; yet here you are, all those daydreams come true.
It’s all so new to you, and you’ll most likely screw up along the way — multiple times. But hand in hand with Jin and his vexing ability to pick out a B from a B flat, things aren’t looking so bad.
You’ll work it out.
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Hanging out with your friends is always a chaotic (but fun) occurrence — but when you add your boyfriend’s buddies into the mix, it all goes down to shit.
Actually, it’s all his fault, if you really think about it. Why on earth did he think challenging Taehyung to a baking competition was even remotely close to being a good idea?
“That’s so not fucking fair!” the aforementioned best friend cries, angrily shaking a spatula at a playfully grinning Jung Hoseok. “You can’t just hide the bag of flour! I fucking forgot to put it in!”
“Nothing we can do about it now, Tae,” Jimin sighs, massaging his forehead as the three of you stare at the burnt, soupy mass your team has created. “We fucking lost, that’s it.”
“So,” Jin smirks mischievously, nudging your elbow. “I guess Hoseok and I win this one, yeah?”
“Shut up,” you shove him back, though you’re grinning; a plate with a slice of his impeccably made cake in your hands and a fork lifted to your lips. “You’re good at this and you know it. I knew from the start that you were just trying to fuck around with Tae.”
Taehyung scoffs. “Your evil, demonic, deceptive, satanic boyfriend—”
“Nice vocabulary,” Hoseok comments without looking up, and you’re sure he’s on your best friend’s hit list at this point.
“Well — anyways, he’s out to get me,” Taehyung continues, frowning. “I feel attacked.”
“Yeah, okay, keep saying that several years from now when you’re sitting in a church and Y/N’s walking down the aisle,” Jimin says nonchalantly, causing you to choke on your cake in complete shock.
“What the heck — we’re literally eighteen! You can’t — you can’t just say things like that!” you exclaim indignantly, fork clattering against your empty plate. Jin grins widely all of a sudden, tapping your shoulder all of a sudden.
“Hmm?” You turn to him, momentarily forgetting how flustered Jimin’s comment made you feel.
“That was a really nice C# just now…”
Your mouth drops open as you gape at your boyfriend; part of you wants to cry and part of you wants to laugh. You knew when you agreed to make it official that somewhere along the line, you’d have to deal with these kinds of things, but now that it’s actually happening…
You turn to Jimin, patience already running thin from Jin’s antics (actually, you secretly love it, though you’ll never admit it to his face.)
“And you have the audacity to suggest that I’ll actually get married to this man?”
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“Y/N? Honey, wake up. I… I just realized something.”
“Oh — Jin? What is it? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s good. You know, I was thinking about it, and I realized that...” Your husband bites down on his lip hesitantly, glancing down at the baby sleeping peacefully in his arms.
“Yeah?” you press, curious.
“When Aera cries — you know, when she’s screaming at the top of her lungs,” he smiles fondly. “It’s always — she always cries in either F# or C#. It’s,” he looks like he’s nearing tears, “the D major key. Y/N, she literally cries in D major. I’m—”
You sigh, smiling amusedly to yourself as you snuggle up to him for extra warmth, holding your baby close. Leave it to none other than Kim Seokjin to analyze his daughter’s pitch — isn’t that part of the reason why you fell in love with him, anyway?
Life with Jin is many things — a chaotic mess that includes the constantly screaming light of your lives, three pandemoniac best friends, and far too many notes for you to keep track of. And though sometimes you want to chuck a blue-lidded block of rosin at his head to shut him up, you’re more than ready for it all.
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— feedback/questions/just wanna chat?
thank you for reading perfect pitch! ♡
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booksweet · 3 years
Starring: Okkotsu Yuuta x fem!reader
synopsis: stressed out after work? yuuta is here to take care of you!
contents/ warnings: SFW, fluff, slightly suggestive, established relationship, grammar issues, both Yuuta and reader are +18
A/N: yep, maybe I'm having a Yuuta brainrot so here we go! Enjoy! 💛
tags: @iwaizumini @noritoshiikamo
[ UPDATE ] check out the NSFW version! (click here) MINORS DNI
main navi | masterlist
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You felt your limbs weaken and your head twists as you walk through your door frame. Hands holding on your body weight on the wall for you to stand still and not to fall. Never have you felt such tiredness consuming your body, never once you thought you could faint because you were exhausted.
Once more your close your eyes, back against that thought walls. Just a feel more steps and you're home, just a few...
"Y/N? Is that you?" You hear a sweet male voice ahead from your, his tone worried. What a sight must it be to see you almost passing out at your door house. "Are you okay?"
"No... It's just..." You start to say, but again, your sight goes dizzy and you feel nauseous. "Fuck, I just hate that."
"Hey, hey, it's okay." Yuuta says placing his hands on your waist, placing your arms around his shoulders and lifting you up. "Let me take care of you, right?" His nose snoozing around your cheeks, his soft breathe upon your ears. Lovely.
"Tell me what happened." He says while bringing you to your shared room.
"I overworked." You tell him, eyes closed and head laying on the crook of his neck. You smell so good...
"At least you ate something during the day, didn't you?"
"Y/N!" His voice showing clearly how worried he was. "How could you not eat anything the whole day?!"
"Don't speak like that" you come closer to him, to his chest. Lips pouting while you explain him what happened. "There were so many curses, more than expected for that mission..."
"Why didn't you call me? You know I would come for you as fast as i could." He pouted back to you, his embrace tight and strong against you. "Before you answer me, let me put my sweet baby on our bed."
Your face warms as he calls you his sweet baby. Yuuta is always so lovely to you, so cherishing. You could stay in between his arms forever and ever.
He opens the door of your room, as you catch a sigh of your bed, shivers run through your body and you could swear you'd melt if you touch it. Yes, I can sleep for days in a roll, let me just...
"Hey, hey, are you running away from me?" Yuuta says as you realize you were going out of his arms to take your place on your bed. "My lady... The one I love lefts me for a comfy bed. How heartbreaking!"
"Yuuta, babe, you know I love you, but at this right moment, I love our bed a little more." He laughs at your answer and places a kiss on your forehead as he lays you on your bed fondly.
"Okay, okay, miss My Bed My Only Lover. You" He points his index finger in front of your face as you stretch yourself like a cat with your sheets. "You stay there while I prepare you your bath. And then, when you're properly showered you'll have a proper dinner. And I don't take 'no' as an answer."
"Okay, sir!" Your shake your hand up your head, faking some kind of a military signal that makes you both laugh louder. "And I didn't call you for help because I thought you were going to rest. You spent so much time abroad working. Now it's my turn, you know?"
"Yeah, I know." He strokes your heart fondly, and then his hands cherish your cheeks. His eyes full of love. "Even in fight, I wouldn't care to spend some time with my wife, you know?" He holds one of your hair's locks in beating his fingers. "And I wish I could see you destroying each cursed spirit in battlefield that would be... More than exciting."
Your face warms as you realize all words unsaid to you. And even your sore body still had its desires. Its carnal desires.
Once more, he gives you sweet pecks on your cheeks and forehead. "Ok, let's stop talking. I'll take care of you."
— x —
You were sleepy by the time he's done. Even though Yuuta would just left out a muffle laugh and then take you again on his arms.
Hands softly taking you off of your clothes and then placing you on the bathroom's tub. You groan in pleasure as the hot water touches your bare body.
"So good..." You mutter and, barely opening your eyes, you try to pick up your soap to start washing yourself. But a calloused hand stops your swiftly by taking you by your wrist.
"Can I?" Yuuta holds it between your intertwined hands. You nod your head in approval and he kisses your jawline while he begins to wash your exhausted body.
His hands so caring and soft you felt you could sleep right there with no worries about the world.
"Yuuta..." You turn your dozy eyes to him. "I missed you." Your voice is sleepy, tired, yet Yuuta feels his heart about to explode with his love for you. His hands washing your hair make their way though your neck and then your shoulders, with a swift touch he starts massaging your sore muscles.
"I missed you too, my life, my love." He kisses you slightly on your mouth, then closing your eyes again while enjoying the heat of his hands on your body.
He finishes cleaning you leaving kisses through your face and neck. "Yu-yuta it's ticklish, babe!" You laugh and he stands up to pick a towel next to him.
"Now let's get you out of here, some warm clothes and some warm food I had prepared you."
— x —
After that Yuuta brought your dinner and you had it in bed with him, talking nothing and everything while you appreciated his good cooking. And when you finished it, you just jumped into his arms and fell asleep as fast as you could've never known you could.
And, for God's sake, his hugs were all so well and comfortable you could drown in him. Just by staying with him, talking to him and hugging him you could feel all your body's energy recharge.
When you wake up in the morning you sense Yuuta's body towering over yours, his lips giving sweet pecks through your face for you to awaken properly.
"Morning, babe" You greet him with a smile and with a kiss upon his soft lips.
"Morning, my love" He continues his kisses through your face, but now he starts to pay some more attention on your neck and jawline, and you can feel your body warming from his proximity. "Did you rest well? Are you recovered?"
"Hmmm" You muffle as he kisses you on your mouth, and you could swear you'd deepen the kiss if he hadn't moved away. "Yes, dear, I'm fully charged now!" You answer and try to reach his lips once more, when you can't do that you give him a pouty of lips.
"My wife, my love..." He's going down on your body, hands on your waist. "Don't look at me like that..." He kisses the tip of your belly, your thights next — never breaking his gaze through yours. "Let me make you feel good..."
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 1?*
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So this is interesting:
So "Not My Yacht" was my very first fic. Like, I'm talking VERY VERY first.
So when I started asking around about ideas for a new series, a few of my lovelies went through my one shots and this story and "Doodling" got some good votes.
So, I decided to include the one shot and just added to it for a POTENTIAL new series. We'll see how this chapter goes over.
Also I'll be including Rita Calhoun in this for the FIRST time ever, so I may need assistance from @storiesofsvu to get her voice right. I did my best here. I'll be honest I've never really watched her, just that one where that guy blackmailed her or something.
Also Also, if it wasn't obvious enough this is obviously the beginning of the SVU episode "Her Negations".
I don't want to give anything away because I haven't even really thought that far, but I'm 95% sure this is going to turn in a William Lewis situation fic. So...pretty dark. I'm just warning you NOW.
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And yes, the results are in. There is a part 2!
You breathed in the salty air of the sea of the sunny South Hampton shore; It was a beautiful day for a yacht party.
You walked along the pier as you got closer to your boss’s boat: The Crime Wave. Her husband’s idea of a funny name she claimed as she had invited people from the office to this soiree. You were lucky to even get an invite, just being the assistant to the owner of the law firm. “Who else is going to help me dodge boring conversations with men who just wanted a "free ride” on the bosses boat?“ She had teased you; or at least you hoped she was kidding.
You really wanted to just relax and mingle among the elite lawyers of NYC, seeing as you wanted to be one of them someday.
You saw your boss, Rita Calhoun waving you down as you reached the dock space.
"Ah! There you are, for a minute I thought I’d have to mix my own drinks!” She laughed with a wink. You laugh nervously, unable to discern if she was kidding.
“Calm down sweetie, I’m a big girl. Besides, I like to make them myself, strong,” she laughed again, patting your shoulder. Crap had your face looked that panicked? Keep it cool!
“Go ahead, enjoy yourself. I’ll be here, making sure none of those damn punks tries to sneak on here for free booze,” she scoffed, nodding to a group of highly dressed teens playing chicken on the shoreline.
You nodded with a half laugh, stepping onto the yacht. It was a decent size, a second level deck and a very spacious main level. Not a lot of people had arrived yet, so you decided to pick a spot on the yachts back bench area before all the seating was taken. You began removing your over clothes revealing your swimming wear when you hear Rita greet someone else.
“Ah, Barba. You know we have flare guns on board,”
You turn to see the ADA of New York, Rafael Barba. He’s dressed in a windbreaker and what could be either a dark red or salmon polo. You realize Mrs. Calhoun is referring to the almost neon yellow color of the windbreaker, and you can’t help but giggle. It must have been way too loud because they both turn to you which caused you to immediately shut up and go back to undressing and laying out your towel, but ever so slightly still honed in on the conversation.
“You can never be too careful Rita, who knows how many enemies I’ve made in this town; someone might throw me over,” he smirked.
“And anyone here could make it look like a very convincing accident….even my aspiring protege over there,” Rita nods over to you, knowing full well what you were doing.
Barba turned and looked at you, your body frozen in mid towel thrust. You didn’t know whether to throw it over yourself or just run off the boat right there.
“I know it’s an awful jacket dear, you don’t have to keep staring at him.” She called over to you. God why did she have to be so….her.
“Jesus Rita give the girl a break, or did you invite her just to torture her on unbillable hours?” Barba scoffed with a half smile, walking over to you.
“Is it really worth the minimum wage to put up with her?” He asked.
“Mmm…it’s more for the experience, honestly.” You replied surprisingly smoothly.
“Oh….well I mean I could give you the experience without–” He started but was interrupted by your boss’s loud exclaiming.
“Yeah I’ll BET you’d give her experience Barba! Stop hitting on my intern and mingle with the adults.”
If you could dig a hole straight through the boat into the ocean you would do it right then and there.
“…..Without THAT.” He rolled his eyes, lightly flipping her the bird behind his back. You see her respond with a laugh then turns her attention back to the guests boarding.
“She’s probably been drinking since she got on the boat, yeah?” He asked you.
“I…I don’t know I just got here….” You managed to squeak out as your towel strayed from your hands. Barba grabbed it and helped you reposition it on the bench.
“Kinda windy for a yacht party, but Rita will take any chance to celebrate anything remotely resembling a boost to her ego. Am I right?” He chuckled, before sitting down on your towel.
“Just to keep it from blowing away, do you mind?” He asked, gesturing for you to join him. You nodded a boisterous “NO”, plopping next to him on the bench.
“I’m Rafael Barba,” he extended his hand to you, which you took and shook gently, praying to God he didn’t notice you were literally shaking. You had probably had the biggest crush on him since you started working with Mrs. Calhoun, he was constantly in her office challenging her with warrants and favors.
“Oh yeah I know,” you blurted out, mentally facepalming immediately.
“I see….” He raised an eyebrow. “And you are….?”
You were about to answer when his phone went off. He answered it putting one finger up and mouthing the words “one second.”
“Barba. Yeah….what? Seriously, Olivia? On a Sunday?!” He groaned into his phone with an exaggerated eye roll. He raised his hand and ran it over his face begrudgingly as he talked.
“Yeah….alright, fine. Yeah I’ll be there, give me an hour. I’m in the Hamptons. Because it’s my day off, Liv! Do you think I lock myself in my office over the weekends like a vampire in a coffin? Yeah…I’m sorry, I just…” He glanced at you.
“I was enjoying my Sunday.” He gave you a small sad smile.
“Yeah. Ok. See you soon.” He hung up the phone with an exasperated sigh.
“I’m sorry, I gotta go back to the city. Don’t let Rita push you around too much, okay?” He chuckled, rubbing the top of your head like a puppy. You felt your face scrunch up in annoyance, seriously? He thought of you as a kid?!
He obviously noticed, and quickly held out his hand again very sternly.
“Sorry, future counselor.” He said in an overly serious tone, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling. Again. Like an idiot.
Relieved he had fixed his faux paux, he gave you one last beautiful Barba grin as he jogged over to Rita and told her something before nodding to you once again, then walked off the boat and disappearing down the pier.
Your boss sauntered over to you, a shit eating grin across her face.
“Well Cinderella, you sure kept that cool.” She gestured for your phone beside you.
“Be sure to tell him your name this time,” she winked, handing it back to you. You glanced down at it as she walked away; she had added a number to your contacts.
“BHole Barba.” You laughed out loud. Nice. Maybe she wasn’t such a horrible boss after all….
By Monday you still hadn’t had the balls to text Rafael Barba. You had just stared at the number in your phone, imagining all the possibilities contacting him would lead to. You may have gotten so far as planning your summer wedding in the Hamptons, but nobody needed to know that.
But you had chickened out and left it alone, and now you were sitting at your desk typing up a memo for Rita when you saw him come waltzing through the door.
“Ah, Cinderella!” He smiled at you.
“Hey…” Your mind went blank, you couldn’t think of words. Wait, had he already given you a nickname?
“Cinderella?” You blinked in confusion.
“Well I never caught your name-- But I guess I shouldn’t even push it, you’ve clearly moved on and I must seem like a creep,” His train of thought proceeded out loud as he realized you hadn’t taken his number and here he was still flirting with you. Rita had given it to you, he had seen her type it in your phone. Obviously you weren’t interested, why was he pushing this?
“What? NO!” You said a little louder than you intended, actually a lot louder than you intended. You slapped your hand over your mouth after your little outburst, but to you relief he was still smiling.
“Oh? Well I suppose that’s good…” He was obviously fishing for your excuse as to why you had waited until he popped back in your face to talk to him.
“No, I um--” You racked your brain for an excuse that wasn’t “I was busy planning our lives together”.
“I….couldn’t think of something interesting to say,” You finally admitted with a pitiful sigh. You were not a good liar, and under pressure, forget about it.
Again, he still smiled-- but this time he laughed along with it.
“I mean, ‘Hello’ is always an option,” He chuckled. “Or...your name?”
“Oh!” Idiot. You hadn’t even given him your name, how was he supposed to fall madly in love with you without a name?
“Y/N,” You stuck your hand out awkwardly, Was this a ‘shake hands’ moment? Hadn’t you already met before? You stared at your hand as you moved it slightly back and forth, arguing with yourself whether or not this was necessary. Luckily, Rafael settled the argument by taking your hand and shaking it firmly.
His hands were so soft, his long fingers enveloped yours in them. You lost yourself in the moment, and before you knew it he was making an uncomfortable cough, snapping you back to reality. You dropped his hand and snapped yours back into your body like a zip cord, your face in a horrified stare.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry, that was so weird. I’m weird. I’m--”
“Well I don’t know what you were so worried about Cinderella, you’re clearly a chatterbox,” He gave you a tongued smile, referring to the word vomit you just couldn’t help spill all over him.
“Oh yeah, I’m a total word machine,” You laughed nervously. A word machine? What the fuck was that?
“...Word machine. Right,” He nodded in amusement. “Well word machine, would you mind shooting some words to my phone, or do you just enjoy this face to face thing?”
“With that face? Definitely the latter. But you can have my number anyway,” You typed a quick message and sent it to his number. Damn that was smooth! How did you do that?
Rafael made an impressed face with your line, but when he opened his phone his brows furrowed.
“Hit?” He gave you a curious look as he read the text out loud.
“Fuck it was supposed to be ‘hi’-- stupid autocorrect,” You muttered angrily. Yeah, that was more like you.
“Oh yes, the dreaded autocorrect,” He nodded while saving your number. “Turning fucks into ducks since 2011,”
“Oh I didn’t have a phone in 7th grade but I’ll take your word for it,” You laughed, but stopped when his face twisted into a mix of horror and discomfort when he realized how young you actually were.
Dammit. Why...why would you do this?
“....Right, is Rita in?” He quickly shoved his phone back in his pocket and headed into Rita’s office before you could answer.
“...Idiot!” You yelled at yourself as your hands went over your face and your face planted into your desk.
Well, that was nice while it lasted. All 2.5 seconds of it.
“Well Barba, about time,” Rita smirked as Rafael abruptly burst into her office trying to get away from you. “Done flirting with the intern are we?”
“Shut up,” He rolled his eyes, though his face was a deep shade of red.
“Oh no, what happened? Did your dentures fall out in front of her?” She smirked.
“I’m younger than you!!” He scoffed.
“Yeah but I’m not the one trying to boff a 25 year old,” She smirked harder, making Rafael angrier.
“Can I just get the warrant I came here for, Rita?” He huffed.
“Oooh, struck a nerve there, did I?” Rita chuckled as she grabbed some papers from her desk and started to hand them to him. “Barba, for the record I’m really not judging you. If I were 20 years younger, I’d hit it too,”
“Excuse me?”
“I had a lot of ‘cats’ in college,” She winked.
“Wow,” Rafael held up his hands. “Rita, we really don’t need to be that personal.”
“Fine, but all I’m saying is if you like the girl, don’t let a stupid thing like age deter you. Don’t tell her I said this, but she’s actually very competent and organized. I would almost prefer her not to graduate, unless she'd come work for me. She’s going to be a hell of a lawyer,” She gestured outside to your desk.
Rafael looked at the ground as he mulled over what she was saying, a small smile crawled across his lips as she complimented your potential.
“I’ll take that under advisement, Mrs. Calhoun,” He nodded as he walked towards the door with the papers in his hand, a huge smile across his face now.
He walked out to find you cursing at yourself and whimpering in embarrassment at your desk. When you heard the door shut you snapped to attention and stared at him, shocked he hadn't sprinted out of the office like Usain Bolt. Even more shocking was that Cheshire cat grin now upon his face.
“I-I’m sorry, I totally meant I was--” You tried doing math trying to make yourself reasonably older.
“It’s fine,” He chuckled as he put a hand over your counting fingers. You blushed at the touch of his skin on yours again, but quickly shoved your hands under the desk nervously as you tried not to look him square in the eye. His eyes were so gorgeous you were positive staring straight into them would actually get you pregnant.
“So does Rita ever unchain you from this desk?” He smirked as he was now very aware and very amused at how nervous he made you. He may be old, but clearly he’s still got it.
“Oh yeah, if I ask very nicely she let’s me--” You tried to think of something witty, but it wasn’t coming with him staring at you with those eyes. “....Yes,” You wanted to put your hands over your face but you didn’t want it to be a ‘thing’.
“Well, maybe if you’re an extra good girl she’ll let you off your leash early tonight,” He winked.
“....Am I a dog or a toddler in that situation?” You were genuinely asking, but Rafael clearly realized how insulting that must have seemed.
“Oh no no no, I just, shit,” He tried to backtrack but if he was being totally honest, you made him nervous. Maybe he didn’t have ‘it’ as much as he thought.
You noticed he was the one blushing now, oh my god were you making him nervous? QUICK, BE SMOOTH. BE SMOOTHER THAN YOU’VE EVER BEEN IN YOUR LIFE.
“Are you asking me out, counselor?” You did your best “sultry “voice with a bat of your eyes. Were you batting them too much? What was too much? Oh god you’ve done it for too long now. STOP BATTING.
“...I don’t know, guess you’ll have to wait for me to text you, future counselor,” He was impressed by the line, and decided to bow out before either of you made idiots of yourselves again. He gave you a wink and sauntered out of the office.
Great. Now he’ll probably make you wait two days for a--
Your phone went off in your desk. You pulled it out to see a text message:
BHOLE BARBA: Dinner? Tonight?
You really needed to change his contact name. But that wasn’t the point right now. He just asked you out. Rafael Barba just asked you out. You stared at in your hands, unsure of what to do. Then you realized you couldn’t do this again, you couldn’t just sit there and imagine things, this required an immediate response.
You nervously typed a reply and hit SEND:
Sire ;)
“DAMMIT!!!” You cursed your autocorrect. You instantly sent another text.
Before you could lecture yourself again, your phone beeped again:
Play? What did that--
BHOLE: Okay** ;)
You typed the word ‘okay’ into your text reply bubble, ‘play’ came up in the autocorrect word list.
He was joking with you. He was flirting with you. RAFAEL BARBA WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU.
This work day could not end fast enough.
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samissosexyyy · 3 years
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Tumblr thought it would be hilarious to delete all my work and not let me answer requests :').
And thank you-I woke up and was talking to my friend in the morning and my brain just: jojo villain yandere dads. Mudad mudad mudad mudad anger.
Anyways, here they are- Do these even count as headcanons???? I dunno-
Dio, Part 1
Vampire form of course.
First thing first, We all know he'd be a great dad. Protective already, But make him a yandere platonic father? Oh boy, Trust me, You'd be spoiled and treated like royalty.
Now, I'm gonna say in this scenario you were on of his victims child. I'll say you'll be around 5 to eight.
Somehow you managed to catch his eye, Is it because your parent was just as bad as his? You reminded him of his mother? Or maybe you resemble him, and have three moles on your ear. Or, perhaps, A younger joestar? Either way, You somehow had him feeling like a father, and, according to one of my friends, Araki had said DIO would treat his children like they were royalty, And they would be so spoiled.
So, Mudad would end up taking you in, kidnapping, whichever honestly. He'd be holding you like a loving pet owner would, if you got scared, he'd probably be confused. Honestly he'd have you turned into a vampire quickly, as he knew he wouldn't be able to have children as a Vampire.
Truthfully, I think you'd end up never noticing how he'd occasionally pull you closer, or how he'd glare at anyone your age or older going near you. Or how he'd give you some strict rules, Like no dating anyone. E v e r. And why would you ever want to hurt your papa like that?! You wouldn't want to do that, right?! Of course you wouldn't! Dio knew you'd never betray him like that!!
Truth be told, he'd guilt you if you tried to go against his words. But punishments? No no, He'd never actually purposefully hurt you, Unlike his love interest, he'd NEVER want to cause you pain ever. He'd hate himself and wouldn't forgive himself for years. Centuries. Infact, he'd beg for your forgiveness.
The Pillarmen
And satannnaaaaa
First of all, You aren't a pillarchild. You'd most likely be some kind of god, vampire, or a young hamon learner. Or even related to the Joestars or Ceasar.
So, Let's say you're immortal who can walk in the sun. We all know you'd be the joestar side, Right? So, That means you'd end up hating or feeling pity for the pillarmen. First, You'd probably end up trying to make Santana hally when he awakens. Unlike with Joseph, He'd probably know not to attempt to attack you. Let's say you have symbols like Dio Over heaven, We all know how that would work.
You'd end up as a being worshipped by them, probably kidnapped after they destroy the Joestars.
Let's say they defeated Joseph and the others, and you were still a deity, You'd most likely be weaker then them in this scenario. They'd probably treat you like a kitten at first, like a baby before they all felt a connection. As if you were a child of their own, so they'd give you rules. And we all know how rules go with yanderes.
Let's say uh- you fell for a mortal.
"No. No."
[Crush name has fallen from a high place.]
or something like that :')
Honestly, You'd have bird dad, and a bunch of other dads. Santana would honestly be like the cool big brother honestly. You'd probably want horns too so-
They would totally buy you halloween horns to put on your head so you'd be happy baby
Now, Hamon user? They'd probably find you like a cute animal at first, probably going easy on you like it was a game of tag. Soon, they'd realize how weak and fragile you are, After all, You are just starting hamon. They'd probably kidnap you to spite Joseph and his side at first, before... Well, You didn't expect to become a vampire and treated like royalty when all you've been treated like is uh... Considering Lisalisa is your coach, I'd say you'd be happy if it was someone else doing this for you.
Josephs sibling? WOAH Joseph, When did you get a cute sibling? Pfft, Not your sibling anymore, They just adopted your ex sibling nerd.
But, All jokes aside, They'd probably be surprised that you were more mature then your brother, and...you sorta resemble a certain Coach... Oh, Humans all look the same, haha.
They'd probably kidnap you infront of Joseph just to make him feel guilt and rage, After all, Why not get their prized treasure and make Joseph angry? They'd give you more rules, until Joseph was gone, of course.
And, sadly, Not even you crying would stop them from making you into a vampire infront of your big brother, breaking both of your hearts.
Don't worry you got ice cream later smh.
Ceasars sibling? Mini pancake? Haha, They'd kidnap you as soon as they felt parent like tendencies. No denying them, infact, they'd make sure you saw ceasar get defeated by the ro ck. But don't worry! You have new parents and a brother-! Haha, Poor you.
Part 3 DIO AKA mudad!
Honest to god you'd probably have to be a stand user with a weak or strong stand, or, you were one of his kids he had with a lucky woman who survived and got a naked polaroid of him as a 'wow you lived! Congrats, now go have my kid lmao' gift. Or, Maybe you were a normal kid who was kind to him, even if he,,,,  did some questionable murder infront of you. And maybe you were a young
Now, Let's say you were a strong stand user. He'd end up wanting to use a flesh bud until he realized... He never had a kid, that he knows of, and decided to raise you! At first he'd be upset you had a strong stand like your mudad, but realized you could protect yourself from those dreadful joestars! Congrats, You became a Brando! :) How unlucky, Considering this DIO would probably force vampire masks onto you, or even using fleshbuds as a threat. Either way, You'll always be papas baby!
Yoshikage kira.
Like I said in my first post of this, He'd want to have a nice average life. You having a stand wouldn't be a problem, Since he'd probably convince you Josuke and the others are awful and rude.
Josukes sibling? Well, He'd end up telling you he can help your brother with his murder issue if you come with him. You don't exactly have a choice since Killer queen would easily overpower you if you had disagreed. You'd end up being a normal and peaceful child before long, Infact, He'd have to pretend he had adopted you behind his 'wifes' back.
Hayotos friend he never talks about? Congrats, You are now stuck with a crazy and loving father! And a mother, I suppose. And you get your best friend as a brother! You'd never be able to leave, how sad. But, You'd have your new mom and your dad to talk to-! And killer queen cuddle time.
Now, Let's say you were his own kid. Wowzers! You think its normal for your father to bring women hands home, after all, You are pretty young and your father told you most adults do this. Ah. How enjoyable.
Oh dear. You poor child.
Either you were related to trish, and he somehow felt like you wouldn't be a problem before they felt more of a father love towards you, Most likely somehow getting rif of the traitors and your big sister.
"Where's big sister?"
"Don't worry about her, She's spending time with your mother."
Smh quit LIEING you jERK!
But seriously, Doppio would be like the fun mom asking you if you'd like bake cupcakes in his spare time! Read you bed time stories and whatnot! Diavolo would be awkward and "wanna play baseball or whatever kids like to do these days?" Awkward dad alert.
"My kid is fine!"
The kid they kidnapped/raised:
Casually trying to beat another kid with a baseball.❤💚💛
Honestly they'd insult everyone elses kids while here their kid is, casually scared of baseball.
Papa priest! We all know he'd adopt you! I head canon him as gay, considering DIO and him were totally a thing.
So, He'd probably have you study Lord DIO bibles, and casually have you hate Jolyne. Probably even give you a stand, And even show you that DIO is the best! Worship! Protect yourself and all that!
Jotaro would probably scare you,  so I can see you holding onto Pucci while Jotaro appears anytime, so pucci would infact love it when you snuggle onto him lime a cute kitten. Hell, you even Sneeze like a kitten!
Honestly You'd be kept under watch 24/7, but you'd think it was normal, after all, Your father would mever do something so awful like Those Joestars claim...right?
Oh wow- dino dad :)
Let's say you were a big fan of his, Then, Well,You wouldn't mind having him as a dad, Now would you? He is your idol, Right? Yeah. Yeah!
He'd probably carry you around upside down, Hot pants just questioning his sanity as he drops you a million times. Hot pants would probably end up carrying you most of the time.
Mama hot pants and father Diego. Y es.
And, Let's say you were traveling with Johnny. Congrats. You've put yourself in a even worse situation considering Diego would become worried and paranoid over those two idiots hurting you! And he hates the idea of his baby boy/girl/child being hurt by barbarians!!!
Even though he'd probably hurt you on accident if I'm gonna be honest.
Kidnapping isn't a very easy job, so of course he had to knock you out! What was he supposed to do?! Ask you to come stay with him forever?! No! Maybe! HuawhuKaia-
Honestly not too many rules, just don't leave his side ever! Except when going to the bathroom. You'll be tied to his horse. No whining >:(.
Funny Valentine
Honestly what did you think he was going to do? Pick some random child? No no, He'd choose the PERFECT child! You were so lucky! Wow! The daughter of the mos powerful man ever! Lucky you, Right?
No. You don't get alone time unless it's you sleeping or bathing. You wear what he wants, and no.
Dating not allowed. Bad. No no no no no.
"No. No dating. Your lips will fall off."
"but mommys lips didn't-"
"Your face will melt off."
Basically you'd be bossed around and treated like royalty, as long as you listen to you dad!
Honestly I don't know if this is headcanons, if if it isn't feel free to scream at me in the comments-
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 6 Damian x reader
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Professor X sat in his wheelchair glancing around the room he hums his eyes pouring over all that there was finally landing on Robin. He gives me a look gesturing over at him.
"He informed me about The Crows sir, apparently they have gone under the radar, they've killed three people and the system didn't go off. At first, I thought we still had time, I treated a wound he had it he had come in contact with one and fought it. You know like how Wolverine did, I treated the cut and it's gone, but I was sure they were still in the dream state. But he got injured saving those left how survived probably not far from here, but the fact we didn't even receive the ring can only mean...they've returned under complete control again."
Concern fills the face of professor X, he turns to Robin, who shifts uncomfortably by the entrance of my kitchen. "Who are you then?"
The professor nods not even turning from his spot, he looks over Robin as if completing an inspection.
"How much does this Robin Know Dreki, about you, and The Crows?"
"I told him about the Jal-sein, the old race before the collective mind sharing, and he knows about my box of scales." Professor sighs.
"How did you meet him."
"When he broke through my window last week, infected."
"You gave him some scales to purge poison."
"Yes sir."
"Very good," He moves back to his original spot in the middle of the room. "You have been permitted to stop them at all costs if you must. Your uncle will be here soon to help you kill whatever has brought them back, in the meantime try not to use the stones. We don't want to attract more trouble than what has already been done."
"You're allowing me to put my powers to use?"
"As long as you don't wear it out, vibranium is not easy to turn into clothing."
"What a minute!" Robin's voice carried out through the room. "Just what's going on?"
"Robin," Professor X starts. "your world is being invaded by the Crow so that you become one of the many planets they have drained of life. And to do it they need a vessel that can contain the leader of the Jal-sein, Hok'mor." Professor X looks at him, his use
"And?" Robin says his face remaining unreadable
"I was the vessel, I escaped, destroyed the flagship and the army they had." I shiver moving out from my room to the box still lying on the kitchen table. "They were after the life of my home, so then I became a weapon for my planet." I pull out a bag of coins from the box.
"And what do you intend to do now (Y/N), destroy them yourself." Robin stands in the entryway, professor X stands behind him.
"Yes," I turn to him a chakram and the bag of coins in hand. "so unless you know how to obliterate a bird in 15 seconds or less you need to forget this ever happened and never come back."
"So, why tell me any of this, why tell me about anything why expose yourself?"
"So you can tell your family and friends and hopefully, just maybe you can survive. Because knowing them keeps them out of your head, but too much knowing allows them to enter." I pick up Nightmare, he crawls up to my shoulder and I head out of the kitchen, Robin makes room for me but just barely. I open my closet and pull out the last thing I have, two letters one written in my mother's signature ink and the other in my own handwriting, I hold them out to the professor.
"You know there is nowhere left for me to run professor if I end out getting caught...I just want him to have this. In my letter, papers are containing the custody terms for my brother to Uncle. I just need you to grab them to complete the transfer." Professor X slowly takes the letters where they rematerialize on his side.
"Good-bye Dreki, I will see that these get to your Brother."
Professor fades out of the com, and it clicks turning off, I pick it off the floor and slip it into the pocket of my sweatpants. I pulled out the chakram ready to leave a mark on my hand, I only needed a little bit of blood to completely transform when Robin coughs gaining my attention. He leans against the wall to the left of me now glaring at my form, Nightmare growls at the boy from the corner of my eye I see his fangs getting slightly bigger.
"Are you making it a habit to ignore me while I'm here?"
"No, But I do need you to leave, you can't stay here anymore." I begin to push him out the door in the kitchen, he slaps my hands away confusion leaving his face replacing it's with anger. He open's his mouth and I put a magic orange circle on his head.
"You Robin son of batman, found this information interrogating one of the monsters. It spoke in a language that was foreign but somehow understood all of it. You have made no such connection to the girl Y/N M/N, you did not see a man from another dimension, you came back to thank her for her help you had some tea and you were just leaving." I flick my hand and the circle vanishes, his head lowers for a moment as the information in his head readjusts. He moves to the balcony edge turning to face me the scowl returned to his face.
"Thank you for the tea." he pulls out a grappling hook and leaves without another word. I sigh moving to the same device I used to contact the professor. Picking it up I hold it to my mouth.
"Find me the closest thing to a sorcerer supreme, name and whereabouts contact them when you get there."
I toss it back onto the floor and it roars to life to give me a purple image of the earth and orange magic circles to tracking and moving. I move to my couch and fall asleep waiting for this day to take me.
I wake the next day with the globe still searching for my request I sigh and get ready for work. I thank god that it's just the coffee shop below me, I work on the weekends mostly unless they need an extra member of staff then it's just me and the older lady and her husband. They both owned the building and the shop they helped me get the apartment set up and showed me how to work the coffee machines. I don't really drink coffee though after seeing what a raving maniac my dad became without it, also it was just so bitter no matter how much sugar I put into it. I partially blame my heightened scenes that came with my abilities, so I got free white hot chocolates and any extra flavors I wanted as long as I did my job and chatted with them for a while.
I asked them personally to stay away while I was sick, so they wouldn't be affected. When I get down the stairs Martha, the elderly lady beams thankful that I'm feeling better.
"I so glad you are doing well dear, I know the acidity in our rain makes you sick so Glenn and I got you this umbrella." She hands me a purple umbrella that still has a tag on it, it reads for sun and rain.
"You didn't have to do this Martha, I told you I'm not good with gifts, you already let me stay here on the government's program and gave me a job here, you and Glenn have already done so much." She pushes the umbrella farther into my chest.
"No you do so much for us, you work without complaint, you've also taken care of us and our granddaughter when she came over. When you were sick we were so worried about you so you going to take it or I can give you more gifts."
"Thank you very much."I smile brightly. She pats my shoulder and gestures to the counter to start the machines.
Once all the machines are started, the desserts are placed and the base coffees are made I open shop. Customers come in and some lounge around in the chairs or couches drinking coffees and either studying or chatting with their friends. Molly usually comes on Sunday as one of our regulars, so I would see her then. A few of our regulars are happy to see I'm back at work one of the other tenants gave me a green bean casserole and a hug. It's 5 O'clock and I make a cappuccino as I finish I hear the door open and the bell ring on the counter.
The black-haired blue-eyed male I had gotten to know as detective Richard Grayson, came in every other day at 5, he normally talks often while I tried to take his order. So I memorized what he usually gets so he doesn't block the register so I can still make the register.
"Hey Y/N I'll take the usual."
"I thought so," I hand him his drink " one cappuccino."
He takes his coffee and moves to the bar we have set up if you wanted to watch the process and it's only then I see the other people behind him, one pissed-off looking male with a cigarette in his mouth, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne. I look back to Richard he smiles at me leaning onto the bar.
"They came with me this time, It's family bonding time."
"You mean you dragged us out of the house to grab a coffee from this place cause you have a schedule."
"It's bonding Jason! Bonding!"
The two began arguing in the shop, I return my attention to the other two boys. Tim as at the counter puts a ten-dollar bill on the counter, while Damian does the same.
"Give me a regular coffee, black, large cup."
"Tea, no sugar, regular size."
Their voices crowed each other but since this happens frequently it was easy enough to at least get their orders down.
"Sure here's your change." I look back to the two arguing and I see Jason didn't put out his cigarette. He taps it and the ash of his drug falls to the floor.
Sighing I move out of the workspace gabbing a tong and a wastebasket, I take out the cigarette and throw it in the bin now gaining the full attention of Jason. I give him a stern look he seemed to freeze, bitting back any words he might have prepared to say before.
"Sir, I am not sure if I made we've previously made It but there is a strict no smoking policy. As you see we have many elderly, and young children in our establishment." I smile but I know my face is full of malice. "But please enjoy your stay at our cozy corner of our fine and fair city." I move back behind the counter start on some of my orders, I look at Jason again the smile still on my face.
"Would you like anything?" He gives me an odd look.
"White hot chocolate, Large," he nods his head over at Richard. "Put it on his tab."
"We don't have a tabs sir, he works for the police."
"He gets Free coffee." He gawks at me as if I told him the sky was black, and I see Richard trying to contain his laughter.
"You give that guy free coffee?"
"It's a store policy." I pass out the coffee and the tea and I see from the corner of my eye he pulls out a flask. I grab the tongs again and clap them together, Jason looks at me then grumbles putting the flask back in his jacket, and instead pulls out a five and hands it to me. I take it from him gingerly and head straight to work on his order. I hand him both his spare change and his drink, and the complimentary cookie bag that came with it. He gives me another look.
"They come with a drink." I leave and continued my chores around the shop.
"You are doing much better (m/n)." I whip my head around and look at Damian who's behind me on the other side of the counter. His companions seemed to be in deep conversation amongst themselves.
"Yes, I'm doing just fine, it happens occasionally but nothing like a good cup of tea and a few nights rest couldn't fix." I go back to cleaning the counter.
"You were sick for much longer than that."
"Yeah...it happens." I change the topic to "Did you think of anything for the project?"
"Why not make a model, there is not really much to do with it anyway." I gasp dramatically.
"Not much to do with an astrolabe! You clearly didn't read the whole paper!" By now I have caught the attention of his group. Damian frowns.
"No, your paper was written very well, I just don't think we need to dwell too much on this project seeing as how we really are not presenting." I had heard that bit from Molly.
"I suppose your right." I put away the cleaning supplies and turn back to him. "I'll get started on a model right away!"
"You will do no such thing." His voice is stern. "I will come back later and work on it with you," He moves his chair back and heads out the door.
His companions follow quickly after him and they say their goodbyes.
As promised, he came a few hours later right as my shift ended and another person came for the second half of the day. I moved the glowing tracker to my room so it wouldn't gather any extra attention.
"I have supplies, what is all of that?" my brows furrow staring at the bulging plastic bag in his hand while I turn the keys in my locks. opening the door.
"I wasn't sure if you were prepared." He moves to the door, my arm shoots in his way stopping him.
"I wouldn't go in quite yet."
I put a finger to my lips and crouch slowly to the floor, I shake the key in my hand then slid them across the floor. A ball of black attacks the object just as it crosses the doorway. Nightmare attacks the keys rolling around and bitting.
"Ah yes, observe the feral kitten in his natural habitat." I walk inside the door beckoning Damian to follow. "I would beware he is an ankle bitter. You can set up in the living room I'll just drop this guy off in my room."
"Does he attack all the time?"
"He's been like that since I picked him up, I don't blame him he was born in a rough neighborhood." I set Nightmare on the bed next to the floating version of earth. "Watch it make sure it finishes." then head to the living room. Damian has all his stuff set out on the table. There was veneer, paper, paint, some nails, an Exacto knife, a hammer, and a bag of pipe cleaners.
"This looks like stuff to make a birdhouse," I try and pick up some of the wood that was on the table." you realize cardboard, scissors, and a sharpie would have been enough."
"And here I thought you like polished and neat projects."
"yeah, but even with cheap materials you can still create a masterpiece."
"You don't do anything nice for yourself self do you?"
"Dude the most expensive thing I own is a cat who attacks me." I sigh, I sketch out a design for the astrolabe. "Well, why don't you start on the Mater, I'll get to work on the plate for our side of America."
"3 hours of hard work and I got to say it's not bad." I hold the fished product, It's attached to a string of green yarn. "The calculations are down to point." I put it down, I clean up the mess that's on the floor of the living room.
"About the last time we saw each other, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, you probably knew about me from the news already, the big myste#wayne#scifi#damian#bruce#bats#fanfiction#xreader#characterxreader#jason todd#tim drake#character x reader#mxf#fxm#batboys#batboys x reader#Damianxreader#X reader#DC#Marvel#MarvelxReader#DCxreader#batfam#mutants#Damian Wayne x reader ry of the missing journals. So many interviews." I dump the trash in the kitchen, saying that last part mostly to my self.
"You forgive too easily."
"I'm not as forgiving as you think, honestly you view me too highly it that's what you believe. Would you like something before you leave?"
"No, but I have something for you before I go." I open the door to my room and let Nightmare out.
"Oh?" He's already at the door and pulls a shiny gold card from his pocket, he hands it to me.
"Father thought it would be good to meet you."
"Because I'm the daughter of a famous dead professor, is he going to ask about the journals too?"
"No, this is to apologize for my previous behavior."
"Oh," I take the card looking at it uneasily. "I don't think I can go to this, I don't do well at parties."
"Not a very good excuse." He smirks.
"I'll think about it." I push him out the door and give him the Astrolabe, closing the door slowly. " I'll see you at school."
I look at the card again, It's like the parties mom went to I knew them well. While some were nice, others were nice only in their face. I laugh slightly to myself, Molly already called me earlier telling me I was her plus one to the same thing. This was already suspicious enough as it is. I look at Nightmare who cocks his head at me.
"You think I should go, don't you?" the furball nods
"Fine. I was going to be forced into this anyway."
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penwieldingdreamer · 3 years
First Meetings
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So, now that I have been stuck at home due to my mother's positive Covid test and watching The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings for 6 days straight, inspiration struck again, thank god 🙏😅 The new center of this -maybe- series will be Lee Pace. Of course this is only a fantasy and everything only came from my imagination but with a pinch of real events happening, still it's going to be in an alternative universe.
Thanks for being my beta @fortheloveoffanfic
Hope you guys will like it. Let me know what you thought and if you like to be tagged in upcoming drabbles I have palned and will hopefully be able to continue now again.
Summary: You work as part of the Mae-Up and Hair Crew on set of the Hobbit Trilogy, where you meet many interesting people, but one has gotten more of your attention than you would have thought.
Warnings: none, except for a very long drabble 😅
Words: 1722
You had been part of the crew ever since Peter Jackson had started working on the Hobbit trilogy in 2011 and met everyone that had been essential to the movies on and off screen. Apparently Fran had seen your work first hand when you were at a competition for make - up artists and she was impressed by the end results. You hadn't won any of the prizes but you were only one against one hundred others and yet she wanted you to be part of the second historic movie trilogy PJ did in his life.
The first people you had met were of course the dwarves and Martin who was Bilbo in the movie. They all were fun to be around, especially Dean and Aiden, as well as James Nesbitt who would always greet you with jokes or a song, giving you something to look forward to during those nearly endless days of filming.
And then, at the ending of shooting the first movie of the trilogy Philippa came up to you, a very tall man following behind her. You had just gotten done with James' make-up and wanted some fresh air, with all the fumes inside the trailer you sometimes thought you might get sick, so you sat outside, watching the pair walk over to you.
"Y/N," she said in greeting, a smile breaking out on her face. "May I introduce you to our newest cast members. Lee is going to be Elvenking Thranduil and he's in need of your service." Pippa, as you called her, had always had a way with people and she was next to Fran and Pete the only one of your bosses you could be yourself with and even call family away from your own. In your former jobs you had only been the one for the make-up, the one being ordered around and not even been able to give an opinion to change should something not look right on the person. But here, you were part of the crew and they would listen to you.
"It's nice to meet you." You said, holding out your hand for the actor to shake. With a smile in return he grabbed it and you had to concentrate not to let your reaction show on your face. Holy shit, his hands were huge compared to your smaller ones.
Only your boss's voice pulled you back to the task at hand. "So, Lee needs to get into his wig and ears and we'd like to try the crowns with the wardrobe department. Let's say meeting in an hour and a half over at costumes?"
"Oh, uh, sure." you mumbled, hastily disentangling your hand from his. "I'll send him right over when I'm done."
Pippa grinned at you. "Why don't you come over, too? We wouldn't want there to be a repeat of Elrond's circlet like the last time."
A soft sigh escaped your lips, nodding your head you stepped up onto the small stairs outside the trailer. "I'll bring him over then and make sure the wig will be in one piece once you guys are done."
"Great, I'll see you guys later!" she said, clapping her hands and walking off, leaving you with the giant in human form standing in front of you.
Once he made sure she was out of ear shot, Lee turned back to you, a smile plastered onto his face. "Do I want to know what happened to that wig?"
"I don't think you want to know, it was a mess and the guys making the wigs were so angry because the circlet Hugo was wearing in the fitting got caught on the strands and ripped it in half. They had to do it all over again."
Nodding his head, the actor entered the trailer behind her. You told him to take the empty chair next to Richard, who was getting ready for his scenes and he took the time to watch you flit around in your workplace. Everything was chaotic and still in order all the same. When you had come back to your place, the prosthetic ears and wig in hand, Lee grinned at you, his dark blue eyes shining with mirth. "Well, we wouldn't want another repeat for the King of Woodland Elves."
"At least you're already in character, then." Richard mumbled next to him with a laugh trying not to interrupt the woman doing his make-up for the day, listening to the words leaving his co-stars mouth.
Watching the actor, who was Thorin in the movie series, he laughed. "I just need to get my crown and wardrobe and I'll be good to go, everything else is already perfect."
Ruckus laughter floated through the trailer and you couldn't help but admire the shape of his face. Before you could stop yourself, you had already mumbled a 'yes, perfect' and Lee's eyes turned back to you. You felt the blush creeping over your face, swiftly grabbing a comb and a few clips to prepare his own hair for the wig cap you were going to be putting on under. All had seen the flush spread out on your skin and Martin who was getting up from his chair next to you send you wink. That was a great way to make a first impression on the day of meeting a new part of the movie series. You were scolding yourself inside, making sure to only talk to Lee when he was asking something, otherwise keeping your mouth shut.
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"Okay let's see the green coat again with the silver overcoat. Y/N, be a dear and bring me that one please." Ann Maskrey, one of the costume designers asked you, while Pete and Pippa watched Lee getting dressed in the green coat. You walked over to the wardrobe and took the first silver coat. "No, not that one, the one with the deep orange silk on the inside." So you took the correct one on the second try and held it out for Lee to put on. He grinned down at you, pulling the coat over his shoulders and straightening himself. It would be easier if he wasn't such a giant, but he was a handsome giant.
"Right then, that looks good. Let's try it with the smaller branch crown."
You sighed, hoping there wasn't going to be another wig fiasco when you helped putting the crown on. Weta had done an amazing job designing all the pieces for the movies, for all movies they worked on, but sometimes these things were a bitch to work with. Your comb and pins at the ready, he sat down on the chair, pulling the knee-high boots on over the leggings he wore underneath.
"I'm going to be gentle but if I should hurt you with the pin please let me know." you told him, lightly pinning the crown to the wig so it wouldn't fall off.
Lee had closed his eyes, hiding the bright blue contacts he wore for his role. "I can take my fair bit of pain, but if it's intolerable, I'll let you know. So far I can't complain about these gentle hands."
By the time they had taken pictures and you had finally calmed down again so the flush that had started to spread over your face and neck at the close proximity to Lee was controlled again, Ann had asked you to take off one crown and exchange it for the larger branch crown with red leaves.
"I think this is going to be a lot more striking for King Thranduil then the other one."
So you repeated the process, gently combing the wig while Lee sat on the chair, chewing his gum and closing his eyes. He even held the hairpins in his hand because he saw you struggle to get them out of the confines of your little bag. When he moved it closer to you to work with your finger touched his and if you didn't know better there was a tiny spark from that brush of skin.
Finishing up, you grabbed the unused pins from his hand and told him you were done, giving the tall actor a light tap on his shoulder. Just as he walked over to the small area where they viewed him in his costumes, the door opened and Martin and James walked inside.
"Sorry, you guys but we had a small, unfortunate accident." the Irish actor apologized, showing the burst seams on his pants. "We were doing our stunts and well."
Martin grinned, walking over to you and throwing his arm around your shoulders. "We also wanted to see what all the fuss was about that haughty elf king."
Giggling, you looked over at Lee who grinned at his co-stars and repeated the walk he did before.
"Just so you know, if I were a female dwarf, I'd tap that elf ass." James whispered into your left ear, your once controlled blush intensifying again while the blond actor nodded his head enthusiastically.
"He's a perfect elf, you know. Broad shoulder, tall, elegant, striking eyes. The hair." Martin spoke so only you and the dwarf actor could hear.
"The long legs." James added, nodding his head over to the American actor who strutted along the area, having thrown off the overcoat.
"That smouldering look." the Brit continued before you held up your hands.
"Enough, you." You hissed so no one would know what you had been talking about, but you knew they were only trying to rile you up. Yes, Lee was attractive, hell, he was gorgeous and Pippa and Pete did an amazing job casting him, but you knew him for less than a day. He could be a total asshole when he didn't have people to impress for his first day on set. "You guys should get to Lucy or Sam so they can stitch up those holes."
"Well, I'm going to tell you this, one day you'll end up with a guy like that and you'll remember what I told you. You deserve the best in your life, luv." James told you proudly, pulling you closer into a one armed hug. He was brother and father to you in one person and you knew that his words were going to bite you in your ass.
They always did.
Taglist(I wasn't sure who to tag, also who might want to read it, so please let me know if you don't want to see mor of this in your notifications)
@fortheloveoffanfic @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @meetmeinthematinee @omg-imagine @fanficsrusz @eevee-of-rivia @fics-not-tragedies @omgkatinka @fuck-yeah-hope @wholelottatiffy @axshadows​ @a-really-bi-girl @madbaddic7ed @maggiemoo1892 @pinkzsugar @agniavateira @mary-ann84 and everyone who might want to read this.
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fly-like-a-phoenix · 3 years
House of Lust (part 9)
Abbé de Coulmier x reader
Summary: Five years has passed since the events of Quills. The Abbé de Coulmier is released of prision by a misterious event. And he will know again those feelings he never thought will meet again: love... and lust.
Warnings: smut, masturbation.
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François walked through the empty hallways, the enormous windows covered with those thick curtains that bothered him in a way he didn't understand. He moved one of them, seeing how the moonlight covered the field.
He walked in silence, his shoes not making a single noise. He bit his bottom lip, and stopped behind a door, hearing both male and female moans from the inside. There was not only a couple, tho. Must be two woman and one guy, at least.
He could her moans and other noises from other rooms too. Every grand door was closed, and he couldn't open them even if he wanted to. Same with the windows, key locked even if there were bars on them.
Besides the dining room where he already were before, he saw the large kitchen and other resting rooms. There was a library, and he saw some of the Marquis' books in there.
He continued his way to the dungeons in the basement. There was nothing in there as he was expecting. Just another giant house occupied by mad people.
He arrived to the entrance, briefly remembering it. He fainted because of the beat that guard gave him, but some flashes came to his mind. It was dark, so he went downstairs with care, until he saw a light in the end of the rock hallway.
It was a torch, and there were many lighting the place. But no one was there, so I felt strange. With some lack of trust of his mind, he took one from the holder, and walked to the cell he occupied. Obviously it was empty. But he wasn't alone. He heard a noise behind him, and he turned around quickly.
"You're out after midnight." A voice said. "Lucky you I'm not Odelle. She would punish you, that's for sure."
Josephine approached to him, so François saw her face with the light of the torch. She was another beauty, as her sisters. But nothing compared to you. You were special.
"How did you know that I was here?" He asked, his tone stronger than other times, not so afraid as it was with Odelle.
"I followed you, silly!" She said, sarcastically smiling. "Or did you really think we always leave these torches burning?"
Somehow, it was a nonsense. She didn't know that he was going out of your bedroom to explore the mansion. In fact, he adventured to do it at the moment he left you in the bed.
"You followed me? How---?
"I saw you leaving my sister's room, and I guess I knew you were going to explore the place, including the dungeons, so I waited for you in here."
François looked at her in silence, calming his breath. He wasn't afraid of her at all. He was just curious. Was she really different to Odelle as you said? Or she was the same?
She talked to him before. She wasn't so rude, that was right. But still, she wanted the same that her sister: she wanted to corrupt him. She looked for him. She took him out of prison to do it.
"Right... Listen, I will go back to Y/N's room. Let's just... Let's just leave this here, please."
"Oh, my dear Abbé. Are you afraid of me telling something to Odelle? I'm not gonna do it, trust me."
He chuckled. He will have to do it.
"Alright, I'll do it. I'll trust in you. What do you want?"
"Why would I want something?" She said, and kept smiling.
"I don't think that you would find me exploring your house and let me go just like that..."
"Yeah, well. You're right. It's not going to be a free pass. You will have to come with me, and I will say nothing to Odelle. Deal?"
He pictured you in his mind for a second. Maybe if he didn't go with Josephine, she would say to Odelle that he was trying to escape, and that you let him, helping him.
You were the only thing that tied him to the place since he arrived. And he didn't want you to be blamed for nothing. Actually, you could even be in danger.
"Deal." He said, finally, nodding and following Josephine to the entrance of the basement and to her room.
He turned off the torch and left it aside while Josephine closed the door. The room wasn't as large as Odelle's one. It was the same as yours, but there was not a chimney, or the divan, or the table and chairs. Only the bed and some auxiliar night tables.
"Sit in there." She said, almost whispering.
He did what she said, curious again about her next movement, just the same that happened with Odelle the day before.
She kneeled down in front of him, her hands on his thighs, opening his legs. She approached the more she could because of his cassock, smiling.
His breathing became heavier. His heartbeat accelerated. And she was closer, more and more, to his crotch. Until she stand and started to kiss him, very gentle.
He didn't close his eyes at first, not trusting her. But then, you came to his mind again, and Josephine's lips became yours to him, which let his mind fly away.
He let his hands on her waist, squeezing as gentle as her hands caressed his face. The kiss deepened more and more, and he felt himself getting harder.
"Lay down." She said, moving away while he went to rest his head in her pillow. She crawled to him, kissing him again while her hands started to unbotton his shirt and cassock.
She was actually sweet as you said. He remembered how Odelle scratched his chest with her nails. But Josephine was different.
She touched his neck at first, then his collarbone, and finally his chest, the tips of her fingers barely skimming his pale, soft skin, lining his light muscles.
He enjoyed every touch, moving his hips up to meet her body, his eyes closed, thinking only in you. He moaned against her mouth when he felt how suddenly she pinched his nipples. He used to touch them when he masturbated. But feeling other fingers on them was amazing. And he loved it.
"Don't move." She said, sitting in the bed and taking her dress off. He looked at her and her perfect body, and then he looked down, his cassock raised up because of his erection.
"My sister will give you pleasure. But I will receive it. I want to know how good you are, and how you can progress, so you can also give pleasure to Y/N. Got it? Now, teach me if you know what to do with that pretty mouth of yours."
He couldn't say anything, because Josephine laid on him, kissing him again. He was thinking, tho. Give pleasure to you? But you already said no to them before. Were they going to try to make you part of it again?
Josephine held herself in her forearms, moving until her big breasts where at the height of his face. He saw them in awe, rememering Madeline's and how much he wanted to kiss them and feel them with his hands and mouth...
"Don't think it so much, Abbé." She said, as if she was reading his mind. And he didn't. He took one in his mouth, feeling her nipple with his tongue while his hand cupped the other.
Josephine gasped, and then she started to moan. She liked how he made circles with his tongue, his lips sucking, wanting more of her breast inside his mouth.
He changed to the other. And he bit her a little. She missed a breath, liking that rude part of him. And a few moments later, she moved again, sitting on his face.
That surprised him. But then, without thinking about it, he started to tongue her, feeling her clit with his lips, sucking it, gaining her moans again. He knew a lot about biology and medicine. And he knew women liked that part to be stimulated.
He licked her folds in a way he had always dream to do with a woman, but he never could. The skin was different. The smell, the savour, the wetness of her dripping down all over his nose, intoxicating his mouth.
She came a few moments after with a noisy moan, his hands squeezing her buttocks while she trembled against him. Josephine recovered her breath, and laid down next to him, looking at his erect member pressing against his cassock.
"I'm sorry, but I can't help you with it." She said, again seemed to be reading his mind. "It's not that I don't wanna to. I'm dying for do it. But you'll have to find release alone. Now go back to your room. Remember my promise, my attractive priest."
She stood in there, naked, watching him leave her bed. He was about to open the door, but she called him again.
"Abbé." She said, making him turn. "You are very good with your tongue if this is your first time doing it. Congrats."
She winked her eye, and smiled again. He left the room without saying or gesticulating anything, and opened your door with care. He glanced at you sleeping so well at your bed, shame in his face.
He couldn't believe he thought of you while doing those things to your sister. But he couldn't see her face. He only saw yours, as he was doing now.
He laid down in the divan, looking at you. And thinking it was bad to do it, he let his hand enter his cassock, and started to masturbate while touching his still naked chest as Josephine did before, twisting his nipples to feel more pleasure.
His hand went up and down, quicker at every moment that past. His thumb caressed the head of his member, and his own fingers weren't enough to sorround it completely.
He was very big, as many maids from Charenton used to think, imagining what he hid under the holy cassock. They were right. Their lustful desires where truth. He committed to God having such a delightful cock.
He didn't stop until he came, his hand covered in his viscous substance, a strong moan dying in his throat. He covered his mouth with the other hand, fearing you've heard him.
But you only turned around under the sheets, completely lost in the dreams world. He cleaned his hand with a piece of cloth that was near, and turned to face the backup of the divan, immediately falling sleep, feeling guilty because of the lust he felt, specifically for you.
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