#Transiting Mars enters Aquarius
ms-m-astrologer · 4 months
Transiting Mars enters Aquarius
Tuesday, February 13 - Friday, March 22, 2024
If Mars must be in an air sign, this is probably the best one. I have a soft spot for the placement; it makes me think of engineers and rocket scientists - of “shadetree mechanics” in the 1910s, working on a Ford Model T; of early radio afficionados in thr 1920s, clustering around their equipment, trying to pick up a new faraway station.
This is Mars in pursuit of a grand idea. Remember that Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius; when Mars hangs out in Saturn’s signs, he can acquire a sense of guidance and direction for all that energy and drive. Tangible achievements in Capricorn; brilliant ideas in Aquarius.
How this tends to play out in Mars’ different areas:
Physical strength - team sports; but also is quite content working on its own. I’m thinking track and field as the ideal sport. Can be fascinated by all that complicated, exotic exercise equipment.
Energy levels - has to watch out for the toll that “burning the midnight oil” can take on the body. It won’t be good if we burn ourselves out intellectually, either.
Sexuality - friendly, fairly open about it; not extremely romantic, as the reproductive urge is seen as being just another healthy bodily function. Be careful not to get too detached.
How we go after what we want - Saturn’s influence makes us want to have A Plan, but in Aquarius we’re a little more willing to experiment. “My way or the highway” if we feel weak or threatened.
If you want to try doing something in a new way, this is a wonderful time for that. We’re in an experimental frame of mind, wanting to innovate.
Give a few days on either side of these aspects:
Tuesday, February 13 - Mars/Aquarius conjunct Pluto/Aquarius, 0°46’. Starting things off with a bang. Something drastic comes up, and we see an opportunity for changing things up.
Friday, February 16 - Mars/Aquarius trine Pallas Athene/Sagittarius, 2°53’. Brilliant ideas and leadership. We’ll do even better if we collaborate.
Thursday, February 22 - Mars/Aquarius conjunct Venus/Aquarius, 6°57’. Friends to lovers? This is more falling in love with an idea, and is more humanitarian than romantic.
Tuesday, February 27 - Mars/Aquarius square Jupiter/Taurus, 10°52’. Taking on too much; poking the wrong bear. Can be very cruel. It’s okay to take calculated risks, if we make sure our calculations are correct.
Wednesday, March 6:
Mars/Aquarius sextile North Node/Aries, trine South Node/Libra, 17°24’
Mars/Aquarius sextile Chiron/Aries, 17°32’
If the square with Jupiter got us out of proper alignment, these aspects can get us back together and on track. We do have a right to independence and autonomy. But don’t get too cocky or bloodthirsty….
Saturday, March 9 - Mars/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus, 19°51’. …ugh, back to the “cruelty” thing, except way way way more volatile. And cold-blooded. Accidents and contrariness.
Friday, March 15 - Mars/Aquarius sextile Eris/Aries, 24°29’. A healthy outlet for venting all our frustrations. We could find equally pissed-off groups and align with them.
Monday, March 18 - Mars/Aquarius trine Vesta/Gemini, 26°44’. We’re mentally focused, with clear ideas and direction.
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crazy to me how literal and straightforward astrology is when you know what you’re looking at. if you can read tarot you can read astrology. everything’s symbols
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
Feb 13th Mars Ingress into Aquarius, joining the Sun, Mercury, and conjunct Pluto, brings a surge of energy and assertiveness to each rising sign's Aquarius house. It's a time for bold and decisive action, as individuals are encouraged to assert their independence, challenge conventional norms, and pursue their goals with passion and determination. By embracing the transformative energy of Mars and Pluto, individuals can break free from old patterns, assert their autonomy, and create positive change in their lives.
Aries Rising (Aquarius in the 11th House): With Mars entering Aquarius, Aries rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 11th house of friendships, communities, and aspirations. This transit encourages them to assert their individuality within group dynamics and pursue their goals with passion and determination. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for personal freedom and transformation within their social circles. They may feel compelled to take bold and unconventional actions to assert their rights and stand up for their beliefs. It's a time for Aries rising individuals to channel their energy into causes that align with their values and advocate for change within their communities.
Taurus Rising (Aquarius in the 10th House): For Taurus rising individuals, Mars entering Aquarius energizes their 10th house of career, public image, and authority. This transit prompts them to assert their independence and pursue their professional goals with vigor. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for power and control in their career endeavors. They may feel compelled to challenge traditional structures and authority figures in pursuit of their ambitions. It's a time for Taurus rising individuals to take bold and decisive action to advance their career goals and assert their autonomy in the workplace.
Gemini Rising (Aquarius in the 9th House): With Mars entering Aquarius, Gemini rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 9th house of higher education, philosophy, and travel. This transit encourages them to pursue their intellectual and spiritual interests with passion and determination. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for knowledge and understanding, prompting them to delve deep into philosophical and metaphysical concepts. They may feel compelled to challenge existing belief systems and explore unconventional ideas and perspectives. It's a time for Gemini rising individuals to embrace their curiosity and expand their horizons through learning and exploration.
Cancer Rising (Aquarius in the 8th House): Mars entering Aquarius energizes the 8th house of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources for Cancer rising individuals. This transit prompts them to assert their autonomy in their intimate relationships and financial matters. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for power and control in their emotional and financial dealings. They may feel compelled to confront deep-seated fears and insecurities in order to achieve personal transformation and empowerment. It's a time for Cancer rising individuals to take bold and decisive action to reclaim their power and assert their boundaries in their most intimate connections.
Leo Rising (Aquarius in the 7th House): For Leo rising individuals, Mars entering Aquarius energizes their 7th house of partnerships and relationships. This transit prompts them to assert their individuality within their closest relationships and collaborations. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for authenticity and equality in their partnerships. They may feel compelled to confront power dynamics and assert their needs and boundaries with courage and determination. It's a time for Leo rising individuals to take bold and decisive action to create balanced and mutually fulfilling relationships based on respect and reciprocity.
Virgo Rising (Aquarius in the 6th House): With Mars entering Aquarius, Virgo rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 6th house of health, routine, and work. This transit encourages them to assert their autonomy in their daily habits and work environment. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for efficiency and effectiveness in their tasks and responsibilities. They may feel compelled to challenge traditional approaches to work and health in pursuit of greater freedom and innovation. It's a time for Virgo rising individuals to take bold and decisive action to improve their well-being and productivity through proactive and unconventional means.
Libra Rising (Aquarius in the 5th House): Mars entering Aquarius energizes the 5th house of creativity, self-expression, and romance for Libra rising individuals. This transit prompts them to assert their individuality in their creative pursuits and romantic endeavors. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their passion and drive for self-expression and authenticity. They may feel compelled to take bold and unconventional creative risks and pursue romantic connections that align with their true desires. It's a time for Libra rising individuals to embrace their creativity and passion with confidence and courage, unapologetically expressing themselves and pursuing their heart's desires.
Scorpio Rising (Aquarius in the 4th House): For Scorpio rising individuals, Mars entering Aquarius energizes their 4th house of home, family, and emotional foundations. This transit prompts them to assert their independence and autonomy within their domestic sphere. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for control and transformation in their home and family life. They may feel compelled to confront deep-seated emotional issues and make bold changes to create a more empowering and authentic living environment. It's a time for Scorpio rising individuals to take decisive action to reclaim their emotional security and create a home that reflects their true sense of self.
Sagittarius Rising (Aquarius in the 3rd House): With Mars entering Aquarius, Sagittarius rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 3rd house of communication, learning, and local community. This transit encourages them to assert their individuality in their interactions and intellectual pursuits. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for knowledge and understanding, prompting them to challenge conventional wisdom and explore new ideas and perspectives. They may feel compelled to speak out against injustice and advocate for change within their local community. It's a time for Sagittarius rising individuals to embrace their curiosity and passion for learning, engaging in meaningful conversations and taking bold action to create positive change.
Capricorn Rising (Aquarius in the 2nd House): Mars entering Aquarius energizes the 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth for Capricorn rising individuals. This transit prompts them to assert their independence and assertiveness in matters related to money and possessions. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for financial security and empowerment, prompting them to take bold and decisive action to achieve their financial goals. They may feel compelled to challenge traditional values and beliefs about money and embrace a more innovative and progressive approach to wealth accumulation. It's a time for Capricorn rising individuals to take control of their financial destiny and assert their true worth with confidence and courage.
Aquarius Rising (Aquarius in the 1st House): With Mars entering their own sign of Aquarius, Aquarius rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 1st house of self-expression, identity, and appearance. This transit empowers them to assert their individuality and independence with confidence and courage. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for personal transformation and empowerment, prompting them to take bold and decisive action to redefine themselves and assert their true identity. They may feel compelled to challenge societal norms and expectations and embrace their unique quirks and eccentricities. It's a time for Aquarius rising individuals to embrace their authenticity and assert their right to be themselves without fear of judgment or criticism.
Pisces Rising (Aquarius in the 12th House): For Pisces rising individuals, Mars entering Aquarius energizes their 12th house of spirituality, subconscious, and hidden strengths. This transit prompts them to assert their inner strength and resilience as they confront deep-seated fears and insecurities. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for personal transformation and spiritual growth, prompting them to confront their shadow self and embrace their hidden potentials. They may feel compelled to delve deep into their subconscious mind through meditation, introspection, and spiritual practices. It's a time for Pisces rising individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and embrace their true power with courage and conviction.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoiree or yt @sensualnoiree
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months
Astro Observations for the Day
🌸Jupiter in 10th house people might work under their teachers or professors or mentors. Say you are a medical student and then you start to practice under that professor who taught you in the college. As Jupiter rules teachers and 10th is career, your teacher may play a close role in shaping your career.
🌸Periods of 5th lord can be very difficult to hold your job as 5th house is 8th from 10th house of career but it is also the 12th house from 6th house of job. So, the period of planets in 5th or 5th lord periods can indicate unemployment or losing job.
🌸If Ketu is trine a planet, read it as if the planet is in Scorpio. Say Ketu is in Capricorn and Trines Venus in Taurus , then your Venus may act like a scorpio Venus. You can apply this to all planets. Say Rahu in Taurus and Venus in Virgo, then Venus acts like an Aquarius Venus. (Rahu rules Aquarius and Ketu scorpio)
🌸Gemini risings may frequently work in hospital and health industry reason is Scorpio on 6th cusp and Pisces on 10th cusp. In fact, all air risings have potential to work in medical industry more than others due to water signs falling in 2nd, 6th and 10th houses.
🌸Men with Venus-Sun may have hard time keeping their relationship and marriage private. It's like everyone knows what's happening in their marital life. As Sun is a bright planet, it brings out the marriage life in public view.
🌸I have noticed Aquarius sign represents programming, internet, electronics, networks, electricity, social media etc. Reason being Aquarius rules the nerve network in the body and hence anything which connects us can come under Aquarius. Generally, people with Aquarius dominance are good in science and programming.
🌸People with Moon-Mercury opposition can often attract childish partners.
🌸Mercury in 5th house people desire to have 2 children often. Since Mercury rules siblings, these people often want their children to have a sibling and hence they prefer having 2 kids and also simultaneously. Some people also desire twins with Mercury in 5th.
🌸Transiting Jupiter hitting natal Mars for woman can mean boyfriend entering your life or a significant masculine partner. The closer the transit the more intense the attraction is.
For Readings DM :)
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yet-another-leo · 3 months
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
reblog and answer as honestly as you can (you can answer with either tropical or sidereal placements, but do mention which one)
1 ✧ lunar ruled/lunar dominants, do you always feel eclipse energy? [lunar ruled = cancer asc or moon as chart ruler]
2 ✧ those who have pluto aspecting their sun/moon/rising (in either transit or natal), have people told you/been telling you that you look dead?
my answer: when pluto first entered aquarius and opposed my sun everybody and their mother were telling me that I was starting to look dead everyday.
3 ✧ venus ruled/venus in 1H/10H/venus conj. asc/mc, do people always tell you that you are pretty? Like is it the first thing? [venus ruled = libra/taurus asc or venus as chart ruler]
my answer: I'm a libra asc and I don't always get compliments but getting called pretty was the only ever compliment I used to get. Yeah it's usually the first thing people would tell me.
4 ✧ venus conj. jupiter/venus in 9H, have you ever crushed on your teacher? or dated a teacher?
5 ✧ what annoys you/makes you angry & how does your anger show up? what's your moon and mars placement/aspects?
my answer: nothing really offends me at firsthand anymore and even when it does I can hide it well, but what I do hate is when people just keep repeating the same things over and over again. In the past, I would get into physical fights ☠, but now I either call people out or stay quiet. I have a 8H taurus mars sq. saturn & neptune, and 4H capricorn moon opposite mercury.
6 ✧ which song(s) best describes how you feel in love/in a relationship & what is your moon and venus placement?
my answer: "religion" by lana del rey, "false god" by taylor swift, and "humen tumse pyar kitna" by kishore kumar and I have virgo venus in 12H and capricorn moon in 4H
7 ✧ what's your favorite placement in your birth chart + the least favorite?
my answer: I like my libra asc and 10H mercury the most. My least favorite is my virgo venus tho, and that's bcuz most of the interpretations I see are kinda boring and unrelatable for me.
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harmoonix · 1 year
🖤▪️ Astro Notes ▪️🖤
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♣️ Gemini placements can be very curious about everything they do, tho these people are very curious most of times. Their curiosity hits even in the most unexpected moments. ♣️
♣️ Pisces Placements are big indicators of someone who is very artistic and charismatic♣️
♣️ Aries Venus and Mars can get very jealous and very easy, i describe this as the bulls when they see the red color. They are not aggresive but jealousy can suffocate them sometimes ♣️
♣️Virgo Mars is a very attractive placement, most of these people can be switch. (Dominant or submissive depends on their needs)♣️
♣️ You just know that a Capricorn Mars is gonna do everything for you to feel good, doesn't matter how you feel these people will always try to make you feel good ♣️
♣️ Taurus/Libra Venus can love so passionately, these people are the Venus definition, these type of people can spend the whole day to make you love yourself, and to value yourself :> such cute people ♣️
♣️Your 5th house Sign can show you how like to experience sex/love:♣️
For example: 5th house in Scorpio can be very passionate, a lot of kinks
5th house in Aquarius can make someone to try different and new things during love time
5th house in Gemini might be the type of people who wanna make love all day either to have more round of love.
♣️ I don't think i said this before but Uranus - ascendant aspects want to be different from the public/ other people, and that's not a bad thing they are doing their own things in their own unique world ♣️
♣️ Sun in Scorpio have a very sexual aura around, that's the energy their radiate ♣️
♣️Sun in Aries are ultra dominants, i don't think i ever saw an Aries to be submissive, they just like to be in power and control all the time ♣️
♣️Mercury - Pluto aspects might like dirty talk too much, is like they see this as the key in their love life, i don't know why but i think they might lose interest if you don't talk dirty with them 😭
♣️ Uranus - Mars aspects might have an addiction for making love, they just have a very high libido and a very unique sex drive ♣️
♣️If you wanna balance yourself with your own beauty start to dress yourself like your Venus sign in colors:
For example: Scorpio Venus looks very good in dark colors, black, dark red and dark blue
Sagittarius Venus look very good in light red, purple, turquoise and magenta
Pisces Venus look very good in white, silver, green -light blue and dark green
Aquarius Venus look very good in purple, blue - black, dark pink, neon colors and yellow
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♣️ Most people with Doe Eyes, have either Neptune - Moon prominent in their charts either Pisces/Cancer/Libra, if you have Doe Eyes but you don't have any of the above look if you Neptune/Sun/Venus/Moon - Ascendant aspects
♣️When Moon/Neptune are transitioning your first house you are gonna be more sensibile than before. I said this about Moon but Neptune here makes you to heal yourself a bit slower because, you are going in a new emotional cycle so you need first to heal your wounds to enter this cycle
♣️Any planets/asteroids in in your fifth house are gonna influence your sexual life, especially if you have a 5th stiellium, you kinda are meant to feel pleasure:
Example: Saturn in the 5th house, this placement, Saturn is gonna make you feel very intense he will try to make you learn a lot of things during love time
Mars in 5th house is a very passionate placement
here Mars needs to feel pleasure at a very deep level, is also a very artistic placement, Mars tells you to take attitude and to enjoy
Uranus in the 5th house, well....here Uranus is telling you to try different things in order to find your favorites things during love time
♣️ Juno - Mars (harmonious) aspect can show your spouse will be very sensual with you and you will have a lot of good toke together
If it's makes and harsh aspect that means your spouse can have hard time to be intimate, maybe they are afarid of something and they will fear to be intimate. Together you need to feel both good
♣️ Juno - Chiron aspects: there is a high chance for the relationship to be a karmic one and too need to solve a lot of karmic things together, either your spouse heal your wounds either you will be the one to heal their wounds. It matters because you 2 will need to heal eachother.. if it makes and harsh aspect with Juno then the relationship can turn into a healing karmic process when you both will learn a lot of things about life together ♣️
♣️ Venus - Chiron aspects need to learn to give love either to receive love from others ❗❗❗
If it's a harmonious aspect (Semi sextile, sextile,trine, conjunct, quintile, bi-quintile) between these 2, you need to give love to others, to give love to the ones you think they deserve to be loved. But you also need to love yourself and to be happy with your own person
If it's in a harsh aspect (Semi square, square, opposition, conjunct, quincunx) between these 2, you need to learn to receive love from others, because it might be hard for you to feel love, to get affection from others :(, you also need to love yourself to start being happy with your own body, mind, heart and soul. Be happy with everything around you ❣️
♣️ Lilith in Virgo/6th house, might have an obsession with trying to be perfect, trying to be on everyone likes, these people can be hard on themselves :(, please take a deep breath of air and remember is good to be different, is good to be imperfect, is good to be yourself and never change yourself just because someone wants that. I wanna hug you all because you have it really hard on these subjects (⁠⊃⁠。⁠•́⁠‿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)⁠⊃
♣️ People with water Moons (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) can possess psychic powers, that's because water represents the subconscious mind and these Moon can have their subconscious awaken very often ♣️
♣️ People with Saturn in 4th/6th/8th/12th houses really like to sleep a lot because they can be tired 24/7 😭♣️
♣️ Venus in water and fire signs can be very posesive of their partners, they are very jealous too and horny all the time 🤣😭♣️.
♣️Venus in Earth signs are most likely to take it slowly and very serious when they met potential partners, for them because it's important to take it step by step 😲♣️
♣️I can already see how Venus in Air signs will talk a lot with their partners about everything that happened in their life its so cute to met such people to tell you everyday stories of their life🥹
♣️Juno (3) asteroid in Air Signs (Gemini,Libra, Aquarius) can find a really attractive partner who they can talk all day with, is something very unique in their partners 🥹♣️
♣️ Can we talk about how Midheaven and Juno harmonious aspects (Semi sextile, Bi-quintile, Quintile, sextile, Trine, conjunction) show that a lot of people would like you as a couple?🥹 A lot of people will love you 2 together 😲
If it's an harsh aspect to Midheaven (Semi Square, Opposition, Conjunction, Square) be careful because people might be very jealous of you. Especially Juno - Midheaven conjunction because is the strongest 🥹
How people with Mercury in Air signs type messages so fast 😭😭, like they can spam you with messages just in 2 minutes
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With Love, Harmoonix❣️
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fxirysforesight · 2 months
My Theory on The Recent Misfortunes in Kpop
This K-pop Era is something else. Parasocial relationships are crumbling due to the increase in relationships being revealed, entertainment and news companies are being sued back to back, the public images of celebrities are being shattered due to their past misdeeds, and the big leagues are slowly crumbling.
A large portion of this is the result of Pluto having recently moved into Aquarius, testing the stability and boundaries of fame and fortune while also shedding dead weight and bringing light to the dark side of the entertainment industry.
Right now, the event chart for K-pop has Pisces Mars, Neptune, and Saturn transiting its 7th House indicating a focus on relationships, businesses, partnerships, and the overall harmony and balance. When Neptune crosses your 7th House it can indicate a lot of sneaky and shady behavior occurring. Even more so because right now, Neptune is currently conjunct Mercury in that chart which alludes to false claims, lies, deception, etc. Similar to in a Natal Chart where it can indicate being cheated on by a partner or being slighted in some way by someone else, it can take on the same meaning in an event chart where romantic relationships are not the focus, meaning this could be a betrayal in a partnership or a business. Mars is a planet of drive and ambition.
Mars always pushes it’s limits and tests the boundaries, oftentimes creating power struggles and sort of “lighting a fire under” previous issues as it is a planet that gives people the courage to bring up issues that have been sat on for a while combined with Neptune. Now I will say that Mars is already in the 7th House in Pisces in the Chart of K-pop. Highlighting the instability of the relationships and partnerships formed through it. With it now returning to its place in the 7th House it’s sort of like it’s coming back to bite them in the ass if that makes sense. Now Saturn is nobodies bitch. Where Saturn is at, is where Karma will be dealt. So with it being in the 7th House, that would be failing businesses and partnerships, the ending of relationships, etc. (especially with Mars here)
“But Zana! Why are all of these companies being sued?”
Great question. If you look at the chart, the ASC ruler which is Mercury is currently transiting the 8th House which rules defamation. If you take that and combine it with the fact that the Sun is also in the House (indicating that the “Spotlight” is being cast on that House, as well as the fact that Mercury is square Uranus which is the ruler of the 6th House (which rules Litigations) you get some not so fun things.
Now as for WHY? I said before how the 8th House rules Defamation which is already a big problem in the industry right now. But not everyone is going to be sued for defamation. The other possibility I see is being sued for theft, fraud, and laundering because the Ruler of the 8th House (And the 8th House ruled money you get from OTHER PEOPLE) which is Mars is currently in the 7th House in Pisces…which speaks for itself as per my explanation of Mars in Pisces in the 7th House in the beginning.
I’ll end this with a prediction. In a few days The Sun will enter Capricorn in the 9th House and will be Sextile Saturn. Where it will join Jupiter and Venus. We may see an increase in global expansion from a few companies such as branching out and building other locations in different cities and countries. It’s also possible that we may see more deals and acquisitions being made as well. We could also see the emergence of a global boy or girl group.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🦭Mars in Cancer🧸🛋️
🦭Mars falls in Cancer, it is not the most comfortable in this sign. Because mars is an aggressive, angry and stronger planet with quick reactions. Cancer, on the other hand, is a sign that is prone to care and tenderness. Therefore, it can have a more passive aggressive effect. You may be more inclined to not show your true energy or anger to people. Or do you prefer to tell others what bothers you about someone and not directly to him. But it does not mean that there is always only bad energy, it can also mean that you can look more for comfort, care, security during this time. That you feel safer with people you know or that you prefer to stay at home rather than go somewhere. Reactions can be more emotional and you can act the way you feel. This is how the transit of Mars in Cancer will affect your rising sign.
🫧Cancer rising mars will be in your 1st house. This means that you can show your energy much more outwardly. Your mood will be noticed much more than otherwise. You get angry faster. You can impulsively decide to make a change about how you look or sometihing like that. In any case, the energy will be more connected to you.
🎡Leo rising mars will be in your 12th house. You may feel more isolated from people, or want to spend more time alone. Energy will be more related to spirituality, your thoughts. You can also do more things related to creativity. But because this house is also connected with addiction, substances, medicines may have something to do with that as well.
🪴Virgo rising mars will be in your 11th house. It means that you will be more focused on friends, a group or things related to social life. This can also mean that you can have more problems with your friends or you can quickly get into fight with them. But you can also be more driven to dream and follow it more. But it can also be a bigger challenge with social networks.
💕Libra rising your mars will be in your 10th house. You will be more focused on career, discipline, work and serious things. More challenges with career or work in general. Maybe it will be more difficult for you to deal with older people, or it could also mean some kind of public argument.
🧚🏼‍♀️Scorpio rising your mars will be in your 9th house. Focusing on your beliefs, perspective, world, university/school. You will experience more spontaneous things and maybe your actions will be more optimistic. You can also travel somewhere during this time or travel more than you would otherwise. You will be able to invest more in planning.
🎆Sagittarius rising your mars will be in your 8th house. You will deal more with depth and things that are deeper. Your actions can be much more hidden from others. Maybe during this time you won't want to show your energy to others so much, but you'd rather cover it up. But you may have more problems with finances or taxes.
💍Capricorn rising your mars will be in your 7th house. Greater focus on relationships and relationships in general with others. This can mean that if you are in a relationship, there are some problems or you quarrel with the person, or you end the relationship with someone (but it is not necessary). But it can mean that you enter into a new relationship or meet someone/ you are more active in this area. But you can be more intense at this time than otherwise.
👒Aquarius rising your mars will be in your 6th house. Greater focus on routine and stability. Maybe you will be more motivated to live healthier, eat healthier, exercise more. You will not be focused on others but on yourself and your needs. You will take yourself and your lifestyle more seriously. This can also mean that health problems that you already had keep appearing -more in an annoying way. This can also mean that you have more challenges with work or something related to it or that your routine breaks down more often.
🎨Pisces rising your mars will be in your 5th house. You can focus much more on romance, dating and creativity. You can have more dates or be invited on a date. Things can happen spontaneously and unannounced. You can focus more on your hobbies, creativity also or find someting that you are interested in. But you can have more challenges with children also.
🌇Aries rising your mars will be in your 4th house. More emphasis on home, family. You may quarrel in the family or there may be some kind of conflict. This can also mean that you would rather be at home than among people. Spend more time with people close to you. You can renovate more at home or decorate.
🌌Taurus rising your mars will be in your 3rd house. More emphasis on communication, thoughts, electronics, relatives, media, short trips. Your communication will be more expressive and passionate. You may also have a firmer opinion or have a more intense way of expressing yourself. This can also mean that things or the attitude people have towards you will make you more angry.
🎢Gemini rising your mars will be in your 2nd house. The focus will be on money, material things, values. Maybe you will feel more driven by the things you value or what is really important to you. It could also be that you won't deal with change so well, or you'll want to slow things down. You will be more inclined towards stability.
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faerytalemagick · 5 months
January 1
Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces: A laid-back start to the year, focusing on relaxation and imagination rather than productivity.
January 1
Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius: Welcoming the new year positively, making resolutions and planning for a promising 2024.
January 4
Mars enters Capricorn: Renewed determination for New Year's resolutions, empowering ambitious pursuits for the next six weeks.
January 9
Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus: Highly creative and productive energy to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
January 11
New moon in Capricorn: A productive start to the year, ideal for initiating new projects and resolutions.
January 12
Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus: A fortunate period, encouraging bold moves in business and financial ventures.
January 12
Juno goes retrograde in Virgo: Reviewing relationships with a critical eye, seeking realism without expecting perfection.
January 13
Mercury enters Capricorn: Transitioning to a serious mindset, ideal for ambitious actions and goal-oriented plans.
January 15
Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: A compassionate aspect, urging community involvement and volunteer work.
January 18
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces: A highly motivated day for work projects, networking, and physical exercise.
January 19
Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Emotional sensitivity affecting social interactions, suggesting giving space to others.
January 19
Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus: Optimism leading to positive career and financial news, planning for the future.
January 20
Sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: A powerful day for reflection, securing achievements, and setting new goals.
January 20
Sun enters Aquarius: Embracing innovation and communal thinking, marking an energetic, inventive period for the next four weeks.
January 20
Pluto enters Aquarius: Major shifts in technology, community dynamics, and worldview, signifying a significant transit for the decade.
January 23
Venus enters Capricorn: Emphasizing loyalty and shared ambitions in relationships over the next four weeks.
January 25
Full moon in Leo: A confidence boost, inviting glamour and drama, encouraging a vibrant start to the year.
January 26
Uranus goes direct in Taurus: Anticipating fundamental changes as Uranus propels forward, urging readiness for transformation.
January 26
Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus: Balancing confidence and ego, cautioning against overconfidence that may lead to downfall.
January 27
Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Mars in Capricorn: A productive day for negotiations and reputation-building, leveraging charisma.
January 27
Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces: Fostering serious, enduring partnerships over fleeting encounters.
January 28
Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus: Positive career and financial news, encouraging problem-solving with determination.
January 28
Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus: Facilitating stable, supportive relationships, ideal for long-term commitments.
January 29
Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus: Encouraging stepping out of comfort zones, seizing opportunities, and making impactful connections.
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elminx · 2 months
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April is a “3” Universal Month [4 (April) + 8 (2024) = 12 = 1+2 = 3] in an “8” Universal Year. 3 months are about connection and building – three can be a party OR a crowd, depending on your perspective. With all eyes on Aries season and the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Chiron, AND the North Node in Aries over the month, it’s more likely to be the latter. We’re focused on independence and our own journies during this time.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun, Mercury, Chiron, and the North Node in Aries; Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune in Pisces; Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius. That’s a huge cluster of planets all in sequential signs overstretching the last two and the first two signs of the horoscope. This shows that this is a fundamental shift and ending going on – likely in the world around us and our own lives. We’re also deep in between eclipses and entering retrograde season.
By month’s end, all of our personal planets except Mercury will have changed signs. The Sun will have moved on into Taurus, and Venus and Mars will have moved into Aries. Additionally, Mercury will have retrograded and stationed direct again.
The Nitty Gritty
All eyes are on the sign of Aries as it will be involved with most of the major astrological transits of the month. Ten of the fifteen total aspects in April are conjunctions and all but two will be found in the sign of Aries. That’s a lot. Expect the energy to be fast, dry, hot, and ornery all month long. Aries is a sign of endless ambition, or, at least, endless energy. Aries need focus (given by their ruling planet Mars) and an unobstructed pathway to be at their best. Neither of those two things will be in ample supply.
This is to say that this will be a rough Aries season. Everyone will want to be doing, going, and accomplishing but getting nowhere fast. There is a major culprit here as the energy of each astrological season is augmented by the planetary ruler of its sign (in Aries’s case, Mars). For most of the month, Mars will be mired in the watery depths of Pisces. While Aries is sign #1, Pisces is sign #12. Pisces has seen and done it all, or at least that’s what they like you to believe. Pisces doesn’t move fast, they abide like The Dude – they’d rather spend their time daydreaming and fantasizing than accomplishing much in the tangible world. Mars can’t find any solid footing in the sign of the fish and we all may end up feeling like we are treading water (or drowning) if we try to maintain too much control.
This is going to manifest as a shitstorm of epic-level temper tantrums.
Let’s be real here: Aries isn’t known for being the most mature sign.  That’s not what they are here for.   Astrology teaches us that all sign energies have a place and Aries’s is to be the trailblazer.   As Sign #1, Aries is SUPPOSED TO step out into the world on their own.   It is their cosmic design to run ahead and scout things out.   Part of emotional maturity comes from the ability to stop and consider how your actions affect another – although it’s a powerful skill, it naturally inhibits some types of growth and innovation.
Aries tends to keep its blinders on for a reason.   Nobody gets to the top of the mountain if we all slow down and keep pace with the person who can’t climb.   The mature Aries knows that they are wearing blinders and when to take them off.   
Most actual Aries types (Sun, Ascendant, Moon, or Mars in Aries, at least those that have lived long enough to have experienced a Saturn return) have learned this lesson.   The problem comes when EVERYBODY ELSE has to stew in this thwarted Aries energy.
I’d say pack your patience, but I doubt there will be enough patience to go around.
April won’t begin with a bang but with a liminal whimper as Mercury stations retrograde at 27° Aries on the first. We’re already deep in this story – Mercury has been in Aries since 3/10 (in its pre-retrograde shadow since 3/18) and will remain there until mid-May. This is a very long stay for our fast-moving planet which normally takes 2-3 weeks to transit a sign. This shows us that there is work to be done around Mercury in Aries themes: notably owning our voices and speaking up for ourselves. You can read more about the Mercury retrograde here.
Important dates involving the retrograde: 4/1 Mercury retrogrades, 4/11 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury, 4/15 retrograde Mercury conjunct Chiron, 4/19 retrograde Mercury conjuncts Venus, 4/25 Mercury stations direct It’s worth noting that from 4/15-4/17 and even a bit beyond that, we will be experiencing a major Aries stellium between retrograde Mercury, Venus, Chiron, and the North Node. These dates will be a big hit on your Mercury retrograde story, however that shows up for you.
Standard Mercury retrograde advice applies from 4/1-4/25 but most especially on the above dates: check your work twice, save often, think before you speak/send, and enjoy the strange winding path rather than worrying about your destination. Apply the above advice metaphorically and physically in equal measures. Mercury retrograde is a good time to focus on work you’ve already started: practice the words that start with re: review, revise, rethink, retrace…
As if to deepen the mood, Venus will conjunct Neptune on 4/3 in late Pisces. Que the mists and probably some waterworks, too. Even your emotions seem unreal. Neptune is considered to be the higher octave of Venusian energy – while Venus focuses on human love, Neptune can tap into universal love. Both are at home in the watery sign of Pisces (Venus’s exaltation and Neptune’s home sign). It could end up being a sweet day in amongst the muck. This transit will pass quickly.
On Thursday 4/4, Venus enters Aries and takes on her mantle as the Starlett.   Venus is in her detriment in Aries which is a fancy way of saying that the natural (giving/receiving) energy of Venus is at odds with the aggressive cardinal fire energy of the Ram.  Whereas Venus – especially in her rulership of Aries’s sun-sign opposite, Libra – is focused on connection and togetherness; Aries is focused on the self.   If you want to get along with Venus this month (work in the arts, fashion, or need to get along with people at all), maybe throw here a little something-something on and around this date.   Roses and red wine would do nicely.
Since we’re counting: Mercury isn’t at their best in retrograde, Mars isn’t at his best in the waters of Pisces, AND Venus is not at her best as she’s in detriment in Aries. We can presume that we will face some personal challenges with all our personal planets afflicted in some fashion.
Venus in Aries may make you want to make your mark or step out into the limelight. Spoiler alert: nobody is watching.
This leads to our total solar eclipse on Monday, 4/8 at 19° Aries. This is our major pain point of the month as it will be exactly conjunct to Chiron and closely conjunct to the North Node. This may be our major pain point for the entire year. Chiron is the Wounded Healer which shows that the pain can be healed but this comes with a major caveat: the way out of Chironian pain is THROUGH the pain. This isn’t the kind of situation that can be laughed away or repressed easily and there’s a huge danger here in trying to put a bow on a pile of shit and call it your new pet. Truth be told, with the North Node so closely involved, you may not be able to look away even if you want to.
This won’t apply to everyone, of course. And I don’t mean to be scare-tacticy here. If you don’t need deep soul healing, the above obviously doesn’t apply. But in this “post-pandemic” world, I’m not sure that I believe there is a person who doesn’t need some deep soul healing. This lunar event could really work for you, you just need to work for it.
As always, standard eclipse advice applies: eclipses occur on the nodes of fate – what happens in and around the dates of the eclipses should be weighed at least slightly more heavily than what happens during the rest of the year. If something suddenly enters or exits your life, pay attention and BELIEVE IT. This is our second to last eclipse cycle on the Aries-Libra axis and that puts a lot of strain on the dichotomy of selfness vs. togetherness. Stay aware of where you and your Others naturally fall on that scale. Retrograde Mercury is widely a part of this stellium (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Chiron, North Node) so try not to fight about it because there is no common ground to stand on right now.
If you’re traveling in the US to view the totality, stay safe out there and try not to travel on the interstate within 24 on either side of the event if you can. (and keep in mind retrograde Mercury rules travel so things may take longer than normal)
I wish I could say that we will get a reprieve but the consequences of whatever has just occurred are coming in hard on the back end with a rough Mars-Saturn conjunction at 14° Pisces on Wednesday 4/10. Saturn doesn’t mean to be nasty about it, but without lessons, you would never learn a thing. This will be a great cosmic pause. One of Saturn’s domains is time in the sense of limitation. As time passes, some choices become off-limits. Existence is fleeting.
Note whether that stokes fear or wonder (or both?) in your heart.
Situated in Pisces, the ruler of the 12th house, Saturn is working to reexamine some of our deepest-rooted trauma stories. The twelfth house rules the unconscious (where we store all of the things we don’t want to look at) and Pisces can sometimes be said to have accumulated all of the baggage of the signs that have come before it. This ties in with the pain point of Chiron in Aries which is getting triggered by all of our personal planets transiting over it.
The way to overcome some of Saturn’s inertia repeats the month’s themes: you’ve got to get into the shadowy bits of it and do that weeding. Saturn stops you so that you can dig into the ground and find the roots you have grown that are holding you back.
Cut them and grow new roots.
We won’t see another aspect for the rest of the week which is probably a good sign that we need to think about what we have done. (that doesn’t have to have a bad connotation)
There is a twisted-up knot that has something to do with the pain of aloneness that’s aching to come forth. A boil of some kind, even. On the week of 4/15, it comes to a head. The Sun has pulled away from Mercury, Chiron, and the Nodes but Venus has moved up to join them. In this way, that mid-Aries stellium stretches from 4/8 through to 4/19 as our personal planets apply stress and pressure to Chiron and the North Node. Or better said, Chiron and the North Node apply pressure to our personal planets.
Aloneness means a lot of different things to different people. An Aries type can think of nothing better, most Libras can think of nothing worse. That is the pressure we will be sitting under all month long. Aries and Libra are alike in many ways but, in this, they are divided. Errevocakly so. This will put a huge stressor on relationships between people with very different attachment needs and styles. I would expect some relationships to end permanently, especially those with one or more of the partners involved who have a personal planet Libra. Possibly Aries as well. I wouldn’t count out Cancer or Capricorn, either.
If it ends on the date of the eclipse, there’s no saving it. If it ends after that in the month, you may have a second or third chance. But what is happening right now has a reason. I think that is important to remember.
Spoken like a true Moon in Aries native: sometimes love ISN’T enough.
Sometimes you just need some space, yo.
it seems like everybody needs a healthy dose of empathy for their others but there is zero empathy to go around. Venus will be directly conjunct to the North Node AND Chiron this week – expect some theatrics. As I mentioned earlier, she’s in her Starlet form and let me tell you, she is not getting the attention she wants or deserves. Watch out. Venus certainly isn’t at her most vindictive in the sign of Aries, but she won’t think twice before slashing a few tires to get her point across.
The Sun enters Taurus on 4/19 which may be somewhat of a reprieve. It depends on how far you’ve pushed Venus though because she IS the natural ruler of Taurus, the Bull. Don’t wave any red flags for the rest of the month, okay?
Mars in Pisces sextiles Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus as well which is…interesting. Somebody could hit it big – Jupiter and Uranus form an exact conjunction on Sunday 4/21. If you need Chance to be on your side this month – on and around 4/19-4/21 are the days to choose. Watch out for overspending or overindulging during this time though, high reward tends to come with a lot of risks.
The Sun will be square to Pluto. Things are changing. If they are changing in your favor will depend on a lot of your perspective and your ability to duck and roll as the towers fall.
The rest of the month is a downward slope and as we shift out of eclipse season it may begin to feel quite pedestrian. It’s a much-needed break.
On Tuesday 4/23 we have a full moon at 04° Scorpio that may seem dark and dramatic, but it pales in comparison to the edgy eclipses. Just don’t actually tell Scorpios that I said they weren’t the best, okay? Stay aware of vindictive bitches, you know who I mean. Scorpio full moons can bring out the worst in people who are looking for somebody to blame. Mars, the ruler of our Scorpio moon is just barely still in Pisces, too. Expect it to be both heavy and wet. Maybe even a washout.
The rest of the month just rolls downhill as the energy finally begins to right itself. On 4/25, Mercury stations direct at 15° Aries. On 4/29, Mars enters his home sign of Aries. On 4/30, Venus enters her home sign of Taurus.
May will be a much easier month. We just need to get there.
The Details
4/1 – Mercury retrogrades 27° Aries 4/3 – Venus conjunct Neptune 28° Pisces 4/4 – Venus enters Aries 4/6 – Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius 4/8 – Solar eclipse 19° Aries, Sun conjunct Chiron 19° Aries 4/10 – Mars conjunct Saturn 14° Saturn 4/11 – Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 22° Aries 4/15 – retrograde Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries 19° 4/17 – Venus conjunct North Node 15° Aries 4/19 – Sun enters Taurus, retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus 17° Aries, Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus 4/21 – Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius, Venus conjunct Chiron 20° Aries, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in 21° Taurus 4/23 – Full moon 04° Scorpio 4/25 – Mercury stations direct 15° Aries 4/29 – Venus enters Taurus, Mars conjunct Neptune 28° Pisces 4/30 – Mars enters Aries
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calmwaterstarot · 5 months
What can we expect from 2024 dear!?? 😌
2024 has a lot going on; there are so many astrological transits happening that have a huge impact on all of us.
January 1, 2024: Mercury went direct after being in retrograde for several weeks. This means communication gets better, legal documents can be signed without issues, and anything related to speech is cleared up.
January 20 - September 1, 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius. This is going to be a wild ride. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was around the late 1700's, and during that time, the world underwent MASSIVE change. Both the American and French Revolutions occurred, coups happened with governments, royalty was dethroned, battles and wars were fought, the first wave of feminism began, etc. There's so much more than this. You should see the list. I'll include it here--start around 1777 and go through 1798. Pluto represents death, rebirth, and transformation, while Aquarius represents humanity and technology. When you pair these two, you're looking at major transformation socially, politically, economically, and technologically. There's a brief retrograde into Capricorn for one last time during our lifetime, and then Pluto will return to Aquarius for another 20 years. It's interesting to note that the rise and fall of empires throughout history is around 250 years. The cycle for Pluto is 245 years. Coincidence? I think not.
February 16, 2024: A stellium in Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets are in the same house/sign in an astrological chart. This Aquarius stellium will feature Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. The last time this occurred was in February, 1962, and was commonly referred to as the "Age of Aquarius." This time period brought about major changes in the fields of technology, science, and aerospace. I'm afraid that during this time, though, there will be a strong focus on AI and its advancement. Pay attention to headlines regarding an upgrade in technology.
March 25, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Libra. Major historical events typically coincide with lunar eclipses, and since this one will be in Libra, I foresee society wishing for balance, harmony, peace, and justice. I believe this will be a time that humanity will call for us to take a deeper look at how we can end strife and get along with each other. Be ready for major calls for wars and upheaval to end (even though it's happening now, this will be on a much larger scale with this eclipse).
April 8, 2024: Solar eclipse in Aries. On the flip side of the lunar eclipse, we have the solar eclipse in Aries. This will be a time where we start anew and are ready to charge down a new path. Mars' energy represents war, destruction, violence, revenge, but also strength. This particular eclipse is warning us about war and destruction on a collective level because it'll be conjunct the North Node (the direction we're all going). I believe we're headed into a total collapse and rebirth when we add in the Pluto in Aquarius energy, but it's something that needs to happen for us to evolve as a civilization.
May 25, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini, which is actually in detriment. This means the energy is weaker in this sign for the planet. Expect changes in telecommunications (voice, data, and video) and social media, since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.
June 2, 2024: Neptune is anaretic. Anaretic means that a planet has entered the 29th degree, which holds a sense of finality because this planet has transited all 30 degrees (starting at 0). It's ready to move on and cut ties. What does this mean for Neptune? Well, the planet of illusions will lift its veil and a lot of what we've held onto in our beliefs will die out. Some people will still try to hold on (sunk-cost fallacy) because they're stubborn, but the majority of people will release, mourn, and deal with the fallout that's going to be super messy. Imagine the feeling of being betrayed by someone you love. That's what Neptune lifting it's veil is going to feel like for most. Again, collectively, we NEED this energy for healing and spiritual growth.
July 21, 2024: Full Moon in Capricorn. Most of the time, nothing major happens on full moons, but this one is interesting because it falls on an anaretic degree, just like Neptune. Capricorn represents structure, discipline, rigidity, and order (its ruler is Saturn), so we're going to see some upheaval in regards to these issues. The old way of doing things will no longer serve the same purpose. This is the equivalent of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new."
August 5, 2024 – August 28, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo. With Mercury rx in Virgo, this might be a time where you lose or misplace documents, feel irritated, have constant miscommunication, or face scrutiny from the general public. Remember to write down important deadlines and keep everything organized so you don't lose anything. With Mercury rx in Leo, I'm fully expecting some celebrity scandals during this time. Otherwise, it'll be a time of thinking about trying something new or wanting to get out and do something fun.
September 17, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This will happen in the 25th degree (an Aries degree), so anyone with heavy Pisces placements will have creative breakthroughs during this time. We'll see a rise in great music, art, poetry and literature, as well as film and visual arts. This time period might feel very dreamy and whimsical on the art scene.
October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra. We had the lunar eclipse in Libra in March, so now, the solar eclipse will bring justice and balance. Anyone with Libra placements in early degrees will feel the need to purge what's not working. Even though most Librans are peaceful, this will be a time of upheaval. Expect people to help the oppressed even more (seeking justice) in a world that needs to be more fair and balanced (Libra energy).
November 19, 2024: Pluto goes direct in Aquarius for twenty years, until March 8, 2043. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy-but-necessary ride.
November 25, 2024 – December 15, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. We all know what happens during Mercury rx, but what happens when it's in Sagittarius? Sagittarius represents higher education and learning, all things foreign and travel-related, religion, and spirituality. Expect religious or spiritual leaders, as well as educational leaders at universities, to have private documents leaked, misinformation stemming from foreign countries and media, as well as travel issues (delays, being rerouted, lots of crowds, etc.). This will not be a good time to travel.
December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025: Mars Retrograde in Cancer and Leo. This is going to be...interesting. Mars hates being in Cancer; it's in detriment. Why? Cancer represents empathy and compassion, while Mars represents a more masculine energy that strives towards war, violence, and destruction. Cancer wants to provide a resolution to all of the conflict occurring, while Mars isn't having it. Expect masculine energies, especially men, to be more irritated and aggressive during this time. This duo can bring about discussion regarding balancing masculine and feminine energy, which we all have. Because Cancer is represented by the Moon, or the "mother" in astrology, expect some discussions about fertility and reproduction, birth rates (especially the low birth rates of some countries), marriage (or lack thereof), and any social dynamics with males and females. These discussions will carry over into 2025.
2024 is going to be a year that'll go down in history, that's for sure. One silver lining in all of this is that Venus does NOT retrograde this year, so we might see or hear about fewer breakups, and we might see or hear about more people entering into relationships and staying together.
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degreedummy · 2 years
Empty Houses
So, before I start, I think we just need to talk about some misconceptions first, one being that an empty house has no meaning or value to your life, the lack of placements in that area being equated with complete silence, like an empty house. The most common practice people will use, when trying to understand empty houses, is by looking at the houses "lord", aka the ruling planet of the empty houses' ruling cusp.
When looking at the house lords, I prefer the modern method (but still use Traditional alongside it):
Aries - Mars
Taurus + Libra - Venus
Gemini + Virgo - Mercury
Cancer - Moon
Leo - Sun
Scorpio - Pluto
Sagittarius – Jupiter
 Capricorn – Saturn
 Aquarius - Uranus
Pisces – Neptune
When looking at house lords, we look towards where that placement falls in our chart, using the house it falls under, any aspects, and if you apply it, malefic/benefic delineations to understand how that houses themes express themselves. So, say someone has an empty Cancer 3H, the lord of that house would be the Moon, meaning that we look to their Moon placements, any aspects towards it, etc. to understand how they (3H) communicate their emotions.
For me, under that same circumstance (empty Cancer 3H), let's say the house cusp is at 25° 25°- Aries- square degree influence- causes conflict between (25°) their desire for leadership and (square/cancer) their understanding of being able to express themselves as that leader. So, through house lords and other theories, we're able to see that we are able to find meaning in empty houses. Especially when it comes to transits through those houses, we can miss out on a lot in our chart if we treat these transits as *entering a void*. So, now to go through the houses and what they mean on their own! If these don't apply, try applying the degree aspect method and see if you have square or inconjunction degree influences over said house.
This is someone who doesn't have to put thought into who they are, most struggles they face when it comes to their identity having to do with almost being careless with who they represent themselves as. This is someone who doesn’t feel the need to prove themselves. An empty 1H is someone who... isn't by any means immune to insecurity, but they aren't driven by it. Doubting themselves, if they're able, only happens in response to failure, needing a direct cause to make them start thinking about themselves.
This is someone who has an easy time communicating their morals, values, and need for stability to people, sometimes overstepping by laying out an NDA for a new friend. Empty 2H folks tend to be... while they value their possessions, this is someone who isn't broken by something breaking. If they lose something, to them, all they can do is either find it or replace it. There is no intermission with them, they push forward.
This is someone who... may have issues with recognizing social dynamics and cliques because they're so ready to give everyone an equal opportunity to get to know them, usually never considering what can be done with all that information. An empty 3H shows someone who, really, talks to hear themselves talk. While the house may be empty, this is where the silence of it becomes uncomfortable, pushing the native to make up for it on their own.
Empty 4H's tend to have a cohesive home life, possibly getting in trouble for not switching things up enough. These are folks who tend to go home with the intentions of staying home, entering a new mindset depending on what side of the door they're on. The 4H being empty can show someone who, actually, needs an empty house. Not having any placements, these folks aren't used to not being able to escape the stress, so shadow work literally starts at what they consider to be "home".
An empty 5H represents someone who, maybe even though having a touch childhood, still never lost their connection to their innocence and curiosity. This is someone who's never felt scared of or embarrassed by their own need to share and receive love. The 5H being empty shows someone who tends to follow trends more than starting them, and it's because they don't mind being introduced to something new. Their love isn't limited by any insecurity, their heart reaches as far as consent allows them to.
This is someone who has little problem staying organized, or lives life so comfortably that they have their own version of being organized. These will be the 6H cusps to have their own system, holding to it no matter how much sense it makes. When they don't need to do a lot of work to maintain their life, this can sometimes lead to them... not being so great at adhering to other peoples' schedules. They tend to assume everything will take the least amount of work, sometimes falling apart because they didn't check up.
An empty 7H shows someone who, usually, doesn't ever know the relationship is going south until they're literally told it is, assuming everything is alright as long as the two people who need to be together [are] together. They're truly about "us against the world", having a habit of forgetting, romantically and platonically, to check up on the other person and actually ask what they need out of a partner. This 7H needs to focus on more active communication, even if they don't think they "need" it.
This house being empty shows someone who has no hesitation in how they share themselves with people, simply following the desire to be closer to someone and wanting to be the one who changes them for the better. And it isn't necessarily their goal to change the people they love, but intimacy to them is pushing each other forward through the anxiety and fear, not letting each other get stuck in feeling out of place-- fear they forget to say they don't really experience.
This is someone who swings around a sword with three edges, one who needs no validation for their beliefs, one who sees no limitations in exploring other peoples' beliefs, and one who asks so many questions that people perceive it as doubt. Empty 9H'ers are... always looking to understand, over anything else. I think sometimes digging too much can get them in trouble, but it's never enough to put an end to their curiosity, because that ease in their approach to expansion already accounts for growing pains.
The 10H being empty represents someone who doesn't usually feel a strong desire to change who they are to affect perceptions of them, not seeing value in being [known] if it means they have to be known for being someone else. This is someone who... for better or worse, rushes past criticism, setting their minds to a goal and only accepting failure if that specific goal isn't reached. This is representative of a hard worker, but tunnel vision can be their worst enemy in terms of other areas in life.
I think, when it comes to the 11H being empty, this can either represent someone who finds ease in surrounding themselves with people, or finds ease in knowing they don't need that many people in their lives. An empty 11H shows someone who's dreams change constantly, maybe so much that people lose belief in their ability to follow through, but everything is connected. They may bounce around a lot, but every "thoughtless" risk they take has purpose.
Probably being the most intimidating house to face silence in, an empty 12H, to me, either represents someone who is in constant communication with themselves, or is so driven to push past their subconscious that they don't find the closure they need. An empty 12H shows ease in the connection between conscious and subconscious, but not everyone can handle a relationship they have little choice in being a part of. Sometimes it's silencing the endlessness of their anxiety that helps them find the answers they need.
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mercurytrinemoon · 7 months
Astro observations: celebrity edition part 2 aka latest news roundup
⭐️ Dua Lipa announced on her instagram that she's actually a Gemini rising as opposed to Libra. Now my Gemini detector told me that ages ago but I accepted the Libra rising just because it's my default token "plain good looking and polite" sign BUT it actually now makes much more sense in terms of house placements. Her Venus is now cazimi in the 3rd house - house associated with creative writing and thinking. The ever-changing and fast-moving Mercury is now in her 4th house of family and home situation and she's actually been always moving a lot between England and Albania. That healthy domicile Mercury as well as the Sun-Venus conjunction in the 3rd shows her close connection to family overall.
Funnily enough, her discovery took place during Mercury station in her 4th house. Talk about finding out your true roots (astrological, in that instance).
⭐️ We also now have the birth time of Elon Musk, who turns out to be a Cancer rising. Jupiter in his 5th house of children now makes perfect sense with his 11 kids (and probably counting).
⭐️ If you're wondering why Ariana Grande is the way she is, look no further than Moon conjunct Jupiter - aka her 7th house ruler multiply; as well as both being square to the Sun. Usually Sun square Jupiter can point to legal issues and excess while Sun square Moon often points to broken families. Now add that together and you have… a homewrecker, yaaay!
⭐️ I was thinking a lot about Blink 182 and Tom Delonge (his chart resembles mine a bit) due to him rejoining the band last year and now releasing a new Blink album. Natally, he has a retrograde Gemini Mars so I looked at his progressed chart to see the stationary period. Turns out his progressed Mars stationed direct early 2014, followed by progressed Sun entering Aquarius. Early following year the band announced that he left permanently. One of the things he focused on was research on the UFOs and work with the government. Of course, keep in mind progressed Mars stations for quite a while and his issues with the band lasted throughout the whole 2014 so it makes sense that the final split occured a year later. And why Mars? Well it can literally speak about our focus in life and our direction - where we put our energy. Not to mention Mars rules his MC so it brought him a massive turn in his career. So makes sense.
⭐️ Britney Spears just released a memoir book. Putting aside the questionable fact on who really wrote it, it stirred up a lot of drama. Her chart is one big mine but today I'm only focusing on current transits: she just had an eclipse in her first house of Libra. That eclipse landed right on her Pluto, which natally squares Venus (talking about toxic relationships and exposing them). Pluto itself is making last hits to those degrees as well as it's stationing direct in the late Capricorn. Interestingly I think Jupiter being in her 8th house can point to this as well - it lights up all the secrets and talks about working on past traumas. Now, you're also probably thinking, why was she involved with so many iffy people in her life? A lot of things in her chart point to that but what always struck me was her 7th house ruler - a malefic Mars - being in her 12th house of enemies. And it squares Neptune so they're also liars and exploiters.
⭐️ There's been A TON of celebrity breakups during this Venus retrograde season but I'm gonna quickly focus on Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner because their charts are an interesting example. Their synastry is mostly having planets in sister signs but this also means that if one of them gets hit with a transit, so is the other. Involve Saturn in that transit and you get trouble. Saturn is currently in early Pisces, where Sophie has some of her planets in the 12th house (loss, enemies). Her Mars (disputes, cutting) is at 4° of Pisces while Joe's Mars is at 7° Virgo - right opposite that. Saturn transit stirred up some proper drama: and Saturn is also coldness, being restrained and cut off. On top of that they also have their rising signs in the opposite signs of Aries and Libra and we just started having eclipses in those signs earlier this year.
Not to mention Joe's Leo Sun got hit by Venus retrograde and a Uranus square. Among other stuff.
FUN FACT: according to my research they met for the first time in October of 2016 when Jupiter was in Libra. So, interestingly, not only they had Jupiter going through their angles but Jupiter in their Davidson chart is in Libra.
⭐️ Taylor Swift is currently going through her 10th house profection year (Leo). It would make sense then that her career would take a turn this year considering that Venus was retrograding in Leo. Of course as it turned out she had a massive succes with her ongoing world tour, which is said to become the highest grossing tour of all time.
⭐️ A Vogue article popped up about Rita Ora's and Taika Waititi's wedding that took place a year earlier (they kept all the info and date private until now). Jupiter played a huge role in them getting married (as it often does, especially for a couple like them, who have it strong in their charts, which I wrote about HERE). At the time of their wedding Jupiter was at 8° Aries, which for Rita is that sweet spot between her Sagittarius Sun and Venus (4° and 10° respectively) and Leo Jupiter (13°) - as it completed a grand trine in her chart. Transiting Sun was also 12° of Leo, highlighting that trine even more.
Man I love astrology.
For Taika it was pretty prominent as well although his Jupiter aspects were more sign-based. He had a Jupiter return; his Moon is somewhere in the middle of Sagittarius so he received these fire trines as well. Interestingly, at the time of the wedding Saturn was at 22° Aquarius - exactly opposite his Leo Sun but also sextile his natal Jupiter. So for him it had a bit of a Saturnian flavour that called for stability and maturity.
⭐️ Similarly, I just read the other day that Frances Bean Cobain got married earlier this month. She has a Venus-Jupiter conjunction on top of her Virgo ascendant (interestingly Kurt had the trine between Venus and Jupiter - so seems like a family pattern). Also interestingly, transiting Jupiter is currently trining both her Venus and Jupiter (on the day of the wedding it was trining Venus exact), thereby her natal pattern got repeated. Jupiter is also her 7th house ruler.
Her now husband, Riley Hawk is having a nice transit of that Jupiter over his Taurus Moon - and remember, Moon rules the women in your family as well as your wife.
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growwithmeastrology · 24 hours
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Sunday, June 9th 2024
Sun in Gemini ♊️💨 Moon in Cancer ♋️🌊 and Leo ♌️🔥
Bring on the drama! The energies today can be a bit too much to handle. The ego will need to be kept in check today for certain. We have some pretty interesting and unrelenting energies at play.
We start off with the Sun in Gemini squaring Saturn in Pisces as we wake up. This can test our character and throw our egos a gut punch. You might feel restricted by your responsibilities. With the Moon in Cancer driving your emotions, try to not throw a temper tantrum because you’re not getting your way on things.
The Moon enters Leo where we feel and act more child-like in search of fun, passion, attention and a bit of drama too and as the Moon transitions from Cancer to Leo, it opposes Pluto in Aquarius. This can also intensify feelings and cause dramatic mood swings where it’s hard to control your reactions and behavior. A true catalyst for relationship drama.
The Leo Moon will also square Mars in Taurus which can wake up that fighting spirit. Use this energy to focus on your desires because otherwise it can really bring in the drama, create short tempers and cause even more emotional outbursts.
For some nicer energies to round out this very drama filled day, the Leo Moon will trine Neptune in Pisces which will sensitize the imagination and emotions. We dream of our ideal life, especially with the right partner. There’s a lot of beauty in this energy where encounters are more than likely soul ties. We’ll be feeling more compassionate and understanding by the end of the day.
It’s interesting today. The image in my head as I wrote about it was a Matador instigating a bull. Red flags everywhere. Just keep that temperament in check and you’ll be alright. Happy Sunday!
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witchrog · 4 months
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Spunni av liv og død As we transition into Pisces season, this Monday, we move from the analytical and expansive energy of Aquarius to a more intuitive and fluid state of being. While Aquarius seeks to map out the complexities of the universe, Pisces embraces the unknown and adapts to the ever-changing currents of life. It represents fluidity, intuition, and a deep connection to the subconscious.
Like a experienced priestess performing with grace, prepared for any challenge, Pisces integrates diverse knowledge on an intuitive level. Yet, this sensitivity can sometimes lead to anxiety as Pisces absorbs external energies, including the fears and anxieties of others. It's important to discern between personal emotions and external influences.
With Saturn and Neptune currently in Pisces, there's a call to develop stronger intuition, deepen spiritual connections, and navigate the unknown with resilience. Pisces encourages moments of solitude to nurture what's incubating within, introspection, rituals inside our own Sacred Space.
Moreover, Pisces symbolizes hidden threats like viruses and unseen enemies, highlighting the importance of mental and spiritual well-being and protection. This season urges us to cultivate inner strength and awareness while staying attuned to the subtle energies that shape our experiences. Venus and Mars have departed from cthonic Capricorn and entered electric realm of Aquarius. These days are quintessentially Aquarian, where we liberate ourselves from societal norms, imposed rules, and interpersonal limitations.
During their journey through Aquarius, Venus and Mars both encounter the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, bringing deep and powerful transformations. Additionally, their challenging aspect with Uranus may cause disruptions, unexpcted change, and trigger breaking points in relationships, especially those that restrict our freedom and individiuality.
#incense #malewitch #astrology #malewithcesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #darkphotography #ritual #occult #darksouls #mars #Pluto #venuspluto #uranus #faeriemagazine #darkaesthetic #folkwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #aquarius #spirituality #venusmarsconjunction
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esshetic · 2 months
MARS IN PISCES : Water Rollercoaster
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Mars entered Pisces on the 22nd or 23rd of March, depending on where you are in the world. It is a time of change in focus and direction of energy!
Having been in the sign of Aquarius, where our focus was on the bigger picture, life felt zoomed out a little too far. Now it's time to zoom back in and get down to earth.
In deep sea, underwater, down-to-earth Pisces, our collective dreams and reality collide, and it does start to become more apparent how we are literally all the same and going through the same things at the same time.
Mars is our life force, our will, passion, sex drive, where we have courage and take initiative. Our relationship to our Mars placements may not be well-documented, explained, or easy to describe because we are in it most of the time and not observing it. Our Mars energy is second nature and instinctual, with not much time to think or feel.
Oh, the feels in Pisces! Mars will feel rather than act. Mars is commonly referred to as bringing action over an area of our life where it is placed in your natal chart, and in a transit, it will be used as a conductor of a specific energy and how we wish to direct that energy in a particular direction.
We are always living with our Mars in the moment, whether passive, assertive, or aggressive; we are in it all the time. How deep can you go? How deep can you dive into it?
Every action is Mars, including rest, boredom, or sleep, which is what we may enjoy doing more intentionally and finding joy in the minimal and mundane moments of life.
Mars in Pisces is asking us to take life moment to moment, breath from breath. Reality changes very fast, and let's move through it
Let's journey through the signs read for your Sun and Rising.
Aries, Mars will be asking you to move in flow in your 12 house however quickly the tide changes your only requirement is to move in it, dance in the rain and feel every moment without a filter of your mind.
Taurus Mars will be asking you in your 11th house to let it go, the plan the way you think the work is going to go, social intelligence, empathy and a winning smile is all the tools you need to get through your grueling schedule. Exchanging smiles will energise your light more than rest will.
Gemini Mars will be swimming around in circles in your 10th house, you are spinning your wheels and extending your energy just for the fun of it, you know you have nothing to prove right now its all fun, you have got your mojo back.
Cancer Mars is opening a heavy door into new progress with how you relate to others in your life. Those who sin differently to you are still worthy of your love Cancer, in your 9th house you are laying on the beach watching the waves lap on the shore. You have finally let it go.
Leo Mars will be dancing in your 8th house, and showing you the dance moves that you thought you could never learn, courage to learn, try fail and try again, this is a you moment, time with yourself well spent. You feel worried or anxious because you feel challenged and comfort zone threatened. This period you will learn to have trust in yourself.
Virgo Mars will be pulling you through your 7th house, there may be a lot of distractions trying to pull your directing away into a different path but Mars will give your mind a laser focus to mute out all the distractions and see yourself through to the finish line.
Libra Mars will be slow dancing in your 6th house, you may feel like being more active and doing something different like taking a Salsa dance class or pole dancing class, you may want to tap into your sensuality.
Scorpio Mars will be punching your 5th house, there is a lot of aggressive energy here with this transit in your 5th house, you will be expressing your anger more freely, the lesson is to see how you can channel the anger into something productive for you.
Sagittarius Mars will be swaying through your 4th house of your maternal energy you are someones guardian or you have a few people who are are responsible for their survival and ability to thrive, weather a mother or not you take the role of nurturer seriously and feel extremely proud about this.
Capricorn Mars will be hitting up your 3rd house I see an influx of communication and being front/ people facing, through networking or public speaking, this time you are being helped to have the courage to speak from your heart and not from your practical mind.
Aquarius Mars will be high five - ing your 2nd house there is not much information I am downloading about this transit for you, take the easy way out, chill, play video games, utilise this energy to play and not work you will thank yourself for it further down the line.
Pisces Mars will be closing out your 1st house, its an ending that this energy is helping you push that door shut, allow the feelings of grief to show up and even show out but the ending is final and fated don't want the old thing back. Focus on what God is doing in your life currently and not what has gone.
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