fxirysforesight · 45 minutes
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fxirysforesight · 2 days
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fxirysforesight · 2 days
SM got riize walking around here looking like some bomb pops 💀
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fxirysforesight · 3 days
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Riize Ideal Types
The Fool Rx, The Star Rx, The Devil Rx, 10 of Swords Rx
(Very interesting man, and very honest as well. So much Major Arcana here!)
Shotaro's ideal type is someone who has extensive experience in relationships, but has turned away from the idea of them with The Fool in Reverse. Someone who isn't exactly"new" to the whole dating scene. He may also like people who are independent or detached from him. Someone cold and aloof with the Devil in Rx here. I also see this as being someone who has a lot of power in a sense. Someone who isnt afraid to showcase their shadow side is also right up his alley. With The Star in Rx here, Shotaro may like people who have insecurities and are very forthcoming about them. Someone who is honest about their own shortcomings and flaws and works to improve them. He may like people who have a hard past? Someone who knows what it's like to struggle. I'm also seeing that he may find himself attracted to people who don't really have the best luck in love, OR people who don't really have faith in love with the Star in Reverse because with the 10 of Swords here, we can see that he may like to feel needed or like he has saved them, if that makes sense. Shotaro likes people who are unbothered. Someone who has been through it but bounced back from it like nobody's business. A leader of some sort, much like himself. He likes people he can relate to. All in all, Shotaro likes people who are real. Real humans, with real flaws, and real insecurities that don't mind him being a witness to them and would let him help them through them. He likes to be needed by his partner.
Potential Zodiac Signs: Saturn Dominant (Capricorn, Aquarius), Gemini, Pisces.
3 of Wands Rx, 4 of Wands, King of Wands, 7 of Cups
(Very sweet energy! So many Wands)
Sungchan may like people who feel familiar to him, because of this he may prefer to date traditionally or within his own culture with the 3 of Wands here because it signifies lack of expansion. This may also mean that he likes people who are grounded. People who arent too eager to run off and explore. People who like to remain in one place. With the 4 of Wands here he is definitely interested in committment from potential partners. Someone who eventually wants to settle down with him and start a family. He might like people who already have established their own social standing and foundation. Sungchan wants someone who dates to marry, just as he does. Sungchan also likes people who are dependable! On top of wanting to be able to trust this person, he wants someone who he can have fun with as well. Someone grounded but energetic and passionate as well is the right person for him. I also see Sungchan being a little picky with potential partners and he wants someone who feels the same way about him. He wants to be seen as his partners best option and wants someone who he feels the same way about because he values a true and genuine connection. Loyalty is also very important to him.
Potential Zodiac Signs: Heavy Aries, Scorpio, Cancer.
Knight of Coins, 5 of Swords, The World, The Star
(Good energy!)
Eunseok's ideal type is someone who is financially accommplished. They dont have to be rich but they likely have a decent enough financial status so as not be dependent on anyone. He likes people who are hardworking and patient. Someone who is careful and thinks things through is a good match for him. With the 5 of Swords here, he may find himself attracted to people who are intimidating. Someone who is outspoken and honest. Someone who doesnt take any shit from anyone. He may like people who he can argue or bicker with as well. Someone who ignites passion within him. With The World card here, Eunseok could be attracted to people who are foreign to him, people who come from a different walk of life or a different part of the world! He may be attracted to people who like to travel or explore. People who are successful seem to attract Eunseok, but not its' people who are successful, but people who WORKED for that success. He likes people with that Star quality about them. Charisma, Humility, Kindness. Eunseok could be attracted to people who have strong belief systems. This doesnt have to be religious ones although they can be, but he likes people who have their own moral code and values and stick to them! I'm also seeing that Eunseok may like people who give off an aura of naivety or childlike energy. He may like people who are younger than him for this reason.
Potential Zodiac Signs: Fixed Dominants, Specifically Scorpio (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius) Aquarius.
Knight of Swords, 2 of Cups, 3 of Pentacles Rx, The Hermit
(SO responsive and eager to share!)
Seunghan's ideal type is someone who is sharp witted! He may find himself attracted to people who can keep him on his toes. He likes the thrill. Someone with whom he never has a dull moment with. He likes people that are courageous, and smart, and exciting. Someone who always has an idea, always has a trick up their sleeve. Seunghan likes a leader! With the Two of Cups here, Seunghan may not be interested in a friendship before a relationship. He is the type of man where when he sees something he likes, he goes after it. if there is mutual attraction, he would want a relationship right away. With the 3 of Pentacles here, Seunghan may like people who DON'T want to commit to him. Someone who acts as if they arent interested in him. A Tsundere could be pretty close to his type! I said before how he likes the thrill. He would committment, but at the same time, he likes the thrill of having to work for it! With the Hermit here, Seunghan is an appreciator of duality in a partner. While he does like someone with a wild side, he also appreciates someone who knows how to turn that off and retreat into themselves for a period of introspection and recuperation.
Potential Zodiac Signs: Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo.
Queen of Swords, King of Coins, 2 of Wands Rx, The Sun
(Gives off babygirl energy!)
In true babygirl fashion, Wonbin's ideal type is someone who can take care of him.With the Queen of Swords here, Wonbin likes people who are self reliant and independent. He likes people who are full of vitality. People who are uplifting, supportive, and positive. He may enjoy being around people who have some form of artistic expression with the Sun here. The Queen of Swords is a protective person. Being ruled by Libra she is honest and fair which are qualities Wonbin appreciates in a partner. The Queen of Swords also represents an older woman, so Wonbin could be attracted to older women. With the King of Coins here, Wonbin may be interested in people who aree well off financially. They could have even accumulated generational wealth or be into investing! He likes people who are charitable and generous with their belongings. Wonbin is attracted to people who can provide for him. He may prefer someone with a good societal standing as well. They don't have to be famous but someone with a good status would be good for him. With the Two of Wands in Reverse here, Wonbin might like people who feel as though its better to be safe than sorry? People who don't take unneccessary risks. I also feel as though Wonbin would prefer someone who shows their love for him through gift giving and quality time. There are no cups here, so I don't think he would be the most emotional or romantic in a relationship, but he is practical and a good companion.
Potential Zodiac Signs: Libra, Taurus, Aries, Leo.
5 of Wands, 4 of Wands, The Hierophant Rx, 9 of Pentacles Rx
(A little tricky to read for, his thoughts are non cohesive and come out as blurbs instead of a full message but interesting nonetheless)
Sohee's ideal type is pretty interesting. Sohee likes people with layers, and he could have more than one type of person he finds himself attracted to. He could be attracted to people who are rebellious or chaotic. Someone unruly or someone who goes against the grain and does what they want. He may like people who come off as aggressive or assertive. With the 4 of Wands here, he is another member who may value committment from potential partners. Someone who eventually wants to settle down with him and start a family. Like Sungchan, he might like people who already have established their own social standing and foundation. However, with The Hierophant in Reverse here, it seems like committment (or atleast in its traditional sense) is not what Sohee is looking for! Nonetheless his goal seems to be stability rather than explicit commitment. He may also like people who are unconventional or foreign to him. With the 9 of Pentacles in Reverse it seems like Sohee likes people who knows what it feels like to struggle, specifically financially. This could be somebody who is in a constant state of hustling just to secure their own financial security.
Potential Zodiac Signs: Leo, Aries, Taurus, Virgo.
(Probably my favorite member to read for! His energy in readings is much like his energy in real life. Very soft and shy, his energy was all over the place, like he was nervous!)
Justice, The High Priestess, 4 of Wands, Knight of Coins
Anton's ideal type is someone who is honest and fair not only to him but to others as well. Someone who is aware of every single last one of their decisions and their outcomes. Someone who thinks things through and proceeds with the best possible outcome with everyone it affects in mind. Anton may like people who give off a mysterious aura. People who you just cant help but want to get to know. Someone who looks unnatainable. He may want to feel a spiritual or subconscious connection to his ideal type. Anton also seems to like people who have a strong feminine energy! With the 4 of Wands here, he values committment and loyalty and would like to date someone with the intention to eventually put down roots with them. Anton doesnt seem to be looking for anything that lacks stability, so he may find himself attracted to people who reciprocate a slow burn type of love towards him. One that takes a while to grow and eventually blossom. He isn't in a rush to get into a relationship and like Sungchan, would like to take his time to make sure it's genuine. Additionally, Anton may also like someone who is willing to put in the work, or meet him halfway when it comes to the relationship with the Knight of Pentacles. Someone who doesnt give up when it gets hard.
Potential Zodiac Signs: Libra, Cancer, Aries, Taurus.
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fxirysforesight · 4 days
SungTaro's Relationship Dynamic
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Disclaimer: This is all alleged! Neither parties have released their birth times yet so this may not be as accurate as we would like it to be so keep that in mind when reading this!
Sungchan's Approach to Relationships:
Leo Venus: Having a Leo Venus, Sungchan likely approaches people he's interested in confidently as he is attracted to people who exude that same amount of confidence. Leo Venus people like people who are "eye candy" In a platonic sense that can mean someone who is attractive but it can also mean someone whose aura just catches his and others' eyes. Emphasis on "others' eyes". Sungchan tends to gravitate towards people who are popular and sought after. Whether that be their job as a front desk agent answering calls and multitasking like a pro, or their job as an idol where they outperform everyone in their caliber. People who may have some ordinary talent like singing or dancing, but who are better at it than the average person. Someone who stands out. After the initial interest in the person solidifies, his Venus sign will begin to try to get close to that person by sharing his own interests and talents with that person in an attempt to impress them.
Cancer Moon: Having a Cancer Moon suggests Sungchan likely becomes affectionate or slightly clingy with people quickly after the initial interest of his Leo Venus solidifies. From there, he may naturally gravitate towards that person and put himself in situations where he has to be close to that person, even subconsciously bringing that person into his own personal "orbit" or "bubble". Cancer Moon natives usually take the "getting close" stage with people very seriously and often times with the right person they are able to get close to them very quickly due to the aforementioned observation.
Shotaro's Approach to Relationships:
Scorpio Moon: Having a Scorpio Moon, Shotaro may be someone who takes a while to get close to someone else emotionally and physically at the start of a relationship. Scorpio placements are typically very reserved, even more so when starting a relationship with someone they want to be around more and get to know better. And Scorpio placements just KNOW when that is the case, otherwise they won't bother to put in the effort to get to know someone. With Shotaro, when first meeting someone he likely goes on the defensive. Instead of being the one interrogated for questions, he is likely the one who asks a multitude of questions in an effort to get to know someone better. Eye contact and active listening may be a big indicator that he is interested in someone.
Capricorn Venus: Having a Capricorn Venus suggests that Shotaro is someone who takes relationships seriously. This placement combined with his Scorpio Moon indicates that he isn't someone who enjoys casual relationships and friendships. If he makes the effort to get to know someone he expects that same amount of effort in return. And he makes that effort with the intention to get close. If he senses that someone is not interested he will withdraw from them emotionally and physically and that person will only see the surface level of his personality. Capricorn Venus natives show their interest in someone by offering them help and advice especially with problems they may be having. Very very very practical people.
SungTaro's Dynamic:
Moon and Mercury in 7th House: This placement explains why Sungchan is basically attached to Shotaro's hip. If Sungchan is a Taurus Rising, that would put Shotaro's Moon and Mercury in his 7th House. Your 7th House is indicative of how you approach relationships as well as the type of people you attract and are attracted to. With Taro's Moon and Mercury in Sungchan's 7th House it indicates that Shotaro's forms of self expression are attractive to Sungchan. The way he expresses his feelings and emotions and the way he speaks is something Sungchan is drawn to. He may like his emotional depth and intensity (which I think Taro has a lot of considering his Scorpio placements and all of his Moon oppositions) This is also likely the reason Taro and Chan got so close to each other so fast and were able to form an emotional bond quickly, especially on Sungchan's end.
Moon in 1st House: If Taro is indeed a Cancer Rising like I think he is, Sungchan's Moon would be in his First House, indicating an immediate emotional connection in which Sungchan feels emotionally satisfied and safe around Shotaro. He feels as though his emotions are understood and accepted by Shotaro. Cancer Moon natives are clingy and possessive in general, that much is obvious. But Sungchan having his Moon fall into Taro's first house indicates that he feels extremely comfortable with Taro, enough to want him around and to BE around him often. That's why we always see Sungchan gravitating towards Shotaro and getting really close and affectionate with Taro. And why we see Taro doing the same to Sungchan and initiating affection with him as well. It can indicate "accidentally" getting too close with someone just because you aren't even consciously aware of how comfortable they make you feel and that you are drawn to them. This energy is more potent since Chan's Moon is in the sign of its Rulership.
Sungchan's Libra Mercury in Taro's 4th House: Even back during their NCT days, I noticed that Sungchan had this habit of always making sure Taro is taken care of before himself and making sure that Shotaro was comfortable and felt included in whatever they were doing, more than some the older members of the group. This is a result of his Libra Mercury wanting establish peace, balance, and fairness in all situations, and his Mercury falling in Taro's 4th House, wanting to make him feel comfortable and safe. Which makes complete sense when you remember that Sungchan learned Japanese for Shotaro when they joined NCT together since Shotaro was still learning Korean (which is another reason why I'm 100% sure Sungchan's love language is Acts of Service).
Sungchan's Venus in Shotaro's 2nd House: The 2nd House talks about your possessions and the material things that you value, but it also talks about how you FEEL value and what makes you feel validated. For Shotaro, if he is a Cancer Ascendant, praise and compliments may make him feel valued as his 2nd House would be in Leo. Sungchan's Leo Venus being in that house satisfies Shotaro's desire to be praised, and Sungchan's desire to praise and validate the people he cares about. I also want to mention that the ruler of Shotaro's 2nd House is the Sun which would be in his 6th House, which indicates that he likes to hear praise about his work ethic, his skills, and his talents that he utilizes and puts effort into in order to succeed. And we already know how often Sungchan praises Taro's dancing.
Shotaro's Libra Mars in Sungchan's 6th House: If Sungchan is a Taurus ASC this would Taro's Libra Mars in his 6th House. This placement would indicate that Shotaro is a huge source of Sungchan's inspiration and motivation to do what he does. Shotaro's passion and desire to go after what he wants is attractive and ideal to Sungchan as a partner, colleague, and friend. This placement gives them really good work chemistry because they motivate each other to do better and they share their own talents, tips, and tricks with each other.
Last But Not Least;
Sungchan's Capricorn Mars in Shotaro's 7th House (And Taro has a Capricorn Venus): I said before how your 7th House is indicative of the type of people you are attracted to and the type of people you attract. With Shotaro's 7th House (Possibly) and Venus being in Capricorn, Shotaro attracts and is attracted to people who dote on him and people who take care of him in a practical manner. I've noticed that Sungchan in particular has a habit of dishing Taro's food out for him, opening his drinks and snack, moving his hands away when he's doing something so that he can do it for him, and things of that nature. And Shotaro NEVER stops him. This is because Sungchan's Mars is in Capricorn, indicating that he likely has a dominant and assertive approach to relationships, romantic and platonic and Taro has a Capricorn Venus indicating that he may be fond of this type of behavior from others.
Overall, I really like SungTaro! Their personalities as well as their needs and desires in relationships compliment each other so well.
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fxirysforesight · 4 days
Sungtaro Relationship Dynamic Coming Tomorrow! And then I'm back to working on game asks!
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fxirysforesight · 4 days
I always see so many riize tarot and astrology blogs say that Sungchan would be least likely to date a foreigner? Why is that?
Why Sungchan is the Riize member LEAST likely to date a foreigner (Based on Astrology):
Cancer Moon and Moon Conjunct Juno: It is highly likely that the opinion of his family, especially his mother, is an important deciding factor for him when looking for a partner. It may even be a deal-breaker for him in which he wouldn't even consider making it official with his partner BEFORE getting the approval of his mother. Cancer Moon men in particular also tend to gravitate towards women who remind them of their mother so subconsciously Sungchan may tend to drift more towards women who fall on the more traditional end of the spectrum just because it feels familiar and comfortable to him. And Cancer placements are all about their comfort.
Leo Venus: This placement indicates that Sungchan has a desire to feel validated for his choice in who he picks as a partner. He may be the type of person to ask his male friends if they like his partner or if they think that they're attractive and whatnot because it feeds his own ego to know that people find the person HE is with attractive, and to know that they are sought after by others.
Venus Opposite Uranus: This aspect indicates that Sungchan may be curious about interracial relationships but his fear of the unexpected or the unknown always stops him from pursuing them. He has a hard time stepping out of his comfort zone when it comes to pursuing romantic interests and therefore stays where he knows he is safe.
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fxirysforesight · 5 days
after reading your riize rising reading, i am now begging for a reading on shotaro & sungchan's dynamic. PLEASE 🧎‍♀️
I got you!
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fxirysforesight · 5 days
OMGGGGGG HI!!! I’m a fan of your reading!! I love your astrology post too!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
HI!!! Thank you so much! I'm a big fan of your readings as well <333
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fxirysforesight · 5 days
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Guessing Riize's Rising Signs - UPDATED 4/22/24. After watching more content about them and hearing them talk about themselves more I had to change my opinion about their Ascendant Signs.
Shotaro - Cancer. At first I was willing to jump for Gemini which would make his chart ruler Scorpio Mercury in the 6th House and as sure as I am about his Scorpio placements being evident, I'm not willing to bet that his Chart Ruler is Mercury. So instead I raise you, Cancer Rising, chart ruler Scorpio Moon in 5th. Appearance-wise he has stereotypical Cancer features. Large sparkly eyes, "Moon" or wide and soft facial features, full lips. Personality wise, Shotaro seems to be very reflective and observant but also playful and kind but stern. Cancer. This would also make sense given the fact that all of the members of his group gravitate towards him as a sense of protection or comfort even though he isnt the leader. Like a mom.
Eunseok - Virgo. He's gorgeous. He has a very simple but elegant look about him. Cool eyes, chiseled face similar to Capricorn but Virgo ASC has a softer and more "feminine" look to it, which makes their chins appear smaller (Think S.Coups and San as opposed to Zac Efron and James Franco) In addition to his appearance, Eunseok's most noticeable trait is his speech and the wayward stuff he says. So Pisces Mercury Chart Ruler makes sense to me. Chart ruler Pisces Mercury in 7th? Yes.
Sungchan - Taurus. I'm 99% sure of this guys. Tall and sturdy build, wide upper body, strong nose and large nostrils, full lips. Chart ruler Leo Venus in 4th? Yes. Also if Sungchan was a Taurus Rising, that would put Taro's Moon and Mercury in his 7th House. (Which would explain why he's always all up on my man. 🙄)
Wonbin - Aquarius. I don't have an explanation I just feel it. Especially with his Mercury in his 1st house, and I've noticed that with Wonbin his face always says it before his mouth does. Remember the pictures that surfaced of him after they got mobbed at the airport? Yeah. Also His MC would be in Scorpio and we learned from Anton that Wonbin's "I'm not cute I'm cool" persona was created by the man himself.
Anton - Taurus. What could make our Aries Stellium boy so quiet yet so sassy? If his Aries Stellium was in a mutable house. I thought that maybe Anton was a Pisces Rising at first but now I see him as more of a Taurus Rising with his Aries Stellium in the 12th House. The different between Chan's Taurus ASC and Anton's Taurus ASC is that Chan's Taurus ASC is ruled by Leo which is a very confident and passionate sign, having him express his Leonine qualities outwardly. Anton's Taurus ASC is ruled by Taurus which is a very mellow, chill, and relaxed sign, which is why Anton's Taurean expression is so prominent. Slow and elegant physical movements, his love for food, and the drawn out and slow way he speaks. He is also very well spoken and poetic as his Mercury would be in the 12th House which makes sense with this placement as well. So chart ruler Venus in 1st House. Yes. ALSO! I've noticed that Pisces and 12th House placements are very sentimental. Hueningkai with his plushies and Anton with his Collectables.
Sohee - Gemini. Sohee is the only other member that I am not too confident in nor do I have a proper explanation for as I feel like he is such a wildcard of a person. He surprises me every time which is why I think he's a mutable rising. Sag Mercury Chart Ruler? Yes.
Seunghan - Aries . No explanation needed. But in all honesty, an Aries Rising would give him masculine cutting edge facial features but some oppositions from his Libra placements would soften that up giving him a nice balance of masculine and feminine features which we can see he has. It would also put his chart ruler in the 12th House and we know that Seunghan has these moments where he is very excitable and passionate and then he withdraws and sits by himself in the corner. The conflicting energies of Mars in the 12th House and his Libra placements craving balance would make sense here. He is also the member that took the longest in getting close with everyone which would also make this make sense. So chart ruler Pisces Mars in 12th. Yes.
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fxirysforesight · 5 days
My Theory on The Recent Misfortunes in Kpop
This K-pop Era is something else. Parasocial relationships are crumbling due to the increase in relationships being revealed, entertainment and news companies are being sued back to back, the public images of celebrities are being shattered due to their past misdeeds, and the big leagues are slowly crumbling.
A large portion of this is the result of Pluto having recently moved into Aquarius, testing the stability and boundaries of fame and fortune while also shedding dead weight and bringing light to the dark side of the entertainment industry.
Right now, the event chart for K-pop has Pisces Mars, Neptune, and Saturn transiting its 7th House indicating a focus on relationships, businesses, partnerships, and the overall harmony and balance. When Neptune crosses your 7th House it can indicate a lot of sneaky and shady behavior occurring. Even more so because right now, Neptune is currently conjunct Mercury in that chart which alludes to false claims, lies, deception, etc. Similar to in a Natal Chart where it can indicate being cheated on by a partner or being slighted in some way by someone else, it can take on the same meaning in an event chart where romantic relationships are not the focus, meaning this could be a betrayal in a partnership or a business. Mars is a planet of drive and ambition.
Mars always pushes it’s limits and tests the boundaries, oftentimes creating power struggles and sort of “lighting a fire under” previous issues as it is a planet that gives people the courage to bring up issues that have been sat on for a while combined with Neptune. Now I will say that Mars is already in the 7th House in Pisces in the Chart of K-pop. Highlighting the instability of the relationships and partnerships formed through it. With it now returning to its place in the 7th House it’s sort of like it’s coming back to bite them in the ass if that makes sense. Now Saturn is nobodies bitch. Where Saturn is at, is where Karma will be dealt. So with it being in the 7th House, that would be failing businesses and partnerships, the ending of relationships, etc. (especially with Mars here)
“But Zana! Why are all of these companies being sued?”
Great question. If you look at the chart, the ASC ruler which is Mercury is currently transiting the 8th House which rules defamation. If you take that and combine it with the fact that the Sun is also in the House (indicating that the “Spotlight” is being cast on that House, as well as the fact that Mercury is square Uranus which is the ruler of the 6th House (which rules Litigations) you get some not so fun things.
Now as for WHY? I said before how the 8th House rules Defamation which is already a big problem in the industry right now. But not everyone is going to be sued for defamation. The other possibility I see is being sued for theft, fraud, and laundering because the Ruler of the 8th House (And the 8th House ruled money you get from OTHER PEOPLE) which is Mars is currently in the 7th House in Pisces…which speaks for itself as per my explanation of Mars in Pisces in the 7th House in the beginning.
I’ll end this with a prediction. In a few days The Sun will enter Capricorn in the 9th House and will be Sextile Saturn. Where it will join Jupiter and Venus. We may see an increase in global expansion from a few companies such as branching out and building other locations in different cities and countries. It’s also possible that we may see more deals and acquisitions being made as well. We could also see the emergence of a global boy or girl group.
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fxirysforesight · 6 days
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Guessing Riize's Rising Signs - UPDATED 4/22/24. After watching more content about them and hearing them talk about themselves more I had to change my opinion about their Ascendant Signs.
Shotaro - Cancer. At first I was willing to jump for Gemini which would make his chart ruler Scorpio Mercury in the 6th House and as sure as I am about his Scorpio placements being evident, I'm not willing to bet that his Chart Ruler is Mercury. So instead I raise you, Cancer Rising, chart ruler Scorpio Moon in 5th. Appearance-wise he has stereotypical Cancer features. Large sparkly eyes, "Moon" or wide and soft facial features, full lips. Personality wise, Shotaro seems to be very reflective and observant but also playful and kind but stern. Cancer. This would also make sense given the fact that all of the members of his group gravitate towards him as a sense of protection or comfort even though he isnt the leader. Like a mom.
Eunseok - Virgo. He's gorgeous. He has a very simple but elegant look about him. Cool eyes, chiseled face similar to Capricorn but Virgo ASC has a softer and more "feminine" look to it, which makes their chins appear smaller (Think S.Coups and San as opposed to Zac Efron and James Franco) In addition to his appearance, Eunseok's most noticeable trait is his speech and the wayward stuff he says. So Pisces Mercury Chart Ruler makes sense to me. Chart ruler Pisces Mercury in 7th? Yes.
Sungchan - Taurus. I'm 99% sure of this guys. Tall and sturdy build, wide upper body, strong nose and large nostrils, full lips. Chart ruler Leo Venus in 4th? Yes. Also if Sungchan was a Taurus Rising, that would put Taro's Moon and Mercury in his 7th House. (Which would explain why he's always all up on my man. 🙄)
Wonbin - Aquarius. I don't have an explanation I just feel it. Especially with his Mercury in his 1st house, and I've noticed that with Wonbin his face always says it before his mouth does. Remember the pictures that surfaced of him after they got mobbed at the airport? Yeah. Also His MC would be in Scorpio and we learned from Anton that Wonbin's "I'm not cute I'm cool" persona was created by the man himself.
Anton - Taurus. What could make our Aries Stellium boy so quiet yet so sassy? If his Aries Stellium was in a mutable house. I thought that maybe Anton was a Pisces Rising at first but now I see him as more of a Taurus Rising with his Aries Stellium in the 12th House. The different between Chan's Taurus ASC and Anton's Taurus ASC is that Chan's Taurus ASC is ruled by Leo which is a very confident and passionate sign, having him express his Leonine qualities outwardly. Anton's Taurus ASC is ruled by Taurus which is a very mellow, chill, and relaxed sign, which is why Anton's Taurean expression is so prominent. Slow and elegant physical movements, his love for food, and the drawn out and slow way he speaks. He is also very well spoken and poetic as his Mercury would be in the 12th House which makes sense with this placement as well. So chart ruler Venus in 1st House. Yes. ALSO! I've noticed that Pisces and 12th House placements are very sentimental. Hueningkai with his plushies and Anton with his Collectables.
Sohee - Gemini. Sohee is the only other member that I am not too confident in nor do I have a proper explanation for as I feel like he is such a wildcard of a person. He surprises me every time which is why I think he's a mutable rising. Sag Mercury Chart Ruler? Yes.
Seunghan - Aries . No explanation needed. But in all honesty, an Aries Rising would give him masculine cutting edge facial features but some oppositions from his Libra placements would soften that up giving him a nice balance of masculine and feminine features which we can see he has. It would also put his chart ruler in the 12th House and we know that Seunghan has these moments where he is very excitable and passionate and then he withdraws and sits by himself in the corner. The conflicting energies of Mars in the 12th House and his Libra placements craving balance would make sense here. He is also the member that took the longest in getting close with everyone which would also make this make sense. So chart ruler Pisces Mars in 12th. Yes.
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fxirysforesight · 6 days
also the fact that kpop deliberately keeps putting these young individuals out into the spotlight so early on, i mean half the newer groups are twice as young as myself and its mindboggling really how they expect these idols to handle their public image ar such a young age. i do pity them in a lot of cases esp hyunjin of skz. they have stopped debuting middle to older age idols thus these newer idols are more likely to suffer mentally bc of the backlash they get even if they done nothing wrong. honestly the internet is one of the worst and most useful tools to come from society and its just spiralling out of control bc ppl arent kind online. its way past the point of no one being accountable for the internet users behaviours
I hate hate hate the fact that Kpop is letting these little ass kids debut. Half of them are younger than my OWN younger siblings and it's a terrible realization to come to when you know what previous generations have gone through and had to endure. The internet is handy but it is in fact a terrible little corner of this world. It gives sick minded people the initiative they need to be disgusting. And I know for a FACT that most of those people wouldn't even have the balls to say half of the things they say online to these peoples faces. People need to undergo background checks in order to be able to use the internet.
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fxirysforesight · 6 days
i wouldnt say they were crumbling just thats what occurs when celebs or idols date and its not them or their fans. its how it is nowadays, happened with elvis in the 50s and that was before the internet. now with the internet their fan bases behaviour is out of companies control so its much worse if idols do or dont date publicly and either way neither the idol nor the fans would be happy with whoever they end up with, the idol wouldnt be happy due to backlash and the fans wont be happy bc its not them thats controlling the situations of the idols personal life if that makes any sense?
I get what you're saying but that is precisely why I said that the relationships are crumbling. There's a difference between being upset that your celebrity crush is dating someone that isn't you, and going out of your way to harass both parties and end that relationship because you're upset that it isn't you. I can't think of too many western celebrities that have ended their relationships because their fans didn't agree with it.
Or ones that have been afraid to reveal their 5 year long relationships because they are afraid of the ridicule they would get. That type of power play only exists in Korean Entertainment. I said that they were crumbling because of how many people are starting to "unstan" groups or specific members because their "true colors" are being shown due to the revelations of their relationships (Like Aespa's Karina) OR due to the nature of their personalities when dealing with trivial situations (Like Han So Hee). People are starting to realize that these are just regular people at the end of the day.
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fxirysforesight · 6 days
My Theory on The Recent Misfortunes in Kpop
This K-pop Era is something else. Parasocial relationships are crumbling due to the increase in relationships being revealed, entertainment and news companies are being sued back to back, the public images of celebrities are being shattered due to their past misdeeds, and the big leagues are slowly crumbling.
A large portion of this is the result of Pluto having recently moved into Aquarius, testing the stability and boundaries of fame and fortune while also shedding dead weight and bringing light to the dark side of the entertainment industry.
Right now, the event chart for K-pop has Pisces Mars, Neptune, and Saturn transiting its 7th House indicating a focus on relationships, businesses, partnerships, and the overall harmony and balance. When Neptune crosses your 7th House it can indicate a lot of sneaky and shady behavior occurring. Even more so because right now, Neptune is currently conjunct Mercury in that chart which alludes to false claims, lies, deception, etc. Similar to in a Natal Chart where it can indicate being cheated on by a partner or being slighted in some way by someone else, it can take on the same meaning in an event chart where romantic relationships are not the focus, meaning this could be a betrayal in a partnership or a business. Mars is a planet of drive and ambition.
Mars always pushes it’s limits and tests the boundaries, oftentimes creating power struggles and sort of “lighting a fire under” previous issues as it is a planet that gives people the courage to bring up issues that have been sat on for a while combined with Neptune. Now I will say that Mars is already in the 7th House in Pisces in the Chart of K-pop. Highlighting the instability of the relationships and partnerships formed through it. With it now returning to its place in the 7th House it’s sort of like it’s coming back to bite them in the ass if that makes sense. Now Saturn is nobodies bitch. Where Saturn is at, is where Karma will be dealt. So with it being in the 7th House, that would be failing businesses and partnerships, the ending of relationships, etc. (especially with Mars here)
“But Zana! Why are all of these companies being sued?”
Great question. If you look at the chart, the ASC ruler which is Mercury is currently transiting the 8th House which rules defamation. If you take that and combine it with the fact that the Sun is also in the House (indicating that the “Spotlight” is being cast on that House, as well as the fact that Mercury is square Uranus which is the ruler of the 6th House (which rules Litigations) you get some not so fun things.
Now as for WHY? I said before how the 8th House rules Defamation which is already a big problem in the industry right now. But not everyone is going to be sued for defamation. The other possibility I see is being sued for theft, fraud, and laundering because the Ruler of the 8th House (And the 8th House ruled money you get from OTHER PEOPLE) which is Mars is currently in the 7th House in Pisces…which speaks for itself as per my explanation of Mars in Pisces in the 7th House in the beginning.
I’ll end this with a prediction. In a few days The Sun will enter Capricorn in the 9th House and will be Sextile Saturn. Where it will join Jupiter and Venus. We may see an increase in global expansion from a few companies such as branching out and building other locations in different cities and countries. It’s also possible that we may see more deals and acquisitions being made as well. We could also see the emergence of a global boy or girl group.
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fxirysforesight · 8 days
Thank you!!! <333
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fxirysforesight · 8 days
I could NEVER! But thank you so much! <33
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