#The teens just happened to walk by the diner and saw the date
llumimoon · 1 year
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Happy Valentines Day!! <33 Have a cute little Oakworthy date hehehe
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anystalker707 · 1 year
When we kill all our friends
Pairing: Party Poison x [gender neutral] Reader Word count: ~ 3 900 Genre: Angst / Comfort Summary: It's been bitter years since anyone saw the Fabulous Four, but it seems like Party Poison is inviting you to deal with them again.
Requested by anon ["can i request some angst/comfort for Gerard? just looking for that type of comfort run"]
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         No one ever promised it would be easy and, with a simple look, it was clear things weren’t easy either way. What were you supposed to feel when the life expectancy was reduced to shreds and even fucking robots fought for better living conditions? Life wasn’t about worrying about studying, starting a family, having fun with friends like it seemed to show on the old magazines you’d find—it was still hard to believe people would be around buying cars just for whims, having more houses than necessary and living monotonous lives—which didn’t date to long ago, horrifyingly.
Life now was guided by the youth. The damn kids, teens and young adults running around and trying to fix the future with their own hands before the industry shot them down like a plague. It was about living to the max while you still ran around the desert on your own feet. Seeing people of yours fall repeatedly.
You sighed as you took off your boots and threw them somewhere near the wardrobe, then sat on the bed. A shaky breath escaped your lips at the same time the bed creaked, absurdly loud. The place was more welcoming before, always with the sound of the other killjoys fucking around and with random stuff enough so it wouldn’t have that annoying echo. Whatever.
An itch made you rub the back of your hand against your cheek, and the unexpected sticky texture made you cringe. If you’d known the blood had gotten that far, you’d have cleaned it before it got that sticky because wasting water to clean some stupid Drac’s blood is a stupid luxury.
You decided to leave that aside for now since the tiredness already clung to your muscles, and collapsed back to the bed, observing the little polaroids taped to the wall beside the bed. Looking at those was like a relief. Gas. Motivation to keep going. Like a fighter being encouraged by their manager in between rounds. One of the pictures had the five of you and the Girl, trying to pose like families in the old magazines you would find, something that didn’t work quite well. Another had Jet fixing Trans Am. The next one had Kobra posing next to his bike with the Girl. Party on the diner’s roof. You painting. You and Jet working on Trans AM. Sleepovers. Party and you—
Knock knock knock.
Who could that fucking be? Already short before the sun sets and the Scarecrows were out? Low complaints escaped your lips as you walked to the door and it was a surprise to see Val fucking Velocity there, with his mates behind him.
“What do you want?” You leaned against the doorway with crossed arms and yawned. Val had that stupid flaming red hair and messy clothes as if he just walked out of a clasp with an Exterminator.
Val growled angrily and looked at you from behind that mask as if looks could kill, hands clenched into fists. “I want that friend of yours to stay out of the way! They keep thinking they got the strength of a thousand men just to ruin the whole battle and run off as if nothing happened!” His voice was sharp as he shouted in your face, arms moving around according to his words, and it was almost the same as... Well, not gonna comment on that. The red hair was enough. That new generation of killjoys didn’t even seem new at all.
You raised an eyebrow. “Friend? Look, I don’t even—”
“I don’t wanna hear it!” He clicked his tongue and looked away. “Look, if they ruin another clasp, I’m killing them on sight! I don’t care if they’re like a legend or something, it’ll be like dusting off an old dog! It’s no use if they don’t help at all! Get it?”
You rolled your eyes with a sharp exhale. “First of all, I’m the one dusting you if you come here the next time to yell at my face like that! You’re gonna leave this zone not even remembering your own name! You hear me? Who do you think you are? How did you even find me?”
Val was the one to roll eyes this time, giving your words as much credit as to those random ‘joys from around the desert who preach about the return of a god, already on his way back to his bike with his friends, who seem as happy as him. “How did I find you? Easy thing if you’re not a fool! Y’know what they say, (k/n)! You can sleep in a coffin, but the past ain’t through with you!”
And they rode off, leaving you with the silence and the setting sun. Right. How far did the info that you were still in the diner despite it being partially destroyed spread around? It better not have fallen in the wrong hands. Either way, you had a bigger problem at the moment.
         “(K/n), my kid! What brings you here?” Dr. D greeted you with that same smile from always, wheeling to the cooler to grab you your favorite soda. You caught it when he tossed the can. “Wanna make an announcement again?”
“Ah, no!” You shook your head and took off your jacket with a relieved sigh, tossing it on the couch. The heat out there was especially harsh today. Or maybe the anxiety buzzing under your skin was getting the best of you, so the cold drink Dr. D offered you was the best thing ever. Just feeling the cold can in your palm through the fingerless leather gloves was already pleasing. “I am here to look for something! Or someone, better say!”
A sigh escaped your lips and you nodded, opening the can carefully so you won’t waste a drop. “Have you heard anything about Poison?”
Dr. D furrowed his eyebrows and you could sense the perplexed gaze from under those dark sunglasses. He swallowed and cleaned his throat. Oh, how you hated going through that. “Poison?” His voice was almost like he was saying a secret. “As in Part—”
“Yeah, them!” You nodded and took a gulp of the cold drink, feeling it go down your throat, cold and refreshing. Almost painful. “Heard about their whereabouts?”
He sighed and moved over to his table, where all his radio stuff was, and went through some papers. “Something happened?”
“That bastard’s slandering my name, I think. Some weeks ago, Chow Mein didn’t let me buy anything because, apparently, some person was using my name when getting stuff and only one person knows my dealings with Chow!” You clicked your tongue, leaning back against the wall. “I also received a note about a debt that isn’t mine. Yesterday, Val Velocity showed up threatening me because of them. I might need to have a word with them.”
That was so off. Party usually didn’t want anything to do with you, but now, it was like they were sending you invitations to go after them. It had been some bitter years since you’d seen their face.
Dr. D cleaned his throat as he wheeled back to you, still with that odd vibe. “There’s not much, kid. They didn’t just disappear to you. I suspect they’re just going by a different name now, though. You might want to check this out.”
The paper had messy handwriting on it. Hopeless Deathwish — Zone 2, Route Bella Muerte, Mile 74. “Hopeless Deathwish,” you mumbled the words. They didn’t feel strange, but you couldn’t quite grasp what they related to.
         Whatever that place was, it was in a dangerous Zone that you didn’t risk going to unless you really needed it. As much as you were a potency in the desert, you weren’t more than one. You could handle a few Dracs or an Exterminator, but not both at once, so the idea of facing whoever Hopeless Deathwish was sat in the back of your mind until you randomly remembered it when crossing Zone 2 on your way to Battery city. Maybe you’d make a stop on the way back.
BLI had a specific criteria regarding how to deal with killjoys that entered the city. They’d just spend their energy actually chasing you if you’d bring them some sort of reward in the population’s eyes. Being there was dangerous for you only if they actually knew you were you because, fuck, can you imagine? (K/n) from the past generation of killjoys, now down, only one to go—all over electronic billboards and newspapers. The changes that happened through the years guaranteed you a disguise that was enough to walk through the streets of Battery City unless you faced a dedicated Exterminator.
You sighed as you hopped off your bike and looked around. The city was still full of robots begging for out-of-line parts or preaching about the robot you saw dead in the middle of the desert. It wasn’t much of a new thing anymore and you’d already grown thick skin not to care about stuff you couldn’t change directly.
Wednesday afternoons were never really agitated. People and droids were on their jobs or studying, so it was pretty calm to go around avoiding the occasional Dracs that guaranteed the public peace. Usually, the city had a lot more shadows than the desert, so it was somewhat nicer to walk around; your jacket didn’t make you peel off your skin. There were even air conditioners. Not to mention how Battery city had a particularly heavier vibe today with the slightly colder wind rushing through the city announcing an oncoming acid rain that would, for sure, only hit the city before it extinguished. Hopefully you’d enjoy a little bit of the rain.
The store that you walked in had an air-conditioner, in fact, causing the temperature to change pleasingly when you walk past the door and under the fanning, cold air. A lingering perfume among the characteristic smell of new plastic hovers in the air, and you wonder if the shop just received a new shipment of robotic parts. Hopefully, they did, and also the exact ones that you need. Glass counters and displays show the pieces and parts with price tags, only a preview of what you may find in all of the isles further in the white place, divided in areas destined for used and also brand new pieces. People’s soft talking falls incoherent under the ambient music playing from the speakers on the white roofs.
“Good afternoon!” A person shows up out of random with a smile and white clothes contrasting to the store’s logo printed on the chest pocket. “What would you be looking for today?”
“Um, hey.” You sighed, finally tearing your gaze away from all the displays. “I need these.”
Everything was listed on the paper you gave them. Their motions were almost robotic as they read it all, and you wondered what generation of droid that was—probably an older one, even if they didn’t seem any older than 25 years old. “Follow me!”
You ended up with a basket full of goods more expensive than you imagined. Seemed like you wouldn’t be able to take all of it, but... what if? Dismissing the droid that helped you out with a few ‘thank you’s, you waited in the line to check out. Everyone was busy, right? You grabbed some of the smallest droid pieces in your palm, pretending to look around as you slipped it in your pocket and— The droid from the other line was... watching you... Well, it was just a packer, maybe they wouldn’t do anything, right? Right?
Gulping, you walked ahead on the line, but froze when you saw the cashier look at you. Despite the sweet smile, there was something that didn’t sit right. The packer from the other line still looked at you. The packer from your line looked at you. The other cashier looked at you.
Well fuck.
You just pocketed everything you could and took your gun in hand before you started sprinting out of the shop, ignoring the screams of the civilians. Droids weren’t running after you, and you hated knowing that was because they simply didn’t need to. Curses escaped your lips under your breath while you ran down the streets and hoped not to run into any Drac at least until you reached your bike. The wind was colder now. Some pieces dropped and hit the concrete with a metallic sound, but the most important ones were in the bottom of the pockets, so it wasn’t exactly important holding them while you ran.
Just a little more and you’d get to your bike, just another turn and— Fucking Korse— Wait, Korse? With a couple Dracs behind him?
Your eyes almost jump out when you run into the Scarecrow who you thought to be dead already—did they replace him with a droid as well or something? Whatever it was, you didn’t want to find out, immediately turning on your heels to try and run around the block, but there were fucking five Dracs closing the other side of the street. Fuck off, that wasn’t going to be easy.
The gun aimed at the Dracs, shooting down one of them before the shots started coming from behind and you had to try to hide behind a billboard near the bus stop could so you could focus on only one side first, but it didn’t exactly seem helpful because the distance between you and them didn’t give you time enough.
No, it was impossible that you’d die there. For such a damn stupid reason. They must’ve noticed you were you already since they even sent Korse in a way-too-well-thought trap because they knew where you’d head to, they knew where your bike was. Goddamnit. Your hands shook as you pressed the trigger more and more, fruitlessly trying to take the Drac’s down with a failing aim. Your end was—
“You’re still alive, egghead? Damn, what a shame, I really thought I’d been the one to kill yah!” A voice said before one of the Dracs that followed Korse dropped to the ground with a shot on their back, and Korse turned around with wide eyes. You widened your eyes too because you remembered that voice quite well, you’d recognize it even in a thousand years. Its owner, on the other hand, seemed not to care as they kept shooting at Korse and you used the distraction to deal with the other Dracs and you could run away while you could, but you decided to stand there to get at least a glimpse of them.
Korse received a kick on his side before someone ran off and you furrowed your eyebrows, almost gasping. Black hair, really? Black clothes, only? Some drops of rain already started to stain the ground by the moment you started to run after them, gun in hand and glancing back to make sure Korse wasn’t making you guys company.
No way they didn’t know you were following. It was as if they dared you to stop because the direction was opposite to your bike, after all. You didn’t mean to stop. Your chance was right there.
All the running already had your lungs aching, but it didn’t stop you from trying to fill them to the max and scream as hard as you could.
Rain announced itself in a loud sound of thick, strong drops hitting against the roofs of the buildings nearby until it was there, enveloping the two of you coldly.
“POISON!” You screamed again and then once more, fighting against how muffled your voice sounded as the rain soaked the ground and you as well, resounding loudly and muffling any other sound. Your muscles ached already, burning as they threatened to give up under each hard step, but the sight of a car in the distance made you run even faster. When you reached them, you couldn’t stop in time, hence you ended up pressing them to the car by tripping over your feet, but that didn’t discourage you.
You make them turn around, holding onto their collar as you gaze into eyes that seem so familiar yet so strange at the same time, your gun falling to the ground now, carelessly. It’s the same face that you know from all those years, but now framed by soaked black hair that feels so off and new scars kissed by the rain that justify one of their eyes that lost its hazel color to a whitish one.
“Why?!” You could feel yourself screaming without meaning to. “After all this time! Why?!”
Party looked at you, blinking a couple of times, then turned their face away while trying to push your hands off them. “Not now!”
Fire seems to burn in your body despite the ice-cold rain that falls, making your clothes and hair cling to your skin and ruin a great part of the stuff you have in your pockets. “If not now, then when, you bastard? I—”
“Stop right there!” Korse stood there again, making you two curse while looking at him and the scene was way too familiar.
A rainy night. Fallen killjoys. Your heart felt as if it could rip out of your chest just by how strong it was beating.
“No!” You screamed, feeling fire burn in your veins again as you let go of Party to face him bare-fisted, sending him down with a single punch despite the gun that pointed at you. “You will not take me alive, you hear me?” The rain was still deafening, muffling whatever Party told you as you pinned Korse to the ground so you could punch him more. “You took them, but not me! I’m still here!” The screams were guttural, with little regard to how your vocal cords or your knuckles with the punches that hit his face and you wondered more about Korse’s robotic nature seeing no blood, but there was no time to conclude anything before you were being dragged back.
“You’re still the fucking same! Insane!” Party complained as they dragged you until they were able to throw you in the car. “We need to leave! I’m sure you don’t need to die here!” They closed the door to the car and rushed over to the other side, grumbling as they started Trans AM as fast as they could and speeded out of the place with screeching tires.
It felt so silent inside the car. The raindrops hit the windows and roof in muffled tapping sounds while the engine hummed under you, something that was quite luring and calming, opposing the feelings that bubbled in your veins. Your lungs still screamed for air as you sat there, replaying the recent events in your mind, hands aching. In the end, your bike was being left behind—your bike, originally Kobra’s—, probably to be stolen by a robot or taken by the Industry. You looked at the streets in front of you before your gaze averted to Party. It was like seeing the same painting from years ago with a frame that didn’t match it at all.
“...Why are you here?” You asked, shaking your head lightly. “After all those years—”
“Wrong place, wrong timing.” Party sighed, eyes on the road and knuckles going white around the steering wheel.
“That’s not it!” You sighed. “You left without saying anything! No reason to leave, and now you had no reason to come back! Sending me those stupid little hints! What’s happening? Why did you even leave, in the first point? We needed each other more than ever, at that time! Then you’re back as if nothing happened? You know, we—”
“I KILLED THEM!” Party screamed in response. “How was I going to live there, in the place we lived, with you, bearing the guilt that I KILLED MY FRIENDS?! All my friends?! It was the last straw when they got the Girl! Are we going to have a funeral forever? Fucking live already! Forget it, go party, I don’t know!” Their screams were also gutural, pained like yours, with the same tinge of pain. “What was there left to do? Sit and cry with you?”
“Does being there for each other mean nothing?” You screamed, your heart pumping stronger, almost burning as you were even more surprised with their thoughts. If they had run away to deal with themself, that’d be okay, but running away because of that? “How can you be that selfish? What do you think that Jet would’ve—”
“JET IS DEAD! DEAD!” Party screamed again. “And I killed him when I got us in that goddamn trap! Sent him and Kobra to fuckin’ die! It doesn’t matter anymore what he would’ve thought!”
The words brought back a memory. You had warned Party that night, but no, it was just you being annoying because “what do you mean we don’t need to consider sacrificing ourselves in every confrontation? It’s always decisive” and before anyone could do anything, the news were spreading across the desert already, talking about how “Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid got dusted, ghosted out on Route Guano”.
All of that made you want to take Party’s hand and tug it down so maybe you’d just crash down a hill and die because it would be easier that way.
“You did not kill them! Are you crazy?” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Did you force them to go there or anything?! Jet always had more brains than you, you idiot! He would have convinced you to give up on that if he wanted to! Everyone was just playing around and pretending you were the mighty leader because everyone liked you too much, maybe just Ghoul believed that!”
“Then it makes me the one to kill Ghoul!”
“Oh, yeah!” You rolled your eyes and laughed bitterly. Your throat ached and your face felt hot, maybe not just wet because of the rain anymore. “Because you were the one who told him to sacrifice himself while everyone else screamed at him to stop, right?! The one who forced him to be killed while everyone watched! Why do you want to have killed them so bad?!”
You kept screaming while the memories felt livid, as if all of that had happened just minutes ago instead of years. Your hands gripped onto Party’s, finally, not caring whether you could die or not, resulting in a small wrestling between the two until they finally managed to stop the discontrolled car and fight you back. It wasn’t enough because your anger and the way you knew them too well made it hard to fight you back and then, after he opened the car’s door in an attempt to get away, you two were rolling around on the desert’s sand.
Nails ran against skin, pierced and burned; elbows and knees hit here and there, causing sharp pains, but none of you bothered about it. At least the pain would make you feel something.
Your chest shuddered as the groans of anger turned into sobs of sadness and you were openly crying, not even able to properly see what was going on with Party. It was so cold—the wind of the night already starting to fall on the desert hitting against your soaked clothes and sending shivers down your body—, and the only warm thing there was Party’s lips pressed against yours.
“I’m sorry,” they whispered, also crying, then gave you another kiss, a gentle one. “‘M so sorry...”
‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
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aaron-trainer · 18 days
Pound Those Gates With No Reply || Part Two:Don't Want to Be There When You Lose Control || Self Para
His workday had finished and he was about to clock out. How well it had gone his first day back on duty. Security detail had always been his favorite. He hated when he had to step up to a higher position. He always loved just watching over everything from the background.
"Trainer." Someone called over the walkie. It was Cassius who also worked this shift. He didn't want to talk to him right now. They had fought pretty hard.
"go for Trainer." He replied into the walkie.
"if you finish your walk early you can head home. Next shift just showed up to cover." He offered. Trainer took a deep breath and went on the walkie once more.
"When you get off meet me at sunset diner." He pocketed the walkie, the voice on the other end muffling as he did. He didn't want to hear any hope in Cassius voice. They had fought so hard Trainer didn't know if this would solve it.
He went to the security office and went to clock out. This and the drive home were as uneventful as his day at work. He came in and threw his keys in the bowl, taking off his jacket.
"Roll call!" He yelled to the house.
Izzy and Abaddon said they were home and in Izzy's room.
"where is Moloch?" He asked as he hung his jacket and kicked off his shoes.
"Visiting Mom!" Abaddon answered.
"what are you two up to?" He asked.
"Kittens." Was the only answer he received. He took it and went to his room, removing his uniform and replacing it with nicer jeans and an ACDC shirt. He made sure to pull the medallion free from his shirt also it was visible. For a moment he could make out an angel with long hair on the front but only for a moment. He didn't focus for long.
He knew Moloch hated him wearing the medallion but he did feel like this angel watched over him.
"How long you two been alone?" He called. They were early teens, and dating, but he didn't know if they should be alone too much yet. They were just getting old enough to be trusted for a few hours but not whole days.
"hour." Izzy answered.
He smiled a little,"Hey, wanna hear what happened at work? It was so funny."
He started to recall the story but the words stuck in his throat. No memories could surface as he fought. He tried to remember how his day went.
"Uh... I'm going out too. Just for another hour. Don't let the kittens out of your rooms." He called, grabbing his keys and stumbling out the door to go meet Cassius at the diner.
There was a sudden sound, like a loudspeaker turned to full volume. He winces and grabbed his head, doubling over in pain.
A large hand lay on the small of his back, another gripping his arm tightly.
Cassius' face was covered in blood and tears as he knelt over him, apologizing. He tried to scoot away, a sense of danger coming over him as he saw the bigger man get close and promise not to hurt him again.
"Whoa, Air. What's wrong?" He looked up to Casey's face as his little brother loomed over him. He frowned and looked around in confusion.
"Something.... This isn't right." He muttered.
"yeah, I know. I messed up, but I'm here to try to figure out how to fix it." He muttered back.
"What did you do?" He managed through gritted teeth.
"I.... I got in a ghost fight with your husband and accidentally hit you when you got between us." Cassius said, casting his eyes down in shame, "I feel awful."
He shook his head, glancing at the necklace Cassius wore. It was so different from any other he had seen before. It was for Lucifer.
Trainer fought the power turning his head trying to snap his neck. He let Cassius show his new power then snarled,"If you want to snap my neck, you have to do it with your own hands." Then... Cassius did.
The restaurant was dimly lit and his family sat at the table around him, all in fancy attire. Izzy and Abaddon, Cassius and Lacy. There was an empty seat next to him.
"Happy birthday, Air." He said, toasting the table,"Sorry your husband is late again..."
He stopped paying attention, staring at that blank chair.
Stop doing this to yourself and just be happy.
"I can't."
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Into the Abyss
Chapter Three
(TW: depictions of vandalism, risky behavior, themes of rebellion. Reader discretion is advised.)
In my junior year, my misadventures with Aurora continued as tension escalated in her family life. Her mom started dating random men, as guys were brought home like a cat bringing a dead mouse to its owner. She described several of these stories to me daily, clutching my shoulders as she spoke exaggeratedly. We went from stealing wallets and skipping school to meeting older guys, (I never realized how bad that was until what happened to Aurora), which eventually put a stop to the fun-loving girl I once knew. One of these times remains fresh in my mind.
We were ditching class for the fourth time, walking through the plastered halls, makeup with fancy jeans. However, whenever we went out she would always glare at whatever guy chose to talk to me, tracing her fingers along my wrist, nails digging in as she smirked at them.
But instead of going out to a diner, or a park downtown, we stayed in. Her blue eyes were glittering with mischief, as she recited her plan, her usual smirk painted on her face with a slight blush. The leather purse had an extra weight to it, not simply due to drugs (Benadryl, cocaine, Percocets, and sometimes a cigarette or two), but an aerosol of black spray paint.
She had a motive that surprised me. The math teacher had failed her for speaking out about how stupid his lesson was. Fair, because when will I ever need to know calculus? I agreed with her in that class and called him a phony. Anyways, he failed her, her mom found out and was planning to kick her out her senior year. “I just can’t deal with her anymore, she criticizes me for questioning the curriculum, while she gets drugged and assaulted by old guys on the daily.” She stated when she saw me look down. “I hate this school, I hate the teachers, but you, Hannah, you’re like the only one I care about. And that’s why I’m doing this with you.” My smile softened, still a bit worried.
Her hand let go as she took the spray can out of her purse, clutching it until her hands turned slightly cherry. She signed an A, meant to look like a star. I put a heart with an H inside, as she bumped me with her hips, laughing. She tossed the can aside, running and dragging me by the wrist, chuckling. Until we felt the cold hands of security upon us.
The office was cold as the principal eyed us down with an unrelenting stare. Like many teens, we had a reason that they never believed, which prevented us from ever opening up again. Aurora couldn’t ask for a welfare check, because her mother would lie to the workers and neglect her even more. She yelled at that bitch. Holding my hand as she tried to tell him just how much he sucked, her subtle pink lips glowing in the afternoon light.
For once, I was glad that he had an office with a window. Thank god. Sunlight looked so good on her. But at the end of the day, he had made his decision, she was suspended for vandalism, while I just got a warning. The principal’s wide nose only amplified the humor in his pig-like face.
We left together, sighing as we stomped out, her eyeliner running as she held my arm. The frigid air punched us as we stepped outside, sitting on a bench nestled in the outskirts of a cafe. Everything but our hearts were cold that day, eyes averted. I got her a coffee as she shuddered in fear. Her deadbeat mother would be pissed, “I-I’m not scared of her, I promise.” She sobbed into my embrace, as I held her like it was the last time. “It’ll be okay, I’m sure. We can get jobs.” I replied, I hoped I was true, but I was mostly wrong, again. “What jobs can I get? Fast food? Hooters? Drug dealing? Oh, maybe I can follow my mother and become a wreck.” She laughed, frustrated.
One of those choices, however, cut off her life short. I wish I had discouraged her, or at least changed her way of thinking.
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fablesofkitkat · 3 years
pov: Sero cornering you about your feelings
genre: fluff
Synopsis: What kind of reverse amnesia is it that Sero loses some of his memories but remembers dating you which never happened?
Didn't know I was alive until you made my heart beat. Thought my youth was going quickly but you give me sixteen
-Chelsea Cutler
tags: @bl--ankhaeji @comehome2myheart @mattesatoruuu @bolinbxby @earthisdonut @charlie-xo @alittlebitofemoooooo
thanks for the reblog: @bookmarksfw @your-pan-bitch @porflenet @stuckoutsideofthebox
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"Yo." Denki slides an arm over his neck. "Thought you were walking your girl home?"
Sero shrugs his friend's arm off and continued staring off far away at the window. The bakusquad sat at booth in a local diner, one of their usual hangouts. Sero unusually seated by the window.
"What's wrong, Sero?" Mina asked. "Did something happen?"
"... nothing." The dark haired teen frowned at his friends. "What, am i not allowed to act like this?"
"Well, you haven't said something about Bakugou beating a kid's high score at the arcade." Kirishima pointed out.
"He did? Ya must be real proud of that huh, Bakugou?" Sero remarked half-heartedly.
Bakugou scowled. "You're shittier than normal, soy sauce face. Fess up."
Sero runs a hand through his hair, sighed dejectedly and then rested his head on the table. He covers his head with both his arms and mumbled, "... i got dumped today."
Mina, Kirishima and Denki winced simultaneously to which Bakugou raised a curious eyebrow. "That fast?"
Sero raised his head indignantly. "What do you mean fast? We've been dating for a while."
The trio starts shooting looks at Bakugou, their eyes burning to say 'Shut up!' Of course, it all flew over Bakugou's head when he replied while rolling his eyes, "If awhile you meant weeks then a few months must be a year for you..." The ash-blond teen paused, scrutinizing the confusion on Sero's face. "Didn't you and salt face only started dating after the final exams?"
Blood drained on the trio's faces.
"What the hell?"
"No," he said walking towards you. "It was real. It was my feelings." He sighed. "It was real."
"It wasn't," You shook your head, trying to deny it. He saw through your denial and gave you a firm look.
“What’s the real reason you broke up with me?” He stared down at you. “Don’t even think about lying to me because I will gladly keep you here until you tell me the truth.” Sero raised his elbow in gesture of his quirk.
One look at the determined set of his mouth told you that he was being truthful. Letting out a sigh, you looked down at your shoes.
"I wanted to save myself from the hurt." you muttered. "It hurts to think that once you were done with me, once you'd got your memory back I'd get pushed aside."
He froze. "You thought I'd push you aside?" His eyes were screwed shut as he let out a deep breath. "I just told you that our relationship was real to me and you tell me that you thought I'd push you away. Haven't you noticed that I've been losing my mind over you?"
"Why are you so stubborn?" He muttered taking you by your shoulders he shook you gently. "I got my memory back but I still want you. I still like you. I really really like you."
You blinked owlishly up at him. "What?"
"Honestly," he muttered under his breath. Slowly, he trailed his hands up your arms and shoulders until they cupped your face. His umber eyes staring right into yours.
"What are you doing?" you ask quietly.
"I like you."
You blushed. His eyes are kinda intense now.
"I like you."
You bit your lip and nodded.
"I like you."
You stammered. "I–I get it! Sheesh!" You only got to cover your face with your hands for a few seconds when his hands circles your wrists, prying them away from your face and you're trapped in his gaze once more.
You give him a guarded look. "What?"
"I like you."
You blushed hard once again, a tremor ran through your body, and if you looked a little teary and starry eyed, blame it on Sero's intensity. You weakly tried to shake him off. "... stop torturing me."
He burst out laughing. "Here I am confessing my love to you and it's torture?"
Your expression was like a deer in headlights. "... love?"
He chuckles. "Another time, mi amore. You look like a tomato. Lucky for you I like healthy things."
"... just you wait." You grumbled, silently vowing to pay him back.
"We might have had a false start but you like me and I like you."
"Pretty confident, aren't you?"
"With how shy you are, I gotta be." He smirked. "Wanna be my partner for the test of courage later?"
You start to smile, a plan to tease him forming in your head. You overheard Aizawa-sensei that those who failed the final exam will have to take remedial classes. You gently shook off his grip on your wrists, taking the initiative in interlocking your fingers with his. "Hanta."
His eyes shift half-lidded. "Yea?"
"Hanta." Your thumb lazily scratches at the inside of his wrist.
You watch him lick his bottom lip. Your ears burned catching the action but you powered through. You tip your toes. "Hanta."
The plan was to falsely lead him to a kiss. To tell him about the remedial classes. Clearly, your mouth wasn't cooperating. Instead you whispered, "I like you."
You feel his lips smile in the kiss.
"Well if it isn't the resident idiot couple." Bakugou drawled, pointedly staring at you and Sero holding hands. "Heh, so you two are back together as a seasoning set?"
You exchanged a confused look with your boyfriend. Soy sauce face. Salt face. Oh.
"Jealous?" Hanta playfully jeered.
"You wish."
Everyone gathered around Aizawa-sensei. Mina yelled, "Test of courage!" She punched the sky and Kaminari excitedly brings a fist to the air.
"Sorry to break it to you. Remedial group, you've got extra lessons with me now." Aizawa announced.
A cloth shot off, wrapping Sero's body into a sad cocoon forcing you to let go of him. Sato, Kirishima, Mina, Denki and Sero wiggled to break off from the bindings with no success.
"Wahhhh! Give us our test of courage!!"
Hanta shot you a brokenhearted look which only made you giggle helplessly. You wave goodbye at him mouthing, 'Good luck. See ya later.'
I guess I'm one of those people who ends up liking a character the more I write about them. Gawd I can only imagine spicy times with Sero–I wanted to milk the breakup, and involve a shit ton of pining but Bakugou ends up being kidnapped so I was like– no they have to reconcile before that happens. Why? Coz dorms. I need Sero & s/o to cuddle in dorms. Also I didn't plan the seasoning set nickname. I was staring at a salt shaker when I was thinking over what type of quirk should Sero's s/o have. By the end of this pov, Bakugou calling them a seasoning set came out of nowhere. And I was like yea– Sero's not just elbow dude or tape guy, he's also soy sauce face. And because of that, headcanon their future kid will be pepper face. 🥺 Slowly but surely, Sero's s/o will catch him off guard too. He will be a flustered mess. DAMMIT all the cuteness in the world–
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
The 101 Deaths of Danny Phantom
AO3 link
One of the first things people learned about dealing with ghosts, other than not to try and date them, is to never asks about their death or obsessions. That doesn’t mean the citizens of Amity Park aren’t curious though, especially about their resident ghostly hero and the confusing and concerning comments he sometimes makes.
“Are you okay?” Phantom asked Maisie as she shook and tried to hold back tears after that car had almost slammed into her. She sometimes joked about getting hit crossing the street of her college campus to pay her obnoxious loans but it was another thing entirely to almost experience it herself. Maisie was nearly twenty, she shouldn’t be comforted by someone younger than her little step sister but here she was, shaking like a lead and leaning into Phantom’s comforting, chilly touch. 
“Sorry,” she stuttered, “thank you, I’m sorry I’m just-”
“Hey, it’s okay to be upset that was very scary. The thought of dying is very scary.” Through her adrenaline and her tears, she took in the ghost’s unnatural glow, his faded, barely visible appearance and the fact that he was floating a foot off the ground. Maisie knows this ghost, this boy, knows more than she ever could about death. 
“And getting run over by a car sure is a bad way to go,” the ghost kid chuckled awkwardly, taking his cold hand off her shoulder to scratch at the back of his neck. “You should see how my dad drives or my mom or my sister if she’s running late enough,” Phantom paused in thought. “No one in my family should have a license now that I think about it. Anyway,” he dismissed with a wave. 
“My sister and I were getting ready to head out to school and my dad was backing out of driveway too fast and didn’t see us and uh, luckily I got my sister out of the way in time haha,” Phantom trailed off awkwardly. Was it because of the uncomfortable conversation or because he noticed her dawning horror.
Her best friend ran the community college’s Phan club so Maisie was a member by default. Phantom’s death was sometimes talked about late at night, everything from wrongful murder to a freak accident. She never in her worst nightmares imagined being him being runover in front of his own house by parental ignorance. It was so normal, a quick mistake and a life lost.
“Oh my god,” he said with an adorable little green blush. “Why am I babbling about that? You almost got hit by a car, I’m probably retraumatizing you or something. I should probably go get the jerk who almost hit you,” he said before disappearing into thin air. 
“Tia is not going to believe this,” she whispered to no one. All she knew is that for the rest of her damned life she was going to look both ways when crossing the street. She’d seen first hand what a single moment of reckless driving could cause.
Matthew, not Matt or Matty or Hughie, Matthew shivered from the cold. He was only in his boxers with little Pacman on them. It had been fine when he’d gone to bed considering it was mid-August but Phantom and this stupid flaming mecha ghost had tussled outside the summer camp he was working at. He could see some of the kids snickering at his state of undress though he was just extremely glad they were alive enough to disrespect him like this.
“Oh man, I’m sorry,” the ghost kid said with big, sad eyes that looked so human despite the fact that they were literally glowing. He looked around at all the snow and ice left over from his fight. “Jeez you guys must be freezing, I wish I could warm you all up but all I can do is make things colder.”
“S’okay,” Matthew said through his chattering teeth. “Teaching the kids how to start a fire was supposed to be next week but we can get a jump on it.” That got a smile out of the ghost and within a half hour, the other counselors were distributing blankets and hot beverages to the kids clustered around multiple fires. They didn’t seem particularly upset by the potentially fatal attack, Matthew will breakdown about that at a later time when he was alone. For now, he just smiled as the children chattered happily with the ghost while he cleaned up as much of the damage as possible.
“So you spend all day fighting ghosts?” Zoe asked with stars in her eyes.
“A lot of the nights too,” Phantom nodded, “I do other stuff but yeah it seems ghost fighting takes up most of my time.”
“Where’d you learn those cool powers?” Zuri asked, miming a punch.
“Comes with being a ghost,” Phantom shrugged, “my ice powers came in later though so I still struggle a bit with them but I’m getting better every day.”
“Why ice though?” Morris said with his cocked curiously to the side. “I see some ghosts use fire or shadows, why do you have ice?”
“Ah that’s a little personal,” Phantom chuckled but his posture was easy despite the invasive question. “Specialty powers like my ice require special circumstances and a certain uh connection to the ghost. Someone like me couldn’t use fire or electricity or plants, ice is in my soul, it’s who I am.”
Matthew paused in drinking his lukewarm coffee as a horrible thought came to mind. He’s been an outdoorsman all his life, practically from the time he could walk. He’d been a deep woods camping guide for a decade before switching to working at summer camps. But the years working in the relative comfort of a stable camp didn’t erase his knowledge of how unforgiving and deadly the woods in the winter could be. A grown man, much less a young teen, would freeze to death in 20 minutes if it was cold enough. 
It made sense for ghosts to develop powers related to their deaths. Had Phantom been one of the dozens of unfortunate kids he read about every year who ran away in the middle of winter only to found later as a frozen corpse. He eyed the boy’s snow white hair and frigid aura he exuded with mournful trepidation. God, what a horrible way to die. 
“I’d get chilly with ice powers,” Tabby said with a shudder, she held out her cup of cocoa. “You want some of my cocoa to warm you up?”
“No thanks,” Phantom said with a soft smile that was warm despite everything. “The cold hasn’t bothered me for a while.”
Ghost attacks may be the norm but, if there was one good thing that came out of whole mess it was the fact that violent human crimes went down drastically. So when the rare murder did happen, the shock and fear rippled through the whole town. 
Stanford Newton had only been sheriff of Amity Park for eight months after the last guy had gone gray overnight and moved to Florida the next day. It was a daunting position but one he bore proudly. This wouldn’t be his first murder investigation having initially cut his teeth as a beat cop in Chicago but it would be the first in Amity. And it certainly was the first in which the dead served in an active capacity.
“Amanda Chastain, 27. Officially she was a waitress down at Spengler’s Diner but she’s been picked up for prostitution twice in the last year,” Stan said calmly, ignoring the cold, angry presence over his shoulder. “History of polysubstance abuse as well, not that either of those things mean she deserved this.” Used, beaten to death and then dumped in the trash like yesterday’s paper. 
He wondered if she’d come back a ghost or if she’d finally get some peace this world hadn’t offered her. “We don’t have many leads right now, I’m afraid. Acting illegally as they are, there’s not a lot of resources these poor girls have to turn to.”
“I’ll find them,” The Phantom said with blazing conviction, his voice thick and sharp as ice. “I’ll find and bring them to justice and make sure no one else is hurt again.”
“I believe you,” Stan nodded, shutting his notebook as he finally turned to face the teenage superhero haunting his town. He can’t say he liked what he saw. The Phantom looked even less human than usual, his aura flaring and flickering like the foggy mist before a heavy snowstorm. His unnatural green eyes glowered, painting his too young face in a terrifying light. 
The kid looked furious, clearly taking this death to heart. He’d read the Fenton’s memos about obsessions and such but this seemed beyond that. “But don’t hurt anyone to do it, or yourself while you’re at it.”
“I won’t, I’ll make sure they’ll face human justice and don’t worry,” Phantom gave a snarling smile. “No mortal can hurt me, not like this,” he growled causing the hairs on Stan’s arms and neck to stand on end. He flew off after that, presumably to track down Amanda’s killer.
“Not like this,” Stan mumbled to him, pulling out his handkerchief and wiping his brow where a cold sweat had broken out. “Jesus Christ that poor kid.” Stan had seen plenty of murdered and mutilated bodies in his lifetime, some of them even kids. He just never got to talk to them after they’d had their life forcibly snatched away. It would explain the ghost’s near fanatical determination to save others, why he took a stranger’s murder so personally. 
“I hope your own murderer is behind bars,” Stan said as he tucked his handkerchief back into his coat pocket. “Or even six feet under, for killing a good kid like you.” Stan made his way back to his squad car so he could head back to the station and move forward with the official investigation. But he’d eat his hat if there wasn’t a stammering lowlife there by tomorrow ready to turn themselves in.
 Maybe after all this was settled down, he’d delve into some of the cold cases stacked in the cellar. Maybe in there he’ll find a picture of a smiling, carefree teen who’d disappeared and returned with the power now to ensure no one else suffered as he had.
“Yes, I know about the Phantom,” Luis Oliveira will say to anyone who so much as brings up the ghost kid. Locals know better by now but the tourists eat it up every time. He twists his finely combed mustache and gestures to the floor where his audience is standing. “He died right there oh ten or eleven years ago.”
Luis has worked his way all across the the United States since he emigrated from Brazil in the 70s. He finally settled in Amity Park about twelve years ago. He’d never intended to stay in the small Midwest town but the fatal shooting of a young customer kept his little corner market open.
“He was a nice kid, always said hi to me and paid in exact change. Was big fan of the snacks I made, would stop by after school and take half my inventory. He had big brown eyes and a crooked nose,” Luis would smile at the memory before closing his eyes and frowning sadly. “One day, he came late. His teacher made him stay after to go over a failed test, I remember he complained. He was pulling out his money when robber burst in, demanding my money. I fumbled for the register key, dropped it. I bent down to grab it and I hear shots going off. Two over my head, another right into the boy’s throat.”
Luis will hear the sound of that sweet boy’s guttural choking sounds as he drowned in his own blood until the day he himself died. The robber left after the shot, Luis called the police and held the young man’s hand as he died. The would be thief were never found and Luis never did learn anything about the boy who’d died on his floor for getting hungry after school.
“As soon as I saw Phantom on the TV,” Luis would say, perking up after his moment of somber grief, “I knew it was that boy come back. Those kind eyes, I’d recognize them anywhere. He’s never come here but one day he will and I will be able to pass on my regret on not being able to save his life that day.”
“I think he killed himself,” Mikey whispered to Lester during lunch period, angling his voice low. “The jocks may love Phantom for his powers but I just know he was one of us, an unwanted nerd. I’ve seen him chatting up a ghost I’m pretty sure is Poindexter, Casper’s suicide kid. They’re probably bonding over their similar deaths and the circumstances that led to it.”
“That’s pretty dark,” Lester whispered back. “I also get unpopular vibes from him but I don’t think he’s the time do uh do that to himself; he’s too stubborn and protective. But I bet he was the victim of a prank gone wrong. Dash locked Fenton in the Janitor’s closet last Wednesday, he got out okay somehow but maybe something like that happened to Phantom. He always looks kind of annoyed at the A-listers, maybe they remind him of old bullies.”
“Nuh-uh,” Clara said, pushing up her glasses with her middle finger. “The ghost kid totally got electrocuted or something. He was fighting that weather ghost and he sent lightning bolts his way and Phantom flinched. He fought the Ghost King and yet a little electricity scares him? It might not’ve even been a lightning strike but something manmade like a machine backfiring or something.”
“Get real,” Mikey scoffed, sipping his milk with an eyeroll. “I’m sure we’d have heard about some poor kid getting zapped to death; this town isn’t that big.”
“We’d have heard about a suicide too,” Lester noted with a wry grin.
“Shut up Mr. I base my theories around Fenton who’s a known weirdo”.
“I’m telling you, the ghost kid died of some debilitating illness,” Abbie McMillian, retired school teacher and three year reigning champ at the Tristate area’s Daylily Competition. She sipped her tea and spoke with as much confidence as she had back in the day wrangling Amity’s impressionable youths. “The superhero thing is clear wish childhood fulfillment, a chance to live and be free like he never got to in life. You see how happy and carefree that young man looks while flying? Clearly he spent his formative years sick and weak.”
“No way,” Greta von Martin frowned as she aggressively stirred her own tea to show her displeasure. “I worked in a hospital for close to 30 years and I know what chronically sick kids look like and Phantom doesn’t fit the bill. I will agree he’s carefree when he’s not battling spooks but he acts like a stupid teen. I’m telling you, the boy got into his parent’s liquor cabinet or took a few too many of whatever pill was going around his school. Tragic but something that happens every day.”
“Greta, dearie,” Abbie said with a pinched frown. “We’ve been friends since grade school and I love you like a sister but you are wrong and until you admit it, I won’t share anymore of my recipes.”
“You’re just being stubborn because you can’t see what’s right in front of you even after working with kids half of your life, Abbie, love,” Greta sniffed. “And you can kiss my grandson’s help weeding you garden goodbye until you relent.”
Perhaps one of the most human traits is curiosity, especially about what comes after death. Now the good people of Amity Park know a great deal about the dead so the lives before is what attracts their attention and none so more than the ghost boy. Maybe it’s because he’s their hero or maybe it’s because he’s so young. Or perhaps it’s because Phantom is such a mess of contradictions that it’s very hard to guess how the unfortunate boy met his end. But everyone has their own theories, from the mundane to the fantastic, some with evidence backing them up and others pure poppycock. 
But for all their curiosity, as much as it burns them to know, they’ll never ask. They don’t want to risk the powerful ghost’s wrath but, moreover, it seemed in poor taste. The boy risked his afterlife to keep them safe, they couldn’t ask what traumatic and miserable circumstances had led to this point.
And besides, it was so much more fun to look up at ghostly figure as he sped through the skies and wonder.
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thatshithurted8 · 4 years
Kiss Cam
Summary: Rafe takes reader out on a date to see her first ever hockey game. However, feelings are revealed when they are shown on the jumbotron for the kiss cam. 
Pairing: Rafe x !PogueReader! 
Word Count: 4.1k
Flashbacks are in italics!
A/N I know Rafe is a horrible character and person in the show, but he has so much potential for character development and I love Drew. So I decided to write a fluffy fic to show off Rafe’s soft side that he doesn’t show often.
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Never in a million years would you believe anyone if they told you a year ago that you would have a massive crush on Rafe Cameron. You would simply laugh in their face and walk away. However, that all changed one night when you were working a night shift at the 24 hour diner. 
You internally groan to yourself when you come out from the kitchen after cleaning up the empty tables. Sitting in a booth on the other side of the diner was Topper, Kelce and Rafe.  
Normally this wouldn’t be a problem. After all the diner was 24 hours, but you didn’t want to deal with the spoiled Kooks and the shit they tended to pull. You walk over to the only occupied table in the quiet diner with a closed mouth smile on your face as you pull out your note pad from your apron. 
“Hey guys what can I get for you guys to drink?”  You ask, causing the three boys to look at you. They were all intoxicated and were wanting something to eat to ease their late night munchies. 
“We don’t need anything to drink Y/N.” Topper says putting a half empty bottle of vodka on the table in front of him, causing him and Kelce to snicker. Rafe would’ve laughed along with his friends, but he was starting to sober up and he was dreading going home as his father would ridicule him in the morning for ditching his responsibilities and partying instead. 
You let out a sigh knowing the shit show has just begun. “Uh Topper you can’t bring outside drinks in here.” 
The blond rolls his eyes and brings the bottle to his lips, letting the alcohol fall into his mouth and down his throat, before handing it to Kelce who does the same. 
“If you aren’t going to respect the diners rules then I’m going to have to ask you guys politely to leave.” You say starting to get more annoyed by the second. 
“Aweh come on Y/N lighten up and have some.” Topper slurs while waving the glass bottle in your face. 
You open your mouth to ask them to leave, but Rafe beat you to it. “Topper fuck off and leave her alone.” 
Both you and Topper furrow your eyebrows in confusion at the boys comment. You’ve never really spoken to Rafe before, but you know all about his notorious reputation so hearing him stand up for you left you dumbfounded. Anxiety was washing over Rafe and he was done with his friends immature tendencies for the night. 
“Come on man we’re just having some fun.” Topper slurs.
Rafe didn’t want to be there and he could tell neither did you. “Let’s just go.” He says stepping out of the booth, his friends instinctively following him. 
You watch as Kelce and Topper stumble to the exit while passing each other the bottle of vodka before looking back at Rafe who was opening up his wallet. Rafe pulls out sixty dollars and places it on the table despite the group of teens not ordering anything. 
“For dealing with our bullshit.” He says looking at you with dilated eyes before walking out of the diner with his friends. 
Ever since that night you and Rafe started to run into each other more and more often. It seemed like every party you would attend he would be there too and vice versa. Eventually one night you both started talking to each other, drunk out of your minds. 
“Nice costume.” Rafe says sitting down beside you on the couch, refrencing your referee costume. You were wearing a long sleeve striped shirt with a helmet and all, the only thing you were missing were skates. 
You look over at the boy beside you and smirk at what he was wearing. Rafe was wearing a North Carolina Hurricane jersey and was accompanied by a stick. A part of you was envious of the Kook beside you. Being a Pogue meant a lot of things, but mainly was that you didn’t come from wealth, nor did you have a lot of money. So seeing him wearing a jersey with your favourite hockey teams logo on it made you a tiny bit jealous. You’ve always wanted one, but jerseys were ridiculously expensive. 
“Which player are you? Slavin? Staal? Aho? Fleury?” You ask naming off some of the players that play for the Canes. 
Rafe’s eyes almost pop out of his head when he realizes you watch hockey. “You like the Canes too?” 
You roll your eyes and move closer to Rafe due to the loud music. “Uh duh.” 
With that being said you and Rafe Cameron spent the rest of the night talking about hockey and getting to know each other. It turned out that you two actually had a lot more in common than you initially thought. Rafe was also showing you a side of him that not a lot of people saw, but this only made you realize that you judged the misunderstood boy too soon. 
After the Halloween party at Kelce’s, Rafe would show up to the diner more often just to see you. He eventually would ask you to hang out and watch the Canes play on his flat screen tv at his house. Since you were such a big fan of the Hurricanes you couldn’t turn down his offer, especially knowing the reception at your house wasn’t good so you couldn’t watch it there. Both yours and Rafe’s love for the sport led to him surprising you one night. 
“Come on come on!” You yell standing in front of the tv. Rafe stayed sitting on the couch leaning forward while watching you and the screen. 
You two watch intently as a player on the Boston Bruins skated towards your goalie in a breakaway, two Hurricane players speeding after him in desperation to get the puck out of his possession. 
However, they were too late as the Bruins player shoots the puck and scores, winning the game in overtime. 
“Fuck this shit!” You groan walking back to the couch and collapsing dramatically beside Rafe. 
Rafe also sits back in defeat, but he wasn’t as nearly as upset as you were. That mainly had to do with the surprise he had for you. “Aweh it’s okay Y/N they’ll beat em next time.” Rafe coos leaning over and wrapping his arms around you, but you push his arms away sulking. 
“I fucking hate the Bruins!” You exclaim standing up to go on another rant about how much you despised the team. Rafe was all too familiar with your rant about your least favourite team in the league, but he would never stop you from venting. After all, he thought it was so cute how worked up you got about hockey. 
After getting to know you Rafe realized that he was starting to catch feelings for you which said a lot considering he didn’t feel much anymore. It scared him at first when his palms would get sweaty or his stomach would flutter whenever he was around you, but he realized all he wanted was to see you happy. Which leads to the surprise he had planned for you.
“I know what will cheer you up. Stay here.” Rafe says standing up and grabbing the empty popcorn bowl. 
You sit back down on the couch with a huff while you waited for the boy you were starting to fall for to return. However, your thoughts were clouded by the game that just happened. It made you frustrated since they were so close to winning and the team you hated most were the ones to win instead. 
Rafe walks back into the living room without the popcorn bowl and his hands behind his back. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, thinking he was just going to get you more popcorn to cheer you up. 
The brunette walks over to you and sits back down. You look at him expectantly as he shows you what is behind his back. Your eyes instantly widen and your mouth falls open. In between Rafe’s fingers were two tickets to a North Carolina Hurricane game. 
“Surprise!” He says gracing a rare smile on his lips. 
“No fucking way!” You scream, covering your mouth. Good thing you two were the only ones home or Ward would have your head for being so loud. 
Rafe hands the tickets to you causing your breath to hitch in shock. “You’re playing with me.” You say looking down at the tickets in your hands then back up at Rafe. 
He smirks and shakes his head. “I know you’ve never been to a game and have wanted to always go.” 
You quickly place the tickets to your first ever NHL game on the coffee table before tackling the boy in front of you, causing him to laugh and his heart to skip a beat at the touch.
“Thank you so much Rafe.” You say before placing a soft kiss on his cheek then sitting back up to examine the tickets with admoration. 
A week and a half has gone by and the day you have been anticipating for has finally come. Currently you and Rafe were trying to find a parking spot at PNC Arena. You two left early that morning from the Outer Banks ensuring you guys would get there early that way you could look around. 
Rafe finally finds a parking spot and grabs a back pack from the back seat after he parks. You watch as he pulls out two Canes jerseys one for you and one for him. 
“It’s a little big, but you can’t go to a hockey game and not wear a jersey.” He says passing one of his jerseys to you. You blush and your heart skips a beat at Rafe’s sweet gesture. 
You both put the jerseys on and you put on your Hurricane beanie, the only memorabilia you did own before getting out of his truck. After locking the truck Rafe turns to look at you, his hat flipped backwards and he couldn’t stop the thoughts running through his mind. You looked so good wearing his jersey, but he wondered what you would look like wearing it with nothing underneath? 
He shakes the dirty thoughts out of his head as you two start to walk towards the doors of the arena. Your excitement was practically radiating off of you with every step you took. Rafe loved how happy you were, especially knowing it was because of him. 
Earlier that morning before he picked you up, Rafe was debating on hitting a line to ease his nerves, but he ultimately decided against it. Simply because he doesn’t want you to see that side of him. The side of him that everyone gossiped about. The side of him that made him the black sheep of the Cameron family. The side of him that made him a fuck up with no future. 
You guys go through security pretty quickly, but Rafe could tell your mood faltered slightly when you saw the crowded hallways of the arena. Despite being early there were still large crowds of people walking around, trying to find their seats. 
“Here hold my hand.” He says bending down to your ear so you could hear over the loud chatter of Canes fans and Tampa Bay fans alike. 
Your guys’ hands intertwine, causing heat to rush to your face. His hand was so big and rough in contrast to yours, but you liked it. As you two walk around the arena and through crowds of people Rafe runs his thumb softly on your skin in a soothing motion. 
After walking around the large arena for a bit you find a photo booth and you instantly drag Rafe over to it, causing the tall boy to groan. You push the curtain out of the way, stepping in with Rafe following after you. 
“Was this made for a child? Holy shit.” He remarks noticing how small the seat was. Both of you couldn’t fit on it which resorted in Rafe pulling you onto his lap, causing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter. 
You click a few buttons and enter in a two dollar bill despite Rafe’s objections of paying for the picture stub. The camera starts to count down from 3 and you wrap an arm around Rafe’s neck. 
“Silly face!” You exclaim, sticking out your tongue and crossing your eyes. Rafe copies you and sticks his tongue out, but he turns his head making it look like he was about to lick your cheek. The camera flashes signalling the first picture was taken. 
Rafe pulls you closer to him as the camera counts down again. Just before the camera flashes he licks your cheek causing you to start laughing while trying to wipe his saliva off of you.
“Rafe!” You exclaim while laughing, realizing that was the second picture. 
He simply shrugs his shoulders with a smile on his face then turns his attention to the camera that was counting down. Without hesitating you turn your head and place one of your hands on the other side of his face. You place your lips softly on his flushed cheek as the camera flashes, taking the third picture. 
Deciding to copy you Rafe does the same thing as the last picture, except he was kissing your cheek this time. After the fourth picture was taken he pulls away, but you two stare into each others eyes, both flustered by what you two just did. 
Your eyes glance down to his lips then back to his eyes. Rafe slowly moves in and so do you to the point your lips are inches away from each other and his minty breath was fanning against your mouth. 
Just as you were about to eliminate the distance between you two the camera flashes, taking the last picture, causing you to turn your attention to the slot that the pictures come out of. 
You reach forward, your arm still wrapped around Rafe’s shoulders and pick up the freshly printed pictures. Both of you analyze the pictures which made your hearts skip a beat at the same time. You put the photo stubs into your purse before getting out of the photo booth and entangling your hands again. 
As you two walk around the arena, exploring while the smell of popcorn and cotton candy filled your senses, Rafe noticed you eyeing a stuffed animal every time you guys walked by a merchandise stand. He finally pulls you over towards one and picks up the stuffed animal. 
“Do you want one?” He asks handing the plushy of the teams mascot, Stormy over to you. 
You smile down at the stuffed animal in your hands, but you put it back onto the display stand with wide eyes once you saw the price. Forty dollars just for a stuffed animal, it was ridiculous. You had other expenses to take care of back at home. You couldn’t go around spending your money every time you wanted something, even though you wished you could. 
Rafe furrows his eyebrows and picks it back up, looking at the price before walking over to the cash register. 
“Rafe it’s too expensive I’ll find something cheaper.” You say pulling him towards you before he could get to the check out. 
“You’ve been eyeing this ever since we got here. I’ll just buy it for you.” He says turning back around, but you stop him again. Him noticing the little things made you blush, but you weren’t going to allow him to buy it for you. He’s already spent a shit ton of money on you with getting the tickets and gas to the arena. 
“No it’s okay.” You say trying to grab it from him to put it back, but he simply raises it above your head. You groan and step onto your tipy toes to try and grab it, but he just raises it higher, an amused smile present on his face. 
The brunette walks over to the check out with the stuffed animal over his head while you continue to try to grab it from him. However, your attempts fail and Rafe ends up spending forty dollars on a stuffed animal for you. 
He hands it to you with a satisfied smile on his face, but you try your best to pretend you were annoyed that he didn’t listen. After all you didn’t want him spending his money on you. However, Rafe looked so happy with his actions that you weren’t going to put up a stink. 
“Thank you.” You say softly then hugging the stuffed animal of the ice hog.
“Anything for you.” Rafe says before he grabs your hand and you two continue to walk around. You spot Stormy the ice hog aka the teams mascot aka the life size version of your new stuffed animal. You squeal and speed walk over to the person wearing the costume, while dragging a laughing Rafe. 
You hand your phone over to Rafe and walk over to Stormy. You wrap your arms around the fuzzy mascot while looking at the camera with a smile going from ear to ear. Rafe snaps a few pictures, but seeing you smile like that made his heart race. 
After your photo op with Stormy you walk over to Rafe while a little kid runs into the mascots arms. “Lets get a picture together.” You say before asking a middle aged lady to take a photo of you two. 
Rafe wraps his arm around you and you place one of your hands on his chest. You two smile into the camera before retrieving your phone back from the nice lady. 
“Thank you.” You say smiling to her. 
“You guys are a cute couple.” She says looking between you two then walking away. 
Both you and Rafe blush and heat washes over your guys bodies. However, you quickly distract yourself from the sensation by looking at the pictures that were taken. The first picture was both of you smiling at the camera, causing you to smile at how cute Rafe looked. The second picture you were smiling into the camera, your hand still on Rafe’s chest. However, he was looking down at you with love and admiration. Which only made your heart beat faster. 
The second period was about to end and Carolina was down by two. This didn’t make Rafe happy whatsoever especially since the referees were clearly favouring the other team. It was sort of comedic seeing Rafe so angry considering you were usually the one to get emotionally invested in the games. But seeing Rafe get so angry and worked up made you feel a certain type of way. 
The buzzer goes off signalling the end of the second period. As players skate off of the ice and fans go to get food and use the wash room an exasperated Rafe cups his hands around his mouth while standing. 
“Hey ref’s are you pregnant? Cause you missed two periods!” The boy yells at the refs getting off of the ice before sitting back down beside you annoyed. You and the fans around you guys start to laugh at his comment. Hearing your laugh makes Rafe feel better and shortly after a small smile is present on his face. 
“I’ve never seen you so upset over a game.” You say to him. 
“Well the refs are making shitty calls and besides I want them to win for my girl.” He says looking around the arena and placing his large hand on your thigh. 
My girl. The butterflies in your stomach seem to be doing somersaults at his words. Too flustered to say anything you simply place your head on Rafe’s shoulder, inhaling his scent while playing with his fingers. 
The loud music in the arena lowers causing both of you to direct your attention to the jumbotron that was flashing every colour or the rainbow. 
“And now ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the kiss cam!” The announcer says throughout the speakers. 
Rafe snuggles closer to you as the kiss cam falls onto an elderly couple. The husband didn’t notice he was being filmed and being put onto display in front of thousands of people before his wife pointed out the jumbotron. 
The two kiss, causing the crowd to cheer and hoot for the older couple. You smile at this, hoping that one day you can find a love that is as lasting as theirs. 
The next couple the kiss cam lands on is two young adults. Both of them notice right away and the crowd cheers them on. However, they both shake their heads in disgust while the guy mouths “She’s my sister.” This causes the crowd and both you and Rafe to laugh. 
As you both watch intently for the camera to land on it’s next target your stomach drops when you see you and Rafe being projected onto the large screen. 
You lift your head off of Rafe’s shoulder then look at him while laughing comfortably.  A nervous smile is plastered across Rafe’s face, but as the crowds cheering gets louder the boy beside you starts to lean in. 
The crowd goes crazy seeing your lips just mere inches from each other. You both stare into each others eyes, the shouting around you drowning out. Despite being in front of a crowd of thousands of people it felt like it was just you and Rafe. 
“Can I?” He asks looking down at your lips before meeting your gaze once again. 
You simply nod your head yes and Rafe wastes no time in placing his lips onto yours. The crowd erupts with more screams, cheers and wolf whistles. You kiss him back, placing your hand on his shoulder. 
The kiss was soft, but yet so passionate and so telling of how each other felt. You’re the first to pull away, the camera still focused on you two. Without any hesitation you lean in kissing Rafe once again. 
This time the kiss was deeper and Rafe caresses his hand against your cheek. The crowd cheers one last time before the camera moves onto it’s next unsuspecting victims. Rafe swipes his tongue along your bottom lip and you gladly give him access to your mouth, allowing the kiss to become deeper. However, you both pull away for a breath of air. Your guys’ surroundings set in as you do this. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile.” Rafe says truthfully, sitting back and placing his hand back onto your thigh. 
“Me too.” You softly say resting your head back onto his shoulder with a warm heart. 
Rafe knew it was going to be a long day considering he had to drive three hours to the hockey arena and another three hours back to the cut and figure eight. Although, he didn’t expect you to pass out basically right away. After all, you spent a lot of time working night shifts at the diner. 
With you being fast asleep it gave Rafe a lot of time to think to himself and he came to a lot of realizations. For starters he didn’t know if he was comfortable that you worked basically by yourself so late at night most of the times. 
This worried him because the diner you worked at was a hangout place for both Pogues and Kooks alike, which means any one could walk in without seeming out of place. That being said Rafe’s anxious mind made him come up with a scenerio in his head where Barry would walk into the diner late at night, realize you were friends with him and do something to you since he still hasn’t payed him back. 
But every time an intrusive thought slithered it’s way into his mind you would stir in your seat, causing Rafe to redirect his attention to you then back to the road. It was like you were trying to tell him to stop overthinking things. 
After three hours of listening to the radio and his thoughts Rafe finally turns off of the highway and drives into Outer Banks. He stops at a stop light, the red light illuminating your face in the dark. 
Rafe couldn’t help but admire you. You looked so peaceful resting your head against the window, while cuddling the stuffed animal he bought you. Rafe moves his thumb across your thigh in a soothing manner, but instantly hisses when the car behind him honks. 
The brunette steps on the gas since the light turned green, but he makes sure to give the car behind him the finger. He didn’t want them waking you up. 
With just a few minutes left in the car ride Rafe comes to one final realization for the night. 
He was in love with you. 
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Master list
You were doing well to avoid everyone. It was summer so everyone was busy with their own lives. It seemed like every teenager in the valley was joining in with karate in some way or another.
You had popped put to visit the library and maybe grab some new books when you bumped in to mr Lawrence coming out of a diner, he seemed angry but quickly softened his face when he noticed it was you he had walked into.
"Oh hi y/n. Don't see you around the dojo anymore."
"Yeah sorry, I just needed some time." You reply. He sees the bruise that had turned yellow below your eye. He gently tilted your head up with a hand under your chin.
"That looks like it hurts." You instinctively move to cover the bruise with your hand.
"Yeah." You look around yourself, unsure of where to look.
"You wanna tell me what happened?" Johnny asked. You were surprised to see him so concerned.
"I, I..." you couldn't say it.
"Y/n who hurt you?" He looked stern at you.
"I'm okay, Mr Lawrence, its being dealt with." You lie.
"You sure?" He asks and you see the scepticism in his eyes.
"Yeah. Thanks though. Not many people care."
"You know if you ever need help just come to the dojo." He said.
"Oh I don't want to learn karate." You start.
"No, you don't, I don't mean that, just we can help you okay?"
You thanked him and said goodbye. As you walked away you noticed an old guy watching you. His eyes were darting between you and Johnny. He made you uncomfortable and you figured he was the reason Johnny seemed so angry.
On your way home you got a call from Demetri asking you to hang out. You agreed to see him on Wednesday at the mall. Little did you known that that day was going to change a lot of things for you.
You met him around 1pm and he had Sam and Robby with him. You didn't mind as it made it feel less like a date. The four of you went from shop to shop till you all felt hungry and went to the food court. As you were sitting down Demetri remembered a new copy of his favourite comic had come out and after asking you all make sure no one took his chicken he darted off.
He was taking a while and the large soda you'd chugged was hitting your bladder. You and Sam went off to the bathrooms whilst Robby got all the food leftover put in boxes for you all to take away.
On your way you saw a commotion where you had been previously sitting, Robby pushed the food into your arms as he and Sam ran over to help Demetri. The Cobra Kai kids and surrounded him, being led by Eli. You didn't want to just stand by and watch but you didn't have the fighting skills they did. Eli dove at Robby but Robby was to quick kicking him in the head and sending the mohawked teen to the ground.
Demetri, Sam and Robby laughed at the scene as you passed Demetri his chicken. Eli opened his eyes and looked up at the three of you. He was still angry and got to his feet quickly, you saw his hands curl into fists.
"Eli Stop!" You commanded him. Your friends took the opportunity to run off behind you. A muscle in Eli's mouth twitched as he approached you.
"He started it!" He growled at you.
"I don't care, Eli. Just stop." You turn and push your way through the crowd. Eli's eyes burning into your back.
In the parking lot Demetri tried to talk to you but you just walked to your car and drove home. A text came through on your phone.
Eli: do you love him?
Y/n: what are you talking about?
Eli: Demetri! Why are you hanging with him?
Y/n: why do you care?
Eli: I don't. Do you love him?
Y/n: leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you.
Eli: why are you being such a bitch?
Y/n: You don't care so just leave me alone.
Thats when you heard his voice out on the street.
"FUCK!" He shouted. You peered put of your bedroom window, watching the red mohawk stomp down the street.
A few minutes pater your phone dinged again.
Eli: Why are you being like this? We were cool and then you just changed.
You ignored it.
Eli: come on just talk to me!
Eli: y/n stop being difficult.
Eli: he had it coming with what he wrote about sensie Kreese!
Eli: bitch
Demetri: I'm sorry. Can we talk?
Pt 10
An: thinking of dropping a lot of this story in one day as have up to part 20 already written. Let me know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated.
@peppamultifanimagines @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist @filmfvckers
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
Fatgum x F!reader "What a Hero SHOULD do"
You guys.
I've been gone a long while, life has been a rollercoaster, but I don't really wanna get into all that noise. Just happy to be in a good place right now.
That said, this was painful to write because I had planned the ending very differently...
I'm not officially in the bnha/mha fandom but, I just got into it recently and wanted to show some love to my favorite Pro!
Hope you guys like it!
I haven't written anything in a while, so please go easy on me...
(WARNING! Mild angst)
"Hey, Fat...can I ask you something kinda personal...?"
Fatgum glanced down at his young intern with an eyebrow raised, tilting his head in curiosity. "Huh? Oh, sure. What's on yer mind?" he gave an encouraging grin to put Kirishima at ease. The red head craned his neck to look up at his boss, his own mouth twisted into a small frown.
"Have you asked _______ on a date yet...?"
He stumbled a bit but keeps walking, caught off guard by the question, a slight blush rising to his cheeks. "Woah, where did that come from?!" he asked in return with a nervous chuckle. "Well..." Kirishima continued "You guys seem really close. The way you look at her when you see her-"
"Hahaha!" the burst of anxious laughter interrupted and Red Riot looked up at Fatgum again in confusion. "You're reading too deep into it, man! We're just friends! Heh..." Toyomitsu tried to act casually, but it wasn't working at all.
Kirishima pouted a bit, deciding to push a little harder.
"...but, I think she has feelings for you, too-" the blonde stopped walking and stared down at him, his blush growing darker and spreading across the bridge of his nose, cutting him off again. "Okay, let's change the topic, huh? Maybe we should go somewhere else for lunch..."
Eyes widening a bit, Red Riot raised both hands defensively and shook his head. "No, no! I'm sorry...I won't mention it again..." his expression became one of defeat and disappointment, shoulders slumping as he continued to walk, staring down at the sidewalk.
With an inward wince, Toyomitsu followed close behind, his own gaze dropping to the ground as well. Silence passed between the Pro and his sidekick for several minutes before Fatgum spoke up again.
"Honestly, she deserves better..." he mumbled.
This was a surprise to Kiri, his mentor was always inspirationally self-confident, it was disheartening to hear such a comment from the man he so deeply admired. He opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself when he remembered that he had already promised to drop the subject.
He felt bad for bringing it up now.
_______ was a sweet lady, she was funny and friendly, vivacious and beautiful, generous, tough and a fantastic cook. All Kirishima wanted was to see them both happy together. When they spotted each other through the window of the diner, their eyes lit up, a smile instantly formed on their lips, they would practically start glowing.
She always ran to jump into his arms, hugging around his neck, never failing to say how she missed him. He caught her every time, hiding his face in her hair as he hugged her back and would say he had missed her too, but especially her cooking!
If that isn't true love, Kiri thought, then what is...?
They finally made it to the diner and stopped outside. Fatgum looked through the window, and when he didn't see ______ anywhere, glanced at Red Riot again with a frown. "Listen, can I count on you to keep that little conversation between us? I don't want ______ to know how I feel..."
"You're not sick, are you??" a soft voice piped up from beside Toyomitsu.
It made both of them jump, startled. Fatgum whipped his head around to see ______ standing there, instead of her pretty smile, her face was flooded with worry at the thought of her Hero being ill or injured.
The Pro forced a crooked grin as the blush returned to his cheeks. "N-no, no, I'm fine! How's it goin'...?" he stuttered weakly.
She was clearly not convinced, the concern in her bright (e/c) eyes only deepened. "C'mon...all this time we've known each other, you think I can't tell when something's bothering you...?" he started to panic a bit but Red Riot swooped in to save the day like the rising star he was.
"Aw, he just had a big breakfast, that's all...he doesn't wanna hurt your feelings if he can't finish lunch." Kirishima answered casually with a lightly teasing undertone, arms crossing over his chest. She looked from him up at Fatgum who responded to her questioning expression with a sheepish grin and shrug.
At this, her smile bloomed in place, eyes twinkling mischievously as she playfully elbowed his broad, squishy belly. "Oh, c'mon! When have you ever left here without takeout, even after filling up?! As if it matters..." she giggled, hopping up into his arms as always, chin resting on his shoulder as she nuzzled against him sweetly.
"I'm just happy you're okay...I missed you!"
Bending at the waist with his arms extended, the blonde caught her effortlessly when she hopped up for the hug, sighing and closing his eyes as he rises to his full height, squeezing the small girl gently.
"Ahh, I'm fine, I'm fine...I missed you too..."
Kirishima gave a soft smile as he watched the exchange, dropping himself into the patio chair where he always sat when they came to the diner.
When he set her down, ________ smiled from him to his sidekick. "Your food should be done soon. It's a new recipe! I hope you guys like it!" then she waved over her shoulder as she walked back inside. Exhaling softly, Fatgum turned to sit as well. He glanced over at Red Riot, blushing a bit, only for it to get worse when he notices the toothy grin he's being flashed.
"...Oh, knock it off..." the pro grumbles, arms crossing and lowering his eyes to the tabletop.
"I didn't SAY anything...~!" Kirishima taunted childishly, arms folding behind his head as he leans back and closes his own eyes. "You didn't have to, punk." Tai shot back in typical big-bro style, reaching out across the table to muss the teens perfectly sculpted hair. "Aw, quit! It takes 40 minutes to set every morning!"
Fatgum chuckled, eyes rolling.
After some minutes passed, _______ returned with another server, both carrying trays of food which they placed on the table in front of the two heroes. "Wow! It looks so good!" they said simultaneously, earning a laugh from her.
"Well, I hope you like the taste even more. It's a cheeseburger-tater-tot-casserole. Dig in!" wasting no time, Kirishima and Toyomitsu start chowing down, both groaning happily around mouthfuls of the meal and nodding in approval. "Mmm...!" _______ laughed again, giving a thumbs up.
"Glad to hear it! I'll be right back with your drinks."
She left again but came back quickly with two pitchers and a cup, putting them between their plates. "Yer an angel, _____." Fatgum said with a grin, taking one of the pitchers and starting to drink from it. Red Riot snickered quietly before sipping his own drink.
"Oh, I just remembered! Check this out!" she said cheerfully, reaching behind her neck and starting to untie her apron. Upon glancing at her and noticing this, Fatgums eyes grew wide and a dark blush pooled in his cheeks, choking slightly on the ice water. "...?!"
Kiri froze, his eyes getting big as well and blushing slightly.
She dropped the top, revealing...
A tank top. With a picture of a sombrero. It said "If you don't like TACOS, I'm NACHO type"
Red Riot started laughing, covering his eyes with a hand as he tipped back his head. "Cute, right?!" she asked enthusiastically, looking from one to the other. Smiling weakly, Fatgum gave a slow nod. "It's great...really clever..." he wondered if steam would rise off him if he poured the rest of the water down his neck.
"Yeah, I knew I had to have it when I saw it. Anyway," she started to fix her apron again. "I'll let you guys finish eating. Let me know if you need boxes and your takeout oughtta be done before you get done with those. Enjoy!" with that, she walked off.
The blonde watched over his shoulder as she left before sliding his plate out of the way, folding his arms on the table and burying his face in them.
Grinning, Kiri nudged his foot under the table. "DON'T. SAY. A WORD." this reply only got him to laugh again, head shaking as he resumed eating. "Whatever you say, boss..." the red head hummed.
Between them, they were able to clear their dishes, waiting by the front door for the takeout, both content and full of tasty food. "Alright, guys. Here ya go! I'm glad you liked lunch, lemme know when you wanna try it again." Tai smiled down at her when she came out, taking the bags gratefully. "Yeah, definitely. Will do!"
______ hugged Kirishima tightly, pulling him down to place a kiss on his forehead, surprising him and making him blush faintly since she hadn't done it before. "Be safe, young man, you hear me?" she demanded. He answered with a broad smile and a nod. "Gotcha!"
"Ooh, do I get one of those?" Fatgum asked half jokingly, blushing too. Some color rose up on her cheeks as well, giving him a warm smile as she reached up for the BMI hero.
He put down the food to pick her up again for another hug, chuckling softly when she pressed a tender kiss against his cheek. "Aw, that was sweet!" Kirishima called up to them, earning a swift kick to the ass. "Ow! Hey!" the red head complained, rubbing the spot.
He set her down carefully with a deep sigh. She didn't let go of his arms and he looked at her in confusion. "Please be careful out there, Taishiro...I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you..." he grinned, placing a hand on her head. "I will. I'll be back before ya know it!"
She pressed herself into his tummy, coming nowhere close to being able to wrap her arms around him but she gives him her best hug anyway. The pro didn't have to look at his intern to know he was smirking smugly. He hugged her back before stepping away to grab his bags again. "Well...see ya, _____."
He waved, smiling, then turned so they could head back out. They only took a few steps before Fatgum stopped and glanced back at her over his shoulder.
She was still there, offering another small smile and wave of goodbye.
"C'mon, man! Just go for it! You TOTALLY got this!" Kiri urged desperately. But he was still hesitant. It wasn't an issue of his own self-confidence, but his career. He was so busy that he would hardly have time for you, and the way Toyomitsu saw it, you deserved to be waited on hand-and-foot.
He dreamed about being with you, which meant his worst nightmare would be a villain or criminal using you as leverage against him. It was best to leave things the way they are. It's what he SHOULD do.
A real Hero isn't so selfish as to put their own desires ahead of the safety of those they cherish, he reminded himself. With a heavy heart, he forced a smile to hide the pain and waved back before looking down at the ground and sighing, eyes closing slowly.
"...I just...can't...
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horansqueen · 3 years
New Angel - Chapter 5
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chapter 1  ☆ chapter 2  ☆ chapter 3  ☆ chapter 4
☆ written from Niall’s pov ☆ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ☆ AU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ☆ 2.5k ☆ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox! ☆ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
☆ you probably noticed that my chapters are shorter, which makes it tough because I feel like I can’t write everything I want to write in one chapter. so ill probably update this soon with the next chapter that will just be the continuity of this one.
It took a few days before I received a text message from Summer who was inviting me to the movies. It was not really original but I was happy I'd get to spend some of my time with her. Millie had convinced me to go back to work and I had to admit that keeping my head busy was a nice way to get a break from my heartache. I preferred Summer to keep my mind off Grace but I would use every way possible to get over my heartbreak as soon as possible.
"You're not eating diner with us?" Louis asked, making me look up after playing with my keys.
"Ah, you're gonna get laid." he just pointed out with a nod, making Millie chuckle near him.
I glanced at her and sent her a small smile before looking back at Louis and sending him a smirk. I wanted to joke and ask him if he was jealous but it would be useless since I knew he pretty much had sex whenever he wanted to. Instead, I just shrugged with an amused smile and raised my eyebrows.
"D'you need condoms?" he added to tease me.
"Naa, thanks, we're clearly not the same size."
Louis raised his hand up, showing me his middle finger and I started laughing, taking a few steps back, doing the same to him, my middle finger up in the air. I smiled more when my eyes met Millie's and I shook my head slightly.
"Not you Mills, you know I love you!"
She jokingly blew a kiss at me and I pretended to catch it and push it in my pocket, making her laugh. The only good thing beside Summer that came with the fact that Grace broke my heart was that I was getting close to my friends. I was always quite close to Louis, but this whole thing made me realized that we didn't talk much anymore, and we didn't hang out much either. Now that I was single (or something?), I got to spend time with him and I had missed him. Millie was also a good addition to my life. She was still slightly annoying but the more time i spent with her, the more I liked the side of her that made her say things the way they were. Her bluntness was refreshing. I felt like most of the time, everyone around me tried to be sorry for me, or would tell me what I want to hear. She was not rude, she just told me when I was going too far, or shook me when I needed to be, and I realized that true friendship was not pretending the people around you were perfect, it was helping them move on, grow up, and be a better person. Millie was doing just that with me.
"I guess you're also not going to be there tonight, or when we wake up." Louis added as I shrugged again.
"Hopefully." I repeated, making both my friends smile more.
"Have fun!"
The movie was boring but I spent the whole time glancing at Summer who seemed to be focus on the screen. I wanted to wrap my arm around her but I was scared of the message it would send so I decided not to. I also didn't dare kissing her for the same reason, and I took a mental note to ask her about the kind of relationship she was looking for on the same night. I just wanted to make things clear and get rid of that restraint inside me that made me think twice about everything I wanted to do or say.
Near the end, I stared at her as she reached very slowly for the popcorn, groping around to find it, and it made me smile. There was no doubt in my mind that I liked Summer and that I wanted to get to know her, I was just scared she was going to be some sort of rebound and I felt extremely guilty about it.
I don't know how the movie ended but when we walked out of the theater, she sent me a big smile and my heart twisted in my chest.
"So, did you guess that they would end up together?" she asked, making my lips part.
"Uh, no."
"Me neither." Summer admitted, raising her nose up slightly. "I'm not good at guessing these kind of things."
I pushed one of my hands in my pockets and chuckled, feeling slight embarrassed. I brought my free hand to scratch the back of my head and I glanced at her. "The truth is, I didn't really watch the movie. I was focused on you."
Her eyes got bigger with surprise and finally, her lips curled slightly to the left. I liked the way she was looking at me and I also liked how oblivious she was. She didn't see the way I looked at her, and she didn't seem to realize how pretty she was. Somehow, it made her prettier. Perhaps it was only because I was used to date confident girls who knew their worth and it was not a better or worst thing, it was just different.
"You really know how to sweet talk women." she pointed out before letting out a short laughter. "But I like it."
"Seriously. I mean it."
"Okay." she nodded, licking her lip before her eyes got smaller. I felt like she was studying me and I liked it. "Then how about you come over to grab a bite? That way you can spend some more time watching me?"
I let out a louder laugh than intended and finally nodded too. "That's a great idea!"
I drove us to her place when when we walked in, I let my eyes roam around. The apartment was small an decorated with pastel colors. It was clearly not the colors I would have picked but it was clean and welcoming, and it fitted well with Summer's bubbly personality.
"Okay, let's see what leftovers we have..." she said in a soft tone, opening the fridge and bending down to look inside.
I suddenly wondered if she did that on purpose but I just shook my head and closed my eyes for a few seconds. From what I knew of Summer, it was not the kind of things she did, but it reminded me that it was exactly the kind of things Grace would do, and I liked it.
"Pasta good for you?"
I opened my eyes when I heard her voice again and blinked a few times before nodding. "Yea, yea it's perfect."
She handed me a beer before putting the food in the microwave and started it. I took a sip of my drink as she turned around and leaned her butt against the counter. She sent me a small smile but I couldn't help and let my eyes move down on her. The necklace she was wearing was falling gracefully between her breasts until her navel but unlike the dress she was wearing at the club, her outfit on that day was pretty simple: a black pair of jeans and a pink shirt that molded her upper body perfectly. I was pretty sure she looked good no matter what she was wearing and it made me smile. She tilted her head slightly, playing with her hair falling down from her high pony tail down to the middle of her back and licked her lips.
"If you want I can tell you what happened in the movie while you stare at me like that."
I looked up and our eyes met again but when I saw her smile, I mirrored it and walked closer. "I'd rather know more about you."
Her amused smile faltered slowly, changing into a loving one, and she tilted her head just as the microwave beeped. She chuckled a bit and turned around, making a bowl for me and one for her, and we sat down at her table, facing each other.
"Okay, tell me what you want to know." she just proposed before taking a bite.
"Okay... age, last name, siblings?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and making her laugh as she chewed.
"You're right, we don't know that much about each other." she admitted with a nod. "We talked at the club but we quickly ended up in your apartment."
I smiled more. "I know you study in fashion and that you used to live with a few friends but that you recently moved here by yourself. I also know that you've only been in two serious relationships, one of them when you were still a teen, and that you've been single for two years. But I have no idea how old you are."
"Glad to know you can stare at me and listen to what I say at the same time!" she joked.
"I'm a multitask guy." I shrugged with a chuckle, making her laugh too.
"I'm 23." she admitted. "I have two older sisters, and my last name is Carpenter."
"Good to know. And apparently, you like romantic movies."
"Don't we all?" she asked with a shrug but chuckling when she saw me raising my eyebrows. "I mean, most of us want to find real love and live happily ever after, right?"
My smile faltered as Grace invaded my head again. I felt a wave of sadness invade me but when I looked up at Summer, I realized she hadn't noticed anything.
"Yeah, I guess it's human nature."
I tried to push my ex girlfriend out of my mind and we kept talking about each other for a while and when she got up to bring her dishes to the dishwasher, I followed her and helped her. She turned my way and looked up in my eyes as I felt my heart jump in my chest at the proximity of our bodies. She smelled exactly the same as she did wat the club. It was that perfume that lasted for 3 days on one of my pillows but I couldn't tell what exactly it smelled like. She started nibbling on her bottom lip while staring at me and I couldn't take my eyes off of her either.
"I want you to know that I normally don't do that."
"Don't do what?" I asked very low.
"Sleep on the first night." she confessed in a whisper. "But you're special, I don't know."
"Is that a good thing?"
Her lips curled and she chuckled, nodding slowly, her eyes never leaving mine. "Mhm, yes."
I was not expecting it but she got on her tiptoes and kissed me gently but firmly. Her lips moved against mine and I tasted her lip-gloss when my tongue ran on bottom lip. It was sticky and it smelled like strawberry, telling me that it was probably her favorite.
"Summer," I murmured between two kisses. "We need to talk."
"I know, but we can do it after."
Her arms wrapped around my neck and I kissed her deeper, pulling her closer. I don't know how we ended up in her room but I knew I went a bit too roughly when I pushed her against the door and she stopped me.
"How about we go on my bed?"
I nodded quickly and grabbed her hand, pulling her gently but quickly with me. I layed on top of her, grinding down against her as she whimpered in my mouth, and I couldn't help but tell myself that it felt even better than the first time. Her shirt and her pants ended on the carpet and I let my lips run down her neck, sliding between her breasts and on her stomach until I reached for her panties. I wanted to taste her, and I could tell how aroused she was just from the way she smelled, but when I pulled her panties down with two of my fingers on the sides, she tensed.
"Niall, please, not today, okay?"
My heart skipped a beat, hoping I didn't ruin the moment, and I moved back up to press my lips on hers. "Okay, anything you want."
"I'll remember that." she joked with a chuckle, making me smile against her mouth.
She grabbed my shirt and moved it over my head before her hands ran in my hair and down my naked back, making me feel the same burning sensation I had felt the first time and when I finally lied down on top of her naked, I realized how similar everything was.
"Summer, baby, you want to ride me?" I asked in a murmur, moving away slightly to look in her eyes.
Her lips parted and she held her breath but after a few seconds, she nodded and licked her lips. I lied down next to her but quickly sat back up, searching for my pants on the floor and grabbing the condom I had brought with me. I could feel guilty for even bringing it as if I expected to have sex with her but my mom always said 'better safe than sorry' and I would have hated myself if I hadn't brought one and didn't have the chance to do that again with her. I lied down on my back and when she straddled me, the sight made my dick twitch and my heart jump. She was hot and watching her move on top of me was definitely going to bring me to an orgasm fast.
I ran my hands on her thighs and when she moved on her knees to sit on my cock, It was my turn to hold my breath while my lips parted. She felt so good around me that I let out a low curse word and blinked a few times, trying to see her better as I became dizzy. She had a small shy smile and I let my hands slid up until her waist just to feel her skin against mine.
"Fuck, you feel amazing."
She started moving over me, riding me gently, and she bent down to kiss me again. I ran my hands on her, wherever I could touch, but she didn't move back her and stayed laying on me. I enjoyed the way her hips were moving against mine and when I felt myself reach an orgasm, I held her waist tighter. I felt her start shaking over me a few seconds after I came and when her body went limp on top of me, I sighed with a smile, running a few of my fingertips on her spine.
"Now, we have to talk." I repeated in a gentle tone, bringing my hand up to move her hair out of her face and press my cheek on the top of her head.
She remained silent for a few seconds but I felt her lips press on my chest and it made me smile. "Mmhm, we can talk now."
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arcadianstuff · 4 years
“Your cat wears glasses ?” P.t 2
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The reader meets some of the Trollhunter team and runs into Douxe and Archie again upon investigating the strange shop from the night before.
“Order up!”
Jerry, the chef in the diner you worked in let out a loud yell, startling you from where stood outing a customer some coffee. Smiling at the old lady who was enjoying her eggs and bacon now with a full cup of coffee you scurried behind the counter grabbing the tray off the shelf.
“Thanks Jerry.”
In response to your thanks the chef mumbled a few words about needing a raise and lousy tips. You rolled your eyes at his silky behaviour and moved towards the table in the far corner.
Four teenagers sat around it, kids you recognisers from school, in a year or two below you. It looked like a double date and seemed to be going okay ? You couldn’t Honedlty tell.
“Here we go guys, four milkshakes and burgers. Do you guys need anything else ?”
Handing out the food you smile at the teens, trying your best to be nice mostly because you liked the teens but also because you could really use some decent tips.
“Hey don’t you go to our school ? You’re a senior right ?”
The girl on the right speaks up, smiling excitedly as she recognises you. She’s pretty woth sleek black hair and colourful hair clips. Plus she’s wearing a papa skull shirt. Good music taste.
“Yeah that’s me, I’m (y/n). You guys are in sophmore year right ? I saw the play by the way, Romeo and Juliet. You two were great.”
Addressing the two on your right you send them a smile since you’d actually really enjoyed the play even though you’d had low expect mostly because it was a school production.
“Yeah we are, I’m Claire that’s Jim, and these guys are Darcie and Toby,”
The others waved at you, saying his and nice to meet yous,
“ and thanks glad you liked it.”
For a second you locked eyes with Jim and you felt this massive surge of energy radiating from him, or rather something near him. He must’ve sensed what you were doing because his eyes widened too.
Now freaked out a little you quickly said goodbye to them and to call you over if they needed anything.
‘That was weird...’ you thought to yourself as you continued handing out orders and clearing tables.
You’d had enough of weird this week. After meeting Douxie yesterday and Archie, wizard and familiar, you’d had enough of weird for a few days.
Not to mention the weird dream you’d had that night....
———- flashback to dream ———
“(Y/n) ! (Y/n) ! Look what I can do.”
You let out a giggle as the little boy next to you created a buttferly out of blue smoke from seemingly nowhere. The magical creation swirled around you, landing delicately on your outstretched palm.
“It’s so pretty.”
Your high pitched voice squealed as the butterfly flew high out of your tiny palm, heading out of sight into the darkening sky’s
“You’re pretty (y/n). In fact you’re so prettt one day we are going to get married so I can have the prettiest wife.”
The boy smiled at you, genuine and happy with a glint in his dark eyes. However your rapturous and cackling laughter caused this smile to fall into a frown.
“Hey ! Why are you laughing ?!”
His agitation only made you laugh harder as you giggled hysterically.
“Don’t be silly we can’t get married. We’re too young and what if I don’t want to marry you.”
You gave him an incredulous look, pointing your fingiré at him accusingly. In return the boy pouted now becoming flustered and a little upset. His cool was completely gone and he felt very awkward.
“Well I take it back ! I’d not wanna marry you. You’d probably smell and be ugly !”
It was the boys turn to laugh at your crestfallen face as he looked at you smugly.
“You take that back right now !”
Angry your fists curled into balls as you stamped you foot, pushing at the boy.
“Never (y/n). You do smell !”
That was it, the last straw. As a five year old the insult was basically treason and enough to push you over the edge. Your palms started to blazer with golden light as your (e/c) eyes melted into gold.
“Ummmmm.... (y/n)”
Chuckling nervously the boy started to shuffle backwards as he could se you were becoming more and more agitated, getting ready to pounce.
For a second you both froze, rooted to the spot as you looked each other up and down guessing who was going to make the first move.
And then just like that you’d been awoken from you dream with a startling cry. At first your mind was hazy as you tried to register where you were and what was happening.
Sunlight stepped through your curtains telling you it was morning.
‘What a strange dream.’ You tried to recall who the little boy in your dream had been. For some reason you couldn’t recall his face or name.
However you could recall the events from the night, meeting Douxie the hot punk wizard and his glasses wearing snooty cat Archie. Wow he’d walked you all the way back to your apartment. Now he knew where you lived and you couldn’t tell whether that was good or bad.
“Wonder when I’ll see him again....”
—————back to present———-
Luckily, your shift wasn’t too long today and as soon as t he lunch rush died down you were able to hang up your apron and make your way down town to check out the creepy yet enchanting bookstore from last night.
Arcadia on the weekends was very vibrant and bustling, kids you recognised from school hung out in cafes or played football in the park outside of your high school.
Across the street you saw a few of your friends from Arcadia Oaks High and waved quickly at them as you made your way hastily down the street.
Friends. Sure you had some at school, only a free but enough that you always had somewhere to sit at lunch and partner up with in science class. But they weren’t close, Mindy could get close to you. Eventually someone would find out your secrets and then you’d have to leave again for your own safety and theirs.
Remembering the four kids from earlier in the diner you felt a wave of envy pass through you as you recalled how close they were. Maybe one day you’d have friends like that or even a boyfriend.....
For some strange reason when you thought of that the image of a dark haired wizard appeared in you mind and just as quickly as it materialised it disappeared.
‘No no no. That’s so dumb. Eww.’
You shook your head feeling stupid and embarrassed at the fact that you had a small crush on a stranger.
Stopping in front of the shop you peered in through the glass finally able to see into it now it was daytime. Without the witchy light cast by the moon and neon glow of the sign it looked a lot more ordinary. But you knew better than anyone that looks can be decieving.
Again the tingling sensation of magical energy could be felt radiating from the store, like electric waves. Something was odd about this place and you were going to find out what.
The sound of a little bell filled the store as you entered, alerting whoever was working there that a customer was in. Nobody appeared so you just decided to peruse the place, observing the immense amount of books that filled the tall oak bookcases.
Reaching out with your fingertips you trailed them over the spines of the books, trying to use your magic or whatever it is to suss out something, just anything really.
Suddenly you felt it, a sharp peak in the energy from the store as your fingers grazed over one very worn out tattered looking leather bound book.
Upon picking it up you took note of the strange symbols carved across the cover.
“What is this ?...”
Mumbling quietly to yourself you opened up the first page. A beautiful illustration of a woman clad in bright gold armour adorned it. She looked strong. Powerful. A little note was left under the drawing. The name of the woman.
“Morgana La Fay...”
“She was a very powerful sorceress. It’s good to see you again love.”
Letting out a shriek of surprise you spun around ready to throw hands and also the book in your grip.
Douxie let out a small laugh at your freaked out expression, finding your fear amusing. The mention of Morgana however had his antenna up.
“What are you doing here ?”
You questioned, looking him up and down wearily.
“Well I happen to work here love, the question is what are you doing here ?”
Douxie soun the broom in his hand around as if to prove that he indeed worked here before coming a little bit closer to you, wanting to see the book you’d picked up and also maybe because he wanted to talk to you again.
“Ummm Im just here to shop, this place there’s something about it....”
You trailed off glancing around the rickety old bookstore with curiosity as if you were looking for an answer to the strange pull you felt from it, the energy.
‘She can sense the magic in this place.’
Curiosity filled Douxie’s mind as he watched you gaze around the store. After lmmeeting yo last night he knew you were a magical being of some sort and clearly in need of a bit of help if you didn’t know what’s you were.
There was no point in hiding some things from, but again also no point in telling you everything straight away.
“Well if you feel some sort of magic from it that’s probably because it is. Many magical artifcats and books are kept here, not to buy but just hidden away for safety.”
A small ‘woah’ left your mouth as you studied the room a little bit closer. Sure enough you could now notice that some of the objects flowed faintly when you concentrated on them.
Feeling a little confident, Douxie learned on a pile of books stacked next to him and gave you a flirtatious smile.
“Plus I’m here and some say I’m a little enchanting.”
You would’ve blushed at his flirting had the pile of books he was leaning on not collapsed leading our Douxie to fall face first onto the floor.
“Pshhhh sure you are. More like a little clumsy.”
A giggle left your lips as you offered him a hand which he begrudgingly took, a little bit of pink dusting his cheeks in embarrassment.
“Well maybe that too...”
Even though he’d embarrassed himself Douxie smiled at the way you laughed. It wasn’t cute and girly likes the Claire’s from Arcadia Oaks High or Darcy but rather joyful.
“I also uh want to say thanks for helping me the home the other night. I don’t know why but I was just so tired.”
You scratched the back of your head nervously, still a little embarrassed about the fact that you made a guy you’d barely known for an hour help you back home.
“It’s cool really I couldn’t just leave another magical being alone out there. Gets dangerous at night.”
He swallowed thickly after speaking, remembering the many close encounters he’d had with the supernatural creatures tat ran rampant among the town. Thank Merlín for Archie who’s saved his butt from more than one near death experience.
Speaking of which, Archie has been gone for a while now. He wondered where is cat has gotten to.
“Umm well thank you again. Really. Means a lot and also it’s nice to know there’s somebody else out there...like me.”
You hesitated at the end of your sentence not sure whether or not you should be talking about “magic” with him.
However Douxie smiled waving a hand as if it say ‘it’s fine really’.
“Of course, and you know if you want to talk about magic or something sometime I’d like that. I could use some practice to help me earn my wizards staff.”
A determined expression past his face as he thought about the staff he so greatly desired. Not only would it mean he’d mastered his powers but he’d also be more of an equal to his master and finally feel like he was worthy of him. To be Merlín’s apprentice.
“Wizards staff ? What’s that ?”
Your confused expression reminded him of the fact that you had little knowledge of anything to do with wizards. He wondered how much you did know.
“You know what I finish my shift in an hour, we could meet at a cafe or somewhere and talk more about this. Maybe I could show you a thing or two.”
You froze for a second taken aback by Douxie’s proposition. It sounded a bit like a date. The thought turned your cheeks red. Seeing this Douxie coughed awkwardly and spoke quickly to correct himself.
“You know help you understand your magical abilities and figure out what’s going on. Umm yeah...”
“That’s sounds good. We can meet at La Benoit the cafe round the corner.”
Your offer made Douxie smile with relief that you didn’t think it was weird or awkward.
“Yeah that’d be good, I’ll be there at 4.”
For a few moment you guys stood there smiling at each other, enjoying being in each other’s company. Again the pulling feeling that drew you to him clung at Douxie the more that he stared at you.
He’d never noticed it but you had a really lovely smile, warm and soft.
You on the other hand were taking in the glint in his eyes, one of something that hinted at magic and adventure. Soemtning drew you to him and you Werner going to fight against it.
“Cat got your tongue.”
Out of nowhere Archie sauntered up to the pair of you, elegantly jumping onto the desk and curling up into a ball.
Mischief and mirth spread across his face as he sensed the tension between the two of you. For people centuries old you were both very ignorant at times. Like a pair of teenagers. Which you were physically and biologically.
“Haha Arch, clever pun.”
Scowling at his famialir for ruining the moment, Douxie turned to glare at him.
Archie’s sudden appearance broke your trance likes states drawing you out of the nice little bubble you’d been in. Realising how long you’d been staring at each other you quickly decided to leave feeling a little too embarrassed to stay.
“Well um I should be going. I’ll see you later.”
You places the old book you’d been holding down on the shelf and made your way to the door.
“Yeah I’ll see you then. (Y/n).”
Douxie waved as you left the shop watching the way you walked down the street as your form grew smaller and smaller until you were out of sight.
A sigh escaped his lips as he thought about how dumb he’d been slipping over like an idiot.
“Great, now she’s going to think I’m a clutz. Bloody brilliant.”
Grumbling he walked over to the book you’d left on the shelf reaching to put it away neatly.
“Cheer up Douxie. I think you made a great impression for one. Judging by the way she was staring at you I’m sure our young sorceress likes you too.”
Douxie’s scowl deepened at Archie’s chuckles and ambushed tone as he spoke, the cat bringing one of his paws up to his mouth to lick.
“Shut up Arch I don’t fancy her.”
He spoke agitatedly ready to say more as his famialir started laughing until he took a look at the book in his hand - the one you’d been reading.
“The Rise and Fall of Morgana Le Fay...”
An uneasy look crossed his face, mouth turning into a grimace as he read aloud the title of the book. A similar unsettled expression settled on Archie’s face too as he jumped onto Douxie’s shoulder to take a closer look.
“Somethings up Arch. Something to do with (yn).”
Part two to the series, will bring more of the lore and characters into the series and explain more on readers backstory.
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puffyswritings · 4 years
@emzurl @fandomsilhouette I can’t even explain how hyped and inspired you guys have got me. Thank you for creating such beautiful art.
At some point you stop counting. One day, the failed dates and the pit of loneliness makes you forget the last time you enjoyed yourself. It makes your self-worth shrink and shrivel until it transforms into the thing you have been fighting since you were a child; since the first time someone made you double check your own thoughts, your own conviction in that thing you knew so well. Self-doubt, as it stands, has erased what once was self-worth. It has taken bits and parts of your confidence and left it shredded beyond recognition.
As Marinette stares before her mirror in her spacious one bedroom apartment, two hours away from her next date, she thinks of this. There are shadows under her eyes she can’t remember a time they weren’t there. When she answers her phone she notes the hollow undertone to it; despite doing her best to sound cheerful and bright and happy.
When was the last time she was happy?
There should be worry there. Instead, Marinette is just not surprised. She can’t recall the last time she smiled genuinely. The last time her eyes watered not from depressing loneliness and sadness. The last time someone was able to make her feel like herself and not some ghost of the Marinette of three, four, ten years ago. She can’t even remember the last time that she was able to see a couple, a family, happy and smiling walking through the streets of Paris. When was the last time she didn’t throw a pillow at the television or change the channel because her tattered heart couldn’t stand seeing someone else enjoy what she has been searching for for twenty-three years?
Marinette inhales.
She holds her breath. Gazes over the battlescars from years of fighting.
Marinette exhales.
In the time that it takes her to change into one of her nicer outfits (this date is at a fairly popular, and affluent restaurant), brush and tie up her hair, she barely notices the time. These things have become nothing more than a blur. The excitement she used to feel pumping through her blood has long gone. Now all that stands is exhaustion. And a very poor expectation of anything good coming from her date.
When she arrives at the restaurant, the atmosphere catches her attention, if briefly. She knows the owner personally, as her parents would bake desserts for them often when she was a teenager. So the boisterous and distinguished air is as normal as sitting atop a Parisian roof at dusk.
But it isn’t until she makes it through the initial crowd of waiting customers, waiters coming to and fro and the sitting diners, that she sees the small, but almost closed off table in the farthest part of the establishment; if only a portion of it. As she gets closer to the high windows that sparkle in the light playing off the Seine, to the table where she is supposed to meet candidate number whatever, Marinette wonders if she will have to bail on this person too. If they get too pushy, she tends to just leave. If they try to pry too much on the first date, she could make them overwhelmingly uncomfortable. Or she could say nothing at all. Ugh, if Alya reached back out to—
No way.
The stoic young face that accompanied her childhood and university years is sitting at the table. He had been staring out at the water before she approached. His head turns when she is near the table, and just as he had been about to stand up to greet her he says, “Oh, it’s you.”
Correction: They both said it. A special mix of surprise, but also disbelief in their tones.
Hands on her chair, Marinette contemplates turning around. She eyes the blond man, memories she had forgotten floating up in her mind just as she does whenever she flies through the city. She can picture herself leaving him. Taking the short drive back to her one-story apartment. Taking off her shoes and handmade dress, taking her hair out of its ponytail. She would keep the lights off because she likes using the bright Paris lights to illuminate her place like they do, and then she’d lie in bed until the early dawn. She would run meaningless scenarios through her head about being swept off her feet. She would imagine what life would be like if she had stayed with Luka--just like she always promised as a teen. Her mind would eventually numb until her body moved into its normal routine.
And then she would only feel something when she became Ladybug. Saving Paris as she has for years.
In the end, she takes the seat. She smooths her skirt down, lacing her fingers in her lap. Maybe Felix could at least make her feel annoyed. Frustrated. Maybe his bland and monotone could make her feel amused. She could tease him like she did when they went to University. She stares at him.
Felix clears his throat. Blueberry eyes trained on him, she wonders what he is about to say. If he calls this date off, she could be angry with him and not loathe herself for having ended it herself.
“Miss Dupaing-chen… To say I am surprised to see you here would certainly be an understatement.” Unconsciously, her knee begins to bounce.
Felix looks off to the side for a moment. “It has been some time since I last saw you.”
“Which is surprising considering we all thought you left for America.”
At that, his green eyes flicker back to the glittering Seine. “Well, yes. It was necessary so that I could gain some new influence outside of France.” His tone, normally filled with a trademark boredom is tingling with something out of Marinette’s grasp. Did something happen?
With nothing coming to mind of how to respond to that, Marinette and Felix sink into silence. It’s only been about two years since she last saw him. Between now and then Marinette had forgotten about her old classmate. Being swamped with work, the ending of her formal education, and other, personal things, it was like “out of sight, out of mind”. Felix rarely kept social media that wasn’t managed by his father’s company, and then he stopped answering his phone, so there wasn’t any way for Marinette to reach him. She’s amazed Alya was--no, not really. Alya has been a journalist since grade school. Getting her hands on his contact info must have been fairly easy for her.
They eat their food in silence. When the check comes, and Felix pays for it, they both leave. Not arm-in-arm. Not chatting about the evening. Definitely not planning to meet each other again.
Not until Felix clears his throat, standing under the entryway as he waits for his valet. Marinette doesn’t turn, staring down the street for her way home.
The blond clears his throat again. “Ms. Dupaing-chen.”
She glances back at him. Then the street. The cab she was so close to waving down passes her, and she turns to him. Annoyed. She says nothing, waiting for whatever dumb thing he’s turning over in that pretentious brain of his.
After a moment or two, he extends his elbow. Marinette’s brow twitches. “I would like to take you for a walk. Perhaps to make up for the lack of entertainment this evening?”
Now this is shocking. So much so that, despite how relatively stone-faced she has been all evening, this brings a small blush to her face.
Impossible. Felix is stoic. If you looked up “pretentious” in the dictionary, you would see the picture of Felix Agreste. Yet here he is, bright green eyes steady on her, the nervous flint to them not entirely gone, but more confident than she has seen in years. His arms remains extended to her as she mulls over the shock, and then the pros and cons of going on an after-date with this former classmate.
This hasn’t happened to her in a long time. Who…? She can’t picture the last person who offered to take her somewhere that wasn’t a room with a bed in it.
If she takes his arm, she has no doubts he won’t do anything slimy. At the base of his nature, Felix was raised to be a gentleman; and one he, apparently, has remained. Where would they end up? How long does he plan to stay out? Will he criticize her appearance like he used to as children? Surely, this can’t be a prank.
The smile Felix attempts confuses her. “If you would rather not--”
“Walk along the Seine?” Her voice is weak. Her palms are sweaty so she doesn’t take his arm or his hand.
Oddly enough, he chuckles. Marinette finds herself caught off guard by it. It sounds familiar. “So long as you don’t push me in.”
It isn’t happiness or joy or love that curls her lip into a tiny smile in that moment. She doesn’t find herself wistfully planning their wedding after the first, second, or third date. She keeps her torn bits to herself until she can find the strength to ask for help in holding them together. What she does find after that is comfort. A presence that isn’t stifling or pressing her to be the same person she was ten years ago. She sees that it’s possible to like leaving the lights off and be happy with it; and nothings wrong with that.
At some point, she walks past the mirror in their bedroom, and she stares. Dark circles still remain shadowed under eyes, but they come from late nights of working and talking and laughing and loving. She runs her fingers through her hair and admires how well it looks on her now. She smiles at herself because she isn’t faking it anymore. Not all the time. Less often these days.
Her love has multiple sources now. From places she accepts and sees to be for her, and not forceful. Even though she always said no one could change the way she saw herself, or make her love anything more than herself, she has no issues with it now. Loving someone else has helped her love herself.
That’s more than enough.
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kelyon · 3 years
Golden Rings 15: A Sheriff
The Storybrooke sequel to Golden Cuffs
Emma steps in
Read on AO3
Emma Swan was having a craptastic day. 
After ten years in a row of solo Valentine’s Days, she didn’t expect the holiday to still get to her. And yet it had.
Maybe it was Storybrooke, with cutesy paper hearts in the windows of almost every store on Main Street. Maybe it was her roommate Mary Margaret, who kept believing in True Love no matter how hard she was proven wrong. You’d think a woman sneaking around with a married man wouldn’t be such a romantic. But you’d be wrong.
Maybe it was Henry. Regina had put her foot down on them spending much time together, and it had been a few days since she’d seen him. For all the confusing feelings Emma had about Henry and about the thought of being his mother, she missed the kid. He was good company. He was a believer too, and he wanted her to join him in his delusion, the whole fairy tale thing. True Love’s Kiss and Happy Ever After and Good Triumphing Over Evil. Too bad he looked so much like the person who had put the nail in the coffin of her ever believing in True Love again. 
That night was supposed to be girl’s night. Mary Margaret had called it “Galentine’s Day,” which was very Mary Margaret. Emma joined the group at the Rabbit Hole for an evening of forgetting about the men in their lives. Or the absence of men, as the case may be. 
The good times had lasted about an hour, until Ashley’s boyfriend Sean showed up at the bar with a ring and a bended knee. Ashley said yes and they left together. After that Ruby drifted over to some rowdy college guys and Mary Margaret announced her desire to go home to the only men who would never let her down--Ben and Jerry.  
Later, as she walked around town, Emma had seen David Nolan in the window of Dark Star Pharmacy. He’d had his back to the window, in front of the Valentine’s Day card display. He’d walked away with two pink cards, despite the fact that he only had one wife. She didn’t know whether to feel worse for Mary Margaret or for Kathryn Nolan.  
In the end, this was yet another Valentine’s Day alone. Not just single, but without friends or family too. At least this year she had a job and a decent place to crash. 
Emma had considered spending a quiet night at the station. It had been months since she’d been elected Sheriff, but she still hadn’t gotten a handle on all of Graham’s old files. There were a lot of them, and none of them were dated so it was almost impossible to get an idea of the timeline of criminal activity over the years. 
But then she heard a woman shriek over by Granny’s Diner. 
Sometimes Emma missed the days when she could stumble on a situation like this and then decide to turn around and walk the other way. A big part of surviving in all the various tight spots she’d been in was knowing when something was Not Your Business. Best way to get out of trouble was to never get into it in the first place.
But she was Sheriff now. Duly elected by the people of Storybrooke. As a public servant, public safety was Her Business. 
“I can’t go with you!”
The woman’s voice shouted again and Emma picked up her pace. The woman sounded drunk and upset. The fact that the man talking to her sounded calm and sober did not ease Emma’s mind. 
She turned the corner and saw Gold. 
Landlord, loan shark, pawnbroker and power broker, he’d been at the top of Emma’s list of shady characters for a long time. The fact that he’d helped her get elected only made him more suspicious. A man like that didn’t do things without an ulterior motive and she already owed him a favor because of that thing with Ashley and Sean’s baby.
 Gold had his hands out to a woman who was bent over and crying. Had he hit her? Was he about to?
Emma had never officially met Mrs. Gold, but she had seen her around town. She was usually dressed like she was now--big hair, high heels, clothes either too short or too tight or both. Graham had a stack of files on Mrs. Gold. People could be close-lipped about their landlord, but everyone had a wild story about his wife. 
Nobody ever mentioned how young she was. 
It was hard to tell with the heavy makeup and the heavier crying, but Mrs. Gold looked barely out of her teens. And Gold was easily in his fifties. Everyone talked about them like they’d been married for years. How old had she been when they’d gotten married?
Emma’s opinion of Gold went down another notch. 
“Is everything alright?”
It was a pretty standard opening question for a cop. Part of Emma was still surprised to be asking it instead of hearing it. She put her hands on her hips to clearly display her badge.
“We’re fine.” Gold held up his hand. Like he could stop her from getting closer.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Emma said calmly as she pushed past him. 
Mrs. Gold was bent over double, clutching her stomach. What the hell had he done to her? Squatting on her heels, Emma touched her on the shoulder.
“Mrs. Gold, are you okay?”
Drunk, red, teary eyes slowly tried to focus. Mrs. Gold’s mouth opened, but then she shook her head and started crying again.
“Sheriff, I appreciate your concern. As you can see, my wife has had too much to drink and I’m trying to get her home.”
Emma looked at Mrs. Gold. “Do you want to go home with him?”
This time, instead of shaking her head, Mrs. Gold closed her eyes and sank lower to the ground. Still balanced on her heels, she curled herself into a ball. Emma stood up and looked at Gold. 
“That isn’t a yes.”
He rolled his eyes, which did not help his case. “Please, Miss Swan, this is a private matter.”
Emma made a show of scanning Main Street up and down. “Pretty sure it’s happening in public. You wanna tell me what’s going on?”
“I already did: Mrs. Gold had too much wine at dinner and now she’s throwing a fit. I’m trying to get her back to the house, where she won’t be a public nuisance any longer.” Gold’s consonants were clipped, and he spoke with a biting quickness. He was irritated. 
Irritated. While his wife was crying in the street.
She crouched down again. “Have you been drinking, Mrs. Gold?” Obviously she had, but it was important to let the woman speak for herself. Gold had to know she wasn’t just going to take his word on what was going on.
“I had a bottle of wine,” Mrs. Gold’s voice wobbled. She was still crying. “And I didn’t eat dinner.”
“That’ll do it,” Emma nodded. She held out her hand. “You wanna try standing up? I can take you in the diner for some food, coffee.”  
She shook her head. “I wanna roll in a ditch and stay there forever.” She broke down in a fresh wave of sobs that toppled her over and landed her butt-first on the sidewalk.
Emma winced and picked Mrs. Gold up. The woman clung to her as they stood, like an old cartoon of a drunk leaning on a lamppost.
“Thank you, Miss Swan,” Gold said smoothly. “Do you want to try to walk her to the parking lot or shall I bring the car around?”
Emma adjusted her grip on Mrs. Gold. She was light and tiny--helpless. “I haven’t determined that she wants to go home with you, Gold.”  
He looked shocked, offended. “What difference does that make? The state she’s in, she doesn’t know what she wants.”
Is that the way you like her? Emma was smart enough to not voice her suspicions out loud. But she knew enough about Gold to know that nothing was beneath him. This woman wasn’t safe.
Gently extracting herself, Emma put her hands on Mrs. Gold’s shoulders and looked her in the eye. “Mrs. Gold, can you talk to me for a sec?”
Mrs. Gold put a hand up to her mouth and nodded. 
“Can you give me a word?”
After a moment’s thought, Mrs. Gold closed her eyes and said, “Yeah.”
“Do you know that man standing behind us?”
This question was met with a glare, first at Emma, then at Gold. “Mr. Gold is supposed to be my husband,” she slurred. “He’s supposed to care about me.” She began to push against Emma’s grasp, shouting at Gold. “You’re supposed to love me, you bastard! I put up with so much shit for you!”
“Okay.” Emma cut off the drunken rant before it could build up steam. “Do you want to go home with him right now?”
“No.” Mrs. Gold was swaying on her feet, but she knew her own mind.
“Okay,” Emma nodded. “I won’t let that happen then.”
“Sheriff Swan, this is ridic--”
“She said no.” Emma spun around to face Gold. She didn’t yell at him. She didn’t have to. Sometimes doing the right thing was complicated and messy, but sometimes it was amazingly simple.  
She left Gold standing in silence and turned back to Mrs. Gold. “Now, do you have somebody you can stay with tonight? Friends? Family?”
Mutely, Mrs. Gold shook her head.
“Do your parents live around here?”
Her face crumpled like a paper bag and she began to cry again.
“Okay.” Emma gave her a few awkward pats on the back. “It’s okay. We’ve all been there.” She’d certainly been there more times than she could count.
“As you can see,” Gold’s cane tapped on the sidewalk as he stepped closer, “my wife doesn’t have anyone in her life but me.”
And who’s fault is that? Emma wondered. Out loud all she said was, “Not while I’m around.”
“What, precisely, do you intend to do with her?”
“We’re going back to the station.” Emma helped Mrs. Gold get her arms into her coat and began to half-lead, half-carry her down the street. “Is it okay if I help you walk?”
Mrs. Gold nodded and took a few staggering steps on her own. If it weren’t so cold, Emma would have told her to take off the heels.
Gold followed behind them. “Sheriff! You can’t just run off with my wife!”
Emma looked over her shoulder at Gold. “Well, I could arrest her for public drunkenness. And I could arrest you for interfering in police business. I could get out the handcuffs and the tasers and the billy clubs, because you two are clearly a danger to the safety of the town.” Emma took a moment to let her words sink in. 
The problem with being the only cop on duty was that she had to be both Good Cop and Bad Cop. 
“Or,” she went on. “We could, all three of us, take a nice walk to the station. Maybe the night air will clear our heads. I sincerely hope Mrs. Gold finds a quiet place to throw up because the sooner she gets sober the better.” She started walking again and shouted back to Gold. “You can come with us or you can go to hell, but I’m not gonna drag both of you.”
Emma was able to get Mrs. Gold all the way to the station bathrooms before she threw up. Gold trailed behind them the whole way. Was he slow because of his cane or because he didn’t want to come? Either way, he was standing outside the women’s room when they emerged.
When she saw her husband, Mrs. Gold shrank back. But she didn’t start crying again.
“Office is through that door,” Emma pointed behind Gold’s shoulder. “Feel free to have a seat, we’re gonna go get some water.”
She took Mrs. Gold to the water cooler around the corner. The tank was made of glass, likely from the fifties or sixties. The whole station was outdated like that, a time capsule. Maybe that was why Graham had so many paper files. The budget didn’t have room for a computer made after 1983.  
Mrs. Gold took quiet sips out of a paper cup. Her face was splotchy from emotion and booze. Mascara had smeared all over her red-rimmed eyes. She was staring into the middle distance, swaying like she was about to tip over.
“Hey, now that you’re inside, you should take off those heels.”
It seemed to take Mrs. Gold a minute to register what Emma had said. Slowly, she nodded and stepped out of her shoes. Now she looked even smaller, even younger, even more vulnerable. 
Everyone she’d talked to about Mrs. Gold acted like she was worse than her husband. That she was loud and lewd--shocking in how boldly she flaunted their sex life, whether people wanted to hear about it or not. Emma had gotten the impression that she was some kind of accomplice, an equal partner in a two-person reign of terror. 
But that wasn’t what she saw in front of her. True, appearances could be deceiving. But if Emma had to guess which version of Mrs. Gold was an act, she’d put her money on it being the heartless, hypersexed, trophy wife. Not the pathetic lightweight shaking like a leaf the middle of in a police station. 
She had to get to the bottom of this.
“How are you holding up?”
Mrs. Gold took a deep breath and nodded slowly. “Been better,” she croaked out after a minute. “Been worse, too.”
“Scale of one to ten where one is the best and ten is the worst?”
“Eight,” she said after thinking about it. “Maybe nine.”
“What’s a ten?” Emma asked, genuinely curious. If getting so drunk she fought with her husband in public and got the attention of the cops and then threw up in front of a total stranger wasn’t the worst night of Mrs. Gold’s life, then what was?
But Mrs. Gold just shook her head. “Doesn’t matter.”
“Yeah,” Emma backed off. As much as she wanted to get the full story on this woman, there were more important things to deal with right now. “Let’s get back to my office.”
Gold was standing by one of the desks in the bullpen, reading the paperwork some idiot officer had left out in the open. When they came in, he opened his mouth to speak, but Emma hurried Mrs. Gold into the office and shut the door.
“Do you want me to make him go away?” she said before she sat down.
“How?” Mrs. Gold’s voice was thick. “No one can make Mr. Gold do anything. He can do whatever he wants.”
“Can’t be that hard. I’ll just kick him the knee.”
To her surprise, Mrs. Gold snorted at the joke. “Ankle,” she corrected. “It’s his ankle that gives him trouble.”
“Good to know, next time we get in a fistfight.” She looked Mrs. Gold in the eye. “But seriously. Would you feel more comfortable if he was somewhere else?”
Mrs. Gold shook her head. “I’d only feel more comfortable if I was somewhere else.” She wrapped her arms around her stomach and sank into the chair across from the desk.
Opening a drawer in the desk, Emma pulled out a box of Kleenex. She also grabbed some of the protein bars she stored in the office for lunches. And, out of the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet, she got the big stuffed Officer Teddy that they gave to kids when they were in crisis. Mrs. Gold was not a kid, but by God she looked like she needed a teddy bear. 
Emma set everything on the chair beside Mrs. Gold. She didn’t take anything but a tissue. 
“Do you mind talking about what happened tonight?”
“I should get a lawyer,” Mrs. Gold whispered. Then she cracked a miserable smile. “But Mr. Gold is my lawyer!” She pressed the Kleenex to her eyes and sobbed. 
“Hey,” Emma tried her best soft voice. “It’s okay, Mrs.-- Hang on, what’s your first name?”
Mrs. Gold looked up, suddenly suspicious. “Am I under arrest?” 
“No,” Emma said quickly. “It’s just weird to say ‘Mrs. Gold’ all the time, like you’re my third-grade math teacher.”
“Well, get used to it, Miss Swan.” She sniffed and straightened up. “I work damn hard to be Mrs. Gold, and I’m not going to be called anything else.”
Walking behind Graham’s desk--her desk--Emma leaned back in the rolling chair. “Is it always work? Being married to him, I mean.”
“Didn’t used to be,” she said quietly. “It was always a challenge, but it used to be fun, you know?”
“Not really,” Emma admitted. “I’m not big on commitment.”
“He used to be wonderful.” There was a misty light in her eyes now. “Especially when I was good, when he was happy with me. He could be so inventive and dedicated.” She sighed. “Mr. Gold could do things to me I didn’t even know I wanted.”
“But only when you were good?” 
The rumor mill had plenty of stories of Mrs. Gold proudly walking around town with bruises and burns. Apparently no Valentine’s Day was complete without her stocking up on rope and duct tape. Was that for when she was good or when she was bad?
Mrs. Gold shrugged and looked away. “I don’t expect you to understand how Mr. Gold and I are together.”
“I understand BDSM,” Emma said evenly. 
Mrs. Gold looked at her, with a blank confusion that didn’t come just from being drunk. She didn’t say anything, so Emma went on.
“That’s what it is, right? Sado-masochism? Dominance and submission? Bondage?”
A blink. “What?”
Emma put her feet up on the desk, trying to look cooler than she felt. It was weird to talk about this stuff in an otherwise normal environment while she was on the clock. But apparently the Golds got a thrill out of shocking vanilla people. So she’d better not act shocked. 
“Not everybody’s from Storybrooke, Mrs. Gold.”
She slumped forward. “I didn’t realize there was a name for it. Do a lot of other people do this stuff?”
Emma’s attempt not to be shocked didn’t last long. She sat up in the chair, took her feet off the desk. “You didn’t know? Wait, are you two not a part of a community?”
“What do you mean?”
Yeah, that made sense. Gold was one of those doms. Self-titled, self-taught, probably got kicked out of any reasonable BDSM group he tried to get into. Predatory. His current wife was young, maybe curious about kink, and he’d been oh-so-happy to be the only teacher she had. He’d trained her to trust him, to rely on him completely, so he could abuse her any sick way he wanted to. He probably told her it was all okay because they were kinky. That living in fear was what the lifestyle was all about. 
Son of a bitch.
Mrs. Gold looked over her shoulder through the windows that looked out at the bullpen. Gold was still standing there, leaning on his cane. Waiting.
Emma clenched her jaw. “There’s… a lot… I want to talk to you about, Mrs. Gold. But right now the most important thing is making sure you’re safe.”
She shook her head. “I’m safe.”
“Earlier you said you didn’t want to go home with him.”
“I was drunk,” she shrugged. “I was upset. I made Mr. Gold angry and I was afraid to face the consequences.”
“Are you afraid of him a lot?”
“No-o.” Mrs. Gold looked down at the tissue in her hands. “Not a lot.”
Emma pressed in. “When was the last time you were afraid of your husband?”
Defiance flashed in her eyes, but then disappeared. Mrs. Gold hung her head. “Last night,” she whispered. “I did something really bad and I thought he was going to hurt me. Like, really hurt me, you know?”
“More than just a spanking, huh?”
“Yeah,” she breathed. “But he didn’t! That has to count for something, right?”
Emma closed her eyes so Mrs. Gold couldn’t see her rolling them. “Maybe something, but not much.” She took a deep breath. “I’m gonna ask you a question, and I want you to think for a second before you answer it: Do you think your husband respects you?”
“No, of course not.” Apparently she didn’t need to think about it. “I’m just a stupid whore, Sheriff. Why would Mr. Gold respect a trashy slut like me?”
“Because you’re a person!” Emma shouted and Mrs. Gold winced. From the other side of the glass, Gold looked up. 
She balled her fists, trying to keep her anger from getting the better of her. Emma liked action. If there was a problem, she wanted to do something about it. If the thing to do involved punching a violent predator, then that was even better. 
But she couldn’t do that now. Cursing Gold out about the meaning of the words “safe, sane and consensual” would make Emma feel better, but it wouldn’t help Mrs. Gold. Right now, the most important thing was giving this girl the mental tools to protect herself. Or at least let her know that she was in danger.
“Mrs. Gold,” Emma said after a minute. “It’s important to me that you understand some things. I don’t know what your husband may have told you, but I want you to trust that I’m telling you the truth. Can you do that? Can you trust me?”
Mrs. Gold swallowed. “What are you going to tell me?”
“Just that… you and your husband are not the only people in the world who like doing stuff that other people might think of as unconventional. There are a lot of people who like, say, mixing pain and sex. Or pretending to be roles that they aren’t.” She hesitated before she admitted something personal: “I was with a guy who told me he never felt safer than when he tied himself up with rope.”
It had meant a lot to Emma, the first time he’d asked her to tie his hands behind his back. He’d told her he trusted her, and she had trusted him--right until it had all fallen apart.
“Are you serious?” Mrs. Gold’s brow was furrowed. “There are other people like us?”
“Yep,” Emma nodded. “More than most people think. In fact, there are enough people like this that they can get together and talk about it. They talk about this stuff so much that there are rules that a lot of these people agree on.”
“What kind of rules?”
For a second, Emma didn’t know where to start. As much as she was talking, her real experiences with kinksters was very limited. Even in the best circumstances, she wasn’t one for clubs or social groups. Nothing with the promise of a community or lasting relationships--that wasn’t her style. One-on-one was better. Emma liked semi-anonymous one night stands. No strings, just rope.  
But that wasn’t what most people wanted, and it definitely wasn’t what Mrs. Gold needed.
“Consent is a pretty big rule for most communities. Making sure that a person isn’t put in a situation they didn’t agree to. So communication is important too. The person being done to has to say what they want and the person doing the thing has to say what they’re planning on doing--and they both have to agree. Am I making sense so far?”
“So it’s like a deal?”
“Yep,” Emma said, glad that something was clicking with Mrs. Gold. “Negotiation is a big part of it.”
“I already made my deal with Mr. Gold.” 
“Well, it’s not something you only talk about once.” She lowered her voice. “Does your husband talk to you before you do a scene?”  
“A ‘scene’?”
No surprise that Mrs. Gold didn’t know even basic vocabulary.
“Yeah, before sex or play or punishment--whatever it is you do when he has power over you.”
“Mr. Gold always has power over me. He can fuck me whenever he wants to. That’s the deal.”
Emma frowned. “Does he get to hurt you whenever he wants to?”
“He can,” Mrs. Gold admitted with perfect calm. “He can do anything to me, or make me do anything. And that’s consensual. I agreed to it when I married him.”
“Does it ever stop? Do you ever have, like, a time out? A rest period? Or are you guys always… in that zone?”
Mrs. Gold looked away. There hadn’t been a trace of embarrassment during the rest of the conversation, but now she looked ashamed. 
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s… It’s been a while since we’ve actually done anything.”
Interesting. “And whose decision was that?”
“Oh, Mr Gold’s. I’ve offered tons of times, but he hasn’t touched me in months.”
“So he decides when you don’t have sex as well as when you do?”
“I guess.”
“Was that a part of your deal?”
She shifted in her seat. “I never thought it was a possibility that he wouldn’t want to do things to me.”
“But you really like it? You think he’s a good partner?”
Mrs. Gold’s blue eyes looked up at Emma. Every fiber of her being radiated sincerity. “The best.”
“Wanna tell me how you feel about not having sex for months?”
She looked away. “I hate it.” 
“Have you told him that?”
“No!” she almost laughed. “I was starting to tonight, but it didn’t work out for me.”
Emma didn’t laugh. She rested her arms on the desk and leaned in to look Mrs. Gold in the eye. “Listen, I’m not a marriage counselor. I’m not an expert in kink. I’m a sheriff. There is clearly a lot broken with your relationship, but I’m not going to be able to solve any of it. No one will be able to fix you guys unless you’re both willing to admit that there’s a problem and work towards a solution.”
Mrs. Gold looked down. “We never had problems before.”
“No, you did. But it sounds like Gold was really good at making you think they weren’t problems. Point is, there’s only so much I can do from a law-enforcement standpoint. I can arrest your husband--but only if you’re willing to press charges and make a statement about any past mistreatment.”
“Wait, who said anything about arresting Mr. Gold?”
“I’m just trying to think of a way to keep you safe. It’s my opinion that the easiest way to do that right now is to keep you separated from your husband. Now, you said you don’t have anyone you can stay with. If you want, I can pay for you to get a room at Granny’s.”
“I don’t need your fucking charity!” Mrs. Gold spat out the last word. 
“Okay,” Emma went on. “My other option is to keep you here in the station overnight. You admitted to being drunk, I can give you a safe place to dry out.”
“But you also want to make up some charge to put Mr. Gold in jail?” Her voice rose as she spoke. “That’s ridiculous! If those are the choices, then yes, by all fucking means, arrest me instead of him!”
This was wrong. Emma knew that it was wrong. Putting Mrs. Gold in the holding cell would be a completely a bass-ackward perversion of justice.
But she was damned if she could think of a single other way to fix this. 
If Mrs. Gold insisted on blaming herself, if she wasn’t going to press charges against her husband, if she didn’t even see that she was being abused--then nothing Emma did or said would change her mind. If Emma forced the issue, then she would be telling Mrs. Gold what to do instead of letting her actually make a choice. And if Mrs. Gold was ever going to be able to break out of her situation, it had to be her choice. 
“Do you wanna put me in handcuffs? It wouldn’t be the first time!”
The transformation was so fast Emma almost didn’t recognize that it was the same person speaking. So this was the version of Mrs. Gold that everyone had a story about. The version of Mrs. Gold that was in Graham’s file. Sparkling voice, chipper smile. She was even posed with her legs splayed open like a pin-up model.
Emma sighed. 
“It doesn’t have to be this way. Remember that. You don’t have to throw yourself under the bus for him. And you don’t have to do things you don’t want to do.”
“It’s really cute that you think that, Sheriff!” Mrs Gold stood up and stepped back into her shoes. She dropped the crumpled Kleenex on the floor and kicked it out of the way with her shiny black heels.  
She didn’t stagger or wobble as she opened the door to the office, but she did stop in her tracks when she saw Gold. Emma was close enough that she could hear her swallow. 
Taking a strange kind of mercy on the girl, Emma pushed in front of her to talk to Gold herself. 
“I’m keeping Mrs. Gold in the holding cell overnight, just until her blood alcohol level goes down a bit.”
“That’s not going to happen, Sheriff.” 
He didn’t move any closer, he didn’t try to reach for Mrs. Gold. He stood very still, with both hands on his cane in front of him. Emma narrowed her eyes. 
“Are you going to try to stop me?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said smoothly. “But I couldn’t help overhearing the end of your conversation.  Mrs. Gold offered to have herself put under arrest. Allow me to make a counter-offer.”
“She doesn’t want to go home with you.”
“I know,” he said. “So my offer is that I stay in the station tonight.” He looked over his shoulder at the jail cell behind him. “Assuming, of course, that you make sure Mrs. Gold gets back safely to the house.”
This was ridiculous. Emma crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you confessing to a crime, Gold?”
“Quite the opposite.” Bastard had the audacity to grin. “I’m hoping this act will prove my innocence.”
Emma clenched her jaw. He was full of shit, but how could she prove it? Gold was giving her exactly what she wanted. There had to be a catch. 
“Is this your favor?” she asked. “Are you calling in what I owe you for Ashley’s baby?”
He gave a little shake of the head. “What this is, Miss Swan, is the right thing to do.”
“Why?” Mrs. Gold’s voice pierced through the quiet station. When Emma turned around, she saw she was crying again. “Why would you do this for me?”
Gold’s expression softened. To Emma’s surprise, she actually believed that he was capable of feeling sorry. Either he was very good, or there was more to him than she’d thought. 
“Like I said, Mrs. Gold, it’s the right thing to do.” He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a ring of keys. He set them on the nearest desk. “You didn’t bring your purse to dinner. You’ll need a key to get back in the house.”
Mrs. Gold just stood there, confused and stunned. Emma stepped forward to take the keys and give them to Mrs. Gold.
“I’ll drop you off,” she told her. “It looks like the car key is on here, but you’re still in no state to drive.”
Nodding slowly, Mrs. Gold looked at the keys in her hand. Then she looked up at her husband. “I’ll give these back to you tomorrow.”
“That’s fine,” he agreed. He shifted his gaze to Emma and smirked. “Assuming I’ll be a free man tomorrow?”
Emma rolled her eyes and began to usher Gold backwards to the cell. “Since I’m not actually booking you for anything, sure.” Once he was inside, she shut the door. “I swear, if this whole thing has been some kind of kinky game--”
“It’s not, Sheriff,” Gold said calmly. “The wellbeing of my wife is the most serious matter in the world.”
“Uh-huh.” Emma locked him in. “You’re gonna have to work harder on that.”
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daddystevee · 4 years
Worlds Collide - part 1
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(steve harrington x fem!reader)
A/N: Okay, i think this is gonna be good, but at the same time im not sure. Its a good concept but im just not good at putting my thoughts onto paper. So please forgive me if this part sucks. I wanted to try writing another multi part fic, but this one might be shorter, but who knows anyways.. Enjoyyyy <3
Warnings: none yet
Summary: Modern day au where Steve and reader meet on a dating website, but things don’t exactly go according to plan.
Word count: 1.2k
part 1/?
You tried to convince yourself that this would be good for you. Everyone needed someone, no one could take on a world as crazy as ours alone. So when your best friend and roommate told you that you should try to get out there and to sign up for this online dating website, you didn’t fight her on it. 
“Alright, that should be fine.” your roommate Cami said to you, adding the finishing touches to your makeup. 
“I feel like this is.. just too much.” you say getting up from the chair moving over to the vanity in her room, getting a good look at your ‘new’ face. You don’t think you had ever worn this much makeup in your life, not even for school dances.
After staring at your face for a little bit longer, you feel two hands being placed onto your shoulders, “Y/N, you look amazing.” she says turning you around to face her. “Okay, now we have to go out on the balcony to take some bomb ass selfies.”
On the other side of town, you would find Steve Harrington surrounded by 6 teens. All huddled around a small computer, each person shouting out different things.
“You should put on there that you LOVE kids. Girls love that.”
“No, I would for sure put something about puppies.”
“Oh, yeah. Puppies.”
“No, no, no. Steve don’t listen to them, add some cheesy pickup lines. Those always work.”
And so on and so on. After so long, he could only take so much,
“Alright! That’s enough.” he says a little louder than anticipated, “I’ll put down what I think would sound good.” With that, the kids go silent but continue to watch over the older boys shoulders.
Once Steve has everything he thinks would attract girls, along with a few of the things the kids mentioned, he reluctantly agrees to let the girls help pick out some of the pictures from his phone to put on his profile. Not even 5 minutes later they have several photos uploaded to his computer and onto his page.
Some of him and the kids on Halloween in their matching costumes, showing off that he does in fact love his kids. A few of him out at bars, to prove that he is a social and outgoing person. And even one with him holding a puppy from the time the kids convinced him to go look at dogs at a kennel, because puppies are cute.
After a few days of swiping through the app, you seem to be having shit luck. The guys who have super liked you, aren’t exactly your type, and they guys you’ve had even the slightest interest in never seem to swipe on you. 
“I don’t think I can do this anymore Cam, it’s honestly so boring and I’m not getting any matches-” you start to say before she rips your phone out of your hand before plopping down next to you on the couch.
“That’s because you’re not doing it right. Just because you and someone match, doesn’t mean you have to reach back out to them.” she then proceeds to start swiping on almost every single guy. As she’s doing so, you do seem to be getting more and more matches, then right as she’s about to swipe left on someone you stop her.
“Wait, he’s really cute.” you say, emphasis on the ‘really’, while peering over your friends shoulder, “Steve Harrington huh? Has kind of a ring to it don’t ya think?” 
She hands the phone over to you and allows you to do the honors. Upon swiping right, it’s an immediate match. You gasp and turn to Cami, with a look of complete shock on your face. You hear a ding, then a little notification comes up on the screen saying, 
what are ya waiting for? make your move!
“What do I say?” you ask still in shock that someone, you thought was cute matched with you. “Oh wait, I got it.” 
"Be honest. Is that dog really yours or just for props?" 
You giggled to yourself at your question thinking it was hilarious, hoping he would find it funny too. But when the ‘sent’ changed to ‘read’ your laughter stopped, it was no longer funny. What if he didn’t think it was funny, what if he matched on accident? What if he unmatched because of your stupid opener.
All of your worries went away when you saw that he was typing…
“alright, you caught me. not my dog, but you're cuter than any dog i’ve ever seen.”
“Dustin!” Steve yelled, snatching his phone out of his smaller friends hand, “Dude you don’t just blurt that kinda shit out.” 
“i’m sorry, that’s not something i would actually say.” 
“Alright, try again lmao.” 
“it’s my friends, they set me up on this app. i’ve never really done anything like this before, so they’re trying to help me out, but aren’t doing a very good job.” read 
“okay, okay. how about, you let me take you out on a date and we can talk, and get to know each other. no distractions” read
A few minutes pass with no response, “Shit! Shit, shit, shit.. this is awkward, she thinks I'm an idiot.” 
Steve feels a hand on his shoulder, he turns around to see Will looking over his shoulder.
“Just give her some time, maybe she’s busy. Or trying to come up with a response?” As soon as the words come out of his mouth, a ding comes from Steve’s phone. He snaps his head towards his hands and his face lights up with a smile. 
“Sure, sounds good to me. Gives me a chance to do this on my own, my roommate’s been up my ass this whole time. You got a snapchat? You know so I can get in contact with you outside the app.”
“Guys! I did it! She wants my snapchat!” Steve says looking to the teens who are sitting around a laptop, watching Netflix, paying no attention to him.
“yeah, totally. it’s stevethehair”
“Okay, hold on I'll add you.”
You go and add him on snapchat, the two of you hit it off instantly, and start to plan out your date. He’s planning on taking you to this diner named ‘Benny’s’ for dinner later in the week, due to busy work schedules throughout the week.
As the days go by, and you spend your time on your bed watching Cami go through the clothing in your closet. Walking from room to room pulling pieces of clothing together to make a full outfit.
“You don’t wanna over dress, but you also don’t want to under dress. You feel me?”
You nod your head when your phone vibrates on your leg. Picking up the phone, the smile that was once on your face slowly turns into a frown.
Cami turns around with a pair of jeans and a cute crop top to go with it, but notices your face and drops all of the clothes.
“Wait, what just happened you were so happy like 2 seconds ago.”
“It’s Steve. He just canceled.”
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shuahoonie · 4 years
you. [tom holland] - four.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! more fluff than usual yall lmao. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish!
SONG INSPO: circles - post malone  
A/N: hiya babes! well, i’m back in university and this semester is a bit more heavy-loaded than my previous one. only the first week of the winter semester, i’m already unbearably occupied. but i’ll manage! i’ll try to update every saturdays since i need an escape from academic works lmao. anyways, happy reading and enjoy part four! x
gif credits: @spiked-tea​ 
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | three | five | six | seven | eight | eight.5 [interview excerpt] 
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You weren’t expecting Tom to wrap his hand around yours nor did you expect him to help you ease your nerves down, so you ended up staring at him. You were trying to figure out what kind of stunt is he trying to pull now.
What are you trying to do, Holland? You thought. 
He turned his attention to you, his brows knitted slightly. “Why are you staring, princess?” He chuckled softly, amused at the confusion painted on your face.
“’m not staring,” You mumbled as you turned your attention back to walking and slowly slipped your hand away from Tom’s. “I can handle it from here, thanks.” 
You said it in such whisper that you could’ve sworn Tom probably won’t hear it. But he did and he just shrugged in response. 
You both reached the restaurant without saying another word. It wasn’t much of a restaurant-rather a diner. It looked very hip and retro. It also featured a couple of colourful fluorescent lights, and you knew it was going to be one of those stops for Instagram photos. Maybe lunch won’t be that bad. 
It was horrible. You two having lunch was horrible. 
“Honey, you’re exaggerating,” Zoë said as she answered her emails. You didn’t even notice you said it out loud but even if you didn’t, the look on your face probably said it all.
“I am not exaggerating, Zo! I’m telling you, people were staring so much. People also asked for photos, which I didn’t mind because some of them were totally nice about it, but god! Some of them gave me dirty looks. Like hello?” You ranted off.
Well, people giving you dirty looks were the least of your problems. 
You and Tom were seated in a corner booth as you both ate your lunch quietly. Well, it was quiet until a girl around her teens approached your table. 
“Oh, uh, hi Tom, I’m so sorry to bother you but can I take a photo?” The girl asked with a hopeful smile on her face. 
As you were sitting across him, Tom glanced at you as if asking for approval. It caught you off-guard. ‘Why is he asking for my approval?’ You wondered. 
 But you two were a fake couple now, and you guessed this is how things are going to be from now on. You had to act like a normal couple around everybody else. 
This only made you second-guess your decision even more.
You glanced at the girl and gave her a small smile. Keeping the smile, you then turned your attention back to Tom and just nodded at him. 
Tom chuckled as he grabbed the girl’s phone. “Sorry, darling, just had to check in with my girlfriend. I promised that this day was the day that I give her all of my time.” 
Your eyes widened as you heard the words that slipped off from Tom’s lips. “Oh god, we’re that couple?!” You wanted to scream at him. But of course, you couldn’t. 
“Tom,” You mumbled shyly, also feeling the warmth spreading across your cheeks. 
“What?” He laughed. ”I was just stating facts, princess. I did promise you that I’ll make it up to you after what happened. Right?” He then proceeded to take a photo with the girl. She mumbled her thanks and giving you a complete once-over before she left. You swore you saw her roll her eyes after. 
Once you knew she was out of distance, you called Tom’s name in a whisper. “Tom, what the hell was that?!” You hissed in a low voice. 
However, Tom couldn’t grasp what you were saying. “Sorry, what was that, princess?” 
“I said, why did you have to say that?” You said in a low voice. 
“’m sorry, still can’t hear you, princess,” Tom answered. “Just seat next to me so you don’t have to say it loud.” 
You rolled your eyes and pulled out your phone. You were about to send a text to him but you realized you don’t have his number. So, you opted out to use the notes app on your phone instead. 
‘I don’t have to seat next to you. We can just use this instead.’ You typed and handed Tom your phone. 
His eyes scanned the whole thing and began typing his response. ‘Just sit next to me. This is ridiculous.’ 
‘Y/N, this is excruciating. Just sit next to me so we don’t have to do any of this. Besides, people are staring and we look ridiculous.’ Tom handed you your phone. 
As soon as you read his reply, you briefly wandered your eyes around the place and unfortunately, he was right. People were staring at you two. 
You let out a small sigh, before sliding off your seat. As you stood up and was about to sit next to Tom, he gave you a huge smile. 
You were about to roll your eyes when Tom signalled towards the window panel against your table. You looked through the huge glass panel and saw a couple of paparazzi attempting to hide while taking photos of you two. 
You forced a smile and went towards Tom’s side of the booth. You sat at the edge of the seat, leaving space between you two.
“Why are you sitting so far away?” He asked, amused. “Come closer.” 
“I don’t think that’s necessary.” You said, scooting away more. You had half of your butt sitting and you looked absurd, to say the least. 
“Y/N, you look ridiculous. C’mere, princess.” Tom chuckled, sliding his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. 
“Holland, what the hell are you doing?” You hissed under your breath. 
“You keep asking that, Y/N, but you already know the answer.” He answered lowly. Tom had his left arm around your shoulder, tracing slow patterns on your arm. 
Not satisfied with his answer and wanting a more constructed one, you just looked at him- which was a horrible idea. You had a close-up look at his face. You noticed freckles speckled across his face. His eyes-god his eyes. You liked how they turn golden when the sun shines on them. 
With every second that you studied his face, along with his gestures, the more you realized how difficult the whole situation is going to be. You could never fall for this man- no matter how difficult it’s going to be. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Tom asked as he popped a fry-a chip, he argued while ordering- into his mouth.
You were not going to actually say why you were staring at him, you had more dignity than that. “Gotta make the people believe I’m so in love with you that I can’t help but look at you.” 
“Wow,” Tom let out a low whistle “You’re getting good at this.” He was still tracing patterns on your arm and you couldn’t help but feel comfortable being this close to him. 
“You can rest your head on my shoulder if you want. ‘Ya know, if it makes you more comfortable,” Tom suggested.
“If I say I’m okay, will you still bug me about it?” You asked. 
“Yup,” He answered honestly, making you roll your eyes. 
So, you gave in. You rested your head over his shoulder and closed your eyes for a moment. 
“The old couple at the next table is staring at us adoringly,” Tom whispered.  You opened your eyes and sure enough, there was an old couple looking at them in awe. Feeling shy all of a sudden, you just gave them a small smile before burying your face into Tom’s. 
You two were acting like a real couple and it’s terrifying how you just feel comfortable around him.
“I can’t believe we’re doing a good job as a couple right now, why don’t we take this up at my place?” You spoke too soon. After hearing Tom’s comment, you took his arm off around you and slapped his arm. 
“Ow!” Tom rubbed his arm, laughing, “I was kidding, princess, come back here. Please.”
“You’re disgusting, Holland,” You said rolling your eyes. 
“I’m sorry, princess,” He pouted while pulling you closer again, setting your head back on top of his shoulder and placing his arm around you. “You know I’m not a ‘sex on the first date’ kind of guy.” 
“You are not building a strong case, Tom.” 
“I’m kidding, princess.” He mumbles into the top of your head. 
“How��d we get here, Holland?” You asked, beginning to wonder what led you guys here. 
“Well, for starters, I couldn’t hear you so I asked you to sit next to me.” He answered, laughing. 
“Yeah, because you disregarded my phone,” You mumbled.
“Hey, I thought you hated the use of phones while you’re out with people.” Tom pointed out. 
You furrowed your brows, “How did you know that?” You asked. 
“Saw your interview.” He answered casually.
“What, you’re stalking me now?” 
“I needed to know who my girlfriend is. For all I know, you might be a serial killer.” Tom explained as he started tracing circles on your arm again. 
“How charming,” You snorted. 
And then things fell quiet again. People came and went, however, they still stared at you two. 
“Are we going to be one of those couples?” You asked Tom. 
He furrowed his brows. “What couples?” 
“The one where they have to say sickly sweet stuff to each other in public and have to execute unnecessary PDA around other people.” You explained almost in full detail. 
“Why are you asking?” Tom turned his attention to you now. 
“Just don’t want to be one of those couples,” You mumbled. 
“Then we’re going to be exactly like one of them,” Tom commented cheekily. 
“You’re despicable.” You rolled your eyes. 
Lunch was horrible. It was horrible because you feel like this whole orchestra is going to end badly and you- you’re the one who’s going to take most of it. 
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TAGLIST: @thomasthetankson @autty0314 @marvelous-tswiftfan @averyfosterthoughts @theolwebshooter @jackiehollanderr @sltwins @herondalescecilys @notjustpenandpaper @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife  @sectusempried​ @gothicwidowsworld​ @heartofholland​ @stxfxniexreads  @peruvian-bae​ @hollands-osterfield​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ 
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Hot Chocolate
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 1,543
Warnings: Mentions of murder and apple pie
A/N: a ha ha heres another lil one shot of these two! send in requests for this pairing if yall got ideas! 
“Excuse me, Miss? Someone ordered this for you, it seems like you’ve got yourself a secret admirer. Anyways, enjoy.”
The waiter places down a slice of delicious apple pie down in front of you with a smile, obviously thinking there was more to this dessert than Bucky finding out where you’ve been. You glance at the cinnamon-sugar syrup that pours out of the sides of the slice, the glazed apples smelling like heaven as they hit your nostrils. Without touching it, you slowly turn your body from the high stool you’re sitting on and scan the room, eyes passing over every head in the room before landing on a black hood.
Back facing you, the black hood takes a sip of whatever is in their mug before placing it back down on the saucer, a black glove gently letting go of the handle as it makes it’s landing. 
Now who’s the one guy I know that wears gloves like that in public?
Pie in hand, you make your way over to the small booth Bucky has for himself before taking a seat across from him.
“What the fuck is this?”
“Looks like a piece of pie to me, doll. Why, you find a hair in it or something?”
You roll your eyes to the back of your head and push a hand through greasy hair with a deep sigh. 
“How did you find me here?”
“You know I did this for, like, eighty years, right?”
Bucky slides the sunglasses off his face and places them on the table next to his tea in order to see you better. You’re a blonde now. And it seems you’ve gotten more piercings as you have a few extra studs on your ears than he remembers. A denim jacket hangs on your frame on top of the long sleeve shirt you got from his apartment the night he stitched you up. 
He won’t lie, Bucky’s definitely been looking for you. And you do a great job of hiding yourself. It took him about two months of extensive research, only to find you in this diner-slash-bookstore(?) on accident while he was taking a break.
Through his research, though, he did find out a lot more about you. Information besides what he learned from your criminal file.
You lived with your grandparents until the age of fourteen when they passed away. You lived with someone named Kathleen Grover, who was listed as a “family friend” on any legal documents concerning your guardianship. You dropped out of high school at age fifteen before applying for a pre-marine program. At age eighteen, you started your career as a marine before going missing in action after two years. There’s a large, blank time frame there, but Bucky can guess that’s when your Hydra career began. Probably not so different from him. Kidnapped, tortured to comply, committing crimes until you were eventually caught. With his math, you’re about twenty-eight now. 
Most twenty-eight-year-old’s are married. Planning for kids. Building their career. Buying houses. But instead you’re sitting across from him in his shop, looking very angry at the slice of pie he bought you.
This shop isn’t far from the fresh market he first saw you at after your escape. About two hours from his apartment, but about ten minutes from what used to be Kathleen Grover’s address. She’s since passed away, under mysterious circumstances, he might add, but it was a start to finding where you’d be. 
You’ve been away from society for almost a decade, so it’s only natural to try to go somewhere familiar. From what he read, he doesn’t imagine you did much traveling in your teen years.
“Anything else I can get for you two?” The waiter interrupts Bucky’s thoughts. 
“Hot chocolate for the lady, please.” Bucky orders without taking his eyes off you. The waiter gives a short nod and walks off to put in the drink.
“So, what is it you want?” You finally ask, after giving in the sweet scent of the pie in front of you and placing a spoonful into your mouth.
“Who says I want anything?”
“Why else would you have come all the way out here to find me?”
Why did he come all the way out here to find you? Absolutely no one at the tower nor the FBI are any closer to finding where you’ve hid yourself. They assumed the first thing you’d do was find a flight out here so they've been searching country after country to find you when you have been in their backyard the entire time. Smart on your part, but probably accidental seeing as you have no way to get out of here anyway. He’s not here to ask you any favors, he doesn’t need anything done for him, so why did he come all the way here?
“Hot chocolate?”
A young woman holding a steaming mug of hot chocolate awaits confirmation. You give a shy smile and hold out your hands to receive the drink. As soon as your fingertips reach the saucer the waitress is holding, a loud gasp escapes your body and you flinch harshly, causing the mug to fly out of both your hands and crash on the ground. 
“Oops! I’m so sorry about that! Let me clean this up and I’ll get another drink for you, on the house! Sorry again!” The waitress frantically rushes away to get a mop.
Bucky looks at you to see your eyes wide and lips turned into a frown. He glances down at your hands that are tucked towards the center of your chest to see them shaking. He listens closely and hears your heart beating a mile a minute.
“What just happened?” Bucky asks, voice low yet curious. His question seems to snap you out of your thoughts as you jump once more and meet his eyes.
“Nothing. Nothing just happened. In fact, I gotta go.” You push your hands through your hair once more, clearly stressed about the broken mug.
“Did you see something? Just now? When you touched the mug, you saw something.” Bucky concludes.
You don’t respond as the waitress returns and begins cleaning up the mess on the floor. 
“What did you see?” Bucky whispers, desperate to hear about what’s troubling you.
“That girl- she-she, uh,” You stutter. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” You quickly stand and make your way towards the door. 
Bucky stands as well and struggles to get his wallet out of his pocket. When he finally gets it out he throws a few bills on the table before rushing after you to catch up. After coming out through the door, he looks up and down the sidewalk to see no sign of you.
“Fuck.” Bucky mumbles to himself. 
Nowhere on the sidewalk. Not across the street. Where the fuck did you go? Bucky reaches his right hand up to rub the crease in his forehead between his eyes roughly before making his way back to where he parked his bike on the street.
Fucking idiot, you couldn’t just pay attention? God, it was thirty seconds that you took your eyes off her and now she’s gone for who knows how long this time. Now what are you-
A folded napkin tucked into the curve of his bike handle catches his attention. He takes it out of the crease and opens it to see an address with tomorrow’s date on it. 
Is your way of letting him in? On your own terms? Maybe you see he’s not a threat to you, but you probably don’t fully trust him yet. Bucky smiles and tucks the napkin into his front pocket and swings his leg over to mount the bike.
For someone who has such a fucked up past, this is a huge step. You’re a lot more forgiving than he was when he was getting back into having a life. Braver, too.
Bucky’s ride home is long, but not miserable with the warmth of that napkin in his pocket.
Later that night, Bucky gives loving scratches to Alpine who purrs on his chest. He flips through channels with his free hand when a familiar face catches his eye.
Bucky goes back to the channel to see the news and he sits up quickly with a gasp.
“Young Amy Stevens has been arrested this afternoon and is currently being held in custody for the string of murders we’ve seen these last couple of weeks. It is unknown whether or not she has a lawyer, but she has already confessed to police upon being detained that she is guilty for these deaths. If found guilty, Stevens will be going to prison for a very long time for her involvement in the murder of four young men. More information tomorrow, have a good night everyone.”
Bucky’s mouth hangs open at the sight of the waitress from the diner earlier today plastered on his television screen. A serial killer, a fucking serial killer.
That’s what you saw. You probably saw this girl killing random guys when you touched that mug.
A tired sigh escapes him as the channel switches from the news to some commercial and an angry kitten paws at his hand wondering why his dad stopped giving him scratches.
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