#even if I struggled with the colors LMAO
llumimoon · 1 year
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Happy Valentines Day!! <33 Have a cute little Oakworthy date hehehe
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unboundprompts · 10 months
Could you do reddish brown eyes? And if you’ve already done if could you link that post
Different Ways to Describe Reddish Brown Eyes
-> check out these posts as well, they might give you some inspiration: x , x
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She had eyes like the red clay he used in his pottery studio.
His eyes reminded her of the old burgundy barn that sat in the backyard of her childhood home.
Her eyes were as beautiful as the leaves of trees in autumn.
Their eyes reminded her of old brick libraries and vintage books.
His eyes were the mahogany wood that his grandfather used to use to sculpt little figurines.
She had eyes like a dark sunset after a stormy day.
They had a faded tattoo on their arm-- that looks like it was once a vibrant red-- that matched their eyes almost perfectly.
He just couldn't get out of his head that her eyes looked like baked beans. He wanted to describe them as something beautiful, something that he couldn't quite put into words, but all he could come up with were baked beans.
She had eyes like the tea kettle set his mother used to leave out on the table.
His eyes were the same color as the lake water. It reflected the trees, the sun, and the muddy ground on its surface, hiding secrets beneath its docile waves.
They had auburn hair and it made their eyes look so much more noticeable.
She wore a necklace adorned with smoky quartz gemstones. If he didn't know any better, he would say that she had replaced her eyes with those very same stones.
Tragedy was hidden behind their red-brown eyes, weaved between their irises so it was well out of sight.
His eyes were like the red leaves on a maple tree.
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synkverv · 6 months
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covered in shame i make my way towards my agony.
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antisocialxconstruct · 7 months
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I've been thinking a lot about art and why it doesn't feel good anymore, and a lot of what I keep coming back to is a) simply not being happy with my style, but b) not feeling comfortable experimenting because I feel like I need things to be """post worthy""" 🙄 so like... it's kind of a vicious cycle lmao so I'm heeding the advice I used to give people trying to overcome perfectionism which was "don't worry about making things that are 'good enough' to post and just post everything."
So... some vague style experimenting 🤷‍♂️ and also a sketch of Ilya from forever ago that I really liked but kept thinking I would come back and do more with.
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momochimchim · 4 months
Yayy Practices and doodles!! o(〃^▽^〃)o💕✨
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scrawlingskribbles · 6 months
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brain wouldn't let me know peace until I drew the dang meme for myself, so... x'3c Radlights brainrot found still perfectly alive and well at the end of 2023 lmfao, who woulda guessed it~? ✨️💙💚🧡❤️✨️
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jklpopcorn · 3 months
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Some doodles! vibin
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fooltofancy · 6 months
can't remember what freakin. body replacers i was using. it wasn't just the base tbse there was an additional set and i don't know what it waaaaaaaaaaas
oh wait jks i just had to. watch this other thing install lmao. no brain send help.
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schakira · 8 months
yeah yeah i checked their blog and they have issues understanding that their privilege and waving it in people's faces is a bad thing... at 33 years old. and poor kids aren't allowed the right to be ignorant at the tender age of 5. i think they can survive a little bit of heat
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crazys-art · 8 months
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day 7 - base
i used bases a lot when i was first doing digital art,, i remember attempting to use this one for this group of ocs many years ago but never finishing it lol
alt vers below the cut
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infizero · 1 month
still crazy that bede's gym leader outfit is just straight up the trans flag
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noctilionoidea · 7 months
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This was homework for art under the prompt of “what’s on your plate?” I didn’t want to draw food which meant that I had make a lovely piece for my crippling anxiety disorder and other mental issues even though I’m actually doing pretty good currently considering the time of year. Also tried to add some early sixties vibes in there but not too much
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bleu-sang · 9 months
Me : maybe I'm faking being plural idk
Also me : I know I was a hypermasc boy who identify as Aiden and couldn't function to save his life yesterday but today I'm hyperfem & very functioning and I identify as Sol actually
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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slippery-minghus · 8 months
#really struggling with treating myself with any sort of respect right now. let alone the gentle care of my bedtime routine#i thought about putting myself to bed without my adaptive devices so i'd intentionally get a bad night's sleep but it isn't worth it#lmao and i've slept so badly the past two nights anyway i doubt tonight will be different#i really wanted to go dig out a razor but the marks from a month ago are still really obvious and it's gonna be hard enough hiding those#on my stupid fucking trip next week that i DONT want to go on#i'd so much rather spend those two weeks at home sleeping off burnout#but it's a stupid fucking Once In A Lifetime trip that has been something we've wanted to do for a fucking decade#and now that we're both real adults we can finally go but I DONT WANNA#i don't wanna be away from home that long!!! and miss the colors change outside my window!!!#and i don't wanna be away from maple!!! and i don't want my mom in my apartment stinking it up even though she's the best catsitting option#i don't want the disruption to my routine especially after how hellish work has been and how wrecked my routine already is#i dont wanna go spend two weeks so far away from home i can't even take my damn meds with me#and i cant fucking SIT WITH the hurt that the thing i FUCKED UP ON means *i* can't bring my fucking adderall EITHER#i don't even fucking know if A relies on taking it as much as i do#but i can only fucking feel the shame of letting them down!!!#i can't look past it and even begin to feel how MUCH I HATE MYSELF FOR LETTING *MYSELF* DOWN#BECAUSE I FUCKED UP#i just wanna sleep. forever.#i'm just gonna go away#personal#self harm tw
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
can't believe I have to say this again but just because op put the word lesbian somewhere in the caption of their genderbend doesn't somehow magically prevent it from being a genderbend. I don't care if you think jiang cheng """as a lesbian""" is hot it's still transphobic. like cmon people this is the bare minimum here
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