#Spiritual Advocacy
holisticsoulhealer · 12 hours
Self Care - A Spiritual Story
Now this is a juicy subject to share. Self-care is a cornerstone of living our best life, and yet we are all learning how to live by placing ourselves first on the list of what matters most to us. There are so many stories of how we’ve had to learn techniques to take care of ourselves better, and so let’s turn the tables and illustrate someone who is doing a great job of this.
Jen was a pretty, little petite child, who learned early on that she gained positive attention from others, simply because of her appearance. She was aware of it from a very young age, and helped by conscious parents, to be just as strong on the inside as well as the outer appearance. She was encouraged to learn to play an instrument, in her case the guitar, and to practice singing because it granted her joy, with the freedom of expression. She learned some other languages, so that when her family traveled with her, she could speak a little with the people in their own language.
She was creative and learned new creativity throughout her growing years and all the way through adulthood. She loved taking care of herself and grew into a confident, beautiful woman. She completed an education, thoroughly enjoying and appreciating the fact that grown humans were slinging interesting information her way every day. She realized how fortunate she was to live in a world filled with opportunity, and experienced the honor of that great good fortune in all areas of her life.
She expected life to be fabulous and took great good care of herself to be in a solid place to enjoy every precious moment. Many individuals around her had extremely different perspectives. There were some people who saw life as a challenge, had not invested in themselves or anyone else. Jen didn’t understand this viewpoint, and although she had compassion for it, she wanted to be helpful by simply sharing what was truly beautiful about life. She loved often and intentionally emptying the contents of her bowl of life, to make room for something even better. Anyone around her wanted to create something better for themselves because of who she was. Jen was so good at self -care that she naturally taught it to others, simply by being in her company.
 As always, please share this post with anyone that you feel can benefit from it! Please like us on your social media channels and subscribe to our mailing list if you haven't already done so! We are mailing out a monthly newsletter and a recap each week of our blog posts and interesting tidbits! This is how you can stay informed with what is new in the world of The Holistic Soul Healer!!
Love & Blessings,
Get personal with your Angels!! Connect with me and see what they have to say!!
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truths89 · 9 months
Ceteris Paribus
You conflated a flicker for my concession?
Although capitalism entices evil as a profession, hell is in the midst of a recession!
I merely took a breath to gather my peace for a devout intercession.
You make me cackle!
Although I cannot refute the ponderosity of earth’s demonic shackle, you cannot fathom the rays of light within God’s tabernacle.
Behold, the spectrum of divinity remains beyond your tackle.
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twiichii · 1 year
Burning Art into Ash to spark a Resurreccion (Ritual Art Therapy)
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a restorative holiday season… I was privileged to return home to California and enjoy local and cultural festivities for three weeks! I was also graced with meeting founders/coordinators for several organizations such as CT Waves and SolarPunk Park to discuss professional collaborations before I returned to Pennsylvania, where I am now one semester away…
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brettesims · 2 years
If you are into spirituality especially Buddhism this will be of intrigue:
I am a HUGE history nerd and the oppression of Tibet including their historical Uprising Day of 1959 still pains me. Tibetans are such a unique, magical, peaceful people. They have so much simplistic knowledge that it can seem basic to the uneducated. But their practices are so powerful the Chinese government chose to crush them. They say the Dali Lama has the power to unite all the Tibetan people. This is why they exiled him and divided Tibet. I love the Dali Lama of compassion and his words in the above article!
I was also re-watching 7 Years in Tibet with Brad Pitt when I looked this article up and it really sparked my passion for this cause again! I can't wait until I get a change to travel to Tibet!
Free Tibet!
"Whilst sincerely striving in the ten activities
Of the supreme vehicle, the Mahayana,
May I always be helped by powerful deities
And may an ocean of good luck spread everywhere."
~ The Dali Lama
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mycelestial001 · 3 months
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Traditionally, many religious traditions have maintained rigid views on gender roles and sexual orientation. READ MORE
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jamestippins · 6 months
The Living Legacy Project is YOU
Your Legacy Isn’t Just For The History Books; It’s For Now Life is an intricate tapestry woven with threads of experiences, relationships, and the impact we leave behind. We often think about legacies as something distant, perhaps relevant only when we’re no longer here. But I want to talk to you today about the “Living Legacy Project.” A “Living Legacy” is all about recognizing and honoring…
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enjoyablenaomi · 9 months
My first podcast EVER
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Hey ALL! I totally booked my FIRST Podcast!! How does Victim to Vixen sound? Im not in love with it but honestly I can run with that! I can definitely relate to a vixen in this season of my life and that my friends is fucking progress! So I ve been on this intense healing journey this year! WOW its been a fucking ride! My whole intention to starting my Blog here on Tumblr is to share my experience to activate my voice which has been super scary to do. Working with a licensed therapist for 10 months I was encouraged to find healthy outlets to exercise my truth, my story , my journey and maybe it can help, motivate , inspire, and be your next breakthrough. I think for so many of us who have experienced some kind of abuse isolation seems to trouble a lot of us. This can be in a physical or perceptional way. or both. I would love to encourage you to come out of that hole and come hang with me. If I can do one thing with all of this it would be to give you community🫂 ok and maybe your voice 🗣️ Join me on this new adventure im about to crack the fuck open! I will update later with a link when I can! (((aannnnnd breatheeee)))
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sleepsimplywell · 10 months
Empowering Yourself for a Happier, Healthier Life
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In a world filled with constantly evolving healthcare systems and information overload, it's crucial for consumers to become their own health and wellness advocates. Being proactive in managing your well-being can have a profound impact on your quality of life. By taking charge of your health, you gain the power to make informed decisions, prioritize self-care, collaborate with healthcare professionals, and navigate the complexities of the healthcare landscape. In this blog post, we will explore the value of being your own advocate and provide practical tips to help you take control of your health and wellness journey.
The Importance of Being Your Own Health Advocate
Understanding Your Health:
Taking an active role in your health means being aware of your body, understanding common health indicators, and staying informed about potential risks and preventive measures. By becoming your own health advocate, you gain a deeper understanding of your unique health needs and are better equipped to identify potential issues before they become major concerns.
Become your own health advocate:
Educate yourself about your body and how it functions. Understand the basics of human anatomy, common health conditions, and their symptoms.
Stay informed about the recommended screenings and preventive measures based on your age, gender, and family history.
Keep track of your personal health records, including medical history, test results, and allergies. This information will help you provide accurate details to healthcare professionals.
Empowering Yourself with Knowledge:
In an era where information is readily available, being your own health advocate means taking the initiative to educate yourself. Utilize trustworthy sources, such as reputable medical websites, books, and healthcare professionals, to gain knowledge about different aspects of your health. This knowledge empowers you to ask relevant questions, engage in meaningful discussions with your healthcare providers, and actively participate in your own care.
To empower yourself with knowledge:
Seek reliable sources of health information, such as reputable medical websites, journals, and books authored by trusted experts.
Attend educational seminars or workshops related to health and wellness.
Take advantage of online courses or webinars on topics that interest you, such as nutrition, exercise, or stress management.
Collaboration with Healthcare and Wellness Professionals
While being your own advocate is essential, collaboration with healthcare and wellness professionals is equally important. Establishing a strong partnership with these experts ensures that you receive expert guidance and support on your health and wellness journey. Their knowledge and expertise complement your role as an advocate.
To collaborate effectively with healthcare and wellness professionals:
Choose healthcare providers who prioritize patient-centered care and actively involve you in the decision-making process.
Prepare for appointments by making a list of questions or concerns to discuss with your healthcare professionals.
Be open and honest about your symptoms, concerns, and goals, as this will help them provide accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans.
Actively engage in conversations with healthcare professionals, asking for explanations and clarifications regarding your health conditions, treatment options, and potential risks and benefits.
Seek second opinions if you have reservations or feel uncertain about a diagnosis or treatment plan.
Explore integrative approaches that combine traditional medicine with complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, or herbal medicine, with the guidance of qualified professionals.
Navigating the Healthcare System
Understanding Healthcare Options:
The healthcare system can be complex and overwhelming. As your own advocate, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the different healthcare options available to you, such as primary care, specialists, alternative medicine, and complementary therapies. This knowledge enables you to make well-informed decisions about your healthcare choices.
To understand healthcare options:
Research and understand the role of different healthcare providers, such as primary care physicians, specialists, therapists, and alternative medicine practitioners.
Explore different healthcare facilities and services available in your area, including hospitals, clinics, and community health centers.
Consider seeking second opinions or alternative treatment options if you have concerns or feel uncertain about a diagnosis or treatment plan.
Accessing Preventive Care:
Prevention is a vital aspect of maintaining good health. By being your own health advocate, you can actively seek out preventive measures such as regular check-ups, vaccinations, screenings, and lifestyle modifications. These proactive steps can help detect and address potential health issues early, increasing the chances of successful treatment and minimizing the impact on your well-being.
To access preventive care:
Schedule regular check-ups with your primary care physician or healthcare provider to monitor your overall health and well-being.
Stay up-to-date with recommended vaccinations for your age group and any specific health conditions you may have.
Understand the importance of age-appropriate screenings for conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Discuss with your healthcare provider which screenings are relevant for you.
Managing Health Insurance and Finances:
Understanding health insurance policies, coverage, and financial responsibilities can be challenging. As your own advocate, take the time to comprehend the details of your insurance plan, including deductibles, copayments, and network providers. Being knowledgeable about these aspects allows you to make informed decisions about your care while optimizing your financial resources.
To manage health insurance and finances effectively:
Review your health insurance policy documents to understand the coverage, limitations, and exclusions.
Keep track of your healthcare expenses, including bills, receipts, and explanations of benefits.
Communicate with your insurance provider to clarify any doubts or concerns regarding coverage or claims.
Prioritizing Self-Care
Embracing a Holistic Approach:
Being your own advocate means recognizing that health and wellness encompass more than just physical well-being. It involves embracing a holistic approach that addresses your mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
To embrace a holistic approach to self-care:
Assess your current lifestyle and identify areas where you can make positive changes. Focus on incorporating activities that nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
Develop a self-care routine that includes activities you enjoy, such as yoga, meditation, hobbies, spending time in nature, or practicing gratitude.
Seek support from loved ones or professionals if you're struggling with your mental or emotional well-being. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and you don't have to face challenges alone.
Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Choices:
Fueling your body with the right nutrition is crucial for overall well-being. As your own advocate, educate yourself about proper nutrition, balanced diets, and mindful eating. Make informed choices when it comes to your diet, incorporating whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Additionally, adopting healthy lifestyle habits like regular exercise, avoiding smoking, and moderating alcohol consumption can have a significant impact on your long-term health.
To prioritize nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices:
Educate yourself about the basics of nutrition, including macronutrients, micronutrients, and portion control.
Aim for a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Engage in regular physical activity that aligns with your abilities and interests. Find activities that you enjoy and make them a regular part of your routine.
Mental Health and Emotional Well-being
Your mental and emotional well-being is equally important in your health journey. As your own advocate, prioritize mental health by seeking support when needed, practicing stress-reducing techniques, and cultivating positive relationships. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and taking care of your emotional well-being positively influences your overall health.
To prioritize mental health and emotional well-being:
Practice stress management techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, journaling, or engaging in activities that help you relax.
Prioritize self-care activities that promote emotional well-being, such as spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or seeking therapy or counseling if necessary.
Build a support system of friends, family, or support groups that you can turn to during challenging times.
Becoming your own health and wellness advocate is a powerful step towards leading a happier, healthier life. By actively participating in your care, educating yourself, collaborating with healthcare professionals, and prioritizing self-care, you gain control over your well-being. Empower yourself to make informed decisions, navigate the healthcare system, and prioritize holistic health. Remember, you are your best advocate, and investing in your health today will pay dividends in the future. Take charge and embark on a journey of self-empowerment and wellness.
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idratherdreamofjune · 10 months
For a nurse who perceives the attributes of nursing to be a calling of service, a blessed trust, and a commitment to reverence, thus leading to the model of practice labeled caring as a sacred covenant, five covenantal nursing practice behavioral themes have been identified from both the literature and empirical data; these themes include "respecting life," "being present," "comforting with compassion," "creating bonds," and "becoming an advocate."
Mary Elizabeth O'Brien, Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground
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3rdeyeinsights · 11 months
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holisticsoulhealer · 2 days
Angels Speak About Self Care
Inspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
As always, please share this post with anyone that you feel can benefit from it! Please like us on your social media channels and subscribe to our mailing list if you haven't already done so! We are mailing out a monthly newsletter and a recap each week of our blog posts and interesting tidbits! This is how you can stay informed with what is new in the world of The Holistic Soul Healer!!
Love & Blessings,
Get personal with your Angels!! Connect with me and see what they have to say!!
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truevedicastrology · 5 months
Unveiling the Enigma of Mars
🚀Mars, the celestial orchestrator of how you magnetize individuals and the manner in which you resonate. It delves into the intricate essence you exude and the perceptions people harbor about you. This cosmic force also embodies masculine energy, offering insights into the archetype of men you may allure.
🌌Mars in the 1st house unravels your allure externally, where your energy becomes swiftly discernible. You're characterized by responsiveness and a tenacious self-advocacy. Occasionally perceived as impulsive or irate, your sanctuary lies in self-indulgence, physical exertion, and athletic pursuits. The gravitational pull extends to men with athletic prowess or those with a self-centric aesthetic.
🌺Mars in the 2nd house manifests allure through olfactory allure, skin aesthetics, or indulgence in epicurean pleasures. Passion for culinary arts and a penchant for opulence mark your identity. Your charm attracts men of affluence or those generously disposed.
🏖️Mars in the 3rd house articulates allure through eloquence and the written word. Passion resonates in your speech, and the written realm becomes a source of profound joy. A proclivity for literature and related pursuits is evident. The enticement extends to multitasking, loquacious men, possibly educators or wordsmiths.
🏡Mars in the 4th house unveils allure in moments of domestic comfort, adorned in unassuming attire. Emotional energy becomes an irresistible magnet. Mars, discreetly nestled here, shares passion exclusively with intimate circles or family. Attraction extends to nurturing, emotionally expressive men, perhaps with a hint of moodiness.
🎨Mars in the 5th house radiates allure during dynamic activities, invoking attractiveness in motion. Passion is channeled into hobbies, joy, and a perpetual youthful spirit. The magnetic pull is towards confident, charismatic, and playful individuals.
🌈Mars in the 6th house renders allure through physique and an organized, health-conscious lifestyle. The zenith of well-being is achieved through proactive endeavors, organization, and animal companionship. Attraction is directed towards industrious, meticulous men, potentially involved in animal care or fitness training.
🌙Mars in the 7th house allures through aesthetic grace, fastidiousness, and a pursuit of justice. The epitome of well-being lies in harmonious relationships and aesthetic refinement. Attraction extends to men who embody beauty, meticulous grooming, and charm.
🔮Mars in the 8th house projects allure through intimate and sexual charisma, intertwined with an aura of power. Stability and emotional equilibrium define your zenith. This allure thrives in secrecy and spiritual pursuits, attracting individuals exuding intense energy, possessiveness, and depth.
🌐Mars in the 9th house emanates allure through vivacity, intellect, and captivating narratives. The ardor for exploration, diverse cultures, and distant realms is palpable. Attraction aligns with optimistic, adventurous men, including educators, professors, or those hailing from diverse cultures.
🏰Mars in the 10th house showcases allure in the public eye, accentuating tenacity and success. Energy converges into achievements and reputation, possibly bordering on work-centric tendencies. Attraction is drawn towards older, stable, and successful men, echoing qualities reminiscent of paternal figures.
📱Mars in the 11th house unfolds allure in the digital realm, exuding uniqueness that captivates social networks. The energy is invested in friendships, aspirations, and dreams. Attraction encompasses peculiar, distinctive men, thriving either in group dynamics or solitude, immersed in individual pursuits.
💖Mars in the 12th house mystically radiates allure, captivating through an enigmatic aura. Appreciation transcends the physical, delving into the spiritual and ethereal facets. Energy is channeled into artistic expressions, resonating with the profound. Attraction unfolds towards artistic, spiritual, emotionally profound individuals, potentially from coastal regions, with a transcendent connection that transcends verbal communication.
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lmxburt · 2 years
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Please support my work by liking, following, subscribing, sharing, and donating if possible. I also have a Patreon and GoFundMe set up. Link in bio for more info. :) #blogger #creator #fyp #writer #advocacy #mentalhealth #depression #spirituality #share #likeandfollow #donate #venmo #paypal #podcast #wordpress #raiseawareness #starseed #borderline (at Cincinnati) https://www.instagram.com/p/CffDLnJl3kx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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actualmermaid · 6 months
Today is All Saints Day, and I'm observing it in a somewhat unconventional manner: cyberbullying the Anglican Church in North America
The ACNA, if you're not familiar, is a group that splintered off from the Episcopal Church in 2009. The reason for the schism was that they believed TEC had "gone astray" by ordaining women priests and affirming LGBTQ people, so a bunch of conservative Episcopalians and clergy split off into their own group: the ACNA. They claim to be "continuing" Anglicans, representing the "real" Anglican tradition in the US and Canada.
The reason I'm cyberbullying them on All Saints Day is because they are conspicuously missing a lovely, pious, respectable, and orthodox Anglican saint: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx (1110-1167 CE)
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St. Aelred was a monk, abbot, historian, and spiritual writer from Northumbria. During his lifetime, the abbey boasted hundreds of monks and lay brothers, because Aelred was known for his friendly and gentle demeanor, wise leadership, and healthy community. He had the ear of kings and bishops all over northern Europe. He preached charity, humility, chastity, and all kinds of other Christian virtues. In short, he was the very model of a respectable medieval churchman.
He was also Very Much In Love With Men, and he wrote a treatise called "Spiritual Friendship," which might be nicknamed "How To Be In Love With Men In A God-Honoring Way." I've read it. It's wonderful and timeless and also very, very gay. He was in love with men. In a gay way.
Fast forward to the year 1980. Up until this point, St. Aelred had been a somewhat obscure local English saint. And then a groundbreaking new book was published which challenged all conventional narratives surrounding the Church and queer people in the Middle Ages: Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality by John Boswell. Boswell wrote at some length about Aelred and his love for men, drawing on his other work besides "Spiritual Friendship" and situating him into what was actually something of a "golden age" of gay culture in western Europe. Yes, really.
Fast forward again to the year 1985. At the Episcopal Church's general convention that year, members of Integrity USA (the original LGBTQ advocacy org in TEC) campaigned to have St. Aelred added to the calendar of saints. The House of Bishops agreed, and they added him to the church calendar with full knowledge that Aelred was gay.
Aelred was also physically disabled, and he wrote about his Spiritual Friend becoming "my hand, my eye, the staff of my old age": in other words, his Spiritual Friend was his caretaker as his health declined near the end of his life (which was still quite short even for a medieval person). He also describes the pain of his Spiritual Friend's early death in a way that remains tender 800 years later. I will leave you to imagine why that might be spiritually relevant to a bunch of nice church gays in 1985.
Fast forward again to 2009. The conservative wing of the Church has had enough of TEC's bleeding-heart liberal reforms, so they secede from the union leave and establish their own church without any icky queers or women priests. St. Aelred had been an official Episcopal saint for 25 years at that point, and the newly-formed ACNA had to consciously, deliberately choose to remove him from their calendar of saints.
Fast forward again to earlier this summer. I start doing research into queer Christian history and queer saints. I realize that Aelred is conspicuously missing from the ACNA's calendar, so I look into the background and decide to get obnoxious about it on Instagram. Because this is VERY embarrassing for a church that claims to be the "real" Anglican Church in North America.
A selection of memes for your enjoyment:
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frameacloud · 7 months
A list of some alterhuman identities and groups (cut version)
About this article
This article is a five-minute read. It gives definitions and sources about (in alphabetical order) alterhumans, constelics, daemons, dragons, endels, furries, fictionfolk, nonhumans, otherkin, plural systems, therianthropes, tulpas, and vampires. These alterhuman community historians, archivists, and writers wrote this article together in August and September 2023: Orion Scribner, House of Chimeras, Page Shepard, Dinocanid, Ryuu Yumemoto, Draconic Wizard Workshop, and others. You have permission to repost this article, if you keep the list of authors, don't change what the article says, and don't use it for money. This is shared under this type of Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND).
In 2014, Lio of the Crossroads System created this word as an umbrella term and identity for anyone who feels they have an identity beyond the scope of how one might typically think of “being human.”^1 Later, the alterhuman advocacy group Alt+H popularized this word. According to the coiner and Alt+H, it includes but is not limited to nonhumans.^2 Some groups who can opt-in to considering themselves under the alterhuman umbrella are otherkin, therianthropes, fictionfolk, plural systems, daemians, vampires, voluntary identities, furries, and more.^3 This umbrella is very broad because its purpose is to give these communities something to unite under without erasing their distinctions.^4
Coined by Extranth in 2021, a person who is constelic identifies with or as one or more entities, objects, concepts, species, items, or characters throughout their life.^5 A constelic may collect or hoard any number of these identities for any number of reasons, as their identities are non-inherent and are considered to be entirely extrinsic.^6 Constels may be voluntary or involuntary identities,^7 and can be intense or casual, but they are often non-permanent.^8 
Daemians and daemons
Daemians are people who have daemons, which are most often described as mental constructs or a part of an individual’s consciousness which has been assigned a unique gender, form, and personality.^9 Some daemians consider themselves plural.^10 Their community started in 2002, inspired by Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials fantasy novel trilogy.^11
The dragon community started in the 1990s in an online group called alt.fan.dragons.^12 They identify as dragons for spiritual or psychological reasons. They are draconic, and they refer to this part of themselves as their draconity.^13 In the 2000s, the dragon community started to mingle with the other communities: with dragon otherkin (dragonkin)^14 and dragon therians.^15
Mental health experts say that being alterhuman isn’t the same as being mentally ill.^16 For alterhumans who do have mental illnesses, that can be an important part of their everyday life and their sense of self. Endel is a word for alterhuman identities that are rooted in or greatly influenced by delusion. Babydog coined this word in 2021, by and for delusional alterhumans.^17
The furry fandom is a large subculture that began at sci-fi conventions in the 1980s.^18 It’s for creating and enjoying art, stories, costumes, and roleplay about fictional human-like (anthropomorphic) animal characters, called furries. Many fandom participants choose to represent themselves as their furry persona (fursona), which can be just for fun, though it can be meaningful about who they are.
Fictionfolk is an umbrella term for many sorts of identities that come partly or wholly from fiction.^19 Fictionkin identify as characters or species from fiction,^20 and their community started in the early 2000s.^21 A plural system member with origins from fiction is a fictive, which psychologists call a fictional introject.^22 When someone has the brief experience of becoming someone or something from fiction, that’s a fictionflicker, which psychologists call experience-taking.^23 
An umbrella term for those of us who identify as partly or wholly not human: therianthropes, otherkin, and more. Many nonhumans opt to include themselves under the alterhuman umbrella.
Otherkin are elves, dragons, or other beings, usually from mythology. It’s always an important part of who they are throughout their lives, not role-play for fun.^24 The community started in the Elfinkind Digest mailing list in 1990, when they started calling themselves otherkind or otherkin.^25 Their reasons for being otherkin are often spiritual, for example, from reincarnation.^26 However, otherkin is not a religion.^27
Plural systems
Plurality (or multiplicity) is an umbrella term for all experiences and identities in which more than one entity, consciousness, or pseudo-consciousness exists within one physical body,^28 for systems who are or can be diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly called multiple personality disorder (MPD), as well as systems who do not meet those diagnostic criteria. Plurality and multiplicity as terms have always been inclusive of systems regardless of their origin or diagnoses.^29 Some plural systems have members who aren’t human or who are fictional characters or species.^30 Multiplicity can be an interchangeable synonym for plurality, or multiplicity can mean a form of plurality in which more than one person, self, or identity is within a single body.^31
Therianthropes are people who have a lifelong identification as a certain species of animal on an integral, personal level.^32 Some are other species than animals from Earth.^33 The therian community started in 1993 in an online group, alt.horror.werewolves.^34 They developed jargon about shapeshifting to describe feeling more animal-like at some times. These changes are mental or spiritual, not physical.^35 Some have sensations of phantom limbs.^36 Some feel consistently animal-like at all times.^37 In the late 1990s and early 2000s, therians started mingling with the otherkin community.^38
Tulpas and tulpamancers
A tulpamancer is someone who practices tulpamancy, which is the act of creating tulpas.^39 A tulpa is an autonomous conscious entity who shares the body and brain of their creator.^40 Tulpamancy is often considered to be a part of the plurality umbrella.^41 
Vampire Community
The vampyre or vampire community (VC) is for people who identify as vampires and require sustenance.^42 Those who drain energy are energy vampires or psi-vampires.^43 Sanguinarians drink blood.^44 Hybrid vampires need both.^45 Vampire lifestylers and donors are in the VC, too.^46 
None of the above
Some participants of our communities are not themselves alterhumans. However, they’re here because they’re curious, or they’re our friends, family, and partners.
Please click to open this so you can read all of the sources that we cited. They are all here below.
1. Lio of the Crossroads System (September 26 2014). "This will probably be my last post on semantics..." Phasmovore. https://phasmovore.tumblr.com/post/98482696958/
2. Lio of the Crossroads System (May 27, 2023). https://x-rds.tumblr.com/post/712949341799727104/ Alt+H (September 17 2021) “What does alterhuman mean?” Alt+H. https://blog.alt-h.net/post/165592493965/what-does-alterhuman-mean
3. Kiera Ember. “Alterhuman Dictionary.” Beyond Humanity. https://www.beyondhumanity.net/alterhuman-dictionary/dictionary-a Ana Valens (September 25 2020). “Otherkin are the internet’s punchline. They’re also our future.” Daily Dot. https://www.dailydot.com/irl/otherkin/  Alt+H, “FAQ” https://alt-h.net/educate/faq.php
4. Lio of the Crossroads System (February 19, 2023). https://x-rds.tumblr.com/post/709694807213211648/
5. Extranth. “An Introduction to Constelic” https://web.archive.org/web/20230519124625/https://constelic.carrd.co/
6. Extranth (May 19, 2021). “Constelic!” https://extranth.tumblr.com/post/651652168396472320/constelic-1-whats-constelic-constelic-or
7. Constelic (May 27, 2022). “How are Constelic and Otherlink different?” https://constelic.tumblr.com/post/685380822139813888/how-are-constelic-and-otherlink-different
8. Constelic (April 12, 2022). “The wild thing with stels for me is how sometimes…” https://constelic.tumblr.com/post/681308197084135424/the-wild-thing-with-stels-for-me-is-how-sometimes
9. The Daemon Page, “Introduction” https://daemonpage.com/introduction.php
10. Daemians & Daemons (March 18 2023). “Hey there! This is a bit of a discussion question…” https://www.tumblr.com/daemians-n-daemons/712142103972560896/hey-there-this-is-a-bit-of-a-discussion-question Rani (June 21 2022). “Okay so I was right dæmonism is turning into my…” A Dragon’s Journal. https://a-dragons-journal.tumblr.com/post/687725978250870784/okay-so-i-was-right-d%C3%A6monism-is-turning-into-my
11. House of Chimeras (October 8 2022). “A Timeline of the Daemon Community” pg. 3 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GVSBMvwKIyTvDIqyqXy2C_7Q4Qx4UK3A/view 
12. ExistingPhantom (October 3 2001). “Alt.Fan.Dragons Frequently Asked Questions.” Dragons Must Be Here. https://web.archive.org/web/20050219002348/http://www.dmbh.org/dragonfire/IndexFAQ.html 
13. Baxil (December 1999). “Draconity FAQ.” Tomorrowlands. http://www.tomorrowlands.org/draconity/faq/index.html  Orion Scribner (September 8, 2012), Otherkin Timeline, version 2.0 http://frameacloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scribner_Timeline2p0.pdf p. 36
14. Orion Scribner, Otherkin Timeline, p. 53.
15. Daski (August 17, 2022). “Therian: Dispelling the Earthen Animal Myth.” The River System. https://theriversystem.neocities.org/essays/EarthenMyth.html  
16. Gavia Baker-Whitelaw (February 22, 2015). “Understanding the otherkin.” The Kernel. Archived March 18, 2015. https://web.archive.org/web/20150318110839/http://kernelmag.dailydot.com/issue-sections/features-issue-sections/11866/otherkin-tumblr-definition-pronouns/ 
17. Babydog, “Endel” https://endel.carrd.co/ 
18. Fred Patten (July 15 2012). "Retrospective: An Illustrated Chronology of Furry Fandom, 1966–1996". Flayrah. https://www.flayrah.com/4117/retrospective-illustrated-chronology-furry-fandom-1966%E2%80%931996 
19. Poppy (January 24, 2023). “Quick guide to fictionfolk terminology.” Aestherians. https://aestherians.tumblr.com/post/707370073217695744/ 
20. Mordax. “What is Fictionkin? An exploratory definition”. From Fiction. https://web.archive.org/web/20220728060858/https://fromfiction.net/index.php/what-is-fictionkin-an-exploratory-definition/ 
21. House of Chimeras (June 21, 2021). A Timeline of the Fictionkin Community, Version 1.0. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w4vGsWkiGPjYtXvTe4PyCcZsPba1kb_p/view?usp=sharing Page 4.
22. Ryn (Aristocrats) (October 18, 2021). “Fictives: A short introduction” https://pluralsoapbox.wordpress.com/2021/10/18/fictives-a-short-introduction/  Sark (The Interstellar System) (August 9, 2021). “Fictive and Factive FAQ”  https://interstellarsystem.weebly.com/fictive-and-factive-faq.html 
23. Geoff F. Kaufman, Lisa K. Libby (2012). “Changing Beliefs and Behavior Through Experience-Taking.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2012; DOI: 10.1037/a0027525 https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fa0027525
24. Lupa (2007), A Field Guide to Otherkin, Stafford, England: Immanion Press, pp. 27, 108-109.
25. Arethinn (September 6, 2021). “A brief(ish) history of the word ‘otherkind’.” Mythsong. https://www.mythsong.net/history/wordhist.html 
26. Lupa, pp. 57-66, 287.
27. Lupa, p. 30; and Devin Proctor (May 2019), On Being Non-Human: Otherkin Identification and Virtual Space. The George Washington University. https://search.proquest.com/openview/e156c24bf65c4efb0918a8db37433cce/ pp. 94-95.
28. FreyasSpirit (Lucia Batman) and Irenes (Irene Knapp), “Plurality Playbook” https://freyasspirit.com/plurality-playbook/ 
29. LB Lee (May 28, 2020). “Quick'n'Dirty Plural History... Part 1 (1811-1980ish)” https://lb-lee.dreamwidth.org/1111069.html  LB Lee (June 30, 2020).”Plural History part 2: The Memory Wars” https://lb-lee.dreamwidth.org/1116190.html  LB Lee (July 30, 2020). “Plural History, part 3: Usenet and its spin-offs and Soulbonders” https://lb-lee.dreamwidth.org/1120824.html  LB Lee (August 31, 2020). “Quick'n'Dirty Plural History, part 4 (LJ, the Genic Slapfight, and THE END!)” https://lb-lee.dreamwidth.org/1129216.html 
30. House of Chimeras (May 1, 2021). “A Collection of Mentions of Nonhuman and Fictional-Based Members of Plural Systems” https://drive.google.com/file/d/17TKE_8Lx2ljuTpHNclvaXqvA5AAlkG90/view 
31. Manchester Metropolitan University, “Understanding Multiplicity” https://www.mmu.ac.uk/mmud8/media/10605/download 
32. Sonne (2008). “Terms and definitions.” Project Shift. https://projectshift.therianthropy.info/terms-definitions-by-sonne/ 
33. Daski (August 17, 2022). “Therian: Dispelling the Earthen Animal Myth.” The River System. https://theriversystem.neocities.org/essays/EarthenMyth.html  
34. House of Chimeras (19 November 2021). A Timeline of the Therianthrope Community, Version 1.1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jDmjl78hQ2BiQtzQMTV3yRQkrIgB9eUZ/view?usp=sharing P 9.
35. Clegg, H., Collings, R., & Roxburgh, E. C. (2019). “Therianthropy: Wellbeing, Schizotypy, and Autism in Individuals Who Self-Identify as Non-Human.” Society & Animals, 27(4), pp. 403-426. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685306-12341540
36. Jakkal (October 6, 2001). “Therianthropy- an overview." Shifters.org. Archived 2002-11-10. https://web.archive.org/web/20021101165313/http://www.shifters.org/overview/therianthropy.asp
37. Akhila (April 2005). “The Contherian FAQ.” https://akhila.feralscribes.org/2005/the-contherian-faq/ 
38. House of Chimeras (November 19, 2021). A Timeline of the Therianthrope Community, Version 1.1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jDmjl78hQ2BiQtzQMTV3yRQkrIgB9eUZ/view?usp=sharing Pp. 27, 56.
39. Tulpa.io, “Terminologies” https://web.archive.org/web/20160405214050/http://tulpa.io/terminologies 
40. Luigi.exe/The Dragonheart Collective (January 12, 2020). “Tulpamancy FAQ” https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Yb6dfm4JxR5u_oNpHrttJyJHc0NvMhkKUP4Btc4jPc/edit#heading=h.h3onkkn
41. Tulpa.io, “What Is A Tulpa?” https://web.archive.org/web/20160318054103/http://tulpa.io/what-is-a-tulpa 
42. Jayden Night, “What is Vampirism?” https://web.archive.org/web/20080511200648/http://sphynxcatvp.nocturna.org/articles/jn-vamprism.html 
43. Fvorboda, “Psy Vampirism” https://web.archive.org/web/20080513030621/http://sphynxcatvp.nocturna.org/articles/dyscracia-psivamps.html 
44. #Sanguinarius IRC (May 26, 2007). “A Discussion of Sang and Psi Vampires” https://web.archive.org/web/20080108215555/http://www.sanguinarius.org/articles/sang-and-psi-disc.shtml 
45. Enygma, “Real Vampires” https://web.archive.org/web/20080511201408/http://sphynxcatvp.nocturna.org/faq/most-enygma.html 
46. Sanguinarius: The Vampire Support Page, (July 4, 2006). “Sainguinarus Terminology & Lingo” https://web.archive.org/web/20080521005735/http://www.sanguinarius.org/terminology.shtml
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scrumpster · 11 months
LGBTQ+ Jewish Resources and Organizations
Happy Pride! Here's a few links I've collected to hopefully reach whoever in the Jewish community may need them. If you're considering donating a bit of money or volunteer time this Pride, please consider looking into these efforts (at your own discretion, as many of these may be local to specific areas). Please feel free to add on to this list, and any queer Jews reading are welcome to link their personal donation posts in the comments.
The SMQN, an organization for LGBTQ+ Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews
Keshet, a group for LGBTQ+ Jews
JQY, a group for LGBTQ+ Jews with a focus on those in Orthodox communities
Queer Jews of Color Resource List (note: this list is way more than just resources, there’s a LOT of helpful stuff in here) JQ International: In their own words, "JQ celebrates the lives of LGBTQ+ Jews and their allies by transforming Jewish communities and ensuring inclusion through community building, educational programs, and support and wellness services, promoting the healthy integration of LGBTQ+ and Jewish identities."
Ritualwell (check out their blessings related to gender identity!) 
Guimel, an LGBTQ+ support group for the Jewish Community in Mexico. The site is in Spanish. I’m not a native speaker, but I was still able to read a little bit of it. 
SVARA: In their own words, “SVARA’s mission is to empower queer and trans people to expand Torah and tradition through the spiritual practice of Talmud study.”
TransTorah is definitely an older website, but there are still some miscellaneous pdfs and resources up on the “Resources” page.
SOJOURN: In their own words, "The Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender & Sexual Diversity (SOJOURN) is the American South's resource for Jewish & LGBTQ+ programming, education, support, and advocacy."
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