little-tiffany · 5 months
Don't sabotage your future peace because familiar chaos is comfortable.
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vivaciousofficiall · 4 months
I Am The Prize. (A Queen's Mentality)
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2024, we are stepping out of our baby princess era ( victim mentality) and entering our Queendom.
Gone are the days of sending paragraphs, feeling powerless, being overly emotional, no boundaries, low standards & not taking proper care of ourselves. Kiss it Goodbye.
If you are reading this, then you are ready.
Here are three shifts you can begin to implement to kickstart your Queen Era.
True freedom is living life on your own terms. Some of us have spent too long in toxic friendships, romantic relationships and even family situations because we are codependent. We struggle to stand on our feet. We seek their attention, validation, approval , money etc.
We have forgotten our power. We have forgotten that we can give ourselves these things. Independence is key.
2024, we are working on providing ourselves with everything we need.
Start by
Moving more on your own time.
Get your finances together
Take care of your health
Know yourself ( the real you, not the mask you've been wearing)
Start seeking your own validation ( an independent thinker)
Go out by yourself
Educate yourself
Practice Celibacy/Abstinence
There's so much you could do.
This is so crucial. Emotional control is a must. If you let your emotions run the show , you lose every single time.
A baby princess cannot see beyond her emotions. she's trapped in the world of fight or flight. She's in survival mode.
A Queen knows emotions are just information. She is the observer. She's able to sit back and think about the best way to respond NOT react.
She's cool, calm and collected. No one sees her break a sweat.
Start by
Taking a deep breath when you find yourself getting triggered
Realizing no one has power over you. You get to decide how you want to show up everyday
By being selective on what you give your energy to.
Google accountability. A baby princess lives life as if it is happening to her. She has forgotten she is the co creator & it always takes two to tango. The truth is deep down, she's addicted to being the victim.
A Queen knows she is a powerful creator. If she constantly finds herself in certain unpleasant situations, she knows she has the power to change it because she created it.
Start by
Observing how you show up in life. How do you see yourself ?How do you act in your interpersonal relationships? What are your daily thoughts like?
Ladies, 2024 is the year we win. Its time to thrive. We got this.
xoxo, Vivacious.
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bennusimurgh · 8 months
Manifesto of Humanity: Behavior in a Strange World
Summary: In our world, there are peculiarities in human behavior, in their perception of each other, and the surrounding reality. Instead of seeing each person as an end in themselves, we often see them as a means to an end. It's time to stop measuring a person's worth by what they can offer you and start asking yourself: "How can I be of value to others?"
Main Principle: "Do not bring unto others the discomfort you would not wish upon yourself."
Interpretation of Key Words:
Do not bring: This refers to actions or inactions that might result in harm or inconvenience to another person.
Others: People in your life – not only close ones and acquaintances but also those you bump into incidentally. It’s every person that, for one reason or another, appears in your field of vision.
Discomfort: Any negative feeling, emotion, or physical state caused by the actions or inactions of another.
To make this manifesto alive, consider the following steps:
Self-awareness: Start with yourself. Before acting, ask yourself, "Does my action or inaction bring discomfort to others?"
Be open to others: Strive to understand and respect the needs, wishes, and feelings of others. Don't hesitate to ask questions and clarify details.
Practice gratitude: Every day, find an opportunity to thank someone – for help, kind words, or just for being in your life.
Share the manifesto: Share these principles with friends, family, colleagues. Create a community of like-minded people striving to live in harmony with their inner world and surroundings.
The world starts with each of us. Let it be filled with understanding, kindness, and respect for every living being.
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weshouldbethishigh · 2 years
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chichis-things · 10 days
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sastrasa · 3 days
Lawan rasa dari ketakutan bukanlah keberanian, tapi keamanan.
- Sastrasa
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anisahmahar · 2 years
Jadilah utuh sebelum menggenapkan yang lain. Berdamailah dengan diri sendiri. Jadilah versi terbaikmu. Isilah tangki cintamu. Penuhilah isinya bahkan sampai tumpah tumpah. Hingga akhirnya membuat orang lain jatuh hati padamu.
Temukan frekuensimu. Berdiskusilah tentang mimpi-mimpimu. Berkompromilah untuk hal yang memang dirasa perlu. Sederhana saja, jika tidak jadi dengannya, berarti memang bukan jodohnya.
Bersegeralah, tapi jangan tergesa. Bertemulah bukan hanya karena sama-sama butuh, tetapi bertemulah saat sama-sama siap. Bersiaplah untuk menemukan atau ditemukan. Selamat menggenapkan yang separuh !
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zenwords · 1 year
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Boundaries are the most direct way for you to protect your energy. Make them clear for your sake. If they aren’t, people will just keep taking more and more. Not because they are malicious, but simply because they won’t know when you need space or when you are feeling depleted. Boundaries are a proactive way of designing your life. To help maintain your inner and outer vibrancy, you need to be able to clearly know who and what can enter your space. Boundaries are not about being overly strict or mean, they are about using your self-awareness of what is genuinely good for you and allowing these things to become the new pillars of your life. In a world where there is a constant battle for our attention and a potentially overwhelming amount of information, we need proper digital and in person boundaries to support our mental health. — Yung Pueblo #boundaries #settingBoundaries #selfAwareness #mentalHealth #yungPueblo https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKJyjjOGw7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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little-tiffany · 6 months
Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you.
-Paul Coelho
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vivaciousofficiall · 2 years
The wounded feminine: Ignores her inner authority, begs to be chosen, codependent, unsafe for herself and others, attracts the wounded masculine, self sabotages, competes with other women (especially for male validation)
The divine feminine: honors her intuition, selective of who she lets in her space, independent but knows how to receive, has a healthy relationship with herself, attracts the divine masculine, collaborates with other women,
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innerguidancehub · 7 months
Defining Your North Star: Identifying Core Values
In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, understanding and living by your core values is akin to having a reliable compass. It guides your decisions, shapes your relationships, and ultimately leads you towards a life that feels authentic and purposeful. This article is a guide to help you identify and define your core values, your North Star in the sea of life's choices.
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Understanding Core Values
What Are Core Values?
Core values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that are most important to you. They represent the essence of who you are, what you stand for, and what you prioritize in life. These values serve as a guiding force, influencing your behavior, decisions, and relationships.
The Significance of Identifying Core Values
Identifying your core values provides a solid foundation for living authentically and in alignment with your true self. It empowers you to make choices that resonate with your deepest desires and aspirations. When you live in harmony with your core values, you experience a greater sense of fulfillment, purpose, and inner peace.
The Process of Identifying Core Values
Self-Reflection and Introspection
Set Aside Quiet Time: Find a peaceful environment where you can reflect without distractions. This could be a corner in your home, a quiet park, or a cozy café.
Journaling: Begin by writing down experiences, moments, and interactions in your life that have deeply resonated with you. These can be positive experiences that made you feel truly alive or moments of conflict that revealed what truly matters to you.
Identify Peak Moments: Recognize the times when you felt most fulfilled, satisfied, and authentic. These instances often provide valuable insights into your core values.
Analyze Your Role Models: Think about the people you admire most. Consider the qualities or values in them that you find most inspiring.
Prioritize Your List: Review your reflections and identify recurring themes. From these, begin to prioritize the values that resonate with you the most.
Defining Your Core Values
Narrowing Down Your List
Select Your Top Values: Choose the values that stand out as the most important to you. Aim for a concise list that resonates deeply.
Clarify Each Value: Take time to define what each value means to you personally. How do you embody this value in your daily life?
Write a Personal Statement: Craft a brief statement for each core value. This could be a sentence that encapsulates how you intend to live by this value.
Create a Visual Reminder: Design a visual representation of your core values. This could be a vision board, a piece of artwork, or a screensaver on your device
Living by Your Core Values
Integrating Values into Daily Life
Make Conscious Decisions: When faced with choices, consider how they align with your core values. This awareness will guide you towards decisions that resonate with your true self.
Set Goals in Alignment with Values: Establish personal and professional goals that are rooted in your core values. This ensures that your pursuits are meaningful and purposeful.
Communicate Your Values: Share your core values with close friends and family. This fosters deeper connections and allows others to understand what truly matters to you.
Regular Reflection and Realignment: Periodically revisit your core values. As you grow and evolve, your values may also shift. Reflect on whether they still accurately represent your true north.
Conclusion: Guided by Your North Star
Identifying and defining your core values is a transformative step towards living a more authentic, purposeful life. Your core values act as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards decisions that align with your true self. Embrace this process of self-discovery, and let your values be the compass that leads you towards a life of fulfillment, authenticity, and lasting joy. Your North Star is within you; it's time to let it shine.
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Self-care is also who you let around you.
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Social Isolation | Psychological Manipulation Terms Women Should Know
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