#Sargent hunter
valkyrieromanoff · 3 months
warning: fluffy 
a/n: Hi, with this new season of Batch Bad coming up, and the feeling that the end of an era is coming to an end. I thought I'd do some drabbles with the members of the bad batch to enjoy this series that I love so much. I'm still working on the other members, but for now, I hope you enjoy Hunter and Crosshair's ;)
words: 246
Hunter was asleep with his nose buried in your hair, inhaling the fruity scent of your shampoo. He breathed softly in his sleep, his warm breath hitting your neck, bringing you a sense of security. Your back was pressed against his bare chest, while his arms wrapped around you lovingly. Hunter's hands rested on your waist, keeping you close and protected from the world outside.
As the sun rose, Hunter shifted slightly and his body adjusted to be more comfortable, keeping you closer to him. His fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on the soft material of the shirt you were wearing, it originally belonged to him, but it looked better on you anyway, a pleasant contrast to the hard armor he had worn for so many years. His lips curved into a small smile as he snored peacefully.
The sheets rustled softly around your bodies, Hunter's sleepy breathing filling the room with a comforting rumble. He breathed in deeply, taking in your scent and exhaling slowly. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before - a feeling of safety, warmth and love. 
The two of you look like a little pile of limbs and blankets snuggled together in the middle of the bed. Although it seemed messy, the feeling that flowed through you was true and real, you were the rock that held him steady. You were his universe that fit perfectly in his arms, your head close to his heart made him feel complete for once.
words: 343
Crosshair keeps you close to him while he sleeps. It took some time to find the perfect position that comforts you both. At first, you slept close together, side by side, just a few inches apart, sometimes his hand would find your arms, your back, down the line of your spine until it found your hand and intertwined your fingers gently.
With each night shared, the distance between you seemed to diminish, the hesitant and shy brushings became more confident and intent, his hand would find your warm skin and pull you to his chest, holding you tightly in his grasp, as if to make sure you wouldn't slip out of his life, like so many before.
Your fingers intertwined with his, your bodies pressed firmly against each other, you felt happy and content in each other's presence. The peaceful moments of sleep were something he never expected to be so relaxing and comforting, without all the nightmares of the past running through him.
There was a calmness about you, something natural. It was as if your mere presence was enough to resolve the unease he had been carrying around for so long. Crosshair held you close to him, his hands wrapped tightly around your own hand as if he were afraid to let go. You were his lifeline that he clung to with all his strength and will. He let out a light snore, and his lips found the tip of your head, pressing gently.
You could almost feel his muscles relax under your touch, allowing himself to relax his guard around you. There was a trust, an unspoken agreement between you that made the peaceful sleep feel as if nothing could ever tear you apart. The calmness radiating from your presence alone was enough to calm down the chaotic storm of emotions inside him, making him feel safe, like he could fully be himself. His lips pressed gently against your forehead once again, this time lingering longer, as if to ensure that the moment would be forever engraved in his mind.
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starjedi86 · 3 months
Taking care of you
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Summary: Hunter blames himself for not being able to protect you.
Pairing: Hunter x female reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 965
Authors Note: In honor of season 3 airing today, here’s my first fic for the bad batch. I hope you enjoy it!
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The air in the small medical bay was heavy with tension as Hunter anxiously awaited news about you, his girlfriend and the mechanic of his squad. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, his mind consumed by guilt over the accident that had left you injured.
You and the rest of the members of Clone Force 99 were on a mission, as usual during the Clone Wars. However, this time, due to the lack of communication, the battle intensified, leading to your fall from a great height.
In the shock of the situation, you weren’t sure if your ankle was broken. During the rest of the battle, Hunter helped you and kept you safe. When it ended, you were in so much pain that Hunter thought it was best to return to Coruscant for a medical check with all the necessary equipment.
As the leader of his squad, he felt the weight of responsibility bearing down on him, blaming himself for not having protected you better.
He was lost in his thoughts when the medical staff informed him that you were awake and he could visit your room. Without hesitation he walked inside.
The door slid open, and there you were, lying in a bed with a reassuring smile. Despite the bandage wrapped around your ankle, your eyes sparkled with warmth as you met his gaze. “Hey,” you said softly, your voice carrying a hint of reassurance and warmth. You knew him so well that you already knew he was blaming himself, so you did your best to reassured him. “You don’t have to worry. I’ll be okay.”
Hunter’s shoulders dropped with relief at the sight of you, but the guilt still weighed on him. “I can’t help but feel responsible for this,” he confessed, his voice heavy with regret. “I should’ve been more careful, should have protected you better.”
But you shook your head, your expression softening with understanding. “Hey, accidents happen,” you reassured him, your tone gentle. “You can’t blame yourself for what happened. What matters is that we’re a team, and we look out for each other.“
Hunter’s heart swelled with gratitude at your words, he couldn’t help but love you even more. Despite the chaos of war, he knew that you were one of the few people who could comfort him and make him better. Stepping closer to your bed, he reached out to gently hold your hand and intertwine your fingers with his, his touch was gentle as if you were a delicate flower.
“Thank you, cyare,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “For everything.”
You smiled, squeezing his hand in return. “You don’t have to thank me love.“ you whispered back, your eyes filled with love towards him.
As you stayed there, Hunter couldn't resist any longer. He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours in a gentle kiss, pouring all of his love and affection into the gentle touch.
When you finally pulled away, your eyes met, filled with love for each other. "I won't let anything happen to you, cyare," Hunter promised, his voice filled with determination.
"I know," you replied, your voice filled with trust and love towards him.
You stayed there, chatting about various things as you waited to be discharged. When the doctors informed you that you were ready to leave, Hunter offered to take you to your apartment. The journey was quiet but relaxing after all the stress you both had.
Upon arriving at your apartment, Hunter gently guided you to your bed, propping your foot up on a pillow and ensuring your comfort before taking a seat beside you. You could see a mixture of concern and affection in his expression.
“Is there anything else you need? Pain medication, water, food, maybe a blanket?” he asked, his voice affectionate toward you.
You shook your head, managing a small smile on your lips. “I’m okay for now, love. I’m glad to be back home, at least for a couple of days.” you replied softly, grateful for his caring attitude.
Hunter nodded, but the worry still lingered in his eyes. “I’m just glad you’re safe, cyare” he admitted. “I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.”
Reaching out, you gentle grabbed his hand and caressed the back of it with your thumb. “I’m not going anywhere,” you reassured him, your touch offering a sense of calm. “We’ll get through this, honey, just like always.”
Hunter’s gaze softened at your words, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
You returned his smile, grateful to have him by your side. “Always together, remember?”
Feeling a wave of gratitude, love and affection toward you, Hunter leaned in, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace, being careful with your injured ankle. You didn’t hesitate to lean your head into his chest, feeling the soft sound of his heartbeat.
Pulling back slightly, Hunter looked at you, a soft smile curving around his lips. Without hesitation, he leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before pulling you closer, relieved to have you by his side.
As you cuddled together, you intertwined your fingers with his, feeling his soft and gentle touch over your palm. “I’m lucky to have you.” you whispered, your voice filled with admiration toward him.
Hunter’s eyes softened at your words, a grateful smile spreading across his face. “And I’m lucky to have you,” he replied sincerely, his voice filled with warmth.
As you looked at each other, lost in the quiet intimacy of the moment, Hunter gently placed his forehead against yours. You’ll definitely always be there for him and he for you.
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cyar-ika11 · 1 year
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It’s great to see how my man went from “I can’t take this anymore” to “I am enjoying sushi on a Greek island with my family”.
Love that for him
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oceansssblue · 2 months
Hunter not being able to have the time or place to relieve himself pls ☺️
One explicit&short sexy Hunter smut coming right up!
Hunter was a responsible man. He had been taught to be like that; always taking care of his men, his squad. He worked towards his objectives with his brothers on his mind; always trying to secure their safety no matter how dangerous the situations they found themselves in were. Now, though... Now Hunter only wanted to take care of one thing; himself.
It felt like ages since he had had the time to relieve himself. They had been busy, that wasn't a doubt; first taking care of Tech's precarious health after Eriadu, then reuniting with Omega and Crosshair... And now even Echo was back on the Marauder. It was as crampt as it had ever been; and though Hunter loved his family with all his heart, he just wanted fifteen minutes of privacy for himself.
Those fifteen minutes of peace had been impossible to find. Every time he thought he finally had them, someone would return to the ship or comm him; and his free time would be tragically interrupted. On one time Tech had urgently asked for his help with some repairs; on another, Crosshair had found a reason to fight with a bunch of locals and –though Wrecker had assured him he had it under control– Hunter just had to intervene. On a third ocasion, Echo had asked his opinion on an alternative strategy for their next mission; and even Omega had been unusually affectionate lately, shadowing his every step as if she were afraid to get separated again.
His frustration only continued to grow when days kept passing by. It wasn't just because he wanted to; masturbating was more of a need, now. He felt tense and irritated, snapping at every minor thing. His headaches were only getting worse, nights without rest more common than not. It was only a matter of time before he bursted and said hurtful things; and he didn't want to hurt anyone.
Finally, luckily, his brothers seemed to catch on. It's Echo who suggests going out for a walk, and he manages to convince everyone with the promise of a pretty sunset on Pabu, pointing out that Hunter's migraines are only getting worse and he needs some silence and space to himself. They accept with various degrees of excitement; but they do, and they leave, and Hunter finds himself suddenly on his own.
He doesn't even bother to get fully naked; he doesn't have the patience. He sits on his bunk and tugs his pants down; already hard cock inmediately falling to rest on his stomach when freed. It's warm in the room, so he does take his shirt of and throws it carelessly somewhere on the floor. He doesn't waste any more time and sighs in relief, closing his hand around his cock. Privacy at least.
You hadn't met the boys until their fourth month on Pabu. Their arrival had been the talk of the island for quite some time; not only because rumours said they were a surprising set of clones, but because Pabu suddenly had five handsome elegible bachelors to pick from. Wrecker made you feel small and cute, his energy as radiant as the sun; Echo was the gentleman of any girl's dream. You'd never grow bored with Tech, he was an interesting person to chat with; and Crosshair was all quiet and mysterious, tempting you to find his secrets. Objectively, you could see all of this attributes in the Batch; you could understand the hype. Personally, though... Personally, Hunter had the 100% of your attention.
He was so handsome. Your eyes had inmediatelly locked onto his figure the first time you had had the chance to see him; this firm but kind soldier helping a blonde teenager –you later learned their sister was called Omega– practice what seemed to be defence moves in front of their ship. The second time you had seen Hunter had been one morning on the beach. You had woken up early to be able to swim through Pabu's clean waters without anyone else disturbing the sea's wildlife; diving goggles and swimming fins in hand. After a quiet relaxing swim in the sea, you had sat down in the sand for a bit; and your distracted gaze had followed Hunter's attractive figure in his morning run through the beach.
One thing you had learned about, was that Hunter was always aware of what was happening around him. Weeks later, he had explained to you it was part of his special set of abilities. His mutations. In that second meet up, you had been embarassedly shocked to be caught gawking at him; though it had quickly turned to a pleased shyness when fifteen minutes later Hunter had returned to the same spot to talk to you. He had first greeted you with a sexy little smile; asking to sit besides you if you didn't mind the smell of his built up sweat. He had made you feel comfortable and safe since that very first time; and all those that followed.
It's not that you have consciously started to date him or anything. Hell, you've never even kissed yet. It's just all casual meet ups that ends with the two of you having the best time together. You might be doing groceries and Hunter making his way to their apartment after their latest arrival; and so he will offer you to help with the bags, and you'll accept, and once everything is properly placed in your home, one of you would suggest having a walk together and catch up with your respectives lifes. It feels like a date, most of the times; but none are planned, adressed as such, and Hunter has so many suitors –and is so genuinely kind– you wonder if you're seing things that are not really there.
You've heard the Batch is back on Pabu after three whole weeks travelling the galaxy, though, and you had seen everyone but Hunter in the beach some minutes ago; you know it means he's staying back and resting in the Marauder. You want to see him, so –even though you don't really know if it's your place or not– you make your way down to their ship. You'll just say hi and leave him be.
The Marauder's ramp is still opened, so you jump up and enter the ship. The cockpit's empty; you guess Hunter's somewhere inside. You call him softly, not wanting to wake him up in case he's using the time to catch up on some sleep; but you receive no answer, so you continue walking through the corridor, innocently.
There's a low muttering coming from a room, so you redirect your steps there; and you come to a stop completely frozen in front of the opened door. H-Hunter... Hunter's lounging on one of the bunks, with the back of his head resting against the wall; eyes closed and face relaxed in upmost pleasure. Small words and what you now clearly identify as whimpers and moans escape his parted lips ocasionally; shirt abandoned to the floor and abdominal muscles twitching with each particular rush of pleasure, sweat dripping down his chest and shimmering on his tanned skin. His pants are just low enough so that he can have access at his cock; one hand firmly wrapped around it and stroking up and down while the other clenches on his thigh. And his cock... Fuck, it looks good, dripping precum and flushed almost red by now; Hunter must be reaching his end any minute now.
Hunter... Is a sin, and though your shock is big enough to erase any coherent word from your mind, you aren't made of stone; and your breathing pattern grows heavier with desire while your heart speeds up, and even lost in his own pleasure, Hunter hears that.
His eyes snap open, his face turning slightly to the left to take a glance at the door. Your eyes lock and Hunter gasps out loud, something that sounds like a mix of utter shock and pleasure yet; his hand reluctantly stopping and resting around the base of his cock. Hunter's wide eyes and redenning cheeks show his embarassment at being caught like this; but to your surprise, he doesn't run to pull his pants back up, or hide his raging boner. He just waits, perhaps deciding on what to say or do.
"Mesh'la..." he suddenly and almost hesitantly calls you by that nickname he had started to use for you a month back.
You don't know what it means, though when asking his brothers, Tech had pointed out it was in their language, Mando'a.
Hunter calling you reminds you that you're still staring; staring at Hunter and his half naked body, cock exposed, and invading a clearly very private moment you have no right to stand by.
"O-oh, I'm sorry, Hunter" you quickly blurt out, eyes flying down and focusing on a spot on the floor in front of your feet. "I just saw your family at the beach, thought I'd come and said hi, and then I heard a noise and... Uh... I didn't know... You were..."
You inevitably take a glance upwards, and to your shock, Hunter's cock twitches in his frozen hand and he lets out a small moan.
He doesn't look particularly bothered by your interruption. By the situation. It seems he's just more impatient to carry on, so maybe you should just turn around and leave and...
"Mesh'la... Touch me" he answers, voice deep sending tingles down your spine.
You can't help but stutter as you fix your eyes on his.
"S-s-sorry?" It's what comes out of your mouth, stunned.
You must have heard wrong. There's no chance he just asked that.
"Please" Hunter suddenly whines, words turning him into a bothered mess. "Please, mesh'la, been wanting to masturbate for so long, but it has been impossible here, and now that I finally had the space to do so I tried and I, I... I'm subsconsciously stressed they're going to come back and interrupt me any time now, and I can't also stop thinking about last mission and..."
You're still shocked looking at Hunter; though his words are starting to slowly sink in, and he reads it in your wide eyes. You're so close to him and...
"Please" he begs, quietly but desperately. "Please help me cum".
You need ten more seconds before you finally find the way to reboot your mind again and you're able to nod. Hunter whimpers in relief and inevitably strokes his cock up and down once; stopping afterwards and leaving both of his hands on ech respective thigh; widening them so you have plenty of space to comfortably work with him. You gulp your nervousness down and slowly approach him.
Hunter's dark gaze doesn't leave your eyes as you sink down on your knees between his legs impossibly slowly. Your eyes swipe down over his perfectly trained body, and his cock twitches again against his stomach. The sight makes you bite your lip in a mix of desire, nerves and shyness; and Hunter groans torturedly.
"Mesh'la..." he calls you again, needy, and you breathe in and glance up at his face before setting your resolve.
Your left hand caresses up Hunter's left thigh, thumb squeezing once on the dip between his pelvis and leg; while your right teases down Hunter's abs to finally close around his length. Hunter's impossibly hard. You start with your first movement up and down his cock; and Hunter moans.
"Y-yeah... Yeah, cyare, thank you, yes..." he stutters in half whimpers, half relieved moans, and you have to contain one of yours.
He looks so good like this, so needy, so lost. So desperate.
"You look hot as fuck, Hunter" you tell him, voice barely more than a whisper.
Hunter moans needily and his hips cant forward towards your hand.
"M-mesh'la... M-m sorry for springing this on you so suddenly, just... Just wanted to cum and... Wanted you for weeks too, mesh'la, so pretty, fuck..."
Okay. Okay. Breathe. Hunter's a talker during sex, the kind of person that just looses himself in it and talks his mind of, and that's perfectly fine. You aren't gonna pass out. You are going to cope with the fact that he's gonna ruin yourself for everyone else and help him out.
"It's okay, Hunter" you soothe him, right hand moving upwards and twisting gently towards the end, another tiny involuntary buckle of his hips following you. "Just breathe and relax. I got you, okay?"
Hunter sighs and slides lower on the bed, though still proped up. He closes his eyes momentarily before focusing on you again, then staring at your hand working him up.
It doesn't take too long for him to cum. He's obviously being holding himself back; and finally in a safe place, with you as an additional stimuli, his mind locks on the growing pleasure and his hard cock twitches when he reaches his orgasm. Part of it lands on his stomach; some stays on your hand, and the rest pools on his pelvic, dripping down to a slow. His chest moves up and down with his heavy breathing; his eyes closed shut and head tilted back, neck exposed, muscles showing. And his sounds are music to your ears; raspy, broken. Relieved.
When he opens his eyes again, and Hunter looks at you, he seems more like himself; like this desperate lost version has been pushed back again under the surface. You read shame and guiltiness mixed in his expresion; and smile to soothe him.
"Don't even bother with excuses" you chuckle, using his discarded shirt to clean your hand and passing it to him next. "You were enjoying your privacy and I surprised you, and neither of us did what we should have done, and here we are. We're just gonna move forward and you're gonna invite me to a date".
Hunter gives you a tiny happy smile. It quickly turns onto a smirk.
"Okay. Tomorrow afternoon, then. I'll be sure to take care of everything this time".
You know what that means, and you smirk too, though flushing slightly. Yes, please.
Taraa! Decided not to write it too long, hope you've liked it!
remind you that im still working in some other requests. I'm considering not writing every single one though, just those with whom I feel inspired... Dont want any of you to have a go at me though lol. Idk what I'll end up doing honestly, I might just write those with which I feel more inspired forst and then move down the line. We'll see!
Stay tunned for more,
Back to my general masterlist here:
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machiavellli · 1 month
It’s so true that stress makes you age faster, look at Hunter, who aged like fine wine while living on a beach, and then there is Rex.
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raevulsix · 7 months
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“The Office” Meme Inspired cause I know she would unknowingly sneak up on them. (;
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lunesmoony · 6 months
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I honestly hate this, but whatever 😩
Am I really unwhitewashing the entire bad batch bcs people kept insisting that it was just the style of animation? Yes, yes I am. Spite is my fuel.
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secondratefiction · 6 months
Silly headcanon question: which clones do you think are the cutest first thing in the morning? Which ones are grumpy? Would this change when they wake up with their SO or would SO understand and make caf to help them get less grump?
Ok, I think I went a little overboard... let's break this down into a couple different categories:
Cute, early risers:
Rex - man's got lots of things to do and chaos to try and manage. He usually hits the ground running, and is the one making other people their caf
Cody - again, another one of those 'places to go, things to do', always busy types. He pretty much taught Rex everything he knows
Cute, but disoriented:
Fives - The amount of times this man has tripped over himself trying to get up and out of his bunk... There's a couple minutes of slight bewilderment and trying to remember who and where he is, but then he usually up and ready for whatever he's getting himself into today.
Wrecker - big boi is a solid sleeper that can and will fall asleep anywhere and sleep through anything. He doesn't wake up easy, but he does wake up in a good mood at least.
Adorably and endearingly grumpy:
Tech - did he just wake up, or is he coming off of his third all-nighter in a row? There's really no way too tell because whether it's been a 20 minute power nap, or a 20 hour black out, either way Tech wakes up like he's not sure what year it is, and absolutely prepared to claw someone's eyes out to get to a caf machine
Echo - granted, he's usually low-key grumpy on a regular basis because unfortunately he keeps getting attached to idiots with no sense of self preservation or common sense, but it always seems like no matter how much sleep he does manage to get, it's never enough. He just wants to be able to drink one cup of caf while it's still warm before he starts getting pulled in twelve deferent directions (#momproblems)
Hunter - in a pretty similar boat to Echo with the added bonus of waking up already over stimulated. Don't get him wrong, man loves his brothers (and his daughter) but it is 0600, and his eye is already twitching. It is too early for any of y'all to be this dang loud.
Grumpy and annoyed until fully awake:
Crosshair - usually there is an underlying hint of playfulness to his hostility - kind of like a grumpy old cat... Not right now. He's liable to actually stab someone until he's had some time and at minimum one cup of caf.
Wolffe - again, man is usually kind of grumpy by default. Now we just have the added bonus of 'not a functional human being... yet'. He will come around, he's just going hit anyone who tries to speak to him before that with a glare that's going to make them shrivel up and die a little inside. Don't hold it against him though, man doesn't even have the energy to roll his eyes yet.
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amandamadeathing · 5 days
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@theonion headline for Hunter during "Aftermath"'s battle not-so-simulation.
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hipwell · 2 months
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CT-9901 – Hunter
[ tbb s1 • tbb s2 • tbb s3 ]
Tech Wrecker Crosshair Echo Omega
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crosshairslefttoe · 1 month
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Sedate me.
Shoot me.
This man is too fine. TOO FINE.
Kicking my feet giggling at every little thing this man does
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echos-scomplink · 8 months
Y/N, about Hunter: I like him, he has that, what do you call it?
Omega: Cold blooded ruthlessness?
Y/N: No, that’s not it
Y/N: Ah, a knife, he has a knife
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starjedi86 · 2 months
Keep you safe
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Summary: Hunter comforts you after a nightmare.
Pairing: Hunter x female reader
Prompt: “Of course I'd keep you safe."
Warnings: Angst but fluff at the end.
Word Count: 1288
Authors Note: Thank you @ghostofskywalker for organizing this exchange!
This is my gift for @frostycatblr-fandom-files for the @cloneficgiftexchange . I hope you enjoy it!
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The Marauder cruised through the vast expanse of space, its hull creaking softly as it traveled through hyperspace. Inside, the hum of the engines provided a comforting backdrop to the stillness of the night. All the members of the Bad Batch were fast asleep, having completed one of Cid's missions while simultaneously trying to go unnoticed and hide from the empire.
You lay curled up on the small pillow in your bunk, seeking deep rest after a day filled with both emotion and danger. Hunter, your faithful love and protector, lay beside you, his presence always a source of comfort in the darkness. Despite the dangers that lurked beyond the Marauder's walls, within its confines, you found solace in each other's arms during moments of rest like this one.
As sleep finally enveloped you, you were thrust into a world of darkness and despair: a nightmare born from the depths of your subconscious. You found yourself in a darkened place, escaping from an unseen adversary.
Despite your efforts to run as swiftly as possible, their pursuit grew ever closer, their voices gradually becoming discernible: the Empire had finally tracked you down. Glancing back, you saw your loyal companions running alongside you, particularly Hunter, urging you to hasten your pace. But no matter how swiftly you attempted to move, escape remained elusive.
Suddenly, a misstep sent you tumbling to the ground, vulnerable to the approaching troopers. Desperately, you struggled to break free, only to witness Hunter's capture alongside you, surrounded by overwhelming numbers.
Then, in a cruel twist of fate, the sound of gunfire shattered the night, and you watched in horror as the love of your life fell, grievously wounded and seemingly lifeless. Each image carved itself into your mind with vivid clarity, intensifying the fear that gripped your soul.
Suddenly, you felt someone shaking you urgently and desperately, the images of the nightmare becoming increasingly blurry. With a gasp, you were ripped from the depths of sleep, your heart racing in your chest. Blinking away the remnants of the nightmare, you found yourself staring into Hunter's concerned eyes. His hand kept shaking your arm, trying to rouse you from the terrible dream that had gripped you.
You knew that he had likely heard your murmurs and cries while you slept. After all, his sleep was never deep, and his heightened senses often made him aware of your distress before you were fully awake.
"Cyare, are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft with concern.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you met his gaze. In that moment you were still reeling from the horrors of the very real nightmare you had experienced.
"Come here," he said, still looking at you with concern but also gently attempting to comfort you.
You automatically moved towards him, wrapping your arms around him tightly and burying your face in his chest as you cried, seeking solace from the terrors that haunted your mind. Hunter's arms enveloped you, holding you close as he whispered soothing words.
“It was just a dream,” he murmured, his voice always a constant source of comfort that always helped calm you whenever your thoughts spiraled into chaos. "You're safe now, I promise."
Hunter continued to hold you close, his arms a steady anchor amidst the storm of emotions raging within you. You sobbed quietly against his chest, the remnants of the nightmare still lingering in your thoughts.
Gradually, as his reassuring words and comforting presence surrounded you, the tide of fear began to subside, replaced by a sense of security in his embrace.
Minutes passed in silence, broken only by the occasional sniffle as you regained control of your emotions and thoughts. Finally, Hunter gently pulled away from you, his hands cupping your face as he met your gaze with unwavering determination.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly, his eyes searching yours for any sign of distress or fear.
You shook your head slightly, unable to find the right words to articulate the horrors that had plagued your dreams. Instead, you offered only a vague description, omitting the details; the mere mention of the Empire was enough to send a shiver down your spine.
Hunter listened silently, his expression a mask of worry as he absorbed each word. When you finally fell silent, he squeezed your hand reassuringly and gently caressed your cheek with the other, his voice firm and resolute.
"I won't let anything happen to you," he swore, his voice filled with determination. "You're incredibly important to me, and I'll ensure they never lay a hand on you, I promise."
His unwavering conviction filled you with a sense of reassurance, dispelling the lingering doubts that had clouded your mind. Whenever you were close to him, you felt loved and protected. However, despite his assurances, a lingering fear still gnawed at the edges of your consciousness.
"But what if they find us?" you whispered, fear resurfacing with renewed intensity, tears welling up in your eyes once more. "And if they capture us, or worse..."
Hunter's gaze softened as he wiped away the tears streaming down your cheeks with his thumb. "I won't let that happen, trust me, cyare," he repeated, his voice brimming with determination.
Meeting his gaze, you searched his eyes for any hint of uncertainty. "If anything happened, you’d always protect me, right?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, a tremor of fear still evident in your tone.
"Of course I'd keep you safe," Hunter replied without hesitation, his words a comforting reassurance in the face of uncertainty.
Feeling a rush of gratitude and love for the man who had become your rock in this turbulent galaxy, you threw your arms around him once more, holding him close as if to anchor yourself in his unwavering strength.
"I love you," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the hum of the ship's engines.
Hunter's embrace tightened around you, his voice a soft murmur against your ear. "I love you too, cyare,” he whispered, his words a tender declaration of his affection.
After a few moments, Hunter gently broke the embrace, his gaze meeting yours with concern. "Feeling any better?" he asked softly.
You nodded, offering him a small smile. "Yes, I'm better now," you replied, your voice still laced with traces of emotion.
Returning your smile, Hunter reassured you once more. "I'll always be here to protect you, cyare,” he promised, his words filled with firm resolve. “I'll never let anyone hurt you. Over my dead body"
Feeling a sense of warmth and gratitude wash over you, you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He returned the kiss, holding you close in his arms as if to shield you from the galaxy's troubles.
Seconds later, as the kiss broke, you looked up at him, gratitude shining in your eyes. "Thank you, love, for always being there for me," you said softly.
Hunter's expression softened, his love for you evident in every glance he gave you. "There's nothing to thank me for," he replied gently. "I do it because I love you."
A surge of affection flooded your heart at his words. "I love you too," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity.
With that, you rested your head against Hunter's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your cheek. He tenderly ran his fingers through your hair, a gesture of comfort and reassurance in the quiet refuge of the Marauder.
As you lay there, enveloped in the warmth of his embrace, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as you had Hunter by your side, you would always find peace, protection and solace in his love.
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clonewarssimp · 3 months
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This scene, but it's hunter and imperial! tech.
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oceansssblue · 9 days
Hello! I hope you’re doing well! Can I request a fic where Omega gets injured and separated from the Batch for a few days, and the reader (female) takes care of her until they can find her brothers? One night stormtroopers/imperials come in to try and take her, but reader is a BAMF (maybe an ex-battlefield medic? She has access to blasters, knives, smoke grenades, etc. to make another part of this more believable) and is able to fight them off pretty easily. The problem is actually when the Batch shows up, and reader thinks they’re the enemy and the Batch thinks she’s holding Omega hostage or something. And thus, reader vs. the bad batch begins! No one kills each other because Omega comes down and clears everything up upon her hearing her brothers. It just took her a while to come over because, you know, injury.
Also I think it’d be fun if the reader did manage to pin Hunter, even if it’s only for a second and then she would likely get pinned back because . . . It’s the bad batch.
Sure thing love, I'm down!
WARNINGS: blood&wound, stitches, light mention of atempted assault to omega (nothing happens further than words), reader being a badass and killing some storm-troopers, fire/explosions, reader being shot, some teasing/sexual tension with Hunter... A hint of competency kink? It's mostly action/fluff!
You were just on your way back home after collecting your credits when your eyes capture the shine of a blade with the reflection of the moonlight. You've been trained to focus on such things; possible weapons, always being aware of your surroudings. If you're distracted, your dead. You weren't always; but it comes as natural as breathing to you, now.
You're not in the mood for a fight, though; so once you realise you're not the one in danger, you decide to pass this one out. If you go looking for a fight, it will find you. You're still tired of your last hunt; you're not feeling the thrill of a new chase just yet. That's until you hear a voice; way too innocent and young to be stuck in such a situation without proper defence.
Your steps backtrack silently and your eyes quickly scan the alley. It's a human girl; blonde, petite, and no older than fourteen. There are three males closing up on her; two humans, one twi'lek. You see the girl trying to get pass them, a nervous anxious smile on her face. You make your resolve right then and there.
You've got to be careful. You can't save everyone.
You move so quietly towards them they don't even realise you're right at their back until you voice up your request with your blaster pointing straight at them.
"Let's keep going on with our peacefull night walk, boys".
It's serious, firm, feigning boredom. Inside, you're as coiled as a snake, ready to strike.
Ready. Always ready. Don't trust anyone. An innocent looking enemy might be your death if you don't take him seriously, if you don't think he's a danger. If you grow complacent.
They glance at each other, evaluating their chances against you. Then down at the girl; their price if they won, or the reason of their downfall if they decide to engage you and lose. One of the humans shrugs lazily, making a head gesture towards the other two. They slowly follow him out of the alley.
"All yours" the last one snorts when he passes by you.
If someone backs down, let them go.
You swallow your furious retort and take hold of the girls wrist, tugging her in the other opening of the alley, opposite direction to them. You don't trust them not to follow you, try to catch you by surprise, so you don't stop until you're at the other side of town, walking towards the outskirts in the direction of your small house. You're still vigilant all the way.
"You alright, blondie?" You ask, glancing at her and scanning her body cautiously. "You got yourself a wound there, shirt's soaking up blood".
The girl looks down at herself and nods guiltily.
"Yeah, I, uh... Had some complications" she ends up saying, quietly, before her face quickly lits up. "Thanks for helping me, though! I appreciate it".
You nod and that's that.
"Do you have somewhere to go?"
She nibbles with her lower lip anxiously.
"Uh, yeah, but... I lost my coms in a fight, so I have no way of contacting my brothers. Can I... Stay with you for a bit til I find them? I'm sure they'll catch up to me in no time".
You glance at her and sigh quietly. You don't really want to get involved, but you have too much of a conscience to leave her to fetch for herself. She's just a kid, and you're a military medic. Well, were.
"Alright. But if you annoy me I'm pushing you out".
The kid grins. She looks even younger with the excitement and relief in her face.
"You remind me of one of my brothers. Grumpy" she adds, good-heartedly.
You huff.
"Not grumpy. Direct. Concise" you correct her. "It's different".
She chuckles quietly.
"Grumpy" she tells you again.
You roll your eyes. You're used to taking care of men; you haven't have much contact with kids before.
"You're not doing a good job of not annoying me, blondie".
She smiles and makes the universal gesture of zipping her mouth shut.
"I'm Omega, by the way" she tells you after a few seconds in silence.
You nod and glance at her again. You should really check that wound when you're back at home. It's bleeding quite a bit, even if you don't think it's deep enough to worry. You're sure you have enough meds at home to take care of it. Omega doesn't seem to be in pain either.
She stares at you while you walk, leading the way to your safe place; still expecting an answer. You glare at her before focusing back on your way home. This is going to end up being either surprisingly good or exasperate you to no end.
You relent.
"Nickname's Blade".
Turns out Omega is pretty good company; which is quite a relief considering she's more injured than what you had originally thought and his brothers are no where to be seen after three whole days of her invasion of your privacy and home. You make sure to disinfect her wound and stitch it back together; you don't have strong opioids on stock, but she holds on surprisingly well, clenching her teeth and shutting her eyes, breathing through the pain. It makes your perspective of her change; she's not just any kid if she can push herself through that without barely making a noise. She's brave.
You cover the wound in bacta and dress it carefully; and make sure to change them to new ones twice a day. At the third night you inspect the closed wound carefully, the aspect of the skin and wether the stitches are still in good place; it seems to be progressing well. You still force her to bed rest; your new sleeping place your backpack layed on the wooden floor beside her. She feels guilty about it, and it shows; you only aknowledge it with a quiet hum. You're not going to deny you'd like your bed back; but you've slept in much worse conditions before.
I know it's difficult to fall asleep. Just try to tune it out. Think on other things.
On that third night, when you turn the lights out, Omega cautiously asks you about the origin of your nickname. You tell her your story. How you got your degree in Medicine in Coruscant's University; how you mastered in Galactic Bioscience when the war hit it's peak. How you started your first working years as a doctor in a clinic while you constantly heard about the battalions of clones being shipped elsewhere; defending all of you while you stayed with your simple Coruscanti life. How that hadn't set well inside of you; how you struggled with guiltiness and empathy every single day until you took the decision to enlist in the volunteers for the GAR. You tell her that switching to military medic had been a struggle at first; but the gratification was unmessurable. You were really needed there; you really did a change saving all those brave troopers lifes. You grew to respect them and admire those men like you had never admired someone before.
Unfortunately, with being a woman in military service, and a volunteer at that, very few troopers thought it meant you weren't able to defend yourself. To fight. When one cocky, snarky trooper had insinuated that publicly in the middle of the comedor, you had done what you believed was your right and justice by shutting his mouth; snarling back a warning while using your knife to nail down the sleeve of his upper blacks to the dinning table, blade sliding just a few inches away from his skin.
Omega's eyes are wide open while she listens to the anecdote. Yeah, it had made an impact among the clone lines as well.
"Okay, you're giving me Hunter vibes with the knife things now" she giggles in the darkness of your bedroom.
You arch an eyebrow, humming under your breath uncomitedly.
"What, he a soldier too?"
Omega is quick –too quick– to correct you.
"No, no. Mercenaries".
You'd give her the sceptical side eye if you had her in front of you. You let your voice carry your suspicion instead.
"Running around with a kid like you?"
The girl stumbles to answer. It's obvious there's more to the story there, but you believe she is trying to protect her siblings, so you let it be.
"Hey, I can defend myself!" She argues with a small huff, voice turning sheepish right after the outburst, considering your actual situation. "Well, on most ocasions. Life works in unexpected ways sometimes".
You can't help the snort that comes with her words.
"You bet" you answer sarcastically. You sigh tiredly and close your eyes again. "Good night, Omega".
You hear her reacomodating softly against the sheets.
"Night, Blade".
You've always been a light sleeper. As soon as the alarm rings, you're jumping out of your sleeping bag and rushing to get your armour on –now stripped of all Republic marks– and backpack on your shoulders; already prepared with the basics in case you came across an emergency like this. You take a quick glance at the datapad you have conected to the cams you've got set up on the surroundings of your cabin; cursing under your breath.
"Omega" you call her sharply, shaking her awake without an inch of sympathy. "Get up and ready to go. Don't make me repeat myself".
The girl blinks sleepily, but she reads the urgency in your voice. She understands this is no joke; so she quickly jumps into action too, abandoning the comfort and warmth of the bed and quickly throwing her clothes on too, electrical bow clutched in her hands. She stares at you wide eyed.
"What's going on?" She whispers, nervously.
You ruffle through your closet, jaw clenched and set on the task of preparing yourself for the worst. One blaster gets inmediately strapped at each outer thigh; your belt of knifes looping around your waist. One vibroblade goes into the safe-pocket of your right vambrace; your second one on your left leg. You stuff your bag with a few extra surprises and tie up your hair. It's time to move.
Time is precious. Time is life. Don't be slow. Do it fast, and do it good.
"Stormtroopers" you finally answer her, cinching your backpack firmly on your shoulders, expresion growing firm and serious. "Got this whole area studied in case someone found out about my past and went towards me, but I didn't think it would be this many enemies. I think there's something you haven't told me, but there's no time for that now. Listen carefully, 'cause I'm not gonna' say this twice".
Omega nods, just slightly afraid, and you push a smaller datapad into her hands.
"This is a second safe house I've got prepared not too far away from here, close to the lake" you explain to her, quickly. "Follow the map and go there. There's different routes saved up in case you find one blocked or any other difficulties. Be silent, be quick, and you shouldn't have much problem getting there. Once you're inside, open the closet in the corner of the cabin and in the first drawer you'll see another datapad. It controls some explosives I've got set around that house. If for some reason the stormtroopers get to the safehouse before I do, blow them up, and run away. I'll be able to track your location if you have that datapad on you, it's conected to mine, so I'll find you sooner or later. Got it?"
Omega nods, brow furrowed in concentration. She looks up at you anxiously.
"What will you do? You're not... Coming with me?"
You shake your head.
"I'll buy you time" you answer, firm. "Got a few surprises set out round here as well, and I'm trained. I'll clear this out and follow you to the safe house".
You open the door of the cabin and take a carefull glance out. You make a gesture towards her.
"You should go now. They're still a kilometer away".
Omega stays stuck to the floor. You narrow your eyes at her.
"Go" you snap towards her. Then, your eyes soften. "I will go after you, I promise".
Don't promise things that aren't in your hand to make it happen or not.
But promises give hope.
False hope.
Sometimes false hope is all you need to fight harder.
Omega runs into the forest, and you're quick to close the door and abandon the cabin as well, finding your hiding spot among the trees and keeping an eye at the aproaching stormtroopers through your datapad.
You knew this kid meant trouble. Well, if war is what they want... Your fingers caresses the hilts of your blades. That's what they'll get.
You logically know you're no match for these stormtroopers if you were to pull a direct open attack on them. You use your advantages, though; you're in your territory, one you know well, and they're advancing with blind trust that you'd be no real danger to them. It does wonders for your counter attack, and you silently move through the forest, killing one lonely soldier after the other with just a quick slash of your blade, throats splitting open and last words muffled against the palm of your globed hand in a wet gurgle of confusion and pannick. You gently let each body fall to the ground before you're moving towards the next one, checking their positions on your datapad through the cams you've got almost everywhere; lethal, quick, and quiet.
When they finally discover you –one soldier catching you silently opening the throat of a fellow one, and he shouts out your position in alarm–you've already killed half of them in the silence of the night.
It turns harder after that. They know you're around, they're aware, active; they know you're not an innocent normal civilian any longer. You're danger, real; they're coordinated, and they move fast as well. You hadn't used your blasters before in order to take advantage of the element of surprise; but you need them now, so you dodge and take your shot at them. Two more fall down before two of their own shots hit both your blaster –ripping it from your hand– and your right shoulder. You swallow your scream of pain and whimper quietly, clenching your jaw shut. You push through the pain and retreat back to the cabin in a hurry; it's your best chance.
It's a game of agility and speed. If you get there first, and they close around your home, you'll detonate the explosives hidden in the ground and kill them all. If they catch you before you're able to do that... It's you who'll end up dead.
Adrenaline rushes through your body and you feel like you're flying while you run. A shot scorches the armour plate on your back, and though it makes you stumble, you grin darkly. You've made it, and they're all dead.
You turn around to watch them and press the button on your datapad. All around you, the forest explodes and burns.
Once you make sure there are no survivors around you –you have to shoot a pair of them down who are still struggling to breathe through the scorching pain–, you take a bacta pad from your backpack and cover your wound with it, wrapping a bandage around it to properly secure it before you're walking away from you're no-longer home. You'll tend to it properly afterwards, later; right now you don't feel like it's safe to stay here, where you've caused such a wrath. You need to get to your safe house. You need to find Omega; and you bet these stormtroopers must have reinforcements somewhere.
Fuck, this is all a mess. This is going to put a bullseye on your back and you would probably never be safe in this planet again; you should probably make a jump more sooner than later.
You sigh tiredly and continue making your way through the forest, periodically checking your datapad. You feel relieved to know that at least Omega's signal is permanently stationed there on your second cabin.
You're still checking the cams, so there should not be a way for you to get surprised; but almost upon arriving your safe house, you catch a blur of grey, red, orange and blue moving towards you at high speed with the corner of your eyes. You barely have time to identify what it is before you're being brutally tackled to the ground with a painful grunt. You fight back viciously, cataloging the man's appearance while you swing your vibroblade and try to slash him with it; the soldier quickly grabbing your hand and forcing you to drop the weapon with brutal force, almost twisting your wrist and fingers in his effort. You hiss and roll around, keeping him under you this time. It's not like you're lacking knifes...
You manage to draw one from your belt and push it right to his neck when someone else clears his throat at your back; making you glance back.
Fuck, this one's huge.
"Need some help, sarge?" He almost mocks him, and you're momentarily surprised by the entertainment in his voice, the camaraderie between this two stormtroopers as clear as the water from Naboo lakes.
You quickly pull your second blaster out and try to shoot at him; but he's faster, and he shoots back, hitting the very center of your chest plate. The impact is so close it pushes you off from the first soldier's body; who quickly takes advantage of the momentum to efectivelly pin you under him, no way of escaping them now.
Your mind is divided between trying to cope with the pain on your chest and the pannicking fact that you're trapped, and this is probably your end. Angry, frightened tears fill your eyes.
"Where is she?" the soldier on top of you demands, voice deep and almost raspy.
You narrow your eyes at him.
"Go fuck yourself" you spit in between your panting breaths.
The big one chuckles.
The trooper on top of you rips his helmet off and stares at you; clenching his jaw. You get why he decided to do that; he looks intimidating, with half of his face tattoed in black, almost mimicking a skeleton. He lowers his face and you can't help but grow tense.
"You did a good job with those stormtroopers, but I don't have any patience left, mercenary. Where. Is she".
He presses you against the floor with his hands on your shoulder, and you whimper involuntarily when he pushes against your covered wound.
The fact that he has refered to the stormtroopers with "those" slowly registers your mind. He talks about them as if they weren't ones themselves. You quickly scan them with your eyes. They're definitely not clones, no –at least not the normal ones–, and they are soldiers. Perhaps they belong to some other organization? But what could they want Omega for?
"Not a mercenary, just a normal civ here" you push through the pain and actually grin at him, defiantly, almost whispering against his lips. "And like I said; go fuck yourself".
His right hand turns into a fist and retreats, prepared to hit you, when a pannicked voice echoes in the silence of the forest, running towards you.
"Hunter! W-wait!"
The soldier's head snap towards the girl and his eyes fill with confusion, relief, and worry.
"Step back, Omega. Stay away" he orders, with a familiarity that suddenly makes everything gain sense.
The facts falls into place. This is Hunter, the brother Omega mentioned before; the one with the vibroblade. Your eyes fly to the spot for it in his own vambrace. Oh, you're all so stupid. You've almost killed each other looking for the same thing; to protect the kid.
"She's not your enemy!" Omega insists, panting while she finally reaches you lot, the big guy holding her back with a carefully heavy hand on her shoulder, a confused expresion in his scared face. "This is Blade. She was a GAR medic. She's being helping me since I got separated from you, protected me from some bad guys and even stitched my wound up and everything. Please, Hunter. I'm okay".
The man's eyes scan her up and down; first focusing on her covered stomach, searching for the wound, before continuing with the rest of her. Once he confirms she's okay, he locks eyes with Omega; both of them staring at each other for a few seconds before Hunter sighs and turns his face back towards you. You breathe and try to calm your speeding heart.
"Where exactly did you serve?" He asks, voice firm but more gentle now.
He still holds you tightly under him. As much as he wants to believe those words, he needs to check the information out.
You answer him patiently.
"327th Star Corps, under Bly and General Secura".
Hunter repeats the information over his coms without taking his eyes from you. A flicker of surprise crosses his serious expression; perhaps noticing you didn't name the Comander by his rank, but his name.
Okay, Blades. You can consider us friends now.
Your heart clenches. You glance away.
"The information appears to be correct, Hunter" a self-assured voice picks up in between the static. "There's plenty of data of a doctor going by the nickname Blade on the old GAR registers. Including the incident that prompted such name, amongst dozens of post-mission reports and recomendations. She's being searched by the Empire as well".
The coms grow silent again, and Hunter inmediately relaxes his hold on you, trusting his –other brother, you guess?– entirely.
"Forgive me" he tells you, standing up and offering you his own hand, a guilty and almost sheepish expresion on his face now. "I thought..."
"I was a mercenary that killed all those stormtroopers just to collect a price, yeah, I know" you cut him off, slowly standing up as well and wincing at the pain.
Now that the adrenaline is dropping, you feel exhausted and nautious.
"Not that she isn't a cute kid and that, but what's so special about her?" You can't help but ask.
They all tense, and you sigh in understanding.
"Family keeps family safe, okay" you accept.
Hunter's eyes flicker down towards your scorched chest plate and your bandaged shoulder. Blood is staining the bandage now, after the pressure he put on your wound seconds ago. He frowns.
"You hurt?"
You nod quietly.
"Believe it or not, trying to get rid of a whole squad of stormtroopers on your own is not that easy" you find enough energy to joke.
A tiny smirk tugs on his lips.
"Oh, I know. I'm impressed, though".
The booming voice of his other brother almost startles you into a jump.
"Yeah, we all are!"
You smile and shrug.
Hunter glances around.
"We should get out of here. We got our ship docked close. Want us to take you somewhere?" He offers.
"Any other planet would be nice" you answer, and he nods.
"Sorry for all the trouble. And thank you" he finally says, and you sigh with a small tired smile.
With nothing more to say, Hunter leads the way back to their ship, Omega walking besides him and Wrecker closing the line. You can't help but analise the man's interactions with the girl. It's sweet, really, the fatherly way he looks at her. It's hot too.
Oh well. You can't help but think that either. He looks good fighting, and you always had a bit of a competency kink.
Fiuuuuuuu!!!! This one took me really long to write bc I'm DYING with my exams and I have 0,0000001% energy (and time) spare to write. I'm actually finishing this off rn after reading my last unit for the day, i'm exhausted send help.
Anyhow, I think this little story developed okay, so I hope you like it! In case any of you hadn't guess it yet or still had doubts, the cursive stands for thoughts and memories of female reader back in battle with the GAR and her men. It's always so fun to write badass characters!
We've got JUST ONE MORE REQUEST to write (a super fluffy hunter one with dancer!femalereader) to oficially finish the second part of my requests list (will open a third one in the future don't fret). That would be 20 requests already look at that!
Also, I just need 7 more followers to make it to a hundred, and I've been thinking on doing something special for it. Suggestions?
Stay tunned for the next one and take care!
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raevulsix · 1 year
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Just got this one done.
Hunter! (:
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