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2 notes · View notes
starrgaziinggg · 5 months
wherefore art thou romeo | yang jeongin
SCENE ONE ・❥・ break a leg (6k words)
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"If you don't start enunciating your words, I'm going to bite you."
You give Jeongin a nasty look, rolling your eyes at him from where he sat behind the counter. Unfortunately, before you could get the chance to offer a sharp tongued rebuttal, two customers walk up to you, hand in hand.
"Two tickets for, Last Christmas, please!" The woman in front of you says gleefully whilst her partner kisses her on the check. Oh, how naive, you thought, knowing that in the movie, the main love interest is actually dead the whole time. You'd been through the trauma of watching the movie yourself, so you could understand the pain they'd be in, in approximately an hour and forty five minutes.
"Here you go," you say, plastering a fake smile on your face as you hand over the tickets, turning back to Jeongin once they leave. The best thing about working in a cinema? Minimal customer interaction. Plus, as a film geek, you got 50% off movie tickets, which meant you and your coworkers spent as much time in the cinema chairs as you did cleaning them.
"Better yet," Jeongin continues, grinning up at you from where he sat on a stool, leaning against the back wall. "Every time you mumble, I'll throw a piece of popcorn at you."
"I'll just catch it in my mouth, dipshit," you tease, sticking your tongue out at him as you pick up your script again. As much as Jeongin was an absolute nuisance, he was helping you prepare for your audition tomorrow, so you couldn't be too annoyed with him.
"Oh yeah? You really think you've got that level of coordination?" He teases more. "Might I remind you, you're the same kid that tripped over every hurdle at sports day circa five years ago."
You huff, fully turning around to lean against the counter as you eyed the boy below you. He was grinning up at you, his perfect teeth gleaming as he pushed some of his dark hair out his eyes.
"Shut up," you huff, folding your arms over your chest. "Can you actually be constructive with your criticisms instead of just bullying me?"
Jeongin laughs at you, shaking his head and pouting. "Come on," he tilts his head at you, waving the script he was holding in front of you. "These lines aren't going to memorise themselves."
You sigh, knowing he's right. You didn't usually get nervous over auditions, since you were more than used to them by now. You'd been acting since you were a toddler, whether that be putting on shows for your family or in your local theatre group, and you had the confidence to soar through them, but this was different. Going to a prestigious school for the arts meant competition for the top roles was more than tough, and your end of year performance was the most important and well attended production each year.
Romeo and Juliet, was this years choice. Sure, it was only because your head of department had just recently got engaged and made her sappy love life everyone's business, but you actually loved the play, so you weren't mad about it. And, of course, you were trying out for the part of Juliet.
"Romeo can, Though heaven cannot," Jeongin starts, putting on a girly voice as he pretends to act as Juliet's nurse for the chosen audition scene. "O Romeo, Romeo, Whoever would have thought it? Romeo!"
You have to admit, you loved practicing with him. Jeongin, being on the same acting course as you, was amazing at performing, and put his all into it every time - even if it was just a silly practice audition.
You laugh as you begin your line, trying to remember your monologue without a script. "What devil art thou that dost torment me thus? This torture should be roared in dismal hell. Hath Romeo slain himself? Say thou but "Ay," And that bare vowel "I" shall poison more...than...than-"
"Than the death-darting eye of cockatrice. I am not I if there be such an "I," Or those eyes shut that makes thee answer "Ay." If he be slain, say "Ay," or if not, "No." Brief sounds determine my weal or woe," Jeongin finishes the part you couldn't remember for you, reading directly from the script in a whimsical voice as you sigh.
"Why did they choose the original play script," you whine, grabbing the script off Jeongin to reread the line. "Surely they could have adapted the language to make it easier to learn. I feel like I'm summoning serpents right now."
Jeongin laughs at your dismay, shrugging his shoulders as he stands up to deal with the group of customers he sees walking in and letting you have time to look over your script. "I dunno, I like the original. That bullshit Di Caprio version - you know, the movie with the guns - that sucked. It was all over the place; you can't have them speaking Elizabethan English and then make them shoot each other in the street and drive sports cars."
You give the back of his head a smile as he serves the customers, giving over their tickets and making up their popcorn. It was just the two of you on shift tonight until the cinema you worked at closed at 12, which you didn't mind at all since Jeongin could help you with you with your lines. That, and the fact that out of your friends, he was the most calm - which was saying something, because Jeongin was loud for an introvert.
"I liked the movie," you say once the customers leave, Jeongin coming over to stand beside you. "I thought it was an interesting take."
"You just fancy young Leo," Jeongin points out, making you scoff and push his shoulder. "Don't even pretend you don't! I was sat beside you in the lecture hall when we watched it for our extra curricular last semester and I watched you physically drool when he showed face."
You frown, knowing he's exactly right. The fact you were slightly infatuated with young Leonardo Di Caprio was not a secret.
"Oh, look how handsome he is," Jeongin continues to tease, pretending to be you fawning. "He looks like a dream!"
"Oh, come on," you laugh, using a phrase you'd picked up from Felix. Working with your best friends meant you'd adopted a lot of their habits, which you'd only realised when Felix had pointed it out. "I wasn't that bad."
"You didn't have to sit beside you."
You stick your tongue out at him, picking up your script again. "Are you not more nervous? Considering you're also auditioning tomorrow?"
Jeongin shrugs, manoeuvring so that he's facing you and gently tapping your feet with his. "Not really. I'm auditioning for multiple parts so I don't really mind what I get."
"Are you going for Romeo?" You ask him, glad the conversation has turned somewhat serious.
He nods, frowning. "Yeah, don't see why not. The more parts I go for the more options I have. You must be pretty dead set on playing Juliet if you're only auditioning for her."
You can't help but to feel nervous, knowing that you were taking a risk by only going for the role of Juliet. Jeongin seems to notice this, though, moving his face so that you look at him and giving you a smile.
"Hey, I'm sure you'll get it," he says, before breaking out into a cheeky grin. "If you remember your lines, that is."
You wish you could be annoyed at him, but you appreciate how he tries to keep the situation lighthearted. You'd always appreciated that of him. He was good at reading a room, and knew how to dissolve tension. It came in clutch when you and Jisung got into a tiff about god knows what whilst you worked together.
Jisung's parents owning the local cinema you worked at meant he liked to, well, not do his job, which you could get pretty annoyed at as much as you loved your friend. There was perks with working with your friends, but there were also downfalls, such as Jisung refusing to do certain tasks.
Jeongin snaps you out of your thoughts, taking the script back from you.
"You're going to do your own head in if you keep going over it," he points out. "Remember that one time when we were auditioning for that play in middle school and you memorised the script so much you started saying other people's lines out loud?"
You laugh at the memory. "That witch of a teacher shouted at me in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing."
"Mhm," Jeongin hums, tilting his head at you. "That's why you should put this down for a bit."
"The only thing worse than over-knowing your lines is not knowing them at all," you groan, stretching your limbs and rolling your eyes at a group of teen girls talking way too loudly for 10pm. Jeongin senses your discomfort and deals with them, unaware of the looks they all give him. Working with Jeongin so often, you'd come to realise he didn't know how handsome he was, evident when he let flirtatious opportunities go amiss. He'd been like that since you'd met him in middle school, though.
You'd first met when the two local middle schools in your area moved into the new, larger and more modern school that had been built to allow the two older buildings be knocked down. After the awkward tension between the two different school groups in one classroom dissolved, your friend group (consisting of you, Yunjin, Jisung and Minho) collided naturally with Jeongin's. Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin merged well with you and your friends, and thus your new, much larger group was formed.
"Enjoy the movie," Jeongin smiles, finishing up with the group of girls.
"Oh, we will," a particularly bold girl says, turning away with their giggling friends. Jeongin turns to you with a raised eyebrow.
"What was that about?" he questions sincerely, coming back to lean against the wall with you. You shake your head in response.
"You're so niave," you chuckle, knowing even if you tried to explain to him why those girls were so giggly around him, he probably wouldn't understand anyway. "Now please help me memorise these lines."
"Nope," Jeongin says lazily, running a hand throw his curly black hair. "You're done for the night."
You grown for what feels like the millionth time of the night. "We've still got two hours before our shifts end. What the hell else am I gonna do?"
"Hang out with me," Jeongin replies, turning to face you, a smile etching his eternally happy face. "We never just talk about normal stuff anymore. It's always about uni."
"Yeah, well, our lives revolve around it, now."
Jeongin seems as though he doesn't like your answer, scoffing and hitting his shoes off of yours. "I know but - come on, surely you've got some gossip for me."
"Jeongin, we have all the same friends!" You laugh, shaking your head. "If I have any gossip I'm pretty sure you'll know it, too."
"Well how about this," he says, turning fully to face you. "Did you know that Jisung and Yunjin had a thing for each other back in middle school, but neither of them acted on it?"
Your jaw almost drops. Yunjin, your best friends since infantry, had never once divulged this interesting piece of information to you. Plus, Ji and Yunjin were your friends before they were Jeongin's, and it felt wrong that he knew more about them than you.
"How the fuck do you know that?" You ask in disbelief. Jeongin only taps his nose.
"Trade secret," he says ominously, so you lightly punch him on the shoulder. He giggles, pretending to stumble backwards. "Okay okay, Jisung told me at the time and Yunjin told me when she was drunk a few months ago."
You sigh, promising yourself to bring it up to Yunjin when you go back to your dorm later. "Why does everyone tell you their secrets when they're drunk? Nobody tells me anything."
"Cause you're a blabbermouth," Jeongin says with no hesitation, so you give him a look. "What? You have been since middle school. I told you I had a crush on Yeji and you told everyone."
You huff, remembering the event. You were only, like, thirteen in all fairness, but you did feel bad about it even after all this time. Jeongin didn't speak to you for weeks after Yeji shut him down.
"I apologised for that a million times, I didn't even mean to let it slip!"
"Yeah, well," Jeongin rolls his eyes. "I'm still mad at you."
You give him a grin, knowing he's completely lying, and he can't help but crack a smile right back at you.
"See? Isn't this nice?" He says, his eyes glistening from the overhead light. "We've not talked casually like this in ages."
"Aw, are you missing our conversations, Jeong?" You laugh, reaching over to shake his shoulder. He swipes you away, always hating physical affection, laughing.
"I wouldn't go as far as to say I was missing it, but I do enjoy talking to you about non school or work related things," he says honestly, and you can't help but nod your head in agreement.
Once the movies let out around the same time, all you and Jeongin have to do is clean the two theatres, make sure everything is prepared for the day staff tomorrow and lock up. It doesn't take you too long, and Jeongin connects to the speaker system to play his music, which passes the time even quicker.
You're exhausted by the time Jeongin locks the back door, pocketing the keys and leading you to his car. He'd saved up for months to pay for it, claiming he was fed up with Jisung driving him around like a maniac.
"Fifteen minute drive home," Jeongin says out loud, pulling up the maps on his phone despite knowing the route back to the on campus dorms. "You should go for a nap, you look tired."
"Thanks, Jeong," you say with a roll of your eyes, getting yourself comfortable in the passengers seat.
"Not like that," he says lazily, looking behind him as he pulls out of his parking space. "Here, I'll even crank up the heating like you enjoy. I'm sacrificing my own comfort for you, here."
You give him a fake smile, unable to help yourself from curling up as soon as you feel the heat blast your face. Jeongin's body temperature was always much warmer than yours, so you'd always fought about the heat of the car when you were the passenger.
It's not long until you arrive back to the dorms, Jeongin having to gently push you awake after you'd drifted off. He stops off at your dorm first, of course, halting right outside the door. He roomed with Seungmin, Felix and Hyunjin five minutes away whilst you shared with Yunjin and two girls you weren't all that close with. Jisung and Minho had moved into their own flat a month ago.
"If you're not fast asleep in the next ten minutes I'm coming over and forcing you," he says, his face serious, and you know he's only half joking. "Get a good sleep for tomorrow and you'll be fine."
"Same goes for you," you say, stretching your limbs as you open the car door. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow," he firms with a nod, giving you a grin after and starting the car as soon as he watches you open the main door to your dorm building.
Yunjin's already dead asleep in her room when you go in, which leads you to crash in your own bed as soon as you've finished brushing your teeth and changing out of your work uniform, the script pages of Romeo and Juliet floating around in your mind. 
When the time flashes on your phone reading 9:46am, it doesn't compute in your brain that you've slept in. It's not until you hear Yunjin banging on your door, shocking you out of your system and causing you to jump up in terror, that the realisation hits you.
You've slept in. On audition day.
Despite remembering setting your alarm for 8 sharp, you were fourteen minutes away from missing the auditions and getting stuck as a background actor. You fling open your door, revealing a panicked Yunjin on the other side.
"Did you -"
"Yes, I know I've slept in!" You answer, leaving the door open and turning to get changed out of your pajamas at lightening speed.
"And you -"
"Auditions start at ten, I'm fully away," you rush out, able to practically read Yunjin's mind at this point. You'd laugh if you weren't so stressed.
"Jesus, you're giving me so much stress right now," she says, taking a deep breath in and out. "I'll make you a coffee and you'll be out the door with time to spare, okay?"
"Okay!" You shout back, pulling a hairbrush through your hair as Yunjin hurries through to the kitchen.
Thankfully, within five minutes, you look somewhat presentable. You grab your black uni bag, containing your script and other necessities, before scrambling to the kitchen and taking the coffee Yunjin has made you in your favourite travel cup.
"Good luck!" Is the last thing you hear her shout, giving her a hasty thumbs up as you flee out of your dorm building and practically run towards the theatre building, where the auditions were being held.
Luckily, the theatre building was only a five minute walk away from your dorm, so you managed to get there just in time. Everyone from your course was gathered in the hallway, and you spot Jeongin talking to some of his friends by the entrance.
You're huffing and puffing as you walk up to him, resting your hand on his shoulder as you fold over, breathing in and out heavily. He turns around, his eyes widening.
"You slept in," he says instantly, and all you can do is nod. He chuckles, moving himself to face you fully and abandoning his conversation with the guys behind him. "You're such an idiot. I was about to come and break your door down."
"Yeah, well, I've made it," you breath out, standing up right and taking your hand away.
"Thankfully," he says, tilting his head and giving you a smile. "You have two different shoes on, by the way."
You look down, and of course he's right. One black converse and one blue. Groaning, you slump against the wall behind you.
"Have you seen the audition schedule?" You ask, knowing they put out a list of who will audition in what order. There was about fifty or so people on your course, so auditions usually took most of the day, but once you were finished you could go home.
"Yeah, and you're one of the first people to audition, so you're lucky you made it in time."
"Of course I am," you say, knowing it's just your luck. "When's yours?"
"I'm a couple people after you. They say the auditions should finish around 4pm, then roles will be released around 8pm," Jeongin explains. Usually, you're not nervous about auditioning, but since you were going for the main lead, the stakes were high.
Jeongin gives you a nudge. "Don't be nervous," he says, as if able to read your mind. "You'll be great. You've practiced more than enough."
"I know, but still. I really want this part," you say honestly, and he nods knowing exactly how you feel.
"We'll try our best," he says, tilting his head with a grin, his dimples showing. "And I tell you what - no matter what parts we get, I'll get the guys together later for a drink and we can celebrate."
"Or drown our sorrows," you say, which he laughs at. Your conversation is interrupted, though, as your head lecturer comes out to bring the first person in for their audition. Everyone starts to sit down, knowing they'll be waiting around for a while.
Jeongin and you sit cross legged on the floor, going over your lines until you're called in for your audition. He gives you a grin and a thumbs up as you leave, which surprisingly seems to settle your nerves.
Taking a deep breath, you follow one of the student advisors who helped with the audition process through to the large stage room, where the auditions were being held.
Although it was your third year of university and you'd been in this room numerous times, a shiver ran down your spine at the thought of auditioning. Like a true professional, however, you walked with an aura of confidence; standing on the black 'X' taped onto the floor in front of the panel of lecturers assessing your audition.
"You may begin when you're ready," your head lecturer states with a smile, nodding her head at you. With the countless study sessions you've done of the Juliet audition script, you're able to recite your lines with ease, it all flowing back to you in the heat of the moment.
Acting is second nature to you. It had been since you were a kid, putting on performances for your family. It continued through middle school, as you signed up to every school play and scored the lead in every single one. And it shined now, as you spoke your lines out perfectly.
You finish your audition feeling as though you couldn't have tried harder, which was all you wanted. Of course, you realised you wouldn't get the lead role in everything, but there was something so captivating about playing Juliet - you just had to get this role.
Your head lecturer, Miss Choi, smiles at you warmly as you bow, a standard practice after auditioning. She doesn't say anything but nods her head as if to say, 'you may leave.' The audition process of your university was something you'd become very aware of - you knew your lecturers would not be allowed to give any indication of who got what roles until they posted the notice in a few hours.
So, you left the exam hall, feeling all eyes on you as you exited. You walk up to Jeongin instantly with a small smile on your face, not wanting to boast about how well your audition had gone in front of your peers.
"So?" He asks quietly, patting the space next to him as you crouch down against the wall and plant yourself beside him.
"It went well," you whisper, leaning in so that those around you can't hear. People are chatting, but there's a quiet and antsy aura surrounding the hallway space, so you don't take any chances.
"Of course it did," Jeongin says with no distaste to his tone, a grin lighting up his features. "I'm pleased for you!"
You knew he would be as he always is. It was one of the reasons you got along so well - being the only two of your friend group to be interested in acting in middle school caused you to instantly click, but what solidified your friendship was the fact that no matter who got what role, say Jeongin got a 'better' part than you, there was never any controversy between the two of you. You were always genuinely happy for each other.
You help Jeongin go over his lines as the next few auditions go by, listening intently as he says his audition piece. He was such a captivating performer, and you truly had no doubts in him getting the lead. You might have been biased, since he was one of your best friends, but you felt he fit the role of Romeo better than anyone else on your course.
As soon as his name is called, he stands up, throwing you a smile as he enters the hall. You wait patiently for him, scrolling aimlessly on your phone until he comes out, walking towards you and giving you a hand.
You take it, standing up and heading towards the buildings exit. "So?"
"Went good," he says lazily, holding the door open for you since you were both finished and could now do whatever until the roles were announced.
"Yeah? Remember all your lines?" You tease, walking out into the warm September air. Jeongin playfully shoved your side, watching with a laugh as you stumble, nearly missing someone walking in the opposite direction.
"Yeah, I did," he mocks back with a face. "Now, want to go to Eden or Pod?"
You weigh up the options of the two coffee places on your campus. "Eden," you answer. "It'll be quiet right now."
How mistaken you are. The place in general isn't busy, but you walk in to find Jisung and Felix slumped over a table at the back of the café. They notice you straight away, so after ordering your regular, they force you to sit with them.
"Are we looking at the new lead roles of the end of semester show?" Jisung asks instantly. "Or are we looking at the future owners of the cinema?"
"Shut up, Ji," Felix whines at him, nudging his leg from under the table for mocking you and Jeongin. He turns his attention to you. "Are we, though?"
"Calm down," Jeongin rolls his eyes as he pulls over a chair for you both to join the two boys at their table. "We won't know which roles we get until 8pm."
"Pity," Jisung huffs, moving his chair over slightly so Jeongin can sit beside him. "I was looking forward to hearing about it."
"You'll hear soon enough," you remind him, sitting in your seat beside Felix. "And even if we didn't get the leads, I'm sure we'd manage to find work out with the cinema."
Jisung scoffs, waving his hand. "Why would you want to?" He questions. "Best job on earth. Free popcorn, discounted movies - plus, you get to work with me!"
"The last of those is not a bonus," Jeongin teases, making a face when Jisung gives him his middle finger. "I was thinking, despite which roles we get we could all get together and have a drink tonight?"
"I'm up for that," Felix grins, closing his laptop as if he knows he's not going to be getting anymore work done. "Our dorm?"
"Yeah, if the other guys agree," Jeongin confirms. "I'll text them. You up for it, Jisung?"
"I'm always up to get drunk," he points out, which you all know to be true. "Plus, it's a Friday and I have no plans."
"So we're your last option?" You tease. He gives you a frown.
"Of course you are," he says as if it's obvious, no hesitance. "If I had a gorgeous girl to go and see, you guys wouldn't even be in the equation."
"Maybe you will be seeing a gorgeous girl tonight," you say all knowingly, giving Jisung a wiggle of your eyebrows.
"If you're talking about yourself, you're highly mistaken, and that's gross," he says, grimacing. You only roll your eyes and give Jeongin a smirk which he responds to with a laugh, knowing exactly who you were talking about.
"Why are you guys even here?" Jeongin asks, changing the subject. Felix huffs dramatically, turning his laptop around to show Joengin his work, displaying a word document that he'd written all but ten words on.
"Am I supposed to be looking at something substantial?" Jeongin questions cheekily, raising an eyebrow at Felix with a blank expression.
"It would be substantial if I understood the fucking assignment," Felix groans, turning his laptop back around. "You don't understand how much this course sucks now that I'm on my own."
You ruffle his hair gently, giving him a pouty face. Poor Felix was on the dance course at your school for the arts, which he used to enjoy greatly when Hyunjin was also on the same course.
Unfortunately for him, Hyunjin had switched to an art and design course halfway through last semester, claiming that art was his passion and dance was more of a hobby. Despite his warm aura and bubbly personality, Felix was as quiet as mouse around people he didn't know, thus making it impossible for the boy to make friends on his course. Thus, he's been struggling alone since Hyunjin's departure.
"You guys are so lucky you can do all your schoolwork together," Felix says to you and Jeongin, jealousy making him pout. All you do is shrug and give Jeongin a smile.
"He's not wrong," Jisung adds. "I wish I had someone to help with all my schoolwork."
Jeongin screws his eyebrows up, turning to face Jisung. "You have both Seungmin and Yunjin on your course," he points out, which makes Jisung roll his eyes.
"Seungmin is too goody two shows to ever give me the answers to stuff, and Yunjin is an idiot," he replies nonchalantly. Yunjin, Seungmin and Jisung were on the classical music course at your uni. It was kind of inevitable most of your middle school friend group would end up at a university for the arts, considering you'd grown up with a love for it. The only person from your friend group who didn't attend your university was Minho, who ended up going to a culinary school ten minutes away instead.
"Speaking of, aren't you supposed to be in lectures right now?" you point out, thinking about how you knew Yunjin's schedule and she was definitely in class right now.
"Don't care. Didn't ask," is Jisung's response. You roll your eyes, looking toward Felix. He shrugs.
"We do, but we ditched to write this assignment," Felix responds. Jeongin laughs, shaking his head.
"Good thing you've done a lot," he says sarcastically, which Felix gives him the evils for. Jeongin's phone pings then, which he attends to, pulling out his phone and checking the notifications. "Oh my god!"
"What?" You ask, watching him scan over the contents of the message.
"The auditions are finished," he says, eyes not leaving the screen. You don't have time to stress, since Jisung gives you all a grin.
"Excellent!" He claps his hands. "We will all be drunk when you get the results, so no matter what you get we'll have a good night, right?"
"Right," Jeongin confirms with a smile, flashing you his set of pearly whites. "On that note, we should all probably head and get ready."
"Sounds good to me," Felix sighs, closing his laptop down, ridding himself of the assignment he'd written nothing of. "I can't wait for a drink."
"Ditto," you chuckle, ruffling the boys hair. "We'll see you guys later then?"
"Yes you will," Jisung winks, which you gag at. With a nod toward Jeongin, the two of you leave the coffee shop, walking towards the dorms. The two of you say your farewells when you reach your dorm, making the plan to go to Jeongin's dorm for drinks in two hours.
"Look what the cat dragged in!" Minho grins when you and Yunjin walk into the boys dorm. Him and Jisung had arrived before you, clearly, and the boys had already started drinking. You give him a quick hug, letting him ruffle your hair. He gives Yunjin a side hug too, whilst Felix walks up to you both with drinks in his hands.
“Audition went well?” Minho asks as Felix places the cups in yous and Yunjin’s hands, which you gladly accept.
“She only made it by the skin of her teeth,” Yunjin giggles, which you roll your eyes at fondly, laughing when she sticks her tongue out at you.
“I think so,” you respond honestly, smiling when he gives you a thumbs up in response.
“Good, come join us. Hyunjin has Jisung in a headlock,” Minho chuckles, ushering you towards the living area of the dorm.
“Classic,” Yunjin laughs at the scene, in which Hyunjin truly does have Ji in a headlock. “Another bet?”
“Of course,” is Felix’s response. You wave towards Seungmin and Jeongin, the two boys waving back with beers in their hands. “Jisung is refusing to pay up.”
“What was it this time?” You laugh. The two boys were terrible for betting each other about anything and everything, which often ended up in debt and arguments.
“Something about Jisung being unable to ask some girl on a date,” Jeongin answers as he walks towards your group, Seungmin making an attempt to split the two boys up. Yunjin audibly scoffs at that, which you send Jeongin a look for. He shrugs his shoulders with an expression you read as, ‘I told you so.’
“Excuse me,” Jisung intervenes, shooting Hyunjin daggers. “I would have asked her out, but she literally wasn’t in class yesterday! Why would I give him money?”
“Because there was no sub rules stipulating her presence in the university building, all you had to do was ask her out by this morning - you could have sent her a lousy text for all I care,” Hyunjin shoots back nonchalantly, giving the two of you girls a nod hello.
“Wah wah, shut the fuck up the both of you,” Minho yawns, checking his phone. “There’s half an hour until your roles get released, so I say we play a drinking game until then?”
“Sounds good to me,” Seungmin grins, opening up a cupboard and pulling out a deck of cards. “These two are giving me a headache.”
Your drinking game flies by. You’d all created it years ago, the easiest game if all you had was a deck of cards. Everyone was dealt three cards, and the person with the highest score got to direct a question to whoever had the lowest score. You could either answer, or take the number of shots as your lowest card.
The last round, for example, concluded with Hyunjin pulling three kings (which Jisung deemed as cheating, since he dealt), and Yunjin ending up with two twos and a three. Instead of answering the incredibly invasive question Hyunjin had directed her, she’d taken two shots.
It was at that point you noticed it was past 8pm, and a notification pinged on both yours and Jeongin’s phone. You send him a nervous glance as you open it, the beady eyes of your friends watching you both cautiously.
“What did you get?” Seungmin asks, impatient as ever. You can’t hold back the grin the spreads on your face as you read ‘Juliet’ beside your name on the cast list.
“You got Juliet?” Jisung grins back, able to read your face a mile off. You nod, whilst your friends erupt in cheers so loud you can’t even think.
“I got Romeo,” Jeongin says then, increasing the noise tenfold as your friends hug you both, congratulating you on getting the leads. Jeongin hugs you tightly, dimples flashing as he tells you how proud he is. When it’s Yunjin’s turn to squeeze you, she pulls back with a weird look on her face.
“What?” You ask her, tilting your head as the boys start pouring celebratory shots, chatting amongst themselves.
“You’re Juliet and Jeongin’s Romeo,” she says, and you think she’s just stating the obvious. “You get what that means, right?”
You scrunch your nose up, not following where she was going with this.
“You’re playing love interests! You’re gonna have to kiss and, like, die for each other and stuff,” she says, flipping a strand of hair behind her ear.
And oh Christ, because no you didn’t think about that, and she can clearly tell as you watch Jeongin down a shot in horror. You’d have to kiss one of your best friends. You’d have to act as though you were in love with the boy you’d grown up with.
Yunjin only laughs, shaking her head.
“Oh girl,” she grins. “Break a leg.”
so after almost a year (I’m so sorry tf) the first part is here!! Lmk if you like it, I’m super excited about this (mainly because I’m biased I heart jeongin) but the concept is so cute too hehe
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sl-vega · 3 months
✧Sticking to the Script✧-03
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⋆。°✩ 03-inspiration? more like desperation
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Xingqiu had been staring at a blank document with an empty piece of lined paper right next to him. The empty void of white taunted him. He sighed as he closed his laptop and put it back into his backpack.
"You okay?" Xingqiu looked up, and he saw Chongyun standing next to him. "Yeah I'm just stressed..." Xingqiu replied as he gathered his stuff and placed it into his bag.
"Don't you have a few months to finish it?" Chongyun asked. "We do, but it's supposed to be twelve pages at the very least." Xingqiu said as he rubbed his temples. He sighed again, "Sorry, this has just been bothering me for a bit."
Xingqiu started placing all his supplies back into his bag. He quickly got up from his seat waiting for Chongyun to follow. "Where are you going?" Chongyun asked. "The drama room." Xingqiu replied without any further elaboration.
"Why? You aren't actually going to audition for the play are you?" Chongyun asked with a concerned tone. "Thankfully I'm not." Xingqiu said walking out of the school's library with his friend.
"I'm going there for inspiration, some of the actors who audition are phenomenal and Romeo and Juliet is this year's production so there must be something I can use." Xingqiu said, his eyes sparkling in anticipation.
"You're just saying that because our library has no good romance books, aren't you?" Chongyun asked seeing right through his friend.
"You know me so well Chongyun." he replied. Yes that was part of the reason, but Xingqiu was a fan of theatre and the live arts. He still preferred books and literature, but he could admit that actors and live performances had their own merits.
The two boys continued their way down the stairs passing by several teachers and formally greeting them, they made their way to the auditorium, it was state of the art, with a huge stage and hundreds of plush, velvet seats.
Xingqiu and Chongyun sat near the front, Xingqiu eyed the students all over the huge room. Many held scripts and seemed to be memorizing their lines last minute. His eyes continued to scan the room before landing on a familiar figure.
You, the girl he had given his umbrella to
The two of you made eye contact, and he could see you quickly dart your eyes away, even in the dim lighting of the seating area, he could see your face flush.
"Hey Chongyun." he whispered to his friend, not wanting to interrupt the current student auditioning.
"Who's that girl over there?" He asked, gesturing to where you were standing, the two of them saw you get up to the stage to audition.
"Name and part?" Furina, the director, asked.
"(Y/N) (L/N), auditioning for the part of Juliet." you said.
"There's your answer." Chongyun whispered responding to his friend's question from earlier. The baby-blue haired boy glanced over to his friend as you started your monologue. Xingqiu looked star-struck.
"Xingqiu, earth to Xingqiu." Chongyun said as he waved his hand in front of his friend's face. "You good?"
Still completely focused on you, he whispered something under his breath.
"She's perfect."
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additional notes:
-golly gee i wonder what xingqiu means by that
-y'all get the potential double meaning?
-chongyun thinks that xingqiu is head over heels for this random girl
-he may as well be tbh
-next chapter will be this but from y/n's perspective
-yes y/n is blushing over a boy that she barely knows
-look, she just went through a break-up, her standards are very low now
-xingqiu would be a great boyfriend tho
-oop did i just spoil the endgame
-oh well
-ty to @freyao7 for being my proofreader again
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<prev ll next>
✧Sticking to the Script✧
Pairing: Xingqiu x FEM! Reader
Genre: fake dating, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst (?), high school smau, modern smau
⋆。°✩-Synopsis: Xingqiu just got entered into a special writing contest, the type that's invite only, the theme this year is love, the only problem is that he has zero romantic experience. but he really wants to prove himself as a writer. meanwhile, you just found out that your boyfriend cheated on you, and you need to show him that you're 100% over him, the only problem is that there's no way you can get an actual boyfriend that quickly. clearly, the solution to both of your issues is to fake date each other. it shouldn't be hard for an actor such as yourself, all you need to do is stick to the script.
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(OPEN) Taglist: @freyao7, @thatoneswordgirl, @sn1perz, @latay7. @esmetrees, @nmriki0, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @httpsrenren, @cupid-spams, @aixaingela, @kaitfae, @luvkvni, @danhenglovebot
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blossoming-sun · 3 months
So.... I made some pj mask AUs based off the prompt/trope people on pjmcord gave me (school au, angels and demons au, fae au)
School AU:
Premise: I know you probably meant just a normal school AU, but I'm actually incapable of writing something without fantasy elements, so its a school au: but they all still have their powers. In this au, the government knows about monsters and magic and stuff, and although the general population doesn't know about them, its not exactly "keep secret at all costs" information. So that nobody dies when the magical kids are too young to fully control their magic, they're kept seperated from ordinary kids in the education system until a certain age. So basically all the nighttime kids are in a class, and teacher is a new, human, teacher fresh out of uni and teaching his first class. These kids are a nightmare for him (/pos) and he struggles not to be killed every night.
Other stuff: There is a lot of drama between the villains and heroes, especially at lunch break. The main friend groups are the terrible trio and the pj trio, but the other characters have friend groups as well, and its not uncommon for everyone to just play nicely as one big group some nights and then all hate each other the next. The sidekicks do exist in this AU, but they're not allowed in the classroom because they're not students. This does not stop any of them: the ninjalinos sneak in to play with night ninja at break, Romeo is always making a machine of some sort, its very hard to keep moths out of the outdoor playground, octobella hides Percival in her bag, etc. The whole au would probably just be teacher being like: "Apophis, I'll put you in detention until the end of time if you try to trap bastet in a pyramid again!" "Kevin, don't put that in your mouth! No, I don't care what Howler dared you do to!" "Romeo, what did I say about stealing stuff from the maintenance room? You can't take over the world with the wifi router!"
Also, the heroes are monsters in this au, so owlette is a harpy, an yu has more dragon features, etc
Angels and Demons AU
Lore: Angels and demons usually hide which one they are, their wings and stuff can dissapear at will and they don't have to use their powers. Furthermore, its a contemporary!angels and demons au, so while everyone has angel or demon blood, some have the full features (horns, slitted pupils, angel wings, halos, etc) when they show their true forms, others merely contain some angel or demon blood and no affects from this (which is most common). There are also powers, which can be pretty much anything. Physical features aren't required to have powers, but they're usually hand in hand.
Other stuff: Amaya is the only one with wings and a few extra eyes, while connor has a halo, and greg has a few small feathers (not enough to fly with or form wings), but has the power of strength. The villains are all demons. Luna has wings, NN has horns (like an oni) and romeo hasn't shown his true form yet. However, Armadylan and An Yu are also demons! The PJs didn't trust armadylan at all at first because they're racist you can't trust demons, but after they met an yu, realised that maybe not all demons are bad and didn't choose to be like this. Also: pharaoh boy is a fallen angel, but bastet refuses to talk about what happened to make him lose his light. The rest of the power heroes are all angels. And for the characters I haven't talked about yet:
Wolfies: no features or powers, except their werewolf powers(werewolf blood dominated the demon genes)
Armadylan: 4 horns on his head that stick out from his helmet, as well as a tail beneath the armadillo tail on his suit. Canon powers
An Yu: Black and red scales, slitted red eyes, fangs, claws. Canon powers
Ice Cub: Has three halos, no powers until his exposure to the asteroid though
Newton: two sets of wings, four eyes (haha), canon powers
Speedy twins: demon tails
Bastet: small wings behind her ears
Octobella: gekko swears she's a demon, but she's not (she's a cecaelia)
feel feee to ask me about the other characters, i was too lazy to write them all (rip)
Fae AU
So, in this AU lilyfay is the only fae. She's from an alien race of space fae, idk. The problem is, she's the first of her kind to visit earth in hundreds of years, and nobody really remembers the rules of the fay anymore, or that they exist. Which means that there are many shenanigans.
Lilyfay loves to clean, but unfortunately power Q is already pretty clean because of PJ robot, so except for when gloop attacks, she needs to find other places to clean. She occasionally just shows up at the flying factory to clean it (romeo is not good at keeping his lab tidy). And Romeo freaked out the first time but he got intrigued after that. When Romeo disrespected her the first time she refused to take that shit and turned him into a fawn (fae will sometimes transform humans into creatures if they don't like them), but only for one night so that he would learn his lesson. After this, Romeo takes up some of the Creideamh Sí so that he won't get deer'd again, which starts with giving Lilyfay milk when she shows up and progresses to the two of them having tea parties together. The duo kind of become friends, but lilyfay will not hesitate to kick his ass if he lies to her or offends her in some other way. Nobody else knows about their secret.
Lilyfay also has a garden in power Q, that has a ton of hawthorn saplings among other things. She and An Yu tend to the garden, but An Yu isn't allowed to touch the hawthorn. Lilyfay would love to drag the gang back to the land of the fay, but she's enjoying earth a lot and figures that she'll stay, for now at least. Also, her true fae form is hidden behind a human disguise (I don't think that lilyfay would be a changeling, but i'm going to incorporate some elements of changelings in for funsies) she can also play instruments and loves to dance, but she and her friends only ever play just dance and take turns so that she doesn't have to (by law) drag them away forever.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Minimal Losses // Jake Seresin
Chapter Two // Partner in Crime
Summary: Hangman takes you up for a fly over turned impromptu training session only to show up at your dorm with a peace offering you can’t refuse.
Warnings: None. Fluff? Jake Seresin x female reader pairing.
Word Count: 4.1k
Author Note: I don’t know about you but I love this version of Jake. He’s just so soft. My heart really cannot take it. MASTERLIST
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“Shouldn't that be you out there Romeo?” Rooster couldn't help but to quip as his hands came down to slap against Jake's shoulders from behind. Both men watching as Bob helped guide you up the wing of Jake's new double seater super hornet. “Or has that ship sailed already?” 
“Nope, the ship is still docked–” Jake responded with a grin, watching as Bob helped you settle into the cockpit. Laughing nervously as embarrassment flooded your systems when you slipped a little and lost your balance–falling into Bob without meaning to. “We cleaned our slate.” Jake Seresin wasn’t a man that believed in love at first sight, but you were starting to make him question his long-standing beliefs. 
“Ah, so you aren't gonna hold any grudges for her little escape stunt?” Oh god Jake had forgotten he’d spilled the beans on that one. He was so used to flaunting his conquests to his friends, his colleagues. Jake had never really cared enough about whoever he’d been fooling around with enough to not blurt out all the horny details—but you? Well it was quite simple really. Jake didn’t want everyone on base knowing what you were like to be with. At least it was just Rooster, and at least he only knew about the way you left and not the way you came. “Let bygones be bygones huh?” 
“Yeah, we’re gonna just start fresh. Told her I’d let the dine and dash thing go as long as she promises not to turn around and arrest me for borderline domestic assault.” Jake didn't stick around to hear Rooster's response. All he knew was that the expecting father stood in utter shock at Jake's admission that whatever you two had gotten up to together on Saturday night, that it had been pretty full on. 
“Okay so Hangman's just taking you up for a fly over, we’ll be up there not far behind you but in case of emergency–this is your ejection handle.” Bob pointed to the yellow and black striped handle that was under your seat between your legs. “It's not a fun experience by any means but it sure is better than the alternative.” 
“Have you ever had to eject lieutenant Floyd?” Bob could hear it in your voice, you were nervous as all hell. Nodding in response to your question, Bob checked over all the systems. Turning on the radar for you and making sure the back up radio was in fact operational. 
“A time or two, the last time I had to eject it was from a bird strike.” 
“What's that exactly?” 
“It's when a bird gets caught in the engine, can't really control nature or the weather.” Bob physically saw the panic rise in your eyes as he double checked you were strapped in properly. “Sorry ma’am.” His voice softened as he fiddled with the straps. “Are you not good with planes?” 
“Um, if I can avoid them I will, but uh–I guess I can't really do that if this is meant to be my job right?” You were trying to downplay your fear, you were terrified of flying. Usually you had to be self medicated for anxiety whenever you got on a commercial flight. A fighter jet was a pretty big step up. But to let your own fears interfere with an ongoing investigation would be a disservice to yourself and those you were sworn to protect. 
“Well, Hangman’s a pretty good pilot, just don't tell him I said that because he’ll never let me forget about it.” Bob tried his best to soothe your obvious fears, not having realised Jake was coming right up behind him. 
“You know Bob, I think in all the time we’ve flown together, I think that's the only compliment you've ever really paid me.” Jake smirked as he walked up the wing, jumping into the front seat of the cockpit. Bob couldn't roll his eyes any more than he did. Causing you to laugh behind your hand. “Ready to go Agent Kas?” Jake beamed as he went through the same procedures he went through each and every time he was getting ready for a flight. Checking all his systems and making sure everything was working the way it should be. “Robert, unless you're planning on making this a threesome man, I'd be getting going if I were you.” Again, Jake heard you laugh and he was instantly addicted to that sound just as much as he was addicted to the way you moaned his name in his ear. Perhaps even more. 
“Right, I'll uh–see you when I get up there ma’am.” Nodding softly and pressing his lips together. Bob made his way down the wing of the plane before vanishing out of sight. Walking towards where Rooster still stood in disbelief. “Hey, is there something going on with Agent Kas and Hangman? Am I missing something?” 
“Oh yeah.” Rooster sighed as he clipped his helmet to his vest. “Yeah big time buddy—but doesn’t mean you can’t have a crack right?” Rooster liked to stir, especially whenever it involved Jake Seresin. “Shoot your shot before it’s too late.” 
“Probably not a good idea—“ Bob knew well enough to leave Hangman's stuff alone, if he’d already called dibs then he wasn’t going to interfere. He did think you were pretty though. That he’d openly admit. 
“Yeah I probably wouldn’t wanna be Eskimo brothers with Bagman either.” Pretending to shiver at the idea, Rooster slapped the back of his palm into Bob's chest. C’mon man we better get up there.” Bob didn’t move, still processing what Rooster had so easily let slip. “Don’t want them having all the fun right?” 
“Wait, they slept together?” 
“Okay aviator’s—“ Pete Mitchell’s voice came through your communications as you looked out over vast distance of clear blue sky. Only a few clouds in sight. “This session is all about free fall control.” Wait what? Hang on a minute no one had told you that! 
“Uh, Lieutenant Seresin, are you participating in that exercise?” Your voice was shaking as you tapped Jake on the shoulder. He couldn’t help the grin that plastered itself across his face. 
“I wasn’t supposed to, I’m just up here for a fly over.” Jake responded. The two seated super hornet had been due for a full scale service and a fly over was a good way to access what could possibly be looked at. “But by the sounds of it you seem pretty keen on joining in so I think we might, what do you say Kasper?”
“Uh I think I’m go—“ Before you could even say that you wouldn’t mind passing on the experience, Jake cut the engines. “Oh holy shit—!” Your hands flew up against the glass of the canopy as you dropped rapidly. Plumitting back down to earth. “Jake!! Jake, stop! Oh my god—!” Jake had full control over the engineless free fall he’d entered. He wouldn’t have put you in a position where he knew he could easily pull himself out of. That was the entire purpose of the training exercise that most of the squad were up running today. 
“It sounds like Kas is having the time of her life. Phoenix chuckled as she regained stability of her aircraft and leveled out. Much like you? Bob jaded free fall exercises, it made his head spin more than usual. 
“Yeah, I’d be just as delighted if I had Hangman for a pilot.” Bob was quick to quip back, you’re pleading still ringing out throughout the comms as Jake finally ignited both engines and leveled out. “He’s gonna have her in shambles by the time they land.” 
“Something tells me she’s gonna need a bucket.” Phoenix laughed. She was keen to see how this played out, knowing how Hangman flew it was only a matter of time before you were either requesting anyone other than him to fly with you or he was apologising with his natural charm dialed up to astronomical heights. Only to do the same thing over and over again. 
“What the fuck is your problem!!” You shouted as you steadied yourself in your seat. Fixing your helmet that had been so kindly made for you. Kasper in bold lettering with two cartoon ghosts on the front. 
“Consider us even for the sneak out—“ Jake beamed. Laughing to himself as he heard you gagging and heaving in the backseat of his F-18. “Vomit bags under your seat Sweetheart.” 
“I thought we had a clean slate!?” Coughing up whatever you’d just thrown up into the bag Jake had told you was under your seat, you wished you could see his stupid face. Probably smug and full of himself. “I said I was sorry, okay!” For a brief moment Jake wondered if he’d taken it too far, but then the realisation hit that you’d have to pass yourself off as a weapons system officer. You wouldn’t be able to do that if you couldn’t handle a free fall. 
“How do you expect to pass as a TopGun graduate if you can’t even handle a barrel roll?” 
“I’m kinda banking on the fact I’m really good at what I do so I won’t have to go up in one of these while I’m onboard the Lexington.” You let your head fall back against the seat. Lulling side to side. “If you really just did that because of the way I left on Sunday you really need to reevaluate your priorities.” Jake was head over heels. He knew well enough to know he didn’t fall often, but when he did he fell hard and he fell fast. “God I’m gonna be sick again—“ 
“Jesus, I hope you’re right about being good at what you do Kas.” Jake shut down the engines again as he forced a controlled plummet. Spinning around and around as he held back on the throttle. “Because if you can’t handle this? I can’t imagine what you’d be like in a dog fight.” 
By the time Jake was touching down against the tarmac, you had filled the vomit bag to the very brim. It was needless to say you were incredibly eager to feel solid ground below your feet yet again. 
“This is your captain speaking,” Jake taunted as the canopy popped open. “Please remain seated until cabin crew have cleaned up the mess in the aisle.” You sent the gentleman who’d climbed up the wing to assist you with your impromptu luggage a soft smile. Handing him the knotted bag of vomit before you uncliped and stood up. “Kas I’m just giving you lip alright, you did well.” 
“I don’t need lip from you, son of Satan.” Not wasting a moment as you walked steadily with arms wide—holding you balance down the wing. Jumping to the ground below, you let out a dramatic sigh of relief as you dropped to your knees before laying flat on your stomach. Jake laughed aloud as he watched you from a bird's eye view. “Sweet steady ground.”
“You know, that won’t be the last time you go up right, if anything it’s just the first.” 
“It’ll be the last time I go up with you.” You groaned as you pressed your cheek to the tarmac. “God you fly like you aren’t trying to live, little egomaniacal of you to death roll me in the name of a covert operation.” 
“I fly like lives depend on me—“ Jake corrected you as he jumped off the wing of his F-18, landing right behind you with a thud. “And I can assure you, I’m just trying to help you pass as an avid aviator with flying colours.” 
“You made me throw up!” You knew full and well that you had made yourself throw up, it just wasn’t something you wanted to admit. Jake had a shit eating grin plastered across his face so promptly he could have passed for the Cheshire Cat himself. You had a weak constitution, it never served you well in crime scenes or on planes in general. Add the free fall barrel rolls into the mix and you had the perfect storm made for up chuck city. 
“By the sounds of it you had a full gourmet breakfast.” Watching as you stood to your feet, Jake taunted you a little more, knowing he was getting a rise out of you. “Next time? Try a banana or a bowl of white rice and ginger.” 
“There’s not gonna be a next time—“ Dusting yourself off you scoffed at Jake's advice. “You’re supposed to be my partner! Have my back! You just tried to kill me!” Turning on your heels you walked away without giving Jake a chance to retaliate. 
“You’ll thank me later!” He shouted after you, watching as you flipped him off over your shoulder. Rooster was by his side in no time, having seen the poor display of sportsmanship Jake had shown you. 
“Consider that ship sailed Romeo—“ 
You were the only resident currently using the dorms on base. As far as you could tell—all the pilots that had been stationed out at Miramar had all been assigned their own off base house. Either one or two bedroom homes that all looked identical besides the personality each one brought to the home they’d moved into. 
You were in the common area living room. If there had been others living on your particular floor you were sure that there would be people buzzing around in the kitchen, dining and living room areas. But it was just you. Basking in the peaceful tranquility the silence of your own company brought, you took a small sip of the tea you were drinking. Hibiscus and strawberry. Sitting the warm coffee cup back onto the coaster before flipping the file you had been reading up on over to the next page. 
Something about pulling apart your pistol, cleaning it in its entirety before putting it back together like a puzzle brought you a sense of calm. To know your weapon inside and out. To know every small piece, every nook and cranny of the service issued weapon made you feel more comfortable with the fact you held the power to take a life away in an instant in your palms. 
As you reached out for your coffee cup full of tea, a gentle knocking coming from the main door of the floor you were the only resident off had your pausing in your play. For a Federal Agent you could be rather skittish. Especially when you weren’t expecting anyone. 
Even if you were on a navy base, you tucked your gun into the waistline of your tracksuit pants. Covering it with the sweatshirt that matched. You jumped from your spot on the ground with another knock timing out through the empty hall.
It wasn’t that you didn’t feel safe, no. It was more the fact that this was your first solo case. You’d always had someone with you—someone watching over you. Sure you had Agent Bradshaw around, but she wasn’t going with you onto the Lexington. She was leaving you in the hand of Jake Seresin. 
Another knock rang out as you padded down the hall. Shifting slightly as you approached the closed and clicked door, you waited a few seconds before asking who it was. 
“Who is it?”
“It’s me—“ Well that really didn’t give you much to go off now, did it?. “Hangman.” Oh, now that said it all. With a huff of frustration and a sigh of relief you swung the door open, revealing Jake who stood in his own sweats with a brown bag and six pack of beers. “Consider it a peace offering.” He gestured to the greased up bag. “Burgers and beers?” Expressionless, you stepped aside to let Jake in. He watched as you closed and locked the front door again, pulling out your gun that had been pressed against the small of your back. Placing it on the dining table carefully—making sure the safety was on. 
“What?” You questioned. “I wasn’t expecting anyone—“
“And your immediate response was to be armed and at the ready?” 
“Better to expect the unexpected than to underestimate the circumstances.” Shrugging your shoulders in response, you eyes off the bag Jake had placed on the table. “Why are you here exactly?” Your stomach growled with a mind of its own—you’d been so caught up with your case research you hadn’t organised yourself dinner. 
“Rooster's wife, you know—your boss.” Diving into the bag for a few stray fries, Jake placed them in his mouth before he went back in. Fishing out and throwing you a burger. You caught it with two hands. Unwrapping it as your glands watered. “Kinda gave me an absolute scathing after you apparently begged her to place you with someone else.”
It was true. The minute you were on solid ground again after Jake had death rolled you into a weeping puddle of throw up and bile, you were matching into Agent Bradshaw's office. 
“I need a new partner!” It hasn’t been a request but a demand. “Jake Seresin just tried to kill me—“ She didn’t even bother looking up from her paperwork. 
“I’ve known Hangman for quite a while now and I can assure you Kasper, he didn’t try to kill you.” 
“I don’t trust him, he could jeopardise the entire operation! How is he supposed to have my back at all times when he’s purposely trying to make me feel weak and vulnerable.” 
“Did Jake make you feel weak and vulnerable or do you naturally feel weak and vulnerable around him?” Agent Bradshaw questioned as she finally raised a cautious brow and looked at you through her eyelids. She’d mastered the art of the Kubrick star that was for sure. “I know he was the one you slept with Kas, and believe me when I say I hope you have enough common sense to get tested.” 
“If you knew I slept with him why didn’t you partner me with someone else?” Agent Bradshaw placed her own down with a soft sigh. Like you were truly interrupting something important. You were, but right now you couldn’t care less. She took a few steps out from behind her desk, opting to rest against it as she crossed her arms over her chest. Forearms testing on her baby bump. 
“Because no one spends the night at Hangman’s house sweetheart, if there’s even the slightest chance he cares? I’m willing to bank good money on the fact he’d have your back no matter the consequences.” 
“Well after the stunt you performed today I wasn’t entirely sure I could actually work with you.” You had already taken a bite of your burger as you sat down at the table. Slumping. Jake offered you a beer before cracking the top, passing it along the wooden table. “But since I’m stuck with you—“ rolling your eyes, you fished out the badge you’d asked Agent Bradshaw for. All it said was NCIS Special Agent. It held no merit on its own without personal credentials. But it was still something. “Consider this my peace offering.” Throwing it underarm style, Jake caught the silver badge with a smile so pure it made your heart flutter momentarily. “It’s NCIS, that’s all she had lying around. Pretty sure it’s actually hers but I didn’t really stick around the press for answers.” 
“What’s the chances of me getting a gun?” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped as Jake shined the badge against his shirt. “Nah this is cool.”
Sitting in comfortable silence for a while as you ate, both you and Jake retreated back to the living room where you’d been going over your case files. Your tea now cold, discarded off to the side as you explained in more detail to Jake what had been going on. 
“So you really think this guys on board the Lexington?”
“I do, but the presence of NCIS and FBI would just freak him out, we need him caught off guard—hence the FBI lead and undercover agent scheme we’re concocting.” 
“And they choose you because?” Jake didn’t know who much weight his question truly carried until he noticed your face drop slightly. Second guessing your response. You wanted to say something along the lines of being the best pick for the job or that it had been your case since the first murders. But you didn’t—you opted for the more believable option. 
“Because it’s easy to go undercover when no one ever really noticed you to begin with Lieutenant Seresin.” It was a harsh tea that you’d learnt to accept a long time ago. It was just the way things were. So when Jake Seresin had paid just a little attention to you at the bar? It was no wonder you were so easily swayed into playing into his charming ways. He got the girl alright, but only because she’d been so deprived of affection for so long that even the slight chance of it falling into her lap had you acting outside of your own personality. 
“That’s why they call you Kasper?” Jake wanted to get to know you, he felt like he’d skipped the first six chapters of a really good book. Skipping all the way to the part where the two main characters fall in love before even reading how they met and who they were. 
“Always invisible, honestly it was an inevitable nickname really.” You tried to hide the sudden onset of bashfulness that had stricken you. Hiding a blushed smile in the dimly lit light of the abandoned living room of the dormitory. 
“But why with a K and not C?” Jake hadn’t noticed the gap between you two had gotten smaller and smaller with every question he asked about the case and even more so with every question he asked about you. 
“It's just how one of my professors spelt it, pretty sure she had some level of undiagnosed dyslexia but I was only like fifteen at the time so I wasn’t about to question it.” Explaining why you had always stuck with Kasper and a K, Jake didn’t want to pass over the fact you had just said professor and fifteen in the same sentence.
“Wait, how old are you again?” Jake frowned for a brief moment, counting on his fingers because the math in his head wasn’t adding up. “When did you graduate?” Holy shit he had broken a federal law hadn’t he. Fuck. 
“I’m twenty six—“ You knew Jake would freak when he found out. But it was bound to happen sooner or later. “But I graduated high school in two thousand and eight.” Yep, this wasn’t math he could do on his fingers. Jake just stared at you, waiting for you to make it make sense. “I uh, I may have graduated high school at like twelve—“
“Twelve!!” Jake shouted as you cupped his mouth. Laughing as you told him to keep his voice down even if no one was around. It was the same response everyone gave you. “Jesus Kas I was just learning how to fucking jerk off at twelve and you had graduated high school!?” 
“I know I know—“ Sitting back on your heels you looked down at the carpet that held scattered papers everywhere, completely defeated. “Even prodigal brilliance doesn’t help me stand out in a crowd.” Jake just looked at you, complete spell bound. He’d never been so intrigued by a woman ever. Especially one so beautifully gifted. 
There was a lingering moment of silence before you went to speak again, but before you could Jake was lurching forward to press his lips against yours. Letting you register what was happening as you softened against him. Welcoming to kiss he so desperately wanted to give you since he’d seen you walk into the hanger. 
“You stood out to me.” Jake mumbled as he pulled away for a brief moment. “Saw you the moment I walked into the bar and knew I had to get to know you.” It has you melting into the palms of his hands. Cupping your face as he kissed you again. This time with more confidence, opening yourself up to Jake you let your tongue explore with his. “And it turns out you’re some sort of genius—“ Jake smirked against your bottom lip,  biting it softly as you gently moaned at the sensation. Lifting you up off the ground as he carried you back toward wherever the hell you pointed. Helping to blindly guide him back towards your room. Your legs wrapped around his waist as your arms wrapped around his shoulders. Fingers carding through blonde locks. 
“Which is so unbelievably sexy agent Kas.”
Tags // @auroraboreallisfine @buckythewintersquirrel @a-lil-bit-nuts @bookaholics-stuff @ilovewhalesharks444 @a-serene-place-to-be @alexsisrebekah @rhirhikingston @caitsymichelle13 @twsssmlmaa @chaoticversion @topguncultleader
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withahappyrefrain · 5 months
For the January OTP Prompts:
“I wish everyday could be like this” about Bradley and Birdie please ❤️
In honor of it being my first day back from winter break, let's see how these two spend Birdie's time off from school!
To call it a winter break was laughable. In San Diego, there was a better chance of getting out of school due to a power outage than due to snow.
Bradley's name for it was much more appropriate: time to snuggle my (future) wife.
"Roo, I gotta get up to feed the animals!" You tried to sound exasperated, but that was difficult with his mustache tickling the back of your neck. You weren't one for sleeping in on your days off, whereas Bradley was the opposite.
"It's too cold Birdie, gotta keep you warm," his voice was slightly muffled from pressing his face against your hair. Your heart flutters upon feeling his strong arms wrap themselves around your waist, keeping you firmly in bed.
"It's fifty-two degrees!" You practically shrieked as you tried to wiggle yourself out of his grip, to no avail.
"Exactly, it's cold," he smiled at the sound of your laughter, music to his ears.
"Aren't you from Virginia?" You scoffed, "Where there are mountains and snow?"
"I grew up near the coast, aka the beach. Now let me kiss you."
Laughter filled your shared bedroom as Bradley flipped you from your side to your back.
You tried to fight back, Bradley would give you that. For a brief moment, you thought you had the upper hand, tickling the sides of his bare stomach. His deep laughter began to fill the room, mixing with yours.
It was a beautiful sight; the way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled, how his hazel eyes shined, how he made you feel so loved without saying a word.
You were so lost in the wonder that was Bradley Bradshaw, your hands fell to the sides, allowing him to quickly grab your wrists and pin them above your head.
"No fair," you hiss, "You're playing dirty."
He simply smirked, his head dropping down to your neck, "Thought you liked it when I played dirty, Mrs. Bradshaw."
You tried to ignore the way his deep voice made your thighs clench, fueled by the need to show you weren't complete putty in his hands because he used his favorite nickname on you.
"Well, if that's how you're gonna play," you turned your head to the side, "Shuna!"
Bradley's eyes widened upon hearing the sound of paws hitting the wooden floor, getting louder as they got closer to your bedroom.
Your rescue dog appeared at the door frame, tail wagging upon seeing her two favorite humans.
"Shuna! Go see Roo!" You exclaimed.
"You little- ahh! Shuna!" Bradley tried to cover his face with his arms, but to no avail. Shuna had jumped on the bed and was already licking Bradley, making her affection to him well known.
"Shuna, you gotta stop doing Mama Bird's dirty work," Bradley's arms scooped up Shuna, holding her like one would with a baby (minus the four limbs sticking up).
"Wouldn't have to if dad wouldn't play dirty," you teased, leaning over so Shuna would relieve Bradley and lick your face instead.
Shuna settled inbetween you two, making herself right at home in the bed.
Your hand reached out to pet her and instead found Bradley's, his fingers entwining with yours.
"I wish everyday could be like this," he said softly, looking over at you.
"Me too Roo, me too."
"Of course, to make it perfect, we just need a few little ones running away-" you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the way your cheeks were burning up at the implication of having kids, specifically Bradley's.
"How about you propose first, Romeo?" You smiled, squeezing his hand.
"I'm working on it. You said eight months was the minimum you needed to date before entertaining the idea of getting engaged, right?" Of course he would remember that, he remembered everything.
"Yes. Entertain a proposal, not accept one."
Bradley's eyes narrowed, gleaming with mischief, "I got two months left to convince ya. I'm confident Birdie."
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Written By: Peter Svensson & Nina Persson
Artist: The Cardigans
Released: 1996
“Lovefool” is track #7 on The Cardigans’s third album First Band on the Moon. “Lovefool” was the song that propelled The Cardigans to international stardom. US listeners took notice when it was featured on the soundtrack to Baz Luhrmann’s William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. The song topped the Billboard Hot 100 Airplay and Top 40 Mainstream, but was kept from the Hot 100 because it was not issued as a commercial single (until December 1998, songs were not eligible to chart on the Hot 100 until they got released as single in the US). Nina Persson penned the lyrics for this song, while Peter Svensson wrote the music. Nina was sitting in an airport waiting for a plane when she was inspired to write the song and thought it would have a “slow bossa nova feel.” She told The Swedish Performing Rights Society: “I do find that the biggest hits are the ones that are the easiest to write”. Peter recalled writing the music for this song in an interview with The Independent: “To me, that song is still that moment when I wrote it in a small room, sitting on my bed in our home town. It was supposed to be some kind of a bossa nova: a totally different song, slow and mellow and sad. The production on it, though, and the disco drums made it all shinier."
[Verse 1] Dear, I fear we're facing a problem You love me no longer, I know and Maybe there is nothing that I can do To make you do Mama tells me I shouldn't bother That I ought just stick to another man A man that surely deserves me But I think you do [Pre-Chorus] So I cry, and I pray, and I beg [Chorus] Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Go on and fool me Love me, love me Pretend that you love me Leave me, leave me Just say that you need me So I cry and I beg for you to Love me, love me Say that you love me Leave me, leave me Just say that you need me I can't care 'bout anything but you [Verse 2] Lately I have desperately pondered Spent my nights awake and I wonder What I could have done in another way To make you stay Reason will not reach a solution I will end up lost in confusion I don't care if you really care As long as you don't go [Pre-Chorus] So I cry, and I pray, and I beg [Chorus] Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Go on and fool me Love me, love me Pretend that you love me Leave me, leave me Just say that you need me So I cry and I beg for you to Love me, love me Say that you love me Leave me, leave me Just say that you need me I can't care 'bout anything but you (Anything but you) [Outro] Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Go on and fool me Love me, love me I know that you need me I can't care 'bout anything but you
Written By: Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Gerard Way & Frank Iero
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Released: 2010
“Summertime” is a ‘new wave’ song, allegedly believed to be written about frontman Gerard Way’s wife, Lyn-z Way. In an interview, Gerard said that it started as a riff Mikey had written, before evolving into a song they ‘couldn’t have the record without.’ “[“Summertime”] is one of the lyrically personal songs on the album, whereas the rest of it is just me talking about my worldview. So it’s a really beautiful song and again—no rules. We can have a soft song.”
[Verse 1] When the lights go out Will you take me with you And carry all this broken bone Through six years down In crowded rooms and highways I call home? Is something I can't know till now Till you picked me off the ground With brick in hand, your lip-gloss smile Your scraped-up knees and [Chorus] If you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want [Verse 2] Terrified of what I'd be As a kid, from what I've seen Every single day when people try And put the pieces back together Just to smash them down Turn my headphones up real loud I don't think I need them now 'Cause you stop the noise and [Chorus] If you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want [Post-Chorus] Well, anytime you want Well, anytime you want [Guitar Solo] [Bridge] Don't walk away, don't walk away Don't walk away, don't walk away! [Chorus] 'Cause if you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me [Post-Chorus] Or you can write it on your arm You can run away with me Anytime you want
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Hiiiiiiiiii bb,
Maybe you could write about Eddie being absolute shit at beerpong and he loses to his crush and he gets so mad that he pouts all night about it. 🤔😅
🤡 @trashmouth-richie
Ahahahaha fuck you but yes I'll write it.
Warnings: language, drinking, characters are around 21-22 years old
WC: 802
"Hah!" you exclaim as you sink the ping pong ball into the final cup. "We win!" You turn and give Robin a high-five, sticking your tongue out at Steve and Eddie.
"You said you were good at this," Eddie hisses at his teammate, raking his fingers through his curls in frustration.
Steve just shrugs. "I was, back in high school. Guess I'm out of practice." He reaches into the cooler and pulls out two more beers, offering one to Eddie. "To losing," he holds up his can, frowning when Eddie doesn't do the same. "Dude, what crawled up your ass?"
"Nothing," Eddie huffs, taking a swig. His eyes flick over to you, already engrossed in a conversation with some guy he vaguely remembers from Hawkins High. You're laughing and taking small sips of your drink.
"Oh, I see," Steve smirks. "You're upset because you wanted to impress your little girlfriend, huh?"
"Not my girlfriend," Eddie mumbles, glancing at you again when he hears you giggle. God, what was so funny that you were still talking to this loser?
Steve sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't get it. A few months ago, you were fine with just being her friend. Now you're getting all bent out of shape over a stupid game of pong?"
Before Eddie can respond, he feels an arm sling around his shoulder. "Aw, whassa matter, Romeo?" Robin teases, words slightly slurred. "Sad without your Juliet?"
"Shut up, both of you!" Eddie undoes himself from Robin's grasp. "'M gonna take a leak, and then I'm outta here." He pushes through the crowd of people and stumbles to the bathroom.
Eddie never used to think twice about impressing you; it's not that he didn't care, but you two were just friends. He didn't overthink his jokes or get self-conscious about his hair, because he didn't need to. But that all changed a few months ago: he was sick as a dog, curled up in bed with the worst flu he'd ever had. You'd showed up with some homemade soup and crackers, staying for hours to make sure that he drank enough water and took medicine to keep his fever down. After that, he saw you in a whole new light. He never knew someone could care about him like you do. And it doesn't hurt that you're gorgeous, either.
He leaves the bathroom, hastily wiping his hands on his jeans, and nearly bumps into someone. "Watch it, du--oh, hi," he breathes out, unable to meet your gaze. "Sorry 'bout that."
"Y'okay?" you ask, concern evident by your tone. Eddie practically melts when you grab his hand to pull him back towards you. "What's going on?"
"'M fine." He tries a small smile. "Just tired." That part isn't a complete lie; he's tired of watching opportunities to be with the girl of his dreams pass by.
You give a little laugh. "You can't pull one over on me, Eddie Munson," you say. "Now, tell me what's really on your mind."
"I, uh, really thought I had that beer pong game in the bag." Another half-truth.
"You're upset because of that?" You furrow your brows. "'S not like we bet any money."
Eddie massages the nape of his neck. "I looked like an idiot," he supplies. "Kept tryin' to get the stupid fuckin' ball in the stupid fuckin' cup..."
"You didn't look like an idiot; we were just having fun," you reassure him. "If anything, you look like an idiot now, getting all pouty about it." You pause. "Wait...were you trying to show off for someone?" When he looks away, you clap your hands excitedly. "Who is it? C'mon, I won't tell." You mime zipping your lips and throwing away the key.
"No one." Eddie shakes his head.
"Liar! Look, you're totally blushing. Tell me tell me tell m--"
"It's you, okay!" he blurts out, unable to contain his secret any longer. "I was gonna--ugh, I was gonna say something like, 'you owe the winner a date,' or some cheesy shit like that, like in those dumb romance movies you watch--"
"They are not dumb!" you retort, giving him a playful shove. "But I am gonna steal that line. So, Eddie, you owe the winner a date."
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Really? You wanna go on a date with me?"
"Of course!" you say with a smile. "You think I'd risk the flu for just anyone?"
Eddie beams, pulling the keys to his van from his jacket pocket. "What are we waiting for, then? Wanna grab some burgers at Benny's with me?"
"I'd love to," you return his smile, then bring your lips to his ear to whisper, "maybe after, we can go back to your place and you can show me what you are good at."
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jujumin-translates · 3 hours
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 29 - Romeo and Julius ~Rosso e Blu~
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Merchant: “Thank you. You were a great help.”
Romeo: “The pleasure was mine! Please let me know if you’re ever peddling again!”
Merchant: “Thank you, please do come again.”
Julius: “Good work.”
Romeo: “Ah, did you just get back too, Julius? How was your day today?”
Julius: “The boy was in a bad mood.”
Romeo: “It must be hard being a tutor.”
Julius: “How were things for you?”
Romeo: “It was a breeze. The products, my client, and I all returned without a scratch!”
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Julius: “Seems like you’re getting pretty good at doing the whole bodyguard thing.”
Romeo: “It’s nice that we’ve both been able to make use of our skills.”
Ruffian: “Oi! Hurry up!”
Julius: “What a racket.”
Romeo: “It came from over there.”
*Romeo runs off*
Julius: “Ah, hey, wait. You can’t just go sticking your head in other people’s--.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Ruffian: “I said hand over any money you have!”
Gildo: “Ughh…”
Romeo: “Hey, stop!”
Ruffian: “Haah?”
Julius: “Do you ever have any self-awareness of the fact that you’re a wanted man?”
Romeo: “But we can’t just let him go free.”
Ruffian: “What the hell are you two doing? If ya got nothing to do with me, get lost!”
*Sword is drawn*
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Romeo: “That should be my line!”
*Romeo draws his sword*
Ruffian: “--Gh.”
*Swords slash and clash*
Julius: “Can you walk?”
Gildo: “--Ah, y-yes, thank you.”
Ruffian: “Out of the way, damnit!”
Julius: “Hah!”
*Julius punches*
Izumi: (Even in these little sword fighting scenes, you can really see how much they’ve grown…)
Izumi: (All the experience Sakuya-kun and Masumi-kun have gained seems to have been enough of a change to make the audience gasp in surprise.)
Ruffian: “--Hie.”
*Ruffian runs off*
Romeo: “You should find a more decent job!”
Romeo: “Are you okay?”
Gildo: “...Gh.”
Julius: “Seems like he hurt his leg. Romeo, support his other shoulder.”
Romeo: “Where do you live? We’ll get you home.”
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Gildo: “I’m sorry about this.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Romeo: “Do you need us to patch you up? Or should we go fetch a doctor?”
Gildo: “No… You’ve helped enough. I’m Gildo. And you are?”
Romeo: “I’m Romeo Montague. He’s Julius Capulet.”
Gildo: “--Montague? Capulet…”
Julius: “Don’t give out our names so easily like that.”
Romeo: “Ah--.”
Gildo: “…”
Julius: “Is something the matter?”
Gildo: “No, once again, thank you for helping me. I should be fine now.”
Romeo: “But it must be pretty inconveniencing for you to not be able to wal--.”
Gildo: “You need to leave.”
Romeo: “Oh, okay.”
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Julius: “...Let’s go, Romeo.”
Romeo: “Take care.”
*Door closes*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Romeo: “I wonder if he’s okay.”
Julius: “His response to hearing our names was weird. I wonder if--.”
Romeo: “Ah, excuse me. You, over there, can I ask you something?”
Neighbor: “?”
Julius: “Hey, Romeo, you should listen when people are talking to you.”
Romeo: “Do you know Gildo? The man who lives in that house?”
Romeo: “He hurt his leg earlier and it might be bothering him, so could you please keep an eye on him?”
Neighbor: “That house there? Ahh, you must mean old Giorgio’s Gildo. And you two are?”
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Romeo: “Gildo was being attacked by a theif and we happened to walk by and saved him.”
Neighbor: “A theif!? But Gildo doesn’t have anything worth stealing.”
Neighbor: “I heard that old Giorgio used to be a lord’s chamberlain in Verona when he was alive, but you can tell just by looking at his house. It’s all just pitiful now.”
Romeo: “Huh…?”
Neighbor: “Some people just do absolutely terrible things. I’ll check in on Gildo later. Thank you, you two.”
Romeo: “Ah, it’s nothing…”
Julius: “I already know what you’re thinking…”
Romeo: “Gildo’s grandfather was in Verona. What a coincidence!”
Julius: “Maybe Gildo knows who we are.”
Julius: “That’s probably why he was surprised when he heard our names. If we don’t stay on his good side, he might turn us in.”
Romeo: “There’s no way!”
Julius: “Better safe than sorry.”
Romeo: “Then why don’t we go back and visit him again tomorrow?”
Julius: “Did you even listen to a single word I said?”
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Romeo: “Of course. That’s why we should just check with Gildo directly.”
Julius: “Sigh… Suit yourself.”
Izumi: (I could tell that all three of htem were having a lot of fun with this because of how they were even more lively than usual during rehearsals.)
Izumi: (I bet they’re all thrilled to be performing in front of an audience at MANKAI Theater.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Romeo: “Hello. How’s your injury doing, Gildo?”
Julius: “...Maybe he’s not home.”
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Romeo: “I don’t think he could go out with an injury like that. Huh? The door’s open. Maybe he’s fallen--.”
*Door opens*
Julius: “Hey, don’t just push open the door without permission.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Romeo: “Good, he’s just sleeping.”
Julius: “Just leave the get-well-soon gift and let’s go.”
Gildo: “…!!”
Romeo: “Gildo? Are you okay?”
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Gildo: “Why are you--?”
Julius: “You know who we are, don’t you?”
Gildo: “...I do. I’m sorry I kicked you out after you helped me yesterday.”
Gildo: “Well, technically, I don’t know you, but I think my grandfather knew who you are.”
Romeo: “Is that the grandfather who was in Verona?”
Gildo: “Yes. But how do you--?”
Romeo: “We also came from Verona.”
Gildo: “That’s what I thought…”
Gildo: “Romeo and Julius, was it?”
Gildo: My grandfather, Grandpa Giorgio had friends named Alessandro Montague and Bruno Capulet.”
Gildo: “Have you heard those names before? Apparently they both died when they were about the same age as you two are right now.”
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Romeo: “Huh…?”
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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danieyells · 4 days
Yessss Jin and Thoma being obnoxious rich brats feeling quite comfortable perving on the mc bc of connections and money. Jin snuck a hand down the hem of your bottoms and groped your ass? With one look everyone knows to act like they weren't watching even if he was obvious. Thoma groped your chest and smirked at your reaction? Surely it was an accident and a nervous laugh. Jin took a photo of you in your underwear without asking? My parents' boss's son would never please don't fire my parents .
The only one who sticks up for you are Kaito and Luca, telling off either Jin or Thoma when they get too close or do something dubious
re: Tohma and Jin using Tohma's stigma to sexually harass you for their amusement
The funny thing is that Jin would never take advantage of it anyway--like yes please tell his dad what a disgrace he is, he hates that guy lmao. He'd start messing with you just to fuck up his reputation.
But oh god yes just. Jin being shitty and entitled and abusive rich boy and Tohma just smiling and helping lolol KAITO DID SAY HE GOT CALLED A TYRANT A LOT BEHIND HIS BACK so i mean would you put it past him to probably be abusing his power a little?
Hyde looks the other way when you say Taiga tried to murder you, while Dante is not at all that kind of lenient I think Jin and Tohma would be able to get away with a lot. Darkwick trusts Tohma, he would never unbutton your shirt to expose your chest and tell you you should make yourself look more appealing if you want to get anywhere in life. Jin is the president of the japan branch of the institute's son, he would never tell you you have to go to class without underwear on and threaten to punish you for not complying. Tohma wouldn't grind his cock against your ass while helping you perform some task, it was probably an accident. Jin would never make you lick and suck at something spilled on him to prevent it from staining. Stop trying to place the blame for your perverse fantasies on other, important, influential people!
Kaito tries to stick up for you, but he's a coward. . .so he helps you learn to dodge things like that. He's gotten real good at avoiding Jin and Tohma and anybody with authority who isn't a teacher, so he teaches you the schedules. Gives you all his best excuses. Maybe they won't all work but it's something right? Tries to keep you busy so you'll be too busy to help Tohma and Jin. . .not that they'll tolerate you doing 'less important' things instead of your 'job' as servant.
Luca is a bit braver and will vouch for you and stand up to them. But ultimately he doesn't have the power or influence or sway to help either. . .he'll take you on a lot of missions, or maybe try and get the faculty to believe you or get other houses to take you on missions so you're kept too busy for Jin and Tohma to mess with.
Of course, some other ghouls are no better, they're just more likely to get into trouble. Leo listens to you masturbate through the walls, Towa and Haru just come into your room whenever they want, Taiga and Romeo exist, Hotarubi is fine, Lyca has not been trained not to hump you, and Yuri is Yuri. There's not much escape if the ghouls were the sexually harassing type really.
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crazyw3irdo · 3 months
as someone whos got a romeo and juliet adaptation/sequel on the backburner, i have a question for you: What is your favorite part of this play? It can be themes, a scene, or a character or whatever else! Personally my favorite thing in it, at the risk of sounding cliche, are the themes of destiny and doom. I also like benvolio (totally didnt get him in ur quiz lol)
oooh!! well i mean the obvious answer for me is equally obvious i think lol
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i fuckin love mercutio. so much so that even if im watching a version of r&j i don’t care for i’ll stick around at least until he dies lol
he really just cements the tragedy of it all to me. if the story were a romance he’d just be the silly best friend comic relief character, and, aside from the opening narration and a couple fights, r&j really can seem like a romance… up until mercutio dies. his death is a signifier of the tonal shift. the happy-go-lucky guy who brings romeo to a party and cracks jokes just died. you want comic relief? he’s dead.
and of course there’s the fact that he shouldn’t even be involved. he’s not a capulet or a montague. he’s related to the prince. not a part of the families. he’s a casualty. he was a friend to romeo and benvolio- two montagues- and he was invited to the capulet party! he’s how they got in! he had no enemies- he shouldn’t’ve died! hell, had romeo not come between him and tybalt, he might have lived. then romeo wouldn’t’ve killed tybalt, he wouldn’t’ve been banished, juliet wouldn’t’ve had to fake her death leading to well… everyone knows that part.
he only got into the fight to defend his friend’s honor. (well, to be fair depending on how you read the dialogue before the fight, mercutio might be pretty ready to jump into a fight for any reason lol) but still, he got into that fight because tybalt wanted to fight romeo, and he only died because romeo intervened.
what really gets me too is… no one seems to mourn him. sure, yes, romeo kills tybalt in revenge, but then immediately tybalt’s death takes priority. everyone’s freaking out about how tybalt died- tybalt is mourned. i don’t recall if mercutio is ever mentioned again. (edit: mercutio is mentioned when paris dies, romeo calls him mercutio’s kinsman, but that’s. still not much)
there’s also his iconic quote as he’s dying- a plague on both your houses. as he dies he goes out screaming about how both families are at fault, how it’s their own stubbornness that is causing all this. and if anyone listened to him, maybe things would’ve been different. but still, romeo and juliet (…and paris i guess?) have to die before anyone actually listens.
also, on a more lighthearted note, he is fucking hilarious. his whole queen mab monologue to make fun of romeo is a personal highlight, as well as his line like… quoting from memory here, “here comes romeo, without his ‘ro’ like a dried fish.” okay okay so this is when they still think romeo is into rosaline, hence the “ro” but also “roe” like fish eggs, but also meo is a word for “sigh” so he’s sad because he doesn’t have his crush with him all told with a fish pun. love this guy i aspire to be on his level
ooh, also, when a staged production (or other kind? it’s most common staged) uses red for the capulets and blue for the montagues, i love when mercutio wears purple. goes back to my earlier point about him not being either but still being friendly with both.
also speaking about very specific productions of romeo and juliet some mercutio highlights:
-in rómeó és júlia (personal fav version of mercutio) when mercutio gets stabbed, he bleeds, gets his hand covered in blood, and slaps romeo before he dies, so romeo goes through the rest of that scene wearing his friends blood and it really adds to it
-also in that version they give mercutio a rap verse that is in no other version and i think of it constantly
-he also keeps flirting with everyone and kisses both romeo and benvolio and tries to with tybalt
-i made a compilation of him in that version i never posted actually i should see if i can find it
-in the italian version of romeo et juliette mercutio kisses romeo as he dies and it’s really intense lmao
-okay actually just watch this video comparing different versions of le duel from romeo et juliette i’ll stop talking about those versions specifically lmao (and watch les rois du monde & la mort de mercutio on the same channel)
-in romeo + juliet he wears heelys and when he says “by my heel i care not” you can see them lmao
-in that version he also dresses in drag and i love it
-riff from west side story is not technically mercutio but he sings the jet song & cool and i love those songs so hell yeah
-okay i said i wouldn’t talk about versions of retj again but going back to my beloved hungarian version rómeó és júlia the guy who plays mercutio also voices the onceler in the hungarian version of the lorax and if i have to know that so do you
anyway i genuinely plan for my last words to be “ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man” so yeah love that guy and personally think this could have all been avoided had he started dating romeo and benvolio and hell why not have a toxic fling with tybalt what who said that
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cto10121 · 2 months
Twilight Clown Takes—Part 6
In which Instagram vies with YouTube on which platform has the most clownery. Featuring even more Bella hate dumb, the ~~~Mormon influences in Twilight, and a lot of hate for Jacob/Renesmee, including a fundamental misunderstanding of imprinting. We feast tonight, on nom nom
Bella Hate Dumb
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Tell me you don’t know Twilight is a romance without telling me you don’t know Twilight is a romance.
Of course Bella’s life is going to revolve around her romance with Edward because Twilight is a romance! Her ambitions (which aren’t really many—just the vaguest idea of being a teacher or a librarian) aren’t important—hell, you could say the same thing about Edward! His entire existence constantly revolves around Bella and he constantly ditches his own family for her—even going off to commit suicide because of her.
And yet Edward, for all of his many whinging antis, is never accused of being a weak character. Creep or abusive, yes, but not weak. Wonder why? (The answer is misogyny).
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In every one of the examples Clown OP mentioned, the humans either have 1) supernatural or learned martial skills or 2) the monsters they are fighting against have weaknesses that humans can easily exploit.
In the Twilight universe, vampires are literally the humans’ predators with no exploitable weaknesses. Vampires are not harmed by garlic, stakes, crucifixes, or the sun, nor do they have need to stick to hunting at night. No human can outrun or hold their own against a vampire. A young and healthy Carlisle couldn’t even handle a weakened vampire. The only creatures that can hold their own against vampires are werewolves, either the Children of the Night or the Quileute shapeshifters.
Bella is neither of them, and until very recently only learned vampires are real. Very few humans know for sure of their existance. So no, you can’t use the “it’s not an excuse!!1!!1” excuse to justify your misogyny, Clown OP. You can bitch about how the vampires are overpowered all you like (I’ll even agree!), but Bella is not weak for not being able to fight against them. She literally cannot.
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Bella literally relates her life to classic literature in every book (Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, Wuthering Heights, and Merchant of Venice), bitched about the thin selection of books at the Forks library, and nearly got raped looking for a good bookstore in Port Angeles (#relatable). She is a book girl, all right, and last time I checked, that is a hobby.
Also, Meyer hates Leah so much that she made her leave Sam behind and be free to become Jacob’s second-in-command and made Jacob learn to trust and respect her.
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Because Bella’s insecurity is totally not a thing she overcomes and conquers by the end of the series and it’s not framed critically by the narrative. Because Twilight doesn’t totally show Bella’s parentification and how her parents just made her their parent. All these things just do not exist because to Clown OP only the first book and the dumb film series exist.
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I literally read Life and Death not too long ago and there was essentially NO difference between Beau and Bella save in very minor details and (actually realistic) 2000s socialization. Beau’s “protectiveness” is largely emotional and ineffectual—it never actually serves a role in the story and Edythe dismisses it out of hand. He is not an active protagonist at all, or at least about as active as Bella is; he is still victimized in the latter half of the book and he even has to undergo a full vampire transformation.
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Oh, God, where do I start?
“Humans who became divine—” And who lust for human blood to sustain them. There is already a creature who must drink blood to survive, so use it. Hell, Meyer didn’t even make up the whole “vampires are so beautiful/seductive/seemingly angelic” trope; that is your most basic vampire lore since Dracula.
“Bella’s aversion to drinking, smoking, coffee/tea—” Because a 17-year-old in the 2000s would totally smoke. Bella doesn’t go to parties, as she is de facto the parent of her family, so no, she wouldn’t drink and as the daughter of a police chief she would not have been raised to drink. As for coffee and tea, these are simply not mentioned—a far cry from being an aversion. Hell, no drink other than water and maybe milk is mentioned in the series. Does Bella even mention liquids???? She only seems to describe meals. As it is, Bella does ingest caffeine—she drinks Coke. Also, kind reminder that Bella has no religion.
“Rosalie/Leah feel incomplete not having babies—” Rosalie is a ‘30s girl who wanted to be a trad wife, which includes having children. Leah is worried that not having her period would make her unable to have children—not that she necessarily desires them, but it is weird and disconcerting not to have that option anymore. Moreover, Leah was getting ready to marry Sam, so she may have expected a life together with children. But it makes sense for their characters to be alike in this way, since they are mirror characters.
Meanwhile trad wife Esme is perfectly fine with adopting and caring for others and Alice doesn’t even mention that side of humanity at all. The Denali coven includes a trio of single sisters who loved having sex with human men so much that they decided to go vegetarian—they obviously are not obsessed with babies.
Jacob/Renesmee Hate Dumb
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Apart from definitively resolving the love triangle, (thank God) Jacob’s imprinting on Renesmee stopped the Quileutes from attacking the Cullens after Bella gets bitten and changed—they have a law that prohibits harming a fellow werewolf’s imprintee. Moreover, it provides a much more firm alliance between the Cullens and Quileutes, thus resolving their rivalry/hate. But Clown OP doesn’t care about actual plot and theme resolutions, just the “ick” factor of the imprinting.
Meyer technically could have made the Cullens be forced to move after Bella’s becoming a vampire and have Renesmee and Jacob meet later. But I have a feeling that she didn’t expect to write more Twilight so she set up Jacob/Renesmee right away to dispel the love triangle once and for all. Given that Meyer got the idea of imprinting from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, that may have been her rationale.
That said, Jacob imprinting on Renesmee was a key plot point in Forever Dawn, the original sequel to Twilight, which did not have the love triangle—Jacob was just a platonic friend to Bella. Again, for plot and thematic resolutions, and perhaps for future set-ups.
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Friendly reminder that movie canon is not canon and will never be because, ha, fuck the movies.
But! This does give me a chance to talk about imprinting in the books vs. the movies. Not only does Jacob never say anything of this sort to Edward in the books, but he doesn’t even have a reaction when he learns Renesmee will be fully grown in seven years. Edward confirms he doesn’t care and his feelings towards Renesmee are strictly platonic.
I read the official Twilight guide’s entry on imprinting—written very neutrally and very careful not to say anything about romance—and it basically confirms this:
If the human is young, the werewolf becomes the perfect platonic playmate and protector. As the human ages and changes, the werewolf instinctively switches roles to fulfill the human’s needs.
This implies that if the human doesn’t want to make the wolf a romantic partner, then the romance will simply not happen.
So what this shows me is that imprinting is not inherently a romantic phenomenon. The fact that Sam/Emily, Jared/Kim found each other in early adulthood and developed a romantic bond was because of the needs of Emily and Kim than Sam and Jared’s. Soulmates, after all, can be platonic.
So if Jacob/Renesmee ever become a thing, it would be because Renesmee herself would want it. Jacob would be incapable even to wish for anything more. In that sense, imprinting is the exact opposite of grooming: It is literally giving all the power to the imprintee.
The movies, quite frankly, fuck all this up. From portraying Jacob’s imprinting as a vision of Renesmee growing up (🤮 and not in the books) to his “joke” to Edward (stupid and 🤮 and not in the books) to Alice suddenly being able to have a vision Jacob and Renesmee together on the beach (in the books she cannot see werewolves or hybrids; this canon was broken by the movies for the fight scene with Meyer’s permission). So no, that is not how imprinting works.
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nelapanela94 · 2 years
I know you love your angst and you do it so well! For your 1k event how about 30 and 38? Oh...I hope I don't cry too much! <3.
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Aww thank you Eliza. Angst and heartbreaks are my thing. I just love writing it so bad it hurts.
30. “I know you still love me.”
38. “Mom asked about you again.”
Set in Modern AU.
WC. ~2.5k
Nela's 1k event
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Like a million marbles, the deluge hammers furiously the shingles, encroaching the twines of conversations and murmurs, the senders sticking their mouths to the receivers’ ears. The raindrops snake down like vying tadpoles on the window, outside the afternoon sky is the color of an old silver coin, tarnished at the edges.
The steam doesn’t seem to wane.
And you’re trapped in this little café until the ashy gray clouds decide the condemnation is fair.
Your chin is roosted on your hand, elbow tucked on the wood, feet anchored to the footrest rail between the stool legs. Whatever force is pulling at the strings of fate you despise it right now, for it has unleashed a downpour just as you were passing by in front of that place, now museum of melancholies.
And the most beautiful moments, tarnished like a spill of ink warping through the water.
These two years have been a waste of time thrums at the end tail of your memories. That’s what he said before slamming a big bank note on the table and storming out without looking back. He never looked back, he never called, he never texted again. He was cruel.
He found the way to shear the red thread; or perhaps, there was never a red thread tethered around your fingers. Perhaps, it was never meant to last.
Damn zodiac signs.
Damn Romeo and Juliet.
Damn Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth.
And damn all those books, and poems and songs that made you believe in love. All the verses that invoke his name.
It tasted like hot honey. Sweet and piquant at the same time.
Now, it feels like a bristle worm in your tongue.
What happened to us?
For months you clung to the theory that time had changed you, but no. The spell of a newborn love had blinded you, that phase when you only see the good, and the flaws are swept under the carpet. At first glance, everything sparks, and you scrabble his name in any surface, and watch his favorite series, read his favorite book; the person who draws a giddy smile on your lips. And those enchanted nights when your heart drummed for his name to jump on the screen, and you dove behind to reply as soon as you could. Your feet peeled off the ground, and you found yourself gravitating to him. It’s the time when you experience one of the best feelings, those fluttering butterflies in your belly when you stared at each other. You’d smile, and “what?” he’d ask, followed by a mild tug at one corner of his lips, and you’d just laugh, breathing out a “nothing.”
But then you begin to scrutinize, the first specks of dust pinpricking on the surface, scantly, trifling, that you let them pass.
You learned to make his favorite tea.
You roamed galleries hand in hand.
You cuddled in the farthest seat in the bus.
You made him dance in the living room.
Tipsy on wine and dreams.
You strain forward. Your warmth breath spans a canvas of mist on the glass, and your fingertip as a brush, draws two dots and an upward curve.
More and more people scurry in, seeking shelter, lining up to buy the cheapest item on the menu that will allow them to spend a few hours there with no impudence. The entrance carpet is soaked and stamped with dozens of muddy footprints. Drenched coats, spilling umbrellas, and dripping hairs making of the floor a hazard.
You bring the paper cup to your mouth, your rosy lips closing around the rim, the smell wafting up to meet some memories. You take a sip and let nostalgia roll down your throat.
Plain black tea.
The taste of his mouth. His breath distantly mingling with yours.
Why does it have to be the cheapest option in the menu? Though you didn’t pick that one for the price.
It hurts, like a thousand needles pricking in your chest, that you just can’t forget him. He wreathed a nest in you. His scars are forever carved in your hands. Like the one under his chin, the lighter bumpy tissue snaking across his shoulder.
Thirty-three are the freckles on his back with which you drew constellations.
Everything seemed all right.
The pans of the beam swayed at the same level.
Until you fling the carpet.
It took three words to tip the world. To uneven the balance and tilt it to your side.
It was one night, both tangled in the covers of his bed, snuggled from the nippy air, him stroking your hair while your hand was entwined in his sleek crispy hairs bushing around his half limp shaft, forefinger toying with a curl. Ruddy cheeks and dewy lips, his locks lustrous in sweat stuck at his temples and forehead. You raise your head on your hand, your mane cascading into the pillow. Tracing flimsy circles on his shoulder, you looked him in the eye, his pupils still blown up, and you slur I love you.
And right then something within him switched on or off, you don’t know, threads of smoke swirling in his irises, it was the moment when you broke the spell, when your bubble popped.
He said nothing. Instead, he laid on his back and folded an arm over his head, the other winds around you, cradling you against him as you nestle your head on his shoulder.
Everything went downhill from there.
You gave each other the gift of silence, and your empty hands gave the illusion of lightness. That everything was all right. The pockets were filled with sand and stones to trick yourselves into feeling that there was still something to offer. There was plenty of oxygen and yet it was hard to breathe. His name in your mouth began to sour. You were never long of words, and yet you ran out of them. You looked away. Not a laugh, not a hug from behind, not a kiss goodnight.
You felt lonely having him next to you.
Him and his absent presence.
“Why?” you asked.
“Why what?”
“We’re not working anymore, and I still can’t figure out why.”
“I don’t get it.”
“And I don’t get you. I’d like to know what you’re thinking, Levi. I feel… I have the feeling you’re not…” You gazed down, scratching a sudden itch on your arm.
Your cup was full to the rim.
He frowned. “That I’m not what?” His voice was a scour to your heart. He clasped your chin and forced you to look at him. You felt the weight of the stares, the rumors spooling around. His jaw was clenched tight, his hand trembling as if he were holding something up.
And it struck you right then.
“I have the feeling that you’re holding up. All the time. Like you’re afraid to give it all. You’re here but at the same time you’re not.”
A vortex of anger and pain swirled in his stomach, and suddenly, his favorite drink became acid. His hand fell from your chin, and then it was him to avert his gaze, frighten that you’d seen further through. He gulped, tugging at the collar of his gray t-shirt, cold sweat running down his spine.  
His eyes crashed with your glassy gaze, tears beading on your lashes. You were fiddling with your bracelet, sucking on your rosy lipstick that tasted like cherries. He opened his mouth to rebut, but nothing came out.
Trembling and delirious with the pang spreading on your chest, you bawled, “I want you all, Levi. The petals and thorns. If you’re not willing to give your all, we should put an end to this.”
He was nipping on his lips, pondering on what you’d said, and he let fear infect his decision. There was a before him, and to this point, you cling to the last thread of hope so that there wouldn’t be an after him.
But after receiving so many blows, a shell rises around the tenderest heart. A mean of protection. “I want what you want. These two years have been a waste of time!” He spat. The chair screeched against the floor, then came the slam on the table. Spills of tea. A cloud of whispers, and pity glances.
And he was gone.
You didn't even have time to give it a proper funeral. To bury the plans and hopes under the home you’d never build.  To wear black and cry the words that would never be spoken waiting for the perfect moment.
What should have been eternal didn't last more than an instant.
Your rub your palms on your legs and lean forward, raising your shoulders, too strained you feel they might poke through your skin, edginess creeping on your back like a troop of ants.
He shakes his head and water droplets spray every which way. The soles of his boots chafe the worn-out carpet, his hand sheltered in the pockets of his military green rain jacket. He lines up behind an old lady and waits patiently as his eyes divert around the packed-up place. He rocks on his heels, mindlessly, he doesn’t even have to look at the hanging board menu, the clerk knows him so well. Here and there, steel gray orbs jumping from head to head, and right when he turns his head, he stumbles with that camel knitted sweater, (h/c) hair waving down on your shoulders, you cowered in that position of mental suffering and distress. The floor quakes under his feet, and a dry heartbeat springs under his chest, the tips of his ears begin to tingle as his red blood cells take away with them the healthy blush of his cheeks.
“Next.” He jerks and takes a step to the counter, swallows hard, and mentally shakes off the mesh of thoughts, feelings, and memories.
“Hey, Levi.”  Mark lifts his stubbled chin in salutation as he pokes the order on the screen. Clad in a lumberjack shirt, his sleeves are rolled to his elbows.
The terminal beeps at the contact with Levi’s credit card and spills out his receipt. He should’ve ordered to go.
The universe is mocking him, he swears, because there’s only one empty seat and it happens to be the one by your side.
In his head, it didn't go like this.
He grabs his tray, the cup rattling against the saucer as he makes his way to the window seats.
Strawberries and mint. He can recognize your perfume from miles away.
He sets the tray on the mahogany wood slab and slips his ass on the stool, fighting the urge to reach out and let you cry on his shoulder. Though, that would be a hypocrite move from him. Instead, he slides his hands between his thighs and his muscles tighten.
“Long time no see.” Your mumbling startles him. Your head is still hanging, your hands clutch at the hem of your sweater.
“Yeah.” He breaths. His eyes fall into the steamy swirl.
“The Acqua Di Gio gave you away.”
“And you still wear the same shampoo.” He snorts.  
You rub your misty eyes. “In the place where everything ends.”
“And where everything started.”
“Your hands were shaking when you asked me if you could sit at my table.” All the tables were taken, and yours have a chair to spare.
“You smiled at me, and I thought I’d drop tray right there.”
“We didn’t exchange a word, yet you scrawl your number on a napkin and left it there. That was bold from you.”
“I felt like an idiot right as I walked past the door. I wanted to rush inside and snatch it back, but you’d already unfurled it.” He shakes his head and closes his eyes, a deep blush creeping across his cheeks. His eyes open again, and he snaps his face in your direction. “A minute later my phone buzzed.”
You raise your chin and sigh before meeting his gaze for the first time in eight months.
“You looking good.” You fold an arm on the bar, and the seat spins by a fraction.
“You cut your hair.”
“It’s the new way to end a chapter, you know, moving on.”
He bites his bottom lip, then says, “It suits you.”
“How’s your family?” You swerve.
Levi takes a sip, and when he sets the cup back on the saucer, his fingers never leave the handle. “Mom asked about you again.”
You don’t know how long you could hold back your tears. You remain silent for a while, looking through the glass at the ceaseless pelting outside.
“Fear made me cruel, Y/N.” Your name belches from his mouth, and it doesn’t sting. In fact, it sounds good. Velvety, sandpapery, and it has the same effect, revolting every cell in your system. “You didn’t deserve that. You… I… you were the best thing that ever happened to me,” he bites a sob and rubs his nose. “I was an asshole, and I uh... I’m sorry.”
Your empty cup crumbled in your grip. Thank God it’s cardboard, otherwise, your hand would’ve been stabbed with dozens of shards.
“It’s kind of late.”
“I know. And I’m sorry about that too.”
“Levi, you plucked me out of your life like weeds.”
“I’m sorry… I don’t even know what else to say. You know I’m not the most eloquent being.” He coaxed a smile. “And you were right, I wasn’t ready. I thought I was until you say… you know. Commitment frightened me, and…” he trails off.
“Because of them…”
He weakly nods. Levi never mentioned a word about it, but it hit the headlines for a week about five years ago. A drunk driver took the lives of his two best friends.
“You could’ve told me how you felt. I would’ve understood.”
Your eyes flick to your hands; the more his moves closer, yours drift back.  And not because you find him repulsive, but because you’re afraid the subtlest touch ignites sparks. Because…
“I know you still love me.” He dares spew. Your quivering eyes, wide open as if they might fall out, snap towards him, and you hate him now, you hate he can read you like the lines on his palms; you hate he can delve with such ease into you. You hate you let him in when all he offered were measly crumbs.
But what you hate the most is that he’s right.
And you’re stupid for feeling what you’re not supposed to feel. You’re pulling off the scab again.
Keep doing it, and the wound will never heal.
Air becomes thin, and the noise shrinks into a deafening distan shrill. You need to get out of there. You don’t give a shit about the rain anymore; you don’t care if you get pneumonia or whatever; it is better than letting him stab your ears with the truth.
“Please don’t.” Your voice cracks, your chin wrinkles, and your bottom lip wobbles, and even though your legs feel like jelly now, you force yourself on your feet and sling the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
The floor tips as if you’d gobbled down three bottles of wine. A drink is what you need now.
But now he insists. He grabs your hand and spins you around.
“I love you." His jaw sets so tight you think his teeth might splinter.
Three words is all he needs to put your world upside down. Ire, pain, sadness, the worst of the feelings coiling in a fire ball in the verge of explosion. You extricate your hand from his clasp. “Please, I beg you. Don’t do this, don’t play with me. If you love me as you say you do, please let me go. I’m not… not now.” You draw a sigh, and your shoulders slouch.
He’s broken too, and you can see it. He finally lets you see through him. But you can’t do this now. Not until you find peace within yourself.
It's hard to admit at this moment, but your love for him is not like foliage in the woods, it doesn't change with seasons; it resembles the rocks. Unwavering.
Hope flickers in his eyes.
He’s broken too, and you can see it. He finally lets you see through him. But you can’t do this now. Not until you find peace within yourself. You close your eyes and take in three appeasing breaths, long and deep, and when you open them again, you feel like a different person. You're still trembling, but your mind clears. And today you choose yourself.
"The tea will get cold." You quip. Mold and cold tea are the things Levi hates the most.
He gives you that half-smirk that dimples his left cheek. Maybe an after him can turn into another before him.
"You know where to find me."
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Nela's 1000 event
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
Hey loved your Riff story! Could you write a story with Race from Newsies, where they hate each other and it gets on everyone’s nerves so Jack partners them up to sell papers. And she gets hit on by one of the Delaney brothers and race gets jealous. And then a romance blossoms from there? I know that’s a lot lmao, Thanks! 💛
thank you so much omg! i love this idea, who doesn’t like a good enemies to lovers story? also, i wrote this with ben cook’s race in mind :)
racetrack x female reader
warnings: minor harassment from the delancey brothers
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Dynamic Duo
“everybody up, it’s pape-sellin’ time!” jack yelled throughout the lodging house, banging on the sides of each bed as he passed.
Y/N sat up in her bed, lethargic from just waking up and hair completely tangled. she sat on her top bunk as she slowly allowed her mind to follow in the footsteps of her already awake body.
once she felt ready, she climbed off her bed and went to go look for clothes to wear for the day.
Y/N didn’t mind being the only girl newsie as much as one would think. she didn’t mind the work, and when she did it with her good friends jack kelly and albert, her boring job was then made much more exciting.
about two years ago, when she had just entered her teen years, Y/N’s family told her that they couldn’t afford to take care of her anymore. so, they packed her a bag with a few articles of clothing, a dollar, and some small personal belongings. as much as she despised her parents for doing this, she couldn’t blame them. she wouldn’t want herself either if she was using up a lot of money.
she was left on the streets of new york for three days before jack found her in an alley, using her old clothes as a blanket for warmth. jack took her in, introduced her to the boys, and he never asked if she wanted to stay with them and sell papers; he told her she was going to. Y/N was thankful for it, jack was welcoming to her and gave her a job and a place to sleep.
“racer,” jack started, standing in front of his bed. Y/N peered over and saw race still cuddled up under his thin covers, sleeping away the morning. Y/N rolled her eyes. race’s childish and immature personality was one that she was never able to get used to. she surely wasn’t race’s biggest fan.
“racer!” jack yelled, banging on the side of the bed. “i don’t think you wants to go a day without work, get up!”
race woke up shocked and rolled out of bed, falling onto the ground from his bottom bunk with a thump. a few of the newsies laughed, and race got up and dusted himself off. “i was havin’ a good dream, that’s all. didn’t want it to end.”
Y/N gazed at race for a moment too long, and race wasn’t having it. “what’re you looking at me for? take a look at yourself, your hair looks like a bird’s nest.”
Y/N was about to storm over to him, when she stopped and placed her hands on her hair. race was right. she had a large nest of bedhead looped around her head.
she looked back at race. “thank you for informing me, i seriously had no clue. you know race, you truly are a lifesaver.” Y/N said, sarcasm thick in her voice.
race glared at her. “just thought i’d let you know.”
after that, the morning went smoothly. she got ready in her traditional newsies clothes, tied her hair into two braids, and placed her newsies cap on her head. before the newsies went out for the day, jack called everyone together for a quick meeting.
“alright newsies of manhattan, we’re switchin’ things up for the time being. i’ll be pairing you up with new selling partners.”
Y/N smiled, excited to hear her new selling partner. she knew it most likely wouldn’t be jack, even though the two were super close with each other. jack was one to pair people up based on who he thought would sell the most papers, not necessarily who they were close with.
“elmer and jojo, you’re partners. davey, les, and finch. crutchie, buttons, and romeo. mush and specs. albert and sniper. race and Y/N. henry, you’re stuck with me. if i didn’t call your name, stick with whoever you’ve already been sellin’ with. youse all dismissed, go sell some papes.”
everyone who was paired up happily joined their new selling partner, and Y/N and race stood shocked by their pairing.
“jack, what the hell?” Y/N said, catching jack before he found henry. “you know damn well race and i don’t get along, what’s this all about?”
race had then made his way over to jack as well. “yeah jack, Y/N’s the only newsies i’ve ever disliked, and you know that.”
jack looked between the two of them. “look, i’m sorry guys, but you two could learn a lot from each other while sellin’. racer, you’re great at makin’ up headlines that sell. Y/N, you’ve got the stamina for sellin’ through tough days that any newsie would be jealous of. i paired you two up so your strengths can work together, and you can hopefully settle this conflict the both of you seem to have. now, get to work.”
jack made his way over to henry, and the two walked out of the door, leaving Y/N and race by themselves. “this ain’t gonna be fun.” race said.
“nope.” Y/N said back, leaving the lodging house with race on her tail.
the pairing followed the crowd out to the stand where the delancey brothers and wiesel stood selling the papers.
as they made their way up the line, Y/N could tell the brothers were watching her closely. oscar would turn his head and say something to morris, and morris would look her up and down. it made her infinitely uncomfortable, and she tried her hardest to ignore it.
“are the delancey’s lookin’ at you or me?” race asked, whispering so only Y/N would hear.
“me. i know they are. they’ve been doing it for the past few days.” she whispered back.
race nodded, staring the delancey’s down. once they arrived at the front of the line, the delancey’s gave her a smile. “how’s the only girl newsie doing on this fine mornin’?” oscar asked, gathering up some papers for her.
“i was doing just fine until i saw you two.” she replied, waiting for oscar to give her the stack.
“just tryin’ to make conversation, darling.” morris said.
Y/N rolled her eyes and took the papers from oscar and left, race not far behind her.
the two found a spot to sell, relatively close to the brooklyn bridge. they stood a few feet apart, as silent as can be.
“i can’t believe jack paired us up.” race finally spoke.
it took a moment before Y/N realized race was speaking to her. she turned to look at him, and then turned back. “me neither. he knows we don’t like each other.”
a man walked by, and race took this as a good selling opportunity for him. “religious group attacked by mob, killing four! you heard it here first, biggest story of the week!”
the man hurriedly gave race a nickel and took a paper, and left as quickly as he came.
“that was nowhere near the actual headline.” Y/N said, glancing down at the headline plastered on the papers, which read, “flower shop victim to robbery”.
“exciting headlines sell more papes. you gotta do what you gotta do.” race said back.
they went silent again, selling a few more papers between the two of them as the morning went on. by midday, the two had comfortably sold about half of their papers each.
race sighed after hours of silence between them. “how did our hatred even begin?”
Y/N thought for a moment. “i wasn’t a fan of your immaturity from the beginning, and you weren’t a fan of my competing good looks.”
race scoffed. “that wasn’t it. you joined two years ago and had a superiority complex because you were the only girl and jack’s newest best friend.”
“i didn’t have a superiority complex. maybe you were just out to get me or find a reason to hate me because i was a threat to your number one seller spot.” she fired back.
“i could say the same about you.”
the two paused. “well, i’m willing to be the bigger person and settle this feud once and for all. this duo is going to be exhausting if we don’t work this out. i promise to stop having a ‘superiority complex’ if you work on your maturity. deal?” Y/N spit in her hand and stuck it out for race to shake.
race considered the offer and rolled his eyes. “fine. it’s a deal.” he spit in his hand as well and the two shook hands.
the rest of the day went smoothly for race and Y/N, and they were able to strike up conversations that weren’t insulting or threatening to the other person for a change. and, jack ended up being right. they both sold all of their papers an hour before the end of the day, a feat that rarely happens.
once they made it back to the lodging house, jack approached the two. “seems like you two didn’t tear each other apart like you both expected.”
race looked down at Y/N, and gave a gentle smile. “i hate that you were right, jack.”
jack smiled, patting both of them on the shoulders. “youse should both trust me, i’m the leader for a reason.”
after race and Y/N parted ways, albert found her. “how’s my friend doin’ this evening? how was sellin’ with you-know-who?” he asked, slinging his arm around her shoulder.
“you know, it could have been worse. we’ve both mutually decided to put our hatred aside.” she said.
albert sighed. “finally. it was getting tiring hearin’ about your dislike for him.”
Y/N laughed and gently shoved him. “shut up, ‘bert. i had to release my anger to someone, jack never liked when i did it to him.”
night fell over new york city, and the newsies got into their beds to sleep until the next morning.
after race and Y/N’s initial pairing, two more full days of selling went by. some of their conversations during the day felt forced, but the uncomfortable feeling both of them got as a friendship was slowly building faded away as time went on.
like race the night before they were paired together, Y/N had a dream one night. part of her knew it was just a dream, and none of it was real, but it was too nice for her to interrupt.
she dreamt of feasting on all her favorite foods that night. chicken, bread, sweets, and more. it was delicious. she looked to her side and saw a head of blonde hair. is that…race?
“Y/N, wake yourself up you lazy bum!” someone yelled, causing her eyes to shoot open. she laid there for another second, allowing herself to come to.
“wakey wakey!” the voice said again, this time whoever it was started shaking her violently.
“god dammit, i’m up!” she looked over and saw it was race, a cigar hanging out of his mouth. she covered her eyes with her hand tiredly. “racetrack, i hate you.”
“no you don’t, we settled that a few days ago, remember?” race said, smiling.
“any more of this and i’m taking back that promise.”
race climbed down from the ladder by her bunk bed as she sleepily climbed down the ladder after him.
she got herself ready for the day, and met up with race as they walked out of the lodging house together.
after getting in line for papers, Y/N noticed the same thing she had been noticing for the past few days. the delancey’s were, once again, eyeing her.
“can’t those guys take a hint? you don’t want them.” race said. “i mean-uh…you don’t actually want one of them, right?”
Y/N giggled. “no, of course not. they’re assholes.”
“right, assholes.”
once they both got to the front of the line, the brothers said nothing, which was abnormal. every day up until now, they would always say some kind of smart remark. but not today. they just stared her down as she gave wiesel her money and took her papers from oscar.
“that was odd.” Y/N said to race.
“no kidding. i don’t trust what those two are up to.” race said back, uneasy.
they made their way to the same selling spot, a block away from the brooklyn bridge. the energy between the two had shifted, and both of them liked it. their friendly conversations weren’t forced anymore, and in between yelling fake headlines to the masses the pair grew to genuinely enjoy the other’s company. they talked almost nonstop that whole day.
Y/N realized she had judged race too soon. his childish behavior was a front for him, and beyond his immature exterior, he had a big heart and could hold a good conversation.
as for race, he came to realize Y/N was just misunderstood. being left by her family caused some abandonment issues, and it makes sense as to why she latched on to jack so closely when she first came to the newsies. he had saved her from living on the streets.
later into that day, Y/N felt a little something more. was it a fondness for her newfound friendship with race, or was it feelings? she hated that she couldn’t tell, and she hated the fact that if it was feelings, she caught them very quickly. catching feelings at all was a new experience for Y/N, let alone catching feelings within four full days of selling. she knew that the chance of race feeling the same way this early on was slim, so she decided to keep it a secret for the time being.
by the end of the day, they had became each other’s good friends. jack and albert were still Y/N’s best friends, but she felt comfortable saying race was slowly making his way up on her radar. they walked back to the lodging house together laughing about something race had said, and chasing and shoving each other like friends would do.
night fall was coming once again. after a day of hard work, she decided she wanted to visit her old home. she did this every once in a while, just to get some closure on her family whom she still loved. she couldn’t help it. she knew her parents made her leave for a good reason, they needed the money. yet, she didn’t have the guts to see them face to face again. she always thought about knocking on their window to just say hello, but she could never bring herself to do it.
once they arrived at the lodging house, Y/N turned to race. “i know it sounds crazy considering they left me to live on the street, but i’m going to go visit my parents. i do this occasionally, just to bring myself some peace.”
race’s smile fell, and he took his cigar out of his mouth. “i can come with you if you want. i don’t know if it’s the safest idea to go out at night by yourself.” race said.
she appreciated that race was protective, but she knew she was capable of holding her own. “race, i’ve done this before, i promise i’ll be fine. i won’t be gone for long, their place isn’t too far away.”
race sighed, and before Y/N could react, race wrapped her in a tight hug. Y/N was slightly taken aback, but she placed her arms around race a moment later. it felt nice, and the longer it went on, the darker the blush grew on her cheeks.
race pulled away. “stay safe, okay?”
race smiled and pat her shoulder before going into the lodging house.
the walk to the building wasn’t too long, about a 15 minute walk. once she arrived, she climbed up the fire escape to the window and peered inside.
she noticed a small light was on in the kitchen, and she saw her mom and dad. she smiled to herself.
but, as Y/N looked closer, she saw that her mom was holding something in her arms. she focused her vision on the figure in her arms, and it clicked. her mom was holding a baby.
a wave of hurt fell over her, and she stepped back from the window. her parents never wanted to get rid of her for financial reasons, they wanted to get rid of her because they wanted a new child.
tears welled up in her eyes, and she quickly and quietly climbed down the fire escape, running through the streets of new york as she uncontrollably cried.
she had just about made it back to the lodging house when in the distance, she saw two tall figures. her running came to a halt as she realized who it was. the delancey brothers.
“oh my god.” Y/N whispered to herself. she quickly tried to hide in a nearby alley to wait for the two to pass, but her efforts were no good.
“well well well, if it isn’t the only girl newsie.” morris said, rounding the corner of the alley.
Y/N wiped the tears off her cheeks and tried to run the other way, but couldn’t when oscar came around the other side of the alley.
“please don’t hurt me, i just want to get back to the lodging house.” she pleaded.
“we don’t want to hurt you, we just wanna talk.” oscar said sweetly.
Y/N raised her eyebrows. “talk?”
“we both think you could do much better than hang around all these garbage newsies all day. being a girl amongst the guys, one of them is bound to catch your eye. we’re here to save you from that.” morris said, stepping closer.
“i don’t need help, i’m happy with my life with the newsies.”
the brothers laughed, both stepping closer to her. she stepped back, hoping to avoid both as much as possible despite being in between the two.
“give one of us a chance. we’d make it worth your time.” oscar stated, winking.
footsteps sounded from outside the alley, and when they rounded the corner, race’s blue eyes immediately met Y/N’s. she then sighed out of relief.
“get away from her. she doesn’t want either of you.” race angrily said, stepping closer to oscar.
“why don’t you let her decide?” oscar said back.
all eyes turned Y/N. “i don’t want either of you.”
the brother’s smirks both fell, and Y/N took this as an opportunity to run out from both of them and behind race.
the brothers quickly approached the two of them, and race grabbed Y/N’s arm and yelled “run!” to her.
they both took off towards the lodging house, the delancey’s not far behind them. they quickly made their way into the house and locked the door, just as the brothers ran into the door. realizing it was locked, they pulled on the door handle, swore, and walked away.
race and Y/N stood out of breath together. once they regained their energy, race turned to her.
all he said was a simple “are you okay?” and Y/N broke down, running into his arms and crying once again. this time, it was race’s turn to be taken aback, but he held her close.
after a few short moments, race pulled away and held her at arms length. “that’s it. from now on, you’re going nowhere alone. the delancey’s won’t bother you again.”
“it’s not just that. i saw my parents, and they had a new baby.”
race’s eyes widened. “but they sent you away because they couldn’t afford to keep you anymore, right?”
Y/N shook her head. “that’s what they told me. apparently it wasn’t true.”
race hugged her again. “i’m sorry, Y/N. i am so, so sorry.”
the pair stood in the same position for a few minutes, before turning around and seeing almost the entire gang of newsies staring at them. they both were lost in their own worlds with each other, and never noticed everyone was staring at them shocked. Y/N found jack and albert in the crowd, sad looks on their faces.
jack caught on, and said, “alright, let’s disperse this crowd. give the two some room.” the room full of newsies all went back to what they were doing.
“want to go back to my bunk?” race asked quietly. she nodded and followed him to his bed.
they both laid down, Y/N tucked comfortably under race’s arm and next to his chest.
“can i tell you something?” she said quietly. she looked up at him from by his shoulder, and race looked down at her nodding. their heads were mere inches apart.
“after being confronted by the delancey’s about dating one of them, i came to the conclusion that the only person i can see myself with is you. i like you, race. it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, but i need to know. do you feel the same?”
she held her breath, scared of what race was going to say. race sat looking at Y/N shocked. he sat up, bringing her with him. just as she began to think of the worst outcome, race leaned down and kissed her.
after they pulled away, race said, “does that answer your question?”
Y/N smiled and closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder. “yep.”
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lunatic-pudge · 2 years
Snake Headcanons Cause He Deserves More Love
• I'm with everyone with the idea of him becoming a tattoo artist. He def started out by doing stick and pokes and worked his way up. He only tattoos the other members of Gangreen Gang though. I can also see him doing mostly traditional Japanese tattoos, it's his way to connect to his Japanese roots.
• Will literally wear anything and everything, no matter what it is, and he damn well knows how to pull a dress/skirt off too. I like to believe that as he got older, he started going down a more alt-esque fashion. I'm not sure what but maybe a mall goth or some type of punk style. But what's gonna stop him from going gothic lolita?
• Also is a makeup pro. Always has a face of makeup on, with painted nails too! Though it can be rough with him having such rugged skin.Will gladly help the gang if they ask him for makeup help. I can see him and Arturo bonding over makeup.
• I see him as being the most cruel of the gang. Like Ace has more empathy than him. I'm sure Snake has a heart at times but I feel that being out on the streets commiting crimes has harden him and made him year for more. He will do anything and everything to get what he wants and to come out on top if that makes sense.
• So with that being said, any type of relationship with him I see as a Romeo and Juliette type situation, or maybe even a Bonnie and Cylde, depending on the S/O. He's the person your parents don't want you being with. There'd be lots of sneaking out, partying, petty crimes, ect. You ain't coming home til the sun starts rising. You'll be out doing all sorts of shenanigans but you'll be having fun regardless.
• Def a protective type, with the gang and a S/O. Will throw hands if anyone messes with the people he loves. He's kinda a weakling so he may not win the fight but it's the thought that counts, right? We love a protective Snek.
• But do remember that sometimes he's not the smartest person in the group at times. He tends to speak before he thinks and will act without realizing, which has lead to many punches from Ace. So because of that, he tends to expect getting hit for his mistakes. He'll love you forever once he realizes that you aren't gonna hurt him for acting/speaking out. Plz give him love :(
• If I'm Correct, in PPGZ his family is wealthy. So I'd like to think that during the summer, his mom would take him to Japan to see his family (no dad though, I just can't really see him having a dad). He hates having to leave the gang for a while but he always makes sure to stay in touch with them and bring them each a gift back so they feel included. And since he goes to Japan so frequently, he has a pretty good with speaking, reading, and writing Japanese (with occasional mistakes). Has probably tried to teach the gang Japanese but failed horribly. Would def teach them curse would and other offensive things.
• Is surprisingly a pretty decent cook. He may not be the best but he at the very least knows what he's doing. He and Billy would be deligated to cooking for the gang, and yes, pink frilly aprons will be worn.
• When it comes to sleeping, his bed is LITTERED with pillows and blankets. Has a heating blanket that is under his sheet he uses to heat his bed up. Will wrap himself in many blankets just to keep warm, since he's constantly cold. May or may not has a stuffed animal in his bed that he got as a gift from his grandma. And you best believe that you'll get a good nights rest in his bed cause of how comfortable it is. Sleeping for him is decent but he tends to have nights where he just can't seem to sleep. Those nights he'll spend with the gang causing mischef.
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nyxnygma · 2 years
hey! i absolutely loved your sami fic, i was wondering if i could request a nasty suicide x fem!reader? it could be anything you want tbh, i love your writing
I love you, Dipshit || Nasty Suicide
[Nasty Suicide x Fem!Reader]
Summary: Nasty can’t figure why you hate him so much. He also cannot figure out why your so bad that he has a date
Warnings: insults, obliviousness, jealousy
A/N: been needing an excuse to write about Nasty
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Nasty liked you, a lot, and has ever since Razzle introduced you to as his roommate. The problems that he faced is that you seemed to hate his guts. The two of you cannot be left in a room alone together for more than a minute without an argument breaking out.
“You sure it’s cool for me to come to your flat?” Nasty asked Razzle, who was searching for the keys in his jacket pocket, the rest of the band behind them.
“Yeah,” he shrugs putting the keys into the lock, “why wouldn’t it be?”
“Y/N. She hates my guts,” he replies. Nasty heard the sniggers made by Michael and Sami behind him. He turned and glared at them.
“Y/N? She doesn’t hate you,” Razzle cringed as he opened the door and ushered the four men into his humble abode.
“I asked if I could have a cup of tea as well and she picked up a half empty mug from two days ago, spat in it, and gave it to me with an evil smile,” nasty gave the drummer a dead panned look. Michael and Sami’s giggles increased in volume.
“Okay! One time-”
“Every time I walk past her, she sticks her leg out to get me to trip over,” the guitarist added on, “I’ve only ever seen her truly happy around me when she manages to make me fall flat on my face.”
“Okay, okay,” Razzle put his hands up in surrender, “so she isn’t your biggest fan? Big deal. She isn’t in anyway.”
“So you let him go on that rant about his charming crush for no reason?” Sami whined.
“Crush?!” Nasty chocked out, “Y/N isn’t my crush. She hates me.”
“Yeah but you love her, don’t you Nasse?” Michael teased. Nasty blushed with embarrassment.
“Aw, he’s blushing!” Andy pointed out.
“How sweet,” Michael slapped his hands together.
“Oh fuck off,” Nasty flipped his band off.
“If I have to head another ‘Y/N is so blah blah blah’ ‘oooo Y/N is so beautiful but mean’ I’m going to actually have breakdown,” Sami complained.
“Well done,” Razzle chuckled handing the guys a beer each, “out of all the girls in the world, you fall for one that hates you. Gotta hand it to you, mate, that’s hilarious.”
“I haven’t fallen for anyone,” Nasty shook his head in disbelief, “anyway, are you gonna show us the album or not.”
“Alright, Romeo,” Micheal giggles.
“I would say he is more like Mr Darcy-” Sami begun to explain.
“Shut up!”
Two hours passed and the boys were all talking about mundane topics when the door opened,revealing you.
You hadn’t noticed the band yet as you were saying your goodbyes to your date. “Goodnight, Johnathon,” you smiled sweetly at the man, “I had a great time tonight.”
“I’m glad. Goodnight.”
You closed the door and stepped into the living room to find the group of giggling men, all but one.
“Good date?” Razzle asked as he patted the seat beside him to indicate you to join him. Nasty felt a wave of unusual jealousy rush through this body at the thought of you being with another man, which he knew was weird but he could not help the feeling overcome him.
“He is so dreamy and such a gentlemen. He payed for dinner and ordered me a brownie. He was funny as well. Did I mention dreamy? He’s handsome and.. clean,” you answer your best friend. You looked over to Nasty, whose fists were now clamped together in jealousy, and raised your eyebrows, “got a bit of something there on your collar, love.”
Jan looked down to find that there was indeed some sort of stain on his shirt’s collar. He muttered a curse word in Finnish under his breath before storming away to the bathroom.
He could hear the laughing of you and his friends from the bathroom, where he rubbed the embarrassing mark with a water soaked cloth. He was in the room for a good ten minutes, most of the time he spent trying to calm himself down. He couldn’t believe how stupid it was to get jealous over a girl who hated him.
He opened the door and he should have looked where he was going as he bumped into you. “Shit,” you mutter as you drop the food in your hands.
“Fuck. Sorry,” he apologised as he stepped back to face your pissed-off face.
“Thanks a lot,” you scoff, “but yet again what else should I expect from you.”
You roll your eyes and started to walk away from the bewildered man, leaving the food on the floor for him to pick up. “Hang on,” Nasty grabbed your wrist and spun you around.
“Oi!” You exclaimed. He looked as shocked as you as he let go of your wrist.
“What is your problem?” Nasty asked.
“My problem?” You repeat.
“Yeah!” He shouts, “not to sound childish or anything but you are so horrid to me for no reason at all. I’ve tried and tried to make nice with you but you can’t help it in your natural bitchy state to be insulting but your fine with the others.”
“No! I don’t want to hear your witty comebacks,” he interrupts, “or if my shirt is buttoned wrong or if there’s food on my face.”
“Listen. If you can’t saying anything remotely nice just shut up-”
This time he was the one interrupted as your lips slammed into his. Nasty was surprised but did not want to ruin the moment as he reciprocated the action, wrapping his arms securely around your waist as he leant down.
It took a good four minutes for the two of you to separate. You stared into each other’s eyes in silence, his eyes flicked down to your swollen lips to confirm what just happened really happened. “What- why?”
“Cause I love you, dipshit,” you snigger at his shocked face.
“You love me?” He choked on his own words.
“Yeah,” you said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Then why are you so aggressive?”
“Because it’s easier to act like I hate you than to tell you I love you.”
“That is- that is stupid.”
“Sod off! You didn’t voice your feelings either, you pussy.”
“Oh fuck me.”
“Can do,” you wink, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“That’s a bit cheesy,” Nasty tilts his head to the side as he holds back his laughter. You just roll your eyes as you both lean into another kiss.
“No fucking way,” the voice of Michael interrupted the two of you. “RAZZLE, SAMI, ANDY! COME LOOK AT THIS.”
Before you and Nasty could process what was happening, the three other boys came barrelling into to hallway. All of them laughing saying ‘I knew it’, all but Razzle who genuinely thought you hated Nasty.
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