#the blue and yellow and the legs and the shoes and the sync
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
The Ultimate NetNavi, Entry 1: On The Brink Of Deletion
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''Not again! I'm going to be late!''
A teenager dressed in a white button-up shirt, maroon blazer, red tie, black trousers and shoes ran out of a street and towards the school. He had brown eyes and brown, spiky hair, with a blue bandanna bearing his NetNavi's emblem being tied around his forehead in order to keep his hair out of his eyes. Wrapped around his right wrist was a blue rectangular watch-like device, with buttons and a slot on the side, and the NetNavi emblem above the screen. This device was the newest version of the Personal Terminal, called PET Sync.
''Why didn't you wake me up, MegaMan?'' Lan Hikari lamented, with the hologram of his NetNavi appearing on his shoulder. His NetNavi was a brown-haired, green-eyed humanoid wearing a blue jumpsuit and boots, yellow shoulder guards and a blue and yellow helmet. On his chest was his emblem, a red circle with a black line running diagonally through the center which ended in two triangles, all of which were surrounded by a gold ring.
''You need to learn to wake up by yourself. I won't act as your alarm clock forever, Lan,'' MegaMan replied. ''Also, you should hurry up a little, since you didn't make a really good first impression on your first day of school.''
''You don't have to remind me of that,'' Lan replied. A week ago, he and his parents had moved from DenTech City to Cyber City due to his father's job, with Lan having to get used to his new home and school. So far, his tardiness didn't help him much. ''There it is!''
His eyes lit up as he saw the school gates, noticing a few students walking inside and realizing that he might actually make it to class in time for once. However, before he could get his hopes to high, he ran right into another student, causing both of them to fall over.
''Lan!'' MegaMan looked at his NetOperator with a worried look on his expression, while Lan tried to recover from the collision, getting up.
''I'm fine, MegaMan,'' he said, turning towards the other student. ''Are you okay? I'm sorry for running into you.''
The student in question was a teenage girl dressed in the school uniform, a white button-up shirt, maroon blazer, a red ribbon tied around the collar of her shirt, black skirt, shoes and knee-high stockings. On her right wrist was a black PET Sync with purple accents, and a black and yellow emblem that had a stylized ''f'' symbol above the screen. She had brown eyes and long brown hair, with her side-bangs being tied on the back of her head with a yellow hair-clip that looked like a stylized ''ff'' mark. However, instead of acknowledging Lan's apology, the girl just stood up, dusting herself off and gave him an annoyed look.
''I'm fine,'' she replied in an icy tone, turning around and walking away. ''Watch out where you're going next time.''
''Uhhh, okay?'' Lan muttered, confused.
''Lan, don't you have class now?'' MegaMan reminded him.
''Ah, you're right!'' Lan panicked and ran off. MegaMan just sighed, feeling that it would be another typical day for them.
Rei Nakano took a deep breath as she had finally reached her apartment. Aside from colliding with that boy on the way to her class, the rest of her school day was rather uneventful. Frankly, she couldn't care less about any of it. She wasn't interested in anything concerning school and just wanted to get back home to actually focus on something that was actually important.
She changed from her school uniform into her casual outfit, a black T-shirt and skirt with golden lines on the sleeves and edges, and the skirt having a brown belt, black knee-length leggings and black and yellow high-top sneakers. On her T-shirt was also a diagonal dark purple jagged line, going from her lower left side towards the upper right, ending under a black and yellow emblem that had a stylized ''f'' mark on the right side of her chest.
''Let's see if there are any news…'' Rei muttered as she sat at her desk, turning the computer on and connecting to the network. She was playing with loose strands of her hair as she checked the e-mail inbox for any new messages, eventually fixing it back with the ''ff'' hairclip and focusing on one particular e-mail from someone named Jack.
'Black Phantom, as per our agreement, I have managed to gather new intelligence concerning Void Zero. In return, I require more of the ChargeBoost Program you had shown me during our previous meeting. Meet me at the usual location.'
''He has already sold all of the ChargeBoost Programs I gave him?'' Rei muttered, rising an eyebrow and closing the screen. She then opened a folder filled with programs she had developed and grabbed several copies of the one Jack asked her for. For Jack's sake, I hope he has actually gathered the information for this deal. Having no NetNavi, Rei had to then manually navigate through the Cyberworld in order to find Jack. Nevertheless, she was used to it and the fact that Jack would usually stay at the same place helped her in finding him, even though his residence was in the dreaded Undernet.
''Hey, Jack,'' Rei said as the small monitor she used for communication appeared right next to the Solo NetNavi, who was startled by her sudden appearance.
''Ah, hello there, Re- uh, Black Phantom,'' Jack said, quickly looking around to make sure that he and Rei were completely alone at this part of the Undernet. His actual name was Jackal.EXE and he resembled a more stylized version of Anubis, having the head of a jackal and black fur, as well as having golden and black armbands, a headpiece that served as a helmet and golden boots. He was also wearing cream-coloured shorts, which had a Navi emblem as a belt buckle on it, the emblem being a dark blue ankh on a golden background.
Despite being a Solo NetNavi who was also a resident of the Undernet, Jack had no issues working together with Rei, as she had helped him out after his former NetOp had abandoned him in the Undernet, leaving him defenseless and at the mercy of several HeelNavis. Rei had supplied him with several custom programs that aided him in the battle and helped him stay alive. Jack was quite thankful for her help, but also confused about her reasons for her aid.
''Don't think much of it. I've just been testing out the programs I had developed,'' Rei had told him in a cold, indifferent tone. ''Does the name Black Phantom ring any bells?''
''Uh, yes, b-but-'' Jack was at a loss for words as he stared at the black screen, hearing only a distorted voice on his side. Even before he got trapped in the Undernet, he had heard rumors of someone giving out upgrade programs to the various Solo NetNavis that would roam the place, this person calling themselves the Black Phantom. In exchange for the power-up, the Black Phantom would usually either ask for information on a particular subject or observe the NetNavi in question as they used their new power to cause trouble, especially outside the Undernet. While Undernet NetNavis would usually refuse to help any outsiders, they did agree to those kinds of deals, as they would benefit them. ''I-I have heard the rumors about your reputation, but I did not expect any aid from you. D-Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for your help, but this was unexpected.''
''I have my own standards regarding whom I'll give an upgrade and you are free to do whatever you want with it,'' Rei replied, still not showing her face or using her normal voice. Despite helping the NetNavis grow stronger or observing them as they wreaked havoc, she never associated herself with any of them and made sure that they didn't either. ''If you seek more power, I could provide you with it, but in return, you would have to gather some valuable information for me.''
''Uh, unfortunately, sir or ma'am, I'm not much of a fighter and I don't want to participate in the survival of the fittest culture the Undernet is so famous for,'' Jack replied, looking nervous, adding, ''I-I just don't want to be deleted.'' There was silence on the other side, with Jack fearing that he had offended the Black Phantom in some way by not taking the same path as many other NetNavis before him. ''H-However, I could help you with gathering intelligence. I am good at following up on rumors and finding whatever information you need.''
There was another moment of silence, with Jack holding his breath in anticipation, only to hear the Black Phantom sigh in resignation. ''Fine, but don't disappoint me. I can easily take away those power-ups I gave you.''
''I promise, I will repay you for this,'' Jack promised eagerly.
This had happened a few months ago, with Jack learning that the Black Phantom wanted to learn more about an obscure organization named Void Zero. There was barely any information about them, aside from some rumors, and Jack had found it incredibly hard to find any data on them. It also didn't help that he would also have to constantly fight for his own life whenever he approached another unfriendly-looking NetNavi to ask them about Void Zero.
However, Jack had figured a way out of this situation by suggesting to the Black Phantom that he could act as an Undernet merchant, selling the custom programs they would develop and asking the clients for information. The Black Phantom, who later on entrusted him with her true identity as Rei Nakano (much to Jack's shock), agreed and Jack managed to develop a reputation in the Undernet that not only kept him safe from being attacked, but his clients had no problem talking to him about the various rumors that were only known to the residents of the deepest parts of the Cyberworld.
''You had told me in your e-mail that you have information regarding Void Zero,'' Rei said in a cold tone, with Jack nodding. Admittedly, while Rei had a rather abrasive attitude, especially when she was in a bad mood, Jack didn't take it personally. ''So, what did you manage to find out this time?''
''According to a few HeelNavis I had overheard, the Enforcer is giving out another version of the DelProgram to whoever wants to take it,'' Jack explained.
''I guess that they need more test subjects,'' Rei muttered. ''After all, that DelProgram allows the Navi to delete anything in their way, but with the nasty side-effect of deleting the user as well if overused.''
''It's quite awful,'' Jack said, crossing his arms. ''It stuns me that anyone would take their chances and use such a program.''
''I'm not surprised. There are all kinds of people, especially in the Undernet, and they would do anything in exchange for becoming more powerful,'' Rei replied. ''So, where exactly is this handout supposed to take place?''
Jack simply summoned a small screen with the information being featured on it. ''Here are the coordinates. Unlike last time, the Enforcer didn't really bother with keeping it a secret and allowing only selected Navis to get the program.''
''Well, we did conclude that they need more Navis that would unknowingly act as test subjects and it is obvious that they don't care about causing chaos,'' Rei replied. ''Of course, considering how most of their activity that I had managed to track down occurs in the depths of the Undernet, it is no surprise no one took notice. No one sane enough would dare to mess with whatever lurks there.''
''No one sane or bold enough,'' Jack added. ''After all, this is still the surface and while your typical civilian Navi isn't appreciated, they would still be able to survive on this level, but I couldn't say the same for the rest of the Undernet.''
''You're right about that,'' Rei said, resting her chin on her hand. ''I actually made a few attempts to find my way around the place, but the drone programs I had created had been deleted by powerful viruses and HeelNavis. I may be a skilled Hacker, but there are things that even I can get overwhelmed by.''
''Speaking of powerful viruses and Navis, I was wondering why you don't gain the loyalty of another Navi in order to help you out?'' Jack asked. ''I am not talking about myself, of course, since we both can agree that I'm not exactly the best when it comes to battling. Nevertheless, I'm sure that there are a lot of Navis who are more than willing to help you during your investigation, as long as you provide them with your power boost programs.''
''Jack, I had already told you that I'm doing fine myself and that I don't need a Navi to help me out,'' Rei replied in an irritated tone. Jack didn't respond, as he and Rei already had this conversation several times and the only thing he managed to do was to make her upset. Rei then took a deep breath, still feeling annoyed. ''In any case, I need to leave now. Here is the ChargeBoost Program you had requested, and thank you for the information.''
With that said, a glowing orb of data appeared in front of Jack and the monitor had vanished. Jack sighed as he grabbed the data orb. While he may not been particularly close to Rei and their relationship was more business-like, he had managed to learn more about her during the time they spent together. Aside from finding out that she was a skilled Hacker who used her alias as Black Phantom to gather information, he also quickly discovered that Rei had no NetNavi, nor did she have any interest in partnering up with one. When he had questioned her about it, she got really upset, almost yelling at him in anger, only to quickly calm down and refuse to elaborate on her outburst. All she told him was that she was fine on her own, but Jack could discern that there was probably more to it than Rei wanted to admit.
Whatever happened to make you feel like this, I hope you'll be able to move on from it. Jack shook his head and went on with his day. Rest assured, during his time as a Solo Navi, he had learned how to read people and he knew when not to bring up stuff no one wanted to talk about in the first place. Nevertheless, he couldn't deny that he was curious about what exactly she had experienced that led her to act this way.
Bass' eyes narrowed as he quietly observed the group of Undernet Solo NetNavis that had surrounded him. He didn't see them as much of a challenge or even worth paying attention to, but he was a little confused by the strange green aura that had surrounded their bodies, wondering if it was some kind of defense program he didn't know about.
''Hey, punk, get out of our way or we are going to delete you!'' one of the Navis said menacingly, brandishing his claws.
''Tch.'' Bass knew that that was just an empty threat, but he kept silent, as his gut feeling told him that something was wrong with them. The leader of the group stepped out, giving Bass a stern look.
''You're the Black Shadow, aren't you?'' he asked.
Bass didn't reply, waiting instead for the Navi's response. The other Navis seemed to be a little surprised when they realized who he was and, while intimidated, they were still confident that they could handle the situation. The leader, on the other hand, didn't really care about Bass' reputation.
''Fine then. If we defeat you, we will be acknowledged as the strongest Navis in the Undernet; no, the entire Cyber World.'' The leader Navi smirked. ''I am aware that you aren't a pushover, but the program we had received is enough to delete you completely.''
''Take this!'' Suddenly, one of the Navis rushed towards him, turning his arm into a sword. Bass simply stepped away, causing the Navi to stumble. He smirked.
''Dark Arm Blade!'' Bass summoned a purple blade made of dark energy to fight with and quickly slashed the Navi apart. He then turned to the rest, who seemed to have realized that they may have been a bit too cocky, since it was obvious that Bass was completely out of their league. Still, that fact didn't seem to discourage them from another attack.
''Get him!'' the leader yelled, with two of the Navis rushing towards Bass, while the third one sneaked up from behind. As they attempted to slice him apart with their swords, Bass easily dodged their attacks, slashing through them with his blade and turning them into data particles. He then turned to the leader, who stepped back, looking shocked. However, the Navi quickly recovered, confronting Bass. ''It doesn't matter what you do, I will delete you.''
Bass didn't reply and instead observed the movements of the Navi, who suddenly charged at him. He gripped his blade tightly, dodging the Navi's attack and slashed his torso apart. To his surprise, he suddenly felt the Navi grabbing his shoulder, with a sphere of green light forming in his other hand.
''I… win…'' the Navi said, punching Bass in the stomach and forcing the sphere of green light into his body, laughing maniacally as he broke down into data particles. Bass was stunned, only to feel a sudden surge of agony spreading through his body. He stumbled, falling on his knees, gasping in pain and shaking.
What's going on with me? He groaned in pain, looking at his hands, which started to glitch out. His body seemed to be falling apart. Am I being deleted? No, it can't be! He fell over, his vision blurring. I won't let… myself get deleted…
He fell over, with the darkness consuming him.
What… happened…
He felt a throbbing sensation pulsing through his head, groaning in pain. It wasn't just his head, but his entire body hurt as well. It felt as if someone tore his body apart and thought that it would be fun to put his data through a digital version of a meat grinder. While he obviously wasn't a stranger to pain and agony, this was the kind of experience he wished he could've avoided.
As he opened his eyes, he realized that he was semi-floating in some kind of white barrier, with the cloak he was wearing having vanished. He blinked a few times, hoping that he was dreaming. However, as his vision cleared, it became obvious to him that he wasn't just trapped inside a barrier, but that he was also inside some stranger's computer.
What is going on here?!
''So, you had finally woken up.''
Bass directed his attention to the monitor that suddenly opened in front of him, furious to see a human girl staring back at him. She didn't seem to be particularly bothered by the fact that the Navi looked like he was two seconds away from blowing up her computer.
''Who are you?! What have you done to me?!'' Bass asked angrily, giving the girl a look of pure hatred.
''I saved your life,'' the girl replied in a deadpan tone, with Bass being stunned at first, but he quickly composed himself.
''What are you talking about?'' he asked suspiciously.
''You've been affected by something known as the DelProgram, which has the ability to infect another program or a Navi and delete them completely by damaging the most vital parts of their system. If I weren't around, you'd be gone by now,'' the girl explained. ''Also, my name is Rei Nakano.''
''I don't care. You either let me out of this thing, or I'm going to blow up your computer,'' Bass demanded, glaring at Rei, who just shook her head, not fazed by his threats.
''If you leave the recovery barrier now, your data will get destabilized and you will get deleted since the DelProgram inside your body is still active, and this barrier is the only thing that prevents it from destroying you,'' Rei told him, only to add in a nonchalant tone. ''However, if you still want to leave, be my guest. I'm not going to force you to stay here.''
Bass gritted his teeth, clenching his fists, but made no attempt at blasting his way through the barrier. If what the girl told him was true, he had no other choice but to remain inside the barrier for who knows how long. Even though he didn't trust humans, he certainly wasn't going to act like a fool and try to see whether she was lying to him or not, especially if his own life was on the line. However, to say that he was displeased with his current situation was an understatement. Thanks to this freak accident, he was weakened and trapped, and the only company he had was that of a human girl who didn't appear to really care about his predicament and seemed to be only mildly interested in his condition. It felt humiliating, but he knew that he had to put his own survival above his pride. He noticed a tiny smile forming on Rei's lips, having a bad feeling about it.
''I guess you are going to stay here, then,'' she said, with Bass glaring at her, feeling that she was just taunting him.
''It seems that I have no other choice…'' he muttered.
''Not necessarily,'' Rei replied, still sounding quite nonchalant. Bass' eyes narrowed as he gave her a suspicious look.
''What are you talking about?'' he asked, crossing his arms.
''While you were unconscious, I decided to scan your data in order to see just how much damage the DelProgram had inflicted upon your system and whether there was a way to reverse it and remove the DelProgram entirely,'' Rei told him. ''During that, I ran into a problem.''
''What kind of problem?'' Bass asked in an irritated tone. Rei typed something on her keyboard, with a monitor displaying the results of her scan appearing next to the barrier.
''To make it clear, the DelProgram can be removed without causing more damage to your system,'' Rei continued. ''The issue is, however, that it heavily affected your auto-recovery system, as well as something called the Get Ability program, causing them to not only become extremely buggy, but also self-destructive. If I were to let you leave like this and you decided to use them, you'd be experiencing error upon error that would leave you in a state where you'd be barely able to function. You'd basically become a walking empty shell with no sense of self, with your data eventually falling apart.''
Bass kept silent, thinking about what Rei had just told him. While he could handle the loss of the auto-recovery system, the fact that his Get Ability program was damaged as well put him in a rather precarious situation. His Get Ability was essential, as it was what kept him alive for so long. He knew that he wouldn't be able to survive with his ability being in the state it is now.
It can't end like this…
''You know, there is an alternative to this, but it will take a bit longer to implement,'' Rei said calmly, drawing Bass' attention. ''However, I would have to remove the Get Ability program…''
''Forget it!'' Bass yelled at her, enraged. He wasn't going to let her take away the program that kept him alive for all those years. Even if he was in a weakened state, he wasn't going down without a fight. However, Rei wasn't fazed at all by the rage that was directed towards her, giving Bass a stern look.
''You really should listen to my suggestion,'' she replied in surprisingly a calm tone, causing Bass to wonder what exactly she was up to. ''All I wanted to say is that I could remove this buggy and error-riddled mess and use the available information to either fix your Get Ability program or create another one. It wouldn't be the same, obviously, but it would function in the same manner to the point you wouldn't notice the difference. I may not be a genius in the programming department, but I'm certain that I would be able to replace your program with an equally good one.''
''Tch.'' Bass frowned, still glaring daggers at Rei. ''Why should I even trust you? For all I know, you could do something to me that would make my situation only worse.''
''If I wanted to do that, don't you think that I would've already done it without telling you anything?'' Rei replied, with Bass giving her a skeptical look, obviously still not convinced. Rei sighed. ''Look, I know that you hate humans in general and I'm not blaming you for that, since I know too how monstrous they can be, but this is the offer I'm giving you. You can take it or leave it, no strings attached.''
Bass stared at her in silence, still doubtful about her offer and unwilling to accept her help. However, he was aware that his future was quite bleak if he refused.
''Why would you even want to help me if you know that I despise humans?'' Bass asked her.
''No offense, but I'm not doing it because I'm altruistic or anything like that,'' Rei told him. ''I guess that one could say that I'm doing this out of spite towards a certain someone.''
''Really? Who is your target?'' Bass asked. Rei fell silent for a moment, her eyes narrowing.
''They're actually an organization called Void Zero and I have a personal issue with them, so I'm more than willing to ruin whatever plans they come up with,'' Rei explained. ''They were also the ones who distributed this DelProgram and I've been trying to track down one of their Navis, who is known as the Enforcer. I had hoped that I would manage to find them this time, but I failed. Nevertheless, I guess that it was a good thing that I had found you before you perished.''
Bass hated to admit it, but Rei was right. Had she not decided to investigate, he would've ceased to exist. Still, there was something else on his mind. ''Do you want to say that this organization may have decided to target me?''
''As for your case, I believe that you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time,'' Rei said, shrugging. ''However, I cannot say that I'm certain about it. What I know about the way Void Zero works is that they love causing chaos without any indication that they have a solid plan. However, if you manage to look past the chaos, it is obvious that they know what they're doing. Take for example the DelProgram. On the surface, it appeared that they were just giving out randomly a deletion program to anyone who wanted the ability to destroy others. But, if you looked past that, you'd see that they were searching for someone who would test the program for them.''
''That's unnecessary information,'' Bass said, with Rei raising an eyebrow. However, she had figured that he was the type of person who didn't care about exposition and would focus on just beating up anyone who stood in his way. It was a rather straightforward approach, but it obviously worked for him.
''In any case, are you going to accept my offer or not?'' Rei asked. Bass gave her a cold gaze, only to look away.
''Fine,'' he muttered. ''So, how long should it take for you to restore the Get Ability program?''
''A couple of days at most,'' Rei replied, noticing the annoyed look on Bass' expression.
''You can't be serious…''
''Hey, I said that I'd be able to fix it, but I didn't say that it would be an instant repair,'' Rei replied, glancing back at the monitor. ''In any case, once I'm done with the removal, you can leave and return later for it if you don't want to wait here.''
Bass kept silent, making it clear that he wasn't going to just leave Rei with the Get Ability program. He may have accepted her offer to help him, but that didn't mean that he trusted her more than necessary.
''Okay, then,'' Rei muttered, typing something on her keyboard. Bass crossed his arms, knowing that he'd now have to wait for Rei to be done with her work.
He looked around, trying to find something of interest, but so far, all he saw were purple panels, with streams of data pulsing through them. There were a few monitors scattered around, with the closest one to him being the one containing the results of Rei's analysis. If anything, Rei kept her homepage in order, but it felt as if something was missing.
You'd think that she would have someone to assist her with this. Bass thought after realizing that he was the only one here.
A few minutes had passed, with the only sound being that of Rei's relentless typing on the keyboard, followed by occasional streams of data flowing into white barrier. After what seemed to be an eternity, the barrier finally vanished, with Bass being now free to roam around Rei's computer.
''I had managed to repair the auto-recovery system and removed the buggy program, so you don't have to stay inside the recovery barrier,'' Rei said. ''As for the Get Ability program, it will take about a day or two for me to fix it.''
''That's still too long,'' Bass replied, glaring at her.
''You know, you can complain as much as you want, but it won't get things done any sooner,'' Rei replied, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.
''If you stopped talking and actually did your job, we wouldn't be having this conversation,'' Bass told her.
Rei just rolled her eyes, realizing that this would be a long weekend.
''Battle Chip, Wide Sword! Slot-in!''
MegaMan's arm turned into a blade and he ran towards the viruses that were floating in front of him. He slashed through them easily, turning towards the next wave of viruses.
''Battle Chip, Shotgun! Slot-in!'' Lan put in another Battle Chip, with the sword MegaMan was wielding turning into a shotgun.
''Take this!'' He fired at the viruses, deleting all of them. He then looked around with a satisfied look on his expression. ''I think those were all of the viruses in this area.''
''You did a great job, MegaMan,'' Lan praised his Navi. ''Let's move on to the next area.''
''I think it would be better for you to get that homework of yours finally done,'' MegaMan replied.
''But, I don't have school tomorrow, so why should I focus on homework now when there is some virus busting to do?'' Lan said. ''I mean, I have enough time for that.''
''You said the same thing last time and then you made your homework at the last minute, remember? The teacher wasn't really happy when he saw how sloppy your answers were,'' MegaMan said.
''Uh, well…'' Lan replied, with a sheepish grin on his expression. ''Don't worry, I'll get this one done in time, I promise!''
MegaMan sighed. ''I guess old habits die hard.''
''Hey, I said it'll be fine,'' Lan argued back, starting to bicker once again with his NetNavi over homework.
Unknown to the two, another figure was standing on the hill above them, observing them with great interest. It appeared to be a female NetNavi, who had green eyes and short, brown hair. She was dressed in a blue short-sleeved jacket with a red collar, dark blue shorts with a red belt, a with a long flowing red ribbon on her back, dark blue and red boots, black and red fingerless gloves and a black bodysuit under her clothes. Instead of a helmet, she was wearing what resembled dark blue ear pieces, the right piece having a golden and red insignia resembling a Z with an X mark behind it, and a green visor. On the left side of her jacket was her Navi emblem, a solid red circle with a black outer circle and the same golden ZX insignia as the one on her ear piece.
''Lan Hikari and MegaMan… They can be quite dangerous, if put in the right mindset,'' she muttered. ''Just like that idiot. However, I'd still want to see for myself what exactly they're capable of.'' She smirked. ''This should be interesting.''
She then walked away, logging out of the area.
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#The Ultimate NetNavi (Story Archive)
9 notes · View notes
missroserose · 2 years
Whumptober Day 15: Lies
Sam’s running shoes hit the lake path with a rhythmic sound, somewhere between a thud and a smack.  He left his earbuds at home, today; there’s something about the newly-chill autumn weather, something about the tumult of his thoughts, that demands the sort of quiet Zen-style presence-absence (mindfulness, he’s heard it called, but the term brings to mind a few too many new-age witchy types) best suited to rumination.  The morning is worth appreciating—a bank of fog over the lake, shrouding the cool water in grey mist; the yellow-gold leaves, prepared to showcase their brilliance once the warming sunshine makes its appearance; the light, still caught behind clouds but growing brighter, promising a warm day.
Not yet, though—the chilly air flows in through Sam’s nose, expands his lungs, then back out in misty breaths, his own small contribution to the morning fog.  A damp patch spreads on his chest, sweat soaking through the fabric (technical fabric, Charlie had told him when she gave it to him for his birthday, it breathes better, only masochists run in cotton T-shirts anymore) and evaporating.  And for all the serene indifference of his surroundings, his mind is a tumult of emotion—visions of Dean’s face, twisted in rage as he gestures with his Marked arm—Sam’s own fear, concern, anger, loss—
“May I join you?”
Sam blinks.  Another figure is running next to him—more than a little comical in a blue suit, beige trench coat, business shoes.  Nobody seems to have explained the concept of proper running gear to Castiel; but then, Sam supposes, it’s not as if he has to worry about blisters or shin splints—”Of course.”
“Thank you.”  Cas keeps pace without any apparent effort despite Sam’s longer legs and sweaty face.  “I thought it might be good to talk.”
“Not that I don’t—enjoy our talks,” Sam says, dropping to a jog so as to maintain enough breath to speak, “but couldn’t it—wait until I get back—to the bunker?”
“I wanted to speak to you alone,” Cas clarifies.
Sam tries to interpret this; his efforts draw a total blank.  “Without Dean?”  It’s so rare, that Cas is outside of Dean’s orbit—even rarer that Sam is, now that he considers it.  “What’s this about?”
To his further surprise, Cas doesn’t answer right away.  For a few minutes, they jog together in sync, and Sam idly wonders if Cas hasn’t simply decided to take up running, perhaps embarking upon some sort of vessel-maintenance plan—
“Devotion,” Cas says.
Sam’s mind narrows its focus considerably.  Cas didn’t want to say this to Sam in front of Dean, which suggests that it’s about Dean, and probably about their relationship, and furthermore almost certainly something Dean wouldn’t want talked about.  But, devotion—
“What about it?” Sam asks.
“You and Dean.  You’ve been devoted to each other your whole lives.”  Straight to the point, as usual.  “To a degree I’ve observed to be unusual among humans.”
“I’m not sure I’d say our whole lives,” Sam puts in slowly, memories of his years at Stanford surfacing the way they tend to do these days—faded, nearly sepia-toned, an entirely different Sam with an entirely different perspective at the center of them.  But Dean—Dean’s face, smooth and unlined, eyes bright with hope and guilt in equal measure, shoulders hunched under Dad’s jacket that was always too large for him—Dean burns bright, casts color across the images like the sun burning off fog.  “But yeah, I guess you’re right.  We haven’t really had many other people to rely on.”
“Your allies have a habit of dying suddenly,” Cas responds, breathtakingly blunt as always.  “Yet even now, you remain devoted.”
“What do you mean, ‘even now’?  The Mark?”  Sam shakes his head.  “Cas, we knew what we were getting into.”
“Did you?”  It’s difficult to watch Cas’ face for cues while they jog, but the dry tone is unmistakable. 
“Well, not entirely,” Sam amends.  “But that’s the thing.  We usually don’t know what we’re getting into.  We do it anyway, because it needs doing, and because we know we’re in each other’s corner.”  He shrugs, though the motion is probably lost.  “Yeah, Dean’s been difficult, lately.  But I’ve gotta be here for him, because next time it might be me.”
“And do you think Dean would return the favor?  In his current state?”
Sam has to think about that one.  “I don’t know,” he admits.  “The Mark seems to bring out the worst in him—but devotion is part of the fabric of who he is.  For better and for worse.  So…I hope so.”
“Devotion can be expressed many ways,” Cas agrees.  “I suppose…I simply wonder.  Angels are devoted by nature—we’re created to serve God, or most of us are.  Humans are usually far more conditional in their allegiance.”  Another moment, and then—”I wonder sometimes if the human model isn’t the healthier one.”
Sam barks out a short laugh.  “You think I’m unhealthily devoted to Dean?”
“It’s not my place to judge, Sam.  I am a watcher, and so I have watched.  I’ve seen him lie to  you—about his relationships, about how he treats you, about your own experiences.  I’ve seen him trick you into playing host to an angel, a profound violation of your bodily autonomy that had deadly consequences.  I’ve seen him terrorize you, physically attack you with an axe—”
“He wasn’t himself, then,” Sam objects.
“Of course not, he was a demon.  Just as now he carries the Mark.  Or before you were dying.  There’s always some excuse.”  A pause.  “Were he anybody else, I would wonder if he were manufacturing crises to avoid having to address the consequences of his actions.”
Were the subject anything lighter, Sam would tease Cas for watching too much Dr. Phil—but there’s enough to his words that he has to slow down to consider.  It’s ludicrous, of course; Dean couldn’t have known how his gaslighting over Purgatory would send Sam into a spiral of suicidal guilt, nor how tricking Sam into hosting Gadreel would’ve caused Kevin’s death—Sam sucks in a breath—forces his thoughts past that—just as hey hadn’t known how taking up the First Blade would end up leading Dean to becoming a demon, just as they had no idea what removing the Mark might eventually unleash—
Sam starts to laugh.  It’s a strange laughter, dry and choking;  he only just makes it to a bench to collapse upon as the fit takes hold of him.  Because it’s funny.  Funny and even true, in a way.   If anybody on this planet would conjure up a constant string of end-of-the-world threats to avoid having to apologize and account for himself, it’d be Dean—
Cas is looking at him with an expression of concern.  “Sam.  Are you having a seizure?  Your brain activity is—disorganized.”
“I’m—fine,” he manages to gasp.  He is, or will be, although now that he’s stopped moving the chill is starting to soak through his technical-fabric shirt.  “I just.  What do you want me to do?  It’s not like I can break up with him.”   A shrug, helpless.  “He’s—”   He makes a gesture, trying to encompass everything Dean is to him.  My brother.  My savior.  My torturer.  My partner.  My guardian.  My responsibility.
Cas sits next to him, unruffled despite his unaccustomed jog.  “I don’t know,” he says.  “Devotion comes easily to me; I have difficulty even envisioning an alternative.”  A frown.  “Though he does not make it easy, especially now.”
“Yeah.”  Sam takes in a breath, sighs it out.  The sun is up over the trees, painting their tops brilliant gold; slowly, the air begins to warm around them.  “He must be one lucky jerk, having the two of us in his corner.”
“Fortunate indeed,” Cas says.  “I only hope he grows to understand it.”
Together, they watch the mist over the lake burn away.
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
📎Word Count: 2.2k
📎Warning/s: smut! minors DNI. mean!fuckboy!bucky x f!reader. unprotected sex. little to no foreplay, because, well, he just wants to get his dick wet. denied orgasm :( no aftercare too lol he’s an asshole in this one. messy facial! some heckin’ words.
📎A/N: jesus fuckiNG CHRIST okay this is one of my longer fics, i’m trying to get back into writing long fics again so, bear with me. fuckboy!bucky playlist to accompany you while reading this <3 
📎reblogs, likes, and comments are all welcomed! shower me with validation pls
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The bass line and the drumbeat made your heart pump in sync. The room reeked of cheap drinks and expensive perfume—sweaty patrons swirling, mingling around, keeping their drinks cold, their hearts warm.
Chatter peaked when the band finished the song, a round of applause rising the frontman’s ego. The spotlight shone brightly on him, the stage lights hitting his back, lighting up his silhouette with pinks and purples.
He beams with adrenaline. All perfect smiles.
Slinging his stickered guitar to the side, he speaks into the mic, “thank you all for coming. We’ve been The Commandos. Goodnight!” The frontman flashes his million-dollar, megawatt smile and bows, earning another applause from the audience.
The rest of the band slinked out the back, bowing, giving out air-kisses and waves. Another band piles onto the stage, waving hello to the gathering crowd.
You sigh, the bottom of your shoes sticking to the dirty floor of the bar. The overhead lights of the bar a bright yellow contrast to the stage’s red hue. The beer in your hand condensing, the tips of your fingers damp in the process. The warmth of the place piling on your impatience.
Pushing yourself off the bar, you make your way to the back, one thing echoing in your mind. Familiar faces crowd your vision, sending a polite smile their way.
A door stands in front of you, the wood stained with stickers and posters and autographs. You knock twice before turning the knob.
“Where’s Bucky?” You say, leaning against the door frame. The door slowly swings open.
A blonde man, what’s-his-face, looks at you and puts down a pair of drumsticks, “‘Dunno what to tell ya, but he’s not here.”
Your roll your eyes, sending him a mirthless smile, “yeah, obviously. I was hoping if you could tell him to meet me tonight.”
Steve—you suddenly remembered his name—eyed you head to foot, a smirk plastered on his face, “Sounds important. Why don’t you hang out with us while waiting for him?”
A chuckle escapes your lips, “no, thanks. I’ll meet him outside.”
Steve makes a face, quirking a light brow to the rest of the group. All of them sharing the same look, “alright. Suit yourself.”
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The clock ticks just ten minutes after 11, your patience growing thin as a needle. A gaggle of drunk patrons stumbles out the door when you spot him—leather jacket, distressed, ripped pants.
“Where’s my ring?” Without missing a beat.
Bucky’s lips quirk into a smirk, “whoa, baby, we fucked once,” he made you come thrice, “and you’re asking for a ring already?”
A shiver runs up your spine, whether it’s from disgust or something else, it wasn’t clear, “you know what I meant. I left my ring on your nightstand.”
“Deliberately, or…”
Your hands curl up in frustration, your left shin itching, “c’mon. Do you have it or not?” 
His intentionally undone boots scuffed against the floor as he stalks closer to you, his perfume invading your olfactory senses. Oh, he smells good. 
“D’you wanna find out?” His voice dropping a couple of octaves, whispering into the shell of your ear. His thick arms caging you against the bar and the wall. Fuck, he smells really good.
A feeble attempt to make room goes unnoticed, your breath hitching in your throat, “If you don’t have it on you, I’d gladly receive it through the mail.”
Bucky licks his tinged lips, a vein in his temple ticking—the lighting reflecting in his blue eyes, “why would I mail it to you when you can pick it up from my place?”
A rational voice in your head echoes, fighting with your impulse. The closeness of both of your bodies radiating warmth and electricity.
“Fine.” You relented, impulsivity is what got you there in the first place.
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The drive to the place shouldn’t take too long, the little shit deliberately took the long way to his place. 
While you sit on the passenger side of his car, he keeps sending you amused glances. As if he couldn’t believe you’d willingly go with him tonight. Well, technically, it really wasn’t part of your plan.
“You wanna get burgers first?” He offers, lowering the music coming from the car’s stereo.
“I wanna get my ring back, Bucky.” You say, reminding him—and yourself—of what your agenda for tonight is.
He dismisses you, as per usual. And pulls over a drive-through of a local burger place, ordering himself a meal.
Instead of getting back out on the highway, he parks the car, rolls down the window, and eats.
“Jesus- fuck, Bucky!” You exclaimed in frustration, “look, if you want to waste my time, then-”
“Then, what?”
“Then go fuck yourself.” You left in a huff, swinging your legs and slamming the car door shut. Hoping that he’d go deaf in one ear.
Making sure that you’re well visible and in a brightly-lit place, you pull out your phone to book an Uber. Only to find Bucky making his way to you for the second time tonight.
“Hey!” Didn’t even used your name to call you, great work!
“I do have it, it’s really back in my place. By the lamp on the bedside table.” The truth lingers out on the night air, waiting for you to acknowledge it.
You meet Bucky’s statement with a wary squint, he meets your rightful doubt with a smile.
“No more stopovers.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Bucky’s place is a liminal space for you. 
The familiar shadows and corners welcome you, the surfaces on where your bare skin sat hissed at you. You stood by the doorway, not wanting to prolong the journey.
“Hey, c’mon, it’s just me. Sit down.” Exactly, it is him.
You shake your head, leaning by the wall like a stranger, “I’m good. You’re not gonna take long anyway.”
But instead of retrieving your jewelry, his form retreats to the kitchen. A few seconds pass and you hear the crack and hiss of a beer bottle being opened.
“Y’know, I think I’ll just get it myself.” You toe off your shoes, placing them by the door. Your jacket still hanging off your shoulders.
You passed by Bucky, walking towards a love seat, two beers on one hand, “hurry up, then. Got a drink for ya.”
Hazy images play by memory the last time you were here, his damn cologne seeping into your nostrils.
Your head hanging by the edge of the bed as he laps your cunt like a man starved.
The headboard supporting your balance as you bounce up and down his thick cock.
Carpeting that gave your knees burn as he fucked you from behind.
Like an etch-a-sketch, you shake your head to get rid of the scenes that made themselves known.
A shining glint from the bedside table catches your eye, you swipe the ring and stashed it down your jacket pocket.
Coming out of the room with your ring, your slight smile falters as you saw Bucky lounging shirtless. As rightfully so, this is his home anyway.
You steeled yourself despite the heat that’s making its way up to your neck, “uh, I already got it. Thanks, Bucky.”
He shoots you a look—a lingering one. Like a predator about to pounce on prey. His stare chasing the goosebumps under your clothes.
“You sure you wanna go? It’s–” he glances at his phone for the time, “–past midnight.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can.” The setup.
“How about I take care of you for a change?” The trap.
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And then just as sudden as your arrival, you find yourself pressed up against the wall. The agenda of the night has already been forgotten.
Bucky’s mouth finds its temporary home on your jaw, moving down your neck. His large hands already clawing their way under your shirt, the suddenness of the moment stirring the heat in your belly.
Rushed hands and panted breaths meet feverish lips.
The moment his tongue slipped into your mouth was the moment where you lost all inhibitions. Your hands fly to his nape, tugging his hair, effectively making him moan into your mouth.
“You know me so well.” He purrs against your lips. Hitching your legs up his hips as he presses you harder against the drywall.
“Lots of people know you so well.” You bite back, knowing for a fact that he sees others behind your back.
“True,” he’s murmuring against your pulse point and you sigh, “you’re my favorite though.”
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Your jacket clutters against the floor of his bedroom, along with his pants and your shirt. A yellow stream of light emits from the living room.
Bucky tosses you on the bed, sending the pillows crashing on the floor. Though the room is darkened with curtains, your eyes adjust enough to see him as he pulls your ankles towards him.
His abs are chiseled like a Greek god, his skin tanned, decorated with tattoos. His left nipple adorns a stainless steel piercing. Like the last time, he grabs your hand, trailing it along his torso, letting you feel his deep v-lines.
A lewd moan escapes your lips as you cup his hardening cock through his boxers. Thick and heavy, a perfect fit.
“You like it?” Bucky taunts, jutting his hips against your hand. You squeeze him lightly, earning you a deep groan from the man above you.
His hand suddenly tightens around your throat, pulling your head towards him, “I asked you a question.”
Giving him a small nod and a meek yeah seemed to have sufficed until he flips you on your stomach and forces your face down the bed.
Your skirt joins the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Your panties do too.
“You’re so wet for me, aren’t ya?” Bucky taunts, one thick finger swiping the wetness between your folds. Spreading it around as preparation. A muffled confirmation made him chuckle as he pinches your clit with intention.
Taking his leaking cock out of his boxers, he swipes the bead of precum from his angry-red tip. He takes his sweet, sweet time before even thinking about pushing into your pussy.
Bucky drags the head of his cock up and down your fold, earning a needy moan from you—coating his entire length with your wetness.
After seemingly an eternity on your side, the sheets already imprinted their impression on the side of your cheek. Bucky finally, fucking finally, pushes into you. A short, white-hot burn shoots through your nerves, making you whimper.
His hand stays on the back of your neck, pushing you further down the bed as he moves. Your pussy lips gripping his dick like a vice, “so fucking tight. God.”
Bucky’s chest swelled up with pride as he notices your fingers digging into his sheets, “no one can fuck you this good.”
The bed squeaks with both of your weight shifting as he reaches around you, his fingers working around your bud. The pressure of his upper body makes you gasp with every thrust of his hips.
He continues to work you—his fingers circling tightly on your throbbing clit, his cock nudging the soft, spongy spot in you. Your toes curl with red heat as your orgasm begins to burn up your legs.
“I’m gonna-- ‘m so close,” your pleas fell on deaf ears as Bucky chases his own high. His balls slapping against your skin, his hips stuttering as his cock pulsates inside your velvet walls.
He curses, grabbing your shoulder and flipping you upside, kneeling before you. His hand pumping his dick continuously as it twitches—the veins even more prominent.
“Open your mouth, I’m gonna cum in it.” Bucky orders and you obey. Your fingers finding their way to your abandoned bundle of nerves—your climax threatening to fade away.
Thick ropes of cum shoot over your mouth, painting your lips and chin white as he misses.
“God, fuck, look at your mess.” Bucky sighs, he’s already tucked back into his boxers and handing you a shirt—presumably to clean yourself up.
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“You got your ring? Anything else?” The annoyance in his tone is evident. The clock ticks half past midnight.
You dangle your purse in front of him as a gesture, the wind picks up and your shoes are loose on your feet.
“Alright, well, you could wait for your ride here, I guess.” Bucky dropped the act the moment he got his dick in you.
“Yeah, he’s just around the corner. Thanks for the, uh, ring.”
He hums, looking at his phone. His thumbs dancing over the keyboard, “Try not to bother my friends again when you wanna reach me.”
You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or to smack the phone out of his hands, “yeah. Tried calling you but I’m pretty sure you blocked my number.”
A curt laugh echoes out from him, “‘m sorry. Out of habit. You know how it is.”
“Right.” And an awkward beat falls over the both of you.
A black car pulls up by the street and you silently thank the stars. By the time you turn around to at least do the right thing and bid Bucky goodnight, you find yourself facing a closed door.
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darks-ink · 4 years
Third Time (’s a Charm)
Is the title a reference to the fact that we’re dealing with a trio of half-ghosts, or is it a reference to the fact that this is the third time I’ve written about the Accident for this event? Who knows!
Prompt: An AU where Sam and/or Tucker also gain ghost powers Prompt by: @dalv-co-official Word count: 9,036
[AO3] [FFN] [more Phic Phight fics]
“Nothing is going to happen,” Danny said, trying for bravado to hide the worry that niggled in his chest. “I’m gonna go in, check it out, and then come out. It will all be perfectly fine.”
“Yeah!” Tucker agreed, nudging Sam playfully. “Chill, dude. Nothing’s going to happen.”
Sam made a face at the two of them. “I don’t know, Danny. I have a bad feeling about this…”
“It’ll be fine,” he assured her, softer now. His chest felt like a roaring void, a whirlpool of worry. “Come on, give me that jumpsuit if it’ll make you feel better.”
“You’re gonna look like an idiot.” She smiled a little as she passed it to him, though. “Your parents are a bad influence.”
“Well, it’s gotta do something, right?” Tucker cocked an eyebrow at the suit in Danny’s hands. “I mean, I don’t know about Mr. Fenton, but Mrs. Fenton has to have a reason to wear those things every day.”
“I think my dad is just very convincing.” Danny pressed the jumpsuit against his chest, guessing at the size. It looked about right. A recent creation, then. Lucky him. “I mean, look at me. I’m gonna be wearing the same thing and I don’t even know why.”
Tucker huffed, a smile on his face. “You know why.”
“Don’t give me that,” Danny bit back, unzipping the jumpsuit. “Now look away so I can put this on.”
“Doesn’t it go over your clothes?” Sam asked, before obligingly turning away. “I mean, I’m not an expert, but…”
“Maybe if they’re sized properly, but I grow too quickly for my parents to keep up.” Danny quickly took off his pants, then pulled up his jumpsuit until it rested at his hips. “So it’s tight, and that makes it a pain to wear over regular clothes.”
He stripped off his shirt as well, sticking his arms through the sleeves of his jumpsuit and pulling it up entirely. “Almost ready.”
“Just tell us when you are ready, man.” Tucker shook his head, not turning around. “I don’t want to see your pasty bare chest.”
“Uh, rude.” Danny zipped up the jumpsuit, then ducked down to grab the shoes and gloves. “You can look now. Just gotta put on the last bits.”
Sam turned around, then snorted. “Nice socks.”
“Your support is appreciated as always,” Danny retorted, pulling a black rubbery boot over his space-print socks. “Don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Yeah, speaking of support…” She reached over to his, then tugged on something on his chest. A sticker peeled off, which she helpfully flipped around to show him. “Bet you don’t want to go walking around with this on your chest.”
‘This’ was, in this case, a logo of Jack Fenton’s face.
Danny made a face. “I definitely do not. Sam, you’re a lifesaver.”
“Alright, alright, enough banter already.” Tucker batted at Sam until the logo stuck to his fingers. “Ugh, now it’s on me. I’m getting rid of this thing.”
“Please do!” Danny called after his retreating back. “Knowing Dad, he’s got another three dozen of those things lying around.”
“Don’t speak such horrors into being.” Sam swatted him in the shoulder, and Danny ducked down to pull on his other boot. “You should know better than that, Fenton.”
“You’re overestimating his intelligence,” Tucker replied, before Danny could. “I’ve thrown the sticker into a trashcan. It’s up to whoever is cleaning the lab from here.”
“Hey!” He stuck out his tongue at his two best friends. “Rude. Also, you’ve just made it my problem again by doing that.”
“Well, I’m not gonna burn it for you, man.” Tucker handed him one of the two gloves. “You can do that yourself if you survive this.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to die, Tucker. I’m just checking out the Portal from up close, and letting Sam take a few photos. Perfectly safe.”
“Nothing in this house is safe,” Sam pointed out, quirking an eyebrow. “Our lives are in peril every moment we spent here.”
“Alright, well.” He shrugged. No arguing with that. “In that case, we’re all gonna die sooner rather than later, and checking out the Portal isn’t gonna expedite that.”
“’Expedite’?” Tucker repeated. “Wow, big word. You learn that from Jazz?”
“You’re all bullying me, and I’m leaving.” Danny tugged on the second glove for effect, then pushed himself off of the table he was perched on. “Gonna walk right into the Portal, and this will be the last thing you’ve said to me before I die.”
“Thought you weren’t going to die?” Sam asked, picking up her camera again, slinging the loop around her neck. “You seemed very confident in that.”
He very much was not. Something about the Portal made his skin crawl, made him feel like he’d swallowed ice.
“Right,” he said, mustering a grin. “Well. It’s the point of it that matters.”
“Like you’re going to die without us anyway, dude.” Tucker huffed, the corners of his lips tugging up into a smile. “Let’s be real, we’re all in this together. Either that Portal explodes and takes all of us out, or nothing happens and we’re all fine.”
Sam shot him an icy look. “Just so we’re all clear, if something does happen, we’re blaming it on Tucker. Right?”
“Right,” Danny echoed. “You’ve brought this upon us, Tuck.”
“Nothing’s going to happen.” Tucker rolled his eyes, then shoved Danny towards the empty arch of the Portal. “You’ve said it a dozen times yourself. It doesn’t work. As long as you don’t electrocute yourself on a power cable, you’re safe as can be.”
“Yeah, no, double down.” Danny nodded, pausing in the mouth of the Portal. “That’s exactly what’s gonna fix this, Tucker. Double down on the promise of death.”
“You’ll be fine,” Tucker said, flapping a hand. “Sam and I will be right here, yeah?”
Sam nodded, lifting up her camera. “For real, Danny. If you’re dying, you’re taking both of us with you.”
“We have so many issues,” Danny declared, laughing. “Alright, well. I’m going.”
“Don’t die!” Tucker shouted after him. The Portal’s insides lit up with the flash of Sam’s camera.
A click sounded. Danny hadn’t even noticed the button before he pressed it.
“Uh,” was all he managed before everything turned green, then white, then black.
“We are so screwed,” Sam murmured in Danny’s ear, and he jerked awake. Huh. When had he passed out?
“I’m saying we blame Tuck,” Danny mumbled back, rubbing his eyes with his white-gloved hand.
“Look who’s catching on!” Sam clapped him on the shoulder, and Danny scowled at her.
“Are all colors weird for you guys too, or is that just me?” he asked Sam’s bright blue eyes and white hair. “Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sam wearing this much white.”
“It’s criminal,” she agreed breezily. “But don’t worry, your hair has also gone very white.”
“Aw, you didn’t even mention his ectoplasm green eyes.” Tucker crouched down next to Sam and, hey, his colors were all weird too. His golden yellow eyes crunched. “It matches the Portal behind you. Very nice.”
Danny paused, then turned to look over his shoulder. The Portal’s arch was still the same shiny metal as before, but its entire inside was concealed behind a wall of swirling green ectoplasm.
“So turns out that it just needed some human sacrifice,” Tucker added on, swatting Danny in the leg. “You can tell your parents that, in case they ever want to build another one.”
“Uh, no?” Danny turned to glare at Tucker. “You can tell my parents that, Tuck. You’re the one who tempted fate by saying we would all die together if it turned on.”
“I said it was gonna explode,” Tucker corrected, rolling his eyes. “And clearly it didn’t.”
“Ah, so I just imagined the bright blast of light that spilled out of the Portal?” Sam shoved him lightly. “Just admit it, Tucker, you’ve brought this upon us.”
“Me?” Tucker dramatically clasped a hand to his chest. “You are the one who talked Danny into going into that Portal. Equal blame.”
Danny sighed, pressing his forehead against his hand. “Alright, how about this. We’re all equally screwed. Can we please put some thought into the fact that we all appear to be ghosts?”
“Friends forever?” Tucker tried cheerfully. Sam kicked him in the shin for this suggestion. “Ow, jeez, I thought ghosts couldn’t feel?”
“Let me try.” Sam pinched Danny’s arm.
“Ow, Sam, why?” He swatted her away. “I already died, I don’t need this.”
“Looks like your parents were wrong about the unfeeling part of ghosts,” she decided, nodding to herself. “In both the physical and emotional way.”
“Great, brilliant, fantastic.” Danny clapped his hands together, drawing the attention of both of his friends back to him. “Can we please focus? We’re all ghosts. Now what?”
Sam and Tucker shared a look, then both shrugged.
“Depends,” Tucker decided. “Can we leave this house? Do we have to haunt somewhere specific? What are the rules to ghostly existence?”
“Why are you asking me?” Danny swept a hand around, gesturing at the lab. “Clearly my parents don’t know what they’re about, either!”
“I mean, they made the Portal,” Sam pointed out. “It killed us, yes, but it seems to work just fine now that it’s on.”
“Great.” He rolled his eyes. “Just needed a little blood sacrifice. I’m so glad.”
“Alright, smartass, so what do you suggest?” Sam crossed her arms, the glow around her body brightening in sync with her glare. “Your parents are the most dangerous to us, here!”
“You think I don’t know that?!” Danny growled back, flailing his arms. “What I really want is for us to go back to being human, but—”
Something in his chest, in the very core of his being, stirred. His glow brightened into a flash of light, and Danny was forced to shut his eyes to avoid being blinded.
When the light faded away again, and Danny opened his eyes, he saw…
“Wow,” Tucker breathed, tugging on Danny’s white jumpsuit. “Dude, that’s crazy. Us next!”
“I don’t know how I did that!” Danny swatted Tucker’s cold hand away, feeling his heart thump up a storm. “I just felt something weird in my chest! Like I stirred something.”
“Something cold?” Sam asked, eyes wide. “Like…”
“Cold-hot-cold, constantly whirring?” Tucker finished for her, turning to stare at her. “Oh my god.”
“Yeah, that was it.” Something buzzed underneath his heartbeat, and Danny paused for a moment to dissect the feeling. “Oh my god, I still feel it. It’s just… quieter.”
“Quieter,” Sam and Tucker chorused, looking at each other again.
Light flashed again.
“I can’t believe that that worked,” Tucker grumbled, straightening his now-red barrette. “I mean, seriously. What on Earth is going on?”
Danny made a face, turning to look behind him. The Portal’s surface still swirled, stirred by an unseen force. “I don’t think it’s anything from Earth, Tuck.”
“So we’re, what, in-betweeners?” He scoffed, and Danny turned back to look at him again. “A little human, a little ghost?”
“I don’t know, but you know what I do know?” Sam pushed herself up onto her feet. “I’m gonna go figure that out somewhere that isn’t here. We can tell Danny’s parents that we’ve been up in his room the whole time, or something.”
“Yeah, that… that sounds like a plan.” Danny scrambled up onto his feet as well, then offered a hand to Tucker to help him up too. “We need to figure out what this is. If it’s just temporary or what, and what the effects of it are.”
“You sound like a scientist,” Tucker complained, stumbling when he stood. “But I guess you’re right.”
“Up we go, then.” Danny grabbed his regular clothes, then paused. Nah. He could redress in his room. “Anyone else feeling like their skin is crawling just from being near the Portal?”
“Yeah,” both of his friends answered. They all stopped to look at each other.
“We are so messed up,” Tucker decided.
“Do you think they have ghost therapists?” Sam ducked to pick up her backpack, and Tucker did the same. “They have to be traumatized as all hell, right?”
“I thought we were, like, part ghosts?” Danny passed by them to head to the stairs first. “Wasn’t that what we just decided?”
“Half-ghost therapists, then,” Sam corrected. “Same difference.”
“I hate every part of this conversation.” Tucker started on the staircase behind Danny, then stopped. Looked at Sam over his shoulder. “Are you coming too, Sam?”
A click and a flash of light. Sam appeared at the bottom of the stairs. “Yeah, sorry. Wanted to grab a quick picture.”
“Why, in case we ever need proof of how we got so messed up?” Tucker rolled his eyes before making an impatient gesture at Danny to continue up the stairs. “Seriously, someone’s gonna find that and it’ll disprove all our lies.”
“Chill, I know how to hide photos.” Sam’s heavy boots started clunking up the stairs as well. “It might come in handy later. Who knows?”
“I’m not listening to you two fight again,” Danny told them, stepping into the kitchen and turning around. “Seriously, guys, can we please focus on what’s happening?”
Tucker and Sam also stepped into the kitchen, sharing a look.
“Yeah, alright.” Tucker nodded. “Sam?”
“Uh huh.” She nodded back. “Sorry, Danny.”
“It’s… not fine, but, y’know. I get it.” He shook his head, turning back towards the living room, to the stairs up. “But we’ve got more important things to deal with.”
“You make it sound so ominous,” Tucker griped, his tone light and joking. “I mean, we only sort of died, you know?”
“You’re horrible,” Danny told him. “I’m making the executive decision that we’re gonna be silent until we reach my room. All in favor?”
“Aye,” Sam piped up, slapping a hand in Tucker’s face so he couldn’t reply. “Let’s do it.”
Danny laughed, leading the rest of the way up without another word. Even Tucker remained silent after Sam removed her hand.
Finally, the door to his room clicked shut. He hesitated for a brief moment, then turned the lock as well.
“Okay, so we’re in private. Now what?” Tucker asked, turning to look between Danny and Sam.
“Just so we’re all on one line,” Sam’s purple eyes darted between Danny and Tucker, “All three of us are now, like, half-ghost or something. Right?”
“Is that even possible?” Danny frowned. “Like, I know my parents don’t think ghost and human can be combined, but they obviously don’t know everything.”
“You think either of us have a better source of knowledge?” Tucker scoffed, shaking his head. “I mean, unless Sam just happens to have some kind of goth-guide about this stuff?”
She shook her head as well. “Nope, sorry. Guess we’ll have to figure this out ourselves.”
“Ugh,” Danny groaned, throwing himself backwards onto his bed. “Alright. First things first… What’s first?”
Tucker snorted. “How does this affect our health? How ghostly are we, and how human?”
“Those are two separate things,” Sam pointed out. “But, yeah, those sound like a good start. What are things we need to look out for?”
“We need to start a list,” Danny decided out-loud. He didn’t move to do so.
“Digital or on paper?” Sam asked, grabbing a leaf of paper off of Danny’s desk.
“Digital, duh.” Tucker raised a PDA in the air. “I mean, anyone might come across a sheet of paper with this kinda secret stuff on it.”
“And ghosts typically don’t combine well with electronics,” Danny pointed out, pushing himself up until he was sitting on his bed. “Sorry, Tuck, but I think it might be smarter to stick with paper for now.”
“We can always burn it for safety,” Sam pointed out, stealing a pen from Danny as well. “Okay, so to summarize: figure out health, figure out ghost-human balance, and things we need to look out for. Yeah?”
“Can we start sub lists?” Tucker dragged over a chair to their circle, plopping himself down. “Because I think we should look into those ghostly forms and possible ghost powers as well, but that falls under the ghost-human balance, I think.”
Danny nodded. “Yeah, sounds good. Maybe split ‘things we need to look out for’ into two categories? ‘Things that might be dangerous to us’ and ‘things we need to keep an eye on’?”
“Couldn’t you have suggested that before I wrote it down?” Sam scribbled on the paper, then nodded. “Alright, got it. Anything else?”
“How did we all become half-ghost, or whatever? I mean, I know I was in the Portal when it turned on, but what about you two?” Danny looked between Sam and Tucker.
“Well, I can answer that.” Tucker gestured at Sam and himself. “We were in front of the Portal, remember? When it turned on it pretty much exploded. Blasted all that energy and light outwards. Not sure after that, I think it knocked me out.”
“Same.” Sam frowned at the paper she held. “We definitely got hit in the splashback of the activation. Like, that surface? It kind of… spilled outwards, I guess? Before settling into the frame properly.”
“Hm.” Danny scratched his cheek, thinking. “Do you think that that makes a difference? That I was inside the Portal, and you two outside it?”
“What, like a difference in exposure?” Tucker shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe you’re a little more ghost, and we a little less?”
“I’ll add that to the list.”
Danny leaned back a little, prodding the ball of cold energy in his chest. “We need to do more research on ghosts in general, I think. You two still feeling that power thing?”
“In my chest? Yeah.” Sam tapped her pen on the paper. “It’s kind of quiet, now, but it picked up when I got angry at Tucker earlier.”
“Mine too,” Tucker supplied, kicking his foot against the leg of his chair. “Don’t ghosts have some sort of power center? What did your parents call it again?”
Danny hummed, running through his parents info-dumps about ghosts. “A… something with a C. Core? Yeah, I think that that was it. A ghost core.”
“This is exhausting,” Tucker decided, leaning back in his chair. “Like, both literally and metaphorically.”
“Amen,” Sam and Danny chorused.
They hung out in comfortable silence for a moment, before Danny broke it again. “Okay but like, what was up with that stuff earlier? When we looked like ghosts? Can we do that again? Should we do that again?”
“What do you mean, ‘should’?” Sam looked up from the paper to meet his eyes. “You think it might hurt us if we spend too much time as a human instead of a ghost?”
“I don’t know!” He flailed out his hands. “I don’t know any more about this stuff than you guys! But if we’re, like, half-and-half, that could be a thing, right? Or maybe regular shifting helps with the ghost core, or something.”
“Shouldn’t we figure out if we can keep shifting, first?” Tucker pointed out. “If we can’t shift, there’s no point in discussing its importance, right?”
“Okay, but I don’t think we should all go a the same time.” Sam tapped the pen on the edge of Danny’s desk. “We should use this opportunity to take a good look at each other’s ghost forms.”
“Why?” Danny frowned at her. “What’s the point?”
“There might be some kind of clue hidden in our ghost forms.” She shrugged. “And, even if there’s not, it would be nice to know what, exactly, we look like. Right?”
“Mirrors exist, Sam.”
“Ghosts are very perception-based, Tucker,” she countered. “Maybe there are details that you can’t see yourself.”
“So what if those details only show up to full humans, or full ghosts?”
“Guys,” Danny interrupted them. “Can we please chill on the squabbling? Who’s trying the shift first?”
“You,” they both replied, almost in sync, before sharing a startled look.
“You shifted back to human first,” Sam added, like it was an explanation. “And you were in the Portal, rather than outside it like us.”
“If any of us is more ghostly, or more powerful or whatever, it’s you,” Tucker tacked on.
Danny groaned, but, well. He couldn’t argue with that kind of reasoning.
“Don’t do it while lying down. Stand up,” Sam commanded, kicking him lightly in the shin. “You’ll have to get up when you turn ghostly anyway.”
“I want it to be acknowledged that I hate every part of this.” Danny jiggled his leg. “I’m changing clothes, first. That way we can see if our clothes are the same but inverted or if they were set when we got hit.”
“We’ll turn away.” Sam grabbed Tucker’s arm and turned him around.
“Thanks,” Danny told them dryly, chucking the black gloves onto his bed. He undressed and redressed quickly, then cleared his throat. “Alright, I’m gonna try the ghost thing.”
He prodded the ghost core in his chest. Mentally, of course. It stirred, kicked its whirring up a notch, but nothing else happened.
“Maybe you need to coax it?” Tucker suggested, brow creasing. “You said what you wanted from it last time, right?”
Danny scoffed. “What, so I gotta tell it that I want to go ghost?”
Light flashed. Danny stared down at his white boots.
“I hate this,” he declared. “Just so everyone knows.”
“Duly noted,” Sam told him, before twirling the pen in her hand. “Go turn, ghost-boy. Show us your spooky ghost form.”
“Hate this,” Danny reiterated, before slowly turning in a circle. He thought he could figure most of his appearance out already, since he’d only worn white and black when he went into the Portal. It wasn’t that hard to extrapolate from there, especially since both Sam and Tucker had white hair, and his black gloves and boots had clearly gone white as well. “Oooh, my colors flipped, I get it. What color are my eyes?”
“Green.” Tucker paused, like he was deliberating it. “Pretty much the color of ectoplasm, I guess. Very bright. They glow.”
“They glow?” Danny repeated. He glanced down at the glow around the rest of his body. “What, unlike the rest?”
“Oh, stop being an idiot.” Tucker swatted at him, and Danny caught the warm hand. “Rude. I thought ghosts were intangible?”
Well, that sounded like a challenge. Danny prayed this would work, felt the cold energy pour from his core, and smirked at Tucker.
And then promptly stuck his arm through Tucker’s shoulder.
“Dude,” Tucker swore, jerking away from Danny. “Warn a guy!”
“How’d you do that?” Sam asked, perking up even as Danny’s arm returned to its full opacity. “Can we all do that?”
“Spite, I guess.” He shrugged, prodding Tucker with his now tangible finger. “I just kind of willed it into being, and I felt the energy from my core run through me.”
“So, transparent is intangible…” Sam noted it down, then paused. “What are also basic ghost powers? Flight, right? Or floating, at least?”
“And invisibility, yeah.” Danny stared down at his hands. Invisibility and intangibility he didn’t really care about, but flight? That would be pretty cool.
He felt himself grow lighter, and grinned. His feet lifted off of the ground, and he leaned back. “That’s a yes on flight.”
“Dude, you can keep flight. I want to turn invisible!” Tucker declared, before promptly disappearing from sight. “Hey, why’d I go white?”
“Because you went invisible, moron.” Sam kicked the leg of Tucker’s chair for lack of actual leg, and he startled so badly he became visible again. She kicked him, too, for good measure. “Okay, so powers work in human form as well. What did you say you looked like?”
“Kinda white and transparent, I guess?” Tucker paused just in time for Danny’s flight to falter. He crashed down, thudding into the ground, and light flashed.
“Ugh,” he complained as his core churned loudly in his chest. “I think I ran out of ghost juice.”
“Alright, so we’ve got a limited amount of energy to run through, and if that runs out, we shift back to human.” Sam nodded, her pen scribbling quickly. “So we default back to human, it seems. Tucker, you next? Or did that little invisibility run you out entirely?”
“Uh, I dunno.” Tucker got up, then pulled Danny off of the floor as well. “Maybe if I don’t use any powers after shifting? We just want to look, right?”
Sam nodded, looking up from her paper. “Yeah. Let’s see how far you get. Go for it, Tuck.”
“Alright. Uh.” Tucker looked down at his chest, like he could prod his core better if he looked at it. Not that he could see it, but, y’know. “Going ghost?”
Light flashed once more, then withdrew until just a glow around Tucker remained.
“Please tell me my skin didn’t change color, too,” Tucker begged them, his eyes raising up to meet Danny’s. They were startlingly warm, a golden yellow. “That would kill me.”
“You’re already pretty dead,” Sam pointed out, ignoring the way Tucker’s eyes flared brighter when he glared at her. “And Danny’s skin didn’t change, did it? You’re fine.”
“Very warm, actually,” Danny commented, gesturing at Tucker’s outfit. “It’s all warm purple and orange. Well. Your hat is a little more cool-purple, but your pants are pretty orange.”
Tucker glanced down, as if to confirm, then made a face. “My pants? What about my sweater? What color is this even, magenta?”
He tugged on it, then twirled his hand. “Huh, it does look a little different from up close. Cooler?”
“Might be the ectoplasm underneath your skin.” Danny hummed, considering it. “Since you’ve got green underneath it instead of red?”
“Might be.” Tucker let of his sweater, then paused. Patted down his trousers until he found what he was looking for, pulling out… his PDA. Of course. “I can’t believe my PDA got ghost-ified, too. Look at it, all green and stuff.”
“Does it work?” Sam asked, quirking an eyebrow. “Or has it literally died?”
Tucker blinked his luminous eyes at her, then turned them back to the PDA. He pressed a button, and the screen lit up. “Works,” he stated, somewhat unnecessarily. “But I felt that in my core. I think it might be connected?”
“Good to know.” She scribbled it down on the paper. Must’ve been using shorthand, because Danny was fairly sure she would’ve run out of paper by now. “I was wearing my camera, so that must be the case for me, too.”
“It it helps, I feel no desire to guard it with my very being,” Tucker explained, before pausing again. “Well, no more than usual, I guess.”
“Very comforting.” Sam noted this down, too. “You can shift back, if you want.”
“Going… human?” Tucker tried, and light washed over him. Left him standing in his regular clothes, still holding his PDA. “Hey, that worked!”
“Voice activated ghost-core.” Danny grinned at his friends. “That’s convenient, right? Better than random activation.”
“Might still activate randomly. You can just also force it.” Sam shook her head, then stood up as well. “Alright, here I go. Going ghost!”
Once again light flashed, and once again one of their trio had turned into a ghost. “Well?”
“What do you think? A ton of white.” Tucker dodged Sam’s flailing hands. “What, it’s the truth!”
“I think your colors are pretty easy to figure out too, Sam,” Danny pointed out to distract her. “You were already wearing purple, so you can guess your lipstick and eye color from there. It’s blue, by the way. Cyan-ish.”
“And your hair tie and skirt stripes are nice and red.” Tucker nudged her, playfully. “At least the soles of your boots are darker gray?”
“At least my shirt isn’t eye-searingly pink,” she countered, lifting the camera that hung off of her neck. Its strap had gone white, too, but the camera itself had barely gone any darker. “Say cheese!”
“Cheese,” Danny said. The light flashed, and he tried to blink the spots out of his sight again. “Ugh, I think that that thing is even more blinding than it was before all of this.”
“It might be. I definitely felt it in my core, so it might be running off of my ghost powers.” She sighed, reaching up to tug on her ponytail. “Hey, guys, is my hair doing anything weird?”
Danny looked. Huh. “Yeah, it kind of is? Looks like a flame. Kinda flickering in a non-existent wind, I guess?”
“Yeah, what Danny said.” Tucker reached up past Sam, swatted a hand through her hair. “Feels like hair, though. Might be a ghost thing? Danny’s hair looked kind of wind-swept, too.”
“Hair no longer obeys the laws of gravity, got it.” Sam nodded, and light swept over her, returning her to her human appearance. “I’ll add that to the list.”
“What good will that knowledge do us?” Tucker questioned, before shaking his head. “You know what? Never mind. I don’t want to know.”
Sam sat down again, starting to quickly write down everything. “So. Ghost powers, which can be used in both forms, but it might be more exhausting in human form?”
“Definitely more exhausting in human form,” Danny decided, experimentally prodding his core. “My core feels way weaker like this, and ectoplasm is more conductive to those kinda powers, too.”
“That’s good to know. Hunger might be either increased or decreased. I’m feeling kinda hungry myself.”
“Starving,” Tucker declared, tone grim.
“Same. I think we both used a lot of energy by using our powers.” Danny sighed. “At least we have the excuse of being teenagers. I wonder if that’ll decrease over time, the hunger? Maybe we need to settle in.”
“Ghosts usually need time to get to their full power levels, I think.” Sam tapped the back of the pen against her cheek, then noted it down. “Maybe it’s got to do with our cores? They were easily exhausted, and I can’t imagine that all of that comes from the fact that we’re somewhere halfway, instead of full ghosts.”
“Might be linked to ectoplasm exposure as well.” Danny waved a hand around in a vague gesture. “There’s ambient ectoplasm in the air around my house, with my parents being, y’know, my parents. But there’s gotta be way more of that stuff in the Ghost Zone.”
Tucker hummed. “Do you think that eating contaminated food would help?”
“That’s disgusting.” Sam made a face at him. “I hate that you raised that possibility.”
“We can try it out. I’m used to eating that stuff, anyway.” Danny shrugged under their incredulous looks. “Hey, come on, sometimes you’re hungry enough that you can eat anything, yeah? It’s been a long fourteen years. Ask Jazz, it’s not that unreasonable.”
“I hate every part of this,” Tucker declared heartily. “We might want to stay over more, just in case. If ectoplasm is a big deal to developing ghost cores, we’ll pretty much starve them whenever we go home.”
“My parents won’t notice anyway. The moment they see that the Portal is on, they’ll move into the lab and barely leave it.” He leaned back against his bed. “And that way we can keep a close eye on our developing powers, too.”
Tucker groaned, then pushed himself to his feet once more. “I’ll call my parents and ask if I can stay over another day. We’ll see how school goes tomorrow.”
“Yeah, same.” Sam dug a cellphone from her pocket. “Maybe it won’t take that long to settle a core.”
“Or maybe tomorrow will be the worst day of school ever.” Danny laughed at the concept. “Although I guess high school already sucks anyway.”
Danny lowered his forehead against his desk. Carefully, so that he didn’t make a sound. Didn’t want to draw Lancer’s attention, after all.
“Same,” Tucker whispered, his voice quiet but clearly audible to Danny. “God, this lesson is so boring.”
“No kidding,” Danny whispered back. Next to him, Valerie Gray jerked.
“Who are you talking to?” she hissed at him. When he opened his mouth, she shushed him. “No, quiet. Don’t draw Lancer’s attention.”
Danny lifted his head to frown at her.
“That was weird,” Sam said, far too loudly to miss in the quiet of the classroom. Valerie didn’t respond.
“Oh my god,” Danny thought, as loud as he could make the thought. “Can we read each other’s minds?”
“What? Oh.” Tucker somehow conveyed the feeling of an awkward shuffle. “That can’t be a normal power for ghosts, right?”
“Maybe it’s because we all got hit by the same thing at the same time?” Sam suggested. She was frowning at her book, not looking at Danny or Tucker. “Or it’s because we’re all so close?”
“Emotionally or physically?” Tucker joked, his lip quivering as he repressed his smile. “I don’t care about the other ghost powers, but this is basically a superpower, right?”
“You don’t count flight as a superpower?” Danny prodded, staring blankly at Lancer. He was explaining… something. Danny didn’t care, the conversation with Sam and Tucker was far more interesting.
“You’re so loud,” Sam complained. “We’re all bored out of our minds, Danny, thank you. Lancer is talking about metaphors in English classics.”
“Oops. Sorry.” He tried beaming the feeling of a sheepish smile at them. “Okay but wait. Is this distance bound, or can we telepathically talk over long distances too?”
“I’ll add that to the list.” Sam shifted her notebook, moving a separate sheet of paper out of it. “So, we’re all basically superpowered half-ghosts now, or something?”
“It makes sense, though.” Tucker flicked his eyes at the windows, then moved them back to Lancer to pretend he was paying attention to the lessons. “We’re basically balanced between human and ghost, yeah? So maybe we’re supposed to protect that balance for the world, too?”
“The Portal acts as a gateway for ghosts to access Earth, and for humans to reach the Ghost Zone.” Danny felt understanding pour in from Tucker and Sam. “But the Portal can’t control that, so we have to do that for it.”
“We’ll need to work on our powers, then,” Sam decided, her pen scribbling more onto the very cluttered paper. “And maybe some kind of costumes. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want anyone finding out about this.”
Tucker scoffed over their link, remaining still and quiet at the same time. “We kind of come with those built in? We just use our ghost forms. Duh. What we really need are names.”
“Well, if we’re using our ghost forms, maybe we should have matching ghostly names?” Danny suggested.
“I don’t know. We’ll need names kind of similar to our actual names.” Sam hummed over their link. “That way we’ll be more inclined to listen to it.”
“What about something based on our last names, then?” Tucker gave an inquisitive prod. “It’ll be familiar enough for us to respond to it, but people won’t be quite as inclined to listen for it. They’ll think of Danny, and Sam, and Tucker, not Fenton, Manson, and Foley.”
Danny pushed some laughter over their link, undoubtedly pouring along some joy with it. “I like Phantom for myself, then. It sounds enough like Fenton that I’ll answer to it automatically, but not similar enough for people to link it immediately.”
“And it’s a ghost joke?” Danny could feel Tucker rolling his eyes. “In that case I want to be Ghouley. Get it? Ghoul-ey?”
“You’re both the worst, and I’m never gonna know a moment of peace ever again,” Sam declared, before immediately following it up with, “I’m gonna be Manes, then.”
“Manes?” Tucker repeated, doubt and hesitation pouring through their link. “You’re not that hairy, Sam.”
“Ha ha,” she replied, humorless and dry. “Manes are a mythology thing, Tucker. They’re benevolent spirits, basically.”
“That lines up pretty well with what we’re gonna be doing, I guess.” Danny hummed, forcing himself to make the sound across their link only. In front of him, Lancer continued to chatter nonsense. “More experimentation with our powers would be a good idea, for sure.”
“Your place after school?” Tucker paused, and Danny caught snippets of thoughts grazing past the link. “No, wait, that’s probably not a good idea with your parents. Uh, my house is probably too small to go unnoticed, too.”
“We can go to my place?” Sam conveyed a shrug. “My parents are rich, so we’ve got a huge mansion. We can hide in my room.”
“You’re rich?” Tucker spilled amazement through their link, but it was promptly washed away by Sam’s disgruntlement. “Oh, sore point, sorry. Yeah, no, that sounds good.”
Danny watched Lancer talk for a moment, not really listening to what he said. “Actually, I might try dropping past my house first. I can ask my parents for some more information about ghosts. Even if it’s not all correct, it’ll give us something to work off of, at least?”
“And we might be able to listen along with the link,” Sam realized. A vicious kind of joy came from her side of the link. “Hell yeah. Be sure to ask them about ghosts and their appearances. Maybe Tucker and I can tweak ours to match you. The jumpsuit isn’t great, but it’s better than a white crop top or a magenta sweater.”
“It’ll make us look more superhero-y, too,” Tucker pointed out. “We can all go for black jumpsuits, but accessorize it our own ways. Plus our eyes kind of match, too, don’t they? And we all have white hair.”
“Our eyes match?” Danny asked, before realizing. “Oh my god, they do. I’ve got green, you have yellow, and Sam has blue.”
“It’ll be a good way to test range, too. Tucker and I can go to my place, and you go to yours. Check in regularly to make sure the link is still working.”
“Sounds good.” Danny made a face when he realized that Lancer had stopped talking. “Oh, we’re supposed to work on an assignment, I think. Did anyone pay attention to what Lancer was talking about?”
“No, but I know enough about metaphors anyway.” Exasperation leaked from Sam. “We can do the work together via the link, I guess. Might be good practice.”
“Hell yeah, teamwork!” Elation from Tucker, so strong that Danny had to work to keep the smile off of his face. “You’re the best, Sam!”
“Testing,” Danny cast out over the link, standing in his kitchen. “Link still good?”
“We hear you loud and clear,” Sam replied. Tucker supplied a feeling of agreement. “Try to get the information into the link with as little paraphrasing as possible.”
“You are so demanding,” Danny told her, with absolutely no heat. “Fine. Going down.”
He hopped down the stairs, into the basement lab. It looked… Pretty normal, actually. The Portal had acquired doors since yesterday, when he had last seen it. They were striped yellow and black.
“Mom, Dad?” he asked, raising his voice. They were on the other end of the lab, working with all kinds of metal parts. “Are you busy?”
“Danny-boy!” his dad boomed, dropping everything in his hands with an enormous clatter. “We always have time for you, kiddo!”
“Can I ask you about…” He hesitated for a moment. Support poured in through the link, immediately. “Can I ask you about ghosts?”
“Ghosts?” Maddie looked up from the pile of parts as well, pulling her goggles off of her eyes to shoot him an incredulous look. “Why… Yes, of course, always.”
“It’s just…” Danny gestured at the Portal. “I know I’ve grown kind of skeptical about all that ghost stuff with age, but that’s… that Portal is pretty convincing. Can you… tell me about what ghosts look like? So I’ll know if I ever run into one?”
His parents shared a look, and Maddie hummed thoughtfully. Danny focused on her when she opened her mouth, trying to commit the words he heard straight to the link. “Well, ghosts are very varying in appearance. Even if they were living beings, before, they don’t retain those memories, so they can interpret themselves however they want.”
“So it’s based on their own will?” Sam asked over their link, and Danny repeated it to his parents.
“More or less,” his dad agreed, nodding. “They won’t mess with it much, though, because that’s a waste of their energy. Most of the time, a ghost will stick to the same appearance unless they go through a major change of power.��
“But they could?” Danny prodded. “If they wanted to?”
“I suppose, yes.” Maddie cocked her head, her eyes narrowing. “But ghosts don’t particularly care about such things. They are very basal beings, Danny. It’s all about energy, and changing their appearance usually won’t be worth it. You’ll know a ghost when you see it.”
He guessed so, yeah. The three of them had figured it out pretty quickly. “Yeah, alright. Um. Thanks.”
“Always, Danny!” His dad reached over to clap him on the shoulder. “We love to see our kids pick up an interest in ghosts! Is there anything else you wanted to know, kiddo?”
“More basic stuff, maybe?” Tucker suggested over the link. “Anything more about ghosts. Do they have a ‘ghosts for dummies’ guide?”
“I do, at least,” Sam added with a laugh. “We could try comparing it with the Fenton’s research.”
“Uh, actually.” Danny set a smile on his face. “Do you have some kind of… beginner’s guide, or something? So I can read up on the basics?”
“We’ve told you about the basics a dozen times, Danny,” Maddie chastised. She clucked her tongue, then frowned. “But, yes, I think we have something like that. Jack, honey?”
“Yes, we needed something to lead investors into the whole ghost story.” Jack nodded. “Apparently ghosts weren’t as commonly known as we thought.”
Danny grinned wider. “That would be great! I know you’ve told me all that stuff already, but I would feel better if I can read it, too. Just as a refresher, you know?”
Amusement over the link, from both Sam and Tucker. Danny sent them the feeling of flailing his hands at them in return. The amusement increased, now combined with laughter. Ugh. Jerks.
“Here you go, sweetie.” Maddie held out a stack of stapled paper. “This is the last copy we had left. Is that good enough?”
“Uh…” Danny flipped through the sheets real quick, sharing the basics through the link. “Powers, abilities in general, anatomy, how and why they function?”
“Sounds like a good start,” Sam replied.
“Yeah,” Danny said to Maddie, smiling up at her. “Thanks, Mom, Dad. This is great.”
“If you have any more questions, you know where to find us.” She leaned over to ruffle his hair, and he huffed at her. “Your dad and I would love to talk ghosts with you.”
“I honestly can’t tell whether they love ghosts or hate them,” Tucker stated through the link. It felt like he was frowning. “Like, they constantly talk about how despicable they are, but it’s like their lives are centered around ghosts and only ghosts.”
“I think they love the science behind them, but hate the actual ghosts,” Danny explained, glancing at the stapled paper. “Either way, I don’t want them finding out that we’re defying what they think they know of ghosts. Are we sleeping at your place, Sam?”
“Might as well.” She shrugged across the link. “We can order food, too. My parents won’t care.”
“Mom, Dad?” Danny shot them a hopeful look. “Can I, uh, sleep over at Sam’s tonight? We’re gonna work on homework together.”
They shared a look. Jack shrugged, and Maddie rolled her eyes in response.
“Yes, honey, that’s fine.” She ruffled his hair again. “But we want you back home tomorrow after school, okay?”
He nodded, rolling the paper in his hands. “Of course. See you tomorrow! And good luck with your ghost stuff!”
Danny sped back up the stairs, closing the link back to just his thoughts. “We good?”
“Yeah, that was great.” Approval from Sam. “Bring the paper, we’ll make some copies of it here so we can mark it and stuff.”
“Coming right over.” He picked up his backpack, closing the front door behind him. “Uh. Your address?”
A wave of embarrassment. “…Right. Here you go, it’s—”
“Going ghost!” Danny said, and light haloed around him until he was left in his ghost form.
Sam and Tucker hummed, circling around him. Judgment poured from their sides of the link.
“Well?” Danny asked, cocking an eyebrow at them—both in real life and via the link. “Thoughts?”
“So many,” Sam sneered. Disgust and distaste, the link said. “But it’ll do. Better than white. What’d you say at school, Tucker?”
“What? Oh, that. The jumpsuits are kind of superhero-y, right?” A mental shrug. “If we’re gonna be some kind of superhero-protector people, we might as well commit to the look.”
“So black and white jumpsuits, with details in our eye colors? We’re gonna need a mirror, I think.”
A mental eye roll from Sam. “Danny. Trust me, I have full-body mirrors. What we really need is for you to shift back and make a design first, before you’re committing.”
“Hm. Fair point.” He mentally commanded his core to shift him back to human, and surprisingly, it did. “Are we gonna start by scribbling up some designs and then comparing them, or are we all doing our own takes?”
“Tucker can put together some designs,” Sam decided, ignoring any signs of protest they might scour up. “Danny and I are gonna compare those ghost guides.”
Ugh, reading.
“Don’t give me that, Fenton,” Sam bit at him, and, hm. He was definitely gonna work on having thoughts to himself. “It’s your parents’ work, and your parents’ Portal that caused this.”
“Which you convinced us to mess with,” Tucker pointed out, smugly. “But, yeah, sure, I’ll whip up some neat costumes based on the jumpsuits. We want them just different enough that people won’t immediately think of the Fentons, right? What about logos?”
Sam and Danny shared a look.
“No logo, got it,” Tucker decided based on that, and possibly the disgust they were flooding their telepathic link with. “I’ll get on it. Have fun with reading.”
“I won’t,” Danny assured him, waving the stack of papers at Sam. “I’m gonna do this entire thing via the link just to make you suffer along, Tuck.”
“We’ve been talking via the link the whole time.” A flicker of annoyance from Tucker. “Seriously, we haven’t said a word to each other since we discover we could do this, I think. Certainly not since you’ve come here.”
Danny… had not realized that. Whoops.
“Keeping this a secret is gonna be hell,” Sam decided and, yeah. Yeah, it was gonna be.
She thumped him on the head with a book before he could say anything about it. “Read,” she commanded, and Danny wasn’t stupid enough to keep fighting her on this.
The two of them laid down on the floor, the stack on simplified ghost research in front of him, and the book in front of Sam. A clipboard with a pen laid in between them, with a rough list of things to look out for written down already.
“So are we going down the list, or are we reading through these things and noting down anything relevant?”
Sam paused for a moment. “Yes.”
“That was very enlightening, thank you.”
“Just read through the list, then a chapter of your thing,” Tucker interrupted. “Rinse and repeat.”
“Sounds like a plan. Thanks for your support, Tuck.”
A pleased rumble. “Always, dude.”
“Can we please just read?” Sam grumbled into the link.
Danny reached for the clipboard so he could read through the list. Hm. Just more of the same. Powers, workings of both the anatomical and psychological kind. Strengths and weaknesses.
He reached for the stapled stack of paper, flipping the first page. “Well, here I go. Someone bury me if I die.”
“Too late.”
They spent the next eternity reading. Or designing suits, in Tucker’s case.
“So we’ve got basically nothing,” Sam concluded, looking at the clipboard. They had divided it up in two sections per point: the scientific Fenton take, and the spiritual goth take. For almost all points, they were completely different.
“Yeah. The few things we know about ourselves directly defy the things the books say.” Danny shrugged. “Besides, we’re hybrids, aren’t we? We probably don’t follow the known stuff anyway.”
“We’ll just have to figure it out ourselves,” Tucker said, a wave of comforting warm coming from him. “It’ll be fine. We’ll manage.”
A brief moment of silence as they all contemplated that.
“Anyway, I’ve put together some potential designs for our suits. Who wants to see?”
“If by see you mean ‘tear into them’ then yes,” Sam decided, already pushing herself off of the floor to go look.
Ah. There was the much needed normalcy.
Danny stared at his dad as the man walked to one end of the Portal, then turned around and walked to its other side. Left, right, left, right.
“He’s not even remotely talking about ghosts,” Tucker complained.
“Have you ever met my dad?” Danny asked with a mental eye roll. “He always talks about whatever you’re least interested in hearing about.”
His core stirred up, suddenly, a feeling of anxiety pouring from every side of the link.
“Uh,” was all Sam managed, then the Portal’s surface burst apart. Two ghosts entered the lab through it, violently green octopuses with bright red eyes.
Jack didn’t even turn around. Didn’t seem to notice in the slightest.
“Now what?” Tucker asked, doubtful. “Are we supposed to keep ghosts and humans separate, or…”
The ghostly octopuses flung their ragged tentacles at Sam and Tucker. Both half-ghosts dodged, falling off of their chairs.
“I suggest that we fight these, at least.” Danny shot a look at his dad, but the man had wandered off, and was now talking into a cabinet. “And quick, before Dad notices.”
He tugged on his core, shifting into his ghost form with practiced ease. On the floor, Sam and Tucker did the same.
The ghosts paused. Shared a hesitant look, now that they were faced with three matching ghosts, rather than an assortment of humans.
Sam’s electric blue eyes brightened as she grinned at them. The color returned in the swirling lines of her suit, creeping over her like vines.
Danny lifted up next to her, cracking his fingers. Flared his own green eyes dangerously. He finally knew the exact color of it, having replicated it in the minimalistic linework of his suit.
Tucker took up the last slot in the line, the golden yellow of his eyes reflected in the circuit-like lines of his suit.
“Boo,” they all said, perfectly in sync.
The ghosts warbled and dove back through the Portal.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Sam scoffed. Her side of the link conveyed a mixture of disappointment and challenge. “I’m almost disappointed.”
“Look at it from the positive side,” Danny comforted. “Now you’ve got even more time to teach us how to fight as a human before we gotta put it in practice.”
“Nah, man, I’m going crazy if I go through another round of training without actually hitting anyone.” Tucker settled back onto the floor, soundlessly, and shifted back to human.
Danny and Sam followed suit. “Here’s a solution for all of us,” Sam said as they did so. “We can just fight each other.”
“Hooray,” Danny and Tucker both cheered. Sam’s glare was heated, stabbing them right in the link. The flares of vivid cyan didn’t help.
“I can’t believe this,” Sam hissed over the link. Agitation, and a lot of it.
“Sam, we still can’t see what you’re looking at,” Danny reported, spacing out of his breakfast. “What’s up?”
“The newspaper finally acknowledged our existence!”
“Uh oh,” Tucker said, groggily. “That’s not excitement.”
“They’re calling us menaces! And dangers to society!” She practically flooded their link with anger.
Danny, in return, shot her some comforting warmth. “It’s fine, Sam. Whatever. When have you ever cared about what people thought of you?”
“But after all the work we’ve put into it!” She was practically shouting, now. Danny was certain that her eyes were, by now, so bright that her entire room was cast in blue light. “They can’t just— ignore every good thing we’ve done!”
“Sure can,” Tucker pointed out. “Look, Sam, chill. People know who—and what—we are. What we do.”
She grumbled wordlessly.
“We’re the protectors of Amity Park, Sam,” Danny soothed. “We are the people who keep this city safe, both the humans and the ghosts. We don’t need the newspaper to know that we’re doing a good job.”
“Ugh. How can you be so optimistic about this with your parents being,” a vague mental gesture, “y’know?”
“Oh, trust me, I know.” He looked up to where his parents were tinkering with some kind of invention. At the kitchen table, no less. He would have to sic Jazz on them again. “It’s just… the right thing to do, you know? Even if we’re the ones with these abilities because we were the only ones stupid enough to mess with the Portal, we can still do something.”
“We’re the protectors of Amity Park,” Tucker agreed. “Whether the people of Amity appreciate it or not.”
“How are you all so sappy this early in the morning?” She scoffed. “I am not awake enough to deal with this. Yeah, sure, fine, whatever. We’re all the great heroes of Amity Park, and the Ghost Zone and whatnot. Forget I ever complained.”
“Sure,” Danny said, throwing sparks of joy into the link. “So, I think my parents are working on some kind of ghost translation device…”
Both of his best friends groaned across the link, and Danny smiled into his breakfast. It had only been a little over a month, but he couldn’t imagine life as a regular human anymore. His core chirped happily in his chest, and his best friends chattered in his head, unheeded by distance.
Life was good.
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riddledeep · 4 years
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Hiccup’s Full Character Profile
Slight Riddleverse ‘fic spoilers. Your mileage may vary.
Note: Hiccup is Foop’s alternate personality; this is how he sees himself although in reality, he shares Foop’s body.
Full Name: Anti-Poof Nebula Anti-Fairywinkle-Anti-Cosma
Title(s): Count / Prince / Väika / Foop’s alternate personality
Preferred Form of Address: Hiccup (Childhood); Anti-Poof (Adulthood)
Alternate Forms of Address: Nebula / Foop / Angel / Puck / Pucky
Born: Autumn of the Frozen Planet
Zodiac: Love Breath
Birthday: November 13th (Humblefest)
Hometown: Luna’s Landing, High South Region - Raised in the Blue Castle near the Anti-Fairy capital city (when not raised in Abracatraz)
Came Into Adult Wings: 143,555 (Earlier than average)
Age During Frozen Timestream: Mentally 12
Age As of “Live For the Moment”: Mentally 22
Age As of Devil’s Backbone: Mentally 24
Race: Fae (Unseelie Court)
Species: Anti-Fairy
Ethnicity: Mostly common anti-fairy (Faeumbra fae); ¼ anti-will o’ the wisp (Faeumbra lepidoptera); ⅛ anti-brownie (Faeumbra mundus)
Nationality: Hy-Brasilian (Obtained with Foop’s birth); recognized as Jakokërian in Twilight Point (Hawthorn Haven)
Patron Bat: Tadarida brasiliensis (Mexican free-tailed bat)
Mindset: Pilot
Dissociative Identity Disorder: Officially, Foop and Hiccup (and Angel in Identity Theft) are multiple personalities in the same body, referred to collectively as “the Nebula system.” Foop is considered the original personality, and suffered a lot of trauma in his youth that he can’t quite recall, as those memories are blocked from him. Hiccup is the protector who slips in control when life stress becomes too much for Foop to handle- he holds the trauma memories, but doesn’t like to talk about it with anyone besides his therapist. In their younger years, they flipped back and forth rapidly. In their older years, they sometimes go for days at a time without the other personality switching back.
In his youth, Foop’s goal was to integrate Hiccup back into himself. He eventually gave up on this, and now strives to cooperate with Hiccup, whom he grudgingly considers a twin brother. The members of their immediate family, as well as their roommates at school, acknowledge Hiccup as a separate identity from Foop. Their extended family and most of the media have their doubts.
Hiccup firmly sees himself as his own person. He describes himself as being “stuck in Foop’s body” and frequently makes comments about how “This isn’t what he really looks like.” He suffers from body dysphoria and desperately hopes to master magic well enough to adjust his looks.
Counterparts: Poof/Foop (Equal core sync) > Poppy
Core: Searchlight
Core Color: Yellow
Core Trait: Vengeance-seeking
Primary Fairy: Sport-loving hippie celebrity
Fairy Refract: Total weeaboo
Power: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Endurance: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Wisdom: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Adaptability: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Charisma: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Openness: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Conscientiousness: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Neuroticism: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Magic: Tomte | Unstable | Weak | Average | Strong | Luz Mala
Crown Lift: ~7 in
Karmic Weave: Frayed | Sparse | Plain | Average | Thick | Elaborate | Royal | At Equilibrium | Manifests as _
Fagiggly Color: Blue
Preferred Shapeshifting Form: Rat
Signature Tactic: _Name - _Description
Wand Type: Copper
Kept in sheath on left side of body; Hiccup struggles to use Foop’s wand as his own wand is a handicap booster
Family: Nobility
Creed: Quil sa jujin relniva quilla s’raju - “Calm the spirits and they will calm your storms.”
Caretaker Spirit: Her Glory Laelaps (The hound dog)_
Permanent Residence: Foop’s mind Blue Castle, Luna’s Landing; Anti-Fairy World
Lives in the school dorms for much of the year - Rooms with Poof, Sammy Sweetsparkle, and Finley Hammerfall
Also has a cell reserved for him at Abracatraz.
Central Star (Purple) | Far East (Pink) | Lower West (Green) | High North (Blue) | High South (Navy) | Far West (Maroon) | Lower East (Teal) | Earthside
Occupation: “Spare to the heir”; part-time student; full-time guardian angel
Self-Perception: Friendly, helpful, and an all around good boy who looks after his younger brother(s) and strives to brighten everyone’s day.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deadly Sin: Wrath
Heavenly Virtue: Diligence
Love Language: Physical touch
Reinforcers: The knowledge that he’s doing his job and helping Foop manage life; physical pleasure (Anything from hugs to sex)
Personality: _
Education: Sporadic. Attended classes at Spellementary School, Frederick Shinesworth Middle School, and Carl Poofypants High School whenever he randomly felt like it. Really doesn’t care about education at all, apart from his desire to master shapeshifting magic.
Spellementary School: _
Middle School: _Did well academically? Poorly? Sports?
High School: _
Further Education: _
Favorite Magic Subject: _
Least Favorite Magic Subject: _
Favorite Non-Magic Subject: _
Least Favorite Non-Magic Subject: _
History: _Anti-Poof is one of those kids who constantly has too much on his plate and yet never seems to have enough to do. He’s extremely efficient at getting things done (mainly achieved by cutting out his social life) and has a wide range of interests that he prefers to pursue alone. Such interests are further complicated by the fact that since his youth, Anti-Poof has always been afflicted with dissociative identity disorder, and flips regularly between his two personalities: Foop, the bitter and blunt one who harbors a fascination for biology and horticulture, and Hiccup, the gentle and giggly romantic who enjoys cooking and has a blatant streak of savagery.
Yet somehow, they seem to be getting along okay. Their love life is a mess even without including the politics, but since the two personalities have known each other all their lives, they’re used to compromise. One wonders how much longer it will be before their patience snaps.
Notable Likes:
Has claustrophobia
That he’ll never be able to experience a loving romantic relationship
Having his identity squashed
Comforts: Sharing his feelings; open communication; Anti-Fairy culture
Indulgences: Frankly? Adult magazines, bat courtship videos, cuddling, kisses, and sex. Surprisingly he has no interest in sugar.
Verbal Notes: _
Language: Fluent in both Snobbish and Vatajasa
Physical Notes: Sort of well-built, but still very thin. He legitimately gets startled at the sight of his reflection, because Foop’s features don’t match his internal identity.
Handedness: Right-handed
Body Language: Hiccup frequently brings his hands together in front of his chest, making a small pyramid. He has a tendency to flap his hands downward, bounce on his toes, or lean all his weight on one leg. When he sits down, he’s more likely to sit on the arm of a couch and dangle a leg over the side than sit on a cushion. Those who know him well can usually tell when he’s fronting in the body by his relaxed posture.
Hair: Thick black curls that inherited Anti-Wanda’s sleekness rather than Anti-Cosmo’s scruffiness; in his mind, however, Hiccup sees himself as having short blue curls.
Teeth: Has a snaggletooth that pokes over bottom lip.
Wings: _
Iris Virus: Inherited
Scars: Scar on neck courtesy of Cavatina
Style: Hiccup favors a “modern college student” style, and while he doesn’t mind wearing Foop’s clothes, he prefers to wear his hoodie if he has the choice.
Regular Clothing: Usually found wearing Foop’s black undershirt, blue sweater vest, pointed shoes, and belt with a skull-shaped buckle.
Casual Clothing: If it’s an option, Hiccup can often be found lounging about in his purple sweatshirt.
Nightwear: _
Ceremonial Clothing: _
Other: _
Height: 3′6″ (Average for a fae; believes himself to be 3′0″)
Hiccup struggles with bulimia, and believes he is heavier than he is.
Hygiene: Hiccup takes pride in proper hygiene, as self-care is sort of his thing. _.
Morning Schedule: _
Typical Day Schedule: _
Evening Schedule: _
Sleep Schedule: _
Relationship Status:
It makes Foop uncomfortable when he knows Hiccup is using his body to make-out or sleep with other people, but frankly, Hiccup doesn’t care that much. He does make an effort for Foop by blocking access to his awareness of the situation, and he tends to be very compliant when Foop wants to front in the body for the next several days, but he refuses to ignore his passions altogether. This body is the only one he’s got.
Hiccup isn’t normally into random flings and prefers committed partnerships; however, he makes an exception for extremely hot bad boys he isn’t sure he’ll see again. 
During his adolescence he picks up a bad boy anti-fairy boyfriend, but continues working up the courage to ask Sammy Sweetsparkle out.
Due to being the alternate personality of a noble, Hiccup doesn’t expect to marry. However, he insists on being allowed to date whomever he wants, and prefers Foop to stay out of his business.
Ideal Relationship: Hiccup is looking for a committed partner he can openly share his feelings with, but also talk dirty with when he’s in that mood. He tends to be more submissive in his romantic relationships and would never date someone shorter or scrawnier than he is. He isn’t into nerds, and actually considers “brainy know-it-alls” to be a turn-off. While he does enjoy sex for the intimate bond it creates with a partner, his main goal is personal pleasure.
Sexuality: Romantically and sexually attracted to both Seelie and Unseelie Courters.
Attractiveness: _
Intimate History: Flirts with Finley on a regular basis, but mostly does it just because Finley’s there and doesn’t consider their relationship meaningful. Occasionally flirts with, kisses, and pairs with Anti-Marigold depending on his mood. Technically had a sexual experience with a damsel in his creche once, but considers his first “real” experience to be with a hot bad boy he crossed paths with during spring migration one year. He’s sexually active on a regular basis, and is generally always seeking out his next opportunity.
Turn-Ons: Bad boys, beefy muscles, and tight clothing. Especially all of the above. Hiccup is big on PDA and prefers when flirtation is very physical, such as holding hands, draping an arm over the shoulders, or softly smacking a behind. He’s undeniably the more adventurous and experimental personality here. He’s sensitive and somewhat guarded when out and about, and his true sensual colors come out during tender, private moments with a partner he loves. Ear scratches are his weakness.
Kiff-Tie: Not currently tied to a nature spirit, but it’s expected that he (Anti-Poof) will tie with Winni, the spirit who represents Breath on the Fairy zodiac, when High Count.
Honey-Lock Partner: Anti-Marigold Kelsia Anti-Goldenglow; Hiccup considers her “Foop’s girlfriend” and wouldn’t pursue her on his own, but if he switches into control when it’s clear she and Foop were being romantic and he’s in the mood, he won’t hesitate to flirt with her. I mean, if she’s into it, who is he to say no? Over the course of their lives, he will take over a few times during honey-lock nights when Foop is particularly distracted or stressed.
Father: Anti-Cosmo Julius Anti-Fairywinkle-Anti-Cosma (née Anti-Lunifly)
Grandfather: Anti-Robin Anti-Cosma
Grandmother: Anti-Florensa Anti-Lunifly
Uncle: Anti-Robin “Anti-Schnozmo” Anti-Lunifly
Cousins: Anti-Snowball Anti-Lunifly
Second Cousins: _
Notable Ancestors: Anti-Ky Anti-Braddocki (The first anti-brownie); distantly related to the von Strangle family
Mother: Anti-Wanda Venus Anti-Fairywinkle
Grandfather: Anti-Dusty Anti-Fairywinkle
Grandmother: Anti-Kylia Anti-Swiftspark
Aunt: Anti-Wendy Anti-Fairywinkle
Cousins: _
Notable Ancestors: Anti-Shylinda Anti-Coppertalon (The first High Countess of the Anti-Fairies); Anti-Ilisa Anti-Maddington (The first anti-will o’ the wisp)
Alternate Personality: Anti-Poof “Foop” Anti-Fairywinkle-Anti-Cosma
Met in youth
Brother: Anti-Dusty Smoky Anti-Fairywinkle-Anti-Cosma
Met at age 994
Boyfriend: Anti-Randon Jamie Anti-Feldspar
Met at age 159,202
Crush: Sammy Ryan Sweetsparkle
Met in youth
Other Important Relationships: Sees Cosmo and Wanda as his uncle and aunt, and Poof as his cousin. Not interested in Goldie himself, but knows Foop has a crush on her.
Like all male Anti-Fairies, he has a scent gland on his head. He rubs his head against things he considers “his” (mostly his lovers). Hiccup tends to mark territory or people he likes without regard for the fact that he’s spreading Foop’s scent around.
Hates hanging upside-down.
Riddleverse Classic Timeline: Identity Theft > “Whenever Possible” > “Let’s Speak Vatajasa” > Hawthorn Haven > Devil’s Backbone
130 Prompts Timeline: “Hidden” > “It’s On Now!” > “Not All the Same” > “Lucky” > “Who Am I?”, “Repeat” > “Second Chance” > “Naptime” > “Teaming Up” > “Evolution Hopeful”, “Step Back” > “Take a Break” > “Shadow” > “Live For the Moment” > “Watch and Learn” > “Temptation” > “Mind Your Manners” > “All I Ever Wanted” > “Reality Doesn’t Work That Way” > “A Family Matter”, “No Refunds!” > “Whisper” > “Piggyback” > “Trance” > “Daddy’s Girl” > “Little Wonders” > “Bubbles” > “Revenge” > “Can’t Say Sorry” > “Not Like You” > “Reflection”
AU Appearances:
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goldeneyedgirl · 5 years
Fic-Mas Day 3: Jessamine & Alice
Day 3 <3 Today I bring you a larger section of the Jessamine/Alice fic I posted about previously; today was meant to be something else but I think it was a really unsatisfying post, so I’ll rework it/find another fic for tomorrow.
Today was spent putting my mother’s giant, elaborate Christmas tree up, so I have no other thoughts. Hope everyone is having a good day!
(Warning for internalised homophobia; ‘//’ signals a time jump, as there are large chunks still unwritten.)
When Alice wakes up, she isn’t Alice.
She just is.
Her eyes open, her lungs fill and she exists for the first time in her memory. Her heart is still in her chest, her eyes draw in every detail of the forest around her, of the grains of dirt in the mud smearing her legs, of the beetle crawling up her leg.
And then she sees the girl with the blonde hair, and that is when the world slowly pieces itself together. Mostly with a soft smile and a gaze that strips her down to the bone, and a soft, “Alice”.
That is when she is Alice. She wants nothing more than to be that Alice, an Alice that inspires that smile, that gaze.
There’s a lot that she still doesn’t understand, and her throat is burning, but she knows two things.
Her name is Alice.
And she loves that girl.
Alice has a tiny hotel room in a terrible neighbourhood. It smells of dust and mildew, and is barely large enough for the mismatched bed, wardrobe and desk. The wardrobe is open, and Jessamine sees three dresses hanging there – yellow gingham, red polka-dot and blue floral. They are so small and remind Jess of doll’s clothes, with the ruffled hems, the puffy sleeves, the tiny buttons. She is wearing a filthy tweed skirt and threadbare blouse that was once grey that she peeled off a past meal, and this girl… she has actual tissue paper stuffed into the toes of the shoes in the closet.
Alice is perched on the desk, beaming at her with barely disguised excitement. The emotions that she can feel coming off the tiny girl are ones of excitement, joy, awe and pure adoration. She is utterly charming, with her pink dress and blue coat, her tiny gloves and curled hair.
The clothing Alice has chosen her are… nice. Nicer than she deserves – a dark blue shirtwaist dress, stockings and flat shoes.  A pair of tailored pants and a blouse, in dark blue and yellow. Even underwear, silky and brand new. It is more than she’s owned in seventy years. More than anyone has ever given her.
When she finally emerges from the bathroom, months of dirt and blood washed away, Alice’s eyes light up, at her in her new blouse and pants, her hair damp around her face.
“You are so beautiful,” Alice coos, and is at her side, practically vibrating, and Jess doesn’t know what to say.
The kiss is so unexpected – Alice on her tip-toes, leaning up to kiss Jessamine on her lips. It is a moment so sweet and so impossible, Jessamine freezes and isn’t sure what to do.
This isn’t right. This isn’t right.
Alice knew that they would be tentatively welcomed at the Cullens – Jess is apparently rather intimidating (she doesn’t see it herself) and her own gift is a dangerous one. But the Cullens are peaceful people, do not seek out battle when there is any other alternative. They will sooner pack their things and leave, than claim their territory through warfare.
But she also knows that it will be their relationship that will throw the Cullens. That they live the closest approximation of a human life that they can manage. Husbands and wives, daughters and sons, brothers and sisters. There are no grey lines, just right and wrong. She sees religious iconography in her visions of their house, and that worries her a little.
She also knows that this is what Jess needs, more than anything. A peaceful retirement, a place where she is loved for herself, and not what she can do.
Once they arrive, it takes a few days for the family to realise. Edward has a pinched look on his face the first time Jess’s thoughts turn away from defence back to her Alice, and she is glad she cannot read Edward’s thoughts, because they would not be flattering. Rosalie has a slightly quizzical expression on her face when she catches Jess dropping a kiss to Alice’s lips in the hallway, and Esme just becomes flustered, but in a sweet way that overcompensates in her desperation not to offend them.
Carlisle is no less gracious to them, though – later – Edward will tell Alice that he was torn. Over the half-remembered lessons of his youth at his father’s knee, at the human principles he clung to with all his life, the ones that have guided him, with moderate success, this far in his afterlife.
But of everything that he has seen in his centuries of life, is a pair of mated females really that extraordinary? The idea that the bond could form between two souls, despite time and gender and all of the other minutiae that had to align is not so impossible, or he would not have found and lost, and then found Esme again.
And he watched them, to see the way they move in sync, the constant contact, the long looks that could be entire conversations, and the peace that surrounded them. To see the way Jess anchors Alice, contains the boundless energy and joy that is the slight girl; the way Alice brings Jess back to life, banishes the ghosts that haunt her gaze.
Carlisle knows that he cannot condemn that sort of soul-deep bond, cannot turn them away for their most genuine love because of old, narrow-minded teachings, because of social expectations that should have been discarded generations ago. Whatever brought them here, they did so for a reason and he will trust in a higher power, and Alice’s visions.
Emmett is the last to realise, in the middle of a hunt, and his mouth drops open, staring between the pair – standing apart from the rest of them, Alice tucked under Jess’s arm.
“They share a room,” Edward says slowly when Emmett splutters, still clutching his bear corpse. Alice can feel the tension in Jess’s body, waiting to protect and defend, should Emmett’s opinion threaten her.
Emmett contemplates them for a second, and Alice can almost see the wheels turning in his head, as he reevaluates their interactions with this new information.
“Oh well. Esme’s still got you to marry off, Eddie,” Emmett says cheerfully, and drags his bear corpse off to be buried and Alice tries not to laugh at Jess’s expression at Emmett’s response, at Edward’s scowl, at Esme’s bright smile at idea of Edward getting married.
After Italy, there was celebration, relief, hope. They were coming home to Forks, and everything would be okay once again. Even Edward thought that everything had been righted.
But then, he’d never seen Jess in full-flight. Alice had caught one of her fits of temper in a vision, before Peter went back for her, but had never witnessed the full scale of Jess’s wrath in person. Peter and Charlotte had both alluded to the temper that had made Jess such a legend in the south on occasion – it was rare that she was ever ‘out of control’; usually it was cold rage with a clear aim.
But when she lost her temper, well, neither Charlotte nor Peter had words for it, aside from a warning that it usually involved some property damage.
Perhaps the fact, according to Peter, was that even Maria backed down when Jess was in a ‘confrontational’ mood was the best indicator, to Alice, of how terrible Jess could be.
It was never planned ahead, and Jess was probably second only to Carlisle at keeping Edward out of her head.
The pacing was what caught Alice’s attention, and by then it was too late to stop Bella and Edward from coming into the house. And if her sight was any indication, the sooner the confrontation happened, the better off they’d be.
Edward realised the issue a moment too late, but there was no way to get Bella somewhere ‘safe’. And from the look on Rosalie’s face, it was clear Rose thought that Bella witnessing the result of the trauma of their eternal lives would probably be good for the girl.
“Jessamine,” Edward had said cautiously, and Alice wanted to bang her head against the wall. Only three people called Jess by her full name – Carlisle, as a mark of respect for her age; Alice, on occasions when she wanted to be taken seriously, and Charlotte, as a sign of deference for her former leader and creator. Peter called her Jessie, Maria had called her Major or Majorette, depending on her mood, and everyone else knew her simply as Jess.
For Edward to use her full name was a red flag to a bull, and Alice just knew Edward was going to be without some extremities by the end of this.
Jess hissed outright at Edward, and Bella was backed into the corner, eyes wide. Esme had ghosted over to the human girl, obviously to sooth and protect, and Alice just perched herself on the side table, waiting for the fireworks.
The argument was loud and unspeakably nasty, ending with Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett gaping in Jess’s direction, Jess putting her foot through Esme’s solid oak coffee table, Edward having his right arm snapped clean off at the shoulder, Rosalie enjoying herself immensely, and Jess storming off to cool down.
“I’m sorry about the table, Esme,” Alice hopped off the side table. “I’ve got another one ordered. It should arrive in a few days.”
Bella and Carlisle were already crouched beside Edward, reattaching the severed limb.
“You knew,” Edward said between gritted teeth. She shrugged.
“Did I know she was angry? I did. Did I know she would confront you? Yes. Did I let this happen? Only because if I had interfered, it would only delay the inevitable,” she said. ‘It would have been so much worse, Edward. So, so much worse.’
‘That’s the first time I’ve been scared of her,” Bella said, her eyes wide. Rosalie snorted at that comment.
“Don’t, Rosalie.”  
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Y/N is a fairy in a world of magic hating humans, who moves into a house with seven young men after being kicked out of her old dorm. She learns about all their secrets while hiding hers for as long as she can. Lots of parties, games, sex and maybe even love.
♡ pairing: ot7 x fem!reader, fem!reader x various idols
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ? |
♡ series warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, drug use, mxm, fxf, threesome, foursome, orgy, swearing, anxiety, depression, past trauma, past abuse
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 2330
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter seven: party all night
After your heart to heart with Jin, the four of you in the pool we’re called in by Jimin for an early dinner. The three of you went to your separate rooms and changed into sweats before coming down to the table. You all laughed and talked through the entire meal, it made you forget the tears from earlier. You were happy here, it was warm and filled your heart. “Thanks for dinner! It was so good ~” You said beginning to clear the dishes. Hoseok joined you, washing the pots as you loaded the dishwasher.
The other boys wandered away to get ready as the two of you cleaned up. You put on some music, 10 minutes by Lee Hyori to start. You and Hobi sang along together, dancing along to the music. He grabbed your hand and spun you around, pulling you close to him so you could dance together. You giggled as he dipped you, watching him crack his own smile while he tried to be serious. Eventually, you did finish the job, though it took longer than it probably should have due to the dancing.
You clapped your hands and wiped them on your sweatpants. “I’m headed up to get ready then, thanks for the help Hobi~” You smiled brightly at him before skipping up the stairs to your bedroom. You pulled out a sparkly lavender two-piece set, the top a short crop with spaghetti straps, the bottom a simple miniskirt with a slit in the side. A chunky diamond choker with some matching earrings were your choice for jewelry this evening. Some white thigh highs and silver platform shoes with a single strap across the foot and one around the ankle . You gave yourself black cat eyeliner, some BB cream and some highlighter, then twirled in your mirror and blew yourself a kiss, then headed downstairs.
“Damn Y/N, looking good!” Jimin said as you came into the living room where he, Yoongi and Taehyung were sitting. Jimin was wearing black skinny jeans and a black belt with a white shirt tucked in, a yellow flannel and a black leather jacket topped it off . “Thanks Jimin, you guys all look great too!” You sat beside Yoongi who was wearing some black jeans and a black belt as well, a black long-sleeved button-up with rolled-up sleeves was tucked into it, he looked sleek and very handsome . Taehyung had black slacks on with a black and white grid pattern button-up underneath a red sweater on top, very sophisticated looking .
“Can you come help us move drinks?” Namjoon called from the pantry, you all stood up and went to grab some packs of alcohol, setting them up on the kitchen counter so people would have easy access to them. There wasn’t much else to set up since things were still left from the previous night, so now the eight of you were just waiting in the kitchen. You surveyed the remaining four men. Jin was wearing black jeans with rips on the knees, a black belt, a white t-shirt and a grey longline jacket on top . Namjoon was in some black slacks with a black t-shirt, a black belt cinching his waist and a long black flowing cardigan . Hoseok was dressed in a black and white striped shirt tucked into black jeans and a black belt, a bright red suit jacket bringing it all together . Finally, Jungkook who had some ripped blue jeans on, a black belt and a white t-shirt tucked in, a red, black and white diamond patterned cardigan on top .
You were reminded again just how handsome your seven roommates were. “Let’s do some shots!” Jungkook suggested pulling a bottle of tequila. You all cheered and Jimin grabbed some limes and the salt shaker. “Cheers!” Shooting back the drink, you welcomed the familiar warmth. It was fun to take shots with other people, so everyone ended up taking a few more and by the time people came you were all already tipsy. Hoseok turned the music on and you grabbed a vodka mixer to drink as you headed to the ‘dance floor’ which was really just the living room with the furniture pushed to the side.
You swayed to the music, twisting your hips seductively. It was so fun to dance, you loved it the most out of all party activities. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to find a handsome young man with fire-red hair and a sharp profile . “Hi, I’m Junmyeon, mind if I dance with you?” His voice was smooth and velvety, he had broad shoulders and was dressed in some black jeans and a green paisley dress shirt, a dark jean jacket to top it off . “Sure, I’m Y/N by the way, the new roommate living here.” You gave him a flirty smile before turning around and pressing against him so you two could sway together. His hands found place on your waist and you placed your free hand over his, keeping him close.
The two of you danced a while longer and eventually, you finished your drink so you grabbed Junmyeons hand and lead him to the drinks, pouring a fireball shot for each of you. You clinked your glasses and downed the drink, making a face at the spice. “So you go to school with the guys?” You asked leaning against the counter and tilting your head. “Yeah, I’m in a class with Jin, he’s a good study buddy.” You hmmed and played with his hands in yours. “You go to college with them too? I feel like I would’ve remembered seeing someone as pretty as you on campus…” Junmyeon said, a playful smirk on his face. You giggled, “Technically yes I am, but all my classes are online so you wouldn’t see me on campus, only here as of recently.”
The two of you chatted for a while longer, discussing your recent move and his own move as well. A few more shots were taken and then he brought you back to the living room, pulling you onto his lap. You pushed your forehead against his, feeling his hot breath on your face. You ran your hands through his vibrant locks then tipped your head to kiss him. He wasted no time running his tongue along your mouth, which you granted access to quickly. His lips were soft and warm and you felt addicted to kissing them, barely breaking apart to breathe. Junmyeons hands were holding your waist tightly, holding you against him, squeezing harder when you would grind against his thigh.
An idea came to mind and you smiled wickedly into the kiss before sliding off of him, purposefully dragging your hand across his crotch as you did. You beckoned him after you with a curl of your hand before you began weaving through the crowd, as you reached the stairs you turned to make sure Junmyeon was still following and found him hot on your heels, eyes aglow with lust. Skipping up the stairs with a giggle, you led the man behind you to your room, feeling him smack your ass a few times as you made your ascent.
Once you reached the door Junmyeon pushed you against it before you even got inside, his lips crashing into yours passionately. Breaking away and turning to open the door, he squeezed your ass and gave it another smack as you turned the doorknob. You pulled him into the room and pushed him down into the chair in the corner. You pushed the jacket he was wearing off his shoulders, making him shimmy out of it before tossing it across the room. Straddling his clothed thigh you shuddered at the contact on your heat through your pale blue lace mesh thong and his dark jeans. You began to grind against him slowly, small mewls of pleasure leaving your lips. You could feel him tensing against you, his breathing becoming heavy like your own, his hands found purchase on your hips once more holding you tightly.
Placing a delicate hand on his growing bulge, palming it as you felt yourself getting wetter by the second. You rested your head on his shoulder, pressing open mouth kisses to the honey-colored skin of his neck. He undid several of the buttons on his shirt, his smooth skin beaded with sweat similar to your own. You felt his groans vibrate in his throat as you began to move faster, unzipping his pants and fishing out his hard cock, begging to stroke in sync with your own movement. “Fuck.” Junmyeon almost growled as you moaned out his name. Just as you were reaching your peak, the moans falling from your lips almost non-stop, Junmyeon picked you up, making you whine in protest. “You ready for this baby girl?” He asked, his voice deep. One hand supported your body while the other pushed your skirt up and moved your panties aside. “Yes, please give me your cock~” You purred locking your hands around his neck.
He lowered you onto his cock slowly, still holding you with one hand on each side of your ass. “Yes, please more please~” You moaned as he bottomed out, filling you up perfectly. He bounced you on his dick while thrusting up at the same time, sucking purple marks on to your neck. “Good girl, taking my dick like a good little slut huh?” -- “Yes, yes, good girl for you, a slut for you Jun~” Junmyeon walked over to the bed, laying you down and sliding out, stroking his cock while you moaned wantonly for him to fuck you again. He pushed your top up so that your tits were released and leaned down to latch his mouth onto the right one as the rough pads of his fingers twisted the left. “Ahhhng~ Don’t stop baby.” You were a mess under him, desperate to be filled again, your hand rubbing at your clit.
Suddenly, Junmyeon pulled away and thrust back into you, making you cry out. He threw one of your legs over his shoulder and pounded into you. His pace became relentless and his name wouldn’t stop leaving your mouth. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m close, should I pull out?” -- “No, no, you're fine, cum please fill me up, ahhh.” His sped up once more, leaning over you and rubbing your clit quickly bringing you close to your own orgasm. “Cum with me baby~” He said his voice deep and breathy, and with that, the string broke, your high hitting you hard just as Junmyeon reached his own. His hot seed filled your already soaked pussy, and you squirmed under him as he kept fucking you while stimulating your clit. With three final quick thrusts, he pulled out and tucked himself back into his pants.
“Fuck that was hot, do you need anything before I go?” You just waved him off still breathing heavily. You heard the door open and shut, the music from the party faintly reaching your room. In your drunken mind, this seemed like the perfect time to now go for a swim. Slipping out of your outfit and jewelry and into a black one-piece with various fruits on it . Back downstairs, you twirled through the living room, ignored by the party-goers, and out onto the deck. You saw two men making out on one of the chairs, one with vibrant blue hair and giggled before you did a cannonball into the empty pool.
You stayed at the bottom of the pool,  closing your eyes, laying flat on your back and using just a tiny bit of magic to keep you where you wanted. It was peaceful, you were contentedly drunk, submerged in water and happy. You opened your eyes as you heard someone else jump into the pool, seeing a head of silver hair plunge into the water. Joon. He swam towards you and you gave him a smile, but cocked your head when you realized he was fully clothed. The two of you surfaced together, “Why are you in clothes?” You asked thoroughly confused. “Water felt right.” Namjoon answered with a goofy smile. Laughing the both of you swam to the shallow end where you could stand.
You both couldn’t stop laughing and you leaned into Namjoons chest as you giggled together. “Hey idiot, what are you doing in the pool with your clothes on?” Jins voice rang out and you turned to look at him. Namjoon answered by sticking out his tongue and splashing water in Seokjins direction, making him gasp and you two to fall back into fits of laughter. “Alright you jokesters, get out already!” Jin shook his head as you both stumbled onto the deck, stopping Namjoon as he tried to enter the house. “You can’t go in like that!” He screeched. Namjoon surveyed himself and then began to strip right there. You clutched your stomach as you laughed unable to contain yourself. Yoongi came out then, giving Namjoon a look before asking, “What’s going on here?” You wiped the tears from your eyes, “Joonie decided to go for a swim but now he can’t go inside without taking his clothes off first.” Yoongi chuckled at the explanation and turned to Namjoon, who was now just in his boxers. “Come on let’s get you to bed.” He threw Namjoons arm over his shoulder and walked him into the house.
Jin turned to you, “And you missy, what are you doing?” -- “Mm, just playin’ around.” You sang. “Alright bed for you too.” You pouted but let Jin take your hand and lead you to your room. Jumping into your covers, despite still wearing a wet swimsuit, you sighed in content. “Are you gunna change?” Seokjin asked with a raise of his brow. “Why? Wanna help me?” You answered  suggestively, “Hm, though you tempt me, it’s 4 am and I’m tired, so not tonight.” He winked at you and you smiled back, pulling the sheet over yourself and resigning to sleep.
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strawnarrries · 5 years
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Summary: After hours of subtly teasing Niall, you finally get what you want.
Requested: yes 
POV: 2nd
Warning(s): smut! and mentions of oral
i apologize if i got any details wrong about how golf tournaments work bc i know nothing about golf :p
Seeing him in those tight golf pants and that collared shirt had you feeling some type of way. It was golf season and Niall was invited to play in a golf tournament, the Celebrity Matches prior to the Ryder Cup to be exact. You never really cared for golf, you thought it was boring. You loved Niall and would do anything for him, so being the sweet and supportive wife you are, you tagged along with him. You didn't really know what to wear to events like these, so you asked Niall and he replied with, "Doesn't matter. Jus' wear somet'in ya'd wear t' church." You decided on a cute pair of dark pink jeans and a white button up with light pink lining. You couldn't lie, you were really feeling yourself. He wore tight, white, Nike golf pants that shaped his bottom perfectly. A dark blue collared shirt adorned his chest, the sleeves accentuating his arm muscles beautifully. It was a little bit windy outside so he had slipped on a blue zip-up and placed a matching blue snapback on his head. He was perfection in your eyes. 
The game itself was not climactic at all for you. You had made friends with a couple of the other wives and girlfriends there, but you still wanted to have a little bit of fun. You and Niall were well into your sex-life, so you knew what got him going and what didn't. You would send him sexy glances and watch longingly as he played, whispering sweet nothings and your sexual inside jokes into his ear when you got the chance. You would occasionally flash him a little bit of skin, being cautious of the eyes around you. You would sip your drink slowly or let your hands "accidentally" slip; just doing every innocent thing that you knew turned him on. 
"Baby, please stop. I don't wanna have a massive boner 'n front of all these people." he begged, soft enough for only you to hear.
"What'rya talking about?" you asked, looking up at him with innocent eyes. 
He didn't reply, only giving you a deathly glare. You grinned at him before he walked away. Did you stop? Of course not! What's the fun in that? You continued to play little games with him, watching him struggle and adjust his pants every five minutes. For the last couple of holes, he didn't really pay attention to you (occasionally sending you glances). He was doing his best to keep his dirty thoughts at ease and focus on the game. You talked to a couple of girls you met while you watched him play, admiring his ass in those pants. 
You felt your lips begin to get a little dry, so you dug into your bag and pulled out your coconut chapstick. You wanted Niall to watch you put it on because it drew attention to your lips and you knew Niall loved your lips. You waited until he looked in your direction before opening the cap and slowly applying it to your lips, keeping your eyes locked with his. He had no facial expression, but you could tell it was driving him insane. His jaw was clenched and his adam's apple bobbed as he gulped. Thoughts were swirling through his head about your lips and what he knows they can do to him. You rubbed your lips together before closing the cap and slipping it back into your purse. You looked back up at him and he wasn't watching you anymore. He was interacting with one of his mates as they waited for the next hole. With a satisfied smile on your face, you turned and asked Amelia, Niall's friend Jamie Dornan's wife whom you met years ago, a question.
Soon enough Niall began walking in your direction before he growled into your ear as he walked past you, "Yer gonna fuckin' get it when we get home," 
You couldn't help the blush that rose to your cheeks and the soft chuckle that left your lips. Amelia asked with a soft giggle, "What'd he say?" 
"He's being annoying," you replied. 
The game had finally come to an end and it was time to go. After saying your goodbyes to everyone, Niall grabbed your hand and lead you to your ride. A security guard opened the black, car door and Niall hopped in, you following shortly after. The second the car door shut, he threw himself on you and attached his lips to your neck. 
"Mm, baby, okay, okay, okay, okay," you hummed, pushing him off of you, "Slow down. We're not even home yet."
"Yer so fuckin' mean," he growled, narrowing his lust-filled eyes at you, "'m so hard it hurts." 
You grinned softly, leaning in and connecting his lips to yours, slowly moving yours against his and setting a pace. His lips were soft and gentle against yours, feeling like flower petals and tasting like the strawberry chapstick he had on. Your tongues battled for dominance, soft hums leaving your throat. 
"Ya know what you were doin' t' me up dere?" he mumbled against your lips, his accent thick, "Couldn't focus 'cause all I could t'ink about was fuckin' ya int' next week."
"I'm so wet." you whispered.
"Mm, bet ya are," he cocked his eyebrows and gave you a smirk, "Got yerself riled up," 
You whimpered, kissing the corner of his mouth before kissing his lips. With one hand pressed against his thigh, the other cupped his face, your lips moving in sync with his. He licked into your mouth, exalting his dominance over you. You deepened your kisses, craving more of him. You could never get enough of him. He always made you feel good, not only between the sheets but even his kisses had you imagining some not so innocent things. You squeezed your thighs together when you felt a pulse between your legs, soft hums falling from your throat.
Luckily, the car you were in had a lot of privacy. The back was meant for a group of people, but it was only you and Niall. There was a wall that separated the front from the back and a tinted window in the middle of it so the driver and the passenger could communicate if they needed to. You were positive you could still hear through the wall, so you both spoke quietly.
"Look at dat." he hummed, cocking his head and acknowledging you to look down at his manhood, "You did dat." 
His white pants were even tighter than they were before. His bulge was prominent, begging to be released. You licked your lips and reached over, palming him. He was hard as a rock, throbbing against your palm. You looked up at him and he bit his bottom lip as he stared at yours. He leaned in and began kissing you again while your hand mindlessly started to massage his bulge, releasing just a little bit of the tension that was built up.
You wanted to do something for him right now since you've been so mean to him all day. You let your kisses trail down to his neck, feeling his scruff tickle your skin. You inched your way between his legs, getting on your knees in front of him. Fiddling with his belt, he stopped you.
"Ooh baby, as much as I would love gettin' a blowie in da backseat of da car, I don't t'ink we should." he hummed, taking off his hat and running his fingers through his hair before adjusting his hat back on his head again.
You looked up at him through your mascara covered lashes, a pout on your lips before he added, "Don't wanna risk it." 
"You're boring." you joked, sitting down on the seat next to him again.
"Oh please, you'd be mortified if ya got caught givin' me a blowjob," he teased, "Probably wouldn't leave our bed fer days."
He was 100% correct, but you weren't going to admit that to him, so you stayed quiet. He was being cautious, but you knew how badly he needed a release. There were a couple of seconds of silence before you spoke up again, "Can I still touch you?" 
"Please do," he replied, letting his head fall against the headrest, "I feel like 'm bouta explode." 
You attached your lips to his neck again, sucking and nipping at all of his sweet spots. Palming his bulge again, you massaged it, trying to give him as much pleasure as you could with clothes on. The car soon came to a stop and the tinted window that separated the driver and the backseat opened. You both quickly separated from each other, not wanting the driver to know you all were snogging in the back. Once the window was all the way down, the nice man spoke, "Alright, we're here." 
You gathered your belongings as a security guard opened the door for you, both of you humming out thank you's. The guard handed Niall his golf bag and you were on your way. Luckily there were only a couple fans waiting for you, so you said hi and took a few pictures before heading up to your room. The elevator ride was full of sexual tension but you managed to keep it PG, knowing there were cameras present. The elevator door opened and you both hurried to your room. Niall got out the key and unlocked the door, opening it and letting you walk in first. Shutting the door behind him, he leaned his golf bag against the wall and locked the door. Turning back around, you both began to slip off your shoes, kicking them to the side. 
"Can't even explain how bad I need ya righ' now." you heard him murmur before his lips were on top of yours. 
His arms were wrapped around your waist, yours wrapped around his neck. His hands roamed your back, feeling every inch of it from under your blouse. Grabbing onto the brim of his hat, you took it off his head, tossing it onto the closest surface. Immediately, your fingers began braiding through his locks, massaging his scalp with your pastel yellow painted nails. You hummed against his lips when his hands moved downwards, cupping your bum and squeezing it. 
You pulled away from his lips and allowed your hands to trail down to his broad chest. Using your index finger and your thumb, you grabbed onto the zipper of his jacket and dragged it down to the bottom. You slipped your fingers into the jacket and placed them on his shoulders, pushing the jacket off of him. He pulled it down his arms and dropped it at your feet, revealing his dark blue, collared, golf shirt. You leaned in and pressed kisses to his jaw, his scruff rough against your skin; but you loved it. Your little hands grabbed onto the fabric of his shirt by his belly, untucking it from his pants. He reached up and grabbed onto the collar of it, pulling it up and over his head, adding it to his pile of clothes on the floor.
Grinning at him, you placed your hands on his love handles, connecting your lips again. He twiddled with the hem of your blouse before tugging it upward. You raised your arms and allowed him to pull your top up over your head. The swell of your breasts peaked out from your white push up bra. His head dipped down, his lips gravitating towards your chest. His lips were soft against your skin, his teeth nipping at it and making your heart jump. With his lips still leaving kisses to your chest, he reached behind your back and began to fumble around with the clasp of your bra. Grabbing all of your loose curls in your hands, you moved them to your left shoulder, not only giving more access to your neck but also easier access to unclasp your bra. He tried to blindly unclasp it, but he just couldn't figure it out.
"Fuckin' hell," he groaned, frustrated with himself, "turn around,"
You giggled, "Wan' me t' do it?" 
"No," he stated before you turned around so your back was facing him.
Finally getting your bra unclasped, he pushed the straps down your arms before it fell to the floor at your feet. He sighed out, "Fuckin' finally." A smile erupted on your lips before you felt his bare chest up against your back and his warm arms snake around your waist and up to cup your breasts in both of his big hands. His body heat radiated to your body, putting you at ease and causing you to relax into him. He began kneading your breasts and pinching at your nipples, causing your eyes to flutter close as he felt them hardening against his touch. 
"I swear those t'ings are impossible t' get off," he murmured into your ear. 
"No they're not." you teased, a small smirk arising on your pink lips.
"Ah fuck off, yes dey are." 
You giggled softly, arching your back a little and subtly swaying your hips against him. His hands trailed down your torso to the top of your pink jeans. Dipping his head down, he began kissing and nipping at the soft skin of your neck, his fingers fumbling with the button of your pants. After unbuttoning and unzipping your pants, he slipped his left hand inside of them, cupping your heat. He ran his fingers up and down your clothed slit, feeling how your arousal soaked through your panties. 
"Weren't lyin' when ya said ya were soaked, huh?" he mumbled. 
His breath was hot against your skin, his fingers mindlessly circling your clit over the fabric of your panties. You melted into him, a soft whimper leaving your throat as you laid your head back on his shoulder. You felt him smirk against your skin, enjoying the effect he had on you. Pulling his hands out, he pushed your jeans down your legs before you grabbed them and stepped out of them, exposing your light purple panties. 
"C'mere," he grunted, turning you around and lifting you up onto his waist. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You leaned your head down and pressed your lips to his neck. With your mouth suckling on his sweet spots, he walked towards the bed and gently placed you on the warm sheets. 
Placing one lingering kiss to your lips, he hummed, "Mm, wait,"
He climbed off the bed and stood at the end of it. You watched intently as he quickly unbuckled his black, textured belt. He pulled it out of the loops and dropped it on the ground, his eyes locked with yours. He began unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, pushing them down his legs and stepping out of them, one leg at a time. He carelessly dropped them on the floor with his belt before crawling back on the bed. As he hovered over you, he trailed kisses up your body, from your bent knees to the valley of your breasts to your lips.  
His fingers snuck past the elastic band of your panties, ordering you to, "Lift yer hips." You lifted your hips and allowed him to slide your panties down your shaved legs, exposing you completely to him. Turning around slightly, he slingshotted them across the room; they landed somewhere random on the floor. 
Giggling, you groaned, "I hate when you do that." 
"Dats why I do it," he grinned, hovering over you and running his nose up against yours. 
"You're annoying," you teased. 
"Watch whatcha say, love, or I’ll start bein’ a tease too," he replied, licking into your mouth.
Using his left hand, he placed his fingers on your throbbing clit, rubbing it how he knows you like it. You bucked your hips up into his hand, humming softly into his mouth. He moved his fingers south and slipped his index and middle finger inside of you. Pumping them in and out of you, he curled them up and ran them against your special spot. Your breath hitched and your back arched slightly as you began to chase an orgasm. Pulling them out, he skimmed them across your dripping slit, rubbing your clit in circles again. He slipped his two fingers inside of his mouth, sucking your arousal off of his fingers. Maintaining eye-contact with you, you licked your suddenly dry lips as you watched him. 
"Turn over," you mumbled softly, pushing on his chest. 
Switching spots with him, you straddled his lap. Pressing a few passionate kisses to his plump lips, you trailed your lips down his body, sitting on your knees between his legs. You slipped your fingers past the elastic band of his Calvin Kleins, tugging on them. He lifted his hips and you tugged them down his thick legs, tossing them on the ground next to the bed. Laying down on your belly between his legs, you enclosed your palm around him. Wrapping your lips around his swollen, red, oozing with precum tip, you began sucking him dry. 
"Babe, not right now. Needa be in ya." he whimpered.
You were shocked, Niall never turns down a blowjob from you. You looked up at him with wondering eyes, humming out, "No?" 
He whimpered and shook his head. You murmured a soft "okay", a subtle smile on your lips as you straddled his thighs again, wrapping your palm around his member and pumping it at a steady pace. 
"Jesus, babe, please, I need ya so bad," he whined. 
You chuckled softly, "We need a condom," 
"Shit, they're in me wallet dat's in me bag," 
Climbing off of him, you went over to his golf bag, "Where?"
"Front pocket," he replied. 
You unzipped the front pocket and pulled out his wallet, opening it and grabbing a condom that was hidden in one of the slits. You walked back over to him and straddled his thighs again. Carefully opening the package, you debated whether or not you should try to slip it on him; last time you did, it didn't go well and you had to get another condom, "You do it." 
Replacing his fingers with yours, he slid the condom onto his hard member, looking up at you when he was finished. Desperation for a release was written all over his adorable, blushy face. You chuckled softly and positioned him at your entrance before slowly sinking down on him. Both of you let out a sigh of relief before you began to grind your hips against his. 
"Oh my god, yes," he moaned, letting his eyes flutter shut. 
You leaned down and ran your fingers through his hair, resting your forehead on his shoulder. Your hips circled against him and the knot in your stomach began to tighten. His hands ran down your back and cupped your bum, helping you keep your thrusts at a steady pace. He was so big, so deep inside of you and it felt so good. You murmured praises into his ear, letting him know how amazing he was making you feel. 
Lifting your head, you looked at him for a couple of seconds before leaning back down and moving your lips against his. He reached up and threaded his fingers through your long hair, keeping it out of both of your faces. Your mouths muffled each other's soft moans, sweat beginning to bead on your chests. He grabbed onto your arms and flipped you both over so he was now topping. You both got comfortable again before he slid back into you, thrusting at a quick pace.
"No, slow down, slow down," you breathed out, "Go slow."
He obeyed your orders, slowing down his thrusts but still keeping them orderly and steady, "Oh yeah, just like that."
You dug your heels into his lower back, pushing him deeper into you. His tip hit your good spot with every thrust. The bed squeaked slightly under you with every smack of his hips against yours. You were so close and you knew he was close as well. He leaned down and whispered into your ear very breathy, "Cum, baby," and that was all that you needed before you were falling over the edge.
Your heart was beating out of your chest, your muscles tensed, and your whole body began to tremble. Loud moans spilled from your lips as waves of pleasure washed over your entire body. Your nails scratched down his back as you felt him twitch inside of you before he released. Your moans filled the room; you wouldn't be surprised if you all got a complaint. It just felt so good. You had been building up this tension all day and it finally being released just felt so good; you knew Niall felt the same way. 
You both began to come back to reality, moans being replaced by heavy breaths. He pulled out of you and fell onto the sheets next to you. After taking a few second breather, you turned your head and looked at him. He was absolutely glowing. A thin layer of sweat coated his skin, his eyelashes resting on his cheekbones, his chest rising up with each breath he took; he was gorgeous and he was all yours. You smiled softly and turned onto your side, snuggling up into him. He lifted his arm and allowed you to rest your head on his shoulder. You looked up at him, pressing a couple of kisses to his sweet lips before laying your head on him again. 
"Wanna take a shower wit' me?" 
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rhinozilla · 5 years
Whumptober Day 3: Delirium
Summary: Tina and Person take Connor home after repairs. This would be a lot easier if he wasn't still high off android-anesthesia.
The technician had said that they could take Connor home as soon as he was able to move around on his own and maintain his balance, but at this rate, Tina’s whole day was going to get eaten up waiting for that to happen.
“Heyyy buddy,” Tina cooed lightly, standing beside the exam table where he was recuperating. “How you doing?”
Connor was lying on his back, shirt gone and with a cooling pad laid over the repair site on his midsection. Somewhere in the jargon beforehand, Connor had explained that it was a routine procedure to repair that…doohickey in his…what-cha-ma-callit…but that it was fairly invasive, and he’d be out of commission for the rest of the day.
At her greeting, Connor belatedly turned his head toward her, a slow smile crawling across his mouth as he recognized her standing there.
By the way his eyes were blinking out of sync and his delayed reaction to hearing her address him, Tina guessed that “out of commission” was some android code for “high as fucking balls.”
Behind Tina, Officer Person was talking to the technician. Sure, Hank had only asked Person to get Connor home since he was stuck at work, but given the state Connor was in at the moment, this clearly was going to be a two-person job. And, because this had all sounded hilarious to watch, Tina had volunteered to help.
So, while Person took notes on whatever the technician was telling her, Tina gave herself the mission of getting the delirious android up, off the table, and into the wheelchair, so they could get him out of here and back to Anderson’s house to rest. Fortunately, the facility had left his pants on, since the procedure only involved the area around his abdomen, so she only had to tackle a hoodie and shoes. Simple enough, right?
“Think we can sit you up?” Tina asked, enunciating clearly as she held out her hands.
Connor gave her a thumb up gesture without lifting his hand off the table at his side, and his LED cycled a plodding yellow as he struggled to focus.
“Nash kababble parswa tiki…tiki…” he mumbled.
What the…entire fuck?
Tina blinked and glanced back at the other two. “Was that any kind of language known to man?”
Both Person and the technician looked over, and the taller man adjusted his glasses.
“No, but this is a common side effect from the new android-specific anesthetic that we’ve been using. He thinks he’s speaking perfectly clear English. It will pass the longer he’s awake. We’ve found the best way to deal with it is to just…play along like you know what he’s saying.”
Tina lifted her eyebrows. “Ah.” She turned back toward Connor. “Okay, big guy, let’s see if we can get you to sit up, yeah?”
Connor stared at her, and there were absolutely no lights on upstairs. That didn’t appear to stop him, however, as he started moving his arms, in some uncoordinated attempt to try and sit up. Tina moved in closer, getting her hands around him so he wouldn’t fall back and bonk his head on the table.
“Here we go.” She steered him up and pulled his nearer arm across her shoulders when he started to sag backwards. “I gotcha. I gotcha.”
Connor teetered and leaned heavily against her. “Haggabala reema yute.”
“You don’t say?” Tina replied, keeping a hold of him.
“Narfoo klojaka…bubble.”
“Bubble?” Tina helped him turn, moving his legs so that he was sitting sideways on the bed, ready to stand up once he got his bearings.
Connor nodded very seriously, his stern expression undercut by how blown wide his pupils were.
Tina carefully moved out from under his arm, keeping a steadying hand on him as used her other hand to grab up his blue hoodie waiting in the wheelchair. He was pawing clumsily at the cooling pad still attached to his chest, and she carefully peeled it away, setting it on the table.
“Capparoonie,” he slurred, starting to tip sideways back toward the head of the table.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Tina grabbed onto him, tugging him back upright. “Stay.”
Connor swayed wildly, eyes on her, and he smirked, reaching up and touching her nose.
“Boop!” he chirped.
Tina melted a little and smiled. She couldn’t help it. Then she shook herself, swatting his hand away. “Okay, yes, you’re very cute, but enough of that. Hoodie time.”
He was perfectly pliant as she got the sweater over his head, though getting his arms through the sleeves was a chore that exhausted both of them. Eventually, Tina wiggled the hem of it down to his waist, and she looked him up and down to admire her handiwork.
“Tada, no more naked android,” she said, hands on her hips.
Connor leaned forward, corrected himself by leaning backward, and held up his hands to try and balance himself. “Tina—“
She grabbed his hands to keep him from toppling backwards. “Yes! Tina! I’m Tina!”
“Is he coming out of it?” Person asked, finished with the technician.
Connor looked brightly over at Person. “Tina!”
Tina grimaced. “Sort of?”
Person had a supply bag on her shoulder, and she stepped over as the technician moved around Tina to give Connor a final check. While the technician helped Connor stay upright, Tina grabbed his shoes and squatted down, sliding the sneakers onto his feet without bothering to untie them.
“Connor?”  the technician was saying. “Can you follow my finger?”
“Mannaky walla dippy dip.”
Tina snorted as she stood up, replying with confidence, “Ting tang, walla walla bing bang?”
Connor snapped his fingers and looked at her, like he’d understood her perfectly. “Ah!”
Person facepalmed beside Tina before eying the technician. “Can we take him or not?”
The technician looked satisfied. “Yes, just remember what we discussed.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Person was sounding impatient, though she was trying to remain polite. “Got it.”
“Okay, he’s all yours.”
Tina and Person tagteamed getting Connor to stand up, turn around, and drop into the wheelchair so that they could wheel him out to the car. Somewhere between leaving the room and reaching Person’s car outside, Connor’s head managed to clear enough that he transitioned from spewing jibberish to just spewing…nonsense.
“Dodgeball potato candles…Wonder Woman.”
“All very good points, my dude,” Tina remarked as she opened the back door of Person’s car. She looked to Person, standing behind the wheelchair. “How do we do this?”
“Thank you, Connor…Person, how do we do this?”
Person eyed their situation. “Okay, um…You get in the back seat. I’ll get him up, and you guide him in.”
“So we’re just…docking him like a ship in port, huh?”
“You got any better ideas?”
Tina climbed into the backseat, scooting over and reaching out, ready to catch him when he inevitably just flopped into the car. Person, to her credit, managed to get Connor to stand up on his own two feet. To Connor’s credit, he was obviously trying his best to help, though he was getting frustrated by his body not doing what he was telling it to do.
Person awkwardly tried to coax him into bending to climb into the car, but her balance was quickly compromising under his weight, plus the foot of height that he had over her.
Tina gave up on helping for a moment just to enjoy the show.
“You look like you’re trying to wrestle a giant noodle, Person.”
“Not a…” Person huffed, trying to keep them both upright, “…inaccurate comparison. Can you just…grab him?!”
Tina chuckled and got a hold of Connor’s arm, tugging him down into the car. He came like a ton of bricks, landing in the seat, while his momentum had him careening into Tina’s shoulder.
“Sorry,” he garbled out, hands scrambling for purchase on anything he could reach. “There’s…” he made a loud noise of frustration, “…spinning.”
Person drew herself back, helping him stuff his legs into the car while Tina got him situated upright in the seat.
“You’re good,” Tina assured. “And you’re speaking words in any kind of order now. Progress, right?”
He stared at her hard in concentration, but he didn’t try to speak again. It looked like enough comprehension had finally returned that he was starting to feel some embarrassment. That was unacceptable. Tina fastened his seatbelt for him and patted his arm.
“Don’t worry, big guy. We’ll get you home, and you can sleep this off.”
“Pancakes.” He started, paused, shook his head and stared hard at her again. “Thank…you…Home?”
“Yeah,” Tina exchanged a look with Person, who nodded and closed the back door.
Tina stayed in the back seat to keep an eye on him while Person took the wheel. Then they were finally, mercifully, driving away from the facility. Connor slumped against the seat, worn out by the whole ordeal already, and his head tipped back in exhaustion. Tina patted his hand and then let her hand linger there in a way that she hoped conveyed some comfort.
“We’ll get you home, buddy.”
(written as a prequel to chapter 8 of my prompt series “Camaraderie” on AO3)
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soulofatiny · 5 years
No fear, I’m here...Ch.5: brother
-a|n: ahhh, it’s finally here. happy reading! 
-word count: 3k
“What about the car?” you asked.
“Leave it. We don’t need it.”
You and Yunho walked side by side as you finally matched his pace until you both arrived at your run-down studio apartment. The entirety of the walk consisted of utter silence as you both didn’t speak a single word. You unlocked your apartment door and turned to face Yunho who was waiting behind you.
“You can stay out here, I really don’t have a lot of stuff…” 
Yunho looked at you for a moment and you were about to repeat what you’ve just said but he walks past you, inviting himself in as he muttered, “It’s fine.” 
As Yunho walked in, he observed your place, stunned. It was definitely minimal... Not the type of minimalist sense of style that he was used to back at the mansion. It was the type of minimal with lack of care in oneself. The apartment was spotless. Not in the way of cleanliness but more so that there wasn’t even an opportunity for it to get untidy. He couldn’t find a single drop of character within the place you resided in all these years, only a mattress without its frame and two wardrobes that were aligned side by side. 
It was cold and lonely. 
He heard you speak up from behind him, “I told you.” 
Yunho opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by you, “It’s fine. This is how I like it.”
But Yunho didn’t believe you. It’s not that you liked it. He knew that this is just how you’ve lived your entire life and didn’t know how to live any other way. 
“Why do you have two wardrobes though?” he asked, thinking about how it’s odd to see two in this tiny apartment. 
“One is for clothes, the other is for weaponry.” 
“That doesn’t really hide your weapons well if someone comes…”
“I just like to keep things tidy,” you answered him all so monotonously, as you began to pack your things.
Yunho also noticed how back at the mansion, you at least showed a small bit of personality but here… it felt like he was speaking to a robot, completely lifeless. He saw that you did have a variety of clothes and makeup but not much, most likely just to seem like a “normal” civilian if anyone saw you.
He continued to observe you as you closed your one single luggage, and turned to face him, “Let’s go.” 
You walked out the door, and Yunho followed. When you both reached outside, Yunho took your suitcase but you still had a firm grip on it. 
“I can carry it,” you slightly snapped.
“I’ll carry it. It’s what I came here for anyways and Hongjoong will get mad at me if I didn’t do anything,” Yunho replied as he shook your grasp off from the luggage.
“Hyung… aren’t they taking a little too long?” Yeosang questioned to Hongjoong as all the members are currently gathered at the living room, summoned by Hongjoong because he wanted to hold a meeting regarding something but they were all waiting for you and Yunho to return so they can begin.
“I bet they killed each other. I told you guys this wasn’t a good idea,” Jongho spoke up.
“I tried calling Yunho but he won’t pick up…” Seonghwa also fretted but Hongjoong remained silent. 
‘Maybe we should go look for them?-”
All of the members turned to Hongjoong as Yeosang tried to reason with him, “But hyung, I think we should go look-”
“No,” the leader spoke decisively, “Yunho may not care for her as much as the rest of us do but he’ll never let anything happen to her. Trust him more.”
The members murmured in agreement but the atmosphere was still filled with worry. Even Hongjoong looked concerned despite trying his best not to project it to the others. 
The room was filled with silence but full of inner thoughts until everyone’s heads turned to you and Yunho when you both suddenly walked in.  
“Hey! What took you guys so long?” Wooyoung called out to you both.
“We walked there so it just took a little longer than expected,” Yunho answered back. 
“You guys walked there? Why?” San questioned to you both. You fell stiff because even you didn’t understand why Yunho suddenly decided to walk halfway there.
“Why not? Less pollution,” Yunho stated curtly and everyone gave questioning looks at him.
All the members definitely wanted to pry for the real reason but when they observed your quiet nature and Yunho sending silent signals with his eyes to not ask, they dropped it immediately, hiding their curiosity. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re both back here safely either way. I actually wanted to hold a meeting so we were all waiting for you both to come home so we could begin.”
You looked at the leader and finally spoke for the first time since you both arrived back the mansion, “A meeting?”
Hongjoong nodded, “Yeah, and since everyone is here now. I’ll begin.” 
Each member gave their leader their undivided attention as he continued, “Since we have a new member now, I want us to meet at the training room so we can all train together for the entirety of this week. I want us to observe each other’s movements so when we all go on a mission together, we’ll be perfectly synced. We’ll meet in the basement at 8 am. I don’t want to see anyone late,” Hongjoong scanned Wooyoung as he said the last sentence, definitely indirectly calling out his younger member’s sleeping habits. 
“I know, I know~ you don’t have to worry about me,” Wooyoung responded. 
“Maybe if you stopped oversleeping then no one would have to worry about you,” San joked with him, earning a stifled laugh from all of the members. 
You still couldn’t comprehend how they were able to joke around and always laugh even during a supposedly time of a “meeting”. If they were to do something like this back at your organization, they would’ve been dead long ago… You didn’t know why, but something about that made you feel extremely nauseous. 
As you were lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice how Yunho was observing you, much like he did all day. 
“SO-“ Hongjoong brought everyone’s attention back to him once again, “So, we will start fresh tomorrow morning. Meeting dismissed!”
Everyone retreated to their rooms one by one while Mingi and Hongjoong went to his office, most likely to discuss the plan for the week. 
“Thanks for the help,” you mumbled at Yunho as you took your luggage from him and retreated to the guest bedroom. By now, everyone was gone from the living room except for Yunho and Yeosang, who was looking at him expectantly. 
“So, what really happened today?” Yeosang asked as Yunho relaxed on the leather sofa next to him. 
“It seemed like she didn’t like riding cars so we walked. That’s all.”
“Hmm. That’s all?”
“So you guys walked all the way to her apartment because you were concerned about her not liking to ride cars?”
“No, I wasn’t concerned. I just did it.”
Yeosang glanced at Yunho, who closed his eyes and sunk into the couch more. He couldn’t tell if Yunho was being oblivious or just…stupid so he simply continued to stare at Yunho.
“Stop looking at me like that. I swear I just did it because I felt like it,” Yunho opened one of his eyes slightly to peek at Yeosang who was smiling at him cheekily. Yunho sighed loudly as he stood up from the couch and walked in the opposite direction from where their rooms were at.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go get the car…” 
Yeosang stared at Yunho until his figure disappeared from his field of vision, unable to hide his grin, “I knew you would’ve ended up caring for her.”
After you took a warm shower, still not completely used to the overly spacious bathroom, your body felt heavy as you dragged yourself underneath the covers and your body gradually immersed within the bed. You didn’t understand why, but you’ve felt unwanted memories suffocating you ever since going to your apartment. Little by little, you finally dozed into your temporary rest.
The sunlight soaked through your closed eyelids, alerting yourself awake. You opened your eyes and saw a vast deep blue sky before you as the clouds flowed where the wind was taking them.
You sat up and questioned where you were. How did I end up on the ground?-
You quickly stood up and desperately looked around to find the owner of the familiar voice. Who was calling you?
“Nana! There you are!” 
You turned around and saw Set running towards you. Ah…that voice. That’s right, it was Set’s. You must have been dreaming about your memories again.
“Nana, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
You smiled at your brother and pointed up at the sky, “Look Set! The sky is almost as blue as Professor’s shoes!”
Set looked up and mimicked your smile as he put his hand on top of your head, “Yeah, it’s beautiful but Nana, look at the ground. I’ll teach you another color.” 
You looked down anticipatingly, “The grass?”
“Yup. It’s green.”
“Green…” you repeated the name of your new knowledge of the color. A gush of wind picked up as it danced with the grass, tickling your legs and imprinting your memories of the color green. 
Much like this, Set taught you many more colors. 
Purple from the grapes you both ate for lunch.
Yellow from the sun you both gazed at until the sun eventually began retiring for the day and gradually shifted to orange. 
The same type of orange as the chair you and Set sat on as he read aloud many books you both enjoyed.
Ever since learning about colors, you became more aware of the beauty of your surroundings. As much as you loved learning, Set loved teaching you.
On one particularly rainy day, you and Set were sitting on the orange chairs as you both stared out the window. You intensely observed each raindrop as it hit the glass, but Set was observing the gate outside that surrounded the perimeter of the facility. He gazed beyond the confining premises... 
A siren sounded you and Set’s room suddenly, gaining both of your attention.
“Ah, dinner’s ready. Come on, Nana. Let’s go.” 
You nodded and got up as you head towards the door. Set took one last look at the gates and then followed you out the door. 
As you and Set entered the cafeteria, you both gained looks from the others who resided in the facility. Mealtime was the only time when all ten of you gathered, but you’ve never spoken to each other before as it was against the rules. Occasionally, they would share a quick smile with you as you would do for them. It became an unspoken rule for all of you to do so to show acknowledgment within one another. You and Set sat down on one of the unoccupied tables. 
Set noticed you grinning instead of eating your beef stew.
“Whatcha grinning about, Nana?”
“I’m just really happy to be here. I hope I can be here with you forever.”
Set’s heart cracked a little upon hearing what you’ve said and mumbled, more to himself, “This isn’t how we should live…”
“Nothing… you should eat your stew before it gets cold.” 
You nodded, taking the spoon to take a bite but you paused, “Set, can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” Set answered as he gave you his attention.
“C-Can I maybe call you brother? I’ve read it in books before where the younger sibling calls the older one brother or sister. I know we’re the same age but since you got here before me, I see you as my older brother and I’ve always wanted to call you that...” you slightly fidgeted nervously, uncertain about how he would feel about the idea.
Set smiled deeply, a true smile that was caused by genuine happiness. 
“Of course you can!” he answered as he reached over the table and put his hand on your head, patting it gently. 
You beamed at his acceptance, “Thank you, brother!”
You felt the sunlight soaking through your eyelids once again and opened your eyes, back to reality. 
How long has it been before I felt the same type of happiness I’ve felt during that time? You questioned to yourself.
Where was your brother…?
After taking a few more motionless moments, you got up to get ready. It was the first day of training with the others and you didn’t know what to expect but this was the perfect opportunity to give the intel that your boss required of you. You changed into your black athletic wear and head out to go to the basement.
As you were nearing your destination, you heard a deafening yell coming from the basement along with a unique high pitched laugh that followed with it.
“Jongho! Stop hitting the punching bag like that! You’re gonna break your knuckles,” you heard coming from a familiar voice.
You guessed it was most likely Wooyoung’s and saw that your inkling was right when you entered the training room with Wooyoung collapsed on the floor with laughter and Jongho striking his fists on the punching bag at an abnormally fast pace. The others were spread out sporadically in different areas, honestly, it surprised you that they were all present even though there was still 15 minutes before the promised time. Mingi and Seonghwa were having a combat match while Hongjoong observed them. Yeosang was sitting on the benches on the sideline, laughing at Jongho and Wooyoung. San was throwing knives at a target on the other side of the room while Yunho was in a shooting range which was in an enclosed area that was transparent with glass, making it visible as he shot on the target. Both San and Yunho’s aims were nearly impeccable, as they each hit the center. Mingi was the first one to notice you as he was the only one that was originally facing your direction, and announced your arrival, gaining the looks of all eight of them. 
“Y/n! You’re early,” Seonghwa said as they all began gathering around you, except for San and Yunho who were still in the mini glass section of the room. 
“You’re all early too,” you answered back. 
“Ah, yeah. We were just excited since it’s been a while since we were able to find the time to train together as a whole,” Mingi added. 
You nodded in understanding along with the others, seeing the strong bond the boys had for each other. 
“Well, now that we’re all here. Let’s start,” Hongjoong stated, his tone shifting with leadership as he continued, “Y/n, if I remember correctly what ZG had told me, I believe you’re capable of all fields but specialize in blades?”
You nodded as San swiftly swings his arm around your shoulders, jumping a little as he startled you, “Ahh, just like me~” 
“I figured. I saw you throwing knives. Your aim was pretty good,” you uttered as you glanced at the red-haired boy.
San gazed into your eyes as he pulled you closer slightly and smiled, exposing the dimples that lie on either side of his mouth symmetrically. 
“As I was saying-“ you averted your eyes from San’s as you brought your attention back to Hongjoong upon hearing his voice, who along with the some of the other members, looked at you both intriguingly, “I wanted to see your skills with my own eyes.” 
“How about a mock battle between you and San? I wanna see you kick his ass,” Wooyoung suggested playfully.
San removed his arm around your shoulder and gave Wooyoung a joking slap on the nape, complaining about the lack of faith from his best friend.
You immediately noticed the change in temperature due to the sudden loss of contact of where his arm used to be. It felt colder and you also sensed an unknown fluttering in your stomach. 
“Actually, a mock battle isn’t a bad idea. What do you say?” Hongjoong looked at you eagerly and you accepted. The others all went up to the balcony to observe from above, hearing the faint voices of them guessing who would win. You and San went to the weaponry table. Seeing all types of blades aligning perfectly before you gave you some sort of satisfaction and excitement. 
“Nice, isn’t it?” San asked as he chuckled, seeing the delight in your eyes even though you tried to hide it from your face. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty,” you mumbled.
San watched as you continued to inspect each weapon, finding joy in that someone shared the same admiration of blades as much as he did. 
“These are my favorite,” San reached forward and grabbed the two 18-inch swords and handed them to you as you inspected it. The twin blades had a straight clean cut with a simple black leather handle that blended with the metal into one straight bar. It was exquisitely crafted. 
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered to yourself as you admired the blades but San heard you. 
“You can use those.”
“But aren’t these your favorite?”
“Yeah, but I’ll let you borrow them since you seem to love them so much,” San teased and you felt your face heating up. 
“Ya! What’s taking you guys so long? I want to see some slicing!” Jongho called out from the balcony, mimicking what he said as he sliced the air with his arms. 
“Geez, hang on. We take our weapons very seriously!” San called back as the members complained. 
“Come on. We should go now,” San turned to you and placed his hand on top of your head before he walked towards the center of the training room. The action caught you off guard as the memories of your brother flashed through your mind. His touch felt nostalgic yet still somehow different from familiarity. 
Not now...
You shake your thoughts away and followed San to the center, and faced him as you mirrored him. 
-e|n: i hope you enjoyed this chapter! it definitely leaned more towards getting to know nana’s past and it’s coming in to light piece by piece. let me know what you think! :)
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citrontartellete · 5 years
Beach and Rain
Inspired on Sweater Weather do NBHD. This is my first smut in English, I hope isn´t too awful :( and I love these two so much <3 
All I am is a man
I want the world in my hands
I hate the beach
But I stand in California with my toes in the sand
 Los Angeles, CA.
The heavy gray rain clouds were already taking over the sky, the setting sun almost disappearing into the ocean illuminating the sky and the clouds in different shades of yellow, orange, red and purple. Erik´s bare feet deep on the fluffy sand, Charles at his side, their arms locked the young professor´s head on his shoulder grinning like a mad men. Erik lowered his head just a little to place a soft kiss on his husband´s brown hair. He wasn’t feeling so grumpy about their honeymoon trip anymore, he would rather be in Paris. Charles insisted on going to the beach or that they should have gone to Cuba, like Charles suggested once but, Erik refused on spot because he had a bad feeling about it.
‘Are you liking it ?’ Charles asked, resting his chin on his shoulder and staring at him with those beautiful too bright and too blue eyes ‘The trip, I mean, I know you don´t like beach that much’ Erik blinked and smiled to him with a reassuring grin.
‘Don´t worry, liebling. Anywhere with you is perfect and I´m enjoying our honeymoon very much’
‘I´m seeing that, darling, because you even left your phone at home’ they giggled and resumed their sun-setting gazing. Charles shivering lightly beside him and snuggling closer against his body, his lips getting redder, his hands cold and trembling. The cold breeze of the sea and rain, hitting on them.
‘We should go home darling, you are cold and it will be pouring at any moment now’ Charles agreed and they put their converses shoes on, taking out the excess of sand out of their clothes. interlocking their fingers walking to their car but, they didn´t made it. The pouring rain started before they got inside the car. Now they are soaking wet, shivering and laughing like two fools.
Driving home was relatively calm, if Erik wasn´t so worried about Charles state. His red lips were getting almost blue and his hair was dripping and although he tried to hide it with a smile or a ‘I am okay, darling, don´t worry’ Erik couldn´t help it. Slowly his head started to get full of thoughts of warming Charles with his own body, as soon as they got home. The thoughts getting more and more explicit by the time.
Erik could picture himself undressing Charles with a rush he didn´t know he had inside him, with no care if his love´s clothes were going to get ragged or destroyed in the process, all he had in his mind is warming him up. By kissing every bit of his pale freckled skin, marking it with soft bites, squeezing him closer by the waist, caressing Charles sides and tracing each one of his ribs with his fingertips and of course kiss his lips till they lost that awful blue-purple-ish colour. Erik could also see them, on their bed making love with urgency, rough and sweet and so much passion burning them from the inside out taking their breath away and until they are reduced to a whimpering mess.
He knows what I think about
And what I think about
One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Something must have given him away because Charles is staring at him now, as if he could read minds, his blue eyes a shade darker, his lips parting letting out a soft low moan. The intensity of the stare were all Erik needed to try and drive a little faster, even with the damp road and the little traffic that was starting to form making Erik get impatient and swear in German. Charles laughed and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his jaw whispering gently :
‘Just a few minutes more mein liebe…’
Erik shivered. Every time Charles called him ‘Mein Liebe’, he would shiver in anticipation. He absolutely loved it. When they reached the house, it was pouring, lightinings and thunders crossing the stormy sky. Charles only waited for Erik to lock the door before jumping on him. Wrapping himself around Erik, his arms around Erik´s neck. They kissed all tongue and teeth, exposed tongues moaning on each other´s mouth, tugging at each other´s clothes, letting out impatient noises when the other clothes’ and shoes got stuck. Erik led their way to the bedroom with impatience, sometimes stopping in the middle of the long corridor to press Charles against the wall and kiss him, squeezing him tightly against his body and rolling their hips together making Charles moan and move forward begging to be fucked right there against the wall.
‘Please Erik, please…Fuck me here…’
‘Against the wall, love ?’ He asked provocatively, placing a leg between Charles´ rubbing it on his erection, while kissing his shoulder with open-mouthed kiss, moving Charles to the rhythm he was setting by the bruising hold on Charles waist.
‘Yes, love, pleaseee….’ Charles moaned, staring at him, eyes foggy with lust and even darker, pleading.
They fell on the bed. Erik covered Charles’ body with his gently preparing him and absolutely loving the feeling of him writhing beneath him, moving against his fingers. Charles’ running his nails on his back skin fiercely, for sure it was going to leave some marks.
‘I need you, Erik. I need you inside me, please…’ Charles whispered on his neck skin, panting and almost begging. Slowly Erik slid inside Charles, watching his face fill with pleasure, eyes closed, lips parted moaning loudly. Their bodies’ moved in sync, Charles body going up and down on the bed and their voices filling the room and being drowned by the heavy rain outside.
‘Harder, harder, harder Erik…’ Erik obeyed, slamming himself against Charles, swallowing his moans with a kiss, goosebumps rising on his flesh when Charles´ kissed his neck, licking his skin and whispering dirty thing on his ear. Erik came first, biting Charles shoulder and then whispering I love you in German, being followed by Charles a few seconds later. Erik liked the beach a little more now.
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lune-hime · 6 years
Tatted Up (Chocobros + Luna x f!Reader)
No Ragrets about my new tattoo
(I want to get a tattoo soooo bad)
“Y/N, you have something on your arm.” Prompto called as you walked towards your lawn chair.
“What?!” You squeaked and shook your left arm frantically checking for, six forbid, a spider and almost spilling your freshly brewed cup of ebony in the process.
“No, your other arm!” Prompto exclaimed, hopping up from his own chair. Wiping a hand on your upper arm to disperse whatever was on your skin, no matter how many times the boy brushed it the little brown smudge peeking from under your shirt sleeve just wouldn’t come off.
“That is some serious dirt, it’s really stuck on there.” He had now resorted to picking at the speck, causing a fit of giggles of erupt from your chest.
“Oh my god Prom you scared me.” You laughed, the shock of a potential insect chilling on your body quickly washing away. Your laughter only further confused the boy as he leaned in closer to your arm to see it better.
“What’s so funny?” He asked perplexed, blue eyes fixed intensely on the spot. You set your ebony down in the chair’s cupholder unable to hold in more giggles.
“One sec.” You said, holding up a finger and slipping away into the woods. A moment later you reappeared with Noctis in tow.
“Uh, hey Noct?” Prompto blinked.
Scarily in sync, both you and the prince suddenly rolled up the sleeves of your tee shirts revealing matching behemoth tattoos. Prompto’s jaw dropped and continued to drop as the two of you proceeded to squad pose in the middle of the campsite.
“Ugh, not again.” Gladiolus rubbed his temple, groaning. “They were doing this all day at the Citadel yesterday after they got them.”
“Wha- hey don’t encourage them!” He yelled as Prompto instantly went into photographer mode, snapping pictures from various angles.
An audible sigh could be heard from the grill, where Ignis stood pinching the bridge of his nose as he flipped the last hamburger.
“You didn’t.” Your best friend gasped at the image on your wrist. The sleeveless cocktail dress left nothing to the imagination and any partygoer within a ten-foot radius would be able to catch a glimpse of the masterpiece on your skin. At this royal gala there was no uniform or jacket to cover the, one could say unique, image that was now a part of your body.
“Wait it looks less regrettable when we’re together.” You explained in defense, setting your champagne glass down after one final sip and pulling your friend by the arm. The two of you weaved through the sea of Insomnia’s elite until you reached the terrace. The iridescent fish in the large aquarium installment paled in comparison to what now adorned your wrist. They seemed to stare you down as you approached the now neatly combed mop of blonde hair that stood in front of the aquatic structure.
Not bothering to pull him away from his conversation with Gladiolus, you rolled the sleeve of his suit up just enough to expose the pale freckled skin of his wrist. Placing your arm next to his, your friend gasped. The images of two brightly colored chocobos stood squawking at each other from your arm to Prompto’s. Your chocobo sported the traditional yellow feathers, the same color as Prompto’s hair, while the one on his arm had a hue akin to your own locks.  
The two of you gave your friend a cheesy smile, causing them to deadpan.
“You two really are perfect for each other.”
Ignis’ foot would not stop tapping. The thudding of his dress shoe against his office floor echoed off the walls of the spacious room. He had been in this jittery state ever since you had left a few hours ago to get your tattoo. Not just any tattoo, however, but your first tattoo. He absolutely would have gone with you, but paperwork forbid him from leaving his office at the Citadel. Although there was nothing he could do about it, and you were very understanding, he still felt bad. This was your first tattoo after all and as your boyfriend naturally he wanted to be there for all the big milestones in your life. He was a bit worried for you at first, as you got anxious anytime a needle was anywhere near you. Yet when you had reassured him that you would be fine and that a close friend of yours would be going with you, he relaxed a little. That is, until you disclosed which close friend was tagging along for moral support.
“Don’t worry about me Iggy, Nyxie is coming with!”
When you had told him this Ignis didn’t realize it, but he was squeezing the pen in his hand with a little too much force. He had always felt a little envious of your relationship with the member of the Kingsglaive; as the two of you had been friends since you were younger. He felt stupid for feeling this way and he knew your relationship with him was completely platonic, but your closeness to the confident and charming man brought out Ignis’ insecurities. It wouldn’t have bothered him so much if it was another friend, but as Ignis sifted through the mountains of paperwork he could feel the green-eyed monster slowly possessing his body. And Ignis didn’t get jealous; it was a tedious emotion that wasn’t worth wasting time on. He also didn’t usually have the particular urge to punch anyone, but at the moment Nyx Ulric had a very punchable face.
So, when you burst into his office later that afternoon he expected Nyxie to be with you too but was pleasantly surprised when you were alone.
“Iggy I’m back!” You bounced in through one of the large double doors, plastic wrap around the reddened skin of your lower arm. Seeing the happiness on your face instantly brightened his mood and the intrusive thoughts that had previously preoccupied his brain began to fade away. Swiveling in his office chair, he found you beaming at him from the other side of his desk. Your smile was contagious, and soon a grin began to spread across his face as well at the sight of you.
“Hello love, how did it go?” Ignis’ eyes fell to the plastic wrap; a movement not undetected by you as you quickly placed your arms behind your back before he could catch a glimpse of it.  
“It went really well! Painful as hell, but it turned out exactly how I wanted it.” You replied, excitedly shifting on your feet.
“I’m sure it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle, you once sat three hours with a killer wasp stinger in your leg.” Ignis praised, resting his elbows on his desk as he leaned in closer to you. You both grimaced at the memory, but you quickly waved it away.
“Nyx called me lame for flinching a couple times, but other than that it didn’t hurt that bad. I made sure to squeeze his hand extra hard when it did sting though to get him back.” You huffed. Ignis bit his bottom lip as the unwanted feelings of jealousy washed over him once more. That hand you had been suffocating should have been his.
“So, am I going to get to see it?” He blurted out, sounding a bit sourer than he intended. Your eyes widened slightly and a playful smirk danced across your features as you realized his current mood. Adjusting your posture so you stood up straight, you whisked your arms out from behind your back and held them out in front of you.
“Tada! Isn’t it cute?” You squealed happily. Ignis tilted his head to the side as he viewed the tattoo. Sitting on your forearm was a simple, small cup of ebony with delicate lines of steam emerging from the top of the mug. Before he got the chance to comment on it you cleared your throat and spoke, voice soft.
“It combines my two loves; coffee and you.” You cooed, smiling lovingly down at your arm. Who knew something so small could make Ignis’ heart swell so much. Whatever grudges and doubts Ignis had felt earlier had been disproven by the little design. The way you regarded the image with such affection gave him butterflies.
Before you knew it, you were engulfed by a pair of strong arms and assaulted with kisses all over your face. Giggling, you wiggled in his tight hold to look up at him.
“So I’m guessing you like it?” You smiled, craning your neck to meet his gaze.
“Like it? I find it absolutely stunning. I love it, and I love you.”
Sighing contently, you snuggled closer into his broad chest. For a while you two stayed like that, relishing in the warm of each other’s embraces. After a few moments you spoke up, voice muffled by the hug.
“You know, I didn’t take you for the jealous type Iggy.”
“I don’t get jealous, darling.”
“Wow sis it looks so cool!” Iris gawked at your new tattoo. You leaned into your chair at the café as she traced her fingers lightly over the patterns, offering a giggle from you whenever she hit the ticklish spot on your shoulder. Since you had last seen the younger girl you had gotten a floral tattoo on the back of your left shoulder and she could not stop fussing over it, calling you “so much more badass than Gladdy now”.
The two of you had had a girl’s day out shopping in the city; which included getting matching moogle plushies and much more clothing than what was practical. You were thankful to spend some one on one time with the little Amicitia, not only because you loved Iris but because you needed some more estrogen in your life after spending nearly every day with four college aged boys. 
The two of you were currently unwinding from your busy day at a café that had a beautiful view of the Disc of Cauthess while you waited for the boys to get back from a hunt nearby. You hummed happily, resting your head and arms on the back of the iron chair, enjoying the view while Iris continued to trace the lines of your tattoo.
“You guys look like you had a fun day.” A husky voice called behind you. The rest of your squad had noisily made their way up the stairs, getting dirty looks from the other patrons as their post-hunt adrenaline disturbed the previously peaceful chatter that surrounded the rooftop. Gladiolus made his way over to the two of you; ruffling his sister’s hair before briefly cupping your cheek, rubbing it a few times as you leaned into his touch.
Gladio gestured to the plethora of bags, pursing his lips when his gazed reached the giant moogle struggling to fit into the paper bag. He looked to you and Iris with a raised eyebrow.
“This is Barnaby. He’s our son.” You said with a straight face, patting the stuffed creature on the head.
“Hopefully our future kids don’t look as ugly as him.” Gladiolus huffed. You returned his bemused grin with sticking out your tongue.  
“Hey, Gladdy have you seen your girlfriend’s beautiful tattoo?” Iris piped up, still preoccupied with the design.
“Of course, I have. I’ve seen her other one too.” He replied nonchalantly.
Iris furrowed her eyebrows and wiggled in the chair, scanning every inch of visible skin on your body.
“I don’t see another one.”
You choked on your sip of iced coffee and Iris visibly gagged.
“I think I need to go rinse my ears out with bleach.”
“Sister is that a tattoo?” Ravus questioned, as he entered the parlor room. The two had just finished with a busy day filled with politics and official oracle business. It wasn’t often he had the chance to see his sibling; always caught between military excursions and confidential dealings. It was these rare times that he got to spend with her, although he would never admit it, that he valued most.
Lunafreya jumped at the sudden inquiry, causing Pryna to jolt awake from her spot next to the oracle on the large sofa.  
“O-oh yeah, I got it about a week ago.” She replied, laughing nervously. The question had caught her off guard and she already felt the heat beginning to rise to her face.
Ravus cocked an eyebrow at her peculiar behavior. What kind of tattoo could make her so flustered?
As he drew nearer to where she rested he could see the image just below her collarbone more clearly. It was a detailed little drawing of a crescent moon with several stars surrounding it. Ravus noted its artistic quality; it was quite tasteful and not overly flashy.
“It’s one of Y/N’s drawings.” Luna explained, a soft smile rising on her features at the thought of you. She rose from her spot on the couch, with a whine of protest from the sleepy pup beside her, and made her way over to where her brother stood in front of the entrance to the balcony. The floor to ceiling windows blanketed the room in the warm mid-afternoon light. The natural lighting made the image stand out against Lunafreya’s pale skin and got caught in her hair, turning it an ethereal silver. Taking inher appearance he thought the little image complimented her well.
“It makes it seem likes she’s less far away whenever she goes back to Insomnia.” She explained, turning her head to the side to look out upon the lively landscape of Tenebrae.
“Does it hold any special meaning?” Ravus asked, causing her gaze to slowly tear from the window to meet his own. He noted the redness of her cheeks as she spoke.
“Well, she always calls me her moon and I call her my stars.” Luna’s blush grew tenfold as she told him your nicknames for each other. She then smiled, placing her hand over the design and rubbing loving circles over it.
“Heh, it sounds so silly saying it to you.” She said awkwardly, flustered as if you were still her middle school crush.
The smallest of smiles graced Ravus’ face and he placed a hand on her shoulder just above the tattoo, rubbing his thumb along the exposed skin.
“I think It suits you.” He praised. The grin that adorned his sister’s delicate features widened at his remark and she beamed up at him.
There was no doubt Ravus had mixed feelings about Insomnia, its royal family, and its guard. But he was positive that the one good thing that came out of that city was you; for you made the only reason he had left to smile, smile too.  
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virmillion · 5 years
Ibytm - T minus 43 seconds
Masterpost - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter - ao3
Words: 2,994
If you were to ask Logan, straight faced, no pomp, no circumstance, why he’s waited so long to tell Virgil about his promotion, he would probably do one of two things. Tell you the truth, or walk away in silence. Whether that silence is ashamed is up to you.
He’s hidden the new position for a couple months now—working closely with Mr. Jolenta all the while—and he still hasn’t told Virgil about it. Never the right time, never the right place, maybe he forgets, maybe Virgil doesn’t ask. His only saving grace is how many extra hours he was already working before the promotion—Virgil seems to have hardly noticed his increased absence. Maybe not the best outlook on the situation.
So when Logan leaves work even later than usual, some three aught months after his talk with Miss Katie-Lee, and finds himself caught in a thunderstorm, he wonders whether it would be the worst idea in the world to take it as a sign. If he were the type of person to read into those things, maybe he would.
As it stands, he waves back to Roman, who turns right and away as he leaves for the day. Logan absently thanks his lucky stars (not for the first time) that the old intern never told the news to Virgil. It probably helps that Roman got his own boost—from intern to full timer—but Logan will take what he can get.
He sighs to himself when he sees the apartment building shining between the raindrops. An easily overcome distance never looked so good. Logan picks up the pace, bolting for the stairs as soon as he reaches the complex. It’s a wonder his soaked shoes don’t slip out from under him on the concrete steps. Kicking the main door shut behind him as he enters the main room, he zeroes in on the couch and allows exhaustion to take him over. The new position, while nice in terms of the raise, is more than a little taxing.
A couple hours later, Logan wakes up to his phone pinging with a new message. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and unlocks the screen. Your Boy wants you to look at the island, it reads. Roman’s name scrolls across the top of the display. Said you’ll know what it means.
Logan sends off a thanks to Roman and yawns, glancing at the floating counter in the kitchenette. A travel mug of coffee atop a torn sheet of lined paper covered in dark blue ink awaits.
Lifting the mug to his lips, he reads over the note out of the corner of his eye. Meet at the photoshoot park. V. He hesitates, taking another pull of coffee and wondering what a photoshoot park could be. Slowly but surely, an image floats into his mind of Virgil beside a pond, showing off a cardigan that Logan hasn’t seen in ages.
He’s out the front door before the minute hand on his watch can tick over.
Miraculously, the storm has passed, which does nothing to ease Logan’s nerves as he wonders what this all could be about. Maybe Virgil found out about the promotion and got pissed that Logan didn’t tell him sooner. Maybe Roman told him, and he’s mad about having to hear it secondhand. Maybe he started picking up on how much extra wiggle room they’d had in their wallets lately. Admittedly not very much, as most of it goes toward bills that Virgil pretends not to notice, but an extra candy bar in the cupboard is nothing to scoff at.
The whole way to the park, Logan swerves around shrinking puddles that gather in holes burrowed through the sidewalk. With the abating rain and the moon trying to peek through the thinning clouds, his spirits lift enough for his mind to make a decision it has no business making. He’s going to tell Virgil about the promotion tonight, and maybe ask him a certain question that’s been hovering unspoken in the air between them, heavier than he would’ve thought possible these last several months. His hand instinctively flies to the lump in his jacket pocket, the contents of which he’s been carrying around for something to the tune of a year now.
He slips his hand around it as he approaches the park entrance, doing his best to look natural. Remarkably difficult a task, given his train of thought right now, but still. Careful to stay on the least muddy parts of the dirt path—an incredibly low bar to clear, mind you—Logan follows the trail into the heart of the park, taking vague note of how empty it is. Granted, very few self-respecting parents would bring their kids to a park so late at night like this, but the lack of other people is still unnerving.
A wave of relief washes over him when he sees Virgil’s familiar silhouette hunched in front of the pond. With one leg curled up under his chin and the other resting on the ground, Logan might believe he were asleep, were it not for the way he drums his fingers on the red and white checkerboard blanket beneath him. Actually, if the fringed texture is anything to go by, that might just be a beach towel.
Spread across the mat is an assortment of tupperwares with various maroon-tinted lids, each lightly capped and boasting basic picnic food. You’ve got your usual suspects—hot dogs, potato and macaroni salads, orange slices—and then you’ve got what looks like a valiant attempt at pasta. Maybe. It’s definitely a yellowed white, but that’s about all the investigation Logan manages before he notices the plastic tea lights set up around the corner of the blanket. Moreover, he notices the thing absorbing most of their artificial light—his glasses case, resting against Virgil’s side. Would he—? No, he wouldn’t, not with a glasses case.
Would he?
“What’s all this?” Logan asks, feeling the damp grass squelch underfoot as he steps off the path.
Virgil hardly flinches at his approach, not even turning around to address his question. “Just something special I wanted to do for you, since you’ve been so busy lately.” So he did notice. “You gonna sit down, or just keep standing there like a creep-o?”
After planting a kiss on Virgil’s head, Logan tucks his legs beneath him as he takes a position on the other side of the blanket. The glasses case rests between them. He runs his hand over the blanket and nods to himself. Definitely a beach towel. “You really did all this just to give me a nice night? All of it?”
“All of it.” Virgil indicates the various tupperware with a general wave, not looking away from the pond. “I couldn’t find, like, a picnic basket or anything, and this towel ran me a solid nine bucks at Target, but I think I did a pretty darn decent job of making that fettuccine alfredo like you taught me. All by myself, too. Can’t believe you slept through all that prep noise.”
“I’m so proud,” Logan says, scooting closer to wrap an arm around Virgil’s shoulders. “What are the chances you thought to bring along utensils for this little outing of yours?”
“Pretty high, I would say.” Virgil produces yet another tupperware filled with plastic forks and knives and, knowing him, at least one spork. Priorities, people.
Logan follows Virgil’s gaze to the pond as he fumbles around for the nearest tupperware, content to watch the ripples skate across the surface in silence. Granted, they started those cooking lessons a while ago, but Virgil still managed to pull off some objectively impressive work tonight.
As the moon makes its slow trek across the sky, chasing away the last brave clouds into mist, Logan’s mind argues with his mouth over whether now is a good time to tell Virgil about the promotion. The best time probably would’ve been a couple months ago, but still. Just as he resolves to bring it up, Virgil decides his own voice should take priority. Perfectly fine by Logan.
“See that huge moon up there?”
“I still want you to bring it to me.”
“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about that. I’m just working out a contract with my people selling me the stars. The moon isn’t cheap, you know.” Virgil nods, quirking his mouth to the side and glancing at the heavens above. No time like the present. “Hey, um, I actually did have something I wanted to talk to you about. Kind of regarding the stars, actually.”
“Well, heck. I had something I wanted to talk about, too. Not regarding the stars, though.” Virgil glances from Logan to the glasses case and back, and if Logan didn’t know better, he might think that was a blush creeping across Virgil’s face.
Maybe he doesn’t know better.
A moment’s pause, and they both say in sync, “You can go first. No, you. Really, it’s—you can—okay, I’ll—” Virgil stops first, pretending to zip his lips. The glasses case stares at Logan. He stares back. The stars, the park, the picnic, the secrecy? What else could it be?
He waits for Virgil to talk again, but his boyfriend merely fixes him with a pointed stare. Logan swallows around the lump in his throat. “So, um, you remember that meeting I had? Like, a few months ago?”
“Oh, right, that huge interview deal or whatever. You never told me how that went down.”
“So as it turns out, um, I got the promotion, and it put me even higher than they told me it might.”
“What! Babe, that’s fantastic news! When did you find out? When do you start?”
Logan sucks a sharp breath through his teeth and winces. “Um. The day of the meeting? Same day offer, next day start.”
Virgil goes stiff under Logan’s arm, but he doesn’t pull away. Not yet, at least. “That, um, that’s great. Really, really good. Why did you not tell me sooner?” Logan can’t bring himself to look at Virgil’s face. He doesn’t want to know if this comes off as bad as it feels. It probably does. It’s probably worse.
“I didn’t, um, I wasn’t sure how to bring it up. It meant more hours, a heavier workload, more things I have to oversee, not to mention that I’m being considered for training to become an actual, legitimate, genuine part of the aeronautic branch of the company.”
Virgil remains silent long after Logan forces the truth out all in one breath, not looking away from a growing ripple on the pond. It bumps up against a rock, rebounding across the surface before dithering to hide in the reedy grass. “I’m happy for you, really, I just—it’s just really sucky that you didn’t tell me sooner.”
“I know, I know, and that was a super bad move on my part. I just didn’t want you to worry, since astronaut work is obviously way more dangerous than basic intern stuff, not that I have to, y’know, tell you that.” Logan laughs uncomfortably. Virgil does not laugh back.
“Yeah, well, no shit, Sherlock.” Virgil finally moves out from under Logan’s arm and whips his head around to stare at him. Logan can’t tell whether he’s mad or hurt or both. Maybe both. Probably both. “You not wanting to hurt my feelings doesn’t make it suck any less that you didn’t tell me about something so big. Do you have even the smallest sense of how crappy this feels for me?”
“I just—no, I don’t. I don’t because you’ve never put me through anything like this, and it’s cruel and unacceptable on my end, and I wish I’d told you sooner, because you being mad at me is just about the worst I’ve ever felt, and that’s not even slightly on you, and I’m so sorry. I know that’s not enough, but I am, and I just wanted you to know that. I love you so much, and I’m so sorry I sprung it on you like this. Truly, I am. I care about you so, so much, more than any promotion or any picnic could say.”
Virgil hesitates, working a few muscles in his jaw. “Maybe not just any picnic.”
“Nothing, nothing.” Virgil scoots closer to Logan and shifts his gaze to the stars, looping Logan’s arm back over his shoulders. For fear of seeing tears there, Logan doesn’t meet his eyes. “It’s okay, just—it’s just a lot. I mean, I’m happy for you. Had to happen eventually, right, so you could work on getting off-planet? That’s what you’ve always wanted.”
“Yeah, I—it is. It really is.”
“Plus, it might be a little easier for you to get me my present if you can actually, physically go to space.”
“Your present?”
“The moon.”
“Right, right, the moon. How do I keep forgetting that?” An awkward silence falls, during which Logan finds his eyes drawn to the glasses case. There’s no way he’s misreading this, the situation is just way too obvious. Why else would Virgil go to all these lengths to set this up?
When Virgil moves to grab the glasses case, Logan nearly chokes on an inhale.
“Oh my god,” he murmurs.
“What?” Virgil hesitates, his hand freezing a few inches above the case. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just—just finish whatever you were about to do.” Logan is trying very hard to maintain a passive expression. He is failing miserably.
“Okay, weirdo.” Virgil shifts his body to hide the contents of the case as he pulls it into his lap and stares at whatever rests inside. Silence. And more silence. And more.
“So,” Logan says suddenly. His voice very much cracks. “Um, so earlier, you said you had something to talk about? Not regarding the stars, I mean.” His heart leaps out of his chest as that familiar pinkness spreads across Virgil’s cheeks.
“Right. Yes. Um.” Virgil hems and haws a good while longer, glancing between Logan and the glasses case. “Well, I mean, I guess this is kind of hard to say—not that there’s any easy way to put it, I guess, unless I wrote it on a piece of paper or something like if I had a script, but—”
“Just spit it out, love.”
Virgil swivels the case around to face Logan, who swears he can see a sparkle reflected inside from the tea lights. His heart is now firmly lodged in his throat. “I was reorganizing some stuff earlier, and I think I may have accidentally broken your backup glasses. Sorry about that.”
Logan can only stare in flabbergasted silence as Virgil places the case on his knee, and sure enough, his old prescription rests inside, snapped along the bridge. His heart finds a new forever home somewhere in the vicinity of his ankles. “Are you kidding me?”
“I know, I messed up too, but I swear, I didn’t mean to—”
“ That’s what all this fuss was about?”
“I’m not sure I understand your confusion.” Virgil looks at Logan, then down at the case, and immediately straightens his back as his mouth drops into a surprised ‘O.’ “Oh. Oh. You thought—oh my god, you thought that I was gonna—”
“Yeah, yes, I did think that you were gonna. I really did.”
“Well, if I were to do, you know, that, I certainly wouldn’t be so tacky or nervous about it.”
“You wouldn’t?”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
Logan’s hand falls to the familiar rounded cube in his pocket. “Great, so tell me how you would do it instead, then.”
“Well, y’know, I think I might do it a little something like this.” Virgil leans away from Logan, reaching for something in his back pocket. Logan’s heart is steadily making its way up his spine. He starts shaking his head, slowly at first, then faster, faster faster faster. Virgil produces a little velvet box. Oceans of goosebumps race from Logan’s shoulders to his trembling fingers. When he thought he knew what to expect, he sort of believed it, but seeing it actually happening? Forget it. Out of the question.
“Logan Marcus Walders,” Virgil says, shifting to one knee.
“Oh my god.”
“These last few years have easily been the best of my entire life.”
“Oh my god.”
“No other geeky little shortstop has ever caught my eye so quickly as you did.” His voice cracks on the word ever. Logan’s heart is hovering somewhere near the upper limits of the atmosphere right now.
“Oh my god.”
“Would you stop saying that and just let me get through this before I lose my nerve?” Virgil flips open the box and holds it closer to Logan, who is shaking his head faster than ever. He isn’t even certain he’s still breathing, and his heart has left the scene entirely. “You mean the absolute world to me and beyond, Logan, and there is absolutely no one on or above this planet that I’d rather explore it with. You promised me the moon at my price of the stars, but I would sacrifice all of that and more in an instant if you would do me the honor of marrying me.”
Logan shakes his head harder still, unable to form words as tears bead up at the corners of his eyes. “I can’t—”
“Fine, I’ll say it again, but this is the last time, okay?” Virgil licks his lips and gives a hollow laugh. The box trembles in his hands. “Logan Marcus Walders, notable soon-to-be space explorer, ambassador to the stars, will you marry me?”
“I don’t—I don’t know what to—”
“It’s a yes or no question,” Virgil whispers, his voice wobbling more than his hands holding a box holding a ring holding the promise of their future together.
“Yes,” Logan finally manages to choke out. “Yes, yes, a million times over, a million worlds away, yes.”
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
the good and the bad
hi i want bread
warnings: death uh, crying
editing: no
ship: ralbert
word count: like 2000 ish
September 23
Leaves crunched under Race’s shoes, the noise amplified by the accompanying silence.  It was warm still, the sun bleeding persistently through the trees, combated only by the few leaves that remained on the branches.  There wasn’t a clear path through the woods.  The thick underbrush made it nearly impossible to walk normally, but he persisted, trudging onward.
He wasn’t entirely sure where he was going.  He just needed to clear his head; get out of the house for a little while.  He was craving somewhere new and exotic, but his options were limited within his small hometown.
So he decided to expand his horizons within the confines of his little bubble.  Explore a little- find somewhere new and refreshing.
So when his legs carried him off of the sidewalk and into the expansive stretch of woods that surrounded his neighborhood, he resolved to trusting his instinct.  
It was a pleasant Fall day.  Entirely ideal for this sort of adventure and he smiled, feeling at ease in his afresh solitude.  The land sloped downward and the tangle of trees thinned out to reveal a small clearing.  
Yellow grass blanketed the flat land, countered only by the small clumps of flowers that were scattered at random.  The tree line seemed to create a perfect circle, sheltering the area from the outside world.  
Race had long since lost track of the sound of traffic and other clues to life, but he didn’t mind much.  He was getting what he came for.
He trailed along the edge of the clearing, coming to a halt in front of two trees.  He sat down, leaning his back against the trunk of the nearest tree and closing his eyes, allowing the sounds of nature to swallow him.
“Yo,” a voice sounded directly above him and his eyes flew open, his heart leaping into his chest as he froze.  Someone dropped out of the tree adjacent to him, sticking the landing heavily.
Race’s gaze traveled from the guy’s shoes to his face, taking note of the utterly obnoxious way he was dressed.  Despite his borderline fuckboy clothing, he was charming- attractive even.  The sun reflected flatteringly in his auburn hair and he seemed to have a permanent glint in his eyes.
The guy barked out a laugh, “Didn’t mean to scare you, sorry, but,” he raised his eyebrows, “did you just check me out?”
Race fought the smile that threatened to grow on his face, “Nah, bro, you just literally landed in my line of sight.”
The guy studied him for a moment before plopping down in front of him, crossing his legs and sticking out a hand, “‘Sup, bro, I’m Albert.”
Race allowed a small smirk to form as he took Albert’s hand, “Race.”
“Race,” Albert said, slowly, “exotic, I like it.”
“It’s not exotic,” Race countered, “It’s a nickname.”
“Even cooler,” Albert said, “So,” he leaned back, propping himself up on his forearms and stretching his legs in front of him, “what brings you to my woods?”
Race cocked his head, letting out an amused huff, “Your woods?”
“Hell yeah, man,” Albert said, throwing his head back and looking towards the sky, his hair falling behind him, “been coming to this place to catch my breath since I found it like a year ago.  No one else has ever come, so I called dibs on it.”
Race quirked an eyebrow, “How could you call dibs when no one else was around to challenge that.”
Albert furrowed his eyebrows and looked back at Race, “Uh,” he paused, “well you’re here now, so, dibs.”
September 24
“Welcome back.”
Race grinned up at Albert where he was standing on a branch right above his head.
“Couldn’t stay away?” Albert asked, sitting on the branch and reaching a hand out to help Race up.
Race floundered for a moment before settling beside Albert, dangling his legs towards the ground, “Guess I couldn’t,” he admitted, “S’nice here.”
“Sure is,” Albert said, turning to face Race and sitting back against the trunk, propping one leg on Race’s lap and letting the other swing back and forth, suspended in the air.
Race looked down at the leg on his lap, “Already on this level, huh?”
Albert laughed, lifting his leg and poking Race in the chin with his shoe.  Race yelped rearing backwards slightly and nearly losing balance.  Albert’s eyes widened and he sat up hastily, grabbing Race’s bicep before he could fall completely.
“Whoop, sorry about that,” he said, sincerely.
“You’re good,” Race said, gripping Albert’s hand to steady himself, “I’m good.”
The silence they fell into was oddly comfortable.  Although Race hadn’t known Albert for very long, but something about him felt familiar- reassuring- and as they sat in the tree, watching the sky turn from dull blue to orange, he couldn’t help but feel as if something had led him here.  A pull stronger than curiosity.
October 14
“You okay?”
Albert wasn’t in the tree when Race showed up.  Instead he was sat on the grass, knees bent in front of him.  His eyes looked oddly devoid of their usual glint and Race frowned, worry spreading through his chest.  He didn’t give any hint as to whether he’d heard Race or not and Race could see his fingers twitching as he fiddled with his watchband.
“What’s up?” he asked gently as he sat next to Albert.
Albert’s eyes flicked towards him for a moment, the only acknowledgement he’d made to his presence so far.  He didn’t answer the question directly, his shoulders shrugging somewhat uncomfortably as he spoke.
“M’not gonna be good company right now, you don’t gotta stick around.”
Race grimaced, “We don’t gotta talk about it, but I’ma stay, dude.”
“‘Cause I like it here, too,” Race said, “And I care about you, I don’t want you to be alone.”
Albert nodded, lowering his chin to his knees, “Thanks,” he mumbled.
The breeze around them picked up, and Race clenched his teeth to keep them from chattering.  He scooted towards Albert slightly, hoping he’d take the invitation.  To Race’s surprise, he did, tucking his head onto his shoulder and shifting closer as well.  It wasn’t much, but it provided some shield against the wind.
“We should bring a blanket out here or something,” Albert stated, “It’s getting too fucking cold.”
“It’s not that cold,” Race pointed out, “Only, like, 50 something degrees.”
“Too cold,” Albert pouted.
Race laughed, shrugging the shoulder Albert was leaning against, “Alright, buddy.”
Their breaths synced, an even rhythm echoing between them.  Race closed his eyes, allowing tranquility to envelope him.  He wasn’t sure how long they sat there, but neither of them seemed to want to move.
“My little brother is sick again,” Albert spoke softly, “And he’ll be fine, I hope, but shit in my house always gets really hectic when he gets flare ups and I just,” he sighed, moving almost impossibly closer to Race, “I wish it didn’t have to be like that.”
Race nodded, placing his hand over Albert’s and rubbing his thumb across his knuckles soothingly, “I’m sorry.”
“Thanks,” Albert said, trailing off for a moment before continuing, “It hurts seeing Elijah like that and I know it hurts my dad and Thomas, too.  I wish we could all just be happy and healthy.”
“You will be one day,” Race tried to console him, “One day, Elijah’s gonna beat this shit and you’ll all live long, happy, healthy lives together.”
“I hope so.”
October 31
“Broughtcha some candy, dumbass.”
Race had gotten there before Albert that day, opting to arrive early and set up the mini blanket fort under the tree they’d been plotting for ages while Albert took his brothers trick or treating.
He peeked his head out from the blanket that draped down from the lowest branch, acting as a door.  Albert was staring at the fort with wide eyes, pillowcase full of candy in hand.
“This is sick,” he breathed, snapping out of his reverie and joining Race inside.  
He’d opted out of adding a roof, content with peering upwards past the treetops where faint, twinkling stars could be seen.
“I know, I slaved on it for hours for you,” Race teased, plucking a snickers bar out of the bag and popping it in his mouth.  
“Fake,” Albert said, smiling at him.
“You’re right,” Race said through a mouthful of chocolate, “Took me like fifteen minutes.”
They laid back on the comforter that Race had laid out as the floor, pulling another blanket over themselves as they settled in.  They curled into each other, fitting together like a puzzle piece.  It felt natural, the way they melded into one another so seamlessly, a silent understanding ingrained into their souls.  
Race rested his head on Albert’s chest rolling over enough so he could still see upwards.  He could feel Albert’s heart beating beneath him.  The steady pulse grounding him and pulling him further into the earth, cementing warmth into his stomach.
He lifted his head, rolling onto his stomach and propping himself up onto one elbow.  Albert looked down at him, a silent question in his eyes.  He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it, eyes flicking almost inconspicuously down to Race’s mouth.
Race leaned forward, eyes falling closed as he pressed his lips to Albert’s.  They let out simultaneous sighs, the final knot tied as they deepened the kiss.  
Neither of them pulled back for a while, losing themselves in each other.  Eventually, Race leaned away, keeping his eyes closed as he felt a smile stretch across his face.
A hand brushed his face and he opened his eyes, seeing Albert looking back at him with an awed expression.
“I love you.” Albert’s voice was a faint whisper, the words reserving themselves for only Race.
“I love you, too,” he whispered back.
November 11
Race sat and waited in the clearing, hours upon hours passing with no Albert.  Figuring he must have just been busy, Race left.
November 20
Once again, Race was left alone in the clearing.  This time, a sick feeling in his gut growing more intense as the minutes passed.  He hadn’t heard from Albert in days.  Something wasn’t right.
November 30
A month since the kiss.  Three weeks since he’d last seen Albert.  No sign from him.  No explanation.  Nothing.  
Race sat numb, back against the same tree as he stared at the sky, wishing for answers it couldn’t provide.
December 3
It was officially cold.  The real definition, not Albert’s, and as Race trekked towards where he’d discovered the other boy lived, he couldn’t stop his body from shaking.
Partly from nerves, mostly from the biting wind.
He knocked at the door, shoving his hands in his pockets as he waited.  A boy, no older than 13 answered, staring at him with quizzical eyes.
“Uh, hi,” Race swallowed, the realization that he had no idea what he was going to say hitting him like a truck, “I’m a friend of Albert’s, are you Elijah?”
The boy shook his head, “Nah, Thomas.”
“Right, sorry,” Race said, “uh, nice to meet you, is Al home?”
Something in the boy’s face changed and his eyes grew cold as he answered, “He’s not here anymore.”
The world seemed to muffle and Race shook his head, confused, “What do you mean?”
The boy blew a breath out through his nose and he looked to the side, “I mean,” he looked back at Race, eyes glistening, “He’s not here anymore.  Freak football accident.  You’re his friend, didn’t you hear about it?”
But Race couldn’t hear anything anymore.  He distantly heard himself thank Thomas and turned away before the door closed.  The world was spinning as he walked.  He couldn’t hear his footsteps, or the sounds of the street, or his own thoughts as he walked on autopilot to the place he’d grown so used to visiting.
The clearing seemed darker than it had been before, less welcoming and entirely unfamiliar.
The blanket fort was still up.  He hadn’t bothered to take it down.  Besides, Albert and him had planned to use it more.  One of the blankets blew in the wind, falling unceremoniously from the tree.  
It seemed to wilt along with the rest of the place.  Even the trees had lost their charm.
Race became acutely aware of the tears that stained his cheeks.  He only just remembered to breathe as sobs forced their way out of his stomach in painful waves.  
He didn’t remember walking to the fort, or taking down the blankets, attempting to fold them nicely, but giving up halfway through and discarding them with an angry shout.
He wished he’d never come here.  He wished that he’d stayed painfully oblivious to the beautiful clearing and the beautiful boy it had brought with it.
But he was cursed with the fate of meeting Albert.  Cursed with the fate of falling in love with him.
Doomed with the fate of losing him.
He sat down heavily on one of the blankets, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.  Eventually he stood back up, crossing to their tree and clambering onto their branch.  He struggled to stay balanced.  Albert was usually there to help him stay on.
As his tears ebbed away, leaving him empty and hopeless, the life of the forest seemed to rush back to him.
Animals were still traipsing.  Wind was still blowing through the trees.  Life was still going.
But he was gone without him.
maybe i should write some Not Angst next, thoughts?
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @tommy-boyyy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes 
@have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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justmeinfact · 5 years
Chapter 18 of my fic “Home is where I am is posted to ao3!
Link here.
The following morning Axel steps into Maxence’s apartment, door wide open and what he finds is a mess.
Out of the big black speakers in the living room rock music is roaring in a volume that makes Axel instantly put his hands over his both ears.
  Won't you die tonight for love
  Baby join me in death
  Won't you die
  Baby join me in death
  Won't you die tonight for love
  Baby join me in death
  this life ain't worth living
  this life ain't worth living
  this life ain't worth living
  this life ain't worth living
 Link to music
And Maxence, he can’t be found anywhere.
It’s not about the amount of time that this is going on, it’s only seconds, but Axel knows instantly, he can feel it in his gut. Something is wrong.
Rushing through the apartment, from the hallway to the living room and the small kitchen, searching for and calling out Maxence’s name, sounds that gets eaten by the music, Axel’s pulse is hammering loudly in his chest.
Where is he??
Eyes noticing the wide open window in the kitchen, Axel’s heart almost stops and the blood rushes through his head.
Suddenly the vinyl record comes to its end and after a scratching sound it goes silent.
It’s so silent. Standing in someone else's kitchen Axel thinks he has never heard such silence before.
Then he can hear it. Low gasps for air behind the thin wall.
Axel thrusts the bathroom door open, staring at the hunched over figure that is sitting at the white tiled floor.
It seems as though he has fallen off the toilet lid and ended up almost squashed against the wall between the toilet and the bathtub, pulling down the bright yellow shower curtain with him, now covering his feet.
His eyes are wild and blue, big as pools, staring straight out into the bathroom as a damage shoot deer. He is chirping for air, breath hard and erratic as if he has run out and is about to collapse.
Axel takes a few quick steps into the room and falls down hard on his knees by Maxence’s shower curtain covered feet.
“What’s happening??” he says searching for Maxence's eyes, only partly as a question and mostly for himself to try to understand. He realizes Maxence won’t be able to answer.
Maxence just lifts his chin slightly and gazes into Axel’s eyes as though he is searching for a solution in them. Eyes are full of tears, running down his cheeks, dripping from his jaw.
“Breath -” Axel says. “Breath, baby”.
And he takes Maxence’s shaking hand and puts over his own heart, mirroring his own touch at Maxence’s chest.
“Breath with me” he says.
And they do. They sit there on the bathroom floor together, breathing slowly is sync, in and out, until Maxence’s breaths are controlled and his tears has run out.
Still in the bathroom, Axel’s bum and back is beginning to hurt because of sitting on the hard tiles, but he makes no effort to move since Maxence is now situated in between his legs piled up against him, Maxence’s back to Axel’s front.
“What happened?” Axel asks quietly, holding his arms around Maxence’s upper body, feeling the weight of Maxence, his head against his shoulder and the soft hair in his face.
“I’m not sure” Maxence answers truthfully. “It happens sometimes when it’s too much pressure. I reached down to get my shoes in the hallway and my head just started spinning. I got my shoes on -” hand pointing to his black sneakers covered feet “I opened the door but realized I needed to go back inside to turn off the music...and ended up here, not breathing”.
“I understand what you mean about the pressure, I’m great at putting too much of that on myself and I can get overwhelmed, even if it doesn’t gets this bad for me. You need to let me be there for you, let me know when you need me, a look, a touch and I’ll understand and I’ll be there.”
“Thank you -” Maxence says, squeezing Axel’s left arm with his right, sitting close. “Really, thank you. I do need you, you know.”
“I know”.
Standing up, Axel can feel the bruises on his knees from when he dropped down onto the floor.
Watching Maxence slowly and carefully getting up, clothes wrinkled, eyes puffy and hair standing in all directions, Axel’s heart is pounding, not because of the thought of losing him as this morning, but because he lost his touch and wants it back.
“Hey, did you call me baby?” Maxence asks with a small smile standing in the doorway to the bathroom.
“I believe I did”.
“I liked it”.
Axel smiles softly, pulling up his phone from his pocket, unlocking his screen noticing 15 missed calls and a bunch of text-messages.
“Now let me call David to try to explain to him why we ́re not a the set…”
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