#Poor Madrigal family
grammarrrrrr · 2 years
Okay, so, I feel like Camilo started losing his gift earlier than we saw in the movie, like around the time Luisa did. Because, hear me out, my theory is that Luisa was the first to lose her gift because she used it the most, she was one of the most hardworking Madrigals. And that's why, and, my proof? Well, listen to Surface pressure, all about how she had too much on her shoulders, how she worked too much. And maybe the magic just wanted to tell her to take a break in some sort of way??
And, with that theory settled, your probably wondering, what does this have to do with Camilo?
Well, simple, he's a shapeshifter, so people obviously ask him to shapeshift, and he's a Madrigal, so who is he to say no? And all the Madrigals work hard, so he does too. And, I got proof for that he works hard:
He's the town babysitter, we all saw it when he helped that mother during The family Madrigal, he seemed experienced, no? And that mother just gave her baby to him, with no question or anything. That tells us that he's the town babysitter, and he had to get that title somewhere. From working! And he's probably been babysitting for ten years, so he definitely took care of the kids we saw in the movie, and you babysit little kids too. Who better than the person who babysitted them as babies? Who also was the main babysitter in town? If I was a parent, then I would definitely go for that babysitter. I would want the best for my kids.
And, if I were a kid there, I'd definitely want him to shapeshift, into my mother, or me! So, he definitely shapeshifted a lot.
And, the reason Camilo eats so much is because of his gift, it takes energy to shapeshift, energy that he gets from eating and sleeping. And, I think we all understand that he probably takes extras after and maybe during they were eating, and that he takes midnight snacks, and it's probably canon. How much food he eats depends on how much he shapeshifts. So, he obviously shapeshifts a lot.
And, just later in The family Madrigal, Mirabel says My primo Camilo won't stop until he makes you smile today. I feel like that was literal, he won't stop, he wants everybody to be happy. That's why he was so goddamm funny in the movie, he tried to make everybody happy, he wants them to smile and laugh. And what better way to do that then to shapeshift? He can make funny faces with his gift. I don't know about you, but I would think that was funny!
And people probably ask him to turn into them or someone else to help, like Abuela said when they were getting ready for Antonio's ceremony. "Camilo, we need another José.", I feel like the others say that too, just replacing José with the name of the person they need him to turn into.
So, back to what I was saying, he works almost just the same amount that Luisa does, another kind of way. And he seems like he's really dedicated to helping. Like Luisa is.
He fills this role in the town, according to Steph Anya, LMFT, he's the distractor, he stops family tension from rising, it's a useful role to have in a family, but that person doesn't have experience with being serious, since that person is always joking, never serious, which we can see him doing in the movie, he's like the town jokester. And, how would he defuse tension? By shapeshifting. So, that again, proves that he shapeshifts a lot.
And, what if he shapeshifts in his sleep? People have kinda covered it, does that mean he wakes up strained? Because in pretty much every Camilo Angst story, there is some issue with his gift, like he's tired, or always hungry, and he strains when shapeshifting too much. And I, personally, believe that it's true, shapeshifting must have an affect on him, every gift has a downside, like the headcanon that Bruno has migraines because he has accidental visions. I mean, isn't there just something with that headcanon that makes it so you want it to be canon?
But, anyways, both Luisa and Camilo work really hard.
And, since he's so nice and funny, doesn't it just seem like people would turn to him if they were upset? They're placing their burdens on him, like they do with Luisa.
Okay, you don't need to agree with my theory, it's pretty crappy. Isn't it?
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captaintrips9 · 10 months
Camilo, walking in on Bruno drinking his fourth coffee of the morning: Looks like somebody made tìo drop his croissant today.
Alma: Brunito did one of those children run into you? I told them they need to watch where they're going!
Bruno: Uh, that's not what-
Julieta, from the next room: Bruno, why didn't you tell me that you wanted a croissant? I'll make you a croissant!
Bruno: I-
Camilo: I am so sorry.
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jacarandaaaas · 5 months
thinking about bruno angst rn!
so idk if visions that would come unexpectedly to bruno was confirmed to be a thing or not but I’ve always wondered… since being able to see the future did he ever unexpectedly foresee any of the madrigal deaths??
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fanfic-lover-girl · 3 months
Luisa and Isabela should have swapped body types
Something I did not like about Encanto was the underdeveloped characters. Like Isabela and Luisa. To me, all the character development happened in their songs and that rushed ending.
But I think the circumstances would have been way more fascinating if Luisa and Isabela swapped body types.
Just think about it!
I know that having a female with Luisa's body type on screen is admirable. But it was so cliche that the muscular girl had to get super strength as her gift. How lame and predictable!!!
What if Isabela was kept the same as the perfect golden grandchild, super feminine and the one with the betrothal...but she was huge and muscular? Showing girls that they don't have to be slim and small to be desirable (to men).
What if Luisa was petite like Isabela but she could crack a man in half? Showing that women can be strong without being masculine. I think Luisa's sympathy level would go through the roof even more if we saw this small woman being treated like a workmule by the village men. She has the strength but people overlook her feminity and treat her like a man to be worked to the bone.
Sigh. All that wasted potential so Encanto could just play into boring stereotypes.
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theweirdartust · 1 year
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PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ART.. but feel free to reblog!
And We’re back!!! The walking dead au has my heart at the moment and the other comic may be on hold as it’s taking a long time to get scenes i like but here is Antonio!
Poor babi he is a little monster but he’s trying, and Camilo is straight traumatized 💀💀
More coming soon🤫🤫
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cheesy-cryptid · 2 years
What is everyone saved as in Javier's phone?
Javi's phone names
Bruno : papa (derogatory)
Evalina: Mama
Ignacio: Spitfire Idiot !!!
Angelina: Birdbrain
Mirabel: Dork (cousin)
Camilo: bane of my existence (cousin)
Isabela: cactus stabby stab (cousin)
Dolores: Dolores (cousin) *emergency contact
Antonio: Tonito (cousin)
Luisa: the cool one (cousin)
And then all the other madrigal adults in his phone are just their regular names.
@lunamadrigal since i wanna include the bebés too hehe
Diego: the reliable one
Auri: firecracker kaboom
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tearosesarts · 1 year
I noticed that they have a doll of Dolores from Encanto now, and when I was scrolling through comparing prices, I found another Dolores toy that comes with little headphones! 🥹 this makes me so happy as someone with misophonia
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When the toy line is more accommodating than Abuela -_-
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dragoneyes618 · 7 months
I was thinking about an AU where Isabela never confessed that she didn't want to marry Mariano.
Confess to Mirabel, that is. She admitted it to Dolores at some point.
Dolores, in turn, told her that actually she wanted to marry Mariano.
And instead of doing the natural thing and telling their parents, because the Madrigal family is awful at communicating, they decided to pull a switch. At Isabela's wedding, it would actually be Dolores under the veil, and she wouldn't reveal herself until it was too late. They'd be married, and no matter the reaction of the family, they couldn't do that.
Except, of course, that the ceremony would be invalid, because Dolores would be married under the name Isabela Madrigal.
Unless they got the priest in on it. And he agreed to go along with it. And not tell their family.
A friend of mine suggested that they have Antonio's animals cause a distraction at all the points Isabela's name would be said in the ceremony. They wouldn't tell him what was going on - just "Hey, don't you want your jaguar to be with you when your cousin gets married?" And then said jaguar entering right at the moment Padre Flores says Isabela's name causes a bit of an uproar, so no one hears that he actually said Dolores' name instead.
And then after the wedding everyone realizes what happened.
Meanwhile, poor Mariano is stuck on the middle and has no clue what's going on.
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lethalamigos · 2 years
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Collateral Damage Part 3
Previous /Next
Chepe drags poor Bruno and takes his anger out on him for giving a "bad" future to Gus. Luckily the Madrigal family come to save him.
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For @ellipsis-dotdotdot, based on the prompt: “one of the Pedro Lives!Isabelas running away, if you please?”
I went with Fracture AU.
Isabela plans to run away. Thoughts of identity, change and freedom.
(As she’s kicked out anyways in Imperfect, her disappearance wouldn’t be noticed; and Luminous Isabela would be very open about it and that takes away the drama).
Comments are always appreciated.
Perfect Practiced Poses
While flittering around Antonio’s party, one question pops into her mind.
She had passed a group of kids talking, describing each of the gifted Madrigals - their traits and abilities - only for Isabela to wonder the same thing.
Of course, living in the family and outside of it warrant very different viewpoints from herself and the kids. And then there’s the age and education differences too. But one thing remains the same:
Who is Isabela Madrigal?
She was never herself for more than two minutes.
She was everyone else on a daily basis. It was brief, it was harmless, it was helpful, it was fun. And she didn’t mind that.
She was the echo of her late Abuela. As far as appearance was considered. She was the only resemblance of her left - Isabela had destroyed the one portrait years ago.
Despite their strained relationship, Abuelo often had her painted or photographed. Just so he had something to remember his beloved Alma by.
At the same time, he had her shapeshifting as much as possible. Not only while working, but even just at home. Just so he didn’t have to have a reminder of what he’d lost. Just so he didn’t have to see her face of anger and hatred.
And she did mind that.
Not at first. No, she could understand. If she lost a loved one, it would be hard for her too. And she was a child, who didn’t look to much like her at that point.
But as she got older and her sympathy for such a terrible person wore incredibly thin, she really started to mind.
Why are the Madrigals always going to church with Señora Alonso?
How lucky for Señorita Martinez to be invited to dinner at La Casa Madrigal!
It is so considerate of Isabela to change her appearance for her poor Abuelo!
The whisperings of the townspeople didn’t help either. She knows they mean well. To an outsider, it must be strange or compassionate (that Pedro does not deserve).
She is so sick of it.
She’d do anything to put an end to it.
It was a day like any other.
“Okay, everyone to the table. Now.” Abuelo called as he stepped outside. The family fell into line as usual. Or most of them, anyways. “I said now, Luisa.”
“Ah well, I was just—”
“Now means now.”
Luisa stopped talking and took her seat with the others.
“You aren’t still making stuff up about the cracks?” Camilo whispered, leaning up to his cousin. “Like it was a good joke and seeing Abuelo yell at Mirabel was utterly hilarious - highlight of the evening if you ask me - but it’s kinda dry now.”
“Will you two shut up? I can’t hear.” Isabela, who was unfortunately sat on Camilo’s other side, grumbled.
“I wasn’t even talking!”
Her sister slowly turned around, eye-twitching under the confused and irritated gazes of the rest of the family from her outburst.
Abuelo sighed with disappointment. “Luisa, if you are struggling to act properly at the table, perhaps it is best you sit closer to the front, where I can keep an eye on you. Casita?”
Before Luisa could make an argument, Casita shifted her chair. The seating plan rearranging itself to leave her directly beside the patriarch.
“As I was saying,” he said. “Antonio’s gift could not have come at a more perfect time. But we should not take our miracle for granted, so today we will work twice as hard.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” offered an enthusiastic Luisa. “Isabela would benefit greatly from my—”
“In case it wasn’t clear for some of us, the non-gifted family members will be staying at home to complete their usual chores.”
With a hard glare, Luisa changed her focus onto drinking her coffee.
Pedro took a breath, standing up. “In other news, how goes our arrangement with the Guzmáns?”
Isabela opens her mouth, but doesn’t get the chance to answer herself.
“Dolores?” He inquired.
The woman paused. Her irises briefly flashed red. “I foresee that he is going to propose tonight, with a song on the piano that he has composed himself. And I see five cribs.”
Isabela felt her soul leave her body.
“Five new blessings? At least we’ll get some use out of Isabela. Thank you, Dolores. That will be all. There will be lots to prepare for tonight - Isabela, you’ve dropped your form. Control yourself. …Back to the point, Antonio, this is a wonderful opportunity to make the most out of your new gift. You can help your father with the decorations.”
“Okay, Abuelo!” Antonio beamed, orange flowers blossoming in hair in excitement.
“Our community is counting on us. ¡La familia Madrigal!”
“¡La familia Madrigal!”
Isabela doesn’t blame Mariano.
Not at all.
She blames her family.
She gets made to hold some random townsperson’s form at every meal - she isn’t allowed to be herself - and nobody has defended her or pointed out this unreasonable request of Abuelo’s.
She is getting made to marry and produce more little miracles because she isn’t useful at anything else, and nobody has thought to ask how she feels about it all.
Hell, Pedro has her valued like a donkey at market and nobody is even batting an eye!
The bitter irony is not lost on Isabela.
Her parents are always praised, both inside the family and out, by what great parents they are.
The greatest parents of all of Encanto… One daughter who is only useful as a wife and mother or when she’s anyone but herself. One daughter who has absolutely no worth at all. One daughter who barely associates herself as part of the family now.
This house is a fucking nightmare.
No wonder Bruno left.
January 1940
“What do you think would happen if we left?”
The question takes her sister by shock.
The eight-year-old arched a brow. “You mean like… running away? Like Tío Bruno did?”
“Luisa, you aren’t suppose to say that!” Mirabel gasped in horror, replicating the shushing motion the adults often did by pressing a finger to Luisa’s lips.
“Yeah,” Isabela nodded. She looked up at the mountains. “When I’m suppose to be listening to the teacher, I think about it. What I’d take. How I’d do it. Where I’d go. …Don’t you ever think of just packing a bag and running away?”
“No! You can’t do that! You’d be in so much trouble!” Mirabel was completely appalled. Age four and her moral compass was already developed.
“You’d die, sis.” Chimes Luisa. “Nobody knows what’s out there - except bad people. That’s how Abuela died.”
“Not even just running away… what if we were just a normal family? Without gifts?”
Luisa shifted away.
“You’re asking the wrong people, Bela. I am normal and Mirabel doesn’t have a gift yet.”
The ten-year-old looked guilty. “Right. My bad. I forgot.”
“You forgot?” Luisa questions, hurt.
Nobody said anything.
“Say sorry, Isa,” Mirabel offers, helpfully, from where she’s sat in Luisa’s lap. “Sorry makes everything better. That’s what Mama says.”
“…Luisa, I’m—”
“No. I don’t wanna hear it.” Luisa grumbled.
Luisa stands up then, setting Mirabel aside.
“Where are you going?” Isabela asks, after a beat.
“Inside,” she huffs. “I got homework to do.” Isabela has a feeling that Luisa might be lying; just wants an excuse to leave.
Mirabel squeaked, “Can I come too? Can I help, Luisa?”
Luisa nods, holding out an open hand for Mirabel to take. They start walking.
Isabela pulls herself to her feet and runs after them. “I could help,” she suggests, as a way of an apology. And she’d like to think she is going to be more help than a kid who hasn’t yet started school. “I mean, I probably did it a few years ago, when I was your age.”
Her sister just growls at her. “Don’t you have magic stuff to be doing, princesa?”
With that, they were gone and Isabela was left alone.
She really doesn’t belong anywhere, does she?
Screw it, Isabela thinks.
There’s nothing for her here.
And if Bruno managed to leave, why couldn’t she do the same?
She packs a bag - money, some clothes, some food and drinks. She won’t need much else.
She shifts into some random townsperson before leaving her (soundproof) room for the last time. The rest of the family are busy working, as usual.
And starts walking. She doesn’t know where she’s going, but anything would be better than here.
She barely makes it through one street before a man is already coming to greet her.
“Ah, Isabela! I was wondering if you could help me with my door again?” He asked. “It appears to have gotten stuck and I could use another me to help balance it.”
“I’m not Isabela.” She replied, waving him off.
“Uh… yes, you are?”
Isabela turned on her heel, ready to argue that she definitely was Señora Alonzo, but only caught that flash of indigo fabric and black hair as she did.
“What the fuck?” She questioned, looking down at her own hands.
She hadn’t changed back into her own form.
She headed up to the nearby bride, dropping her bag to the side for a moment. She leaned over and looking at her own rippled reflection in the water.
“What the fuck!?” She said again, louder this time.
She kept repeating the phrase as she tried concentrating on shifting but her reflection didn’t change once. It stayed perfectly the same.
She couldn’t even get rid of her mole.
Her outburst had clearly spooked off the man who had asked for her help, as she found herself alone. Carefully examining and prodding each part of her features, only for nothing to change.
Or she thought she was alone.
“Hey, Isabela! Am I glad I found you! I was just wondering if you maybe knew something about the magic last night?”
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captaintrips9 · 11 months
Bruno: Isabela? What are you doing?
Isabela: Writing Mariano a friendly letter.
Bruno: Does that part say "If you upset Dolores, I'll destroy you so thoroughly that the very memory of you will be lost to the horrors of your fate"?
Isabela: Yes, I'm giving him a warning. A friendly warning. Like friends do.
Bruno: Oh, that's alright then.
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thehomeofplatonicfics · 9 months
Hi there. I really like your fics, (specially the hogwarts legacy and the Encanto ones) so can I ask you for an Encanto fic in which M!reader (or GN!reader if you want more people to feel included) struggles to control their gift which is manipulating any forms of fire. Abuela gets mad for the chaos they have caused and the people are scared of them.
The reader is feeling really bad because they feel that their gift can only cause destruction but then Bruno appears and comforts them and tell them that all of the people are afraid of him too and that the gift they have is truly wonderfull.
If this doesn't bother you can you make this before the events of the movie? Maybe the reader can be still a child who got their gift not so long ago. And also that their mother is Pepa.
Thank you so much and sorry if my explanation was so long and impossible to understand. English isn't my first language. Have a nice day/ night!!
A/N: Thank you so much anon! So sorry for the delay, I ended up with chickenpox for the past few weeks and it is has taken me a while to recover. Hope you enjoy!
child!Madrigal reader x Bruno Madrigal (platonic!)
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The whole village was a flurry with anticipation. There was to be a celebration in the village square and the entire Madrigal family was helping with the decorations and preparations. Your cousin Isabela had created the most beautiful flower decorations, and you took one of the flowers in your hand to smell the sweetness of it. A little bit of pollen got into your nose and… “Achoo!” You sneezed, triggering your gift to set the poor, unsuspecting flower aflame.
“Ah! No, no, no!” You muttered, as you tried to stamp the flames out. In your panic, you only made the fire worse as you slowly set alight to ALL the decorations. Soon, half the village square was up in flames. Villagers started running around screaming, pushing and shoving as they tried to get away. Some of the village children ran up towards you before they spotted the flames coming from your hands. “Ah! Monster!” They screamed, running in the opposite direction to you.
Your mother, Pepa, saw the chaos happening. Her eyes narrowed as she saw that you were in the centre of it all. The sky darkened and rain began to pour from the sky, as lightning flashed dangerously and the loud rumble of thunder signified how terribly angry she was with you. “Oh no…” You whispered to yourself, as she came over to you, agonisingly slowly. Luckily, the intense rain was able to douse your flames, including the ones still hovering above your hands.
“Y/N!” A shriek of anger comes from the edge of the village square. You turn to see your Abuela coming towards you, her face in a vicious snarl. “How could you? You’ve destroyed everything your family has worked so hard on today!”
You sniff, tears threatening to fall. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to, I couldn’t… control it.” Your chin wobbles, as Abuela yanks your arm to drag you back to Casita. Your family follows behind you, glaring daggers into your back. “I don’t want to hear it, Y/N.” Abuela shakes her head. “You have created absolute chaos, frightened the villages and disappointed your family. You must control your gift, or you cannot go out of Casita into Encanto.”
You gasp in shock, blinking rapidly as the tears mix in with the rain coming from Pepa’s storm. “You’ll lock me away in Casita?” You begin to sob, hugging myself as we trudge up the steps to Casita. As soon as you all get inside, you run up the stairs and run into your room, slamming the door. You flop onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling. It feels like your heart will break.
The door slowly creaked open, and your eyes land on your Uncle Bruno as he slinks into the room. “Y/N, let’s… have a talk.” You sit up, wiping your tears, as you sit cross-legged on your bed. Bruno sits beside you, a hand resting on your shoulder. “I know what it is like. To have a gift that causes fear in other people.” He says, as you look up at him, listening intently.
“People have a tendency to be… afraid of what they don’t understand. Now, you and I… we both have powerful gifts. Capable of great things… but also capable of causing a lot of damage.” You look down, sniffling, as you hug your pillow. “They see that power, and they are afraid. They don’t take the time to understand it.” Bruno adds, sighing as he looks down at you. “I know it seems tough right now, that no one will be able to see who you are, past the big scary fire…”
“They are so frightened of me… but it isn’t my fault, I can’t control it!”
“You will, with time. And when you can, they will love you for your gift. I think it is pretty neat, honestly.” Your face lights up. “Really?”
“Well, for a start, you can create a bonfire any time you want, and then we can toast marshmallows. Or when it is super dark, and you can just flick your hand and light us a torch? Yeah… your gift is awesome.” His words make you smile for the first time, the candles in your room start to burn a bit brighter.
“You keep your chin up, kiddo. Don’t listen to the others… listen to your Uncle Bruno.” You smile, feeling the room become warmer from the heat of your flames again.
“Thanks, Tío.”
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
You know, I always loved fairytales, and those episodes of TV shows where the characters are part of a fairytale or in a fairytale setting were always fun for me. A fairytale AU would be super cool, where the Madrigals are all royalty, and each Madrigal is the protagonist of a different fairytale.
Alma is the beauty from Beauty and the Beast, Pedro didn't die, he was cursed and ran away after an angry mob attacked him, he hides in a dark castle in order to protect his family from the angry mob and watches over his family from a distance, whether or not Alma knows what happened is up for debate.
Julieta is the princess from the Princess and the Frog, Agustin is the frog of course, that's why he's so clumsy, the story is basically the same as Julieta helps Agustin break his curse.
Pepa is the Snow Queen, after being bullied as a child for her weather powers, she shuts herself off from others until Felix, the Kai of the story, comes along, he can only sees the bad in the world due to a shard of the cursed mirror in his eye but doesn't see fault in Pepa's perfect snowflakes, Pepa falls in love and helps Felix's sister, the Gerda of the story, break the curse of the mirror shard.
Bruno is the protagonist of The Golden Goose, he wanders into the jungle to hide from bullies and offers some of the food he has on him to an old man, who guides him to the Golden Goose, as Bruno makes his way back home, many people try and steal feathers from the goose and end up getting stuck, they are only freed when Bruno comes home and his family ignores the goose as they embrace him, as he had been gone for hours and they had been worried.
Isabela is Sleeping Beauty, cursed at birth by an evil fairy to prick her finger and sleep forever unless she is given a kiss of true love, when she pricks her finger, everyone thinks Mariano can break the curse, but of course he isn't her true love, so it doesn't work, Julieta ends up being the one to break the curse with a forehead kiss.
Dolores is Cinderella, after Mariano discovers he isn't Isabela's true love, he holds a ball to try and find his true love, Alma is very embarrassed by what happened with Isabela and refuses to let any Madrigal attend, so Dolores has to sneak out with the help of her fairy godmother, when she leaves her shoe behind and Mariano starts looking for her, she ends up coming clean to her family and admitting her feelings for Mariano so she can try on the shoe.
Luisa is the princess from The Princess and the Pea, she gets lost in a different kingdom during a trip and seeks shelter at the kingdom's castle, the Queen doesn't believe Luisa is a real Princess due to her 'un-princess-ly stature' and gives her the pea test, the next day the rest of the Madrigals show up at the palace begging for help to find Luisa, Alma and Julieta give the Queen an earfull when they're told what happened, and poor Luisa is given a week off of chores to rest.
Camilo is Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk, he trades a piece of jewelry for the magic beans, he didn't really believe the beans were magical he just didn't like the jewelry he had and wanted to get rid of it, once the beanstalk grows, he climbs it out of curiosity and takes the opportunity to cause some mischief when he finds the giant, including stealing a goose that lays golden eggs and a harp that plays itself, needless to say he gets in massive trouble when he gets home and Alma returns the items to the giant with a sincere apology.
Mirabel is Little Red Riding Hood, Alma is visiting her family who lives on the other side of the jungle when she gets sick, since she's too sick to make the journey back home, Julieta sends Mirabel with a basket of food to help her get better, the 'wolf' she encounters is actually her Abuelo Pedro, still cursed, he keeps Mirabel safe on her journey and Mirabel is able to reunite Pedro and Alma.
Antonio is the Pied Piper of Hamelin, he uses his flute to help with a rat infestation and decides to keep the rats as pets, but when people start bullying him for having rats as pets, calling the rats disgusting and Antonio himself diseased, he releases the rats back into the town until they apologize, both to him and the rats.
All of these are so cool and fit so well. Tbh I like Alma, Luisa, Mirabel, Antonio and Pepa’s. I mean all of them are so rad, but those have my heart‼️‼️ They’re all so unique and. Love how some of them tie into each other. And all of them fit so well with each of the Madrigals and that is just so cool tbh. Love seeing AUs like that. AND PEDRO MENTIONED 🗣️🗣️🗣️ YEAHHHHHH
Wanted to draw Alma and Pepa but didn’t :((((
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theweirdartust · 8 months
I like to think whenever he and camilo are not killing muertos(zombies) he would just enjoy watching the beauty of nature and watch all the animals and bugs, he would befriend all the animals and bugs like he did when he was 5 even though he doesn’t have his gift anymore, he would still talk to them regardless🧡🐯
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I forgot to add that parce and the other animals went missing after the zombie outbreak, this really impacted antonio as Parce and the other animals were the only friends he had, the only thing antonio had to remember Parce by was the stuffed animal mirabel made for him that he had ever since he was 5.
{I missed this cutie and wanted to draw him, he’s so cute😭 }
He looks around 13 here, but he’s 8(He’s almost taller than camilo at 8 yrs old)
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fanfic-lover-girl · 3 months
I Finally Watched Encanto
And it was very underwhelming. I don't get what the hype was about. It was mid at best. The best thing about it was probably the visuals. Oh, I loved the variety of skin tones! Usually, I don't care about skin colour in movies but for some reason, it stood out to me in this one. The intro and outro scenes were good too.
I am not a film expert so I can't convey what made the film fall flat for me. But here are some things that I found lacking:
The music is not memorable and I found it hard to immerse myself in it. I absolutely hated Surface Pressure. Some parts of We Don't Talk About Bruno were nice to listen to but it still wouldn't make the top 10 of my Disney songs list. It's not a song I would sing to myself. I can't even remember any of the lyrics besides the title namesake. I think my favourite piece was the Caterpillar song that played for Abuela Alma and Pedro. Maybe partly because it's in Spanish so I have lower expectations for it lol. Since I barely speak Spanish and all.
The family members kind of felt like plot devices? That just appeared when the plot called for it? I am not sure how to explain it but the main culprit for me was Isabela. She was basically a nothing character who was just there in the background being a prima donna and rolling her eyes. Then once Mirabel supposedly has to confront her, she has all this major development in like 2 mins and finally cracks? Luisa was way better because I saw her insecurities and how weakness made her feel worthless throughout the movie. I don't understand why Cousin Camilo was needed in the movie. His dad was good enough comic relief. I loved Antonio at the start and his relationship with Mirabel. I wanted to see that relationship more in the movie so much. But then even he began to feel like a cheap plot device.
How Bruno was handled was unsatisfying. The whole plot about Bruno just felt contrived. Bruno is supposed to be the family undesirable who no one talks about...but Dolores knew about him the entire time? The ending with Abuela and Bruno felt so rushed too. I thought the climax would have involved Bruno more but he just showed up at the end and now everything is ok? Bruno was just a way to show Mirabel how special she was and once that happened, everything about Bruno was wrapped up in a neat tidy bow.
The plot development was poor and felt like a plot in an adventure game. Gave me similar vibes to the plot in The Rise of Skywalker. How Luisa just happens to know Mirabel's starting point. How Mirabel just happens to find Bruno when the dude has been living unnoticed for how long. Even the ending with the butterfly almost made me roll my eyes.
The powers felt underdeveloped. I don't understand the limits of them and why only the Madrigals have them. Well, I guess it makes sense for the family to have the miracle to themselves as a kind of comfort for Pedro dying...like men don't sacrifice themselves for their families nobly all the time. How much weight can Luisa lift? What is the range of Pepa's powers? Mirabel said in her song that her mood affects the weather but the movie mainly shows the weather just affects her individual space. How do they control them? What if someone abuses their powers?
Anyway, its not a bad movie but I wouldn't watch it again. I preferred Coco over Encanto. The family relationship felt more developed and the focus was just on the family members relevant to the plot. The Abuela in Coco was more sympathetic and the generational trauma was way more justified there. Plus the music was better and the plot development felt more organic. I would watch Coco again. Encanto is just meh and seems a tad overrated.
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foreveranevilregal · 8 months
Hii! I just started reading ur stuff and love it!❤️❤️
So if u dont mind can u do one where antonio wanders off with his animals and its up to mirabel and the rest of the family to find him?
Thanks!! Keep it up love these😍😍❤️
Hi, thank you so much! I appreciate that a lot! I'm sorry this took so long...I've had some writer's block but hopefully it's over now. Hope you like this!
Dinnertime in the Madrigal family tended to be a chaotic affair. With the various family members busy helping around town or running errands all day, it was a wonder they could eat together at all. But Alma insisted, and Julieta agreed, that they should try to eat together as a family. So, one way or another, they’d find their way back to their casita by dinnertime.
Usually, this involved some level of hunting people down. The Madrigals would rarely all be congregated at home by the time dinner rolled around, as their gifts and abilities were useful around town. Demand for them to use their gifts for others’ benefit had definitely lessened since they got their gifts back; the townspeople had learned how to take care of many things independently in the intervening months and were trying to keep it that way. But there were always new parents who needed rest and appreciated Camilo’s babysitting services for a stint. Or farmers needing some intervention when inclement weather struck. Or people with grave injuries in need of healing (Julieta and Isabela had taken it upon themselves to teach people some more basic healing techniques using plants and herbs after realizing just how burned out the two of them were). Or those stubborn donkeys that just kept getting out…
By the time Julieta announced dinner was ready, the kitchen was usually abuzz with inquiries as to people’s whereabouts and requests to get them back home, all overlapping in glorious cacophony.
“Dolores, go find your brother.”
“Where is he, mamá?”
“I’m not sure…last I heard he was helping señor Gonzalez who threw out his back fix his roof.”
“Wait, why wouldn’t Luisa help?”
“I think she was dealing with some other crisis at the time- where is Luisa anyway?”
“I’m right here, tía, what’s going on?”
���We’re looking for Camilo.”
“Well you found him!”
“Ay, Milo, that isn’t funny! You’re gonna give your poor mamá a heart attack!”
“Camilo, stop changing into your cousins.”
“Sorry, papá…”
“We still don’t know where Luisa is.”
“I’m right here, tía.”
“That’s not funny, Camilo.”
“I’m over here, mamá.”
“Ayyyy, who else is still missing?”
“Well, Antonio was helping me with the donkeys, is he back yet?”
Everyone stopped running abruptly, bumping into each other. Camilo winced, rubbing his forehead which had unfortunately hit Luisa’s side in the mayhem. Isabela picked up the shards of the plate she broke after colliding with Dolores. The latter mumbled an awkward apology, cradling her own elbow gingerly. Mirabel was off to the side, assessing the damage. Thankfully, the food had been spared, but otherwise the kitchen looked like a tornado had passed through it.
Judging by Pepa’s erratic breathing, this wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. She leaned against the counter, gripping it so tightly her knuckles turned white, and squeezed her eyes shut. A breeze batted around the loose tendrils of her hair as she tried desperately to calm herself.
“Antonio was helping you with the donkeys?” She repeated weakly, fanning her face with her hand.
Luisa nervously shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Yeah. It was his idea actually. He figured it would be easier to corral the donkeys if he talked to them rather than having me carry them around town.” She stretched her arm carefully, groaning after a point. “I ran into him after finishing up moving the bridge, again, and he could see my shoulder was hurting me, so he volunteered to take care of the donkeys himself.”
Julieta let out a soft gasp, covering her open mouth with her hand. “You got hurt, Lu? Why didn’t you say anything, querida?” Turning around, she rummaged around the basket by the door and fished out a buñuelo. “Here.” She held it out towards her daughter.
Luisa shrugged, accepting the proffered food and taking a bite. She gave her arm another tentative stretch, sighing in relief when she could actually stretch it all the way. “Thanks, mamá. I guess I didn’t think it was that bad? I figured I’d just take some of your food later, like I always do,” she added as an afterthought.
“Like you always-“ Julieta started incredulously, but was interrupted by Pepa holding up her hand.
“Luisa, I’m sorry you got hurt, and you shouldn’t be trying to hide it, but right now my son is missing.” She clapped her hands to emphasize her point. “Can we continue this conversation after we’ve found him?”
Julieta nodded her acquiescence, but her lips pressed together in a thin line. “We’ll talk about this later, Luisa,” she said, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Let’s go find Antonio.”
Haphazardly, the Madrigals made their way outside and followed Luisa as she led them through town.
“Okay, last I saw him was by señor Martinez’s house, but he was heading towards the runaway donkeys, which were by the church,” Luisa narrated to herself, turning decisively to the right.
“It makes a lot more sense for Antonio to deal with them, seeing as he can just talk to them,” Mirabel commented. “Why did anyone even think it was a good idea to make you haul them around on your back when Antonio could just convince them to go home?”
“Because they are tontos who don’t think, just like they can’t fix that stupid gate once and for all so the donkeys stop getting out in the first place,” Pepa muttered under her breath darkly, nostrils flaring as she continued marching under her heavy cloud.
“Ay, Pepa, don’t speak like that,” Alma scolded halfheartedly. “We should be kind to our neighbors.”
“They can start by being kind and not sending my children on fool’s errands. Then I’ll reconsider striking their yards with a lightning bolt. Idiotas…” Pepa kept up a steady stream of curses and insults under her breath, crossing her arms tightly over her chest.
“She has a point, mamá.” Julieta placed her hand on Alma’s shoulder gently. “That gate has been loose for ages and no one has bothered to fix it. Wouldn’t it be much easier to fix it once than to ask us to bring the donkeys back all the time?”
“The town has kind of been taking advantage of the Madrigal gifts now that they’re back,” Agustín pointed out quietly. “Running to the family for help anytime something goes even slightly wrong. I try not to, but even I go to Julieta more often than I should.” He looked down in shame.
“Shh, amor, it’s not your fault you’re so allergic to bees.” Julieta patted his cheek affectionately. “Or that you keep finding them.”
“They’re everywhere!”
“He is right though.” Félix spoke up. He held Pepa protectively in his arms as they walked. “How many times do people ask for Luisa’s help instead of trying to figure out another way? And how often would people beg Bruno for visions rather than just plan their lives? Or ask you to heal the smallest of injuries? I get that paper cuts can be annoying but they’re not so bad to need magical healing, ¿eh?” He raised his hands with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
“I suppose you’re right…” Alma trailed off, frowning.
“And what about Isa, having to conjure up plants all the time?” Mirabel chimed in. “Or Camilo, pulling babysitting duty constantly? Dolores, always having to keep an ear out for news? And poor tía Pepa! Anytime the weather isn’t what people want, she’s expected to make it up. ‘Make it sunny, make it rain, we don’t care how, just make it happen!’” She imitated mockingly. “Is it any wonder she made a hurricane on her wedding day?”
“I’m about to make a hurricane right now if we don’t find Antonio soon,” Pepa threatened. “Luisa, he has to have brought the donkeys back by now. Why don’t we check back there?”
“Good idea, tía,” she responded, but exchanged an uneasy glance with her mother, eyes darting towards the lightning now lining Pepa’s cloud. Clearly the two agreed that it would not be a good idea to bring Pepa within striking distance of the donkeys’ enclosure.
By this point, night had begun to fall. Pepa’s anxiety became even more palpable; wringing her hands and breaking away from the group, walking briskly in front of them. She stopped abruptly, narrowly avoiding another multi-Madrigal collision. “Dolores. Can you try to hear where he is?”
Dolores furrowed her brow. “I can try. It’s noisy tonight though. I’ll need to focus.”
“Please, Lola.” Pepa begged, shaking her shoulder. “I realize we ask too much of you, of each other really, but this is important.”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. I just said it’s noisy.” Dolores closed her eyes and screwed up her face, concentrating. “I can make out his voice. It’s coming from that direction.” She pointed.
“By the river?” Alma sounded doubtful. “Why would he go there?” A shadow passed over her face.
Dolores shrugged. “It can be a nice place to go think.”
“You like to go there too?” Isabela asked her curiously.
Dolores nodded. “Wait, ‘too’? You go to the river?”
“I like to look at the plants. Ones I don’t have to create. They’re beautiful.”
“It’s calm and peaceful there,” Julieta said. “Away from the hustle and bustle of town…”
“No one telling you how to feel...”
“No one telling you what to do…”
“You can just…exist.” Mirabel exhaled.
Alma stared at all of them in turn. “Are you telling me all of you like to go to the river? And you never ran into each other?”
“I’d go when I didn’t hear anyone there,” Dolores explained.
“I preferred to go in the early mornings,” Julieta admitted.
“And I’d go late at night,” Pepa added.
“I’d go when people were too busy to notice I was gone.” Isabela shrugged.
“Me too, except it was easier for me. No one really cared if I was gone.”
A heavy silence hung after Mirabel’s admission.
“Mira…” Julieta brushed the hair out of her face. “You know that’s not true, right? Of course we care. Ay, after Casita fell, I almost died of worry.” She shuddered at the memory.
“I know, mamá.” Mirabel smiled at her reassuringly. “Things were different before though.”
“As much as I love this touching moment, can we go find Antonio now?” Pepa cut in, a frantic edge to her voice. “It’s dark, and he’s all by himself.” She started walking again, and the rest followed suit.
“Maybe not.” Dolores tilted her head towards the river. “Someone is with him. I hear him talking with Antonio.”
“Ay, Dios…” Pepa ground her teeth. “Mi pobrecito Antonio, out there all alone with no one to protect him.”
“From tío Bruno?” Dolores laughed. “That’s who’s with him, you know.”
“Wait.” Everyone did a double take. “He’s not with us?”
“How did we all miss that?” Agustín wondered.
“He wasn’t with us at home either,” Félix observed.
“I guess we’re not used to him being back yet?” Mirabel offered in explanation. “Since none of us noticed he wasn’t here?”
“He also liked to sneak off before he…” Alma cleared her throat. “Sometimes I thought his gift was invisibility, the way he’d just disappear.”
Pepa pressed on, undeterred. “Come on, guys. We’re almost there.”
“You heard the lady!” Félix waved his hand as he bounded over the hill and joined Pepa in running down to the riverbank.
Antonio was indeed there, with some very strange company. Bruno sat on the ground, cross-legged, and an assortment of creatures surrounded them. Half a dozen rats danced on what appeared to be a makeshift stage. A couple capybaras were chilling in the water. And, as always, Antonio’s jaguar, Parce, lounged lazily nearby.
“Antonio!” Pepa exclaimed, nearly tackling the child as she enveloped him in her arms.
“Mamá! What are you doing here?” Antonio asked curiously.
“Ay Toñito, we’ve been looking for you for so long! You missed dinner, and it’s dark out now.” She peppered his face with kisses aggressively, pulling away suddenly. “What were you thinking?”
“I didn’t realize it had gotten so late,” Antonio defended, wiping his face off with his arm. “Tío Bruno and I came down here after I finished helping Luisa with the donkeys- which took like half an hour. Those donkeys sure are stubborn!” He shook his head in disbelief. “Anyway, I ran into tío Bruno who was coming down here and wanted me to join him.”
Pepa blinked slowly, eyes drifting from one to the other, trying to absorb all this information. “And the animals?” She asked weakly.
“They just follow me around wherever I go,” Antonio stated matter-of-factly. “Check it out, tío Bruno wrote a new play, and we’ve been rehearsing it together!”
“We?” Félix asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Me and the animals, of course. Well, I’m mostly helping tío Bruno direct, but I think the rats have a good grasp on their parts now.”
The older Madrigals stifled a laugh at his precociousness.
“That’s great, Antonio!” Mirabel smiled at him encouragingly.
“Do you guys want to see?” He looked up at them expectantly. Bruno swiveled around to join him as the rats continued tap dancing across the stage.
“We-“ Everyone looked around, unsure how to respond. Luckily, they were spared the trouble.
Camilo’s stomach gurgled loudly. “Antonio, hermanito, you aren’t the only one who missed dinner. We kind of all missed dinner looking for you.”
“Milo!” Pepa looked at him reproachfully.
“What? It’s true! I’m not supposed to say things that are true? Obviously we were gonna look for you if you’re missing, but we did all miss dinner.”
“He is right, tía.” Luisa spoke up, almost bashfully. “It’s way past dinnertime.”
“Maybe we should all head back and eat,” Julieta suggested. “Then you can show us the play once all our tummies are full.”
“Okay…” Antonio started walking reluctantly. “Come on, Parce.” He waved the jaguar over.
“Oh, he is not coming back with us,” Pepa proclaimed. “Absolutely not.”
“But mamááá, he doesn’t want to be away from me. He’s like my pet.”
“Some people have dogs. You have a jaguar.” Pepa shook her head, rubbing circles over her temples. “Fine,” she relented finally. “But he is not sitting with us at the table.”
“Of course not,” Antonio agreed.
Pepa blinked, not expecting this to be so easy. “Good,” she said firmly.
“He’s too big to fit anyway,” Antonio reasoned. “Now the capybaras…”
“No animals at the table!”
“Not even the toucan?”
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