#Percy would be so salty about it
sentientsliotar · 5 months
I want Percy Jackson to be bad at surfing.
I am obviously inspired by Nico.
Picture it- the son of Poseidon, strengthened by the sea, with the ability to control the water, who canonically skateboards- repeatedly crashing into the waves after falling off his board.
I don’t know why this image is so funny to me, but I know Nico being a natural surfer makes it even better.
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silvery-stars · 6 months
would it be sacrilege of me to say that i am kinda hashtag Underwhelmed by the percy jackson show
#first off. the directing is just not that good.#like you could have taken the unique story and made interesting choices that make the story feel more exciting but so far it’s just so basi#basic shot composition basic camera movement fairly basic lighting#also like i can understand changes from the book. going from a first person novel to a show is difficult and you have to make changes.#but also some of them are just like nonsensical. why would you change the claiming from a moment of victory for percy to whatever that was#<- well okay not really victory. more confusion and fear and desperation with a tad bit of victory#(also the claiming symbol looked bad and i’m salty about that)#i liked that annabeth had it figured out though that was fun. the introduction to her character kinda slayed#oh my god also the decision for that scene where luke is telling percy abt him annabeth and thalia to Not have any broll type shots overtop#-of the explaination actually Showing what luke was saying was lame#i get that they don’t have the actor for thalia chosen yet but you could have easily done it to where you only showed young luke+annabeth-#-and just thalia’s like sillohuette or hand reaching out or whatever#also again about the claiming scene they just took away all of the hints toward future twists. the hellhound summoned by someone in camp-#-and the hints toward the Big prophecy :(#anyway overall it’s awesome and it’s so fun to see pjo on screen. it’s just a bit lacking imo ☹️#oh and the reduction of gabe into an almost comedic character rather than as an absolutely foul person that percy and sally have had to-#-suffer just does not work for me. it’s such an important detail thematically and also gives so much more context and meaning to percy and-#-sally’s lives and relationship. i think it’s so important but they changed it to something more palletable :(#ash rambles#ash.txt
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The fandom's bias and tendency to wanting to agressively associate EVERYTHING with Percy and getting upset when a character isn't associated with him really taints their view on actually significant relationships, and it ruins Percy's canon character tbh.
I came across a video edit appreciating Jason and Nico's friendship, and the comments were just filled with people raging on how Percy should've been included instead of Jason because he was "much closer friends" to Nico than Jason was. It's appalling how much ppl can turn to a blind eye when it comes to Jason.
People hate Jason SO much in this fandom that they literally refuse to admit that Nico canonically considered Jason as his first ever friend, not Percy (this is literally said in Tower of Nero, by the way)
You guys are seriously so hell bent on wanting to take away every little thing jason had that makes his character meaningful, simple to give it to percy when it isn't even necessary. Doesn't percy have enough good characterization already? Why deprive Nico of a genuinely good friendship? Jason spent time and effort to make Nico comfortable and succeeded in earning nicos trust. He taught nico to never push people away and not to be ashamed of being himself, Isn't that beautiful? Why do people get salty abt that so much? Because of course, it's about appreciating Jason for once, and not Percy, isn't that it?
My perspective on Percy and Nico is that, they were never really "close" to begin with and never ended up being close either, and that's okay. Percy tried his very best to be a brother to Nico, but they somehow always had tension with eachother because of Nico's internal turmoil of idolizing and crushing on Percy whilst simultaneously associating him with Bianca.
Sure, they talked it out a little in the end, but I'd like to think that some tension would always be there, because they started off at the wrong foot, and there was too much bitterness and resentment to come in their dynamic. And them never actually being close "brothers" makes their dynamic very significant and authentic. In the end, Nico acknowledged that Percy was a good person, and I like to think that's the farthest they've ever gone in their dynamic. They both are on amicable terms but the awkwardness still being there is very realistic, the weight of Bianca's death would always be associated with Percy to Nico, and it's neither of their faults. That adds SO much to their angsty dynamic, why get so upset about it when it's such an integral, and meaningful part of the story? Nico and Percy not being close friends shows how complex character relationships can be.
Percy doesn't have to be close with everyone just because he's the main character, it really deprives him of actually meaningful connections. The fandom forcing him to be buddy buddy with everyone simply because they HAVE to associate Percy with anyone and everyone, and getting angry that Jason is closer to Nico than Percy is, is just really weird.
Why do people feel SO threatened about Jason all the time that they have to get all defensive and suppress his connections by dragging Percy into videos that doesn't even have to do anything with him? I swear y'all are creating this whole Jason/Percy rivalry thing because you cannot bear to see someone rival Percy, and you want Percy to be the only powerful/good person in the books.
Let other characters befriend eachother without trying to insert Percy in there all the time.
Percy and Nico would never be like Reyna and Nico, or Jason and Nico, and that's completely fine. I like them better that way. You can't be best friends with everyone. That's just how life works.
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ hiii can i ask for a percy and daughter of zeus hc but in a non stereotypical way? where reader is quite literally the princess of olympus and no one would even think zeus is her dad ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of zeus
pairing percy jackson x zeus!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . say yes to heaven (lana del rey)
an they have phones in this sorry !
You met Percy through Jason, your brother dearest
When you’d arrived at camp in the winter, getting claimed as soon as you stepped foot into the border, he’d been there for you and explained everything you needed to know about life as a demigod
One of the first things he told you when you got claimed by Zeus is that you, “aren’t like his other kids.” You didn’t think much of it at first, but then others who got to know you started saying the same thing - you were much too kind to be Zeus’ kid
Despite this, he seemed to have an affinity for you, for he’d claimed you immediately and had a weapon ready in your cabin for you. Once others caught wind of this, they started dubbing you “princess” as you had a heart of gold and seemed to be Zeus’ favourite child
As the months went by, you heard stories about all the quests people had done, the most spoken of being a quest prophesied about in the great prophecy. Your brother, along with six other demigods, saved the world from Gaia
Jason told you all about the six other demigods, but only one of them intrigued you - Percy Jackson
See, Jason wasn’t the only person who’d speak about Percy. You’d always hear his name pop up in random conversations: the great Percy Jackson, two-time saviour of the world. When they talk about him like that, you can’t help but be interested
So when Jason told you that Percy would be arriving at camp soon and to let him in if he shows up at your cabin, you were a little excited
You didn’t meet Percy at Cabin 1, though
It was a particularly hot summer day and after hours of trying to cool yourself down with your wind powers - which had started giving you an awful headache - you decided to go to the beach
Grabbing a packet of biscuits, you ran to the shore, desperate to be rid of the heat around you
When you got there, the first thing you did was make your way to your dear pegasus, Lovely. A month into your being at camp, you found her at this very beach, which you thought was strange as all the others were at the stables. Still, she grew on you, and now you regularly visit her with biscuits
“Hello, Lovely,” you said, giving her a biscuit which she immediately chomped down as you petted her nose. You smiled, breathing in the salty air of the shore
Suddenly, someone interrupted your peace, “what’re you doing with Blackjack?” He asked, an accusatory tone laced in his voice 
You turned around, confused, “her name is Lovely, she’s been my pegasus for a couple months now,” you explained, not wanting any conflict to arise
“No, his name is Blackjack. He’s a guy, and he’s been my pegasus for years!” The pegasus neighed and whinnied. You didn’t know what he was saying, but the guy did, as he smirked and gave you a look that clearly said, ‘I told you so’
You made your way over to the guy, “I’m sorry, I only arrived this winter. I haven’t seen you around before, and no one told me this was your pegasus.” 
He smiled and you breathed a sigh of relief, glad to know he wasn't offended, “it’s fine, he really enjoys your company. I’m Percy Jackson.” 
That was the day you fell in love. All you could think about was Percy, and getting to know him didn’t help either. To you, he felt like a breath of fresh air. He was easy-going, charming, and everything you could ever need in a man
Percy had fallen for you too. He never thought he’d ever crush on a daughter of Zeus, out of all people, but there he was. Everything he hated about your father was absent in you. 
You made shapes out of clouds for the younger kids and used your voice to advocate for good
As June turned into July then August, the two of you spent more and more time together
Your crushes on each other remained, of course, but neither of you were willing to do anything about them due to something Jason had said on the day you met 
After the Blackjack-Lovely incident, Percy decided to walk you back to your cabin, partially because that’s what his mother drilled into his head when he was 13, and partially because he desperately needed to know more about you
When you got to the front door, you decided to invite him in, not wanting to say goodbye so soon. He accepted, glad to not have to leave you already.
Jason was already inside and they shared a brotherly reunion before he noticed you were there too, “I see you’ve met my sister, Y/N,” he said, smiling at you
While Jason was usually pretty oblivious when it came to love, he noticed a spark had formed between the two of you. With a teasing smile on his face, he said, “well, you two better not start dating!”
You respected your brother’s wishes. He’d been so kind to you when you first came to camp, not dating his best friend was the least you could do
And although Percy was notorious for not following directions, he couldn’t help but obey Jason’s rule, as he didn’t want to create a wedge between you and him
He tried to stay friends with you for as long as he could, but the sea does not like to be restrained
One day, Percy woke up feeling unable to push down his feelings for you anymore. Even if you rejected him, he knew he had to tell you. So he went to the beach, where he knew you’d be
Percy took a deep breath and sent a quick prayer to Aphrodite, “Y/N, I have to tell you something.”
Turning, your lips pursed in confusion and concern at the seriousness of Percy’s voice. You left Blackjack and walked towards the boy, “is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, don’t worry,” he began, “it’s just that I really like you, Y/N. No, actually, I love you. I’ve loved you for so long. From the moment I saw you on this beach, I was a goner,” he sensed you were about to tell him you can’t date because you didn’t want to upset Jason, so he continued, “I know Jason said we couldn’t date but trust me, I’ll prove my worth to him. I’ll even prove my worth to Zeus if you ask me to, I’d do anything just to be yours. Please, can’t we try?” 
You felt tears prick your eyes at his heartfelt confession. Who were you to deny him? “Okay,” you said, before throwing yourself onto him, lips interlocked
You promised Jason to train with him first thing in the morning. When he woke up and found that you weren’t in bed, he decided to look for you at the beach, knowing how much you loved Percy’s pegasus
He was, of course, right. You were at the beach. You also seemed to love Percy more than the pegasus. Jason smiled, happy to see his sister and his best friend finally confess to each other, “Y/N promised to train with me, but we can always do that later.”
Immediately, the two of you started explaining yourselves, apologising for not following Jason’s wishes, confusing him, “why would I be upset about this?” He asked
“You said we better not start dating, remember?” Percy replied
“Guys, I was joking. Couldn’t you tell? I was clearly teasing you.”
You vowed to teach Jason how to properly make a joke after that day
Percy couldn’t be happier. Every morning, he’d show up at your cabin just to walk you to breakfast
He also sits at the Zeus table now. He gets judging stares for it, but he doesn’t care
When people found out you and Percy were dating, he started receiving lots of threats from random campers detailing what they’d to to him if he even thought about hurting their princess 
Zeus also left a letter on his bed. That was scary, but he was glad the God didn’t blast him all the way down to Tartarus
Your guys’ favourite place to hang out is on the roof of your cabin. As a child of Zeus, you enjoy being in places with high altitudes, and after Percy had caught you up there a couple times, you decided to teach him how to climb up
You always watch the sunsets and sunrises from up there together <3 they become your thing. Whenever you’re apart, you send each other pictures of the sky so you can still sort of watch the sun rise and set at the same time
Blackjack loves you more than Percy. If he's with Percy and glimpses you from afar, he gallops over to you and nuzzles the crook of your neck 
Jason is lowkey sick of you. Especially when he enters HIS cabin to relax on HIS bed and finds you guys making out
Its okay though because you’re camp's prince and princess
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genz420 · 2 months
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Movie Night Headcannons 🎥 🍿
Masterlist | Rules
Content: Movie Night Headcannons
Warning: None
Pairing(s): Character x Gn!reader
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Frank, Annabeth, Piper
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Percy Jackson
Pixar man
Picks a classic like Ratatouille  
Or Up
Doesn’t matter how old you guys are 
Pixar is the way to go 
Lights off kind of guy
Sour Blue Candy kind of guy
His tongue would be dyed blue by the end of the night
Snuggles under the blankets 
Would definitely tangle your legs together 
Arm thrown around your shoulder
Drumming his fingers against your shoulder or arm 
A bit of a talker 
Asking you the odd question here and there 
Jason Grace
Will pick a chick flick 
Like Twilight 
New moon is the best one
Big Pitch Perfect Fan
Type of person to stop the movie to try and figure out where they have seen that actor or actress 
Lots of pillows and blankets 
Oh your a little cold
Here's another blanket 
Still cold
He is ready to share his body heat
Not much of a snacker 
I get the feeling he doesn't like popcorn
Like he hates the feeling of a kernel stuck in his teeth, so he just doesn't eat any popcorn
Frank Zhang 
Picks a Sci-fi movie 
Could be anything rom Back to the Future to Prey or even Wall-E
Maybe like one blanket for the two of you to share 
Because let's be honest 
You are going to be cuddling 
Chest to back
Who needs extra pillows end you have the 6’8 man that is Frank Zhang 
Short hair or long hair Frank would play with it
I get the feeling that Frank runs a little warm
So be prepared 
The movie would just be an excuse for the two of you to cuddle and talk 
Could probably cry if you watched Wall-E
Annabeth Chase
Picks a 2000s Shakespeare inspired movie
Like 10 Things I Hate about you 
Or She’s The Man
Maybe even Warm Bodies 
Would prefer salty to sweet snacks 
Lots of blankets 
The type of person to want the lights on during the movie, though 
Not much of a snuggler
You two will each have your own blanket 
But being close to one another 
Wouldn’t talk through the movie 
You might think she would be focused on the movie, but she will keep giving you a spare glance 
Both wanting to see if you like the movie and are paying attention 
Also to admire you 
Piper Mclean
Horror Movie 
I just know Piper loves Horror movies
From the classics like Scream to the new movies like The Conjuring
But I think her favourite type of be-found footage movies
Maybe like Blair Witch to even more niche ones like Hell House LLC
Would use the excuse that she is scared to cuddle 
She isn’t
She has seen the movies 100 times 
She just wants to be close to you
Would mix Popcorn and Smarties or other chocolate together 
Depending on the movie, she might get bored, so she would start a conversation
Loves to point out details that she knows about the movie
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Would you still love me if I was a worm?
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Percy Jackson x gn!reader
Summary: Percy is dating Annabeth (love percabeth). But reader is swept away by Percy and can't help their feelings. Eventually, they talk and start dating. Everyone is suddenly distant to reader bc they ruined the best ship. Reader is insecure but Percy would gladly spend all his life reassuring them.
Fluff 💙💙🪼🌊🔱⚜️
On the radio~
(1st person)
There goes Percabeth, I thought bitterly. I have always had a crush on percy, but Annabeth got to him first. I didn't have anything against Annabeth, I just thought it was unfair. Unfair because I lost. "Y/n!" I had most the whole world tuned out as I read my book, sitting at a random bench near the lake, the sun hiting bare shoulders since I was just wearing a bikini, trying to tan. "Y/n!" oh. They're talking to me. Great. I looked up to see Percy's toned figure and sea-green eyes staring back at me with a bright smile. "Oh. Hey, Perce," I put on a fake smile as I speak. "Sorry, I tuned you out!" "No worries! Happens to the best of us, " he said, smiling. "What's up?" I could've sworn he had checked me out, but I wasn't so sure. "Oh yknow, trying to get a tan, reading, the usual." I said. "Oh, alright. Have fun!" he said, about to leave. "Wait! Perce!" I said, Calling out to him before could leave. Percy didn't say anything, he just waited for me to speak. "I... I know that you are dating Anna, an you guys are best best couple I've ever seen, but- but I like you..." I looked up Percy to see him staring at me in shock. "W-well...Im not dating Annabeth anymore..." he said. "Wait wha-" I was shocked at the least. "We decided to stick as friends because she is going through a sexuality crisis," he seemed calm but almost nervous and jittery at the same time. "I like you too, Y/n. Maybe we can date?..." he looked at me hopefully. "Of course!" she said, wanting to scream in joy.
(3rd person)
Fast forward to a couple months later. They decide to go public with their relationship and now a majority of her friends we're way more distant. Her stuff is often vandalized with words like 'slut!' and 'homewrecker'. People often spread rumours about her when she wasn't listening— when they thought she wasnt listening. He never voiced this to Percy, for multiple reasons. One, what if they're right? Is she a slut and a homewrecker? Would Percy stop loving her if he saw a different perspective? Two, what if he didn't care or didn't believe her? What would she do then? She also has always feel insecure about her body and just herself in general. Would Percy not like her if she wasn't confident? She needs to stop being an ugly coward. The two of them were actually on a date right now, and they were sitting on the beach. "Baby, what's wrong?" Percy asked, clearly concerned for his beautiful girlfriend. "Oh. Nothing..." she said, putting on a heavily fake smile. "Y/n L/n, my love, my girl, darling. Please don't lie to me." he said. He might have the nickname 'seaweed brain', but he wasn't an idiot. "I'm sorry for ruining it." she started sniffling. "For what?" Percy was genuinely confused, his beloved, beautiful, girlfriend couldn't possibly do any wrong. "Ruining your relationship." she was sobbing into his chest, the sea-salty scent blanketing her in a comforting warmth. "Baby.... No..... You didn't do anything." he lifted her chin with his index finger. "We broke up before you confessed, remember?" "oh...." she said, feeling stupider than usual. "Am I a slut?..." she asked. Percy's eyes widened and he tackled her into a hug, spooning her while laying in the sand. "Who told you that?" he asked, his voice suddenly becoming protective and menacing. "E-everyone..." she said quietly. "Everyone spreads rumours about me and calls me name. In front of me and behind my back. They say that I ruined you and Annabeths relationship." she sighed into his arm. "I'm ugly and not confident. Why do you like me?" Percy audibly gasped at this, his precious is none of those things. "You aren't any of these things. You may act and look different than others, but no one looks the exact same. You are gorgeous, if not in your eyes, in mine. I chose to date you for a reason." he hugged her tighter in a slightly possessive way. "Mine." he said, his voice muffled since his face was burried in her neck.
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poemsbyswift · 22 days
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“Lady, Running Down To The Riptide”
What’s on the radio? Riptide by Vance Joy!
Pairing : Percy (book or show) x Sister!reader
Warnings : Coming out, sad reader, Percy cheers reader up, Persassy, Percy says “gen-z girl slang” as a joke, mentions of the word pussy, Percy us a bit out of character
Summary : In which you come out to your younger brother (he still thinks he’s older) after hiding it for so long.
Writing Form : Headcanons + drabble
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You never liked hiding secrets from your younger brother Percy and he was the same way back
He kissed Annabeth while on a quest? The second he comes back he’s telling you.
You went to visit dad while he was away? You’re telling him all the drama when he’s back.
The Jackson siblings were like open books for each other
But, something you hadn’t even told your mom yet was that you didn’t just like guys, you also liked girls
There’s no exact decision on your sexuality but you knew you weren’t just attracted to men.
Having everything planned, you were ready to tell Percy
And everything would’ve gone right if you didn’t forget the bracelet on your wrist.
Your feet shuffled awkwardly across the old wooden deck on the Poseidon Cabin, scratching and echoing in the quiet sunset. Sand stuck against your feet in your shoes, the last remaining memory from your argument with yourself down at the shore. Breathe. You took one long deep breath, your eyes closed. “It’ll all be okay,” You muttered.
The door to Cabin 3 opened, Percy was on his bed, writing in his diary like a teenage girl in a movie. Gods, that boy is so in love with Annabeth and he doesn’t even notice. Annabeth had kissed him a couple months ago and he just finally assumed that maybe Annabeth liked him.
“Hey Perce,” You say with a low voice, not on purpose, just a reflection of your mood. Percy freaks out and nearly jumps out of his skin, throwing his diary practically across the cabin. “Oh, Hi y/n, I wasn’t doing anything related with a diary and Annabeth!” He smiles, red running to his cheeks and sweat beads trickling down his hair line. “Percy, I really don’t care if you like wiring in your diary about your wife.” You snicker, going to sit on the bed opposite him, your hands wring between your legs.
“Ok slay pussy queen boss.” He says randomly. “What.” You stare at him, sometimes you really wished he didn’t get a phone for his birthday, the random words he’s learnt are starting to deteriorate your braincells. “Also, we don’t use those words.” You added. “Your bracelets, isn’t it like pussy queen?” He reaches out to grab your arm, the one you stacked bracelets on like a hoarder. He stood over you, investigating your arm.
Oh god damn it. You thought as you looked at the Bisexual and Lesbian bracelets on your wrist. Jaw open and eyes wide, you tried to explain yourself but stumbled over your own words like a jump rope. “So as your older and amazing brother-“ “I’m 12 minutes older.” “As your older brother, I feel I have every right to guess with the clues-“
You slapped your hand over Percy’s mouth. “I like girls too Perseus, there, boom, secret’s out and you probably hate me or whatever, I’m sorry, but I had to-“ “Why the tartarus are you apologizing? We’ve just got another thing in common—liking girls!” He stood with his hand on his hip, looking me up and down. Your bottom lip trembled, salty drops filled your eyes. “I’ve been so scared that you would hate me.” You sniffled.
“Girl, don’t cry! We both like girls yippe!” Percy hugged you, his chin resting in the top of your head, gently shaking you to show his excitement. “Wow, I never noticed you liked girls.” You cry-laughed, wiping your nose on your sleeve, gently pushing him away by the shoulders.
“Okay girl, so you like gotta spill the tea what’s going on, who do we like?”
“Oh dear,”
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@poemsbyswift 2024
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
So I was re-watching the show and I had a thought about the dynamic between Zeus's kids. Ignore if you've answered this before, but how do her siblings feel about Persephone?
I kinda feel like there are parallels to Sally trying to keep Percy away from Olympian drama and Demeter trying to keep Persephone away from Olympian drama, only for both to fail badly. Not to mention that Persephone probably, for a brief period, turned into the kid Zeus paid attention to most, mostly because of how Demeter protested her marriage. I do have the HC that Persephone and Hermes get along the most, due to Hermes being the sibling to visit the Underworld the most, but what do you think? Hades might be a useful ally in a rebellion.
I haven't really thought much about Persephone's dynamic with everyone else🤔
However, I will touch on my thoughts on her relationship with Demeter and Apollo (in the RRverse) because those are the ones I know right off the top of my head.
With Demeter, I don't like the helicopter parent stereotype attributed to her. Contrary to the media's beliefs, Demeter's panic is very sound considering her daughter was. ya know. kidnapped.
it was an arranged marriage! yeah yeah it's still kidnapping, and Persephone screamed for help. it's all there in the Hymn to Demeter.
because of this, Demeter and Persephone had a very loving mother-daughter relationship imo. Demeter also wasn't against Persephone marrying, btw. In the Orphic tradition, Demeter prophesizes that Persephone would marry Apollo, though that never came to pass obviously (I have a silly take on this in a bit sit tight).
Now Apollo :D the fun starts here.
SO. PERSEPHONE'S PLAYMATES WERE ATHENA AND ARTEMIS. Additionally, as mentioned previously, Demeter was like "oh yeah Persephone's gonna marry Apollo one day".
Apollo & Persephone are BFFs, and Demeter is the mom who sees her daughter has a boy friend and starts shipping them XD
Demeter: You look so cute together!
Persephone: MOM YOU'RE SO EMBARRESSING hides face
also! there's another myth that adds on to this headcanon of mine :D
People think Demeter causes winter. She does not - she just stops the plant growth.
Apollo lets winter happen when he takes his vacations to Hyperborea :D
Apollo aligned his vacations during the time Persephone is in the Underworld because fuck it if he can't hang with his BFF during this time of year might as well do his vacation instead so he has more time during the spring/summer months with her then!
Remember this scene in The Last Olympian?
The older lady harrumphed. "I warned you, daughter. This scoundrel Hades is no good. You could've married the god of doctors or the god of lawyers, but noooo. You had to eat the pomegranate."
Apollo is the god of healing. He also hold dominion over law, and played defense attorney for Orestes.
she presents it to Persephone like she has two options but they're the same person LMAO
I also wanna talk about the whole 'Demeter forbid Apollo from going near her kids' thing too! Because with the context of this^, it makes you wonder why.
...but then you realize that maybe it was because of the above she forbid him from her kids - or more specifically, she forbid him because he didn't marry Persephone XD
So she ships them. But also she's salty she didn't get her favorite nephew for a son-in-law to marry her favorite daughter and therefore banned him from her kids.
Seems counter-productive, but you do you Demeter lmao XD
(and yes, Hades would be a useful ally in a rebellion...hehehehe)
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floralcavern · 8 months
Percy Jackson LGBT headcanons? Don’t mind if I do.
Percy: Heteroflexible. He had a moment where he realized ‘Oh shit, maybe I’m not as straight as I thought..!’ after doing a workout session with Jason. He felt so guilty about being attracted to someone else’s looks, he immediately told Annabeth, freaking out and not knowing what to do, but she put a hand on his shoulder and said “Percy.. hun.. I love you, but I think you should know I’m the exact same way with Piper. But you’re the only person I love. It’s ok to think someone else is attractive occasionally. But thank you for telling me. Also, I’m bi.”
Annabeth: Bisexual. How else would the charmspeak work so damn well on her?
Grover: straight ally, but he has bi-wife energy
Nico: He’s already canonically gay. So not much to say here.
Thalia: Aro spec lesbian. I take 0 criticism. (When I was first reading the series, I thought her and Zoë were salty exes lmfao)
Jason: Pansexual. He’s attracted to Piper, Leo, Percy, everyone and he doesn’t know what to do about it because all of his friends are so damn hot.
Piper: homoflexible. She thought she was straight because her first crush was Jason, but she realized that she is usually attracted to women. Her and Percy are heteroflexible-homoflexible solidarity.
Leo: Have you SEEN him? What a bi disaster.
Frank: Straight ally, but he is aesthetically attracted to men
Hazel: heteromantic asexual. Not much to say here, I just like the headcanon
I’m currently only on Son of Neptune and I’m only in ~150 pages right now, so these are the only characters I really know enough about to give them headcanons.
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thekidonherownn · 3 months
I hate you for what you did (and I miss you like a little kid)- post tlo percabeth oneshot
The night of August 18th, camp half-blood was quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. So quiet that it was scary, unsettling even: ‘cause camp never was and never had been quiet in the slightest, not until the night of August 18th, at least.
The campers and so the nymphs and dryads, even the birds up in the trees were silent, for one night only they all stood still: the adrenaline and hysteria from the victory of the battle of Manhattan was fading away, leaving behind only destruction, grief and loss.
Endless bunk beds remained empty, out of owners; the Apollo cabin was sad to look at: not a glowing ray of sunshine anymore: just dark and hollow. Nearly empty. Everyone understood that those missing souls deserved a little peace and quiet…even the chirping birds.
After the faint celebrations and laughs, after Clarisse and the others threw them in the lake, calm had settled…and that unescapable air of death had dawned onto the whole hill, brought by the night.
Annabeth was quiet too, laying still in her spot, her hair and clothes wet from the dunk in the lake, her lips salty from the kiss. Awake and mute: much like everyone else.
She’d dreamed of this night since the very first time she held her dagger: the time she was going to win, the one where she would get all the glory she deserved. Annabeth licked her lips again, balancing herself off the fact that they tasted like Percy’s…she got all the glory she wanted; she was a hero, she was a savior. Nothing could’ve prepared her for this moment, no fantasy of her child self could ever give her this emotion: Annabeth didn’t feel like a hero was supposed to, no, Annabeth felt like a murderer. She rubbed her palms on the sides of her shorts, still sensing the warm red blood that had stained them the same morning.
Luke’s blood. Luke’s blood all over Olympus, all over her clothes, all over her hands. She couldn’t seem to let go of the feeling of it, in the faint light of cabin six she could see they were clean and pristine, though it wasn’t enough. Annabeth wondered if she would feel it on her palms forever, if she would have to rip away her skin because of it.
She wondered if Percy felt it too. The blood on his hands. If he could see it splashed on the ground every time he closed his eyes. She ran her hands through her curls, trying to shake off the shivers that were running over her body: probably because she was soaking wet and hadn’t bothered changing into dry clothes, though Annabeth wasn’t sure that was the only reason.
He did it himself, Luke killed himself, she kept thinking, while asking herself if that really was the only possible option, after all. Maybe she could’ve saved him, maybe if she’d agreed to join him he would be well and alive now. No, you couldn’t- her own mind retorted to her thoughts, she tasted Percy’s lips again and shut her eyes close.
If she’d loved Luke like he wanted, maybe everyone would still be here…Annabeth’s brain reeled non-stop, endless scenarios started playing in her head; but the salt on her lips got stronger by the second, invading her own mind, Percy calming her with his memory.
It only had been a few hours since that underwater kiss, still she wanted more, Annabeth longed for the stinging salt on her lips: it almost made her forget about the burning sensation on her palms. As she put on her yankees cap and sprinted down to cabin 3, not a lot went through her head but the fact that she so desperately needed something to remind her that loving was worth it, that it didn’t always end up with blood stained blades.
The cabin’s front door easily opened, startling Percy in the process, who wasn’t asleep, like the rest of the campers. He sprinted to his feet, riptide in hand and eyes wide open, when he spot her standing she could see every piece of his body relax, he started whispering: “you-”
Annabeth, not wanting to break camp’s silence just yet, cupped both sides of his face and kissed him, quickly, a little awkwardly maybe…they still hadn’t discussed what they’re relationship was at, but their lips meeting again seemed right, even if it was shy and short, it was better than anything they’d ever felt before.
When she pulled away, their cheeks were flushed, it took Percy a few seconds to finish what he was saying: “...scared me, you scared me bad” his words were as low as possible, a little smile started growing on his lips.
“I’m sorry” was all she replied with, making herself at home and plopping her cap on the nightstand, "I'm sorry" she muttered again, more to herself this time, while tasting more salt on her lips. "I- " she tried to put it into words, and Percy said it for her:
"I know" he wore deep dark circles because of the insomnia and he kept his voice just a low breath, she knew he was trying to help out, but it somehow managed to make her even more anxious: she didn't want him to know. She'd hoped he wouldn't understand.
Percy put a firm hand on top of her shoulder, Annabeth noticed just now that she was still shivering from the cold and exhaustion, “do you want to um-” Percy sighed, preparing himself for what he was about to say:
“do you want to lay down?”
Those words hung up in the air for a few seconds too much, Annabeth had never been in cabin 3 this late at night, and even though technically they weren’t dating, it felt more than two best friends laying next to each other on a mattress…if you consider that the best friends in question enjoy kissing from time to time.
It was something they’d never done before, but just like the kissing part, it felt okay, it felt right. Annabeth didn’t say anything as she quietly plopped onto the right side of his bunk bed, he followed a moment later and laid next to her, pulled close by the small bed, their faces facing the ceiling.
She quickly discovered that the beds in cabin 3 were more comfortable than the ones in 6, laying on them was like being lulled by the warm waves of the night, whereas in the Athena cabin the bunks were lazily pressed to the walls, with hard and narrow mattresses…her mother’s message was clear: sleeping isn’t important.
His side pressed onto hers to fit on the bed, Percy’s body stiffened in awkwardness, but then quickly noticed that Annabeth wasn’t even noticing the closeness, she seemed to be on the lookout for something he couldn’t see, distracted by visions, she was rubbing her palms on her jeans as if her hands were really, really itchy.
With little thought, Percy grabbed her wrist, “don’t do that” he stated, his voice wasn’t mad, just concerned: her skin had a reddish color and looked irritated by the constant stress she was putting it in. Pushing through the embarrassment, he squeezed the hand in his, just to stop her from hurting it, Annabeth’s brain cleared out from the fog at his touch, she opened her mouth and quickly closed it again, realizing she didn’t have much to say. The silence was nice enough, why ruin it?
Percy might have thought the same, because they stayed quiet, the only sounds being the ones of their breaths itching close, him fidgeting with the covers with his free hand, confused on why she’d burst in at night with no explanation but, on the more honest side, not caring that much about it. She’d kissed him for three times, all in the same day, it was a win even bigger than the one they had in the morning.
That was when Percy’s brain clicked: Morning. War. Win. Luke. Shit.
He felt his heart drop to his stomach. She watched Luke die that morning, of course she was acting weird. Of course she couldn’t sleep like he couldn’t, of course he hadn’t thought about it because he was too busy noticing their arms slightly touching. Before he could even begin to figure out what to say, Annabeth talked for the first time in 30 minutes:
“I didn’t love him” she clarified, out loud, as if to get that out of the way: as if her bursting in and kissing him on the spot wasn’t enough. Annabeth shut her eyes, embarrassed by her own words, by her feelings, “but until he was alive some deep small part of me thought-” her voice quivered, she tightened her eyes shut trying to keep the tears in, Percy finally let go of their barrier and reached out to hug her close, she let him do it and pressed her face in the crook of his neck, silent tears started falling on his shirt, “I thought he could change” she mumbled, he whispered in her ear: “he did change” but Annabeth shook her head “he changed too late” her voice was becoming resentful, angry.
“I hate him so much, Percy” she sightly pulled away from his embrace, meeting his eyes and wiping away some tears, “I really do, but-” a deep sigh, “-but I also miss him” she covered her face with both her palms, trying to wipe away the sadness “I miss him more than I would like to, and there’s nothing I can do about it”
“but I don’t love him” she re-stated, Percy unconsciously took a sigh of relief, not really helping it, “that’s okay” he muttered, picking her hand once again, with their faces itching closer, she looked down at her tangled fingers…this wasn’t like her, going on talking about her issues and troubles: but this night, the night of August 18th, it was too much to bottle inside, she’d felt his death hover her, forbidding her to sleep.
Silence fell over them once again, Percy stared at her, the only light being the blue hue coming from the water fountain, her hair was still damp and she still had that warrior aura that had came over her that morning during battle…come to think of it, Annabeth always had it around her, to him, she was like one of those greek princesses that traveled with a dagger beneath their gown, only she wore it proudly on her belt; Percy’s throat dried up at the sight of her, from the fact that he could actually feel their hearts synchronize because of their closeness, he bit the inside of his cheek, trying to push away the nervousness.
Annabeth kept fidgeting with his hand, in her own way, she was avoiding his eyes, so he knew she must’ve been nervous too, feeling more secure of herself, lighter from the earlier confessions, she asked, out of the blue: “are we dating?” he wasn’t expecting her to ask, but instantly replied, with no hesitation whatsoever: “I hoped so” his tone was more fragile than Percy wanted it to be, he felt her squeeze his hand tighter, “good” she mumbled, a small smile appearing on her lips, the first of the night: “I think-” she got closer to look at him better and he mirrored her, finally meeting her yes, “-I think that’s the only thing I’m sure of right now” Annabeth finished, not letting go of his hand, her palms still red and scratched: only now she’d stopped sensing the blood on them.
Percy stopped in his tracks, thinking that it was a good place to start: being sure of what they were to each other after years of pining, they both stared into each other's eyes for a rough minute, Percy’s gaze casually slipping down to her lips eventually, Annabeth cleaned her throat after a while, “can I…can I spend the night?” she asked, trying to break through the quiet, he answered on the spot: “of course” he said, beginning to get up from his spot, “I can sleep on the other-” “Percy” she cut him off, her hand still grasping his, pulling him to her.
“oh. oh, of course” Percy mumbled under his breath, a deep blush spreading all over his face as he re-adjusted himself next to her, “I think we can sleep together” she went on, showing an amused grin at his reaction, “It’s not like we haven’t done it before” she whispered, draping an arm over him, sinking deeper into the covers, “we’re still best friends, after all”
Percy felt his chest warm at her words, when she finally laid her lips back on his, it was better than he could ever expect it to be: the awkwardness had melted away and the kiss was slow and laid back, when he pulled away he was more red than before, if that was even possible.
“best friends don’t do that” he mumbled under his breath, not breaking eye contact, Annabeth’s smile got wider “we do” she declared, Percy kissed her again, she pulled away almost laughing out of happiness, which to him felt like biggest win of all: considering how upset she’d come in, “thank you” she said, “for being there, you know” Annabeth’s face heated up, he kissed the top of the hand he was holding, “we’re best friends, after all”
She rolled her eyes at the mimicking, secretly flattered by his ability to remember every single one of her words, he went on: “we’ll get through this war” he sighed, “or better, the ending of this war” she hugged him and finished: “hopefully this time they’ll leave us alone”
Something tingled at the back of Percy’s brain, deep down, he knew that wouldn’t have been the case, they both did. But this wasn't the time to worry about it, they needed their time to heal: the new prophecy had to wait. He took a final deep sigh before drifting off to sleep: “hopefully”.
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whitesunlars · 2 years
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and many more
the percy jackson birthday fic i wrote in less than four hours so you're not allowed to judge the quality of
Waking up, Sally knows she’s not alone. She doesn’t need to roll over and look around the room to know. She can feel his overwhelming presence filling the air, calmer than it had ever felt before, even in their most serene moments. Her hospital room looked out over the river. From far away, the water always looked still, and the Hudson never churns angrily, yet staring out the window, the water has never looked quite as peaceful. “He’s beautiful,” A familiar voice, deep and warm like the ocean waves heated by the sun.
Sally rolled over, wincing slightly at the pain from the movement, her entire lower body was sore in a way it had never been. The pain was worth it though, it was all worth it, for that little baby being cradled in the arms of a god like he was the most precious thing in the world. Scoffing, Sally teased the god playfully, “You’re just saying that because he looks like you.”
Sea green eyes met hers, filled with sincerity, love, and wonder. Poseidon, the god of the sea, of earthquakes, of storms, the man she loved, and the father of her newly born son. Smiling, Poseidon walked towards the hospital bed where Sally rested, having given birth earlier that very day. “I’m saying that because he looks like you. Sure, he has my eyes, but that nose? That chin? That’s all you, Sally.” Gently, Poseidon sat down on the edge of the bed, holding the baby close to his chest. “What did you name him?”
Displeased, Poseidon grunted and shot Sally an angry look, “You named him after my brother’s son?”
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Before a storm could begin to brew, Sally cut off Poseidon’s anger, “I named him after the only hero to have a happy ending.”
Guilt washed over Poseidon like the tide, and he softened once more, looking down at his son sadly. Happy endings were rare for demigods and the parents of the young baby were painfully aware how true that would be for their son.
Sighing heavily, Sally asked, “You still won’t tell me what the prophecy says, will you? The reason our son shouldn’t exist, the reason he’s in danger, I can’t know it?”
Poseidon shook his head, forlorn.
“Then there’s no better name for him than Perseus. If just a little luck and a little hope gives him more of a chance then I’ll give it to him, in any way I can.” Smiling slightly, Sally added, “If it makes you feel any better, I plan on calling him Percy.”
“Come with me, both of you,” Poseidon urged.
Sitting up a little more, Sally reached over and lifted her son out of his father’s arms, settling the sleeping infant against her chest. A small and warm squishy baby with chubby cheeks and bright green eyes, he was amazing. He was perfect. He was in danger. Sally would do everything in her limited power to keep him safe, to keep him alive. “We both know we can’t do that, Po,” Sally chided softly, carding a hand through the thick, soft curls that already covered the baby’s head. “If nobody can know about him, coming to live with you will just put him at risk. I can’t let that happen.”
“His life will be dangerous.” Poseidon warned.
“And it wouldn’t be if we came below the sea with you?” Sally shot back, annoyed. “At least here I can protect him whatever way I can. There’s nothing I can do there.”
Standing, Poseidon reached into the front pocket of his bright Hawaiian shirt and pulled out a crisp business card. “There’s going to come a time you won’t be able to protect him anymore.” Handing Sally the card, Poseidon continued, “When that day comes, call this number, you’ll find help and he’ll find a safe haven.” For a moment, Poseidon paused, looking down at Percy and then back up at Sally, “I wish…”
“I know.”
With a nod, Poseidon warned Sally to cover her eyes. She did. In a flash Poseidon was gone. The only proof he ever had existed, let alone been in that room, was the lingering salty smell of the ocean and the green-eyed baby safe in Sally’s embrace. Pressing a gentle kiss to Percy’s forehead, Sally began to sing “happy birthday”, the words filling her with warmth at the baby she had carried for nine months. A day would come where she wouldn’t be able to protect him, already now she could do less to keep him safe than she could hours ago when he was still within her. The life he had ahead of him would be hard and dangerous in ways Sally could never predict. He would face horrors and monsters and gods and there would be nothing Sally could do to help him. But she could give him a strong name, she could give him hope, she could guide him as far as she could, and she could wish him “happy birthday” and pray with her very soul for there to be many more to follow.
Things were better before Gabe. Back when it was just Percy and Mommy. He liked their small studio apartment and cuddling in bed. He liked sitting somewhere tucked away when she snuck him into her job at the diner, or the one at the make-up booth, or the one at the butcher shop, and told him to be quiet. She would walk around and sing as she worked to keep him entertained. He liked life like that.
But then the lady with the hairy leg and weird limp and fangs and fire for hair approached him at the park and suddenly Percy and Mommy were moving in with Gabe. Mommy told Percy he imagined the scary lady, but he knew that wasn’t true. He remembered her. It couldn’t be a dream, but Mommy said it was and he trusted Mommy more than scary ladies.
Whether or not the fang lady was real, the next thing Percy knew they were moving into Gabe’s apartment where Percy had his own room, but everything smelled and Mommy never seemed happy. She seemed busier than ever before, and she seemed tired and sad and Gabe was mean to her. Gabe was mean to Percy, too. He said words to Percy that Percy knew were bad and Mommy would scold him but that didn’t stop him. He said things to Percy that Percy did understand, calling him dumb and worthless and a waste. Each word hurt almost as much as the way Gabe’s grip on his arm did when Percy was in his way. Almost.
Everything had gotten worse since they moved in with Gabe, even Percy’s birthday. He was turning five, which was a very big number, but Mommy couldn’t celebrate with him and Percy didn’t want to celebrate with Gabe, not like the jerk would want to eat cake with Percy anyways. Just the other day Mommy and Gabe had gotten in a fight about food and whether it could be blue or not and suddenly everything they ate was blue, which Percy really liked. Blue was his favorite color and blue things tasted better. He would have wanted a blue birthday cake, just to share with Mommy, but she had to work. Instead, Percy went to sleep on his birthday in his empty room with his too big and lonely bed, missing his mom.
Percy didn’t know what time it was when he woke up to gentle fingers running through his hair. Blinking his eyes open, he smiled wide at the sight of his Mommy. She looked like she hadn’t slept in years, her hair was messy and there were bags under her eyes, but she looked so happy to see Percy that everything had to be alright.
“Happy birthday,” Mommy said, pressing a kiss to Percy’s forehead, “I’m sorry I missed most of it, but I brought you this,” She pulled out from behind her back a bright blue chocolate chip cookie. Grinning Percy reached for it. He paused for a moment and looked at his Mommy. She looked happy and sad and tired, and she deserved something good too, so without thinking any harder, Percy split the cookie in half and handed the other half back to her. It was the smaller half, though, it was his birthday after all. Mommy tried to protest but Percy didn’t let her. Birthdays are meant to be shared. There were no candles to blowout, but that was okay. Mommy still sang to him and told him to make a wish, as she promised him, “and many more.”
Dinner ends with the entire camp singing “Happy Birthday” and blue cake that tastes like chocolate appearing on everybody’s plates. Camp ends in two days so Percy is pretty sure most of the campers are only singing because they want the cake to celebrate, but he doesn’t complain.
He had spent the day racing in the canoe lake, beating all the Hermes kids without breaking a sweat. He climbed the lava wall, which he made it nearly halfway up on before he needed to jump into the water below to avoid being burnt, his best record yet. Annabeth still laughed at him from the top, but he knew he would make it up there one day soon. He missed Grover desperately and wished his best friend could have stayed at camp longer, but he did get an IM and was happy to tell him all about beating Annabeth in a duel. She argued that she went easy on him for his birthday, but Percy was pretty sure she was lying. Annabeth never went easy on him. She would never make things easy on him. All of that, plus the camp singing for him whether because he was their friend, a returned hero, or because they just wanted dessert, the day was basically his best birthday ever.
A weird feeling churned in his gut when they reached the end of the song and nobody added, “And many more.” His mom always added “and many more.” To him it was part of the birthday song. Not hearing it felt strange. Looking at the faces of his friends and tense acquaintances (the entire Ares cabin, mostly), realization washed over Percy. Demigods probably don’t like to add “and many more.” Tomorrow, let alone many more years, is never guaranteed for a half-blood. Gruesome death at a tragically young age was the most common fate awaiting the children of gods.
For a moment, Percy pictured his mom’s face every time she sang him happy birthday. It was never fully happy. Her smile never quite reached her eyes as she added her earnest, “and many more.” Percy had always thought it was because she was seeing his dad when she looked at him, but that wasn’t it. Or at least wasn’t it entirely. She was looking at him as a demigod, as a son of Poseidon who should never have been born. His mom didn’t sing “and many more” because it was part of the song, she added it because she was praying for that to be true. She knew the dangers he faced, she knew that he might not have many more, that he probably would have a very short life, yet every year she helped him blow out the candles on his blue birthday cake and added the words, praying for them to be true.
Suddenly, there was nothing Percy wanted more than to be with his mom. The two days between them felt very far apart. Every day it felt like he was learning more about the sacrifices she made to keep him safe and alive and everyday he was loving her a little more. He had the greatest mom in the world, and he would make sure he had many more years just to keep her happy. Also, because he didn’t really want to be dead. Dying at thirteen would suck. Percy wanted many more years for himself, too, even if he didn’t really want to be a half-blood.
Being alive was amazing. Percy was sure it was something he would never take for granted again. He had woken up that morning certain that it would be his last and resigned to his fate if it meant his friends would live on without him. Instead, he was walking Annabeth back to her cabin, heart bursting with happiness, and their hands linked together. It was dark out, but the harpies were told to let the campers have free reign of the camp, just for that night. There had been enough pain and suffering for one day. If the campers wanted to seek comfort from their friends with a different godly parent or solace in the fresh air of a safe world, they were granted that freedom.
Percy and Annabeth had taken advantage of the lack of harpies and stayed under the canoe lake long after it had grown dark, and their friends had realized they would not come to the surface any time soon. Most of their time in their private bubble under the water was spent kissing. It was new, it was exciting, and it was very well deserved for both of them. They talked, too. One of the best things about the two of them together was that they could talk. The past year filled with tension and anger and worry made it hard for them to talk but finally they were both unburdened and honest and able to share conversation once more. Talking with Annabeth, actually talking and sharing his feelings rather than swapping sharp barbs laced with hidden meaning, felt like coming home. Holding her hand felt like coming home, too. Kissing her felt like… it felt like the future. A future he had never imagined.
It was nearing midnight when they reached her cabin, only having come to the surface when Percy started yawning and they feared his control over their air bubble would fade with his exhaustion. Reaching the porch of the Athena Cabin, Percy was reluctant to let go of Annabeth’s hand. There was so much that still needed to be said, apologies, explanations, confessions. Leaving her, even for a moment felt wrong. He paused, opening his mouth trying to think of something to say.
As if reading his mind, Annabeth cut off his unformed sentence with a short kiss, something Percy was already coming to realize they would both be doing a lot, kissing and using it to interrupt the other one. When she pulled back she promised, “We can talk tomorrow, okay?”
Tomorrow. The word felt foreign. He had spent so long counting all his tomorrows up until sixteen, not knowing if there would be another. Tomorrow had never felt promised and suddenly he had a lifetime, a real lifetime not a shortened demigod lifetime, of tomorrows ahead of him. It was his sixteenth birthday and suddenly he felt like he was born all over again. For the first time, maybe since he was born, maybe since he was twelve, maybe since he heard the prophecy earlier that summer, he had tomorrows to look forward to.
Gods. It was his sixteenth birthday. He barely saw his mom. He would need to go into the city tomorrow and tell her everything. Which he could do, because he had a tomorrow. Clearly, Annabeth could tell his thoughts were spiraling, because she kissed him again. Or, as he looked at the soft smile on her lips, he thought she might just have wanted to kiss him again because she could.
There was a lot that could be said tomorrow, but there was one thing that had to be said before midnight. Kissing him again, Annabeth mumbled a fond, “Happy birthday.” She kissed him again. Percy was really starting to love this new development. “And here’s to many more.”
A broad smile burst across Percy’s face. There would be many more and all of them would be spent with Annabeth, he was sure.
Just over a month ago they had celebrated Annabeth’s birthday. Twenty-one was a big birthday to celebrate, becoming legal after all was exciting, even if alcohol was always easy to come by when you were friends with the Stoll brothers. Yet Annabeth had celebrated hard, getting drunker than Percy had ever seen her. He happily nursed her through her hangover and wiped dried vomit from her mouth. In her drunken haze, she had repeatedly told him how much she loved him and Percy would reply fondly that he felt the same. Each time he said that she would light up, joy radiating through the alcohol induced fogginess.
Percy’s twenty-first birthday was very different from his girlfriend’s. It was different from all of his friends’ twenty-first birthdays because Percy did not drink. The smell of alcohol made his stomach recoil, which showed how much he adored Annabeth that he still tended to her when she reeked of cheap vodka. Beer, liquor, wine, it all reminded Percy too much of Gabe. The smell would bring him back to that disgusting apartment and suddenly he would feel rough hands grabbing him and throwing him around and the sharp burn of a cigarette the one time he pressed it to Percy’s skin before Sally nearly murdered him, before Sally actually murdered him. Percy tried drinking, once. He threw up after one beer. He felt sick to his stomach the moment he tasted it.
On his twenty-first birthday, Percy didn’t drink. He didn’t go to a bar or a club like all of his friends had to celebrate theirs. Instead, Percy had a small party on the beach. Sure, there were drinks for everyone else, but Percy was happy drinking his blue Coke and playing in the water with his girlfriend.
When it came time to sing and blow out candles, his mom appeared like a baking goddess, with a large blue cake covered in iced ocean waves. Even without any alcohol in his system, Percy felt warm and giddy as he blew out the candles. Surrounded by his friends, his family, and holding the hand of the love of his life, there was no other way he could feel. As everyone wished him many more birthdays to come, Percy grinned, because he knew they were only going to keep getting better.
Throughout his life, Percy Jackson has been called many different things and held many different titles. Son, husband, bad kid, demigod, hero. There are plenty more things he has never been called. He was never once a “pleasure to have in class,” not even from Chiron, and he most certainly was never called a morning person. Life as a demigod, then as an Olympic athlete, and after that as a firefighter, meant Percy frequently had to wake up early. He never enjoyed doing that. He never liked leaving his bed and facing the day, not when he could stay curled up and wait a little longer. Birthdays, aside from the ones during a literal war, were always his guaranteed day to sleep in. Annabeth, his mom, everybody, knew not to wake him before 11 at the earliest. Everybody except the person who just a few months earlier who had given him his newest and favorite title: Dad.
Sharp and loud cries, Sophie’s feed me screams, woke Percy and Annabeth at roughly the same time. It was early, the sun was just starting to peek through the curtains but was not fully risen. Instead of feeling annoyed to be woken so early, Percy felt elated. His daughter woke him up. A little piece of him and Annabeth brought to life with light brown hair and Percy’s eyes. She was perfect in ways Percy could never have expected and filled him with so much happiness that waking up before sunrise on his birthday didn’t upset him.
“Go back to sleep,” Annabeth mumbled, “I’ve got her.”
Grinning, already wide awake, Percy gently pushed Annabeth back down to the bed and she happily buried her face into her pillow, already snoring again despite her denial that she ever snored. Percy took a single moment to push a curl out of Annabeth’s face and press a kiss to her cheek. The baby was still crying so he didn’t take long and hurried down the hallway toward his wailing daughter.
“Good morning,” Percy said softly as he pulled Sophie out of her crib. The cries lessened for a moment when she realized someone was paying attention to her, but resumed just as quickly when she realized she wasn’t immediately being fed. “Hold your horses,” Percy playfully chided, “It’s daddy’s birthday, you know, give your old man a little time to get your bottle ready.”
Uncaring and unable to understand, Sophie kept sobbing. Bouncing her slightly as he walked, Percy moved around the kitchen, prepping her bottle one handed. Through the window, he could see the sun slowly rise higher and the sky start to brighten to a clear blue. Birthdays used to be meant for sleeping in. One day he would have many more chances to do so, but his first birthday with his daughter, that was something that would only happen once and Percy planned to cherish that.
The fates said that reaching sixteen was against all odds and yet Percy had officially doubled that number. Thirty-two years ago, he was born when he was never supposed to exist, sixteen years ago he had survived a war that prophesied his demise. Considering everything, reaching his thirty-second birthday should have been impossible. Percy should have been dead a dozen times over. He had fought gods, titans, and primordial beings, he had blown up a volcano and his heart kept beating, he had walked through the darkest pit of the Underworld and come out breathing. Odds said Percy should have been dead before he was sixteen, yet there he was, thirty-two.
Sitting on the cabin porch, watching the sunset over the ocean and the light catch on the waves, the numbers and probabilities kept rolling around Percy’s mind. He had an amazing life. He was married to his best friend, he had two perfect daughters, he had a job he loved, and a future that seemed never ending. Sixteen years ago, none of what he had seemed possible. On his thirty-second birthday it was his reality and it felt like a miracle every day.
Lost in his head, Percy didn’t hear the footsteps behind him. He didn’t startle, though, when arms wrapped around his shoulders. They were familiar, tan and warm. The scars littering the skin were familiar ones, Percy knew the story behind every healed wound that left its permanent mark. Leaning back, Percy looked up at his wife and smiled. Carding her fingers lovingly through his curls, which were a few days overdue for a haircut, Annabeth asked, “Drachma for your thoughts, birthday boy?”
Tugging on her arm to bring her around the couch to sit beside him, Percy protested, “My thoughts have to be worth at least two drachmas.”
Annabeth shook her head, “Friends and family discount,” She settled on the couch, leaning against Percy’s shoulder and kicking her feet up on the coffee table in front of them. “Technically, I think I should get those thoughts for free, so the drachma is generous.”
“The thoughts are about you, so I guess I can donate them,” Percy wrapped an arm around Annabeth’s shoulder and brought her close, “Just this once.”
“How generous.”
“For you?” Percy pressed a quick kiss to Annabeth’s lips, “Always.”
Tilting her head back to get a better look at Percy’s face, Annabeth asked sincerely, “What are you thinking about? When I came back out after putting the girls to bed, you had this…aura, I guess. I could tell you were thinking and thinking hard.”
Thirty-two had felt impossible. Half a lifetime ago tomorrow felt impossible. He thought of his mom and her hopes and dreams of many more birthdays and those desires had come to fruition. “I was supposed to die sixteen years ago,” Percy shrugged, “And here I am, celebrating my birthday, officially having spent half my life in a relationship with my wonderful wife, with two incredible daughters asleep just inside, and a beautiful sunset in front of me.” Gratitude overwhelmed Percy. He paused and looked at Annabeth, her hair was glowing golden, catching the rays of the sinking sun. Her eyes were sparkling, bright with love and understanding. She was ethereal, she was everything. “I guess….” Percy trailed off for a moment, then looked out at the sun, just starting to drop below the horizon, “I guess I’m just looking forward to tomorrow and the many more to come.”
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ac3ofspad3 · 2 months
Aurelia Maldonado
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Daughter of Tyche
Aurelia: name of Latin origin meaning "the golden one." Infused with prestige, this glittering title can be traced back to the ancient Roman surname, Aurelius.
Maldonado: nickname from a compound of mal 'badly' + donado 'given, endowed' (past participle of donar 'to give, to bestow'), or directly from Latin male donatus 'ill favored'.
Mother is Tyche and she was claimed around 10 years old.
Aurelia is seventeen, 5’6, and a hopeless simp when it comes to Clarisse La Rue.
Has been part of camp since she was around 8 years old. The satyr never made it to her in Houston, TX so her father drove her upstate.
She’s lowkey daddy’s girl. Only child syndrome. She has two aunts that helped her grandma raise her dad growing up plus they helped raise her as well.
She fought in the Battle of Manhattan, never went back to camp after that. Was deeply disturbed and horrified by the events.
Her father is making her go to therapy.
Close friends with Clarisse and has a hate/love friendship with Percy. She’s cool with Annabeth, kind of. They beef sometimes. Mostly about books.
She still keeps in close contact with Clarisse.
Weirdly allergic to watermelon, she’s very salty about that.
Omg she’s a nerd, loves D&D and plays it regularly with her friends from school.
Proud lesbian, goes to pride festivals when she can and supports businesses owned by LGBTQ, minorities, veterans, etc.
Used to work at a vegan shop, didn’t hate it. The owner was very nice.
She has tychokinesis and rarely uses it. Only during campaigns when it’s heavily needed.
Nicknamed rabbits foot at camp especially during capture the flag and Clarisse would always try to get her on her team. So sad tho, she had to stay with the Hermes cabin.
Was sought out by Chiron due to unknown circumstances brewing. Somehow found her after her father moved them. Took a lottttt of convincing, like so much. They had to stay a good week and half in Portland. Clarisse was sent from camp to actually convince her.
Very strong with archery and running. She’s a little track star.
She has a corgi named Cebby. He’s so cute.
Aurelia is very passionate about things and will fight people. She’ll throw hands. Clarisse is so proud. Let’s be real though, she will also hide behind Clarisse.
Bad habit of blindly following and not worrying until later.
Lowkey almost made a deal with Kronos at one point, she didn’t but almost did.
Oh, girly is very indecisive. It’s a problem.
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smokerswifey · 7 months
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Guinever notifies us about four events that will happen in the future :
• Her (14) and Lancelot (18) will meet in secret in a tower
• He makes a name for himself in service for a king when he's 23, ( her 19 ).
• And then they will part ways for the last time.
So if she and Lance could meet in secret there are multiple ways of how that could happen :
A : someone in Camelot might be an ally that covers for Guinevere when she meets Lancelot or that someone helps Lancelot get inside Camelot .
B : Lancelot disguises himself as a fox ( Idk if the chaos knights know about that )
C : another reason idk
Her and Lancelot's kiss I have nothing to say about that except 19 year old boys shouldn't go around kissing 15 year old girls and I will FOREVER be salty about this .
In the timeskip Lance will be 20 and Guinevere will be 16, so 1 year would have passed after their first kiss so they are probably in a relationship. ( yay......) So these 2 are probably having more secret meetings and whatnot and I feel like it won't be long till arthur will found out about that and he will definitely flip out.... karma.
Him making a name for himself and stuff happen 3 years after the timeskip so I can't really analyse much apart from the question who is the king he is going to serve :
I doubt it would be King or Ban or Zeldris
And it might be Meliodas or another King who will be revealed .
Or....arthur ????? Oh god I hope not .
Or maybe there's another prophecy where there will be a new king of Camelot that will take arthur's place or sm idk I'm going a bit far lmao...
And the last thing she says is that her and Lancelot will " part ways" ( YAAAAAAAY, sorry)
But it's not specified how and why
Does arthur make her break it off ??
Does she do it to save him ??
Does he do it to save her ??
Do they break up put of anger after a fight or sm ?
Or do they genuinely part ways in a way they get separated unwillingly ??
I would say I'm happy they just separated because I'm sorry Languin shippers but I am not feeling it... but I do know Nakaba and they will probably get back together/find each other again or whatever.
Plus she said she didn't want to see everyone before the future so she definitely met everyone in the gang .
But wait she never warned or foreshadowed to Lancelot about Percy or anything and she never mentioned not meeting Percy so this could be hope that she never knew that Percival died because when she saw him in the future he was alive ???????
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I find it ironic that the fandom hates Jason for "having no personality" but Will solace was at his peak popularity in the fandom during the time BOO was out, that was before his personality was even properly established in TOA. Will's personality was 90% fanon before TOA was out, because the fandom cared enough to give him one even when Rick didn't establish it well up until later on.
But nobody cared enough to give Jason a fanon personality to make up for his canon absence, simply because they weren't interested and wrote him off the moment he was written as Percy's rival.
So if you put it that way, the majority of the fandom just hates Jason because he's Percy's equal. Which is why literally no one in the fandom wants jason to be loved or recognised, they just downplay him every chance they get, because he is seen as Percy's competitor and wants him to be bashed, so that Percy always has the spotlight, that's why the fandom always maintains the reputation of Jason's character as a "loser knockoff percy" and dont bother giving him a fanon one, Because they want jason's existence to be used as a punching bag to uplift Percy's achievements. That's what I take away from observing all the Jason slander lately.
The majority of the reasoning for his slander almost ALWAYS includes Percy in it, as far as I've seen.
There are many characters that many fandoms popularize and love even if they don't have proper personalities in canon or even when they are just characters in passing. And i don't see why jason is the only exception to that treatment
Saying that you hate Jason because you are salty that he's Percy's rival is basically like saying you hate him because he exists, which sounds ridiculous lol.
This is basically like a "if they wanted to, they would" type of situation, Jason is just unfortunate that he didn't get the fandom's love for anyone to give him any fun fanon personality at all
It's sad considering the possibility that Jason would've been so loved if he were just a mere side character, that way people wouldn't have hated him for "rivalling" Percy.
I guarantee you half the hate he got would've never existed in the first place if he were just some insignificant character in the series, because the fandom would've effortlessly shoehorned a personality of their own onto him and showered him with love instead of complaining about it.
Jason has LOTS of fanon potential, the fandom just don't want to utilise it :/
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jgracie · 2 days
percy jackson 🎤
send me a character + an emoji for a surprise! (CLOSED) on the radio . . . party in the usa (miley cyrus)
the hephaestus cabin's new, demigod-safe technology quickly became a fan favourite within camp half blood. all around you, demigods were getting phones, laptops, ipads and all sorts of devices they'd never been able to use before
one of those people was your boyfriend, percy, who decided to get a giant smart tv for his cabin. in the three days he had it, he managed to binge watch all of brooklyn 99, gossip girl and bridgerton, which had you concerned for his sleep schedule
today, he invited you over so you could have a movie marathon together, or so you thought
"hey, baby," percy said once you'd arrived, immediately pulling you into his arms. you smiled as you breathed in his scent - fresh and salty
pulling away, you followed percy into cabin three, which was pristinely clean save for the area that was very obviously your boyfriend's. sitting down on the couch in front of his new TV, you looked at percy in curiosity as to what movie you two were going to watch
"so, i changed my mind on the whole movie thing - i found out there's youtube on here, which means we can play that blind karaoke game the apollo cabin rave about!"
and so, your plans changed. percy insisted he goes first as he was awfully excited about guessing the song, and you let him because you thought his giddy smile was absolutely adorable. it didn't take you very long to find the song you wanted to test him with, something simple to ease him into the game: party in the usa by miley cyrus
as soon as the song started, a wide grin made its way onto percy's face, "are you serious, y/n? you thought this would be hard? this is my song!" he said, before proceeding to sing it so perfectly that miley herself would be proud
that was how the rest of the night went until you'd eventually gotten too many complaints from the neighbouring cabins and had to stop (percy insisted on whisper-singing until you could break the tie you were in) (he regretted that after you ended up winning)
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angels-and-demons · 6 months
I have a question for the normal AU (So not Proxy of Hades AU)
How do you think the other demigods + the seven etc dealt with the fact that Nico had run away from both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter??
(If we’re following what happened in Nico and The Creepypasta’s)
Nico would’ve been missing for 11 months or so without notifying ANYONE where he was going and then he ended up in a mansion and got a found family and friends in the forms of serial killers w/ a boyfriend as an added bonus too!
You’ve got the Son of Hades missing and then a year later it turns out he joined a bunch of serial killers and demons and such (urban legends included since Slenderman)
See, I feel most demigods would be like, "awe that's a shame he was a cute kid :(" but then kinda move on? Because most of the campers seemed to avoid him.
Percy was MIA at that point, and... he didn't really remember anything.
Annabeth was very stressed out, because Nico was missing ON TOP of Percy's disappearance AND finding out about the Romans. And it's all a lot for her.
Thalia keeps an eye out for him, obviously, while she's with the hunters. Because she cares about the small fry.
Piper, Frank, Jason, and Leo didn't know him when he went missing, so like... they fall in the camp of "awe that's a shame"
And Hazel was still dead at this point.
And THEN when he comes back, everyone's like, "whelp, I guess we gotta deal with THIS shit now too"
(Kinda bonus crack hc here: Chiron and Slender are exes and are SO FUCKING SALTY about it.)
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