#I was just thinking of tiny Nico asking Percy a million questions
sentientsliotar · 5 months
I want Percy Jackson to be bad at surfing.
I am obviously inspired by Nico.
Picture it- the son of Poseidon, strengthened by the sea, with the ability to control the water, who canonically skateboards- repeatedly crashing into the waves after falling off his board.
I don’t know why this image is so funny to me, but I know Nico being a natural surfer makes it even better.
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undercoveravenger · 4 years
A Blessing or A Curse
Pairings: Percy x male!reader, Nico x male!reader, Leo x male!reader
Requested: Yes
Original Request: “Percy , Nico , Will and Leo with a bf been cursed by god form another pantheon . He looks like a male version of the villain cheetah in DC , because of the curse he is forced to eat constantly but in the comics Cheetah eats human flesh. In here monsters literally everywhere and he just hunt them to eat :) just imagine a tiny mortal run after a Minotaur”
A/N: I know absolutely nothing about Cheetah, so this is just kind of a guess at something similarish. Unfortunately, I don’t write for Will since I don’t know his personality well (I haven’t read the Trials of Apollo series yet) but here’s how I think this would go down otherwise!
Quests had always been treated like a big deal at Camp Half-Blood, so getting to go on one with your boyfriend of all people made it feel even more special. Sure, there were still a few things that made it a little stressful (namely, hiding your big secret and random monster attacks), but you were still excited to spend this much time together.
Then the minotaur showed up and trapped the two of you in an old warehouse. The two of you had faced monsters together before, but this was stronger than the few cyclops you’d come across so far. You’d been able to defeat those pretty easily, but at some point during the fight, you had been disarmed and your boyfriend had been pinned under a large metal girder that the monster had knocked loose. Now you were left with no choice but to use your gift to save your boyfriend.
You ducked in front of your boyfriend as the minotaur swung at him, closing your eyes as you braced for impact. Your boyfriend let out a shout, expecting you to be crushed by the minotaur’s heavy fist. He let out a stunned sound when the monster’s blow connected, but didn’t do so much as shift your footing.
The minotaur seemed nearly as confused, letting out a questioning bellow. It stumbled back a step when your eyes blinked open, revealing that they’d shifted to a molten gold color and your pupils had turned slitted, like a cat’s. A wild array of glowing spots flickered to life down your arms and across your shoulders, mostly hidden by your orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt. Your hands flexed as your fingernails lengthened into razor-like claws.
The minotaur, while confused about your sudden transformation, was not about to pass up the chance to try and put an end to a pair of demigods, so it let out another bellow and charged at you.
You let out an answering growl, shifting your stance and reaching up to grab onto its horns as it got within reach, using your newly revealed strength to stop it in its tracks. You wrenched the monster’s head to one side using your grip on its horn with one hand while you dug the claws of the other through the bull’s thick skin and scored deep gashes down its side, golden ichor running down in thick rivulets to pool on the floor.
“You made a mistake going after him,” you snarled, stalking after the wounded monster. “And you’re going to pay for it.”
You made quick work of the minotaur after that, not ceasing in your devastating attacks until only a small pile of golden dust was all that was left of it. Then, as soon as you’d ensured there were no more threats, you moved to lift the debris that kept your boyfriend trapped. Once he had slipped out from underneath the girder, you let the heavy metal piece drop to the floor with a loud clang.
You turned to look at your boyfriend, nervous about what he’d say as your eyes returned to their normal (e/c) shade and the glowing spots faded from view. “I can explain,'' you said quietly,” all hints of your previous growling tone absent now as you looked at him.
Percy’s beautiful sea-green eyes were narrowed as he watched you, like he was expecting you to transform again. “Have you always been able to do this?”
You nodded slowly, lifting your hands into the air to show him that you meant no harm. “Yes,” you replied evenly. “One of my ancestors was cursed by Dionysus to become a monster whenever they got angry. The curse was passed down through the generations, and I guess we just got better at controlling it.”
Your boyfriend watched you hesitantly for a moment, but eventually he nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay?” You repeated, surprised at how easily he seemed to accept your explanation.
He nodded, his typical grin finally reappearing, “Yeah. The way I see it, if you were able to do this the whole time, then there’s really no change. You’re still the same guy I fell in love with.”
You moved to wrap him in your arms, pressing your face against his shoulder to hide your relieved smile as you hugged him. You’d never expected him to take the news this well, or well at all, but in that moment, you were reminded just how much you loved Percy Jackson.
Nico’s dark chocolate eyes had hardened as he watched you, the warm smile that he reserved specifically for you gone from his face. “What are you, and what have you done with my boyfriend?” he hissed as he drew his sword, limping slightly as he advanced on you.
You backed away, ducking out of the way as he slashed at you, “Nico, it’s me!” you protested weakly, still doing your best to stay out of his range.
“I don’t believe you!” he bit out, swinging at you furiously, “(M/N) would’ve told me if he was-” he paused, hesitating a little as your back collided with the wall behind you. “If he was whatever you are.”
You nodded slowly, keeping your eyes locked on his pleadingly, “I should have, Nico,” you started, voice soft and quiet, speaking the same way you always did when Nico slipped into your cabin in the middle of the night after being woken up by nightmares. “I should’ve told you. I almost did a million times, but then I was scared that you’d tell me you never wanted to see me again and I couldn’t-” You swallowed hard, gaze finally falling away from Nico’s to lock onto your own reflection in his blade, “I can’t lose you, sweetheart. I love you too much.”
You closed your eyes, knowing that the odds that Nico would think you were just some monster lying to him were still all too real, but also knowing that you wouldn’t be able to take seeing him as he dealt the final blow.
The loud clang of a sword hitting the concrete flooring and a warm weight hitting you were enough to shock them back open. It took you a moment to realize what was happening, but then you wrapped your arms firmly around your boyfriend and held him close, smiling widely when he murmured that he loved you too, no matter what other secrets you might have.
Leo’s eyes were wide as he stared at you, watching with a rapt sort of attention as your transformation ebbed away. “Dude,” he murmured, eyes flickering from yours back down to where your spots had been. “Duuude,” he said again.
“Are you going to call me a monster?” You asked softly, unable to bear the lack of reaction any longer.
Leo’s brows furrowed as he shook himself out of his shock, “What?! Of course not! That was so cool!”
You were a little taken aback as your boyfriend bounded over to you, his typical elfish grin even wider than normal. “You thought that was cool?” you asked incredulously.
“Totally!” Leo nodded, leaning up to press a kiss to your cheek, “You were like my own personal superhero!”
You let out a chuckle, wrapping your arms around his waist and tugging him into an embrace. Really, you should have known that Leo would take it well; after all, he always told you that he loved everything about you, no matter what.
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fairy-average · 7 years
84 Solangelo for the prompts.
84. “No, I didn’t murder them. I accidentally knocked them unconscious forever, that’s all.”
K, so this was a lot of fun to write, even though it didn’t go in the direction I wanted and I struggled a little bit with it initially. Thanks for sending me a prompt! (From this list here) I hope you like it :)
“Why is there a dead girl on our kitchen floor?” Will tone suggested that he was completely done with this shit, and wasn’t even surprised that that was a question that would ever be uttered in the first place.
“No, I didn’t murder them, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I wasn’t-”
“I just accidentally knocked her unconscious forever, that’s all.” Nico shrugged, stepping over the body to get to the fridge and pulled out some food.
“Nico, that kills people. As a son of Hades, you should know this by now.”
“Okay, so maybe I murdered her just a little bit, but it’s not a mortal, it’s an empousa. I requested a favour from Hades, so instead of disintegrating, I can dissect her.”
“You are not dissecting anything in my kitchen. Bring her to the lab if you must, but feel free to just send her back to Tartarus where she belongs.” Will regretted bringing up Tartarus as soon as he saw Nico’s small form become rigid. “Babe, I’m sorry, I know better than to bring that place up.” He too stepped over the dead body to wrap his arms around his husband, but Nico pulled away.
“It’s fine. It shouldn’t even bother me anymore, it’s been years. I’ll get over it.” He put the food on the counter and excused himself to their room, leaving behind a very conflicted Will. In the end, Will decided it was better for him to join Nico than give him space to let his mind go back to the darkness right now. He had the courtesy of knocking first, though.
“Nico, darling, talk to me please.” Will felt awful seeing his husband curled up on the bed, facing the wall. He came and sat on the bed, but Nico didn’t move or acknowledge him. He came closer and wrapped his arms around him, and Nico finally turned around, hiding his face in Will’s chest. He knew Nico would speak when he was ready, so until then he just held him tightly.
“I hate that it still affects me so much. It’s been years. But every time I think about it, I’m instantly transported back to that stupid jar, feeling like I can’t breathe, and seeing nothing but darkness so black it consumes your soul. Percy and Annabeth seem like they’ve completely moved on, and I just feel so damn weak, all the time.” He let out a sob, shattering Will’s heart into a million tiny pieces.
“They don’t have it together, and they haven’t moved on, I can guarantee it. It’s not something that people move on from. You don’t see them behind closed doors, just like they don’t see you. For all we know, they might be jealous of how well you’re handling everything.” Will heard Nico scoff at that, but continued. “You are the strongest person I know.”
“No, I’m not. You don’t have to lie to make me feel better.”
“Don’t self-deprecate like that. You aren’t allowed to insult the people I love, and that includes yourself. Three put-ups.” He instructed, and Nico rolled his eyes but complied.
Maybe it was something Will did as a head counselor in the Apollo cabin, or the infirmary, Nico had no idea how it started, but every time someone said something mean to someone or about themselves, Will had them say three kind things. Nico struggled, but it honestly did help with how he viewed himself.
“I don’t completely suck at sword fighting,” He started but when He saw Will’s frown, he corrected himself. “I’m a good swordfighter, I like the way my hair looks today, and I am the luckiest person in the world.” He kissed Will softly.
“Mm, I could argue that I’m luckier. Now should we go deal with the girl you ‘maybe murdered just a little bit?’”
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