soleminisanction · 2 days
I think my least favorite internet criticism of Meghan Fitzmartin is the idea that she "just wanted to push her ship," meaning Tim/Bernard. Because honestly? I think that's straight-up bullshit.
Having read the Urban Legends stories, the Pride Special reprint, Tim Drake: Robin and Young Justice Dark Crisis, plus what interviews and social media she's been doing as these comics came out, there is zero evidence to me to back that statement up. If that were true, the Urban Legends stories probably would've been more about bringing Bernard back and re-establishing him as a character. Y'know, building up their relationship.
But it wasn't about their relationship. It was about Tim and his feelings, his internal conflict, what he needed. That's what Fitzmartin even said in the interviews after, that she, "felt like this was something Tim needed." And that's true going into TD:R too -- yeah, Bernard is there and their relationship is a prominent subplot, but he gets about as much page time as Darcy and Detective Williams, and the focus is always on Tim's ongoing story and his developing relationships with all the people around him.
That's why I like that they went with Bernard as his "closet key." Not because I'm super devoted to the pairing or anything -- I truly could take or leave the arrangement -- but because they're tolerably cute together and, more importantly, dating a civilian supporting character comes with far less baggage than establishing a relationship with a fellow hero. By their very nature, superhero stories are more heavily weighted towards the hero characters than their civilian support, that's just a fact, and, with rare exception, civilian love interests tend to act more as sounding boards to develop and reflect the leads. Making Tim's first boyfriend an old civilian friend means the story could be about Tim's personal character growth, internal conflict, and explorations of his sexuality.
I genuinely think that's the only reason Fitzmartin went with Bernard. She only had around 30 pages to tell that Urban Legends story (and I guarantee you, she was assigned that page count before writing), so bringing back a previous civilian friend meant she didn't have to try to establish a whole new relationship on top of introducing a villain faction and telling a superhero-based investigation story. And for whatever reason, Bernard was the most popular of Tim's civilian buddies to rare-pair him with before this all happened. (Just check AO3: Prior to the release of the Urban Legends stories, Tim/Bernard had ~42 fics, Sebastian Ives got 4, and Danny Temple had 1.)
When Meghan Fitzmartin says that she went back, read Tim's old stories, and felt he needed to come out of the closet, I believe her. And I'm happy she felt that way and was allowed to act on those feelings because it's something I felt too, reading those stories. Those feelings that had nothing to do with "ships" or even with characters like Kon or Dick and everything to do with Tim and who he is as a person.
To sweep all that away as "she just wants to push her preferred ship" just feels so... dismissive and rude.
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gglitch1dd · 2 days
I’m almost 100% Wifey has had at least one heart attack having to deal with what comes out of Hero’s mouth (even if he’s not mentioned often) The kids a menace, 100% drops something fully out outta pocket at a family get together or a random quiet car ride and it SHOCKS the whole family 😭
Also before I forget - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR WRITING just a bit of appreciation especially for the way you portray reader. I love fanfictions where the female reader is a hero or something but just like you said personally I wouldn’t mind staying home and not working, and you write it in such a respectful way towards women. Reader is a woman comfortable with her husband providing for her a chooses this life because it suits HER, supporting woman is supporting whatever path they pick, whether that’s a NASA scientist or a stay at home mom!
Anyway that’s my little ramble 😭
AWWW thanks honey! I'm glad you see it that way. Just a bit of a reminder that the only reason that wifey feels like she can stay home is because she trusts Izuku. Izuku is a man worth trusting to provide for her and THAT is what dictates her decision. But she could have been whatever. We love women.
The things Hero says is CRAZY. He's definitely a mix of Riley from the Boondocks and Carl Gallagher from Shameless.
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Your son, Hero was a one in a million type of boy. Although very active, he had a mouth to put even his father to shame. There was something about your middle child that never made sense to you. For starters, he never had a filter on his mouth and it scared the living daylights out of you.
"Mom, why are girls stupid?"
You paused at the question, turning to look up at your son through the rearview mirror as he sat at the back of your mommy van that your husband had bought you. All of you were coming back from a night out together and your husband was driving, allowing you to focus on Hero.
"Why do you say girls are stupid honey?" You asked.
"Stupid people are hypocrites and girls are hypocrites." He stated boldly, folding his arms over his chest.
Shoyo blinked confused, the seven year old tilting his head. "What's a hypocrite?"
Asahi adjusted his glasses as he kept his eyes on his game on his phone. "Hypocrite. Adjective. A person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. Synonyms, a liar, or someone who is two faced." He stated the definition almost as if saying it straight out of the dictionary.
"Aka, Takahashi Suzume." Hero stated with a scowl on his face. You heard your husband snort at the name dropping in the car.
You gave him a look before turning back to look at your son. "Hero, why do you say she's a hypocrite?"
"Because she asked me to the winder formal and I said no. I told her no, but she kept asking me. I thought no means no, mom! When a girl pressures a guy and he says no, he's being unreasonable. But when a guy pressures a girl, noo, it's sexual assault." He rolled his eyes.
"What happened to equal rights mom? I want my rights!" He demanded making Toshinori burst out laughing at the back where he sat next to Kane. "This is the problem with society today. If girls want to be treated the same, I shouldn't go to jail if I punch Takuhashi everytime she opens her fat mouth. Equal rights, equal fights!"
You stood in the kitchen as Asahi sat at the island table, venting to you as you made lunch. You were cutting up sandwiches for the boys as your second oldest son sat with a hand keeping his head up. "I don't know mom, he says he likes me, but I really can't find it in myself to like him romantically."
You hummed as you nodded your head understandingly. Your husband stood up from his recliner and walked over to where you were standing, moving to grab a little triangle sandwich and stuff it into his mouth. "Asahi, you just have to come out straight to him and tell him the truth." You advised. Your husband nodded his head in agreement, chewing on the sandwich. Izuku reached over to grab another one but you slapped his hand away, motioning for him to wait, you handed him a glass of water instead making him frown.
"I thought Asahi already came out?" Hero asked as he walked into the kitchen from outside. "Or is he finally out of his phase?" He asked nonchalantly, making you turn your head to look at your eleven year old child shocked. Asahi's jaw dropped that his brother would just say that.
"Hero!" You chastised. You sighed as you shook your head. "Your brother is just... he's having trouble telling his friend that he doesn't like him back." You explained simply, knowing that Hero had gone through something similar as well.
Hero raised an eyebrow as he grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl. "Is that it?" He asked surprised as he looked to his older brother. "That's what you've been worried about? Not liking your fellow Otaku friend?"
"Yah, and Satomi doesn't have a fat ass, I guess we're both lying."
Your husband chocked on his water. You gasped. "HERO!"
Hero shrugged. "It's the truth, and at least I can say it now that her and Toshi have broken up." He turned to look to his brother again. He pat Asahi on the back. "In all serious, Asahi. Just tell him the truth. Grow some balls man," He smiled. "Maybe then you wouldn't find the need to date someone else that already has them." A loud laugh came out from Toshinori somewhere in the sitting room.
"MIDORIYA HERO!" You shouted at him, your face burning at his comments
"Sorry, mom, it was a joke." He put his hands up in surrender. He looked over at the banana he was holding before looking back at his brother. He handed it over to Asahi. "For you." Hero grabbed a peach before turning around and heading back outside.
You turned to look at your husband with a pointed look. "Izuku, you need to do something about him!" However as you turned to your husband, Izuku held a hand over his mouth to hide his own laughter. "Izuku! This is not funny!"
"No. No it's not funny, but he's hilarious."
In all seriousness, Hero loves his brothers and everything he says is joking... sort of. But he would die for what is right and he is a good boy. He just says something that would make you sprain your neck at least once.
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wordsinhaled · 1 day
there is a lot of... Discourse about the cat king that i have lots of thoughts about. but ultimately i think what we're left with by the end of season 1 is an edwin who has taken back whatever power the cat king held over him, and a reversal in the power dynamic.
the cat king's power over edwin ultimately stemmed from his capacity to keep edwin on the back foot and leverage his repression and denial. it works at all, because for a while edwin isn't ready to face the reality of his identity or his feelings for charles, and he's sufficiently thrown by all of the newness and confusion as to allow the cat king to have an upper hand. but once he comes to terms with himself, edwin makes clear to the cat king he's not to be played with, isn't amenable to the cat-and-mouse game the cat king was playing with him, and so it ends.
in the end we have an edwin who has the power in their dynamic, and a cat king who is diminished because not only does he no longer have leverage, but without the leverage and the posturing he doesn't have much of anything. he's revealed to be transparent, and lonely, and smitten with edwin, and now he's on the back foot because his little game backfired and he caught feelings for someone he has no prospect of keeping unless he does some serious soul-searching and becomes the sort of person edwin would want to give attention.
now it's edwin who can easily and assertively remind him he is not a toy to be trifled with. edwin who can disarm him with just a kiss to the cheek. edwin who deigns to accept his sympathy flowers. edwin who realizes the power he has over the people who have feelings for him but unlike the cat king, tries to be gracious about it rather than leverage it. edwin who draws a parallel between the two of them in their loneliness but is trying to be different about how he channels that loneliness.
so my possibly unpopular (? idk tbh, i have not dabbled much in the cat king corner of fandom yet, really) hot take is that the cat king is a really complex and profoundly sad character who does a lot of questionable things. but i think writing off his and edwin's dynamic as strictly toxic/bad because of what you see on the surface does the complexity of thomas' character & motivations and the narrative of edwin's empowerment both a disservice.
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To hunt or be hunted #13
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: Finally Lucifer's turn, Ft. a voyeur Alastor. Warnings: Light smut, talk about SA and assault.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100 @readergirlstuff @phoenixica24 @martinys-world @alientee @jellyroom2 @jewelsrules @ladyzaunis @zealousllamawolf @kittycat246 @shamblezzz @looking106
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Back at the palace, in his office. How he dreaded to come back to the solitude after months of your company and comprehension.  That’s what it was, right? After all you were only with him because he could provide you with a good night sleep. That and unconditional support.
If his love wasn’t enough to make her stay after thousands of years of marriage, how could he ensure to convince you to do the same, to stay? He thought looking at the portrait of him and Charlie, with a black veil hovering on top of Lilith’s face.
“How did it end like this? Why I wasn’t enough?” he sighed, looking at the stack of papers lying on his desk. With a groan he prompted himself and sat, the amount of papers that wrath had sent over to the Hotel were nothing compared with the ones at the office, he was going to be there for a while.
License after contract after whatever stupidity the sins had been proposing over the years he had excluded himself from their world. Something if he could notice among all the garbage that he asked to be approved, the economy had gone down the drain and it was increasingly difficult to find ways to farm correctly.
With determination, he went out to the balcony and from between his hands and a tear that fell from his cheek he released a cloud that covered the skies of his ring. With a little bit of a sentiment he allowed water to fall on his land, he then sent the water over to Sloth, who’s people took care of the plantations and medicines.
One small thing that might make a significant change.
He then sent over to Greed plans to “make more by charging less” only to deceive Mammon into agreeing to reduce the expense of “After-life”, otherwise if he found out he was going to lose money, he would be there banging on his door, whining for a century. That thought made him let out an exhausted laugh as he finished writing.
Unconsciously he had skipped lunch, normally you are there to remind him and get him off the ducks to go eat. He felt as useless as he did when he fell. And how not to do it? A monarch who barely cares for his people, immersed in depression and loneliness.
"Your Majesty?" an IMP opened the door, silver tray in hand, "Yes, tell me?" He barely murmured the words to him, having been between papers for more than nine hours, "He told me to tell him when it was eight thirty." He glanced at the clock on the wall, indeed eight thirty. "Ah thank you" he took the pill on the tray and took two pills, a refill of the antidepressant that Belphegor sent him every two weeks.
"It's already eight" he thought out loud, lazily, the weight of not having moved for hours settled on him like an anchor on his back, he made a portal to his hotel room, finding a plate of food with a note, when he saw that it was your handwriting, he felt a tickle in his heart.
‘Eat, see you in a minute’ he smiled like a lovesick boy, taking the note to his drawer and setting it inside a box, along with other notes you had wrote for him, including the first one.
“Hey, you look tired” he didn’t noticed you were in the room until your hands passed over his shoulders to lay on his chest, untying his bowtie as he took another bite of the stake you had prepared. “Too many papers” he spoke, one hand with a fork and the other on one of your hands.
“I can help with the rest if you want” he smiled and shook his head, “I neglected my obligations for too long, I have to be responsible of the damage now” you kissed his temple, a happy sigh as your reward. “How was your day?” ‘tell him about the threat and add to his stress, or lie and handle it later?’ you pondered for a minute, then decided to tell him but not quite.
“I was threatened, by an unsightly demon, I have to admit she was good, but she wanted my business” he swallowed the last bite before he turned his head to see you, not one sight of bruises or injuries, “And did she survived?” unfortunately, “She managed to slip away, but I’ll pay no heed to that”.
“The axe-man being merciful? Let’s go buy a lottery ticket, we may win tonight” you pinched his side in spite of his bad joke, “You little…I prefer horse races” he kissed your hand with a smile, then flicked the fingers on the other, a smug grin adorned his face.
The candle flames of the room turned purple, the ambiance changing in a second. “You should rest Luci, there’s no need of-” he shushed you by pulling of your waist around him, gaining you to sit on his lap, “No need… do you want to?” he read your enthusiasm in the kiss you laid on his lips, “Good, because I’ve been daydreaming of the bath you promised me” he whisked his wrist, the echo of water being poured into the bath was heard afterwards.
“Just a minute, my lioness” he nuzzled his face on your collarbone, his smile was a tired one, true but tormented. You noticed the bags under his eyes had become a tad darker, ‘Curse her, I will tore apart that prissy bitch for this’ you thought, your eyes shifting slightly.
“Y/n?” he called you, at which you hummed, staring at the void, “You’re tense, was the threat that bad?” you could tell he was worrying; he would read that info out if you continued thinking about it. “I guess I am tense, I have lost my touch” you stood up from his lap, “Y/n?” he called you again, his eyes fixed on any sign that will tell him anything.
"What you will see, it is not pretty or attractive. I have come to the point where I truly appreciate you and I can safely say that I truly have you in my heart" You walked a few steps forward, still turning your back on him, "But, I forbid you to show me pity or feel sorry for me or my current state, that is something that I will never forgive you for." You took the ties of your dress and undid the knot, and then let the corset fall to the floor, as soon as you did, the dress you wore pooled down around your ankles.
Lashes, long and repetitive, almost all of the same length, spreading across your skin from below your shoulders to your lower back. They didn't look normal, but rather they were deep and the scar had the appearance of a burn. Your back, contrasting with the rest of your skin, looked emaciated and rotten but without really being so. Lucifer had to put on his best performance to not show you how much it hurt and infuriated him to see you like this.
“He used a fire poker, that's why he looks like that. He ended up being my first victim in my debut as Axe-man” when you finally gained the strength to turn around, he adopted a look that you couldn't read, “This kind of violence, I hate it. I can erase the marks on their entirety, you just have to say the word” it wasn’t pity, he honored your request, it was something more, passion perhaps, “Will it hurt?” he nodded, “Do it, please”.
When the water was perfectly tempered, he magicked his suit away, he was the first to enter the bathtub, and provided an inviting hand your way. You let out a breath seeing everything he had to offer, himself.
“Can I trust you?” he asked, you wanted to make that question, “You can” you took his hand, the rest of your garments discarded on the floor, “I need us to make a deal, in exchange of my healing powers” the water was warm on your skin, it slowly reached your hips as he motioned you to sit on his legs, straddling his hips.
“Go on” your hands caressed his chest, all the way up to his shoulders, embracing him close, “No matter what happens after this is gone-” his hand traced the snake on your shoulder to the head on top of your breast, “I want you to stay by my side” the nature of his request was simple, his sanity, you worked as an anchor, to keep him grounded and steady, contrary to what he felt with Lilith, which was a freedom like feeling, but he was eternally alone nonetheless.
 “I can’t give you my soul, I don’t possess it yet” he placed a kiss on your throat, making you gasp. “I don’t want to own you; I just want this...” his eyes were red, horns, you were making a solemn accord with the king of hell. “Truth to be told, I don’t think I can let this go either. Once I try the apple, no matter what happens next, will you still want me?” could he? Even if she appeared and you had to move on to make irreparable damage, would he stay nonetheless?
“Yes” he didn’t faltered, not a single doubt in his eyes. “It’s a deal then” under the powerful kiss that sealed the agreement, invertedly, the snake on your chest made a few movements back up, resting on your collarbone.
Kiss by kiss your body began to relax, your hips moved as if by inertia against his pelvis, accompanied by his hands on your skin. Up, down, he gently pressed his fingers on your thighs, wishing he could make it harder, but he rather avoid hurting you any longer.  When the hard ceramic of the bathtub under your knees began to hurt, you winced, so he changed the position, he sat you sideways on top of his legs.
“Say it” you whispered, lowering your kisses to his neck and shoulder, “I want you, I care for you, I need you” his tip poked your bottom, to which you widen your eyes slightly and contained a laugh, barely, “You’re too pretty, that’s why” he blushed in an adorable golden hue, looking down to the rest of scars less noticeable along your body.
“Did you gave my offer a thought?” two fingers sneaked under your legs, parting gently your thighs to make way into your pussy. “I did, it was hard not to” you gasped when his touch reached your puffy lips, “Do you have an answer to it?” he kissed into your damp hair.
"I live in the possibility that one day, I will have to do something that you will not be able to forgive me for, and just thinking about how you would look at me afterwards, kills me”
“Like what, killing Charlie? You love her too much to do that” true, but inevitably if she were to appear, and gave you the order, you wouldn’t have other option.
“I don’t have the specifics Luce, but I feel something is on its way to threaten you and Charlie, and when that happens I will raise my ax against whoever attacks you, without a doubt” you held your heart in your words, he noticed your heart skip a beat or two as you did.
He remembered how he used to get wet in the rain, sheltering Lilith from it with his wings. When she left her, he was left alone getting wet in the rain, until you appeared, and he spread his wings once again, but he didn't get wet, you put an umbrella over him.
“That’s a lovely sentiment, but I can take care of myself, love” you hummed to his absurd pride, hidden under a kiss and a smile. “But I believe in your judgement, you love my daughter, as much as I do, probably” he kissed you again, smiling lovingly as he did, “And you” you added, it also made his smile grow.
But of course, your happiness was fleeting. Lucifer wanted you in a way you didn't know, but longed for. He put lust aside when he realized the water was getting cold, he went on to wash your hair, let your hands run the soft soap over his scars, and then activated his powers. His heart trembled when you started gasping and wincing while his specks worked on the scar tissue.
He offered you a hundred apologies, one each cry of pain you let out, until it was over. The only thing echoing in the room was your breath, then footsteps. “Ah, glad you finally decided to join us, Bambi” you looked past your shoulder, Alastor walked up to seat on the edge of the bathtub.
“How do you feel dearest?” he petted in between your ears, combing your hair with his claws on the way. “I know the pain is merely mental, it will pass” he then lowered his hand to in between your shoulders, “It looks much better now” he cooed, leaning to lay a kiss on your shoulder. “Thank you, doctor” you smiled against Lucifer’s skin, he let out a giggle remembering the previous conversation early in the morning.
“You two better get out of there, you’ll get sick” he was right, following by an eye roll from Lucifer, you two got out of the soapy water. Alastor had you wrapped in a towel, then brushed and blow-dried your hair, you did the same for Lucifer, having him smiling and relaxing made you feel happy, even more so, having Alastor’s ministrations on yourself.
“I was hoping I could get us some time; you know?” Lucifer frowned towards Alastor, who was nuzzling against your shoulder, “You were the one who said I could join”
“Okay, ground rules about my body” you walked away from them, dropping the towel as you made your way to the bed, “I don’t do group fucks. If you want me, it will be one at a time, aftercare mandatory, no anal” you stepped up on the sheets, pushing yourself back to the center, “You may bite and scratch me, but avoid important points, I will do the same”.
Alastor moved to a chair next to the balcony window, his gaze never leaving yours. The king discarded his towel as well, crawled on top of the bed to positioned himself on top of you. He parted your legs, setting himself so close to you, he felt eager to just ram into you, but he wanted to do things right, specially since he had public.
You felt him growl seeing the snake, “Mine, you won’t be taking her away” you smiled, his eyes blood red as he licked a stripe up in between your breasts. The snake moved a solid inch up to your shoulder. “It moved…” Alastor choked on a drop of saliva, “What did?” Lucifer went down kissing your belly, “That thing on her arm” he laughed, happy that you were happy enough to not want to die.
“I’ve only seen it move forward, interesting, I need to know more about this- Hey!” in between the king and Alastor, the smiling demon had the length advantage, but the king had the girth, and a long tongue, which was soon inside you. “Lucifer, ah! You don’t have to-“ voices, sounds, reminders of a skin that you left behind, yet palpable on your mind.
 “You want me to stop?” the king was scared, he didn’t know if he had made something wrong, his own voices were tearing his mind apart, unsure of what he did to upset you, to bring a bitter look on your eyes.
“No, I just make the point that you don’t exactly have to do that” all the comments of the taste, the look, you just never wanted to hear that again. “I want to, pleasure goes both ways, and it’s about to earn the other person” after a few seconds of your wide eye dumbfounded look, he explained “Curtsey of the king of lust”.   
“May I?” he looked down on you with a smile and a pleading look, like a kid begging to eat a piece of candy, “Alright” when Lucifer started sucking on the skin around your mound and then licking straight into the source. You grabbed his hair, gently tucking at it.
You shot a glance to Alastor, his shaft out of the fly of his pants, a hand going up and down while his eyes were fixed on you, a light blush adorning his cheeks. “Al, come kiss me” you pleaded in between breaths and moans. The deer didn’t hesitated a single second, he rose from his seat to kiss you, feverishly, tongues fighting and dancing a very dangerous tango.
“Mmh, Luci wait-” you moved your face from Alastor, jealous he bit your neck, triggering the pression building in your lower abdomen to loosen and implode on Lucifer’s mouth. “Next time is my turn, dear” Alastor turned your head with two fingers under your chin, claiming your lips once again.
“You’ll have to beat me to it, fawn” Lucifer made you gasp into Al’s mouth when he pulled your legs up his waist, “That’s for her to decide, arm rest” his taunt made you giggle, “Don’t be mean to each other” you caressed Alastor’s face, causing him to bleat happily.
“You don’t need a hand with that, big boy?” you purred hovering his lips, “Not this time dear” his forehead was on yours, “Alright” you heard Lucifer murmur before he tug on your tail, “May I have your attention, kitten?” his red eyes were a real menace to your mental sanity.
“I’m sorry my king, you have my undivided attention” he shot an unamused stare at the radio demon, who sat back in his seat. “Good” he pulled you closer by your hips, “I need you kitten, so bad, please?” he pumped his dick a couple times before coating the tip with some of your previous cum.
After the green light, so to speak, excitement got him so fast he ram himself into you. “Oh, shit it’s huge!” you gasped, your words made pride put Lucifer on a chokehold, he almost cum because of that. He was about to anyways, seven years with no action made him twice as sensitive.
He started slow, mentalizing as not to finish yet, though the way you were clawing his back, and squeezing him in was making it extremely challenging. “Kitten, I’m close” he almost made it sound as an apology, “Go ahead, please” after a few thrusts and lots of bite marks on your chest.
Over Lucifer’s shoulder you saw Alastor again, his ears pinned back, eyes half lidded, and his own cum covering his hand. “Magnificent presentation darling” he cheered, cleaning himself and you up with his magic.
The jealous king rolled to the side of the bed, taking you with him. His favorite position, his face between your breasts. Alastor tried to remind himself why he was in such position, then your tail wrapped around his waist and pulled him close to your back, and that was answer enough.
Bliss, only that filled the moment. But as sure as hell, you knew it wasn't going to last.
And it didn't.
When they warn you about the calm before the storm they mean it. The angelic chorus that followed the shot not only forced you to fly off a few kilometers against the cement and earth, but your left arm, black from the fire, fell off, reduced to ashes as soon as you collapsed against a building.
Trying to focus your sore eyes, you managed to see Lilith laying on the ground, and close to her Lucifer, who cradled her on his arms before taking off somewhere.
Meanwhile, memories, the threat, Charlie's order, the moment she dared to pull Alastor's chain and make him feel like a pet. Despite having lost your mind to violence, it never crossed your mind, not even for a moment.
That Lucifer would be capable of launching a divine lightning bolt at you to stop you.
Stay tuned the end is near.
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sl33paholics · 3 days
could i request some domestic fluff for nicholas brown pls :3
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Domestic Fluff Nicolas Brown Headcanons!
Warning(s): None! Just silly wholesome moments with this gangster
My Valentine's writing about this man here has touched everyone's hearts, I love it lol
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Being with Nicolas in Ergastulum has shown you that even in a city, it can be as harsh and unforgiving. Nicolas's presence in your life is a constant reminder that there is more to people than meets the eye and that even the most hardened individuals can have a soft and caring side reserved for those they truly cherish.
Doing household chores together 🧹
Although from the outside looking in, it would look like Nicolas isn't the type of person to keep his environment clean, but that's the total opposite. Nicolas is the type of guy to keep the apartment clean and take pride in it, cleaning with you to maintain a tidy place. Nicolas is the type of guy with even the slightest gunk would make him go into a clean frenzy.
Cooking meals together 🥣
Nicolas finds quality time to cook for you or with you. Enjoying the process step by step, it's so soothing to him. He's not perfect, so watching you and demonstrating how to do this, that, and the third. Nicolas would put effort into impressing his dear partner and himself.
Subtle Affection 🫂
We know that he's deaf. Doing the smallest things for you is a huge accomplishment. Leaving you small letters, gifting you handmade objects or stuff you've always wanted, or helping fix the things that mean the most to you. Hell, even going on walks around the city to view the shops or possibly going to a nearby lake to unwind.
A morning routine ☀️
For me, Nicolas seems like an early riser (and values his sleep very seriously), so for him to sip his coffee / tea while in bed, looking out the window waiting for you to wake up is so ❤️. Later on, he'd make a small breakfast for you. Oatmeal, eggs, literally anything that he's able to make to serve for you in bed.
Intimate Moments 💋
Nicolas is the type of guy to make random ass patterns on your skin to entertain himself while the two of you are cuddling on the single twin bed. He absolutely adores it when you allow him to rest his head on your chest, not in a sexual way, but for him to feel the vibrations of your heart beating.
Having days off from working 🛏
This man would walk around with baggy clothing and lounging on the rough couch as you binge-watched whatever rerun episodes that were being aired. On days like this, Nicolas loves spending time with you. He can have a sigh of relief knowing that the overwhelming anxiety he has being away and worrying about your safety can be put to rest.
Being a supportive partner 🎊🎊
Without a doubt, Nicolas is always there to support you in whatever you do (as long as it's not dangerous ofc). He encourages you to pursue your dreams. Despite being stoic and very revered with a tough demeanor, Nicolas is always your biggest cheerleader, offering his unwavering support and belief in you.
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pseudophan · 2 days
TW for discussion of homophobia.
Hi, Nora! In the spirit of pride month I want to tell the story about how becoming a demon phannie has deprogrammed my bigotry when I was a teen.
I grew up with homophobia being the norm amongst the kids. In my country it was quite precise though, a bit different from what Dan described in BIG. We didn't use "gay" as a synonym for "bad". Boys wouldn't be called gay for crying or liking theater or just being well-behaved. Not in my school at least.
No, there was a clear-cut definition that gays were only the boys who liked boys. But if you fit that definition, if someone knew you fit that definition, then god help you. You would be constantly mocked, bullied and beat up at school. The headmaster would call your parents and tell them to fix their broken little pervert. Your parents reaction could fall anywhere from a stern talk and calling you a disgrace to a beating and sending you to a military type boarding school. Treating a teen this way was perceived as completely normal. Nowadays the kids have thankfully become way more accepting despite our governments best efforts. But now you can also add a visit to the police station to the pile.
Sapphics just didn't exist, as always. That's why when I told my friends "I genuinely think boobs are more attractive than dicks - they are more esthetically pleasing to look at" the only reaction I got was confused laughter and strange looks. No, I did not realize what that said about me back then. It was just foreshadowing.
I remember my parents occasionally saying that it's a sickness and shouldn't be allowed to be demonstrated in any way. Peppering it with the usual "they can do whatever they want behind closed doors". And if people got beat up on the streets for being gay...well they just brought that on themselves by flaunting their sexuality, didn't they?
I lived with that worldview until I was 15 or 16.
Then I started finding out that some famous people were gay. But it only got me to the point of "I like his art, so I won't stop consuming it, despite him being gay". In my mind if you were gay and wanted people to tolerate your existence, you had to be talented in order to justify it. And have the decency to not act gay in public. Yeah, I know, bare with me.
When I found Dan's channel in 2015 I instantly fell in love with his videos. Soon I also started watching Phil and then the gaming channel.
My gaydar was non-existent at the time and, ironically, I was conditioned into thinking that gay people just like to announce that they're gay to everyone. So, since Dan and Phil never did, I just took their word for it. For almost a year I just enjoyed watching their content without a second thought.
Then one day I saw the compilations. The radio show clips. The old videos. That was all it took really. My brain couldn't compute, couldn't connect the "sick perversion" I heard so much about to what I was seeing on my screen. It wasn't unnatural, or disgusting or deliberately demonstrative.  It was fucking beautiful. They simply couldn't help being extremely adorable.
Starting from that day the thought "keep it to yourselves" never occurred to me. I just wanted to be a fly on the wall.
I never dared to write fanfiction or make compilations or, god forbid, directly ask one of them in a qna. I was happy to just lurk and snort that yaoi cocaine in silence.
In hindsight, Dan and Phil were the reason I didn't instantly hate myself after having the first crush on a girl and realizing I was bi in 2018.
Later I got into breadtube and realized just how insane and baseless all those conservative talking points were. But DnP were the sole reason I left that eco-chamber in the first place.
So thank you to Dan and Phil and thank you to all fellow demons 💜
fujoshi-ism saves lives is the thing
no but isn't it odd the way things work out.. the fact that dan and phil were able to help you like that is amazing, and also it's very funny that they did it through the power of rpf
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aayakashii · 2 days
I wrote this in like 2 hours so I apologize if it's bad but!!! I was struck with inspiration and had to write it + I am a sucker for fics abt dancing because I'm a dancer so ✋️ ANYWAYS
Pairing: Romeo Lucci x MC
Tags: PINING; romeo doesnt accept his feelings; gender neutral MC; the song that is mentioned in this fic is this one
the house never loses
The casino had closed for the night.
Fragments of life were scattered on the floor – pieces of glass, candy wrappers, dirtied pills, crushed beer cans.
Romeo curled his lips in disgust.
Everyone was distasteful. Brute, graceless little things that only served to be his source of income. Couldn't even clean up after themselves, the mindless sheep, blinded by the possibility of being rich quickly.
He wasnt really one to judge, but at least he was smart.
He knew he had to win. He had to be the dealer, the house, no matter the situation. He would never be the customer.
That was how things fall apart.
You lose control, someone else pull the strings of your life and then you trip – and fall. And lose, lose, lose. One bet after the other, golden coins falling through the cracks of the floor underneath you, forever out of reach.
No, he couldn't be anything else besides the dealer, he wouldn't allow otherwise. He had his family as a bitter example of steps he should not follow.
Still, under this position of power, he saw all the grimy beings that walked on this godforsaken place – traitors and hypocrites that tried to hide their greed behind a mask – and he hated them all.
"Dirty pricks that can't even pick up after themselves", he thought, kicking another empty beer can.
He wouldn't clean it, however. Obviously. He had his pawns to do that for him and today, specifically, he had the worthless honor student do that job for him.
He sighed, massaging his forehead to ease the wrinkle between his brows.
"Honor, my ass", he mumbled, remembering how they messed up yet another prototype order earlier that day, which landed them the merciless job of cleaning the casino after it was closed.
Romeo clicked his tongue, remembering the faces of the rest of the staff once they realized they would have a night off at the expense of someone else.
In the end, it was a dog eat dog situation. He wouldn't be surprised if people started sabotaging them just to get more days off. He put this sudden conclusion at the back of his mind, patting himself on the back for being so smart and way ahead of everyone around him. Then, he stepped on a cigarette butt and stained the burgundy carpet with its ashes.
"Where the fuck is that basic bitch?" he groaned, kicking the cigarette butt under one of the poker tables, maneuvering faster between all the stools, readying himself to give them the scolding of a lifetime.
He expects excellency from himself – it's only natural he expects the same from everyone around him, although this habit always seems to leave him disappointed.
Romeo's ears perked up as he stomped his way towards the back of the casino.
It housed the bar area, with a small stage for (now rare) jazz performances – after Sinostra was banned from leaving the campus, it also meant people from outside were also banned from coming in. Believe it or not, there aren't many jazz musicians among university students.
The bar stood behind matte glass doors that kept the sound muffled for those that wanted to drown their sorrows away after losing one too many games.
Romeo made his way to the entrance of the bar, as his ears picked up a few stray music notes coming from the inside of the place. He readied himself to scold whatever student was inside after closing hours – after all, if they wanted to use the space, then they should pay for it. It's only obvious.
He opened the door quietly, in order to catch them by surprise, squinting as he tried to assess who was inside despite the permanent mist of cigarette smoke that hung in the air.
The song came from a phone that stood on the bar counter, the words too jumbled and distorted by the busted speakers, but with a melancholy that touched him still.
He opened his mouth to call out whoever was inside, yet the words stuck on his tongue like cheap candy.
The first thing he saw were the arms.
The arms moved slowly, as if they were swimming in honey. Fingers grasped the thick air that surrounded them and seemed to mold it into a silk veil that surrounded their body.
Then, he saw the legs.
Softly, silently, they carried their body through slow twirls. They lifted one of them up, bare foot en pointe, landing it graciously to once again turn around themselves.
And finally, he saw their face.
Eyes half lidded in pure concentration, they saw nothing but the world they created for themselves as they danced.
The words died inside Romeo's mouth as he saw his worthless honor student dance to the song.
He gulped harshily as he watched them grab their own chest, suffering silently for some estranged lover they were probably seeing in their mind's eye as they danced.
Romeo felt his own heart race, his purple eyes going red and teary as he tried not to blink, so he wouldn't miss any moment. His stomach twisted inside out – or, at least, it was how he felt it – as he wondered if they were thinking of anyone specific while they looked so desperately in love.
His breath hitched at the thought and he discarded it in a pile of things he would rather not think about, on the corners of his mind.
They threw their arms out slowly, as if they wanted to hug the entire world – or fly away from it, only to lose it all while they bring their hands to their face, in theatrical despair.
Romeo wondered how it would feel to be the one in between their arms and loved so desperately, and the thought was too big, to persistent to be put aside.
His hands twitched as he tried to take a step inside and ask who was it that they thought of as they ran their hands on their lips and body, but as he heard the song grow into its highest peak, Romeo instinctively closed the door, before he could see whether or not that secret performance would have a happy ending or a sad one.
He rested his head against the glass, feeling the coolness of it spread on his flushed face.
Romeo put his hand against his heart, feeling the fast beats in contrast with the muffled and slow ending of the song inside, and breathed deeply, realizing he had been holding his breath like a predator does with a prey on the wild.
"Romeo?" their voice sounded shaky and scared, as if they had just been caught committing a crime. As if they were his prey.
Romeo cleared his throat and opened the door once again, this time fierce and quickly.
"Ah, there you are, you BB." they winced as he yelled the insulting abbreviation "I was looking for you. Didn't you see how dirty the casino is? You are supposed to clean everything, not just this place."
Romeo saw as they pursed their lips, looking down, an expression of annoyance and sadness making itself clear on their face.
"I- I know. I was just finishing here." They lied, dejected.
"Well. I expect this place to be spotless by tomorrow. I don't care if you need to spend all night here. Just do your job!"
"Yes, Romeo." they sighed loudly, picking up a broom, and then walked briskly past him, frustratingly avoiding him as much as possible.
Deep inside, however, he knew he couldn't possibly blame them. Not with the venom he spits on their face at every single encounter.
Romeo kept looking inside of the room, staring at the phone they left on the bar counter, consciously refusing to observe them as they walked somewhere else inside the casino.
He refused to look at them as they moved graciously between the tables; refused to think about the faint scent of vanilla mixed with cigarette and sweat on their body; refused to acknowledge his racing heart; and refused to look them in their eyes for too long.
Romeo refused to lose control of his own strings.
After all, he was the dealer, he was the house.
He wasn't supposed to lose.
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Thank you for your last post. Yes, people can do whatever they want regardless of attraction but it's so frustrating that it's now becoming the expectation. Repulsed voices are so often talked over and treated as an unwanted stereotype. I get that those who do engage in certain activities want to be heard too, but it doesn't need to be brought up in every context. I often feel like I'm not allowed to exist without adding a long disclaimer that non-repulsed people are not required to provide. I have increasingly seen people in the community look down on repulsed people and an even greater number (some unintentionally) who see us as the unwanted stereotype. I have seen so many people come in with the same talking points allos have used against us, including that we just need therapy. You can't talk about your experience without someone coming in with a "But some Aros/aces!
Yes, there may be a spectrum of experiences but no character who has had their way of experiencing their sexuality encompasses them all. If you want to write romantic/sexual content about them (fandom will do what fandom does) at least call it an AU. Yes, fandom is not as serious as real life but as someone who has been told "oh, but you can still do these things - others do!!!) some people need to think about the message they are putting out about the no, never folks. Yes, if someone does something gross that is on them, but people don't need to give them reasoning to fuel it.
Thank you. I agree
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bakugosatoru · 2 days
Off The Clock (Part 3)
Requests Open! Warnings: Explicit Fic Type: Multi-Part Fic (This chapter is 2k Words) Fandom: My Hero Acadamia Ship: BakuDeku Authors note: The final part of this fic (at the current moment! If people like it enough I will continue it!) I hope you all like it! Its always fun to write some smut. Synopsis: Izuku has been roped into being Mina's designated driver while she spends her birthday at a host club. But what is Izuku to do when one of the hot hosts sets their sights on him?
Also here on AO3 if you prefer to read over there.
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He felt Bakugo begin to tilt forward, placing him gently on a massive king sized bed with soft black blankets. He unlatched his legs from around Katsukis hips, allowing the blond to crawl onto the bed above him, straddling his hips. He leant back on his haunches, his hands resting flat against Izuku's chest.
“Fuck” He murmured, his eyes scanning every inch of Izukus body. He may still be fully clothed, but with the way Katsuki was devouring him with those ruby red eyes, he might as well have been naked. He was so hard and every shift of Katsuki’s hips sent a shot of pleasure through him. 
Katsuki smirked and rolled his hips down hard against Izuku, the green haired boy letting out a desperate whimper. 
“Fuck I need to get you making that noise again” Katsuki groaned as he yanked Izukus shirt over his head and launched it across the room, his own shirt joining it on the floor quickly after. He smirked up the smaller boy before latching his mouth against one of his nipples, swirling his tongue against the hardening pink bud. His other hand slowly gliding down to the large bulge in Izuku’s pants, his palm gliding over it. Izuku whined again, his hips bucking softly against Katsukis hand. Katsuki continued kissing across Izuku’s chest, before trailing up to the boy's freckled neck.
“Kacchan, please” Izuku let out a shaky whimper, his hips still rolling against Katsukis palm, desperate for some friction on his leaking cock.
“What baby, what do you need?” Katsuki smiled teasingly, his hand squeezing Izuku’s bulge as the boy squirmed under him. Izuku’s green eyes looked at him pleadingly, his heart skipping a beat at the pet name. Izuku whined again, too embarrassed to beg for Katsuki like his body wanted him too.
Katsuki let out a deep chuckle as he began to trail kisses back down Izuku's chest, stopping just above the waistband of his jeans.
“Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you” Katsuki murmured as he unzipped Izuku's pants, the smaller boy raising his hips to help him slide both his pants and boxers off his legs and onto the floor with the rest of their discarded clothing.
“Deku pass me that bottle”
Izuku could feel how red his face was as he glanced around for whatever Katsuki was talking about. His eyes finally landing on a small bottle of lube on the bedside table.
Izuku grabbed the small bottle and passed it back to Katsuki. His hand disappeared from his view as he heard the cap open and some of the contents of the bottle being squeezed out. He closed his eyes, waiting for Katsuki to touch him. What he did not expect however, was for Katsuki to take the head of his cock into his warm mouth at the same time his lube-covered finger circled around his tight hole.
Izuku's hands gripped the sheets as Katsuki twisted his tongue around the head of Izuku's cock, flicking it gently against his slit. He moaned as Katsuki finally pushed his finger into Izuku, pushing it all the way down to the knuckle.
“Kacchan” Izuku exclaimed, a yelp tapering off into a moan as Katsuki took his cock slightly deeper in his mouth. The slight burn of the stretch being soothed by the pleasure shooting through his body The blond chuckled, the vibrations reverberating down Izuku's cock and making him see stars.  
Katsuki took Izuku deeper, feeling the boy's cock hit the back of his throat as he slipped a second finger inside him. Izuku's hand found home in the blond's hair, gripping the spikes tightly as he thrusted up into Katsukis throat slightly. 
“So impatient ‘zuku” Katsuki teased as he pulled off for a moment.
“I’ll make you a deal baby, you can fuck my mouth while I stretch you open for me, but you gotta promise me not to cum okay? You're only cumming with me inside you tonight.” Katsuki smirked, his fingers scissoring the smaller boy open as he spoke.
Izuku nodded desperately, bucking back into Katsukis fingers slightly.
“Good boy.” Katsuki praised as he took Izuku's cock back into his mouth, taking it until it hit the back of his throat again. Izuku started to thrust into Katsukis mouth, and in turn thrusting himself onto the three fingers Katsuki now had buried in him. 
Katsukis throat felt raw and full as Izuku thrusts his cock deep down his throat. He barely even has to move his mouth or hand, the green haired boy practically prepping himself as he fucks back on the fingers in him. Katsuki twisted and prodded Izukus soft insides, until he found the small raised area that would make the boy see stars.
“Fuck- Kacchan” He screamed as he felt Katuski rub his fingers over his prostate over and over. His body twitched as he buried deep inside Katsukis throat one final time before pulling the blond off by his hair.
“Sorry I was- fuck. I was going to cum” Izuku panted as his arm fell across his face, hiding his blush.
“It's okay, you did so well” Katsuki praised as he pulled his fingers out, wiping the lube on the covers before kicking his own pants and boxers off, finally freeing his aching erection from his pants. He reopened the lube bottle and poured an obscene amount on his length, dripping a bit extra on Izuku's stretched hole for good measure (and to see the boy squirm). Katsuki crawled back up Izuku's body and cupped his face, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, reveling in how absolutely cock-drunk Izuku already looked. He rested his cock between Izuku's cheeks, propping himself on his elbows to look into Izukus eyes.
“Ready nerd?” Katsuki asked, rolling his hips slightly.
“Don’t call me ‘nerd’ when your dicks about to be inside me” Izuku giggled, his hand reaching up to cup Bakugos face. Bakugo smirked, twisting his head to kiss Izuku's palm.
“Fine, what would you prefer? Baby? Gorgeous? Slut ?” Katsuki teased, his hand reaching down to line himself up with Izuku's pleading hole. 
“We’ve got all night to find out which ones are your favorite” Katsuki smirked as he pushed in, slowly, as he watched Izuku's face for any sign of discomfort. But he didn't find any, instead he watched as Izuku let out a loud whiny moan, his eyes rolling back slightly.
“There you go baby, taking me so fucking well.” Katsuki said through gritted teeth. “Fuck you didnt feel this tight around my fingers, you feel fucking amazing”.
Izuku let out a breathy whine as his fingers dug into Katsukis shoulders. He had never felt so full. He’d been with a few guys before, but nothing that had ever felt like this. Katsuki was bigger than anyone he’d ever been with, but more than that, Katsuki felt like he filled up every single space that existed inside him, like they were puzzle pieces fitting together and this was the first time he’d felt truly complete. He felt Katsukis hips push into his as the blond finally bottomed out. Katsukis hand rubbed gentle circles into Izuku's shoulders as the boy got used to the stretch.
“You okay?” Katsuki asked softly. 
“Yea, just really big.” Izuku nodded, taking a few deep breaths as he worked to relax his body. Katsuki smiled down at him, soft eyes scanning the freckles on his cheeks and an even softer hand brushing stray green curls from the boy's eyes.
“I'm okay, you can move.” Izuku nodded, his hand twisting the sheets nervously. Katsuki slowly pulled back, before pushing back in. A few more of these slow thrusts and Izuku chuckled breathlessly.
“You can go faster Kacchan, I'm not going to break” He smirked with a confidence he wasn't sure he could actually follow up. 
Katsuki smiled back, his red eyes glowing with hunger. He pulled back before slamming into the smaller boy.Izuku felt the air in his lungs leave him with every thrust of the blond's hips, his body rocking slightly on the bed. Katsuki leaned down and caught the boy's lips, his tongue exploring the inside of the boy's mouth as he kept up his brutal pace. His hips slammed against Izuku's skin, the sound of his thighs hitting the boy's ass filling the room. Izuku let out a whine, his eyes watering as the tip of Katsukis cock brushed over his prostate again and again.
“Kacchan, I-” Izuku whined, his head whipping back and forth against the pillow as his body quivered. Katsuki groaned in response, burying his head in the crook of the boy's neck.His hands came up to grab the green haired boy's thighs, hiking them up around his hips, the new angle causing his cock to go even deeper. Izuku couldn't speak, the only sounds escaping him were whimpers and whines as he wrapped his arms around the blond's broad shoulders. His blunt fingernails dug into his back as he clung to him. Katsuki's thrusts became erratic as he felt his orgasm nearing. He slid a hand between them and began to stroke Izuku's cock.
"Ka-" The boy tried to choke out, his voice breaking off in a choked sob.
"Come on Deku, cum for me"
That's all it took, his cock twitched in Katsukis hand, cumming on both of their chests as he moaned. His body tensing as Katsuki continued to fuck him through his orgasm, the over stimulation making him shake. Katsuki thrust once, twice more, before groaning and biting down on Izukus shoulder, his orgasm rocking through him. He thrusted lazily as he rode his high, before collapsing on top of the green haired boy. They lay there, panting and basking in the afterglow, Izuku's hands tracing random patterns along Katsukis back.
"Wow" he finally managed to say.
Katsuki snorted, his arms tightening around the other boy's torso.
"That's one way to put it" He smirked, his face buried in the crook of Izuku's neck.
Izuku chuckled, running a hand through the blond's sweaty hair.
"I can't stay here all night, I've got classes in the morning." He whispered, not really wanting to move but knowing he had to.
"You could just...not." Katsuki said, raising his head to look into Izukus eyes. "Stay the night. It's late, I'll drive you to class in the morning."
Izuku blushed, biting his lip.
"Okay" He agreed.
"Okay" Katsuki smiled, peppering the boy's face with kisses before getting up.
"Where are you going?" Izuku asked.
"Just grabbing something to clean us up with." Katsuki reassured him.
He wandered over to the door and opened it, revealing a modern looking ensuite. He returned a moment later with a damp cloth and began to wipe away the drying cum on Izuku's stomach.
"You okay? I wasn't too rough was I?"
"Mm, no." Izuku shook his head.
"Just a bit sore."
Katsuki hummed and continued to clean them up. Once they were both clean, he tossed the washcloth in the hamper and climbed back into bed. He settled his warm body back against Izukus, holding to boy to his chest and spooning him. Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsukis, reveling in the warmth and feeling the blonds breath against the back of his neck. He wanted to relax, he really did, but his mind was a mess. Was that a one night stand? Is Kacchan going to drop him off tomorrow and that will be it? Was it more? His mind raced as he clung to Katsuki, worrying that this was the last time he would get to be in his arms like this and that by morning he'd just be another notch on the bedpost.
“Nerd” Katsuki derailed his train of thought as he rubbed his thumb against Izukus arm.
“Your thinking too loud, what's wrong? Wanna let me in there?” Katsuki chuckled, tapping the back of Izuku's head with the tip of his nose.
“I- hm” Izuku paused, gathering his own thoughts before speaking.
“I'm just wondering if you want to see me again after this” Izuku mumbled, practically burying his face into Katsukis arms.
Katsuki paused for a moment, before cracking up into a fit of laughter.
“Deku, did you think I just wanted you for a quick fuck? Oh God if you truly thought that then that's on me. Fucking of course I want to see you again, if it was up to me you'd be skipping class and spending all of tommorow with me” Katsuki laughed, kissing Izukus green curls as he held him tightly.
“I'm serious!” Katsuki exclaimed, and Izuku could hear his smile in his voice. Katsuki rolled Izuku over in his arms, so they were chest to chest and face to face. Izuku laughed as Katsuki peppered kisses all over his face, as if he was trying to map every freckle that adorned his pale skin.
“Okay okay! I believe you!” Exclaimed Izuku, still giggling as Katsuki tightened his grip around Izuku's body, not allowing the boy to escape the onslaught of kisses.
“Yes! I believe you! I swear” Squealed Izuku. Katsuki let out a loud sigh after planting one last kiss directly to the tip of Izuku's nose.
“Great, so no running off on me okay? I’ll take you to class tomorrow and then maybe after you let me take you out on a date, a proper one this time.” Katsuki suggested as he traced Izuku's jaw with his finger.
“I’d love that Kacchan” Izuku beamed, snuggling into the taller man's chest and letting out a small sigh of relief. He got to keep him, he got to keep Kacchan, this wasn't just some lucky break, he got a chance at calling this man his.
“Good, now sleep, i'll be here when you wake up. Goodnight nerd” Katsuki yawned, before burying his face into Izuku's curls and holding the green haired boy tightly.
“Goodnight Kacchan” Izuku smiled, letting his own eyelids drift close as he relaxed in Katsukis embrace.
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retrospidey · 2 days
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my name is ajax/reo (you can call me either of those names) my pronouns are he/xe i am a minor (i'm 4teen) and i used to be @spinnspidey, @radiospidey, @knifespidey, @razorspidey, and @paraspidey but i got t worded (again…) to whoever got me t worded, block dn't report. thanks!! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა yeah so heres my intro. i'm a little bit of a weirdo if i do say so myself and i'm heavily tumblr obsessed so yeah i'll be on here nd i'll probably post a lot ^^ i'll post whatever goes through my mind which might be bad so warning on that. i might show symptoms of mental illnesses and if i do then mb idk not really my problem… but heads up i WILL say shit that shows that im not doing great. please do not try to save me or smth. also im looking for friends so bmf i promise im nice. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT PROMOTE ANYTHING THAT I POST. I AM POSTING AS A WAY TO VENT.
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more info + stats under the cut!!! (tw for talking about sh + ed. don't like, don't read.)
sh﹐tw . . . ⋆ i have been cvtting since 2022 ⋆ i have hit styro ⋆ only styro on my thighs ⋆ i am not allowed to cvt anymore (unfortunately) ⋆ i have cvt my thighs, arms, stomach, and neck ⋆ most scars on thighs + arms ⋆ mostly cat scratches ⋆ all scars have healed (or are almost done in the process of healing) ⋆ my parents found out so i can't do it for now… (⇀‸↼‶)
ed﹐tw . . . ⋆ i have always hated my body ⋆ started trying to lose weight january 2023 ⋆ started around december 2023 (probably before, like over the summer but idk…) ⋆ 160 cm (last time i measured myself at least..) ⋆ sw 57.6 kg (bmi 22.5) ⋆ hw 60 kg (bmi 23.4) ⋆ lw 49.8 kg (bmi 19.5) ⋆ cw 49.8 kg (bmi 19.5) [have not updated recently] ⋆ gw 1 50 kg (bmi 19.5) ⋆ gw 2 45 kg (bmi 17.6) ⋆ gw 3 40 kg (bmi 15.6) ⋆ ugw <38 kg (bmi <14.8)
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dni . . . ⋆ basic dni (idrc ngl, do what you want but don't report me thanks) ⋆ judgmental people ⋆ people who have mdni in their bio (i am a minor so??) ⋆ nsfw accounts (this means people who post/reblog nudes. if it's just text, it's fine) ⋆ overly sensitive people ⋆ people who aren't ok w dark topics/get uncomfortable by stuff like that (this is more for you than for me, i dont wanna make anyone upset) ⋆ people who get triggered by talking about sh, ⭐️ving, alcohol, etc… (yes i am aware that it's bad, no don't come to my dms with a savior complex telling me to get help. i'm trying to get help) ⋆ i block freely btw cuz ik a lot of ppl dont respect dni lists + theres people who are unavoidable at times…
byi . . . ⋆ if you interact with me, i might seem excited n stuff ⋆ i might sound like i'm flirting but i'm not (i have a partner and i love them) ⋆ i can make a lot of sex jokes ⋆ i am very immature ⋆ dnt try to "fix" me, i'll probably block you or ignore you ⋆ i'm a little unusual so yeah ⋆ dnt be scared to interact w me i luv talking to peopleヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ ⋆ i am not pro €d or $h i just post about it and my experience…
fandoms . . . ⋆ hypmic (hypnosis mic) ⋆ genshin impact ⋆ paralive (paradox live) ⋆ reverse: 1999 ⋆ servamp ⋆ tougen anki ⋆ karneval ⋆ bsd (bungou stray dogs) ⋆ seraph of the end ⋆ litc (lost in the cloud) ⋆ kagerou daze ⋆ the case study of vanitas ⋆ pandora hearts ⋆ enstars (ensemble stars) (i am KIND OF a part of it because my ex filled me up on a lot of lore when we were together…) ⋆ pjsk (project sekai) ⋆ theres probably some others but i forgot…
interests . . . ⋆ vkei ⋆ scene ⋆ anything bloody ⋆ cannibalism (ooh edgy) ⋆ tortures ⋆ psychology ⋆ music (i listen to vkei, scene, metal, etc…) ⋆ vampires ⋆ fanfiction (mostly genshin but other stuff occassionally) ⋆ true crime (im not tcc) ⋆ rarepairs (mostly genshin) ⋆ bats ⋆ writing ⋆ books ⋆ etc… ⋆ btw if youre interested in any of these or are interested becoming friends PLEASEEE message me 🙏🙏😓 im looking for friends pleaseplwaseplease
tags . . . ⋆ i tag all my posts with #ajax posts ཋྀ ⋆ i tag my normal posts with #ajax sane ཋྀ, meaning they are unrelated to $h and/or €d related things ⋆ $h/€d related posts will be tagged #ajax ed ཋྀ and #ajax sh ཋྀ ⋆ i don't have a specific tag for $h/€d/vent related things so beware. i usually put a warning on all my posts like that at the end of the post tho ⋆ i'll tag any vent posts with #ajax vents ཋྀ ⋆ i tag my moodboard with #ajax moodboards ཋྀ ⋆ i tag stuff about me/my life as #ajax diary ཋྀ ⋆ i tag my rants/more serious posts with #ajax rants ཋྀ ⋆ idk about this tag but i'll use #ajax insane ཋྀ for weird shit or shit about me going insane because! ⋆ some tags will be added if i find a use for them ⋆ block any of the tags or my blog if you do not wish to see it!!!
other links . . . ⋆ fanfic/dead dove: do not eat blog ⋆ poem blog ⋆ carrd
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remember!!! block DON'T report this blog if you need to ^^ this blog is meant as a way to vent my feelings/talk about my feelings so please don't dm me about how its bad. i am aware.
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tallochar · 2 days
I keep turning this concept in my head but I can't manage to write it satisfactorily so here I am, setting it out in the wild:
Tim Drake being alerted that Batman INC is something that is in the planning stages of it happening (maybe by Lucius, maybe by Tam, who even knows, look he was CEO for a while and someone is worried about Bruce Wayne about to go public with Batman INC and they get in touch with him) and going to Bruce and refusing to let him do this.
Because Bruce is needed in Gotham and Batman is needed in Gotham, and while Dick is doing a great job and no one will convince Tim of the contrary, that's not Dick's job. It's Bruce's.
(Who also has a son who just got his father back and if anyone knows what it would mean for a son who lost their father to get that father back when you know it's not going to happen... well lets say Tim has Opinions about this [and while he might not get along with Damian all that well yet, they are in that neutral state where Damian is like a cat observing things and studying dynamics and Tim has always been able to work with people he doesn't like or even trust much, so he's not going to punish the kid over whatever's went down between them.])
And besides, let's be real here Bruce, if you want a Batman that can go around the world and pull together teams and make them cohesive and knows what it's needed to be a successful team of young / upcoming young heroes, that's way more Dick than you yourself. Would be preferrable if he was allowed to do it as Nightwing, but the point still stands.
Just ... Tim pow-wowing with Bruce over the whole sitch and convicing him to back down. Not abandon the project, Tim knows that will not happen no matter what Tim does, but trusting it to Dick, who is way better with both younger people and people skills in general than Bruce.
(Which actually is not meant to separate Damian from Dick, Dick can come in from one assignment to the next and check on Damian and this is not the time it was when Tim was growing up, they have communications all over the globe now, Dick can phonecall and videocall Damian as many times as he wants and check on him as often as he wishes, but if Batman INC is happening, and it will happen because Bruce has decided it will, then Tim can only do damage control over this)
And possibly Bruce leveraging Tim staying in Gotham (which, joke's on Bruce, Tim was going to do that anyway, but sure he'll "concede") and possibly "asking" (ordering, let's be real here) Tim to help train Damian (which Tim isn't enthusiastic about but fine, he'll make it work as long as Bruce has his back), for multiple reasons.
A bit because Bruce sort of feels guilty that Tim was kicked out of the Robin role (Bruce HAD promised it would be Tim's until Tim decided otherwise, [which I don't think Dick knew about and even if he had, the situation still had been what it was, to be fair to Dick]) but also Bruce doesn't quite know what to do with Damian (and it wouldn't be the first time he's trusted Tim to teach young heroes / guide someone in a vigilante role) and also he both wants Tim to be there with him (he's missed him) and needs him there with himself (Tim the emotional regulation parentified wonder!).
And then shenanigans from there.
#dc comics#my plotbunny#plotbunnies released in the wild#mostly what I keep chewing on is Tim coming in and being like We Need To Talk Bruce#notice that I made no mention of Damian and anything school related#because I doubt TIM would think of it#he'd just assume that Bruce would think about it subconsciously and not worry about it himself because it's a parental duty#and Tim is not Damian's parent PLUS Tim dropped out of school himself and doesn't want to think of school if he can avoid it#let's be real here#tim drake#bruce wayne#I do not think Damian would know or realize that Tim is the one behind the suggestion that Dick take lead on Batman INC#because I do not think Bruce would present it as Tim's idea but rather just as “I have decided to do it this way so it will be done”#and Tim would have no need to let it be known that it came from him so he would just be checking his grapples / working on a case in the bg#and happily let Bruce with the fallout of delivering the news and handling the reactions to them#this would also allow Dick time to R&R / open a window for the Titans to come see him -> realize the state Dick's in -> start hounding him#enter Donna#enter the other Titans#and then Damian gets to know his father and possibly go to school and learn things and see how things actually are when Bruce is there#and Tim gets to touch bases back in Gotham and re-establish himself and we can reintroduce Tim's civilian cast#and Tim establishing an identity for himself that is still Partner To Batman without necessarily being Robin#I wish I could write this out as a fic but my brain is NOT cooperating#for fuck's sake brain
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jeannereames · 3 days
Hero Alexander vs. The Real Alexander
Moving to the second half of a recent question:
And if I'm not wrong, you mention at one place that you don't "heroize" Alexander. That's interesting, since he's often worshiped as a mythical hero. Why did you move away from that?
As a writer (and a reader), I’ve always been intrigued by the challenge of humanizing the “inhuman” (which can also include the ridiculously talented).
When I fell in love with Tolkien as a girl, I wanted to know what it would be like to be an elf, to have magic, to live that long, etcetera. Maybe that’s also why I always preferred Marvel superheroes over DC. Their hallmark was to make the fantastic (mutants, etc.) more human.
Now, I love me some traditional mythopoetic fantasy, but I’m no good at producing it myself. What is mythopoetic style? Peter Beagle, Patricia McKillip, Nancy Springer, C.J. Cherryh’s sidhe novels, my friend Meredith Ann Pierce … and of course Tolkien himself, where magic is real and magical creatures are…well, magical. Inhuman. Elves … not hobbits. Like a fairy tale…a myth (hence “mythopoetic”).
Anyway, I love reading that, but can’t write it to save my soul. When I write epic/historical fantasy (and I do see SFF as my home genre), it’s closer to anthro SF than to any mythopoetic style. My current MIP (monster-in-progress) is a 6-book series set on a secondary world where two branches of humanity survived, one of which, the Aphê, have super-convenient prehensile tails. 😊 The character journey for one of the protags across the first three novels is to recognize the Aphê as human and fallible rather than as a “noble savage” wise people. (Yes, questions of “What does it mean to be ‘civilized’?” are among the series themes.)
When it comes to historical fiction, I take the same tack. Alexander is interesting to me because he was a real person who accomplished extraordinary things.* What might he have been like in real life?
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Making him too perfect—good at everything, no/few mistakes (just misunderstood), always honorable, etc., bores me. That’s the Alexander of his own marketing campaign. (laugh) It was adopted and refined by some later historians such as Arrian, and Plutarch in his rhetorical pieces (less in the Life but still there). That’s why I’m not a huge fan of Renault’s Alexander, and generally prefer her other Greek novels. Manfredi and (sorta) Pressfield do the same. Tarr and Graham also keep him deliberately at a distance to allow him to remain heroized, but it bothers me less because he’s at a distance. (Btw, I do not dislike Renault's ATG novels; they're just not among my favorites, either on Alexander, or of hers.)
Yet I’m not a fan of the other approach, either: to “humanize” him by taking him down a notch—making him NOT all that, just lucky (Lucian, and Nick Nicastro). Or by upending the heroic narrative altogether and turning him into a megalomaniacal “wicked tyrant” ala Pompeius Trogus/Justin or Seneca (and Chris Cameron).
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I want something (and someone) more relatable, even while letting him remain truly astonishing. To humanize the “inhuman.” I realize that’s a challenge as, the moment we do humanize him, it removes him from the realm of the hero, which in turn makes it harder to allow him to be “all that.” For some, any fault is “too much”—the proverbial clay feet—because they’re desperate to have an idol, a hero…not a person. So the haters come out when, for instance, Simone Biles pulled out of the Olympics for mental health and the Twisties. How dare she!
I’m interested in the person. Even if Alexander wanted to be Herakles Take II, he wasn’t inhuman (divine). He was just a guy, and for me, the fact he was “just a guy,” yet still accomplished all those extraordinary things, is the most remarkable part.
I’ll conclude with what I wrote at the end of the author’s note in the back of Dancing with the Lion: Rise (also available on the website):
In the end, whatever approach one takes to Alexander, whatever theories one subscribes to, more or less hostile to the conqueror, we are left with the man himself in all his complexity and contradiction. The phenomenon called “Alexander the Great” has evoked vastly different interpretations from his era to ours. It’s tempting to seek internal consistency for his behavior, or to force it when it can’t be found. Yet no one is consistent. Even more, history itself is distorted by those recording it in order to serve their unique political narratives, whether then or now. Conflicting politics create competing narratives, and histories of Alexander were (and are) especially prone to such distortions. That, in turn, brings us back to where we began: history (like historical fiction) is about who we are now, and what it’s possible for us to become. So Alexander was neither demon nor god, whatever he wanted to believe about himself. He was a man, capable of cruelty and sympathy, brilliance and blindness, paranoia and an open-handed generosity. As remarkable as he was, he was human. And that's what makes him interesting.
* That some of these extraordinary things would be—and should be—reviled by modern standards is part of the uncomfortable contradiction, and legacy, of the ancient world. This is something I also try to depict in the novel. So there is never a “simple win” in a battle. There’s something ugly shown in or as a result of every single one. On purpose. Battle is, and should be, deeply disturbing.
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bluestar22x · 13 hours
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Summary: During a thunderstorm on Nevarro, Din and Grogu comfort each other (post Season 3)
Characters: Din Djarin and Grogu
Rating: Same as the show
Word Count: 800(ish)
Warnings: A little bit of angst, but it's mostly family fluff and comfort. Also, I barely know anything about the Star Wars universe, even though I've watched most of the movies, so if I got Nevarro's weather wrong, forgive me.
Author’s Note: I've been meaning to write this for a while and I thought it would be perfect to release it around Father's Day.
Nevarro, being a volcanic planet, was usually very dry and sunny, a desert in many ways, and just like most desert environments that sustained life, it still rained occasionally.
When it did rain, it was like the planet was making up for lack, the water pouring down from the skies so hard it flooded the land and washed out everything in its path that wasn't made by any humanoid species.
Often times the storms were intense, lightning and thunder usually accompanying the torrential rain.
Din Djarin and Grogu were a couple weeks into living in their new house on the planet when they experienced their first thunderstorm on it.
It started well into the night, but a particularly loud boom startled Din from his slumber, just in time for him to witness lightning strike the top of a dead tree yards away from the house through his bedroom window, with another loud bang following immediately after it.
It was a miracle the tree didn't catch fire, and the fact it hadn't was a testimony to how drenched everything outside was after what had probably only been the first ten minutes of the storm.
Din was grateful for that, not wanting to add fire fighting to his long list of work experience. At least not after just returning from an exhausting hunt for a bounty who'd been more clever than she was worth. He hadn't even taken off his armor chest plate before collapsing onto his bed.
Din pushed his helmet off his head and swiped at his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand. Normally he wouldn't risk it when his door was unlocked and window open, but it was pitch black in his room and Grogu was asleep in the next room. He'd allow himself just this moment of respite from the intense heat of the summer. The humidity caused by the current weather.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. He hated storms that were this wild. The loud noises, the shaking of the house, it reminded him too much of battle, of the day his parents had lost their lives.
Another boom that made everything quake and he flinched, lips pursing in surprise like it hadn't happened thirty seconds before too.
He heard Grogu screech in panic from the room next door and knew the storm had woken him up with a start too. Grogu had never experienced this kind of thunderstorm before, at least not in his time with him. Din wondered if he'd ever experienced it at all. And if it made him, The Mandalorian nervous, how scared was the child? His son had seen plenty of battle himself and had loss people he cared about too.
With no hesitance Din pulled the helmet back onto his head and pushed himself out of bed, quickly scrambling into the next room to see his tiny green adopted son sitting up in his comparably massive bed with his mouth agape and big dark eyes impossibly wide.
When he noticed Din entering he reached out towards him with both hands in a silent plea and Din's heart ached with sympathy for him. Though Grogu could've thrown himself at him like he had when they'd reunited on Tatooine, it seemed that he wanted Din to approach him instead, or maybe he was just too tired to tap into the force.
Whatever the reason was, it did not matter. Din compulsively moved forward in an instant to sit on the edge of the bed and swiftly scooped up his son for a comforting hug. "It's okay kid; it's just a storm."
The assuring words weren't necessarily just for Grogu. Neither was the hug. Even through his armor, Din could swear he could feel the warmth radiating off the tiny body clinging to his.
Grogu cooed in relief, grateful for his presence as his father patted his back, eventually making soothing circles on it with his gloved palms.
"Do you want me to stay in here tonight?" he offered him eventually, leaning away from him to study his expressive face.
Grogu nodded fervently and underneath his helmet Din smiled a little, his heart warming at the sight. "Alright, buddy, just like old times. Just for tonight."
His son would eventually need to learn to face the storms alone, but that was a lesson for another night.
Din tucked Grogu back into bed and rolled over onto the empty side of it, resting his head on a pillow he could not feel underneath his covered head.
He was uncomfortably hot again, but seeing Grogu falling back asleep beside him, seeing the peace settle on his face, and hearing his gentle, rhythmic breaths filtering out his mouth soon lulled Din back into dreamland anyway.
Neither of them woke up until close to noon the next day.
Tagged: @harriedandharassed @solanumofthestars
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wolf-tail · 1 day
Even if Rowling wasn't completely off the holocaust denying deep-end, the way she wrote those wizard books kind of pisses me off now that i'm older because they have so much potential to be better than they actually were.
Like, middle school me was eating that shit up for a reason, you don't become one of the most popular authors in the world who created one of the most well-known pieces of literature in the world off of dumb luck. There were things she did right. Unfortunately , now that i'm older I can see everything she did wrong. And my writer's brain mixed with my ego is telling me that I could make it better.
Implant a heavier theme of the wizarding world's patronizing bullshit and entitlement. Like seriously, the complete unwarranted superiority complex that these chuckle fucks have is obnoxious beyond belief. Even middle school me knew that there was no good reason to keep magic away from the people they made up a slur for. Maybe that should have been the main theme of the books.
Seriously, it ties in so well with the evil wizard supremacy sublot. The solution to systemic discrimination is not to get rid of bigoted people. It's to tear down those systems entirely. The wizarding world seriously needs a status quo shake up.
Revamp the house elves or just cut them out entirely. Just don't fucking justify slavery. IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!
Maybe this is lefist brain talking but do not make Harry grow up to be a fucking magic cop. In fact, I would have had made the Aurors be unbelievably awful and corrupt, just like a real cops!
Give the characters of color less racist names.
Stop describing your female villains as "mannish"
The greedy goblin banker theme is one of the most disgustingly antisemetic things i've ever had the displeasure of putting up with. What the fuck is wrong with you Joanne!? I would just cut that shit out.
The violent fatphobia grosses me out so much. When I was little I wanted Dudley to get a PROPER redemption arc so bad and not be abused for his weight. In fact , if I were Rowling, I would have added in a sublot about Dudley discovering his own magic to and having to unlearn the shit his parents taught him, as well as deal with their painful rejection of him. That would've been really cool.
Apparently lycanthropy was supposed to be a metaphor for HIV??? Ew, Joanne. No. It's like she never talked to a gay man in her life.
The "love" potions piss me off SO BAD. Voldemort's mother was not in love. She was a rapist. I would change that up entirely.
Snape is not a hero. He was an incel in a hate group. Acknowledge him as such and don't have Harry name his fucking kid after him.
Hey, quick question, why does the school have a blood supremacist house???? Why was this allowed??? Why did she write Slytherin to just be openly discriminatory towards mixed blood kids????
Whatever the dad Weasely's name is, I would have played off his whole "weeb for nonmagical people" thing as more patronizing and accidentally insensitive than endearing. He reminds me of white moms who say konichiwa to the waiter at Chinese restaurants and think they're "cultured".
For the love of god, treat the female characters other than Hermione with an OUNCE of respect.
Now that I know more about animal welfare and the exotic pet industry, Hagrid kinda gets on my nerves. I would add a sublot about him learning to respect the boundaries of wild animals.
I can't think of anything else that ticks me off about the books right now but I will come back to this if I do.
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labyrynth · 10 months
*gritting my teeth* people are allowed to write whatever they want, people are allowed—
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but why would you do this to him. being a bitch is the thing he’s best at he LOVES being a bitch. how can you TAKE this from him??
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This is a first-world problem, but it's irksome when a fic author is only willing to write one specific sexual dynamic, and forces it onto ships where it's just OOC. We've heard of, "He would not fucking say that" but there's a lot of, "He would not fucking be a dom" in fic, too.
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