kiwibirb1 · 1 month
We must say. Havin' a proper body is mooch more fun tha' being stuck in... tha'.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 5
Leona: Congrats. Ruggie sent me the video of your first match.
Leona: You really beat the shit out of that crocodile.
Yuurin: Thank you, Leona-senpai.
Leona: Was falling off the cliff necessary, though? *in a bit worried tone*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I'll be more careful.
Leona: Tch. Like you would listen.
Leona: Anyway, who's going to be your next opponent?
Yuurin: Floyd Leech.
Leona: Oh really? *clicks his tongue*
Leona: I heard they get to choose the place?
Yuurin: Yes.
Leona: ...
Leona: I'm hanging up now.
Yuurin: Will you be calling Ruggie-senpai and Jack after this?
Leona: ...
Leona: No. *ends the call*
Yuurin: ...
Leona: Oi, Ruggie!
Ruggie: Geez, Leona! What now?!
Leona: You better show Yuurin's fight to me on real-time or I'm gonna turn your ass to sand!
Ruggie: Okay, okay! I just got too excited so I forgot to video call you!
Jack: ...
Jack: I thought you did it on purpose because you didn't want to be bothered?
Ruggie: ...
Leona: Ruggie.
Ruggie: He was just joking!
Ruggie: Back me up here, Jack!
Philomela: Introducing our contenders for the second match: Yuurin and Floyd Leech!
Floyd: Yaaaaay~!
Yuurin: ...
Silver: Everyone seems excited for this second match.
Rook: Oui. That is no surprise.
Rook: After all, Monsieur Malfeasant has considered everything for this. *chuckles*
Floyd: Ne~ Damselfish~.
Yuurin: ?
Floyd: I won't underestimate you like Crocodile did~.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I know that, senpai.
Floyd: Hehe~ I'll enjoy fighting with you~.
Floyd: Please do your best~.
Yuurin: ...
Philomela: I'm sending you now to your designated location!
Philomela: Good luck! *laughs*
*In an underwater cavern*
Epel: Wha— Why?!
Malleus: This is going to be challenging for Yuurin.
Jade: Indeed. *chuckles* Floyd chose the right place.
Jack and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Hey, Philomela. Can Yuurin see effectively in the dark?
Philomela: *laughs* Of course not! He's not nocturnal!
Jack and Ruggie: !!!
Jack: Then Yuurin is in a great disadvantage!
Philomela: The greater the challenge, the more excitement we'll get!
Epel: Wow... You don't care about Yuurin's safety, do you?
Sebek: She is his mentor. She knows what she's doing.
Yuurin: ...
Floyd: *who has concealed himself by hiding behind a rock* *smirks while he slowly approaches from behind*
Yuurin: ...
Floyd: Heh~ *kicks Yuurin into the water*
Yuurin: !!!
Yuurin: *finds herself being submerged in it, with Floyd pushing her to the bottom*
Floyd: HEHE~!
Epel, Malleus, Sebek, Jack, and Ruggie: !!!
Epel: He's drowning him!
Jade: *smirks*
Sebek: Dammit, human! Why are you allowing him to push you around?!
Philomela: *amused smile*
Floyd: We're at the rock bottom now, Damselfish~.
Yuurin: *who couldn't read his lips because of the darkness*
Yuurin: *feels the rocky surface underneath her feet*
Yuurin: *grabs his arms, maneuvers herself so that he's positioned over her shoulder, and then forcefully slams him down onto the rock*
Floyd: Oof—
Yuurin: *quickly swims back up to create distance*
Epel: Yes! Go, Yuurin!
Jack: Floyd-senpai is after him!
Floyd: Don't escape from me, Damselfish~. *has caught up to her*
Floyd: *goes behind her and starts to perform a Full Nelson Hold; even coiling his tail around her waist*
Floyd: Damselfish~ How are you feeling now~? *squeezing her tight*
Malleus: Is Leech attempting to deprive him of oxygen?
Jade: Yes. We're fully aware that Yuurin can stay underwater for 30 minutes.
Jade: However, will it be the same if he's being squeezed tight like that? *smirks*
Epel, Jack, Ruggie, and Sebek: ...
Philomela: Impressive tactic, yes. Anyone would have to tap out in that situation.
Philomela: Though, are you seeing Yuurin struggle for air?
Jade: Huh?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *starts blowing bubbles*
Floyd: That's right, Damselfish~. Let all your air out~.
Yuurin: *starts to bend her body upward*
Floyd: Eh?
Yuurin: *while continuously blowing bubbles*
Floyd: Eh? EH?
Floyd: *not realizing that he fails to maintain the hold as he finds her actions amusing*
Jade: Oh no. This is bad.
Floyd: Hehehe~! This if fun, Damselfish—
Yuurin: *has sneaked behind him while he was distracted; wrapping her arms around his torso* *then starts squeezing him "tight"*
Floyd: AHHH!!!!
Jade: ...
Philomela: *loudly laughs* Ah, yes! Return the favor, Yuurin!
Epel: D-Does that really hurt?
Malleus: Lilia mentioned to me once that Yuurin can break a steel in half with his bare hands.
Jack: Huh?
Sebek: ...
Sebek: *remembers the handcuffs*
Sebek: Yes... That's right...
Floyd: *ends up fainting underwater and Yuurin has to bring him to the surface with her*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Floyd-senpai.
Philomela: He's out cold, Yuurin! Let him be! *laughs*
Yuurin: I see.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *lightly smacks his face to confirm*
Jade: ...
Jade: Well, that was an entertaining match.
Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Yeah...
Leona: ...
Leona: I'm going there right now.
Ruggie: Huh? What? *completely forgot about him*
Ruggie: Leona—
*Leona has ended the video call.*
Ruggie: Ah, shit. We're screwed.
Jack: He was watching the whole time?
Ruggie: Yeah. Remember he asked to watch it in real-time?
Ruggie: He was silent the entire time so I thought he dozed off...
Jack: ...
Floyd: *once he regained consciousness*
Floyd: I can't believe you would use my own move against me~ Hehehe~.
Floyd: I should've taken you more seriously~. Sorry about that, damselfish~.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: You managed to leave bruises on my body.
Floyd: Where?
Yuurin: *shows him the side of her waist*
Floyd: Eh~ That's the only injury you've got~?
Yuurin: Yes.
Floyd: Hehe~ That's fine~. You'll be treated anyway~.
Yuurin: No. I won't be treated until all of the matches are over.
Floyd: Oh... So you're going to carry that injury then?
Yuurin: *nods*
Floyd: Aww... Okay. Let me give you hug to make you feel better~.
Yuurin: No, thank you.
Floyd: But you hugged me earlier~.
Yuurin: That wasn't to comfort you.
Floyd: Hehe~ Fair enough~.
Silver: Yuurin is really strong.
Rook: Oui! *chuckles* I can't wait for my turn to fight Monsieur Tranquille!
Silver: ...
Silver: It's my turn next.
Silver: I will give my best.
Rook: I know you will, Monsieur Sleepyhead!
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Can't guess
Part 1
Lucifer: What do you mean, you can't tell who's the father!
Solomon: Normally, we can do a Paternity test to know who's the father.
Solomon: So I took MC to the human world-
Diavolo: Without my permission I may add.
Solomon: 😊
Solomon: So we got to the clinic and... Let's just say this pregnancy is too dangerous for the human's mind.
Satan: So that counts you out, since this baby is supernatural-
Solomon: Oh? I'm as powerful then any of you. Just because the child cause the doctors and nurses to go insane that does mean I'm out of the count of the potental father of this child.
Belphie: Of course, being here you're causing us to go insane.
Simeon: Wait, are the humans alright?
Solomon: They're fine. *He was lying*
Diavolo: ...
Solomon: Now back to the pregnancy.
Solomon: We can only make a guess on who's the father by MC's change of behavior.
Solomon: In the past, the mother display aggressive behavior when they were carrying a demon spawn.
Solomon: From what I gathered, they didn't know who was the father of those spawns, so we don't know if the mothers would display the behavior of the demon father or its a common symptom of Aggression.
Lucifer: How long would the pregnancy take?
Solomon: ... About 12 months.
Mammon: What!!!
Solomon: Or 6 months. Again there isn't actually a solid pattern of these demon to human pregnancy.
Simeon: What about an Angel Pregnancy?
Solomon: Don't know, no one gets to record them since "Someone" Keep interfering.
Simeon: What's the suppose to mean, friend?
Solomon: You know exactly what I mean, Simeon.
Simeon and Solomon glare at each other.
Barbatos: Oh my.
Lucifer: can you two stop being petty- What's with the grin Diavolo?
Diavolo: Oh? It's nothing.
Barbatos: I sense something bad about this.
Diavolo: Well. if you two must know, I think I have a higher chance of being the father.
Lucifer, Barbatos, Satan, and Belphie: ...
Diavolo: My blood is the strongest-
Belphie: I call bullshit on that!
Diavolo: Oh? *Turn to Lucifer and Barbatos, waiting for them to interject*
Lucifer: What? I agree with Belphie.
Diavolo Oh!
Barbatos: Smugness doesn't suit you, Milord.
Meanwhile in the other room
MC: I can I have some Beel
Beel: *Feels conflicted* Sure
MC: Yeah!!
Mammon: *Enters the room and growled when he saw Beel feeding you* Oi!!
Mammon: *He rushes over and pull you close to him* Who said that you can feed her?
Beel: *Deep down, he feels challenge by Mammon* She was hungry, and ask if she wants some.
Mammon: Oh? What! you think that the kid is yours?
Beel: *Stood up and looms over Mammon* Yes.
Mammon: *Gently push you to the side and got up at Beel's face and growled*
Asmo: Oh? the tension is real!
Asmo: Anywho, I'm taking MC to my room-
Asmo: *Stopped when a tail wrapped round his arm* Let go, Levi
Levi: No.
MC: *Senses trouble you slowly back away and quietly leave the room*
MC: Damn, these fuckers are going to kill each other before the baby is born-
Luke: Baby?
MC: Gah! Luke! When did you get here?
Luke: Simeon and Solomon took me along but said I should stay at the kitchen because they are having "Adult talk" with the brothers
MC: I see.
Luke: You're having a baby!!
MC: Yeah, it seems like it.
Luke: Who's the dad?
MC: ...
MC: We... Don't know exactly.
Luke: Huh? I thought you'll know the dad the moment you found it.
MC: "How am I going to say that I was whoring around with all the guys"
MC: It's a mystery.
Luke: ... *Looks down*
MC: What's wrong?
Luke: No-Nothing.
MC: Come on, Luke. You can talk to me.
Luke: ...
Luke: Would you still love me, even if the baby comes.
MC: Oh! Luke *You pull him into a hug* You'll always have my love. I can't never ignore you.
Luke: *Smiles and hugs you back*
MC: *Pulls back* Now, lets get out of here. Stay here is stressing me out.
Luke: Yeah! Stress is bad for the baby.
You nod and the two of you head out. As you two got far you both hear a loud crash from the HOL.
Luke: What was that!!
MC: Ignore it. When hasn't a day when something in that house broke.
Luke: Hm... Good point.
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swordsandholly · 27 days
Keep it Casual
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish x fem.plus size.Reader
cw: injury mention, death mention (in passing - no character death), brief weed smoking
Word count: 3.7k
Boy loves girl, girl loves boy. They’re not allowed to admit it, though. It’s good, right? All the benefits without any of the commitments. It’s what they both want, right?
Johnny MacTavish is an enigma to you in many ways. You’ve known each other for years - ever since you came over to the UK for Uni. He was in basic training then, out drinking when he approached you. His buddies were brutish and rude, only looking to add a soft American to their list of conquests, but Johnny… he spoke to you differently. Looked into your eyes, listened intently, gave you his full attention and nothing less.
You’ve been thick as thieves ever since. Beyond that, even. You and Johnny are entirely indivisble. Even when he’s gone for weeks, months, at a time, you’re inheretnly interlinked. Whether by phone calls or the matching tattoos you got on your ankles one drunken night, you’re connected.
There aren’t any labels for it. When people ask you default to best friends, but that doesn’t quite encapsulate it. There isn’t a word in the English language for what you have. You’re not partners - you’ve both had plenty of those each, however briefly. Even those always end. You and Johnny can’t be torn apart, though.
You know what the problem is. The reason you both keep it this vague, amorphous thing between you. Labels are frightening. Labels make things real. Labels mean you have to tell other people what you are, that suddenly there are expectations to live up to.
Labels feel like a death sentence in his line of work. Too many lost husbands, partners, lovers.
You lay on your belly in bed, legs kicked up in the air as you engross yourself in a book when the door knob clicks to the side. Johnny has a key to your place, of course, just as you have one to his. You don’t bother to get up. The chain always hangs loose when he’s gone - knowing he’ll come around at any moment. The door would stay wide open if it could, just for him.
You hear a thunk as as he drops his duffle on the ground. He didn’t go home yet, just came straight here. His boots fall on the floor next, then his jacket drops quietly in the hallway as he slowly makes his way to your room - to you.
“Bonnie lass…” Johnny greets, crawling across the bed toward you. He managed to get down to just his standard issue t-shirt and boxer briefs before climbing in. He knows you hate outside clothes on the bed.
“Johnny.” You smile, rolling onto your back as he climbs over you. Your fingers card through his mohawk, tugging gently on the strands curling at the base of his neck. “Need a trim there, bud.”
“Aye.” He chuckles. “Was waitin’ tae see ye. No one does it as good as my girl.”
His girl. Your boy. That’s the closest either of you ever get to tempting fate.
You hum. “How was work?”
Work. That word doesn’t even come close to what Johnny does. You can’t say more - can’t utter the word deployment. Coward.
“Ach no’ tha’ bad this time. Go’ my heid knocked around a bit.”
“So the usual?”
“Oi.” He scoffs in mock offense. “Donnae be rude.”
“I’m never rude.” You snicker, turning over and reaching for the top dresser of your nightstand. “Do you want to roll or me?”
“I think I’ve earned some princess treatment.” Johnny flops back on the bed, a finger hooking in the hem of your cotton panties as you sit up. He always does this when he first gets back - has to have some part of him touching some part of you. Not that you’d ever complain. You need it just as much as him, though you’d die before admitting to it.
Those blue eyes bore into you as you roll. It’s tradition - a celebratory joint when he gets back. Then you’ll binge all the TV shows and movies you saved up while he was gone and order an ungodly amount of take out. Indian. His favorite. Sometimes Johnny will go back to his apartment the next day to get some quiet time, maybe visit his parents, before he has to go back to work on the base but other times he’ll stay with you his whole time back home. Just taking up your space and being so domestic it makes your teeth hurt like too-sweet candy.
You always hope he stays.
“First hit for the guest of honor?” You smile, holding the joint out for him.
“Och, yer a blessing, hen.” His hand is warm as it brushes yours when he takes the joint from you, eyes locked on your own. There’s something intense in his stare that you aren’t used to. It makes you look away, almost shy under his gaze. He coughs suddenly, a harsh burst of smoke puffing from his lips.
You can’t help but laugh at him, “Getting weak lungs, soldier boy?”
“Oh, feck off.” He elbows you gently.
Somehow you’ve already got the giggles. It’s just something about being around him that makes everything feel better - brighter. More lively. Even the colors of your ugly little ashtray (the one you painted terribly when Johnny’s niece insisted the three of you go paint pottery while babysitting) feel so much more clear with him near.
“Oh!” His brows shoot up suddenly, as if he just remembered something direly important. “I got somethin’ fer ye. Be right back.”
You watch him jog down the hall - definietly not staring at his butt, no ma’am - and listen to the sounds of Johnny rooting around through his duffle bag. Your lips quirk up into a smile when he lets out a distant “aha!”
He comes back with a small, velvety box, flopping back into bed beside you and criss-crossing his legs. “There was this little artisan shop in a town we stopped through. The Captain wanted tae get his wife somethin’ an’ I saw this an’ thought of ye.”
The box slips into your hands. It’s small and light. You roll it between your palms a couple times before shaking it with a grin. Before you can make one of your usual silly quips about what might be inside, your eyes meet Johnny’s. They’re on fire, sparkling with anticipation for you to open the little gift. He’s gotten you things before (you actually have a shelf dedicated to his nicknacks from around the world) but this seems… different. There’s a heaviness to his expression that you’re not used to.
You glance between him and the box briefly - opening it slowly. Your eyes turn to saucers as you come face to face with a finely crafted silver necklace. A little four pointed star with a sparkling gem in the middle that looks the same icy blue as Johnny’s eyes. Little flecks of pink and green catch the light as you turn it between your fingers.
“Johnny-“ You gasp, at a total loss for words.
“Ye like it?” He asks with an uncharacteristically nervous pitch to his voice. His palms rub together absently as he glances between you and the necklace in your hand.
“I love it.” You smile softly, heart fluttering as Johnny breaks out in a grin of his own. “Put it on me?”
“Course.” He whispers, pushing your hair to the side and locking the clasp with deft fingers. It hangs perfectly underneath your clavicles, resting between the other jewelry you wear daily.
Those hands linger for a moment, before both slowly brush down over your shoulders. Rough, calloused fingers glide across your skin and leave an electric current in their wake as light kisses trail up your neck. “Missed ye, bonnie.”
You sigh and lean back against his broad chest. “Missed you too.”
Teeth sink into the crook of your neck, pulling a gasp from your lips. Large, rough hands grab and knead your tits through your thin tank top. He plucks at your nipples - rolling them between his fingers as he sucks deep marks into your neck.
You open your mouth to complain about leaving visible hickies but all that comes out is a breathy moan. You run your hands up his thighs on either side of you, dragging your nails across his skin in the way that always leaves him panting.
One hand travels down, grabbing onto the softness of your belly appreciatively before continuing. His fingers glide over your covered pussy, teasing you to gasp and squirm under him. Rough fingers continue to pluck at your nipple, eventually pushing their way under your tank top for better access. A low hiss escapes Johnny’s lips as your breasts fall free of the camisole.
“Fuck, bonnie. Can I taste ye? Please? Need ye so bad.” Johnny groans in your ear. “Please.”
How could you ever say no to him? He doesn’t even have to ask, really.
He repositions you on your back, tucking a pillow under your hips. Ever the considerate type. His fingers hook in your panties, a low, pleased rumble echoing through his chest as he shucks off the soaked fabric.
No matter what he’s doing, Johnny’s eyes always find yours. He could be across the most crowded room in the world and, imminently, they’ll find yours. They crinkle at the sides with his smile that pulls the scar on his chin.
“So pretty fer me.” He murmurs, lowering himself between your thighs as he bites and kisses up the soft flesh between your legs.
Johnny is a lot of things, and a total much is easily near the top of the list. Maybe number one, even. He presses his face into your cunt - mouthing over your clit and dragging his tongue down between your lips. It’s almost more for him, you think, the way he drags his tongue through the crease between your thigh and pussy. You can’t complain - you would be a fool to with the way he absolutely worships your body.
A harsh suck to your clit as your back arching. Strong arms wrap around your thick thighs to hold you down as he devours you.
“Taste so good, lass. Sweet as fuckin’ candy.” He moans against your cunt.
“Johnny!” You gasp, hand tangling in his overgrown mohawk. A low moan pulls out of you as he licks from your back hole to your clit before stuffing his tongue as deep in your pussy as he can. Chants of obscenities and pleading and oh, god, Johnny please you’re so good fall from your lips.
You know better than to try to hide your sounds. If he could he’d devour them just as much as he already does you - inject them straight in his veins to live there forever. Two fingers push into you, the stretch causing you to gasp. Johnny chuckles as you buck into the touch. The fingers curl directly up into that spot inside you as he nips at your clit.
Your climax hits you like a train - stars blooming behind your eyes and your back arching sharply. You’re always so sensitive after he’s been gone. So ready to have him again.
“Thassit, tha’s my good girl.” Johnny kisses up your thigh, working you through your orgasm with his fingers. “Ready fer me, baby? Missed this pretty cunt so bad - thought about her every day.”
You nod excitedly - mind too fuzzy and content to come up with the words to respond. Lazily, Johnny reaches over to the nightstand to grab a condom. He knows your home, like you, inside and out. Every nook and cranny might as well be his.
It could be his.
It should be his.
Johnny cups your cheek, kissing you slow and deep. His tongue parting your lips gently before exploring every inch of your mouth. Those rough hands trail down your body with reverence. One going from your cheek, to your sternum, over your belly to sink into the softness of your waist. The other holds tight on your hip as he lines up.
You gasp and moan against each other as he pushes in. The stretch is delicious. Your nails sink into his strong back.
“Practically made fer me, bonnie.” He groans as he moves. It’s slow, languid.
He’s so beautiful. Always has been. No matter how he changes - new hair, new scars, new tattoos - he’s still beautiful. The prettiest man you’ve ever met. You run your fingers through the downey layer of dark hair over his chest - tracing the outlines of his muscles, up over his thick shoulders to cup his cheek.
Your bodies move together easily - a well practiced dance that you’ve perfected over the years.
“Christ.” Johnny gasps into your ear - strong forearms bracket your head, burying you under him. “I lov-“
You turn your head, catching his lips in a kiss. It’s terrible of you, you’re sure, but there’s nothing those words can communicate that a well timed gasp or a perfectly placed caress can’t say better. His nose knocks against yours, your hands travel all over him, seeking out any purchase they can find.
It turns desperate. A clawing need as you rediscover each other for the millionth time. Wet, open mouth kisses against each others skin and bodies moving perfectly in tandem. The light high from smoking leaves your skin warm and buzzing with electricity. It borders on overstimulating - just barely this side of too much.
“Johnny…” You whine, tilting your head back.
“Aye?” He pants, laving at your clavicle. “Gonnae cum f’me? Cream all over my fuckin’ cock?”
All you can manage is a keen, teeth sinking into his shoulder to hide you face form him. A hand tangles in your hair, pulling you down to stare up at him.
“Eyes on me, hen. Want - ah - want ye lookin’ at me when I make ye cum.”
It’s too intense. It always is looking into those baby blues. As if they can see right through to the most buried parts of yourself. Johnny shifts your hips up ever so slightly, the new angle bullying his head against your g-spot with each thrust. Your nails claw across his shoulder blades.
It doesn’t take long before you’re careening over the edge with him, bodies tensing against each other. Clenching down around him like a vice while you gasp for air.
“There she is. Tha’s my girl.” Johnny murmurs against your lips, still rocking into you in short, sloppy motions. Just to drag it out a little longer until you whine at the overstimulation.
You let yourself lay back to catch your breath, floating back to earth while Johnny disappears to toss the condom in the trash. He’s back nearly as fast as he left, pulling you against his chest and burying you both under the soft sheets of your bed.
“Shower?” Johnny whispers into your hair, eventually. You nod against his chest, slowly peeling yourselves apart. Your fingers remain tangled all the way to the bathroom.
He whirls you after you turn on the shower, kissing you slow and deep as you wait for the water to warm up. A warm hand splash across your lower back - keeping you close. You’re left breathless when he finally pulls back, pupils blown so wide in the low evening light that you can hardly see the blue of his eyes.
You sigh to yourself as you step into the shower, grateful that you splurged on the apartment with the especially large bathroom. It definitely wasn’t with Johnny in mind. You’d never make your decisions based around such a nebulous relationship.
Not the size of your bathroom - enough to fit both your wide frame and his broad shoulders.
Not the location of your apartment - only a few blocks from his.
Not keeping his favorite snacks stocked at all times just in case he comes home early.
Not referring to your apartment as his home.
“Lean down a bit.” You smile, pouring a glob of shampoo into your hand for him. Johnny’s always been picky about his hair care. You always make sure it’s on hand in your bathroom.
He does the same for you, of course, when he can, but somehow you both always end up at your place instead. Not that you’d ever complain. You like your place. It’s safe. Warm. A cocoon away from all the parts of the world that have scarred you so deeply.
Johnny groans happily as you scratch his scalp, the quality shampoo cleaning far more deeply than any of that standard issue stuff he gets on deployment ever could. You watch the suds slowly drip down over the lines of his back, breath catching as your eyes settle on a nasty, raised patch of skin you hadn’t seen before.
It looks like a chunk got ripped out of his back, right under his ribs.
“Johnny.” You gasp.
“Hm?” He looks over his shoulder at you, brows raising as he realizes what you’re looking at. “Oh tha’? It’s nothin’. Just go’ a bit knocked around, remember?”
You bite your lip, tamping down the rising fear in your gut. “D-does it hurt?”
“I’m fine, lovie.” Johnny turns, giving you that sparkling, million dollar grin. He knows it scares you, shakes you to the core.
You’ve already lost everyone else in your life, having the ever present threat of losing Johnny as well is too much to handle sometimes. It keeps you up at night, when he’s away, imagining all the worst that could happen to him.
How easy it would be for a simple bullet or knife to shatter your world.
That’s why the two of you keep up this little arrangement. This song and dance at arms length. To spare you. Both of you. Either when he doesn’t come back or you break and run.
You won’t run, though. As much as it hurts, the good is too good to give up. You’ll stay through it all, with just enough distance to keep your sanity.
“Ye with me?” Johnny asks gently, slowly pulling you out of your thoughts and back into the moment.
“Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Long week.” You lie, leaning up on your tip toes to plant a small kiss in the corner of his mouth.
He hums, turning to meet your lips. You let yourself fall into him, fingers running through the hair on his chest, up to the back of his neck. He just feels right under your hands. Perfectly molded to press up against you - hard muscle to balance out the softness of your body. Angles and curves. Push and pull. Sun and moon.
Holy hell, you’ve become a sap.
“Sit.” You point to the chair you drug into the bathroom and Johnny happily plops down - big, fluffy towels tied around your chest and waist respectively. A content smile settles across his face as you slowly work your way across his scalp with the electric razor. You let your fingers to scrape along after you just the way he likes.
When you were young, you watched your mother cut your fathers hair. It seemed so subservient to you. Shameful, almost. You said you’d die before doing that for any man.
You carefully raise each section of his mo-hawk, cutting it down to the exact length Johnny likes to style it. A little on the short side, actually, so that it has time to grow before looking messy. Shearing the sides and taking extra care around his ears. He doesn’t need any more nicks or scars.
Johnny suddenly looks pensive as he watches you in the mirror - carefully taking in each of your movements.
“You’re worrying.” You murmur.
“I-“ He sighs. “It’s nothin’.”
“Johnny.” You level your gaze on his in the mirror, he looks off to the side.
“I’m just- I cannae-“ He sighs. “I miss ye.”
You snort. “I’m right here.”
Johnny shrugs. For once, he stops talking. You hate when he does. It’s the only true hallmark that something is wrong.
“Do ye want tae hear a new Ghost joke?” He interrupts. It’s an out. You’ll let him have it.
“Lay it on me.”
“Whit’s the difference between the bird flu and the swine flue?”
“One requires tweetment an’ the other requires oinkment.”
A huffy laugh escapes you despite yourself. “That’s terrible.”
“Aye. Imagine listenin’ tae that in a life or death situation. Could be the last thing I hear!”
You giggle, finishing up with shaping the edges of his hairline. “How is it?”
Johnny stands, leaning close to the mirror and running a hand over his hair. Your eyes lock onto that newly forming scar again. It makes your throat feel tight.
He stretches his arms way over his head with a groan. “Think it’s time f’some proper lazin’ about.”
The rest of the night goes by as they usually do when he gets home. Indian take out, a romcom in the background, another round of fucking. Or two. It’s near eleven when you finally settle into the sheets, Johnny long asleep beside you. Comfortably snoring with that angelic peacefulness you only ever see in his sleep.
Will he look that peaceful if he dies?
The thought makes you want to throw up.
It takes all your mental fortitude to push that train of thought away. Opting to lay beside him, eyes flicking across his features as you attempt to memorize them all. The curve of his strong brow, the arch of his nose, the slight part in his lips as he sleeps. Your thumb traces the scar on his chin while you cup his cheek. As if sensing your current state - and, if you’re honest with yourself, you’re sure he can - a strong arm wraps around you to lock you against his chest. You let your legs tangle, breathing him in and following the pattern of the rise and fall of his chest. Real and tangible under your hands.
You’re just so glad that, at least right now, he’s home.
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bluerosetarot · 4 months
Silly idea due to the fact I have the cilantro = soap gene. Expanding off this post I made yesterday. Gonna be a fluffy fun fic with a lil spice at the end.
Tags: fem!reader x Soap Mactavish, blowjobs, cunnilingus
Tagging: @tf141glory because they said they wanted a fic from that joke post
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You noticed that Task Force 141 ordered a lot of takeout, though you chalked that up to the grueling work that you all did to keep the world safe. MREs were all fine and good and you noticed each of the men had their own particular food they could cook.
Soap would occasionally cook something called cock-a-leekie soup and the name of the dish never ceased to make you chuckle, much to his enjoyment. You noticed that when you laughed he would always give you a big smile, the corners of his eyes wrinkling ever so slightly.
Price was a traditional British man through and through; the man loved bangers and mash and at one point cooked it every day for a week until you got sick of it and you never saw him without a scone at tea.
You'd asked Ghost what he knew to cook one time and he shrugged, giving you an answer that avoided talking about himself like he always did. But you noticed that next weekend he was in the kitchen making a cottage pie for everyone. You'd given him a little teasing about hidden culinary skills to which he told you the very vaguest parts of his history from when he was a child; the enjoyment he got from when his mum would make this exact recipe. There was a sadness to his eyes as he changed the subject so you dropped the subject.
Gaz was the odd man out in that he didn't really know how to cook, you chalked it up to him being the youngest of the team and lacking experience in that department. But the man was amazing with chips and other friend foods which led you to your current dinner, everyone sat around a table with a big plate of curry chips.
The masala curry was on par with what you'd tried from the local shops which made Gaz's smile bright when you complimented him on it.
"Thanks, mate! Made it myself because I had a wild craving for curry chips and figured I'd share. Never made a curry before that wasn't from a jar but I think it turned out alright, yeah?"
"Yeah, not too spicy either. Y' did good on this one!" Soap was already getting a second helping.
"What, got a weak tongue, Sergeant?" Ghost had been picking at his plate idly with a book in front of him.
"Nae wha' ye tryin' ta imply wit tha', LT?" The accent was getting thick as Soap got more excitable. "I'll have ye know ma tongue is quite strong..." You could've swore he gave you a wink at that. "Just cannae stand heat s'all."
"Hmm." A grunt was the lieutenant's only reply as he spooned some green paste onto the top of his chips before offering it to you. "Chutney? Gaz made some cilantro chutney to go with th' chips. Not bad with th' curry."
Your nose crinkled up at the offering, disgust plain on your face.
"No thanks. I'm one of those genetic weirdos where I got a gene that cilantro tastes like soap."
"Aye an' how d'ye know wha' I taste like, bonnie?" Soap hadn't skipped a beat, and his words brought a flush of red to your cheeks.
"You know that is NOT what I meant!"
Soap smirked at you from across the table and took a chip from his plate, putting some chutney on it and offering it to you.
"Ye keen to find out wha' I taste like, bonnie? Here, have a sample."
You'd finished most of your plate already and figured this was as good enough of a time to excuse yourself from dinner. As you washed your plate you could hear Gaz elbowing Soap in the side with a muffled "Oi now cut that out."
Once you got back to your quarters you just laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. You'd had a crush on each of the guys for different reasons, but you wondered if Soap had noticed. Granted, he was always a flirt when the team went out for some r&r at one of the local bars, but up until now you hadn't really thought of the man as interested in you.
A knock made you look up and you heard Soap's voice from the other side of the heavy door.
"I wanted to apologise, bonnie. Ye still awake?"
"Yeah. Door's unlocked, come in."
Soap stuck his head through the door with an expression you'd never seen on his face before. He looked sheepish and truly regretful as he walked in and shut the door behind him.
"I think I might've taken it a bit far tonight, bonnie. Ye seemed upset after dinner and I wanted ta make sure ye weren't mad at me an' all tha'."
That got a small chuckle out of you and you saw his lips quirk up in the slightest of smiles.
"Nah, we're good, Soap. I'm used to your jokes just, uh, caught me off guard a bit, yeah?"
"Oh? An' how's that?"
He had walked from the door to your bed and sat down at the edge, his hand resting on your thigh reassuringly, the gentle way he touched you made you think about what it would be like to have those hands on other parts of your body.
"Ah, well..." You weren't quite sure how to begin. But you knew the man responded well to blunt talk so you took your chances. "I might actually be interested in what you taste like..."
As your words trailed off you could swear Soap's grin couldn't get any bigger.
"Issat so, bonnie? Well perhaps I'm interested on seein' what ye taste like as well."
The fact that your feelings were reciprocated for him made your heart skip a beat even as you sat there in stunned silence. He had moved a bit closer, his larger frame looming over you.
"Jus' a lil taste, aye? Yer lips, my lips, see where this all goes?"
With a silent nod you leaned in to close the gap between your lips, locking together in a slow, sensual kiss as you felt his strong arms wrap around you. The world seemed to melt away as your tongues explored each other's mouths and truly tasted one another.
After what seemed like a blissful eternity he was the first one to pull away, that smirk on his lips once again as he lightly held your chin in his hand.
"Now tha' I ken what those lips a' yours taste like... how's about we go a little lower, aye?"
His free hand slid up the back of your shirt, unclasping your bra with a practiced ease while you nodded once again. God above you were going to get drunk off this man's treatment of you and you helped him help you to get out of your shirt and bra.
Once topless he pulled back and took a long look at you, letting out an impressed whistle.
"Did nae ken you had such a good body under that uniform, bonnie."
He didn't give you time to reply before his mouth found one of your nipples, teasing and sucking the sensitive nub while his hand gently rolled the other between his thumb and forefinger. Each moan that he managed to work from your lips made the hunger inside him grow and he let out a soft grown when your hands went up to his mohawk and gave it a tug.
"S-soap... I want more... I want to taste you too..."
Pulling away from your breast with an audible smacking of his lips he pressed back on your shoulders.
"Nae yet, bonnie. Dinner was nice but I want some dessert first."
As you laid back he pulled your sweatpants down and off your legs, tossing them aside to some forgotten corner of the room alongside your panties. Strong hands grabbed your thighs and pulled them apart so he could see your already slick cunt, ready and waiting for him. Even as much as he wanted to taste you he wanted to relish in the moment which meant kisses along your inner thighs accompanied by the occasional soft bite to the skin there that would make you whimper in need.
Finally, after he felt you'd been teased enough, he dove in for his treat. Soft lips surrounded your clit as he sucked on it gently, alternating between that and flicking against it with his tongue. Thick fingers slid inside and curled up to rub against your g-spot in time with his tongue.
With his face buried between your legs your hands desperately grabbed onto anything to give yourself leverage as you bucked your hips up against his mouth, finally settling on gripping his short hair to earn yourself another growl from him.
It didn't take him long at all to get you to the edge of climax, you could tell this man not only had experience but enjoyed the act of getting his partner off. Just as you were teetering on the edge he pulled his mouth away to look up at you as his fingers kept pumping in and out of you.
"Aye, tha's it. Good girl. Gonna cum for me, aye?"
And with that his face was back down between your legs and your vision went white as your orgasm finally hit, your moans and whines music to his ears as you rode his face through your climax. Only when the final aftershocks and twitches had worked through your system did he stop and pull away once more, wiping his mouth on his forearm.
"Now tha' I ken wha' ye taste like, bonnie, time for ye to taste me."
You watched as he took off his belt and pulled down his pants just enough to let his cock spring free. He wasn't massive but you knew that taking him in your mouth was going to be a test of your gag reflex for sure, still you matched his cocky grin with your own and crawled over to him as he lay there, idly stroking his length.
A drop of pre rolled down the head and you lapped that up first, finding that this kind of Soap had a better taste than you expected. You wanted more and soon you had your lips wrapped around his head, slowly taking more and more of him into your mouth.
"Christ, bonnie!" His hands rested on the back of your head, fingers clenching as you could tell he wanted you to go further down, to go faster, but you wanted to tease him just as he'd teased you. So you took it slow, tongue gliding along every inch of his throbbing shaft until you finally made it to the base. His hips rolled up to meet your mouth and you finally decided to give him what he wanted.
Your soft mouth was already getting him on edge, though he was fighting against his climax with all his strength. When you finally started to slide up and down his length he swore inwardly that you were going to suck the soul right out of him.
It wasn't just your mouth working him at this point; one hand worked his shaft to stroke it in time with your mouth while your other hand gently massaged his massive balls. They felt pent up and twitched with his growing orgasm until finally he managed to choke out.
"B-bonnie... I'm gonna..."
He couldn't finish his words as a low growl cut his sentence short as he filled your mouth with his warm seed. Rope after rope filled your mouth and you eagerly swallowed it all, paying him back in kind for the pleasure he'd given you.
You only pulled away when he'd started to go soft, both of you breathing heavy in the dim light of your room. Those strong arms of his grabbed you suddenly and brought you up to rest your head on his chest. Soap was an affectionate lover and showed it by peppering your head and face with gentle kisses between words of praise.
"Ye did great, bonnie. So good."
Finally he laid his head back with a sigh and a soft chuckle.
"You tasted amazing, bonnie, hope I managed t' taste even half as good as the heaven between yer legs."
With a satisfied lick of your lips you nodded against his chest.
"Yeah, could get used to having you as dessert more often, Soap."
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b-yeonder · 10 months
Their Reaction To You Attacking Them With A Toy Weapon (Brothers)
↬ Genre/Content Warnings: Fluff/Crack. Just something silly I cooked up~
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Steady now...aim...aaaand...FIRE! ping! The toy arrow flew from your bow and landed straight in the middle of Lucifer's forehead just as he looked up from his paperwork.
"Oh shit--" You slap a hand over your mouth as the demon stares at you unblinkingly. The silence stretches for a good few minutes before he finally blinks. Once.
"You have five seconds to get out of my sight."
You were gone within one. But wait--
You peek your head back round his door. "Hey any chance I could have tha--"
"I'll take that as a no..." 
Gone like the wind. Try again later maybe?
Laughs. You? Take him on? The GREAT Mammon!? Come off it. But when you launch yourself at him he's taken by surprise and falls over.
"And he's down!" You start attacking him with the foam club in your hands, smacking him upside the head as he tries to push you off to no avail. His cheeks are already on fire from being caught off guard like this but when he sees Lucifer watching the two of you with raised eyebrows he wants to die. 
"Having fun?" 
"Yessir, very much so." You finish him off with a flourish - a bonk on the forehead - before raising your weapon above your head in victory. "The Great Mammon has been vanquished!" 
"Oh good, it's about time." 
Fights back, whipping out his own weapon. Lightsabers? Cue epic battle with self-made lightsaber sounds. You lose, dropping to the floor with an anguished cry. 
"My mortal enemy, who is also my lover....how could you do this to meeeee." 
"Wait, your what now--!?"
"Play along dumbass, jeez."
Raises his eyebrow at the threat. "Oh really?"
"Engarde!" You stab him in the chest like a fencer, but he doesn't move. You stab him again. He just stares at you. 
"Are you done?"
"Dammit Satan can't you play along just once, such a borin' old--" He yanks the sword, pulling you to him with a yelp. You practically headbutt him but he holds you steady with one arm, the other busy holding the sword. To your throat.
"A boring old what now?"
"A uh...boring old...lovely...man. Please don't kill me."
"Tsk, tsk." His lips tug into a toothy grin as he lowers the sword from your throat, letting go of you at the same time and quickly offering the toy back to you. 
Dramatically feigns his own death, the two of you end up acting out a whole drama-worthy scene with tears and...well a couple of groping attempts but overall it was an A* performance.
"Oh, why must this be!? Felled by a poison blade! You are the cruelest creature I have ever met... To douse the flame of my life this way! A deathly pallor ill suits me! Oh woe is me!"
Watches you in mild confusion and amusement as you pepper his torso with sucker-tipped bullets. Probably in the middle of eating something.
"Yes! Bulls-eye, right on the NIP!"
Beel blinks down at his new nipple accessory. You're a strange one but as long as you're enjoying yourself... 
He continues munching away.
You attack him with twin daggers, murdering him in his cozy cocoon. But wait. The lump beneath you is still moving! In a flash Belphie is on you, pinning you to the bed.
"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?"
"Uh...an assassin...coming to...murder...and stuff..."
"Oh, is that it huh? Well then."
Proceeds to pummel the shit out of you with a pillow until you're a cowering giggling screaming mess on his bed, arms up in defense as he kneels over you beating you to death before collapsing on you.
"I win, loser is tonight's pillow."
"Belphie noooo..."
"Belphie yeees." Is curled on top of you cutely, legs straddling yours and his arms around you. 
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~ Obey Me! Masterlist ~
~ The Grand Masterlist ~
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Mc × everyone: Their true aspect
We are a sheep, that cannon.
Now, let's think that we are a sheep because in the Devildom our human body needed time to adapt, a time more long than a year. So the brothers and others never have seen us as a human. Until..
(This story is set between 1 and 2 season of the original game)
It was a normal day. Some work needed to be done in the Human World. Tha name of the city was pretty strange. From the moment Lucifer saw it, he had this thing in his head; it's not the first time he read it. But he didn't give a lot of importance to this sensation.
So, him, his brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos went in the Human World. Honestly, all them had to do different works, that why they choose to go together. In the program, at the end, there will be a dinner in a restaurant with Solomon. When he found their trip, he asked a 100 time for this dinner. Nobody known why, but they accepted.
So, coming back in the present, everyone is going for their way.
As the first of the four groups go on, Mammon and Levi feel a very strange thing. While they were walking, some people passed by their side. That seemed normal, except for the fact that their demon instinct were screaming! Looking everywhere, trying to understand what happened, no answers were found.
"Oi oi oi. I'm not crazy, right? Did you also feel it?"
"Yes, you moron. I feel it. I shouldn't had go out from my room. This things only happens to you normie!"
"What the heck connect don't watching anime with this thing!"
"I just know"
While the two fight over this strange experience, similar things happened to the others
Asmo and Satan had to meet a witch for get some information. Only problem was that they didn't know where the place they needed to go was. That why Satan was trying to understand a map that he found online. For an entire hour they went around all city looking for the meeting point. In the end, they found it. Now they are sitting in a cafe, waiting for the witch. Asmo notice a very pretty shop. It sell dresses that he already saw: they were what MC wear. A coincidence, sure. But his eyes were captured by the shop. Satan, in the meantime, was reading the menu. A lot of names were familiar, as if somebody always talked about them. After some thought, he remembered. MC talked of them, while they were watching a dramma set in a cafe. What a beautiful deja vo both brothers got
The twins needed to go a little more far that the others. On a little hill near the city, they spent the whole day collecting cursed objects left by occult fanatics during their rituals. They are very unlikely to succeed, and if for some reason they summon a demon, it is the least of their thoughts to clean up. Usually the task of collecting the important things is performed by low-level demons, but this time was one of the rare ones in which the ritual was performed correctly. This meant that the power of the items was high, and they had to take care of the collection. Now, with the sun slowly setting behind them, one of the twins has lost his gaze in the sky. The stars were slowly forming, thus remembering the evenings spent looking at the starry night at home. The sky of the human world, however, was different from that of the Devildom. He had seen it once, thanks to photos of the human he hated as much as he now loves. It was a series of printed photos, showing both the sky and the area where they were with some friends. An afternoon spent on Beel's bed, with Mc between them 2 who told him about the evenings eating pizza while looking at the sky. Strange though, was the extreme similarity between the photos and the place where they were. Still, it was late, so the ignored this feeling and started to go at the restaurant, even because Beel was hungry.
The three remaining, had just finished their work. They had stopped for a moment to record on the DDD how the match had gone; essentially a report. As they were doing this, a group stopped to watch them. Lucifer was convinced that it was because they were 3 hot guys, but overhearing their discussion he hears strange things.
"But is it them?" "From the photos in their room I think so" "I'm sure of black hair, I'm not sure about the other 2" "But in general, all the photos are strange. Just think of the pink and excessively curly hair they have. It's not their natural hair. And then the difference in height is more." "And the eyes? or the rest of them? If they hadn't told us it was them I would never have recognized them" "So, are they the guys in the photos or besides Mc are the others different too?"
Lucifer is about to go and ask what they want from them or why they called Mc name,but Barbatos reminds them that they have to go to the restaurant if they don't want to be late.
Then they start walking, but his thoughts were on the previous discussion and the description they had given of their "Mc". They were very similar to the human who lived with him for 1 year. Well, if human you can say. For the first few weeks, to prevent their body from deteriorating from the energy of the Devildom, the exchange student took on the appearance of a sheep. Only later, after they got used to it, did they look somewhere between sheep and human. A lower than normal height. Curly cotton-like hair of a strange pink hue. An inhuman skin color and other peculiarities in appearance. Eventually, though, everyone had gotten used to this particular human.
Arrived in front of the restaurant, waiting for them there was not only the magician, but also 2 angels that they knew. Ironically, they too had work to do here in the Human World, and when Solomon heard of it, he immediately invited them. Talking of this and that, slowly the groups arrived at their destination. They were all there now, or so they thought.
"Solomon, but when do we go in? I'm hungry"
"Sorry Beel, but you have to wait a little longer. The last guest is late"
"Sorry, but isn't it just us?" The older one asks in an annoyed tone.
"I have invited one last person. I think you will be pleased to meet them- Ah, there they are."he says, while pointing at a young person.
Walk slowly, almost embarrassed. They are dressed in a T-shirt and trousers that are somewhere between elegant and casual. Supernatural beings watch the human approaching in confusion. As soon as they are in front of them, one was the question that was spinning in their heads, but only one of them had the courage to ask it.
"Who are you?" Mammon say.
A light laugh comes from the unknown being, who looks first at Solomon and then at the others.
"I didn't say anything. You have to inform them of your identity."
Taking a deep breath, the stranger begins to answer the long-awaited question.
"You talk about being my first, and then you don't even recognize me?"
That voice that none of them could forget, responds to the many oddities that occurred during the day. The pacts that informed of their presence, the deja vu they had or the people who associated them with faces in photos. The first to throw himself on the former exchange student is Asmo, who begins to inspect them. Never, had they seen their original appearance. Luke can't help himself and hugs his friend. Mammon stammers trying to find an excuse not to have recognized them, without looking away. Every curve, every color is seen and imprinted in the memory of each of them. Lord Devil writes a note on the DDD to find a way to speed up the process of adapting the human body to the Devildom. All the laughter and surprised looks of the group are interrupted by a sound.
"I'm hungry"
"Hahaha. Yes, sorry Beel. Let's not wait any longer, let's go eat. Many times you have offered me lunch at Hell's kitchen, now it's my turn"
As everyone enters, one last feeling gets the answer for Lucifer. This is the city written in Mc's curriculum when he had to choose the exchange student. This is their home, or at least one of them.
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george-weasleys-girl · 8 months
Hi sweets! Could you write a fic on it being Halloween at Hogwarts, and reader is spending it with her besties Fred and George pulling pranks on everyone, and also causing trouble along the way as always? One evening, reader is in detention with Umbridge for calling her out on defending her father Remus, after Umbridge said he was a rubbish teacher and reader went ballistic, with everyone backing her up, when she's on her way back to the common room, looking at her arm where Umbridge marked her (even though she doesn't feel pain it annoys her and Umbridge gets more annoyed she doesn't seem to be affected by pain) , she bumps into the twins looking for her when she's heading back to the common room. Maybe Fred admits his feelings for reader when they sneak out after dark.
A Halloween to Remember
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Warnings: a few curse words
"Is this gonna scar?" Y/N looked at her arm and then glared up at Umbridge, who, for the second time that day, looked as if her head might explode.
Leave it to Umbridge to ruin a perfectly good day. The first half of the day had been spent with your two besties, Fred and George Weasley, setting off Halloween pranks all over the school.
Then, you had Defense Against the Dark Arts with the Pink Toad. And of course, Umbridge decided today was a great day to insult your dad. You'd spent your whole life listening to people make fun of him or put him down because he was a werewolf. Remus had always told you to just "let it go." You did your best to do that, for his sake. But Umbridge was a different matter altogether.
The entire class had been yelling along with you, but as soon as that came out of your mouth, the room fell silent. Then somebody snorted, and everyone lost it, doubling over in laughter.
Except for you.
You waited with bated breath for the professor's head to explode.
But, alas, it did not.
And now you sat in her office writing, "I will not insult teachers" one bazillion times.
After about a half hour, Umbridge slammed the book she was reading down on her desk, causing you to practically jump out of your skin. "What's wrong with you?" You asked, the words spilling out your mouth before you could stop yourself.
"What's wrong with me??" Umbridge screeched. "What's wrong with you?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" You leveled your eyes at her.
"Look at your arm, girl!"
You looked at your arm. Nothing.
"The other one!" The Pink Toad grabbed your other arm and shoved it in your face.
What the fuck?
"I will not insult teachers," was carved into your skin, blood seeping from the wound.
"How the - " you began, but saw Umbridge's eyes flicker to the pen she forced you to write with.
You tossed it on the floor as if it were a piece of rotting food.
Fucking sadistic bitch.
You glared up at Umbridge.
"Is this gonna scar?"
"Oi! Y/N!" Fred's voice startled you out of your reverie. You turned to see him and George running down the hall toward you. "We were looking - " Fred's started, but then he saw your arm.
"Y/N, what the hell did she do to you?" George asked, holding your arm like it would shatter at any moment.
"It was my punishment," you shrugged.
"I'll fucking kill her," Fred hissed, his hands curling into fists.
"It's no big deal, Freddie," you coaxed. "You know I can't feel most pain."
"I don't care!" Fred's voice echoed off the stone walls. "The fucking bitch is gonna pay!"
"Yes, she will." You took one of his fists in your hands, massaging it until he relaxed his fingers. "But I have a much better idea than homicide."
You and Fred leaned on each other, laughing until your sides ached. The two of you had snuck outside after releasing your vengeance on Umbridge.
"I just wish I could see her face," you said after reigning yourself under control.
"Me too," Fred chuckled. "Conjuring up twenty fake kittens that fart dung bombs and setting them loose in her office was pure genius."
"Why, thank you, Master Frederick," you grinned, giving a flourishing bow.
"I'm serious, Y/N." Fred took both your hands in his. "I love how your mind works."
Your heart skipped a beat. Where was he going with this? He was never this sentimental, but you didn't dare let yourself hope. Not yet.
"I know this is really abrupt," he continued. "But I've been thinking for a while that we make a great team, you and I. And we've been best friends forever, it seems. And I... um... I was wondering if, you know, you'd like to maybe try being more?"
"More?" You stood frozen in place.
"Yeah, like, maybe my girlfriend?"
You swayed a little, your mind swirling like a whirlwind as you tried to process how today had gone from being one of the crappiest days of your life to the absolute best. "You want me to be your girlfriend?"
Fred let go of your hands to cup your face. "Yeah. I've liked you as more than a friend for a long time, Y/N. And I've finally worked up the courage to tell you. So, what do you say?"
"I like you as more than a friend, too." You smiled. "I'd love to be your girlfriend."
Fred's smile lit up the night. "Really?"
"Yes, really." You nodded, giggling at his giddiness.
"So, does that mean I can kiss you now?"
"Of course it does. Any time, any place." You grinned and met him halfway.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @charmedfandomgal @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @lizzytrees @spididerman @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @whotfskai @netflix-addict @lunacurlclaw
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bravosierra6 · 8 months
Just a little something something.
Soap: *walks into the kitchen for some tea* Hey R/N? Why are ye makin' a cocktail at eight o'clock in the morn'n?
R/N: *shaking one of those blender bottles meant for a protein shake* I mean, it's five o'clock somewhere right?
Soap: *gives a side eye as they pour the contents into a plastic cup*
R/N: *continues task at hand before cleaning up. Once done, grabs two to-go cups filled with a light brown liquid before turning to leave*
Soap: what is that?
R/N: iced shaken espresso with brown sugar, cream, and cinnamon.
Soap: *raises an eyebrow* who's tha second one for?
R/N: *snorts* not for you that's for sure.
Soap: oh c'mon now!
R/N: *walks out of the kitchen and to the left with Soap hot on their heels* Nope.
*both proceed to walk until Gaz comes into view*
R/N: Morn'n Gaz. Here's your drink. *smiles sweetly before handing it over*
Gaz: *turns around to see R/N and returns the smile* thanks love! *takes a sip of his drink* oh yeah. You definitely make it better than the baristas at Starbucks. *gives R/N a one arm hug before getting back to work*
R/N: *takes a sip of their own drink before turning to see Soap pouting*
Soap: oi! Tha's not fair! Ye playin' favorites!
R/N: *just shrugs before leaving* whatever you say Suds.
[Part two]
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Ahem.. Christmas smut with a hot shark lady, anyone? 👀 Wrote this as a Christmas gift for my dearest @demonofpuns ❤️Pirate Captain Sal AU with about 3.5k words of almost pure smut 😂I do hope some of you will enjoy! 😌 ***
Your heart was beating harder than it ever had. So hard you could feel it in your throat - thumping there loudly. Beating with anticipation, with excitement. The pink flush across your cheeks growing even deeper as you tied the final knot around Sal’s wrist and leaned back to look at her.
Merry Christmas to me.
She was gorgeous. Stunning. A nautical masterpiece literally at your mercy.
Well, sort of. You knew she could easily break her restraints if she really wanted to. But she had requested this as her gift - asked it of you - given you her trust as a Captain and you her first mate. And you weren't going to let her down.
Not that you had any desire to anyways. While, yes, you were predominantly a bottom - a brat, as it was - the chance to have Sal in such a position, under you, was one you couldn't imagine ever saying no to. Especially with how hard she already was. With how absolutely divine she looked. Her arms bound carefully above her head with the chiseled landscape of her laid out before you.
Why, it was enough to make you wet. And it did. Already soaked straight through your panties that you still wore when you sauntered back over to stand in front of her, teasingly.
“Aye.. enjoyin’ tha view?”
You smirked. “Mhm.. very much.”
Sal chuckled, the muscles in her abdomen flexing ever so slightly as she did.
Gods, she was so fucking hot. And the soft black rope you'd used to restrain her wrists looked absolutely stunning against the grayscape of her skin. Skin that was speckled beautifully with a pink hue that was only growing deeper by the second.
“You're fucking gorgeous, Sal.”
Her cheeks warmed brilliantly at the abrupt compliment - face encased softly in a curtain of inky black hair.
“Oi, hush.”
“Hm.. no, I don't think I will. And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, is there?” You teased, leaning down.
Sal only shook her head, chuckling.
“That's right. So, be a good girl.. Captain.. and take it.”
Your smirk only growing wider at the look she gave you. Shark-li teeth pressing into the top part of her bottom lip and a subtle twitch to her cock.
Fuck, it was beautiful - the effect being praised had on her. There were few things in life hotter than a rough and tumble Pirate Captain who melted at being called ‘good’. And then when you added Sal herself into that mix.. well, the effects were.. intoxicating.. to say the least.
“Yer not playin’ fair, luv.”
‘I don't recall ever saying I would.”
“Cud make yer swab tha deck fer this, yer know?”
You shrugged, smirking. “Worth it.”
You moved a little closer and her cock twitched again, betraying the level of her neediness. The flush that started at her pointed ears and made its way deliciously down the length of her - painting her body in a deep crimson - grew a little darker. Still, you kept your panties intact as you straddled her hips.
Not yet, Captain.
Though you couldn't help the tiny whimper that fell when your clit pressed down firmly against her womanhood through the thin, soaked fabric. And then again when you ground down onto it. Fuck, she was hard.. so, so hard-
You took a deep breath to regain your focus.
You had a plan. Worship first. Make her as needy as absolutely possible while indulging every inch of her. Worship her like the sea goddess that she was. Then you could indulge her.
So, needless to say, you paid her no mind when she whimpered in turn wanting more, her cock already pulsing with need beneath you. Instead you leaned in, lowering the top part of your body slowly onto hers before allowing the weight of you to add even more pressure between the space that you straddled.
You placed your lips against the pulse point on Sal’s neck and felt her swallow. Your tongue sucking over it only for a moment before a kiss quickly took its place. Soon those kisses were peppering their way down the side of it only to stop just short of her collar bone. Every inch of her was toned - taut - ready for you. Even more so when she pulled on her restraints in want, forcing a creak from the old wooden headboard they were bound to.
Another swirl of your tongue at the crook of her neck before your lips continued their journey down the landscape of her. Stopping every so often to bite or nibble - lick or suck. Loving the small sounds that every small act pulled from her - especially when the warmth of your mouth found her nipple and quickly enveloped it. A smooth roll of your hips added in and she was moaning almost breathlessly in your ear.
“Let me take care of you, Sal.”
Your words were murmured - muffled - pushing air across her already erect nipples and making them even harder.
But you didn't stop there. Sucking over them eagerly as you rolled your hips again - this time forcing a hard pull against the soft black rope. Her cock throbbing hard against your clit, begging for release and coating your panties in her own desire. Gods, it was delicious. How needy you had her, how gorgeous she looked dressed in nothing but her want for you. It was intoxicating - like a drug, a supreme high - charging your body with an almost raw current.
Another roll of your hips.. your teeth grazing over her nipples before bringing your lips to her sternum and continuing your journey. Her toned abs twitching under your soft kisses, under your warm tongue that occasionally sucked over them.
“You're fucking divine, Sal. You know that?”
Your gaze looked up at her just in time to catch her blush grow even deeper.
“Make me.”
You smirked before kissing around her happy trail, rolling your hips once again.
And that's when you heard it. Cutting through the quiet winter night like a strike of lightning. Like a storm across the sea. A satisfying rip as Sal broke free from her restraints - a look of utterly feral need blazing within her eyes.
Fuck. You were done for.
Before you could even make any sort of move, make any sort of objection, Sal had you on all fours - fingers coming to the hem of your panties just prior to swiftly tearing them from your body.
For a moment, though, everything stopped - complete silence from the Pirate Captain until a boisterous laugh spilled out from her. You’d almost completely forgotten about the new toy you’d adorned yourself with earlier and shook your ass teasingly, allowing the small fish tail on the end of your buttplug to waggle.
“Heh.. an’ here I though’ I'd nevah find meself a mermaid.”
“A ‘merperson’, you mean.” You corrected her, tongue sticking out slightly.
She nodded. “Even bettah.”
Sal gave you a single, firm smack against your ass and then lined the tip of her womanhood up against your entrance. One hand between your shoulder blades, holding your body down with your hands - while the other guided the width of her into you. Both of you practically dripping as she slowly began to slide herself into your core, the immediate stretch making you moan.
“Heh.. now who's needy?”
Sal chuckled - maybe at the table’s being turned, or the fish tail that still sat perfectly in your ass - either way, it only lasted for a breath before she thrusted herself back into you, forcing the toy in your ass just far enough in to make it feel good.
She'd only just started and you could already feel your need dripping down your inner thighs, worked up from just the simple act of worshiping her. And how could you not be? Truly? You knew the view Sal had just given you was not one that many had gotten to experience - if any - and it was more than a treat to have her trust in such a way. A fact itself would usually have you practically dripping. Let alone this. Let alone having had her perfect body beneath you for as long as you did - knowing that she trusted you to take care of it. Take care of her. Like no one else ever had.
You remembered how she hesitated when she came to visit you last week in the kitchens. A slight flush to her cheeks as she played idly with the hem of her shirt. You'd never seen that of her prior - being so vulnerable, yet so open about what she wanted. She’d barely had the chance to finish asking you before you'd let out an exuberant “Fuckin’ right I can-!” Her chuckle in response and the way she nervously rubbed the back of her neck - as if there was even a slight chance that you'd say no - had warmed your heart in a way that you had never expected.
It was beautiful. This - her - was beautiful. So incredibly stunning.
But now she had exactly where she wanted you. With your face pressed down into her mattress and your mind filled with bliss. Your core clenching around the width of her as she teased you - denied you.
“Aye.. now yer gonna stay an’ warm tha’ fer me. Fer as long as I want yer to.”
Her breath was hot against your ear as you whimpered.
“Mmph- .. yes, Captain.”
Another smack to your backside and all you could do was moan, the act causing both her cock and the toy inside your ass to move oh so pleasurably inside you. Making you want more.. forcing you to squirm against the iron grip that she had you in.
“I sed stay.” She growled. This time there was venom to the Captain’s words. You'd had your turn at riling her up, and now it was hers. And just like you had said to her, you were going to stay there - and take it.
You whimpered pathetically in response - legs trembling, core aching, the width of her throbbing deep inside you. You knew she wanted you just as badly - that the famed pirate wouldn’t be able to hold out forever - but for now Sal’s reserve continued to outwin her need. Even when you did your best to force your hips back into her - an act that you were certain would likely be in vain - but with your level of need and the brattiness that dusted it, your brain was fogged over to the point where you no longer cared.
“Please, Sal! Please.” You whined, you begged. Tears building at the corners of your eyes and your body coated in a deep flush.
A single thrust, that's all you got. Just enough to pool more juices to your core and make you cry out.
“Fuck-” You whined, your legs trembling even harder. “Fucking please.”
Honestly, you were a little impressed at how well she was still able to hold back. You could feel how hard she was by this point. How profoundly her cock throbbed inside you. Her once steady breaths growing more hitched by the second. Another single thrust only this time she moaned, body shuddering above you as she slammed the full length of herself into your core.
A silent cry into the night followed by an easy exhale as you felt her hold on you finally loosen, your arms dropping to your sides once both of Sal’s hands came to your hips - her stance shifting slightly behind you.
And just like that, the Pirate Captain’s reserve faltered. The only sounds to be heard next were the delicious sounds of flesh against flesh. Of heated desire against firm skin as your juices coated Sal’s lower abs with each eager thrust.
“Mmph.. y-yes.. don't stop. Please don't stop.”
She growled - feral, unhinged. The pace in which she fucked you now relentless, stretching your core with every exquisite pump. Your fingers clawing into her bed sheets as you elongated your hips back even further, giving her unhindered access to your dripping hole - wanting it to be used as nothing more. To be absolutely filled with her desire until it was trickling down both of your legs.
And you knew Sal would make good on that want. She always had. She'd never left you anything but completely satisfied and this time would be no different.
Though you could tell she wouldn't last too much longer, every pump bringing a heavy twitch to her cock and pulling the most erotic sounds from her body. Moans and breathless whimpers. Her nails sinking into the supple flesh of your thighs as she drove herself into you over and over again. Your own pleasure building uncontrolled like a white fire - prickling and hot and on the verge of completely engulfing you.
Until it did. Until there was nothing left but the juices that spilled from your core and Sal’s own desire pumping into you. Your voices a mere chorus of screams as the pirate pushed you both past the brink of absolute pleasure - bodies shuddering as you fell breathless to the now soaked mattress below you.
The moments between your last orgasm and the feeling of emptiness as Sal finally slid out of you were barely more than a blur. Completely blissed out as she removed the toy from your ass and laid you on your side so she could spoon you from behind. Strong, safe arms coming to wrap around your torso as she pulled you close against herself.
“Fucking.. hells, Sal.”
She chuckled, a breath of warm air blowing through your sweat-dampened hair.
“Aye.. yer okay? Need water?”
“Mmh.. in a minute. For now.. I just need this.”
Your breath slowly came back to normal as you cuddled into her, making her chuckle again.
“Heh.. a’ight.”
The familiar scent of sea spray and cinnamon encased you as a soft kiss came to the back of your neck, making you shiver. Sal's firm body behind you, holding you in a way that made you feel completely safe from everything. From all the bad things the world had to offer. From all the hateful stares of the people that never understood you. She was your beacon, your lighthouse in the storm. Always calling you home.
“... Sal?”
“You know I love you, right?”
Her brief pause made you more than certain Sal's cheeks were likely warming once again.
“Aye… luv yer too.” She replied, pulling you a little closer into her large frame. But before she could settle in too comfortably, you turned in her arms so you could face her. Your arms wrapping securely around the width of her rib cage.
“Good.” You smirked, kissing the bottom of her chin. “Just like you.”
“Oi.. hush. Hadn't had enuf?”
“Of you? Is there such a thing?”
Sal only chuckled but you could see the pink hue readily returning to her cheeks. You nuzzled your head under her chin and pulled her flush against you. The beat of her heart as strong and steady as she was. The heat of her body as calm and warm as she made you feel. She sighed contently and wrapped her arms even more firmly around you. You were so close - but yet, not close enough. Your outer leg coming to wrap around her hips and her thigh moving to lay between them.
“Cud stay like thi’ forever.” Sal whispered.
“Mmh.. say less.” You replied, smiling widely as you kissed her collar bone.
She placed a kiss to the top of your head and you snuggled in even more, leaving not a breath of space between the two of you. The next soft kiss to her collar bone pulled the smallest of noises from Sal’s throat, immediately bringing a pulse to your core. You moved your hips slightly against her, an act that only pushed her thigh further into you, making your breath hitch ever so slightly.
It was crazy how easily she could affect you. How just being in such close proximity made you needy all over again. And you knew she was likely tired.. But.. still… It was worth a shot.
You placed another kiss to the base of her neck and sucked at the skin of it gently - just enough to cause a slight jerk to her body and a sharp inhale across the top of your hair. The next kiss brought out the tiniest moan. And the next, a firmness between her legs that you were all too familiar with.
“Sal.” You said softly, causing her to lean back and look at you. Eyes shimmered in want and all the ways that she adored you.
You didn't have to say anything else as Sal took your queue and laid you onto your back without releasing you from her embrace. A soft smirk curling at the corners of her lips before they came crashing into yours, kissing you deeply - profoundly. Soft and gentle and such a stark contrast to her energy before.
Both sets of eyes half lidded as you kept your gaze on each other, completely lost in the moment. Tongues dancing in a minuet - warm and languid and steadily building the desire between you. Re-stoking the fire that had never fully died out. Bodies nude and wrapped in nothing but each other as she spread your legs, your arousal immediately evident.
The way she kissed you, as if you were her last breath, as if she pulled away for even a moment she would perish - right then and there.
There were no words to be spoken between you, no thoughts to be had. Just the sound of your bodies and hearts moving as one as Sal slid herself back into you, cock hard and already throbbing. You moaned into her lips, whimpering when she nibbled softly on your bottom one. The length of her sliding indulgently in and out of you, hitting exactly where you needed it with each deep grind that she gifted you.
It was perfect. Fuck, she was perfect. Hard when you wanted it, soft when it counted. Giving your body, heart, and soul exactly what you needed each and every time.
You began to move your hips in tangent, legs wrapped around her, lazily draped over Sal’s backside. Each pump more delicious than the last, each thrust more exquisite - building your peak with nothing but slow, absolute precision. Equally soft caresses indulging every inch of you, her strong hands never seeming to leave your body - claiming your flesh as her lips claimed your own. The world around you almost non-existent as the two of you moved as one - Sal's firm muscles flexing with each subtle movement. With every stretch to your core.
You felt as if you were on the edge of orgasm from the minute she entered you, and if it weren't for the extremely slow pace in which she took you, you likely would have came already. But Sal knew exactly what she was doing, building you up closer and closer, inch by inch. Her adoring praises practically imprinted into your lips by the time you felt her cock start to twitch inside you yet again.
“Come with me, Sal.”
Less of an order than a plea, but she only nodded - kissing you even deeper. Claiming you fully while her hips picked up their pace. Every muscle in her body taut, tense - the length of her driving into you at full speed.
“Mmph- .. y-yes .. so good.”
Whimpered words falling off your tongue like a prayer - only for a moment before your orgasm quickly took you. Rolling over your body like tepid water and washing you in bliss. Sal's own desire filling you once again as her body shuddered, your juices re-soaking the bed sheets below you until she fell absolutely breathless on top of you.
And even though you were completely and utterly wrecked, you still whined when she finally slid out of you, your core entirely too empty as aftershocks forced it to clench around nothing. She chuckled between shuddered breaths as she came to lie next to you once again.
Only this time her eyes were closed, a look of serene calm playing across her features. The ebb and flow of her breath a constant current like the waves that carried your ship. You smiled softly to yourself and rolled over fully on your side to face her.
“You're beautiful, you know that?”
“Oi.. hush.”
A sliver of glow shot in your direction as Sal just barely opened her eyes to look at you, the warmth within them bringing an instant flush to your cheeks.
“Hmm.. no.”
She chuckled at your response and shook her head, strong arms reaching out before they pulled you close against her chest.
“An’ here I though’ I tired yer out.”
She pulled you closer still and you snuggled in.
“Bold of you to assume I'd ever be too spent to praise you, Sal.”
You let your smirk linger on your lips as you pressed them gently to the side of her cheek. “Merry Christmas, Captain.”
You let a single content and quickly snuggled back into her. The steady melody of Sal’s breath slowly lulling you off as the soft rock of the ocean pulled the both of you into a deep, blissful sleep.
Merry Christmas, indeed.
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meanwhilewvba · 3 months
Joy's First Day pt. 1
by @anotherwvba
Monday, 7:55am
Okayokayokayokayokay… calm down, Joy. They’ve already hired you. They have to like you… don’t they? Of course, they do! They wouldn’t have hired you otherwise. But, what if they don’t like my dress? Is it too dress-y? Too short? Too long? Oh no… nonononono… my shoes! There’s a smudge on my shoes! They’re gonna hate me! They’re gonna see my shoes and think I’m a slob! I should go home, call out. This was all a bad…
“Pardon me, Joy?” A young lady stood holding the door to the Atlanta headquarters of the WVBA open. She was dressed in a red dress, very business appropriate, but quite fletching on the redhead. When Joy failed to respond, the young lady asked again with a bright smile, “Are you Joy Pesca?”
“Uhm, yeah,” Joy nearly stuttered, shuffling her feet and straightening the non-existent wrinkles in her dress, “I mean yes yes ma’am I’m Joy Pesca it’s my first day and I might be a little nervous.”
The young redhead giggled with a warm and reassuring expression, “I can tell. Trust me, there’s nothing to be nervous about. My name’s Melodie, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Joy took Melodie's extended hand, practically trembling, “Thank you, Melodie…”
“Melodie Swan. I’ll be your mentor on our administration team,” Melodie said as she shook Joy’s hand. “Welcome to the WVBA!”
Melodie held the door open for Joy to enter the building and the front lobby. With a slight hesitation, Joy stepped through, “I’m… I’m sorry Melodie. It’s just… I’m so nervous. I love the WVBA and to be working here, it’s just… I don’t know…”
“Surreal?” Melodie ventured and Joy nodded. Melodie just smiled again, putting Joy at ease, “Well, you’ve got nothing to be nervous about. You’ll do great. Let’s get you to HR and get your new hire paperwork taken care of.”
As Melodie led Joy toward one of the halls leading off the lobby, the doors behind and to the left of the receptionist’s desk burst open. Two security guards and a tall man that Joy recognized as Disco Kid, one of the Minor Circuit boxers, were pulling a rather combative short, scrawny looking young man with white bag gloves out of the room.
Following close behind were a small handful of trainers, Joy assumed, and another instantly recognizable face, Aran Ryan. The Irish hooligan was screaming and pointing with his green gloved fist. “Oi! I tells ye’ tha boy is radio rental! He don’t need ta learn a proper jab, he needs a proper shrink! Who in blazes signed tha bloody mental case?!”
The young man was shouting back, but Joy couldn’t make it out over all the shouting and scuffling. Melodie, on the other hand, was completely unbothered, “Come on, Joy. We don’t want to keep HR waiting.”
Joy watched the slowly stabilizing situation, “Is… this normal?”
“Oh, girl!” Melodie’s laugh was loud and immediate. “This is Monday.”
To Be Continued
Jon Adamski is an OC created by @punchout-ispunched and is used with permission.
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actor-mark · 4 months
AVWM - Death Coaster
He pauses at your choice- wait.. you're actually picking the coaster? The horrible terrifying
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He looks back and forth between you and it and then forces a smile from behind the giant duck plushie "Ah aha- r-right Thrill and adventure and-... uh- " He awkwardly moves the giant duck plushie around trying to keep in your view. "Well uh- if you're sure! Ah- Might have to get another seat for our friend here!" The giant ducks head flops over. You give him a smile and wave off his concerns, eagerly getting in line for the coaster. A little shuffle here and little shuffle there and you're soon boarding the horrible death trap! After securing the giant duck plushie into the seat next to him, Mark takes the seat beside you and you all get strapped and buckled in. "Is now a good time to mention I'm really not a fan of- oh we're going already" "HANG ON TIGHT- or don't~ ye won't be comin back anyway gyuhhuhuh" The Ride attendant laughs waving you and the others in your train farewell. With a glance to Mark you see he's pale, hands gripping tight to the harness and as you begin to scale the 100ft drop, the view of your wonderful day sprawls out far beneath. The pretty flower garden, the roses, the icecream truck and the duc- oh they've made trenches and there's an explosion going on over there now. That duck war is really raging for that last pea-.... Well, at least its nice up here- The Coaster lurches as it crests the peak, Mark giving a bit of a squeak and squirming in his seat. "Don't look down don't look down don't look down don't look down"
Poor guy... You rest your hand on his and his eyes fix on you with a scared smile, he breaths. Everything will be ok if he's with y- "uuuuUUUUEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"
Peaks and falls, loops and twists and turns! You lift your arms in the air!
It's like youre flying!
As you sail towards the end of the track, you stretch your arms wide. The ducks head flops over into Mark's face
The train sails off the end of the track, soaring through the air and landing right in the middle of the duck war zone, blowing them all up and ending the war.... and..well.. you and Mark as well
Still... At least this date was a fun one! One to be remembered for the rest of the eternity you and Mark share! One tha-
-Bone cracking sounds, the screen goes black-
"OI! Enough of that! What in the hell were you thinking!? A DEATH COASTER? What part of the DEATH did you not GET THERE!? Ugh honestly.. Where you even TRYING to have a nice romantic date or where you just out to punish me... AGAIN? -sighh....- No its finneee I get it... Immortality has its ups and downs... might as well have fun with it once in a while. Reminds me of that wormhole we canon balled into a few times-STILL! That DOESNT MEAN we should be doing it ON PURPOSE! hmph.... Well.. anyway... spose that's the end of that one... At least you got a giant duck out of it- speaking of which. HERE
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Take this ridiculous thing with you! Oh and next time? Next time? Maybe lets NOT cause an all out DUCK WAR hm???? -sighh- ... welp.. back to the drawing board... Go on, get gone, I got work to do.... and a shower... and a hot chocolate... BECAUSE I DESERVE IT! BECAUSE I LOVE MYSELF!"
-- The adventure goes dark on you as its writer and main Actor saunters off in a huff.. Well.. it could have gone better... but at least you had fun! So you died, oh well, it's not the first time and any chance to torment this asshole is always worth it in the end! Until next time~ --
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
Hii I read your sanji at the powwow and I thought it was so cute!! Can you write one for zoro? Zoro with his native gender neutral s/o at the powwow and introducing him to their family 🥺 I love you MWAH
Zoro with a indigenous s/o (powwow edition)
reader: gender neutral reader (indigenous)
post type: headcanon
tags: @sanjisblackasswife @roronoaswifey @noawithlove @zoros-sheath @euphofic @luffyinlove @3strapstyle @zorobignaturals @blackfangedreaper @usopps-devotee @some-piece @downforsanji @owlight
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-“you see son, you got to follow the direction of where the wind blows, and that’s how you’ll find your tribe.”
-“ okay, but where is the wind? I don’t see shit.” 💀😭
-“ you must listen to the sounds of nature guide you to your tribe.”
-“I can’t hear shit bro.”
-if y’all are at a powwow he immediately looks for booze. He’ll find a way
-terrified of Rez dogs but it’s internal.
-“okay you’re luffy and you’re curly.”
-mans made the mistake of naming two Rez dogs 💀
-he literally tried to pet one, and it bit his finger a little bit
- when he screams it sounds like a grito then a native war cry. Or that he’s singing some powwow songs. And it actually was a powwow song that your family literally started to play on the drums.
-will tap his feet to the drum circles
- immediately gets lost after five minutes.
-“Why do you look like a booger?”
- when I tell you that one of the Rez kids tells zoro that instead of being called a moss head. He gets immediately offended
- sees a “coyote.” and mistakens it for luffy.
-“Oi Luffy! Come here can you show them that you’re not…whatever it’s called.”
-When he sees one outside he screeches so loud. He doesn’t even grab his swords. (Ifkykyk)
- “Y/n!!!! Where is the sake?”
-“we don’t have sake here?”
-Aunties are going to be questioning him, and fawning over him.
-“ Auntie please leave my boyfriend alone..”
-one of your aunties will not hestitate to back hand you.
-drinking matches with uncles always. (Zoro tends to win a lot)
-says he hates fry bread but secretly loves it
-whenever your family cooks, zoro gets hesitant at first, but once you guide him he loves it. Seriously he’s obsessed
-“so why are you cleansing again?”
-“to get rid of the bad medicine sunny boy.”
- finds wood chopping relaxing when on the Rez.
-when your parents meet zoro they were actually thinking it was a prank.
-“this is your boyfriend?”
-“you sure… we expected him to be..not green.”
-The way native moms try to be around the bush. but your parents grow to love him, because he literally defended his parents and saved them.
-“Heh. Don’t mention it. It’s just what I do.”
-When everyone sits down for dinner, everyone asks zoro to tell stories out on sea, and especially about the scars.
-“I thought you looked like the lady that my auntie when she got beat up by tha!”
-“that what?”
-nah when he’s drunk with your uncles. Nah bro. Zoro.exe has stopped working please reboot
-“i maybe slow but at least I don’t understand directions.”
- zoro is not having it with Rez dogs he’ll just bark back and be an unhinged moss head
- your parents accept him so 8/10
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call-sign-jinx · 2 years
Tangerine ~ You're My Top Priority
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Summary: you and tangerine have an argument that ends up with you crying, you go to sleep after getting drugged and when you wake up tangerine confesses something.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, makeout, guns and i think thas it
A/N: hiya babes! if ur reading this i hope u find it great cos i acc enjoyed writing sommet for once. ill probs do more and requests r open so ye. adios hun xoxo
tangerine x fem!reader
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To put it simply. I hate Tangerine’s guts. Why? Cause he’s a fucking twat and everyone knows it. Some people are just more tolerable to him than others. Me? I don’t take any of his shit cause I just don’t care anymore. When I were younger, I used to let people take the piss and use me for my kindness but as I grew older, I started to care less. It started to drain me being that nice all the time. So by the time I was about 15, I just... Cracked. What I mean is I realised who used me and who didn’t and the worst of them all was none other than Tangerine himself. He wanted me to do something for him and instead of finally saying no, I just snapped and let out all my anger out on him. Obviously he fought back, but I won anyway. And from that day, we both hated each other.
Now, I’m on a mission with Lemon, and sadly Tangerine, to bring the White Death’s son to him and also to bring a brief case. Simple but also not. I heard that some other people are after the briefcase so when Tangerine mentioned that we wouldn’t keep it with us for the train journey. I obviously had something to say.
“Why the fuck would yer leave it there without one of us ‘olding it? Ahaha you pleb are you ‘aving a giggle?” I tilted my head back as I laughed at Tangerine. Lemon let out a small giggle as he has always loved my accent. Tangerine just pulled a face at me that looked like disgust.
“Do you plan on holding it mate?” Tangerine wanted an argument, and so did I. So I was going to give him one.
“Nah, am not gonna ‘old it, yer 'olding you daft bastard." Lemon couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles. Tangerine hit his shoulder to try and stop him but all it did was make them go slightly quieter.
"Maybe if you grew a pair Tangerine, you'd get a job done without needing other people to do all the dirty work." I crossed my arms across my chest and Tangerine gave me the dirtiest look he could fathom.
"Who do you think you're talking to Baroness? You're only on our side cause we needed you for one thing then this bastard decided to let you join our 'team'." Tangerine pointed to Lemon angrily and I rolled my eyes as he continued to lecture me while Lemon put a hand on his chest in mock offense. I lay back into my seat and blocked his voice out.
"Oi! Just because you're rich from daddy's money you inherited when he died doesn't mean you have to ignore me you stuck up bitch." That struck a nerve. He knew my dad died when I was 16. I had to get pulled out of school because of it for a bit. He died because of something I did. Something I did cost him his fucking life.
"You know not to talk 'bout ma dad you fucking stupid cunt." My eyes began to tear up and I couldn't hold them in anymore. I stood up and went to the bathroom as far away from Tangerine as I could. I locked the door and sat there for a while. Guess it was long enough for me to fall asleep. I know, why on God's green earth is an agent falling asleep on a mission? I don't fucking know mate, I were just feeling tired since I had that cup of tea that man gave me. Fuck! It has halcian. I thought it were that in his fucking pocket.
I leaned against the wall and my eyes got heavier and heavier with every second. Until... I fell asleep.
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When I woke up, I heard shouting and people fighting. I quickly woke myself up and psyched myself up to get ready for a punch getting thrown or a kick to the leg. I quickly opened the door and as soon as I stepped out I was met with silence. I looked to the left of me, and there were men down on the floor. Then I looked to the right, great. It were Tangerine post-fight with sweat glazing his face and exposed chest. God his body looked good in that sui- what the fuck am I thinking? No! He's a fucking prick. But he's a fit prick. Ugh it's fucking confusing.
"Oh my God, Ness! I thought someone had hurt you! Are you alright?" He cupped my cheeks and turned my head side to side to scan for any signs of damage. I rolled my eyes and pushed his gorgeous, veiny hands away from my face.
"Why don't you go get the brief case since thas what yer always worried bout. Fucking cumbag." I went to turn around and leave but Tangerine grabbed my wrist and held me in place. He looked at me and oh. My. God. I never noticed how blue and beautiful his eyes were. Baroness! Stop! He's been a prick since day 1, why now?
"Y/N, what do you mean? I care more about you than the briefcase. I always have. You're my top priority." He cupped my cheeks once again and heat were rising to my face.
"Anyway, besides the point. Where've you been this past hour? We kind of needed you a bit." He gestures his head side to side at the men down on the floor.
"Some fucking wankface man spiked ma drink. Am fucking livid and am gonna knock his lights out." Tangerine's whole demeanor changed. His went from soft and caring to pissed off and looks like he's about to kill everyone in his sight.
"Who the fuck did it? Do you remember what he looked like?" I looked to my left when I saw a figure coming towards us and it was the prick himself. I pointed at him and before I could even say anything, Tangerine pulled his gun out and shot him between the eyes.
"Jesus Christ Tang, bit of a warning next time?" Tangerine quickly put his gun away and apologised.
"By the way Ness, am sorry for what I said earlier. That wasn't called for and I crossed the line." He looked down to his shoes with furrowed brows.
"Tang, its fine. I've said some fucked up shit to you before. Some has been even worse than that and you just act like you don't care when I know it hits a nerve. Plus am tired of fighting all the time. Mates?" I put my hand out for him to shake but when he grabbed it he pulled me closer to him then pressed his lips against mine.
I was shocked at first but then I kissed him back and pulled him as close as possible by placing my hands on the back of his neck. He slowly places his hands on my waist and squeezes them as he does the same.
He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip asking for access. I open my mouth in response and it turns into a heated makeout, until both of us lose our breath.
"I think I wanna be more than mates darling." Tangerine smirks at me and I returned the expression. We then decide to go look for Lemon and head to the bottom of the train as quick as we can.
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taintedevesayori · 3 months
Sayo's Route: Maniac 06
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Sayo's Route Masterlist
-Sayo is sitting on her bed, reading in her room. Her mind wanders to when she snuck out to visit Kou at his home a few days ago
(In the end, Reiji didn’t tell me what he was talking about…I continued to pester him the whole way home but he didn’t say a word…I haven’t been able to figure out what he meant either.)
Reiji: Haah…You are an oblivious idiot, Sayori. Sayo: …huh?! You’ve never said anything like that to me before! Reiji: That is because I did not realize how true it is. I am sure Laito, and possibly even Kou, agree with me. Sayo: Why would they agree with you?! Reiji: This only solidifies my statement. We have returned to the mansion. Unless you desire a whipping, do not sneak out again.
Sayo: Haah…I’m tired of theorizing with no answers…
-Ayato suddenly throws open her bedroom door 
Ayato: Oi! Sayo! 
Sayo: Haah…Knocking. Knocking is a thing you can do. 
-Laito enters the room as well
Laito: Sorry, Sayo-chan…I wasn’t fast enough to stop him. 
Ayato: You’ve spent way too much time hiding away in your room. Come entertain Ore-sama. 
Sayo: I’m not a very good source of entertainment. 
Ayato: Not true. I’ve been playing with this guy and it’s gotten boring. Come play billiards with us to liven things up. 
Sayo: Billiards…? Do I have to? 
Ayato: Yes! Now hurry up! 
-He grabs her hand, pulling her off her bed
Sayo: Alright, alright. Stop pulling, Ayato. 
-Sayo follows Ayato and Laito down to the game room
Laito: Nfu~ I have a great idea. If you lose, you have to let both of us suck your blood, Sayo-chan~
Ayato: Hehe…Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. 
Sayo: No way, I’m not agreeing to that. 
Laito: Isn’t it fine? You just have to focus on winning. 
Sayo: I don’t trust you guys not to cheat to make sure I lose. 
Ayato: We would never do anything like that.
Sayo: Bullshit. 
Laito: You really don’t trust us, Sayo-chan? How mean~
Sayo: Fufu…I have absolutely no reason to trust you. You’ve cheated before, you’ll cheat again. Especially if my blood is on the line. 
Ayato: Hmph…Come on, take a chance, Sayo. What do you want if you win? 
Sayo: Oh? You’re giving me the option to pick a reward? 
Ayato: If it will get you motivated to agree, why not?
(I know I shouldn’t agree to making bets with them but I am a little intrigued…It’s not often I get this chance from them.)
Sayo: Fine, I give. If I win, you two are taking me out on the town and paying for whatever I want. 
-The two exchange glances before smirking
Laito: Alright, Sayo-chan. Let’s play, then~
Sayo: Game on. You guys better not cheat or this bet is off.
Ayato: Fine, no cheating. We’ll still win. 
-Sayo is walking down the street in town with Ayato and Laito
Sayo: Fufu…Didn’t expect me to actually win, did ya?
Ayato: No, not really…
Laito: I am disappointed I can’t have your blood, but going out with you like this isn’t so bad. 
Sayo: At least you’ve got a good attitude. 
Ayato: So where are we even going?
Sayo: Who knows? I didn’t think this far ahead.
-She stops, looking around for any ideas
Sayo: There’s a crepe truck at the park over there. Let’s go get some. 
Laito: Nfu~ Your wish is my command, Sayo-chan~
Ayato: Haah…You have Laito here. Do you really need me?
Sayo: We made a bet. Are you really backing out, Ayato? Besides, is it really that bad to do this kind of thing for once?
-His cheeks flush pink
Ayato: …I guess it’s fine…
Sayo: Fufu…Good, let’s go then!
-Sayo leads the way to the park and over to the crepe cart
Sayo: What do you guys want?
Ayato: Guess I’ll have chocolate. 
Laito: I’ll take chocolate strawberry~
Sayo: And I’ll have a cinnamon apple, please.
Shopkeep: Coming right up. 
-Sayo steps aside so Laito can pay. Once they have their crepes, they find a place to sit so they can eat
Sayo: Thanks, Laito.
Laito: No problem, Sayo-chan. This almost feels like a date~
Sayo: Pfft…A date with both of you? 
Ayato: Hehe…Yeah, why not?
Sayo: Ah, jeez, I don’t recall agreeing to a date, just that this was an outing. 
Laito: Well, now we’re making this a date. 
Sayo: Haah…Whatever you want to call it, I guess. As long as you’re enjoying yourselves.
Laito: I know a way we can enjoy ourselves even more-
-Sayo lightly slaps him upside the head
Sayo: Stop that. 
Laito: Awe~ So mean, Sayo-chan…
Sayo: Fufu…Are you guys done eating? Let’s go find something else to do. There’s a shopping center nearby. We can walk around that. 
-Ayato shrugs
Ayato: Sure, let’s go.
-The three head in the direction of the shopping center. Laito takes one of Sayo’s hands in his
Sayo: You don’t need to hold my hand, Laito. 
Laito: But I want to~ This is a date, after all. 
Sayo: I agreed to call it that for your sake, not mine.
Ayato: Well, in that case…
-Ayato takes her other hand
Sayo: Oh, come on…You’ve got to be kidding me, Ayato. 
Ayato: Like Laito said, this is a date. Be a better sport about it, Sayo. 
-Sayo rolls her eyes
Sayo: I’m going to find a way to make you regret this somehow…
Ayato: Hehe…Not likely. Now shut up and enjoy the attention. 
Sayo: Haah…
-To be continued
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quicksilverdrabbles · 10 months
Advance trigger warning for mentions of r*pe
Azazel: *born blind, wandering the roads of Cyrodiil alone*
Raven: *standing in the middle of the road with another Raven, and Gore* ... Tst. 'Ey. Check her out.
Raven (2): Mm? *leans forward to stare past his companion*
Gore: Gods, here we go.. Can't you just leave her?
Raven (2): Hah. Good joke, lad. Looks a bit dirty though, eh? 'Ow we know she ain't got anything?
Raven: You'd fuck a sheep with rabies if ye' could, be real now.
Raven (2): Ah, stuff it.
Azazel: *coming to a stop some feet in front of them* Are you gentlemen going to stand there and gawk all day, or would you kindly move?
Raven: Hah, er- 'pardon us', little miss. Couldn't help but notice ye' all by ya'self in the middle of these 'ere woods. Dangerous game you play.
Azazel: *her neutral expression falls into a glare* Is that a threat?
Gore: Oh.
Raven: Oh hardly, lass. In fact, we wanted to offer our services to ya'. We're bodyguards.
Raven (2): Eh? The hell're you on about, mate?
Raven: *grabs his friend by the ear and pulls him in close* Shut the hell up and follow along.
Azazel: ...
Raven (2): Aaaaah. I getcha. Yeah, bodyguards.
Azazel: I'm afraid I have no money to give you gentlemen. I can't pay for any services.
Raven: Ah, no need to worry about tha'. No payment required.
Raven (2): Although, if you'd like to pay in other ways-
Gore: *shoves him to the side with a glare* Enough out of you.
Raven (2): Oi! Mind your business, you runt!
Gore: Sorry about my brothers, miss. They're idiots.
Azazel: Brothers? You three sound nothing alike. *tilts her head* Unless it's more of a namesake for clan members.
Gore: Sound? We don't really look alike either, don't you think?
Azazel: I wouldn't know.
Gore: What?
Raven: Actually, yeah, what the hell's wrong with you anyway, eh lass? *leans in close, noting how she doesn't flinch or look away* Somethin's up with you.
Azazel: Aside from the fact your breath reeks and I would like for you to step away from me?
Raven: Aye? Careful there, lass. Hate for somethin' bad to happen to ye' cuz you decided to piss off the wrong person, yeah? *grabs her by the wrist* C'mon now. All we want is to help.
Azazel: Let go of me. *yanks her hand away, a spurt of fire spewing from her fingers*
Raven (2): Ah c'mon now, miss, don't be like that. We're only trying to help. 'Ere, whatsay we take ye' back to our camp? Yeah?
Azazel: ...
Gore: So much for trying to be kind.. Jo-Lee will have your head if you bring her back. You know his law.
Raven (2): To hell with Jo-Lee.
Azazel: Fine. Only because I know you lot wouldn't let me go even if I said no.
Raven: Hah! Smart lass. Come on, then.
Azazel: *walking next to Gore with the other two Ravens farther ahead* So, what are you planning to do to me?
Gore: I'm not planning on doing anything.
Azazel: Your band, then. Your 'brothers'. I don't think they noticed I could hear them whispering among themselves.
Gore: You heard them? Sharp hearing.
Azazel: My senses are sharper than most. Most of my senses, anyway.
Gore: You are blind, then.
Azazel: Blind. Not helpless. I burn everyone that tries to touch me.
Gore: Oh... I'm sure they intend to, um..
Azazel: Enslave me? Sell me? Rape me?
Gore: Gods- Our leader wouldn't let anything like that happen.. I don't think. If anything, he'll probably turn you away.
Azazel: I see.
Gore: ... You were expecting something like that to happen? You seemed.. oddly desensitized to it.
Azazel: I've had many people over the years try. Some even succeeded before I taught myself better.
Gore: ... Succeeded at what, exactly?
Azazel: Eh. Everything.
Gore: Oh. I'm.. I'm sorry.
Azazel: I don't think you have any right to apologize when you're willing to stand beside the people that want to hurt me.
Gore: I really don't want too, though. I would have felt better just letting you wander aimlessly like you were.
Azazel: How kind of you.
Gore: *sighs, looking around and realizing they were getting close to camp* Alright, look. I really do want to help you out of this.
Azazel: Why on earth would you want to do that? Surely you've killed lots of innocent people.
Gore: I don't know, a change of heart? I'd feel worse standing around and doing nothing.
Azazel: So you want to feel better.
Gore: Not necessarily. I just want to help. But you kind of have to trust me here, alright? At the very least, I can keep them away from you, but you have to stay close to me. If you start to feel like I'm not where you thought I was, or I'm getting too far away from you, call out to me, and I'll come back. My name is Gore.
Azazel: Gore? That doesn't sound like a name.
Gore: Ha. It isn't, really.
Azazel: .. My name is Azazel.
Gore: That doesn't sound like a name, either.
Azazel: *laughs* .. It isn't. Not really.
Gore: Haha. Sounds like an interesting story.
Raven: Oi, what are you two blabbering on about? Shove it, we're almost back.
Gore: ... Remember, stay close. When Jo-Lee turns you away, I'll bring you to the closest town, alright?
Azazel: .. Fine. Try anything and I burn you.
Gore: Fair enough. Wouldn't be the first time.
Raven (2): Aye, boss! We're back!
Jo-Lee: Hm? And who on earth have you brought with you?
Gore: Her name is Azazel. These two dragged her back to camp.
Raven: Lad's taken a liking to 'er. Bet he wants first dibs, haha!
Azazel: ...
Gore: I tried to remind these two about your rule with women, Jo-Lee, but they insisted-
Jo-Lee: Hmph. *turns away and focuses on his food* The hour grows late. Keep an eye on her for the night and then take her away from camp in the morning.
Gore: ...? But Jo-Lee-
Jo-Lee: You will be the one keeping an eye on her, Gore. If anything happens, it's on you.
Gore: ... Fine. Come on, you'll stay in my tent.
Azazel: Okay.
Jo-Lee: *watches as the group disperses, focusing on Gore and Azazel* Hmph. Just had to be today, huh. *stands and walks away*
Azazel: ...
Gore: *setting out an extra bed roll in his tent* So what're you doing wandering around here by yourself? Surely you have some family worried about you somewhere.
Azazel: I doubt it.
Gore: Hm?
Azazel: *sighs, kneeling and sitting on the ground* My father named me Azazel. It means 'scapegoat'. When I was born, and they realized I was blind, they found an excuse to pin every bad thing that happened in our family on me. Not enough food for the winter? It was because I couldn't do any work to gather any.
Gore: ...
Azazel: Although, in reality, they never let me try to help even when I offered. I thought for years I was actually a bad omen on my family. Turns out, they pissed off a daedric prince. Blinded me upon my birth, and cursed my family to hard times forever.
Gore: That's horrible.
Azazel: I hardly want pity. Spent the last couple years of my life just.. walking. Fighting. Surviving. Nowhere I went was safe enough for me to stay. Even in the Imperial City, there would be people trying to use me to their benefit just because they thought I couldn't defend myself. Jokes on them, now the capital of the Empire is minus one brothel.
Gore: Ha! At least you've got good fire in you. But how come you didn't just try to kill us when they stopped you?
Azazel: Plan was to just burn the whole camp down, to be honest. Until you offered your help.
Gore: Ah. Nice to know I've avoided death by hellfire.
Azazel: Among other things.
Gore/Azazel: *laughs, leaning close to each other with teasing grins*
Gore: Hah, ah..
Azazel: *sighs, falling back onto the bedroll and rubbing at the material with her fingers* This is soft.
Gore: Yeah? It's not a very good bedroll, I'm afraid.
Azazel: Better than sleeping on the ground. Or in a tree.
Gore: You can climb trees?
Azazel: Of course I can, I'm not a kit.
Gore: Right, right.
Gore: A-Actually, that gives me more questions than answers. Suppose I should leave that for another time, though.
Azazel: Yes, perhaps.
Gore: Mm. Anyways, Jo-Lee's leading us to Skyrim tomorrow. There's good coin over there. *flops against his bedroll with a yawn* Can't believe he actually let you stay. It's weird. But maybe he'd let you come with us as far as the border. You could find a living in Skyrim too, I bet.
Azazel: Mm. Maybe.
Gore: Could always earn a bit of extra coin as a temporary healer for us. Had a bad raid last week.
Azazel: Is your band superstitious against Restoration magic?
Gore: I think if someone's got an arrow through their gut, they shouldn't worry how they get healed.
Azazel: Personal experience?
Gore: I have a lot of personal experiences.
Azazel: Har har.
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