#Mother figure! reader
elliesmainhoe · 6 days
"I love you, no matter what"
Ellie Williams X Mother! Reader PLATONIC
Summary: Ellie's coming out story to her mother or you reassure Ellie that you'll love her no matter what she identifies as.
Warnings: fear of homophobic reaction to coming out, mention of previous child loss, mention of Joel's death, Joel and readers relationship is kept vague for inclusivity purposes,
the timeline does not add up (aka Joel is dead but this is written with tlou1 Ellie in mind and DinaXEllie is a thing so idk)
WC 810
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Ellie sat on the edge of her bed, her heart pounding against her ribcage. The room felt too small, the walls closing in on her. She had rehearsed the words a thousand times, but now, as she waited for you to come home, her mother, the person who raised her, the words seemed to tangle in her throat like a stubborn knot.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through Ellie’s window. She glanced at the family photos on her dresser—the three of them smiling, arms around each other. Her mother, always the strong one, the one who held them together after Joel's death. The one who never asked questions, who simply loved them both fiercely.
But this was different. This was her truth, and it threatened to unravel everything.
Ellie always thought that the relationship you and Joel had was odd. I suppose the normal family was one of two parents- in love, with children and maybe a dog.
But you and Joel were just two mourning parents, who both took raising Ellie and giving her a second chance at life- because god knows, she would've been dead long ago if you and Joel had left her to survive on her own
The front door creaked open, and Ellie’s pulse quickened. Your footsteps echoed down the hallway. Ellie took a deep breath, her fingers trembling as she clutched the edge of her bedspread.
“Ellie?” you called. “Are you in your room sweetie?”
Ellie’s throat tightened. She stood, her legs wobbly, and opened the door and descended the staircase into the kitchen. You stood there, tired lines etched around your eyes, a paper grocery bag in one hand.
“Hey, sweetheart,” you said, smiling. “How was patrol?”
Ellie’s mouth went dry. She had to say it now, before fear silenced her forever. “Mom,” she began, her voice barely audible, “I need to tell you something.”
You set the grocery bag on the kitchen counter and turned to face her. “What is it, Ellie?”
Ellie took a deep breath. “I’m gay.”
The room seemed to hold its breath. Your eyes widened, and for a moment, Ellie feared rejection. But when you stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Ellie. “Oh, sweetheart,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “I love you. Always.”
Tears blurred Ellie’s vision. “You’re not mad?”
You pulled back, cupping Ellie’s face in her hands. “Mad? No, Ellie. I’m proud of you. For being brave enough to share this with me.”
Ellie’s heart swelled. “I was so scared,” she admitted. “I thought—”
“—that I wouldn’t understand?” You smile was soft. “Ellie, love knows no boundaries. You’re my daughter, and that’s all that matters.”
The pair of you sat on Ellie’s bed, holding each other. Your acceptance was a lifeline, pulling Ellie from the depths of uncertainty. She had feared losing the bond they shared, but instead, it grew stronger.
“Mom,” Ellie said, her voice steady now, “I want to be true to myself. I want to love who I love without hiding.”
You nodded. “You deserve that, Ellie. And you deserve someone who loves you just as fiercely as I do.”
As the evening darkened, they talked—about crushes, about heartaches, about the beauty of love in all its forms. You shared stories of your own youth, of secrets kept and all the hearts you've seen be broken and put back together again.
Ellie realized that her mother had always known, had always seen her for who she truly was.
In the days that followed, Ellie introduced her girlfriend, Dina, to you. You'd already met Dina of course- but under the impression they were just friends- but as you watched them interact you couldn't quite believe that you had missed it
They laughed over dinner, and your eyes sparkled as she listened to their stories. “She’s a keeper,” you whispered to Ellie one night, after Dina had gone home. “Just like you.”
And so, Ellie’s truth became their truth—a thread woven into the fabric of their family. You stood by her side, unwavering, as Ellie navigated the complexities of love and identity.
As the seasons changed, Ellie found solace in your embrace, in the way that you whispered, “I love you, no matter what.” And in those moments, Ellie knew that coming out had not torn them apart, it had brought the two of you closer than ever.
In the quiet of your home in Jackson, Ellie traced your hand, feeling the strength and acceptance there.
Honestly it was embarrassing how she thought you would disapprove, she had feared losing everything, but instead, she had gained a love that transcended labels—a love that would carry her through every sunrise and sunset, every joy and sorrow.
And as Ellie leaned in for a hug, your heartbeat echoing against her own, she knew that she was home.
I've officially downloaded grammarly and I am on a roll- I definitely think this seems more polished, I guess? Lmk if this style is something you like reading? I'm probably going to alternate between them depending on if I'm writing on my laptop or my phone.
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astoryshark · 4 months
How about a nightmare Freddy x fem reader where she is like a mother figure to the freddles, if you have the time of course!
Hi! This was not easy at all and it turned out to be more about the freddles than about Freddy ;; Hope you still like it!
Nightmare Freddy x f!reader that is like a mother for the little freddles
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First: Congrats for surviving against this guy! I don't want to imagine how difficult it was to argue with him to let you live...
It all started when Nightmare Freddy began hunting you, the freddles being part of the nightly "adventure" too, of course.
As we all know, Freddy sends them out first to give a good scare. Having them roam around the room, hiding in the shadows and letting out their disturbing sounds.
You were terrified already, having a rough day behind you was not making this any easier. You locked the door of your apartment, you were 100% sure of that! So..what could this be? And..Why you?
The freddles had more fun than usual with this. Your room was full of interesting stuff, plushies, games and decor they had not seen before. After some time, they forgot why they were sent out in the first place.
You noticed the behavior of the "creatures" change, taking all your courage together, you turned on the flashlight of your phone to shine it right on them.
One of the little guys was just starting to play around with some action figures. There was no sound, the air could be cut with a knife because how I tense it was as you and the freddle looked each other in the eyes.
Then you screamed - this was the begging of a wonderful friendship motherhood!
You started to interact with all three of them more over time, getting close to them slowly.
The four of you started playing together, you read a book to them and even started out to give snacks around.
However, it took not long until you were face to face with Freddy Fazbear himself.
He looked not amused, not. at. all.
Your heart was beating so fast you were sure it would jump out of your chest any second. Body trembling like it was exposed to freezing temperatures.
Before the bear could make any move, the freddles were out and stood in front of you to act as protectors.
It turned out that they were already attached to you and declared you officially as their mum! Congrats!...?
This leaves Freddy out to be the dad of course
Getting closer to Freddy took a lot more time. He was not talking most of the time and when he did, it was always hard to adjust to his deep, robotic voice. After a while though, you started to think it was..attractive? Soothing? You had no idea how to express it
Taking care of the three little bears was aaalll about team work! This way, you and Freddy were forced to do things together and also communicate
Time was flying by and you noticed how the five of you growed together into a great family
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Hi! I was wondering, if you are taking requests can I request reader taking care of Loona and/or Octavia like a mom or smth?
I dunno man I just want like… wrap them in my arms and tell them that sometimes shuts fucked but they’ll be okay
@idontreallyexistyet I’d love to!!
Loona & Octavia with Maternal!Reader
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Loona would be SO hesitant to accept you as a mother figure in her life
Like, it’s pretty well known to everyone that she was left at the shelter as a kid
So she didn’t have a parental figure until Blitzø
And as begrudgingly grateful as she is for him - he’s not always the best option
Enter you
You’ve worked at I.M.P as long as Loona’s been there
You’re the one who keeps everyone on track, and keeps them safe - patches them up once jobs are over
At first, Loona thinks you’re just doing this to get on her good side
And then she thinks it’s just because you pity her
But - eventually the hellhound realises that you just actually care
She subconsciously starts gravitating towards you
Sitting next to you in meetings, etc.
And on one really shitty day, she just breaks
Loona snaps, and you end up taking the brunt of the outburst
When you usher everybody else out of the room - she becomes even more defensive
But when you open your arms, and whisper “cm’ere honey, what’s really bothering you?”
She Caves.
In seconds, the usually sharp-tongued hellhound is blubbering in your arms, explaining how shit of a day she’s had
Now, she goes to you before it reaches that point
Sometimes, she slips and calls you mum
But you both pretend it doesn’t happen, for Loona’s sake
If she ever needs a hug, or to talk something out - you’re the first person she calls
Don’t tell Blitzø
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Although Via has a mum already, they don’t exactly have the best relationship
Alot of the time, the owlet feels as though her mum only uses her as a pawn against her dad
At least Stolas tries
So when her parents hire you to help with her schooling - she can’t help but feel brushed off yet again
But slowly, the two of you build a relationship
You’re not like her other tutors
You’re passionate, and you let her go on tangents about astronomy whenever it’s even a little relevant
You’re patient, and you understand things in a way Via can understand
Over time, Via starts opening up to you, telling you about her parents - how their fighting affects her
And you comfort her
But, she’d always sort of assumed they were just kind words
So one day; when her parents storm in fighting yet again - she’s caught off guard when you stand up from the table
Even more so when you tell them both in a firm voice and a withering stare that they needed to take their arguments elsewhere
Because they were making Via uncomfortable
So when her parents finally leave
The teen can’t help but run over to hug you tightly, whispering a quiet ‘thank you’
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Hii!!! I saw your requests open so may I request TFP Megatron x fem autobot reader (not human) who has the personality of like a wise and calming mother, but is the most strongest and protective out of her team? (Hope this makes sense, ty!!<3)
Abso-fucking-lutely, sorry for it took a bit to come out. I totally haven't been grinding on palworld...................anyways, enjoy and again for it being a bit for me to put out!
Request are always open!
(Y/N) <-
Megatron <-
When megatron meets (Y/N), he probably just treats (Y/N) as the same as everyone else.
Throw (Y/N) into the cell and ask for questions.
For days, megatron asked questions and interrogated (Y/N).
The autobots have tried to rescue (Y/N) but failed.
Eventually, Megatron would stop asking questions and actually have a conversation with (Y/N).
Not because he's bored, absolutely not.....
Megatron and (Y/N) would start gdting close, and Megatron would realize...(Y/N) reminds him the days he felt safe....loved....
Megatron would command his decepticons to protect (Y/N) even tho they are confused.
(Y/N) would be in her new room on the warship, just humming to herself when megatron would come in. He just lays on on the berth, and (Y/N) asks him what's wrong. Obviously, he would complain about this war and his new fight with optimus. (Y/N) would rub his head (forgot the name for head in cybertronian) and just sing a lullaby to him.
(Y/N)- Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur. Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty, Purr Purr Purr~
Megatron- mmm thank you....why are you so nice?
(Y/N)- I think everyone needs a little mother figure in their life. Even you.
After that interaction, I can see him thinking more ans more about this war.
Eventually after a long talk with (Y/N) he let's her head back to the autobot base and surrender himself.
(Y/N) can't adopt him since he is an adult but megatron treats (Y/N) as his carrier (mother in cybertronian).
(Y/N) would always give him little treats everything he comes over.
Tho (Y/N) give treats to everyone.
(Y/N) was a mother figure to everyone, especially optimus prime.
Which megatron and pissed off at but (Y/N) made sure they got along.
Optimus and Megatron would act like brothers once again, like before the war.
Life would be perfect.
(Y/N) would always give them love, keep them protected and more.
I swear, these two will act like kids.
They would get in trouble by breaking something at (Y/N)'s house and then blamed each other while pointing at each other.
They go the "go to the corner" treatment.
They haven't felt like this in years and are super happy with you.
(Y/N) has the power over the ex-leader of the decepticons and optimus prime.
All she needs to do is give them the Mom stare and they would stop whatever they where doing.
(Time for some sadness 😈😈😈😈)
When (Y/N) passes away from old age or other problems, they would be so fucking sad.
It's not even funny
But they would carry one her image by making a statue of her and at the bottom would say "a loving mother who stopped the war. Here lies (Y/N) (L/N).
They would not start another war but might grow distance for a bit
They would make sure to remember her lessons and show others love like the way (Y/N) did.
Hope you enjoyed it! Again, sorry it took a bit, have been grinding on palworld.
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timelessstardust99 · 3 months
alastor hartfelt x gn! reader IMAGE
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I just absolutely love writing some fluff with our aroace king. So I really hope you enjoy this little image for him ^^
summary: dancing with Alastor is something not everyone can say they have done before.
The first time Alastor asked you to dance, it was a shock to be sure.
You weren't the best when it came to dancing, but Alastor was patient and waited for you to be comfortable in the position you'd dance in.
It was fun to say the least, even if you had accidentally stepped on his feet on more than one occasion. He wouldn't be mad, but would limp a little after the session.
Alastor always found it endearing how much you would try to learn the dances he would show you, and would try your hardest to not step on his feet. The latter part was harder said than done.
Sometimes, if he was in a good mood, he would cuddle up to you when you're dancing, with his head in your shoulder and arms wrapped around your shoulders.
He would never admit it, but these dancing sessions would remind him of his mother. You remind him of her, with how much you care for him and how much you show your love to him.
You had always seen Alastor as a son figure, he reminded you of when you were human and how much you wanted a child. You did get what you wanted, but it was in Hell that you felt you found the family you've always wanted.
Alastor thought it was sweet, that whenever he was down or showing signs of being aggressive, you'd always be there for him, and have always calmed him down, but would always respect his wishes to be left alone if he feels he's gonna snap.
The dances you and Alastor share, are memories the two of you would hold dear to each other for as long as you possibly can.
It's short, I know, but it's cute. Alastor has another parental figure (head cannon Rosie to be like a mother to Alastor).
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butterfly-writer · 7 months
A Mother's Love
Dabi x Female!Reader [PLATONIC] Summary: Dabi didn't grow up with a good relationship with his mother, always focused on the attention from his father. Because of this, he lacked a mother figure, but when he joined the League of Villains, someone became his mother figure.
★☽A/N: Ahh!! It has been so long since I wrote something like this! I’m currently getting piled with school and club activities so that’s probably why– I hope you guys didn’t forget me:(( 
Contents: FLUFF - Slight angst? - Reader seen as a mother figure
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The League of Villains, a villain organization filled with powerful villains that threaten to destroy the hero society. An organization that was founded by the most powerful villain, a villain who could rival All Might, All For One and his successor, Tomura Shigaraki. People from different backgrounds, bad trauma, gathered together into one group with goals of their own but had one goal in common, to destroy the hero society.
But the league didn’t expect to have such a motherly figure heal their wounds.
A female villain, Y/N L/N, known as Crimson, fitting name for her blood manipulative Quirk. A 31 year old woman who was wronged by society. People were afraid of her, but not the members of the League. The members see her as a motherly figure, who cares for them.
One of the people who really saw her as a mother was Toga. She loves whenever she would take the time to braid the girl’s hair or to put her hair into buns in the mornings. And she loved how she would come up with various ideas to style her hair and they would spend time laughing and such. After being close for months, Toga started to even call her mama, because of the absence of a loving mother. Toga felt so safe around her.
Who really felt comfortable with her was Dabi. Despite the black-haired didn’t wanting to admit it, it felt so nice to have someone caring for him. After all, Dabi didn't grow up with a good relationship with his mother, always focused on the attention from his father. Because of this, he lacked a mother figure, but when he joined the League of Villains, she became his mother figure.
What was more embarrassing to him was that he even called her mother once! It was during the U.A Camp invasion. Everyone was gathering around and he saw as one by one went to the rendezvous. As Y/N came back, he asked if she was okay, clearly showing that he cared for her well-being. He didn’t realize what he said until he saw the shocked faces of his comrades. He said, “Are you okay, mother?”
He could see the shocked face of Y/N and felt himself blushing in embarrassment. “Pretend you didn’t hear me!!” He demanded, clearly ready to kill anyone who was going to talk about it during that moment. Everyone just laughed and chuckled but the man didn’t like it at all. He looked at Y/N who chuckled softly, “I don’t mind you calling me mom, darling,” She reassured.
Dabi continued to see her as his mother figure and would refer to her as such. Only in private, of course. During missions and such, he would refer to her as her villain name. But whenever he called her “mother” and would get teased for it but by now, he didn’t care.
Y/N acted like a mother, a mother that Dabi never took the chance to have. He could’ve had a better relationship with his mother but he didn’t take the chance. He regretted not taking the chance, but he was somehow thankful that he didn’t. Or else, he wouldn’t be able to have a mother figure like Y/N.
Dabi would constantly get nightmares which causes him to be tired most nights. As much as he didn’t want anyone to know, he knew that Y/N knew. She would always look at him carefully, as if knowing he didn’t get to sleep the night before. “I’m fine,” he spat harshly every time at her, but she knew that he was lying. She could see that in his eyes, the tired look and how even less energetic he was being.
That’s how she started to come into his room to check up on him. She would come to his room every night in the league’s old hideout, since he stayed there due to no other place to live, and she would ask him how he was doing. He would always say he didn’t need her coming in every night, but a part of him felt really happy to have someone caring for his well-being.
Sometimes, if he mustered up the courage, would ask her to sing for him. Of course, he was blushing and embarrassed after the words came out. But Y/N didn’t mind and just chuckled before saying, “Of course, sweetheart. C’mon.” With a smile, she would make him lay down with his head on her lap. She would play with his hair and start to sing.
She had an angelic voice, a lovely voice that could put anyone to sleep. And that’s what he did. Every time she would sing for him before sleeping, he would be fast to sleep with no nightmares. It’s as if her songs were a spell to keep nightmares away. She would slowly put him in bed with a blanket placed on him. She kissed him on his forehead and left the room. But before she left the room, she would always say, in an gentle voice,
“Sweet dreams, darling.”
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loadedberetta · 6 months
Laswell who just wants to keep you safe; you're hers, even if you don't know it yet
sends you on light missions, and listens to you whine to her about how you got the short end of the stick with that escort duty again, and.... your words fade out, she's only observing your knitted brows arch on your face, and carefully manicured hands flail around as you walk up and down her office agitated; you look so cute she might have to assign you on leave soon tshk
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Hiii! I know you’re not taking requests right now so this is for whenever you have the time ! (Or even if you want to:) ) but I absolutely loved the Weems x student reader platonic fluff so much! Would you consider writing one surrounding a student who came out to their parents during parent weekend, it didn’t go well and their parents caused a scene? And then just some protective/mama bear Larissa would be so cute ! Have a great day/night!
Momma Bear
Characters: Larissa Weems x student!reader
Authors Note: This fic may be triggering for LGBTQ readers. I wanted to filter out some of the more painful elements, so everyone feels safe reading.
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Your parents voices rung around in your head as you stared at the floor. You mother specifically had begun yelling, causing the whole quad to go quiet, listening in on her harsh words. Parent's Weekend had been going so well, you thought it would have been the perfect time to come out to them. Your time at Nevermore had brought you so many new supportive friendships that you felt like you could finally be yourself.
Your parents has caused you so much embarrassment in that moment with their behavior, but you were astonished when Principal Weems stepped in. Literally, she stepped between you and your parents, shielding you with her tall form.
"Mr. and Mrs. L/n, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Principal Weems offered a diplomatic smile, but like with most people, your parents found it hard to argue with her, "I prefer not to have people making a scene in my courtyard. Your child has been a wonderful student here and I'd rather not have their progress backtracked due to your unscrupulousness."
Your mothers mouth gaped and your fathers look soured. They were absolutely furious that your Principal was speaking to them like this with such a bright smile on her face.
"Once again, I believe your Parent's Weekend is over. I'm sure Coach Vlad can see you out." Larissa held up a hand, inviting Coach Vlad to come stand next to her. His serious demeanor the exact opposite of Larissa.
Principal Weems turned around to face you, her smile was softer when she looked down at you, "Let's go for a walk, y/n."
You nod, eyes staring down at Weems' high heels.
Principal Weems and you sat side by side in the gardens on a bench. You carefully glanced up at your principal, she was looking around the gardens, allowing a silence to grow between the two of you. Probably waiting for you to talk to her first.
"I tried coming out to them." You explain the reason for your parents yelling, "They... They didn't take it well."
Your principal wasn't all that comforting you thought to yourself. Principal Weems seems nice enough, but she always seemed so serious.
"You know... My mother wasn't too happy when I came out to her either..." Principal Weems drew your attention in, making you feel better knowing she had experienced something similar, "I ended up finding a different 'mom' of sorts..."
Principal Weems looked down at you, her head tilted, "Sometimes the people we are born to aren't our real family. Nevermore... This is my family. You are apart of our Nevermore family too."
You felt tears began to pool in your eyes, but you really didn't want to cry in front of Principal Weems. Gently you lean your head into her arm, hiding your face in her sleeve.
Principal Weems pulled you into a hug. Your head rested against her shoulder and Weems' arms hugged you tight. She continued to speak to you, "As your mom, I'm telling you that I'm so very proud of you for sharing all of yourself with us. You are so incredible. You have come so far since coming to Nevermore."
She placed her hands on your shoulders, drawing you away so she could look into your eyes, "Now I want you to go back to the festivities. I've been told they will be serving dessert soon and I don't want you to miss that."
With that final statement, you went back in for another hug, squeezing Principal Weems a little tighter this time. You even felt Principal Weems press a kiss to your temple.
"Thank you, Principal Weems..." You murmur against her jacket.
"Anything for one of my babies..."
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Happy Mothers Day!!
HBO!Ellie Williams X MotherFigure!Reader
Summary: The first mothers day Ellie has ever celebrated and she's going to make sure that it's amazing.
Contents: tooth rotting fluff, happiness, extreme cuteness
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Pancakes were supposed to be simple. Key word supposed.
Ellie woke up at the ass crack of dawn that morning, she had set her alarm clock for 6m and had switched yours off- discreetly forcing you into sleeping over time. She'd gathered all the ingredients the recipe had told her. Said recipe having been ripped out of the book they were originally in and found laying near a library a little outside of Jackson.
Ellie had squeezed fresh apple juice as she waited for the first pancake to cook through. A bad habit of Ellie's was losing track of time, she got carried away, squeezing the apple juice lead to her finding cutlery which lead to her cleaning said cutlery which lead to finding the right tray to put the silverware on. Ending up with the smell of burning flooding the kitchen.
She slammed the kitchens door, attempting to stop the smoke from wafting through the house alerting you of her antics and waking you up. She opened the window, the chilly air ventilating out the smell of smoke before she turned off the stove.
To say the pancake was a little crisp would be a bit of an understatement.
Shit. She only had enough for two, one for you, one for her. Oh well... She'll have the burnt one, today's about you anyways.
Take two was a little more successful a bit crisp on the edges but it'll do. She flopped them onto the two blue and white china plates- covering yours in fruit and hers in chocolate, balancing them on a wooden tray with the two glasses of juice before she took to the stairs.
She nudged open the door with her foot as she walked into the dark room, curtains closed and blocking out the ever insistent sunrise from seeping into your bedroom.
Cautiously, she placed the tray on your bedside table quietly before tiptoeing over to you window and drawing the curtains apart- the warm glow of the morning lightening the space.
Ellie watched as your eyes fluttered open. "Fuck kiddo. What time is it?" You grunted rolling over to look at your alarm clock 7:45am. 1 hour and 30 minutes late for patrol. Before you opened your mouth the soft voice of your daughter interrupted you.
"Don't worry Mom... I talked to Maria and she cancelled your patrol today" her hand gestured towards the tray of overlooked pancakes, before she whispered a shy "Happy mothers day mama..."
"Oh sweet girl come here" you opened your eyes as a blur of brown hair launched itself at you, her arms wrapping around you and giggling when you pecked her forehead lovingly.
"I tried to make you breakfast. It's not the best but-"
"It looks amazing kiddo. Thank you so much_ you smiled into her hair, before scooching up the bed- your back meeting the headboard as you move the tray onto your lap.
You took a bite of the fruit covered pancake, and honestly you couldn't tell whether or not Ellie was a culinary genius or you were just a smitten mother. Because fuck it tasted good.
Ellie's doe eyes looked up at you expectantly and with worry and anticipation. "Well done Ellie. This tastes so so so so good. You gotta cook for me more often now kid." You hummed, she seemed content with your answer.
"oh wait I got you something else" the girl said darting off your bed and out of the room before swiftly returning with what looked like... A sketch book? "I uh didn't really know what to get you and I thought you would enjoy something personal... So..." She shoved the sketch book into your hands "here."
You set your food aside, opting to open up the leather bound pad of paper instead. The first page read.
To Mom.
I know how much you like my drawings so I decided to put something together for you. Happy Mothers day.
Love Ellie.
You flipped to the next page and there was a beautiful sketch of you, sitting a the barstool of your kitchen island, glasses resting on the bridge of your nose as you read a new recipe
The next one was of you and Ellie. She had sketched out and traced the photo you both took in the malls arcade.
The next one was of a cartoon giraffe wearing a space suit on the moon.
It went on and on and on for 80 pages, sketches of you, her favourite things, her favourite hobbies, her favourite people it was so so so beautiful.
A single tear dripped down your cheek, "come over here baby" you sniffles hugging your girl tightly "my baby's so talented..." You hummed hands playing with her hair as she smiled joyfully.
"Thank you so much kiddo.."
I actually celebrated mothers day 2 months ago! But I have baby fever rn so here I am again, healing Ellie Williams mommy issues.
Taglist:@aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @eywaskisses @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo @delusionalvioleht @joelscharm @hi2647 @gumdropkoo @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @womaniza @namgification @kimiisims-blog @tayyyystan @abigaillovestoread @whoreshores @kylieeluvstlou @knowitsforthebetterr @endureher @erikaar @lanasluverr @sayah13 @ilovebufflesbians @srryhoneyy @222fine444u
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 8 months
Divorce lawyer reader encountering laurie again unphased y/n took andy frm him
Worth It
Andy Barber x Divorce Lawyer!Reader
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a/n: Hey, An🫶n, and my other beautiful readers! So sorry it's taken me a while to post any new stories, asks, or anything remotely interesting other than my rants and shade. It's been a tough month... For now, this is going to, hopefully, be 1 of 3 fics before November. Let me just say, I'm insane for challenging myself like this, but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Anyway, sit back and enjoy the fic!
WARNINGS!!! Some cursing (calling of slut, one mention of Fuck), pet names, mention of the car crash, mention of near death, mention of therapy, Andy is one seductive little shit, maternal figure!Y/N.
*Y/S/N = Your SurName
**F/P = Favorite Pastry
***F/C/D = Favorite Cafe Drink
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Her alarm rang obnoxiously loud, but Y/N didn't seem to mind as she reached out to her bedside table to turn it off, before snuggling back into the man sleeping peacefully beside her. As they were in the process of effectively divorcing his wife, Andy had promised that as soon as it was all finalized, she can expect for there to be some of the biggest changes in her life. And safe to say Atty. Y/N *Y/S/N, wasn't disappointed, and may never get tired of it all.
She wrapped her arms around the slender torso of her boyfriend. They'd been together for about two years now, despite having a rocky start, their feelings blossomed into the most beautiful thing that neither of the two have ever experienced before. And that fact was once again proven, when the girl's snuggling and attempt at burrowing had pulled a reaction from the unsurprisingly gorgeous man.
"You know that will only make you late, if not later, than normal, Baby Girl, right?" Andy smirked, eyes remaining closed, hiding the mischief behind them.
"So... What if I do want to be late? Hmm?" Y/N replied, her cheeky grin growing with each second, as she took to placing light kisses on the side of her Love's neck.
"Then you'll have to explain to a very moody 16-year-old, why he missed at least three periods... And you know you can't reason with him, or his teachers." Andy laughed.
"Fuck!" Y/N sighed, laying flat in disappointment.
"We never get our mornings in anymore..."
"You know we could just send, Jacob on the bus... Be some bad parents for once..." Andy whispered, pulling his girlfriend close once more, allowing him to do so, sexily, in her ear.
"No. I can't risk Laurie approaching, and basically harassing him. Again." Y/N said, pulling away from his extremely tempting arms, and sitting up.
"You know we should let her see him, again." Andy said, a hand rubbing Y/N's arm, and eventually resting on her hip, pulling him to her, as he propped himself with one arm, and scooted closer to her.
"And we will. In neutral territory, under supervision." Y/N huffed.
"You're never forgiving her, are you?" Andy said, after placing a kiss on her shoulder.
"Absolutely. Come on, Andy, we're going to be stuck at traffic if we don't start moving now." She continued, looking at the time on the clock across from the right side of the bed.
"You don't want to be called old by our son again, do you?" She added with a chuckle, getting up, and turning around to walk backwards towards the bathroom.
"No, I definitely don't! Especially if I'm going to make sure his Ma will be carrying his sibling..." Andy said, smiling with a playfulness that alluded to something more.
And it stayed on, as he charged at Y/N. Filling their home with sounds of laughter and gleeful screams. With Andy silently hoping that he'd be able to hear that sound for the rest of his life.
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Jacob had had an early day off from school, considering that his Physics teacher had cancelled class to be with his 6 year old daughter, who had fallen and injured herself in PE. Andy was stuck in his office, filling paperwork after paperwork for a case he was assigned, and he'd asked Y/N to fetch Jacob from school. And she was happy to oblige.
Jacob might not be her son by blood, and he had been accused of murder, but she loved him anyway. They'd formed a unique maternal bond, and she wasn't willing to give it up for anything. Especially when Jacob accepted that she could become his step-mother at some point.
Y/N decided it'd be fun to take Jacob with her to work, considering her caseload was light, and no one minded having a teenager amongst them. Plus, Jacob had asked her how and what did she do her job, at one point. That's why she decided to buy a few snacks from the stall right outside hers and Andy's office building.
"What would you like to have bud?" She asked, smiling at him, gently holding him up as he was still suffering from partial paralysis in his left leg, from the car crash. Therapy had helped, both physically and mentally, however, it had taken two years before some feeling came back and he was able to flex his foot. However, the rest of the leg will take some time.
"I don't know, Ma... Everything looks so good, I can't decide. Am I even allowed?" Jacob asked, his eyes sparkling in a way that Y/N has only seen happen in Andy's eyes.
"Ofcourse, you're allowed, Silly! Don't tell your father that I'm letting you take two, though." She giggled conspiratorially.
"My lips are sealed." Jacob laughed, holding his crutch in one hand, while he mimed a zipper with the other.
He later picked one chocolate frosted, with chocolate chips on top, and one white frosted, with colorful sprinkles, for his donuts, along with one Mocha-latte. Y/N ordered her usual **F/P and ***F/C/D, and was in the process of paying when she heard, a motherly voice, she was definitely not in the mood to hear today.
"Jacob! Sweetie, you look so big! You've grown so much in the past two weeks..." Laurie cried, her hands on Jacob's shoulders, before she pulled him into a hug.
"Laurie, get your hands off of my son. You don't get to see him until this Saturday, you know that!" Y/N exclaimed, approaching them with fury. Her own protective motherly instincts had awoken at the sound of that woman's voice.
"Your son? Y/N surely you can't be serious. Jacob is, and always will be my son. I gave birth to him. I raised him. I protected and defended him, when no one else did!" Laurie shouted, making Jacob flinch. Y/N took hold of Jacob, gently freeing him from Laurie's clutches.
"Yeah, you did a mighty good job at that, when you tried to kill him by crashing that car." She said in an eerily calm way.
"Jacob go inside, and wait in the Lobby."
"If he died in that accident, then you'd have Andy all to yourself, you slut!" Laurie said, not caring who hears.
"You know that what happened wasn't an accident, Laurie. You pressured Jacob into confessing to something he didn't do, because that's all you believed." Y/N countered, causing Laurie to eat her words.
"You believed the worst in Jacob, and didn't care that he was innocent in all of it. And you think you deserve to be called a mother? You tried to kill him! Your own son. You don't deserve to be near Jacob or the rest of my family." She gasped, finally letting out all that she thought of Laurie in the past two years.
"If it were up to me, I'd deny you any of your parental rights. But I won't do that to Jacob, or Andy. Those two mean more to me than anything else in this world, and I will do whatever it takes to make them happy and safe." She sighed, a heavy weight lifting off of her shoulders.
"Now, go home, Laurie. Before I smack you with a restraining order. We'll see you this weekend, if you manage to stay away for that long..."
Y/N had won. She not only gave Laurie a piece of her mind, she had actually spoken a truth she knew to be true long before Andy and her had made themselves official. And as she sighed with even more relief, and turned around, she saw one handsome face and the face of a boy that's been through hell but was right there smiling, that couldn't help, but make her smile.
"Jacob and I mean more to you than anything, huh?" Andy shyly smiled, his teeth peeking through his lips.
"You do. More than you'll both ever know." Y/N replied, as she ran to the arms of her family. Content with the life she's built for herself, that's worth everything.
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So, I may have gotten, little bit overboard with the request, and wrote my first ever Andy Barber fic, feat. Jacob Barber😅. I hope you don't mind, An🫶n. Your request was too good of an idea to pass up writing a full fic!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I also hope that this fic was a fun distraction from all this mess caused by certain people. And stay tuned, I'm not done writing yet. Because this was, sort of an energizer for me.😁
See you in the next one, my Fellow Fan Girls and Boys🫶
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Chris Evans Characters Masterlist
Andy Barber Masterlist
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tigersullivan01 · 1 year
Mother figure Alma Peregrine x Reader
In one of the bathrooms Miss Peregrine is helping Claire to take a bath, the water is shallow in the tub with a small coat of soap bubbles on top. Miss Peregrine is sitting on her knees next to the tub with her white blouse on, the arms folded up nicely so they don’t get wet. A soft smile on her face as she helps Claire with the soap cloth. 
Y/n is sitting outside the open door in their fox form, their head tilted slightly to the side as they watched the interaction. Enoch walks by and notices Y/n sitting by the door, he stops and looks down at them in question. Y/n looks up at Enoch and slowly walks towards Miss Peregrine and the bath as Enoch watches intently. Y/n soft paws doesn’t make a sound against the tiles on the bathroom floor as they sneak up behind Miss Peregrine, they stop and makes themself ready to jump. 
As Miss Peregrine learns forward to reach the further side of Claire Y/n jumps up in the air and dives down into the bath, splashing water all over Miss Peregrine and the floor as Enoch stands in shock outside the bathroom before bursting out laughing. Y/n emerges from the water and looks up at a shocked Miss Peregrine frozen mid movement, when she snaps out of the shock she tries to grab Y/n, who desperately tries to get out of the bath and falls onto the floor with a wet squish then runs through the house and out the back door leaving after a wet trail of water and Miss Peregrine running after. 
Y/n pov
“Get back here Y/n!”Miss P yells as I run out into the garden, I see the other children looking shocked and surprised. It wasn’t normal for me to cause a ruckus nor get Miss P angry. I’m slightly scarred that she’s actually angry at me and didn’t se it as a funny joke. I start to pant harder as i run around the garden in circles with Miss P close behind me. I se Enoch by the back door laughing hard with Claire wrapped in a towel in his arms. I soon stumbled over my own paws and face painted into the grass, I’m surprised it didn’t happen earlier.
 I’m lifted off the ground by someone, I let out a soft yelp in surprise as i don’t like people touching me. I turn my head to se that it’s Miss Peregrine that has lifted me up with a small smile, her hair looks a little funny as it’s halfway drenched in water and some still styled up in her usual manner. “You need a bath dear, your fur is covered in soap”She says and starts walking inside. I put my front paws against her collarbone and pushes back not liking the idea of a bath, it’s a quite pathetic attempt at getting out of her arms so I give up. I rest my head on her shoulder, snuggling my nose into her neck and puts my front paws on ether side of her neck and closes my eyes. I feel and hear Miss P chuckle softly as she gently strokes my back. “All that running tiered you out hmm? I was quite surprised by your little stunt, it’s not very like you. I’m happy that you’re more comfortable now.”She whispers softly. 
Hi writer here! This is the first thing I have written and I’m bad at spelling and English isn’t my first language. Please give some feedback and request if you thought it was good! -Tiger
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i-writes-things · 8 months
Because bedtime is a-
Characters: Any mother figure you see fit. and You as like a 4 year old.
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"Because bedtime is a fucking crisis!"
She looked down at you, and all of a sudden you felt small again. She was in shock and you were standing there in horror knowing you should not be referring to bedtime as a crisis. You crossed your arms and pouted. Thinking this would keep your tears away, but it only brought them faster.
"Hey, bedtime is not a crisis. It's-" She could hear the whimpers starting. "Hey, hey." She picked you up as the tears started to fall. "You're not in trouble, baby. Oh I love you." She kisses your cheek, chuckling. "We just aren't allowed to say that word. Okay?" Nodding into her shoulder she walked down the hall to your room. You were sure you would never say the word crisis again. Ever. Never. Not fucking ever again.
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evereinefaust · 4 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: Being Naruto's mother is never easy, especially when MC is a single parent raising a troublemaking child. But she loved her son, nonetheless. And on this special day, he wanted her to feel loved as well.
Word Count: 601
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You were currently making dinner for your son, Naruto. He's been in many fights nowadays, and he always gets beaten up. You don't know why he acts like that, but there must be a reason behind that. Though he is troublesome, your son is kind and cheerful. Whenever you're upset, he will be by your side to cheer you up.
Today, you are excited to cook the curry for your child. After some time cleaning the apartment, you and Naruto are residing in and buying the needed ingredients for the curry, you are now here, busy in the kitchen. You also ran into problems regarding Naruto while you were in the village. The Hokage summoned you, and then there is some advice coming from other moms.
"No matter what they say, Naruto will still be the same. No one can change him" You sighed and then smiled to yourself. You plan to talk to your son tonight, about his behavior at the academy and to other people. "Mom! I'm back!" Naruto's loud voice echoed inside the apartment.
Finally, the curry is done. "Ah! Naruto dear, welcome back!" You greeted him back while turning the stove off. "Man, I'm starving. That Sasuke is being a jerk today, I'm gonna beat him tomorrow" You heard your son mumbled in the living room, you couldn't help but smile.
"Here! Dinner for today!" You placed the pot down on the table. "Wow! This looks delicious! You're the best mom!" Naruto beamed at you with his eyes full of excitement. "Thanks" You smiled. "Now, let's eat!" You told him then grabbed a spoon.
"Itadakimasu!" Both of you said in unison. Naruto ate his meal with happiness, savoring each flavor of the vegetables. You can't help but smile while watching him eat. "Naruto..." You called him."Yes?" He stopped eating for a while and then looked at you in confusion.
"It's been a while now, and I wanted to talk to you properly and seriously" You took a deep breath. "It's about your attitude towards others. I wonder where you got that, it's just that you always got beaten whenever you come home" You told him, concern in your tone.
He looked down then looked back at you. "They always say that you are a monster because you had the nine-tails in you, and whenever I hear that, I try to defend you from their insults. For me, you're the best mom ever!" Naruto explained, and then he beamed at you during his last sentence. You feel happy because your son is as concerned about you as you are.
"Oh, Naruto! You don't have to do that" You went to him and then hugged him, tears filling your eyes. "But I have to! They are insulting my mom, after all," He protested. "It's okay, son. If you say that I'm the best, then I'll ignore their insults" You pulled away from him then flashed a heartwarming smile.
"Yes!" He nodded. "Oh, I forgot! This is for you, mom!" He perked up and then got something from his back. "What is that?" You asked him. "A gift!" He responded with a bright smile on his face. You accepted his gift and then unwrapped the wrapper. 
"Oh my gosh, Naruto! Thank you!" You placed a hand on your mouth as you tried not to cry. Naruto bought you a silver necklace with a heart locket. "Happy Mother's day!" He said as you hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Naruto!" You cried on his back. "No problem!" He grinned.
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allyium-inserts · 1 year
Title: Picnic Mayhem
Iruka x Mother-Figure! Reader
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Summary: Naruto has finally return from his three-year training with Jiraiya, but his mom is just nowhere to be found.
This is based on my mother-Figure! Reader x Naruto head cannons. I’m not very used to writing in this format, so let me know if you prefer the bullet points or this! Also, slight spoilers to the actual show if you haven’t fully watched it or don’t know who Naruto’s parents are.  This isn't proof-read or anything so there may be errors.
Word Count: 884
Konoha was quite peaceful after the neighborhood troublemaker had left to train with the sage. There was of course a teary goodbye between Naruto and the person who practically raised him, so when Naruto returned, of course he would want to see his mother, which seemed to be an impossible task. Since his return in the early morning, he has seen everyone, but Iruka and his mother and he was starting to get frustrated when everyone he asked said “(Y/N) is probably with Iruka, they are always together these days.” Which was even more frustrating because he was sure news of his return has already reached your ears and should be waiting for him with open arms. 
Out in the surrounding forest completely unaware of Naruto’s return was the female in question wearing long pale-yellow sundress that complemented your (S/T) with your hair in a low bun and a couple strands framing your face. Next to you was the brunette ninja with the scar across his face in his typical ninja clothing setting up the picnic for their lunch date. You and Iruka have been together for almost two years before Naruto’s return and on the path to get married if Iruka manned up. “Sweetheart, have I told you that dress look amazing?” Iruka says as he finishes setting up the picnic and sitting down so that he is looking up. You blush softly and smiled, “Yes, at least 10 times already.” You rolled your eyes and joined the ninja before helping him pull out some of the food out of the basket. The food consisted of two bento boxes that consisted of 2 tuna rice balls, mozzarella and tomato skewers, and a fruit salad and a bottle of sake for the two to share.  This was a common occurrence every week that the two would go out to lunch together and spend the entire afternoon together basking in the rare quiet moments. 
You looked down at your food, picking at it before saying, “Naruto should be back soon.”
Iruka nods, “Yea, he should. I know he is going to be so excited to see you and take all your time away from me!” He pouts lightly. You laugh lightly and raise your eyebrow looking at Iruka, “Are you jealous of Naruto?” You teasingly ask while setting your bento down ready to tackle to the man in front of you. He blushed heavily at the inclination of being jealous of Naruto, “Maybe I am. Afterall he got to spend all those years with you uninterrupted!” He crosses his arms and pouts theatrically. You smile widely laughing before, you suddenly charged at him and tackling him to the ground. His hand instinctively grabbed at your waist. 
“Now, Now, is this not uninterrupted time with me?” you asked smugly as you get closer to his face. Iruka started to stutter out an answer before you decided to save him from his embarrassment by kissing him. Your soft lips slowly caress his slightly chapped lips in a rhythmic dance. Before he could even process you were kissing him, you pulled away with a smile and looked into his brown irises which only showed love and devotion to you. He leaned back in giving you a proper kiss and his hand tighten around your waist before pulling you back into to him to deepen the kiss unaware of the approaching blonde who realized that neither of you were in the village!
You both jolted away from the sudden voice, wide-eyed and dark blushes covering both of your faces. You looked towards the voice and gasped with tears brimming in your (e/c) eyes as you stare at Naruto unable to process that he was home.  The resemblance to your brother was uncanny and Minato’s name almost slipped out instead of Naruto. You stood up and rushed to the young blonde placing your hands on his cheeks to really ground yourself back into reality. “Naruto…” Tears starting to fall as you caress his face before pulling him into yourself for a bone crushing hug. “Phat doesn’t uhnswer my queshion. Mphat were you shoing wit Iruka-shenshi?” You sighed and pulling his face away from you, “Can we talk about that later?” Naruto shakes his head and Iruka comes up behind the two resting his hand in the small of your back. You and Iruka had a silent conversation, before turning to Naruto.
“Well Naruto… With your permission, I would like to continue seeing (Y/N).” Iruka asks even though knowing no matter what Naruto said, you two would continue to see each other. 
“Well, aren’t you seeing her right now! - ya know!” You both sighed, “Naruto, Me and Iruka are dating. We have been for the past two years.” The look of shock and betrayal on his face was evident as he looked between the two of you.  
“WHAAAAA” Iruka and you flinched at his tone as Naruto leaves your embrace still in shock at the sudden news. “Me and you are goanna have a talk” Naruto said pointing between him and Iruka.  Iruka nodded at Naruto declaration and laughed a little. 
I guess Iruka would have wait to ask you to marry him as he feels the box in his pocket. 
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
𝓜𝔂 𝓶𝓸𝓶 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓪𝓾𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓷
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐭. 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚'𝐯𝐢. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ 'ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀ' ꜱᴏᴄᴏʀʀᴏ x ᴛʜᴇʀᴀᴘɪꜱᴛ! ᴀᴅᴏᴘᴛᴇᴅ ᴍᴏᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ꜱᴜʟʟʏ'ꜱ x ᴀᴜɴᴛ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: toxic relationships, mentions of Suicide Squad, bleached skin due to chemicals, mentions of war, explosions, death, death of two pets, sky people, Miles Quaritch mentioned, cussing, motherhood.
A/N: I haven't wrote anything involving Spider, so I thought of something. I made it somewhat angsty. Also, I'm going to have to start adding that English isn't my first language since some mistakes may be seen and I don't fix them right away.
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Years after leaving a man who had made your life a living hell, you had no idea on what to do. You had met him in mental hospital, you were his therapist. During that time together, you had got closer to him. He had made you fall in love with him, you dropped everything in order to be with him. You did everything he had asked you to do, as a gesture of your love, he pushed you into a bath of chemicals, causing your skin to bleach.
The whole time he had been using you for his own benefit, this so called love wasn't love at all, this was no Mad Love, this was cruelty. It took a while to leave him, but you finally did, you promised yourself that you will no longer go back to him. Sure you've said it a couple time in the past but this was the last time you'd say it, you were both officially over. As a form to show that you were officially over, you blew up the chemical factory were it all started, it felt good knowing and proving to yourself that you were done with him.
Thanks to a job you got outside of earth, you got hired as a Therapist in Hell's Gate on Pandora, you really had nothing left to loose so you took the job. Sure you had worked in the Suicide Squad and you had your Gang Of Harleys, but you could not let this job go. Why not start fresh in another planet. Not to mention you had enemies on your ass, wanting you dead, often sending hitmen or women to get the job done. When you had arrived, everyone thought it was a joke, seen a woman dressed as a clown here being a therapist, what a laugh. The first few months you had no patients, no one seemed to have any problems or whatever, it was fine honestly. You weren't going to force anyone into talking to you.
You had met Grace, Norm, Trudy, Max and Jake, this were the only people who were nice to you since everyone had seemed to avoid you at all costs. They didn't seem to care if you wore crazy flashy red and black outfits or your red and black hair or your clown like makeup. They treated you like an actual person. Jake had actually become your first patient ever since he began the Avatar program. He told you everything that felt and other things. You found out about a Na'vi girl who caught his eye. You could tell that he was in love for you by the way he had talked about her.
You and Trudy were closer, since you had nothing better to do, on your free time you'd hang with her. She'd also take you flying. She also liked listening to your stories about the time with the Suicide Squad and your Gang. The Suicide Squad stories were her favorite, she'd often tell you that you'd be good on the field.
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Things got bad, the RDA decided to destroy the Omaticaya's home tree and most people were not happy. They could not do that, they could not take people's home like that and for what? To enslave them? take over this planet only to fuck it up like they did to earth? That's bullshit.
You sided with Jake and the Omaticaya, you stayed with Max while the others went out to help the clan on the outside while you and Max helped on the inside. You, Max and another group of people who had access to avatar's came up with a plan. While they got into their avatars, you and Max went outside to get a hold of the machines that were used in the compound. You and him destroyed the control room so that they didn't have access to communicate with those who were out in the field, then the other avatars came in and held the people in the room at gun point. They were fucked for sure. This was also considered a suicide mission, and you were all in for it.
The Na'vi won, now the humans had to leave. Except for you, Max, Norm and the others who helped. Many died, some as scumbags, but others died as heroes. War was never a good thing, but it was the only way to get the humans to know that the Na'vi were not going to stand down and defend their lands, their planet.
One thing you didn't expect was a baby to be born, his name is Miles Socorro, the son of Miles Quaritch and Paz Socorro. He was now an orphan, since both parents are dead. So you decided to adopt him, you knew nothing about parenting or caring for a baby, but you've dreamed of having children in the future. You had thought about having a daughter who you'd name Lucy, but that never happened. You had another chance, but with a boy who was not responsible for his parents choices.
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You raised Miles as if he was your own son, you had began to call him Spider since that's how he'd act majority of the time, like a spider around the. Not only that, but then came in the Sully kids, two boys and two girls. You had become their aunt since you'd interact with them the most, one day they just began to call you 'Aunt Y/n' or just 'Aunty' you love them as if the were also your kids.
When Spider was little, he always wondered why your skin was a pale color and your hair was two different colors. One time he tried to dye his blonde hair with your hair dye, only to make a huge mess. You weren't upset, but only laughed seen the small red and black hair dye had prints on the bathroom floor and walls. Not forgetting the time Spider also got into your make up. He had white foundation and white powered all over him. As well as a bit of red and black eyeshadow around his eyes and badly applied on lipstick on his cheeks. You had manage to take a pictures of him, he was just adorable doing this kind of chaos. You had them hanged on your walls of your office with other pictures of your friends.
When it came to toys, you had to make them. You did have stress relieve toys you'd let Spider play with but you knew he was getting bored of them. So you learned from Jake how to carve toys, at first it was a pain but you got the hang of them. You carved him an Ikran, A Direhorse, and not to mention Toruk. Besides those, you carved him other things. You had carved him two hyenas which you painted green and pink, Bud and Lou were your pets back on earth, but they died on their way here. You were upset when you heard that your precious pets died. You also caved him a motorcycle, and other things he may like. You had also carved him a bat and mallet in which he customized himself, it may not have been appropriate for his age, but he loved all his wooden carvings dearly.
Even though he got older and was no longer interested in toys, you had the wooden figures sitting on your desk next to a baby picture of Spider's, the one you had taken with him covered in hair dye and make up. He'd often tell you to take it down but you wouldn't. He also didn't like it when you'd kiss his cheek, since it'd leave a stain of your red or black lipstick, you continued to do so despite his protest.
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The older Spider got, the more he wanted to be part of the people. He learned everything about the Omaticaya, he really wishes he could be a Na'vi. He had stopped trying to dress like you, which you didn't mind since he was doing his own thing. Even though his hair was now different, he'd dye two strands of his dreads, one red and one black, he said because he wanted to have a part of you on him, almost having you in tears.
One thing that you didn't like was how Neytiri treated your son as a threat. You understood her dislike for humans but Spider was only a kid who wanted to fit in with the rest. You still remember when he came back crying because of Neytiri's treatment, that was the first time you ever saw him cry, it hurt you. That was when you told him to not worry about what Neytiri said to him, to only focus on the good he does.
You wanted to talk to Neytiri but at the same time, you felt as if it were a bad idea. She was very stubborn and for sure she'd try and gouge your eyes out if you told her anything. So you spoke to Jake, for sure he'd be able to talk to his wife, but even if he spoke to her, things didn't change. You just let it slide, but you warned Jake that if Neytiri does anything to your son, then you'd take matters into your own hands and he knew you weren't messing around.
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Even after all these years, Jake was still your patient, he'd tell you how he felt about everything that was happen, not to mention about him being a father of four. You had talked to him about communication and other important things, but they seem to only go in one ear and out the other. Today was another session.
You had been at the campsite, with the girl to greet the coming war party. When they arrived, you pulled both Neteyam and Lo'ak into a hug, you had been worried sick. "Are you both okay? How was it out there?" you asked seen that Neteyam had been injured, Neytiri, Kiri and Tuk had also noticed some injuries. "It was fine..." he said, looking down a bit disappointed. "Oh, It's okay sweet cheeks, all that matter is that you're both here safe and sound." You said comfortingly at the both of them, as you held one of their hands. Jake then approached the three of you all. "Y/n, a moment please" you looked at Jake, and nodded, not before giving both Neteyam and Lo'ak a gentle hand squeeze before going over to Spider.
While you and Spider looked at the Ikrans, you accidently heard what Jake was telling his sons, Spider looked over seen how Jake grounded Lo'ak for a month. You then lightly smacked Spider on the head to get him to stop listening to their private conversation. He gave you a look "what was that for Ma?" he asked rubbing his head. "I told you not to listen to other's conversation its rude." You said making him respond. "Yeah I know, but he is basically yelling" he said. "I know, but still, now go see how Neteyam is doing." You sent him off.
Jake had been sitting on the ground, checking and cleaning his gun while he talked. "They could of got hurt! I could of lost them!" he was basically yelling, you understood, he was worried about his sons. It was normal for a father to be worried. "I get it, I understand that Lo'ak is reckless, he got that from his father" you said teasingly at Jake who laughed a bit. "I know but, he's got to learn that this sort of things aren't a game, its war for crying out loud." Jake mentioned, sighing. You took a deep breath and spoke again. "I know, but he is a kid, all your kids are still kids. Of course they'll be reckless and not always pick the right choices, but you're their to teach them, that's what a father does." You said.
"I try okay? I scold them, I tell them everything." He said as you spoke again. "How? Yelling at them doesn't teach them, we all basically saw how you yelled at him" you said, making Jake to look at you. "I have to get them to listen" he said, as you gave him a look of 'really?' "I get it, but yelling only shows that, your upset with them. I get it, but at the same time, you need explain to them, talk to them. When was the last time you actually had spoken to them?" you asked, making Jake think for a moment.
"Never actually, I never thought it would be necessary to have a talk with them" Jake admitted, making you have a 'are you serious' face. "Jake, communication is important, they're kids, teens! They're at an age where they need to the most support since they're almost adults. And you are the one who is guiding them into adult hood." You said as Jake listened. "Look, this is your 'assignment' talk to Lo'ak and Neteyam, seriously, no scolding, no yelling, talk to them like a father, show them that you care about them." You told him in a serious manner.
"And another thing, you can't be putting all the responsibility on Neteyam. He isn't an adult, he is a kid as well. That much responsibility on him can cause stress, very bad stress since he'll begin to think that anything bad that happens will be his fault and he'll take the blame for it, that's harmful" you told him, it sounded more like a scolding. "Next session tell me how it goes." You said as Jake nodded then Neytiri approached him. "Thank Dr. L/n, I appreciate it" Jake said with a genuine smile. You smiled back at the blue giant. "You're lucky this is free, or else I'd be charging you" you teased at him getting up from the ground, making him role his eyes at your comment. "Yeah yeah, I'll see you around" Jake said to you, before you went to get Spider you greeted Neytiri, then walked off to the tent where he was.
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You had entered the camp, seen both Mo'at and Kiri putting healing paste on Neteyam who was grunting in pain. "Awe you need a kiss on your boo boo?" Spider teased as Lo'ak chuckled at him. You went over to his side, seen Neteyam's bruises, damn they were bad. "I remember having to kiss your boo boos, and I still do Kiddo" you teased, seen Spider's face turn red while making Lo'ak laugh. "Ma, your embarrassing me" he said lowly. "So? I'm your mama, it's my job" you said giggling.
"At some point you should come to one War party, it'd be cool seen you in action. Just like in your Suicide Squad days." Lo'ak mentioned, he had tried conversing you into joining at least once. You knew it wasn't age appropriate to talk about stuff like that, but the kids were curious about your past life. "I'd love to but, I'm a human, my ass could get killed at any moment." You said, making him insist. "Come one Aunty, a little danger wouldn't hurt." He said, now this caught your attention. "If you insist I might think about it. I need some danger in my life once in a while." You said making Lo'ak look excited.
"Alright, it's time to head back" you said, making Spider look at you. "Come one Ma, let me stay a bit longer." He begged like a child. "No, it's late" you said, but before Spider could protest some more you gave him a warning look. Even though he was older, that look still worked on him. Spider then said his goodbyes to the kids and you both left.
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When you got to the lab, you and Spider were in your office, you had been looking through stuff. Spider had nothing better to do but just hang around your office. "Hey Ma?" Spider broke the silence. "What is is Kiddo?" you asked, stopping what you were doing and faced him. "How come you never mention or talk about my dad?" he said, this made you blood run cold.
You sigh, knowing you'd have to talk to him about this eventually. "You dad, wasn't the best person Spider" you said, now feeling nervous. "Why is that?" he asked again, now playing with a green hyena wooden toy on your desk. "Because, he did horrible things, unspeakable shit" you said. Remembering seen the Home Tree getting destroyed, by that bastards orders. "He destroyed the Omaticaya's original home tree, lots of Na'vi died. Neytiri's father died, there. And her sister died in Grace's school." You told him, maybe you shouldn't be telling him this but he had to know.
Spider listened, seen this was serious. "Did he ever find out about me?" he asked, you shook your head "no, she didn't tell him about you." You said, making Spider look confused at you. "She? Who is she?" He asked. You then sat down on a couch, making him sit next to you. "Paz Socorro, your real mother. That is why your surname is Socorro and not L/n" You said, seen that Spider had got tense by this, he felt like something had hit his chest, hard. "Your not my mom?" Spider asked, now seen the tears form in his eyes. You took his hands into yours.
"Yes, I am your mother, I may not have given birth to you, but I raised you. I fed you, I bathed you, I did everything a mother should because that's who I am. Your mother. I love you because you're my son." You told him, cleaning his tears away. Spider was still having to think about what you told him, you weren't his real mother but you love him as if you were. "Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked, seen tears now running down your eyes, having your makeup run down your pale cheek. "Because I was scared I guess, scared that you'd stop loving me because I'm not your real mother" you admitted, not caring if you ruined your makeup.
Spider saw how heart broken you were. You didn't tell him to hurt him or for your own benefit. You didn't tell him about his real parents because they had made bad decisions in the past, not to mention Quaritch who was the worst. You didn't have bad intentions, you just wanted to protect him from his parents mistakes and from their sins, mainly Quaritch.
Spider then wiped your tears away, also smearing your run down mascara a bit. He gave you a soft smile even though he had dried tears. "I know you may not have given birth to me, but you will always be my mom" he said, seen you smile and tears began to run down your eyes again. "Oh Ma, don't cry" he said now worried. You then pulled him into a tight hug, almost suffocating. "I love you so much kiddo! You're the best thing that had happened to me in my life. I love you, I love you, I love!" You continued to say over and over while you also began to pamper his face with kisses leaving red lipstick on his face. "MA! you're getting lipstick on my face" he whiles trying to get away from you. "I don't care, I love you so much!" he continued to hug him happily.
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kining-the-evil · 3 months
Pitty Party
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/Summary/: After a mistake on a mission that led to another member of the team getting hurt May is there to help bring you back to earth
/Trigger warnings/: talks of death, talks of being in jail, panic attacks, no pronouns are used but reader is meant to be they/them, may is a mentor to the reader
/Requested by/: @mellifluous-fics
Agents of shield Masterlist. Other masterlists
/AN/: I am so, unbelievably sorry this took almost a year to get out. I’m going back and trying to get all of the old fics out that were the original requesters. I really hope it was worth the wait.
You listened to the way your fists hit the punching bag in front of you. Your hands were starting to go numb, but you ignored it as you continued to hit the bag. You didn’t want to stop, you couldn’t stop. Not after today. Not after you fucked up the way you did. Not after you let Fitz get hurt on a mission.
You heard someone come into the room, but you ignored it, just like you had every other time someone from the team came in to try and talk to you. You ignored Sky, Colson, and Grant. Even Simmons left Fitz’s side to try and talk to you, but you refused to stop or look over at her as she told you Fitz was going to be okay.
“I didn’t come in here to be ignored.”
You hesitated for a second when you heard May's voice, but the moment you did, a flash of what happened went through your mind and you went back to hitting the bag. May let you continue for a few minutes before speaking again.
“You’ve been at it for two hours, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“‘M fine.” You finally mumbled, but her words got to you slightly. You started to feel the exhaustion from not only the two hours of active work you just did, but the mission you’d been on before this. You felt your body stagger slightly, your arms getting heavy and you could suddenly feel the sweat covering your body.
A hand touched your shoulder, pulling you back from the bag, and you let it. Your hands fell as you were led back a few feet, and you had to work to stay upright.
“Sit.” May commanded, though her voice was slightly softer than it normally was. She pushed you down onto a bench, walking away to grab you some water, not that you drank it. Instead you just looked at the water as you tried to catch your breath.
“Don’t throw yourself a-“
“It’s not a pitty party.” You snapped through labored breath. You knew this speech, it was the same thing May had given you a thousand times. When she was training you and you had a tough day, when you failed a mission for the first time, even when she came to recruit you for SHIELD. You could remember it like it was yesterday, how you were in a ‘correctional facility,’ no one had visited you the entire time you were there, your parents making it clear they didn’t want anything to do with you after the ‘incident.’ That’s when May showed up, offering you a place at their youth training center, and you happily took it instead of being stuck in that facility for any longer than you had too. You could remember exactly what she said; ‘you can stay here and throw yourself a pitty party or you can make a difference.’
“It sure looks like one,” May told you. “You’re ignoring you team, Fitz is going to be fine-“
“He’s not fine!” You finally snapped. “Fitz isn’t fine! He got shot because I could do my damn job and clear the building!” You stood up and threw the plastic cup of water to the ground. May just watched you, her hands crossed across her chest. “Say something!”
“Say what?” She sounded like her calm composed self, and it pissed you off.
“Anything! Yell at me! Tell me I was an idiot that doesn’t know how to do my job! You should be angry with me, everyone should be!” You yelled at her as your eyes filled with tears. “I’m the reason my teammate almost died! I’m supposed to protect you all, that’s my job, and I couldn’t even do that!”
May just watched you yell as tears streamed down your face. You were sure everyone could hear you at this point, but you didn’t care. You wanted May to tell you off like she did every other mistake.
“How many missions have you successfully completed?” You frowned at her words as you cried.
“How many missions have you completed successfully?”
“I don’t know… a lot?”
“And how many have ended with a teammate hurt in a way that could have been lethal?”
“Two.” May’s face softened at your answers slightly.
“That time wasn’t a mission-“
“That’s what we called it. And because I didn’t watch the owner of that convenient store we robbed my best friend that I considered family died. And now another friend I consider family almost died because I didn’t watch for any threats like I should have been doing! So don’t make this into a ‘it only happened once, everyone makes mistakes,’ because this isn’t that! These two times matter more than any other mission I’ve completed!”
By the end of your little rant you were full on crying, almost hyperventilating as you wrapped your arms around yourself. A panic attack. You used to get them a lot when you were younger, but you hadn’t had a bad one like this in years.
You were so wrapped up in your struggle to breath and the flashing memories that you didn’t realize May had moved closer to you until her strong arms were being wrapped around you.
“Follow my breathing.” May told you,and you did your best to match your shaky breaths to her strong ones. You don't know how long you stood there together doing that, but eventually you were able to slow your breathing. Even after that May kept her arms around you.
“You aren’t getting sent away for this mistake, none of us are going to leave you because you made an honest mistake. Okay?”
“I should still be punished.”
“Normally I’d agree to a good punishment for a mistake, but I think you’ve done plenary.” May motioned to your split and bleeding knuckles. “Now, come on. Fitz was worried sick that you were punishing yourself over this.”
You nodded and let May lead you out of the room and back to your team.
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