#Miro togata
jp---v · 2 years
Chapter 359
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I could go off just on this color spread, and I might later
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The Business kids are really dedicated to their jobs and they haven’t even officially gotten jobs yet. 
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Bakugou blows up half the arena and Monoma is physically holding his eyes open to not lose Erasure through the glow
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Hmm... ouch
Both the injuries and how casually he’s saying that
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They’re really not that close though, he’s just known him the longest. And Midoriya has some seriously misplaces idolization of Bakugou
And for as long as Erasure is in effect he can’t regenerate, so he’s slowly starting to look like All for One’s original body after the All Might destroyed his head
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I’m still not entirely sure why they had to turn the school into an arena for this fight when they could have just made the arena, especially because they just used Warpgate to get him here. It would save reconstructing the school afterwards too.
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What an odd time to bring up graduation
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If I didn’t know that he was in the floor, I’d say now is a really weird time for Mirio to be doing yoga. Because that’s what that pose looks like from this angle.
Anyway, we’re gonna see the Big Three in action together, I hope it lives up to the hype
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she-was-lightning · 2 years
Miro Togata
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sketchytsh · 2 years
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In your light ☀️
(white BG version after break)
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i have shipped this since they first appeared in like 2017 but never drew them,,,anyway they are very sweet and i sure hope nothing happens to them aha 😊😊😊
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goodbye-randoms · 1 year
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MIRO TOGATA & his funky looking dad??
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super-paper · 2 years
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Stay winning every week, miriBros!
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Hey there hope i made it here is my Headcannon or it's a story request
Miro x eri's older sister reader you who went the same abuse as eri but harsher because she has the same quirk but she could control it.And then Mirio you saves her and eri, teach them about the outside and Miro couldn't help but fell in love and it up to you
[ Alright, my third request. So I was a little unsure if you meant you wanted headcanons or a story. I was originally going to do headcanons but then I thought...well, I could summarize time in the story and sort of jump to Mirio bringing the reader outside and trying to confess his love. ]
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Your heart sped up, this was not right or at least it didn't feel right. The sensation of soft grass underneath you, the kiss of the warm sun on your skin, and the wide open space with the scent of dirt. Yes, you were outside and it was so strange for someone who had spent the majority of their life behind closed doors.
"Mm..." you latched onto your bottom lip, curling your toes into the grass and bringing your legs up to your chest where your arms securely wrapped around them. You laid your chin on the top of your knees, glancing over at Mirio who was currently playing with your little sister, Eri.
A big bright smile was on his face and his laughter mixed with Eri's was an almost foreign sound and the sight of the sunlight bathing him in a golden glow was something that you needed to get used to. Of course, that sun made him look like a God and in a way, he was exactly that to you.
In fact, he was the perfect description of the heroes you remember your mother and father telling you about. Although that was before your little sister accidentally used her quirk to well...turn your father to dust and you suddenly found yourself in the care of Kai Chisaki.
He was a cruel man that had no regard for anyone's well-being and only sought to destroy quirks, finding them to be a disease plaguing the human race. Yet, he found interest in Eri's quirk as well as yours. Why? Because they worked in similar ways only you had more control over your quirk, Eri did not.
You still had nightmares of being strapped to an exam table as he cut your body open several times only to regenerate the flesh and do it all over again. Subjecting you to the same pain over and over again, claiming that it would help him better understand your quirk.
You knew this wasn't true, especially given the fact that there were better, more humane ways to study quirks. But everything about your life changed when Lemillion or Mirio Togata as you later got to know him as came.
Although his sacrifice for protecting Eri and yourself was losing his quirk, and even after visiting him in the hospital he seemed awfully cheery about it. Like having the thing he was born with getting ripped away from him in an instant was okay.
"You know, Deku said something similar. If he could give me a quirk, he would but I don't want one. After all, I'm still a hero even without it," he said and you could only frown as you sat on the edge of his hospital bed.
This was also the first instance he introduced you to a gentle touch when he commented "Heh, you have pretty horns!" and lifted his hand to touch them. You ended up flinching and falling off of the bed which caused him to apologize frantically.
Of course, unlike Eri who had one little horn which grew in size and caused her pain when she didn't properly utilize her quirk, you had two fairly large horns on top of your head which relatively remained the same size.
Mirio was aware that you could control your quirk while Eri couldn't and when it came time to address how to revert his quirkless status, all eyes seemed to turn on you. Luckily Mirio spoke up on your behalf. "Don't you think it'd be better if someone else had that privilege?"
You knew he was referring to your sister, Eri. "O-oh...w-well I..." you ended up flushing and running out of the room. You weren't used to having a conversation with anyone other than your sister, let alone be in a room with other heroes discussing the potential of your quirk.
Still, you wanted to try and thank him for his kindness but as your life continued to adjust and your sister and you found homes within the Heights Alliance faculty building, you came to realize that Mirio was adjusting to the new changes as well and thought it fit to watch over you and Eri.
He spent as much time with each of you as he could, while Eri was open to exploring the world outside. You felt safer inside and as time went on you began to miss the way she'd run to you whenever she came back with Mirio slightly frightened by the sights she had seen and the people she had met.
Now she'd just come back with a smile on her face and tell you all about her day and how Lemillion was amazing. Today happened to be a little different though because when Mirio came to pick her up to take her to the park, she grabbed your hand.
"Why don't you come with us, Lemillion promised it'd be fun," she said with a pout. You stiffened and looked at her with the corner of your mouth curled. "Eri...I..." you shifted your eyes back and forth, trying to come up with an excuse.
But Mirio suddenly placed his hand on your shoulder causing you to stumble back in surprise. "Ah!" you cried out and ended up hitting a wall. You slumped to the floor with your hands and legs cradled up to your chest, your eyes wide and your face twisted with fear.
"Oh right, sorry!" he said, trying to smile as he approached and crouched down in front of you. "H-huh?" you blinked when he held out his hand, indicating he wanted you to take it. But, you only stared at it acting as if you were unsure of what he was trying to do.
But when you glanced back at his face, you could see he was beaming just like the day you had first laid your eyes on him. Why was he so happy and could you ever be that happy? He felt kind of bad for having scared you, even though he had been getting to know you these past few months.
It was clear that Eri was more social and part of that could be because she was a child and her curiosity got the best of her while you, well you were practically an adult and everything was still new to you. But he pledged he'd undo everything that Kai put you through and much like Eri, his end goal for you was to see you smile.
But he wanted to be the one to make you smile because lately, he had noticed his stomach filled with butterflies when around you and sometimes he couldn't help but blush. It was clear what was happening, and that was alright even if he didn't want to admit how he felt about you just yet.
"Heh, sorry about that," he said, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand while nervously chuckling. "I guess I gotta remember you're still working on adjusting to everything. Eri's doing a great job though, right?" he said, turning to look at her.
She smiled before nodding and walking over to you, placing her hand on the top of your knee. "You can trust Lemillion," she said, you felt a little pathetic that your younger sister was trying to comfort you. It should be the other way around.
You brought your lower lip into your mouth, chewing on it before looking up at Mirio who continued to wear a smile. You shifted your gaze back to Eri and sighed. "Um, o-okay," you said, slowly placing your hand in Mirio's.
"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe...sunshine," he promised, wrapping his fingers around your hand. "Uh, heh..." you hesitantly chuckled, a little confused and flustered by the name. But regardless, you allowed him to help you back on your feet. It was strange having someone be so gentle with you after everything you had been through.
"There, that wasn't so bad was it?" he asked and you felt your throat tighten and forced yourself to swallow hard. Your hand was trembling and this almost made him frown, but maybe once you were outside you'd feel better. After all, there was nothing like some fresh air!
"Mm..." you latched onto your lip and your teeth sunk further into it the nearer you got to the door. You could feel how Eri clasped onto your free hand and saw how her smile grew when Mirio cried "Here we go!" before throwing the door open.
And that's how you found yourself here. A gasp escaped when you suddenly heard a buzzing noise and frantically crawled backward. This immediately got Mirio's attention and both him and Eri ran over to you but your eyes were focused on the small honeybee that landed on a nearby flower.
"What's the matter!?" he exclaimed, his face twisted with concern but he noticed how your eyes were locked on the flower and curiously looked at it. That's when he noticed the bee and placed his hands on his hips with a light chuckle. "Huh?" Eri looked at him confused and he reached over to pluck the flower.
The bee remained on it, still desiring to retrieve its nectar and pollinate it in return. "There's nothing to be afraid of," he insisted before sitting down next to you and Eri next to him. You swallowed, not sure whether you trusted his words or not.
The bee flew away a few moments later, making you flinch again. "See?" he said, smiling as he stared at you. The way your hair fell in your face was similar to Eri's and he had the desire to reach over and brush it away.
"Um, can I..." he lifted his hand but frowned when you flinched in response as if he were going to hurt you. But, he didn't take it personally given the fact that he knew about your past and yeah, it did make him a little angry that Kai Chisaki had created such fear in you.
Yet as soon as he touched your hair and gently brushed a piece of it behind your ear, your shoulders slumped and you turned to him with a look of surprise. He sighed at the sight of those beautiful eyes wide and full of curiosity.
"Here," he said, placing the freshly picked flower behind your ear. "There! You look...gorgeous!" he said, although he couldn't help but give a nervous chuckle which was a little strange considering he wasn't one to let his nerves get in the way of anything.
You looked at him with wide eyes. "I...I w-what?" you replied, feeling an abnormal heat course through your cheeks. "Uh heh well..." he rubbed the back of his head. There was no way he was going to confess to you how he felt, then again it wouldn't be very heroic to run away from your feelings.
"It's just been wonderful getting to know you these past few months! Even if you spend most of your time inside, I..." he paused and you watched as his bright blue eyes scanned over your face and immediately stiffened when he placed his hands on the ground and began to lean forward with the intention of kissing you.
Of course, this was unknown to you and you leaned back, unsure of what was happening. Just as you were about to reach out and push him away, Eri stepped in between the two of you and unintentionally blocked Mirio's kiss. Instead of your lips, he ended up kissing her cheek.
"Huh?" he blinked, pulling back immediately as Eri pressed her hand to the side of her face and looked at Mirio with wide curious eyes. "Oops, heh sorry," he said, laughing nervously, he was not expecting that.
"Uh..." you raised your eyebrow, unsure if Mirio had meant to do that or not. Actually, what was he planning on doing? You latched onto your lip and nervously chuckled before shyly standing up. "Uh...I t-think I'm going to go back inside," you said.
Mirio frowned, jumping to his feet. "Wait, I can walk you back!" he insisted with his hand held out. You jumped at the sound of his voice and turned around, looking at him with wide eyes. "Oh n-no, it's alright!" you insisted before looking at Eri.
"I'm sure Eri wants to...stay out here so...I-I'll be fine," you said, trying to offer him a smile but much like your little sister, you found it somewhat difficult to do. "Heh...bye," you shyly waved before walking away leaving Mirio slightly upset.
He lowered his hand, feeling some regret that he had failed to express his feelings for you. "Mm..." Eri noticed the way he was frowning and placed her hand on his leg. "Hm?" he looked down and knew he couldn't spoil Eri's day even if he wasn't the happiest at the moment.
So he smiled and crouched down. "Heh sorry, we'll have fun now, I promise!" he forced his smile to grow bigger but Eri didn't return the happy expression. Instead, she tilted her head. "Is it my fault she doesn't wanna be outside anymore?" she asked and Mirio immediately shook his head.
"No!" he exclaimed, "Of course not, it's just..." he scratched the side of his cheek. "I was trying to get her to...like me," he admitted and Eri blinked a few times. "But, she does like you," she replied making Mirio chuckle and place his hand on her head.
"I'm glad to hear that," he said, and although he knew that Eri might not understand the way that he wanted you to like him, he'd continue to try. After all, it was only a matter of time before you felt comfortable in your new home but even if you didn't, that wouldn't stop him from telling you how he felt eventually.
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the-wisteria-house · 11 months
Requests and Rules
I will currently take requests for Demon Slayer and My Hero Academica for the following characters. (If you're not sure about a request, you can still submit it, and I'll get back to you :) )
Shoto Aizawa
Oboro Shirakumo (loud cloud)
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Toshinori Yagi (Allmight)
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Hitoshi Shinsou
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Night Eye)
Miro Togata (lemillion)
Rody Soul
Tenya Iida
Tensei Iida
(If there is someone you want that is not listed, you can still send a request, and I'll see)
Giyuu Tomioka
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Genya Shinazugawa
Kyojuro Rengoku
Shinjuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuka Hashibira
( If you want a character not listed, feel free to still send a request)
Please Note: I will do past ships with characters listed and not listed, for example: Past Tengen x Reader with Present Rengoku x reader.
I will also do none romantic ships with people listed and not listed.
Rules/ Things I won't write
It's fine if you like that stuff, but I just can't write it well. Now, that's not to say i won't do a, for example: character x (y/n) where (y/n) has a stalker and is saved by the Character of your choice.
This is self-explanatory.
I'm not good at writing explicit scenes. I'll write spicy scenes that fade to black and imply that something occurred, but not smut.
Polyamory/ Polygamy
I myself am not Poly and feel I would not be able to properly write such fics. So, no Rengoku x Tengen x Y/N. But I will do love triangles like were (y/n) has to choose one or the other.
Male (y/n)
I'm not a male, so I don't think I'd be all that good a writing (y/n) as one since I don't know the male experience. (Sorry to all my guys out there, but I mostly write in second person, so you can imagine (y/n) as a male)
I won't do OCs, but an exception is for example would be: Endeavor, and (Y/n) were together as teens, and (Y/n) got pregnant, and he left her, now he's trying to make things right with his son.
(Y/N) is still in the story, but the main focus is her son and his relationship with Endeavor, and (Y/n) and him are in no way getting back together.
Please try to be specific and give me a lot of details.
Example request:
Tanjiro x (Y/n) where (y/n) is Rengoku's younger sister (not a demon slayer), and they meet after Rengoku died on the train. They end up connecting and becoming pin pals, and over time, fall in love.
Tanjiro comes to visit her and Senjuro, and Shinjuro (who is now sober) pulls him aside and tells him to stop waiting on asking (y/n) out because if he doesn't, he'll regret it. He heads Shinjuro's advice and asks (y/n) out.
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My Hero Academia Masterlist
❤️=Romantic 💛=Platonic 💔=Angst ☁️=Fluff
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Ochaco Uraraka x Reader
Tenya Iida x Reader
Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader
Miro Togata x Reader
Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
Denki Kaminari x Reader
Kyouka Jirou x Reader
Mina Ashido x Reader
Hanta Sera x Reader
Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader
Tomura Shigaraki x REader
Shota Aizawa x Reader
Hawks x Reader
Character x Character
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Dating Headcanons (GN!Reader)❤️☁️
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Ochaco Uraraka x Reader
Tenya Iida x Reader
Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader
Miro Togata x Reader
Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
Denki Kaminari x Reader
Kyouka Jirou x Reader
Mina Ashido x Reader
Hanta Sera x Reader
Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader
Tomura Shigaraki x REader
Shota Aizawa x Reader
Hawks x Reader
Character x Character
Completed Series List
Ongoing Series List
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Hello Little Lovelies
M.List | Rules | SFW Content
✨️💗just basic information about me.
23 years old | black female | she\her\they\them\he\him | Bisexual | Gender Fluid🌈🫂💗| Daddys little girl | Sagittarius ♐️ cusped Capricorn ♑️ | Year of the Rabbit 🐇 | Christian ⛪️|
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Anime lover
Candy lover
Harry Potter lover
Fanfiction lover
Coffee lover
Library lover
Tea lover, yes even drama tea 👀
Mythology lover of all kinds
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Anime daddies
My Hero Academia: Shota Aizawa, Enji Todoroki, (Aged up) Katsuki Bakugou, Hitoshi Shinzou, Monoma Neito, Miro Togata
Jujustu Kaisen: Ryomen Sukana, Kento Nanami , Toji Fushiguro,
One Piece: Buggy The Clown, Roronora Zoro, Trafalgar D. Law, Dracule Mihawk
Attack On Titan: Levi Ackerman
Dragon ball: Turles, Vegeta, Frieza
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood: (Aged up) Edward Elric, Greed/Ling
Hellsing Ultimate: Alucard
Blue Lock: Ego Jinpachi (Aged up) Shouei Barou, Rensuke Kunigami, Meguru Bachira, Ryousei Shidou, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Sae Itoshi
Naruto Shippuden: Kakashi Hitake, Minato Namikaze, (Aged up) Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuuga
Demon Slayer: Sanemi Shinazugawa, Kyojuro Rengoku, Muzan Kibutsuji, Akaza, Hotaru Haganezuka, (Aged up) Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa
Bleach: Toshiro Hitsugaya, Byakuya Kuchiki, Grimmjow Jaggerjaques, Ulquiorra Cifer, Starrk Coyote Kisuke Urahara, Sosuke Aizen
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m00nchildthings · 2 years
I meet you with this... Bully Mirio very much not ASKING you to marry him. The day after you tell him you're pregnant he shows up to your place with some boxes and a ring and says "here put that on" and you want to say you're confused but you are not you know this man by now. You understand he is demanding marriage and you are just like, can we get aome boundaries? And he is like "who's boundaries? I don't know her" cause he is already packing up what's left of your shit from the apartment he had already slowly been moving you out of. Like, actually. He was cool with your roommate was usually at your house before you were. You'd been rooming with the same girl since freshman year and she totally shipped y'all and would let him in to grab a few things for his place. Half your wardrobe is already there. And you are sitting there arguing that you did not agree to this shit. And he lovingly backs you into a wall and goes "Little cow, shut up, go sit down and stop stressing my baby out. I'll pack for you." Two days later you have moved into his house, are wearing his engagement ring (cause he is getting that fancy wedding, you're getting dicked down every night now and you only lift a finger to go to school. Everyone in your life loves him and you are still confused how this shit happened. Cause this guy is still a dick! He has not changed his behavior toward you at all since y'all first knew each other except now he's fucking you! He still calls you little cow and while in the womb calls your baby your little calf which while cute you pout at. And he's an attentive father to be! He does all the shit, doctors appts, baby shopping, sets up the nursery, making sure mama's relaxed with 2 orgasms every six hours or so, parenting classes, labor class, brestfeeding consultations. He is there and you are SHOOK and you can't even tell people y'all arent together anymore because the proof that y'all are in fact fucking like bunnies like Mirio tells EVERYONE but your parents is right under your fucking shirt...when you have a shirt on.
no cause the lil cow nickname, and being pregnant too....my mind is going straight to lactation kink, not being able to keep bully!mirio from sucking your nipples into his mouth every morning and night once you start lactating. you whine and say it's for the baby that you're sensitive but he just says the baby isn't here yet, that if he let's you get to full of milk it'll be sore even more 🥺
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swinter-winter · 3 years
Did I lie did I fuckin lie
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gojifan97 · 3 years
You know what’d be hilarious? What if Shoto walked up to Mirio and this exchange happened:
Shoto: Mirio listen, I think Midoriya is All Might’s secret lovechild.
Mirio: HAHAHA! Don’t be ridiculous Todoroki! He’d tell me if I had a baby brother!
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
Hi there. I saw your requests are open and so I thought why not ask if you could write something :) maybe something with Mirio, Shoto and Shinsou (separately) and teen pregnancy? Plus points if Shoto is trying to hide the kid from his father but him still finding out? If you don't want to write it or don't feel comfortable writing about this topic - no worries. It's all fine :)
Okie dokie honestly had to think if I wanted to or not but I dooo soo hehe homework can wait
Sorry Mirios is a bit vague
Anyways have fun hehe don’t melt
Miro Togata
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Sad times
You were alone cause he was away on the hisiki mission
Is that how you spell it idk
You’ve been getting really sick recently and had to even miss your first few periods cause you were throwing up so bad
You had a small suspicion and fear of what it was
When you went to reconmvery girl she sorta just gave you a look that confirmed it
You broke down crying right there
Like mirio wasn’t even there and you didn’t even now if you’d see him again
What were you supposed to do
That afternoon you got a call from the hospital about mirio
When I say you broke down again when you heard his voice is an understatement
He was shushing you on the phone trying to get you to calm down a little
He could tell you were trying to say something but he couldn’t make it out through your sobs
He just assumed it was that you were happy he was alive
Which you were
But your brain had the small bean sized human in your stomach in mind
Eventually you got out that you were on your way and hung up
When you got there you ran to his room and jumped him
Ngl hurt him but he didn’t care he was just happy to hug you
“Thank god you’re ok,” you sniffled into his shoulder
“Haha miss me much? It was only two days,” he rubbed your back a little
“A lot can happen in two days,” you mumbled
You knew he wouldn’t be mad or mean when you told him
You knew he wouldn’t be like those jerks that you read about randomly on the internet
But you were still terrified to say anything about the test in your bag or why you were throwing up when he had to leave
“Anyways, i take it Your feeling a Little better! You were puking a lot huh? Haah!” He laughed a bit when you sat up
You gulped a bit and out a hand in your bag, grabbing your test harshly
“Um well..”
You looked pale
Mirio watched you with worry
“Love? Is everything ok,” you put a hand on your leg
You smile was weary
You could feel traf coming up again
“I should have probably waited for a fun or cuter setting for this but I’m,” you pulled out your test and handed it to him, your breathing staggering
He was confused on what the stick was
When he flipped it over and say the two little lines he was more confused
“What is the stick fo—“ he stopped and blinked then looked between you and the stick rapidly
“Suprise!” You laughed weakly
It was obvious you were scared about saying anything
“This isn’t a joke right?”
“Mirio why would I joke about this”
“So your serious”
“I GET A MINI ME!!” He smiled so brightly
You were taken aback
Was he Not scared??
You two were only in your third year, not even actual heros yet
“Y-you wha”
Mirio brought a hand up and wiped your cheek
You didn’t even know you were crying
“Hey don’t cry, this isn’t exactly when I expected this to happen but it’s ok. We’re gunna get married anyways, and live together next year was in the plan too, oh and don’t forget the part about us knowing we’d be the best dang parents there could be!” He smiled so warmly
Your lip wobbled and you diving into his chest
You were so lucky with him
And he was so lucky with you
When you told the teachers they were all mostly understanding
One or two reprimanded you for not being careful
But still everyone was surprisingly over supportive
Nejire always would bring back random stuffed animals or baby clothes when she came back from a day out
Tamaki would slide you snacks in the middle of class
Mirio loved having long drawn out conversations with the kid while you were doing homework
He would sit under the desk and just talk for hours
It was adorable really
During the school festival you couldnt attend The concert cause recovery girl said it wouldn’t be too good for your heart rate to get to fast
So mirio recorded it for you later
You met Eri too that was fun
You cried a lot during your mood swings but mirio would just hug and cuddle you and say it was all ok
In times you would get stress cause of the baby or school he would bring back your favorite food and you would have a mini movie night in a blanket fort
You two decided not to know the gender cause he liked surprises
When the baby was born and it was a boy he was so happy
You had been in pain all day and he was glad to see you out of it
You were so tired but the way you were smiling at the little bundle of blankets made him tear up
When he got to hold him he got that same smiled he ha don at the concert with Eri when she smiled
(Imma let y’all choose a name)
When you brought him back the next day everyone had set up a little welcome home party
While you were at school mirio would watch him
When you were out you two would be in the dorms or sometimes would go out for a walk with him
You got to take family pictures all the time and tamaki gave you a little scrapbook of all of them on his 1st birthday
Ugh this is making me melt anyways next
Shinsou Hitoshi
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Based in your second year
So you hadn’t been feeling good for weeks and finally decided you were done and went to go see recovery girl
She ended up just heading you the stick and when you denied she told you just to be safe
And you did it and the next day was today
Shinsou was at training and you had taken a sick day
You really weren’t expecting the two little lines to be there and so Prominate
You just sort of broke down
You were already in Shinsous room cause you felt like it and now you were just freaking out on his head god wha
Would your parents think
I knew they liked him but god this was something else entirely
What would the others thinkwould they cast you ways???
Would you be kicked out of UA??
Then the door opened
Shinsou had gotten tired with training and came back to his dorm with you clearly trying to hold in tears on his bed
“Kitten? What’s wrong??” He stood over you and cupped your face
“Hitoshi— I- we-“you started crying and tears flowed out faster than he’d ever seen before
“Hey shh what’s wrong? What can I do?” He move you back slightly and sat infront of you.
You were shaking
He was seriously worried you never got like this almost ever
“Um well the—“you took a deep breath and pointed to the bathroom
“The bathroom?”
You nodded
“Do you want me to go in there?”
About her nod
He just thought you saw a spider for a second before remembered you didn’t mind them as much as the other girls
When he went in he didn’t see the test at first just looked behind the curtain of the shower
Then he went to the counter and found it
He took a deep breath and held it as he looked at the blue lines
When he came out you were hiding under a blanket
“Love?” He Heard- a sniffle in reply “are you ok? Do you need anything?”
You just sat up and flung yourself onto him
“I’m so sorry!”
“Why are you apologizing you didn’t do anything, besides this is a team effort if you think about it right? We’re ok. We should go tell our teachers though,” he begged you as he spoke
He could feel a weak nod from you and smiled
He was terrified but it was ok he could do this with you
He knew he could
That week was eventful with filling everyone in on the situation
You would randomly get up in class and they all knew why
There was one moment when a girl thought it was a good idea to tell you were gaining weight and looked wierd
Aizawa elected to ignore it when the had group training and she got paired three against one
He liked to put on music in his room and let her listen to the songs you both picked
Some where actually really cute but others were plain idiotic
You eneded up being about a week late
And you you felt like death the whole time
But finally delivery day came and you were crying while you got to hold your little girl
Shinsous hand hurt like crazy from you squeezing it but he was so happy none the less
Shoto Todoroki
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Ok ok fam this boy is so idiotic in this but it’s fine he’ll get it someday
So this is based in your second year
You two had been together for almost a year and half
That’s right you started dating in middle school
Props to you for bagging that
His dad found out about you like two months ago
He was very disappointed in his son before he did a background check and found out how freaking powerful you were
Still he didn’t like how blunt and brazed you were about hating him
Anyways back to the story
So it was like 3am?
And you were both sleeping cause that’s what normal people do
Lol couldn’t be me
And you shoot up in bed clutching your stomach and hold a hand over your mouth
You run into the bathroom and Shoto is by your side in seconds
Hes Holding your hair and rubbing your back while your leaning over the toilet
Hes so freaking worried like what’s wrong??? Huh??? You were fine in class today
And then it happened again later that day in home room
You just stood up and rushed out
Todoroki wanted to go after you but you came back after like five minutes
You whispered something to Aizawa and he sent you to recovery girl
Shotos leg was bouncing all period waiting for you to come back
He was so focused on the door that he jumped a little when the phone rang
Aizawa picked it up and sighed before calling shoto up
“You should probably go see her, she’s in the nurses office”
And Shoto was out that door in two seconds flat
When he got there you were crying and recovery girl was patting your hands
He was about to rush over when he heard you talking
“Does this men’s I’ll have to leave UA?”
What?! No no you can’t! What happened?
“Oh no sweetly no! You’ll be a fine hero and we can’t leave you alone! Well just have to.. change somethings around for you that’s all,” recovery girls voice said
Shotos feet moved before he could think
He was kneeling in front of you before you could blink
“What’s wrong? Why would have to leave??” He was so worried
He was cupping your face and scanning over it like it was something he could see
Recovery girl sighed and smiled before leaving to give you two some privacy
“Sho- i”
“What is it?”
“I’m- im pregnant,” you cried again, leaning into his shoulder
You were scared for yours and his hero career
Even more so that if his dad found out he would take shoto away from you
Shoto was frozen there for a moment
His first thought was ok he could work with that he thought you’d ere dying so this is good
His second was that his dad was NEVER going to find out
like ever
Not untill the kid was at least old enough to sass him back
He wrapped his arms around you
“Hey hey, shh it’s ok. It’s all going to be ok”
“HOW?! I don’t want yours or my career to suffer and-and oh god your dad”
“I’m not telling him”
“But if he sees me!”
“He won’t, I’m not letting that happen”
He hugged you tighter and rubbed your back as you grabbed the front of his shirt
“I’m not going anywhere ok?”
Midoryia found out first on accident
He found you sitting in the bathroom with Todoroki next you and asked if you were ok
Neither of you had a good enough excuse and he figured it out
Soon the rest of the class followed
Blame it on Denki when he walked in on shoto reading a baby book
Then that dreaded day came
Parent teacher conferences
You were a good 8 months and definitely showing
Literally ended up unofficially moving into shotos dorm with him since you needed help with dressing sometimes snd all that schnazzy stoof
Anyways you had already told your parents and they were understanding
You were praising the gods they were mad and that they loved shoto as much as they did
So when you were walking down the hall with your mom and shoto and he stopped you both with a hand you were confused
At east until you smelled the faint burning smell in the air
“Shit” you gasped and looked around you
Your mom had an idea of why you were so scared rushed you both into a classroom
Bad room
It was 1-a
You gulped as the door opened, shoto slightly hiding you
You put your hands over your stomach protectively
You felt nauseous from the burning smell but you could move
Shoto noticed you pale and slightly green you looked
“Shoto! Oh and y/n I see! I have come!”
“Dad could you cool it with the fires”
“What why?”
“Um well because—“
“M-my mom! She’s not a fan of fires!” You blurted without thinking
Your mom went along with it bless her soul and slightly retracted from him
He looked at her then to his son
He was taking to long
You couldn’t do it anymore and went over to the trash
Endeavor was shocked
You didn’t look like that last he saw you
“You swallowed again before standing up and walking back to shoto and your mom
Shoto put you behind him a little
“What is the meaning of this!” He boomed
“Dad leave her alone”
“Not That! Why wouldn’t you tell me!! You two would have the most powerful kid!! This is great I will train them to be the next—“
“You won’t lay a hand on my kid,” shotos dark voice interrupted him
“You. Will. Not. Come. Near. Them. If your intentions are to train them to be a hero. Never in a million years”
“But they must carry on the legacy!”
“No they don’t!” You came in “they can do what they want!”
“Do not yell at me you—“
That was Aizawa who had just walked
“Out. You’re stressing her out and that’s not good for her or the baby so Get. Out.”
And that was the end of that
Luckily he left without to much of a fuss
You almost broke down but held it together enough
Got the day off too
About three weeks later your water broke and being rushed to the hospital
Shoto cried when you let him hold her first
He just couldn’t handle it
He was terrified but right now? He was so happy he didn’t care
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There's a trope that has been going around since the day humanity started thinking about themselves in relation to the universe: the finite nature of the man in contrast to the infinite nature of the world.
Our time is limited. We are born, we live, we die. That scares us as a race, because we don't know what's beyond the death line. We are scared of dying, we are scared of working our whole lives to then lose it to the darkness. And from that fear, rises the stereotype of the man who refuse to die, the man who wants it all.
Wanting and loving are two different things.
The man who want it all wants to own, wants to rule over everything that exists, because he's so afraid of being just a tiny piece of a greater game that he wants to have absolute control. You see, like a spider in a web, his threads are easy to break when you're a greater figure, but they are also resistant enough to trap any being tinier than him, so that gives the illusion of control he wanted so bad.
The man who loves it all is afraid of dying too. The difference? He accepts his time and place, and instead of focusing on owning things, on trapping things, he spends his time admiring them in their freedom, loving them as they come. If our time is finite, instead of making it last forever, we should enjoy the time we have. That's what the man who loves it all thinks.
Thinking about the Shigaraki siblings, about the meaning behind All For One and One For All, I came to the conclusion that mha / bnha is the story of the human race struggling to understand how should they live.
Many times in the manga we have encountered characters that think their quirks or their abilities makes them superior. But it isn't quiet true, because the human body is a fragile thing. Not matter how strong it is, time affects it the same. Evil lords like AFO get old, weak kids like Deku grow strong. A quirk can be trained as much as a body and a mind can be trained, so strength is not the variable they should take as a foundation to their world.
The same happens with intelligence, beauty, speed, money, power... They don't last in the hands of a man. Those are things that one can win and lose in an instant.
The answer is simpler than you could think.
It is men who choose who they are and what they're going to be, as long as they understand their limits and capacities.
Take Mirio. In order for him to become a great hero, he first needed to understand his quirk and then work based on that. He understood himself, he accepted himself and then he grew.
Take Deku. What makes Deku a Deku? His love for humanity. He's always observing, always studying, always connecting. When he focused his quirk on what he was, instead of trying to imitate All Might, he understood how he could grow. He's the kid who's built on his love for other beings, so he takes a piece of everything he loves and he is who he is.
It's not enough to want. You need to love.
Overhaul wanted it all, but he failed when it came to love. Why? He indeed loved things, but he forgot to accept his limits and capacities. He tried to do more than he could, he forced the people around him passed their limits, and everything came crashing before him.
AFO, with all his powers, lives hiding, frustrated because he can't obtain the only thing he "needs" in order for him to control the whole world. But can he take it? Would that be enough? Once he has everything, would he be happy? Or is he trying to obtain everything to cover up a bigger pain in his heart?
The reason why Yoichi could develop One For All is because he loved so much, that he knew he was going to die, but it was not the end. Our lives are not the end of the world. There's more people, future generations. What AFO couldn't accept (he not being immortal, he not living forever and being able to have it all), was what made Yoichi so powerful.
AFO, as a being, can't be going on forever. But you know what can go on and on endlessly? The repercussions of our love.
The vestiges are a symbol of that. Even if we can't name them, that people that came before us lives in the things we do. The users of One For All didn't want to live forever, but they wanted to protect others, save others, give others the chance to live their times. Contrary to AFO, their lives were short, they die not owning that much, they were very mortal and almost simple.
Do you remember what Nighteye said when he saw how Deku changed the future? It was not only his will, but the will of everyone, fighting so hard to, that changed the course of time.
One For All. One will, one wish, one continuous time for all of us. We live in the same world, it is mine as much as it is yours. Sacrifice our lives to protect everyone, do our best to defend everyone. Love doesn't judge, it loves even the worst beings, because it's capable of finding light in the deepest of darkness.
All For One. Since the beginning, AFO was destined to fail. His body is mortal, he is mortal, so he can't take the whole world, he can't take all the quirks, he can't live all lives. All he does, for one fear: dying. He can't avoid it. The more he tries to stay in control, the more he loses. If the target is too big or there are too many flies on his web, the threads eventually break.
We are born, we live, we die. Not matter how much you tried to kill it, hope always finds a way to come back. And not matter how much you try to keep it alive, evil dies as everything else does.
One last question: Does Shigaraki Tomura resembles the man who want it all or the man who loves it all? Is he trying to control everything or trying to break a web? Is he a parallel of Yoichi or a parallel of AFO?
Or maybe, can he be the personification of that duality? Can he be the point where the two things meet? What makes us complex as human beings? Is he not a thing or the other, but the ultimate consequence of the Shigarakis fight, along with Deku?
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nakunakunomi · 3 years
Dating Mirio HC
Look, this is another one of no one asked for it, but I just had these stuck in my head and sometimes I just write for me UwU. Requests are still in the making! No worries, even the older ones are slowly getting written out! Enjoy 
2nd person. GN Reader. No warnings, all the fluff 
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Dating Mirio is probably a relationship grown out of friendship. He just has such an attractive and charming personality that seems to draw people to him, and you were one of the people that actually stuck around. 
He’s the one to always cheer you up, he knows just the right things to say to make you feel better! 
And with that comes the most sincere and genuine compliments, sometimes delivered a little clumsily because he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve and his thoughts of love just kind of flow out of his mouth before he can think them over. 
He’s got that himbo energy a little, but he’s smarter than you would initially think, and you can actually have long, meaningful conversations with him as you’re sitting in the park, walking around patrolling or just snuggling. 
And speaking about snuggles. Hugs. All the hugs with this man. His main love language is physical touch, and he gives the best hugs. Just the right amount of pressure to feel safe, warm and protected, and he makes them last the perfect amount of time.
Cute nicknames! He’ll try out a bunch, but keeps coming back to sunshine, no matter how many times you point that in fact, he is your sunshine and not the other way around. 
No matter if you’re taller than him or smaller, and actually no matter your body type, he will actually carry you around every now and then. It’s mostly for giggles, especially if he knows it embarrasses you, it gives him the opportunity to make you bury your face in his neck. 
Loves dates away from the city, so he can enjoy nature and your company without getting interrupted. 
Hikes, go swimming, beach days… you name it and if he has free time he is ready to go! 
But he’s also up for super casual dates, going to the movies, going out for dinner, or just staying indoors, ordering takeout and watching something on TV. 
Every now and then he does like more romantic grand gestures, such as showing up to a casual at-home date with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, or changing the reservation to another restaurant he knows you have been dying to try out. 
Speaking of free time, he doesn’t have a lot due to his rigorous training and studying schedule at first, then it’s interning, and once he’s a fulltime hero it becomes even less. He does try to make time for you and quality time specifically, and when that becomes hard to do, he will make sure to stop by for lunches, involve you in things that are not dangerous… anything to make sure you know that he still thinks about you even when he’s too busy to enjoy your actual company. 
He’s also the kind of guy to set an alarm 10 minutes early every day, just to use those 10 minutes to snuggle with you. Doesn’t matter if you wake up or not, he leaves with a kiss and comes home with a kiss. 
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midnight-heroes · 4 years
Mirio and Tamaki reacting to Y/N having a baby brother. Like she takes care of him but he is only 1 years old. So the baby brother calls Y/N "mama." How they react if an old lady telling that they look so cute taking care of their baby. Y/N would say, "He is so cute just like his papa." Y/N would always be confuse for being an actual mom of her baby brother. And when she mean papa...a.k a their boyfriend.
You’ve been caring for your baby brother from about four months old. Both of your parents were pro heroes who were killed in action, just months after the birth of your brother. With no other family in the city to take care of the two of you, you had a choice. Drop out of UA and move away to live with your grandparents or, drop your hero studies for general studies and you may care for your brother yourself, with the assistance of a childcare worker. Having too much left here, you refused to move away and chose to care for him yourself. You sacrificed your hero studies and dropped into general studies and from then on, all your spare time was spent caring for the child.
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Mirio Togata
Miro naturally felt pretty bad about the whole situation. You had been so excited about having a new baby brother to add to your family, only to have your parents ripped away from you.
Not only that, but he had to watch as you gave up your dreams of becoming a pro hero because you wanted to remain here where you belonged.
He remained optimistic for you though, always wearing a smile, cheering you on and checking in all the time to make sure you were okay.
He often did shopping runs for you, watched the baby when you needed to catch up with your studies and cheered you up when the stress became a little too much for you to bare.
He found it so damn cute when your baby brother started calling you Mama but was a little worried about your potentially getting upset. He wasn’t supposed to call you that, your mother was supposed to have that title.
When you didn’t seem to mind though, he relaxed a bit. As long as you were happy, everything was okay.
You took such good care of him too; it really was like you were his mother. In public, he found most people mistook you for his mother too. Some judged because of how young you were, others commented on how similar the two of you looked and so on. It never seemed to bother you and it amazed him.
So, one day, when the three of you were out and about, doing some grocery shopping together, it really didn’t surprise him when an elderly lady nearby commented on how cute the two of you were.
What he hadn’t expected was to be involved in the mix.
“You three make such a cute family. Young love these days truly is something special.”
“Thank you so much. He’s a real cutie, just like his Papa.”
You looked at him so sweetly when you said it, his heart leapt up in his throat.
Really? You’d go as far as deeming him Papa? This wasn’t something he would take lightly after all. Messing around like that would just confuse the baby after all.
But did you seriously deem him worthy of that title? Did you believe the two of you would stay together? Or were you only saying it for the sake of not putting the sweet old lady off.
He’s beaming on the outside, smiling proudly at the title. His smile matched that of your little brother who was smiling wide at the older woman as well, but more because he liked people.
On the inside however, all the above his running through his mind. He’s freaking out, wondering just how seriously he should take this situation.
He’s absolutely sure to bring it up later. He wants to make sure of how you were looking at things so he could consider how he should go about his role as your boyfriend.
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Tamaki Amajiki
Tamaki had no idea how you were staying so calm. You had chosen to drop your hero studies and raise your infant brother on your own!?
He naturally assumed you surely had to be panicking on the inside but at the same time, he was so unsure because of how confident you seemed.
So, he took on the stress for you. He, the unlimited ball of anxiety, felt the anxiety you should have been feeling, he stressed out for you and constantly worried.
This became worse when he realised just how stressed out you really were about all of this and he wanted nothing more than to help you, but he just didn’t know how.
It was a good few months in when he finally started to calm down about it. He was still nervous but that was just him in general.
He would come around to help you out when he could, with the small things like cleaning up, preparing a meal even just watching the baby while you took a nap or studied- which really freaked him out but he did it anyway because he loves you.
When the baby started calling you Mama, he freaked out, quickly asking you if it was okay for him to be doing that, if you were okay at the thought of being called ‘Mama’ instead of your own mother, etc.
He dwelled on it for a while but like everything else, he eventually came to just roll with it. If you were okay, then it was okay. Right?
He reacted the same way to being called Papa.
He had grown used to your little brother calling you Mama, he was now used to strangers mistaking you for his mother but for you to call him his Papa? That sent him into overdrive.
“He’s so cute, just like his Papa.” Cue you staring directly at him.
His face burned bright red, he opened and closed his mouth before lowering his head to let his hair cover his eyes, trying to hide without physically leaving.
He couldn’t just leave after all, he promised to come with you to the park so you and the baby could get some much-needed fresh air.
When you were back home, he nervously bombarded you with questions and worries, unsure if it was really appropriate for you to be calling him your little brother’s Papa.
He didn’t believe he was worthy of the title, let alone able to fulfil it or if you even meant it. After all, he often wondered how the hell he managed to become your boyfriend and how long the relationship was going to last.
Were you that confident? Did you believe the two of you were going to stay together?
Would the three of you actually become a family?
Please calm him down before he explodes.
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