rada-wong · 3 years
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imagine ur this cool and then u have a kid this lame
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rada-wong · 3 years
Ok, so I found this video on my homepage:
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And as you can guess, the video is absolutely awful, and the speaker uses a study with bisexual women to claim that “SeXuAliTy iS FlUiD” and not innate.
A lot of the comments that praised this video were of course bisexuals, and religious nuts.
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rada-wong · 3 years
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Posted by a literal female
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rada-wong · 3 years
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rada-wong · 3 years
If someone is a rapist I’m not respecting their pronouns I hope they die lol
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rada-wong · 3 years
Gay aphobes: “Aces/aros can’t be in the community! Resource stealing might happen!”
Bi people: “So are you going to address the fact that gay people take the resources meant for us and leave us with the scraps?”
Gay aphobes: “No.”
Bi people: “But-”
Gay aphobes: “Quiet down before I start bombarding you with biphobia again!”
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rada-wong · 3 years
what happene to all the weeb girls lusting after yaoi
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rada-wong · 3 years
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What Cis People Say To Trans People Vs. What We Hear
By Meredith Talusan and Rory Midhani
TRANSlator 3000: Amazing technology translates cissexist BS!
“Oh you’re trans but you look so good!” “Trans people are ugly.”
“I’ve never met a trans person before.” “I assume I can identify any trans person.”
“I would date a trans person.” “Trans people are usually undateable so I deserve a prize.” 
“You look just like a real woman.” “Trans women aren’t really women.”
“I’m glad you’re being honest with me about being trans.” “Trans people who don’t tell me they’re trans are deceivers and liars.”
“I loooooove trans people!” “I fetishize trans people.”
“It’s so hard to switch pronouns.” “Trans people are an inconvenience to me.”
“I don’t have a problem with trans people.” “I have a problem with trans people.” 
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rada-wong · 3 years
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I hope lesbians know that they’re in danger. Young lesbians especially are going to be correctively raped systematically and no one would care because that’s woke now. I hope you all know this
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rada-wong · 3 years
someone waving a trans flag in front of the court...bro this isnt about you
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rada-wong · 3 years
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We have no choice but to stan a queen 💪❤️👑
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rada-wong · 3 years
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reblog to shove a white twink
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rada-wong · 3 years
why do the new queer kids think that sexualities are linked with people's gender. the existence of "genderfluid" people shows how dumb to tie them together.
as a lesbian, i am not attracted to people's relationship with gender, which is a nebulous everchanging concept and a tool used by the patriarchy to oppress women. i am attracted to females.
if you're attracted to people's gender performances or position on the gender class system then that's your own personal problem. pretending to be attracted to a certain gender and not a certain sex is implying that in a post-gender society (which gender abolitionism advocates for), everyone would be pansexual/bisexual. don't you realize how homophobic and plain STUPID that is?
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rada-wong · 3 years
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I can’t tell if it is just a massive coincidence (idk how to cope if it’s just a coincidence tbh) or iF THEY WERE REALLY SUPPOSED TO MATCH COLORS WITH THE GAY FLAG WHEN TOGETHER??
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rada-wong · 3 years
I’m a believer in women leaving relationships as soon as it doesn’t suit them because men won’t hesitate to do it for themselves or at least consider it.
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rada-wong · 3 years
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Twitter is a hellhole
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rada-wong · 3 years
Something I just thought of is the fact that you can make the identity argument for literally anything if you try hard enough. I can give you three examples: Why cant a mannequin identify as a human? Because it's not alive? Okay, so bodies in a morgue aren't human either then? Because it doesn't have the genetic makeup to be a human? You really wanna talk about not having the genetics to be something? It's made of plastic? Soooo, is someone who has undergone plastic surgery a little less human now? Because it's not capable of making its own decisions? So somebody who's completely immobile and dependent on another person is no longer human either? How comes a chair can't identify as a horse? It can't run? Yes, it can! Wheelchairs exist :) Chairs have four legs just like horses do. You can sit on a chair just like you could a horse. How comes a white person can't identify as black? Skin color? Albino black people exist. Also, it's extremely racist to reduce black people down to their skin color :/// that's what slave owners did back in the day. You're just like them. Features? Are you saying there's one universal look for all black people? That's pretty racist. Heritage? Heritage isn't specific to any race. There are black people from Europe and white people from Africa. See? We could go on forever. The reason we know mannequins aren't humans and chairs aren't horses and white people aren't black is because there are tangible definitions that we have all agreed upon... Also, we're not fucking stupid and dishonest lmao
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