#Maybe I forgot to hit submit or something
poughkeepsies · 6 months
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hey, don't cry. my brother's puppy, okay?
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vivwritesfics · 21 days
"You Did It"
Something short in celebration of me passing my dissertation! I didn't think it would happen but I fucking passed!
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She'd been staring at the keyboard of her laptop for a good ten minutes now, fingers itching to dance across the keys. But the words just weren't coming to her.
"I hate this," she mumbled. She'd said it at least once a minute for the last few minutes.
And one of her boyfriends was getting bored of it.
"Stop then," said Lando. He was laying on the sofa beside her, head propped up on the cushions, legs stretched out in front of him and his arm slung over the back of the sofa.
Suddenly, Oscar raised his head. He looked like a meerkat on sentry duty, searching for any danger. "Nope," he said as he stood up and walked over to his partners. "Don't listen to him, not when you're so close to being done," he said as he leaned over the back of the sofa.
Immediately, Lando was begging for his attention, but Oscar ignored him. No, Oscar was focused on their girl. "Promise me you'll try and do as much as you can tonight," he said before he leaned down to kiss her.
"I promise, Osc," she said and tried to get back to it.
And she really did try. She got maybe a few more sentences done, but that was about it. Still, it was progress.
She worked on it for the next week, on and off until it was finished. Concentrating wasn't easy with Lando and Oscar around. But then they headed off to the next grand prix and she was, admittedly, grateful to be alone.
It was easy to get it finished now that she was alone. She worked in silence, maybe to some music as she checked for any kind of spelling mistakes.
But no, it was perfect and it was ready to go.
As soon as she hit submit on her final essay of her final year of university, she called Lando and Oscar.
They couldn't answer right away, not with them both being on the race track. But as soon as they were out of the car, as soon as they had debriefed and as soon as they were back in their hotel room, they called her back.
She picked up almost instantly. "Hi, baby," said Lando as he held Oscar's phone. She could hear the shower running and could only assume that was where Oscar was. "Sorry we missed your call earlier."
"I forgot you guys were out on track," she mumbled as she laid herself in the bed the three of them shared. Her head was on Lando's pillow, half of her face squished against it. "Osc in the shower?"
Lando nodded.
"Surprised you're not in there with him," she said with a small grin.
Lando let out a chuckle as he ran his hand through his curls. "You know I would have," he replied. "But I wanted to call you back."
She and Lando made idle conversation as they waited for Oscar to return from the shower.
And, once she had both of her boys on the screen in front of her did she tell them the good news. "Boys, I did something pretty cool," she said to them as she sat up slightly. They could see her properly now, could see that she was dressed in one of their hoodies (it had originally belonged to Lando, but all three of them wore it so often that it had no owner).
"What did you do?" Oscar asked as Lando settled against his chest. She could have done anything to be there with the two of them, cheering them on through the weekend and cuddled up in bed with them.
She was unable to keep her grin from her face. "I submitted my final essay," she said as that grin grew wider.
Lando sucked in a gasp and Oscar's grin matched her own. "Well done, Baby!" Lando cried.
"We're so proud of you," said Oscar.
They were so fucking proud of her. The final year had been a mental struggle for her, they knew. But they'd encouraged her, kept her going through it. She could safely say that she wouldn't have been graduating without them.
"I wish I was there with you guys to celebrate."
Lando let out a laugh. "It's fine, baby. We'll make it up to you when we're back. Plus, I'll throw in another win on top."
"Or maybe I will," Oscar said as he looked at their boyfriend.
A laugh bubbled up from her lips. That might have been the only thing that would have made this weekend better.
"I love you boys."
"We love you too!"
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lebrookestore · 5 months
backburner | n.jm (teaser)
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Pairing: Na Jaemin x reader
Themes: college! au, exes! au, the situationship vibes are STRONG, angst, fluff, exes to ???, reader is a serial overthinker.
Warnings: profanity, heavy ANGST, kissing, food, underage alcohol consumption and alcohol consumption in general, jaemin is lowkey an asshole, more to be added for the full fic.
Word count for teaser: 580 | Estimated word count: 12-15k
Summary: After three months of ignoring your presence entirely, Na Jaemin saunters right back into your life without so much as single warning, leaving you to once again pick up the pieces of your burning heart.
Notes from brooke: a late christmas present from me<3 i'm back to writing my college aus so i hope all of you will enjoy my pain (literally).
[send an ask to be added to the taglist!]
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It was one in the morning when your phone rang.
A sigh left your chapped lips as you glanced down from the screen of your laptop to the device sitting by its side, your eyes burning at the too bright light emitting from your phone. The rest of your dorm was dark, having switched the lights off earlier at the request of your roommate, who had an early class the next day. 
Unfortunately for you, you had an assignment due the next day that you had, as usual, left for the last minute. Music played through your headphones as you tried to construct what you deemed a coherent enough essay to submit. 
Scrambling so you wouldn’t wake your roommate up, you pushed your headphones off and swiped the call icon across the screen of your phone, accepting it a second before you registered who the caller was. The contact glared at you as if it was mocking you for your carelessness and hastiness, causing you to bite down hard on the inside of your cheek.
Well. It was too late now.
Swallowing hard, you held your phone up to your ear and whispered. “Hello?”
A breath you didn’t know you had been holding in escaped from your lips, having you shut your eyes and process his voice. It was funny, how just one inconsequential word from a single person could change your entire disposition.
“Jaemin? Are you okay?”
He hummed in response. “Yeah, I’m fine. I think I might be a little tipsy though.”
You could just imagine him right then, a glass being gripped loosely by his fingers, leaning against some wall as he spoke to you over the phone. The image was enough that you slipped out of your bed and pacing about your room as quietly as you could, restless.
“Oh. Um, don’t drink too much.”
He chuckled, a sound so familiar yet so distant to you. “I won’t, don’t worry.” 
Jaemin liked alcohol, you knew this much. He liked the way it would slowly hit his head and render him more easy going than he already was, causing that pretty smile of his to show more liberally. You were well versed with everything about him, from his walk to the way his eyes would express everything he was thinking, the slightly changes making themselves completely obvious for you,
The two of you had been so in tune with each other. Sometimes, you forgot how easy that made it for it all to fall apart.
“Okay.” You weren’t really sure where you were supposed to go with this conversation anymore. “Do you need something?”
“Not really.”
“Then….then why did you call me?” Bewilderment crept into your voice as clear as day. If you were in front of him right then, perhaps he would have teased you, tucking your hair behind your ear and muttering something about how cute you were. 
He stayed silent for a moment. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
You stopped your pacing, coming to a standstill as his words settled over you. In the silence of the night, you were almost too aware of the way your heart rate increased ever so slightly.
Yunjin was right. There was hardly ever a time where your best friend’s advice wasn’t spot on, but this time you found yourself wishing you had complied and actually blocked him like she had suggested you do. Maybe then you wouldn’t have found yourself in such a position. 
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coming soon. | lebrookestore 2024
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kittykattropicanna · 5 months
girlfriend, i love how we jumped straight to marriage with mechanic!Simon but I'd love to know a bit more about the phase before he managed to lock down his girl for good.
What if, her ex comes looking for her? Some prim and proper, sleek wolf of wallstreet business typa guy appears at Price's Body Shop, recognizing her car and asking about her. No idea how he found her because he usually doesn't go into these parts of town, maybe someone saw her car, maybe she forgot to turn off / delete her location app.
Sees her at the shop and tells her to come home, this part of town is no place for her, he's sorry, the other woman didn't mean anything, he wasn't serious about kicking her out, whatever, you know the drill.
She's not impressed, unfazed, cool as a cucumber because her mind is filled with her new boy toy mechanic!Simon and she keeps drifting off to last night's memory 🤭
Listen, I love a woman who stands up for herself but you really can't expect your possessive new self proclaimed boyfriend and his crew to watch silently while your ex is trying sweet talk and win you back right in front of them, right?
Also, why is Simon being so weird after? There is nothing to worry about, she thinks he's perfect and exactly what she never knew she wanted. I guess she needs to prove it to him by taking matters into her own mouth hands 🤭🤭 pamper him like no one before
Foaming at the mouth at this ask, I wrote the marriage ask before I got to this one because I really wanted to drive home how fast he preposes, but I would love to elaborate about your relationship before he preposes, you’re in a very valuable position and absolutely cling to him for support :((((( it did change a couple of small things to help the story flow better, I hope you don’t mind ;)
Si knows from the start that you're the one :((( you guys act like you've been together since high school even though you've only know each other for a couple weeks :33333 But when your friends start calling, begging you to come back home? telling you that Si is manipulative and a bad guy that's taken advantage of your venerable state >:( of course he gets insecure :((( then your ex shows up?? a man that's the complete opposite of Si, he really starts to doubt himself :((((( lucky you can show him just how much you appreciate him with that mouth of yours ;))))
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tw: loosing friends, controlling ex, possessive!Simon, insecure!Simon, sub!Simon (kinda?), insinuated violence, a lot of lore in this one??? so like porn with a plot??, smut, blowjob, face fucking, deep throating, L bomb (like twice??), talk of reader submitting to Si, there's just a lot going on tbh but baby...you're a giver and THATS for sure, basically you're just looking after your mannnnn and he loves you for it
Mechanic!Simon masterlist
Regular masterlist
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Obviously your friends call after they hear you broke up with your ex, they can’t find you anywhere and start freaking the fuck out! they love you so much and they’re scared shitless!!!
They only found out you were even missing because you didn’t turn up to brunch on Thursday :((
They called you, and of course you didn’t answer….you were busy ;)))
That obviously raised some alarm bells for everyone straight away, so their next point of contact was obviously your ex!!
Then the reality hit…. You had been missing since Monday night, he kicked you out after a bad fight and nobody had been able to get in contact with you……
Everyone obviously thinks worst case scenario. Car crash, kidnapping,…. maybe you ran away, or god forbid, something worse, maybe you weren’t even alive anymore, I mean, its been fucking days!!!
If someone were to have taken you, you could be out of the country by now, your body could already be decomposing somewhere never to be seen again, maybe they could have saved you if they new sooner :(((( got you the medical attention you needed before you succumb to your injuries…
Obviously everyone is going wild back home, freaking out and doing everything in their power to get in some kind of contact with you. 
But no ;))))
As your phone buzzed and pinged with messages, vibrating on Si’s bedside table as he held your naked frame against his broad chest :3333
You were fine, more then fine actually :))))
“Don’t worry about tha’ baby, answer it later they’ll be fine” Si’s morning voice muffled into your hair, strong arms tightening his grip around your waist and his hard cock pressed up against your bare arse ;))
A couple days after Si saved you and towed your car, everything that happened hit you like a ton of bricks. You were kinda disoriented and fuzzy, still a little shaken by the experience and hadn’t really processed that you were in fact living with Simon now….
The warm feeling of toned arms wrapped around you and a hard chest against your back didn’t register it first….. but you never protested :333
Droopy eyelids snapping open ungodly wide when it all hit you :( like, holy shit, there was no way you’re actually doing this, there is no way you fucked a random mechanic, let him take you home, fell asleep in his bed and then just never left????…. that’s batshit crazy behaviour! 
What made it even more jarring was from day one, when Si stirred awake he’d simply pulling you closer and kiss your temple like he’d been married to you for 30 years :3
There was no awkward small talk, no “you’ve overstayed your welcome now, i’ll drive you to a motel” or “what time do you think you’ll call a cab”, a simple kiss and a “how’d ya’ sleep princess” deep and groggy, a smirk on his lips as he kissed the back of your neck :)))
Your body relaxed instantly, for a man so big, there was a certain gentleness about him, a protective and calming aura he carried so effortlessly, you truly felt comfortable here…. It was such a strange experience but the idea of leaving his bed made you wince :(((
Even the morning routine you quickly created was natural!!
The tea and coffee lived on the top shelf of the cupboard, sitting at his two seater dining table Si happily watched your cute little arse poke out the bottom of his shirt :))) you had to hop a little bit to bring the tins forward, but all he could focus on was your bum and thighs jiggling >:((
He absolutely didn’t strategically place everything a shelf higher so he could see you do this exact thing the every morning….:333333
He was running unbelievably late for work but he couldn’t care less, the whole morning was filled with quick pecks and giddy smiles. From an outsiders prospective, nobody could guess you met a couple days ago :)))) 
Holding your waist as you make his lunch for him :)))) following every instruction perfectly :))))
Whispering “good girl” into your ear and kissing your neck gently as you pack his meal into his work bag, fat cock flush against your arse still concealed in his thick work pants, grinding slowly only relieving him slightly >:(
He wanted nothing more then to take you then and there, but the idea of you having to wait around for the rest of the day :((( thighs rubbing together and needy for him was wayyyy more appealing to come home to :( his such a meany
Leaving £100 on the kitchen counter for you, kissing you before he leaves, whispering into your lips to treat yourself :((
“You’ve had a long couple days sweethear’, get ya’ nails done for me, yeah? Get em’ pink or somthin’, okay?”
Obviously you’re memorised by this man at this point… how could you not be? 
 Agreeing with a slow nod and stars in your eyes as he kisses your nose 
Nobody had ever looked at him like that before….
“That’s ma’ girl, i’ll be home by six”
When he finally rocked up at work, Price was pissed beyond belief, Gaz was working on multiple cars at a time due to his absence and Johnny looked like he could kill him as he sat in Si’s office, a line of annoyed customers leading outside the shop.
Soap new absolutely nothing about quotes and insurance claims and all this other bullshit that Simon dealt with as the manager.
Gaz had a hundred questions for him about what he suggested for certain repairs, it was pure chaos!! 
But Si couldn’t find it in himself to be stressed, walking into the shop with a shit eating grin, completely bricked up and care free :))))
He’d never been happier then in that moment. 
But I want to fast forward to when your friends finally got a hold of you a week after you went missing….
It was the strangest surprise as well as their biggest relief when you answer. 
You were completely fine, they could basically hear you smile through the phone……
You started banging on about how you met this amazing guy named Simon, how his a super gifted mechanic, a complete gentleman and how you’re both deeply in love and never been happier!!
Reassuring them that you’re absolutely fine, better then fine actually, you’re safe and loved and don’t plan on ever going back home 
And all your girls are like 
“Babe….you can’t be serious right now? You’re not in love, you’ve been gone a week! And did you say you moved in with him!? A fucking mechanic!? Have you lost your fucking mind??? What about your job??? What about the entire fucking life you built here?!!!”
“That’s it, give me the address right now, we are coming to get you immediately. You’re coming home and never talking to this weird fucking Simon guy ever again. Got it?” 
Of course they don’t understand:((((( why would they!?
You’ve finally found your person, it doesn’t matter if you have known Si for a week or a thousand weeks. You’re not fucking leaving!
This courses massiveeeee tension in you’re now ex friendship group. 
Half your girls think they should cut you off immediately, staying friends with you only means supporting the relationship and that’s something they’re absolutely not going to do >:(((
The other half think its important to keep in contact with you, they want to be there when you finally “come to your senses” and “need an out”, whatever that means :/….they even insisted on meeting Simon, just to sus out the situation and see what’s really going on, but of course you deny. 
Some even try to convince you that your ex was way better for you then Si:((((( how everyone thought you would end up getting married eventually, how there’s still time to realise you’ve made a mistake, that your ex was more then willing to take you back and everything would go back to normal!!! 
“Babe, this Simon guy is manipulative, okay? You’re emotional and vulnerable right now and his latched onto that knowing you’re going to cling to him for support. His taking advantage of you babe! I know you think you’re in love and that he says all the right things but its an act! Hello? Are you there? Can you fucking hear me!!??’
They’re just trying to ruin everything though >>:(((((( 
Your friends never saw how your ex treated you behind closed doors and they could never understand the connection you and Simon had :(
When Si came home from work to you wrapped up in a blanket and crying on the sofa, he was ready to kill whoever caused you so much pain….when he found out it was actually your friends, his heart ached for his poor girl :(((
“Listen to me petal, look me in the eyes, you don’ owe them anythin’, they jus’ don’t understand, alrigh’ don’t cry baby, come on” 
Wrapping his big musealy arms, covering you in his post work sweat and musk as you cling to his oily work shirt :((((
Of course you end up cutting off your friends. They could never understand what you and Simon had, if they really cared about you, they’d at least act like they were happy for you, not rip into you and try and push the narrative that you’ve been “manipulated” and “taken advantage of” while in a “venerable state” ://
Si absolutely agreed as well :( you didn’t need to worry about them anymore, they’re in the past and you’re moving forward with your life, its not your fault they haven’t grown up yet ://
Plus!!!! He would love to introduce you to Prices wife and the other girls at the bar he regulars…. Sure they may be a little older and all have children but you’re such a mature girl :((( you’ll get along with them just fine :3 
Its definitely not because he wants to bring you around his friends chubby babies, planting the seed in your mind subconsciously, or consciously about having your own little family ;)))
Start taking the steps to really integrate you in his life and friendship circles ;))))))
He knows what his doing :3
You get along with everyone so well too, girls wine nights, being invited over to friends houses for dinner <3
Simon tucking his hard cock into the waist band of his boxes as you bounce one of your friends babies on your hip and coo to them :((((
You would be such a good mama to his babies :( your genetics mixed with his would make the cutest little humans and the image of you pregnant that won’t leave his mind is starting to drive him absolutely fucking feral :(((
Life is so good for you and Si at the moment :((((( of course your stupid fucking ex would come around and try to ruin it for you…..all for him…..
Your ex couldn’t of been more different from Si :(
Clad in a business suit and ridiculously expensive watch, a clean haircut, pure leather business shoes and smelling of expensive cologne, he absolutely stuck out when his Tesla pulled into the shop carpark…. 
An obviously disgusted look on his face as he entered the front office, not trying to hide his disapproval as he looked at the chipped paint that peeled off the walls and the overwhelming smell of fuel that had seeped into everything within a 50 meter radius, buttoning his suit jacket and dramatically watching his step as he walked on the stained concrete that covered the front office floor :////
Your ex was such a pretentious prick >:( if it wasn’t high luxury, he’d look down on it like it was dirt :/
The thing is, he didn’t actually care where you were after he kicked you out, he just assumed you would end up on a friends couch or something. The idea that you would run off with a random “dirty” man and enter a relationship literally hours after he broke things off enraged him. 
But everything changed when he got the news you were living with “Si” a couple hours away and you were “deeply in love” with him. 
He played the “distressed”, “regretful” boyfriend to your friends, trying to get as much information out of them as possible under the pretence of “keeping you safe”
Yeah…..right :///
His ego couldn't handle it! How dare you just move on like he was nothing!!! sleep in another mans bed without regret and start a new life with him not even being an afterthought!!!!>:( 
You were meant to be heartbroken!!! Turn up on his doorstep and beg for his forgiveness as he laughed in your face :((
But you just moved on?????
He wasn't having that. 
You were supposed to worship him, not replace him with some piece of shit mechanic >:(
Your friends fed him a lot of useless information, But there was one sentence that tied it all together. 
In the middle of your rant about how much you loved Simon, you mentioned he worked at “Price’s Motor Repairs”
Nobody had heard of any repair shop with that name from around the area, but it was enough information for your ex to track you down…
Alarm bells went off in Simons head when he saw him walk in. He wasn’t from around these parts, that much was certain, and the way his eyes snaked over his name tag and an almost cocky grin spread across his face, he new something was up and it wasn’t good. 
Your ex definitely turned up at like 5:59, a minute before Si was meant to close just to make it as inconvenient as possible for him >:/
Si never asked about your ex, he didn’t want to know. He didn’t care what his name was or what he did for a living, all he new was that he was a dickhead and that was enough to put him off. You were his now, your ex wasn’t relevant :((((
It didn’t even cross Si’s mind that this guy could possibly be your ex. It was probably just some wanker that broke down while he was passing through. So he gritted his teeth and walked outside to check out this “broken” car 
It felt like a wild goose chase. He claimed there was something wrong with the motor, he checked it out, there was nothing wrong. He then claimed his AC wasn’t working, he checked it out, there was also nothing wrong. 
This went on for about 20 minutes before Simon snapped >:(
“There aint nothin’ wrong with ya’ car mate, get that fuck out of er’ before ya’ start wishin’ ya’ did”
Snarky and satisfied, your ex left without a fight, pulling out of the shop and parking far enough down the street that he could see Si pulling out of the shop and heading home…. Leading him to directly to you without a fight….
He followed behind at a safe distance. Far enough away that Si didn’t notice he was being followed, Poor Si was beyond tired, paired with the dim lighting of the sun going down, he didn’t even notice someone was tailing him:(( he was on autopilot :(
All he wanted to do was get home to you, eat his hot meal that you prepared for him and slug on the couch with a beer, you cuddled up against him and block the outside world out for the evening :((
But after arriving home, the second he sat down for dinner, three obnoxiously loud knocks echoed off the front door.
When you saw he didn’t move, you stood up to answer it for him 
“Jus’ leave it lovie, can’t be anythin’ important this time of night”
You explained there was an older lady that lived a couple apartments down, she started developing dementia and was in the early stages, she could still look after herself but often forgot small things like buying eggs from the grocery store or how to turn the TV on, she asked you for help all the time!!! and you were sure it was just her!! Of course it was! Who else could it be!
Simon wasn’t convinced. There was no way an old lady could knock with that much force.
He followed behind you hesitantly watching you swing the door open with a smile, only to reveal the piece of shit that was at the shop an hour earlier…
Si was honestly confused as fuck for a second, only for it to all fall into place when this guy started calling you “baby” and demanding for you to come home…..
His first instinct was to pull you behind him, he was beyond shocked when your ex grabbed your wrist with force, making sure Si couldn’t move you out of his line of sight without hurting you…
“Baby, you are coming home now, look at the state of this.. this.. drug addicts flat! you’re coming home with me immediately, stop fucking resisting!” Your ex spat getting more and more enraged by the second
You couldn’t go home, you were home, Si was your home :( But before you could get a word out, Si had your ex by the bicep, the pure force of the grip sending him into cold blooded shock, muscles tensing he lets go of your wrist out of pure shock :((
“Get inside n’ lock the door” he mumbled lowly before slamming it so hard the framework shook violently, you swore the hinges could of given way :((((
Once Si finally returned, you could tell there was something wrong :( something about the way he wasn’t all over you like normal, there was a purposeful distance he put between the two of you, almost like he didn’t want you there :((
After poking and prodding him, it all finally came out 
“Ya’ know I could never give ya’ the life that he could doll…. All that fancy shit” a coldness behind his eyes, almost defeat taking over his expression :(
“I know I aint ya type baby, you’re one of them high class type, ya’ don’t belong down ‘ere with me….I’ll drive ya’ back in the mornin, okay? I’m not taken no for an answer, go start packin’’” :((((
He was so defeated, if you could see his heart you could of sworn it was ripped into separate pieces :((
He went on for a good 10 minutes like this, you know he was doing what he thought was in your best interest, but Jesus Christ did it sting :(((
Little did he know your ex was almost £50,000 in credit card debt, you payed for almost everything during the duration of your relationship :((( he never treated you to any sort of luxury like Si did :( never got you flowers or paid for your nails….
He truly thought that your ex had a one up on him…. That you would consider going back to him because of his “wealth”???
Getting off the couch and slowly sinking to your knees in front of him, you reach for the belt of his pants, slowly undoing his buckle :((
His mind is racing so much, so paranoid and distracted that he didn’t notice the sound of the metal being undone :((((
He always focused on your pleasure, making you feel wanted :(( it was your turn to appreciate him, with actions this time :333 
Si completely stops mid sentence when your warm, delicate hand palms his soft cock :(((9 
He looks down at you slowly, all worry leaving his body as he sees you down on your knees, submissive eyes looking up at him threw your eyelashes and pout on your face waiting for his reaction :(((
You could never leave Si :((( you needed a real man :(( you needed the man in front of you with his thighs spread wide and cock hardening right before your eyes :(((
Palming him agonisingly slow, he grinds against your touch desperate for more friction :((( you tell him how you’d never leave him :(((( how his the only one for you and you couldn’t survive in a world like this without him by your side looking after you the way he does :((
Soft grunts leaving his lips as he pleads with you to take out his length and stroke his now hard, aching cock >:(
“I know baby, I was stupid to think tha’, I know, jus’… jus’ pump it for me yeah?’” Growing increasingly desperate as you don’t follow his command >:( telling him you’re looking after him tonight and that he doesn't need to worry :(( how its his reward for being so big and strong, defending you from your ex and being a man :(( that all he needs to do is relax :((
He audibly whines, a sound you had never heard from him before, when you finally slip his girthy cock out of his boxes.. .
You smile up a him as you kiss his tip and squeeze your thighs together at just the thought of pleasing him and not receiving any physical pleasure yourself :))))) 
Letting out a soft feminine giggle as pre cum covers your lips, Si having no choice but to sit helpless and watch the show you’re putting on for him :(((
He could absolutely take the lead if he wanted to, but something about you treating him, sucking his dick solely because you wanted to and not expecting anything in return was an offer you couldn’t turn down ;)
Teasing Si was fun but he deserved more tonight :((((( if it was up to you, lapping at his swollen tip for hours until he finally releases a desperate hot load onto your face would be a dream, but not tonight, Si gets everything tonight ;)
Slowly circling his leaky tip with your thumb, a soft groan falls from his lips as he sinks further into the couch :(((
Pumping him lightly, you place soft kisses from the top of his cock to his base :(((( Si bucking his hips and pleading with you threw his eyes just to suck it :((((( he tries so hard to hide his whines through deep groans but fails horribly :((( he was so tired tonight, emotionally and physically, any self control he would normally have was out the window :((
Taking your tongue, you lick from the base to the tip, salty sweat and pre cum filling your taste buds as your tongue glides up his vainy shaft :(
Si jerks forward a little at the sudden warm contact, throwing his head back as he eases into the warm sensation :3333
Without hesitation, you deep throat his 8 inch length, his tip hitting the back of your throat and your eyes watering instantly :((
Si’s callused hand instinctively grips your hair, rough grunts bounce off your apartment walls as he helped you set a ruthless pace, your mouth being abused and jaw aching from his sheer girth :(((
“That’s it Darlin’, fuck ya’ such a good girl for me, look at ya’ look at tha’ beautiful fuckin’ mouth taken’ me” 
Holding your head still as he throat fucks you, your saliva dripping down your chin and onto the dirty cream carpet that covers the living room floor:(((
Seeing the small bump of his cock appear at the front of your neck with each brutal rut :(( your flushed cheeks and teary eyes make a small cocky smile spread across his face >:( 
You were his! All his! Claiming your throat and having full control over how he fucks it makes his achy balls tighten as they slap against your chin :((
“That prick could never fuck you like I could, he’ll never feel ya’ fuckin throat again” he was so close to his release :((( Si was normally really good at holding off but the possessiveness of claiming your mouth with thick cum was pushing him over the edge in a matter of minutes :((((
Grabbing your hair tighter, he forcefully makes you deep throat his dick, your nose touching his pelvic bone and buried in his musky pubes <3 moans from your full mouth muffled by his cock shoved deep into your throat >:((
He cums hard…slow, deep thrusts as ropes of his salty seed run down your throat, you have no choice but to swallow his semen that his so politely given you :((
With each thrust, he lets out a quiet and strained “mine”. Its more to himself then you, reassuring himself that you were in fact his and his to keep :((
You remove your abused mouth from his cock, slowly pumping his now semi-hard dick with a dopey smile on your face, cum leaking out the corner of your mouth as you innocently look up at him and place a kiss on his swollen tip :))
You look so beautiful, covered in his cum and claimed :)
He leans down to kiss you, a thank you for what you did for him, but before he could even open his mouth you whisper a quite “I love you” into his lips… 
the first “I love you” you and Simon had ever shared :((
Its safe to say he said it back :333
And he says it again with his face inbetween your legs a minute later ;)))
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okay, okay, okay, I know I promised to upload this after work like....days ago BUT I totally forgot I had a concert on and didn't have time to finish writing it AND THEN this guy im talking to came over to meet my dad and everything just pilled up im so so so sorry...BUT in my defence, this is over 4k which is my longest fic ive written so far, I love y'all I promise
Request are open for Mechanic!Simon, I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free send them through and add to the AU.
!Disclaimer! - Above is NSFW content - MDNI - If you follow my blog without your age in your bio, you will be blocked - If you are under the age of 18, you are not welcome here, otherwise, enjoy :)
Cat divider sourced by @positively-mine from Pinterest - Pink line divider by @eloquentreverie - MDNI divider by @cafekitsune
Basic blog housekeeping -  fic requests guidelines, boundaries and my rules for minors
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
hi, there! :D I hope to be on time for the event can I request :
(Finding a confession letter in your locker) With Silver, Jade and Deuce? Plz
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22. Finding a confession letter in your locker
Hi hi you are very much on time of course you can (^ワ^)
Also just letting you know here, I did get your other request and do not mind answering it at all (though i am going to post some other ones first), in my og post I mentioned the prompts were limited by ask, so you submitted everything correctly, don't worry!
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, fluff, Jade is a red flag as usual. Check out the rest of the event requests here.
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There is an unfairly pretty looking man asleep in front of the gym lockers, face down, arms at his side, but with the light still hitting his hair just right way to make him look like he has a halo. You know that Silver won't be upset if you try to wake him, but as you kneel to do so, the slight creak of an unkempt hinge draws your attention up from your sleeping senior to your own slightly open locker.
Weird, you could have sworn you locked it at the end of class.
"Silver?" You decide to try calling out to him while you examine your locker for any sign of tampering beyond the obvious. "You good down there?" Nothing seems to have been taken, but something has been left: a letter. Gingerly, you remove and settle yourself on the floor next to Silver, gently shaking him as you open it.
I'm afraid that if I try to simply say to you how I feel, I won't be able to fully convey just how grateful I am to have met you, just how much you mean to me. But I want to try and give you a confession you deserve so please, meet me in the courtyard after your classes. I promise to say the words to you then.
"I wasn't supposed to still be here when you read that." A muffled voice draws your attention back to Silver, who slowly pushes himself up to look into your eyes. "But since I am, I like you prefect." The words are simple, but the sincerity of his gaze adds the weight he was so afraid of missing.
You were screwed. The instant you saw the condition of the letter inside that lavender envelope you knew it was never meant to be seen, least of all by the person it was addressed to. The paper was hastily torn from a composition book, crumpled and lightly stained with what you assume from the scent is tea. No, you can't really picture someone as collected as Jade allowing the messy parts of his thoughts to be seen
You are a mystery I want to unravel
I never get tired of your voice
I want to be the first person they think of in the morning and the last thing they imagine at night. When they are alone I want them to long to return to my side, when someone hurts them I want to be the one who repays their enemies in kind. There is a word for these emotions, something that's as wonderfully unpredictable as it is painful-
A head rests on your shoulder, two strong arms pull you into an embrace that prevents you from seeing his face as a deep sigh tickles your ear, reciting from memory the destroyed portion of the letter-
"That word is love, I am in love with Yuu." Jade smiles into your neck as you shudder in surprise. "Since you are not attempting to run away, can I assume I have something of a chance?"
"Is it just me or is Juice acting weird today?" Ace asks, slacking off away from Vargas's watchful eyes behind you and Grim. Not that you haven't noticed, but now that Ace mentions it- "I mean he's sneaking out of class, isn't PE the one he's actually good at?" You both look pointedly towards the lockers Deuce is not so sneakily heading towards with concern.
"Um, I'll be right back." You try to hide your concern but the judgmental faces that see you off suggest you aren't exactly successful. Deuce's broad shoulders disappear into the hallway and you attempt to calmly follow. Maybe he's sick? Or has forgot something? You run through so many scenarios that you fail to pay attention to where you are going and walk right into your target's back.
"Prefect!" Deuce jumps and you fluster, both of you look away from each other to the locker Duece had been standing in front of. "I'm sorry." He looks so embarrassed. You reach to open your locker as Deuce continues. "I really am sorry, it's just I thought really hard about the right way to confess but we have almost every class together..." Sure enough there's a letter sat neatly on top of your things, sealed with a neat spade sticker that leaves little doubt about who it's from.
"Technically you just did." You laugh and bring the letter close to your heart. "Meet me at Ramshackle after school."
"Why?" He asks, clearly nervous.
"Well you wanted to properly confess right? So let me properly answer." Technically the smile on your face already does.
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the-faceless-bride · 4 months
Worship me, you love to.
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Price is whipped for his wife. Youthful, fun, loving. He has a picture of you in his wallet so you're always near. Everyone knows he's whipped. But what they don't know, is how much he truly worships you and the ground you walk on.
Warnings: Pure porn, femdom, m. Receiving fingering, glove kink, Slapping, Degrading, humiliation? 'our wife' price? (maybe in the future if anyone likes this.) Price is a mommy's guy, a sub, you won't change my mind.
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Price knew he might be in a little trouble with his darling wife. He forgot to call when he debriefed with his team. Went out for drinks and had a good time. But once the clock hit 12 he realized he hadn't spoken to you once. And he panicked.
Rushing out of the pub while being teased by his mates about needing to "get home to the boss."
They had no idea...
When Price pushed open the door dropping his bags he heard the soft sound of the stereo playing a sweet toon. The smell of a lit cigarette, he noticed the lights were off and some candles were lit. It was the particular pink wax/lotion candle that caused an alarm.
"Welcome home." he heard from behind him.
You were beautiful. You sat with a cigarette and a glass of red wine; hair loosely curled and a tight dress that hugged your waist and presented your breasts beautifully, dark leather gloves covered your pretty hands; your makeup was light and sweet but you held something dark in your eyes.
"Johnathan Price... You've made mommy very angry."
Price took a shaky breath, and gulped. He was in deep trouble. He was going to be punished, he knew for sure.
He took a step toward you, "im sorry-" you put your hand out pointing at him, "Ah-ah!" a sound of protest. Telling him to not move.
"on your knees."
John took a breath before slowly lowering to his knees.
"crawl," you demanded.
John slowly put down his hands, slowly making his way towards you.
When he was close enough, you saw the look in his eyes; the look to please, to submit, to let go. To worship you.
You smirked, crossing your legs and spreading them slightly.
John groaned softly at the sight of no panties.
"I had such a sweet surprise for you. To come home and let you bend me over and take me however and wherever you wanted... But you've been a bad boy Price. Naughty boys don't get rewards like that."
He whines; it's almost inaudible. You place your heel atop his head so he stares at your bare wet cunt. His eyes look so glossy.
Before he can move you strike, pushing him back on his knees before giving him a smack across his face.
He gasps, "What do you say?"
"i-im sorry-"
"sorry... Who?"
"Sorry Mommy. I'm sorry Mommy."
"thank you."
You grab him by his hair at the base of his head, "What a dirty slut you are Price." he moans, deep and rich in his chest. "how pathetic are you? Already hard? How disgusting." John stares deep into your eyes, letting himself fully submit himself to you. The goddess that allowed him to marry her.
You smile down at him, "I wonder how your team would react to seeing their Captin isn't as strong and commanding as they think he is. How would they react to seeing their Captin is really a disgusting slut that loves to be hurt and called names."
You let his hair go and he pushed his head into your lower stomach, his breath broken and uneven. His breath fans across your body and his wet eyes leave spots on your dress.
"is that who you were with? Your team? Do they need to be punished too?" he took a risk letting his hands graze over your body from your calves to your thighs, to your ass and finally resting on your hips. "naught boys who have no mommy to teach them how to behave? Maybe I can hit two birds with one stone, hm? Punish you by not letting you touch Mommy and teaching your boys how good it feels to behave?" John is uncomfortably hard now, it strains against his belt. The slightest move of his hips causes a painful yet amazing friction.
"I bet Johnny is a naughty brat, I bet Simon is a stubborn thing. Maybe I can use those pretty ropes on him, huh?" John starts to grind on your heeled foot, his beard tickles your leg as he drags his lips over you, not kissing but waiting for permission.
"though. I think Kyle is a good boy. I'm sure he's a sweet boy who would live to please Mommy. Tell me. Is he a good boy?" John doesn't answer, you kick him away and he desperately tries to hold onto you. He looks up from the floor.
"answer. Me."
"yes. Yes, Mommy. Kyle is a very good boy." John's face feels hot.
You hum pleased by John's answer.
"I bet he is.-" You make your way around John and kneel behind him pulling him to lay fully on his back, "tell me, Do you feel good being in charge? Do you get pleasure in telling you're boys what to do? Do you enjoy it when Kyle is a good boy for you?"
You slowly unbuckle John's belt pulling his pants and boxers down to his thighs and no lower.
"Yes." John flushed. "say it."
"I like it when Kyle is a good boy for me."
"Funny how you get off being the one in charge, but you're such a sweet, pliant slut for Mommy." you tease. Pushing your fingers into John's mouth. Pushing far into his mouth making him gag on your leather Gloves before pulling your hand away and trailing down to his body.
Your fingers are covered in his spit circling his ring of muscle. But at no point do you give him what he wants. "beg."
And he doesn't just beg. He cries.
"Please, Mommy. I didn't mean to be bad.-"
"I'll be good I promise!-"
"I promise to take my punishment like a good boy-"
"please. Please. Please. PLEASE."
John lets out a pleasured cry. As you push your fingers inside him. Whispering in his ears about how you'll forgive him if he promises to be good.
"you need to prove you weren't bad on purpose baby"
"keep to your promise, or I'll punish you harshly next time- maybe Kyle can show you how to be a good boy for me"
"good. Seeing you take your punishment like a good boy makes Mommy very proud."
John's cock twitched and covered his soft stomach and chest. You haven't even touched his cock once.
"what a good boy. Now let's finish up your punishment and get you in a nice warm bath yeah?" you take off one of your gloves before picking up the wax/lotion candle, you stand over his face letting him stare up at your leaking cunt.
"take a deep breath baby, it's hot."
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yarrystyleeza · 4 months
𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝟐𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!
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Well, as the title suggests, I am turning 22 on January 30th (yes I can't believe it either), and it's a very very special number to me, I was obsessed with it since I was a kid—because of Taylor Swift's 22 of course (you have no idea how happy my inner child is now!).
However, I thought I should celebrate this very important event with you by hosting my second sleepover! (honestly I was planning to make this a double sleepover if I hit 300 followers before my birthday, but since I didn't, I really had to host a sleepover)
As usual, my sleepover will host games, questions, asks, and definitely, requests!!! <3
The sleepover will be a week long, from January 30th till February 6th, where you can submit asks and requests!
Note on prohibited things that I won't be doing or answering:
No nsfw/dirty asks, writing requests or questions, it's uncomfortable for me sometimes, and this is an all-ages-friendly celebration. No further elaboration, please respect this. <3
Here's a list of the games we can play:
Kiss/Marry/Kill: you give me three characters and I will sort each one in one of these categories! (make it hard for me)
Would you rather: you give me two things/characters and I get to choose one that suits me better! (for example: night owl or early bird?)
Make an assumption: you literally make an assumption about me and I either prove it or deny it!
Never have I ever: you ask me about things I did or didn't do!
Exchanged Ships: basically, you give me a character that you find as my significant other, and I will give you a character in exchange and why I think it's the perfect character for you!
Random Q&A: you can ask me about anything, whether it's my favorite food or even what fabrics do I prefer to wear, ask whatever you want!
Girly Talks: just talk to me about any girly topic you want and we'll establish a good conversation! Let's talk about books or authors, favorite poetry pieces, maybe movies we loved in our childhood, or even your favorite outfits back when you were a 10 year old! Literally anything!
Rate My Music Taste: give me a song/artist and I will rate it from 1 (absolute flop) to 10 (total banger)! — (this is absolutely done just for fun).
I Wanna Write You A Song: start with a phrase and we will make a totally original song together in the reblogs!
Doodles: give me something simple to draw!
As for writing requests, I will be taking fluff/angst/violence (blood and gore—due to the nature of the characters I write for) x female!reader requests only. But of course you can request the prompt you desire. <3
As for the characters, here's a list of the fictional men that I would be writing for:
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Foggy Nelson
Tristan Thorn
Michael Kinsella
Henry (from Eat Locals)
Daryl Dixon
(might consider writing for other Charlie Cox/Norman Reedus characters. example: Ian Hamilton, Owen Sleater, Scud, Murphy MacManus, etc.)
You can ask for prompt included in this list or ones you come up with yourself:
intimate moments / gestures that make me feel love / romantic rainy day prompts / gentle things that make me fall harder in love / fluffy comforting/sick dialogue prompts / lighthearted first kiss prompts / sparring prompts / forced proximity prompts / date prompts masterpost /
Note that I will be tagging the fic requests with #yuna's 22 birthday sleepover so they're easy to find, but they will be sorted in my main masterlist as regular requests! <3
tagging my moots to spread the word sorry for being a little too annoying hehe (and I tried to tag as much as possible but my memory is messing around with me I'm sorry if I forgot anyone): @v4leoftears @remonemo @fizanotfeeza @bunmurdock @bellaxgiornata @kal-0n @1988-fiend @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @floral-charlie-cat @farfromstrange @babygirlmurdock @mattmurdocksscars @itwasthereaminuteago @c-mrdck @xxeycisxx @loveroftoomanyfandoms @mindidjarin @little-miss-dilf-lover @shiorimakibawrites @tongueofcat @marytheweefrenchie @chvoswxtch @devilsmurdock @galaxies-and-moons-and-cox @acharliecoxedfan @folkloreandfall @murdocklorian @munsonownsmyass @abbyhaslongshorts @murc0ck @lazyxsquirrel @theradioactivespidergwen @xxdrixx @saintmurd0ck @softasawhisper @she-likesorchids @peterman-spideyparker @mattmurdocksstarlight @amberlynnmurdock @courtforshort15 @saltedlays @importantnightwerewolf @lene-loki
That's basically everything I have for my birthday sleepover, feel free to submit requests and games! Thank you for coming to my sleepover tonight! <3
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shiggysimp69 · 9 months
Craving You
Omg I'm writing, again! And it's 3k words this time, which is crazy. Turns out writing without planning is a blessing and a curse because I forgot the plot I thought of at 5am and had to remake it up but it also saves me from over thinking so I write faster. Yay, yay, yay!
Tw: Dubcon, Smut (Tomura has tentacles), Sleep paralysis, Reader has mild body image issues, Mentions binge eating, Mentions reader's bad dad
Plus size/chubby reader is being harassed by monster Tomura.
A long sigh escaped your lips as you clicked "submit" on your newest assignment. You had been up for hours trying to get it done; your eye bags becoming more and more noticeable everyday. It wasn't like you cared. Your body had always been labeled as undesirable. People would rather look at women with soft, glowing skin with absolutely no imperfections. It did hurt sometimes though, because even girls who had noticeable imperfections still ended up with great partners. You secretly wished that was you.
You looked over at the clock by your bed, 2:22am. It was way past your bedtime. You sighed again before getting up from your desk. Your body creaked reminding you that you could use some exercise. But of course that thought was quickly dismissed, maybe if you had more time. Or rather, more energy.
You sunk into your cheap mattress as your thoughts wandered. What were you gonna eat tomorrow? Would you be able to get enough sleep to work and go to school? You weren't so sure. Without noticing, you dozed off. Drifting into a long slumber.
Moonlight beamed in through your window, hitting your face. It was so bright you thought it was the sun. You opened your eyes and realized, you were no longer in your room. Everything was different, even the placement of your window. It was never by your bed for this very reason. You didn't want the sun in your face. Panic stirred deep inside of you. You tried to sit up but you couldn't move. You tried to speak but nothing came out. You were stuck. Sweat gathered on your face and your mouth ran dry. You were scared and in a panic yet, everything around you was calm. As if it was just a normal night, except for the fact that you were possibly kidnapped in your sleep. That was unsettling. It was like the universe deemed this as "okay," as "just another day" and yet here you were. Clearly not having "just another day."
The moonlight had lit up the room but then suddenly, it went dark. You looked over and there was something blocking the window. No, someone was blocking the window. Your heart started to beat out of your chest. Someone was there and you couldn't move. Your breath hitched in your throat as they leaned into your face. Pearly white hair glowed in the moonlight capturing your gaze. It was long and snaked over their shoulders and face. They just stood there, watching you. What did they want? Did they bring you here? Were they going to hurt you? You had so many questions swarming around in your head like a jar of bees, just waiting to be let out. To be set free. But they never were.
The stranger standing over you started heaving. Their voice sounded strained and raspy. You didn't know what they were getting so worked up about until you felt something slimy touch your foot. It slowly wiggled along the bottom before sliding up your leg. Your heart started pounding as it made its way into your shorts and then, your panties. You could feel it rub along your folds, grazing your clit each time. You squeezed your eyes shut, desperately trying to ignore the feeling between your legs.
"So pretty…"
You didn't wanna acknowledge them.
"I wonder how you'll react if I go in."
You wanted this to all go away.
"Hey, why won't you look at me?"
You wanted to die.
"Look at me."
You woke up in a cold sweat, chest heaving, eyes watering. You couldn't get yourself to calm down. You ripped the covers off and rushed out of bed. No slimy tentacles. You turned around. No window. You laughed, you couldn't help it. The relief was too strong for your body. It was a dream. A fucking dream. You put your head in your hands as your body slowly relaxed. You were so tired you felt like you would collapse. A sudden ringing in your ears brought you back to reality. It was your alarm. You sighed, then went to turn it off. You wondered if a nightmare would count as an excused absence as you headed to the bathroom. Probably not.
The vending machine clunked as your drink was pushed to the bottom. You pulled it out and opened it with a pop. You were taking a break between classes to clear your head. The only thing you could think about all day was the dream you had last night. At the time, you wanted to die. You were absolutely certain that death would be better than what you were experiencing. Had you ever felt like that before? Even in your darkest moment; did you feel as though death was the only way out? You couldn't tell. Soft buzzing interrupted your thoughts. You took a sip of your drink before pulling your phone out of your pocket.
"Good afternoon dear. How are you feeling?"
It was your grandma. You liked to hear from her every now and again. However, she wasn't content with that, opting to call you everyday. You didn't mind most of the time but she had a habit of calling when you were busy. Which was annoying.
"Hey ma. I'm okay, just getting something to drink."
"I hope it's not one of those sugary drinks. Your father has been complaining about your weight more and more recently."
You rolled your eyes.
"Personally, I think he's overreacting. He should know it's hard not to eat a lot when it tastes so good." She whispered with a chuckle. A smile crossed your face. Your father had always complained about your weight. It was like he cared about nothing else in life. You could be bleeding out and he'd say it's because you're overweight. That if you were healthier, this wouldn't be a problem. Your grandma was the exact opposite though. She cared but not nearly as much. And she was the one you confided in when you started to binge eat.
"I'm glad at least someone gets it."
"Oh, will you come and visit me during your spring break? I'll save a little extra money and bake your favorite cake. Don't worry, I won't tell your father."
You could imagine her placing a boney finger over her mouth. Your grandma was the definition of sweet. She was one of those grandparents that'd spoil their grandchildren. Feed them, bathe them, hell she'd give up her own home for you. She never argued or made a fuss. It worried you sometimes. You hoped that in her old age she wasn't secretly being mistreated and not saying anything. That's why you promised you'd never put her in a retirement home. The possibility of it weighing on your mind like a bus.
"Okay ma. I'll try."
"Thank goodness. I'm glad I have such a kind grandchild. My own son can barely take me to my appointments."
She clicked her teeth.
"Okay dear. I won't keep you. Study hard and don't come back until you graduate!"
"So, miss the cake?"
She laughed.
"Of course, stop by for the cake!"
You both started laughing then. You didn't know what you'd do without her. Her optimism was exactly what you needed on days like this.
"I'll talk to you later, ma."
"Alright. Love you."
"Love you."
The call ended with a click and you were alone again. You placed your phone back in your pocket then looked up at the sky, thinking.
"He's worried about my weight, huh… Well, maybe I wouldn't be so big if that wasn't the only thing he worried about."
You took a sip of your drink then turned on your heels. Maybe you'd get something to eat too. Soft ringing could be heard from your phone again. You sighed, your grandma did this sometimes. Call for one thing, then call back for another. You pulled your phone out and answered.
There was nothing.
"Hellooo? Ma, I know it's you."
Still nothing. You pulled the phone away from your ear and checked the screen. "Ma." She was definitely the one who called.
"Ma, this isn't funny-"
Your hand clenched around your phone. It was the same raspy voice from your dream.
"Can almost feel you from here."
They chuckled.
"Can you feel me?"
Something wet touched your ear and you threw your phone. You could hear them laughing on the other side. You felt sick to your stomach. The sound of static covered their laughter as you started to hear your grandma's voice.
"Dearie, are you there!?"
The laughing stopped and so did the static. Your breath was caught in your throat as you reached down to pick up your now cracked phone.
"H… Hello?"
"Thank goodness! I thought something had happened to you."
Technically something did happen to you. But how could you tell her that the same person from your dream somehow contacted you using her phone number? You'd sound crazy.
"No. No, I'm fine. What's the matter?"
"Are you sure? You do know you can talk to me?"
You gulped.
"Yeah. I know." You replied, your voice shaking.
"I'm fine. Really."
Your grandma paused for a minute.
"Okay. Whenever you feel like talking about it, I'm here."
A weak smile grazed your lips. You were acting as if she was there. Smiling so that she'd think everything was fine. Or was it so you'd think that?
Turns out, you were right. Your grandma needed help with something small and that was all she called for. When you hung up for the second time, you stared at your phone. You should've been thinking about all the new cracks on your screen. How you were gonna get them fixed. Or if you needed a new one entirely. But the only thing you could think about was, how did they touch you? How in the world did they reach through your phone and touch you? Is that even humanly possible? Or did you just imagine it all? No. You clearly felt it. You not only felt it but heard it. You had heard that same exact gravelly voice from before. You weren't crazy. But you sure as hell felt like it.
You emailed your professor explaining that you wouldn't be showing up today because of an illness. You told your boss the same thing. They both let it slide. "You were thankful" would've been an understatement. It's true that you weren't physically sick but you were definitely mentally sick. You just wanted to go home and forget all about today. But you knew it wouldn't be that easy.
As you made your way to your apartment, you spotted a familiar face. It was Ash. The last person you wanted to see right now. He was your coworker and you shamelessly and very obviously had a crush on him. But after that defiling dream you had, it was hard to look at him. Mainly because you wanted him to touch you like that, not some weird tentacle.
He turned to face you then smiled. It made your heart flutter.
"For someone who's sick you seem to be gettin' around just fine."
Your breath hitched as you remembered the reason why you called off in the first place. He quickly noticed your discomfort.
"Hey, I was only joking. What happened? Lady cramps or somethin'?"
He walked up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. He did that often. Ash was always so predictable; you loved that about him.
"I… I can't tell you." You replied, looking down at your feet. His face hardened.
"You can't tell me or you don't wanna tell me?"
"I can't."
Ash's grip tightened on your shoulder.
"It was your dad wasn't it? I'll kill him if he did anything-"
"No! It wasn't him."
You knew telling him might not have been the best idea. Ash had major anger issues. And he probably wouldn't take this lightly. You looked back up at him and forced a smile.
"Just forget I said anything. I don't want to bother you."
He didn't like that at all. His brows furrowing in frustration. You wanted to tell him but you were worried. If you told him, would he believe you? Would he think you're crazy? Would this ruin your chances of dating him? But maybe you could get some actual peace of mind from telling him. Maybe, he could even help. You didn't know what to choose.
"Let's go inside."
You looked at him, confused.
"Maybe if you're relaxed you'll tell me." Ash said, grabbing your hand and leading you to your door. You didn't protest, unlocking it and walking inside. It would be better to have this conversation indoors anyway. If you were even gonna have it, that is.
Ash took a seat on your couch and you went to change into something more comfortable. When you sat down next to him, things got awkward. You didn't wanna talk about what happened anymore and just wanted to relax but Ash clearly wasn't having it.
"So. Do you want something to drink?"
"Do you wanna tell me what's going on?"
You bit your lip.
"I want you to be there for me. I just had a rough day and I don't wanna talk about it. I just- I want you to be my friend right now. Not my bodyguard."
He was quiet for some time. You couldn't tell what he was thinking but after a while he seemed to calm down.
"Thank you, Ash."
You two sat in silence for a minute before he spoke.
"You looked nice today."
Your face flushed. You forgot that Ash never really sees you outside of your work clothes.
"Th-Thank you."
The awkward tension returned immediately afterward. The only difference being the wetness forming between your legs.
"You look nice too…" You said, fumbling with the hem of your shirt.
"What's gotcha so nervous?"
The hair on your neck stood up at that question. How could you answer that?
"Nothing! It's just been a while since I've had friends over."
He wasn't buying it. Suddenly, he leaned in closer to you.
"Or, is there something you're not tellin' me?"
You let out a shaky breath. You couldn't handle how close he was to you. The smell of cinders filled your senses. It was ironic that he smelled like ashes to match his name. You wondered if he did that on purpose. Ash looked down at your plush thighs. You were clearly rubbing your legs together. He chuckled. You didn't notice at first but it felt like you were being watched. Not by Ash but by something else. The feeling was so strong it stopped you in your tracks.
"What's wrong?"
"H-Huh? It's nothing."
Ash didn't question it, instead closing his eyes expectantly. You leaned in but the feeling didn't go away. It only got worse. It was like daggers were being pushed into your skin. You couldn't take it anymore and pulled away.
"I'm sorry."
Ash didn't seem disappointed, he didn't seem to react at all actually. You looked down and fumbled with your shirt again.
"It's alight'."
It was silent again. But this time it was like the tension had reached out and grabbed you by the throat.
"Umm. Maybe we could do something different?"
He didn't respond. You looked up and he was gone.
You didn't hear him get up. Where did he go?
"Naughty girl…"
Your blood ran cold. It was them, that same voice. Something wet touched your toes and you yelped then pulled away. They didn't stop though, the tentacles wrapping around your ankles and snaking up your legs.
"What the hell!?"
You could hear them click their tongue in disapproval. Your back was pressed against the couch and they draped their arms over your shoulders. You tensed up under their touch.
"Don't worry. I won't hurt him." They whispered in your ear.
You felt tears form in the corners of your eyes. Two more tentacles wrapped around your wrists pinning them together. The ones around your legs did the same.
"I'm just curious as to what you think you're doing just giving your body to other people?"
Another tentacle wiggled into your shorts and rubbed your clothed pussy.
"Look at you. All worked up over him."
They paused.
"How disgusting."
The tentacle ripped your panties to shreds and started rubbing up and down along your folds. You tried to pull away but you just kept hitting the back of your couch.
"P-Please! Please don't!"
They moved from behind you to stand in front of your face. Your brain couldn't comprehend what they were. It was a man. But something was off about him that you couldn't explain. Maybe it was his long locks of matted white hair or his thin yet muscular appearance? No, it was definitely the uncanny feeling his face gave you. With the whites of his eyes completely black and scars and wrinkles all over. Crimson eyes pierced your soul as he stared down at you.
"Please don't what? Don't touch what's mine? I don't think you quite understand what's going on here."
He grabbed you by your chin and leaned into your face. You could feel his breath fan across your features.
"How should I put this? I own you. So I don't like when people touch what I own. And you wanna know what I also don't like?"
You whimpered in response, pulling away.
"I don't like when you reject me. When you would rather let that little boy who doesn't even care about you have his way with you."
Your mind was reeling. What was he talking about? How could this man you didn't even know like you? Not only like you but assume that Ash, your best friend, didn't care about you. What did he know? What even was he?
"I-I don't understand."
Tears streamed down your face as thousands of thoughts and questions overwhelmed you. Suddenly, something rough pressed against your lips and you realized he kissed you. It was tender at first but he quickly dominated you and stuck his tongue down your throat. You almost choked on it. It was thick and too long for an average tongue. He started fucking you with it. The feeling was unimaginable and you, enjoyed it? It was embarrassing to admit and awful to think about but halfway through, you started rubbing your legs together. And he seemed to notice because he sped up. Thoroughly fucking you out. When he pulled away you felt empty and cold. Without much thought, you whined at his absence and he smiled in response.
"Do you understand now?"
He licked a long stroke up the side of your face.
"I'm the only one who can please you."
The tentacle working your pussy seemed to have gotten bored and started rubbing circles around your clit instead. Soft moans escaped your lips with each movement.
"B-But how do you even like someone like me!?"
The man paused for a bit. He seemed surprised by your question, which made sense because you also didn't know where that came from. But all of a sudden emotions were just spilling out of you.
"My own father th-thinks I'm hideous. Ash was one of my only friends. I-I loved him because he didn't care about what I looked like. And now he's gone."
More tears fell from your eyes as you admitted this out loud.
"You were in my dreams, my phone, a-and for what? All that for a fat girl that nobody even thinks of dating!"
Your stomach churned as the feeling of pleasure and misery mixed together like you had consumed something rotten.
You could feel his eyes on you, judging you. Of course he was, just like your father.
"What's wrong with you being fat?"
Your eyes widened at his question.
You were cut off by his sudden touch. He grabbed your waist and squished your love handles, playing with them.
"You're so soft and squishy."
His hands slid up to your chest as he groped there too.
"I mean, look at me. I'm the exact opposite of you. Isn't that exciting?"
He pinched you and you whimpered.
"I'm rough and slim and you're buttery and thick. My hands just sink into you."
He let out a sigh.
"It's exhilarating."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Nobody had ever told you that before. Your grandma was always okay with your weight but you didn't realize until now that being okay with you is different than liking you. Was Ash also just "okay" with you? Something welded up inside of you at that realization. You wanted to be praised more. You wanted to be loved more than anything. Loved by him.
"Besides, you're more than just your looks, right?"
You smiled. Your grandma used to tell you that but most of the time people just wanna hear they're pretty every once in a while. But from him, it felt nice. Your arousal had been lost in a sea of different feelings and emotions, now seemingly canceling each other out. Everything felt calmer now.
"Umm, what's your name?"
He pressed his face against your chest.
"Tomura. That's a pretty name."
He froze for a bit. Even his tentacles loosened around you. He spoke but his words were muffled and low.
"What?" You asked and he lifted his head.
"Doesn't matter."
The tentacle that now rested against your pussy started moving again.
"Was that your way of coming around? Because I'm not done with you yet."
His long tongue snaked out from between his lips. It was a deep indigo color that mirrored the tentacles. He was so enticing.
"Will you… Be nice to me?"
Tomura smiled. There was something sinister underneath but it still captivated you.
"The nicest."
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crunchietoast · 2 years
Knock Before You Enter
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~☆ Katsuki Bakugo- Knock before you enter! ☆~
💥 TIMESKIP AU, Boss Bakugo x Assistant reader. YN is working for the man himself, Bakugo Katsuki, as his assistant for his hero agency and has done for a few years now. There’s one small problem.  
💥 idk if this is fluff..
💥WC: 463
"Sir i just need you to check-" You opened the door to his office only to be revealed to a very shirtless Katsuki putting on his suit shirt.
"FUC-!" he exclaimed as you slammed the door with wide eyes. You walked away back to your desk Infront of his door and sunk into your chair embarrassed as fuck. What had you done. Good going this time YN, you should get a box out ready because your ass is getting fired quicker then Deku breaks his arms.
As Katsuki's assistant, you work closely with the man and know that he has a short temper and very angry attitude. He was a private man and nobody, either lasted long enough to get to know him or was to scared of the guy. But it was well know that he had 2 good friends since Highschool from a different agency in the building, but even around them, he was grumpy.
You weren't particularly scared of him since you had spent a lot of time with him. Late nights in his office getting forms signed and takeaway at the desk together, much to his complaints, that 'he did not need you to buy his food'. But you could tell he appreciated it nonetheless.
You two had gotten decently close and had some sort of friendship you'd hope by now. I mean he didn't yell at you as loud as he did others. just an angry grit of his teeth. Over time your stupid. fucking. ass. gained had a HUGE immature and unprofessional crush on the Pro Hero. But what can you say, the mans really a softy.
"Y/N, my office now! please" he glared at you but calmed down after realizing there were other people around. You slowly walked to his office scared what he could say. Maybe this would be the first time in a long time he got extremally angry with you. Unlike other times with small warnings or teasing with evil yet joking smirks.
But this may have been a different story. 
"You wanted to see me Sir?" You said as you closed the door behind you and sat down slowly, your breathing increasing. 
"How dumb are you?!" he fumed.
"I'm so sorry Mr Bakugo, I really didn't mean to..." You submitted. 
"Don't call me that. Have you ever heard about knocking?!" The man continued, mumbling the first part. 
"I'm sorry Mr Bakugo, i forgot you went out for a miss-"
"Ugh, you know I don't like it when you call me that." he rolled his eyes. A sign came from the man's mouth. "I understand it was an accident..." he hesitated before taking a subtle deep breath. "Please knock next time" he pinched the ridge of his nose. "Get ou-I mean, you may leave now...thank you YN." 
"wha- uh thank you Katsuki" You nodded and walked out the door, 'The hell?! What in gods name was that. Where did the please no no sorry, manners in general come from?!' 
"Dude, if you're trying to get her interested in you, it's a good idea NOT to scream at her..." Kirishima said to his colleague at the coffee machine. "Maybe. I don't know. Go easy on her..." he continued with an antagonizing grin. 
"Shut up, I did go easy on her. I even said please '' Bakugo replied leaning against the bench in the office kitchen, slightly pissed at his best friend.
"What did she do anyway?" Denki joined in, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee. 
"She walked in on him naked~" Kirishima cooed, jabbing Bakugou with his elbow. 
"I was not naked!! It was only my shirt, I came back from a patrol and had to change!" Bakugo said defensively although he had nothing to hide.
"Right, so you WERNT doing a strip tease, Kaccha-" Denki was hit over the head with a mug.
I really like how Boss!Bakugo Turned out so expect more from that. Maybe even the origin of his first name 👀👀
-Crunchie Toast 🍞
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amyreads · 1 year
novel 👀?? did I miss something? or novel format as in IF?
maybe it's burnout? 😭 please rest when needed!!
hahaha no it's not IF-related at all. before writing IFs i wrote novels only (i mentioned before i self-published a few...about 3? and then i stopped because i hit writers block unfortunately) but i have plans to query and submit officially to be Traditionally Published *tips hat*
maybe it is burnout. im still a bit sick but at the same time i start to rip my hair out if i dont work on anything,, which is why im always working on *something* it's not healthy but yk yk
anyway yeah ! the novel took a pause once infamous took off and i got infamous brainrot but i want to go back to working on it and i realized i forgot eveyrthing about what it means to write a novel lsmdjusdh i still having coding/interactive writing Brain
and thank you! <3
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Going to college?
Welcome to my non- Moon Knight Special Interest. 
That’s right, first aid and safety!! 
You’re talking to someone that willingly takes OSHA training at work, loves the pictograph stickers and used to work for Workers Comp L&I (labor and industries) in the insurance review portion as an admin that made sure that your doctors submitted all the appropriate paperwork to get things approved (spoiler, they don’t). 
@scarabgrant​  has brought it to my attention that people are going to college for the first time! This means all you kids are living away from home in a dorm without proper life training! Been there, my friends. 
So here are some things I learned the hard way about dorm life. Let’s start with the basics. 
Most dorms provide a microwave area (in which people constantly make burned popcorn and set off the damn fire alarm). 
At my college, cafeteria hours did not work for my sleep schedule and class schedule. Cafeteria was also closed on weekends. I also did not have a mode of transportation and my campus was far away from town. 
Keep a drawer/shelf/trunk with easy to make microwaveable shelf stable meals. Campbell's quick go soups, instant oatmeal, beans (GET A CAN OPENER), chili, and Ramen work wonders. 
Also keep some quick dishes. A bowl, a plate, a fork, a spoon, a knife, and a cup is all you really need. 
That being said, also keep at least $25 cash somewhere in your room or on you. Never know when a card isn’t going to cut it. You should have more, but you are a poor broke college student so we’ll keep this a low number of $25. You can do a lot with that if you are desperate enough. 
Also keep a roll of paper towels. Trust me on this one. When that cup of water hits the floor you don’t want to be throwing your clothes on it in an effort to soak it up. 
You can’t keep a hot plate or cooking device in your room, but there exists a thing called “An electric Kettle”. Check your dorm rules, but it’s something you plug in and push a button and it heats up water. I doubt it’s illegal. You can use this for coffee, tea, ramen, oatmeal, or other instant meals that just require hot water! 
 You are suddenly sharing a space with people! People that might have relied on their parents to tell them when they stink. Sounds bad, but most people are so familiar with their own smell that they don’t notice when it is bad until it is VERY bad. 
Deodorant! Keep it. Use it. Keep a little one in the car for those fun days of ‘I spent the knight and now I smell bad’ moments. 
CONSIDER SHOWER SHOES. And clean them. It’s all fun and games till you get athletes foot. 
Showers! I’m going to get controversial here, but again, experiences.  You do not always have to do a full shower. Depression is a thing and so is lack of sleep and bad schedules. Wash your face every chance you get. Splash cold water on your eyes. Sink showers can be a thing. I’ve dunked my head under running water and called it a day way too often back in the day. 
If able, please keep a shower schedule though. 
Wash your clothes any chance you get. Set a timer on your phone. Some asshole is going to go in there the second the buzzer sounds and throw your shit all over the floor. MEASURE THE SOAP. If you aren’t used to doing your own laundry, there is no harm in reading the back of the laundry soap container. Soap builds up a film on your clothes if you put too much in. It’s itchy. 
Wash your bed sheets once a week if able! Check for bed bugs. This is a big issue in dorms!!! 
THOSE OF YOU THAT MENSTRUATE: Keep pads and or tampons on you at all times. Maybe you got your schedule down and know it, but that girl crying in the bathroom outside of chemistry is having a BAD DAY. Keep extra in your room. Never know when you will be stranded on campus and suddenly the store is closed and you forgot that you grabbed the last pad a month ago. 
SHARE THE SPACE: Got a roommate? First time ever sharing a room with someone? Even if you are besties from high school, you need to figure out your schedule and rules. 
Is one of you going to stay up all knight with the lights on while the other one can’t sleep because they need total darkness? Does one of you set an alarm at 6am and hit snooze fifty times while the other one got three hours of sleep and wants to sleep till 10am? Do you need to shower but they’ve been in the shower for the past hour and you are running out of time before class? Are they going to sneak their boyfriend in through the window and risk getting you both expelled out of the all girls form? 
TALK! Figure out schedules and comfort zones. Do not sit there being miserable. 
Got a suitemate situation where two rooms share a bathroom? Keep that access door locked so they can’t come into your room through the bathroom any time they want unless you have given them permission. 
Keep your room at least a little clean. Don’t let things rot in there. Maybe you go out and party every night but your homebody roommate is miserable because you have flowers growing white fuzz in the window and a trash can filled with old food that is going bad. 
You are going to want a measuring tape. You’ll know why when you need it. A flat head screwdriver, a philips head screw driver, a hammer, and pliers. If you need them, you’ll be happy you had them. Also you’ll be the cool guy of the friends that is prepared for anything. 
Things to keep in your car. A basic first aid kit. You can buy one of these at the store pretty cheap. Jumper cables! A pack of tissues, hand sanitizer, an extra mask if you are in a covid restriction area, and I recommend a basic overnight bag with a spare pair of underwear, socks, deodorant, tampons/pads if applicable, and a hair brush. It’s all fun till you fall down in a huge ass puddle in the parking lot. Keep the bag in the trunk so no one sees it and tries to break in thinking it’s something else. 
Learn how to change a tire. There are youtube videos! 
Weather appropriate items! Live in rain city? Keep a poncho/umbrella. Live in snow capital? Consider tire chains and de-icer. Out in the desert? Sunblock is your friend. Out in a dangerous area? Pepper spray! 
DO YOU HAVE GLASSES?! KEEP A SMALL GLASSES REPAIR KIT IN THE CAR AND DORM ROOM. Do not be the sad child that lost a screw and is now going to glass for the next three months with their only means of vision taped to their face. 
Do you need contacts? Keep extra. Don’t go to class blind.
Are you or your roommate handicapped? Make sure your campus is accessible to you! There are some old campuses out there that were made way before handicapped people were considered real people. And some of those campuses, unfortunately, still look down their noses at them. Do not just roll over and decide you won’t be taking that class because there is a flight of stairs in the way. You make sure they know you are taking that class and it is the schools job to make it accessible for you. They can move that class to a different building. I’ve seen it done. It can happen. 
Need special print? Make sure your professors know what you need. If they refuse, then there are other professors out there teaching the same subject. Or you can go talk to the school board about how they are breaking the law. 
Now let’s talk medical! 
Do you have a health condition? Do you need to be wearing a med alert bracelet? Make sure that shit is visible! Make sure your friends, professors, and dorm leader knows about it! You do not want to be passed out while someone fumbles with an epi pen and ends up stabbing themselves. EDUCADE THEM! Tell them what they need to know to keep you alive! 
Do you have a serious allergy? Are you prone to seizures? Do you have a heart condition? Educate anyone that is going to be spending time around you. TELL YOUR ROOMMATE. If they wake up to find you seizing on the floor, don’t let them be the idiot that is trying to pry open your mouth to keep you from swallowing you tongue like they do in movies. 
SEIZURES: Odds are high someone on campus is going to have one. DO NOT TRY TO PRY OPEN THEIR MOUTH. YOU WILL LOSE A FINGER. 
If someone is actively seizing, your job is to make sure they are in a safe place. Get them out of the road. Make sure they don’t hit their head on anything. Put a shirt or something soft under their head. Call for help. Check for any medical alert tags, watches, or bracelets. Any information you can give the 911 operator is gold. Even if they already know they have seizures and are on medications, breakthrough seizures can be serious and may mean their medication isn’t working right. 
BANDAIDS: I keep latex free bandaids on me. Latex allergies are a hell of a thing (I have them!). Keep bandaids in all sizes and shapes. You can also consider surgical first aid skin glue, but this is not a solution for everything and can also sting like a biiiitch. Glue is useful in areas that a bandaid can’t quite get to and if you are doing something that requires a lot of hand washing or where bandaids might cause a hazard (fire). GLUE IS FLAMMABLE. KEEP THAT IN MIND YOU FUTURE CHEMISTS. (Surgeons use glue at work when they have cuts on their fingers). 
Bandaids are not always good enough. 
Keep a pack of the following in your kits!: 
Telfa pads. These are sterile absorbent smooth pads. You can apply triple antibiotic ointment to them (neosporin) and place them over any larger scrapes. It will keep them clean and absorb the blood. 
GAUZE WRAP. Comes in rolls. When using this on limbs/fingers you want to start on the telfa pad to hold it in place. Then wrap up or down. You want to overlap the previous layer by 50% with each round you make. DO NOT GO TOO TIGHT. Just a gentle firmness is all you need. It is designed to cling to itself. When done, ripp the end and smooth it over the previous layer. It will stick. 
COHESIVE BANDAGE. Comes in fun colors! This stuff is vaguely sticky, VERY stretchy, and will hold anything in place. The biggest thing to remember about this stuff is that the stretch sinches! You can and probably will pull it too tight and after you place it, it will retract on itself and cut off circulation! 
The proper way to apply this bandage is to unroll what you think you need. This releases the stretch. Then gently and loosely wrap it back up on the roll. Apply over the gauze wrap without stretching it out again. When done, cut it and lay it flat. Keep the 50% rule just like with the gauze. 
TAPE: Bandage tape. This can be placed over the ends of the cohesive wrap and will hold it in place. Can also be used to make your own bandaid! Wad up some gauze or fold up a telfa and use the tape to hold it in place! Do not cut off circulation! 
BANDAGE SCISSORS: These are a sort of safety scissor we use in the medical field. You can slide the flat end under clothes or bandages against the skin and cut things away from problem areas. They use these in ambulances. 
70% Isopropyl Alcohol! It will hurt. It will help. 
Peroxide: I don’t know what they use this for in the human field. It turns white because it’s damaging off the damaged tissue. That’s why it bubbles. Dead tissue turns white and bubbles. Also not great near eyes/ears/face… What is it good for? It is a quick way to get small amounts of blood off of things. Clothes, surfaces, hair…. As long as it doesn’t set in or become old, it will get it off! I’m sure it also disinfects wounds too. But not like Alcohol does! ;) 
Remember when placing a bandage, if your limb is numb, it’s too tight! If you have immediate strike-through (bleeds through the bandage) you may need stitches! This isn’t a good thing if it bleeds through. 
DO NOT TOURNIQUET. You are not in a medical movie. You will kill the limb and cause an amputation to be needed. Don’t do it. The ONLY time you should tourniquet is if a medical professional TELLS you to. I’m not even going to tell you how to do it because I can’t stress this enough. You place a tourniquet only if the other option is death. 
PRESSURE. Just put pressure. Fold up a shirt, jacket, something, and lay it over the wound then use the heel of both your hands to apply firm and even pressure to an area if needed. 
Alcohol prep pads: Little godsavers. 
GLOVES. Latex free gloves! DO NOT TOUCH BLOOD BARE HANDED UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO. Put a box in your car and put a box in your room.
EYE FLUSH. Keep eye drops or sterile eye flush. DO NOT USE VISINE. Visine shrinks blood vessels (it’s how they get rid of red eye. Makes it smaller) and causes them to get more irritated. This makes more red-eye. Then you need more visine to get rid of that red eye. It’s a vicious cycle. 
Got allergies? Benadryl! Don’t got allergies? STILL KEEP BENADRYL. Doesn’t have to be Benadryl. Medication is “Diphenhydramine”. Super cheap if you get off label. It is an antihistamine that helps with insect stings, allergic reactions to plants, animals, or something causing you irritation. If you are experiencing something the benadryl is not helping, you may need doctor intervention. 
Pain medication!: Tylenol and Ibuprofen both live in my kit. Why? Because one of those is not good for people with heart conditions! Some people can only take Tylenol. In fact, keep some aspirin in there too! Your friends will thank you for having options! 
Are you prone to bad flu or colds? Keep a medication you know helps you. If you like it, keep nyquil and dayquil. Not everyone can take this stuff. 
Stomach meds! Tums are always good to keep. Or Peptobismol, Pepcid, Famotadine. Know what medication works for YOU when your stomach goes south. Imodium is also good to keep in a first aid kid. Useful when the diarrhea hits and you need it to stop. DO NOT RELY ON IT. If you need to take Imodium for longer than a couple of days (I’ll give you three days), you are having a problem and may need to see a doctor. 
PEDIALYTE. This may sound weird, but your drunk college friend is going to need this. You might be the drunk college friend. Vomiting or shitting yourself? Pedialyte will keep you from the worst of dehydration or hangover. 
All in all: If you know there is a medication you often are turning to in regular life or in times of need, keep extra with you in your dorm! 
If you are on a prescription medication, keep it in a safe place. Get a pill timer app if you need to or a pill organizer. Make sure you’ve had your annual exam so if you need to go to a random pharmacy to get an emergency refill there shouldn’t be an issue transferring it over or refilling it. Know what things may interact badly with your medications. (grapefruit, asprin, charcoal...) 
Know where the nearest fire extinguisher is. You can even keep a fire blanket in your car and/or dorm. They pack down real small.
Know HOW to use the fire extinguisher. There are pictures on the can. Give them a glance now and then. 
Defibrillators! They are required in most major buildings. Know if your building has one and where it is. Know how to use it! If anything, 911 will tell you how. But they can’t help you if you don’t know where it is. 
CPR: UPDATE. Breathing is less important than compression!!!!!! Do not stop compressing unless they revive or a medical professional tells you! If the heart is not going, the lungs do not matter. KEEP COUNT. It is hard business and when the ambulance arrives, they need to know how long you have been going. GO DEEP. I would rather have a broken rib than be dead. Ribs are fixable. Death is not. Sing the song if you need to! 
Bee Gees Staying alive is the correct rhythm. 
Consider taking a class on CPR and first aid and staying certified! You won’t regret it when you need it. Some colleges offer classes for free! Your nearest fire station may also offer classes! 
LEARN THE HEIMLICH. Remember, if they are talking or laughing they can still breathe. If they stop making sounds, There is NO air getting by. Ask clearly “Do you need help?” If they nod or are clutching at their throat, consider this a pretty good permission. 
LEARN HOW TO EPI PEN! Watch a youtube video. 
JUST BECAUSE YOU USED THE PEN DOESN’T MEAN THEY ARE FINE. The epi pen has bought them time. Now they need to get to a hospital/doctor so they can continue to get help getting the allergen out of their system. 
You are out in a new world of new things. There’s a good chance you might suddenly find out you have a new food allergy or allergy in general. Listen to your body. Take note of unusual reactions like itchy tongue, itchy throat, swollen face or numb lips. 
OKAY. Here’s a rough topic. 
Suicide. Self harm. Depression. You are away from home, you are away from family, support groups, friends. You may be failing class, struggling with being alone. Struggling with romance. It doesn’t matter the reason. Learn to recognize signs of depression in yourself and in others. Reach out to people struggling. Make a friend. Leave them a note asking if they are okay. Do something nice for someone random. One good thing in a sea of sadness can give them a light to cling to. 
Recognize signs of suicide. Giving away items. Telling people strange things like ‘you were always a good friend’. Odd behavior. Reach out. Tell a professor or councelor or dorm mother or someone. Make sure they are given help. 
Abuse. Watch for signs of domestic abuse. People are getting into their first serious relationships. Bruises, overly clingy, ‘protective’, demanding, controlling… Don’t let your friends fall into this pattern of abuse. Some college romances turn into lifetime nightmares. 
THAT’S IT. All I can think of off the top of my head without getting into my own personal stuff…Or rambling on and on. 
But if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out! My ask box is ALWAYS open and so are my DMs! 
Stay safe everyone and make sure your college experience is a good learning lesson! 
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Avenger Initiative, Chapter 4
Word Count:  3.5k
Warnings:  manipulation, dubcon, noncon, underage drinking, sexual situation/sexual tension, drugging.
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Mira’s POV
"It's been like a week since those guys came around," Danielle sighed longingly, "only Sam comes around for Brittany."
I shrugged, eating a piece of toast with my eggs, "good for her.  It seems like he likes her a lot."
"But that cute one. Steve. He hasn't come back at all," she replied with a frown, staring across the island at me, "did you do something that night?"
"Me?" I asked nervously, "No. I didn't do anything. You, however, were kind of a bitch...if that's what you want to know."
She rolled her eyes, "I'm sure you're just being dramatic."
"I'm not," I replied, putting my toast down.  I got up from my spot and went over to put my plate in the sink, "but its whatever. You can keep trying to play innocent."
"Where are you going?" she asked, "we have to start working on the routine."
"How much can we really get done without Brittany?" I asked in response, "she spent the night at Sam’s...remember?"
"Well, when is she going to be back?"
"I don't know," I shrugged, "you have her number. Why don't you ask her?"
I threw my napkin into the garbage and took a glass of orange juice out of the kitchen with me. It wasn't until I reached the stairs that I heard her yell about me being 'an unbearable bitch.' Making sure to slam my door I put the juice on my nightstand as I grabbed my book. Flopping down on the bed, I opened it back up to my marked spot. Getting lost in The Hobbit, I forgot my troubles with Danielle, and the loss of company with Brittany now being occupied by Sam these past few days.
Right as I reached the part where the adventure was really picking up my phone dinged. It was a message from an unknown number. Clicking into it I blushed, instantly recognizing that it was Bucky.
'I hope you don't mind. Brittany gave me your number. I think I might have left my shirt in your room last week.'
I blushed even deeper when I remembered our encounter last week. How his body felt against my fingertips. While one of my hands was exploring the miracle that was his vibranium arm, the other one had managed to drift down along his abs and settle on the button to his jeans. It wasn't until I realized my hand was a few inches away from his partially erect member did I put the hand on his shoulder.
As he shifted to catch my off-balanced, clumsy self, I felt his hardness poking my inner thigh. In a slew of apologies, I all but ran off of him and ran downstairs to re-join the group.
What do I say?  Do I admit that I'd found his shirt the day after Steve left and that I'd slept in it already?  Do I offer to wash it before giving it back?
'Oh...you left a shirt here? I don't remember seeing it. But I'll keep an eye out?'
Hitting send I quickly put my phone on the nightstand and looked to the shirt that was currently next to my pillow. It'd been a week, but his scent was still extremely strong on it. Quickly I opened the drawer to the nightstand and put it in there.
My phone dinged again, and I rushed to open it.
'Guess I misplaced it...oh well. It's a good excuse to use to talk to you again. Were you still interested in that research paper you'd been talking about?'
I smiled, realizing that he had been paying attention when I talked about the paper. Maybe all the sexualization was in my head. Maybe he was just a nice guy that wanted to help me out.
' 😊 Yeah. If you are up for it, I'd love to submit a paper on you. Do you have any free time?'
It felt like almost instantaneously my phone dinged.
'I'm on vacation, doll. All my time is free.'
I couldn't help but break out in another smile.  My phone dinged again.
'My place? Tonight? I can make up for last week and make you dinner?'
I blushed as I bit my lip. When I didn't respond for a few minutes, I saw his name pop up against my screen. My phone started vibrating wildly. I hit the accept button and put the phone up to my ear.
"I didn't mean to freak you out," he sighed breathlessly, "If you don't want to come over...I don't know. I can come over to your place...we can hang out in an open space. No pressure."
"It just sounds like a date is all," I admitted as I felt a blush rising on my cheeks, "and to be honest, it's the week before Thanksgiving. I'm surprised you all didn't have to go back to the city to do some big Avengers party or something."
I could hear him chuckling on the other side of the line. Finally putting the mark in the book, I laid back against the bed as he started, "well I mean, even if we did have to throw a party, they don't particularly care for us little guys. They usually want Thor. Cap. Stark. Hulk."
"Don't forget Hawkeye and Romanoff," I laughed, “you can’t forget them!”
I could practically hear the smile appear on his side, "sounds like you know something about the Avengers after all."
"Just the big six," I admitted, "my best friends Jade and Kenzie are pretty heavy followers."
"But not you?"
"I follow Dr. Banners' work, obviously," I laughed with a shrug, "and of course Tony's work in engineering and tech is always ground-breaking...but Dr. Banner's path is the one I track most. His medical work is the gold standard."
"Got it," he laughed, "keep you and Bruce separate."
"I would never do anything unprofessional," I laughed, rolling onto my side, "I think he's just a great person to learn from."
"He's alright," he agreed after a second, "...so...does this mean that you'll agree to coming over tonight since I don't have some big Avenger party?"
"And you're gonna cook?"
"Don't sound so surprised by that," he laughed, "I may be an old-world man, but I am modern enough to know how to step inside a kitchen."
"I can definitely appreciate that," I smiled. I began playing with one of the quilts on the edge of the bed, "if I do say yes to this...can we eat after I do some research?"
"Whatever you want, doll."
"Okay," I agreed. I bit my lip, "does-does this count as a date, Sergeant Barnes?"
"If it does, you need to stop calling me that," he chuckled, "it feels different coming from non-military personnel."
"Okay," I smirked, rolling over so that I was on my stomach, "I'll see you at six then, Bucky?"
"Six is perfect." 
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I checked myself again in the mirror. It felt like my heart was beating a million miles a minute as I thought about walking over to the boys' house.  It'll be fine.
"Hey Sergeant Barnes," I practiced in the mirror, "Bucky."
I flopped myself down on my bed. My dress fluttering around my body, "god, why is this so hard?"
"Are you okay there, crazy?" a voice asked from the door. I looked up to see Danielle, a glass of something clear in her hand.
"Don't worry about it," I groaned, sitting back up, "I'm just freaking out."
"About robo-boy?" she asked.
"His name is Bucky."
"You're freaking out about him?"
I nodded, "yeah."
"So, you really like him," she smirked, stepping over the threshold of the door. I nodded again and she put her drink down on the dresser, "and you're gonna wear that?"
"What's wrong with my dress?"
"Nothing," she said quickly, "are you wearing a cincher underneath?"
"Come on," she sighed, taking my hand. Leading me over to the mirror she unzipped the front of my dress and I rushed to cover myself. She laughed as she headed into the closet, "don't worry virgin Mary I'm trying to help."
Before I could respond she was back with a waist cincher and had begun wrapping it around me.
"I don't need this," I scoffed, "I don't have like any fat on my body."
"No," she said quickly, continuing to wrap around my body. I could feel it start to tighten against my waist, "you don't. But you also only have slight curves. Put this on and robo-boy will be drooling."
"You think?"
She only nodded in reply as she finished up, and then I pulled the dress back on. Even I had to admit, looking at myself in the mirror my waist looked even tinier, and it made my hips, and my breasts stand out.
"How did it make my boobs look bigger?"
"The magic of beauty is pain," she laughed. She grabbed my hand again and pulled me to her room. Tossing me a pair of heels, I began to put them on as she worked on my hair. Half an hour later I had a cute half updo where some tendrils fell along my face to frame it, and a face full of very natural looking makeup. I gasped at myself, and Danielle smiled, "I know. I do amazing work."
"Thanks," I said slowly. I turned in the chair and looked at her. She seemed genuinely happy for me, "not to ruin the moment, but why are you helping me?"
"Brittany hasn't been around much this week," she sighed, "and well with just me and you in the house it made me realize that maybe I haven't been as nice to you as I could have been. I feel like every time I've seen you, you're avoiding me."
"I kind of have been," I admitted, "just...after what you said when we met the guys...it really hit me hard. It made me think that maybe I hadn't gotten over Jack as much as I thought."
"Don't even worry about him," she smiled reassuringly, "I mean hell, you have a date with an Avenger...nothing in the world could be safer."
"You're right," I smiled, suddenly feeling a burst of confidence rushing through me, "Thanks Danielle."
She smiled and left her room. I hurried up and grabbed my purse and my phone. It was almost six. Grabbing my coat and throwing it on I bolted out of my room.
I gotta go.  Running down the stairs, I was stopped at the door by Danielle. She had a bottle of wine, "here, bring this. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."
"This is from your parents stash."
"Oh well," she shrugged, "I doubt they'll miss it."
I laughed and took the wine, making sure to thank her as the door closed. Checking my hair and makeup one more time as I walked over to the house, I felt my anxiety building. The house's main floor was lit up and as I got closer, I could make out Bucky's figure moving through the house.
Is he as nervous as I am?
"Here goes nothing," I whispered more to myself than anyone else. As I reached the final steps and came onto the deck, it felt like a swarm of butterflies released themselves inside my stomach. My nerves were going off the deep end.
I knocked on the door.  A few seconds later the door opened, and I was hit with not only the warmth of the house, but I could smell Bucky's cologne from my spot on the porch.
"H-hi Sergeant Barnes."
"Bucky, doll," he purred, opening the door more so that I could walk past him, "you can call me Bucky.  Remember?"
I nodded, now feeling my heart beating in my throat as I pased him. He closed the door behind me and locked it. I turned to him, "I uhm. I brought over some wine to go with dinner."
He smiled, "you didn't have to do that, doll."
"I know."
"What am I doing?" he laughed. He put a hand on my waist, "let me take the wine for you. I'll pour us a glass. Take your coat off. Make yourself at home."
"Okay," I smiled. I watched as he took the wine and disappeared into the kitchen. I couldn't help but feel sad at the loss of contact he'd put on my waist. I took off my coat and began looking around, but I didn't see a coat rack. So, I followed the path he'd gone through and found myself in the kitchen with him. He was opening the stove, checking on whatever it was that he'd decided to make. Two glasses of a dark red liquid stood on the counter beside him.
When he turned to me, he took a sharp intake of breath, "wow. You look really beautiful tonight."
I blushed, "thank you."
He shook his head and smiled, "I'm sorry. Let me take your coat."
I handed it off to him and he put it in a closet down the hall.
"So where do you want to do it?"
My eyes went wide, "excuse me?"
He smiled, "you said you wanted to examine my arm more. Do you want to go to the living room? The library? My room? We could stay here in the kitchen?"
"The living room is fine," I replied, feeling my nerves come down. For a second, I had thought he was asking me to 'do it.' I was grateful for once to be wrong. He handed me a glass of wine, and took my hand, leading me back down the hall. I took a few idle sips of the wine as we found our way towards a very spacious living room, "how long do we have? I mean, how much time before dinner?"
"I'm making ossobuco," he chuckled, "I could braise it all night if you wanted me to...but it'll be done in about an hour."
"Oh fancy," I giggled, "who knew Bucky Barnes was a man who knew how to work a kitchen."
"I'm a multi-talented man, doll," he smirked, sending me a wink, "but I'm sure you'll find that out the more time you spend with me."
"I'm looking forward to it." 
"So uhm, where would you like me?" he asked, "I can sit on the couch or a chair. We could sit on the floor."
"The floor is fine," I replied quietly. He chuckled and nodded, then pulled off his dark Henley, before sitting in the middle of the floor. I kneeled beside him, and he chuckled again, "what's so funny?"
"Come here," he said, holding out his hands to me. I sighed, knowing that he was right. If I was going to do an up-close examination of his arm, I'd have a better vantage point from his lap. I took his hands and he led them to his shoulders, and his hands went to my waist so that he could help me onto his lap without me falling. As I sank onto his lap, I couldn't stop the thoughts that ran through my mind.
His scent wrapped around me, and I felt my eyes closing to inhale it even deeper. Trying to keep my legs as close together as I could to stop the friction between our hips, I failed as I felt his jean covered crotch against my own lace covered one. I took a deep breath as I opened my eyes and was met with his own crystal-clear blue eyes. His face was a lot closer to mine than I would have thought possible.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," I nodded, lying. Trying to keep in mind my objective, I took another breath and backed up slightly, which caused more friction between my thighs as his jeans slid against me. I could practically feel the pool that had been gathering in my panties in the few short moments I'd been on his lap, "do-do you remember anything around the time they installed it?"
My fingers grazed along the base of his arm, right where the shoulder joints would have been.
"No," he said breathily, "HYDRA wiped my mind so many times though I-"
"I'm sorry," I sighed, forgetting that he'd also undergone a lot of brainwashing and torture. I sat up slightly so that I could observe the line along his back. While it obviously included the deltoid, it looked like there were connections into his back along the spine of the scapula, the scapula inferior angle, and teres major, "does this go further into your back?"
As I leaned up more, he put his right hand on the small of my back, pushing our bodies flush with one another. I shivered as his breath hit my collarbone. Then I froze as I felt his lips against my skin. I let go of an involuntary moan as his teeth grazed a sweet spot at the base of my neck.
My hands immediately gripped onto the sides of his chest, riding just above his jeans as I gasped, "Bucky."
He nipped at my neck again, and I felt my chest heave. His stubble tickled the tops of my breasts and his soft lips feathered them with even softer kisses. I gasped again, this time dragging my hands down until they caught on the waistband of his jeans. Breathing heavier, and feeling my arousal grow I leaned back down, only to be met with his hips bucking up to meet mine.
I yipped at the feeling of his enormous, clothed bulge bumping against my clit, which was already sensitive and wanting more friction. My heart raced as his lips captured my own in an impassioned kiss. Instinctively my hands reached up to tangle themselves into his hair. His hands explored my body furiously. One gripped my waist so tight that it had my body melting into his thick, muscular chest. The other was shoved between our bodies as it fondled one of my breasts.
"Say my title," he pleaded between kisses, "call me. Sergeant. Barnes."
I playfully bit his bottom lip as we kissed again, and he growled against my lips, before bucking his hips against me again. This time the friction was unbearable as he made sure to grind his hips against mine," Bucky!"
"Say it."
He held my hip with one hand as he grinded into me again, "Sergeant. Barnes."
"Again," he whispered, moving his lips down my jaw and back to my neck. He pushed his hips up against me again, "say it again."
"Sergeant," I moaned as he bit my sweet spot. He began licking and sucking on my neck, causing me to grind my hips against his without assistance. My hands dragged themselves back down his chest and he moaned. One of my hands kept going past his jeans as he bucked against me again. I gripped his thigh and he shuddered.
"God, doll," he moaned, "you're fucking perfect."
"Sergeant. James. Buchanan. Barnes," I moaned, palming him through his jeans. He bit down on my neck after I finished moaning his full title. I forgot why I was here. I forgot all about being objective. The only thing I wanted was to feel him, "how far away is your bedroom?"
His lips stopped attacking my neck and he looked at me, breathlessly. His lips were puffy and pink, no doubt from the intensity we'd been functioning at, "upstairs."
"I want you," I whispered, kissing him lightly again, "please James."
There was a fire in his eyes that ignited when I called him by his first name. His breathing got heavier. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly. But this kiss was different. The passion was still there, but there was another emotion I was used to. Hesitancy. When he pulled away there was a sadness. He shook his head, "I-I can't. Not like this."
"Doll you've had a glass of wine," he said slowly, nodding to the wine glass, "that's your second glass...you're drinking mine. I-I can't take advantage of you like that."
"What?" I asked, not remembering that I had drank a glass already, "I-I'm not drunk though. You wouldn't be taking advantage of me. I promise."
He sighed and kissed me one more time. I closed my eyes, trying to think of when I'd had a glass already. My few idle sips had been enough to drain the glass when we were in the hall. He'd offered me his glass when I started examining his arm.
How did that all blur together?
"You okay doll?"
I looked up to him and felt really dizzy, "ma-maybe I had too much.
There was a look of concern that crossed his features, "Mira?"
"I think I need to lie down," I replied. I put a hand up to my face, "James?"
My body felt heavy.
Something didn't feel right.
"What's going on?"
"You'll be fine doll," he whispered, "just sleep it off."
"We'll talk in the morning," he shushed me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying on the couch, "hey-hey. Don't try to get up. We don't want you hurting yourself."
"What's going on?"
"It's okay doll," he cooed. I felt his lips on my own. My arms felt too heavy to swat him away. My legs felt like they were encased in concrete, and I couldn't move. But I felt Bucky's hands slide along the curves of my body, "just get some sleep. Be a good girl. Be my good girl. Get some rest." 
Chapter 5
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fallen-stark · 2 years
Hi there! Hope you're doing well. :)
Can I please request a Steve Harrington sad imagine? reader and Steve have been childhood bffs but things took a turn when Steve became popular and forgets about his bff and dates Nancy? when they both help save the upside down Steve tries to fix things with her but she leaves hawkins for good leaving things broken with Steve.
Sorry if it's way too long. thanks and have a great one.
it's not too long at all! i hope you enjoy it!! don't be afraid to let me know what you think!
submit your request here!
wq: 3.2k
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with the purple and pink backpack secured tightly around your small body, you came face-to-face with tommy h.
"nice looney toons backpack, loser," he crossed his arms, blocking your path to
"leave me alone, tommy," you muttered as you gripped your backpack tighter to your body, scared he was going to take it away from you.
before you could say anything else, tommy pushed you to the ground. "don't tell me what to do, loser," he laughed at your mud covered jeans. your new looney toons backpack blocks your upper body from the brown substance.
you sniffed, wiping your face from the tears that flowed freely from them. your right cheek now covered with mud. the new looney toons backpack that your parents bought you, now ruined. a loud yell interrupted your thoughts as you looked over at the scene.
"don't push her again," you saw a brunette boy yelling as he stood over tommy's knocked over body. tommy cried as he held his cheek from being punched.
the boy made his way over to you, his hands in his pockets, as he let out a small nervous smile, "i'm sorry he pushed you down."
"it's okay, you don't have to apologize."
he offered his hand to you to help you up which you gladly accepted.
"i'm steve."
"i'm y/n."
the rest was history as you and steve became inseparable up throughout the rest of elementary school and middle school. no one dared to mess with you after steve had punched tommy in the third grade. and for that, you were thankful.
but once sophomore year hit, steve harrington became popular.
he was always popular, but for some reason, that year had created a different atmosphere. probably due to his late puberty and many girls who began to fling themselves at him.
then junior year hit.
and steve harrington started dating nancy wheeler.
"she's just different, y/n."
steve had been gushing over the phone about his study date with nancy wheeler. you sat on your kitchen floor, playing with the phone cord as you listened to him speak about his ongoing crush of junior year.
"steve, you said that about the last one too," you tried reasoning.
the truth was that ever since the third grade, you had hoped that maybe... just maybe, something would bloom between you and steve. yet it never did.
he would tell you about whatever crush he had that week and how they would be going on a date the following week. he told you about the first time he lost his virginity in the backseat of his car. then he would ask you about any boys you were interested in, which you would just simply mumble a quick 'no' and change the subject.
but steve was right when he said nancy wheeler was different.
but steve also forgot to mention that you would become a distant memory once the two began officially dating.
"hey, i won't be able to make it tonight. raincheck?"
"sure," you grumbled.
"thanks, y/n, you're the best!"
before you could respond, steve hung up. you sighed as you put the phone back onto its home. this was the fourth time he had canceled, making it officially a month since you had last seen your best friend.
the cold water felt refreshing on your face as you cleaned the makeup, that you had spent an hour on, off of your face. you looked at yourself for a short while before sighing and changing from your going out clothes.
soon after, the phone calls stopped. then the waves in the hall ceased until eventually steve would walk by with his friends and brush right passed you.
any existence of steve harrington in your life completely faded into the past. once a full month had passed without hearing from your best friend at all, you knew whatever friendship the two of you had was gone.
but there, you sat between dustin and erica in the backseat while steve drove and robin sat in the passenger spot.
how did you get roped into this? you didn't know because it had all happened so fast.
"i mean no one is scientifically perfect but suzie's about as close to being perfect as any human being could be," dustin responded to robin's question.
"she sounds made up, does she sound made up to you?" erica asked steve.
he hesitated.
"why are you hesitating, steve?"
"i'm not- i'm not. i think she sounds real. totally, absolutely real," he clarified as he drove.
you laughed lightly as you listened to them bicker.
"turn left!" dustin yelled.
"there's not a road here?!" steve yelled back.
"turn left!"
steve jerked the well, causing you all in the backseat to squish together as he sped up the hill. the toddfather only went so far before its tire got stuck in the mud.
"i guess the toddfather has its limitations," you stated before all of you unbuckled your seatbelts to walk the rest of the way.
by the time you all got to the top, you let out a loud sigh. "dustin, you just had to pick a mountain, didn't you?" you grumbled. erica looked like she was about to beat the other child.
"dustin, i swear if you made us walk all this way for a fake girlfriend..." she trailed off.
"i'm telling you she's not fake, just watch," dustin stated as he sat on the ground. erica and robin sitting beside him.
steve paced back and forth as you stood a few steps away from him, waiting for 'bald eagle's team to respond to dustin.
you felt eyes on you, so with a quick glance at steve, your eyes met. he gave you a soft smile but you ignored it, turning your focus back to dustin.
there was no way you were going to act like everything was fine with him after he had ignored you over the course of a year. the two of you having just graduated high school.
"can you believe we only have four more years, then it's college!" you squealed as steve walked you to your first period.
he leaned against the outside of the door, as you smiled in delight.
"i can't wait to go to walk the stage with you then we will go to college together and-"
"bald eagle! this is bald eagle!"
the walkie-talkie's voice interrupted your thoughts. you all were relieved as dustin was able to get in contact with murray. murray being annoyed with dustin's name for him.
you started to fidget with your fingers, getting anxious with everything that was happening. the truth was you had just gotten involved and the idea of a giant monster wanting to murder everyone just didn't sit well with you.
steve noticed your anxiousness.
"hey," he nudged you softly to get you out of your trance. "you okay?"
with a small nod, "yes-yeah, i think i am." steve could tell you didn't want to continue the conversation but every so often he would look at you to see where exactly your head was at.
he had felt bad that you both weren't as close as you had been a few years back but he could still read you like a book. he knew you weren't okay, and he didn't blame you. he didn't want you to be involved but sometimes shit just happens.
"scoops troop, this is- hm... bald eagle. i've reached another junction."
"the fourth junction," erica confirmed.
"okay, if memory serves... this is right after the my little pony thesis/"
"we went left, so he has to go-"
"right," both erica and dustin confirmed as they then told murray.
you sighed as you looked to the left, over the clearing. your eyes widening at the sight of the normally stable lights going ballistic on the mall.
"uh, steve," you muttered as you tapped him with the back of your hand to get his attention.
steve followed where your focus was at, seeing the mall. "hey, guys," he called out, walking closer to the hill's descent.
robin, dustin, and erica walked up to steve, seeing where he was referring to. you all ran back to cerebro, dustin being the first to grab the mic to call el, mike, will, max, lucas, jonathan, or nancy. yet none of them responded.
what they were greeted with was a loud growl interrupted them.
your eyes filled with horror as you could only imagine what was happening on that side of the hill.
were they safe?
dustin continuously called out to the group to confirm their safety but no one replied. only making each of your worries grow more and more.
steve immediately started to run towards the car.
"where are you going?!" robin yelled after him.
"stay here! contact the others!" he called back out.
"shit, shit," you mumbled as you began to run after your best friend steve.
"wait, y/n!" dustin called out to you before you could get too far causing you to turn around. "here!" he tossed you one of his supercoms. "stay in touch."
you caught the device, yelling out a 'got it' before catching up to steve.
steve was slightly shocked to see you hop into the convertible a few seconds after he had. "you don't have to come with me. it's not going to be safe," he stated, looking at you with concern.
"you can't do this alone, steve."
and with that, he simply nodded, told you to buckle up, and managed to get out of the previously stuck position by hauling ass in reverse.
as you both sat in the car, steve sped as fast as he could to get to the mall before it was too late.
"you know," he yelled out over the sound of the car's engine. "after this is all done, we need to hang out. you know, catch up?"
you looked at him, your grip on the door tightly with the increased speed.
if someone asked you what you wanted right before graduation, you would've said that you wanted your best friend back. to have him ask you to hang out and catch up on each other's lives but now that your wish was finally coming true, a month after you finally accepted the end of your friendship, you didn't know what to say.
the truth was, you were accepted into your dream college. and you would be gone soon enough. was it fair to rekindle something that would probably just bust into flames? probably not. did you want to try it? yes, of course, because you still loved him deep down. and part of you always would have a soft spot for steve harrington.
"yeah, yeah. sure!" you finally agreed, loud enough for him to hear.
the moment steve and you pulled into the parking lot, you saw another car on its way to hit nancy wheeler, and the kids. nancy stood, gun facing toward the vehicle. but it just kept speeding up.
"hold on!"
and you did. to whatever you could.
steve harrington hit the car, full force, causing the cadillac to do a complete circle. nothing but tires screeching and glass breaking was heard.
you both sat there for a few seconds, adrenaline coursing through your veins, as your minds registered what just happened.
steve turned to you, cupping your face, "are you okay? are you hurt?"
steve harrington opened the front door of his house to you standing in the rain, mascara flowing freely down your cheeks. your eyes were puffy and your nose pink.
"y/n?! are you okay? are you hurt?" he asked as he pulled you into his house and out of the storm.
you sniffed as you wiped your eyes with your wet long-sleeve shirt. steve immediately pulled you into his arms, rubbing your back. he didn't care if he was getting wet. he just wanted to help you. to be there for you.
"what's wrong, sweetheart? what happened?"
"i-" you choked out, eyes watering again. "they said she wouldn't be able to make it, steve."
before you could reply to him. the mind flayer crawled onto the starcourt mall, its loud screech taking you and steve by surprise as you both stood up in the car.
beep beeeep.
a car pulled up beside the two of you, nancy yelling for you both to get in. you immediately grabbed steve's hand, hopping over the door of the car and climbing into the trunk.
"go, go, go, go!"
the spider-looking creature climbed off of the mall, you and steve watching it as it came after the moving vehicle.
it had been miles and the creature was still following the car. you began panting. it felt like it was getting closer and closer. steve gave your hand a small squeeze. you hadn't realized your hands were still locked together. steve gave you a reassuring smile, causing you to forget for a brief second that there was a gigantic creature trying to kill you and everyone in the car.
"dusty bun, do you copy?"
"i copy, suzie poo."
you and steve locked eyes, realizing that this was the suzie. and she was, in fact, real.
dustin and her went back and forth before dustin sighed.
"turn around, look at what you seeeeeeeee," dustin began singing.
there was no way he was singing the neverending story right now, was he?
"in her face, the mirror of her dreeeeeaaams..."
he was.
you have got to be joking me, you couldn't help but laugh. steve gave you a confused look.
"the neverending story?" you asked, looking at the front of the car to see if anyone knew.
"no?" you asked quieter as lucas, will, jonathan, and nancy sat there with confusion written on their faces.
the mind flayer shrieked as it turned around.
"it's turning around!" steve yelled to the front. "what?!" nancy yelled, turning around to face the back of the car. "it's turning around!"
"hold on," jonathan called out, turning the car around before you could actually find something to hang onto.
the group ran into the mall and up the escalator. just as you all got up to the top, the mind flayer stuck out its tongue that had teeth attached to the end of it- really just looking like another mind flayer but mini.
lucas and will tossed you and steve fireworks, the two of you going to a different area to distract the mind flayer and quickly began lighting them as fast as you could to distract- or even cause harm- to the demonic thing.
"flay this, you ugly piece of shit," lucas yelled as he threw the first firework.
the rest of you followed suit, causing the gigantic thing to stumble. it was lucas and will then jonathan and nancy then you and steve, each of the groups rotating throwing the explosions at it in hopes to stop it as much as you all could so el and whoever else had enough time to escape.
steve grabbed the supercom, "dustin, we're out of time!"
you continued to throw the last fireworks you had.
before you knew it, billy was taking hold of the mind flayer. the rest of you stood still, watching as its different ligaments attached to him.
gasping in horror, you stepped closer to steve which caused him to pull you into him, holding you close as you all took in the scene in front of you.
suddenly the mind flayer was stumbling toward you and steve, causing you both to fall back as it hit the railing and then went crashing down to the ground.
sirens and military men screaming filled the air as you sat in the back of an ambulance. steve stood close by while the paramedics cleaned the wounds on your face, and check for concussions.
"you do have a concussion," the paramedic began to talk.
you tuned her out as you saw joyce and will hugging. your eyes followed joyce's as you saw el, standing there. you slowly stood up as you walked toward the young girl.
the loss of a parent was hard, something you had been through your freshman year of high school.
once you were standing beside el, you wrapped her into your arms, holding her close as she cried.
steve harrington never called you or showed up at your house after the events at starcourt. not that you expected much from it. yet you found yourself waiting to hear from him, again.
the last three months were spent packing as it was officially time to head off to college. you were accepted into stanford, which was a thirty-three hour drive from hawkins.
ironically, the byer's family was also picking up to move to lenora hills, california- which was only about an hour from where you were located. and to save your father a trip, they offered to have you ride along with them.
"thank you for doing this, joyce," you spoke, putting the last one of your boxed in the back of the van.
"of course, y/n, you're like family. especially since... you know, you've been a big support system for el."
you smiled and nodded at her, just simply thankful for her kindness.
"alright, kiddo, you be safe out there and you call me every night, okay? don't let those californians change you too much, yeah?" your dad smiled sadly, wrapping you up in a hug.
"yes, dad, i'll call you every night," you laughed lightly. "i pinky promise."
"yeah, y/n?" he said as he looked at you.
the two of you lay under the stars in the backyard of his house. his parents were gone once again and your father was on a business trip, leaving you both alone in your family homes.
"can you promise me something?"
you turned to face him, "promise me that no matter what happens we will always be friends. that even if something ever comes between us, we'll find out way back to each other."
steve laughed lightly, "y/n, that's never going to happen."
"i'm serious, steve, promise me."
"i pinky promise."
steve harrington showed up at your childhood home, flowers in hand. he spent the last few months figuring out how he should approach you, how he should apologize. what he found out was that for the years that he's known you, he had always been the happiest. and the few years that you both were not talking, well, that was one of the lowest points in his life.
so with your favorite flowers in hand, a speech ready, and a million different ways to apologize to you in hopes to win you back- he knocked on the door.
"steve," your father stated with surprise, "how can i help you?"
"i- uh, i was wondering if y/n was here?"
"oh..." he replied to the young man sadly, "you just missed her, steve."
steve rubbed the back of his neck, he wanted to apologize to you soon. "do you know where she went? i- i really wanted to apologize to her- you know, being distant and all."
what he really wanted to say was 'sir, after deep thinking, i am utterly in love with your daughter and would love to spend the rest of my days making her happy in hopes that someday i could make up for being a shit friend'.
"she left for california, son."
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Stebania & Ulyssa headcanons
Sorry I don't really understand how to interact in Tumblr like how to react or comment something without re-rebloggind my own post🙃 so I'm doing it the old-school way.
I'd like to use the opportunity and answer some beautiful people's tags and drop some random headcanons in the same time (damn never had I ever thought that I'd be in this situation where you start totally simping some very obscure characters and only content you'll get is the one you make yourself (besides those 3-4 people who make fanart or post smth about them, BLESS YOUR HEARTS).
Soooooo They are both very bad at make-up, they try doing it for each other but eventually mess up (hi to those shaking hands because of the monstrous amounts of coffee they drink) so they ask Cindy to do it for them (idk if Cindy is gedner-bend in this universe too or not?…).
Ulyssa seems like a chill one at first but if you disrespect Stebania in a slightest way she may snap and bite your head off (basically applicable to the original male versions like the most of those headcanons lol).
Ulyssa approves and praises EVERYTHING Stebania does and says (she's her goddess).
They both love high heels (they want to look more intimidating; they do not succeed).
They submit all the university assignments at the last moment and barely avoid expulsion every term.
The guys (and girls) on their faculty genuinely consider them hot but don't dare to hit on them cause they're low-key scarred off by their weirdness and nerdiness.
Uli has rather long, luxurious curly hair, but she almost always wears it in a bun. Stebania's waves magically make her hairstyle look good just as it is (she of course explains it by the fact that it's the sufficient level of infra-materialistic pLaSmA keeping it together).
Uli actually enjoys reading aloud to Stebania. Stebania enjoys listening to Uli's voice.
They actually secretly adore each other's (Mesque and Gottwaldian) accents.
They often lump any minor (or not) manifestations of affinity in with ways of reaching a higher level of infra-materialism, saying that "Comrades Mazov and Nielsen clearly practised the same thing, all for the sake of the working class of course". Each of them does this without realising that the other is doing the same.
Stebania massages Uli's head when it aches after reading in dim light.
When they stay up too late, they sleep together right on that old sofa, making up various incredible stories about Mazov and Nielsen (sort of like their own headcanons about them? Lol) until they fall asleep cuddling.
Stebania is soft. Like. She has CURVES. And maybe a little belly. Uli on the other hand is a skinny sack of bones. They adore each other's body types.
Ah yeah almost forgot the most important thing. They DON'T wear a bra. Communism is against bras.
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@yellow-yarrow @twoflour @revacholianpizzaagenda Goddamnit the fourth level of infra-materialism REALLY is transitioning!! XD I didn't even think about that. That is some high plasma level thinking thank you.
@yellow-yarrow So YEEESSSSSS they are those cringe nerd lesbians and the whole university sees them as huge ass weirdos. As you said, Cindy and Liz are like. Normal lesbian people (more or less). But those are like. A couple of crazy chaotic lesbians.
@revacholianpizzaagenda YEAH I must admit I somewhat flattered the sense of dressing style of their original versions XD On Uli's floof (that's so cute thanks😭): looking at Uli in the game I was always under the impression he had more of that curly, voluminous hair… so I couldn't resist.
Thank you my fellow comrades for paying attention to this absolutely niche content😭🤝😂
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stolensiren · 2 years
famous last words // teddy, emilio, teagan, patricia, macleod, metzli, & cass
TIMING: just before midnight PARTIES: @deathisanartmetzli @eldritchaccident @yourlocalbrawler @teaganmyrick @monstersfear @braindeacl @stolensiren SUMMARY: metzli, macleod, cass, patricia, teagan, teddy, and emilio all prepare to leave town together, but are stalled by the realization that something isn't right. metzli finds a solution, and everyone wishes there were a different one. CONTENT: sibling death, parental death
“It–it didn’t work.” The earth continued to rumble and crack, the lightning of concrete and dirt growing with each thundering pulse of energy from White Crest. Metzli stood there, watching helplessly, unable to coordinate another plan as everyone stood behind them. Cass, Teddy, Emilio, Teagan, Patricia, and Eilidh agreed to ensure the plan worked, to stay just outside the town’s boundaries in case they needed to step in or keep running. 
And it was so funny, wasn’t it? Decades of being a strategist, with backup plan after backup plan, and now, when the world was ending—arguably the most important moment in Metzli’s life—they were coming up with nothing. “It was supposed to work! I don’t understand! Twelve sacrifices for each hour. All the books—Leah said—fuck! Fuck!” Abigail and Lil, and all those people had given their lives, believing they were doing the right thing. The very thought made Metzli sink to their knees, their heart aching and wishing for some other way. “All those volunteers…it was supposed to—”
Then, it hit them.
“The thirteenth hour.” Metzli practically whispered to themself, rising to their feet and stumbling as dry earth burst open. The sinkhole was going to reach the city limit if they didn’t act fast. If Metzli didn’t do something. “We forgot about the thirteenth hour. Teagan–you were in it.” She nodded with her brows furrowing together, as if she knew where they were going with their thought. She did. She looked down at Eilidh with a somber expression, not saying a word as Metzli continued. “You and that Sol guy, right? If it exists, it has to be the missing part. We need…” Their eyes fell at the realization they knew no one would want to say aloud. Avoiding everyone’s faces, Metzli continued, preparing for the inevitable rebuttals. Especially on Eilidh’s part. Maybe even more especially on Cass’s. “There has to be one more…sacrifice.” The final word hung heavy in the air, and Metzli didn’t lift their head. Doing so would make them think twice, and there just wasn’t enough time for that.
Eilidh was the first to surge forward, putting together what her partner was really saying. Her nails dug impossibly deep into their skin, drawing blood, and Metzli could’ve sworn they felt them in their heart. The two of them were supposed to have a new start, and they were effectively telling her they never would. Her screams filled their ears, her pleas making it nearly impossible to submit themself to what they needed to do. Whispering sweet nothings in her ears, she clung to them, and they finally rose their head to acknowledge everyone they loved, tears streaming down their fearful expression.
Rhett was dead. The ground was shaking, the world was ending, Rhett was dead, and it felt so much like Etla that Emilio could see Jaime’s body in the street just a few feet away staring at him with unseeing eyes. Nausea tugged at his gut, and it took everything he had just to keep his goddamn lunch down, just to keep himself standing on his own two feet. 
And the worst part, he thought, was that it was all for nothing. Rhett stayed behind to play the fucking hero, did the exact goddamn thing he’d forbidden Emilio from doing, and it was all for nothing. Emilio lost the only brother he had left for nothing. The world was still ending. They were still going to die. It might have felt like a relief if he weren’t so goddamn angry about it.
Metzli was speaking then, and it took a moment for Emilio to tune back in to the conversation, took a moment for him to pull himself back into the present and away from the bodies in the street that had rotted away to dust in another country years ago, but when his mind caught up, he understood what they were saying. 
Twelve people stayed behind. And there should have been one more.
Immediately, Emilio stepped forward. He locked eyes with Metzli, tilting his head in a silent question. He’d do it, if he had to. He’d be breaking a million promises — to Rhett, to Teddy, to people no longer around to care, but fuck, it’d be worth it. He chose to live. He chose that. Maybe it didn’t matter if he didn’t stick to it. Maybe choosing it once was enough.
The ground trembled beneath her feet, and Cass stumbled in a wild attempt to stay upright. It should have stopped by now, shouldn’t it? All those people who’d stayed behind, all those people who’d given everything to stop it… It should be over by now. The fact that it wasn’t was bound to be a bad sign, and maybe — maybe they all should have known better. Maybe they should have realized that things couldn’t be this simple. 
Maybe some things weren’t meant to work out.
Cass’s heart was in her throat, because she didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to fall into a hole in the world where no one would ever find her, didn’t want her life to end when it felt like it had really only just begun. Superheroes died for their causes, sometimes, but in the comics, they always came back after. Death wasn’t so temporary in reality. 
But then, Metzli came to a realization that was almost worse, somehow. They spoke, and Cass felt her stomach clench because she knew exactly what they were saying. She stepped towards them a moment after the hunter holding Teddy’s hand did, eyes sliding nervously to the man as she shuffled a little farther away from him and locked her gaze onto Metzli’s. 
“No,” she said firmly, shaking her head. “Metzli, no. You — You said we were going to leave together. You promised that. Let someone else do it.” She didn’t mean to glance back to the hunter as she said it, but maybe she did anyway. “You get to live now. You get that. Please, Metzli.”
The crumbling canyon before them was a ripping, yawning, hollow thing. Bleakly mirroring the expressions on those who stood around the edge. Teddy heard, yes. Teddy processed the meaning moments after the words came from Metzli’s mouth. His grip on Emilio’s hand and stubborn feet maybe the only thing keeping the hunter from rushing in without even knowing what he was going to even do about it. Teddy was doing it again. Flushed cheeks on a paling face. Slowly becoming about as ghost white as the crackles of energy that seeped up and out of the ground before them. Stuck in his spot. Unable to move. But if it wasn’t fear that was keeping him rooted, what was it? Despair? Rage? 
The florist (Well, was it even fair to call him a florist anymore? Twice now his shops had been swallowed completely by something all consuming and unstoppable. At least this time they weren’t alone. Though that thought was far more bitter than it should have been.) echoed the younger girl’s words. “No.” Firm, hurt, but lined with a breathy desperation that threatened to tumble outward should he say anything else. He finally forced himself to look over. Too much distance and too many people he loved stood between him and his appa. Fuck. Teddy was just getting used to that. To family. Each face painted a different portrait of grief. Emilio’s loss of another brother, Cass and the home she’d finally built for herself, Eilidh and the life they were about to create. And Metzli. Something determined and sad behind those eyes. A hungry thing Teddy recognized immediately as resolution. 
“There’s gotta– anyone else. Please. There’s so many people out there who could– anyone else.” It was pretty clear. The people there were among the few Teddy Jones would do literally anything for. Except allow them to die. Except allow them to be the final sacrifice in a pyrrhic victory against the town that raised Ted. The town that was set to raze the rest of the planet if someone didn’t intervene. There had to be another way. Anything. Anything would be better than losing a single one of them. 
Despite the ravenous trembling of the ground beneath her, Patricia’s feet remained planted, looking on at the city that had attempted to make a massacre of its own population. It took her a bit longer than it should’ve to realize what Metzli was implying, what grim resolution to the problem they’d come up with, but it still hurt all the same. They were a close friend, one of the closest besides Teagan, and somebody she thought would become a parent-in-law someday in the future, but like all things, that innocent thought was cut short. Life was unfair, and cruel, but those words were understatements for the irony of Metzli sacrificing themself after already having given so much to the town and its people. 
A stunned silence washed over Patricia, the torrent of thoughts in her mind serving to silence the group’s pleading and denial. When she thought of putting herself in their shoes, she knew she couldn’t do it. There was no way she would leave Teagan and Daisy to give her life for the rest of the world. She knew just how selfish that was, but she didn’t allow self-pity to derail her thoughts. If anyone could do this, it was Metzli, that’s just the kind of person they were. They’d give their all until the last drop of blood was spilled.
Rather than a sob or a cry escaping Patricia’s lips as a tear streamed down her cheek, a grim chuckle instead left in its place. The feeling of disbelief fused with the sudden realization that it had to be Metzli, into a feeling of amusement at the irony of the situation. What else was there to do when all others wept for their closest friend? “Always gotta be the damn hero, don’t you Metz? If you’re going to go out, might as well go out swinging.” The world in front of them was emptying out, crumbling into nothing before their very eyes, but with a single realization Metzli proved that they were willing to charge forth into the void with a final defiant gesture. “Make it count, because there won’t be a single person who survives this that won’t miss you every damn day.”
There wasn’t much else to say. The group of people surrounding Teagan had every reason to refute what Metzli was saying, but even with how horrible the answer was, it was the answer. However, she did find herself wanting to fight back with the rest. If not to preserve a kind heart’s beat, then for her mother figure, Macleod. The love of her life was giving everything away, tossing out any possibility of the happy ever after she felt her mother deserved. But then, the love of her life spoke up, speaking in a way that would most certainly get her chastised. 
“C-cariad.” Teagan pulled Patricia closer to retreat to the back of the group, her voice still cracking from her time in The Ring’s basement. Her neck still bore the evidence of the horrible conditions she was under, and she was still weak from her time away from Dark Score, but there was an undeniable strength in the way she managed to get Patricia where she wanted. “They might h-hit you. Wanted to protect you.” She whispered hoarsely, confident that Patricia would still hear. “May be best to k-keep quiet for now. People in mourning. Denial.” Teagan looked at Cass then, the biggest and most frequent offender of denial. She did it best, and Teagan has experienced first-hand more than once. 
Everyone spoke together, refusing to accept the solution in front of them, just as expected. Metzli’s face contorted into a mixture of grief, frustration, and fear, the knowledge that they were wasting time heavy on their entire body. “Guys—please, can we just—” Then, Patricia, of all people, was tearfully chuckling, and they couldn’t help but scoff in kind. She not only understood what they were saying, but accepted it. There was no way they’d let Emilio give his life, and there was no changing Metzli’s mind, and she knew it. 
“No, guys. No.” Metzli propped Eilidh an arm-length away by her shoulder, hoping to help her see that their solution was the correct one. She continued to argue, to kiss them and beg them to let someone else do it, but Metzli simply shook their head. It wasn’t easy on their part, by any means, though it may have looked like it was. They had coordinated so many plans, were looking forward to a life full of love and adventure, and now…there was no chance. All of that was being given up so that everyone they loved could have that instead. It would hurt, it would ache indefinitely. But to Metzli, that fate was far better than having nothing at all.
Looking to the rest of the group, Metzli could see a tsunami of emotions crashing together, further increasing the difficulty of their decision. Eventually though, they found their resolve. “Emilio, you’re not giving your life. You haven’t lived long enough to make that decision so easily. Teddy and Cass, I know this is hard. I know. But who else will it be? Who else has had their chance at life? I’ve lived over a hundred and fifty years. I promised, I know. And you know what?” They chuckled in disbelief, shaking their head. “I did. I worked so hard to get out of here with you all. I kept my promise, and now I’ve gotta make good on my promise to love and protect you.”
“Metzli…” Emilio’s voice was low, quiet. He wanted to argue that they had more to live for than he did, but Teddy’s grip on his hand reminded him that that wasn’t quite true. And there was something unspeakably cruel about that, wasn’t there? The last time Emilio had run from a town as it came to an end, he’d had nothing left to live for and nothing to chase him down and put him out of his misery. This time, he had so much left to do and the world demanding someone stay to pay the toll anyway. Two years ago, this decision would have been a simple one. But now? Now, it was harder than it should have been. Now, it wasn’t him who was making it. 
He glanced over at Teddy, the stricken look on his face. He was going to lose something here today, no matter who made this sacrifice. And Emilio hated that. He hated that these were the kinds of choices they were given, hated that this was their lot in life, hated that Metzli was volunteering for this now, just when they were starting to make peace with each other, hated that he knew he was going to let them. 
“It doesn’t have to be you,” he said, still low. It was a pointless gesture, both the quiet tones when just about everyone in their group had some kind of enhanced hearing and the offer that Metzli had already turned down once. “Already made it longer than anybody thought I would, you know. Wouldn’t hate it if it ended like this.” They were going to say no — he knew they were going to say no — but Emilio still felt the need to offer. They deserved that much. He got that now.
Frustration built up in Cass throughout it all, through Teddy’s voice echoing her pleas and Patricia’s teary chuckle and Teagan’s sidelong glance in her direction. They were supposed to all get out. They were supposed to all be safe. She was supposed to meet up with Sloane after, they were supposed to all get away together, and it wasn’t —
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It wasn’t supposed to end like this. They weren’t supposed to be faced with more impossible choices when the decisions had all already been made. Cass had already lost friends to this crumbling mess of a town, had already lost people before the chaos started thanks in part to the strange ‘warning signs’ the town threw out as it started the too-slow, too-fast process of dying. She wasn’t supposed to lose anyone else. She wasn’t supposed to have to leave her family behind. 
Teddy’s boyfriend made an offer, and it took everything Cass had not to beg Metzli to take it, not to say outright that it would be better if they left someone she didn’t care about behind than it would be to leave someone she loved. It was a selfish thing to feel, but she felt it so entirely that it threatened to swallow her whole before the crumbling town could. Growing up the way she had, first in the system and then on the streets, made it so easy to accept that terrible things were bound to happen and to prefer it when they were happening to people you didn’t know. It also made it harder, somehow, when they were happening to the people you loved. There were so few of them. Cass couldn’t afford to lose any more.
“I don’t want that,” she insisted, her voice breaking. “We don’t want that.” She gestured between herself and Teddy, speaking for him without permission because she knew she was right. For all that she’d resented him, she knew that Teddy grew up much in the same way she had. She knew that, like her, he would prefer it if strangers took the fall in place of friends. Teddy didn’t want anyone to die for him any more than Cass did. She was confident in that, at least. “Let it be someone else, Metzli, please. I — I don’t want to lose you. I can’t. You’re my family, the first family I ever had. Please don’t leave me here alone.” 
There wasn't anything Teddy could say that Cass hadn't already. Though her glances towards Emilio hadn't gone completely unnoticed. It wasn't her fault she never had a chance to really meet him and get to know the side Ted had come to love. But that didn't really stop the sting and feeling of betrayal at the silent suggestion. His heart was pounding. If he had not spent the majority of the last few months learning how to control his shifting, he might have sported a much more toothsome look by now. Instead he looked much like a dog someone left out in the rain. Tearing his eyes between the one who had volunteered themselves, and the man who tried to take their place. Neither would be acceptable. How could they be? Teddy's life had been empty, so fucking empty until these beautiful lights filled it with meaning and worth. He gripped even tighter on Emilio's hand. Maybe even painfully, but not on an intentional scale. He'd probably have done the same to Metzli if he already had a hold on them. 
"You– you can't leave us." He repeated numbly, barely audible. "I said I'd go wherever you go, appa. You promised we'd be together." In lieu of a well thought out argument, Teddy began to mumble like a lost toddler. Felt the burn in his legs as he willed them to move but they stayed firmly in place. His stomach churned, and his chest rose and shuddered with his ragged breath. "Why-why-why would it even have to be you? Huh?" He stammered, a rising defensive rage bubbling up out of the demon. "Haven't you given enough? You deserve to make it out with all of us just as much as anyone else, more even. You fought for this appa, you have to come with us s-someone else out there has to-" The tears his wide stare had been holding back finally burst through the dam. Catching his voice behind a curtain of hyperventilation and choked sobs as the realization that there was no way that he was leaving here with his heart intact. 
Patricia couldn’t think of anything witty or insightful to add to this devastating moment of collective revelation. All she could do was wrap an arm around Teagan, and watch as each member of this group reacted in their own ways. Even if all of them were normal people, intertwined only by common interests and memories, this would still hurt like shit, but they weren’t just that. Everybody here had been affected by Metzli for the better, time and time again. How could anybody ever accept that a world of people they’d never met, of people that would mostly never know them or care about them, should be more important than the one person who was good without expectation? It was a herculean task, and it couldn’t be resolved in the mere minutes that remained before the world ended.
Only an immensely small percentage of the world would know just what had been sacrificed for them, and even less would get to know who was lost for them. It was a devastatingly lonely fate that Patricia wouldn’t wish on nobody, not even those that had taken Teagan from her. There was no point consoling others right now, because not even Patricia could keep it together to do so. There was no staying strong, not anymore. Thoughts were quickly becoming harder to grasp as the knot in her throat felt larger and larger. Patricia leaned over and buried her face in Teagan’s shoulder, quickly dampening the fabric of her shirt with a stream of the tears just as inevitable as the shudder of the earth beneath them.
Teagan’s whole demeanor softened at the emotional outpour around her. She found herself wanting to fight back too, but there was a look in the vampire’s eye that told her everything she needed to know. They were a parent, a lover, a friend, a sibling, and everything in between. Soon, they would be none of those things except in the fleeting memories of everyone surrounding them. Macleod would mourn for the rest of her days, and as Teagan looked back over to her whilst she held Patricia, she held back a sob. The people she loved were always so strong and never let their tears see the light of day. Each a cache of emotions they held tightly shut. Holding tempers that could be akin to a blazing fire. But there they were, extinguishing the flames themselves so as to not leave anything unsaid.
“Shh…” She cooed, bringing Patricia closer. What else could she say? Teagan led the pair to the ground to get a better hold, a better look at the damage Metzli’s decision was making. It was then that she realized just how good of a friend they were to Patricia. She should’ve known. They had played a willing part in her rescue mission, after all. Teagan then cried, too. She held them at arm’s length so she didn’t have to feel the love they so obviously wanted to give, and did anyway, even without her permission. “I’m sorry,” Teagan whispered, looking at Metzli. “I should’ve gotten to know you better.” They shook their head at her, proclaiming her words nonsense and that they wouldn’t change a thing. Sometimes a quiet love is the one that echoes the farthest. Nodding in understanding, Teagan placed a kiss on Patricia’s head and intertwined her fingers with Macleod’s, extending her strength and love to her.
“Come on man,” Metzli shook their head and faced the wreckage that White Crest was becoming. “You’re not getting out of living that easy. You’ve got shit to do. Besides…” Shrugging, they turned to Cass and Teddy for a moment, going back to Emilio to finish their thought. “You need to make sure everyone stays together and gets out. No one else knows how important that is more than you.” 
Metzli again turned around, this time facing Eilidh. If it wasn’t ghosts or ghouls, it was the intimate celebrations that brought back the dead, or better yet, kept them alive. Metzli had done just that only weeks ago when they put together a Día de Muertos party. Eilidh did that daily when she saw a butterfly and said hello to her first love. They wondered, for a moment, if she’d do the same when she found a blooming datura. At the thought, Metzli stared into her eyes with a softness that could compete with silk. Their hand grazed the necklace they’d given her and they swallowed a sob so they could replace it with a longing kiss. “I’m so glad you’re the first and only woman I’ve ever loved.” They muttered against her lips, stepping away slowly while holding her hand with a pressure she could feel. Raising it just as slow and biting hard enough to draw her black, clotted blood. She scoffed out a teary chuckle and roughly pulled them to her for another firm kiss. A proper one that ended with their blood in her mouth. “I love you,” They said in unison, in each other’s languages they learned for one another.
Finally, they faced Teddy and Cass, only cupping her cheek. They would’ve cupped Teddy’s too, but sadly, one needs two hands for that, and he was on their left. “Listen guys, I’m not leaving you because I want to. I made a promise to protect you. To love you so unconditionally that I would quite literally put my life on the line for you. Of course you don’t want this, hell, I don’t want this, but it’s the solution we’ve got.” Metzli tightened their eyes shut in a vain attempt to halt the tears that fell anyway, and slowly, they brought Cass and Teddy into the tightest hug. Tight enough to imprint their bodies onto their skin so they’d stay there forever and they never had to forget how beautiful it felt to have love wrap around them. “It’s not about deserve. That went out the window a long time ago. It’s just about love. That’s all this is, and if you remember that, I’ll never leave you. You’ll never be alone. Look around you.” They parted from the hug and gestured to the people that had banded together to leave. “We made a family, Cass. We started it. And then it got bigger.” Teary eyes met with Teddy’s. “So no, you two will never be alone, and you know, you know, I will find a way back. This isn’t the end. It never is in our world. I chose you from the get-go. I chose you when I said we should leave. I’m choosing you now.” With a pause, they let go and stood tall, looking at their car. “We don’t have a lot of time and I need to get something done. Can I do that?”
Teddy’s grip on his hand was almost painful, tight and certain in a way that told the slayer just what the florist thought of his offer. It wouldn’t have mattered, anyway. Metzli had that bound and determined look in their eye, the one that told Emilio that their mind was made up. For all the ups and downs that their strange almost-friendship had been through throughout his year in White Crest, he could certainly recognize that that look meant there was no arguing with the vampire. 
Glancing to the rest of the group — to Teddy’s stricken expression, to the heartbroken kid, to Teagan and Patricia on the ground and Macleod murmuring in the language she and Metzli shared — Emilio nodded. “I’ll make sure they get out,” he promised. Metzli was right; out of all of them, Emilio knew best just how important that was. He could save people, this time. It didn’t make up for the ones he couldn’t save before, didn’t undo the shit he’d done, but it was something. It had to be something.
Cass, of course, was far less understanding. She wanted an easier answer, wanted a better ending to this story. She wanted the kind of thing that only ever existed in fairytales, where the people she loved were fine and everyone lived happily ever after. Never mind that that was already out the window now, never mind that people had already died for this town, never mind that it would all be for nothing if one more didn’t join them. All Cass wanted was to get out of here with what was left of her family intact. That was all. 
And this world couldn’t even give her that. 
Her tears soaked Metzli’s hand as it rested against her face, and she shook her head adamantly. “It isn’t fair.” After everything they’d been through, after all the work they’d put into regaining their soul, how was this how it ended? How was it okay that they were going to die when they’d only just started to live? The two of them had just celebrated Metzli’s birthday, the first time they’d been allowed to do so. It was supposed to be the first of many, was supposed to be the beginning of a new tradition. They were supposed to have decades of movie nights and stupid dinner parties, were supposed to be there for each other until Cass was old and gray. Cass was supposed to have her sibling with her until the day she died. 
They should have had sixty more years of laughter and joy and peace. It wasn’t supposed to end in a crumbling town, with tears and dust. It wasn’t supposed to end abruptly and without warning, the way every other attempt at a family Cass had ever made had. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
But there was no other way it could be, either. 
Metzli wouldn’t let anyone else make this decision in their place, not even if they were volunteering for it. No matter what they thought of themself, they were good. Too good to let anyone else do this in their stead, no matter how much Cass might long for it. Maybe it was always going to end like this after all. Maybe, since the beginning, Metzli doing something this selfless and this wonderful and this heartbreaking was inevitable. Maybe good people didn’t get happy endings. 
She whimpered as Metzli spoke, a thousand arguments building up in the back of her mind. But you won’t, she wanted to scream. You won’t be here. You won’t be here, and the town is gone and Levi is going to go back into the sea and Teddy probably doesn’t like me much, anyway, and I can’t go back to being alone when I’ve only just started to be with other people. This can’t be all the time we get. This can’t be all the family I get to have. It was stupid and selfish and childish, but she wanted to stomp her feet and throw her hands up and scream at the sky, wanted to yell at a god she wasn’t even sure she’d ever believed in for making this the hand they were dealt. It isn’t fair. I need you here. I still need you here. 
But what good would it do? What good would throwing a fit at the end of the world do for any of them? It would only make Metzli feel worse than they already did and, god, Cass didn’t want their last impression of her to be that. She didn’t want Metzli to feel anything negative towards her at the end, didn’t want to be the inconvenience every one of her short-lived foster families had accused her of being. There was so much here that she didn’t want, and so little time to correct any of it. 
There was still too much to say, still too much to do. And the world was still ending. And not one bit of it was fair.
She reached out, clutching Metzli’s hand desperately. “I’m not — I’m not ready,” she said, voice caught somewhere between a whisper and a sob. “I’m not ready to be without you. We just started. This is supposed to be the beginning.” 
The messy mix of memories that had firmly rooted Teddy in place began to settle into the corners of his mind, letting him slip into an unkind and uncomfortable sense of morbid pain. He had stopped flicking his gaze between Metzli and Emilio at some point, maybe when the older of the two guided the younger to keep everyone else safe. A firm decision that didn't seem up for debate. No, instead his eyes fell on Cass. Watched every bit of the churning ocean of emotions washed over her features in a way his inability to process the very same ones wouldn't allow. He watched until they were both pulled into a hug so tight his view was obscured, and he could only feel the flushed heat radiating off her skin. Hear her heartbeat banging against its cage in rhythm with his own. 
Her words compelled him to do something he never really would have thought of, if not for how Metzli brought them closer together. Funnily enough, their connection to Levi and Marina made them something of siblings, but it might just have been the old vampire who made them family. Teddy gently, far more gently than he had been (and still was) gripping tight to his boyfriend, slipped his hand into Cass's. A wordless promise that if she wanted it, if she allowed it…he would be there for her. They both knew so intimately what it was like to be alone. Maybe it was time they tried to get rid of that feeling together. 
Teddy wasn't ready to lose Metzli either. The annoying gnawing voice that always grated at the back of his head reminded him that they hadn't even really known each other that long. That the strange sensation of knowing the vampire all his life had come from a stint of magic that temporarily altered his memories and gave him and Metzli a few days where he got to be a real kid. Their kid. And now… now he was going to be an orphan again. It didn't really matter how old you were, losing that part of yourself… especially after having fought so long to feel it. To really belong to something or someone who chose you because of who you are, not something you did or something you could give. He wasn't ready to lose it all again. It didn't matter what he had with Levi. A thousand years and that would never be this. 
A loving embrace, before a calculated release. 
A selfless sacrifice that would leave a living scar on everyone here. Teddy wept. Silent and steady. Hot blistery tears streaking down his cheeks with no sign of stopping. His breath stifled any words, as if he could think of any. What the hell was he supposed to say? How do you tell someone that they've become such an ingrained part of you that to pull them away means the very fabric of you begins to unravel? How do you keep standing when the ground below gets ripped away? The closest he could think of was a sobbed, repeated phrase. Over and over. 
"Apa, please. I love you."
All Teagan could do was watch with eyes so full of mist that everyone was a blur. Looking down at Patricia, it was all she could do to keep herself from falling apart when there were parties clearly more affected than she was. For the time being, she kept quiet, wiping her eyes to see Metzli hurry around the vehicles as the world crumbled around them. Time was ticking, and Teagan could’ve sworn she could hear the clock bell roar, confirming Metzli’s suspicions. 
Why did it have to end this way? Life always had a cost, and it looked like there was nothing left to do but pay, and Metzli was holding the lump sum. One so large that it was lodged in their throat while they said their goodbyes, even taking the time to speak to those they barely knew. Teagan appreciated that, looking at Macleod with eyes so full of sorrow, they were dripping down her cheeks. Everything was breaking, and the nix didn’t wield the power to make everything come to a full stop when the collection of all their fears was titanic. But that strange, one-armed vampire did. And they knew it. 
“I’m not ready either,” Metzli whispered with a tired smile, pulling Cass into one more tight hug after spending a few minutes rushing to transfer items to the other vehicles and writing letters as fast as they could. They figured their belongings would be better off kept by those they loved than lost beneath the rubble of a lost town, and their family would pass on their goodbyes to everyone they knew. Of that they were sure of. 
“And Teddy,” Metzli locked eyes with the one and only son they ever had, wrapping their arms around him and giving into their heart that they opened up so anxiously to the world. “ I love you. I love all of you.” That time, they looked around them, taking the time to share a glance at everyone, disregarding the way their backwards world could they offer their dying breaths and it be called beautiful. 
Emilio, the man that hated them without a second thought became one of their greatest allies, and even better friend. 
Patricia, a woman who so lost in her failure that she nearly lost sight of what she could have. Now she had everything, and the best was yet to come. 
Teagan, a girl who kept everyone at arm’s length, was now using those very limbs to encase people with love. 
Cass, once a stranger that prevented them from being their own worst enemy. She shared Metzli’s  fear of loneliness and abandonment so intimately that she became tightly entangled in their heart and made a family. Their first. 
Teddy, a boy who was never chosen despite holding the biggest heart made of gold that persevered through loneliness, and now, finally, he knew what unconditional love from a parent was. 
Eilidh, the first and only woman Metzli ever loved. With her heart as full and lively as every garden she tended, she gave the vampire everything, even if it was to her detriment. She found their heart, but she’d always be their soul. Their death so early on in their relationship was not the ending they wanted, but they handed her the seeds for the future and were giving her a watering can to nurture something into bloom. Each petal would be marked with their love and she would be reminded every day that they would never leave her. With their sacrifice, with their love, they were painting the future in the background with only 30 minutes left. 
And yes, they would all grieve. But Metzli found comfort that their deep grief meant that they loved fully. They all opened their hearts despite the inevitable. Metzli had many regrets, but never would they regret the love they gave, or anything they did in the name of it. 
With one final round of hugs and a lingering kiss for Eilidh, the ending was cemented. Each rumble and shake grew in strength, leading a flurry of tremors to course through Metzli as their legs settled in the driver side. “Please, take care of each other. Please.” They faced everyone, rolling the window down and shutting the door with their face tear-stained and red. “And Cass?” They chuckled dryly, a glimmer of humor pushing through with a twitchy, quick nod. “Tell amá I love her, okay? And check Macleod’s glove compartment in her trailer. There’s a little present there for you.”
It wouldn’t have mattered if the quakes hadn’t been trembling through the ground, wouldn’t have mattered if the sun was high in the sky or the clouds were all far away. In that moment, no matter what the world actually looked like, all Cass would have seen was darkness. The scene blurred around her as her eyes filled up with tears, and she shook her head again, adamant. It couldn’t end like this. After everything, it couldn’t end like this. They’d made it out. They’d gotten all the way to the edge of town, had plans to go farther, had a future all mapped out and ready to go. They were all supposed to survive this. They were all supposed to be okay.
But the world, Cass had learned long ago, never gave much of a shit about the way things were supposed to be. It didn’t matter that Metzli was going off to stop the apocalypse, didn’t matter that a dozen other people were giving their lives for the same reason. The world was ending anyway. It already had.
Cass clung to Metzli stubbornly as they hugged her, and she wanted to drag the vampire with them, wanted to say fuck the world, let it end, I don’t care even if it wasn’t true. She was too kindhearted to doom the world, even if hers would be so much emptier without Metzli in it. Even if it felt like the apocalypse might as well have been successful in this moment.
She sniffled as Metzli spoke again, nodding her head even as her throat burned, even as her chest ached. Whatever present Metzli had left for her would be far too small to fill the void carved out in her life, but at least she’d have something to hold onto. At least she’d have something tangible to remind her that once, for a moment, someone had loved her like this. 
Too soon, the goodbyes were over. There wasn’t enough time in the world to say everything they wanted to say, and there certainly wasn’t enough time now. Metzli had to go, and so did the rest of them. Someone tugged her back towards the cars, Teddy’s boyfriend practically dragging him along, and everything hurt long after Cass was settled into the seat with a seatbelt holding her in place, long after Metzli disappeared in the rear view mirror. 
There was a future ahead of them, still. There was a windshield with a whole world contained behind it, a world that would continue to exist because of an infuriatingly selfless vampire who left to save the planet because it needed them to. And Cass had needed them, too. She understood it — of course she did — but she didn’t think the ache would ever really go away. Maybe, if she could ever look to the future in the windshield instead of the crumbling past in the mirror, it would hurt less. Or maybe it never would. Either way, she figured, they had to keep driving. For Metzli. For all of them.
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justzawe · 2 years
I have been next to a baby at the movies exactly one time, in a full theater for the first showing of Endgame. The mother fed the child right before the lights went down, put headphones over his ears and held him close to her heart under a cover. I forgot he was there and he never made a sound. I don't know how old he was but he was pretty small, maybe six or eight months max.
Neither Tom nor Zawe are stupid, they will not put their precious first born at risk. It's not the type of sighting someone would make up either, it's too specific. It was submitted via Instagram and there is a very good chance DM asked a few follow up questions before she posted the screenshot. She doesn't verify much, but she also doesn't share something if her gut tells her not to and after two years she's getting better at spotting rubbish.
Deuxmoi is hit or miss with their stories they push, but the celeb sightings seem to be pretty accurate. Honestly, I’m usually fine with people deciding if they want to believe a sighting or not. It’s just that this person was parent shaming about something that’s not even a big deal, and it just really irritated me. Acting like the rest of us are morons for thinking it’s not impossible that they went to the movies.
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