#Leonard Snart x reader
1-imaginary-girl · 8 months
Happy Birthday
Leonard Snart x Reader
Summary: It's Leonard's birthday, and you have a special gift for him. Reader is gender-neutral. (This takes place in The Flash universe, before Legends).
Warnings: Pure fluff!
Word Count: 1552
A/N: I keep adding new men to my master list but I can't help it! Wentworth Miller is just a beautiful individual and I've been obsessed with him as Captain Cold from the start.
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It wasn’t the sun shining through his windows that woke him up. It wasn’t even the hustle and bustle of Central City. No, instead, Leonard woke up to the feeling of kisses peppering his face.
He immediately smiles before even opening his eyes. “G’morning,” he says in a husky voice. He hears you giggle. He opens his eyes to the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. You’re next to him on the bed, leaned over so that your faces are close together. You have the brightest smile on your face, that lights him up from the sight of it. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you, an angel in human form, but he’ll be damned if he gives you up.
His attention falls back to you as you speak. “Happy birthday!” you say excitedly, trying not to be too loud as he had just woken up. He looks confused before remembering. He had completely forgotten. But it seems as if you hadn’t.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” You lean down and plant a kiss on his lips, thoroughly waking Leonard up. He brings his hand up to hold your head but then you pull away giggling. He’s left looking jokingly dejected which gets him another quick kiss on his pouty lips. “You seem very excited.”
“Well duh! It’s your birthday. Birthdays are fun,” you say cheerfully. 
“As long as you don’t throw me a surprise party, I’ll have fun.” You look offended.
“I think I know my boyfriend a little better than that,” you say which makes him smile. He takes you in, positively vibrating with joy and narrows his eyes.
“What is it?” he asks suspiciously. This only makes you smile wider.
“I got you something,” you say and before he can even comment, you’re off the bed. He instantly misses your warmth.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he says, missing you but simultaneously drinking you in as he sits up. Your hair is a little tussled from the night before and he notices that you’re wearing his shirt which looks much better on you.
“Oh hush, of course I did!” you call from the closet. You quickly find what you’re looking for and turn with it behind your back. You’re biting down your grin, trying to contain your excitement now, but it’s all over your face. He thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
You make your way back over to the bed and place the gift in his lap. “I have a card for later,” you say. “But I need you to open this first.”
Leonard looks down at the delicately wrapped gift. The wrapping paper is dark blue with white polka dots. As soon as he touches it, he hears you take a sharp intake. When he looks back over at you, your excited energy has turned nervous. You’re rapidly looking from him to the gift. He reaches over to squeeze your hand, trying to help your nerves. It works, as you take a deep breath.
He returns to the gift and begins to unwrap it. Underneath the paper, is a plain white box. He glances over at you again and your eyes are trained on the box. Slowly, he opens it.
There, sitting on a sheet of parchment paper, is a hat. Not just any hat. It’s a dark blue winter hat, and it looks as if it’s been hand-knitted. He’s staring in disbelief, wondering why he’s tearing up at something as simple as a hat.
“Did you make this?” he whispers in awe, slowly reaching in and taking the hat into his hands. It feels comfortable and soft.
You clear your throat. “Y-yeah I did,” you say and Leonard looks at you with stars in his eyes because he can’t believe that his kind-hearted partner took the time to make something for him. You won’t meet his eyes, but if you did, you would see the love he has for you plastered on his face. “I, uh, I tried to match the colour to your coat.” You quickly add, “N-not that you would wear it on the job or anything, but it matches if you wear them together. Or it should.”
He noted that, the choice of colour syncing with his signature coat. “Y/N…” he says, for once at a loss for words. Unfortunately, you take his silence to mean something else.
“I-if you don’t like it, I can get you something else! It’s not that great considering it was my first time knitting, you know I wanted to try something new, but if you don’t like it I would totally under—”
Before your nervous ramblings got worse, Leonard leaned over and pulled you into a fierce kiss. You hesitate, confused for a moment, before leaning into it. You pull away, looking at Leonard for the first time and seeing an absolutely giddy smile, which confuses you even more but puts a smile on your face.
“I love it,” he says, looking into your eyes. You can tell he isn’t lying.
“Really?” you ask with tentative hopefulness. He pulls back to look at it some more.
“Yes!” he says and relief crashes down on you. He sees you smiling again. “In fact…” Leonard takes his new hat and puts it on, instantly warming his head. Your eyes widen.
“You don’t have to wear it—”
“Of course I do, it’s my new favourite hat,” he says with a smile. The thought of wearing something you made special for him warms his heart. He can tell that you’re still not entirely convinced. You set your lips into a straight line before leaning over to take the hat off. But Leonard’s quicker and he leans back, causing you to fall onto his chest. 
You giggle as he says, “Are you trying to steal my hat? On my birthday of all days?” This causes you to giggle harder which makes him chuckle. You look up at him with nothing but love in your eyes and his heart still manages to skip a beat after all this time.
“I’m glad you like it,” you say, finally accepting his words to be true.
“How could I not? It’s from you,” he says softly. You bury your face in his chest as you blush which makes him laugh again. Then you lean up and plant kisses all over his face as you did before. 
You pause as your faces are inches away from one another. “Happy birthday Leonard,” you say again. He smiles and before he can respond, you lean in and press your lips to his. It’s soft and slow and full of love. When it starts to become more passionate, you pull back biting your lip.
He tries to reconnect your lips but you turn away. “We have to save some for later,” you say with a wink. He groans but gives up as you settle on his chest. As he looks at you, he realizes that you’re the best gift he could ever receive. He wonders if that’s too corny to say out loud. Either way, he sighs in content. He could stay like this, the two of you in bed together, for the rest of the day—
You suddenly sit up, taking your warmth away from him. “Time to make your birthday breakfast!” you say excitedly. You start to move off the bed but he wraps his arms around your middle.
“Can’t we just stay like this in bed all day?” he asks, leaning his head against your back and planting a kiss there. But you wriggle your way out of his grip.
“As nice as that sounds, no can do. I have a whole day planned for you.” As much as he protests to getting out of bed, he really appreciates what you’ve done for him. “So up and at ‘em!”
You skip out of the bedroom towards the kitchen and he groans again, hearing your giggle echo from down the hall. But then he smiles and climbs out of bed, slowly following you. He almost forgets he’s wearing the hat but doesn’t want to take it off. He has a feeling this might be his best birthday yet. 
Bonus scene:
The next day at work, one of the rogues is talking with Mick when Leonard walks in. His appearance causes both of them to stop, and not just because he’s in charge.
Along with his infamous blue jacket, Leonard Snart is wearing a new, knitted blue hat. At first, they don’t know what to say. They just stare as he walks by. But then the rogue decides to speak up.
“Hey boss, what the hell are you wearing?” the man asks. Leonard pauses in his tracks and slowly turns to face him with a glare set on his face.
“A hat,” he says, obviously. Then his hand moves to his cold gun and powers it on. “Care to comment on it?”
The man’s eyes widen. “N-no, it looks great,” the man says with a nervous smile. Leonard says nothing more, slowly removing his hand from the gun before walking away. Once he’s out of hearing distance, the man turns to Mick. “You think Y/N made it for him?”
“Oh absolutely,” Mick responds.
From that day on, the hat became a part of Captain Cold’s look.
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Im obsessed with flash again I realised again that I have a thing for bad boys. I don’t find Barry attractive or anything
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But Savitar is so fucking HOT let me tell you
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Another thing snart is hot too and he’s like 😩😩 fuck me
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pirates-and-coffee · 1 year
Short fanfic with gender neutral reader.
Warning: Legends of Tomorrow/The Flash spoiler.
I warned you.
A bit of a premise: No ships here.
About: You're the youngest Legend and were particularly bound to Leonard and Mick. After Leonard's death, you're still broken. Then, something happens.
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“--get the hell out of my head.”
A little smile appeared on his pink, cold lips as Leonard turned the back to a drunk, mumbling Mick. Another bite on his conscience, a bit nearer to the result he was aiming to. But for that night he could go back to Thawne. He started making his way out of the room, entering the corridor, when someone bumped on him, making him stop. Against his chest, to be more exact. A soffocated groan reached his ears. That was a kid. A kid, wearing a too big sweatshirt and jeans. No shoes.
The blue-iced eyes widened.
“Ugh- sorry, man, I can't find-” you reopened yours, tired. Leonard never knew what you couldn't find; as soon as you recognized him, tears started to wet your cheeks. “Len?”, a whisper, the hands reaching for his face. “Oh my god, am I crazy too, am I having an allucination?”
He didn't know how to reply. He didn't know what you were doing on that timeship. He grabbed your hands, looking away. Only to make things worse.
“Oh my god, I can touch you, you're fucking real.”
“What are you doing here?” He asked, trying to contain himself. He wanted to hug you so badly. He had missed you so much... but obviously to you it was only passed a little time since his death. “What are you doing up?”
It took a while.
“I saw you dying, Len.” Your voice was cracking. “I was there and I saw you dying.”
Think. Fast. Only a few more instants and you'd start crying to the point you'd feel like drowning. He sighed. “You fell asleep on the floor again.”
“You used to do it a lot.” His voice softened, leaning towards you to move a hair away from your eye. “You're dreaming, kid. You must miss me a lot.”
You looked confused, but buying it. “I- I do...” you cried, “You shouldn't have to do that-- I should've taken your place instead! You shouldn't have to die-- fuck all that legends stuff- fuck Rip, fuck those fucking Time Masters-- if only... if only... you shouldn't have to die, Len, you shouldn't have to die...”
“What are they doing here?!”
He was furious. He couldn't stop hissing with anger at Thawne.
“You didn't tell me they were here. You didn't tell me they were with them.”
“It was irrilevant.”
“Why are you so worried about that child, Snart?”
“I'm not-”
“Alright, look. We could let them live. To keep you calm. Them and your partner. But only them.”
“...yes. Only them.”
Only they mattered, after all.
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hellpmeimobsessed · 1 year
So, this one has a script. Mick is also supposed to be there, but there’s no such thing as voice lines for him, definitely none along the lines of what I had in mind.
Story: You’re a superhero, and you’ve stopped a robbery by Captain Cold, who apparently has a thing for you. Script below the cut for more clear context on how the conversation is supposed to go.
L= Leonard/M= Mick/ “ = you.
L: Have to stop meeting like this. I like what I'm seeing. "What does that mean?"
L: Just enjoying your outfit.
L: You know, together we could kill flash. "I'm not joining you."
L: I don't want to fight you. "Too bad."
L: Then you know why I'm here.
"What’s the point of this?” L: I take what's mine and I don't apologize.
L: Give me what I came for! "No!"
L: I wasn't asking, 'partner'. M: Partner? She seems to boss you around. L: Like I'd take orders from her.
"What makes you say partner?" L: We're a little attached, princess. L: I don't have much use for people.
"That seems emotionless." L: I'm practical, sweetheart.
(You punch him in the arm) L: When did I get on your bad side?
"Give back what you stole!" L: Ask nicely.
"... Please."
M: What the hell, Len?! L: Can't help it, I'm friendly. M: Going soft for a super! L: She was looking at me! M: Or she was looking at me. L: Only in your dreams.
L: You know, the two of us could- "Absolutely not."
L: Don't pretend you don't dig me. Hear you like dangerous men. (You blush and cross your arms, looking away from Len.) L: Isn't that precious?
(You try to run as Flash is heard in the distance) L: uh-uh, you don't get off that easy.
L: I've been thinking about you and me. "You have?"
L: You have no idea. I prefer to flirt with it (the idea). "Sure. Captain Cold, in a relationship."
L: My heart's not always frozen.
"You're in love with me!" L: I ain't falling in love, kitten.
"Well then let me go, or-" L: Or what?
"Oh, just shut up!" L: Oh, I'm all done talkin'.
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bi-bard · 2 years
That’s My Ride or Die - Leonard Snart & Mick Rory Imagine (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
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Title: That’s My Ride or Die
Pairing: Leonard Snart & Mick Rory X Platonic!Reader
Based On: Best Friend
Word Count: 562 words
Warning(s): mentions of break-up
Summary: A collection of moments between Leonard, Mick, and the human equivalent of a puppy, (Y/n). They take the form of the most chaotic trio in the universe.
Author's Note: I think this is quite cute.
I don't think anyone could've guessed the consequences of putting me on a ship with Leonard Snart and Mick Rory.
By all accounts, we should've hated each other. I had dedicated myself to protecting anyone I could... they were thieves with ice and fire guns that seemingly only cared for themselves.
But somehow, the three of us ended up being best friends. While there was a whole team around us, we each seemed more tied to each other than anyone else. Neither one of us could quite explain it. It just kind of worked out that way.
The first memory I have of how close we were was after a particularly embarrassing break-up.
I had been trying to maintain a relationship with someone on Earth that definitely didn't deserve the effort. After they had pulled the plug, I found myself hiding away in the kitchen. I wasn't really doing anything. I was just sitting there, quiet and disconnected.
I barely registered Leonard and Mick coming in to sit with me.
"For what it's worth," Leonard said. "They were a nightmare to be around."
I let out a scoff. "Of course, you would say that."
"I could burn them," Mick offered.
"I... I think I'm alright, thanks," I replied. "Why are you being so nice?"
"Because you're one of the few people on this ship that isn't completely irritating," Leonard shrugged.
"We're friends then," I asked.
"Best friends?"
"Don't push it."
I just chuckled. Yeah, that was the beginning of us being best friends.
My next favorite memory was while we were on a mission.
Rip had sent the three of us off on a task together. Poor choice on his part, but it had all worked out in the end. As we watched everything seemingly fall into place, I got just a little bit excited.
"Oh, hell yeah!"
Leonard and Mick both quickly looked at me. They both seemed a bit shocked. It took me a moment to realize that they were staring.
"I can cuss, y'know."
"It's just strange..."
"Always pictured you as a small... pug," Mick added.
"A pug," I asked.
"Pretty accurate comparison," Leonard added.
"I hate both of you."
"No, you don't," Leonard replied. "Now, come on, Rip doesn't like to be left waiting."
I rolled my eyes but followed close behind them. "I don't hate you guys."
"We know," Mick grumbled.
I chuckled.
It was times like these that I thought about those moments. The ones that made me happy. The ones that never failed to put me in a better mood.
Sometimes I needed them.
It's not because something bad had happened... Mick was just throwing up and I was sitting on the floor next to him. I needed the reminder about why I would choose to do this.
"You alright," Leonard asked as he walked in.
"I'm waiting for him to pass out, so I can make sure he doesn't choke on his own tongue," I shrugged.
"You can go change," he motioned toward the door. "I'll take care of him."
"Thank you."
I stood up and started walking out.
"I love you guys."
"Love you too," Leonard nodded. "And I'm sure Mick would say the same if he were sober."
I gave him a thumbs up before walking out of the room.
It was chaos, but I loved these boys. No matter what.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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jaesincorrectquotes · 2 years
enchanted to meet you🧊
|| Song Fic based on Enchanted by Taylor Swift
|| Pairings: Leonard Snart
|| Note: This is part 1. I'm not gonna finish the song. part 2 will be based on a different song but still somehow connected to this one.
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|| Story under the cut
There I was again tonight, forcing laughter faking smiles, same old tired lonely place
You woke up on a rooftop with a splitting head ache along with a few other people. The only ones you recognized were Ray and Sara. Then you hear a voice "Glad to see your all awake." The man introduced himself as Rip Hunter. He then told us all about Vandal Savage and showed us what the city would look like 150 years from now. He left an address with Professor Stein.
Walls of insincerity,shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face
10 minutes since Rip lied. You were sitting in a corridor with your back to the wall. Until you felt someone sit beside you. You looked up to see him. "Now, what's a pretty thing like you doing all by herself." You lifted a small smile saying "Thinking."
All i can say is, it was enchanting to meet you
He gave a smirk and said "Leonard Snart, nice to meet you." You rolled your eyes, gave a low chuckle and said "I know who you are." And he looked at you and said "And you are Y/n Y/l/n." You looked at him and said "Are you stalking me or something?" He laughed "Just interested, is all."
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nerdgirl1235 · 8 months
I'm a huge fan of DC's legends of tomorrow I would like a x reader oneshot request on my favorite character!
Hello! Just send your request in, and I can definitely write it!
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Lets Save The Legends
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fleurdelislily · 1 year
hi!! making a post to talk about requests again and get specific about who I write for, what I’m comfy writing, etc.
nsfw or sfw is fine!! gonna deal with requests on a case by case basis and if something makes me uncomfy I just won’t respond. don’t take it personally, I just know I wouldn’t give your prompt justice bc it’s not something I’m into :)
for now I only write x reader, not character x character. I am more than happy to do multiple characters x reader tho!! and I’m fine with platonic, romantic, or family relationships :)
unless specified in the request I’m going to write the reader as female, just because I’m writing kinda from my own perspective? I don’t feel comfortable writing male reader because that’s not me and I wouldn’t do it accurately!! gender neutral/non-binary reader is completely fine though, it may not be perfectly accurate but I will do my absolute best and if I write anything wrong I’m open to corrections :)
now for the fandoms I write for!!
-once upon a time
-legends of tomorrow (may do more arrowverse depending on the request!)
-schitts creek
-bridgerton/queen charlotte
-the vampire diaries
-the originals
-outer banks
-harry potter
if you have any other shows/movies/books you’d like to see on this list let me know and if I’ve seen it I’ll add it!!
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
it's been a while since I've written for my comfort show, if you have any legends of tomorrow requests, plz send them to me!!! I am desperate lol
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gatefleet · 2 years
My Kasai 4
DC The Flash: Leonard Snart, Mick Rory , Akame (OC), Remi Rory (OC) Word Count: 754 (T)W: Swearing, mention of magic, threats, fights, being pinned, loss of temper Request: Technically yes by the other writer for this blog (currently on hiatus) A/N: Trying to upload what's left from Sutoritaimu blog
Remi had you pinned against the wall her gun was pointed at your throat and you couldn’t reach your Katana, couldn’t move any of your extremities, nothing, you knew she’d planned this… waited until your Katana was attached to your back as opposed to by your side.  She wasn’t an idiot like most of the others thought, she was a tactician like Snart.  “Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out Kame?! Seriously think I wouldn’t rather hear it from you than from the Rogues?!”  You had no idea what setting Remi had tampered with on her gun this time, you had no idea if she was electric, fire, ice, water… no idea what she’d made her gun this time.  This could be a quick death or a drawn out, painful one.  Although Remi wasn’t trained the same way you were, you knew she could hold her own in a fight with you, and that’s what made you respect her the most.  It also made you wary of her.  “How stupid do you think I am Kame?! You think I didn’t know the second I got back into town? I gave you plenty of chances to come clean, to tell me! And you didn’t!”
This was the angriest any of the Rogues had seen you, including Mick and he’d seen you at your best and your worst.  “Rem, Kiddo, let her go, it takes two to tango, you can’t just be mad at her” Mick was trying to reason with his baby sister, but she was too angry, too focused on you.  “My brother Kame, my fucking brother!”  You saw Mick move closer and immediately Remi’s gun turned on Mick while still keeping you firmly planted against the wall “Don’t Mick, don’t move” Shit, this was bad, she’d turned off her emotions, began to distance herself.  Snart was the first to pick up on that, then you, then Mick.  The other Rogue’s had watched with vested interest from varying distances in the base, watching, waiting.  “Remi, Snowflake, put the gun down” What the hell was Snart doing?  Was he seriously doing what you think he was?  He was slowly making his way toward Remi who was too focused on Mick and you to split her attention a third way.  Snart found an opening… found her blind spot… how?  You’d been trying for years to find a way to sneak up on Remi.
When you came to, Snart had Remi pinned to the wall while she tried to fight him off which subsequently ended with the two of them hitting the deck… hard.  Remi’s gun was nowhere to be seen until you looked up at Mick and saw him torn between helping Snart with his sister and checking on you “Get her out of here Mick, I got Remi!”  Mick nodded to Snart and picked you up and took you back to Remi’s.  Probably not his best idea, but Remi’s place was the only place any of you could go.  “So do you wanna tell me what happened?  I thought you two were fine.”  “I have no idea” You looked at the bruise which was slowly forming on your neck and shoulders.  “She’s right though, we should have told her” You looked at Mick through the reflection in the mirror “Do you think her reaction would have been any different?” It was your turn to look at him like he’d grown 3 heads as you said it.  He sighed and put his head in his hands “Honestly, if we strapped her down first and made her listen to reason then maybe she wouldn’t have blew her top”
Mick’s replacement phone started ringing, he answered it and put it on loud speaker “Hey, Mick I finally got Remi to calm down, she’s crashed out in the base, what d’ya wanna do?” You could hear Snart sigh heavily down the phone and saw Mick inhale.  “If you can keep her from attacking me, I’ll come down and talk to her” Mick was shaking his head now, you could tell he was mentally preparing to tell his sister everything, including how long he’d been in love with her best friend and how long you and Mick had been sleeping together.  “Mick, are you sure about this?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be sure about telling my sister about my little firebug?  Besides, I’m her brother, she has to forgive me at some point.”  You blushed at that and wished him good luck before he left to face his sister.
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(GIF Credit: @forbescaroline)
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 3 months
A Kent And A Wayne (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Effects Of The Toxin (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Motherly (Diane Prince X Teen!Reader)
Family Visit (Diana Prince X Daughter!Reader)
Snow Day (Diana Prince X Reader)
Washing Up (Diana Prince X Male!Reader)
Little Gifts (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Anyone But Him (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Another Speedster (Barry Allen X Reader)
The Wayne Mystery (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Sorry!(Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Cancelled Plans (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Please Stop (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Actual Flirting (Barry Allen X Male!Reader)
Caught Red Handed (Barry Allen X Fem!Wayne!Reader)
How Did It Come To This? (Barry Allen X Sibling!Reader)
Would You Kindly? (Justice League X Male!Reader)
Hidden Scars And Memories (Justice League X Male!Reader)
New Start (Roy Harper X Male!Reader X Jason Todd)
A Mostly Successful Mission (Jason Todd X Male!Reader X Roy Harper)
Keeping Secrets (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader X Wally West)
The Quiet Son (Bruce Wayne X Son!Reader X Justice League)
Father's Day (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
No More Joker (Harley Quinn X Fem!Reader X Poison Ivy)
City Siren's Daughter (Harley, Ivy & Selina X Daughter!Reader)
Nightmares (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
Their Redemption (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
One Of Us Hurt (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
Penguin's Friend (Ed Nygma X Male!Reader)
Waiting For You (Jerome Valeska X Fem!Reader)
My Responsibility (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader)
There For Me (Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader)
Never Going Back (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader)
We Could Be A Team (Deathstroke X Daughter!Reader)
Colleagues (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
What Happened?! (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Close Your Eyes (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Nothing Else (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Secret Meetings (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
We're Having A Baby? (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
She's My Sister! (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Letting You Go (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Future Child (Leonard Snart X Daughter!Reader)
Saving Up (Harrison Wells X Trans!Male!Reader)
Stubborn And Injured (Raven X Fem!Reader)
Not Fireproof (Raven X Reader)
Blues Music (Teen Titans X Reader)
A Little Help (Batman X Scarecrow) Pt 1 / Pt 2
Finally Married (Rip Hunter X Reader)
Cant' Wait (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
Sneaking Out (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
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daydreamer999 · 9 months
Your Scars Are Beautiful
Summary: In a world where you have a predestined partner, Y/n must navigate her harsh reality as her body holds the scars of her Soulmate
Barry Allen x Plus Size Reader
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She was used to the stares by now. But the harsh words from random strangers were still very hard to adjust to. Thankfully working at a shifty bar with even more questionable patrons, Y/n's looks alone were enough to have them leave her be. Y/n's two toned eyes, one grey, one e/c, flitted towards the mirror across from where she stood as she frowned at the image that looked back at her. Her s/c was ashen and sick as the angry dark marks that branched from her neck and spread the left side of her face, her left eye clouded and grey. Her eyes trailed down her arm and chest where she knew it spread down to her navel. With a huff she mumbled to herself, "As if it wasn't bad enough that I had stretch marks."
It hadn't always been like this. 23 months ago, before the Particle Accelerator blew up, she was on her way to do big things as an up and coming journalist for the CCNP. But that night, whoever her soulmate was, got hurt bad, bad enough that she felt it through their connection that sent her into a coma for nine months. When she woke up, she and the doctors were surprised that none of her faculties were failing her. Despite her left eye, she was perfectly normal.... well that and the scar that she now had. The doctors said that it looked like a Lichtenburg figure... but it would have been impossible for her or her soulmate to survive being struck by lightning. So her scar remained a medical mystery.
And she was left with her life in shambles. Because of her disfigurement, she lost her job as she scared most of her colleagues now. And well, the world in general for that matter.
She was pulled out of her thoughts when her favorite patron sat down at the bar in front of her and gave her one of his cool smirks. His blue eyes danced across her face as he drawled, "Evening snowflake."
Y/n's dark painted lips pulled up into a grin as she greeted, "Len, what a pleasant surprise. Last I heard you were in Iron Heights."
He let out a soft chuckle as he shrugged, "I got out on good behavior."
"Mmhmm," she pursed her lips as she smiled at him disbelievingly. She quipped, "Heard Mardon and the Trickster got out too. They out on good behavior as well?" Len's icy blue eyes sharpened as did his smirk as he complimented, "Smart, and beautiful. You really are too good for this place Snowflake." Y/n laughed good-naturedly as she turned around and asked, "Your usual then Snart?"
"That would be lovely, thank you N/n." came his easy reply. Mixing the cold beverage up, she completed his order and handed it to him with a easy going smile as she said, "It's on the house. Take this as a 'congrats for getting out of prison'"
"Oh, how thoughtful," Len joked. Y/n couldn't help the giggle that slipped out at the older man's words. With that, her evening truly begun. For hours she stood behind the bar and made drinks, all the while Len sat there making easy conversation with her, and threatening some of the customers when they got too rowdy.
Nearing the end of the night Len started slowly, "I have to ask, you don't have to answer.. but your scar?" Y/n's lips turned to a sad smile as she wiped one of the glasses clean, "My soulmate's." She confirmed causing him to wince, "That looks painful. Do you know what caused it?"
Y/n sighed and shrugged, "The doc's said it looks like a Lichtenburg Figure; a lightning strike scar. The night the Particle Accelarator exploded, was the same night I got this scar and went into a coma."
Snart stiffened at that causing her to quirk a brow but continue on, "The damage it's done to me, means it probably killed my soulmate."
Leonard stayed uncharacteristically quiet for a long moment before dropping some bills on the counter and saying, "I gotta go do something real quick kid, I'll be back." Frowning, Y/n's eyes followed him, "Okay..... later Snart."
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Barry was not happy. Not one bit. His glare on his face was murderous as he stared down the man who made himself comfortable once again in his home. It was Christmas, and yet, here Leonard sat, the same reindeer mug in his hands as he leisurely stared down Joe's and Eddie's guns. His blue eyes slowly scanned the group in front of him before they landed on Barry as he said in his usual drawl, "I hope you don't mind, but I helped myself to some eggnog."
Barry's brows were furrowed as he snapped, "What do you want Snart? Don't criminals take the day off for Christmas too?"
Snart's signature smirk tweeked his lips as he hummed, "I'm not here for business. Consider this a Christmas gift to you Scarlet." Barry's confusion was written clearly on his face, "What?"
With a dramatic sigh, Snart hauled himself to his feet before staring down his nemesis that was more of a friend to him, "I found your soulmate Scarlet."
Barry's sharp intake of breath broke the silence that followed Leonard's words. Cisco was the first to speak up, seeing as he had the least problem with Snart as Lisa was his soulmate, "Wait, what do you mean you found his soulmate? You know who they are?"
Snart gave a curt nod, "She's been working at Saints and Sinner's for the past 13 months." Barry's frown deepened, "Why didn't I see her the times I went there?"
Snart tilted his head, "Let's be honest Allen, you didn't go there for pleasure." Barry huffed with slight agitation but conceded as he always went there to check on Leonard. Joe finally found his voice as he asked with an accusing glare at the criminal, "What? You're just going to trust him? What if he's lying?"
Jay, whom Barry forgot was even there, spoke next, "Yeah, I'm not sure you should listen to him. If half of what you guys say is true about him...." he trailed off but the insinuation hung in the air. Snart was apparently done being accused as he glared at the two of them, "I may a thief and a liar, but I care about her like she's my own sister." Gliding his ice cold eyes back to the Speedster he said, "She's hurting. She thinks your dead."
Barry bit his lip unsure of whether to believe him or not when Harry asked, "Do you mind telling us how you know she's Barry's soulmate? And if you knew, why come to us now? Instead of all those months ago."
Leonard let out a sigh as he admitted, "Her scar..... I never asked about it until today. She got it the night the Particle Accelerator exploded," he paused for dramatic effect. His eyes finding Barry's again as he admitted, "Her scar is from a lightening strike." Barry's heart thumped wildly in his chest as he registered his words. Barry looked over to Caitlin with hope and trepidation in his greenish blue eyes, "But how? I never had a scar."
Caitlin frowned as she mulled over the possible situations before nodding, "It may be because you're body may have already healed itself so a scar never showed on you, but your soulmate....." Barry's jaw dropped as he thought of all the possible ways he could have gotten scars, his mind going straight to when he was shot for the first time, and the two arrows that Ollie shot at him. Covering his mouth, his happiness quickly turned to horror as he thought, "Oh my god, what have I done.... all this time.... she could be getting more scars." Leonard winced as well as he thought about the time he iced Barry. Holding out his hand, Leonard offered, "Tell you what, you do right by her, and I won't be icing you every time we meet as the Flash and Cold."
Barry looked overly grateful for the deal, and without thinking, shook his hand. Before he could pull away though, Leonard gave his hand a hard squeeze as he shot him another glare, "But I swear to God Barry, if you hurt her in any way, no one will ever find your body." Barry laughed nervously as he asked, "You're joking right?"
"No, I got the same threat," Cisco muttered helpfully to Barry, who audibly gulped, "Right, of course. I won't do anything to hurt her." Leonard squinted at the young man before letting go when he was satisfied that he understood the very real threat he was delivering him, "Good." The Scarlet Speedster mouthed ow as he rubbed his now very sore hand , but he bounced back with a visible spark in his eyes, "Can I meet her?" Leonard gave a curt nod causing Barry to grin, and zip out the door without further prompting. Leonard just sighed before turning to the rest of Barry's family as he spoke to Joe, "Might as well change and blend in, I'm sure you all will want to meet her too." With little else to say, the rest of them scrambled to get ready as well as Leonard waited and thought, "God, I'm turning soft in my old age."
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Y/n hummed along to the Christmas songs that played mutely in the background while the patrons cheered at the footage of the Flash being beaten down by Mardon and the Trickster. Her own e/c eyes drew into the scene as she winced with every punch, but her lips quickly twitched upward when the Flash put a hand to his ear before he zipped around and quickly disarmed the two of them. Y/n wasn't sure what had changed the Flash's demeanor, but she was grateful no matter what had happened. She rolled her eyes when she heard the collective groans and boos. One going so far, as to throw their beer at the screen causing the bottle to shatter, and the screen to crack. More groans and yelling sounded around at that just as Y/n's eyes caught sight of Len walking in with a big group around him.
Not paying them any mind, she quickly turned and yelled at the rowdy customers, "Oi! You better pay for that!"
"Eh, whatever, I can steal ya a better one!" the man yelled back.
Glaring she spat back, "I don't care what you do, but it sure as hell ain't coming from my paycheck!"
The man waved a dismissive hand at her, "Whatever, grab me another drink would you doll?!" Y/n felt her face heat up with anger as she muttered angrily to herself before she heard Len say, "Tough crowd today huh?"
Y/n's two toned eyes turned towards Leonard, and his group of..... well normal looking friends.... her demeanor relaxing as she easily grinned, "Len! You're back, I thought you'd be done for tonight." Len tilted his head to the side as he said, "I had someone I wanted you to meet." Y/n's eyes turned to the group that were staring at her with varying degrees of awe and disbelief. Her eyes landing on a pair of green blue ones that looked at her with unfiltered adoration that it nearly knocked her on her ass. Her eyes scanned his thin frame that was lean, but clearly built. His brown hair looked like it was in a constant state of windswept, and his smile was soft.
She was shocked out of her daze when the same man from earlier came clobbering towards her bar and parked in the stool right in front of her, effectively shoving Len to the side. Her face immediately fell as the sleezy man eyed her up and down, "Dollface, what's taking so long? I asked for a drink ten minutes ago."
Y/n bit back the insult that was just about ready to burst from her throat, and instead gave him a sadistic sweet smile, with a tilt of her head she spoke sarcastically, "Of course sir! How silly of me, just one moment." Her smile dropped as soon as she turned away and towards her alcohol. She was about to grab the ingredients to mix a drink when she stopped dead in her tracks as the man spoke, "Well aren't you just a lovely sight walking away like that. That's right, just bend over, let me see that view." Y/n felt her body go rigid before she muttered, "Fuck it." Turning with a speed that would surely make the Flash proud, she bent down to pick up her bat, as she made strides towards the counter. Climbing over it, she swung her thick leg out and hit the man in the chest, effectively knocking him off the stool.
He fell with a loud clattering thump, causing the other patrons and the group that Len brought to turn and stare at them. The man stood up with a fury as Y/n planted her feet on the ground, "What the hell?!?!" He didn't have time to even retaliate as she brought her arm back, and swung hard into the man's abdomen. He fell on his knees as he wheezed and clutched his stomach. Grabbing him by the ear she pulled him to his feet and all but dragged the towering man out, which she would admit probably looked a sight as she was significantly shorter than him. He kept hissing and complaining but followed her to the door where she promptly shoved him and swung her bat again, hitting his ass on the way out. The man face planted and turned to look at her in outrage, but she flipped him the bird and spat, "Don't come back here you dickhead!" Slamming the door shut, she let her bat rest on her shoulder, while the crowd began to bellow and shout in excitement.
She huffed out a laugh as the many customers began to pat her back and compliment her for being so badass. Rolling her eyes she went back behind the counter where the group was staring at her wide eyed now. Well, except for Len, who looked smug and proud at the same time.
"You took my lessons to heart," Len spoke, breaking the silence. Y/n smiled as she began to wipe the glasses down, "Of course, I may have this scar, but it will only do so much. I work here for God's sake Lenny. I'm lucky no one has really tried anything yet."
"Well the scar makes you look badass," a Latino man with long hair spoke up, causing her eyes to snap at him. He immediately began to curl into himself nervously as he stuttered, "Sorry, I hope that wasn't rude."
Y/n smiled easily as she shook her head, "Not at all, although I can't take the credit. My idiot of a soulmate did this." That caused most of the group to chuckle while the really handsome one from earlier just blushed and rubbed his neck nervously. Y/n's frown slowly came back as her eyes glazed down at the bar, "Wherever they are..... I hope they didn't suffer too much."
She noticed that the group got quiet, causing her two toned eyes to flit upward before giving them a sad smile she apologized, "Sorry, that was depressing.... What can I get ya'll?" They gave her their orders, and she made quick work of mixing it up for them. All along, she hummed to the Christmas tunes, unbothered that she had an audience now watching her closely.
As she handed them each her drink, one of the women, who had auburn hair and warm brown eyes, asked, "I hope this isn't too forward, but your left eye... it looks pretty damaged..." the woman ended with a question as Y/n's hand immediately went to cover her grey eye before she chuckled and shook her head, "It's alright, it's just part of the scar. I can see perfectly fine with it."
"How interesting, can I get a blood sample?" She asked as she pulled a kit from her purse.
Y/n was surprised to say the least, as were the two men beside her. The handsome one looked at the woman almost scandalized that she even asked that as he said, "Caitlin! Not now." The woman, Caitlin, sighed as she shook her head, putting her kit back in her purse, "Right, sorry, I'm just really curious about the effects soulmates have on one another."
Y/n's face twisted into pained amusement as she scoffed, "Why would that matter? My soulmate's dead."
The group turned look at her again, this time with pity as the Latino man asked, "Why do you think that?"
Y/n's frustration leaked out as she gestured to her body, more pointedly her face, "Look at me, look at all this damage my soulmate went through. Do you honestly expect them to have survived? I know, more often than not people do survive lighting strikes.... but whatever this is... it was much worse."
The attractive one turned to the group and Len before turning to Y/n as he asked, "Hey, can I show you something?"
"Barry..." an older African American man started with warning but Barry shook his head at him as he answered cryptically, "Joe, she needs to know."
Y/n's eyes squinted with distrust, "What the hell are you talk about? What do I need to know?"
Barry's eyes turned back to her, "Please, you can trust me-"
"Trust you? I don't even know you," Y/n interrupted but Len spoke out, "N/n." Her eyes searched his calm ones as he gave a curt nod and said, "You can trust him." She let her fears reflect in her eyes before turning to Barry who just gave her a calm smile and a reassuring look. Letting out a breath she said, "My shift ends in ten minutes." Barry's smile was blindingly bright making Y/n's heart skip a beat.
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Y/n looked around at the Forensic Lab that Barry worked at. She wasn't sure why she was here, or why she had trusted Barry so easily as soon as he held her hand and guided her to her car. She was confused when she asked where his car was, only to be met with the response, "Oh, I ran here."
Y/n's two toned eyes, flitted back to the lean attractive male as he walked towards the wide window where Central City was lighting the horizon. He pulled some chains causing a clanking noise to sound above her. Her head looked upwards at the skylight that was being exposed, she could see snow falling leisurely from the clouds above them.
Her brows furrowed as she turned to Barry to find him already looking at her, "What are we doing here?"
Barry gave her a sad smile as he confessed, "23 months ago, I was struck by lightning and fell into a nine month coma." Y/n's breath hitched as her eyes widened, never leaving Barry's figure when he stood next to her and looked up at the sky, "I was standing right here when it hit me."
Y/n let out a disbelieving huff as her eyes began to sting with tears, "How..... how is that possible? You..... you don't have a scar.... You... You-"
Barry turned to her and gave her a scared smile as he let out a shuttering breath, "When I woke up from my coma..... The lightning, combined with the Dark Matter in the Particle Accelarator, changed something inside me. I found out that I could heal really fast.... and run faster than the speed of sound."
Y/n's eyes got impossibly bigger as the little clues he hinted clicked in her mind. He didn't drive to the bar, he healed fast, and ran faster. With a hysterical chuckle she asked, "You're the Flash aren't you?" Barry gave her a nod which caused her to touch her head with disbelief as she leaned against the table behind her. She could feel the air in her lungs being squeezed as she tried to not freak out. Barry, for his part, looked like he wanted to comfort her but didn't know how so he hesitated as he took a step closer. Y/n's eyes searched his as she asked, "Why? Why tell me?"
Barry's eyes started to glisten as well as he let out breathlessly, "Because.... because you're my soulmate. I don't want to hide any part of myself from you." Y/n stayed silent as she observed Barry, who seemed more and more distressed as time passed between them. Barry ran a nervous hand through his hair as he shook his head, "Look, I understand if you don't want me as your soulmate, we can just be friends.. But I promise that I will do everything I can to protect you."
When she still made no response to him, his hope began to dwindle until her voice broke through the stillness, "I always felt a strange protection every time I saw the Flash fighting on the news.. Now I know why," Y/n ended with a smile as tears freely fell down her cheeks. Taking in a shaky breath, she closed the gap between the two of them as she reached up and held his face in her hands. Her two toned eyes gazed at him with unconditional love causing Barry's eyes to mist up even more and his heart to ache with longing. His heart slowly fell as he asked with fear, "What if you don't want anything to do with the other part of my life? I will always be putting myself in danger, I can't even guarantee your safety."
Quietly, as to not disturb the peace around them, Y/n said through her tears of joy, "I finally found you. Whatever hardships come our way, we'll be ready for them... Together." Barry shared her smile before closing the gap between them and kissing her softly in the stillness of his lab.
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Legends of Tomorrow Masterlist
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One Shots
Make His Life Hell - Eobard Thawne x Reader
Bridge Battle - Leonard Snart x Reader
Affected Advances - John Constantine x Reader
Complaint No.3 - John Constantine x Reader
Admit It - John Constantine x Reader
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine making Constantine jealous during a mission with the Legends
Imagine bonding with Ray in the kitchen about your complicated relationships
Imagine attending Nate’s fathers funeral with the Legends
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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arandomaquarius · 5 months
~Request Rules!~
Please read all of this post thoroughly before you request anything, thx much appreciated <3
Fandoms I will write for now
•DC (I won’t go by canon often though, and I won’t do Arrowverse)
•Transformers (Bayverse, ROTB/Knightverse and TFP)
•Undertale AUs
•Gravity Falls
•FNAF (only 1, 2, 4, and SB. Maybe movie when the sequel comes out)
DC Characters I will write for now (main characters not side characters)
•Pied Piper/Hartley Rathaway
•Trickster I/James Jesse
•Captain Cold/Leonard Snart
•Wally West/Flash III/Kid Flash
•Triplicate Girl
Transformers Characters (No Comics!)
•Knockout (Tfp)
•Breakdown (Tfp)
•Wildbreak (RiD15)
•Soundwave (Tfp, RiD15)
•Starscream (Tfp, RiD15)
•Megatron (Tfp)
•Dreadwing (Tfp)
•Skyquake (Tfp)
•Shockwave (Tfp)
•Optimus Prime (Bay, Knight/ROTB, Tfp, RiD15)
•Bumblebee (Bay, Knight/ROTB, Tfp, RiD15)
•Ratchet (Bay, Tfp, RiD15)
•Ironhide (Bay)
•Jazz (Bay, RiD15)
•Bulkhead (Tfp, RiD15)
•Crosshairs (Bay)
•Drift (Bay, RiD15)
•Slipstream (RiD15)
•Jetstorm (RiD15)
•Mirage (ROTB/Knight)
•Hotrod (Bay)
•Hound (Bay)
•Grimlock (RiD15)
•Wheeljack (Tfp)
•Ultra Magnus (Tfp)
•Smokescreen (Tfp)
•Windblade (RiD15)
I'll pretty much do any Undertale AU, preferably Sans but other characters are welcome!
Gravity Falls Characters
•Grunkle Stan
•Mabel Pines
•Dipper Pines
•Bill Cipher
•Rev!Dipper (Mason Gleeful)
•Rev!Mabel (Mabel Gleeful)
•Rev!Bill Cipher (Will Cipher)
•FightFalls!Bill Cipher (Kill Cipher)
What I Will Write
•Hurt/No Comfort
•Angst (character death included)
•Romantic (depends on the character, but I’ll do it for most)
•character x reader
•character x character
•m/m, f/f, m/f etc
•gn reader
•fem reader
•Cybertronian reader
•specific species reader
•some dark topics (I’ll let you know if it’s too much)
What I Will Not Write
•NSFW (there are plenty of other blogs for this, do not ask me. However, I might put a few suggestive things in)
•Rape/assault (I am willing to write reactions to it in hcs or imply it, but I won’t explicitly state it)
•character x oc
•uhhh I forget what it’s called but like cyborg reader or like half-human-half-cybertronian reader
I am willing to write characters being sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, and overall bigots. I DO NOT support it. However, I strive to keep things real in my writing, and those things do unfortunately occur. It is something I face every day, and I’m sure you do too. These people exist and I am simply acknowledging that.
You may request now! Remember to be specific when you do! Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! <3
Edit: some requests won’t get done, simply because I can’t think of anything for it. I’ll try to let you know if that’s the case but no guarantees
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bonkwosher · 1 year
What Characters I Will Write For
Heyo, I'm new as hell to Tumblr but I have been writing on Wattpad for years. Decided I might as well post on here considering how much I read here. If this post is weirdly formatted I'm sorry, I'm trying!
All X GN!Reader, I don't particularly like writing ships
Jurassic Park/World
Ian Malcolm ~ Jurassic Park/Lost World/Dominion
Nick Van Own ~ Jurassic Park Lost World
Franklin Web ~ Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom/Dominion
Alan Grant ~ Jurassic Park/3/Dominion
Wednesday/Addams Family (1991/1993)
Rowan Laslow ~ Wednesday
Eugene Ottinger (Platonic) ~ Wednesday
Gomez Addams & Morticia Addams (Poly) ~ 1991/1993 Addams Family
Young!Gomez & Young!Morticia (Poly) [If you insist] ~ Wednesday
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Gustavo Fring ~ BB & BCS
Jesse Pinkman ~ BB & BCS
Badger ~ BB
Lalo Salamanca ~ BCS
Nacho Varga ~ BCS
Lalo Salamanca & Nacho Varga (Poly) ~ BCS
Domingo ~BB & BCS
Howard Hamlin ~ BCS
Locke & Key
Tyler Locke
Rufus Whedon
Duncan Locke
Bode Locke (Platonic)
Scot Cavendish
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Captain Raymond Holt
Jake Peralta
Rosa Diaz
Charles Boyle
Terry Jeffords
Pedro Pascal Characters (As I watch more of his content)
Agent Whiskey ~ The Kingsman: Golden Circle
Joel Miller ~ The Last Of Us (Show)
Javier Peña ~ Narcos
Oberyn Martell ~ Game of Thrones
Dan Stevens Characters (As I watch more of his content)
David Collins ~ The Guest
Travis "Trapper" Beasley ~ Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
Frank ~ Abigail
Assorted Random People (Usually bc it's one from each fandom)
Stu Macher ~ Scream
Stu Macher & Billy Loomis (Poly) ~ Scream
Dewey Riley ~ Scream/2/3/4/5
Benoit Blanc ~ Knives Out/Glass Onion
Ryan Ezahler & Dylan Lenivy (Poly) ~ The Quarry
Travis Hacket ~ The Quarry
Vander ~ Arcane
Albert Wesker ~ Resident Evil
Philly Bárzaga ~ Far Cry 6
Captain Cold/Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller) ~ The Flash/DC Legends)
Barry Berkman ~ Barry
Peter ~ Abigail
Sierra Six & Lloyd Hansen (Poly) ~ The Gray Man
Other Characters!
Feel free to request others (Especially if they are in fandoms I already write about)! I might do them, it really depends on the character. Don't be afraid to ask whether they're on the list or off!
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