#Lava lamp dude
randomeggart · 3 months
Crab mafia gives me strength (draw the jar version of he /nf)
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Okay but be careful, that's an alarming amount of grumpy trapped in a very small space
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werewolfrevenge · 1 year
Half the things I say on my instagram are funnier when I imagine them in my icons (mom from the brak shows) voice
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memorycycle · 2 months
dude i coulda had this lava lamp on this whole time
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sh4wty18 · 18 days
hii can you write a long fluffy Johnnie x reader? 🙏🫶
of course! i hope you love it :)
date night.
pairing: johnnie guilbert x reader
summary: after a long night of filming, you decide to surprise your boyfriend by bringing date night to him.
cw: fluff, language
word count: 1.0k + edited
After a long day of filming videos for both his and Jake’s channels, the one thing Johnnie feels up for is spending time with you. He would always make time for you, no matter what. Tonight, he had been busy filming back to back videos with Jake in their filming room, presumably testing weird Amazon products or trying new snacks from a convenience store. 
You knew Johnnie would be exhausted after filming, so you decided to surprise him with dinner and a movie. You had a key to their house, so you let yourself in quietly, so that they wouldn’t hear you. Then, you ordered your favorite go-to meals from Dave’s Hot Chicken, and had them delivered. You’d also built a cocoon of pillows and blankets on Johnnie’s bed, and brought your favorite lava lamp from your apartment to light the room– nothing too bright which could induce a headache. After grabbing your dinners and sneaking them back into Johnnie’s bedroom, you wait in the dimly lit room for your boyfriend to enter.
By around 9 pm, you hear muffled voices from down the hall, no doubt Jake and Johnnie discussing the editing and posting schedule for their videos, as they usually did after filming. Then you heard Johnnie ask, “Do you smell chicken, or is it just me?” 
“No, dude, I smell it too… that’s fucking weird,” Jake replies with a laugh.
“Whatever, maybe we’re both going fucking insane,” Johnnie laughs, before opening his bedroom door, “Goodnight!” he calls out to Jake, and turns around. He’s taken aback at the sight of you curled up in his bed, waiting for him. “Y/n?” he closes his bedroom door and runs over to you, hurling himself into bed and wrapping his arms tightly around your body. “What’re you doing here? Did you set all this up for me??” 
You giggle as he kisses the top of your head, “Yes! I wanted to surprise my hardworking boy with a treat tonight.” 
“Oh babe, you’re the best, thank you,” Johnnie starts, tilting your chin up with his thumb and pointer finger and pulling you in to kiss your lips. “Have I ever told you I have the best girlfriend of all time?”
“Hmm… nope, I don’t think you have,” you joke, scratching your head with fake confusion.
“Well, she’s the best. She’s the most beautiful, smart, kind, thoughtful person I’ve ever met, and I love her more than anything,” he grins at you.
“You aren’t too bad yourself, boyfriend.” you nudge him in the side softly, and plant a kiss on the side of his neck. “I got your favorite,” you shake the Dave’s Hot Chicken bag in front of his face, and he grabs it happily. 
“I knew I smelled chicken!” he shouts gleefully, taking a sandwich out of the bag and handing it to you, then taking the other one for himself, placing your shared order of fries on the paper bag between the two of you.
“What do you wanna watch, Johnnie?” you ask, “It’s your pick, tonight is all about you.”
“You can pick, baby. You know I suck at picking movies. Anything you wanna watch, you know I’ll wanna watch.” He kisses the top of your head again, and gently rubs circles into the small of your back as he watches you search up one of his favorite movies, Edward Scissorhands. 
“Edward and Kim remind me of us,” you whisper in his ear as the opening credits begin, and you kiss his cheek, feeling his smile stretch across his face. 
You spend the next twenty minutes leaning over your sandwiches and fries, eating silently while watching the film. After you’re both done eating, you get up to throw all the trash away. Johnnie scoots over in your blanket cocoon, patting the space next to him, indicating for you to rejoin him. You jump back into the fort, finding a comfortable spot between his legs, laying back against his torso. He leans against the pillows and wraps his arms around your sides, intertwining both his hands with yours. 
You tilt your head back to look at him, and he leans down to kiss your lips spiderman style. You smile against his mouth, “Baby, watch the movie,” you giggle, “there’ll be plenty of time for messing around after.” 
Before you know it, you’re drifting off in his arms, which Johnnie is prepared for. He slowly maneuvers your body so you're laying on your side next to him, and he lowers the volume of the movie. He lays down beside you and wraps his arm around your waist, resting his other hand under his pillow. 
Just as he’s about to drift off as well, he feels you jolt awake. You turn to face him, wrapping your arm around his waist as well, so you’re holding each other. 
“Did I fall asleep again?” you ask quietly.
Johnnie giggles under his breath, “Yeah, baby. But it’s okay. I’m sleepy too.” he leans in to kiss you, pulling your body closer to his, and you move your hand up to hold the back of his neck. 
It’s a slow, sloppy make out– the best kind. The kind that you both know isn’t going to lead anywhere. It’s romantic, a way to deepen your connection and express your love for one another.
“I love you so much, and I’m proud of you everyday.” you whisper between kisses, as you catch your breath. You play with his hair, softly twirling your fingers through it, and he traces his fingers up and down your back. 
“I love you more.” he kisses your nose, “you're the most perfect girl in the world.” 
He turns to lay on his back, allowing you to wrap your arm around his stomach, and drape your leg over his. He rests his hand on top of yours, and turns to smile at you. Neither of you have to say another word, there’s nothing to be said that you both don’t already know.
So instead, you lean in to press your foreheads together. He kisses you again, long and deep. When he pulls away, you bury your head in the crook of his neck, kissing him one last time before getting comfortable for the night.
“Goodnight, angel,” he whispers up at the ceiling.
“Goodnight, my love,” you breathe into his neck, before drifting off to sleep in his arms. 
do you guys prefer this type of fluffy fic, or do you like more plot beforehand? let me know! as always, likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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juicywritinghoard · 1 year
object + emotion combo prompts list
Select an option from each list and send to the rebblogger of this list (with a character/ship/etc)!
Sword-shaped dangly earrings
Fake red delicious apple with bite marks
Box too good to throw away just yet
Elegantly made brioche loaf
Blue Scooby Doo fruit snack
Hair dye stain
Holographic vampire sticker
Tiny pizza-shaped eraser
Probably haunted object, too big for the trash compactor to eat
Hello Kitty tarot card (the Tower)
Pile of bills, internet offers, and ads for burger
Very small crocheted frog
Teapot shaped like a strawberry
Single popcorn kernel where it doesn’t belong
Denim jacket with bleach-painted bone motif
8 ball that is always wrong no matter what
Wet cellphone, with an unsent text
Arcade carpet
Key to a storage unit
Flickering neon motel sign
Button that just says BEEF
Lava lamp that sort of works
Ceramic octopus
Costume for a lizard or perhaps small rodent
Bowling ball with a gargoyle in it
Build-a-Bear receipt 
Unrequited love, probably
Stomach Ache at the worst possible moment
Anxiety that would better suit an active bank robbery than laying in bed in the sunny afternoon
Totally Chill, Nothing Can Prove Otherwise
Clawing at the furniture 
[smooth saxophone begins to play] 
Mortified, perhaps to literal death
Gee Doc How Do You SUGGEST I Lower My Stress Levels
Gotta make gotta make gotta make something new
If they don’t smile at me today I’m going to eat an entire drum set 
Safe with you. Despite
Can’t stop humming love songs
Do you want to hear half an hour straight of facts I know about this just kidding here we go [deep breath] THE
I will start a fight and I do not care if I win that fight, even though I will win that fight. I want to draw blood
Cowabummer dude
Proud, so proud it hurts
Quick question what if we didn’t, actually
[deeply affectionate] they are so stupid
I am looking Respectfully??
The Fear ™ 
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
I'm in love with @ashwii Celestial AU. I wanted to write something poetic and beautiful but instead it turned into silly shenanigans between astronaut April and the Disaster Twins. I hope you get a good chuckle out of it at least.
"Wait! Hold on! Rewind! Humans do what?" 
April grins and adjusts her grip on the outer hull. She briefly gestures with the screwdriver before plunging it back into the innards of the space station she is going to call her home for the next few years. 
No matter how much she'd trained for and anticipated this mission, the idea of spending years alone on a space station to research the effects of long term exposure to low gravity had been as exciting as it had been scary. All that scientific and psychological mumbo jumbo aside, she'd been convinced that 'going space crazy' would be a given and had noted it down in her mission log on the very first day (something Ground Control hadn't found very funny, weirdly enough). 
She thought the loneliness might kill her before any asteroid or technical failure could. But now here she is, floating in her super advanced space suit in the vast nothingness of space and talking to a floating humanoid turtle who is also apparently an embodiment of all the stars in all the galaxies and who is named like a renaissance painter even though April had to explain what a renaissance painter even is and… 
Maybe she has gone space crazy after all? 
Leonardo proves that he is not merely a figment of her imagination by tapping one of his fingers against the face shield of her helmet, an action that had scared the crap out of her the first time he'd done it. Not anymore though. Her new friends won't let anything happen to her. 
"Hello? Stars to April!" 
"Yes Leo, I heard you." She can hear him loud and clear. She wonders if he can too or if her voice sounds muffled to him through the helmet. "Don't know what to tell you, dude. It's just a silly thing humans do. There are websites where you can buy a star and give it a name and then give it away as a gift." 
"A gift?" Leo clutches at his chest like an old lady might clutch at her pearls. He floats backwards a few feet. The trails of his mask flare and tiny stars follow his movement, surrounding him and sparking briefly like small explosions before fading away again. 
Oh, how April wishes she could touch them. Would they be cold or hot? Would they pass right through her or settle on her skin like a thousand little fireflies?
They don't know if Leo and his brothers can enter the station without harm to them or the ship and April knows that they are too wary to try. Yet. 
Which, yeah. Fair enough. Maybe one day. 
"A gift!" he repeats. His voice cracks and he looks genuinely distressed. April would feel bad for him if she wasn't trying so hard not to laugh. "How dare you humans sell pieces of me as a gift!" 
"Hey hey, calm down. It's not real. No one can really buy a star. It's just… make believe." 
"That's besides the point!" 
In that moment Donatello joins them, alerted by his brother's shouting and gesticulating. He's been keeping an eye on the two of them from a distance. The moon turtle is the slowest to warm up to April, although her willingness to show and explain to him the various uses of her NASA approved equipment has gone a long way. April is determined to win the celestial being over with her charm and wit, just like she did with his brothers. 
"What's all this racket about?" Don looks and sounds tired. It's a waning moon and his arms are already more black than green, his eyes vaguely distant. The black mass traveling up and down his arms like the insides of a lava lamp should look creepy but it's actually quite mesmerizing. April could watch the dance of darkness and light for hours, but Donnie gets testy when he catches her staring so she refrains. Barely. 
"Donnieeeee!" Leo wails and throws his arms around his brother's neck. Immediately the stars on his skin brighten. It's fascinating: The darker Donnie is, the brighter Leo shines. The closer they are to a full moon, the more subdued Leo's glow becomes. Neither state seems to affect the other negatively. Rather, they seem to gravitate towards each other even more frequently during full and new moons. 
Donnie smiles softly in the face of his brother's antics and April catches herself thinking that it's probably a good thing both of them don't shine at the same time. That might just blind her. 
The moon turtle catches her staring and just like a switch being flipped his smile turns into a scowl and he pushes his brother away. 
April smirks. So predictable. 
"Nardo! What is it?" 
Leonardo waves his arms around. Streaks of light paint waves into the space between them. "April just told me that humans buy stars as gifts!" He shudders and hugs himself. "I feel so violated." 
Okay, that is so not fair. Now April feels really bad. And it's got nothing to do with the glare Don sends her. 
"Hey man!", she says and gently bumps her fist lightly against Leo's shoulder. It feels just like any other shoulder. Corporal and squishy. She wonders if it would feel different without the glove in the way. "They only do that because stars are beautiful. You buy a star for your loved ones, to show them how important they are to you and because you want to give them something unique and lovely. Gifting someone a star is like, the most wonderful thing you can do on earth, y'know?"
She is mostly talking out of her ass right now. April never got the whole 'gifting a star' business. To her it's mostly a scam, just a very expensive piece of paper. No one owns stars so no one can sell them either. But she does acknowledge that it's a cute idea at least and that lots of people are really digging it. 
Leo stares at her with, excuse the pun, stars in his eyes. "Really?" His attitude does a complete 180. He twirls in a circle, throws his glowing mask trails around and blows his brother an exaggerated kiss. "You hear that, Dee? I'm the most wonderful gift, ever. Humans pay lots of money for a piece of me. You all get my company for free, be thankful." 
Donatello rolls his eyes. "Oh, joy. Though I  wish I had paid some money. At least then I'd have a receipt and could return you for something cooler." 
Leo only laughs good-naturedly, but April mentally rubs her hands like a villain. 
She really shouldn't aggravate the guy. She does want him to like her, after all. But Donnie just offered her the perfect opportunity for some light teasing. And she did promise to teach the boys everything she knows about earth and human customs. She's got a duty to fulfill, doesn't she? 
Ah, well. They can become best friends later. After all, she'll be around them for many years to come. 
"Oh Donnie!" she drawls and floats closer to him. He eyes her with the usual distrust and she smirks in anticipation. "Did I ever tell you about this thing humans do, where they buy land on the moon?" 
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hellfireclubmember · 2 years
Matching Nails
a/n: i've had this ready for a while now, was waiting for tumblr to fix something for my account. hoping it worked. also this is just super fluffy and fun, i needed some comfort eddie to prepare for tomorrow.
summary: a casual hang out with your best friend turns a little more complicated when some things are confessed/blurted.
word count: 1.3k
warning: maybe like two curse words, tons and tons of fluff, probably some grammar mistakes. Read it a few times but don't trust myself to have caught everything.
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“Okay what do you think of this dude?” Eddie turned himself over in his seat and held up his notebook for you.
You were sat on his bed, bottle of nail polish balanced on your history textbook. The only sources of light were three small lamps scattered around the room, one being a green lava lamp. There was music lightly playing as you both worked on your separate tasks. You loved being at Eddie’s, no matter what you were doing, you spent so much time in his trailer you could see some of your stuff littered around his room; shirts, hair ties, bottles of different colored polish, and some cassettes of your favorite music, which he pretended to hate keeping mixed with his own collection of ‘superior music’ but in actuality he loved having things you loved at his place.
Eddie’s room was the most comforting place in the world. Honestly, anywhere the greasy idiot happened to be was the most comforting place in the world for you. Of course, you would never admit that to him, he was cocky enough without that piece of information.
You looked up mid nail polish stroke, eyes landing on a messily drawn monster that was covering the page he was holding out to you.
“Do you think he’s cool enough for the campaign?” His gaze was scanning your face, eyebrows furrowed. He turned the journal over to himself. “Obviously not as the main villain but I think he’d make a good side quest. Got enough hit points to keep ‘em busy for a while.”
“Definitely cool enough for your group of nerds.” You said with a quick nod.
You watched him smile his big Eddie smile, the one that makes his eyes crinkle at the side and deepen the lines around his mouth. The one that made your heart swell in your chest. He was your best friend but that didn’t mean you couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to press a kiss to his annoyingly pretty lips.
He put his notebook down on his dresser and plopped himself down next to you, making the bed shake. “You done yet, sweetheart?” He wrapped his hand around one of your wrists and inspected the black paint that now covered your nails. “Looks good.” Eddie turned your hand over and kissed your palm. “Not as good as you.”
You rolled your eyes, as you always did when he made his flirty comments. Acting as if they didn’t make your pulse quicken. “Yeah, whatever, loser.” You looked at his hands, fingers covered in those silver rings you liked so much. “Eds, can I paint your nails?”
“‘Course u can, princess. Do me up good.” He said.
You grabbed his hand and put it down on your bent knee. You were quick to start the work on his nails, only getting distracted by how pretty his hands were a few times, which is something to be very proud of considering.
Whilst you worked Eddie couldn’t help but stare at you. Watching the concentrated look on your face, a fond smile found its place on his. He loved moments where he could just sit and look at you, they were his favorite. When he really thought about it, Eddie realized most of his favorite things to do revolved around you; being near you, spending time with you, looking at you, holding you.
Oh my god, I love her, I’m totally stupidly in love with her. When the hell did that happen? He thought as he instinctively moved his hand to run through his hair.
You tightened your grip on his wrist, looking up incredulously. “Eddie, you made me mess up!”
“Huh?” he looked down at his hand. “Right, yeah, sorry.”
You flicked his forehead as punishment and continued to paint his nails, completely oblivious to the man’s full-on crisis.
He couldn’t believe he was this particular cliché, in love with his best friend.
Seriously, when the fuck did that happen?
“Okay, all done.” You closed the bottle of black nail polish, completely satisfied with your artwork. The nail polish really added to the allure of his pretty hands. “What do you think? I think it’s my best work yet.”
You didn’t hear his usual snarky comment so you looked at Eddie. He was staring ahead, his beautiful big brown eyes wide, not really looking at anything in particular. He was uncharacteristically quiet, usually you have to bribe him with food or something to get him to shut up.
“Eddie?” You poked his side. “C’mon I was here the whole time. There is no way you could’ve gotten high when I wasn’t looking.” You sat on your knees in front of him, leaning over to get a better look. You brushed the hair out of his eyes. “Eds?”
When Eddie felt your hand he looked up at your eyes that were filled with worry. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized he loved you when you looked like this. Everything about you was perfect, your eyes, your hair, your lips. Oh god, your lips. Wait was he staring at your lips? He hasn’t said anything in a really long time. He should probably say something.
“Um.. yeah, I painted your nails.”
Eddie looked down at his hands. His eyes shifted forward to yours. “Our nails match.” He mumbled.
“Oh yeah.” You stretched your hands out. “I guess they do match.” You hadn’t noticed, but now that he pointed it out you could almost feel your heart triple in size like the Grinch. When your eyes lifted back up to meet Eddie he seemed to find everything else more interesting. This was seriously the strangest Eddie has ever acted and you had seen him stoned out of his mind just staring at a wall. You started feeling a little anxious, scared you might’ve done something to make him feel uncomfortable. “Dude, did the nail polish fumes get to your head? Why are you being so fucking weird?” You playfully pushed his shoulder to get him to look up or say something.
He really was being weird; he just wasn’t sure how to handle this new information. Eddie did this thing where when he started thinking about something, he couldn’t stop. No matter what was going on around him, it just bounced around in his head until he eventually exploded or just somehow spat it out.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
The words just kind of hung in the air for a while, fluffy and pretty. Your brain was trying so hard to process them. Being best friends with Eddie, there weren’t a lot of things that could shock you but he has truly blindsided you. There you were bated breath and all that cheesy stuff. This just felt like some sort of cruel joke or something. You couldn’t hold back the giggle that escaped you.
“Are you seriously laughing at my vulnerable confession right now? My heart is on my sleeve.” Eddie was trying to lighten the mood but he was on the verge of throwing up.
“Eddie, you idiot. You think you’re in love with me?” You felt like the smile on your face couldn’t be any bigger. “Well, I know I’m in love with you.”
And there it was, that big Eddie smile. You only saw it for a second before he smashed his lips on yours, making you fall backwards onto his bed. He was above you, his hands on either side of your face. You were too elated to think properly. When you finally realized the placement of his hands, you broke the kiss.
“Eds, my hard work!” you grabbed one of his hands to look at his nails.
“(y/n), please don’t interrupt my hard work.” He grinned, connecting your lips together again.  
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millymoonstar · 24 days
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Another fusion dude lol
Cannon ship child between Lava-Lamp: toyhou.se/10441314.lava-lamp & Hush: toyhou.se/22147940.hush~ 
Stronk bean man
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class-1b-bull · 11 months
Class 1-b as random things me and my friends have said to eachother!
I tried to get everyone multiple times but some characters got more than others </3
There is a lot of cussing, name calling and mentions of virginity but dats about it. Plus a brief mention of drug dealing.
:] :] :]
Bondo- uh yea?
Manga- i knew you were cringe but a virgin? Do better man.
:] :] :]
Awase- ctrl z dosent work on tattoos actually..
:] :] :]
Kuroiro - the atoms will align because im hot like that. *runs straight into a wall*
:] :] :]
Kamakiri - the riddle isnt that fucking hard your just dumb as shit.
Kosei - can I give them a hint?
Kamakiri - no, fuck you.
Awase - you had to high expectations for me and tokage when making this riddle.
Kamakiri - I litterally looked up riddles for kids.
Tokage - well im obviously not a kid so that probably why I cant figure it out..
Kosei - can I pleasssseeeeeee give them a hint.
Kamakiri - fine whatever.
Kosei - ASS!!
Kamakiri - you know what? Actually... shut the fuck up!
Kosei - its a good hint!
Kamakiri - no the fuck its not.
Rin - no actually thats a great hint. Want me to demonstrate?
Awase - what is there to demonstrate???
*litterally 3 1/2 hours later*
:] :] :]
Kendo - just letting you know, your a great friend. And I really care about you.
Kodai - being nice to me wont change the fact that your ass at mario cart.
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - *running up to kendo full sprint* hey um- quick question, could jesus do a kick flip? SPECIFICALLY with the kids hello kitty skatebord that crack dealer tried to sell us...
:] :] :]
Shishida - I dont like gossip but I thought I should let you know that monoma thinks your a drug dealer...
Kosei - why? Is he a cop?
Shishida - no but-
Kosei - is he buyin?
:] :] :]
Shoda - *crying in a voice message to the class b group chat* I just got into a car wreak and the cop had to pull me out of my carrr *loud as sniff* while fucking doja cat was talking about sucking dick... and it was really embarrassing. Oh! And I broke my leg I guess but whatever.
:] :] :]
Pony - Want my autograph? Too fuckin bad bitch! Im Beyonce type famous now I dont have TIME for your annoying ass.
Kodai - what happened?
Komori - she got 15 likes on a tumblr post.
:] :] :]
Tetsutetsu - MEN CAN LACTATE?!?!?!
Kosei - *loudly starts playing carless whisper in the distance*
:] :] :]
Kamakiri - shut the fuck up I only came over to your house to watch madoka magica and pet your cat now where the fuck is kitty kitty bang bang?!
:] :] :]
Honenuki - hand.
Honenuki - HAND!
Kuroiro - TAKE ME TO DINNER FIRST?! I aint ready for that kind of commitment man.
Honenuki - if you dont let me finish painting you nails I am going to kill your cat.
:] :] :]
Bondo - *crying while eating pretzels* he really did crank that soulja boy...
:] :] :]
Monoma - statistics show that I am better than you at litterally everything so riddle me this? If I am so fucking awesome why do I cry myself to sleep every night?!
:] :] :]
Reiko - that toddler is so fucking metal..
Like get it bitch. Tell your mom to fuck off for putting you in time out. Girlboss shit.
:] :] :]
Rin - that kid is litterally me.
Kosei - *earth shattering scream and falls off ceiling*
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - so is everyone that does crack jesus or just your mom?
:] :] :]
Shoda - thats a nice fucking rock...
Kodai - please dont fuck the rock...
:] :] :]
Rin - awase why would sen have a LIVE jellyfish inside of a lava lamp...
Awase - he would if he wasent a beta cuck.
:] :] :]
Pony - if I give you $20 can you draw the dude from highschool musical pregnant? Its for my cousins birthday.
Manga - first of all what the actual fuc-
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - believe it or not. But being a man. Ok? And sucking another mans dick. BEFORE MARRIAGE. Hear me out on this one... Is slightly againt the great lord above.
Kodai - jesus?
Reiko - no, ace ventura: pet detective.
Reiko - specifically after he climbed out of the rinos ass, naked.
:] :] :]
Sen - bro what even is this? Its low key ugly as fuck.
Rin - thats litterally me...
Sen - daymn *sticks photo in pants* ANYWAYS-
:] :] :]
Shishida - I get everyone is trying to stay calm but twerking to the fire alarm wont stop the fire!
:] :] :]
Rin - cute dogs!
Kosei - *lifting his foot* thanks I moisturize~
:] :] :]
Pony - i knew something was wrong with you when you laughed at my joke but not in the 'I watched mean girls' type of way.
:] :] :]
Komori - *walking around the house frantically*
Reiko - we would be out the door already if you didnt kiss all of your plants goodbye..
:] :] :]
Awase - I couldn't even hear that because me and kosei were talking about how hot she was.
:] :] :]
*Rin buddled up in like 20 blankets in front of a fire place*
Kosei - hot girl shit. *dives into the pile and face plants right into his balls.*
:] :] :]
Manga - can I eat your knees tall man?
Bondo - no thanks.
Manga - what if I asked in a uwu voice?
Bondo - still no.
Manga - daymn... alpha male type shit.
:] :] :]
Rin - you realize i am a dude right?
Awase - guys can have long hair?
Sen - of course they can have long hair dipshit.
Kosei - who cares if rin used to be a girl?! Hes a guy now and thats all that matters!
Rin - no I was always a guy...
Kosei - its ok man :D ill always be your friend <3
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andstuffsketches · 10 months
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[illustration of the artist, a white person with a short mullet and glasses, lying on their bed. It's posed like a selfie, with them looking at the camera, angled over their shoulder so you can see the room behind them. its abstracted and done in bright colors, with pink walls and white furniture. There is art hanging on the walls, including a pasted-in jpeg of the painting Young Girl Reading. The decorations include a lava lamp, a large cloth doll, a vase with flowers, and a mirror with a rosary hanging under it.]
dude moment
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The Lava Lamp Monster Human ver.
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I dunno dude lmao
shoulda added smoke would been cooler but noooooo im stupid
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toast-tales · 10 months
I Lava You, Chapter 4: You Taste Good!
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Read Chapter 1 here!
Cover art by @luckyshotwrites!
This short story takes place after P39 of ITWOM and as such, contains minor, minor spoilers for ITWOM - read at your own risk! You do NOT need to have read WIDFALI to enjoy this story!
This story is cowritten with the amazing, fantastic @luckyshotwrites and uses the minor character June from their ongoing vore story What I'd Do For A Livable Income. It's chock full of monsters, magic, goofs, and absolutely fantastic worldbuilding and characters. Give it a shot if you haven't yet!
Contains: references to g/t soft, safe vore. ~1300 words.
Chapter 4: You Taste Good!
“Little buddy, we’re gonna have so much fun together.”
“Really?” June’s eyes sparkled back, more innocently than his giant buddy’s. “So far, what you said sounds neat.” The slime giggled. “I can watch you skate, ride a bike with you maybe, and go on a rollercoaster with you!" He hugged himself, swaying back and forth. "It'll be fun both inside and outside, because I'll be keeping you company," June confidently stated.
Sam thought that perhaps they should pinch themselves in case they were dreaming. Or maybe they were just on some really weird trip as a result of eating the human earlier. They hadn’t ever heard of something like that happening with humans, but like…they also hadn’t seen a human eat a lava lamp before, so they were entertaining some new possibilities in their mind.
Their ears perked up at the last thing June said, because it hit their secret weakness. They always welcomed company, and they realized suddenly that it being from a human didn’t matter as much as they would have thought. Their mind was racing with ideas for things to do with them, places to bring them, and cool glowy things to show them.
They found themselves laughing. “I’ve never had a human friend before,” they confessed, the words coming out of their mouth before their brain had time to process them. “But you know what? You seem pretty cool, little dude.”
Little did Sam know, these were magic words to the slime in their midst. Those words stroked his ears. He wants to be my friend? June could feel himself melting with warmth, internally. He was lucky he had enough control not to let his body mimic his feelings and melt on the outside too, as was common for slimes.
He held his body together, then pointed to himself. “M-me? You think I’m cool?” His lips quivered with sweet thoughts. He pointed at Sam and shouted, “W-WELL, I THINK YOU’RE SUPER COOL!” He wore a smug grin as, at least in his mind, he had successfully “showed” Sam that they were cooler.
“A-and,” he held his arms up and out, “c-can I give you a hug?”
Sam took a step closer to the human, giving them a weird look. “How are you gonna do that?” A mental image popped into their head, which made them laugh. “Unless you’ve got, like, super stretchy arms or something.”
This wild idea was, unbeknownst to Sam, much more accurate than they realized. June could easily use his “super stretchy arm powers.” He could be squashed and stretched, outrageously so. Not that he would tell his new friend that. He was human. “Heheh, no, no. That would be pretty funny, though.”
He motioned for Sam to lower their face. “Come closer, then I can show ya!”
Sam leaned in closer to June—perhaps too close, as their nose brushed up against June’s tiny body. The scent was tantalizing again, and though they couldn’t eat the human yet, they were still drawn in towards them, almost without realizing. 
“...like this?”
June didn’t even flinch as Sam moved their face closer. Instead, he bounced joyously in place, and his arms wrapped around what they could of Sam’s face. That would be near the giant’s nose, since it was closer.
Sam’s body was warm and quite smooth. “Mhm! Perfect. Your face is really comfortable,” June said with a snicker. 
Though Sam had been expecting it, the act still caught them off guard. Their eyes widened in surprise at the human’s gesture, and a warm, fuzzy feeling started somewhere just north of their stomach. Something that wasn’t quite a craving anymore, though, perhaps it was—just one of a different kind.
They pressed the human further against them with a few fingers, as if in an attempt to return the hug. They grinned like an idiot as their eyes nearly crossed to look at the human.
“You’re a funny human,” they said, rather bluntly. “But I think I can vibe with that.”
Heheh, that’s me, a funny human, June thought as he relaxed, even closing his eyes as he hugged Sam. He loved being able to latch onto his friends.
Sam only had so much self-control, though. Sneakily, the tip of their tongue poked out to taste June’s leg. Any other giant might have thought it was a rather muddled human flavor, but to Sam, who hadn’t had a human in months and was notorious for not being picky in general, the taste shot through their system like the best damn thing they’d ever had before. It made their head buzz with excitement.
The lick didn’t really spook June as much as it would have scared someone else. It simply surprised them. “That tickles,” he said with a goofy grin.
“You taste good,” Sam blurted out, social decorum flying out the window. While they didn’t have enough self-control to keep things like that from coming out of their mouth, they at least had enough to stop themselves from tasting June any further for now. They did not, however, make any moves to back off of June, secretly enjoying the feeling of the tiny human pressed up against them. The fuzzy feeling was still there.
Hearing Sam’s comment, June buzzed with the possibilities of what his body was capable of. I can change my taste to be whatever I eat too! He wanted to mention it but caught himself yet again.
“Thank you for the compliment!” June nestled closer. 
See, Christopher’s human’s just weird. This one gets it. Unfortunately for every human Sam would encounter in the future, June was only affirming in their mind that their “compliments” toward humans were not, in fact, weird at all.
June thought that maybe he should compliment Sam back, and used his much tinier tongue to lick Sam on the side of their cheek. 
The taste, of course, was near nonexistent. Slimes couldn’t actually taste things, but the light tingle of Sam’s energy was there. So June fibbed—only a little bit. “Back at you in the tasting good department!”
Sam didn’t properly register what had just happened, until June commented on their taste. Whatever part of their brain was supposed to be in charge of connecting thoughts together and making sense of things, it took that moment to slip a resignation notice across the desk and vacate the premises. 
“Y…huh…wh—” Inexplicably, Sam’s body decided to respond with “embarrassment” in their brain’s absence, their cheeks flushing red and their words reduced to a stuttering mess. 
Humans didn’t…uh. Do that? Did they? Is this a willing thing?
Sam didn’t have anything left in their head to stop their immediate thoughts from coming out into the world. “What do giants taste like?” 
June saw the redness on Sam’s face and could feel their flustered embarrassment. He smiled happily, still burying himself in Sam’s cheek as he felt the heat rising in it. It elicited a light giggle from the slime. 
He pulled back for a moment to adjust his glasses that had begun to fall off. Hearing Sam say “giant” didn’t quite trigger him to put two and two together yet—he still thought it was short for “giant human.”
June was caught. Slimes couldn’t taste things—but humans could. He had to pretend. What’s a good thing to say? What do people like—?
“Sweet?” He shook his head, then narrowed his eyes and doubled down. “VERY SWEET!” Yes, that’s an acceptable answer! Humans love sweet things.
Sam blinked a few times. “Huh. Human taste buds are weird.” 
They mentally shrugged it off, though they did have a sudden urge to lick their own arm and check—just in case they’d never noticed that giants did actually taste sweet. 
Sam didn’t see the smuggest smile in the world cross June’s face. Tristan, you should see me now! I ROCK at pretending to be a human! 
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 5 ->
What other things will these two find out about each other? Stay tuned to find out!
Thank you for reading!
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g1ggl3-c4t · 6 months
*casually working on some old tk art*
*Sees this notification on my lava lamp post*
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Youre way too cool dude like how
Share the secrets ill share my gummy worms >:3
Uhh I have no idea how I am cool but considering gummy worms are on the line I'll share my secret..
I am cool cuz I have a lava lamp and a spinny chair
Case closed
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joshus-lobster · 1 year
Hyperspecific pole of things that have happened to me
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choccyhearts · 5 months
do ya'll ever think about how unintentionally stressful a smoke sesh amongst the ST boys would be?
cause like, you know once they're all fried, they're gonna unintentionally scare themselves like the dorks they are...
it'd go something like this:
argyle: ...did you guys hear that?😟
jonathan: hear what?🤨
argyle: i thought i heard someone else's voice...😶
eddie, sitting up from the bean bag he was previously slouched in: you heard WHAT!?!😨
argyle, chuckling and totally missing eddie's fear: yeah, dude, like it sounded like some other guy was here😁
eddie, standing up: what the fuck? do you think someone else is here!?😢
steve, who wasn't paying any attention because he was too busy staring at argyle's lava lamp: someone's here??😃
jonathan, rubbing his brow: no, argyle's just stoned😑
eddie: but what if there is someone out there...or something...👀
cut to argyle, jonathan, and eddie crowding behind steve as he clutches his nail bat, ready to strike at any second
all of their limbs are shaking partly due to fear, and partly due to being so fucking high. their eyes are wide and bloodshot as they look too see any danger
only to discover the younger ones hid a walkie-talkie under a cushion as a prank....
sorry if this is incomprehensible, i'm incredibly high rn and forgot how to write...
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