Another prompt! Something involving your headcanons on Four and gender?
[Something short and sweet because I am indecisive about what to use myself. I project onto Four a lot, and this kind of fits all of those feelings that I have.]
Four had a strange relationship with gender. It was many things, slow like a spring breeze, fluid like the tide coming in, everchanging like flames, and yet solid like the earth underfoot. Some days he fit in, but they felt uncomfortable in their own skin on others. She was never quite right, but sometimes it worked only slightly. Nothing alerted Four to the changes in preference, but like the elements that made up the Four Sword, they adapted. 
On the adventure with the others, Four found that it was okay if nothing ever fit quite right. With everyone else, gender was as important or unimportant as they wished it to be. Four eventually adopted the same mindset and found that the only way to use the gender that fits accurately was to use they until something else settled into place in a way that felt right. And they were satisfied.
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chatter-crow · 10 days
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Triple Threat for the pride DTIYS!! @breannasfluff
please reblog my stuff ‼️‼️
Flags used are aromantic, trans, mlm, lesbian, and the general rainbow flag
edit: ho ho HOLY SHIT this blew up overnight
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1-upboys · 10 months
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Parrotfish Pg 11 - 13
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cannibalgremlin · 11 months
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yeah uh… just gonna leave this here. first time posting something for LU
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candy8448 · 4 months
Lu lgbt headcanons Because im feeling very gender today:
Genderfluid, any pronouns
Bisexual and demiromantic
Used to be in a relationship with Marin
In a relationship currently with Ravio but they haven't decided exactly how far their relationship goes just yet
Never wears trousers, even on a masculine day, just never. Nope. Wears a ton of jewlery
Probably has some magic ring or something with a gem that he can change the colour of to represent what pronouns they want to use
Also uses any pronouns
Decided to not use a name or label for gender
Before the shrine was probably not given any opportunity to explore any gender identities or sexual orientation, so went as a cis man
In a queer platonic relationship with Flora
Bigender, i saw this headcanon once and im stealing it for self projection reasons
She/he pronouns with a slight preference to he
Bisexual, polyamory
He, Zelda and Groose are all in a relationship together (Zelda is mostly straight and Groose hasn't decided yet)
Seen hcs that fairies aren't born with a gender and get to choose theirs
Intersex (though was treated more femininly by most of his sisters and mothers)
Nonbinary and trans male
Uses he/they/fae pronouns
Saw hcs that the kokiri dont really pay attention to gender
Uses he/him pronouns for simplicity as that was what people used when he first left kokiri forest
Will not mind if someone uses whatever pronouns, will not correct since he doesnt really have a connection to any gender
Pan, again since he doesnt really recognise gender he doesnt have a preference to what he is romantically intrested in but he is married to Malon
Seen hcs that he used to have a crush on Sheik and sure, i like it when its written as a goofy childhood crush thing
Cis male, ik most ppl hc them as the most gnc but i like this
They/them pronouns, they use them as plural pronouns but not many people actually know that
The colours themselves and mostly cis male though as individuals
Not sure their sexual orientation
They are at least 1/4 gay (looking at you, Vio)
Trans male
Aroace, did not have a fun experience with that whole Cia thing and has just sworn off any kind of romantic or sexual relationships
He/they pronouns (is experimenting with the they/them pronouns and mostly prefers the he/him ones)
Straight as far as he is aware for now, might have a slight crush on Tetra but will deny it with his entire being
Nonbinary, He/they pronouns
Had/has a big crush on Midna
In situations or aus where they are able to be with Midna, he is dating Midna and Midna is dating Dusk, but Twi and Dusk are not dating
Ive had this post in my drafts and completely forgot about it lol
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Mocchi (Lu Mocchi)
Gender: Transgender non binary (unsure on pronouns)
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 8 June 1990  
Ethnicity: Uruguayan
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, composer, musician, producer
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estoymuyloca · 7 months
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See something you like baby? 😏🤭
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In the Watchful City by S. Qiouyi Lu
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The city of Ora uses a complex living network called the Gleaming to surveil its inhabitants and maintain harmony. Anima is one of the cloistered extrasensory humans tasked with watching over Ora's citizens. Although ær world is restricted to what æ can see and experience through the Gleaming, Anima takes pride and comfort in keeping Ora safe from all harm.
All that changes when a mysterious visitor enters the city carrying a cabinet of curiosities from around the world, with a story attached to each item. As Anima’s world expands beyond the borders of Ora to places—and possibilities—æ never before imagined to exist, æ finds ærself asking a question that throws into doubt ær entire purpose: What good is a city if it can’t protect its people?
Mod opinion: I hadn't heard of this book before but it sounds so interesting! Update: It IS so interesting! Transgender weird fantasy my beloved ❤️
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actualbird · 1 year
so i watched marius' 2nd bday card SSR Eternal Flame and wow. Wow. this story being released during This Month Of All Months. a story so entrenched in marius holding onto his personal agency and right to create and express his identities the way he wants to even under immense social expectations and constraints, a story where marius is put on the spot to "choose" an "identity", to "pick" a "side" if he wants protect himself and those around him from the endless criticisms he will suffer if he does not, a story where it's revealed so many people think his identity and expression of it is any of their business, a story with a CRYSTAL CLEAR ALLEGORY OF BEING FORCED TO COME OUT, a story where so many labels are put on marius but at the end of the day all he wants is to be seen and treated like a person, to be loved for who he is...im reading the subtext whether it's here or not. happy pride month to marius von hagen.
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anewgayeveryday · 10 months
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Roshan Ahmadi and Tremaine Blackbourne from Warcross by Marie Lu-MLM
Art by @the-ocean-is-scary
Requested by Anon
status: Alive (and dating)
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drawulan · 1 year
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Redrawn my old Mushroom fanarts!
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haley lu richardson just like us for real
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is this the official server? Just wondering, since I've been wanting to join, and I'm worried about falling into a weird conservative one o-o;;
We don’t want to say “official” because there are lots of servers, but we are definitely the biggest and the first! We welcome everyone :)
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candy8448 · 4 months
January art
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