oh-saints · 11 months
You could write something like friends with benefits with Ruben Dias but he really falls in love w reader 😬 ? you can decide the rest just make it angst
you really can blame back to december (taylor's version) for this. who's ready?
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(portugese) a deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent; desiderium.
it was a word rúben only learnt in front of his oldest flame. his favourite flame. however, between the two of them, did time heal everything?
rúben dias x doctor!reader word count: 4.5k prompts: above + summer fling + @julianalvarez9's post here (sorry, girlie, gotta twist your idea a bit) tw: explicit foreplay but suggestive smut 👀 note: y'all can blame ms. swift's newly released album, okay? well, aside from the depressive mood lately and recent work stress, the particular song kickstarted me to write my arse off like i just broke up with my ex (when it's an old news already lol). but as usual, i happen to write this at dawn so not beta-read yet. song: back to december + all too well
“oh, there she is!”
oh for the love of god, you know you were late, okay? when you hadn’t stopped running back and forth for two consecutive days straight to save everyone and their mother’s lives, it was pretty understandable to take the chance of hibernating the first thing you had a day off, right?
“after an eon of disappearing,” the groom—your favourite cousin but god did he love basking attention—raised his glass towards you, and you could only smile his way through the gritted teeth. “I’m glad you decide to grace us with you presence, Your Majesty.”
but of course your family wouldn’t understand that, for they lived a totally different lifestyle to yours, despite begging you to enrol yourself to the most prestigious medical school. ironic now that they were the ones who always begged you to come home when you felt like you’ve moved to your home the moment you got accepted to the most reputable cardiology and cardiothoracic department in the country.
so you smiled wider—for the appearance, of course—but you said nothing back.
you were still regulating your breaths, palpable by your huffs and puffs as you took the empty seat—god if the bridezilla got mad because you took the wrong seat, you’d fight her because it was already a sacrifice on your end to drag your ass to this weekend full of wedding festivities—and before you could do anything else, a glass of water was shoved your way gently.
“you look like you need one.”
you were not surprised by the voice. he sounded like he looked like—rough, buff, strong, bulk. you were rather surprised at the small smile thrown your way when he handed you the crystal, filled with clear liquid.
oh, the choice of drink, too, by the way. in a weekend that would soon be filled with endless flow of champagne and other alcoholic and questionable options, he chose still water.
realising you were still eyeing the glass in his hand, his demeanour changed slightly. “not a fan of water?”
“I thought you’re kind of a beer guy.”
your response sent him into a laughing fit because honestly, rúben was expecting you to throw a flirty banter. with an evening gown that rocked a thigh slit as high as the bride’s ego, you looked more ready to have some fun from the get-go.
but the sound of that deep, masculine laugh did wonders to you. heat immediately run through your entire body, and you immediately knew you liked it more than you thought you should because you kept wanting more. more of his laugh, more of his voice, more of his smiles, more of his scent. more of him.
“it’s too early for that, no?”
with the way he lifted his eyebrows teasingly, you almost questioned your decision to become a doctor. you’d definitely been missing out this special specimen beside you, due to burying yourself in between your patients’ body—literally, in order to save their lives. you really need to go out more often.
or maybe, you need to step up the game while you can before hospital took your fair share of fun as soon as you landed back home. shivers ran down the underside of your arms at the last thought.
fuck it, then. if there was one thing hospital taught you the hard way, it was to might as well enjoy things while it lasted.
you grabbed the glass of water from his hands—his skin felt exactly like it seemed—before signalling for two flutes of champagne. the server went to grab your request as you shoo away your thirst with the water and then proceeded to down the champagne when the server was back in the vicinity, all while never straying your eyes from his. “in Italy, nothing’s too early, no?”
and that was another laugh you’d come to like. god, if coffee did no longer work on your bloodstream, someone should get her that as her daily fix of adrenaline dose before her night shift started.
the man in front of you took his portion of champagne and said his thanks, his eyes held yours like there was no tomorrow. despite the roughness in his facial features, stubbles and all, his smile was warm. and for you, the whole combination was what made your knees weak.
how could someone look so sexy and smug in all his friendliness?
“it’s rúben, by the way.”
with the small smirk slowly tugging the corner of his lips as he sipped the champagne, rúben should really consider himself lucky you didn’t jump on him and replaced the crystal flute under his lips instead.
despite your initial dislike towards the bride—purely because you thought she had a severe princess disease—you tried so hard not to rain in her parade. no matter what, it was still her special day, probably one she’d been dreaming since she was a toddler.
also, have you mentioned that the groom was one of your favourite person on earth?
so you didn’t even dare to move anywhere outside the safe sanctuary of your table because you knew you’d be bombarded by the elders for how rarely you showed your face again in family functions like these, or for how you could not even show up with a boyfriend in tow. amongst the lineage, you were the only one left without a lover or some sort, but instead of draining your energy to explain how exhausting it was to live so that other people can live too, you stayed put.
that, and the fact that rúben provided 1001 reasons why you should stay behind with him. yes, sexiness aside, you found yourself able to converse so many things outside the medical jargons and it kind of made you miss it—the ordinary life everyone else was leading. you missed talking about the latest blockbuster movie, you even missed wearing something else than the hospital scrub and your favourite crocs for more than 10 hours straight.
you even missed the flirting phase, thanks to rúben’s impeccable ability to chime in some subtle but straightforward seduction. rúben himself already exuded some hotness, his laugh and words managed to shoot some warmth throughout your body, and the champagne tripled the heat all over you.
rúben was only downing another glass of negroni and you were only watching the liquid move from his mouth to his throat, but you needed to excuse yourself. your brain was no longer cooperating with every other organ intact to your body—you couldn’t shouldn’t think all of these forbidden thoughts inside of your mind because rúben had been nothing but a gentleman, yet you were the one who kept wanting to cross the line.
yes, rúben might’ve dropped some not-so discreet touches down your arms, on top of your knees, under your knees. yes, he twirled with your unkempt hair, tucked them behind your ears. but the groom used to do that all the time with you, just to tease you around, so what made this time different?
“I thought you hit the jackpot or something.”
and there was rúben again, his voice matched the concern written all over his face. even in times like this, when her inside was a mess all over, rúben managed to think of her well-being. damn it, he really made it so hard for you to contain the burning desire.
there, she said it. desire—a word so foreign in her dictionary recently, for she’d momentarily lost her want to study the human anatomy since the moment she walked into this party late.
“what, you’d run away or something if I did?”
despite you hyperventilating earlier, as you ran towards a balcony of this huge Italian castle looking for air, you were sure rúben couldn’t see a trace of it anymore. you were already sporting the provocating look you’d come to realise only come into the surface when stirred right—aka only rúben managed to do so by far.
and only rúben could take the outmost pride in enticing such vixen from her hiding place. you wouldn’t have braved the face to sport such dangerous dress if you didn’t have the energy in you, and he was more than glad you ended up taking your seat beside his, despite knowing you were supposed to be seated somewhere else later into the night, for he could satisfy himself with the sly and slightly naughty look you only threw his way whenever he wanted.
he’d be the worst liar on this planet if he said he wasn’t tempted to kill distance between your lips and his, so many times tonight. but his father taught him courtesy, and to do such radical act in a room full of other people’s guests would be an insolence and disrespect to the bride and groom.
but now that the matter of prying eyes was gone…
“I’d brush your teeth, of course,” a small gasp from you didn’t escape his ears. “what do you take me for?”
you smiled but you were shaking your head disapprovingly as you folded your arms in front of you. “when are you going to stop being a gentleman, rúben?”
“why should I?” the man stepped closer to you, and you wished he was still wearing the dark blue vest because you certainly couldn’t handle those specs ghosting behind the white shirt. “do you want me to be a bad guy?”
but you couldn’t also deny you’d want to see those chiselled chest. combined with that smirk and fascinating kind of mirth dancing in his eyes, would you be dead and sent to heaven? “can you?”
you were both now so close, rúben only needed to lift your chin towards his face to claim your lips. “oh, is that a challenge?”
he could easily did, by the way, with the way your lips were gaping as soon as he gripped his chin gently. but he decided to tease you more, as his nose reached down to touch yours while his body pushed you to the railing, giving him the excuse to catch your body in his arms.
your brain was now completely unwired, your limb was moving the way rúben orchestrated yourself like a maestro to his favourite instrument. all you remembered was to hold on to the back of rúben’s neck and the side of his strong arm, as he gathered you in his sturdy embrace, and chanting don’t fall, don’t fall to your now-airhead.
when he finally tipped your chin to his desired angle and your lips caressed one another, your breath turned shaky and it gave him an immense sense of pride. he’d been wanting to have this, dropping hints here and there so you’d let yourself free of expressing your inner self, because he knew you wanted the same thing too.
“what do you want?”
if anyone went wet at his usual voice, wait until you heard this version of rúben.
you could already feel yourself turning into a weak excuse of a puddle. your brain was melting, your inside was evaporating.
“tell me what do you want, baby, and I’ll give ‘em to you.”
it wasn’t that you were shy to voice them, but it was because you couldn’t find the words. funny how you could read endless words and medical jargons and yet, gone was everything inside and outside of yourself, including your so-called dignity you were often praised for when you were doing your rounds, when he dropped the word baby to call you with.
so you raised yourself on your tiptoes and pushed yourself towards him.
“uh, oh,” damn it, you forgot he was a footballer. he was paid to use his reflexes on weekly basis. avoiding your advances were nothing against his job. “words, baby.”
“you,” you managed to breathe out the simplest word you could find in the currently short-circuited brain of yours, but the very word seemed to please the man, whose smirk went wider oh-so sexily. “want you, rúben.”
if it wasn’t for the fireworks going off at the background five minutes later, rúben would’ve succeeded in making you fall apart in record time. but rúben didn’t know the word give up so while he kept to himself for the remaining of the night, he’d come looking after you as soon as the party ended and everyone went back to their respective suites.
you, too, certainly didn’t see this coming. but when rúben immediately kissed you senselessly as soon as you opened the door—well, as soon as he pushed you inside and opened your pathetic excuse of bathrobe, that is—you weren’t complaining. you even helped him shed the rest of your fabrics before unbuttoning all of his, all without separating yourself from him, because the last time you did, you never got the chance to chase your high.
“but, rúben, tomorrow’s the wedding!” you squealed as he lifted your body, your legs immediately locked your position against the large man, as he walked you both to your bed. “we’re so gonna be late, rúben.”
he was peppering your neck with kisses as he placed you down the mattress, rousing giggles from your end. “that will give them a story to tell, no?”
“you’re crazy—oh, oh,” the crispiness of your laughter was interrupted by the sensation of rúben’s tongue devilishly sucking your sensitive spot. “oh, fuck! fuck, rúben, fuck!”
if his tongue wasn’t twirling the bruising skin so well to soothe the pain, you’d smack the smile you felt against your skin. “well, they say that what happens in Italy, stays in Italy.”
“I think you’re mistaken for what happens in las vegas, stays in las vegas—oh, fuck, rúben…! don’t fucking stop.”
“is that so?” oh, how dare he stop?! you sat up when rúben halted the wet ministrations of his tongue against your breasts, about to protest the footballer, when he pinched your budding nipples. your head immediately fell back to the pillow, surrendering yourself instead. “can’t seem to remember. you keep distracting me, meu anjo.”
the sensation of his warm saliva against the coldness of his fingers’ pads were unlike no other that you mewled out the loudest moan you’d ever done. so disgusting you had to bring down his lips towards you to shut yourself up. “should we go to las vegas instead?”
“tonight?” rúben popped a now-hardened nipple of yours, and the sight was definitely something you could not erase from your memory. “I can call my plane.”
“don’t tempt me, rúben, because we know this weekend is going to be boring from the looks of it.”
“let’s bring las vegas to us, then.”
long story short, rúben brought you las vegas and its glory every chance he got during the weekend.
“must we go back to reality tomorrow?”
the giant central back chuckled at your submission. you were tucked under his arms, your fingers were drawing air on his chest, and somehow he knew you were pouting as you did so. it never ceased his wonder how you could be a temptress for a minute, then turned into a cutie-patootie—your words, not his—the next second.
it never ceased his wonder too as to how you’d always spurt out the same question all over again, every weekend you both got the chance to escape reality, despite knowing the definite answer of yes, we all have a life to lead tomorrow from him.
many of your colleagues had inquired about your relationship with the familiar face they’d seen over the weekend on their TV screens, but you didn’t know what to answer them. you were texting and flirting all the time but you were certainly wasn’t dating. you had sex, and you happened to repeat them whenever things got tough for either of you.
it was starting to become a vicious cycle, you and him. it was an impending doom, escaping the harsh reality only to seek for harsh and explosive sex instead of facing them head first.
he should’ve said no to every of your calls, but you crying over another life you failed to save wasn’t something in his card to ignore.
you should’ve said no to every of his calls, purely because you knew you were another rebound or another anger fuck from the losing game, but you didn’t have the energy in you to think of any reason to say no, not when you’ve racked your brain to save the failing life of your patients.
you both became a constant fixture, the only thing guaranteed good, when all else failed in your respective lives.
including the romantic aspect of your life.
but how could it not fail when rúben always picked up your calls when you had a bad day—that bad that you didn’t have the energy to have sex with him? he’d listened to you crying before stopping yourself, he’d listened to the silent you gave him because you were processing things. he’d listened to them all before offering to pick you up from work, no matter how stupid it looked like for him to slide in his vehicle at 5 in the morning when he had to be back at the training centre at 9 sharp.
when he couldn’t be around when you were having a mental breakdance, rúben would send you and your team a mini buffet for your lunch so you could share happiness the same way you shared him your devastation. so you could be back on your feet in no time because time is of essence for your job, your patients need you to be strong and healthy so they too could do and feel the same.
rúben—bless him—even spared his time to visit your patients when december came around the corner. he’d cheered them up, like the way he always did around you and for you, and even gave the kids and their caretakers gifts so they didn’t feel bored spending the festive holiday at the hospital. the next week, he brought over his entire football team just because one of the elder patients said he was a fan of his team.
he did all that, like a true gentleman you’d met the first time at your cousin’s Italian wedding, only to drop you the biggest nuclear bomb right on top of your head, right on christmas eve.
it was a dinner hosted by one of his teammates. he’d asked you to come because he knew you didn’t prepare for any last minute plan when your surgery schedule fell through—the patient died before you could save her—and thought the merry atmosphere would turn your sour mood to a better one.
you, from the beginning, didn’t want to go because you didn’t feel like intruding. and maybe, you shouldn’t have come.
the host, rúben’s captain, asked what kind of relationship you both were having, just as you were about to call for the men to join the women in the kitchen because the food were all ready to be served by now. but you never joined either side because of rúben’s answer.
“I’m getting married,” you remembered vividly. “she was nothing but a good fuck.”
but that was—what, five years ago?
you’d moved on with life, and that included moving far away from home to london. you obtained your specialist degree and was now under the tutelage of the best cardiovascular professor in town. you were often credited as prof. nagelsmann’s golden child because of how much the professor adored you, for your vast knowledge and eagerness to learn, as well as your hardworking attitude.
if people knew that you were studying till you broke your neck and had constant nosebleed till exhaustion took over your body at first only to put your mind somewhere else…
well, they didn’t need to know that. people only needed to know that you lived and breathed for the hospital now, because you’d now come to terms that life and death was two of the things that you were sure of to happen. nothing else were as definite as those two.
well, maybe also the jinx when you stashed away your hospital scrub for ordinary clothing as you clocked out of your shift.
as soon as your junior called your name, just five steps beyond the hospital territory, not even your car in sight yet, you knew you had to go back inside and save your kdrama marathon for another time. “code blue?”
your junior nodded and immediately jumped to describe the dire emergency. you were also handed the patient’s medical record. “male, 35 years old with CoA[1]. his stent’s infected so we have to do replacement but his CT scan shows hemothorax[2] and raptured aorta as well.”
your legs wanted to give away when your eyes spotted the name.
it’s ivan dias.
rúben couldn’t believe his eyes.
there you were, explaining the whole procedure his brother would be going through. clad in your hospital scrub with no make-up, you were still as beautiful as he’d remembered. not even signs of time grazing your skin, as if the cold temperature of the operating theatre froze away the concept of time from your face.
your natural look was what initially drew him into you. in a room full of people caking their faces in the latest make-up trend, you definitely stood out in his eyes. you even outshone everyone else, including the bride, if he was being honest. and when he found out you were more than a pretty face, it didn’t take him another minute to settle his decision to make you stay behind in the table with him, so no one else could take you far away from him.
possessive, people would say to him. a trait he thought he’d hated in everyone else, but a trait that turned out to be something that showed up only whenever you were concerned.
but god, did rúben want you. so bad he felt like he could kill anyone else who casted you a seductive glance, despite you not acknowledging them.
and it made him hate himself because he was turning to be everyone else he’d come to hate. he didn’t want to be selfish, he didn’t want to push everyone else for what he solely wanted. he didn’t want you all for himself—he shouldn’t want you all for himself.
you both were only friends after all.
at least, that was rúben used to think of. because who the hell listened to another person crying for hours, if not for friends? who the hell picked up another person at 5 in the morning, if not for friends? who the hell reminded another person to eat so they could take care of their patients, if not for friends?
so he did everything he could, including dating around till he painted the town as red as the possessiveness he wished to hide, in hope he could diminish this niggling feeling that was bothering him day and night. he sought help and read endless books, just so he could validate the peculiar emotions he was feeling, that only vanished when you were around.
but nothing satisfied him. nothing was the answer to his long-standing question. even when he decided to jump the big gun and got married with someone else that didn’t even understand a simple arithmetic question, rúben still felt the gnawing hole inside of him, that was still thirsty of something he didn’t know of.
the hole grew into a big, black, gaping hole as his marriage went on. the hole even swallowed the existence and the idea of the two of them, the couple that could perfectly plaster the covers of bridal vogue, into a mere memory, burned to ashes and blown to the sky.
even then, too, rúben only wanted to see you. because being around you always brought strange waves of calmness to him.
so he did, only to find you go off the grid for good. he’d asked for you to everyone he knew and everyone he thought could possibly knew of your existence, to no avail. he’d thought of going to your home and asked to your parents but he decided to go against it because he respected you and your decision—he always does from the first moment he met you.
he remembered he didn’t even want to touch you until you succumbed yourself entirely to his palm, and he promised you he’d do that and he intended to keep his end of words, be it when you were around or not. he could only pray to God to meet you again in due time and course, when you were ready to see him again.
but now… god, did he want to scream out loud in happiness. you were still as gentle as ever, having handled fragile lives in your hands of both the parents and the guardians. your voice still reminded him of an umbrella under a blazing hot day, as you elaborated ivan’s condition to his parents. your hands still reminded him of a silk handkerchief tucked properly under one’s suit, as you touched his parents in reassurance.
only then did he realise that this sharp feeling inside of him, only you could provoke such intense emotions like a dagger stab to his heart, was longing.
he’d longed to have you in his arms again, despite having you there all his previous times with you. he’d longed to have you around him again, despite being around you. no distance was still a distance per his standard. and he realised he’d made the biggest mistake by not proclaiming you when he had the chance.
fuck possessiveness, he wanted you back.
after all these years, he still wanted you so bad.
“I knew you’d succeed,” rúben sat down with two cans of your choice of beer. “I haven’t had the chance to congratulate you. congratulations, by the way.”
“thank you,” while you flashed him a smile, you smiled rather awkwardly and scooted further away from him. like you were scared of him. like a child was scared of what a stranger had in their hands. “i—”
he didn’t like that you were getting further away from his reach. he couldn’t launch his old moves on you again if you did. “I hope you still like Budweiser.”
“I do, but I’m sorry, do I know you?”
but it seemed like he’d lost you now, the way he’d lost you years ago.
[1] coarctation of aorta; a birth defect in the aorta, where it is far narrower than normal, blocking the blood flow to the body. on severe cases, it is so narrow that it can back up the blood flow to the left ventricle, forcing the muscle there to work twice as hard in order to distribute blood the way it’s supposed to be.
[2] hemothorax; a presence of blood is detected between the chest wall and the lungs. commonly, may be caused by blunt trauma or by complication of a disease.
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Things that I hope DO NOT happen on S3
As I writer, and I'm not just talking about FF, I was a formal editor once... etc, I can recognize a crumb when I see it. And especially now that I have a pretty good idea, as we all do I guess, of how Storer's mind works.
Nat's aching shoulder was a crumb that Storer may pick up and run with eventually or not. I'm hoping not because that would imply a health scare I don't wanna watch.
Connor getting in the way of my Sydcarmy goals. Actually, I didn't sense any tension or any of the sorts that here on Tumblr everyone pointed out, I didn't think Carmy was jelly or anything, but maybe I'm biassed as Carmy and I share several character traits I won't get into and that may very well jeopardize my full objectivity on him. That being said, I did pick up on the fact that Connor may have the looks of a younger version of Carmy, the untainted version he once was when he was still green and staging in different kitchens all around the world. Personally, for me, THAT was the crumb and I thought that that was the sole purpose of that character, to be Carmen's mirror that reflected a reflection from the past, which made Carm uncomfortable and eventually triggered a change in him because Carmy somehow realizes he misses that old unspoiled version of himself and Connor gives him the chance to NOT treat him in the same way his nightmare EC <AKA: Joel McHale's character> treated him. That was my bet when I first saw Connor and THAT is what I expect Storer to dive into next season. I don't want Connor to have anything to do with Syd, at all. As a matter of fact, a lot of fans have been requesting a gay character in that kitchen, so I'm thinking why not Connor?
Fak getting married to Kelly, because that crumb they planted of Fak's smitten (by Kelly) face at the soft opening, may enable a Carmy / Claire reunion I have 0 interest in. Fuck Kelly! And yes, I do think Claire deserves an apology but I wish a phone call would do, I don't even think it should be in person because it will break Carmy's heart to see Claire cry. And if it's in person, it shouldn't be at a wedding, just a quick face-to-face over a cuppa coffee would suffice, and moving on... Carmy has a restaurant to run with Syd and has already dedicated WAY TOO MUCH TIME TO CLAIRE, thank you very much. Luckily Carm rocks at not showing up, deflecting, and sucks at apologies, so yay!
Mr. Berzatto making a reappearance. The crumb they planted by raising the question of whether the man is still alive or not could fully lead to Mr. Berzatto showing up and wanting a piece of his restaurant or just wreaking havoc in any other way. That is a plot twist that is waiting to happen because otherwise the character would have been officially dead by now and I want nothing to do with that. A good way to neutralize that crumb would be that Mr. Berzatto does show up eventually, they reconcile and his redemption arc proves to be beneficial for the entire family, which I don't think will be the case. I'm betting my ass on Donna's redemption arc because what she did on the soft-opening night, as twisted as it was, was an act of love, so THAT is a crumb I want Storer to pick up and run with, but not Mr. Berzatto's.
I could go on, but those are the main ones.
If you have more, I'd love to know about them, please share. I'm not like those babies around here who totally freak out the moment you disagree with or question their theories, or just mention that you happen to have a different take on them. As I matter of fact I fully enjoy that and I joined this platform to exchange different POVs. I love it! I actually find it enriching and amusing. And I'm all about amusement and enjoyment. Bring it on!
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ineffably-human · 2 years
I can't get too mad about the Marwa thing. I can understand why it freaks people out, I understand the implications it could have and why instead of being something darkly absurdist, that hits some buttons for people they can't ignore. I can see where it failed, though frankly I haven't seen a single suggestion of an alternative that actually satisfies what this storyline is meant to do. And this storyline is very much meant to do something.
Maybe I was already ready to come out swinging about this because people have just flat out made things up about this character and this situation the whole season. I chew a little more drywall every time I hear a new statement that just never actually happened.
This has gotten very VERY long, please have a cut.
Let's look at pre-the Wedding Wish first:
Nandor did not 'slowly chip away' at Marwa's personality, he made one wish that altered it after she very barely had one to start with.
If this show is good at anything, it's giving us a very strong sense of who a character is over very little time. We can map out a history of Jan just from the photos on her wall. We get a sense of Shanice from her reading of a bottle of medicine and one small monologue about her Mosquito Collector motives. Gail, Meg, Charmaine, The Contessa, Coco, Nandor's wife answering questions by the gazebo with the name I forget, most of these female characters have fewer appearances than Marwa and varying degrees of plot importance but we have at least a half-decent sense of who they are.
But Marwa was the last wife standing after Nandor ruled out everything even slightly objectionable about the others because of how self-destructively insecure and selfish he is. She is never portrayed like a complete person with an inner life to begin with, all the better for him to project this obsession with a perfect past love that almost certainly didn't exist. (Or at least not how Nandor remembers them.) From a Doylist perspective, she could never have shown off more than a hint of who she was/used to be, by design.
The first thing we learn about Marwa is not her scientific space discoveries. The first thing we learn is that while she is first saying her name, Nandor cuts her off and she lets him do it without even blinking. She recites the one fact about her life like she's saying a bio in a playbill. She says she's grateful she found such an intelligent man, for some reason, so she doesn't really understand who she's marrying even if they've been together before. I've heard people observe in later episodes she stands like a Sim - but to me she seemed very flat and robotic in her first appearance.
You guys, learning about this plot I was ready for a person with a personality, I was ready for either wacky poly shenanigans or a whole-ass emotional affair, believe me. Do you know how many songs from Aida I had queued up? And I remember wondering why Marwa didn't feel 'real' to me, not even over-the-top real the way the vampires do. The people saying she was there to be an obstacle to Nandor and Guillermo baffle me, because the moment we meet her, the one thing that's clear to us is Nandor didn't find his great past love. He found a random person. One who is just off the radar enough that she was the last one left. The Baron flat-out refers to her as "the beautiful and charming what's-her-name."
Until the girls' night (which is post-wish), Marwa never exists outside the room Nandor is in. After her brief introduction, she never says anything in that first half of the season that's not about Nandor. There is almost zero difference between that and Go Flip Yourself's litany of "I agree with my husband." Meanwhile Nandor is constantly snapping at her, ignoring her existence, leaving her behind. So she's either a terrible judge of character or will allow fucking anything from this man from the start.
Why yes that is horrible! Pack your bags and escape, etc! But it's not a full, vibrant character who Nandor later whittles down to nothing. Nandor whittled the wives down to Marwa. Because this plot is about his inability to think about other people or have the maturity to be in a true relationship.
The wedding wish, the only one that explicitly makes a long-term change to Marwa's mind, Nandor makes because she voices the first preferences/desires we've heard from her the whole time. At the very least this is new behavior. But Nandor's trying to micromanage flower arrangements on a week of no sleep, not tame a willful person into a submissive doll.
He's a self-obsessed moron so his takeaway when she finally voices her doubts at the wedding is something like "oh shit, she didn't even really want to be with me" - but he's a coward and hey now she does! She even said so! At this big huge wedding he invited everyone to, and that no one believes in! So he doubles down. He has been convincing himself he's in love this whole time, now he's convincing himself it's going awesome with this person he feels basically stuck with.
Now, as far as post-Wedding Wish is concerned:
"Like all the same things I like," going by the exact phrasing, doesn't have to get rid of what she likes that Nandor is neutral on. It doesn't have to change anything else about her personality or behavior. It doesn't even mean she has to want all the same things he wants, it certainly doesn't mean she has to do the things he does or to robotically repeat that she agrees with him. I was ready for Marwa to take up sword fighting and bossing Guillermo around and teach Nandor how completely fucking insufferable he can be sometimes, but that isn't what happened either. She feels half there because she was always half there.
Yeah, there's a consent issue, and I feel like the show goes out of its way to show there's nothing sexual going on. The one time they talk about having sex, the Dick Wish screws it up. Nandor walks away in disgust from some very half-hearted dancing about their wedding night. Marwa sleeps in a separate bunk bed in the attic. Between the choice of a bedroom for the two of them and a place where he can be away from her completely (and get fucked by guys and watch Guillermo use the bathroom), Nandor chooses the man cave.
We have two episodes with Marwa after the wish and before 'Freddie'. Ironically, they are the most personality and agency she has had the entire time, they are the events people most often cite about how we "got to know her". (What exactly did we get to know?) And she doesn't seem to hate Nandor even secretly, they just are extremely awkward and bored together. She seems genuinely hopeful that Nandor likes the man cave but since she likes privacy just as much now, and she's not liking a marriage he isn't liking, she tricks him and makes it into her own space.
And the specific Freddie wish is that he wants to turn her into "an exact copy" of Freddie in terms of "looks, personality, everything." Freddie then proceeds to introduce himself to Nandor as if he never met him, and treats Guillermo as if he's a stranger. We could speculate Marwa is in there screaming to get out, sure, but...why would we? We are in a Ship of Theseus situation, where every part of her was replaced. There is no reason that she'd still be there. And there wasn't much of her there to start with.
The 'real' Marwa lived hundreds of years ago, we have no idea what she wanted or how she felt about her life, we have no idea how long her life went on before she died. (Or if she's even dead! She could be one of those vampires in Nandor's village at this point!) But she had her life. It already happened. Anything that happened from the moment Nandor resurrected her (which is already kind of a horrifying act, it just wasn't played as one) was already, as AV Club brilliantly put it, an extension of his own selfish desires.
I could say the djinn's version of Marwa was sort of a doll reduced to her most basic traits. I could say as someone resurrected to be nothing more than the object of 'someone's wife', she was freaking delighted to have Nandor's preferences filling up an empty space for her to use as she liked. I could say she's a fake wife the djinn invented as a decoy. Or that she stops existing whenever she leaves the room. Or that the wish just basically re-deaded her and she'd have been fine with that.
Any of those things would have just as much evidence as what people are speculating instead.
--- I get why you can fill in the worst possible thing in the blanks. There's so much to fill in about exactly who Marwa was, exactly what got changed about her, and whether any aspect of her is left. I think they may have left so much ambiguous to make it less uncomfortable, and instead left everyone thinking about the worst possible version of events.
There also aren't a lot of female characters on this show, and no regular female characters of color, and that is absolutely a deficit the show needs to make up for. Because I truly believe they write great female characters when they're actually trying to write them. Having those other examples would have made a plot like this so much less uncomfortable to watch. But Marwa could have never been that representation, because of what this plot is meant to be about. This plot isn't about Nandermo, or even about Nandor's search for romance at all. This is about all of Nandor's worst tendencies, how he's his own worst enemy.
Because this is probably what Nandor has done his entire life. As a human being Nandor was more of a monster than he is as a literal monster. Like I keep saying, he pillaged, he violently took what he wanted and left the rest to burn. We're told in this last episode that he disemboweled tons of civilians for a tapestry. (A tapestry that, in a cut line from the leaked audition script, he didn't even really like much. If that isn't a metaphor for his shiny object syndrome...)
Even if every single marriage he had was someone in love with him who wanted to be with him, he probably did some version of this: was drawn in very suddenly by the parts he liked (or invented in his head), had a very selfish, empty version of a love affair, got annoyed when things were inconvenient or difficult, and then moved on to the next shiny object.
Freddie is Wife 38 with extra steps, compounded by the djinn lamp being a magic pleasure machine - the exact worst thing to give to a warlord used to taking what he wants (and then being praised for it by everyone around him). His feelings about both Marwa and Freddie are very shallow, and also very real to Nandor in the moment and take up a lot of emotional energy. The 'love' for Freddie would have faded and left him feeling just as hollow.
We just saw the vicious cycle of his life in fast motion, in a way that ends in disaster for everyone involved. (Do you think we'd have gotten Guillermo's horrified 'what the hell is wrong with you' if we weren't supposed to be thinking that right there with him?) The difference here is that we see Nandor made a change. He understands something about love, he thinks outside himself. He does what he believes would make Marwa, 'his' Freddie, and Guillermo happiest. This season is about change.
(I want to point out, also: there's no reason Nandor getting physically beaten up would teach him anything. As a warrior, if anything he'd double down. Guillermo's genuine pain and heartbreak in the midst of what he's done is the only thing that would have gotten through to him. And it did. The hard zoom in on "what I did was...wrong" is because we almost never see him admit those things or apologize in the first place, it's meant to both say 'no shit' and emphasize that this is pretty huge for him.)
Again, I'm not saying this is okay. None of this is okay. It's not supposed to be. It's played for absurdity but it isn't played as meaningless, when the show has been playing much more horrible things for laughs for years.
I'm just saying that a lot of what people are bothered by doesn't really support the facts. It takes everything to its worst conclusion and then acts like that's both supposed to be our takeaway, and we're supposed to find it just great. Of course we aren't. If we were, Nandor would have packed Marwa's bags and made a Freddie clone. He and Guillermo would have gotten into a competition about who could date Freddie the best that would be about their own sexual tension or something. There are many many ways to turn this into something feel-good, and they chose not to.
(Not least because any of those ideas would have left out a lot of what this episode says about narcissism, codependency, Guillermo's own concealing of his identity, the way love means seeing a complete person who exists outside yourself...)
And many, many different staff writers wrote this storyline across the entire season. A number of which were women, several of which were women of color. One of those women of color is Middle Eastern and another is the co-showrunner. Of course women can write misogyny and people of color can write racism, but that also means there's no monolith of identity where the right people with the right identity will feel the right way about something at any given time, and there's only one response to have. The fuckup here, however large or small you believe it to be, did not happen because of two white guys writing this one script secretively in the dead of night.
So, I don't know. That's me. Please consider what was actually being written here, and what we actually saw, and not your headcanons or your subverted expectations. Or the things that built up in your head during the months of leaked material. And if it still makes you too uncomfortable to keep watching, then don't! But I don't think it was thoughtless or pointless, at all. Plus, literally any character can come back in this show, and they often do. So who knows what we'll see as a result of this.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
ofmd s2e1 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
not quite a reaction post bc i've already watched the whole thing. not quite a liveblog bc it's one post and it's probably gonna take me a full hour to get through a 28 minute episode at the rate of pausing and typing i'll be doing
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
anyway, pirate time:
i love how much fun con is having choking on his own blood
dream!stede's extremely teary face right before he takes off running down the beach is doing psychic damage to me
also dream!stede's stupid ridiculous outfit with all the long ribbons and shit...
ed and stede make contact so hard shjfkhsgjkfd the loud OUGH sounds from both of them
also the return of ed's old beard! i didnt expect to see her at all this season, so that was a surprise.
"babe" "love" im tearing out my own hair
stede has yet to learn that ripping ass near your beloved can be a love language
stede is a terrible fucking roommate just deal with wee john's gas in silence like the rest of them. goddamn.
i like when the background OST is familiar to me lol the little strings when stede starts his letter throwing me back to s1
olu: that–that's the swede the swede: Im the swede roach: he's single ;) me: *pissing my pants with laughter*
also the direct confirmation that the swede literally doesn't have a name. incredible
shjkfhdhfkj the crew encouraging him. stede's "it's okay" and roach "be brave" im CRYINGGGGG
stede doing customer service is something that can be so personal. "reservation?" "eat my fuckin' shit" "right! walk-ins, then" average restaurant experience
the random background guy saying "my favorite hand!" abt getting stabbed in the hand is making me giggle. i love the humor on this show
why does stede have so much shoulder movement going on when he's walking through the bar. whore behavior.
"this is for mom!" sorry but i want to know more abt whatever's going on there
also the purple mohawk. dope.
"i know the odds of you finding this are slim but so were the odds of us finding each other in the first place" IM RIPPING OFF MY OWN SKIN
also stede's lil sad hopeful smile after throwing the bottle... i care him
i love how they make this wedding fucking suck so we don't feel too bad abt the whole massacre thing. "the natural condition of humanity is base and vile. it is the obligation of people of standing, such as yourselves, to elevate the common human rabble through the sacred transaction of matrimony" if i was at a wedding and the officiant said that i'd also start killing people probably
yayy murder montage :)
the whole cake scene is so fucking funny im sorry. i love u jim drawing the line at attacking a shitty wedding. i love u archie who wasn't here for the good old days so you dont really see a problem with how things are. i love u frenchie with ur box in ur brain that u never open again. i love u fang it's gonna get better i swear. i love u frenchie again bc u just took the cake right out of fang's hands while he was fucking sobbing hfjhgkjhdkjkf
I MISS IVAN JUSTICE FOR IVAN. wish they could've said he'd just fucked off somewhere instead of dying but i think that would've raised the question of why hasn't anyone else fucked off since they all seem so miserable
very relieved that stede isn't taking the racist/antisemitic caricature drawings of ed to make like a boyfriend scrapbook like some people were theorizing. would've been overkill if after episode 4 from last season stede still didn't realize that ed hated these sorts of depictions of him.
INTERESTING DETAIL THO the background music in this scene is "a pirate's life" aka the song frenchie sang in the pilot. it's an instrumental version obviously but yeah i recognize that tune
also more cool background ppl with dyed hair man i love this show
zheng yi sao flirting with olu is so good. he deserves it.
how nice of ed to offer his drugs to the crew. sharing is caring.
also it's so funny to me that the thing izzy is tormented by is ed saying "you can't do the job, someone else will" the toe thing's happened three times and apparently that was fine but the thing the show edits together right before izzy breaks down into the most pathetic aheemheem whimpers isn't any of that it's ed threatening to fire him
also they cut ed throwing knives at izzy!! what the hell.
releasing the clip of izzy crying kinda ruined it for me when it came time to watch it in the show bc i watched it several times since it dropped and now seeing it in context i was like "ok i've seen this already fast forward." i mean i didnt fast forward through it but i did kinda zone out bc i've seen this bit already. this post kinda sums up my thoughts on it
"trifling ingrate plan" dshkjfshgdskhfjkhgkjh
"i know that guy we had breakfast together!" "you'll be having a lot of breakfasts-es together" "oh, okay" i fucking love this whole dynamic like i can tell they're writing the swede out of most of the episodes for budget reasons (sorry nat faxon) but by god do they give him such an excellent fucking send-off. can't wait to see him again when he's in his trophy husband number 20 era
roach is upset abt not being able to cook, buttons is tied up so he doesn't go running back to the sea (i assume). stede you are not giving your crew the environment they need to thrive.
olu being an optimist :)
buttons opens his mouth to drink the rain and in the background u can see roach yanking the rope around buttons back fhdjskgfjhgkjfh STEDE YOUR SEA WITCH CANNOT THRIVE IN THESE CONDITIONS
stede tries to make things sound good in his bottle letters to ed but out loud he says his actual insecurities... it's so fucking tasty tho that he thinks ed could be doing better without him and THAT'S why he's been stalling so much. not afraid for his life even a little bit he just assumes he's not wanted. brb i have to cry now
"im sorry if that's a little bit creepy" "you are creepy" in this scene where they're soaked from the rain. ofmd said this prince ricky guys is creepy and wet.
stede's fucking FACE when prince ricky says "you're my hero" his fucking "clearly you dont own an air fryer" face I CANT STAND HIMMMMMM (affectionate)
prince ricky "these rubes" "men of our standing" yeah i cant fucking stand this guy (derogatory) i love how he's barely even in this episode
stede's face when the swede is talking abt how happy he is with jackie... my man believes in love so much im gonna cry
also in what fucking way does the swede owe them a life debt. roach and buttons literally tried to eat him
izzy's "you know me better than anyone knows me and i daresay the same about you" this is literally so false i dont even know where to begin. izzy in e6 being like "if i didnt know any better i'd think maybe ed might possibly maybe be actually enjoying bonnet's company" while ed and stede are giggling and making each other friendship bracelets. this guy doesn't know ed at all.
also i cant get over how izzy wont make eye contact he's like staring blankly into the middle distance delivering these lines so flatly until he goes to say "i have... love for you" and in that moment he looks like he'd rather ed were feeding him more toes.
"im worried about you, we all are" not gonna lie my dude you've had a weird way of showing it thus far. where was all that worry when you told him he was better off dead than wearing a robe and singing songs?? where was that fucking love then?
and NOW izzy wants to talk it through. izzy literally voted to make blackbeard great again and now he wants to give open communication a chance???
lmao there's a limit to how many characters can be in a bulleted list so here's fucking. part two. on the same post:
ed asking everyone if the vibe is poisonous and fang cant stop crying and ed's face is just like "eh good enough" im fdhksgfkjtdkh
anyway ed with a loaded gun under his chin talking to himself is hurting me so fucking much actually. ed my beloved babygirl for whom i would die. this poor traumatized man. yes he is making this workplace toxic as hell but god. GOD. im gonna throw up.
the way ed is so fucking casual about shooting izzy in the leg. just calm and jovial as he promotes frenchie to first mate. stepping over izzy all crumpled on the floor. everything about this is so fucking good. i mean it's horrible for ed and everyone around him but for me watching the show this shit is DELICIOUS. i love when the pirates get violent and unhinged i love when this shit gets fucked up. ed's mental state is so bad right now and it is causing me severe anguish but also it is so tasty. fuck.
anyway frenchie trying to turn down the promotion fhjkghdfjkhf
the cut to the swede performing the husbandly duties is INSANE. COMPLETE TONAL WHIPLASH. I LOVE THIS SHOW.
"fuck those hammies up!" spanish jackie i love you
black pete why are you so fucking loud AND WHY WOULD YOU JIX IT LIKE THAT???
why is prince ricky so small. he's like a full head shorter than stede. also this guy is insufferable i love how stede just fucking abandons him fhjkgdhkdfghkj
"the calf muscle is the most mysterious of alllll the muscles" what the FUCK does that even mean. oh swede i will miss you
obsessed with the swede playing dumb. the dramatic gasp. "wow, so bad!" fhjsghdkjf
"aint you that soup bitch?" "im the money bitch" i love women.
sfdsjkh spanish jackie being into double-crossing. and slapping the swede's ass on the way out. i love this show
i love how zheng says "this much indigo is worth three times what i paid" while spanish jackie and the husbands are still like, right there. and they just don't hear that bit. incredible.
OUGH the back of jim's weird rope armor looks like a ribcage that's so cool
i love how jim is so fucking bad at telling this story. i love how the monkey's paw comes into it. i love fang asking them to do the voice. i love archie trying to hold back her laughter i love jim and fang giggling together I LOVE THIS SHOW
ed's fucking voice breaking through his whole convo with frenchie. im tearing out my own teeth
i take back what i said about jim being bad at telling this story their version is so much fucking better. squeaky voice "I pray to you, Dark Lord, to make me real flesh! I want to be real flesh!" IM FUCKING OBSESSED. JIM I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
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lexxiie · 8 months
Can you do one about spanking the jjk boys????? Lots of love!
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I actually already did this, however I didn't particularly like the last one, so I figured a part 2 wouldn't hurt.
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen Featuring: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji.
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Isn't Satoru the funniest boyfriend on earth? He's soooo funny, it's absolutely wonderful, isn't it? No. Not when the jokes are always at your expense. It really isn't funny when he's the only one laughing, which is usually the case.
Having time with him to go on dates or just to hang out is great, you don't get to have him all to yourself all that often, but sometimes you wonder what it would be like to take a break from him once you actually are together.
As you walk through the mall, staring at some clothes you liked, Satoru jumps out from somewhere behind you while screaming "boo!"... For the 11th time today. You don't really mind him scaring you, the problem is how embarrased you feel after screaming out loud every single time, and that embarrasment is exactly what he finds funny about the whole thing.
You decided it had been enough, that you deserved revenge. What could possibly embarrass the man before you? Probably nothing, but you had to try. As he picked the clothes you liked before and headed to pay for them, you went quietly right behind him. You knew that it was impossible to take him by surprise, he obviously knew you were behind him, but he never expects anything dangerous of you, so he doesn't make an effort to pay attention any further than that. When he grabs the bag full of newly payed clothes, you smack his ass as hard as you can, making sure everyone heard. "Thanks, love!" you scream as his head slowly turns to you in utter disbelief. The cashier is in complete shock, and so is everyone who witnessed that. After Satoru recovered from the whole thing, he looked at you with a smiled that symbolized a declaration of war.
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You can't really think of anyone who has ever cared for you the way Kento does. You have never had to wonder wether he loves you or not, you just know he does and have always known. You truly could not be any happier than you are with him, not even if you tried.
He does everything he can to make you happy, and you truly appretiate it. However, he can be too serious sometimes, so you try to ease him from time to time, remind him that it's okay to relax.
He obviously takes his job very seriously, and for the last couple of weeks, he had been very busy, which is why you decided that you were gonna convince him of having a date night as soon as he came home. The moment you heard the door open, you ran to Kento's arms, almost tumbling him down. He got worried at first, thinking that something might have happened to you, but you quickly let him in on your brilliant idea involving a date.
The sorcerer looked at you apologetically, explaining to you that he wanted to sleep early tonight in order to wake up early tomorrow. His comment was not appreciated by you at all, obviously. As he turned his back to you to place his coat in the closet next to the door, you spanked him as hard as you could. Why? you were not so sure, but you did. He turned to look at you with the most shocked expression you had ever seen on his face, but you stayed firm and decided to take advantage of his confusion. "You will go out with me tonight" you demanded. It was clearly not a question anymore. Kento looked at you for a little while, before smiling, still confused. "As you wish, darling."
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You were truly so sad. Your day had been going sooo well... Until some guy asked for your number right in front of Geto. Now he was throwing a tantrum, walking ahead of you on the street, as if he hadn't come with you. You knew that he wasn't being serious about it, but you also knew that deep down he was a bit upset that you didn't slap the guy and recited your wedding vows too. A simple "No, I have a boyfriend" wasn't enough for him.
"Come on, Geto!" You yelled, urging him to come back and go on with your date, but he continued walking with his arms crossed, pretending that he didn't hear a sound. "Did you expect me to spit at him back there?" You asked him, letting him know how absurd his behaviour was. "Yes! You failed me!" The man yelled back, still commited to his useless tantrum.
You were tired now, then, the best idea ever crossed your mind. You aproached him quietly, and once you were close enough, You smacked him hard enough to make a loud sound, making Geto stop on his tracks. It took him a little while to finally look at you, with a surprised smile on his face. "Did you just spank me?" He asked in disbelief. "Well, that's what you do when a child is being unreasonable" you answered with confidence. A mischevious smile appeared on his face all of a sudden. "Yeah, exaclty."
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You recently got the best pair of pants ever, they made your butt look huge, you absolutely loved them. The only person that could possibly love them more than you did, was toji.
Whenever you had them on, he couldn't help but spank your ass quite often through the day. It's not like that bothered you... At least not the first 15 times, though you must admit, it was becoming a bit annoying now.
You were both watching a movie, cuddling together, but after a while, your hand was grasping air as you went in to grab more popcorn, so it was time to go get more. You broke away from Toji's grip as you got up from the couch, but before you could get too far, a light smack took you out of your thoughts. Enough.
Pretendig like nothing happened, you microwaved more popcorn and yelled Toji's name, claiming you needed some help. He got to the kitchen rather quickly and poured more water for both of you, while he was facing away, you reunited all the strength your body had in the palm of your hand, spanking Toji quite hard. He stayed quiet for a few seconds, but soon broke into laughter. "How cute" he pointed out, it didn't take him long to chase you all over the house, planning on getting revenge.
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For those who read the manga and want to feel even more angst, I recommend: When you have a nightmare, where I almost predicted the future.
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inkyweenus · 10 months
Thinking about time travel and all the secrets Lu Guang is keeping. And how long he's been keeping them.
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And also what his limitations are... because I don't think he knows as much as he thinks he knows.
I've got a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions. I tried to organize them in the hopes to maybe work out some ideas, but it got a bit... Much. Weigh in if you have thoughts because...I'm clearly vibrating in place wanting to talk about this. But anyway, here we go.
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How is the present affected by future dives into the past? (Alternate timelines or pre-determined track)
This section is basically me asking a lot of questions that might just be writing holes or maybe not and we just don't find out for, like, 6 years. And that's fine. I'm here for it, I just need to sort out all these theories in my head.
In S1E9, LG looks into the surveillance photo and sees CXS on the solo dive. Is this because CXS was currently in the photo? Is it because CXS had already done the solo dive and so LG was seeing the affected photo? Is it because CXS was always going to go into the photo, so LG saw the past that always was going to be?
When Liu Min called from Xu Shanshan's phone, was it because CXS was always going to set up the meeting? What if CXS hadn't come to that conclusion and didn't reveal himself in Shanshan's body? Would the call have never happened? Does Lu Guang allow this huge "deviation" because he saw it was supposed to happen? Did he lie about what he saw in the photo? Was his elevated concern in that moment he claimed was about CXS's potential mental state while of going into his friend's potentially dying body actually about CXS starting the game? Is he just as clueless as everyone else and now everything is spiralling?
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Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao. Oh man. "Nothing will be affected" my ass Lu Guang. Pretty sure you created an entire person that didn't previously exist from that mission. Sure, all the people that were supposed to die in the earthquake died, but Chen Xiao did NOT have a wedding ring on when he came to the photoshop to hire them. He was a miserable man with regrets he couldn't move past, including missing his "first love." Now, I get that first loves have a lot of weight, but he's like 30+ and so desperate... this is not a man who looks at his wedding ring with care and sings his son to sleep. But he becomes that. Where did that child come from?!?
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Just because the 12 hours after the photo are the same doesn't mean that the 12 years after it are. Lingering resentment--or the lack thereof-- is a strong shaping force. Also. Chen Xiao's lack of regrets from a successful mission means that he never would have hired them to dive in the first place. So to make it full circle, Chen Xiao "returns" to the photo shop (for the first time?) to have CXS develop the photos he took himself on the camera he saved from the wreckage...And, I have to assume from the implication of a new timeline, THAT is how they get paid for the job. How much are they charging to develop film? Was it worth it??
Does LG even know about this kind of change? Is it just too far out of his range to see? He didn't seem to know about Emma until he saw the news, so maybe he's limited in what he can see, but he found that article pretty fast, so maybe he knew something was happening. It's hard to know.
What are the extent of LG's powers? Is he from the future?
He always says not to ask about the "past or future." I assumed this meant the future of the past that CXS was currently in, but what if he also means the future of the present that we're currently seeing? Can he see the future of the present he's in now?
In season 1, he knew that CXS would appear as himself when he dove into the surveillance camera footage. How? It was obviously CXS's first time doing that, but maybe not LG's. If it was his first time, how did he know?
We recently learned that he can see the present through surveillance footage the same way he does looking at footage of the past. Does this mean he can also see 12 hours into the future? It's 20:44 when LG unlocks Chen Bin's phone, so it's probably around 21:00 when he uses his powers. Does he know how things will unfold? Does he see the twins moving through the building? Does he realize there are two of them?
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He's obviously been up to something this whole season: watching the clock, hiding photos, opening up stitches without much physical effort beyond using his powers... 🤔
My current crack theory is that LG reopening his stitches while using his powers to watch the fight is actually related to him escaping and/or jumping off the boat to free CXS. I'm not sure how because it's definitely more than 12 hours between the events, but something is up.
It's not surprising to me that CXS and Wang Juan were controlled through touch. The moment Li Tianxi reached out her hand to shake CXS's I yelled at my TV. It looked too similar to LG reaching out to start a dive.
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And I yelled even louder when she made contact
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CXS can dive on his own and LG can see into a photo on his own. The physical touch only connects their minds, it's not necessary to activate the powers. Could LG touch CXS and communicate telepathically without diving into a photo if they had an activation touch? Does LJ need a time travel element to get into CXS's head?
I think Li Tianchen's powers at least are touch related because when he touched Xixi, CXS lost his connection with LG. But I think there may be something else going on with the twins. I'm just not sure what I think yet. We wouldn't know if one was possessing the other because their eyes are the same.
How do the powers manifest, and what does that mean for Lu Guang's backstory?
I think we saw the moment when Li Tianxi and/or Li Tianchen acquire powers. Was it a predisposition that unlocked during a highly traumatic moment or did it just manifest somehow from an extreme desire to take control of the situation?
Li Tianxi was a child who wanted to communicate and be present but felt trapped in her over stimulated body. Li Tianchen was a boy with strong ideals and a sense of protectiveness... without the strength of an adult body to follow through with that protection. While they were holding the photo, huddled together in close physical contact after Tianchen's head injury, one of them or the combined force of them was able to 1.) take over their mother's body and 2.) blank out Xixi's mind to the point of cutting CXS's connection with LG and eventually the whole photo. But something went very wrong along the way. Maybe some signals were crossed.
CXS is a highly empathetic person. He feels so much for everyone and wants to connect with people emotionally. And his powers reflect that. We know CXS has probably at some point had a strong enough desire to go back in time, if anything to see his parents.
What, then, do the circumstances look like for a logical, emotionally reserved--but deeply caring--person to acquire powers to see snapshots of the past? What would drive him to want to change the past so much that he manifests these powers?
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We know CXS had never done a dive without LG before he temporarily went rogue in S1E9... because he didn't know he could do it until he tried.
We know S1E1 isn't the first time they dive. CXS nags LG about having heard the rules a hyperbolic amount of times. So the powers aren't new at this point. But I don't think they both had powers before they met. So how and when did they get their powers? Was it when they met? When they travelled abroad? After some accident or something?
LG just shows up in CXS's life unannounced. Twice. And that's how they got close. Was it just the random fated meeting of soulmates as per fiction standards or did LG intentionally seek out CXS for more timey-wimey reasons? Did meeting LG activate CXS's powers? Did they experience something together to have compatible abilities? Did LG already have his and teach CXS how to manifest his own? How much did LG already know before he picked up that basketball?
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I have this other crack theory that I absolutely hate and don't want to be true at all and almost certainly isn't, but, like...what if if LG and CXS are actually the same person from different timelines. Like LG is a version of CXS that doesn't get to have familial love and maybe experiences too much trauma, and he goes back in time to give himself some semblance of a home and a set of rules to hone his powers without altering the timeline that he's actively changing. They're intentionally written to be two halves of a whole, and there's been more than one joke made about LG being a ghost or not existing. I hate it. But it's in my head.
One last question for today... because I have to wonder:
Who makes the rules?
Has LG just read enough books to feel knowledgeable about how time travel works? Is he from the future trying to maintain a desired outcome? Are they following the rules of a third party who's orchestrating the flow of events from a distance? Are they... Leaving their fates to the ones who aren't in control?
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Promises. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *FLUFFY ANGST*
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Summary: Eddie’s wife is pregnant with their first child. While cuddling with her, he reflects on the type of dad he wants and doesn’t want to be. 
Word count: 837
TW: Mentions of pregnancy. Mention of throwing up (nobody actually throws up. It’s just mentioned). Eddie talking about his parents (sad home life). A little bit of fluffy angst, but it ends fluffy I promise.
Eddie couldn’t help but watch his wife from the bed as she washed her face clean in the bathroom. His gaze fell to her growing belly that was on the sink counter, a smile spreading across his face as the sight.
She turns the light off to the bathroom, walking back into their bedroom as she yawns, climbing into bed with her husband.
Eddie immediately shimmies down the bed to rest his head on her belly, giving the bump kisses through her shirt. “How’s she hanging today?” He asks, rubbing the sides of her belly.
“She’s a pain in my ass.” She jokes, rubbing her hands through his dark hair, untangling some knots. “Kicking me when she’s mad, which makes me have to pee every 3 seconds. I got tacos for lunch, and then threw them up 10 minutes later because someone doesn’t like the grease.”
Eddie chuckles softly. “Already fighting with mom? You’re supposed to be nice to her, remember?” He directs the question to his unborn daughter.
“The only thing she lets me eat without getting sick is ice cream, and bread.”
“She’s just like you already. Loves ice cream like her mom.” Eddie takes her hand and kisses her wrist. “I love you. Both of you.”
She smiles down at him, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. “We love you too, Eds. You’ve been so patient with me, even when I’m being a grumpy bitch.”
“You’re not grumpy. Just uncomfortable. Besides, I promised you I would be here every single step of the way, I wasn’t kidding.” He says, playing with her wedding ring. “I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I wasn't going to be like my father and I meant it.”
Even though they had been together for almost 5 years, married for almost 1 year, it wasn’t often Eddie talked about his parents, but more specifically his dad. She could count on one hand how many times he talked about him.
“My dad was so in and out when my mom was pregnant with me, just coming and going whenever he wanted. And then in and out of jail my whole childhood.” He wasn’t looking at her while he spoke about his absent father, somehow feeling ashamed and embarrassed, like it was his fault. “I promised myself if I ever had kids, I was going to be the best dad ever. That I would be there for my girl when she was going through the pregnancy.”
“Well guess what, you are the best soon to be dad, and best husband I could ever ask for.”
Eddie finally looked up at her, his big doe eyes filling with tears. “I know I said this before and even after we got married, but you know I’m never going to treat you the way my dad did my mom, right? I’m never going to hurt you.” His voice strained in the last sentence.
She takes her thumb and wipes a tear away from his cheek, cradling his stubbly face. “I know, baby. I know you would never hurt me. Just because you and your dad share DNA, doesn’t mean you’re going to turn out like him.”
He nods his head, leaning into her hand. “Never want to be like him.” He whispers, almost as if he was telling himself instead of her.
“You’re here with me, you’re not locked up in prison, you’re already doing better than your dad. I’m not going to worry about you being an absentee dad. What I am going to worry about is you not letting me hold the baby once she’s born, you’re going to hog her.”
Eddie grins ear to ear before kissing her belly. “Yeah I’ll make sure she’s a total daddy’s girl. You don’t have a chance.” He laughs.
“We’ll just have to try for a little boy so he can be a momma’s boy.”
“And what’s going to happen if I only know how to make girls? We’ll just have a house full of girls.”
She giggles at the horrified face he makes. “One of them has to like me more than you.” She jokes.
“No, see, I already know this one is going to be wrapped around my finger. I can’t even tell you no, what makes you think I’m going to tell someone that is half of me, no?”
“Oh, so I’m going to be the bad guy?” She laughs, her belly bouncing.
Eddie chuckles, “Yup. You’re going to be the hard ass. I’ll be the one to save them and take them out for ice cream after. Sorry babe.” He says with a bright smile on his face.
“Can I ask you for a favor?”
“Can we go get ice cream?” She asks in a sweet voice, knowing he couldn’t say no to her in that tone. “The baby wants it.”
Eddie chuckles, rubbing the sides of her belly. “Well if the baby wants it, who am I to tell her no? Let’s go, you two.”
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Just for the Weekend 8/10
Summary: You and Jason go to a wedding.
Pairs: Reader x Jason Todd
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Fluff, swearing.
Part 7
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Jason and yourself take your seats to the left of the makeshift altar. Your eyes sweep over the large garden adorned in even more flowers, twinkling lights and golden ribbons than you knew possible. The afternoon sun streams through the palm trees that Jamie and Sunny have chosen for their backdrop and as the western wind blows through you can almost feel the magic in the air. Weddings are always like this, you think, full of magic and love.
Jason's arm rests naturally around the back of your chair. Your brain is still going over the last few minutes, the kiss, the casual way he held your hand as you walked down to the garden. It's a lot to process, but you don’t want to ruin it by talking about it or over thinking. So instead you clasp your hands together and wish that the weekend would never end.
The chatter of the other guests quiets down as the celebrant announces that the bride will be arriving soon. Jamie spots you in the crowd, looking so happy in the dress they’ve chosen, the dark, deep forest green almost black against the sun, the crisp white shoes peeking from underneath. You give them a big thumbs up, noticing the tears already forming in their eyes as the pianist starts to play a slower version of "this is what dreams are made of".
The bridesmaids all look lovely in their soft lilac gowns of all different styles, the large sunflower bouquets with colourful wildflowers woven through, they look like a trail of beautiful fairies. The pianist rounds the chorus and you start to weep at the sight of Sunny. Her golden dress glitters with every step she takes, a large pointed tiara on her head, her hair held in soft waves behind her, she looks every bit the fairy queen of the procession. Peering back at Jamie you see they're full on crying at how etheral Sunny is.
"Here," Jason says, pulling out his pocket square and handing it to you, "don't want to ruin the makeup."
You give him a small smile, dabbing under your eyes and taking his hand in your free one, giving him a little squeeze, "Thanks for coming," you whisper.
Leaning over to press a kiss into your hair he whispers, "best decision of my life."
The ceremony is short, Jamie and Sunny exchange vows and suddenly they're walking down the aisle and inviting everyone to cocktail hour while they have their pictures taken.
"I'm just going to go touch up my face," you excuse yourself, "will you be ok by yourself?" finding yourself in need of a minute to compose yourself. You have so many questions for him, for yourself. At the very least you need to wipe the dopey ass smile from your face. You can’t seem to shake it, can’t stop hearing those words he whispered in your ear.
"Yeah, I'll go find Margie. She was great. Wait," he says as you start to walk off. "I forgot," he kisses you, a short simple peck on the lips but it makes your tummy do somersaults.
Jason spots Margie almost immediately, her bright pink suit giving her away almost as much as her height. She's at a table alone, drinking what looks to be sangria, "bit sad to drink alone at a wedding don't you think?" He asks, taking the seat opposite her.
"On the contrary, keeps me out of trouble." She smirks, downing the whole glass and pouring herself and Jason another. "Drink with me then, tell me about how you managed to sweep my little dear off her feet."
"I was actually wondering if I could ask you something," he takes a drink and relishes the sweetness.
"Want more stories about her rambunctious youth?"
"I would like to know what he, Jonathan, said to her last night,"
"Want to go hit him yourself?"
"Something like that,"
"No need for that, she defended you well."
"She didn't tell you? Oh, he was saying terrible things, but our little spitfire wasn't having it."
"Wait what?" He can't seem to wrap his head around it. You hit…you hit the guy because of him?
"Poor dear, she lets him say the worst things about her, but the second he started on you," She pauses, "well you saw what happened."
"I thought she- that he-"
"She really loves you, ya know, I can see it in the way she looks at you."
"I- "
"You're very lucky, she's a special kind of woman."
"That I do know," he agrees, finally hearing something that doesn't sound insane. Why would you do that?
"Now be a good lad and go get me more sangria."
"Yes ma'am."
Jason's mind spins as he goes over what he just heard. So you did it to defend him and not yourself. He can barely believe that anyone would care, but then she said… was it true? Did you love him? Until yesterday you could barely stand to be in the room with him.
Then there was the kiss, that kiss on the balcony that made his stomach spin and his knees go weak. And the little kiss before, he can barely believe this is happening. He's not going to screw this up. He can't. Shit, after a few kisses he doesn't think he can go a day without feeling your lips on his ever again.
"Hello there handsome," you say, grabbing the glasses from the bar, "Margie already got you doing her evil bidding I see,"
"Yeah, how'd you know?" He answers, looking at you kind of weird, in a good way. Like he's got stars on his eyes.
"Sangria, always was her drink of choice."
"Can you see my name?" You say as you peer at the seating chart.
"Yeah, right here. It says second prettiest woman at the wedding,"
"Well, the bride obviously has to be first," he jokes.
"Thin ice, Todd. You're on thin ice," you playfully glare at him. His hand falls to your lower back as you walk to your table. You try not to think about how right this feels, how perfect he feels beside you. Instead zoning in on the small table which is obviously designated as the old school friends table. You thank Batman that Jonathan was sent home, you do not want to deal with him.
"Can I ask a favour?" Claire says as she sits down next to you, "just while Lizzie is fixing her hair?"
"Depends on the favour," you can see Jason from the corner of your eye peering around you. Is he worried that maybe this will be round two? Sure, you were a bit envious, or a lot. But you had never felt the urge to hit her. The issues you have with Claire have nothing to do with her and everything to do with you and your own expectations.
"Could you sign this for me?" She pulls out from her purse a copy of your first book, "I've been meaning to ask for ages. But we just never seem to bump into each other."
"I didn't know you read my book,"
"I tried, but romance really isn't for me. Lizzie though, she loves them and it would really mean alot-"
"Give it here, have you got a pen?"
"Yeah," she hands you a golden marker from her purse, "I know it's not a great time to ask, but I really appreciate it. She’s going to be thrilled."
"It's really no trouble, " you smile signing the interior cover, "Dear Liz, I hope Claire brings you as much joy as Red brought me,"
"Thank you, she's really going to love this," she grins like a kid in a candy store. "It really means a lot,"
"You're welcome," you beam back. Never in a million years would you have imagined that Liz of all people would be a fan. She's never said anything, though you suppose with avoiding them at all costs you probably didn't deserve to know. A nudge on your shoulder pulls you from your thoughts, "yes?" You turn to Jason who's just looking at you with confusion and wonder, "why are you looking at me like that?”
"Red? I thought your first book was about Finnley and Felix? "
"How do you know that?" You narrow your eyes at him.
"I told you, I dabbled. I may have read one or two of your books, "
"One or two? But you know the names of the two love interests by heart?"
"Maybe, I read them more than once,"
"You did not,"
"Enough about me," Jason attempts to change the subject. You did not need to know that he had read all your works, except one apparently, "Who's this Red? And how is there a book before The Prince Problem?"
"Oh, that's the official first. But The Red Viper is my first unofficial book. I published it myself in college under a pseudonym. I just wanted to see how it would go. It sold pretty well, I just didn't think any of my friends aside from Jamie had read it."
"Then how did she know it was you?"
"Easy, I released free coupons for copies in my newsletter a few years ago, Liz must be on my mailing list.”
“Yeah, I do that sometimes. There’s no point charging for something like that."
"A huh, and has Dick read this book?"
"Jason, are you telling me you think Dick can read?"
"Good point,"
The night drifts on, speeches are told, cakes cut and dinner eaten. All the while Jason sits close, both of you touching, your knees, your hands, your shoulders, always touching. It's easy and it doesn't even feel fake anymore. Not that it ever really did to you.
The band picks up after the newlyweds first dance and the lead singer invites everyone to the dance floor. You feel reluctant, but with how pleasant the conversation has been between Claire, Liz, Jason and yourself, your mood has gone from nervous to joyful.
The band starts to play your favourite song and you find yourself tugging Jason onto the dance floor behind you.
He's certainly not his brother when it comes to dancing, but he manages to keep up with you. His hand never leaving your waist as you move to the music together. “What kind of move do you call that?” you ask when he starts twirling his arms around.
“Whirlybird?’ he laughs back, grabbing your arms and spinning them above your head, “Might not look cool, but it’s fun,”
His hands slide down your arms, taking your wrists and wrapping them around his neck as you stay to sway together.
“You know you’re a lot more fun,” you start when he spins you under his arm, “when you don’t spend your days glaring at me,”
“And you’re more fun when you don’t run away from every room I enter,”
“I never did that,” he stares down at you, “ok, maybe once or twice,” he raises his eyebrows, “Or a few times,” you press your hand on his chest, “in my defense, you did stare at me like I was robbing you.”
“You were,”
“I was not trying to steal your brother,” you roll your eyes.
“Oh love,” he brushes his nose against yours, “You were stealing something much more valuable than my big brother,”
“Oh yeah like what?” you tease, “Your bike?”
“Sweetheart,” he leans down, “You wouldn’t be fast enough to take her,” his breath in your ear, “And you still don’t know how to ride,”
“Fair. Maybe I can get Dick to teach me when I get home?” the choking noise that comes from Jason's throat makes you snort, “What? He’s been asking for ages,” you wink coyly, drawing yourself from his hands and giggling when he turns you back in.
“Let me teach you,” his hand slides up from your back, his fingers brushing up the back of your neck,
“You going to glare at me while you do it?”
“Only if you run away,”
“Will you chase me?”
“Would you like me to chase you?” his fingers push into the soft skin of your neck tilting your head up.
“Maybe,” you reach up onto your tiptoes, grinning from ear to ear, your lips touching his. His hand grows firmer on your neck, deepening your kiss, you wrap your arms tight around his back.
“That a shiver there love?” he laughs into your kiss, his other arm wraps around your waist, “Do it again,” he hoists you up, your feet dangling above the floor as he kisses you again.
The night gets later and despite how drunk everyone around you seems to be getting, you and Jason are too busy enjoying yourselves on the dance floor to have the time. "Last song," the singer announces, "how about something a bit slower?"
The band starts out slow and you hear the man's voice lower as he starts to sing Adele's make you feel my love.
Jason pulls you close, his hand holding tight on your waist, bringing yours up to his shoulder, "wanna see what Alfie taught me?" He winks and you give him a small nod, "follow my lead,"
He steps back, gliding you along the dance floor, his eyes never leaving yours and a bright smile on his lips. The hot and horny feelings leave you as you feel something deeper and stronger pulling at your chest. Like a string being tugged from your heart and wrapping around where your hands meet, connecting you both together. The world melts away as you get lost in his eyes and the feel of his strong hand on your back.
“Spin,” he says, stretching your arm out as the song reaches it crescendo and you spin out, your dress fanning out around you and when your back in his arms he drops you into a deep dip, his large hand on your thigh, his full form leaning over to meet your lips, his tongue dives into your mouth and you think you might just feel whole for the first time in your life.
Part 8:
AN: Last update for a bit. I'm off to Sydney to hang out with my fam.
@goblinhobo @bubbles-incorrect-yb @hungry-hungarian @megumisbabymomma @ilikw @gone-batty-fics
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11x13kyle · 8 months
what was the style mca wedding like?
it will come as no surprise to hear that kyle is the biggest fucking groomzilla anal FREAK about his wedding. this isn’t mcau exclusive it’s a universal constant. he’s panicking the entire time building up to the wedding, has a 15 pound binder full of wedding-related information, refuses to relinquish control over a single aspect of it like not even to stan, is just so stressful to talk to because every conversation comes back to that damn wedding
here’s some info you already know from other posts but still worth mentioning here:
cartman is banned from the wedding and there’s literally a specific bouncer in place specifically to kick him out but he refuses to let this stop him. he isn’t able to successfully break into the wedding before the i dos but he very much succeeds in getting into the reception, stealing butters away from kenny (his date), and hooking up with him in the bathroom. kenny responds to this by getting so drunk and hooking up with wendy in the same bathroom.
kenny was also explicitly prohibited from fucking at the wedding so this makes kyle utterly furious
kenny wanted to throw both stan and kyle’s bachelor parties but randy was really insistent on throwing stan’s so kenny was like fine i’ll just throw kyle the best party EVER
unfortunately for him the planning process was hell because kyle is a giant stick in the mud and kept giving him all this restrictions and saying what he isn’t allowed to have which leads to this massive argument because kenny is like i’m sorry where are we supposed to host this shit a MONASTERY???
eventually kyle agrees that kenny can bring drugs but NO strippers
at kyle’s supposedly “low key” party he ends up tripping absolute balls on acid and getting super wasted to the point of blacking out for a couple of hours and coming to on a random ass beach really far from the bar they were at with just kenny
“alright kenny where the FUCK are we???”
meanwhile stan is having a miserable time at his bachelor party just getting whiny drunk in the corner and missing kyle the whole time and not enjoying himself at ALL
randy insisted on strippers and only hired women for his gay son’s bachelor party because at the end of the day it’s for him, not stan
stan while getting a lap dance from a beautiful woman: i miss my fiancé :((
he tries to call kyle but it keeps going to voicemail and he thinks it’s because kyle is having too much fun to notice but it’s really just because kyle is in the middle of NOWHERE with ZERO service
at the wedding itself, they’re mostly successful in keeping the whole thing private and as just a family and friends affair, but one of stan’s fans does manage to find the location and secures a couple of super blurry pictures of the wedding from a distance
she responds to all the questions with either “I DONT KNOWWW” or just total lies
the wedding itself is actually a lovely ceremony honestly. kyle knows what the hell he’s doing. stan sobs the ENTIRE time.
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autumntouched · 10 months
Remember the Hangman and Phoenix competing for fem!reader fic? Welp, back with more…
@sylviebell @melodiousoblivionao3
I Can Take You Home
“Another drink?” Hangman offers, gesturing to your empty glass. You’ve been tucked into a corner of your friend’s wedding laughing with him longer than you realized. He’s looking a little smug to have monopolized your attention so easily, but you can’t resist a pair of green eyes and a cocky grin.
“You know offering a girl another drink you’re not paying for doesn’t say much,” you tell him to take back some of the upper hand.
His eyes spark with the challenge. “So what does it take to impress you? You’ve already got half the room swarming you for a dance.”
You smirk, a little proud of that. If he only knew you’re not usually the center of attention the way you’ve been here. Arching an eyebrow, you get to your feet. “Isn’t that for you to figure out? Are we getting those drinks?”
It’s the right thing to say to a man you’ve already figured out would be competitive about who ties their shoe faster. Smoothing your gown on the way to the bar gives you an excuse to draw his attention to the way it hugs your ass perfectly.
People have told you there’s something intriguing about your gaze. They can feel you looking at them. But you’re well aware sticking to the basics can be just as effective.
As soon as you’re clear of the narrow pathways between the tables and chairs, he lays claim to your waist. You don’t mind. You’ve scoped the room, and you’re happy hooking this fish.
You’re looking up at him to call out his hand on your hip when you spot her. You can feel her eyes following every curve of your body down to the peak of your toes from the hem of your gown as you walk.
And you’re distracted from whatever Hangman is saying. Because she’s breathtaking in a gown that floats elegantly around her and tantalizingly exposes just enough of the perfect, delicate globes of her breasts to make you crave more.
Your eyes travel back to hers, and she gives you a sweet half smile of acknowledgment. She’s caught you looking and wants to know what you think. You bite your lip.
“Everything okay down there?” Hangman breaks through your daze.
You’re still trying to pull your brain together when you notice her set down her empty glass and start to glide your way. There’s something commanding in the way she walks. The world’s royals could learn a thing or two from the way her presence slows everything around her.
“Hangman,” she says, just loud enough to call his attention without drawing other people’s. Her voice plays its way all the way down your spine in a shiver.
“Phoenix,” he says, the undercurrent of friendly sarcasm in his voice as hot as her name. Phoenix. That’s exactly what she looks like, a mythical creature called from the flames.
You only half realize that you step forward so his hand falls from your waist. She turns her full attention on you, and you feel your heart thrumming to the siren call of her dark eyes. “Is this your plus one?” Phoenix asks, though the tuck of amusement in the corners of her expressive lips say she already knows the answer to that.
“We just met,” spills out of your mouth before you realize the question wasn’t meant for you. But it seems to be all the answer she needs. Something mischievous unfolds in the creases of her face.
Hangman doesn’t seem to notice. “She’s a friend of the groom’s. We were on our way to get another drink.”
“They taste so good, don’t they?” Phoenix says. Her faintly glossed lips must taste so good.
“So good,” you agree dumbly. You nearly jump when Hangman’s hand slides around your waist again, and this time you’re self-conscious about it.
Phoenix’s eyes flick down to the motion then back to your face. “Sorry, didn’t mean to hold you up,” she says to Hangman. Then to you, “I love that dress on you.”
She daintily lifts her gorgeously expansive burgundy skirt with a small wave and floats away. You have to remind yourself not to follow her over your shoulder. “You know her?” you ask to keep your attention on Hangman.
“One of the Navy’s best pilots,” he says, “but she doesn’t need to know I think that.” You let him guide you to the bar, but your mind is on whispering that little secret into her ear as your mouth traces the soft curve of her jaw.
While Hangman orders your drinks, you scan the crowd for her. She’s on the dance floor, swaying to the music with her dark gaze trained on you. Your move her smile says.
Hangman touches your arm and slides the stem of your wine glass into your fingers. “Ready to hit the dance floor?” Many guys are intimidated by the prospect, but to his credit, he sounds eager. With Phoenix watching your lips and him watching your neck, you take your first sip of wine.
“Let’s show ‘em how it’s done,” you agree and take another sip for Phoenix’s benefit.
He’s a good dancer. Not only does he have rhythm, he spins you without ever losing track of which hand is holding your wine. He dances close, filling your nose with the delicious scent of his cologne. You can’t get enough of it. Your hips move in sync to a banger you danced to in middle school.
A chuckle interrupts. “There’s no prize for best dancers. You don’t have to show off so hard.” It’s Phoenix.
“Can’t help what comes naturally,” he smirks, but he reaches out to take your hip and draws you closer.
“You wouldn’t look half so good without me,” you counter with a laugh and turn in his loose hold so you’re facing Phoenix. “Are you coming over to show off too?”
Phoenix’s eyes dart above your head, and Hangman presses his chest to your back. His hand slides lower and tighter over your pelvis. It’s only then that you also realize he’s just an option and your other one might be standing right in front of you, an invitation in the lift of her lips.
A light of triumph flashes through her gaze, and she lifts her arms in the air and yeah, you immediately imagine her stretched out beneath you but without the narrow bands of fabric covering her chest. And that leads to your fingers flexing with the anticipation of loosening the tape holding the cloth in place and sliding her dress off her shoulder, watching it fall around her waist as her arms come out to circle your shoulders. The softness of your chests pressing together as your lips finally meet, her tongue as teasing as the lilt of her voice.
You turn to Hangman and hold up your drink. “Can you hold this for me? I have to go to the bathroom real quick.” Watching Phoenix, he takes your glass and presses a stomach-dropping kiss on the place where your ear meets your jaw.
“Don’t get lost,” he warns.
“I’ll try not to if you try not to forget about me while I’m gone.”
Reluctantly, he releases you. Phoenix raises an eyebrow.
“Bathroom,” you tell her.
“I’ll help you with your dress.”
You barely manage to keep your pace even as you feel her follow you out.
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marksbear · 1 year
Okay I have two ideas for the same Dom reader from the sending nudes at work sub Steven grant with him at the wolfstreet I think it is? So reader proposed and then it's a huge wedding where Steven Co workers come too are surprised and jealous because they didn't know about his husband. So when it gets to night reader carry Steven getting reader to fuck Mr l/n aka Steven he goes into the bathroom to wear a wedding dress. Reader can't control him and fucks him with it still on while saying his handsome husband and wants to keep fucking him forever and overestimating him and how much he loves him. I know it's alot but this Is what came to my head. /1 -🐻‍❄️
I like the ideas in your head my friend. So I am more than happy to write this thought. I hope you enjoy it! 🐻‍❄
Warnings- DETAILED SMUT, overestimating, praise kink, marriage, Y/n and Steven are two love sick puppies, mirror sex, breeding kink, teasing, blowjob, slight daddy kink, ONESHOT.
"This is my big day and I won't allow any of you to ruin this for me and my future husband!" Y/n says in a dominant tone to all of his hundreds of workers.
Y/n didn't want them to join. Maybe only the managers from each department and his assistants. But sadly the news got out in the office and now everyone is here with kids and significant others.
Steven on the other hand invited maybe seventeen of his co-workers even the ones he didn't like. And that made Y/n feel like a complete asshole from all of the people who came just to see him.
Y/n makes sure the place is perfect for his fiance before going to the dressing room with some of his closest friends. Once he got there hair dressers and photographers were already there waiting for him.
Y/n puts the suit on smiling to himself in the mirror. "Wow Y/n that suit did you justice. You are usually more ugly." One of your friends says teasingly making the other friends in the room laugh.
"Very funny Colin." Y/n says sarcastically and sits down in a chair letting the hairdresser do her job. "What dress do you think Steven is wearing?" The fiance hoped to be a husband asks his friends. "Probably something better than you. Hes gonna steal the whole wedding." The other friend Wade answers a bit too honestly for your own good and Y/n side eyes him.
"Think I hear guests arriving! Okay do one of you have the rings?!?" The room became silent after Y/n asked the question.
"B-but Marc what if he doesn't like it?!" Steven asks while holding on the bottom part of the dress fidgeting with it. "Steven you're gonna be fine." Marc groans out after answering that question about one hundred times already. "Look Steven. You and Y/n have been through lots of shit together. If he doesn't wanna marry you for one dress i'll kick his ass." Marc says to Steven for a little encouragement. Marc's words help Steven calm down a little and take a deep breath.
And everyone stands turning to the front of the aisle where Y/n and his best men are looking amazing while lots of Y/n yell out cheers for their boss earning a glare from Y/n.
Different musicians with their own instruments begin to play in harmony creating a peaceful and full of love in the fancy wedding as a signal that is about to begin.
Flower girls and boys begin to throw the gold and red flower petals around creating a beautiful sight for all eyes to see. Steven and his best women show up right behind them making the whole room smile and speechless especially the L/n by the arch. Once Steven is by the arch the priest goes on and on about the future of the newly wedded couple.
The two exchange vowels both of them are just beautiful and heartwarming. "Steven Grant do you take Y/n L/n as your newly wedded husband until death do you part?" The priest asks making the room tense and holding their breath. "I do."
Y/n eyes begin to water from those two simple words Steven says. "Y/n L/n do you take Steven Grant to be your husband until death do you part." Without hesitating Y/n says "I do" Making everyone in the chapel stand up getting ready to clap. "Then I pronounce you two are Husband and Husband Y/n you may kiss the bride." Y/n quickly wraps his around his husband pulling him to the most passionate kiss ever.
The crowd roars and claps for the two L/n's
Now at the wedding party
The L/n are in the back of the party at the table just for them. Steven is on Y/n lap as Y/n is just looking around the party. After they just got done dancing and cut the cake.
All of Steven's co-workers are in a corner whispering about the newly married couple. "Steven can't handle a man like him." One of them says to the group. "Agreed he doesn't deserve L/n." A different one follows after the first comment. "The things I would do to Y/n." One of the woman workers says dreamily staring at Y/n.
"Im gonna make him mine one day."
One of Y/n workers came to Y/n and Steven to congratulate them. But then almost the whole company went to them to congratulate them. They overflow the table with gifts."Be right back love. Wheres Jenny I wanna dance with her." Y/n gently moves Steven off of him and places him on the chair he was sitting on before walking out of the crowd to find a certain woman.
Once Y/n was out of an ear shot one of the managers asked "How the hell did you tame the beast?"
The only two people on the dance floor are Jenny and Y/n slow dancing with Jenny leading like shes the man and Y/n is the man.
Steven is standing at the back watching the two as they dance gracefully and not making a single mistake. "Thats Jenny Parker. One of Y/n's favorite workers. Don't worry they have nothing going on shes a lesbian." A mysterious voice says and when Steven turns to see who it is they're gone.
After the song ends Y/n goes over to Steven kissing him deeply without warning. Y/n wraps his arms on his waist pulling Steven closer to him as he slowly grinds onto him. The two seem to be in their own world in a complete bliss making out and grinding onto each other. Until the world broke because of Jenny who is screaming Y/n name.
"Y/n M/n L/n! Come here right now and tell me bye!" Y/n groans into Steven's mouth before turning around to face his friend. "I can't Jen, but bye! Tell the kids daddy isn't coming home in a few days!" Y/n shouts before turning back around to his husband.
"Wanna continue where we left off?~" Y/n asks his husband in a smug tone with a smirk. "Daddy?" Steven asks. Y/n lets out a quiet "Fuck." Before answering. "Yeah daddy. Are you jealous because someone else calls me daddy?~". But I'm her kids'godfather and real daddy isn't in their lives so I just step up and sub in from time to time." Y/n picks up the new L/n before taking him outside to the car.
Y/n had rented out the best resort money can buy for his husband. He hired chefs and musicians to be a bit early so they can prepare. The married couple ate and danced around for a bit before going into the bedroom. "L/n~ can you please wear that wedding dress again? It's just because I can't believe my husband looked so good in it." Y/n begs with a little pout making his husband's face become hot and flustered.
Steven quietly agrees and heads off to the bathroom. Y/n takes his tuxedo off strips down out of the clothes folding them neatly. Y/n cock springs out hard and the precum is already leaking out. "Oh fuck me." Y/n mentally argues with himself deciding whether to go in the bathroom to fuck his husband OR be a regular person take care of his problem by themselves or just wait for the partner.
Y/n walks up to the door opening it slowly taking in his husband's beauty in the dress. Steven is bent over the sink doing something but Y/n doesn't care hes only thinking with his dick. Y/n gets behind Steven and places his arms in front of Steven trapping his husband between himself and the sink. "Y/n?! Wha are you---doIng~"Steven words became slight moans when he feels his husbands cock poking the dress as Y/n sucks on his neck. Y/n moves his hips back and forth creating the friction and pleasure he needed. Steven throws his head back landing on Y/n shoulder. Steven cock is hard and the bulge is very noticeable in the dress.
One of Y/n's hand loose grip on the sink and brings his fingers up to Steven's mouth. "Be a good husband and suck." Y/n demands kissing the back of Steven's neck. Steven wastes no time sucking on the fingers coating them with his spit and saliva. Once Y/n pulls his fingers out a trail of saliva from Steven mouth follows them. Y/n uses his free hand to pull Steven dress up for his ass and cock is visible. Y/n pushes one of his fingers in his husband hole. Steven arches his back and moans out Y/n name. Steven moves his ass up and down on the finger using his free hands to cover his mouth. Y/n watches his husband fuck himself before adding a second finger.
Steven looks into the mirror staring at the erotic sight that him and his husband are making. Y/n looks up from Steven ass and to the mirror smirking at Steven and wink at him. "M---more pLease more Y/n~ I want your cock please g-give it to me." Steven's eyes begin to water a little as he begs for his husband cock.
"Not yet maybe. Im going to make you cum two times from my fingers before I fuck you properly." Y/n uses his other hand to pin Steven waist onto the sink so he can't fuck himself anymore and proceeds to curve and twist his fingers.
"O-oh fuck love~" Steven moans his face looking like hes about to cry. Steven whines and whimpers becomes louder. "Y/n! Y/n~ Ahahh F-uCk! plea--se again again~" Steven cries out once Y/n fingers graze his prostate. "Only because you asked so nicely my dear L/n" Y/n answers Steven pleas and begins to for his prostate every time he curves his fingers. Steven cums without warning most of the cum landing on the floor and legs but some lands on the dress.
"Good boy baby~ Now can you handle one more then you can get your reward i'll even help." Y/n praise and ask his husband. Steven gives Y/n a weak nod. "Words Stevey." Y/n says demanding him. "Yes sir..." "Good boy stevey."
Y/n adds a third finger into his husband stretching him out faster. Y/n slides his free hand on Steven cock giving it a few tugs before taking it whole jerking it off at the same pace hes fucking Steven with his fingers in.
This time Steven doesn't think he can last longer. His cock is coated with cum and sweat. Y/n slows his hand down letting Steven catch his breath before going at a steady pace. Steven grinds his ass into his husband's fingers almost feeling at ease until he feels his husband's hard cock under his own. Moving up and down just like Y/n with his hand. Steven looks down a little staring at his husband's wet cock. He begins to imagine Y/n cock inside him. How would it feel and what pace would his husband go. What would Y/n cum feel like inside of him. The last thought made him cum on the spot. His moans sounded like he was in a porn video and the way his hole clenched around Y/n as he came.
"Wow Stevey you just came all over my cock." Y/n voice sounded surprised but he didn't hate it. As promised Y/n takes his cock and slowly pushes it into his husband whole. Steven's whole body is leaning on the counter for support. Without wasting a second Y/n thrust all the way in Steven. Y/n pulls all the way out before thrusting back in. Y/n lays his head down onto Steven shoulder as he fucks him. His moans and groans are muffled.
"F-fuck Steven. Still so tight~" Y/n says into Steven's ear making Steven back shiver. Y/n uses both of his hands to hold on to Steven pinning him down on the counter. "My husband is so so handsome I'm so lucky! Do you hear me Steven you are so handsome~" The praises make Steven cock twitch even more. "I can just keep fucking this pretty ass forever." Y/n growls into Steven ear biting it softly. Steven's throat is too dry to talk but moans escapes from it. Drool runs down Steven's chin as he stares into the mirror.
"Should I cum deep in you so you can get pregnant? So no one else can call me daddy besides you and the kids. Want me to fuck kids into you Stevey~So i'll be only our family daddy. You will like that huh?" The thought of just having Y/n kids and his cum deep inside him made Steven shoot his third load making his cock sore and ache.
"Should I call you mommy or daddy?~" Y/n teases as his thrust aims for Steven's prostate making his aching cock hard again and his face full of tears and drool. "Steven i--im cumming OoH fuckk! Take it! I'm going to give you my kids--- Fuck!" Y/n hot cum shoots deeply into Steven making Steven Whole body become fuzzy and heaving. As Y/n rides out his high he picks up Steven placing him on the sink and getting on his knees before opening his mouth taking Steven cock whole. With only a few lazy sucks and lapping his tongue on the tip while using his hand to squeeze his husband balls made him cum shoot straight into his mouth.
Steven throws his head back tiredly and his legs shaking. Y/n swallows the load like a pro and gives his cock a few extra sucks to make sure he got everything before pulling away from the cock and gives the tip a kiss on the silt.
Y/n stands up from his knees before picking up his weak husband and laying him on the bed. Y/n takes off the wedding dress for him and folds it with some of the other clothes. Y/n lays on the bed with Steven making out with him for a while before falling asleep.
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'Trying to get pregnant' for Matthias and Nina 😊
Obviously modern AU, PG13-ish / very implied Content, also on ao3.
Nina does not do things halfway.
Matthias has known this since the moment they met, several years ago now, when it was almost immediately clear how much enthusiasm she has for life and how stubborn she is in her impulsiveness. Her decisions are sudden and thorough, their relationship among them, and sometimes he wonders-
She’s decided she’s ready to settle down and make a more permanent life together, and he has some doubts how that’ll go but he hasn’t had good reason to question her judgement in just long enough to cooperate.
She’d proposed to him, bought her own engagement ring, and her latest idea is that she would like to be a pregnant bride. Just slightly pregnant – the wedding is in four months, and Matthias has some doubts it’ll stay as small as Nina currently thinks it will, and the odds of this whole impregnation thing happening on the first go probably aren’t-
“Are you sure about this?”
He’s asked that question so many times in their bedroom, and he’s not sure that’s normal but… Nina is the first serious lover he’s had, and she’s adventurous, and-
“Are you?” she counters. “I know we’ve talked, but…”
They have, at several points, had the how-do-we-feel-about-having-kids conversation. It’s consistently gone the same direction – he’s a little less positive about it, but if she wants then he’s completely in, and-
“I’m not the one who has to…”
“Yes, but you live with me so you’re going to be in secondhand hormone hell,” Nina laughs. “I do-“
That’s enough to get her across their space, enough to get her kissing him. He’s doing this for her, he wants to say, because she wants to do all the domestic things and she damn well can’t do them alone and the rest of their friend group isn’t exactly…
Their kid, Matthias thinks, is going to grow up with one hell of an eclectic found family. It will be loved. It will also probably end up becoming a con artist. Somehow this seems like an acceptable trade-off.
“How do we… do this.” Not quite a question, obviously he understands sexual mechanics, but there are complications here and-
“You on top is better,” Nina purrs. “And then I have to lie still afterwards and put a pillow under my ass and-“
“Not for you. You just have to fuck me without…”
Doesn’t change anything for him, he’d say if she wasn’t in such a mood. He had full faith in her implant, and there was never an incident, and-
They’ve been together long enough that it’s all easy and comfortable. Nina usually doesn’t lie still and let things happen to her, but otherwise…
“This okay?” he asks, hovering over her, careful not to put too much weight on her, always so careful and-
“What part of me asking you to do me isn’t registering with you?” Still something playful in her voice, always such warmth, always-
He is going to marry this woman and have children with her and do all the domestic stuff she ever decides she wants, and everything will be okay. He just needs to calm down about it first.
His body shifts into hers, slow and deep, she said nothing about pacing but he is not getting this over with. If the half of the bathroom countertop that has become devoted to fertility-tracking gizmos and trinkets has any accuracy, this could be an encounter that changes both of their lives, and he thinks that ought to be reverent, less aggressive and playful than their physical activities are, more…
“You’re too quiet,” she murmurs, always her only complaint during sex. “What are you thinking?”
“This is important. I want to get it right.”
She runs her fingernails over the back of his head, so aware as always, so-
“Don’t overthink this. We’re already playing with enough superstitions here, babe.”
No questioning, Matthias reminds himself. His fiancé is going to do what she wants. All he can do is follow her lead.
She’s normally tactile after sex – she’s normally tactile all the damn time – but she’s apparently committed to the whole lying-still thing and it feels just a little weird and-
“Think it’ll work?”
“It better,” she mutters. “If it doesn’t, next month we’re doing the turkey-baster technique. Better than boring sex, no offense.”
He does not know what she means by turkey-baster technique. He doesn’t want to know.
If this works…
“I do… want this. With you. I just…”
“We’re like ten years younger than most people who intentionally try to have a kid,” Nina finishes, always more blunt. “And we don’t have our shit together enough. And we’re probably never going to. And we’re getting married in four months and I don’t know if you saw the absinthe cocktail recipes in the group chat but-“
“The what?!”
“Try to guess. So there’s a good chance my former roommate is going to ruin our wedding, and I’m not sure I mind, and…”
“Jes isn’t coordinated enough to ruin anything,” Matthias says, hoping he’s right.
“I’ve known him longer, remember? Watch. But we have to tackle this grenade here and be the shitshow wedding so everyone else’s looks better in comparison whenever the hell those happen and-“
“And you think I’m overthinking.”
“You’re worried about your sperm, I’m not sure our venue has enough emergency exits and for me to be thinking about that…”
Matthias kisses her forehead, figuring that’s safe enough affection right now. “You get through.”
“Yep. We will. And our kid is going to have a fun little life.”
That’s what worries him, but… if she’s so sure, who is he to ever question her?
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asmrtist-brainrot · 1 year
Hii not sure if ur interested, but could I request Abul x reader x Abul’s family (platonic!) headcanons? Just the reader slowly creeping into their hearts and abul’s family slowly starting to accept them as part of the family? (nothing is more powerful than making ur boyfriend’s family love you more); imagine that, at one point, Alrick (grandpa) and celestia (mom) start protecting YN from others questioning abul’s relationship w/ them (if it's in a negative view)
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It's already sort of a well-known "secret" that Abul is very fond of his partner soooo...
Gender Neutral! Reader
~ Dari
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Platonic! Royal Dragon Family + Abul X Reader
Alrick is somewhat of an old fashioned, slightly pompous ass to most and held onto a lot of the views that he felt kept him safe...
but he still loved his son and so loved his grandson and he learned to also love the person, the human, that his grandson loves too
you sort of wore him down, holding that same fire and spirit that your own grandmother held
soft and gentle and bright, you reminded him so much of his loving son
Abul lowkey started getting suspicious when Alrick started having you do some "paperwork" with him and worries if he's just drinking insecurities in you or plotting to make you leave him
and essentially bursts in on one of these times to see that you were in fact helping with papers but also having tea and a chat, even seening Alrick full on belly laugh at one of your cheeky quips.
... struck dumb until you chirp for him to join you both, Alrick gives him the evil eye about it thoigh and gruffly tells Abul later not to interrupt his time bonding with his future in-law
Abul needs time to reboot after that but is very relieved to see that he's softened up
Alrick is terribly protective of you now, a looming force that simply bashes away any opinions of nobles because fuck them all, he's the strongest and will make them love you as much as he does
Celestia knew what you were to her son when she first saw how he looked at you and it just made her so happy to see him breaking tradition because he loved someone so much
she also already loved you after she figured out what type of person you were
... You did remind her a lot of her late husband, they weren't really in love but she still loved him as the father of their children and respected him as the good man he was
and OOH, you were just darling! such a cheerful and playful thing - she's gotten so sick of the uptight stiffs that you were someone she feels like she can let loose around
she lowkey pesters Abul about when he'll propose because she's been dying to plan a wedding
Kass, not long after meeting you and finding out you were her brother's partner, was over the moon
she was brimming with delight after finding out you were such a sweetheart, practically dragging you away from your chores or her brother to go and explore with her - much to Abul's chagrin
often cracks jokes about "how did someone like you end up with my oaf of a brother?"
she pouts when you defend him but quickly bounces back to pride that you loved him so much
Kass appoved of you the minute she figured out how deep your feelings were and just feels at ease around you
you don't judge her for anything and yes, that includes being a bit of a gossip - she loves spilling about the messy things surrounding the nobles
ya'll know she has the hottest tea around
she's also real amused you managed to get into Alrick's good graces too
Abul thought it couldn't get any weirder until he found out his stepbrother was making nice with you, it also annoys him a bit because he was such a prick but the minute you're in the room - he's just sooo nice
Bren and you were essentially already best buds after you both started working together, you were happy to show him the ropes and defend him if necessary
it strange for him to have someone to defend him so readily, so... he adores you and the both you play board games and read together
even after his royal attachment to the dragon family was revealed, you still treated him like the pair of you were friends all your lives
but now, you happily call him your brother
he felt welcome long before he was revealed to be related and he had you to thank for that
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sonnburn · 5 months
I've got way more thoughts on this episode than just my initial reactions, but I'm gonna get a little reactive first just to get it out of the way. For the record, these thoughts don't encapsulate my full opinions on the Day & Night backstory. I just wanna vent a little.
Okay? Okay.
Day confirming out loud that Night is at fault for him going blind. We all guessed it, but now we know (score one for us theorists!)
Finally telling Mork the details, Night was drunk and Day went to bring him home. Night's not even a mean drunk in the flashback, at most he's a little passive aggressive
Day was driving the night of the accident. And he got in the crash because Night was almost sick in his car and Day was busy looking around for something Night could throw up in instead of focusing on driving
First emotional reaction, this level of reckless driving ticks me off. Like Day, pull the fuck over! Stop driving and let him be sick on the side of the road, even SIX-LANE HIGHWAYS have a designated shoulder for people to pull over in case of emergencies. What are you doing, you could have gotten both Night and yourself killed!
Also, now I understand why Day keeps bringing up the car so much. He was so concerned with it getting dirty that it literally cost him his eyesight. Maybe it's a materialistic rich-person thing but like, who cares? You can get your car interior cleaned, hell you can probably afford to get it re-upholstered if it matters that much to you. Just letting Night throw up would have been another, safer alternative to taking your eyes off the road and nearly killing yourselves OR SOMEONE ELSE!
Okay, we need to talk about what he says next because I'm still seething a little. Day admits to Mork that he knows it was an accident. He knows it wasn't Night's fault. What he said to his father at the wedding wasn't true and he knows it, he was just lashing out (glad Day knows that much, at least). The reason Day treats Night the way he does is because of how Night changed after the accident. He feels replaced, he thinks Night used Day's disability as an opportunity to become the favourite son. He feels like he lost everything and Night gained it by proxy. He doesn't believe that Night feels sorry for even guilty about what happened since he received so much because of it. That is his reason for why he hates Night (Whether he actually believes this or is just weaving a narrative to justify his anger/bitterness is up for debate)
I'm sorry... but what? What? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? Day is a flawed character and we love him for that, but holy shit Day this is the most spoiled-brat ass thing you've said in the entire show! You are so wrapped up in your own grief that it NEVER occurred to you that the reason Night changed is because he FEELS BAD!? You immediately jumped to the conclusion that it's all a facade— an act he's putting on for your mom to gain her favour, are you kidding me!? WHAT IS YOUR LOGIC, RICH BOY!? WHO THINKS LIKE THIS!?
I want to shake this man and tell him— DAY, the accident CHANGED YOU. You are a different person now than you were before, not because you're blind, but because you lost something and were traumatized by it. Loss changes us, for better or worse. But you weren't the only one in that car! Is it really so impossible to believe that you weren't the only one changed by what happened!? That you weren't the only one traumatized!? That Night acting different isn't just proof that he was changed by the accident too, as YOU were, but is proof of just how guilty and sorry he feels about it!? That just because Night didn't lose his sight, and "gained" everything you lost as you claim, that means he didn't lose anything!? HE LOST YOU, DUMBASS!!!
A little later in the episode when Day talks to his dad about whether Night really feels sorry, I fail to see why he even asked the question when he'd clearly already decided on his answer: he'll never forgive Night. And he has nothing to say when his Dad tells him it doesn't matter whether he forgives him or not, Night will never forgive himself. Then Day goes on to say he missed his dad and felt like something was missing his whole life. Day forgives his dad (who if you recall left his mom for another woman and went no-contact for like two decades) after a simple apology and an expression of regret for hurting his mom. You don't even remember this man, and you forgive him so easily!? Day, if you were at least consistent in not being able to forgive those who wronged you, I'd accept that, but REALLY!? You'll forgive him but not Night!? Fuck ALL the way off.
I'm glad to finally know what happened in terms of the accident, it's giving me a lot to think about. But despite my thoughts and feelings, we've got to keep in mind that we still don't know how Day and Night's relationship was before the accident. Everything about their past dynamic is up to speculation and therefore can't inform either of their reactions. If there was open resentment between the brothers, that would explain the conclusion Day jumped to regarding Night's personality change, but we don't know that's how it was. For us, the car crash happened in a vacuum and we still don't have all the facts.
We've only got three episodes left. We'll just have to wait and see.
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deepseavibez · 2 years
Nerve_30 [E] || KNJ
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Nerve [Namjoon x Reader]
Prompt - @casnextdoor
Part 30 - Finale [N]
Part 30 - Finale [E]
Part 30 - Finale [R]
Genre - cheating; aftermath; husband au;
Summary - You would never expect it really. He’s doting. He’s sweet. He’s hardworking. But he’s forgotten his morals. Suspecting it is one thing, but when he confirms it, will you stay or walk away.
Warning - Cheating(Aftermath); Angst; Fluff (if you squint);
Word Count - 5.2k
A/N - Okay so bear with me. By the end of this update you will already know whats going to go down.
I would like to state that I also rooted for a happy ending, by that definition we know that Namjoon and Y/n are still together. Update [N] was that happy ending.
The way I see it though, it's not the end of their story and its not going to be a bed of roses every single day from this point forward. [N] was essentially the Finale of this au, and from this update, [E], we are entering a new era in the Nerve Universe.
Should you wish to end it here, and not move on, or not read the rest of what happens during the night of Yuna's wedding, I completely understand. Because I do not expect everyone to agree with how I cultivate the events of this au, and that's okay.
But if you have made it this far, you understand, that I do not write for readers, I write for the story. There is still the big reveal and a lot more elements involved so I will cater for certain parts of the updates to be skipped if they are too triggering and uncomfortable.
But overall I would not have been at peace with putting up a half-assed attempt at a full circle of the MC always winning. Because we don't win. We as MC's of our lives, if we win its a win, but if we don't its a lesson and we move forward with what we have. We fight. We have to.
Thank you for being with me up till this point and if you continue forward... all the better. 💕
Much love and appreciation.
xx Dee
The night waned on, so did the guests, as the wedding festivities died down. All the catering tables were cleared, even the dessert table. The linens, place settings and banquet tables stowed away by staff.
While you waited for Seon-ho’s company to reclaim their equipment, the band and security teams took full advantage by taking silly photos – photos that would carry treasured memories.
You wanted Yuna to have a grand goodbye so to speak, where all the guests traditionally gathered outside the door and watched the bride and groom drive away, but she insisted on it being intimate, with the few people that mattered – Kenta was not opposed.
Surprisingly, you spent most of the last two hours on the dancefloor, your last partner being the bride, herself. Yuna was never one for tradition in any case.
‘Come on, y/n.’ She pulled you forward by both arms and pushed out again. ‘Consider it our last dance.’
You giggled as you followed her lead. ‘I don’t even think we’ve had a first.’
‘Not true,’ she curled herself into your body and spun out again, ‘we’ve had dance parties to Cyndi Lauper.’
Immediately you both freeze, smile on eye contact and yell in unison. ‘Oh girls just wanna have fu-un, oh girls just wanna have… fuuunnn!’
The small crowd turned to look at you as you broke out into a mini dance party, singing offkey and Hoseok aided by actually playing the song. In the midst of your antics, you caught the eye of Kenta and Namjoon, who stood together and watched you both be crazy and carefree. 
‘Fuck this! Y/n! I am going to miss you!’ Yuna exclaimed when the song ended. She swung her arms around you and held you close.
You would too. ‘It’s not too late, we can elope.’
Yuna hummed, speaking loud enough to tease your husbands. ‘Leave Kenta and Namjoon to keep each other company.’
The males in question raised their brows at your gall, but you both smiled wide and unrepentant.
‘Something tells me,’ you started, softer this time, for Yuna’s ears alone, ‘there’s no place on Earth you could disappear to, that Kenta wouldn’t tear apart to find you.’
Her fingers folded between yours, keeping you close as an understanding passed between you. ‘Namjoon is no bodyguard, and he may be more civilized than Kenta,’ she said pointedly, ‘but I’d rather not imagine what would happen if his heart was ripped in two.’
Something inside you protested at the mental image. Any potential pain your husband could possibly go through, would hurt you ten times over. How you could feel so viscerally protective after such a big betrayal was beyond you –  but you knew it to be true. Nonetheless you sported a bemused expression. ‘Yuna Mei, are you growing soft? For Kim Namjoon of all people.’
‘It was bound to happen someday,’ she grumbled. You hid your smile.
‘Can I load the cake?’ Jin sidled up to the two of you.
 ‘Oh hell yes, that cake was divine,’ Yuna exclaimed.
‘Yes, please.’ You offered him a grateful smile. Safe to say the cake fiasco worked out in the end.
‘Y/n,’ Zwahn walked over when Jin was on his way, as the rest of the security team stood in a huddle not so far behind him for an impromptu meeting. ‘We’re gonna have to split up for now. Is it cool if Kiri and I follow Ken and Yuna home, and Yeon and Xan will tail you and Namjoon?’ 
It was a no brainer. ‘That’s fine. And listen, get Kiri to load up their change of clothes.’ It seemed that a second dress wasn’t necessary after all.
When he worked out the specifics of which cars would be taken, Zwahn went back to relay the plans and you turned to Yuna. 
Your best friend’s eyes were downcast. You tugged at the hand you held to get her attention. She still wouldn’t look up, or say anything –  so you let her be. Before long, she slowly swung your arms back and forth. ‘Promise me something.’
You answered instinctively. ‘Anything.’
‘We have not been tested with distance before. This here,’ she held up your interlocked fingers, ‘this is ours. It has to stay.’ She finally looked up at you, her red rimmed eyes saying more than words, ‘Promise me.’
You suddenly had difficulty swallowing. This was it. This was the reality of it. She was as terrified as you, that things would change. 
‘I think,’ you covered her hand with yours, ‘that we’re above the antiquated, time and distance fucking up a friendship thing. But things are going to change.’ It was an undeniable truth, a fact of life where acceptance was the only option. ‘I mean we’re both married now.’ You licked your lips. ‘I prefer to believe that any changes we have to deal with, will be for the better… or,’ you gave her hand a little squeeze, ‘we deal with it together.’
Yuna’s lower lip trembled. ‘I’ve never needed to second guess anything, y/n.’ She bit her lip and kept her emotions in check ‘Not my texts, not words or my thoughts. We’ve been through our Lana Del Ray’s and Harley Quinn’s and I know, I know I can get through life on my own with my husband. I’m strong like that. We’re strong like that. And they’re not hard to lean on.’ She offered a knowing smirk, so many ways that Namjoon and Kenta had ‘fixed’ things and solved problems, pillars of strength in your lives. ‘But knowing I have you there, knowing I can call you at anytime, and that I’m really not alone, even if on my worst day I feel like I am, I know I still have you, that makes life…’ you watched her contemplate as she mulled over her word usage, ‘... doable. It makes life worth sticking around for.’
A delicate warmth encased your heart and you felt the corners of your mouth turn up. ‘Your writer brain is showing.’ She scoffed and shoved at you lightly. ‘No seriously, that needs to be used in one of your movies.’ 
‘Bitch,’ she smirked, as she swiped at her eye. 
The teasing had to happen, or you would burst into tears and after the night you’d had, you know you wouldn’t stop.
You tightened your hold on her hand. ‘There is nothing that can truly change us. If it’s about time, we wait. If it’s about distance, we can make it work. But as long as it’s us, the two of us, we can make it work. We will always make our friendship work.’
The emotions on her face mirrored your own, and you didn’t want to feel so much, because it had to come out, or in this case explode, so you switched up the conversation. ‘When you’re pregnant you have to come back home.’
She shot you an incredulous look. ‘I’ll be back as soon as the movie is done.’
No, you won’t. ‘I know that’s the plan.’ You pushed your selfishness aside. ‘But wherever life takes you, when you’re having your babies… come back home. Because there is no way my goddaughter is growing up without me.’ It was not up for discussion. Yuna’s babies would be yours to love and protect, much like how their father had protected you. And you knew she wanted a girl, just as she knew you had always wanted a boy first. Whispers of name lists and their meanings, the number of kids, the types of families you’d want and how you would raise them… all remnants of a simpler time.
Yuna didn’t even contest your demand. ‘You’ll spoil her.’
Your eyebrows shot up. ‘Double standards.’
‘I’m the crazy one, remember.’ She replied, unfazed. ‘I have every right to corrupt your son. You need to teach them how to pay taxes and run companies and how to sneak out of the house after hours,’ her knowing smirk brought back memories. ‘You know, pass security without tripping the alarm.’
You shot her a cheeky smile. ‘I did do pretty well for myself back then.’ 
‘True, true, but you also didn’t have to contend with Kenta until you started working at the company.’
You purse your lips. ‘Fuck, it’s going to be hard to get around him.’
You remember how Kenta was when you wanted to see Namjoon. Trying to get him to lower his guard and trust that it was what you wanted was a rough patch that was hard to maneuver. If it was a mistake it had to be your mistake.
And you couldn’t truly be mad at Kenta – he only ever wanted what was best for you.
‘Eh,’ you shrugged, ‘I’ll make it work. And if we get caught --,’ you narrowed your gaze mysteriously and lifted your chin, looking down your nose at her like a dramatic movie heroine, ‘may the odds be ever in our favor.’
Yuna let out an unladylike snort. ‘You’re so goofy.’
You reveled in your ability to make her smile and turned over the conversation to a more serious note. ‘If anything, getting caught will prove just how wonderful their father is.’
Yuna’s forehead creased. ‘Speaking of father’s… about earlier… I want to apologize… I was out of line…’
‘No.’ You shook your head and squeezed her hands. ‘You weren’t. I would have done the same thing.’ Your lip quirked up on one end. ‘Sung is right over there,’ you pointed past your bodies to the music set up, where your mom was with Hobi. ‘You know, if you wanna apologize yourself.’
‘I would rather chew on glass.’
You sniggered at the disgusted expression on her face. 
‘You did good Kim Y/n.’
You shot her a confused look.
Her knowing smile made you feel… understood. ‘You didn’t think I would walk back inside and not listen in, would you?’ She pointed to the second-floor landing, the windows up there giving a clear view for the parking lot.
‘Of course, you did.’ You sighed, closing your eyes and dropping your head back, because you would expect nothing less. And Kenta wouldn’t pass up the opportunity either. Sneaks.
Her hand curled around your waist and pulled you close for a side hug. ‘I’m so proud of you.’
You basked in her love for you – feeling it truly. It was nice. To feel this happy. To feel this free.
‘You’re a badass, Y/n. You are strong, and you have a heart so undeserving of the pain it’s had to go through… you have every right to be happy.’
You swallowed hard to keep surface level tears at bay, and you really tried not to let them bubble up and leave your eyes… but as you pulled her in for a tight hug, two of them spilled over anyway. It was rare for you to be left speechless, but in all actuality, how could you even attempt to top that?
You weren’t sure what to feel. Not in this specific moment in time. Conflicted, because you had done her wrong by not trusting her with one of your biggest secrets. Angry, that the same secret had caused such a complication that you even had to hide something from her. But Yuna Mei had forever been a sudden calmness that promised a better day, a warmth that felt like sunshine in your chest, and at the best of times, peace was your own silence, and space was for you alone and your whole world could be crumbling into pieces… but Yuna just made sense. That love, you know which one, that feeling where you think you will always love more than the next person, you will always give more, feel more… yeah… she gave you that, she drowned the doubts and eviscerated any unwanted questions, she just was… Yuna fed you so much love that you knew you were not only filled but overflowing.
And maybe too much love and too many types of love and the word love was being thrown around so loosely, but what other word did you have for it and really what more could you ask for – other than another human being in a fucked-up world wanting nothing more than to be there beside you, with all parts of you, going through it all and wishing for you to be happy.
The hug with Yuna didn’t last as long as you liked, but there really was never a proper time to let go, or to be ready, or say goodbye. 
‘Now?’ Yuna pouted.
‘Nothing.’ You shrugged. ‘You had your food, you got your pictures,’ you tugged both her hands and emphasized your words, ‘you have your man… now…’ you start walking, leading her towards the entrance, ‘…you start a new life with the man you love.’
‘Ah, my favorite part of the night.’ Namjoon said as you met him at the doorway. He tagged along as you walked to the car parked right outside the entrance.
‘Which is?’ Yuna looked up at him brightly.
‘The part where I get to go home.’
You sniggered as she punched him on the arm.
‘What about the hall?’ Yuna pointed back over her shoulder.
‘We,’ you both turned to Namjoon’s right, as Jin sauntered over, the rest of the guys trailing behind, ‘have it covered.’
As Yuna got into thanking the guys and showing her appreciation for all their help, you turned to look over the hood of the car. ‘Ken?’ You called and got his attention. ’You good?’
From your position you clearly see him puff out a breath and motion for you to go around the car. When you finally stopped in front of him, he took your hands in his, much like Yuna did earlier.
‘I’m not one for words, y/n. You know this.’ His eyes implore you, silently asking you to bear with him. ‘And I know this seems dramatic considering I’m going to see you tomorrow, anyway. But I, uhm…’ he closed his eyes and sighed, ‘while I feel like this,’ he motioned with his hand, ‘I, I, uh–,’ he cleared his throat, ‘Yeah, so,’ he stopped and nodded his head, ‘I –.’
‘You suck at this.’ You declare.
He stopped and let out an earthy chuckle. ‘Yeah, yep, I am very bad at this.’
Your thumb caressed his knuckles, as you patiently waited for him to take another shot at it.
‘Thank you.’ He finally got the words out. ‘I want to thank you.’ His nostrils flared, the only proper facial indication that his emotions were rampant. ‘For this night, for this life… I mean you could have easily gotten rid of me when you did the takeover, but you opened up my life to so many people.’ He inclined his head toward the guys, ‘and so many possibilities.’ He lifted his head to Yuna, his gaze filled with so much love for your best friend that your heart threatened to burst open. ‘You have made my life… so much more.’ He then motioned to his back, his team, save for Yoshi, flanking him in solidarity to his statement. ‘In more ways than one.’
‘You are spoiled…’ You frowned at his new direction. ‘… and stubborn and,’ he dropped his head and laughed to himself, his voice laden with emotion unlike you’d ever seen, ‘you’re so fucking full of shit it’s unbelievable, but, ‘he lifted his head, ‘I wouldn’t have traded any of it.’
‘None?’ You ask.
‘Even now?’ You pushed.
‘Even now.’
Without warning you jumped up to wrap your arms around his neck and held yourself to him. You squeeze him in the biggest bear hug you could manage to give. ‘You have done more for me than you know, Ken and from here on out, it’s you and your happiness.’
You went to drop down to your heels again, but Kenta held onto your, his strength familiar. ‘If he ever fucks up again, I’ll bury him myself.’
A shiver raced through your spine, his meaning clear, and the extreme opposite of a joke. Only when he made sure the words sank in, and you relaxed your tense muscles, did he pull away.
You couldn’t be mad – Kenta had every right to be protective of you, but Kenta would also never actually kill Namjoon, he wouldn’t break your heart that way. He’d just really really want to.
‘I’m never letting you live this hug down, boss,’ you both looked over to find Xan’s camera pointed at you.
Kenta pointed a finger. ‘Delete it or I’ll shoot you.’
You pulled your lips together to keep from laughing when Xan lost his smile.
‘Y-you wouldn’t.’ The youngest in the team fidgeted, a hint of nervousness coloring his tone.
‘I dare you to find out.’ Yeon whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. Huru smirked at the good-natured jibe.
‘Fuck it,’ Xan muttered and showed his phone. ‘See,’ he clicked on options and then the trash bin, ‘deleted.’
You didn’t hold your laughter then.
Kenta had a ghost of a smirk with all the antics, ‘Y/n,’ he tugged at your hair playfully then moved to caress your cheek, ‘Please be on your best behavior while I’m gone.’
You winked at him. ‘Never.’
Only when you stepped out of reach did he turn to his team.
As you approached, you noticed Namjoon’s eyes and the hyung line sported big smiles, whilst the maknae line didn’t even bother to hold back their laughter. Looking at Yuna for confirmation, her eyes were in slits as she pointed a finger at him.
‘Yuna,’ your hand curled around her waist. ‘If you're done threatening my husband… ‘
‘Please,’ she snorted, ‘he hasn’t even heard the half of it.’
Namjoon made a face and stuck his tongue out at her. It was so unlike him that you had to stare. And when Yuna did the same back, you felt an odd sense of loss… because when will they ever be like this again.
‘Never thought I’d meet someone that would match up to Yuna’s level of childishness.’
Your heart turned to ice, a cold, cold thing spreading through your veins, somehow reminding you that this one aspect of life you would never grow accustomed to handling well.
‘Uncle Kwang,’ Yuna enveloped him in a hug. He returned it and pecked her on the forehead, not without meeting your gaze over her shoulder.
The observation Kwang made rubbed everyone that wasn’t Yuna the wrong way. A dig at his niece was good natured, a thing of family. But a choice comparison with your husband, however… that was a snide remark meant to put Namjoon down.
You weren’t aware that you were holding a breath, until a hand squeezed your shoulder and reminded you to exhale, a hand you identified as Jin’s since he was closest to you and Hoseok, always being your Hobi, stepped into your point of view, effectively blocking Kwang’s direct line of sight.
The slight acts turned you inside out, but you couldn’t show that sort of vulnerability -- not now.
‘I had to say goodbye before you left. I have an early flight tomorrow.’
‘Good riddance.’ You’re not sure which male mumbled the words, it sounded a bit like Taehyung, but that would be weird.
‘You’re leaving already?’ Yuna whined. ‘Stay a bit, stay until I leave for Barcelona.’
‘I can’t, sweetheart.’ Kwang declined.
Jin made a face at the term of endearment he usually used for you. ‘I have some things to take care of, I just wanted to be here for you,’ Kwang caressed Yuna’s cheek,’ I wanted to support you.’
‘Thank you.’ Yuna’s eyes rivaled the stars in the sky.
Kwang frowned. ‘You don’t have to thank me. I’m happy that you’re happy. It makes me proud to see what type of woman you’ve grown up to become. And I know your parents would be proud.’
You turned away. Kwang’s words for Yuna snagged a piece of your heart. He was right, and for those few sentences to your soulmate, you could truly thank him, but it also tugged at you, in a way you really wished it wouldn’t.
And the scary part was, that it wasn’t about the fact that Yuna missed her parents, or that your father had never that supportive or that you were never told those words of affirmation, it was utterly terrifying because an old part of you, a really deeply buried part of you, wanted Kwang to say those words to you. 
‘I’m just a phone call away, Yuna. You and your sister, you’ll never be alone. Always remember that.’
You’ll never be alone, y/n.
You swallowed hard against the thick emotion that crawled up your throat, the words being lurched from a poorly repressed memory, words that were actually said to you.
‘I’m never alone, I know that.’ Yuna looked back at you, and you offered her a shaky smile.
‘I’ll visit soon,’ she turned back to her Uncle Kwang. ‘You should visit me too.’
‘Of course,’ his condescending tone had you rolling your eyes, ‘I’d love to see Barcelona through your eyes.’
‘Take care.’ Yuna said into his shoulder as she gave him a genuine hug.
When Kwang stepped away from his niece, he turned to your group and gave you a slight nod of acknowledgement that had you pursing your lips. ’It was good to see you, y/n.’
Hoseok bristled but said nothing, and Namjoon, he had a sick smile on his face, that all but shouted to the receiver, to run fast -- and far.
Jin squeezed your shoulder again, Kwang’s eyes followed the movement, but it helped you hum a response back to Kwang.
Yuna watched in silence, and even when her uncle had walked a few feet away and she turned back to you, she didn’t question the exchange. You were completely grateful for the fact that she didn’t.
The band breathed a bit easier when Kwang was a few feet away. You could feel the collective exhale, and there was a comfort in knowing that these men had your back, they loved you and would protect you and be there for you -- it was an undeniable privilege and a connection that no one else would ever have with them.
Jimin moved things along by opening the car door for Yuna and you picked her dress up to help her into the car.
When he shut the door for her, you watched Kenta get on the other side and Jimin poked his head inside the car window. ‘Ken, I know,  I know you’re so tempted, but remember if you can’t hang the dress up, the least you can do is leave it in a pile on the floor – don’t damage the masterpiece.’
‘In other words don’t tear the dress.’ Taehyung cupped his hands and yelled over his soulmate's head and the chaos of ‘ooohs’ and ‘aaahs’ ensued.
Taking Jimin’s place after Yuna pecked him on the cheek, you gave her a once over and touched your forehead to hers. It said more than words ever could.
When you stepped back, it was in the waiting arms of your husband. Your body would know Namjoon anywhere.
You watched Zwahn and Kiri get in the car behind them. And you leaned into Namjoon’s strength, as you watched them drive off. You waved at the last bit of people left behind, Huru offered you a head nod and walked off and the groups parted ways, said goodbyes and went off to find their cars and go back to their lives.
‘I’m going round back to check on the hall staff.’ Jin said, putting his hands in his pocket and walking casually, like he owned the world. Come to think of it, he actually could in more ways than one. 
‘We’ll come with,’ Jungkook piped up as he and Taehyung started walking with him, ‘Seon-ho might need help.’
‘I need to round up the cables and deal with the music system.’ Yoongi sighed. Hoseok clapped him on the back and Jimin joined them to go back inside. As far as you knew, the main outlet was at the back of the hall near the storage.
‘Let me do a walk-through.’ Turning your head up, you pecked Namjoon on the chin before turning to walk toward the hall. 
‘I’ll be there in a minute.’ You waved your husband off. On your way you met the teams one by one, the decorators, the hall manager, clean up would happen tomorrow morning. Only faces you saw daily lingered.
The band, your parents for some odd reason, hadn’t left yet, Ria was back and the ones left to you for the night, Yeon and Xan. 
Watching each of the candles get put out, and the second-floor dim, you breathed a sigh of relief.
You were elated. Over the moon. On top of the world, as you walked to the bar for one last drink as they cleaned up. ‘A whiskey, please.’ You looked up at the ceiling, alleviating the kink in your neck, a good ache, a sign of a job well done. Even you could pat your back when the situation called for it.
But you were so caught up in your bubble of happiness you forgot to be aware.
You shut your eyes tight and breathed deeply, now angry, and so completely and utterly done with the fucked-up-ness of the day, of the night, of him… you were just fucking done.
‘Jae,’ you ground out, not wanting to look up, or look him in the eye. He definitely didn’t get in from the front. Which means he used the back as soon as he was out of sight.
‘You’re a hard person to get alone.’ You watched a hand be placed on the counter from the side of your eye. Typical. Still as overbearing as ever.  
You don’t say anything. Truthfully, you didn’t know what to say.
‘How have you been?’ He tried again, his tone haughty, as if he had every right to ask and every right to know.
You shut your eyes again. ‘Do we have to do this?’ You whispered, wanting nothing more than for this to already be over, or to run and hide, or just fucking disappear so that this exchange didn’t take place. ‘We both know, you want me to be miserable, And I don’t particularly care how you are, so…’
You looked up just as his lip quirked on one side. ‘Always so honest. Always so fiery -- a trait that made your iciness so necessary.’
Words. Words where if it came from any other person, you would have appreciated it. From him, from Kwang, where it was something he liked about you, it made you cringe internally to hear. It made you wish to hide that piece of you away, so he couldn’t have any access to it.
‘Although,’ your nose twitched at his soft tone, as if he had any right to school you, ‘Yuna wouldn’t want you disrespecting me, y/n.’
You grit your teeth. ‘She isn’t here.’ You finally turn to look around, wishing to catch one of the guys, or Xan and Yeon, or anyone. ‘But yes, she wouldn’t like it very much. So, if you could leave, we can stay out of each other’s way.’ 
He frowned. ‘That’s not very nice to say.’
‘You were literally on your way out.’
‘I couldn’t leave without seeing you, first.’
‘Jae,’ you huff, ‘my dad is here, so is my husband,’ you rushed to get the words out, needing him to be logical, before anyone saw, or anything happened, ‘and the drama is not necessary, and you’re done doing whatever it is that you needed to, so please, respectfully, please leave.’
‘I’m not done,’ he pursed his lips, the glint in his eye made you more anxious than you would like to manage. ‘I’m not here to complicate things. I just want to talk. We need to talk.’ He said with a hint of pressure. Making it seem as if it was necessary, reaching into some older, emergent part of you that would respond. You mangled the held back all your emotions, blinking rapidly, wishing none would show on your face.
He tilted his head. ‘Come on princess, you’re not still mad… are you?’
You huffed at the old nickname, and ‘mad’ was a motherfucking understatement. ‘Yeah, no, you know what…’ you grabbed your drink and turned to walk away. You didn’t need this shit.
‘Y/n,’ his hand gripped your elbow, but the force of you flinching back from his hold was so great that your heavy hand spilled your drink on your dress.
He grabbed a set of tissues and moved towards you. ‘Here, let me…’
You held a hand up, ‘No!’ You exclaimed a bit too loudly. You blinked and tried to get your breathing back under control. ‘Just… just, no.’
You didn’t wait for him to answer this time. You walked away, swallowing harshly against the panic that threatened to choke the life out of you. You just needed to suck it up and endure.
When you’re inside the ladies’ room, you tug at the towelettes in a panic, dampening it and then trying to get the whiskey off your dress. You put more water and rub at the stain. Logically, the alcohol had already soaked through, but you still needed to get the stain off. Sobs bubble up from inside you as you rub and rub and it just gets worse, and it looks ugly and you can’t do anything right!
You pat the dress harshly, thinking of how upset Taehyung was going to be when he saw the stain. You cover your mouth with your hand, and whimper as tears slide steadily down your cheeks.
You couldn’t do this. You absolutely couldn't do this! And you couldn’t explain why you couldn’t do this, you just couldn’t.
All he did was greet you. You smooth out your face and inhale shakily. All he did was attempt conversation, the worst was spilling the alcohol on your dress. There was nothing to be upset about. You were exaggerating and dramatizing your pain.
You looked at your reflection. Your mascara smudged slightly, your eyes red and your lip trembling. You’re fine, y/n! Don’t fake this shit. Don’t make it more. You had no right to complain, because others had had it worse – you should be grateful that it’s not worse.
They said they would be there. They said they would save you. They said you wouldn’t be alone!
Shut up! You banged your fist against the marble sink and doubled back at the pain that slashed through the side of your palm.
It was ridiculous to be mad at anyone. You were stronger than this, you should feel guilty, ashamed even, that you were wishing for any sort of save out there. You needed to endure as much as possible before asking for any help, and this wasn’t even worth their time.
You allowed yourself another slow, shaky inhale, and brushed any stray tears away. Relax. Breathe. Just breathe. You rubbed at the spot on your elbow absently, still feeling the queasy warmth from his hand.
The door on the side of you slid open and shut before you even had time to process what was happening.
‘I said. I Was. Not. Done.’
Taglist - @casnextdoor @jaysdimples @belliebelle @pinkcherrybombs @sweetjellyfishland @blushingatyou @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue @somewhereinthestarss @k-brownsugar @namsona17 @taejinxkoya @notsooperfect @zae007live @its-hopes-world @shina913 @bri-mal @piecesofapril11 @kissme-ornot @toriluvsfics @agustdmwah @lochness-butmakeitsexy @petalsofink @definetlythinkimanalien @masterpiecejoonie @gcintia @danietoww04 @roguesthetic @rjsmochii @amymikaelson @hello-kittyy @mschievous247 @onlythehobi @deliciousdetectivestranger @daddypkj @callmemadhatter @rkivecenter @codeinebelle @creolesoul2seoul @nochelunaxx @serendididy [closed]
Part 30 - Finale [N]
Part 30 - Finale [E]
Part 30 - Finale [R]
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dcbbw · 1 year
WIP Wednesday 3.22.23
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Hello, tumblr! I’m back with a WIP Wednesday; I promise you I am working on far more than the snippets posted below, but curious if there would be interest in dubcon/noncon UnRomance (we all know Liam’s an ass in this AU, but a boundary-breaking ass is a totally different animal) and the Mormon (FLDS) AU. Feel free to drop your opinions in the comments.
By now, you all know the drill: everything is in a state of draft and published version may differ.
It’s all below the cut. Enjoy!
Craving (A Maxwell story)
My eyes move behind the blindfold as I hear her faraway movements, as if I can see her. I can’t, but I envision her clearly in my mind’s eye. I picture her naked, breasts bouncing and the soles of her feet whispering across hardwood floors as she scrounges about for God knows what.  
I do know she’s in the kitchen; what she’s doing in there, I have no idea. I hear the whirring of the can opener, the slamming of cabinet doors, the rattle of dishes. I raise myself so I am sitting more flush against the pillows behind my back, imagining the look of concentration that infuses her expression when she's focused on a task: eyes narrowed in concentration, her upper teeth biting her lower lip, the back of her hand impatiently brushing bangs away from her forehead.
My cock stirs, and I wonder for the zillionth time how she ended up with me.  
After all, she came here for Liam.  
Untitled UnRomance
I look down at my sandwich, over at Liam, then back to my sandwich again as his words tumble in my head. He arches an eyebrow as he dabs at his mouth, clearing the curry ranch dressing dotting his upper lip.  
“Well?” He questions in a tone laced with impatience.  
“I … I d-d-don’t know,” I stutter, almost ashamedly. “What would I have to do?” 
“Absolutely nothing. For the next 48 hours, I control everything. Your personal affairs, how you spend your day … your body. The only changes from our day-to-day is that in addition to not having to make any decisions, you will no longer have a choice. You will do what I want, when I want. No questions asked, no consent needed.” 
It sounds like what we have now. Too much like what we have now. I stare at him as I chew meat, bread, and cheese knowing that there is a catch in there. A catch with no loophole.  
“But what if I don't want to? What if I say no?” 
He rises from his chair, gathering wrappers and used napkins as he does so. He glances at me briefly, a smirk lifting his lips.  
“Until Sunday Riley, it’s my body. My choice.” 
His stance, stiffly drawn up to his full height; his tone, cocksure and condescending; his very expression filled with an overt confidence and … mockery, perhaps lets me know I never had a say in the matter.  
Sister Wives (Mormon AU)—possible one-shot, but we’ll see
“YOU are going against the word of God!” a red-faced Barthelemy thundered as he thrust his face closer to Leo’s.  
Leo’s eyes flickered over the older man’s face as he calmly poured himself a drink. He noticed the specks of spittle dotting otherwise dry, skinny lips; thinning, gray hair; and dark -brown spots mottling the wrinkled skin near Barthelemy's temple. 
“With all due respect Elder, neither God nor Jesus has played a huge role in our church. What I am practicing is the word of the One True Prophet.” His hand gestured towards the framed wedding photos. “THIS is what Joseph Smith envisioned for his people, THIS is the life Brigham Young lived, how the true and faithful SHOULD live!”  
Barthelemy sat heavily in the cushioned armchair placed opposite Leo Rys’ desk. “They’ve already come for Warren; they’ll be coming after the remaining leadership next. The settlements are under surveillance as we speak. “ 
Leo’s lips thinned in anger, a frown of displeasure turning them downward. “Because cowards such as yourself kowtowed to governmental threats! If God loves you so much and Jesus saves all souls … what in the HELL did the Presidents and Quorums have to fear?” 
He slammed the tumbler onto his desk so harshly, splashes of brown liquid slopped over the lip of the glass.  
“Well, answer me!” he demanded.  
“We are a quiet people. We merely want to live in peace and happiness until it’s time for us to be called home,” Barthelemy's head was hung low, but his voice was firm.  
Leo snorted derisively. “Happiness isn’t politically correct. The sooner you people realize that, the better off we’ll all be.” 
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