#If it's gonna be so important there should be little pockets to help nations that are hostile to Britain to have it
da-riya · 1 year
Why no opium in Macedonia?
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Vic3 sucks since opium is the only medicen yet only India and China get it. I at least want to make some in North Macedonia cuz they have opium! They have opium on their coat of arms!!
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nariism · 1 year
i don’t dance!
pair. pro-player!ushijima x PR manager!reader
content: fluff, reader is his VERY TIRED PR manager who really deserves a raise, weak attempts at humour, no pronouns used for reader
synopsis. you need to teach ushijima how to waltz
wc: 2.2k
a/n: i eat the “teach me how to dance” trope up for breakfast, lunch and dinner. (also yes i absolutely did use a high school musical song as the title who’s gonna stop me)
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ushijima wakatoshi is what people typically refer to as emotionally unavailable.
he just doesn’t have the time to worry about trivial things like romance or feelings or anything of the sort. not while he’s trying to keep up with his rigorous training schedule on top of countless interviews and photo shoots that you, his wonderful PR manager, generously offer to help him prepare for.
it’s no surprise that this man - 6 feet and almost 4 inches of pure heart throb material - has yet to find a partner worth keeping around. not that he hadn’t had one night stands, per say, but being emotionally available for a committed relationship isn’t something he has on his mind right now.
although he isn’t exactly the type to be nitpicky about this kind of stuff, he does come off as cold if you don’t know him well enough (unintentionally, of course). people who he welcomes into his life simply find him too busy or too severe in his mannerisms to form proper relationships. thus, his friend group is kept tight, extending almost exclusively to members of the japanese national team.
ushijima keeps to himself and minds his own business. he doesn’t speak until spoken to, unless he has some opinion about other volleyball players you have to thwart. he doesn’t make a fuss about insignificant things. he respects his elders and works hard in every aspect of his life that involves his career. words are kept short and to the point, never sugar coated and he certainly never lies.
he specifically remembers one scenario in which an adoring fan had come up to him after a game while you were distracted with the press, and they had confessed their undying love to him much to his horror.
“could you leave me alone?” he had told them bluntly when they asked if he could please dm them on twitter, and you nearly died on the spot when the cameras all turned to the pair behind you. it was a horribly busy week for you, playing the role of damage control all while ushijima remained completely indifferent to the storm that was brewing on social media around his name and how he was trending for two whole days after the fact.
thankfully, the fan had gratefully accepted a bouquet of flowers ‘courtesy of ushijima’ (which he also almost vehemently denied online before you smacked him upside the head), and all was forgiven. it even made him trend for a couple days longer, but this time with everyone singing his praises. he should give you more credit where it’s due, because being a PR manager for someone so terrible at smiling for the camera is like hell on earth.
you had told him once that it was important to keep a good rapport with his fans, even if they were more forward with their advances than he was used to back in high school. he looked at you funny until you continued: “i’m not saying you should go off and date anyone who confesses to you, but could you at least be a little nicer?!” sounding extremely exasperated.
he didn’t even end up agreeing with you, too distracted by the way your lips moved while you scolded him to pay you his full attention.
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“tonight’s the gala. everyone will be there.”
“i know.”
“so why,” you hiss out the words through grit teeth, jaw tense as you pinch the bridge of your nose, “are you standing outside my house when you should be getting ready?”
he’s silent for a moment. you glance up to make sure he’s actually still standing there being stupidly handsome and that you’re not just dreaming he is. ushijima averts his gaze awkwardly, hands in his pockets as he contemplates whether or not he should say what’s on his mind and risk having you slam the door in his face in frustration.
(it’s happened before; once, when he told you he was the top reply on a post for asking what “smash” means and why everyone was commenting it under all his instagram photos. you slammed the door in his face then, too, but he could still hear you erupt into laughter from the other side much to his confusion.)
you’re looking at him expectantly, with a brow raised and your lips pursed as you wait for an explanation.
“it’s a gala.”
you close your eyes and take a deep breath, patience wearing thin. “i know, wakatoshi. i just said that.”
“it’s a gala, so...” he huffs, “i have to dance, don’t i?”
you look up again at his words, confusion written all over your face. you’re in the middle of getting ready yourself, dressed to the nines. not as his date, of course, though he’d asked you.
(“what did you just say?”
“why can’t you just come with me? it would save you the trouble of getting the extra ticket. it’s not like i’m taking anyone else.”
“i can’t- that’s-... it’s unprofessional.”
“oh. i see.”)
you take the opportunity to scrutinize his outfit, as your eyes always end up doing. you’re always observing him closely, hoping and praying he doesn’t do or say something that will get him cancelled. in his defense, he’s gotten better at keeping his mouth shut when he knows you’re sitting there stressed to all hell about what you’ll need to apologize for on his behalf that week.
not that he would ever admit it out loud, but he likes the attention a little bit. enjoys being fussed over, since he spends most of his time isolated save for the members of his team. and it’s not like you’re very secretive about your judgment of him. it’s your job, for one, but there’s an undeniable and genuine worry in your eyes every time he says something he shouldn’t. he thinks it’s fine that he indulges in your presence just a bit, especially since people have found him intimidating his whole life. it’s nice to talk to someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to him once in a while.
you sigh quietly. “yes, you’ll have to dance. why?” you open the door wider for him, a gesture he’s familiar with equating to come in. “you’re not planning on bailing ‘cause of that, are you?”
he watches as you retreat further into your house, probably to fix your hair one last time before you head out early. you always arrive to these sorts of events earlier than he does, and always in a separate car. you were insistent that he arrive either alone or with his own date, since it would reduce the risk of scandals questioning your seemingly close relationship with each other.
close is not the word either you nor ushijima would use to describe your feelings toward one another. sure, you were the one helping to manage his schedule even though the job description did not at all entail that, and you’re the one keeping him in line with the media. he even has you over sometimes for dinner after an especially long day. but no, you’re not close. work acquaintances at best.
“no, i’m not bailing,” he tells you as he trails behind, following you to the mirror in the hallway - the one hung up above a high table littered with trinkets from past events and some photos of you and your friends and family. you look at him with a quizzical expression through the mirror.
he stands rigidly behind you. the thought that it feels strangely domestic with you getting ready in front of him like this crosses his mind, and makes him grossly warm and fuzzy inside.
“i don’t know how to dance.”
you pause in your ministrations, hair that you meant to pin up falling back over your eyes as you stare at him with bewilderment. “you what?”
“i don’t know how to dance,” he repeats, though you heard him perfectly fine the first time.
“you... don’t know how to... dance...” you sound out the sentence slowly, hoping that you possibly misheard him. to your horror, he only nods in confirmation.
in your one year, three months and twenty-two days of working with ushijima, how could it have never once dawned on you that this 6 foot monster of a volleyball player doesn’t know how to do something as elegant as a waltz?
it’d never been a problem before. most events don’t include anything of the sort, and all the events you do attend with ushijima are to give out awards or give esteemed recognition to MVPs. but for a christmas gala, there will definitely be booze and partying and absolutely dancing involved.
for a second, he thinks you’ll keel over and place your head into your hands on the table like you usually do in these situations, or that you’ll start muttering curse words to yourself, or maybe you’ll scold him some more for never learning. but much to his (pleasant) surprise, you just laugh. and laugh. and keep laughing, until there are tears in your eyes. his poor heart can’t take it.
“what?” he asks, almost sounding offended. but his expression is still stone cold as you look back up at him, turning to face him this time. his breath hitches when the action causes a whiff of your expensive body spray to waft in his direction.
“i just wasn’t expecting you to say that,” you muse. he knows what you really mean is that you’re surprised he isn’t here causing trouble for you before this event like he always does, complaining like a child that he doesn’t see the point of attending. “why didn’t you just say so? it’s easy. i’ll show you.”
he stares at you momentarily while you stand there, hand outstretched as an offer to take it. he half expects you to yank it back and laugh in his face, more cruelly this time, but you just smile at him with the slightest tilt of your head. you sound so genuine that any hesitation left in his body melts away, and he awkwardly accepts your hand and waits for your guidance.
he’s stiff as a board as you pull his hands where they need to go, one resting on your hip and the other hanging in the air for you to take. “i’ll teach you how to lead first, okay?” he can only nod in response. you step forward once with your left, urging him to step back with your timing. then you’re shuffling over, gliding along the floor with ushijima trying his damndest to follow along, and then your feet meet again in a different spot.
he grunts quietly in concentration, watching your movements carefully and clumsily trying to catch up. it’s a simple enough motion, but he’s too big and it feels clunky to do this for the first time. you seem deeply amused by his confusion, and he glares at you quickly before his eyes are back on the floor.
“now you try. we can go slow,” your voice is soft. encouraging. so unlike your usual stern demeanor with him. “step forward.”
ushijima does so obediently, sliding his left forward to the best of his memory.
“good. now your right goes to the side and the left follows.”
he listens to you again, but his gait is much larger than you anticipated, and your back hits the table behind you with a gentle thud. he mutters something along the lines of an apology, but he seems too focused to realize the compromising position he’s put you in. you smile at him anyways, rotating around 90 degrees to give you more space to move.
“now again in the opposite direction.”
“this is too complicated.”
“this is the easiest motion...”
“i don’t like it.”
“you gonna keep complaining or are you going to dance with me?”
he stops in his tracks, boring into you with intensity in his eyes. you watch his adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows. “...what’s wrong?”
ushijima just shakes his head, and then his feet are moving again as he tugs you along clumsily. “nothing. but maybe you should be my dance partner for the rest of tonight.” you raise a brow at him in question, even though you can feel the heat rising in your face and all the way to the tips of your ears. he clears his throat, looking away. “wouldn’t want any bad press about my terrible dancing,” he quickly adds.
this gets a laugh out of you. “as your PR manager, i don’t think that’s the kind of negative press i’m supposed to be getting you out of.”
“and as a friend?”
another laugh, a little breathless. “yeah, yeah. fine. as your friend i’ll make sure no one knows how awful you are at this.”
he blinks down at you, unsure if he’s ever seen you so relaxed before. you’re always so high-strung about work and keeping his name clear. there’s a softness gracing your face right now and he doesn’t know how to handle himself or his racing heart.
okay, yeah. maybe he can try and be a little nicer to his fans to see you like this more often.
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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6 | Mr. Blue Sky
Pairing: Hinata x Fem!Reader
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Thursday morning you nearly jump out of bed. You and Hinata have planned to meet at the entrance of one of the National Parks nearby.
More than anything you could use a bit of fresh air so just as soon as you shower and grab a bit of food for breakfast, you head to your car to meet up with your date.
When you pull into the lot, you see Hinata looking down at his phone. His eyebrows are pulled in together like he's looking at something important. So when you step out of your car, you quietly walk over instead of interrupting.
As you draw near, Hinata looks up and turns off his phone. "Hey!" he beams as a giant grin grows across his lips. "Good morning, Y/N."
"Good morning," you smile back at him. You then pull him in for a hug before taking a step back. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah. Have you ever been here before?" he asks as the two of you start your journey.
"I've been to the park, but there's like trails and all that, too, right? I've never done anything like that before," you admit to him. "I think my brother has though."
"Shame on him for not showing you around," he teases. "This place is great. It's got marked trails for all kinds of levels. But maybe for today we should start with something not so steep?"
"Good idea," you nod. "It might be better to build up to it."
"'Kay, then let's try the red trail. It's a little long but it's pretty flat. I used to walk my dog this way before I had to give her to my parents 'cause, you know, traveling for work makes it hard to be a pet owner."
"Oh man, that sucks. I'm sorry you had to do that. I remember I had a pet once back in middle school. My mom loved our cat more than she loved me or my brother I think," you chuckle. "When she died my mom couldn't sleep for a week. My dad insisted we never get a pet again after that."
"That's harsh," he shakes his head. "Pets are like family. Sucks they don't live as long as we do."
"For sure. Maybe if we did get another pet my mom wouldn't be so bitchy all the time, though," you grin.
"She'd be too preoccupied with the pet instead of you," he chuckles. "Do you not get along with your mom?"
"Ah, she's just got this stupid idea in her head that my brother and I are her little puppets living the life she never lived. What's that saying again? Like helicopter parenting but worse..."
"Living vicariously through your child? Probably narcissism."
"Yes, that's it. God, if she's not narcissistic then I don't know what is," you shake your head.
"So you're saying you're nothing like your mom?" he then asks.
"Nothing at all," you reply.
"And what would you say that includes? Tell me a bit about yourself. I mean we only met last week," he shrugs.
"Uh, well, while I don't think I spend as much time in nature like you do judging by how much you know about this park, I do like being outside. It helps me clear my mind about shit."
"I do that, too," he nods. "And weed."
"Weed helps," you chuckle. "Man, I wish I had brought some with me after the night I had last night."
"Last night?" he asks as he stops walking and turns to face you. "What happened last night?"
"Oh, you know just the average family dinner that included my mom being a bitch and my dad acting like a toddler," you sigh, admitting the truth to him. Though it's a bit embarrassing to talk about how much you dislike your parents, for some reason, you can just tell he isn't passing judgment.
"In that case," he smiles as he reaches into his pocket, "I've got just what you need."
In his hand, he pulls out a small joint just like the ones Kotonoha always rolls.
"Oh shit, no way," you smile. "You're willing to share?"
"Yeah. And it's new, I promise. I was gonna have a smoke later on but I think it'd be more fun with someone to share."
The two of you then walk to the side of the path toward an old fallen down tree. You step over and sit down with your back to the path and the tree, your ass probably covered in dirt and leaves. Not that you really care when he's offering a free smoke.
Hinata sits down beside you and pulls out a lighter from the opposite pocket. He then hands you the joint, offering you the first hit.
As you place the rolled paper to your lips, Hinata lights the very edge. You then take an inhale in and hold for a moment before blowing the smoke out.
"That's strong," you cough out as you pass him the joint. You weren't expecting his stuff to be just as strong as Kotonoha's. It's like they've got the same dealer. But that wouldn't really be a huge coincidence if the dealer's got a good rep.
For awhile, the two of you sit and smoke until there's only a small nub left of the paper. Then, once it's gone, you continue to stay to talk and laugh about absolute nonsense until you hear the crack of a stick.
Your body jolts as you look around. Neither you nor Hinata have moved which means something else is around.
You turn around onto your knees and place your hands on the fallen tree, looking out onto the path.
"What is it?" Hinata asks as he crawls into the same position as you.
"Dunno. I didn't see anything. What do you think it is?"
"Dunno. I didn't see anything," he repeats.
Just then you hear leaves rustling from behind you. Once more you turn around and see a deer rush straight past the two of you. Your heart nearly beats out of your chest until your brain slowly processes what you just saw.
"Shit. That scared the fuck out of me," you sigh.
"Me, too," Hinata nods, gripping the front of his shirt. "Fuck."
The two of you look at each other in a scared shock for a moment before completely breaking down in a fit of laughs. You laugh so hard that tears begin to stream down your face. You're not just crying. You're absolutely sobbing.
When Hinata notices, he still can't stop himself from laughing, but instead wraps his arms around you and holds you close.
"I'm sorry," he repeats, trying to apologize for laughing while attempting to calm you down. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," you sob into his chest. "I'm alright."
Once you've calmed down, Hinata lets you go. You quickly wipe the tears away from your eyes and take a deep breath. "I think we should keep walking," you whisper to him. "I don't think I can handle another jump scare."
"Good idea," he nods. "We're still only at the start of the trail. You think you can walk the rest of the way?"
"Yeah," you respond as you stand on your two feet. "I think so."
"Maybe it'll help if you let me hold your hand," he smiles, reaching out his hand to you.
"Only if you promise not to let go."
"On my honor."
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bunnykawa · 4 years
what are you doing, step bro? (sakusa x f. reader)
summary: To your parents, Sakusa was the greatest son. To you, he was the best big brother you could’ve ever asked for, but you could only find that out with a little force.
a/n: i literally just started college so i won't have much time to write but i have some stories in my drafts that'll be posted in awhile lol. should i open requests for haikyuu drabbles since they're short but still entertaining?? idek i feel like no one is reading this rn LOL but if anyone is reading this, lmk ;)
(edit: I HAD TO REPOST THIS CS IT WASNT SHOWING UP IN TAGS so sorry if you already liked this post)
warnings: 18+, incest, mentions of drugging,  mentions of somnophilia, mentions of parental neglect, noncon/dubcon/rape, sakusa is a dirty pervert i just don’t know how else to tag this, degradation, slight manipulation
"(Y/N), this is your new big brother, Kiyoomi," your mother said, holding tightly onto your small shoulders as you stood in front of her.
"You can refer to him as your nii-san from now on." Locking eyes with you was an older boy with long black wavy hair, two moles on the right side of his forehead, and a white face mask on the lower half of his face which blocked his nose and mouth. How odd, you thought. You could tell he was disinterested with how his eyes were blank as he stared at you.
That was the first time meeting your step brother, Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Being four years younger than Sakusa, you two never really got along. Of course you had to respect each other, but there was nothing to really talk about other than when his volleyball games were or unfulfilling small talks. Sometimes he would make snide remarks, asking if you even showered when your hair was only slightly messy or if a smart word ever came out of your mouth when you stumbled over your words. Sometimes he was just mean to you in general to the point where you would cry. You always tried to ignore it, though. That was when you were younger. You couldn’t help that you weren’t that smart and he was your nii-san after all. Your parents would brush it off.
You celebrated his victories together, only because you had to. I mean, you were the younger sister of one of the nation's top three aces in high school volleyball. There was no way your parents wouldn't celebrate. He was their pride and joy.
Smart, athletic, incredibly attractive — everything you felt like you could never live up to.
Your own biological mom so obviously and painfully liked him more than you.
Before you even entered high school, Sakusa was old enough to move out and go to college where he continued to play volleyball. When he visited during the holidays, you still wouldn't have decent conversations with him. He would still insult you. It even made you cringe when you had to call him nii-san. Why address him as your older brother when he didn't even act like it?
But you dealt with it because you had to.
Fresh out of Itachiyama Academy, you're focused on studying for entrance exams for colleges in your area rather than what would happen if you ever had to see Sakusa again. But, you were expecting to see him very soon.
Gentle knocks are heard from outside your door and before you can respond, your mom is already opening it.
"(Y/N), Omi is coming today and he's gonna be here for a week. I have to go to the grocery store to buy food and I'm gonna run other errands so it's gonna take awhile," she says, leaning her head into your room. You respond multiple times with "okay" so she can leave your room sooner.
Textbooks and notebooks are strewn across your bed with you on your stomach, trying to cram as much information in your head as possible.
"That means I might not be here in time for when he comes, so you have to open the door and greet him," she adds.
"What about dad?" you ask with a grimace. The most you would do is say hello and scurry back into your room.
She rolls her eyes at you. "He's working late again. You know that, (Y/N)." With a sigh, you agree and she finally leaves your room after bidding you a "goodbye."
You can't remember the last time you saw Sakusa, but it was probably almost half a year ago. Ever since he left for college, your parents were even more distant towards you. They probably felt like they didn't need to worry about you because you weren't doing anything important.
When Sakusa came over, he barely acknowledged you and you were okay with that because it meant he wouldn't be bothering you.
But that didn't mean his blank stare wouldn't catch your attention whenever you came out of your room to eat or use the restroom. The atmosphere felt...very odd around him. You couldn't necessarily come up with a reason why.
Suddenly, you hear knocking on the front door. It had to be at least an hour or two since your mom left and the thought of who was waiting at the door made your stomach churn.
"Nii-san is here," you mutter to yourself as you got up to open the door. Right as you open the door, Sakusa was staring down at you with the same blankness in his eyes from before with his usual face mask. His hair was shorter than you remember.
Mindlessly, his eyes seem to scan your body before returning to your face, making you feel self-conscious. You were only wearing black spandex shorts and a loose tank top. Subconsciously, you rub your arm and step back to make space.
"(Y/N)," Sakusa acknowledges you in a deadpan voice. It's no surprise to you.
"Hi, onii-san. How are you?" You try so hard to be polite, but Sakusa seemed to have a naturally dominant energy that overwhelmed your senses, even if he also seemed to have the personality of a jar of mayonnaise. You step aside so he can come in. He wore gray sweatpants and a black windbreaker that was zipped up all the way. As soon as he makes it inside, he removes his face mask, stuffs it in his pocket, and starts unzipping his jacket.
"I'm good," he hums, "Where's mom?" He places the backpack he was carrying on the couch and takes a seat as you close the door.
"She's out doing errands and dad is working. Do you want some tea?"
"Yes, please. Make sure you wash your hands before you do. Thank you," he said. You walk into the kitchen, muttering "germaphobe" under your breath at his extra request. Unbeknownst to you, he watched you from his place on the couch as you walked around the kitchen, pulling the tea kettle out of one of the bottom cabinets and looking for cups. His gaze followed the outline of your ass in those tiny shorts that hugged your bottom tightly.
"What college are you planning on going to, (Y/N)?"
"I'm not sure yet, but I'm applying to the college you're going to and three others," you replied from your spot near the counter.
Sakusa actually perks up at your answer. "Oh, cool. You'll love it there if you get in. Only if, though. You're not the brightest."
You couldn't help but let your face fall in a frown at his seemingly small comment. Quickly, you compose yourself and brush off his remark. You got the water boiling in the tea kettle and reached high for the teacups that were sitting on the top cabinets. Your stepdad definitely put them up there.
A presence looms close behind you, which makes your whole body automatically freeze and tense up. A veiny, bulky arm reaches up easily to grab the teacups while another one snakes around you to pull your tank top down as it was exposing your stomach. You're not sure if you're imagining it, but you definitely feel something stiff brushing up against your back.
"You need to be careful. Don't wanna hurt yourself, do you?" Sakusa commented, leaning forward so his mouth was right next to your ear. A blush found its way onto your cheeks from feeling him so close to you.
He usually hated being so close to people. What was so different today?
"R-right," you stuttered, "Thank you, nii-san."
Confrontation wasn't a strong trait of yours.
You guess that moment was when it started getting really weird between you two. You still had small talks from whenever he would actually see you come out of your room, but you wanted to avoid him as much as you could. However, that was hard when Sakusa insisted that you drank tea together every night and, of course, your parents insisted, too.
Your nii-san wants to spend more time with you, they would say excitedly. Better late than never!
Maybe if he was showing the slightest bit of interest in you, your parents would finally care about you. So, with much hesitation, you started drinking tea with your step brother every night. Sakusa even made the tea himself so his poor little sister wouldn't tire herself out with carrying that heavy teapot.
You're still not sure if you're imagining things, but the tea tasted different from how you made it. And you swear that the tea didn't make you so sleepy after drinking it until he started making it.
"Come here," Sakusa would say with a smirk, "Onii-san will take you to bed."
You would pass out before you even made it to bed, but every morning you woke up with sticky thighs, only blaming it on sweating while you were sleeping.
Until one day, you didn't drink all the tea that he made you. You still fell asleep, though. Your brain was hazy enough to make you lose consciousness as he helped you up from your seat in the kitchen.
Sakusa laid next to you on your bed. You were placed on your side so he could slide under the sheets right behind you to press his hardened length against your ass. This was his favorite part of the night. He spent a few minutes playing with your cunt to make it slick enough for him to let his cock break through your walls.
You barely stirred awake. Didn't even move an inch as he caressed every part of your body, from your soft nipples to the sensitive nub between your thighs.
He pushed the elastic of his sweatpants down to his thighs quickly. His cock hit your ass before settling between your folds. A satisfied moan leaves his lips when he feels your wetness coating the top part of his shaft as he rubbed it against you. He hooked his arm around one of your legs so that you were spread open enough for him to fuck you and rub your clit at the same time with his other hand.
He wanted that sweet nectar completely coating his dick. He remembers the way you tasted and how you came on his tongue the night before, despite being blacked out from the little pills he would dissolve in your drinks. You tasted so clean and smelled so fresh. It was impossible for your nii-san to control himself around you.
And when did your ass look so good? God...Sakusa couldn't believe he never noticed how cute and well-shaped you were. You weren't that little girl he met when you were both kids. You were pushing adulthood now. Still pathetic looking, still too shy, still small around him, but fuck, he definitely would have pushed you over the counter the first day he came over and fucked you until you were crying and gagging.
He continued rubbing circles onto your clit and letting his cock soak up your juices. Gently, he positions the tip at your entrances and pushes in slowly.
"There you go," he whispers in your ear, "I know it's a little big. Don't worry."
He manages to fill you up all the way, making him groan. Your walls were tight around him. He thrusts in and out of you carefully, salvaging the feeling of your slick interior.
But you didn't drink all the tea, which means that you could wake up earlier than he expected.
Sakusa didn't expect you to wake up now.
You stirred slightly as you regained consciousness. Although your eyelids were heavy, you tried to force them open only to be met with darkness.
"Mmm," you croaked, rubbing your eyes. The odd feeling of being filled up suddenly made you wake up more. "W-what's going on?"
"Fuck," Sakusa muttered from behind you. You felt a hard chest pressed against your back and...a hand on your pussy. No, something inside your pussy. And that voice was so familiar.
You quickly whip your head around when the realization dawns on you. What the fuck is happening? While your eyes adjust to the dark room, you see two familiar eyes staring straight back at you. He stopped grinding his hips against you for a moment as if time stopped.
"...Nii-san?" you hesitated. His breathing was heavy and he stayed silent.
"Nii-san, what are you doing?" you asked in a panicked voice. You quickly tried to get up from your position, only to be held down by Sakusa’s muscular arms. His hand wrapped itself over your lips to prevent you from screaming.
“Be a good girl and stay quiet, (Y/N),” he whispered. A muffled scream tries to escape your lips. He continued to fuck you slowly, leaving a burning feeling in your walls. The same sore feeling that you would sometimes wake up to within the past few days.
For a moment, you pry his fingers off of your mouth. "I don't understand...Why are you...?" You yelped in surprise, horror, and pleasure as he delivered a sharp thrust from behind you. The smack of his hips against your bare ass made you cringe and feel so disgusted with yourself. Nii-san is actually inside me.
"My poor little sister," he chucked darkly. He suddenly wraps his arm around your knee tighter and forces your legs wide open, your knee almost touching your chest. Instead of putting his hand over your mouth to shut you up, he kneads your breast. His hands were so large.
"You think you can walk around the house looking like a little slut in those tiny shorts?" He stretches you open with his hard cock with slow, yet hard, thrusts. It left your mouth agape, but no sounds left your throat except for small squeaks that you couldn't hold back. "You stupid bitch. Just as dumb as I could remember. Fuck, you don't know how much I wanted to bend you over and fill you up with my cum like the stupid, desperate slut you are."
He was satisfied as you were barely fighting him. All you did was desperately search for something to hold onto and bite your lip because you were so scared. His words were painful. "Look at you. A waste of fucking space, only good as a fuck hole. Didn't even realize she was getting drugged and getting fucked every night because she's so fucking stupid."
Weak. That was all your brain was telling you, mocking you, as Sakusa didn't stop moving against you and insulting you. This wasn't the first time. It just so happened that this time you were able to wake up.
"I-I..." you stuttered, "I'll...I'll tell mom and dad." The sheets were gripped tightly between your fingers. "I'll tell them- mmmm...what nii-san has been doing to me..."
"If you tell mom and dad, they wouldn't even care," Sakusa said in a patronizing tone. The way his hand was caressing you made you wanna cry.
“They would!”
"Mom and dad don't even treat you like a daughter, (Y/N). When was the last time they told you they loved you?" Even if his question was rhetorical, your mind went completely blank. You can't recall a moment where they ever told you they loved you.
"B-but, this isn't right! You're not supposed to be doing this," you argued. It was a surprise that your mind wasn't completely clouded by how big his cock was and how his thrusts felt almost hateful.
"You think they would choose your side? You'd be ruining your own life. Maybe you'd ruin mine. And it'd be. All. Your. Fault." With each syllable, his movements became sharper. "You don't wanna betray your nii-san by saying something, do you?"
"You love your nii-san, right?"
You do. You love him so much, even if you tried to avoid him and he never said a single good thing to you in your whole damn life.
Because you have to love him.
You stopped gripping on the sheets to the point where your knuckles were turning ghostly white to brush away the tears rolling down your cheeks. Your body shook, from both crying because of Sakusa's painful words and how hard he was fucking you. The pleasure building up in your core was overwhelming you, making that intense feeling of having to pee forced out of you.
Hearing your sniffles and small cries, Sakusa pulls you even tighter against him, but doesn't stop his relentless thrusting. It turned him on even more. He pushes your hand to brush away your tears for you, like good big brothers should.
"It's okay, (Y/N). We both know mom and dad don't love you."
A loud cry erupted from your chest. Maybe if your parents cared about you, they'd be running to your room to save you the second you started crying. But, no. Sakusa was basking in the fact that you were hurting on the inside. After years of negligent silence, you were finally letting it all out.
"But nii-san loves you," he said with a smile.
Although his words seemed to stun your entire being, you manage to choke out a "What?" Like it was the first time someone ever told you that they love you.
His torturous thrusts almost distracted you. Fuck, why did it feel so good to have your step brother fucking you on your side like this?
"I love you." He sweetly grabs your face so you can turn your head to look at him. There was a pounding in your ears coming straight from your chest. A warm feeling spreads throughout your stomach.
"You...you love me, nii-san?"
"Of course I do." He was actually smiling at you, "If I didn't, would I be inside you right now?"
His face didn't seem so blank anymore. Sakusa never ever smiled at you. Hell, he never really smiled in general. Someone actually loved you. Holy shit. And he was even pounding away at your insides like you were a fuck doll.
Is that why he's so mean? Was he just trying to hide his feelings for you this whole time? You could die laughing right now. His cock felt so damn good rearranging your guts against your will yet you were struggling to accept it.
Your cheeks naturally puffed up in happiness as you smiled so brightly at him. The flip switched in your brain so easily. Without another word, Sakusa kissed you passionately, because he knew you would let him continue to ravage your body. Your hips began to buck from the pressure building up in your lower half and you starting pushing your hips towards him, welcoming his length inside you. It felt like you needed more of him. More of his love.
Love me.
"Nii-san," you gasped against his lips. His movements never faltered, which you figured was from his amazing athletic ability and stamina.
"Be a good little sister and cum on my cock," he coaxed. He could tell you were so close to cumming from how tightly your precious cunt was hugging his length and how you were squirming against him. You were both slick with sweat. As you started squirming more violently against him, Sakusa tightened his grip on you.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whined desperately, “Nii-san, I’m gonna cum!” You grabbed his arms and pushed your fingernails into his skin, making him hiss from the sudden pain. With a firm grip over your mouth, he muffles your screams. Satisfaction settled in your stomach as you exploded all over his cock. Your sweet juices trailed down your thighs onto the bedsheets.
As much as Sakusa wanted to, he couldn’t fill up your insides and see your hole dripping with his cum just yet. He quickly pulls out of you and lets his seed shoot onto the bare skin of your ass. The shock of your orgasm left your thighs trembling, your skin wet, and your eyes drooping.
“You’re the best little sister.”
You would’ve replied, but you could barely form any words as you lost consciousness again. When you woke up the next morning, you were fully dressed and cleaned up, with no stickiness between your thighs like how you used to wake up.
Sakusa actually cleaned you up this time. You felt your heart melt and butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Everything seemed to go back to normal between you two, with the same small talks and not really seeing each other often, but he always had a knowing smirk on his face whenever he saw you.
Whenever his eyes would trail up your body to meet yours, you could feel a warmth in your stomach spread all throughout your body which forced you to look away quickly. Whenever he insulted you, you would feel your thighs press together. Whenever you caught yourself admiring his features when he replaced his face mask for a new one, you smiled softly to yourself.
When it was time for him to leave, you couldn’t help but let a few tears shed. He was all set to go, with his backpack on and his mask covering his face.
“Hey, don’t cry, (Y/N),” he cooed, wiping your tears away, “You know I won’t be gone forever.”
You sniffled, “I know. I just hate being here alone.” Well, not necessarily alone. You just hated being ignored and neglected just because you weren’t your brother.
“If you manage to get into my college, you can move in with me. How does that sound?” You instantly perk up and dry your tears with your shirt.
"Really?!” you asked with excitement. You imagine all the things you could do with your nii-san without your parents in the picture. You could go out together, hold hands, share kisses, just about anything. He could even fuck you whenever he wants.
These thoughts about your own step brother would've made you feel sick before.
But that was before you knew Sakusa loved you. Now, you couldn't help but ask your mom when the next time your nii-san would be coming to visit. While you were waiting for his next visit, you studied hard.
College would be so much fun with your nii-san with you!
Part 2
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Sky’s the Limit
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Request: Hi! This is oddly specific so no worries if you don’t do it but I was wondering if you could do a Spencer X y/n where he (and the team) find out that Y/N has gymnastics training or trapeze training or aerial silk training and Spencer is just like 🤩 Thanks! Love your writing!!
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! I’m not gonna front and say this one wasn’t a challenge to think of a good concept for. All I knew is I wanted to make it about aerial silk because it’s such an amazing talent. To my surprise, this turned out better than I expected and I hope you really enjoy it! Btw do you do gymnastics, trapeze and/or aerial silk? If so, kudos to you! (Btw I left the song choice up in the air, but while I was writing I was listening to The Weeknd - Loft Music)
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!reader
Category: Fluff
Content warning: None
Word count: 2.8k
“I know it’s the weekend and all, but you’re sure in a rush, Y/N,” Morgan remarked.
You were running late for your dress rehearsal for your aerial silk performance at an open talent show taking place at National Theatre DC. You had done aerial silk dancing for years as a hobby. It was hard keeping up with it while working at the BAU, but an old instructor of yours contacted you about the opportunity. You thought it was a great chance to finally display your hobby to the masses.
“I’m running late for an appointment,” you said as you grabbed your bag.
“Oh? A Friday night “appointment” huh? Who’s the lucky guy?” Morgan asked.
You chuckled. “Not that sort of appointment, player.”
“Damn, I thought a certain someone finally made a move on you,” he said.
You were going to ignore his comment and be on your way, but you were curious about what he just said. You raised an eyebrow with a mischievous smile on your face. You went up to his desk and sat on the edge of it.
“Certain someone?” You asked.
He chuckled. “Oh yes, a certain someone. Matter of fact here he comes now.”
Morgan looked over your shoulder, so you followed his gaze. You saw Spencer walking up to you guys with a smile as he nervously latched his right hand onto his satchel strap. You didn’t think he liked you more than a friend, but according to Morgan it seemed as if you were missing something. So much for being a profiler.
“Hey, Y/N. Are you busy this weekend? I know you love classic French Noir films and they’re playing Pépé Le Moko tomorrow night, so I was wondering if you wanted to go watch it together,” Spencer asked.
You looked at him surprised before looking back at Morgan. He gave you his favourite expression: I told you so. You looked back at Spencer. He had an eager, glowing smile on his face. You were close to saying yes to him just by his enthusiasm.
You sighed. “I can’t this Saturday, Spence. I have a commitment I already have. I’m sorry.”
“Oh, that’s no problem. I should have asked you earlier,” he said.
“Yes, you should have,” Morgan chimed in.
Spencer gave Morgan a strong glare as he was getting ready to say something. Before you were put in-between another fight of theirs, you grabbed onto Spencer’s upper arm and gently squeezed. You were kind of surprised to feel a little muscle on him.
“Spence, have you been working out?” You asked.
He blushed. “Not really by choice. Morgan’s been forcing me to join him on his gym sessions.”
You looked over at Morgan. “You’re forcing Spence to work out?”
He shrugged and put on a sly smirk. “What can I say? I thought we should all gain as much upper body strength as you have, Y/N.”
“I don’t have any upper body strength,” you said.
Spencer grabbed your right bicep and gently squeezed it. You looked at him as he had his thinking face on. He soon noticed you looking at him which led him to let go of your arm and awkwardly clear his throat.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to do that. I was just admiring your bicep form. It’s well developed, even more than Morgan’s,” he said.
You giggled. “I don’t think my little muscles can compare to Morgan’s.”
“This time the kid might have a point. You have some serious bicep action on you. What’s your secret?” Morgan asked.
You hadn’t exactly told anyone on the team about your aerial silk training. You kind of liked keeping this certain talent hidden from the rest of the team. You were also nervous if you had them watch it would be the one time you’d mess up and break your arm. It was silly for you to think the worst would happen if your friends saw you perform since they were your safety net.
“I’ll tell you two another time, but for now I’m running late. See you two Monday,” you said as you picked up your bag.
“Have a great weekend, Y/N,” Spencer said.
You turned around and waved. “You too. Tell me how the movie is on Monday.”
“Will do,” he said.
You turned back around to make your way out of the bullpen. From behind you could hear the clacking of heels running towards you. You knew exactly who it was before you turned around.
“Y/N, hold on,” you heard Garcia say.
You looked at your watch. It was nearly six o’clock and you weren’t even out in the parking lot yet. You turned around and put up your wrist to show Garcia.
“Pen, I have to go,” you said.
“But I was wondering if you wanted to go-“
“Really, Pen, I have to go. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”
You rushed towards the elevator before she could chase after you. You didn’t want to be any later than you were already running. Whatever she had to tell you she would just text or call you about it if it was important.  
Your dress rehearsal went well and you were proud of your performance. You thought your choice of song added to the performance immensely. You felt as if you were dancing on air and you didn’t even think of all of your muscles having to work on overdrive to make sure you didn’t fall. You didn’t even think you worked this hard to take down an unsub.
You were on your way to the change room to get dressed and go get something to eat. You were starving since you didn’t have any time to stop and get food. Your food would have to wait a little while longer since you heard your instructor call out your name. You turned around to see him walking up to you.
“What’s up, Sam?” You asked.
“Well, I noticed you hadn’t asked for tickets for your guests. There are a few extra tickets if you have anyone to give them to,” he said.
You shook your head. “Thanks, Sam, but I don’t have anyone to give them to.”
He raised a questionable eyebrow. “Really? No one from your job? No friends you want to invite? Family?”
“My family lives in another state and so do most of my friends and the rest are busy this weekend. Thanks for looking out though,” you said before turning around.
“How about your coworkers?” He asked.
“They’re busy,” you said as you started walking away.
“Well, can you at least think about inviting some people? It would be nice if people in your circle could see how talented you are,” he said.
You stopped walking and turned around to look at him. He stared at you with such a proud expression on and you couldn’t help giving in to him. All he wanted was the best for you because he thought you were the best.
You stuck out your hand. “Give me the tickets.”
His face lit up as he reached into his pockets and pulled out the extra tickets. There were only two extra tickets. As you took them from him, you pondered on who you would end up inviting.
“Can’t wait for your performance tomorrow, Y/N. I’m sure your friends will enjoy it,” he said.
You smiled. “They sure will.”
With that little exchange over and done with, you went to the change room to get ready to go enjoy the rest of your night. It was the perfect night to grab some pizza, lose yourself in the universe of YouTube and fall asleep on your couch. What you really couldn’t wait for was relaxing all your muscles in a hot bath.
As you changed, you thought about the two extra tickets. It would be nice to have someone or in your case two people from the team to come by and watch you. In your head though you couldn’t get over this worry of embarrassing yourself in front of them. It was whatever to mess up in front of people you didn’t know, but in front of people you saw nearly every day was nerve-racking.
You took out your phone from your bag and went to your most recent text messages. You didn’t see a text from Garcia which meant whatever she had to ask you wasn’t that important or she found someone else to fill your spot. Either way you were glad she didn’t message you. You wouldn’t be able to bear her sad, puppy look if you rejected her invitation to any sort of outing.
You would ask Garcia to come but she seemed as if she had other plans in mind. There was JJ or Emily you could ask but JJ was busy on the weekends being a mom and Emily was always busy doing kid-free activities. Inviting Hotch or Rossi would be cute because they were like father figures to you, but at the same time you kind of liked them to be father figures from afar. Morgan probably wouldn’t shut up about your strength for weeks and encourage you to tackle more unsubs, so he was out of the question.
You opened your text conversation with Spencer. He liked artistic performances and according to Morgan he also liked you. It would be the perfect opportunity for you two to bond beyond work. Maybe you’d even take him out for ice cream after to celebrate. You’d have to make sure he’d take his Lactaid first though to make his ice cream experience enjoyable.
You started to type out the question you were dreading to ask anyone on your team. I’m performing an aerial silk routine. Interested in coming? I have extra tickets. You stared at it for a long while before erasing the whole thing and stuffing your phone back in your bag. You couldn’t gain the courage to do it and you knew that. You just took the extra tickets so Sam would stop begging you to bring people to the show.
In due time you would let the team know about your hidden talent, but your first public performance wasn’t the best time to debut it. You’d probably give the tickets to some people on the street and hope they would attend. You picked up your coat and bag to start your journey home. You had a long night of pizza, baths and nerves to overcome.
You paced back and forth as you waited for the act before you to finish. You were closing the show, so your adrenaline was pumping hard. The pressure you felt to end the show with a bang was unreal. You just wanted to represent the artistry of aerial silk as best as you could.
“Ready for your big break?” You heard Sam say from behind you.
You turned around to look at him. “Born ready.”
He chuckled. “With all that pacing you’re doing, it’s hard to believe that statement.”
“Oh, so you’re a profiler now too huh?”
“Not a chance. I’ll leave all that psychological horror to you, but I do know you’re nervous about your performance. I’m here to tell you you shouldn’t be, you’re amazing at what you do.”
You smiled. “I guess so.”
“Well, I know so. Especially with your friends in the crowd, you’ll feel even more confident.”
You were silent. He looked at you confused and then in shock. You quickly looked away from him before he could inquire about the tickets. It was too late for that plan though.
“You didn’t invite your friends? What did you do with the tickets?” He asked.
“Gave it to this lovely couple on my way home yesterday. Rachel and Keith are sitting in the front row as we speak,” you said.
“You what? Y/N,” he said in frustration.
“Do you hear that? I think I’m up next,” you said as you scurried on stage.
You walked to the centre of the stage and let your silks drop down to your sides. The crowd was cheering already which made you feel good inside. As you looked out into the crowd you could see Rachel and Keith, who were ecstatic to be there. You smiled as you continue to scan the audience with your eyes.
Your eyes widened when you saw a curly-haired man along with two blonde women, a dark-haired woman, a dark-haired man, an older man and a bald man. You squinted your eyes just to make sure you weren’t seeing things from the bright lights messing with your sight. It was true though, your whole team was there.
Before you could even process anything, the music started to play which meant your routine had to start as well. You decided it was time to just let it happen. Obviously some greater power in the universe decided to bring your fears to the light and have you overcome them.
You grabbed onto your silks and started to gracefully entangle yourself in them. You made sure your feet weren’t too loose and your hands were holding onto the silks tightly. You swung, you flipped and you dropped in one swift motion.
The cheer from the crowd was unbelievable. You had to admit it was even better knowing the team was cheering along with them. Sam might have been onto something when he told you the satisfaction of hearing the crowd cheer for you was worth it. All the nerves, all the rehearsing, all the sore muscles. He was right.
Every move you did, you made sure it was done flawlessly. You felt on top of the world as if you were floating in the clouds. Nothing was on your mind besides the lyrics floating in your head as you did your whole routine.  In no time you were done your routine and found yourself not wanting it to end. The only thing keeping you alive in the bittersweet moment was the crowd giving you a standing ovation. You even heard Garcia scream at the top of her longs with praise.
You bowed and then the rest of the performers came out on stage to take their bows. The crowd kept getting louder to the point where you couldn’t even feel your adrenaline pumping heart anymore. It felt amazing to drown the sound out with praise and love from everyone. Especially your supportive team.
After you got changed, you went out to greet the team as they stayed around after to wait for you. You waved at them with a huge, goofy smile on your face. They all started clapping for you again with big smiles on themselves.
“Glad you guys liked it. How did you even decide to come here?” You asked.
“Well, little speed boat, I was going to ask if you wanted to go to this talent show on Saturday, but you left so fast I didn’t have the chance to. I then proceeded to get everyone on board with me to come see the show and to our very surprise you were on the pamphlet,” Garcia explained.
You blushed. “Well, thanks for coincidentally coming out to watch.”
“Why didn’t you tell us about this before? We would have definitely come,” JJ said.
You shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess I was just nervous about messing up in front of you guys. I’ve never performed in front of an audience before, so everything was very high risk for me tonight.”
“Well, you pulled it off. Congratulations,” Hotch said.
“Thanks so much, sir,” you said.
“You did so great tonight, Y/N. Reid over here was so starstruck that I think he was drooling a little,” Morgan said as he playfully punched the side of Spencer’s face.
Spencer sighed in frustration. “Don’t listen to him, Y/N. I was not drooling, but I was definitely pleasantly surprised by your act.”
“He was totally drooling,” Emily said.
“Jaw on the floor,” Garcia said.
“Eyes wide in amazement,” Morgan said.
You smiled as they just kept describing how Spencer looked while you were on stage. You looked over at Spencer. His face was practically red, but he tried his best to hide it with his hand.
“Okay, kids, that’s enough bickering for the night. Dinner’s on me. I’m feeling for Italian,” Rossi interrupted.
“You’re always feeling for Italian,” Spencer said.
“I’m trying to help you get out of this situation and you’re coming for me?” Rossi said.
Spencer instantly looked away as if nothing ever left his mouth. Everyone else laughed as they followed Rossi out of the theatre. You and Spencer trailed along behind everyone. You grabbed his bicep again. Not to squeeze it, but to hold it close to you. He noticed and looked at you with his face still red.
“You know, even though Garcia, Morgan and Emily’s claims were exaggerated, I thought you were incredible tonight,” Spencer said.
You looked up at him and smiled. “I’m glad you think so. Seriously though, were you as starstruck as they claimed? Even a little?”
He smiled. “Maybe just a little.”
You giggled. “I’ll make sure to set up a VIP for you the next time I perform.”
He chuckled. “I’d love that.”
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onlydreamofmysoul · 3 years
Let Them Eat Cake: The Final
We made it! I want to thank you guys so so much for the fantastic support you've given this story, it means the world to me. Bake Off has a special place in my heart and so does this fic, so its been so great to share it with you all!
(Links to all previous chapters can be found pinned on my page under 'Let Them Eat Cake' or pop over to my AO3 - link in bio)
Without further ado, I give you... The Final!
This week on the final of The Great British Bake Off…
“It looks like you’re having a smashing time.”
“Tell us about your first kiss.”
“And the winner is…”
Remus Lupin was having a nice morning.
There had been nothing of interest to note, however he didn’t have an alarm blaring and he was warm and snuggly, so all in all, he took it as a win.
Until one Lily Evans took it upon herself to sneak into his room and throw herself on him like she was a kid on Christmas morning.
“Finals, finals, finals!” She exclaimed, managing to find a tone that was somehow both singing and chanting all at once.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Remus groaned, covering his eyes with his forearms. “Can I go back in time and just never apply to this fucking competition?”
Lily rolled off him, her big green eyes staring at him concerned. “What's the matter? Do you not want to be here?”
Remus peeked out at her. “No, I don’t want you to be here.” He smirked as she rolled her eyes, flopping back on the pillows next to him.
“Asshat.” She grumbled, hitting his shoulder with a light ‘thwack’. “I was worried for a sec.”
Remus grinned at her and then stared up at the ceiling for a long moment, only the sounds of their breathing and his heartbeat in his ears to keep him company.
Finals, they had made it to the finals.
He still couldn’t quite believe it. “Welcome to the finals.” McGonagall had said to him just before he left the tent, the words playing over and over again in his head, as clear as if she had said them yesterday.
(Which in fact, she had. This was the first time Remus would go to the practice tent and Tonks wouldn’t be there, but there was still an undeniable elation blossoming in his chest).
Five days until filming resumed. Six until the winner was announced. It didn’t seem real.
(But if this were a fantasy, Remus never wanted to return to reality).
“So where’s Sirius on this fine morning?” Lily asked, breaking the silence. Remus turned his head to look at her, completely relaxed and sinking into the bed. It would seem his lazy morning mood had seeped into her instead of her vibrant energy going to him.
“We’re not together every night.” He said, looking at the freckles splashed across her nose. They were darker now than they had been when they arrived. “We’re taking things slow.”
Lily just stared at him sceptically.
“It’s true!” He defenced. “We are!”
“You’re such a bad liar.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
Remus groaned and smacked her with a pillow. Victory.
“You never answered the question.” Lily said, muffled under the cushion. Or maybe victory had another champion in mind.
“Okay yes, he’s here most nights, but it doesn’t feel fast.” He defended, and it was true. Somehow it felt almost like they had known each other forever and yet still there was the thrill and excitement that came with everything being so new.
“It doesn’t seem fast either.” Lily reassured. “Maybe for others it would be, but I think it’s right for you two.”
Remus let out a little breath of relief. He hadn’t been worried exactly, but his thoughts had slipped in that direction a few times. More than anything, he just worried about scaring Sirius off, while still feeling secure in himself? Remus really didn’t know, the emotion centre of his body was really sending out mixed signals these days.
He had just decided to say fuck it to logic and stick to how he felt. And he felt good. Really good.
“Not that this little revelation wasn’t nice,” Lily said, “But you still haven’t answered the question I asked. Little tip? If this baking thing doesn’t work out, definitely don’t become a spy. If you were captured you’d accidentally reveal all the information without them even having to ask you.”
Remus groaned. “I hate you. He and James were hanging out last night.”
Lily grinned, satisfied and gave Remus another little shove. “Okay, come on I wanna go bake.”
“You’d think you’d have enough baking for a lifetime.” Remus grumbled but he got up all the same. In actuality, now that he was awake, Remus too was buzzing to get into the tent and get to work. “What’re you planning for this week?” He asked as he threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, having taken a shower the night before.
“I can’t give away my secrets!” Lily teased, holding open the door as Remus grabbed his key and they both swept out of the room and down the plush carpeted corridor.
“You are aware I’m gonna find out either way right? Cause if you still haven’t grasped that concept then I’m a little worried to be-”
“Oh hush,” Lily laughed, pressing her palm to Remus’ mouth. “I’m still not a hundred percent sure to be honest.”
They stepped outside, the cool crisp air falling over them, revitalizing them. Remus tucked his hands into his pockets and felt his shoulders hunch a little. His lungs liked the cold, the rest of his body - not so much.
“I’m not sure if I know what I’m doing either.” He admitted. “I have a few ideas, but none of them feel quite right, you know?”
Lily nodded as they reached the practice tent, pulling open the door. “Yeah I think that’s my issue too. There’s suddenly so much pressure and nothing I consider seems to be good enough.”
Remus sighed as he pulled two aprons off the hooks and tossed one to Lily. “I suppose we’ll have to figure it out.” He said, before taking out the recipe cards he had brought with him and began flicking through them for inspiration.
Five days. He could do this.
“Well, well, well, look who we have here.” Remus said with a grin as he trod through the grass, rounding the big oak tree to see Sirius waiting on their swing.
“I know,” Sirius drawled. “It’s almost like we planned it.”
Remus smiled, sitting by his side, holding the rope in one hand as he held out a Tupperware encased offering. “Want some cake?”
Sirius took the box gladly, his hair tied up but the wind had claimed a few loose strands, whipping them around his face like a dark halo. “Always. What kind?”
Remus tucked one foot into his chest, resting his cheek on his knee as he studied the other man. “Try it and find out.”
Sirius' lips quirked at Remus’ teasing tone, looking at the deep brown colour that really could only be one flavour. “Elderflower?” He joked.
Remus laughed and took a bite himself before holding out to Sirius. “Yes,” He said, completely deadpan. “That’s exactly what it is.”
Sirius smiled and kissed him, biting his lip as he pulled away. “You taste like chocolate.”
Remus flushed. “Don’t you mean elderflower?”
Sirius chuckled, rocking the swing a little more, tilting his head back to look at the twisting branches above them. “Look,” He murmured, pointing to a clump of twigs high in the tree. “A bird's nest.” Remus followed his line of sight and watched as a bird swooped overhead and landed in it gracefully.
“That was kinda cool.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t shit on us.”
“Sirius!” Remus exclaimed, elbowing the other man as he laughed. “Let’s hope your hair can take the hit and shield us.”
“Oi! My hair is what should be protected at all costs, it’s a national treasure. You know, I think I should replace you with Tonks, she knows the importance of hair care.”
Remus smiled, resting his head on Sirius’ shoulder, the fabric of his jacket soft against his cheek. “Tell me something I don't know about you.”
The wind whipped through the branches, but Remus wasn’t cold pressed up against Sirius. The tree sheltered them from the worst of it and the weather was slowly getting a little warmer, daffodils springing up all around the tent. There were many things Remus had always wanted but never saw himself actually achieving. Coming to bake off was one. Making it to the final was another. And perhaps the most notable - finding someone who might love him as much as he loved them. And yet, here he was with all three.
“When I was a kid, I used to want to be a dog so bad, I was always getting in trouble for wearing holes in my pants because I would crawl instead of walking normally. I even refused to answer to ‘Sirius’.”
“Oh yeah?” Remus asked, amused. “What was your alter ego’s name then?”
He could hear Sirius’ smile even if he couldn’t see it. “Padfoot. He was this big black dog. I got the idea after I read about ‘The Grimm’ in one of my cousin’s books and I guess it kind of stuck.”
“Padfoot,” Remus repeated, unable to stop himself. “I like that.”
“Your turn,” Sirius urged, nudging Remus lightly. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”
Remus’ heart fluttered, stomach rolling a little, he had news for Sirius, and had honestly engineered the entire conversation just to tell him, but now that the moment was here, he was getting nervous.
“I’ve been offered a job in London.”
Sirius froze under Remus’ cheek. “In London?”
“London, England?”
Remus chuckled as he sat up to look at Sirius’ stunned face, grey eyes wide, lips parted. “Yes, London, England.”
Sirius blinked. “But I live in London.”
Remus pursed his lips, trying not to smile too much. “I’m aware of this, yes.”
“You… we… we’d be living in the same country. In the same city.”
“That’s what I’m saying.”
“Remus motherfucking Lupin, that's the best thing I’ve heard all week.”
“Your flour is about to tip over.” Tonks commented, carelessly filing her nails over facetime as Remus ran around his station, trying to do several things at once.
“Oh my god Lupin, you’re a disaster, how did you even get into this competition?” Tonks teased as Remus caught the flour but promptly dropped it on the flour, a white cloud erupting, coating everything in a two meter radius in powder.
“Not very helpful.” Remus grumbled as he shook flour out of his hair and grabbed a cloth to wipe down the counter.
“I wasn’t trying to be helpful.” Tonks paused and looked at the recipe Remus had sent her. “You’re gonna need at least double the vanilla extract than what you have there.” Remus grabbed the recipe and looked it over, seeing she was right. “See?” Tonks said gleefully as Remus scratched out the original amount. “That was me being helpful.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but blew her a kiss, wiping the dusty screen of his phone which had not escaped the great flour disaster.
“Come on,” He said as he walked with his phone to the store room, as if Tonks had any other choice than to accompany him. “We’re gonna get some more flour.” He set his phone down on a shelf as he looked for the right flour, Tonks chatting away. If Remus closed his eyes he could almost pretend she was right there with him, the pair of them practising for whatever challenges they were soon to face.
“So where’s Lily on this fine evening?” Tonks questioned. “Don’t you two usually practice together around now?”
“Yeah,” Remus grunted as he picked up his phone, tucking it under his chin with his hands full. “But she was busy tonight.”
“No fucking way, she’s with James?”
“Well, I don’t know for sure.” Remus admitted, “But she sounded pretty suspicious.”
“Ooh.” Tonks gasped and Remus began carefully measuring flour and continuing where he left off. “All the Bake Off love this year.”
Remus laughed as he folded in his sugar, putting the batter in the oven before beginning to prepare the icing. “Oh hush you.”
Tonks just winked, sticking out her tongue. “You know you love me.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased as punch to welcome you to this year's Great British Bake off; the final!”
Sirius groaned, head tipping back at James’ enthusiastic introduction. “You did not just say ‘pleased as punch’.”
James feigned being hurt, placing a hand over his heart. “What would you prefer? Pleased as pudding? Pleased as pie?”
Sirius looked straight into the camera, his face blank but his amused eyes giving him away. “Someone please give me a new co-host, I can’t take this anymore.”
James laughed as he threw an arm over Sirius’ shoulder, the two of them easing the nerves of everyone in the tent tenfold. “Don’t worry Sirius darling, you haven’t got too long left with me because, like I said, we’ve reached the final!”
Remus smiled, hiding the hands he was wringing together under the table. It was the weirdest feeling - he was at once completely calm and so incredibly nervous. He couldn’t help but giggle at the antics of the infamous marauders and recalled that morning, lying in bed when Sirius had queried how much bullshit he’d be able to spout without any prior preparation. Remus had told him to go get ready but had promptly led them to activities that were in no way helpful to the rest of the day's events.
(It had been a good way to start the day though).
McGonagall and Dumbledore stood at the front of the tent, looking out at the eerily empty work stations, only three now filled. Remus and Lily were in the front two and Kingsley had come up to slot in behind Lily.
“We have a very exciting two days lined up,” Sirius said as he clasped his hands together, a natural in front of the cameras. Our bakers have no overall theme, so we’re going to get to see a little splash of everything!”
“For our signature challenge, our bakers have been asked to bake something that fits in with the theme of ‘final’’.” James said, taking his turn to speak again. “It can be anything from a cake inspired by the final book in a series or the last thing you had to eat, because tonight, there are no limits other than your imagination.”
Remus snorted and Sirius’ eyes found his as he elbowed James lightly. “Dramatic much.” He drawled before rubbing his hands together gleefully. “Are you ready?”
“On your marks,”
“Get set.”
Remus hadn’t realised how much he would miss Tonks in the tent. He had missed her all week, but it wasn’t as if they ever had much chance to chat while they were filming, so he had thought it would be a little easier. But the tent was unusually quiet without her clattering at her station, inevitably breaking at least one piece of crockery per challenge.
“It’s too quiet,” Lily murmured, echoing Remus’ thoughts. “I almost feel like we’re not allowed to talk.”
Remus chuckled, remembering exams in home economics when he had been in secondary school and the teacher who would happily dole out zero marks if she so much as saw your lips move.
He grinned, taking a bowl he didn’t need from his station and ‘accidentally’ dropping it on the ground, the ceramic splitting with a loud crack.
“Oops!” He said loudly, glad he hadn’t ever tried to go into the theatre business, he was truly a terrible actor, and ran to grab a broom, not without winking at Lily who blew him a kiss.
“Much better, thanks!” She yelled after him and he just chuckled, disposing of the broken bowl, but not without slipping a shard into his apron pockets to take home with him as a little reminder.
Sirius meandered over after a little while as Remus put a tin in the oven to cook the soon-to-be sponge fingers for his tiramisu.
“You seem to be having a smashing time.” Sirius teased, his eyes alight.
“James already made that joke a few weeks ago.” Remus said laughing as he poured double cream into a bowl. “It’s really not that funny.”
Sirius just stuck out his tongue and moved to the next station, but Remus knew that had it been just the two of them, it was far more likely that Sirius would have taken much offence to the attack on his sense of humour, and a good snog would have been needed to make up for it.
James arrived no sooner than Sirius had left, peering into the bowl of ingredients that Remus was whipping, looking very much like he was contemplating dipping his finger in for a taste.
Marlene arrived, camera on her shoulder, surveying Remus’ station, sceptically watching Remus grate his dark chocolate.
“So Remus,” She began, fiddling with the lens to zoom in on his hands. “What has tiramisu got to do with the ‘final’ theme?”
“Well,” He said, suddenly feeling shy, wishing he didn’t have to explain. “Tonks, Andromeda Tonks, that is, had been planning to make a tiramisu for this episode, but she unfortunately was eliminated last week, so instead I’m making it.”
Some of the crew members cooed softly and Remus rolled his eyes, even as he blushed. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m a big softie.” He glanced at Marlene once, smirking, then returned to his work, “Now fuck off and let me get on with it.”
“One of these days, Remus motherfucking Lupin,” Marlene grumbled as she walked away, not before snagging a square of chocolate to munch on, “One of these days I’m going to get you back.”
Remus’ dish was made pretty quickly, the most important part was leaving it in the fridge for as long as possible, so as soon as he had carefully layered the sponge and cream and chocolate of course, he set the fridge to the lowest temperature and put the big dish in. He had an idea of how he wanted to present it, but that all depended on whether or not it would be set properly.
He cleaned his station and set up everything he needed for when the dessert was set, but that only took ten minutes. Watching Lily and Kingsley rush around their stations while Remus had nothing left to do made him feel like he was back in school, the horrid panic of completing a test, thinking it was easy, then looking up to discover everyone else was still working intently. He put himself to work to avoid the fluttering in his chest, different to the loved up buzz he had been experiencing recently, no this tightness was more akin to the ‘oh no have I had ten shots of espresso’ variety. Remus wasn’t the biggest fan.
He made tea for the crew, including the judges and presenters, checked the progress of his dish, then made himself walk away from the fridge, lest he open it too often and slow down the cooling process. He chatted with Lily a bit while she worked and did an interview with James and Sirius, some more filler content now that there weren’t nearly as many bakers to keep up with, but the airing time of the show hadn’t changed.
“Need a hand?” He offered, turning to Lily who was crouched by her oven, gazing intently at her cake. “Nah I’m good.” She said, not looking up, “I don’t have anything to do until this little guy is cooked.”
“They never tell you how much waiting around there is.” Remus groaned, hopping up on his worktop. “I have been just sitting here for the best part of over an hour and I bet none of this is going to make the final cut.”
“You’d be right there!” Marlene chimed in, passing them on her way to video whatever complicated technique Kingsley was currently demonstrating. Remus raised an eyebrow at Lily, sighed and jumped off the counter. “I’m gonna check on my cakes now, thank you very much.”
Remus both loved and hated how there was no official ranking for the first challenge. He definitely loved it on days where he hadn’t done very well and didn’t want his failings it be broadcasted even more than they already had been, but today, with only three contestants left and the competition tangible, he wanted to know how much more impressive his next two bakes were going to have to be.
He supposed it didn’t really matter - he was going to do his very best no matter what.
Lily had made a cake shaped like a knitted hat, the piping terrifyingly realistic, in commemoration of the last hat her grandmother had made before she passed away. Kingsley had a coffee flavoured graduation cap to honour his girlfriend who was in her final year of college.
“We’re a bunch of sentimental saps.” Lily muttered to them both as they all walked out of the tent to go for lunch, the judges' praises ringing in their ears. They all seemed to be standing on equal footing for now.
“I know,” Remus groaned, throwing himself down on the grass under the sun. “I should have just done like, the final countdown or something.”
“Tonks is never gonna let you live this down.” Kinsley piped in.
“God, don’t remind me. I might just have to kill her before the episode airs, you know, save my reputation and all.”
“Oh, a spot of murder, how lovely.” James chirped as he and Sirius arrived, having been sent to retrieve all of their lunches, the three bakers claiming that they were too tired and as they always fed everyone else, it was time to switch it up.
James passed out sandwiches, pulling them from a bag, while Sirius handed Remus a salad.
Remus kissed Sirius on the cheek, “Thanks sweetheart.”
It took Remus a moment to realise what he had done, a moment more to remember that it was only Kingsley who hadn’t already known about their relationship. Kingsley who was looking very nonchalant and in no way surprised.
“Oh,” He said between bites, looking at Remus and Sirius’ panicked looks. “Was this meant to be a secret?”
Remus just burst out laughing, any tension that had appeared, vanishing in seconds. “I suppose we’re not very good at hiding it, huh?”
“Oi, speak for yourself.” Sirius jostled as he unwrapped his sandwich. “I’m an excellent secret keeper.”
“Alright everybody, welcome to the technical challenge of this year’s final!” James reintroduced them, everyone having returned to their stations, fresh aprons tied around their waist and judges standing at the top of the room watching over the proceedings.
“For our last technical challenge, the judges are asking you to make a classic sponge cake, but with a little twist.”
Remus eyed the mysterious pile of ingredients under the cloth on his table. He both loved and hated that blue and white gingham pattern, hated it because he wasn’t the biggest lover of surprises, and loved it because… well, because it was cute.
(Not every answer was super deep. The Pinterest boy in him was in love with the entire aesthetic of The Great British Bake Off).
“Our lovely judges have also requested that you make at least twelve meringue kisses to top your sponge cake.”
Remus raised his eyebrows in surprise - it wasn’t like the judges to add anything to something as classic as a sponge cake, but who was he to question? This was the final, anything was possible.
James and Sirius chattered on for a few more minutes, and then they were off, the three contestants whipping off their gingham cloths like a magician unveiling his assistant. Remus barely glanced at the vague recipe before setting off to make the meringues first. Their small size was deceptive and that’s why Remus thought the judges had included them - but they would take the most time to bake and cool.
He set about whipping egg whites and sugar as Marlene arrived by his side, taking a moment just to pan the camera over everything he was doing.
“Meringue kisses,” Marlene said, with a smug sounding tone. “Such a cute name. Go on Remus, tell us about your first kiss.”
Remus laughed, caught off guard, nearly spilling the extra sugar he was adding to the bowl. “Alright, which first kiss do you want to hear about? Cause technically I have a few.”
Marlene giggled with him and Remus felt like he was a schoolgirl, chatting about boys and kisses, like they were the beginning and end of everything. “The very first one.”
Remus could help but laugh again, shaking his head fondly at the memory. “It was awful.” he said, chuckling to himself. “I was thirteen and I kissed this girl called Mary on a dare.” He paused to look at the camera more directly. “Mary if you’re watching this, I’d apologise but we both know I’m right. That was a shit kiss.”
Remus grinned as he realised Marlene was going to let that explicative slide for the purpose of the story. Victorious at last.
“What about your other ‘first’ kisses.” Marlene prompted, overall looking thoroughly delighted by the stories. Remus paused for a moment to stop his mixer and run a spatula around the edge of the bowl to ensure everything was mixing well, before turning the mixer back on and stepping back.
“Well my first kiss with a boy was a year later and since my previous make-out experience consisted of the one kiss you already know about, I think it’s fair to say; that was pretty crap too.” He grinned at Marlene and started measuring the butter for his cake. “But it did solve the whole ‘sexuality crisis’ thing I had going on, so that was fun.”
He deemed his meringue mix whipped-enough so he carefully spooned batches into an icing bag and began piping tiny amounts onto a baking sheet.
“Then I suppose, there’s your first kiss with someone who really matters,” He said carefully, not looking up from his work. “With the person who’s so amazing that every kiss feels a little bit like the first one. Kinda makes you feel like every other kiss you’ve ever had was just practice for this exact moment.”
Remus was aware that his cheeks were a little pink, but then again, when were they not?
“And you’ve found that person?” Marlene asked softly, as Remus piped his last little swirl. He didn’t have to think about it, but he did suppose he should tell the person in question before quite literally broadcasting it to the nation. So instead he just winked.
“Sirius,” Remus said softly, later that night as they lay in bed, a movie playing in the background, Remus’ adrenaline still high from winning the technical challenge. “I know it’s early, so I'm not expecting anything back but since I might have just heavily implied it on national television I figured I should probably tell you that I’m in love with you.”
Sirius’ head didn’t move from Remus’ chest, instead he reached out and grabbed Remus’ free hand, pressing his knuckles to his soft lips. “I know.”
“You do?” Remus asked incredulously, trying (and failing) not to splutter.
Sirius chuckled, his voice deep. “Yeah, you said it in your sleep last night. Plus, I watched over the footage from today and I saw.”
Remus blushed. “Oh.”
Sirius twisted in his arms so Remus could finally see his eyes. They were sparkling and a playful smile twisted on Sirius’ lips.
“I love you too, you know.” Sirius said casually, as if commenting on the weather. Remus let his head drop back onto the pillow as a whoosh of relief escaped his mouth. Sure he hadn't expected to have Sirius say it back but this feeling was like nothing he had ever experienced before.
“Well no, I didn’t, actually.” Remus quipped, much to the ceiling’s amusement. “But it’s good to know.”
Suddenly Sirius was leaning over him, his hair falling around their faces like a dark curtain. “So are you gonna kiss me or what?”
Remus bit his lip, failing in his attempt not to smile. “Nah,” He said, a blatant lie as he raised himself onto his elbows and pressed their lips together. Sirius twisted so he could support himself on one arm, cupping Remus’ face with the other. “I loved what you said earlier,” He murmured against Remus’ lips. “About the first kiss thing. And I really, really love you.”
Remus just grinned against Sirius’ lips and pulled him closer. “Love you too. Now shut up and kiss me.”
“What’re you looking all smug about?” Lily teased, bumping their hips together as they strolled down to the tent. Remus had so many reasons for the butterflies in his chest, he could hardly stop his hands from shaking, but the smile hadn’t left his face since he woke up.
“Oh you know,” He said, waving his hand in feigned nonchalance. “I’m just a boy in love.”
“Fuck off, you said ‘I love you’?” Lily asked, her voice going up an octave.
“Mhm,” Remus confirmed, nodding. “So now you need to woman-up and kiss James fucking Potter like we both know you’ve wanted to do since the first day.” Lily looked as if she might protest, but Remus cut her off. “We both know I’m right. Plus, it’s fairly obvious that the feeling’s mutual, so for the love of all things holy, put the rest of us out of our misery and just snog the poor bugger.”
Lily laughed, even as she blushed and tried to shrug Remus off. “You know,” She started, shooting him a glare that was in no way intimidating. “I’m really not sure I like ‘in love Remus’.”
Remus just winked and kissed the top of her head, smirking wickedly. “I think we both know that’s a lie.”
“It’s here, the final.”
“We’ve already completed half of the final James.”
“Yeah but this is like… the final part of the final.”
“Someone please tell me why I’m friends with this bloke.”
“Anyways!” Sirius interrupted. “I suppose James wasn’t fully wrong. We made it to the final stretch.”
“It’s time,” James took over, “For my personal favourite challenge. The showstopper.”
Sirius clasped his hands together in front of himself and Remus had to stop himself from staring at the movement. “For our final showstopper, our judges would like to see you recreate a memory.”
“It could be anything,” James continued, “From a chocolate Easter egg to a fondue waterfall, but it has to be your own memory and most importantly, it has to be edible.”
“Otherwise; we’d be the Great British Fake Off.” Sirius quipped and everyone in the tent collectively groaned, which only seemed to spur Sirius on even more.
“If our bakers are ready, I think we’ll begin. Ready Prongs?”
“Ready Pads.”
“On your marks,”
“Get set,”
And maybe for the first time starting a challenge, Remus’ hands didn’t shake.
“Wotcha-makin?” Sirius asked, leaning around one side of Remus as James curved around the other.
“Cake.” Remus replied, not looking at either of them as he carefully evened out the batter in his tin before popping it in the oven. He then turned to face the two presenters, giving them exactly thirty seconds of his time for a round of rapid fire questions before he had to rush straight back into his work.
“What are you making?”
“A swing in a tree.”
“What kind of cake are you working with?”
“Mostly chocolate, but I have a few other elements working in.”
“What’s the memory you chose?”
Remus smiled softly. “One of my first real kisses.”
Sirius and James thanked him and left again, allowing him to get back to work. Remus had already filled Sirius in on all the details of his cake, he had even checked that it would be okay to use that idea in the first place. Sirius had just kissed him in response, enthusiastically and at length. The bakers had given all their details to the presenters and the camera crew before, so they could insert a voice-over effect to inform the audience of what was happening as the contestants were even more busy and focused than usual and weren’t giving too many interviews.
Remus had chosen several circular cake pans, in a range of different sizes and was going to stack all the cakes they produced on top of one another to create the tree trunk. The top of the tree was going to be made of a mix of white chocolate melted over Rice Krispies (with a little dash of green food dye thrown in) and moulded to look like the leafy crown of a tree in the summer. The swing would be the hardest to add, made of carefully moulded chocolate, Remus would have to be careful not to make the seat too heavy so that the ‘ropes’ and the actual tree itself would support its weight.
After taking all of his cakes out of the oven and setting them out to cool, and creating the swing set, Remus made the chocolate buttercream icing that would decorate the tree trunk. He carefully layered his cakes, using a knife to cut off the rough edges and make the cake slope gently upwards before slathering on thick layers of icing. Taking out a small, delicate knife, Remus carefully cut lines and patterns into the icing, aiming for it to look like the bark of a tree. Finally satisfied, he began melting the white chocolate to make the tree top.
“Looking good Re!” Lily enthused from behind her, forearms splattered in icing as she decorated her own cake, a letter with a bright red seal. Kingsley was working away too, apparently recreating the cover of the CD he bought the day his daughter was born.
“Celine Dion,” He had told Remus yesterday, chuckling. “I had never listened to her before, I don’t even know why I bought it, I just left the hospital with a need to celebrate and the music shop was the first place I came across. But what do you know? It turns out that my little girl loves it.”
Remus grinned at the memory, sweet even to him and admired Lily’s cake out loud. “It’s the acceptance letter to my college,” She was explaining to the camera. “I got a full scholarship, so it’s pretty special.”
Remus turned his attention to his now-melted chocolate and added the green carefully, not wanting to make it too light or two dark. He had found that five drops got him the colour he was looking for - the pale chocolate requiring that little extra for the colour to darken. He then added the cereal and stirred it in together, folding it in with his spatula.
He gave his hands a thorough wash again as he waited for the mixture to cool just enough that he could mould it, but not so much that it set, and got back to work, spooning the green mix on top of his tree trunk until there was enough for him to start shaping it. He attached the chocolate swing very carefully as soon as he was satisfied and brought it straight to the fridge to set.
And then he was done.
He looked around the tent, thinking surely this couldn’t be it, he must have something more to do, but no, there was nothing left. His cake was made and decorated and now only time could tell what would happen next.
Feeling a tad useless, Remus set about cleaning his station and clicked the kettle, fulfilling his tradition in providing the crew with tea. He had just made his own one when James announced the official ten minute warning. They were nearly done.
Suddenly Remus’ heart was in his chest. He had been impeccably calm until this moment, a fact that had surprised him but he hadn’t questioned as it was much easier to bake when your hands weren’t shaking and your heart wasn’t thundering. But all the adrenaline rushed into him now as he realised that one way or another, he was finished with the Great British Bake Off.
At the ‘two minutes’ call, Remus took his cake out of the fridge and gave it a final look over. He tweaked the carving in the tree trunk and double checked that the swing would hold its place and then Sirius asked everyone to step away from their creations.
Dumbledore and McGonagall re-entered the room. Remus’ pulse matched every step they took.
“Kingsley,” They called, and the man in question carefully walked his cake to the table at the top of the tent. Remus watched as the judges 'oohed' and 'awed', admiring the level of detail, right down to the serial number Kingsley had apparently memorised.
Lily went next, her piping skills on display, demonstrating her lovely cursive handwriting that read her own name and an edited home address, signed and sealed by the headmaster. In their practice bakes, Remus had seen many versions of the cake on display but he had no doubt that this was her best work yet.
Finally it was Remus’ turn, and he walked up to the front carefully, trying to keep his breathing even. He had a mental image of himself falling and his cake going everywhere but he batted it out of his mind. His cake was the tallest by far and god, he could only hope, the best.
Sirius caught his eye as they cut the cake and winked. To anyone else, it would look like a presenter trying to calm the nerves of a contestant, but Remus heard the words that had been whispered to him that morning as the sun rose.
“You’re gonna win this.”
Remus had blushed and batted him away, but Sirius had looked at him earnestly. “No, Re, seriously. They base these things on who does best that week. And you’ve already won the technical. If you go and blow them away today, just like you always do, you’ve got this in the bag.”
Remus blushed and hit his face in a pillow but he linked their legs together.
“Besides,” Sirius teased, rolling on his back and tucking his arms under his head. Cocky. “You’ve already won the best prize.”
Remus had playfully kicked his ankle and Sirius’ resounding laugh still echoed in his ears.
“Ah, Mr Lupin,” Dumbledore began casually as he picked up a knife, perhaps unaware that he held Remus’ future in his hands. “This is rather impressive.”
Remus swallowed as the slices were cut and set onto plates. “Thank you.”
“You have no adventurous flavours for us I see,” McGonagall observed as she picked up her fork.
“No,” Remus confirmed. “Chocolate is my speciality, and well, I wanted to keep it simple.”
That seemed to be all the commentary they wanted as they both nodded with a small smile and took a bite.
“Excellent Mr Lupin.” McGonagall said. And that was it. They were done. The judges thanked them all and retreated to the back room to do whatever it is the judges do and make some decisions. The cast broke into a round of applause and Remus tugged Lily under his arm, Kingsley joining the little hug soon after.
“Can you believe that’s it?” Lily asked them and the two boys just shook their heads.
“No more non-stop baking.” Kingsley sighed. “I don’t know if I’m sad or relieved.”
“Both.” Remus laughed. “Definitely both.”
“Okay you lot,” James interrupted. “We have a little something for you outside.”
They all grinned. As loyal bake-off fans, they all knew what was coming. They walked outside the tent to picnic tables set up and laden with the cakes they made that day, along with all the eliminated contestants of that year and the families of the finalists.
Remus beamed at Tonks before sweeping his mother up into a hug.
“I’m so proud of you!” Hope said to him as she gripped him close. Remus chuckled as he bent to half his size, squeezing her just as tight. “Thanks Mam.”
“Now introduce me to this man of yours.” Hope teased, speaking low even though the microphones were elsewhere and they were surrounded by noise. Remus flushed, but he beckoned Sirius over with a tilt of his chin, so subtle no camera could have caught it. Remus had told his mom about everything and she had been begging for more information, only just stopping short of looking up celebrity gossip, although she did send Remus one or two pictures of Sirius on red carpets with the caption ‘your children would be beautiful’.
Sirius looked more nervous than Remus had ever seen him, holding his hand out to be shaken, but Hope just pulled him into a hug.
“It’s lovely to meet you Mrs Lupin,” Sirius said, looking a little surprised as Hope cupped his face in her hands and gave him a proper look. Remus hid his laugh in his elbow as Hope patted Sirius’ cheek fondly. “You’ve got good taste.” She said to him, tilting her head towards Remus, who blushed.
“The best.” Sirius agreed.
“Remus!” Tonks yelled, tired of being ignored and pulled Remus’ attention elsewhere. “Your cake was brilliant!”
Remus laughed running his fingers through his hair, the pink staining his cheeks permanent it would seem. “Thanks Tonks.”
The bright haired woman just grinned and wrapped an arm around Remus before cheerfully introducing herself to Hope. Sirius excused himself as he had to go with James to chat with the judges and Lily joined them with her parents, Kingsley standing with his family and talking to Fabian about knitting of all things. They sat in the garden, the sun shining bright, a few fluffy white clouds lazing their way across the sky. They chatted about everything and nothing as they munched on an endless amount of cake, Remus just sipping on tea as he hadn’t had the foresight to make anything gluten free. He was distracted, Lily and Kingsley were too and everyone around them knew it, not minding when they drifted in and out of the conversation. As nervous as he was, Remus knew this moment right here was his favourite, living his literal dream, surrounded by friends and family. That even gave him a sense of calm.
Until the presenters and judges emerged from the tent, all wearing welcoming smiles that revealed nothing. They stopped at the table draped in a pristine white cloth and topped with three beautiful flower bouquets and an engraved glass cake stand. There was no big cash prize in the bake-off, and Remus loved that. It made it all the more endearing to him, and it only allowed for the most passionate bakers to enter, the ones who baked for the love of it, not for money.
For once, James and Sirius were quiet, not needing to grab anyone's attention as the focus was already entirely on them. The three remaining bakers lined up before them as they had previously been instructed by the crew, and then the judges began speaking.
“This year, we had the most wonderful collection of bakers,” Dumbledore started, having to pause already as the applause had already commenced. “And our finalists even more so. I do believe this was the most difficult final we’ve had to judge in a long time, isn’t it Minerva?”
“It was,” McGonagall agreed, nodding. “We had a truly fine selection and the most beautiful array of cakes today. But in the end, there can only be one winner.”
Remus was certain everyone in attendance could hear his heartbeat. Lily’s hand was clammy in his own.
“It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce that this year’s winner of The Great British Bake Off is…”
James and Sirius picked up a bouquet of flowers each, as did Dumbledore, McGonagall presenting the cake stand. Lily squeezed his hand, and Kingsley’s on the other side too he was sure.
“Remus Lupin.”
Remus blinked even as Lily threw herself on him in a bone-crushing hug, the judges approaching him to present him with his prize. Distantly he saw Sirius and James handing flowers to Kingsley and Lily, but he was in a daze. Dumbledore kissed him on the cheeks and McGonagall shook his hand with a knowing wink and suddenly Remus’ arms were heavy with flowers and expertly crafted glass.
Kingsley shook his hand, patting his shoulder in congratulations and James pulled him into a little side hug. Remus beamed at them, the crowd still cheering and clapping behind him as he reached forward and grabbed Sirius’ shirt, pulling him in for a kiss.
The crowd roared behind them and suddenly Remus realised where he was and what he was doing as he pulled away. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He said frantically. “I wasn’t thinking, I fucking shit- Christ- sorry!”
Sirius laughed and wrapped an arm around Remus’ waist. “I’m not. I love you, and I don’t care who knows. Now shut that filthy mouth of yours and kiss me, you absolute wanker.”
So Remus did.
The newspapers the next day had many headlines, but Remus’ personal favourite? ‘BRITISH BAKE OFF - STAR AND BAKER!’
The bakery was loud and busy and completely hectic and Remus loved every single second working there. Not a day went by that he wasn’t teased about his bake-off status and he was working on his degree here in London. Basically his life was everything he ever could have dreamed it would be.
“Remus, there’s someone here for you!” His co-worker, Katie, called from the front of the shop and Remus grinned, not even bothering to take off his apron as he wiped his hands against the fabric, opening the door with his shoulder, thanking Katie for the message even as his eyes scanned the shop floor.
Standing there in his leather jacket, his hands tucked into the pockets, motorcycle resting outside the door. “Hey,” He greeted, with a lazy smile. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” Remus nodded before freezing. “Wait no, I have to ice a few more pastries, they’re our best-seller.”
Sirius rolled his eyes laughing. “Oh,” He said, waving it off. “Let them eat cake.”
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Carrying This Imagination, I'll Go
The aftermath of the Inarizaki vs Karasuno game and how it affected y/n, their manager, and her relationship with the team.
Kita x F!Reader (but its pretty mild)
cw: female reader, attempts at writing Kansai dialect
a/n: i’m debating turning this one into a series, I have ideas and I've written some of it past this chapter but still it may be a while between chapters if I do. At least until work eases up and I’m not pulling overtime so much.
As the ball hit the floor you felt your heart lodge itself in your throat, grip white knuckled against the edge of the bench as your muscles screamed at you to move. There would be time for that later, you told yourself, blinking back tears as you watched your boys congratulate the other team before turning to line up and bow. The few simple words of thanks lingering in the air like the bittersweet sting of a wound. They filed out of the hall, a line of bowed heads and black jerseys, and still you couldn't let yourself move. Not until the coach rested a gentle hand on your back did you unfurl your fingers and slowly push yourself to your feet.
"C'mon l/n. They'll need ya around."
You nodded, exhaling a long sigh as you glanced towards the bottles on the side. "I'll get water."
You didn't see his small frown as you collected the empty bottles and headed for the taps, smiling at the other teams manager as you passed. 
"Hope to see ya around. Good luck."
She smiled softly in return and you could almost feel the burning jealousy of her team on your back. Not that you could blame them, she was gorgeous. 
"For once he's right." You chuckle. "Next year Shin, ya better be watchin' us 'cause we're gonna win Nationals."
Later you carried the newly filled bottles through the corridor, listening for the loud shouts of your idiots. You find them not long after by the stairs, just in time to hear the Captain's soft spoken admission and Atsumu's impassioned reply. You smile up at them, holding the bottles aloft.
"Yeah! An' when I'm a famous volleyball player yer better tell all ya friends that ya taught me!"
You shake your head and behind him Suna laughs, clapping one hand on the blonde setter’s shoulder. “Oh don’t worry Tsumu, I’ll tell everyone plenty of stories about you.”
You dissolve into full blown giggles, memories of the plentiful escapades of the Miya twins flashing behind your eyes and the bottles of water forgotten at your feet. You don’t see the way Kita’s face softens into a smile as he watches you, the pain of the loss softened a little by the antics of his team. Suna though, his analytical gaze doesn’t miss the affection in the captain's eyes, and he nods his head just a little at the older man. Eventually your breathing evens out and you wipe a few stray tears from the corners of your eyes, nodding towards the water bottles.
“Well I didn’t lug all this water here for ya to not drink it! It was a long game, grab a drink everyone.” You hand out the bottles with a smile, turning to glance over your shoulder once they’re all drinking. “When yer all done we’re heading back to the hotel, and you stinky boys are going straight to the bath.”
“Oi! We don’t stink!” Atsumu’s outburst sent water and spit flying all over Osamu and Aran, and you burst into giggles all over again as both men smacked him in retaliation, Osamu yelling at his twin for being a disgusting scrub.
Before another fight could break out between the Miya’s you heard Kita clearing his throat, levelling them both with a stern look. “A hot bath will do all of our muscles good.”
You offered him a soft smile in return and nodded. “See, Captain knows. C’mon stinky boys.”
Amidst the grumbles the team headed back towards the bus, you falling into step besides Suna with a chuckle. Gently you bumped your shoulder against his arm.
“You did real good out there Rin. Glasses really got on yer nerves huh?” You hummed, glancing at him sideways. 
“Hmm. Surprised you aren’t crying yet.” He chuckled, gently ruffling your hair. “You were sobbing when we lost to Itachiyama.”
“Later. Lookin’ after you boys comes first.”
“We had the same idea.”
The tears didn’t fall until you were washing the jerseys, as much as they didn’t really need them the next day it gave you some time to be alone. A place to cry, hidden from the boys you wanted to be strong for, the sound of your sniffles drowned out by the hum of the machine. Under the dull hum you didn’t hear the sound of the door opening, startling when the familiar warmth of a body filled the space beside you.
You relax, feeling lips press against the crown of your head as you nod.
“It needed to be done.”
Kita chuckles quietly and you can picture the small nod of agreement.
“Routine is important.” He agrees, lifting the washbasket ready to collect the wet jerseys. “Routine is the foundation that made me who I am.”
“And it makes ya happy.” You laughed.
“And it makes me happy.”
“I just… it felt like something I could do to help. I feel like I let ya all down, like-” you hiccuped, holding back a sob “I wish we had won.”
Strong arms encircled you, Kita pulling you into the warmth of his chest. One hand gently petted your hair, letting you tremble against him as you cried.
“I know. But, at the same time, I’d like to see how far those crows go.” His grip tightened, just a little. “The boys were talkin’ about watchin’ the rest of the matches, I think ya should come too.”
You nodded. “I’d like that.”
Watching games without the pressure of winning was a surprisingly good way to relax, and you were able to focus on the abilities of the other teams. Picking up plays that you could suggest to the boys, and making note of players who would be worth keeping an eye on for next year's competition. Inarizaki might be a powerhouse school but it was always worthwhile to keep an eye on the others. Kita and Aran had disappeared to watch Itachiyama with Omimi, while you, Rin and the Miya twins wanted to see Karasuno’s next match. The others had their phones, so wherever they’d wandered off to you weren’t too worried.
“Those two are scary even from here.”
You tipped your head back to smile at Osamu. “You two were pretty scary yourselves yesterday. But Nekoma are pretty terrifyin’ too.”
Rin nodded. “They’re a great defensive team.”
“Yeah. That middle blocker Captain of their is- holy shit! That Libero is so cool!”
You whipped your head around to stare at the two men who had appeared next to you, noting their white jackets.
“Um, bless you? Hey, yer from Fukurodani right? I was plannin’ to come watch ya play later, you guys are awesome.” You grinned, leaning across Rin to wave at the two men.
“Hear that Akaashi! She thinks we’re awesome!”
“I did Bokuto-san. Nekoma’s libero, his name is Yaku-san, and he is indeed very talented.” The dark haired setter, Akaashi, sat himself next to Suna and gestured for Bokuto to join him. “You’re from Inarizaki High yes?”
“We are, I’m l/n, this is Suna and those two behind us are Atsumu and Osamu Miya. It’s nice to meet ya Akaashi-san. And thank you for the information.” You nodded turning back to the match.
“Kuroo is cool too.” The grey-haired Ace sounded almost pouty.
“He is Bokuto-san. I’m sorry to hear about your loss to Karasuno, from what I hear it was a close game.”
Suna nodded, eyes focused on the middle blockers while you sighed and offered the two men an apologetic smile. You didn’t miss the way Bokuto muttered something about Akaashi wanting Karasuno to win but were polite enough to ignore it.
“Get back here ya scrub! Yer not having my onigiri!”
“Learn to share ya pig!”
With an irritated growl you shook your head. “Sorry, those are my idiots. Rin, if you even think about pullin’ out yer phone I’ll be after you next.” 
You vaulted over the chairs, stalking towards the arguing twins just in time to see Osamu preparing to kick his brother. With a grimace you put yourself between the twins, gripping each by the front of their shirts and glaring at them in turn.
“Oi, idiots! Yer gonna sit down and behave yerselves or so help me god…”
“But y/n!” 
“Don’t but me! Sit yer asses down and behave.” You narrowed your eyes. “And if yer not gonna listen to me, I’m sure I can get Kita to come here.”
Suna chuckled, slipping his phone back into his hoodie and nodding towards Bokuto and Akaashi. “And that’s why our manager is the best.”
“Agashee! Did you see that?!”
“I did Bokuto-san.”
“She’s so cool!”
You laughed, jumping back over into your seat and shaking your head. “Glad ya think so, dealing with those idiots had to have some upsides.” 
Akaashi made a small noise that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle before it was interrupted by a quiet beeping from his pocket. Sighing he stood and gently pulled on Bokuto's arm.
"Bokuto-San, we need to go prepare for our match. It was good to meet you all." He gave a polite bow and a soft smile, his reserved nature all the more striking compared to the chaos surrounding you.
"Come cheer for us l/n!"
"Likewise. I'll be sure t' come find ya when they finish." You grinned, waving the pair off. "Ya done makin' heart eyes Samu?"
"Shurrup, yer always droolin' over players." 
You shook your head. "I only 'drool' over one player, I just admire the rest." You huffed, ignoring the heat in your cheeks.
Focusing back on the match your heart felt lighter than it had done in a long time, here, surrounded by people you loved and the sound of volleyball, you came to a realisation. This was something you always wanted in your life. Volleyball was something you never wanted to leave behind no matter what.
The rest of nationals went by in a blur, Kita joining you for more matches than not once the pain of losing so early had dulled. You cheered for Fukurodani as promised, and joined the Miya twins watching the duo of terrifying first years from Karasuno. Every moment just cemented the idea that you wanted Volleyball in your life forever further and further into your mind.
Time continued moving forwards. You cried when the third years graduated, Suna took so many pictures of your teary face you almost threw the phone at his head. But the third years graduation meant the end of so many things, their patience and calming influence, the routines you had built up since joining the club, and your first relationship. Still time seemed to fly, the Miya twins made for surprisingly good leaders (officially Atsumu was captain, but you were grateful for Osamu being there to keep him in check no matter how many fights you broke up) and all too soon you found yourself at Nationals once more, earning your revenge against Karasuno for the previous year. Your unlikely friendship with the new Fukurodani captain cemented when the pair of you exchanged numbers on the first day. (Osamu had pouted over it for hours, and none of your insistence you were just friends helped).
University only fuelled your focus, managing the boys team there and watching them rise through the ranks. Joining in on practice to help them out and feeling the old familiar rush in your veins. You kept in touch with the other second years, thankful for their support when your family were disappointed in you. They were the ones there when you graduated, and the ones to throw a celebratory party when you landed a job with the JVA. And they were the ones there to keep your spirits up when a few years into your dream job it seemed like you were about to lose everything, even when they didn’t all know the details.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
the love club — miya atsumu
ten: eye for an eye
masterlist | prev. | next
a/n: i haven’t written anything in ages so my writing is trash rn, but hopefully atsumu and y/n being cute will make up for not updating two days ago 👉🏻👈🏻
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you could’ve sworn you had told atsumu to come exactly at 6:30 pm, sharp. any later, you would’ve left the cafe the moment your shift ended without a single text to inform him that your patience was waning. you figured that was most likely going to happen considering a little birdy told you that inarizaki’s volleyball team was going through their hell week as nationals was just around the corner.
at least, that’s what you thought was going to happen.
if anything, miya atsumu himself arrived thirty minutes before the time given to him. it was enough to cease your stirring suspicions of him being late and a good enough excuse not to see his smug face, but the unfortunate tides have come across and drenched you in ill-fate—all gross and a bit powdery too at this point.
“there’s a handsome boy waiting outside for you, (y/n).” matsui-sensei, the owner and head baker of pink elephant cafe, not to mention your boss announced as he barged into the kitchen, all loud and boisterous.
despite being nearing his thirties, your boss still acted childish from time to time as there was an notion of implicate suspicions in his tone with that smirk he wore on his lips, his imagination running wild as a boy never really asked for one of his best bakers (not to mention the prettiest) attention before.
you swiftly hid your phone in the back pocket of your jeans as you let out a sigh, “tell him i’m not here.”
“it’s a bit too late for that,” says matsui, adjusting the red bandanna tied around his forehead to pull back his growing black curls and to catch his sweat. “he told me that your meeting with him was important so i said him that i’m letting you off your shift early.”
“why the hell would you do that?” your voice raised a few octaves, but hopefully not enough to travel through the kitchen doors and into the bakery.
matsui held his hands up in defensive and he throw you a playful smile, “listen, i think i’m doing  you a favor, kid, considering that i’m pretty sure you haven’t even had a boyfriend yet.”
your eyebrows furrow in annoyance as you threw the rag you were using to clean the tables at your boss, yet he caught it before it could slap him straight on the face. “what makes you think this guy’s gonna ask me out, we’re literally just working on a project together.”
“trust me, (y/n), my intuition’s ringing.”
“unbelievable,” you scoff and you roll your eyes again.
“seriously though,” he continues as you make your way towards one of the blast ovens. the sweet aroma of blueberry muffins swiftly greeted your senses as you pulled it out with your mitted-hand, “you literally run a love advice hotline and never been in a relationship. don’t you think that’s a bit weird?”
you let the question simmer a bit as you didn’t bother to let the tray of muffins cool the full five minutes and you immediately attempted to pull them out of their metal molds. “not as weird as a grown ass man asking a couple of teenagers love advice.” you shot back, recalling how just over a year ago matsui had found out your other job.
the story was quite the funny one, actually, but long story short—you had forgotten to turn off the love club notifications during work and being the nosy boss he was, he ended up seeing his instagram handle right on your phone screen. there was certainly no way of excusing yourself from it as you ended up telling him everything. in the end, he didn’t mind as he was now engaged.
“hey!” his exclaimed, distracting you from carefully pulling out the muffins as you hissed out in pain. the tips of your fingers burned from the scorching heat of the freshly baked tray, appearing crimson and sore to the touch. matsui was too caught up in making a snarky comeback to even notice your quiet yelp of pain. “we don’t allow slander in this establishment, kid, now go before i fire you.”
you snort playfully at his words and you untied your flour-coated apron, hanging it up on one of the hooks near the doors before leaving the kitchen and into the bakery.
a deep sigh left your lips as you gently apologized for almost bumping into one of your coworkers who was making their way to get a customers order. the cafe wasn’t too busy, but was lively enough to certainly keep the employees on their toes. you almost felt bad for leaving your shift so early.
your eyes scanned the array of tables and chairs with slight fatigue before they landed on a familiar boy’s obnoxious blonde.
his broad back was towards you as he was slightly hunched over, probably from texting. you made your way over to him as you spoke over his shoulder, “you’re here early.” your tone was flat and uninterested as you watched his eyes widened the moment he met your gaze.
“hi,” was all he could say as you sat across from him.
you let out a huff as there was a stupid look on his face to which filled you with the urge to just deck him right on the nose to wipe that expression off his face, and yet, the feeling was suddenly replaced with a feeling too foreign for you to identify as he smiled a toothy grin at you.
oh god, help me now.
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in the end, you and atsumu had actually gotten a lot of work done in two hours. considering that you were just a conclusion away from finishing, you were genuinely surprised you only had three urges to fight this man the entire time.
you supposed it was the way atsumu almost seemed like he was in a rush, a mere kick in his step as he started typing away at his document in speed. it almost left your mouth gaping and your eyebrows furrowing in confusion how well this man multi-tasked from doing his work while maintaining a conversation with you. granted, they were quite the strange topics from who would die in a zombie apocalypse first (to which you said that you’d feed atsumu to the zombies in a heart beat) then jumping straight into both of your plans in the future after graduation.
as you two took in each other’s entertaining quips of stories and random tidbits that for once, you found yourself enjoying atsumu’s company rather than hating each waking moment of it.
but, you were obviously known for not being the most talkative in terms of your lack of wanting to overshare information about yourself that would most likely turn into some kind of self-imposed altercation. you simply sat there, adding small grunts of agreements, surprised gestures, and the occasional witty retort to match atsumu’s playful behavior.
some time along those two hours, matsui came by and dropped off a bowl of berries by your table that atsumu liked to steal. he would think that his quick hands would go unnoticed as he swiftly snatched at your snacks, but unfortunately for him, it’s as if he hadn’t known that you did in fact notice.
there was only two berries left in the bowl and knowing atsumu’s greedy ass, you gently placed your hand to rest on the brim of the bowl, waiting a few beats to past for atsumu to reach his hand out again only for you reach out at the same time.
“dude!” the setter exclaimed as you grabbed the last ones, “not fair, (y/n).”
you could only hold yourself back from a melting smirk as you only popped one of them in your mouth, “stealing the majority of the food is rude, miya.”
“as if getting them before i could is any better,” he retaliated. 
a breathy chuckle had escaped your lips as you held out to last berry for him to take. it was the one time you were actually going to be nice to this guy and yet he hesitated to even take it the moment his gaze fell upon your extended hand.
“are you gonna take it or not?” you say with a bit more authority.
however, you were immediately taken aback and atsumu grabbed your wrist and pulled it closer. the berry in the palm of your hand had fallen back into the bowl below as the boy before you looked at your red fingers. “did you burn yourself?” he asked gently, slight worry washing over his eyes as his gaze flickered back towards you.
you snatched your hand back from him as you shook your head, “it’s nothing.” you answer, taking your attention back towards the project in attempt to ignore the fact that your heart was suddenly racing much faster than before. you literally refused to meet atsumu’s eyes as you could feel the heat rushing towards your cheeks. having him see your slightly burned fingers was already embarrassing enough, seeing your tinted red cheeks wouldn’t have helped either.
your gaze that was locked onto your assignment swiftly flickered back towards him as you heard atsumu shuffle through his backpack to pull out a couple bandages. “i know it’s not much to help burns, but these bandages should at least protect them for the time being.”
three strips were slipped towards you as his a saccharine-sweet smile melted upon his visage. taking his offer, you took and placed one bandage at a time, slightly struggling with each finger until atsumu took the pleasure of helping you on the last one.
you felt your breath hitch in your throat as you noticed how his hands were great in size compared to yours. and despite being a volleyball player and assuming his hands would be rough and a bit calloused, they were much softer than you could’ve imagined.
perhaps you hated the way your urge to punch the living daylights out of atsumu suddenly morphed into a heart beat punching the living daylights out of your ribcage.
“thanks for the last berry, (y/n).” he muttered as his hands left yours and popped the last piece of fruit in his mouth.
oh god, please help me now.
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fun facts! —
matsui is a family friend so he had known y/n since she was a kid. he ended up hiring her the moment she turned 15 (they even have a handshake cause they’re homies)
akaashi, kenma, and tanaka have never actually been to pink elephant cafe and they’ve been trying to visit for the longest time
taglist: (closed)
@kitsunetea @bftsukki @gyubit17 @ushijimasbb @alyssasteaparty @angsty-microwave @pleasemelafook-outta-ere @katsuhoee @dinonerdsimp @kenchiko @sakusakymi @deimmortales99 @nerumiz @evphology @of-heroes-and-dreams @noeminemi @chaelysian @lunebiscuit @hanbinplanet @it-me-720 @differentballooncollection @iwaizluv @90s-belladonna @terushimasbitch @apollochjld @shephard17895 @tremendousglitterthing @kara-grayson04 @clowninfortodoroki @gra-hamcrackers @bloomkings @highlyanxiousintroverted @verymuchbabey @miyaosamoo @achly @randomidksomeone @newborn-weeb @mx-minxx @callums-keith @lumiriai @unstableye @lovedanii @kritiiiii @ushisama @kitakure @gaychemicalwater @akakuzumo @noiramor @tsumu-core @stardustanni @ikemenweebo (continued in the commented)
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am-imagines · 4 years
I see you. - Alex Morgan Imagine.
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Request: “ Can I request this: Alex and r are together and the team knows and then they come out to the public in some really cute or funny way and maybe you can also incorporate some supportive reactions from the team? ”
I hope I did it justice, guys. Thank you for the patience to those that are still around. I love y’all. <3
No Beta, so you know the drill here, but I tried my best.
Sharing a room with Alex during the World Cup was somewhat rough when you were barely able to look at her without blushing. You were crushing on her since the day you met, but it was never that bad until you were on the bed next to hers.
The awkwardness that overcame you around her was odd, considering you texted practically nonstop. You became good friends like that, and there was an ease on your conversations that you’d never experienced with anyone else.
You shared so many interests, even had a similar lookout in life. You aimed for the same goals and put in equal amounts of effort to achieve them.
None of that changed the fact that Alex was stupidly handsome. Her beauty smacked you on the face whenever you looked at her and that was your downfall. It didn’t matter what you did, your cheeks would end up flushed with color and you’d stammer total nonsense that would make her chuckle. Alex would inevitably get closer to make sure you were okay, and just like that you were a gay mess.
A thing you learned quickly about Alex is that she never quit.
When you were too nervous to talk, she filled in the silence with a funny story or a new song to listen together. Free nights became movie marathons or just quiet moments where you’d work the nerves away before a match.
Halfway through the World Cup it wasn’t a rare occurrence for you to fall asleep in her bed and wake up cuddled on her side come morning.
Pointing the exact moment when your relationship became more than a friendship was near impossible. It was slow, steady and swift. One day you looked at her and realized that she was more than your friend, and when you leaned down to kiss her, she met you halfway.
This was a new side of yourself and Alex; one that you wanted to enjoy without rush or pressure. No one really knew you were into girls to start with although your crush on her wasn’t exactly subtle. Then again, everyone had to be a little starstruck by Alex Morgan when they joined the USWNT.
Once you were World Champions, you had time to explore that relationship and everything it meant to you. It was both exhilarating and terrifying with all the media swarming you, and yet no one noticed the slight changes in your demeanor.
No one really asked, and you never told.
Perhaps you just weren’t ready to come out to the rest of the world. Maybe wrapping your head around some of the details was harder than you thought. After all, you were dating Alex Morgan, for fuck’s sake!
Maybe the longing looks, the lingering touches and the secretive smiles were a few clues for the team, but if they knew or suspected something, you couldn’t tell. They were a part of your family, and in the end, they wanted you to be happy above everything else.
They would wait for you to be ready, and once things went back to normal after the victory tour, you finally were.
“How are we doing this?” Alex asked as she played with your hair. “Livestream?”
You look up at her, your head resting on her lap as you scroll through social media wondering what the fuck you’re about to do. But a second later all your attention is on her, and you find yourself breathless once again.
She’s stunning in a million different ways but you preferred this one; soft and relaxed. That was one of the perks of enjoying a quiet weekend at her place in L.A. before you went back to your respective clubs.
It seems like the National team is fond of Live Streams but it isn't how you want to come out. First because you’d become a nerve mess before actually sharing the news, and second because it isn’t original at all.
If you are about to come out to the fans and sponsors out there, you want to do so in a way they’d remember.
“I don’t think I could do it even if I tried,” you finally say.
Then it dawns on you: humor is the way you handle most of the things that would make you uncomfortable otherwise. That’s not to say you want the world to believe your relationship with Alex is a joke, but there has to be a way to come out in a funny, quirky and clever way.
“We’ll see each other in a couple of weeks, right?” You ask trying to remember the exact date when your clubs will face each other.
“Yeah,” she pauses for a second and you look up at her curiously. “Speaking of, any chance I can steal you for a night while you’re in Orlando?”
“Well, Ms. Morgan, I’m pretty sure that can be arranged,” you tell her with a coy smile. “For now, there’s some online shopping to do.”
With a kiss on her cheek and all the hesitation on the world to leave her side, you finally go to the other side of the room to retrieve your laptop. After all, you’re in a very important mission. And NWSL is the kind of merchandise you’re looking for.
For some miracle of the Gods above, you find both your jerseys in stock available for shipping within 24 hours with an extra fee. You don’t mind paying a bit more to stay on schedule, and even when you technically still have time, you like to be prepared.
It’d be nice to get your items before you and Alex go your separate ways.
You’d be lying if you say having her autograph wouldn’t be nice too.
“What’s the big idea here?” Alex asks while you finalize the purchase.
Her arms found their place around your waist and she rests her chin on your shoulder so she can see what you’re doing. Your plan is still a secret, and you want to keep it like that for a little longer.
“You’re gonna have to wait and trust me for a while.”
The smirk never leaves your face even when you can feel her little pout. It doesn’t last long, the laptop is forgotten on the coffee table and you turn on her arms to face her. A moment later you’re straddling her lap, your fingers undoing her ponytail and combing her hair until she closes her eyes.
“For now, what do you say we stop worrying about the rest of the world?”
“What should we do then?” She asks, already leaning in for a kiss.
“I think you got the right idea.”
“All set?”
You scan the place one last time to make sure nothing’s missing from your bag. Nothing important since Alex has already claimed half your clothes.
Cellphone and wallet already in your pocket, and keys right on your hand, everything seems to be where it should. The rest of your things are packed and ready to go for the last flight home.
The Victory Tour ended on a good note, so now all you have to do is say goodbye to Alex.
Sharing a room with her was hard at the beginning, and you never expected that not sharing it anymore would be exponentially harder.
“Yeah,” you finally answer after patting your pockets once again. “I think-, I think I’m ready.”
But just like you, Alex doesn’t really move and when she does, it’s towards you.
You’ve never seen her move as fast as she does while crossing the distance between you. But you don’t comment on it, really can’t when her arms are around you in a second and her lips are on yours.
It’s soft and yet firm. The kind of kiss that makes you weak at the knees and all you can do is hold onto her shoulders. You move with her, allow her to take control of it all as you try to burn her into your memory.
You try to memorize the softness of her lips, the silkiness of her hair between your fingers and even that scent that is purely Alex. You try to take all of it in, but you only have a moment that is over far too soon.
Technology is your saving grace, and you’re not sure what you’d do otherwise. And yet there are things you can’t convey through the Internet.
“I should go,” you whisper against her lips.
It’s hard -almost impossible-, to resist Alex. So despite the pressing matter of time, you indulge in another kiss.
Just like last time, you melt into her embrace and you consider staying there forever. It’s almost as if time stopped around you. Almost. Your alarm goes off startling you out of the daze, and you can help the little jump that makes Alex chuckle.
A step back creates just enough distance to clear your mind, the action making Alex raise an eyebrow in amusement but it’s really not your fault. She has that effect on you, has been that way for a long time, and yet she still finds it amusing.
With a tap on the screen you take care of the alarm. And there you are, right where you were ten minutes ago.
Time to go.
“Right. So...here I go then.”
“And-,” Alex adds with an excited smile, “-we have a game plan for next week.”
“That we do.”
Next week you’re playing against different teams on different days which gives you the opportunity to watch each other’s match. It’s the first step on your plan. Coming out seems like a big deal, and bit by bit the pieces get in motion.
“No regrets, right?” You ask.
This is not just about you. As big as coming out can be, this is also the reveal of your relationship with the biggest face of the USWNT. Whatever backlash you can get from this, it’ll be worse for her due to her massive following.
So you have to ask her again if she’s sure about this, if she’s as ready as you are.
“Y/n,” she calls softly as she cups your face. “No regrets at all.”
“Good,” you said with a small voice, barely believing this. “That’s...that’s good.”
You’re on this together, and yet, it’s incredible.
Her match is about to start when you pull out your phone to take a selfie.
The pride colors look kinda odd on you. Maybe it’s because you spent the last few months only wearing the National Team kit, or maybe it’s because you don’t wear purple that often. But well, you’re not requesting a team trade, and it was your idea, so you can’t complain.
One of your friends already helped you take one picture of the back where Alex’s name and number are perfectly visible.
You’re practically shaking, but manage to smile as you snap the picture.
It’s something simple, really. Something that shouldn’t mean too much and yet, it does.
Pulling up your social media, you add both pictures.
  |Cheering for the Pride today. #13 show me what you’ve got. ;)
The wink is cheeky; it’s a reason for people to read into it and wonder if there’s something else going on. Which is…well, totally the point.
It’s funny to see the diverse reactions to your post. Some are confused about what you mean, some jump to call a trade that simply won’t happen; at least not that you know. But the press, oh they are ready to call it a rivalry.
It doesn’t matter how many times you two were caught on camera during the world cup being friendly. It didn’t matter if you two worked like a well oiled machine on the field during every match; Victory Tour included. They wanted to push the rivalry angle; fueled by the lack of a rebuttal from either of you.
You can’t help but laugh later when you call Alex to congratulate her. She truly showed you what she got with a couple of goals and the victory for the Orlando Pride. Those have been rare for her team lately, although you can’t blame them with so many key players also going to the World Cup.
However, the rivalry angle is fun to play with and in the end it’s the one you decide to push a little more the next day when it’s you on the field while Alex watches.
You’re already done with warm-ups and head out to the locker room to change into the kit when you hear your phone pinging with a new post. As expected, you find Alex’s post already blowing up despite it has been up for a grand total of two minutes.
   |I already showed you what I’m capable of. Now it’s your turn, Y/n.
Attached it’s a picture of Alex wearing your club jersey and although the number isn’t really showing, it’s more than obvious she’s wearing yours.
A chuckle escapes your lips while you shake your head. A question running through your head as you prepare for the starting whistle.
What the fuck am I doing?
A week later the press is going wild with theories about you and Alex. They aren’t sure what to make of it, but everyone has been talking about it for days. The upcoming match up between your clubs has served to add fuel to the fire, but you ignore all the fuzz of it as you prepare.
Last week you obtained the victory with a last minute goal to earn the three points. And unable to resist temptation, you had to make another post about it.
   |I’d say I’m pretty good at delivering. What do you say, Morgan?
   |TBD. See you next week.
The last part was a clue that no one seemed to catch on considering you were staying at her place instead of sticking with your club in a hotel. Of course, you didn’t share that bit of information and instead let the tension grow outside of your happy bubble.
This match is the moment of culmination if everything goes the right way. But playing against Alex doesn’t mean you’re going easy on her. If anything, being on the same field always pushes you to play the best soccer and be the best player you can be out there. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing the same colors or not.
Being lenient with her as a rival is the kind of mistake that could and would cost you a game. You just don’t underestimate Alex Morgan. And she better not do so to you or you’ll make her pay.
Adjusting the captain armband once more, you follow your team into the field and take your place just a few feet away from your girlfriend.
“Good luck, Morgan.”
“May the best team win.”
You play your hardest on that field; push to your limits and beyond, but in the end it’s a draw. Two a piece. Of course it had to be a draw. But you left everything there.
The game became physical and you tackled Alex as much as she tackled you in order to get back a lost ball. That’s part of your motto, not giving up even if it seems like a lost cause. And considering Alex decided to date you even when you couldn’t look at her four months ago, you’d say Alex doesn’t give up either.
Well that and the couple of new bruises you have after the match.
You’re a bit disappointed with the final score; you always want to win and carry that inertia into the next game. But it’s a fair result considering how close the game actually was. You two put on a show and the fans of both teams can see that.
“Y/n! Y/n! Can you give us one moment of your time?”
Looking at the person calling for you, you have to fight the smirk as you see it’s a reporter. It’s not hard to imagine they’ve been waiting for this moment since the first post you made a week ago.
“What a great game you gave us today. Are you disappointed with the result?”
You can see this is not really what they want to ask, but you don’t mind playing along giving your commentary to this question and a couple of others.
“One last question, the fans and everyone really, are wondering about this new rivalry between you and Alex Morgan. What can you tell us about that?”
“Oh, there’s absolutely no-”
You could feel Alex lingering around, listening into this interview while being interviewed herself by another reporter for a quote after the game. But it’s only when you’re in the middle of your answer that she takes the few steps to wrap her arms around you from behind.
“We’re dating,” she announces proudly and straight to the point.
“-rivalry.” You finish your sentence before shaking your head. “Babe, I was going to say it!”
“What’s stopping you?” Alex challenges with that smirk you absolutely adore.
“You’re impossible.“
“Yeah, and…?”
“And Alex Morgan is my girlfriend,” you answer with just a little grumble as you look back at the camera. “But we’re definitely winning the next game.”
“Not on my watch,” she counters before turning your face towards her to kiss you softly.
Whatever argument you had is gone just like that. But it’s hard to keep track of your thoughts when she kisses you. Hell, it’s impossible to think straight when she’s too close to you. That’s why it took you so long to actually talk to her.
Your relationship is still so new, and yet you can’t help but feel like you’ve known her for decades. The connection between the two of you is meant to last, and you’ve never felt your heart skip a beat as it does when you look at her.
You’ve never felt your heart hammer against your chest so madly; and that’s something considering you played -and conquered-, a World Cup. You’ve never felt so in peace as you do when you look into her eyes. You’ve never felt so happy, or so whole, or so seen...or so you.
Alex has the ability to understand everything you say, but words aren’t needed for her to understand you. In a short amount of time, Alex knows you better than anyone else in the world, and as scary as that might seem, it’s also the best thing in the world.
“If you’ll excuse us now...”
Surely there are a thousand other questions the press wants to ask. However, you have no need to stay on the field as you guide Alex back to the tunnel. The fans will be all over that interview in no time, and it’s bound to appear in every social media and every news channel.
Even with the anxiety starting to creep in, the doubts nagging at the back of your mind, you don’t let go of her hand until you have to. After all, you belong to two different clubs. But your goodbye will be short lived as you’re going to her place for the night.
Still, the time apart is a bit scary when you’re about to face the backlash of many, and perhaps the support of most. After all, you’re not the first couple -or the only one-, in the USWNT, NWSL or even women’s soccer around the world.
After another gentle kiss, you part ways to reunite with your team.
You’re hesitant for a moment; taking a deep breath to steel yourself before facing them.
As soon as they see you, the room erupts in cheers and whistles of approval. Then again, your crush on Alex Morgan wasn’t exactly a secret. And after the World Cup, they could see something had changed within you.
Of all the people out there to get you, your club got your back. And after you get a chance to check your phone, you notice they ain’t the only ones.
   |Rivalry, that’s what they call it now, uh?
Megan’s post goes along with a picture of you smiling at Alex at the end of a World Cup match. It’s obvious you were smitten with each other back then, and nothing has really changed.
  |We all know how Rivalries work. One of them has to end on top. If you ask me, my money is on Y/n.
Your blush is impossible to hide when you read Ash’s words, and that’s something that you won’t ever reply to. There are things that you simply won’t share with the world.
  |Wait, hold on. Did you guys seriously not know?
Sonnett asks in her post with several pictures taken during camp. Some of them are during team bonding or well...movie nights. It wasn’t unusual for either of you to feel particularly tired and ended up falling asleep in the same bed.
But you’re surprised to see that you cuddled before you were together.
Then, there’s the evidence of you sitting next to each other whenever you could. During breakfast, on the bus, on the bench, on the plane. At some there was hand-holding added, and you wonder, truly wonder, how you called that subtle.
  |Hottest couple out there. Sorry, Krashlyn.
Bit by bit, every single player of the USWNT has shown their support, and it acts as a wave to generate more support from the fans, and it’s so overwhelming that the few people brave enough to try and drag your name on the mud are immediately silenced.
The world is still far away from being perfect, but your friends, your teammates, your family, they sure make it better.
“Ready to go?” Alex asks when you meet her outside.
“Sure, as long as I end on top tonight,” you say with a playful wink that earns you an eye roll.
“You wish.”
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x f!reader) pt6
hello and thank u for reading this story!! i hoped u enjoyed last chapter and this one!!
Her father sat in his chair, her mother standing beside him. Both gave her a pleasant but sad smile. (Y/N) took her place on the other side of her father’s chair, trying hard not to think about how there was someone missing from their little family. Her father gave a wave to the servants to open the doors and (Y/N) inhaled a deep breath and put a soft smile on her face.
It immediately fell as Hahn strut into the room, his chin held high as he approached the Chief.
No one had seen (Y/N) in days. After Yue’s sacrifice, her father found her, and escorted her back up to the palace. With heavy hearts, Aang, Katara, and Sokka watched as she stared blankly ahead, looking at things but not quite seeing them. 
The gossip started from the servants within her palace. They told the people of the town that the youngest princess had locked herself in her elder sister’s room and refused to come out. They had tried to coax her out with food, and even paints, but to no avail. Many knocked on the door but received no answer. 
The only time anyone caught a glimpse of (Y/N) was the night of Yue’s funeral. She stood by her parents, dressed in robes of the darkest shade of blue, and watched as the elders of her tribe strapped her sister’s body to a raft and pushed it off to sea. Sokka had watched her that night, wondering if he should go say anything. By the time he mustered up the courage to walk over to her, she was gone, retreating inside the walls of the palace. 
(Y/N) spent most of her time curled in the blankets of Yue’s bed, her body in a tight ball. She covered herself fully, inhaling and exhaling the deep scent that was so purely her sister, it made her eyes water. At night, she dreamt of Yue’s bright blue eyes and smile as bright as a moonbeam. (Y/N) couldn’t bring herself to look out the window yet. She worried that if she did, she’d see Yue’s face shining down on her. 
She knew that eventually, she would be forced to return to the monotony of her everyday life. But she couldn’t. Not yet. It broke her heart to wake up each morning and remember that her sister was gone. (Y/N) had grown up learning about the evils of the Fire Nation, but now she had a hatred in her heart that was so searingly strong, it hurt. If it weren’t for the Fire Nation, her sister would still be alive. 
Aang, Katara, and Sokka tried to visit her every day, multiple times a day. She wanted to see them too, but she was scared that if she saw them she’d be brought back to the day she lost the most important person to her. She feared that she would break down all over again and she absolutely loathed crying in front of people. 
It had been a few days since Yue’s passing when (Y/N) finally decided to pick up the tray of food the servants had left for her outside of Yue’s door. She didn’t know it, but voices rejoiced all around the castle when they learned that the princess had finally eaten. A few days later, she had agreed to be bathed by her servants. They were much more gentler with her than they had ever been before, and while (Y/N) hated being pitied, she didn’t mind them actually being kind to her.  A few days after that, she was informed by her father that she had a visitor. She finally felt well enough to accept company and hoped desperately that it was either Aang or Katara. She didn’t blame Sokka for her sister’s death by any means, but goodness, it hurt to even think about looking at him. He cared about Yue too, she could tell, and she wasn’t quite sure if she’d be able to hold herself together around him. 
She still dressed in her darkest blues to show she was still in mourning, but she actually brushed and braided her hair before she leaving. As she left Yue’s room, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her eyes were rimmed red and puffy from the nights she spent crying. Her cheeks were inflated from her tears and her lips were chewed raw from when she lie awake thinking about all the possible scenarios of how she could have saved her sister. (Y/N) blinked at herself to remind her that she was real and then walked to the main hall of the palace. 
Her father sat in his chair, her mother standing beside him. Both gave her a pleasant but sad smile. (Y/N) took her place on the other side of her father’s chair, trying hard not to think about how there was someone missing from their little family. Her father gave a wave to the servants to open the doors and (Y/N) inhaled a deep breath and put a soft smile on her face. 
It immediately fell as Hahn strut into the room, his chin held high as he approached the Chief. (Y/N) looked at her father, who just shrugged as if to say, “I don’t know, either.” 
“Chief,” Hahn said with a bow. “I wanted to personally give you and your family my condolences for the loss of Yue.” 
(Y/N)’s fingers twitched at the mention of her name. It infuriated her that it was coming from his mouth. 
“Thank you, Hahn,” Her father said. “We appreciate it.” 
“I also know that because of how close Yue and I were, she’d want me to do everything in my power to take care of your family. That’s why I’ve come today.” He bent down on one knee and reached into his pocket, pulling out a thin piece of dark blue silk with a light blue charm attached to it. “I’d like to ask for your youngest daughter’s hand in marriage.” 
(Y/N) could barely comprehend what she was hearing. Her ears rang as the anger inside of her boiled over. Her fists clenched and unclenched as she turned to stare at her father. He, too, remained shocked by the words that had just come from Hahn’s mouth.
Then, (Y/N) turned to Hahn. 
“I will never marry you,” she said, her voice so low and icy cold that it sent a chill through the room. The water in the pots surrounding the walls sloshed back and forth. Hahn rolled his eyes. 
“Come on, (Y/N). Yue would want you to do what’s good for the tribe.” 
“Don’t come here pretending like you care about our tribe. You don’t care about anyone but yourself. And do not act like you could even possibly comprehend what Yue would or wouldn’t have wanted. You didn’t know her!” The pots were rattling against the floor now. 
“Don’t you think you should, like, calm down? You’re kind of making a scene.” 
“You think this is a scene?” (Y/N) inhaled a deep breath. “I’ll give you a scene.” 
As she raised her arms above her head, the water from inside each of the pots shooting upwards in large, swirling columns. She maneuvered her arms so that the water splashed down on Hahn. Then, once he was soaking wet, she lifted it all back up around him and held him in a swirling ball of water. She froze Hahn inside of it, leaving his face free so he could breathe. 
(Y/N) walked right up to him as he panted to catch his breath. He glared at her, his eyes hooded from exhaustion. “You...you’re dishonoring her memory.” 
(Y/N) reared her hand back and punched him square in the nose. Hahn shouted in pain as his blood dripped to the floor. She heard her mother and father gasp from behind her, but she didn’t care. She ran out of the palace as fast as her legs could carry her. 
It was the first time she had step foot outside of the palace in days and the brightness of the sun blinded her. She blinked furiously to help her eyes adjust but she didn’t stop. Her steps led her into the city and in her disorientation she crashed directly into someone, sending them both to the ground. 
“Ow!” Shouted the voice. “...(Y/N)?” 
She rubbed at her eyes and blinked away the dark spots to look at the person she had collided with. Sokka sat just a few feet away from her, looking just as confused as she felt. (Y/N’s) eyes shot wide open with surprise as she scrambled to her feet. She grabbed him by the hand to pull him up. “Sokka! Thank goodness! I need your help!” She started running and Sokka struggled to keep up with her. 
“Woah! What’s going on?” He demanded as (Y/N) took him down alleys and rounded corners.
“I need to hide!” (Y/N) hissed at him as she led him around the back of a coat shop, up its stairs and onto the roof. It had high walls which she forced Sokka to sit against. They both leaned against the cool ice, trying to catch their breath. 
“Is there a reason why you dragged me halfway across the city?” (Y/N) nodded. 
“Hahn came to the palace and proposed to me.” She flopped on the ground and stared up at the blue sky. Sokka blinked at her. 
“He did what?” She nodded. 
“And then I kind of waterbended him and froze him in a block of ice.” 
“Is that blood on your glove?” 
“Then I punched him in the nose.” Sokka laughed in disbelief. 
“You disappear for days and the next thing I know you’re wreaking havoc across the town.” (Y/N) rolled over on her stomach and shook her head. 
“Not the town, just Hahn.” She sat up and grabbed Sokka by the hands. It was definitely hard staring at him, but the adrenaline that still coursed through her veins helped suppress the feelings of sadness that were creeping in from the back of her mind. “I need you to do something for me.” 
“Anything,” He said, a bit too quickly. (Y/N’s) eyebrow quirked up but she decided to let it slide. 
“I need you to take me with you when you guys leave the North Pole.” Sokka let out a large sigh. 
“(Y/N), I don’t know...” 
“Please, Sokka! Hahn’s the first suitor I’ve had but he won’t be the last. And I know for a fact my parents aren’t gonna let...” She paused to swallow down her tears. “What happened affect my life forever. I’m going to be married off to some random guy that I’ll hate.” 
“You can’t hate everyone here.” She looked directly in his eyes and Sokka thought about how different her and Yue’s stares were. Yue’s eyes were soft, like falling snow, while (Y/N’s) were piercing like the ice that surrounded their city. 
“There’s no one here for me anymore. If I stay, I’ll be forced to lead a life I have never wanted to live.” She looked down at her hands. “She could do it, but I can’t.” 
Sokka peered down at the city that continued moving without them. “Okay,” He said as he turned back to her. “I’ll talk with Aang and Katara tonight. I’ll let you know by morning.” 
And maybe it was because she had been so emotional recently, or maybe it was the overwhelming urge to find someone that actually understood her, but (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Sokka very tightly. He was surprised, but he hugged her back eventually. 
(Y/N) returned home late that night. She tried to make it so everyone would be asleep by the time she entered the palace, but when she opened the double doors to walk through the main hall, she saw her father sitting in his chair. Her entire body tightened up as she walked toward him. 
“You’ve been out all day,” Her father said. (Y/N) held her hands together. 
“I was scared to come home,” She said honestly. The Chief leaned back in his seat. 
“I hadn’t realized you had been practicing your waterbending.” (Y/N) avoided his gaze. As defiant as she could be with her father, there were moments like these when she felt the weight of disappointment looming on her shoulders. “You’re quite good.” 
(Y/N’s) head snapped back to look at him. “Th-thank you.” 
“But you shouldn’t use your talents against our own people.” (Y/N) furrowed her brows angrily and huffed through her nose. 
“I don’t consider Hahn to be my people. You know he only proposed to me because he wants to be chief.” Her father sighed. 
“There are many things that I have wanted to change during my time as chief,” He said. “But it is hard when there are so many set in their ways. Eventually, as you age, you start to see the old ways as the only ways.” 
(Y/N) swallowed. “They don’t have to be.” Her father smiled. 
“You and Yue are like the tides. You pushed, while she pulled. I knew you would fight tooth and nail before you let Hahn take the title of chief from your sister.” 
“I don’t understand.” Her father sighed. 
“I’ve known since you were born how unhappy you were here. You are the ocean. You can’t be controlled.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “You are what this tribe will need once I am gone.” 
(Y/N) felt her eyes watering. She had always felt that she had never belonged in her own tribe. Everyone was so willing to go along with what was happening. She had been labelled a problem child for challenging the rules, whether that be in her lessons or in her home. To hear that her father had noticed this and recognized them as her strengths made her want to cry. 
“But what if the tribe isn’t what I need?” She asked quietly. Her father stood and walked to her, taking her into his arms. She wrapped his arms around his middle. 
“Only you know what is best for you, my dear.” He kissed the top of her forehead. “Come, the moon is high. We must go to bed.” 
As she walked back to spend another night in Yue’s room, she avoided staring at the moon once more. 
Tag List!
@aangsupremacy , @treestarrrrrrrr , @beifongsss , @mdgrdians , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @aimee1602 , @plxstic-rose , @davnwillcome @squeamishdionysus , @clowninfortodoroki @thia-aep , @jinxed-tea @sara5208 @valiantprincessthea @alrightazula , @awesomelupe , @itsivyberry , @thebluelcdy , @samsmultifandomblogs , @loganrwebb , @minifruity , @cuddlykoala101 , @dionnaea , @alive-ahahah-fuck , @pipsqeak1326 , @krxliesdexd , @wastelandbbyg , @milk-n-cheese , @the-firebender-girl , @zukosvice , @justab-eautifulmess , @awkwardnesshabitat , @tomshollandz , @mmmidek-blog , @lavendercrystals , @dailytrashypanda , @bigbuckyenergy , @honey-ruel , @jackbamexpress , @astralsaf , @thebluelcdy , @solarsuki , @sometimeseverythingsucks , @nataliahaslosthershit , @teenbiology , @eridanuswave , @izzieserra , 
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akaashisbabydoll · 4 years
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You're a freshman. You're Hinata's classmate and bestie. You both get along because you both are loud and energetic af. Sometimes you have your own days but Hinata got used to it already.
Hinata joined the Karasuno Volleball Club and one day he just introduced you to everybody. You all get along even though sometimes you think Tsukisihima doesnt really care about you but Yamaguchi always assures you that, that is not the case.
You dont really have a club yet so you just go help Yachi and Kiyoko prepare things before, during and after a match or practice. Basically, the whole volleyball team was your home.
You always go watch their practice matches and official matches. You went with them on training camps too. Met a lot of strange people but became friends with them as well. Especially when you're with Hinata, anybody can be your friend. He's the king of compliments and motivation.
The team is your family too. They have a special place in your heart and they are a part of your life. They know everything about you and so they take care of you like you're the youngest crow in the family. Sometimes they go overboard especially Tanaka and Noya. You are not even sure if they want to protect you or push you to do stupid things.
They know everything about you especially how people hurt you. You're a crybaby. You've got a soft heart. You forgive easily, you get hurt easily and you believe people easily.
They got an official match and the school not far from Karasuno was also included. Little did you know one of the players was your middle school bully. You always get taken aback whenever you remember or see anything from your past. You got traumatized. Your whole body shakes.
Thats why when you saw that guy in the hallway talking with his teammates your whole body was shaking and you were trying to stop it or minimize it at least. You're scared to distract the team. You dont want them to worry.
"Hey..." your tangerine bestie nudged you on your side with his elbow, "...you good?" He asked you sincerely. Worry is written all over his face, this is why you dont want them to worry.
"O-of course. W-why would-dn't I?" You tried to answer.
"Ohh. Ok then. Let's go?" the tangerine hesitantly asked.
The whole team is preparing for their match while you are sitting on the bench, holding a notebook and a pen. You’re trying your best to control your shaken state. 
You’re looking at the ground trying your best not to cry and not to distract the whole team for their upcoming first match of the day and the season. You know how much they want to go to nationals and you were there in every camps they’re into. So of all people you know how much they want to win.
You were concentrating on how you should control yourself when someone knelt in front of you and cupped your shaking hands with his. You raised your head and you saw the Captain of the team, Daichi. Behind him are the whole team looking at you with worried eyes.
“Whatever you’re thinking. Whatever you saw. We’re here. We’ll always be here.” The captain assured you which made you teary eyes. You looked on your left and there’s Yachi at the verge of crying and  on your right is Kiyoko smiling wholeheartedly at you.
You sniffed and all the boys were frozen. After three seconds they started to panic. Asahi being the first one on that list, “Uh--Uhhh what should we do. What did we do? W-what did you do Daichi?” 
“Me? Why are you blaming me? I didn’t do anything!” Daichi replied.
“Will you two stop? Who’s got a puppy here? Who brought something?! No one?! No one did?! Didn’t I tell you all kids to carry something all the time?!” Suga yelled almost heard in the whole gymnasium.
“Suga-san you didn’t bring anything either.” Ennoshita pointed out.
“I---I did, it was on my pants. I forgot to take it out in my pocket.” Suga said while scratching his nape.
“OH! OH! OH! I know something that can make y/n smile!” Noya excitedly said. Then he suddenly made eye contact with Tanaka, Hinata and Kageyama. Tanaka and Hinata grinned, obviously want to do whatever they’re going to do. Kageyama’s face turned blank. “D-Do we really have to do that? Here? In the gymnasium? Where all players can see us?” He asked.
The three looked at him scarily. “Do you want to see y/n smile or not?” Tanaka asked him.
“Y-you know guys, it’s fine. Kageyama you don---” you were cut off when Kageyama sighed and said yes. Then they suddenly sang and danced that song Meat God where they composed on the spot, one day at summer camp.
The whole team laughed so loud. Tsukkishima shaking his head probably wondering why he’s in this team. Yamaguchi enjoying it so much that he got to film it.
“OK! That’s enough! You all get ready, the game will start in ten minutes!” Coach Ukai said while trying to hold back his laughter. Takeda not even trying to hide his laughter and just laughing his ass off. All eyes were on your team.
“Wish us luck y/n!” they all yelled except Noya and Tanaka asked luck from Kiyoko as well.
They don’t even need luck because you know yourself that their hard work and dedication is stronger than just luck.
While the others were going back to the court, Tsukishima didn’t join them. He just stood there in front of you, was hesitant to do something. You frowned and titled your head, confused on why he’s just standing there when he suddenly threw you his towel and you felt something hard hit you on your forehead. You were ready to fight his ass when you saw what it was. It was a chocolate bar. You smiled. Here you thought Tsukki doesn’t really care about you.
You felt a hand on you shoulder and you looked who it was and its Kiyoko. “You see how they’re dedicated to make you smile? For them you are also important as volleyball. So don’t be hesitant to ask us anything, ok?” You were speechless. You didn’t know they care about you this much. yes they knew all about your past. But you didn’t know they’ll be so affected by it.
You stood up and excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Yachi offered to go with you but you said it’s fine. There might be an emergency later on and they need her.
You were fine going to the bathroom. The thought of seeing one of your bullies a while ago was overlapped with the images of the team laughing.Not until you went out of the bathroom and bumped into him...your bully.
The blood on your face? Gone. You felt cold. Your whole body is shaking. When he took a step towards you, you suddenly felt weak that you immediately knelt.
“y-y/n? what’s wrong?” you can hear how worried he was based from his voice. You wanted to say it’s ok. That you’re ok. But you can’t say anything. There’s a lump on your throat that causes you to get scared more. You want to say something but your voice won’t come out.
You saw him holding your shoulder and hearing him mention your name  a couple of times and suddenly everything went black.
You woke up due to the noise you heard outside, you opened your eyes and white ceiling welcomed you.You felt something soft on your back, you were in a bed. You got up and groaned. Your head hurts so bad.
“That was y/n! That was y/n right?” You can hear Suga’s loud voice outside and the others agreeing to him.
“Yes. It’s her now if you all please---no stop! One at a time boys! You just can’t enter all of you! Coach!” The nurse aggressively said trying to stop them from entering the little clinic they have. 
“Oh my god, Thank god you’re ok” Suga let out a huge sigh and held his chest when he saw me.
“Y/N!” The whole first year (except for Tsukishima), Asahi, Tanaka and Noya yelled in unison when they saw you. At the verge of crying.
Tanaka and Noya approached you and hugged you at the same time. Patting your head like a baby saying bad things to the bully you met.
“Go away that’s my best friend right there!” Hinata said and Tanaka just slapped his hand and hugged you more tightly. Noya joined in and said, “This is our baby!”
“Our baby!” Asahi and Ennoshita reminded them.
“Excuse me? Did I just hear something bullshit?” Suga butted in.
Tsukki sighed and said, “I knew he was going to react badly.” and shook his head. As usual Yamaguchi filming whatever is happening inside that little clinic packed of noisy crows.
“H-how did you all know I was here.” You asked.
“That guy you met. He was the one who carried you here.” Everyone was quiet after Daichi talked. “Why didn’t you tell us that he was your bully? He was the reason why you were shaking before. Right?” You nodded. No voice coming out. 
“I’m sorry if I always worry you guys. It’s not my intention to do that. I just---I was kind of hesitant because you have a match to face---OMG THE MATCH!” You yelled when reality hits you.
Coach Ukai chuckled. “It was finished earlier than expected. When they heard what happened to you, they got so aggressive that they want to finish it already. They won two sets in a row. Kageyama and Yamaguchi with their service ace. It was a landslide.”
“I didn’t even know we can do that.” Yachi added.
Noya and Tanaka starting to rub their face on you like cat. “Our little baby crow. We will take care of you and love you.” Noya said.
Tanaka suddenly rolled up his sleeves and said, “I’m gonna beat the shit out of him. I know where his school is.”
“Speaking of. He actually wanted to talk to you in person. To apologize of his behavior before. He said it’s fine if we’re there too.” Daichi said.
“Ohhh we gonna be there.” Suga said seriously like he was in an action movie while squinting his eyes. Everybody followed him and you saw how stupid they looked so you laughed, loud. You were so happy, about everything. Being with them.
You were cursed before, bullied, hurt and humiliated. But now, you think everything is in place, everybody laughing. You found not only one but sixteen people taking care of you and loving you with the love you so much deserve.
You are happy. Very happy.
- - - - -
Hi guys omg i’m actually happy i got to reach 200 followers *insert crying emoji bc im on my laptop* ily all so much <33 so here’s something from my draft <33
M A S T E R L I S T 
206 notes · View notes
tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: A Tale of Two Slaves (12/17)
Summary:  “Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn’t exist. Everything is a choice.” At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him.“
Reincarnation AU. Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn’t.
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Recruitment Season.
Having been recruited himself, Levi was somewhat familiar with the timeline. Or at least he should have been familiar with it.
When he had suggested showing up for one of Mikasa’s tournaments, his end goal had been to at least get Hange out of her hole, the same way she had pulled him out of his own slump. With nothing else on his mind though leading up to the tournament, he found himself a little too surprised at the large crowd that showed up that day at the entrance of the school.
And Levi was familiar with the clipboards, the iPads and the way those particular people strode into the school with some sort of purpose.
The school so close to their largest city was much larger than the school he grew up in. Back in his old school, there were only two to five scouts at a time for at least ten different sports. There, by the entrance of Public School No. 104, the crowd was large and Levi was overwhelmed.
For a second he doubted whether or not he had read the entries on the events page right. That second became a few seconds and maybe even a minute as Levi recalled that there had been multiple events slated for that day. There was a huge possibility that he could have read it wrong.
He had thought ahead enough at least to bookmark the page on his phone. Whether or not he had thought ahead to bookmark it because of any lingering doubt or because it had been just a little too convenient to click the star on his phone was a question he quickly brushed off even before he could entertain it.
What was important then was he had something to assure him that he hadn’t been a total idiot taking Hange to that school.
If we can’t watch jumping, maybe they have diving or gymnastics or something. Levi thought to himself in that few second gap pulling the phone out of his pocket and scrolling through it.
Those were all consolations though. The grand prize was still the high jump event and he would hate himself if he had read the time wrong. The chances were small but the visit to the school had been crucial for many reasons.
For one, Hange had not gone out since her parents gave her a deadline to vacate her apartment. She hadn’t seemed completely alive since then, almost reminiscent of Levi’s own bout of isolation. She didn’t do much either to ask for help, to open up about her own turmoil.
It had been just the two of them clearing out years worth of clutter in the apartment for hours on end, which soon turned to days on end, save for those small few hours to get groceries. The silence which only further alluded to the lifelessness of the room, was deafening.
And in his own way, Levi found himself almost obliged to reignite something within her.
On top of that, Levi hadn’t written anything for three days. At first glance, that wasn’t an issue. Overtime though, with nothing much to do, with the decision to stay at home with Hange, he had started writing more, organizing thoughts on Petra, Zeke, Erwin, Farland, Isabel and he had written thousands of words, tens of pages but Levi was sure, the story was far from over.
There were glaring holes that he had dug through the deepest pits of his memories trying to fill. His documents were riddled with empty bullet points, blank spaces and sometimes even half complete sentences any other casual reader would have never made sense of.
There were inarguable truths though with what he had pieced together. Many of the people he had met had died, and he felt the raw pain with every single one of them in his dreams, only manageable by the reminder that they were all alive and were merely dead as characters in his dreams.
In his dreams and in his stories, he was a soldier. Erwin died and Hange had taken over as a commander. And somehow, they had ended up outside the walls, lying together in the forest and Levi could have sworn he didn’t want to leave.
But for what? Why?
For a time before that, he had been in the forest with that blond doctor too and Levi had hated his guts then too.
But under what context?
Keep writing and you’ll find out. Something nagged at him. But it was as if he had written everything. The dreams just replayed. The memories of familiar strangers only got more and more vivid. And the dreams he saw and the thoughts he reflected on only served to add detail to the sceneries and to the faces as Levi wrote them.
But he knew how they looked like in real life, there was no need to describe their faces any more than he already did. And what did scenery have to do with anything? From what he remembered, half of what he dreamt of was within walls anyway.
But there was a lead. Mikasa Ackerman. He remembered voices. He remembered raw care and concern. And he was sure there was still something to probe on those names. He tried describing her on paper with just the name as some sort of lead, but it proved futile.
Any description he attempted to shoehorn into his stories seemed like a lie. It felt almost idiotic and almost obsessive then and Levi was very careful with his words as he asked for directions then.
They gestured for Levi to follow and he found himself keeping a good distance from the crowd as they walked through the school grounds.
From his place behind them, he had heard the name ‘Ackerman’ mentioned a few times among the college scouts, whether they were talking about him or Mikasa, he didn’t probe. He didn’t want to know either. Watching the high jump event might be painful enough for him and he didn’t want to unnecessarily add any more salt to that wound.
“Levi, you sure this is the way to go?” Hange asked.
“That’s where the scouts are going,” Levi said.
Hange pulled out her phone. “I’ll look for a school map.”
Levi shrugged. “The school is bigger than I expected. Let’s cover some ground while you search.” He kept his eyes ahead, keeping the crowd at least in his peripherals as he scanned his surroundings.
As they walked through the main path of the school, the crowd gradually dispersed. Then for Levi who had been so religiously following the crowds since almost a minute ago, it became a game of which crowd was biggest.
Because everyone should be here for Mikasa Ackerman right? Levi thought to himself. He couldn’t wait for Hange to navigate. He pressed on, following the biggest crowd before they turned the corner and disappeared completely.
The crowd may have been for Mikasa, or it could have been for any other athlete or any other sport. He never did find out.
“Levi, I think we should turn around here… The high jump event should be---” Hange started.
“It’s Connie Springer! Connie Springer’s batting next!”
From his view along the main road, partially obscured by tall trees and bushes dotting the landscape, Levi hadn’t gotten a good view at first. And if it hadn’t been for the familiar name, maybe Levi never would have sped up, or gone as fast at least as his limp and his crutches would take him.
He turned the corner, the largest crowd forgotten. He made good distance, even on the rocky landscape that made up the smaller path.
“Levi, be careful. You might trip.” Hange asked. “Besides, where are we going? The high jump event i...”
Hange’s protests eventually faded into something unintelligible from behind him. If he had actually tried to listen, maybe he would have heard whatever else she was saying. It was as if his mind knew, anything she said was futile. He was hell bent on making that detour and he was 100% that detour which was only a few feet away, would give him enough of a satisfying answer.
We can check the venue after. Just give me this few minutes. Levi had been in enough high jump tournaments to know they lasted a fair amount of time anyway.
The smaller path opened up to a field. There were athletes on the field clad in red, one on the field clad in green. Levi had enough stock knowledge on Major League Baseball to know exactly what was happening.
The innings were all on the scoreboard, large enough for Levi to see from his angle. Visitors were leading by three points. The home team had one more out left before the game would be declared over. And out on each base was one player clad in green.
It was a decisive possession for green. Levi surmised even if it hadn’t been Connie Springer who had caught his attention then, maybe he still really would have stopped to watch.
A lot of the crowd looked like they were thinking the same thing. Even with the game almost over, people were still approaching the field.
Connie Springer…
Levi heard the whispers among the scouts. Good runner. Mediocre Batter. And maybe he had felt a little offended for Connie when someone had joked that they should just bid the regionals and nationals goodbye.
Connie was better than that. Levi was sure.
And just like Levi had thought, Connie seemed unfazed. From his position at the side of the field, Connie approached the home plate at a steady yet rapid pace, bat in hand.
The whispers around him only started to get louder as Connie got into a position to bat.
Connie was a mediocre batter and a good runner at the same time. And Connie's hand position as he held the bat was a remnant of just that. Connie held one hand behind the mid section of the bat and he gripped it as if he weren’t going to let go any time soon.
He’s gonna bunt. Levi didn’t need the whispers for that commentary. Just as expected, that was a safe play for someone deemed a ‘shitty batter’ by the cruel audience.
Connie gripped the bat and positioned it. The pitch came a second later. And in that small span of a few seconds, Levi’s expectations were subverted, and as proven by the gasps around him, it looked like the audience’s expectations were subverted as well.
Connie had taken a risk. And in the next few seconds, everyone would find out if it were a good risk. He had swung the bat all the way through, there was a clank of the ball and the ball flew. Looking at the blue and white of the sky, Levi had to squint to see it.
It was a bunt fake. Levi soon realized. But he quickly dropped that thought as he followed Connie along all the bases. He was a great runner and Levi struggled to follow him through the bases. He felt his heart thumping as he followed Connie’s path.
He could hear screams from the audience to run. And Connie was screaming much louder as he ran even after having reached the second base.
Levi was sure he could have stopped there but Connie continued to run, screaming to the others to run as well. And by the third base, Connie could have stopped, and they could have secured a tie. The coach by the third base, held his hands up high, as if to tell Connie to take those three points.
It’s a tie game, no need to. And as Levi soon found out, any efforts to move in the next few seconds would be risky. Levi followed the ball which was already making the rounds of the bases. And when he looked back to third base, he found it empty. Connie was still running.
There were angry screams and Levi wouldn’t be surprised if it was from the coach. Levi didn’t bother to look anywhere else though to check. The next few milliseconds, he dedicated to Connie who was still dashing towards the home base.
Levi’s breath caught that split second when the catcher bent over to grab the ball.
But he still has to tag Connie. The catcher made the mistake of approaching Connie on the lane connecting the bases.
Or was it a mistake? He was blocking Connie’s path. And if Connie did anything like stray away from the path it would be an out.
He kept moving, As if fortune did favor the brave, everything started working for him at once. The catcher had bent over to dash faster. Connie was only getting faster, gaining momentum with every stride.
The split second Connie launched himself in the air and over the catcher, Levi could have sworn time stopped. That pause could have lasted an eternity. Yet everything after that could have happened on fast forward. Connie fell onto the home plate and skidded violently on the field and before Levi could take a good look, Connie was surrounded.
That scene on the field reminded Levi of his own accident months ago.
Is he okay? Levi stayed longer than he should have. He knew if he had left then and there, he probably wouldn’t be able to rest without the guarantee that the young baseball player out there wouldn’t suffer the same fate Levi had.
“Levi… Did you see that?” It sounded like Hange was struggling to breathe.
But in a good way. A good way he had missed so much, he found himself distracted enough to look away from the congregation on the home base and back at Hange.”It looked like he was flying huh?” Levi asked, taking a long good look at Hange as he said those words.
Her face was flushed. The glimmer in her eyes was still there, albeit weaker. Her eyes completely concentrated on the scene in front of her, as if in a trance. And Levi was sure she was imagining, seeing herself in that same spot only a second ago.
Was that how it felt Hange? Every single time you saw someone jump?
Levi was convinced he was right. The glimmer in Hange's eyes was weaker for sure. At first, Levi had thought it to be a remnant of the events of weeks ago, with her thesis struggles, with her parent’s admonishing remarks.
Levi ended up concluding though, that it wasn’t weaker. It was just glowing differently.
There was no desire in her eyes, no childish jealousy at lost dreams she couldn’t achieve. It was as if Hange had gained the power to so purely and innocently, so easily place herself in another's shoes, when she just thinks through it.
And absence worked to make Levi notice it more but in that new glow, that new glimmer in her eyes, Levi noticed then, there was no subtle hint of guilt at having indulged in such a trivial and useless passion her whole life.
Yet every single time he had snuck glances at Hange watching jumps before that, there was guilt in her eyes. As if she was supposed to be doing something more important: studying, working, succeeding, meeting expectations.
Is that how liberation feels? Levi asked himself then. He wanted to ask her that same thing then but he found another question, a follow up question which popped so quickly into his mind even before he had completely articulated the first one. Does she know yet that she’s free?
Maybe she didn’t. Because it had just come so naturally for someone like her.
“I wrote her like that because that’s how Hange Zoe really is.”
“Then I’ll work harder to be like her.”
“You don’t have to. The squad leader and the commander are already in you, you just have to uncover for yourself those parts.”
And she had figured it out for herself in the easiest of states, in a trance borne of passion, ecstasy, excitement and maybe euphoria.
An authentic, unrehearsed and organic smile, from Hange of all people, had left Levi with too many emotions to wrangle with: nostalgia, relief, excitement and everything in between. Too many for him to figure out for itself. Yet, it manifested in that moment, as Levi stood frozen next to her, staring at her for god knows how long. As if that Hange Zoe was something he had lost so long ago, maybe even centuries or even millennia ago. And he could have stood there forever as long she remained in that state of pure organic euphoria.
Hange’s lips widened, then curled up into a smile. “He’s okay!” She screamed, much louder than what could have been appropriate for that situation, for someone who barely even knew the guy on the field.
Levi didn’t mind though. In another story, maybe in another life, Connie was a member of their legion after all.
Hange’s outburst was a done deal and there was nothing much they could do about the eyes focused on them or the whispers among the crowd. Levi took advantage of that sunk cost, he approached Connie who was sitting alone on his bench, taking a quick drink of water.
“You did great out there.” It came out as barely a whisper and as Levi soon realized, he was still too far for Connie to have heard it. And the latter didn’t.
That whisper had completely and so easily been overshadowed by calls from his own teammates to hurry up and pack his things. Connie’s team was going to regionals.
And maybe after that, nationals. It would have been nice to send some sort of congratulations then. Reality took over and brought with it reasonable arguments, all against some sort of odd and almost stalkery approach towards Connie.
Their team would be celebrating that night. Connie was far gone and had disappeared among the crowd of red baseball uniforms. It would be an odd and completely unjustifiable effort to chase Connie down then.
“Congratulations,” Levi whispered to himself.
“Congratulations to...? The home team?” Hange asked, stepping up beside him.
“Yeah, I would have wanted to talk to them. Congratulate them myself.”
“I’m sure they heard you,” Hange said.
The murmurs among the crowd, the praises, the cries and the dissemination of rumors were ubiquitous and they were still far from dead, even as the crowds started to disperse. Behind it all, Levi heard the rustle of trees and the whistling of the winds.
And maybe the wind could carry messages for him. Just in case, Levi did whisper other words of greeting, much softer than what Hange would have heard beside him. They were generic words of congratulations and well wishes but Levi swore they were heartfelt.
And he ended it with one last personalized message. I hope we could meet again and maybe have a little more time to talk.
Hange’s voice broke through his little correspondence. “Hey Levi, we still have an hour or so before the high jump event. What about if we try other events on the way?”
Levi shrugged. “Why not? We’re here already.” The trip had proven to be filled with surprises already.
"Levi, you shouldn't have gone to the toilet. You missed some amazing jumps. There's this girl…. Sasha Braus I think…"
“Sasha Braus?” Levi made sure to say her name slowly, to at least imply some unfamiliarity.
But he was all too familiar with that name already. In fact, that hadn't been a toilet break, Levi had gone to the cafeteria only a building away and bought some plastic wrapped melon bread. Just in case there would be an opportunity to talk.
"How many jumps did I miss?" Levi asked.
"Five or six but we missed the start of the competition already so I think we missed more than that. They said this was the last round… But Sasha's already winning by a lot."
"Just as expected."
"So you know Sasha?"
"I follow athletes too you know."
"But diving?"
"Maybe." Levi kept his reply short, unwilling to keep that joke of a charade any longer.
Hange had a knowing look on her face as if she never did believe him.
Levi returned Hange with a playful look of his own as if to say:
But how else would I know her name?
Hange probably suspected the recognition to have been the result of a series of deductions. But Levi wasn't that smart.
After that encounter with Connie, the names and faces just came to him much faster than ever. Even among the five athletes lined up in front of the pull, Levi could spot her from meters away, last in line
He checked the watch on his phone, thirty minutes until the high jump event. They had enough time to kill.
In the few minutes leading up to Sasha's final dive, Levi made sure to search her name.
Top diver. Top seed for college scouts. High level of diving technique.
Diving wasn't a particularly popular sport where they lived but it was enough to make waves at least on the internet.
When Levi started to watch the women dive into the water, performing tucks, pikes and twists along the way, he did wonder why it never was popular.
And with the way, Hange was looking at them, he suspected she thought the same thing.
"Let's go Sasha!" Hange's voice rang out in the indoor pool area.
Do we know her? Levi asked. Realistically, do we know her? He amended that soon after. He knew her. But was he supposed to know her. Was Hange supposed to know her?
He wasn't too self conscious either. She wasn't the only one who was cheering after all. He could have sworn the blonde in front of them was cheering just as hard.
"Was I too loud?" Hange whispered, a second later. "I think I got too excited."
"No, that's very much a Hänge Zoe move," Levi said.
That small shadow of self consciousness in Hange's voice completely dissipated and Levi was relieved to see that gentle yet excited smile that followed.
And it could have been a hint or an illusion, but as Levi looked back at the brunette who approached the edge of the diving board, he could have sworn she had given them a flicker of a gaze as she positioned herself on the edge.
She may have heard Hange's cheers. Levi wondered though, if she had heard any more of their cheers or if she had recognized them.
Levi leaned towards a 'no.' though having been disappointed a little too many times. And he considered it a done deal as she executed a difficult twist, a pike then dove into the water head first.
"The high jump is starting in ten minutes. We should go," Hänge said, glancing at her watch.
The melon bread in the inner pocket of Levi's jacket protested. He had bought it for her after all.
He had other options at least. "Psst…" Levi called the attention of the blonde in front of him.
She didn't look back.
"Historia," Levi said. He decided for himself then that it was worth the risk.
The blonde looked back at them, her eyes wide open in confusion. "I'm sorry… I don't think I recognize you…" It was just like her to still be polite to a couple of potentially creepy strangers.
"No need to recognize me," Levi said. He pressed the melon pan, into the hand that Historia had held out for a hand shake. "Get this to Sasha for us. Tell her it's from her fans."
With that, the two stepped down from their place in the second row bleachers and quickly and silently slipped out through the entrance.
“Maybe we have the time for one more detour,” Levi said.
“We’re still on the way to the high jump venue. And it’s not like we’re gonna miss everything if we’re ten minutes late,” Hange added.
As they stood at the entrance of the gym along the main road, they were distracted for different reasons. Levi was distracted because he had heard that one name among the cheers loud enough to hear even beyond closed doors. Hange though looked like she had managed to at least get a glimpse of what was going on inside through the transparent glass of the door.
“Should we… go in?” Levi asked.
“You wanna? There’s only a few seconds left.”
“Why not?”
Even with both of them in a silent agreement, they still hesitated. The door opened towards the inside and from what Levi could see with a slight tiptoe, even the door was barricaded. As Levi took a closer look at Hange, he realized that that could have been one of the reasons she was hesitant to go in.
“I saw this pretty cool dunk through this window. I wish you could have seen it.”
“I’ve seen a lot of cool things today already.”
“Yeah, but a few more cool things wouldn’t hurt.”
“It’s okay, I’ll just look at them on Youtube after. You got a name?”
“I’m checking his jersey… The name is too far… Can’t see it from this shitty view. It starts with a K… And it looks like a really long name.”
“Can’t tell…But that doesn’t sound like a long name.”
The buzzer rang loud enough that even Levi found himself jumping at the sound. Cheers followed which Levi had to admit, had been a worse ordeal for his ears than the buzzer of a while ago.
But maybe the wait will be worth it. Levi told himself and he willed himself to be patient. “Let’s wait by the side of the door. People are gonna be going out soon.”
“I wish we could have been earlier. I would have wanted to see more dunks.” Hange whined. “You know I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone dunk in real life until now.”
“Well, maybe one day I’ll take you to watch a basketball game live,” Levi said as he leaned on the wall to the side of the gym.
“The tickets are expensive.”
“Aren’t your parent’s filthy rich?”
“Well, they thought games were a waste of time…”
“After we graduate, then we get jobs, maybe we can watch together.”
“That would be nice.” Hange leaned on the wall right next to him. Leaning her head back, she looked to Levi and gave him a playful smile. “Then after that, we can go watch some Major League Baseball and some diving tournaments too.”
It was only then Levi realized he had leaned his head back in the same manner. The way she had mimicked it had been comforting and he found himself following suit. “Maybe we can watch a gymnastics competition or a skating competition?”
“And maybe when we earn more money… Let’s watch the olympics together.”
Levi smiled. “That’s the dream.” He looked at the sky above him, avoiding Hange’s gaze. With the price of the tickets and the distance of the venues though, Levi was aware that it was a distant dream.
But something inside him nagged.
Two months ago, actually making the olympics wouldn’t have been such a distant dream. His coach had talked about the Olympics many times before already, talking about scouts, about post graduation training with the national team. He wondered how pathetic he was at that moment, shifting from dreaming to make the Olympics to dreaming of just watching. It was a short episode of melancholy and maybe if Levi had indulged it, it would have lasted longer.
It was something he willed himself not to show Hange though and instead, he stared up at the sky, willing himself instead to silently admire the view. From his peripherals, he was relieved to see Hange had done similarly.
Noon had shifted to afternoon so subtly. Looking straight up at the light blue, didn’t hurt so much anymore and he suspected it was late afternoon already. He knew they should be leaving soon if they wanted to catch Mikasa’s tournament.
The melancholy weighed on him. As if Hange understood though, she was silent and she didn’t pressure him to move just yet. Levi slid back down on the ground, letting the crutches fall in front of him.
“You okay?” Hange asked, sliding down to a sitting position next to him.
No, I’m not. Levi would have answered. When he looked at Hange though, he saw understanding, as if she knew what would have only been the correct answer to that. But you aren’t okay either. Levi had to note, so it would have only served to stoke the fires of her own vulnerability to admit his own. So he went for a kind in-between.
“I know we’re both not okay. We just have to ride through this until shit gets better,” Levi said, giving Hange the best authentic smile he could muster which felt like more of a lopsided grin in the end.
Hange took a deep breath. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.” She returned that smile with her own and Levi was certain her own smile had been a better rendition of what he had.
“Jean! Hey! Come back here.”
Levi had done a pretty good job of tuning out the crowds that had been exiting the gym since a while ago. When he looked back to the entrance to see Jean and an unrecognizable teammate just outside, he was almost surprised to see their surroundings almost completely empty, especially when compared to a while ago.
“You can’t just leave. Coach will kill us.”
“I said, I’ll follow. It’s just a celebratory dinner. It’s not like we’ll lose our ticket to regionals if I don’t go.”
“But you scored the winning dunk.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Jean asked. “Besides I am going. I’ll just be late.”
The player next to Jean cleared his throat. “Is this about her?”
“Yes. I wanna watch her jump. Is that so bad?”
“Mikasa’s gonna have other tournaments you know.”
“But we’re going to be busy with regionals. Who knows how many times I’ll be able to catch her tournaments before graduation.”
There was an awkward silence between them and Levi was almost tempted to use that moment to approach Jean. Even with some support from Hange though, it had taken Levi more than enough time to push himself to a standing position.
“God you’re such a simp Jean.”
“Cover for me Caleb.”
Caleb walked back into the gym and Jean started to jog, making his way for the main path. Levi was sure with his current state he wouldn’t be able to catch up. It was as if Hange though had read his mind.
“Excuse me!”
Levi followed at a much slower pace, only able to catch up because the two had slowed to a stop in the middle of the main path.
“Mikasa Ackerman? Yes! She’s my classmate.”
Levi noted the light blush on Jean’s face as he spoke. “We wanna watch the tournament too,” Levi added, slowing to a stop beside Hange. “Could we walk there together? This is our first time here so we might get lost.” A partial lie. It wasn’t their first time but they had looked at the map on their phone enough times to have sworn on their life that the path they were taking was correct.
Jean had looked surprised at first, but his dumb expression had quickly shifted to something much friendlier. “I’d be happy to take you two there.” He held out his hand. “Jean Kirstein.”
Hange had been the first to take his hand in a friendly gesture. “Hange Zoe.”
The pleasantries were quickly forgotten and their conversation had shifted to other things. Along the way, Levi had stopped listening as it shifted to conversations on air time and agility exercises.
Just like Hange to want to talk about that. Levi thought. That was the thesis she had wanted to do after all.
Levi allowed himself to trail behind a bit, letting the two grab a bit more distance.
That gave him a good view of the two, side by side. And they have been side by side before, Levi recalled that much. They had discussed strategies, paperwork, war conditions many times before.
Levi took advantage of that distance between them. To further indulge that little picture of a memory, Levi whispered two names under his breath. Commander Hange Zoe and Commanding Officer Jean Kirstein.
That at least added some realism to the view. And Levi was sure he’d remember enough to write pages worth when he got home.
“Looks like we haven’t missed a lot,” Hange said.
“You missed the first few heights but those were too easy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mikasa sat it out.” Levi commented. He looked to Jean who was gesturing for them to follow as he climbed up the bleachers.
And he kept his focus on Jean the whole way up. The high jump event was his domain and although he had hoped to keep a low profile during the event, a part of him knew that it would be almost impossible. Although his face could be almost forgettable and maybe unnoticeable in the crowds, the crutches only made people stare. And when people stare, they have a tendency to look at faces. And when they look at faces they recognize, sometimes they talk.
Levi had learned that lesson so many times before already. At least though, with every lesson learned, he had gotten better at brushing off the whispers. On top of the quick introductions, the familiar faces on the bleachers had been a very helpful distraction as well, one unbothered and the other, the complete opposite, a little too curious about everything.
Eren and Armin.
“You’re late Jean. Weren’t you the one who so excitedly told Mikasa you’d show up to cheer her on?” Eren asked.
“Hey, I’m here right now. Besides, I knew you and Armin were going to show up anyway. You always do.” Jean said, raising his hands defensively. He looked back at the field as if searching for her among the athletes. “So when is she jumping?”
“She got eliminated.”
Jean buried his face in his hands. “You’re kidding.”
“Eren, she sat out the easier heights right?” Levi had to note that at first glance, it did look like Mikasa wasn’t there. He suspected that the bench where Mikasa was sitting was just a little obscured from their view on the bleachers. He had done similarly too often for it to be anything but routine.
“Oh, you’re familiar with how high jump events work. Better than horseface here,” Eren gave the still recovering Jean a side glance before looking back at Levi. Eren’s unbothered face was far from menacing.
With his own store on his side and his own thoughts, Levi found himself still a little too careful. “I’m a little familiar...” Levi said, letting his voice trail off as he looked back out at the field.
“Excuse me.” Someone spoke up from behind him.
Levi was quick to look back. Compared to Hange who was already so engrossed on the happenings on the field just below, Levi was far from entertained. The heights were still much lower than what he would have considered entertaining.
It was Armin who had called out to him. “Are you Levi Ackerman?” He asked. The blonde seemed so unsure of himself that Levi had half the mind to deny it there just to play with him for a while. Didn’t Jean introduce us already?
“Why do you ask?”
Armin put a hand at the back of his head and flashed a sheepish grin. “Well, ever since Mikasa got into high jumping, I started to get a little more familiar with the high jumping scene. Also Eren, didn’t your brother talk about him?”
Zeke Jaeger.
“He mentioned that Levi Ackerman was injured, probably sidelined for life…” Eren trailed off, he looked pointedly at Levi’s casted knee. “Is that it?”
“So you are Levi Ackerman…” Armin said, a little more certainty in his tone.
“Wait, who’s this Levi Ackerman? Are you related to Mikasa?”
Levi shrugged. He didn’t know the best way to answer it either. Do I say distant relatives? He opted for a safe yet vague. “Maybe.”
The three boys didn’t ask anymore. The crowds exploded into cheers, and in their own little corner, the five of them fell silent as Mikasa made her way to the center and approached the starting line of the runway.
Levi quickly estimated the bar to be at 1.8 meters, too high for most high school students. So high that only two had cleared the height. And if Mikasa cleared it, that meant three people would be moving on to the 1.9 meter bar.
Or when Mikasa clears it. Levi corrected himself a second later as he watched Mikasa run to the take off box.
The crowd cheered as she landed. It had done little though to pull Levi back to reality. The cheers were merely fading background music as Levi replayed that jump in his mind. Everything from the run to the take off to the landing, everything from the smallest twist mid air had been seamless and Levi only noticed a second later his mouth had been wide open.
Mikasa wasn’t the tallest among the jumpers either, as if she relied as well on her own flexibility to get her through the bar.
“Levi, that’s how you used to jump,” Hange said. That had been enough at least to pull Levi out of his trance. “Now do you get how it felt to see you jump?”
Levi didn’t answer instantly. His first instinct had been to look back at the Youtube videos and the Instagram videos of himself Hange had shared to him a while back. He couldn’t have jumped like MIkasa. Back when he had watched his own videos, he never felt the goosebumps, or his hair stand up, or that sudden need to drop his jaw and leave his mouth wide open for a good few seconds.
But his view of Mikasa had been organic, it had been an experience, unmarred by camera angles, commentaries and video edits. Real life didn’t have video edits, and with his own first hand experience, he had the freedom and the convenience to continue to follow Mikasa, long after her jump was over.
He ignored the next two who had failed at the 1.9 meter height, completely eliminated. He had only surmised their own fate from the less than enthusiastic cheers from the crowd that followed each attempt. He continued to follow Mikasa, all the way until her second jump, focusing on the way her body curved so easily above the bar, the way her body twisted into a more comfortable angle mid flight.
As if she’s been flying her whole life.
“Ladies and gentlemen! We have a champion! Mikasa Ackerman!” The announcer chimed. But they weren’t cleaning up yet.
“There’s one more event: the men’s event, then after that the awarding,” Armin explained.
Levi shifted his attention once again to Mikasa who was making her way away from the center.
Towards the audience. Towards the front row. Levi followed Mikasa s gaze, to see a familiar back profile at the front row. The man only stood up from his seat, making the situation all the clearer for Levi.
“Coach Greg is here?” Of course, he’d be here. He’s recruiting.
He didn’t look like he was successful at recruiting though. From his spot towards the middle of the bleachers, Levi could see the way Mikasa shook her head, the way she had given the most apologetic smile and the way she walked back to the bench where her other teammates were, looking completely unbothered by that rejection.
He’s recruiting Mikasa? Levi thought.
In reply, Coach Greg looked back at the bleachers. He caught Levi’s gaze almost instantly as if he had known Levi would have been there the whole time. Levi had trained with him enough to know what he wanted just by the expression on his face.
“Levi, where are you going? The men’s jump event is about to start.”
It had been months since he trained with him, but years of old habits were still hard to break. Before Levi even noticed it himself, he had scrambled onto his feet and maneuvered through the crowd in the bleachers.
“I saw you enter the venue mid match. Honestly happy to see you watching tournaments again and I’m sure a lot of the fans are happy to see you too.”
If by happy, you mean gossiping. “Jumping is hard to completely give up,” Levi replied.
The two had settled on a bench, only a few meters away from the emptiest bleachers. The screams and cheers were still audible and sometimes, comprehensible. But there was still enough peace and quiet to manage a fair conversation.
“How’s your knee?”
“I’m sure you’ve talked to Erwin about it already.”
Greg grinned sheepishly at it. He dropped his shoulders with a sigh. “I was hoping he would have given you a better prognosis. He told me you were gone from jumping for good… I just thought…”
“My last season is over. You’re already preparing for regionals and I can still barely walk,” Levi said as he gave a pointed look at the crutches he leaned on the side of the bench.
“With physical therapy…”
“I can barely walk right now because of physical therapy. We were going too fast.”
“So anything after college might be impossible huh?”
“I’m taking this one step at a time. It was a painful experience. And with the extent of it, Erwin had told me multiple times even post surgery, it might never return to pre injury state. With the competitiveness of the high jumping scene… my height… I feel like these were all just signs to just move on from it all.”
Greg dropped his shoulders and shook his head. “You were something else though. I didn’t think someone of your height could have dominated the high jump. It was like your body knew the exact moments to get you through the bar every time. As if it was completely used to being mid air.”
“Maybe my body is just used to flying,” Levi said. “Maybe I was born and built for these types of sports. But I'm sure you're aware, no matter how inclined someone is to sports, careers don’t last forever. We all have expiry dates. And mine was just a lot earlier than others.”
“But you could have made the Olympics with your numbers.”
“But the accident happened and I don’t think I’ll ever achieve those numbers again,” Levi said matter-of-factly, so realistically it hurt even when Levi was sure he had long gotten over it.
“So, what are you focusing on now?” Greg asked, an attempt at digression.
“Studies, submitting my thesis, passing my last few classes…”
“Maybe when studies die down a bit, you can visit every now and then. After winter break is over, maybe you could even help get the new recruits up to speed.”
Levi raised one eyebrow at Greg. “You have one in mind?” Mikasa Ackerman?
“Mikasa Ackerman.” As if Greg had read his mind, he had repeated those same exact words with the exact same tone Levi had heard it in his head. “Are you two related?” he asked.
“With the way you’re saying that, I'm guessing not close enough to talk to her.”
“Talk to her about what?” Levi asked.
“About considering Paradis University. She has that type of talent that only comes once every five years.”
“But if she’s committed to another university…”
“She’s not. In fact, she told me herself, she might not even go to university.”
“Why not?”
“She told me there was someone she didn’t wanna leave behind. You think you might know something about that?”
An all too familiar turn of events. Levi’s answer to his coach’s question had been a resounding yes. But he wasn’t telling him about that yet. ‘I’ll try to talk to her. Then I’ll see what I can do.”
The conversation ended soon after that with a quick promise to keep in touch. His coach hurriedly got back to the tournament and Levi found himself alone on the bench once again.
His knees ached, his arms were stiff from all the walking. And he decided for himself that a men’s jump event would not be worth the struggle of hobbling back to the bleachers.
“There you are!”
Levi only had a few minutes of peace and quiet before it was interrupted by the familiar brunette who settled next to him on the bench. It had interrupted whatever trance he had gotten himself into. Either way, it was still a welcome sight. “You’re not watching?”
“I thought you went to the toilet or something but when you didn’t come back… I kinda realized you might have left because you didn’t wanna watch so I got worried. You wanna go back home?”
“I’m tired. So honestly, yes.” Levi shrugged his shoulders and did some test stretches. His body was aching from having maneuvered in crutches the whole afternoon. He could have sworn, he had reached well more than a thousand steps just walking the university, enough to expect an admonishing stare from either Erwin or his physical therapist.
“Well, we should be going back. We have to do some last minute packing since tomorrow is our last day.”
“Wait, before we leave. I was hoping to get some lead on Mikasa. I wanted to talk to her. Maybe after final exams or something.”
Hange gave him a cheeky grin. She held out her phone in an exaggerated manner. “That’s done already.”
“You got their contact details?”
“I had a pretty pleasant conversation with Armin, Jean and Eren, enough at least to get them to wanna keep in touch.”
“Keep in touch about what?”
“Thesis maybe? Future career prospects?”
“You’re meeting with a bunch of high school students?”
“Armin applied to Paradis University so there’s a lot to talk about and he said he could help out with my thesis. Besides, weren’t you the one who said you wanted to talk to Mikasa?”
“I’m doing my coach a favor.” Levi said, emphasizing those last words a little too much, he started to feel a little ridiculous a second later.
Hange raised one eyebrow in disbelief, only making Levi further regret attempting such a ridiculous lie. A smile played at Hange’s lips. “You know, I’m glad to see you’re reconnecting with your team again.”
Levi returned that smile with his own. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re reconnecting with your thesis again.”
“I talked to the dorm. Scholars can get a good bed space for a cheap price, or maybe even free. You just have to sort out the paperwork, get some paperwork signed by your professor then the scholarship office. After that, we wait for approval. So, in the meantime, you could stay in a motel or something.``
“That’s the plan,” Hange said, her tone a mixture of despondence and exhaustion. Not too surprisingly, she was lugging boxes, lining them towards the entrance of the room as they spoke. “My parents are gonna pick up a lot of these boxes, probably put them in storage back home. And this…” Hange drops a purple suitcase in front of him. “Is all I’m bringing.”
“You’re serious about this huh?”
“Were you doubting it?”
Levi sat and stared at the luggage, his expression unchanging. “This just seems like a huge change.”
“This happens with everyone else anyway. I’m a senior in college. I’ll find a job, take out a loan then rent some cheap studio apartment just outside the city.”
“Studio apartments aren’t cheap, even if they are outside the city. Would you be able to afford that with the entry level income of one person?” Somehow, a part of Levi was still hoping Hange would make amends with her parents. Despite her having proven multiple times she was sure with her decision. She seemed happier then, more confident, more free. But at what cost?
“Then I’ll get a roommate,” Hange said.
“That’s a reasonable plan.” Levi said. “Well first things first. Fix those dorm papers, finish your thesis.”
“Thanks for the help Levi. Really, it means a lot.” From the firm determination of a while ago, Hange’s gaze softened to something else, something Levi had sworn he had only seen long ago, in another lifetime.
“You’ve done a lot for me too,” Levi said.
“You won’t be much help now since I’ll just be lugging boxes so feel free to just write or something until we’re ready to leave. Or you know, you could go ahead to your dorm. I’ll just contact you if I need to.”
“No, I’d rather stay.” Levi looked back at his laptop and opened his document. He had written a few words the night before as soon as they had arrived home.
Armin Arlert. Jean Kirstein. Eren Jaeger. Mikasa Ackerman. Connie Springer. Sasha Braus. Historia Reiss. The names had worked magic on the draft. With the names where they needed them to be, the story became more vivid than he had expected. He lost count of the amount of words he had written the night before, but he was sure he had added at least five pages.
And his head throbbed at that moment as he scanned through the file, reminding him of how much sleep he had sacrificed to get it written. At the least, he had managed to understand what had gotten them to the point in the woods, he understood why it had been he and Hange of all people who stuck together.
They cared about the younger soldiers for sure. But they had been the only two veterans remaining.
And what did you ask me back then? Levi asked silently as he watched Hange move the boxes one by one, lining them along walls from one corner all the way until the entrance.
Hange looked as if she were in a trance. But if their eyes had met at that moment as he thought of the question, would she have read his face, would she have known what he was asking then? Probably not. But Hange was perceptive and she had made some good guesses on his thoughts a few times already.
Maybe we should just live here together? Right, Levi? Levi wrote those words, somewhere at the bottom of the page, under descriptions of trees, stars and a glowing campfire. He wrote under it descriptions of the pain of fresh stitches, half opened wounds and the beginnings of a fever.
“You know, Hange. There was a war. This anti military faction took over, and we ran away to the woods and ----”
“Don’t tell me!” Hange interrupted. She dropped one box on to the wall, much harder than usual. “I haven’t reached that part. I wanna enjoy your story.”
Hange approached him and sat next to him on the wall by the window. Her voice was much softer as she spoke up again. “No need to apologize. I just wanna be in the best mood when I read it. Maybe I’ll catch up after final exams before winter break,” Hange said. “Besides last time I checked all you had were unfinished sentences and bullet points.”
“It’ll be finished way before then.” Even as he spoke, he was typing and Levi found himself marveling at his own ability to keep two conversations at once.
“Really? Don’t you have studies to deal with?”
“I know how it’s gonna end already.”
Hange gave a hum of approval. “Then I’ll hold your word to it. I look forward to reading it then.”
If we keep running and hiding, what will that get us… I know you’re not able to stay out of the action.
Levi had ended up writing those last few lines to the disturbed rhythm of the thumps as boxes were dropped one on top of the other.
Yeah. That’s right. I can’t. He capped off that final paragraph with Hange’s one final response. Even fully wide awake with the afternoon sun illuminating the well ventilated condominium, even with the sound of the traffic down below only made louder by the windows left open, Levi still saw her, so vividly as if she were a dream. He memorized her face then, everything from the way her brow knitted, her forehead puckered. The way her glossy eyes showed nothing but a faded glimmer.
Yet it was a glimmer and in that, Levi saw desire. A desire for something else.
And then what happened? It couldn’t have ended there. He had filled in many of the gaps himself already. He had already found the missing pieces and pushed them into place. The story had ended so anticlimactically though and Levi found himself scraping the recesses of his mind for anything he may have missed, a futile attempt.
And maybe it was futile because Hange had interrupted him a second later. She had his two plump overnight bags slung over her one shoulder. She turned her chin slightly towards the entrance. “Let’s go.”
Levi pulled himself up from the window sill. “Give me one of my bags. You shouldn’t be carrying all that.”
“You shouldn’t be carrying all this,” Hange argued, looking pointedly at his leg. “Let’s go.” She went ahead, not looking back. Along the way, she had stopped, gesturing for Levi to make the distance towards the door and out into the hallway.
Levi looked back at her to see she was still standing at the entrance leaning on the door frame, leaving one hand on the open door swung inward. She made no movement, no explicit intention to leave just yet. He felt no need to hurry her either. Moving out was no easy task after all.
“I know you don’t like messes Levi ” Hange spoke up, her voice once again the lifeless drawl that never failed to hurt Levi even a bit.
“Really?” It was obvious, Levi had acknowledged that he had hated it. But he never remembered explicitly telling Hange about it. He was lodging in her place for free after all.
“You wrinkle your nose every time I leave something lying around. And you don’t think I noticed the way things magically cleaned themselves while I was away?”
“If you don’t want to, I won’t. I’m sorry about that.”
“No, I appreciate it. I think you did a lot of good for my space. Honestly, I’m more sorry that I couldn’t provide you anything cleaner…” Hange trailed off. It seemed like she was ready to say more. She looked back at him and took a deep breath, opened her mouth but stopped herself midway. ”And for a while I was a bit self conscious about it but I think I get it now.”
“Get what?
“I get now why I like messes and clutter. And I guess I just wanna point it out now, so maybe you’d understand?” Hange moved away from the doorway and out into the hallway. “Look, it’s clean.”
It was easy for Levi to put the scene of her condominium from a few months ago and the scene in front of him side by side in his mind. There were too many things he could have pointed out at once though. The room in front of him then, was much larger and more spacious than Levi could have ever imagined, especially with the boxes all lined up towards the wall. It was immaculate, any other day he could have used the picture of the room as a blank slate, something to calm him in between stressful situations.
But side by side with the room from weeks ago, hell back to the room months ago before he had started to stain it with his own brand of cleanliness, Levi wasn’t thinking of words like clean or immaculate.
It feels lifeless. But he wasn’t telling her that. Not just yet, when the fastidious side of him was still trying to process such an opinion borne out of his cleanliness-loving mind.
It was as if Hange was giving him no time to process though. “Do you get it though? Why I like my rooms with a little clutter?”
Levi gave up on processing, instead submitting to whatever tirade was coming out of Hange then.
And she was getting a little more emotional and a little more attached as she spoke. Because when everything's scattered everywhere, I always feel like I’ll have to fix it soon right? And when I have to fix it, I’m reminded that I’ll be coming back. But now…”
Levi jumped at the crack in her voice. He went forward and closed it, and it had felt like ripping off a band-aid. “Let’s go Hange.”
“I don’t have anything to return to now. It’s gonna be dorm and motel hopping until I get a job and can afford to find a new place,” Hange continued.
The two walked towards the elevators. Hange had kept her strides so slow and steady it had been a little too easy for Levi to catch up. With that, he had a little more time and space to reflect, come up with something more comforting than ripping of a band aid.
That part was easy at least. “You don’t have to have anywhere to return to.” Levi spoke up. “I think, what’s important is that people have someone to return to...”
“‘Someones’ like that are hard to find.” Hange looked at him. Then, Levi had a good view of her, her eyes glistened with what looked like unshed tears, the lines under eyes only told of pent up exhaustion, an all too familiar expression, almost a reflection of Hange that night in the woods.
It had been too easy to assume he had heard those same words as she looked at him expectantly then.
Maybe we should just live here together? Right, Levi?
But that wasn’t the time for a yes nor was it a time to echo the invitation or the words she had mentioned right there in the forest. It wasn’t a time either to tell Hange what had happened in the woods many a lifetime before.
But Levi still spoke up, his own reply tweaked for that situation alone. If he had been any more aware, any more hesitant, he would have pulled back, discouraged already by the many other arguments his mind was able to conjure.
She doesn’t remember about that time in the woods.
She’ll think you’re crazy.
Aren’t you comfortable with where you are already?
He clocked it then as a risk. A risk he was still very much willing to take. It came out of him as something spontaneous, as an explosion inside him raring to go out despite all the doubts glomping down on him.
It had been powered by something, that was for sure. But was it frustration? Regret?
“You know Hange, if you don't want me to, I won't leave. I’d gladly stay here by your side. ”
He didn’t think too much of the motivation though, what mattered was that it did come out. And in its own way, it had left him a little lighter, and maybe a little relieved.
“So what happened after?” Shela asked soon after she had scrawled another few words on her clipboard.
Levi shrugged. “That’s it. That’s how the story ended.”
“Really? With a half confession in the woods? You didn’t even say yes.”
Levi had spent the past week since they moved out of the condominium trying to write in between fixing paper work for Hange’s move to the dorm, cramming school assignments and studying for finals that was looming in the month ahead. He would have loved to blame his inability to write on his shitty schedule.
But I had more than enough time to write. He had at least an hour a night to write before bed. On good days, that had been more than enough to get something written.
“Is school getting busy? Physical therapy?”
“Then why can’t you write a more satisfying ending.”
“That’s how it ended.”
“With a half baked confession?”
“Captain Levi was suffering from wounds after an explosion. It’s a miracle he even lasted that long.”
“So you think he died?”
Shela looked out the window, her expression unreadable. “What if you two did run away to the forest?”
“That would have been a nice ending.”
“Then why not make that the ending?”
“Because that didn’t happen.”
Shela shook her head in disbelief. “This doesn’t seem believable to me. Please try to continue writing.” She turned his laptop back to him and Levi found himself blankly staring at the open google document.
And the more he stared, feeling Shela’s observing eyes boring into him as he did, the more he realized how ridiculous that last sentence was.
I know you’re not able to stay out of the action.
It sounded like the awkward dialogue that preceded a horribly placed commercial break or ad, something Levi would have scoffed at as any other viewer or reader.
“But it’s not like I’m sharing this to anyone else,” Levi said.
“You’re sharing it to me and I’m not satisfied. There should be more to this.”
Levi looked up at Shela and back at the document a few times before deciding on his next plan of action. Shela’s glare was uncompromising and she didn’t look like she would take no for an answer. The document in front of him though, that tiny blinking cursor on the screen was calling to him, the bottom part of the page was blank.
And maybe there was something, albeit little, that can be done flogging a horse that was just almost dead. There were still a few more lines of dialogue that made its way to the pages and Levi was surprised he had enough of that clearly etched in his mind for it to so easily flow into the pages in front of him.
Shoot or listen. It’s up to you.
The last few lines had all been dialogue. But as he turned the laptop back to Shela, the latter seemed at least willing to accept that. “This still looks a little too abrupt...” she commented “ You sure this is how it ends?”
“Captain Levi could have gotten shot. Maybe he died.”
Shela dropped her shoulders in defeat. “Progress is still progress. Do me a favor and please think long and hard about what happens next.”
“I really think it ended with the conversation in the forest.” Levi turned the laptop back to himself, closed the window and shut down his laptop. “But I can try to get something else written out… Maybe a few more scenes?”
“Don’t try." Shela gave Levi a knowing look. “I want you to do it.”
And that look bore holes into him, Levi could have sworn she was a mind reader with the way she followed the laptop with her eyes as he placed it back into his bag. He wouldn’t have been too surprised if she could tell the contents just by looking through the hardware.
Levi had to admit though, what Shela was suspecting, was right. There was more to the story and these scenes nagged at him from the deepest pits of his mind, pleading for their own time to let loose.
They were terrifying though. They were unsettling and Levi was in no position to entertain them.
Not just yet.
Or maybe he never would. Maybe he would be happy never entertaining them again.
So maybe captain Levi died? Maybe they ran away in the woods? There were questions that had been echoed by Shela, questions that had been so easily answered by dreams that he had forced himself to forget soon after he woke up.
The complex emotions though, were very much answerable with a simple question, a simple explanation that Levi was in no obligation to expound on.
“But… Endings don’t have to be satisfying right? What if I just don’t wanna write anymore?”
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myhaikyuuthings · 4 years
oikawa x reader
prompt synopsis: you were starting to heal from your break up when you ran into Him. Everything changed in that moment
can be read separate but linked to this mini series (?) here
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You knew going to one of their games was a bad idea. It had only been six months since your break up, the wounds were still sore. Even Tendou had told you to skip this game, but you didn’t listen. It was a big game for them.
You made sure to sit in the back and try to blend in to the best of your ability. Not long after the game started two people slid into the seats a few down from yours. You paid them no mind, continuing to watch the game. 
“You’re Ushijima’s girlfriend right? Where’s the cheering?” One of them asked, you looked over and instantly recognized him. Tooru Oikawa. Wakatoshi had told you many times how the other man should have gone to shiratorizawa. 
“Oh we’re not,” you mumbled, fresh tears prickling your eyes as you were reminded so easily that you weren’t together anymore. 
The other man smacked the back of Oikawa’s head, a glower on his face, “Look what you did Shittykawa,” he growled, turning to you with a gentle look, “I’m sorry for him, he’s a dumbass.”
You laughed slightly, their friendship endearing to you. Oikawa pouted, rubbing the back of his head. 
“I’m Hajime Iwaizumi, this idiot is Tooru Oikawa, what’s your name?” Iwaizumi introduced, offering you his hand to shake. 
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you replied, giving his hand a brief shake before leaning back in your seat. 
“So really, why aren’t you cheering for him?” Oikawa asked again, jumping a seat closer to you to avoid Iwaizumi’s fist. 
“We broke up six months ago,” you replied, trying to hold back any tears. He cursed beside you, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, glaring down at the court. 
“It’s fine, I broke up with him,” you replied, mentally slapping yourself for saying that so casually.
He snorted beside you, giving you an appraising look. “Well Y/N, if I must say I can’t blame you, Ushijima is kind of a dick.”
“Dude!” Iwaizumi snapped, tossing his chocolate bar at the man beside you.
“It’s okay, he’s right,” you laugh, feeling the tightness in your chest lift for the first time in what felt like forever. “When I broke up with him he just nodded and kept practicing.”
“Seriously?” Oikawa gasped, even Iwaizumi looked shocked. “How long were you two together? Wait why did you break up?”
“We were together since first year, so it would’ve been three years two months ago,” you sniffed, pulling your arms around you, “He spent too much time on volleyball, and don’t get me wrong I supported him but he hadn’t said more than two words to me or even looked at me in a long time. I tried everything I could but,” you shrug trailing off.
“Damn, he is a dick,” Iwaizumi whistled, offering you some of his food. You accepted it with a small smile. 
“I told you he was,” Oikawa snorted before turning to face you, “You deserve better than that. I get how dedicated he is, I’ve had relationships end because of how much time I put into the sport but he could’ve tried more for you.” 
That moment changed everything for you. You found yourself spending your free time with the two men you met that day, whether that was going out in the town or sitting in on their practices. Their teammates teased that you were just there to spy for shiratorizawa but Oikawa put a stop to that fast. You found yourself thinking about Wakatoshi less and smiling more. It was a weird but welcome feeling. Tendou had been skeptical when you told him but he supported whatever made you happy, he knew he couldn’t get your mind off of your ex the way someone else could, being his best friend and all. 
It happened so subtly you didn’t notice at first. The way you would get nervous around Oikawa, how hearing Ushijima’s name in the hallways didn’t make you want to vomit. You just went through life a little happier, less heartbroken. You were healing but it was so much more than that. 
Aoba Johsai had a match against your school soon, which meant they had a match against Ushijima. You told the boys you intended to cheer for them, but you couldn’t help it if you cheered for your friends on the other team as well. 
“As long as I don’t hear you cheering for that dick, I don’t mind Y/N,” Oikawa had assured you, tossing an arm over your shoulder. “What team are you gonna rep?”
“Oh I hadn’t thought about it, I guess neither,” you shrug, subconsciously leaning into his touch. 
“Wear my extra jersey then,” he beamed, laughing at the blush that coated your cheeks. “Come on don’t you wanna piss him off just a little.”
You didn’t really, he hadn’t been on your mind much in the past few months. But you agreed anyways, mainly because you wanted to wear his jersey. He gave it to you then and there, ripping it off his body with a wide smile. You blushed and pushed at his chest while he just laughed. 
You made sure to wash it before you went to the game, but still you wore it. You painted your cheeks with your school colors so your team didn’t think you had completely abandoned them. Tendou sent you a thumbs up and a smile when he saw you in the stands. The game went by faster than you expected, Ushijima seemed to be at the top of his game. You ran down to the court, throwing your arms around Oikawa who was hiding his pain behind a smile.
“It’s okay, you did good Tooru-chan,” you whispered into his ear, squeezing him tightly. He wrapped his arms around your waist, sighing as he hid his face in your neck.
“I ruined our chances for Nationals,” you could hear the pain in his voice, pulling him tighter against you if that was even possible. You ran your hand over the back of his head, shushing him. 
“No you didn’t, don’t you dare think like that,” you felt someone tug the bottom of your jersey, turning your head to the side and seeing Iwaizumi with sad eyes. You pulled one arm from Oikawa, pullling Iwaizumi into the hug with you two. You sighed as you held the two boys who had become so important to you in such a short time. 
They pulled back, strong faces put on as they went to thank the crowd. You walked them to their bus and gave them both another hug before promising to come by tonight. The three of you met up at Oikawa’s as always. It wasn’t long before you had two boys crying on you. Oikawa had his head in your lap, Iwaizumi had his head on your shoulder. You did your best to comfort them and your heart broke for them. As much as you hated to admit it, you felt a seed of resentment growing in your chest for Ushijima taking their chance at nationals. 
It wasn’t long after that that Oikawa confessed to you, assuring you that it was okay if you didn’t return his feelings. He knew you were still healing from Ushijima, but he also knew you had no obligation to like him. As much as he liked you, he didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
“Tooru-chan, I like you too.” 
321 notes · View notes
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SUMMARY :: In which Replay says goodbye to the place they called home. CHARACTERS :: Noh Jiwon , Jeon Sunwoo , Jang Jinhwan , Han Donghan , Nico Matsui , Lee Felix WORDS :: 1.5K WARNINGS ::  none ( if i missed anything let me know ! )
“You good?” 
Jiwon jumped slightly at the sound of Sunwoo’s voice coming from across the room where he thought nobody was there. He looked up, noticing his best friend staring down at him, his arms crossed as he leaned against the door to their room. Jiwon had been trying to pack, key word is trying. Ever since he pulled out all of his clothes he had gotten a strange tight feeling in his chest that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard he tried.
“Let me guess,” the slightly younger man said, pushing himself away from the door and sitting down in front of Jiwon and his heap of clothes. Sunwoo grabbed the shirt Jiwon had been gripping tightly, folding it into a neat little pile, placing it in his suitcase, never once looking up to meet his eyes. “Packing up this little shithole is harder than you thought it would be?”
“How did you-” Jiwon started, but was cut off by a look from the blond haired man in front of him shooting him a look of disbelief.
“Jiwon, I’ve known you for how long now? I can read you like an open book.”
Jiwon let out a small chuckle, watching the way Sunwoo’s hands folded his clothes expertly, not able to stop the feeling of uselessness at that moment. Sunwoo had always been the one that was good at reading people, and sometimes Jiwon wished that he could have that power. Even with Sunwoo, his best friend for years now, he had the hardest time knowing what he was thinking.
He shook his head lightly, pushing any other thoughts out of his head, picking up a shirt to fold. “I guess I just thought it would be easier to close this chapter, but it’s really hard to see everything all packed up and empty.”
“We still have all the memories from here, I think that’s what makes it harder, no matter how much the water pressure sucks and how much mold we find around here.” Sunwoo nodded along, watching as Jiwon placed a shirt down, looking much more haphazard than any of the ones Sunwoo had folded.
“We also have all the memories with Dosan,” Jiwon spoke quietly, feeling tears prick at the corner of his eyes, quickly blinking them away.
Sunwoo chuckled. “You make it sound like he’s dead or something,” the younger one shook his head. “We can still make more memories with him at our new dorm.”
“But they won’t be the memories of him in the group.”
“Yeah,” Sunwoo sighed, looking down at his hands. “But leaving here means we still have the opportunity to be in the group. It sucks leaving, but it’s for the best.”
Jiwon looked up, meeting Sunwoo’s eyes, which were much softer than he expected. Jiwon was hard at reading people and Sunwoo’s gaze was no exception to that rule, though he could tell it was much softer than any gaze the younger had given him before. It was almost unbearable to look at, having that much emotion in one gaze towards him, causing him to look away and back down to his clothes. 
“How have the rest of the kids been taking it?” he asked, his throat suddenly feeling dry. “You’re always much better at reading them than I’ll ever be.”
“I think we’re all feeling a bit emotional about the move,” Sunwoo spoke after a moment. Jiwon couldn’t help but notice the disappointed tone to his voice. “Well, maybe except for Donghan, he’s always been a strange one to read.”
Jiwon nodded, busying himself with his pile of clothes. The two stayed there for a long while, sitting on the floor of their room, packing up their clothes in near silence, both lost in their own thoughts.
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Donghan stared at the room around him, all packed up in brown paper boxes, little words written on the sides so they knew what belonged to who. It felt surreal, he thought as he tore his eyes away from the boxes that seemed to be everywhere and tried to focus on Felix’s steady heartbeat under his ear. He wasn’t nervous for the move, sometimes it felt like he was the only one that wasn’t nervous or sad about leaving this dump, but he couldn’t help the small voice in the back of his head that told him it was strange.
“You want to talk about it?” Felix’s deep voice broke out of the silence as a soothing hand ran over his arm.
Donghan just smiled softly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” he stated, no room for question in his voice as he raised his head from Felix’s chest, resting his chin on it to look at the slightly older boy, lifting one eyebrow. 
Felix just fixed his eyes on Donghan, raising an eyebrow in return. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to in order to get Donghan to sigh, looking away back towards all the boxes.
“What if we go through all this trouble and we still don’t make it?” Donghan said after a moment, keeping his eyes anywhere but Felix’s. The one thing that was eating at him, making everything feel wrong finally coming up.
He had these thoughts for a while now, but he couldn’t bring himself to actually tell any of the other members these thoughts, he didn’t want to ruin their fun, their hope. Hope was a funny little thing, pushing all of the boys to work harder and harder, the hope of better days ahead of them keeping them going. Donghan wasn’t one to be hopeful.
“You will make it,” Felix’s voice was nothing if not certain, causing Donghan to look back, questions evident in his eyes, but Felix’s were strong, certain. “You guys are a talented group, you just need someone to see that. Besides, if there’s one thing I know about Jiwon it’s that he doesn’t give up, if P Nation doesn’t work, he’ll find something that will.”
Donghan smiled lightly as he looked down at his fidgeting hands. “Yeah, he’s kind of annoying like that.”
“It’s a good thing,” Felix said lightly, smiling as he ran a hand through Donghan’s messy hair. 
“It is,” Donghan nodded.
He leaned back down, resting his head back on Felix’s chest. Felix’s words help a bit, though he couldn’t stop the small nagging voice that was telling him they would never make it, that everything they were doing wouldn’t matter. He tried to push them out of his mind and focus on the small moments he had with Felix before they both had to get back to their busy schedules.
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Jinhwan sighed, looking around the now empty dorm, all of the cracks and crevices shown much more now that there was no furniture to cover it. It was officially move out day and part of Jinhwan wanted to run around and jump off the walls at finally being out of this shitty dorm, but the other part of him felt like he was leaving something big and important. He hadn’t felt like this since he moved out of his home and into the dorm for the first time.
“Jinhwan, do we have everything?” Nico’s bright voice came from the front door as he looked into the room for one last time. “You good?”
“Is it weird that part of me is sad that we’re not gonna be in this dorm anymore?” Jinhwan asked not looking over at the younger boy, but staring around at the blank walls.
“You’re gonna miss the mold that’s starting to show up in the bathroom?” Nico questioned causing Jinhwan to let out a small laugh.
“We should probably tell someone about that,” he laughed, shaking his head to look over at the younger, who was leaning against the open door. “But, I don’t know, it just feels strange to be leaving.”
“It’s the thought of change,” Nico said after a small pause, pushing himself off the door frame. “Nobody likes change, even in this case if it’s a good one like this.” he shrugged, pushing his hands in his pockets. “And it could be reminding you about the passage of time and all of that stuff since we’ve been here for so long or something like that.”
Jinhwan paused, thinking over the words that Nico had said. It made sense, all of their memories, their firsts as a group, were all in this shitty, run down dorm, with mold starting to grow in the bathroom. It made sense that he would feel a little sentimental about the place.
“When did you get so smart?” he asked with a smile, throwing an arm around Nico’s shoulders and bringing his other hand up to ruffle his hair. “I thought that was us old folks' jobs.”
Nico let out a small huff, trying to push Jinhwan away with only a small amount of his strength. “I’m just trying to give you guys a break, you’re getting wrinkles from all of that thinking!”
Without another word Nico slipped out of Jinhwan’s grasp running out the door and down the stairs. 
“Nico!” Jinhwan yelled out, the sound echoing off the empty dorm walls as he followed the younger down the stairs, meeting up with the rest of the boys waiting to go to their new dorm.
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skiller0dani · 4 years
For You | Monty De La Cruz
M A S T E R L I S T Timothy Granaderos Masterlist
smut requested requests info missed Part 1? read it here
important notice:  13 reasons why covers some really heavy stuff and their material can be extremely triggering. seeing as my writing is supposed to be for fun only I won’t be including many of the topics seen in the show. in fact, unless I say otherwise most of all my writings for this show will take place before Hannah Bakers suicide. if you or a loved one ever needs to seek professional help please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.
YAY. I changed the computer browser theme. took me fucking ages to get it all set up so those of you that are using a computer I hope you enjoy the knew layout! xx
...I will forever be angry for how badly the writers of that show treated Monty...
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Catch up! Read Part 1 here! 
Your eyes fluttered open upon hearing the sound of a car door closing next to you. It took you a second to remember where you were, and seeing Monty to your left only confused you further. You blinked the sleep out of your eye, “bout time sleeping beauty.” Monty teased as he pulled onto your street. You blushed as you shifted in your seat, a sharp pain shooting between your legs. Oh yeah. “Sore?” He sounds guilty, which catches you by surprise along with the concerned look in his eyes. You muster a smile and try not to grimace too much as you sit up. “A little.” You admit as Monty’s hand turns the wheel as he pulls into your driveway. Your palms are sweating a bit as you reach down to take off your seat belt. You reach for the door and when you stand, you collapse back against the car when your legs tremble underneath you. Monty is out of the car in a second. 
“Parents home?” Before you know what’s happening Monty has swept you in his arms once again, beginning to head for your front door. 
“No.” You say simply, reaching down to unlock the front door as Monty gently kicks it open. You hold onto his shirt as he traverses up the stairs, “you gonna be alright for school tomorrow? I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He sounds genuine, and the admission from Monty has your head spinning. You direct him to your room, which you weren’t expecting him to see today. Embarrassment swells in your chest when the door opens, your bed unmade and clothes scattered along the floor. “Yeah I’ll just get a hot water bottle tonight.” You tell him as he gently lowers you to the bed. Monty’s eyes take a moment to scan over your room and even though you had him balls deep in your pussy not even an hour ago, you still feel incredibly embarrassed. 
“Who’s this?” He asks, his finger landing on a photo of your Mom. Your chest squeezes shut at the sight of her, you blink away oncoming tears before he can notice. 
“My Mom, she died last year.” Monty hums, his eyes lingering on her before moving to the next thing on your desk. You’re appreciative he didn’t make a big deal about your Mom and start awkwardly apologizing. With a cocky smile Monty lifts a white paint marker from your desk, the marker you used to write on your bra. You raise your own eyebrow in response, challenging his cockiness with your own. “You know, feel free to make any more custom bras just for me.” Monty teases, turning with a wink before you can even respond. Your pulse is hammering in your chest when Monty’s fingers trail over the handle of your desk drawer. 
“Hiding a giant 2 headed dildo in here?” There’s a teasing smile on his face and even though your cheeks are cherry red you maintain eye contact with a fierce look on your face. 
Monty yanks open the drawer to reveal your small purple vibrator. “Cute.” He comments, hitting the button and listening to the device buzz in his hand. Your blush is so deep a pulse has started to beat in your cheeks. Seeing your flushed cheeks and mussed hair has Monty fighting another hard on as he turns to face you again. Kneeling at the end of your bed Monty grasps your ankles and yanks you towards him. Your hands land on his shoulders with a gasp, “m-my Dad could be home soon.” You breathe through a shaky voice as you feel Monty’s hand ghosting up your thigh. A half cocked smile plays at Monty’s face, “guess I better make you cum quick then. I wonder if this could help?” There’s a feigned look of innocence on his face as he pulls the vibrator out. You smile as you press forward to lock your lips with his, “hurry up then lover boy.” You mumble against his lips as his fingers reach for the button of your shorts. 
Monty bites gently at the skin of your inner thighs, leaving little love bites scattered across your skin after he yanks your shorts off. You lean back on your elbows, biting your lip when Monty drags your panties down with his teeth. “You’re hot.” You blurt out as he kisses up your thighs and a smile is pressed against your legs. “I’m glad you think so. You’re hot.” Monty says with an amused chuckle. Why on Earth are you so cute? 
Your head falls back when you feel his tongue lick a long line through your folds. “Fuck Monty,” You hiss as his lips wrap around your clit, sucking it into his mouth. Monty feels pride swell in his chest as your cries and moans of pleasure echo through the room. He’s the one making you feel like this. That thought alone is intoxicating to him. Monty clicks the vibrator on and slides it inside you as he continues to lick and suck at your clit. Your hips arch off the bed as you release a strangled cry of euphoria. Monty’s free hand plants firmly on your stomach, holding your wriggling hips to the bed as you grind against his face. “Please don’t stop Monty.” You plead, your voice a needy whine as his teeth nip at your clit. Hearing you beg and plead for him has his cock hard as steel. Monty thrusts the vibrator quickly as he continues to suck at your clit and soon you feel that coil burst and you cum all over his face. 
“Fuck.” You’re breathless as Monty pulls away from you, returning the now wet vibrator back to the drawer in your desk. “I should go, but I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” Monty says and you nod weakly as he presses a long kiss to your sweaty forehead. “Wait,” you mumble, reaching for the flannel shirt he’s got on. You begin to tug at it and Monty rolls his eyes with a smile as he shrugs it off and tosses it to you. His heart grows 5 sizes bigger when he sees you throw your jacket off and replace it with his shirt, pulling it around you. You’re so tiny in it. 
It’s only 10 minutes later that your Dad gets home with your little sister. The rest of the evening is ordinary and boring. Just as it usually is. You keep Monty’s flannel on, it smells just like him. It’s surprisingly comfortable, you never want to take it off. In fact you love it so much that you sleep in it and then decide to wear it the next day. You tie the front of the shirt making it a crop top as you squeeze on a pair of skinny jeans. Your navel is revealed by the way you tied it, and your belly button piercing is on full display. Hearing 3 honks you look out your window to see Zach parked out front. Seeing as he lives down the street from you it made the most sense for him to take you to and from school. 
“Nice shirt. Isn’t that Monty’s?” Zach asks with a playful look on his face as he raises a brow. You flip him off as you adjust Monty’s red flannel so it loosely falls from your shoulders. Zach would be lying if he said he wasn’t concerned of whatever is happening with you and Monty. Monty isn’t known to have long relationships, he’s certainly investing more time into you then anyone else he’d been with in the past. “So do you know what you’re doing with Monty?” Zach asks as he begins to drive towards the school. You roll your eyes, “yeah I’m screwing him.” You say simply as you roll on some red lipstick, your eye makeup simple. Your breasts fill the shirt perfectly with the way you tied it in the front, Monty won’t be able to keep his eyes or hands off you. 
Monty: My clothes definitely look better on you. 
You bite your lip to try and hide your smile as you enter the school and simultaneously receive a text from Monty. You look up and see him standing with the rest of the baseball boys, his eyes burning right through you. You giggle to yourself when you see his hand curled tightly around the strap of his backpack. His eyes rake down your body, but they stop right at your breasts so perfectly presented for him in his shirt. “Damn Monty can I get a piece of that ass after you’re finished with her?” The same damn baseball player from yesterday says and Monty nostrils flare as frustration bubbles in his chest. “You touch her and I’ll break your fucking hand.” His voice is calm but the tone is tense. The guy freezes, swallowing thickly as Monty pushes from the wall to head in your direction. 
Feeling a hand slide into your ass pocket you smile to yourself knowing who it is without having to look. “Montgomery.” You feel his chest press to your back as he presses a kiss to your neck. He pulls away to lean against the locker, his eyes fixed on the guy from earlier. You see the tension in his shoulders when you finally look up at Monty. “What’s up with you?” You ask, watching the predatory glare in his eyes that he shoots at any guy that walks past you. “Monty stop you’re freaking people out.” You laugh nervously, watching as his arms cross. Monty’s jaw clenches and he stands up straighter, “remember how I said I’ll beat any guy that comes at you? I think I’m about to.” He says, and you turn to see the ‘meathead’ from yesterday approaching you and Monty. “Oh hey Paul.” You greet politely, subtly reaching over to grab Monty’s hand. Paul doesn’t give Monty a second glance as he turns to you, “hey Y/N, I just wanted to ask you something because seeing as you and Monty aren’t dating you’re free to do whatever you want with whomever you want.” He snaps, his eyes boring into Monty’s. 
A taunting smile spreads across Monty’s face as he stands straighter, and you can feel the tension building between the two men. “I wanted to know if you were free tonight.” Paul asked, but you figured at this point he was asking only to piss Monty off. It's working. You open your mouth to politely decline when Paul’s hands cup your cheeks and before you know it your lips are pressed firmly to his. In an instant Paul is ripped off you and thrown to the ground, “Don’t fucking touch her.” Monty spits, his fists curling as he puts himself between you and Paul. Your mouth is agape as you press your back to the lockers watching as Paul pulls himself to his feet. “She doesn’t belong to you Montgomery.” He snaps and Monty laughs sarcastically. 
“Baby who do you belong to?” Monty asks, his eyes firmly on Paul. You swallow a thick lump down your throat as you stay stood closest to Monty, “y-you Monty.” You stammer and you mean that, really you do. It’s just that this entire situation is freaking you out. Are Paul and Monty about to get in a fist fight, over you? Monty’s face is hard as he eyes Paul, who rolls his eyes with a bark of a sarcastic laugh. “Sounds like she really has a choice.” Paul snaps, and by now there is a crowd gathered around the two men. Monty licks his lips, his fists curling tighter as he releases a breath. Soon Monty swings his fist into Paul’s cheek, sending Paul to the floor. “Fuck you! She has a choice.” He snaps and when Paul straightens up and smashes his fist into Monty’s left cheek you’re scrambling between them. 
“Monty stop, please.” You plead, your hands on his stomach as you try to push him away from Paul. “It doesn’t matter what he says, I’m yours.” You promise before you press a kiss to his jaw. The simple action seems to release some tension from his shoulders. Monty throws an arm over your shoulders while flipping Paul off. When the two of you turn away from him you feel a harsh slap on your ass and just like that Monty is pushing away from you. “That’s it-” Monty’s voice is tight as he turns and throws a punch into Paul’s stomach. You gasp when Paul shoves Monty into the lockers, causing his right cheek to split open. “Stop!” You cry out, and before you can get in between them you see Zach push between Monty and Paul. 
He harshly pushes both Monty and Paul away from each other. “Monty you need to calm down, Paul you’re a fucking dick. Now knock it off you’re freaking Y/N out.” Zach snaps and Monty’s eyes lock with yours, guilt flashing in his eyes when he sees you trembling. Monty shoves through the crowd and you’re following closely behind him. “Monty.” You say weakly but he doesn’t say anything as he shoves the doors of the school open. “Please,” You beg, voice swelling with tears. When he hears the emotion in your voice Monty stops immediately, turning to pull you against his chest. You hear his heart hammering against his chest. 
“He hurt you.” You say weakly, tears falling down your cheeks as you see the trickle of blood dripping down his left cheek. “He fucking slapped your damn ass-” Monty seethes, his eyes fixed on the school but your tiny hands on his chest stops him from going back inside. “He did that to piss you off.” You say, wiping at your cheeks as you grab Monty’s hand to pull him towards his car. You push him to sit down in the driver seat, you standing between his legs with the door open. You reach for a rag in his backseat before dabbing at the blood trailing down his cheek. “Sorry.” Monty mumbles, the tension finally easing from his shoulders when he realizes you could be in there with Paul. But you followed him outside. You chose Monty. You shake your head with a smile as you lean forward to gently press your lips against his for a sweet kiss. 
“Paul’s right though, we’re not dating so I can do whatever I want.” You start, biting back your teasing smile when you see a tense expression cross onto his face. “But I won’t. I just want you.” You finish and Monty releases a breath, a small smile on his face. He leans back as you continue to clean his cut, “poor girl.” He says and you frown deeply. “Don’t say that.” You argue as you finish cleaning his cut. You and Monty sit in silence for a second before he’s reaching into his pocket, “get in.” He orders and the tone in his voice has your knees weak. You immediately move to slide into the passenger seat, buckling your seat belt with shaky hands. “W-what are we doing?” You ask as Monty takes off away from the school. His hands curl around the steering wheel tightly and his jaw is clenched shut, “I need to fuck you. Right now.” Monty snaps, sending heat to simmer in your lower belly. 
Monty slams the car in park when you arrive at what you assume is his house. Before you can even exit the car Monty’s mouth is on yours, hot and wet and so desperate. His hand tangles in your hair as his tongue slides across your bottom lip, and you moan against his mouth. His hands grasp at your hips to drag you across the middle console to settle in his lap. His lips move desperately against yours, the wet sounds of your lips sliding together sending arousal straight to your core. “Monty,” You mumble against his lips, your fingers pulling at the short hairs at the base of his neck. Monty’s hands begin to move your hips against his, grinding you down on his hardening cock. 
“Be mine.” Monty says sharply, his lips trailing down to your neck. Goosebumps spread all over your skin as soon as the words leave his lips, “like, I’d be your girlfriend?” You mumble, your fingernails digging into Monty’s shoulder as he sucks at a sweet spot under your ear. “Mhm,” Monty merely hums in response, groaning as you grind down against his cock harder. He can feel the heat from between your perfect, inviting thighs and it’s driving him crazy. “I can’t handle shit like that, especially when I know you’re not mine so you can go fuck Paul whenever the hell you want.” Monty snaps, pushing your legs around his waist as he hauls you out of the car. 
“Don’t want Paul, want you. I doubt his cock is even half as big as yours is. Fuckin fills me up so perfectly Monty,” You moan against his skin, beginning to suckle on his neck as he kicks his front door open. “So be mine baby, then you’ll get my cock whenever you want.” Monty says breathlessly as he navigates his house with you in his arms. You laugh, “don’t I already?” You tease, pressing your lips to his once more. Monty presses you against the wall, pulling his lips away from yours as he intently looks at you. “Answer.” He says, his eyes searching yours and deep down he’s afraid you’ll say no. You cup his cheeks and press one short kiss to his lips, “the answer is yes dummy.” You tease and a relieved smile overtakes his face before he’s winding his arms tightly around your waist. 
Eventually Monty kicks open his bedroom door, his lips pressed against yours. God he’ll never get used to having you pressed against him like this. Monty carefully drops you onto his grey bed sheets, his hands pressed on the bed on either side of your head. His lips move with yours as his hands move down to remove those tight little jeans of yours. He groans when he sees your bare thighs and wet little pussy covered by your pink silk panties. You slide your hands up his stomach and he swiftly yanks his shirt over his head. “Am I seriously dating you? You’re like a living sex God.” You muse aloud, causing a cocky smile to spread across your now boyfriends face. Monty pulls your shirt- or his shirt- up and over your head and he groans once he sees your bare breasts. 
“No bra today?” He asks, quirking his eyebrow up. You smile sheepishly, moaning softly when you feel his hands grasp your breasts in his large hands. 
“Was kinda hoping this would happen.” You mumble as Monty leans forward to take a nipple in his mouth. He gently bites down at your nipple causing your back to arch and for you to cry out his name. What on Earth did you do to deserve someone as perfect as Montgomery De La Cruz? “Fuck, I really like you Monty.” You breathe, combing your fingers through his hair. Monty releases your nipple with a pop, his fingers still pinching at the other. “I would hope so, you’re my girlfriend now after all.” He begins to kiss down and around your navel, your breathing and heartbeat ragged as he approaches where you need him the absolute most. “Did you ask me only so I wouldn’t fuck anyone else? I really do care about you Monty.” You say genuinely and Monty stops what he’s doing to look up at you. 
“Baby I wouldn’t care so much about you fucking other guys if I didn’t have fucking feelings for you. I care about you,” He says with a smile, before biting down on your hip causing you to whine while bucking your hips towards his face. “Do you promise?” You moan, feeling Monty press a kiss to your lips through the fabric of your panties. Monty rolls his eyes with a smile as he hooks his thumbs into your panties, “I fucking promise. Believe me yet?” He asks as he pushes 2 fingers inside you, causing you to cry out in pleasure. You nod frantically as Monty tongues your clit, his fingers pumping into you quickly. You feel that familiar coil winding quickly as you clutch the bed sheets so hard you’re afraid you’ll rip them. You feel yourself teetering on the edge and just as you’re about to cum Monty pulls away. You groan in frustration. 
“Patience babe.” Monty smiles, reaching for the buckle of his belt. You lean up on your elbows to watch Monty finish undressing and you nearly cum just from his body alone, “I have the sexiest boyfriend in existence.” You say in amazement, causing Monty to laugh. Monty reaches over into his nightstand to pull out a condom wrapper, “that has to be the 3rd time in the last 10 minutes you’ve referred to me as your boyfriend.” Monty chuckles and you shrug, subconsciously spreading your thighs wider for him when he steps between them. “I’m excited. And happy.” You say with a smile, causing Monty to blush slightly. How cute. Monty leans down over you once he’s rolled the condom on, “me too.” He whispers against your lips before sliding into you with one languid thrust. 
You’re not sure you’ll ever get used to the stretch it takes to accommodate Monty’s delicious cock. Not that you’re complaining, he hits deep inside you. Once Monty has slid all the way inside you, he groans as he just sits there and basks in the feeling. “Fuck, my girlfriend has the best, tightest pussy in existence.” Monty moans, using your words from earlier. You smile as you wind your arms around his back, your heart pounding against his chest. “Fuck baby, I need to pound you. Need to forget everything Paul did to you.” Monty grits through clenched teeth and you hold him tighter with a quick nod. 
Monty pulls his hips back before driving them hard against yours over and over again, slamming his cock into you. Monty leans up, his hands grasping your hips as he fucks into you, “fuck baby that feels so good.” You cry out, your left hand reaching out to hold Monty’s. Your breasts bounce with each smack against your hips, and Monty keeps hitting that spot inside you that makes your toes curl. Monty holds your hips so tightly you know there will be bruises he’ll probably feel bad about later. Sweat trickles down the side of his face as he slams into you over, smacking your ass hard when he remembers how Paul slapped your ass. Your fists curl around the sheets as you cry out loudly, nearly sobbing in pleasure. Monty reaches down to thumb your clit which sends you headfirst into your orgasm. 
You expect Monty to stop or at least slow down when you cum. He doesn’t. 
He continues to slam into you at an ungodly pace, the frustration being released with each smack of his hips against yours. With each thrust Monty was pulling you back against him, making the impact of his cock hitting your sweet spot that much more intense. Your body shakes with overstimulation as you approach your second orgasm, almost screaming as Monty slams into you. As you cum for the second time on his cock Monty turns you so that you’re laying on your side. “M-Monty fuck!” You cry out, your face pressing into the sheets as you’re rocked against the bed. “One more time baby, cum around my cock one more time.” Monty nearly begs, almost as though he needs you to cum again. Tears of raw pleasure spring in your eyes and cascade down your cheeks as the pleasure is almost too much, “God Monty please make me cum again, please baby-” You begin to plead but you’re cut off when Monty reaches down to pinch your clit and as soon as he does you’re exploding all over his cock and sheets. 
The both of you stay there connecting and panting for a few minutes before Monty slides out of you and collapses onto the bed next to you after discarding the condom. Monty props his arm under his head as you crawl up the bed to nuzzle your head into his chest. Monty’s arm curls around you to pull you against him tighter, “you okay? I wasn’t too rough was I?” Monty asks, worry in his voice as he looks you over. You smile as you press a kiss to his chest, “I’m in heaven Monty.” You sigh and he relaxes again, holding you to him tighter. You lean up to grab his phone from his jeans before you’re relaxing into his arms again. You open the camera and snap a photo of you laying naked on Monty’s naked chest making sure you’re breasts are concealed by smashing them against Monty. “What’re you doing?” Monty asks, his voice thick with drowsiness. You simply press a kiss to his peck as you open Paul’s contact in Monty’s phone. 
Monty: hey Paul it’s Y/N. just wanted to say I just had the best sex I’ve ever had. oh and I saw your dick in the locker room & yours isn’t even half the size Monty's is. ;) 
You attach the photo before pressing send and Monty laughs lightly. “That’s my girl.” 
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the snow isn’t all that cold if you’ve got someone to hold
prompt: freezing (leftover from yesterday, used as kind of an alt prompt)
whumpee: eddie diaz
fandom: 911
hi! this fic is technically for day 1 i guess, but there are a couple days this month where neither prompt is really my thing so in those cases i will be using a prompt from a different day. there will still be 30 days of whump, but not 30 separate pairs of prompts used! anyway this fic is a bit softer and fluffier than my usual stuff but there is still whump! it’s just more gentle i guess lol. that’s just how it happened. i hope you enjoy! (title from heater by little car)
Buck opens the front door of the little cabin and steps aside to let Chris enter first. Chris walks inside, looks around for a split second, and promptly makes a beeline for the bedroom he’d claimed as ‘his’ the second he’d seen it on the website. 
“Buck, come see!” he calls excitedly, and Buck smiles to himself and follows Chris inside, glancing briefly back at Eddie, who is struggling up the path with the bags that he’d insisted upon carrying inside himself. 
“Look at that lamp!” Chris says, pointing to a bear-shaped lamp sitting atop the bedside table. He turns to Buck, smiling so widely that Buck thinks it must hurt his face. “This is gonna be the coolest weekend ever,” he continues, and Buck nods in agreement.
“What do you wanna do first, Superman?” he asks, and Chris shakes his head. 
“Buck, I gotta read my book for that,” he says, very seriously. The front door slams shut, and Chris immediately calls out to Eddie: “Dad! I need my book.”
Eddie comes into the room a second later with Chris’ bag, his beloved Guide to Sequoia National Park sticking out from one of the side pockets. 
“Thanks!” Chris says, grabbing the book and sinking down onto the bed. He flips it open and begins studying it intently, paying no mind to the other two people in the room. 
Buck and Eddie therefore leave Chris to it and step out into the living room to grab their own bags, which Eddie had evidently simply dropped in the middle of the floor as soon as he’d gotten inside. Buck sets his bag down next to the couch and flops down onto it.
“Buck, are you sure- ” Before Eddie can finish his sentence, Buck interrupts him with a stern glare. 
“Eds, I already claimed the couch, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“But- ”
Buck shakes his head, and Eddie, apparently sensing that this is a fight he is not going to win, flings his bag over his shoulder and makes his way to the cabin’s other bedroom, muttering something about at least flipping a coin for it. Not that Buck would’ve let that happen. He already can’t help feeling a bit like he is overstepping, although both Chris and Eddie had absolutely insisted that he come on this little trip with them, and there’s no way in hell he’s stealing the only other bed in the house from his best friend. So the couch it is. 
It’s silent in the cabin for a few minutes, until Chris comes out of his room and sits on the couch next to Buck, guidebook in hand. 
“Buck, I can’t decide which thing we should do first,” he says miserably, extending the book. Buck takes it and flips it open, looking through messily highlighted passages and various sticky notes covered in the handwriting of himself and both of the Diazes. 
“What about this?” Buck suggests, pointing to a picture of a person standing underneath a tunnel in the roots of a massive tree. 
Chris makes a noncommittal sound, so Buck continues looking through the book. Chris leans into his side and looks along with him, occasionally pointing out things he thinks are contenders for their first activity tomorrow. 
Eddie startles them both when he comes into the room, and he chuckles softly as they both turn to look at him. “I’m gonna go find some wood so we can have a fire tonight,” he says. “Sunset’s in about an hour and it’s supposed to get pretty chilly.”
Chris nods in agreement and asks if they can make hot chocolate later, to which Buck and Eddie simultaneously reply yes; and Buck jokingly tells Eddie to be careful with the ax (which is about half the size of the one they regularly use in the field), and then Eddie heads out into the forest and Chris and Buck return to their very important activity of scouring the guidebook. 
About twenty minutes pass pleasantly, with Buck and Chris slowly figuring out their plan of attack for the two days ahead. Then Chris looks up from the book and gasps. 
“Buck! Look, it’s snowing!”
Buck turns to look out the window, and sure enough, snow is pouring down from the sky. “That’s weird,” he says, half to himself. “It wasn’t supposed to snow this weekend.”
Chris suddenly looks very concerned. “Will we still be able to go and see the trees?”
“I think so,” Buck says reassuringly. He can’t imagine that this snow is going to last very long. He’d done a lot of research into the weather up here in the past couple weeks, and it’s really not supposed to snow this early into November. He figures that this snow will probably melt by midday tomorrow, which should still let them do everything that they’re planning on doing. 
“Good,” Chris says, and then he gets up and looks out the window, leaning against the pane, breath fogging up the glass. Buck wonders if he’s ever seen snow before, and he’s about to ask whether Chris would like to go outside and see it when he thinks of Eddie, and decides to shoot him a quick text to see whether he’s almost done with gathering wood. 
Eddie’s phone dings on the kitchen counter, and Buck sighs. He looks back out the window, where the snow is beginning to fall harder. It’s already a couple inches deep, he can tell, and Eddie hadn’t been wearing a coat when he’d gone out. He gives Eddie two minutes, in case he’s on his way back, and then starts putting on his own coat and the snow boots that he’d brought, just in case. 
“Are you going to get Daddy?” Chris asks, moving to stand next to Buck. He sounds a little worried, and Buck puts a soft hand atop his hair. 
“Yep, and then we can spend all evening with a nice, warm fire and some hot cocoa and maybe even a movie,” Buck says, zipping up his jacket. “In the meantime, why don’t you keep looking through your book and see if there’s anything we can do that’s inside.”
Chris nods and makes his way back to the couch, and Buck steps outside onto the front porch.
It’s cold. Really cold. Buck tries not to think about all of the many terrible things that could’ve happened to Eddie in the twenty minutes that he’s been gone as he makes his way out into the snow, calling out Eddie’s name. 
He walks for maybe ten minutes, slowly circling outwards from the front door of the cabin, continually calling for Eddie. The sun is starting to set, and the snow is falling faster still, and he is really trying not to panic now. He’s about to get out his phone and call 911 when he hears a voice, faint but unmistakably Eddie’s. 
“Hold on, Eddie, I’m coming!” he shouts, and hurries off in the direction of Eddie’s voice as fast as he can. 
He skids to a stop in front of Eddie, barely managing to stay on his feet as he hits an especially slippery patch of snow. “You okay?” he asks, even though Eddie is clearly freezing his ass off and definitely not okay.
“Slipped,” Eddie says, through chattering teeth. “Not hurt, don’t think, but it was too slippery. Couldn’t get back up.”
Buck can see how that might’ve happened. “I almost slipped too,” he says. “Lucky I didn’t, or we’d both be stuck out here.”
Eddie gives a soft laugh, then sucks in a sharp breath. “‘M really cold, Buck,” he says.
“I know,” Buck replies, carefully bending over and grabbing Eddie underneath his arms. “We’re gonna get you back to the cabin and warm you up as soon as we can, I promise.” He hauls Eddie to his feet, keeping an arm firmly wrapped around him to stop him from slipping again. This close together, he can hear Eddie’s teeth chattering, can feel the coldness of his skin and his clothes. Buck unzips his jacket and maneuvers his way out of it without letting go of Eddie, then tugs the jacket securely around Eddie’s shoulders, guiding his shaking arms into the sleeves and zipping it up. 
“‘S nice,” Eddie whispers, leaning a little more heavily into Buck.
“I bet,” Buck says, sympathetically. “But try not to lean on me too much, okay? The last thing we need is to both end up on our asses in the snow.”
Eddie nods and pulls away slightly, and then the two begin a very slow, very careful trek back to the cabin. 
Halfway there, the sun dips completely below the horizon, and the temperature feels like it drops another ten degrees. Eddie starts shivering harder, despite Buck’s jacket, and Buck throws caution to the wind and pulls Eddie closer, taking smaller steps and shining his phone’s flashlight onto the ground ahead of them.
“Is Chris okay?” Eddie asks, suddenly, stopping in his tracks and nearly causing the both of them to fall. 
“He’s okay,” Buck says, gently pulling him along. “He’s looking through his guidebook and finding some things to do indoors tomorrow, if this snow doesn’t let up.”
This answer seems to satisfy Eddie, who lapses into silence as they walk along through the snow. 
“Look, there’s the cabin,” Buck says, gesturing to its lights glowing through the darkness, even though he knows Eddie can’t see his hand. “We’re almost there.”
Eddie only hums in response, and Buck tugs him along a little faster, very anxious to get him inside and warmed up before this cold does any real damage.
A minute later, they’re stumbling through the front door, dripping melting snow onto the floor. Chris hurries up from the couch, guidebook tumbling to the floor. “Dad!”
Eddie turns to look at Chris, and Buck can see him trying to act okay for his son, but he’s shaking so hard that Buck doubts Chris is buying it for a second. 
“Is he okay?” Chris asks Buck, and Buck so desperately wants to wrap him in a hug and tell him that yes, Eddie’s going to be okay, but that would mean letting go of Eddie, which is not an option at the moment, so he settles for a nod instead. “Your dad’s going to be just fine,” he promises. “But he’s really cold right now, so I need to go and get him warmed up. And you know what he’s going to need most of all?”
Chris shakes his head. 
“He’s going to need to curl up on the couch with you and me and some hot chocolate and a movie. So, while we’re gone, we need you to pick out a good movie to watch, okay?”
Chris nods and adds, “I think maybe we need some blankets, too. Should I find some?”
“Yeah, buddy, that would be perfect,” Buck says, smiling. Chris smiles back, then steels his face into a look of pure determination and sets about on his very important task of finding blankets and picking a movie. 
Meanwhile, Buck leads Eddie into the bathroom and turns on the shower. He starts it off at a lukewarm temperature, not wanting to shock Eddie’s system by forcing him under hot water immediately. While the water warms up, he helps Eddie out of his freezing clothes and tries not to think about how much worse their situation could be right now if he hadn’t found Eddie when he did. 
Once the shower heats up, Buck opens the door and Eddie steps inside, flinching back as the warm water hits his freezing-cold skin. 
“Is it too hot?” Buck asks, but Eddie shakes his head. “Nice,” he says. 
“Once you feel like you’re used to that temperature, you can start warming it up in small increments,” Buck directs. “In the meantime, I’m going to get you some warm clothes and a towel, but you just yell if you need me, okay?”
“Kay,” Eddie agrees, and with that, Buck heads out of the bathroom. 
He takes a quick glance into the living room, where Chris sits on the couch, surrounded by at least five blankets. He’s flicking through movies on the TV with intense concentration, and Buck smiles at the back of his head. God, he loves this kid. 
He then gets back to his task and heads into Eddie’s room, where he locates Eddie’s bag and digs out his pajamas, which consist of a threadbare white t-shirt and a pair of flannel pants. He’s got a sweatshirt at the bottom of the bag, but Buck decides to go back out into the living room and grab one of his own sweatshirts instead. It’ll be bigger and hopefully cozier than Eddie’s own (not to mention the fact that he’s been wanting to give Eddie one of his sweatshirts for...too long). 
“How is he?” Chris asks, while Buck is digging through his bag. 
“He’s taking a nice warm shower right now,” Buck says, tugging his sweatshirt free of his other clothes. “Then we’ll come and join you out here with -” he looks up at the TV, where Chris has chosen the movie Frozen. He laughs out loud, and Chris giggles. “With Frozen, and I’ll make us some hot cocoa, and we’ll get nice and warmed up.”
“Okay,” Chris agrees. Buck makes his way back to the bathroom with the clothes in hand, stopping along the way to grab a towel from the linen closet. He throws all of the items into the cabin’s little dryer and lets them spin for a few minutes, during which time he checks up on Eddie, who seems to be shivering considerably less under the now-steaming water. 
When the clothes and towel are nicely warmed up, Buck brings them back into the bathroom. “You might wanna get out now before these all cool down again,” he suggests, and Eddie reaches up to turn off the water. His hand trembles a little, but for the most part he looks quite a bit steadier, and Buck breathes a sigh of relief. Eddie’s really going to be fine. 
He gives Eddie some privacy to dry off, and a few minutes later, he emerges from the bathroom, hair still wet, the sleeves of Buck’s sweatshirt covering his hands, which hold onto the damp towel. Buck takes it from him and uses it to dry off Eddie’s hair a bit better than Eddie had managed to do. It sticks up from his head when he’s done, and makes him look way cuter than Buck thinks he has any right to. He quickly squashes down that thought and hangs the towel up in the bathroom, then tells Eddie to go sit down on the couch while he makes some hot chocolate. 
Buck watches Eddie walk slowly out to the living room, and hears him laugh softly at Chris’ choice of movie. He smiles to himself, wonders briefly how in the hell he had gotten so lucky as to have these two wonderful people in his life, then gets busy making some hot chocolate. While he stirs the milk in the pan, he thinks about what they’re going to do if their activities end up being impossible due to the snow. He knows Chris might complain for a moment, then accept whatever fate they’re handed, but they had spent a lot of time planning this trip, and Chris had been so excited to come and see the trees he’d learned so much about in school, and he can’t let the kid miss out on that. Privately, he resolves to bring the Diazes back to the park in the summer, when they can be assured it’s not going to snow. 
Buck finishes up the hot chocolate and distributes it across three large mugs, which he balances precariously in his arms as he makes his way into the living room. He sets the steaming mugs carefully onto the coffee table, pulling it closer to the couch so that Chris can easily reach it, then sits down on the couch with Chris and Eddie. Chris is curled into Eddie's left side, a large blanket covering them both. Eddie’s still shivering a bit, but there’s a tinge of pink returning to his face, and he turns and smiles at Buck when he sits down on Eddie’s other side. 
“How you feeling?” Buck asks softly, as Chris presses play on the remote. 
“Better,” Eddie whispers back, reaching out and grabbing one of the mugs. He wraps his hands around it, and Buck wraps his left arm around Eddie’s shoulders, tugging him closer in the process and letting his hand rest on Chris’ shoulder. 
They watch the movie in comfortable silence, and by the time it’s halfway through, Chris is almost asleep and Eddie is no longer shivering. After another fifteen minutes, Chris is solidly asleep, leaning against the side of the couch, and Eddie’s head has dropped down to rest on Buck’s shoulder. 
I really don’t wanna do this, Buck thinks, but he also doesn’t want Chris and Eddie to sleep all bunched up and uncomfortable on the couch, so he gently pushes on Eddie until he sits up, blinking around confusedly for a second until his eyes land on Buck.
“Sorry,” Buck whispers. “Couldn’t let you fall asleep out here.”
Eddie nods, resting his head against the couch cushion instead, and Buck stands up, circling around the couch. He carefully picks up Chris, trying his best not to wake him, then carries him to his room and tucks him into bed. He presses a quick kiss to Chris’ forehead, then gently closes the door and returns to Eddie. 
Who is again half-asleep. “C’mon Eds, let’s get you to bed,” Buck says, grabbing Eddie’s hands and pulling him to his feet. Eddie leans forward, pressing his head into Buck’s shoulder and making an mmph sound. 
“It’s not that far,” Buck promises, and Eddie reluctantly starts walking. Buck follows behind him, arms full of several of the blankets from the couch. 
Once they arrive in the bedroom, Eddie immediately flops down onto the bed, not even bothering to crawl under the blankets. Buck sighs and untucks them, pulling them out from underneath Eddie and then draping them over his already-nearly-asleep form. He piles on several more blankets, until Eddie is fairly buried in them. That done, he turns to leave. 
“Yeah?” Buck turns around in the doorway. 
Buck doesn’t even pretend to try and fight. Instead, he simply crawls into the bed beside Eddie. His skin is still slightly colder than it should be, and Buck tells himself that this is the only reason why he pulls Eddie in closer to his chest, tucking Eddie’s head beneath his chin. They fit together like that easily, and Eddie sighs contentedly, tugging one of the blankets completely off of Buck and pulling it closer to himself as his breathing slows and deepens. 
Buck is all of a sudden very glad that it’s dark and Eddie is turned away from him, so there is no chance of him seeing the ridiculously fond grin that spreads across his face. I think maybe this is what it’s supposed to be like, Buck thinks, and then he closes his eyes and lets sleep take him, too.
thanks for reading this! i hope you liked it :)
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