#Get that Alexander the Great kush
da-riya · 1 year
Why no opium in Macedonia?
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Vic3 sucks since opium is the only medicen yet only India and China get it. I at least want to make some in North Macedonia cuz they have opium! They have opium on their coat of arms!!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
If you had to create a roster for the Einherjar (without using those already on the list) who would you pick from history?
For a more fun one let’s play which Isekai characters would you pick to be an Einherjar?
This was quite fun to do!
1. Alexander the Great, educated, a strong warrior before he was king, responsible for sacking the Persian Empire, but even when the Persian King fled, he left the coward king’s family unharmed, showing that he was also compassionate. He died young and his heirs were assassinated shortly after and the empire promptly fell apart without his guidance.
2. Genghis Khan, one of history’s most infamous leaders, conquered the Mongol Empire plus most of Asia and Europe during his reign. A strong warrior and brilliant tactician who ruled his massive army, and had so many children with various women that his descendants could form their own army today. I love the mystery that nobody knows how he died or where his body is.
3. William Wallace, famous for leading Scotland to its freedom from the English, he may have not been the one to actually do it, but his actions as a warrior and a leader set in motion to the Scots rising up against King Edwards I following his death. His death was tragic, being betrayed and then executed in horrible ways and having his severed body parts displayed around England.
4. Miyamoto Musashi, a ronin samurai who killed his first person at age 13. He traveled alone with no affiliations to train his skills with a sword, which resulted in nito ichi-ryu, better known as kensai, battling with two swords. His most well-known fight was against Sasaki Kojiro, which he won, but then retired to train others with swords and retired with an undefeated record of 61 duels.
5. Spartacus, warrior turned slave turned gladiator turned rebellion leader, courageous but compassionate, a ruthless warrior who offered his enemies both mercy and respect, and led an army of rebels against their oppressors, the Roman Empire.
6. Achilles, who led the Greek army against Troy, killing Hector at the gates, a proud and strong warrior and leader, but he needs to make sure to wear iron boots that are impenetrable as everyone knows his weak spot.
7. Ching Shih, a female pirate who commanded 300 ships and was able to go toe-to-toe with the Chinese Imperial Navy. If you disobeyed you were immediately executed, but the same went for if her men raped captives, she had a no tolerance policy. She ended up getting to retire with all her wealth after the Imperial Government offered both her and her crew amnesty after they were defeated under the agreement that they would stop.
8. ‘Mad Jack’ Churchill, a British solider in WWII that charged into combat with weapons that were not common for the time, such as a sword and long bow. He was disappointed the war ended with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as he wanted to keep fighting. He once stormed a German held down in Italy with just one other man and captured a mortar position and 42 men with just his sword, long bow and his bagpipes.
9. Amanirenas, one eyed ancient queen of Kush, now modern day Sudan, who fought back against the Roman Empire, after the death of Cleopatra, when they decided to try to expand past Egypt, so viciously that Rome and Augustus were quick declare peace between the two empires after they couldn’t win due to the unbearable heat and the pissed off queen. A fierce tactician who used supposedly used war elephants, fed captors to her pet lion, and defaced Augustus’ statues and kept the head of one statue under the feet of the throne of Kush.
10. Lyudmila Pavlichenko, deadliest female sniper in the world; sniper for the Soviet Union in the Red Army during WWII; nicknamed Lady Death and claimed, during her time as a sniper, to have killed 309 soldiers. Became an advocate for peace and toured the world.
11. Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin a French watchmaker, illusionist, magician and regarded as the father of the modern style of conjuring, having brought magic from something only seen at circuses or similar places like that for the poor, to something of grand entertainment for the wealthy.
12. Richard I of England, a bad king but a brilliant warrior, having spent most of his time in the Crusades, rather than running his own kingdom, or fighting against France
13. Ragnar Lothbrok, Swedish and Danish king, legendary Viking warrior leader who raid both the British Isles and the Holy Roman Empire in the 9th century
As for Isekai~
1. Ainz Ooal Gown- Overlord
2. Rimuru Tempest- That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
3. Canya- In the Land of Leadale
4. Azusa Aizawa- I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed out my Level
5. Yuna- Kuma-Kuma-Kuma Bear
6. Albedo- Overlord
7. Diablo- That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
8. Shiraori- So I’m a Spider, So What?
9. Seiya Ryuguin- Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious
10. Mamako Oosuki- Do You Love your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
11. Diablo- How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
12. Hajime Nagumo- Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest
13. Teacher and Fran- Reincarnated as a Sword
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regina-del-cielo · 3 years
So I’ve been researching Alexander the Great’s campaigns and the Kingdom of Kush in the last couple of hours to try and come up with some sort of backstory for Lykon (I’m using this post as reference for Lykon’s birthplace being Nubia), and apparently the Kushites were most famous for their bowmen and just...
...here I am picturing Immortal Siblings AU!Andromache staring at the horizon with a blank ‘I Am Dead Inside’ stare while Nico, Quynh and Lykon get into in-depth Nerd Arguments about archery to the point that if she hears the word ‘arrow’ in any of their shared languages she develops an eye-twitch.
(Lykon says she’s just envious that no matter how good her general aim is she just can’t get the arrows to go where she wants them to.)
(He has to dodge at least three knives for pointing it out)
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inky-duchess · 4 years
Out of curiosity, which historical figures do you stan?
Julius Caesar: I love him because he's a bi icon, a wreck of a human being, was vain as fuck and just a dumbo who was a rebellious teen. Favorite contemporary rhyme about the big guy- "Romans, watch your wives. Here comes the bald adulterous whore. We pissed away your gold in Gaul and come to borrow more."
Clodius: Dude was a riot. Gave up being a patrician to fight for the liberal side of Roman politics. He got Cicero thrown out the city and demolished his house, literally building a shrine to liberty on the remains.
Nell Gwyn: Was mistress to Charles II and never let things get her down. Trolled the other mistresses for funsies and once stopped a riot with a joke. A true Queen.
Hannibal Barca and Scipio Africanus: The Punic wars are just so damn good to read about and Hannibal is just fucking great. He and Scipio are my literal children and I love them. Would give my left hand to hear what was said between them in their final meeting.
Catherine the Great: Just Excellence. Was a boss ass bitch, making Russia cool and sophisticated, the first anti-Anti-vaxxer. We stan hard.
Octavian "Augustus": Went from a little known boy to world's most powerful man. He was just the sass master of the Roman World. When he died, he turned to those around him and was like, I played my part well, where's my applause?
Richard III: Very misunderstood boy. You don't have all the facts. I love him.
All of Henry VIII's wives: Iconic. Love them all. I will tolerate Jane Seymour.
Countess Constance Markeviecz: The only bitch in the establishment I ever respected. Was the first British woman allowed in Parliament but refused to take her seat. Fought in the 1916 rising. Leave your jewels in the bank and buy a revolver, sluts.
Madame de Pompadour: True Queen of Versailles, technically ruled France. She was no arm candy but one of the cleverest, shrewdest women alive.
Harriet Tubman: Risked her life to save slaves and fought to end the practice. It takes balls to face horrors to save others
Diogenes: Hated everything. Read bitches to filth for a living. Dragged Alexander the Great face to face. Yeah, bitch I'd be me too get outta my sunlight.
Hedy Lamarr: An inventing queen whose work eventually helped us gain the jewel that was the internet
Alan Turing: who broke Enigma and shortened WWII. Persecuted for bring gay and forgotten for centuries, only honoured recently.
Grainne O'Malley: Pirate Queen of Connaught, burned out the English lords from her lands and burned the Queen of England in person, dragged her for carrying dirty handkerchiefs and won her case against an asshole English lord
Amanirenas: Queen of the Kush who defeated the Romans so badly they never returned. Her statue was found with her foot resting on the Emperor's head taken from his statue.
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holidays-events · 3 years
Amanirenas (c.60 BCE - c.10 BCE) The One-Eyed Queen Who Fought Rome Tooth and Nail
There’s a ton of different spellings of her name – Amanirenat, Imminerant, etc – but this seems to be the most common one. The Roman historian Strabo referred to her merely by her title as Candace (kandake), but there’s a general consensus that Amanirenas was the one that he was talking about.
 No, Marc Antony and Cleopatra weren’t together when they died. Visual shorthand! Trying to cover a fair bit of history here.
This expansion was initiated by Augustus’s henchman,  Cornelius Gallus, who established Ethiopia as a protectorate. While Cornelius overplayed his hand and was soon thereafter demoted, Augustus nevertheless seemed to approve of the southern expansion, and they continued under Cornelius’s successor, Petronius.
It’s unclear as to whether Kush knew of Rome’s plans for expansion, but it seems likely, given that Ethiopia had been looped in as early as 29 BCE. Estimates I’ve read indicated Kush began early skirmishes around 27, with its major invasion occurring in 24. Rome was dealing with wars in Arabia at the time, hence the distraction.
Kush does not get NEARLY enough play in the history books. A lot of historians have treated it as a satellite state to Egypt, but it actually conquered Egypt in the 25th Dynasty, and had a fairly distinct culture. It repelled a ton of outside invasions, and had an army of archers so fierce that Egypt referred to it as the Land of the Bow. They also had metalworking, thanks to the Assyrians.
Kush is also sometimes conflated with Meroe — Meroe was its capitol city (after it was moved from Napata). You’ll sometimes see references to Candace of Meroe, whom Alexander the Great reportedly met (a myth; more on that later).
It’s a little unclear to me when her son, Akinidad, died. He was alive for the invasion of Napata in 24 BCE. Teritegas, Amanirenas’ husband, died in 27 BCE, I believe.
The Roman historian Strabo — who was a personal friend of Augustus — describes the Kushites flailing about ineffectively, with poor leadership (almost certainly under Amanirenas’ son, Akinidad. she was elsewhere during the sack of Napata). However, given that Rome later agreed to peace terms that were incredibly favorable to Kush, I view the finer details of his account with mild suspicion.
Other carvings depict Kushite leaders feeding people to dogs. The war elephant thing is true, although they were probably used more by Carthage than Kush. The biggest direct tie of elephants to kandakes is a mythic telling of Alexander the Great being greeted by an elephant-riding kandake. Nobody seems to believe that really happened, but hey.
Here’s where you get a thousand armchair historians saying “they could have taken Kush if they wanted to, this is feminist bullshit!” (seriously, Rome “experts” are only marginally less annoying than WW2 “experts”).  I am not arguing Rome couldn’t have taken Kush – it was a combination of harsh environment, armed resistance, and logistical difficulty that sank the expansion. Kush was too far-flung to allow for easy import of reinforcements or mass export of goods. From the viewpoint of the Kushites, this was a David and Goliath story. Other cultures are allowed their heroes.
Here’s the “misunderstanding” theory, which is just my reading of events: Strabo described the Kushites suing for peace, citing grievances with previous administrators. They displayed surprisingly little awareness of Rome, not knowing who its leader was or where to find him. This indicates to me that the aforementioned administrator, Cornelius Gallus, was provoking Kush in ways that didn’t make it into the histories, and that when they started fighting, it was against him – they didn’t really know who they were fighting. It’s possible it was all a misunderstanding, one that Amanirenas ironed out. Doesn’t square with their continued disrespect for Augustus’s head, but hey. Egypt had swapped hands a lot in the years leading up to the war, confusion is understandable.
 There’s other Augustus statues out there, other bronze ones even – but none had the original eyes. Hence “best preserved.”
I just wanted to share that old-school diss. The rest of the wall had crumbled so who knows which ruler it was. I’m rooting for Amanirenas.
[click to hide/expand]Art Notes
The art notes are pretty much all inline! Amanirenas’s outfit is a stripped-down version of her carving. It is more likely she would have worn something like a leopard pelt, but I liked the design so much I ran with it.
Kush had cool little pyramids that survive to present day, so I sprinkled them throughout.
That blue-eyed elephant is named Jumbo. Totally legally distinct.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"Now You Know How Ashamed I Am Of You!"
Friday 16th October 2020
Hello again everyone! Hope you're have a great day so far! I once again realise I am so far behind but I'm going to try my best to catch up as soon as I can! I'll be reviewing Friday's episode in this post. I'm not going to waste any of your time, let's get right into it!
The previous episode ended with Shirley talking Gray down from setting his house alight with him and the children inside. The episode starts the morning after, Shirley has spent the night on the sofa in Gray's living room. Gray walks in and nudges her awake, he is completely thankful for what she did last night. But Shirley isn't convinced, she knows that if she hadn't come round, he would've set the house on fire. She knows that it wasn't just a moment of weakness, as he says. She knows it was all planned, she understands that he's grieving, but to go to the extent of killing himself and his children, it's plain to see that the grieving Dad isn't coping. Shirley then decides to do something which will hopefully wake him up a bit, she gets her phone and and begins dialling - Gray looks a bit concerned as to what she's about to do. She then reveals that she is going to call the police or the social services, anyone who will take the children away to stop Gray from harming them. Gray pleads Shirley not to make the call, but she gives him an ultimatum, the kids go and live with Karen and Mitch while he gets himself together, or she'll call the social services, it's his choice!
At the Mitchell household, Lola walks in on Phil. It's clear to see that they haven't spoken to one another since Lola revealed everything to Denise about Phil visiting Raymond. Phil gives Lola the cold shoulder as she tries to explain her actions. She even mentions to him that if she had caught Denise doing the same thing, she would've acted in the same way, not just to Phil. Suddenly they're interrupted by a knock at the door, without saying a word, Ellie storms in and gives daggers to Phil. I know it's quite silly to say, but I'm looking forward to seeing their confrontation! Is Phil going to be given a warning to keep his distance? Will he have a battle on his hands?
Meanwhile at the Beale household, it looks as if Kathy has joined a dating app. As Bobby walks in on her and Peter giggling about the whole thing, Kathy reveals that everyone she has seen looks as if they belong in a care home. Bobby warns his Gran to be careful while she's looking through the app, as no one will be as they appear online. Who knows what kind of people she'll come across? Kathy then reveals that she's going to delete the app anyway as she's not had much look, Peter then takes it upon himself to change a bit of her profile. Without her knowing, he changes her age from 70 to 45! Firstly can I just how AMAZING Kathy looks for 70! I had no idea she was that age ... I honestly thought she was a little younger!! How is she going to react when she realises Peter has changed her age?!
Back at the Mitchell's Ellie is making perfectly clear to Phil that he needs to stay away. Phil apologises for lying, but he also admits that it was the only thing he could think of as an excuse for seeing Raymond. She tells him that he has had his chance to see Raymond under false pretences, he now needs to leave them alone considering they have a lot of things to go through "Especially now!" ... when she says those last two words, something doesn't sit right with Phil. What could she mean by that?! As she hurries off, Phil is quick to follow her, asking her what she meant by "Especially now!" ... Phil follows Ellie onto the Square demanding to know what she's talking about, suddenly Denise hears all the racket being made on the Square and she confronts the both of them, it's then that Ellie reveals that Raymond needs a procedure to get some bones pinned and that he's going to be on a waiting list. But before she can say anymore, Jack and Denise jump in to stop Phil finding out anymore information, and Ellie somehow disappears out of the scene.
At the Prince Albert, Shirley is finally catching up with Mick, Linda and Tina. Mick is less than pleased to see his Mother, as Linda makes small talk, informing her that Jean had mentioned that she didn't return home last night. Mick is silent as Shirley explains that she won't be going back to the Slater household due to Stacey being back with the children, it looks as if the Carter family don't really know what to say and it's only when Shirley shouts at them that Linda assures her that she can move in with herself and Mick. He seems less than impressed as he storms out of the club, is Mick blaming his Mum for putting him into care? Probably blaming her for his abuse? As it wouldn't have happened if he was put into care in the first place. Shirley seems upset that her son is avoiding her, she says to Linda "I thought thing we're going to be different this morning. Forgiven. Forgotten?!" Tina clearly has no idea what is going on within her family and its only when she asks that she finds out from Linda that Shirley seems to think Mick's mood has something to do with Frankie's Mum, Katy.
Back at home, Jack is trying to console his girlfriend and explain that once Raymond is discharged from the hospital, Phil will go back to his normal ways and focus on his dodgy deals and motors at the Arches. But Denise doesn't seem to think so, she's convinced that now Phil knows about his son, he's going to do everything in his power to make sure he's involved in the child's life. But Jack seems to reassure her that if Phil ever tries anything, he'll be the one to put a stop to it. As this conversation is taking place, Phil eventually catches up with Ellie, he insists that if Raymond needs any help, if he needs a procedure, he will pay for it! However, without him realising, Lola is watching from a distance. Is Phil going to be making a huge mistake?!
Meanwhile, in the Vic, Martin is catching up with Kush with Lily in tow. Lily is sat at the table playing a game on a mobile phone, at first we're not sure what she's playing and who's phone she's playing on. Martin and Kush are discussing recent events involving the Slater's and Martin and Ruby. Martin asks his best friend why he didn't make an appearance, but Kush assures his friend that he's not playing sides. I guess it's really none of his business who Martin wants to be with, I guess you could say it's just easier for him to play it safe and not be on anyone's side - that way he can still be friends with Martin and still see his son, Arthur. Suddenly Lily pipes up and claims that the phone she's using is rubbish, it's only when Martin takes the phone from her that he sees what she's been playing - Poker on Kush's phone! Martin asks whether or not it's a real game, only we know that in recent weeks that Kush has been playing poker on his phone more and more, it was the way he managed to get the money to pay Suki rent. Kush reassures his friend that it is just an app game, but then when Martin reveals that he's lucky, because Lily had just lost him £5,000! Kush's eyes look in dismay, is he going to be in big trouble now?
Upstairs of the Vic, Sharon is alone cleaning up as we hear footsteps approaching, Bobby has come to see her. Something tells me we're about to see another storyline for Bobby. Recently he's been reminding everyone to keep clean and wash their hands. Is the cause of Covid-19 about to kick off some kind of OCD? Will he find the need the clean absolutely everywhere until he feels in himself that it's safe to carry on with things? He approaches Sharon and offers to clean everything for her for the whole afternoon while she looks after Albie. It's then that Sharon apologises to him for the way Dennis spoke about him, but Bobby is an absolute sweetheart and tells her that whatever Dennis did, it's all in the past and it's been forgotten, Dennis probably didn't mean what he said about him anyway. Sharon thanks the young teenager and leaves him to crack on with his cleaning.
Back at the Atkins household, it looks as if Shirley is waiting for Gray to return. This scene was another brilliant, interesting scene between Linda Henry and Toby-Alexander Smith. Gray is shocked to see Shirley sat in his kitchen, he asks her how she got in and she reveals a set of keys from her pocket. This conversation between them both seems to really hit the nail on the head. Shirley felt like she had to step in and help Gray, she explains to him that she understands how he's feeling because at this moment in time, Mick isn't happy with her. Gray seems interested and asks why. The only thing she says is that this particular scar is taking longer to heal. I think it's then that Gray realises what she's trying to say, if he had gone through with torching the family home, that would've been a scar for his children which probably would never heal for them. It looks as if (maybe) Shirley and Gray have a bit in common, they understand what each other are going through because they have both been made to feel that they can't cope and that they went down the route of making silly decisions and making stupid mistakes! Gray then suggests to Shirley that she needs to say sorry to Mick, no matter how many times it will take, she needs to keep trying! They clearly have a mutual understanding of each other and I like that, it seems like the most two unlikely people, but it really has worked!
Back at the Slater household, Kush is back on his phone. Something is telling me that perhaps he's trying to win back the £5,000 that Lily lost him! Oooo is Lily going to be such a little madam?! She walks in on Kush playing his game and she knows that it was a real game. She informs him that Kat would be unhappy if she knew about him gaming, she even mentions that Kat was angry at Alfie when she caught him coming out of the bookies. Kush tells the little girl never to play on his phone again, but it looks as if she's got one up on him. She throws a magazine onto the kitchen table and informs him that she's wanting a tablet. Is she threatening him? If he doesn't get her the tablet, will she tell Kat and Stacey what he's been up to? Uh-oh! Kush is stuck in the corner now! I know we've not seen much of her recently, but what do you guys think of the new little actress playing Lily? I think I did prefer the previous little girl as she was incredibly cute, but maybe they're going to be taking a different path with Lily - will she become a troublesome child? Who knows?
Meanwhile, it looks as if Phil has made a bank transaction over the phone of £5,000. He's convinced that he's doing the right thing and making the right decision. He catches up with Lola and informs her that everything with Ellie seems to be okay now. He announces that he's on his way to the hospital to go and see Raymond again, Lola seems surprised but Phil seems to inform her that now Ellie is aware of who he is, he doesn't need to pretend or hide anymore. With that he happily leaves to see his son. As they both arrive at the hospital, they find that Raymond's bed is empty. Phil quickly asks the doctor whether he's been moved to another unit and inquires about the treatment Raymond needs. It's only then that the doctor reveals the shocking information that Raymond has been discharged, he's home and he doesn't need anymore treatment! Phil's eyes are wide with shock! It's been a very long time since anyone has pulled the wall over his eyes like that! He knows he's been made a mug of and he's just given Ellie £5,000 for Raymond's supposed treatment! How the heck is he going to find a way out of this one? Will he track her down and get his money back?!
Back at the Carter's, Tina finds Shirley alone and asks where Mick might've got to, but slowly Mick approaches her from behind. Poor Tina, she obviously thinks she's done the right thing to help Mick with his feelings. She reveals she's only gone and found Katy online and she's debating whether to give her a call or not. Does this mean that Katy could be arriving to the Square pretty soon? Mick looks incredibly uncomfortable as Tina shows him the picture of their old friend. He doesn't say a word as he looks as the picture and quickly makes his escape. Shirley follows her son shouting after him, she can see that he's feeling awkward right now. Poor Tina has no idea what is going on in Mick's head, she's left baffled as they both walk away. The last scene of this episode, out on the Square, Shirley catches up with her son. She takes Gray's advice and begins to tell him how sorry she is for putting him into care, for it being Katy raising him instead of her. She's pleading for forgiveness from her son, but something is telling me that it's not what Shirley did that is upsetting Mick, it's coming to terms with him being abused. For a split moment, it looks as if he's going to tell his Mum exactly what is going on in his head, exactly what he's found out and what he's come to the realisation to. However, his words turn very quickly - as he seems to think about his own children and thinks to himself how someone can do that to a child? - Do what exactly? - Sexually abuse them? Put them into care? The whole speech he makes is as if he's speaking about his sexual abuse, but then maybe he does blame his Mother for putting him into care? Then perhaps his abuse wouldn't have happened in the first place! He announces that now she knows how much he is ashamed of her! He walks away and leaves his poor Mum in floods of tears!
I do feel for Shirley right now, I don't think Mick means to take his blame out on his Mum, it's obvious his anger is meant to be towards Katy. How the hell is he going to react when she arrives?! I think it's going to be quite harrowing for the Carter family over then next few weeks, especially Mick! What do you think is going to happen? I promise you all, I will be back tomorrow night following Monday's episode - I feel that I will probably get round to making a post every night this week, just to make sure that I am up to date! I'm sorry if this post is a bit long! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day, I'll be back tomorrow! Thank you again everyone! xXx
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prettywelll · 2 years
I know I can
Be what I wanna be
If I work hard at it
I'll be where I wanna be
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)
Be, b-boys and girls, listen up
You can be anything in the world, in God we trust
An architect, doctor, maybe an actress
But nothing comes easy, it takes much practice
Like, I met a woman who's becoming a star
She was very beautiful, leaving people in awe
Singing songs, Lena Horne, but the younger version
Hung with the wrong person, got her strung on that heroin
Cocaine, sniffing up drugs, all in her nose
Could've died, so young, now looks ugly and old
No fun 'cause when she reaches for hugs, people hold their breath
'Cause she smells of corrosion and death
Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring
'Cause they came to do drugs and you came to sing
So if you gonna be the best, I'ma tell you how
Put your hands in the air, and take the vow
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)
Be, b-boys and girls, listen again
This is for grown-looking girls who's only 10
The ones who watch videos and do what they see
As cute as can be, up in the club with fake ID
Careful, 'fore you meet a man with HIV
You can host the TV like Oprah Winfrey
Whatever you decide, be careful, some men be
Rapists, so act your age, don't pretend to be
Older than you are, give yourself time to grow
You thinking he can give you wealth, but so
Young boys, you can use a lot of help, you know
You thinking life's all about smoking weed and ice
You don't wanna be my age and can't read and write
Begging different women for a place to sleep at night
Smart boys turn to men and do whatever they wish
If you believe you can achieve, then say it like this
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)
Now, go
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)
Be, be-fore we came to this country
We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys
There was empires in Africa called Kush
Timbuktu, where every race came to get books
To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans
Asian, Arabs and gave them gold, when
Gold was converted to money it all changed
Money then became empowerment for Europeans
The Persian military invaded
They heard about the gold, the teachings, and everything sacred
Africa was almost robbed naked
Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships
Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went
He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces
Shot up they nose to impose what basically
Still goes on today, you see?
If the truth is told, the youth can grow
They'll learn to survive until they gain control
Nobody says you have to be gangstas, hoes
Read more, learn more, change the globe
Ghetto children, do your thing
Hold your head up, little man, you're a king
Young Princess when you get your wedding ring
Your man is saying "She's my Queen"
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)
Save the music, y'all
Save the music, y'all
Save the music, y'all
Save the music, y'all
Save the music
0 notes
Oh, Lazarus | 4
“He’s dressed a little too fashionably to be a hunter, don’t you think?”
You recently escaped from a facility that had ran various experiments on you, but not without leaving behind a few bodies. Taehyung is sent to track you down and kill you. However, he soon discovers he’s a little in over his head and not all is what it seems to be…
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Romance, Crime AU, Supernatural AU (not the show)
Warnings: Violence, swearing, eventual smut
Word Count: 2,340
A/N: I bought Rise of the Tomb Raider and got distracted. Whoops. It’s a smaller chapter because it’s about to segue into a much larger one >.>
“How’s it coming along?” You asked, watching as Yoongi visibly jumped in his chair. You had come up on him quietly, as you usually did. 
“God damnit Y/N. Why are you always sneaking up on me?”
“I wasn’t sneaking,” you replied innocently, laying your hands across his shoulders.
“Sure. Anyways. We’ve made some progress. I can now discern between nouns and verbs. Adjectives are still a little iffy.” 
“But you have no idea what they mean?”
“None whatsoever.”
“Well...no one’s perfect.”
“Anyways, I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without Jungkook.”
“And how is he?” You asked, peering over at the youth with his face far too close the the screen surely. 
“I like him. He reliable. He’s efficient and precise.”
“Add durable to that and you’ve got yourself a new watch. As always, let me know if anything changes.” You patted the man on his shoulders and moved to leave.
“You know this would go much faster with that Taehyung guy!”
“Hoseok first,” you threw over your shoulder. 
“What’s the deal with this Hoseok guy anyways? Jilted lover?” Jungkook asked with a cocky smirk after you left, of course.
“He’s her brother.”
He promptly wiped the smirk off, “Oh. That was awkward.”
“He’s adopted,” Yoongi replied back not the slightest bit phased by the topic of conversation. 
“Ah. So she’s single?”
“Oh my God, would you please focus.”
“What! Like you never thought about it?”
Yoongi ignored him and kept on with his research. Jungkook waved him off and went back to his own work. He’s definitely thought about it.
You went up to your room and started packing a weekend bag. You had a lot on your plate but one thing at a time. You needed to go back to Japan and see Father Namjoon but you also needed to find Hoseok. There was no way you were going to send Taehyung off on his own. You had given him the last thing Hoseok wore before he took off. The trail had definitely gone cold but Taehyung found the last place in Germany you had tracked him to. You could at least verify that. 
So now the two of you were off to Berlin. If Jin wasn’t protesting, then Jimin was. He sat crossed legged on the couch as you moved in and out of your closet. “What if you’re walking into a trap?”
“I’m well prepared for that.” You countered.
“Shouldn’t at least one of us go with you?”
“Don’t you know three’s a crowd?” You asked with a smirk.
Jimin sighed. “What if he tries to seduce you?”
You looked at him incredulously, “He’s not my type.”
“You have a type?”
“Look,” you took a seat next to him, taking his hand in yours, “do you feel that?”
Jimin’s expression changed, expressing externally, the inner turmoil you were under. “Pain, frustration, betrayal, sadness, anger...love.”
“Yes. My life is complicated and it’s more than just feelings. You’ve been very helpful to me personally and I thank you for that but please understand that what I do...I do for a reason. Hoseok means a lot to me. We haven’t always seen eye to eye but we’re still family. However, he stole from me and it pissed me off. I can’t let him do anything stupid. So, I will do what it takes to find him. Even if that means trusting a hunter that was previously sent to kill me. Not that I actually trust him but...I think he understands what this means to me.”
Jimin nodded, “What did Hoseok steal if you don’t mind me asking.”
“An ancient artifact my father found. It is said to be the heart of a god. I’m not sure I believe that but given that we exist...well. Anyways, this heart is supposedly imbued with magical powers and if consumed, would give a person almighty powers. They themselves would become godlike but not fully. It’s a dangerous power to wield. I don’t know what Hoseok is up to and that’s what bothers me the most. He’s not interested in power. This is something else.” You trailed off and stared down at the floor, thoughts and theories flying around at the speed of light. 
Jimin took in everything you said while gently rubbing the back of your hand. “I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to hold you back, or that I worry about you too much. It’s just...for the first time in my life, being here makes sense. You choose to do what you do. I never had a choice. Even when I hid at the church, I did it because I didn’t have a choice. People always used me for my abilities; for good and for bad. Then I met you and I knew; my path would be the same as yours. Thank you for not sending me back. I like being here. I like using my abilities to help other people.”
You gave him a warm smile and pulled him into a hug. You weren’t much of a sentimentalist nor were you very good with emotions but you knew how to comfort people and keep them grounded. You built a team of people you could trust with not only your life, but also your secrets. You could be vulnerable around them and that was important. Jimin and Jungkook were very quickly proving themselves and were a welcome addition to the family. 
Jimin soon took his leave to go to bed as the night was wearing on. You made sure everything was in order for tomorrow, before retreating to the library. Behind the desk was a window seat that typically doubled as a bed whenever you were here...and you were always here. Your father’s obsessions had become your own; mainly the origins of specials. He believed the ancient race your mother belonged to were the first of their kind, remnants of a species from Old Earth. Of course, finding anything to prove that such people existed was difficult at best. Hardly any texts from so long ago survived and the few immortals from that time were, well, few and extremely secretive. Your father was lucky enough to meet your mother that fateful day in Rome. 
You pulled out one of his more recent journals and poured over it. The last thing he was trying to do was find the burial place of Gilgamesh, whom he was convinced, was more than just a historical king. In fact, your father had several boards across the library with pictures and tidbits of info on various people he suspected to be real and to have had abilities. Both your parents were immortal but they weren’t unkillable like you. No, your mother was killed and your father...well, no one knows what happened to him. He was an old man when he went off into the mountains of the Hindu Kush. That was nearly two centuries ago. 
You sighed and leaned back in your chair. You wish things hadn’t gone sour between you and Hoseok. Adopted or not, he was your brother and you loved him. You had been through so much together. You wondered where it all went wrong. You eventually drifted off to sleep, your head laying upon the desk. 
You dreamt about a time when you and Hoseok were on the trail of Marco Polo’s expedition. You were treasure hunters and thrill seekers. His powers of telekinesis always came in handy. The people who hired you believed there was something more to Polo’s story; that he had found something and then subsequently hid it from the world on his way to Persia. 
“A lost city perhaps?” Hoseok asked with an intrigued smile before slamming back a shot. The two of you were resting from a successful gig in Caribbeans.
You thumbed through one of Marco’s old leather journals, looking for clues. It had been provided to you by said employers. “The Polo’s lost a lot of their wealth before they could return to Italy. Set upon by thieves apparently. Maybe they stumbled upon the final resting place of Alexander the Great?” 
Hoseok chortled, “Yeah right. Or maybe it was the Ark of the Covenant?”
“Oh that I will find one day, don’t you worry.”
“Dream on. C’mon! Put that thing down and have a shot with me.”
You smiled fondly at him and shoved the journal back into your bag. “You do remember that you’re a lightweight correct? I don’t want to help you nurse a hangover in the morning.”
“I’ll be fine,” Hoseok stated, waving off your complaint as he poured two shots of tequila. God this was a terrible idea. 
He handed one over to you and raised his in a toast, “To us and our escapades. May our spirit of adventure never die and may we always do what we love.”
“Well that I can drink to.” You clinked your glass with his and knocked it back. You sucked through your teeth as the burning sensation hit your throat and radiated warmth throughout your body. 
“So, we have a long road ahead of us. We’ve got three flights to make before we get to Shanghai.”
The man grunted, “That’s two days worth of travelling huh. Yikes.”
“At least we have Kirill’s seaplane. That makes things a great deal easier.” You finished the rest of your beer, peering around to make sure you two weren’t being watched. It was easy enough having enemies as a special. It was a double whammy being in your line of business. The competition was fierce but with the two of you as partners, you gave people a run for their money. You were the best. You were a team. “Let’s go to bed. I want to leave early.”
You woke up in your bed around 6am, dawn’s early light cracking through your window. How did I get here? You felt a warmth next to you and assumed it was Jimin. However, when you rolled over, you were face to face with blonde hair and blue eyes. Taehyung smiled at you and you rolled your eyes. “Of course.”
“Your fault for falling asleep on your desk. I went to see what the itinerary was going to be and found you there. So naturally I carried you back here.” His deep, husky voice was somehow an octave lower in the mornings. You didn’t think that was possible. He had been given a room and had only been in the house two weeks. Everyone kept a watchful eye on him in case he was playing the long game. Certain parts of the house he wasn’t allowed near. Like the computer one for example. You didn’t want him knowing any more than he needed to know and what he needed to know strictly pertained to finding your brother. 
However he made himself annoyingly comfortable and tried to ingratiate himself to everyone, especially to you. You half wondered if this really was the same hunter that had tried to kill you. You knew, though, how to be two sides of the same coin. There was you, the real you, and then there was the person you needed to be for the job. It was like a switch. The man you first met was vicious and tenacious, now the man laying next to you was practically a puppy. He intrigued you to say the least. You found yourself staring at him, trying to figure him out. He reached over and gingerly tucked stray hairs behind your ear, “Y/N, if you keep looking at me like that, I might have to kiss you.”
You snapped out of your thoughts and rolled away, getting up. “Are you packed?”
He smiled and nodded, “Ready and waiting, babe.”
You tutted and went to your closet to change, “Get your things and meet me at the car.”
Taehyung’s smile remained as he pushed himself off your bed. He was obviously smitten with you. It was not bragging to say that you were used to this kind of reaction from people. It frankly annoyed you. You weren’t a flirt and you never led anyone on and yet, you attracted interest like bees to flowers. You didn’t consider yourself beautiful. Fairly attractive, yes, but that couldn’t have been it. Perhaps it was your insouciance everyone found so appealing. Either way, you didn’t quite care. You didn’t have time or the energy nor the patience for romance. Even casual flings weren’t your cup of tea. You were married to your way of life.
Taehyung met you by the car as instructed. He wore a navy, military jacket over black pants and it suited his style quite well. “Are we taking that seaplane I shot up?” He asked, lowering his sunglasses to peer over the rim.
“As a matter of fact, yes. It’s a four hour flight to Berlin from here.” 
Jin had joined you shortly afterwards, playing chauffeur for the day. You took the passenger seat while Taehyung sat in the back. He observed you both as you were deep in conversation about Hoseok and what to do once you did find him. 
“Do I need to worry about this guy?” Taehyung asked.
“Not really. He’s dangerous in his own right but he’s not stupid. You just need to find him. I’ll handle the rest. I’ll take you to where I last saw him. Hopefully you’ll be able to trace something.”
“I found you well enough after a few months. I might be able to find him.”
Jin eyed the man through the rear view mirror. He certainly didn’t like the kid all that much but Jin listened to you and respected your opinions. If you believed Hoseok could be found, then he would be, no matter what. He had been with the family long enough to understand the weight of the situation. Unbeknownst to anyone, though, someone else was after Hoseok. They knew what he had and they were desperate to get their hands on it, for it held the key to a new world order.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Sean Connery and Michael Caine are Godlike in The Man Who Would Be King
“I’ll stand one day before the Queen, not kneel, mind you, but stand like an equal, and she’ll say ‘I’d like you to accept the Order of the Garter as a mark of my esteem, cousin,’” Sean Connery’s ex-British soldier Daniel Dravot proclaims in the 1975 period adventure film, The Man Who Would Be King. And with those words, and the epic death scene which followed, Connery completed the saga of a long-germinating work from one of Hollywood’s most celebrated directors. John Huston was Hollywood royalty. His father, Walter, was an acting icon, and his offspring have all gone on to distinguish themselves as part of the Huston Dynasty.
Connery was of course no stranger to acting royalty himself. Eventually knighted in 2000, he also got to play King Agamemnon in Terry Gilliam’s Time Bandits in 1981, King Richard the Lionheart in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991), and King Arthur in First Knight (1995). James Bond was only a small part of Connery’s cinematic output. The Oscar-winning screen legend wasn’t always a suave, debonair, tuxedoed aficionado of the shaken martini.
He was already distancing himself from the immensely popular 007 role by the time he made Diamonds Are Forever in 1971. He wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty for parts, and he reveled in playing the occasional antihero and other less sympathetic roles.
Thus Connery got the chance to play a not-so-bright, morally flawed but timeless character in the 1975 film The Man Who Would Be King. He also fulfilled a lifelong dream for a Hollywood legend, and turned a myth into reality.
Huston had loved Rudyard Kipling’s “The Man Who Would Be King” since he was a child, according to the book The Hustons, by Lawrence Grobel. Kipling was 22 in 1888, when he wrote the short story, and had been shot at while exploring the setting. Huston’s adaptation was a dream project which had morphed into the purgatory of lost film masterpieces, like Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon, Alejandro Jodorowski’s Dune, or Orson Welles’ Heart of Darkness. Francis Ford Coppola wound up adapting the Joseph Conrad novel with a post-Vietnam War mentality. His Apocalypse Now is about a good man corrupted by absolute power. Huston took the lessons of the unpopular war in the opposite direction. The Man Who Would Be King is about bad men who are held accountable to the indigenous people they conquer.
The Man Who Would Be King is about power, greed and the manifest destiny of entitled Europeans. It lampoons the superiority of British colonialism. In a “Making of” documentary about the film, Huston says he found the “ideal” actors to capture his subversive intent. This movie was the only time Connery played with his lifelong friend Michael Caine, besides A Bridge Too Far, which had too many bridges and a platoon of stars between them. The pair met at a cast party for the first show Connery acted in, a touring company’s production of South Pacific in 1954. On July 9 of that year, Huston told Allied Artists’ Harold Mirish he wanted his next film to be the first and only on-screen pairing of Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable.
Huston originally had The Man Who Would Be King slated as his next production after he finished Moby Dick (1956). He planned to begin principal photography in India between November 1955 and January 1956 and was negotiating to film in the Todd-AO process. Huston had worked with Bogart on the very first film he directed, The Maltese Falcon in 1941, and the pair continued a string of successful and innovative films together. Though working fairly steadily, Bogart was battling esophageal cancer and ultimately succumbed to it on Jan. 14, 1957. Huston discussed the film with Gable while filming The Misfits, but the actor known as “The King of Hollywood” then also died in 1960. 
Richard Burton was set to play the role against Peter O’Toole, and Huston kept start dates ready from January 1966 to January 1967, waiting for the opportunity, but the year passed and it never came. The film almost reunited Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and The Sting’s Robert Redford and Paul Newman, who told Huston the film deserved English actors, and suggested Connery and Caine specifically.
Caine immediately jumped at the role just because his part had been written for Bogart. He’d chosen his stage name after seeing Bogart fidget with his ball-bearings as Commander Queeg in The Caine Mutiny. As for Connery, the Scottish actor captures the essence of Gable’s screen persona in the film. They both bring an amused cynicism toward their roles. Both actors furrow their brows and project a sensual gravitas.
You can imagine hearing Connery say, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,” with a different accent but the same delivery as Gable’s in Gone with the Wind. Granted, it would probably be coming out of the mouth of Saturday Night Live’s Darrel Hammond as a bemused answer to Alex Trebek, but it rings true. Whether he liked it or not, Connery’s turn as Bond made him as recognizable in the public’s mind as Gable.
On screen, Caine and Connery interact easily and naturally, nailing the parts with their distinct charisma. Danny and Peachy laugh at their disasters, because there’s really nothing else to do, and they make it infectious. They really are the Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid of imperialist Great Britain. Caine’s Peachy Carnahan could have been a great-great-grandparent to his Jack Carter in Get Garter; Connery’s Daniel Dravot could imaginably give sage advice to his third-generation thief grandson Matthew Broderick in Family Business (1989), or even lead a son like Indiana Jones across unexplored ancient treasures.
Together, Connery and Caine are a powerhouse. One of the great cinema pairings. They bring authentic accents, real-life camaraderie, and regional humor to the roles. Caine also bought his wife, Shakira, who plays Roxanne, the Kafiristan wife of Connery’s Daniel Dravot in the film. Christopher Plummer played Rudyard Kipling, a correspondent for “The Northern Star” newspaper, and a Freemason, a central point in the film and its symbolism.
Huston wrote the new screenplay with his long-time secretary Gladys Hill. Shooting on the final version took place in Morocco, which traded rough terrain for rampant corruption as the producers had to bribe their way through much of the filming. The locations and local extras were important to Huston to evoke the British Raj period of the movie.
The director wanted Connery and Caine to brave the “mass of mountains and peaks and glaciers” Kipling described in his story. Huston exposed Bogart to the cruel elements of location filming in The Treasure of Sierra Madre and The African Queen, and had discussed parachuting the two Hollywood icons into the Himalayas during the initial production, according to The Hustons. The two British stars faced equal peril. For the climax of the completed version, Huston let Connery plummet hundreds of feet from a rope bridge suspended over a vast valley. 
In the film, two former British Army sergeants, now clumsy gunrunners and incompetent conmen, traverse the Khyber Pass to find the isolated area of Kafiristan, located in the Hindu Kush mountains northeast of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. This is where the descendants of Alexander the Great live. The Greek emperor had conquered Afghanistan and married a Kafir princess named Roxanne, according to Kipling’s story.
Peachy and Danny plan to become the first Europeans since the ancient Greeks to penetrate the region and “loot it six ways from Sunday.” They admit this to Kipling shortly after robbing him and returning his stolen item back to him.
“In any place where they fight, a man who knows how to drill men can always be a king,” Connery’s Danny explains to Plummer’s Kipling. “We shall go to those parts and say to any king we find: ‘Do you want to vanquish your foes?’ And we will show him how to drill men, for that we know better than anything else. Then we will subvert that king and seize his throne and establish a dynasty.”
With this, Connery’s character captures the eternal dilemma of that region. No external power has ever permanently dominated Afghanistan. Britain lost control in 1919, which the country celebrates as the year of its independence. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, and continues its costly occupation with no end in sight. Kafiristan, which is now called Nuristan, is home to 15 ethnic groups speaking five different languages. No one man can be king. No single government can rule. Even O’Toole in Lawrence of Arabia had to admit that. Connery’s authority, however, has a much deeper voice, and the conviction of a faithful pilgrim.
Peachy and Danny believe they can find a kingdom not yet touched by civilization which they can take over easily with their weapons, knowledge and contemporary expertise. “When we’re done with you, you’ll be able to stand up and slaughter your enemies like civilized men,” they tell their trainees. Huston allows the audience to enjoy the two soldiers of misfortune, in spite of their self-ascribed superiority and blatantly racist attitudes. When their translator asks whether to woo local high priests with claims of their divinity, Peachy says to tell them they are “not gods, [but] Englishmen. The next best thing.”
Read more
How an Overlooked British Classic Boasted Sean Connery’s Finest Performance
By Mark Allison
Sean Connery Called Brett Ratner “A Fraud?”
By David Crow
Danny is nonplussed by how easy the locals are exploited. Connery lets him indulge his moral superiority, tossing harsh judgements on native customs like offering daughters and sons up to guests for sex. When he takes an arrow in the chest and keeps on fighting, he readily assumes his mantle as the son of Alexander the Great. Connery sells that assumption realistically and believably. Peachy assumes the huge rubies in the temple are good to go. 
Caine’s Peachy Carnahan remains a Cockney through and through. Connery’s Dravot gives in to temptation almost athletically. When he finds himself worshiped as a deity, he is happy to believe it. The scene where he convinces himself is hysterical, and performed completely organically. Connery is completely surprised by himself, and Caine literally falls over laughing as he does an internal pratfall. It is as much an acting free-for-all as it is a ballet of physical comedy. The gag is the same as C3P0 telling the Ewoks he’s a deity in Return of the Jedi, which happened to be shot on the same Panaflex camera as The Man Who Would Be King.
In a highly competitive Oscar race–which included One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Barry Lyndon, and Jaws—The Man Who Would Be King was nominated for four Academy Awards: Best Art Direction, Best Writing, Best Costume Design, and Best Editing. Connery was also the lead performance in the Oscar-nominated film The Wind and The Lion that same year.
The Man Who Would Be King is an adventure film, and Connery and Caine make it a wild ride with perilous curves and a harrowing but hollow finish. Like so many of Huston’s movies, their scheme doesn’t turn out the way it’s planned, but the plot finds strength in the weakness of powerful characters. By the end of the movie, all these two characters have is each other, and even that promises to be fleeting. The performances endure though. It’s acting royalty. It’s like they were destined to do it, preordained. 
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from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/385W63u
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greenserenityca · 4 years
Using Cannabis to Treat the Effects of Trauma
Back in 2016 a Canada based medical marijuana firm opened an office in Edmonton, Alberta for treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among war veterans. The company called Marijuana is owned and managed by Fabian Henry who has been using cannabis for alleviating the symptoms of PTSD since his combat duty in Afghanistan. According to him marijuana is way more effective than traditional medicines and can go a long way in helping patients battling with PTSD.
What is PTSD?
PTSD usually develops after a traumatic event in your life such as being in the war zone or experiencing a life threatening situation such as an assault or a natural calamity. PTSD can have a lasting effect on the human mind and people often are known to experience difficulty while sleeping and a host of issues which can interfere with normal functioning of life. Usually, people who experience the symptoms for a long stretch of time are more prone to develop PTSD. Although traditional medicines and psychotherapy have been so far used for the treatment of PTSD, the legalization of cannabis has opened the path for many new researches on the use of marijuana for trauma victims. Cannabis is slowly coming up as a rather effective alternative to prescription drugs which generally come with many negative side effects.
Marijuana for trauma victims
CBD and THC the two most important cannabinoids can be of great help in reducing the symptoms of PTSD as they enhance our endocannabinoid system’s intervention in important body functions such as the consolidation of memory and retrieval. Marijuana can activate the CB1 and CB2 receptors thereby prompting the endocannabinoid system of the body to create neurotransmitters which aid the promotion of pleasure and happiness.
The cannabinoids have a critical role to play in thwarting the retrieval of the underlying trauma and is also known to keep away the memories of the trauma and the associated nightmares. The sense of euphoria produced by marijuana also helps the trauma victims to attain a state of emotional wellbeing. This is precisely why cannabis has come up as a popular medication for treating PTSD patients the majority of whom are combat veterans. “There’s a consensus among clinicians that existing pharmaceutical treatments such as antidepressants simply do not work.
In fact, we know very well that people with PTSD who use marijuana — a potent cannabinoid — often experience more relief from their symptoms than they do from antidepressants and other psychiatric medications. Clearly, there’s a very urgent need to develop novel evidence-based treatments for PTSD.” says Dr. Alexander Neumeister who has done substantial work in this field.
Cannabis for controlling the after-effects of PTSD
Some of the most common symptoms of PTSD are stress and disturbing nightmares. Particular strains of cannabis can help in reducing the REM sleep which is the time when we have vivid dreams. This is why cannabis can help you get rid of those recurring nightmares which are often associated with PTSD. Moreover, PTSD can also lead to intense stress which often places the individual in a constant state of tension. A study was conducted among 47 trauma victims all of whom were under prescription drugs and also undergoing psychotherapy. Following the cannabis treatment, a whopping 72% of the patients reported a marked reduction in nightmares and anxiety. Many patients also noted a remarkable improvement in the quality of sleep along with a reduction of daytime flashbacks and night sweats. Researches have shown that the cannabinoids present in marijuana can greatly surpass the role of antidepressants in the treatment of PTSD.
Although both THC and CBD can be of help for reducing the symptoms in trauma victims, many patients are apprehensive about the intake of THC since it can produce strong psychoactive effects. CBD, on the other hand, being completely non-psychoactive can promote a deep sense of relaxation and provide lasting relief from the symptoms of PTSD. Ideally, patients of PTSD need to go for CBD high strains for daytime use and stick to THC heavy strains for a night of uninterrupted sleep.
Cannabis strains for patients of PTSD
Blue Dream- This sativa dominant strain with a soothing fruity aroma is known to promote a sense of full body relaxation. However, this strain comes with a rather high THC content (17% -24%) and a negligible level of CBD (0.1%- 0.2%). Blue Dream can be an ideal companion for a good night’s sleep in patients of PTSD.
OG Kush- OG Kush, one of the most powerful kush strains is an indica dominant strain that produces intense euphoric effects and is known to work as a sedative. Ideal for night time smoking, this strain calms your body and mind and ensures a relaxing ‘high’ time.
Pineapple Express– This super popular weed strain is known for its smooth and well-balanced effects. Patients of PTSD can greatly benefit from this strain since it promotes a sense of clearheadedness accompanied by a sense of wellbeing. Trauma victims who also suffer from social anxiety should definitely opt for this strain since it can potentially allay the fears and considerably reduce anxiety making you highly functional under any circumstances. The THC content of Pineapple Express is around 20% while the CBD content is 0.1%.
Master Kush – Yet another kush strain, this one should be avoided by the novice users because of its extreme potency. PTSD patients who suffer from insomnia can always rely on the Master Kush buds for a peaceful night of sleep. It also promotes a euphoric sensation before putting you off to sleep.
Cannatonic – This cannabis strain which comes with a high level of CBD will hardly produce any psychoactive effects but promote a deep sense of relaxation and a very mild high.
The legalization of medical marijuana has prompted doctors, and scientists to continue with additional researches for discovering the benefits of marijuana for victims of trauma. However, it is always suggested that you talk to your physician before trying out any of the above mentioned strains. Once you have made up your mind just walk into your nearest cannabis dispensary and place an order.
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doodleukzaanstad · 5 years
I Can          
[Kids] I know I can (I know I can) Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be) If I work hard at it (If I work hard at it) I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) [Nas] Be, B-Boys and girls, listen up You can be anything in the world, in God we trust An architect, doctor, maybe an actress But nothing comes easy it takes much practice Like, I met a woman who's becoming a star She was very beautiful, leaving people in awe Singing songs, Lina Horn, but the younger version Hung with the wrong person Got her strung on that Heroin, cocaine, sniffin up drugs all in her nose... Coulda died, so young, now looks ugly and old No fun cause now when she reaches for hugs people hold they breath Cause she smells of corrosion and death Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring Cause they came to do drugs and you came to sing So if you gonna be the best, I'ma tell you how, Put your hands in the air, and take a vow [Chorus - 2x (Nas and Kids)] I know I can (I know I can) Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be) If I work hard at it (If I work hard at it) I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) [Nas] Be, B-Boys and girls, listen again This is for grown looking girls who's only ten The ones who watch videos and do what they see As cute as can be, up in the club with fake ID Careful, 'fore you meet a man with HIV You can host the TV like Oprah Winfrey Whatever you decide, be careful, some men be Rapists, so act your age, don't pretend to be Older than you are, give yourself time to grow You thinking he can give you wealth, but so Young boys, you can use a lot of help, you know You thinkin life's all about smokin weed and ice You don't wanna be my age and can't read and write Begging different women for a place to sleep at night Smart boys turn to men and do whatever they wish If you believe you can achieve, then say it like this [Chorus] [Nas] Be, be, 'fore we came to this country We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys There was empires in Africa called Kush Timbuktu, where every race came to get books To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans Asian Arabs and gave them gold when Gold was converted to money it all changed Money then became empowerment for Europeans The Persian military invaded They heard about the gold, the teachings, and everything sacred Africa was almost robbed naked Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces Shot up they nose to impose what basically Still goes on today, you see? If the truth is told, the youth can grow Then learn to survive until they gain control Nobody says you have to be gangstas, hoes Read more learn more, change the globe Ghetto children, do your thing Hold your head up, little man, you're a king Young Princess when you get your wedding ring Your man is saying "She's my queen" [Chorus] Save the music y'all, save the music y'all Save the music y'all, save the music y'all Save the music
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wsatterwhite · 7 years
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#Repost @meccacon (@get_repost) ・・・ Short Fuse Media Group, LLC. will be participating in #MECCAconSubBox!! PRE.REGISTRATION LIST is now open for #MECCAconSubBox by Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts - MECCA!! please SHARE!! https://meccaconbox.cratejoy.com/ 1. The site is in pre-launch, just collecting emails of anyone interested. 2. Everyone who signs up by Oct 15th gets a discount code soon via email for signing up early. 3. Oct 1 the site will start accepting orders and payment, and you can use the discount and choose your subscription plan. 4. Deadline for the first box orders will be around end of Oct. They first batch of boxes will ship Nov 5. 5. Every 5th of the month a new box will be sent out. • First box of its kind • Special surprise gifts in many boxes • Groundbreaking and award winning artists • Curated for quality by the MECCAcon/BSAM organizers • Indie to SciFi to AfroFuturism and more • Hard to obtain, award winning, international films • Limited edition and collector's items PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE:: Jason Reeves​, N Steven Harris​, Khary Randolph​, Chuck DragonBlack Collins​, David Walker​, Alitha Martinez, Eileen Kaur Alden​, Kwanza Osajyefo​, Tim Smith​, Short Fuse Media, Focsi: A Modern Day Love Story​, William Satterwhite​, rahim shabazz​, Christina Alexander-Jiles​, Korstiaan Vandiver​, Evita M. Castine​, Ka'ramuu Kush​, and MANY MORE! Sign up for the #MECCAconBox before OCT 15 and get a special DISCOUNT CODE for our Nov 5 2017 launch, plus more exciting news and great deals! #subscription #comicbooks #blackcomicbookchat #blackheroesmatter #nubiamancy #fanbros #indiecomics #comiccon #blackcomicschat #weneeddiversebooks #director #Blackfilmmakers #indiefilm #meccacon #afrofuturism #BSAM
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meccacon · 7 years
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Both @MARVEL @DCcomics first female black artist EVER, ALITHA MARTINEZ will be participating in #MECCAconSubBox!! PRE.REGISTRATION LIST is now open for #MECCAconSubBox by Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts - MECCA!! please SHARE!! https://meccaconbox.cratejoy.com/ 1. The site is in pre-launch, just collecting emails of anyone interested. 2. Everyone who signs up by Oct 15th gets a discount code soon via email for signing up early. 3. Oct 1 the site will start accepting orders and payment, and you can use the discount and choose your subscription plan. 4. Deadline for the first box orders will be around end of Oct. They first batch of boxes will ship Nov 5. 5. Every 5th of the month a new box will be sent out. • First box of its kind • Special surprise gifts in many boxes • Groundbreaking and award winning artists • Curated for quality by the MECCAcon/BSAM organizers • Indie to SciFi to AfroFuturism and more • Hard to obtain, award winning, international films • Limited edition and collector's items PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE:: Jason Reeves​, N Steven Harris​, Khary Randolph​, Chuck DragonBlack Collins​, David Walker​, Alitha Martinez, Eileen Kaur Alden​, Kwanza Osajyefo​, Tim Smith​, Short Fuse Media, Focsi: A Modern Day Love Story​, William Satterwhite​, rahim shabazz​, Christina Alexander-Jiles​, Korstiaan Vandiver​, Evita M. Castine​, Ka'ramuu Kush​, and MANY MORE! Sign up for the #MECCAconBox before OCT 15 and get a special DISCOUNT CODE for our Nov 5 2017 launch, plus more exciting news and great deals! #subscription #comicbooks #blackcomicbookchat #blackheroesmatter #nubiamancy #fanbros #indiecomics #comiccon #blackcomicschat #weneeddiversebooks #director #Blackfilmmakers #indiefilm #meccacon #afrofuturism #BSAM
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
"... It's The Least I Could Do!"
Monday 28th December 2020
Good evening everyone! Hope you all had a brilliant weekend! The New Year is looming!! I can't believe that by the end of this week we'll be into a new year - 2021! Crazy right? I hope you enjoyed my last post, the previous ended on such a nail biting, seat gripping moment - I am so looking forward to finding out what happens next!!!
Wow, Oh Wow! What another brilliant episode! I feel like there's so much to mention, obviously the BIG one involving Gray and The Carter's, I'll leave that one for last! Let's focus on Ruby and Martin first, in the previous episode Ruby had informed her husband that she was eager for them to have a child together. This episode carries on pretty much immediately after Ruby has dropped the bombshell on her husband. Unfortunately for Ruby, Martin, with a heavy heart, reveals that he doesn't want anymore children, considering the fact he has 4 already. Ruby is visibly devastated by her husband's revelation, she questions why he never mentioned anything before they got married. But to be fair, I don't think Ruby has ever been the Mother-ly type? I don't know, she's still young and maybe she may have wanted a baby eventually. Martin tries to softly explain to his wife, that he loves and is enjoying what they have. With her eyes visibly getting teary she leaves the Vic, leaving Martin sat on his own. However, when Kat, Stacey and Kush arrive at the Vic, Stacey notices Martin sitting alone and approaches whether she's able to sit with him. With Stacey knowing Martin all to well, she can see something has happened at that the couple have had a row, but when Martin reveals exactly what it's about, she can fully understand Martin's point of view. Regardless of what she thinks of Ruby, she advises her ex-husband that if he only agreed with her to make her happy and he'd probably resent her and regret it for the rest of his life. Meanwhile, whilst Stacey and Martin are having their conversation - Ruby goes to her club and grabs a bottle vodka to drown her sorrows, she walks into her office and longingly looks at the picture on her desk - Which I just want to mention, how bloody young does Louisa Lytton look in the picture along side her onscreen Dad, Billy Murray (Johnny Allen)?! Crazy! Later on in the evening, as Ruby leaves the club and Martin leaves the pub, they both find each other in the Square and instantly they both seem to apologise to each other, Ruby for dropping it out of the blue and Martin for his reasons for not wanting another child. But I think the thing that upsets Ruby just that little bit more is when it's revealed that Martin had confided in Stacey, Ruby looks instantly hurt. She informs him that she is completely aware that Stacey will always be a part of his life, mainly due to the fact that she's the Mother of his children, it's then that she voices that her husband was right, why should things change for them whilst things are great for them? However as they turn to walk home, Ruby's tears begin to fall as she can no longer hide her devastation!
Speaking of another couple briefly, Ian is still feeling under the weather as his Mum pays him a visit, trying to persuade him to get his marriage to Sharon annulled, as she tries to get through to him that Sharon doesn't love him and is simply with him out of pity. Even though Ian demands his Mother to leave, it seems as if her words play on his mind, as later on, Sharon is making him a hot cocoa - of course unbeknown to him, adding that little bit of poison into the drink, as he takes a big gulp of the hot liquid, he announces to his new wife that his Mother's words are actually correct. Even though Sharon tries to convince him not to listen to his Mother's advice, he reveals to Sharon that they should get an annulment. You can see the absolute fear in Sharon's eyes as the thought of not being able to carry on with her plan, she begs to Ian not to annul their marriage, she tries her absolute best to persuade him that he's the only man who's ever truly cared about her. It looks as if Sharon has to act quick, even say the one thing that she truly doesn't want to say, but it seems as if she doesn't have a choice if she's wanting to get rid of Ian and take all he has, she reveals to him that she's slowly falling in love with him!! When I first saw this, the one thought that came to my mind is - Is Sharon going to have to go a step further and maybe even sleep with Ian, just so she'll be able to get what she wants?! She truly is a woman on a mission at the moment!
The next thing I want to mention is Linda, Mick and Max. Even though we know what's happening round at the Atkins household (I'll get to that very important part shortly!) Mick is at home packing his things, announcing to Linda that he's planning on going away with Tina that very night! However, it looks as if Linda pleads for her husband not to go, questioning him whether he has actually thought things through clearly. But the one thing that she mentions which seems to change his mind, is Ollie. She pleads for him to stay for their little boy, it's true that Ollie would be completely lost without his Daddy. (I know I've said it before and I'm going to say it again - Ollie is so god-damn cute! Don't think I've ever seen a more cute, beautiful looking child!) However, what next seems to really confuse/surprise me, after, Linda visits Max and is surprised to find flight tickets booked for New Zealand on New Years Day! If we recall, Linda did admit to Max that seeing as it looks like her marriage to Mick may be coming to an end, she thought maybe going to New Zealand to make a fresh start with Max would be a good idea. However she seems incredibly shocked to have it sprung on her like this, and so soon! She never thought he would mean straight away, but Max tries to convince her - what have they really got to lose? - Although, something tells me that neither of them are going to make that flight on New Year's Day??!!
Okay, so now the big elephant in the room!!! TINA???!!! Oh my goodness, what brilliant acting from both Toby-Alexander Smith and Luisa Bradshaw-White! I was almost shouting at the TV for Tina to get away from Gray! Have to say it was brilliantly filmed and edited! The way Tina absolutely lashed out at Gray, revealing she knows EXACTLY what he had done to Chantelle, and threatening to tell everyone on the Square! Even though you feel like you were rooting for her, you feared for her also! It's like we knew full well that Gray wouldn't hesitate to act to stop Tina from revealing his secret! I thought it was absolutely brilliant as he was chasing her around the house, from the front to the back, it was like there was no escape for her as it was a complete, open-plan, circle space which she couldn't find a way to get away from him! Even thought she fought her absolute best to fight her way out! I kind of panicked for a moment when they both looked to the set of kitchen knives on the counter, I wasn't sure whether one of them lunged for them, but when Tina makes a dart for the front door, suddenly out of nowhere, Gray lunches towards her, stopping her in her tracks! Everything goes black! When we return to the scene, everything is quiet, Tina is nowhere to be seen, but Gray is looking calm and collected as he's has a drink and is talking quietly. At first it looks like he's talking to Tina, trying to act all innocent and giving his reasons, he loved Chantelle, but she didn't listen - just like SHE didn't listen! Then, the camera turns to show Tina, out-cold, unconscious, slumped on the living room sofa - only the interesting thing is is that she has a noticeable, big, purple bruise around her neck, almost looking like she's been strangled. Did anyone else find it completely creepy that whilst Denise was at home speaking about the type of man Lucas is, how evil and twisted he is - that it was also referring to Gray, whilst he was wrapping up Tina's body in a sheet?! Had Gray actually killed Tina?! Another victim of his wrath?!
It's going to be absolutely devastating for the Carter family once they find out the truth about Tina! I'm sure it was confirmed that this episode was Luisa Bradshaw-White's final episode as Tina, but do we know for sure if she's dead? Could she, unbeknown to Gray, actually be unconscious? If he has simply dumped her body somewhere that we're not aware of, could it mean that she could return one day?! Who knows? I feel it wasn't made fully clear whether she was dead or not, what do you guys think?  What did I say about her gold chain?! I knew that that was going to be significant, even though Shirley has found it, she has no idea what has actually happened to her sister! She and Mick have been made to believe that Tina has fled Albert Square in an attempt to escape police. Oh My God!!! Was anyone else gobsmacked when Gray was putting Tina's body into the boot of his car, and Mick just happened to approach and ask about his sister - I literally shouted at my TV "She's right there!!!" How on Earth could Gray act so calmly, lying to Mick and making up a story about Tina already leaving the Square without him! The scene between Shirley and Mick as they're sitting in the Vic was a very moving one! The first thing that got me was when Shirley made a toast to her sister, even though she is wishing her look, she is completely unaware of what has truly happened to her younger sister! This scene really got to me as it seems to be the first time in a long time where Mick and Shirley have actually sat down together one-to-one and had a drink, she questions her son why he hates her so much, but Mick's eyes begin to get teary. He softly explains to his Mum that he doesn't hate her, as this comes as a relief to her, she pleads to her son to open up and tell her what's been going on, what is happening in his head, what has gotten him to this state? Why have he and Linda split up after everything they've been through? Even questioning could it be his anxiety. For one very small brief moment - you think Mick is FINALLY going to talk! His breaths are raspy and his eyes are full of tears, he softly begins to speak ... "It's ..." But before he can even carry on that sentence, Gray finds them. It's then that they both thank him for everything they've done for them, and Tina!! Ooooooohhhhhh that rattles me a little bit, Gray takes their "Thank You's" and turns away, but oooohhh just wait until the Carter's find out the truth, Gray cannot hide his secret forever, he will get his comeuppance eventually! Mark my words!!!
Thank you all so much for reading! I apologise it's late but I hope you've enjoyed reading as much I've enjoyed writing this post! I'll be back tomorrow following tonight's episode! Enjoy the rest of your evening folks! Love you all xXx
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adultwebhost-blog · 5 years
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Popular searches by country in April and May of 2019
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 Read on for more about some of the favored porn searches in each country.
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 More information about how this data is compiled can be found in the  FAQ section .  If you have any questions or would like to request data please send an email to  [email protected] 
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