#I'm sure leaving that chance behind would've killed her
dangerousdan-dan · 6 months
I’ve been thinking a lot about how Cass’ journey as Batgirl (more specifically after losing her abilities) directly relates to her perspective as a martial artist.
I’m convinced that her choices wouldn’t have been the same if she weren’t a martial artist. The thing is, when you love fighting, and when you’re good at it, you become addicted to a lot of things. To winning, to discipline, to having absolute control over your body, to enduring pain for the sake of greatness. And as someone who, same as Cass, lost all of that without consent because of someone else, I totally understand why when given the choice to be “mediocre for a lifetime or perfect for a year,” she chose the latter.
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That’s what training is, after all. Your legs shake and burn to get that stance just right, your knuckles bleed because you can’t afford to let the skin get soft, you practice that kick a hundred times because you can always make it faster, harder, smoother. In the back of your mind, you know that you’re dooming yourself to the aches of the future, but you keep going because the idea of not achieving perfection is worse.
When Batman tells her “it doesn’t matter how long it takes, what matters is that you give it everything you’ve got”, the most painful part is that she had already given everything. Cass gave her childhood, her happiness, her sweat and blood. When Cass lost her abilities, it was the equivalent of dismissing all the sacrifices that got her where she was, like saying none of it was worth it. She was the best because she had earned it. So, even if she tried to achieve that same greatness again, the I could’ve been more would’ve haunted her forever. She would’ve mourned that potential for the rest of her life.
Lady Shiva herself is a martial artist, and she was perfectly aware of what had been taken away from Cass and what offering it back would mean. Refusing her offer was never an option. The proof?
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Just look how happy she is immediately after getting her abilities back. She doesn’t even care that she’s going to die.
She’s great again, she has agency over her body again.
Her sacrifices matter.
Batgirl (2000) #9
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munsons-hellfire · 2 months
Lost Part 1 | Cassian
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SUMMARY: You were the princess of the Spring Court. But you no longer wanted to follow behind your brother. When Feyre decides to leave, she takes you and Lucien. But with the discovery of your mate and a war on its way you start to feel so lost.
PAIRINGS: Cassian x Tamlin!Sister!Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse, mfw, part 1, I might have missed something but I don't think this really has a lot of warning in this part. Enjoy!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: So I ended up turning this into a few parts. There are a few points I want to touch and I don't think it would've been a good idea to do one whole part. If you wish to be added to the tag list for this please let me know down in the comments. The sumary will most likely stay the same I'm not sure yet.
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It felt like forever. The torture you faced under your bother’s ruleing. It wasn’t protection as he liked to call it. It was a prison, Tamlin had taken over after your father had been killed. You hadn’t been able to shed a tear when it happened, you always assumed that you weren’t meant to be in the Spring Court. When Feyre arrived as a human, you knew she was your chance for an escape.
So when she took the opportune moment to leave, you followed right behind her. Currently you didn’t understand how you had found yourself in this situation. You, Feyre, and Lucien had been on the run from the Spring Court. Little cuts littered your chest, arms, neck, and face. It was so cold, you didn’t know if you could hold on any longer. One of Lucien’s brothers was on top of you, holding you against the ice.
He lifts your head up and slams it down into the ice hard. Stars are dancing around your eyes, as you struggle to keep the blade from going into your throat. Your hand was on the blade, blood dripping onto your neck. A whimper escaped your lips as he stared down at you with a malevolent smile.
“You make such pretty sounds, I wonder what else I could get out of you.” He whispered, his tongue licking up the side of your chin all the way to your pointed ear.
You tried to push the male of you but it was no use. He was far stronger than you, and right now you were too weak. You couldn’t access your power considering you were drained. There were plants all around you even in the Winter Court but that was the last thing on your mind. It also didn’t help that you had never learned to fight. Tamlin had thought it was best you learn how to be a housemaid, how to be a mother, how to take care of your future husband.
Whatever the case may be you learned everything except how to fight and how to use your powers in a situation like this, it was biting you in the ass. Where Tamlin could shape-shift, you could manipulate the plants around you. But your brother didn’t know that, you knew better than to tell him your secret. Just before he could do further damage to you another male flew into him knocking him to the ice.
You turned to your side, a wince leaving your lips as you watched that same male throw a punch into his face. He continued to do so, he hadn’t been able to stop until someone had pulled him off Lucien’s brother. He wasn’t dead, you knew that he was knocked out cold. Your breath was shallow, as the male turned towards you red siphons glistening in the darkness of the night. He was leaning over you, hazel eyes searching you.
He gently picked you up, resting your head to his chest while he cradled the rest of your body. You stared up at him, when he looked back down at you, it snapped. Just before you closed your eyes you felt the gold thread tied around your heart. The mating bond had snapped, you were tied to the male that had just saved you. Now that you were safe you could close your eyes and that’s exactly what you did.
Rhysand stood next to his brother as Madja worked on you. Cassian had his arms crossed over his chest, he was leaning against the door. The male was trying his hardest not to hover over Madja while she worked on his mate. But it was excruciating not to be next to you to hold your hand while she healed you.
“Are you positive?” Rhysand asked again, finally looking over at his brother. Feyre was at the end of the hallway, with Azriel as well. Lucien was also there but Cassian didn’t care much for him, his brother was responsible for the injuries to his mate. He wanted to kill him so they were standing guard in front of Lucien.
“Yes. The Princess of the Spring Court is my mate. I know she felt it too.” Cassian explained again, saying the same thing he’d consistently said when they had arrived back home. Cassian paused, staring briefly at his brother. “Do you really think she has powers?”
“Feyre believed it, and I know what I saw when we were under the mountain. Tamlin didn’t see it but Amarantha did. She protected herself in a cocoon of vines. Whatever she can do, she’s more powerful than she believes herself to be.”
Cassian had heard mentions of the story about how you’d protected yourself to avoid the affliction of pain at the wrath of Amarantha. She loved your older brother, but she hated you. So she’d made your torture just as cruel and wicked as Feyre had gone through. She even locked you up with Feyre, keeping you distanced from the only family you’d ever known. Tamlin. Lucien.
Rhys had told Cass that he had done everything in his power to keep you safe. But when that happened, everything changed. He knew eventually you’d be in his court. Tamlin would destroy you, and it looks like he’d already done just that. Finally Rhys looked back at Cassian again.
“We need to keep her safe.”
“She’s my mate, I won’t let her go back to that bastard of a brother. She’s safe here.” Cassian stated calmly. He caught Rhys looking down the hall to Feyre who gave a nod.
“Then you both need to accept the bond officially, Tamlin will demand her back. And if it isn’t accepted we have no choice but to hand her back over.”
“I’ll discuss it with her when she’s awake. Until then I can’t do much.”
Rhys gave a nod of his head as Madja walked up to them. “She is healed, though she might be out for a few days. Everything was drained, powers included. She needs time to rest.” Madja explained.
“Thank you.” Cassian said, stepping past the healer and walking into the room. He grabbed a chair and set it next to your bed. Then he reached for your hand, holding it in his. Cassian would wait days for you to wake up, as long as you came back to him.
You held onto that thread when you thought you might die. Slowly you blinked open your eyes, a groan escaped your lips. You looked around the room noticing that you weren’t in the Spring Court. Then the memories of what had happened came flashing back into your mind. Panic started to rush through your body, however a hand gave you a comforting squeeze. You turned your head to see the male that had saved you holding onto it.
Just like you remembered he had red siphons on his body. Seven of them to be exact. His black hair was shoulder length, some of it was tied back in a small bun. He looked sexy with his hair that way. A smirk covered his lips, he must have seen what you were thinking was plastered on your face. His golden-brown skin made him look just as handsome. You could see some tattoos peaking through his shirt.
It was a gray shirt and was fitted perfectly to his upper body. You wondered what everything looked like underneath his clothes. Your mind started to drift, thinking of what he’d feel like against you, naked. His pulling of the chair brought you out of your thoughts, you decided to pull yourself up slightly so you could lean against the headboard. You felt the golden string that connected you to him. It was such a pain to not be closer to him. You needed him closer.
“Can you hold me?” Your voice was soft as you asked the question. He stared at you, the confusion was there only for a moment before it switched to understanding. You watched as the male stood from the chair, removed his boats and climbed into your bed. He leaned you forward gently, sitting behind you.
When he settled down into the bed, he pulled you towards his chest. You had noticed that somewhere in between him joining you on the bed he'd taken off his shirt so you could feel his warmth. You rested your head back on his chest, and closed your eyes feeling the bond shine brightly at the touch.
“I’m Cassian.” He whispered in your ear after a few moments of silence.
“Y/N.” You paused, pulling his large hand into yours and entangling your fingers together. You didn’t understand how you’d gotten so lucky to be blessed with a mate provided by the Mother. “So you really are my mate?”
You questioned finally. Maybe this was all a dream, and you’d wake back up in the Spring Court. You didn’t want that though, you’d known you had finally gotten away from your brother's temper and you couldn’t go back to it. Things had gotten worse for you when you’d all returned from under the mountain.
“I am.” Cassian’s words were so comforting as he said them.
“I didn’t think I’d ever get a mate. I… Tam said I’d never experience this. That I’d be marrying off to someone who would never be my mate.” You felt your mate tighten his grip around your waist, his jealousy was evident but you didn’t mind it. Oddly enough it felt comforting, you’d been missing something like that for a long time.
Cassian clenched his jaw at the mere mention of what your brother had in store for you when the time was right. He nudged his nose into your hair. “I can assure you mate, that’ll never happen. I will not allow your brother to take you away from me.”
“But Tam, he’ll try to get me back. I am the princess of the Spring Court after all. He’ll try to call a meeting, to call for a battle against this court.” The worry was evident in your voice as you spoke the words that Rhys had mentioned a few days ago.
“If we accept the mating bond, your brother can not do anything about it. We can accept it then see a Priestess.”
You wanted to reject the idea of accepting the bond so quickly, but you knew that was a lie. Cassian was your mate, and you were his. This had to be done, and it had to happen now. A war loomed over your heads because of your brother. He’d chosen the wrong side and you wouldn’t stand by anymore. Not with what you could do.
“Let’s do it.” You spoke finally. “I need a day, and we need somewhere where it can be just the two of us. When we come back we’ll see a Priestess.”
“I have a place in mind for privacy.” Cassian said, a smirk on his lips. “I can give you a day as well. But after that you’re mine forever, princess.” You only gave a nod and closed your eyes leaning further into Cassian’s chest. It wasn’t until you were finally asleep, breathing evenly that Cassian called to Rhys in his mind.
“How is she?” It was the first question he had asked when the conversation started.
“She’s fine.” Cassian paused, he glanced down at his mate. “She wants to accept the bond.”
“Good. That’s excellent news brother. I think we could all use that right now.”
“We’re gonna head to the cabin for a few days, then we’ll see a Priestess when we come back.”
“Sounds like a plan. When you both come back we’ll discuss what to do in case Tamlin does try to do something. I want to help her learn her powers if she’ll let me.”
“I think she’d be more than willing to learn. I think it would be great to start training with her as well even if we don’t get far into it.”
“Good idea, brother. Both of you get some rest. I’ll let Feyre know she’s doing better.”
With those words Cassian felt his High Lord leave his mind. When Cassian looked back down at you he noticed that you were asleep. The fae lights in the room dimmed down allowing only the moonlight into the room. Cassian held onto you tightly as you slept on top of his form. This wasn’t the best of circumstances, how he found you. But he was so glad that he’d found you when you needed him most.
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Consorts [Part 5]
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The Ghoul|Cooper Howard x F!Bounty Hunter!Reader
Summary: When the group chasing you attacks while you're sleeping, you have to make a decision as to save a bleeding out Ghoul.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 <-
a/n: you know I love some good angst
You woke up to an empty room.
No, he wouldn't...
You practically hop off the bed, fighting to put your clothes on.
Gun shots outside.
You ran through the abandoned house, quickly out the door. You had your gun at the ready. You saw Cooper kneeled down, shooting back and forth with the gunmen who had been chasing you. A new group of them had somehow found you.
"Get back inside!" Cooper waved you away. He was bleeding. They must have caught him off guard, there were so many of them. His blood decorated the dirt below him. He was holding his stomach, pointing his gun with the other.
"There she is! The lady of the hour!" One of the bigger guys cocked a grin at you.
"Fuck!" You rushed over to Cooper. You kneeled on the ground in front of him, your hands holding his face to look at you. He lowered his gun. You felt true emotion for him. You had never seen him this vulnerable. His blood got all over you as you held onto him. Your eyes scanned him looking for the wound that caused all this mess. You wanted to help him the way he had helped you before.
"Don't tell me you've got feelings for that thing!"
You ignored them. "I can handle this, just go back inside," Cooper begged you. You shook your head trying to find your words. You were struck with fear. Real fear. Your heart was racing and your throat was dry. Palms sweating, a small shake on your hands. "You're dying. I can't just leave you out here bleeding out," you grabbed one of his meds from your pocket, forcing him to drink it.
"I hid the rest under the bed," you whispered into his ear. Cooper gripped you with all the strength he had left. "I'm sorry, Cooper," you kissed him on the cheek swiftly.
"Just take me," you stood and held your hands up, "Leave him here and take me."
"No-" Cooper protested, coughing with his exclamation.
You threw your gun towards them, "I'll go with you willingly. Just please leave him here."
Cooper reached out for you, falling over into the dirt directly behind you. You looked over your shoulder at him, his eyes pleaded with you.
"Why would we do that?"
"Well, doesn't your boss want us alive? You really want to take this guy to him in this condition? I don't think he would approve," you gambled with them. Praying that maybe they were dumb enough to fall for your words.
"Oh shit, I didn't even think of that," the big one scratched his head with the barrel of his gun.
Thank whatever was in the sky.
"Go grab her boys," he gestured towards you. You were manhandled by two of the men, pinning your arms to your back and tying you with some disgusting rope.
"I'll kill all of you fuckers! I swear to God, I will murder you and eat your skin!" Cooper screamed with the little bit of air left in his lungs. The men turned you around to look at him, "Shut the fuck up, freak!" They shouted and spit towards him.
This may be the last time you ever see him...
You mouthed three words to Cooper as the men threw you into the back of a wagon. They stormed off with you. Cooper screamed your name. Him calling for you faded as you traveled away.
You laid flat on the wagon, staring up at the blazing sun.
"You sure are one stupid girl," one of the armed men mocked you.
Another one laughed chiming in, "Seriously! That walking corpse never would have done the same thing for you! He would've turned you in in a heartbeat!"
You knew that was not true. Cooper had the opportunity to turn you in even before you had gotten comfortable again and did not. You knew this was the only way to keep Cooper safe.
You did not know what was in store for you. At least you knew Cooper had a better chance at living now. You closed your eyes reminiscing on your time with Cooper, finding comfort in your memories of him.
Cooper watched as they dragged you away from him. Just as soon as he had gotten you back, there you go again.
He struggled to stand to his feet, the liquid you had given him finally kicking in. He stumbled inside the abandoned home, going to the bed that you said you had hidden the rest under.
"What was she thinking," he spoke aloud to himself. He poured the rest of the liquid down his throat. "She's a goddamn idiot! FUCK!" He kicked the glass around the room. He sat down on the mattress you had shared the night before. His hand ran against the fabric, remembering how your body weighed the bed down.
“We were supposed to do this together…” he gripped the bed between his fingers. He could never admit it but he was scared of what they might do to you. Scared he would never get to see you again. Fear was something he had not felt in a long time. His fear brewed inside him turning into anger.
He began planning in his mind how he was going to get you back. There was no question; He was getting you back.
Cooper headed out the abandoned home, picking up your gun they had left behind. He followed the direction they had taken you in.
He was determined. A man on a mission.
END//Part 5
[Thank you for reading!  If you are interested in being tagging in any of my writings don’t be afraid to message me!  All tag lists are open!  I have a master taglist and one for each character!]
@mortuus-poet | @giggle-shade | @ghcstvibess | @pixelatedprofilepic | @maezydaezy | @writtenbyhollywood | @ivyinthesun | @vaultdwellingghoullover | @heif | @catclaw1 |
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voidvannie · 5 months
𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐮
𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐞
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。 。 。 。 🕊️🤍 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 。 。 。 。 trevor catches jamie watching one of isabelle’s vlogs, and invites her to a ducks game just to get a reaction out of him.
ੈ✩ ━ ❪ feel free to send an any request of things you want to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts about what your read! i would love that! ❫
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Trevor knew he could hear the familiar voice of Isabelle Hughes, a voice he had grown accustomed to over the long years of knowing the Hughes family, a voice that he called to listen to when he was having a bad day or just needed his female best friend to talk to.
So, when he walked downstairs to see one of her Youtube videos playing on the large TV he and Jamie had mounted to the living room wall in their apartment with said male watching it with a glint in his eyes, Trevor couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his lips as he rested his arms on the back of the couch.
"Dude, you've watched almost all of her videos already, haven't you gotten tired of hearing her voice?" Trevor startles Jamie as he speaks up, causing his best friend to snap his head in her direction.
"I will never get tired of hearing an angel talk to me....even if it does happen to be through a screen." Jamie tells him with a shrug.
"I can't believe you haven't caught onto the fact that she's related to--,"
"For the last time, it's impossible for her to be related to Hughes's. It's a popular last time." Jamie rolls his eyes, eyes going back to the TV.
Trevor chuckles, "Whatever you say, Jamie."
"They're not related!"
Trevor's loud laughter can be heard as he makes his way back upstairs, pulling his phone out as he dials a familiar number and presses his phone up against his ear.
"Belle! I have a serious question for you." Trevor closes his bedroom door behind him, throwing himself onto his bed, "Will you come to our game tonight? I'll leave a ticket at the front of you."
"Yeah, sure, I don't have any plans."
"Great! I'll see you after! Love you, bye!" Trevor quickly hangs up, a smirk making its way onto his face, "They'll thank me at the wedding."
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Belle looks down at her phone screen as she answers a few text messages while she waits for the Ducks players to leave the locker room after their showers.
"Princess Belle!"
The blonde doesn't have the chance to even look up from her phone as arms wrap around her waist and picks her up from the ground, "Trevor!"
The two best friends hug each other tightly as he sways them side to side.
Of course the two only lived thirty minutes away from each other, but usually one of them was always busy so they didn't really get together as often as either of them would've liked.
"Don't kill me, but I made you come for a reason." Trevor mumbles into her ear as he slowly lowers her to the ground, "I'm playing matchmaker again."
"Trev, last time you tried to play matchmaker with me, I had to pretend that Quinn fell down a flight of stairs to get out of the date."
"I know, I know. But I promise, Jamie is a nice guy." Trevor grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to drag her with him,
Jamie turns around from where he was talking to Mason, eyes going wide at the blonde tucked into Trevors side.
"Meet Belle, Jamie." Trevor smirks with his arm still around Isabelle, "Belle, Jamie is a big fan of yours."
"Thank you." Belle smiled, holding her hand out, "I'm a fan of you guys. Kinda have to be since Trev forces me."
"I do not." Trevor looks down at her offended.
"So, uh, how do you know Trevor?" Jamie asks as he shakes her hand, nervous to be around the girl whose videos he always watches.
"Oh, Quinn, Jack and Luke are my brothers." Belle says, "I met Trevor around the same time that Jack did."
"She's been my best friend ever since." Trevor grinned, shooting Jamie an 'i told you so' look.
"It was nice meeting you, but I have a meeting in the morning, so I should make the 30 minute trip back to my apartment.” Belle smiled at the hockey player before turning to Trevor, “Don’t be a stranger.”
“Uh, Belle!” Trevor calls out to the blonde as she walks away, noticing the deflated look on Jamie’s face, “Are you sure you can’t come out to eat dinner with us? Please?”
Belle squints her eyes at Trevor as she glances over his shoulder to see Jamie pretending not be listening.
A sigh leaves her lips before she nods her, “Okay. But you’re paying for my gas.”
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By the end of dinner, Belle and Jamie had really gotten to know each other, having spent the entire night talking to each other.
“Alright, I’ll talk to you later.” Belle wraps her arms around Trevor’s neck as they stood next to her car.
“Drive safe, please. Text me the exact second you get home.” Trevor tells her, watching as she nods while grabbing her keys from her bag.
“Oh, Trev!” The blonde calls out causing him to turn around.
“Give Jamie my number.” She smiles as she opens the car door, “Tell him to call me sometime.”
Trevor laughs as he walks over to the car him, Jamie and Mason drove to the restaurant, pulling his phone out to text Jamie the Hughes sister’s phone number.
“What—,” Jamie looks wide eyed at Trevor, “Dude!”
“Belle says call her sometime.”
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:💭 ( feel free to send any request of anything that you guys want to see in this series, and the series yet to come. I absolutely would love to make some of your ideas come to life! )
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thesweetnessofspring · 2 months
Do you think it was an oversight and plot convenience on Collin's part to have Peeta captured instead of Prim? Was Snow's decision genius or stupid?
Ok this is going to be long so let me explain.
Now, a couple things why capture Peeta instead of Prim? Because clearly it would've been easier to capture Prim, who was simply in the Victor's village when District 12 got bombed. In fact the why didn't he altogether bomb the Victor's village, it would've been a smart move on Snow's part to have Prim dead because Katniss would've been too inebriated to support the rebellion in any manner. Did Collins only do this because she wanted to kill Prim later on? Without a good reason I do not find it realistic that Snow would not have killed Prim at the first chance.
Now you could say that if Snow killed Prim he would have no leverage against Katniss so why not capture her instead. Why Peeta? Is it because romantic love is stronger than platonic. Because Katniss does eventually recover from Prim's death, while it's implied that Peeta's death would drive her crazy.
I can't find that quote right now but Katniss says something along the lines of never being able to leave the arena if Peeta didn't come back with her in the first book. I'm not sure how much this quote can support the statement of Katniss going crazy, because these words are administered by her guilt of leaving him behind in the arena. Would her feelings be the same in different circumstances? I'm not saying she wouldn't grieve just that maybe she would eventually recover from his death like Prim's.
I think what really determines Snow's the decision of capturing Peeta instead of Prim as genius or stupid is whether or not Katniss would've recovered from Peeta's death. And yes I know he gets hijacked but the hijacking was basically a death sentence to Katniss's sanity whether or not it was done to Prim or Peeta. I get that hijacking and killing someone is not the same but the ultimate question here is who's destruction would've ultimately damaged Katniss.
I'm torn between Katniss' reaction really
Peeta If I knew for sure that he was dead, I could just disappear into the woods and never look back. But until I do, I’m stuck.
I mean she's willing to leave everything behind and leave even when Prim is still alive. And the way she practically stopped living when Peeta was captured, again even with Prim alive.
Idk do you think Snow was a genius for capturing Peeta and not Prim?
Sorry this is super long but would love to hear ur insight.
Very interesting to think about!
First, Snow got Peeta no matter what. When Katniss shot the arrow into the forcefield, it was a race between rebellion and Capitol to get the victors. Snow got Peeta, Johanna, and Enobaria. The rebellion got Katniss, Finnick, and Beetee. If either could have gotten any of the others they would have, though the rebellion prioritized Katniss.
So in that way, getting Prim would be an addition and not a substitution. Since everything happened so quickly, Snow was likely making decisions not exactly on the fly, but more on his instinct and quick calculations. Also keep in mind that Prim is thirteen and the whole country loves her. Yes, the Capitol and Panem watch the Games and watch children as young as twelve get murdered. And the Capitol sits by as children in the District die of starvation. But thanks to Katniss, Prim becomes exempt from people not caring. So if Snow took Prim and tortured and killed her, he would be at risk of angering people. With Peeta he can use him in multiple ways:
To persuade the people in the district to not fight.
As an example of what happens to rebels.
To break Katniss.
Peeta is still young, but a big 17-year-old boy reads different than a 13-year-old little girl.
And really, Prim is Katniss's Tigris. It would hurt her, but you know that after 65 years, Lucy Gray was singing in his head. Snow doesn't need to break Katniss with her Tigris. He needs to break her with her Lucy Gray. Snow is playing out his situation with Lucy Gray over and over and over with Katniss and Peeta.
This might be unpopular, idk, but I think that Katniss could have lived had Peeta died, so long as Prim lived, just as she lived after Prim died because Peeta was alive. Yes, Katniss was ready to die while killing Snow and getting revenge on what he did to Peeta, but Katniss also tried to die by suicide after she killed Coin and Prim was dead, yet she came back from that. And she was more prepared to die than determined to die. Additionally, when Peeta was taken and hijacked they were in active war while after Prim's death the fighting had stopped and there was tenuous peace that grew more secure. It's impossible to heal from trauma when you're still in trauma and so I think that impacted a lot of Katniss's thought processes. She just wanted to get away from the pain and the fighting and the danger.
I'm not saying it wouldn't have been hard without Peeta and she wouldn't have major grief and additional complexities to her PTSD and serious need for competent psychiatric help, but with Prim I think she'd have made it through. It's not a contest of who she loved more, but that Katniss will fight and live for both Peeta and Prim, even when her instincts tell her to end the pain their hijacking/death caused her to feel.
Really, Katniss like most people is full of contradictions and exceptions and quick responses as well as love and hurt and this is what makes her THE main character of all time.
I hope that answers what you were looking for! Thanks for the ask!
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crumb · 22 days
okay okay so re: this post about this gifset
tell me what you think--did Benson plan on killing everybody in the restaurant? did he plan on killing himself after? did he expect to spare Randy, or was he on the fence? was he gunning for Chris and Chris alone and anticipating having to improvise?
I just love the way this scene plays out and how, despite the horrific violence, there's still something undeniably human about Benson as he goes about it. I would LOVE to hear your take!!
Holy shit my response is so long and rambling I'm so so sorry but uhhhh here's my thoughts under a cut to save people's dashboards from my dumb brain 🙈
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Omg so yes this is something I think about ALL the time. Chris is, of course, a definite 100%. He was basically dead the moment he grabbed Benson's shoulder and said "...I'll have no problem turning your peaceful redneck existence into a living hell..." Benson warned him, gave him a chance to back down from bullying Randy, but Chris doubled down so RIP lol. Which was the spark that lit the first fuse.
The rest I think may have been improvised a bit but not by much. I think he planned on killing everyone, except Randy, but wasn't sure how exactly it would all go down. There's a chance Hardy might not have heard Jess screaming and never come out of the back. Which that alone I find funny that it was Jess' shrieking and not the two shotgun blasts that managed to rip him away from his morning jerk off session. So Benson might have planned on getting Hardy in the office by surprise after doing in Chris and Jess.
Jess is interesting because Benson tries to quiet her first before getting frustrated and shooting her to shut her up. Like, was bro gonna give her some speech before offing her? I wouldn't be surprised. Something about not dating entitled dickheads? I get why some people think he might not have killed her if she stopped screaming, which is a fair theory! But I also think she's been clearly joining in on the bullying and egging on Chris with her little comments and giggling like she had been earlier that morning. So I think she was already firmly on his kill list by that point, plus she would have no use to him other than being another witness—and the whole thing wasn't about her, it was about Randy, so dragging her around with them, or leaving her behind, would be pointless and risky.
Randy Randy Randy. I don't think he ever intended on killing Randy at any point, except maybe there being the risk of it happening when he was shaken after the whole Sheppard situation. At that point, Benson was so out of his own body I think almost anything could've happened, though ultimately I don't think that would've ever been on purpose, only in a knee-jerk reaction. I do think it was a liiittle bit of a test. I think Benson, like he said in the diner (the first round lol) that seeing Randy just stand there doing nothing and waiting for Benson to kill him was the only thing he believed in. He, like Benson mentioned, had been watching Randy and knew he was smart, but also knew he wouldn't do anything to stop what was happening. But I think a small part of him was hoping he would be proved wrong, hoping Randy would do something and show some agency.
And then there's Benson. I've mentioned this before but yeah, I think throughout the film he kinda goes back and forth on having a deathwish. I think when he's having his smoke and probably semi-planning what he's gonna do he is also fully aware that this is the end of the road for him and Randy is his... I don't know, I guess one last chance at redemption before ending things. Pulling Randy back from the brink of dead-end small town small thinking monotony is his like... last hurrah. Ok well maybe killing Chris and everyone is really the last hurrah, but helping Randy figure his shit out is like his last good deed, helping Randy not end up like him. When they're driving to the diner after cleaning up BBB he's in high spirits. The relaxation and acceptance phase of his road to inevitable death/suicide. But then as things progress and he learns more about Randy and everything, once they reach the school, I think at that point he had stepped back from the ledge and was thinking, maybe wishfully thinking, that he could make it out of there. But then Sheppard had to show up and ruin everything. I think Benson had started to think that maybe things could be alright, if only he could get Randy to Ms. Beard's, get that checked off the to-do list, and then they could try escaping. But Sheppard appears and reminds Benson that no matter what he can never escape. He'll never escape what happened to him, the things he's tried to forget, or who he is. So at that point it's like trying to save a sandcastle from an incoming tide. There's no use. Benson didn't have the tools to deal with seeing Sheppard, especially not on a day like that day when he had already spilled blood three times. Chris and them, maybe they deserved it to an extent in Benson's eyes, but no one deserved it more than Sheppard. So after Sheppard he's given himself whiplash. He had accepted his death, then got hopeful, and then had the ceiling cave in on him causing him to have to re-accept his fate, though not as steadfast. There's a few points after Sheppard where it feels like Benson is mentally clawing at the oncoming events in panic. Ms. Beard getting that call and answering it before they could leave. Benson hearing the sirens after Randy calls the cops. Both times it looks like he's reliving some cosmic disappointment like even though he's had to re-accept his fate, he's still desperately looking for an off-ramp. I think that's maybe what Benson means at the end. "I was never in charge, Randy." His fate or inevitable end was in charge and was something he'd already considered set in stone. Though I think that's also due to some self-sabotage. Like Randy tried to tell him, he had the opportunity to just run and never look back but instead decided to go on some self-assigned white knight quest for Randy in circles around town. Following some perceived path to "fix" Randy in ways Benson could never fix himself. Benson is a walking self-fulfilling prophecy. So to answer your question about whether I think Benson planned on killing himself after killing Chris, Jess, and Hardy (and after "helping Randy")—in my opinion, yes, I believe so. But I also think it switches back and forth from yes to no like 15 times between them leaving BBB and watching the cops pull into the diner parking lot that night, lol.
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You know something I don't see anyone talking about? In the climax of the Mighty Movie, when the giant meteor is coming down, Ryder's response is to tell Skye to save herself, that meteor probably would've destroyed all of Adventure City and maybe even beyond, and there's no telling if they were able to evacuate the whole city by that point, I doubt it, Ryder was willing to let a whole city get destroyed and potentially a bunch of citizens get killed all for the sake of his pup, just goes to show how much Ryder cares for the pups, cause when it comes down to it, he'd choose them over a whole city
Also as much as that might sound weird because "he would sacrifice the city for his pups" (it DOES sound terrible), THAT WAS PROBABLY THE HARDEST DECISION EVER IN RYDER'S LIFE SO FAR and I'm gonna explain now why I'll always defend this boy with my life
Under the cut bc it gets long and I'll be talking details about a still kinda recent movie and I know some people who didn't get to watch it yet XD
First, YEAH, they were NOT able to evacuate the city on time. There were still a lot of people on the streets, including the very Paw Patrol team. Just like in the beginning when the first meteor came down and when they needed to secure a landing path for the plane, we see they first make sure the streets are empty before they look for shelter themselves. Same thing happened in the first movie, remember? During the storm, they secured the streets around the skyscrapers first, and only then the pups went for shelter in the building as well. This time, though? There was just not enough time for that. It wasn't about emptying a whole avenue or a few blocks, that giant fucker was going to obliterate AT LEAST HALF THE CITY.
Man, Victoria was indeed crazy. Just where the fuck was she planning to have that shit land as she pulled it down to Earth???
Which brings up another point...
The Paw Patrol was still there too and none of them had a crystal to power up and use their powers to escape. All crystals had been handed over to Skye just a few minutes before.
Ryder knew that was it. If Skye wouldn't be able to stop that giant meteor, they were all going to die.
Skye could die trying to stop that meteor.
If she would be successful and save everyone, she could still die while at it.
If she failed, she would die along with everyone else.
Ryder refused to let her sacrifice herself like that, even if there was a chance to save everyone, the risks were just too high. The biggest chance was that they would ALL die there- so if there was one way to save at least ONE of them, he was going to take it.
As much as the franchise relies on crazy and surreal odds (Dinosaurs? Merpups? I think Dragons too, I didn't get there yet? We can just keep going lol), Ryder is still a realistic kind of person. He's a dreamer, sure, but he's also realistic. He's a science kid. He knows the numbers, he calculates odds very quickly, he analyzes every situation faster than you can think so he can choose the best course of action and instruct his pups on where to go and what to do.
The best case scenario there? It was to ensure at least Skye would survive. She had the crystals, she was already out there in the air, all she needed to do was to get out of the way and fly far to stay out of the impact shockwave. No biggie. Anything else, any other idea to try and save the other pups, it would take too long and they wouldn't get away in time, and it would only bring Skye to die as well. Skye wouldn't be fast enough to fly all the way back to redistribute the crystals. She would get there, but then they wouldn't have enough time to run or hide, only Chase would be fast enough to get away and he wouldn't be willing to run and leave everyone else behind.
And there's also the fact that Ryder always puts his pups' safety and well being above his own too. He will make sure they're safe and sound in any given situation before beginning to consider about his own safety. It's his main duty to make sure they'll be okay. They're his responsibility.
And if even just one of his pups would be left behind to die, he wouldn't go either. Even if that meant letting the city get destroyed and taking several other people with them in the process.
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The world be damned, his pups are well trained and always putting themselves at risk for the people, but when it comes down to it, their lives will always come first for this kid. And if one stays behind, he's staying too.
On a last note, I don't remember how it is in the English dub right now, but in the Brazilian dub his voice CRACKS SO HARD when he's telling Skye to save herself. He sounds SO DESPERATE and, and, like, he's trying so damn hard to keep his shit together, to get his point across and he knows they have zero chance of escape and survival, he knows these might be his last words to her, IT HURTS SO FUCKING MUCH--!!!!
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thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
so happy to see asks are open!! May I please request dating headcannons with Overhaul and a quirkless reader being by his side at the shei hassaikai base. What do the other members think of her? Obviously they can’t talk or even be near her unless they wanna be meat on the floor. Poor girl just wants to make friends but her hubby makes it so hard 😔😔😔
(I would've thought I did a quirkless reader for him before but I'm admittedly too lazy to check my HIGHLY OUTDATED masterlist so fuck it. Let's do it anyway! Also, I hope it's fine I'm leaving the reader kinda open ended as usual so everyone can kinda insert themselves into this better. Thank you for the request and the chance at writing more Kai content!)
(sidenote: I really need to update that masterlist but every time I try it's nearly impossible. I let it get too far behind, send help ahhhhhhh)
~Kai's Quirkless Reader & the Hassaikai~
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-Quirkless? Not that much of a shocker he'd fall for you. The boss being in a relationship? THAT is the shocker everyone hasn't managed to let go of just yet. In fact, most of his inner circle thinks he's holding you hostage while the other half wonders how you could've ever fallen for someone as rough as Overhaul in the first place. Did he even know how to date someone? Overhaul doing gentleman shit? Overhaul possibly kissing you one day or holding hands? Overhaul being in the same vicinity as someone else for longer than a few hours? There was a slew of gossiping he couldn't really shut down (or intimidate out of the men) for a very long time. He was trying to at least get it out of control before bringing you around to meet everyone for the first time.
-He took the time you introduce you considering he would have some of the members of the Hassaikai be your personal bodyguards or escorts when he couldn't join you out. Aside from this, he didn't really want you interacting with anyone else than himself. You were headstrong (or stubborn as he'd put it) and wanted on your own to develop meaningful relationships with his main group. Where he saw workers, you saw his friends despite him never calling them that. You wanted to be as important to them as he was. None of the men really complained since you were a breath of fresh air compared to Kai. With the help of Pops preventing Kai from killing the guys, you were able to try and get to know each of them.
-Hojo thought of you as a little sibling almost, no matter what your age is. You could literally be older than him and he'd still try to treat you like a little sister/brother/sibling. It was odd, but you didn't seem to mind how careful he was or protective nonetheless. Setsuno was a lot more careful with you since he didn't want to end up like mince meat. Had you not pushed hard for him to come out of his shell, you never would've learned all the wonderful parts of his personality aside from being a legitimate gang member. Tabe was more or less clingy to your kindness. This is especially true if you end up trying to greet him with something to eat. He adores you now.
-Rappa was actually pretty taken with you from the moment he met you. Someone brave enough to go against Overjerk's rules and do what they wanted regardless of the outcome? Oh yeah, he thinks that's fucking awesome of you. Tengai is more careful about guarding your feelings and still doesn't greet you by your first name even to this day. He also spends a lot of time scolding Rappa when he's around you since he's worried the big lug will offend you somehow.
-Nemoto has been and always will be the absolute most respectful with you. He greets you with the utmost proper manners and tries to make sure you have everything you might ever need whenever he's on duty for you. You've been trying for a long time to break down his walls and get him to chill out more but I doubt that'll happen anytime soon. Deidoro fucking loves you and loves even more the fact that he can be as crazy around you as he wants to be...well, as long as Nemoto isn't there to stop him from having that fun. You don't mind it. The man is a hoot!
-Chrono has become somewhat of a close friend to you. He knows when to let his guard down and relax ever now and then. Don't get me wrong, he still respects Overhaul very much as both a friend and a leader! It's just that when he's out with you, he's not gonna say no to putting a dollar in a prize machine and trying to win an IPAD with you. If you could chose anyone to hang out with for a day, it usually ends up being Chrono. It makes sense that Kai has gotten jealous a time or two of you relationship together. Mimic on the other hand...he doesn't worry as much with you two being together. In fact, your first impression of Mimic was that someone must've been pulling a prank on you. There's no way this beanie baby can turn into a full grown man on command. Mimic thought you weren't real when he met you too either. "How much did the boss pay for you to pretend to be his partner?"
-Katsukame was...a lot upon first meeting. He let a few inappropriate comments slip and you nervously laughed it off until Kai came out and killed the guy in front of you. Since then, Katsukame learned his place around you. Oh and Pops? That old man adored you since the very first moment. How could he not? You're giving his misguided boy a chance to experience real love for the first time! To him, you were considered family from the very first day you took Kai's heart.
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empress-simps · 1 year
Danger Meter [1]
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▪︎Pairings: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
■Pronouns: She/Her (Fem! Reader)
▪︎Warnings: Language
▪︎Genre: Soulmate Au! Angst and fluff
▪︎Synopsis: Your soulmate rarely seems to be out of the High risk zone according to your mark, which makes you worry. Oh well— you already know that the same goes for him.
Note: This is my first time writing a tgm fic!! Kinda nervous! I hope y'all like it! It's been a long while since I took a break so I haven't really wrote anything (except for my research and stuff), my writing is probably a bit different now
》 Masterlist 》 Bradley's Masterlist
》 Next part
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"I swear I'll beat up the son of a bitch, just they wait."
Any other normal person would've considered to stay away from you as you growled those words out loud— or would've asked if you were okay from a safe distance. Your bestfriend beside you stilled for a moment, wondering why you were so hellbent on fighting someone and.. who was it? Another naval aviator? Or your soulmate that you always complain about?
Robert Floyd looked over to where you're sitting, curious to what you'll complain about to him. He saw the mix of worry and anger swimming in your eyes as you continue to look at the rectangular strip on your wrist. Before he could even ask, you showed him the orange stripe which is slowly turning red.
On the day a person is born, there's a rectangular shaped color on their left wrist. The color ranges from green, yellow, orange, red, and black. These colors represent on how safe your soulmate is in their current situation. Green being they're completely fine, red means they're in a dangerous situation (which rarely happens for most cases), and black means that there's a high chance for them to get killed in the situation they're in. The stripe will glow when you made a physical contact with your soulmate.
Having the mark, you can deem it as both a blessing and a curse.
Bob scanned your wrist, his eyes clouding with confusion. Was your soulmate a secret spy? In the military? A criminal? Why are they always in danger? The possibilities are endless.
He has to admit that even though it isn't his soulmate, he can still feel a small sense of dread flooding into his system. What more of his best friend sitting beside him? He could only imagine. "I'm sure they'll be fine, it's not the first time. Have faith in them, y/n/n" He says, trying to comfort you as he pats your back gently— albeit a little akwardly, but that's just a normal Bob thing.
You sighed, stress visible on your face as you rubbed your temples. "I swear Robby, my soulmate could die before I even get to meet them." Your mid-western accent slowly surfacing at the end of your sentence. He watched you as you plopped down his bed, sighing loudly.
"Maybe they're doing it as a revenge? I probably scare them when I go on missions. But why would they endanger themself?" You ranted to yourself as Bob looked at you sympathetically. "Y/n/n, how about try getting some sleep? We have to leave for topgun early in the morning.." He said softly. You sighed, agreeing with him. He walked you over to the front of his family's house.
"I'll see you in the morning, Robby." You smiled, waving at him and going over to your house, which is directly across from his.
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"Well what do we have here?"
The human ken doll asked, watching amusedly as you neared him and Coyote, Bob silently following behind you.
"Crash! My favorite pilot, missed me?"
Jake greeted you with (as you'd like to call it) his pretty boy smile, you rolled your eyes playfully as you neared the pool table. He gave you a wink as you sat the down next to Bob.
"Statefarm, I was dreading to be flying with you again actually." You shrugged, taking his newly opened beer. A sound of protest goes unheard as you took a swig of the beverage. "You're gonna buy me another beer, Crash. And It's Hangman. I thought we had something special?"
"Whatever." You waved him off, "Go play." Hangman rolled his eyes, you took some peanuts from Bob. "You talk to me as if I'm a dog. You wound me."
You looked up at him and asked, feigning innocence. "But, Isn't that what you are?" A chorus of 'Ooooh's were heard in the background. After a while, Phoenix, Payback, and Fanboy entered the mix.
"Who's he?" Pheonix's eyes darted to Bob who's sitting beside you. "Who's who?" Coyote asked, all of them looked at Bob simultaneously. "Since when did you get here?" Coyote followed up.
Bob looked at them and offered a smile "Oh I've been here with y/n/n." He motioned over to you.
"The man's a stealth pilot." Jake said. "Weapons System Officer, actually." Bob corrected, Jake nodded. "With no sense of humor."
"Hey! you mess with him, you mess with me." You warned them, slinging an arm around Bob. Hangman raised his hands, "I'm just saying."
"Well you better shut that damn mouth, statefarm." Jake just mumbled, talking about grabbing a few more beers and ringing it up on some old timer.
"What do they call you?" Pheonix asked, looking at Robert.
"Bob." He answered, Payback smiled. "No, your callsign."
"Uhhhh.. Bob."
"Bob Floyd, you're my new backseater? From Lemoore?" Pheonix asked, he smiled. "Looks like it, yeah." You patted Bob's shoulder. "I'll be right back, Robby. Just gonna get more beer." You said as you walked over to Penny, finding Jake as he ordered four more beers.
"And you-" he turned around to face you. "-Still owe me one beer." You smirked, "Make that two." As you grabbed one of the few beers he has. You decided to follow him back, seeing an unfamiliar guy sporting a hawaiian shirt and mustache which weirdly as it sounds— looks good on him. You don't know how long you'd been staring at him, time seemed to slow down when you laid your eyes on him.
The moment your eyes met feels like you got your breath knocked out of your lungs.
You're also pretty damn sure you felt the mark pulse.
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This fic will have multiple parts! If anyone wants to be notified just send an ask or comment and I'll make a taglist, hope u enjoyed!
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eletricheart · 1 year
Right Where You Left Me
(Katherine Pierce x fem!reader)
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*image creds to owner
Word count: 730 (ish)
ps: I thought of a friendship that could have been something more but didn't have the chance.
ps2: in doubt if i finish this like this or make a part2
ps3: song is at the end
ps4: not proofread, im so sorry for any mistakes
You were hosting the new year ball with your husband when you met Katherine. You knew how to behave during social gatherings such as this, you were trained to be a proper Lady ever since you learned how to walk. Everyone you knew or met were the same, the talks were always gossip or complimentary exchanges.
It's no wonder why you were intrigued by Katherine. A clearly foreign woman, who not only politely refused to dance with the men but also stared at you the entire night. At first you believed there was something in your face, however as the vampire continued to follow you thought she simply wanted to greet one of the hosts.
Katherine didn't truly enjoy balls but the drinks were always so tasteful, sometimes she'd even try the ones they were serving. She wanted to kill you, to know what your blood would taste like. And, well, you willingly went after her, after all you wouldn't be a disgraceful host.
The vampire asked for a tour, to which you gladly complied. She only noticed that an hour had gone by when the firework show began, and for the first time she considered not murdering you.
You both became friends in the new year and stayed that way for many more to come. You were inseparable, Katherine protected you as if her life depended on it, rarely allowing to lose sight of you.
It was in 1770 that you died through the hands of vampire hunters, Katherine killed them all.
Your turning wasn't painless, but she was there, every step of the way.
Your relationship changed after your death. You finally accepted to move to the countryside with Katherine, leaving your husband and wealth behind.
It was hard for a while, however you quickly became interested in nature, studying and analyzing every movement or change the world could show you. Katherine would often play about how well you would get along with some witches, maybe even being one secretly. You would always laugh it off.
Life was stable. Just you and her.
Good things never last for long, and soon enough you both went to the New World to escape Klaus.
You deeply hated the Salvatores. Every time they went after Katherine you would picture their slow and painful death. The other vampire knew that and made sure to flaunt her relationship with them when you were around.
It was a game to her, she didn't exactly like them, she liked the effect they had on you. For so long Katherine didn't understand her feelings for you, and as much as she may know now, she didn't want to be the one to admit it. Therefore, the woman played a game, how long could you handle the jealousy that was so explicit in your face.
Katherine never realized how far deep she was until it was too late. Her games became too real, she actively enjoyed toying with them, she adored how devoted they were, even if manipulated sometimes. It was too easy for her to lose herself. It needed to be over.
Unfortunately, it never truly came to an end. The abrupt vampire hunt was frightening, you desperately wanted to leave but Katherine couldn't let go.
You looked at her in a mix of confusion and sadness. "What do you mean 'no'?"
The vampire shrugged. "They'll never find us, besides I'm almost done with the boys."
You huffed. "Seriously? You would rather risk our safety for some disgusting man thing?"
Katherine chuckled and lifted her arms in mocked surrender. "Wow, didn't know you hated men so much. Wonder what your ex husband would've thought."
You rolled your eyes and straightened your hair. "I may just despise them. Can we go now? You can find another."
Katherine shook her head which caused you to sigh in exasperation.
"What are you even doing to them that is so special anyway?"
You gasped, feeling an overwhelming rush of emotions but mainly focusing on anger. "You just met them." You stated between clenched teeth.
The other vampire saw this as an opportunity, you were clearly stressed and if she pressed just the right buttons the game would be over, you would be hers. "Maybe I'l turn them."
"Yes but they are so much fun."
You shook your head. "Is that why you turned me? For fun?"
Katherine was startled for a moment, staring at you with furrowed brows. "Of course not."
"I'll wait until tonight, then I'll go."
"I can't just let it go."
"Then choose."
You waited, even longer than planned, you still waited.
She never came.
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cwritesforfun · 8 months
Derek Morgan AU x Princess: Bodyguard
Derek Morgan is the bodyguard of Princess Y/N, the Future Queen. He has been guarding her for 3 years.
Y/N had a bad feeling about the ball being thrown for her and knew something was up, however, she couldn't have prevented it.
Y/N = Your Name
** I don't own any of the Criminal Minds characters **
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Morgan's POV
It all happened so fast. Some kind of fog was thrown in the room. Intruders ran in waving guns around. Someone knocked me out before I could get to Princess Y/N.
I woke up to find myself tied up to a chair and held at gunpoint. I look over and see the rest of the guests and the whole royal family is in the same position.
I see the intruders brought stuff to livestream the whole hostage situation and a TV is up, so we can see what viewers are seeing. I don't get why though. Nothing makes sense right now. There hasn't been news of a threat or anything.
I glance over at Princess Y/N to see if she's alright and I notice her slyly watching the intruders. I wonder what she's thinking. She's always thinking and planning. It's part of why I think she'll be a great Queen because of how she is able to think on her toes.
One of the men with a gun walks up to Princess Y/N and asks, "Do you have power as Princess? Or do you have to have your coronation first?" Princess Y/N answers, "I have some power. What would like done?" The man with the gun says "We want the government to fall. We don't believe it represents the people." Princess Y/N asks, "And what can I do for you? Surely this whole hostage situation would've worked better with Parliament." Oh my:/ The man slaps her in the face causing me to flinch and I try to move to protect her. Someone grabs the chair I'm in and clicks the gun at my side. Princess Y/N glances my way and gives me a slight smile. She turns back to the man in front of her and exclaims, "Do you have a person who you think can best represent the people? I'd like to hear them out and hear their plans for the future." She's playing along with them and she's buying time. What can I do? Come on think Derek think.
Princess Y/N's POV
I'm buying time for all of the guests and me. The more time they talk, the less chance there is that any of us get hurt. If the leader could just leave the room, I could convince someone to let me pee and possibly get a message out.
I notice Derek Morgan, my bodyguard, sitting there watching the intruders. Hopefully, he can help me somehow. I bet he already has a plan. I mean he's been guarding me for 3 years successfully and we've made it out of some sticky situations. Not gonna lie, he's pretty hot all tied up right now, and wow. I should not be thinking about this at the moment. Shut up brain!
Derek's POV
I look around the room casually and count roughly 20 intruders in the room. I also see at least 8 other bodyguards tied up in here. If I set one intruder off, hopefully, they get the memo and can knock the rest out.
I look at one of the other ones and give him three slow nods. That means follow my lead in code. He does three nods back and starts to pass around the message.
I slowly begin untying the knots around my hands and I get it to where I can throw the rope off anytime now. I just need the perfect moment to do it.
Princess Y/N manages to keep them from actually injuring her more until she asks, "And do you think I represent the people? I'm genuinely just wondering." One of them says, "You're not elected by the people, so no. However, it would be treason to kill you." She replies, "Well you're already committing treason right now by attempting to overthrow the government." I swiftly jump up from my chair, kick it back into the guard behind me, and knock him out. I steal his gun and place it in my belt.
When I knock the first guard out, I move on to another one until I hear "Stop or the Princess dies!" I turn around and see a gun to her head. I hold my gun up and point it at the man holding the gun to her head. He wiggles the gun by her head taunting me. I exclaim, "Let's not make hasty decisions. Think through this. You don't want to do this." The guard asks, "Why don't I, Mister Loyal?" I answer, "If you kill off the Princess, our country's allies will revolt and fight you. From what I can see, you are not ready to take part in a war. Rethink this. What should you do instead? What are your options?" I hope I'm stalling him. I mean he does look a little confused and stumped.
I make eye contact with the Princess and I nods at her three times. She blinks three times and I know she knows the code. Good!
I yell "Now!" Princess Y/N kicks back into the guy and drops to the ground as I shoot at him. I hit him and he fell backward. I rush over to Princess Y/N and gently cup her face with one of my hands. She leans into my hand and I ask, "Are you okay? I'm sorry that I almost got you killed." She nods and says, "Yes thanks, Derek. I'm okay and I put myself in danger as much as you did. It's okay. Um... We should do something about the rest of the intruders, right?" I nod and turn to where everyone is staring. Did they all watch me cup her face? Geez. Great. This is great. I yell "Intruders, hands up. We'll take you down for questioning! Royal guards, take them out to the holding cells, please. Everyone else, please stay put until it is clear. Does anyone know how to turn off all the TV equipment and would be willing to do so?" Someone raises their hand and I lead them over. They then get working on it.
I help Princess Y/N start untying the ropes around the rest of the royal family. We manage to get them all off and they all hug her. I let them have a family moment and I make sure the TV is turned off.
That Night ... Derek's POV still
I finally get to relax. I mean I did take a shower already, but now I can sleep. I could also drink, but that wouldn't help my feelings and thoughts to cool down.
I can't lose Princess Y/N. We've been close for 3 years and I've really tried to push away my feelings for her, but I can't. She's kind, strong, tough, beautiful, and loving. She's the ideal woman. However, she is also the Princess soon-to-be Queen. That means that I cannot date or be with her romantically as much as I would like that. Then tonight when she kept putting herself in danger, I was freaking out on the inside and she worried me. I hope she is okay right now. I cannot help but wonder if she is okay. Maybe I should check up on her.
Yeah, I'm going to make sure she is okay.
Princess Y/N's POV
I can't sleep. My brain is too awake. Should I go for a walk around the palace? I'll go see if the guards are up for it or if I'm allowed to leave.
I open my door and see Derek Morgan holding his hand up like he was about to knock. Wait is he in pajamas? Wow, he can rock gray sweatpants. Damn, this man is fine.
He smirks a little and says, "Eyes are up here, Princess." I smirk and say, "Come on in, Derek. Please step in." I move aside and he steps inside the room. I pat the space next to me on the couch and exclaim, "Please just sit here. Forget that I am who I am and that there are rules. Just sit." He nods and sits next to me.
I glance at him and ask, "So what brought you to my bedroom at 1:00 a.m.?" He answers, "I wanted to check on you. I wanted to know how you were doing. You worried me when you taunted the intruders. I know you can take care of yourself, but the man did have a gun to your head." I nod and reply, "I know what I did was risky, but I also knew I had people in there that I could trust to help me. I knew you could come up with a plan, so I stalled and it worked. As far as how I am, I will be honest my brain is so awake. I can't sleep." He replies, "I couldn't either. I was going to drink, but that would've kept me more awake. I chose to check on you instead." I reply, "Thanks. I appreciate that. Thank you again for today. I'm so grateful for you and everything you do for me." He replies, "I'm glad you, the palace staff, and your family were all able to walk away from it." I nod and smile.
He exclaims, "I know you said you couldn't fall asleep, so if you'd like, I can give you a back scratch or a small massage to help you relax." I reply, "Okay. Do you mind if I lay in my bed?" He shakes his head.
I climb into my bed and ask, "Before I get settled, may I have a hug? It feels like a hugging moment." He nods and we hug. He kisses the top of my head too. Aw wait that was cute:-)
I then lay down and he rubs my back. I start to drift off a little and then I hear a door creak open. I snap up into a sitting position and ask, "What was that?" He answers, "The balcony door just creaked a little because of the wind. I promise no one is trying to break in. You are safe." I reply, "I'm sorry for that. I just am so stressed and today was a lot." I put my hands over my head and sit in a ball shape.
I feel my bed dip near my feet meaning he must've sat on my bed. I then feel his hands rub my arms. He leans close to me and whispers in my ear, "You're safe. We have everyone locked up or dead. I can stay the night in your room if you want me to. I don't mind for tonight." I move my face to look at him and I notice we are only 6 inches apart. I exclaim, "Thank you, Derek. Do you want to stay on the other side of my bed?" He answers "I don't think I could control myself." I ask, "From doing what?" He then leans forward and asks, "May I kiss you?" I answer, "Yes," and he kisses me. Omg!
When he pulls away, I exclaim, "Wow you're a good kisser. I really don't mind if you are in the same bed as me. Please stay for tonight at least." He kisses me on the cheek and then crawls over to the other side of the bed.
I flip off the light and we both end up falling asleep just by being in each other's presence.
A few hours later, I wake up to mumbling and I glance at where Derek is. I lean over and hear him mumbling, "You're safe. She's safe. It's okay. Relax." I gently rub his arm and he jolts up. I say softly, "Hey you had a nightmare or something. You were mumbling a lot. Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" He answers, "I was just scared you got hurt again. I see now you are okay." I reply, "I am yes. Do you want to cuddle? It might help, so you know I'm safe." He replies, "Yes please." I lay down and wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep like that.
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mysticstarlightduck · 16 days
Personality Through Quotes Tag!
Jumping on an open tag by @willtheweaver (here)! I'll go with the cast of Supernova Initiative for this one!
My Quote - A quote about the person they love the most.
Your Quote - A quote about their favorite memory.
(Supernova Initiative)
Jack Tithus - "My sister is the only family I've ever really had - I've always watched out for her and made sure she grew up happy, though I often struggled with providing for the both of us. I would do anything to make sure she stays safe, anything, even if it means I gotta suffer so she doesn't have to."
Vesper Foxx - "That answer brings up too many memories. I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to talk about the ones I lost. At least not until I have my revenge."
Cassiopeia Tithus - "The person I love most is my big brother, Jack. It's been us against the world for so long, that I can't imagine what it would be like otherwise. He's my best friend, and I just wish he didn't try to handle so much on his own. I also am very close to our friend group, and consider them almost like family to me"
Artemis Zreeth - "That person would be my Dad. The best bounty hunter in the known galaxy, he was always my childhood hero. I didn't know my mother, so it was always just me and him until his old crew screwed him over after a mission - they took the money and killed him. Bunch of cowards."
Aleks Keldora - "Oh, my moms for sure! They're the best - witty, funny, no-nonsense and with quite possibly the best cooking and advice in the galaxy. I love them both dearly and can't wait to spend some time back home!"
Pax Stellaryn - "My adoptive family, no doubt about it. They gave me another chance when most would've left me behind and provided me with a life of opportunities I'd never have dreamed of. I only wish to be able to make them proud and make all their love and support worthwhile!"
Ethean Mirannir - "My parents, and my younger brother, Pax. Family's the most important thing in this life, more important than duty and anything else, and that's one lesson I take to heart."
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories
@the-ellia-west, @winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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night-fall-moon · 4 months
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Chapter 2: Regent
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The sound of skin to skin contact echoed throughout the meeting room. Pale skin becomes red as blood flows to the surface of it. A mild stinging pain could be felt, the feeling of embarrassment flooded his senses, but he kept a cool front. His poker face never faltered no matter how humiliated he was.
A sense of lingering anger and authority dropped from the hand that slapped the boy. His face filled with worry as his voice spoke out,
"A squad leader can't put his squad members' lives at risk." His voice was serious.
He was dead serious, and it showed not just through his expressions, but through his violent actions. He'd never once laid a hand on them no matter the circumstance, but he felt the need to express it this time to show that he was the one in charge for once and wouldn't be put down.
"It's dangerous to show our back to the enemy. I took the possibility of Orochi pursuing and attacking us from the rear into consideration." He defended himself.
He stared at Haise the whole time and asked him, "does that warrant a slap in the face?"
"You think you're so smart. Why else do you think I called for Haise? You would've died had it not been for me telling him as soon as we left to pursue Torso." Reina yelled at the foolish boy.
His ego got too big that he almost killed himself and the rest of his team all because of his selfish desires. Haise stood still as everything unveiled itself.
"Ghoul investigators must run even if their arms and legs are torn off!!" He raised his voice, veins popped out the side of his neck. His face contorted into one of worry.
"We'll have our chance as long as we're alive. What can we do if we're dead?!"
Sighing, Reina got in between both boys and put a hand on each of their shoulders. She pushed Urie away a bit and turned to face him.
"Urie I'm relieving you from duty as Squad Leader of the Quinx Squad." She stated.
Again Urie started arguing, he made sure his voice was heard when he said, "I find this unacceptable," but both of them didn't budge, instead Haise put his foot down and in an authoritative voice jibed, "it's an order."
Gritting his teeth Urie breathed heavily leaving a heavy suspenseful silence in his wake until he sneered at both of them, "but you're both ghouls..."
His eyes widened meanwhile the rest of the squad squeaked in surprise at his bold claim. How could he disrespect their mentors?! Shirazu wasted no time in beating some sense into the boy.
"You're a piece of shit!!" He yelled as he kicked the purple haired boy.
He continued to lecture the boy about how responsible and considerate their mentors were. How they both risked their lives for theirs. He tussled him around like a rag doll, Urie having no reaction to the treatment he was getting at the moment. Instead he looked behind him where Mutsuki was standing.
There the shy boy stood watching Shirazu manhandle Urie. Noticing that he was looking back he decided to speak up.
"Urie.. I.. I'd like you to apologize to Instructors Sasaki and Nakou."
"Shirazu let him go." Reina raised her hand in a stop motion.
Following her order he did so slowly. Looking back at his mentors he noticed that Haise was about to speak up.
"No matter what he says, my decision is final. Besides, I'm appointing Rank 3: Investigator Shirazu as Squad Leader." He pointed at the blonde.
Shirazu screeched and tried to protest. He had no idea what Sasaki was thinking, but this wasn't right. Him? Squad leader?! Those two things should never be in the same sentence. Haise reassured him that he'd teach him what it means to be a leader.
Turning to face the boy that was walking away he playfully hit him a small smile gracing his lips that didn't quite reach his ears.
"Urie. You keep disobeying me and I'll eat you! I'm a ghoul, remember?" He chuckled softly.
Having nothing else to say, the denoted boy just walked out the room. Noting Haise's weird behavior she walked behind him and patted his shoulder making him look down at her figure. She smiled weakly at him and left to follow after Urie.
She looked around everywhere and found him sitting on the couch by himself in the living room. Deciding to sneak up on him she quietly approached him and hugged him tightly against her chest. Startled at first he tried to pull her arms off of him until he heard the familiar sound of her voice reach his ears.
"Got ya." She tilted his head so he could look up at her.
Huffing he let her have her way with him. She let go and climbed over the couch to sit on the glass coffee table. Her small figure leaning back, strands of lilac hair letting loose from her messy bun.
"I'm going to make it quick since we have to wake up early tomorrow." She put it simply as she crossed her legs.
He looked her dead in the eye and motioned for her to get on with what she initially came here for.
"You need to learn to respect others, you know. If you keep up this rude attitude it won't make others like you. Now since I started living with you I've learned a few things." She started.
"You don't like sweets, so I don't know why you have that with you. Two you don't care for relationships, whether it's romantic or platonic it doesn't matter. You push those who care for you away all because of your personal goals." She sat upright and stood up walking behind the couch.
"Let me tell you from personal experience... you'd rather have friends or people you can call acquaintances than enemies. Why? Because you don't know when the last time you'll need them by your side is. If you have no one to be there for you, you'll feel lost." She leaned over it and whispered in his ear,
"I know you don't care about these mundane matters, but it'll come and bite you back in the ass. Especially if you mess with the wrong people." She breathed out and turned around to leave.
"And who would those people be?" His voice echoed throughout the vacant room.
The girl stood glued in her place.
"Since I started living with you I've learned a few things." He mocked.
She turned around and smirked.
"Yeah? Like what?" She taunted.
"You've been acting up since you moved in. Not a single time have you actually acted yourself. This little vulgar act you're putting up isn't fooling anyone. Who are you? Is the real question, Reina Nakou." His voice dripped of venom.
She smiled at his words and walked up to pat his cheek.
"I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into, darling."
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wc: 1.1k previous chapter  masterlist next chapter
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a/n: short chapter cause of writers block but also because I wanted to stop meshing chapters together for a bit. Next chapter will be a bit longer but shorter than the previous ones.
ps. school is gonna kick me in the ass soon so… spontaneous updates will ensue
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writer-zie · 3 months
Archway (and a charming shadow)
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REQUESTED: yes || no (@luminoustelle)
PAIRING:Ji Cheong-Sin x named fem!Reader
SUMMARY: You've just finished your shift, and are waiting in an alleyway for a bus because your phone is dead. That's a dangerous situation to be in. Especially with evil spirits around.
WARNINGS: harassment, 2 instances of language
A/N: stay safe my guys, make sure your phone is fully charged when you go out, make sure you have a ride home, or at least are sure that there will be a bus or a train or something, don't go into alleyways to wait, especially not in the night (but try to avoid them anyway)!
. ▒█▒█▒█▒█▒█▒█▒🔘▒█▒█▒█▒█▒█▒█▒ .
Zero could describe a lot of things in your life right now.
Zero energy, zero signal, and now, zero battery on your phone. You tapped the lifeless screen in an attempt to coax a response out of it, but to no avail. Your shift had already been hard, and this was just the cherry on top.
Maybe catching a bus would be a better option than calling a ride.
You stepped away from the building, but as you were about to cross the road, a drop of water splashed down onto your head.
And then another.
And another.
It didn't take long before the drops turned into a frigid downpour, and you, having nothing to cover yourself, were forced to run backwards into a nearby covered alleyway.
Could things get any worse?
No battery, no energy, and now no way of getting home on foot without getting soaked.
You grumbled internally at your situation. All you could do was wait.
A presence hung in the shadows. 2, if you counted the spirit.
"Easy kill here, Chun-gi." whispered a tiny voice in the man's ear. His eyes locked onto your back, looking you up and down. He brought a hand down to his pocket, and his fingers closed around the handle of a flip knife.
You were none the wiser to the danger approaching behind you, eyes straight ahead on the road, checking for buses, and staying warm.
Then, suddenly, you felt something behind you. Not a person, no. You'd feel less distressed if it was. You turned around sharply.
Your senses must've been tricking you, but something told you they weren't. The feeling persisted as you turned back around, pulling, nagging, urging you that something was there, something was there, something was there, turn around, turn around, turn around turn around TURN AROUND—
"Nice legs, pretty."
Your head would've flown off had you turned around any faster. You stepped back, now facing away from the road.
You looked the man in the eyes, before backing away to the opposite wall, ignoring the comment. You weren't in the mood for this.
"Aw, come on pretty, don't ignore me!" he persisted, stepping over to you again.
"Leave me alone."
"Heh, you're a feisty one. You've got a nice ass too."
"I said, leave me alone, asshole!"
The man's eyes shrunk into malevolent slits, mouth shifting from the leering grin, to something slightly more aggressive.
"Now that's just rude." he snarled, hand creeping to his pocket.
"Rude girls like you need to be taught a lesson."
The next few seconds stretched out like dripping tar. You saw the telltale glint of a knife in his hand, and immediately turned and ran out of the alley towards the road, before being grabbed by your collar and fully thrown backwards into it.
People can't do that? People can't do that!
No fucking way.
You crawled backwards, getting up a safe distance away, frantically searching for another route out of the alley. 3 paths, 3 dead ends.
One outcome.
Wielding your bag like a club, you scanned for any possible escape route. Climbing the wall? Nothing to hold onto. You could jump on a bin and try from there, but the chance you'd fall was too high.
The man stepped closer.
"She's got no escape, and there's no one here! Now slit her pretty little throat."
He flipped the blade out.
You swung your bag around you, once, twice, before lunging forward and smacking him around the head.
Dazed, he fell.
You made a break for it, dropping the bag, but something grabbed your ankle, and you faceplanted into the pavement.
The man got up, didn't bother to wipe himself off, grabbed your collar, yanked you up, and slammed you against the wall. Now unarmed, all you could do was use your arms to block your face.
Nothing you could do. You'd bleed out in a dinky little alleyway, and your body would be found maybe hours later. He would've gotten away by then.
But you didn't give him the satisfaction of a defeated expression.
"Any last words, pretty?"
"Fuck you."
And as if that expletive was a message to the world that death was not on your agenda today, a voice called out.
You both turned at the same time. A man stood on top of the wall you'd been planning to climb, pale grey skies making his figure a shadow.
"What do you want." the man said, dropping the knife into his sleeve.
"What are you doing to that lady?" he replied.
"Lady? This is my wife! Isn't that right, honey!"
Obviously you'd protest. And as you were about to, you felt the smooth metal against the back of your neck. One wrong word and you were dead.
And so, letting fear widen your eyes, you nodded, shaking.
"What are you doing! Don't try and steal my kill!"
"I'm not. This host has an annoying sense of morality."
"I'll try and make him— oh?"
"Oh what?"
"Just got an exciting new proposition. Kill you instead."
"I doubt that. Let go of her."
"Or what?"
He jumped off the wall, landing effortlessly and almost soundlessly.
"Wanna find out?"
"You're dead."
The man, as if he'd heard something, seemed to tremble slightly. The pressure of the knife did not disappear, in fact, quite the opposite, you could feel your skin threatening to give. You gasped.
The man saw your face change, and in a single, fluid, completely unexpected motion, he kicked the man in the jaw. He crumbled like so many bricks. The knife clattered to the ground.
"You're so dead."
He looked at you. Looked at the pouring rain. Looked at your lack of anything waterproof. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a folding umbrella.
"Here. I'm guessing the reason you were here in the first place was because of the rain."
You were hesitant. He grinned, and shouted,
"Think fast!"
On reflex, you caught the object. You looked back to the man, teeth bared in a friendly smile.
"I'll deal with this guy later." he said, walking up to you.
"I could walk you to the bus stop, if you'd like?"
"Um...if it's no trouble."
"It isn't."
With one last glance at the unconscious man, your saviour got up and the two of you left the alley together. You put the umbrella up between the two of you, sending raindrops flying and running down the sides.
You walked in stunned silence for a few minutes, brain processing what just happened. You'd come so very close to death, one slip of the hand away from bleeding out on your way back from work. And this man, this mysterious silhouette had jumped off a wall and saved you.
"So, um, I just wanted to say thank you."
He looked down at you.
"It's no worries. What's your name?"
"I'm Yeong-nae. What about you?"
He paused briefly.
"Cheong-sin. I like your name."
"Thanks, my mom gave it to me!"
He chuckled. It was an oddly pretty noise. It might have been random, but you felt yourself get a little warmer.
The shelter of the bus stop got closer as you made your way through the rain, chatting and laughing. The sound faded out into a comfortable silence, and you could hear the bus approaching.
"Well, it was nice meeting you!" he grinned, eyes locking briefly on the bus.
"And you! Maybe I'll see you again?"
He smiled.
The bus rolled up, you waved goodbye, and he began to walk off, before you realised the umbrella was still in your hand.
"Wait! Your umbrella!" you called out, not daring to chase after him, lest you miss the bus. He looked back with a cheeky grin on his face, before jogging off. Friendly curses left your mouth as you folded it back up and got into the bus, sitting down on the first seat you found.
That interaction remained in your mind for quite a while. A strange, charming silhouette named Cheong-sin. Hopefully you would see him again.
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As your bus rumbled down the road he made sure it was out of sight before he dashed back down the pavement, heading back towards the alley.
"You didn't have to waste so much time, you know."
"And you don't have to be so picky but you don't hear me complaining."
The brick arch of the alley made itself known, but the man was gone.
"He's still close."
He stepped into the alleyway, footsteps silent like a cat's. The spirit signalled him towards the wall at the opposite end of the alley, and there was a telltale splotch of blood on the umber bricks. Bingo.
With an impressive leap, Cheong-sin leaped straight up onto the wall, and looked down. Oh, what a pitiful sight. He had clearly attempted to climb the bins and escape over the wall, but his head was still scrambled so he'd cut himself on the knife, and fallen into the bushes behind.
"Hello again."
"Go to hell."
"Already done that one."
"Relax, you'll just be making me more powerful. Greater good, you know?"
He hopped down into the shrubs, crouching over the man's body as his eyes bled into crimson. There were no screams, barely a struggle as the ash-cloaked blue smoke of a corrupted soul was forced out of his mouth, and into Cheong-sin's, his eyes staining to black, veins twitching at the sudden surge of power.
The body was left in those shrubs as Cheong-sin took a flying leap onto the roof, landing effortlessly. Brushing himself off, he cracked his back before staring into the road, the red top of your bus disappearing into the distance.
Maybe he would see you again.
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Okay I thought I was done but apparently I'm not. I need to talk more about this banter you can get during the Legacy DLC between Aveline and Warden Carver because it makes me want to scream.
Aveline: I'm glad you found a place with the Wardens. Carver: Well, it's not the city guard, but it'll do. Aveline: Carver... it wasn't the place for you. Carver: No, it's all right. It is. It cost a lot, but I get it. I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I? Aveline: Well...
In my last post, I talked about how Aveline had no place telling the guard to refuse Carver's application, regardless of if he was "right" for the job or not. But I believe he would've made a great guard, and getting that job not only would've provided for him and his family during a desperate time, but would've prevented him from either fate of becoming a warden or a templar. He was unfairly robbed of a chance to prove himself because Aveline believed he wasn't right for the guard.
This is one of the banters I brought up but didn't go too in depth about. At this point, it's been between 3-6 years since Act 1, depending on if you decided to do Legacy in Act 2 or Act 3, and every line here is important.
Carver's response to Aveline saying she's glad he "found a place" with the wardens is so telling. Not being accepted by the guard is still on his mind after all this time. He wouldn't bring it up if it didn't still bother him, and implies that he still would've preferred the guard over the wardens.
Which... yeah. Listen, I'm a dedicated "Carver joins the Grey Warden" player. I don't like leaving him behind to become a templar, and I certainly don't like him dying. For me, the Grey Wardens are the best outcome he has. It’s where he seems the happiest and finds the most fulfilment, and it fits well with how I play my Hawke. But it obviously has some tragic issues.
Like the fact that becoming a Grey Warden only delayed his inevitable death within the Deep Roads. Eventually his Calling will come, and Carver will go back down there and fight until the darkspawn eventually kill him. I'm sure that's not traumatic to think about given he was a soldier at Ostagar and then watched Bethany die at the hands of an ogre. Oh, and there's the whole nightmares and voices thing.
Carver didn't choose this life for himself. It was either this or death, but a "what if?" still lingers in his mind about the city guard.
Something Aveline ruined for him.
And continues to ruin.
Aveline: Carver... it wasn't the place for you.
You hear that? In the distance? That's me screaming.
I must reiterate; what makes Aveline believe it's her place to tell Carver whether or not the city guard was right for him? Why did she think she should get a say in whether or not the guard takes him? What's made it HER call?
And still, after all this time has passed, she believes it wasn't right for him and she's unwilling to consider otherwise. Maker forbid she do some reflection and question if she was in the right for interfering at all, too!
Carver is standing right there before her, proving everything she said about him wrong, and she just doubles down. There's no reason to say this to him unless she's trying to remind him of his place; he's a Grey Warden, and she's Guard-Captain of Kirkwall's city guard. But c'mon, Aveline, he's hardly a threat to your precious guard anymore given the whole dedication to killing darkspawn thing he has now.
Maybe if you paid more attention to the threats within your guard, Kirkwall would be a safer place with less murder going around? Just saying!
But isn't that how it's always been? Aveline putting him in his place, making sure Carver remembers she's always outranked him?
Carver: Did you approve my application? Aveline: I can't make you a guard, Carver. Carver: We were both soldiers. Why won't they take me? Aveline: I was an officer. And I follow orders. Carver: [laughs] No you don't. Aveline: I also think of others before myself. You seem tired of that, and that's dangerous. Carver: Just when it's not my choice. You told them not to take me, didn't you? Aveline: Yes.
That he should remember who he's talking to?
Carver: I'm surprised you still travel with us, Aveline. Aveline: Carver, don't. Carver: You're ever so busy with the guardsmen. It must be a burden to slum with the refugees. Aveline: It's oddly comforting that you insult me like I'm family. Carver: That wasn't... no, I didn't mean that. Aveline: I know. But you should be glad that's how I took it.
That she's in charge?
Aveline: Your form's sloppy, Carver. Stiffen up or the darkspawn will take your blade. Carver: Right. I'll keep that in mind. Aveline: And you're angry, why? Carver: You didn't fare any better than I did the last time we faced darkspawn. Aveline: If they take your blade, people die. That's not happening again. Stiffen up. Carver: Yes ma'am.
Oh, and she used to spy on him [and Hawke].
Aveline: I don't like some of the people you've been associating with, Carver. Carver: Talk to my brother/sister. He/She's the one in charge. Aveline:  Maybe, but I know you get around. This city's full of people who are dead set on ending badly. I don't want to see you end up the same way. Carver: Would asking you to stop spying on me help in the least? Aveline: No.
That's their banter.
But sure, she's glad he found a place in the wardens. I don't think she's being ingenuine when she says that, but I think it's a little more complicated than a mere "congrats on doing well, I knew you could do it."
But Carver's response? Oh Maker's ass. It actually hurts me.
Carver: No, it's all right. It is. It cost a lot, but I get it. I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I? Aveline: Well...
I... what can I even say?
He accepts it, but you can tell it hurts to do so. It DID cost a lot. More than Aveline will ever understand. And it doesn't matter now! He can't become a guard now anyway, so what would be the point in him disagreeing with her? Carver acts as the bigger person here because he does get it, even if Aveline doesn't.
But it's that last part... that last damn part... Don't be alarmed, that screaming you hear is still me.
Here's the deal; Carver acknowledges that he could be an ass back in Act 1. Hell, he acknowledges it IN Act 1. For example, when you talk to him after finding your grandfather's will, he's an ass to you about Bethany no matter what you say.
But y'know what? You can be the biggest piece of shit to him and have Hawke literally call him a "lazy brat with a chip on his shoulder," and Carver will still be the one to be apologetic for what he said and attempt to explain his feelings.
"Brother/Sister... I feel... I don't know. It's like Mother taking things out on us. She was just scared. I don't have a place in the life she's trying to bring back…"
Carver can be an ass, but he's aware of that and actively tries to change his behavior. If you bring him and Fenris with you on the Mark of the Assassin DLC, there's a moment where Carver says, "You still don't like me? I've tried to change." And if you bring Varric, he once again acknowledges that he used to be an ass.
BUT... that being said. If you don't remember, "I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I?" is referencing back to this conversation in the barracks of Act 1:
Hawke: This must be a very different pace from serving King Cailan. Aveline: It's just one more change, though. The real end for me was Ostagar. What about you Carver? You were there. Do you feel something similar? Carver: No. Aveline: All right, then. Bit of a tit, your brother.
Now, I've already expressed my beef with Aveline over insulting Carver in the middle of the barracks just because he doesn't agree with her view point on Ostagar... but consider the fact that Carver says nothing. He just lets her insult him without a complaint! Carver Hawke, who tends to complain! And he says nothing!
Not only that, but he actually internalized that insult enough that years later he's able to repeat it back to Aveline word for word, and all she has to say is, "Well..."
This isn't the same thing as him reflecting on his past behavior and acknowledging his flaws. This is Carver accepting a snide jab Aveline made that hurt him because apparently he was wrong for not wanting to discuss any trauma Ostagar left him with as openly as she does.
Oh, and don't forget that any other companion you brought along dogpiles on, too!
Carver: No, it's all right. It is. It cost a lot, but I get it. I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I? Aveline: Well... Varric: No shit. Fenris: Insufferable. Isabela: Legendary. Anders: Maker, yes. Sebastian: I've heard as much. [If Hawke has a humorous/charming personality] Hawke: Spoiled, annoying, thick-headed, brattish little nitwit of a... oh, have we stopped?
Y'all ever wonder why he's so on edge or hostile with the other companions?
Also, I have to point out that Merrill is the only companion who doesn't say anything in agreement if she's there. In fact, across all their banter, Merrill's never been rude or insulting toward him. All she does is ask him if he's talking dirty to her and compliments him on what a great sworder he is. It's pretty obvious why Carver develops a crush on her, c'mon.
But to wrap this up-
This banter strikes a nerve due to how telling it is about both characters involved.
Carver has grown and done what he can to improve himself, but there's regret that lingers, a longing for a better life he could've had if given a chance. Maybe he would've failed, maybe he would've succeeded. But there's nothing he can do now, so he looks forward, just as he's always wanted to do. He's a damn good Grey Warden who wants to do right.
Aveline remains stagnant. She hasn't changed, nor has she improved, and maybe she would if she could figure out how to dislodge her head from her own ass. She still believes she was in the right to tell the guard not to accept Carver's application despite knowing the Hawke's were desperate and that Fereldan refugees couldn't find work. She knew Carver's a skilled soldier who fought at Ostagar just as she did. The guard wasn't the place for him so she's in the right to deny him any chance. Aveline knows best.
And y'know what, I think all I have left to say is...
Fine, Aveline. You're right. It wasn't the place for him.
Carver was too good for your city guard.
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
Crashing Waves // Chapter 8 // Namor
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Pairing: Namor x POC Reader
Warning: Spoilers // Mentions of Violence
Chapter 7 // Chapter 9
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// Shuri POV //
"My people have been thriving. Away from the surface world. You want to protect vibranium from them. But they came too close this time." Namor explained after showing me the underwater kingdom I know now as Talokan. It was beautiful. The people minding their own business without a care in the world. I remember when Wakanda used to be that way. 
"You said it yourself princess. You want to burn the world. With our nation's together we can do just that." He said and I felt my mind start to race. "I have to kill the scientist. To ensure this doesn't happen again."
"You don't have to do that. Let her stay in Wakanda. I'll stay instead. I'd love to learn more about Talokan." I said to him and a small smile made its way to his lips. 
"The professor said you were one to out yourself in place of others." He mumbled and my head perked up at the mention of Y/N. 
"You have to let her go. She hasn't done anything." I muttered and he remained still.
"She was on that ship. With the people who tried to steal the vibranium. She's just as responsible. I should've killed her." He stated and rage filled my entire being. She's given up so much for my family. 
"I won't allow that." I said in a flat tone and his eyes met mine. He seemed as if he was searching for something until he found it. 
"And why is that?" He stood before slowly walking towards me but I stood my ground. 
"She is the closest thing I have to a best friend. If I had known you had taken her, I would've been down here a lot sooner. Let them go. And I'll stay." I pushed and he looked down at his feet. 
"I cannot allow either of them to leave princess. I have already made up my mind." 
"She's just a kid." I said softly, trying to get him to see how morally wrong it was.
"A kid who not only put my people in danger, but wakanda as well. I don't understand why you or the professor is protecting her. Someone you don't even know." He questioned and I crossed my hands behind my back.
"Sometimes it is better to give someone a second chance." I said and his expression hardened. "Both Y/N and myself know that very well. She would say the same."
"You speak very highly of her princess." He said as one of his people entered the hut. They spoke in their mother tongue and he scoffed. "Take the princess back to the scientists. I need to speak with the professor." The guard walked up and ushered me out as we walked back to where the two are kept.
// End of Shuri POV //
"We'll be okay. She'll come up with something." You told her as you put an arm on her shoulder, pulling her in for comfort.
"If I had known this is where I'd end up I wouldn't have made that dumbass machine. To hell what the professor says." Riri scoffed and you couldn't help but nod your head. You know what it's like being in her position. 
"I feel you. Mine used to tell me I wouldn't get anywhere. Now look at me. A college professor who gets kidnapped for her attachment to Wakanda. Guess he was right." You couldn't help but let out a sigh as you scanned around the area. Eyes flickering from where Shuri disappeared over to the ones standing guard
"That why you down here?" She asked and you shrugged.
"Honestly, I don't have another reason. They found out I had ties with Wakanda. He wants to protect vibranium and form an alliance with Wakanda. It's simple really. They'll probably off me when this is all over." You stated and the girl let a shiver run down her spine. 
"I'm sure Shuri wouldn't let that happen. She cares about you too much. I saw the way you hugged each other. You two-" she trailed off and you felt your cheeks burn as you caught what she was hinting at. 
"What? Oh no. She's like a sister to me. When her brother was still alive they let me live in the palace with them." I told her and she nodded. "She was the first person to give me a chance after the whole I'm fighting with the guy who wants to take over Wakanda thing. That was a whole shit show fiasco." 
"You mean this isn't the first time Wakanda has dealt with something like this?"
"No. I wasn't exactly always on good terms with Wakanda. I was going to steal some things from this antique place. Needed the extra money. Then this guy turned up and said he could use my expertise. One of his pals was Wakandan. But he didn't know that until said pal killed him." I said and Riri's curious eyes urged me to go on. 
"Instead of killing me he brought me with him. He overthrew T'Challa and became king. Instead of protecting vibranium he wanted to show it off to the world. Share what Wakanda worked so hard to keep from the public eye. T'Challa came back and the fight started. I fought alongside Killmonger until he died. But during that fight Shuri refused to fight me. She said I was just scared and alone. She was right." You played with the bracelet on your wrist, as you did when uneasy. "She asked her mother to take me in. She didn't have to agree but she did. The queen didn't see a threat. She saw a young girl who didn't know where to go. Who to go to. I owe them everything." 
"So you two never felt anything for each other? I'm telling you I know when two people got a thing for each other. I live on a college campus." She asked and you opened your mouth to speak but nothing would leave you. You felt something tug on your heart, a familiar uneasiness falling over you.
"We agreed to keep our feelings locked away. Too much was happening at once and we couldn't-. Shouldn't act on our emotions." You told her as the sound of approaching footsteps caught your attention. You saw Shuri being escorted back and you couldn't stop yourself from standing. You looked her over and when your eyes found hers she nodded. The silent question of are you okay pouring from your expression. 
"K'uk'ulkan wishes to speak with you professor." Namora told me and you looked between her and Shuri. The princess squeezed your hand before you followed the warrior to where Namor stayed. He sat with his eyes on a mural he was currently painting and turned to meet your gaze as Namora left the room. No doubt she was on the other side listening in, in case anything went down.
"Are you letting them go?" You asked and he chuckled.
"The princess actually wants the opposite." He told me and you were taken aback by the sudden statement. 
"What are you on about?"
"She's fighting for you and the scientist to be let free. All while she stays down here." He told you and you balled your fists.
"No. Absolutely not. They should be let go and I'll stay." You quickly stated and he stood to his full height. You stood your ground as he slowly approached you. Like a predator zeroing in on its prey. 
"Who knew the college professor would turn into the princess' lover. Maybe you can convince her to join me." He said in a low voice and you felt your cheeks heat up.
"She is not my lover. She's-"
"Important to you? Someone special you hold close to you?" He asked and you could swear you saw a hint of sadness clouding his eyes. Before you could ask what he meant his head snapped behind him. "Someone is calling to me. From Wakanda."
"There can be another way to go about this. Yes the world up there sucks ass but burning it down? What good does that do?" You asked and he turned to the table.
"You have to see this from my point of view."
"I'm trying. But you're making this difficult. I'm not one for killing college kids. This isn't some slasher movie." You said and he grabbed your chin, making you look him in the eyes. 
"You don't want me to be difficult little one."
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Taglist: @missdragon-1 @zooni92802 @22carolina08 @bonnapple @arcaerin @bontensbabygirl @simpingfor-wakasa @secretpostts @gardenof-venus @batfam-sitcom @caldodemazapangourmet @naiomiwinchester @moneteguiza @gnkkstarz @aut0matic-supers0nic @historygeekqueen @violet-19999 @euphoricsirens @emberfulclass @pixiest1ckz @randomtumblerusersblog @tired-hungry-angry @aykxz98 @yepimthatperson @hangesbaee @aeilani @juicyj28 @astrospunutt @natalia-rmnva @stitchattacks @xxmusic13luverxx @usernamelotus @euphrosyn3 @randomhoex @queenofthekill @pawspurpaw @total-los3r @delsinhunter @straightestgay-voice
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